#chester burklight
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bluerainbowart · 3 months ago
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Took forever but I wanted to give the older tales games some love >:)
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mewnia · 1 year ago
Ooh could you draw Chester from Phantasia for a tales of sunday? :D
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There’s something so nice about the simplicity of Phantasia’s designs <3
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somacruising · 7 months ago
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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(Part 4) | (Part 6)
Hi y'all, it's been a while, huh? I'm just gonna slide this out and pretend I didn't forget to upload this hahaa... (some of the images are different sizes cuz I switched phones). Anyway, this chapter covers Mileena and Co discussing what it means for someone to lose their core. We'll also see the Salvation Front having an odd encounter with Shirley...
Part 5 (Imperial Capital Hy'Brasail)
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Keele: Let's hear what Cecily has to say. She says she came up with a way to save Ami’s life. それじゃあ聞かせて貰おうか。セシリィが思いついたアミィを救う方法について。
Cecily: I approached it from the direction of mirristry. Mileena, you know about this, don't you? The core loss that a mirrist can suffer. 魔鏡学の方向からアプローチしてみたの。ミリーナも知ってるわよね。鏡士に起きる心核喪失現象のこと。
Mileena: Yes, know about it. It’s a condition that can occur if a mirrists’ mirrage drains too much energy from their heart. ええ。一応習ったことはあるわ。魔鏡によって心がエネルギー不足になって機能しなくなる現象よね。
Cecily: When a core is lost, part of the mirrist’s mind changes. Sometimes, it seems like they’ve lost their emotions. ええ。心核喪失状態になると鏡士は心の一部に変調を来すんだけど時に感情の一部を喪失したようになるの。
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Jude: So, in Ami’s case, are only the emotions that make her smile left? もしかしたら、アミィの場合は笑顔になるような感情だけが残っているってこと?
Cecily: Possibly. I’m…just a mirrage technician, so I can’t look into people’s hearts. But, Mileena is capable of doing it… ええ。私は……魔鏡技師でしかないから鏡士のように心を覗き込むことはできないけれど、ミリーナなら……。
Mileena: Looking into people’s hearts…? No, I can’t. I understand the theory of it, but looking into someone’s heart is very difficult. 心を覗く……。それは私では無理だわ。やり方は知っているけれど人の心を覗くのは、とても高度な技なの。
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Mileena: I can’t do it while maintaining the virtual mirror field simultaneously. It requires a delicate touch. 私は今仮想鏡界を維持するので精一杯でそこまで繊細な力の制御はできないと思う。
Cecily: Hmm… Maybe you should ask Phillip to help you, then? そう……。だったらフィリップさんに協力して貰うのがいいかもしれない。
[ Chester rushes in ]
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Chester: Will we be able to get Ami back to normal if Phillip helps!? フィリップに頼めばアミィは元に戻るのか!?
Cecily: Well, it will give us a way to confirm Ami’s symptoms. In order to treat her, we’ll need an otherworldly weapon called Soma. ううん。それはアミィの症状を確認する為の手段なの。治療にはソーマっていう異世界の武器が必要になると思う。
Rita: Huh? Soma? Why would you use a weapon to treat someone? 何、ソーマって。武器で治療なんてできんの?
Cecily: From what I’ve heard, Soma gives someone the ability to enter the heart. 私も聞いた話だけど、ソーマは心の中に入れる機能があるみたいなの。
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Rita: What!? How the hell does that work!? 何それ!?どういう理屈な訳!?
Chester: …Wait a minute. Isn’t that the name of Shing’s weapon? Soma? ……待てよ。ソーマって確かシングの武器じゃなかったか?
Cecily: Yes. That’s why Shing’s power is essential for saving Ami. うん。だからアミィを助けるためにはシングの力が必要不可欠なのよ。
Chester: I’ll go get Shing! Mileena and you all need to get in touch with the Salvation Front! だったらオレがシングを連れてくる!ミリーナたちは何とかして救世軍と連絡を取ってくれ。
Chester: Senel is getting worried about Shirley, too. セネルもシャーリィのことでジリジリしてるしな。
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Kocis: But, there’s no way to contact the Salvation Front… けど、救世軍と連絡を取る方法はないんですよね……。
Mileena: That’s right. Because of those crystals all over Tir Na Nog, communication through mirristry is subject to a lot of interference. ええ。世界中にこ魔鏡結晶があるから魔鏡通信が干渉を受けてしまうのよね……。
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Rita: We’re trying to modify what we can to boost signal power, but it isn’t working. 通信強度を上げるように改造はしてるんだけど中々上手くいかないのよねー。
Keele: Pascal and Rita are working together, but they haven’t got a clue. パスカルとリタが二人がかりでも糸口をつかめないんだ。
Rita: It’s frustrating, but it's expected when you’re dealing with something as elusive as a heart. 悔しいけど、心っていうつかみ所のないものを相手にしてるから勝手が違うのよ。
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Karia: Miss Mileena! It’s urgent! We’ve received a message from Phillip on the mirror comm! ミリーナさま!大変です!フィリップさまから魔鏡通信が来てますっ!
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Mark: —Okay. Mileena and I scheduled a meet-up. They have some business with us as well, so it works out nicely. ——OK。ミリーナたちと落ち合う約束を付けたぞ。向こうもこっちに用事があったみたいだから丁度良かった。
Phillip: …Thank you, Mark. Now, we can warn Colette and anyone else who might be predisposed to being used as a vessel. ……ありがとう、マーク。これでコレットや他の鏡映点の器の素養がありそうな人たちに警告することができる。
Gareth: Biqe... ビクエ様……。
Phillip: I know, Gareth. I’m worried, too. I’ll have to look into this. わかってるよ、ガロウズ。僕も気になっている。これは確認しないといけないだろうね。
Mark: By the way, Shirley. Who…are you? だとよ、シャーリイ。あんた……何者なんだ?
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Mark: You don’t strike me as the kind of person who could fix a transmitter that even Phil and Gareth were scratching their heads over. フィルもガロウズも手を焼いていた魔鏡通信の送受信機を直しちまうなんて普通の人間じゃねえよな?
Shirley?: Huh…? Yes, I knew how to do it. あー……?やっぱりそうなっちゃうわよね。うん。
Mark: It just doesn’t make sense. どうも不自然だったんだよな。
Mark: You’re a nexus who was used as a vessel, but now you’re saying that you’re not a nexus at all. 器の鏡映点として、神降ろしの器にされていた筈なのに、自分は鏡映点じゃないなんて言い出すし。
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Zelos: Well, well, looks like we came back at the perfect time. おーっ��、俺さまたち絶妙なタイミングで戻ってきたみたい��。
Zelos: I’ve been wondering the same thing. You’re…bizarre. 俺さまも気になってたんだよなあ。あんた……普通じゃない。
Sync: Heh… So, you’re a Living Doll? If that’s the case, you might be a mole for the Empire. へぇ……。じゃあやっぱりリビングドールなの?だとしたら帝国側の間者って可能性もあるよね。
Kratos: Shirley, we’re up in the sky. You can’t escape; can’t you just come clean? シャーリイ。ここは空の上、逃げ場はない。全て話してはくれぬか?
Shirley?: …I wanted to repay you for everything you’ve done for me, but now you’ve turned against me. ……色々お世話になったから恩返ししたかったんだけどそれが仇になっちゃったわね。
Shirley?: I'd love to explain it to you—but I'm afraid I can't right now. 本当はちゃんと説明してあげたいんだけど——ちょっと無理みたい。
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Zelos: What do you mean? どういうことだ?
Shirley?: I have an uninvited guest. I’m going to be a little busy, so allow me to excuse myself, boys ♪ 招かれざる客が来ちゃったみたいなの。ちょっと忙しくなるからこれで失礼するわね、お兄様たち♪
[ A flash, and an unknown woman appears over Shirley ]
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[ Shirley collapses ]
Mark: H-hey!? She just fainted!? お、おい!?気を失ったのか!?
Sync: Wait. There’s someone standing next to Shirley. 待って。シャーリィの隣に誰かいる。
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???: I’m sorry, I had to borrow this child’s body for a bit. ごめんなさい。その子の体、ちょっと借りていたわ。
???: I noticed there was some tampering with her core, so I treated it. It’s a real gratuitous service. * 心核をいじられていたから治療もしておいたわよ。これは出血大サービス。
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Phillip: You repaired her core!? 心核を治療した!?
Kratos: Who are you? 何者だ?
???: I am Yaw Biqe. I'm surprised to see that the Biqe system is still in place, but this generation’s Biqe are quite good. 私はヨウ・ビクエ。まだビクエ制度が続いていたのには驚いちゃったけど当代ビクエはまあまあ優秀ね。
???: Keep up the good work. Bye. これからも頑張って。それじゃあね。
[ A flash, and the woman disappears ]
Gareth: She's gone!? 消えた!?
Sync: …No sign of her. A transfer? ……気配もない。転送?
Kratos: No, she must have been using some sort of non-physical body. いや、先ほどの姿は何らかの精神体だったのだろう。
Kratos: Perhaps…could she have been maintaining her existence using Shirley's tampered body? 存在を保つため、心をいじられていたシャーリィの体を利用していた……のではないか?
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Mark: …If she is, that’s not great news for us. ……もしそうだとしたらえらいことになるんじゃないか?
Zelos: Yeah? How come? うん?どういうことだ?
Phillip: Yaw Biqe is the founder of mirristry. Her actual name is Yolanda Biqe Odanse. ヨウ・ビクエは鏡士の始祖の名前だ。正確にはヨーランド・ビクエ・オーデンセ。
Phillip: She’s also known as “Dana’s Priestess”, the catalyst for the spirits’ awakening. つまり彼女は精霊が目覚めるためのきっかけである「ダーナの巫女」だ。
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Sync: …Then, that means this world will be destroyed soon. ……だったら、この世界はもうすぐ滅びるってことだね。
Sync: Dana’s Priestess only awakens when the world faces destruction, right? ダーナの巫女は、世界が滅びに直面したときに目を覚ますんだろ?
Gareth: But…how do we know if she’s real? しかし本物……なのか?
Kratos: I don’t know. In my world, at least…there have been instances of humans from long ago finding ways to avoid dying. わからんな。大昔の人間が生きているという事例は……少なくとも私の世界ではあり得たことだ。
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Shirley: …Mm… ……ん……。
Zelos: Whoops, looks like Shirley is waking up. おっと、シャーリィが目を覚ます���。
Shirley: ………?
Zelos: Ah, good morning, Shirley ♪ お、シャーリィちゃん、おはよう♪
Shirley: …G-good morning…wait. …Huh? Are… are you people from Sellund? ……お、おはよう……ございます。……え?あの……皆さんはセールンドの方ですか?
Kratos: Sellund, huh? I think this girl may have been exoflected and tinkered with before the Mirrorshift. セールンド、か。この娘が具現化され心核をいじられたのは鏡殻変動の前のことなのかも知れぬな。
Shirley: ………?
Phillip: Let me explain the situation. Right now, your friends are searching for you. 僕から状況を説明しよう。きみの仲間がきみを捜しているそうだからね。
*出血大サービス literally means “heavy bleeding service”, and alludes to, like, “I’m so fanservice-y that my actions are going to cause blood to rain from noses”. It’s hard to make it make sense in English.
(Part 4) | (Part 6)
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joyfulsanctuary · 11 months ago
So, just wondering if maybe you might consider doing a little Chester Burklight, from Tales of Phantasia? I'm happy to provide references if you need. ^.^; Thank you!! (And please feel free to say no if you're not familiar!!)
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Boy for you!! 🥰
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iudgxr · 3 days ago
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chester burklight
a piece for a collab
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sakuraswordly · 5 months ago
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Knowledge 27
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Meteor Shower Colors - Simple Way To Recognize A Meteor Chemical Composition
Colors of meteors The color of many Leonids is caused by light emitted from metal atoms from the meteoroid (blue, green, and yellow) and light emitted by atoms and molecules of the air (red). The metal atoms emit light much like in our sodium discharge lamps: sodium (Na) atoms give an orange-yellow light, iron (Fe) atoms a yellow light, magnesium (Mg) a blue-green light, ionized calcium (Ca+) atoms may add a violet hue, while molecules of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) and oxygen atoms (O) give a red light. The meteor color depends on whether the metal atom emissions or the air plasma emissions dominate.
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Colors of Meteors and Their Chemical Composition. Meteors, commonly referred to as "shooting stars," are fascinating celestial phenomena that have captivated human attention for centuries. These streaks of light in the night sky occur when meteoroids, small rocky or metallic bodies from space, enter Earth's atmosphere and vaporize due to the intense heat generated by atmospheric friction. One of the most intriguing aspects of meteors is their variety of colors, which can range from white and yellow to green, red, and even blue. These colors are not merely aesthetic; they provide valuable information about the composition of the meteoroid and the physical processes occurring during its fiery descent. The colors of meteors are primarily determined by the composition of the meteoroid and the interaction of its material with Earth's atmosphere. Different elements emit characteristic colors when they are vaporized and ionized at high temperatures. For instance: White or Yellow Meteors: These are the most common colors observed in meteors. They typically indicate the presence of sodium, which emits a bright yellow light when heated. Iron, which is prevalent in many meteoroids, can also contribute to a yellowish-white hue when it burns up. Green Meteors: The green color is often associated with the presence of nickel and magnesium. Magnesium, in particular, emits a bright green light when ionized. The green coloration can sometimes be so vivid that it outshines the surrounding colors. Red Meteors: A red hue in meteors is generally less common and can indicate the presence of elements such as oxygen and nitrogen in the Earth's atmosphere, rather than the meteoroid itself. These atmospheric gases emit red light when they are excited by the high temperatures caused by the meteoroid's entry. Blue or Purple Meteors: These colors suggest the presence of elements like calcium and possibly ionized oxygen. Calcium emits blue or violet light under high temperatures. Additionally, the interaction of the meteoroid with the atmospheric gases can also produce these colors. An illustrative image further supports these associations, showing meteors with different colors, each labeled with a specific element: Nitrogen/Oxygen: Red or orange hues, indicating excitation of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen. Sodium: Bright yellow color, consistent with sodium ionization. Magnesium: Green hue, associated with magnesium. Calcium: Purple or blue colors, representative of calcium. Iron: White or bluish-white light, fitting for iron. The image bellow accurately reflects the scientific understanding that the color of a meteor is indicative of its chemical composition, confirming the role of specific elements in producing particular colors during atmospheric entry. The speed and size of the meteoroid also play crucial roles in the color and brightness of the meteor. Faster meteoroids experience higher frictional heating, which can increase the intensity of the emitted colors. Large meteoroids, due to their greater mass, can produce more prolonged and vivid light displays, often exhibiting multiple colors as different elements within the meteoroid are vaporized at different temperatures. We employ various observational techniques to study meteor colors and compositions. Spectroscopy, for instance, is a powerful method that involves analyzing the light emitted by meteors to identify the characteristic wavelengths of different elements. This technique has helped to confirm the presence of specific metals and gases in meteoroids and the atmosphere, thereby enhancing our understanding of their origins and compositions. The vibrant colors of meteors are not only a spectacular visual experience but also a window into the complex interactions between extraterrestrial materials and our planet's atmosphere. By studying these colors, we can glean insights into the elemental composition of meteoroids, their origins, and the physical processes they undergo during atmospheric entry.
Introduce characters:
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tales-of-asteria-rips · 2 years ago
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kresnikcest · 1 year ago
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Chester in Tales of Asteria (credit+dl)
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nettochu · 2 years ago
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Cress and his bestfriend Chester who’s somewhat tolerant of his puns
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luriart · 2 years ago
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shout out to my mans Chester! He saw some guy get obliterated by Dhaos’ Laser and said “I can take him in a fist fight!“
The true MVP of Phantasia
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Chester Burklight - Tales of Phantasia
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lildoodlecat · 2 years ago
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@elympios V wdym you never even noticed.. I've been losing my mind over this shit since I played Phantasia ( ´ㅁ` )
The original official art can't even decide what the bottom of his top looks like—
for example here's his official sketch vs his in-game status image (don't mind the quality I just ripped them from the aselia wiki):
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It's both!!
Does he just have two nearly identical outfits?? Why hasn't anyone picked just one for all his appearances afterward??? Usually the one without the loincloth piece seems to be used and yet
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[in order from Narikiri Dungeon X, Tales of VS, Tales of Fandom Vol. 2]
It doesn't even matter it's just an outfit but I can't stop thinking abt it
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pancetto · 2 years ago
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Little Chester reads to his younger sister Ami!
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somacruising · 6 months ago
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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Part 6 | Part 8
You know, I think Chapter 6 of Mirrage Prison is one of my favorite chapters. That's probably because Sync appears in it so frequently, haha. Anyway, we're back aboard the Kerykeion with the Salvation Front. Let's see what the characters have to say about recent developments...
Part 7 (Imperial Capital Hy'Brasail)
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Mark: How’s it going, Gareth? Making sense of what Cecily gave us? どうだ、ガロウズ。セシリイからの資料は。
Gareth: …If Shing’s Soma can do what Cecily is describing, then it’s possible that he can repair people’s cores. ……シングの持つソーマにセシリイが言うような機能があるなら心核へのアプローチと修復は可能だ。
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Gareth: But— ただ——
Mark: But what? What’s with that expression on your face? ただ?何だよ、妙な顔して。
Gareth: I’m just wondering when Cecily became so knowledgeable about mirrages and mirrage artes. Especially Bifrost’s mirrages… 何でセシリイがこんなに魔鏡や魔鏡術に詳しいのかと思ってな。それもビフレストの魔鏡術に……。
Mark: What, you didn’t teach her all that? 何でって、あんたが教えたんじゃないのか?
Gareth: She asked to be my apprentice, but she’s just a kid. I only taught her basic techniques. 弟子にしてくれと押しかけられはしたがまだ子供だぞ。基本的な技術しか教えてない。
Gareth: She shouldn’t be capable of this level of research. こんなレベルの研究ができるような奴じゃないんだ。
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Mark: Hold up, Phil. How’s Ami’s condition? おっと、フィル。アミィはどうだった?
Phillip: I’ve confirmed that she has a damaged core. Something must have happened to it. 確認できたよ。確かに心核が傷ついていた。何らかの形で心核に接触したんだろう。
Phillip: I might be able to repair it with my mirrage, but I want to play it safe and wait for Chester to get back first. 僕の魔鏡術でも修復可能かも知れないがここは安全第一��チェスターの帰りを待つつもりだ。
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Cress: I hope Chester and everyone are all right. チェスターたちは大丈夫でしょうか。
Mark: Infiltrating the Empire is dangerous but he’s got Sync with him, as well as Kratos and Zelos. They’re all pretty skilled. いま帝国にあいつが潜入するのは危険かもしれないな。だがシンクもいるしクラトスもゼロスもかなり腕が立つ。
Mark: I’m sure they’ll make contact with Shing. きっとシングに接触してくれる筈だ。
Cress: Right… All right, Chester, do your best…! そうだね……。チェスター、頑張れ……!
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Chester: *sighs* ……はぁぁぁ。
Kratos: …Heh. ……フフッ。
Chester: Don’t laugh!! 笑うな!!
Sync: How can we not when you were clinging to Kratos and shrieking like that? そりゃ、笑うでしょ。野太い悲鳴上げてクラトスにしがみついてたんだから。
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Chester: He scooped me up and dove out of the Kerykeion’s hatch without any warning!! Who wouldn’t start screaming!? いきなり背負われたと思ったらケリュケイオンのハッチから空にダイブされたんだぞ!?驚くのは当たり前だろ!?
Zelos: We couldn’t enter the Imperial City from the front since we’ve got a guy with a well-known face. A member of the Four Phantom Generals: Chester the Magic Arrow. わりいなあ。顔が割れてる奴を連れてるから正面から帝都に入る訳には行かなかったんだよ。四幻将・魔弓のチェスター様。
Chester: Don’t call me that, you idiot! その名前で呼ぶな馬鹿野郎っ!
Astor: Things are quite lively, aren’t they, hee hee hee! 随分と賑やかでございますなぁイヒヒヒヒ!
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Chester: Oh, uh, sorry… We had to break into your garden to hide out. あ、悪い……。突然庭に侵入して匿って貰ったのに、騒いだりして。
Astor: No worries, no worries. I heard all about you from the Sparrowfeathers. いえいえ、全てはセキレイの羽の方からご連絡をいただいております。
Astor: You want to speak with Shing Meteor of the Imperial Guard, right? 帝国軍のシング・メテオライト様とつなぎを取りたいとのことでしたね。
Kratos: That’s right. But are you sure you want to help us? その通りだ。しかし、我らに荷担して大丈夫なのか?
Astor: Oh, we’re not a charity. I have every intention of getting a fair price out of this. 私どもも慈善事業ではございませんからそれなりの対価を求めるつもりではおりますよ。
Kratos: You have to be aware of our lack of funds. Is there something else you’re after? 我らに資金がないことは想像が付いていると思うがそれ以外のものを求めると言うことか。
Astor: The Salvation Front is going to suffer without supplies. I’m sure you at least have money for that. 救世軍の方々も補給無しでは苦しゅうございましょう。少なくともその為の資金は残しておられる筈。
Astor: I’d be happy to help you all resupply when the time comes, hee hee hee. 私どもはその補給のお手伝いをさせて頂ければと思う次第でございます。イヒヒヒヒヒヒ。
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Sync: …So, even in this world, Astor’s got the spirit of a capitalist. ……この世界でもアスターは商魂たくましいってことか。
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Hilda: …This world? ……この、世界?
Sync: …Nevermind that. Where’s Shing? ……何でもないよ。で、シングはどこにいるのさ。
Astor: Hilda is close friends with Shing. She will take care of everything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. シング様とはヒルダが親しくしております。全てはヒルダにお任せ下さい。私は所用にてこれで失礼致します。
Astor: Well, Hilda, I’ll be leaving the rest to you. では、ヒルダ。後は頼みますよ。
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Hilda: …What exactly do the Sparrowfeathers want with Astor? ……セキレイの羽ってのはアスター様を何だと思ってるのよ。
Chester: I’m sorry. I know you helped Karol and the others last time, too. 悪い。前回はカロルたちが力を借りたんだったな。
Hilda: So, can you explain to me why you want to meet Shing? How I arrange this will depend on what you want with him. で、どうしてシングに会いたいのか説明してくれるかしら。それによって引き合わせ方も違ってくるから。
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Hilda: …I see. If that’s the case, then I should pass on the message that Aster told Mithos. I think it would be best for you all to know. ……そう。だとしたら、アステルからミトスに当てた伝言も、あんたたちに伝えておいた方がよさそうね。
Sync: Aster? As I recall, wasn’t he acquainted with Richter of the Four Phantom Generals? アステル?確かそれって四幻将のリヒターの知り合いじゃなかった?
Chester: Yeah. Aster is a friend that Richter lost in their original world. ああ。リヒターが元の世界で亡くしたダチだって言ってたな。
Hilda: Yes. He’s a free spirit—in more ways than one. ええ。色々と自由な子でね。
Hilda: Aster is researching spirits on behalf of the Empire, but he’s often out of his office wandering around the capital. 帝国で精霊の研究をしてるんだけどしょっちゅう抜け出して帝都をふらふらしてるのよ。
Hilda: Aster was the one who told Mithos that Martel had been taken. ミトスにマーテルが攫われたことを知らせたのもアステルなの。
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Kratos: …Hilda, what exactly was Aster’s message? ……ヒルダ。アステルからミトスへの伝言というのは?
Hilda: —Martel’s current location. ——マーテルの居場所よ。
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Zelos: Seriously!? How did he figure that out!? マジかよ!?どうやって調べたんだ!?
Hilda: Well, he started talking about probability and psychological distance and other things… さぁ。確率がどうとか心理的距離がどうとか色々言ってたけれど……。
Hilda: Besides, from what you all have said, it would be dangerous to leave Mithos alone. それよりあんたたちの話を聞く限りミトスを放っておくのは危険でしょう。
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Kratos: …It is. In our original world, the anger and grief of losing Martel swept away all of Mithos’ reason. ……そうだな。あれは元の世界でもマーテルを失って、怒りと悲しみが理性を押し流した。
Kratos: No one in this world will be able to stop Mithos if he loses Martel again. この世界でもマーテルを失えばもう誰もミトスを止められぬ。
Kratos: I wasn’t able to protect Martel either. In this world, I want to save her, even if nothing in this world is real. それに私もマーテルを守れなかった。この世界では救ってやりたい。たとえここが影の国であってもな。
Hilda: That boy is a half-elf, isn’t he? Both elf and human. ハーフなんでしょう、あの子。エルフと人間の。
Kratos: Yes, he’s been hurt many times because of that. ああ、その為に何度も傷つけられてきた。
Hilda: …I see. How strange. It seems that half-breeds keep gathering around me for some reason. ……そう。不思議ね。何故か私の周りにはハーフの子たちが集まってくるみたい。
Sync: Are there any half-elves here aside from Mithos? ミトスの他にもハーフェルフがいるの?
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Hilda: …Not specifically half-elves. It seems that strange things always happen when two worlds join together. ……エルフじゃ��いけどね。異世界のヒトが色々集まると妙なこともあるもんだわ。
Hilda: Now then, let’s be off. Shing is at I Pucelle Castle right now. さて、それじゃあ行きましょうか。シングはいまイ・ラプセル城にいるのよ。
Hilda: I would have preferred to use the underground passages, but security is getting tighter. We’ll be going through the city, which is going to be more dangerous. 地下通路が使えれば良かったんだけど今は警備が厳しくなってるから多少危険でも街を抜けていくわ。
Hilda: Once we get to the castle, it will be easy to get inside. 城にさえ着けば、中に入るのは簡単よ。
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Sync: You’re saying its security is weak? 城の警備が手薄ってこと?
Hilda: The people in charge of security there are Astor’s subordinates. 警備担当の人間がアスター様の手の者なのよ。
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Zelos: Okay then, let’s get going. Remember, my sweet Hilda, do your best not to fall in love with me! よっしゃ、それじゃあ行くとするか。俺さまの華麗な活躍を見て惚れるなよヒルダちゃん!
Hilda: —Sweet Hilda…? ——ヒルダ、ちゃん……?
Zelos: Ah, those irresistible cold eyes… I think I might die! あー、その冷たい目がたまらない。俺さまもだえちゃう!
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Hilda: First that old Raven person, now this guy…? You people seem to be seriously short on manpower. これといい、前のレイヴンとか言う奴といいあんたたちのところは深刻な人材不足みたいね。
Sync: It’s more like we’re well-stocked with human resources. In a bad way. むしろ人材が豊富なんじゃない?悪い意味で。
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Kratos: …I-I’m sorry. ……す、すまぬ。
Part 6 | Part 8
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berryetto · 2 years ago
The boys in phantasia are cute but all their names starts with Cs and that bothers me
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sakuraswordly · 5 months ago
Spoiler Tsofph season 6
Inside Meirchio's bathhouse
Velvet: Ah, what a nice bath. How was the men's side?
Sonic: Uuuuhhhhhh *Blushing* Uh, not bad. I feel warmer now.
Velvet: Hm? Your face is all red. Is it too long?
Sonic: No! Um, I feel fine. *His face is bright as tomato colour*
Velvet holds out her comb to him.
Sonic: ...............!!
Velvet: You mind? Help me comb my hair.
Sonic: Can I?
Velvet: Yes, please.
Sonic: Alright, leave it to me.
Sonic raises the comb but hesitates as he notices wisps of malevolence coming off of Velvet.
Velvet: Be careful, okay? I can't contain it.
Sonic: .................................................You know something, Velvet? Your hair is really beautiful.
Velvet: .............!!
Sonic: You know, that power that I have... If I could master the silver flame from Laphicet, I might... be able to turn everyone back into a human.
Velvet: A human, huh. If we ever had a chance to start over, I'd love to cook for you every day. My quiches are much better than anything they sell in the stores.
Sonic: Okay! Then I'll fetch the water and chop the firewood!
Velvet: All by yourself?
Sonic: Of course! I'm going to get memories back soon. And I'm gonna get stronger, too.
Velvet: Yes, you will. I know you will.
Velvet: I know I might die if I go through with this, but still, I have to do it. Even if it means I have to sacrifice everyone that I know... Even you who saved me... The Lord of Calamity isn't a daemon lord. She's just a... selfish, horrible girl.
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Sonic: You know Velvet......the nickname "Laphi" that you gave to me kind of a little too childish.
Velvet's eyes open and she stares ahead. The malevolence stops rising and fades away.
Velvet: You think so?
Sonic: Even I don't like to treat you like a child but I like how that's a symbol how kindness you are. I never knew how a demon like you could have a weak side too.
Velvet: Oh....I still don't understand boys sometimes...I'm sorry....
He hands her the comb. Velvet smiles back and looks down to hide tears.
Sonic: It's okay.....I'll forgive you.
Velvet: Thank you, Sonic.
Chester: So Sonic, man to man... how was your bath in Meirchio?
Sonic: Huh?
Chester: You, uh, you went in with Velvet, right? Just between us guys, what was it like?
Sonic: *Blushing* Wh-Wh-What are you getting at, Chester?!
Syaoran: Let me in on this, too. It'll be our secret.
Sonic: Syaoran?! You too?!
Syaoran: There's nothing to be ashamed of. There are just certain times in life when you need to find your resolve and seize the opportunity. We just want to know what your resolve got you.
Chester: Right. It's like a test.
Sonic: Stop it! I didn't go into the bath with her!
Chester: Now that's a shame. That might have been your one shot. Once you're all grown up, you won't be able to get away with it.
Sonic: That's why I didn't do it. I'm tired of Velvet treating me like a little kid.
Chester: Ahahaha! Bravo!
Syaoran: *Chuckle* You pass the test.
Chester: Right. You don't need me to watch over you anymore.
Sonic: Why did you laugh like that?
Chester: We're just happy that you're growing up.
Sonic: I don't understand you at all, Chester! If you're just gonna pick on me, go away!
Chester: Woah whoa! I'm sorry. But I really needed that. Laughter's good for the soul.
Sonic: Chester.....Were you feeling tense?
Chester: You wouldn't think it, huh? But now I can fight like I always do. I owe you, Sonic. You too, Syaoran-kun.
Sonic: Yeah, don't worry about it.
Syaoran: *Smile*
Chester: Sonic, Syaoran-kun. Watch me prove myself.
Velvet: We just need one last soul to awaken the elemental Empyreans.
Sonic: Are you all right, Velvet?
Velvet: I'll eat Melchior and our collection will be complete.
Sonic: I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you. You collapsed after the thing, remember?
Velvet: Ah... You wonder if I'm fine after eating Saleh. It's not a problem.
Sonic: But wasn't Saleh a lot more powerful than they were?
Velvet: But look at me. I'm fine, right? Does it seem like I'm faking it?
Sonic: No...it just.............
Velvet: I think I'm just used to it. Both my body and mind.
Sonic: *Smile* You're not just used to it. You've changed.
Velvet: Hm?
Sonic: Just as I changed after finding the true origin of my past, you've gotten stronger through our travels, too. You faced down many sorrows and hardships and overcame them all.
Velvet: Did I, though?
Sonic: You did. And that's why I-
* Stomach rumbles.*
Laphicet: Ah...
Sonic: Oh.
Velvet: *Chuckle* I'll make you a quiche later.
Laphicet: Could you make pudding, too?
Velvet: Sure... But are you just trying to butter me up so I'll cook for you?
Laphicet: Well, I mean...Uh... Yeah. How did you know?
Velvet: You too, Phi. You really have grown a lot, haven't you? All right, let's go and find me some Melchior to eat.
Sonic & Laphicet: Yeah!
After awaken the elemental Empyreans.
Amy: So, what was it you needed to say to me alone?
Velvet turns and smiles at her. Amy smiles back.
Velvet: Where's Sonic?
Amy: He wanted to stand watch with me, but I forced him to get some rest. After all this fighting, he needs it.
Velvet: I owe you. Laphi always tries to play the tough guy.
Amy: Just like the one who named him.
Velvet: He's nothing like me. His motivation comes from hope.
Amy: Hope...
Velvet: The wind is nice...
Amy: Yes. The world may teem with hardship and sadness, but it's also filled with beauty. The endless ocean, the islands in the south, even the frozen tundra and the mountains that spew fire.
Velvet: It is... And humans make their home among all that beauty. This is the world that Laphi always yearned to travel. I finally understand what he saw when he sat looking out over the ocean.
*Velvet looks down*
Velvet: Amy, I have a single favor to ask of you. If anything happens to me, take care of Sonic.
Amy: What? Is something the matter?
Velvet: The power possessed by the therions and Innominat is fundamentally the same. I have a theory... No. "Theory" is too rational. A different part of me, something separate from my hatred, wants me to do something. It wants me to leave this world with hope.
Amy: Wait. You don't mean...
Velvet: Humor me, okay? If the worst happens. I'm counting on both you and Shadow.
Amy:...I understand. You have my word. I'll look after Sonic. While I'd love to take advantage of this momentary weakness, I can't. My oath is to obey your orders until my dying breath.
Velvet: Heh. I'd almost forgotten about all that. I'm counting on you then.
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