Good Omens Stories - All Letters, No lines. Header art by @DaneeCastle | Pfp by @OneDapperCat
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Go read this steamy stuff now!!!!
Collab between me and Jeans on a side fic for Teach me. This one takes place after the main story.
It's a Jeans’s Patreon exclusivity, the fic comes with 9 artworks of mine, you'll find 8 of them only on Jeans's patreon and I give you one here :)
@blackjeans93 @goodomensafterdark
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Good Omens giftfic for Scully!
Written for the fantastic @brenna on the occasion of Her Day. You are fabulous and I hope you enjoy this!
::WIP:: chapters 1 and 2 of 5 now up!
An Ideal Arrangement
::Rated Explicit::
Aziraphale's a (mostly) human demon-hunter working with Heaven to find and smite demons in London. However after a confusing mission in which he's mistakenly asked to smite a human, he's beginning to question his purpose. And his next assignment, to deal with a wily demon masquerading as an ophthalmologist, proves to be a hot match to the powder keg of his disenchantment. The last straw, broken over his camel hump. The final nailing in his coffin. Will Aziraphale's eyes be further opened? Or will he continue to blunder around in darkness, with only a demon's untrustworthy hand (or other parts) to guide him back to the light?
This was going rather well for the first interview of the day, Crowley thought. He kicked his feet up on the fancy desk, and leant dangerously far back in his chair. “Can I be brutally honest with you?” “…All right?” They were in his office, which he’d decorated identical to the offices he’d seen several neighbourhoods over, with a few plants and some historically chic additions, if he did say so himself. The candidate for hire, a young woman, sat across from him. She was positively delectable – carefully dressed like all the potential employees, ginger hair, a pleasing dry sense of humour. And underneath the curated confidence, brimming with nerves. Exactly the way he liked them.
Big thanks to beta-reader @on1occasionfork, as well as brit-pickers lingerie and shopping knowledgeables @tansyogg, @nightshiftcaffiene, @createserenity, and especially @ukcalico for going way too deep with me into UK optical healthcare! You are all amazing. Tagging @goodomensafterdark like a good goblin!
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90 Days to Change Your Life
Rating: M (for adult themes and language; not sexually explicit)
Summary: The Gilded Cage has been Crowley’s refuge for the past decade, the place he goes to drink and dance, the place where people know him and don’t judge him as he follows a different woman home every weekend.
It was all going fine until Crowley dropped by on a random Thursday and met the nightclub’s newest cage dancer. Suddenly, he's starting to question what, and who, it might take for him to be truly happy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @brenna !!!
Continue reading on AO3
Thank you to @on1occasionfork for the beta and HTML help, @moderndayklutz for the last-minute beta, and @sazzyfics for being a cheer reader when I really needed one!
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Mare Desiderii
The Sea of Desire
1968 is a tumultuous year, and the angel Caphziel finds solace in the distant peace of the moon. She certainly has no desire for her hereditary enemy, the demon Azirafell, to provide any comfort, because they don’t do that sort of thing. No, it’s entirely physical between them, a practical arrangement that meets both their needs entirely. It must be true, because she’s an angel.
a Reverse Omens Wives fic (E, 4k) for @brenna, based on her fic The Altar of Lust! they're lesbians! they're on the moon! they're in the '60s! they're an angel and a demon but the other way!
thanks be to betas @voluptatiscausa, @kneelbeforeyourdogbabylon, and @on1occasionfork! obligatory @goodomensafterdark tag!
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Voice made dragon Crowley and ofc he’s gorgeous!
Hi peeps! I almost forgot - it has been so long it seems like a lifetime ago - but last year I was so lucky to become one of the conspirators collaborators of that mastodontic creative endeavour that is The Serpent and the Owl.
If you don't know what that is, you can find it here!
Anyway, among the dozens of incredibly talented writers and artists, there I was too! Drawing Crowley in dragon form!!
So here's my contribution: I hadn't drawn a dragon since middle school, but I must say, I enjoyed it quite a lot!
Thanks again to @kotias for inviting me to be part of this and to all the crazy lovely people of @goodomensafterdark for being the most special group of goblins who ever goblined.
And now, dragon!
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Now on AO3: The Tale of the Wily Serpent, an Ineffable Wives AU
I wrote this Ineffable Wives one-shot for @brenna. Happy birthday, scully!
Rated E for Explicit Sex
Summary: After their graduation from university, Angel and Toni surprise one another with unexpected gifts.
~2000 words
“I have a graduation present for you. I think it’s time to give it to you.” She giggled at that last sentence in reference to her gift. “Or… we can try it the other way around.”
Sitting up so quickly she nearly knocked Angel off the couch, Toni said, “Okay, now you’ve really got my attention. Where’s this gift?”
Angel grabbed Toni’s shoulders so the two of them didn’t end up a tangle of limbs on the floor. “It’s in the bedroom, my dear. You seem extremely eager.”
Instead of responding, Toni stood up and ran down the hall.
When they reached their bedroom, a box wrapped in black paper and tied with red ribbon sat in the middle of the tartan duvet.
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Scorn and the Saint-Maker, chapter 35: Go to sleep beside me
Scorn and the Saint-Maker is a murder mystery/ineffable husbands romance/who-turned-them-human Good Omens fanfic, set at a university in Scotland, with lots of (as-yet skippable) level-5 smut, ✨sexy maths✨ (reportedly), and one trans angel

Chapter 35 summary: A solitary late-night spot of googling and some one-on-one exam revision lead to discoveries that aren’t actually news. (And cuddling. Lots of cuddling)
Rating: Chapter rated E for skippable smut; T if skipped. (Fic with all smut skipped is M for occasional heavy topics.)
Notices: Mention of alcoholism and withdrawal (+ one flippant/rude word about people with alcoholism). More details about smut tags in chapter notes.
He realised, after some time, that he had actually expected to be proven wrong. That was new. He’d waited for the moment when he’d come across an unusual symptom the brochures from the hospital hadn’t mentioned, or some special circumstance that would explain how someone might quit drinking cold turkey without any noticeable symptoms save for an epic hospital bed hangover – something which would prove that Fell and the doctors had the right of it. But there was nothing. What should have felt like vindication felt, instead, like foreboding. Crowley clenched his fingers over the keyboard. He turned his right hand over, palm up, without consciously meaning to do so; twisted the arm slowly this way and that. Was this like his scars disappearing without explanation? Was this… some demonic shit?
Read chapter 35 on AO3 ➡️ or start from the beginning ↩️ (151k words, WIP)
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Tagging @blackjeans93 tumblr account for ya!
My gift for the wonderful @smutkeeper for the @goodomensafterdark Valentines Exchange 2025! You gave such fantastic prompts!
Thank you to my nice and talented betas @on1occasionfork and BlackJeans93! This is my first ever fic (and smut!) so I was especially grateful for their help and encouragement.
The Elegance of Sufficiency
Rating E, 5k
Summary: Somewhere in the South Downs, a demon and an angel are enjoying their retirement. Aziraphale worries about his ever-increasing appetites, and Crowley decides to offer him the opportunity to learn that patience can be its own reward.
Snapping back to present reality, Crowley focused again on the angel opposite him. Aziraphale’s cheeks were slightly flushed with the wine, his white-blond curls — daringly longer now — tumbling softly back from his forehead as he tipped his chin up to sigh with satisfaction. His shirt-sleeves were rolled up, revealing broad forearms. He was more beautiful than ever, Crowley thought helplessly. Images came to mind of Aziraphale making the same torturously arousing sounds through the centuries: over oysters in Rome, ripe purple figs in Smyrna, or sinking into a hot spring in Iceland. More recently, of course, making those same infernally tempting noises in their bed together.
“Darling, that was utterly delicious,” Aziraphale sighed, and Crowley emerged from his reverie. “I wish I could say that I’ve had the elegance of sufficiency, but we both know that’s not true. I am replete. Stuffed!” As he leaned back in the chair, his familiar fawn velvet waistcoat strained taut over his rounded belly. There was a sudden plink, and a button sprang free.
Read more on AO3 (and for full tags)
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Writer's Guild Presents: Is There a Version?
A post-s2 fic with pining and plot
Read Chapter 3 & Chapter 4: Crowley receives some unexpected guests, and heaven and hell have a meeting. Or start at the beginning!
Read the full summary below. Thanks to @goodomensafterdark for the support!
Aziraphale has been giving the performance of his life for the past five months, averting the Second Coming while searching for a chink in the armour of heaven. It's hard when his heart is walking (sauntering) around below and his brain is betraying him with visions of a different life. Crowley is playing his own dangerous game while navigating new, unsettling emotions. Enter several old and new friends, two important texts, the art of prestidigitation, revelations about the way Her universe operates, and the inescapable tyranny of Christmas music. Can humans, demons, and angels work together to save the world and take control of their own fates when reality seems to be fracturing around them?
This is a full post-s2 fic packed with plot and feelings. The tone and characterizations are closer to s1 while the plot features a mystery that builds on the discontinuities in s2. Heavy on dialogue, light on angst, with a ton of media references. Rated Mature for one chapter with non-explicit sex; other chapters are written Teen and Up. Fully written and beta’d with updates twice per week.
Read it on AO3. Please reblog and let me know if you'd like to be tagged with updates!
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I'm pretty busy at the moment so only doodles at the moment 🥲👍🏻
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Writers Guild Presents - Good Works Chapter 19: A Late Disturbed Stream Part II
Good Works Written by Majnoona
It's 1987 London and anti-gay sentiment is on the rise ahead of the government's push to pass Section 28 to prohibited the "promotion of homosexuality" by local authorities -- including banning books and education in schools.
Why do Fell, low level government administrator, and Crowley, a "fixer" for a nefarious consulting company and reluctant queer community organiser, keep running into each other -- quite literally? Is it just romantic fate bringing together two middle aged "confirmed bachelors" who thought it was too late to find love, or is there some other connection? Can they figure it out? (Are they sure they want to?)
Chapter Excerpt:
If only Crowley did not have to face whatever it was alone! Even if he could have merely spoken openly, shared the burden, sought commiseration, if nothing else. Aziraphale could certainly commiserate. Isn’t that what a… well, a partner… did? Honestly, he couldn’t be entirely sure, never having had the opportunity to play the role.
Continue reading Chapter 19 on AO3
Or start from Chapter 1 - The 24 Hour Print Shop, July 1987
Rating E. There are per chapter warnings. Special thanks for multiple rounds of excellent beta reading and hardcore cheering from @on1occasionfork! @goodomensafterdark
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So Much Trust You're In my Blood
This fic has AMAZING art by the wonderful @lexarturo Thank you so much for bringing this fic to life. Please support them and check out their other gorgeous artwork!
TW/CW: I try to write these heavy scenes as loving and beautiful as I can but mind the tags please: Safe Sane and Consensual, Heavy BDSM, Edgeplay | High Risk BDSM Practices, Suspension, Blood Ritual, Blood Wedding, Full wing suspension (on Kevin), Grief/Mourning, Smut, Piercings, Past Trauma - Physical
Chapter 1/4 is posted and this fic is completely finished! A new chapter will be uploaded each following Monday.
Chapter word count: 3.6k - Total word count: 23k
Shax demands Furfur serve as her slave for a full wing suspension on Kevin. Jealous and angry, Furfur confronts Kevin, claiming Shax as his, only to uncover the true reason behind the ritual. Reluctantly, he submits, and as the ceremony unfolds, he realises more than expected, leading to a decision that will bind them both in unexpected ways. Excerpt: Furfur gulped. “Au-auditorium?” Was she going to put him on public display? Before he could dwell on it further she kissed him with a tease of tongue, then leaned back, pushing out her chest and started playing with his hair. He held her at her waist and waited with halted breath for her to answer.
“Yes. I need the space. It has higher ceilings than the flat.” Shax's voice was as smooth as velvet. That voice did things to him, but it also made him feel slightly uneasy, because she often used it when she wanted something. “I know we had plans for tomorrow but I received a special request…” Her fingers traced the tip of his ear, then along his jaw. The sensation made his body tingle, and his cheeks reddened when she reached the top of his cravat, dipped her finger under it, and slid it along the front of his neck.
Find it here on AO3:
And a huge shout out to my cheer readers and beta's, you're the best! @on1occasionfork @ghst-signal NooRose93 sensiblesquirrels
Written for the Fall Ball Kink Thrall from the @goodomensafterdark subreddit.
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Good Omens After Dark Colouring Book
🌷 Spring Edition! 🌷
Welcome to the spring edition of our colouring book! Several of GOAD’s amazing artists contributed pages for you to have fun with! Download below and don’t be afraid to share your coloured pages!
printable pdf
png files for digital colouring
Thanks to our contributing artists: @isiaiowin u/sachy9 (both drunk and sober) @pietudraws u/Yes-It’s-Unholy @onedappercat @venturous @lexarturo @daneecastle
And thanks to @theonewiththeshippinggoogles for throwing our pages together!
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I'm an Earthquake Shaking [PODFIC]
A podfic gift for @brenna from @goodomensafterdark based on her fanfic!
13 Minutes | Rated T
TW/CW: Angst
The Supreme Archangel and The Fucking Duke of Hell have arranged a meeting to talk about the second coming, also known as a thinly veiled excuse to dress up for each other and try to feel something again. Also known as a desperate bid for connection.
If you like the pod, throw love at the original fic too!
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What Sort of Reading Festival is This? A collab with @blackjeans93 myself, @depressedpenguin2 @theonewiththeshippinggoogles @isiaiowin @happynachohologram @startledplatypus for @elysiumleo last year, featuring loads of bands, including NIN!
Basically you could sum up this entire post with "turquoise is being weird again"
Anyway so there are like 3 fics with deliberate Nine Inch Nails references and like 3 others with accidental NIN references and at least one with a who the hell knows if this is deliberate or not. And I'm pretty sure no one needs a "list of fics with both accidental and non-accidental NIN references" but I genuinely can't close the damn tabs till i make this post apparently so here we are.
(And I mean no one NEEDED a list of fics in which there is glitter and that seemed to go down pretty well so who knows, maybe the Venn diagram of NIN and GO and fucking weird brains is bigger than i think (it's certainly already bigger than Good Omens x Power BI which I think consists entirely of me and @hakunahistata))
Anyway without further ado (also I can't find lots of the authors on Tumblr please feel free to tag and I'll update)
Fics with deliberate/explicit (!) NIN references
Closer to god by hundred_eyes [M]
"In the background Crowley and Aziraphale met on the tops of buses, and in art galleries, and at concerts, compared notes, and smiled."
Aziraphale and Crowley go to a Nine Inch Nails gig.
Amazing. 🖤
May Wedding by Anna_bird [E]
Love it. Why didn't I make the DJ play Wish at my wedding? 🖤
Aziraphale's First Orgasm by the biggestnope [E]
He tried to regain his powers of speech. “I want to feel you from the inside. I want to – to make you mine.”
Closer my beloved 🥹
(probably) accidental NIN references
The Garden Project, @snae-b [E]
Oh fuck. Crowley feels like an animal.
Feels like a Closer reference. 🔥
Friday I'm In Love IneffableCrankShaft, NooRose93 [E]
“Besides, it will warm you up from the inside.”
Not deliberate but possibly accidental! 🖤
snake break @ineffabildaddy [T]
After locking his bedroom door from the inside, he had turned the lights out, plugged in his black noise machine, and closed his eyes.
Black Noise is an instrumental track and I love it 🖤
I'm sure I had another but I can't find it now
Anyway so if you have any others please have at it you will make my day 🥹🖤😎
And I have finally closed all the tabs 😇
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The GOAD Epic Goblins Present - The Serpent and the Owl Volume 1 - Soiled Shore - Chapter 8

With art by u/Blue_McFly!!!
Volume summary:
Aziraphale is a trained warrior that slays monsters. A prophecy says he will once be killed by a monster, but he never has failed a task. He’s summoned by the high priest, and receives the mission to end another one – he vows to protect the land and to kill the monster that endangers the people — who will be revealed to be Crowley.
Aziraphale understands during his time out in the monster’s area that Crowley was simply a thorn into the monarch’s foot, and that Aziraphale had been sent as a mercenary, not as a protector. He understands that Crowley is not the monster, but actually the saviour of the area.
Chapter excerpt:
Crowley walked a via dolorosa. The stone, that shouldn't weigh more than a plume for Crowley, strained her muscles and slowed her pace. Sorrow was a tough burden, and she carried it to the cave.
In the end, it was too painful to live in their home and have the memory of the end so close. To always be able to look at it, and have the soulless eyes confronting her. To wake up and look at the sun shining over the stone, and, for a painful second, have hope she'd see his chest moving.
Continue reading on Ao3!
Start from Vol. 0
I can't believe this is the end.
It was a joy to work on vol 1 with all these amazing writers and artists. You all are incredible.
I will talk abou u/Blue_McFly here, but this extends yo everyone that I've worked with. I was so excited to discuss this chapter with Blue, and to every so often receive an update on the art. I remember grining like a maniac in a bad day at work bc they'd sent me a snippet of what they were working on, or because we were discussing some aspects of this final chapter.
It's a sad one, i know. But I feel like this is what the end needed. I can assure you this will have a happy ending... Just not here.
I can't wait for everyone to see what else we have up our sleeves. I can't wait to -- this is such a big project that from now on I am (mostly) a reader. You will still see me in a chapter along the road, but from now on... I am in the boat with all the readers 🤣 Rest assured - vol 1 is only the beginning.
Thank you for everyone who is reading, before out AMAZING OUTSTANDING EPIC BETAS, and for each one who wrote and drew for vol 1 💛💛💛💛💛
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-No Time-
Hey there, friendos. Long time no see on the spicy GO front. I recently(???) participated in an absolutely monumental group project that took the better part of a year, and I'm pretty excited to finally get to share this piece that I finished back in September.
So, if you are a certified, card-carrying adult, hop on over to AO3 to see this masterpiece that defies cropping.
And, if you'd like to follow along with the whole gigantic fic (rated Explicit, I cannot overstate this enough), you can check it out right here!
Tag List ⬇
@ineffabildaddy @sad-chaos-goblin @dynamic-power @dawn-the-rithmatist @commonmexicanname
@sabotage-on-mercury @gaiaseyes451 @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist
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