#i voted marvin anyways
cherryberg · 2 years
harry isnt actually divorced, dora never married him. harry is to pathetic to even be married in the first place. so its not just a divorce fucking him up. its a break up
okay.. nods nods i see. mixed asks and net zero information. there's something wrong with harry and it isn't a divorce apparently...?
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crystalninjaphoenix · 6 months
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Second Run - Part Two
A JSE Interactive Fanfic
The results are in.
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Your path has been altered. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. Don't mind me accidentally voting on the poll myself, I tapped on the option while scrolling fhdjkalh So the results are actually even more in the favor of playing video games :)
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on April 12th at 12:00pm PST. Part Three will be up the next day, April 13th, at the same time.
“Yeah, I’m sure the food situation is fine,” Chase says. “I want to check out the consoles that Jack’s been keeping from us.”
“Hell yeah!” Jackie grins.
Schneep rolls his eyes. “Fine. But if there is no food in the kitchen you will have to drive back to town.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” That was the price of being the only friend with a driver’s license. “Look, if something’s up, I’ll stop what I’m doing and head down there. But I doubt it is.” Chase leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “C’mon, let’s go check it out.”
Jackie whoops and hurries to the staircase. Chase follows at a slower pace with Schneep trailing behind him.
Marvin and JJ are already downstairs, sitting on the sofa closest to the window. “Can’t believe it’s already getting dark,” Marvin mutters. “Love the fall, hate the lack of daylight.”
“Ah, Marvin, JJ,” Schneep says. “It is getting close to dinner time. What would you like to eat? There is no guarantee Jack will have stocked the food, but I will ask anyway.”
“You already know my list of foods I like,” Marvin says, shrugging.
I’m fine with whatever you want to make, JJ says. It sounds like we may have limited options.
“We may. I have not checked yet.”
“Hey, do you guys want to check out the PS5 with me and Chase?” Jackie asks.
“Uh, sure, I’ll watch whatever you guys do,” Marvin says.
JJ stands up. I’d rather help Henrik in the kitchen, if you don’t mind.
“Aw, I thought we were making so much progress teaching you the ways of the future!” Chase pretends to look sad.
JJ chuckles. I may join later, don’t worry.
He and Schneep headed into the kitchen while Chase, Jackie and Marvin started setting up the console and checking out what games were on it. “Jesus, does he have every Resident Evil game on here?” Chase mutters. “He does! There’s no way he’s played them all, though, since he straight-up forgot about this cabin until recently.”
“Oo! Oo! Spider-Man!” Jackie says excitedly. “Let’s play that!”
“We should choose something multiple people can play,” Marvin points out.
“Yeah, well, doesn’t look like he has a lot of those,” Chase says. “Look, Monopoly. You want to play Monopoly?”
Marvin makes a face.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Good news, everyone!” Schneep reappears in the archway leading to the kitchen. “Everything is full of food. I don’t think we are eager to cook, but JJ found some frozen pizzas in the freezer.”
“Hell yeah,” Jackie says. “How many? What toppings?”
“Well it looks like there is one for each of us, as there are five, one for each of our preferences.”
“Oh cool, I don’t have to pick off toppings!” Marvin says excitedly. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
“The oven is not big enough for all at once, so who can wait?”
“Uh, I’m not that hungry,” Chase says. “And I doubt that Jackie will want to eat right away, since he went straight for the PS5.”
“Hey! ...Well, that’s fair,” Jackie admits.
“Three is fine,” Schneep says, and turns around, going back into the kitchen.
“Sooo what are we playing?” Jackie asks.
“I saw Grand Theft Auto back there, let’s choose that,” Marvin suggests. “It’s always fun to watch even if you’re not playing.”
“Sounds good to me,” Chase says, selecting the game.
They play for about ten minutes, with Chase having primary control while Jackie and Marvin tell him what to do and occasionally try to grab the controller from him. Chase is just about ready to tell the other two to take their turn, if they’re so focused on playing, when—
The screen and lights in the room go dark.
“Aw, what?” Chase presses buttons on the controller as if that can fix it. “Did the power go out?”
Marvin groans. “We were tempting fate earlier when we said we won’t have to go down into the basement.”
Schneep and JJ run into the living room. Did everything go out? JJ asks.
“Looks like it.” Jackie punches his fist. “God damn it! Well, at least we didn’t get far.”
“Jack said the fuse box was in the basement, right?” Marvin recalls. “Schneep, you still have the house keys. Can they open the basement door?”
“I am sure they... oh.” Schneep digs around in his pocket. Then his other one. “Where did they..?”
JJ walks over to a table by the entrance and picks up the keys from there. He looks at Schneep with a raised eyebrow. You didn’t remember where you put them?
“W-well, I am sure one of those can open the basement,” Schneep stammers, embarrassed. “I will, ah, keep an eye on the... the food.” And he disappears back into the kitchen.
Jackie sighs. “Okay then. One of us should stay up here and keep an eye on things. Get everything set back up the moment the power comes on. Chase, are you okay with doing that? You were figuring out the controls faster than I was.”
“Sure, I don’t mind,” Chase agrees. “So who’s going downstairs, then?”
Jackie, Marvin, and JJ all look at each other.
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Quick Night Vale Preliminary
I mostly am inclined to include Charles just for the nice parallel structures of Cecil & Carlos, Kevin & Charles, Cecil & Kevin, and Carlos & Charles. But apparently way back during the Desert Bluffs arc fandom made up their own alternate Carlos? (Little did they know Kevin spent ten years trying to get the real Carlos.)
Anyways, Charles has a little kid and is a theologist. Lee Marvin is an actor who reached out and made time work properly in Night Vale.
I WILL CALL THIS POLL BEFORE IT HAS FINISHED! Tumblr doesn't let me set a poll for shorter than a day, so make sure your voice is heard now! I'll give it an hour or two, or maybe over night because I should sleep, I dunno.
EDIT: After 10 minutes and 4 unanimous votes that are not me, we're going with Lee Marvin. I will leave this poll up for posterity.
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alright alright fine ill do marvin propaganda. i have a bandaid on my right thumb so i apologize for any mistakes i might let slip
this man is literally so cringefail. in the first act he is the definition of toxic masculinity and when he finally works up the nerve to divorce his wife because hes gay, he hates himself because of his internalized homophobia and then his kid hates him too. his kid would rather take advice from his dad's BOYFRIEND than him. thats an L moment if you ask me. anyway, then in an attempt to try and help out his ex wife, he directs her to his therapist, where she then falls in love with said therapist (and he does as well) and they GET MARRIED. major L. when hes finally with the man he wants to he with he goes and fucks it up and drives him away. the man also has no sense of style (according to his bf whizzer, who is forever correct). then when he finally gets the courage to accept himself for being gay and treat the only man hes ever allowed himself to love right, everything goes wrong because theyre in the middle of the aids epidemic. whizzer passes, barely six months after they get back together happily and can admit their love for eachother, and it is implied marvin is to die as well. while that ISNT a cringefail or an L, and is in fact very VERY far from it, its just really really sad.
but yeah vote for marvin guys hes not winning by a longshot and we need our middle aged man to win
considering this propaganda for the redemption round!
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2019 // the bonny scot
posting this a day later than normal because this is one of the rare episodes that shows a passage of time from one day to the next yayy love that for them
-wonder what filming these beginning sexy scenes is like for them in real life
-sooooo can lucy see nancys sexy dream? is she judging? does this mean she likes nancy with owen or nick more? or is she trying to tell nancy that her sex dreams are irrelevant to the mystery at hand and she needs to focus?
-seeing people in the ✨prison chair✨: gomber, carson, karen (voting for josh s3 just saying)
-completely ignores carson's question about herself typical nance
-"or maybe i did stumble across a knife" its like hes trying to make the case against him look plausible while attempting to maintain innocence. this is a slippery slope for carson to try and encourage her to keep her pacified + hide the truth while also trying to keep her from getting involved bc hudsons
-"genetics gets you in the door" aaaaand then she walks in to everetts office to meet him and crashes their family dinner
-ok who tf is dawn and why is she in charge here
-this guidance counselor of nicks is my favorite person
-"i admire your allergy to pleasantries" bess and nancy both have reveals to big families but nancy does not have the graceful, accepting reveal to her rich family like bess does at this lunch. nancys reveal is messy, cold, bloodstained and sticky-fingered, not nice in any way whatsoever. and this little chat with everett (bit of a parallel to lucy's) just highlights how nancy is always bad at bargaining with her grandparents*- always trying to fight on their level but giving up her equal hand bc she doesnt know how to hide it when they bring up something she doesnt know. like confronting celia at the masque: she was so confident with her theory and what she knew, but then we got a "what does that mean?" like. the instant you say that, you lose. and she walked right into the "yes i do have someone, hes in jail" 🤦🏼‍♀️ even in the car with ryan at the end of s1, he literally just fucking leaves her there. like 🤷🏼‍♀️ what did u think was gonna happen sis?? for all she can predict how past things lead to present circumstances shes fucking awful at seeing the direct future *(grandparents except for patrice bc her dementia makes her inaccessable)
-lmaooooo this awko ass portrait...i get the empty space is for nance but who on earth thought this was a good pic??
-"will u help the claw for me?" george struggles financially to keep her livelihood while nancy is somehow shown as being taken care of even when her parent is incarcerated; both nancy and george live in single parent homes now with mention of both medical debt and george being breadwinner yet nancy has no struggles while george does. (i wonder if ryan had been able to help george here how the story would have changed)
-"when it comes to following people around without their knowledge or consent i am somewhat of a repeat offender" 😂😂😂
-"he wasnt endgame after all" BESS lmaoooo
-"...okay." lmaoooo i fuckin love owen
-i was hoping the girls' faces would be more shocked like with a glance to owen but they just....werent
-"we're the good guys" <---- this statement is soooo interesting in terms of how they structure the show and how the characters see themselves (its an interesting contrast with the more definitive good vs evil with things that are both clearly good and clearly evil but theres also a lot of moral grey area here, the show is kinda swamped in it. are nancy and crew the good guys? are they the bad guys in someone else's story? concerns.)
-"i'd call it more than just stuff" like why did u concede that??? and then the shit about oof that didnt sound like a compliment lmaoooooo why does she suck at arguing?? she and owen wouldnt work long term bc theyre so similar (as mentioned later on)
-i LOVE george slowly falling in love with nick here- hence how upset she gets when nick bails on her for nancy later (which is totally justified!!!)
-i am LIVING for the little nod this driver guy gives bess when she turns back around all nervous 😂
-"i do like buying things" i would so say that too tbh
-"you'd have plenty to talk about" LMFAOOOOOOO SHE KNOWS "marvins dont marry drivers" so diana is totally fine with the gay its just the poor she has a problem with 😂💙fuckin love that
-love how nancy just casually ruins everything for nick/george lmaooo
-"i have seen you at your best, nancy, and there is nothing like it." 🥴😳 i love this still-in-love look nancy gives him thats so strong he had to change the subject
-so is haunting time 11 pm? from that clock of bashiir's?
-how do NO neighbors notice this fucking water and shit
-these are TOTALLY AWFUL fake screams from the bonny scot crew 😭
-"i know well enough not to get involved when he's in play" both carson and ryan avoid engaging with everett even though nancy is willing to do so armed with less info and more balls/ but "could i trust him" and ryan says yes lmaooooo NO honey + that makes ryan 0/2 for helping the girls when they ask this ep
-"find a project of your own" and he does, with his youth center 🙏🏻💙 what s2 foreshadowing!
-"god i wish i still drank" 😂😂😂
-"she is darling." 💙👌🏻
-okay wtf is mirror bay??
-i really wonder about the extent of celia x sebastians relationship here. did she truly care about him or was it just secret and exciting sex? also would love more hints of diana vs celia moments like these. celia doesnt even look upset. i mean shes had time to deal but like wtf. and who exactly is sebastian to diana? not her husband? like damn what if he was. somehow i doubt she'd talk about him diddling celia if diana was disrespected also
-i wonder if celia being so invested in dna testing nancy was bc everrett dna tested ryan to make sure he was his bc of sebastian / other men (which would be totally valid on his part!! but wouldnt it be funny as fuck if ryan wasnt his 😂)
-what a neat hiding place in this frame lmaooo who put that in for them tho? like how do u go about ordering that
-"you certainly are your fathers daughter" this quote is doubly ironic and foreshadowy bc theyre referencing carson here as being a useful hudson attaché but nancy is playing everett just like ryan played celia about putting his house up (but TRIPLY ironic bc carson pulls off the long con of hiding nancy from the hudsons right under their noses this whole time!) the one time nancy is successful against them
-that bess/lisbeth look while lisbeth does something badass (+diana reassessing now that lisbeth has been revealed to be useful)
-"almost as fun as a real fight" why do i believe him? lmaoooo a bit weird that he would enjoy a fight w a partner, but i also think this is an acknowledgement of nancy being an "opponent" who exists at his level. but i also love the "let me take you out" as a direct mirror of her relationship with nick, where she avoids the public acknowledgment/"going out" but prefers the more subtle/hidden arrangements of staying in. but as shown with later eps, owen is way more capable of meeting nancy where shes at, which is so important to her + the only way of getting close to nancy. (the only foil is ace who somehow is able to do both)
-"not always about a guy" <---- this could have been such a powerful statement if the show had thought having nancy end up alone/choose herself instead of pitting her between love interests (nick, owen, gil, even potentially ace, in only 2 seasons) was a more worthy stance to take ; as an aro/ace person i cant tell you how much i would kill to see just one female protag choose herself over a man. and its more realistic to end up alone than have a happy ending anyway, for all that these shows try to be as "real" and gritty grimdark as possible
-"is that what you want?" this is an interesting question to his mother- like maybe he senses her unhappiness? combined with his issues with his father- still trying to look out for his mom? either way it's sweet. (it could also potentially work as foreshadowing of something happening to her, but i think that was played with but then diverted when it was revealed who really killed her) "i think its time i steer this ship" still kind of patriarchal tho. i get that its him coming into his own as a dad technically but still. i also like how he calls her "mother" and not mom
-love that old white people thumbs up at george asking about his clams 👍🏻
-okay fuck dawn tho lmfaoooo
-"stressful dinner huh?" 😂 i fucking love lisbeth so much why didnt they bring her back (wouldnt it be Fucking Hilarious if they brought lisbeth back to bounce bess on her expired visa since the marvins kicked her out and didnt fix it lmaoooooo)
-BESS IS A TOP lmaooooooo i fuckin knew it
-nick says "you can pay me back" wonder if thats gonna come back in s3 considering their "marital problems" (also, those bonds are sosus lmfaoooo if any single person cashing those was looked at sideways they'd confess in 2 seconds that some random guy is handing out bearer bonds they dont even make anymore with absolutely zero proof as to how he got them)
-"you wanna finish what you started?" 👀 (dont mind if i do)
-"i need my dad back" parallels s2 when she asks him to come home
-parent politics: "you are taking your life in your hands / no, i'm putting it in yours" vs "i know well enough not to get involved when hes in play" both carson and ryan try to dissuade nancy from pursuing her pulling this con on everett but go about it different ways: carson is wildly concerned with nancys physical wellbeing but ryan appears to be leaning more towards weighing the odds for her/ like a "you cant win so cut your losses/dont try" scenario which interestingly might have more weight with nancy; its easy for her to brush aside carson's worrying like second nature but nancy has been established to be a determined winner, and ryan speaks to her here like shes a beginners luck prodigy at a blackjack table by encouraging her to keep her record clean by not dealing in this next round. of course she herself admits shes incapable of not dealing in ie "you know me better than that" but i have lots more thoughts on how effective ryans approaches to nancy can be sometimes (saving for the reveal ep 🙏🏻)
-wonder what all carson knows about the hudsons? + that look on his face when he hangs up... wonder if he was just lying to her about knowing anything or just ashamed at having to admit bad things hes done for them
-love nick & bashiir waiting together 🙏🏻💙+ nicks very strong and pointed "good night" as a means of ending his convo w nancy on his terms (gotta reinforce those boundaries man!)
and lastly
-celia + that gossip girl moment when she just throws the whole phone away 😂(wonder if she was just talking to "gus" or whoever that guy was. keep forgetting the bobbseys' dad is in prison too, wonder if he'll feature in s3)
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The Impossible Imposter - A Nancy Drew Among Us Crack Fanfiction
I wrote this at midnight last night to celebrate my 20th birthday. This is probably the most stupid thing I’ve ever written.
Here’s the AO3 link!
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Characters: Bess Marvin, Sonny Joon, Mason Quinto, Alec Fell, Dwayne Powers, Ethel Bossiny, Jacques Brunais, Lou Talbot, Brady Armstrong, Harper Thornton
Word Count:  2224
Here’s the fic!
[Camera pans to table with a button in the center, ten individuals stand around. The smallest in pink is BESS MARVIN, the tallest JACQUES BRUNAIS in purple, DWAYNE POWERS in red, ALEC FELL in green, SONNY JOON in cyan, MASON QUINTO in blue, ETHEL BOSSINY in white, HARPER THORNTON in black, BRADY ARMSTRONG in lime, LOU TALBOT in yellow.]
[All crew members eye each other, each suspicious of the others. MASON QUINTO leans on the table.]
MASON: Alright, since no one wants to talk, I’ll do it. We each have tasks right? Let’s do them. We’ve got to go and get to our destination.
BRADY: But where are we going?
ALEC: Good question. We were never really told where we’re going. We just are here… I guess.
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: Instantly, I thought Mason was suspicious, but he’s just like that I’ve realized. He’s always up to something, whether it’s being an asshole or a dick or a genius. Depends.}
[SONNY slams hands on the table.]
SONNY: Let’s yeet !
[Crowd disperses, leaving LOU in the cafeteria to empty the garbage]
{LOU CONFESSIONAL: I wanted to go in a group, just so I wouldn’t be alone. I hate it here. But like, you know, they were all so fast. Going by all zippy-zoom.}
[In ADMIN, BESS MARVIN struggles while swiping her card.]
BESS: C’mon! Just work!
[DWAYNE enters, eyes squinted at her. They both watch each other warily. BESS’s card still won’t scan. DWAYNE heads toward the wires.]
BESS: Please, please, please, please…
{BESS CONFESSIONAL: Dwayne freaks me out. He’s so… Unhinged. I’ve heard everything he’s done! Even if he isn’t the imposter, he’d probably kill us all anyway!}
[DWAYNE leaves.]
BESS: [releaved] Oh, thank God.
[In ELECTRICAL, BRADY is struggling with wires.]
BRADY: [puts two wires together and shocks himself] Ouch!
[HARPER enters, laughing to herself.]
BRADY: Hi, Harper. [shocks himself again] Ow.
{BRADY CONFESSIONAL: Harper is scary. She just is. I’ve heard rumors that she’s actually, like, crazy. I don’t want to believe them, since I like to see the best in people and it helps with my celebrity image, but she’s… Just scary.}
[HARPER helps fix the wires with him.]
HARPER: Maybe if you’d put the wires together in the right way you wouldn’t die so fast.
HARPER: Oh, nothing, hon.
{HARPER CONFESSIONAL: My condescending cousin says that all the time and it makes others feel awful, so I thought I’d give it a try. [loud laugh] It worked!}
[Without any warning, OXYGEN DEPLETION ALARM goes off. Both crew members look each other in the eye and then run off down the hall.]
[ADMIN at OXYGEN CONTROL PANEL, MASON is typing in the deactivation code.]
{MASON CONFESSIONAL: I expected to be the only one doing anything about this, but deep inside me I didn’t want it to be that way. You know, I could totally just not do anything and then we’d all die. But I actually want to live, unlike some people apparently.}
[SONNY runs in, then runs out to the other PANEL, CAMERA FOLLOWS]
{SONNY CONFESSIONAL: I’m only here for the aliens. If they’re anywhere, it’s space. Also, these suits are cool.}
[SONNY almost runs into ALEC, who is also headed to the PANEL.]
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: Sonny… What a guy. I have no idea what to think of him. But he does have a file where I work. Which is classified.}
[ALEC and SONNY run to the PANEL where DWAYNE is inputting the code.]
DWAYNE: [smiles] Ah, greetings.
ALEC: Aye, greetings.
SONNY: [waves]
[All three men stare at each other for a long moment until a DEAD BODY is REPORTED and the ALARM sounds.]
[CAFETERIA, where all but two crew members meet. LOU and JACQUES are missing from the group. BRADY, who reported the bodies, is quiet. ALEC speaks up.]
ALEC: Where were they?
BRADY: Reactor. It was only Jacques I saw.
ALEC: Did you see anyone?
BRADY: [shrugs] No. But Harper is giving me mad sus vibes.
[In the back of the room, HARPER is sitting on a chair in the shadows, laughing in the darkness.]
HARPER: Oh, good! I was afraid I was the only one who thought so! You are right not to trust me.
MASON: What’s that supposed to me?
HARPER: You decide. Though, I figure that young man is only trying to cast suspicion on me.
BRADY: Not really--
HARPER: Well, if you insist, I’ll tell you. I am an Imposter. [stands up, hands on her hips] Y’all better be afraid if you know what’s good for you.
{BESS CONFESSIONAL: Well, I’m betting that either she’s bluffing of the other Imposter is really, really angry right now. I honestly can’t tell if she’s lying or not. But… She does scare me.}
[TIMER counts down. All crew members have to vote within 30 seconds.]
BRADY: [holding black flag, HARPER’s color] I vote Harper. I don’t want to risk it.
BESS: [holds up grey flag] I’m going to skip this round. I can’t tell whether she’s… You know…
SONNY: Evil?
BESS: [blushes] Yeah…
SONNY: [holds up black flag] Well I think she’s super sus so I’m voting for her.
MASON: [holds up black flag] Might as well go with the rest.
{MASON CONFESSIONAL: Democracy, am I right?}
ETHEL: [holds up black flag] I also vote for Harper.
[BESS, SONNY, BRADY, and ALEC are startled, shrieking a bit each. ETHEL is unphased, looking as calm as ever.]
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: She’s terrifying.}
SONNY: [whispers] Oh my God, I forgot she was here.
BESS: [whispers back] Me too…
DWAYNE: [sighing loudly and holds up black flag] I vote for Harper. No use in voting against her.
ALEC: [holds up black flag] [says nothing]
HARPER: [holds up black flag] I also vote for me! Anywhere is better than here with all you upstairs people.
[Other crew members look at each other in confusion.]
BESS: What’s that supposed to mean?
ALEC: I have no idea.
[HARPER is ejected. Crew members await confirmation on the central screen.]
[HARPER is not An Imposter.]
ALEC: Shit!
MASON: [sighs] Well, there’s that.
BESS: [stares into the camera in fear]
{BESS CONFESSIONAL: I just want to go home.}
[Crew members have resumed activity. ALEC is in the HALLWAY, lugging around a container of GASOLINE.]
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: So, I’m just walking in the hallway, and then Sonny just comes walking by, whistling.}
[Camera cuts to SONNY walking through the hallway, whistling and glancing at ALEC. ALEC watches him carefully.]
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: Sonny’s just weird.}
[In MED BAY, BRADY is getting a med scan, looking at his stats.]
BRADY: They don’t have green eyes. They should have eye colors.
[MASON enters, heading straight to inspect samples. Both avoid eye contact. MASON leaves quickly. Relieved, BRADY steps down and lets out a long breath.]
BRADY: Well, that was better than I expected.
[MED BAY doors slide shut.]
BRADY: Uh oh.
[In WEAPONS, DWAYNE sits in the big chair, blasting asteroids.]
{DWAYNE CONFESSIONAL: Everyone expects me to be the Imposter ever since my stunt with Rick Arlen and my time in jail. Just because I’m a killer doesn’t mean I’m going to kill everyone! [rubs chin] It would be fun though. And if Rick Arlen were here, I’d just kill him. Being the Imposter would also be a bonus.}
[DWAYNE fires at his last asteroid, then stands up and leaves, tiptoeing down the hall.]
[SONNY is seen in the cafeteria, looking out at the stars.]
{SONNY CONFESSIONAL: You know, my grandfather always told me I was special. I always believed it. I stopped for a while, but I’m back to believing that. I believe somehow I might make contact with alien life out here. [shrugs] Who knows? Maybe they’re just vibing and waiting for me to be out there.}
[DEAD BODY is REPORTED. All crew members meet at the cafeteria. BRADY is missing. BESS, who reported the body, looks out at the crowd.]
BESS: I… I didn’t see anyone. I found Brady in the Med Bay.
MASON: That must’ve been right after I left.
ALEC: Did you see anything?
MASON: [shakes head] I try not to be in the same room as other people. I don’t know who I can trust right now.
ALEC: Aye, that’s valid.
SONNY: Well, I know who I’m voting for. [holds up green flag] Alec’s super sus.
ALEC: Why would you do that?!
SONNY: I don’t know, you’re Australian.
ALEC: I’m Scottish! From Scotland!
SONNY: Deflecting! Super sus.
{SONNY CONFESSIONAL: [rubs the back of his neck] I’ve really got to brush up on my accents. I mean, even if I did say that on purpose to throw suspicion off me-- don’t worry, I’m not that stupid--, I still need to brush up. I keep mixing up Italian with Jamaican. Don’t ask how that happens, I don’t know.}
MASON:[holds up white flag] I’m voting for Ethel. We haven’t seen her this entire time.
[All crew members look to ETHEL, who stands there and holds her hands together. She shakes her head.]
ETHEL: I assure you, I was doing tasks.
DWAYNE: [slams fist on table] Silence ! She’s guilty! Guilty !
SONNY: Yeah, that’s what they all say.
BESS: [holds up white flag] Mason has a good point.
ALEC: [holds up white flag]
{ETHEL CONFESSIONAL: I suppose I expected nothing less from them.}
[ETHEL doesn’t vote, forcing them to wait in silence for 30 seconds.]
[ETHEL is ejected. Crew members eagerly await confirmation.]
[ETHEL was An Imposter.]
[Only five members remain. Immediately, ALEC FELL heads to security. Camera follows.]
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: I had to look at security. I had no tasks and some time to kill, so the security booth seemed like the best option for me. At least, if no one comes through the vents.}
[DWAYNE stands in NAVIGATION, downloading data. He has a scowl on his face as he angrily presses buttons.]
DWAYNE: I could have killed Rick Arlen by now.
[To his left, the vent opens up. Camera pans over. MASON QUINTO steps out, takes out a gun, and shoots DWAYNE. He smirks at the corpse in front of him for a moment, then climbs back into the vents.]
{MASON CONFESSIONAL: [cleaning off knife from his last kill] Dwayne never saw me coming. Neither did Lou. I also assisted in the killing of Brady but I’m not telling anyone who my other partner is yet. They’ll find out soon enough.}
[DEAD BODY is REPORTED. All four crew members stand around the table, all quiet. SONNY, who found the body, looks around.]
SONNY: Well, since half of us are Imposters, how about a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets ejected?
ALEC: How about you tell us where the body was found and who was nearby.
SONNY: No one was around and it was in navigation.
BESS: [gasps] That’s where I was right after the last meeting…
MASON: Wait, does that mean--
ALEC: No, I can confirm her whereabouts. She’s okay.
[All four stand in silence. The voting countdown begins.]
SONNY: [holds green flag] I still think it’s Alec.
ALEC: [holds up cyan flag] Och! How unexpected of you!
MASON: [holds up cyan flag] Sonny has been throwing accusations at Alec this entire time.
BESS: [looks around] I’m so sorry…
[After a long moment, Bess holds up a green flag. The voting results are tied. No one is ejected.]
[All crew members stare at each other, no one saying anything.]
{MASON CONFESSIONAL: [loads gun] All according to plan.}
[MASON takes out a gun and shots the ceiling. BESS cries out, ALEC puts a hand on her shoulder, SONNY just stares.]
MASON: Yeah. That’s right. I’m an Imposter. Now, since you know it’s me, I’m going to leave you to all sort it out between yourselves. One of you three is the last one of us.
BESS: Just tell us!
SONNY: He’d never do that.
BESS: [hugging herself] I want to go home…
ALEC: [giving her a kind smile] We all do.
[Voting countdown ends. All votes are for MASON]
{MASON CONFESSIONAL: [chuckles] Do you really think I was going to sacrifice my life for this? I’ve been planning to get ejected since the beginning. I have a small ship of my own waiting outside for me. They eject me? I call it to me and I get inside and wait until my partner executes the next step in the plan.}
[MASON is ejected. The three remaining look for confirmation even though they know the result.]
[MASON was An Imposter.]
[The lights go out. Crew members look up. No one moves. A gunshot is heard.]
[The lights come back on, revealing Bess holding a smoking gun over Sonny’s dead body.]
{BESS CONFESSIONAL: I really hate that I killed Sonny, but if I was gonna win, I needed to kill him. And you know what? I’m beginning to see why Mason and Ethel were actually having fun.}
ALEC: [turns to her, shocked] It was you?
BESS: [points gun at him] Always was .
{BESS CONFESSIONAL: Ha! Those acting classes I took last summer really paid off! And Joe was right. Reckless accusations are fun! Too bad I didn't contribute more.}
{ALEC CONFESSIONAL: [sighs] [takes a bite of a crumpet] [silence] [takes another bite] She offered me a last meal. [takes another bite and waits] I should have seen this coming.}
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iamvegorott · 5 years
Hidden Romance Ch. 6
Wanna help me and give me some support? |Donate To My PayPal|
Second Drop
“We’re doing the buddy system,” Chase stated, getting a loud groan from Anti, a sigh from the other Septiceyes and everyone else looking in confusion. “No one is allowed to be alone at any time from now on.” Chase clarified. 
“Even the shitter?” Phantom asked with a scoff.
“Especially the shitter.” Chase pointed at Phantom who scrunched his face. 
“Basically it means no more going out on our own, don’t leave without at least one other person with you. We also always need another person in the room with you, which means we’re doubling up in every bedroom.” Marvin started to pace as he spoke, trying to think things through. 
“Alice went after Wilford cause he was the only one alone and if we stick together, she’s less likely to attack again like that.” Chase was tapping his foot as he tried to order things as well in his head.
“We have myself and Chase, Henrik and Edward, Google and Bing, JJ and Wilford, Anti and Dark and Mad and Phantom already bunked together.” Marvin counted off the names with his fingers. 
“Don’t make it sound like we’re together.” Phantom groaned. “That’s gross.” He looked over at Mad, expecting a reaction or something but Mad was too busy staring at the ground. So much for hiding away from everyone. It was going to be a constant emotion overload. 
“We can have Robbie move into our room and have Mare room with Blank,” Chase suggested. 
“Bim can move into Yandere’s so that they’re right next to CJ and RJ,” Dark said.
“Host would like to request being alone still when it comes to sleeping.” Host said. “He is not seen as a threat by Alice and will be fine.” 
“Buddy system is buddy system for all,” Chase said. 
“I’m going to have to throw in my vote for Host being left alone,” Dark said. “Sleeping is...complicated when it comes to Host and it’s better for no one else to be in the room. He can’t be harmed in his sleep.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience,” Anti said.
“It’s complicated.” Was all Dark would say. 
“We’re not leaving Jackie alone,” Marvin said. We’re going to have to triple for him too, then.” 
“I’d rather not be in a room with a couple,” Jackie said. 
“That leaves the twins, Blank and Mare and Phantom and Mad.”
“Like hell, I’m getting tag-teamed by the most emotionally driven people in this house.” Phantom threw his hands into the air. “I’ll do bunk beds with my brother and they can talk about their feelings alone.” Mad went stiff while Jackie cleared his throat into his hand. 
“We should ask Blank if he’s fine with this,” Mare said. 
“Blank doesn’t care, it’s only for when we sleep anyways.” Phantom shrugged. “Let’s just start moving shit around and if Blank has a problem, he’ll say so.” 
“We both know he doesn’t work like that,” Mare said. 
“Then ask him while I pack.” Phantom turned around and walked off. 
“I’ll be the babysitter,” Chase said as he followed Phantom. 
“Is it possible to un-brother somebody?” Mare groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Host was flat on his back, eyes shut and body still as he slept in Jackie’s room. Having agreed to sleep in there so that he was still next to Edward, it was rare, but sometimes the dreams could hurt him if it was a very bad nightmare. The most if would do was float above him in a strange cloud, just hovering above him and doing nothing besides the occasional color change. Host knew how to make sleep dreamless, how to just lay and rest and control his thoughts mildly. He had enough imagery in his life due to narration, he needed a break from it. He never understood how the cloud worked, just that it was there when he would go to sleep and yet it didn’t if he passed out. It was just part of his curse. 
He woke by something slapping over his mouth, cutting him off of narrating and forcing him to be purely blind. Host knew something was wrong, no one could ever dare do that to him, not even Edward and he was the one that was allowed to if needed. 
“We’ve changed, haven’t we?” 
That voice.
That voice that haunts his nightmares, that voice which carries every single moment of regret Host has ever known. That voice used to be his. 
Host managed to roll away from the hand and he fell off of the bed, coughing as he tried to find his voice, to narrate, to see, but the only thing his mind and body could think of doing was one thing,
Edward was the first one to fly out of his room, rushing over to Host’s and grabbing the doorknob, his hands slipping off due to ink. 
“Host!” Edward shouted as everyone else made their way to the hall as well. “I can’t get in, there’s ink!” 
“I got it!” Jackie rushed over to the door, rocked back onto one foot and slammed the other into the door, breaking the latch and forcing it to swing open. “Aw, shit, that was my door.” He added to himself. 
“Edward, you get to Host, we’ll take care of whatever’s in there.” Dark gestured between himself and Anti. “Wil, I think it’d be best if you stayed back here, I don’t want to risk anything.” Dark turned when Host screamed again. “Let’s go!” Dark, Anti and Edward rushed into the room while the others tried to peek in.
“Why isn’t it the thing that ruined me?” An ink man shouted, pointing at Dark with one hand while the other held Host by the neck. “Where did you put my eyes!? Where did you put them!?” 
“What is he talking about?” Anti asked. 
“How does she know about this?” Dark asked instead of answering Anti, not even hearing his question. 
“You did this to me! You did this! Look at what you’ve done!” The man threw Host to the ground and stepped on his chest. “I’m weak and pathetic and fucking nothing.” 
“Move!” A shout got Dark and Anti to jump to the side, a bullet flying between them and shooting the man right between the eyes, sending him down to the ground just like the fake Celine. “Are we ready to fucking listen to me now!?” Chase snapped after lowering the shotgun he had just used. 
“Host!” Edward pushed his way through and fumbled down to his knees to Host, who was clawing at his neck as if he was still being held. His bandage was soaked with a black liquid that Edward assumed as ink. 
“Henrik, can you get my bag from my room?” Edward asked and Henrik took off.
“That was the man who writes,” RJ said, his and CJ’s eyes were wide. 
“Go back to bed,” Dark said. 
“The man who writes,” CJ repeated in a soft voice. 
“Bed,” Dark said sternly and Bing ushered the two away, Google right behind them. 
“Dark’s filled with guilt.” Mad whispered to Mare. “And that fake was yelling about his eyes and Host as if he was Host.” 
“We’re missing something, that’s for sure,” Mare said. 
“Want me to go digging?” 
“No, we don’t do that to them anymore.” 
——————————- Tag List: @thesinginggal @ninazappy @takethepainawaybae @classy-birb @madallice329 @m0th-dude @always-in-a-fandom @such-a-dumbass​ @mirrored-calamity​ @thelonelycreature​ @grnpurplgrmln​ @shamelesscollectorpiratesstuff​ @antibeaneverybody​ @constantgaycrisis​
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hollenka99 · 5 years
Chasing a Nap
Happy belated birthday, @septic-dr-schneep ! I’m really sorry this is late but I kept experiencing setbacks. I hope you enjoy it regardless.
The week had been a long one for Chase. He had spent the majority of it comforting Brianna. He even convinced Stacy to trust him enough with the baby to go to work. It wasn't practical for both of them to stay home and besides, she was the higher earner. Furthermore, he couldn't let his wife be kept up by their sick and agitated child when she had to be alertly productive the next morning. Brianna's nursery had become his bedroom as well to avoid disturbing Stacy for this very reason. Henrik had gotten involved in the matter too. It began as "Schneep, Brianna's really sick and I don't know what to do. Please help." which soon became "How do I know for sure she's not dehydrated?". Eventually Henrik had to remind the anxious father not to call him at work unless it was a true emergency. He sounded like he was doing fine and if Chase carried on caring for her as he already was, she would recover soon enough. Yes, it had been a week that refused to end. But now it was Saturday. He had been invited to hang out with his brothers for a movie. Chase's obligation to his family caused him to decline at first. Stacy insisted otherwise. For god sake, he's handled this mostly on his own for the past several days. Stacy could take care of her own child for a few hours, especially now the worst seemed to be nearly over. Marvin smiles warmly as he greets him at the door. "Hey." Chase gives a half-hearted wave. "I'm glad you could make it." The edges of his mouth lower. "How much sleep have you even had?" "Uh... take the amount of sleep a dad of a one year old should be getting a day and" Chase contemplates the maths for a moment. "a quarter of that. Or a third. Which is smaller again? It doesn't matter." "No offense but you look like it." He ushers the exhausted father into the living room. "We can always make this a sleepover." Jackie joked. "Stacy wouldn't let me take my phone because she thinks I'd spend the whole night asking for updates on how Brianna's doing." "Which you probably would." "Maybe. But she's my daughter and she's sick. Sue me. Anyway, without my phone, I can't tell Stacy-" "You're not the only one with a phone, Chase." Marvin grumbles. "You can borrow one of ours if you need to." Suggestions for what they should watch are tossed around. The usual fight for the remote ensues as it always does during movie nights. The deciding vote rested on someone who was nonchalant. Chase suggests they just pick a DVD. Another dispute regarding the films they owned broke out. Eventually, too much deliberation causes them to choose Inception for the sake of reaching a decision. The four egos tussle over the popcorn. Henrik protests that the little buttery ones were disappearing too quickly. Jackie argues that's probably because the doctor is the one eating them all. A salted popcorn flake soars in the direction of the hero. A tactful dodge causes Chase to become the recipient of the attack. Dazed, he startles. He launches an M&M as retribution. None of them pay attention to the first handful of scenes. It is after they settle down that Marvin gets an elbow to the stomach. He's about to rebuke Jackie until he notices the grin. "How many levels deep do you think he is?" He mouths, pointing at their youngest brother. Slumped against the sofa's arm, Chase is out cold. The three of them laugh fondly at him. They decide to leave him be. He certainly deserves the nap. Henrik, who had the easiest access to his feet, is tasked with retrieving Jackie's phone to capture the moment. The three agree to keep any necessary talk at a low volume for the remainder of the film. A while later, from the corner of his eye, Marvin notices Jackie fidgeting. "Is something wrong?" "I don't want him drooling on me." "Oh, he deal with sick baby all week but you don't want a little bit of drool." "He's not even leaning on you." Marvin snaps in a hushed manner. "He'll get drool on the sofa." "So? We can just clean it later." A sly smile forms on the magician's face. "At least he's quiet when he's asleep. Unlike a certain someone." "Hey! You take that back." There is soft shove. "Stop the pushing. You'll wake him." Henrik scolds. At that, they resume watching. A while later, as Cobb tells of his experience of Limbo, Chase shifts to his other side. He in turn clings to Jackie. It triggers giggling. Jackie mutters near his youngest brother's ear. He promises Chase it would be far better if he released his grip on the limb. Jackie's delight makes him giddy when Chase once again readjusts some 10 minutes later, freeing the hero's arm. Without wasting another second, his right arm encompasses and brings closer the lover of stunts. Henrik sighs. "Jackie, you will let him leave, yes?" "Never." He sticks his tongue out for a second as the left arm curls around Chase's back. The infamous spinning top twirls and brings about the end credits. Still the latest of Jackie's 'victims' dozes. As cautiously as they are able, the three of them vacate the sofa to allow Chase to have full access of it. They leave him at peace. After leaving a recording session, Jack checks his phone. There's the usual notifications, a message from Robin about another Best of Jacksepticeye video and texts from... Jackie? Dread rises within him as he anticipates potentially bad news. He can only hope he's not about to be told the superhero is hospitalised or there's been a sighting of Anti. He has nothing to worry about. It's a couple pictures of Chase. He can't see the arm properly in the first thanks to Chase's head obscuring it but he's sure its positioning resembles a stapler. His head rests slightly above the elbow. Faded green hair sprawls out around him. Despite Chase's mouth being partially agape and his cheek squished against the arm, he appears pleasantly devoid of stress. The second is Jackie looking as if he is desperately attempting not to laugh aloud. His grin and flat palm directed at his brother's head scream 'Help, what do I do?!'. Why? Because Chase has attached himself to the superhero. An arm lays across his chest while the other one appears to be twisted around Jackie's arm. Chase's head has now found a new resting place on Jackie's shoulder. Below is the caption:
He's had a long week. Not that you can tell. ;) Chuckling, Jack sends his reply. Aww! Tell him I say hi when he wakes up
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Marvin: You know what Jackie!? I call a vote for new leader
Jackieboyman: Oh what, you? Mr. Class-cave-of-emotions?
Marvin: Nah, I nominate Chase.
Chase: What?
Jameson: That actually makes sense. He does all the work for the Chanel anyways.
Chase: Ha! Flattering but eh. I've way better things to be doing then lead this middle-class pack of crazies
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 months
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Second Run - Part Four
The Beginning | Previous
The results are in.
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Your path has been altered. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. I love how this is the first 100% vote in either of the two runs dfhjskah Everyone really was like "don't you f*cking dare go by yourself, JJ! Chase, go with him!" I mean, it's understandable, really. When you know the cabin is dangerous, you're going to stick together.
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on April 16th at 12:00pm PST. Part Four will be up the next day, April 17th, at the same time.
“Alright, JJ.” Chase sets the controller down and stands up. “I’ll go check on Marvin with you.”
JJ slumps, visibly relieved. Thank you, he says. I know I’m probably being silly, but I can’t shake this feeling that something’s happened.
“No, it’s okay, really,” Chase assures him.
Jackie picks up the controller. “Well while you guys are gone, do you mind if IIIII...?”
“Don’t you touch a button on that,” Chase threatens.
Schneep laughs. “You heard him, Jackie. Put it down.”
“Aw.” Jackie sets the controller down again. “Fine, fine. You guys be back quick with Marvin, okay?”
We will, hopefully, JJ says. Chase, come on.
The two of them walk over to the open basement door and descend the eleven steps of the staircase.They end up in a long hallway. It extends forward for a little while before opening up into a wide open space. On the left side of the hallway are two doors. On the right side are three. The nearest door on the right is slightly ajar, and Chase glances into it, seeing a room full of cardboard boxes with a metal cabinet mounted on the wall. “Oh hey, there’s the fuse box,” he says. “Now where’s Marvin?”
Probably down the hall, JJ says. He starts walking forward. Chase follows.
The wide open space at the end of the hallway is a wide room, lit up by six yellow lights mounted into the ceiling. The middle is clear, but there’s a bunch of old-looking junk around the edges. More boxes, a wooden table with deep scratches in its surface, and above all, bookcases full of dusty books. Marvin sits in a wooden chair that looks like it matches up with the table. (There are four other identical chairs dotted around the room—a dining room set, perhaps?) He’s hunched over a thick book, scanning the first pages so intently he doesn’t realize JJ and Chase have walked into the room.
“Uh... Marvin?” Chase calls.
Marvin looks up. He smiles. “Oh hey! You came down to look for me?”
Of course we did, JJ says. We were worried. We’ve been texting you.
“Really? I didn’t notice.” Marvin shuts the book closed and stands up, leaving the book on the chair. “Two of you? Are Jackie and Schneep coming downstairs too?”
“Nah, they stayed upstairs,” Chase says. “Uh... what were you reading?”
“One of the books down here. They’re so fascinating. I got curious and decided to look around, and I’m so glad I did!” Marvin’s eyes are alight. He hurries over to the others, so quickly that Chase actually takes a step back in surprise. “Here.” Marvin grabs JJ by the hand and pulls him into the wide room. “I can show you.”
“Uh, bro, we were kind of in the middle of something upstairs,” Chase says, stepping forward and grabbing JJ’s other arm to stop Marvin from dragging him off. “If you want to stay down here and read, that’s fine, but we’re kind of busy.”
Marvin’s head snaps over to Chase. For a moment, he looks angry. But the expression only lasts a split second. Chase must have imagined it. “True.” Marvin lets go of JJ’s hand. “You guys were doing something. You can go back to that, don’t worry about me. I’d much rather keep reading. But I probably won’t notice any texts so you might have to come downstairs again if you want to get me.”
JJ shakes his hand, wincing a little. Tight grip, he signs.
“Oh.” Marvin starts a little, looking guilty. “Sorry, I-I didn’t realize.”
It’s okay. What are these books about anyway? Why are you so interested in them?
“Oh, it’s fascinating.” Marvin laughs. “I just said that, didn’t I? Well, it is. What I’ve found has been, uh, very relevant to my interests. I didn’t know Jack’s family was into magic. Or, was, at one point. Clearly they’re not any more.”
Chase blinks. “Huh. Yeah, that’s a bit weird.”
Marvin takes a step closer to him. “Want to see some?”
“No, no, I’m good. We’re good.” Chase has goosebumps on his arms. He’s not sure why, but he doesn’t want to be here anymore. “Come on, JJ. We’ll tell Jackie and Schneep what happened.”
JJ nods slowly, then follows Chase out of the room.
“Come back if you want!” Marvin calls. “I’d love to show you!”
Chase and JJ head straight back to the staircase, not diverting to look at the other rooms. They’re quiet until they start up the steps, at which point JJ stops and looks at Chase. Did that seem... odd, to you? he asks.
“Yeah,” Chase agrees. “I know Marv can be a bit weird sometimes, but that... that wasn’t his normal weird. I think? I don’t know. I-I don’t want to be rude or anything.”
JJ shakes his head. That wasn’t normal. Something about it was just... off.
“Well, what do we do then?”
Let’s talk about it with Jackie and Henrik.
The two of them start walking up the stairs again. When they reach the top and return to the living room, Chase instinctively closes the basement door behind them. Schneep and Jackie are still on the sofa. They look over towards them in unison. “Oh, no Marvin? After all that?” Jackie asks. “What happened?”
“He, uh... found something,” Chase says. He quickly explains the whole encounter they had.
“Hmm.” Schneep frowns. “You are right. Marvin can be intense about his interests, but he does not usually get so intense that he would pull Jamie into the room. Especially by the hand.”
JJ nods. That’s what really bothered me. He knows I don’t like people grabbing my hands, and yet he did it. He sighs. At least he had the presence to apologize for it.
“Okay, so Marvin’s being a bit more intense than usual,” Jackie sums up. “What do we do about that? It’s not like we can drag him upstairs.”
I mean... we COULD, JJ considers.
“He’ll probably be upstairs eventually,” Chase says. “He has to go to sleep after a while, and we all know he’s not the type to fall asleep wherever. We could just wait for him to come up and ask him what the hell was going on when he does.”
“I do not think we should drag him upstairs,” Schneep says. “That seems a bit... intense, ha.”
“Yeah, but Marv was being weird and intense, maybe if we go get him he’ll realize that,” Jackie says.
“So we’re at a tie,” Chase says. “Unless someone changes their mind.”
They all go quiet, each one looking at the others.
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puppet-master-anti · 5 years
Incorrect ego quotes ( livestream edition)
Anti: *laughs* *glitches in* hello puppets! And welcome to the monthly livestream of- wait what was it again? *turns to the egos tied up in the background* save the children? No that's not right. Welcome to the game show of which ego will I kill next! HA! So last month my loyal puppet army voted on who I should kill next! Oh that wasn't the poll? The poll was favorite ego? *laughs and glitches up close to the camera.* I think we all know who the REAL favorite is though... Don't we? *smirks evilly and hears muffled voices in the background* *turns to the egos* ugh, SHUT UP! You all know it's true! Why else would they ask for me day in and day out?! Why else would they BEG for me if I wasn't the true favorite, hm? Why else would they watch the videos forward and backwards, frame by frame maybe, just to see if there is just a little hint of something? Hm? I'm the true favorite and you ALL know it!
Anti: but... Anyway back to our little game. So which one of these special boys will be my next victim? The poll says... *conjures up a envelope and opens it* well, that's not surprising in the slightest. But... I'm gonna keep you, my puppets, guessing. Will it be Chase? The depressed alcoholic dad who has really lost everything at this point and whose life has no meaning anymore? Will it be Henrik? Who has already tried to save Jack once but FAILED as a doctor? Will it be Jackieboy man who is dumber than a bag of rocks? Will it be JJ? Whose the newest one but easily corruptible? Or will it be Marvin? The failing magician who Jack himself has never even loved? Well.. You'll just have to wait and see, won't you, puppets? *laughs as he snaps and the room goes dark, leaving us to wonder who it was* it's all your fault.
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xpouii · 5 years
JSE Day 10: The end is near
Day 10 of the JSE artists prompts 2019 by @septic-bella
**All previous entries are available on AO3 under the title “Mayhem” with my same username.**
               Henrik was sitting at the end of Jack’s bed when Jackie and Marvin came in. Jackie was pushing Marvin in a wheelchair, and the magician looked more than annoyed. “What happened?” Henrik asked, standing.
               “Oh don’t worry I’m just here to give birth,” Marvin muttered gathering his hair up behind his head. “Does anybody have a rubber band?”
               “Something happened with Anti,” Chase muttered from his bed. “Right?”
               Marvin raised an eyebrow, using a rubber band from Henrik to tie his hair back knowing full well he’d regret it later. “Good guess, you psychic now?”
               “We have a theory,” Henrik said. “I have a theory that Jack’s seizures are linked to Anti’s manifestations. What we don’t know is the exact nature of this link, whether Anti is leeching energy from Jack, or if Jack is fighting him somehow in a subconscious state.”
               “Tell them the rest!” Chase muttered. “Tell them what you did.”
               “Chase I had good reason to-“
               “Tell them!”
               Henrik shifted, “I observed Jack during his latest seizure.”
               “Chase, please,” Jackie said, trying to regain some semblance of peace.
               “You should’ve seen the look on his face! He just let it happen, Jackie!” Chase cried, his wrists pulling against the restraints.
               Jackie sighed, “Schneep, are the restraints really necessary?”
               “Of course not,” Henrik said. “The orderlies were just following security protocol. Unfortunately, when I got close enough to free him, he tried to headbutt me.”
               “Chase!” Jackie scolded.
               “He was using Jack like a guinea pig!” Chase said, red-faced. “It’s not cool! It’s not even remotely cool!”
               “We can’t afford to be fighting like this,” Marvin said. “Just let Schneep say his peace. The least we can all do is listen.”
               Chase sank further into the bed, closing his eyes, “Yeah I don’t have the energy to go after him anyway. I doubt I could make it across the room.”
               “I’ll go and get Jameson,” Henrik said, leaving the room.
               Jackie walked over and took off Chase’s restraints, “What a mess.”
               Chase sat up, pulling his knees to his chest, “I don’t like this, Jackie. Just don’t let him hurt Jack.”
               “I won’t,” Jackie said.
               “We won’t,” Marvin added.
                 Jameson looked tired, fundamentally worn down like he never had before, but he smiled when he saw them. His jaw was pressed down to his chest, sutured in place to let his trachea heal, and he had to look up to see them, so he resigned himself to mostly listening. They took comfortable places in the room and Henrik stood at the foot of Jack’s bed to speak.
               “My proposal is that we continue to observe until we can figure out whether these seizures are parasitic in nature, or if they are caused by Jack himself. Once we have a good idea of which, we either heavily medicate Jack to stop them entirely—the dosage could be detrimental to his long-term health but it would effectively weaken Anti or we continue to let the seizures go on uninhibited and attempt to provide support after the fact to soften the blow as much as possible regarding the neural death these seizures will eventually cause.”            
               Everyone was quiet for a moment, and then Marvin spoke, “So you let the seizures kill his brain, or you over medicate him which could also potentially kill him. Isn’t this way too fucking dangerous? Haven’t you already-“
               Jackie grabbed Marvin’s knee, silencing him, “We’ll think about it. It’s a lot to take in, but we have to do whatever is best for Jack. Without him, what’s the point?”
               “We all have lives, people to protect,” Henrik said with a pointed look at Chase.
               “I don’t,” Marvin said. “And neither does Jameson. We’re here because of Jack, and that’s it. Maybe you and Chase have kids, and sure Jackie has the whole stupid city enamored with him, but not us.”
               “I don’t see how this is relevant,” Henrik said. “It isn’t as if none of us existed before he came into our lives. We simply have a very strong connection-“
               “And the same face,” Marvin said. “Yeah, totally coincidental. Listen, Henrik. I respect your opinion on medical matters, but I’d appreciate a little more respect from you when it comes to the metaphysical.”
               Henrik rubbed at his temples, “Fine fine,” he said. “I understand. Jack is extremely important. I love him as much as the rest of you. I just… if we could defeat Anti for good—actually get rid of him, wouldn’t that mean Jack would always be safe even if he is mildly damaged? Wouldn’t it be better for all of us, especially you and Jameson who Anti seems to be the most interested in tormenting this time around?”
               Jameson tapped his hand on the arm of his wheelchair. I don’t want to be used as the reason to put Jack in danger. Please don’t do that.
               Henrik’s cheeks reddened, “I’m not unreasonable. I see the rest of you want more proof, a more solid theory before we put any plan into action. I’m willing to comply. Just give me a few days. In the meantime, Marvin, you need to cleanse the house. We can’t all just stay here indeterminately. Once your strength is back the two of you take Chase home.”
               “I thought you wanted him with you,” Jackie said.
               “He’s an adult, and he’s requested to be released from my care.”
               Chase nodded, “He’s telling the truth. I have to get home, and I don’t want to get sedated again for having an unpopular opinion.”
               “Chase you were getting physically aggressive,” Henrik muttered.
               “Enough,” Jackie said. “This is getting old fast. We’ll take Chase home, and you’ll come home too, at least once a day, Schneep. Like you said, we shouldn’t be overtired, and we shouldn’t be spread so thin. If Anti shows up without you there I’m not going to be able to hold anybody’s veins together while we wait for the ambulance. That’s just a simple fact. I’m very clumsy.”
               “Once my magic is back together I can heal,” Marvin said. “But I’m not a doctor. I might be able to stop a blood geyser or mend a scraped knee but I’m not going to be setting any bones or curing a hangover.”
               “Detox,” Chase muttered.
               “I’m in detox. I’m not having a fucking hangover, ok? I’m not that much of a pussy. But thanks for your vote of confidence.”
               “Chase stop being so sensitive,” Marvin said. “We’ve all been through shit these past few days ok? Look at Jameson and tell him you’re detoxing.”
               Jameson looked up with sad eyes, once again being used as a pawn in someone else’s argument. He signed sorry to Chase, and Chase nodded.
               Jackie stood up, eager to interrupt another budding argument, “Come on, Marv. Let’s go try to find a good place to nap. The trauma waiting room had those long benches.”
               “Oh good, my beauty sleep,” Marvin said, but he yawned. “Jamie, do you want a ride?”
               Jameson waved them off with a forced smile, nodding to Henrik and wheeling himself over to Chase’s bed. Henrik left the room with a stiff gait, a lack of sleep and aging joints were catching up to him. He returned to his office for another long night of researching.
               I’m sorry about what Marvin said. It isn’t fair to compare us. Jameson told Chase. What you’re going through is just as dangerous, and it’s got to be hard, because you’re strong. You’re doing all of this for Jack and you have two little ones to worry about. He hesitated then, glancing at the open door. I’m sure Marvin didn’t mean what he said, but he was still wrong to say it. I hope we can talk again when I’m feeling better. I get these confounded jaw stitches out tomorrow and I can’t wait to look up again!
               Chase chuckled when Jameson made one of his exaggerated faces, “Thanks Jamie. You’re a good man too, you know. I’m sorry I doubted you so much when we first met.”
               Jamie smiled and shrugged What can you do? Goodnight Chase.
               “Goodnight,” Chase said, watching him go. He scooted down into the bed and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the dull nausea at the back of his throat. The IV was keeping him hydrated, and nutrients flowed the same way, but he both missed and dreaded the thought of food. How long had it been since he’d eaten a Pop-Tart? Or had a sip of whisky?
               Chase flinched away from that thought, “Jesus Chase don’t be an idiot. You’ve come this far already and things are bad enough without you thinking that way.”
               Whisky has always been a better friend than any of these bastards. Why don’t you just get your weak ass out of this stupid bed and go find some? It’s not like anybody is going to come looking for you. Even Jack knows you’re worthless now. You cracked under pressure like an egg.
               Chase covered his ears, “Fuck you, Anti. I know it’s you. Don’t waste your time.”
               There was no nagging laugh, no glitching in his ears, and Chase paused, wondering why Anti was being so shy all of the sudden.
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ashphoenix06 · 6 years
Fallen Heroes Part 6 *End* (jse ego universe: extended scene from ‘Sweet Dreams’)
Marvin froze when the gun went off. It was as if time slowed down to purposely torment him as he saw the bullet hit Jackie in his stomach. His little brother doubled over, clutching where he was hit. The magician’s breath hitches when he saw blood starting to drip between Jackie’s red gloves.
No, his mind reeled. No.... Why? Why didn’t he attack? Why didn’t he use his powers?
Marvin found his voice when he caught Schneep dropping the gun to the ground. That mother fucking son of a bitch!
“MOTHER FUCKER,” his voice rang throughout the room, filled with despair and rage. “YOU PIECE OF SHIT DOCTOR! FUCK YOU!”
The magician struggled against the hold that Anti had put on him, but it was like he had been tightly chain right against the wall. Desperately, he shot his head up to see his little brother lift his head towards the doctor. Oh shit! There was blood leaking out of the side of his mouth!
Cotton mouthed and eyes sore from the constant flow of tears, Marvin felt is chest heaving as he barely made out Jackie’s words to Schneep.
“I... I know you didn’t mean to..... I... I forgive you, Henrick...”
And then the hero fell. Choking sobs began to escape from Marvin’s scratchy throat as he kept his eyes on Jackie’s body as he went limp. Nonononononononononononono... Not again! NOT AGAIN!
First Jack was taken from them, subjected to sleeping for the last two years. Then Chase, who’s life was finally starting to turn around before they shot him in the head... and now Ja....
Green flames burst out of his eyes and engulfed his hands as he screamed out his frustrations. He saw Anti turn his head nonchalantly in his direction and that only fueled his magic induced rage. Grunting, Marvin started to strain against the invisible chains. His arms began to lift slightly from the wall, he was breaking through the spell.
Anti’s eye twitched. He must of felt his spell crumbling. Marvin felt himself smirking through the strain. Good. He wanted the glitch to feel afraid of him.
He was going to feel more than fear when Marvin got his hands on him. The glitch and Schneep we’re going to pay.
They were going to hurt.
“Time to speed things up,” he heard Anti chirp. The spell was beginning to crack rapidly through Marvin’s snarls and groans. Seething rage engulfed the magician as he gave one final cry before the spell finally shattered into pieces. He fell onto one knee, steadying himself from the fall with the opposite hand. A low, feral growl raced up his throat as he set his sites for the glitch... and was caught in horror at what he saw.
Anti had done it... he had enact the blood spell. Chase’s left eye had become engulfed in black as his body began to convulse and twitch. The vacant body of their vlogger brother would soon posses a new soul... a demonic soul.
Anti bounced back up, his body slowly beginning to fade as his soul flooded into its new body. A horrible epiphany suddenly came to Marvin, but he kept his face shrouded in its feral scowl. The magician slowly pushed himself up to face the glitch as Anti turned to face him, tilting his head in a unnatural angle. He snickered as Marvin’s magic grew in flaming size, his sharp features slowly fading until it was almost transparent.
“It’s too late, magician,” Anti hissed sinisterly. Even his voice was fading into hollow echos. “Brody is mine, now. I am him and he is me.”
Snapping his head back into place, Anti stepped to the side, gesturing at Chase’s spastic body. His eyes had rolled all the way back into his head, leaving one completely black and the other completely white.
“It’s his own fucking fault,” the glitch spat. “I probably wouldn’t of even bothered with him if he hadn’t of taken over the channel in Jack’s place...”
And there it was. Marvin’s horrid conclusion just confirmed. There had been a heated discussion between the group after Schneep had finished Jack’s operation. Marvin and Schneep wanted to shut down the channel, robbing Anti of the power he so desperately craved... the power from the community... the power that he almost killed Jack over.
Chase, Jackie and JJ voted for the channel to continue, stating that they couldn’t just rob the community of Jack like that. Though the vote was three to two in favor of the channel staying up, Schneep made that fateful comment that had lead to this bloody scene.
“That is all well and good, but there cannot be a channel without Jack’s face... how do you propose we tackle that tiny problem?”
That had left the whole group in total silence. None of them seemed to have a solution to Schneep’s riddle. The morale of the group, which was already down, started dropping even further... until...
“I’ll do it...”
Everyone had turned their eyes towards Chase. He shrunk back a bit but then squared his shoulders up. The bandage on his right temple flexed when he clenched his jaw.
“You’ll dooo... what, exactly,” Schneep huffed, but everyone knew what Chase was about to say.
“I’ll take over the channel,” the dad said with a bit more confidence. “I’ll be the face of the channel... I’ll be Jack...”
And now here the dad was, dead and his body about to be stolen by the very demon that had organized his death. Marvin’s gaze darted between Anti and Schneep. Whenever he saw the doctor, his heart swelled with nothing but pure loathing. He had thought that Schneep was one of them... that he would never hurt anyone else after what happened a year and a half ago...
Guess even he made errors in judgment.
“YOU FUCKING GLITCHY ASS BIRTH,” Marvin shouted, his throat sratchy and raw. “I’LL KILL YOU! YOU AND THE PIECE OF SHIT DOCTOR!”
Marvin rushes towards the two corrupted egos but before he could get to them to attack, they completely vanished.
Marvin stood dumbfounded for a few heartbeats, the only sound echoing throughout the room was Chase’s body seizing as Anti wormed his was in. Gulping in air that stung his worn out lungs, he looked down at the dad jerking. He could do it... Anti hadn’t taken full control over him yet. He could enact a blood spell that would cast the glitch right out of Chase’s body, weakening him and giving the magician a chance to transport himself, Chase....
Spinning on his heels, Marvin dashed over to the fallen hello. In his desperate need to get to Jackie as soon as he could, he slipped in his little brothers blood and smacked his hip hard onto the floor. He grimaced as the pain jolted deep into his hip bone, quickly swiping over his face so his mask would feel like it was suffocating him. But he didn’t stop... not for something as trivial as a bruised bone. He had to get to his little brother... even if he had to crawl in the hero’s blood to get to him.
As soon as he got to him, his heart stopped beating. Jackie’s head was laying on it’s side, his face ashened and sickly. Blood was still dripping from his chin to the floor, trickling down from his slightly opened mouth.
Fuck, Marvin panicked, putting his ear to Jackie’s chest. There had to be a heartbeat, or a rise in breath... anything!
But there was nothing.
“No,” he rambled in despair, his teeth chattering from terror of what was possibly laying before him. “Nonononononono...”
Out of panic, he grabbed Jackie’s face and started to smack him. The hero’s overly shadowed eyes never opened... not even a twitch.
“Jackie! Don’t do this! You can’t die! You can’t! You can’t....”
“Can’t what, kitty cat?”
Marvin’s spine stiffened to the familiar voice of his tormentor. Fucking shit, he had forgotten Chase!
Trembling, he turned his head back, using his glass eye to view what he didn’t want to see... and what he saw was terrifying.
Chase... no.... not Chase... not anymore..... was sitting cross legged when he had once laid, giving the magician a villainous look with mocked curiosity. His head wound had stopped bleeding red and was now oozing out think, black ichor. His skin now gave off that sickly greenish tiny it always did... and his left eye! That fucking “anti” septic eye, engulfed in black with that bright green iris staring at him. Small trails of black leaked out of his tear duct, showing his infection was still thriving.
Marvin took a shuttered breath, caught between fear and rage. The glitch saw this and rolled his eyes.
“Relax, kitty cat,” he hissed, calling Marvin by the pet name he had given him during those traumatic six months. Anti turned his attention to Chase’s pooled blood and began to absentmindedly doodle designs with his finger.
“I’m not going to kill you... yet, anyway. I’ve already gotten what I wanted,” he gestured with his other hand to Chase’s... not Chase... chest. “I was just curious about what you’re were going to whine about to that dead lump of meat you’re cradling?”
Marvin’s energy exploded and engulfed his eyes in rage.
“Watch what you say, you bastard. I DO have the ability to cause you harm. Remember last time???”
Anti flinched for just a second, taking his eyes off of his doodle to glare at Marvin. Oh good, the magician spat, he does remember...
The glitches face immediately went blank again as he shrugged his shoulders and went back to his blood doodle. Marvin could make out a stick figure with a crude hat on, Anti marking two X’s where the eyes should of been.
“Well, it’s true,” the glitch sniffed. “Not my fault that YOU fucked up you’re deal of the deal with Da...”
Marvin froze, sudden realization and dread hitting him square in the chest. Anti notices this and chuckled softly.
“Wait.... oh, fuck me in the ass! Don’t tell me that you actually forgot?”
Anti gave the magician a amazed look as Marvin started to hyperventilate. The glitch cackled like a hyena, obviously tickled by the predicament.
“You DID! Holy fucking shit, that’s too precious!”
In his state of panic, Marvin threw all of his attention back onto his little brother. He moved Jackie to where he was lying on his back, grimaced a bit at the torn up entry wound. Tears leaking and shaky breaths, he placed his hands inches away from Jackie’s stomach and began to chant the healing spell he had completely mastered by now.
He has to still be here, Marvin freaked out. He can’t be dead... he can’t leave me alone! If he dies, then that makes me the last ego standing... and not even that!
Anti sighed annoying behind him as Marvin chanted even louder, willing his hands to start glowing; the sign that meant his spell was working.
“Now you’re just being desperate,” the glitch whined, the sounds he was making indicating that he was getting to his feet. “You know, now that I think about it, I actually don’t want to kill you. I like you, kitty cat... you remind me of myself in so many ways. I’m a little excited that Da is about to come and claim you... it’ll be a new experience, having a little brother...”
Anti stopped abruptly as Marvin’s hands began to pulsate a light, warm green light. The magician gasped out a little in relief as he heard Anti growl in resentment. That’s it, Jackie. That’s it! I knew you weren’t gone! I knew you were still here! Come back! Follow the draw of the spell!
Marvin found himself choking out happy sobs as his energy grew in power, the hero letting the healing spell bring him back. As soon as Jackie started to violently cough, Anti hissed. Then his presence was gone.
Not even paying attention, Marvin focused his full attention on Jackie, rolling him to his side as he racked his brain of what to do next. The spell only healed the injured enough to get them somewhere that they could be treated, it wasn’t a permanent fix. He needed to get Jackie some help and fast!
He almost felt disgusted with himself as he wished that the damn doctor was here. He would be able to transport the three of them to his hospital in a flash... but it was Schneep’s fucking fault that Jackie was hurt like this.
Wait... didn’t... didn’t Schneep have hidden medical rooms scattered throughout the city in case something like this did happen? He had six set up, one for each of them... and one of those was... was very close to Jack’s house!
He grabbed Jackie’s arm and tried as best as he could to not hurt the hero as he hoisted him to his feet, letting his little brother lean in with all his heavy, limp weight for support. Jackie’s slackened face grimaced, his eyes fluttering under his eyelids as he let a weak moan of pain rush out with his next breath.
“I’m sorry, Jackie.... This is the best I can do. I know where to take you and I’m going to try my damn hardest to patch you up... just hang in there, okay? Stay with me...”
And with a bright green flash from his right eye, the magician and the hero vanished from the blood soaked recording room.
Gah! Finally I finished your third prompt, @glitchbicth ! Now I can start working on “Countdown”...... ☺️☺️
@honestlyitsjustkenna @nekob00 @the-rampaige @greenglitchbitch @goldenoceanaart @aquaticember06 @idk-and-wtf @silver-freddy @nixon-by-night @mysepticheartfan1
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jswdmb1 · 6 years
Put the Message in the Box
“Put the message in the box
Put the box into the car
Drive the car around the world
Until you get heard”
- World Party
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Yes, I have enjoyed my break, thanks for asking, but it’s time to get back to work.  While I was off, I had plenty of time to read through all of the wonderful questions you sent.  Well, actually, it was only one.  But, given my difficulties sometimes grasping with reality, I couldn’t be sure if it was the only one I got, or if there were more just coming from my head.  Turns out, I was mixing up the voices in my head with the radio.  So, to avoid any confusion, I’ve included all of them here in my version of (bow to David Letterman) viewer mail.  Here we go:
“Astrology. Do you believe there is something to it? I mean like real astrology - like Ptolemy, Cassini, and Nostradamus practiced - not the one-size-fits-all horoscope you find in the newspaper.” - anonymous
Great question.  I definitely agree that these silly newspaper horoscopes are a waste of time, but the notion that the stars and planets somehow dictate what happens to us here on Earth is not something that I dismiss.  The problem I have is how could anyone possibly figure that out.  I am a very analytical person, and I just can’t believe someone like Nostradamus could have had the tools and data available to him at that point in time to make any sort of informed conclusions.  Frankly, I think he was just throwing a lot of shit up against the wall and just seeing what sticks.  That being said, the vastness and grandeur of our universe certainly suggest that there are forces out there that could have a significant impact on our lives. Unfortunately, I’m a bit too cynical and/or agnostic to believe that anyone will ever be able to prove that, in my lifetime anyway.  I guess that relegates me back to the astrology section in the newspaper, but I pass right by it to the crossword puzzle anyway, so I guess I’ll just have to keep finding things out one day at a time for now.  But, I’m open to any foresight that can be given to me, with proof of course.
“What’s going on?” - Marvin G., Detroit, Michigan
Gee, Marvin, where do I begin?  It seems if you even take a couple of days off there is “shocking” news that has already been replaced with something even more unbelievable.  I think, however, that this most recent story of a certain lawyer who worked for a certain boss who made him pay certain porn stars and committed a bunch of laws in the process is going to stick.  I think what everyone has to remember, including our president, is that impeachment is a political process and not a legal one.  Whether he can be indicted for a crime, or even if one exists that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt is irrelevant.  If the legislative branch feels from a political standpoint that the president needs to be removed due to his actions (or inaction) then they must proceed with impeachment proceedings.  If you look at impeachment processes in history, notably Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and even Richard Nixon, what got them in trouble pales in comparison to what this guy looks to have done.  I happen to think that means this is going to be going on for a long time and well into the 2020 election cycle.  No matter which side you are on, this is going to be political theater at its highest level, so enjoy it if you are into that thing.
“Can you get to that?” - Mavis S., Chicago, Illinois
Personally speaking, Mavis, I can definitely get to impeachment proceedings commencing at some point in the next six-to-twelve months.  The question is where do they go once they start and do they ever leave the committee level?  Even if they do, it seems unlikely to me that things could move fast enough to the House voting for impeachment by the 2020 primaries.  Furthermore, a Senate trial with a conviction appears even further far-fetched given eighteen Republican senators would have to flip on their sitting president (remember that a 2/3 majority is needed to convict).  I’m actually okay with that scenario playing out as it allows a lot of probing and debate that hasn’t happened in the past two years and gives the voters in the next election much better information than they had last time.  I also think that it gives other Republicans cover to challenge a sitting president in the primaries, which hasn’t happened seriously since Ted Kennedy took on Jimmy Carter in 1980.  My prediction is that impeachment never really gets off the ground, but it damages Trump so badly that he never makes it out of his party’s primaries.  Of course, this could all change tomorrow with the next bombshell that drops, but for now that’s what I see happening.
“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” - Michael S., Athens, Georgia
Thanks for the note, Michael.  The name’s Jim, actually.  Anyway, if you happen to be driving through the Chicago area, I’ll recommend two frequencies for you to try on your FM dial.  The first, of course, is 93.1 or WXRT.  It is the last true FM rock station left in Chicago that plays everything from blues to classic rock to 80′s new wave to 90′s grunge up to new music from today and everything in between.  The DJ’s are knowledgeable and stay out of the way of the music.  My favorite is Terri Hemmert on weekday mornings from 10:00 to 1:00.  Saturday mornings are also a can’t miss with the three-hour flashback show to a particular year in rock.  The other frequency to try is 88.7.  This one is fun because in the city it will be Loyola University’s WLUW, but as you drive out west (around Harlem on the Ike) it turns into Elmhurst College’s WRSE.  WLUW is the quirkier of the two as you may find an obscure Icelandic electronica song played right after Glen Campbell’s “Southern Nights”.  Nothing wrong with either song, but it helps to be in college and on drugs to enjoy those so close together and I am not in or on either.  As such, I’m more partial to WRSE as they focus on rock variety with the occasional surprise thrown in.  They actually remind me a lot of an amateur version of XRT in many ways.  Whichever you listen to, it’s fun to hear college kids learning their way and it makes me feel just a little hip that they let me tune in.
“How bad do you want it?” - Don H., Linden, Texas
You have no idea how bad I want it Mr. H.  We’ve been waiting over thirty years in this town for a football team with a real shot at winning the Super Bowl, and I think we have one here.  This defense is that good.  Plus, as well as the D played against the Rams, I thought seeing the running game going well was a really good sign.  We’ll still need Mitch to get it back after hurting his shoulder, but I don’t think the Bears have to ride his arm to the Super Bowl.  Now, to get there, they are going to have to win two road games, probably in New Orleans and L.A., but I really think they would have an outside chance at a run if the momentum carries from last week.  If they do get to the Super Bowl, I predict they dominate any team that represents the AFC as I think they are better than them all (including the Chiefs and the Pats who they should have beat a few weeks ago).  The best thing about this team is that they have a ton of young talent that still has a lot of upside, so even if a Super Bowl isn’t in the cards this year, the Bears are a team to be reckoned with for a while in the NFC.   But, first let’s take care of business and win the NFC North title at home over the Packers.  After so many years of misery, I can’t think of a better way for this team to make a statement that it is back and the rest of the league will be messing with them at their own peril for years to come.
“Who are you?” - Pete T., London, England
I get it, Pete, I know that I have no authority to really speak on any of these subjects, but I can’t help myself.  I just love to answer questions and was very grateful for the one question that came to me from a blog reader.  I also think I have done a service by answering some of these additional questions that you all have been singing about for years.  I mean, as far as I know, there never have been any real responses to questions like yours.  I know there are a lot more out there too, so I’m happy to do it again.  I will, so long as I can get some blog reader questions to go along with them.  You know, just so people don’t think I’m completely insane. So, Take a Chance and Read Some Crap readers, hit that question button and keep this going as I’m sure Bob M. (Could You Be Loved?), George H. (What is Life?), and Whitney H. (How Will I Know?) would love answers to their questions too.  Until then, I hope at least some of these answers have satisfied your nagging questions, but the job is never complete.  I think the tide has finally turned for the question and 2019 is going to be full of them.  It may get uncomfortable at times, and maybe even downright nasty, but that is part of life and we are never going to evolve without continuing to challenge those with power and always asking why.
It’s good to be back everyone.  Until next time.
- Jim
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goswagcollectorfire · 4 years
1-30-21, My final years in the Nashville Public School System as Superintendent.
The drought we were experiencing continued into
August. According to historical weather records, August 1980
would go down in history as being the hottest and driest month
in Arkansas’s history. During the latter part of August, we had a
few showers that cooled things down, but the showers came too
late to bring back the grass.
The farmers in the area were forced to sell a big portion of
their cattle herd. The cattle market was flooded and the farmers
took a tremendous loss because of low selling prices. It would
take several years for the farmers to recover their losses.
When school started in the middle of August, Lena stayed
home with Curt. I guess one could say we were old fashion in
believing that the mother should stay home with her babies.
Anyway, we had done that with Carla and Jeffrey, and we’d do
that with Curt.
The next three years at Nashville were uneventful. We
had settled in as a family of five and were enjoying our church
and participating in community events. We had made several
friends, mostly from Immanuel Baptist Church.
During the six years that I served Nashville as its
superintendent, we brought the high school and junior high into
the North Central Accreditation, which put us up with the very
best accredited schools in the nation. Our football program,
under Coach Gary Segrest, was one of the strongest football
programs in 4-A classifications in Arkansas. Everything was
going smoothly.
It was during Christmas break in 1983 that I received a call
from a good friend in Northwest Arkansas. He told me that
Marvin Higginbottom, superintendent of the Bentonville Public
Schools, had just announced his retirement beginning at the end
of the school year. He went on to say that the school board was
taking applications for his replacement.
For the last few years, I had become interested in the
Bentonville Public Schools and decided when Marvin
Higginbottom retired, I would apply for his position.
I knew Marvin Higginbottom well through our Arkansas
School Administrators Association. He was a nice man who
was respected among the superintendents in Arkansas. He was
perceived as being one of the top leaders in school administration
in our state. Over the years, he shared some interesting things
about his school system. The job opening came as a surprise to
me because the last time I visited with Marvin, he indicated he
would probably stay on for at least two more years.
My years in Nashville had prepared me for another challenge
in my life. I believed the Bentonville School System, which was
the fastest growing system in Arkansas, would offer me another
challenge. In size, the Bentonville School System ranked in the
top ten.
After visiting with Lena, I decided I’d submit an application
to the Bentonville School Board. When the Bentonville School
Board closed their application process; I was told that there
were forty-eight superintendents vying for the position, of
which twenty-three had their doctorate degree in education
administration. Since I did not have my doctorate, I felt I had a
slim to none chance of getting an interview.
In early March, I received a call from Bentonville School
Board President Charles Burke. He asked me if I was still
available for an interview. I immediately said, “yes, Sir, I’m
The drive from Nashville to Bentonville was a long one.
I was tired when we arrived in Bentonville for my interview.
The school board arranged for me and my family to stay at
the Ramada Inn in Bentonville for two nights. The Ramada
Inn was located close to Ken’s Pizza, where my family voted
to eat dinner. We all loved pizza and frequent the Pizza Hut in
Nashville quite often.
My family accompanied me to the administration building
where I introduced them to members of the Bentonville School
Board. I was impressed by how well my kids reacted to the
board members’ greetings. After introductions were made, Lena
and the kids went to a nearby conference room where they
stayed until my interview was over.
That was the first time I had interviewed before an eight member
board. After finishing my interview, I was convinced it
had been a good one. The school board asked many questions
about which I had some knowledge. I had spent a lot of time
studying important facts about the school district, including
finances, growth patterns, building needs, and curriculum needs.
If I remember correctly, every school board member asked me
I believe my previous experiences in McNeil, Emerson, and
Nashville had prepared me well for my interview. For some
reason, I was completely relaxed during the interview. I felt
right at home with all eight of the school-board members.
On the second day, I had the privilege to ride around with
two school board members to each school in the system. At each
school, I was introduced to the principal who escorted me and
the two school board members through the school. Meeting the
principals gave me an idea of who I might be working with and
what I could expect if I became their next superintendent.
On our way back to Nashville, my family and I discussed
what they liked or disliked about Bentonville and the school
system. My kids had the opportunity to see where they would
be going to school should I be offered the job. They were all
I really wanted the Bentonville Superintendent’s job. I was
confident that, if God wanted me to have the job, He would
make it happen. I told myself I had to wait and be patient.
0 notes
egopocalypse · 7 years
25 Days of Egos- Day 2: Hot Chocolate
“Dude, I’m so gonna kick your ass in this. I’ve been making this stuff for years.”
“Not if I slit your throat first.”
“You guys do realize this isn’t a competition, right?? You’re just making hot chocolate.” Jackie stated, interrupting Chase’s and Anti’s squabbling as he pulls out the marshmallows they had bought specifically for this occasion.
Chase’s eyes sparkle, and you can practically see a light bulb turning on above his head as he snaps his fingers.
“What if we did make it a competition??” He suggested, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “We can all judge each other’s hot chocolates, and then we can vote to find out who makes the best!!”
“I like the idea, Chase-” Schneeplestein says, placing the mug he just grabbed from the cupboard on the countertop in front of him. “-But how are we going to judge the hot chocolates without being biased??”
JJ waves his arms high above his head to grab their attention and points to his hat with a cheeky grin. All the others stare at him blankly as they try to decipher his movements, but since they’re still trying to get used to his mannerisms, no one’s able to figure out what he was trying to say.
Eventually, JJ sighs as he pulls out the little notebook he keeps in his back pocket and grabs the pen from behind his ear. He scribbles down his message on a fresh page and hands it to Marvin, the closest ego to him, to read out loud to the others.
“Oh, that’s a great idea!!” Marvin exclaimed as his eyes perused the paper. “Guys, JJ suggested that we pick numbers out of his hat, and the number we get corresponds to the order we present our hot chocolate!!”
“But won’t we recognized which cups belong to who when they’re presented??” Jackie asked.
“Not if I make enough duplicate mugs to that they all look the same. We’ll just leave our number by our mugs so that we can still identify who made what.” Marvin explained.
“And what happens when it’s our hot chocolate being judged??” Schneep wondered, pointing out the one flaw to this plan.
Marvin, Chase, and JJ exchanged glances, but none of them had any ideas, so Chase just shrugged his shoulders.
“Eh, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. So, are you in??”
Jackie nodded. “I think it’d be a cool idea, but we’ll need to make another trip to the store to get the supplies we need.”
“We can do that.” Marvin said, turning to face the doctor. “Schneep??”
Schneeplestein still looked a little skeptical, but he knew that it was at lost cause as he glanced at the hopeful looks on their faces, so he just sighed in defeat. “Fine, I’ll do it. But I still don’t see how we’re going to judge this.”
“I’m in, too.” Anti said, causing the others to stare at him in surprise. His eyes flicked between their expressions and he raised an eyebrow. “What??”
“N-nothing.” Chase said, stammering a little. “It’s just that…” He trailed off, looking to the others for help.
Luckily, Jackie jumped in, understanding what he was trying to say. “It’s just that you never really want to do this kind of thing, so why now??”
Anti shrugged his shoulders indifferently. “Chase’s bragging started this, so I want to show him who’s really the best.”
The others seemed satisfied with that answer, but Schneep narrowed his eyes, still suspicious of Anti’s motive. He made a mental note to keep an eye on the glitch as Marvin clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention.
“Okay, so I’ll teleport everyone to a different store so people don’t get suspicious, and then each of you has ten minutes to get what you need before I take you home and grab the next person. Nobody starts until we’re all back from the store with what we need, alright?? If you start early, you get disqualified.” Marvin stated, looking pointedly at Anti and Chase. He decided to try to keep them separated as best as he can in the kitchen, since they’ll be butting heads otherwise.
Everyone takes a few minutes to plan for their creations and to make a list of what they’ll need. When they’re ready, Marvin takes them one by one to different grocery stores around the area and gives them the time they need to buy their ingredients.
An hour passed, and Marvin finally reappears at the house with everything he needs for his own hot chocolate. He places his bags on the counter and sags a little as he grabs an energy drink from the refrigerator. He feels a little fatigued after the extensive use of his magic, but the caffeine from the drink replenishes him as he chugs it, and he lets out a sigh of relief once it’s finished.
“Okay, does everybody have what they need??” He asked, glancing around the room as everyone nods or tells him that they do. He’s grateful, as he doesn’t think he has the energy to teleport another person to a random store and back, and ran a hand through his hair before he explained what was going to happen next.
“Good. Now, everyone has 30 minutes to make the best hot chocolate ever. I’ll set a timer, and once it goes off, you have to stop away from your mugs, regardless of whether or not you’re done.” Marvin took a breath and was about to continue when he was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Everyone suddenly stops in their tracks, and they wonder who it could be, since no one ever rang the doorbell.
Chase went to answer it, since he’s the most normal looking ego, and he smiled as he sees the people on the other side of the door.
“Sean, Signe!! Perfect timing!!” He exclaimed, ushering them inside.
The others relax once they see who it is, although Schneep is surprised to see them there.
“What are you guys doing here??” He asked, since it was rare that they visited.
“Chase asked us to come over. Something about judging a competition??” Signe answered as she shrugged off her coat. JJ came around and offered to take it, a wide smile on his face as she giggled and thanked him. JJ took Sean’s coat as well and hung them in the closet, allowing the couple time to greet everyone in the kitchen.
When they got situated, Marvin filled Sean and Signe in on how the competition was going to work. Everyone would taste all of the hot chocolate, but it would be Sean and Signe who would decide on the winner.
Once everyone understood the rules of the competition, JJ grabbed a piece of paper and snapped his fingers, causing a pair of scissors to appear in his hand. He cut the sheet of paper into six pieces before he took out his pen and scribbled the numbers onto the paper. Then, he folded the papers in half and took off his hat, flipping it upside down and dropped the papers in there. He shook the hat around a little and shuffled around the papers before he walked to Jackie, who was the first to pick out his number.
When everyone else (save for Sean and Signe) had a number, JJ reached in and grabbed the last paper and placed the hat back on his head, adjusting it’s position by the brim until he was satisfied.
Meanwhile, Marvin’s conjured up the necessary amount of mugs for each ego and started to sip quietly at the black coffee he made to replenish his energy once again. Signe noticed his exertion from using his magic and told him that she would set a timer on her phone so that he wouldn’t have to use anymore magic for now, which earned her a grateful smile from the masked magician.
“On your mark… get set…” Signe said, her finger hovering over the start button on her phone.
“Go!!” Sean exclaimed, starting the competition. The couple eagerly watched as the egos immediately started to take everything out of their shopping bags, and they noted some of the differences in ingredients and wondered who would come out on top.
Schneep swore under his breath as he dodged a flying saucepan that was coming straight towards him. Marvin flashed him an apologetic look before he refocused on what he was doing, vowing to himself that he’d make it up to him later. Anti glared at Jackie as the hero caught him trying to sabotage Chase’s drink when the father wasn’t looking. Meanwhile, JJ was in his own little world as he eagerly made his masterpiece, oblivious to the chaos happening behind his back.
“Ten seconds!” Signe announced as the timer started to close in on them, causing the egos to flutter about in a panic as they tried to finish everything up in time.
“Five, four, three, two, one. Time’s up!!” Sean and Signe exclaimed as they counted down together. Immediately, the egos stepped back from the mugs and examined their work, analyzing it for any flaws.
“Alright guys, Signe and I set up a table in the living room where you can put your mugs down based on your number, so we’ll wait in here until everyone’s mugs are in the right place.” Sean explained. One by one, the egos passed by the couple and placed their mugs in the proper spot.
When the couple returned to the living room, they saw all the egos sitting on the couches, watching them with expectant eyes. Sean and Signe glanced at each other as they realized they never figured out how they were going to judge the hot chocolates, just that they were.
“So uh, we’re each going to take a mug from each number, starting with one and working our way up, and then whoever has the best hot chocolate wins.” Sean said, unsure how else to describe it.
Before anyone could reach for the first row of mugs, JJ stood up and snapped his fingers, an idea sparking in his head. He held up a finger for them to wait and dashed out of the room. When he returned, he had two of his little notebooks and a couple of pens, and he handed them to Sean and Signe.
“Thanks JJ, now we can take notes on each mug.” Signe said, smiling at the youngest ego. JJ’s cheeks flushed a little in response as he sat back down, and he never noticed Anti rolling his eyes.
Finally, it was time for the judging to commence. The first mug was a regular hot chocolate, but it had a hint of vanilla and was topped with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles. It was nice, though Jackie noticed that Chase looked a little wistful as he stared down at the hot chocolate. However, it seemed to pass quickly and his mood brightened considerably after a few well-timed jokes and a couple of cheesy puns.
The second mug was surprising, as it had a little bit of a kick to it, but the taste of cinnamon was enjoyable. However, the hot chocolate itself was a little watery.
The third mug caused Chase to cough viciously after he took a big gulp, feeling a burning sensation in his sinuses.
“Oh god, what’s in that??” He asked, going back to the first mug to try to get the taste out of his mouth.
“It’s made with Bailey’s Irish Cream, of course!!” Schneep exclaimed. “It’s a finely crafted drink, if I must say.”
“Of course you say that, you’re the one who made it.” Anti grumbled, sipping from the mug in his hands.
Schneep looked scandalized and stood to defend himself. “I did not!! And even if I did, I wouldn’t say anything because it would ruin the impartiality of the competition!!”
Anti smirked. “So you admit to it.”
“I just said I didn’t!!”
“Guys!!” Sean exclaimed , gaining their attention. “The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can find out who made what. So let’s not make any more accusations, alright??”
Anti and Schneep glared at each other for a long moment before they broke eye contact, huffed, and shuffled a few feet away from each other. JJ, who sat between the two of them on the couch, merely shrugged his shoulders with an expression that said, “What can you do??” flickering on his face.
The fourth mug, once they finally moved one from that tangent, was thick, creamy, and full of flavor. By this time however, everyone was starting to get sick of drinking hot chocolate, and it was far too rich to finish.
The fifth mug nearly caused everyone to choke as it burned down their throats, and Sean’s eyes started to tear up because of how hot and spicy the drink was. The only one to keep a straight face was Anti, who ended up cackling when he caught sight of their faces, and he nearly collapsed on the floor from laughing so hard.
“Your faces are priceless!!” He gasped, pausing in between words to try to catch his breath. Marvin panted as he put down the glass of milk he’d started to chug.
“What the hell was in that??” He asked, barely able to speak. Anti giggled in response.
“Oh, nothing. Just a jalapeno or two. Per drink.” He howled, unable to contain his laughter any more.
It took ages for everyone’s mouths (bar Anti’s) to stop burning, and several of them ended up finishing the fourth mug to cool down their tongues, despite their stomach’s protesting. However, once everyone had calmed down a little, they all turned their attention to the final mug.
The first sip from the final mug of hot chocolate caused several of them to gasp or moan in bliss. It was, without a doubt, absolutely heavenly. The chocolate seemed to melt in their mouths, and the peppermint that had been infused in the drink cooled their tongues and was well-balanced. In less than a minute, everyone had finished the final mug, no matter how full their stomachs were. It was too good to waste even a single drop of that sweet nectar.
Sean and Signe decided to go into the kitchen as they discussed all the drinks, and they both returned with wide grins on their faces.
“Okay, are you guys ready to find out who won??” Sean asked.
Several exclamations (and a nod) seemed to prove it, and the two judges glanced at each other as they declared the winner in unison.
“The winner is… number six!!”
JJ’s face lit up like a Christmas Tree as he was announced the victor, and he grabbed the nearly person as he enveloped them in a hug, showcasing his excitement that he won. Luckily, JJ’s hug was so tight that it pinned Anti’s arms to his sides, so the glitch wasn’t able to stab him, but he growled at him to back off anyways.
“Congrats, JJ. You deserve it.” Signe smiled, giggling as the youngest ego’s face burst into flames at the compliment. Sean wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and smiled as well.
“You did a great job, JJ. You know, that was a lot of fun. We should do it more often, don’t you think??”
JJ beamed at the praise, and he nodded several times in quick succession to show his love for the idea. He had an idea of what he wanted to make next, so he drew a circle in the air, then mimed cutting out a small slice and eating it.
“Yeah, a pie tasting competition would be a great idea for the next time!!” Sean answered, correctly interpreting JJ’s message. “Let’s just wait for a bit before we do that though, okay?? I think our stomachs need to recover a bit before we try anything like this again.”
JJ winks and rubs his belly in response, understanding and glee evident on his face.
The couple stayed for a few minutes longer to say their goodbyes, and soon after they left, all the egos had retired to their rooms to sleep the stomach aches away. The last thought JJ had before he shut his eyes was directed towards the family he found himself in, and how thankful he was for each and every one of them.
Even Anti, the “Glitch Grinch” himself.
And with that, he drifted off, sweet memories of his family playing in his head.
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