#i tried to give everyone roughly equal time
izzabela · 3 months
Hiii! Hope you’re having a good day 🌸 Kind of an odd request but could you do a scenario where the Lin Kuei trio use the fem. reader as a fake hostage in a heist mission?
Mission Impossible - Lin Kuei x fem!water-bender!reader
in which you're being used for the greater good
a/n: mmm more lin kuei
ship[s]: bi han, tomas, kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): poly, anti-betrayal, no "(y/n)"
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As a member of the Lin Kuei, you proved yourself indispensable and powerful with your mastery over water magic. You could rival Rain's magic if he were still practicing, but he was not, which technically made you the most talented hydromancer in the realms.
But, as the lover of Tomas, Bi Han, and Kuai Liang, you were indispensable period. The formidable inheritors of the Lin Kuei, built on pride and duty, fell weak to your feminine charms and kombat talent. With that being said, these three men could not afford to lose you- no matter what circumstance they may find themselves in.
Unfortunately, that might just be the case this time.
The three men, crouched and hidden in a huge tree, watched in raging silence as they saw you use your water-bending. They saw your well-trained poker face as you took all liquid out of the person, the poor person shriveling up like a raisin.
Just as Syzoth was before, you were now in his place to serve his twisted will.
A hostage, taken in by the conniving sorcerer as he ran away to a hidden island, you were forced to use your magic to kill civilians Shang Tsung found as he traveled between the island and Outworld. It was to fuel his and a mysterious entity that resided on the island.
He was nearing the final parts of his plan to make his return to Outworld, but you and your allies were many steps ahead of him.
Under the careful guidance of Liu Kang and Empress Mileena, the two guardians sent the Lin Kuei to take down Shang Tsung once and for all. This mission would be a rather long one, requiring the utmost self-restraint, patience, and trust in one another that you could pull this mission off.
Liu Kang would have sent his champions, hell Bi Han practically yelled at him to do so. Unfortunately, their faces would be considered familiar ones, and everyone knew where that would go. They had to send someone unknown, someone who didn't have the smallest chance of being recognized as an ally to Liu Kang or the empire. That's where you came in.
You fit the bill quite well: unseen by Outworld, not so plain like a normal human, contained a power that would benefit the desperate sorcerer- you were perfect. This would command respect from the other initiates back in Arctika, especially since you were a woman.
You remember the night well, since it was the last time you spoke to them before leaving.
"I forbid it!" Tomas yelled as Kuai Liang and Bi Han followed behind. You were on your way out to be picked up by Liu Kang, Raiden and Kung Lao.
"You cannot seriously be thinking of doing such a thing," Kuai Liang seconded. "This mission could take weeks, let alone months!"
You were about to protest, but Bi Han took your arm rather harshly as he tried to pull you away from the fire god and his subordinates.
"Obey your Grandmaster! Stay with us, his lackeys can do your job," he said as he glared at Raiden and Kung Lao.
You shook your head and roughly let go of him, giving him an equally harsh stare as you voiced your opinions.
"This is something I alone have to do," you said softly. Your hand cupped each man's cheek gently as you kissed each of their cheeks.
There was evident sadness in their eyes that night, Tomas was the only one who actually shed a tear. You wiped his tears with a flick of your finger, the tear obeying and leaving his face.
"You owe us a real kiss when you come back," Tomas sniffled, Kuai Liang's hand on his shoulder to support him.
You chuckle, "I'll hold you all to it, boys."
Now, in the present, it had been almost six months since you last seen Earth, your friends, family, and your beloveds.
You stood by Shang Tsung's side as his slimy hand slithered around your shoulder. You took a sharp inhale as you turned away, tears threatening your eyes at sight of an innocent's life- gone.
"Very good," his sultry voice praised you. "I feel that a reward may be coming soon for you."
You nod quickly, standing straight as a pin as his hands began to roam your body. The softness of your skin that was exposed in your battle attire, and your sweet scent that intoxicated your lovers back home had him under a spell as well.
You pushed him away, and the three ninja that watched from above silently cheered at your defiance.
"Are we done?" you spat. Shang Tsung smirked as he let you go.
"Feisty one aren't you," he teased you as he twirled a strand of your hair in his fingers, "You may go. See to it that you get ample rest. Tomorrow will be a big day."
Tomorrow, you thought. Tomorrow was the day Shang Tsung would escape from the island, making a grand entrance with the planned massacre of the people in Sun Do. Then, he would teleport to Earthrealm and attack the OIA, dismantling it with the new power he gained
You walk away as the maniac sorcerer began to dispose of the body. The ninjas watch your figure slowly disappear past the rickety ruins of the island, and only then are they left with their thoughts.
You had lost so much weight, your supple and strong body rather frail and skinny. The color in your eyes had dulled, your bright colored eyes dim due to the atrocities you witnessed and done.
Tomas so badly wanted to cut Shang Tsung's throat open and take you into his arms. Bi Han wanted to rip Shang Tsung's skull out of his body and bring back the color in your eyes. Kuai Liang wanted to put the sorcerer's heart on a platter and serve it to Liu Kang, while he focused on bringing you back to full health.
The brothers tapped into their earpieces, gifts from the OIA, and relayed the situation to Liu Kang and the other parties related to this cross-dimensional heist.
"Very good, thank you for updating us," Liu Kang praised over the earpiece, "Everything will be in its place tomorrow, so do not fret."
Obeying, they bid farewell and reconvene amongst themselves, talking about the situation that will transpire tomorrow.
"It has been too long since we've held her," Bi Han gruffly speaks. Kuai Liang nods in agreement, but he warns his brother.
"Patience, Bi Han. We cannot afford to risk any slip-up's now," a warm hand is on his shoulder and Tomas speaks from across the tree.
"It will all be over soon. Just a couple more hours, and she'll be back with us," Tomas says softly, his eyes wrinkling as a cue for a smile behind his mask.
The brothers stayed up the entire night, not wanting to waste a moment anymore as you were soon going to be back in their arms.
Hopping through the trees, making sure no sound was made to alert their presence, they watched you and Shang Tsung load up supplies in satchels to take for your little journey. Shang Tsung chuckles darkly, oozing with sultry evil as he begins to summon a portal.
"The day hath arrived not a moment too soon," he poetically announces, "Soon, the realms will know never to cross me again."
Right before he could step in, he heard a rush of feet on the rough soil. Branches broke, rocks tumbled, and a distinct battle cry of a certain female force could be heard. Shang Tsung clicks his tongue, turning to the portal to try and enter, but you keep him steady with water you took from the nearby trees.
"Not so fast," you say with a smirk. Shang Tsung's eyes widen as he realizes he's been crossed again. You made sure to freeze the water, holding him in jagged ice as you waited for backup to arrive.
The Umgadi come to your aide with Tanya right beside you. Her dark skin glowed radiantly against the warm yellow light of the gods' power in her. Unfortunately, Shang Tsung broke free from your ice prison with his fire magic, and the battle started.
You and Tanya had to keep him occupied for a couple more minutes before Liu Kang and the OIA arrived. You tried hitting him with icicles you had made with the water within the trees, but he had dodged or melted them. Slightly stumbled, Tanya took this opportunity to hit him, twirling around in the air as her godly power held her up.
You got closer to him, making sure there was ample space between you and the sorcerer. You created a raging current around you, your arms in circular motions to keep the protective barrier as you tried to subdue him. At the perfect opportunity, you switched and made the water around you huge tentacles to hold him up in the air with arms stretched wide.
"How much longer must we linger!" Bi Han shouts as his brothers. The three had been watched the entire scene go down, but their order was not to intervene just yet.
Kuai Liang huffed, his hand beginning to smolder the tree with his fire magic, "Just a little longer. The swordsman and Liu Kang are arriving shortly."
Shortly didn't come fast enough, as Shang Tsung used his fire magic to evaporate your water and pin you down against the coarse dirt. All three men saw red as you were held down by the threat of his metallic claws, filled with poison he had concocted many moons ago.
Without thinking, Tomas rushed out from the trees at lightning speed to meet you, the priestesses, and Shang Tsung on the ground. His brothers yelled for him to come back, but his ears were ringing with a different voice.
"Release her sorcerer," he hissed in a voice unrecognizable to you, "Or face the wrath of the Lin Kuei."
Your heart fluttered as you saw Tomas backed up by his brothers, the ninja-assassins in a fighting position as they watched carefully what the sorcerer would do. However, he just laughs as his blades draw nearer to your throat. You gulp as you can feel it begin to knick your skin, bits of red beginning to fall.
"So, a ploy to have me surrender?" he jokes as his blade begins to press even deeper.
"It won't be so without losses," he said darkly as his arm raised in the air.
You cried out as you looked at the trio of men. Was this how you met your end? After six months without your favorite boys, this was the last time you'd see them?
You felt drops of blood fall on your face and crawl down to your neck. Carefully opening your eyes, you're met with the horrid sight of Shang Tsung's inanimate face over yours. His eyes lacked the mischevious glint in them, and his mouth was slightly ajar (you got your answer to where the blood came from). You also noted a glint of metal through his forehead, which would have its answer as you assessed your surroundings.
You look to your left and saw Kuai Liang and his kunai. He held the rope tightly as you saw his weapon lodged into Shang Tsung's arm. It seems he was the reason the claws didn't decapitate you. Shang Tsung missed because Kuai Liang chucked it into his arm and tugged it enough to miss your neck.
To your right, you stared at Bi Han as he held the removed arm of the sorcerer. That's why my arms are free, you thought. A layer of frost began to creep up the severed arm as you note Bi Han's brows being pointed so far down that he looked unrecognizable. Seems his rage got the best of him.
Finally, you look up and see past the body of Shang Tsung. Tomas stood over you with his karambit. His special dagger was stuck in the head of the sorcerer, and he impressively holds the body up with the dagger- with a single hand I might add. His eyes were dark, and you could practically smell the intent to kill from his body.
Tanya came to your side as she helped you slide out from under the body. Your knees shook and gave out, getting caught by Kuai Liang.
"She is all yours," Tanya said as she regrouped with her people.
You wearily turn your head to meet with Kuai Liang's teary eyes. He takes his mask off and engulfs you in a warm and tight hug. Gently, he brings you down to the ground and into his chest as you breathed in his scent. Warm like the sun, he smelled like freshly burnt firewood during a camping trip. Your rough and weak hands stroked his back as he inhaled your flowery scent.
Behind him stood Bi Han, whose mask was already down and his brows unfurrowed. The bags under his eyes signal weeks of no sleep, and he kneels down to both you and his brother as he cups your cheek.
"Thank the ancestors," he breathes quietly. You know he won't go in for a hug, but the way his eyes stay on yours is proof enough of his love.
It's Tomas who forces Bi Han's body on yours. He tackles all three of you in a group hug as he sniffles and sobs quite a bit, babbling "sorry" and "I'm so glad you're okay." You chuckle at the youngest brother's antics, trying to reach around and pat his head.
"Never again!" Tomas yells as he stares at you. "Never again will you do such a thing!"
You wince at the volume and proximity of his voice, and Tomas gets hit in the head with a little flick from Bi Han.
"Quiet," he scolds, "She is clearly exhausted."
"Yes," another voice interrupts, "Well deserved rest is in order."
All four of you snap your heads upwards to meet Liu Kang's glowing eyes. He offers a small smile and bow, and you try to scramble up to your feet to greet him back. However, he holds his hand up as he speaks.
"You've done more than enough. Please rest, everyone else has it covered," he said gently as you saw people working around you.
Dressed in office attire, agents from the OIA are discussing what happened and work to secure the area. You note many different races, including Shokan and Zaterrans, are present in the sea of bodies working. You catch a glimpse of a particular swordsman and a dark-skinned agent, and your hoarse voice calls them over.
Kenshi turns at your voice and sighs out your name, relieved you're alright.
"I apologize for not being able to come sooner," Kenshi bows to you and the brothers, "A personal matter came up."
You shake your head, "Whatever you had to do, it wasn't your fault. We got it covered."
He smiles, pushing his sunglasses up as he and Jaxx get back to work on how to tidy up the mess.
You begin to get on your knees, but the brothers gently scold you for trying to rush. Tomas gets up and squats once again, his back in front of you as he tells you to get on.
"Aren't we a little too old for shoulder rides?" you chuckle as you begin to climb on his back. The warmth of his body is nice, your head nuzzling into him as he rises slowly.
"We're just helping you," he says softly. Kuai Liang comes to his side, and he taps your shoulder for you to bring one arm down to hold his hand.
"Touchy aren't we?" you tease him. Kuai Liang flushes a little red before he slips his hand in yours.
Bi Han, though, is a bit more aggressive with his care. He scoffs as he stands to the side of you three, his arms crossed over his chest as he turns his head away.
"This is not the time to be playing games," your eyes are slightly downturned at his harsh tone. He catches this, and fixes his tone but keeps the weight of his words.
"We could have lost you," he says quietly. His brothers' happy demeanors are suddenly flipped upside down, the recent memory of your near-death a new piece of trauma in their head.
You tut and ask Bi Han to come to your other side. You let go of Kuai Liang's hand, not without a quick kiss on the back of his hand, and cup his face once more. You rub his cheek gently as you practically whispered to him.
"But you didn't," you say. "I'm here. I'm on Tomas's back, I held Kuai Liang's hand- I'm holding your face right now!"
Bi Han has an incredulous look on his face before his hand is on top of yours on his face. He gently kisses the palm of your hand, eyes still on yours as color fills your cheeks and ears.
"Yes," he says softly. "That you are."
You smile and he lets go, allowing you to continue holding Kuai Liang's hand as you four walked to the open portal that Liu Kang came from.
Finally, you came home.
i was watching ATLA and saw katara fight with water tentacles, so i just had to implement that into this fic
i got two more requests since i reopened my requests again, and let me just say i'm glad i have something to do while i'm unemployed
hope you guys like this one!
i'll see yall in the next fi ;)
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gucciwins · 2 years
Can you write one where Harry accidentally posts a photo of y/n on his story. But she hasn’t noticed yet and when he comes home he just keeps apologizing but she doesn’t really mind.
Okay…you didn’t say harry and bel but that’s where my brain went through. So here’s a little something. roughly 1kish 💜
Harry thought social media was a nice way to connect with fans, but he mostly used it to post on his stories to show his friends new documentaries he was watching, his favorite wine, and new songs his girlfriend was always showing him. It was his own private world that only his close friends could see. 
His girlfriend was busy at work today working on a photo shoot with a friend’s new lipstick line and needed Bel to be a test subject, and she was more than happy to help. Harry was sitting in the studio listening to everyone’s thoughts on their new song when he heard his phone ring. Harry can’t help the smile that takes over his face when he sees Bel’s contact name. 
Bel: what do you think? 
He stares at the attached photo of you posed in front of the mirror, a seductive look on your face, and he knows that look well. Fuck. He wants to be there with you giving you everything you could ever dream of. 
Harry: You’re the most beautiful person in the world. I’ve convinced you’re an angel. 😭😘 xx
Harry: How’d I get so lucky xx
Bel: stopppp 🙈 xx
Bel: love you, mi vida. will see you when you get home xx
You loved his house. 
You saw it as home. He’s been wanting you to move in for ages, but you always were hesitant. Now slowly, he’s noticed you bring more items over, you’ve made less effort to spend equal time in both your homes and, instead, happily stay in his large house that has begun to feel even more of a home with you around. 
Harry was so lost in his head, staring at the photo you sent, that he decided to share it with his friends. He did it often, sharing pictures of you both or you alone happily showing you off. He was always careful to add it to his private story. Harry captioned it: pretty girl. He added a yellow sticker of the sun that read, “you are my sunshine” as Harry was adding it to his story Tom called for him. He locked his phone and focused on Tom and Mitch, who had been trying to get his attention for the last few minutes. 
“Sorry, I’m all yours now.” He promises. 
Mitch laughs, “oh wait until I tell Bel that,” he teased. 
Harry playfully shoved him, telling Mitch to play the track again. 
They got to work for ten minutes when all their phones started ringing simultaneously. Harry reached for his and was flooded with messages and calls. Mainly from Jeff and Viola. 
This could not be good. 
“H, you posted on your story,” Mitch tells him. 
Harry is too focused on calling back Jeff to focus on what Mitch is saying. “Yeah, earlier.” 
“Jeff, what’s going on?” 
Jeff laughs, “H you posted Bel on your Instagram.” 
Harry rolls his eyes, “what else is new?”
“No, Harry. You’re not hearing me,” Jeff explains. “You posted her on your story for your 48 million followers on Instagram.” 
Harry gasps, “fuck.” 
He quickly hangs up on Jeff and opens Instagram, and around his name is a pink circle and not the usual green. Oh, he’s the worst. The world knew they were dating, but you sent him the photo privately, and he shared it for the world to see. He deleted the story but knew there was no point because there must be thousands of screenshots. 
“I-I need to go home. Fuck.” He runs a hand through his hair, not knowing what your reaction will be. “I need to apologize. Bel was on her way home.” 
Mitch gives him a pat on the back, “it’s Bel chances are she brushes it off like nothing.” 
Harry doesn’t want to risk any chances and rushes out of the studio. He tries calling you, but it goes straight to voicemail. “Come on, Bel.” He gets home in twenty minutes and is relieved when he spots your car in front. He hurries inside, throwing the door open, not bothering to slip off his shoes. Something you will chastise him for later. You’re caught by surprise by the door opening and Harry rushing in that you drop your book, and you know you’ll have trouble finding the page later. 
“Harry?” He hurries over to your side, worry etched all over his face. “Amor ¿qué pasa?”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He kneels in front of you and holds your hand tight. “I didn’t mean to. I’ll do anything for you to forgive me.” 
You sit there, getting more confused by the minute. “H, what are you apologizing for?” 
Harry is so lost in his own head and repeating his apology that he doesn’t seem to hear a word you’re saying.
“Harry!” You raise your voice, and it’s enough to snap him out of the panic he’s put himself in. You soften, “baby, tell me what happened?”
Harry takes a deep breath, rubbing, bringing them close to his chest, needing it for comfort. You would do anything to see his dimpled smile. 
“I posted you on Instagram,” he shares, dejected. “On my public. Not the private one.” His voice sounds defeated, and you hate that something as a photo of you sent him into a panic. 
It breaks your heart, seeming him upset. You know it was an accident. Of course, you do. 
“H, want you to listen to me, okay?” Harry nods, keeping his emerald eyes focused on you. “I’m not mad or upset,” you assure him.
“You’re not?” 
You shake your head, “H, I saw it the minute you posted. I get your notifications. Sent you a text to check, but you didn't reply, so I assume you knew, and I let it be.”
Harry tilts his head, looking like a confused puppy. “You knew?” 
You let out a small laugh, “I did.”
“Why didn’t you answer my call?” You know he must have been referring to a few minutes ago on his way home. 
“Left it charging upstairs,” you apologize.
Harry sighs, letting his head drop into your lap. You run your hand through his hair and let him take however long he needs to let this all go. Although, you have the perfect idea to help him forget the incident. 
“I love you, Bel.” 
You repeat the sentiment, happy to have him home. 
“Do you want to make it up to me?” 
“Thought you weren’t upset,” he mutters.
You giggle, “no, I mean for scaring me for the way you barged inside.” 
Harry raises his head, an eyebrow raised, and waits for you to go on. “See, I happen to like this position we’re in. Except, it’d work better if I had less clothing on.” A smile spreads on Harry’s face, and you know this moment will be one you laugh about on a later date, but for now, this is the perfect distraction.
“I am so lucky to have you in my life, Bel.” He whispers as he helps remove your joggers. 
You feel the same way. 
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Jane Fairfax and Emma Woodhouse have never been friends. Mr. Knightley says it's because Emma is jealous, but she doesn't act jealous. She is quick to praise Jane's accomplishments (when they aren't being bragged about by Miss Bates) and prior to age 8, Jane would not have had a good education. The only time she is somewhat jealous is when she's slightly worried that Knightley might actually like Jane. So why weren't the girls friends then in childhood? We know they grew up together until Jane left to live with the Campbells.
I think Miss Bates is probably a huge reason, Emma cannot stand her and her constant bragging about Jane. Even without jealousy, that would get old very quickly. I mean we all know this lady, who brags about their family member, it's awful. So being friends with Jane is a package deal of seeing Miss Bates far more often.
Secondly, children hate being told to be friends with someone, adults hate it too. Everyone always saying Emma and Jane should be best friends just because they are the same age gives me flashbacks to forced friendships in my own childhood. It rarely works.
Thirdly, this is a two way street and Jane gives nothing. Emma tries, she makes a resolution that it will be better this time and is met with vague, short responses. Now was Emma being somewhat nosey? Yes. But she wants to hear about Weymouth and gets almost nothing. It's natural to talk about a trip! It doesn't even seem like Jane offers another subject:
She was, besides, which was the worst of all, so cold, so cautious! There was no getting at her real opinion. Wrapt up in a cloak of politeness, she seemed determined to hazard nothing. She was disgustingly, was suspiciously reserved.
However, I think the real problem is the social discrepancy between Jane and Emma. We know Jane thinks about it; she brings up her fate frequently. Emma doesn't even need to marry, Jane is to be a governess. She is at the bottom of the gentry and Emma is near the very top. The only time in the novel that Jane comfortably talks to Emma is when her engagement is finally public and secure and she has assumed Emma's level in society.
And that makes sense! Emma is supposed to act like Miss/Mrs. Bates is an equal (roughly) but she sends the women charity food and transportation. It is inherently awkward. It's actually no wonder they've never been friends.
I hope you enjoyed my random, jumbled TedTalk.
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thescribblings · 7 months
Long post ahead! I type a lot .^.
Here's a lil something I've spent some time on! I'm definitely nearing my goal of being able to draw comics! .^.
However, keep in mind that I'm very much an amateur artist, so there will be imperfections😅.
Here, I've drawn a lot of new (and scary) poses, expressions, perspectives, and clothes! I never draw clothes! I've also never even tried to draw them in the same clothes from different perspectives like this before. I also mainly draw without references
And i know i know, it's always better with references but i always just get distracted while looking for a good reference and most of the time i give up before i even find one and just draw it without anyways, lol
Rant over now! Promise
Here's a page I've been working on non-stop for literal days. It was a lot of fun! And it helped me try out a new art style :]
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Individual pictures and context under the cut! i will be referring to future leo as nardo or leonardo, and present leo as, well, leo!
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Here we have the doodle that started it all! I did use a cat as a reference, and i personally found that hilarious
Anyways, leonardo is being held like the cat that he is. Meanwhile, leo is held next to him vibing, not a thought behind those eyes
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✨️co-existing✨️(with iced coffee)
They decided to have a day of leo to leo Bonding and got iced coffee for the occasion, probably spending some time clothes shopping and going equally crazy over a random article of clothing with a unicorn on it
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This one has a bit more story behind it, they went on a day outing with the fam, nardo had grabbed a map of the city and they decided to stray from the group to explore, and they quickly got lost.
Leonardo helped leo get on his shoulders to see if there were any familiar landmarks around, and while leo enjoyed being roughly 12 feet tall, nardo texted the others asking where they were and looked around the area.
(Shirts lovingly made by mikey)
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Entirely lost, leonardo decided to ask a pair of yokai ladies for directions. They turned out to be extremely helpful, one of them pointing out where on the map they were and where the landmark raph had sent them is.
Meanwhile, some backstory here: ever since leonardo had stopped staying in the lair 24/7 and actually started coming with when the others went out, leo had become an expert at keeping flirtatious yokai of all shapes sizes and genders away from his eldest brother
Leo noticed one of the yokai women was trying to make a move on him and stepped between her and nardo, making for a hilarious scene when he told her to stay away from his clearly adult brother
Leonardo is entirely oblivious as to the amount of yokai that find him attractive, which is exactly how leo wants it to be, for some reason
It's even funnier with the fact that leonardo is, in fact, very gay.
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They thanked the yokai (leo doing that gesture where you point at your eyes then at the person as an unspoken "i got my eyes on you" behind nardo's back) then stepped away from the crowd and planned when and where everyone would meet up (they quickly decided on a food spot that accommodated everyones needs, and they had often gone there for lunch or early dinner in the past)
While they waited, the two decided to browse some stores, window shop etc.
Leonardo bought himself a backpack and proceeded to purchase knickknacks, snacks, and gifts for the fam, including some that he snuck in there for leo without the teen noticing (he was the greatest ninja the world had ever seen, once, after all)
While nardo walked, leo was chatting away happily on his shoulders, the elders tail wagging along as well, especially when leo told a pun or two, once a leo, always a leo. (Leonardo chipped in with some puns as well)
(leonardo personally believes his tail is pretty damn useless since it's so short. He has stated, "The only thing it's good for is waggin' " in the past. However, the rest of the fam think that's a perfectly adequate reason to have a tail)
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They spent the entire day out having fun and walked around with just a handfull of breaks, so i think it's safe to say they'd be pretty drained by the time they got home
On another note, nardo being a war veteran and all that, I'm not 100% sure how that works but i like to imagine he'd get rather overwhelmed by all the crowds, different smells and loud noises (in other words overstimulation) so i think he'd be WAY more drained than everyone else by the end of the day (save for maybe mikey, i bet he'd be pretty drained too)
Either way, nardo basically just flopped onto the nearest plush surface and went out like a light while everyone else went to bed like regular people. This is a common occurrence after long, exhausting days
But sometimes...
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Sometimes he dents the floor
(Bonus doodles)
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I don't even know why this came to be, but it did
Thank you for reading!
Have nice day
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b4tasquad · 1 year
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Authors note: first time ever writing smut… don’t know if I really fw it tbh but it’s alright🤷‍♀️
Warnings: smut! unprotected sex, dry humping, cursing. lmk if I should include more
“No.” You shake your head, a look of disbelief at the judge’s decision. “What the fuck is he doing!”
Your boyfriend seems equally as mad from his crouched position on the pitch. A hand comes to harshly bang against the grass, his head thrown back in pure anger. Gavi is mad, and rightfully so.
When the Barcelona player and the opposing team fought for the ball, you knew something would happen. The other player had harshly tugged on Gavi’s jersey, sending the 18-year-old flying back into the player. Gavi’s elbow made contact with the other guy’s neck, a result of the other person’s own actions.
As the guy fell to the grass, hands at his neck with what looked like faux pain, you were confident the judge would realise it was all fake. What you, alongside everyone else hadn’t seen coming was Gavi, Barcelona’s golden boy, getting a red card.
Cries of outrage drowned out your boyfriend cussing the judge out. You weren’t doing much better, feeling your face heat up at the unfairness. Well, you didn’t know much about football, but to you, this seemed so wrong. It might’ve been slightly because it was your boyfriend on the receiving end of this “injustice”
Either way, you watched with wide eyes as your boyfriend got up from the grass, body stiff as he pushed away anyone that even came near him. Pedri tried to calm him down, not wanting the already bad situation to escalate. Gavi had none of that, and chose to not listen to anyone, not even his best friend.
Even Xavi, who was always the first one to reprimand Gavi let him be as the teenager stormed away, disappearing into the tunnel. Choosing to take action, you get up from your seat, excusing yourself from the people you had been in conversation with earlier. You make your way to the changing rooms, looking for your favourite player.
He doesn’t even look up when the door opens, legs tapping against the floor in rapid movements as his hands come to roughly push back his hair. “Amor.” You call out, watching as he looks up. Unlike usual, his gaze doesn’t soften once seeing your face, instead his eyes get colder.
“You saw what that fucking dick did.” His tone isn’t questioning, instead, he says it like it’s something you should agree with. Believing it’s best to agree with him, you nod.
“I saw, baby. It was so unfair.” Your words do nothing to ease his emotions, and a sarcastic laugh is all he answers with. Not knowing what to do, you step closer to him, feeling as if the distance between you did nothing good. As if it’s on reflex, Gavi opens up his arms, welcoming you to sit on his lap. “What can I do to make it better?”
The footballer looks up at you through his long lashes as you sit sideways on his lap. Your fingers brush the hair out of his face, as he seems to ponder on your request.
“Anything?” He questions, slyness coating his words, but you nod either way.
“Anything for you.” For the first time since the situation on the pitch, a smile graces his face. Gavi starts to rub at your back, hands sliding under your jersey as they make contact with your skin. It’s innocent until the movements start to trail in other directions. “Pablo.” Is all you can say as his cold hands brushes against the underside of your boob, your bra getting pulled up a little.
“You said anything, right?” His words are mere whispers as his lips make contact with your collarbone. Your position gives him access to your neck, and he takes his sweet time kissing and sucking at your skin. “Let me.”
You look around. In the locker room during a game was risky, anyone could step in at any moment and catch you guys first hand. But then again, if this was what he needed to relieve his tension, you would gladly contribute. “Fast.”
The second that leaves your mouth, the athlete is ready. His hands grip at your hips as he gives your chest area all his attention. To get more comfortable, you sling your leg over his, now straddling his lap. Something solid brushes against your ass, and you quickly take notice of the growing budge in your boyfriends pants.
In a need to relieve some tension, you start to move your body in rhythmical movements on him. His groan of pleasure encourages you to keep going as he now pulls at your shirt. Pulling it over your body, you throw it away from you, leaning towards Gavi to press his lips to yours, your movements against him never stopping.
His kisses are rough, but so are his hands that slides your hips over his bulge. Dragging his mouth across your chin, Gavi bites at your ear. “Off.” He demands, pulling at your pants. You nod eagerly, doing as he says while the boy himself, rids himself of his shorts, leaving him only in his boxer.
Now both in your underwear, you start to grind your hips against his again, lips connecting roughly. Your whimpers of his name does nothing to tame the growing problem under you, and after a few minutes of making out in your underwear, Gavi roughly pulls it off.
“Please.” You beg. There’s no need, you can easily see where this was going, but you were desperate for him to fill you up. Right now.
“Patience, Princesa.” Gavi drowns out your protests as he pulls down the last thing separating the two of you. His lips are quick to connects to your exposed cleavage and without warning he slides you into him. The feeling of him in you is something that you could never describe with simple words. It felt like everything was missing til his body mingled with yours, making you feel whole.
“Fuck!” You moan loudly, the pain of him stretching you out not turning into pleasure just yet. Gavi has no care for that as he snaps his hips into yours, trying to hit as deep as he could before pulling back out to repeat it all over again. Once you finally feel yourself getting accustomed to the situation, your painful shouts turn sexual.
The sounds coming from the two of you are pornographic, your loud and careless whines alongside his strained groans describing the pleasure the two of you were experiencing.
You push your hair back as you put your whole body into keeping up with the athlete under you. Gavi was one that could keep going for hours, his stamina as a footballer aiding him. Usually you could go for a while as well, but the work of being on top was becoming unbearable.
“It’s too much.” Your body slouches against his as it all gets exactly too much. Him in you, the kisses he’s littering everywhere alongside your own rapid movements. The pleasure could send you into a coma and you wouldn’t be surprised.
“Take it.” He simply states, now pounding into you in a harder pace.
“I can’t.” You cry out, eyes filling with tears at how good he was doing you. Gavi pushes your face out of his neck with a firm hand on your throat. His eyes bore into yours.
“You can and you will.” His lips silences your loud moan as he hits a particular deep spot inside you, his hips snapping against yours harshly. The knot in your stomach which you’ve tried to ignore becomes the only thing you can focus on as your boyfriend fuckes you senseless.
You can’t even make out words through your pants, only managing to sigh against his mouth, your pussy squeezing around his length in warning. Seemingly understanding, a look of pride crosses his face at this.
“You’ve been so good, princesa.” He praises you, knowing that would tip you off the edge. And that it did. Your hands around his neck, claw at his back as you drown out your moans into his neck. Gavi fuckes you through your high, only letting himself go ones you’ve finished.
The boy slowly pulls out of you, wincing as his sensitive dick pushed out of your warm walls. You feel an emptiness at his movements, but quickly forget about it as you’re still in your high, a sick smile on your face.
You lean back agains the wall, watching as your boyfriend pulls his shorts on again, before turning to you. His eyes which ones were cold and furious, much more calmer now. His lips connect with your heated up cheek, showing his gratitude through affection.
“Wow.” Is all he says as he too, leans back to take a moment to relax.
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softtcurse · 2 years
On the Level
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Carrying a name
Fall until my final days
Now who's there left to blame?
“Dad’s here” You peaked out the window and saw Jack’s black Mercedes AMG pull up into your drive way. A sigh escaped your lips. You knew the conversation that he would eventually want to have with you.
Two years without him as your husband and it didn’t get easier like everyone told you it would. In fact, divorce seemed to reign heavy on you and the kids.
You heard feet patter against the wooden floors. Your fists clenched and you pulled the curtain roughly back to its position. You turned around and greeted with the sight of your two babies. Mila with her pink Bratz backpack hung on her shoulders containing her clothes for the weekend. Her curls were slicked back into to pig tails and you could tell she had been sneaking some of the cookies the two of you had made earlier than day while Ezra napped. Ezra beside her, wide eyed and with chocolate chip smudges on his cheeks. His own smaller Spider-Man backpack in his shoulders.
“Did you get into the cookies with your sister?” You laughed and watched as he shook his head in denial. His thumb pushing into his mouth. Mila shook her head as well.
“No cookies!” Ezra lisped, and looking at his older sister for approval. As if she had trained him on what to say.
“Hmm if you say so” You ticked his stomach which earned a loud laugh from him. Then you proceeded to kiss the top of Mila’s head.
A heavy knock came on the door.
“Daddy!” They both yelled. Running to the door and waiting for you to come open it for them.
You took your sweet time walking to that door. Your nerves getting the best of you.
You opened it a soon as you managed to step to the front. Your clammy palms not making it any easier. The sight of your ex husband , you hated to admit the fact that his stupid face made you miss him. You hated to admit that after two years you were so willing to forget what he had done to you just so you could be with him one last time.
The equally stupid woman that fucked him knowing he had a family at home. She wasn’t entirely to blame although as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t. Your husband, a man who promised to love you until his last breath had betrayed your trust just as much. His mistake is the biggest one that had mattered.
Your eyes shifted away from him as he looked at you. Offering a soft smile and looking down at his kids. Who were already trying to climb him like a jungle gym.
“Daddy! daddy! daddy!” Mila shouted.
“Up!” Ezra demanded.
“Sheesh, you’re gonna give your old man a broken back” Jack huffed out as he lifted Ezra into his arms. The other one lifting Mila with ease as well. Two carbon copies of him nuzzled their faces into his neck. You knew they missed him terribly. He had been on his tour for a while and facetime calls just didn’t cut it when it came to their dad.
“You’re not old daddy!” You watched as Mila sassed him. A displeases look on her face, because how dare her dear father call himself old? You giggled and shook your head.
“Yeah yeahs, whatever you say. Why don’t you and Ezzie go put your stuff in the car? Uncle Urb is in there to help you, we’re going out for pizza”
“Pizza?” Mila lifted her head and gasped. Ezra clapped his hands a smile matching Jack’s staring back at you.
“Momma come too?” Ezra pipped up and reached for you. Jack passes him onto you. Tiny hands gripping your shirt. Ezra was a mommy’s boy to the bone, and leaving you even for the weekend was a little harder on him than Mila.
“No baby mommy’s staying home today”
“Why?” His bottom lip stuck out and you moved some curls out of his face. Your lips pressing against his chubby cheeks. The two year old was very smart for his age. He knew he wasn’t seeing you for a couple of days.
“Because you’re spending the day with daddy! Isn’t that exciting?” You tried to comfort him. His head laid on your chest and you knew he was understanding. “I love you so much and I’ll see you in this many days okay?” You held up two fingers.
Jacks face sadly smiled at the interaction with you and his son. Seeing you as a mother was something he came to miss seeing so much more than he ever imagined. Especially now that you two barely saw eachother because of his busy schedule.
“Okay momma” Ezra nodded and let you out him down. “Love you!” He lisped and gave you a hug.
“Love you more Ezzie”
“Love you momma! I’ll bring back some pizza for you in this many days!” Mila smiled at you and held up the same two fingers as Ezra had. You laughed and nodded. Walking closer to her and kissing her forehead. You caught a smell of Jacks cologne and you swore if it weren’t for your kids standing there you’d probably jump on his bones.
“Thank you sweet girl, I love you too. Tell uncle Urb I said hi for me okay? And be good!” You pointed at her, a giggle escaping her and she nodded as Jack put her down.
“Come on Ezzie!” She grabbed her brother’s hand and they both ran to the car where Urban was waiting to buckle them in, as well as greet his two favorite kids.
You stepped back. Moving some of your hair out of the way. Biting your bottom lip as Jack eyed you.
“You look good, it’s been what? Three months since I saw you last?”
“Yeah, three months” You agreed. Your arms folding on your chest as you watched him look down at his feet.
A awkward silence filled the air.
“About that night, if that’s what this is about I promise you that I wasn’t expecting anything out of it” He began explaining to you. Looking back at you with very intense blue eyes. “I-It was just very emotional for the both of us and having sex was the best way for us to release that I guess” He shrugged and brought up his left hand to rub his temple.
“No! That’s not what I wanted to talk about, it’s not about that at all” You managed to say without stuttering. “That was three months ago Jack. I don’t regret it as much as I thought I would?” You asked in the form of a question because you weren’t really sure how you felt. Tucking the kids to bed and then having a few drinks with your ex husband, having sex with him after all of it wasn’t exactly part of the plan. But it happened and you did enjoy it more than you hated to admit.
You wanted to hate HIM. But you couldn’t and so you hated yourself.
“Okay? So if it’s not about that then what is it? I’m confused”
“Jack i-“
You sighed and tears pricked your eyes. Taking note Jack pulled you into his arms. Rubbing your arms gently. He knew how you got when you got emotional. It was always something along the lines of it being harder for you to speak when you were upset like this.
“What’s wrong baby?” Jack whispered to you. The pet name bringing back so many good memories. The pleasant ones fighting to come out but you wouldn’t let them, at least not right now. “Whatever is upsetting you we can talk about it, or not if that’s not what you want…” You felt so overwhelmed, you might as well go out and say it before you bite your tongue again just like you did all those few times after the kids had finished FaceTiming him and you talked to him a little bit.
“Jack, I’m pregnant again”
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el-tur-el · 7 months
ceilings, plaster.
Pairing - Ikaron x F!Tav
Warnings - Explicit sexual content, 18+ MDNI
Word Count - 1,855. Read it on AO3. Summary - He is less man, more gaping wound given sentience, weeping at the seams, ragged and raw. Scabbed over and torn back open time and time again.
            He always carries himself with an undeniable intensity; it’s one of the first things she noticed about him – all sharp edges, waiting for someone to snag on them, to bleed out. He wields his words like a knife, his gaze like a shortsword. He is less man, more gaping wound given sentience, weeping at the seams, ragged and raw. Scabbed over and torn back open time and time again.
            Almost all of her interactions with him thus far have been him yelling at her, and yet she finds that it does not invoke a bitterness within her. Rather there is just deep, suffocating pity nestled into the ivory hollows of her bones. Aching, suffocating, crushing.
            When was the last time he allowed himself gentleness? Warmth?
            Inviting him back to her tent at the party had been a purely selfish decision. At least, that’s what she tried to tell herself. He was attractive, in the angry bad boy sort of way, and everyone else seemed to have company for the evening. She didn’t want to bed down alone on what could possibly be the last night of joy she had for the foreseeable future.
            It was easier to call it self-indulgent than it was to call it what it was – an offering of peace, for just one night. ‘I care about you and you’re hurting, can we just have this? Can you just let yourself have this?’
            He’d been agreeable to the notion, whether he saw the truth of the matter or not.
            He kisses like survivor’s guilt, all teeth and fury, an unspoken hurt seeping into the way his lips move against hers. Like he has something to prove. She wants so desperately to ask him what, exactly, that is. Her lips catch on the sharp jut of his canines hard enough to sting, and he hungrily slips his hands under the soft linen of her shirt to palm at her breasts.
            He tweaks a nipple between callused fingertips, and she whines into the hot press of his mouth, arching into the touch. She had expected him to be inexperienced – because they’re roughly the same age, and she is largely inexperienced. But he seems to know what he’s doing, or he’s hiding it behind eagerness. She’s too tipsy and too turned on to give a fuck.
            “Is this okay?” He pants as he pulls away for air, and damn if she couldn’t get lost in the orange of his eyes.
            “More than okay.” She responds, equally as breathless. He could do anything to her and she’d be alright with it, she’s fairly certain; there’s something about him that she trusts implicitly. Something she can’t quite put her finger on.
            She thinks she could love him if he let her, though he doesn’t seem the type for softness.
            He’s clumsy as he lifts her shirt off and tosses it unceremoniously to the side. She moves to return the favor, but his mouth is on her chest now, tongue flicking against her nipples, clawed fingertips lightly digging into her waist, and all coherent thought rapidly goes out the window. She makes a choked sound, one of her hands coming to tangle in his hair – so soft, somehow. Contrasts.
            “So fucking pretty.” He’s breathing out against her skin. “Been thinking about this since I saw you at the gate. Gods.”
            Well. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that.
            “Really?” She asks, hoping that it sounds more like goading him on than an interrogation – oh, to see the inner-workings of his mind. To know what goes on behind the fiery saffron of his eyes.
            “Gods, yes.” His hands come down to the laces of her trousers, only fumbling for a moment before he begins to undo them. “Have you seen yourself, Tav? You’re gorgeous. You’re – you’re good.”
            Something about that settles neatly in her stomach, fizzles like carbonated wine. Good. There’s an ache in her chest to match the one between her thighs, and she doesn’t think when she cups his cheek and tilts his head up to get him to look at her.
            “I think you’re good, too, Ikaron.”
            His eyes flutter shut and he hisses out a breath, and she wonders if maybe she’s crossed a line – too soft for a one-night stand, too emotional. “Don’t – don’t say things like that.”
            “It’s the truth, though.” She has never been anything other than earnest. Honest.
            He makes a sound that borders on pained, dissolves into something that sounds an awful lot like a growl.
            “Think I liked it better when you were kissing me and moaning.” He pushes her trousers down her hips along with her smalls, and she stumbles as she steps out of them. “No matter – I’ll just have to shut you up.”
            Two callused fingers slide up the length of her slit, and he accomplishes his goal, because instead of a rebuttal she only manages a soft moan. His mouth finds its way to her neck, his breath hot and damp as it ghosts over her skin, and he presses his fingers against her clit. Her hands claw at the back of his armor – gods, is he really still fully dressed? – desperate for purchase.
            “Good girl. Fuck, look at you, you’re dripping, Tav.”
            She has half a mind to be embarrassed, but the steady pressure of his fingers circling against her has her feeling buzzy and lightheaded. A low heat coiling in her stomach, a bowstring being pulled too tight. She doesn’t know how he’s gotten her like this this quickly; maybe it’s the intensity of it all, maybe it’s because it’s him, but she’s rapidly approaching the edge from just this.
            “You gonna come for me? Gonna make a mess, love?” His voice is hoarse, a rasp in her ear, an unhinged, almost feral quality to it.
            Let her be a vessel for the hurt. Let her body be the outlet. If what he needs to feel okay for even just tonight is a good lay, so be it – she’s more than happy to indulge him.
            She can’t form words, so she just whines out a soft confirmation, tucking her own face into the crook of his neck, clinging to him. It starts in her toes, a tension and then a release – warm, electric, bright. She lets out a choked moan against his skin, and he holds her steady as she shakes against him, his hand slowing.
            She’s heaving for breath when she pulls away, and her world is narrowed down into a pinprick when he meets her gaze and brings his fingers to his mouth, lips wrapping around them. He makes a sound of his own as he tastes her on his skin, guttural and raw, and she finds that she needs to sit, like now, before her legs give out underneath her.
            She settles onto her bedroll and watches with hazy eyes as he undresses, the only sound in the tent the heavy fall of their breathing and the sharp clanking of metal. She’s never particularly understood people who can undo heavy armor like it’s second nature – she opts for lighter, leather gear, and even that can be a challenge. But he sheds it like a second skin, and when he’s as bare as she is, he brings himself down to her level.
            He’s beautiful, though she could have inferred that just from looking at his face. Lean, but not overly so. Wiry in an endearing way. His cock is hard enough that it rests against his stomach, precum beading at the tip. She wants to taste him, to run her tongue over the ridges, to let him tangle his fingers in her hair and use her mouth to work off some of that hurt that’s lurking beneath the surface. But he’s kissing her again, moving himself on top of her, one of his hands hooking under her left knee to bend it, to spread her thighs further apart.
            “Do you want me?” He asks, a genuine request for consent.
            “You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t, Ikaron.” She presses her lips against the corner of his mouth, the slope of his jaw. “I want you. Please.”
            He lets out a breath, one of his hands coming down to guide himself to her, and she keens when he presses into her. She can feel the drag of every ridge, the stretch of him. Her nails bite into the skin of his shoulders, and his brow is furrowed when he bottoms out, sweat dripping down his forehead. He moves slowly at first, like he suddenly thinks she’s something precious, something to be gentle with.
            “Gods, Tav.” He manages, ragged. “So fucking tight. You’re taking me so well.”
            “You feel so – so fucking good.” She’s a little drunk on it – it’s been so long, the look in his eyes is so much. She’s still sensitive from her orgasm, every sensation heightened.
            That seems to spur him on. He thrusts into her faster, the sound of skin on skin hanging heavy in the air around them, and she silently curses the fact that she’s undoubtedly going to receive rather pointed looks from the rest of her traveling companions tomorrow. But it matters little – he is here, she is here, and she thinks that, for just a moment, his heart is in her hands.
            What a precious thing trust is.
            “’M not gonna last long.” He groans, his rhythm growing sloppier. “Where do you – where should I –“
            “Inside me.” She presses her lips against his neck, wraps her arms around him. Tries to bring him closer, to make this mean something. “I take – I take potions, it won’t get me pregnant. Come for me, Ikaron, Gods.”
            He is beautiful when he falls apart. His face scrunches up, his lips part in a silent groan. His cheeks are flush, his breath ragged, sweat dripping down her skin. She memorizes it, pockets it to think on later; vulnerability, even if it’s under these circumstances. She makes circles between his shoulder blades with her hand while he comes down, presses her mouth lazily against every inch of skin she can reach.
            “Gods.” He breathes out as he settles against her, his chest heaving. “That was –“
            “Good?” She asks, draping her arm over him.
            “More than. Tav, I –“ He looks at her then, and it’s not lost on her that there’s something deeper than carnal want hidden behind his gaze. “You are –“
            “I like you too, Ikaron.” She smiles, soft, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. “I really, really do.”
            “We shouldn’t.” He murmurs, but he leans into the touch. “The road to Baldur’s Gate will be long and hard and there isn’t time for –“
            “Shh.” She kisses him, gently, barely there. “Just… let yourself be, for once, okay? No tragedy, no anger, just… just this. Just for now.”
            “Okay.” He says, resigned, and she knows that in the morning they’ll be left to pick up the pieces.
            But for tonight, he is here, curled up against her, his breath evening out as sleep finds him. And perhaps that can be enough.
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eashmo · 1 year
- Blood and Chocolate -
A vampy eddie smut fic
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warnings: a long story of absolute filthy shamless smut with chocolate syrup. because i'm a whore for vamp eddie..... i seriously need to get laid or something. 🤣
A/n: eddie gif by @illhumor
The room was dark as I entered, an atmosphere created by a faded orange yellow hue. Decorated with a couple of fake torches that were lit and in the middle of the room stood a large, dark wooden table surrounded by wooden chairs that were currently occupied by Erica and the guys At the head of the table was a throne, and with one glance, I saw the very person I was looking for…… My favorite bloodsucker Dungeon master.
His eyes were on me the moment I walked in. He tried to hide his grin when I decided to take my place on my “throne” that was next to his. That's when the rest of the party finally noticed me. I mouthed “don't mind me” to them as they gave me small waves and smiles.
I never really played with them, It was actually more entertaining to me to listen to them play. Mostly because of Eddie, the way he always made the story come to life was always mesmerizing, with all the effort he put into various characters and the range of voices he had for them. I always found myself on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what was going to happen next. Sometimes, I also couldn’t help getting turned on by him being in his element, and he knew that.
*hour later*
I was thoroughly engrossed in some homework that I decided to quietly do while everyone was bickering about what plan they should do to destroy Acererak, i trying to distract myself from being hot and bothered by Eddie's voice. when all of a sudden Eddies' ringed right hand came into my field of vision, holding the d20.
“Wanna roll it for me, baby?” he grins down at me. I grin back at him, taking the dice from him. Standing in front of him, his hands on my hips. I could feel how hard he was because I knew he could smell my arousal soon as he started the campaign.
“You got this kitten.” he whispers in my ear, smirking when I hear my pet name fall from his lips as I roll the dice in my hand. Everyone held their breath when I released it from my grasp, time slowed as it rolled across the table, and then it suddenly rolled right on a 20. 
“CRIT HIT!” Erica screamed, and everyone joined the chaos. Turning towards Eddie, I lunched myself at him arms wrapped around his neck. He caught me as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, spinning me around, causing me to giggle. Setting me down, I pulled down his head to give him a passionate kiss. Who knew playing DnD could be a major turn-on? 
“I got a surprise at home for you.” I mumbled lightly into his lips for only him to hear. I could feel him smirk against my lips. Voices from the party went from cheering to “gross”, “get a room guys” and gagging. We laughed apart.
“Sorry guys” I giggled.
*hours later*
Cold hands slithered over sweat-damp skin. Eddie slid his tongue up my chocolate syrup covered neck, and the wetness from his tongue leaves a trail of fire behind. Biting my skin, he sucked the blood he drew with his fangs. He groaned at the taste of both blood and chocolate, which flooded his mouth. he moves up to my jaw line. pausing over my earlobe, where he gently nibbles. Causing me to moan louder, my fingers roughly clutch his long, dark brown hair. He pulls away from me.
“Hm kitten~ be a good girl and behave.”
I whined as His hands automatically found my thighs, running them up and down my soft skin. He lifted me onto the kitchen counter, I leaned down to kiss him, and a soft growl rolled out of his lips as he leaned up, capturing my lips with equal vigor. The press of lips transformed into something more deep, tongues dancing around one another as our breaths mingled together. I leaned back with a gasp and licked my lips that were now covered in my blood and chocolate. 
spreading my legs more so he could scoot closer between them. He placed his forehead on mine.
“As much as i loved my chocolate covered strawberries, you're definitely a better snack”  he licks my mouth clean, "so delicious"
We both shared a laugh, I could stare at him for hours and loved the way he looked with chocolate and blood running down his slightly toned chest. His blown out crimson eyes on mine, his wild brown hair framed his face perfectly, his glistening red tinted fangs grinning at me. He was a work of art sculpted by Michelangelo himself, and he was mine. i wanted to lick him clean. He poured more chocolate syrup on me. It dripped down my body.
His mouth instantly attached itself to me again. Working his way down my throat and chest. He teased each nipple until it hardened, slowly increasing the pressure. Arching my back, eyes closed, I pressed my skin against his lips. Slowly, ever so slowly, he grazes his fangs across my nipples, drawing beads of blood from the sensitive skin. He lapped the drops from my chocolate covered skin over and over.
Down and down, he moved, licking, sucking, mapping inch after inch of my skin. When his breath ghosted over my core, I whimpered.my legs spread wider. 
"Please." I breathed. 
He attached his lips to my clit, tongue lapped my insides, fangs scraped my folds as his nose was buried in soft h/c hair. Two ringed fingers thrusted into me, causing me to let out a choked moan. Fangs dug into my inner thigh. Fingers pumped in and out, until he found his favorite spot that was within me.  opening my legs Wider, exposing myself as much as I could.
“D-Daddy” I whined. When I reached the edge, he pulled out his fingers, and my release splashed all over his face. As I tried to regain myself, he raised himself, licking his lips clean.
“That good kitten?” he smirked. I pulled him down, capturing his lips with mine. Tasting myself, I groaned. 
“Let me return a favor.” I bite his lip, causing him to growl. Unsteadly, i jumped off the counter and kneeled in front of him. 
He watched me as I eyed his cock like was about to eat a candy cane. A chocolate covered candy cane. He was about to say something until he felt the chocolate syrup being poured on him and my lips encasing the tip of his cock, the words died in his throat. 
“S-shit… kitten”
 I just hummed, and he let out a groan. my tongue swirled around the tip, gathering as much precum and chocolate as I could before I started to swallow more around him. What I couldn't fully take into my mouth was working on with my fingers, wrapping a hand around his base while the other one was fondling his balls. He let out a long, throaty moan. His hands clasped the counter tightly above me.
I looked up from under my thick lashes and smiled, humming before I started bobbing my head in a steady rhythm. I clenched my thighs together, feeling the steady pulse of my pussy as I pleased my beloved vampire. His moans became breathless - sounded like he was close. I pushed the flat of my tongue against the underside of his cock, pressing against his thick vein as I sucked and moved my head up and down. His hands found my head, burying them into my h/c strands as he encouraged me to go on. He could feel his release approach fast.
 his head lolled back as he let out another throaty moan, his voice hoarse, and the burning sensation in his whole body made him wonder if he wasn't in flames or anything. He could feel himself tremble and moan my name… he was close.
 “fuck” y/n, kitten… M’close.”
 I  just hummed again, and he came down my throat. I moaned a little surprised but eagerly slurped everything up that he would give me. cleaning him up with my tongue, panting for air as i opened my mouth, showing him that i indeed swallowed every last drop of him. A low possessive growl left his throat as he grabbed her jaw and leaned down to capture me into a deep kiss, tasting himself on my tongue. tongues twirled around each other, fighting for dominance before I caved in, and he had full access, ravishing my mouth. 
“That good, Daddy?” micking him from earlier.
 “Jump!” He growled. I jumped, and he easily caught my thick thighs as I wrapped them around his waist.
“kitten” He purred, his face nuzzling into my hair.  
“Eddie Please… I need you!” I moaned.
He hummed as he made his way to our bedroom. But not before he grabbed the bottle of syrup. Laying me down on the bed, he leaned up and poured the rest of the syrup on the both of us before he hovered over me. breaching my entrance before he sunk into my welcoming heat, my velvet walls hugging him close as he rolled his hips, steadily sinking into me.
 “Fuck… You’re so fuck’n tight, kitten” He moaned, i was a mewling mess underneath him, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him, which he happily obliged to. He caged my head with his arms as he kissed me, taking his sweet time to do so. I gasped for air, and we moaned in unison as he bottomed out in me.
“Son of a bitch…” he growled. I could feel him twitch as I squeezed around him, urging him to move.
 “Move p-please”
 He watched me hungrily. His once crimson eyes were now completely swallowed by the dark of his pupils. Predatory. I felt exposed and wanted at the same time. I moaned and wiggled my hips, again trying to coax him to finally move. He groaned and retreated almost completely. When I was about to protest, he snapped his hips back into my aching pussy… hard. Screaming loudly, smirking.
“Mine” he growls “this… belongs to me forever.”
I nodded, unable to form coherent words at the moment. I absolutely loved it when he got this possessive. I moaned into his neck, licking up some syrup in the process. 
Eddie started to pull back again, snapping his hips back into my welcoming heat, my warm walls hugging him all so nicely, pulling him in. He groaned my name, pushing inside of me again, a quick and brutal pace, which made the bed groan with the amount of force he pushed into me. my eyes rolled back as I panted and moaned helplessly. I could feel him everywhere, pushing and pushing against my sensitive spots deep inside. I bit his neck hard, not being able to draw blood. He let out a loud growl at the sensation. The growl rumbled his chest. He took my chin and roughly moved to the side. My neck was presented to him, and he bit me immediately. His fangs were painful but pleasurable as he pounded into me. 
There was a burning sensation in my abdomen. I felt like my world was spinning from the loss of blood, an almost animalistic instinct to be prey for the predator on top of me. Normally, he was not this aggressive, only sometimes when I begged him. But this time? He wanted this himself, feeling like this was the only way he could actually get relief. I wasn't scared of him. He knew my limit. He detached his fangs from my neck when he felt me go limp a little.  
 “Such a good girl, so nice and delicious”
He could feel me squeeze around him. He smiled, I was letting him know that I was still with him. looking at me in my glazed over eyes. He kisses my face gently. 
I lazily held my legs up. The new position gave him a new angle, hitting my sweet spot deep inside of me with precision. I could feel my eyes roll back once more as I moaned helplessly. I could feel the hot lava in my abdomen pool as he continued to penetrate my pussy in all the good ways.
 “D-daddy! P-please”
 “Shh, kitten, It’s alright”
He pounded into me, my moans spurning him on as he felt that knot tighten steadily. he could feel my legs twitch and quiver against his waist, and he could feel himself getting closer to the edge as well, his hips started to sputter in their rhythm a little as he moaned.
"That's it, Kitten, Cum for me.” I squeezed around him cumming as soon as he gave me permission. his breath came out more erratic as he finally stumbled over the edge as well. He moaned my name as he felt himself cum inside of me, filling me up. we were panting when we slowly came down from our high, still joined together. 
“You just fucked the life out of me.” I gave a breathy chuckle.
 “That's not funny, i thought i went overboard this time sucking your blood” he frowns a little.
 “I love you” I sighed as I reached up to touch his face.
“I love you too.” He answered with a soft chuckle, the effect finally wearing a bit down again. He pulled out, staring at his cum that slowly dripped out of my spent pussy. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked softly.
“I'm ok baby, I promise. Also, happy one year anniversary." I grin up at him. i finally regained my breath and strength.
“Happy anniversary, baby girl. ready for round two in the shower?” he grins back at me.  
"Most definitely." i say quickly, trying to race to the bathroom with wobbly legs. causing him to chuckle after me.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Crucify (Yandere Todoroki Shoto)
Requested on Quotev!
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Title: Crucify
Pairings: Todoroki Shoto x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, quirkless AU, bullying (not towards reader), OOC Shoto, mentions of abuse, delinquent reader
Summary: All Shoto wants is someone to come to his rescue.
“Every finger in the room is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces, then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets”
-from “Crucify” by Tori Amos
Todoroki Shoto had once been known as the quiet, stoic, and somewhat rude, handsome outcast throughout the school. He was an odd boy without any friends, but everyone left him alone. It was a peaceful life.
Everything changed when his dad was arrested. He went from outcast to the number one target for bullies. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he was sure that he hated this change.
Wasn’t it enough to have to survive everything his father put him through? Couldn’t he get a break, some sympathy, from his classmates?
Apparently not.
Most of the bullying occurred behind closed doors, when no one but his tormentors were around. He preferred it that way- no one around to watch him suffer. He was sure that’d be worse than the bullying itself.
He went home with his stomach a constellation of bruises, wishing he could tell his mother but not wanting to burden her with the knowledge when she was already dealing with so much. With no one to go to, he suffered in silence, only letting the tears escape when he was completely alone.
But at least no one else knew of his plight. That would just make him more pathetic than he already was.
“Hey Shoto- how’s your dear old dad doing? Hope he hasn’t dropped the soap yet, am I right?”
Shoto stiffened as one of his worst bullies sidled up behind him, flanked by two other equally-intimidating boys. His heart dropped.
Not in front of everyone, please, anywhere else…
The bully’s voice was loud enough that people’s heads were turning to face the drama. Shoto could feel his cheeks burning as panic began to seize hold of him. He silently begged the bullies to do this later, when they were alone, but it wasn’t meant to be.
“Did your daddy do this to you?”
Shoto was suddenly shoved roughly to the ground, landing hard on his back and cracking his head against the sticky cafeteria tile. His vision spun as his bullies towered above him, beginning to laugh at his pathetic state.
To his horror, they weren’t the only ones laughing. In fact, the mocking noise was spreading across the room like wildfire, burning Shoto to his core and making bile rise in his throat. This was the worst case scenario.
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t-
“Awww, is itty bitty Shoto about to cry? How saaaaaad.”
Tears filled his eyes and he desperately willed them back as he tried to stand. One of the bullies firmly placed his sneaker on Shoto’s chest, forcing him back onto the ground. One tear slipped out and, as if a switch had been flipped, more followed quickly after.
It happened in an instant. One moment, his bully loomed over him, the next, his blond hair stuck to his face, wet and stained with chocolate. The bullies scurried out of the way to face their next target.
You stood there, looking both pissed and bored at the same time, holding an empty chocolate milk carton in one hand, the other placed on your hip.
“What’s wrong with you all? Bullying someone because their dad abused them? How is that his fault? How pathetic are you?”
Shoto watched in awe as you barked out your questions, the bullies flinching with each word and backing away from you. Your facemask had been pulled down so you could tear into them even more.
“Get lost, losers. Pick on someone your own size or, better yet, go look in the mirror at your pathetic, ugly faces and punch yourself in the balls before I do.”
The boys hurried away, giving you one last timid look as you crushed the carton in your hand and tossed into the nearby trash can. 
Shoto recognized you as one of the school delinquents. One that nobody messed with.
And you had defended him?
“Thank you,” he managed to get out, eyes shining no longer with tears, but with admiration.
“Yeah, whatever.” You shrugged and turned around, walking away without a care in the world.
Shoto wanted to be like you- he wanted to scare away his bullies with just one glare. He wanted to be untouchable.
No, there was something deeper to his wishfulness. It wasn’t just that he wanted to be like you, more like he wanted to be with you. You could protect him and he could… well, he didn’t know what he could do in return, but he’d do just about anything to make it up to you.
From that moment on, Shoto couldn’t get you out of his mind. Your harsh words, the way you looked at him softly after tearing apart his bullies, the way you protected him.
He wasn’t the type to talk much, but he had so many things he wanted to say to you. He wanted to thank you again and again, yes, but he also wanted to express just how much he admired you, on the brink of obsession.
He began to watch you walk around the school. Follow you even.
He loved the way you didn’t seem to care about anyone you passed by. He craved that indifference but he also wanted you to notice him. Talk to him. Love him.
Maybe he’d have to work harder to get your attention.
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stories-and-chaos · 8 months
Tarnished pt 6
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[18+ rating for language, sex, violence, alcohol consumption, abuse, and general Hellaverse-ness]
[CW: child abuse, child abandonment, slavery]
[Part 6/?? Word count 4246]
The next morning both boys woke up groggy. The night before had been bizarre and terrifying. There was an unspoken agreement not to talk about it. But reality didn’t care about that. They swiftly learned some basics about the binding.
One: Blitzo couldn’t be more than 30 feet away from Stolas or the book. He tried to use the restroom at one point, only to be halted in his tracks. Stolas could give him permission to be farther away but it didn’t last for long.
Some experimentation proved that there was a half hour time limit on the extension, which doubled the distance at first. After which the sigil at Blitzo’s throat started to tighten until he was within the original bounds again. He could start feeling the time limit was coming close. There was an itchy anxiety that grew as it got closer.
Stolas could leave both Blitzo and the grimoire however. If he left the grimoire and went out of the imp’s range, Blitzo was fine unless he tried to leave the book as well.
Stolas realized if he focused with his upper set of eyes he could see chains of transparent gold between them and the book. Specifically connected to his palm and the gold marking at Blitzo’s neck. The one between Stolas and the grimoire was as thin as a necklace. No matter how far he went it never ran out of links. The ones connected to Blitzo were thick and would have dragged the boy down if they had been solid. Mostly Stolas could only see one, the 30 foot one between him and his friend. When the imp was near the grimoire the equally thick chain between him and the tome reappeared. When Stolas was too far the heavy chain to his palm faded, leaving the book as Blitzo’s anchor.
Two: Blitzo was compelled to follow direct orders from Stolas. They’d discovered that at lunch. Blitzo had picked at his meal and Stolas was concerned. “Blitzo, you need to eat something.” He felt a bit of magick wrapping around his words and saw the sigil flare with light. Blitzo immediately tensed up and shoved a forkful of food into his mouth. His eyes went wide as he chewed. Stolas started panicking. “No, I didn’t mean, stop, you don’t have to, just-just eat what you feel like,” he managed to stammer out. That was enough to cancel the command. Blitzo’s body relaxed but neither could eat anything else at that point and both were close to tears again.
Stolas hated that look of fear on Blitzo. He tried his best not to give active orders. It was hard, especially since even saying “follow me!” when playing was enough to trigger it.
Three: the binding gave Blitzo some protection. They noticed during a spat with a Hellhound. It had been roughly a week since the incident. Blitzo couldn’t hold back his anger as the Hound kept taunting him. He ended up cussing the Hound out, which made the bigger demon’s temper snap. He punched the imp in the face. Or he tried to, but his hand was deflected. Instead his fist slammed straight into a wall outside Stolas’ room with a crunch, breaking two fingers. Howling in pain, he swung this other hand at Blitzo, claws outstretched. This time his arm was bounced back a millimeter from Blitzo’s skin. It dislocated at the shoulder as he was flung back.
This was something Stolas didn’t want to test much. Blitzo did anyway, wanting to know how much the protection covered. Anything that would break skin or bone was turned away. Blades didn’t cut, likely only a blessed one would have an effect. He didn’t have any sort of gun to test and frankly he was scared of trying that. He suspected burns might hurt, considering scalding water was painful and could raise a welt.
Four: he couldn’t attack anyone from the family or staff. After that Hellhound was pushed away from him, Blitzo launched himself at the guard. Teeth bared, claws out, he was ready to fight back. He froze in place once he landed. The binding squeezed around his neck the more he tried to continue his attack. Eventually he had to give up or pass out. The imp fumbled backwards, landing on his tail.
“You little fucking prick!” the injured Hound yelped. With both arms out of commission, he pulled back a leg to punt Blitzo. Stolas finally got his bearings enough to shout, “Stop!” He glared at the Hellhound who promptly turned to stone.
Blitzo gaped as the newly stone Hound tilted to the side and crashed on the floor. “St-Stolas?” The prince rushed over to help him up. Blitzo had seen enough to be scared of Stolas’ dad, but this was the first time something his friend did was frightening. “Did you do that?”
“Yes. He was going to keep trying to hurt you.”
“Is…is he de-dead?”
“Oh! Oh no, I’m not strong enough for the petrification to be permanent yet. The last one took a full day to go back to normal but that was over a year ago. I’m not sure how long it’ll take now, but he’s not dead. He’ll be stuck there until it wears off.” Stolas didn’t mention that the stone demons were aware of everything around them as they were trapped. “We can just leave him. Shall we go to the tree? I want to try climbing it again.”
It took almost three days for the petrification to wear off. The servants had rolled the Hellhound next to the wall so he wouldn’t block the hallway. The first night, Stolas slipped out of the room while Blitzo was washing. As the master in the binding, he had no restriction on his movement. He could leave the grimoire in Blitzo’s vicinity and go wherever he wanted.
Right now, he just wanted to be far enough away to make something clear to the frozen Hound without Blitzø around. He stared down, still furious from earlier. “Leave my friend alone. Or I’ll use you for petrifying practice until I can make it permanent.” Of course, the guard couldn’t reply. Stolas remained there, silently glaring, until he calmed down enough to go back to his room.
Five: as Stolas grew and leaned more from the grimoire, Blitzo’s “leash” grew longer. It took a few years, but eventually the imp could reach every part of the palace and grounds on his own. He couldn’t go beyond the ornate fencing without express permission from Stolas however.
Some of Stolas’ magick seemed to be affecting Blitzo through the bond as well. Since the prince was studying his grimoire daily, Blitzo ended up absorbing some of the information just being around him. They found he could make minor but stable illusions. The first one he perfected was changing his marking to the All Imp Circus brand. Blitzo got to a point where maintaining that one was subconscious.
“Why do you turn it into that mark?” Stolas asked at one point. He would have thought after what his father had done, Blitzo wouldn’t want to have their troupe’s symbol. “You could make it blank, or put anything you want.”
Blitzo grimaced. “I look weird without something there. Besides, everyone in my family and all my friends have the same thing. I don’t want to get rid of it because my dad is a dick.”
Stolas’ petrifying stare was another thing he subconsciously shared with Blitzo. The owl demon had a theory that it was part of his initial desire to not hurt his friend at the binding. Blitzo couldn’t turn a target to stone but he could freeze them in place for a few moments. It was reflexive at first so doing it on purpose took a lot of effort. Blitzo figured it could be helpful in a fight however, so he kept trying.
Six: they could hurt each other.
It was rather inevitable really. Stolas might have been a tiny bookworm but Blitzo was used to playing rough and practicing acrobatics. The pair ended up playing more physical games, as that was what Blitzo knew. So despite his servant’s disapproval, there were days that Stolas was just as gleefully bruised and scraped up as Blitzo was.
One time Stolas crashed into Blitzo at full speed, knocking the imp off balance against a garden statue. The resulting broken arm was a painful message that Stolas’ protection wasn’t absolute. Stolas ended up drawing horses all over Blitzo’s cast in apology.
When they were about twelve, the prince started his first full body molt. All the fluffy down would be replaced by a sleeker set of feathers. The process took months though and he was constantly itching.
Part of his daily grooming regimen now included a servant cleaning away the molted feathers and easing some of the irritation. But they only did so twice a day, in the morning and evening. Throughout the day he managed best he could.
Once Blitzo found out how long this was supposed to last, he worked up to asking Stolas’ butler how to help him preen. He hated asking for anything from anyone in the palace. Seeing his friend scratching endlessly for months sounded like torture though.
Mister Butler agreed, provided Blitzo assisted in the morning and evening as well. No one in the palace staff was going to trust the young imp with Stolas’ grooming alone right away. Which was for the best, as Blitzo got impatient midway during his first attempt and pulled on a feather sheath that was still attached.
“Ouch!” Stolas squawked. The butler quickly moved Blitzo aside and pressed a cloth to stop the bleeding. “Apologies, young prince. A slip of the hand, it won’t happen again.” He leveled a deadpan look at Blitzo. He then inspected the offending sheath on the back of Stolas’ head. Once sure there was no lasting damage, he gestured to Blitzo to finish what he started.
He made sure to take his time, even if he was going much slower than Mister Butler. He hadn’t realized Stolas could be hurt at all before this, much less by him.
Seven: they could hurt each other.
Stolas had recently turned fifteen. Blitzø (he decided the “o” was now silent) had his birthday a month prior. Even though the wedding wouldn’t happen for a couple years yet, Stolas was meeting with his fiancé a couple times a week. It was an awkward attempt at courting.
Stella was just as horrendous in person as her childhood portrait implied. Still, in the hope of future domestic harmony, Stolas was trying to find common ground with the young lady.
Thus far, he hadn’t found any. Not for lack of trying. But they seemed to exist in different realities. Paimon couldn’t have found a less compatible marriage partner for his son if he tried. At this point he suspected his father had simply picked a name from a list of appropriately aged and ranked girls. He probably had, maybe picking a name that would sound decent next to his.
Blitzø had been present for all of these uncomfortable encounters. Stolas figured Stella would have to get used to him sooner or later. She was treating the imp with barely veiled hostility, making certain to order him about. For his part, Blitzø was struggling to remain civil. It wasn’t really working since he refused to do anything she said. He really just wished Stolas would stop dragging him to these.
By this point, Blitzø could traverse the entire Ring without consequence and could remain away from Stolas for nearly a week. He couldn’t go to another Ring alone yet but they were hopeful. He’d been using his extended leash to try to find his family. Everything he learned made it sound as if their circus hadn’t returned to the Pride Ring since he’d been left with the Goetia.
That wouldn’t stop Paimon if he really wanted to get ahold of them. The only reason he hadn’t bothered was because Blitzø had been left “in exchange.”
He’d rather be searching outside the estate for information, fruitless as it might be. Anything was better than sticking around this dressed up alarm siren.
Stolas fumbled through attempts at conversation, trying a walk through the garden today. Stella kept turning the talk to gossip about various members of other high houses. Stolas tried to respond but he was out of his depth with minor political maneuvering.
Blitzø was following at a small distance, playing bodyguard. He was keeping his eyes open to danger and wasn’t paying attention to their conversation. He could see how much Stolas was trying and how little Stella reciprocated. It was painful to watch, in ways he couldn’t quite pin down.
What the fuck Stolas, why are you still trying with this bitch? he wanted to run up and yell. Blitzø knew the answer though. The marriage was going to happen and he wanted things to at least be peaceful in the palace. Blitzø had the feeling that nothing would be peaceful around Stella. The girl seemed to relish drama and the creation of it.
After an eternity, this facsimile of a date came to an end. After escorting Stella to chauffeured car Stolas slumped onto the front steps of the palace. Blitzø sat next to him. Both of them were still growing but every growth spurt had Stolas shooting up in height. When they met, they’d been about the same size. Now Stolas was double Blitzø’s height.
“Damn Floof, I’m exhausted and I’m not even marrying her.” He stretched and leaned back on the steps. “Pretty sure I’m gonna need an IV of crack once she moves in.”
Stolas snorted. The thought of Blitzø acting as a bodyguard with an IV pole in tow actually brought the hint of a smile to his face. “At least you’ll have a melee weapon at all times.” He slumped forward in an unprincely position, resting his elbow on a knee so he could cradle his head in his taloned hand.
“Still gonna go through with it then?”
“I have to, Blitzø. Siring an heir is one of my duties. Stella is just… part of that.”
“There’s got to be a less bitchy girl you can have a kid with. Someone who’s personality isn’t out of the bargain bin?”
“Oh doubtless there is. It’s equally likely they’re all engaged by now. Our marriage has been non-negotiable from the start.” Stolas raised his head to stare up at the red sky, hands hanging listlessly between his knees. “I have to do this Blitzø.”
“Mmmdo you though?” He didn’t get an answer but he hadn’t really expected one. For a brief time, he just watched Stolas. The owl’s eyes were almost a match for the sky he was gazing at. Half a dozen things to say flitted through Blitzø’s mind. He couldn’t bring himself to say any of them. Instead, he forced an upbeat tone to his voice.
“Welp, I need to blow off some steam.” He hopped up to his feet. His tail switched in agitation but he tried not to show it. “Mind if I head out for a couple hours?” He jerked a thumb at the main gate.
“Oh! By all means, you have my permission to leave the estate today.” A little glimmer shone under Blitzø’s shirt collar. “Please be careful this time.”
“Hey, I’m always careful.”
“I have a very good memory and I seem to remember you saying the same right before falling out of the tree when we were children.”
“Yeah well, I’ve matured since then, okay?” He gave Stolas a deep, not quite mocking, bow. “I shall return this evening master,” he said, mimicking the palace butler’s voice.
That did get a hooting laugh out of Stolas. Blitzø popped into a small building by the gate set up for the security guards. Once he started venturing out alone, he kept a set of street clothes there. One of the non dickish Hellhounds was on duty today, but his partner was the one who broke his hand trying to punch the imp years ago.
“You know this isn’t your private dressing room,” the Hound growled as Blitzø dug through the duffel bag he stored there.
“Oh don’t get your little red rocket in a twist, I’ll be gone before you know it.” He pulled off the suit jacket and shirt and yanked a black tank over his head. His skinny fit pants wouldn’t stand out. A black spiked choker hid the sigil on his neck. He’d activate the illusion on his forehead once he was off Goetia property.
The friendly guard wolf-whistled at Blitzø’s look. “Looking good man, have fun!” He buzzed the gate open and the imp headed out to the city. He wouldn’t have time to head to Imp City but there was plenty to do in Pentagram City.
It had been a few months since the extermination and there weren’t too many Sinners around yet. The ones that survived the last angels’ visit had done a minimum of cleanup. No one much cared about cleaning, it was Hell after all, but everyone wanted blessed weapons. Either for their own use or to sell to weapons manufacturers.
Sometimes Blitzø did odd jobs when he was out alone. No time for that today however. Best to find some fun while he had time. Just like no one really cared about cleanup, no one cared about checking someone’s age at doors. It was too early for most clubs, but maybe he could crash a party or three.
He did manage to find an imp party; some friends he’d made on previous outings were hosting one while their parents were visiting another Ring. He had a growing reputation for being good to party. Blitzø didn’t know when he’d be able to leave Stolas’ estate next so he partied hard when he got the chance.
Some booze, some music, some dancing, and some making out let Blitzø forget about all the shittiness in his life, at least for a while. He lost track of how many imps he’d been on couches and in closets with. The pool table in the basement got more use with a game called “spin the bottle” someone had learned from a Sinner.
It was after midnight when Blitzø stumbled out. The other partygoers tried to get him to stay. He needed to get back before the witching hour; it was when the binding had been laid and counted for the start of a day for him. He was sober enough to remember that, so he extracted himself from his current make out partner, a lanky male imp.
He wobbled a little on the way back. A trio of Sinners blocked his path around the halfway point. “What do we have here? A lost little hellborn?” Sinners came in all shapes and sizes, this one was catlike with green fur and oversized yellow claws.
“Looks like an imp. I hear they’re weak little things, not much for giving trouble.” A taller Sinner, this one with six limbs and the head of a mantis, slinked up to Blitzø’s side. The demon had a mix of chitinous bronze plates and brown fluff.
The third Sinner chuckled. “Oh this’ll be fun then.” He grinned, displaying sharp black teeth. He had one huge eye dominating his face, with red skin like an imp. His arms ended in hands made of multiple pink tentacles undulating unpleasantly.
Great, a bunch of newly dead trying to prove they were hot shit. “Look fuckfaces, I don’t have time to deal with your poser asses. So back off before your shiny newbie faces get punched in.”
“Oooo, look at the tough wittle impy. It’s three against one dumbass.” Hentai-for-hands jeered at him. The tentacles wiggled in his direction. “So give us a good time impy and-“ whatever else he was going to say was cut off by Blitzø’s punch to his jaw. Black teeth glimmered in the streetlight as they spun out of the Sinner’s mouth.
The other two did a double take between their friend on the ground and Blitzø. There was a second when the imp thought they would turn tail. Just a second though; their surprise turned to anger as they focused on Blitzø. Fuuuuuuuuckingpiss, I guess this is happening. A rumbling hiss rose out of his throat.
“C’mere you scrawny bitch!” The cat-like Sinner rushed him. Blitzø dodged to the side and kneed the Sinner in the gut as momentum carried him forward.
Blitzø hadn’t told Stolas but his protection was strongest on the grounds of the estate. It still worked outside, but it dampened blows rather than deflecting them. Blades still bounced off, but he suspected they might not do so in other rings. It seemed the farther he was from Stolas and his grimoire the weaker the accidental protection was. So he wasn’t worried about any serious injuries but he could still end up in rough shape.
The bronze mantis-man flexed one set of limbs, revealing scythes like switchblades popping out. Blitzø jumped as a cutting arm swung at him. It swept underneath his legs and he used the demon’s arm as a springboard to launch himself at the mantis head. He grabbed the Sinner’s skull with one hand and started punching a faceted eye with the other. The demon screamed and flailed at Blitzø with four arms. The imp crawled down the bigger demon’s back like an angry gecko.
Once he was on the ground, the other two Sinners leapt into the fight. The street was filled with a whirling melee, ichor and curses flying out.
Eventually Blitzø was breathing heavily, leaning against a nearby light pole. The Sinner demons were splayed in the street in various states of injury and consciousness. Blitzø was worse for the wear himself; a few good hits had left bruises all over, a bloody lip and he might have sprained his bad wrist. But he was still standing.
“Motherfuckers,” he spat. He pushed off the wall and continued the trek back. He had to take things slow but at least the alcohol in his system was numbing the pain. The Hellhounds at the gate had changed but they let him in easy enough and didn’t ask questions. Blitzø was fine with indifferent guards.
Originally, Blitzø had slept in Stolas’ room. The binding hadn’t allowed him to even be in the hallway alone. There had been a cot set up in an unobtrusive spot for him, better than what he’d had with his family but nowhere near as sumptuous as the prince’s canopy bed. Not to mention it had been lonely. He’d been used to sharing a bed with Barb and Fizz up until then. Stolas let him sleep in the giant bed together whenever he wanted, which had been most nights.
As they got older and the allowed distance increased, a room was set up for him in the same wing as Stolas’. It had an actual bed and wardrobe but it wasn’t much bigger than a closet. It had its own bathroom, just as tiny. He really only used it to store clothes, sleeping there when he needed to be alone or when arriving late at night. Otherwise he often slept in Stolas’ room, either sharing the bed or using the chaise lounge.
Tonight he headed straight for that little room. The party had been a fun distraction but that street brawl had him just as out of sorts as before. He stripped off his streetwear and hopped into the tiny shower. There was grime and ichor all over him he wanted to sluice off before passing out.
The shower being the best place to think is universal across species and realities. Which was unfortunate for Blitzø. He didn’t want to think about anything at the moment. He rested his forehead against the tile wall and just let the water run down him.
The thought of Stolas marrying Stella made his stomach twist. The idea of that girl being around constantly was sickening. Maybe if Stolas would try to find another Goetia this whole thing wouldn’t be so bad.
Except that idea didn’t make him feel any better. Anyone marrying Stolas was an awful prospect. Someone not actively hostile joining the palace at least didn’t terrify him, but the anxiety over the wedding didn’t abate.
Satan’s taint, fuck this! Blitzø punched the wall, irritating his bruised knuckles. No way, I fucking can’t, shitshitshit. He couldn’t have feelings for… He couldn’t. Prince Stolas was demon royalty. He was Blitzø’s master. Despite everything they’d tried to subvert the bond Paimon had forced on them, it didn’t change the fact that Blitzø was Stolas’ slave. The prince had his life in his hands.
He couldn’t have feelings beyond this strange friendship they maintained. Stolas had his life. He shouldn’t have his heart too. And if it was too late for that, Blitzø could never let on that he did.
He stood in the shower long enough to get the worst grime off without scrubbing. The fact that he’d cried almost the whole time and only got out once he couldn’t anymore was incidental. He had enough energy to dry off and fall onto the twin bed in the nude.
back lte, see u wen I wak oop Blitzø texted to Stolas on his flip phone just before passing out.
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Santa, baby
A/n: I miss writing 🥺 I hope you guys enjoy some dad!Jake
Taglist: @theweightofstardust @maverick-rose @weightofdreams-gvf @doodle417 @milkgemini
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Your legs hurt.
Your back hurt.
Hell, your entire body just hurt.
Being 9 months pregnant was equally magical and miserable, but being full-term with twins was one of the most exhausting experiences you’ve ever had. Jake had personally placed you on mandatory rest and you were only allowed to wobble to and from the bathroom, couch and the king size bed you two shared.
Currently, you were laying on your sectional with your feet propped up and breathing slowly through your nose. Your hand was placed gently on your stomach as you tried to figure out if you were having contractions or Braxton Hicks.
The rambunctious laughter of the Kiszka’s and your family bounced around your Jake’s living room as you all watched Christmas Vacation. You smiled at the feeling of family surrounding you, but that quickly turned into nausea as the pain in your hips and leg’s continued.
As you were nearing the end of your final trimester, both sides of the family decided to travel to your and Jake’s home in Nashville for the holidays to avoid putting any extra stress on you. It was nearly New Year’s Eve, but that wasn’t stopping any of you from watching Christmas movies until the early hours of the morning. Honestly, it was nice to have Karen and your mother around to help ease any fear and anxiety you had about giving birth to twins.
Multiple times both women would walk you through what the process would be like and how at some point, she would become incredibly disoriented and nauseous. Both women, and Josh’s wife, assured you that everything would go fine in the labor and delivery room.
You snapped back to reality when another round of laughter broke out and you suddenly realized you had to pee. You started to push yourself up off the couch and growled in irritation when you didn’t make it far at all.
“We got you, mama,” Jake and Josh said in unison as the jumped up from their sprawled position on the floor with Josh’s girls. You rolled your eyes at them before grabbing their hands and allowing them to pull you to a standing position.
Your feet had barely touched the floor when you nearly doubled over from intense cramping in your lower belly. A loud hiss whistled through your teeth and suddenly, you could feel everyone’s eyes on you. Josh took a step back as Jake lowered you to the couch before kneeling in front of you. His chocolate eyes were filled with slight concern and you patted his shoulder gently to let him know you were okay since you couldn’t really speak.
“You okay, honey,” your mother asked as she plopped next you and rubbed the back of your head.
“Yeah! I think so…I’ve been having Braxton Hicks for months now. I’m sure it’s nothing,” you grumbled out as the pain faded. By the look on Jake’s face, it was clear that he wasn’t convinced.
“Alright, then. That just seemed more intense than the false contractions. Your hips locked,” Jake stated with his eyebrows raised. Again, you waved everyone’s concerns away as you were adamant that you needed to pee.
Normally, Jake let you do as much as possible on your own because you threw a fit when you hit 6 months and he started following you everywhere. Clearly, he still felt like something was going on and you were grateful to have his help since your legs felt shaky. You looped your arm in his and he let you lean on him as you slowly made your way to the bathroom.
His presence was comforting and you felt the tension in your lower back ease a little when he gently placed his palm there to nudge you through the bathroom door. A quick kiss was placed on your forehead as he started to leave to give you privacy.
Before he could fully back away, you grabbed his wrist roughly as another wave of pain rolled from your baby bump down to your feet. The grip on Jake’s wrist was so strong that he was sure he was going to have bruises, but that wasn’t his main concern.
“Y/n! Mom! Mom, we need help! I need help,” Jake yelled out loudly as he wrapped his arms around you to fully support your weight. You weren’t even aware of the sounds of feet running your direction as you tried hard to breathe through the pain.
For the second time that night, you snapped back to reality when Jake, Ronnie and your sister lowered you into a kitchen chair that Josh had carried down the hall for you. Your mom cupped your face gently as she let you gather yourself again.
“Baby, you okay,” your dad asked gently as your mom continued to rub your head comfortingly. Jake was kneeling in front of you with his hand on your knee. You could feel the heat of his palm through your thin leggings as you felt the wave pass.
“Okay. I think my body’s issuing an eviction notice for these babies. Is the car packed,” you questioned as you felt a bit of sweat coat the back your neck.
“It’s been packed since the start of the third trimester. Josh, Y/n’s bag is in our room at the foot of the bed. Can you grab it and drop it off in the trunk? And make sure the car seats are strapped in. They should be,” Jake said quickly as he helped you to your feet and practically carried you to the door. By this point, you felt like your body was starting to take control of the situation and you weren’t really aware of how long it took for Josh to get everything ready that his twin had asked him to.
“How long have you been having contractions,” Danny asked with his head tilted slightly and obviously concerned about how you were feeling.
“Uh probably…well, since I got up this morning.”
Small exclamations rang out from the group while Sam simply jumped up and down with his nieces on his hips with excitement written all over his entire being.
“Yeah, that’s definitely labor, Y/n! I should’ve been paying more attention,” Jake said as he continued to support your body.
Your breathing was shallow as you tried to wrap your mind around the fact that you were actually going into labor and your babies would probably be here within the next 24 hours. You were aware of everyone giving you guys quick hugs and kisses as you made your way to the garage, but you were really just focused on not puking.
You whimpered slightly when Jake lifted your sore body into your SUV. You barely heard the sweet words of how great you were already doing as he kissed your forehead, but you couldn’t shake the look he had in his eyes. They were full of excitement for a brand new adventure and a tremendous amount of fear at what your body was about to go through and that there would be nothing he could do to take the pain away.
“We’ve got this,” you finally said as you grabbed his face in both of your hands and pressed your foreheads together.
“It’s go time, babe! Let’s do this,” Jake said with a smile as he ran to the other side of the vehicle. You had already hit the button to open the garage door.
Before you knew it, your husband had expertly backed out of the garage when you felt a tremendous amount of pressure build between your thighs. You forced yourself to breath slowly as another contraction started to build. Your families waved at you from the front porch excitedly and Jake beeped at them as he sped off down the road despite it being nearly midnight.
Jake reached over and gently grabbed your wrist that was roughly gripping the middle console. He gently rubbed circles into your wrist as you cracked the window to get some fresh air.
You couldn’t tell if the tears balancing on your lower lash line were from fear, pain, hormones or the thought that your lives were about to change forever.
And honestly, you couldn’t wait.
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quietbluejay · 27 days
Fulgrim 8
the finale
so the traitor forces prepared the area in a shocking display of actual competence
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Horus stroked the large dark moustache he had somehow grown overnight and cackled evilly as he put on his black spiky helmet
ah this book never fails to crack me up
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oh actual numbers
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there's been a full page that's basically just been this also ferrus brought a sword he's not using, it's a surprise tool to help us later and i'm pretty sure i know what it is i mean it would be a legitimate twist if it wasn't the friendship sword
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so approx 2:1 at this point
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blorbo alert you know i think this is mcneill's worst written battle scene shame!
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ah little horus that short story with him was kind of funny all the rest of the traitors have to avoid the EC space b/c of friendly fire
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yeah who could possibly see where this was going ferrus manus is not a military intellectual, to put it mildly
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like i know entrenchment gives the defending force an advantage, but literally having it be even at 2:1 julius POV he's feeling pretty today unfortunately for everyone else
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many such cases ah Santar has shown up Santar has a reaction to seeing the EC that is very similar to my reaction to this novel i- ok i guess??? modern problems require modern solutions??? santar is winning and about to strike the killing blow and then he bluescreens because julius is shall we say, enjoying this a bit too much which gives julius the chance to glaive him described as being extremely painful welp rip santar so everything is currently on a knife's edge and now everyone else is here lmao ah Ferrus POV is this going to be the final duel
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the friendship sword: cosmic justice so ferrus is deliberately trying to duel fulgrim "the viperous primarch" ha ha
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okay so the combined new traitor forces are roughly equal to the loyalist forces so another 40k squints waitasecond i see what you did there horus truly was the warhammer 40k
Ferrus has spotted Fulgrim
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he just...lmao
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lmao corvus tells him to cool his jets which was an actual phrase someone used in this book! (not here) corvus and vulkan want to regroup and take a breather and let the reinforcements take over for now
so like, why didn't this guy fall to Khorne again i am again thinking about foiling angron and ferrus
yes this man was in the running for warmaster wheeze
man i don't even know i wouldn't trust this man to run a lemonade stand
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i can't take any of this seriously with this tortured dialogue girl help
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betrayal time
though given the slaughter that's been described where hundred and hundreds keep dying there really shouldn't be that many "hundreds and hundreds" left to get slaughtered
ok duel time ferrus and fulgrim end up wounding each other and both fall to their knees i guess at the same time and fulgrim comes back to himself the sword kinda controls him to get back into the fight the moment kind of gets ruined when it talks about the crackling lightning all over his body getting handsy
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he's swinging the blade "of his own volition" in one sentence and then in the next he's desperately trying to stop it ok i guess primarchs are like immortals from highlander
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Fulgrim throws his hands in the air and dramatically screams "what have i done!!!" laer blade: hehehehe
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have we forgotten how ferrus just turned on a dime towards killing as soon as fulgrim suggested betraying the emperor
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i mean they were very much rash actions i get where you're coming from but they were very much that
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hey, let's go back to that scene bluejay remembers even if you don't
fulgrim then in despair tries to kill himself but the sword tells him not to sword: i can give you oblivion sword: just let me in the driver's seat fulgrim: sounds good i get that this is an emotional moment and he's not thinking clearly at all but really fulgrim 2 seconds later: oops
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actually no, i think it's a generally accepted fact that you don't want to trap people in a situation where they have nothing to lose because they will tend to fight back like cornered rats then we get big picture view of the battle tldr most of the loyalists are dying, the EC continue to be the way they are, Corvus got badly wounded but gets spirited off okay battle's over time for the speeches
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evil lamp horus is being an evil lamp a bit more literally than usual
oh horus pov Fulgrim brought him a present it's Ferrus' head Horus internally: …this is a bit far Fulgrim tosses the head on the floor Horus: why am i getting daemon vibes Horus: Fulgrim… "Fulgrim": I'm sorry, the real Fulgrim has left the building
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the emojis available to me cannot adequately express how i am feeling at this moment "Fulgrim": having a body is pretty cool I'm going to have to try making some modifications to this one Horus internally: this is incredibly wrong and creepy
Horus: where's the real Fulgrim "Fulgrim": time for backstory
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lmao Horus: okay but that doesn't answer my question "Fulgrim": he's trapped inside his body with me~
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wow hey i thought horus was supposed to genuinely care about fulgrim he makes a private vow to try and free fulgrim but like
the part I'm going e_e at is Horus putting "having the third legion onside" as the highest priority epsecially because if they find out, and they find out he knew…lmao i what???? fulgrim killed ostian with the anathame??? okay anyways blah blah daemon is enjoying things fulgrim trapped in the painting the end IM FREE im gonna do the afterword
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im going to cry or something
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anyways im done im out
in some ways it was better done than False Gods or A Thousand Sons i guess
it wasn't as bad an experience as i thought it would be at least but also i've learned to laugh more at this stuff by this point
okay some positive things about it i do appreciate that it played everything for horror rather than sexiness and also the emphasis on just how gross it was rather than being titillating like a lot of authors would have gone in that directions
I'm gonna leave this one on a bible quote
1 Corinthians 10:23 "All things are lawful," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful," but not all things build up.
and finally
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
life stuff
I did so many dumb things yesterday. Can't even remember them all now, but for one, I went to the wrong floor when I got home and even tried the key before I realized. I also went to a sushi place where you have color-coded plates, and I took a plate that wasn't my color. I have been going there for years and I've never not once done that before. Also at work I was just a basketcase who couldn't commit to anything.
Then today I made oatmeal, but apparently never turned the kettle on?? So I just poured ice cold water on my oats and uh yeah not appetizing. I just decided to starve until dinner 9_9
I'm a little perplexed by so many senior moments, but I think it just means I'm a lot more tired than I realized. It was a tough week. Many teachers were out sick. Including a teacher who quit for (highly legitimate) personal reasons just last week, we were missing four to five teachers nearly every day. We didn't have one day with a full staff. It's also conference season so I had a ton going on, and my kids were unusually difficult. I think it's a combo of them all being sick but not sick enough to stay home, and my challenging students just having some extra challenges, and everything happening at the same time. I've also been under the weather in a weird nebulous way: various symptoms, overall fatigue, no fever, but lasting weeks and weeks. Can't call out for it as much as I want to. Wednesday was alright but every other day was like wow, welcome to hell. Though I shouldn't say that because hell would be a kid getting hurt. No injuries, no disasters, just a very tired and frustrated teacher.
Because of all the teacher absences, those of us who were here every day got slapped with a lot more on-duty time and just stints of break here and there. We couldn't even get what's in our contracts a couple days, which always pisses me off because I'm literally not getting paid for one hour that I'm at work. And the company doesn't want us to do overtime of course bc they have to pay us for it. (They are known for "forgetting" to account for overtime hours as well so everyone double checks their paychecks). Yet we've been understaffed all year, so in order to not pay for overtime, they just send teachers from another nearby school to ours to help. One of my coworkers always insists on apologizing to them. I'm not apologizing. I didn't do it. Let the company apologize. I'll thank the other school for helping (not that they have a choice) but tbh it'd be better if they said it was impossible, then the company might actually hire a full time teacher. Oh btw last year when several of us were helping the other school when their teacher left on paternity leave for the rest of the year, no one thanked us. In face they mostly just forgot about us and looked surprised every time we turned up (biweekly! for months!) to do the job they told us they needed us to do
Anyway I told the manager that as much as I understand why break/prep time is limited when there are many teacher absences, it looked as though time had been redistributed without any thought about equality. Wed's hours were a mess, but I let it slide because I thought I could fix it to be okay for Friday. Well, someone else was out on Fri, and the time was redistributed again and I had less for the whole week than everyone else. Now there are a few factors: some teachers work longer hours than others but make "the same" pay (I put it in quotes because some of the contracts are a little different and I don't know the details, but it's roughly similar anyway). A teacher who is at the school for 7 hours has gets the same off-duty time as ones who are there for 8 or 9. But if it's okay to give more off-duty time to 9 hr teachers than 7 hr ones, that's never been expressed. And because 7 hr teachers go home before the least staffed period of the day, it's the 8 hr teacher who end up with less off-duty time because there are fewer opportunities to take it. The ones that come earlier than 4 pm have to go to the 7 hr teacher first. The ones that come after 5 pm are only available to the 9hr (which sucks for them because who wants to not have a break till after 5? they do usually get some break earlier as well but it's shorter).
Overall the distribution is unfair and dumb even when it's done according to the books. We used to have a couple leaders who would point out when things were too tight or not fair to whoever, but they both quit in the mass exodus of last year. I thought I could point it out and the manager would say "oh sorry, I'll keep an eye on that for the future." I didn't expect my schedule to be changed, just that promise. Instead the manager first said it was fine that I had less off-duty time than everyone else because I had conferences (??? our contracts don't change when there are conferences - or do they? lol well if they do it was never a problem any other year before now...). So I was like not really, and she proceeded to give me a bit of someone else's prep, the teacher who had the most for the week, only I found out later that that teacher wasn't feeling well that day. She may have been given the extra time due to her condition, and because I brought it up, she lost it. But I had no idea she wasn't feeling well. When I found out, I tried to trade with her, but she refused every time. It's just 15 min we're talking about. What does it say to you when teachers feel guilty all day long for having 15 min of prep time that could have been someone else's? fuck everything
Also only found out later that another coworker spent all of her prep time onboarding a new teacher. New teacher, hurrah, whatever, it's fucking January already but sure. Well, that coworker could have used a little extra off-duty time as well. But nobody bothers to tell Fizz. I would have happily traded off-duty time with her as well but I'm not pyschic my dude. I'm just not.
While I'm complaining let me sandwich in another annoyance. The other class decided they wanted to do a certain project. They began work on the project, but then got told by the manager that they had to include my class, because what they were doing was big enough to be unfair if only one class got to participate. Since they had already begun work, it was taken for granted that my class would just be doing the project as well now. No one asked if that was alright with me. No one asked if I wanted to edit or add anything. Actually, no one even TOLD ME WHAT WE WERE DOING. The other class teacher told my co-teacher the project was happening, but not the details. I waited two weeks, nothing, so finally I had to go ask them what the heck this was about, and they then told ME what to do. Absolutely no interest in what I might think about it at all. They decided, so I just have to do it. I could argue, of course! But like every time I have the audacity to disagree with Things That Someone Has Decided, I'd just be seen as making trouble for no reason. The project is good for the kids, so it's not easy to be against it. And I'm not against it. But I do feel disrespected. Like did it occur to no one that I, also a classroom teacher, might already have my own project in mind for my class??? If this had happened in reverse, then as soon as I knew my project was going to be expected of another class as well, I would have gone and talked to that class's teachers. I would have asked for their input and changes and I would have been fully prepared, no matter how unlikely it was, for the possibility that they just wouldn't want to do it at all. Because it's their class and i don't make decisions about their class. "But it's a cute project for little kids" blah blah everything we do is a cute project for little kids. IT'S STILL WORK FOR TEACHERS. Kill me for preferring the projects I chose and put effort into instead of projects someone else picked out without even asking my opinion. And I'm still doing it! I haven't made a scene! But was it really too much to expect at least "sorry about this" or "do you want to change anything"?? I really saw red for a while.
I'm fed up with my job in a lot of ways and I want to switch. But I don't know where to go. Finding somewhere new will mean starting over from base salary which is even lower than what I make now. The more tiring and demanding the work becomes, the less the pay makes it feel worth it. No one becomes a pre-k teacher to get rich. We like little kids. But there sure are a lot of expectations of teacher's the schools are basically throwing peanuts at. The perk, yeah, is the time off. But since it's only during cold months I never really do anything with it. It was nice to go home over the holidays, but I couldn't afford to do it every year whether I had the time off or not lol.
I honestly don't know what to do right now and it's making me extra anxious. Just hoping something will fall into my lap hahaha great strategy there. Glassdoor sends me useless spam every day :) Even got one saying I'd be a "perfect fit" to teach Christian ed to the kids of a traveling circus x'D
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"Good" Mom Alyssum AU (remastered by an anon)
…Welp. I’ve decided to remaster my “Good” Mom Alyssum AU submission.
  Don’t really have anything to say other than…enjoy!
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The basic gist of this au is that when Mugo doesn’t respond to her letter, Alyssum brings the egg she made with her back to Highgrove instead of leaving it in Hallownest, believing it to be her chance to “get it right.” And by get it right, I mean NOT throwing a bunch of razor sharp petals at its face
This is all the backstory you’re getting for Alyssum being good lol
Onto random details!
Yonna and Sylva are still a thing in this au, don’t worry lol
Sylva and Yonna meet the same way they do in the Noble AU, only in this one they meet in their teens
Sylva and Yonna talk frequently after the party they met each other at, and Sylva eventually learns about Yonna’s home situation through little bits and pieces of conversation. Safe to say she doesn’t like what’s implied, and tells her mother about it. Not even a day later, Alyssum comes home with Yonna in hand saying she’s…taken care of it
Alyssum didn’t kill Yonna’s parents by the way. She did, however, gift one of the more…cruel nobles a new pair of servants, if you get me :)
Sylva, in her younger years, is babysat by members of the White Magnolia. She practically considers them family
Damascus is basically Sylva’s tough love aunt in this au. Alyssum doesn’t allow her to give her daughter nail training, but does allow her to interact with her
Yonna is still trained by Damascus in this au. Their relationship is roughly the same as well
Yonna ALSO still has her wings due to Alyssum’s early intervention. As in, before she cut her wings off
Ignyad is basically Sylva’s eccentric uncle. He gives her all sorts of gizmos and gadgets as gifts, and even teaches her some of his skills
Sylva’s birthday is a big deal for the White Magnolia. The whole group comes together and goes all out with the celebration. Gifts galore, decorations everywhere, games, you name it, they’ve got it. It’s a whole grand time
Alyssum has learned from her mistakes with Mugo, at least when it comes to lashing out. Whenever Sylva has a differing opinion from her own, she doesn’t scold her or tell her she’s wrong, and instead tries to understand why she has the opinion she has
While Alyssum and sylva’s relationship is loving, it is also toxic. Allow me to explain
 Alyssum has normalized violence and torture so much in Sylva’s life at such a young age that it’s just a normal part of every day life for her, to the point where Alyssum would tell her about certain methods she used.
Alyssum gave Sylva lessons on torture at the age of 9. On live subjects. Do with this what you will
As she grows older, Sylva’s torture methods become more creative…and cruel. She even begins to feel a sort of twisted enjoyment in torture during her teen years. Alyssum doesn’t help as she just encourages her to do what makes her happy
Sylva is equal parts cruel and kind, in the sense that she’s kind to her family, and cruel to those who would harm it
Sylva, during her younger years and even during her adult years, likes to refer to her torture sessions as “playtime”
You would think Yonna would be better but…no. Cuz in this au, her family’s treatment of her is far, far worse. It resulted in her feeling angry at the world, and apathetic to everyone in it, save for Sylva and Alyssum, as well as some members of the White Magnolia
Yonna absolutely loathes her parents in this au. She would have killed them sooner were they not all buddy buddy with some of the most influential people in the queen’s court. Their current status definitely puts a smile on her face
Yonna is much more brutal in this au when it comes to killing people in this au. Just a little tid bit.
Sylva is very obedient to her mother. If an order didn’t come from her mother’s mouth, she’s not doing it 
Sylva will do anything her mother says. Her mom says run? She runs. Her mom says swim? She dives right in. Her mom says light a fire? She shows up with OIL. The only exception to this is Yonna
As you might have guessed, Sylva and Yonna are terrible people in this au. Sylva is cruel, sadistic and manipulative, and Yonna is angry, apathetic and uncaring. And yet, despite that, they somehow bring out the best in each other, with Sylva’s kindness, creativity and patience and Yonna’s determination, loyalty and sense of justice
Oh yeah, forgot to mention Trail, Pim and Trav are here too
You Know that AU you briefly mentioned three years ago where Zeeke finds and trains all three? I’m just gonna make a link to that post since it’s literally just that in this au: https://fly-sky-high-bug-games.tumblr.com/post/616924763896610816/wip-im-too-dead-to-work-more-on-today-u-decided
Alyssum has met the three vessels in this au during meetings with Zeeke. Despite what Zeeke says, though, she can see that they are no objects. Even if she’s a monster, she’s glad the trio has each other to turn to, and are happy
ALyssum eventually scheduled meetings so Yonna and Sylva could meet them. They got along well, so she continued to do so
Alyssum has also met Lolo. She thinks she’s marvelous :)
Sylva and Yonna have met Trail Pim and Trav as well. The five are like siblings, really, despite two of them being monsters.
All five of them agree on one thing: Zeeke sucks. A lot
Trail is the most cautious of Yonna and Sylva, as well as their mother, but they’re nice enough, and they haven’t hurt their siblings at all, so they trust them. They get along well with Sylva
Yonna and Trav are sparring buddies, and have a mutual respect for one another
Pim is just happy to have new friends lol
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Aaaaaand that’s my remaster of my “Good” Mom Alyssum AU submission! Hope you enjoyed it, and goodbye!
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msvorderofoperations · 5 months
Dream journalling again.
This one was another "anthology" dream for lack of any other way of describing it. It was extremely Twilight Zone in that it was a bunch of short, self-contained stories that were sci-fi and horror themed. And it even highlighted at the start of each one who the writer was. One about a grocery store where you had to buy as much as you could physically fit into a single cart or risk the ire of the supernatural staff. Another about a kitschy tourist trap that would alter reality to cause visitors to want to stay and become employees.
But there was one in particular that stood out to me, both in it's message and in how fucking weird it was. It started out as an episode of Steven Universe, where all of the characters were in mourning because for reasons unknown and unexplained Garnet was dead. Both as her fusion and as the individual gems that made her up. Steven eventually went out on his own to do something (the details at this point were not especially clear) but is being frustrated by these tiny imp-like things that keep following him and won't leave him alone. They for whatever reason are taking anything they can find and breaking it down as if they are tiny personifications of entropy. What these things truly are and where they came from is never explained. To placate them, Steven starts pulling things out of his pocket dimension storage space for them to destroy. And if the things he gives them have strong emotional meaning, it seems to occupy them for longer.
This is where the dream gets REALLY weird. Thousands of years pass, and now human civilization is entirely based on making different offerings to these creatures. Different communities are set up to produce specific emotional attachments to their offerings. If one community in particular is chosen the next time these imps show up, it is a literal religious revelation to them. This is not dwelled on for long however. Now eons have passed and these communities are populated entirely by robots, and the communities are now represented by these large, ambulatory shark heads that point straight up into the sky. Told you it was gonna get weird.
These shark heads all march in lockstep across the globe, again for reasons unknown. Each one is sized to it's respective influence and power, but they are at this point roughly equal in size (approximately the radius of a major metropolitan centre, and many hundreds of feet tall). It is now understood that if one of these communities/emotion associations gain a majority, that is a signal that a "correct" emotion has been found, and that the other communities have to pack it all in and offer themselves up to be broken down. After understanding all of this (none of it is ever explained outright, I just intuit this [somehow] from the imagery I am seeing), I see that to aid it's citizenry in acquiring resources the shark heads will periodically open their mouths wide and either passively or actively eat passing weather patterns.
Soon, one of the smaller towns tries to eat a passing tornado, but it doesn't quite work. Instead, it has only bit down on the tip (cartoon logic I suppose), and it is pulled up into the sky. Now that it only has the force of wind resistance working against it, it pulls forward very quickly, but the tornado soon dissipates. And this is where things take a very bad turn for the worse. It now falls into the gaping mouth of one of the larger cities, and immediately everyone knows that things are about to get catastrophically bad. In addition to this thing just having just absorbed all of the material resources of a whole other city, it also has transferred to it all of the accumulated emotional energy that has been building up for millions of years. Everyone witness to this happening knows they have to get out of there immediately because this represents a growth spike far beyond even exponential.
What cities are able to take off as fast as they possibly can, but most are either too close or don't know that anything is amiss. Once the change manifests, the city that ate the other is now probably 20 times larger. Between just fully crushing any city in the path of it's growth and the incredible pressure wave that it causes, there are now only a few cities left. Owing to this, the one that ate the other city is now absolutely, irrefutably in the majority. As it happens, the emotion that this city represents is sorrow.
At this point I am struggling with what language to describe things, because they are so abstracted and esoteric.
The perspective now shifts to one of the robots living in the city that cultivates fondness. It is in the process of organizing things to be disseminated for the forthcoming entropy imps. While it had worked for the production mostly for the city itself, it has held on to a number of digital files and keepsakes for itself, and now is struggling to part with them. Before they have the chance to reconcile this conflict, the imps arrive and begin breaking things down. They begin with the stuff that had been originally allocated to the city of fondness. They then move on to the kitchen where all the "food" this robot needed is destroyed. They then start disassembling the building that all of this is happening in. The robot does everything they can to try and keep their hidden treasures away from the imps, but soon realizes that since they are not part of the system and not logged anywhere, the imps don't ever touch them. The relief at this is short lived, however.
The imps now begin taking apart the robot themself. It is not a pleasant experience, and even in spite of knowing that this was the most likely future for them, they still don't want to go. Just before the last bit of their consciousness fades and their body is fully deconstructed, they express gladness that in some form they will live on in their collected keepsakes. After completing their grim work, the imps finally leave.
Soon after though, something happens. The robot that I had just watched get deconstructed at every meaningful level, begins to reform themselves as an ethereal, nebulous energy being. But rather than how that tends to be portrayed in media (i.e. a glowing shape of mist), it's instead an ever shifting mass of dark globules. Think an oil suspension in water, and you'd be in the right ballpark. Despite their physical form being long gone, the robot still has access to some their functions. They pull up a readout of the distribution of the emotional city-states and see that while the one for sorrow takes up 99.9%, the others do not read as zero.
Soon after, they see that others have survived in the same state that they are. And not just from their own city, but from all of them. A small amount everywhere had transcended the limits of their programming, and thus were able to survive deconstruction. These ascended few now begin to gather and discuss where they go from here. After all of them have gathered, two representatives of the last city appear to try and determine what has happened. Now that the last city has the full resources of whatever power put this bizarre system in place, even their throwaway avatars are resplendent in their construction. Human shaped avatars made of a mosaic of tiny gilded robots. They are so self-assured in their moral righteousness, that they believe that the other cities are so incompetent that they can't even die right.
The one former robot we've been following since the shift to a singular perspective shows that while they may be an energy being, they very much can still effect the physical world. They demonstrate this by punching one of the avatars in the throat with great vigour. It doesn't meaningfully harm them in any way, but they at least shut up for the moment. They then reach the final synthesis of what they feel all of this change means and relay it to everyone: the fortunate few survived by operating outside of the system they were placed in, and now have earned the right to self-determination. They are now free to organize in whatever way they choose, and interact with the world in any way they want. They can now collect and foster any emotional experiences they want, not just the ones they were assigned, or not to engage with that mode of being at all if they so decide.
And even those of the city of sorrow may do the same, since the grand experiment reached...*a* conclusion if not necessarily a *correct* one. They have nevertheless reached an end state and there is no reason to continue as things have for however long this has been going on.
The dream ended with the ascended ones using their various experiences and saved mementos to plan out a new static city. One that looks very much those we have now.
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s12e9 first blood (w. andrew dabb)
oh. i think i've read fic about them being in this prison, or the aftermath. obligatory i hate plotlines that get them arrested because it makes me unreasonably anxious
CAMP You just are. Now that’s not a threat. I don’t believe in torture. Doesn’t work. Oh, I’ve seen folks waterboarded, cut on. And they talk. Ooh, they do. But they never tell you what you need.
nice to hear because it's true and the show employs torture for information a lot and i also hate it
MARY [sighs] How did we let this happen, Castiel?
i mean, everyone made really bad and dumb choices. sam and dean, included. dare i say, contrived plot mechanics!
CROWLEY No. Do you know how many all-powerful beings have tried to kill them? CASTIEL Roughly, yes. CROWLEY As do I. I was bloody one of them. Sam and Dean? They’re like herpes. Just when you think they’re gone… Hello! The boys are back, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. So wherever they are, whoever has Sam and Dean, well… In the immortal words of Lawrence Tureaud.. [imitates Mr. T] “I pity the fool.”
something oddly endearing/reassuring that crowley is so completely unconcerned about them being captured because he has that much faith that they'll end up on top
CASTIEL Six weeks, two days, and ten hours.
nothing like 40 years amirite
CASTIEL I saw it on the news and I thought, that’s the sort of thing Sam and Dean would investigate. They would roll into town, save the day, kill the monsters. But with them gone… I tried to work the case. I tried. [bitter little laugh] But… I don’t know what I did wrong. I… I asked questions, but maybe they were the wrong people, or the wrong questions, and I just-- I never found it. Never found the monster. Never even got close. And three more women died before I left town. Before I ran away. MARY So we go back. You and me.
i appreciate talking about this seriously, when cas tried hunting with them before it was just all a punchline. but hey, here's a thing that requires a lot of specialized skills and cas tried but couldn't figure it out. (where's the hunter network, ring up... garth? is he still doing that even with his werewolf family? get some backup) odd coupling it up with mary sounds like a good idea, cas.
well. they've surely piqued my curiosity on how they coordinated/arranged whatever this playing possum situation is
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reminds me of that thing from a recent con with jared telling a story about when they first were auditioning for the show and he asked jensen how he got his eyes so big lol
the fugitive part 2 apparently. this is all so cheesy. having a hard time taking any of this prison plotline seriously but the show is trying to pretend.
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SAM All right, so we got what? An hour ‘til dark? Which puts us at six hours ‘til midnight? DEAN That sounds about right. SAM Dean, we gotta talk about this. DEAN Okay, we will. All right? Later.
feel like usually the show gives us enough info to figure these things out but i have no clue what's up
MICK Wait, so you’re telling me what happened in Indianapolis was you took on the bleedin’ devil himself?
oh okay, now they're impressed? not at all the other equally impressive shit they did and they thought they should be killed for. whatever. i hate these people :p
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s12e9 / s12e6
what happened to her side bangs? full bangs with this cut is kind of a weird combo
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like a little purgatory larping
ok, the boys get to be badasses. moderately fun
jared's little rapid breathing and "don't" there weirdly impactful. like sam's stressed about the gun on dean - instead of playing it badass/cool
so they got me, i was feeling some of the vibes and then....
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snort of disrespect. SO CHEESY.
ah, the mushy music is back for reuniting with mom and cas, but i think sam's clip is more important
wtf is going on, actually making me nervous with the car dying and sam's "it's time"
all right, a deal with billie. and "a winchester" dies, so mom's gonna offer up, right? i dunno what to say to this. billie was such a flat villain, like oh she hates them and can't wait for them to die. that was her one note. but then she helps dean out to get into the locked/warded house "you owe me", and then this. but i guess just offing her with an angel blade was an option? was she the boss after Death died? but taken out by regular means. whatever.
MARY Why would you-- DEAN We were already dead. Being locked in that cell with nothing… I’ve been to Hell. This was worse. SAM At least this way, one of us gets to keep fighting.
this should be horrifying and upsetting, but it was all so rushed together and knew that mary would jump in that i could be somewhat horrified at a distance but know it would be smoothed over immediately. also the montage of them in their cells did not exactly communicate "worse than 40 years of hell" feelings, so it feels also just in service of the plot machinations
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CASTIEL What had to be done. You know this world-- this sad, doomed little world-- it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die. I won’t let any of you die. And I won’t let you sacrifice yourselves. You mean too much to me. To everything. Yeah, you made a deal. You made a stupid deal, and I broke it. You’re welcome.
good for you, cas. knowing the show, it'll turn out to have been a terrible decision but eh. and the way they're all looking at cas like, wtf bro made me laugh. someone who cares about... us?? and our contributions??? 🧐
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