#i usually use rose oil to moisturize to keep it away
mejomonster · 2 years
so my face is an absolute mess of red and that acne that just is red and hurts intensely over the surface, skincare help please?
first i thought it was eczema (super dry skin), because when i get super dry skin my skin gets redder then gets painful acne then peels and breaks. so i put on cortizone cream multiple times a day from august to october. normally it would clear up in 2 weeks max during an eczema flare, instead it shrunk a bit but still hung on my cheeks, nose, and by my mouth.
so i went to doctor, they gave me prescription strength cortizone. 2 more months and it got a bit less red but still hung on.
so doctor switched me to a prescription antibacterial, thinking its rosacea. I use it one time and break out in like 20 white heads and a few large painful red pimples sitting under the skin, which are all now little scars except for the 3 painful red pimples STILL there after like 3 more weeks which hurt so badly. so i kept trying this cream, or the cortizone, trying to make it go away. i eventually picked at the red pimples just cause they hurt so so bad i wanted them to pop so they’d stop hurting. but no now they’re broken skin, still hurt super intensely, i can still feel hardness and tenderness under them in inch big areas, and it is driving me up a wall because it hurts and i can’t ignore it well.
i tried cerave lotion a few days, which seemed to plump my skin a little, but the red spot acne still hurts so fucking bad so i stopped worrying it was clogging them longer.
i do not know what the fuck to do. i bought azeliac acid since i heard it helps rosacea, and its taking the red down 10% but god. i just need these red pimples to pop they hurt so fucking fucking bad. i got salyic acid to put on them, and thats getting just a little clear liquid to ooze out, but they’re still huge bumps of pain  (and if they’re acne from ‘too dry’ skin like i usually get then i feel like they need probably moisture not the drying of saliyc acid?) Likewise, i’ve been trying biatracin zinc ointment on them since that usually clears up my pimples in the past, but i don’t know if its clogging the pores/keeping the red pimples from coming to a head and extending how long im in fucking pain. i just want them to stop hurting so fucking bad.
i’m thinking maybe the cortizone cream thinned my skin, like steroids can do after a while, in which case idk maybe slathering moisturizer on would work? so i’ve contemplated just going back to JUST water to wash face then slathering either rose hip oil (benefit being its worked before for my dry skin and has no ingredients i am irritated by) or cerave cream (benefit being it may work and has some good ingredients but also i don’t know if some of it will irritate my skin and make it worse - like for example aveeno makes my skin much worse since my skin doesn’t tolerate perfumes alchohols drying agents cleansers unless they’re oil etc). but i am concerned if i lather on the moisturizing, while that may be super simple and at least give my skin a break from irritants, i really need these red pimples to pop and go away so they stop hurting, for the broken red skin to heal so it stops stinging, and i need them to heal ASAP. i can’t afford to clog them or extend how long they last. how the fuck do i get rid of them in a couple days?!!! i am trying salyic acid but it just seems to be making them bigger, though its weeping clear liquid a little so maybe they’re draining? but i know long term drying agents will cause more acne so i can’t use this long even if it does work. meanwhile, if the red pimples are dryness caused, maybe a fuckton of moisturizer would heal them, but if so then which one??? Help!
I don’t think cortizone cream is the answer since it had 2.5 months to clear this up and didnt, i don’t think the antibacterial cream is the answer as it made me consistently worse. Dry skin also makes me worse, and i’m quite dry due to azeliac acid and salyic acid drying skin.
The red pimples i’m talking about are when you get like about an inch circle size of super red swollen skin that rises in a bit of a bump and hurts, and sort of feels hard underneath if you touch it. I’ve got 3 right now and they’re driving me up a wall, that’s what i want to heal ASAP. I think what they might need is just something to draw them up into a whitehead/draw the fluid out/or de-swell them idk, but they hurt so bad. I usually only have a pimple like this for 3 days max, not over a month. I want them gone i’d do anything. Are there any suggestions that might help from stuff i have or could get at Rite Aid? I think I’m going to put a hot compress on it on the chance maybe it’ll draw it out, but goddamn it i did that all day yesterday and it did nothing (except maybe dry my skin out). i could ice it but idk if that draws it out or only lowers the swelling, i could keep using salyic acid but if the drying-out is making it last longer then i need to stop. im just so fucking frustrated. i have an oil cleanser i could use if maybe that could unclog pores? but idk if the oil would just further clog these huge pimples. i can Deal with the dry skin after and redness after i have some decent plans on how to fix those, but god these big red painful spots i want gone ASAP and nothing im doing is helping.
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thedivinepair · 2 years
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CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS? I suppose. It’s not a utensil she uses most often, but she can. 
WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN’T SLEEP? Amira usually goes to bug August  ( or Taewon )  when she can’t sleep, which is nearly every night. She can barely sleep alone anyway and often feels sad when she absolutely has to. So, she’s more likely to be found fast asleep on their beds rather than her own. 
WHAT WOULD THEY IMPULSE BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE? Impulse buy? Amira? Everything, my friend. She sees anything remotely adorable and she buys it. Most often , it’s candy or chocolates or plushes.   
WHAT ORDER DO THEY WASH THINGS IN THE SHOWER? Amira’s shower routine is pretty extensive. She starts with oiling her hair with argan or rosehip oil an hour before the shower and combs it to get rid of tangles with a wooden comb. She also applies a body oil before showering. 
After half an hour of extensive theorizing and daydreaming in the tub, she heads for the shower and washes her hair first with a strawberry scented shampoo. Of course, she puts on a pretend concert while using bottles as her mic. The poor girl has often almost slipped because of this. She also tries to make spikes with the shampooed up hair. Can’t forget to mention the conditioner. 
Next, she washes her body with her moisturizing rose scented body wash. The order starts from her shoulders and works her way down to her feet, scrubbing away with a loofah. She always towel dries herself and wraps another towel around her hair. Next is her skin care, but that’s not our topic. 
WHAT’S THEIR COFFEE ORDER? Something sweet because she’s not a fan of bitter things and she doesn’t need the caffeine rush. Usually, she prefers getting a strawberry or chocolate milkshake. If she has to go for coffee, her go-to order is a vanilla frappe, but she will also get bombon, iced cappuccino, or mocha, 
WHAT SORT OF APPS WOULD THEY HAVE ON THEIR SMARTPHONE? Amira loves Spotify the most and she’s almost always listening to music ( while belting it out ofc ) on her phone. Other than that, she has Instagram and she’s fairly active on it. 
HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN? Like Amira— childish. She somehow gets along with children because they think she’s one of them. Does this mean you can consider her a babysitter? Far from it, she gets bored with kids way too easily even if she’s a responsible person. She is extremely careful with kids and she would do her best to take care of them but she finds it boring and exhausting. She avoids hanging out with kids for longer periods to be honest. 
Since most people mention it in the answers, Amira doesn’t want kids of her own. That can change in the future, but the chances are unlikely. 
WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON? Dominant Ne alert, because she’d put something on and then switch to something else and keep repeating it. Though the scenario is unlikely since she doesn’t watch TV and prefers streaming things with a strong preference for 90s shows. 
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CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS? He is half Korean and was raised by a Korean step-mum, what do ya think? He’s an expert chopstick user and he can also drum with them on the bowls. 
WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN’T SLEEP? Talks to Amira, of course. She’s practically there all the time anyway. They just listen to music, have a jamming session, and talk about nonsense until they drift off. If she’s not there for some reason, he will have a late night one-man jamming session by himself. Sometimes his bandmates and Taewon just join him anyway. 
WHAT WOULD THEY IMPULSE BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE? Food, any kind of food. Listen, he’s a big boy at 6′5″ and all that drumming requires energy. When he’s at the grocery store, he’s slowly putting in bags of chips, candy, gummies, cupcakes, and whatever else in the cart until Jack or Taewon remind him that they’re here for groceries. 
WHAT ORDER DO THEY WASH THINGS IN THE SHOWER? Head to toes. However, he often does his shaving before the showering part.  First, he puts on music to sing and drum with shampoo bottles. He washes his luscious locks with an expensive brand of shampoo and conditioner  ( he takes care of his hair, okay ?  Amira also applies oils and hair masks on to keep them healthy and shiny. )  Like Amira, he also suffers from spiking his hair up with shampoo. He does the regular washing with both normal body washes and also uses intimate washes. All this usually takes more than an hour.   Once he does all that work to be squeaky clean, he just sticks around with nothing on but a towel for hours on end because he can’t be bothered to get dressed. 
WHAT’S THEIR COFFEE ORDER? August’s high energy with a coffee is a bad idea. Though, he usually gets some kind of iced coffee like an iced cappuccino. 
WHAT SORT OF APPS WOULD THEY HAVE ON THEIR SMARTPHONE? He has those specific apps for musicians and songwriters. In saying that, he also has Spotify, Instagram, and Twitter ( because he likes it when people are being idiots ).
HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN? Surprisingly, August is a great older brother around kids. He usually sparks a love of science in them by telling them cool science facts and doing little harmless physics or chemistry experiments and explaining them. He also looks really cool and has that aloof musician musician vibe. So, it’s normal for kids to be interested in him.  Though he thinks kids are okay, he’s not interested in having kids of his own. 
WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON? some thriller movie or a classic whodunnit to see if he can guess the plot. He usually gets Amira on board and they see who wins. Sometimes he mutes them to make it extra difficult. Spoiler: he usually does figure stuff out easily because he’s great connecting dots— even better than Amira. 
tagged: @carolinakncws​  ( thank youuu ♡ ) 
tagging: @thereckoniing​, @blindingspirits​, @sadtempo​, @pryceism​, @cchilyoja​, @freakhero​
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aquarianwisp · 5 years
Cleansing, blessing, and protection basics
If you are new to witchcraft this guide is for you, but even if you are seasoned in the craft I still think it’s a really good idea to read other witches posts for new ideas and inspiration!~ Cleansing is such an important practice for anyone, not just witches. It is very commonly seen in many different cultures and religions worldwide and is practised in many different ways depending on the tools being used. Cleansing can be done with the help of deities or spirits, or it can be done in a secular way as well with reliance on your own energy or tools. Some people have different beliefs around when cleansing should be done and what rituals should be done at different times of the year. My path is one that works with the natural flows of energy around me, and I call upon deities and spirits to help me in my workings. I cleanse as I feel it is needed, and during the new moon period as well. However, you can adjust your practices to suit your own path and what makes you feel happiest.
Reasons to cleanse and when it should be done: Cleansing is so important for many reasons. It gets rid of heavy emotional energy, it prevents us from being influenced by unwanted energies, it gets rid of negative entities, and it helps to protect us in some cases, depending on what you are doing. You might want to cleanse when there has been a fight, or when an activity has been repeated in an area (like stress in a workplace) and a residue of the emotions felt while doing that activity has been left.  Another time to cleanse would be after someone has been sick. It is best to wait until the person has become well again because if you cleanse while they are resting in their sick room and you use smoke you may make them feel more unwell. Once they are better again, it is good to go into the room they were resting in and give it a good cleanse to banish evil spirits and fumigate. Overall though, it is good to give things a cleanse even if nothing negative has happened. Spiritual people don’t always feel wonderful and magical all the time, and we aren’t immune to creating bad energy. Sometimes you come home and you’ve had a bad day, or you might just be tired, or you feel angry, stressed, etc. Maybe you’ve had a party and all your friends left their energy in your house. Even if nothing happened, this everyday stuff just builds up and needs to be removed every now and then. This is why it’s often good to set a regular cleansing time, such as the monthly new moon as well. Things that can be cleansed Pretty much anything can be cleansed. Commonly though, people cleanse their homes, their bodies, other people, objects, spiritual tools, and charms. There is really no end to what can be cleansed, and there is no end to what can pick up negative energy. Even your phone could pick up negative energy, and you then carry that around everywhere and touch it non-stop, allowing it to affect you. Tarot cards and other divination tools I would actually suggest to cleanse more often than other tools because they tend to pick up negative energies faster.  What you can use to cleanse Smoke- This is one of the most common methods for cleansing, and you can use bundles of dried herbs, resins, or incenses to do this. You just need to light them up and waft the smoke around whatever is being cleansed. Cleaning your house- Clutter, dirt, mould, and mess attract bad energy that likes to hang in your laundry pile. Cleaning also helps us feel a lot less stressed, making room inside of you to experience healing energies. Don’t forget that mould and other ugly things can make you sick and affect your mental health as well, so it is very important to keep yourself and your home clean. Water- In some cultures water is considered to be very sacred and purifying, and is utilized by taking cleansing baths and showers, washing the body or objects that are being cleansed, floor washes, and just by sprinkling. Be careful with this one though, because if you do not dry some surfaces they may become mouldy. Some types of crystals and natural materials like bones and wood don’t really like water and may become damaged from it. It is better to cleanse these with salt or smoke. Fire- Again, in some cultures, fire is considered very sacred and holy. You do not need to burn your house down to achieve this. Be careful with this one, because you do not want to become a crispy sausage. But fire can be represented in smoke cleansing, or it can be used to banish things by burning something that represents what it is that you wish to get rid of. I often find that speaking or praying over a flame and asking help from fire to remove something will result in massive energetic changes- especially long term. Please ensure to never leave a fire unattended- this is basic common sense but you’d be surprised how many people don’t follow this!  Air- A cool breeze can work wonders to clear energy! It’s so nice to open your windows and doors and let the cool air flow through the home.  Salt- We all know salt preserves things from bacteria and other nasties, but it also has a very electrical charge almost, it carries a lot of powerful energy. So it is really good for cleansing, especially when entities are around. I like to keep some by my bed to keep entities away from me while sleeping and to prevent bad dreams. Sound- Sound is really powerful, especially because we know that sound carries vibrations and can carry them far. Bells, singing bowls, drums, your voice, clapping, youtube healing frequency videos, chanting, and prayer are all really amazing at cleansing things. Heck, even pots and pans can be bashed together to clear entities. I also sometimes feel like spirits are sleeping, so I usually wake them up with gentle bells. Mists and floor washes- Again, water here, but usually, this is a good option if you can’t burn things. Beware again though, that you don’t leave things wet otherwise they can grow mould and as I said before, some types of crystals and natural materials like bones and wood don’t really like water. Usually, though, these are just water mixed with something such as essential oils, herbs, crystals or salt etc, which have been chosen to imbue the water with a certain element or property. These are then spritzed with a spray bottle around or on whatever you are cleansing. Floor washes can be mopped or thrown over the floor. Oils, alcohols, floral waters, and vinegar- Essential oils such as peppermint, myrrh, frankincense, eucalyptus, and myrtle are really good for cleansing things, especially if you cannot use smoke again. Diffusing essential oils is also a very common practice outside of the spiritual community so this might be a good option if you aren’t able to be so open about your path.  Alcohols such as Florida water are often used in cleansing, but keep in mind that some people consider Florida water to belong to closed cultures. Some people, however, disagree with this. But, you can always make your own floral waters for cleansing or you can buy them from essential oil manufacturers as a byproduct of essential oil production. You do not need to use Florida water if you are concerned about appropriation here. Floral waters are often sold by essential oil wholesalers, as they are usually sold to cosmetic manufacturers for use in moisturizers and balms. You can buy rose water or orange blossom water from Middle Eastern supermarkets, or if you are lucky enough they might be available in your local supermarket as well. Vinegar is really good to cleanse and also for cleaning. You can mix lemon and tea tree essential oil into vinegar, and these together are really good for cleaning and removing unwanted energy around the home. Vinegar is also good for banishments.  Some basic and good ways to cleanse a home: When cleansing a home, pay attention not only to the rooms but especially to the doors, windows and any mirrors. A lot of things are happening energetically in those spaces and they are usually hot spots for activity. Using salt and water: To cleanse a home with these, sprinkle water around the walls, and place a small sprinkle of salt in each corner of every room. You can also place salt along the front of a door, or along a windowsill. Sometimes though, salt can damage paint so don’t leave it on painted surfaces for too long. You can also paint protective symbols over the door and window frames with the water. Using smoke from herbs, resins or incense: To cleanse using these, take the smoke around to each room and move it in an anticlockwise circle three times. Also make sure to waft a lot of smoke around doors, windows and mirrors.  Sound and prayer: You can go around each room with instruments, or you can sing over or speak over your home to cleanse it. If you choose to pray, make sure to state what needs to be removed, and what will happen within that space instead. Eg. “May all anger, hurt, stress, and any other unwanted energies leave this space. May this room be safe, still, and peaceful, and may we experience joy, laughter and happiness in this room.” How do I know if there are entities in the room? If you are practised enough in sensing energies you will know straight away. However, if you are a beginner please keep in mind that your fear of entities alone can mean that you might believe there is an entity in your home even when there isn’t, or your fear might even attract one. Sometimes we can also fall prey to the power of influential words, and a psychic or someone else who senses energies might claim that you have a spirit in your home and then you will start seeing signs for its existence even if nothing is there. Even if the psychic didn’t pick up on a negative entity, but just said the word “spirit”, many people have different interpretations for this word based on religious beliefs, influence from movies and pop culture, etc. You may have misunderstood. In fact, there are a lot of spirits around us all the time, ancestral spirits, household spirits, plant and animal spirits- and not all of them mean harm. But some people interpret the word spirit to instantly mean the worst. Mould can also affect your mental health and if it has made you unwell enough it can make you hallucinate and see entities or experience haunting activity. Check for things like this before worrying and stressing yourself unnecessarily. If you had an entity that meant harm, you would just know. And until you experience the sense of “just knowing” this kind of thing, you probably will not understand what I mean here.  Energy flowering and blessings Once you have cleansed a space and depending on what you used to cleanse, the space or object might feel like a blank canvas. You need to do what is called energy flowering or charging to reconfigure the energy of a space or item. Energy flowering is usually done with floral waters, resins, crystals, or incense sticks. Bundles of herbs are used mostly for cleansing, but depending on the herb they can be used for flowering as well. But in my personal opinion herb bundles are best for cleansing only. Salt or soil can also be used for this- as I said before salt seems to carry a very electrical feeling energy, and soil from the earth can also be used to recharge objects. Resins are really good for raising vibrations and creating healing and beautiful emotional energies.  To recharge with incenses or resins, waft the energy around the home but in clockwise circles and if possible use your dominant hand. You can also hold objects like tarot cards or crystals in the smoke or you can waft the smoke towards yourself or someone else. Cinnamon, sandal, frankincense, myrrh, and dragons blood are really good for this purpose.  To recharge with floral waters, you can wash objects in them, or you can sprinkle them around the walls, doors, and windows. Altar spaces and deity images usually really like this type of cleansing. To recharge objects with soil, bury them until they feel ready. Make sure to leave yourself a marker on the ground so you know where they are buried. If you live in an apartment, you can definitely bury things in a pot of soil. If you cannot get soil you can also leave objects on a bed of salt for as long as needed. To recharge using crystals, place the crystal you want to use over the object or within the space and leave it for as long as needed. Clear quartz is a good energy conductor and will bring intense universal energies down. Copper is also really good for conducting energy, so if you have any copper items they can help recharge an item or space as well. Blessings A blessing ritual is a really lovely way to give a room, a person, or an object your goodwill, and also to call down the highest good upon something. You can make a charm to bless someone, you can pray or speak over someone or something, or you can also anoint objects, places, or people with sacred oils. This is also where some fun stuff like glitter, colourful threads, beads and other cool stuff can work its way into your magic. A basic blessing ritual for a person White, pink, and green candles Rose water Salt Rice Anointing oil Honeysuckle incense A bowl of water, soap and a towel.
Create a small mixture of salt, rice, and your anointing oil. Keep some of these ingredients separate and to the side. Wash the hands of the person you are blessing with the rose water, and rub the salt, rice, and oil mixture into their hands gently. They can rest their hands for a bit until the ritual is done. Sprinkle their head with the rose water, and offer rice and salt to them in the direction of their mouth (they don’t have to eat it so don’t shove it in their mouth lol) and also to the each side of their temples and the top of their head (you just need to hold it in your hand and point it in the directions listed above). Waft the incense around them three times clockwise, and offer the candles to them by moving them in a clockwise circle three times as well around the person. As you are doing this you can say out loud or in your heart “May you be well, may you be protected, and may you be free from suffering.” Think of everything good that you wish for this person as you are doing this ritual.  Anoint their forehead at the hairline with the oil. You can then offer them the soap, water and towel for them to clean their hands once all this is done. The ritual is complete! Making charms for blessing and protection You can make charm bags and fill them with all sorts of fun stuff like colourful glitters, sequins, crytals, herbs, meaningful items, images of deities, or handwritten prayers or sigils. Colourful glitters are cool because glitter is fabulous, and all the colours have meanings associated with them so you can pick the colours based on what you want to achieve. You can also make yourself some jewellery, and if you want to you could use religious icons or images in your jewellery, or choose colourful beads that represent certain ideas, archetypes, or deities.  Other charms can also be candles or herbs for example. You could hang dried herbs around the home, or you can anoint a candle with an oil of choice and it will act as a charm. You can also anoint jewellery with oils. Making a charm from jewellery Select a piece of jewellery. It is better if it is made of something like gold or silver, as fashion jewellery can become damaged from oils of whatever you might use. Beadwork should be fine. You can make this into a ritual if you like, or you can keep it simple. Personally, I like to keep things simple when it comes to making charms, but each to their own. You can remix this however you like to suit your needs.  Before you start, I believe it is respectful to ask the object if it wants to become a charm. Even inanimate objects contain the spirit of the universe or contain a consciousness. You cannot force it to serve you, so please ask respectfully if it is happy to help you. You will sense the answer with your intuition, or you might experience other phenomena such as synchronicities, seeing or sensing colours or energy, or hearing something. Just listen patiently. If it says yes, wash the object in water to purify it and leave it on a bed of salt for a hot minute. Light some candles with the colour that corresponds to your intention, and burns some incense. Anoint the charm in a blessing oil, and ask it to carry this intent for you. You can pray over it or speak over it what you intend for this charm. Give the offerings of candles and incense to the charm and thank it for helping you. It is respectful to bow before the object while giving it thanks.
It is now ready to wear, but you might want to clean it off. I can’t imagine jewellery with caked-on salt looks too nice. Creating protective charms for the home Religious iconography near doorways is a really good option if you are able to openly display these. Some cultures make protective charms from certain objects like horseshoes, chilli peppers, bells, lemons, sigils, or similar items from temples and shrines. In each case, it is again respectful to ask the object if it wants to help you.  You can do a similar ritual to the above, or you can make your own charms for the house. Basil charm to call down holy fire Basil is a herb I use in spiritual healing because I find it often has a very fiery energy that can really intensely open up and allow universal energy to flow. It is very simple to make, all you need to do is dry a bunch of basil. Ask if it is happy to serve as a charm for the home. If it says yes you can hang it in the home up high above the head, and preferably in the main room such as a lounge room so that everyone can be influenced.
Bay leaf doorway charm Sew some dried bay leaves together in a chain, big enough to fit the measurements of the door frame you wish to place it over. Once the length of the chain is big enough for the door, ask the object if it wants to serve you. If the answer is yes, hang it above your door frame. This will protect evil spirits from entering the home and will bring luck and abundance to those inside.  Jar of holy salts for the bedside Combine sea salt in a jar with oils such as peppermint, frankincense, orange and lavender. You can mix in some of the same dried herbs if you like as well. Ask the object if it wishes to serve you, and if yes place it by the bed. This is a protective charm that will ensure a peaceful sleep without being bothered by bad dreams, negative entities, or anything else that you want to keep away. I had a friend who had a terrifying experience of having his name yelled at him by some sort of spirit just as he sat down to sleep. This charm has helped him feel calm and protected and he has not experienced the issue since.
Maintaining charms Charms do not want to be forgotten. They can often become spiritually blank or deadened and will be unable to continue their purpose if they are not cared for. They need love, they are a consciousness that wishes for its own happiness. One of the best ways to keep charms happy I find is to talk to them and build a relationship with them. In the morning when I do my regular incense burning and candle lighting I also give them offerings as well, by going around the house and waving the incense and candles towards them. I might also re-anoint them when needed. I find that if the object is respected as being holy and as being part of the family it will continue to happily serve the home. Don’t forget this step to give your charms love and treat them as if they are alive with consciousness!  ♥ Building a relationship with the spirits of the home and land for protection Just as charms contain a consciousness, so do all inanimate and animate objects in the home and on the land which your home resides. It is good to honour these spirits and energies with offerings, and they can, in turn, be called upon to protect the home. I always leave incense burning in a safe place outside as an offering to the spirits of the land and home, and as I do so I ask for their protection upon the home. Over time, you will be able to sense their energies more and they will begin to surround you and protect you. You do not need to do much here except allow time and routine to do the work for you. 
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
HC: Hawks gets a pimple
Hawks x Reader
Warnings: fluff! Slight mention of suggestive sexual intercourse and cursing! But that’s it! Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.7K
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Hawks was having a good morning so far. The sunlight peeked through the curtains of his spacious penthouse apartment, letting the orange glow illuminate the usually dark room. His avian like eyes peeked open, dark pupils shrinking at the sudden invasion of brightness. He rose a heavy hand up to block out the light, groaning in reluctance to rise from his comfy bed next to you. Both his eyes opened slowly, remembering that you’d spent the night with him. His golden hues focused in on your sleeping face beside him. He loved moments like these, waking up with you beside him —even though he had to leave you. It always made his heart swell with warmth.
Once he lazily picked himself out of bed, careful not to wake you, he sent a few sturdy feathers to collect the fallen ones he’d littered on the floor and to dispose of them. He gave you one last look with a satisfied huff and a genuinely loving smile. His light footsteps padded against the hardwood floors as he went to his closet and began to dress for the day, leaving his pants undone so he could take a leak before he left. He slipped into the bathroom and out of habit sparred a glance at himself in the mirror. His eyes shifted to the toilet until he froze. WAIT—
Hawks jerked back around to the mirror and rushed over to the reflective glass, eyes shrunken and horrified at the rather large white bump that protruded from his skin, an irritated flush of his skin surrounding the small pore. “No, no, no, no, no. Oh fuck, shit, what the hell is that?!” His bare hands rose to gently poke and run his finger along the pus filled pore. He winced at the touch and pain that swelled around his cheek. The dashingly handsome hero had no idea what was now stuck on his face, blemishing his sex appeal and pride.
In a fit of panic he flew to your side and shook you gently awake. “(Y/N). (Y/N) wake up! I need your help!” You stirred and groaned in exhaustion, cracking your eyes open to see your lover with a panicked expression. “Mmm... what’s wrong Keigo?” Your voice was groggy and tired, laced with drowsiness as your body threatened to lull you back to sleep. “There’s something on my face, I-I don’t know what it is. Can you help me cover it up?” Your brows knit together at the urgency in his voice. Why was he freaking out about some cut on his face? He got small scratches all the time. “Keigo it’s just a scratch. Just put a band-aid-“ “ITS WHITE. It’s not a scratch!”
Your eyes opened in confusion and the instant you saw his face your pupils narrowed in on the irritated red patch of skin that dawned his right cheek about an inch or two away from the corner of his lips. “Keigo that’s a pimple. It’s norma-“ “A PIMPLE?!?!” His loud shouting instantly woke you up, and your ears rung in slight irritation at the unexpected squawking. He was urgently pointing towards the small pus head, anxiously awaiting your assistance. “Don’t yell babe... it’s not that big of a deal, everyone gets them-“ “I’m the number two hero, I’m a model, I cannot have some... some white thing on my face!! What’re people gonna think? That I’m dirty? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Never before have you seen Hawks so upset about something so small as a pimple. He did pride himself on his looks. He spent hours preening his feathers to have them look their best for the public to keep up his flashy reputation. He knows he looks good. Was this an insecurity seeping through?
“Should I pop it? Will that get rid of it?” He rose his hands up, ready to do the deed himself without hearing an answer. “No Keigo. That’s the worst thing to do. I know it’s tempting but you just need to clean your face and put some ointment on it.” “Can you buy it for me?” It was cute seeing Hawks so insecure about a pimple. Every gets them at least once in their life, it happens, but you’ve never seen someone freak out as much as Hawks over ONE pimple. “Sure babe, I’ll get you some. But you need to calm down, it’s not that bad-“ “I’m so ugly.” “...yes Hawks one pimple makes you the ugliest man in the world.” “...really...?” His wings dropped, looking at his reflection in horror and sadness. “Oh my god no. I was just kidding Keigo.”
“Don’t play with me like that. This is serious.” “And I’m serious when I tell you it’s gonna be okay and you need to calm down.” He still had a frantic look in his golden eyes once you told him to relax. He nodded and continued to eye the blemish in anger, hoping it would vanish if he glared at it enough. “Tell you what babe, let’s put a little bandaid over it with some Neosporin and you can just say got a little scratch from a fight with a villain. Sound good?” “You’re so smart, love bird. How did I get so damn lucky, or were you the lucky one? It’s always debatable huh?”
Once he was patched up and covered, he finished getting ready and kissed you goodbye, leaving through the balcony window. He ascended to the skies, wind bursting against his face and sweeping his hair back. His mind was still on the pimple that graced his handsome face. He brought his hand up and scratched his chin in thought. As soon as he got to his agency, he would look up all the fastest ways to get rid of a pimple.
“Hey love bird, did ya get the ointment?” “Yep, got it right in the cart.” Your eyes cast down to the ointment resting in the temporarily empty cart awaiting to be filled with groceries. “So I was thinking about what we should have for dinner tonight-“ “Can you pick up a few more things?” Your brows furrowed. “Like what?” “Face masks, face scrub, moisturizer, clay masks, oh! Get the charcoal ones too I heard those fuckin’ hurt but work good! Foam wash, some skin oil, sunscreen-“ “Keigo are you serious... baby that’s so much. It’s just one pim-“ “Sorry love bird, I gotta go, just use the black card okay? Love ya!” He hung up...
You did as he instructed and bought a lot of skin care products for him, along with some packs of chicken and some of his Georgia WAX coffee. Once you got home and put everything away, you started on dinner. It was rare if Hawks even got home on time, but you always made him some for him to heat up —if he didn’t get take out. To your surprise he came home quite earlier. “Hey love bird! Did ya get my stuff?” “Yeah, it’s all in the bathroom, babe.” “Hair clips?” “I already had some Bobby pins.” “You’re the best.”
When he emerged from the bathroom he had a charcoal face mask on, the messily long strands of blonde hair usually sticking up pinned down to his head and away from his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at the silly look on his face and the avoidance of his “manly” patch of scruff on his chin. “Were you worried it would take off your little beard?” “.....yes.” “I wish you’d shave, I hate it.” “Wh-What?! I thought you liked it!” “It looks like pubes on your face.” His face paled, well, as much as you could see. “Baby I’m kidding.” “Oh-“ he sighed in relief. “I was about to say there, you weren’t complainin’ when I ate you out last ni-“ “KEIGO!!!” He laughed at your embarrassment.
After dinner Hawks finally took his face mask off... or well he tried to. He was whining like a baby at how much it hurt. “Ow! Ow! Fuck! Why does it hurt so much?!” “You told me to buy it, you knew the charcoal one was gonna hurt you birdbrain!” “It said it would get rid of it fast!” “Who’s fault is that for telling me to buy it!” “It’s the internet’s fault for tellin’ me it worked fast!” Eventually you ripped the mask from his face and stared at all the tiny hairs and unnoticeable pores. “Hey look, it-“ you looked up at him and stopped once you saw his flushed red face. “Babe you okay?” “I can’t feel my face. Do I still have eyebrows?” You burst out laughing. “Yes Kei’.” “What about my scruff?” “Nope, gone.” “Liar.”
Afterwards you both put on some face masks and lathered each other up in some lotion in a very comforting way, not sexually, although he made some very sly comments that teetered on the edge. Against your wishes, you both ate some chips on the couch watching TV with Hawks shouting and throwing chips. “WHAT THE FUCK!!! THEY CANT KILL HIM OFF LIKE THAT!!!!” “BABE ITS A SHOW!” “ITS MY FAVORITE SHOW HE WAS MY FAVORITE CAUSE HE WAS HOT LIKE ME!!!” You rolled your eyes and sighed heavily at his cute childish antics. His eyes moved over to you, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“I love you, birdie.” Your cheeks flushed. “I love you too...” “Ah, after three years of dating, a year and a half of livin’ together, and you’re still embarrassed with me tellin’ you I love you? We’ve done worse ya know~” “Shut up. You’re... never around much anymore, and it always makes me happy when we spend time together, but... confessing your feelings... it’s a different kind of happiness all together. Words can’t explain how much your words mean to me.” His expression turned sullen. “(Y/N)...” “And I know it’s cheesy, it’s stupid, but... it’s how I feel... knowing you still love me even when we’ve been apart for so long... I love you, Keigo. Whether you have a pimple or not.” He frowned, eyes narrowing. “You ruined it.” “Really? Damn. Nothing gets past you does it?” You both shared in playful laughter until the masks were ready to come off.
The next day his skin was clear, surprisingly, perfect and smooth with the exception of his patch of scruff. He had taken a day off work, which was a bit odd but, heroes need a break too I guess? “Mmm... good mornin’ birdie~” His deep morning voice rumbled against your ear, shaking your core and making a small tingle twinge in the dark pits of your stomach. “M-Morning.” His lips littered the side of your jaw and down your shoulder. “Are you ready for our fun day off, love bird?” “Yeah, I’m uh... pretty excited.” “Oh yeah? Well...” His hand slowly slipped down your night gown, trailing his fingers sneakily to the hem while shifting his fingers up. He pressed into your skin to slip a hand into your panties, but you quickly stopped his hand. “Later.” “Whyyyy?” He whined. “Unlike you, I have work.” “Oh don’t worry! I already called ‘em and them ‘em you were spendin’ a day off with me for... personal reasons.” “........” “I-I love you...?”
Hawks still ended up being cock-blocked that morning, but he was awarded some juicy chicken with a side of pancakes. The morning was full of playful banter, loving gazes, and small kisses. “I booked us a massage today.” “Oh really? When’d you do that?” “Yesterday after I called your work.” “They let you have an appointment last notice?” He laughed. “I am the number two hero, and there are some benefits to being the most popular and handsome man in Japan.” “I think Best Jeanist tops you.” “Why must you always be so mean to me, Birdie.” “I’m mean cause I love you.” “That’s not how that works.” “...” “...” “Keigo.” “I know, I know, we won’t talk about it.” He’s playfully mean and teasing because he loves you too.
Later that afternoon you arrive at the spa and everyone is gawking at Hawks. Who wouldn’t? He is the most handsome man in Japan like he said. Oh, let’s not forget the glares some of his fangirls gave you, it never failed to make you a bit uncomfortable. “Hey there, we’ve got an appointment for two, a couples massage.” “Oh! Y-Yes Hawks everything is ready for you!” “Ah! Great! Thank you sweets~” He cooes out and sends the lady a friendly wink as she left. His slung his arm protectively around your waist and he kissed your cheek. You pouted. “It’s unbelievable what you can do with your charm.” “Tell me about it! I get a lotta free stuff; discounts, free reservations. All that stuff, comes with being so popular, ain’t that right?” “Fuck off.”
The massage was wonderful, absolutely amazing. It took a lot of the stress off your shoulders and gave you a bit of time to just relax and think about nothing. Your mind was blank, enjoying the silence and feel of someone else’s hands just rubbing the pain and stress away. There was also a very fashionable and professional facial. It was then you realized it. “Hawks, did you book these massages just to get the facial for your skin?” “Well yeah, how else am I gonna keep the pores away?” “You do realize I bought you like- tons of stuff for home right?” “Yeah! But this is more relaxing dont’cha think?” “Well... yeah but-“ “Just hush and enjoy the massage love bird.”
You were going to kill him. Bury him six feet under, you wouldn’t even attend his funeral. He wouldn’t even have a funeral you’d hide the body so well. The massage and the facial Hawks had booked cost way over $2K dollars. But with Hawks and his grade A flirting and charm, the price was knocking back to just $1.95K on the bright side... he saved you $500. Even though he paid. “Hawks why did you book such an expensive massage!” “Well, I really wanted the facial but I got more for the bundle, so I just went with that and decided to relax! You can’t tell me you didn’t like it, love bird.” “Of course I liked it, but just don’t spend SO MUCH money. All this over one pimple!” His face flushed. “Keep it down-“ you burst into fits of laughter at his embarrassment, you couldn’t help it.
He wore face masks everyday after the pimple incident and lathered up lotion before bed, making him all slick when he cuddled you. It was such a clear insecurity you never knew he would have, it was honestly very cute. At dinner when he finally returned home, he heaved a heavy sigh of exhaustion. “I’m home love bird.” He called out with a smile. You approached him immediately with his little face mask and gently pinned his bangs back, putting the cool moistened mask onto his smooth face. “Oh? What’s this? Givin’ me some special treatment tonight? What’d I do?”
“You’ve been freaking out the past couple days, so I figured I’d help you out just a bit.” A smile spread over your lips as you helped him out of his hero jacket, leading him down the hall to the bedroom. He laid his head against your lap, wings nudging your knees on either side of you while he laid on the bed calmly. “Thank you love bird...” “You don’t need to thank me, Keigo. And just so you know...” You leaned down and gently pecked his lips, giving him a sweet upside down kiss. “I love you cause you’re you, not because of your looks. It doesn’t matter if you’re covered in thousands of scars and pimples or whatever! As long as you’re my birdie...” His wings fluffed up, eyes going wide. “I’ll love you forever, my avian mate.” It was silent until he spoke up in a very flustered tone.
“...” “...” “Can we fuck?” “You ruined it, Keigo. You ruined it.”
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Practically Brothers
Summary: Marlon and Louis spend some time helping each other out before having a joke off later that night.
Word Count: 2602
Read on AO3:
“Careful, Lou! Don’t move so much!” Marlon warned as a bit of the vegetable oil spilled onto his pants leg.
“Shit, sorry!” Louis flashed an apologetic grin over at his best friend. “I just got excited I guess. We haven’t done a hairdo day in forever.”
Marlon smiled warmly at Louis’ words. It had been a while since they had done this. For the last couple years Louis and Marlon would get together in Louis’ room and surround themselves in the secret stash of pillows that Louis had (although everyone at Ericson knew about it so his stash wasn’t very secretive at all).
Once they got hidden away in the stash of pillows on his bed they would begin the process of helping each other with their hair. Life had been so hectic lately though that neither of them had had the time or energy for this special time together. With struggling to get enough food for everyone, making sure that the school was safe and dealing with more deadheads than they can count, everyone at the school was exhausted.
Marlon dipped his finger into the vegetable oil once more and began to moisturize Louis’ dreadlocks. Louis sat there quietly for a few moments before he began to whistle. Marlon bopped his head around here and there to the tune. The two of them enjoyed the peaceful moment as Marlon continued to work on Louis’ dreads. After a few seconds Louis stopped humming and his eyes wandered over to the small amount of vegetable oil that stood in an old soda bottle.
“I hope Omar never finds out how much of his vegetable oil we’ve stolen,” Louis’ words made Marlon pause for a moment before resuming. Louis didn’t have to look at his best friend’s face to know that he was smiling.
“Yeah, this will be a secret that we take to the grave,” Marlon held out his hand that wasn’t coated in the oil and Louis shook it firmly.
“We shook on it so now we gotta keep it a secret,” Louis smiled as he sat still.
“I was going to keep it a secret either way. Omar is scary when it comes to food,” Marlon’s words made Louis laugh softly.
“Isn’t that the truth,” Louis looked outside the window and noticed that some of the leaves were beginning to fall. Soon this season would be over and the cold harshness of winter would be upon them. Louis wondered how much stress would weigh on Marlon’s shoulders throughout that season. Marlon never seemed to take on more than he could bear. At least that was the impression that Louis had gotten over the years. Louis snuck a glance back at his friend. He was really thankful to have Marlon as a leader. He won hands down over all the shitty adults that had left them the moment the world went to hell.
“All done,” Marlon spoke up and wiped off the oil on his hands before he took off his letterman jacket. The blond tossed it beside him on his right and shifted his weight. Louis scooted over on his knees and grabbed the knife.
“Alright, dude, stay extremely still or I might accidentally shave off part of your mullet.” Louis smirked.
Marlon frowned over at his friend for a moment before a subtle smirk appeared on his lips. “That would be way too high a price to pay.”
“It would be a travesty,” Louis began to shave the right side of Marlon’s head where some new hair was growing in. He only needed to shave a small portion of it. “Have no fear, I won’t harm this majestic mane,” Louis grinned and continued his task. Once the right side was done he picked up his friend’s jacket and shook the loose hairs off onto the floor before tossing the jacket over on Marlon’s other side. Shuffling over, Louis began the process once again on the left side. The room was quiet except for some quips from Louis here and there. After a few minutes he was done. Louis scooted back and nodded proudly. “Yep, you are still rocking that eighties look!”
“Someone has to,” Marlon smiled and worked to get his jacket back on. He glanced out the window and saw the slant of the sun. “Shit, I need to go talk to Brody about the fishing shack. Could you find Aasim and go over the traps again? It will be easier if you’re there seeing as you’re the one who made them and all,”
“I’ll see if I can. My piano may be calling to me,” Louis got off of his bed and stretched.
“Louis, please. For me,”
Marlon’s tone made Louis pause before nodding. “Okay, I will be with Mr. Stick in the Mud in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!”
Marlon chuckled at Louis’ words then waved goodbye. Soon both of them were off to their respective tasks.
The day went by fairly smoothly. Marlon had been able to figure out a solution with Brody regarding the efficiency of the current fishing spot while Louis had fixed the traps. All it had cost was a headache that Aasim claimed he had gotten from Louis’ talking. Louis insisted this was a false accusation and that Aasim simply didn’t drink enough water that day.
Evening was quickly upon them. After Ruby and Sophie had worked to prep the ingredients with Omar for dinner and once the perfectionist chef himself signed off on the meal, dinner was served. Louis immediately took a spot next to Marlon who was sitting at a table with Ruby, Brody and Rosie. The pitbull casually sat beside Marlon who snuck little treats to her here and there when Ruby wasn’t looking.
The four of them ate the food happily, enjoying the warm, comforting stew that they had eaten for years and would continue to until the walkers got them or - as Sophie had proudly declared - old age did. She always believed that all of them could live until they were old and withered. Dinner continued to be peaceful as people at the different tables chatted and conversed until Marlon let out a huge burp.
“Good Lord,” Ruby waved a hand in front of her face and frowned at Marlon.
“Sorry,” Marlon smiled sheepishly and began to sip his stew when Louis spoke up.
“Yeah, you should be. This is a real burp!” Louis belched loudly, causing Marlon to nearly choke on his stew. The pair laughed loudly while Ruby got up and stormed off with a huff.
“Honestly, you two,” Brody got up and jogged after Ruby. The pair talked quietly for a minute before Brody offered that they could have some tea which brightened up Ruby’s mood immensely.
“Alright, Marlon, it's a joke-off time,” Louis grinned and saw the sparkle of joy in Marlon’s eyes.
“Okay, but you better get ready to lose. You’re the one that's going to get stuck with dish duty,” Marlon smirked over at Louis.
“That’s funny because I could’ve sworn I saw your name on the list for dish duty.” Louis returned the look back at his best friend.
Soon Mitch and Aasim moved to a table nearby Marlon and Louis’ table along with Willy who jumped down onto the spot next to Mitch. All of them were interested in seeing this joke-off. It had become a fairly regular routine with this pair. Marlon and Louis would throw back jokes back and forth and whoever ran out of jokes first or felt that the other one had done better would lose. The loser would then be stuck with an annoying chore.
Louis cleared his throat and decided to start the joke off. “I saw you picking flowers the other day for a girl,” Louis leaned forward and looked at his friend. “I bet Rosie liked them.”
Marlon smiled at that joke before adding in his own. “Hey Lou, the spiders called. They want their baby back,” Marlon smirked when he saw that Louis had understood he was referring to his hair.
“Oh ho ho, well played,” Louis grinned. No one else seemed impressed by these jokes. They were usually bad, corny or downright dumb jokes about Marlon or Louis. Occasionally Rosie or one of the other kids got thrown into the jokes but that was less frequent. Louis pondered his next joke for a while before delivering it with a smirk. “Marlon is so white that sunscreen puts him on,”
Marlon chuckled at that which made Louis laugh as well. “Oh yeah? Well, Louis, I hate to break it to you but the tooth fairy doesn’t take teeth that are lost on account of being a dumbass,”
Louis’ eyes widened at those words and he held his heart in mock sadness. Marlon began to laugh some more at that which in turn made Louis’ laughter grow. “Hey, Marlon, y’know why Rosie has a mattress in the headmaster’s office? It's because you smell so bad even she won’t sleep next to you,”
Marlon felt the zing of that one and immediately had a comeback. “Well the only reason your piano doesn't run away from your stank is because its legs don’t work!”
Louis paused at Marlon’s words, impressed by the reply. The pair was quiet for a second before they burst out laughing. The two of them continued to shoot jokes and zingers back and forth until Marlon held up his hands.
“Alright, alright, I’ll forfeit this round but you’d better watch out for next time,” He smiled competitively at his best friend. Louis returned the look and leaned his elbows on the table.
“We’ll see about that. After all, both of us are-”
“Idiots,” Violet butted into the conversation as she walked by with the twins and Tenn.
“Actually it's pronounced geniuses. We are joke masters.” Louis smiled at the blonde who rolled her eyes as Marlon and Louis high fived.
“Well, you’ll face the daunting task of being under the watchful eye of Omar as you clean dishes tomorrow,” Louis stood up from his spot.
“Oh boy, I can't wait,” Marlon quipped and rose as well.
“You still have one more night of freedom. So how about you join me in the music room?” Louis offered and Marlon nodded warmly.
“Sounds good to me, Lou. I just need to grab something from the headmaster’s office.” Marlon began to walk alongside Louis.
“Alright, then I shall see you soon. If you get lost, just follow the sound of my mesmerizing music,” Louis pulled on the sides of his coat as he strolled forward.
“Will do, but I think Rosie and I will be able to navigate the winding halls of the admin building just fine,” Marlon waved a quick goodbye to Louis before jogging up the stairs. Rosie followed close behind.
Minutes later Marlon had entered the office. He strolled forward and reached out for the map that lay on the table. His eyes wandered over it for a second before he felt Rosie pawing at his leg. “Sorry, girl,” Marlon gave the pitbull some loving pats and headscratches. “We can go hang out with Louis now,” Marlon tucked away the map in his pocket and grabbed the red pencil.
Rosie led the way down the stairs and happily trotted towards the music room where Louis had begun to play his music. Based on the strained notes and the slightly off-centered music, Marlon guessed that the piano was due for a tuning. Louis turned when he heard the door creak open thanks to Rosie’s paws whacking against it.
“Seems you were able to find the music room after all,” Louis smiled playfully at his friend who returned the smile.
“Yeah, it was a good thing I had Rosie with me.” Marlon sat down on one of the chairs and a pile of dust shot up and swarmed his face. He coughed loudly and Louis stopped his playing for a moment.
“You okay? Getting choked up because you lost the joke off?”
Louis’s words made Marlon look over with a competitive expression. “Ha, you wish,” Marlon coughed loudly for another moment before he took a deep breath.
Louis studied his best friend for a moment to make sure he was really okay before he began to play the piano again. His fingers danced around on the keys, creating a beautiful, playful melody that was only partially lost due to the untuned piano.
Marlon listened and smiled softly as he looked at the map. His mind quickly wandered back onto the safety of the school. He wondered if it was wise to start enforcing a tighter safe zone. After a few minutes Marlon decided against it. He wouldn’t make any major changes, at least not tonight. He doubted he’d be able to properly assess such a weighty decision at the end of the day when his energy was low. So instead he enjoyed his friend’s music.
After a little while Louis stopped his playing. “Y’know, maybe you should learn to play the piano,”
Louis’ words made Marlon glance up. “Yeah, well I bet I’d sound pretty shitty compared to you,”
“That's what practice is for. Surprising as it may be, I wasn’t always a piano master. Shocking, I know,”
Louis’ words made Marlon crack a smile. “I think I’ll stick to the guitar, thanks.”
“Well, I’m sure the day you track one down will come soon. With all the wild stuff we’ve found on some of these deadheads, I wouldn’t be surprised if we found one with a guitar,” Louis spun around on his piano bench to look at Marlon.
“That would be the dream. I miss playing guitar,” Marlon tilted his head back with a tired smile. “Well, it's getting late so I should head to bed.”
“Alright,” Louis rose up from his spot to sneak in some final pets for Rosie. He knelt down and whispered conspiratorially to the pitbull. “Make sure he actually gets some sleep, Rosie.”
“Hey, I can hear you,” Marlon looked down at his friends as he placed his hands on his hips.
“Damn, looks like we got caught, Rosie,” Louis’ gaze focused on the pitbull who was panting happily. “Alright, but seriously dude. Don’t push yourself,” Louis’ eyes locked with Marlon’s.
“I won’t,” Marlon smiled reassuringly and was relieved to see that his friend relaxed at those words before standing back up. Marlon continued to look at Louis for a moment before he walked forward and gave him a hug. Louis immediately returned it. The two of them held onto that hug for a moment before Marlon let go. He gave a final smile and wave, wishing Louis goodnight before heading off towards the headmaster’s office.
Marlon slowly walked down the hall, his eyes glancing around at all the graffiti that covered the walls as he walked up the stairs. Today had been a good day. He had been able to give his mind a few moments to get away from all the stress that being the leader brought, but now it was time to focus again.
Marlon glanced back at the music room as the sound of the piano filled the halls once more. He was really glad to have a friend like Louis. No, friend wasn’t the right word. Brother felt more fitting. Even though the world had gone to shit and life could be hell he knew he would always have Louis on his side. With that comforting thought putting Marlon’s heart at ease, he began to climb the stairs again, ready to continue his role as protector of the school.
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vanityfairness · 4 years
November 2020 Empties
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* = disliked the product - would not repurchase ** = liked the product - would not repurchase *** = liked the product - might or might not repurchase **** = loved the product - would repurchase *HOLY GRAIL!*
1. innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask 2x (10ml / 0.33oz) source: innisfree sample w/ purchase thoughts: I haven’t used a clay mask in a long time. I do find it nice to use one once in a while but I’m not a big fan of it that I would keep a full size in my stash. I much rather prefer just using sheet masks.  rating: ***
2. innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Toner 2x (15ml / 0.5oz) source: innisfree sample w/ purchase thoughts: I have’t used innisfree products in a long time, that I have forgotten how scented innisfree products are. They smell amazing but the scent is quite strong but I don’t mind it, I did have to get use to it. I have started using products that aren’t as heavily scented but this one smelt very nice to me. The product itself seemed fine, but it is hard for me to say since I didn’t use this product for a long time. However, I’m loving all my current products right now. rating: **
3. QUO Organic Cotton Pads (100 pads) source: Real Canadian Superstore thoughts: These cotton pads felt a little more rough than the other one I tried previously. I didn’t find it as soft plus these came with less pads for the same price. rating: *
4. By Wishtrend Mandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water (5ml / 0.16oz) source: Wishtrend sample w/ purchase thoughts: I was able to get 3 uses out of this sample. I haven’t used an acid on my face for a long time aside from a vitamin C serum that I’ve tried. It did sting when I went over open wounds which is to be expected but I forgot how that pain felt since I haven’t used this in a long time. I really like this since every time I do use this I find my face texture does get a lot smoother. rating: ****
5. isNtree Spot Saver Mugwort Powder Wash (25 packets) source: Credithink? thoughts: I really enjoyed using these. I found that my skin felt more refreshed and it did help in the texture of my skin. I love how that it’s also portioned out. The only downside is that it’s not very cost effective or environmentally friendly. However, my initial thought of purchasing these were for travel but since covid happened I do have a stash of these kind of one-time washes just sitting around. rating: ***
6. celimax The Real Noni Energy Ampule (30ml) source: YesStyle thoughts: This has a herbal kind of scent to it, but I don’t mind. I felt my skin was very moisturized and plump when I used this. The consistency of this is a little thick and sticky, but it does go away. The packaging to my surprise was plastic and not made of glass. It was also very simple, but I love the fact that the top is a twist dropper where it will automatically suck up product when you twist the cap. rating: ***
7. CrediThink Soft Cotton Pads (40pads) source: CrediThink thoughts: These were pretty good, but not as soft as the unisoft ones. rating: *
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8. dear, klairs Daily Skin Hydrating Water (500ml / 16.90oz) source: Wishtrend thoughts: This was an amazingly large bottle. I haven’t seen something like this size before. I did test it out using it like an essence for a few weeks, but I mainly used it as a toner. I liked how refreshing and soothing it was, plus you can also use this as a mist in the summer or even a quick mask. I do not detect any scent to this, plus there aren’t too many ingredients on the list as well. I finished this in 166 days, almost 6 months. I got this on sale during Black Friday in 2019 for $16.07USD because it was part of a set. For the price I paid for this and the duration, I think it was really worth it. I can’t wait to try the other one, but I think I’m going to wait a bit before I try that since the product will last so long. rating: ****
9. Bath & Body Works Micellar Gentle Foaming Hand Soap: Island Papaya (259ml / 8.75oz) source: Bath & Body Works thoughts: I didn’t find much of a difference to the formulation or cleansing power compared to the regular version. I love the scent of this one, which consist of tropical coconut, fresh papaya, and sugarcane. Usually these soaps last a long time for me, however with Covid the soap has been going a lot faster. I love the scent of this but I believe this was a summer scent.  rating: ***
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10. Muji Organic Tea Apple & Elderflower (9 tea bags) source: Muji Japan thoughts: I really loved this tea. I really like teas that have an apple scent/ flavour to it because it almost tastes like apple cider in a way. rating: ****
Throw Away
These products are either old/expired or have been opened for a long time, hence I’m discarding them.
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1. Aromatica Neroli Brightening Organic Oil   - Reviews of this were good but the one I received had half solidified and could barely get anything. 2. Harajuku Lovers Fragrance Sampler 3. OUAI Rose Hair & Body Oil 4. OUAI Finishing Creme
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stars-my-darling · 4 years
2 and 5 for the fluffy prompts!
#2 "You Smell Nice” and #5 “I don’t wanna get up- you’re comfy”
with his favourite perfume on
Title from “Video Games” from Lana Del Rey
Jake Peralta awoke to the sound of pure silence. He found himself in Amy Santiago’s bed, her laying beside him, dark hair spilling across the pillow, eyes closed, mouth open slightly, the picture of calm and peacefulness. He tried to sit up only to notice that their limbs were tangled around each other. They had fallen asleep holding each other. A quick further inspection revealed that he was still in little spoon position.
He rested his head on the edge of his pillow and stared at her. He had seen her plenty of times before, especially since they had sat across from each other for years. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when it had happened, but somewhere along the way, before they had officially gotten together, he had started to find Amy attractive. He had always though she was cute, especially back in the days when her hair was shorter and she had had those bangs. But somewhere along the way, he had started to take notice of how long and shiny-looking her hair was after she let it grow out. How something about the way she blended her eye shadow and did her eyeliner made her them look smokey and mysterious.
At first Jake had brushed this off. It was just a different hairstyle and some tricks with the make-up. That was what was making him think this way. But then he had started to notice other things. Like the delicate curve of her nose and jawline. The way her whole face lit up when she smiled. Not to mention their would always be that faithful day when she sat on that pie and he had watched her walk away, his eyes had drifting down to inspect how bad the stain was and in that moment he couldn’t help notice what a cute butt she had.
Also he had always noticed how nice she had always smelt. Amy’s work appearance had always been neat and tidy, always well-scrubbed and polished. She had also always smelt the same. That floral, woody scent that he had never been able to place. Later, he had found out that that scent was her perfume. Jake had not had that much experience with perfume. From what he knew, perfumes where things in colourful glass bottles with extravagant names and were usually astronomically expensive for what they were. The one Amy favored for work was called Ma Vie by Boss. He knew right now it was sitting on her dressing table in it’s long, slender, baby-pink bottle.
Amy had later told him that it had something called cactus flower, freesia and rose in it and the guy who had made it said it was a perfume meant for the modern working women and his intention with it was to make a scent that “exuded femininity and confidence”. Not only that but Amy had different perfumes for different occasions. One for work, one for date night and one for days off and a couple others in case she wanted to switch things up. He had been quite surprised when she had shown them to him, a group of fancy glass bottles of different sizes, colours and volumes that sat on a tray on her dressing table.
It was a far cry from what he was use to. He had never worn or owned a cologne and any discernible scent he had he was pretty sure came from his $1 shampoo that he bought from his local bodega. Back at his old apartment there had also been a bar of Irish Spring Soap that had sat in the corner of his shower that he used when he remembered.
The soap in Amy’s bathroom was a different story. It was organic and “gourmet”, a word that up until now Jake had assumed only was applied to food. It also looked more like a bouquet then it did soap. It was a creamy lilac colour with a thin dark pink layer on top that was encrusted with dried flowers. It was a far cry from the plain white little block that occupied a corner of his shower. Her’s even had a little dish it sat in. "What the hell is this?" he had asked, picking it up and examining it. Amy at the time had just gotten out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around her and was applying body lotion to her legs, something else Jake had never used. "It's my soap" she had said, not looking up at him, "Smell it". He turned to look at her "What?". “Just smell it” she insisted. He lifted the little bar to his nose and took a deep sniff. He was nearly bowled over by the heavenly scent.
“What is that?” he asked, incredulously
“It’s called Ro’s Argan”  Amy stated “from lush. It has rose, argan oil, lemon oil and egyptian geranium oil in it. Handmade and organic.”
“You know all the things that are in your soap?” he asked surprised.
“Of course, I don’t want to over-layer my scents and have them be overpowering” she said, now finishing off her legs and starting to lotion up her arms. “Most of the time I’m at work and one of my work perfume’s most prominent scents is rose and one of that soap’s most prominent scents is also rose. So it matches and this-” she nods to the little black lotion container on the edge of the sink “also has rose extract in it as well as other moisturizing properties like cocoa butter and oat milk as well as a little lavender” she smiled, scooping a little out and rubbing it on her forearm. “Also, some beauty products have acai berries in them and I’m allergic to those so I kinda have to keep up with that’s in what I use”
In that moment, Jake just sort of stood there and marveled at her. She was so consistent. He had never known someone who kept track of all the noticeable scents in their soaps and lotions to make sure they all corresponded. He also realized that was the prominent scent he always got from Amy. That floral scent, it was roses. The flower that represented love. Fitting.  He was then pulled out of this current train of thought when Amy turned to him and asked him to lotion her back for her.
He remembered that had been the thing he had mentioned to her when they were making out on the cab ride over to his apartment after their first awkward date. When he had been nuzzling her neck, he had taken a deep whiff of her scent, the floral, woody scent she had been wearing at work earlier that day. He had let his first thought slip out, “You smell nice”.
She still smelled nice even now, lying next to him. She smelt of roses and lavender and lemons and cocoa butter and all the soft, gentle things in the world. She smelt like love and romance. She smelt like Amy.
He felt himself smile at her. She started to stir and slowly, lazily opened her eyes. “Morning” he whispered. “Morning” she muttered back at him, “What are you doing?”
He shrugged. “Just watching you”. She smirked at him, “Creep” she muttered playfully, before snuggling in closer to him. Jake felt himself tighten the grip he had around her, breathing her in.
He felt Amy try to get up only to be held down by his weight. “Jake, let me up” she murdered, her voice still drowsily from sleep. “No” Jake moaned, resting his head against her shoulder. ���I don’t wanna get up-you’re comfy” He didn’t have to see Amy to know that she was lovingly rolling her eyes right now. “Besides” he continued “you smell nice”. He felt Amy’s arms wrap around him again and she settled against him. “Ok” she sighed with a smile “Five more minutes”
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mejomonster · 2 years
My eczema is really bad. Is there anything over the counter i can use thats stronger than the 1% hydrocortisone cream?
I'm gonna call my doctor and see if he'll call in the prescription strength cortisone cream since that's fixed me in the past when I was a teen and it got this bad. But it's a new doctor and when I was a teen I had to go in person and id really rather just call it in then make an appt wait a month with red itchy peeling face before I can finally get something to fix this
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blushessence · 4 years
LAGOM Cellus Sun Gel SPF 50 PA+++ Review
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Wanting to try out new sunscreens is one of my favourite things when buying skincare, and Korean skincare is unmatched when it comes to sunscreens. Their advanced screening technology with new ingredients makes them, in my opinion, way ahead of the western market. So as I was browsing Skinsider, one of my favourite K-beauty stores, I came across this sun gel. I took one at the glowing reviews and added it to my basket immediately. 
On the Skinsider website, this sunscreen is described as:
Providing “maximum UVB and UVA protection.”
Being “great for oily and combination skin types.”
“The incredibly lightweight texture provides matte finish and is very easy to apply. Your skin will absorb it immediately.” 
“In addition, normal and dry skin types will enjoy it because Lagom Cellus Sun Gel SPF50 PA+++ nourishes skin with its natural herbal extracts and oils plus hydrating Aqualicia formula. The sun gel soothes and protects the skin. It prevents the ingredients from evaporation and destruction. Hence, moisture and active ingredients can be absorbed deep into the skin.”
Okay, let’s get into this!
The texture isn’t like a ‘typical’ sunscreen, it feels more like a lightweight, somewhat thin daytime moisturiser which is perfect for those with oily/combination skin types. There is a slightly strong citrus type scent to it due to it containing essential oils, but I’ll get to that soon.
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My thoughts:
I’ve tried a lot of sunscreens and I always seem to come back to my trusty COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF 50 PA+++, but this LAGOM sun gel doesn’t have me reaching for my usual one anymore which is a nice surprise! The consistency feels more like a milky essence which I love because when I reapply it throughout the day, it doesn’t feel like it starts pilling up like it does when I reapply other sunscreens I use. This absorbs into my skin effortlessly, it does not leave a white cast and gives me a lovely glow with a satin-like finish, as opposed to the matte finish the description says it gives. It also gives me a really nice base for when I want to apply makeup over the top. However, after applying SPF I like to wait around 5 minutes before applying makeup to just ensure that the SPF has created an effective protective ‘shield’ over the places I’ve applied it to.
NOTE: SPF 50 PA+++ is the highest protection rating a sunscreen can have. As someone who suffers from hyperpigmentation, I don’t use sunscreens with anything lower than this as I want to protect my skin the best I can and get rid of my dark marks faster. Also, I apply (and reapply) quite a lot to keep up its effectiveness against UVA and UVB rays. I follow Jude Chao’s technique (IG: fiddysnails) of ‘measuring’ it on your 3 middle fingers (shown below) and then applying it across the face, neck and chest. 
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In her video she uses a cream puff to blend it into her skin which is a really good technique, and I have tried this technique a few times with sunscreens that are on the thicker side. However, for the majority of the sunscreens I use, including the LAGOM sun gel, I find that it’s light enough to blend in without the need for a puff. 
This sunscreen has found its permanent place on my vanity table and will definitely be purchasing more than one when my current one runs out (which I’m sure will be fairly soon!). However, my only caveat with it is that it contains essential oils and alcohol, which may be a concern to those with sensitive skin. I would say that I also have quite reactive skin so I usually tend to stay away from products that contain alcohol and fragrance/essential oils, but I was pleasantly surprised! I did a patch test (always remember to patch test a product behind your ear when trying something new!!) and I had no adverse reaction to it and my skin has been okay with it since I started using it regularly.
EDIT: there have been studies conducted that demonstrate that denatured alcohol (ethanol) in skincare products doesn't actually damage your skin as previously thought. This is due to the small percentage that is used within skincare products and has been demonstrated that at least 97% of the ethanol in the product evaporates upon application. If you want to know more, Lab muffin did a really informative video and blog post about this!
So for now, this sunscreen is a 9/10 in my eyes but if LAGOM decided to reformulate it to have the same feel but without the essential oils, I wouldn’t hesitate to give it 10/10! 
If you’ve tried this or have any thoughts about this, let me know!
INGREDIENTS: Water, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Octocrylene, Alcohol Denat., Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Propanediol, Methyl Methacrylate Crosspolymer, Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine, Methoxy PEG/PPG-25/4 Dimethicone, Bis-PEG/PPG-20/5 PEG/PPG-20/5 Dimethicone, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sodium Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Dimethicone, Isohexadecane, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil, Ethylhexylglycerin, Panthenol, Polysorbate 80, BHT, Sodium Hydroxide, 1,2-Hexanediol, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Sorbitan Oleate, Disodium EDTA, Geranium Maculatum Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Oil, Rose Flower Oil, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Oil, Styrax Benzoin Gum, Commiphora Myrrha Oil, Urea, Indole Acetic Acid, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Maltodextrin
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iridessence · 5 years
Are you rich?
Okay lmaoooo loaded question that will need some unpacking. 
Short answer: Not at all. “Rich” is subjective, but in any case if you (or a person from a finance background) took note of my life’s expenses versus my income on and off paper, it would be clear that I am nowhere near rich at all. I’m just very resourceful, creative and selective about what I show/curate online.
Long answer: I have been low to low-ish income for years (part of why I am so resourceful) and in 2017/2018 I worked an office job for under $15/hr which is not much if you live in a major city like me, but thankfully I have no dependents I must support nor any serious medical debt. I left the job because it was a hellish soul-suck.
I was savvy when I had steady income. now I’m living off savings and before COVID, I was supplementing with income from burlesque and modeling gigs, and help from my mom here or there. Right around the time I planned to return to the 9-5 workforce was when Covid hit, it’s left the world in financial shambles so I’m biding my time until it’s safe and I’ve been looking for jobs, outside of a few paid influencer opportunities here and there. in the meantime, personal loans, government assistance, selling some of my stuff I don’t use on depop and whatever my mom helps me out with, keep me afloat.
Not that it has to be public knowledge but when my father passed away in 2017, I got a little bit of insurance money which had been supplemental. It bumped me up to about the equivalent of someone working an actual livable wage (meaning NOT the minimum) in Chicago for about a year and a half, and ultimately came at the expense of, well, my father being dead. It basically meant that I could pay all of my bills, donate a little bit to help others when needed, buy some new (but still cheaper) clothes, finance a few costumes for burlesque (more expensive but still i did a lot of the work/research to make them a fraction of what they would cost if made by others) and put away a little bit to travel/wine & dine on a budget which I did here and there, not rich. Since sometime in 2019 the remainder of my savings ended up being used mainly for rent and such.
While I don’t think people should be straight up asking questions like this to strangers, I personally do want to be transparent because I don’t want people to think they absolutely have to be rich to enjoy a certain kind of aesthetic lifestyle for a moment here and there. Sure— if you’re not rich, it’s not luxurious most of the time and it’s more difficult, taking more planning and thought, but it’s not entirely impossible.
Some examples on how else I save money. These are some helpful guidelines, but I understand it may not be applicable for everyone's situation:
I have dietary restrictions anyway so I make a lot of my own food at home, I rarely get takeout or eat out.
I use a little bit of extra gas money to go to more affordable grocery stores and try to buy in bulk/on sale items.
I fixed up my space as much as I can but I do live in a somewhat rundown building where rent is not the highest for the amount of space there is.
most of my furniture and appliances, even a few electronics, and other things that populate my home are secondhand. I try to get a lot of things that are safe to get used, second hand.
i save a lot on toiletries and personal care products because my hair regimen is mainly coconut oil, leave-in and water. due to protective styling, I shampoo/condition less than average for most people as washing more frequently did  not give me the results I was looking for.  in regard to hygiene I use a lot of natural items, i mostly use apple cider vinegar in lieu of soap (the main perk of having sensitive skin that doesn’t like detergents lmao) and coconut oil or whipped Shea butter for skin moisturizing, Much of the stuff is not fancy and you can usually get it at a grocery store for cheap. The only skincare products i use aside from coconut oil is retinol serum and rose aloe spray which i buy a couple times a year for <$30
I typically only style myself hair and makeup wise, mainly use palettes that if name brand, were gifted, or they were drugstore and wholesale prices.
When i would go out for a "fancy night out," i most likely pregamed at home or a friend’s with free/cheap booze, and took a short uber or public transportation to a fancy-looking destination and only bought one or two drinks/appetizers there and tipped accordingly. Looking fabulous is the bulk of it and the fun part, but I’m certainly not on a bottle service budget.
When I travel for any destination, especially burlesque, I’ve tried to save on out of town housing by staying with family/friends, trusted community members, long-standing and/or trusted mutuals from tumblr/Instagram and as a last resort, a HomeAway booking. Hotels cost a lot and I’d rather have an opportunity to get to know someone who operates in the same circles I do if possible.
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imakebeautymistakes · 5 years
Skincare catch-up
Below are all the products I’ve used or currently use in my skincare routine. Some do their job but are nothing fancy, some are bad purchases, and some I’ll actually repurchase. 
My skin type is combination/oily, and I get acne when I’m stressed (not all over my face though, just 1-3 big pimples). I also have milia all over my cheekbones, and I’m looking into a way to have them removed by a professional since I wasn’t able to get rid of them on my own.
Currently using: Purity by Philosophy
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Rating: 6.5/10
It does its job, but I don’t think it worked better than a Garnier cleanser I tried a year ago, and it’s more expensive. Also, the smell is a bit odd. Clean, but odd. I got this as a free gift for signing up for an Ulta credit card, and it’s definitely smooth and feels good rubbing into my skin. This will probably work fine on most skin types. However, for the price tag (and my skin type), there’s probably something better out there for me. 
Currently using: Daily Microdelivery Exfoliating Facial Wash (Philosophy)
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Rating: 7/10
It’s a gentle-enough exfoliant that I can use it every morning as a cleanser in place of Purity (though if this is a big skincare mistake, someone please let me know!) It smells a bit like oranges and has a thick jelly texture. It feels refreshing and all, but again, I’m not sure how much it’s doing given the fact that I get breakouts whenever I’m stressed and I have to use other products to even out my skin tone again and get rid of acne. It does its job, but for the price, I could probably find something better for my specific skincare needs. That being said, I got the full size on sale for $15 at Christmas last year (normally $42) and it lasts a long time. 
Trial: Beste No. 9 Jelly Cleanser by Drunk Elephant
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Rating: ?
Everyone can get their hands on this in one of the options for your free birthday gift at Sephora this year. If you missed your birthday, you can still get your gift by going on sephora.com and logging into your Beauty Insider account to temporarily change your birth date before you go shopping. Not a huge fan of the packaging, since it’s a little messy when my hands are wet from washing my face and I don’t want to get cleanser all over the sink and it’s hard to close if your fingers are slippery (if you’ve used this, you probably know what I’m talking about). Like Purity, the smell is a bit funky, but that could be a good sign since things that smell good usually have fragrance that can cause irritation. Still trying this though, will update later.
Sample: Kiehl’s Cucumber Herbal Conditioning Cleanser
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Rating: ?
Only had a sample size that lasted a week, but I liked this when I used it. You didn’t need much product to cleanse your whole face, and it smelled really clean and refreshing but not overpowering. Lathered nice, and I’ll probably try this someday when I get more than a little sample packet. 
Garnier SkinActive Micellar Foaming Wash
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Rating: 8/10
For a drugstore product, I really liked using this. The only reason I stopped was to try out the Philosophy products. My skin felt tight and clean after using this, and I could really lather to remove dirt and excess makeup. This is kind of my fallback, and my sister (age 20, combo skin) and my mom (age 50+, combo skin and rosacea) both like it too. Garnier also sells one in a blue bottle with aloe, but it’s not as good as this one and doesn’t have the micellar water. 
Currently using: Thayers Witch Hazel & Rose Petal Toner
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Rating: 8/10
Does its job, doesn’t irritate, is inexpensive, and you can find it at the drugstore and Target. In the future I want to try a toner more targeted to my acne-prone oilier skin, but this toner is a catch-all, and overall a solid option in online reviews. 
Sample: Kiehl’s Blue Astringent Herbal Lotion
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Rating: ?
I only got a baby sample that lasted 3 days, but this was really nice when I used it. It’s definitely for oily skin since it has alcohol in it, but it didn’t dry me out and made my pores feel nice and tight. Wish I could review more in-depth, but didn’t get a chance to use this long enough.
Neutrogena Alcohol-Free Toner
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Rating: 6/10
I guess it worked (it’s been over a year since I’ve used this, though) and the smell was good, but I remember liking the Thayers better so I switched. Didn’t irritate or anything, nothing bad to say, but it didn’t leave an impression.
Currently using: The Ordinary’s Lactic Acid 10% + HA
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Rating: 9/10
For my first real foray into serums, this has worked pretty well. I wanted to increase my skin turnover rate and bring my milia to the surface, and this works well, is under $10, and is gentle enough to use every night. I didn’t want to try anything too drastic since I hadn’t used serum before, and this one was great. Will keep using, and will likely try other products from The Ordinary in the future.
Sample: Kiehl’s Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate
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Rating: ?
I got a small sample packet of this when I went to a Kiehl’s store for a free consultation, and it lasted about a week. I started to see results, but I ran out of the sample and went with The Ordinary since this little sucker is expensive. Seems like a great product, but not good on the budget. 
Sample: Kiehl’s Hydro-Plumping Re-texturizing Serum Concentrate
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Rating: ?
Seems like a good product, and I liked it for the week I used it. No smell, smooth texture, all good. However, the price is steep, so I don’t think I’ll be buying this anytime soon. 
Spot Treatments
Currently using: Clinique Acne Solutions Clinical Clearing Gel
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Rating: ?
I just bought this yesterday, so I’ll post more of a review after at least a week. First impressions: this is a spot treatment, and I don’t know who would use this all over their face like the box says you can do. It’s strong and a bit sticky (like superglue?) and you have to be careful not to touch your eyes or anything while you have some on your fingertips. It absorbs quickly, and while it’s definitely drying, you can put moisturizer over it just fine. 
Clindamycin Phosphate Topical Gel
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Rating: N/A
I feel like I can’t “rate” this since it’s not OTC and I got it through a doctor’s prescription, but I loved this and if the doctor I switched to this past year hadn’t screwed up, I’d still be using it twice a day. Gentle, didn’t smell like anything, and kept my acne away pretty well. More of a preventative measure than something to use once you already have the acne.
Currently using: Origins GinZing Energy-Boosting Gel Moisturizer
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Rating: 8.5/10
I started using this a month ago, and I really like it, especially for a light morning moisturizer in the summer. It feels so smooth when you put it on, and the citrus smell is amazing. I like this one better than the Drunk Elephant one (below), and it’s half the price. I don’t think I’ll use this in the dry winter months, but it’s been great in warm temperatures and sunshine.
Trial: Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream
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Rating: ~6.5/10
For the price, I don’t understand the hype here. Yeah, it’s a nice thick creamy moisturizer, but it doesn’t smell fabulous and I don’t think it works better than other moisturizers that are under $40. However, my sister is in love with this stuff, so maybe it’s just me. 
Trial: Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
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Rating: ?
I picked this one up at Ulta yesterday, so I haven’t had a long enough time to test it. However, it gets rave reviews, and my first impression was that it went on smoothly and felt nice, but I’ll have more to say later.
Sample: Kiehl’s Skin Rescuer Moisturizer
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Rating: ?
I liked this moisturizer a lot better than the other one I got as a free sample from Kiehl’s (below). No strong smell, applied smoothly (I’m saying this a lot, but there’s a reason), but I didn’t notice any “stress-minimizing”. 
Sample: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Deep Moisture Balm
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Rating: ?
Not for me. Didn’t go on my skin smoothly, I didn’t like the smell (vaguely oat-like? Or am I crazy?), didn’t feel great on my skin. I still had some left in the sample when I threw it out, it just isn’t for anyone with oily skin. Not sure why the girl at Kiehl’s gave me this, but whatever.
Garnier Skin Active Soothing 3-in-1 Face Moisturizer with Rosewater
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Rating: 6.5/10
Not good in the summer. I might go back to it in the winter, but this probably just made the milia on the thin skin under my eyes worse when it was humid out. More for dry skin, and the fragrance was a bit strong. Also, I felt like you needed a lot of product to use on your whole face, since it didn’t glide on like some of the more gel-textured moisturizers I’ve tried. Not too bad for the drugstore, though.
Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture Combination Skin
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Rating: 7/10
I liked this, it definitely mattified my oily t-zone. The only reason I really stopped using it was because I wanted to try a moisturizer with SPF...
Neutrogena Moisturizer, SPF 15
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Rating: 5/10
This didn’t work for me. The SPF made it more irritating if I got it close to my eyes or touched my eyes too soon after applying, and my nose in particular seemed really oily when I used this. Maybe only use this if you have normal-dry skin?
Currently using: St. Ives Blackhead Clearing Green Tea Scrub
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Rating: 7/10
I use this about 3 times a week at night, and I don’t find it too irritating like some people say the apricot or walnut scrub is. Pretty sure the beads in here are silicone, so it doesn’t tear up my face. I stopped using this for a few weeks, and when I picked it back up to try and get rid of an acne flare-up, it really helped. I definitely noticed that it was doing something when I went off it for a bit. Drugstore BHA (Salicylic Acid) that works for me.
Freeman Charcoal + Black Sugar Gel Mask and Scrub
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Rating: 4/10
Are you a scrub? Are you a mask? Make up your mind. It doesn’t really work as either, with a weird thick jelly texture and huge scrub beads. Only used twice, maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, but even though this didn’t break me out or anything, it didn’t seem to do anything at all. Weird product.
GlamGlow Super-Clearing Mud Mask Treatment
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Rating: 6.5/10
For the price and with all the ingredients including a blend of AHAs, I thought this would do more. It’s satisfying to watch the mask turn lighter gray as it dries on your face, but you’re only supposed to use it once a week, and I haven’t noticed results after a month. A fun mask to try, but I won’t be repurchasing since it’s too expensive for not enough of a result.
Burt’s Bees Conditioning Lip Scrub
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Rating: 4/10
Chapstick would accomplish pretty much the same thing this does. It’s hard to scrub it into your lips, since the honey “beads” like to congeal into larger blobs, and it’s surprisingly expensive for a small little container at the drugstore. There have to be better lip scrubs out there, save your money.
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Rosewater 
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Rating: 7/10
A nice product, but I don’t get the hype or cult status. Good for a refreshing pick-me-up, but I don’t notice anything different when I don’t use it. Not really a setting spray, just extra hydration during the day if you’re into that. Good for wetting a beauty blender, though.
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supersizemeplz · 6 years
The Cure
Part Two
Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. A continuation if this one shot. I listened to H.E.R.'s Fate as I wrote, just because I love that song. Excuse typos. Enjoy!
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Soapy bubbles filled the tub like foam, coating the pink tinted water that smelled faintly of roses. A few candles rested at the corners of the enclosed bathing area, wafting their relaxing scent with ease. Muffled mumbles filled the air, along with their hushed instrumental from the door separating you from the bedroom.
You eased into the warmth of the water, exhaling out all the day's stress. Your arms mindlessly cleaned your body, ridding it of the germs of the outside world. At least you could wash that away with ease. The night with Erik was still fresh in your mind. Though it was three nights ago, you swore you could still smell the addictive scent of his cologne. But then again you did live with him.
You'd listened to his breathing even, his body relaxing against you. He was asleep. His heavy arm rested across your stomach. You felt secure. As much as you hated the thought, you needed to take a other shower before you could fall asleep. Lightly slipping from beneath his protective hold, you slipped from the comfort of his bed. He stirred a bit from the loss of your warmth, easing your racing heart a bit. As you slowly closed the his bedroom door, he mumbled a soft 'goodnight, princess'.
The next morning, he was gone before you'd awaken. You'd figured that when his keys weren't hanging by the door. But he usually was a morning bird. You'd slipped on your robe and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. The only thing different about this morning opposed tp other mornings was you were welcomed by a plate of breakfast and a bottle of apple juice. He'd cooked for you. A sticky note with 'morning, princess' sat atop the wrapped plate along with a rose.
Stepping from the cool water, you wrapped a towel around you before draining the water. Humming along to whatever song your playlist chose, you moisturized your skin with natural creams and oils. A few things you'd seen Erik use, and decided to test out. His skin was amazing.
Biting your lip at the thought of Erik, you took a deep breath. You needed to clear your mind. Before you found yourself back in his room a second time. Finding an oversized shirt and shorts, you decided against wearing a bra. Your bonnet was secured before you roamed out of your room, childish slippers making your presence known.
"Guess he's still out.." You mumbled aloud as you seen his key hook bare. Meditation time. Though you weren't an expert at the craft, just taking time out to breath helped a lot. Erik had taught you that.
Setting up your designated area, you moved the coffee table towards the tv before taking a seat on the furry carpet. Erik hadn't minded the feminine rug when you'd bought it, saying that it would remind him of you when you weren't there. You playfully rolled your eyes at the memory.
Settling into a crossed leg position, you closed your eyes. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. You felt yourself relax, hoping to ease your flashbacks. The only thing you focused on was your breathing. No wet dreams. No mind blowing, back arching sex. And definitely not Erik.
Keys jingled before you heard the door open and close. Those heavy boots met the hardwood floors. No Erik. That familiar thud of his duffle hitting the floor sounded. He stopped his movements, probably noticing you. No Erik. You heard his keys bring put on the hook before his steps dated again. They were headed towards you as you kept your eyes close, trying keep mental control. No Erik. He stopped before you and all you could envision was him holding himself up over you with those dark lusting eyes. Sexual Erik.
Erik watched you tuck your plump bottom lip between your teeth. He smirked lightly as he took a seat across from you, tossing his hoodie on the couch. You were nervous. Both his long legs rested on either side of you since he could fold up like you. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he admired your features. Your skin glowed a bit, lips shining with whatever you'd used on them. Licking his lips, he leaned forward just enough to catch your scent. He wanted to kiss you.
"So we're not gonna mention the other night, princess?" That'd caught your attention. You opened an eye to look at him before slowly opening the other. He was leaning back on his hands, legs wide as you somewhat sat between them. You threw a quick glance at his lower region. When he grinned, you knew he'd caught it.
You cleared your throat, "I didn't know you wanted to.." That was the truth. He hadn't mentioned it before then. You finally met his gaze. He didn't say anything at first, and you thought you'd said the wrong thing.
He shrugged as he sat up, reaching out to take your hand in his. "You slipped out the room a while after. I thought you'd regretted it.." His thumb massaged the back of your hand as he glanced at you. "Didnt want to make you feel worse, if you did.."
You'd never seen this look on Erik. He almost looked unsure. Nervous?
Honestly, Erik wasn't the one for confronting these types of situations. When it came to relationships in which involved love, whether family or significant other, he didn't know how to respond. After certain events in his childhood, he'd figured that there wasn't a happily ever after for him. He'd been lost for so long and you were slowly helping him find his way. Whether you knew it or not. Those little venting sessions as you cleaned his hair up were a big part of that rehab, along with other moments including you.
"How could I regret the best night of my life.." You fought off the urge to grin brightly. "I've never been catered to like that, sexually.. mentally.. physically." He chuckled at your smile that fought its way through. You locked you hand in his, the bright color of your nails contrasting against his skin. His body tingled at the action, a fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Butterflies?
You leaned forward a bit, bring his face to yours with your free hand. He allowed you to do so, that feeling covering his whole body. He really, really liked you. It almost felt like love. Catching you lips in his, he kissed you with all the passion he held. You grinned as he growled lowly, his hands pulling you into his lap.
As you felt him getting excited beneath you, you pulled from his soft lips with a giggle. He'd never get tired of that. You pressed a few more pecks against his lips before stopping to admire him. He licked his lips as he wrapped his arms around you. His forehead pressed against yours as he closed his eyes, feeling you snaked your arms around his neck.
After all the things he'd done in his life and all the things he's done trying to make up for his past, it seemed this moment was a reward for his efforts. You were his redemption. You were his cure.
Taglist: @sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelpotterlove @madamslayyy @onyxvixen-writer @chaneajoyyy @disneysdarlingdiva @wakanda-inspired @justanotherloveaffair @cmonkillmonger @slimmiyagi @princesskillmonger @theblulife @airis-paris14 @fonville-designs @liviy00 @cosmicmelaninflower
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL May 19
I know it’s only been a week since I did the previous NMNL, but I had been hoping to have this done a few days ago. But I just wasn’t really in a hurry to use the items like I usually do. The box wasn’t the problem though, I just lost a little momentum again. But I’m feeling better again and I’m ready to do this!
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“May’s box is all about embracing your natural beauty! Whether you want to do that by taking care of your skin or enhancing your features wih a little makeup, we’ve included the perfect products for you because we want you to feel beautiful this month!“
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For winning the contest this month, first prize could win a set of the Missa Time Revolution Vitality Set of curated products, while runner-ups got a Missa dual blending eyeshadow in Rose Crown.
Glam Gift
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Meanwhile, the glam gift includes a whole set of Etude House goods :D I love Etude House, and I was very excited to recognize the Missing U lotion, it’s the exact one I have. I meant to buy the whole set, but I kinda forgot to get the others...
I’ve also been planning on buying the soft drink lip products because of how cute they are, so I found that to be kinda funny too.
Meanwhile, the months horoscope is What cocktail should you try? with mine, Libra, being a Mai Tai. I’ve heard of it, but I never tried it. I’d love to try a strawberry daiquiri though, or maybe a Cosmopolitan- I’m only into fruity, colorful drinks.
Okay, well with that let’s get started!
Patting Panda Tool
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Our first item is a unique beauty tool meant to emulate an important part of the Japanese skin care routine. This is basically applying a lotion product by gently patting the skin until its absorbed in the skin, so this adorable panda wand will help with that. I assume you can also use it with other various skin products.
All you do is apply a cotton pad or paper or tissue or something, then apply a lotion (from the images I assume liquid works better, or something thin and runny), then you tap it against the skin about 30 times. I think you can do more than that though because I noticed mine was fine after that, so I think I was closer to 50 or 60 when I noticed mine was dirty and thinned out/no longer usable.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I mean, in all honesty it’s probably more work just putting this thing together than it is actually applying/patting the product on yourself. BUT, it’s nice if you don’t want it all over your hands or touch your face, and I can’t say it doesn’t work. I used it and noticed that the product seemed to absorb quicker and my skin felt really nice. I also love pandas, so it’s pretty cute in that regard; and it was actually fun to use.
The only thing I dislike is that the loop piece won’t stay on unless you have something for it to connect to on the head piece, the cotton pad/tissue/paper. So until I decide where to put it, I’ll be leaving it in the box, which takes up a lot of space if you ask me...
Speed Off Brush Cleaning Sheets
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Our next item is for cleaning makeup brushes, with each wipe infused with Alkaline electrolyte water to remove built up dirt, sebum, oil, foundation, and whatever else might be on the brushes. There is 12 in a set, and let me tell you, I used 3 of them cleaning all of my brushes.
That is because in all honesty, I actually was never told about the importance of cleaning your makeup brushes. I would clean them as I used them, but I never gave them a real, wet cleaning. Not cleaning your makeup tools can lead to bacteria that can lead to acne and other skin conditions- that never happened to me as of yet, but that isn’t to say it never wouldn’t have.
They have a scent, but I’m not sure what it is. It isn’t really a pleasant scent like flowers or fruit, but it’s not bad either, it’s really light. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
To be fair you probably could have got the same effect just wetting the brushes and cleaning them manually, but this saves you effort; it’s like the opposite of the panda, but like the Panda, I actually really liked these. Not only did they make everything look brand new and tidy again, but it also did an awesome job removing the built up mascara on my favorite eyelash curler I really need to throw away but won’t because it’s my favorite.
As I said above, I did go through 3 of them, but rest assure that I used each one to its fullest and they were covered. But to be fair, one of my palettes got smeared with another makeup and I had a hard time removing it, and my foundation brush was loaded with product <3< it’s seen a lot...
Fragrance Body Sheets
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By Fiancee (a brand we’ve seen before but not recently~) we have these fun looking body wipes in a grapefruit scent. They have a cooling menthol effect and will keep one moisturized and refreshed whether it be in the morning while getting ready or while outside enjoying the weather.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love these! I’ve always ♥ grapefruit scents or anything citrus-based because to me they’re very refreshing and great pick-me-ups on those lazy mornings you can’t wake up fast enough. They smell amazing and the scent is long-lasting!
The only reason I marked them down is because you’re told not to use these on your face or clothing... I mostly use wipes for my face, and if necessary my clothes too, like if I spilled something while I’m out. I don’t know why they can’t be used on these 2 places, but I don’t plan to test my luck either and I really hope I remember not to use them on my face <3<
I assume it’ll burn...
Japanese Bath Powder & Fluffy Cleansing Pad
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First up is an item I’ve had before, but it’s been so long I don’t remember if I had it in this specific version. These are adorable bath powders based on the daruma doll, lucky cat, or a dog, each with their own beneficial ingredients; like the daruma I have contains Japanese snake gourd plant extract, the cat has orange blossom oil, and the dog contains chrysanthemum extract.
As you can see I got the daruma doll, and he smells really good. I can’t tell if its cranberry or lychee or what, but it smells good and has a pretty matching color. I did use it, but because I didn’t feel like taking a bath I soaked my feet in again, but because there’s so much powder I only used a portion of it. The rest will be saved for a bath... or more feet soaks cause lately that’s what I’m into.
Since I’m pretty sure I already had this one, or one exactly like it. I’m not going to rate it, I’ll just say that my feet/skin felt no difference after I used it. All it really did was color the water (no staining btw) and release a strong, pleasant scent.
Our next item is a cleansing facial pad, available in 2 colors/designs, and I was very happy I got the pink one~ But they’re both cute colors. Like the panda, this is another product by Beauty World.
These are for exfoliating and cleansing the skin while removing makeup, instead of using a cotton pad or wipes that might strip the skin of beneficial nutrients. They also brighten the skin. 
I decided not to rate this one either, but only because I didn’t really have much to say about it. It feels really soft and fluffy like the name implies, and it does its job.
Berrisom Horror Mask
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Our next item is another Berrisom mask, this time part of their Horror line. We could either get a skeleton version made from Black Rice, which focuses on clearing up dry skin and improving the elasticity and moisturization, or the Pierrot/clown version, made from green tea and bamboo water to deeply moisturize and prevent wrinkles.
In knowing that, either one would have worked for me... but I don’t remember i I mentioned this before or not (I probably did), I’m terrified of skeletons DX I know it’s silly, but I’ve always been; the only exception is that I think skull designs are cute, and cutesy skeletons I can endure, I used to love the Skelanimal series.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It smells good, it has that Target scent I mention some times. I really like it, but I did not like the skull design on this mask DX it was scary. For me to use this, I had put it on and hurried up and put one of my other masks on top of it because I could see myself wearing it. 
Again, I know its weird but it’s what I had to do okay.
Its quality was great though, plenty moist and it stuck very good. It was very soothing, and my face felt really nice after I used it~
Oh My Lash Mascara
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Our next item is by Etude House, the Oh My Lash Mascara available in 2 formats; either #3 which focuses on volume or #4 for curling. I got 3, which you can kinda see in the pic on both the tube and lid.
This is a basic black mascara. There’s a little bit of a scent but it doesn’t smell like typical mascara.
Rating: ♥ ♥
I was really disappointed with last months Kira Kira Crate metallic pink let-down, so this one, which wasn’t nearly as cute didn’t give discourage me. As soon as I smoothly pulled out the wand and observed the bristles, I had high hopes this one would be pretty good.
But despite how good it looks, it’s a typical mascara. It’s not the worst and I can see a difference, but my lashes insta-clumped and stuck together. That usually doesn’t happen until like my third or fourth swipe (if I really have to do that many that is...). This won’t be in my top 3 mascara anytime soon.
Lip Tint Jam
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Our last item is by Canmake. This lip tint jam is available in No.4 Expresso Jam, but don’t let the name fool you, it has a scent but its not a delicious one. This specific product features a jam-like jelly texture that easily spreads on the lips for a smooth, semi-matte finish. It comes in a brownish-orange shade... A shade I can’t say I was ever considering for myself.
Rating: ♥ ♥ 
The product isn’t bad, I kind of like how it feels on my lips. It went on smoothly as promised, but I did have to apply it a couple times to evenly spread out, because each time i brought my lips together it seemed to pull it away from certain spots. I wasn’t crazy about the color, but after dabbing it, it left a lighter, but still-noticeable tint on my lips that I approve of a lot more.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 3.5 out of 5. I liked the items, but I felt like some of them were lacking in quality.
Theme: 1.5 out of 5. Honestly, I think only a couple items really enhance ones natural beauty. I never really consider makeup to be Natural, but if you do I’d bump it up to a 2. 
Total Rank: 6 out of 10. The products are fine and they do work,but in comparison to the past two that I really liked, I felt like this one didn’t measure up. It had a handful of nice qualities too though, so I can’t say it was a bad box, it’s just my personal opinion that it could have been better.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Body Sheets - Besides the fun, colorful packaging, these smell deliciously wonderful! I’ll be bringing these with me and using them on those sleepy mornings for sure.
2. Patting Panda - It’s so sweet, I can’t help but smile looking at it~
3. Japanese Bath Powder - Smells and looks really pretty. I didn’t feel any different but it was still a pleasant experience. 
4. Berrisom Face Mask - the prior ones weren’t too impressive but they smelled good, and this one smelled good too- plus the quality actually impressed me. These ones would be fun to use at a slumber party or friendly get-together.
5. Speed Off Cleaner - I love its pink and black color scheme on the packaging x3 I was also very impressed by these. I wish we got more, but I can see why we didn’t, since you don’t need to clean your makeup tools all the time. They could end up drying up before you use them all DX
6. Lip Tint Jam - Felt nice but it left my lips uneven and patchy until like the 3rd application. I didn’t like the color until I wiped off a portion of it after a few minutes. The bottle is really cute though and I think it’ll be a nice shade for fall/autumn.
7. Cleansing Pad - The packaging is really cute but the sponge itself is plain; the polar bear face isn’t really even on it, which disappointed me a bit. It feels really nice on the skin though, so I think I’ll still use it. When I remember that is...
8. Oh My Lash Mascara - I think this was the biggest disappointment in the box. It worked but I wasn’t impressed by it. It’s also pretty plain, which is so not the image of Etude House I get. 
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mininky · 6 years
Heavy Lies the Crown-1
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Summary: (Y/N) has the fate of her people on her shoulders and according to a seer, the only way to save her kingdom from the bloodthirsty wolves is by giving herself to the god of the hunt.
Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Warnings: discussions of human sacrifice
word count: 3K
I highly recommend reading the prologue first
Chapters one two three
     You had spent the day being bathed, groomed, plucked, moisturized, and dressed by your chambermaids. None of you spoke through this whole process other than quiet words of reassurance. Your sisters had come to you at one point as you were being bathed in rose and honey tonic, but they had fled quickly after choked goodbyes. Today was the day that you would finally meet your fate, and today the entire kingdom was celebrating your demise. The few in the kingdom that had spoken to you in the last of these days either apologized over and over or would tell you to have no fear, that you would soon become the bride of a god. While you didn't believe that you would actually become the bride of any god as you doubted their existence you certainly were looking fit for it by now. Unlike every princess before you in your kingdom, you had spent most of your time among warriors. Your body was lean from years of training with light scars scattered about, your hair was usually tied up and certainly not usually as radiant and shining as the lavender and olive oil tonic used today had made it. While you had occasionally been forced to be made up for a few different grand balls and other royal gatherings you looked completely different today. Your face was powdered, your lips looked like a bitten berry and your eyes were lined with a more elegant charcoal than what you usually slapped on to protect yourself from the sun.    Now you stood alone after being dressed, the only company was your slow-moving thoughts. You had chosen this path, and you weren't hesitating to go into it. You knew that you had to be the one, although for different reasons than others might think. You couldn't allow girl after girl to be flung to her death in the forest. You didn't believe that there was an angry god, but you did firmly believe that there was a beast that needed to be satiated in the forest that was driving the wolves closer and closer to the forest edge. While being forced to go into the forest without weapons, weighed down in gold, wearing a dress, and reeking of incense and flowers wasn't exactly fit for a hunt you still knew that you had to find this beast and kill it. You also knew that even if you were to die you wouldn't have much of a life to live in the palace what with your father already speaking about you being of age to be married off to some other castle where you would no doubt be forced to dwell within the walls and only dream of the days that you fought and hunted amongst others.    The sounds of the drums beginning to beat outside alerted you that it was time. Tearing your sight away from the reflection of a woman you couldn't even process as yourself you held your head high and began to walk out of your room. Everyone had already left to join the procession, there would be no last-minute goodbyes, no loving hugs. The people would be furious if there were, after all, to be sacrificed to the gods was to become one yourself and it is an honor, not a goodbye.    The wretched sobs of your youngest sister could be heard over the sounds of the near deafening drums and songs of praise from almost everyone around you. Your heart ached to assure your sister that everything would be okay, but you knew that you had to keep walking. The lit lanterns cast an eerie incandescent glow that distorted everything into shades of violent reds and oranges. With each step, you could feel the ornate golden headdress dig deeper into your scalp. While it couldn't be heard over the sounds of the procession you knew that once you were in the forest the jewelry covering your body would alert the forest of your entry, surrounding prey and predators would certainly notice the heavy jangle of your steps. You took long, steady, deep breaths as you finally made it towards the towns gates. It would only be a few more feet, and then you would meet your fate, whether it would be a god, survival, or death. Your bets, however, was that there was something sinister lurking in the forest that needed to be killed. You had never been one for believing in gods, but you did believe in your own skills and you knew that whatever it was that was chasing the wolves further to the outskirts of the forest needed to be stopped. You would survive, you would get through this.    The procession was coming to a halt, you were now out of the gates. The songs were becoming lost to the noise of your pulse rushing through your ears, the echo of your little sister sobbing forcing you to close your eyes. With a deep breath, you sang out to those near enough still to hear, "While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and time demands its toll."    Opening your eyes back up you gazed upon the forest. The first trees were dimly lit by a few of the lanterns. In the still of the night, it almost appeared to gaze back at you. You could feel something stirring, you knew something laid deep in the thick of the trees. Dark gnarled branches swayed gently in the breeze was a haunting dance of death that surely had awaited those that would try to step forth unprotected in the middle of the night. With your head held high, you didn't even look back as you made your way inside. You never were good at goodbyes, and you had already had weeks to say the last of your words to your loved ones. Now it was time to see if the god of the hunt would be appeased by you.    Your pulse was quickly elevating as you tried to adjust to the heavy darkness. You had already made a plan weeks ago that after enough time you would disrobe of your heavy jewelry once far enough in. If done too quickly it would easily be found by one of the few hunting parties that still gathered. You would have to move cautiously until then, but once at a safe place, you would discard the headdress, necklace, anklet, and bracelets. There was no time to build a shelter, the best that you would be able to do is to get off the ground by finding a tree that would be wide enough to accommodate. Gingerly you made your way around before finding yourself in a clearing.    The good part about a clearing is that it's easy to see any predators that might be there. The worst part about now being in a clearing in the dark is that predators can also easily see you and you won't be able to see them with your poor vision until it's far too late. You tried to quicken your pace, no longer taking quiet steps you ran as quickly as you could across the clearing, stripping yourself from the headdress along the way. The lack of weight was certainly helping, but before you could break across back into the safety of cover the silence of the forest was broken by the sound of howls. You could hear at least two to the left, three to the right, there were more in front and even from behind. The wolves had you in their line of sight, you had no doubt of that now. Heart racing, adrenaline surging you continued your journey, your eyes focused on the tree about a dozen yards away from you. If you could climb it fast enough you would be safe for now, but with no weapons and being completely outnumbered in the dead of the night fighting was no option. As your lungs greedily gulped in air and began to burn you heard the sounds of a growl only a yard to your right. Quickly you jumped to the side and got into a defensive stance. You had no chance, you had been able to make out at least seven howls, but you wouldn't go down without trying. With your arms up you tried to push back at the weight of the large gray wolf jumping on top of you. Your hands were quickly struggling as they pulled the wolf off of you before he was back again, his dank breath directly over yours as he bared his teeth. Just as you tried to roll yourself out from under him he was distracted by a howl, his whole demeanor changing as he looked down at you before backing slowly away with his head down.    Breathing slowly you tried to think of a plan, a way out of the certain death that awaited you. You weren't sure what changed his behavior, but you also assumed that it wouldn't last long. The sounds of movement towards you almost made you stir, but you refused to move and call attention to yourself. Straining your ears you swore you could hear someone breathing, it sounded like a person, not like an animal panting. Confusion washed over you but you remained laying there until you heard a voice speak out, "I said do not touch her. She is my mate." At the sound of the voice, you couldn't help but move. Quickly rolling into a crouched position you stared straight into the eyes of the man before you before looking around. Surely you must be losing your mind, the stress of everything must have taken its toll. All around you the wolves shifted into human forms. You had heard stories before, you knew that the people claimed that they were the spirits of the forest. Perhaps you were wrong, perhaps there was a god of the hunt after all.    Slowly you looked once again at the first man. His eyes shone as a molten glint in the night and the moon illuminated his golden features. While just a few minutes ago you would have silently scoffed at the idea of a god you couldn't help but believe in their existence as you took him in. He was perhaps the most handsome creature you'd ever seen, and the energy around him had a primal power, unlike anything you'd ever felt. It was as if his presence was both comforting and terrifying at the sheer overwhelming strength in his eyes, his gaze causing an electrical current to zip through your veins. You weren't sure what to do. If this was the god that you were to be sacrificed to were you supposed to bow? Were you supposed to pray? They had never told you what you actually do when you come face to face with a god, it seems like that had been missed in your lessons of how to be sacrificed to a god. Your own thoughts were broken by one of the other wolfmen speaking.    "That's not possible. She's clearly human."    "I think she's broken, she's not speaking."    "She's really pretty. Hey, doesn't she look like a princess in one of Jimin's books?"    "She does! Maybe she is!"    "That's not the point, the point is that she's clearly human. She couldn't possibly be his mate. She's just a dirty, weak human."    "I am not weak. I might be human, and I might be a woman, but I will not allow you to call me weak." The moment the words bubbled out of your mouth you almost wanted to take them back, almost, but if you were going to die at their hands you wouldn't go down without standing for yourself. Even if it was just a pathetically foolish verbal spar.    "You are a human, of course, you're weak." You looked at the one scoffing at you, your eyes defiantly glaring back at him.    "Yoongi, she is my mate. I can tell. I can feel it." You broke your eye contact to gaze back at the one in the center. Twice now he had called you that, his mate. What did this mean?    "Are you the god of the hunt? I was sent here to be sacrificed to you to appease our people. They expect you to marry me. I don't care if you would rather kill me, just hear out my pleas to save my people. If they can't hunt they can't eat and they will starve to death. If you don't stop the bloodshed against my people they will also continue sending young girls to you that have done nothing wrong to warrant their deaths. Take me if you must, but I am asking of you to allow my blood if need be to appease your bloodthirst and calm the forest. Whatever it is you need, I will give you." You looked directly into his eyes as you spoke, your tone low but unwavering.    "God of the hunt?" A younger one was speaking out from the back to you. "We're werewolves human and we-"    "That's enough Jungkook. No, I am not a god, however, your people might have mistaken me for one. I am the leader of my pack, and that makes me ruler of this forest as this is our territory. As for your peoples' bloodshed, I assume that you're talking about the people who have been murdering mine just for our fur? I can't promise you anything, however, I will speak to my people and I will let them hear what you have to say and in turn, you can hear what they have to say. I'm a fair ruler, I understand that my decisions impact their lives and I need them to agree before I make changes. If you can persuade them, I will agree. If you cannot, then I cannot." While you wanted to be infuriated at his lack of commitment, about the fact that your sole mission was now hanging on the whims of people you didn't know you couldn't help but feel yourself growing calmer the more he spoke. His deep voice felt like it was scorching your skin, the electrical current from his gaze was at war with this bizarre feeling of familiarity you had when looking at him.    "Namjoon," One of the others with dark hair and perhaps the broadest shoulders you'd ever seen called out to the leader. Namjoon, his name was beautiful. "We need to take her to the elder. I know you say she's your mate, but Yoongi's right about the fact that she's a human. The elder though...he might know if this has happened before. I'm not saying she's not, but he'll be able to help the two of you figure this out."    Hearing his words you started to think of everything. You weren't sure what a mate was, you only understood that a werewolf was a wolf-man and that they have packs just as wolves did. Really you should be more concerned about all of this news, in fact, you should be concerned if you haven't already died and this is just all a place your brain has taken to but somehow you trusted that Namjoon wasn't a man who would hurt you. Where they lived and how their people lived was something you were obviously about to find out, but you were still unsure why he kept calling you his mate.    Namjoon looked back over to you, his body now towering over you. "Our homes are too far for you to travel on foot, especially at night. When I transform, get on my back. I will take you to our home, and there I will answer any questions you have."   ��Nodding you got out of your crouched position and dusted yourself off. One of the younger, smaller men came to your side and silently handed you the headdress that you had thrown off what felt like years ago. You had never cared for royal ornaments, but considering that this was supposed to be a gift to their people you figured you would take it back and give it to them. Smiling, you gently took the headdress back with a quiet thank you before turning back to Namjoon.    "You are very calm, especially for a human. I'm sorry for not asking you earlier, what is your name little one?" Namjoon's voice was a husky whisper among the rustling of the leaves and sounds of the night.    Normally a man calling you little one would have angered you, but somehow, coming from him you found yourself almost feeling girlish at the nickname. What exactly was this man doing to you? "(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)."    "(Y/N)...that's a beautiful name." His smile was gentle, deep dimples shining under the stars before he turned around and magically transformed. His wolf form was almost as breathtaking as his human form. He was the largest of the wolf-men in this form as well, a long thick body with a gleaming black coat he was less beast and more magical up close. He turned his head back to you and motioned towards the north. Taking that as your cue you gently sat down on him and reached around his throat. While nothing at all went as you had anticipated tonight and you had countless questions, you couldn't help but feel excited anticipation at this new land. Perhaps the seer wasn't wrong at all, you were the one that was fated to go into the forest. Things so far had gone better than you could have imagined. You were at least alive and you had the ability to save your people still. That was all that mattered, burning questions could wait for another time.
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Beat The Sunday Scaries With These Bath Products
Beat The Sunday Scaries With These Bath Products ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @MyTherapistSays ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ https://mytherapistsays.ca/beat-the-sunday-scaries-with-these-bath-products/
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In the midst of scrolling through your phone and being accosted with a bevy of bad choices and wrong turns you decided to make and take last night, the Sunday Scaries creep up on you. There’s really nothing you can do about the “sexy” (repulsive) photos you sent to make your ex jealous, incoherent texts to explain yourself to your friends, or the dancing that you thought made you look like Brit Brit in I’m a Slave 4 u. You know very well the only thing enslaving you last night was Patron.
The only thing to do now is to delude yourself in an atmosphere of serenity, beauty, and bath salts. You light up that amber rose scented candle, pour open the Chianti, and pretend that last night was merely an inception like dream in which you were a victim
Click on the obnoxiously large photos for more info.
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This exfoliating body scrub feels so therapeutic- the pink clay is perfect for detoxifying your skin after a weekend of one too many tequila shots. And what problem does coconut oil not solve? Dry skin? Coconut oil. Frizzy hair? Coconut oil. Boyfriend acting up? Coconut oil. *pours coconut oil over entire life*
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Weekends tend to be cheat days for me- no calorie gets left behind. So come Sunday I do my dry brushing routine which helps with lymphatic drainage, increased circulation, and removing dreaded cellulite. Dry brushing may be painful af at first, but it’s worth it. Anything I can do that can make my body look better without having to go to the gym- sign me up.
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Yes, I am telling you to use $44 pubic hair oil because it’s 2018 and nobody wants painful ingrown hairs. Not you or your manzz. Enough said.
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I’m pretty much always on the verge of an emotional breakdown so I like to always have this detox bath soak on hand. The soak includes premium Epsom and sea salts; an array of botanicals including valerian, passionflower and hops; and essential oils including sandalwood, lavender and spikenard. A Valerian soak that calm me the F down after a crazy week and helps me sleep? Dear god, living in LA really has rubbed off on me. But for realsies, this stuff keeps me from being put on a 5150.
Another exfoliating product that smells like dessert. These little cubes are perfect for travel because just one cube is large enough to exfoliate your entire body. I already overpack like 9843985 outfits when I travel so I try to keep my toiletries on the lighter side.
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This shower gel smells divine- I literally feel like I’m whisked away to a brazilian beach every time I use it and it’s antioxidant rich so it leaves you feeling incredibly smooth.
My go-to shampoo and conditioner if I want that Victoria Secret model voluminous blowout look. Also, Jennifer Aniston was the spokeswoman and involved in the creation of products, so you too can look like Jenny with the good hair.
Great for keeping color treated hair vibrant and fresh. Invest in quality shampoo and conditioner, not just the balayage.
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Finally a face mask that can take off the 10 Lindsay Lohan years I added to my face partying this weekend. This face mask energizes, brightens and tightens so say goodbye to tired, puffy skin. It’s basically a luxurious at home facial. The only thing more extra than me are my face masks.
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Because it’s not a real bath without a good glass of wine, a book, a candle and my cellphone and I need a place to put that shit.
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Now that I’m past 25 my hangovers last like 3 years so the only thing getting lit tonight is my scented candle. (Shhhh the wine doesn’t count) My fave Diptyque roses candle smells heavenly and sets a chill mood. In an attempt to make it look like I have my shit together, I have them all over my apartment. So chic.
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Now that you’ve had a relaxing bath, treat yo self to this Laura Mercier body creme that will lock in moisture and keep your skin soft and supple. Literally every time I use it I get complimented that I smell delicious. You’re welcome.
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As someone who has become a self-proclaimed robe connoisseur, (I usually can’t be bothered with clothes) this robe is by far the comfiest. It’s the perfect soft robe to lie in for 3 hours after the bath, scrolling insta and lying to your friends that you’re “on your way”. Def a lazy girl staple. Plus it comes in millennial pink (and 2 other colours) so like obvs I had to have it. Now go on and live your best life. Trust me after using all these bath products you’ll be like Monday? Susan? I don’t know her.
  A Book that I can’t put down:
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Podcast Reco:
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If you’re not in the mood to read, then we suggest enriching your minds with this amazing podcast. I’ve been listening to The History Chicks forever, and would like to thank them for helping me sound v smart on dates.
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Last but not least, our wine recos:
Chateau Miraval Rosé
Santa Margherita
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Some self care stuff
Atm I’m exfoliating and doing a mask and doing my hair and I thought I’d just share some tips and stuff that I do for my face and hair cuz why not.
What I like to do is exfoliate my face once a week (usually on a Saturday or Sunday but I was at a swim meet and didn’t get to do it then so I’m doing it now). I usually use homemade scrubs that I make and my favorite by far is rose petal sugar scrubs. What I do is :
Take a hotish shower and get my skin all nice and clean. I use an Egyptian sponge loofa thingy to help lift the dead skin and dirt off me and then rinse down with hot water at first, and then cold water.
Dry off completely (especially my face). Feel free to get changed into some comfy clothes too!
Next I use a homemade scrub to exfoliate my skin. Like I said, my favorite is rose petals but today I used a coffee sugar scrub.
Rub a small amount of the scrub on your fsceC making sure to pay attention to dark spots and being careful around areas in which you have acne (cuz it hurts a lot). You only need a little bit to cover your whole face. Like I honestly use like 1/4 of a tea spoon to cover my whole face.
Let sit for 2 minutes and then use a warm (or hot) towel to wipe the scrub off.
Once done, dry your face off and then apply a mask.
I use a natural paste like mask my mother makes. Seaweed is the one that works best for me but it smells like baby shit.
Let mask sit until dry (at least half an hour for the masks I use)
When it’s dry, wash away mask and pat dry your face.
Your face will feel as smooth as a baby’s butt but still kinda dry, so to fix that, get some all natural coconut oil and use just a tiny bit to cover your face to moisturize it.
Do this at least once a week and your face will be clear and super soft!
Additional tips:
Use witch hazel as a natural toner to help get rid of make up and dirt on your face.
Use rose water as a deep cleaner for you face and to help get rid of acne scarring.
Natural lotions work really well with after exfoliating since they don’t have any chemicals in them. Usuing store brand lotions will probably make you break out again and you’ll have to start all over again.
Okay, so I have really thick and kinky curly hair but it isn’t all that hard to do and anyone with any hair type can do this!
Wash your hair like you normally would to just clean it and get out all the dirt and excess oil.
Partially dry your hair so that it’s damp.
Part your hair into different sections (I usually do four sections cuz I’m lazy)
One section at a time, apply whatever conditioner or hair mask you like or works best for you (I use lots of Cantu deep conditioning cream or natural coconut oil.
Afterwards, finger comb the section. I’ve found that combing your hair with a normal comb damages my hair a lot and that just usuing my fingers is a lot better. It’s better to get out knots without causing too many split ends and get out loose hairs out without taking hairs hat are still healthy and still connected to your scalp.
Do this with the rest of the sections.
Optional: braid or put your hair into a protective style and place under wrap and under light heat for an hour
Wash out the conditioner and brush through your hair once
Apply shea butter or coconut oil to the roots (or all over) your hair and then place in another protective style!
Then your done! Your hair will be moisturized and free of loose hairs and perfectly clean!
Additional tips:
If your hair is as curly as mine, doing smaller braids will be better. It takes for-fucking-ever but it helps your hair stay curly and less frizzy, keeps it from getting tangled, and is good for detangling hair.
Use a showercap under your hair wrap to help lock in heat and moisture.
Don’t put hair in a tight bun!!! It’ll hurt and cause irritation around your scalp and may also lead to breakouts along your hairline.
Don’t go to sleep with your hair wet!
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