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gravedigg · 9 months ago
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I was commissioned by @todderwodders to draw a portrait of @eregar's Durge, Mazeldarin, as a gift. This was a delight, thank you both. I <3 Maze :-)
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lamortwrites · 2 months ago
10, 17, and 23 for labrys :3
answering these oc asks, thank you!
10. What’s an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
I have definitely talked too much about bloodborne au lol I'll talk about something else for once. so as an alternative, I was thinking just this morning about a reject Bhaal au...Labrys has too much of a beaten in sense of responsibility to even think such a thing is possible for them, even after the lobotomy, and would require 1) someone else to care enough about them to put in the effort required to convince them to save themselves (incredibly difficult challenge already, given they spend 90% of their interactions with, well, anybody stuck in a hostile, disdainful mindset) and 2) someone whose opinion they care enough about to believe and trust that their autonomy matters enough to fight for it, which is also a very difficult ask lol. I created them kind of with the idea that they don't get any kind of "good" ending, in any universe, so thinking about giving them something good is strange, even if they would absolutely hate it. feral cat being brought in and bathed and domesticated, but like, in a nice way, as opposed to how Gortash treats them
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
side eyes the previous answer where I said they were designed to never get a happy ending. but I think the cruelest thing I did to them is keep them riding the line of almost, but not quite -- their mother almost succeeded in hiding them away from the cult, but she couldn't quite keep their father from digging his claws into them. they almost had the chance to redeem themselves, become a paladin, someone they could be proud of...but they couldn't quite manage it. they almost manage to find a sort of equilibrium and trust with Gortash, but they can't quite manage to close it out. they almost land themselves in a position where they can break free and define their own life for themselves, but they don't ever manage to make it that far. really, their entire character revolves around being not good enough, which is an awful theme to give to someone lol
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
honestly...most of them lol. anything positive they certainly don't know how to deal with; the only person they could handle praise or love from is the one person who would never give it to them. they are simultaneously incredibly arrogant and deeply insecure, and any kind of emotion they don't understand makes them incredibly uncomfortable with how out of their depth they are, and that in turn leads to anger. the closest they've ever gotten to being able to express something like love is with Orin, when they were both much, much younger, before their relationship had the chance to sour, and even that was a questionable attempt at best.
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nullshocked · 10 months ago
🍍🍰🍷for the boy jack ofc :))
Odd OC Asks
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
Home, sometimes. Wherever home happens to be at that particular moment. He needs a place he can retreat away from crowds and noise. Sometimes home is a person, too.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Manipulation and disloyalty especially. He doesn't like it when people aren't honest with him and if someone is trying to pull the wool over his eyes it pisses him off because of past experience. There's a lot of things he'll put up with that he arguably shouldn't, but people trying to control him isn't one of them.
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food?
(Under a cut for discussions of disordered eating and trauma involving food.)
Food was often used as a method of punishment and control by Jean-Paul when he was a child, usually via withdrawing meals as retaliation for perceived misbehavior. Jack as an adult does not like to eat in front of other people he doesn't know and trust, and will eat very quickly out of an irrational fear of someone taking it from him. He also has a tendency to purposefully starve himself and deny himself food as a form of self-punishment when he's stressed.
So for him the main this is food waste really gets to him. People who just throw out perfectly good food, or who make too much and let it spoil, that kind of thing is what really gets to him due to his own experiences growing up.
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kaijusaur · 10 months ago
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wow look at all these good durges (and faline)
faline @todderwodders
nox @cats-obsessions
mazeldarin @eregar
minaz @pastismyown
vivette @infernaldaydreams
virgil @gravedigg
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avas-poltergeist · 2 months ago
I have not made a mood board in a hot minute, but I have been super into my silly Rogue Trader (Fester is really repping that Riddler green and black motif) and was tagged by @lylakoi (thank you)
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tagging @florallychaotic @chunkymonkey @kissingagrumpygiant @infinitelystrangemachinex @sparrowposting @eregar
and of course anyone who wants to do this! Gimme gimme gimme the nine images that correlate to your oc of choice.
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tuna-keyboard · 23 days ago
Re: @eregar 's wonderful post about Heinrix being primed to be a queer narrative, it actually made me think about how Cassia is also primed to be a queer narrative. A sheltered young woman with the weight of her family's expectations bearing down on her constantly? Her primary point of context for the world being books she managed to get her hands on that she may or may not have been allowed to read? Powers that she cannot change and did not ask for that cause even members of her household to label her as monstrous and irredeemable? The fear of expressing her emotions, and having to repress what is so core to her existence in order to be palatable to others? She leaves her home and has the first taste of freedom and now has to decide how she wants to live her life and what is important to her. That feels awful familiar to me.
I'm so looking forward to romancing her in my next playthrough, I want to learn more about her because I feel like there's a lot there that I've missed, a lot that's worth looking at
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mashamorevvna · 10 days ago
📕 writer’s tag game 📕
tagged by @eregar (thank youuuuu 🥹❤️) to name five things you may, perhaps, perchance find in my writing
activities which are objectively far from sex but, for the purpose of the fic, must be considered as sex nevertheless
psychosexual mindgames
the worst woman alive in a five mile radius
someone who haunts the setting, likely the worst woman alive in a five mile radius
the family as an oppressive institutional structure
tagging: @yesistolethisurl @say-lene @aliasknives @bharv and @rowanisawriter
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plethomacademia · 8 months ago
Tagged by @mightymizora!
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite.
Tagging @infernaldaydreams, @swordbisexual, @femmeharel, @amaranthsynthesis, and @eregar because I expect more than one of y'all to include Solas and I think that's worth bonding over.
My goal here was to alternate between Star Trek and other properties and it was hard, I could have done an all Star Trek line up very easily
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Ianthe fanart from here
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eregar · 1 year ago
banged out another one boys. if you're wanting a 'meeting the dark urge' fic that's more focused on gortash's pov and his relationship with bane, this one's for you.
Mature Rating | M/M | 5.0k words
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lamortwrites · 2 months ago
23, 24, 25, and 26 for your rogue trader :3
answering these oc asks for Labrys (durge) or Lazarus (rogue trader)
23. Stability or novelty?
he would say stability, but the real answer is novelty
24. Honesty or charity?
honesty...unless charity would get him something better or more useful. he's not quite as clever as he thinks he is: he needs a minute to think and decide on the best course of action, and he tends towards bluntness on instinct
25. Safety or possibility?
possibility, every time
26. Talent or effort?
effort. he doesn't hate people with talent, for whom things come naturally, but he is certainly disinclined to like them very much
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nullshocked · 1 year ago
Fanfic Writers: Director's Commentary
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OKAY I WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS BIT FROM THE FIRST CHAPTER because this section underwent a few changes. I wrote this scene when I was still kind of figuring out what I wanted to do with this story and was still waffling between what my exact plans were for Prosper. (I'm kind of terrible about having vague ideas and then just writing them out and seeing where they go.)
A huge part of editing this was trying to convey that Prosper... cannot be trusted, and that anyone looking at him shouldn't trust him. And the second part of that is conveying how Jean, despite the experiences he had growing up, is still extremely naive when it comes to other people. Prosper menaces him here, but the second he flips the script and seems to offer some form of kindness, Jean latches onto it because no one in his life has ever truly offered him that before.
Also ngl River and I have been rewatching the Moon Moon show and the Kate/Prosper parallels are oof.
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And this bit immediately after, because like... Jean at this point of the story is still a kid. Like he's an adult, but still young enough for people with ill intentions to prey on. I did try really, really hard to kind of walk back some of the descriptions and feelings of the abuse he suffered, both because a) it's something Jean is actively trying to push out of his mind so he can focus on his newfound freedom and b) idk it felt heavyhanded in the first draft. This still feels maybe like too much when I look at it now, but it kind of demonstrates why Jean is willing to trust someone who objectively shouldn't be: because his point of reference for harm is so much worse than simply being menaced on the street.
Uhhh anyway yeah KJLGHSKJHSDG i'm having fun with this story thank u
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cats-obsessions · 1 year ago
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @spellmage <3 (last week- oops)
Tagging @eregar and @plethomacademia (sorry if you've already done this; I'm fashionably late)
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I'm being lazy and only doing this for my durgetash stuff
Fated Meetings
The Dark Urge stalks the night, hunting for prey: the foolish, the unworthy, the oblivious mortals whose flesh and blood will please his lord.
It’s the night of the summer solstice when the Dark Urge finds himself laid out on a picnic blanket, watching the falling stars and floating lanterns, lazily trailing up into the sky from the celebrating city below.
Kill Your Lover
Somehow, the silence echoes in the room, pounding, throbbing pain bouncing off the walls of Nox’s busy mind.
Gortash Gets Tadpoled
The splitting, agonizing pain in his head had not reduced since the Dark Urge awoke upon the nautiloid, but he’s alarmed to find that the rest of his body isn’t broken after the crash.
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avas-poltergeist · 1 month ago
Ten People I'd Like to Know Better
thank you @s1ithers <3 <3 <3
last song: Sorry by Alex G
last book: Nona the Ninth (completing my re-read in hopes of summoning any news of Alecto)
last movie: dragging my non-Jewish friends on Christmas Day to Nosferatu (2024) was one of the best experiences I've had in a long time.
last tv show: Severance (I'm going to get real obnoxious about this show every Friday for the next nine weeks. I'm so sorry.)
sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy
last thing I searched for online: zeugma examples
current obsession: Rogue Trader, of course, with some very strange Arcane feelings still lingering in the periphery on account of the Horrors and the fact I got invited to write for a zine about Ekko and Jinx (which is so crazy)
looking forward to: sending revisions and version number twelve of my thesis to my advisor. I think they'll finally set me free after this.
@eregar @infinitelystrangemachinex @wizardysseus @mad-phlegmatic @rizzikale @bowling-for-salad @florallychaotic @maggotknight @chunkymonkey @literary-potato
If you want! <3
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plethomacademia · 11 months ago
objectifying men in armor will literally never get old. like, work it shiny boy. hit ‘em with that old razzle dazzle you fuckin trash can. hottie! (tucks $5 into your cuirass) 
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mashamorevvna · 2 months ago
tagged by @eregar (thank you so so much 🥹🥹 ❤️❤️!!!) to post all the names of the files in my WIP folder and if it catches somebody's fancy they can send an ask with the title to receive snippets and/or a (lbr, very verbose) description of what it's about!
for bg3:
time loop au
psychosexual threesome
orin in aulis
keep your mind in hell
minthara de winter (numero 2)
l'amour du loup
deathless ketheric
for dragon age:
bride of your own blind armour, bride of your own blind eyes
anora/arianna feudal chokehold
lighthouse rebecca
godfucker extraordinaire
now, ive been painfully out of the loop and considerably less painfully offline these past few weeks, so i fear i might either be doubletapping (apologies!) somebody who has already been tagged AND/OR doubletapping somebody who not only has been already tagged but also has already written the post (double apologies!! reblog the post if youd like for us [me] well intentioned fans 👀👀👀). onto the tagging: @yesistolethisurl @say-lene @anderstrevelyan @aliasknives
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plethomacademia · 8 months ago
tagging @eregar maybe? no pressure but i know you are cooking.
Y'all I have been bouncing between bullying Gale and bullying Astarion but the Gale fic is mostly an outline, so have the most Astarion introduction I think I will ever write. This is a direct sequel to the tadpole fic and it is, as everything is between Astarion and Maeve, an escalation. But the beginning is just me rolling around in the emptiest, prettiest head in all of Baldur's Gate
It is another beautiful morning at the end of the world. Well, it is a fair enough morning, Astarion thinks to himself as keeps pace with the rest of the group. The wind from the sea has a bit of a chill and the sun seems incapable of keeping pace with it. He is always prone to being cold, what with the undeath and everything, but the others seem unphased, perhaps even cheerful. Impending death has a way of putting the shine on things. There are eight of them walking in a group this morning, twice as many as usually move together but it is a temporary arrangement. Healthy paranoia keeps them in smaller groups but today, two groups of four are heading in the same direction, at least for now, and no one was interested in making a production of one group leaving after the other. It might have been the early morning earthquake that put the fire under them, or simply just that awareness that things were coming to a head. Some might even call it a climax. Astarion feels himself smile. If he had been speaking out loud, that would have been a good pun. After all, what else is there to do between trying to save the entire gods damned world than to fuck each other senseless? That seems to be the way their party is coping, at least.
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