#admin moyo
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strayteez-and-chill · 7 years ago
400!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much. I keep saying that I don't know how anybody could like my blog, but i really appreciate all you for following me 💖💖💖
Thank you to every single one of my followers and mutuals. You guys mean the world to me 💕💕
@yepthatsjustme : thank you Moyo you were my first mutual that spoke to me and I'm glad we got to meet each other and I hope one day we get to meet in person😘😘💜💜 ILY <3
@9equals1 : first of all congrats on 435 you deserve many more!! I want to thank you for just being here and being one of the people that cheer up my day. I love you
@bitesizedshownu : Kris the loml, I love you😘😘😍💜💜 thank for putting up with my weird ass XD and for talking to me first, you have become a very special person for me, and I am very glad that we can admin together for Straysunshinesnet
@smolchangbeanie : my precious child, You are so adorable, and I love proving it to you, thanks for putting up with my motherly, weird self. You mean so much to me, I LOVE YOU💚💚💚
@prince-seungmin :Mari, thanks for letting me be part of Straysunshinesnet. It really meant the world to me that you thought of me, straysunshinesnet is like a family to me. I love you💙💙
@ilovjeongin : thanks for talking to me and for following me, I love speaking with you. I love you💜💜💜 BTW you're very beautiful
@stray-kids-stuff : Cerys you're a wonderful, beautiful person, and I am glad to have someone like you as a mutual. Its fun having you in the nets discord chat. Ily!! 💜💜
@seobangchan : Lu I adore you, you are a sweet, sassy, lovable person. And I wanted to thank you for being who you are💜💜. And please whenever you feel down, come to me <3
@pardon-my-lack-of-jams : thanks for not thinking I was weird that I ship you with your gf, I find you both to be very adorable and a very beautiful couple.
@straysunshinesnet : to everyone in this net, I love you all. You've become family to me, you guys are all so sweet, and loving and I couldn't have asked for better people to have around. ILY💗💗💗💗💗
@vukheisbf : I love you!! You are like a sister to me, (I have never told you this 😊) but I'm glad we speak and I love having you here. Thanks for being a friend and a mutual💞💞
There are many more I'd love to mention but its 12 am and I can't think of all of you, but I just want you to know that even if I didn't mention you doesn't mean I love you less💖💖
Again I'd like to thank all of you for following me.
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careerjugglr · 7 years ago
From University Obstacles to real-world tasks
Completing in the AMP University Difficulty persuaded co-winner Megan Cull that she wished to pursue a career in financial preparation. And for fellow finalist Erika Wright, participating in the difficulty led to a position as a financial coordinator with Integrated Wealth Solutions, a Securitor practice in Nowra, on the NSW south coast.Cull and Wright were each on one of the five groups that objected to Finals Day of the 2016 obstacle. On October 27 this year, 5 brand-new groups, comprised of 11 overall trainees will contend in the final of the 2017 challenge at AMP's Sydney headquarters. This year's finalists represent five organizations-- four universities and TAFE NSW-- that use financial preparation degree courses(see table ). 2017 AMP University Challenge finalists Trainee Group University/institution Aiden Dela Cruz Getting Old and Perishing Western Sydney University Jacob Robach Getting Old and Perishing Western Sydney University
Timothy Veloso Getting Old andDying Western Sydney University Artur KurnikovGriffith Elite Group Griffith University Monica Rayos Griffith Elite Group Griffith University Jacob Kaczkowski JaCa TAFE NSW-- College Clive Moyo JaCa TAFE NSW-- College Patrick Egstorf Sequoia Advisory University of Queensland Angus Kizil Sequoia Advisory University of Queensland Sean McBurnie Sequoia Advisory University of Queensland KimberleyGuild Kimberley Guild La Trobe University This year, each team will be needed to do research to produce an eight-minute discussion on which new initiatives might be introduced into the monetary planningoccupation to decrease the intensifying burden ofmoneying a growing variety of senior citizens. The discussion represent 20 percent of a team's total mark onthe day.Both Cull and Wright think about taking part in the 2016 event pivotalin their particular careers. During Finals Daylastyear, Cull presented a Statementof Advice to2 clients, role-played by 2 AMP Horizons recruitment consultants." Simply having that audience there and thepanel of judges was a bit off-putting, but I am truly gratefulI was associated with that part ofthe difficulty due to the fact that it made me decide I wished to pursue financial encouraging as a profession," Cull says.As part ofthe customer conference, Cull explained making use of a home loan offset account to save cash andsettle a mortgagemuch faster."It was a mock role-play, however the clients were rather delighted they might pay off their home loan in half the amount
of time and save a great deal of money in interest also,"Cull states."Seeing the value and the advantage of advice which customer interaction made me desire to pursue financial preparation."Even beforehand, Cull comprehended some of what Finals Day would entail. She was briefed beforehand by Deakin University associate professor Adrian Raftery and
senior speaker Marc Olynyk, whose trainees had actually contended in the difficulty in previous years-- however even they could not forecast everything.During the role-playing session, among the customers got a call presenting an opportunity to buy an investment residential or commercial property. This didn't fit comfortably into the strategy Cull and her teammates had prepared, and she was forced to think on her feet."I believed something might show up in the conference that would toss me off, however I could not get ready for it, so when it turned up, it was still a surprise, "she says.After graduating from university, Cull applied to the AMP Horizons Adviser Academy, undertaking 3 weeks' online training and 3 weeks 'property training, followed by 23 weeks of paid work at AMP's Melbourne Horizons workplace. After a weeklong break, she began on October 9 this year with Capital Wealth Advisers, a Charter Financial Planning practice in the Melbourne CBD, as an associate consultant."
I'm involved in the admin side, a support guidance role,"Cull says. "At the start of the procedure, I'm involved in investigating customers'existing policies, then I'm also involved at the end of the procedure with the implementation of suggestions ... The other part of the function is recommendations, and I'll be consulting with my own customers and
supplying guidance to my own customers."Cull says University Obstacle Finals Day was a productive, confidence-inspiring experience. "They're not there to see you stop working and they're not there to criticise you, it's simply to provide you feedback,"Cull states. "If you do not do an excellent task, they're not going to sit there and make fun of you and be indicate to you, they're simply going to give you positive feedback so you can better yourself as a consultant." Completing solo versus teams While Cull became part of the winning three-member Team MDM, along with fellow Deakin College student Daniel Petrov and Mitchell Bogdanov, Wright competed in the 2016 obstacle solo. She dealt with all the day's events on her own, including a public speaking session.Wright says it wasn't necessarily her objective to enter the competitors on her own, but it was a natural extension of the coursework she was doing
at the University of Wollongong." It was a really favorable day but you had to be really devoted and focused to last through all those obstacles, particularly if you're an individual,"she states. "If you're part of a group, I guess you get time to turn off or enjoy and unwind a bit more throughout the day and simply focus on your very own part of the
competitors. For myself, it was rather complete on. I was tired at the end of the day."Almost 12 months after the occasion, Wright states she considers it to have actually been well worth the time and effort, and the experience has helped her profession. She participated in the challenge before finishing her degree in mid-2017 and joining Integrated Wealth Solutions. "When I got this function, I was identified due to the fact that of the University Difficulty, and because of the supporting media as
well, "she says."I think it helped that my team name was Erika Wright, and that was splashed everywhere. My name was acknowledged ... That was really pleasant to find. I believe it enhanced my opportunity of getting this function."Wright says a customer case research study submission that forms the basis of an entry to the difficulty was embedded in the course she was doing at UoW."There's the fact-find in there, and as students in the class I participated in, we had to use that as the basis for our major assignment,"Wright says." I 'd done all that currently. You do not do it in groups in the subject, you do it individually. I got in [ the difficulty] separately. I just believed, 'I've done all the work myself anyhow. 'In hindsight, I want someone who was a bit stronger on public speaking had been invited into my group. "I was completely gotten ready for it and I psyched myself up, however as quickly as I was standing there in front of the judges, I sort of caved a little bit. I haven't seen that video. I can't."Wright says the experience of Finals Day and her mock customer interview, which involved providing a financial strategy and strategy and associated elements of compliance, were useful on ways to make sure clients comprehend suggestions, and why recommendations need to be in the customers'finest interests. "Those sort of things that are basic to a coordinator, they have assisted me now, "she states. "I know a lot of people thought [feedback from the judges] was quite severe, however I enjoy that positive criticism.
You can talk to me quite honestly and I'm not getting upset. I take it on and I aim to incorporate that into my design. I found that really advantageous, the feedback from the judges."Wright states conducting the interview in front of an audience and judges was complicated, but dealing with clients holistically is one of the most enticing aspects of the job."You're having discussions with them about even basic interests that they have,"she states. "That's got nothing to do with the strategies they're advised, it's just,'Exactly what have they been doing?"Exactly what are they doing on the weekend?'or 'How are the kids?'All those things. That was a huge part of the [University Obstacle] marking requirements last year but, from discussions I had after, I believe it changes each year."
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leobellicose · 7 years ago
Tentera Zimbabwe nafi lancar rampasan kuasa
Tentera Zimbabwe nafi lancar rampasan kuasa
HARARE, 26 Safar 1439H, Rabu – Tentera Zimbabwe menafikan pihaknya melancarkan rampasan kuasa terhadap kerajaan Presiden Robert Mugabe, susulan beberapa letupan menggegarkan Harare awal pagi ini.
Kejadian itu berlaku dua hari selepas tentera mengancam campur tangan bagi menamatkan krisis politik di negara itu.
Sejak semalam, beberapa kereta perisai dilihat di jalan raya sekitar Harare hingga menimbulkan persoalan mengenai kedudukan Mugabe yang memerintah negara itu sejak ia mencapai kemerdekaan pada 1980.
Malah, anggota tentera juga dikerah berkawal di Harare, selain dilaporkan sudah menguasai stesen penyiaran tempatan, ZBC, sebelum tiga letupan kuat menggegarkan ibu negara Afrika Selatan itu.
Dilaporkan, bunyi tembakan berkenaan didengari berdekatan dengan kediaman peribadi Mugabe.
Bagaimanapun, jurucakap tentera, Jeneral SB Moyo menolak dakwaan pihaknya sedang melancarkan rampasan kuasa ke atas pemerintahan Mugabe.
Dia turut memberi jaminan kepada rakyat negara itu bahawa Mugabe dan keluarganya berada dalam keadaan selamat.
“Kami hanya menyasarkan penjenayah di sekelilingnya. Sebaik misi ini dicapai sepenuhnya, kami menjangkakan keadaan kembali seperti biasa,” katanya. – Agensi
The post Tentera Zimbabwe nafi lancar rampasan kuasa appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.
Credit kepada admin sumber asal Artikel Portal Islam dan Melayu di Tentera Zimbabwe nafi lancar rampasan kuasa via Blogger http://sayupgema.blogspot.com/2017/11/tentera-zimbabwe-nafi-lancar-rampasan.html
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imaginekon · 8 years ago
Any tips on remembering the members? I have always loved ikon but i fail at keeping up with their names...
the best advice i could give you is to watch mix and match or win or any shows they were in! that’s the easiest way to learn their names because you also get to know their personalities and such c: 
but here’s a little help for you:
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leader, rapper
alway takes care of the members
has that cute dumb smile
meme king
composes all their songs and choreographs their dances 
animal lover 
amazing body (google hanbin shirtless if you wanna die) 
has tattoos 
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99,9 % of the time he has those weird hairstyles (but still looks freaking hot)
A+ rap aka earporn 
when he laughs you can barely see his eyes anymore which is absolutely adorable 
that jawline thooooo
100 % swag on stage 
100 % dumb off stage (in a cute way) 
also tattoos although you can’t spot them that easily
also body goals (google will be your bestfriend) 
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s m o l
literally the definition of smol 
but don’t get tricked by his outer appearance 
fake maknae although he’s the oldest
cries sometimes but because he’s so soft 
stage presence is A+ aka he will blow your mind 
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always gets teased by the members
meme king 2.0 
makes lame jokes 24/7
is a grandpa
but still freaking damn handsome (lowkey sugar daddy)
100 % trash for him
watch out he will easily crawl up your bias list 
nivea model (always advertises lipbalm)
100 % husband material 
10/10 would bang marry 
i’m not biased 
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resting bitch face but is a lost puppy who needs protection 
you won’t forget his face believe me
he’s that handsome dude who is dumb and cute and looks like he could kill you sometimes but really he’s just dumb and cute and lost 
99,9 % loves himself 
other 0,1 % love for Jinhwan 
especially with bobby but in reality he just really loves him
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10000000 % angel
heavenly voice
sexy dancer 
aka you will die 
so freaking soft and hot at the same time you will be so confused 
his smile will make you melt 
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evil maknae
but still handsome as f- hell
don’t get tricked he can be really evil esp to his hyungs
monster twin of yunhyeong
plays a lot of video games
i hope this could be a small help :-D 
- moyo
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imaginekon · 8 years ago
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♥ Valentines cards ft. IKON ♥
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imaginekon · 8 years ago
Imagine: Confessing to their crush
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Hanbin:  o v e r t h i n k i n g, plans a elaborate date, stutters when he confesses, tries to not let it show that he is nervous but ends up like:
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playing it all normal “hey, i’m hanbin and you?”  
Junhoe: so shy he might die, tries to play it cool, looks at his feet, bites his lip
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*dies a million times inside but still looks handsome af*
Chanwoo: writes a note and then gives it to you like
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*shy* “this is for you...” *runs away*
Donghyuk: confesses after giving hints all week, being a sweetheart to you, makes the most romantic confession
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“my heart is all yours, can i have yours?” *killer smile*
- kaz ft. moyo 
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imaginekon · 8 years ago
Are requests open ? Also what kind of requests do you take? (Ships,reactions,etc)
they’re open every friday but i’m thinking about changing that~ and we take reactions and fanfic requests ^^ 
- moyo
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imaginekon · 8 years ago
☯ Just in Time pt. 2 // Jinhwan Two-Shot
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Title:  Just in Time pt. 2 (pt. 1)
Pairing: Jinhwan x Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Romance, Slight Angst
W/C: ~5,300
A/N: IT IS FINALLY DONE THIS TOOK ME FOREVER BECAUSE I JUST HAD SUCH A WRITERS BLOCK WITH THIS FIC. I know so many waited for this, it’s 3 am i am so tired please give it some love so i can go to sleep in peace and don’t mind grammatical errors, i’m too tired to deal with it right now. i will edit tomorrow i promise. 
of course i tag my beautiful @hwan-tastic and also @jinhwanists because i know i promised you a while ago i’d finish this. 
thank you for reading, ily.♥
- moyo
2 days had passed.  
134 missed calls, 269 texts and probably a hundred knocks at your door. All from Jinhwan. You hadn't seen him ever since, it already felt like it had been weeks ago when you had met him for the first time. It was hurting so much and it was mostly your own fault for falling in love with him.  
You had spent your past 2 days crying until you had no tears left anymore. Was it stupid? Yes. Did it make you stop? No.  
Those 2 days didn't make such a difference anymore, in a month all of this would be over anyway, right?
You couldn't help but remember all those stories your mom had told you about soulmates, that person who was connected to you through a string of fate and once in your life you would be able to meet this person and spend your happiest memories with them. It was something that made your heart tingle in anticipation because you had thought one day, something as magical as that would happen to you, too.  
You laughed bitterly, who would have known that it would end up like this. There was still so much you wanted to do with him, you hadn't even held hands yet and it was already close to being over. It wasn't fair at all.
"Y/N..." So lost in your thoughts, you hadn't even noticed a presence in the room. Jinhwan was stepping forward, nothing but concern imprinted in his eyes. You didn't know if you were extremely heartbroken to see him like this or just relieved since he was there.
You suddenly felt a haze of calmness surrounding you.  
"You stupid girl.” Jinhwan murmured before embracing you with his warmth. He didn't let go for a while and you were thankful, closing your eyes and just inhaling his scent that was so tranquil, it automatically put you at peace.
"I'm sorry." He apologized quietly. You didn't say anything. You didn't have the energy to explain to him why he shouldn't do this and that it'd only make it harder to say goodbye in the end. Instead, you pushed away every possible thought and just enjoyed the warmth that went from his hand into your heart.  
"I'll make you something, alright? Do you have something at home or should I go--"  
"No!" You desperately held onto his hand, "I mean you don't need to get anything. I have everything at home." Just stay with me for a bit longer.  
Jinhwan ended up kissing your forehead, seeing right through your secret desires. "I will just order something. How about a coffee until then?" You nodded with a smile, "I'd like that."  
"How did you even get in here?" You asked Jinhwan after you had almost devoured the bowl of noodles, you hadn't even realized how hungry you actually were, feeling much better now with a full stomach.  
His cheeks suddenly took on a much darker shade and he laughed sheepishly. "Your neighbor was so annoyed with me that she let me get into your balcony from hers."  
"You mean that grumpy girl from next door?" You couldn't hold back your laughter, "She never talks with me and gives me these sullen glares! I thought she hated everyone!"  
"Well, I didn't say she liked it -- Or me -- Or that she invited me to come over. She was just really.....mad and I somehow ended up in her balcony..."  
It was so amusing seeing him getting all embarrassed, you were almost crying from laughter. It was so hilarious imagining the scene in your head. You couldn't believe Jinhwan got her to do this for him.
"What was I supposed to do? I was so upset and worried about you! You didn't even answer to my calls and I'm pretty scared of heights, you know?" Jinhwan grumbled, "And after all this I can't be even mad at you...I'm so glad you're okay."
You let out a deep sigh, just now you realized that he was hurting just as much. "I'm sorry." Was all you could say, feeling a burden of guilt on your chest. "And thank you, Jinhwan. Really." You timidly took his hand into yours and interlocked every single finger with each other. They were pretty. You never knew how reassuring it could be just to hold someone, it suddenly made you feel all tired from the past days.
"Let's watch a movie or something." You suppressed a yawn before you put the dishes into the sink. You still wanted to spend some time with him even if that meant you had to give away some of your sleep.  
"Aren't you tired? I will stay until you fall asleep if that's what you're worried about. I won't leave just yet." It was funny how he had seen you about 4 days ago and already knew you so well. On second thought, he was your soulmate, so what did you even expect.  
You let out a relieved sigh when you felt his arms around your slim waist and turned around to meet the probably most beautiful eyes you had ever looked at. They were shining as bright as the stars in the sky. Just that they were prettier.  
"I didn't mean it when I said I never wanted to meet you. I wanted to but I was just so scared," Jinhwan rested his head against your own and you could feel his tender heartbeat against your fingertips. It was comforting. Soft and serene like his voice. "I..."  
"You don't need to say anymore. I understand." Your hands found their way around his neck and they fit so perfectly there, as if they were only made for him. Your lips connected with each other and just like the first time he had kissed you, your entire body reacted and you felt lightheaded; somewhat drunk from the connection.  
This kiss was so different though, it was more fierce and passionate, more... sad.  
"If we don't stop now, I don't think I can control myself any longer." Jinhwan breathed heavily. "It's okay..." it's not like we have that much time.
"No, it's not. I won't do anything just because of our circumstances. I don't want you to feel like you have no other choice."
Before you knew it, he had already pulled away, much to your disappointment. Although you knew he was right.
"Okay mom." You took his hand when Jinhwan squeezed it lightly before leading you to the bedroom he had found you earlier. It was funny what a mess you were just a few hours ago and now you felt like a different person, all thanks to Jinhwan.
"Thank you." I love you. You mumbled against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat resounded in your ears and like a beautiful lullaby, it put you to sleep.
"Thank you for letting me find you." Jinhwan whispered and if you weren't so close to sleep in that moment, you would have noticed the tear that finally left the corner of his eye.  
The doorbell rang the next morning which pulled you out of your sweet dreams. A little grumpy on your feet you opened the door to meet Jinhwan and your face immediately lit up.  
"You sleepy head," he greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, "What do you wanna do today?"  
"Don't you have to work?" You scratched your head, yawning as you looked at the clock. It was already 12. This was the longest you had slept in a while.  
"I took a few days off." Jinhwan replied softly. There was something sad hinting in the back of his voice and you didn't really want to ask until when he didn't have to work. Instead you put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, burying your face into the crook of his neck and inhaling his alluring scent.
"I'm glad you're here."  
Jinhwan embraced you just as tightly for a few seconds before he pulled away with a wide grin marking his mellow cheeks. "If you weren't I would have punched you with this," he held up a bag which had the logo of his cafe on it. "I brought breakfast." Jinhwan hummed and you thought that this day couldn't get any better.  
"You know what?" You said after washing the dishes. "All we did until now was eating."  
"And kissing" Jinhwan added and couldn't help but chuckle mischievously when he noticed the blush on your face. "Yeah," You cleared your throat, "I thought we could do something... like things I always wanted to do with my soulmate. I actually have a list but... I don't know if..." we can make it.  
"Get the list, we will do everything on it no matter if we have to lose sleep for it!" Jinhwan clapped into his hands as you got up excitedly and fished out the piece of paper you had written on a few years back, feeling the excitement to the bones of your fingertips.  
There were some things crossed out and some things you had added over the time. It was something that had always put you at ease when you were feeling low, like a happy pill and now where Jinhwan was indeed there to do all these things with you, your heart felt at peace.  
Jinhwan laughed as he went through the list and yeah, some things may have been a little bit weird but it were just ideas slapped together.  
"A parenting class Y/N, seriously?"  
You just shrugged in response. "What? I mean it could be fun. I could just pretend to be pregnant you know? I thought it'd be kinda funny when you're not really expecting a baby."  
"You weirdo," Jinhwan ruffled your hair, "but I like this one, going to the zoo sounds like a good idea."  
"Yeah! And near that is a forest which is supposed to be hunted! We could sleep there tonight, then we have 2 things to check off!"  
"A hunted forest?" His face immediately darkened, "Do you really wanna do that?"  
"Yeah!" You bounced excitingly, "I mean unless you're scared.."  
"No! Let's do it" Jinhwan didn't sound as excited, yet it wouldn't stop you from doing it. You wanted to do everything that you had written on the piece of paper, at least like that, you wouldn't have any regrets.
☑ Go to the zoo and become friends with the pandas <3
“He looks like you,” You giggled, pointing at a baby monkey who was desperately trying to get the banana from a tree. He was so smol.
“I’m not that small! Look I could actually reach that tree!” Jinhwan huffed.
“Yeah, because basically anyone could reach it.” You patted his head but stopped when you received a glare from the side. “Okay, you’re not thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat small. I admit.”
“I am not!” Jinhwan protested.
You couldn’t hold your laughter anymore, “That’s what I said!” And before you knew it, there was no smol cute Jinhwan beside you anymore. Okay, maybe you did exaggerate; but just a tiny bit.
After sharing some of your ice cream with him, he seemed to be in a better mood again but you didn’t dare to make any fun of him, not yet.
You couldn’t help squealing when you spotted the pandas on the high bamboos trees. “Aren’t they adorable?” You watched in awe while taking a hundred pictures of them. They were so big and cuddly.
“The only think they do is sleep and eat, just like you.”
“Wrong!” You glared at him, “I eat, sleep and then I eat again.”
Jinhwan chuckled before kissing the top of your head, “That’s my girl.”
☑ Sleep in the hunted forest and start a conversation with a ghost 
“Y/N, are you really sure you wanna do this?” Jinhwan uttered with round eyes, not getting out of the car just yet. You gave him a sweet, toothy smile, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. Unless someone is too scared–”
“No! I’m not s-scared!” He stammered nervously before you asked him to make a fireplace while you pulled the car seats down to make a place to sleep on. With all the blankets it rather seemed like a cozy sleepover, not a night in a hunted forest.
“I still think it would have been cooler if we slept outside in the tent but I guess someone is too scared that he’ll get devoured by some hungry demons.”
“Pshhh! Don’t say that out loud!” Jinhwan looked around, sweating nervously, “What? De–” He covered your mouth with his hands and you thought you’d suffocate any second when he finally let go.
You couldn’t help your laughter, actually scared Jinhwan was much more fun than seeing anything paranormal going on in here. So far it just seemed like a normal forest, it was full of… trees.
In fact it was pretty calming when you listening to the crackling of the fire and soft rustling of the trees. Nothing weird going on. At some point you lied down and Jinhwan seemed to relax a bit more, too, hovering over you.
“So, are you scared?” You asked in a low voice.
“If you stop talking like that, then no, I don’t think so.”
You giggled. “Okay. I wanted to sound a bit seducing, didn’t know it would scare you.”
“You’re pretty,” Jinhwan unexpectedly whispered while sticking a strand of hair behind your ear. You suddenly felt really hot, maybe the fire wasn’t such a good idea after all.
His face came closer and your heart beat louder; you closed your eyes as soon as you felt his breath on your plump lips, anticipation building up in your tummy.
And then he started to screamed.
You rapidly opened your eyes when you met a distressed Jinhwan, waving his hands around. You automatically started to scream too. “What?! What happened???”
“Hey if you’re a ghost and trying to possess the body of my boyfriend, I will kick your ass!” You sat up straight, ready to fight whatever was coming.
“No, no! I’m Jinhwan,” he uttered after a few seconds, trying to catch his breath, “there was… a -- spider.” His face looked worse than a fully ripened tomato and you were so relived that you had to hold onto your racing heart beat for a second. “Thank God,” You breathed out.
A few more seconds passed. And then it was you screaming – from laughter.  
“I can't – even with you! I thought a ghost had possessed you or something!" You were almost choking on air, "You're lucky that I love you otherwise the date would have been over by now!"
"Say that again." Jinhwans expression immediately changed and you couldn't quite decode what it was. "You're a loser?"  
"No," He rolled his eyes at you, "the other thing..."  
"You're lucky?"
"Yeah, I'm lucky cause?"
It took you a few seconds until you understood what he was getting at and then you smiled, "I love you." It was much easier to say it out loud than you had thought in the beginning. "Why? Does that surprise you?"
"Yeah. I mean I guess I knew you kind of liked me in a way because obviously we are soulmates and all--"
"Jinhwan," You interrupted him, "I don't kind of like you and no, not because we're soulmates. You're sweet... and caring... and a tiny little bit handsome. You make me forget any pain and worry I'm going through and that absolutely frightens me because this, right now, it's not meant forever. I’m already so used to you that It feels suffocating to be apart from you."  
Everything was completely silent for a second, as if they were all listening to the painful reality that involved the both of you and you wondered why something like this had to happen – out of all people – to you and Jinhwan. It just wasn't fair.
"Me too," Jinhwan whispered before embracing you with his warmth. He felt colder than usual. "me too." He repeated.  
And like that, you listeneded to each other's heartbeat, thankful for every sound it made. It was a sign that you were still together, a sign that your love was still alive. Yeah, still.  
☑ Join a parenting class and pretend to be pregnant 
"I can't believe you convinced me to do this with you..." Jinhwan muttered under his breath when you were sitting in a big room full of people. Well, those people were soon-to-be-parents and you didn't know why you thought it was such a good idea to join a parenting class full of pregnant woman but hey, you got free snacks. "Psh, it's starting!" You hushed him before the instructor in the front started to talk.  
You were all sitting in a big circle and one by one, everyone started to introduce themselves until it was your and Jinhwan's turn. "Hey!" You greeted everyone excitedly, "I'm Y/N and this is -- my husband Jinhwan," you had to hold back your laughter because it felt so weird saying that out loud, "and we're expecting a baby... soon." There was a moment of silence before the instructor started clapping into her hands, "That's amazing! You're in your 12th week, right? I can see that cute belly sticking out."  
Jinhwan suddenly bursted out laughing just to receive a killing glare and a hard punch to his sides. He coughed loudly, "She's actually in her 5th month. That's why I was laughing, I'm so proud of her – for taking such good care of – it."  
"Aww! you're such a good husband. You know, that's the first step when your wife is going through pregnancy, be proud of her! I want you all to take a good example from Jinhwan and give your wife some courageous words, now!"  
"I know I always praise you baby but I'm proud of you for eating the entire pizza all by yourself yesterday!" Jinhwan expressed with over-joy before he kissed you on the cheek. You still hadn't stopped glaring at him; he was such a freaking meanie and the instructor? It was time to smash somebodies face. You put on your sweetest smile before shit was going to get real.  
"Oh my goodness," Jinhwan was still snickering after you were thrown out of the stupid building where the stupid class was in, "You were amazing! I wish I had filmed It!" It had been already 20 minutes. After he had asked you with concern if everything was okay, whereat you just nodded, he started holding his stomach and laughing like there was no tomorrow.  
"That's my girl," He hugged you after calming down, "and I love your belly, so don't mind what that woman was saying."  
"Stupid woman, if I may correct you."  
"Yeah, yeah. Stupid."
00 years 00 months 00 days 08 hours 23 minutes
It was already dark when you got home, silver moonlight glowing through the cracks of the curtain, making it seem like one of those beautiful nights. Tonight was sad. It was a night of goodbye but somehow you were thankful that at least from the outside, it looked like a perfectly beautiful lie.  
As soon as you entered your room, you pressed your small body against Jinhwan's and gave him a taste of all the feelings that lingered inside of you. He held you tightly, making you feel like you were safe in his embrace – as if he had the power to change the horrible fate that wounded you two.
His hands were soft, they connected with your cold body. His kisses were gentle, sweet just like himself. His heartbeat calmed you in a way no one else could. He made it seem like everything was going to be a okay – and just for minute – no, for a second – you believed him. You believed in the curing illusion of your mind and Jinhwan's tender kisses.  
It was only Jinhwan's mellow breath mixed with your soft whimpers resounding through the depth of the night, neglecting the fact that you wouldn't be able to do any of this in a matter of a few hours. There wasn't much time left and you hated the fact that you always remembered this. As much as neither of you actually spoke it out, you knew that he was thinking about it as much as you did.  
"Y/N..." Jinhwan was the first one to break the comforting silence, it almost made you cry when the warmth of him disappeared. "I don't wanna talk, not now...please." You nearly begged him, already feeling the anxiety crawling up your throat. He gave you another kiss, making you sigh in relief (they just seemed to blow every pain away).
"I just wanted you to know that I love you, sincerely, In every life, even if we are not soulmates. I would always choose you, no matter which fate we have to go through and may it be as tragic as this one." You had promised yourself to not shed one tear on your last day, it was hard enough the way it was.
 However, when a tears left Jinhwan's eye, the wall of lies you had built up so well in the past weeks, just shattered down. The worst thing about it was that you were the reason and that you couldn't do one thing about it. 
You couldn't really respond, you were trying too hard not to start crying. Instead, you pulled him even closer, holding onto his bare chest and letting your mind wander to all the beautiful and unforgettable moments you had spent with him.  
All you felt was pure joy and yeah, a little bit of heartbreak but it was a sweet one because after all Jinhwan loved you, although he knew you couldn't give him any more. You couldn't give him anything at all, except for the love you had for him. So instead of wasting any time, you kissed him so hard and so long until you thought you'd suffocate just from loving him and oh, how definite that actually was.  
You felt him on every part of your body and soul; he brought things to life no one else could. You could only give him love, wasn't it ironic that the only reason this horrible fate sealed you two was exactly because of that? Because you loved him? And yet, you couldn't stop. If that was your last day, you would give him exactly that.
00 years 00 months 00 days 2 hours 21 minutes.
You fell asleep to the sound of his tender heartbeat, not even noticing the fact that it would be the last time. There weren't any regrets left, maybe it was a good time to say goodbye. Maybe it was even perfect. Parting like that seemed better than if it was any differently; parting when you had the climax of loving someone before it could decrease.
And truly, you loved him, with your entire being and heart.  
"Hey now, it's time to sleep!" Your mom shooed you to bed before pulling the blanket over you with a gentle kiss on your forehead. It was only 8 pm but the only thing that made you listen to her were her heavenly goodnight-stories.  
"Mommy, tell me about the prince and his soulmate! You didn't even tell me the story last time!" You whined loudly until she let out a deep sigh, knowing that was her final signal of giving in. "Okay, okay, but if I hear one more peep out of you after I finished--"
"I won't, I promise!" You shut your mouth immediately and waited for your mom to begin.  
"A long time ago, there was a prince who ruled over a small kingdom far away from here. After his father had selfishly betrayed his people and was blinded by greed and power, the prince had decided to do the exact opposite of the kings' wishes. He had a very kind heart and was rather selfless, he took his folk seriously and cherished deep concern for every person that lived in their kingdom.  
On the day he obtained the power of ruling over the land, the first thing he did was giving the poor a piece of warm bread along with a valuable item of his castle. Every single one of them could choose an item of their choice. Crowds of people gathered that day, including the ones who were as greedy as the king once used to be, so the prince had one condition.  
For every item, there had to be a good reason. The rich and selfish people would lie and make up odd stories while the poor would be honest about it.  
One day there was a girl who didn't take anything but the bread. The prince was surprised, requesting a reason for her actions. And then she answered, ‘Seeing your kindness with the people is the most valuable for me, so I don't need any more than this, your highness.’ The prince instantly fell in love and asked her to marry him. It turned out that the prince and the girl were soulmates.  
He thought he was the happiest and richest person on earth for having such a wife. She was gorgeous; her eyes shined brighter than every star on earth, her smile was as colorful as the flowers that bloomed in spring and her pure heart mended the bitter ones on earth. There was only one thing, the lifespan on the princess' wrist didn't even seem half as long as the one of her husband's. It wasn't even roughly the same. Which meant that the prince didn't have as long to live anymore.  
He was ready to say goodbye and told his wife that he'd meet her again after she left this world as well. However on their last night, she sacrificed herself for him. Which means that she loved him so much that she exchanged her lifetime with his. The prince woke up the next day, finding her dead. There was a note from the princess which said that he had to keep ruling the kingdom and make it into an even greater one.  
He did as he got told and turned out to be the greatest and fairest who ever reigned.”
Pleasant rays of sunlight kissed your eyes awake as you met the white ceiling of your room the next day. It felt like a dream when you turned to the side, meeting the love of your life, your soulmate, Jinhwan. He was beautiful; he looked so pure sleeping like that, it made your heart jump. For a second you thought that maybe you were wrong, maybe it was all just a horrible nightmare and you and Jinhwan got the time you had deserved.  
However, when your hand connected with his skin to wake him, he was ice cold. He wasn't moving at all. You screamed his name, one time, three times, ten times, until you were a crying mess. On your wrist was your usual tattoo but there was something different. The lifetime, Jinhwan's lifespan.
00 years 00 months 00 days 00 minutes 00 seconds
It took you a few minutes to realize what had happened and you didn't even have to check his wrist to know that your fears turned out to be reality.  
"Jinhwan please!" you begged, shaking him with all the power you had. "You need to wake up, please, please, please!" Everything was a blur, your heart throbbing in your ears and the pain covering every inch of your body. This was not what you had ever wanted, it was worse than the fate which you had thought was supposed to happen.  
You lied down on Jinhwan's chest, holding tightly onto his cold hands with the hope that your warmth would flow into his body. Maybe it was just your imagination but somehow the sound of his heart was resounding somewhere far away. Because you knew it already by heart.  
Time passed. 
Season's changed. 
The marks on your wrist disappeared. 
And you lived happily ever after with your prince.  
"And the prince, he was not alone because after sacrificing herself, she got rewarded with her life. The only way to break their horrible fate was to sacrifice yourself; that's what true love is like: sacrifices you make for one another and shall you be rewarded for it. The lifespan's on both of their wrists disappeared for eternity and they lived happily ever after."  
The End.
Wait, not quite. 
"I wanna visit the hunted forest again!" You squeaked excitedly as you and Jinhwan lied on the couch. "Oh please Y/N, are you crazy? I'm not gonna set one foot into that ever again!" He snorted while pushing you away.  
"Oh pleaseeeee," this time you pouted, knowing that he could never say no to that. "I just love seeing you scream like that, not even I can make you do that. It gives me the feeling of power--" Jinhwan interrupted you with a kiss, "If you say one more word, I will make you scream so high until the neighbor's will knock at our door."  
"Okay, officer." You uttered faintly before Jinhwan got a hold of body and carried you to the bedroom, "I guess I have no choice, you wanted it to end like this."  
The End. Forreal this time.
Things i wanna do with my soulmate when i grow up 
□ Go to Disneyland together
Note: We couldn’t make it because everything was sold out. I will never watch micky mouse ever again! 
☑ Couple clothes shopping
Note: I made him wear those ugly but somehow cute animal overalls. He looked quite adorable as a smol monkey. 
☑ Make a pillow fort 
Note: It ended up quite differently than it should have but oh wellz :-D
☑ Watch a horror movie together 
Note: Never forget, Jinhwan woke the grumpy girl from next door LMAO
☑ Paint his nails and make him wear it for a week 
Note: That was the best idea i ever had
☑ Sneak into a movie without the tickets
Note: We got thrown out thanks to all the wailing mr. i’m-too-good-for-this-because-i’m-a-mommy’s-boy did
☑ Make a pillow fight
Note: Also, ended up quite... differently. Not that i liked it, no, not at all. Definitely do this again. 
☑ Harry Potter movie marathon
Note: mr.i-can-be-awake-all-night fell asleep after the 2nd movie
☑ Watch the stars
Note: Kind of, i just had to look into his eyes (why am i so cheesy ashakjdsh) 
☑ Make him coffee in the morning
Note: Don’t do this again, he threw up (it wasn’t that bad ???? i think...)
□ Go swimming at midnight when it’s cold 
Note: Someone knows no fun 
☑ Eat as many pizzas as you can
Note: No, don’t ever do this again. Someone called me pregnant. 
☑ Make him food
Note: I don’t think this was such a good idea too... he threw up again. Poor bby. 
□ Share cotton candy like in romantic movies
Note: I just couldn’t share, it’s mine, mine, mine. It was so good though. No regrets.
☑ Marry him
Note: I said yes, omg.
102 notes · View notes
imaginekon · 8 years ago
Dating Donghyuk would include...
waking up to this every morning
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or this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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this laugh when you did something really stupid (or adorable how he would prefer to call it)
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twisting you around his little finger since he pretty much knows exactly how 
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a lot of hugs, just because he can’t help showing you the love and affection he has for you
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when he did something wrong, he’ll give you this face and you automatically can’t be mad at him anymore
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or he’ll solve it with this :-D
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no regrets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■  ( ͡⌐■ ͜ʖ ͡-■)
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him being all cute with animals, people literally every living organism on earth because he is an angel
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when he needs to control himself because you’re in public and you’re looking all hot
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dong just being dong 
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125 notes · View notes
imaginekon · 8 years ago
excuse me but i was wondering if the requests are open? i hope you all are doing well have have a great day! ^^
hey! requests are open every friday. i was on hiatus so, we’re very behind with updates but you can still give it a try ^^♥
- moyo
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imaginekon · 9 years ago
☏ Call me Handsome // Bobby
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A/N: 4800+ freaking words and i’m finally finished. This is a Call-Center AU, the idea came to me at work since i’m actually working at one and this fic is based on my real life story– jk i wish. But some things indeed happened lol. Anyway, i’d like to tag some of my favorite Bobby blogs because i love you guys @ikonope @bobbykims @bobbillionaire and unnie @useumwoo
And a big thank you to @hwan-tastic for proof-reading (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Streaks of sun-rays pierced through your window to welcome you on this beautiful Monday morning. You groaned loudly, taking a peek at your clock, 6.25 am. It was in times like these, when you felt the heavy load of regret weighing on your shoulders like a big bucket of bricks because why on earth had you thought watching K-Dramas until 3 am was a damn good idea? It really wasn’t, you realized like every Monday morning.
With half-lidded eyes and a drowsy head, you threw your legs over the bed and groaned once more when you realized it was the wrong side—the side with the wall. Fuck. It worked with the second try, when you felt the icy ground underneath your feet, relieving you that neither of your feet were broken.  
It took you 3 handful of ice cold water to become alert and almost as much concealer to not scare any people with those huge zombie-looking circles underneath your eyes, thanks to Lee Joongki and his brilliant acting. (Or maybe just his holy jesus face because he was so fucking hot and maybe that was the reason you just couldn’t resist watching all 5 episodes at once.)
Today, on this beautiful cold Monday morning, you took a bus early, just in case your nagging boss decided to take her shit out on you again. As if it wasn’t enough that all of your friends and basically almost all of your college-mates enjoyed their break overseas with their families, while you were busy calling grumbly strangers on the phone who didn’t want to participate in the stupid surveys your company developed.  
The clock stroke 9 as you put on your headset with a super big portion of motivation as you started dialing the numbers that were on the long-ass list hanging beside your computer. A few “No, Thank you”, a bunch of “Where the hell do you have my number from?” and plenty of “Who the fuck is this?” later, your motivation, which wasn’t even there in the first place, vanished. You heaved a long sigh, dialing the next number.  
You put on your sweetest voice, “A wonderful good morning sir! I’m calling from the marketing research company IKONic. Today we’re doing a super short survey about grocery shopping. Do you want to participate?” It was probably your 100th times saying this on the phone and you almost pressed on “declined” out of habit, when a deep voice answered with a “Sure.”
You were a bit surprised as you mumbled a soft, “Okay,” and started the survey.  
“So first of all, may I register your age?”  
“23,” Wow, he was the first person this young taking one of these boring surveys. Your fingers typed over the numbers on the keyboard before pressing ENTER, “How about you?” There was a soft chuckle on the other line which made you a bit flustered.
“Haha…,” you let out a forced weird laugh, “I can’t tell you that.”
“Awe why, you have a cute voice though.” You weren’t sure If he was just wanted make a joke out of it and tease you a bit, yet you couldn’t help the light shade of red rushing to your cheeks.
“Uh, thanks?” You lamely uttered and received another chuckle from the other line. Okay, this was getting weird. “So, first question… Are you the person in your household who goes grocery shopping?”
He snickered, “No, but I would if you told me your name.”  
Was…he flirting with you?  
You took a deep breath, actually amused now because this guy really had no shame. If he wanted to play, then you would play along. “Why? What would I earn from that?”
“My number.”  
Wow, this guy.  
You snorted, “Funny, I already have your number.”  
There was a small pause on the other line before his deep voice ringed in your earphones. Although, he seemed like a complete playboy, he really had a nice voice. “Then how about I tell you my name and you will tell me yours?”
This was getting fun, you thought. This entire survey was enough to put you to sleep anyways, so you didn’t even feel bad when you replied with laugh. “Alright. You go first.”
“Just call me handsome.” Handsome let out a satisfying chortle and all you could do was roll your eyes at him. Too bad he could only hear your voice.  
“Why did I expect this before you even started saying that?”  
“Okay, okay I was just kidding. I’m Bobby but I’m handsome, too,” You raised your eyebrows, he already seemed like someone you would never actually approach in real life. “Now it’s your turn, cutie.” You completely ignored the nickname before telling him your name.  
“I’m Y/N, but you can call me gorgeous.” You uttered in the same tone back.
“Okay, gorgeous.” He chuckled and you suppressed another blush that was creeping up your face. It was just a joke, you idiot.  
“I could be some ugly old hag on the other line without you even knowing and here you are calling me gorgeous.”  
“I know you aren’t because I can see you, (cute) chubby cheeks, probably In her 20s and definitely not ugly.”
“What how did you–” You got a mini heart attack for a seconds when you realized that there wasn’t even the possibility he could, you had no cameras whatsoever. However you realized that a bit too late when Bobby’s voice ringed in your ears once more.  
“Got you there, I was just guessing,” It sounded like Bobby was smirking, idiot, “But thank you, now I know you’re not some old, ugly hag and even if you were, you have a cute voice indeed, gorgeous.”  
“Wow, I’m impressed. And stop calling… me that. I was just kidding earlier.”
“You’re cute when you look flustered like this.”
“How–”, again, you thought he was watching you because you were a stupid idiot and could only breathe out when you realized once again, there were no cameras, there was no possibility he could.  
“Got you again.” His usual snickering was heard and you thought if there was a prize for the dumbest person on this earth, then congratulations because you win.  
“Anyway… let’s keep going with the survey–”
“Do you have a boyfriend?” The question caught you by surprise and it took you a good amount of time to give him a reply.  
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?” Wow, Y/N why are you showing him that you’re dumber than dumb? It was sad that the first and only person who tried to make a move on you was some weird stranger on the phone who could actually be some old, ugly hag who had a man voice.  
“You’re really fast, Y/N.”
You scoffed, “Listen, I really appreciate you talking to me because you’re bored or god knows what but if I don’t have another interview by the next 30 minutes, then my boss is the one turning into the ugly hag and kill me, with her bare hands.”
“How about a deal? I will participate in all of your boring surveys and save your ass when you’ll participate in one of my amazing surveys which means you’ll have a wonderful chat with me and answer some of my questions.”
It took you a few seconds to think about it. Although, you really didn’t want to answer questions of some stupid playboy who just wanted to have some fun, you really needed someone to participate in those surveys since you really weren’t doing a great job for the past days.  
“Okay, but I will only give you 5 minutes.”
And so Bobby answered all of the 21 questions of the survey, without making one silly or flirty comment in-between which was actually really unexpected, he was probably doing his absolute best in that moment. Guess he was good for something in the end.  
“Now it’s my turn.” His usual flirty voice was back and you just had such clear picture of some smirking, attractive jerk in your head. It seemed too real.  
“Okay,” you retorted, “But I won’t take my clothes off and do on of those kinky call-girl conversations if that’s what you had in mind.”
Bobby laughed, “I didn’t even think about that… but on second thought–”
“I swear to god I’ll hang up on you, I’m serious–”
“Hey, hey I was just kidding! Okay, so how old are you?”
“I’m 21.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Hair and eye-color?”
“What did you eat this morning?”
You chuckled softly, “What kind of question is that?”
“Just answer it!”  
You couldn’t believe he was actually serious about it when you tried to think back to the wonderful morning, where you almost broke your feet and were so busy making yourself look at least a tad bit acceptable that you had totally forgotten to eat something.  
“I actually haven’t eaten anything yet,” You pouted, suddenly feeling your stomach grumble. “I’m hungry now, thanks for reminding me.”
“Oh no, I’m sorry.” His voice sounded more than apologetic which made you smile, he was cute. “And that’s not good at all! You need to eat, Y/N, I’m serious!”
“Who are you, my mom?”
“No, but I will be if you don’t eat anything, now.”  
“But then I gotta hang up, I’m not allowed to eat in front of the computer.”  
You thought he was going to tell you to not eat then but then you heard a soft whimper on the other side, it actually sounded like he was pouting, “Then I guess that’s it. I don’t want a pretty girl like you die from hunger because you were busy talking to a handsome guy on the phone.”
You rolled your eyes before feeling a little bit disappointed. Somehow you really didn’t want to hang up yet. It was stupid and you knew it, however you couldn’t hold yourself back and surprised yourself with the next thing you blurted out. “Can I call you again, tomorrow?”
There was a short torturing pause on the other line. “Sure.”  
“Okay,” You breathed out, “Then, see you tomorrow– I mean hear.”  
“It’s a date then.”
“It’s not!” Bobby had already hung up on you and there was this stupidly dumb grin plastered on your face. You felt your colleague staring at you with questioning, judging eyes, when you looked at the clock and realized you and Bobby had talked for almost an hour. It was past lunch break by now.  
That was a nice talk, you couldn’t help thinking before biting into the sandwich you just bought at the cafeteria and you were really looking forward to tomorrow.  
“You’re doing a good job lately,” Your boss uttered quietly, brushing through her messy hair, “Keep.. It up.” She stuttered before finally leaving because that was awkward. You had never thought getting complimented by your boss could be this… weird—let alone imagine hearing something good from her which was directed to you.  
You put on your usual headphones and actually couldn’t wait for the clock to strike 6 pm. You had the evening shift today and you were actually 2 minutes early when you already dialed the number you knew by heart now. It had been over 2 weeks since you started talking to Bobby.
“Hello, gorgeous.” His voice resounded and like a beautiful song, it put you into a good mood immediately. “Hey, Mr. Calling-me-gorgeous-won’t-make-me-call-you-handsome-no-matter-how-hard-you-try.”
“You’re mean… Anyway what stupid surveys do we have today?”
“Hmm, one about the radio–” There was a  already a groan on the other line. “Not again… That’s the most boring one! And it takes 20 minutes, Y/N.”  
“Wait we also have one about…,” You scrolled down to look at the lists of surveys you had to finish for the day, “Let’s see…‘All about different kinds of coffee beans’… and uhm 'The most interesting landmarks in your city’?” You held back a laugh, knowing too well what Bobby would say to that.
“Awesome! I always wanted to do a survey about different kind of coffee beans!” Bobby snorted sarcastically.  
“So, which one should we do today?”
“Let’s go with the coffee beans.”
After 15 minutes of questions that seemed so unrelated to this entire topic which was weird to begin with, you let out a relieved sigh, clicking on 'Finished’ and leaned back, closing you eyes, just listening to Bobby’s voice. Those 8 minutes you had agreed on in the beginning, ended up getting longer and longer each time and since your boss left you alone today and no one else was working on this Friday night, you could just talk to him as much as you wanted.
“What are you wearing today?” Bobby asked the same question he had done for the past days. “A see-through crop top, a pair of leather shorts which don’t cover the entire part of my ass and straps, just because I feel so exceptionally innocent today.” You answered in a joking tone.  
“I bet you’re wearing one of your boring over-sized sweaters and a pair of black jeans.”
It had only been 2 weeks and he already knew you too well. “Over-sized shirt, if I may correct.”
“I wanna see you…” Bobby suddenly whined and you could only sigh because you really wanted to see him, too. Face to face, you still didn’t know how he looked like and somehow you didn’t even care. You already felt yourself liking him, without even knowing what he looked like. It was a shame that he lived like 1000 miles away from you.  
“Do you want… to Skype?” You weren’t really sure what was going on in your head when you just casually asked that questions and felt yourself getting nervous and excited at the same time when he answered with a joyous, “Okay.”
Both of you exchanged ID’s and in a matter of seconds a window popped up, 'This person would like to connect with you: Handsomeboy95’ you scoffed, so typical, before you pressed on accept and then hesitantly brushed over the 'Video Call’ button.
It was ringing for a few seconds before a dark wall appeared in front of you.  
“Who did you kill for that username?” You laughed.
“It took me only 2 days and 3 hours of reporting that person. And… you’re really gorgeous.” Bobby breathed out. Your cheeks immediately flushed red; you hadn’t even realized he could already see you. “And Awe, are you blushing or is it just the light–”
“It’s the light!” You covered your face behind your long sleeves. “You’re mean, show me your face.”
“When you stop being so cute and gorgeous–”
“Stop being so corny! I’m gonna come over and puke on your face if you don’t stop!”
“I’d like to see that… And your cheeks… I’m pretty sure this time it’s not the light.” He chuckled deliciously and wow you already regretted accepting his request in the first place.  
“I’m gonna hang up!”
“Okay, okay,” The screen wobbled before the window on your computer slowly became clear from the blurry mess it was in.  
Your breath hitched when you spotted a real 23 year old attractive guy and… he was truly handsome. His hair was dark, perfectly tousled as if he messed his hair up with the exact perfect amount to look cute but sexy at the same time. His eyes were gazing at you with that innocent puppy-eye look and there was a wide grin plastered on his face which made you want to put sunglasses one because it was blinding. He was beautiful.
“Realized I’m really handsome?” Bobby smirked on the screen and actually seeing that live turned you into a flustered mess. Your heart was totally going out of rhythm, skipping a few beats before making way too many.  
“Yeah– I mean no.” Like a habit, your hands automatically covered your face again and you really hated it that he could actually see you since you couldn’t coolly play it off now. It was too obvious.  
“Awe, stop covering you face, I wanna look at your cute red cheeks, they look like crunchy mellow apples!”  
“Shut up! This is not fair, Bobby. You said you were handsome… but this is not fair! I’m gonna turn the camera off–”
“What no! And what are you talking about? What is not fair?” You would have thought he wanted to tease you when you took a glimpse at the sulking face on your screen which looked like a little puppy who just got his favorite toy stolen.  
“Bobby… Today is my last work day because College starts on Monday…” You weren’t sure why you suddenly blurted that out. Way to ruin this moment—although you weren’t even sure what kind of moment you and Bobby were sharing. It was just a normal Skype session, right? With some stranger, you got to know through the phone. Your heart was sinking slowly because why in the world did he have to live so far away?  
“If you thought you could get rid of me this easily after showing me that you’re not only beautiful but seriously, absolutely, gorgeously beautiful then you thought wrong.”
“Give me your number.”
5 Messages from Handsomeboy95
Handsomeboy95: You better not stay up watching K-Dramas again or I’ll personally fly over to Korea and strangle this Lee Joongki guy….  [1.21 AM]
Handsomeboy95: I’m serious, Y/N [1.21 AM]
Handsomeboy95: Okay, I guess you’ve fallen asleep~ [1.25 AM]
Handsomeboy95: Good night, gorgeous ;) [1.26 AM]
Handsomeboy95: I’m bored…. [3.06 AM]
Handsomeboy95: And hungry. [3.06 AM]
Handsomeboy95: And I miss talking to you. [3.08 AM]
Handsomeboy95: Okay, I stop spamming. [3.08 AM]
Handsomeboy95: ): [3.10 AM]
You drowsily opened the message of Bobby which he had sent you last night after your 4 hour Skype session. You had been so tired that you didn’t even realize he had texted you after, so you typed down a quick Good morning, idiot, before you got up and picked up the best clothes that lied on the floor.
It was already summer by now and you hadn’t even realized time passed like this with the constant messaging and skyping with Bobby. It had already become a habit, even your friends teased you about having some call-boy guy when you could only roll your eyes at them because they would never understand this kind of relationship anyway. It just felt so right. And you couldn’t deny how much… you liked him. Too much.  
It was a distance of exactly 1043 miles that heavily lied between the both of you. So really, the chance of having a relationship that offered more was nearly impossible.  
You heaved a sigh before you ran out to catch your bus. There was no time to think about that now, you had to concentrate on your studies and not–
3 New Messages from Handsomeboy95
Handsomeboy95: Idiot, as in handsome idiot? [8.43 AM]
Handsomeboy95: Good luck with your classes today, I’m sure it’ll be fun ;))) [8.44 AM]
Handsomeboy95: Think of me and it surely will [8.44 AM]
And yeah, although you really couldn’t help thinking about Bobby all while you professor talked about you didn’t even know, what class were you even in? It wasn’t like it made your mood any better. You missed him. You wanted to talk to him. You wanted to see him and touch him. You shook your head, trying to blow those negative thoughts away; at least you had someone like Bobby. He was there somehow and he made you happy without even being there physically.  
“I think she’s thinking of him again.” You heard you friend murmuring from the side
“I think so too–”
“i’m not! And i can hear you, just for your information.” You exclaimed annoyingly as you gave them your typical stare which meant don’t-even-start-talking-about-him-until-i do.
“It’s okay, hun. I’m sure that call-boy will realize how amazing you are and ditch all the other calls he’s getting.”
“He’s not a call-boy, I told you! And he doesn’t have any other girls he’s talking to….”  
“Then where’s the problem? I mean it’s not like you’re never gonna meet him. Be a little optimistic.” Your friend patted you and the shoulder and you returned a little smile.
“I think you should tell him how you feel.” Your other friend threw in. You knew that she was right and despite the fact that it wouldn’t really change much between the both of you like sharing more affection physically, you just wanted him to know.  
It was later that night, when you waited for Bobby to come on Skype. you always had the same time, 8pm because he worked until 6 and was usually at home around 7, till he ate and washed up another hour passed and he had finally time for you. It was sad that you knew that thoroughly. 
New Message from Handsomeboy95
Handsomeboy95: I’m sorry Y/N… something came up, I’ll message you later k? [8.13 PM]
You send in a quick reply and felt a little disappointed after you had done everything to prepare yourself to finally tell him know how you felt. After waiting for another 2 hours you feed the little baby you and Bobby had together on SIMS 4 (you would never tell him that) and brought it to bed as you pressed on 'Cuddle with Bobby’ and 'Kiss passionately’ before putting your Sims to bed and shutting off the computer. You checked your phone one last time, no new messages as you sighed deeply and plopped down your bed.  
Was he okay?  
Was he probably asleep by now?
What was that thing that came up? Was it perhaps…a date… with another girl?
Stop thinking so much, Y/N! You actually let out a cry before pulling the pillow over your face.
This was gonna be a long night.
Days passed. No new messages from Bobby. Concern was written all over your face, your friends actually called you a zombie. It was horrible because no matter how much you texted him, it didn’t even say 'read’ and the last time he was online was the time he had texted you something came up.  
Another night where he didn’t come online. It was enough, you decided when you typed down your messages, having a mix of feelings between being worried sick, upset that he didn’t even think it was important enough to let you know he was alive at least and fear he found some other girl and had forgotten about you.
Potato__x3: Bobby I’m worried. [11.56 PM]
Potato__x3: Please let me know you’re alive at least… [11.56 PM]
Potato__x3: I need to talk to you… [11.57 PM]
Potato__x3: …. [11.57 PM]
Potato__x3: I know this might not be the right time to be writing something like this because I guess there is something going on but I just wanted you to know that I care and just please let me know you’re okay [2.02 AM]
Potato__x3: I really really care. [3.23 AM]
Potato__x3: Because I like you. [3.30 AM]
Potato__x3: A lot. [3.34 AM]
Your heart made a 360° degrees flip when the little check mark appeared under your messages, meaning that he read it. You didn’t even think he would come online, especially now where you practically kind of confessed to him. Blood pumped rapidly through your entire body and you could hear the loud hammering sound of your heart in your ears.
He did not reply. 
 The next morning you woke up to a major headache thanks to all the crying you had done all night long. It was pathetic and you knew it. However, Bobby did not only reject you but would probably never ever talk to you again. Maybe he really found some other girl. Or maybe he realized that you were not so gorgeous after all.
You checked your phone one more time. No new messages before you almost pressed on 'delete contact’. But you just didn’t have the heart to do so… not yet.  
There were a lot of people outside campus today, much to your dislike, so everyone could see how miserable you looked– even worse than all the days before.
Your friends did a pretty decent job trying to lift your mood up, they even offered their food but you just declined with a shaking head. You didn’t want to eat, neither talk or do anything at all. You just wanted to stay in bed and keep sulking by yourself.  
“I like you too, Y/N. A lot.” There was a tap on your shoulder and you turned around, for a second you didn’t even recognize that voice… and that face… your entire world turned upside down and you stood there perplexed, not being able to move or react because Kim freaking Jiwon was standing right in front of you with a huge grin plastered on his face.  
“Hey,” His hands brushed over your hair before a small pout formed on his lips, “Wow you look…”
“Kim fucking Jiwon, I swear to God I will punch you in the face and never talk to you!” You actually hit him on the chest several times, getting out more laughter out of him before your lips started to shake, tears gathering in your eyes. “Why didn’t you text me back?”
You felt strong arms around your petite body and it felt so unbelievably good. It felt so good to be touched by him, to smell his scent, to know that he was there, physically.
“Awe, baby I’m sorry,” The nickname didn’t even make you cringe, more like making your face feel hot despite the warmness exuding from his body and the waterfalls dripping down your face, “I just wanted to tell you face to face. And I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t know you would cry this much, I’m truly sorry, punch me as much you want, okay?”  
“OucH. Okay not that much! See, I knew you would fall for my handsome face sooner or later.”
“Shut up, who said I fell for you?”
“Because I can feel your heartbeat. It’s beating as fast as mine… and wait,” He pulled you away as his eyes inspected your face, “I really, really wanted to do this.” Bobby came close and you were taken aback when his lips landed on your cheek instead of your lips, not that you expected him to suddenly kiss you but–
“I wanted to know how those mellow apple cheeks taste like. And now this.” Now, his lips were moving against yours gently and god this was so much better than what it looked like in your stupid Sims game. You didn’t even care about students staring at the both of you because Kim Jiwon was there and you could touch him and kiss him.  
You pulled away with heavy breathes and your apple cheeks seemed to get bad because they were definitely too dark by now.  
“Oh and I moved here. That’s why I couldn’t reply, they had cut off my internet and I was busy packing–”
Bobby was truly full of surprises and this was definitely the best one.  
“Are you serious…?”
“Yeah. It only took me 1 day and 5 hours to find out where exactly you were living and 3 days to find an apartment near–”
Bobby got cut off this time and yeah, it were no other than you hungry lips deliciously taking him whole. He tasted like handsome, too
Handsomeboy95: Hey gorgeous ;) [3.11 PM]
Potato__x3: Bobby stop texting me when you’re sitting right across of me  [3.12 PM]
Handsomeboy95: But you won’t talk to meeeeee [3.12 PM]
Handsomeboy95: What do you need to study so hard for anyways? [3.12 PM]
Handsomeboy95: Is it more important than me? [3.12 PM]
Potato__x3: Yes [3.13 PM]
Handsomeboy95: … [3.13 PM]
Handsomeboy95: I wanna kiss you [3.18 PM]
Potato__x3: No [3.19 PM]
Handsomeboy95: Can I cuddle you then? [3.19 PM]
Potato__x3: No [3.20 PM]
Handsomeboy95: Please? [3.20 PM]
Handsomeboy95: ): [3.20 PM]
Potatoe__x3: …………………………………………Okay [3.25 PM]
Handsomeboy95: When will you call me handsome? It’s been 6 months [8.02 PM]
Potato__x3: Never [8.03 PM]
Handsomeboy95 changed his name to Loser__x3
Loser__x3: Y/N HOW DID U DO THIS [8.04 PM]
Loser__x3: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE [8.04 PM]
Loser__x3: YOU’RE HORRIBLE [8.05 PM]
Loser__x3: I’M…. [8.05 PM]
Loser__x3: This needs to be punished. [8.06 PM]
Potato__x3: hduiewfhilreg+rs#jvgope90ghrv89g43hegwöhäagj0oä#wrgjkräsg90rahäphgi4orheaishiovgöhreigohähg8raöheiohgahreöoaeöhgidhfoös [8.10 PM]
Loser__x3: Wow Y/N, I didn’t know you liked it this much ;) [8.43 PM]
Potato__x3: SHUT UP. [8.44 PM]
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imaginekon · 9 years ago
Reaction: Sleeping
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“she is so cute” *laughs shyly*
As soon as Chanwoo spots you on the couch, he would just watch you from a distance and think how cute you are, feeling his cheeks getting a little red. For some reason he would turn shy, the sight of you is just too much for him. Afterwards he would wake you up softly to go to bed with him.
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*squealing inside*
Dong’s reaction would be similar to Chanwoo’s. He thinks you’re beyond adorable and would just stand there for a moment, squealing over his cute girlfriend. He would take a picture and set it as his lockscreen before waking you up softly.
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Hanbin would have a little smile plastered on his face as he spots you and come over slowly. He would kneel down and then just watch you, caressing your hair and face slightly and feel all warm. At this point Hanbin will feel a little guilty as well for coming home so late. He enjoys calm moments like that, so he would sit beside you and just watch you till he falls asleep himself.
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*kisses you softly*
Jinhwan would feel all fuzzy by the sight and feels the urge to just pull you close and cuddle you all night. Since he doesn’t want to wake you though, he would give you a soft kiss on the forehead and then carry you to the bedroom as carefully as possible.
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imaginekon · 9 years ago
Can you answer green, fawn, red and purple?? 😊
Oops sorry i ment navy! Purple is kind of too personal 😅
Green: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
i wanna study psychology hopefully this year when i end school!
Fawn: Favourite word in your first language?
Morsal because that’s my name and it means rose c:
Red: What’s your zodiac?
leo, although i think most of the leo posts on tumblr are not me lmao
Purple: What’s your sexuality?
it’s okay i don’t really mind^^ i’m straight (but i don’t have anything against people who have a different sexuality)
Navy: What’s your first language?
i have 2, persian (dari) and german!
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imaginekon · 9 years ago
/cries/ i've been a very bad choco pie to you bcos i cant msg u regularly ;3; im sorry my queens (alryt ure my queens now, i just find princess precious, it makes me feel protective *raises my shield to guard u*) awww dont worry, school will be done sooner or later, trust me it's better than working (huhu) just remember to rest well okay!! *kisses kisses* and OH THAT!! I'VE TRIED THOSE!!! thou im not really a fan of chocolates haha it's good!! :D i wish i can send you those but im broke TT^TT
nonono it’s okay my lovely chocopie valentine
and yes true! i’m a senior now i have like 2 months of school left but these last 2 months are such a nightmare i’m so happy when it’s over. and we will, i promise c: omg really?? are they good?? probably not as good as you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you’re the sweetest!! but the thought counts so here, take our sarang ♥♥♥
- moyo
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imaginekon · 9 years ago
♡          Kiss Me
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Title: Kiss Me
Pairing: Jinhwan x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Length: ~1000
A/N: I’m not really sure what i was writing because since school started again and i’m just a tired mess. I didn’t update for a while so i wanted to write something small for you guys. It might not be as good as usual but i hope you’ll enjoy this anyway? 
"Jinhwan", you called quietly as he sat on the edge of your bed, his head turning around immediately and humming in reply with a soft expression. "Can you teach me how to kiss?", yeah, usually you wouldn't ask someone who you had been calling your best friend since you could practically walk to do things like kissing with you. But in these many years of your life, you were un-kissed and what if you had a boyfriend someday and made a complete fool out of yourself because you couldn't kiss? The expression on his face changed drastically and it looked like he was waiting for you to say the usual "kidding" since you've been always playing pranks like these on him. But this time your face remained serious and you waited for an answer. "Are you serious?", he asked after what felt like an eternity and you rolled your eyes at him. "No that's why I'm asking, you know" "Y/N, are you out of your mind?", "Why? I just want to know how it feels like.. please.. just once", you whined, coming closer when he flinched away. "N-no. That's not okay." You sighed loudly and let yourself fall on your bed, curling yourself into a ball because why wasn't there anyone who wanted to do a simple kiss with you? Were you that unattractive? "Y/N”, Jinhwan's soft voice was back again and he poked you on the side, knowing that was your sensitive spot. "Stop!", you held back a laugh. You weren't in the mood for his stupid games, so you pushed him away and turned into the other direction. "You're like my... sister. I don't wanna do things that could affect our relationship." Ouch. Yes, you could feel a little stinging pain in the corner of your heart. You just hated it to be his sister. What if you wanted more? No. You shook your head and pulled the pillow over yourself. "Yeah okay got it, can you leave me alone for some time?", you muffled into the fabric and felt your heart break even more after you heard the door close. Wow. He sure followed orders you actually didn't mean pretty well. You weren't sure how many hours had passed when you still lied on your bed, feeling this strange, aching heartbeat that pounded in your chest over and over again. It was so uncomfortable and you hated it. Why didn't Jinhwan wanna kiss you? Why? Why couldn't he just kiss you… it couldn't be anyone else because he was your best-friend… right? Ahh i dont know stop thinking about this! You hit your head several times before disappearing under your blanket. Stupid Jinhwan. Then you'd just kiss some other guy, yes. "Are you still sulking?", you heard Jinhwan let out an exasperated sigh before you felt the side of the bed go down a little. "No", you replied dryly, upset about his childish behavior. Maybe it was you who was behaving childishly but you couldn't help but feel pain and anger towards him. "Hey..", you felt the covers lifting up and met Jinhwan's eyes. Your heart pounded again, louder this time and you felt completely stupid for feeling this way all of a sudden. "Go away..", it was barely a whisper. His face came closer and your whole body, every muscle was straining up. "Do you really want this?", he asked with a troubled voice, "Because i don't think i can control myself any longer." "Jinhwan…" i think i might like you "Kiss me", and before you knew it you were paralyzed by the connection with his lips that were moving so softly against your own, it felt like it was the most right thing in this entire world. It felt so natural and god, how damn great his lips tasted. Your heart jumped in excitement and you found your hands messing up his hair, pushing him down to kiss you even harder. His cold fingers connected with your naked stomach and you smiled into the kiss because that idiot knew you were so damn sensitive down there. It was then when Jinhwan abruptly pulled away, looking at you with wide eyes. "I can't--", he stumbled over his words and you felt so confused and wronged in this moment, when you remembered that you were the one asking him to kiss you. He didn't kiss you for any different reason… did he? You bit your lips and got a hold of his arm before he could go away. "Please" love me, "What? Kiss you again? This is not a game Y/N, what if… what if i really--" "What? Enjoyed the kiss? Then what? Do you think i didn't? do you think you're the only one.. who feels the way you do? because somehow i want you to kiss me again… and again and i don't want it to be anyone else." You weren't exactly sure what the hell you were talking and you wanted to stop yourself from saying anymore, especially when Jinhwan's face looked so perplexed at your words. "You want us to be friend with benefits or what?", "I like you, you idiot! I want to be your girlfriend!", you yelled at him while throwing your pillow at his face. You felt your eyes tearing up. How could he even think of something like that. How could anyone be this stupid? You wanted to run out when you got no reply but were pulled into someone's chest. You could hear the racing heartbeat that felt so familiar because it was beating in the same rhythm yours had done this whole time. "You know usually you confess and then kiss. Not the other way around", he smiled as he rested his head on top of yours. "Whatever", you mumbled, "So what now? What is your… reply?", you asked insecure. Everything confused you. "Kiss me", he said with a smirk plastered on his face and before you knew it he was doing that thing with you again.
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imaginekon · 9 years ago
Reaction: Leaving them hanging (Christmas edition)
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“...where are you going.. come back..please”
Hanbin would be so confused and done with everything. He’d just sit there on the couch and beg you to come back because you can’t do this to him.
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“you’re funny, good one babe good one”
*2 seconds later*
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“you’re gonna regret this” :))))
Bobby would laugh about it because you’re cute for trying. It wouldn’t be too long after when he shows you what’s up, then it’s your choice what you’re gonna do, although i’m pretty sure we know what will happen.
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“are you sure you can resist this, sweetheart?”
Although he might really long for you inside, Donghyuk won’t let it show and instead win you over and make you come back. One glance at his yummy chocolate abs should be enough. If that doesn’t work he has enough other ways.
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*doesn’t get the situation* “wait i thought.. we were about to do.....stuff”
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*after he gets the situation* “are you seriously leaving me hanging now?????? on Christmas????”
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*a few more minutes later* “...hello...please come back”
Junhoe would get so embarrassed and confused as to why you’re doing such a thing which would lead him to get super annoyed and then regret it shortly after because he really needs you to come back. Just look at his poor face.
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“then i’m gonna have fun all by myself”
Don’t underestimate this small man. He won’t let it show at all what kind of effect you have on him and instead make you come back to him. Jinhwan has really good self-control and he knows exactly how to get you back on what you were about to do (even if he looks like a cute little elf dancing to Christmas songs).
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*suddenly decides to work out half-naked to make you hot distract himself*
CAN WE ALL JUST OMG HOW CAN YOU LEAVE THIS HANGING?????????????? FUCKING YUNHYEONG ahem Yunhyeong has his own ways of making you come back. Actually he just wanted to work out to get his mind off that hot booty of yours but instead accidentally look smokin hot while doing that and make you come back to punish him for those damn arms.
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*tries to act cute* “are you sure you wanna do this...to..me??”
Chanwoo would try anything to make you come back. Even if that means he has to act cute and wear a cute ugly Christmas sweater. Although it doesn’t really look like it (on the gif) he is really desperate for you to come back because leaving him hanging doesn’t feel nice at all.
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