#i truly dk what you wanted anon but yeah?
kmp78 · 4 months
"Anon. You see no love between VK and JL because you don't want to see it."
I'm one of the anons trying desperately to see something there that you all do, and I can't. No dillusion or fantasy of ever being with JL. No hate or shade toward VK. And wishing that, by 52, JL HAD found someone and WAS in a happy and healthy relationship...
I just don't see it. You all admit that it was very much off again on again throughout the 7 years. There were definitely multiple other women spread throughout them too--they didn't have some monogamous long-distance romance. Do we even know if they kept in touch while they were "off" or if he just randomly summoned once or twice a year and she was waiting and ready?
It's evident she at least thought she was in love with him. Whether it was the person, the status, the lifestyle-unknown. But she didn't sit around knowing what he was doing, NOT in love with something. Yeah, yeah, she was young and groomed. Not arguing. But at some point, she became an adult capable of waking up and continued to do things she knew weren't in her favor.
And him? Didn't someone say he basically cock-blocked her from her want to act? Not love. Knowing (he HAD to know for YEARS) she wanted a marriage and family and continuing a relationship with zero interest in that end goal? Not love. Being seen arm in arm with DK or packing for a vacay with NR or "adoringly" making whistling videos or impromptu photo shoots with TT (let's for arguments sake leave out all the public pda with CD) and never doing ANYTHING like that with VK? Where is the like or lust even, less alone the love? That video of him leaving her to the crowd or the fact that he got mad when she was in his live? Not love. And, I don't care how private a person he is, if you're in love (especially those early honeymoon years) and someone asks you??? Your face and body language are going to give it away. Or you'll WANT the world to know you're smitten! No one ever said he had to share a gf's name. Just admit he had one. Before anyone goes into his image nonsense--he went years in between band gigs where he didn't need to sell some bachelor story to fill seats.
I get that some of you think he's into himself only or cold or selfish or "he loved her in his way"--but, did he? What indication did you all see over those 7 years that truly makes you believe that? Not just wishful thinking that the poor girl didn't waste her life away following someone not that into her?
So much smfh. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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kingofbodyrolls · 5 months
Ohh the emoji for an anon sounds cool! And I found the perfect one so you know it’s me— since I talked about ‘old’ school language, I’ll be an old woman! 👵 LOL (I’m actually in my 30s tho! Not that old 😅)
Since you mentioned the Aussie accent, that’s easier to imagine as I’m from NZ and people say our accents are similar (we’re not similar tho and we hate being compared to Aussies 🥲😂)
Mind you, I can’t picture BTS with Aussie accents. Its too weird and too close to home 😂 they’re gonna have posh British accents in my head when I read your stories because the way you write is more sophisticated so I’ll picture them way 😉
I’ll also add it’s coz us kiwis and aussies are not really sophisticated with our language eg, “yeah nah, bro!” Or “chur, bro!” (Which are a typical kiwi/NZ sayings— definitely not fancy or sophisticated sounding 🤣)
I love your emoji choice!!! 🥹 (it’s a cool, sweet and funny inside joke too!)
And I just turned 30 last year lol, I’m not that old, I know, but I feel like my soul and mind is a fossil 🤣
Hahaha, I get that! I’m from DK, and I know this is slightly different, but with the other Scandinavian countries, people often say we all sound similar (we really don’t, but most of us are able to understand the different languages because a lot of words are the same 🫣). But also just in my country, there’s A LOT of different accents, it’s kinda wild actually (and we all make fun of each other’s accents depending on where in the country we’re from. It’s a small shit ass country, but we love making fun of each other 🤭).
I can’t picture them with Aussie accents either, which is partly why I didn’t (I really wanted to say ‘refrained’ here 😂) go that route. But I like the more casual tone from NZ and AUS, like it sounds like y’all are good friends and are able to joke a lot with each other (just an outside perspective that might stem from a slightly stereotypical viewpoint, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend!).
Also, something that I forgot to mention in reply to your other ask— I searched my story for both ‘perhaps’ and ‘bear’ and OMG I wrote ‘perhaps’ 87 times 😱 It was really bad in chapter 13, Jimin’s Love Letter 😬Safe to say that I’ve changed it now (just have to upload the new version), and again, I wanted to thank you, because I truly didn’t notice this at all 😭 (which makes me think at beta would have been lovely in this situation!). But thank you, I’m more aware of what words I use when I write now 🫶💜
Thank you, love you— have the best day/night 💜
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gaybluesargent · 6 years
Look I'm not trying to hate, but can you explain to me why you love Henry so much? I just reread the entire series for the third time and I still can't connect to him, even in TRK. Like he just shows up partway through the fourth book (yeah, yeah I know he had a few cameos in the other books but those don't really count) and people immediately include him in the Gangsey, like no. Ronan and Adam don't even seem to like him that much. Idk, I just don't get why everyone loves him so much.
if you didn’t connect with henry, i don’t think i’m going to be able to convince you to. and like, that’s your right, yknow, You Do You. but i can explain why i connected with henry and why i think he’s a legitimate member of the gangsey. so, here’s that, under the readmore because i rambled:
i mean, okay, there’s a lot about him that appeals to me. some of the simpler reasons are here — like, i love his flare for the dramatic, i love that his native language is thought, i love that his methods of friendmaking involve inviting people into dark holes and also inviting people to toga parties, and like.. he got kidnapped for ransom as a child and he leans right into that trauma, and… just. he’s weird and normal and not normal at all and i find him thoroughly, completely charming.
but i think a lot of the reason i connected so easily to henry is because i’m a Gansey Person. like, gansey is the character i relate to the most, so he’s the primary emotional proxy through which i interact with this series. and there is no arguing the fact that gansey connects with henry, a lot, very much, very quickly. when they interact, henry doesn’t feel like a latecomer. they just work, like they’ve been friends for years. and that felt… right to me? like, gansey’s whole thing is that he’s soulmate collector. he finds people who he Clicks With, and then he falls in love with them, and then it’s like they’ve Always Been. that’s… his court. that’s how the gangsey Is. adam helped gansey fix his car one time and then they were best friends. gansey called blue a prostitute and then like a week later she was flying on his helicopter. 
but, you say, ronan and adam dont even like him. and, true, but ronan and adam dont like anybody, lol. ronan and adam didn’t like each other for a long time, and ronan didn’t like blue at first, and adam is a deeply suspicious person in general, so like… it makes Sense that they don’t instantly like henry. which, like… if you’re a Ronan Person or an Adam Person, i get why you might have more trouble connecting with henry too! i’m the first to acknowledge that this is a huge fault in the execution of henry’s story. i think he would’ve been a lot better-received had he had the time to fully grow into the gang, yknow, to develop relationships with everyone, not just gansey and blue. 
but like… idk. that’s what fandom’s For, i guess? exploring the spaces canon leaves blank. and henry has lots of spaces left blank, which means there’s lots of room for us to play around and see what lines we can draw! and i think that’s really fun! having a character like henry, brought in later, provides so many opportunities to add new angles to each of the dynamics in the gang. of course i wish we had seen more of it in canon, like, of course, but… that makes me want more henry. not less. yknow. 
tldr: gansey connected with henry enough to bring him into the gangsey, so i did too. i think, given a little time, the rest of the gang would’ve as well. and that is more than enough justification to Include him, imo. 
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svtyeongwonhi · 4 years
Yandere!Seventeen Reaction - S/O becoming jealous
Anon - Hihihi! Can I request a reaction where yandere!Seventeen react to their s/o getting jealous of someone? Thank you and take care of yourself! ^^
Thank you so much for being the first ever request! I hope this will be a good read~ Take care <3
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This boy would become sooo soft, he was just talking to the lady over the counter, when he noticed that you shuffled closer towards him, and had a slight pout, just that simple move got all of his attention onto you.
“Is my darling jealous? Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, if you want, I’ll make sure that this lady never interrupts us again”
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If you were to ever become jealous, the best thing to do is to probably hide it, because once Jeonghan gets to know that you are jealous, you would never hear the end of it, he would go as far as to getting you riled up even more and teasing you endlessly.
“[To the person] What was your name again? Wow, that is a really beautiful name just like its owner, don’t you think y/n?”
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Joshua will be the one who would notice that you are jealous immediately, he would look at you with great detail, from how your body language becomes timid to your speech becoming more and more demanding for his attention, he would love every bit of it. To realize that you shared the same emotions that he has when you would talk to someone would bring him utter bliss. He wouldn’t say anything at all instead he will intently observe.
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Jun would be confused for second, wondering why you were clingy all of sudden but would immediately tend to your needs, silently enjoying your warmth and affection. When he understood why you were jealous, he would just let out a chuckle and confront you about it
“Your hugs are really comfy y/n, you were jealous of that person I was talking to earlier right?”
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Hoshi was in a bad mood prior to this, but when he saw that you were attached to him like a koala clinging onto a tree, all of his anger and tension melted away, he would talk to you in such a cute tone and you two would become such a adorable lovely mess
“Of course not~ I didn’t mean to at all! The only person I have my eyes on is you~ Nobody else!”
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Wonwoo would become so flustered seeing you act like this for the first time, he would be shy on the outside but dying on the inside. How could he not be like this? Seeing you behave this way, would make him putty in your hands, he’ll spoil you with so much affection and love.
“Why are you this adorable today? Ah~ my lovely y/n, never change.”
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This boy would try to tease you by being flirtatious to someone, but would fail adorably because he couldn’t keep himself from giggling, he would just apologize to the person and return back to your side, making sure that he is the only one that sees you like this
“ [To the person] I-I thought you looked really cute in the outfit.” *giggle* “Ah, I’m sorry, I have mistaken you for someone else” *rushes to your side*
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You have done did it, just as Myungho thought you couldn’t get more lovable, you proved him wrong. This boy would become so giddy happy, but he would take the time to say sweet phrases to you and as much as he loved your jealous side, he would want to ensure your trust in him first.
“Aww, princess, you know that I love you more than anything right? Come here, let’s cuddle”
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Normally Mingyu would be the type to flirt to the other person who was making you feel this way and make them disappear from this world soon after  but he would want to savor this feeling much more, your affection comes out once in a blue moon, so he would cherish it anytime it occurs, as he does, he would think to himself, maybe I should just talk to other people a lot more, cause’ at the end of the day, he would get to witness y/n’s affection and get rid of some unwanted people.
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Don’t be surprised if you find yourself crushed to death 2 days after you became jealous, if DK saw that you were jealous, he would let go of everything he was holding or doing to rush towards you and hold you in a tight grip, nothing else mattered anyways.
“Oh? You want me to let go of you? Of course not, love. You brought this upon yourself, you wanted my attention and I delivered~”
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The level of sass you have just bestowed upon yourself is immeasurable. Seungkwan would take this opportunity to tease you. This is would just lead you to chasing him around for cuddles, while he would effortlessly run away.
“You want my attention? Come get it!”
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Vernon would probably be the most straightforward, he knows his priorities, give you endless amount of affection, keep you in a safe place, and teach the people who made you jealous a lesson
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What a shame, truly, Dino was conversing with one of his friends and you came in and made such a fuss. He would have let that person go, but they just had to be rude to y/n. No one gets to mess with y/n, and especially not with Dino right there in front of them. He would excuse himself with that person and return alone with a couple of blood stains but of course, you didn’t notice that through your blurry eyes.
“Come on y/n, let’s go back home, stop crying now. Yeah, that’s the spirit”
A/N - Whew!! Finally got my first work done, this turned into to such a soft fluff piece but I got lost in fangirling over soft!svt. I hope it was enjoyable to read!!
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!DK Fluff
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Thanks for the requests anons! I hope you guys like it! Jun and Jeonghan have been requested so the rest of the series will hopefully be out soon! (Sorry requests are taking so long, I’m transitioning between jobs right now so I’m technically working two and I’m a little stressed, so idk if this one is even that good... sorry guys!)
Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
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DK feels unbelievably ridiculous and stupid
He cannot believe he’s actually about to do what he’s going to do
He turns around several times to make sure no one is around
He even came out there in the middle of the night to avoid anyone watching him
But there he is, standing in front of a water fountain, holding a coin, getting ready to make a wish
He feels so childish
But also at this point, he feels as if making a wish is the only choice he has left
After one last look to make sure no one is watching him, he holds the coin up, whispers his wish, presses a kiss to the coin and throws it in
He sighs at the insignificant “plop” sound, hangs his head for a moment, then turns to leave
Right as he moves, he hears someone yell
And then a bicycle hits him
Well it doesn’t actually hit him
Just kind of brushes his side and knocks him off balance
But later he tells the boys that it full on hits him when he’s recounting the story and wants to be dramatic
But the encounter also throws the cyclist, aka you, off your balance so now both of you are on the ground
It’s honestly not that bad
He just scraped up his hands and you have one big scrape on your leg
But there’s no serious injuries on either of you
You get up immediately
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you at first. Are you ok?”
You rush over to where he is on the ground and help him sit up
He doesn’t really say anything at first, just sits there in kind of a daze
So you start to panic
“Do you need me to call you an ambulance?”
There’s one more beat of silence
Then he starts laughing 
And you’re like ????
“I didn’t think I hit you that hard, did you hit your head?”
He shakes his head as he keeps laughing
“No, no, I’m fine, I think I was just shocked for a moment”
You start laughing too but mostly out of relief
He finally composes himself and looks up at you
“Are you ok?”
You’re not sure why this random stranger asking you if you’re ok makes your heart skip a beat when it’s a totally normal thing for someone to ask in that situation
“Hey, I’m the one who hit you, you shouldn’t be worried about me”
DK stands up before he responds
“Yeah but that scrape looks pretty bad, you should definitely get some disinfectant on that asap”
You look down at your leg and realize he’s right
His phone buzzes and he looks down at it
“Oh, I’ve got to go. You’re really ok, right?”
You nod, “Yeah, I’m fine, what about you? You’re ok too?”
He nods and smiles brightly at you, “Yeah, I’m good! Get home safely!”
And then he runs off
You honestly think about him nonstop for the next week
The handsome stranger you accidentally hit with your bike
You kick yourself for not getting his name at least
But once the week is up, you just kind of sigh and tell yourself that you’ll probably never see him again so you should just get over it
Then the next day
You’re on a street corner waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green
You look down at your phone for literally two seconds
You hear someone yell
“C’mon DK, hurry up!”
Then suddenly
Something hits you and you fall to the ground and your breath is knocked out of you
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
You look up to see who ran into you
“Fountain boy?”
When he sees that it’s you, he breaks out into a grin
“It’s you, the cyclist!”
“DK seriously, we need to go!”
You look over to see another boy waving him towards a van
DK leans over and pulls you up off the ground
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think so, is this revenge for what happened at the fountain?”
He lets out a laugh
“No, I promise I’m not the type to get revenge”
“Alright, I believe you... DK”
His eyes widen
“How’d you know my name?”
“That other boy over there that looks like he’s about to lose it keeps calling it out”
DK turns around to see Woozi stomping over towards him
“Oh right, I guess I’ve got to go”
Woozi grabs DK, apologizes to you for interrupting and starts to drag him towards the van
Before Woozi can drag him away fully, DK turns back towards you 
“Hey before I go, what’s your name?”
He can barely hear you call it over the crowds of people around talking and Woozi scolding him but he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard 
DK grins through the whole van ride
After that, you two run into each other all the time
You bump into him on an elevator
He gives up his seat for you on a bus
You accidentally spill your coffee on his shoes
He sends your report papers flying into the wind
You trip over his feet when he’s sitting around waiting for Mingyu and Minghao to be done shopping at the mall
You two learn a little bit more about each other with the opportunities presented every time you see each other
He finally asks for your number when the two of you end up volunteering at the same charity event
“It’s about time, Fountain Boy, I was thinking you were never gonna make a move”
“[Y/N], my name is DK and you know it”
“I like Fountain Boy better”
He just grins at you
Your first date is nice
Everything feels easy with DK
Mostly because it feels like you’ve already known each other for years somehow
He always makes you laugh 
The more time you spend with him
The more you realize he’s truly the kindest, most genuine person you’ve ever met
He’s always so considerate of you and your feelings
Always making little sacrifices to make you more comfortable or more happy
Honestly every little action of his touches your heart
The idea of ever hurting or upsetting or disappointing the other seems unacceptable to both of you
So your whole relationship is that way
Just the two of you always being so completely selfless for the sake of the other
DK is honestly the softest boyfriend ever
He’s just so grateful for every moment he gets to spend with you so he tries his best to show it in every way possible
He’s always smiling around you
Because even when he’s had a bad day, he knows you’re going to be supportive, listen to him, and offer help and advice
You become his safe place so he always feels comfortable and content when he’s with you
The other boys love you
They didn’t think there was anyone as kind and selfless as DK, but here you are
They love how much you do for DK
And you also do nice things for them all the time too, so they have no complaints
Sometimes DK gets jealous of how well you get along with the boys
But not in the way you expect
“I thought you guys would say something like ‘make sure they treat you right’ or ‘only the best can date our Dokyeom’ or ‘if you hurt DK, you’re in for it’”
“Seriously DK? They just made us all cookies for no reason and brought them up to the dorm themselves, if you two break up we might keep them instead of you”
DK is grumpy™️ for the rest of the day lol
But DK seriously adores you
I feel like this is obvious, but he’s super cuddly
He’s kind of like a cat
You’ll be working on something on your laptop
And he’ll just push himself into your arms and giggle as you roll your eyes and run your hands through his hair
You’re showered in kisses every single day
The type of boyfriend where whenever you say you’re cold, he’s suddenly pushing one of his sweatshirts over your head and piling blankets on you
If you get sick, he does. not. leave. your. side.
A super doting boyfriend
He gets nervous all the time still 
When you meet up for dates or when you take new steps in your relationship
He does that thing where he bounces his legs up and down and gets all jittery
But it’s honestly super sweet
Even when you’re dating and well into your relationship
You find yourself unable to get away from each other
He wishes you luck one morning when you have a job interview but then you run into him there bc SVT is having a meeting with someone in the same office building
He says he doesn’t have time one day to come see you bc his schedule is super busy but then you end up on the same bus as him and some of the other members on their way to one of their chores for the day
It’s like the universe is making sure you two are weaved into every part of each other’s lives
And you love being a part of each other’s lives
You live for when he opens up more about what it means to be an artist and what writing music and performing is like for him
DK just kind of casually sings all the time so you get to hear his voice whenever you want
Your all time favorite is when you’re laying in bed next to him, playing with his hands and he’s just singing softly
It makes you feel so safe tbh
But then sometimes he has to go on vocal rest and you have to do all sorts of ridiculous things to make sure he lets his vocal chords get the rest they need
I’m talking
The quiet game
Tape over the mouth
Making up funny little penalties every time he starts singing or talking too loud
Make out sessions where every time he puts strain on his vocal chords you just push him down and kiss him until he remembers that he needs to be quiet lol
Sometimes you’ll just guide him to the bed and soothe him to sleep bc you know that he as a whole needs tons of rest, not just his throat
And you catch yourself just lovingly staring at him as you run your fingers through his hair methodically to coax him into a nap
When he’s half asleep he gets sort of talkative and he says the cutest things
You don’t try to trick him into saying anything that he wouldn’t be comfortable saying to you fully awake
But sometimes you ask him questions about random things to get his honest answer just for fun
“What were you doing that night?”
“What night?”
“At the water fountain when we first met, what were you doing out there?”
“Making a wish”
You can tell by his voice that he’s about to fall asleep
You can’t help but smile at his sweet face as his eyes flutter closed when you run your thumb over his cheek
“A wish for what?”
You wait for a moment, thinking maybe he fell asleep before he heard your question
But he’s just awake enough to give out one more answer
“To meet my soulmate”
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userscully · 3 years
Hi there! I love your gifs and posts on DAYS so much!! I'm waiting for Mon... Do u think the drama has a happy ending?? I know probably not, but seeing the leaked pics from the last day lf shooting (DK in a purple outfit and them meeting her brother), I have some hope. What's your expectations??????????
thank you anon!! 🖤no one has described my days viewing experience better than that one post that said life for them now is just the space between new episodes lol
what are my expectations.... i haven't seen those photos so i can't comment, but i personally am choosing not to perceive the possibility that this drama could end badly. i am not acknowledging it! ok jk i know that's a very real possibility, but i'm just... gah i'm so bad with sad things. i just want joy. i'm holding out hope for a happy ending (i actually have a lot of hope for it, but maybe it's because i'm a romantic)—and i honestly think the deity's plan is gonna turn out to be good for them. my current theory is that the seed she's tending to is an afterlife, or something that could allow the world to keep moving without the need for herself and myul mang to keep existing and suffering. if it is the latter, what does it mean for myul mang? i don't know, but the story of pinocchio seems relevant; perhaps no longer being needed to bring doom will allow him to become a real boy :) the passage of the book myul mang read in the hospital in ep8 touches on how pinocchio, who's sick of being a puppet (a very clear metaphor for myul mang's talks with the deity in the early episodes about his role in her garden), can change only when he proves himself. in ep7, we have the deity's cryptic-as-ever lines about how children need to rebel from time to time, and how love needs to suffer hardship to burn hotter. she clearly wants him to love and feel for dong kyung, despite what she says to him, and she claims to care for him as much as she does humanity (she didn't use those exact words but that's what i took from what she said to dk in the field), so i don't think her plan involves throwing myul mang under the bus for the sake of the world.
if it is an afterlife, maybe that's the only place our doom couple will get to be together, which would be bittersweet but better than an altogether sad ending...and maybe it's just wishful thinking, but i truly don't think we'll get one of those! that's one thing i can say for sure. i don't wanna jinx it, but the themes of this drama, the focus on hope and kindness and the joy that exists even amidst pain, just don't line up with a super sad ending where no one (especially dong kyung) gets what they want. there's also just no way this is all gonna turn out to be a webstory or something like ppl have speculated. please stop yall LOL
sorry this got super long and it's more rambling than coherent thoughts but yeah 😩
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I have the constant thought no body truly likes me and they all are just my "friends" out of pity and secretly hate my guts. Any advice ?
Wally: Hi there! It's my first time answering one of these so I'm sorry if my advice isn't enough. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays though :). Anyway, once I started going outside more and hanging out with friends, I would wonder if I was a good enough friend. I didn't wanna trouble any of my friends. I had finally gotten friends and social life but I felt more anxious. Sure, Ruby's always been a good friend of mine and he introduced me to more like Sapphire and Emerald, (who I see the most since we share "custody" of sceptile) but Ruby and Sapphire are always together and Emerald just has an umm... rude? nature? I think? (I'm sorry Emerald :(. So it's easy to think you're bothering Emerald, but then again, he says everyone bothers him. Anyway, back to my main point. What you could do is spend the whole day with them. Whenever they have free time, hang out and if they're close genuine friends and agree they won't have a problem with it. I always thought Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald didn't want me around but they started inviting me to hang out more and occasional parties when we all became friends. And if all of this doesn't work, you can ask your friend if you bother them or if they like being friends with you. It's not a bad thing, you're discussing your feelings with a friend which is always good, as long as you're both comfortable. So that's my advice, anon, I'm sorry once again if it wasn't that good, I'm sure I'll be better once I've got more experience under my belt. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays once again!
Lack-two: Hi there. 
Aight here’s the real one...
Silver: Um, hi and Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it. I’m gonna be honest and say I think I’m only here cause it was my birthday yesterday and the mod didn’t prepare anything. I mean, I don’t care much for gifts anyway but whatever, I guess. Anyway, I don’t know much about bothering people since people usually bother me (I’m looking at you Gold >:/) but I’ll try my best, nonetheless. I think observing your friend(s) is a good idea. If they seem genuinely enthusiastic around you, then that’s a good sign that you don’t bother them. Recognizing genuine enthusiasm is hard but it’s not impossible. A lot of things like facial expressions, body expressions, attitude can give it away. Also, if they’re generally a good person they won’t be your friend out of pity. No good person would be someone’s friend out of pity. A good- no not even, a normal person would be friends with someone because they like their personality, have fun with them, and feel comfortable around them. If good normal people befriend others out of pity, it’s my first time hearing of it. So yeah, sorry it’s short compared to the others, I’m not too experienced with this and Green is calling me to go try her burnt cookies we’re gonna give Gold as a prank. Bye and Happy Holidays.
((Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone once again. Just hang on there’s about a week left till this God forsaken year is over so stay strong everyone :D))
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
Honestly I hate to bring up the situation but I am just so disappointed. I’m white and had no idea there was a problem with the song until I got to Tumblr and saw everyone talking about it. I thought for sure there would be an apology and acknowledgement, but all of this silence has really jolted me. My heart breaks for the south asian fans experiencing this discrimination. I’m honestly struggling to look at Seventeen the same. I don’t mean to take attention away from (1/2)
(2/2) the people really affected by this situation (namely south asian carats), but I just had to speak to someone. I’m just very disappointed and am not really sure how to express it since it was not my culture that was disrespected. I’m not sure how I feel about Seventeen going forward. How can I continue to support them the way I used to when all of these people are hurting and none of the guys or the company will even acknowledge it? I can’t. - Minghao Giggle anon ❤️
honestly i think a lot of us are kind of in the same boat, so all i can say to that is yeah i agree. i personally haven't seen the episode besides looking at the segment in which it happened and i don't know if i ever will, even if they do end up editing it out.
under readmore bc this got long jdakfslj
with kpop you always have to take a step back, but while i was already disappointed at how they didn't say anything in regards to blm, now that this situation directly involves them the disappointment kind of just hit an all time low. especially because of how this situation has been handled. and not just with wonwoo/dk/vernon, with literally everyone involved in this situation: the rest of seventeen as bystanders, the company/management, and the fans.
I mean for wonwoo/dk/vernon. obviously the fact that they did it
for seventeen in general/pledis, this was probably filmed months ago so there clearly would have been time to edit/refilm things if anyone had seen the issue with it (which they clearly didn't). and even after release there has clearly enough outcry that they should have been able to handle this as fast as they handled the clip of joshua sitting on the american flag (which they clearly haven't)
for the fans... let's just say the racism really jumps out as soon as there's a crack in the dillusional view that your faves can't do anything wrong and people are truly just racing to coddle grown ass adults or push the issue under the rug.
that being said, people fuck up. as a fan who loves seventeen i want to believe that at the very least they have seen and acknowledged and will change themselves for the better, but there is absolutely no way of knowing with the radio silence we've been receiving. you can infer what you want from wonwoo's live but at the end of the day we don't know what goes on behind the scenes.
it's really easy to want to point fingers at someone and say it's explicitly so-and-so's fault but really i think everyone is accountable to some degree. while i'm not south asian i am east asain and can somewhat speak to the fact that most of asia is still deeply rooted in ignorance in which this "casual racism" is normalized, and the way the kpop industry feeds off the idea of perfect idols that can do no wrong really doesn’t help it either.
all of that just plays back into how this whole situation has been handled, aka like shit. truthfully, it’s also why this issue is a lot bigger than just seventeen, which just makes it more frustrating to see it not being acknowledged. my heart goes out to those directly affected by it. all we can really do now is to continue to be persistent in emailing and contacting pledis and support indian/south asian fans
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kae-karo · 6 years
Can you do an analysis on the last dan vs phil video?
hell yeah i can in the beginning…
nerds nerds nerds ‘in the beginning…..there was a tree…..’ cue phil’s lil laugh smh cowards release the footage of y’all recording this bit i would Die for it i wanna see y’all being cute-ass dorks together thanks
dan’s voice cracking tone when he’s trying to stop phil
‘n they didn’t tell anybody’ dumbasses u told three million people smh
the fucking dvp montage god this whole intro is just a testament to what dorks they are
‘emotional stability’ what the Fuck
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we’re the only ones fighting for emotional stability here jfc
‘after,,,,,d- after da long ass time’ dan u spork
they pulled up the first clip of the dvp board i’m not sobbing ur sobbing
phil recognizing he’s doing the same intro voice i’m Soft
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dan forgetting what he was gonna say after his big ol dramatic ‘that is right everybody’ we stan a mess
“bitch there’s no space” did u mean
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ahem anyway
phil ruining all dan’s dramatic storytelling gives me Life
how did i not know just dance 2 was one of their most popular vids???? it has 7.4m views??? (for anyone as curious as me, sims #1 has 8.2m and is the most popular, followed by just dance, then fnaf #1 with 7.2m then akinator of all things with 6.4m?)
phil liked yasuhati???? i stan immensely i loved yasuhati as y’all know
it’s a grand finale u spoons stop saying grand ‘final’ that just. sounds wrong lmao
dan spent an hour making that crown i’m crying he’s so cute as is phil’s reaction giggling at him 
they ran out of kitchen foil why did i need to know this
they literally fucking kept the present they crushed what’s wrong with them
‘look at what his ass did to this’ as if we don’t know what that ass do
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dan keeping up the ‘i’ll ebay this’ joke i think someone’s catching the capita£ester
i love their adorable editing making each other disappear n phil chopping dan’s head off it’s endearing
cereal eating contest at least dan knows he’s lost (dan is the Actual psychic)
‘y’all fricken want us touching each other??? do you????? here ya fuckin go u animals enjoy’
me when dan makes bad innuendo puns
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why does phil look so pleased with himself????
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hi i know i say it every video but there is nothing more beautiful than phil looking at dan while he’s talking it just makes me weak????
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he tongue
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also important dan eye roll content
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dnp each picking a game they think they can win and then they do win amazing
dan’s confused ‘should’ve put some in??? oh yeah i should’ve cheated’ immediately followed by his oh fuck yeah i probably should’ve
i would just like to point out that at this point we’re literally watching two dorks with their eyes shut psyching each other out for an entire thirty seconds
‘i’m getting so moist right now’ dan we already know ur kink is staring at phil okay we got it
phil looks like he knows he’s gonna win and i love him
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why are they such dorks phil trying to make dan lose i’m being thrown violently back to pinof 4
also ofc dan has a strategy to win this of course he does of course i expect nothing less
i think dan,,,,,,broke the sound barrier there ;)
oi hi there lil rosy patch welcome back
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caption this
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‘it was the longest i’ve ever had my eyes open in my entire life’ dan is such a dramatic gay i love him like babe,,,,,,,u don’t have to hyperbolize everything okay
‘i don’t know why but i stared at u for like a minute’ ‘yeah’ 
dan screaming when phil touched the crown dan,,,,,,,do u have even one (1) ounce of chill
look i’ve never seen dan fixate so much on anything except phil
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‘stop enjoying these rolling chairs so much’ hi daniel do u recall not a month ago when u wheeled ur bf around the flat bc i do recall u having a bit of fun there 
phil knowing he has noodly arms and dan immediately going ‘don’t u dare say that abt my husband’ is a mood
buster howell
dnp being terrified of snapping their arms in an arm wrestling contest is such a mood literally that’s like my reason for never ever wanting to arm wrestle
‘when i literally snap phil in half’ try not to look so pleased abt that dan
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‘i’m not very good at fighting talk am i’ why did this immediately translate in my head to dirty talk katie u need to Stop with the phanfiction
oh my god they put the board down and my first concern was all the stickers were gonna get moved off or fall off or w.e
disappearing chins
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sorry ik it’s been there but the cactus has fairy lights on it
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nerds fighting over who moved who’s limbs
dan u can’t call phil out for leaning when ur leaning urself okay 
he looks exactly like he did in the dk vid
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rosy patch, rosy patch, we love u lil rosy patch
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hi phil’s lips look particularly pretty here
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what’s wrong with them who gave them permission to be this cute n domestic
dan u can’t look that offended when u offered to play that game
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(offended but fond is dan’s only mood toward phil)
doesn’t count what bloody doesn’t count daniel u dork
hi why are u so giggly looking at phil okay that’s not Legal
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very dry eyes and an aching left arm, that’s how you know you’ve had a good time thanks dan thanks didn’t want that didn’t need it goodbye
the way he trails off into a laugh though that’s some good shit right there
“we said it at the same time” of course u did 
okay so pika @wlwphil​ said that dnp exist in a feedback loop of stupid bc they don’t talk to anyone but themselves i think this vid exemplifies that idea quite well tbh especially the rock paper scissors bit these nerds are so isolated in this lil loop that they massively psyche each other out over rock paper scissors i’m crying
“we know each other so well” hi yeah we know
i think it’s quite interesting that dan’s not interrupting phil like he usually would n talking over him? he’s letting phil talk? & waiting for a moment to interject?
dan puts in lil mind sneks does he phil does he really
dan having no plan which is his plan while phil’s got his first eight moves planned out 
dan’s lil shut up
okay okay okay hold up here i wanna talk abt this (hi anon who said i just like to talk abt everything u right son u right) these idiots are staring at each other n dan says ‘you should admit to them right now that i win most rock paper scissors’ and phil, whilst still staring at dan, says ‘he does’
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phil. phil ur talking to ur audience. but ur staring at ur man. i’m just. this shook me. this truly genuinely shook me and idk i don’t even have a good explanation it’s just so,,,,,,,unlike them???? i guess??
phil nobody consented to this stop
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i’m living for dan not realizing this
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phil wins: face #1
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face #2
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break for the weird heartbeat in the background
phil trying to psyche dan out i love him
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face #3:
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if u notice we have a careful progression of dan going from slightly fond to more fond (but offended) to horrified but fond. phil goes from victorious to massively victorious to ‘i think the universe is about to explode from how victorious he is’
dan shouldn’t be allowed to sound so fond abt losing that’s illegal people can’t do that
the return of cannot believe
bow to me biatch
jiggly camera
i’ve invited ur mum ‘no u haven’t’ i find it super cute that literally every time there’s a ur mum joke directed at kath phil has to deny it?
dan’s sweatpants n slippers
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dan pulling out the catti/bratty voices from undertale i love it
philip michael lester, with this…
oi don’t touch it!
now prance, king
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dan’s cheeky lil grin
this guy
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dan waiting patiently to be thanked
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excuse me daniel and philip what did u cut out we went from y’all’s hands being down below shot and then they’re up next to ur face???? excuse me
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hi we missed a lot that’s not allowed
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sorry i love when dan does this with his lips it cute
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phil has this incredible ability to deliver jokes with such seriousness i mean honestly it’s a genuine skill like???? when dan delivers jokes u Know it’s a joke but phil man,,,,,he could be completely serious if taken out of context
hi i just like that dnp called each other philip and daniel in this vid good content
yes phil all or nothings are valid
i’m here for them like indicating the other has to say some Significant thing at the end of the vids it’s real cute
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
awww im so glad i made you smile it means a lot to me :> and hey i hope you know that it's totally okay to feel mentally tired. some times it's just bad morning, bad day and it all will be normal but other times you tend to feel down for a looong period of time because of irl shitts i srsly dk what im saying lmao- but like youre still active out there, writing comfort wips and i think that's so great. i truly love it when people write stuff like that to "help" themselves (even if it's in some private google docs) because it's the emotions talking and making you express it in a way youre not directly mentioning your worries and all- if i continue like this i would be writing a whole ass essay about this pls TT (and im sorry if i didnt make sense i tend to write things without thinking yk) BUT YEAH, going back to the topic- omg i always thought you were like an older carat like from 2018 or smth aaaaaa i became a carat in 2020 too !! waiting for october and it would be two years :D and yes it would be great if i get some help with this song lyrics it says /You are watching my dream, I envy you/ and they also mention this 'man' here im wondering if theyre talking about themselves or smn who's with the person they like (?) i actually dont understand anything unlike other songs- TT - 🪐anon
Anon hi😭💙 thank you so much for saying that, it's something that I know alrd but hearing it from other people surely feels different🥲
Please don't be sorry about anything!!! I'm glad youre even comfortable enough to just say anything in my ask🥰
Tbh!! I think regarding that they're talking abt this other "person"; either the person they want to be but fail to, or some other person who's currently with "you"? Also, for the particular part you mentioned, I think it's a little hard to completely understand bc Korean often omits subjects from their sentences so translations can be different bc people see it differently 😭
But personally, I'd say the translation is something along the line of "I really wish you can see my dream" because the title is 좋겠다 (eng ver. I Wish) but people also use that word when they're expressing things they're envious of (which is why you found a translation that said envy).
But well!!! I'm not Korean either, just someone who's learned the langauge long enough plus I believe the song is meant to be vague so we all can find ourselves in it😉
0 notes
I'll add to the comments. 
Anon: DK once said she traveled 24 hours to see JJ for only one day. She did the same with Norman now

So now that we know DK is definitely in Barcelona (just jared) has anyone still a explanation why she's hiding? Why didn't she attend Normans gallery opening to show they are just friends? Why was she sneaking around in Barcelona alone meanwhile? Why did the fans two days ago say he was with his girlfriend? Why would they lie. Norman is pissing his pants, he deleted comments calling them out. He usually never does this. You all don't know DK, she wouldn't travel the world to see just a friend.


Just Jared shared pics of DK in Barcelona. It was her with him and they were trying to hide their dirty little secret. I hope someone will call them out now. Norman already deleted some comments calling him out. Seems like he can't take it.


It still ticks me off people are now going to label N as a liar or pos. Dude is probably just trying to protect his privacy. Are they fucking? Probably, but I wouldn't buy them wedding gifts just yet. I can't wait to hear what PR wife has to say lol


So it was DK on the bike...


Love you mod! 😘 I love N but he fucked himself with this one. US papers are going to pick up on this, and I highly doubt his people are going to issue another denial. Which he should have never had them do in the first place. If he's boning her, own up to it, if not, he probably should start. lol I don't see a committed relationship here. Cause this fucker sure flirts/goes out with a lot of other people besides her, many of them women. What do you think mod? Im genuinely curious on ur take?

Anon: Ya'll need to think logical. If Dk was only normans friend she would have been there at his gallery opening yesterday. she definitely wasn't. they are together probably since sky and cheating is involved and now they are trying to hide their dirty little fling. they deserve each other. norman is not the person he claimed to be which disgust me to death.                                                                                                    --mod--
Don't die anon.


Oh did you all see Norman and DK let delete all the pictures of them in Barcelona on IG. There were lots of them in both her and his tag and now they all disappeared. Someones trying to hide the dirty secret. They can't take that people called them out when they were sure no one noticed them together in spain. But sure, friends do all this if they don't have anything to hide. Also I wonder why she didn't attend his opening show last night? Friends support friends... oh wait.... 
                                                                                                                                   --Mod-- I don't think they can delete someone else's photos


Daily Mail has an article out now too. Well done Norman. Didn't work with the hiding and trying to secretly screw around in Europe. Too bad. I almost feel sorry for his reps, they tried to do damage control and officially denied it because Norman probably lied to them too and now THEY are the ones looking bad. Hope they going to kick his booty out pretty soon. 

Mod I'm sorry but I just will never get it. Why did Norman let his reps deny a romance if he knew he'd secretly meet her in Barcelona just two weeks later? Are his reps okay with this? They gonna look like liars I can't believe they agree with what hes doing. It's Norman's fault and his own problem when the next shitstorm is coming now. He and his reps should have said simply nothing but now they look so shady and false. No one will ever believe them again. And that's why I don't understand it. 
                                                                                        -mod-- I don't think your the only one WTF'ing right now


Norman makes me want to vomit so hard. I'm so sick of him and his shit. He stone cold lied into everyone's face, saying he's just friends with DK. Hell he even let his reps deny it. Wonder how they feel about this now. They will look like liars. If this man was my client I'd kick his ass out faster than he can look. It truly disgusts the hell out of me. Specially a man who claimed to love honesty is the biggest liar. Yo Norman, I hope your image is gonna fall to pieces. No fan deserves this. --mod-- Don't puke too hard you might pull a muscle 


None of the gossip site reporting on NR and DK's relationship seem to believe they are just friends so why should we? 
--mod-- People can believe what they want. We don't all have to agree

People should calm down 
The only thing that bothers me regarding the DK/NR situation is the lack of respect of people, they create pages on IG to insult them. They call DK slut, pig, wh*re, etc…and they do the same to NR. Come on people, you can not agree with their relationship (friend or love) but have some education and respect, they don’t own you anything and you won’t win anything if they stop seeing each other. Mod, sending you some whisky and nachos to help you deal with the crazies.
--Mod-- That's a picture of HEAVEN 

Mod, what do you think now? I may be in the minority but what if they are only friends on his side of the coin but it's HER who wants more? How stupid would Norman be to deny it & knowingly have her come to Barcelona 2 weeks later to make him look like a complete lying fool? Her pap shots leaving NYC & then arriving in Paris weren't exactly secretive either. It's not like she didn't tip off anyone that she was on the move and even what part of the world she was in. Something's not right about it --mod-- I don't I guess. I guess I just don't see as a full on relationship, it's something but not all lovely dovey like this pay for play rags make it out to be.He's never really had a problem with being seen with someone his fans disapprove of.

what happened to the DK/NR bike pic?? I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore!! Did everyone just delete it simultaneously orrrr --mod-- It's still out there.


Shes clearly not hiding. NO1 barc paparazzi would know who she was or even nobody except online fans knew she COULD be there. Yeah she wore a hoodie but she also was super over the top trying to make ascene and even took off her glasses so they couldclearly get her face never mind wearing the same clothes as when she was on the bike just so we'd know for sure she was with NR. Total setup cos she doesn't like being the dirty little secret. Get out of there gurl i don't like u but u deserve better


I don't want to go to wsc to meet him now. He's not who I thought he was. I thought he was always the sweet honest guy he portrayed himself as but if any of this is true, how can he be if this is what he has been hiding and then officially lying about to TMZ and everyone else? does anyone know if you can sell wsc tickets? --mod-- You can totally sell your tickets, I see them on Craigslist all the time. Or you could go and meet someone else.


I think this hate group did something to NR and DK's benefit. Of course that's not the their purpose but there was so much anger and hatred in their messages. And then everyone felt the need to act to defend them. Have a good day Mod, I love you Can I ask for a gif from you? --mod-- Wait there's a hate group. That's not rad. I'll get your gif up soon. Any requests 

I wish Norman would say something else. This looks SO bad. If he's really only just friends with her then I think he needs to put his other foot down. No one is acknowledging his first denial and this just looks so terrible now. She didn't go to the second art gallery because I think it would have overshadowed it like the first, no matter what the truth is (friends or otherwise). So I wish he would do a full statement on this. 

To the people saying she didn't want to be seen, that can't be true. If she were REALLY trying to keep it quiet, she didn't have to announce that she was in Europe at all. If he were really trying to keep it quiet, why would he go riding around with her and then take selfies with fans with her standing off to the side? Something isn't adding up! 

Re: potential cheating. Sky was filmed in very early 2015. The supposed bar kissing was in Dec 2015, right? It's now March 2017, and we're just now seeing pictures of them potentially together. JJ's been spotted kissing women twice since the official split. But no public romance from DK / Norman. If they've been together since say February 2015, (1) that's a long-ass time to be sneaky, (2) esp. since neither seems to have super-duper spy skills, & (3) it's the weirdest "affair" I've ever seen. 
--mod-- 3 is the best EVER

I don't understand how everyone can be upset and saying they are done supporting N when there was just a rumor out that he MIGHT be with DK.. But now that it seems he is everyone is fine with it? Makes no sense. My personal opinion (and I've seen this before) he thinks his fans dont approve of his gf just because "theyre crazy fangirls who want him". No, people don't approve because of WHO the girl is. If I recall weren't most of his previous gf liked? Haha btw love your blog. Great job mod💖 
--mod-- Most we generally liked I believe 


Wait, am I the only one who thinks they could just be friends? I don't understand why people aren't believing his denial? He denied they were dating not that they were friends. Maybe she had time so she went over to Barcelona from Paris as friends? Maybe he didn't lie at all?? Maybe she's the one still after his fame? 

I can't believe he did this. He blatantly LIED. Even if they had been together and keeping it quiet, he puts out a denial only to be caught??? I don't get it. Why would he stay silent for a year, then put out a denial then get caught with her? I don't understand any of this!!! I am SO disappointed in him. I can't believe he would lie to his fanbase so blatantly. I defended him for so long. And it's not because I'm "jealous" I'm genuinely hurt by his lying. He has no respect for us as fans. 

I don't believe for one second they are dating. Just Jared is not exactly reputable and the article did say they were NOT seen together. I think it's nothing more than friends if even that. DK is sad and shady AF and it's obvious this is all for attention on her part. --mod-- 😏😏😏


Mod can I ask for your opinion? Do you think it's possible they *are* just friends? I can't get over that she planted those pap shots (both NYC and Bcla) so I can't believe he would risk his reputation by making a statement that they were friends before that and then get caught sneaking? Maybe he's just tired of having to not be seen with females he associates with? It's not a big deal for rich people to fly around the world. 
Anythings possible. The shots are just weird and so are the articles. Whatever is going on they should probably talk it out, get on the same page and then do whatever they want. Also what I said makes no sense my brain hurts 

If NR and DK were just friends I don't get why she's trying to hard not to be seen in Barcelona? It's obvious from the pics she was trying not to be spotted but why bother if you've got nothing to hide? --mod-- They may not have anything to hide, but regardless of what they do or don't do is going to be picked apart. She really isn't trying hard not to be seen. She's not hiding. Hiding is not walking around in broad daylight. I'm not shading her at all, she was in a beautiful city and was taking in the sights. But if your going to hide and you know people are looking for you, you don't go outside and stroll the streets. Just my opinion. 


Norman is not who I thought he was. He apparently lies and cheats and sneaks around. I am so upset. It has nothing to do with him being with someone but the way he lied about it. He's not the person he said he was to his fans. How can we believe anything he says to us anymore? I believed in him so much. He broke my heart if this is all true. 

Mod I am so confused! We know that she is the one who paid for the NYC garage photos, then his PR makes a statement to deny it and then he is caught with her again? And she has paid for the new paparazzi pics bc no way would people even know to look for her in Barcelona. So what is going on? Why would he deny it on one side KNOWING that she would be trying to make it look real? If they were together, he would have known they were coming out so why would he make himself out to look like a liar?? 
--mod-- No idea. 

Maybe this will all end now that it's obvious they are a couple no way their just friends. I will say DK didn't look to happy in those set up pap pictures norman not giving her his attention poor baby 


I'm sorry people but them coming out its not because will be a 'cheating scandal' when that shit was not even a cheating since there is no proof of that. They dont 'come out' because norman wants a fwb relationship. He denied anything with her because in the end they dont have a committed relationship and he couldnt say yeah we are friends that fuck. Diane obviously wants more than what she has but if she continues this greedy i see her in a very short minute being send to space very quick. 


If he was really interested in her and protecting her he had not denied anything and everything with her and since she was in barcelona he would have taken her to exhibition but since she didnt did that she made an 'oh so casually' paps pics when paps are not even common thing in barcelona. She is a friend that he fucks and he is willing to go all over the world at his call. that is her place on his life. she wants more but since he doesnt give her she tries to make it more than it is via tabs

Anon: norman wanted a fwb and made a problem...lol to me is very simple. He called her for a bootycall and she was willing to go. Non of the less and since she couldnt set him up...AGAIN, she calls the paps to 'catch her' in the middle of barcelona where she is not even well know or there is paps for C list celebs. It's obvious to me too this have NOTHING to him protecting her or not. he clearly doesnt want the same as her she is the one pushing and being ridiculous.

Anon: I still think she was there for his art show ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ friends support each other. 

Hey Mod, I noticed the story is in the Daily Mail too. Isn't that who DK pays off? And how come NO one talks about the denial he issued? Could you ask pr wife what she thinks now? 

MOD! Please tell us what you think. I don't understand something: Why would his PR people make him out to LOOK like a liar??? Because that is exactly what he looks like now. They have made it look like he IS sneaking around now. How is that beneficial to him?? Something is so weird with all this because the Daily Mail is all over it and she pays them. Am I the only one who is suspicious? 
--mod-- I dont think your the only side eyeing it. It's just so weird

Some thoughts. Sure, it all looks shady af but until I see pics of them holding hands or kissing I’m going to believe the “just friends”. Notice how she’s always shown up to where he is? Italy, France, & now Spain. He didn’t travel to Europe to see her when she was filming. She could just be one of those types of clingy women who might be sad/desperate/lonely after the end of a 10 year relationship, 40 years old, seeking something from someone - ANYONE! I think a lot of women can relate to that feeling of “I want someone to love me” after a break up and make dumb choices. Anyone who has ever been to a Con or seen Norman meet fans on the street, the guy has infinite patience so maybe he’s just being nice to a friend and she’s a little hopeful. Or maybe I’m totally wrong. Lol. Just remember, at this time there is absolutely ZERO actual proof they cheated.


So the annona source on blinds said there's something interesting that went down in Barcelona with the dk stuff. Can't wait to hear what it is. Sadly he is still in his fwb with her and the other lady who we won't name out of respect even tho he wants more with her. Why Norman can you not cut off toxic people like DK? She called the paps AGAIN. 


Alright, the way I see it, there's only two options left: 1. They are dating and they are both hypocritical liars. Or 2. DK has gone batshit crazy and is following Norman to the ends of the earth to save her quickly falling career. Question is - IF that's the case, why the hell is he playing in on it? It only reflects badly on him

Anon: Do people not realise how horrible it is that JDM and his wife can be papped kissing and being affectionate on the beach but NR and DK have to hide themselves and their relationship because of crazy fans?! I feel so sad for them that DK is having to walk around Barcelona undercover and that they can't be seen anywhere near each other because of fear of backlash. It's awful that some internet bullies are having a direct effect on two people's lives like that. --mod-- Those are 2 very different relationships. It's a married couple -vs- a maybe could be couple with all sorts of shady around them


I am wondering if they ever officially go public. To me the difference between a relationship versus casual fwb would be things like he did with his last girlfriend. Even though he still never publicly acknowledged his ex, look at everything he did with her: Going on vacation alone together his usual places (without hiding it). Her visiting/living with him in GA, time with his family, vacay with him and his son, set visits, etc. She's gonna want him at events w/her which he did w/CS at first. --mod-- Touché


Maybe this is their way of going public? Or at least not caring if ppl see them anymore. Think about it. They were both in NYC, he'll return in a week. If they wanted to continue hiding why would she go all the way to Spain and be out in public with him? Why is she paying mags to take pics of her and write up articles? And ppl can say well that's just her but he's obviously fine with it. Putting on a hoodie and sunglasses before paps take your pic for the daily mail is not "incognito" lol --mod-- If this was a coming out it's done horribly. I mean they could've at least sent me whiskey before hand. 🤣🤣🤣 

well, so much for his "brand" LMAO! most def not investing a single dime in ANY of his cheating lying asses work. frankly, i was getting tired of TWD anyway. --mod-- But Negans lean back is the best... you should at least tune in just to see how far he goes back 

I believe Norman and Diane are secretly dating and I know as fans we shouldn't judge his personal life. But If the cheating scandal was true I can't say what he did was right. If Norman really did had a affair with Diane Kruger and did that to Joshua Jackson I feel like that was wrong to do. I still support Norman as a fan but at the same time I can't say what he did was okay.

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Anon: So DK started following HC on IG again lol now everyone is assuming it's because she's with NR and that's why now that's funny what is wrong with people. I wonder how long she will follow her this time until she gets pissed at something HC posts that involves her son and NR
Anon: Regarding Norman saying he was going home; I hate to piss in your beer here (believe me, I truly hope Norman is going home to poor EITD not staying in Germany with miss attention leech) but I seriously doubt that he would just tell a fan "Oh yeah, I going to Germany to see DK. Promise not to tell anyone?" IF he was heading there ... just saying --mod-- Fair point.
Anon: Another mod never posted my ask&I thought it was unfair. People were saying "Norman needs to come clean now" but what if he ALREADY HAS? What if the denial WAS truth/coming clean? They're JUST FRIENDS. All he's done is driven her around in car/on his bike. What did he do to make people assume HE lied here? Everything that's happened came from her. She trolls/follows him in the middle of his Eurotour/calls paps. What if he already did tell the truth?

The other blog is saying DK & NR a couple did I miss something? Where do they get these assumptions from just because she hopped on a plane and went to Spain making herself look more pathetic then she already does or is it because she started following HC on IG so all the sudden their a couple or because her and NR liked the same post made by HC this fandom is straight up crazy I sure hope people don't go by my IG posts or likes 😂

--mod-- If you did then I did. At this point there's only been one official statement and that was a denial from N. everything else is speculation and assumptions 

Glad to see NR went back to NY maybe they are just friends after all I guess the waiting game begins. I did see he followed HC again and liked the same pic DK did I guess DK is trying to make it look like her and HC are friends which I find so strange she's such a teenage girl she needs to really grow up but I remember in JJ fandom she would pull the same crap so this is old behavior for her I sure hope NR distances himself from her

Mod I totally respect Norman's right to a private life but w/ all the Dk crap, how can he not see that IF true he's w/ her, SHE is the one bringing all attention to him on purpose? She's the one who trolled his fandom on IG for abt 8 months/liked IG posts abt "hiding" a relationship/turned up in Barc. when he is in the center of twd promo w/ cameras everywhere/alerted paps she was leaving NY &even a pic of her w/ FB (of all ppl) in PARIS. IF true he COULD have privacy but not w/ what she's doing

Just to calm some down for the moment. I'm pretty sure DK is not back in the US. I think she's in Paris, the time she posted on IG was weird for her if she was in America. She never posts this time when there. Also she tagged a woman who lives in France and is her friend. So Norman did not travel to Germany to see her nor did he go back to the US to see her. Not saying they aren't together but not all his moves are for her. Do you still need any whiskey or bum touches, Mod? Willing to share 💁
--mod-- I don't tend to share supplies buuuuut maybe if you flirt with me 

Anon: Who wants to take bets on how long it will take NR and DK to be spotted together in NYC? 😉
--mod-- Jokes are fun. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anon: hey mod! I tried to ask in the modblog but it wouldn't let me. So what do you think of the whole clusterfuck now? do you think he would seriously risk his reputation and or fans for a fling-thing with D.K.? Just seems so out of character for him idk. You think him denying it meant something? his pr must be so pissed with how it makes him look. I think i'm the only one who believes him and that they met as friends. Is it okay to ask you what do you think of it all? --mod-- I still do think his denial meant something. Sure you can ask. My personal opinion is that I have no opinion on it because I don't care.  I haven't liked her since I saw first hand how she treats people, that has no barring on my fan-ness(it's a word 🤗) for N. I'm pretty good at ignoring things I don't like.
Anon: I think Norman's PR got in touch with HC now to try to smooth things over and keep appearances for anyone watching by having her follow and like DK on IG. Def. Not a coincidence with that Spain fiasco. But what's really going on. I still don't understand any of it. Surely he wouldn't lie with his Reps officially like he did and then be shown to look like a lying sneaking asshole 2 weeks later? Somethins weird --mod-- I doubt his PR people got in touch with HC. That women does her own thing. Only time will tell what's going on
Anon: Let more theories begin HC has started following DK on IG I have to say I do find it strange that if DK & NR are at odds and not getting along that HC would follow maybe she does approve of them and it's only a matter of time now that they do come out as a couple since I think HC approval would be one that NR would want along with his friends so time will tell how this all plays out --mod-- But why would, if they were a couple, need or want her permission.
Anon: Mod can I submit something about the dk mess for the Modblog? I just don't think Norman would make everyone who works for him look Untrustworthy and unreliable if he were lying with the PR statement. It makes it look so shady if he issued a release like that and then he is caught sneaking around with her after. Everything feels so staged right now. They haven't been seen together for a year but now twice in the past 2 weeks paparrazi "catch" them? This feels like Publicity
Anon: You think Norman is gonna come forward and making his and DK's relationship public at Jiimmy Fallon's next Friday? --mod-- Nope not even close.
Anon: At this point do u think they are fwb, couple or just friend. TBH how u think about Norman and dk 's behavior in Spain. No sugar coat pls. We want Norman happy also we must be honest to our opinion and our moral😢. And do u think they hide again somewhere over the shit rainbow?mod. TBH --mod-- I've always said they are a minimum friends. I don't know since I don't care about it it's hard for me to make an opinion other than meh... but everything I've seen, it doesn't come across as relationship of the bf/gf kind. He's never really had a problem being seen with the women he with. Whatever it is, it's weird and they need to figure it out.
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