#i want sera back!!! oh god i want her back so badly
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arsenicflame · 2 years ago
i lure you in with my incredible izzy hands takes and then i strike by spamming your dash with lesbians youve never heard of
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dragonagecompanions · 1 year ago
How do you think Sera & Solas (including pre-romanced & romanced) would react to a dalish inquisitor who is just like "Honestly, I never really believed most of the stories about the old elven gods, but I still follow the practices out of respect to my clan and because it tends to ruffle the feathers of those who would rather see me submit."?
Solas: There is wisdom, often, in conforming to an appearance to hide ones own individuality—it would be hypocrisy himself to think otherwise. It is good their inquisitor has a healthy skepticism for what they are told, for the Dalish fairy tales of benevolent gods is far from the truth. Perhaps, should he bring the world that was back from oblivion, that attitude will serve them well.
Romanced: He loves her too much to shatter the illusion until they stand together at the final eluvian. Seeing the truth wash over her is almost as painful as watching his magic tear her asunder, and yet the Dress Wolf will not allow his mate -and oh it pains him to acknowledge what they might have been!- to go into this new world unknowing if what comes next. To see the horror that it brings does not please him, nor watching herself curse her own folly for ignoring the stories.
They were only that. The truth is much darker, and she was right to doubt.
Sera: Little people know. They know that the too good stories that chanters and divine types are too good to be true, and so whatever elfy dribble the Dalish are going on about must be more of the same. Andraste might love them all and be singing at The Maker morning to night, but that doesn’t feed the hungry or keep the big ones from stomping down. Good to have a leader who knows when the songs are just that, no matter whose singing the songs.
Romanced: It’s…good. She never expected to find love, certainly not with an elfy elf with all the Dalish ink on her face, but she did and her Inky is…woof. Everything and a side of pie. But the pie would be all mushy and maybe rhubarb if Sera’s best girl was always kn about Mythal and bla bla and wanted the Red Jenny to care about all they old gods locked away cause a wolf took a piddle on them. Better this way.
She’s still not sure why Solas choked on his stew so badly that he needed Cassandra to actually pound his back to get it out, but it was funny as all get out to watch.
- Mod Fereldone
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jotunvali02 · 7 months ago
Playing Ace Attorney, Rise from the Ashes part 7
"I'm sorry Lana. I didn't know. And I've treated you so badly all this time…" "It's not too late. There's still plenty of time to make up..."
Like you and a certain baby prosecutor, Feenie??
Married Objections.💙💞❤️
OMG! My baby's trying to comfort a person who made him feel betrayed again! 😭
"Just relax, and enjoy the sound of the noose tightening around your neck." ^q^ Yes…
Shibari, Daddy.🔥
First baby Edgey, now baby Ema… like has this world no care at all about children?? Does it mean nothing at all in this world? That world rly SUCKS!
Guilty of what?? Forging evidence 2 years ago or Goodman's murder???
So pursuing the truth is NOT what I should have done here?? Taku, did you purposely tried to fuck us up here??
And HOW Ema's fingerprints on the cloth prove SHE was the killer? I bet GANT put her hand on the vest while she was unsconcious!! And she only crashed a vase on Marshall, she never touched him!!
And Edgey tells me off cause I shouldn't have pursued the truth too far, while bitch YOU kept telling over and over that the truth is the only important thing here, "no matter how tragic it might be"!
Oh. I just had to lie about the evidence to have Gant telling the truth. Huh. Sneaky and low, Taku. Sneaky and low.
Wait. Wai-wait So when I presented the handprint the 1st time (and got the guilty verdict), everyone knew instantly it was Ema's.
But now we need it to be sent to the labo??
So, to get a guilty verdict, the court or Edgeworth doesn’t need actual scientifically proven evidence?? WTF??
Ok, pfff. In both choices, we prove the handprint is Ema’s but we can say there is a contradiction in one choice but not the other while they’re eventually the same choice??! WTF???
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"You and me we’re the same."
He’s NOTHING like you rotten asshole!! He’s a sweet pure baby!!👼😭 A baby you beat up and had beaten up endlessly during 3 fucking days because he’s too much of good and righteous sweet baby to your taste!!
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«I can hear them singing a melodious melody!»
Like this?
But wait.
WHY did he kill Neil Marshall ????
And is Lana going to get harsh penalties for HER forged evidence?
Oh. she's... beautiful when she smiles. O///O
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Yeah, you feel for him, but can you at least say "Sorry I'VE put you in deep shit?"
Baby Edgey: "It was nothing! Baka."
Shut the fuck up.
"I was worried all this might break you." Careful, girl. CAREFUL!!! "But you rose above it and guided Mr Wright to victory."
Yes. Bc he's the best husband!! 😭 😭 ❤️💞
Wait. He basically wanted to prove you guilty in the beginning!
"No one can change the past. The only thing we can do is making up for our mistakes. So we find the way back to our rightful path. And walk towards a brighter future."
Phoenix,... are you sure you're ok???
"At least, that's how I felt looking at the two sisters."
No no no!!!
*hyperventilates* scared as fuck.
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"I'll be going now."
NO!!!!! ♫ Ne me quittes pas, il faut oublier...♫
♫ Je ferais un domaine où l'amour sera loi... ♫
"I hope you don't blame yourself for what happened."
Bitch, he has a fucking DISCIPLINE WHIP instead of thoughts!
"It's too late for me..."
Bitch. Shut uuuup??
"I can't correct my mistakes."
But baby... 😭
Oh, Fee-Fee says the same!
Mama Lana to the rescue!
"Contrary to Gant or Von Karma, YOU weren't alone." 😭 "You had your husband Fee-Fee Wright." ♥
"Come on! Show Mr Edgeworth what Lana is talking about!"
What? His love? His lips? His plan to propose?
"It was destiny, Mr Edgeworth." #starcrossedlovers
"If you'll excuse me, there are still some """"loose ends"""" that need """wrapping up""""
Oh God! Feenie's holding him back!!
"You can let what happened kill the prosecutor in you or let it help you grow."
Why did have to pick THOSE words, Phoenix?? Why THOSE specific words???????
"I owe you my thanks too, Wright."
What? "thank you for making me realize I have to kill myself so everything is good and right again??"
"What I face now is MY problem."
Bitch, I assure you Phoenix will make sure it's EVERYONE's problem!
"Edgeworth... I'll be waiting for you at the altar in court." He said, caressing then kissing his beloved's cheek.
Serisouly, WHO says that except a lover??
"As for the sisters, I had faith, their lives had just begun. As for me..."
Shut up.😭
Edgey as the last person we see in Feenie's flashback? Hmmm.❤️❤️
And it's the tea boy who fins the cursed letter.
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playcaroplay · 1 year ago
I just finished A Fire in the Flesh and have spoily thoughts
I really wanted to like this book. I want to like this series so badly, but the last four books in this universe have felt so rushed and poorly edited. It has felt like Sera’s story exists solely to retcon plot points to buttress Poppy’s plot inconsistencies. And Sera’s mirror image personality is explained away because of Sotorias soul, and family lineage. They’re the same personality type with different hair.
1) Dialogue - I find the same dialogue being recycled has fallen flat for me. Sera and Poppy’s “tempers” and “stubbornness” feel like an easy way to introduce conflict or tension but it doesn’t often advance the plot or character arc. There are so many stagnant beats where Sera/Poppy and any character have this type of conversation:
Character A: slightly controversial but logical opinion
Sera: NO that is Wrong.
Character A: Rationalizes point
Sera: Do you want me to stab you?
Character A: oh shit
Sera: I’m known for my temper
Character A: I’m impressed/insulted.
(And if it’s Nyktos then you follow up with)
Nyktos: Your anger makes me horny
Sera: Ew, but also same.
Nektas: you two are so funny with your arguing/mean girls mom beat - you guys ok? Want condoms?
Sera: *walks away feeling empowered because she spoke her mind*
I would hope an editor would catch on to these repetitive beats and try to either pare them back or vary them enough that there’s purpose behind it.
2) Secondary characters are just there to watch the scene. You’ll notice in many instances, Sera and Ash have a blow up, and the side characters are there purely to comment on what’s happening and narrate Sera’s character arc. If you took them all away the scene would remain the same.
Ex. Sera fighting Ash in the courtyard in book 2. The secondary characters provide nothing but audience commentary.
Or in FTIF when Rhain is speaking to Sera about her deal and freeing him, and then Ash wanders up and they have another “you don’t know the meaning of the word argue” argument and the side characters literally step away from them and they repeat the age old conversation beat I listed above.
What’s the point in introducing a huge cast of secondary characters if their only purpose is to bear witness alongside the reader. Instead you could have them take an active role in the plot, and have impactful relationships, opinions and action that drive the plot home. They’re just padding.
This entire series could take place in Ash’s bed and you wouldn’t notice the difference.
3) Weak conflict- Using Kolis as the example. We understand from book 2 that he’s a monster. But the stakes are significantly lowered when his and Sera’s opinions stay the same the whole way through FITF.
Consider what the story would have been like if he and Sera found moments of genuine empathy and understanding. What if they shared moments of humour or appreciation for each other? Think of how conflicted Sera would be about destroying him.
Is his kindness just manipulation? Or is there a deeper reason behind his actions that she doesn’t know yet? The fact that Sera is always aware of his tactics makes it hard to invest in her goal of becoming his weakness.
I care less about Kolis seducing Sera or vice versa because I know it won’t actually happen. We already know Sera is devoted to Ash and she’s revolted by Kolis. So her conflict about “becoming nothing” and fulfilling her duty is a nonissue.
4) Show, don’t tell. Seras discoveries while in captivity are quite passive. Either Kolis or Callum just straight up tell her the secrets. She’s in a cage so she has to rely on characters telling her what’s happened. It feels like the plot of the book happened outside the room, and we are just getting reports about it.
Consider Sera manipulating Kolis into giving her time out of the cage where she has opportunity to wheel and deal with other gods and discover secrets in more active ways. (Ex hunting down a revenant and having them talk through their transformation. Or talking to an Ascended about their blood lust and their fight for humanity.)
Even in the final chapters. Ash confesses to Sera that he had visions of her and removed his Kardia after he met her. He tells her that removing the Kardia was irrelevant in the end. Yet again another plot point that’s rendered useless and discussed in a passive manner. Such a let down after all that conflict in book 2. It almost felt like these scenes were drafts of the dream walking beats and JLA added in at the end because she liked them.
Consider those revelations happening at the lake as she’s trying to say goodbye to Ash. The anguish and betrayal she would feel about his decisions, but still clinging to their last moments together.
All in all, I feel like JLA was done dirty in the sense that pumping out these books every year hasn’t given her the time to dig into her own universe.
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cry-ptidd · 1 month ago
Hello! I wanted to ask if I have permission to use your oc in a potential fanfic.
Sorry if I ask so much about Laura in the future if I do get permission here, I’m currently writing a nun warrior fic of the two (Laura and Integra aren’t really a thing in my work, I kinda like switching dynamics, it’s not the worst ship,it’s just doesn’t speak to me. most ships in Hellsing don’t. It’s why I prefer oc/Hellsing ships over everything. The most I like is seras w/ integra/pip, Alutergra depends on the day..or month LMAO.)
Laura to me feels like she’s an actual character in Hellsing. She really has me writing out a strong nun that’s been betrayed by her own sisterhood because a vampire got into their heads (what Laura went through is what she has too, difference and similarities are at play.) So the entire sister hood of nun turned vampires are after the nun in question. The leader being the nun ex lover, a women she was once loved and found herself deeply devoted too. Now no deviation exists, it’s pure killing intent. The leader wants to turn the nun, knowing…that nun anger and aggression could turn her into a powerful vampire of all.
(There’s more to that honestly it’s sad, toxic yuri for the win.)
Laura and the nun relationship is going to be built mainly on trusts, team work, little yearning..little hatred….they both do want one thing I feel, if I am right on Laura here. To be held.
One still firmly believes in god and the other not. Similar traumas, different outcomes.
My nun oc is definitely a beasts in her own right, and becomes Hellsing in-house nun. Given work, Is a pissy women if she’s bothered, she’s witty, shes played at Laura physical needs by pretending to be a innocent nun on the first day and laughed in her face. A fight almost happened. Hard words exchanged. Throwing Laura’s past crimes in her face, not afraid of the werewolf and stood her ground with no weapon, Two mean bitches going at it daily.
she’s not a speaker for god more like a warrior.she may not like Laura at firsts, and she’s later picked up…On how Laura grows uncomfortable around certain things she’s done, ig pray, leaving the estate to church which worried Laura, turning her head away as she recites verses in battle. She figured Laura has some religious issues, and she’s not unfamiliar at all.
The nun has the same issues, somewhat different in other ways but same.
So she never shoves her religion onto Laura, she does call her a beasts in endearment later on. “My black beasts lays behind me two steps back, i don’t think I have to worry on my back side being cold.” When asked by Integra if she feels alright being paired with her on missions. It’s sweet down the line.She doesn’t mind Laura eventually, she can defend herself rightfully so.
She has killed a few lycans and been scarred up badly on her back from its claws.Laura being one? Yeah not the greatest start. One plot issue I want to touch upon is the dead nun, and that’s been hinted in the story thus far. Warrior nuns in my universe are rare, not many exist anymore. There’s a small group, and well trained. Living in some parts of the world, it’s gifts they had to be born with. A six sense. And that sense is sensitive, she can smell blood old or new, and a nun scent is easy to pick up. From the start my nun oc knew Laura had a hand in killing some nun, It’s why their relationship is rocky. She can smell it and her anger is not just wrath. It’s a burning hell to exterminate Laura however..since Laura is under Hellsing jurisdiction she can’t. That another pissy reminder when she wakes up to Laura cleaning her room without her permission.
This is a fanfic I’ve been writing for so long and hopefully I can start pushing it out soon, with art…but i definitely need more lore 😭. It’s a lot of questioning on sexuality, wants, desires, what killed their spirits, some sex shaming but it’s not done in a way Christians do it..it’s more like a read on their pasts.Like oh is there a reason you throw yourself around for a mere few hours of pleasure and then drink it away knowing it’s done nothing for you kinda sense lol. Cause that’s a can of fucked up, it’s not done from a place of having fun…nor understanding one self through sex there’s an underlying detachment .Can be said for both.
I also wanted to play the dynamic of a sacrificial lamb learning to bite back, learning to be a wolf when it calls for it. She doesn’t allow Laura to lead her, take from her or ruin. She makes the calls. I thought of the fic you written with that other nun and that made me go,”oh? What if I turn this around.” I wanted a nun that made her shots. She had control, that she had the strength now. She’s drives herself into a horrible situations that could end her human life, and the
Last thing she needs is some werewolf to think she’s far more detached than her and that she’s easy pray to consume.
A nun firm on herself
And will never let anyone take advantage ever more. Especially a wolf in human skin. She never been one to let anyone have their ways with her..,till a lover turned on her, it blindsided her to utter failure. The women she loved in her own church decided on her own will she wanted more. And the nun isn’t enough for her anymore.
She sees herself in Laura and Laura sees herself in her too.
Sorry if this is weird! But I wanted you to know about it, and how Laura been inspirational. I have so many aus that won’t see the day of light probably stay in my drafts. But this one? This is a fic I really want to write about and share, even if one person reads it. It’s fun to write about religion, body antimony, no one repressed,well not on true definition, more like learning to heal, love..accept…understanding nothing will be the same like it was, doesn’t mean there’s cruel ending to them both.
Another last thing: my nun never tries to make Laura be religious, or believe in god again. She’s above that, there’s a moment Laura ends up saying a Latin prayer in the last chapters. Mainly one to help cast a big spell for the nun, just for her. Which builds a strong bridge from then on.
It’s a story on a nun knowing there’s evil on both sides of the veil, and she herself has her moments of destroying, and Laura is prime example on what she could have been. It’s not a story about who is good or bad.
They both had their flames blown out, so which of them will have their flame lighten up once more ?Is revenge the answer? That’s the story thus far, and weapons are inspired by many of my fave mangas. Hellsing not one of them. Idk if you will read it, I would be embarrassed if you did cause..it is your oc and you aren’t a famous Japanese mangaka over seas doing whatever unknowingly. But maybe the art I’ll be happy to know you saw.
Goodness what a read!! This sounds absolutely delightful!!
Firstly, yes, I absolutely consent to you using Laura in your story if you so wish. People are free to use her in their fics or drawings with credit.
Secondly, this is extremely interesting! I can see both of them work very well together, their dynamic is one that is extremely interesting to explore! It would remind me a bit of Andercard, with a devout Christian fighter and an ancient immortal monster who doesn't take their faith seriously. Though here they are on the same side, and neither actively attacks the other.... and adding the mean bitch dynamic, of course. True cat fights in the halls. The inversion of the sexual dynamic is also very interesting, considering Laura doesn't often allow herself to be in the submissive role (especially with someone religious) unless she really trusts the other person.
I will correct a few nitpicks to really get their dynamic right: Laura does believe in God. She believes He exists; however, she absolutely loathes Him and thinks anyone who would worship Him to be foolish. And, while she HAS killed nuns before (remote covens are easy prey), the death of that one nun she loved wasn't planned. Laura also wouldn't immediately just jump at the first woman she sees to try and fuck her; she mostly does it out of boredom, or the women already seem to have a bit of interest already and she cultivates that; which would be the more likely case if she works alongside someone – but your OC being a nun, I can see how Laura would maybe try and be disrespectful to her religion and try to seduce her.
Aside from that, you got it pretty much right! Don't hesitate to pop in my DMs if you have more questions about it, i really like this project you have! And thank you for enjoying Laura so much!!
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miss-midnightt · 1 year ago
mainly basing around the Avalanche au
when Lock was 16, Nanaki was taken into custody as a pup into the lab, and Lock being well, Lock, she decided hey, I'm gonna raise this little guy. And thus she did. Nanaki grew up in her care knowing Lock as either 'Lucky' (when he was a pup and first learning her name he called her Lucky by mistake), 'Lock' or just straight up 'Mother' due to Lock being basically his only family throughout his younger years, and Nanaki knows Lock isn't his actual mother but because she's been there since his time in the lab, he sees Lock as his mother of sorts. Nanaki really only calls Lock 'Mother' when something serious or bad happens to her, such as her being badly injured or nearly killed, he'll call her mother, but he mostly just calls her Lucky or Lock. Because of this, Nanaki is rather protective of Lock, he doesn't want his mother to get hurt! So when Lock and Sera reunite again, Nanki instantly prepares to attack because Shinra = bad in his young mind. Lock then has to explain that Sera's a good person and won't hurt them in order to get Nanaki to back down. Nanaki also follows Lock around quite a bit, it's his way of protecting her, Lock will also protect Nanaki just the same.
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 3 years ago
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Confessions of an Imperial Concubine
Chapter Seven: Lies of Omission
AO3 Author’s note/glossary/info one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
He says, ‘oh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges. I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon. There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs, and if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight.’- Halsey, Young God
To Sera’s tremendous relief, Paul didn’t bring it up. Not even once.
She wanted to be with him. She wanted to be with him so badly, but she refused to be just another girl to him.
She had been eating dinner with him one evening, and there was a lapse in conversation once they finished. Not that she’d needed to eat much, of course; her stomach had been rather unsettled as of late, and it only got worse in his presence.
He was staring at her, and she wasn't sure what to make of it. They usually talked for a while after dinner, but he hadn’t said a word since finishing his food. The silence became suffocatingly awkward as it stretched on. Maybe she should just leave.
“Something bothering you?” Paul finally asked.
Sera practically flinched at the sound of his voice. “No.”
“You know,” he began, “I’m quite good at detecting lies.”
Sera didn’t say anything. She couldn’t say anything. How in the hell was she supposed to communicate to him that yes, she wanted him, but not in the same way he wanted her?
Better resort to the tactic she knew best, right?
“If you’re so good at knowing what I’m feeling,” she snarked, “can’t you tell?”
“It’s more fun if you say it.” The grin was evident in Paul’s voice. It made Sera want to smack him. Or possibly throw her shoe at him again. The idea of throwing her shoe at him brought back memories of what he’d ended up doing the last time she’d done that, so she pushed that particular thought from her mind.
“This isn’t a game,” Sera hissed viciously. “I don’t want—“ she cut herself off, unsure of how to finish her statement.
I don’t want to kiss you again? Lie.
I don’t want you to touch me everywhere you didn’t touch last time? Lie.
I don’t want to be with you? Lie, lie, lie.
She was so, so scared. Scared of Paul, of what he had the power to do to her. She’d never felt anything this intense before, and it was terrifying.
He stood and walked over to where she sat, staring at her lap. He turned her chair towards him, took her trembling hands in his, and pulled her to her feet.
“Thank you for not lying to me again,” he told her softly.
Sera didn’t say anything. Her voice wasn’t working. She wasn’t even sure she could recall how to speak.
Paul dropped her hands, stepping closer to her. “Sera,” he murmured, cupping her cheek with one hand and using the other to tilt her chin up so that she couldn’t avoid looking at him without closing her eyes.
She wondered if she should close her eyes, because the way he was looking at her, gazing at her, as if she were something beautiful and precious and sacred, well. How could she look away from him after seeing that?
He was leaning towards her then, and Sera realized that he was going to kiss her. With the memory of his lips on hers fresh in her mind, she didn’t think she had it in her to push him away.
And then Paul’s lips were on hers again, and it was as if everything she’d ever wanted in her entire life was suddenly at her fingertips. The feeling of euphoria was so overwhelming that she almost forgot she should refuse him.
Before she could, however, he spoke against her lips. “No, please.” The fingers he’d placed on her chin moved to trace her cheekbone. “Don’t be scared. I’ll take care of you, I promise. Please, Sera,” he practically begged. “I want this with you so badly. Please don’t pull away from me again.”
She couldn’t, she was starting to realize. She couldn’t pull away from him. Paul may well destroy her. He would very likely destroy her, actually. But the truth of the matter was, she simply ached for him too fiercely to deny herself any longer.
Finally giving in, Sera leaned into Paul and pressed her lips more firmly against his. He groaned, snaking a hand around her waist and pulling her closer to him. He moved to trail kisses down the column of her neck, and she whimpered, clenching her eyes shut tightly.
“Come to bed with me,” Paul breathed, punctuating each word with a kiss to the flushed skin of her throat.
“Yes,” Sera gasped out, needing to be closer to him. She felt like she’d die if he didn’t touch her.
Next thing she knew, his hands were on her hips as he backed her into his bedroom, kissing her like he’d lose the ability to breathe if he stopped.
One of his hands fisted in the white fabric of her dress while the other slipped through the slit at her thigh to touch her bare skin, and she was suddenly reminded that he had a great deal of experience in this area, whereas she had none.
“W— wait,” she gasped against his lips. “I haven’t— I’ve never—“
Paul squeezed her thigh briefly before moving to where her dress was knotted at the back of her neck. “I know,” he murmured against her lips. “I’ll take care of you.”
She hesitantly put her hands against his chest, wanting to feel him, to touch him.
The dress Sera had on that day was backless, so rather than a corset, her breasts were supported by stiffened fabric that was held to her body by some laces at the small of her back.
Paul stepped back from her, and she forgot how to breathe when he moved behind her to undo the laces. She felt her dress loosen, and then it slid from her body to pool at her feet, leaving her completely bare.
“Fuck,” Paul said softly, circling back around her. “Let me look at you.”
Sera crossed an arm over her stomach, cupping her elbow. It wasn’t technically the first time he’d seen her, no, but she hadn’t much cared what he thought last time. Now, however, she was terrified he would see her body and lose interest in her.
He reached out and slid a hand up her side, his palm brushing against the side of her breast. Then he took her hands in his and briefly lifted them to his lips before guiding her to lay down on his bed. 
She did so, staring up at him with wide eyes as he pulled his shirt off and climbed on the bed with her, spreading her legs with gentle hands and settling between them.
Sera had a basic understanding of what was going to happen; she even knew—to some degree, at least—what Paul himself would be like. 
“Since your first night here,” he said, reaching down to trace the lines of her face with his fingertips, “I’ve been thinking about when I’d get to see you like this. When you’d let me touch you.”
Sera’s heart stopped.
“You’ve, uh—” she gulped. “You’ve thought about me?”
Paul cupped her cheek, leaning down to kiss her softly. “Of course I’ve thought about you,” he said against her lips. “I’ve hardly thought of anything else since you held that knife to my throat.” He took one of her hands in his and she watched with wide eyes as he placed her palm against his bare chest.
Moving his lips from hers to kiss her face and down her neck and collarbones, he promised, “I’m going to make you feel good. The best you’ve ever felt.”
Next thing Sera knew, Paul had taken her nipple between his lips and sucked, and she couldn’t help but arch into him, gasping at the feeling. He moved on after only a moment, however, pressing kisses to her abdomen as he moved lower down her body.
Sera wasn’t entirely sure how he was planning to do it, but she was fairly certain Paul was intending to give her an orgasm. She’d only learned what an orgasm was within the past few months, and really all she’d heard was that it was supposed to feel good, that it happened during sex, and that Paul was particularly good at making them occur.
It was only when he’d settled between her legs and was kissing up her inner thigh that Sera managed to ask, “What’re you doing?”
Paul hummed against her skin, and the vibrations it sent up to her core made her jolt slightly. 
“Relax,” he murmured. “Trust me, Sera.”
“Shh,” he hushed her gently, licking a slow stripe along her center.
“Holy—“ she gasped, her hips bucking up against him instinctively when he repeated the motion. “Oh my—“
He hummed into her, amused, reaching up with one hand to squeeze her breast, the fingers of his other hand teasing her folds as he circled her clit with his tongue. She was whimpering with desperation by the time he slid a long, slender finger inside her, thrusting it in and out of her a few times before adding another and curling them both. On instinct, her hands went to his hair to hold him against her, and he laughed softly at her enthusiasm.
The hand on Sera’s breast squeezed again, Paul’s fingers teasing her nipple before pinching it gently, and a soft moan forced its way out of her throat.
“Paul, I—“
Sera couldn’t finish her statement, because he was flicking his tongue over her clit in earnest now, and she was fairly certain she was going to lose her mind. 
Or die. 
Or both.
At that exact moment, Paul decided to take her clit—which was already extremely sensitive and outright throbbing by this point—in his mouth and suck on it gently. Her hands tightened in his hair, her toes curled, and she exploded with a gasp of his name.
Sera’s head was spinning and her chest was heaving. Her entire lower body tingled in what felt like a more pleasant version of the sensation of having one’s circulation cut off. After laying in stunned silence for a few moments, she jolted slightly when she felt two soft, gentle kisses being pressed to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.
“What,” she panted, “was that?”
Paul crawled up her body with a grin, caging her in with his arms. “That,” he began with a swift kiss to her still-open mouth, “was an orgasm.”
Sera looked at him like he’d gone insane, which she thought he probably had, because she’d known what orgasms were, and she knew they were supposed to be enjoyable, but she had no idea they were like that.
Paul kissed her again, slowly this time, and said, “I’d like to give you another.”
“O— okay,” she stuttered nervously. He smiled against her lips and slid his tongue into her mouth, trailing his hand down between her legs to touch her where she was still very, very sensitive.
Next thing Sera knew, her hands were in Paul’s hair as they kissed, and he was thrusting two fingers inside her again, curling them with every movement, his thumb swiping over her clit. She was moaning into his mouth, rolling her hips up into his hand, and he moved down to suck bruises into the skin of her neck.
“Cum for me, darling,” Paul breathed in encouragement. “Let go.”
Another few curling thrusts of his fingers and rubs of her clit had Sera doing just that, her eyes clenching shut when she began to spasm.
He sat up then, trailing a gentle hand up her side to cup her breast and thumb her nipple as he gazed down at her. “You’re so beautiful,” he told her softly, smiling when she flushed. “Can I show you more?”
“Yes,” she replied. Her voice was soft and breathy, and she would’ve been embarrassed by it if she had enough presence of mind to formulate thoughts.
Paul smiled at her again, sliding his trousers down over his hips, and then she saw his—
Oh no.
He was… well. He wasn’t the same size as his fingers. In fact, he outright dwarfed his fingers. Sera was fairly certain that he’d split her in half.
“It’s alright,” Paul assured her gently as he settled back between her legs. She was about to point out that he had never been in her position and therefore could not possibly have any idea whether or not it was even remotely close to being alright, but then he said, “Sera,” so firmly that it brought her out of her panicked state.
“You’re going to be fine,” he informed her as if he knew it for a fact, which she found somewhat irritating. “I need you to trust me, okay?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, examining his features closely and trying not to dwell too much on his downright ethereal beauty. Ugh. It would be a hell of a lot easier for her to tell him there was no chance of this working if she didn’t want it so badly or love him so much.
“Trust me,” Paul said again, softer this time.
Sera gnawed on her lip for a moment before nodding once. He put his hand on her knee and slid it up to squeeze her hip lightly, reaching down to grip his length and press it up against her.
“You’re going to feel me here,” he told her softly, rubbing his tip along her folds, “and when I push in, you’ll feel pressure, and it’ll hurt a bit. It’ll fade quickly, though; you’re very ready for me.”
“Okay,” Sera breathed nervously.
Paul smiled at her again, reaching down to cup her cheek as he began to slide into her. It was slow, and after a moment, it became painful.
He stopped before she even had a chance to voice her discomfort, leaning down to cup her face with his other hand. “You’re doing so well,” he reassured her gently, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Just breathe for me, alright?”
Sera nodded, and he leaned in to kiss her, the brush of his lips soft and sweet against hers. He reached down to grasp her hip, squeezing it gently and holding her still as he continued to push into her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned against her lips. “You feel… god, Sera.” He sounded almost as if he was in pain, and Sera found herself feeling a bit concerned.
“Are you alright?” she asked worriedly. “I’m not hurting you, am I?” The idea that she might be causing him discomfort didn’t seem farfetched to her. The further he pushed into her, the more she felt as if a muscle she’d never used before was being overworked. It was a rather unpleasant stretch, if she were honest, and she was having difficulty imagining it was possible for anyone to find this even remotely close to enjoyable.
“No,” Paul assured her with a soft, breathy chuckle. “No, you’re not hurting me. You feel…” He let out a labored, shaky exhalation of breath. “Incredible, that’s all.”
Sera was pleased he was enjoying himself. She figured one of them should be, at the very least.
“It’ll feel better soon,” Paul promised, kissing her softly and nuzzling his nose against hers. “Trust me?”
He phrased it like a question, almost, and she leaned up into him and pressed her lips to his. “I shouldn’t,” she admitted. “I really shouldn’t, but I do.”
His hand traveled up from her hip to her waist, then her breast, which he cupped gently, squeezing it and rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
“You should,” he murmured, moving down to kiss the bruise he’d left on her neck before giving her another. “I’m not going to hurt you, lovely one.” Before she could point out that he most definitely would hurt her, that there was no way around it, he went on, “Let me take care of you.”
“Paul—“ Sera cut herself off, because he was outright twisting her nipple now, and there was that strange tingling between her legs again, and it occurred to her that the discomfort was nearly gone now.
“Does it hurt less?” he asked gently, kissing her neck and kneading both of her breasts more firmly now. “Do you want to stop?”
“I… I don’t want to stop,” Sera responded hesitantly.
“Let me know when I can move, alright?”
She blinked up at him. “M— move?”
He smiled down at her, brushing her hair from her face. “How did you think this worked?” She opened her mouth to respond, but he said, “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Does it still hurt?”
“Um…” Sera inhaled slowly through her nose, drowning in his scent. Paul always smelled just a tiny bit like spice, and she liked it far more than she cared to admit. “I don’t think so.”
“Thank fuck,” he groaned, leaning down to suck at her neck again, withdrawing from her slowly until just the tip of him remained inside her before pushing into her again. “I’ve wanted this with you for far too long, my Sera.”
Wait. “'Yours?'” Sera questioned, shifting her hips upwards to meet another one of his achingly slow thrusts. 
“Yes,” Paul confirmed with a soft growl. “Mine. You’re mine now. You didn’t think I’d give you up once I had you, did you?” 
“I don’t—“ she gasped, wrapping her arms around his back—smooth and slender and slightly muscular all at once—and holding him closer. “I don’t know, I didn’t think— god, is it supposed to feel like this?”
“What do you mean, darling?” Paul murmured, pressing kisses to her jaw as he continued to move within her. “Feel like what?”
“Like I’m—“ Sera cut herself off briefly with another sharp gasp. “Like I’m so full, like I’m dying?”
He looked into her eyes then, cupping her cheeks and leaning down to take her lower lip between his teeth and pull on it gently. “You aren’t dying,” he assured her once he’d released her lip, “but you are full of me.” Another thrust punctuated his statement, making her whimper at the sensation. “This may be the first time, but it most certainly won’t be the last.”
“It won’t?”
His thrusts were getting a bit faster now, though they were still gentle. “No, Sera,” he told her with a soft chuckle. “I told you you’re mine now, didn’t I?” Another thrust. “Fuck that’s good. So wet, so tight around me.” He reached down with one hand to grasp her hip tightly as if to hold her in place, his other hand fondling her breast roughly. “I’m not letting you go.”
“Paul, I—“ she cut herself off again, this time on a moan she couldn’t control.
“What is it?” he crooned, mouthing at her neck as he rocked into her, filling her so exquisitely she thought she must be dying, no matter what he’d said. There was no other way she could feel this good. “Use your words, darling. Tell me what you need, what you want. I’ll give you anything.”
“You,” Sera gasped, struggling to force even a single syllable from her vocal chords. “I need you.” He groaned at her words, taking the skin of her neck between his teeth and squeezing her hip as he drove into her. “I think I’ve always needed you.”
“I know.” His pelvis was snapping against hers now, his hipbone stimulating her clit with each of his thrusts. “You’re doing so well, Sera. You take me so well.”
“Paul,” she whined, arching into his touch as he palmed her breast. She’d spent so long wanting his hands, yearning for them—warm and calloused and perfect—that she was now convinced she’d wanted them on her skin this way all her life, since before she’d even been born. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, that her body was his, her heart was his, her very soul belonged to him, had always belonged to him.
Paul seemed to have lost control of himself. He was outright fucking into her now, her moans and wordless pleas for more spurring him on, and in that moment, Sera was sure, she was absolutely certain that she had belonged to him since the beginning of time— no, since before time began, before the mere notion of it had been conceived, before the universe existed. 
She wanted so desperately to tell Paul that she loved him, that she had always been meant to love him, but she knew that wasn’t what he wanted to hear, so instead she moaned out, “Feels so good, Paul, please, I need more, please—“
He cut off her words with his lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth in a way that mirrored his movements between her legs, the delicious way he was fucking her. She tried not to think about the meaning—or lack of meaning, rather—behind his possessive squeezing of her hips, focusing instead on how good it felt, how hungrily he kissed her, how desperate he seemed for her, as if he’d been waiting for her since the beginning of time, too.
He pulled back slightly to stare into her eyes, and she refused—she refused—to dwell on the possessive way he was looking at her, his blue-blue gaze flitting over her features with an almost religious sort of reverence. It occurred to her in that moment that he’d always been looking at her that way, even when she’d tackled him to the ground. 
You, her mind had said as she held the knife to Paul's throat, a moment that now felt like a lifetime ago. I am meant to know you as I know no other. I was crafted for you and you alone.
She hadn’t believed it then, hadn’t wanted to. But she understood it now, accepted it in a way she hadn’t been capable of at the time.
Paul was still pounding into her, his hipbone rubbing her clit with each and every thrust, and she suddenly needed him closer, impossibly closer.
“Don’t stop,” she pleaded desperately, pulling his face near hers. “Please don’t stop.”
“Anything,” he swore, capturing her lips again. “I’d give you anything.” Another thrust, then another, and another. God but she’d never have enough of him. “I’ll take you any time you like, pleasure you whenever you ask me to. Just don’t leave me. My sweet girl, my Sera.”
More biting kisses against her swollen lips, more rough thrusts that stimulated her throbbing, sensitive clit. She was close to that ledge again, she realized.
“Never,” she swore. The idea of pledging herself to Paul—to any Emperor, really—used to be unthinkable, but this bond, this promise she was giving him now, it was so much more than that, and she knew it. “I’m yours.”
“Yes,” Paul groaned, driving into her more harshly when her walls began to flutter around him. “I can feel— I need you to cum for me, I want you to cum on my cock over and over and over again, Sera. Give me everything.”
She nodded vigorously, bracing her feet flat on the mattress and using the leverage to roll her hips up against his.
“Give me everything you are,” he went on, sucking ruthlessly on her neck and reaching between where they were joined to swipe over her clit with each of his thrusts. “I want every piece of you.”
“I’m going to— fuck, Paul, I’m gonna—“
Suddenly, he stopped rubbing her clit. Serawhined low in her throat, needing more. He fisted a hand in her curls, where they’d formed a white-blonde mess on his pillow, slowing his thrusts but never quite ceasing.
“Tell me you’re mine, Sera,” Paul ordered sharply. “Swear it. Pledge yourself to me.”
“Yours,” she agreed without hesitation.
“Always,” he insisted. “Tell me you’ll always belong to me, my darling, and I’ll grant you release.”
“Yes,” Sera whined, needing the release he’d been promising her. “Always. Forever. No one but you. It’s always been you.” Paul hadn’t asked her to say that last bit, but it seemed he was pleased with it nonetheless, because he groaned and kissed her again, resuming his deliciously rough thrusts and swift rubs of her clit.
“Good girl,” he praised darkly against her lips. “You are mine. You belong to me as I belong to you.”
Sera knew—she knew—it was a lie, it was all a lie, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. The sad truth was that Paul could never truly belong to her when he was still taking other women to bed, but she pushed the thought from her mind. For now, for this blissful moment, he was hers, and she would cherish it while it lasted.
“Shall I make you cum now, lovely one?” He was still driving into her, fucking her roughly, almost painfully. She wasn’t entirely sure what the word 'cum' meant, but she could guess.
“Please,” Sera whimpered, meeting his thrusts eagerly, desperately. “I need it. I need you.”
“Fuck,” Paul gasped, moving down to take her nipple in his mouth and suckle deeply, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. “I need you, too. Cum for me, Sera. Let me feel you.”
Another few thrusts and swipes of her clit, and she did, exploding into stars—or maybe spice, she wasn’t entirely sure—with a gasp of his name.
“Sera,” he moaned, his fingers leaving her clit and his mouth trailing wet, open-mouthed kisses up from her hard, oversensitive nipple to her cheek as he continued to fuck into her. “You’re everything. So perfect, never letting you go, never. Gonna fill you up, fill you with my cum again and again and again, fuck—“
Paul was babbling, Sera knew, but she barely heard him, the room spinning even more than it had the first time he’d taken her to the stars, blood thrumming loudly in her ears. He eventually gave a particularly loud groan, clutching her to his chest and kissing her temple repeatedly as his thrusts slowed to a stop.
Paul was still holding her body against his when he rolled them over onto their sides, his fingers digging into her back, the skin there still tingling from the ridiculously intense orgasm he’d just given her.
After several minutes, she was starting to come back to herself, still reeling from what was arguably—no, most definitely—the most incredible experience of her entire life, when he slowly pulled out of her. He cupped her cheek, staring at her dazed expression with a small, affectionate smile and nuzzling her nose with his.
“I want to lay with you like this,” he murmured against her lips, “but I know you’ll be uncomfortable if I don’t clean you up before we sleep.”
“Sleep?” Sera breathed, disoriented. “Here?”
“Mmm,” he hummed, sliding a gentle hand up her bare side. “This is where I generally sleep, yes.”
“But…” she trailed off briefly, swallowing as she attempted to collect the scattered thoughts in her foggy mind. “It’s not where I sleep.”
“If you sleep elsewhere,” Paul began slowly, “how am I to take you again when I wake in the middle of the night or in the morning, delirious with tiredness but needing to be inside you again, to feel your exquisite warmth around me, to fuck you and fill you with my cum until I’m satisfied?”
Unable to find the words to respond to that, Sera gazed at him in stunned silence but allowed him to kiss her softly, sweetly. He then stood from the bed, groaning at the effort, and she flushed at the sight of his nude form. Paul really was ethereal, too beautiful for words to describe.
He smiled down at her softly, trailing gentle fingertips down her arm. His touch contrasted so greatly with the possessive hold he’d had on her just a few minutes prior that it was almost startling. “Give me a moment, lovely one,” he said quietly, his voice almost a murmur.
He strode off through an archway Sera figured led to the washroom, and while he was only gone a few minutes, it was long enough for her to think on the events of the evening.
She had just lost her virginity to Paul. The man she loved. Did this make her a Hetaera? Would she wear a necklace that matched her hand chain, the way Annette and the others did? 
Oh god, she thought in recollection. Annette, Caroline— six, there are six Hetaera in total, and now I'm the seventh. I am one of seven. I am nothing. Nothing to him.
She’d known all this going in, of course she had, but oh, it hurt. She hadn’t thought it would hurt quite so much. This pain was far more intense than she ever could’ve predicted.
I am nothing, she repeated to herself. I am just another Hetaera now. Just another girl in a long lineup he can point and choose from, deciding on a whim which one he’ll fuck that day. It may have been me tonight, but tomorrow, it’ll be Anita. The next day, Caroline. Maybe even Marina once she’s old enough.
Sera was nearly crying by the time Paul came back into the room, a wet cloth in hand. She blinked her tears away, however. He had enough power over her as it was, he didn’t need to see her cry. 
“Here,” he said softly, reaching between her legs with the warm cloth. She managed not to flinch as he cleaned her, but once he finished and returned the cloth to the washroom, she pulled the covers over herself and moved to the very edge of his large bed, facing away from him.
Paul climbed into bed with her, scooting closer to her than she would’ve liked. “You’re too far away,” he grumbled in annoyance, reaching out with every intention of wrapping an arm around her bare waist and pulling her up against him, where she belonged. She flinched at his touch, leaning away from him, and he froze.
“Sera?” He spoke softly, his voice almost hesitant. He sounded so sweet that she couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, nor the sniffles that forced their way from her throat. “Sera,” he murmured, and she felt the bed shift as he sat up, moving closer to her. “What’s wrong, my darling? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?” 
She shook her head, her chest constricting as she cried.
“Then what is it? I don’t understand, we… We just shared something special. Wonderful.” After a moment, he added, “Magical, even.”
“What even am I now?” she asked hoarsely, unable to hide the bitterness from her tone. “Am I a Hetaera?”
Paul was silent for a few seconds.
“I would like it very much if you would be my Hetaera,” he said quietly. “There’s nothing I want more than for you to be my woman.”
I want that, too, Sera thought miserably.
“Then why are you crying, lovely one?” he asked gently. “If you want this, why does it make you sad?”
Did I say that aloud? she wondered briefly. “I remembered that it—what we just did, I mean—is not special for you. Not at all. You do this all the time. I’m just another notch in your stupid royal belt.” More tears fell then, and she pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes as if that would stop them from leaking.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” Paul breathed, picking her up and taking her into his arms despite her best efforts to stop him. “Is that what had you so scared all this time? You were afraid it would mean nothing to me?”
Sera said nothing as she tried to push away from him, not wanting him touching her just then. Hell, she didn’t even want him near her. He held her firmly, though. He was stronger than he looked, certainly stronger than her.
“It meant everything to me,” he told her softly, cupping her cheeks and brushing her tears away with his thumbs. “Nothing between us could ever be without meaning.”
She didn’t understand. Why was he saying these things? Meaning or no meaning, she thought miserably, I don’t exactly enjoy the thought of continuing to share myself as I just did with you when you’ll just share yourself with half the women in the galaxy.
“So I won’t,” he told her immediately, as if he was responding to her thoughts.
Sera blinked at him. “W— what?”
“I haven’t touched anyone else since I told you I wouldn’t. If you don’t want me sharing myself with anyone but you, I won’t.”
Glossing over the fact that he seemed to have just responded to her exact thoughts, right down to the specific words she’d used, Sera said, “I thought you meant it was… temporary.”
He shook his head, much to her bewilderment.. “So you’d just… stop?" she asked, skeptical. "With the others? Why?”
Paul pulled her closer, nuzzling her nose with his. “Because it’s what you want,” he breathed against her lips. “And I want to give you what you want. You want there to be only you, so there is only you.”
“Truly?” she asked him nervously, desperate for him to be honest with her. He’d grow tired of her eventually, of course, but until then, to have him all to herself… The thought filled Sera with such joy she was near tears all over again.
“I said I’d give you anything,” he reminded her gently, pressing his lips to hers.
Oh, Paul, she thought blissfully. This is all I wanted, to be yours. For you to be mine.
“Then be mine,” he pleaded. “Be mine as I am yours.”
Sera frowned in confusion then, pulling back from him. “Am I saying things out loud that I don’t remember saying out loud?”
Paul winced slightly. “No, you’re not,” he responded guiltily.
Her frown deepened. “I don’t understand.”
He sighed. “Now is as good a time to tell you as any, I suppose.”
“Tell me what?”
He was silent for several moments.
“I don’t want you to be afraid of me again,” he confessed, taking her hands in his. “You are… very dear to me. I don’t want to scare you away. I can see our future together so clearly, and I want it with you so desperately, but if I tell you this, you may not want me anymore.”
Sera was beginning to feel frightened. What could he be talking about? She could see the fear in his eyes as he gazed at her, and she squeezed his hands in an attempt at reassurance.
“Sera,” Paul said, taking a deep breath, “what do you know of prescience?”
The word sounded familiar. She wracked her brain, trying to recall some passage or other in a half-read book. “The ability to read minds, maybe?” Then, “No, wait— I think it’s the ability to see the past, present, and future. I’m not sure.”
“It’s…” He hesitated briefly. “It’s both, actually. At least for me it is.”
“For you?” Sera was trying to process this information, turning his words over in her mind like well-worn stones.
Paul nodded. “I can see what has happened, what is currently happening, and what may happen. And…” he trailed off for a moment before continuing, “Yes, there are occasions when I can see into the minds of others.”
“So… you can read my mind.”
“Not always,” he assured her hastily upon seeing her shellshocked expression. “Well, alright, if I try, then yes, I can, but with you, I don’t. Sometimes, you… project your thoughts at me, like you’re shouting them, almost, and I can’t help but hear them then. I’m usually quite good at not responding to them, but after being with you like that, I couldn’t seem to help myself.”
She stared at him for nearly a minute before a thought occurred to her. “Is that how you knew my name when we first met?”
“When you tried to kill me, you mean?” he teased gently. “Not from reading your mind, no.”
“Then how?”
“I’d had…” He gnawed on his lip. Sera couldn’t help but stare at it. “I’d had visions of you. Of us. I still do, sometimes.”
“What do you see?” she breathed, awed at this strange ability he possessed. “Do you see us…?”
“I saw you give me everything the way you did tonight,” he told her. “I saw you as desperate for me as I am for you, as I always am for you, and when I thrust myself inside of you…” She heard him grind his teeth together. “God, Sera, you— you screamed. You screamed, and you moaned, and you begged for me.”
She suddenly forgot how to breathe. 
“I saw myself on the throne, my arms around you as you sat in my lap, wearing a tiny little gown that merely covered the parts of you that are only for me but revealed every bite mark I’d left on your perfect skin. I’d send everyone from the room so I could pull the panels of that little gown away from your gorgeous body and slip inside you, holding you close and kissing your bare shoulders as you rode me, taking what you needed,” Paul went on, his voice low and almost hoarse. “I saw you begging me to get you pregnant, begging me to fill you, saying that I’d gotten you addicted and you’d never get enough of me.”
Images of what he was describing flashed into Sera's mind. Herself heavily pregnant, the process of getting her there— all of it.
“Before Eden was born,” he continued, “or even Violet, I knew none but you could bear the sons my advisors keep telling me I’m in desperate need of. For years—years—, I’ve known that if you refused me, if you decided you didn’t want me…” He shook his head. 
“Who would have your son—or sons, I suppose—if not for me?” she asked, forcing the jealousy from her voice.
“No one,” Paul said simply. “If you refuse—and please know that I’ll completely understand if you do—, there will be no sons.”
“And have you…” She gulped nervously. “Have you seen that? Me pregnant with your child?”
He nodded once, his gaze finding her lips. “I’ve seen you surrounded by our children,” he told her quietly, his nose brushing against hers. “Laughing and pregnant with our fourth child.”
“F— fourth?” Sera squeaked. Her parents had seven children, and she had always been under the impression that that was too many for one woman to birth. “Good lord, how many do your visions say we have?”
Paul smirked at that. “I don’t know. I only know that you’re usually pregnant when I see you.”
“And you…” She gulped again. “You like that?”
“Oh, yes,” he murmured, softly kissing her neck where he’d sucked bruises into the skin not long prior. “Nothing sets me aflame like seeing my woman pregnant with my child.” She whimpered as he kissed her before he went on, “I saw myself walk into the room, and your face lit up like the sun when you saw me.” He reached between her legs to touch her increasingly wet folds and rub at her clit.
“If you want this,” he breathed against her neck, “if you agree to this, to let me have you in this way, I won’t touch another woman ever again. I only ask one thing in return.”
“Yes?” Sera gasped out, arching into the fingers that were thrusting themselves inside of her.
“Stay with me,” he pleaded. “Let me keep you here in my bed. I never want you to leave it. I want you naked and ready for me always.”
“Are you—“ she cut herself off on a whimper when he began to rub her clit more firmly. “Are you asking me to sleep here with you? Share your room?”
“I am,” he told her, kissing her hungrily. “Please, darling. I want you here with me.”
Sera wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss eagerly. “Yes,” she told him, pulling him closer. “God, Paul, please don’t stop.”
He groaned. “I need you again.”
She lay down without hesitation, reaching her arms out for him. He climbed atop her, lining up his hardened length with her once more, then paused his movements.
“The prescience, the visions,” he recalled suddenly. “It doesn’t bother—“
“I don’t care,” Sera insisted, lifting her hips to encourage his entry. “I’ll give you as many children as you want, I swear, just— just take me. Please, Paul.”
He moaned again, thrusting into her deeply and doing just that.
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Well kids, I hope it was worth the wait. You’ve got a good 3500 words of smut here, so I hope you enjoyed it, ya fuckin perverts (pot, meet kettle). In all seriousness, I hope you guys are enjoying it and I’m looking forward to your comments on this chapter especially. It might also have something to do with the fact that I desperately need a root canal and they can’t get me in for it until Friday and so I am in an indescribable amount of pain here, but I digress. Anyway, hope you liked it.
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mayraki · 4 years ago
✧ chapter one: the girl on fire - b. barnes x oc series ✧
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-> hvlf’s gif
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‘let’s play fire with fire’ series masterlist
my masterlist
summary: when bucky barnes and sam wilson find themselves on a awful situation on a mission, sam decides to get help from an old friend ignoring the complaints from his partner.
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“Bucky! A little help here!” Sam yelled when he noticed the guy in front of him was already throwing another punch towards his face. He ducked down and avoided it with ease, but that little victory didn’t last long since his opponent’s foot was now going towards his stomach. “What the hell is taking you so long?!” He asked while he opened his wings to avoid his stomach from getting badly hurt.
“Sam, you flew there!” Bucky yelled on Sam’s ear. “I have nothing but my motorcycle! Just keep him busy.”
“Oh, that’s not a problem, man. This guy has some really bad anger issues.” Sam said while lifting his body up in the air to use the momentum to help his punch against the giant guy. But that didn’t seem to get him at all, he just made a couple of steps back and then soon regain his strength to go against Sam once again. “Damn! What do you eat?!” Sam yelled before opening his wings and flying towards the ceiling of the abandoned building they were at.
“Aaaaaaah!” The guy yelled annoyed while looking upwards to Sam.
“We don’t want you to get more angry, oh no.” Sam said before quickly flying towards him to get another good punch on him, but when he was close enough to him, for Sam’s surprise the guy grabbed his wings and threw him into the ground making a big loud noise in the process. “Oh shit!” Sam opened his wings once again to move away and avoid the big guy wanting to end him while he was on the floor, so moving backwards as soon as he could he saw how the guy was getting further away each second.
Once away enough, he got up ready to keep fighting as the guy was getting closer and closer, but then the sound of metal hitting something hit his ears. And then, the guy fell to the floor to let Sam see Bucky standing right in front of him.
“Took you long enough.” Sam said which made Bucky let out a sarcastic little smile. “Let’s take this guy out of here before he wakes up, not ready to see him more angry than before.”
Bucky nodded as they both kneeled down to grab the unconscious guy with their hands, but before they could get to it, the sound of a bomb going next to them hit their ears.
Their bodies hitting the floor and the pitch sound going on on their heads was making it difficult for them to regain control of the situation. The smoke surrounding them made their sights useless, they both felt like the air was getting thicker and thicker as the seconds were passing while waiting to gain full control of their senses.
“Bucky?!” Sam yelled coughing to get the smoke out of his lungs.
“Sam?!” He heard Bucky yell from a couple of feet away from him. So walking some steps to meet him he moved his feet trusting the voice he heard a couple of seconds ago to find his friend. A luckily for him, he soon felt a cold metal arm touching his arm. “Are you alright?!” Bucky asked with a loud tone.
“Yeah! You?”
“Fine! Let’s get out of here!” Sam was about to shook his head since they needed to find the guy and take him out of there with them, but seeing the fire approaching them and the floor empty where the guy was before the loud noise hit the building, he kept his mouth shut and followed Bucky outside to take some fresh air again.
“Well, that was a success.” Bucky said sarcastically when they both arrived at their tiny apartment that they rented for the mission.
“It wasn’t pointless.” Sam added. “At least we know how the guy looks like.”
“And that helps us how?” Bucky asked loudly turning around to face Sam. “It’s not like we know more than before.”
“We know that he belongs to an underground group that’s trying to build illegal weapons. That’s something.” Sam said in a calming tone to help calm Bucky and his frustration. “We’re not screwed because we still have information about them.”
“And the place where there was more about them just, somehow, burned to the ground.”
“I know. I was there, you know?” Sam said with his joking tone.
“Alright, where do we go now? It’s not like this group is extremely known and it’s out in the open.” Bucky let out a loud sigh while taking his jacket off to grab a drink from the tiny fridge.
“We just have to look somewhere else.” Sam sat down thinking of every possibility that his mind was letting him to.
“Do you have something in mind?”
“I know where we can go next.” He said after a couple of seconds in silence.
“Where?” Bucky asked intrigued raising an eyebrow.
“I know someone that knows about this sort of things.” Sam quickly got up to take his suit off and put on something more casual. “And she happens to live close to this town.”
“No, we don’t need anyone helping us. You know what happened last time.”
“John Walker wasn’t helping us-”
“But it ended badly anyway, so we don’t need anyone on the team but us and if we need help, there’s people we can trust.”
“I trust her.” Sam said quickly. “C’mon, man, we don’t have any other choice. It’s either her help of nothing.”
Bucky let out a loud sigh realising that Sam was right, there was nothing he could do about it. “Who is she?”
“Seraphina Thompson!” Sera heard her roommate calling her name from her room. “Come here right now! I need help! C’mon! Please!”
Sera dropped the book she had on her hand quickly on the couch to walk with speed towards Angela’s room. “What’s wrong?!” She asked worried that something happened to her, but once she stepped inside the room, she found her roommate holding two dresses on her hands while standing in front of her mirror.
Angela looked so worried that the situation may we worse than Sera imagined it, but not in the same way. “Which one?” She asked turning to face Sera with worry all over her eyes.
Sera entered the room and crossed her arms around her chest to look at Angela. The dresses she was holding looked very similar to one another, both black with little flowers in them. So taking a little sigh out Sera just shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the bed. “I don’t know. They look the same to me.”
“Look closer!” Angela frustrated, walked closer to Sera to get the dresses closer to her eyes. “They’re not!”
“Angie, is this about the date you have tonight?” Sera asked. “Because no man deserves this much preparation.” She looked at the dresses and then pointed at one of them, not giving much importance to the situation. “But I like this one more.”
Angela let out a big smile and then dropped the other dress to the floor to quickly take off her clothes and put on the dress Sera picked for her. “You’re right, no man deserves this much preparation. But this one does. You need to meet him, he’s not like the others ones I dated, this one is a man.”
“And you dated girls before?” Sera asked in a joking tone to annoy her friend.
“You know what I mean! This one looks like a God, believe me. When you see him you’ll know what a God looks like, because he looks like those pictures we see all the time about Greek Gods and... stuff. His name is Jayme Jefferson. Ugh! Even his name is God like.” Angela said while struggling to put on the dress while Sera let out a tiny laugh, enjoying the fact that Angela didn’t know about Sera and her relationship with Gods.
“I doubt it.” Sera said more to herself than to Angela, but being so close to each other she perfectly heard her.
“It’s the truth! You just have to wait and see.” Angela said before finally putting the dress on and watching herself in the mirror. “Damn, you have good taste.”
“Thanks.” Sera said letting out a tiny smile.
“Alright. Outfit is done, now I have to-” Angela was saying but then was cut off by the door bell ringing. “Oh my God!” Angela yelled with horror on her face. “What if that’s him?!”
“Then he’s like three hours early.” Sera said getting up.
“Where are you going?!” Angela stopped her from walking away.
“Going to my room so you can make the guy walk in if you want, moving myself from the way.”
“No, no, no.” Angela quickly shook her head multiple times. “You can’t! You need to open the door for me!”
“Me? Why me?”
“I need to do my makeup! Go! Go! I’ll be out in fifteen minutes!” Angela was quickly pushing Sera out of the room.
“And what do I do in the meantime?! Make him some tea?!” Sera yelled but the door was now closed behind her with no response coming her way.
Letting out a big sigh she walked towards the door to let the mysterious man that had her roommate going all crazy inside. But once she opened her door, she found outside something that she never expected to see again.
“What are you doing here?” She asked seeing Sam Wilson in front of her. He looked the same as the last time she saw him, with that beard that Sera used to joke all the time, those kind eyes and energy around him that would usually calm her down. Her old mentor was there in front of her after three years of being apart and nothing seemed to make sense anymore since it caught her so off guard her thoughts completely shut down. Until she noticed another man behind him.
“Nice to see you again, Sera.” Sam said with that calming and deep voice ignoring the surprise on her face. “This is-”
“The winter soldier.” Sera said locking eyes with Bucky. As soon as their eyes connected some electricity hit her body, but not the one that she would usually feel. Something different, and that caught her attention even more. “I know who he is.”
“I’m not the winter soldier anymore.” Bucky said not showing any emotion on his face whatsoever. Without breaking the eye contact, Sera kept her mind focused on Bucky waiting for something else to happen. Him noticing this got confused on the way she was staring at him, wondering what she was doing he looked at Sam who seemed to know what was happening because he didn’t seem to be confused at all. Just waiting to talk again.
“He’s not here to hurt you.” Sam said and Bucky’s shoulders tensed themselves as he noticed what she was thinking or getting ready for, but then Sam spoke again: “But you already know that, don’t you?” The way Sam said that caught Bucky’s attention. For the first time after a couple of minutes, Sera moved her eyes to Sam and it looked like they were talking with their eyes. There was something else about this girl than being the girl with some information like Sam told him, and Bucky made a mental note to figure it out. “Can we come in?” Sam asked pointing with his head inside but Sera didn’t respond immediately, she looked back and stared at the hallway behind her for a couple of seconds.
“No.” She finally said firmly after turning to face Bucky and Sam. Sera knew that her roommate was going to ask about the two strange men on her apartment. She knew that it was going to make her ask questions she didn’t want to answer and didn’t want Angela to know in the first place. Not wanting her roommate to be involved, she grabbed a jacket that was laying on the couch and some shoes next to the door to leave the apartment behind and text Angela that it wasn’t her date on the door and that she left to get some groceries.
“How did you find me?” Sera asked as soon as they all sat down at some coffee far away from her apartment where she knew she wouldn’t walk pass people from her life.
“I never lost sight of you.” Sam answered. “So it wasn’t something hard to do.”
“Then why are you here now?”
“Maybe being a little nice won’t hurt you.” Bucky said starting to get annoyed at her attitude and Sera locked eyes with him annoyed.
“Coming to my apartment without telling me and almost making my roommate involved with you guys wasn’t very nice either, was it?” Sera asked and the way she said it caught Bucky off guard because she didn’t seem the type to talk back, but he was definitely wrong. Not wanting her to see that, he kept the eye contact with her until Sam spoke next to him.
“Guys. Stop it.” Sera looked around trying to keep her low profile before going back to Sam, waiting for him to talk. “We need your help.”
“I told you last time-”
“You’re not in this anymore, I know.” Bucky noticed some disappointment on Sam’s voice. That made Bucky even more interested and intrigued on the girl’s story and how was she connected to Sam. “But we have no other choice. Trust me, I wouldn’t have bother you if you weren’t my last resource.”
Sera let out a tiny sigh while closing her eyes for a couple of seconds. She knew that she wasn’t being the nicest to Sam, and she hated it, but the fear of repeating her last mistakes came back to her head when she saw Sam on her apartment again. “You’re not... bothering me. It’s just- I don’t want anyone around here to get involved with this. With me.” For the first time, Bucky saw some vulnerability in her eyes, she didn’t want someone to get hurt because of her. Something that Bucky was familiar with.
“I know.” Sam said. “I understand that, believe me. And we’re sorry we just showed up but we need to ask you some questions.”
“What about?”
“We’re investigating a underground group of people that’s making illegal weapons.”
“And we need to know if you have some information about them.” Bucky talked for the first time without his annoyed tone. “They’re not very known and Sam tells me you know about all those sort of things.”
“I don’t. But I know someone who does.”
“Can you tell us who they are and where can we find them?” Sam asked intrigued but Sera shook her head.
“He’s not going to see you unless you come with me.”
Sam let out a sigh and then looked down. “I know we’re asking too much-”
“I can’t, Sam.” Sera said quickly not hearing what Sam had to say.
“I know this is hard, Sera, but without you we just hit a dead end so we need your help.”
“Yes, but helping you means that I have to go back.”
“Back where?” Bucky asked as soon as those words came out of her mouth bur neither of them answered to the confused Bucky sitting next to them. They stared at each other like the memories of their mysterious past together were flying around their heads like an old movie playing.
“It doesn’t matter.” Sam finally said softly without breaking the eye contact with Sera.
“Ok so now you two are going to talk about some super secret stuff I don’t know about and won’t bother telling me? Yeah, sounds fair.” Bucky said letting his back rest on the back of the chair annoyed.
Sera locked eyes with Bucky but then quickly went back to Sam, to point at his friend sitting next to him with her head. “You didn’t tell your partner about me?”
“We’re not partners.” They both said at the same time like it was record playing.
Sera lifted her eyebrows and slightly tilted her head to the side getting ready to say her next words with curiosity. “Boyfriends?”
As soon as she said that word, she saw how both of their eyes went wide open and how Bucky got closer to Sera by leaving the back of the chair. “What? No!” Just like before, they yelled at the same time.
“Why would you think that?” Sam asked confused.
“I don’t know.” Sera shrugged her shoulders. “It’s always better to ask than to draw conclusions.”
“We’re co-workers.” Bucky said firmly. “Boyfriends, like you’re my type anyway.”
Sam quickly turned to Bucky like he was offended and shook his head. “Why am I not your type?”
“Are you serious right now?”
Sera smiled to herself when what she wanted to do was working, but she clearly wasn’t over. “Don’t worry, you’re not his type either.” She said looking at Bucky while pointing at Sam with her finger.
“That’s fine by me.”
Sam opened his mouth even more offended. “Seriously? That easy?”
“What do you want me to say?! Jesus! Can’t you see she’s trying to change the subject?” Bucky asked annoyed while Sera was just trying to hold on her laughter.
“Sorry, I’m just a little hurt because you wouldn’t date me.” Sam said and then waited for Bucky to say something else, but since he didn’t he went even more offended. “Even if I was a girl?!” He asked, but still not answer. Just Bucky killing Sera with his eyes. “Damn.” Sam said before turning his face towards Sera, who immediately erased the smile on her face.
Bucky let out a sigh before giving Sera a fake smile. “Can we go back to the main reason we’re here please?”
“You’re right, even though I’m not your type.” Sam said sounding offended but jokingly at the same time, which made Sera let out a tiny laugh and Bucky to roll his eyes. “So?” Sam asked changing his prior tone to a serious one like it was the easiest thing in the world.
Sera let out a tiny sigh while looking at those eyes she would used to go for comfort years back. But this time after all those years, it wasn’t the same. So much pain, and so much tiredness between those years it felt like nothing was going to change the way she felt every day. No matter how much she tried. “You need me, and I owe you that, right?” She said softly.
“You don’t owe me anything-”
“Yes I do. So I’m going... but that’s it.” Sera said locking eyes with Bucky but then going back to Sam, who did a little nod.
“It’s more than enough.”
The moment Sera stepped out of the black car she soon smelled the smoke coming from the building she was familiar with. The same giant and old building she used to visit all the time when she was still working on missions was there in front of her after years. It still looked the same, rusty and abandoned, but what was happening inside wasn’t abandoned at all.
She noticed the same guys with black suits standing outside and then turned to Sam and Bucky, who where staring at the building curious. “Stay here. I’ll come back when we all can go inside.” Sam nodded but Bucky stayed put without moving a single muscle of his body carefully staring at Sera walk away. Even if Sam trusted her, Bucky didn’t seem to have that feeling as well. He didn’t know why, maybe it was the fact that her story was a total mystery to him, but he couldn’t take his eyes away from her as she was making her way inside that building, just like she owned the place. How did she knew these people anyway?
“We can trust her, Bucky.” Sam said like he knew what he was thinking about. “And she knows what she’s doing, it’s all we’ve got.”
Bucky nodded still not taking his eyes away from where she left. “I know. Still don’t trust her.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, Sam, I just do. How do you know her?”
“It’s a long story.” Sam shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, all you need to know is that I trust her and she’s going to help us.”
Sam was right, Bucky knew that. But he also knew that Sam always tried to see the good in everyone, and maybe this girl was one of those cases. Or maybe her story was way more connected to Sam than Bucky thought and that’s why Sam didn’t want to tell him. Did something happened between Sam and Sera? Bucky thought and that made his stomach make a weird twist and confuse his brain, not knowing what that was all about. But before he could think of something else, Sera appeared again waiving at them, letting them know it was alright for them to walk in.
“How do you know we can trust this guy?” Bucky asked once they were all walking inside a long dark hallway following Sera.
“We can’t.” Sera said without looking back at Bucky. “This guy is a piece of shit. But, he knows everything that has to do with underground groups. If something illegal is happening, he definitely knows.”
“Alright. But how do we know he’s going to talk?” Sam asked.
“He won’t.” Sera said and then turned around with a little smile on her face. “But I have my ways.”
“No.” Sam shook his head. “You won’t do anything. Let us talk.”
“He’s smart. He won’t listen to you unless you’re ready to give him a lot of money. What are you going to do? Turn him to the good side?” Sera said jokingly.
“Let me talk.” Sam said serious. “I’ll see in the moment.”
“Yes, because that always works.” Bucky said sarcastically and for the first time Sera laughed at something Bucky said making him let out a tiny smile, but soon erasing it.
“Fine, I won’t talk. But remember he’s your only choice and I’ll be there-”
“I’ll be there too, you know?” Bucky said and Sera turned to face him. “I have a metal arm... I can make him talk.”
“What are you going to do? Show him your arm and make him pee his pants?” Sera said sarcastically and that made Bucky roll his eyes.
“And I wonder what would you do. You know? I’m really interested in what you can do, c’mon, do you read minds? are you a witch? can you move things with your mind? are you super strong?” Bucky started to named things. annoyed. “Tell me. I’m open to hear anything. But don’t expect me to get surprised because I’ve seen so many things in my life that nothing surprises me anymore.”
“Right, you’re like a hundred years old, right? And you didn’t even get close on what I can really do. But I won’t waste my energy on you.” Sera gave Bucky a sarcastic smile letting him know she was over, but he wasn’t.
“Oh, c’mon, because I know you’re dying to surprise me. I know your giant ego won’t let an opportunity like this go to waste. C’mon, show me what you got, I can handle it.” Bucky was testing Sera so much that this time, Sera locked eyes with Bucky and let out a tiny smile. No words were coming out of her mouth like Bucky was expecting, but no comeback at all.
“Sera. Don’t.” Sam spoke and that made Sera erase the smile and face towards Sam.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“What?” Bucky asked but when two tall guys appeared in front of them his full attention went towards them.
“Name?” One of them asked.
“Buddy, you saw me a hundred times.” Sera said. “Jackson knows we’re coming. Don’t waste our time.”
The guy stared down at Sera but didn’t move a single muscle from his face. “Name?”
“Sam Wilson.” Sam said while Sera let out an annoyed sigh. “Bucky Barnes.” “Seraphina Thompson.” Both of them nodded before opening the door behind them and letting them through it. They were now inside a giant room, with dark red walls and velvet furniture with gold details on them. Even if the building looked old and abandoned, this room was completely the opposite.
“Seraphina! Dear! How are you?” The old man asked. He had a big coat on and some black boots, which lead to everyone realise it was a man of money. Something that Sam and Bucky clearly needed to deal with, because men like him weren’t the easy to talk to type.
“Good, Jackson.” Sera said with a little fake smile before crossing her arms around her chest.
“I see you brought some friends that need to talk to me.” Jackson said slowly going back and forth between Sam and Bucky.
“I’m Sam Wilson-”
“I know who you are, Mr. Wilson. And you,” Jackson slowly turned to Bucky who was killing him with his eyes. The eye contact seemed to be on Jackson’s liking since a little smile escaped his lips “The winter soldier. You are very known amongst my people.”
“I’m not the winter soldier anymore.” Bucky was in the corner and not much light was hitting him, but Sera did noticed that he didn’t move a single muscle from his body. The dry and deep tone he would usually talk with was the only thing that left his body on that second. And some part of Sera liked that. Something about him being mysterious and being under some poor light, made her wonder who was the real Bucky Barnes. Not the winter soldier, not even a soldier, just Bucky Barnes. But wanting to focus on what Jackson was saying, she erased all those thoughts away and with her whole strength, moved her eyes away from Bucky.
“Good to know, dear.” Jackson did a little nod and then turned to Sera to lock eyes with her. She knew that he was surprised to see her with people like them, people that were trying to caught what was once her.
“We need to know if you have any type of information on an underground group.” Sam said gaining the look of Jackson once again.
“What kind of information?”
“Anything that you have on them can be useful.”
“Well, Mr. Wilson” Jackson let out a tiny grin and moved on his seat slowly “I have a lot of information and I have to see what to give you and how much. Depends on what you can give me.” With his tone Sera knew that Jackson liked to be the one with the advantage. He always did. But the way Bucky moved towards him made Sera notice that he didn’t like it at all.
“How about getting out of here without a scratch?”
“Funny that you say that, Mr. Barnes. Because if I snap my fingers,” he moved his fingers together letting out a tiny noise that couldn’t be heard from a far distance, but that didn’t seem to be a problem, because as soon as the sound hit their ears three men walked into the room with big guns on their hands and nothing more but anger on their faces “and I have ten more men outside my doors waiting to hear any kind of noise they don’t like or that they think it could mean I’m in some sort of danger. So, go on, Mr. Barnes.” Sam and Bucky looked at the guys leaving the room after Jackson moved his hand away, but Sera kept her eye contact with him watching his moves very carefully.
“We don’t want this to end in violence, Mr. Jackson. We just want the information that you have.” Sam said with his calming tone.
“And what do you have that could help me?”
“What do you want?”
Jackson let out a tiny smile and then said, softly: “I want the world, Mr. Wilson.”
“That’s a little ambitious, don’t you think?” Sera said jokingly after letting out a little laugh.
“It’s very ambitious.” Bucky agreed.
“What can I say? I like to be an ambitious man.”
“This group is making illegal weapons,” Sam continued ignoring Bucky and Sera killing Jackson with their eyes “they need to make a lot of transportation trips since their equipment is big and heavy. We know the leader is known as The Red Wolf... do you know anything about that man?”
“I don’t know.” Jackson said without changing his tone. “Do I?” His cocky smile made Sera’s inside burn, so without waiting another second she uncrossed her arms and started walking towards Jackson with decisive steps.
“Alright I’m getting bored.” She said rolling her eyes.
“Sera-” Sam tried to stop her but when a little spark came out of Jackson’s hand as he was about to snap his fingers made him turn to face him, as well as Bucky.
“Jackson, I want you to listen to me very carefully.” Sera said getting real closer to his face, so close that she could see the fear on his eyes as soon as she moved closer to him. “You know me, right? You know half of the things I’m capable of. So let’s cut the crap, shall we?” Sam and Bucky were carefully listening to Sera’s words and actions. But Bucky more than Sam. The way she confidently walked closer to him not fearing Jackson and his men. How she said those words softly but yet intimidating to the man to the point where he shut his mouth immediately. Bucky wanted to see more, and the expression and desire on his eyes were definitely showing it. “You’re going to help them because I can just look at you and burn everything that’s on your mind before you could snap those two fingers of yours.” Bucky turned to Sam as soon as those words left her mouth, but he didn’t seem to be bothered at all. It looked like Sam knew that Sera wasn’t going to do what her words were saying, even if they sounded more convincing than anything else she let out before to Bucky. The fear in Jackson’s eyes were clear that he believed her, and that’s all that mattered to Bucky. He feared her, and that made Bucky even more curious. But because of Sam’s calm expression, Bucky just went back at Sera and kept hearing her words very carefully. “So before we decide to do anything stupid you’re going to tell them what you know, got it?” Sera took his hand and grabbed his cheek softly, but for the way Jackson closed his eyes made Bucky understand that it wasn’t something so calming like grabbing someone’s cheek casually, but something completely different. That hand could do something that Bucky was dying to know. But before anything could happen Jackson quickly nodded multiple times and Sera moved back to turn and walk back to where she was before, but not before letting out a little smile enjoying the surprise and confusion on Bucky’s face.
“The Red Wolf. I know him.” Jackson said after getting his breathing back to normal and going back to his prior confident position. “He wants to build weapons because he wants to create something even bigger than Hydra and SHIELD combined. Something than not even the most powerful superheroes can defeat.”
“And what’s that?” Sam asked.
“That, my friend, I don’t know. Truly. But I know where they’re hiding. It’s an old building like this but it’s underground, very difficult to get through.”
“We’ll managed.” Bucky added, already tired of listening to the guy.
“It’s on street 719. You can’t miss it.”
“How do you know we can trust what this guy says?” He turned to Sam and then Sera, who stayed silent without breaking her sight from Jackson.
“I’m telling the truth. If it’s not there, you know where you’ll find me. Always.”
“You better not be lying.” Sera said. “Because if you are, I won’t be so nice.”
“Sera.” Sam stooped her by moving back and gently grabbing her arm to walk her out of the room. They were all about to leave but then Jackson spoke again, not breaking the eye contact with Sera, and a little grin on his face.
“Good making business with you, like the old days... I’ll see you again, Sera.”
“Yeah, that guy sucks.” Sam said once they were all outside the building walking towards the car.
“Told you.” Sera said and they both let out tiny laughs.
“Hello? We’re not going to talk about the whole ‘I could burn everything in your mind’ situation?” Bucky said moving his hands around him and then turned to Sera, who had a smile on her face enjoying seeing Bucky like that. “What kind of things do you do?”
“What? Impressed?” Sera asked teasing him but Bucky just shook his head.
“It’s gonna take you a lot more to impress me.”
“Oh, really? Because if I recall correctly your face was really impressed back there.” Sera opened the door of the car but then stopped once she noticed Bucky wasn’t finished.
“Impressed of what? You talking nonsense to that asshole?”
“I wasn’t-” She was saying but then shut her mouth and closed her eyes, feeling that familiar electricity going through her body.
“What? No comeback?” Bucky raised an eyebrow jokingly but when Sam walked closer to Sera worryingly, his cockiness went completely away.
“Sera? You alright?” Sam asked touching her shoulder.
“Something’s coming.” Sera said looking up and immediately moving away from the car.
Bucky looked at her confused and then at Sam when he followed Sera, getting prepared for something. “What? How do you know-” he was saying but the sound of an helicopter flying towards them shut him off.
Immediately, five men came out of it ready to attack the three of them standing next to one another. “Bucky?” Sam asked and Bucky nodded.
“I got it.” As soon as he said those words he started walking towards the five man while preparing his arm. Even if it was one against five while Sam put on the wings he had on the car, he walked confidently and with decisive steps. He done it before, he could do it again.
He quickly saw how one of them lifted his gun and pointed at Bucky but the moment he started to pull the trigger, Bucky lifted his metal arm and stopped the bullets with ease while getting closer and closer to him. Once close enough he grabbed the gun and broke it apart, threw it into the floor to kick the guy on the stomach. The guy flew backwards getting him out of the fight but as soon as Bucky was over with him, another guy was already throwing a punch towards his way. But witch a quick move, he moved to the side and avoided it to throw a punch with his other arm in the side of the guy’s stomach. He fell to the ground but the fight wasn’t over, he still had three other guys wanting to kill him right on that moment. “A little help here guys?” Bucky asked without looking back before moving his arm to accommodate it and to keep going with his fight. But the moment he was close enough to the next guy to throw another punch, something unexpected happen.
A big red ball of fire flew next to Bucky and hit the guy in front of him, throwing him backwards and ending a lot of feet away from him. He looked at it confused and surprised, the guy was now on fire trying to turn it off while the fire was also on the floor, close to where the other guys where which made it difficult for them to walk through. Bucky, surprised of what his eyes were seeing, turned to his back to see where it came from and what he found, surprised him even more. Sera had her eyes fully red and her hands were surrounded by fire while her hair was slowly moving even if there wasn’t any wind around her. Her eyes were so red that it made the impression they were going to let out fire at any second, but instead, they slowly went back to normal as well as her hands, which now didn’t have any fire on them and were just red, until they were back to their normal color.
“Didn’t you just ask for help?” She asked seeing the surprise on his face but she couldn’t help and let out a tiny grin. A second later, she had Sam by her side with his wings ready to lift him up and join the fight. Without wanting to break his sight from Sera, Bucky forgot about the fight behind him and didn’t realise another punch going his way. But before he could do anything about it, he saw how Sera’s eyes went back to red and how her hands lit up in a matter of two seconds. The moment she lifted her hand into the air it all happen in slow motion for Bucky, seeing her hand on fire move upwards and how her eyes were becoming even more red as her body was moving. He was so into her movements that he didn’t noticed the big ball of fire going now his way, wanting to avoid it he ducked down and slowly saw how the fire flew right above his head and hit the guy that was right behind him. With a quick move of her hands Sera flew towards Bucky and pointed at the guy now on the floor. “You’re welcome.”
“Hey, you two.” Sam said arriving next to both of them. “Care to pay attention to the now ten guys wanting to kick our asses?” Bucky and Sera both turned around to see the men walking towards them with suits and big weapons on their hands. Sera, ready to fight she lifted her hand into the air but then stopped when her sight turned to Jackson, and quicker than he could look at her, a ball of fire made the men that was covering him fall to the floor.
“Sera!” Sam yelled while trying to take one of the guys down. “What are you doing?!”
“He’s trying to kills us! I’m not going to let him get away!” She moved her hands and with ease lifted her body upwards.
“Sera, no!”
But without hearing any words stopping her, Sera was already in front of Jackson who had fear on her eyes just like moments before. “Where do you think you’re going?!”
“Sera, please! I just want to be left alone!”
“You know I can tell when someone wants to hurt me, right?” She asked once her feet touched the ground and started to walk towards him. “Stupid to go out with only one man, Jackson.”
“Me? Stupid?” Jackson spited out. “Stupid of you to work with the people that once wanted to hunt you down.”
“They’re not the same people.” Sera answered angrily. “Why are you doing this, Jackson? Do you think killing us will prevent those people from killing you after they found out you talked?”
“No. They won’t kill me, Sera. You’ve always been good at telling if people wanted to hurt you, or to see if someone’s on your mind, but there’s one thing you can’t do, see the big picture.”
“What do you mean?”
“You can’t understand why people do those kind of things. See? Like this.” As quick as his words where out of his mouth, his hand was moving quickly towards Sera’s shoulder but before he could touch it and Sera to avoid it, a metal arm stopped it.
Jackson let out a loud yell but Sera didn’t look at him, she turned to the side to lock eyes with Bucky who seemed to be already looking at her. The same electricity that appeared through her body the first time they saw each other was now running on her skin as they were staring at each other. Soon, just like a quick switch the fight that was going on behind them turned off and nothing else but the other was on their minds. Sera noticed how Bucky’s face relaxed for a simple second before going back to serious the moment another loud scream came out of Jackson’s mouth.
Coming back to reality, they both stared at him as he was looking at his hand struggling under the strength of Bucky’s metal arm. But then, when a little grin escaped his lips as he was staring at something behind them, they both turned to face Sam and his fight with three man. “Maybe you two should go and help Mr. Wilson.” Jackson said with a cocky tone but when Bucky moved his hand with even more strength another loud scream came out of his mouth.
Without waiting another second, Sera flew towards Sam to help him end the fight he was on. But before she could get there, a loud noise his her ears and Sam went to the floor before letting out a scream in pain. “Sam!” Bucky and Sera yell at the same time.
Seconds later, they were both surrounding Sam while the three men that were fighting him turned back and went inside the helicopter, next to Jackson and the rest of his man. “The Red Wolf will win, Sera!” He yelled with a smile as the helicopter started moving upwards getting ready to leave the building behind. “And it will go after you three, my dears! Just wait for him!” He started laughing as the helicopter turned around and with speed, left Bucky and Sera behind with their hurt friend defeated on the ground.
“Yes! Trust the girl with fire powers! Great plan!” Bucky yelled once they were inside their apartment and Sam sat down on the bed, grabbing the side of his stomach.
“Hey! It’s not my fault that asshole decided to do that! I didn’t know he was working with the underground group!”
“Well, we were there because of you so there’s that!”
“We were there because you two needed help!”
“Bucky. Sera. Just drop it. You two are acting like children right now.” Sam said trying to calmed them but they both turned to him annoyed.
“He started it.” Sera said pointing at Bucky with her head.
“Yes, very mature.”
“Oh, you’re going to tell me off? What? Grandpa is going to ground me?”
Bucky let out a loud sigh and then looked at Sam, who seemed tired of their stupid fight. “Why did we decided to follow the kid?”
“I’m not a kid!”
“You know what? I was right about not trusting you.” Bucky turned to face her and pointed at her. “You took us there on purpose.”
“What?!” Why would I do that?”
“You knew he was going to attack us, didn’t you?” Bucky was getting closer now, but Sera didn’t step back.
“Bucky, she’s not working for them.” Sam added but neither of them turned towards him.
“Well, she knew him in the first place! How do you know she’s telling the truth?”
“Bucky, man. You’re being crazy right now.”
“And control fire? That’s your power? Turn into a torch?”
Sera opened her mouth offended but then quickly pointed at his arm. “And you? With that metal arm? Are you a screwdriver?!”
“Oh, we’re calling ourselves names now?” Sam said annoyed and let his back rest on the bed, trying to ignore the fight the two children were having.
Bucky let out a fake laugh and then waved his hands in the air annoyed. “I would love to throw you a bucket of water to see what you do then!”
“Oh, really? A bucket of water? That’s very brave of you, winter soldier! I’m so scared right now!”
“Stop it!” Sam yelled so loudly that it caught both Bucky and Sera’s attention. “If my ass didn’t hurt so bad I would be kicking both of yours right now. Now, please, I’m going to take a nap since we can’t move like this. You two, screwdriver and torch, make up and talk about you differences like grown adults.”
“I’m not talking to him.” Sera said quickly crossing her arms around her chest.
“You will because he’s taking you home.”
“What? I’m not.” Bucky said defensive.
“I can take a taxi, the bus, or walk. Anything to get away from this guy.”
“He’s taking you with the car, end of discussion. Now, if you two can excuse me, my ass needs a rest.” Sam said ending the discussion by walking towards the tiny room that had on that apartment.
“You don’t have to drive. He won’t notice.” Sera said once Sam was out of their sight, but that didn’t stop him.
“Yes I will!” He yelled from the other room and that made them both roll their eyes.
After letting out a sigh Bucky walked to the door and grabbed the keys from his pocket. Sera opened the door with anger but didn’t walk out, she stepped aside and let out a fake smile to Bucky before pointing with her fingers towards the outdoors. “After you.” Bucky, letting out the same little smile he always let out when he was annoyed, walked passed Sera to leave the apartment but as soon as his feet walked through the door he felt a shoe touching the back of his and in the process taking it off. He stopped and that’s when Sera walked passed him with a proud smile on her face while trying to control the laughter wanting to come out.
“Damn you!” Bucky kneeled down annoyed to fix his show. “Yes, very mature!” He yelled but she was already inside the car.
It was definitely going to be a long car ride.
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(i also took the liberty to tag some people who liked the masterlist so they didn’t miss the first chapter, if you want to be removed let me know!)
@dmonchld @riverquartzuniverse @tamaralicovska @anjuonline @coolstorybro2307-blog @yabarguphi @hamiltonlotteryloser @idunno2bh @saturnxany @lunanicki @love-chx @alexnicolaidisss @sunflowerbecca @thatcatsalem @bravheart @oopsiedoopsie23 @hoodedhavok @imagines-r-s @girlboss99 @juliesland @the-ramseyhaller @elarasstardust @valeriafulco @cinnabunsprincess @summerdaughter @aadixteed @unsaidmiaa @xscarletxstarx @astolenheartnkiss @luke-patt @lovefreylove @annab-nana @criminalyetminimal @misswings1864 @marveleverythingg @gopromises @learisa @assassinsasha23 @slytherith @someonesidetracked @fangirlfree @justanordinarygir @hazsdiv @just-another-human-dying @barzybeau @sweetcreaturesposts @lost-blvd @blue-eyed-bitch12 @seasidestyies @missroro
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goddess-aelin · 3 years ago
So here are my thoughts on TWOTQ and ASITE as well as the series in general!
The good:
-ok I LOVED that sera played a big role in the TWOTQ ending. Sera is literally amazing and I’m so excited to read more of her story.
-I love that the two storylines are coming together and it makes me think that maybe the final book won’t necessarily be a poppy book or sera book but rather both together!
-I absolutely enjoyed poppy coming into her powers. I know some people have problems with it but I love that she’s progressing in that way
-looooove that cas was turned on by her fangs 🤣 my horny boy
- ugh just the poppycas reunion in general. We definitely got so many sweet moments.
-I LOVE NYKTOS. Honestly this might be a controversial opinion but I think I like him more than cas? Not in a sense that he’s better in any way but moreso he would be more attractive to me irl because he’s broody and mysterious 😂
-sera/nyktos honestly owns my heart and that last 25% of the book was suuuuuper painful.
-for that reason I loved the ending of TWOTQ because we (hopefully) can assume that everything worked out in the end especially because reaver said that love saved sera.
-the big reveal of sera being the primal of life!!!!! I was screaming. I mean we knew it but didn’t know it for sure. Now I’m super intrigued as to what is going to happen in her book! How does she live, what happens, how does nyktos get past where he’s at now.
-I’m not calling it “good” per say but I didn’t mind the joining scene itself. It made sense why they did it and I didn’t think it was in any way made to be fetishized or superfluous.
-sera and nyktos waking up and literally being a power couple tag teaming returning the souls that were lost in battle. I stan
-I want more tawny.
-if Delano would’ve died I would’ve been PISSEd. Thank god they all came back.
The bad:
-where do I start with this
-ok so I think in general TWOTQ was kinda badly written. I don’t read FBAA for it’s quality but some things were just SO inconsistent.
-during the joining it had cas describing the sequence of events to poppy and then it didn’t even happen that way. Maybe it was just me being picky but if you take a moment to describe that she will drink from both of them and then them from each other and then from her, don’t you think that’s how it should happen then? But no, it was poppy from cas, Kieran from cas, cas from Kieran, poppy from Kieran, them from poppy. I’m being picky but seriously!
-the sequence where isbeth stabbed malec and then callum was explaining things to millie and poppy. Yikes. All over the place. I had to read it through a few times to just get the gist of what was happening because all that was being written was “she did this” “she did that” while talking about literally 3 different “she’s.” So I was super confused as to who was supposed to be stabbed and who callum was telling that he’d deal with them later and who the harbinger was. Tbh I still don’t know.
-the way Kieran was acting towards poppy some of the time just felt…icky. I didn’t really feel that way at all until they got cas back. I could see everything up until that point as poppy and Kieran being supportive of each other and kind of leaning on each other while they worked to get cas back. I think they needed that and I honestly saw absolutely nothing wrong with it. It was actually kind of sweet.
-that being said, the comparisons of Kieran to “poppy’s husband” were weird. Like these little touches of caressing her cheek and getting her hair out of her eyes just really fell flat because they were happening in tandem with cas doing these things too. If I can’t differentiate between what her husband is doing and what her…idek what to call him at this point…is doing, I just think that’s a little weird. Def made me kinda uncomfortable. And that is me saying this, who was a “oh I’ll wait and read it for myself, people are probably overreacting to this” type of gal.
-I hated having cas’ POV. Like hated it. I don’t think it added anything to the story and even though I would’ve been sad to not have seen him till halfway through the book, I think it would’ve added more tension if we only had poppy’s POV up until she saw cas again. I think that’s why a lot of people are saying that he’s stagnant in this book. I don’t necessarily think it’s the case, it’s just that were not used to getting his POV and yet whenever we did get his POV in this book, it was never anything of substance. Like all of his thoughts were only of fucking poppy. Like ok we get it! I think JLA was trying to go for sweet but imo it fell a little flat.
The confusing:
-poppycas/Kieran dynamic. Like wtf is going on. On one hand I want to say that ok poppycas are heartmates and I would pin kierans relationship with both of them as an almost soulmate like relationship without the romance. Yet then shit like the cheek caressing and rubbing her back and taking her hair out of her face happened and I just have no idea tbh. Why compare kieran to her husband? To show hes protective? Do it a different way. Every caress cas gave poppy had to be followed by one from Kieran and I did. Not. Like. That. It just felt super weird and uncomfortable to me. Why did Kieran sneak into the tent to sleep with them? Again, just strange.
-do I think it was JLAs intention to make this a throuple? No. I don’t. I think the intention was to show a strong bond between all three of them but what came across was the makings of a three person relationship. Poppy said a few times that her feelings for cas are different from Kieran and I appreciated that but am still confused because I feel like what’s being said and what’s being shown are two different things.
-I found a few scenes between poppy and Kieran to actually be sweet in a “I will always look out for you” type of way. So just to have that kind of stark change from simple comfort to a few different times showing that Kieran is turned on/interested in her in a deeper way was confusing. Im confused
-I’m not necessarily anti joining and I thought that part was tastefully done but I definitely am anti throuple relationship. I just think if that was going to be a thing (which, again, I don’t think it is) she shouldn’t have spent so much time building up the concept of a heartmate.
-so long story short, I think poppycas shippers need not worry because I truly think it was poor word choice and writing style on JLAs part. No disrespect to her but I definitely hope she clears some things up. she has woven this incredible world and I’m so excited to see where it goes. It sucks that I’m super confused over multiple things right now but overall I really did enjoy the book!
Where I think it’s going:
-oh man ok. Idk where to start because there’s so much going on!
-for ASITE: I don’t think we’ll get an immediate love confession from nyktos. That’s not the style. We have to suffer a bit before that 😂. But I think we’ll get sera kinda being…hopeless? Like she doesn’t think she’s going to live and maybe she starts trying to look for ways to transfer that ember of life to nyktos or someone else. I’m not sure that giving up is sera’s style BUT when nyktos told her time and time again that he could never love her, what else is she to do?
-speaking of that relationship, I think they both already do love each other but are too dense to admit it 😂
-I think that sera is going to be saved through some type of sacrifice on nyktos’ part. Hence the “primal who loves you.” What better way to prove you love someone than by giving up power or sacrificing yourself….just sayin. (Obviously we know hes fine so I’m not worried.)
-for FBAA all I’m really hoping for is poppy getting to meet sera and having a talk with her. I think it’d be sweet to see them both bond over shared experiences and I love that maybe sera could be a mother figure to poppy.
So yeah. I think that’s all of my thoughts rn so come and rant to me in my inbox or messages! Please! I’m dying to talk about it with someone!
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uno-writing · 3 years ago
@queer-verse's ask about ep 248!!! 🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
✨ep 248✨
Spoilers, proceed with caution
- god i hate terrance so much
- it started with this fuckin evil smirk
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- every time i see him a go into max rage for 2 seconds b4 calming down
- God bless sera for calling out johns god awful disguise
- lmao she saw through his plot armor this time
- the way my boi covered his stalking was smooth af
- and omg their friendship? precious
- the best in the whole comic, fight me
- they know eachother so damn well
- my heart broke when John saw sera turning into seraphina
- but the difference this time is she cares for him sm
- "loosen up, itll be good for you" 😭
- they are eachother's biggest mom friend
- arlo is just the poor dude whis stck w them bc he has no other friends
- and omg seeing their competitiveness come back was a gift
- my heart rate went up when the ferris wheel showed up again like no sir can u plz not
- but im so glad they had this talk
- i have a feeling the ferris wheel is gonna be the setting of a few other important scenes as well
- john was trying so hard to cheer her up 😭
- and plz Arlo getting mad at him was adorable
- he was so worried lmao
- the beginning of mom arlo
- is it fuckin karma that Holden showed after i said that he appeared in like 5 episode and he wasn't important
- Terrence is so full of bullshit theyre all so full of bullshit
- "we are sorry" who tf r u to speak for the whole organization??
- like actually how important is Terrance?
- was his speech an act he was told to say or legit authority?
- not closed off to the idea that we've been mislead about how bad spectre actually is
- its just way more likely that theyre trying to get her guard down by playing nice guys
- her sister warned her for a reason
- thankfully sera seems well aware of this lol. she aint falling for it
- and why do they want sera a highschool student, abeit a powerful and rich one, so badly by their side?
- like shes a literal kid. and she cant be manipulated into becoming a spectre extremist (for a lack of a better word) at this age
- surely they must know this. either they actually want her for an experiment or something (? throwing ideas at the wind here lol) or its ya dystopia plotholes
- like spectre is whole organization, possibly connected to the government, wtf do they want to do with a teen. then again they have other highschool students as literal spy agents so
- it's prolly just cuz shes super poweful. or was
- anyway I thought the ep was gon be John sera wholesome time followed by John Arlo wholesome time but I was lied too
- Boba anon 🧋
*See, I was really annoyed by Terrence but he’s starting to do what John does and make the full circle from hatred to loving in my mind
*Even with Sera calling out the disguise, I have no doubts that John’s gonna use it in the future still. He’s already gotten too much confirmation bias from when he followed Sera
*I love them so much. I think Dumbass Trio is still my fav friendship, but this episode shot John and Sera in a really close second (also John's sunshine face when he convinces Sera to have fun oh my god he's such a cutie pie when he's not being bloodthirsty)
*Sass Squad is just a circle of friends who are all the mom friend but all act like they aren’t
*I just rewatched the Fantastic Four movies from the early 2000’s and all I can think of when it comes to the UnO ferris wheel is this scene. Like, to be fair, it’d be pretty rad if this happens and someone has to catch it or stop it (cough arlo’s barrier is really similar to sue storm’s power cough). I don’t think uru-chan’s gonna do it, but idk, something’s definitely gonna happen with that ferris wheel. It’s had 3 of its own shots. Any more and it’s gonna have more screentime than my boy Holden😫
*I got such a kick out of Arlo scolding John (also Dumbass Trio my beloved on the carousel in the background)
*Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s Holden. That dude’s hair looks more slicked back than up like Holden has his hair. But can you imagine?? Like Holden’s just been a background character that’s been insanely loyal to Arlo and he just ends up becoming an important character bc of SPECTRE??? Like that’s an interesting storyline lmao
*Maybe Terrence is talking like that bc he’s like Sera’s manager and then there’s his bosses? Idk, I know some of my past managers kinda talked for the company just bc they’re the ones who were in charge over me?? Idk, I think he’s getting a power kick from having Sera on a metaphorical leash or he’s trying to win her over for SPECTRE.
*I’m assuming it’s bc of her power, maybe even her connection to Leilah. It seems like Leilah is maybe starting to doubt SPECTRE so maybe they’re trying to use Sera to keep one of their lead scientists and Sera’s power is just a benefit? Idk. *It seems like they’ve done this before so maybe they know how to bring Sera around to their side. Like I doubt anyone they’ve recruited in the same way they did Sera went along with it willingly at the beginning. I mean, I wouldn’t. I’d probably be petty and deal without my ability.
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pikapeppa · 5 years ago
Solavellan smut: Patience
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @elbenherzart, my smutmate (i.e. smut soulmate)!!! In honour of my beloved friend’s existence, I have made her some PWP featuring voice kink and dom!Solas. 😍😍😍
This also coincidentally matches up with Day 14 of @scharoux​‘s @14daysofdalovers​ prompts:  NSFW. (OBVIOUSLY I was going to jump in on this one because I am garbage.)
Read here on AO3 instead. ~3100 words. OH, ALSO, THERE IS NSFW ART ON AO3 by Elbenherz. GO CHECK IT OUT.
“Be patient, Nare.”
“I’m trying,” she panted. 
Solas smiled faintly at her. Patience was hardly her strong suit. Which was, of course, why he was asking it of her.
In all fairness, Nare boasted a multitude of other strengths. She was decisive and firm when difficult choices needed to be made – necessary qualities in any good leader. Her mind was sharp and quick, and Solas often found himself simply watching her face while she was thinking, admiring the way her bright blue eyes darted from side to side as though they were tracing the shapes of her thoughts in the air. She was a quick student of magic, absorbing his teachings about the Fade and picking up the dirth’ena enasalin with a speed that would have made the ancient Sentinels proud. 
Yes, Nare was a woman of many fine qualities. But patience was not one of them. 
She was breathing hard through her parted lips, and her palms were flat on his abs: a way to brace herself as she ground herself against his lap. But as soon as her fingers started to slide down toward his unlaced breeches, Solas grabbed her hands. 
“Patience,” he said firmly.
“I-I’m trying,” she whimpered. She twined her fingers with his as she rolled her hips toward him, and Solas forced himself to take a slow and even breath. The silk of Nare’s smallclothes was visibly damp, rendering the slippery fabric even slicker still, and every time she bucked her hips, the feel of the silk sliding smoothly against his shaft was like a call for him to thrust toward her in turn.
With a great effort of will, he resisted the urge. He resisted the siren call of her body and the primal scent of the heat between her legs. Instead, he took slow and even breaths, and he relaxed into the couch and simply watched her as she rubbed herself against him in a rising storm of desperation. 
She bucked her hips again, rubbing her silk-covered cleft along the length of his shaft, and her breath left her lips on a shaky sigh. “Solas…”
“Be calm, Nare,” he told her. “Try to do as I told you. Settle your mind on the feeling. Breathe into it as you move.” 
“But I need more,” she gasped. “I – i-it – it feels…” She broke off with another shuddery breath.
“Go on,” he murmured. “Tell me how it feels.”
“It feels like I need you to fuck me,” she blurted. She bucked toward him again, sending a ripple of pleasure through his cock and down to his thighs.
He released a careful, even breath to calm himself. “That is insufficient, da’len,” he said. “Tell me more of what it is like. Tell me of the sensations that you feel.” 
“Like what?” she whined. “It feels… good. I feel good, but if you touch me, I’ll–”
He interrupted her. “Is it a buzzing sensation that you feel? A constant thrum of thwarted pleasure?”
She arched her spine and let out a shaky laugh. “Are you asking if there are bees in my breeches?” 
He huffed in amusement at her irreverent reference to Sera. When she rolled her pelvis toward him again, he tilted his hips away from her as a tiny punishment. 
She mewled and arched her back again. “Solas, please!” 
He ignored her plea. “Tell me, Nare. Is it a thrumming between your legs, like the beat of a second heart?”
She gasped shakily and nodded her head. “Yes.”
“Does it bear the likeness of a pulse, as though the wanting is swelling to life with every passing breath?” he asked.
“Yes, yes!” she whined.
He gave her a chiding look. “Do you truly feel this way, Nare? Or are you simply agreeing in the hopes of gaining my approval?”
A beautiful grin lit her face, and she broke into a breathy laugh. “No, I’m not! The – the heartbeat, the pulse, that’s…” She strained her hips towards him. “Gods, please, I need you…”
“Focus on that pulse, Nare,” he murmured. “Sink your mind into that sensation, and you will get there on your own.”
She gave him an exasperated look. “You really think I can come just from riding you and barely any touching?”
“I do not think you can,” he said. “I know it.”
She twisted her hips in frustration. “How can you know that?”
“I know your body, Nare,” he said softly. He released one of her hands and stroked her cheek. “More importantly, I know your mind. I know what you are capable of. It not unlike mustering the energy required to form your spirit blade.”
She released another slow breath and rubbed herself against his cock. “Talk me through it. Please,” she begged.
He swallowed hard against another surge of pleasure. “I would be happy to do so,” he said. He slipped his hand around to the back of her neck, then gently pulled her closer and lifted his lips to her ear. 
She was panting already, desperate already before he’d even said a word. Her breathing was a whimper of untamed lust, and the wanton rocking of her hips was fast and uncontrolled, and with every stroke of her silk-veiled cleft, the pulse in his cock was beating just as strongly as the thrum that she claimed was rising between her legs.
He forced himself to relax into the cushions of the couch. Patience, he thought. It may not be Nare’s strong suit, but it was his, and he was fully prepared to use it to his advantage for both their sakes.
He brushed his lips against her ear in a feather-light touch. “Focus on that pulse,” he instructed. “Find the rhythm of it. Move your hips in time with that rhythm.”
 She instantly slowed her frantic bucking to a slow and rhythmic grind, and in the matter of moments, her breathing was growing deeper and steadier too.
“Good,” he murmured. “Now imagine me touching you.”
She moaned and dug her nails into the back of his hand. Solas smirked and continued to guide her. “Imagine my fingers finding that pulse between your legs,” he suggested. “Imagine how it feels to have my tongue sweeping across that tender pulse.”
She dragged in a whimpering breath. “Please, please, I need that…”
He shook his head slightly. “You don’t need it, Nare. You simply want it. You will find your pleasure without my fingers and without my tongue.” 
She whined in frustration, but Solas continued to speak. “Focus on the promise in that pulse. That sharp and beating pulse will grow and blossom when your pleasure peaks. I am certain of this.”
She released a little laugh that was more moan than mirth. “Promises, promises,” she taunted.
He smiled at her sass. “This is an unequivocal promise,” he said. He released her hand and curved his palm over her hip.
Nare gasped loudly, and his cock jerked at the perfect sound. She was so wanton and willing, splayed across his lap wearing only her sodden smallclothes, and as was often the case when they moved together, he was struck by the odd and vertiginous novelty of being wanted this badly. Of being wanted at all, if truth be told. Of being seen not as a god or a monster or the wolf who broke the elvhen race, but as a simple man… 
A bitter twist of gratefulness and guilt squeezed his heart. He had much to appreciate about Nare, the least of it being the sheer unstoppable greed with which she savoured every moment of their sex, but this was no time to indulge in such melancholy. 
He gently tilted her hips toward his cock. “Feel the rhythm as you move, da’len,” he whispered. “Focus on that feeling, and imagine me bringing it forth with my mouth between your legs.”
She gasped and rocked her hips in time with his hand. “Y-yes…”
“You feel it, don’t you?” he asked.
She nodded erratically. “I… please, keep – don’t stop talking.”
He smiled faintly, then carefully slid the fingers of his other hand from her nape to the side of her neck. By the time his fingers were framing her throat in a gentle grip, she was gasping fitfully and grinding her hips toward him, even though his hand on her hip was stopping her from rubbing against his cock with more than a gentle brush of pressure.
He murmured to her again. “I know you can feel it growing stronger. I can hear it in your breath. Are you thinking of my lips between your legs?”
“Yes,” she panted.
“Are you imagining the caress of my tongue?” he asked.
She whimpered. “Yes, yes!”
“Can you imagine the way I will fill you when your pleasure has crested?” he whispered, and he gently squeezed her throat.
She gasped loudly. “Y-yes! Yes, I – fuck, ah!” She broke off with a wild cry, and a convulsive shudder rocked through her body as she came. She arched her spine and thrust her breasts toward him, and Solas shamelessly admired the peaks of her nipples as she twisted on his lap in the throes of the pleasure she’d procured through the power of her own focus. 
“Good,” he said approvingly. “That is very good, da’len.”
She sobbed and stroked his bare chest. “Solas, please…”
Without releasing her throat, he curved the tips of his fingers into the slick crotch of her smallclothes and brushed his knuckle over her swollen bud. 
She cried out again and bucked toward his hand, and Solas nodded. “This is excellent, Nare,” he said. He tugged gently at her smalls. “Take these off now.”
She immediately stood up and shed her smalls, then straddled his lap once more, and Solas watched avidly as she shoved away the fabric of his breeches to fully expose his cock. A heartbeat later, she was clasping his shoulders and spreading her creamy heat over the hardness of his shaft. 
He gasped, thrilled by the sudden blissful warmth. Before he could say anything more or give her any further instructions, she was rising on her knees and grasping his shaft and her hand was so smooth and warm, fenedhis–
She slid down onto his cock in one swift thrust, and he burst out a helpless groan. “Nare…”
“Yes!” she screamed, and a moment later, she was fucking him hard and fast. 
He gasped and lifted his hips, meeting her thrust for thrust for a shining blissful moment, then grabbed her hips and forced her to stop. 
She strained and dug her nails into his collarbones. “Solas, please!” she cried. “Please, please, let me fuck you, plea– Oh gods!” She gasped and shuddered once more, and for good reason: he was rubbing his knuckles softly over her clit. 
She shook her head and sobbed, even as she spread her legs wider to allow the gentle touch. “Please, I need you!” she begged. “Solas, let me fuck you, I can’t wait…”
“You can, Nare,” he replied. “You will come for me once more.” There was a guttural edge to his own voice, and he knew Nare could hear it too, for she strained and twisted even harder with another fitful sob. 
“I can’t wait!” she cried. “I can’t, I can’t, please...”
Her hips were moving still, taking him blissfully deeper with the tiny rocking motions that his grip on her hip would allow, but he forced himself to remain still. “Be patient,” he said – both for her benefit and his. 
“I can’t!” she sobbed. “I need you! I need you so much, Solas, I – I need this all the time, every day, all the time, I – I think about you fucking me and I can’t… I can’t do anything else, I…” 
He ran his knuckle softly over her slick and swollen center. “I know, da’len,” he told her. “In every spare moment, I too find myself thinking about this.” He gazed at the crux of her thighs, the shining evidence of her desire as it graced his body, then lifted his eyes back to her flushed and lovely face. 
“You are far more preoccupying than you have any right to be,” he said softly. 
A brilliant smile lifted her lips. “Sweet talker,” she teased.
He smiled back at her, then released her hip and took her chin in a gentle grip. “Not nearly as sweet as the way you taste,” he purred.
Her smile instantly fell into a desperate gasp. “Gods, fucking Fen’Harel take me,” she mewled. 
Not yet, he thought with a bittersweet pang. A few minutes more, minutes of Nare writhing on his lap and taking her pleasure from his teasing touch, and then she would have exactly what she was asking for, whether she knew it or not. 
He pulled her closer with his hand on her chin and brushed his lips to hers. “Focus and patience, da’len. Place your mind right here.” He stroked her clit in a soft and gentle rhythm.
She nodded furiously. Her breathing evened and slowed, matching the slow and careful slide of his fingers between her legs, and Solas watched carefully as the pleasure flickered across her face.
“Tell me what you need,” he said in a low and coaxing tone.
She drew a tremulous breath. “Ah… I…”
“Do you desire a firmer touch?” he asked.
She bit her lip. “Y-yes, a bit more…?” She broke off with a gasp as he rubbed her clit more firmly, and once again, he forced himself to breathe through the lustful clamour of his cock. 
He brushed his thumb over her lips. “Does this suit you better?”
She nodded again. “Yes, yes!”
“Good,” he murmured. “When you reach your heights, you can have what you want the most.”
She gasped again. “Tell me!”
He raised his eyebrows. “Tell you what?”
“Tell me what I want!” she burst out.
He smirked. “Do you not know?”
She let out a breathless little laugh. “I do, I do, I just – please, I want to hear you say it, please…”
He ran his thumb over her lower lip once more. “You want me to take you as deeply and roughly as the Waking Sea pounds the Storm Coast shore.”
Her lips dropped open on a shameless moan. “Fuck yes, I do,” she whined.
“Then find your pleasure, Nare,” he commanded. “A moment more of patience, and you will have what you want.”
This time, she didn’t reply. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and her nails were a sharp bite in his shoulders, and Solas held his breath as he rubbed the delicious little nub between her legs–
She cried out in climax and arched her spine. “Please!” she wailed. “Please, Solas, fuck me!”
And so he did. He grabbed her hips and slammed himself deep, gasping loudly as his own thwarted rapture ratcheted toward him. An instant later, she was riding him with such a furious speed that he could barely catch his breath. 
He groaned. Patience, patience, he coached himself, but it was too late; he’d waited for long enough, holding back his own pleasure with the same force of mind that Nare had used to will her climax forth. At long last, he allowed himself to relax completely into the heated weight of her hips and the slick and heated pressure of her body embracing his eager cock.
She clasped his neck, thrusting toward him with such force that she made the couch creak, and all the while he was gasping, gasping in time with the rising pulse that was thrumming between his legs–
She dipped her head and kissed him hard. Her tongue slid into his mouth in sleek thrust, and Solas came. 
He dug his fingers into her hips and moaned shamelessly into her mouth, and her nails scored his shoulders as she fucked him through the pulsing roar of his climax. A few blinding, disorienting moments later, when his mind was no longer a senseless buzz of ecstasy, Nare peeled away from his lips and pressed her forehead to his. 
“I love you so much,” she panted.
He smiled at her. “Are you certain you are not blinded by your climax?” he teased.
She laughed and pinched his ear. “No! Of course not. I…” She nibbled her lip for a moment before speaking. “That thing you said before. That you know my… body and my mind?” 
He tilted his head quizzically, and she shyly ducked her head and tucked her russet hair behind her ear. “No one knows me like you do, Solas. No one has ever…” She swallowed hard, then lifted her eyes to his once more. “Thank you,” she said seriously. “For, um, taking the time.” 
He gazed at her with a suddenly aching heart. It is I who should be thanking you, he thought. The time that she had taken, time spent in the rotunda with him and walking side-by-side across the continent on their endless journeys, speaking with him despite their occasional disagreements and learning from him despite her long and arduous days dealing with Inquisition business… 
Nare knew him, too. She knew him as Solas, a patient and studious man who studied spirits and walked happily in the Fade. She knew him as Solas, the mild-mannered man who could strip her bare and give her the precise sort of pleasure that her body was starving for. And in moments like this, wrapped in her loving and sweat-laced embrace, he wished from the bottom of his breaking heart that Solas was all he was. 
He cradled her slender neck in his palms. “Ar lath ma, vhenan,” he whispered. “More than I can possibly say.”
She smiled slowly at him, like a sunrise of happiness bursting across her beautiful face, and Solas kissed her once more. He pulled gently at her lower lip with his own, savouring the plumpness of her lip and the needy little gasp that left her throat.   
“Please,” she breathed. “Fuck me again?”
He smiled, genuinely amused by her insatiability. He was still inside of her from the first time around. 
He smoothed his hands over the silken curves of her body until she arched into his hands. “Patience, Nare,” he said. “We have all night.” 
She nodded eagerly. “Yes,” she panted. 
He smiled more widely still, then tilted his chin up and kissed her once again. There would come a day when Solas would curse himself for letting her close, for permitting himself to dip so thoughtlessly into the blissful taste of everything she had to offer. But for now, he would savour her acceptance and her adoration. 
For now, Solas would content himself with teaching Nare a little patience. 
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unordinaryquotes · 5 years ago
I think I may have the weirdest AU possible- what if Elaine had taken pity on Johnny Boi and taken him under her wing of sorts? (given her attitude to Sera after everything I don't think it's entirely impossible) Admittedly I had an AU like this a while ago but that involved john claiming to be a midtier instead of a cripple and I'm curious on your take
Let’s crack this nut boys.
So Elaine walks up to John and asks him about his ability
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John replies that he’s powerless and Elaine is surprised. She feels bad for his position but before she can say anything some other classmates speak up. Her friends drag her away saying she shouldn’t talk to inferior people.
The next day John is getting harassed by a group of low tiers and gets beat pretty badly. Elaine sees this and comes to his aid. She disperses the group either by using her fighting abilities or authority. She heals him up a bit and takes him to the infirmary. While there, Elaine t alks to Dr Darren about John’s lack of powers and he warns Elaine not to get too close to John. Elaine, being the stubborn brat she is, ignores his warning.
The two become friends in secret because Elaine is too self conscious. The two frequently meet in the infirmary (because John’s always getting hurt while Elaine acts as an aid/pupil for Dr Darren) With the small chars between them, John starts to develop a crush. It’s not too subtle (well unless your name’s Elaine) so most of their grade figures it out. Most of the student body is disgusted that John thinks he has the audacity to have a crush on Elaine. Seraphina and Arlo especially are concerned about this.
When Sera and John are put together for their group project, Sera uses this time to interrogate him (it’s actually harassment but Sera doesn’t know the difference) His life is rough, doing Sera’s share of the work, getting beat up constantly, and he’s just about to break down. But the cute bluenette who talks to him with a shine in her eyes keeps him going. Eventually Sera stops beating around the bush and confronts Elaine on John.
Seraphina: You know that cripple boy in our class?
Elaine:John? Why are you bringing him up?
Seraphina:Isn’t it obvious. He has a huge crush on you. You need to shut that down
Elaine:Huh? I’m sure you’re mistaken. We’re just fri-
Seraphina:Did you just say you’re friends with a loser like that?
Elaine:So what of it? Who I hang out with is none of your business!
Seraphina:It’s definitely my buissness. You’re a respected member of the school! If anyone sees you interacting with trash like that it won’t just bring down you’re reputation. We’ll all lost respect! Even Arlo!
Elaine:Don’t bring him into this!
Seraphina:Thens top hanging out with that cripple. Or maybe you’re perfectly fine with letting Arlo think you’re willing to get with any guy who asks.
Elaine storms off in a flurry tears and locks herself in the only safe space she knows. The infirmary. Coincidentally, John is sitting in the infirmary at this moment. When he sees Elaine in tears he immediately gets up (despite his own injuries) and begins to comfort her. In his mind he vows to hurt whoever made her sad. When he learns it’s Seraphina he lets out an “Oh shit”. He’s strong, no doubt about it, but is Sera stronger? He doesn’t want to see.
Instead he decides to sabotage the project and the two of them end up with F’s. Sera yells at John about it saying he’s making a mockery of the hierarchy. John shoots back that hurting the ones under you isn’t how a hierarchy should be run ( almost like he has experience with it hmmmm)
Later that day Arlo talks to Elaine about her relationship with John.
Elaine:I was already chewed out by Seraphina. Why can’t you guys just let it be.
Arlo:We can’t. If people start thinking the hierarchy’s promoting inter-level relationships then more students will interact and more fights will break out. The weaker ones will be brutalized or taken advantage of and the mid tiers will start getting big heads.
Elaine realizes that her and Arlo could never be because of his current thoughts. She’s and elite tier and he’s a god tier. He’ll probably get with some other powerful girl maybe...Sera. The thought hurts her. Arlo tries to talk more to her but she refuses to hear anything.
Sera and Arlo talk, confused on what to do. Arlo thinks about getting Remi to talk to Elaine but he knows she won’t go for it. Sera meanwhile thinks John might be lying about his level. He has too much confidence and speaks like he has experience. Arlo gets Isen on the job (holding him at fork-point). Yada year ability found yada yada Isen shits his pants.
Sera gets a “good” idea. Why not tell Elaine that John was lying to her. Arlo is actually against this. No point in hurting her any farther. Sera grumbles.
Elaine and John spend more time together. John comforts Elaine while Elaine gives John a shoulder to lean on. As the two continue on to their second year the two of them start getting closer. When Elaine closes her eyes she sees face and she starts having weird fantasies about the two of them. Knowing she can’t talk to anyone about it, she keeps her feeling to herself.
However Remi one day asks how her friendship with John is going. Seeing just how flustered Elaine gets, Remi puts together that she also has a crush on him. She tells this info to Arlo who then tells it Sera. Sera is tired of waiting. Elaine needs to be brought back to reality. So she confronts her one day after school.
Sera tells Elaine that John is actually a God-Tier. Of course Elaine doesn’t believe this at first. Sera’s obviously just trying to get under her skin right? But then the Arlo vs John fight happens. John remembers the vow he made to protect Elaine from anyone who hurts her and Arlo is interested in seeing just how strong John is. The two fight + some Meili and Ventus backup.
Elaine gets called by Arlo to heal him and the two others. Despite not talking too often anymore Elaine still takes the job. She’s shocked at just who could have hurt Arlo. The god tier who she knew she would never have a chance with. The first boy she fell in love. He was now a bloody mess and not telling her anything. Maybe it was because they weren’t as close as they once were? She should fix their relationship. They’re still friends. But then she gets a call from John. And he sounds like a mess. She’s conflicted on what to do but Arlo tells her to go to John’s side.
She arrives at his home and is shocked. John looks just as bad as Arlo. Who could do this to him? Who could hurt him like this? The second boy she fell in love with. A boy she may finally have a chance with. Tears spill from her eyes but she starts her job. He needed healing, both physically and mentally, and she would give it to him. At least, that’s what she thought. As she’s healing him, she notices similar wounds compared to Arlo, Ventus, and Meili. Inside her head Sera’s words ring out. “He’s a god tier. He will always be above you. You are just a toy for him”
Why? Why was this happening? Elaine feels like throwing up. But there’s no way this is true. It can’t be! They’re friends right? He loves her right? Why is God so cruel?! John notices her pain. Still only half healed, he hugs her. She cries harder than she ever has. After a few hours, Elaine convinces John to be taken to the infirmary. Dr Darren (who does not get paid enough) takes care of his wounds and leaves.
The two of them are stuck in a room. What should Elaine say? What should John say? Should they even say anything? Why ruin what they already have? Elaine speaks first.
“You have an ability don’t you?”
John is shocked for a second but understands. He just busted himself by beating up Arlo. Maybe he shouldn’t have gotten too close to Elaine. Maybe he shouldn’t have antagonized Seraphina. But that was all in the past. He admits it. No point in hiding it. Or at least no point in hiding it from her. She’s smart.
Elaine and John talk for what seems like hours. John wants to hide his ability and Elaine understands that.
Elaine:But should we even be talking to each other
John:What do you mean?
Elaine:You’re a god tier and I’m just-just a stupid healer
John:There wasn’t any problems with us when I was a cripple. Why now?
Elaine:Cause I don’t want to lose you to someone else
The two definitely both realize they’re in love. Might as well come out with it. As a new couple Elaine gives him a kiss on the cheek and leaves the infirmary. (Dr Darren was waiting outside the entire time. He got locked out. However he could hear everything. He definitely didn’t cry. Nope. Not one tear. Just something in his eye)
Man that was a lot. Now I want some John x Elaine art. Oh the woes of me
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verobatto · 6 years ago
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Remember me
Hello my dears!! Well... Welcome to this volume and I'm so happy because CAS IS BACK! 👏👏
And the most beautiful of all is ... Sera ... She had to write it. She had to write Castiel coming back and not just that, she being a Bro-only Stan, had to make it VERY VERY DESTIEL. And she made a great job. Thank you Serita.
Okay! I want to say thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta and discussed the scenes with me.
Well, what are we waiting for? Let's talk about Destiel.
Cas! You're back! But wait.. who's she?
We are going to talk just about episode 7x17 The Born Again Identity... Because it has a lot of Destiel on it, and we need an entire meta for that.
Remember my last chronicle, Dean was in bad shape, depressed and suicidal because Castiel was gone? Okay... Keep that in mind, and watch this reaction when Dean finds Castiel...
He was mourning Cas, and Bobby, and his brother was about to die too, and suddenly, he found his faith back, his best friend, that person who changed his entire existence, was alive. In front of his eyes. So yeah, in Dean's face we can see the shock.
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But then, the happiness to find his friend vanished, because Castiel doesn't remember him, and worst. He's married!
The whole scene in Daphne's place is very heartbreaking for Dean.
Do we need to repeat the similitude between Dean and Daphne, the similarities in their names and the green eyes and light brown hair? Because that something very known in the fandom, so yes.
Now... This will be a travel through Dean sad facial expressions... First of all, when Emmanuel presents Daphne as his wife... Dean's face is like...
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"Your wife, right."
Dean is shocked, and sad, and confused. Cas has a wife? My Cas? When this happened? And he can't remember me?
And then, the hand shake as if they were strangers, another daga in Dean's heart...
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He's trying to swallow Cas doesn't remember, he's like disoriented, and even so, Cas is watching him with his typical questioning eyes. Is Cas feeling he knows this man from somewhere? Or is just curious about Dean's awkward reaction.
And I can't stop noticing the tremble in Dean's lips before articulate any word on these two gifs... Jensen played it deliciously. The nervousness, the pain and the confusion in his eyes, the brokenheart.
The name Emmanuel means the God's sent one. Cas was sent to save Sam this time?
But... The thing is... Dean is still in shock, and when he had to make some conversation in the car with Emmanuel he just threw the matter that got him in awe (and nervous, and mad, and heartbroken... Remember Jeffrey in episode 15 when the demon came back... But possesed another man? Well this is the parallel I told you... Who's she, Cas?)
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DEAN: So, Daphne – is that, uh, your wife?
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: She found me and cared for me.
DEAN: Meaning?
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: Oh, it's a...strange story. You may not like it.
DEAN: Believe me, I will.
So yes, Dean is intrigued... But hurted too, there's a pause between naming Dahpne and your wife, and is the first thing he wants to speak about with CAS. Is something that's bothering him. And also he wants to know how is that Cas is alive. (I just wanted to point here... When they're in the car talking, outside the windows, there's green and blue lights passing by only... Destiel coded color... Sigh...)
When Emmanuel said it's a strange story, and maybe Dean wouldn't like it, Dean is very sure he needs to know badly what happened to his Cas that ended like this...
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: A few months ago, she was hiking by the river, and I wandered into her path, drenched and confused, and... unclothed. I had no memory. She said... God wanted her to find me.
DEAN: So who named you Emmanuel?
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: Bouncybabynames.com.
DEAN: Well, it's working for you. Must be weird not knowing who you are.
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: Well, it's my life. And it's a good life.
So maybe knowing Emmanuel name meaning, Dean said it works for you. Because Castiel is an angel. But... Keeping the "identity" topic, Dean had his issues still with Cas, his grudges... and he can't talk about it with him, because Castiel doesn't remember what he did. So yes, Dean needs to say something about those grudges he has with Cas, so he said this...
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What if you were... A bad guy?
Why is Dean asking this? Because he needs to get something in return. You were bad with us, Cas.
Even if Cas tried to apologize before he died, Dean couldn't heal that wound. Because it was Cas.
And Emmanuel answer is similar to what Cas thought was doing right... I feel I'm a good person. Of course he is. He did everything thinking he was doing right. Till everything went wrong.
Dean can't forget what Cas did to him
We're in one very angsty point here. This chat in the car, is Dean trying so hard to not explode with these so many months of suffering and ruminating his best friend (and something else) betrayal. And his lost. And now he's there, with him. But he can't discuss, or talk, or threw at him his anger, because he doesn't remember.
So... The conversation gets weird...
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: So, your brother...
DEAN: Sam.
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: Sam. What's his diagnosis?
DEAN: Well, it's not exactly medical.
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: That should be fine. I can cure illness of a spiritual origin.
DEAN: Spiritual? Okay. Someone did this to him.
Okay, Emmanuel talked first about spiritual origin, so Dean should feel worst there... Yeah, spiritual is something Cas did with Sam. The anger again. The remembrance...
DEAN: Well, yeah. Dude broke my brother's head.
Emmanuel saw through those words, the tone in Dean's voice and his face. He saw Dean was angry. So Dean couldn't say these words directly to CAS, so he will say it to Emmanuel anyway, he needed to say, to vomit everything there...
And he's not just angry because of what Cas did to Sam, but ... Everything behind that action. The betrayal... His death... The talk to solve things between them that never happened...
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: He betrayed you, this dude. He was your friend?
DEAN: Yeah, well, he's gone.
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: Did you kill him? I sense that you kill a lot of people.
Two things in Emmanuel observation: he named betrayal and friend and that's the wound that didn't heal in Dean.
The hunter said HE'S GONE. Because that Cas isn't there. That's Emmanuel. So, his Cas, is gone. And that's heartbreaking too.
And Emmanuel doing his "reading minds" stuff... By the end... Dean had to vomit again more things...
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Pay attention to Dean's words and the way he talks... He doesn't name "things that may hurt him" that people does... Like lying, or die. Betrayal. He didn't name it. He just says wherever it was, In one way he's avoiding those words... is hard for him to talk about this, after being depressed because of that. He confesses he always could endure those things then he repeats I always could with sorrow, because that was before Cas. Cas would be always different to him, in every aspect.
When he says... What Cas did he makes a pause... And his face is showing the pain, because what Cas did, that... He couldn't endure it. And here my friends, we have the confirmation, from Dean's mouth itself, he was in bad shape, depressed, suicidal, because of Castiel.
And he finished with a I don't know why, but we do, because we learned Cas is more than family. He's in love with Castel. And he'll discover this in season 8.
Remember Me
When Meg appears, Dean is worried she can tell the truth about Emmanuel's true identity, but it isn't just that... He really gets jealous...
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This scene is a classic but check out Dean's facial expression, he IS jealous. He remembers Castiel kissed her. And he remembers she was flirting with him, just like now. This confirm that if he was jealous of Meg, who get a hot kiss from CAS, how jealous he had felt for Daphne? Who actually was Emmanuel/Castiel's wife? Is just logic, my friends. Beacuse being a wife gets more benefits that just a kiss... Well we don't actually know if Emmanuel and her... You know what I mean, but Dean can imagine that they were a real couple... Ergo, yes. Dean was jealous of Daphne too.
Now... Let's talk about that scene that always makes me sigh... Damn...
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: This silence is very uncomfortable. Is there something I should know?
MEG: I don't know. Dean?
DEAN: No. Meg has that effect. Awkward. You know?
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: That must be difficult for you.
MEG: Dean's making a joke, Emmanuel.
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I wanted to put the previous dialogue to give context... I think this is one of my fav angsty Destiel looks watching when he's not watching.
Each time I see it, my heart beats fast. Beacuse... This is Emmanuel, right? But Emmanuel is behaving like old Cas, not understanding the joke. Being literal and all of that. And he even chuckled a little when Meg explained to him it was a joke... So... Look at Dean... He's side eyeing him... Because that's his Cas, the clueless, and cute Cas. And I'm certainly sure this is one of the things he missed of him. The clueless and cute angel. I'm sure is one of the most beautiful and innocent characteristics of CAS that enchanted Dean. So... He watched him, secretly, in silence, Cas is there... But he doesn't remember. He doesn't remember him. He missed him, besides the pain of his betrayal, and the rage that doesn't let him forgive him easily... Besides of that... He missed him. His Cas. That's the look, a sad, longing, and melancholic look in Dean's face.
Then... It was time for Revelations...
EMMANUEL/CASTIEL: Why wouldn't you tell me? Being an angel – it sounds pleasant.
DEAN: It's not, trust me. It's bloody, it's corrupt. It's not pleasant.
Dean was protecting him? Trying not to loose Cas by telling him the truth? He needed him to heal his brother, so... It could be. But it was also true that... Knowing what he had done... Will be devastating for the angel. Dean knew it. Maybe he was trying to protect him.
MEG: He would know. You used to fight together. 
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Meg said it, they were bestest friends, Emmanuel is in awe, and immediately he asks Am I Cas? And ashamed because he can't remember Dean, he averted his eyes to the ground. But those words are like dagas in Dean's heart. He doesn't remember him.
I understand why you did what you did
When Cas went to smite those demons, he began to recover his memories, and most of them were of Dean. When he comes back, he's puzzled, because he doesn't know why is he alive and the whole Godstiel mess kicked him hard, and most of all... Because he knew Dean's words in the car, full of anger and resentment, and pain were for him. He knows Dean can't forgive him. That's the worst for him.
So he tries to run away...
CASTIEL: What I did. What I became. Why didn't you tell me?
DEAN: Because Sam is dying in there.
CASTIEL: Because of me. Everything. All these people. I shouldn't be here.
The guilt in Case is huge, and Dean's words are knives for his heart.
DEAN: If you remember, then you know you did the best you could at the time.
This could be desperation because the only hope to save his brother was running away, but it also is because Dean didn't want to lose Castiel again. So, he threw this desperate quote, is kind of what his brain maybe was telling him the whole time to help him forgive Cas.
CASTIEL: Don't defend me. Do you have any idea the death toll in Heaven? On Earth?
Castiel's regrets and guilt again.
CASTIEL: We didn't part friends, Dean.
DEAN: So what?
Castiel recalls, he tried to fix things, but he couldn't, he couldn't apologize or even make Dean to forgive him. He remembers the break up of their friendship.
But Dean is willing to forget all of that, he needs him now, and he doesn't want to lose him. Is like what Cas did, it doesn't matter anymore, because... He doesn't want Cas to go away from him again.
CASTIEL: I deserved to die. Now, I can't possibly fix it... So why did I even walk out of that river?
That's the idea will remain in Castiel's mind for a long time from now. He thinks he deserves the biggest of the punishment. Death. For what he did. He killed angels, innocent people, he broke Sam's mind wall and he betrayed Dean.
DEAN: Maybe to fix it. Wait.
Dean wants him to know this could be a second chance for them.
And then...
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Dean kept Castiel's trenchcoat with him, he even moved from car to car. Why? Because he couldn't forget him. Because he needed to remember h. Because he was CAS, more than just family to him, and because (from the deleted dialogue) he felt inside he'll be back... Inside of his heart... Because he couldn't believe that was the end for them, their special friendship or wherever that was. It couldn't end like that.
And Cas is amazed, look at his face. He can't believe Dean kept that for him. And he can't say no to him. As always. His human weakness.
To Conclude:
This episode is huge in Destiel content. Each dialogue and facia expression in Case and Dean talks about the pain and angst, recalling their break up, and trying to fix something, little by little.
Dean was heartbroken, because he did find Cas, but he couldn't talk with him because he didn't remember him.
Dean missed Cas badly, and when he saw the angel was about to leave, he tried to convince not to go away again from him.
When Dean gave him back his trenchcoat, Cas couldn't say no. And we couldn't believe the hunter had kept the trenchcoat all this time! 😱
I hope you like this chronicle, it was very large!
See you in the next one!
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If you want to read the previous metas from season 7, here are the links... Vol. XXV, XXVI y XXVII
Buenos Aires September 12nd 2019 1:46 AM
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swearronchanel · 5 years ago
 🎶Do re mi fa so time for me to talk my nonsense..🎶
I’m so ready for the sound of music content LESS GOO
wow just kidding it’s starting off so sad😭
“there are moments when life seems to pause” felt that
I’m glad to see Sister MJ is there with Sister J tho 😭
“They gave all they had, all that they were.”
Tim!! He’s so grown omg
really Patrick? eat a damn pancake
“I love Julie Andrews” WHO DOESNT?? QUEEN!
LMAO Phyllis 😂 but even Phyllis stans!
OMG Sister Mj skipping, so pure I love her 😂
Violet should just rig the raffle we know Sister Mj deserves to go ! She wants it so badly
LMAOO “I’ll pin an I.O.U”
We better hear what Sister Frances has to say about the movie
“I demand that you acknowledge it” me to the ctm writers about the sound of music for the last 4 years 😂😂 tbh me to the writers about EVERYTHING
“Frivolous and inappropriate” ugh Sister J pull the stick out your ass you know God purposely blessed the world with Dame Julie Andrews, also how can you hurt Sister MJ like that?
Aww no words from Cyril
“Have I told you lately that I love you?” STOP I WILL CRY
Judy Parfait is literally a gem, I want to hug her
Oof Cheryl that hurt
“You’re taking them to see an escalator?” LMFAO MS HIGGINS IS A SUBTLE SAVAGE
oh no what’s wrong with mrs calthorpe
Sister Hilda giving a class to fathers? Love to see it😂 give her more screen time though
LOOK AT YOUNG JULIE ON THE COVER😭😍 bow down to the TRUE queen of england
A DR SPOCK BOOK! WHERE’S SHELAGH ? 😂 also remember the Rugrats version? Dr Lipshitz LMAO
“The jungle drum’s been banging” 😂😂 word travels fast on the mean streets of poplar
Why is she bleeding??
This guy is so nervous 😂 it’s cute though
Sister Hilda can’t stand crying in public? She obviously didn’t go to university bc my bitch ass can cry ANYWHERE now LMAO 😅🔫
Val’s dress? Cute
Trixie looks great as always! Also can’t believe they mentioned her God mother in Portofino! You know how people disappear from their lives *cough cough Trixie’s brother for example*
Aye the Den is my favorite bar too 😂😂
Phyllis is annoyed but still giving him a chance, what a brick
Sister Frances is such a recycled Sister Winnifred and it’s a shame, make her more unique
Val knows how tough ladies had to be/still are
Aww the dad is crying, how sweet🥺
Tickety boo and marvelous! WHERE in the world is MRS CHUMMY NOAKES?! I Miss her rip, Miranda Hart is funny af
ugh this so so heartbreaking😭
“Nurse Turner” 🥺 that was cute
Now Sister Frances will take over and they’ll warm up to her, like one of the earlier Jenny storylines I remember from season 1 right?
Is it the strawberry or angel mark? whatever people call it
omg grace’s mom, I’m legit gonna cry this one hurts
poor grace is going to wear herself thin, sister Frances help out
get out omg she better not stick her head in the oven
“How you’re invisible...” 😭 damn that hurt
backstory unlocked for sister Hilda ✅  give us more now
“Doris day as another, que sera, sera” LOVE TO HEAR THAT FROM PHYLLIS UGH give me lessons only through pop culture lol
“Have you lost May and Angela?” I LOVE MS HIGGINS LMAO
Tim is only back just to play babysitter again LMAO
But Shelagh and Patrick are going to see their counter parts soon MARIA AND GEORG WE LOVE
SHelagh just tell him COME HOME!
Oh no Grace!! 😭
The Turners having a TV dinner who would’ve thought LMAO lean cuisine baby
Angela speaks AGAIN wheww that’s still shocking. The girls are so adorable though
Trixie’s right don’t dismiss some vanity! But shes so much more that though UGH
Sister MJ found a new owl😭
Sister Hilda is for sure underrated
Even though Trixie is my fav and was hardly in this episode: dare I say this has been the best ep this season??  
“What makes night within us may leave stars” wow
“We’ll always have Columbia road” STOP OMG
that literally made me love the Turners again, TBH I was over them for the last few seasons but as of right now I’m back on the damn bandwagon beep beep bitches
“Closest thing to edelweiss” Patrick should’ve broke out into song but no offense he was right he isn’t Christopher Plummer 😂😛
“The world shifts around us and we shape ourselves to fit. Imperfect and beautiful...” ���
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 3 years ago
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Confessions of an Imperial Concubine
Chapter Seven: Lies of Omission
AO3 Author’s note/glossary/info one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
He says, ‘oh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges. I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon. There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs, and if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight.’- Halsey, Young God
To Sera’s tremendous relief, Paul didn’t bring it up. Not even once.
She wanted to be with him. She wanted to be with him so badly, but she refused to be just another girl to him.
She had been eating dinner with him one evening, and there was a lapse in conversation once they finished. Not that she’d needed to eat much, of course; her stomach had been rather unsettled as of late, and it only got worse in his presence.
He was staring at her, and she wasn't sure what to make of it. They usually talked for a while after dinner, but he hadn’t said a word since finishing his food. The silence became suffocatingly awkward as it stretched on. Maybe she should just leave.
“Something bothering you?” Paul finally asked.
Sera practically flinched at the sound of his voice. “No.”
“You know,” he began, “I’m quite good at detecting lies.”
Sera didn’t say anything. She couldn’t say anything. How in the hell was she supposed to communicate to him that yes, she wanted him, but not in the same way he wanted her?
Better resort to the tactic she knew best, right?
“If you’re so good at knowing what I’m feeling,” she snarked, “can’t you tell?”
“It’s more fun if you say it.” The grin was evident in Paul’s voice. It made Sera want to smack him. Or possibly throw her shoe at him again. The idea of throwing her shoe at him brought back memories of what he’d ended up doing the last time she’d done that, so she pushed that particular thought from her mind.
“This isn’t a game,” Sera hissed viciously. “I don’t want—“ she cut herself off, unsure of how to finish her statement.
I don’t want to kiss you again? Lie.
I don’t want you to touch me everywhere you didn’t touch last time? Lie.
I don’t want to be with you? Lie, lie, lie.
She was so, so scared. Scared of Paul, of what he had the power to do to her. She’d never felt anything this intense before, and it was terrifying.
He stood and walked over to where she sat, staring at her lap. He turned her chair towards him, took her trembling hands in his, and pulled her to her feet.
“Thank you for not lying to me again,” he told her softly.
Sera didn’t say anything. Her voice wasn’t working. She wasn’t even sure she could recall how to speak.
Paul dropped her hands, stepping closer to her. “Sera,” he murmured, cupping her cheek with one hand and using the other to tilt her chin up so that she couldn’t avoid looking at him without closing her eyes.
She wondered if she should close her eyes, because the way he was looking at her, gazing at her, as if she were something beautiful and precious and sacred, well. How could she look away from him after seeing that?
He was leaning towards her then, and Sera realized that he was going to kiss her. With the memory of his lips on hers fresh in her mind, she didn’t think she had it in her to push him away.
And then Paul’s lips were on hers again, and it was as if everything she’d ever wanted in her entire life was suddenly at her fingertips. The feeling of euphoria was so overwhelming that she almost forgot she should refuse him.
Before she could, however, he spoke against her lips. “No, please.” The fingers he’d placed on her chin moved to trace her cheekbone. “Don’t be scared. I’ll take care of you, I promise. Please, Sera,” he practically begged. “I want this with you so badly. Please don’t pull away from me again.”
She couldn’t, she was starting to realize. She couldn’t pull away from him. Paul may well destroy her. He would very likely destroy her, actually. But the truth of the matter was, she simply ached for him too fiercely to deny herself any longer.
Finally giving in, Sera leaned into Paul and pressed her lips more firmly against his. He groaned, snaking a hand around her waist and pulling her closer to him. He moved to trail kisses down the column of her neck, and she whimpered, clenching her eyes shut tightly.
“Come to bed with me,” Paul breathed, punctuating each word with a kiss to the flushed skin of her throat.
“Yes,” Sera gasped out, needing to be closer to him. She felt like she’d die if he didn’t touch her.
Next thing she knew, his hands were on her hips as he backed her into his bedroom, kissing her like he’d lose the ability to breathe if he stopped.
One of his hands fisted in the white fabric of her dress while the other slipped through the slit at her thigh to touch her bare skin, and she was suddenly reminded that he had a great deal of experience in this area, whereas she had none.
“W— wait,” she gasped against his lips. “I haven’t— I’ve never—“
Paul squeezed her thigh briefly before moving to where her dress was knotted at the back of her neck. “I know,” he murmured against her lips. “I’ll take care of you.”
She hesitantly put her hands against his chest, wanting to feel him, to touch him.
The dress Sera had on that day was backless, so rather than a corset, her breasts were supported by stiffened fabric that was held to her body by some laces at the small of her back.
Paul stepped back from her, and she forgot how to breathe when he moved behind her to undo the laces. She felt her dress loosen, and then it slid from her body to pool at her feet, leaving her completely bare.
“Fuck,” Paul said softly, circling back around her. “Let me look at you.”
Sera crossed an arm over her stomach, cupping her elbow. It wasn’t technically the first time he’d seen her, no, but she hadn’t much cared what he thought last time. Now, however, she was terrified he would see her body and lose interest in her.
He reached out and slid a hand up her side, his palm brushing against the side of her breast. Then he took her hands in his and briefly lifted them to his lips before guiding her to lay down on his bed. 
She did so, staring up at him with wide eyes as he pulled his shirt off and climbed on the bed with her, spreading her legs with gentle hands and settling between them.
Sera had a basic understanding of what was going to happen; she even knew—to some degree, at least—what Paul himself would be like. 
“Since your first night here,” he said, reaching down to trace the lines of her face with his fingertips, “I’ve been thinking about when I’d get to see you like this. When you’d let me touch you.”
Sera’s heart stopped.
“You’ve, uh—” she gulped. “You’ve thought about me?”
Paul cupped her cheek, leaning down to kiss her softly. “Of course I’ve thought about you,” he said against her lips. “I’ve hardly thought of anything else since you held that knife to my throat.” He took one of her hands in his and she watched with wide eyes as he placed her palm against his bare chest.
Moving his lips from hers to kiss her face and down her neck and collarbones, he promised, “I’m going to make you feel good. The best you’ve ever felt.”
Next thing Sera knew, Paul had taken her nipple between his lips and sucked, and she couldn’t help but arch into him, gasping at the feeling. He moved on after only a moment, however, pressing kisses to her abdomen as he moved lower down her body.
Sera wasn’t entirely sure how he was planning to do it, but she was fairly certain Paul was intending to give her an orgasm. She’d only learned what an orgasm was within the past few months, and really all she’d heard was that it was supposed to feel good, that it happened during sex, and that Paul was particularly good at making them occur.
It was only when he’d settled between her legs and was kissing up her inner thigh that Sera managed to ask, “What’re you doing?”
Paul hummed against her skin, and the vibrations it sent up to her core made her jolt slightly. 
“Relax,” he murmured. “Trust me, Sera.”
“Shh,” he hushed her gently, licking a slow stripe along her center.
“Holy—“ she gasped, her hips bucking up against him instinctively when he repeated the motion. “Oh my—“
He hummed into her, amused, reaching up with one hand to squeeze her breast, the fingers of his other hand teasing her folds as he circled her clit with his tongue. She was whimpering with desperation by the time he slid a long, slender finger inside her, thrusting it in and out of her a few times before adding another and curling them both. On instinct, her hands went to his hair to hold him against her, and he laughed softly at her enthusiasm.
The hand on Sera’s breast squeezed again, Paul’s fingers teasing her nipple before pinching it gently, and a soft moan forced its way out of her throat.
“Paul, I—“
Sera couldn’t finish her statement, because he was flicking his tongue over her clit in earnest now, and she was fairly certain she was going to lose her mind. 
Or die. 
Or both.
At that exact moment, Paul decided to take her clit—which was already extremely sensitive and outright throbbing by this point—in his mouth and suck on it gently. Her hands tightened in his hair, her toes curled, and she exploded with a gasp of his name.
Sera’s head was spinning and her chest was heaving. Her entire lower body tingled in what felt like a more pleasant version of the sensation of having one’s circulation cut off. After laying in stunned silence for a few moments, she jolted slightly when she felt two soft, gentle kisses being pressed to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.
“What,” she panted, “was that?”
Paul crawled up her body with a grin, caging her in with his arms. “That,” he began with a swift kiss to her still-open mouth, “was an orgasm.”
Sera looked at him like he’d gone insane, which she thought he probably had, because she’d known what orgasms were, and she knew they were supposed to be enjoyable, but she had no idea they were like that.
Paul kissed her again, slowly this time, and said, “I’d like to give you another.”
“O— okay,” she stuttered nervously. He smiled against her lips and slid his tongue into her mouth, trailing his hand down between her legs to touch her where she was still very, very sensitive.
Next thing Sera knew, her hands were in Paul’s hair as they kissed, and he was thrusting two fingers inside her again, curling them with every movement, his thumb swiping over her clit. She was moaning into his mouth, rolling her hips up into his hand, and he moved down to suck bruises into the skin of her neck.
“Cum for me, darling,” Paul breathed in encouragement. “Let go.”
Another few curling thrusts of his fingers and rubs of her clit had Sera doing just that, her eyes clenching shut when she began to spasm.
He sat up then, trailing a gentle hand up her side to cup her breast and thumb her nipple as he gazed down at her. “You’re so beautiful,” he told her softly, smiling when she flushed. “Can I show you more?”
“Yes,” she replied. Her voice was soft and breathy, and she would’ve been embarrassed by it if she had enough presence of mind to formulate thoughts.
Paul smiled at her again, sliding his trousers down over his hips, and then she saw his—
Oh no.
He was… well. He wasn’t the same size as his fingers. In fact, he outright dwarfed his fingers. Sera was fairly certain that he’d split her in half.
“It’s alright,” Paul assured her gently as he settled back between her legs. She was about to point out that he had never been in her position and therefore could not possibly have any idea whether or not it was even remotely close to being alright, but then he said, “Sera,” so firmly that it brought her out of her panicked state.
“You’re going to be fine,” he informed her as if he knew it for a fact, which she found somewhat irritating. “I need you to trust me, okay?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, examining his features closely and trying not to dwell too much on his downright ethereal beauty. Ugh. It would be a hell of a lot easier for her to tell him there was no chance of this working if she didn’t want it so badly or love him so much.
“Trust me,” Paul said again, softer this time.
Sera gnawed on her lip for a moment before nodding once. He put his hand on her knee and slid it up to squeeze her hip lightly, reaching down to grip his length and press it up against her.
“You’re going to feel me here,” he told her softly, rubbing his tip along her folds, “and when I push in, you’ll feel pressure, and it’ll hurt a bit. It’ll fade quickly, though; you’re very ready for me.”
“Okay,” Sera breathed nervously.
Paul smiled at her again, reaching down to cup her cheek as he began to slide into her. It was slow, and after a moment, it became painful.
He stopped before she even had a chance to voice her discomfort, leaning down to cup her face with his other hand. “You’re doing so well,” he reassured her gently, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Just breathe for me, alright?”
Sera nodded, and he leaned in to kiss her, the brush of his lips soft and sweet against hers. He reached down to grasp her hip, squeezing it gently and holding her still as he continued to push into her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned against her lips. “You feel… god, Sera.” He sounded almost as if he was in pain, and Sera found herself feeling a bit concerned.
“Are you alright?” she asked worriedly. “I’m not hurting you, am I?” The idea that she might be causing him discomfort didn’t seem farfetched to her. The further he pushed into her, the more she felt as if a muscle she’d never used before was being overworked. It was a rather unpleasant stretch, if she were honest, and she was having difficulty imagining it was possible for anyone to find this even remotely close to enjoyable.
“No,” Paul assured her with a soft, breathy chuckle. “No, you’re not hurting me. You feel…” He let out a labored, shaky exhalation of breath. “Incredible, that’s all.”
Sera was pleased he was enjoying himself. She figured one of them should be, at the very least.
“It’ll feel better soon,” Paul promised, kissing her softly and nuzzling his nose against hers. “Trust me?”
He phrased it like a question, almost, and she leaned up into him and pressed her lips to his. “I shouldn’t,” she admitted. “I really shouldn’t, but I do.”
His hand traveled up from her hip to her waist, then her breast, which he cupped gently, squeezing it and rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
“You should,” he murmured, moving down to kiss the bruise he’d left on her neck before giving her another. “I’m not going to hurt you, lovely one.” Before she could point out that he most definitely would hurt her, that there was no way around it, he went on, “Let me take care of you.”
“Paul—“ Sera cut herself off, because he was outright twisting her nipple now, and there was that strange tingling between her legs again, and it occurred to her that the discomfort was nearly gone now.
“Does it hurt less?” he asked gently, kissing her neck and kneading both of her breasts more firmly now. “Do you want to stop?”
“I… I don’t want to stop,” Sera responded hesitantly.
“Let me know when I can move, alright?”
She blinked up at him. “M— move?”
He smiled down at her, brushing her hair from her face. “How did you think this worked?” She opened her mouth to respond, but he said, “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Does it still hurt?”
“Um…” Sera inhaled slowly through her nose, drowning in his scent. Paul always smelled just a tiny bit like spice, and she liked it far more than she cared to admit. “I don’t think so.”
“Thank fuck,” he groaned, leaning down to suck at her neck again, withdrawing from her slowly until just the tip of him remained inside her before pushing into her again. “I’ve wanted this with you for far too long, my Sera.”
Wait. “'Yours?'” Sera questioned, shifting her hips upwards to meet another one of his achingly slow thrusts. 
“Yes,” Paul confirmed with a soft growl. “Mine. You’re mine now. You didn’t think I’d give you up once I had you, did you?” 
“I don’t—“ she gasped, wrapping her arms around his back—smooth and slender and slightly muscular all at once—and holding him closer. “I don’t know, I didn’t think— god, is it supposed to feel like this?”
“What do you mean, darling?” Paul murmured, pressing kisses to her jaw as he continued to move within her. “Feel like what?”
“Like I’m—“ Sera cut herself off briefly with another sharp gasp. “Like I’m so full, like I’m dying?”
He looked into her eyes then, cupping her cheeks and leaning down to take her lower lip between his teeth and pull on it gently. “You aren’t dying,” he assured her once he’d released her lip, “but you are full of me.” Another thrust punctuated his statement, making her whimper at the sensation. “This may be the first time, but it most certainly won’t be the last.”
“It won’t?”
His thrusts were getting a bit faster now, though they were still gentle. “No, Sera,” he told her with a soft chuckle. “I told you you’re mine now, didn’t I?” Another thrust. “Fuck that’s good. So wet, so tight around me.” He reached down with one hand to grasp her hip tightly as if to hold her in place, his other hand fondling her breast roughly. “I’m not letting you go.”
“Paul, I—“ she cut herself off again, this time on a moan she couldn’t control.
“What is it?” he crooned, mouthing at her neck as he rocked into her, filling her so exquisitely she thought she must be dying, no matter what he’d said. There was no other way she could feel this good. “Use your words, darling. Tell me what you need, what you want. I’ll give you anything.”
“You,” Sera gasped, struggling to force even a single syllable from her vocal chords. “I need you.” He groaned at her words, taking the skin of her neck between his teeth and squeezing her hip as he drove into her. “I think I’ve always needed you.”
“I know.” His pelvis was snapping against hers now, his hipbone stimulating her clit with each of his thrusts. “You’re doing so well, Sera. You take me so well.”
“Paul,” she whined, arching into his touch as he palmed her breast. She’d spent so long wanting his hands, yearning for them—warm and calloused and perfect—that she was now convinced she’d wanted them on her skin this way all her life, since before she’d even been born. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, that her body was his, her heart was his, her very soul belonged to him, had always belonged to him.
Paul seemed to have lost control of himself. He was outright fucking into her now, her moans and wordless pleas for more spurring him on, and in that moment, Sera was sure, she was absolutely certain that she had belonged to him since the beginning of time— no, since before time began, before the mere notion of it had been conceived, before the universe existed. 
She wanted so desperately to tell Paul that she loved him, that she had always been meant to love him, but she knew that wasn’t what he wanted to hear, so instead she moaned out, “Feels so good, Paul, please, I need more, please—“
He cut off her words with his lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth in a way that mirrored his movements between her legs, the delicious way he was fucking her. She tried not to think about the meaning—or lack of meaning, rather—behind his possessive squeezing of her hips, focusing instead on how good it felt, how hungrily he kissed her, how desperate he seemed for her, as if he’d been waiting for her since the beginning of time, too.
He pulled back slightly to stare into her eyes, and she refused—she refused—to dwell on the possessive way he was looking at her, his blue-blue gaze flitting over her features with an almost religious sort of reverence. It occurred to her in that moment that he’d always been looking at her that way, even when she’d tackled him to the ground. 
You, her mind had said as she held the knife to Paul's throat, a moment that now felt like a lifetime ago. I am meant to know you as I know no other. I was crafted for you and you alone.
She hadn’t believed it then, hadn’t wanted to. But she understood it now, accepted it in a way she hadn’t been capable of at the time.
Paul was still pounding into her, his hipbone rubbing her clit with each and every thrust, and she suddenly needed him closer, impossibly closer.
“Don’t stop,” she pleaded desperately, pulling his face near hers. “Please don’t stop.”
“Anything,” he swore, capturing her lips again. “I’d give you anything.” Another thrust, then another, and another. God but she’d never have enough of him. “I’ll take you any time you like, pleasure you whenever you ask me to. Just don’t leave me. My sweet girl, my Sera.”
More biting kisses against her swollen lips, more rough thrusts that stimulated her throbbing, sensitive clit. She was close to that ledge again, she realized.
“Never,” she swore. The idea of pledging herself to Paul—to any Emperor, really—, used to be unthinkable, but this bond, this promise she was giving him now, it was so much more than that, and she knew it. “I’m yours.”
“Yes,” Paul groaned, driving into her more harshly when her walls began to flutter around him. “I can feel— I need you to cum for me, I want you to cum on my cock over and over and over again, Sera. Give me everything.”
She nodded vigorously, bracing her feet flat on the mattress and using the leverage to roll her hips up against his.
“Give me everything you are,” he went on, sucking ruthlessly on her neck and reaching between where they were joined to swipe over her clit with each of his thrusts. “I want every piece of you.”
“I’m going to— fuck, Paul, I’m gonna—“
Suddenly, he stopped rubbing her clit. Serawhined low in her throat, needing more. He fisted a hand in her curls, where they’d formed a white-blonde mess on his pillow, slowing his thrusts but never quite ceasing.
“Tell me you’re mine, Sera,” Paul ordered sharply. “Swear it. Pledge yourself to me.”
“Yours,” she agreed without hesitation.
“Always,” he insisted. “Tell me you’ll always belong to me, my darling, and I’ll grant you release.”
“Yes,” Sera whined, needing the release he’d been promising her. “Always. Forever. No one but you. It’s always been you.” Paul hadn’t asked her to say that last bit, but it seemed he was pleased with it nonetheless, because he groaned and kissed her again, resuming his deliciously rough thrusts and swift rubs of her clit.
“Good girl,” he praised darkly against her lips. “You are mine. You belong to me as I belong to you.”
Sera knew—she knew—it was a lie, it was all a lie, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. The sad truth was that Paul could never truly belong to her when he was still taking other women to bed, but she pushed the thought from her mind. For now, for this blissful moment, he was hers, and she would cherish it while it lasted.
“Shall I make you cum now, lovely one?” He was still driving into her, fucking her roughly, almost painfully. She wasn’t entirely sure what the word 'cum' meant, but she could guess.
“Please,” Sera whimpered, meeting his thrusts eagerly, desperately. “I need it. I need you.”
“Fuck,” Paul gasped, moving down to take her nipple in his mouth and suckle deeply, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. “I need you, too. Cum for me, Sera. Let me feel you.”
Another few thrusts and swipes of her clit, and she did, exploding into stars—or maybe spice, she wasn’t entirely sure—with a gasp of his name.
“Sera,” he moaned, his fingers leaving her clit and his mouth trailing wet, open-mouthed kisses up from her hard, oversensitive nipple to her cheek as he continued to fuck into her. “You’re everything. So perfect, never letting you go, never. Gonna fill you up, fill you with my cum again and again and again, fuck—“
Paul was babbling, Sera knew, but she barely heard him, the room spinning even more than it had the first time he’d taken her to the stars, blood thrumming loudly in her ears. He eventually gave a particularly loud groan, clutching her to his chest and kissing her temple repeatedly as his thrusts slowed to a stop.
Paul was still holding her body against his when he rolled them over onto their sides, his fingers digging into her back, the skin there still tingling from the ridiculously intense orgasm he’d just given her.
After several minutes, she was starting to come back to herself, still reeling from what was arguably—no, most definitely—the most incredible experience of her entire life, when he slowly pulled out of her. He cupped her cheek, staring at her dazed expression with a small, affectionate smile and nuzzling her nose with his.
“I want to lay with you like this,” he murmured against her lips, “but I know you’ll be uncomfortable if I don’t clean you up before we sleep.”
“Sleep?” Sera breathed, disoriented. “Here?”
“Mmm,” he hummed, sliding a gentle hand up her bare side. “This is where I generally sleep, yes.”
“But…” she trailed off briefly, swallowing as she attempted to collect the scattered thoughts in her foggy mind. “It’s not where I sleep.”
“If you sleep elsewhere,” Paul began slowly, “how am I to take you again when I wake in the middle of the night or in the morning, delirious with tiredness but needing to be inside you again, to feel your exquisite warmth around me, to fuck you and fill you with my cum until I’m satisfied?”
Unable to find the words to respond to that, Sera gazed at him in stunned silence but allowed him to kiss her softly, sweetly. He then stood from the bed, groaning at the effort, and she flushed at the sight of his nude form. Paul really was ethereal, too beautiful for words to describe.
He smiled down at her softly, trailing gentle fingertips down her arm. His touch contrasted so greatly with the possessive hold he’d had on her just a few minutes prior that it was almost startling. “Give me a moment, lovely one,” he said quietly, his voice almost a murmur.
He strode off through an archway Sera figured led to the washroom, and while he was only gone a few minutes, it was long enough for her to think on the events of the evening.
She had just lost her virginity to Paul. The man she loved. Did this make her a Hetaera? Would she wear a necklace that matched her hand chain, the way Annette and the others did? 
Oh god, she thought in recollection. Annette, Caroline— six, there are six Hetaera in total, and now I'm the seventh. I am one of seven. I am nothing. Nothing to him.
She’d known all this going in, of course she had, but oh, it hurt. She hadn’t thought it would hurt quite so much. This pain was far more intense than she ever could’ve predicted.
I am nothing, she repeated to herself. I am just another Hetaera now. Just another girl in a long lineup he can point and choose from, deciding on a whim which one he’ll fuck that day. It may have been me tonight, but tomorrow, it’ll be Anita. The next day, Caroline. Maybe even Marina once she’s old enough.
Sera was nearly crying by the time Paul came back into the room, a wet cloth in hand. She blinked her tears away, however. He had enough power over her as it was, he didn’t need to see her cry. 
“Here,” he said softly, reaching between her legs with the warm cloth. She managed not to flinch as he cleaned her, but once he finished and returned the cloth to the washroom, she pulled the covers over herself and moved to the very edge of his large bed, facing away from him.
Paul climbed into bed with her, scooting closer to her than she would’ve liked. “You’re too far away,” he grumbled in annoyance, reaching out with every intention of wrapping an arm around her bare waist and pulling her up against him, where she belonged. She flinched at his touch, leaning away from him, and he froze.
“Sera?” He spoke softly, his voice almost hesitant. He sounded so sweet that she couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, nor the sniffles that forced their way from her throat. “Sera,” he murmured, and she felt the bed shift as he sat up, moving closer to her. “What’s wrong, my darling? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?” 
She shook her head, her chest constricting as she cried.
“Then what is it? I don’t understand, we… We just shared something special. Wonderful.” After a moment, he added, “Magical, even.”
“What even am I now?” she asked hoarsely, unable to hide the bitterness from her tone. “Am I a Hetaera?”
Paul was silent for a few seconds.
“I would like it very much if you would be my Hetaera,” he said quietly. “There’s nothing I want more than for you to be my woman.”
I want that, too, Sera thought miserably.
“Then why are you crying, lovely one?” he asked gently. “If you want this, why does it make you sad?”
Did I say that aloud? she wondered briefly. “I remembered that it—what we just did, I mean—is not special for you. Not at all. You do this all the time. I’m just another notch in your stupid royal belt.” More tears fell then, and she pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes as if that would stop them from leaking.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” Paul breathed, picking her up and taking her into his arms despite her best efforts to stop him. “Is that what had you so scared all this time? You were afraid it would mean nothing to me?”
Sera said nothing as she tried to push away from him, not wanting him touching her just then. Hell, she didn’t even want him near her. He held her firmly, though. He was stronger than he looked, certainly stronger than her.
“It meant everything to me,” he told her softly, cupping her cheeks and brushing her tears away with his thumbs. “Nothing between us could ever be without meaning.”
She didn’t understand. Why was he saying these things? Meaning or no meaning, she thought miserably, I don’t exactly enjoy the thought of continuing to share myself as I just did with you when you’ll just share yourself with half the women in the galaxy.
“So I won’t,” he told her immediately, as if he was responding to her thoughts.
Sera blinked at him. “W— what?”
“I haven’t touched anyone else since I told you I wouldn’t. If you don’t want me sharing myself with anyone but you, I won’t.”
Glossing over the fact that he seemed to have just responded to her exact thoughts, right down to the specific words she’d used, Sera said, “I thought you meant it was… temporary.”
He shook his head, much to her bewilderment.. “So you’d just… stop?" she asked, skeptical. "With the others? Why?”
Paul pulled her closer, nuzzling her nose with his. “Because it’s what you want,” he breathed against her lips. “And I want to give you what you want. You want there to be only you, so there is only you.”
“Truly?” she asked him nervously, desperate for him to be honest with her. He’d grow tired of her eventually, of course, but until then, to have him all to herself… The thought filled Sera with such joy she was near tears all over again.
“I said I’d give you anything,” he reminded her gently, pressing his lips to hers.
Oh, Paul, she thought blissfully. This is all I wanted, to be yours. For you to be mine.
“Then be mine,” he pleaded. “Be mine as I am yours.”
Sera frowned in confusion then, pulling back from him. “Am I saying things out loud that I don’t remember saying out loud?”
Paul winced slightly. “No, you’re not,” he responded guiltily.
Her frown deepened. “I don’t understand.”
He sighed. “Now is as good a time to tell you as any, I suppose.”
“Tell me what?”
He was silent for several moments.
“I don’t want you to be afraid of me again,” he confessed, taking her hands in his. “You are… very dear to me. I don’t want to scare you away. I can see our future together so clearly, and I want it with you so desperately, but if I tell you this, you may not want me anymore.”
Sera was beginning to feel frightened. What could he be talking about? She could see the fear in his eyes as he gazed at her, and she squeezed his hands in an attempt at reassurance.
“Sera,” Paul said, taking a deep breath, “what do you know of prescience?”
The word sounded familiar. She wracked her brain, trying to recall some passage or other in a half-read book. “The ability to read minds, maybe?” Then, “No, wait— I think it’s the ability to see the past, present, and future. I’m not sure.”
“It’s…” He hesitated briefly. “It’s both, actually. At least for me it is.”
“For you?” Sera was trying to process this information, turning his words over in her mind like well-worn stones.
Paul nodded. “I can see what has happened, what is currently happening, and what may happen. And…” he trailed off for a moment before continuing, “Yes, there are occasions when I can see into the minds of others.”
“So… you can read my mind.”
“Not always,” he assured her hastily upon seeing her shellshocked expression. “Well, alright, if I try, then yes, I can, but with you, I don’t. Sometimes, you… project your thoughts at me, like you’re shouting them, almost, and I can’t help but hear them then. I’m usually quite good at not responding to them, but after being with you like that, I couldn’t seem to help myself.”
She stared at him for nearly a minute before a thought occurred to her. “Is that how you knew my name when we first met?”
“When you tried to kill me, you mean?” he teased gently. “Not from reading your mind, no.”
“Then how?”
“I’d had…” He gnawed on his lip. Sera couldn’t help but stare at it. “I’d had visions of you. Of us. I still do, sometimes.”
“What do you see?” she breathed, awed at this strange ability he possessed. “Do you see us…?”
“I saw you give me everything the way you did tonight,” he told her. “I saw you as desperate for me as I am for you, as I always am for you, and when I thrust myself inside of you…” She heard him grind his teeth together. “God, Sera, you— you screamed. You screamed, and you moaned, and you begged for me.”
She suddenly forgot how to breathe. 
“I saw myself on the throne, my arms around you as you sat in my lap, wearing a tiny little gown that merely covered the parts of you that are only for me but revealed every bite mark I’d left on your perfect skin. I’d send everyone from the room so I could pull the panels of that little gown away from your gorgeous body and slip inside you, holding you close and kissing your bare shoulders as you rode me, taking what you needed,” Paul went on, his voice low and almost hoarse. “I saw you begging me to get you pregnant, begging me to fill you, saying that I’d gotten you addicted and you’d never get enough of me.”
Images of what he was describing flashed into Sera's mind. Herself heavily pregnant, the process of getting her there— all of it.
“Before Eden was born,” he continued, “or even Violet, I knew none but you could bear the sons my advisors keep telling me I’m in desperate need of. For years—years—, I’ve known that if you refused me, if you decided you didn’t want me…” He shook his head. 
“Who would have your son—or sons, I suppose—if not for me?” she asked, forcing the jealousy from her voice.
“No one,” Paul said simply. “If you refuse—and please know that I’ll completely understand if you do—, there will be no sons.”
“And have you…” She gulped nervously. “Have you seen that? Me pregnant with your child?”
He nodded once, his gaze finding her lips. “I’ve seen you surrounded by our children,” he told her quietly, his nose brushing against hers. “Laughing and pregnant with our fourth child.”
“F—fourth?” Sera squeaked. Her parents had seven children, and she had always been under the impression that that was too many for one woman to birth. “Good lord, how many do your visions say we have?”
Paul smirked at that. “I don’t know. I only know that you’re usually pregnant when I see you.”
“And you…” She gulped again. “You like that?”
“Oh, yes,” he murmured, softly kissing her neck where he’d sucked bruises into the skin not long prior. “Nothing sets me aflame like seeing my woman pregnant with my child.” She whimpered as he kissed her before he went on, “I saw myself walk into the room, and your face lit up like the sun when you saw me.” He reached between her legs to touch her increasingly wet folds and rub at her clit.
“If you want this,” he breathed against her neck, “if you agree to this, to let me have you in this way, I won’t touch another woman ever again. I only ask one thing in return.”
“Yes?” Sera gasped out, arching into the fingers that were thrusting themselves inside of her.
“Stay with me,” he pleaded. “Let me keep you here in my bed. I never want you to leave it. I want you naked and ready for me always.”
“Are you—“ she cut herself off on a whimper when he began to rub her clit more firmly. “Are you asking me to sleep here with you? Share your room?”
“I am,” he told her, kissing her hungrily. “Please, darling. I want you here with me.”
Sera wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss eagerly. “Yes,” she told him, pulling him closer. “God, Paul, please don’t stop.”
He groaned. “I need you again.”
She lay down without hesitation, reaching her arms out for him. He climbed atop her, lining up his hardened length with her once more, then paused his movements.
“The prescience, the visions,” he recalled suddenly. “It doesn’t bother—“
“I don’t care,” Sera insisted, lifting her hips to encourage his entry. “I’ll give you as many children as you want, I swear, just— just take me. Please, Paul.”
He moaned again, thrusting into her deeply and doing just that.
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I wasn’t sure where to put the art @alexagirlie did for my birthday, so I’m putting it in this chapter.
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Yeah this is like 6.8k words and most of it is porn I make no apologies you know what you signed up for
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lilacmoon83 · 6 years ago
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 104: That's Where You'll Find Me
Ruth busied herself by making tea for everyone, as they got situated in the cabin. The tension was extremely thick and Snow knew it was running high for her husband. As they finally gathered around and sat down, thanks to her mother poofing them a few more chairs, she opted to sit with David when he pulled her down into his lap. She curled against him and rested her head against his shoulder, as his eyes were fixated between his brother and the imp that was joining them. Rumpelstiltskin was watching the whole scene with something akin to amusement? Which she knew was probably irritating her husband. He did not find any of this amusing at all and probably didn't appreciate the imp's nonchalant attitude. Still, she was curious about what he had said earlier about them defeating Arawn. If there was even a chance at freeing the people from his evil reign, she wanted to know how to do so.
Ruth was about to bring the tea over when Rumple waved his hand. A brunette woman in a blue and white dress appeared, looking confused.
"Rumpelstiltskin…" she uttered, with questioning eyes.
"Help serve the tea," he ordered and she did so, as she looked around.
"Who is this?" Snow asked curiously, as she instantly noticed a tension between the imp and the woman.
"Just my maid. Pay her no mind," he responded.
"I will pay her mind. You must have a name," Snow retorted. The brunette beauty looked at the raven haired beauty in surprise. It wasn't often that she heard someone speak to the Dark One with such command...and not only live, but remain upright.
"Careful dearie...you have quite a tongue," he warned.
"She does...like her mother. You know, the Queen of the Underworld," Hades reminded, as he gave the Dark One a steely gaze.
"The Underworld?" Belle questioned.
"Yes dearie...you're in the presence of none other than Hades and Persephone, as well as their sharp tongued daughter, Snow White," he admonished. Snow smiled.
"It's nice to meet you," Snow said, giving her a smile. Belle returned it.
"Likewise...I'm Belle," she responded.
"And you're his maid?" David asked skeptically. She smiled.
"I am," she confirmed.
"Willingly?" he questioned and Snow smacked his chest.
"What?" he asked questioningly.
"You could be more tactful," she replied.
"Sorry...this is my loving and tactless husband, David," Snow said affectionately. Belle smiled.
"I guessed. You're in his lap," the brunette teased, which made Snow blush a bit.
"And to answer your question...my employment is a business arrangement," she answered.
"Well, now that all these pleasantries are out of they, we can get to the important things. Like defeating King Arawn," Rumple interjected.
"If you want him defeated so badly, all powerful Dark One, then why don't you just do it?" Hades challenged.
"For the same reason you haven't," Rumple retorted.
"There are risks and he has ways of nullifying magic, as we have seen with Midas," he added.
"But Frollo is dead," Eli reminded.
"But what he left behind for his King is not. Though if done right, the Kingdoms can be taken back from him," Rumple stated.
"And how do we do that?" James questioned.
"By fighting back. It's time that these two join the battle, along with the rest of you. No more stowing your daughter away in the Underworld or this war will never end," he responded. Four voices uttered the same words simultaneously.
"No way in hell…"
"Maybe he's right," Snow said, as all three of her parents and her husband gave her incredulous looks.
"Snow...you can't be serious…" David responded.
"No, I am...this war started with me and it should end with me," she said bravely.
"Honey...this war is not your fault. Deimos framed you for murder as an excuse to start this war," Persephone reminded.
"And I'm almost positive that he did it with Zeus' backing," Hades added.
"I know that...but it doesn't change the fact that I'm tired of hiding. I'm tired of him tormenting our people, Daddy," she said, looking at Eli. The former King sighed.
"I was a weak King, snowdrop. I'm not sure they did much better under me," he said in a defeated tone. Snow got up and went to her father.
"You were not a weak King, daddy. Ravenna was responsible for a lot the Kingdom's financial woes and you had to appease her to avoid war. No one can fault you for not wanting our people to suffer, because of her wrath," Snow replied.
"Maybe not...but our people deserve a real ruler. A true Queen," Eli said, as he put his hands on her shoulders. Her eyes widened.
"Not me…" she protested.
"Yes you…" he encouraged.
"It is my Throne, but you are my heir, I don't care what that stuffy court says. It's high time they're all replaced anyway. I could never do it, because I tried to appease too many, but none of that matters now. It's time for someone that can truly lead our people. And that's you, sweet pea," he said.
"He's right...you're the Queen they deserve," David agreed and she looked into her husband's love filled eyes.
"But I'm not fit to be Queen," Snow protested.
"Yes...you are, sweetheart," Persephone admonished.
"She may be...but it's a stretch to think that farm boy here can be a Prince," James interjected smugly, which enticed David and that was probably his point. David was on his feet and in his brother's face in a flash.
"I'd rather be a lowly farm boy than a pompous ass of a prince like you," he growled.
"You really think you can fight me?" James questioned.
"I don't think...I know I can," David retorted, as they prepared to come to blows. But Ruth and Sera intervened between their boys.
"Absolutely not!" Sera protested.
"You are brothers," Ruth added.
"No...we're not," James spat.
"You are," Sera insisted, as she put her hands on James' face and he almost pulled away, but then he didn't, as he relished his mother's touch. She was his earliest memory.
"I never wanted to leave you…" she reminded.
"I get it...he sent you off to be executed. You got lucky and escaped. But I didn't," he replied coldly.
"But you have now…" Sera reminded.
"She's right. When Arawn is defeated, we will not be putting George back on your Kingdom's Throne. It should be you, since your brother will rule with Snow," Rumple interjected.
"Me? But I'm not…" David started to say.
"Yes you are. You are technically a Prince now," Snow reminded, as she put her arms around him.
"And I don't do anything without the man I love by my side. It's always been our motto, after all," she added.
"We'll do this like we do everything. Together," she finished, as she nuzzled her nose against his and he melted into her, as he held her close.
"What makes you think we can take Arwan down where others have failed?" David questioned.
"That's actually a good question," James agreed.
"A very good question," Lancelot also agreed. Rumple smirked.
"Because you'll have my backing and theirs," he declared, as he looked to Hades and Persephone.
"You can rally the rest of the Gods to our cause," he stated. Hades scoffed.
"You want us to defy Zeus and get the rest of my siblings to do so as well?" the God of the Underworld questioned.
"We know that Deimos murdered Ravenna to start this whole thing and frame young Snow. We also know that Zeus is behind it. You must prove it to the others," Rumple stated.
"Which is impossible," Hades refuted.
"Maybe not," Persephone interjected and he looked at her.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"There is one God that is privy to everything Zeus does," she reminded, but he scoffed.
"Hephaestus will never betray Zeus…" he argued.
"He has to already be troubled by all of this and he is fond of Snow. He may if I talk to him. It's worth a try," she said. He sighed.
"Perhaps, but this won't be just one battle. We'll have to start small in our liberation," Eli chimed in.
"Yes, which is why you start by liberating villages. Drive the soldiers out of the common people's lives and they will amass an army for you," Rumple advised.
"That's actually a really good idea, but what's in this for you?" David questioned.
"Another really good question. You don't do anything for nothing, Dark One," Hades agreed.
"That's my business," Rumple argued.
"No...you tell me what you want from our daughter and son-in-law now. No more games," Hades snapped, as the two men stared each other down.
"Fine...I need to bottle true love and they are the only viable source for such an undertaking," he admitted.
"For what purpose?" Persephone demanded to know.
"You know why," Rumple snapped and she looked at her husband.
"Deal," she agreed.
"What?!" Hades exclaimed.
"My love...that is an incredible magic we'd be handing over and to him of all people," he reminded.
"I know, but I think I know why he wants it and I get it. Trust me," she stated vaguely.
"Okay...I'm a little lost. Owe!" David cried, as the imp plucked a hair from his head.
"What the hell?" he demanded to know, but Rumple did not answer, as he dropped it into a small vial. Next he took one from Snow and added it to the vial as well. Everyone in the room, including Snow and David, watched in amazement, as the hairs in the bottle glowed. They became intertwined and glowed bright pink, causing Rumple to giggle in delight.
"What is that?" Snow asked.
"True love. The most powerful magic of all...bottled," Rumple answered.
"And what are you going to do with it?" David asked.
"Never mind that," Rumple snapped, as he put the bottle in his robes.
"It's time to fight back against Arawn. Tomorrow, you'll liberate your first village and begin the path to winning this war," he continued. David sighed and slipped his hand into Snow's.
"Then we should take this time to see where you stand on your swordsman skills, farm boy," James challenged.
"Oh gee...I don't know if I can compete with a professionally, pompously trained prince. But I'd sure like to try," David replied sarcastically.
"This won't end well," Robert muttered.
"Baby...aren't you going to mention that you've been trained by my father and step-father?" Snow whispered to him. David smirked.
"Nah...it'll be more fun this way," he responded. Snow watched him go with a bit of exasperation, but then decided to watch them spar, all while trying to get to know the seemingly shy brunette more.
"So...you maintain the castle for the Dark One?" Snow asked curiously.
"Oh...I don't know about that. I'm mostly just a maid. I dust, do laundry, make tea and meals. He doesn't have to eat, but he likes to sometimes," she replied, as Belle looked at her curiously. Snow smiled.
"You can ask me anything. I'm a person, like you," she assured.
"Have you really been to the Underworld?" she asked. Snow nodded.
"I was born there and have spent a lot of time there," she confirmed.
"Isn't that frightening?" Belle asked.
"I don't really see the horrible parts. Papa Hades makes sure the nastiest souls are contained and aren't allowed in certain parts of his chambers. But I spend a lot of time on the surface above his Throne room with souls that have unfinished business. It's kind of like a strange little village all its own," Snow explained.
"That's fascinating...you know, there aren't many books about the Underworld," Belle mentioned.
"Papa Hades says it has to be that way. He says that most shouldn't know what awaits them in the afterlife until they get there," Snow replied.
"You like to read?" she inquired. Belle lit up at that.
"I love to read...I do so any chance I get. Rumpelstiltskin actually has quite a large library," she replied.
"And he lets you read?" Snow asked.
"He actually gave me the library," Belle admitted inadvertently and her eyes widened, as she realized what she had just said.
"Wow...he gave you a library," Snow said in an impressed tone.
"Well...as long as I keep it dusted," Belle stammered.
"Right," Snow said, with a bit of amusement. Belle swallowed and turned her attention to the exhibition duel between twin brothers that was happening in the meadow.
"I've never seen anything quite like that potion. That must be an incredible love you have," she mentioned. Snow smiled.
"He's everything to me and it is wonderful. True love isn't easy...but it's so worth it," the Princess agreed, as she gazed at her husband dreamily.
"Do you have someone?" Snow asked curiously.
"Oh...um no," Belle stammered.
"You don't sound so sure," Snow mentioned.
"Is love ever a sure thing?" Belle countered and Snow smiled.
"I suppose not, but I do know that your heart doesn't see distinguish by class, gender, or even magic and non magic persons," she said knowingly, as Belle looked at her. Snow smirked.
"Oh no...I'm not...I mean we're not…" Belle stammered.
"Mmm...sure you're not. You know, there's a lot of people that think Charming and I shouldn't be together, simply because he wasn't raised a Prince. But our love is none of their business and I know that there is no one better for me or no one I could ever want more," Snow told her.
"It's easy for you though. David seems like he would be pretty easy to love," Belle countered. Snow nodded.
"Okay...you've got me there. He is very easy to love. The love comes easy for us, which helps when outside forces try to keep us apart," she said.
"But even if the love part isn't as easy for you, if it's real...you should still fight for it," she added.
"He's such a beast sometimes…" Belle confessed.
"But then I see glimpses of something else...there's something there that's very human and very vulnerable," she added.
"Then don't give up," Snow advised.
"Love is worth whatever fight you have to endure," she assured, as they shared a soft smile.
Ruth sighed, as they watched their boys with arms around each other. Robert lingered nearby and it was all still very much sinking in for him. She knew that he would have to tell David the real reason he left when he was six and that was to try and save James. She hoped David took it well enough, but she feared he may feel like he wasn't enough for Robert. She herself had once felt that way when she found out what he had tried to do. She knew why he had done it and knew he never intended for David to feel that way though. She only hoped their son could understand that as well.
Having James back in their lives was both joyous and surreal. She knew they had a long road ahead of them with him. They had a lot of issues to overcome with him. James resented them and David for getting to grow up with them. And David was angry at them for not telling him, though they worried less about that. Snow would urge him to forgive and they knew it was likely he would easily do so. James would be harder. He may have been raised a Prince, but he considered David to be the spoiled one. The jealousy and resentment was evident and they only hoped both their boys could work through it.
"It'll be okay...they're our boys. There is still good in James, despite George's attempts to turn him into a monster. He didn't succeed," Sera assured her wife. Ruth nodded.
"If he gets his hands on either of them again...I can't think about what he might try to do to them," Ruth feared.
"The Gods will protect them...both of them," Sera said, praying she was right about that.
Twin brothers circled each other, as they prepared to engage in a duel. Lancelot, Eli, and Hades stood by with interest, while even Rumple seemed entertained by the prospect of this particular duel. It started out simply enough, with David simply parrying his brother's fierce strikes.
"I'll admit...I'm impressed you're still on your feet," James goaded, as he continued to duel his twin.
"I love how you keep assuming that I can barely hold a sword," David retorted.
"Okay...I'll admit I'm surprised you even know how to properly hold one. I've been holding one since I could walk. The best Knights in my Kingdom trained me," James boasted.
"Oh, he's going to go down hard, isn't he?" Lancelot questioned. Hades smirked.
"James is good...but arrogant. He's underestimating David's training," he agreed.
"I'm surprised he hasn't considered that David might have also received training," Eli commented.
"Oh he's about to find it out," Hades said, as David blocked his brother's sword in a high arc.
"Your defense is a decent effort...but you have yet to even make one offensive movement," James teased.
"Just waiting for you to give me the right opening," David countered. James smirked.
"I don't leave openings," the Prince claimed. David flicked his wrist and split his twin's defense. He whipped around with a sweeping motion and knocked James off balance. The Prince managed to parry the next strike, but David took full advantage of his stumble and swept his legs out from under him. James' face was a mask of shock and surprise, as his brother pointed the tip of his sword at his throat.
"Did we forget to mention that we trained David?" Hades chimed in.
"Uh yeah...you didn't mention that," James growled.
"You didn't ask. You just assumed I couldn't fight, but I learned, not for the glory of battle like you, but to protect my family and the woman I love," David growled in return, as he stepped back, sheathed his sword, and then offered his hand to his twin. James regarded him with a new gleam of respect in his eyes and accepted his hand.
"Good...not having to teach you how to fight will help us in battle," the Prince said, as he attempted to compose himself and cover his embarrassment that his own arrogance had caused. Rumple let out a shrill laugh.
"Excellent indeed. Now rest...for tomorrow, we begin the path that will lead us to Arawn's demise," Rumple stated.
"There is still more that you're not telling us. You're getting more out of this than just bottling true love," Hades accused.
"Perhaps…" Rumple mused.
"It is of no concern to you," the Dark One hissed.
"It is when my family is at the center of it!" Hades shouted, as his hair flashed blue.
"Hades…" Persephone chided, as she sided up to him and he sighed.
"If Snow and David are hurt in this, imp...you will pay, I promise you that. If they are harmed, then I promise you that your immortality will not save you from us," Hades threatened.
"Your threats are unnecessary...I have no interest in seeing harm come to them. The opposite, in fact. They are our future...our survival and prosperity rests with them. Everything depends on them…" Rumple retorted. Persephone regarded him and their eyes met. She knew about his son and his desire to find him. She just couldn't discern what her daughter and son-in-law could possibly have to do with it. Why they were key to it all, she had no idea. But she did know that Athena had insisted that Snow and David's love would save them all. And she trusted Athena implicitly, so she put her hand on her husband's arm.
"Snow and David will be fine, my love...we will all see to that," she assured. Hades gave the Dark One another glare, before he allowed his wife to lead him away from the tense situation.
"I don't trust him," Hades hissed to her.
"Neither do I, but I do trust Athena and she predicted that Snow and David would be very important in the fight for our future," she reminded. He sighed, as they saw Eli sharpening his sword with a wet stone.
"I want to be out there with them…" he said.
"And you will be...but we know that your work in the Underworld is important too and we'll be okay, even when you do have to return there," she replied, as she kissed him tenderly. They heard a whooshing sound and a very large, dark skinned man appeared in the meadow.
"I received your summons, Persephone," Hephaestus said in his booming voice.
"Who the hell is that?" James asked.
"Hephaestus...one of Snow's Uncles," David answered him, as his wife greeted him. The normally serious man actually had a smile for her, as he returned her hug.
"Thank you for coming," Persephone said.
"I do not leave Olympus as a rule...but you said it was very important," he replied, as he watched young Snow return to the arms of a young man that he deduced must be her new husband.
"She is happy?" he asked. Persephone smiled.
"Very happy...and I intend for it to stay that way. You know what they're about to face," she stated.
"Yes...they are joining this war. I think that is unwise," he advised.
"I don't like it either, but Athena's prophecies are never wrong. She says they will be very important to the future of everyone in this land and we both know that means they will fight for the people. King Arawn must be stopped," she replied. He nodded curtly.
"What are you asking of me?" he questioned.
"They will need all the backing they can get," she replied.
"You know that I cannot defy Zeus. I am bound in my duty to him," he reminded.
"Even if he has conspired to put a bloodthirsty King on the Throne of all the Kingdoms?" she questioned.
"If he has done what you say and has become unworthy of his Throne, then I can only be freed from his service if someone challenges him and wins the power of the heavens from him. Until that time, I am bound to him and must continue to use my forge in servitude to him," he responded.
"Are you telling me that someone...one of his siblings should challenge him for his power?" she asked.
"No...not someone or one of his siblings. It must be you…" he answered. Her eyes widened.
"Me?" she asked.
"You are already revered by most Olympians and as much as your husband has changed, they will not follow him. They will follow you though, just as mortals will follow your daughter," he advised, leaving her with much to think about.
"Do you really think I have a ghost of a chance in unseating Zeus?" she questioned.
"I would have ignored your summons if I didn't," he responded.
"I must go now," he said, as he left as quickly as he came. She saw Rumple in the distance, having watched the exchange and somehow knew he knew what they had discussed. Despite being uneasy about his intentions, she somehow knew that everything they both did was for their children…
"I guess this is owed," James said, as he put his hand out. David looked at him and then shook his hand.
"I should have suspected that King Eli might have trained you, but Hades was a surprise," he mentioned.
"It was grueling and rigorous, but I welcomed it," David replied.
"Dueling is different than war though, just keep that in mind," James advised.
"I'll be fine," David said.
"If you say so. The spoils and glory of battle can be tempting," James warned. But David shook his head.
"Not for me. I'm not in this for spoils or glory," he refuted, as he looked toward his wife.
"I'm in this for her," he assured. James smirked.
"All the better. I'll take the glory. You can have love," he retorted. David scoffed.
"Gladly. Glory is empty and love is everything," he argued.
"Maybe for you...but I've never had trouble finding someone to keep me warm at night. It's less complicated," James argued back.
"If you say so...but I'll take all the complicated in the world if it means waking up with her in my arms every morning," David countered, as he left his brother with those thoughts and joined his wife. James watched them embrace and the pure happiness on their faces, before looking away, as they kissed. Newlyweds. It would fade; he was sure it would. In his experience, love always did and he didn't expect any different from his brother and his wife. He couldn't know that he would be so very wrong about that.
"Are you okay?" Snow asked, as she pulled back from his hug and sneaked a glance at his twin in the distance. David smiled.
"I'm fine, as long as I have you," he replied, as he pulled her flush against him.
"We may look alike, but we couldn't be more different," he said.
"On the surface, but I think your brother is a lot of bluster and pain on his top layer. We know better than any two people that love changes a person and it heals," she reminded.
"You think he might find love?" he asked.
"I don't know, but he has found family. That type of love will heal him too. Then when he does find someone, he won't be too blind to see it," she replied.
"Hmm...maybe," he mused, as he swept her into his arms and she yelped in surprise.
"But enough about him and more about all the things I want to do with you right now," he leered, making her blush.
"David…" she chided, as he carried her into their cabin with a smirk.
The magma churned and boiled violently inside the mountain and the ground shook beneath it, as the lava inside bald mountain finally could be contained no more and there was a violent eruption, blowing off the rounded top of the mountain. A thick stream of lava rolled down the side of the mountain and onto the ground at the base. It convulsed and started to take a humanoid form. The sight was gruesome though, as the figure was severally charred and burned beyond recognition. The being screamed, as it morphed into a frightening creature with horns, claws, and sharp teeth, complete with expansive wings. It roared with an inhuman screech, as it became humanoid again and stood up. It looked at its hands and touched the human face that it now wore in confusion, as the human mind and monster mind melded into one. Then there was a very evil, human cackling that sounded from the being, as the human mind became dominant and he realized what had become of him. He still had much to learn of this new existence and he was surely thought to be dead. For now, he would let all think that he had truly met his demise, until the precise moment he was ready to reveal himself and enact his revenge. And with this new form...no one would stop him this time…
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