#i need something to do whilst i have this bad smelling gunk on my face
Some self care stuff
Atm I’m exfoliating and doing a mask and doing my hair and I thought I’d just share some tips and stuff that I do for my face and hair cuz why not.
What I like to do is exfoliate my face once a week (usually on a Saturday or Sunday but I was at a swim meet and didn’t get to do it then so I’m doing it now). I usually use homemade scrubs that I make and my favorite by far is rose petal sugar scrubs. What I do is :
Take a hotish shower and get my skin all nice and clean. I use an Egyptian sponge loofa thingy to help lift the dead skin and dirt off me and then rinse down with hot water at first, and then cold water.
Dry off completely (especially my face). Feel free to get changed into some comfy clothes too!
Next I use a homemade scrub to exfoliate my skin. Like I said, my favorite is rose petals but today I used a coffee sugar scrub.
Rub a small amount of the scrub on your fsceC making sure to pay attention to dark spots and being careful around areas in which you have acne (cuz it hurts a lot). You only need a little bit to cover your whole face. Like I honestly use like 1/4 of a tea spoon to cover my whole face.
Let sit for 2 minutes and then use a warm (or hot) towel to wipe the scrub off.
Once done, dry your face off and then apply a mask.
I use a natural paste like mask my mother makes. Seaweed is the one that works best for me but it smells like baby shit.
Let mask sit until dry (at least half an hour for the masks I use)
When it’s dry, wash away mask and pat dry your face.
Your face will feel as smooth as a baby’s butt but still kinda dry, so to fix that, get some all natural coconut oil and use just a tiny bit to cover your face to moisturize it.
Do this at least once a week and your face will be clear and super soft!
Additional tips:
Use witch hazel as a natural toner to help get rid of make up and dirt on your face.
Use rose water as a deep cleaner for you face and to help get rid of acne scarring.
Natural lotions work really well with after exfoliating since they don’t have any chemicals in them. Usuing store brand lotions will probably make you break out again and you’ll have to start all over again.
Okay, so I have really thick and kinky curly hair but it isn’t all that hard to do and anyone with any hair type can do this!
Wash your hair like you normally would to just clean it and get out all the dirt and excess oil.
Partially dry your hair so that it’s damp.
Part your hair into different sections (I usually do four sections cuz I’m lazy)
One section at a time, apply whatever conditioner or hair mask you like or works best for you (I use lots of Cantu deep conditioning cream or natural coconut oil.
Afterwards, finger comb the section. I’ve found that combing your hair with a normal comb damages my hair a lot and that just usuing my fingers is a lot better. It’s better to get out knots without causing too many split ends and get out loose hairs out without taking hairs hat are still healthy and still connected to your scalp.
Do this with the rest of the sections.
Optional: braid or put your hair into a protective style and place under wrap and under light heat for an hour
Wash out the conditioner and brush through your hair once
Apply shea butter or coconut oil to the roots (or all over) your hair and then place in another protective style!
Then your done! Your hair will be moisturized and free of loose hairs and perfectly clean!
Additional tips:
If your hair is as curly as mine, doing smaller braids will be better. It takes for-fucking-ever but it helps your hair stay curly and less frizzy, keeps it from getting tangled, and is good for detangling hair.
Use a showercap under your hair wrap to help lock in heat and moisture.
Don’t put hair in a tight bun!!! It’ll hurt and cause irritation around your scalp and may also lead to breakouts along your hairline.
Don’t go to sleep with your hair wet!
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saeranlover · 8 years
Could you write some cute saeranmc thing where they're doing things like chores together? maybe with the mess being made all by saeyoung?
Of course! Here you go~ I posted it on AO3 too…
“Okay,Saeran. Let’s make a deal. I’ll take you out to the new ice cream parlour whereyou can have any flavours of ice cream that you want within reason –and without Saeyoung tagging along – if youhelp me out with tidying up the home… Your brother has left this place anabsolute mess in the few days that I’ve been gone and you’ve been locked up inyour room with candy…”
“And I canhave some money to spend too?”
“Is thatwhat you want?”
“Y- Yes…”
“Deal.” Youheld your hand out, a smile on your face. Saeran tilted his head in confusion,until you nodded towards his hand and your own. “When you make a deal, youshake hands on it.”
“O- Okay…”Saeran then took hold of your hand, and did as you said. “It’s a deal…”
The firstchore which you needed to do was to go about picking up everything which neededrecycling. Saeran had a similar grimace to you when he noticed the sheer amountof cans and bottles of Doctor Pepper which decorated the building. “We… have totouch them?” Was what he finally saidafter a moment of glancing around the currently deserted lounge. “Yuck.”
“I’ll… goand grab some cleaning gloves from the kitchen… And a lot of bags to get rid of them in.” You retreated to the kitchenbefore going on your little hunt, leaving Saeran behind with the mess. Hekicked at one of the cans, and was never expecting it to have any liquidremaining in it. Nor did he expect the ants to come crawling out of it.
He made his mind up there and then that itwas a hazard to his health to be living with Saeyoung.
A fewminutes later, you returned, and looked at what Saeran was doing. He had a lighterin his hand, and was… “Saeran, what are you doing?” You placed a hand on hiswrist, and he released his thumb from the lighter so that the flame went out.
“Fucking ants! And it smells really bad in here so I’m lighting some candles!” He then took thegloves off you, and went about continuing to light the candles which were nowon every flat, non-flammable surface in the room. After that was done, heglanced at you with a slightly disgusted look on his face. “Can we limit howmuch Saeyoung has these damn drinks?”
“I wasconsidering giving quite a bit of his supply to Yoosung, so don’t worry, I’malready on it…”
Over thenext thirty minutes, you and Saeran were capable of filling up two largegarbage bags with the cans and bottles, and made sure that before they were putin the bags, that any reminding contents were poured out. That left a room nowsmelling of an odd mix of things such as lavender, cinnamon, and vanilla, withmany old and new drink stains, bugs, and dirt covering the floor.
“Honestly,we need a new carpet in here… Maybe even laminate flooring so that we can justmop up the spills…”
“Yeah. Thenwe can send Saeyoung to do chores in here when we’ve just mopped and we canwatch him slip over.”
“That’s abit mean, Saeran!”
The youngertwin shrugged his shoulders, before smirking. “He gets what he deserves, I say.”
After therecycling of that mass of cans, the next chore was meant to be vacuuming theroom. Saeran was quick to snatch the vacuum cleaner out of your hands, andshook his head. “I don’t like the loud sounds it makes… Can this be one thingthat we get Saeyoung to do when we’re not here?” You noticed the worry in hiseyes, so you nodded.
“We’ll justsweep up a little bit then, and we’ll lock the door when we leave. I’ll makesure that Saeyoung will clean it up then.”
Now therewas a matter of gathering any stray dishes which needed to be cleaned. Saeyounghad (thankfully) been eating normal meals whenever he could since the Mint Eyeincident – for that matter, he’d quite liked taking the reins in the kitchen atleast once every day. His specialty was cornflakes with a splash of milk and a spoonfulof sugar.
Thedishwasher had been quickly loaded, and Saeran scowled at the gunk which youscraped off the plates and bowls. He did like the smell of the dishwasher soapthough, so he sniffed at it for a moment before putting it in and turning thedishwasher on.
There wasstill a huge pile of dishes though… So they were going to have to be washed byhand if this tidying was to be done today. You found an extra pair of gloves towear yourself, before running hot water into the sink and pouring in some ofthe soap in order to clean dishes in there. Saeran pulled one of his gloves offafter a while, and he scooped up a handful of bubbles.
“Would youlike the honour of cleaning some dishes by hand? You can play with the bubbleswhilst you do that. I’ll scrape off any of the old food so you just need to getthe dishes sparkling and clean with the sponge!” You then smiled as you gavethe sponge to him, and he rolled his eyes.
Surprisingly,Saeran was very good and thorough when it came to washing dishes, though hegrumbled when his hands started to turn wrinkly through the hot water. Youlaughed quietly at that, and before you knew it, the top of your head feltdamp, and bubbles began to slip into your line of vision.
“You shouldn’thave laughed at me then.”
You leftSaeran in fits of laughter in the kitchen as you ran off to the bathroom tograb hold of a towel in order to dry your hair off. You peered in the mirror asyou did that, and realised that he must have dumped a huge handful of bubbleson the top of your head. You then dried your hair off, and sighed as you slowlyreturned to the kitchen.
The disheshad all been cleaned…
“Saeran, you…finished the job?”
“Yeah. Youwere quite slow with handing me the dishes without food on, so I went and didthis quickly whilst you dried your hair.” Saeran gestured to the pile ofcleaned dishes, before he put on a smile. “What’s next? I’m… quite liking doingthese chores, they’re… distracting from all of the other crap in my life. And Ilike that.”
Cleaningclothes was next, and that was quite a simple task. Put clothes in baskets. Putclothes in washing machine. Turn washing machine. Wait to do next load. Even Saeyoung could do it… when he wasbothered.
Except mostof the clothes which needed to be washed were all of Saeyoung’s disguises. He’dbeen dressing up whilst you weren’t here… fun.
“This is allSaeyoung’s crap… can we let him do this too?”
“Yeah. I amnot… Ugh! Disgusting!” You threw one of the dresses Saeyoung owned across theroom because of the empty packets of Honey Buddha Chips and the dirty boxersinside it. “Honestly! I’m going tohave to teach that child about hygiene!”
After awhile, all of the remaining chores steadily began to be designated to Saeyoung.You and Saeran were laughing as you wrote up a list of chores for him when satat the kitchen table. It was a chore in itself sorting out that list though!
The listconsisted of the following: vacuuming the lounge and making sure that the antsare gone; drying off and putting away the dishes which you and Saeran hadcleaned; unloading the dishwasher and reloading it if necessary; cleaning hismountain of clothes then maybe donating some of the outfits to charity; dustingthe building and making sure that he uses a few fans and air filters just tomake sure that the air doesn’t feel so still; cleaning up around his computerdesk; dealing with the… mysterious stains on the ceilings; and also gettingreplacement parts for the television and some of the kitchen appliances, as hehad been building a few new cat and dog robots with parts from them.
Saeranlaughed when he re-read the list, before he then pulled you over to Saeyoung’scomputers. “I’m going to have all of his devices put on lockdown until we getback. He’ll have no other choice but todo those chores!” Saeran then quickly logged in, and was messing about on thecomputers for a few minutes. He took the list off you at one point, and begantyping up the list. Eventually, he kicked the chair back and smiled at youmischievously. On all three of the monitors was a version of the list which hadbeen typed up, with no way of getting rid of it. “I’ve overridden all of hiskeyboard commands, and synched the lockdown up to our phones. Only when both ofus decide to turn off the lockdown will it deactivate.”
SeeingSaeran look so happy made you smile, so you gently wrapped your arms around Saeranand pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. He tensed up slightly, butallowed the hug. For that matter, he eventually sighed and returned the hug.
“So… Are westill good with that deal?” he then whispered, looking straight at you withwide eyes. “I… really do want to try some ice cream… and have some of my ownmoney…”
“Yes, Saeran…You deserve it, for living in this mess which your brother calls a home.” Hethen rested his chin on your shoulder, and his fingers dug into your ribsslightly as he tightened the hug.
“Thank you…”He then laughed quietly. “I want to try… the mint chocolate chip ice cream… Andthe strawberry cheesecake and salted caramel. I do want to share some fudge icecream with you too… Or maybe we could get a big sundae with all four flavoursin it to share!” Saeran seemed highly excited as he began to pull you towardsthe door, before flashing a menacing grin at his brother, who was justreturning from doing something outside. “Enjoy the lockdown until you’ve doneyour chores, Saeyoung!”
“Lockdown?”You laughed at the puzzled look on Saeyoung’s face as you got dragged past him,before his eyes widened. “Wait, what do you mean by lockdown?!”
The doorslammed shut behind the two of you, and Saeran burst into hysterical laughter.It was cute… Saeran was just too cute.
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