For Littles and others! 🩷
41 posts
Hello! I am an aspiring caregiver for littles! ��️I am a minor❕️ DNI If MAPs, kinksters/fetishists, z00s, anti-furries, proshippers, AB/DL and anti-agere!
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
care-puppy · 2 months ago
I’m sorry people are being so horrible to you.
I genuinely don’t get how people can be so hateful, I hope they get banned so they can stop harassing people.
Thank you so much for kindess!
I will do some old anon requests and asks, but anon will be still turned off for now on.
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care-puppy · 4 months ago
I'm scared.
I'm really scared.
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care-puppy · 4 months ago
Something icky happened to me (vent, TW)
Someone sent me an ask, which was that one gross Reddy 🍇 without the g copypasta.
It was vile because 1 - this is a strictly SFW blog, and 2 - I'M A MINOR.
I think i should disable anon for a while, just in case.
Stay safe, everyone.
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care-puppy · 4 months ago
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Stat Headcanons
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Her little age is around 1-3
Way too embarrased to regress, would pout when someone is teasing her for thar
LOVES Sailor Moon and Sanrio animes (My Melody, Hello Kitty)
Babysitters are Prototype, Scag and Mozelle (Melanie too but you know she is dead :<)
Has a tamagotchi
Out of ideas waah
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care-puppy · 4 months ago
Who wants lil climber or lil karl?
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care-puppy · 4 months ago
Hi-hi! Long time no see! 🤍
I'm back, sweethearts!
I might finish up Regretevator fic requests in the future, but meanwhile i can focus on my other interests!
Btw, have silly paci edits with Climber <3
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care-puppy · 6 months ago
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I saw a lot of posts imagining Kokichi as a regressor, but here is a rare idea of him being a caregiver <3
He would be a funky big brother caregiver, he will tease you often but mostly cause mischief with you!
"Good job, lil' crackerjack! Miu looks so funny with a water on! Hehe~"
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
im gonna take a hiatus...
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
hii! could you write regressor infected with cg Dr Retro please ? maybe something related to his poor sleep or poor self care in a hurt/comfort way if you dont mind !!! thank you :•)
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(Cg!Retro and Little!Infected)
Warning: It contains implied insomnia, so it might be triggering to people struggling with it
Knock, knock. "Meow? (Kasper?)" a curious meow of Dr Retro could be heard. It was night, but the katball knew Infected may not sleep. She cared about him, and wanted to make sure he was okay. She tucked up her nightgown and knocked again. Silence. Worried Retro carefully opened the door… Infected was laying on his bed, scrolling down his phone. He had eyebags, his hair was even messier than usual, and he looked really tired. The room was dark, and the only source of light was the screen of Infected's phone. "Meow! (Oh, Kasper!)" Retro pouted, turning the night lamp on. Infected turned to her lazily. "Wh4t?" He mumbled, rubbing his eye. "Meow meow meow! Meow mraw! (It's very late! You should sleep!)" Retro put her paws on her tights, looking at Infected. The skater tilted his head, with a blank expression. He yawned, and tossed on the other side, a bit annoyed. "S0 wh4t? ur n0t my m0m -_-" he groaned, squeazing his pillow. Retro sat on the bed. "Meow meow meow mraw meow… (You need to sleep, it's good for you…)" she said in a soft tone. Infected was known to be an insomniac, barely even sleeping anymore. He spent all the nights playing video games, just because sleep did not came. He sometimes managed to close his eyes for 2 or 3 hours, but that was just not enough. The skater could have horrid nightmares often. He was just a terrible sleeper. Retro patted his back. "Meow meow? (Could you sit?)" she asked. Infected unwillingly sat with his legs crossed, and leaned onto Retro. The cat smiled, and petted his head. Infected was a bit taken back of this act of care, but didn't mind. He nuzzled onto Retro, enjoying her fluffy yellow fur. There was something soothing in her. "Meow meow mraw meow mrraw… (I'm worried because you almost never sleep…)" Retro told him her biggest worry. The brunette looked at her, and frowned. He bit his lip, not knowing what to say. "s0rry…" He said. It was dumb he apologized for something he could not control, but well… "1 rlly 5uck 4t 5l33ping… d1z v1ru5 k33pz m3h 4w4k3…" he chuckled. "1 s0m3t1m3z w4st3 n1ghtz 4t cry1ng…" Retro was suprised by this sudden confession. "cuz… 1 m155 P0pt4rt… 4nd 1 th1nk… 1 w0nt s33 h3r 3v4h 4g4in…" he sniffled. Retro held his hand in a comforting way. "1m s0 t1r3d 0f 4ll th1z [content deleted] th4t h4pp3nz…" his voice was shaky, and he wiped a single tear from his eye. "Meow…" (Oh, Kasper…)" Retro felt very sorry for Infected. She hugged him. Infected whimpered, and started to cry quietly. It made him regress. "1 wunn4 g3t s0m3 5w33p13s…" he kept sobbing, and Dr Retro still kept him in a big, warm hug. She decided she would cuddle with Infected a bit, so it can help him fall asleep. She opened the drawer and grabbed a paci, gave it to Infected. He looked adorable with a paci in his mouth and big teary eyes. The skater laid his head on Retro's lap, hugging his stuffie, Poptart Jr. Retro stroked his hair, purring. Her purrs were very relaxing, and Infected slowly drifted away. Tired of crying, he closed his eyes, breathing softly. Retro kept purring. She gently placed Infected's head on her chest. She caressed his face, as the brunette snored, listening to her purrs and heartbeat. He was very calm now, in fact, he already slept. Retro smiled, looking at Infected finally sleeping. He was so cute when he slept. She covered him in a blanket, and closed her eyes too. Snuggles are the best remedy for insomnia. "Meow meow…" (Sleep dreams, Kasper…)"
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
Regressor y/n and caregiver Jeremy? Maybe like Jeremy helping y/n with some self care and dressing them nice !
Sorry if it was short TwT
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Mourning Routine
(Cg!Jeremy x Little!Reader)
"Stay still, little princet…" Jeremy told you, as he put you on a stool. You look at the mirror, tilting your head in curiosity. Your hair for sure was quite messy at the moment… Jeremy softly stroked your hair, holding a hairbrush in other hand. "Princesses and princes need to have tidy hair…" He caressed a strand of your hair. "Yours is very pretty, but it needs to be taken care of…" Jeremy took his humanoid form, since in his normal version is too big. He fixed his black cloak, then started brushing your hair. He did it very gently, to not pull any tangles. You swayed your legs back and forth, babbling some silly songs to yourself, hugging your fuzzy blanket. Jeremy smiled softly, continuing to brush your hair. Once your hair was smooth enough and without tangles, he switched hairbrush to comb. You were very relaxed as Jeremy was giving you mini spa. He could usually break someone's skull if they wanted to hug him, but you were an ecxeption. You were his little princet he loved very much. The cube took a can of hair conditioner and then sprayed your hair. Your head was covered in aromatic mist, which tickled your nose and made you sneeze. Jeremy chuckled. "Bless you…"
"Now, my princet, which one would you like?" Jeremy showed yoy two onesies. They were both in a vintage style, one was white with a powder pink ribbon, other one was the same but with swapped colors. You tilted your head, thinking. Then you chose the one you liked the most. "Now stay there, sweetie…" Jeremy slowly putted off your nightgown, then putted on the onesie. Then he buttoned the onesie up, and playfully booped your nose, making you giggle. "Wait, there is something else…" he whispered, and showed you an adorable little bonnet. You squeak with excitement. "I wan dis! I wan dis, pwease!" you babble. Jeremy putted on the bonnet, tied the ribbon under it. After helping you put on socks, he letted you look at the mirror. You twirled and clapped your hands in approbate. You looked like a lovely little doll. Jeremy had a nice fashion taste. "You look very pretty, my princet…" The cube leaned down and kissed your forehead.
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
Hating niggers rn🗣🔥🔥💯
Little Ones, don't watch brainrot or you will end like him...
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
Can i request Dr. retro babysitting a crying regressed pilby, who just wants mach to come back and hold them. :) thankies!!
Sure, Koi fren
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(Little!Pilby and Babysitter!Retro)
Pilby opened their eyes and yawned, cuddling their teddy bear. They woke up with strange feeling something was not alright. They kneeled in their crib, looking around, with a worried expression. "M-mama?" Pilby's voice was shaky, as they were slightly trembling. They could not exit their crib, however they could peek behind the door of their nursery. They looked, and now they knew what was wrong. Mach wasn't there. "M-mama? Mama?" Pilby was shivering, their eyes filling with tears. Little catepillar was all alone in big, empty house. They sat in crib, hugging their teddy tighly, curling up in a ball. They whimpered, trying to hold their tears, but that was just impossible. They sobbed quietly, and soon started to wail loudly. Tears were running throught their cheeks, their crying was just heartbreaking. They just wanted mama… They just wanted to be carried by mama… They just wanted to be hugged by mama… Where was she?… Suddenly, Pilby heard footsteps. Soon, a yellow fuzzy hair peeked from the door. "Meow?" Dr Retro meowed in concern. She tilted her head, and carefully walked towards Pilby. "Meow meow mrraw meow mraw. (Mama asked to take care of you.)" She said, with a grin she usually had on her face. It faded away, as she saw Pilby crying. "Meow? (What's wrong?" She asked, but Pilby was too frightened to answer. They were shaking, still sobbing. They wanted Mach to be back… Retro gently picked up Pilby, and hugged them. Once the catepillar felt Retro's soft fur, they calmed down a bit. They squeazed their teddy, nuzzling into the cat. Retro petted their head, rocking them a little. She gave Pilby their paci, but they were still scared. Retro knew what she could do. She started purring, carresing Pilby's hair. Soothing purrs, vibrations and warmth of Retro settled Pilby down, made them feel safe. Pilby closed their eyes, listening to purring, dozing out. Crying made them tired, and Retro made them relax. They soon slept peacefully, leaning onto Retro. Retro wiped tears from Pilby's face. "Meow meow. (Mama will be back soon…)"
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
Regressor pilby x caregiver split! Uh bathtime for the newborn regressed caterpillar and split bathes him.
I think their silly together and split is a good mama to him :3 thanks! I love ur stories!
Wait i know u! I luv ur content its so cute!
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Bubbly Bath
(Little!Pilby and Mama!Split)
"My little sweet baby will have a nice bath today…" Split hummed to herself, as she turned on the water in the bathtub. Warm liquid poured into the porcelain tub, steam from it made the bathroom a bit foggy. Split enjoyed the soothing atmosphere, nothing but close her eyes and daydream… But she remembered she had to bath Pilby today! She trotted to catepillar's nursery, and gently opened the door. Pilby was sleeping in their crib, cuddling their pink teddy bear. "Hello, little posy!" Split smiled, rubbing Pilby's cheek to wake them up. "It's bath-time! Very bubbly bath for my bubbly little catepillar!" She chuckled. Pilby yawned, opened their eyes, and looked at the centaur. Split picked Pilby up, and took them to the bathroom.
Pilby sniffled some warm steam, looking around the bathroom with curiosity. Meanwhile, Split laid them on the changing table and undressed them. She looked at them and playfully booped their nose, which letted out a honk. Split then very slowly put Pilby in the bathtub. She took out the sponge and baby oil, and started scrubbing catepillar's body. Some oil got in the water, which made bubbles, some of them floating in the air. One bubble landed on Pilby's nose and made them sneeze. "Oh! Bless you!" Split giggled. She gently put some shampoo on Pilby's hair, and rubbed it. Pilby yawned. This bath was very cozy, and was making Pilby sleepy… The centaur turned on the tap, and rinsed Pilby's head. Pilby closed their eyes, dozing out to the land of sweet dreams…
Split laid sleeping Pilby on the changing table, dressed them in a nappy and gave them a pink onesie. She picked them up and tippy-toed to the nursery. She looked at little Pilby, who smiled softly in their sleep. That was so adorable even toughest guy's heart would melt. Split putted Pilby in their crib, gave them the teddy bear, and petted their head. She loved seeing Pilby sleeping like a little angel… "Night-Night, blossom baby…"
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
I needed a caregiver!prototype baby!scag fic
There you go, feller!
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(Little!Scag and Cg!Prototype)
Prototype laid on the fuzzy carpet, pretty bored. He stared at the celling, and then he sighed. He rolled over his back to his tummy, not knowing what to do. Saturday mornings are not meant to be boring… Suddenly, the retro TV he had buzzed a bit, and the screen turned blue. Proto soon saw Scag's teary puppy eyes. "Oh, hi Scag! What happened?" Proto walked towards Scag, tilting his head. "You look sad…" "uuh, sensorymaxxing issues again… it's so badcore…" Scag sniffled. "overstimulatedcore… just wanna be babycore…" "Aww… Don't be sad!" Proto petted Scag. He was somewhat glad she visited him, so Saturday won't be boring. But on other hand, he did not want Scag to be overstimulated… He gently picked up Scag and hugged her. Scag immediatly felt better with the hug. With her best friend, she felt safe, and letted her regression do the thing. She started giggling, which caught Proto's attention. "Awww!" he just loved Scag's silly laugh. "I have an idea!" Proto said. "Do you want to build a pillow fort?" Scag babbled in approval.
Proto came to the room, carrying as much pillows, cushions and blankets as he could. Scag was just waiting for him, babbling songs for herself. Proto giggled softly, as he saw her. Scag had the best singing voice, after all! He dropped the materials, sighing. He had no idea it would be that heavy! Then he sat and started building. He arranged the pillows, and Scag was giving him materials, pushing them towards him. But then an idea sparkled in her head. She grinned mischeviously and… threw a white pillow into Proto's face! Proto was flaggerstabbed by the sudden attack, then he chuckled and threw a fuzzy cushion on Scag. "Oh, so we have a pillow fight?" he said, and Scag cackled loudly. They started beating each other with pillows, laughing. After three minutes, Proto gave up. "Okay, you won! Now let's continue building…" he said, and Scag beamed proudly.
After some time, the pillow fort was finished. Scag and Proto sat inside it and watched "Raggedy Ann and Andy" on laptop. Scag was very interested in the movie, eyes sparkling, watching scenes in focus. She babbled the songs from the movie, which Proto found wholesome. That was a very good Saturday…
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
PartyBeetle moodboards 🕷🎉
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
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dogs with binkies!! 🐕🐾🍼
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care-puppy · 8 months ago
Pls gimme some regretevator agere fic requests or prompts cuz me bored (read pinned post first)
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