#i want a crossover between these two series but i have no idea what it would be
speaking of comparisons, tesilid argente and yoo joonghyuk are both tragic regressors, but i genuinely think tesilid gets more of a raw deal than yjh
yjh may have had to go through 1800+ regressions but a) he chose to do it (even if he doesn't remember at the time) and b) can make his own decisions. like he has free will and can express his emotions and stuff
not only does tesilid not choose to go through his regrssions and has it forced on him by an uncaring god, he also has to police his own actions (and possibly emotions/thoughts??? can't remember exactly how throughly the stigma monitored him) lest his stigma act up and decide he's committing a sin and punish him for it
yjh can let off steam by murdering people/constellations and tearing down the star stream system and has clear goals and a plan of how to end the regressions, even if both change over time. but tesilid basically has to grin and bear it while he's fed shit from literally everyone around him unless he's willing to act up and be both be in pain and become weaker. also i don't think he has any idea of how to end his regressions other than saving the world?? i need to finish reading the novel lol
no wonder tesilid went completely and homicidally insane in a fraction of the number of regressions that yjh went through. i would too if i was forced to act like a goody two-shoes while going through hell
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myfavoritesstuff · 5 months
Through the Illustrated Veil
Pairing: Ren x Isekai!Reader x Solivan Brugmansia
Summary: You awaken to discover that you’ve been seamlessly transported into a realm where visual novels are real life.
Note: If people like this idea, I will turn this into a series. This will have yandere tendencies later on! This is a crossover between 14 Days with You (14dwy), The Kid at the Back (tkatb), and The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (tcoaal). I might add on other visual novels if people request more or if i like the story is going and want to add more. The reader is kind of clueless, but just for this first part. The artwork isn’t mine!
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Slowly, you opened your eyes, and the world came into focus. It was as if you had stepped into the frame of a beautifully illustrated book. The colors were vivid, the edges sharp, yet everything pulsed with a gentle breath of life. You immediately sat up with a gasp, your heart a beat behind the realization that dawned upon you– this was no longer your room, your world.
“Hello?” Your voice came out as a whisper, yet it seemed to carry across the room. The door to the room opened, and there two figures emerged. It was two people you instantly recognized–
Andrew and Ashley Graves from The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Once known in the realm of visual novels, now stood before her in the flesh.
“I see that you're awake now Y/n” Andrew said calmly. Ashley turned to her brother with an annoyed look on her face.
“Yes, we can both see that Andy. Thanks for stating the obvious.” Andrew turned towards her and the two started bickering. Meanwhile, you were still trying to comprehend what was occurring right before your eyes.
“Umm…” as you began to speak, unsure of your next words, the two turned towards you. “So, where are we?”
The two gave each other a confused look and responded simultaneously, “In our home”.
“Home?” That didn’t sound right, the last thing you remember was Andrew and Ashley killing their parents and taking their home. And from the looks of it, this didn’t seem like it was their parent’s house. “Okay…” you responded, yet still unsure.
“We’ll leave you alone for now, but remember you have school in a bit and work a little later on. See you later sis.” The two left, leaving you stunned. School? Work? You don't remember anything about this visual novel having school or work. And what was this about being their sister? You decide to get out of the bed that you were on, and make your way to the door. Once leaving you instantly recognized where you were. This is the apartment from 14 Days with You.
You made your way to what appeared to be the front door of the apartment and left, too lost in your thinking to say goodbye to your “siblings”.
You made your way down to the bottom floor, and went outside to get some fresh air and think things over. You found a bench and sat down.
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and 14 Days With You are two of three of my favorite visual novels. The only one that's missing is… oh. You know now. Going to school, it all makes sense now. The last one was The Kid at the Back.
Am I already friends with Sol and Ren or do I have to become friends with them? Sighing you decide to get up and start walking.
Wait, I don't even know where the school or my work is! You thought. But it didn’t seem to matter, since your legs seemed to walk on your own.
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Thank you wonderful fanfiction authors! You do a great part to make life wonderful. Recs below the cut (I CANNOT believe I haven't rec'ed some of these before!) Previous recs: 2018, 2020, 2022. Looks like I only do these every two years lol.
Gravity Falls
Feels Like We Only Go Backwards, by @dubsdeedubs / WDW; complete multichapter. A heartbreaking concept with a happy ending. Sad but wonderful and a really fun idea. Working out just what is happening is a great challenge, and watching the pieces fall into place with mounting consternation is awesome.
In Search of Antidotes, by @astriiformes / azhdarchidaen; complete multichapter. An awesome Historical AU, and neither Ford nor Stan go through the portal (there’s still suffering though). Bit of freakiness, bit of funniness, bit of stubbornness, bit of coolness. A very cool read! A much more classic demon-possession story than canon with its modern sci-fi overtones. The gothic sci-fi horror takes the floor here. Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, Dracula, it takes inspiration from all the best roots!
Just a Game, by @nikxation / nikxation; one-shot. Intense! High stakes! Well-written! Doesn’t mess around getting to the point, and hammers its beats into you! LOVE it! Bill holds a gun on Ford, while in Ford's own body. The tension in this is unbelievable!
An Outreached Hand, by @dubsdeedubs / WDW; incomplete multichapter. Something freakishly supernatural happened to Stan during his homeless days. It’s called Ghost Trick AU, and it’s super interesting and utterly engaging! It’ll have you tearing through it wanting to know what the heck is going on! The characters are all so intense in their own ways, and the plot is drip fed to you piece by delicious piece.
Snapshots from an Alternate Reality, by Rethira; one-shot. PORTAL STAN!! Just a short little one-shot about this alternate version of events, but incredibly cool to read. Love the writing style: it takes you through the scenes like a skipping stone, its wake mesmerising.
All Things Go, by @cantica10 / Cantica10; incomplete multichapter. A weird (in the best way) idea of a crossover between Timestuck AU (where Mabel is trapped in the past) and a Wings AU (where, you guessed it, everyone has wings). Adorable Stan and Mabel bonding, but is SO not afraid to get really dark. That being said, it’s also so sweet and fluffy, and explores the effortless love that Mabel feels for Stan, and that (broken, scared, young, sad) Stan feels for her. This is one of those fics I am compelled to keep coming back to. It’s such a full experience to read.
Snow and Pine, by @ancientstone / TheArchaeologist; incomplete series. A great concept!! Loved the idea of these two brothers being forced together by circumstances instead of intention. Some great selective description here, and the plot itself is a very fun ride. WERE. WOLF. STAN. Need I say more?
Lighthouse Keeper, by @impishnature / impish_nature; incomplete series. There’s a lot to this story; the main work is mostly a series of one-shots, with other works sprinkled between. The idea is so eerie and haunting, and the vibes are pretty different to most other things I’ve read. The instigating artwork by @sightkeeper is magnificent and Imp has managed to capture the images very well!
Triptych, by @scribefindegil / scribefindegil; one-shot. A very cool character study on Stan. Great for informing his central motivations. It's kept short and sweet, but the analysis is no less thorough for it. I loved the insight into my favourite character's life and mind. Scribe writes him so well.
Blind Faith, by pinesinthewoods; complete multichapter. Come on, how could I NOT mention this one? It's one of the many here I'm astonished not to have rec'ed earlier. Super dark, super scary, an AU where both Stan and Ford fall into the portal. Ouch, but cool. Really good, but be prepared to yell out loud in horror. This is a doozy, don’t expect a lot of happy feels going into it. That being said, it is INCREDIBLE. The structure of the story is fantastic, perfectly encapsulating the reliance each of the brothers’ needs to have on the other and how one has to step up when the other can’t. Stan and Ford are forcibly tied together in this, and they find they each mean more to the other than expected after ten years of bitterness and radio silence. A STAPLE of Gravity Falls fics.
Like They Were a Perfect Fit, by @sensitiveowl / hapful; one-shot. Aw, ow, cries. Love! Lots of tangled-up emotions and scenes that will tug at your heartstrings thinking about Ford’s life journey. Speculations on the importance of the photo that Ford is implied to have carried around with him for 30 damn years.
30 Seconds Later, by @invisibletinkerer / shayera; incomplete multichapter. Loved this to death! A really great concept executed fantastically. An AU where while it took Stan thirty years to rebuild the portal, Ford was only gone for thirty seconds. The characterisation of paranoid Ford and his interactions with the rest of his family are perfect, as is his reaction to finding himself in the future and his relationship to Stan. And Stan is wonderful in this too! A very good examination of age, aging, and the associated changes in perspective.
1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back, by @infriga / Ppleater; complete multichapter. An AU where Stan is turned into a kid in the midst of Ford’s pre-portal paranoia over Bill. It adopts the wonder and innocence that comes with youth, but still retains the darkness of Stan’s adulthood - wait, actually, his entire life has been kinda dark in this fic. This is one of those fics you can tell the author had a lot of fun with. It’s palpable in the chapter titles and the art :) The illustrations are beautiful, the story is heartfelt, and it is not at all afraid to go into some dark places. A very enjoyable, loveable, read!
The Road in Front of You, by @nicnacsnonsense / Nicnac; complete multichapter. Ford falls through a portal potty and gets dumped in Stan's path. MAN!!! This fic has a really great concept, and Nicnac’s writing is impeccable as always. A great look at Ford and Stan’s relationship post-high school, how their personalities have developed and changed, and most importantly how they reconcile the changes in each other.
Nothing a Little Sleep Can’t Fix, by AkitaFallow; one-shot. Oh MAN. WOW. Okay. A heavier look on the mark Sock Opera leaves on Dipper, featuring repercussions throughout the rest of Dipper’s summer. Absolutely, heartbreakingly, entrancing. The slow build up of the plot perfectly mimics the rising emotions that poor Dipper is struggling to keep a lid on until they inevitably explode, and watching the people who love him pick up his pieces afterwards is just golden.
Ad Infinitum, by @nicnacsnonsense / Nicnac; one-shot. My first read of the Same Coin Theory and it was awesooooooooome!!! There are so many repetitions of phrases that spark in my mind because of how great they were, and the aspects of Stan contrasted with Bill that thread through it are incredible. Kind of an unsettling concept. I couldn’t get enough. For a fic that’s all about cycling around, you'd think it'd get repetitive, but every paragraph is rich with novelty. A FEAST.
Some Sunny Day, by @anistarrose / anistarrose; complete multichapter. Another Same Coin Theory fic. The beats of the plot in this are stunning, with some truly awesome lines that left me reeling and thinking Oh SHIT that did NOT just happen!!! In the best way possible. A highly interesting story and some excellent takes on the Pines family and the world of Gravity Falls.
Towards the Sun, by @notthistimespock and pinesinthewoods; complete multichapter. EXTREME BROTHERLY FEELS. Incredible! Love the in-depth examination and speculation on Ford and Stan prefinale. A different ending for Weirdmageddon, following Ford’s journey through Stan’s mind. It gets sad, it gets scary, it gets freaky, you shed tears. Another one of those staple fics for the fandom. The story is a wild and heartrending adventure, full of imagery that stuck in my brain for years after the first time I read it.
Fisherman’s Knot, by @scribefindegil / scribefindegil; complete multichapter. MORE EXTREME BROTHERLY FEELS. Deals with postcanon adventures on the Stan’O’War II, including some reeeaaaally bad mental states/situations. Have tissues handy. I think this is generally regarded as the be-all-and-end-all of Stan twin angst. It is long, it is HEAVY, but it is also heartwarming and hopeful, and full of adventure and magic, and the kind of love it's made with really comes through.
Mob Boss Stan Pines, by Capricious_Passions; complete multichapter. A fic that you HAVE to read over again to get the complete picture. Complex and well-thought out, incredible attention to detail, but the first read will baffle you! A lot of fun trying to figure out what’s happening, and even more fun on the re-read picking up all the details you missed the first time!
Scrapbook, by Shyeye; complete multichapter. The complicated weight of grief hangs heavy over everyone in the story, and the difficulties in dealing with it are at the forefront of everyone’s minds. The depth each of these characters are written with is very much appreciated, not-so-pretty parts and all. This was a wonderful, touching, read.
Rescind, Reset, by @endae / endae; one-shot. Canon divergence where Mabel temporarily lost her life during Weirdmageddon, and the aftereffects on her and the rest of the family. It is one of the most beautiful things I’ve read, very emotionally raw. I cry every time. This incredible story is wrought with a filter of broken hearts being pieced back together as the characters live through the aftermath of their happy ending. It’s a shining, nuanced take on Mabel and how someone with her personality deals with the plot premise. I love the complexity of the emotions in this, not only from Mabel but also from the rest of the Pines as they work through their own traumas.
Safe as Houses, by @beastenraged / Beastrage; complete multichapter. If I could whistle I would! An entrancing read about the Pines family’s adventures from the perspective of their home. Some great and not too far-fetched ideas about how the Shack may have come across to its inhabitants over the years.
Greyscale, by @impishnature / impish_nature; one-shot. OH MY LORD. Incredibly touching and heartbreaking, I can’t look at this directly for fear of being emotionally blinded. Loss, and gain, and loss. Striking, powerful, so, so beautiful and painful. The aftermath of Weirdmageddon: another canon divergence where Stan lost his life. Except... Reverse Portal AU Stan stumbles across this sad dimension soon after. I swear, no fic has made me cry so hard and left me so much in shock of what the heck just happened to me. I love the look at how loss has affected the characters, and I especially love the path to recovery that is laid out for them.
Buying Gold, by @dubsdeedubs / WDW; incomplete series. Veeeery intriguing. It’s not really Same Coin Theory, but it’s a great read about the similarities between Stan and Bill and some cool speculation on Stan post-defeating Bill.
Any Family You Choose, by @nicnacsnonsense / Nicnac; incomplete multichapter. So sweet! Portal Dipper finds a young Stan Pines and decides to help him out. This concept is so wonderful, and the characterisation is blindingly clear. Keeps you guessing at the backstory!
Across the Universe, by Queen_Mab; one-shot. SUCH a great set of adventures. The multiverse really tries to hammer in its lessons sometimes, whether they stand a chance of sticking or not. Extremely well-written and fun, I devoured every word ravenously. Some scenes of Ford's portal time, with some VERY interesting encounters.
Star Wars
Anything Brighter than Even the Sun, by @hamliet / Hamliet; complete multichapter. The Rogue One crew survives and continues rebelling, as does Galen! The main focus is on Jyn and Cassian's characters and relationship, and how they navigate growing into a family. I love Jyn's character especially in this, with all those hard edges guarding a deep, deep well of passion.
Chirality, by @niobiumao3 / Niobium; complete multichapter. A Tech was CX-2 fic! It's great to see this fan theory explored, and Niobium writes so well! The plot is entrancing and has you hooked on the edge of your seat waiting for all the pieces to fall into place for our poor brainwashed guy. The way CX-2 thinks and melds with the personality of who Tech once was is beautiful and his interactions with his family and Phee are a sight to behold.
Crash Landing by @returnofahsoka / delightwrites; complete multichapter. Another Tech is CX-2 fic, can you tell this idea has a hold of me. The characters' voices in this come through SO clearly, it's insane, and the writing style is perfection. Jumbled and pained and confused and grieving, all threaded through with that little bit of hope. Wonderful.
I'll Keep You Safe (You Keep Me Strong), by @miadeardn / sheikahs; oneshot. An AU where Crosshair's chip never activates and he is as embroiled in adjusting to being on the run with a new little sister as the rest of the Batch. Just a sweet little moment between the two. Both of them are written very in-character, and it's great seeing a side of Crosshair that never came to regard his brothers as his enemies.
Talking in Defence, by @buskuta / buskuta; oneshot. An awesome look at all of Hunter's complicated feelings regarding Omega and Crosshair's relationship post-Tantiss. He's not a paragon of perfection, he's human. I can't emphasise enough how much I love this and how well he's written here.
Unyielding, by Face_of_Poe; complete multichapter. The scene immediately post-reunion between Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker, with some speculation on Crosshair's internal strife at that moment. There's a chapter for each of the remaining Batch and Wrecker's is EXCEEDINGLY well-written in my opinion. We don't get nearly enough exploration in canon or fanon about the depth of his thoughts and feelings.
Plan 100, by Face_of_Poe; complete multichapter. An awesome canon-divergence speculating on Omega and Crosshair's escape from Tantiss. The action is great, the strategy and coded communication is so sharp, and the feeling of desperation as Omega and Crosshair fight to evade recapture is fantastically taut. I especially love the small moments in this showing just how close these two have grown, and, in Crosshair's case, how little he's realised it happening. It feels very true to their characters.
Through Darkness Unknown, by @stardustandash / StardustAndAsh; complete multichapter. Holy shit the stakes are so high in this. A Tech Lives canon divergence of Omega and Crosshair's stay in Tantiss, and you can really FEEL just how helpless they all are to Hemlock's control. I absolutely love how this fic does not pull its punches, really forcing Crosshair and Omega into relying heavily on each other. There's so many great scenes in this that are seared into my brain!!
Ask Yourself, by StoneSage; complete multichapter. Omega is captured by the Empire while Crosshair's still working for them. I freaking love the complicated messiness of Crosshair's response to this- he's constantly challenged to act on the callous persona he projects, and constantly comes up short realising what he's actually willing to do to his family when it comes down to it. Very true to his character, and the quandaries Rampart presents him with a subtly terrifying. A fantastic examination of character and a great plot to go with it.
The Space in Between, by Misvet; incomplete multichapter. A series of stories focusing on the complications and dangers involved with Omega joining the Bad Batch. The writing style is great, the plots are great, the characters are great! It's all great! Just read it!
Maybe Fate Has Different Plans, by hanged_albatross; complete series. God I love this so much. Some incredibly touching and well-written moments of the Bad Batch protecting each other in a dangerous galaxy, with Omega, of course, at the centre. She is characterised so well in this, and constantly written with the idea of despite being so young, she is also no less protective of her brothers than they are of her.
Modern Batch, by kaydear; incomplete series. DUUUUDES just read this. It's such a sweet collection of stories about an alternate universe of the Bad Batch in a contemporary setting. Life is tough and complicated and full of pain, but also there are others right beside you to lean on when you need it, and so life is also full of love. I have cried multiple times while reading and re-reading this.
Skulduggery Pleasant
I Will Lay Me Down, by mcginnis; oneshot. This is perfection. A rewrite of the aftermath of the Lord Vile reveal in Death Bringer. I wish this was canon. Valkyrie and Skulduggery are PERFECTLY characterised in this scene, and the nitty-gritty of how they're both feeling is thoroughly explored and explained, and the tone of the story never once diverges from canon's- it is complicated, dark, and interspersed with ridiculous levity.
Pride and Prejudice
A New Addition, by @ralkana / Ralkana; oneshot. A great fic about Elizabeth and Darcy and childbirth, various moments in this are imprinted in my mind permanently. High emotions all over the place, incredible tension and wonderful dynamics between the two main characters and the rest of the family.
Mr Bennet Travels Through Time, by AMarguerite; oneshot. A truly great fic with a wild concept that totally works. Mr Bennet is actually from the 1990s. Weird and funny, but also touching and sad, and goes leagues towards explaining a lot of this man's quirks and contradictions. I was fully invested in this all the way through reading, and it did not disappoint. Utterly satisfying.
Once Upon a Time
The Worst, by @alchemistc / alchemistique; oneshot. The real-life dynamics of these ridiculous fairytale people had me grinning ear to ear. The mortifying ordeal of your family of fictitious characters helping you move into your college dorm as told from Henry's perspective. Love it to death.
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payphoneangel · 27 days
Supernatural: The Showrunner's Challenge
A writing challenge/exercise
I saw this post and thought it would be really fun to make a SPN specific version. Some of these I tweaked from the OG post, some are the exact same, and others are brand new. If you like this, please give the OG post some love for the creators great idea!!
Think you can write better than the showrunners of Supernatural? Let’s find out! This prompt is a writing exercise/challenge to create a ‘season’ of Supernatural via fanfic. Each chapter functions as an episode.
To start, think of what you would change about SPN if you were its showrunner. Would you scrap everything and start from new? Keep the series going with a new season? Pick a spot in the show and diverge from there? Ignore all the plot and play dolls with your favorite characters? 
Write a chapter that works as the Pilot of the show you want to see. At the end of each episode, roll a d12 to see what you must include in the following episode:
Roll a d12:
1. Everything at once: Roll twice, use both. If you get 1 again, keep rolling. Your only way out is to stop getting 1s. 
2. TMWWBK: Give every character in the previous chapter a number. Using a dice roll/random number generator, the character whose number is selected is now the main subject and POV of the next episode. 
For a greater challenge: include any character mentioned by name and any character with dialogue. (i.e. If Sam mentions Bobby, give him a number. If the waitress at a diner talks to Dean, give her a number)
3. Fan favorite: Your most recently mentioned character (or named object) is now beloved by the audience. You must give them a bigger part in the story, a special destiny, or an important new romance or friendship. 
If you roll 3 again; the character must get killed off to motivate their friends/allies/love interest or to serve the plot.
If you roll 3 a third time; either start over OR they come back from the dead.
4. High Concept Episode: Due to plot/MOTW/meddling gods/whatever, the characters are trapped in a different genre than usual. Roll a d6. 
High Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Apocalypse/Alternate Reality 
Time Travel/Time loop
Crossover/Stuck in a video Game
Slasher/Death Game
5. Filler episode: The next chapter must be completely low stakes and set you at ease. 
For a greater challenge: Flip a coin for each main character. 
Heads: Their filler is full of thoughtful inner world building and characterization
Tails: They are interrogating the milves (i.e. doing something silly and stupid)
6. Mothership: The next chapter must include the characters making references to/listening to/arguing about/having a feelings jam accompanied by... Classic Rock. 
Bonus: If you roll three 6’s in a row, introduce a Lucifer plotline (If you were ALREADY writing about Lucifer.... kill him).
7. Fallen Angels and Special Children: If the last character mentioned in the previous episode has special abilities, they lose them. If that character does not have special abilities, they gain them.
8. The Focus Group: The execs created a focus group to see if audiences would like more romance in the show. Flip a coin to determine the outcome:
Heads: The audience is into it and so are the execs! The next episode needs to involve a deep, sappy confession of either love or admiration between two characters that have not previously been romantically involved. 
Tails: The audience is into it but the execs aren't so sure... The next episode needs to introduce a budding romance between two characters that is only ever alluded to, but never stated outright.
If you roll 8 again:
If you got Heads on the previous flip: The characters have a messy breakup/divorce.
If you got Tails on the previous flip: One character dies right after outright stating their romantic feelings for the other.
9. Familiar Faces: A character from a different season is (re)introduced and becomes plot relevant. (ex: if you’re writing early seasons, include Kevin, Rowena, Ketch, Dagon, ect. If you’re writing late seasons, include Rufus, Cassie, Ava, Bela, ect.)
For greater challenge, assign characters a number and select via dice roll OR
Use a tumblr poll to have followers select
10. J2 Fallout: The two most recently mentioned characters' actors have, IRL, gone through a VERY messy divorce or friend breakup. You cannot put them in the same scene, but they must both remain relevant to the show. 
If you roll 10 again, they reconcile. 
11. Deep Analysis: Roll a d6. The next episode must include the theme of:
Bodily Autonomy
Family don’t end in blood
Family is Hell/Absent Fathers and Absent Gods
What makes a monster monstrous
12. Are we ever really done? The most recently mentioned character's actor has decided to leave the show. Kill off their character. 
If you roll 12 again for another episode, the character returns.
There's a few bonuses to a character returning, so if you so choose, Flip a coin. 
Heads: the actor chose to come back and the character looks the same. 
Tails: the actor did not reprise their role so the character has a "new vessel." 
The other bonus flip:
Heads: upon return, the character is on the side of the protags 
Tails: upon return, the character is working against the protags
Have fun and happy writing <3
Please feel free to tweak this game however works best for you. And if anyone does actually end up writing and posting something based off this, PLEASE tag me bc I wanna see lmao
Tagging a few writing buddies who might get a kick out of this: @kerryweaverlesbian @shallowseeker @bloodydeanwinchester @gryptids @kingflups
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androxys · 1 year
Nanda Parbat in 30 Seconds
I know Nanda Parbat gets used as a League of Assassins base a lot in fan media, likely because that was how it was depicted in Arrow. But I wanted to take a second and try to impress upon you how cool Nanda Parbat is without having anything to do with Ra's al Ghul (because it usually doesn't)
What is Nanda Parbat?
Nanda Parbat is a fictional city sequestered up somewhere in the Himalayas. It's hard to tell exactly where, because the whole premise of Nanda Parbat is that it's a magic hidden city.
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You can't just walk there; individuals must embark on a pilgrimage to actually get there. Nanda Parbat is as much an idea as it is a real location-- when you seek Nanda Parbat, you are looking for spiritual development and revelation.
It's suggested that only those with good intentions can find the city on their own. However, there are maps to the city, which can allow those with evil intent into Nanda Parbat. The map isn't your typical piece of paper, though. It's split into components such as a birthmark, or a poem.
Once you're in Nanda Parbat, time stands still. The city is eternally at peace. Disease does not progress, and people do not die. You are the only thing that changes, transformed by your time in the unchanging city.
Who's In Nanda Parbat?
The big name in Nanda Parbat is Rama Kushna, the goddess who inhabits the temple.
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When people go to Nanda Parbat on their quest for enlightenment, sometimes they find it on their own, and sometimes they have some help from Rama Kushna. She does your typical goddess stuff, such as guiding the hand of virtuous fighters and offering wisdom.
Rama Kushna is also the one who made Boston Brand into Deadman, after he was murdered. The two have a whole history, but that's its own thing.
The rest of Nanda Parbat's population are the monks who reside around the temple. They meditate and reflect on the meaning of everything and guard the Fountain of Youth.
Wait, the Fountain of Youth?
Yes, the Fountain of Youth is a thing in DC Comics. It played a big part in the crossover event The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul. Long story short, Ra's al Ghul died and couldn't be revived in a Lazarus Pit, so his consciousness spent some time body jumping. The problem was, his spirit would burn out the host bodies, so he hoped to use the Fountain to stabilize himself. A rival faction of assassins that had come to power when Ra's was dead want to stop him from getting revived to full strength, so they assemble the aforementioned map to get to Nanda Parbat and destroy the Fountain before Ra's can get to it.
The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul is not a kind story to Nanda Parbat. It pretty much gets razed to the ground by the conflict between Ra's, the rival faction, and Batman.
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The monks explicitly tell Ra's off for bringing violence and death to the city. The monks channel the power of Rama Kushna and cause an earthquake, forcing everyone to leave the city.
If you're interested in reading more about Nanda Parbat, I really recommend reading the series 52! There are several appearances here, with lots of characters passing through on their own journeys. The Deadman series also has a good bit of the Shifting City in it too, but I haven't read it yet, so I can only recommend it as such.
Now go forth and find enlightenment!
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bvckbiter · 15 days
some thoughts on characterization of the seven in hoo, VERY long post ahead:
for each of the five books in the series, i read them right as they came out and endured the year-long wait til the next release. like many readers, i was thrown off by the introduction of the new trio in the lost hero. but that was offset by 1) the seemingly more mature vibe/themes that riordan wanted to explore, 2) the monumental tension that was being built around the greek-roman separation, and 3) percy's comeback in son of neptune, even as an amnesiac.
mark of athena, released october 2012, was extremely anticipated because it was set to be the long-awaited percabeth reunion as well as the true crossover for the greek and roman spheres. there were a lot of theories being made at the time. would piper be able to mediate between eons-long enemies in a genuinely diplomatic way, or was she going to brainwash charmspeak them into compliance? how is reyna going to take jason suddenly having another girl and a new set of friends and another life after abruptly disappearing? will we get to learn more about jason's relationships within camp jupiter? would nico be dealing with any fallout from essentially boating along two riverbanks (translated directly from a tagalog idiom, so if the wording seems clunky thats why)? it didn't help that the first avengers movie came out in 2012, so the idea of a huge crossover event was all the hype then.
the published work, in my opinion... fell considerably short of expectations.
to be fair, we got some very good character moments. i did not find the judo flip scene cute, just kinda weird in the sense that i felt the author didn't know how to handle such a huge emotional turning point, but percabeth for the most part of moa was enjoyable, really giving you the high of this teenage couple finally being able to resume the honeymoon period they were probably in after four years of pining and a war lol. everything the fans wanted! unfortunately, we didn't get the same with other characters.
while i wouldn't say that percabeth was the reason, the difference in spotlight is nonetheless very staggering. the roman-greek reunification goes bad, sure, but it begins due to outside interference more rather than any actual intrinsic differences between the two camps; so the built-up tension from the previous books kinda falls flat. we get none of jason's backstory, so next to percy, he barely leaves an impression on the reader. hazel, frank, and leo get shafted into this weird love triangle where their enemy is leo's long-dead ancestor who ultimately makes no impact on the plot other than to have hazel and leo intersect somehow, contributing to leo's man-angst of being the seventh wheel. frank, who arguably has the most interesting set of powers and lineage, is basically relegated to being the muscle and hazel's (understandably) jealous boyfriend. piper... good lord. thats probably a whole other post, so i'll just say: cornucopia.
and yet, despite the disparity in characterization... you don't really feel that percabeth has a character arc or development per se. it's an odd contrast, with percy and annabeth getting a lot of time but pretty much remaining stagnant characters, as opposed to the other five who are written pretty blandly, but have valid, explicit inner struggles and questions they must face. for jason, it's being greek or roman. for hazel and leo, they want to parse their connection, even at the expense of frank, who is still struggling with his self-esteem. piper comes into her own power.
so despite being a book full of twists and turns, especially for percabeth, this is where you really feel the stakes begin to slump. decisions are being made to move the plot from point a to point b pretty straightforwardly, but there's not a ton of effort to make you invested in these characters other than what we know about them from previous books and the fact that they have a role to play in this apocalyptic second great prophecy.
but there's still two books left! the yearlong wait demands patience and creativity. surely percabeth falling into tartarus is going to make for some interesting development and impact. it was a brilliant plot twist, after all. with the darker turn that hoo was seemingly taking, there could have been so many consequences. percabeth could shut the doors of death from their side and come back alive, but come back wrong—unearthing old traumas, questioning and ultimately foreswearing their loyalty to the gods, threatening the reunification of the greek and roman aspects, etc.
and once again, house of hades... only semi-delivered? the tartarus chapters were certainly harrowing: percy choking akhlys is still a Scene of All Time to me because it felt earned, after all that percy has been through and what the series has been building up to! annabeth also having to face all the times she's been abandoned in her life, while less focused on, was also a very poignant moment for her character. they were events that seemed to push for development.
back on the argo ii, there's a continuing case of kind of low-effort writing on the other characters. frank and his mars blessing, for one; you kind of understand what rick was getting at, but... what! piper... girl idk what she was doing other than seeing visions in her dagger. leo... ue ue ue. jason commits to chb, but ofc he does because neither he nor we know/remember much about cj, so we don't really feel the loss! but there is one exception for his part, and that is of course the (in)famous cupid scene with nico, but i'll talk about nico much later.
hazel is an interesting case, so here's another paragraph for her. she gets to come into (more of) her powers just like piper did in the previous books, but from my viewpoint, it was considerably less engaged with who she was as a character compared to piper. in mark of athena, piper still struggles with being a daughter of aphrodite and how she can be "useful" as we know she struggles with internalized misogyny. on the other hand, hazel gets in touch with her mother's background... kinda? idk if controlling the mist can be considered equivalent to marie's voodoo; i dont think so. she certainly gains more understanding of her pluto heritage, too, and has this nice back-and-forth with hecate about creating her own path, but you don't really get the sense that doing so has consequences, or that she concretely shirked other paths to get where she was at.
where mark of athena fell flat with character stakes, house of hades to its credit does manage to up the ante—but only truly for percabeth. with all the resolutions to the character arcs in this book, you don't feel that the characters have anymore stakes or reasons to fight gaea other than the fact that she's still coming for them and they are in turn prophesied to defeat her. the one big thing that could be personal to them, which are the camps, ultimately fall under the purview of coach hedge, nico, and reyna, who are side characters, upgraded to main characters in the last book of a series already overbloated by shifting povs and favoritism.
ultimately, this is why blood of olympus falls apart. the best characterization work done, which is on percabeth and their time in tartarus, is in the end of no consequence and is barely mentioned. it's as if nothing has happened. all the build-up and investment fizzles out because in boo and beyond, even though they went through literal hell, they just shook it off (because accdg to rick demigods are extra resilient and don't get traumatized lmfao). the climactic face-off against gaea is headed by jason, piper, and leo, and it has no pay off. the books haven't dwelled on them as a trio after tlh because leo was too busy angsting about his love triangle, and jason's and piper's arcs, both individual and romantic, are shoddy, to say the least. to add insult to injury, leo's sacrifice is a fake-out! so he can finally shed the fucking seventh wheel arc that came about not because of a genuine exploration of how he has been outcasted all his life, but because the argo ii mysteriously became demigod tinder and also because rick thought "haha how funny that the latino is the outrageous flirt!" frank and hazel... just get shafted im so sorry babygirls T_T
what saves boo is not the cast of the seven that we have spent the five books journeying with. no, what saves boo is the three side characters suddenly made main characters because. well, fan favoritism and pandering. nico, reyna, and coach hedge comprised the only arc that wasn't an absolute slog to read through—high stakes, chemistry, and well-rounded character arcs that complemented each other. no hoo scene is honestly more heartwarming than reyna embracing nico. it makes you question if hoo's length and frankly shocking quantity of main ensemble members even constricted the narrative that could've been told, as opposed to the original intention of expanding the world of percy jackson through more povs. five books with at least 700-800+ pages each for five years. what a tremendous amount of time and energy to be wasted.
and there is, of course, the question of "should percabeth have been in hoo." until house of hades, my answer was yes. the fact that their tartarus arc fizzled into nothingness changed my answer to no. taking the whole series into perspective, if their treatment in boo was all that the hype and tension would amount to, it would've been better if they'd been relegated to side characters with mentor/helper roles as opposed to taking the spotlight away from the rest of the seven. their succeeding cameos in the other series + the new college reco trilogy makes the blunder all the more grievous.
heroes of olympus did give us a new cast of characters to love. along with all its racist stereotypes and pitfalls, it also diversified the percy jackson world. if not for the mid-2010s fandom who took up the slack of unexplored storylines and potential, these characters would be very much not impressioned on us. and as a successor to a series that was so deeply driven by family, friendship, love, and belonging, that it couldn't consistently humanize its main cast was the biggest sin.
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Why Tang Shen is soo interesting to me
Okay with all the Nameless Trio content I’ve been posting I feel the need to let you guys know why I find Shen so interesting. This may be a long one but I have LOTS of thoughts so please hang tight.
“If we interfere Splinter will never move to New York and buy four baby turtles”
Donnie in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) S3 E19
First of all Shen is literally the reason the story happens in most iterations. If it weren’t for her death, Hamato Yoshi likely never would’ve moved to New York, never bought the turtles, and they never would’ve gotten mutated. Without her there’d be no story. And yet she’s barely ever mentioned in canon.
Now I could talk for ages about fridging women and why it’s a stupid out-dated, over-used, misogynistic trope. And I’m not even going to pretend that’s not what happened to her. But one of the main problems with fridging is the fact that after the woman’s death sets the plot into motion (usually for some sort of love interest) she’s eventually forgotten by the plot. Women in fiction deserve better treatment than that. Real women deserve better representation than that.
However there’s another way that characters who die before the story starts can be utilized. One that I’m absolutely OBSESSED with. And that is the idea of haunting the narrative. Two of the best examples that I can think of are Mara from She-Ra and Caleb Wittenbane from the Owl House. Both characters are dead before the series begins. For a while the only way that we know about them is through what the other characters tell us. And, of course, this is a very biased view of the person. Sometimes it’s very one dimensional. 
But even though we know almost nothing about them, they linger. They are everywhere in the story. So many things only happen because of them. Memories of Caleb are everywhere in Phillip’s mindscape. Hunter’s entire life is dictated by the memory of a man who died hundreds of years ago. And even the door, the things that brings Luz the the Boiling Isles and sets the whole story into motion only is opened for her because Caleb stole it from Belos and buried it in the backyard of his family home. We don’t know much about Mara but we know that Adora is in a way doomed to follow in her footsteps. 
“In every other universe Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man. And in every other universe…it doesn’t end well.”
Spider-Gwen in Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
So we’ve talked about out-of-universe stuff. But what about what’s in the actual story? Due to the crossovers we know that all the iterations of TMNT sort of exist in the same way all the universes exist in the Spider-Verse world. They all have their own dimension. I can’t help but think of the parallels not only between the worlds but the characters who live within them. Gwen Stacy dies in every universe but one. She knows this. Unfortunately, the universe where she survives isn’t exactly kind to her. She loses her best friend. She loses Miles. She loses her father. She loses any chance at having a normal life. 
In 2012 the turtles have a conversation with Shen where she is trying to pick between Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi. Of course they don’t know this at the time, but one of the choices will lead to her death. However, it will also lead to the world being saved from a variety of threats. But what if she did know? What if Shen knew that she would be sacrificing herself? What if she knew that in every other universe she was doomed to die? In every universe but one, that is.
Tang Shen is never said to be dead in ROTTMNT. But we only see her once in a movie poster. We know she exists but she has no relevance. As far as we know, she’s out there living her best life. So what is she like? What would a person be like in the one universe where she gets to live?
I really hope this wasn’t too long but thank you so much for reading this whole thing! If you want some content about Rise!Shen then visit the Nameless Trio tag on my blog, she’s one of the three main characters in that au.
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princessofmerchants · 8 months
My prediction about the next four books SJM will publish
I wanted to get this down somewhere, in part to process my angst about the possibility of what may come last in this next cluster of book releases 😫 but also to record the plot and character threads I am seeing as important heading into the next stretch of books SJM will release.
This includes HOFAS, ACOTAR, and TOG spoilers so it's after the break.
DISCLAIMER: These are just my guesses based on various interviews SJM has given both before and after the HOFAS release — THE ONLY SERIES BOOK THAT'S CONFIRMED IN THIS LIST IS ACOTAR5 BEING NEXT, and with that one, the main characters and plot threads I'll mention have also not yet been confirmed (beyond an avalanche of textual evidence 👀)
So, here are my predictions, circa 1.5 weeks after HOFAS was released:
➡️NEXT: ACOTAR5 - Az/Gwyn + Nesta and the Valkyries (which should also include Mor, ideally in a shared storyline with Emerie), Illyria / Ramiel / the Prison (and maybe a return of the pegasuses to Prythian), Gwydion and Truth Teller (not to mention the other two Made blades Nesta forged in ACOSF - also will Narben make an appearance? 👀), and I also think the first part of the Autumn Court drama may be told in this book - the truth about what happened between Mor and Eris, Beron's ongoing treachery, and Beron may die in this book making Eris High Lord (though some of these items may also be in ACOTAR6 instead - I do think the Mor and Eris story needs to come out in ACOTAR5 though, for Az to make peace with his 500 years of pining for her)
➡️FOLLOWED BY: A Throne of Glass crossover book - Shifter Fae + humans, more history and context about when the ancient Erilea Fae world-jumped to Midgard and served the Asteri, a story that creates threads and connections (of some kind, no idea how, and not sure which ToG characters it would entail) to Lidia (deer shifter with fire magic a la Aelin), Tharion (and the Mer as a people - ToG stans, remind me, were there mer in the ToG series at all? I'm pretty sure Rigelus says they hailed from the same world as the wolves and other Midgard shifters - I've read ToG in full but not as closely as ACOTAR and CC), and Ithan (wolf shifter with ice magic a la Dorian)
➡️THEN I AM THINKING: CC4: House of Many Waters - This would be the continuation of the story threads SJM did not resolve or finish by the end of HOFAS: Lidia's "service" to the Ocean Queen (and more RuhnLidia story with Brann and Ace 😍), Tharion/Sathia with Flynn and their earth magic / Avallen and the pegasuses, Ithan as the new Prime of the Wolves (and something with Perry - why did the antidote fade for her so fast?), Firstlight Zero, widespread distribution of the antidote, Ariadne (where did she go??!), and maybe more portal hopping to Prythian for Bryce, Hunt, Ember, and Randall (OH and maybe Ruhn here too, to get him in the same room as Rhys 👀) to further develop the cross-world friendships we saw forming in HOFAS
➡️WHICH MEANS FOURTH IN SJM'S AIRPLANE TAXI LINE WOULD BE (SOBS): ACOTAR6 - Elain/Lucien, Band of Exiles, Firebird retelling, Koschei, the mortal queens, and the conclusion of the big magical conflict that began with the finding of the Dread Trove in ACOSF, not to mention the Archeron sisters finally acknowledging and healing all of their familial baggage that was born from their collective and generational hardships from their time as humans (so Elain also coming to terms with her Seer powers and being Fae / no longer human - also answering the question: What happened when Elain went into the Cauldron?), I also think some of the Autumn Court drama would play out in this story Helion/Lady Autumn and Lucien's heritage (Day Court heir?), as well as more information about Papa Archeron from the time period of ACOWAR when Lucien traveled with him (LOTS of processing complex and problematic parents in this one!)
Again, these are JUST MY IDEAS - the ToG book guess is based on SJM saying after ACOTAR5 she's excited about the world her next book will be in which she implied was not the CC or ACOTAR world, and which will be emotional for her because of "who may pop up" - if that doesn't scream a return to her to the ToG universe then I don't know what would.
Then the 3rd and 4th predictions follow from that 2nd one being ToG and what I think she may focus on in it to add layers to her crossover - which seems like something she would want to do after how much work she's put into it so far.
I think there's a stronger and deeper fanbase for ACOTAR6 than there will be for CC4, so I think that could impact a decision to write and release CC4 first (since us ACOTAR stans would wait decades for the conclusion of that story and still buy a bazillion copies of it).
WHICH MEANS (SOBS), if these books are released one every 1.5 years on average... It may be quite a few years until we get our Elucien book 😭 ACOMAF came out in 2016. It would be PAST 2026 when ACOTAR6 gets released, over 10 years, until we get to see what actually comes of Elain's and Lucien's mating bond, if the above winds up bring true.
I swear, Eluciens are going to get the trophy for longest wait to see these two in their endgame, bless our patient souls 🏆
(There is always a chance the last two in the list will be in reverse order, with ACOTAR6 followed by CC4, but even if that winds up being the case, it would still be three books from now for ACOTAR6.)
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kaidatheghostdragon · 8 months
So i decided to rewatch static shock and now i have Ideas(tm)
Amity and dakota are neighboring and/or sister cities, and virgil and danny are the same age or one is only a few years older than the other.
A few things about dakota's location:
It has miles of waterfront on its east side to Lake Dakota, which has ocean access. The lake has a golden gate sized bridge over it, but the other side is never shown. An extremely large artificial lake from a dammed up river that leads to the atlantic makes the most sense to me. A fictional Great Lake is also entirely possible. Either option probably still limits Dakota to east of (or connected to?) the mississippi, especially when combined with the point below.
Its implied to be close enough to gotham for virgil to signal batman in the sky, and to quickly fly over. There's still plenty of room for reinterpretation, though.
Its large enough to have 'miles' of waterfront, and to have stadiums hosting major sports events, so its safely larger than amity park.
I was looking at a map and thought it would be great if dakota was between or encompassed toledo and detroit (i got the impression it was an expy of chicago or detroit anyways), with lake eerie and lake st clair on its east. Lake st clair would be renamed dakota lake and lake erie is the lake eerie that danny and his dad visit. Amity park is in ohio instead of illinois (which is fanon anyways).
(Also, hilariously, dakota has a poorer neighborhood called the fenton projects. Do with that what you will.)
So basically, dakota is the closest "big city" to amity park, so theres a lot of cross travel. Both cities get their vigilantes at the same time and bond over the mutual weirdness, and team phantom and team shock are close allies that constantly fly over to help each other out.
OR, one of the origin stories happened 2-5 years after the other, and whichever one is younger goes to the other for vigilante advise and training.
The chemical that caused the big bang is some form of ecto, and all the bang babies are liminal. In this idea, i imagined team phantom closer to batman's age instead of static's. The (adult) team is investigating ecto-shipments in dakota when or shortly after the big bang event happens, connect alva to vlad and/or the giw, and discover a conspiracy to deliberately create liminals 'for science' (ie the chemicals were purposefully placed at the docks and a gang war deliberately incited).
Team phantom set up a bang baby outreach program at the community center with virgil's dad and quickly identify virgil as static. They train virgil (and eventually richie) and cover their patrols under the excuse that the two are extremely involved in the outreach program (which they are - static recommends the program to all of his rogues).
Danny's team is able to help the various bang babies develop and control their powers, has the resources to help anyone who doesnt want to be associated with ebon's gang, and has a way to safely subdue and contain the bang babies that refuse any help and continue to be a danger to others. And they can show up in a mask if they want to hide their identity while learning to control their powers (not that it would actually stop the team from being able to identify them). The team is also monitoring the bang baby population to make sure the giw or anyone else arent disappearing them.
The team would also take great offense to how the cure was ethically handled at the end of the series, especially if retconning the bang babies as liminals means that 'curing' them would actually hurt them.
Anyways, more danny phantom x static shock crossovers, please.
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smolvenger · 9 months
A Court of Mischief and Purpose, Chapter Seventeen (Loki x fem! Reader Hiddlesverse Crossover Miniseries)
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Series Summary: Based on Sarah J Mass's A Court of Thorns and Roses series with the Tom Hiddleston characters. You are a woman of 1880's in Aldwinter in Essex, England, dying of tuberculosis. Never to be married to the local Lusty Vicar. When Loki appears to you and offers to heal you...if you spend a week of every month with him
Chapter Summary: You have returned to Aldwinter. And begin to set plans for your revenge on Will.
Word Count: 6K
Warnings: Some spicy stuff but no actual smut (please forgive me, the chapters in this fic are long enough), mentions of cheating and portraying Will's cheating as bad I am very blatantly against the Will/Cora pairing in The Essex Serpent and it shows so if you like either character or the pairing, you have been warned. Mentions of sex and religion and violence and abandonment. Supporting Women's Wrongs.
A/N: Thanks to @muddyorbsblr for the brilliant ideas about how Reader could get her long due revenge and the great suggestions!
Happy New Years Eve! Instead of going to clubs and drinking and partying or being invited to a party, I'm spending it editing fanfiction. So this is to all of you out there who too feel a little lonely like me and like you should be out there doing partying and "normal" things...you aren't the only one, and I'm sending you a hug.
I hope you enjoy the start of the "next" season of Court after that cliffhanger! Leave a comment or reblog or send me an ask or dm if you especially liked it! Happy 2024!
Series Masterlist
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You could still recall your wedding with Loki.
It was night. The moons shone above. Stars sprinkled across the sky as people laughed and went out to restaurants and taverns. They weren’t the ones about to find a cauldron. They could go on in ignorance and always in safety.
But your own pulse was picking up as you held Loki’s hand. Excitement and nervousness.
You both walked into a temple, a building with a garland of roses over the door. For even gods still needed worshippers. Inside, there were two priests going about. An old man and a younger man in fine golden robes swept the floors. The younger one turned and gasped, tugging the sleeve of his sage.
They recognized Loki and both bowed.
“Ah, great prince and god of mischief, what brings you here?” the older one asked.
“I want you to marry us!” Loki announced.
Their jaws dropped, and the brown eyes of the old man grew large.
“Without the…the consent of the AllFather?” the older priest asked.
“No- I do not need it. I am not a child anymore. I am a man grown and this is the woman I want to marry.” Loki said, gesturing to you.
You walked over and placed a hand on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you.
“This is one order I give you, both as god and prince- Perform a marriage between me and Y/N. The Jotun Prophet says she is my True Love- always shall be. Don’t break the True Love Bond. Perform a marriage ceremony. I’ll reward you handsomely if you do.”
They relented. The Older Priest led you both to the large altar in the next room. It had a tall statue of Frigga smiling with outstretched hands from her gown’s sleeves. Firewood was brought to make a nice kindling blaze in the fireplace from the younger priest to the fireplace in the room.
The older priest gestured you both to You walked around it to the wooden table placed right before the statue. It was covered in runes in its tan wood. There was a small dagger, a cornucopia, and a tall, white candle that the elder priest lit with fire from the fireplace. The younger priest stood to bear witness, as well as holding a spare marriage contract for you both.
“The AllMother might feel a slight twinge in the air tomorrow, for marriage is part of her realm. But yet…if you are certain, then you are certain. Any last things you would like before we begin?” asked the older priest.
“It feels a little more like a lamb is about to be sacrificed than a wedding,” you shyly commented, for the Christian weddings of home were more what you were used to.
“The AllMother doesn’t like offerings of lamb!!” laughed the older priest.
“Here- let me make it more decorated, then,” Loki offered.
With a flick of his hand, there were flowers everywhere. Soft roses in bloom, their perfume a gentle caress in the air. They decorated the statue and the altar. Flower crowns were placed on the two priests, much to their amusement.
“Should I go back home and get that lacy bustle dress then? I know it’s your favorite” you teased Loki.
He gave you a small laugh, then lifted his hand and flicked it in the air.
Golden light came down from over your heads, he gave himself rich green robes with gold armor plates over his shoulders Both a prince and a groom.
You looked as the magic went over you and your clothes transformed on your body. You were given a long dress that was a soft blush pink to compliment his green. It shimmered when light touched it. It showed your shoulders but the sleeves were so long they draped to the floor, the way that a few of the queen’s dresses did. For that was what a woman of royalty wore. The bodice made a heart shape over your chest. On your head was a long veil that went down your back and onto the floor of sheer material, forming a beautiful train melting into a lacelike pattern. It made you look like you floated.
You smiled up at him.
“It’s beautiful, thank you!” you gasped.
Loki smiled, then nodded at the priest for him to begin.
You clasped hands. There was a prayer and some milk poured into a bowl and placed at the feet of the statue as an offering to Frigga..Loki conjured daggers for you both to trade, symbolizing how you would protect each other.
“Now, make your vows to each other,” signaled the Priest.
Loki held your hands. Though the priest whispered the words in his ear, he repeated it with sincerity.
"I, Loki, do swear before the AllFather and AllMother, take you to be my wife, my friend, my lover, and my companion. From this day until only death do us part. I pledge you my fidelity, refusing all others as long as we live. My softest words and tenderest embraces. I shall choose to respect you and choose to love you. In my bed and on my table. In battle and in peace. In sickness and in health. In joy and in sorrow. Day and night. From this hour, as long as we both live."
You took his hands and repeated what the priest whispered into your ear.
“I, Y/N, do swear before the AllFather and AllMother, to take you to be my husband, My friend, my lover, and my companion. From this day until death do us part. I pledge you my fidelity, refusing all others as long as we live. My softest words and tenderest embraces. I shall choose to respect you and choose to love you. In my bed and on my table. In battle and in peace. In sickness and in health. In joy and in sorrow. Day and night. From this hour, as long as we both live."
Then Loki’s magic brought up the ring- the very one you won from the Weaver’s cottage.
“That was why the Weaver thought I earned it…even she knew…” you wondered.
“She’s a matchmaker then, who knew,” Loki teased.
Loki placed it gently around your finger. He conjured a ring that you slipped through his finger.
There was a final prayer and chant. The younger priest brought forth the document which you both signed.
“Now seal it with a kiss- and all the nine realms shall consider you husband and wife,” announced The Older Priest.
You did, happily. Embracing each other and locking lips. They both smiled and applauded. Loki paid them generously with a conjured bag of coin.
You both were still holding hands as you hurried home. Your wedding gown and his shoulder plates glowing in the moonlight.
With the crowds around Asgard, you could slip by unnoticed. But you were smiling. He was red-cheeked, almost running and pulling you with him until you picked up your skirt and met his pace. You ran together back home at an equal speed. The thrill of being married at last soaring in your hearts.
You got home in your finery, clutching hands happily. At the entrance, no one came to meet you. The guards simply allowed you through, never asking questions.
“Husband…” you teased, tasting the word. Placing a hand on his warm chest. His eyes went big.
“In the older times, a marriage isn’t considered legal until it is consummated. Is Asgard…like that?” you asked with a slight giggle in your voice.
Loki took his hands around your waist.
“Better safe than sorry, then,” he agreed.
He scooped you easily into his arms and carried you right into his chambers. Taking you onto his green bed and laying you down.
He crawled on top of you and kissed you. Desire burned between your legs as he let in some of his tongue and touched your face, pulling you close. Hands greedily running down your body. Giggling you rolled over so he laid down and you were on top. The veil shimmered as it fell from your head into a melted, sparkly puddle on the floor. He let out a small gasp of surprise but laughed it off, his ivory face below you, his beautiful black curls splayed across the bed.
‘Now that we are wed, I’m going to make my wife scream with pleasure on our wedding night. And every night after that.”
His hands went to your hips, gripping the flesh beneath the cloth. You set yours on his broad shoulders.
“First I’ll have to spare your stallion and ride you instead!” you whispered.
“I love you, my wife… and princess,” he voiced.
“I love you too- prince and husband,” you said.
You began to grind him as he undid his own leather trousers. Then you pulled up your long skirts and began to sink onto his-
“O God, whose blessed Son was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil and make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life:...”
The vicar’s voice broke you out of your memories.
That was just the past. And here you were in a familiar scene. The memory is still warm in your body though you were back in that sterile church.
“Grant us, we beseech thee, that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves even as he is pure…’ Will continued to intone, signaling the beginning of the service.
You were sitting dutifully on the front row next to your parents. Just as you did for a long time. You were back home in Aldwinter, but you did not feel like the same lovesick girl counting down the days to her wedding and smiling up at the vicar with love and even restrained lust.
No, you kept your eyes down to the checkered floor, hands positioned to pray. You wore a dark-colored dress, but you were not in mourning. You would paint the picture of piety and repentance here. Still aware of the eyes still on you. Of the gossip.
“She left our respectable rector for that god. Yet she’s back here and - bless him, he loves her! He’s going to marry Y/N anyway despite all of that! Despite her being ruined. Despite her betrayal,” was what they were whispering in their pews and parlors.
‘They got it wrong as to who ultimately betrayed who. Twice.’ you thought. But you held back that part of you in your head. It was rather talkative lately, but you knew better than to utter a word of your true thoughts.
You looked about. There was the old chandelier that hung up with unlit candles. You wondered how they stayed on. What would happen if one were to fall? Would it hit someone?
To your amusement, you realized one hung over where Will was standing. You wished you could make a candle fall to hit him on the curly auburn head. It would have been funny, even the congregation would laugh. But you didn’t.
It deserved to be a knife aimed at his skull instead.
Everyone kept their heads down, though sometimes a pair of eyes would meet yours.
You were back. You told them- your family, old friends, and neighbors- little of what happened. As far as they knew, you were enchanted. But the spell was broken. Yhat you were returned safely- to pray, repent, and process all that happened with Loki…
And sometimes you did. The things you never imagined you would see or do when you went to Asgard. You thought you would live a plain little life in a plain little town and that you were content to do so. Did they know that you learned how to wield swords and daggers? That you were blessed with magic? Of the people you met from other worlds and timelines and planets? Stole belongings or helped in their stealing? Escaped death multiple times? Fought? Even killed? That you found new friendships with queens, princes, and warrior women? Seen aliens? Been to a ball? Met gods and learned to love one and was even married to him?
Now- here you were. In your old clothes and old church. Did those grand adventures even happen at all?
You knew they did.
There were a few extra faces in the pews. For some in town were surprised by an influx of men who built small houses and stayed nearby. Some women were thrilled for a bunch of new bachelors and hoped for marriage with one of them. They all said they were part of a construction company and factory that was nearby…when really they were of Grendel’s army. Bullies and monsters, all of them. And it was none other than Will who agreed with Grendel to let them stay in the town…if Grendel got you back here to him.
Will’s sermon continued as normal. He seemed happy as he began to discuss Paul’s book of Romans. Once you would have sat up in rapt attention. But you could hardly pay attention to it anymore. He seemed like a ghost in his long white robes. He wore a long blue sash draping down his shoulders trimmed with gold with symbols on the ends. He smiled brightly as he stood before the congregation, folding his hands so they disappeared from his robe’s sleeves.
You heard the voice of your husband through the bond.
'I’m going to kill him,' Loki said clearly in your head.
'Not yet,' you replied.
'I’m going to get out my dagger, and stab him right where he is.'
'Loki, please, don't'
'Then I’m ripping a portal to this church, slinging you over my shoulder, and carrying my wife out of this place. Right. Now.'
'Loki, I wish you could- but consider: they're watching. The whole town is watching and not just now! Everyone is obsessed and looking for you. My parents keep the doors to the house locked except for when I go on my daily walk. Everyone has purchased a weapon. They’re searching like madmen for you in Aldwinter. It’s not safe for you to just barge in.'
Now people discussed the Trickster god who kidnapped and ravished women more than the Serpent that was just a dead whale. They searched everywhere. Children played games and whispered about him. One thought they saw him in the woods. Another thought they saw him in the marshes. People kept close eyes on their daughters- he took first you, then Stella twice, and who knew which lady would be next?
One day, there was a rowboat on the river in town. It nearly ran into another rowboat. And no fishing nets were inside.
“What are you out here for?” one rowman asked.
“Lookin’ for the Trickster god! He was sighted here, wasn’t he?” answered the other boat’s first rowman.
“Blast it, not if I find and shoot him first!” said another rowman from the other boat.
‘But, my dear pet-’ Loki continued to sigh.
‘No- I don’t want you to. Besides, even if you could quickly get me out, I don’t want to leave yet…not without seeing to it that Will is punished’ you sent to him.
'You do deserve revenge, Loki agreed “So I should turn into a cat again, trot up to him purring, and then jump out and stab him.'
'Loki, it is a habit of men to avenge women they love who were wronged. It is in many stories- it is always the woman who suffers and dies horribly because of a villain’s sins and it is not her, but the man who is allowed to live to avenge her. Those writers don’t understand we ladies are perfectly capable of exacting our own revenges. I would like to do it. I am the person Reverend Ransome has wronged most of all. If anyone should do the stabbing, it should be me.'
'Then get a knife and throw it towards him in church!' Loki suggested.
'No! He will duck and it shall be me who goes into jail and shall be killed, not him. I can’t just murder him willy-nilly and with no certain escape or sanctuary. I must be careful with this if I am to get away with it.'
Part of you was impressed by him. Making a deal for your safe return at least, done by a man whose heart couldn’t be settled on one woman. You were keeping your simmering rage at bay. You took a look at the church, you noticed the walls that seemed blue-green in the overcast sky when they were really white. The light brown pews and the table with a tall wooden cross on it with two candles between. The three chandeliers. The two windows that overlooked everyone were like eyes.
When you burned Aldwinter to the ground, the church would be first.
No, no you couldn’t. Why should so many innocent people suffer because of one man’s decisions? You had to figure out how to exact revenge on the reverend Will Ransome, in a way that would affect him and only him. And in a way that no one would suspect it was you.
The service continued on as normal. Though you were always in a half-sleepy, silent daze now instead of at attention, doing every repetition of prayers and singing each hymn and crossing yourself soberly.
Sunday evening, as always, a nice dinner was made for Will, your fiancee and guest. It was as if the letter you wrote to him ending things was never sent.
It was the same picture. Everyone sitting down in your house. Napkins draped across laps as forks and knives clinked with plates. The smell of the meal wafting- your mother’s roast with salad and bread and potatoes. Laughter and chatter.
You would make a smile appear on your face, eating politely and quietly.
Then your father made one clap and rubbed his hands, looking at you and Will.
“Now- let us discuss the wedding! Do you have a date selected, my dears?” he asked.
“We have discussed about the wedding a little more…” Will began.
‘But I’m already married,’ you thought, glancing down at the emerald ring always on your finger.
Then again, Will wasn’t known for respecting the boundaries of marriage.
The Lusty Vicar placed a hand over yours and held it.
“We will reschedule the wedding for next month,” Will suggested. His blue eyes shined to you. “Then, my angel, I shall finally call you my wife.”
‘I would rather the Serpent become real and devour me,’ you thought.
“It shall be lovely,” you replied with a small smile.
“We shall have a wedding- free of interruptions and no sickness and no spells. It shall be simpler, mind you- we all know how much the first one cost,” your mother added.
“A big wedding doesn’t matter as long as it’s with a good man who truly loves you,” you commented.
Will again looked at you softly. He spoke with a smoothness, almost a seductive tone, like when he proposed to you. Not caring the others were there. In fact, they enjoyed it.
“It was God who told me you were to be my bride, Y/N.”
‘But God didn’t tell me.’ you thought. You only looked up at him and smiled.
“And we shall spend our lives fulfilling His word together,” he continued.
‘Did God also tell you to stick your fingers up Cora’s-’
“Oh, how beautiful! To see you finally married off to this godly, lovely man!” your mother sighed out loud.
“I am the happiest woman in Essex, ” you replied.
He kissed your hands and left back home.
“Y/N, now that you are a parsonage bride, be sure to attend to your duties at the church tomorrow. You must become used to them,” your mother reminded you.
One idea hit you. A small step.
Revenge you realized, was similar to cooking or baking. When one has a recipe, there are all sorts of small ingredients to gather, steps to take, and things to measure and mix. Small steps. They don’t seem like much at first, but bit by bit, they became something bigger, grander.
“Yes, mother. I shall,” you replied dutifully.
The next afternoon, the church was empty. Only Will and a few others planning out events in the meeting room. You had to help keep it tidy and check plans for Sunday School, for you were now going to join as another volunteer teacher for the children. As you looked over the lesson plans with the other teachers, you reached out your powers through your gifts. Searching. Would they be where they were last…
They reached his office. To what was under his desk.
No box. And no personal mail.
The letters from Cora were not in his office, you realized. That would take some searching.
But another thing was near his office- the church treasury kept in a safe in the next room.
Another step to your revenge.
One of the benefits of being a vicar was that while a clergyman received some of the tithes, a vicar got all of them.
Of course, some of it went to support his own church and ministry as well as put bread on the table. Will was probably discussing the budget with them from the Sunday tithes.
Finishing the Sunday School lesson planning was done.
Your senses told you the room with the safe was empty.
The old woman who taught the children’s Sunday school chattered on. Usually, women could teach children and other women. It was rare for a woman to teach a Sunday School class that included men. You got up. Saying you were going to get a glass of water and to wait for the Reverend, excuse me.
No one was in the hall. You quickly hurried in, your steps soft. To not click on the floors. Your powers unlocked the door and you stepped in. The plain brown room with a plain grey safe.
Quickly, your senses managed to unlock it. Opening up to numerous checks and huge wads of cash and coins in baskets.
You got out a few things of cash. Taking off your shoe, you slipped it beneath your foot and then retied it on. You then locked it back. Quickly walking away. You went over to the church kitchens to get your glass of water and sip on it in one of the parlors, your eyes down in innocence.
When you got home, you sat down in your chair, claiming you were tired and needed to rest. You looked at the blue gloves you had been knitting recently. Your eyes focused, your powers embracing it. You let it rip open and then reattach, sewn back together easily.
You removed your shoes and got out the cash.
You took the money and placed it in a blank envelope. Oh, how you wished you could recreate handwriting! Then you would forge Will signing it! But you could not, as much as you practiced. That would have given you away.
So at night, when no one was around, no one walking the streets, you briefly slipped the letter under your door. Then you went back to continue to knit more gloves as your parents read.
'Move' you commanded the letter silently.
And it did- it began to drift through the dirt road. You sensed where Mrs. Seaborne resided and directed the letter there as it floated through the ground as if a breeze moved it.
'Go to her house, slip it under the door,' you commanded it.
Quietly as a firefly. It located the house of a certain widow and slipped it under the door.
Your parents then said you would have to read the Bible more, to prepare for your marriage, and gave you a new copy they had bought. You turned to the Old Testament book of Judges and silently read some as they continued their own post-dinner activities by candlelight.
You poured over one story in that book. There was once a tyrant named Sisera who had long oppressed the Hebrew people. After his army lost a decisive battle with the Hebrew forces, he fled like a coward. He discovered a tent where who should be there, but only an ordinary housewife named Jael. She knew what he had done. She let Sisera have her food and sleep there as a guest, promising him that he was safe. Then as he slept, she got out a tent peg and killed him by hammering it through his skull.
You wondered why there weren’t more sermons discussing Jael. Why many never even spoke of her. Or perhaps even knew of her.
So every day you sat, sewed, obeyed your parents and fiancee, and prayed and bided your time. You had to seem like Jael- an innocent, dutiful, pleasant woman who would only do what was asked of her. Then, when the time was right, you would drive the peg through the skull of your Sisera.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Will loved to take long walks in the mornings. Especially through the fields, the forests, and by the sea. You realized each day you sensed him. They were like clockwork-mid morning after breakfast. Then he would go out for at least an hour. If not two.
That would be the perfect time to find the letters.
The next morning, you said you were out to walk and take care of some errands. Your parents thought nothing of it but wished you well. You walked out.
You walked into the town and through. Careful that none were watching you. You knew where it was. You had been there one night before.
There it was- the tall white house, the vicarage. There was a large, plain backyard save for the little house made of sticks for the dog to sometimes rest in.
The dog was already outside, leased to the house for safety as his keeper was out. The sweet, brown terrier. He went up to you, wagging his tail, for he knew you. You got him little treats of bread from your pocket that you fed to him, so he would be happy and not bark up a storm. No more than what would alert any passerbyes. After petting him for some time, you got back up to go to the vicarage.
Your powers unlocked the door and you went inside. Now you weren’t as clouded with emotion, you could look about the place.
It was light tan wood on the inside. There was a kitchen with an empty table and vase. A little fireplace. A parlor by the windows with cushions where one could watch the outside.
It was a large house. The right size for a man who was expected to start a family.
You turned past one door, peeking inside, and you saw a bedroom. A large blue bed, neatly made.
To think, that was where the wedding night that never happened would have taken place…
Then you continued, you felt odd. Nostalgic for something you never experienced…a life you never lived, had wanted to live, and in a way, still wanted to live.
There was his study. The wallpaper on it was green, full of vines, leaves, flowers, and even birds all over. Beautiful and elaborate. There was a window where sunlight poured through the window over his desk sat. Looking out to the countryside outside. There was an oil lamp where one just turned and there it was. So many papers and journals on his desk, yet in neat piles. But most impressive in his room were the bookshelves. His study was almost a library in itself- tall bookshelves. Full of books, more than you could name. It was likely they all were books of theology or even history or anything having to do with his ministry and studies.
You looked about, pausing and smelling the musk of the place. The beautiful wallpaper. The impressive collection of books.
You could almost feel it like wearing an old shirt- the life you once had. A life that was also within your grasp again. A life where you would live in this house as Mrs. Ransome.
To sit in that bed knitting next to him as he read. To sleep beside him and with him. To fulfill your marital duties at night with quiet passion. A life where you planned the activities the children would do in Sunday school on your kitchen table. Sew up white angel costumes for the Christmas pageant every year. To go and stand by his side helping to bring out alms on a day of charity.
Sweeping and scrubbing all day instead of intense physical training. No worries about Grendel, but of making sure the dinner would be warm when he got home.
One where you would gather flowers from your garden to plop into that vase, making them look nice. A life where you would fix tea and lemon biscuits, and deliver them on a tray to him in his study as he wrote his next sermon. To give it to him and he would smile up from his papers. A life where you would sit by the fire sewing, discussing whatever sermon was coming up next with him as he made notes. Plan recipes for the newest church dinner or picnic coming up and talk to him about who was making what. Picking pastel wallpaper for a certain special room in the future for both of you. Holding hands in the middle of services.
No quests, adventures, or fighting. A quiet life, a domestic, peaceful life. A life you could no longer have. A life no longer accessible -and a life you knew you could no longer let yourself want.
Your powers reached and you found you were correct in your suspicions.
The second desk drawer on the left side. The locked one.
Your powers unlocked it and it jiggled open. There inside were letters. The love letters from Cora to the Lusty Vicar.
Because he wasn’t known as the Faithful Vicar.
Though it made your heart race and your stomach turn, you picked up the letters and began to skim through some of them. You couldn’t take all of them or he would be immediately suspicious. You had to select only a limited number of them- so they had to be the most damning ones.
You turned past one discussing the Serpent to a piece of paper with Will’s handwriting on it. A draft of a letter to respond to her.
“I apologize for not writing, there was too much to say. I cannot think straight around you. I love you, Cora.”
Love- Love! He was sure it was love! You noticed the rest of it was full of scribbled-out words.
Then you found the next one from Cora. Two words in it stood out to you and nearly made you drop the paper.
“Come quickly.”
She was asking Will to leave you for her! The shock made the letter tremble in your hands and your vision went dizzy at the edges.
“Come quickly.”
Your mind then raced, imagined, as minds do… spiraling further in its self-destructive cycle of imagination. Will told you he wouldn’t leave you…he also said he loved you. Said that he still loved you…
“Come quickly.”
What if you already married Will…and he ran off with Cora?
You imagined the scene.
You could see it already in this house. You would be doing your daily duties humming a cheerful song. Refreshing the vase in the kitchen with flowers. Planning ingredients for dinner.
The day turned to evening…and realizing he was taking longer with his church duties than normal. Wondering if something happened. Already missing him as you dusted off the countertops. Full of happy memories of him in your earlier days of marriage. The light brown kitchen where he’d lay a gentle hand on your shoulder in fondness as you stirred the soup. The doorways you teased that he was too tall for. Looking through the dinner you were going to make that night.
Panic bubbled lightly as the sun dipped down and the day became night.
You would finally wander into his study. The light shining orange from his lamp…. There, on the table was a letter addressed to you from him. You would reach for it and read it.
“My dear wife, I am in love with Cora Seaborne. I cannot think straight around her…with her, there is too much to say. I am going with her. I ask for your blessing. I will make sure you are taken care of. Thank you, for your dear blessing on us and for our love.” Will.”
And enclosed were several bills of cash money.
For he knew a married woman could not submit a check at the bank, then the money would go to her husband.
And now, your husband was gone.
The utter shock. Rereading it to make sure it was real, that this nightmare was real. The rage. The tears. The brokenness washing over you. How you would shake. Holding onto his desk for support. Until your legs gave out- how you would collapse, sobbing. Those three little words that would feel like a kick over and over: “for our love.”
Then, you would wander into another room—the pastel one. For by now, there would likely be an occupant.
A little baby in a cradle.
A nursery decorated with the theme of Noah’s Ark. A painting of the wooden boat and of doves with twigs in their beaks on the wall. Full of little animal toys going two by two. Specially decorated for this child’s arrival.
To look down at the little infant in its cradle. So lovingly swaddled safe and warm. A child who was half you and half Will.
On one hand, perhaps it would be worse if he took the child with him. A child you would never know if you would see again, for a husband could deny his wife access to their children. The law saw the child as Will’s, not yours.
And he already found a new replacement, a new wife for him, and a new mother to this child.
It was as if you never mattered in the first place.
But now, the child would be babbling and looking around. Then it would burst into tears, for it missed the cradling arms of its father. You would shush it and try to rock it. Call their name, sing a lullaby in a broken, crying voice, and kiss their forehead- the last reminder of Will you’d always have by you.
To think, once this child was old enough, you would have to look them in the eye and explain why Papa wasn’t around like the other Papas were with their children, even if Papa was a priest. That Papa loved Mama…but he wasn’t in love with Mama.
How you would cradle that child to your chest, walking through the rain, the letter in your pocket. Trudging to your parents home in the middle of a rainstorm in the night. Knocking on the door. They’d open. Seeing a sobbing baby and a sobbing mother.
To tell them what happened. You couldn’t imagine what they would say, would do. They wouldn’t have the heart to even turn you down. But perhaps people would talk.
Maybe you didn’t cook as well. Maybe you were mad and had to be sent to an asylum. Maybe you weren’t as pretty as Cora. Or as interesting or clever. Maybe you didn’t pleasure Will enough in his bed and the Lusty Vicar had to be satiated somehow.
You would not be able to file a divorce. A husband who had an affair and now abandoned you was not the legal grounds for a wife to divorce a husband.
In the eyes of both God and the Law, you were still William Ransome’s wife.
Now…you had to stay married to him until only Death did you part or he decided to initiate a divorce. Even though you were the upright, godly, proper vicar’s wife…the law would not be on your side. Not as a woman.
To wait. For envelopes that had letters- and especially money. To live at the mercy of those envelopes. Hoping the cash would be enough. For food, for warm clothes for your child- no his child, for by the law, the child belonged to the father, not the mother. The humiliation, the pain, the loneliness.
All because Will and Cora were in love.
And all because a stupid whale carcass was what brought them together in the first place!
You wanted to take that lamp that sat at his desk and throw it at the wall until it shattered into a million pieces. You wanted to tear at that letter. Topple the bookshelves and rip apart every last book that belonged to Father William Ransome. Do every violent thing to destroy that room in a rage. To run to Cora’s house armed with a cane like what men and old people used to walk with. For it was she who wrote that letter in the first place. Ready to beat the tar out of her until she-
But no…that wasn’t real. That didn’t happen. This was real, you reminded yourself. You were just sitting in his office with shaking hands.
‘I am not the Unwanted Wife of Aldwinter…I am the Princess of Asgard. Loki loves me, he says I’m beautiful, that I am enough for him- that I am great and awe-inspiring…he is who matters now. I am. Beautiful, powerful, and dangerous. I have the Aesir people, the servants of the palace, the warriors, and the army and legion of Asgard at my disposal- and I shall strike into Will and Cora until they plead for the mercy I will never give them,’ you reminded yourself.
Your senses reached out again and you found old documents from when Will was granted the vicarage and position. You memorized the names of those who appointed him. You searched thoroughly until you found papers with the address of the seminary that appointed him. Taking a scrap piece of paper on the desk and his pen, you wrote their names, as well name of their building and its address. You wrote it down and then hid it in your stocking.
And you had to hurry- what if he decided to return soon? Your senses told you he was still walking outside…but you would not tempt fate.
Taking in a shaky breath, you returned the draft of his letter- you could take it. But if it was missing, he would suspect something was afoot. You set the draft down.
You planned to take two to damn Will. Instead, you took three love letters- including the “come quickly” letter. For she was going to be punished already as harshly as he.
You stuffed them into the pockets of your skirt.
You promptly left the vicarage back to town, taking a path that made it less suspicious you came directly from there.
You did a little grocery shopping, and returned, saying you had to walk to clear your head- you had a nightmare last night. About Loki. You poured a few tears and they fixed you some tea in consolation, telling you that your enchantment and the dreadful act of warming his bed was all over.
Then, once you were alone in your room, You took out the letters from your clothes and hid them your copy of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, which you kept firmly in your personal bookshelf.
They were ingredients left to simmer until boiling. You had the evidence and the first address to send one to. You now had to figure out where to send the other two to bring them down.
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imagionationstation · 2 months
Gender swap Donnie is my everything, I love it so much and AHHHDJDBSISBBKSOA
Actively feral as we speak, when reading the stuff about Dona I couldn’t help but think she would sound like Princess Bubblegum (cause you know two genius scientists who are little insane)
I am also wondering how she be like when dealing with Don Visio so and you know trying to kill him at one point. Also how protective are her brothers when it comes to love interests? Like I know you said Casey maybe a love interest but what about other mutants or even aliens flirting with her? How would they react to that? And with the Halloween special, what would Dona’s experience be with being turned into a vampire? Cause in the original Dracula book when it focused on turning women into vampires it was a little … um not good for the gal. So how would she be turned if that changes? Also how would the 1987 turtle crossover react to Dona?
Sorry if this is a lot I just have so many questions and just want to know what you think about this. I really like this au and want to read more about it and your thoughts.
Please don’t feel pressured to answer this and take your time I literally just found your blog and am re-re-re-re-reading as I am writing this. I love this idea and concept so much.
Also can I make art of Dona AU pls?
I am going insane as we speak.
(Not serious (take your time and take care of yourself))
(I always find it funny when people are like: Yk that movie/character/book series- and I’m just no?? Who told you that I did?? Never seen that before in my life.)
And you must be hearing something I don’t because I don’t hear Donnie in Princess Bubblegum. She’s too soft spoken. And I don’t know if she could pull off the Donnie-isms from canon. No, no, if I needed to choose a voice for her- hmmm.
Entrapta from She-Ra would be my first pick, I think. Definitely.
I am also wondering how she be like when dealing with Don Visio so and you know trying to kill him at one point.
Exactly the same! Everything that happens with her in canon when facing him does not change in the slightest. The only difference would be that her brothers would be extremely ticked off in the episode Mutant Gangland. Even so, Leo would still be the voice of reason when talking her down in Heart of Evil.
Also how protective are her brothers when it comes to love interests? Like I know you said Casey maybe a love interest but what about other mutants or even aliens flirting with her? How would they react to that?
If someone begins flirting with Donnie, I think they’d only be protective if Donnie shows discomfort with the situation. I think this would happen a few times, but often, Donnie is completely oblivious and her brothers love watching people struggle. Of course, flirty is one thing. Making active moves on her is another.
Six feet apart, hands to yourself, thank you very much.
Now, if Donnie has a love interest, they’ll let it play out naturally. It’s her relationship and they wouldn’t want her interfering with theirs. They sus out the interest and then they leave it to her because they trust her to handle herself and know that if she ever does have any issues… She’s tell them. They’ll know.
I think if there’s a place for a relationship with Casey to start, it would be during the farmhouse arc. Before that, there was still a fair amount of bickering between them because she was having jelly feelings about April’s friendship with him and Irma.
April didn’t come down to the lair when she was hanging out with them and doing all kinds of human activities that Donnie couldn’t do. Once again, Donnie felt different. Not because she was a girl, but because she was a mutant. And they couldn’t hang out one-on-one when she starts dragging Casey down with her. At least Irma seemed friendly and smart! Casey Jones was so… Brash. Rude. Arrogant.
As she whined in the show, “Now we have TWO RAPHAELS!”
Eventually, though, she realizes that, just like Raph, he can be crude, but he’s also kinda a sweetheart deep down.
And with the Halloween special, what would Dona’s experience be with being turned into a vampire? Cause in the original Dracula book when it focused on turning women into vampires it was a little … um not good for the gal. So how would she be turned if that changes?
Um. Huh? I don’t… I guess I don’t know what that entailed?
Are you asking if the scene would be more sexual? Or if this grown man would be preying on a teenager? Ew, actually, wow, I don’t like that. REVERSE THOUGHT PROCESS REVERT REVERT
I think there’s too much happening to insert anything anyway.
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There would probably be an inappropriate innuendo or two from Mikey about “vampires going after females” since he already makes iffy comments in the canon show. Why not more cringe?
I really don’t know if there’s anything I would change except for that part when April hypnotizes him. I’d make that more “friendship” and less “romance” (if you know what I mean). Otherwise, the episodes should stay the same as in canon.
Donnie simply gets bitten by April and turns into a vampire after helping her brothers and Renet reach a safe room. She tries to attack them but they manage to escape. They tussle later.
Also how would the 1987 turtle crossover react to Dona?
I think any crossovers would have the four brother iterations giving her a double-take. And the 1987 especially have never met a female of any of the brothers so they’d probably make a comment or two.
Heck, in the episode Trans-Dimensional Turtles, since there are no introductions, and they mainly use names versus pronouns through most of the episode, I think that the 1987 would just run off the assumption that she’s male. She doesn’t usually dress or act any differently from her brothers so there aren’t a lot of huge pointers that she’s of another sexuality.
And assuming the timelines they’ve seen and the timeline that they come from, it’s a reasonable assumption.
I think the reveal would probably be during the final episodes during the kitchen scene. It would likely be before they discuss Icecream Kitty and Chompy and 1987Donatello remarks, “Wow, our parallel works really are different.”
One of the brothers casually uses “she” while talking about her and 1987Raphael immediately interrupts with a baffled, “Wait, is your Donnie a girl?” In a tone that triggers Donnie’s sass “So what if I am!?” and, of course, 1987Raphael fires back some snide comment at the attack, and it takes all of her brothers intervening to calm her down and helping to explain in order to defuse the situation.
I don’t think I know them well enough to judge how they’d respond after the fact. I just assume the show continues as normal 🤔
Please don’t feel pressured to answer this and take your time I literally just found your blog and am re-re-re-re-reading as I am writing this. I love this idea and concept so much. Also can I make art of Dona AU pls?
I LOVE to hear that other people are going feral over her! Never apologize for your curiosity and never hesitate to ask!! I will answer all the questions I can when fate allows the time!
Absolutely, you can! Make all the fanart you want!
All I ask is that you tag me so I can see her! 💜
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eremorte · 5 months
You literally always send the best asks, so we’ll thought through and I’ve never seen you ask someone the same thing twice so I figured I’d sent you one
If you could write more seasons / specials / webisodes / crossover for eah what would the plot be for each?
Keep in mind that Mattel would still have to approve it so don’t go crazy with dark lore + queer ships but definitely can add more than what was originally in the series - or you can completely discard this and do what you want. Rules are made to be broken.
I would actually love to hear this extremely detailed if you had lots of ideas
I have been terrified of an ask like this one gracing my inbox. (Still grateful). As much as I ponder the franchise I haven’t thought of much that would objectively move the plot forward. What I’ve been obsessing over are the cracks in explanation or how plain everyone is in a world filled with magic.
Firstly, thank you? One of the reasons I haven’t asked anything twice is because if anyone wants to answer the prompt they are free to (Please do, I beg y’all). And because I figure people have already suggested these ideas already but outright saying “Hey, I want you to answer” appears to work best.
I really like asking people things! But it takes a while when a person has no clear prompt for questions ("asks are open" is vague in this bottleneck of a fandom). Or I see content on their blog that already answer a question I might’ve asked/not involved with other fandoms on said blog.
Also like, the asks I’ve gotten before were objectively a challenge so I just thought that was the bar…
I will say right now I don’t like crossovers so I don’t have many ideas regarding that (Even with g1 monster high).
So webisode ideas….
An episode in which Kitty either apologizes or doubles down on what she did in a Cat who Cried Wolf. (Let’s be clear, the consequences for Cerise would have been worse than death. I am still bitter) (and have also forgotten most of the books if this is ever rectified).
A few episodes where Apple and Raven don’t appear at all and also doesn’t introduce anyone new (they aren’t bad, I’m just bored of them appearing in everything).
Conversely, a few episodes where it focuses on the fact that allegedly Raven and Apple have a social circle outside of their room mate.
(Raven Maddie Cerise and Cedar)
(Apple Briar Ashlynn and Blondie)
An episode on what Apple and Maddie do as co presidents
(any extracurricular episode really)
An episode focusing on the brothers Grimm. I noticed that after Spring Unsprung continuity from the specials doesn’t seem to matter to webisode continuity. So it probably won’t delve into the resentment Giles has built up from being trapped. The next best alternative is something involving Milton’s obsession with the unicorns. Maybe Milton lost a unicorn but is too embarrassed to announce it and sends Giles (or Giles notices on his own and helps anyway) to find it.
And an episode where Ginger has to reconstruct something on her gingerbread cottage and Cerise and Ramona are enlisted to help her.
A boys only episode. Idc what the plot is.
Full salt ahead…
An episode where either Duchess or Ramona call out Poppy on her apparent Roybelness. (Ramona mostly, and then when Poppy reveals the sister secret Ramona is still annoyed, and points out that Grimm probably wouldn’t force them to switch places if he knew at this point (because you don't need two Rapunzel's, but you need at least one Badwolf). Cerise is the reluctant peace keeper)
Oh and also an episode where people eventually hear about the Red/Badwolf romance (friendship?) but mistakenly attribute it to Cerise and Ramona somehow. Obvious it gets cleared up by the end.
If nothing else a picnic date between Ramona and Red.
It seemed towards the end we would have gotten something focused on the hood-badwolf sisters. I'm not sure if the reveal of the secret and acceptance is what I want. I would want a special wholly dedicated to the reform school. Or at least, whatever Ramona did to her sent there.
Because it feels kinda annoying to shove the whole arc of acceptance into 45 minutes start to finish. And nothing in the show explicitly conflicts with Cerise revealing her secret to Hood Hollow (Unfairest of them All) which is objectively the bigger fish for them, compared to the populous of Ever After High, so, I'd be bored watching it. Besides even if in show canon Cerise didn't do what she did. It'd still be just the high school they focus on.
Given how the webisodes are formatted I would've preferred they dealt with the reveal that way (or like how they did THD). The tension between uploads would help.
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Rewind, Remix & Replay Jay & Kim (Bonus) Fire 6x14
You can find the rest of the series here
My favorite part of One Chicago is all the crossovers! So, there will be some chapters that go into fire and med. Not a ton, but a few that can add some backstory and some more cushion to the plot and relationship. This chapter is kind of random- but I loved the idea. I hope you enjoy it!
Jay was trying not to hover. The workload had been light in intelligence and everyone was using the slow time to catch up on overdue paperwork. Kim had been asked to help on another case and had been gone most of the day. She had just returned about an hour before the shift was over. The members of intelligence had been slowly trickling out.
They decided to go to a new Mexican place that had opened up after work when they realized they might leave on time. Jay was just going to wait for her, but the shift ended twenty minutes ago and Jay had finished the last of his paperwork. Kim was still sitting and staring at her computer. Jay knew something was wrong, but he didn’t want to ask her about it while Al was sitting across from her.
After another ten minutes, Al grabbed his coat, calling out a goodbye as he left. He was barely at the stairs when Jay was on his feet and heading to Kim’s desk. Jay noted that the computer screen was black from disuse. Kim was miles away in her own world. He set his hand lightly on her shoulder and she jolted. “Hey,” He soothes as Kim’s brown eyes dart to him, her hand shooting up reflexively to catch his. She squeezes it when she processes that it is him. “Talk to me.” His voice is low and no-nonsense. Kim could hear his worry. Her pause was too long. “Is it Zoey?”
“No, no, she okay. It’s not that.” Kim gave Jay a halfhearted smile as she watched some of the tension release from his stance. Kim didn’t know how it had happened but in a blink of an eye, the two had become close. She suspected it was because Jay treated her like a normal kid. He didn’t press her about the issues with her parents, school, or lack of interest in the things she used to like. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he watched her shows and movies with no complaints no matter how girly they were, indulging her in sweets and introducing her to her new favorite movie snack- bacon popcorn.
“Then what is it?”
“It’s just… the case I helped with today. It just hit me in a way I didn’t expect. Brought up some memories.” Jay waits but she doesn’t continue. He reaches for the papers on her desk. When she doesn’t object, he takes the stack and starts flipping through the call report.
“A DV?” His eyes flashed to hers. “Kim,” His tone betrays his internal thoughts. She knows exactly where his mind has gone. She isn’t sure how to start, but the emotions and thoughts in her head bubble up to the surface. Jay's presence is warm and strong. A shelter for the storm brewing in her chest.
“I think I’ve told you, that Nicole practically raised me since I was ten.” Jay inclined his head, his blue eyes sharp. “My mom and dad’s divorce- it was ugly. He just… made a life with a new family. My mom started working more- traveling a lot for work- and drinking more. A lot more. I was practically alone searching for someone to care about me. I was almost a perfect target.” Kim sucked in a breath trying to settle her emotions as tears burned at the back of her eyes. “But my friend Shannon- she was a better one. Neither of us had parents really, but I had Nicole and she didn’t have anyone. She was bouncing between relatives' houses. When I met her, she was sleeping on a blowup mattress on her Great Aunt's living room floor.”
Kim swallowed hard as her voice broke. “She had nothing- and her life was hard but she was the sweetest girl you would ever meet. Do anything for anyone, give you her last dollar with a smile. Everyone called her Sugar.” Kim closed her eyes trying to push back the tears seeing the curly-haired blonde in her mind, all smiles', freckles covering her cheeks. “Josh was older than us. He was cute and charming. That's how it always starts though isn’t it? He flirted with me and made me feel like a hundred bucks. I thought he would ask me out but Nicole was always hovering. It used to make me so mad.” Kim shook her head playing with the blue pen on her desk, watching absently as ink smeared on her fingertips.
“It didn’t take long for him and Sugar to start dating. The two were thick as thieves. When he graduated the next year, he moved her in with him to an off-campus dorm room. Josh’s parents had money. She ended up transferring to a closer school. But I knew she would be better off because he was so good to her- gave her everything without her even asking. She was so lucky- I thought. I was fifteen- I didn’t realize how strange and- inappropriate it was for a girl that young to be living with an eighteen-year-old by themselves. I didn’t see the signs when she started to get more and more distant. We went from seeing each other every day to maybe three or four times a year. Then I turned eighteen and started working for the airport. I became a flight attendant maybe six months after.”
“Kim,” Jay tried to soothe but Kim can’t stop. Her emotions are pushing up through her throat in the form of an overflow of words she can’t stop.
“You know I was so busy with work- about to do a flight to Germany- that I made the first conversation I had with her in over a year less than two minutes. One minute and forty-seven seconds to be exact. Sugar wanted to meet up- I could tell she was upset but I was late and about to get on my plane. I told her I would call her back… She was dead before I even made it to Germany.” Tears rolled down her cheeks and she stood up as Jay tried to reach for her. “She was trying to leave him after almost eight years. Eight years of hell and abuse. Abuse that I had no idea about. Did you know that is when you are in the most danger of being killed? Not in an abusive relationship but when you try to leave it. Ironic right?” Kim breathed bitterly.
“Kim, this isn’t your fault.” He reached for her again. She put her hands up keeping space between them. She didn’t feel like she deserved the comfort. Jay’s hand wrapped around the nape of her neck and pulled her forward. Her hands get trapped between their bodies as he embraces her tightly. He tucks her head under his chin, kissing her forehead.
Her fingers curl around the soft material of his shirt, scrunching it into a fist. Her body melts into him, hungry for the comfort he is offering. “I could have helped her.” The anguish in her voice ripped through his heart.
“Baby, you didn’t know. This isn’t on you.” He rocked her, hot tears wetting his shirt. He didn’t rush her. The empty bullpen was the only other witness to her grief. She calmed down slowly, her grip on him loosening. He pressed another lingering kiss to her forehead. He pulled back far enough to see her face and brush away the tears that hadn’t been soaked up by his shirt. Then reached for her jacket. “Come on, let’s get you back to my apartment.”
Kim sniffed running a finger through her hair. “I’m sorry, I’m not really feeling up for sex tonight.” Kim tensed at her own blunt words; her filter appeared to be gone for the night. Jay’s lips twitch repressing a smile.
“Well as sexy as you look right now,” His thumb rubbed away some of her smeared mascara from beneath her eye, “I was thinking more along the lines of rocky road and you curled up in a blanket watching the sea hawk's game. But if you really push- I'll let you pick what we watch and might even let you wear the sweatshirt you stole and I just got back last week.” Kim laughed despite herself resting her forehead against Jay's chest, the tension successfully broken.
It ended up comprising. Kim had turned the hockey game and Jay had given her his-and her- favorite sweatshirt to wear. Kim sat on the couch bare except for the warm, soft cotton of the sweatshirt. Jay came over to her in his jersey and sweatpants holding a tub of rocky road and two spoons. Kim knew he wouldn’t eat much of it- Jay didn’t have a sweet tooth and preferred salty snacks. He was just indulging so she wouldn’t have to eat it alone. He sat down and they naturally slid together. Kim lifted the blanket for him to slip under, his arm wrapping around her.
Kim finished off the carton and fell asleep with her face buried in Jay’s chest before halftime. Jay noticed how much younger she looked when she slept. He hated to see how hard she was on herself. Always so strong for everyone else. There was a persistent tug in his chest to make sure she knew she could lean on him. To take the comfort she was so willing to give but not ask for.
He felt bad for waking her, but they had both spent enough days sore after sleeping on the couch. She practically slept walked to the bedroom with him leading her by the shoulder. By the time he used the bathroom and stripped down to his boxers, she was already fast asleep cocooned in the blankets cuddling his pillow.
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koi-koi-fish · 4 months
Youjo Senki/Marvel
I reread the Youjo Senki/MCU fic on spacebattles and got many ideas.
I kinda want to write a YS/Marvel crossover that’s based off of the animated series instead of the MCU.
Imagine Tanya attending Sam Wilson’s veteran’s group therapy thing and she talks about her experiences fighting her Great War.
Tanya and Steve roaming NYC exploring and eating all the new foods after thawing and bonding over their shared experiences and their survivor’s guilt over “abandoning” their men (even though neither had any control over that).
I bet Tony would nickname Tanya and Steve the iceberg twins or perhaps the meat popsicle twins (reference to the movie “The Fifth Element”).
Thor would either love or hate Tanya. No in-between. He would at least respect her bravery and skill in combat though.
Natasha would see similarities. From Natasha’s perspective they were both made into weapons to kill.
Clint would probably think “This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!” because now he has to deal with two hypercompetent killers and he’s still the only normal dude on the team.
Bruce would be sympathetic and see Tanya as a victim.
I have to think about the other heroes a bit more. But I think overall, tanya wouldn’t get along with most other heroes. Tanya is far too abrasive.
Steve would be the one to understand Tanya the most. Both are veterans of world wars that resulted in tens of millions of deaths. Both were leaders of a tightknit units. Both ended up in ice and came out in a completely different time. What Steve gets that Tanya doesn’t though is closure. Steve knows what happened after his war. He can learn what happened to his friends. He can visit their graves. He can even talk to the still living WW2 veterans. He got to say goodbye to Peggy.
Tanya doesn’t get any of that. Tanya loses everything. All of her hard work in her previous world is now meaningless. She’s a nobody in the Marvel universe after she wakes up and has to start over.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 months
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Profic Party; Week One @profiction-edits
As always with cool daily prompt games I just end up doing a big batch of them at once and then collapsing fgdjhgjdf So!! Here's all my Profic Party prompts for Week One all together now sense I have a lot going on over the weekend
If you wanna see me talk about all my answers, that'll be under the cut. These were fun! Here's hoping I can keep the motivation through Week 2!!
Day 1: OTP - Easiest one of the lot my all time OTP is and forever will be Mariocest. Hooked on the brothers for life. First ship forever imprinted on me.
Day 2: Favorite Character - A man I do not gush of often but that's because his media fandom is literally two people, Hero Nightfall from the Hell's Library book series. He is Bisexual, he is Polyamourus, he is snarky, he never lies, and I adore him.
Day 3: Most Problematic Ship - First one to stump me, for a while it was between AFO/Yoichi from MHA and Wittecest from TOH. Then I realized I couldn't draw AFO to save my life, so I was going to draw all my Belos ships to make up for it... But turns out I can't draw Belos either kdfjgkdf So you get Huntlos cause I drew it first, and Bellector but Belos is a child cause that was easier to draw. Just assume Wittecest is there as well. (William Afton/Cassidy could also probably go here but I'm not hardcore about it so..)
Day 4: Rare Pair - My stipulations for this one was it can't just be a ship for one of my tiny fandoms that no one's in, it had to be a ship from a popular media no one else liked that I was insane about. Which is a very small list. I eventually decided on Maximilien/Mauga from Overwatch because I was feral for them for about half a month. The Sub Pathetic Sugar Daddy X Dom Batshit Sugar Baby really got to me. Commit all the atrocities you want bby daddy's got the police chief on speed dial <3
Day 5: Crossover Ship - I'm not a crossover ship kinda guy. It's unfortunate but it's true. My only actual Crossover ship is my own comfort polycule Selfship; The Ideal Polycule. They helped me get over my Eating Disorder and they're probably what once could consider Main F/Os. I love them so much and they love me and eachother <3
Day 6: Polyship - I have so many of these you have no idea how difficult this was for me I love Polyamoury it brings me great comfort every ship can be made better with more people- Anyway. I decided on a Big Time fave of mine; Ojimonoshin aka The ABC Polycule from My Hero Academia. Fun little Bonus challange I did was I decided to only use a Fandom per prompt so I could show a lot of my Fandoms, so the fact that I couldn't draw AFO for Most Problematic made this choice more difficult fdgkjhgjdf
Day 7: Character from media you're not interested in - My boyfriend has fallen hard into the One Piece rabbit hole so I'm getting a lot of second hand knowledge about the series, and while I have zero interest in watching it, Usopp the beautiful Transfem is really testing my resolve. I also like Law, Bepo, Kuma, and Vegapunk. And of course my Blorbo-In-Law, Sanji Vinesmoke. Pushing him down the stairs and stealing his Boygirlfriend Usopp for myself <3
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faeriekit · 2 years
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Okay, I'm awake now!
Since I wrote a lot of DP x DC stuff, I think that, in general, Danny Phantom is more flexible than Percy Jackson is both in tone and in content. A lot of that is due to how flexible the material is, and a LOT of that is due to the fans putting in the hard work to really mold Danny Phantom (show) into a bunch of different shapes and genres and tones and atmospheres over its cancellation years, which make blending it with, like, crime shows and grim dark stuff and other sci-fi properties pretty easy. But Percy Jackson... it has a harder line between what "fits the vibes" or "doesn't fit the vibes" as far as content goes. It's a middle grade series. Sure, kids died, but not in the same sort of...uncaring tone and perspective DC uses for death and despair, you know?
I think I've read one fic where I was like "yeah, I can see this happening" with a DC x PJO crossover at its base, and that was because Annabeth was cast as a hot and upcoming villain in opposition to the main cast. Typecasting the Greek vibe worked well enough. A lot of the PJO stuff isn't super compatible with DC lore...like, at any point would Diana or other Amazons let half-god kids, like, run amok and let them fight their own wars without at least some amount of supervision? If there were world-ending divine catastrophes, wouldn't SOMEONE with a divine hotline be rung up, like capt. Marvel at least? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Saying yes to that neglect changes the empathetic feel of the DC characters, and saying no that they would know and adding them to the universe fundamentally changes how camp and such operate, and saying that they had no idea that the other existed changes the assumed competence of the adult DC characters. It's much easier to conceive that, say, no one knows what's on the other side of dimensional portals or at the bottom of an already poorly understood pit of Evil Goo Water than it is to be like "hey Batman doesn't know about the kid soldier training camp that's been around for hundreds of years and is within driving distance from his house!"
I suppose its not impossible to have a faithful DC adaptation based in PJO ground layer canon. What do I know? All I can say is, I've tried reading a few, and largely the fics change just enough of the fundamentals that the sensation of reading them is just...weird. to me. personally. I think sizing the perspective down to have one on one character interactions or individual experiences might work better than slapping the worlds on top of each other for something more comprehensive and meaningful, since the overarching stories have such vastly different perspectives. Also you should do whatever you want anyway and my opinion has no bearing on what you enjoy or seek out.
My favorite PJO crossover to this day is a Supernatural x PJO fic on FFN. Literally all it consisted of was the main two supernatural dudes interrogating why some goth kid (Nico) threw some other kid (Percy) into the lake to drown. The lying was so bad. The confusion/concern was palpable. The vibes were impeccable. 10/10.
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