#shirley fennes
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Shirley icons for Anon 🩷
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secret santa gift for moshi_momo over on ao3 🩷🩵
#what is their ship name#fenimore xelhes#shirley fennes#tales of legendia#tales of#tales of series#secret santa#cherrhara arts
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#tales of the rays#the rays translation#tales of symphonia#tales of legendia#tales of hearts#zelos wilder#hisui hearts#senel coolidge#kohaku hearts#shirley fennes#t: comic#c: seine#c: aera
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walking together
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#tales of legendia#chloe valens#fenimore xelhes#moses sandor#grune#senel coolidge#jay the unseen#will raynard#shirley fennes#norma beatty
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Chloshirls I drew for my sister's birthday
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Otakon 2022 | Tales
Cosplayers: Message us and we’ll add your URL!
#otakon#tales of legendia#tales of symphonia#senel coolidge#zelos wilder#shirley fennes#cosplay#video games
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So I commissioned this many many years back (I'd guess about 15 years ago or so now, give or take). The artist was, if I'm remembering right, Yuki-Koopa7 or something very close.
Unfortunately they deactivated their account on DA, which is where I commissioned this so long ago. I can no longer locate the original, and it was likely lost on an old computer/hard drive before I really knew enough about backing files up. I also have no means of locating the artist, as much as I'd love to thank them for all the various commissions they did for me and get more if they were willing.
For many years I have not been able to find the original file, and with the artist deactivated, that copy of the original also no longer exists. This is actually just a scanned print out of the commission I printed so long ago, on a plain sheet of paper (thank the Legacy I did!!!), and I used Photoshop's auto color to touch up the obviously printed color on it for this post. I still have that print out!
I can't tag or link to the artist anymore, but I'm grateful for the commissions they did for me, very much including this one, which is possibly my favorite from them. 🙏 I love and miss their style very much and will always be grateful for this lovely artwork of one of my favorite Tales ships. 🙏
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Tales of Legendia, 19th Anniversary
[Linktree | Twitter | Ko-fi | Commissions]
#fanart#art#digital art#artists on tumblr#tales#tales of series#tales of#tales of fanart#tales of legendia#senel coolidge#shirley fennes#nera's art
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Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
(Part 4) | (Part 6)
Hi y'all, it's been a while, huh? I'm just gonna slide this out and pretend I didn't forget to upload this hahaa... (some of the images are different sizes cuz I switched phones). Anyway, this chapter covers Mileena and Co discussing what it means for someone to lose their core. We'll also see the Salvation Front having an odd encounter with Shirley...
Part 5 (Imperial Capital Hy'Brasail)
Keele: Let's hear what Cecily has to say. She says she came up with a way to save Ami’s life. それじゃあ聞かせて貰おうか。セシリィが思いついたアミィを救う方法について。
Cecily: I approached it from the direction of mirristry. Mileena, you know about this, don't you? The core loss that a mirrist can suffer. 魔鏡学の方向からアプローチしてみたの。ミリーナも知ってるわよね。鏡士に起きる心核喪失現象のこと。
Mileena: Yes, know about it. It’s a condition that can occur if a mirrists’ mirrage drains too much energy from their heart. ええ。一応習ったことはあるわ。魔鏡によって心がエネルギー不足になって機能しなくなる現象よね。
Cecily: When a core is lost, part of the mirrist’s mind changes. Sometimes, it seems like they’ve lost their emotions. ええ。心核喪失状態になると鏡士は心の一部に変調を来すんだけど時に感情の一部を喪失したようになるの。
Jude: So, in Ami’s case, are only the emotions that make her smile left? もしかしたら、アミィの場合は笑顔になるような感情だけが残っているってこと?
Cecily: Possibly. I’m…just a mirrage technician, so I can’t look into people’s hearts. But, Mileena is capable of doing it… ええ。私は……魔鏡技師でしかないから鏡士のように心を覗き込むことはできないけれど、ミリーナなら……。
Mileena: Looking into people’s hearts…? No, I can’t. I understand the theory of it, but looking into someone’s heart is very difficult. 心を覗く……。それは私では無理だわ。やり方は知っているけれど人の心を覗くのは、とても高度な技なの。
Mileena: I can’t do it while maintaining the virtual mirror field simultaneously. It requires a delicate touch. 私は今仮想鏡界を維持するので精一杯でそこまで繊細な力の制御はできないと思う。
Cecily: Hmm… Maybe you should ask Phillip to help you, then? そう……。だったらフィリップさんに協力して貰うのがいいかもしれない。
[ Chester rushes in ]
Chester: Will we be able to get Ami back to normal if Phillip helps!? フィリップに頼めばアミィは元に戻るのか!?
Cecily: Well, it will give us a way to confirm Ami’s symptoms. In order to treat her, we’ll need an otherworldly weapon called Soma. ううん。それはアミィの症状を確認する為の手段なの。治療にはソーマっていう異世界の武器が必要になると思う。
Rita: Huh? Soma? Why would you use a weapon to treat someone? 何、ソーマって。武器で治療なんてできんの?
Cecily: From what I’ve heard, Soma gives someone the ability to enter the heart. 私も聞いた話だけど、ソーマは心の中に入れる機能があるみたいなの。
Rita: What!? How the hell does that work!? 何それ!?どういう理屈な訳!?
Chester: …Wait a minute. Isn’t that the name of Shing’s weapon? Soma? ……待てよ。ソーマって確かシングの武器じゃなかったか?
Cecily: Yes. That’s why Shing’s power is essential for saving Ami. うん。だからアミィを助けるためには��ングの力が必要不可欠なのよ。
Chester: I’ll go get Shing! Mileena and you all need to get in touch with the Salvation Front! だったらオレがシングを連れてくる!ミリーナたちは何とかして救世軍と連絡を取ってくれ。
Chester: Senel is getting worried about Shirley, too. セネルもシャーリィのことでジリジリしてるしな。
Kocis: But, there’s no way to contact the Salvation Front… けど、救世軍と連絡を取る方法はないんですよね……。
Mileena: That’s right. Because of those crystals all over Tir Na Nog, communication through mirristry is subject to a lot of interference. ええ。世界中にこ魔鏡結晶があるから魔鏡通信が干渉を受けてしまうのよね……。
Rita: We’re trying to modify what we can to boost signal power, but it isn’t working. 通信強度を上げるように改造はしてるんだけど中々上手くいか���いのよねー。
Keele: Pascal and Rita are working together, but they haven’t got a clue. パスカルとリタが二人がかりでも糸口をつかめないんだ。
Rita: It’s frustrating, but it's expected when you’re dealing with something as elusive as a heart. 悔しいけど、心っていうつかみ所のないものを相手にしてるから勝手が違うのよ。
Karia: Miss Mileena! It’s urgent! We’ve received a message from Phillip on the mirror comm! ミリーナさま!大変です!フィリップさまから魔鏡通信が来てますっ!
Mark: —Okay. Mileena and I scheduled a meet-up. They have some business with us as well, so it works out nicely. ——OK。ミリーナたちと��ち合う約束を付けたぞ。向こうもこっちに用事があったみたいだから丁度良かった。
Phillip: …Thank you, Mark. Now, we can warn Colette and anyone else who might be predisposed to being used as a vessel. ……ありがとう、マーク。これでコレットや他の鏡映点の器の素養がありそうな人たちに警告することができる。
Gareth: Biqe... ビクエ様……。
Phillip: I know, Gareth. I’m worried, too. I’ll have to look into this. わかってるよ、ガロウズ。僕も気になっている。これは確認しないといけないだろうね。
Mark: By the way, Shirley. Who…are you? だとよ、シャーリイ。あんた……何者なんだ?
Mark: You don’t strike me as the kind of person who could fix a transmitter that even Phil and Gareth were scratching their heads over. フィルもガロウズも手を焼いていた魔鏡通信の送受信機を直しちまうなんて普通の人間じゃねえよな?
Shirley?: Huh…? Yes, I knew how to do it. あー……?やっぱりそうなっちゃうわよね。うん。
Mark: It just doesn’t make sense. どうも不自然だったんだよな。
Mark: You’re a nexus who was used as a vessel, but now you’re saying that you’re not a nexus at all. 器の鏡映点として、神降ろしの器にされていた筈なのに、自分は鏡映点じゃないなんて言い出すし。
Zelos: Well, well, looks like we came back at the perfect time. おーっと、俺さまたち絶妙なタイミングで戻ってきたみたいね。
Zelos: I’ve been wondering the same thing. You’re…bizarre. 俺さまも気になってたんだよなあ。あんた……普通じゃない。
Sync: Heh… So, you’re a Living Doll? If that’s the case, you might be a mole for the Empire. へぇ……。じゃあやっぱりリビングドールなの?だとしたら帝国側の間者って可能性もあるよね。
Kratos: Shirley, we’re up in the sky. You can’t escape; can’t you just come clean? シャーリイ。ここは空の上、逃げ場はない。全て話してはくれぬか?
Shirley?: …I wanted to repay you for everything you’ve done for me, but now you’ve turned against me. ……色々お世話になったから恩返ししたかったんだけどそれが仇になっちゃったわね。
Shirley?: I'd love to explain it to you—but I'm afraid I can't right now. 本当はちゃんと説明してあげたいんだけど——ちょっと無��みたい。
Zelos: What do you mean? どういうことだ?
Shirley?: I have an uninvited guest. I’m going to be a little busy, so allow me to excuse myself, boys ♪ 招かれざる客が来ちゃったみたいなの。ちょっと忙しくなるからこれで失礼するわね、お兄様たち♪
[ A flash, and an unknown woman appears over Shirley ]
[ Shirley collapses ]
Mark: H-hey!? She just fainted!? お、おい!?気を失ったのか!?
Sync: Wait. There’s someone standing next to Shirley. 待って。シャーリィの隣に誰かいる。
???: I’m sorry, I had to borrow this child’s body for a bit. ごめんなさい。その子の体、ちょっと借りていたわ。
???: I noticed there was some tampering with her core, so I treated it. It’s a real gratuitous service. * 心核をいじられていたから治療もしておいたわよ。これは出血大サービス。
Phillip: You repaired her core!? 心核を治療した!?
Kratos: Who are you? 何者だ?
???: I am Yaw Biqe. I'm surprised to see that the Biqe system is still in place, but this generation’s Biqe are quite good. 私はヨウ・ビクエ。まだビクエ制度が続いていたのには驚いちゃったけど当代ビクエはまあまあ優秀ね。
???: Keep up the good work. Bye. これからも頑張って。それじゃあね。
[ A flash, and the woman disappears ]
Gareth: She's gone!? 消えた!?
Sync: …No sign of her. A transfer? ……気配もない。転送?
Kratos: No, she must have been using some sort of non-physical body. いや、先ほどの姿は何らかの精神体だったのだろう。
Kratos: Perhaps…could she have been maintaining her existence using Shirley's tampered body? 存在を保つため、心をいじられていたシャーリィの体を利用していた……のではないか?
Mark: …If she is, that’s not great news for us. ……もしそうだとしたらえらいことになるんじゃないか?
Zelos: Yeah? How come? うん?どういうことだ?
Phillip: Yaw Biqe is the founder of mirristry. Her actual name is Yolanda Biqe Odanse. ヨウ・ビクエは鏡士の始祖の名前だ。正確にはヨーランド・ビクエ・オーデンセ。
Phillip: She’s also known as “Dana’s Priestess”, the catalyst for the spirits’ awakening. つまり彼女は精霊が目覚めるためのきっかけである「ダーナの巫女」だ。
Sync: …Then, that means this world will be destroyed soon. ……だったら、この世界はもうすぐ滅びるってことだね。
Sync: Dana’s Priestess only awakens when the world faces destruction, right? ダーナの巫女は、世界が滅びに直面したときに目を覚ますんだろ?
Gareth: But…how do we know if she’s real? しかし本物……なのか?
Kratos: I don’t know. In my world, at least…there have been instances of humans from long ago finding ways to avoid dying. わからんな。大昔の人間が生きているという事例は……少なくとも私の世界ではあ��得たことだ。
Shirley: …Mm… ……ん……。
Zelos: Whoops, looks like Shirley is waking up. おっと、シャーリィが目を覚ますぜ。
Shirley: ………?
Zelos: Ah, good morning, Shirley ♪ お、シャーリィちゃん、おはよう♪
Shirley: …G-good morning…wait. …Huh? Are… are you people from Sellund? ……お、おはよう……ございます。……え?あの……皆さんはセールンドの方ですか?
Kratos: Sellund, huh? I think this girl may have been exoflected and tinkered with before the Mirrorshift. セールンド、か。この娘が具現化され心核をいじられたのは鏡殻変動の前のことなのかも知れぬな。
Shirley: ………?
Phillip: Let me explain the situation. Right now, your friends are searching for you. 僕から状況を説明しよう。きみの仲間がきみを捜しているそうだからね。
*出血大サービス literally means “heavy bleeding service”, and alludes to, like, “I’m so fanservice-y that my actions are going to cause blood to rain from noses”. It’s hard to make it make sense in English.
(Part 4) | (Part 6)
#totrays#totr#mileena weiss#mark grimm#kratos aurion#rita mordio#cecily#jude mathis#chester burklight#keele zeibel#sync the tempest#phillip reston#shirley fennes#zelos wilder#nix translates
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Shirley Fennes
#tales of the rays#Shirley Fennes#Tales of Legendia#Hopefully someone does Shirley better than I have here#I don't have her collab material and I don't remember them at all
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tales of girls i drew for my friend a while ago ❤️
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Mentally I'm still here.
#tales of#tales of legendia#quppo#pippo#senel coolidge#shirley fennes#will raynard#norma beatty#chloe valens
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