#tesilid argente
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orathearsonman · 1 year ago
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one day tesilid. One day
based on this post by @microwaving-tesilid-argente and @vnikat
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manhwa-animated-cover · 1 year ago
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microwaving-tesilid-argente · 4 months ago
Tesilid Argente once again topping the list of masculine MLs who bring to mind the image of a fair maiden whose virtue needs to be protected
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eyeswaitingfortuesdaynight · 6 months ago
speaking of comparisons, tesilid argente and yoo joonghyuk are both tragic regressors, but i genuinely think tesilid gets more of a raw deal than yjh
yjh may have had to go through 1800+ regressions but a) he chose to do it (even if he doesn't remember at the time) and b) can make his own decisions. like he has free will and can express his emotions and stuff
not only does tesilid not choose to go through his regrssions and has it forced on him by an uncaring god, he also has to police his own actions (and possibly emotions/thoughts??? can't remember exactly how throughly the stigma monitored him) lest his stigma act up and decide he's committing a sin and punish him for it
yjh can let off steam by murdering people/constellations and tearing down the star stream system and has clear goals and a plan of how to end the regressions, even if both change over time. but tesilid basically has to grin and bear it while he's fed shit from literally everyone around him unless he's willing to act up and be both be in pain and become weaker. also i don't think he has any idea of how to end his regressions other than saving the world?? i need to finish reading the novel lol
no wonder tesilid went completely and homicidally insane in a fraction of the number of regressions that yjh went through. i would too if i was forced to act like a goody two-shoes while going through hell
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sleepyserapha · 2 months ago
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they are of the same flavor to me. phainon/tesilid fans do you understand
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animemaniac-fangirl · 2 months ago
My man Terry is destroying the Librarian with lower circle scrolls.
Certified Bad B#tch Moment
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cowculater · 1 year ago
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perks of being an s-class heroine snow day doodles to celebrate me catching up w both the novel and manhwa!! yay!!!
thank you to @orathearsonman for convincing me to read it haha
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murasaki-cha · 2 years ago
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Tesilid my boy she literally called you a potato why do you look so charmed🤣🤣
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list of sideblogs:
- @microwaving-tesilid-argente (The Perks of an S-Class Heroine/A Transmigrator's Privilege)
- @nikki-handholder Shining Nikki
- @nazuna-tunnel-vision (Ensemble Stars! Knights, DF and nazuna-centric)
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orathearsonman · 6 months ago
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shoujo manhwa bass boosted lighting for the most problems woman ever
(@microwaving-tesilid-argente I HOPE YOU LIKE HER!!!)
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orathearsonman · 3 months ago
oh I see. it was the crime of wanting. that's why I deserve it.
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microwaving-tesilid-argente · 5 months ago
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coping at work
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orathearsonman · 7 months ago
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orathearsonman · 2 months ago
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i got the second volume today 🎉 the cover color schemes are switched…….THEY MATCH……..!!!! AGGHHHHHHHH
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+ obligatory plan B mention. it truly never fails to make me sick (/pos). you may notice hestio absolutely thinks he’s joking / doesn’t even consider that an option! haha! i wonder how badly it hurt tesilid to see ephael massacre innocent children all to save HIM! did hestio die first? did he die last? even worse, did he agree??? rereading this has made me reevaluate just how absolutely FUCKED tesilid’s life was from the start. how did he not break sooner. me personally if the closest people i had to friends commited a massive murder suicide for the express purpose of me being the Lone Survivor i would actually just perish on the spot.
it really messes with me that the vibe of this little arc is so chill, because we as readers know that if ailette hadn’t happened to be there, Everyone In That Dungeon Would Be Dead. let’s not forget that the timing on her part was entirely accidental. she didn’t really mean to prevent the dungeon sink; in fact i’m pretty sure she actually forgot about it. you’re telling me she could have been all the way back in the vinchester kingdom doing her little slice-of-life activities while tesilid’s entire life crumbled around him????? irinbi what the FUCK
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“the day of sacrifice has taken something from me every year after that” you can’t do this to me
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orathearsonman · 1 year ago
when you stop and think about it it’s actually ridiculously funny how obsessed w/ ailette tesilid is. like they met twice in the tutorial period, once when they were 10 or something and another time a decade later. ailette saves him twice and shows him Human Kindness (shocking!!1!) and THEN a hundred lifetimes come and go in the blink of an eye, and the only memories tes has of ailette are from 8million years ago and are hella hazy. and YET.
maybe this is a testament to how starved tesilid was for pure human connection. to be able to exist outside the strict gaze of order and goodwill, even with just one person. to be saved, deemed worth saving; to not be seen as a tool but a living, breathing person.
to pick up his sword not for the sake of the world, but for the sake of his world.
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orathearsonman · 10 months ago
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anyway so i’m rereading Villain With a Crush / Pure Villain and noticing some parallels between Han Doryeong (pictured left) and Tesilid (pictured right). hear me out for the next (checks watch) uhhhhh,
so both of them could be considered the face of their institution (doryeong more so since he’s practically a celebrity, tesilid on account of him being the Wielder of the Holy Sword)
both were taught and conditioned (?) from a young age— doryeong got his abilities as a newborn and was IMMEDIATELY on the special police radar because he was super strong. tesilid was taken in as one of the sacred sheep as a little orphan child and branded with the stigmata.
both of their powers exceed those around them (doryeong: woah, TWO POWERS?? tesilid: seven deadly sins and heavenly virtues let him power up)
ultimately, they are both somehow victims of their institution. doryeong’s been the best special officer practically since he was old enough to walk. he’s always been the hero, always been the people’s bastion of hope. for the longest time, he’s been burdened with the knowledge that if he ever falters or shows weakness, the people around him will lose their faith in the special police force. he has to win every battle / save every person / etc / etc. all the while, he’s haunted by the question: if he’s ever in danger, who will come to save him? now objectively tesilid has it worse; his childhood was stolen by the vatican treating him like a weapon and a tool to their own ideals. his hands were stained red with the blood of people that the vatican branded as heretics, inhuman, people that weren’t people at all but evil things meant to be purged. his morality struggled against the path he was forced into (it only gets worse during his regressions, of course).
both of them put on façades. for one reason or another, they have to act like pure, upstanding people (who are NOT undergoing a single mental health crisis, thank you very much). doryeong because he can’t let the public down despite his own fears (see above), tesilid because he feels he can’t risk showing that side of himself to ailette (because of that #sweet fear of rejection)
and both of them eventually meet a person (rosa, ai) who sees them as they are (debatable but it’s about the effect not the intention) and is powerful enough to protect them. when doryeong is in danger, who will protect him? rosa, who shatters an entire building headed straight for his face. tesilid forever wishes for a healer? no worries, ailette was studying a decade specifically for this. after forever being the hero now it’s THEIR turn to get deus ex machina’d. they don’t have to be the strongest person in the room or a smiling cutout. they have a chance to experience new things! smile genuinely! perhaps even… be a little bit jealous for once?? damn i never knew they had it in em.
doryeong and tesilid are different characters with different experiences and vibes. they’re not even set in remotely similar worlds. still, it’s difficult for me to not spot the similarities when they encompass so many tropes/archetypes i love (e.g. guy experiences genuine compassion for the first time, 10 dead, 27 injured)
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