#i wanna rewatch it but i wanna rewatch it with someone i can do commentary with šŸ˜­
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rapha-reads Ā· 7 months ago
IWTV rewatch
(s1 finaleā€¦ Ready for pain and blood? Let's do this. *grabs tissues*)
Season 1 episode 7 [The Thing Lay Still] - part 1/3
- Oof, opening with the Moonlight Sonata, how to put you right in the mood.
- Daniel side-eyeing Rashid/Armandā€¦
- [Daniel] "Can an immortal meet mortality?" - weeeell, to paraphrase our favourite rockstar, "the sun or the fire might kill me, but then again, it might not".
- [Louis] "Decapitation. He confided that to me one blood-drunken night in BĆ¢ton Rouge." - and then Louis proceeded to never forget it. I want to know more about their nights of hunting and partying. There's like, 80 miles (is that roughly 100km? I'm French, I don't know miles) between NOLA and BĆ¢ton Rouge, even if they're vampires, that's still a little trip that could be special when they have all of New Orleans to hunt (an anniversary? A date? A special performance of Macbeth or Puccini? Someone needs to write a fic)ā€¦
- [Louis] "Add to the toxic air a new ever-present paranoia, and now, you are with us." - kinda wish I wasn't tbh. "The toxicity, in my city"ā€¦ Ahem.
- [Louis] "Lestat de Lioncourt. 179 years in the Savage Garden. 148 years the blood-drinker, the bringer of deathā€¦ the deer come up the trail." - ooof, first point, Lestat, or at least, Louis' version of Lestat in this recollection, oozes danger and predator. He looks, feels and moves dangerously. And acts unhinged. His words heavily accented. Go figure if he really was that scattered and angry at that time, or if Louis' anxiety, trauma and guilt color the scene that way.
Second point, another mention of the Savage Garden! Made by Louis this time, so one could imagine that Lestat told him about it, that they had a conversation or more about the subject during those 30 years together, given that the theme is a Lestat special.
- Ooooh, the unholy family moving and acting together as one, totally in synch! Say what you want about how toxic they are for each other, it can't be denied that they are a family that knows each other by heart.
- Hey, who turned off Moonlight Sonata? Now I'm left wondering if it was extra or intradiegetic music. A disk playing in NOLA in 1940 or in Dubai in 2022? Can't decide.
- [Lestat] "Enough! Two in one night. Dolls, Bibles, letters become torches and pitchforks. We have to leave this place. We have to leave New Orleans." - should have left 10 years ago when Grace decided to kill off Louisā€¦ I wanna say better late than never but given that people are actually openly seeking your house to ask for healing and whatnotā€¦ Y'all are in danger. And obviously it's Lestat so there's no leaving discreetly. Gotta make a show out of it.
- Looooove Daniel getting distracted by Armand's presence. Cannot wait for some more Devil's Minion.
- Hello social commentary, segregated tramway, another slight to Louis and Claudia. I love the layers.
- [Claudia] "'You share a coffin with him.' [Louis] 'I don't talk in my sleep.' [Claudia] 'You share a heart with him.' [Louis] 'I can cut it off!' [Claudia] 'No, Louis. You can't. You spend an hour with him and you're breathing in sync together.'"
Thank you for confirming that they've still got it bad for each other, Claudia. Love the way the heartbeat starts getting louder, love the way Lestat can feel Louis looking at him and immediately looks back.
[Claudia] "'He'll know. It'll only work if you give in. Give him all your heart and I'll do the rest.' [Louis] 'I can't do that. I'll lose myself in him.' [Claudia] 'Leave a little shelf inside there for me. I'll jump back in and pull you out before I kill him. Can you do that for us, Louis? Louis?' [Louis] 'Yeah, I can do it.'"
*screams* First the wink and Lestat obviously seeking Louis' attention. Then Claudia directly asking Louis to keep a part of his heart for her, all that she's ever wanted, to be put first. Then her overestimating her pull on Louis and underestimating the intensity of Lestat and Louis' relationship. And then Louis very clearly knowing he cannot resist his feelings for Lestat no matter what. And finally Louis outright lying to Claudia saying he can pull it through while already knowing it will destroy him, have you seen his face in the last shot before leaving the tram? He knows he can't but he'll still try and maybe do it, but he'll lose a part of himself, and he's already grieving for it.
Then again. That's 2022 Louis describing the scene and the conversation, with the hindsight of 80 years or more (I'm bad at maths) of knowing what he's lost and how he lost it and how much of himself he's lost. Maybe 1940 Louis wasn't thinking of that at all.
*screams a little bit more* Maybe if y'all learn to openly communicate, we wouldn't be currently plotting a murder. Maybe.
- [Louis] "'What about Greece? Cradle of Western civilisation.' [Lestat] 'Sun worshippers, hot springsā€¦. Those Who Must Be Kept.' [Louis] 'What was that?' [Lestat] 'Nothing.'"
Yeah, absolutely nothing. Don't mind that. It's really not important. Not at all about to come back and bite you all in the neck.
Things that mean nothing for show-only and everything for book readersā€¦ *jumps around the room in excitement*
Do we think Marius is still in Greece in 1940? If Lestat still meets him around 1789-1790, it's been a century and a half, he's definitely moved them somewhere else.
Love how Lestat's face goes vacant and momentarily dreamy when he starts thinking about Akasha. You can tell she still lingers in his mind.
- [Claudia] "'Bach. Always back to Bach.' [Lestat] 'Bach is beyond you.' [Claudia] 'Yes, the music of the master race isā€¦ not made for these mongrel ears.' [Lestat] 'You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me.' [Claudia] 'I came to make peace with you, Uncle Les.' [Lestat] 'Mm. Sister, daughter, infant death, you must think me an idiot.' [Louis] 'Could you two please justā€¦?' [Claudia] 'Musique franƧaise pour les mains franƧaises ?'"
Pleaaase I love them. Toxic mother-daughter relationship, it's like looking into a mirror. Love all of Claudia's punches. Bailey's French is really good. And love how Louis immediately moves in to turn the pages for them.
- Oooh, so the party idea is not Lestat's but part of Claudia's murder scheme? How delightful!! Like father like daughter I guess, how they resemble each other so much. And love how Lestat starts by being against it and then gets slowly seduced by the idea.
- Oh, goddamn fucking bloody Tom Anderson is still bloody fucking alive. Kill hiiiiiim, please kill him. Wonder why he hasn't led a mob to their doors yet, with how he literally has known them since 1910 and has a pic showing them still as they are. Too chicken, Tom? Or too New Orleans, rather not know and keep going as is? Oh, I see, tempted to make your own deal with the "Devil". Ha. Idiot.
- [Louis] "The weird brothers and their doll-like sister were coming out." - I just like this line. Tells about a whole story hidden behind the main story.
- "Let the flesh instruct the mind." - now that is one hell of a line.
- Lestat playing his bloody Marie-Antoinette fantasy is simultaneously so bad taste and so hilarious.
- Their outfits are GORGEOUS. And the white is making Louis' green eyes even greener.
- [Louis] "The blood was everywhere. The veins and arteries of a few hundred hearts ringing out like air sirens, drowning out the rhythm section of the hired band."
I love how Louis' narration is almost inaudible beneath the sounds of heartbeats.
- Lmao, Lestat has groupies everywhere he goes.
- [Louis] "A cascade of feelings came over me as I watched him sponge up the adoration. I wanted him dead. I wanted him all to myself. The fasting was a mistake. I wasn't thinking clearly. Something was off."
You never think clearly around Lestat, Lou babe. Case in point, the besotted face you were just making at him, that he was returning to you (where are Sam and Jacob's awards), and the fact that suddenly you can't even tell Claudia's mental voice from - oh, a wild Antoinette appears. Yeah, something is off.
- When can we get rid of Tom Anderson. Soon? "It's got to be one of those tricks that you and your fag pederast satanic trio got in your pocket." Ugh, he looks so proud of his dumb line. Please tell me we're draining him soon. Thank you Louis.
- Aaaah, a balcony scene, aaaaaah! Aaaah, the lightning of cigarettes, aaaaaaah! Aaaaah, Lestat being emotional and genuine, aaaaaah!
Time to sing Sam Reid's praises:
"I'm going to miss this place. There's not an inch of this city that wasn't built from the fierce wilderness that surrounds it. Hurricanes, floods, fevers. The damp climate on every painted sign, every stone facade. High windows, through which enamelled bits of civilisation glitter. Silhouettes emerging, wandering out to catch a silent flash of lightning. The silky warmth of summer rain. Desperately aliveā€¦ and desperately fragile. The hunger has me too, it seems."
*pterodactyl screech*
It's the way his voice wavers with barely restrained emotion. It's the tears glittering in his eyes. It's the way he never stops looking at Louis. It's the way New Orleans was, is and continues to be a metaphor for him, for Louis and for their relationship, "I am she, she is me".
The way his voice breaks on "desperately alive", because at the end of it, that's what Lestat, little Wolfkiller, who refused Magnus' bite and was forced into the darkness, who rejected the idea of a coven, who gazed upon the Mother of all vampires, Lestat who is constantly struggling to run away from his pain, trauma and loneliness, that's what he is, desperate and alive and desperately alive. And so afraid to show his real self to Louis and be rejected for it that he immediately makes a joke out of his deeply genuine moment.
And the way Louis refuses to engage with this moment also says a lot about where Louis is at at this stage. Refusing to give in fully, rejecting the true emotions, running away from both Lestat's love (because that's what it's about) and his own love (the shame and the guilt and the fear)ā€¦ Refusing to open up his heart and thus forcefully closing down any door that could be opened.
Imagine for a moment that Louis had answered Lestat's feelings in truth? What would it have changed, in what ways? Or would it not have changed anything, because neither he nor Lestat are in control of the narrative at that point and Claudia holds the power? And what would Louis responding in kind and giving in to Lestat's depth and his own emotions look like? It would be interesting to explore itā€¦
ep1 | ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | part 2 | part 3
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acaplaya-musings Ā· 4 months ago
A random assortment of Geoff Castellucci pictures - Part 3
Y'all seemed to enjoy part 1 and part 2, so here, have a part 3! Featuring pics of Geoff from videos where I haven't already saved any screencaps from (not counting Voiceplay Visuals posts), but where he still looks really good anyway. And so because this one involves me going back and rewatching certain videos for the purpose of screenshot grabs (always nice to have another excuse! <3), these pictures are going chronologically by video, oldest to newest, rather than alphabetical by title. And again, featuring little bits of thoughts/commentary from yours truly. This one ended up being longer than part 2 as well, so enjoy!
(Everything below the cut as like the previous posts!)
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Starting off strong my fam!!
I said as much in my VoicePlay Visuals post I think but this is honestly one of Geoff's best "shorter (or at least shorter-ish) hair" looks imo. Like look at those waves and curls! To! Die! For!
Also the open shirt with the popped collar is such a look and I kinda wanna see Geoff with a popped collar more often tbh
Also on the Panic Medlry Part 2 video someone commented "Is it just me or is Geoff extra hot in these last two vids". VoicePlay replied with "It's not just you. There was no air conditioning. ;)" XD
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I forgot how hard it is to get decent pics of Geoff from this video, rip. I couldn't not include anything from it though! I mean come on!
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Sir excuse me who gave you the right (and can they give you the right more often please)
I don't even know what it is in particular about this look that's so good but dear god everything just works and like, y'know, as I very frequently say: He's! So! Pretty!!!
Actually I do know one key component: his smile!!! <3
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Well hello there good sir! šŸ‘€
Yet another video where Geoff smiles a lot and it's so lovely and nice but goddang is it hard to get a clear pic of him!
Yes a good portion of these pics is honestly just me showing some of my favourite Geoff smiles from different videos, and I apologise for nothing <3
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Look, I love Geoff as a Disney villain, of course I do, he slays it absolutely every single time, but goddamn, I would love for more Disney Prince Geoff, in vibes/aesthetic if not any actual Disney song.
Also shoutout to one bit during Eli's When I'm Older section, where Geoff is looking off to the side and smiling <3 (smiling at Kathy? Maybe?)
(Oh and actually, between Sh-Boom and this video, I'm realising I kinda sorta wanna make a picture collection post for Layne as well - he does have some good looks sometimes! Nothing Else Matters, Hellfire, Warriors, y'know?)
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Jumping ahead 1.5 years now!
Butter is such a fun video - everyone looked like they had such a great time!
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The fluff in the hair, the visible bit of white/grey, the shirt, the smile!!! This video has me so weak y'all <3
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Honestly Geoff looks phenomenal in almost every single medley video in particular and I love it (almost every medley - Greatest Showman Medley isn't in this photoset for the same reason that Kidnap The Sandy Claws and Hide And Seek aren't, lol)
(Also appreciation for the long-sleeve shirt behind rolled up to the elbows šŸ‘€)
Geoff from like 2022 onwards was "I'm going to find a hundred different black outfits to wear in videos and I'm going to look good every time" /j
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Couldn't help but include a pic from We Don't Talk About Bruno in this - he's so silly (affectionate) <3
Not including any pics of Disney Princess Geoff(tm) only because it makes me laugh too much XD (seriously even as soon as Ashley starts singing Isabela's part I already start giggling, and it does in fact get me every time, but you can find a couple of pics of it in my VoicePlay Visuals post for this video HERE
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I haven't rewatched this video in a while, so I wasn't exactly sure what kinda quality of screencaps I was gonna be able to grab from it, but well... it delivered!!!
I said this in a comment on the video as well but whoever had the idea to have that little bit of breeze/wind blowing Geoff's (and Adriana's) hair back, you're a genius and I love you
Also DJ_410 has occasionally referred to Geoff having "puppy dog eyes" or something along those lines, and man, he ain't wrong!
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Someone said in the comments of this video that "Geoff is slowly turning into a silver fox" and honestly so true bestie <3 (ages! like! fine! wine!)
Also love how you can see the full necklace in this one (fun fact: Geoff's wearing a white singlet underneath, but he actually deliberately ripped it open a little bit at the neckline, which is how we end up with this šŸ‘€)
Plus this is the closest we've come to Geoff wearing a upturned/popped collar since the Panic Medley!
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I Love Drunken Sailor A Normal Amount
Okay so obviously I already had one image from this video already saved to my folder - my profile pic - but nothing otherwise, and man is this video a goldmine. The arms! The hair! The eyeliner!!!
We really were absolutely spoiled when it came to Sleeveless Geoff in 2023 quite honestly
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And what better way to end this post than with the god-tier all around stunningness that is Geoff in Hellfire?
I mean come on he literally looks like a goddamn painting!
So that's all for now! I might at some point do a part 4 or something dedicated to Minis and/or Shorts, but I do have a couple of other post ideas in mind for later down the line, so we shall see!
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cuteniarose Ā· 3 months ago
ATLA for the ask game!!
*stares blankly at my screen as I try to remember the last time I've felt any strong emotion for an AtLA character*
(no genuinely those guys just kinda Exist to me istg Iā€™m not invested even when Iā€™m actively rewatching the show)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) ā€“ This oneā€™s easy: Azula. One does not simply go through their teenage years as a severely mentally ill girl with a shitty dad and emotionally absent mom who favours the other child and end up normal about Azula lmao. I need any and every canon media to leave her the fuck alone. No I do not have a vision as to what happens to her post canon. Yes I do think that what the creators went with sucks ass and thus is not canon in my multiverse thank you very much
scrunkly (my ā€œbabyā€, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) ā€“ Appa. Just Appa. As a bonus, baby Appa. I need a plush of him more than I need to breathe (though Hanička might get to it so.. how good that idea is may be debatable). Oh, and The Duke. Have you ever seen him hugging Toph in the background of the last episode (I believe)?? Babies, absolute babies, they deserve the world, your honour
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) ā€“ ā€¦. Mai? I feel like Mai doesnā€™t get enough love in the fandom. My current objective is trying to get the friend Iā€™m making watch AtLA for the first time like her :P
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I wonā€™t shut up about it for a week) ā€“ Okay, Iā€™m gonna be honest, Iā€™ve thought over this one for a good 20 minutes and havenā€™t been able to come up with anything because I Genuinely Do Not Care That Much, but during this past rewatch Iā€™ve been doing with my friends I have had a *Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme* moment at every reference to Yangchen thanks to A CERTAIN SOMEONE, soā€¦ might not be me who never shuts up about her, but she still counts (though I did go on a small infodump when my friend asked me ā€œwhich oneā€™s that one?ā€ during the Avatar State montage in Book 2 Episode 1, soā€¦ perhaps there is more of a case to be made here). Oh, and Smellerbee. I wanna know what Smellerbeeā€™s deal is. No one ever talks about Smellerbee :/
poor little meow meow (ā€œproblematicā€/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) ā€“ Hama. Partially for Ming-Hua related reasons, partially because Iā€™m obsessed with the concept of bloodbending (and yet cannot give two shits about Amon or Tarrlok šŸ¤” Hm, correction: the concept of bloodbending women :D), partially because I wholeheartedly believe that she was brought back to the South Pole and she and Kanna got to be lesbians together for whoever many years they had left ā€“ side note, how come every bloodbending woman is a lesbian? ā€“ and thereā€™s a certain subsection of the fandom who have proven to not be able to be normal about victims of colonisation, hence the ā€œproblematicā€ category. (Alsoā€¦ not a character, but the Great Divide is a fun episode and you all are way too mean about it. Yes, it does have some.. questionable implications, but all the arguments about how it doesnā€™t further the plot are stupid as fuck because IMO, if we have time for half a dozen random Fire Nation adventures and a whole episode dedicated to Zukoā€™s sob story and the trashfire that Ember Island Players is, we have time for the Great Divide. Argue with a wall)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) ā€“ Zuko. This is because I do not like him. No further commentary lest this fandom tear me to pieces. And Jet. This is also because I do not like him. And Sokka. But I actually do like him, I just think itā€™s funny when he suffers (/affectionate)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) ā€“ Pakku. It has been 11 years since I watched AtLA for the first time and never once have I been convinced that Kanna actually married him. Absolutely not, to superhell with you. If thereā€™s any NWT waterbender who deserves to get with Kanna, itā€™s Yugoda. Hama/Kanna/Yugoda polycule when???
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yunyin Ā· 2 years ago
Reasons why I want to make a thing for each episode of Miraculous Ladybug
I want to practice some fundamentals and doing it for a fandom makes it more fun!
It gives me an excuse to rewatch the whole series
Making it every episode means that it's a built in challenge! It might mean finding the things I like in an episode that isn't my favorite (which I mentally tend to do already,) or focusing on something new in an old favorite.
I don't have a specific career goal right now but I have a secret dream of making a thing for Zag, like merch or something, and so this feels like a decent direction for me atm
I get to share it all with people and if someone likes it and leaves me some nice comment tags or something it's a lovely bonus
IDK I just wanna make cool stuff and this is a good framework for it imo
It's a flexible challenge that can be commentary or illustrations or comics or whatever!
It gives me the chance to experiment without it being on my game work or commissions
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quodekash Ā· 2 years ago
i went to bed instead of watching abaab and i woke up and im āœØsickāœØ
its not the plague but i have a sore throat and im really congested and i feel like a dump truck ran over me and poured all the bin juices in my brain, but its fine cos im here, im queer, and threezo are near
CONTENT WARNING: if youve seen this episode, youll be aware that there will be discussions of rape, sexual assault, and pedophilia. if any of these topics are triggering for you, please take the measures you require to stay safe, and please call emergency services if you require help, and talk to someone you trust. remember: you are not alone, and there will always be people who love and care for you, but you havent yet met some of them. stay safe everyone, i love you
i cannot for the life of me remember how the last episode ended so its lucky that they have little summaries at the starts of episodes cos otherwise id have no clue whats going on
hang on, dont they still need to go to work?
i cant remember what day it is and what they were doing before cher got that phone call but still
dang it ive already had a cup of tea today but i think i need another one
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THREEZO HELLO (ft jack's luscious hair on the side there)
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okay, yeah, fair
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awhh thoop is cryinggg
bro is in desperate need of a hug
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i love deep platonic bonds
especially when its found family
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**gasp** despicable!
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hes so prettyyyy
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and hes also so prettyyyyyy
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am i crying? yes.
im crying a lot
i love threezo so much
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the grip these two have on my mental health and sanity--
have i rewatched this scene four times? yeah. do i now kinda just wanna curl into a ball and sob for a day or two? yeah. unfortunately i have to keep watching the episode
okay so its literally like six hours later now, ive tried having two naps, ive had three cups of tea today, as much medicine as i can have, and the sickness has done nothing but get worse which is just so fun but the only reason i wasnt watching abaab is bc i was trying to sleep and that's just not happening so im continuing the episode now
the commentary is gonna be very little tho btw bc im having trouble making coherent thoughts through all the conjestion clogging my brain
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the way they smile at each other is so šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹
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sorry, last week i couldnt stop talking about the freaking pomegranate i was eating, today i cant stop talking about how sick i am, ill try and shut up about it and just watch the episode lol
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idk much about the mother
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look, i hate cops and law enforcement
but i even more hate thoop's stepfather
and law enforcement, unfortunately, have a lot of power, but thats fortunate in this situation bc they can force him to shut up which is nice
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oh, wouldya look at that. i was right.
im not happy about it. its freaking horrible. and its even worse that it happens every day in every single country and state and city and suburb and yet nothing is being done about it.
um. yeah. thats all i can think of to say.
holy hell thats freaking disgusting
i hate this so much. not that they included this in the show, im really glad they included it because it's freaking disgusting and not talked about enough, especially in mainstream media and stuff. i just freaking hate that rape exists and people have to put up with it every single freaking day of their freaking lives, and NOTHING is happening to fix this freaking disgusting issue
this episode is a lot heavier than i was expecting and idk if anything im saying makes any sense because im too sick for this and the things that happened are making me even more sick
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sobbing, i cant do this, theyre too sweet
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as per usual, your hair is on fleek today, my friend
he's angry at laem, but his hair is perfection
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the perfect way to get someone to shut up: shove food in their mouth as fast as possible (im using this at some point) (also how the hell is his hair so pretty i love his hair too much. i think i always spend more time talking about jack's hair than i do talking about the actual episode)
gun's mother has such a sweet sounding voice but her words sting like poison, jeez
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side note: look at three and zo's knees pressed together gjfngjbhfgbh
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wait so. bad buddy exists as a series inside the msp universe. simm exists as a series inside the abaab universe. what's next??
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the frame changed suddenly, kluen was looking down slightly earlier and now he's looking right in nuea's eyes (yes i had to include jack's hair in the screenshot, so what?)
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side note: i love all of jack's ear piercings (and his hair) so much
(ive now used all my 30 photos for this post so you just have to deal with that. on the bright side, the final photo was of jack's beautiful face and beautiful earrings and beautiful HAIR)
i love this friend group so much, theyre all just sitting in a circle in their gaming chairs supporting cher as much as possible in their own little ways and its so sweet and so happy and gfbhbrhgb
ignore your bfs phone calls only to show up at his house with food
"promise me no matter what happens, we will fight it together" RGHBKRDFHGKRBDFHB
"(talking to himself) if your mum knows about this, she will hit you to death, cher" "know about what?" "she gave me only one heart and i gave it all to you" "youre as cheesy as i am" IM DYING WHAT THE HELL THEYRE SO SWEET
theyre so soft with each other what the hell
"i just want to hear it from your mouth-" AND CHER CUTS HIM OFF WITH THE SOFTEST KISS EVER??? (well, not ever. no one can ever kiss as softly or lovingly as freaking akk, but that's neither here nor there) THAT ONE TINY MOMENT IS GONNA PLAY IN MY HEAD FOR AGES NOW OMG
keep the pants on please guys
oh thank goodness they finished the episode before it got to that, i appreciate that
im desperately hoping that next episode will be mostly fluffy happiness bc i cant take much more of this seriousness, especially not if my sickness persists (which i really hope it doesnt, id love to be functioning this week)
um yeah. that was that. i hope you enjoyed that? sorry for all my ramblings about being sick, i just really hate being sick.
once again, i hope youre all safe and healthy, if you're not, i hope you can find a safe space and people you trust, please contact someone who can help you if you need it. i love you all, have a great week :]
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nullshocked Ā· 1 year ago
Fanfic Writers: Director's Commentary
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OKAY I WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS BIT FROM THE FIRST CHAPTER because this section underwent a few changes. I wrote this scene when I was still kind of figuring out what I wanted to do with this story and was still waffling between what my exact plans were for Prosper. (I'm kind of terrible about having vague ideas and then just writing them out and seeing where they go.)
A huge part of editing this was trying to convey that Prosper... cannot be trusted, and that anyone looking at him shouldn't trust him. And the second part of that is conveying how Jean, despite the experiences he had growing up, is still extremely naive when it comes to other people. Prosper menaces him here, but the second he flips the script and seems to offer some form of kindness, Jean latches onto it because no one in his life has ever truly offered him that before.
Also ngl River and I have been rewatching the Moon Moon show and the Kate/Prosper parallels are oof.
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And this bit immediately after, because like... Jean at this point of the story is still a kid. Like he's an adult, but still young enough for people with ill intentions to prey on. I did try really, really hard to kind of walk back some of the descriptions and feelings of the abuse he suffered, both because a) it's something Jean is actively trying to push out of his mind so he can focus on his newfound freedom and b) idk it felt heavyhanded in the first draft. This still feels maybe like too much when I look at it now, but it kind of demonstrates why Jean is willing to trust someone who objectively shouldn't be: because his point of reference for harm is so much worse than simply being menaced on the street.
Uhhh anyway yeah KJLGHSKJHSDG i'm having fun with this story thank u
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seeminglyseph Ā· 1 year ago
watching Danny Motta Anime Reactions has become a way to like. relive a bunch of anime I've watched and loved already, and maybe don't feel like rewatching alone. I'm watching his FMA: Brotherhood series right now, and it's wild watching someone experience Fulmetal Alchemist blind. I literally started the series in 2003 which is not intended as like some kind of "before it was cool" brag, because I feel like FMA hit the ground running, like I literally don't think there was ever a "before" with FMA, it was always cool and always a hit for as long as there was awareness of it. There's no way to really have that superiority because it's like... so hype that anyone who's gonna be into it kinda just needs to give it a long enough to chance to get into it and they're trapped, the only problem is that sometimes it gets so hype that people will avoid it due to the hype. Which is valid. Sometimes you can kill interest with hype harder than apathy.
Like the harder people recommend something the less you wanna watch it. that's a valid situation. It can be one of the best things in the world, but just because so many people love it can be the reason you have trouble watching it. That's been one of my main struggles watching Twin Peaks. I wanna but so many people love it so much that I just feel overwhelmed by it. (Plus it's now exclusively on Paramount+ and I feel like I should buy a box set instead and just have physical media, but I'm apathetic to spending money on it when I've been trepidatious to actually commit watching it.)
But watching FMA:B clips with the commentary of someone watching it for the first time is kinda bringing back that joy of having watched it for the first time. Even knowing Ed's VA is a creep I used be a fan of and met multiple times at conventions because I was a teen and that was a thing... That's something I can just purge from my memory because I'm watching through someone else's perspective. What early 2000s anime culture of that one voice actor being just the worst continuing for way too long? It's settled now maybe. I don't want to think about it. aaaaaaaaa
I'm going to think about Everything Else Instead. I wish I could take Romi Park from the Japanese version and everything else from the dub. I really enjoy dubs. I'm a sucker for dubs and weird localizations. I'm not sorry for that. I do think there are some things that are wrong for localizers to do, but some of the weird shit people complain about that are just quirks of dialogue or Westernization that still leaves the sub a completely valid option to turn to if you want that for the original interpretation I think is really fun. Dubs are for a Western Audience and will often have quirks and shit for a Western Audience that stays loyal in tone and subject, but adapts language usage and dialogue for a more natural feeling. "Bitches, Bros and Nonbinary hoes" is fine. I think Simulcast is hindering some of the intricacies of the localization process because it's like rush and crunch. but like... it's not "progressivisim" ruining anime. It's rush jobs and lack of research time. And maybe sometimes the fact that people have really strict views of gender that allows only for a binary of "Male or Female" so that one book about a man who expresses himself in female dress became a book about a trans woman because the localizer themselves had a strict binary view of gender roles and specifically made an error in interpretation which has caused a lot of problems based entirely on the fact that now there's a bunch of bullshit about gender roles getting argued when nobody has all the information and half the people having the argument are arguing over the actual gender queer people trying to point out that they would really rather not be the subject of your heated debate about whether femboy is a slur. like literally just be normal. We thought we were past whether it was okay for a boy to wear a dress but now suddenly that boy needs to be a girl and that's a lot of pressure and the opposite of like. what we wanted with the whole like. freedom of expression thing. that's not regressive. But that was like. One issue that got blown up way too big. Same with that one line about the Patriarchy in Dragon Maid. like.
Shit. It's a single fucking line that landed a little poorly. like. yeah it doesn't really work for the character. And some of the like. SJW stuff is a little clumsy but like... the way some people bitch about it online it's like localizers are just makin' anime all super 2012 tumblr discourse machines. But for the most part it's just... uh. Localized. Surprise. They make local references that's what localization is for. sometimes it hits, sometimes it misses. that's how it works. maybe you should watch some old ADV localizations and maybe you'll calm down. Those were fucking batshit and I loved them. Everyone talks about High School of the Dead's improbably titty physics, but what about it's fucking insane dub. "This is Dolce and Gabbana, you bitch!" or whatever that bitch's line was. Old School Dubs were wild, embrace chaos. It's fun.
Though I do prefer if they just use Japanese honorific systems. Whenever Japanese honorific systems try to get translated to something else it never works. It's a system that just doesn't translate to English well. Also sometimes with names I will give up pronunciation for sentence flow. I know that sounds blasphemous but sometimes when actors try too hard for pronunciation you can feel it like someone badly trying to shift gears in an automatic car. like they suddenly shift into a different language mid sentence and it's like... mmm should've practuced satubg tgat naturally in an English sentence a few more times because we went to a different tonal range for that one. like how if there's an English borrow word in Japanese they don't say it like an English word, they say it like a Japanese word? like... Sometimes you gotta figure out a way to work those syllables into an English sentence without breaking flow. I dunno how but it just hits like a truck when it doesn't. But that's my weird anime dub pet peeve.
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ceriseducerf Ā· 1 year ago
!!! I've rewatched the trilogy last night and now here are my thoughts
I agree with you on the whole pseudo-pack / pack thing, definitely. they hug all the time once they've grown close, they find safety within one another, and only when they are honest with each other do they feel like themselves and "find their melody". ;;; it's v adorable, actually. also the thing of them sharing a house ( sorority?? ) and then three of them a flat??? pack behaviour.
also! sure, Chloe ends up with Chicago in the end, and Emily might still be with Benji?? but Beca and Amy just return to their pack after breaking up with their boyfriends?
of course it's intercut with comedy and weirdly mean-sounding commentary, but they're very close and most of that is probably part of the genre or just their way with each other.
I do wanna have a crack at sorting them, tho you're absolutely right, it's all very flexible and whichever sorting someone likes more is valid ā™Ŗ(Ā“ā–½ļ½€)
Beca is an alpha to me. i see her as protective in her love, and she's very like "I know what's good for us, I will show you but without warning you beforehand because I know you will try and stop me", very leadership-y, knows what she wants. and obviously she gets a lot better with keeping everyone's needs in mind over the course of the trilogy.
Aubrey? sigma. she's an omega but because of her father's parenting and all, she often acts like an alpha and thinks she can find fulfilment in ordering people around ( she can't, as we see, she hates her job ). when she is with the girls and doesn't have the crushing responsibility of leadership weighing onto her, she is much more in her element. she is nurturing and doesn't want to have the leadership role.
Chloe feels like a beta to me. she provides, she tries to keep everyone well-spirited, and to keep harmony. leading only comes somewhat easy to her, and only when she has someone else with her to lead ( Audrey, then Beca ).
Amy? alpha. I don't think that's even a question. tho she could be a very untypical omega too, which would make the whole thing even funnier and interesting, story-wise. but I see her as an alpha. the yacht scene kinda sold that to me.
Emily on the other hand is a zeta to me, a beta with omega tendencies. family and the Bellas mean so much to her, she always tries to be gentle and nurturing but also keeps the group in good spirits. she's soft and understanding.
most of the others are very hard to sort since their personalities are barely shown :( but they're definitely a pack and i love them a lot ><
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artemis-pendragon Ā· 3 years ago
I love good omens. like I know y'all know but. I just really really love good omens so much
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sunnydaleherald Ā· 2 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, October 18
Oz : Don't touch her again. Veruca : Come stop me. I like it rough, remember? Oz : You wanna hurt me, hurt me. You leave her out of this. Veruca : How can I? She's the reason you're living in cages. She's blinding you. When she's gone, you'll be able to admit what you are. Oz : You don't wanna find out what I am. Veruca : You're an animal. Animals kill. Oz : You're right. (Advancing towards her.) We kill.
~~Buffy Episode #62: "Wild at Heart"~~
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the Season 2 finale of ā€˜Buffy the Vampire Slayerā€™ is not that different or dissimilar to Season 5ā€™s finale. by girl4music
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samanthaswishes Ā· 3 years ago
Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 2B (ep. 11-22)
It's been months, but the rewatches are back!
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Episodes 11-22. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
2x11 Aftershocks
This is also the first set of rewatches on Disney+, and you can't skip the recaps, so I get to watch Trip crumble to pieces TWICE in one episode. Making me cry this weekend, why don't you.
Baby Gordon! Also, this flashback scene takes place in 1983, which means it's probably not that long before Kora dies. It's crazy to look back on this scene after s7, knowing that Kora currently exists in that flashback.
Also, JIAYING!! She's still one of my favorite characters.
I want Jiaying to hug me and comfort me and tell me everything is going to be alright.
"They would be lost" as it cuts to SkyešŸ˜­
AND THERE'S the second Trip crumbling of the day.
Skye... why are you wearing shoes in bed?
Just gonna say this now, Chloe's performance in this episode is *chef's kiss*
I remember watching this episode for the first time and just being absolutely devastated we didn't have Trip anymore. I'm still devastated.
Dr. List and Von Strucker mention.
So, why was Raina going on a killing spree in the temple?
Also, I miss big sister Bobbi with the quarantine survival kit.
"I think you're a rockstar"šŸ„ŗ
"Come home, Jemma" I love this family.
Skye's heart monitor is literally going off the rails, signifying that her heart rate is dangerously high, yet no one heard or noticed?
The plan for Bakshi to "escape" is both ridiculous and hilarious.
"ThEy'Ll NeVeR tAkE uS aLiVe!"
Okay, but what would have May's version of the plan been like?
Also Bobbi just casually wheeling her motorcycle out.
Okay, I understand where Jemma is coming from and her fears surrounding it, but I feel like she shouldn't have blown up in front of Skye, who was affected by all of this. Again, I totally understand Jemma's reaction, I just feel like talking about this as an epidemic and something dangerous isn't something to be said in front of someone who is affected.
Ooh, Raina, don't call his daughter a bitch.
Cal's little happy dancešŸ˜‚
It's sad hearing Cal talk about his plan, knowing what we know about Jiaying later.
"I can't live like this" "Then don't" Damn, this got dark quick, and it's just gonna get darker.
Props to Ruth Negga for putting on amazing performances while having to deal with all those thorns.
Hunter is a better spy than the show gave him credit for. Sure, he's made pretty shitty choices, but he's pretty good at the job. He was suspicious of Bobbi and Mack the whole time.
Also, the only part that makes this season hard to watch is the whole 'Real Shield' thing and the way Bobbi and Mack are around the team, which sucks cause I love Mack and Bobbi. They're literally my favorite characters after Daisy and May.
Oh Mack, you do so much more than just 'working on Lola one day'.
Again, talking about putting Raina down in front of Skye? I understand Jemma, but there are just some things you shouldn't talk about in front of someone who was just traumatized due to the same experience as said person you want to put down.
Did anyone else notice that the music Skye is listening to on headphones is the same score used during the Ghost Rider pod in season 4?
300bpm, that's 5 beats per second. For reference, my resting heart rate at this current moment is 90bpm, which is 1.5 beats per second. Skye's heart rate at the time of the collapse was roughly 3.33 times faster than my current heart rate.
"That's inhuman" we love to see it.
Again, can we not tell Skye that something's wrong with her?
I made a post about this a while ago, but besides the fact that her powers may have just been exposed, Skye might have been nervous about the broken glass because of what happened with the crystal decanter she broke at a foster home, which she mentions in like 6 episodes.
Also, I love these soft May moments. The way she goes from comforting Skye to freaking out in a protective manner over the fact that she's bleeding.
The way Trip's mom just knewšŸ˜­
If you follow me, you know my opinions on Fitz and my disdain for him, and I don't agree with the fact that Fitz kept telling Skye to hide her powers as she could have gotten help sooner, but "You're just different now, and there's nothing wrong with that" will forever be one of my favorite lines from the show.
Raina, baby, no :(
Why couldn't we have more family moments like the end of this episode?
2x12 Who You Really Are
Welcome back, Lady Sif! I loved seeing her in Loki, and I really hope we get her back in Thor: Love and Thunder (was it ever confirmed that she was going to be in it? I can't remember).
The May and Skye sparring scene... *chef's kiss*
"I didn't want to hurt you" and then May's gesture that's just like "You think you can?"šŸ˜‚
Also, THAT transition
"Son of Coul"
In canon, how did they get that picture during 1x15?šŸ˜…
Why did they have to make the Kree's weapon look like a mallet you would beat meat with? lol.
So, now the ICERs are dangerous? I don't remember them saying dangerous for some reason, and now I feel for Skye with the after-effects after she shoots herself later in the episode.
"I can" Love that May is crushing on Thor. And just Coulson's face after she says that haha.
"i BaReLy ToUcHeD iT"
"I learned this as a child, did you not?"
Agents of SPOOF has forever ruined the scene where they find the Kree cause I can no longer watch this scene without the song "Blue" going through my head.
I love the parallel they make in s7 of Kora's gun quaking apart to Skye's in this episode, even if Kora wasn't the one causing the quakes.
I love how Sif was about to explain the concept of a key to Coulson.
Yes, Mack is a pretty boy.
The zoom in on the water glass. The way water glasses have become something of a symbol for Daisy's powers!
The way May just knew the shaking was from Skye and that something was up all along.
Love how May and Coulson don't even think twice about grabbing Skye and standing in front of her.
Why Bambino for the name of the "I know what it does" weapon?šŸ˜‚
Mack just goes from "we'll decide what she isšŸ˜ " to "TremorsšŸ¤©" and I love that.
May grabbed her and ran, and then she took a knee and got on Skye's level, just as a special someone had once told her to došŸ„ŗ
No one talks about the May and Daisy scene in this episode enough. Just the way May says "Skye" tells you everything about their relationship and how much they care.
It's there for a split second, but the way May just softly touches Skye and moves her hairšŸ˜© (I'm obviously touched starved, can't you tell? lol)
Ugh, I always hate that line from Mack given his and Daisy's amazing relationship later. You can see the regret on his face when he sees her though. Ugh, can we just move on from the painful parts, please?
2x13 One of Us
"I'm stopping them before they start" Oh, Skye, baby. If only you knew what you were doing to yourself.
May's thoughts: "Is he really asking me to contact my ex right now?"
And there he is, Dr. Andrew Garner, the husband blueprint.
Also, Andrew is a great therapist, laying down the rules for treating Skye.
Love that Lian May still likes Andrew and invites him over for dinner despite her daughter having been divorced from him for years. I mean, I would too.
This is an Andrew Garner appreciation blog.
Here's one of the one-liners we get of Daisy's past in the foster system. Never will forgive the writers for just forgetting this major part of Daisy and having the characters treat her like she didn't have this trauma as well.
Also love how even Andrew grew a soft spot for Skye/Daisy as time went on.
"I'm not suicidal" UGHHHHH SEASON 2 WHY YOU GOTTA DO ME LIKE THIS. SEASON 4 IS COMING UGHHHHHH. Glad they care for her this season. You will hear from me more on this when we get to s4a cause I have A LOT to say about how they treated Daisy.
Did we ever establish EXACTLY was the photo on Andrew's desk?
Love how we found out that May can't cook and just ran with it in fanficsšŸ˜…
Fitzsimmons gossiping about May and Andrew is such a mood.
"You need backup" "I need backup"
That kid filming with his iPhone is the only realistic thing in this show.
Mack, imma have to disagree with you on that. I actually like pineapple on pizza.
As much as I absolutely love the 'May and Coulson are Daisy's adoptive parents' fics, where are all the 'May and Andrew are Daisy's adoptive parents' fics? Cause the way Skye talked to them, convincing them to let her go, just gave me 'daughter talking to her parents' vibes.
Skye's shaking can be because she's scared and it works, but given that you can see everyone's breath, it was probably, no doubt, freezing cold when they filmed the football field fight.
I totally forgot Bobbi was hiding under the bleachers. That made me laughšŸ˜‚
THATšŸ‘šŸ¼ MAYšŸ‘šŸ¼ POWERšŸ‘šŸ¼ WALKšŸ‘šŸ¼
Again, I JUST WANT TO HOLD BABY SKYE. She's over here watching the people she cares about the most destroy people who are gifted just like her.
Can we talk about the May and Coulson Worried Parentā„¢ running?
"We're as close to a family as Skye has"šŸ„ŗ
2x14 Love in the Time of Hydra
You know, I really liked this stretch of episodes without Ward. Now, he's back. Gross.
I also just feel really bad for Kara
Look at that, the only time the MCU actually might have looked at Bruce's mental health and how he might actually not want the Hulk. Did we all just forget about how he said he tried to kill himself in The Avengers?
Not Fitz talking about being glad that certain people don't have choices the better themselves.
Watching May and Coulson talk about taking Skye out of the picture so she can better control her powers, knowing that something is up with Bobbi and Mack, is really neat. They were always thinking ahead.
"Off to see the wizard"
There are so many parts of this episode, I honestly have no idea what's going on lol.
The team canonically had karaoke nights.
The whole 'Real Shield' thing is so frustrating. Like, I understand some aspects of what they are saying, even Coulson later agreed, but their execution is just terrible.
Wait, so Jemma knew that there were going to be repercussions of the casts she made for Skye?
Thinking about all the flashbacks Skye was having when Coulson told her to "pack a bag"šŸ„ŗ You can just see it in the way her face totally drops and the shaky breath she takes.
I will never get over May's voice coming out of Skye's mouth. This whole scene is just weird and creepyšŸ˜£
I'm just tired of Ward justifying everything he's done wrong on his past when Daisy had gone through a rough upbringing as well, and she came out the most selfless person ever. She didn't become a little murderer.
"You seem so well adjusted" EXCUSE ME. DID YOU JUST SAY THAT ABOUT WARD???
Not gonna lie, Ward and Kara breaking into Talbot's base does make me laugh. It's just so chaotic.
Talbot's soldiers have to go through so much hahašŸ˜…
"If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is a spy in my house" and the cut to Mack OMG.
Does Mack really think he can outsmart THE Melinda May?
Kara punching Bakshi was very satisfying.
At the time of rewatching this episode, I had rewatched (again) all of season 1 and prior episodes of season 2 (just so it says I watched them on Disney+), but I never noticed in 2x02 how Coulson told Hunter that there were people he trusted that vouched for him and that 'people' was Bobbi.
Not the edible arrangementsšŸ˜‚
Again, feel so sorry for Kara.
2x15 One Door Opens
I wish we got more Hartley before she died.
"The path we've chosen, makes you forget your lines sometimes" is one of my favorite bloopers.
Gotta hand it to Coulson's quick thinking.
Love how Bobbi knew it was safer to just break through glass than to voluntarily fight May.
Also, May and Bobbi fight... *chef's kiss*
When did Bobbi and/or Mack have the time to put a monitor in a fire extinguisher that's out in the open?
I don't understand the logistics of the casts. Like, I know it suppresses the powers, but like, what makes it so Skye feels woozy? Like, that should have been something to note.
As someone who hates horror movies, the very not-that-scary horror-esc scene/buildup did kinda scare me the first time I watched haha.
If I opened my front door, and some guy like Gordan was standing there, I would have screamed and shut the door right then and there.
Gordan is aware of exactly who Skye is, right? I wonder if he knew her during the few months before Whitehall. I mean, he had known Jiaying since at least 1983, and she wasn't born until 1988.
Also, I wonder if Gordan ever thought about Kora during those moments with Skye, a girl who was scared of herself and didn't have an idea of how to control her abilities.
They don't want secrets, but they're willing to break into a base, potentially hurting a lot of people? Again, Real Shield frustrates me.
Skye discovering new aspects of her powers will always be my favorite part of the episode.
Fitz and Simmons holding hands and being there for each other after Real Shield invades is sweet.
And people don't understand why Skye wanted to stay at Afterlife more than Shield. May wasn't able to finish, so Skye believed all of Shield was after her. Then, of course, she was chased through the woods and shot at.
May is the dictionary picture of loyalty.
Why is Coulson being sent down that elevator so funny?šŸ˜…
Damn, I really hate Calderon.
Again, Skye only attacked to protect herself. SHIELD ATTACKED FIRST.
Love how much Bobbi still cares about Skye. The scream of her name was pure terror for her.
And there's the quake shield! Shame we only see her use her powers like that again in the series finale.
So, does Skye just not remember arriving at Afterlife? Did she like pass out as soon as she and Gordon got there?
2x16 Afterlife
Thank you Coulson for icing that guy cause that actor (the car salesman) is a pedophile (I know this cause he was the dad/grandfather on Andi Mack and they had to cut him out of the show)
What was the point of having Skye in two pieces of cloth?
And there's Mr. Battery Pack Lincoln Campbell.
Thank you Bobbi for defending Skye.
How would you have been invited IF COULSON DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOU?
So Jemma and Fitz made their plan pretty early on given that Jemma didn't have much of a reaction about Fitz "packing his things"
"I lost her"šŸ˜­
The little foreshadowing to the following episode with Bahrain!
Hunter waking up like that is a mood.
Hunter is a whole mood this whole episode actually.
So, those shield agents were there with the battering ram for an hour? I'd give up after like five minutes.
After season 3, I know that Daisy and Lincoln weren't ready for the relationship they could have had at the time, but I will admit that they're cute. He's the one who convinced her that her powers could be a good thing. It's nice to see someone caring about her.
You mention Trip, and I will start crying.
Skye knows there's a connection between her and Jiaying.
Is Lincoln aware of the relationship?
That scene hurt knowing that Jiaying lost Daisy, but watching this after s7 and knowing she's also hurting because of Kora, it hurts even more. UGHHHH WHY DOES THIS SHOW MAKE ME FEEL FEELINGS.
Hunter just wants to go to Mexico.
2x17 Melinda
May and Andrew were such a good-looking couple.
"Best Security System in the World" yes she is.
Thinking about how Coulson wanted to bring May onto the Avengers Initiative with him.
Okay, but how cool/emotional/sad would it have been if we got a young Eva Belyakov in season 7 when they went to Afterlife?
The fact that Skye is still trying to justify SHIELD and blame herself when Jiaying is trying to make her see that she had every right to fire back IN DEFENSE. And people wonder why Skye """turned""" on SHIELD.
The Quake theme when she causes the avalanche. Ugh, I will never not get emotional when I hear that theme.
May's smile when she first sees KatyašŸ˜­ WHY DOES THIS EPISODE HAVE TO HURT!!
I really feel bad for Raina.
The water glasses is making me season 7 emotional. (7x10, why did you have to be so sad???)
Another reason I love this episode aside from the Bahrain backstory is that it actually touches upon Daisy's trauma with foster care and abandonment and actually acknowledges what it has done to her character instead of ignoring it and treating her like shit.
"I tried some of the scotch too."
*26 Skye. You're 26. (Though Chloe I'm pretty sure was only 22 or 23 when filming this episode)
"You were born on July 2nd." And I'm going to go cry now.
Dichen and Chloe's acting and emotion in this scene is just phenomenal!!
"I was too afraid to hope"
Why did the universe allow people to hurt Jiaying and Daisy?
"Shield is not authorized for any action" *one second later* "Go"
"Bio always works" foreshadowing for 4x14!
The whole "Get down on her level or grab her and run like hell" scene is so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, and seeing this happen in 2x12, ugh I really love this show.
"Do good Melinda, but come home"
I know I haven't said too much on the Bahrain flashback, but I'm just so invested in it. Seeing the famous backstory of May come to fruition... it's all so amazing and painful all at the same time.
I always have and always will love May, and I understand May being upset that Coulson was keeping secrets from her, like seeing Andrew for counseling about the alien writing, but I feel like she was a little too harsh with him given the secrets she kept from him last season. I know that was for his own protection, but still. Again, I still feel like May has every right to be upset. Just the way she went about it just felt like an uncalled for reverse of last season. Just my opinion.
Were they trying to have some sort of romance thing between Gordan and Raina? I don't know... the whole "I can take you to amazing places" just gave me that vibe.
The connection between Jiaying and Bahrain is so chilling every single time.
AND THE KATYA REVEAL. There are so many moments from the show I want to watch for the first time again, and that is one of them. The realization for the audience and both May on what has to be done. Again, CHILLING.
I'm a more casual Philinda shipper, but I still love their friendship so much. The way Coulson ignored the Bahrainian forces and pushed past them when he heard the gunshot and went in for May. You can just see that friendship so clearly.
"The Calvary went in after all"
"Let the girl go" CRYING
If I'm remembering correctly, Daisy must have been AT LEAST over six months old when she was dropped off at the orphanage. I'm pretty sure she was more. A six month old is very different from a newborn baby. How did they mess up her age by A WHOLE YEAR??
"He is a monster" "He was good once" THE FACT THAT THIS ALSO APPLIES TO JIAYING!! I feel so bad for her. Jiaying deserved better.
AND RAINA IS THE TRUE CLAIRVOYANT *cue the That's So Raina clip from Agents of SPOOF*
Way to go, Hunter. You've made it to Mexico!
I don't think I said this last episode, but I loved the Coulson-Hunter teamup.
2x18 Frenemy of My Enemy
The way Hunter is just avoiding eye contact with Fitz when Ward is mentioned lol.
Sad watching Cal like this, knowing Jiaying wants to send him away.
Again, was Lincoln aware of the relationship between Skye and Jiaying prior to this?
The Bobbi and Mack sparring scene is pretty cool too.
The "Simmons, what did you do" had May giving a hard Mom Faceā„¢
"Hey, babyšŸ˜" "Hey, sweetiešŸ˜ƒ"
That little interaction between Kara and Mike is so funny to me for some reason.
The whole Coulson wanting to use TAHITI on Ward still confuses me. Like yeah, Ward won't remember he was bad, but what about him being wanted?? Did Coulson have a plan for that?
I understand Jiaying has reservations against Raina, and rightfully so, cause of what she knows from Cal and Skye, but it still rubs me weird that she is questioning the existence of her gift knowing that anyone can be the first of their kind like Gordon.
From this point forward, the rest of the points are written like a month later cause school sucks, but itā€™s summer vacation now, so I have time finally!
So have Kara and Ward just been planning revenge on Bobbi for like a while or something?
So have Kara and Ward just been planning revenge on Bobbi for like a while or something?
Yes, Ward. That house is your last.
We love Mike cock-blocking them cause... gross.
I love Cal. Just want to say that again.
I want more of Cal and Jiaying's love story. But then again, it'll probably make the whole thing even more sad than it already is and make me cry even harder.
Also funny how Skye was going to be brought up in the same state Coulson was born in.
I sort of kinda like Fitz and Simmons relationship in these later episodes of season 2 and the trust they are willing to put into each other.
Cal wanted Skye to go to a charter school. Fun fact: I attended a charter school. Honestly, don't know what makes a chater school a charter school, but to me, my school was if you mixed a private school and public school and it was K-12. We wore uniforms, but there wasn't a tuition and it was opened to the public. You just had to be put onto a waiting list and you got in by lottery. I got in in 5th grade and graduated high school from there in 2019.
This scene reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean scene for some reason.
So, no one saw Mike's gun come out and go back in?
Cal complaining about capitalism is a mood.
ā€œI'm kidding... sort of" about the liquor.
Skye's pickpocketing skills!!!!
Skye got the neopolatin ice cream sandwich. Love that for her.
See Lincoln, you could be a spy.
Hunter referring quantum entaglement as torture has the same energy as Scott Lang thinking of quantum entaglement as something sexual.
And the soft Quake theme when she says her name for the very first timešŸ˜­
The hula danceršŸ„ŗ
I find it weird that Cal wanted to show the tools used to put Jiaying together. It might just be me, but I would be creeped out.
Does Lincoln have any previous fighting experience? Cause he acts fast and knows what to do with his powers.
Also, despite everything, Skye still has faith in SHIELD and knows its Hydra.
It's cliche, but Skye falling on top of Lincoln is kinda cute.
Lincoln's face of recognition when trying to eletrocute MikešŸ˜‚
ā€œSure, and I'm the Hulk"
Ward is still obsessed with Skye if he willingly followed Coulson like that.
I'd be a little pissed if I saw someone I trusted with Ward too, not gonna lie.
The way Skye was going to reunite with Coulson before Gordon got heršŸ„ŗ
SHIELD was that slow to get there?
Take me to your leader"
2x19 The Dirty Half Dozen
Excited for this one. One of my favorite episodes from this season.
Jiaying has such a maternal feel to her, which I love, but I always find it funny when she comforts Raina knowing that Ruth Negga is actually older than Dichen Lachman (only by like a month though).
I understand Jiaying's anger towards Cal after he revealed Skye's identity and relation to her when she had wanted that hidden.
Were there always those bright lights in the Cage? Cause it was always dark in there.
ā€œI like seeing my Bus" I just remembered this is the last episode with the Bus, which continues to be my favorite SHIELD base/aircraft.
User-Friendly Calā„¢
I totally understand Jiaying's fears, but there are also the "never leave a man behind" values that Skye has.
So Mike and Lincoln are in the same cells that Wanda and Pietro were in, right? At least the same facility.
Love Mike's sarcasm.
Having to say "Hail Hydra" after every phone call must be annoying.
Coulson translation: "I'm taking my og team cause I love them and they're mine. Except for Ward, he's more of an inconvenience, but I need to use him"
There are windows other than the cockpit of the quinjet?
Don't worry Hunter, I'd be nauseous looking at Ward and Kara together.
Can May beat the shit out of Ward again? Please.
My Teamā„¢
I realized I haven't said much about Gonzalez. Is there even much to say?
I don't know if Coulson really had to tell May about seeing Andrew. Yeah, it hits a more personal nerve, I get that, and May can be upset, but I understand Coulson not wanting to discuss his own medical records.
Don't like Gonzalez saying the agents going on the mission are worth the risk, saying that they are more expendable than Bobbi. Bobbi's not expendable either, but I think you get what I'm saying.
Jemma's first question being "Are you making friends?"šŸ„ŗ
I love the entire team death staring Ward.
ā€œI'm still happy I shot you" ME TOO.
Jemma, Fitz, AND MAY agreeing with Skye is a whole mood.
ā€œWard, just no more talking to people" Yes, please shut him up.
That little comment about needles was all Kara needed from Bobbi.
Thinking about how they all had to pack their belongings from the Bus aka Skye's first real home.
And goodbye Bus. You were a great part of the show, and I will forever miss you.
ā€œReally starting to wish I hadn't eaten that Hot Pocket earlier" is such a random line and I love it.
Also thinking about all the chaos the cast had while filming this scene. Between Chloe and Clark with the fart machine and Brett doing a little too much when they were "falling", I just love these cast moments.
Also an appreciation for Ponytail May.
Ward's confusion with Skye's powers will always be funny to me though.
ā€œSo that's what happened in Puerto Rico."
I also always think about how StaticQuake was a little interesting and weird for Chloe as she has a younger brother who is actually named Lincoln.
Ward's confusion and sass are enjoyable in this episode. A little. Only a little. Like a smidge.
Chloe deserves all the recognition for that fight scene, especially since she broke her arm during it.
ā€œEither come with me now or you're next" "Okay, after you" Always listen to Melinda May.
Bobbi and Mack's happiness when the mission is a success is nice though.
Episodes like this make me wish I had watched the show when it was live.
2x20 Scars
Call your sister" sticky note, LT FORESHADOWING
Glad to know SHIELD was the "friends" mentioned in Age of Ultron. I guess that's the only time the movies ever mentioned the show.
Thank you Bobbi for defending Coulson
Also, like how Coulson was able to see some of the errors that 'Real SHIELD' was right about.
Skye staying with Lincoln is giving major Sousa staying with Daisy vibes.
I wonder if the man's son Raina talked about eventually did go through the mist. I mean, he must have if Raina saw it. I'm just wondering when.
Oh yeah, this is the episode that introduced the monolith, that damn thing.
Okay, but why did SHIELD decide to keep the monolith from Hydra instead of, you know, destroying it.
People always are harsh towards Skye for siding with the inhumans for a bit there and uses it as an excuse to hate on her, but the way May and Coulson are already taking about the inhumans, asking "are they people" could give Skye the impression of what they may view her as. They kinda throw away her connection to the people and not listen to her when she tries to explain why she trusts them. Honestly, Skye has no reason to trust SHIELD right now as they chased her through the woods not too long ago.
I don't agree with Skye throwing Bahrain at May like that as she knows the trauma May has with it, but people also use it as another excuse to hate on Skye. May was egging her on, telling her the inhumans were dangerous. Yes, they were scared of the monolith. Another example of no one listening to Skye. Again, I don't think Skye should have thrown that at May, but I don't exactly use it against her overall character when May and Coulson were putting all that onto Skye.
Here they go with the Indexing. This is the part I don't agree with Coulson one bit. Indexing those with powers is a violation, and the show itself shows why it's a bad thing during season 4 with the Sokovia Accords.
ā€œI miss my plane" ME TOO
ā€œOne of the greatest threats SHIELD has ever faced" You mean the innocent people who want nothing to do with you? and not, you know, THE NAZI ORGANIZATION THAT WAS IN YOUR ORGANIZATION FOR THE LAST 70 YEARS!?!?
I'm always indecisive if Gonzalez going in instead of Coulson was a good idea. Coulson is too close to the situation with Skye, but Gonzalez's views of these people are all wrong.
That "May" and Bobbi leaving scene was way too quick that the signs weren't there and may for an interesting reveal.
And here's Mack's first attempt at quitting. Wait til he finds out he's Director in 2019.
Mack joined SHIELD in 2002 (13 years prior to 2015).
ā€œMy people would never blindly follow me into a war" Until you start one...
ā€œIt's me who's changed" THIS LINE HURTS SO BAD
ā€œI think we've been spending too much time together"
And the confusion of two Mays begins.
How did they even get the coordinates with Afterlife? It was because they were watching Gordon, right?
Fun fact for those who may not know, the actress who played Alisha (the multiplier), Alicia Vela-Bailey, is also the stunt double for Bobbi and her husband (I don't know his name) was the stunt double for Ward, so the fight between them in the finale is essentially a husband and wife fight.
ā€œI was always excited to meet you" AWWWWW
I love May, she's my favorite after Daisy, but her totally disregarding the fact that Gonzalez did in fact send agents to contain and possibly kill Skye rubs me the wrong way. Does that count as gaslighting? Another reason Skye was more inclined to side with the inhuman than SHIELD.
ā€œI hope your mother was everything you wanted her to be" always hits me, especially when Daisy brings it back in 7x10.
The turn with Jiaying almost feels sudden, but the episodes leading up have small clues. Also, she's right. Her scars from Hydra are much deeper and painful than Gonzalez's.
There's a certain type of feeling hearing Jiaying, a victim, quote Whitehall, her absuer. It's creepy, but you know shit is about to go down.
I see so many reactors and podcasters call Skye stupid for siding with the inhumans, but from her side, it looks like SHIELD shot at Jiaying. She had no way of knowing. Given SHIELD's record at this point, I'd probably have the same reaction.
2x21 S.O.S. Part 1
Lincoln's little slide to Jiaying is funny to me. I don't know why.
I'll never understand Jiaying's order for the inhumans to fire on themselves. That is literally getting your people hurt.
And now the blame for "SHIELD" hurting the inhumans is all put on Skye. Someone please just tell this girl that none of this is her fault.
And a SHIELD agent literally shot an inhuman right in front of Skye. People really need to stop saying Skye chose wrong. She has no reason to believe SHIELD.
Small Ruben Mackenzie mention
May waking up from being unconscious with Cal singing is so funny for no reason. She is just immediately like "WTF??"
Coulson is the only one considering that Skye doesn't have the full story and understands why she's acting the way she is.
And the true purpose of Jiaying's power is revealed, and it is quite terrifying.
To be fair, Skye chose based on how people have been treating her.
ā€œGenerosity of others" Not sure that guy was willing to give up his life.
Surprised Jiaying didn't have much of a reaction to hearing her daughter had been shot before. She was literally on the verge of death.
ā€œWhen I find him, I'm going to kill him" Yes, please do, May.
As someone who hates needles, Ward putting those needles in Bobbi's fingers always makes me feel sick.
ā€œIt's her usefulness" Don't really like Skye's value being her use.
ā€œThere's always someone else to blame" And there's Ward's entire character arc cause he can never take responsibility for his own morals and actions.
Bye Bye Raina. You were a fun and interesting character.
Also, Jiaying, say bye to your daughter cause you just lost her trust.
This was the one time (I think) that Jiaying called her Daisy by her birth name in front of her.
Why Spain, Ward?
To be fair, Ward, May chose you, not Coulson.
The knee break always gets mešŸ˜¬
I've said it before, but Skye's family story is so sad I feel so sorry for all of them.
And here, we start the great Daisy and Mack friendship/sibling-ship that becomes one of my favorite platonic relationships in the whole show.
How many multiples can Alisha make at once? Cause she makes three right now.
Mack is such a badass I love him.
Monster Cal is hilarious.
This SHIELD team just loves to run their cars into people, don't they?
2x22 S.O.S. Part 2
That damn battering ram.
Poor Cal. He just wanted his family back together.
I'm about to theorize about Jiaying's power. We know she can drain life, but then season 7 comes around, and it is implied that she can give life to heal others. So basically, is Jiaying like a holder for life? Like a container? She can drain life, but she hangs onto it, causing her to not age, until she is needed to heal someone else? Just a thought.
ā€œJust you and me, Tremors" MY HEART!!!!!
ā€œNot the skills I'm looking for" Glad someone remembers Skye's root abilities.
Thank you, Lincoln, for finally questioning Jiaying's intentions.
Ginger Ninjasā„¢
I know how this episode ends, but Hunter slowly opening doors still makes me nervous.
Kara, do you really think you can outsmart Melinda May?
It's always small moments of May's expression going really soft that really show you how much she cares about her team. I love that she shows her love for them through her actions, but these small moments are really nice too.
I wanna know more about specialists like May's medical ability as May seemed to tend to Bobbi on the way back to base. Obviously, I feel like CPR is must from all agents, but like, to what extent at Operations were they taught medical treatments?
ā€œI just wanted to hear your voice" MAY AND ANDREW WERE SO SWEETšŸ˜­
ā€œDo good Melinda, then get home safe." UGGHHHH MY HEART
Bobbi and Hunter's relationship making everyone question their love lives.
Also, I feel for Jemma. I always felt like her wanting to talk to Fitz felt like she was forced to by herself. Like she felt like it was something she had to do since their friendship would never be the same, so might as well try the love thing out. That's just how I felt about it.
Jiaying is such a great character. I constantly feel sorry for what has happened to her and who she eventually became.
ā€œI'm the guy who kills Gordon" YES
Never mind, Jiayings says "Daisy" to Daisy at least one more time.
ā€œHiya Honey"šŸ˜€
I don't like Jiaying throwing that back at Cal. He is trying to protect Daisy. At this point, he's protecting her from you.
ā€œTrust me, you will miss"
Skye really did hold her own really well against the Ginger Ninjas.
Jiaying actually is right in the situation, but, like she said in 7x10, she went about it all wrong. The inhumans did simply need protection cause the world wasn't ready for them.
First time watching, I knew the moment Jiaying put her hand on Skye's face what was going to happen.
Jiaying calling her children her true gifts, but then turning around and betraying her own daughter.šŸ˜­
QUAKE THEME (yes, I will say it time everytime it's there)
ā€œWe're not bad, we're misled" Another reason they shouldn't need the Index.
That stabbing sound is a heart attack waiting to happen. Was actually scared for Fitz when I watched it the first time.
Also goodbye Coulson's Left Handā„¢
Again, Johnson Family story is just so sad and heartbreaking. Feel sorry for Daisy, Cal, and Jiaying for everything that has happened to them.
AOS Don't Kill Jiaying By Snapping Her Spine Challenge is clearly a fail.
Prints for Zephyr 1!
I wanna see Bobbi on morphine.
I want someone to watch over me the way SHIELD men watch over their loved ones when they're hurt.
What does Bobbi actually mean when she says "I can't do this anymore"
ā€œCutting off my hand without asking"
Was Mack being in charge of alien artifacts ever said again after the finale?
Who had Andrew recruited for the Secret Warriors at this point? File seems big.
ā€œI imagined you perfect, and you're way more interesting than that" Wish my parents thought the same thing about me. I'm just projecting now.
SHIELD should have adopted an agency dog from Cal's practice.
I love her.
If it's just Daisy, how come the file is big and Andrew said he already had names.
Daisy is worthy of touching and DRIVING Lola!
Would just like to mention, Seasons 4 and 7 might be the most enjoyable seasons for me to watch, but season 2 will always have a special place in my heart. Not just cause Daisy is my favorite character, but being Half-Asian myself, seeing a Half-Asian character like Daisy discover herself and really dive deep into her heritage is something thatā€™s just so special to me. I could go on and on how Daisy has made me feel seen and made me want to connect more with my Filipino heritage, but there just arenā€™t enough words to describe it. Just wanted to leave this here about why I love season 2 so much.
19 notes Ā· View notes
bustyasianbeautiespod Ā· 3 years ago
Episode 21 Transcript: You're Not Becoming a JDM Fucker and Sucker
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello, my name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast, where I, someone who has seen this show several times...
C: And I, someone who only knows the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian!
G: So for today's episode, we will be discussing Season 1, Episode 21: "Salvation," written by Sera Gamble and Raelle Tucker, directed by Robert Singer. Hi, Robert Singer! [laughs]
C: When do Sera and Raelle break up? Because I feel like future Sera Gamble episodes are just her, right?
G: Yeah. Let's see. Let's look up Raelle Tucker.
C: Oh, okay, I think Raelle Tucker left at the end of [together] season 2.
Yeah, I don't know if that helped or worsened the quality of Sera Gamble's writing.
G: Yeah, we'll figure it out when [overlapping] we get to it.
G: Before everything, I just wanna remind everyone that we are gonna be doing a Q&A. The deadline for submission of questions is April 2, 23:59 Eastern Time. And we will be accepting questions through all our social medias. Extra details about this, you can find at the description of the podcast and in our socials. So yeah, send us questions!
Okay, so before going in, Crystal, what did you know about this episode?
C: I know generally what happens in the finale of season 1 but not really how it is separated by episode, but I did know that they were gonna go to a city or town called Salvation where people are being killed like Mary was, and I knew that we were going to see Meg and her brother or something. And then everything else I know I think is gonna happen next week, including Johnazazel for realsies [laughs] and a car crash.
G: That's for next week, though. This week, we have a pretty boring episode. [laughs] Sorry, Sera Gamble and Raelle Tucker, but this episode kind of sucks. We'll get to it.
Okay, so for "The Road So Far." Oh my god! [laughs] It's "Carry On, My Wayward Son"!
C: It is.
G: I have such a relationship with this song, because, you know, like, growing up a Supernatural fan, this song is inescapable, like, just in my psyche, it's always playing. [laughs] No, I mean like, in the show it's inescapable. But hearing it for the first time really again, for the first time in this rewatch, really is so much fun. It's like, "Oh, throwback to when this wasn't a thing thing because they haven't played it in the finale finale"-
C: Oh, god.
G: But it becomes one. It's interesting that they played this song in the- in episode 21 instead of 22.
C: Right. Because there is no peace, and we are not done.
G: Yeah, no, but also - did you know that they play this every season finale?
C: It- doesn't it happen at the beginning of every season, with the, like, "here's what's been happening"?
G: No, no, at the season finale of every season, they play this.
C: Oh, well, that's kind of boring.
G: Yeah. [laughs] Except for season 15, for some fucking reason- ugh. We'll get into it.
C: In 3 years.
G: They do "Carry On, My Wayward Son" this episode, and the editing is actually pretty good! Like, it's so much fun. I listed down the parts that I like. So I really like the part where it's going "just to get a glimpse behind this illusion," and then the beat is on time with Sam and Dean hugging John. I was like, "Cool!"
C: [laughs] We are such AMV-makers. [both laugh]
G: I also really like the part where the lyrics go, "I hear the voices when I'm dreaming, I can hear them say," and then it's Sam having visions and dreaming about Jess dying. I was like, "Yes! Yes." [laughs] I had so much fun. I watched it two times.
C: I like that it ended on "don't you cry no more" with Sam sort of holding back tears.
G: Yeah! It's a good "Road So Far." That's like, the best the episode gets. [both laugh]
C: It's not that bad!
G: I know, but like, I'm just a bit disappointed because like, I told you the other recording that, like, the next few episodes are all gonna be good, and then you didn't like "Provenance," and now I don't really like this one that much, so I'm a bit disappointed that it's not as good as I hoped. But yeah, let's start with the actual episode.
G: We start in Blue Earth, Minnesota.
C: Which is a great name for a town.
G: We see a man of the cloth, I guess. I don't know what to call it, like, is it a priest?
C: Well, they call him Pastor Jim, so I'm assuming he's a pastor.
G: Yeah. We'll call him "pastor." But like, he's wearing the priest outfit. Do pastors wear the priest outfit as well?
C: I am not familiar with Christianity.
G: Yeah. Like, I looked it up, and apparently there are people who are called pastors in the Catholic circle. But in the Philippines, when we say "pastor," it's for non-Catholics, so like, I suppose he is non-Catholic? Maybe. I don't know. [laughs] Anyway, that doesn't matter. We see a guy who is, you know, wearing a holy man outfit [C laughs], and he's flipping through the Bible, when suddenly, wind starts blowing and Meg enters the church.
The man asks what she's here for, and Meg says, "I've done some things. Not good things." And the man reassures her that it's okay, there's salvation for everyone, especially sinners. He asks her to say what's on her mind, and Meg says, "I've lied. Stolen. Lusted. And just the other day, I met a nice guy. We had a really good chat. And then I slit his throat and ripped his heart out from his chest."
C: God bless.
G: Her eyes turn black, and she continues, "Does that make me a bad person?" [laughs] Okay. [laughs] Go, Meg!
C: That's the best that this episode gets, is what I think.
G: Go, Meg! And the man, obviously alarmed, says, "I know who you are. You can't be here. This is hallowed ground." And Meg says, "That may work with minor leagues, but not with me." So the guy starts running, and we see him lock a door and go to his array of guns and other weapons. Meg kicks down the door [laughing] in a scene that reminded me of-
C: - is in a lot of AMVs.
G: No, actually, it reminded me of-
C: Oh, the Candace- the Candace meme?
G: No!
C: Then what?
G: [laughing] Stop interrupting me.
C: [laughing] Sorry!
G: It reminded me- it reminded me of that scene of demon Dean kicking down a door, and that is used-
C: Is it because of the Anastasia TikTok?
G: Yes! [C starts laughing] Because it's used by Anastasia Jane a lot. If you don't know what we're talking about, go on TikTok right now and look up and look up Anastasia Jane.
C: Do not go on TikTok right now.
G: She is an icon!
C: And do not go to tiktok.com/@anastasia.jane.
G: She is an icon! I love her work so much. [C starts laughing] Anastasia Jane, if you're listening to this podcast, I'm a big fan of your work.
C: [laughing] Anastasia Jane would not listen to this podcast because we actively want the actor men to die, and she actively wants them inside of her. [both laugh]
G: I really like the one where "GUY.exe" is playing and she's objectifying Cas. I love that- I love that one so much.
C: Yes, in the laundry room, yes.
G: Yes. [laughs] Anyway.
The man picks up a knife and throws it in Meg's direction, and she catches it, and says, "You throw like a girl." [laughs] Misogyny point for Meg.
C: What was the point of that? Literally what was the point of that?
G: I mean- No, I mean like, I get it. She's taunting him, right?
C: Yeah, but it's just- I don't know. It's- okay 'cause like, Meg is a villain this season, but very clearly a gendered villain in the way that she like, sexualizes the boys, etc. So like, was this- I know that this was supposed to be funny, but I guess, this was also like, her, like, hashtag "not like other girls" moment?
G: Yeah. I see what you mean.
C: Right, it's like- yeah, she's like, "I'm evil and cool and I hate women, so that's why I'm a main character."
G: She is not like any other girl to me. [both laugh]
C: I mean, same here, but it means something different. [both laugh]
C: Okay, also, something I do not get- Okay, this is a pastor, right? You're telling me this guy doesn't know a fucking exorcism? A single one?
G: Isn't- that's like, a specialization. Exorcism is not something any pastor or priest can do.
C: Okay, but like, he knows about demons, he is a hunter of sorts.
G: Oh yeah, that's true. Like, Sam can do it.
C: Yeah, if Sam can do it, then Pastor Jim should know his way around some Latin.
G: Meg asks Pastor Jim if he knows where the Winchesters are at, and he says he hasn't spoken to John Winchester in a year, and even if he knew where they were, he'd never tell Meg. Meg says, "I know," and slits his throat. And he dies.
C: Go Meg!
G: I really like that like, her intention here wasn't to get information out of Pastor Jim, but it was to kill him to basically taunt the Winchesters, like-
C: 'Cause in "Shadow," right, she kills two people for like, no particular reason, except to get John over here, and she has her whole like, "baby, I've killed a lot more for a lot less" line. Like, here she is killing a lot more for a lot less. Go Meg!
C: We get to a motel room, which is covered in research that John has done on the yellow-eyed demon, since we don't know his name yet. And he's sitting there with Sam and Dean. He says that there's been no trace of the demon until last year, and as soon as he picked up the trail, he took off. And basically, this demon goes after families, burns their houses to the ground, specifically on the night of an infant in the house's six-month birthday. Sam asks, "I was six months old that night?" and John says, "Exactly six months." And Sam says, "So, basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason, the same way it came for me." And then he starts tearing up a bit, and he goes, "So Mom's death. Jessica. It's all because of me." Sammy! Aww. God, because he feared this in- "Nightmare"? Is that what the name was?
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah, yeah, he feared this in "Nightmare," and Dean was like, "No, it's not about you," blah blah blah, but like, nah. It's about him. Sorry, Sammy.
G: It is about him.
C: Yeah. He and Dean start getting into an argument, where Dean says, "We don't know that it's your fault," and Sam says that it's his fault- it's not his fault, but it is his problem. And Dean says, "No, it's not your problem, it's our problem." John breaks up the fight-
G: I wrote in my notes, "A screaming match at the beginning of the episode? This is why John left, you guys." [both laughing] Like, I also was irritated that they were screaming at each other at the beginning of the episode? Like, wait until the second half.
C: Yeah, where's the buildup?
G: Yeah!
C: Where's the buildup? I don't get it. It's- yeah, no, exactly. You know that Tweet that's like, "Why are we always so hard on deadbeat dads. What if the kids just had bad vibes?" [both laugh]
G: Exactly. Sam and Dean literally just had bad vibes.
C: [overlapping] Literally what if Sam and Dean just had bad vibes.
They- so John tells them that there are signs before a house burns down. There are like, cattle deaths and electrical storms. Why do you think there are cattle deaths and electrical storms? Is Azazel just a drama queen?
G: I don't know. What is an electric storm?
C: I don't even know. Like, is that just like a thunderstorm, like with lightning?
G: [laughing] I-
C: [laughing] I don't know!
G: I- the cattle death, that's like- that's like, a bad omen, right? Like, traditionally, that's a bad omen. So I think it's less that the demons are causing it like, they're eating the cattle, but more like, the ground around them is suffering because they're such evil spirits.
C: Yeah. That makes sense. That's kind of cool.
And apparently all these bad omens happened a week before Mary died in Lawrence and a week before Jessica died in Palo Alto. And they're starting again in Salvation, Iowa.
G: And I love that the name of the ep is "Salvation" because it takes place in Salvation, Iowa? Like- [both laugh] I'm sure- I'm sure like, if you look into it there's gonna be a deeper meaning or whatever the fuck. Do do you think there is, or is it really just because it's Salvation, Iowa.
C: Well, they mention salvation in the Meg opening scene too, right?
G: Yes, they do.
C: - where Pastor Jim says there's salvation for everyone, so I- okay, I think that Sera Gamble and Raelle Tucker thought that they were being very clever, but they didn't actually weave the theme of salvation into this episode very well.
G: So we start a driving scene of what Crystal has said to be Papa Truck and Baby Impala over really atrocious guitar riffs.
C: I know! It's so- the fucking music is so bad.
G: This episode, it's extremely bad. It's so much. While they're driving, we pass by a sign that they linger on for so long. It says, "Leaving Salvation: The Heartland of America. Are you ready for judgment day?" What the fuck is "J.W." in the Bible? I was like- [overlapping] John Winchester? Let's look it up. I should know this because I hail from a Catholic school, and like, we had to memorize the sequence of the Bible books.
C: Yeah, I looked up "Bible JW" and all I'm getting is Jehovah's Witness.
G: Oh, maybe it is not a Bible thing. But it's a Bible verse, like, "2:27."
C: Yeah, that's true. Okay, I looked it up, and it says that that's not actually in the Bible. [laughs]
G: So it's really John Winchester.
C: It's literally John Winchester.
G: It's John Winchester saying this. Papa Truck- so John- pulls aside. I need- [laughs] in my notes, every time the truck shows up, I call it Papa Truck. [both laugh] But John pulls aside, and Dean follows. John gets out of his car and looks visibly upset. Dean asks him what's up, and John reveals that Caleb called, and Jim Murphy, AKA Pastor Jim, is dead.
C: Oh, one thing- so the camera is first focused on Dean with Sam like, very blurry in the background. And then, as soon as John says "Jim Murphy is dead," the camera like, fwomps- like, it completely blurs out Dean and just like, focuses on Sam, and it's just such a funny visual. Like, I feel like, this camera went really hard on the blurs this episode. Like, this is like, a fucking like, Zoom background effect.
G: I forgot to mention, but there are- at the beginning of the episode, the one where John is like, pointing out his research, the camerawork is also pretty... it's like zooming in on everything, and there was a scene where like- there was a shot where it's like- it's really zoomed in on the eye of the animal head on the wall.
C: Yeah. For what?
G: And for- I genuinely thought it was Dean, and I was like, "Why is Dean's face so weird?" [laughs] And then I had to turn it back over and over again until I realized that it's like, the animal on the wall. Anyway.
C: Yeah. Robert Singer made choices today.
G: Yeah. Isn't Robert Singer the one who is famous for his zooms?
C: Oh, oh! Like at the end of "The Man"-
G: Season 6.
C: Yeah. [laughs] So funny.
G: We should start a zoom counter for Robert Singer. [both laugh] Unfortunately, I didn't notice any in this episode, but we'll get to it when we get to it.
So John relays what we know, which is that Pastor Jim's throat was slashed and he bled to death, and there were traces of sulfur in the place, so this is a demon. Dean asks if it's the demon, and John says, "Maybe it slipped up. It knows that we're getting close." Now, John says they have to act like every second counts. They'll split the hospital and health center in the county and figure out the babies about to turn six months old next week. And Sam says, like, "That would be a dozen of kids. How are we going to know who's getting attacked?" And John says they'll check everything, and asks if Sam has better ideas, so meanly.
C: Mm-hm.
G: Like he feels so attacked. [both laugh] And I was like, "John, calm down."
C: I mean, well, his ex-boyfriend died last episode, and his ex-boyfriend died this episode. Like, I get it. [both laugh]
G: He is a pastor! Are pastors celibate? Is that a thing?
C: It didn't have to be a sexual boyfriend. [both laugh]
G: No, I- I'm just asking.
C: I don't know.
G: Yeah. I don't know if non-Catholic pastors are celibate. Anyway. Sam says, like, "No, sir," and then they leave it at that. And John starts to walk back to the car, but he stands in agony in front of his car door. [both laugh] And he does a little pained face. And I was like- Okay, Crystal, do you think JDM is a good actor?
C: Um, I literally wrote down here, "Are we gonna get any flashbacks showing why John cares about Jim so much, or are we just supposed to believe JDM's bad acting?" [laughs]
G: He is a bad actor! And like, I get that he was in other shows and other projects, where people know him, so I suppose he's good at that, but like, in season 1 of Supernatural he's like- he's- he's kinda bad, bro.
C: It's because he's trying to play, like, the parent to like, [laughing] actors who he's only like, six years older than or something.
G: Is that for real?
C: Maybe 10 years older? But he's not that much older than them. Like, JDM, let me check his age.
G: I read- I read a fun fact the other day that like, when he returned in "Lebanon," he was 52. Like, JDM was 52, which was the age that John Winchester was supposed to be at the beginning of the show.
C: Oh. That's fun. Okay he's- he's like, 12 years older than Jensen Ackles. So yeah, he could not have birthed Dean. [both laugh] Hashtag trans John truthing.
G: Dean notices that John is upset, and he asks very nicely, "Dad?" Aww [pained sounds]. And then John turns around and says, "It's Jim. I can't-" [C laughs] and then he stops. And then he says-
C: He's lost two ex-boyfriends in a week, and he's about to lose a third.
G: He stops and he says, "This ends now. I'm ending it. I don't care what it takes." So John and Dean keep on driving.
C: Yep. So we get scenes of, basically, John, Sam, and Dean showing up to the three hospitals and looking for records. John's- I don't know, being boring. He just has an ID, he's going in. Sam is going through birth certificate information and copying it down.
G: Did you see the name?
C: Oh, no, what was the name?
G: It's Mary Ann Liu again. [laughs]
C: Oh my god!
G: They don't know any other Asian names. But like, the real reason is Mary Ann Liu is the head graphic designer of Supernatural. I looked it up.
C: Which is really embarrassing.
G: What- what- [laughs] Yeah!
C: [laughing] Like, we've seen those posters, Mary Ann Liu. Like, as a fellow Chinese person, I'm asking you to give our people a little more pride. [G laughs]
G: [laughing] I was like, "Wait, does that she mean she made the posters? Noo!"
C: Oh, Mary Ann Liu.
G: Also, the birth certificate said Colorado, and I was like, "Aren't they in Iowa?"
C: Yeah, they're definitely in Iowa.
G: So they're doing a bad job in set design. [laughs]
C: Yeah, I mean I appreciate all the props people who mess up because of all the times we get the "F" marker on Sam and Dean's fake IDs.
G: Yes, exactly.
C: Yeah, like, so true. They are trans.
So Dean is being very annoying. So he heads into the hospital and there is a receptionist there who is very pretty in the way that Supernatural women all look the same when they're pretty. And she asks, "Is there anything I can do for you?" And Dean says [together], "Oh, god, yes." Like in the creepiest fucking voice. Like, he is like, checking her out, he's like, very clearly like- like, he is like, sporting a boner, like, I know it. It's just so uncomfortable. And she's like, totally fine with this? And then he says, "Oh, but I'm working right now, so-" God, Dean.
So, Sam heads out of the hospital. He gets a vision!
G: And I was like, "Oh, no, he has to tell John. No."
C: I know! I was like- 'cause, okay, what I was thinking is that there's no way he's going to tell John because John will just shoot him with the Colt about it, so, like, obviously he's just gonna have to dig through records until he can like, come up with a good reason why he thinks that this is the house that they should check out. But no, he just tells John later. Sam has no self-preservation.
G: I feel like he still- he still trusts John.
C: Yeah, he does.
G: Like, to him, that's still Dad.
C: Yeah. [pained sounds]
In the vision, like, the demon is in a nursery. The nursery has some interesting decor with like, a jester thing hanging down and these moving dancers. Also, there's a woman in - gasp - a white nightgown in the room, looking out the window. And there's a train sound, etc, etc.
G: The train sound is so funny because it's nowhere near a train, right?
C: Yeah, I don't know. I don't see a train.
G: I also have no idea how the train plays into it. Like, Sam even looks at the map, and it's like, "Oh, the train is here." And then later, they go beside a train track. Like, when they were exchanging weapons before John goes away. But there's literally not a train beside the house, so I have no idea.
C: Yeah, no, like, where's the fun scene we get where they jump out of the window on top of the moving train? Subway Surfers natural. [G laughs] I used to be obsessed with that game. I got like all the characters. Because I wanted to buy up all the Asian girls- [laughing] oh, god, that sounds like a really bad sentence.
So yeah, Sam pulls out the map and I think he finds the house by finding houses near the train tracks. And he sees the house there, and he sees the woman from his vision there as well, taking her little baby along in a stroller.
G: The face Jared makes when Sam is having a vision [C laughs] is so funny. He like, scrunches his face, he raises his eyebrows, and he makes like, a little shocked face. Like, he's always like, [surprised whimper]. [C laughs] Yeah, exactly. That's the sound he makes when Sam gets a vision.
C: [laughing] And then he slicks and moans, "Alpha!" [laughing]
G: Nooooo! No. No. [both laugh]
G: So Sam approaches the woman and helps her out with her stuff so she can close her umbrella. And he's very nice about it. He starts to make small talk, asks if the baby is her kid, and he introduces himself and says he just moved up the block. The woman introduces herself as Monica and the baby as Baby Rosie. He continues to make small talk until we get to the essential part, which is that Baby Rosie is turning six months today. Sam has a little bit of an emo moment. And he's like, staring into the void while Monica's like, "Hello? Hello? Are you okay?" [laughs] And he tells Monica to take care of herself, and he says it really sincerely. And Monica- I like Monica's actor. I really d. She feels like a real person. Monica says, like, "We'll see you around," and then she proceeds to walk. And her husband has come home, and they greet him as Sam watches. And he gets another vision. So we are in the baby's room, with the same peculiar decor, and we see a clock stop. I don't recall if they made a point of stopping the clock in the pilot. Do they?
C: I just remember the- um, well, there were a lot of shots of the trains clock, so probably it stopped at some point, right?
G: Yeah, but this would make more sense if they didn't have that- if they didn't delete that scene of Dean like, driving, and then his clock stops, and that's how he knows that something's wrong, and then he drives back to Stanford.
C: Ohh.
G: That's like, a deleted scene in the pilot. So it's an established fact from that deleted scene that like, when something happens, the clock stops. I don't know, though, if it makes it to the episode itself.
C: Hm. That's cool.
G: Wind starts blowing in the room, and a man walks towards the crib. And Monica checks on the room and sees the man, and, at first, she, like, tries to call him out, but then she gets levitated to the ceiling, and as she is pinned up there, her lower abdomen starts bleeding, much like Mary and Jess, and the room catches fire.
C: Whoop. Oh, also during this whole scene, like, every time that Sam's done with a vision, and he's being like, a shivery little Victorian maiden about it, he like, tugs his jacket tighter around himself, and that's trans.
G: Like, because, when he was having the moment- when he was having the vision, the jacket was falling off his shoulder.
C: Ooh!
C: We go back to the motel, where it turns out Sam has told John about the visions. Bro. Bro. [G laughs] John seems unhappy about the situation. He doesn't really seem to be believing Sam. But then, when he tells him a bit more and Dean backs him up, and yeah, Sam says, "The closer I get to anything to do with the demon, the stronger the visions get." And John says to Dean, "When were you gonna tell me about this?" Which, oh, god, is really- like, Dean really is Sam's guard dog/keeper, huh? And then he tells Dean, "Something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone, and you call me."
G: Right after he said that, I paused and went, "Call you?!"
C: [laughs] Yeah.
G: You want to call you?! So when I pressed play, and Dean goes, "Call you?" I was like [claps] yes!
C: Yes Dean!
G: Fuck you, John! [laughs]
C: Yeah, no, Dean like- like, walks towards John, and says, "Call you? Are you kidding me? Dad, I called you from Lawrence, alright? Sam called you when I was dying!"
G: He knows about "Faith"!!
C: He knows!! He knows!!
G: Noo! No!
C: And the fact that he hasn't used it against John until this moment like, when he's- like, that also makes me feel things. Like, I feel he was trying not to hold it against him, and suddenly, he's snapping.
So he says, "Getting you on the phone? I got a better chance of winning the lottery." God, go Dean! But then John says, "You're right." Much like, he said, "You're right" to Dean saying, "Well, we saved your asses" in the last episode. He says, "Although I'm not too crazy about this new tone of yours, you're right. I'm sorry." And I think part of me is always gonna be grasping for a chance of John becoming a better person. So every time he apologizes, I'm like, "Yay! Maybe he won't tell Dean to kill Sam in two episodes!" But he will.
After this exchange, Sam's phone rings, and it's Meg. Sam asks who it is, and she says, "Think real hard. It'll come to you." Yeah, so Sam is shocked that Meg is still alive due to falling out of a window. She's not really engaging, and she demands that he let her speak to John because "it's time for the grown-ups to talk." John sort of reaches for the phone, so Sam gives it over. Meg says hi and that she's "a friend of your boys," and that she is also the one who watched Jim Murphy choke on his own blood. "Still there, John-boy?" And then Meg reveals that she's currently in Lincoln with another friend of John's. And they find out that it's Caleb. John demands that she let him go, but Meg says, like, "We know you have the Colt, John." And when John denies that, she says, "Okay. Well, listen to this." And then she slits Caleb's throat, and he is l- he is dead. She completely murders him.
G: Gurgling blood.
C: Yeah, he's drowning in blood! John, his third ex-boyfriend down for the week, cries, "Caleb! Caleb!" And Meg says, "Okay, let's try this again. We know you have the gun, so as far as we're concerned, you just declared war. And this is what war looks like. It has casualties." And she says that she's gonna go around continuing to kill all of his friends, anyone who has ever helped him or given him shelter anyone he's ever loved, unless he gives him- gives her the Colt. And the thing is, the only friends of John that we've like, ever heard of this entire season are Pastor Jim, Caleb, and like, Missouri, right?
G: Yeah. Oh no!
C: Meg should not have killed Caleb. Like, John has three friends. Like, she's gonna have nothing on him so soon.
G: Also, you know, at this point I realized that, "Oh, this episode is gonna be a bit John-centric." And I feel like, that's when I decided it was a boring episode. [both laughing]
C: So true.
G: Sorry, John.
C: So John agrees to Meg's terms. She says that there's a warehouse in Lincoln where they're gonna meet, and that he has to be there at midnight tonight even though John says that it's gonna take him a day's drive to get there. Is it actually that far?
G: Okay, let's look it up. Oh, it shows up, like, automatically. It's just a four-hour drive.
C: Yeah, okay so he's just trying to buy time. Also, I don't think Salvation is an actual city because it's not coming up on Google Maps.
G: Oh, yeah!
C: So they literally just did this for fun.
Right, so John still has to agree to the terms, and Meg says that he has to come alone. After she hangs up, she looks at Caleb's corpse and goes, "What the hell are you looking at?" [laughing] God bless.
G: So in the motel, Sam asked John if he thinks Meg is a demon.
C: Which is so funny. Like, we've known this for so long.
G: Yeah. Well, I mean, did we?
C: This is the first episode where we see her eyes turn black, so I guess it's possible that we didn't know, but like, come on, like, she is not a human. Like, we definitely know that.
G: Yeah. We've known since "Scarecrow" that John is hunting a demon. Meg is, you know, hunting John, so it's safe to assume she is a demon, so.
John says, like, "She is a demon or she's possessed by one. Doesn't really matter the difference."
C: It does matter.
G: Okay, John. [laughs] And the boys ask, like, "What do we do now?" And John says he's going to Lincoln. He says that if he doesn't go, all their friends will die.
C: All their one remaining friends.
G: And Sam argues that the demon is coming for Monica's family tonight, and that John can't just, you know, hand over the gun. John reveals his plan, which is that he won't hand over the gun. He'll hand over a fake gun.
C: I'm sure this has no issues.
G: Dean was like, "This is not a fool-proof plan, they're gonna know that it's fake," and John argues that like, "They've never seen the gun. They won't know."
C: Right, the thing is, if I was Meg, I would have like, a vampire tied up to like, practice shooting the gun at once.
G: Yeah, but maybe John is betting on the fact that it has limited bullets, so they won't waste it.
C: Maybe.
G: He says, "It's just to buy a few hours." And Sam, realizing what John means, says, "For Dean and me. You're buying a few hours for us. You want us to stay here and kill this demon by ourselves." And he is teary-eyed. He, like, he looks upset. Aww.
C: Aww.
G: Sam!
And John says, "No, I want to stop losing people we love. And I want you" - talking to Sam - "to go to school, and I want Dean to have a home."
C: [pained sounds] Maybe you shouldn't have stopped them from having either of those things, John!
G: The thing is, it reminded me of "Lebanon." Like, when John was talking to Dean, and he says, like, "This is not the life I wanted for you. I wanted you to have a fam- a home. I wanted you to have a family." Do you know what Dean responds to that?
C: "I have a family, Dad."
G: Yeah! And it like- like- Okay, I just want to put it out there that I am a "Lebanon" apologist. [both laugh] Are we- am I gonna get persecuted for that? Are we gonna lose listeners? I hope not.
C: I- well, I mean when we get to it, I haven't watched it yet, so maybe I'll hate it for the rest of you guys.
G: I actually really like "Lebanon," so that's my hot take of the day.
John turns around after saying all that, and this is the part where I was like, "He's a bad actor. He is." [C laughs] And- because I remember like, when I was younger like, in eighth grade, like, we had to film something for class, and I did the same trick of like, when there's an emotional scene, you turn around. [both laugh] Because it like- it makes it so dramatic. And I was like, "John is copying me!" [C laughs] Like, JDM's literally copying me right now.
With his back turned to the boys, he says, "I want Mary alive." And he turns to face his children again, and then he says, "I just want this to be over."
Cool. Cool, John.
C: You made it not over for 26 years- or 22 years. 23 now.
G: Yeah.
C: You made it not over for 23 years, John. Like, this is on you, bro.
C: So we're back outside, and they're prepping for tonight. Dean shows up with an antique gun, which looks pretty similar to the Colt, I would say. Dean says that "You know this is a trap, don't you?" But John says that he can handle her. And then Dean says, "Dad, promise me something. This thing goes south, just get the hell out. Don't get yourself killed, all right? You're no good to us dead." Aww. And John says, "Same goes for you." They all pause to look sad. John reveals that there's only four bullets left in the Colt, so they have to make every shot count. He says, "You make every shot count," which I know is foreshadowing for a scene that will absolutely wreck me next episode. John says, "Been waiting a long time for this fight. Now it's here, and I'm not gonna be in it. It's up to you boys, now. It's your fight, you finish this. You finish what I started. Understand?" I don't like this guy. [laughing] I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I don't like John very much.
G: Also, like, this entire scene, Dean is looking very jaw clenched-
C: Kicked puppy.
G: Yeah, like kicked puppy, etc, etc, and all I can think of is like, "What does he do this episode?" Genuinely, what does Dean do this episode? He does the little speech he does at the end, he shouts at John in the beginning... Does he do anything this episode? Maybe that's why I thought it was boring.
C: Um, no. He flirts with a woman and I hate it. Oh, I didn't even try to get a misogyny point for that. Can I get a misogyny point for that?
G: No. He's just flirting.
C: He literally said, "Oh, god, yes," like, eyeing her up and down, like, that is harassment.
G: [sighs] Do you really think so? Or are you just vying for a point?
C: Uh, I kind of do, but-
G: Okay. You can give him a point, then.
C: Alright. Dean, as of episode 21 of Supernatural, has [overlapping] 32 points! [both laughing] And Sam still has 5.5.
G: [laughs] Sam has a 0.5?
C: For calling Cassie like, "some chick." We were being really defensive about Cassie.
So John hands the Colt off. Sam says, "We'll see you soon." John says, "I'll see you later." They drive off, and like, like, a full minute after and John has driven off, Dean says, "Later."
G: This scene, for some reason - I don't even know specifically why, but it reminded me - I don't know if I said this before in the podcast, but I have this, like, running thought about Sam that like, he is a leader type every- anywhere except for when he's with his family.
C: Yeah, you mentioned it in "Asylum."
G: Yeah. And, like, I never considered that the same is true for Dean with John. Like, he is a leader type, except when John is around. And I guess that makes sense because John is their father. It makes more sense than like, Dean and Sam, and Sam being subservient to Dean. But, like, I just had that thought, and I was like, "Oh, maybe if we had John around more, I would have hated Dean less." [both laugh]
C: Yeah, 'cause Dean's just a kicked puppy when John's around, like there's not too much to hate.
G: Yeah, he's literally a poor little meow meow. [C laughs]
C: He literally is.
G: Okay, so John arrives at the meet up spot, and as he gets out of his car, he brings out a Colt- the Colt- the fake Colt. And a rosary. So he looks at a steam... something? Like, a steam con- like, a water container, I guess.
C: Yeah, like a tank?
G: Yeah. A tank! Exactly.
John enters the building. John enters the building, and it's full of like, pipes and steam. And he, like, is looking around, trying to figure out how it all works. It's a boring scene, but it's- I guess it's relevant for exposition.
C: Yeah, I think they're trying to show that John's a good hunter, and I do think that the trick that he pulls in this episode is like, kind of fun.
G: So while he's walking around and trying to figure out how the thing works, we cut to Sam and Dean waiting outside the house. Sam is telling Dean that maybe they can tell Monica that there's a gas leak, and Dean says, like, "How many times has that actually worked for us?" Well, it didn't work once, in [overlapping] "Bugs," right? And you know what? Like, in Season 15, Episode 1, they pull the same trick. Gas leak. I'm pretty sure. And I'm just enamored that like, in season 15- in season 1, they were like, "The gas leak trick never works!" And then in season 15, it's like, the first thing in their arsenal. [C laughs] And it works!
Sam says like, "We could tell them the truth." And they both look at each other for a long period of time, and they go, "Nah. Nah, it's not gonna work." And the whole time, I was thinking like, "How many times did they have to shoot this scene?" Like, how many- like, the eye communication between Jensen and Jared of, like, "when are we gonna say 'nah'? Do we count?" And also, like, the whole concept of not telling people. Like, if this was in the Philippines, if you tell someone, they'll believe you. And also, it will make the news. [both laugh] Like, for real.
Dean insists that they only have one move, which is to wait the demon out and then get it before it gets them. And Sam goes, "I wonder how Dad is doing." Dean says, "I would feel better if I were there backing him up," and Sam says, "I would feel better if he were here backing us up."
C: Say that, Sam! Fucking say that, Sam.
G: No, let's unpack that. Because I have thoughts about this exchange. What did- what did you think about it?
C: I mean, I think that it's a good summary of the way that Sam and Dean feel about their dad, right? Because Dean views himself as John's backup, as someone who protects him. He's really upset at them in "Shadow" for like, presumably almost getting John killed because he somehow views John has his [overlapping] responsibility. Probably because during like, Stanford times like, he and John fought togeth- or, sorry, that he and John hunted together a lot, probably, and John probably impressed on him a lot, like, "Oh, like, you can't go because I need you here to like, keep me alive on hunts and stuff." Whereas Sam, who knows what parents are supposed to be- [both laugh] yeah, wants John to protect them instead of the other way around.
G: That's it, exactly. It's a fascinating look on how they view what their purpose is in the family.
C: Yeah.
C: So John's near the water tank, and he's hiding from Meg. And he puts the rosary inside of the tank and also like, says, something in Latin, I guess, that blesses the water. So he drops the rosary in, so this whole tank and pipe thing is now filled with holy water.
Sam and Dean are chatting in Impala outside of Monica's house. And he's saying that this whole thing feels surreal because all these years occurred, and now they're finally here. Dean, I guess much like he says in "Home" just says that "we just gotta keep our heads and do our job, like always." But Sam says, "This isn't like always," and Dean agrees.
And then, Sam says, "Dean, I want to thank you." Dean asks, "For what?" Sam says, "For everything. You've always had my back, you know. Even when I couldn't count on anyone, I could always count on you. And, I don't know, I just wanted to let you know. Just in case." Okay, a few- a few thoughts here. Dean did not have your back during Stanford fight.
G: I think one interesting point here is that, "You didn't- you had my back when no one else did." Which is like, "Why did no one else have your back, Sam?" Is it because you were being isolated? Maybe?
C: Yep! Geez. And Dean's quite alarmed at this because he's Mr. Denial, and he goes, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Are you kidding me? Don't say 'just in case something happens to you,' I don't want to hear that freaking speech, man. Nobody's dying tonight. Not us, not that family, nobody, except that demon. That evil son of a bitch ain't getting any older than tonight, you understand me?" Ugh. Poor Dean. Like- like he says later, Sam and John are all he has. Again, is it because you were being isolated, Dean?
So yeah, he just does not want to think about this.
G: So back in the warehouse, which is the definition of "creepy and wet" [C laughs] like, yeah.
Meg waits, and John walks in. Meg says, "John, you made it. Too bad, really. I was hoping to kill more of your friends."
C: Your one remaining friend.
G: John says, "Sorry to disappoint," and Meg continues. She says she sees where Sam and Dean gets their good looks [C groans], and I was like, "Meg JDM fucker and sucker?" [both laugh] Go Meg!
C: God, this is so annoying, though, 'cause, okay, do Sam and Dean even look like John at all?
G: [laughing] I have told you over and over again that I cannot differentiate white men from one another.
C: [laughing] Yeah, I also cannot differentiate white men from white men.
G: I don't know. Does JDM have green eyes, maybe?
C: Wait, wasn't there a bunch of jokes going around about how Mary must have cheated on John because, like, the eye colors in the Punnett squares don't match up?
G: Noo! [laughs] Go Mary!
Wait, I'm gonna look "JDM young."
C: [laughs] Yeah, that probably works.
G: He looks like Dean!
C: Wait, really?
G: Yeah! Look at this.
C: Huh. I don't know if he looks like Dean...
G: Tell me this doesn't look like Dean.
C: I- I can't tell. He just looks like Elvis to me, but it might just be the hair. [G laughs]
G: Yeah, I think it is the hair.
C: Yeah.
G: He looks kind of like Dean.
C: He does look like a white man who is young, [laughs] I must agree.
G: Ohh, he looks good here. [laughs]
C: No! No! You're not becoming a JDM fucker and sucker.
G: [laughing] We should proceed.
C: Yeah, but also, I'm just annoyed that Meg has to like, be attracted to the Winchesters because, yeah, because she's woman. [laughs]
G: She says that, like, "After everything that I've been told about you, I thought you'd be taller." And I was like, "Aw, remember when Charlie said to Cas, like, 'I thought you'd be shorter'?"
C: Yeah.
G: When are we gonna meet Cas? When are we gonna see Cas? Can we fast forward to season 4?
C: [laughing] Please, where's Cas? Please! Please, where is he? Where's my boy?
G: I am begging.
C: Yeah, I think my my thoughts is like, "Meg is a 5'3" John Winchester truther." [both laugh]
G: So true, Meg.
C: In season 3, doesn't Ruby tell Sam- Sam's like, "Why are you following me?" And she's like, "I like tall guys." Sorry, the Supernatural actors are obsessed with their actors being tall.
G: Yeah, there's one time where like- do you know Mildred?
C: Uh, oh yeah, she's in the Eileen episode.
G: Yeah, she's in the Eileen episode. And she-
C: She says, "I'm not much of a mountain climber, so Eileen, you can have the tall one," right?
G: Yeah. [laughs] Yeah. Or I think it was "tree climber." I'm not sure. But like, something to that effect. And yeah. [laughing] I thought- I thought that was funny.
C: Yeah. She likes Dean for his short king swagger.
G: John is silent throughout this whole exchange. So Meg, eventually, stops bantering and then asks for the gun. And then John finally speaks. He asks how he'll get out if he gives over the gun. Meg says that if he really is as good as they say, she's sure he'll figure out a way to get out. John says, "Maybe I'll just shoot you." And Meg says, "You wanna shoot me, baby? Go ahead. It won't end anything. There's more where I came from." And then some random-ass guy-
C: [overlapping] - random fucking guy! Just some guy!
G: - walks in! He literally is just some guy. And like, we focus so much on his face, did you feel- you know what I mean?
C: Yeah, and it's like, am I supposed to remember what he looks like? Like, that's just some white guy!
G: Yeah, I don't remember- I don't know who this is. He is just some guy.
C: He's like Azazel's other son, and like, Azazel gets really mad when they kill him, right? Unless that only happened in "bad moon rising." [both laugh]
G: Again, I don't really remember much of what goes down next episode.
The guy walks in out of the shadows, and Meg continues to threaten John. Finally, John gives Meg the fake Colt, and she ask if this is the Colt. And I thought what would happen is she would shoot the guy.
C: Yeah! Me too. But because the Supernatural writers hate women...
G: Like, I guess they were trying to be subversive because that's what you expected, right?
C: Yeah, I get it. It's like, "Look, all these demons, even if they're on the same side, they'll double-cross each other at any point; they don't care about each other; even if Meg seems like she's in control, there's always conflict going on, etc, etc." But also like, she should have shot the guy.
G: She should've shot the guy like, square in the head, and if he didn't die, like, that would be cool as shit, though.
C: Exactly.
G: So, as we said, what happens is the other way around. The demon guy gets the gun and shoots Meg. And at first, she was upset.
C: Yeah. It's so fun. She goes, "You shot me! I can't believe you just shot me!" [laughs] I love that.
G: And then she realizes that she's still alive, and so the gun is a fake.
C: Dun-dun-dun!
So Meg's very mad. She says that John is dead, your boys are dead. John's like, going, "I've never used the gun, how could I know it wouldn't work?" [laughs]
G: Go John.
C: Go John.
Oh, god, same energy, as "Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" "Uh... no?"
G: [laughs] "No?"
C: [laughing] Where's Cas? Where's Cas? I miss him. Please, where is he? Where is he?!
Okay, so Meg goes, "I'm so not in the mood for this. I've just been shot!" Which is so funny. Like, comedy queen.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah, John says, "Well, I guess you're lucky the gun wasn't real." And Meg says, "That's funny, John. We're gonna strip the skin from your bones, but that was funny."
G: Go Meg!
C: Go Meg! So a chase ensues where John starts running away and going into the alley, which is full of water pipes. And as he reaches the end of the hall, he turns on a tap, and there's just like, water spritzing out. And he just stands by it looking ridiculously pleased, even though, like, the water pressure of this water is like, baby water park levels.
Meg and the other demon are sort of like, "What the fuck is up with this guy?" And the guy demon starts walking forward, but as soon as his feet touch the water, which is pooling on the ground, his feet start smoking, and he's in pain. But, okay, he's wearing shoes, right?
G: Yeah.
C: I don't get it.
G: I mean, like, remember when they were spraying holy water to the guy- to the copilot in "Phantom Traveler"? And it burned through his clothes?
C: Oh, yeah. And it burned through his shirt, okay, you're right, okay. So the shoes that you wear also demon shoes and are-
G: - an extension of your body, exactly. [both laugh]
C: Yeah. Lil Wayne "those are his hooves, you bitch." [both laugh]
So, yeah, so Meg goes, "Holy water, John. Real cute." And John is running off, hopefully - or not that hopefully - ready to escape.
C: So outside, Dean and Sam are upset- well, Dean is upset that John isn't answering the phone. Sam says, "Maybe Meg was late, or cell reception's bad." Go Sam! And then the radio starts getting all staticky, and there's wind happening, and the lights in the house keep turning off and on, so, uh-oh. So they jump out the car and run into the house. Meanwhile, John has made it to his truck, but all the tires are slashed. So yeah, he's not getting out.
G: So Sam and Dean enter the house, and as soon as they enter to get attacked by the dad, Charlie. At first, they try to convince him that they're trying to help. Like, he won't budge, and so Dean, I don't know, does Dean knock him out?
C: Um, I think- yeah, yeah.
G: And then just slams him outside, and then he wakes up? [both laugh] Is that what happens?
C: [laughing] Yeah.
G: Anyway, right before Dean knocks his ass out, Monica shouts at them if anything is wrong, and Charlie says, "Go get the baby." Sam realizes what's happening, which is that Monica is going to the nursery, and he shouts, "No! Don't go to the nursery!" And he runs upstairs and finds Monica almost pinned to the ceiling already. So we see the man in the coat, and we zoom in to his face, and we see his eyes for the first time. They're yellow. [screams] Ahh! Yes! Yellow-eyes is here, baby! And I was so- I was so hyped up.
C: It's a fun visual. Do we ever learn anything about Azazel's vessel or host?
G: I don't think so.
C: Yeah, okay. Sad.
G: Sam shoots Yellow-Eyes, and Yellow-Eyes disappears right before the bullet hits him.
C: Yeah. Which Dagon also does-
G: Yeah. When Cas shoots him. [laughs]
C: No, no, no, when Eileen- when Eileen!
G: Yeah. But also when Cas shoots him- shoots her.
C: Yeah, but like, it's cooler when Eileen does it 'cause she accidentally shoots a British guy.
G: [laughs] Yeah. Cas just shoots a wall. [laughs] I'm sorry, Cas.
C: Sorry, Cas.
G: So Sam misses, but the moment the demon disappears, Monica falls to the ground. So she helps- so he helps her up and gets her out of the house, and Dean gets Baby Rosie, and they run as the crib starts to catch fire.
C: Yeah. And also Monica keeps screaming, like, "Rosie! My baby!" And Sam keeps trying to reassure her by saying "Dean's got her."[laughing] Like, that is not a reassurance. She does not know this man.
G: John - we go back to John and he is still running around. And he's about to take out his phone and give someone a call when he gets pinned to the wall by an invisible force.
C: Ooh!
But then when the camera pans up, and you see the night sky instead of a ceiling, it's like, "God damn it. They wouldn't even let him burn on a ceiling?"
G: The guy demon, who has escaped from the trap John set out, watches John as he is pinned further and further up the wall.
So we go back to the house, and the room explodes in three different angles. [laughs] They really said "this explosion is expensive, we have to film it in all angles possible." [C laughs] And they did, and they showed us each and every one of them.
Sam and Dean bring out Monica and Rosie, and at first, the dad was threatening them, but Monica starts to say that Sam and Dean saved them, and she thanks them, and she gets the baby, and they watch as the house burns down.
As they watch, Sam and Dean see the demon still standing in the room. And Sam's like, "Oh, it's still there, it's still there." And he tries to get back inside the house. And Dean physically restrains him from doing so.
C: The poses and the way that it is shot are very similar to the like, Dean dragging Sam out-
G: When Jess- yeah.
C: Yeah, in the pilot
G: Dean says, "The house is burning to the ground. Going in there is suicide." Sam says, "I don't care." Dean says, "I do." They watch as the silhouette disappears and the house burns down.
C: You know what would be so fucking funny? [laughing] If, after they took Monica and Rosie outside, they were like, "So there's been a gas leak in your home... and that's why it's on fire!"
C: So we cut to the motel room, where they're still trying to call John. Dean's worrying about him, but Sam is just brooding. He says, "If you had just let me go in there, I could have ended all this." And Dean says, "Sam, the only thing you would have ended was your life." Sam says, "You don't know that." Dean says, "So what? You're just willing to sacrifice yourself? Is that it?" And Sam says, "Yeah. Yeah, you're damn right I am." And Dean says, "Well that's not going to happen. Not as long as I'm around." Sam says, "What the hell are you talking about, Dean? We've been searching for this demon our whole lives. It's the only thing we've ever cared about." Which, oh, man. A year can really do a number on a kid, huh? Sam has not cared about this for a long- for the first 22 years of his life.
Dean says that he does want the demon dead, but it's not worth dying over. He says, "If hunting this demon means getting yourself killed, then I hope we never find the damn thing." [pained sound] Yeah.
Sam says, "That thing killed Jess. That thing killed Mom." And then in- [laughs] I found this next part, like, just so funny. Like, I just couldn't stop laughing about how ham-fisted this callback to the pilot was.
G: Yeah. Yeah, it is a callback to the pilot, but-
C: Yeah, and they make sure that you know that it's a callback by having Dean say, "You said yourself, once, that no matter what we do, they're gone and they're never coming back."
G: [laughing] Yeah!
C: Yeah, it's, and then Sam, in the funniest thing ever- like, you know, like, Sam's usually Sam to me. In this moment, it was like, "Oh, this is Jared being a bad actor."
G: The thing is, I'm laughing about it now, but I was crying when this was happening.
C: What? Aww! I was not. I thought it was so funny.
G: I got emotional. When Dean said that like, "All we have is each other- all I have is us three." Like, when he says that, I was like, "Oh, cool." And then tears start streaming down my face. [laughs]
C: Aww.
Yeah, so very similar to the way Dean shoves Sam against a bridge in the pilot, Sam shoves Dean against a wall and says, "Don't you say that! Not you! Not after all this! Don't you say that!" God, it's so funny. That's not Sam, bro. [laughs] Like, it is believable that he could get to this point, but like, the acting was not it. [laughs] It was not it.
G: Yeah.
C: Dean says, quietly, "Sam, look. The three of us, that's all we have, and it's all I have. Sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together, man. And without you or Dad..." Um, yeah, it is a pretty emotional moment. But they cut it short by Sam going, "Dad," and then letting Dean go, and saying like, "He should have called by now! Try him again."
So, yeah, do you have commentary on the line that made you cry?
G: Mm, nothing. [laughs]
C: I did like the "sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together" as a line because I feel like we do generally know that Dean's whole cocky whatever thing is [overlapping] an act. But I feel he has not really admitted to it out loud until now, so that was nice to see.
Yeah, so they try calling John one more time, and Meg has the phone, and she picks up. She says, "You boys really screwed up this time." Dean asks, "Where is he?" And Meg says, "You're never going to see your father again." And then this big "To Be Continued" sign flashes onto the screen, and that's the end of the episode.
C: Have you always hated the Supernatural font for like, locations and stuff, because I hate it.
G: I think it's fine. I think I think for what the show is, it's all right.
C: Yeah, yeah. I suppose so. I guess maybe I'm just a boring person who prefers sans serif fonts.
G: Okay, so that's it for the end of the episode. What did you think about this one?
C: Um, Meg was fun to watch, but yeah, I think we mentioned multiple times when the acting did not hold up, and it was just kind of boring.
G: Yeah, I also, like I said earlier, I think this episode is boring. And like I said earlier, I think it's boring because it doesn't focus on Sam and Dean.
C: Yeah.
G: Well, specifically, it focuses on John, which, the acting, I don't really like, so it's like, I'm just watching a guy act- like, I'm not watching a story unfold. So yeah.
Best Line/Worst Line? What's your best line?
C: Do you want to go first? I'm trying to look.
G: No, I don't [laughs] because I am also trying to look.
C: [laughing] Oh.
I think I'm just gonna go with some Meg's fun little like, "I've lied. A lot. I've stolen. I've lusted. And the other day, I met this man. A nice guy, you know. We had a really good chat. Sort of like this. Then I slit his throat and ripped his heart out through his chest. Does that make me a bad person?" Like, god. Go Meg. Highlight of the episode, truly.
G: I think my best line is... I'll go with the one that made me cry. When Dean said, "I'm barely holding it together." I don't know. I hate to be the Dean girl of this episode, but I am the Deangirl of every single episode of BABpod. But yeah. When he- specifically the line that got me is when he said, "That's all we have." And then he paused, and then he says, "That's all I have."
C: Because earlier, we have John say like, "Oh, I want Sam to go to school, and I want the Dean to have a home." So like, clearly Sam has something for him outside of the family unit, but Dean doesn't.
G: And like, for Dean, it's like, Sam going to school is the opposite of Dean- like, you know. It's the opposite of what home is for Dean. Yeah. This is really all he has, and... aww. Yeah. That's sad! Especially knowing that John is going to die.
C: Whoo!
G: Very, very soon.
C: Yeah. Sad. It's sad for Dean.
G: His family unit is about to get destroyed.
C: Well, I'll just float down and pat Dean on the shoulder and go like, "Hey, Dean, I'm really sorry that John's about to die. But, you know, after he dies, you like, beat up the Impala with a crowbar, and it's a really scene and in a lot of AMVs."
G: [overlapping] And you look really good. [both laugh] Yeah.
C: So I hope that brings you a little comfort, Dean.
G: And he's like, "I'm gonna beat up the Impala?! Are you fucking kidding me?" But you're gonna rebuild it, Dean. And it's gonna be beautiful, so it's fine.
C: Yeah. It's fine, Dean.
G: Okay, worst line. What's your worst line?
C: Uh, what does Dean say to that woman?
G: "Oh, god, yes." That's also my worst line.
C: [laughs] Yeah. Jesus Christ.
G: I really- I just really was like, "You're gonna fuck someone right now, Dean? Is that what you're gonna do? You're gonna fuck someone right now?" [both laugh]
C: Every second counts, and this is what your seconds count for.
G: Okay, so, IMDB rating. What do you think is the- I'll go first, alright?
C: Okay.
G: I'll say... 8.5. I didn't enjoy it, but I see how other people can enjoy it. I'm giving it an 8.5 just to be safe and secure. Also it's plotty, and it's like, one of our first plot-driven ones, so.
C: Right. And I feel like, people would probably enjoy the like, cutting back and forth, and the whole Meg situation. I was also gonna say 8.5, but I feel like we should diversify our assets a bit. So-
G: Yeah.
C: I'll go down to 8.4? I feel like I may be going in the wrong direction, we'll see.
G: Okay. I'll look it up.
C: What?
G: That's way too high. Way too high.
C: I guess people liked John in season 1, right? Boo. But yeah, 8.8 is high. Like, that's higher than "Scarecrow," and it's not better than "Scarecrow."
G: One here says, "I really like Meg's character. The other story is fine, I guess." [both laugh]
C: And they gave it 9 out of 10? [laughs] Yeah, honestly, yeah, mood. Me too.
Yeah, there's two different reviews titled "Carry On My Wayward Son."
G: Yeah. I told you, that's the peak of the episode. [laughs]
"I like the phrasing of 'Dean needs a home.' Like Dean's a lost puppy or something. It's cute." [both laugh]
C: Yeah, no, this is- it's literally- what is it? Like, "People for the Ethical Treatment of Jensen Ackles." [laughing]
G: [laughing] Yeah. People for the Ethical Treatment of Dean Winchester!
C: [laughing] I am people for the unethical treatment of Dean Winchester.
G: Noo!
C: Yeah, some people say that they like it as a game of cat and mouse and how Meg is given a chance to shine. Yeah, Meg's pretty great here.
G: That's it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next time, we'll be talking about season 1, Episode 22: "Devil's Trap." Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Follow us on social media! We are on Twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #babpod, B-A-B-POD. And remember that you can submit questions to us for our season 1 Q&A on all of our socials until midnight the night of April 2 in Eastern time. Also, thank you to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod.
G: You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time! [together] Bye!
[guitar music]
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diabolicjoy Ā· 3 years ago
hi! for the ask game, 37, 2, and 19 hehe
37. 3 languages you would love to learn
hmm ok this is difficult because thereā€™s so many cool & beautiful languages but i would love to learn greek??! iā€™ve never even tried to but i think the alphabet is just so pretty šŸ˜­ but if iā€™m being more realistic lol, iā€™d love to learn italian & spanish!
2. 3 movies you have rewatched many times
juno (2007), mamma mia (2008), diary of a wimpy kid (2010)...... let me just state here that iā€™m not really a film person lmfao i only like to watch movies in theaters so i can leave my house or when iā€™m with friends so we can make commentary while we watch akjdksjs i never really watch anything by myself šŸ’” (i keep overthinking that movies are just famous actors lying & pretending to be someone else in front of a camera which is exactly what theyā€™re supposed to be doing but i canā€™t get pass that skhdhsjs i wish my brain would just stfu & let me enjoy things!!! god)
19. 3 animals youā€™d love to take care of in your house
iā€™m a simple girl i just wanna live in a farm šŸ‘šŸ‡šŸ¦†
3 things asks
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ifyouknowme-stayaway Ā· 4 years ago
So, @nagisushi, i got you for the secret santa! hope you like this!
It was December 22nd, three days away from Christmas. Karma had invited him and Sugino over to his house after realizing in horror that Sugino had never watched a Sonic Ninja movie in his entire life. The three of them were going to binge watch the movies and then sleepover since they probably wouldnā€™t be able to finish catching Sugino up to speed in just one day.
With Christmas coming up, his motherā€™s job had become just about busy enough that sheā€™d rather have him go away until she had less on her plate. Honestly, Nagisa was glad she wanted him away for a while. He didnā€™t want to have to walk on eggshells around her either.
And so, here he was. In front of Karmaā€™s house, Sugino beside him, and a backpack with his toothbrush, pajamas, and a spare change of clothes.
"Watch your step," Karma warned, stepping aside so they could come in. "Don't step on the tripwire," he pointed out a thin piece of string rigged over the floor at ankle-height.
"Why do you have a tripwire at your front door?" Sugino looked at him in disbelief. "Actually, why do you have a tripwire at- y'know what? I'll ask you that some other time,"
"Never know when someone's gonna break in. Come on, let's go watch Sonic Ninja,"
Nagisa laughed nervously, and followed Karma to another room, ducking under a rubber spider hanging from the doorway by a thin string.
Once they got into the room, Karma promptly launched himself onto a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor in front of a TV.Ā 
Nagisa and Sugino sat down next to him. It was comfy, though small enough that the three of them had to squish together a little.
Karma took a remote out from one of the pillowcases, and started playing the movies.
Nagisa had watched them before, but it was still interesting to see the characters react and change as the story progressed.Ā  Besides that, he always noticed a little detail he'd dismissed before that made the plot twists seem so obvious. Sonic Ninja really did have good replay value, even if it had a few somewhat cliche twists, they made sense in the plot after rewatching it.
Something else that made this time exciting was that it was Suginoā€™s first time watching Sonic Ninja ever.
Seeing him quickly take a liking to certain characters, disliking others, dismissing some details while looking too far into others, it was refreshing to see Sugino react from the series.Ā 
Sugino also had a habit of grabbing onto his arm during the jump scares. It was a little surprising at first, but after a while, Nagisa ended up holding hands with him during the tenser moments. Suginoā€™s hand was strangely warm, but it felt nice since it was a little cold.
As for Karma, he had a bit of an annoying habit of keeping a running commentary during movies. It was just something that happened while watching them, though it certainly led to having a peek into his thought process if he was focused hard on the scene enough to say things without a filter. For some reason, he didnā€™t do it as often this time. Every few minutes, heā€™d open his mouth, start to say something, and then close it again.
Plus, despite how mischievous he usually was, he wasnā€™t a bad host. Heā€™d been awkward when he, Sugino, Kayano, Okuda, and Kanzaki had shown up without warning when Karma got sick, but give him a clear idea of what would happen and he would be fairly prepared for the day. Karma kept them well-supplied on snacks and drinks, passing around bottles of soda, boba drinks, along with popcorn.
At some point, Nagisa ended up with Karmaā€™s arm slung over his shoulder, with both him and Sugino leaning gently on Nagisa. It was warm and comfortable, and felt strangely safe.
And somehow, between the familiar storyline, Suginoā€™s hand in his, Karmaā€™s arm over his shoulder, and being tired in general, he fell asleep. He was vaguely aware of movement, whispers, and what mightā€™ve been the sound of a photo being taken, but he managed to sleep through it.
When he woke up, it seemed that some time had passed already. The TV was off, for one thing, and when he checked his phone, it was already 6.30 pm.
ā€œHey,ā€ Sugino said, with damp hair and soft-looking dark blue pyjamas. ā€œYou fell asleep earlier, do you wanna go take a shower?ā€
Rubbing his eyes, Nagisa stood up. Sugino took Nagisaā€™s bag. ā€œIā€™ll help you take this to the bathroom, apparently there's a trap on the door handle. Karmaā€™s off picking up some food. We already ordered for you earlier, since we didnā€™t want to wake you up,ā€
"Oh, thanks," Nagisa said. He wasn't sure why Karma would have a trap in his bathroom, but it was nice of Sugino to take him.
While he was drying his hair, Nagisa heard Sugino talking to Karma, who had probably gotten back while he was showering.
"Hey, do you have the stuff?" Sugino asked.
"Yes, I have the drugs,"
"Karma, you know what I mean,"
"Yeah, of course I have the stuff, don't forget what we have in common,"
Curious and nervous about the potential chaos that could happen based off of that exchange, Nagisa opened the door.
Karma had probably taken a shower while he was asleep, since he was wearing a black hoodie and a different pair of pants.
He also had two plastic bags in his hands, both with a very familiar brand on them.Ā 
"Nagisa!" Sugino said, surprised. "We, uh, got you sushi," he rubbed the back of his neck. "We weren't completely sure which one was your favorite, so we just ordered a ton since it's on Karma. I'll take whatever you don't like,"
For just a moment, Nagisa just stared at them.
He broke out into a grin. "Thanks, both of you,"
Both Sugino and Karma's ears went strangely red, and the two of them smiled as well.
"Yeah, we really are great," Karma joked. "C'mon, let's go eat. You mentioned the place we got the sushi from once or twice and it really does look good,"
The sushi really did taste good as well. Karma and Sugino had ordered a few different kinds, somehow managing to have chosen most of his favorites. But then again, his favorite did consist of almost all of the different kinds.
Over dinner, the three of them talked about Sonic Ninja. They were only about halfway through the series, according to Karma.Ā 
Sugino was trying to predict what was going to happen, and how issues would be resolved based off of the story he'd seen so far. While his theories were pretty off on what actually happened, Nagisa had to admit they would've made good storylines, and that they made sense as well.Ā 
Karma on the other hand just seemed to be enjoying trying to confuse and trick Sugino on what was actually going to happen. He was half encouraging Sugino's theory, while also pointing out how it could be wrong.Ā 
The rest of the night passed by in a happy blur. Eating, watching, talking, and eventually, Karma and Sugino drifted off to sleep. Sugino was hugging his left arm, and Karma had somehow managed to lay his head across both his and Sugino's laps.
Nagisa noticed a slip of paper with writing on it sticking out of Karma's hoodie pocket. Curious, he cautiously slid it out, and started reading
He covered his mouth, suppressing a laugh.
It was a to-do list. It had the words "operation: Nagisa has a Good December 23-24" written in Karma's fanciest cursive, with little doodles of him that Sugino must've drawn around it.
Nagisa noted how cute he looked in Sugino's doodles.
Under that, there was a list of things the two of them must've been planning for the day and the next. It included giving him presents (descriptions on where they were hidden were next to that step), a hoodie (Sugino and Karma had written each of their names, crossed the other's out, and ended up just writing "whoever gets the chance first"), buying him sushi, and talking to him about Sonic Ninja.
And at the very bottom of the paper, in Sugino's big, blocky handwriting, underlined twice, was "DO NOT TELL HIM!!! DON'T RUIN PRE-CHRISTMAS!!". Nagisa felt guilty for reading, though he wasn't completely sure why it was so important to keep it a secret. The amount of effort they had put into it made the whole thing a lot more touching, in his opinion.
Sugino's head fell on Nagisa's shoulder, breathing softly and steadily.
They've put so much effort into all of this, Nagisa thought, absentmindedly leaning his head on top of Sugino's. After all that, the least I can do is let them think I don't know how much planning they did for me.
Nagisa slipped the paper back into Karma's pocket. Karma's hand curled around his subconsciously.
Surrounded by two of his best friends, Nagisa smiled, and felt himself drift off to sleep as well.
Thank you, both of you.
Bonus headcanons since this is a mess:
Karma and Sugino both have a crush on Nagisa
they found out about their own crush from Okuda and Maehara respectively
Nakamura found out and added them into theĀ ā€œNagisa Simpsā€ group chat
the group chat plans little events or things to make Nagisa happy
they also lowkey tease each other of their crushes, take turns being jealous occasionally, yet sometimes wingman each other
the goal is Nagisaā€™s happiness, not their own relationships
theĀ  "DO NOT TELL HIM!!! DON'T RUIN PRE-CHRISTMAS!!" part of the note was about confessing their crushes. they didnā€™t want Nagisa to have any bad memories tied to before Christmas because of them
Karmaā€™s handwriting is either insanely fancy cursive, or complete chicken scratch
Sugino doodled Nagisa smiling on the plan as decoration
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the-littlefangirl Ā· 4 years ago
TFATWS episode 2 rewatch commentary
We should've guessed John Walker was going to be an asshole the moment it was revealed he played football in high school
That remix of star spangled man is my villain origin story JEEEEEEESUS i want to punch something
They literally mass produced a Walker action figure in two weeks what the fuck
"Your new Captain America" GAAAAAAAAAAh * angry noises *
"For those who aren't familiar with John's resume" thank you GMA lady
My face during that whole speech: wtf and indignation intensify
Bucky's face: yep same.
Imagine being Sam and everywhere you go you're seeing your one (1) mistake spit in your face overandoverandover again that's g r e a t
Tbh that sambucky reunion was anticlimatic as fuck but i actually liked that, it was like WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN they canā€™t look at each other for 5 seconds before they need to start bickering
"You think it didn't break my heart" SAM SWEETIE
The way I know this clip by heart help me. It's still hilarious but it's even better now that I know that they literally just met and they're already bickering can you PLEASE stop you children
Spoiler it was a thing
Love how nonchalant JoaquĆ­n is about this entire situation lmao
"You sure about that"
*Fakes smiles* yeah, * screams *
Congrats at least you didn't rip your arm off this time that's what I call progress
is heā€¦ is he wearing high wasted skinny (jeans) combat pants?
Redwing i'm sorry for what's about to happen :(
"Look at you all stealthy" PLEASE
"it's white wolf, actually" n e r d
SAM MATERIALIZING OUT OF THIN AIR SAFHAJSFHA this is the second time that happened itā€™s so funny
L e t Ā m Ā e Ā  s e e
ā€œSo they're strong. W h a t e v e rā€
SFHJDASKFA we're superheroes ma'am vibes
3 supersoldiers what could possibly go wrong
"I always wanted to do that" *gets punched in the face* you deserved that
YEAH BABEE look at those wings
Why do the knockoff duo have a special handshake jesus fucking christ i hate them
ā€œSAM JOHN WALKER CAPTAIN AMERICAā€ Sam: *Glares harder*
Sam is having a very shitty day
So are we going to ignore that Bucky did t h e Ā t h i n g with the shield? Ok? Ok.
You can't tell me he wasn't thinking of just grabbing it like a toy and not returning it in the middle of the fight sfj
*whispers* t h e e arm thing
*Stares at the wall* I CAN'T WITH THAT SEQUENCE WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO MEJSFHJASFAH PLEASE they didn't have to go that far with the grunting noises PLEASE
John Walker getting his ass served is something that can be so personal<3
Also, I like that they've now established that he CAN lose a fight, which makes me wonder if he's also going to use his political influence as leverage against sam and bucky once he goes berserk
"It's one of the big three" "Aliens, androids or wizards" "pretty sure" lmao yeah I don't think that's the vindication Sam was looking for
"Look, I've done the work, okay" SHUT THE FUUUUUUCK UP
"You ever jump on top of a grenade" bucky finding out about it in the middle of a briefing during the war fic trope intensifies
"It's a reinforced helmet" well you're fucking losing the point there then you naive clown
Captain "Kind of the government" America??? NOPE NOPE GOODBYE N O P E NOOOOOOOOOOOPE
"Usually said by the people with the resources" daaamn
ā€œI'm Battlestar. John's partner" A clown thatā€™s what you are
"It'd be a whole lot easier if I had Cap's wingmen on my side" FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUU
"It's always that last line" yeP
Erin Kellyman is??? So pretty???
"The GRC care more about the people who came back than the ones who never left" love how they keep putting those random bits since otherwise their position sounds??? Extremely reasonable?? BUT THEY ARE V I O L E N TĀ  R E V O L U T I O N E R S fuck off
"Let's take the shield, Sam" oh you BET he's been spiraling thinking about 3224 strategies on how to steal the shield during that flight
Sharon name drop:)
The whole Baltimore sequence * chef's kiss *
Friendly reminder that Isaiah Bradley won a fight against the Winter Soldier. Proceed.
"I'm not a killer anymore" bucky sweetie
"You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be" OOOOF
Carl Lumbly's acting f u c k
"How could nobody bring him up" SAM SWEETIE
I'm going to go ballistic now excuse me:))
This whole scene is so well written jesus fucking christ
Have you praised Anthony Mackie's performance today?
Twitter is this clear enough for you?????
Tbh i'm actually surprised marvel allow them to go there even if the situation didn't escalate.
They put the tiiiiniest handcuffs on bucky lmfao
How many more "bucky"s from Walker's mouth until someone punches him?
"He's too valuable of an asset to have tied up" YEAH BEEP BEEP ALARMS GOING OFF RIGHT THE FUCK NOW UHM THOSE WERE SOMEā€¦ WORD CHOICESā€¦ THAT WERE USEDā€¦ fuck you Walker
"It's something I use with couples" oh coME ON
SFHAJSDFH this is ridiculous i love it
Malcolm Spellman: * agressively takes notes on Stackie's interviews *
Sambucky: *chaotic leg positioning*
I love that the staring contest thing is the conclusion of the bucky staring joke lmao
this is literally not about you bucky
"Maybe this is something you or Steve will never understand. But can you accept that I did what I thought was right?" YEAH!!!!Ā 
Why is everyone, on the show and outside of it too, acting as if Sam made that decision of out the blue and didn't think about it for six months straight, and look what happened! He got fucking played! He's feeling enough remorse as it is jfc
"Thanks Doc for making it weird I feel much better" LMFAO
Oh you KNOW that the shoulder clap is going to come back unironically and it's going to be soft as fuck
"I feel better" "I feel awful" props for the honesty boys!
"It wouldn't make sense to work with you" more like you're the fucking government's lap dog and we wouldn't touch that with a twelve feet long pole. Let's fucking go Sam let's fucking go
10/10 building of Walker actually being a fucking asSHOLE
The Power Broker name drop!
Yes Bucky SHOULD beat the SHIT out of Zemo. As a treat.
Oh I love that last bird eye's shot at the end of the scene
Overall thoughts: This episode was MUCH MUCH better on second viewing. I do think itā€™s a little bit too fast paced so a lot of things keep happening and thereā€™s not enough time to process them in between?? Again the best moments are the quiet ones like the flight back and the Baltimore scene, but mad props to everyone from jumping between comedy and drama so fucking well. Even though there are, in tone, some very opposite atmospheres in the episode it never feels chaotic, and the situations that happen are very well connected and donā€™t feel disjointed at all.
The highlight of the episode was definitely the two different ways Sam and Bucky are (avoiding) grieving over Steve, and how his legacy hangs between them at all times. It makes so much sense for Bucky to take the entire situation so personally because Steve was the One thing he knew he could trust, while Sam is trying to see the bigger picture and not just what Steve demanded of him.
Hope that makes sense!
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everyone-has-their-story Ā· 5 years ago
Season 3 episode 7 commentary with my sister:
So since this show is so different do they not do the bipolar storyline? Does Sander have a different a secret?
Episode 6 commentary
Oooo a Milan and Zoe night in? I wanna joinĀ 
Whatcha need Senne for?
Yikes, way to kill the mood Robbe
Heā€™s sure, Jens is sure, Iā€™m sure, we are all sureā€¦(zoe asked if heā€™s sure it was Viktor)
He looked you up in the yellow pages
Yo Viktor you better hope you donā€™t see Senne
Ughhh Zoe! I see your communication skills with Senne havenā€™t improved
This is going to end greeeeat
Jens is finally caring and-- oh damnit not these dickheads
Whattt? Tell me what it is!
WHAT?! (mural)
Moyo you are ruining this for me in so many ways!
Sander I said you could use my wall, but this works too!
Moyo fuck off
Oh yeah! Noor can do it, she didnā€™t but she could
His face is showing 100 different emotions right now
That look between Jens and Robbe is making me like Jens more these days..
I have read nothing that the boys are saying...Iā€™m focused on Robbeā€™s face..
He looks so conflicted
Oh shit the close up! It's so good!! But also...LOL to that actor!!
Ofc they posted it on instagram..
Dude Senne YOUā€™VE had better days?? Try being Robbe..
Oooo secrets!
Sanderā€™s lack of subtlety in his love for Robbe is admirable
Donā€™t act surprised..everyone needs your advice Milan
Go. Sit. Talk.Ā 
I know Iā€™m going to dislike this conversation, but I live for their talks
Noooo, itā€™s not your fault!!
Sorry Milan, but you donā€™t date someone for 6 months, meet a random dude and paint his face on a fucking wall if you just want him as your side piece
I get that itā€™s common, but not this situation
Sad Robbe making an appearance yet again
You have a visitor!
Nevermind..No visitors! Weā€™re closed!!
Go. Away. Viktor!!
Sought help? Bitch pleaseā€¦
Bite me, Viktor...Senne use the knife
10/10 on this speech
Nooooo sad Zoenne!
Why is this the saddest but happiest season?
Awww thatā€™s a cute hug
Why are you texting Noor?
These boys need to stop fucking talking
Yes, Jens!! Yes!
Oh shit they really doing this
Again..the looks between Jens and Robbe are great
He said it!
Fuck you guys!!!!!
Yes Jens!!
Yes Robbe!
Noooooooo that is not what he needed!
Pause it! I should probably rewatch the scene, but Iā€™ll do that later...I kinda got a different vibe from Aaron, like Moyo is a dick, but Aaron just kinda seems like a clueless dude who doesnā€™t know wtf to do. And I am seriously liking Jens more and more..why couldnā€™t he have been like this all season? Youā€™re not listening to me, are you? *presses play*
I hope he is pretending that dartboard is Moyoā€™s face
Fuck them, Robbe!
Yes look at your new friends Robbe! Milan is great!
Aww he is a cutie, huh Milan?
Oh awesome more Zoenne fighting...I have a lot going on right now, so can yā€™all stop. Thanks, bye.
Milan and Robbe are like ā€œah the parents are fighting!ā€
Idk all the fighting might say otherwise, but you do you Zoe
Aw Zoe feels left out!
Tell her!!
Hahahah Milan!Ā 
*laughs* Zoe!!! (Zoe thinking Milan and Robbe are a thing)
Milan feeling butthurt hahaha
Yes! Zoe and Robbe talking about Sander!
Wait what!! Nooo, open the door!! Rude...
Yasmina and Luca!! My girls!
Why is Aaron there?
Jfc Amber mind your business
I love Luca so much
Oh damn, Luca..
HE SAID YES!! I love that (when asked if he is gay)
Hahahaha Luca itā€™s okay girl, we get it
The other two were fucking assholes,that's what they were
The judgement on the girlsā€™ faces at Aaron, same!
Oh sweet jesus Aaron stop talkingā€¦
Put the boy out of his misery...someone save himĀ 
Slow down with your rainbows for a minute Luca
Also...wtf are they talking about? What website?
**air high fives** me too!
Ahhh shit moyoā€™s backā€¦
No, donā€™t go over there!
Iā€™m uncomfortable, anyone else uncomfortable?
Aaron what?! He literally JUST told you he was gay...wtf dude
Look at him being educated about pansexuals
Even Jens is impressed
Moyo... WHY?! WHYYY?!Ā 
The mural!!
Wait..he CAN ride a skateboard!! Good to know
Jens your friendship score is improving
Sander your boyfriend score is decreasing
Your instagram..wish I could see itā€¦**gives me a dirty look**
Yes, I do (jens asks if he still loves him)
Oh you were asking Robbe..
Ahh the ultimatum! Jens NOW you are the matchmaker!Ā 
Idk if Robbe can handle any more pain
Yes, he does! Youā€™re right Jens!
Wait but he didnā€™t answer?
Iā€™m not sure which way this is going to goā€¦
Sander use your words..come on!
Wow this song isnā€™t fucking with me at all
**slams the pause button** Did this bitch just drop the universe line with the 100%?? I know they use ā€œ100%ā€ all the time on this show but this hits different...Smooth, Sander, so smooth. *presses play*
Oh thank god!
Oh shit...maybe move in-- nevermind yā€™all made it into the flat
The contrast between this time and with Noor...Robbe is like actually participating
Why does this make me emotional? Why am I like this?
Yes, shoes, important
**cackles** omg they are fucking adorable
Robbe! I didnā€™t know you had it in you!! (the iconic nipple lick)
Boy you really leveled up!
Damn this song is something else
His face here compared to with Noor..I canā€™t..
Holding hands? Iā€™m fine..totally fine..
This is so well done, like literally everything about this is so well done
Iā€™m sorry for repeating myself but they have great chemistry...other couples donā€™t compare..and there may have been very minimal speaking but I felt like they both said so much
Thank fucking christ we ended on a happy note!
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