#i wanna see the others thooooo
jadeneppy · 2 years
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hyperbolicgrinch · 5 months
Teehee,,, here she comes,,, to ask,,, questionnnnnsss, (no pressure of course bestie) 1, 5, 12, 13, 16, 25, 29, 33 and 34 !!! But no pressure to anything!!! no pressure to answer either <3 I’m on laptop so this is a v boring ask i apologise it won't let em format this at all :(
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There she is!!!! To ask questions!!! (Bless you for fighting the laptop to send me these, ilysm 💕)
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I simply can't. It's impossible. I never look directly at my writing so I don't know her well enough 😂
Okay, fine, fine, she's mid, that's what I'll say?? So ⭐⭐ ?? Not doing anything spectacular but gets the job done more than not?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Maybe my All Out!!! requested ones because I actually finished and posted them, which was a miracle 😌✌️
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Honestly I'm really excited about a silly modern university One Piece au I'm sort of doing on the side sometimes when I need a breather from other fics. Even though I've barely written anything officially for it, it's a cumulation of all my sister's and my 2am ramblings and silly little biased ideas and I just really wanna bring them to life so she can read them. 😂
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Ooo, if my memory serves right it was One Piece or Supernatural. I didn't ever finish or publish any of them but yeah- gateway drugs.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Let me think, what's at the top of my head right now...
Argh, I guess I like when arseholes catch feelings for each other but still stay arseholes about it adsfggh 😅
Ohhhh and where one of them gets injured or beat up or whatever and the other dickhead is like "tell me who did this to you" while cradling their face or something hnggg 😳👉👈
Or when they've been complete dicks to each other but one of them turns up on the doorstep of the other cause they had nowhere else to go and then they have to deal with each other and they fall in luvvvv 😏
I also really am a bitch for the bastard is in love with and pining for other character (in fiction!!! In fiction!!!!). ugh if done right and pulled off well (in fiction!!!! In fiction!!!), I am unfortunately on the edge of my seat 🫣
Love me a bitch that gets jealous and starts acting out too (in fiction!!!!!) because as a bitch that do get jealous (not to that level, I am not pulling that crap, I promise) it speaks to me a little ngl 🫢
Ooooo and the fuck the whole world, I choose you thing. Like if they damn the whole world for their person/people then I'm there. I'm right there. It's gotta be done right thooooo but to be fair, it's pretty hard to mess up 😌
Okay gonna stop outing myself on main because I could go on adafgdhjy and just end with, not really a guilty pleasure, just a pleasure, but if there's a forehead press I am on the floor every time. The chef's are kissing with tongue!! Nothing like a forehead press!!! 😍
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Okay so the big One Piece one I'm working on atm, I keep having an urge to make a sequel after it that let's me kinda do a fix it au and teams the characters up again for a joint revenge plot. I can see it in my mind but making it work is going to be a lot. Still love to daydream about it tho 😂
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Hmm. Well atm I'm writing a lot of seggs and I'm not that (pun intended) jazed about writing it because it's not really my thing or in my wheelhouse, so that might count?
Don't know how it turned out cause it ain't finished yet but pray for me. It's a slog but the uglies must be bumped, I guess (instantly regrets saying that) 🙃
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I'd need an audience first, pfftt 🤭
Nah, um, that it takes literal years and none of that shit is written in order. It's all an illusion, babbeyyy!!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Crikey okay everything I'm writing at the moment is pissing me off so here's something I wrote in like 2016 and haven't touched since but that I think about often (even if I would change most of it today) because of a compliment I got on it. 😙
(It was for a Zoro pov zolu ficlet after the timeskip meet up when all the crew gets back together again in One Piece because that arc always leaves me with some damn big feelings and they have to go somewhere 👁️👄👁️)
And he will be.
And Zoro will be there when he does, because oh, he's not leaving this thundering feeling for anything in the world ever again.
He shuts his one good eye, and smiles.
The heavens will hear Luffy's name long before they ever hear his own.
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only-lonely-lovers · 7 months
tags: bondage, spanking, fingering mouth/throat, facefucking, bodysharing, rough sex
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:Ah it’s too funny to subject amane to the weird differences in his mind between nene and tsukasa. You’d hope some day he’d kinda appreciate tsukasas agreeableness and even be like, I wanna. Test run something I wanna do with Yashiro. Like some real goons mood of it all like I need to practice tying these ropes and see if it’ll hold and I WILL sulk for 5 days if I try it with Yashiro and I fuck up . But tsukasa idgaf. If he falls from the shiddy ropepulley or comes undone I will just be like sigh
あ:Lmaoo this is like peak shennanies yes… This is like the, ah, accepting that you can't "fail" with Tsukasa
つ:Almost like rehearsal with tsukasa. You can get frustrated with the knots and stuff if you want. And ask him to wriggle around. But like Amane trying to rehearse some bits even running dialogue. He has tsukasa gagged though like don’t say anything you’ll break my immersion for this ok
But like one day going to be doing this and like get too into the dom boyfriend mindset and like smack his ass but then feel like. Didn’t like that. Don’t like that I did that to tsukasa fsr
あ:the TANGIBLE silence
つ:I’m fine with calling him good girl as part of the rehearsal but I need to go stand on the roof About this one Them both still like we both know somehow it was weird
あ:It's like he smacked Tsukasa's ass and Tsukasa made a noise just from the impact. fucking dead silence after
つ:And just an earnest moment of impatience. The problem was it wasn’t part of the rehearsal
あ:I got my dom jeans on too hard
つ:You did it in the manner to which you’d bop tsukasa Like ugh stop the wiggling SMACK then was like . N just walks out. Nene walks into the bathroom later tsukasa tied up like hiiiiii Amane left💔
あ:Sometimes I like to think Tsukasa is like [I do not see it 😑] [for Amane's sake]
つ:I know he is awkies
あ:so funny to think about Tsukasa in moments like this. i think sometimes he is also like I'm sorry❤️ i have aboner statistically sometimes you're doing stuff and it's like. gomen ne
つ:Tsukasa doesn’t have to feel it was weird but just feels like. Ohp! Amane doesn’t usually do tha I know it Waits for his response
It is always like well I like anythiiiinggg But that’s the problem too Sorryyy I not supposed to like it💔 I will be quiet thooooo Kicks legs on bathroom floor alone. Sings a song
あ:🎶oh well It's so funny to think about rehearsing dialogue, the things that you're not ready to feel right or wrong. you know I think sometimes Amane must enjoy something but then be like wait. i actually dont like that it wasnt awkward no winning either way Saying good girl does feel pretty innocuous, this is neutral territory
つ:It’s rough. Also if you come during the rehearsal sometimes it’s fun sometimes you hate that you came Trying to deliver a line and nut. Just get quiet
あ:but I think it might get kinda like. dicey when its like. I'm going to fuck your pussy so hard girl
Sometimes amane is like; this is a cool time to come well punctuated by the scene, immersed, delivered a line have “her” set up. If it happened like this I’m ready to go. Other times it’s shameful And your own brain knows when you’re in the roleplay VS unable to shake the Meta of tsukasa and responding to any part of that. It’s not wrong to nut about tsukasa but it’s like STAY ON TASK.
Like mmgggher i wanna nut about you or Yashiro intentionally I don’t like feeling out of control BUT I NEED THE REHEARSAL IM IMPRESSINg YASHIRO SOOO MUCH LATELY ITS SO USEFUL!!
You do imagine Yashiro is getting the most stellar 5 star insanely streamlined experiences He is an expert. At the knots He is smooth at transitions. He flubs no lines. He looks inhumanly incredible. At domination
She is floored. She is a puddle every time. It just makes him more insane about embellishing and like I NEEDSD TO OVERCOME THE SHAMEFUL MOMENTS!! (On ground) I need to be the coolest boyfriend for my whore gf
あ:like UMGHH i need the pay out… tfw you want to be really impressive lmaoo like ugh but i need it i need it.. i need her to feel like her whole mind is being fucked with… you could never handle how capable i am
つ:I like tsukasa doing this all having a grand time having fun and then at the end amane IS like ahh good job. That went well I think I’m ready. Let’s tsukasa clean off cock with mouth while amane unties the ropes and shuffles them into sleeves
If there’s ever a day you’re caught it’d be like. You’re going to have to ask yourself. Would you rather tell Yashiro, that, This is practice, and reveal that you practice and ruin the illusion of the seamless dom. Or let Yashiro think you just call Tsukasa good girl and tie him up for your own private reasons between the two of you.
Do not like these. Sleeps you Tsukasa we are going to lie to Yashiro I am going to put her at her desk with her books and make it like she fell asleep doing homework on the classroom Ok She had a dream. GRABS FACE. okay?
あ:looking at tsukasa like this PUPIL MOVES DOWNWARDS
When Yashiro comes back you are just playing cards Nailed it…. saved the day
あ:I hope there are moments… that are more like seamless and wordless. still tinged w strangeness, but also the kind that Amane can glide past. Like ah… simply running hand over Tsukasa's chest, simulating a grope, and Tsukasa wordlessly curving his spine to push into the touch a bit, trying to be like -- oh yes yes, nene-chan's chest… [trying to assist]
Tsukasa being a good mimic… in reality, being able to recall how Nene typically moves or poses and try and further assist Amane in his little roleplay. he wants to mentally prepare so… I will help Amane by doing Nene-chan like things
つ:It’ll be just nice when it isn’t goon time. He’s good at it Letting my mind run for 2 minutes was like aaaaaaa the (glass floor shatters under me) So I’m making peace with that and getting unembarrassed I’ll have my little notepad here in a second. I just want it known none of my thoughts were my intent
あ:[cooing sounds] come here sweetheart fall into the gap with me.
つ:Uuuuoooo the gap Well the final thought.
Amane frustrated and done with avoiding anything— why shouldn’t he have complete indulgence? Wouldn’t tsukasa like anything? Can’t he just shut him up if he makes a single sound he doesn’t like? Searingly embarrassing to confront a single thought at all, but once he indulges one action they fall like dominoes.
Tsukasa laid over lap, irregular, hooks fingers in mouth, effectively gags him before starting to hit with his other hand. Feeling tsukasas fangs bite down. Going on a little crazy litany. Like you’re convenient, cuz I can go as hard as I want. There is more brutality in the motion, and the fingers in his mouth are resentful in their touch— pissed off at Tsukasa for reducing him to wanting this, for being tempting. All conveys in unforgiving motions.
Gets… insane. Slurs out that he wishes tsukasa had a pussy, so he could finger fuck it between hits. Gotta settle for your mouth. Fingers mouth aggressively, shoves to throat. Bleary state of mind…. To be able to confront such a thought, gotta be so mad to have been made to have it. Crane Tsukasa’s spine backwards by hooking around his teeth and dragging him up, to glare at him… wanna squint at while administering impact. Understand how pissed I am, don’t get it twisted. Amane can feel his own wrists muscle memory itching to switch to the fingering motions, it almost makes him wanna whine….
Ssso accustomed to the back and forth, smack smack, grope slide in, wiggle wiggle, his fingers keep twitching. Just frustrates him!!! It’s not fair, to have these conflicting urges!!! It shouldn’t mix at all! Actually tsukasa SHOULDNT remind me of anything… just stomp his foot under everything restlessly. What useless urges!!!
Finally throws tsukasa off, kicks him (he’s bound, arms) til his back hits the wall of the bathroom, then drags him up by the hair, plants a hand on the wall, and reaaaally facefucks him against the wall, breathing into the tile. A very ah… legs spread apart, stance, shoving.
Finish. Out of breath… lean against a stall panting. Feeling like a demon was exorcised. No ability to think, just buzzing. Teeth marks around knuckles, looks at those…. sighs.
Tsukasa is a little sickle shape on the floor cuz of being tied up still, fell over after amane stopped holding him up. Eye contact…. Sustained. A lidded and dark-eyed tsukasa panting…. amane, too. Weird moment. Tsukasa drooling come, licking his teeth. See you… something different happened. Amane finally only feels: and? So what. You made something different come out. You just do that. You know you do.
あ:Anyways… I just really enjoy the sheer selfishness of a scenario like this — an instance where, the very conceit of it all is already Tsukasa being really gracious, more than the average person would be. Lots of people would have at least some insecurities with being enlisted to RP/do practice for your Other Partner… It's unique that Tsukasa feels no sense of competition or inadequacy, he is just here to help. Ready to lay there and be acted upon as needed.
So… for Amane to then get frustrated and take things out on Tsukasa… as if it's Tsukasa's fault for inducing the desire in his heart, like "ugh, how dare you do this to me"… It's so shitty, but one does go SIGH it's Amane's appeal isn't it… That even while being catered to and accommodated wholly, he'll get agitated about his own feefees… his own arousal… Huff huff.. Having a cock just makes you feel weak, so often, and Amane doesn't like feeling weak to it. I think it's so simple like… hate feeling cock twitch about this or that, stupid leaky thing jumping about things it wasn't mean to. Hate your vision blurring… hate breath getting heavier and words slurring, where they shouldn't.
Ugh but yeah as I mentioned earlier, I've thought about being as selfish as to finally growl about, like, "UGH, if you had a pussy…" I think this would just make Tsukasa's head spin, like what-? not a thought in his little head. Amane feeling this-? What's he saying-?? [trying to focus, but being wailed on]
つ:It’s too fantastical!!!! Like he’s in a dream
あ:One of those thoughts that almost seems too abstract you know…
つ:He wants to do more to you than he even can….?
あ:Could never remotely think such a thought! i like this time Avvy worded it like, tsukasa's emotions being "but I'm Tsukasa". ww….
つ:So simple I am a fixed thing! You know a tsukasa Blurring Nene emotions towards him….. sooooo interesting!!!
あ:The way Tsukasa doesn't ah think conventionally, well you might as well complain about him not having an animal body part, wings or something… In terms of how, it's all equally fantastical right
つ:Amane is so distinct and exact and unchanging to tsukasa, it can’t work in the other direction. Nothing in common to mingle between amane and nene Brother and his gf! Different
あ:Entire islands
つ:Fun to grope nene, nothing to blur here
あ:The idea that Amane could be restless and wishing for something like that… in the middle of it all… I do like Tsukasa having to register twitchy hands or something, or feel how he's acting upon his mouth the same way he would pussy, fingering it…
つ:He is having impossible dreams…. Wahhhh💞💓
あ:Amane's frustrated expression… brows pinched… such sharp gaze
つ:All so tense, despite that amane is releasing something…
あ:The idea that... he wants more, than your mouth... it just seems dizzying... like getting facefucked with this all in mind
つ:When I thought about uhm… well for one really like— yeah….. the. Lost my train of thought but that was one of them
I was hooked on the crassness of “settle for your mouth” directly correlating, and then proceeding to facefuck SO hard. I thought about Tsukasa’s head really hitting the wall sometimes if amane pulling away pulls him forward, just doesn’t care. Donk donk
Wanting his head pinned between him and the wall so he can really drive it deep and grind towards throat…. want tightness of throat around.
あ:The sheer harshness and lack of consideration… chasing something, like trying to scratch an itch. it's so oppressive
つ:Noooo room for lackadaisical bobbing dick around open mouth jumps to wanting throat as closer analog
あ:sigh i do like it all… like, harsh driving into… coming down throat like this… and tsukasa left to topple onto the ground after….. one of those things that would make nene really reel to watch
つ:understand. The dynamic of murderer and victim
あ:You can see how it escalated. so much
つ:oeuuoruhgh but i have bene like ah…. m. ah I feel like amane's sentiments and clear restlessness would make tsukasa feel frenzied in back of mind…. his chessmaster little brain like i have to…. help… i was thinking about tsukasa one day just ah. suddenly SLEEPing Nene when she come into the bathroom and then immediately booting her out of her body like gomen ne. but immediately bending her over and spreading and beseeching amane to have what he wants and it would be like fkksdlf;kl;FJKG;SJGKL; OKAY. but i want nene to wake up like. really quickly bc tsukasa didn't actually do a deeper spell on her
i like to think you can control the intensity of it, if you just brief sleep blip or you truly conk them out for hours can't be roused. anyway i like nene on the ceiling 'coming to' like what happened. STARING AT HANAKO FUCKING YOUR BDOY SOOOO HARD
which is like jfc this is fucking!!!! hot and sexy!!! BUT I WONDER UNDERSTAND IT. but then he's rambling insanely to tsukasa obviously and you're like [pin drops] theyre using my body to have sex with each other [pause] this is fucking… HOT AND SEXTY and hanako does not know she woke up lol
あ:I'm sooo the pussy in the room… the asset nene just feeling like. smug about it klfdjghdfjkld (edited)
つ:its also liek: i knew it. they want to fuck so hard i have known all ALONG i'm really helping them come to terms with something
あ:becomes nene-sama mentally
つ:its also like; it must be so hard… hanako is straight
she is nene-sama on the ceiling benevolent entity like…. mmm. i have provided… the promised. the coveted. a solution for you two….
going to jerk off about this for months. oh the visual of your own body being plowed, hot. getting to see you x hanako from a distance: we are so hot he moves hot, he moves body hot. he is so rude.
あ:Having unwoke brain is so useful though isnt it, she can just feel so simple about it in a way i think-? like "ah of course its a problem, hanako-kun is so into girls… but he loves tsukasa-kun so much… and of course, tsukasa-kun would want to do anything hanako-kun would want…"
つ:tsukasa-kun is very clever, how did he come up with this….
あ:seeing it as tragic but in the romanticized way like star-crossed lovers almost. like awww
>oh the visual of your own body being plowed, hot. getting to see yuo x hanako from a distance: we are so hot
I do think it is this. ahhh and how euphoric, to feel so.. like… made hotter in tandem… underneath him… your body is pure sex
つ:i think its also like,inspiring, to hear tsukasa not muffle anything and make w/e sounds in her voice, lol. she's like ah gosh…. i always am embarrassed to make noises. but its hot actually
i need to go harder. tsukasa is just like thrashing back into hanako's cock and drooling and making sounds. nene is like wow . watching a porno starring me
あ:Tsukasa being in there, I'm sure even makes it easier to feel fondness, like, you'd never want to think of Tsukasa as homely or something, he's not unattractive in there
つ:and then hanako is being. rougher. than usual. so it all feels like. jesus. so extreme
あ:aint no frumpy girl
つ:nooo this isnt a cringe frumpy girl being fucked…. suddenly you are just a slut for hanako's cock. the body obviously loves hanako's cock a lot it feels very good. facts
あ:benevolent nene-sama also is like, ah i am granting tsukasa-kun the gift of feeling pussy stuffed with cock…. it feels so good doesn't it tsukasa-kun…. [wipes tear]
つ:i think theres a. funny quality of the 2 boys being together where they can-- lgkjfkl be boys moreso, hanako at least, i really think he's got a certain laxness around tsukasa so i like to think when he comes he just like groans inelegantly its my brother so i'm casual. might as well be jerking off
あ:not putting on all that flair. you know me.
つ:a bit more boorish.
あ:not doin it up for a girl… its different
つ:needs to be like something like that happens where hanako sortof is just way too hair down and nene is like. wait. he 100% doesn't know i'm awake
[thought for a second this was the plan] [but realizes she's awake by incident maybe, or tsukasa-kun's decision wthout telling hanako]
つ:the gracelessness needs to be so like. groaaans. rests hand on hip/ass junction for a second like whewww… siighs…. fans self with hat lolls head to the side
obviously not… performative. too casual. groans and bumps. is like mmm tsukasa stay like this a little longer i wanna go again… in a minute…. sounding like 2 kids.
あ:Unbuttons my gakuran jacket and peels it off, stretches
つ:while still cock in
つ:nene seeing hanako w no jacket is liek KLFSDJ;FLDSJKGL; youre like scared hes gonna pull his pants all the way down
あ:screams fjksdghf like oh god feeling like she's hiding in the rafters
つ:hanako just stretching and closing his eyes a minute and tsukasa peeks at nene and winks
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あ:it even works that this is a sex cutscene SEEING SEX.
つ:yes SEE
あ:Tsukasa really like ………. [places finger over lips]❤️ it would be so uOUH wiggles my fingers. blows you a kiss
つ:Hanako is mentally like mmmmmmmmm mating press next. [using porno terms in brain] feeling loose limber feeling good mmmm. rubbing thumbs around tsukasa's lower back for a bit.
あ:tabe houdai all you can eat going to flip you like you are livestock
つ:i actually think an incredibly funny thing to do would be be like mmmgmmmhh wait…. snaps my fingers puts nene's body in your kimono and hakama
あ:psychofink but they literally can do shit like this Procure me the set dressings
つ:also makes tsukasa like. aougfg… ,fdjsfkl [stars spinning around head]
あ:hanako really would be likea uhghh finally. tits and pussy under all this whore fabric
つ:that is what i waaaaant
あ:It feels so multi-concept… like ah amane can really think about me clothes? like dis… wow Despite everything i do not think nene is ready to watch mating press just happen to her body like jesus
つ:folds you in half it takes until this for her to be like: wait this is going to hurt my body physically!!!
oh I think Hanako is so fucking disgusting at this second round…. like folds and the position would put pressure on everything so the. come inside would just ooze out and he'd be like ooooo
smears it around pussy with his hand holds legs back with one hand. smears come around with the other
あ:enters gnasty mode... god yeah. swirls my fingers near the entrance
つ:just openly: you know. I try to be more polite, for yashiro. she's just a girl, you know…. you can't be too much all at once…. even though she's….. 'you know' we'll get there.. [pleasantly wistful] of course
あ:It's nice to get a taste though…. mm
つ:tsukasa wiggles legs. hanako just licks down the calf
あ:oh its time to activate me creepy thing
つ:hanako is like siiiiigh ahh feels good rubs thighs indulgently
あ:[closes eyes] tsukasa don't say anything. [just takes legs and presses foot to sternum, strokes hand down along calf, thigh... rubs knees weirdly]
つ:nene is like. i'm getting a little frustrated hey…. why are you….
つ:why dont you just go have sex with your brother in my body again. enough with this commentary
あ:we don't like the interlude the audience is leaving poor reviews so funny to be like wait let me be a little leg creep for a sec. ahhh
つ:oh but its not all bad at least. in his shirt. also he's so much less with the decorum (saying a lot not like he has a ton on average) just cock out
あ:the smell reaches teh ceiling
つ:you're tempered.
あ:our bond lets me smell your spectral cock even though i am out of body
つ:thats the bond
あ:the porno resumes, as hanako just rubs soft cock against pussy, smearing come… jerks off against. uehh that sort of… like lazily just pulling foreskin back and forth, instead of having a whole hand wrapped around the length or something, a few fingers along the tip
つ:finally is like ahh ok ok…. fiddles with hakama in fingers too. kimono, during. basically stims with it while doing this liking the tandem of tsukasa's outfit and the pussy. mmmm
あ:i think nene though could also be privy to the boys familiary making them so simple abt commentary like. ah yashiro's voice… 's nice… and tsukasa being like yes it is… hehe
つ:[wistful, loving] she's a little shy about making sounds… ah but you know, people can hear her, she thinks about that too…. hehe….
あ:when nene is overhearing hanako talk about her cup size with kou and just puts a hand by her ear about it
つ:she wants to hear the boytalk
あ:overhear these dirty story boys [husking] but wouldn't it just be hot, if people had to hear her clearly being fucked… and loving it.
つ:ahhhh…. closes eyes, sighs. alright… thats enough. are you ready, tsukasa…..? lol, just kidding [SHOVES knees back]
mmmmm, maybe I should be more careful… mmm~~ no, no~ I think Yashiro's body can handle it….
it's her mind that's not ready… [wistful, pleasant, my little virgin] but her body's ready for anything…
あ:Such a receptive body. so wanting, really. ahh it's hard to say no to it, again and again… [fetish for whore body oozing out] I think Hanako is the type to feel quietly tested by pussy still being so wet and limber.. when the walls really still feel so receptive to the pounding. it's hard to not just take it as "she still needs it"
つ:this is all good proof that nene could always use some more, ahh the body is so eager always…
once he earnestly gets going he'll get back to task. mating press has benefit of looking at face. Get to say more sentimental things like mmmmnn.. ahh I like your, expressions. on her face. such a good idea, tsukasa…. pet pet mmm. pounds
あ:Some earnest nuzzling... talking against face...
つ:round 2 feels like luxury cruise
あ:pet hair… You do like to see Yashiro's red eyes staring so widely up at you…
つ:maybe some day. m.n. we can have Yashiro watch….. tsukasa nods
あ: >this is all good proof that nene could always use some more, ahh the body is so eager always…
Ah you know I think Tsukasa could also just continue to report like, feels good… he's in there simply enjoying the sheer overwhelm
つ:ah hanako would looove to hear it like mmm yesss confirmationnnnn.. mmmmmggh
ahh pleasant whore hanako with both palms holding back of her knees to the floor, tilting head back eyes closed rutting forward loving all the hakama spilling all about, the kimono all bunched up
あ:Artful… I think he can be unclogged a bit and just find it pretty… 's on a girl so. it'd be rude to be like, it's not pretty. it looks nice…. you like to see all the ruffles and flow of the fabric helps add flourish to all the motions, emphasize that you are Plow
つ:i think for round 2 once ya hit the stride it finally gets to become ahh Tsu-ka-saaaa~~ tsuuu-ka-sa, on beats of impact. pleasant singsongy feeling too good ahhh relaxed w my cock deep in pussy. mmmm comfort of brother and gf
あ:Like he got all warmed up and is fully leaning into it… It is just indulgent and cozy at this point. in that sickening way. You both just hit a rhythm of going back and forth with names…
つ:which to nene is a lot. they're. really brothers. in love
あ:uehh the gay shit… i'm sorry if you watch them hit some fingers laced peak
あ:maybe in a way nene could understand why hanako-kun runs from this
つ:in some way… you can see how its incongruous….. you hit a beautiful peak. and then he nuts and he's like…
MMMMMMmmm. moves her legs around like levers. I wanna keep cominggggggg
あ:It's strugglesome… it takes so much greasing to ease hanako into such a place. you are sort of watching him regress and be childish and capricious in a particular way though like wahhh i'm not ready to leave it…
つ:[WHORE hentai boy voice yet also 6 year old] I wanna fill you with cooome
あ:i don't wanna stop until you can't mooove tsukasa also a child in the situation: til i-!! can't move-!!! pant pant
つ:tsukasa flinging hands up panting aahhh whatever you want!! amane!
あ:I think it's always refreshing to be so mortal feeling. like ah for real out of breath, for real aching and light headed and shaky
つ:mmm but can I reaallyyy… mmmmmmrr… teetering pounds a little she'll definitely be sore by now…. I can feel it….. mmmm…~~ mmmmbutIwannamakeagirlsore……..
あ:[enabler voice] re-ally really REALLY!! [hiccups] it'll be good nene-chan will appreciate it
つ:you just wanna get fucked more, you're biased… [talking a little angrily. you whore] mmm its not fair…..
あ:clucks tongue. leers.
つ:if it were just you… then I really wouldn't have to think twice yyyouu don't need to go anywhere… or do anything. [gets… dark]
あ:deliberating and becoming this boy
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like ah so selifsh… you're not really being considerate of Yashiro. it's always up to me
つ:starting to think about how to blame tsukasa positioning carefully…. sigh.
Yashiro…. needing to take a day off of school isn't good for me, you know….. are you going to keep me busy while she's stuck at home, 'cuz of what you wanted?
あ:Saying all this while rolling hips… as always, I think it's satisfying to implicate Tsukasa as the selfish one here. like ah really Tsukasa… This tone, like you're scolding your younger brother. Hey now…
つ:yashiro is like. s. stay home….? what are you gonna do to my body… waito. but staying silent
あ:what are . you thinking about what the… what is Hanako-kun imagining ??
つ:gonna….. watch him make you bleed
あ:Eh but you know I think the true efficiency would be switching to fingering in-between everything… Like well while i'm recovering…. keep this going this is really like. targets cervix
But I feel like Nene does start to like worry over the sounds Tsukasa starts to make in there He's not like… censoring self.. so as it starts to sound ah. agonizing. this is heard with no obfuscation (edited) Hanako himself registering the new quality to the voice, like god sounds miserable… [horny] [eyes rolling back]
つ:when it hits that brutal octave, definitely pain
あ:it just sounds like it hurts
つ:but still so sexual.. mmmm blood in the water
あ:Just incentive to slam harder, in reality
つ:nene didn't know she could sound like that…… crazy. hearing your voice take new shapes. won't… be able to go to, class……?
あ:[cruelly] Is it still "good"? Is it, Tsukasa?
つ:NODS NODS NODS NODS ah begins laughing. mania induced
あ:>won't… be able to go to, class……?
you've never thought about your pussy being able to hurt so bad. like whuh but its my pussy… [eyes are dots]
つ:just from….. having sex….?
amane finally getting too… insidious. mmm. its…. it'd be bad, actually if you were like this, Tsukasa…. there's no way…. we'd… do anything else…..
whispering. it'd happen… sooner [actually referring to. murder]
yashiro: sex? tsukasa receives the meaning proper tho
amane, inhaling slow after saying that. knew it…. knew you'd….. tighten. gh…. mmM…. [gets back in there]
if only you could carry nene-chan home like this after everything. in an ideal world
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あ:The aftercare we deserve. Sorry sweetheart
Alluding to murder really is the most lurid thing, in reality… In a circumstance like this. But ah I really imagine it does alight every nerve in Tsukasa's body like mghhhh… the concept that if things were different, it wouldn't undo your shinjuu. but ah of course it wouldn't… it's what Amane wants of you…. [boiling internally to process it all, still]
If it would functionally just stoke Amane and incite him to act. I also feel like, there are dokis had whenever there's an implication of — … and I would've done it to you, even if life had been different around us
つ:inevitable….. i'd love for amane to know it's not the circumstance that caused it, it's himself
あ:It wasn't just a coincidence or, like a matter of your specific circumstance, it's more about his nature…
つ:to just simply know that so confidently
あ:it's what he's been agonizing over for years All of this in mind, while slipping back in… i like. it's good flavor
つ:pulling out fingers, observing blood… showing it to tsukasa kinda like… mm you like to see it don't you, mentally. yup, you do….
あ:Of course you do… grabs jaw with bloody hand. continuing, lowly, "It's always like this, with you, isn't it… It can't be any other way."
つ:nothing but manic giggling and wiggling and panting can come out anymore
あ:Reduced... ueghhrhgh i feel like the scariest thing is when Amane just breathily laughs too. you both make each other sick
つ:reach a bit of peace again somehow. hai hai…. hugs legs while pumping. will finish pleasantly despite where we've treaded but then its like….❤️ I have no idea how we'll explain any of this to yashiro …❤️ I thought we could just play it off with a little tidying up….
あ:^^…………………………………………. I don't want to explain anything❤️
つ:will just get her some water and goodies from the cafeteria (stealing) set a girl up in the infirmary. can carry her there at least. its post-school its empty out here just caretake her for a bit yashiro has much to think about. oh when she's placed back in her body, oh it'll be like being hit with a truck
あ:try not to scream challenge
つ:immediate respect for tsukasa for just laying there . the STABBING FEELING
あ:at least for a second i think its really AKSUFJDGHF
つ:oh its really AFKLADJF!!! AAouuuouhhh… curling on side clutching tummy
あ:tsukasa-kun😭 hefsldkjgdshdf tsukasa out here like mm reminds me of. you know
つ:tsukasa very apologetic
つ:him and nene have special knowledge so hes really like❤️ i sowwy ❤️i got into it toooo much❤️ oops
あ:gomen ne
つ:i wanted to look out for you girl but… uhm💔
あ:tfw you trying to look out for your girlie. but you ARE his slave we'll just have much girl talk later
つ:much to girl talk about some day
あ:AS ALWAYS i just want nene to be able to have someone be like. it feels soooooooooooooooooo good to be fucked in your pussy! >:o i understand so much
つ:the pussy is so amazing and cool it really does like to be fucked
あ:nene-chan is amazing
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jrueships · 1 year
you asked, you shall receive (also forgive me this is gonna be hella long but also it's ur fault bc u asked for it)
so what i was thinking of was that before the season even starts, hollywood thinks he's gotten over the whole qb-wr-breakup thing quite well. it's been more than a year since he got traded, he got a whole season down with his new team, so he thinks it's all gucci leading up to opening week.
this confidence comes crashing down on him though when the season actually starts, and he sees lamar & obj chopping it up better than they ever did (this is just a bold prediction laced w a lil hope from me but don't mind it). it doesn't help that lamar has really good chemistry with the rest of his brand new receiver core as well, with rashod and especially that rookie zay flowers (who's already been called a "better hollywood" before). it nags at hollywood's pride to see his ex (lmao) thrive without even thinking of him, to the point where he rants to kyler whenever the ravens do something (aka hating because they're good). he tries to keep his feelings at bay until week 8, but inevitably fails once the game rolls around and lamar has that same great chemistry with his receivers (especially obj, but he's like The Notorious B.O.T.T.O.M. so it doesn't matter)
the game goes how the game goes, but after the fact, they do the ole shake hands pat on the helmet thing and hollywood is zoned out most of the time. when he gets to lamar, he tries desperately to avoid eye contact, avoid seeing the shimmering lights of victory (another bold prediction but shhhh) in lamar's eyes. lamar doesn't carry that air of somberness and melancholy that he did during the preseason game last year, he looks like he's moved on from the trade for real and something about it bothers hollywood. basically, the roles are flipped from last time and hollywood hates it lmao
this is mostly from holly's perspective but if you want i could expand a lil more on lamar's side of things (i do think this all messed holly up more than it did lamar but maybe that's my bias as a ravens fan lol)
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^^a good remind of my thoughts to hone in the irony
YES THOOOOO I LOVE IT. BECAUSE IT'S HOLLYWOOD'S 'BLAME IT ON THE BUSINESS. IT'S JUST BUSINESS. IT'S NOTHINF PERSONAL KID, HEH.' coming back and EGGING HIM ON THE FACE x10 OVER. Like he already got the shell of it with the whole thing accidentally hurting lamar's feelings and then relationship with the organization for a bit.. but those could be not exactly excused.. but have their damage diminished by the necessity cause of business. Hollywood's not the bad guy... the BUSINESS is! Hollywood's not responsible, doesn't need that weight, can't bear the weight anyways... the BUSINESS IS! the business CAN!
... and now, the business is Actually playing a role, without Hollywood forcing it to. Now, it says 'you know what? You want us to play the bad guy? .... Aight. Check this then.'
Quarterbacks need new wide receivers after their old (trustworthy) (best friends) Ditch them, so. All business did was get Lamar some. All business did was step up where Hollywood couldn't because business holds the power and the responsibility and Hollywood? Does not.
And if one of those wide receivers happen to be THE notorious B.O.T.T.O.M, old dirty bastard O.B.J?
That's just business, baby.
As it's .. 'apparently' always been. So why have the nerve to complain now, marquis? Hm? Seems a bit . Suspicious .
And clearly, Lamar is doing okay. No, more than ok, Better. He's doing WAY Better. And that's what was wanted, right? By business, anyways. And by personally, it should be too. By good people. And business isn't good people... so why does it get the positives? The Bad Guy?
... maybe because it wasn't.
At least in the beginning, anyways.
But Hollywood doesn't wanna think about that. And he doesn't want to think about how funny he feels about seeing Lamar so happy now... WITH OTHER PEOPLE, i mean. That's the problem. The ONLY problem. It's with other people. He's happy when Lamar's happy because he loves lamar and hes the kind of good person that loves that his lover is happy. He can do that. He doesn't have to FORCE himself to be good. He's not a bad person, no- fuck. He's not . Selfish. IT WAS THE BUSINESS. OKAY? IT WAS AN EXECUTIVE BUSINESS DECISION ON HIS PART. for his CAREER.
So he's not sore at all about leaving. He's not sore about some 'better Hollywood' on the- HIS old team now. He doesn't care about some new young wr core. And obj will probably pull some diva shit soon enough or whatever. He. Presumes anyways. Or... hopes, moreso- NO FUCK. HE DOESN'T HOPE. THAT WOULD BE- it's just- well. I mean. If something WERE to happen then well- so be it...........
Anyways. It doesn't matter. He doesn't. He doesn't care. Because clearly. Lamar doesn't either, anymore.. and hollywood Definitely doesn't care about that....... because if, and this is an IF, he METAPHORICALLY DID . . he would miss it. He would miss it like a horrible person would AND HE DOESN'T ! BECAUSE
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spaceoceania · 5 years
So uh i just caught up with black butler (actually i re-read the manga from chapter 128 to chapter 155) and oh my god i feel like such a fake fan for crying and being exicted over the manga again... Like, I literally forgot about black butler and its manga for like 6 months😂
Im geunily excited for the next chapter thoo like im so happy i decided to do this on the 15th cause now i only have to wait 3 days for the next chapter! Unless things are still weird and chapters still come out really late.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
levi’s new song is ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💖 but the lyrics ARE pretty sad 😭😭😭 with him saying in the halloween event that he makes game remixes and other music, it’s so easy to imagine him making this about the mc to vent his feelings without expecting to ever really have them listen to it. imagine if they did thooooo!!! i would totally wanna reassure him lol, he’s so cute 💕
Oh that would be so cute...!! Like, imagine he regularly does that sort of thing as tributes to his favorite characters like Ruri-chan or Henry then the MC's was the first time he did it for someone he knows personally.
He strikes me as the kind of guy who lets the finished product sit in his files for a month before he finally works up the courage to send it to them... Only to panic for like a whole day and try a bunch of crazy schemes in order to delete the file before the MC sees it. Probably drafting Mammon in on it for big Grimm just for his breaking and entering skills. (But of course because they're both a couple of dorks and terrible at lying to the MC it would ultimately fail and they'd hear it anyway.)
Kyaaaa it's so cute, I love it!!!
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eclecticmiasma · 4 years
Do you think Bruno and Risotto can share a darling? Would s/O life's be better or worse if kit was both of them instead of one? Oh gosh I wanna call Bruno as Hubby and Risotto as master gosh idk what to do thooooo
Oh, sweet anon. It would certainly be worse. 
[Warnings: general yandere scariness, sexual situations, rape, abuse, gaslighting, violence] 
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Due to Bruno’s possessive nature, he would only ever share his darling if it was to teach her a lesson. 
Once, when captured her after conspiring with the rest of the Bucci gang to escape, he zipped off his own cock and made her use it in front of the rest of them. 
Bruno sees himself as a benevolent and caring significant other. He gives his darling the finest food, clothing, books- you name it. 
So when darling loses her composure and screams at him that his “love” is nothing but abuse, a deep resentment grows within him. 
Abuse? I’ll show her abuse. 
Bruno feels that a “good cop/bad cop” routine might be just what darling needs to remember her place, and for her to be able to see just what a good and loving boyfriend he truly is. 
Who better to play the role of an abuser than the infamous capo, Risotto Nero? 
He gives his darling up to the assassin to play with, all while whispering in her ear justification after justification for what is happening to her. After all, if she had just accepted Bruno’s love like a good little girl she wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. 
Risotto’s massive, pierced member hasn’t even touched her lips before she’s begging for forgiveness. Bruno only smiles.
“Maybe now you’ll see what the word abuse actually means, tesora mia.” 
He says things like this so lovingly, stroking the sides of her face while Risotto rails her from behind. Her lips are shut tight with a well-placed zipper. It crushes Bruno to hear his darling scream. 
When Risotto’s finally done, the room reeks of her blood. Even Bruno finds it all a bit excessive, and he’s annoyed to find red splotches on his otherwise crisp, clean suit. 
He leans over her trembling form. She’s curled into the fetal position, eyes wide. Scars cover her back- Bruno had been clear not to open any parts of her face or torso. Reluctantly, Risotto had complied. 
Bruno also remembered telling him he was in no way allowed to release himself inside of her, but it looks like that instruction was completely ignored. A pity. 
“Abuse truly is horrific, carina...” Bruno muses, pulling stray shards of metal out of her skin as she weeps, “It’s a good thing that I love you too much to ever do this to you.”
*all original work is my intellectual property. do not edit or re-upload.
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sinkingwmyships · 4 years
im back at it again with
JJBA (VA) Purge AU (3)
yeeee this is the one abt the relationship scenarios ;)))
part 1 | part 2
i highly recommend checking out the previous parts first, if not this might be kinda hard to follow
between me and my 1.5 braincells we're trying really hard y'all so pls go easy on us show some support ;_;
(oh yea a heads-up no ships are decided yet so treat all these relationship scenarios as hcs (yea imma make AUs inside an AU lmfao))
tw: (1 mention of) homophobia, referenced past abuse, bullying (??)
1. fugio
the first scenario that popped into my head is that Fugo and Giorno go to the same university (for some reason Gio's parents can afford to send him there, idk he probably got financial aid or sth, and then after he killed them (😳 awkwardddd) he's probably using their life insurance in fear of it running out). and Fugo doesn't really care for Gio bc he's a rich boye and he has his quality™️ elite friend circle so why bother himself w a nobody. but in reality all of Fugo's friends are either only on a social level (u know those ppl who you're friends w but u won't necessarily have deep convos w them or choose to hang out w them n stuff), or they're fake and only hang out w him bc of his wealth & status, or bc their rich parents are friends. plus (im referring to the anime backstory here), after the scandal w that professor who sexually harassed him, many ppl secretly hate him and talk shit abt him behind his back due to homophobia.
but anyway, Fugo's plotting against all those biches :) so where does Giorno come in? Gio, being this innocent poor boy who doesn't have a home to go back to, lives on dorm. and let's just say Fugo does too bc he doesn't have the best relationship w his demanding parents, so he was overjoyed when he finally talked them into letting him move from home into the dorms instead. (side note he prolly doesn't Purge his parents bc he needs their money.) so Gio and Fugo know of each other, but not acquaintances or anything.
and then
one day when Fugo's either
running into trouble with some authority figure at school again
just minding his own business and planning his Purge targets
Gio walks in on him, and he's either like
"omg Fugo r u ok do u need help what happened"
"omg Fugo idk what happened between u and ur targets but Purging ain't good, pls reconsider"
and Fugo, having the short-ass fuse that he does (plus probably having his pride wounded and just general mistrust of the ppl around him spurring him on):
"stfu u know nothing about me, but now you've seen this i guess it wouldn't hurt to kill you too"
"stfu u know nothing about me, ur probably one of those happy asshats that have no need for Purges, reconsider?? haha the only thing i'll reconsider is if i'll add u to my kill list" (bc if Gio reports him or sth, Fugo & his fam can get into trouble, since his targets are probably rich and/or influential ppl, but it isn't Purge time yet, so it can be considered malicious intent and/or attempted murder i guess, and so anyone who has any beef w the Fugo fam can bring them down) (i know nothing abt law don't come for me)
and then Gio is like "fuck dis shit im out" and he skrts tf out of there, but sadly Fugo ain't lying 😔 the day of the Purge comes, and Giorno was just trying to barricade himself inside his dorm room when suddenly, Fugo pulls an FBI OPEN UP and breaks inside using all his high-tech weaponry n stuff (i'll share my hcs for chara design later!!). Gio is freaking out so he jumps out the window into the streets, even risking going outside during Purge just so he can get away, but oh 🅱️oy is Fugo stressed tonight. and he literally hunts Gio down and almost kills him
2. abbacchio & giorno:
Abbacchio is tasked w hunting down a certain rogue criminal, so he's la-di-da cruising thru Naples to get to Bucci's house, when suddenly this fucking kid comes running up to him with his hair and clothes all messed up and tears running down his face, and is like "pls help me sir i beg u i just need somewhere to hide pls i don't want to do this i don't want to die" and Abba's like "fuq??" but then he hears manic laughter and chainsaws revving and shit, and the kid sniveling all over his crisp™️ Purge suit looks like he can explode with fear at any moment (and plus Abba understands that nobody would ever run up to another person for help during Purge like this, unless it's really their last option), so he sighs, "fine. get behind me."
the kid drops to his knees and Abba can't help but think "aaahhhh fucking dead weight", but he said he'd help, so that's what he's gonna do. now ANOTHER kid rounds the corner but he barely looks sane, he seems almost possessed by something. *fighting ensues* but being a professional cop Abba knocks the kid out cold w a few swift moves, and when he drops to the ground that crazy expression finally leaves his face. he's already wasted too much time, so Abba turns to Kid 1 and is like "go back home brat and dont get into trouble again", but Kid 1 is still a trembling mess on the ground, and he says "i don't have any home to go back to."
subconscious Abba's like "well that's between you and god" but he knows he's basically this kid's god now (besides, there can't possibly be a god that would let things like Purges happen), so he's like, "fine. get in the car and DON'T get in my way" but THEN Kid 1 points to the passed-out demon child, "but we can't leave him here"
A: "he was gonna KILL you!!"
K1: "i know but he didn't mean it, he was just not thinking straight"
A: "Purges ain't where ppl think str8 kid, besides if he didn't really wanna Purge he wouldn't have geared himself up that well"
K1: “but he’s not a bad person. please, if we leave him out here in this state he’ll be killed for sure.”
at this point Abbacchio can't understand wtf Kid 1 is thinking, but for the first time in years he finds some of the humanity he was hoping to regain in Purge, so he's like "fine. haul him into the backseat. but you're sitting with him bc i got my shit in the front. and if he wakes up you're dealing w it this time. cool?"
Kid 1 nods, and surprisingly he has enough strength to shove Kid 2 into the backseat & get in after him. Abba is trying to decide what he wanna do w these kids, when his phone suddenly beeps, and in comes a new message from his superiors, "yo dawg u gotta hurry up and kill that Bucciarati guy, we'd better not catch u slacking" and he's like "yo Kid 1, can u fight?"
"uh, a bit. why?"
"well, that's what you're gonna do for me in return for my protection."
anywhooooo i imagine that later on, Fugo wakes up like "ugh wtf hello concussions????" and he sees Gio standing over him, and he snaps into defensive mode, sitting up and shoving Gio away and everything. but then he sees that Gio's hands are empty, save for maybe a bottle of water and a towel, and somehow Fugo's own wounds are all cleaned and bandaged, and he groans:
"dude, what the fuck are you doing? did i pass out? did you find help?"
G: "you got hit over the head pretty hard, don't move so suddenly."
F: "haha yea thanks i can feel that myself, anyway wtf were you doing?"
G: "uhhhhh... abbacchio patched you up but your face was really grimy so he told me to clean you up, and maybe give you some water?"
F: "no. i mean like what the fuck were you doing????? braincells hello?? kill me! i should be dead!!! is Purge over?? did the sirens go off before you can finish me?"
he suddenly notices how Gio just recoils and sits there with his eyes squeezed shut as Fugo shouts at him and flings his arms around. but he's seen how Gio defended himself against him, so he knows this guy can fight and is no stranger to Purges. this is the first mystery his 152 IQ has encountered in a long time, so Fugo reaches out to get Gio's attention, but then Gio jumps and slaps his hand away so hard Fugo feels his bruised brain jar. he pulls back immediately, holding his hands up, palms forward, finally kind of able to pierce together what's going on inside the blond's mind:
"sorry. wasn't gonna attack you. just... wasn't sure if you were listening to me, so i tried to get your attention."
"i was."
"okay. sorry." Fugo tries, but Gio is already standing up and leaving, glassy green eyes looking anywhere but at him. "wait! Gior— ugh??"
he almost faceplants the ground again. where's my stupid-ass helmet???? i need to be on balance mode stat. but then Fugo feels two arms helping him up, and he looks up to see Gio, frowning in distaste but still supporting him all the same. he feels bad for asking (as if he hasn't bothered this poor guy enough): "uh, so, what exactly happened while i was passed out?"
oh, honey...
a lot :)
ya know i might actually go w fugio after all :00 but if i do end up writing this, it will span over 12 hours / 1 Purge only, so even if there are ships they'll probably only be implied, instead of madly into each other by the end of everything :P
to be cont’d… 👀🔪 perhaps with other relationship hcs :0 or chara design?? who knows. suggestions?
feel free to drop any questions you have, or just scream to me in the cmts in general!! i’m happy to answer anything, from chara motives to backstory clarification, or anything else!! ik up to now these posts have just been walls of texts, so :’D thanks for reading thooooo 💖
part 4 | part 5
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syncogon · 4 years
once again bless youtuber for uploading mu eps 
I want ALL the OST and also ALL these beautiful scenic shots wahhh. at least the scenery i guess I could screengrab but I want them to release more wallpapers :<
man a) why is yf even looking for someone other than just to troll open like his personality is so solo b) he looks weird in a collared shirt like this ngl this is riffing ctg’s look c) that’s not how you tune a stringed instrument??? 
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a) THIS DUDE AGAIN b) did he just not fucking pay for that drink?? c) yf i am BEGGING you to get a case for your poor guitar oh my god my heart cannot handle this 
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actually ngl they look pretty good in this. like damn that art is pretty good. i want more out of universe wallpapers in this art style!!! it looks better than the other art imo. 
jhx’s voice actor is like pretty good tho ngl. even if his character is still a smugass bastard
my god is this guy for real HAHAHA
oh yeah im super glad that they released all the canon chat icons but im DYING that ctg’s is that teddy bear persona of him what a callback lmfao
honestly this whole premise is so dumb thooooo we’ve already established that there is NO musical talent in this school aside from these four. it’s dd and that’s it. speaking of i can’t wait to see dd perform are we getting a new song
“what are you guys saying? i’m behind the wall, can’t hear it” HAHA
OMG COOKIE CALLS YF FENG-GE (same as smc calling wxf hehe) 
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awwww. cookie is still my fav. still really wish he got more dev/personality tho unfortunately it seems s2 is still giving him short stick :( 
oh i do wonder why exactly cr is so upset tho
this is so funny. auditions rejection talk lets goooo actually there’s no reason someone couldn’t just solo and then teams pick. 
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yooooo. god i want postersssss
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HAHA graphic design is my passion. he tried so hard!!!
awwwww oh no :( communication guys 
Fs in the chat for DD. 
HAHAHAHAHA actually this is pretty in-char for maggie too although Fs in the chat again
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA girl squad!!!! yo i want cr maggie friendship more!! they deserve it!! was never a fan of the weird sorta jealousy thing going on (though it made sense for maggie’s character) and they’ve been through enough together i think :D
the only competent people here are the girls :pensive: :pensive: ngl shocked maggie came all the way here on her lunch break to help out what a gal
mannn since when does yf care about battles or superiority?? he doesn’t!! he just likes making music!!! hate this
this is so dumb tho music pk’s don’t make sense what are you jsut gonna play louder than the other guy??
MOQI omg this is just music up’s linfang fight :pleading 
bruhhhhh dd just join open we all know you gotta you’re gonna :<<< man i don’t wanna see them fighting over her 
acoustic version of OP2 tho!! i love it
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ending scene: beiyin!! 
ohhh i see he’s not allowed to enter solo by the rules of the comp. oh interesting they specifically said you can group up across schools. oh this is only the third comp iteration. ohh and i guess that girl isn’t actually a musician.
SHE WANTS YF TO JOIN QING QING ZI JIN (wait is she the only member of this “group”? bro) ohhhhh my god i didnt even consider this possibility. omg. i don’t think it’s gonna happen but i can’t wait to learn more about her! also wanna know what’s up with oyzq i guess he’s gonna try to sneak into the school to learn music? OH maybe he joins open for a bit? or close? to try and learn guitar? arghh but we KNOW dd ends up with open we see that shot in the ED - wahhhhh ok waiting for next ep i just want qing’er backstory
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Gaaaah I love your skele gems theyre so awesome! All youre head cannons are! And I'm glad to see another Kinktober story cuz the last one was wonderful!!! But like...what are the other merskellies??? I dont want to interupt youre creative flow cuz youre putting out great stuff and youre a blessing for finishing all your wips! But the curiosity is killing me😭
Hhgfsdfgh I don’t wanna spoil it thooooo, even though it is taking me a long time
Okay...compromise, I will...reblog some aquatic animal posts, in no particular order, and... you can guess privately from there???
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Izumi Mitsuki: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 3
3: Sorry to make you wait! I’m fine now!
Tsumugi: Then, it seems like everyone is ready, so I’ll restart collecting the requests. Please continue it!
T: From Mitsuki-san please!
3: My request to myself is “Read one more mail from the fans”!
T: Mail?
3: I know that I can’t help that I can’t read all the mail but I want to read even just one more. Because everyone wrote them with everything they had.
9: You are also thinking about your fans.
3: Because they’re like treasures to me!
3: I mean also I just want to read it to everyone! That “I got this kind of mail! Look!” kind of!
9: The fans would also be happy huh. That he is happy about his fans’ gifts.
T: It’s exactly as Kujou-san says! Thank you for the wonderful request!
T: Next is Yamato-san please!
2: “Please tell us Mitsu’s dark history.”
2: How about it?
3: Eeeeeeh… How about it is… Dark history~?!
3: You definitely typed that with a smug face didn’t you lol
2: Don’t you have anything that would totally change your bright and cheerful image? (lol)
1: Hold on. That’s it.
1: Manager, it’s no good for the agency right.
T: Eh?!
1: Nii-san doesn’t have any dark history, so please stop bringing up his image in a weird way.
2: No way no way, you probably actually have it right?
1: I don’t. Because I’m a perfect highschool student.
4: Eh? Iorin doesn’t? You definitely do.
1: Shut up.
2: Ichi doesn’t wanna hear it?
3: Oooi, Iori. Isn’t your reply late? lol
1: S-Sorry, Nii-san.
T: As an agency, it will depend on what kind of dark history maybe! Yamato-san, Mitsuki-san, please let me consult with you afterwards!
T: So then, next is the request from Yaotome-san please!
8: My turn huh. My request is “I want you to say a message to yourself ten years from now.”
3: Uwaaaaah that’s something super embarrassing isn’t it lolololol
8: Why? Something you want to do, an ideal you have to be or something, Izumi-ani has it right? Please let us hear that on this radio.
8: Childish things, silly things, anything’s fine.
3: Something I’d ideally want to do huh… That, I have but!
3: It’s an embarrassing thing thooooo!
3: I mean, after I got a request about my past, it’s one about my future huh. Even the contents are totally opposite from having a dark history lolol
2: You wanna make it into a heart-moving dark history?
8: What kind of dark history is that? (lol)
T: Everyone really wants to know about Mitsuki-san huh!
3: Even though I’m basically not changing anytime!
3: Well, I’ll think of something. Thanks, Yaotome! And Ossan too!
8: Yeah. Take care of it.
2: Take care.
T: That was a heart-warming request! Yaotome-san, thank you!
T: Next, how about Tsunashi-san please?
10: From me, “I want Mitsuki-kun to give fan service!”
3: W-
3: I laughed and spilled coffee!!
3: Fan service?! Me? To Tsunashi-san?
10: When I see Mitsuki-kun give fan service during a live, I think it’s cool that you respond to each fans’ requests. The fans seem really happy too.
10: I want to learn fanservice from Mitsuki-kun too!
3: No way no way no way…! Tsunashi-san’s fan service is manly and sexy and your fans always almost faint, giving more fan service than you do now would be dangerous?!
10: Is it bad? It’s over the radio and it might be a difficult thing to think about...
100: It’s nice! I want to get fan service from Mitsuki too!
1000: Yeah. Give me some great ones too
3: Great one lololol
3: Wait, Momo-san and Yuki-san too?!
7:Yes! Yes! I want it too!
6: And me of course.
4: Me too.
1: You guys are in the same group aren’t you?!
7: Aaaah…. But if it’s a unit song, it might work!
6: I can’t… :’-(
3: I’ll do it for you guys at the dorms lololol.
6: Thank you. Mitsuki is a wonderful idol with great spirit for service!
7: Yay!
4: [Pudding in Milk Jug Stamp]
5: If you’re going to give fan service, we have to build a stage in the living room huh.
2: That’s hardcore (lol)
10: That’s great you three!
3: To Tsunashi-san and others, I’ll do it when I pick your request right?
10: Thanks, Mitsuki-kun! I’m praying you’ll pull it.
100: (o´з`d)☆
1000: (o´з`d)☆
3: Uwaaaah! That’s somehow embarrassing…….lol
T: It seems like it’ll become a fun corner if you pull Tsunashi-san’s request huh!
T: So then, next is Momo-san please.
100: OKAY! The request from me is “Challenging the cup and ball record”!
100: It’s a little craze between Mitsuki and I recently~. It can be a nice break too, it’s quite fun!
3: We just learned “Around the World” the other day right!
100: Yeah yeah! That combo technique! But I still fail more than I succeed~.
3: While I was doing it, the ball went a weird way.
3: I think we need to skill up each technique and
3: Oops, sowwy. Lol I somehow got totally absorbed lol
100: We kept talking about cup and ball lol
1000: You two seem like boys huh
100: We are boys, darling lololol
3: I’ll turn back to the conversation about requests but, doing cup and ball on the radio sounds hard. I think they can only hear the sound of me playing it...
100: Fufufu! That’s when Mitsuki’s commentary skills shine!
3: Eh?! Am I going to comment while playing cup and ball?
3: Isn’t that difficult?!
100: So that’s what makes it interesting~! Let’s practice together again before the radio show. (∩´∀`)∩
3: You should seriously practice with me lol
T: That was an unexpected request but it seems very fun!
T: So then, lastly, a request from Yuki-san please!
1000: My request is “A Cooking Song.”
3: A cooking song?
1000: Like a drawing song but a cooking version I think. Mitsuki-kun is also good at cooking so I want you to teach me a recipe I don’t know through song.
3: Song lololol
3: Why a song? lololol
100: Maybe cuz Yamato’s parody song from his radio got him right? While listening to the radio, he was crouching and shaking for while.
1000: It was so funny I thought I’d stop breathing.
3: Ah that parody song lolol
2: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
2: Let’s stop talking about that!!!!!!!!!!
1000: Yamato-kun, thank you for the lovely song for my sake. ^ ^
2: You’ll pay for this on your radio...
3: I haven’t made a song before but I’ll try thinking about it lol. I have a recipe for a mountain vegetables dish that was handed down directly from my grandmother, is that fine?
1000: Mountain vegetables are nice. It’s perfect for this season too.
T: I want to try listening to Mitsuki-san’s cooking song too!
T: So then, that’s the end of gathering requests. Everyone, thank you so much for the fun requests!
3: Thank you!
100: Meaning, it’s time for Mitsuki to request something from us★
5: Mitsuki-san, please request anything.
*T: Do you have a request for us?
3: About that, I don’t really have anything. You guys always eat my dishes without leaving it; I love you guys!
3: You guys always taking care of me and letting me have fun is enough!
1000: It’s almost your birthday so, you could say something like “I want to reserve an island and have a party.”
100: That’s something Yuki wouldn’t go to right?!
1000: I’d go? But I wouldn’t step outside.
1: If Nii-san wants to go, we’ll search for an island that we can reserve.
3: Reserving a karaoke room is fine enough lol
1000: It’s a little early but, your birthday. Congrats.
10: Happy birthday! Please work hard on the radio recording!
100: ・:*:・:(*P’v`q) ☆ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Mitsuki ☆(*P’v`q):・:*:・ I’ll Rabbit Chat you later about the day of practice for cup and ball!
9: Happy Birthday.
8: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Please take care of me from now on too!
10000: Happy birthday, Mitsuki-kun! Thank you for always being IDOLiSH7’s cheerful moodmaker! I hope it’ll be the best year for Mitsuki-kun!
Okazaki: Happy Birthday!
Anesagi: Happy birthday. Please take care of TRIGGER from now on too.
T: From me too, Happy Birthday, Mitsuki-san!
3: Uwaah! Thank you! I’m seriously happy to be able to celebrate with everyone every year!
3: The new Izumi Mitsuki will go forward with all my might, so please take care of me!
6: Mitsuki, I haven’t said HAPPY BIRTHDAY yet? Please look forward to our special night from now on.
5: Special night… Nagi-kun saying it is somehow heart pounding huh.
4: I’m already used to it thooo
3: Everyone, thanks! I’ll work hard on the radio recording too!
5: Mitsuki-san, please request anything.
T: Do you have a request for TRIGGER-san?
3: I want to eat with all three of them! We haven’t been together much especially with Kujo and I can be an organizer, so let’s go!
3: You guys always taking care of me and letting me have fun is enough!
5: Mitsuki-san, please request anything.
T:  Do you have a request for Re:vale-san?
3: Please call me for a show anytime! I’ll think about bringing a project too lol
3: You guys always taking care of me and letting me have fun is enough!
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jjennaj · 6 years
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OK. I apologize that this is about 100 years late lmfao, but LETS JUST JUMP RIGHT INTO IT. 
I started the day off at work, which wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated because I felt like I had something to look forward to once my shift was over lol. I went to a bar with a few friends before heading over to radio city because I didn’t wanna go back and forth between my house and manhattan since I was already in the city. I had a few drinks, which is probably why I was so vocal for Jenna (and valenna) cause I’m usually SUPER quite lmfao.
Once I actually met up with my sister and mom it was pretty hectic. There were SO MANY people at the show. I knew it would be intense, but I was really shocked by how packed it was. It was so packed I couldn't even take a pee break before/during/after the show. IT WAS ROUGH. On to more important things tho !!!
So right before the show began it was easy to spot Mama J up towards the front. She’s super tiny in person and was grinning from ear to ear, I can’t imagine the immense pride she must have felt knowing her daughter was about to perform at Radio City (for the third time). Shortly after that I spotted Mama & Papa C strolling down towards their seats while holding hands. Jen’s mom waved at them so happily, it was pretty precious, ngl. There was an “in laws” hug exchanged and then they sat down next to each other.
Sharna was not hard to miss (red hair is easy to spot anywhere). She was sitting towards the front as well. A line for photos began quickly and ended quickly lol. She took a few and then sat down and people just began taking photos of her cause I’m sure she wanted to just chill and watch her friends kill it. No one was being disrespectful, which was awesome lol.
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Lights went down and the crowd began cheering. Opening number was FABULOUS. I was living for it. The song, the red costumes. It made me feel super HYPED. Val got a lot of screams when he popped up in the little video segment before the NY dance began. I’m gonna be honest for the amount of people that were there I wanted people to be louder when it came to the cheering, BUT let me not complain. 
I felt like the show (as a whole) had a decent flow to it. The NY theme felt RIGHT since we were in New York lol, but I wasn’t so crazy about all the numbers. I also wasn’t super into Country night or Las Vegas during s27... so I wasn't THAT into it on tour either. I will say EMMA IS HILARIOUS AS ELVIS (AND AS HERSELF LMFAO). So with that being said I’m just going to review the show by dancers not necessarily by dance.
EMMA: LOVE HER. When she and Sasha had their little bit about the judges and her not sharing her mirrorball with Sash, I was loling. She’s got personality for DAYS. And she always wows me with her dancing more so in person rather than on the show. She looked SO GOOD in her number with the boys. SHEESH. I also really loved her in “feeling good”. 
SASHA: I feel like it’s only appropriate to follow up with Sasha lol. He’s got great comedic timing. The transition between the boys paso number and his number with Jen is BRILLIANT, everyone was cracking up. SPEAKING OF BRILLIANT !!! I love everything about his number with Jen. I was exhausted just watching it, but that foot work thooooo and those tricks ?! EVERYTHING. I loved the couples video segment, esha gave the crowd some good laughs. SPEAKING OF GOOD LAUGHS....
GLEB: Gleb and Artems couple segment was too funny. A bromance for life.  They were so enjoyable in “L-O-V-E”. Gleb really took me by surprise with “You Say”. I feel like we don’t get a chance to see him do contemporary that often, but he is such a strong partner in that number. LIVE FOR IT. Gleb was also so great in “feeling good”. That role was perfect for him. Loved Val and Sash coming out at the end of the number as well lmfao. I also loved his number with Wit so much. He is so passionate when he dances. *WHEW*
ARTEM: Keeping it going with the bromace. ARTEM ARTEM ARTEM. He really does something to me when he dances LIKE WOW DOES HE! I can’t even explain it because he’s not necessarily my favorite male pro on the show, but that man can DANCE. He’s so smooth and his hands are actually to die for. He’s just so strong, but also so soft when he needs to be. Everything he does is just.... right, that is all. “Tu Sonrisa” is not only one of my favorite songs, but it was one of my favorite numbers on tour. Artem is such a great partner for Wit.
WIT: I love that Wit was on tour, I’m sure that’s so exciting for her and her fans since it’s been a min. She’s super smooth on stage and brings lots of sass. Two numbers that really stood out for me with her were her numbers with Gleb and Artem. So much passion and so clean with Gleb. And just pure fire with Artem. THAT LIFT @ THE END OF “TU SONRISA” IS MY FAVORITE. I loved that we got to see some witlo numbers on tour (even if I couldn’t see her perform them with Milo). Alan was able to bring that same energy outta Wit, which I loved.
ALAN: My mans Alan, killing it left and right. He is such a ball of energy and just good vibes, I love him. He is so strong and has such a flashy personality that you can’t help, but fall in love with him. I loved seeing him dance those Witlo numbers. He surprised me with that Charleston, but I also shouldn’t be all that surprised because he always brings so much energy to everything he does and that was great to witness live. I am a sucker for him dancing with Hayley so “I Won’t Dance” was also a stand out number for me. A pleasant surprise was his number with Britt. I hadn’t watched it before going to the show, but I loved everything about it.
BRITT: She’s looking so much stronger in her ballroom numbers and I am living for it. I never realized how much I needed her to dance with Alan lol. LET ME TELL YOU !!! THEY WERE TRULY FIRE TOGETHER. I love that she’s putting her all into her ballroom numbers, but were she really shined for me was in “You Say”. Ms Britt is a STAR. She displays soooo much emotion when she dancing, I love it. I’m so happy she’s on this tour. #BrittForPro2k19 
HAYLEY: While we’re on the topic of shining in contempary numbers... HAYLEY. She’s also lovely to watch. I noticed her a lot more in the girls number this tour than last! I also felt like she really got to shine in her number with Brandon. I loved them as partners. I feel like he brings out the best in her. Their contemporary was so smooth and those lifts were challenging, but they made them look effortless. 
BRANDON: I’m really happy Brandon is getting the recognition her deserves. He’s so incredibly versatile, I loved watching him in every number. He was so great as the jazzercise instructor. I was ROLLING when he said “Gleb may have two kids, but they aren’t the only ones calling him daddy.” I can’t even explain to y’all how excited I was when I learned Brandon and Jen had a number together. I loved their collab with Alan Salazar, so when I heard they had a dance together I nearly passed out. Another number Brandon had a stand out moment in was the boys paso number. He was so strong and so poised, he really held his own in that one.
VAL: Since we’re on the topic of attention grabbers, VALENTIN CHMERKOVSKIY LADIES AND GENTS... He is such an amazing performer. Maybe it’s just me, but my eyes go directly towards him whenever he’s on stage. He’s got so much charisma and such fabulous technique, truly is out of this world. His personality shined in the NY number and his strength was on another level during the boys paso, but what I love most is how gentle he was during “Girl Crush” and how smitten he looked during “Love On The Brain”. One of my favorite things about valenna  dancing together is how wrapped up and lost they get in each other. When they’re partnered it almost makes you feel like they’re the only ones in the room.
JENNA: AND LAST, BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST.... my main gal, Jen. I feel like I could write an essay on what Jenna’s dancing is like live, but we don’t have time for all that... in fact, if you’ve made it this far in my review, I truly appreciate you lmfao. Jenna has such a stage presence it’s like your attention is diverted directly to her once she hits the stage. She’s got such flawless technique and such beautiful lines that everything she does looks so sharp and yet so effortless. My eyes were glued to her during “You Say”. Everything about “Whatever Lola Wants” was just pure boss lady vibes. She’s just in charge whenever she’s moving and I LIVE FOR IT. THAT’S WHAT IT’S LIKE WHEN YOU STAN A QUEEN. Everything I had mentioned in Val’s little mini review clearly applies to Jen as well. For me valenna is the “IT” couple when it comes to dancing together, they are just truly something magical.  
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tumblunni · 7 years
oreshika: you know who is not the bad guy? the bad guy also oreshika: you know who is actually the secret bad guy? this sweet harmless comic relief man who has done nothing wrong
except like its eight glowing brain levels deeper cos the sweet comic relief man is also a giant obviously evil demon mask that ANYONE could have pinned for “really just possessing this dude” since the very start but then his personality was very non bad and he was all ‘hey buddie why u no smile’ to his host and like I LET MY GUARD DOWN OKAY. I LEARNED TO TRUST AGAIN.
i’m at the final battle and I am so pissed off but also HYPED?? like im relaly mad cos like RIGHT FROM HIS FIRST APPEARANCE I was like ‘dear god please don’t make onigashira the real villain, it would be so fucking obvious’ and then i just got progressively more pissed because he literally did nothing evil in the entire damn plot, he’s just evil because Evil he’s some sort of Magical Evil Mask that was Made To Be Evil and like Unquestionably Is That and no sort of interesting exploration on that plot even though he HASNT ACTED EVIL EVER UNTIL THE LITERAL LAST FIVE MINUTES
and it raises SO MANY questions cos like why was he even cooperating with Seimei then?? why didnt he fully posess seimei at any earlier point?? why didnt he kill nueko at any of the five other mandatory boss fights we had with him?? Seimei at least had an intriguing personality that gave an odd justification for his plot laziness. Cos he’s an anti-villain who weirdly sees you all as friends or a mentor/student thing, and he’s really just pretending to be evil so that you’ll kill him, cos he can’t die and desperately wants to. So it makes sense that he doesnt do any of his evil actions until you arrive, cos the whole damn point was just to taunt you into arriving. And its nicely parodied cos he literally sends you tea party invitations to his latest evil plan and gets pissed off if you miss it XD i’m so sad for seimei plz say (mei) that we adopt him afterwards i wanted to adopt onigashira afterwards back when it looked like he was the not evil one of the pair I AM STILL REALLY SALTY THAT HE’S NOT!!!! HIS DESIGN IS REALLY COOL AND CUTE!!!!! AND HE WAS A COMIC RELIEF OLD MAN DEMON DRAGON DOOD!!! i trusted u
okay but to talk about why i am also HYPE i need to go into some endgame spoilers whoopy doop!
so yeah the twist of ‘evilman is actually just being controlled by his puppet dragon thing’ was WAY OBVIOUS and i was really wishing for it to not happen but they made up for it by having ANOTHER TWIST THAT’S WAY BETTER
random description of something else from the endgame that is cool but i dont really know where to fit it into this conversation lol you actually do get to fight Final Boss Seimei here, its a cool boss rush with him and then Super Onigashira Betrayal Mode but what I really like is that its an OPTIONAL boss rush! the first time you play it you fight seimei with his freaky spider legs superform, and then nueko steals it back cos it was hers first. Can i just say again that I love a sexy mom styled heroine who’s powers are entirely around growing friggin monsters out of her arms and stuff? Seriously way to subvert that fanservice bro! (its still a bit cringey when they show the monster tattoos being drawn on her butt and boobs...) so then you go into the second fight and your health has all been healed and now one party member has a new supermove (I was really pissed cos it didnt restore your MP and TP, so I couldnt use that move!) But then if you lose and come back it actually skips the first fight and has an altered cutscene that’s like ‘oh, you’re back for round two?’ and such. MUCH preferrable to stuff like kingdom hearts where i have to watch a damn ten minute cutscene each time! Tho I do wish there was an option to redo it in boss rush mode, I guess that’s just a reward for people who can get it on the first try. I’m prepared now thooooo... :(
Now for this final arc of the story we’ve been investigating the mystery of the Nameless God, some dude in the past who was apparantly super great and then got erased from history. There’s also the mystery of who exactly was Nueko’s husband and what happened to separate her from Seimei and make him turn evil, tho i mean its PRETTY OBVIOUS his dad was this mystery god lol And even though its not really very much of a twist about his identity, its still really interesting how the whole thing is handled. Him being erased from history means that none of the characters can remember his name or face, but NEITHER CAN THE PLAYER! He appears in the interfaces long before the plot actually talks about him, as a silhouette and a name smudged out by ink.
Now the actually cool twist about him is that like.. we’ve been hearing for AGES about how great he was, and how someone must have put out a hit on him or something. And him being in the interface seems like a spoiler that he’s gonna be unlockable later as a godly husband candidate for your protagonists. And even when we see npc optional boss battle gods hating on him, it’s always the jerkass gods who have some sort of reason to be biased. Or (in retrospect) they’re hating him for entirely the wrong reasons based on other people’s flawed gossip about him. “He was too kind and if he made equality then I wouldn’t be rich!” says genericman mc gee, who is probably eighty times less evil than this man
He was an evil fucker and erased himself from history with essentially an alchemy equivelant of a mad science experiment gone wrong. And what happened with Nueko and Seimei was that evilbad mc trashdad tried to use his damn four year old child as raw materials for this experiment, and she tried and failed to save him. And then she was desperate and her only option left was to kill the kid so he couldnt be tortured like that, and then killed herself too from grief. But it all went horribly wrong because she didn’t know that the reason Seimei was a candidate for this experiment is because he had immortality powers as a half human half god. So the poor kid survived watching his mom stab him and then slit her own throat, and he had no clue it was because his dad was gonna kill him anyway, so he grows up hating her and missing her and being this big ol sad mess that’s easily manipulated by a fucko father...
And like if they were gonna reveal his entire funny cute sidekick personality to be completely false then I’m glad at least his real personality was Twisty Wow and Immensely Punchable like i still feel like i could never punch a cute puppet pal but i can surely punch an abusive father pretending to be his own son’s imaginary friend for twenty years and whispering bullshit in his ear just to drive him into his own grave and like POOR SEIMEI WANTED TO DIE JUST NOT LIKE THIS NOT LIKE THIIIIIIIISSSS
i still think that ‘hey i was made to be an evil superweapon demon dragon mask thing but i became sentient and decided to be a happy hugs jokeman’ would have been a really amazing character concept too either that or ‘hey it really is a harmless normal mask and i’m just super seriously angsty seimei doing ventriloquism as a hugs jokeman character because i’m lonely as fuck and please be my friend’ either of those would have been better than this but like if this is what we get then I’m at least glad they gave me good enough reason to feel ‘GAHH I WANNA STAB HIM AND SAVE MY NEW SON’ rather than just ‘oh blah this ending ruined my fave character, and i feel nothing towards anything now’
also his boss fight is really damn fuckin coolio wow like it was a HUGE WHOA MOMENT when the fight starts and his name is blanked out and you just instantly know who he was this whole time and your mind explodes that this guy was evil and then he’s like a giant buddha-esque multi armed dude doing sutra poses with a big ol spoopy demon head and then really fun classic gameplay of ‘him summon the many hands and u has to destroy the hands to get 2 him and then they regenerate after a short amount of time’ but he’s also got super hellish simultaneous buff and debuff powers and all sorts of other nasty tricks AND IM ON THE LOWEST DIFFICULTY GEEZ and like for some reason it really stabbed my heart seeing how just one of the many hands is still human, its like seimei’s still in there and maybe he might still be alive if we defeat this guy fast enough... and then the music is SO FUCKING GOOD and it has like three remixes for all his increasingly frantic stages. like he doenst actually have boss transformations for them, its just moveset changes and stat boosts as his health drops. but also the colours of the battlefield change and you get funky remix time so its still cool!
and then I was SO CLOSE, i had him down to 5% HP before he killed me T_T such a marathon boss and I was almost there... I’m really excited to try again tho! i finally got that damn curse off my inherited weapon from the first generation, and now i’m on generation 87, and now im ready to FUCK SOME SHIT UP! also my current party is all named after types of olives because i ran out of inspiration around character number 300 i am so fucking addicted to this grindy ass game!
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imaginekon · 7 years
Any tips on remembering the members? I have always loved ikon but i fail at keeping up with their names...
the best advice i could give you is to watch mix and match or win or any shows they were in! that’s the easiest way to learn their names because you also get to know their personalities and such c: 
but here’s a little help for you:
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leader, rapper
alway takes care of the members
has that cute dumb smile
meme king
composes all their songs and choreographs their dances 
animal lover 
amazing body (google hanbin shirtless if you wanna die) 
has tattoos 
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99,9 % of the time he has those weird hairstyles (but still looks freaking hot)
A+ rap aka earporn 
when he laughs you can barely see his eyes anymore which is absolutely adorable 
that jawline thooooo
100 % swag on stage 
100 % dumb off stage (in a cute way) 
also tattoos although you can’t spot them that easily
also body goals (google will be your bestfriend) 
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s m o l
literally the definition of smol 
but don’t get tricked by his outer appearance 
fake maknae although he’s the oldest
cries sometimes but because he’s so soft 
stage presence is A+ aka he will blow your mind 
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always gets teased by the members
meme king 2.0 
makes lame jokes 24/7
is a grandpa
but still freaking damn handsome (lowkey sugar daddy)
100 % trash for him
watch out he will easily crawl up your bias list 
nivea model (always advertises lipbalm)
100 % husband material 
10/10 would bang marry 
i’m not biased 
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resting bitch face but is a lost puppy who needs protection 
you won’t forget his face believe me
he’s that handsome dude who is dumb and cute and looks like he could kill you sometimes but really he’s just dumb and cute and lost 
99,9 % loves himself 
other 0,1 % love for Jinhwan 
especially with bobby but in reality he just really loves him
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10000000 % angel
heavenly voice
sexy dancer 
aka you will die 
so freaking soft and hot at the same time you will be so confused 
his smile will make you melt 
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evil maknae
but still handsome as f- hell
don’t get tricked he can be really evil esp to his hyungs
monster twin of yunhyeong
plays a lot of video games
i hope this could be a small help :-D 
- moyo
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redemptiionss · 7 years
I still have to see the last episode of Voltron S4 but
I officially have a legit fav now, I’m a Matt Holt stan goodbyeeee
Plus his hair??? Looks so good like That??? How did he get that lil scar on his face thooooo aaaaa
Matt & Katie has like… the cutest sibling relationship also can I see more of them kicking ass together please??
Keith looks so freaking good in that Blade of Marmora outfit. Also I’m glad we got to see more of these BOM guys! Would be cool if Keith got to learn about his Galra heritage from them.
I think we can all agree on two things about Lance: maybe he lives on a farm or he was a farmhand… AND he was a total theater kid. Also I’m so glad he finally got to play that game– I wanna see him & Pidge playing it together & against each other!
Shiro…… I will need to watch the last episode soon but just tell me if there’s a verdict on whether he’s the real one or not?? It’s looking like it so far bc of the black lion but idk….! Also his *new* design still looks so weird to me:( maybe it’s bc of his weird shirt thing, idk.
Hunk. My boy. Why do they gotta do my boi like this. *am referring to the Coran episode*
Also, what the heck was Lotor planning with the quintessence?? I really want to know… Also he might not wanna go to that alternate universe bc it’s ruled by the Altean Empire lol. Also does his generals even know why he did that to Narti? D:
So it looks like Allura is officially a paladin for real! Woo!! And Coran is tryin so hard…..
Ok ima watch the last ep finally lol
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ua-himiko · 5 years
12:04 AM
h i
i believe ur shouto now
so i wanna talk about it!!!
:/... Ok.
ok!!!!! yay cool
so! tell me about urself!!!!
Not much to say.
theres so much....
lyke!!!! wats ur life like????? do u go 2 ua or another school? wats ur QUIRK was it rly pretty much 2 quirks in 1??? OMG it must be so powerful now
u said touya is dead too is that tru nd how do u kno???
I go to UA...
My quirk is both ice and fire, yeah.
I don't know for sure but he has been missing for 10 years so.
whoa... thats how long uve been dead for tbh weird
is ur mom still around????
Not really.
She was put in a hospital after kind of attacking me.
so she DID attack u
sry ur mom is crazy in every verse then lolol
im glad ur allright thooooo
like its rly cool i guess that this is allowed to happen wow...
ive heard so much about u real talk
so this is like super uber weird for me
Have you.
feels like im talkin thru a ouija board or something... like... this is CRAZy
That's weird.
its not that weird, everyone knows about what happened
like i said before
it was like
kinda worldwide sorta
def nationwide
What happened...
well ur mom killed u nd then like... she tried 2 hide the body nd everything nd ur dad flipped out cuz u went missing so everyone thought a villain got u
nd then u were found nd it was a big fuckin thing nd there was this insanity plea nd!!!!!!!
then suddenly touya came forward about wat endeavor did like as a witness like rly last minute and it caused so SO much cuz then like
then ur dad went under this...investigation...
is he still around?
sayin his name even is like urgh
He's #1.
well yea... here too until the whole thing happened...
it caused so much lol
touya's like my bff tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kno like everything about him
Is he...
What was he like.
umm rly sad
kind of rly quiet... everyone always wants to bother him so he kept to himself a lot and i guess u can say he was kind of broken
he had a lot of mood swings nd he was sad about u always
Was he...
yea... i learned a lot about u from him
he talked about u all the time
..? Like what...
like everything
all the bad stuff like about training and how isolated u were but also all the good stuff too like stories about you two spending time with each other when you could
I'm glad...
I don't remember being around him much.
I was young when he left.
did he ever leave anything? like a note or something?
Not that I know of.
he just disappeared?
Natsuo's said that he and Endeavor had a big fight.
And then he was gone.
how do you know endeavor didn't...
you know
I guess I don't.
he always thought it was going to be him, he would say that a lot.
that he was always sure endeavor was gonna kill him.
and how if he had, maybe you would have lived
Do you think that's what happened..
they had a fight here too during the case and it ended up really bad... before they sent endeavor away, i mean
How did it end..
The fight.
oh... he was in the hospital for a long time because of how badly endeavor hurt him
he almost died i think
he had to get reconstructive surgery and stuff
once endeavor was granted parole for good behavior and the second he was out he just went after touya again and they threw him back with a longer sentence
i guess he went crazy too
are you ok? is there anything else you wanna know about over here?
the rest of your family is fine...
I'm tired.
This is a lot.
oh... sorry...
It's fine.
you're a lot like him haha
it's very cute... he'd be happy to know that...
I wish I could meet him...
maybe if we figure out how this all works, i can take you back with me!!!! and you two can meet each other!
yea!!!!! he'd be so happy he'd probably cry lololololol
:( i love you 🖤
touya really loves you too
can i see you?
Oh... Sure.
i'm with the other touya now but i'll def come see you after!!!!!
yea!! i'll help cheer you up cuz you sound rly sad rn and i love you and want you to be happy!
I'm ok.
Thank you.
:O if you say so... and of course!!!!!
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