#i tried posting this three times if this fails i will cry
lucinfernos · 2 months
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cleaning up his fledgling; such a messy eater...
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
The Proposal
This mini fic was inspired by the anon prompt to @faeriekit linked here and all the development that Faeriekit did for the idea. This fic is perilously regional. I half expect angry yelling from other areas of the Midwest.
Original post
Word count: 2718
Masterpost of my Archive Down Fics is here.
Jason came to with cream cheese stuck under his fingernails and in the creases of his fingers. He looked around the room wildly, trying to understand the situation he was in. The kitchen smelled fucking weird. He sniffed the air. Meat? Like, ham and also vinegar?
He washed his hands really well, grimacing at the greasy texture. Then he reconstructed what must have happened by the debris. This was not his first post-blackout rodeo, but usually he was reconstructing a literal crime scene.
There was an empty pickle jar on the countertop. There were packets of deli meat in the trash.
There was some kind of abomination on his nicest plate, which was obviously made of cream cheese wrapped around pickles, blanketed by the meat, and sliced thin like sushi rolls. It was lovingly protected by a perfect sheet of cling wrap.
“The fuck?” Jason said, a little scared and pissed off.
He paced the kitchen for a while and then went to pace on the balcony, because he needed a smoke to process this culinary abomination but something in his gut wailed at the tragedy of ruining it with cigarette smoke. Which was absurd, partly because the plate was in the refrigerator. He sensed in his bones that it needed to cool until the cream cheese was as hard as it would get, so that he could safely transport it. Transport it fucking where? Was this an assassination attempt against Batman? That sappy motherfucker was probably the only man in the world who would choke that down to make Jason happy.
He had a long drag on his cigarette and tried to ignore the way his fingers shook.
“Okay,” he said, squeezing his free hand shut and opening it. Maybe stimming would prompt his brain to go brr and explain this. “Did I have a stroke? Maybe I was possessed?”
It was hard to tell. He ground out his cigarette and tossed the butt in the tray before venturing back inside. He was calm. He was more centered. He flicked on the kitchen fan to clear out the pickle stink and then he went and put on his coat and grabbed the plate.
Why was he doing that?
The compulsion led him three blocks before he realized where he was going.
Not far away from the safehouse he was in, some college freshman had wasted the Joker when the clown tried to drag him into a van. He had called the police, crying the whole time in shock about being a murderer.
Jason had not been on the scene. He had only heard through comms. He had been out of town when the Joker got out. He had been rushing back on his bike, heart pounding and sick with nerves at the thought of his family out there without him.
And then the fucker had failed to secure the first victim for whatever sick play he’d had in mind, and the poor out of town kid who had apparently never heard of the Joker was breathing a sigh of relief that ‘oh, this wasn’t like, a birthday clown? Whew, that’s alright then,’ previous guilt over ending a life all gone.
Jason liked that. It was hugely undignified that the Joker had been got by someone who didn’t even know who he was. If he’d known, it would have killed his ego. As it was, Jason had laughed himself nearly sick before barricading himself inside to read the file Timmers put together on Danny Fenton.
Well. If his gut said that he should deliver this horrific dish to Fenton as thanks for the murder, well…
Jason grimaced. He just wouldn’t be seen doing it. If Fenton thought it was an assassination attempt and called the cops, Jason would never fess up.
He broke into Fenton’s apartment, very glad that the guy was in class at the moment. He mourned the loss of his plate but honestly, this was the least destructive black out he’d had, so it was whatever. He put the pickle rolls in the fridge, looked around, and then left. He was done. He’d thanked Fenton, or whatever (maybe he’d attacked him, honestly, Jason didn’t know how he would react to finding that trash in his fridge.)
It could end now.
The next morning, Jason scrubbed away a yawn and realized that he had just scraped a mess of chopped snickers bars into a bowl that already had clouds of something white and -
He took out a piece and bit into it to confirm that it was perfectly cubed green apple.
“I am possessed,” Jason said in horror, looking around the counter to see what the Pit Madness had cooked up this time. Why did the fucking Lazarus Pit know these recipes?
The white shit was a mix of cool whip and vanilla pudding, apparently. There was an untouched bottle of caramel sauce waiting innocently.
“...Does that go in?” Jason wondered, vaguely horrified.
Well, maybe an evil witch was doing this to him. Bottoms up. He poured caramel in until it felt right, guided by what had to be someone else’s goddamn ancestors, and then mixed it all up with a spoon.
This looked a lot better than the last thing. Jason scraped it into a bowl and then stole a spoonful of it to try.
“Holy shit. It’s like eating a caramel apple,” he said, muffled around the food. He swallowed and genuinely considered taking more.
Nope! His gut said nope. This was another offering for–
“Hold up, offering?” Jason put it in the fridge, clingwrap on top, and let his mind be blown. He put his face in his hands and just reeled. He was making offerings for this motherfucker now. He opened his phone, intending to search the things he’d been blackout making and froze.
His lock screen was Danny Fenton’s police intake photo, looking pretty relaxed after he'd been told the booking was a formality.
“I don’t remember doing that!” Jason frantically changed it back to his old lock screen, a grimy alleyway with a hilariously shaped filth puddle and one of his favorite rats.
He snuck this dessert thing into Fenton’s fridge, collected his clean plate with some relief, and left. He didn't know if Fenton had eaten that shit or if he'd thrown it away, but at least he'd washed the plate.
“That was the last time,” Jason told himself, pacing around his room. He wasn’t– that was two days in a row now that he had a normal day, went out on patrol, went to bed, and woke up in his kitchen. It wasn’t going to happen again.
He chainsmoked all day to such a degree that Stephanie Brown saw him, whined “Dude,” in disbelief, and jumped off a building while holding her nose to get away from him. It was a fair reaction. He had a shower before patrol so that no one could make a connection between Jason, stinkiest man in Gotham today, and the Red Hood, a guy who owned a shower.
Patrol went fine. He caught himself veering past Fenton’s shitty apartment building twice but no one was nearby enough to call him out for it.
He went to bed and got a jumpscare because at some point of his most recent fugue state he'd gone out and bought a bunch of wedding magazines and made them into a nest. He made a roar of frustration and pushed them off the bed with only a twinge of interest in what that swan centerpiece was made of.
Jason went the fuck to sleep, determined to walk this off.
He woke up the next morning in his kitchen. “Cream cheese, again,” Jason complained. He gave the bowl he was mixing a furious stir and then shoved it in the fridge.
Cream cheese, chopped meat, and chopped green onion. He searched the internet to identify the fucker. This was a cheeseball.
…He frowned, thinking of the fugly mess in the bowl.
It was the larval form of a cheeseball, he amended.
Why did he know this shitty recipe.
Stomach tight with dread, he looked up the other things. Day one was a pickle roll. Day two was snickers salad.
These were all real Midwestern potluck dishes. He hadn't made them up. Why did the pit know these recipes?
The Snickers salad offended him as a concept and he bitterly regretted finding it delicious.
“Salad,” Jason repeated in aggrieved disbelief. It was good but it was no goddamn salad. “I could just make him a real salad. Will this end if I bring Fenton good food?”
It wasn't the worst idea. He put a pin in it.
Grimly, as if he was going off to war, Jason researched how to shape the ball. If he was doing this, which apparently he was for no goddamn reason, he was going to do it to perfection. When he was done he wrapped it up tight, got an assortment of crackers, and left it at Danny Fenton’s apartment with a sort of tired resignation that this might as well be happening.
This time was different. This time, Fenton was home.
Jason barely avoided being seen by rushing out the window over the sink and hiding from the immediate line of sight. He was, however, close enough to hear–
“Holy shit, is that a cheeseball? Who loves me?” and then some truly ghastly, wet crunching as Fenton tore through the crackers and cheeseball like a wild beast. It felt like being in a horror film. Jason very badly wanted to leave. Jason very badly wanted to crawl back inside and present himself for a scrap of Fenton’s approval.
What the fuck? What the fuck!
He fled. And this time, he decided to take action. He was going get out of this sick mind trap and-
“Nothing wrong with you, it's not a curse,” Zatanna said, bored about it. “Whatever is going on is safe, sane, consensual, and none of my business.” She portalled away before Jason could argue that it did not feel sane. He was having an entirely new category of mental breakdown and when one of the Bats found out about it, he was going to be a case study.
Fine. He gritted his jaw. New plan. Maybe he could beat the curse by showing it up.
He called out of crime for the day and ignored the confused commentary in the background of his phone call– can he do that? Of course he can, he’s the friggin’ boss– and spent it furiously researching. He needed a crowning achievement. He needed to find out what was sacred in this culinary tradition, master it, and then tell the compulsion to suck on bricks.
Casserole. The answer was a casserole.
Jason scrolled through dozens of recipes, scowling fiercely. That was no good. That offended his senses. He just knew that would be bland. He-
“Do I want to make that?” Jason asked aloud, puzzled by his fixation on the old-fashioned goulash casserole recipe. Worcestershire sauce– he didn’t have that in this safe house for sure. Beef, pasta, tomatoes… yeah, okay. This was the one. For no fucking reason at all, this was the one.
He went out shopping like he usually went on life-or-death missions, full of grim purpose.
He got back and assembled his ingredients. It was not exactly a challenge to follow the recipe. Jason turned off the stove top and froze in place. “I don’t have an ancestral pan,” he said, horrified. Holy fuck. How could he dare to give it in a regular baking pan- he had to get one. Where the fuck does one acquire an ancestral casserole pan on short notice?
Panicked, he called the Manor, hands shaking as he packed the whole thing up and stuffed it in the fridge to keep it food safe until he could bake it.
Bruce answered, sounding a little choked up. “Hello, Jason, so glad-”
He hung up. He texted Tim. “I need you to steal something for me from the Manor.”
“You’re allowed in, you gigantic freak,” Tim wrote back.
Jason did some meditative breathing and resorted to outright pleading immediately. “What do you want? I will give you whatever you want. I just need an ancestral casserole pan.”
“I am NOT stealing from Alfred’s kitchen,” Tim wrote back. Which was fair. “Drake ancestral pan alright?”
Jason thought about it. It was still a family pan, sorta. By the transitive property, and that was a perfectly good property. He sent back a thumbs up, his GPS pin, and the word “Hurry.”
A while later, Tim dropped off a glass dish, loudly said “I don’t wanna know,” and slammed Jason’s door shut.
Fine. He was already moving his stuff from the now-cold frying pan into the casserole dish. It went into the oven from there. Jason spent the bake time trying to think of new coping mechanisms, because apparently smoking wasn’t up to this level of mental fuckery.
He waited out the bake time. He let it cool enough to be safe to travel with but hot enough to deliver warm. Jason grappled to Danny Fenton's apartment for the fourth time in four days, let himself in, and nearly jumped out of his boots when he realized that Fenton was in the kitchen watching him.
“Hey,” Fenton said. He was sitting on his counter in his pajamas, eating ice cream out of the bucket with a spoon. He was certifiable. Jason wanted to cross the room and kiss whatever Fenton would let him. Hands, face, feet, whatever.
Wow, weird.
“...Hey,” Jason said, way too late.
Fenton crunched down on his ice cream. “...That a casserole?” He said.
Jason nodded wordlessly, feeling very grateful that he had his hood on. He put the casserole down on the counter. He took a step backwards to flee.
Fenton pointed at Jason with the spoon, wholly unintimidated by the heavily armed man who'd broken into his house. “This is a proposal.”
Oh. Oh, motherfucking shitsocks. Jason felt weak through the knees. It was. Why was- why was he proposing??
Fenton took in his shock with a detached air. “Huh,” he said, like he'd learned something from this. “Um, it's nice of you and all. Have you been like, fixated on me for a while or- ohhh. I avenged you, didn't I?” He dropped the spoon in his ice cream carton and slapped both his palms down on the countertop. “He killed you? That sucks, man,” Fenton empathized. “I get it. I think if someone smashed the portal with a hammer I'd be down on one knee.”
Jason's brain was simply not running any program any longer. He gaped. He wasn't coherent enough to ask why Danny knew he'd been murdered by the Joker, but he had his shit together well enough to be fixated on the point.
“Um, it's not usually me being chased,” Fenton said. He made a face. “I… huh, I think I'm flattered.” He very obviously gave Jason a once-over. “I suppose this is your way of showing that you're a provider.” He heaved himself off the counter and went to investigate the casserole, sniffing and lifting the lid. “Oh, fuuuuuuck,” Danny groaned. He sniffed appreciatively. “Good demonstration of your husband material, t-b-h.”
Jason resisted the urge to tackle him to the ground.
“That's the good stuff.” Fenton closed it back up, but not before giving his ice cream spoon a considering look.
Oh, yuck. This guy was so grungly. Jason needed him badly. He shuddered.
Fenton looked at him.
Jason looked back.
“Do you wanna try moving in and see how we get on?” Fenton offered. “Take it slow, no wedding just yet.”
“Absolutely.” Jason full-body twitched with just how eager he was. “How do you feel about swans?”
“Neutral,” Danny said, after a brief moment of consideration. “I like stars, though.”
Okay, so that would be their wedding theme.
Jason only realized he'd said that aloud when Fenton's eyebrows shot up. Mortified and really wondering what was wrong with him, Jason offered a weak smile.
Fenton made a considering noise. He crossed his arms. He looked Jason up and down. “...Can you grill?” He asked. “Like, beer chicken?”
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xxsabitoxx · 8 months
Steam Room
Megumi x Female Reader
Warnings: Megumi and reader are around 22-24 in this, public sex, submissive megumi, edging megumi, switch megumi, dominant reader, submissive reader, it’s a whirlwind okay. Blowjobs, handjobs, come eating, rough sex, restraining, humiliation, creampies, possibility of getting walked in on, sweat… yeah
A/N: third scheduled post! Again, you may have already seen this on my ao3 cause I posted it a few weeks back. Still, enjoy!
Word count: 3.5k
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The room was thick with steam, your bodies sticky from the sweat clinging to them. “Shit…oh fuck please…” choked and embarrassed, Megumi’s face was flushed red from more than just the sauna. Your head was bobbing steadily along the length of his aching cock, violently twitching in the warm cavern of your mouth every time your tongue passed over the head. Despite the heat of the room, your mouth was somehow hotter.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
Megumi’s voice was slightly higher in pitch, whiny even, as your tongue slid along the underside of his cock. He was growing desperate at this point, you had led him to the brink of coming three times now, cruelly stopping just before he reached the end. You felt your lips twitching with the urge to smirk, unable to as your head continued to move up and down around him. “S-seriously don’t fucking sto-oh.” You pulled away again, wiping your mouth with a sadistic grin.
Megumi looked pissed, brows creased and lips wobbling as his cock twitched, precum weeping from his tip at yet another failed orgasm. “Stop fucking doing that.” He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. For a moment you actually felt pity, meeting his watery gaze through the steam of the sauna room. “You’ve been such a naughty boy, Megumi.” He looked down at you with a pout on his face, clearly confused and disgruntled. “You don’t even know what you did?”
“What I did–” Megumi rasped out, plump lips hanging open as he stared at you with furrowed brows. “Oh…” It came back to him then, fond memories of him doing the exact same thing to you no less than two days prior. “T-this is my payback for…” he gasped as your fist tightened around his shaft, tugging hard and slow. “Payback for tying me to our bed and edging me for two fucking hours.” Megumi hissed as you tugged particularly rough, pleasure shooting all the way up his spine as your pretty hand toyed with his already too sensitive cock.
“L-Listen I-I…oh fuck…oh…” His head fell back, skin glistening with sweat as his hips nearly jerked off the bench. You watched, fully enthralled by the sight of his throat bobbing and jaw clenching as he tried not to make a complete fool of himself. “Listen to what, Megumi?” again, just as quickly as you started, you stopped. Megumi’s tip was turning an angry shade of pink, irritated from the contant relief being tugged away from him when he least expected it.
“Fuck please… your mouth…” He was whining again, every ounce of respect he had for himself flying out the window at the sight of your swollen lips just inches from his aching cock. Those same lips curled into a cruel smirk, eyes trialing over the dips and plains of the muscles that made up Megumi. “It would be so awkward if someone walked in on us right now, don’t you think? A guy and a girl in the men’s sauna, completely naked, the guy whimpering pathetically while his girlfriend edges him over and over… really awkward, don’t you think Megumi?”
You reached down to cup his balls, mouth watering at the sight of the precum dripping steadily from his tip. You wanted him in your mouth, down your throat, crying and begging you to let him cum. But you loved to taunt him even more, not a single thing was tying Megumi down to the sauna’s bench… but your words had him glued into his space. “It would be so easy for you to take over, Megumi. Pull me up by my hair and throw me on the bench, fuck me stupid until you’ve got what you wanted and then leave me hanging… yet you sit here for me, obedient.”
He only whimpered, pretty lips wobbling as your other hand rested at the base of his shaft. His whole body was flushing a shade of pink at this point, more so from you than the sauna. “Do you want my mouth, Megumi?” you were going to give it to him either way, an absolute sucker even when you were cruel. “Yes… please I want your mouth so bad.” He needed to feel it, your wet tongue lathering his cock in the way that made his fucking toes curl. You knew just how to make him putty in your hands, how to fuck him stupid with out having to do anything at all.
“Then beg for it, better than that.” You smiled up at him, batting your lashes innocently while he squeezed his eyes shut. You would be the death of him, he was absolutely sure of it. “Please… fuck please let me come… mommy please.” It slipped out so naturally you wouldn’t have thought anything of it until Megumi himself froze. Your lips fell open, eyes locking with his as he seemed to turn the deepest shade of red possible. “Mommy, huh? Didn’t think you were into that kinda thing, Megumi…” Your hand had begun to massage the flesh of his balls again, your free hand coming up to wrap around the base of his shaft as you observed him.
“Does my baby boy want mommy to suck his cock?” You purred, eyes narrowing as you gauge his reaction. He twitched, nearly violently, as his lips quivered. “T-this is so embarrassing.” he whined, nodding his head to answer your question. You clicked your tongue “that’s not how mommy likes her answers, use your words like a big boy, Meg.” You tightened your grasp around his base, causing him to jerk forward from the sudden pressure. Hesitantly with a weak voice “Mommy please suck my cock… I want to cum so bad… Mommy please…”
Shiny tears were pricking his eyes, threatening to slide down his reddened cheeks. That was enough for you, your head moving forward and dropping down to encompass him. Megumi’s head fell back, a loud guttural moan leaving his lips as you swallowed around him. Your tongue slid along the underside of his cock, tracing the veins that ran along it as you bobbed your head. You wouldn’t torture him any further, allowing him to cum when he was ready. Based on the way he was gripping the edge of the sauna’s bench, he would fall apart within seconds.
“Gonna… oh fuck m’gonna… mommy please…” he babbled, nearly incoherent as you focused your attention on his leaking tip. His salty precum coated your tongue, increasing in volume with every pass of your fist over his spit-covered shaft. Finally, his hand found its way to your head, gripping your hair so harshly you couldn’t help but whine around him. “Gonna… oh shit… fuck…” a string of profanities left his lips, your name falling in between each one as he came in your mouth. You worked Megumi through it, greedily swallowing his release until you felt him relax.
You pulled off of him as he began to soften, moving to stand and stretch your aching legs. “Who would have thought that Megumi Fushiguro has a mommy kink.” You grinned down at his tired face, voice slightly hoarse from everything you just did. It took you a second too long to process the tired expression morph into annoyance. Even after blowing his load, even though you had his legs feeling like jelly, Megumi managed to move faster than you could think at that moment. “H-hey!” You squeaked, flinching as your back met the hard wooden bench of the sauna.
“You’re so fucking dead, pulling that shit out of me.” Megumi was seething with embarrassment, unable to handle the fact that he had called you mommy willingly. “Oh come off it, Meg. You loved every second of it.” You could feel him twitching back to life, settling his body weight on top of your own. “Doesn’t fucking matter, it’s still embarrassing” His cheeks were permanently stuck on a shade of rosy pink, his hands finding your wrists and pinning them above your head. “You gotta learn some manners, it’s not nice to put people in that kind of vulnerable position.”
Megumi’s voice had dropped into something more sultry, leaving you to feel helpless as he slotted his hips against yours. “Gonna have to fuck some sense into you, mommy.” It was full of sarcasm but you couldn’t deny the way it made your cunt clench around nothing. “Do it, fuck some manners into me, Megumi…” You were panting, the heat of the sauna paired with Megumi’s weight on top of you made you realize how sticky your skin felt. Megumi’s cock was hard again, leaking precum and twitching with need to be inside of you.
“So filthy, you’d probably love it if someone walked in on us right now. Wouldn’t you, mommy?” You nodded, lips parted as you panted. “Yes… fuck yes I would… it would be so humiliating… we’d get kicked out for sure…” you whined, hips jutting upwards to grind against him. That realization had Megumi hesitating a little less, the urge to tease you now replaced with the worry of getting caught. Not that it would be the first time you two had been walked in on… but getting caught in the sauna room would mean removal… he couldn’t bear the thought.
Megumi’s brows furrowed, head moving to look down at your sweaty bodies. “Be good and keep quiet, Mommy. We really don’t want to get kicked out before I can fuck some sense into you.” Your lips trembled before pressing tightly together, nodding obediently as Megumi reached down to guide his tip between your folds. He dragged it slowly, still sticky from his cum and your saliva… and now your own arousal. “Relax.” Was all Megumi said before pushing into you, shivering despite the heat because of the way you inhaled so sharply. The grip he had on your wrists with just one hand kept you from jerking too far from him.
You were soaked, but Megumi was far too big to go in with no prep. You couldn’t help the whine that left you, your ankles locking behind the small of his back to keep him in place despite the ache spreading all the way down to your thighs. He was heavy, splitting you open inch by inch as he engulfed himself in your heat. “M-megumi…” Your hips shifted, trying to alleviate some of the pressure but it only caused him to brush that one particular spot. You swore you saw stars for a moment, a loud cry leaving your lips only to be silenced by Megumi’s free hand slapping over your mouth. “What did I say about being quiet, hmm?”
You didn’t respond, not even a muffled attempt behind his palm. Megumi didn’t move his hand away, glaring down at you “You love to think you can put me in my place, don’t you?” Megumi bottomed out as he spoke, the bulbous head of his cock pressing snuggly to your cervix just because he knew how much it made you squirm. “You’re so cute when you’re naive.” He added softly, carefully moving his hand away from your mouth so he could find better grounding. “This is your last warning, make any noise above a whisper and I’m pulling out.” You nodded, jaw clenched as you tried to remain quiet. You knew Megumi never made empty promises.
Megumi’s head fell forward, catching you off guard as he smashed his lips to yours. Your lips parted shakily, allowing his tongue entrance as the hand he had been using to cover your mouth snaked down to hold your thigh. Megumi’s hips drew back until he was half way out of you, pushing forward again with the same haphazard intent. His only goal was to fuck you until your hips were brusied and he’d likely need to help you walk out of this sauna. You moaned into his mouth, fingers twitching for something to grasp but his grip on your wrists was as strong as iron, you couldn’t move if you wanted to. Every pass of his cock through your velvety walls had you seeing stars, each graze of that one particular spot had your hips jerking into him.
Megumi pulled away, eyes lidded as saliva kept your tongues connected. He was panting, face still stuck in that permanent flush as his hips connected with yours over and over. Sweat was making his skin shine, his usually unruly hair was starting to flatten from the humidity in the room. You had to admit, he never looked more beautiful than he did at that very moment. “Y-You’re so pretty… Megumi!” Your head tilted back, a silent cry leaving your lips as your orgasm brewed deep in your gut. Even with your clit neglected, you swore Megumi would make you cum untouched in that sense. “You’re…fuck you’re gonna cum, aren’t you?”
You nodded, panting heavily but managing to keep yourself quiet for him. “I can feel it… your cunt is clenching so–ha–so fucking tight… so greedy.” Megumi’s jaw was clenching, trying to silence his own noises as if you hadn’t had him on the verge of tears only a few minutes prior. Megumi’s head dipped lower again, lips pressing to your ear as he spoke “Gonna cum without me playing with your clit?” it was nearly a growl, making you whine breathlessly as you uttered out a small “yes.” Megumi huffed out a laugh, rolling his hips into you slowly. He wouldn’t be that cruel to you, especially knowing how hard you came every time he toyed with your cunt.
The deliberate roll of his hips pressed his pubic bone snuggling to your cunt, rubbing along your clit with each draw back and forth. “O-oh shit… Megumi…. Megumi please…” You wailed softly, voice hoarse and full of need as you strained to keep your cries on the quieter side. “Please what? What does mommy need so badly?” He was hitting deep, kissing your cervix before grinding his hips hard. “To cum… I need to cum, Megumi. Please… oh fuck please let me…” You begged, vision blurring as tears welled in your eyes. It felt like pressure, the kind that made your toes curl but kept your orgasm just out of your reach. Your cunt was aching, pulsing around every inch of his cock that was stuffed inside of you.
“Yeah? You wanna cum? Earn it.” You froze, gasping loudly as Megumi halted all movements. The tingling pressure of your impending orgasm was fizzling away into nothing. Still, you had never felt as full as you did right now. “E-earn it?” you questioned, unintentionally pulling against the restraint that was Megumi’s grasp on your wrists. “Earn it, apologize for humiliating me.” He wasn’t letting it go, that realization made your cunt clench tightly, suctioning to him and pulling a wanton moan from his lips. “M-megumi.” You didn’t want to apologize, your pride wouldn’t allow it. But still… if you wanted to cum. “Say it, Mommy. Apologize for edging me… for making me call you mommy…” Your nose scrunched, “I didn’t make you… you said it your–oh!”
Megumi pushed into you more, not going anywhere since there was nowhere to go but it only made the pressure more intense. “I don’t give a fuck. Apologize or you’re getting nothing.” But even then, you knew Megumi wouldn't be able to pull out and leave you hanging. Still, you were getting impatient, and likely dehydrated with all the sweating you were both doing. The physical activity didn’t help of course. “F-fine… fuck I’m sorry Megumi… I didn’t mean to suck you off so good that you had to call me mommy.” Your tone was full of sarcasm, a devious grin pulling at your lips as Megumi’s cold stare turned into one of shock. “Un-fucking-real.”
You yelped loudly as Megumi drew his hips back completely, leaving you empty as he pushed himself up and off of your body. “Megumi–” you squeaked, thinking you had actually offended him until he was yanking you up with him. “Looks like I forgot my reason for doing this in the first place…” You could only let out a noise of confusion as Megumi’s hands were on your wrists again, pulling them behind your back as he spun you around. You yelped as he pushed you forward, thanks to the sauna set up your knees were digging into the bench you had been sitting on while the top half of you was pressed to the platform of the next.
“You’ve got to watch that filthy mouth of yours.” A hard slap rang through the small space, accompanied by your quiet cry and pain blooming on your ass cheek. Megumi didn’t hesitate, thrusting back into you so quickly it nearly hurt. With your arms restrained, you could do nothing to aid yourself in this new position, having to let Megumi have his way. “Apologize.” Megumi barked, hip snapping into you at a brutal pace, you couldn’t even think straight anymore. Your brain felt like it was melting into mush as Megumi brutally fucked into you. “I’m not hearing–fuck– an apology…” you whimpered in response, trying to pull yourself together to say something–anything– that would satisfy Megumi’s wishes.
“C’mon you can’t be that far gone… or maybe I’m really just that good and fucking you stupid.” he spat, aching to slap your ass again as it jiggled with each snap of his hips. “M-megumi!” you blubbered, tears leaking down your face as every snap of his hips hit that one particular spot. You were going to pass out at this rate, a mix of the steam, your activity, and now your tears were going to do you in before you could even finish. “I’m s-sorry, Megumi.” you wailed, fat globs of tears soiling your pretty face as your cunt sputtered around his cock. “I’m so sorry f-for embarrassing–” you hiccuped, sniffling harshly as you tried to continue.
But that was more than enough for Megumi, his hand sneaking around your front and dipping between your thighs to start rubbing circles on your clit. “Shh… that’s it…” he murmured as you dissolved into tears, he leaned forward to place kisses along your sweat spine as he worked on bringing you over the edge. As much as Megumi liked to be cruel to you, the tears always did him in. He was a sucker for you, especially when you cried too prettily for him. “Gonna make you cum, pretty girl.” he sighed, hips working overtime as he tried to stave off his second orgasm “Your apology is accepted, baby. You’re doing so good.” he praised as you hiccuped.
You whispered his name over and over, his fingers working wonders on your clit as your orgasm quickly built again. “Cum for me, pretty girl. Ruin me.” his voice was low, full of need, making you clench as your orgasm grew nearer. You’d cum any second now, making a mess of yourself, Megumi, and the poor sauna bench below you. It only took a few more snaps of his hips and you were coming hard. A strangled cry of his name left your lips, just loud enough to make Megumi work faster in fear of someone coming to check on the two of you. “Shit… fuck…” more profanties left Megumi’s lips as your cunt covered him in your release, creating a ring around the base of his dick and sending him over the edge. Megumi spilled into you, whining your name just as loud.
Megumi let go of your wrists once he could breathe again, pulling out of you slowly and huffing out a laugh when only a little bit of his cum leaked out. “You okay?” he sat down, carefully grabbing your waist and pulling you down to his level. Sleepily you nodded, pressing your head to his sweaty shoulder. “Thirsty… we gotta get out of here.” You motioned to the towels you had come in wearing, feeling rather than hearing Megumi laugh in response. “I don’t think we raised any suspicions… but they’ll certainly be worried about how long we’ve been in here.” You nodded, trying to will yourself into a sitting position so you could get yourself covered and out of the damned sauna. All you wanted now was water, a bath, and your shared bed.
“C’mon, Meg. Mommy is tired.” You smirked at him as you straightened, watching his shoulders sag as he looked at you. “Was that apology fake?” He chided, getting up to grab his towel as well. “Course it wasn’t… you’re just fun to tease… Daddy.” you glanced over your shoulder at him, mischief glittering in your tired eyes. For the first time that night, Megumi kind of understood why the whole “mommy” thing was appealing to you. “You’re too much.” he sighed, returning your smile as he wrapped the towel around his waist. “You know you love it.” You offered in return, securing the towel in place as you turned to face him. “Yeah… I do.”
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Charming Killer: 2
┍━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━┑
Pairing: Neteyam x reader
Summary: Neteyam confronts his fears of the scientists compound in his attempts to reach you. He’s all over you the second he see’s you and while you don’t really know what he’s saying it doesn’t fail to have an effect on you.
Warnings: I basically turned him into a cat unintentionally. 
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I did not proof read this very well cause I was working on multiple fics then realised I had nothing to post! She’s as good as it gets rn kids sorry.
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┕━»•» 🌺 «•«━━━━━┙
A week had passed since Neteyam had dropped you off at the laboratories on the outskirts of his village, and a lot had happened since then.
After Neteyam left, you were escorted into the premises by Max, who turned you over to Norm for fixing.
Norm had patched your arm up with gauze paired with a paste made from the wilds of Pandora, and he was delighted to finally put a face to the voice he had been hearing through the comlink for over a year.
The consensus from everyone was that you had been lucky Neteyam had found you. The bullet hadn't passed through your lower arm, and with a quick extraction, you were on the road to healing, surrounded by the reasonably happy group of rebel scientists you had been feeding information to from the compounds of the RDA these past months.
As your arm healed, you grew closer to Max and helped him run the station as much as he would let you when you weren't meant to be resting. This still left a lot of time in the day, so you started to shadow either Max or Norm and tried asking as much as possible about the Na'vi people as you learned the trades needed to keep the station afloat.
You had built up a routine for day-to-day life, and while it was boring, helping the native people and their planet is what you had risked your life for. It's why you wouldn't see Earth again, and it's why you were here.
The mundane work was mostly upkeeping the lab from weather and fixing any technical issues you were qualified for. Still, occasionally, Norm would let you discern things he had brought back from outside while he had been in his avatar. It made your heart sink as you knew that no matter what, you couldn't go back out there with the threat of everything being nearly twice as significant as you and twice as deadly.
Norm was actively showing off his hobby of teaching now, and it felt awkward to have this heavy feeling in your chest while Norm looked like a kid in a candy store as he held up the flower to you and pointed out the different attributes and what they were used for with a pair of tweezers.
You nodded and occasionally asked questions, but this quiet learning moment was interrupted when Max tore into the room with sweat running across his forehead. He must have sprinted across the entire compound.
"We have an issue", he finally managed to gasp out, and you immediately turned to Norm, who, as swiftly as he could, placed down the flower onto the sterilized tray behind him and set off after Max with you in tow.
"What's the matter?" Norm nervously asked as his eyes darted around, seeing the rest of the human residents were somewhat uneasily watching you three nearly sprint to the opening hatch that led to the vast plains of Pandora.
"Y/n, you've got a guest", Max coughed out with an awkward laugh as your eyes widened in curiosity.
Your trio rushed to reach the containment hallway, which was the only barrier between your oxygenated environment and the deadly poisonous gasses of the alien planet.
All of you were entirely out of breath once you approached the spot, and you could feel your arm cry out as you stepped inside the room just outside of the airlock.
Your eyes widened in happiness as you saw your savior awkwardly taking a device that was attached to his side and bringing it to his face. Neteyam took a deep breath with his eyes shut before his eyes fluttered open again and immediately found you a few feet in front of him.
A few scientists below him tried to advise him of a few safety briefings in Na'vi so he didn't go around smacking things over. Still, he completely turned a blind eye to them and he stepped over the woman who yelled out for him to come back. Neteyam happily ignored her as he shuffled towards your more petite figure with a grin. Norm and Max backed up immediately as the giant man came towards them.
Neteyam placed a hand on the roof to steady himself before he lowered himself to speak with you face to face. You smiled as his bright yellow eyes connected with yours, enjoying the familiar connection after so long apart.
"Neteyam!" You yelled out and leaped forward to give him a polite hug of endearment around his waist. Your touch immediately knocked the air out of him, forcing him to pick up the device again and lift the clear plastic mask to his mouth in order to get more of his indigenous air into his lungs.
After you pulled back, he responded by saying your name to you with a quirk in his ears as a sound in one of the distant labs caught his sense's attention.
You laughed merrily and then turned around to see that everyone was eyeing you both with astonishment. Perhaps being so friendly with the Na'vi had been a bit odd, but he had saved your life after all, and how were you supposed to know that this was the first time any of the scientists had seen Neteyam allow a sky person other than Spider to touch him? Even though on several occasions it was quite literally life or death.
"Uh, can you guys give us the room?" Max called to the other two foreign researchers in the room in hazmat suits.
They wasted no time in nodding and taking off, shutting the metal door behind them with the selected password to prevent any outbreaks. None of the regulars were used to seeing this son of Jake Sully's, and it was clear they were more than happy to steer clear from the hunter.
The silence that followed the departure was unnerving, and you felt the tension in the room spike as you spotted Neteyam's deadly longbow laid across the table behind him, probably at the demands of the other two who had greeted him at the door.
"So, uh, why are you here?" You asked, feeling the duo pair of eyeballs burning into the back of your head intensify as you continued speaking to Neteyam.
He understood your words and replied in Na'vi, which made you purse your lips as you nodded your head to show you had heard him before awkwardly turning to Norm, motioning for him to tell you what the boy had said.
Norm stuttered over his words for a minute before he replicated the sentence in English.
"He said he missed you and asked if that was a good enough reason", Norm's delivery lacked the mischievous twinkle in Neteyam's eye, but you paired the two together and grinned.
The warrior obviously had a sense of humor when lives weren't at stake, and it made you happy to learn more about the young man. He gazed around the room for a second before he seemed to register Max and Norm's presence, making himself nod at them respectfully before he returned to stare back at your body.
You were utterly at a loss for what to say. The angry man who had first seen you in the woods not long ago was banished from sight, and in his place was this smiley man that still had the means to kill you but had sought you out to simply say hello.
His eyes sparked, and he turned to his hip, digging his hand into a burlap sack he had attached there before he produced his closed fist and held it to you, watching your face peek in interest as his tail flickered madly behind him, hitting the metal walls.
You couldn't help the engrossment you felt, so just as Max was calling out for you to be careful, you pressed your significantly smaller hand into Neteyam's, and in response, he let his hand unfurl to present you with a gift.
It was a red stone that looked like a moving body of water had tumbled it for a long time. The rock shone under the heavy-duty lights above you, and with a timid move, you reached forward and picked it up from his hands, smiling as you thanked him for the gift.
He watched you admire it in your hands as you held it up to the light and stared at it in wonder. Neteyam could get used to amazing you like this.
He leaned one hand on his knee and the other on the floor to steady himself as he gazed at you with wide pupils that tried to take in all of your beauty.
You held the gift to your chest and bowed your head at him, delighting as he copied you without hesitation.
His smile faltered and transformed into an embarrassed throat clearing as his ears fluttered backward. He took his eyes off your figure and stared at the ceiling as his nose sniffed at the air as it had done upon his first meeting with you.
You thought back to the invasive manhandling he had done to you, and in response, you felt a heavy blush consume your face. You bashfully looked at the stone in your hand to avoid Neteyam seeing your face and reading your movements. You turned the beautiful blood-red stone over a few times before slipping it into your pocket and letting the weight drag the fabric of your pants.
Neteyam eyed the individuals behind you with a frown but chose to disregard them. He pressed himself closer to the ground to whisper something to you. He placed his head in front of your plunged face, which was determined not to look up to his eyes, and he softly mumbled something that made your blush deepen.
"Smell you?" His articulation was terrible, but the words still translated to you either way.
If he was being honest, the only reason he hadn't swept you up into his arms the second he saw you was because of the audience he was facing, but your fragrance was once again outpowering his freewill. He desperately needed to feel the fizz you activated in him before he went feral and ripped your clothes off to smell every inch of you.
You glanced behind yourself at Norm and Max, who were both still at a loss for words, but it seemed they were becoming more accepting of your friendship as you spent long minutes basking in one another's presence.
You swallowed nervously but nodded your consent to his touching.
His ears revived back up as he smiled smugly. He adjusted his body so he was sitting crossed-legged in front of you, his knees pressed against the sides of the short hallway, but he didn't care, instead, he focused on your facial expression as you very slightly looked to your left, allowing him a view of your neck.
He slowly inched towards you, giving you plenty of time to pull back and change your mind, but when you didn't, he moved forward, brushed his nose against your bare neck and rejoiced at the fact you still smelt just as strong as you did in his dreams.
He was nearly salivating at the scent, and he selfishly pushed himself deeper into your neck, letting his face push you around slightly while his body shivered at the properties of your touch.
He was doing everything he could not to let his hands roam around your body and investigate where you smelt sweetest, but his euphoric daydreaming was ruined by the sound of Max speaking to you in English.
When you answered back, he felt a sharp electric zap of possessiveness power through him. You were his mate, you weren't meant to be speaking to other men, and you were certainly not told to talk to other single men.
Neteyam growled something over your shoulder to Max and then picked you up gently and rose you to his body so he could set you on his lap. He placed your back against his chest and let his hands entrap your waist to ensure you kept still.
You yelped a little as you suddenly felt your feet leave the ground. Then you let out an 'oof' as Neteyam sat you on his thigh, allowing you to face the other men in the room as he mindlessly returned to bury his head into your neck, forcing your head to an unnatural angle as you nervously chuckled.
"Friendly guy, huh?" You asked the science geeks, but they were both looking at each other with scandalized stares, both more shocked than you had ever seen.
Neteyam’s grip on your waist tightened as he found a hotspot of sweat that was pooling in your neck. The sweet aroma nearly knocked him out with the jolt of pleasure it sent directly to his brain.
Max's jaw dropped while Norm let out an unbelieving chuckle, pointing to your two entangled bodies with an open hand and then back to Max as if to ask what was happening. If it was a competition between who was more aghast, you weren't sure who won.
"This isn't uh...this isn't a greeting used for friends y/n", Max tried to explain while beating around the bush as Norm was still unable to form a single word in English or Na'vi.
Your brow creased in confusion, but then you felt canines gently nip at your neck, and you squeaked as your hand flew up and grabbed onto Neteyam's forearm before you growled out his name in anger at his unchecked drunken actions.
Neteyam's hot breath fanned your neck as he grumbled out another line that nobody had translated to you yet, which worked to push you closer to the edge of frustration.
"What is he saying?" You asked as you squirmed away from his touch, only to have him drag you back into him and gently kiss your neck, making you scream as you let go of your motor functions and thrashed him off.
He pulled his head back with a scowl before once again he said something and let one hand off your waist so he could lightly pull your head back by your hair, allowing him access to freely rub his cheek around your jugular. You choked out at his harsh movements, but neither Norm nor Max seemed too concerned for your safety.
He rubbed his skin against your neck, and for a second, you swore you heard the deep rumbling of a purr thundering across the hallway, but Neteyam quickly cut it off with an embarrassed cough.
"He's uh, well, he's saying a lot", Max was even more flustered than you as he turned to Norm and nodded for him to take over the translation.
"He's trying to tell us to stay away, he's trying to scent you", Norm found his voice, and if you couldn't see the shock and slightly affronted stare he was holding with you through Neteyam's braids, you would have almost thought you were back in the lab and he was explaining the biology of the flower to again.
"Well, can you tell the knucklehead to knock it off?" You huffed with a provoked tinge to your voice as Neteyam let your hair go and returned to his original spot in the crook of your neck.
You would never admit it, not even on your deathbed, but the touch was welcome as his warm skin brushed against you and sent ravenous desire through your soul. The fact you had your colleagues standing in front of you as Neteyam touched you so intimately was really the only problem.
"Do you want us to lose a limb?" Norm tried to joke, but you didn't appreciate his humor.
The feeling of a hot, wet, velvety tongue being dragged from the base of your neck to your jaw made you whine, and the two older men's eyes snapped to Neteyam as you finally decided you had enough of being humiliated.
You ripped yourself from his grip and snapped your head to stare at him angrily, but he only chuckled and his deep voice rumbled through your core as another line came from his mouth. You had no idea what he said, but his hooded eyes and loving smirk tightened your core with a lustful tug.
You spun around again and let your rage spill over.
"Somebody better tell me what he's saying right now before I go crazy!" You yelled. Neteyam let his hands depart from your body and gave you the room to jump from his grip so you could stand with your back to him.
Norm stuck his hands up in mock surrender and shook his head.
"I'm not translating that one", he leaned over and smacked Max on the back for support.
The older man choked on his breath and stumbled to find the right words as Neteyam hungrily eyed your back in front of him.
"He's calling you his muntxa...his mate", Max looked fortified at his words and instantly dropped your gaze as you felt yourself cease entirely to exist.
You turned sharply towards Neteyam, and suddenly the gift, the smelling and the scenting all made sense. You could feel everything in you turn red with blush as you started wildly shaking your head and waving your hands above your head in an 'x' shape which yanked his wandering eyes back to your face.
"No muntxa! No thank you! Find a pretty Na'vi woman, okay? I'm not interested!" You shouted each word louder as if somehow he would be able to understand you if your speech became more pronounced.
"That's not how it works, you can't just turn him down" Norm tried to explain from behind you with an amused huff as Neteyam stared at your outburst in confusion.
He understood most of what you said, but why would you turn him down if you were his mate? There was no questioning that you were his because everything about you was made to draw him in, but it was clear you weren't happy.
His tail paused midair behind him, and he brought it forwards, testing how angry you were by letting the tip of the limb lay by your foot.
You stared down at his tail in curiosity. You let its presence leave your mind as you turned around and asked what exactly you had to do in order to get Neteyam to understand that you couldn't have been his mate because you weren't even the same species. But then you felt the whip-like extremity slowly curl its tip around your ankle.
You went to kick it off, but the tail only slithered further up until it was snugly wrapped around your thigh.
Neteyam's heart sang out as you looked down at the tail without movement, and while in reality, you were too shocked to move, he took it as acceptance and let his large hands creep over to gently grab you again.
"No, Neteyam!" You sternly yelled as his fingers barely grasped your waist.
He let out a long groan as if he were a child being denied a treat by his mother. He couldn't possibly see what the issue was. He pulled his tail back and spoke directly to the human men for the first time since his arrival.
"Why is she so mad, huh? Tell her I'm a good choice for a mate", he couldn't wrap his head around your stubborn unwillingness to let his hands roam where they pleased, and your denial was starting to vex him.
You listened closely as Max translated the interaction between Neteyam and Norm while they spoke to each other in Na'vi.
"It's not that she think's you're a bad choice, she just doesn-", Neteyam's impatience cut off Norm.
"Good, then she can be my mate", he truly saw no issue and was at a loss as to why you weren't all over him in the same manner.
Sure, you were human, and maybe it was odd, but over the week he had been apart from you, he had never felt so lonely, and that loneliness had fueled his courage to take his first steps into the laboratory. He wanted to see you and maybe even take you outside if that was what you wanted, but it was clear you were still getting used to him for now.
"Neteyam, she doesn't know anything about--", Norm was beginning to irritate him, and Neteyam looked over to you as he spoke his following words.
"I will teach her, she will learn", Neteyam didn't care if you didn't know anything. It wasn't of any issue to him.
He would have to protect you with everything he had to keep you safe outside. He wanted you close, and saving you would keep him busy, just how he wanted to be.
Neteyam left the conversation with Norm, much to the scientist's annoyance, and shuffled closer to you, forcing you to stare up at Neteyam as he stared down at you.
"If you want me to leave, I'll leave, but I won't ever come back and you won't see me again", his words were empty, and he knew it, but his hopes were that you wouldn't catch onto his poker face and you would answer in his favor.
Norm took a turn translating for you with a sigh as he knew that Neteyam was lying. The bond between mates was too much to abandon, and while Neteyam had clearly found his points of interest in you, it seemed to be that you hadn't latched onto any intoxicating part of him as quickly.
Your face fell into sadness at the idea of never seeing him again, but you drew your lips closed in thought, trying to debate what exactly to say.
Neteyam took your silence coldly and scoffed as he shook his head in doubt before he turned to leave, but you quickly jumped up and grabbed onto the end of his braid that had nearly smacked you in the face with his momentum.
"Don't leave!" You cried out while the men behind you gasped and quickly called out for you to drop the end of the knot, which you promptly acted in compliance with.
It was Neteyam's turn to freeze at your touch. You could feel that you had done something wrong, so you went to apologize, but when Neteyam's eyes met yours, it was as if he had love hearts in place of his eyes.
He went back to ignoring Max and Norm's attendance as he pushed himself to the floor and gently approached you with open hands so he could snatch you back up and return to his favorite place; your neck.
He didn't stick around long though, and after a quick fill-up of his addiction, he replaced you. He turned to Max to toss a comment at him before he stood up and jogged over to his bow before he swiftly departed as you called out to him, letting out apology after apology in fear it was your touch that had scared him off.
"I'm sorry! Look, I didn't know! Come back here! Ugh, you can't keep your hands off me when I tell you off, and then you won't come near me when I say I'm sorry? What is with you?" You yelled out, but nothing could stop the man as he ducked his head out of the door and set off to close the airlock behind himself.
"I'm confused, what did I do?" You cried out as you spun around, seeking answers, but Max only chuckled at you as he took his glasses off to wipe them on his lab coat.
"He's not mad, he said he has to go hunting for you, it's a Na'vi courting ritual, they bring you as much as they think you're worth in food", he acted as if this was a regular thing to say while you just shook your head in bemusement.
"He realizes I probably can't eat half the stuff out there, right?" You craned your neck to see the young man had already turned tail and was nowhere to be found.
"We'll have to see because there is no doubt he's coming back for you."
:Series 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁:
@faatxma, @nao-cchi @ellabellabus07, @neteyamforlife @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @heesoftiefreak @lixiesbrowniess  @eringaitskill @islamovice17 @sassy-persona @mashiromochi @jkeluv​ @uwu-i-purple-you​
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sirenologyyy · 6 months
୨ৎ summary : wherein singer!reader books her next role in the ballad of songbirds and snakes after starring in the third highest-grossing movie of all time called avatar: the way of water, and falls for the bad guy... of course
୨ৎ warnings : cussing, that's pretty much it HEHEEHEH
୨ৎ author's note : YA'LL I've never seen laufey as a faceclaim in these before she's gorgeous. Also, your character in atwow is named Magnolia Quaritch, you're in Daisy Jones and The Six as a Jazz singer named Vienna Cartwright and a character in House of The Dragon named Theadosia Baratheon.
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tagged: @/jamieflatters @/baileybass @/jackchampion
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liked by rachelzegler, sukiwaterhouse, hunterschafer, baileybass, jackchampion, livkatecooke and 176,987 others
yourusername the sexy skxawngs are SO back 🤩🙏🔥
view comments
⤷ yourusername obviously I lied
user2 OMGGG your boots are giving
user3 average brother and sister dynamic
⤷ user3 HELP yeah they do they're quaritch's kids and they're stepsiblings, y/n's character is named magnolia she was born on pandora like three or four years before spider was
⤷ user4 they barely look alike HELP
⤷ jackchampion no because we keep saying that too
⤷ yourusername @/slang_711 your response 🎤🎤🎤
user4 naw HAHAAHAHA
rachelzegler YA'LL ARE SO CUTEEE
⤷ yourusername MWAH
jamieflatters what is that picture of me
⤷ yourusername my finger slipped
⤷ jamieflatters this is an injustice
⤷ yourusername mb I'm sorry
⤷ jamieflatters you know you aren't
baileybass no because that day in london was so fun omggg
yourusername especially when it started raining and we all were just running around like headless chickens and we took cover inside that empty ambulance
⤷ jackchampion and then I totally didn't fall getting out
⤷ baileybass lies
⤷ yourusername falsehoods
⤷ jamieflatters these people deserve the truth jackson
user5 UGH y/n's so pretty I wish she was real :/
user1 frl I wish pretty people were real
user6 jack eating dino nuggies and mac and cheese with a coke sends me
⤷yourusername I have a folder on my phone with 18 seperate photos of jack eating the same meal over the course of filming atwow
⤷ jackchampion WHAT???
⤷ yourusername my lil bro 😔
⤷ jackchampion girl bye I'm literally 6 feet tall
⤷ yourusername nobody asked jack
⤷ jamieflatters yeah jack
ayoedibiri I miss you 😔
⤷ yourusername I miss YOU
user8 if magnolia quaritch has a million fans I'm one of them, if she has a hundred fans I'm one of them, if she had 0 fans I'm DEAD
hunterschafer looking tew good babes x
⤷ yourusername ure too kind 🫡 🫶
⤷ yourusername he tried gochujang for the first time
⤷ jackchampion top 10 worst anime fails
user7 I think you cropped me outta some of these babes 💋
user8 imagine breathing the same air as y/n y/l/n is rn like I cannot imagine 😔
user10 y/n what's ur favorite hot wheels car
user11 come home the kids miss you 😔
user12 can magnolia come and dissect me like that bladder polyp 30 minutes into the movie
tagged: @/lionsgate
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liked by rachelzegler, hunterschafer, jackchampion, tomblyth, joshandresrivera, oliviarodrigo and 500, 975 others
yourusername show our girl mira sage baird some love, the ballad of songbirds and snakes out now November 17th!
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rachelzegler welcome to the rodeo big sis 🎹🎶✨️
⤷ yourusername let's fcking do this thing
user3 im literally screaming crying and throwing up right now OMFG RACHEL JUST CALLED Y/N BIG SIS
user4 STOP BCS I just finished reading tbosas yesterday
user6 these stills are everything to me
jackchampion SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU 🙌
⤷ yourusername #1 WINGMAN FRL 💯
user7 her first freaking role was literally playing stephen lang's daughter in a james cameron film, then immediately booking the role of serafyna freaking baratheon in house of the dragon, then playing a jazz singer in daisy jones and the six, NOW SHE'S IN THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES???
user8 no one's doing it like her frl
user5 like hello I'm never getting over this tf 😭💔💔💔
tomblyth hey nightingale
⤷ yourusername wsp gent
user5 they saw an opportunity and took it
ashleyjliao oh ya'll are not READYYYY
⤷ user1 someone time this exact moment these two made frickin history tonight
⤷ user6 I'm so glad I stayed up for this holy shit
⤷ user8 it's literally 5:39 am for me rn I literally have to defend a thesis in 3 hours and I am wide awake bouncing around my dorm
⤷ yourusername oh babes get some sleep 😭 (good luck on your thesis btw you're gunna kill it! 💓)
⤷ user10 replying to user8 NAW GIRL I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE REPLIED TO YOU
⤷ user8 replying to user10 IT CAN ONLY GO DOWNHILL FROM HERE DUDE
baileybass can't wait 🤍
⤷ yourusername I love you so much bai bai 🫶🏼
user12 oh my FUCK is that the scene where sejanus and mira have that conversation outside the hob???
⤷ user13 STOP WE'RE FINALLY GETTING THE "you're everything I could ever have wanted" SCENE
⤷ user3 I apologise for the person I will become once I see Sejanus and Mira at my local theatre
⤷ hunterschafer me neither
⤷ user6 hunter I love you
⤷user13 oh...
⤷ user2 yeah and neither does-
⤷ user8 NAWWW STFU @/user2
⤷user12 don't even go there @/user2
⤷user10 GET THE HELL OUT @/user2
joshandresrivera prepare to have your knocks socked off
⤷yourusername oh they dunno what's COMING
⤷ rachelzegler stop because tell me why I was sobbing even more than you were while you were performing mira sage's song 😭
⤷ yourusername we were inconsolable that day 😭😭😭 i think even Tom was tearing up too
⤷ tomblyth no you're wrong there was a busted pipe above my spot it kept leaking into my eye
⤷yourusername sure honey.
user14 NAWWWW ☝️☝️☝️
user15 someone check up on tom if he's still breathing cuz if y/n fucking y/l/n ever called me honey I'd be GONEEEEEEE
user16 @/tomblyth are u alright pal
⤷ joshandresrivera his eyes were literally irritated when I looked at him during our first initial take
⤷tomblyth nice going josh
⤷ yourusername rachel never let him go
⤷ rachelzegler duly noted
user17 y/n y/l/n as mira sage baird oh someone up there is looking out for me frl
tagged: @/yourusername
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liked by yourusername, tomblyth, joshandresrivera, hunterschafer and 168, 753 others
rachelzegler new york, new york - Frank Ocean
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joshandresrivera alright I see how it is
⤷ rachelzegler it's not you, it's me?
yourusername I'm coming after your entire career Joshua
tomblyth I asked if you wanted to go hang out in new york with me and you told me you were busy?
⤷ yourusername but I was 😁
⤷ rachelzegler get in line blyth
⤷ tomblyth I'm devastated, truly
⤷ yourusername it's not my fault I'm incredibly sought after, I'm sorry Tom
⤷ hunterschafer go tell 'em honey!!!
⤷ yourusername better luck next time @/tomblyth
⤷ tomblyth there's still a next time?
⤷yourusername For you? Always
⤷tomblyth I'm the luckiest man alive, I feel like I'm going to soar out of my flat any minute now, maybe do somersaults in the sky I'm not sure, we'll see.
yourusername liked this comment
user1 not Tom Blyth being down bad
user2 HELLO??? TOM???
user3 why do they sound so flirty wtf...
user4 dosen't Tom have a gf HELPPPP
user5 I don't think it's confirmed
⤷ user4 it better not be cuz why am I kinda eating this up
lionsgate our favorite sister duo 💕
⤷ yourusername iktr 🙏
⤷ rachelzegler this is a WIN
user8 @/yourusername LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN ‼️‼️‼️
user11 y/n l/n and rachel zegler my bestfriends
⤷ user10 I wonder if she actually got the Lucy Gray barbie
⤷ yourusername everywhere we went it was sold out 😭
user3 @/tomblyth you might wanna get onto that
⤷ user4 @/tomblyth YK WHAT TO DO
user15 I know Y/N was mourning for that spilt coffee
user16 and they were thrifting too UGH I wanna be able to go thrifting with y/n and rachel
⤷ user14 I wonder who got those cowboy boots
⤷yourusername actually we both saw it at the same time but I ended up giving it to Rachel because I'm a wonderful person! (and we totally didn't fight over it inside goodwill!)
rachelzegler 😭😭😭
tagged: @/joshandresrivera @/rachelzegler @/yourusername see more...
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liked by yourusername, rachelzegler, joshandresrivera, ashleyjliao, hirokiberrecloth and 268, 836 others
tomblyth HG film dump. We had our flaky croissants, our chewy croissants, but alas, not one croissant on earth could live up to these beautiful people. teebosass coming to theaters near you. ❄️❄️❄️
rachelzegler FIRST!!!
rachelzegler ugh blyth you sap
⤷ tomblyth what can I say
ashleyjliao 🥐🥐🥐
yourusername that cucumber salad did not taste as good as you manipulated me into believing
⤷ tomblyth hey you could use the vitamin K, you're welcome ❤️
⤷ yourusername this is what playing a pre tyrannical president of a dystopian world does to you kids
user1 yes mom 🫡
⤷ user2 I'm abt to sob
user3 so excited OMGGG
user4 sofia crying makes me wanna cry too wtf
user5 the tributes and mentors aww
⤷ user3 I'm having that picture framed and put on a pedestal
user6 Y/N getting her own picture is so cute 🫶
user7 holy shit ur right
⤷ user2 replying to user6 she literally got a single picture all to herself while the others were with someone else on every photo
user8 no because y/n having her own picture meanwhile everyone else had to share the spotlight is making me think thoughts...
user9 oh twitter's about to blow up and second now
user10 @/y/nsidehoe on twt 🔥🔥🔥
user11 you were amazing in Billy the Kid!
user13 these photos are so well shot though
user14 the tributes all hugging eachother ugh MY HEART
user15 josh's posture is cracking me tf up 😭
user17 y/n's face though HELP ME
user19 I don't even wanna speculate anything atp remember what happened to her and Charles Leclerc?
user17 oh NAWWW they were definitely a thing, did you SEE those yacht pics?
user10 it was a shame they never confirmed it though they were so cute 😔
user20 YALL dosen't tom have a gf???
⤷ user18 nothing's confirmed, pretty sure he said him and the girl were good friends in an article somewhere LMFAO
⤷ user8 omg link
⤷ user13 (2)
⤷ user18 hold on dms
user21 josh and rachel have my heart fssss 🫶
user22 y/n nation boutta start shipping them I'm frl calling it
user23 it'll be gone in a week or so then she'll hop onto the next male lead in her next film
⤷ user23 for promo ✨️
⤷ user24 she's doing smth to these men I swear, spiking their drinks, keeping voodoo dolls of em or sumn
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woozisguitar · 2 months
warnings: mentions of anxiety, panic attacks and overthinking
word count: 853 (lowercase intended)
you sit in the stiff chair of your dining table, your laptop screen providing a soft glow in the otherwise dark room. the soft hum of the refrigerator and the shallow pants of your breath are the only noises in the dead of night. your otherwise loud neighborhood is relatively quiet today. you take in another deep breath, trying to calm your fast racing heart and even out your breathing. you know this is a tell of an impending anxiety attack, having had your fair share of those, but you don't even know what triggered this one. one minute you were quietly scrolling past the exciting lives of your friends on your phone, and the next you were in front of your computer for the past three hours, desperately trying to make some sense of your life.
“sweetheart, what are you doing?” a soft, sleepy voice rasps out from your bedroom door, causing you to look up from your computer.
a soft, tired jihoon stands in front of you, rubbing his eyes heavy with sleep. his hair is a mess, sticking out in all directions, and he opted to wear a soft sweater pajama set instead of his usual shorts. a small part of your heart seems to calm down at the sight in front of you.
jihoon walks over to where you are sitting and pulls a chair next to you. he peeks into your computer and sees various tabs open from post-grad programs of different universities, and he instantly knows what is happening. he then notices the soft tremor in your hands, your shallow breath, and the frantic, alert look in your tired eyes. he knows all too well what this means. he has witnessed a fair share of your panic attacks to know all the tells and signs like the back of his hand. he places his hands on yours, and you look up to meet his eyes. his eyes are so full of love and comfort, and for a second you forget about everything bad in your life.
“baby, what are you doing at this hour?” he tries again to coax you out of your bubble of panic. you sigh and look down at your intertwined hands.
“i'm just- i don't know, jihoon. i was watching all these people i know doing something with their lives, and i don't even know what to do anymore. i don't know what i'm doing with my life, and this is all so scary. i'm just-” you look up at him with tear-filled eyes. “what if i'm destined to fail in the end? what's the point of any of this then? it's been months since i graduated, with first honors too, but i just don't know what to do anymore. i feel so lost and useless and-” jihoon feels your anxiety increase, and as your breathing speeds up, he pulls you to his chest, softly cradling the back of your head as you quietly cry. he knows what you feel. you never talk about it, but all these feelings have been playing in your mind for a while now, and he knows exactly what you need to hear.
“you're not a disappointment, my love. you'll never be a disappointment to me. ever. and it's okay to not have things figured out right now. you have a plan, yeah? you have multiple plans, and right now you know it's not worth being anxious over it. trust me, my love, we just have to wait it out. i know you're not used to being so free, but maybe it was about time you took a break. everyone you know never worked so consistently for the past few years, whereas you didn't even take a break. i know it's hard, it's very, very hard, but you need to slow down and take a break. you've done so much already, you just have to wait it out now. we will apply to post-grad programs together like i promised, but we have to wait till they open up. there's no point being anxious before that.” jihoon feels your breathing slow down and slowly return to its normal rate at his words.
damn jihoon and his way with words.
you slowly lift your head up to look at him, and he wipes the tears from your face. he cups your cheek and kisses your forehead, a small promise that he's here and that he's not going anywhere.
“i'm sorry i woke you up,” you sniffle.
“never apologize, my love. i'm always here for you. now let's go to bed, hmm?” he says, closing your laptop and helping you out of your chair.
“jihoon, can you please sing for me?” you say softly after settling in your bed, your head on his chest and his arms secured around you.
“of course, my love. anything for you.”
and with that, you slowly drift off to sleep to the sound of your lover humming you to sleep. the world may be a hard and difficult place to deal with, but you know at the end of the day, you'll always have jihoon.
a/n: sorry its 5 am and i cant sleep
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Sorry for the weird fucking post but like tumblr straight up ate your ask?? I had to search and screenshot from my email??
Its like super fine I love big rants and big feelings (especially about the blorbo of the month).
Whoa buddy if you wanna talk about a rant. This got so long I'm putting it under a read more.
I'm not sure any of this is above board conscious thought process. When he looks to Orym, when he thinks about how he feels about Orym, I think Dorian, king of compartmentalizing, gets a rush of all three of the things in the post. He gets a little too lost in thought looking at the way Orym's hair now tries to curl against his ear or how well tailored the armor is to his body, he first gets hit with the Will guilt. Then he thinks about "ohmygodtheresawaron" and he'd shovel all of that down. Because its not time to think about Orym and him. But he knows by the way Orym watches him "sleep". He knows by the way Orym refused to be princess carried in Aeror. (Seriously dude Dorian princess carries everyone. It would have been less suspicious if you let it happen). He knows because Orym didn't see his husband when they were in Zephrah. But when he dares himself to actually think about a possible future together, he uses the big three to shove it down. And no, he has no clue that Orym thinks he doesn't return his feelings. (Wow you're right. Pronouns are hard)
Lol to finally answer your question: I'm not sure! Because the thing is! Orym has gone down twice in a battle with Dorian there! And honestly if Orym being on death's door doesn't make either of them confess, i'm not sure what will! (thats a lie I do have an idea). But like Orym went to the moon and back and almost died on the moon and all the count communicate to Dorian was "I miss you"!! Orym nearly died twice in one battle and he didn't think to give Dorian a sloppy, "If I die again I want to have kissed you once" kiss before going in for another round of getting hacked on. Dorian watched him go down and had to bring him back from death's door (one failed save scared the shit out of me) and he didn't think to give Orym a "We need you, I need you" kiss.
My unfortunate thought process, which I can't decide if I want it to come true or not, is that Dorian has to get hurt. Like when I say hurt I fucking mean it. Taken down in a round or two, two failed death saves, hurt. Because then Orym will have to face losing Dorian again. Face losing the man he loves, again. He pours a healing potion into Dorian's mouth because warlocks don't have a single healing spell. (Just checked). Orym feels so helpless in saving Dorian, because a healing potion isn't nearly enough to keep him up. He starts to cry over Dorian's (now conscious) body. He whispers between sobs "Not again, not again. Dorian you can't leave me. I love you, please, I never got to tell you, please stay alive." and Dorian, having heard all of that, reaches up to cup Orym's cheek and says. "Alright, just for you though."
Or something like that.
As much as I would love for them to be adults and just talk to each other. I know thats not going to happen. (Please, Robbie, Liam, prove me wrong.) So I think major tragedy will be the reason they confess to each other. Because they're idiots in love with a lot of weight on their shoulders.
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khaylin27 · 1 month
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
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pairing: lewis hamilton x popstar! reader
series: the tortured poets department
synopsis: popstar y/n l/n performs for the first time after her and lewis hamilton split due to 'differences'
warnings: not proofread 🙃 but none
author's note: IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN A WHILE 😭 I've been dealing with my physical and mental health the past couple of months that I haven't been motivated to write. I've also been busy with college because I'm almost done. Hope y'all enjoy this!
I can read your mind
"She's having the time of her life"
There in her glittering prime
The lights refract sequined stars off her silhouette every night
I can show you lies (one, two, three, four)
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yn_nation The lights refract sequined stars off her silhouette every night #WarsawYNTheErasTour 🩷✨See you in less than a fortnight! 🤍 #LondonYNTheErasTour
user2 you know who also is from London 👀
user3 you think lewis would still go to her show even though they broke up? user4 we can only hope 😭🙏
'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle it
They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did
Lights, camera, and smile, even when you wanna die
He said he'd love me all his life
It was the first of many nights performing in London. London meant so much to you. You and Lewis fell in love and made a whole life here. You really thought he was the one after six years of being together. It wasn't until Lewis decided to break up explaining that there were 'differences' in your relationship.
"I can't do this guys." You were having a breakdown in your changing room before the show. Oscar's wife and Alexandra were in the room trying to calm you down before the show.
Alexandra soothes you while you cry and Oscar's wife had enough of it. It was probably due to the pregnancy hormones. "I love you Y/N but I know you're a real tough kid, you can handle it."
You wipe your tears and look up at her, "When I went through everything with Carlos you told me 'babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it' and that's what I did. I never got to thank you back then but I do now." Oscar's wife smiles thinking about the time Y/N encouraged her to go watch Lando race after the whole failed wedding with Carlos. If Oscar's wife didn't listen to Y/N back then she wouldn't have met Oscar and become his wife.
"Now I'm going to do the same for you. You can handle this Y/N, I've seen you through worse." Throughout your music career, many people have tried to ruin your reputation. "I know Lewis said he'd love you all his life but that's over now. Of course, it's a lot to go through but there are millions of people out there that love you."
Your conversation was interrupted by Charles and Oscar. They could see you three were going through an emotional situation. "Uhm the lady with the headset is yelling at us to tell you it's almost show time," Oscar says as quickly as possible then closes the door.
The three of you laugh at the awkward Australian, "That's my husband." Oscar's wife says with a smile.
"You can do this Y/N," Alexandra smiles as well.
As you three stand up, you give a hug to the both of them. "Thank you guys for being here. I don't know what I would do without you." You smile and pull away. "It's time to get on stage."
"We believe in you Y/N," Alexandra says before you leave to stand on the elevating platform.
You take deep breaths before the platform elevates to the main stage. As it's elevating you tell yourself, "Lights, camera, and smile. Even if you wanna die."
But that life was too short
Breaking down, I hit the floor
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "More"
It was that segment of the concert where you would perform surprise songs to the audience.
"For one of my surprise songs tonight, I just wanted to share the story behind what I'm about to play next." You say starting to play the piano.
"London is a city I'll always love. I met the love of my life or so I thought." You were trying to hold back tears from the crowd. "That life was too short though." You smile through the tears. "I hope you like this song."
"But do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said 'Get in the car' and then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?" You remember the times you would wait outside of Mercedes headquarters in your car to ask Lewis to spend time with you. But he didn't want to. You would cancel plans frequently just in case Lewis called. "Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all. 'Meet me behind the mall."
"So much for summer love and saying 'us.' Cause you weren't mine to lose." You were breaking down in tears singing this song. Remembering all the pieces of your relationship with Lewis shattered because there were 'differences' in your relationship.
As you continue playing the chords to August while crying, the crowd is chanting "More!"
I was grinnin' like I'm winnin'
I was hittin' my marks
'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
You looked up and grinned at the crowd. You realized that even though you lost the love of your life, it didn't matter anymore. Tons of people loved you for who you are. You were winning in life no matter what.
"It's new, the shape of your body. It's blue, the feeling I've got and it's ooh, whoa, oh. It's a Cruel Summer." The crowd goes wild at the mashup with August and Cruel Summer.
While you were hittin' all the marks to the song you realize that you could do it with a broken heart.
I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day
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yn_nation #LondonYNTheErasTour I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day! 🩶 Y/N is back for five more dazzling #YNTheErasTour nights! 🤩
user2 it's amazing how y/n can put on a show every night while dealing with a breakup
user3 god chooses his strongest soldiers for battle 🫡
user4 did y'all see that the whole f1 grid + wags were at the show tonight? also, did you see LEWIS HAMILTON there too?
user6 WHAT!? user7 I wonder how that's going to turn out.
I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague
It was the F1 summer break and you decided to invite the whole grid to your last show in London. You were still close to the drivers and their wags to this day so they all said yes. What you didn't expect was your ex-boyfriend being here.
Everyone came to your room to greet you before the show started. It was almost time to start the concert but you were hoping Lewis would come by to say hi to you. You were still obsessed with him. Like Gwen Stefani said 'I'm just a girl."
"Did he come in here?" George's fiancé asks you. She knew the answer when you didn't respond.
"He's avoiding you like the plague." George scoffs and his fiancé turns around to side eye him for that comment.
You laugh at the couple for being themselves. "I really needed this laugh." You say as you get up from your chair. "I'm ready now."
Before you leave the room, you give George and his fiancé a hug. "Thanks for being here. I love and appreciate you two."
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art
"Hasn't it been an amazing week London!?" You smile as the crowd cheers for you. "It was for you guys but it was a rollercoaster of emotions for me." You laugh at your little joke. "You guys have probably seen me cry a lot the past couple of days, but I am so productive!" The crowd laughs and cheers. "It's an art!"
You start playing the piano, "I just want to say a special thank you to this city. It's a city I love so much. It has a lot of good and bad memories but you guys overrule those bad memories."
As the crowd cheers you start to explain your surprise song, "To conclude the last night of the London Eras Tour, I want to play a song or two for you guys. It might be sad at first like how I was at the beginning of the week but it gets light-hearted at the end."
You start playing the melody to So Long, London, and the whole crowd cheers. "I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist. I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift. Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away."
"My spine split from carrying us up the hill. Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill. I stopped trying to make him laugh. Stopped trying to drill the safe." You watch the crowd and the grid sing along.
"Thinkin', how much sad did you think I had. Did you think I had in me? Oh, the tragedy." You look at the VIP tent and see Lewis. "So Long, London. You'll find someone."
The melody on the piano transitions to London Boy and the crowd goes wild. "Who enjoys walking Camden Market in the afternoon. You'll love her American smile. Like a child when your eyes meet, darling, I fancied you."
"Take her back to Highgate, she'll meet all of your best mates. So I guess all the rumors are true. You know I loved a London boy. But I'll say so long to you." As the melody fades out, the crowds cheer. You smile back at them and then look back at Lewis.
Saying so long to Lewis is hard but having the support of friends and fans made you realize that they were all you needed.
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart
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yn_nation SO LONG, LONDON #LondonYNTheErasTour it's been an amazing week here in London. Thank you so much London fans for the good memories 🥹🤍✨
user1 you know you're good when you can PERFORM FOR A WHOLE WEEK IN FRONT OF A CROWD with a broken heart 😭
user2 the so long, london x london boy mashup 😭💔 it was basically a goodbye letter to lewis
user3 lewis was there too 🥲
tagged: @omgsuperstarg @splaterparty0-0 @2pagenumb @c-losur3
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fluff-n-cookies · 4 months
I saw your post for more platonic Dabi and I was wondering how you think Dabi would comfort a reader who had a panic attack and or is extremely socially anxious and always seeks him out for comfort. Whenever reader is anxious in public they hold onto the corner of his shirt or sleeve and tend to follow him or stick close to his side. If reader didn’t have the best home life then they’re probably constantly afraid Dabi is going to hate them or leave them. Reader is the kind of person who will let people talk down to them, mistreat them but heaven forbid anyone so much as looks at Dabi in distain/disgust. Reader will defend him with their life and is constantly defending him from other people’s opinions. Basically just reader and Dabi being each other’s found family
Okay, for starters I would like to apologize from the deepest depths of my heart. I am not right the head (obviously.) and I would like to give you the right to owning my soul, for I have been putting off your kind request for so long, and I genuinely am so sorry for the delay.
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Now I actually think that this is very interesting especially form an analytical stand point.
Because Dabi does not like weak people. both physically and mentally. It's primarily rooted form his turbulent relationship with his father where he constantly tried to get stronger and better through training and pushing himself to be a strong as possible to please his father. his idol.
from that I think he would despise those weaker than him, not because he actually hates them, but more so because he needs to put other people down to rise himself up. it's more so "it's not that I should succeed, others should fail." it makes him feel better about himself, gives him that feeling of accomplishment that he would normally get from his father saying "good job." but eh rather gets it from bullying.
You'd have to do something truly spectacular to catch his eye for him to not put you down like he does everyone else.
I don't think it could be kindness, since when Rei persuades him to stop training an pushing himself so hard, he instead takes it as her trying to stop him. I'm not saying that that exact senario would play out as in
reader : Dabi! I got you flowers.
I'm saying he has a hard time accepting kindness, I'm saying he might not know what is someone trying to help him and what is someone trying to hurt him. like Rei does. this might actually draw him away.
I think what might actually work is the relationship he had with Fuyumi and Natsuo. because all three were heavily affected by their father's neglect and violence and I think that this may be evidence of sympathy or a ledge to protect them one day as a hero.
(of course, he doesn't become a hero, rather going partially insane as I would say and focusing on getting revenge on Enji, most likely to avenge himself and his brother and sister.)
what may lead him to you is the shared sympathy the both of you have when it comes to bad origins. it's the same sympathy he had with this siblings (minus Shoto) I'm thinking he walks in at the wrong time while you're in the middle of crying your heart out I do that way to often and while he doesn't interfere right at that moment, he will talk to you as best as his unsocial ass can. things like "sorry that happened to you." "you're not alone, that happened to me too." undercover of sarcastic remarks like "you're such a crybaby."
or something easier where the both of you reveal more and about your pasts forming a close relationship. details like "my dad would be pissed about that." or "ugh! that's something mom would say!" after a cruel insult. it would be an unspoken bond but a bond nonetheless.
this gives him an undying sympathy for you that he can't properly express. trust me he has so many things to say.
"I love you."
"thank you for being there for me."
"I would give you the world if asked."
"you're the reason I get up in the morning."
but for a child of an abusive and unloving relationship, the words are just not there. no seriously. there's only this feeling of warmth with you and nothing else. no words, only a flurry of pinkish love.
He'll let you come to him like the little ball of fear and sadness you are at times, he'll let you cuddle up you him as much as you want. he'll push you off when calm down a bit though, he'll leave with a grumble about how needy you can be.
note though, that he would probably never push you off immediately. it's not that he hates you, he thinks you're disgusting and the worst thing to ever exist.
it's just that he doesn't know how to respond. and I don't blame him.
it takes a while to get used to, get used to being loved and having something to love. but once he does you are SO in for it.
I'm talking flowers from the grocery store, free stolen popsicles, the right to murder anybody and have him help you clean it all up.
because he genuinely loves you, he really does, and when he understands after a couple years of knowing each other how to receiprocate your love, it suddenly all become to easy to be human, to be alive, to be happy.
he also does doesn't like you being talked down to. it comes from the depths of his childhood dream of being a hero and protecting people. especially loved ones like he does for Fuyumi and Natsuo. this also transforms into a need to provide for his loved ones, this can take form in helping you put together furniture, helping you with groceries, and talking to you when you're lonely. things you would do with your dad, which he basically is at this point.
on the same boat, he doesn't like you to fight for him. in his mind, it's HIS job to protect you not vice versa. he's seen you cry, talked you through your panic attacks, been there through those nights. you've already fought so much with yourself, you should not be fighting for him.
it's beautiful really. how much this one thing can change Dabi. it's just that you'll have to stick with him through the sarcasm and the insults and the roasts. but in the end.
he loves you. he'll protect you. maybe not Japan as a hero, but this one little thing. this one little perfect thing, he'll die for.
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jesterwriting · 11 months
(for that timeloop post,, uhm this relates to the whole body horror thing ((not too much just a brief mention)) so if rn u don't wanna see that SCROLL AWAY!!! OR DELETE ME!! OK disclaimer ends here)
oh man but what if Law did say room anyway and there were impossible scars on your insides... like littered everywhere, they're not fresh but old, almost phantoms that make no sense, because if they were real you would've died. how would he react to that? maybe not when he noticed them crying but after weeks or months, dunno, where they keep skipping his more thorough check-ups (where he uses his devil fruit) since they're anxious about the pains? and think that somehow there are signs of their previous deaths and the mention of them makes it hurt more and more and they just can't do it. but they can't bring themselves to say it because who could possibly believe them? if Law doesn't, it would just feel even worse, won't it? even if they understand his point of view. maybe they even die in front of him and it gets harder to just hold all of that in,,, oh boy. if you think about continuing your oneshot i'll eat it like a starving animal!
pairing: law x gn!reader
contents: slight body horror, slight gore, timeloops, suicide done to restart the loop, hurt/comfort, happy ending,
word count: 1.6k words
note: OHHHHH I LOVED THIS IDEA OH MY GOD. absolutely so smart. anon your mind is huge and i had so much fun doing this request. <33 i really hope you enjoy :33
playlist: caribou - tanya tagaq
a sister fic to this
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This had never happened before. You had experienced hundreds of loops, maybe even thousands, and this was the first time Law saw fit to scan you with his Devil Fruit.
Maybe you were getting sloppy. You had a strong immune system so you never got sick, and the first time Law scanned you for your general checkup upon joining the crew, there was nothing of note. You wondered what changed, as if you hadn’t died more times since you joined his crew than you had in your entire life. Maybe it was because the more you suffered, the more reckless you became, throwing yourself into the fray with little regard for yourself. You could take a bullet for your crewmates, so you would. It was as simple as that.
There was a first time for everything, you supposed. A first death, a first breath, a first kill; there were uncountable firsts that one could experience, and you had experienced most of them.
Not this one, though.
You had tried to avoid it for as long as possible. Your captain was a man who carried burdens, ones almost as heavy as the ones on your shoulders. If he knew how many times he failed you — or how many times you failed him — you knew he would take all the blame for himself. As if you hadn’t been the one lying, and fighting, and dying over the course of countless lifetimes.
Law blinked a few times before his brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed. You fidgeted under his stare. If his reaction was anything to go by, he found something horribly wrong with you. While you had experienced slow deaths before, you had never experienced what it felt like to waste away from disease. Maybe you’d find out this loop, you thought, trying to feel nonchalant about the idea and not like you were about to throw up.
“Um. What’s wrong,” You tried.
Law shushed you, the blue glow from his room still surrounding you. You bit your tongue, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt to try and take your mind off of whatever he could have found.
“This can’t be right,” He muttered, one hand cradling his chin. He pointed to your chest. “There’s a scar inside of you, it looks like a puncture wound through your lungs. When did that happen?”
Three loops ago when you fell off a building and onto some rebar. That was a particularly awful death. The last thing you remembered before everything went black was Law’s panicked expression as he tried to put you back together again. There was terror in his eyes. You tried not to think about that part.
“And here,” Law continued, pointing to your abdomen. “There’s a scar running across the length of your stomach. It almost looks as if you were previously disemboweled.”
You had been. Multiple times. It was a common and very disturbing loop ender that you tried to avoid if you could. Watching your organs fall out of you in a steaming heap was never something you liked to experience, but for some reason, your opponents kept aiming for the gut. You wished they’d aim for the heart or the head more often. At least then it’d be quick.
He didn’t stop there, jaw falling open when he stared directly where your heart was. “When were you stabbed, Y/N-ya, this looks recent.” Law blinked a few times before realization dawned on his features. His eyes shot to your face, expression going from open to unreadable in seconds. “How did you survive without my intervention?”
Your mouth was dry. How were you supposed to respond? There was no way you could tell him that you had died on his watch more times than you could count. Law didn’t deserve that. Your captain was a good man, one you loved admired far too much to allow this to weigh him down. He would take your failures to heart, completely discounting the amount of times that he had saved you from having to start anew.
You must have been quiet for too long because Law was speaking again. “Answer me.”
“It’s from a long time ago,” You said.
That was a lie. It was from the previous loop. A quick death by your own hand over the cold corpse of your captain. If Law didn’t survive, there was no point in continuing, and if there was one thing you had grown accustomed to, it was taking your own life after one loss too many. You knew how to make it quick, no suffering. So with a precise hand, you drove your knife into your chest and let the timeline begin anew.
When you saw Law again, whole and alive, you vomited. You were under the impression that he believed that you simply ate some bad seafood, but from the concern that was slowly etching its way onto his features, you weren’t so sure of that now.
“Don’t lie to me.” Law’s eyes flashed, barely contained frustration needling at the corners of him. “None of this makes any sense, half of these injuries should have killed you. The other half would have needed to be treated.”
The truth sat on the tip of your tongue. You felt selfish and needlessly cruel for your desire to tell Law what was really happening. Your eyes burned, and their glassy sheen didn’t go unnoticed. Law handed you a tissue, expression softening.
“I- um.” You hated how your voice cracked. It had been a long time since you told someone about your Devil Fruit. You always died, and they always forgot. For a long time, you thought it was better that way, carrying this weight on your own. The way Law looked at you, though, it made you want to pour your soul out to him. Every pain, every loss, every death lain at his feet, and for once, you could stand unburdened. “It’d be wrong of me to tell you.”
Law’s eyebrows knit together. “Now you’re being stupid.”
“No, I’m not. You’ll regret asking once you know. Don’t pretend like you don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you don’t deserve my troubles on top of that. It’s better for both of us if you just forget what you saw.”
With that, you stood and made to brush past Law and out of the room. He grabbed you by the shoulder, not allowing you to go any farther. Though his grip was firm, it didn’t hurt. If you really wanted to, you could wrench yourself away from him.
“You’re trembling.”
Your lower lip wobbled, your resolve ebbing away by the second. “It’s complicated.”
“So tell me.” Law’s lips twitched upwards ever so slightly. “Doctor’s orders.”
You let out a small huff. He didn’t deserve this, but there would always be another loop. This current one hadn’t been going so well, and by your estimation, it would take at least three more before you managed to reach your next checkpoint. It wouldn’t hurt to tell Law what he inevitably wouldn’t remember. You steadied yourself with a deep breath and turned to face him, his eyes met yours with a mix of concern and exasperation.
“It’s my Devil Fruit,” You started. Law leaned back on his heels and crossed his arms, attention solely on you. Your heart thundered in your chest. “I’ve died so many times.” Without your permission, your breath hitched. Law’s hand encircled your own with a small squeeze, encouraging you to continue. “It, um, brings me back, I guess. I’ll die, and then wake up in the bunkhouse days earlier, and I’ll be the only one who remembers what happened. All those scars you saw were what killed me in a previous loop.”
He was silent while he chewed on his words.
“How many times have you died since you joined my crew,” Law finally asked.
Your hand was still in his and you gave it a squeeze. “That’s not fair. I know what you’re doing and I won’t let you do it.”
Law’s shoulders slumped as he brought his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I believe you. It explains a lot. I noticed you cry in your sleep sometimes.”
“You watch me sleep?” The tips of Law’s ears were tinged pink while you laughed.
“I was worried so I checked on you.” With a sigh, he began to lead you out of the clinic to his office. “Come on, you’re telling me everything you can remember. We’re going to come up with a plan.”
Humoring him, you followed close on his heels. It didn’t matter how long or how hard you planned, there was no accounting for the unpredictability of the universe. This comfort wouldn’t last long. Soon, you would be dead again and the cycle would start anew. That didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy sharing a space with your captain, listening to him meticulously craft tactics to keep you, and everyone else, alive.
It wasn’t until four days later you found yourself breathing, though covered head to toe in blood, with the rest of the crew. Everyone was safe and sound, and Law wouldn’t stop looking at you with a smirk on his face. When you found yourself next to him, he bumped his shoulder against yours.
“I told you my plan would work.”
Just like that, for the first time in your life, you were no longer alone.
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miueo · 1 year
repost ︐ stupid girl — pub. 100623
warnings : spankings , acedemic shaming , degrading , dumbification , etc .
pairings : tutor!minho ♡ student!reader
note : i deleted my previous acct due to the fact i was posting my writings underneath a secondary blog ! i am not stealing anyone’s work, this is my writing.
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never in your life, you'd thought you'd be bent over your tutor’s lap in his room, earning yourself a spanking. what could you have done to deserve this?!
“you look so stupid. absolutely fucking dumb. what made you think you could successfully cheat on your test??” minho lands a hard slap on your left ass cheek before switching to the next.
“is my help not enough for you? Are you that much of a stupid girl to fail to comprehend my help?” he grits his teeth, yanking your hair back as he continues to spank your cheeks.
you wail and cry. you've never felt so embarrassed. what should you do now? you're already getting humiliated and scolded by your tutor, and not only that your grades have fluctuated!
“i-im sorry.. minnie it wasn't my intention to cheat.. you see-” your little excuse was cut off by the sound of your cute strawberry pattern panties being torn off your little plush ass. you wanted to protest and ask what he’s doing but you fear he’ll stop.
silly you wanted more. though, you and him would spend hours studying and studying and studying, you enjoyed the offtime activities with minho. whenever you guys aren’t studying, he’d be rewarding you by rearranging your guts and torturing you with his long, thick cock and his fingers.
minho adored you, he loved how dumb you were. who doesn’t want a ditzy little girl like you?
“you’re so cute all spread out over my lap like this. I wish I could show you off like this.” he takes his two slim fingers, gently caressing your wet glossy folds.
poor you shivered and swallowed. “can you st-stop teasing me?? it's not fair.. at least I tried my best…” you murmured.
“one more fucking word out of you and I'll do the nastiest things to you.” he gritted his teeth, grabbing your cheeks, forcing eye contact.
by now, you were intimidated to the max. minho was already mean enough to you, it was all tough love. it has gotten to the point his passive aggressiveness and rough physical touch arouses you.
you just wanted him to use you as if you’re some sort of toy. you’d let him do anything.
he lets go of your face, resuming his actions. he slowly moves a finger in your warm wet little hole before fucking you open for another finger or two to join in.
“w-wait fuck.. mmphh..!!!” a loud airy whimper escaped from your throat as your grip onto his bed sheets. it felt so good, you had just forgotten about the test you failed. all your problems and concerns had be wiped away thanks to your tutor.
three fingers later, you were left sobbing and drooling, desperate you wanted more!— too bad that it was all cut short by your cocky tutor!!
“you really thought i’d waste my precious time fucking a stupid girl like you?” he scoffed, pulling his fingers out, “if you ace your next test, i’ll think about fucking you again.”
darn it.. (;へ:)
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ozai-the-bonsai · 5 months
Cry for the Moon
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Pairing: Zuko x firebender!reader
Warnings: some strong language here and there
A/N: I am sorry for the long wait, the inspiration was failing and I didn't want to write something half-heartedly just for the sake of posting something. This is a long chapter and I loved writing it! Hope you enjoy this one as well, let me know what you think about it in the comments!
Taglist: @annonymatic @yoongiesstar @lost-inthe-v0id @lokigodofmyheart @4l3x1s @potato87123 @asciendo @angelruinz @unamused-boss @junieshohoho @yourlivewire @itszzmoon @coolgirl458 @vyliie @6000-fandoms @aerikim246 @feitansrisingsun @xenop0p @saikikusouswife @marsbars09
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Using a tank train to chase the Avatar and his friends could have been the best idea you had come up with so far.
With the giant flying bison shedding its white fur all over the place while it flew, it had been quite easy to keep track of them – actually, it had been rather too easy. The whole night, the tank train didn’t let the Avatar and his friends get the slightest bit of sleep.
You had been on their necks all the time, just like a shadow following.
Azula put her hand into the water to grab a hold of some patches of fur, she lifted to examine them. They had chased the Avatar and his friends to a river side surrounded by a forest. Given that they were sleep deprived and too tired, they weren’t going to last longer.
“Wads of wet fur.” Mai spoke dryly. “How delightful.”
Some birds were singing under the warm sun – it was a nice, warm sunny day which reminded you of the upcoming summer.
“They are not wads, they are more like bundles, or bunches?” Ty Lee seemed thoughtful as she tried to find the right word to describe the fur swimming in the river. She scratched her head. “It’s got an ‘uh’ sound.”
You giggled. “I know this feeling – you will keep think about that word until you finally find it.” You grimaced. “It is super annoying.”
“I know!” Ty Lee agreed with you as she swung her arms in an exaggerated manner, her long braid swinging in the process.
“Clumps?” Mai suggested with the same, dry tone.
Ty Lee’s grey eyes shone with happiness as she clasped her hands together. “Clumps! They are clumps!” She hugged Mai, who didn’t even bother returning the embrace. You rolled your eyes at her dullness – it drove you insane sometimes, which made you wonder how you had managed to be best friends with her for all those years in the first place.
You were a passionate individual and you expected your friends, or the important people in your life in general, to share your passion and enthusiasm from time to time. However, you didn’t recall experiencing such an occasion with Mai.
Turning your attention to Azula, who was standing by the river, you raised an eyebrow at her. “All the fur in the river makes you wonder whether that thing simply flew over or instead dived into the water.”
Mai pointed in the direction of the trail, which lead into the forest. “The trail goes this way.”
For a moment, Azula looked in the direction of the trail as she carefully considered her options, then she looked upwards. Following her gaze, you too spotted the broken treetops. A frown appeared on your face. “Well, I don’t know many creatures that can cause something like this.”
Upon hearing your remark, Mai and Ty Lee looked into the direction you were pointing at. Perhaps they finally realised that the bison was causing them all the trouble by shedding its fur, you thought as you crossed your hands over your chest. They could have washed it, which would explain all the fur in the river.
“The Avatar is trying to give us the slip.” Azula said, you felt like you two had the same or at least similar chain of thoughts. The Princess pointed to the broken treetops. “You three head in that direction and keep your eye out for the bison.” Then, she turned her gaze to the fur trail. “I will follow this trail.”
You placed your right hand on her shoulder. “Do you believe that the Avatar awaits you alone, on his own?”
Azula nodded. “It would make sense for the other three to take the bison, the Avatar can move more easily when he is alone.”
“Oh, yeah – flying, you are right.” You said, you tended the forget the fact that he was the last airbender. “In that case, you will be perfectly fine on your own. I would rather accompany you; however, with the new earthbender girl in their group, I believe the girls need a firebender on their side.”
After a while you all mounted your mongoose lizards and started riding towards the different paths, a specific pair of traces caught your attention. They were the traces of an ostrich horse. You raised an eyebrow as you turned back to look at the trace. I though he had lost us along the way some time.
During the early hours of the morning, you had noticed someone following the tank train from afar. Even though the distance was simply too much for you to make out who the person was, there had been one very prominent feature on their face that gave out their identity almost immediately.
The scar.
However, after a few hours, you had lost sight of him; hence, you didn’t bother letting Azula know that Zuko had been using your trail to hunt down the Avatar. As it turned out, he wasn’t really gone – he had probably taken a short cut. And considering the traces, he was headed the same way as Azula.
You stopped your mongoose lizard abruptly, causing Mai and Ty Lee to stop as well. Mai sent you an annoyed look. “What is it?”
“I think I saw some earthbending traces back there, inside the forest.” You lied without even thinking twice. “The earthbender girl must have taken a separate way – you two go after the bison and the Watertribe people, I will hunt down the earthbender.”
Mai shrugged. “Whatever you say.”
Ty Lee waved at you before going back on track. “Good luck – be careful with the flying rocks!”
You smiled softly at her words. “And you watch out for the waterbender!”
After making sure the girls were both out of sight, you turned your mongoose lizard back and started following the track Zuko’s ostrich horse left. This time, I am going to face you instead of going back home in tears. You thought with a determined expression on your face, your amber eyes lacked the slightest bit of warmth inside them. And you are going to answer for what you have done to me.
[Time Skip]
Zuko shouted in a mixture of surprise and fear as you jumped in front of his ostrich horse with your mongoose lizard.
He was wearing a brown, sleeveless robe with a dark green, long-sleeved shirt and dark green pants underneath. You couldn’t help yourself but raise an eyebrow upon seeing how different his hair looked – it wasn’t in a top not anymore. Apparently, after your last encounter with him, he had cut off his hair and let it grow longer.
Bringing yourself back to the present moment and to the task at hand, you got off the mongoose lizard and crossed your hands over your chest. The long sleeves of your crimson, wrap shirt dangled with the wind. “Wipe that shocked expression off from your face, Zuko – we both knew this day would come.”
Your words had been enough to push the shock away from his features, which left its place to something that resembled mostly fury. The Banished Prince dismounted his ostrich horse with a frown. “What do you want?”
“Answers,” you spoke with a voice as cold as ice, your amber eyes were dark. “You are going to answer for what you have done to me that very day.”
At first, Zuko’s eyes widened with you mentioning the day he left the Fire Nation; however, he quickly gained control over his emotions and put back the frown. “I don’t have any time to waste,” he muttered with an annoyed tone as he tried to walk past you. Without even thinking, you punched forward, sending a wave of flames towards him.
Once again, Zuko was taken aback by your cold-heartedness. When he came back to his senses, it was almost too late – the Banished Prince rolled backwards to escape the flames in time.
“I didn’t ask whether you wanted to go through with this or not,” you said coolly as you broke your stance to stand straight. “After all, why should I show the slightest bit of concern to someone who didn’t even flinch while shattering my whole soul to a million pieces?!”
Towards the end, your voice became louder and louder, until the point you ended up screaming at his face.
Zuko spoke your name softly, which had your heart melting almost immediately as if he hadn’t been the cause of all that had hurt you over the last years. “Let this go, please – it has been three years and…”
Not even letting him finish, you interrupted him – the fury was raising within you, blinding your sight, and blurring your mind. At that moment, all you wanted to do was to scream out every buried thought, every silenced cry at him until you couldn’t speak anymore.
“So, is time supposed to magically make me forget everything you did, everything you said?” You asked scornfully as you pointed at him with your index finger in an accusing manner. “You… You said I was a burden, a baggage, a fucking deadweight!”
Zuko said your name once again. “Please… I am…”
You were shaking your head almost hysterically, you could feel the tears running down your cheeks. This was the mental breakdown you had been trying to avoid having for weeks now. “How can you expect me to forget that?!”
“Please, let me come with you.” You whispered as you tried to turn your face away – you kind of felt ashamed for you were crying in front of Zuko’s whole crew. He cupped your face and made you look at him as he gently wiped away the tears leaving you amber eyes. “Zuko, I… I don’t know how to live here without you. I have… I have had you with me ever since I could remember…”
Even though his left eye was bandaged as a result of his father’s unthinkable cruelty, you could still see the tears forming in his right eye. But he managed to control his emotions not to show any weaknesses in front of his crew. “Love, we have talked about this,” he whispered towards your lips before leaving a small kiss. “I will be back before you know it. I promise.”
You shook your head – you didn’t want to stay in the Fire Nation while he went on this impossible journey to find the Avatar, who had been presumably already dead for centuries! A part of you knew that his journey was probably never going to end.
The simplest thought of not getting to see Zuko ever again made you want to throw out. You couldn’t imagine your life without him for you hadn’t known it otherwise. He had always been there, with you, and all your life, you grew up with the belief that you were going to become his wife someday.
The arranged marriage, which had been decided when you were born, was the main reason for you to grow up with Zuko – yes, but it also allowed this purest love of all to bloom between you two. From childhood best friends to childhood crushes and to young lovers.
He carried a piece of your heart and whether he wanted it or not, a part of you was going with him.
“Why?” You asked with a low voice. “Why won’t you take me with you?”
Zuko placed his lips on your forehead to leave a small kiss before speaking. “Your place is here, in the Fire Nation, where you can continue your studies and your training to pursue your dreams.” Slowly, he turned his look away from your eyes. “I would never forgive myself if I took that away from you.”
You pressed your lips against each other to silence a sob that dared to escape. “My place is with you…”
“My decision is final,” Zuko spoke with a soft voice, which carried still enough authority to put an end to your continuous attempts to change his mind. “But I am going to miss you more than anything...”
It felt impossible to form words, let alone talk. Hence, you placed your lips on top of Zuko’s instead of wasting time talking.
After the long farewell, you went home quickly to get the small gift you wanted to give to Zuko before he set sail in a few hours. You wanted to give him something that would bring him good luck on his mission and also make him remember you every time he looked at it.
It was the small replica of a red dragon made of metal, which hung at the end of a black chain. You thought Zuko could hang it by his desk or by his bed, keeping it in his personal space where he didn’t need to wear his façade anymore.
As you approached the ship, you could hear some voices coming from up on board. Upon hearing someone from the crew mentioning your name, you stopped in your tracks to listen to what was being said. You could already see Zuko standing with his back facing you, talking to that crewmate.
“My Prince, please forgive me for asking but,” the crewmate spoke with a respectful tone. “Why didn’t you allow her to join us?”
You heard Zuko heave a sigh before speaking. “I am afraid she would only be a burden to us – like baggage, she would just slow us down.” The gift of good luck you held slowly slipped between your fingers and fell onto the ground. Zuko shook his head. “I cannot allow any deadweight on board – and if any of you should become one, I will not hesitate to send them back!”
Biting your lower lip to silence your sobs, you turned back and ran away without even saying anything to Zuko, without facing him and without wishing him one last goodbye. You wanted to believe he was lying but the way he talked as he uttered those venomous words had been just too real, too true.
After that day, nothing was going to be the same for you.
[Flashback ends]
Wiping the tears away, you asked with a weak voice. “Why?”
Zuko turned his eyes away, his shame radiated off his body. “Does it matter?” He muttered. “After what I made you go through, does it really matter why I said what I said?”
You shook your head as a hysterical laughter left your lips. “Still, you are incapable of looking me in the eye and say it – say that you thought I was weak.” You didn’t realise it as the flames started to form around your clenched fists. “Say that you have lied to me every single day!” Control slowly slipped away from your fingertips. “You have never even loved me!”
What came next had been a shock to both of you.
As you screamed your sorrows away, you shot the flames – which had been growing around your fists – directly at Zuko. This was probably the very first time that you attacked him the same way you would attack any of your enemies. The reflection of the flames was visible in Zuko’s amber eyes and he seemed to be paralyzed – he had never met this side of you, he had never really been on the other side.
If he had dodged the flames with his firebending a second too late… Well, let’s say it would have been really unpleasant.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Zuko screamed at you, still not returning your attack as you circled each other. “Why would you attack me like that? And… and why would you say that I have never loved you?”
“If you had loved me, even just a little,” you told him as you stopped moving in a circle to point at him with an accusing manner. “You would have never hurt me the way you did.” Raising an eyebrow at his direction, you asked sarcastically. “Do you like the person you have turned me into?”
Zuko shook his head. “No, I didn’t do this to you,” he said with a low voice. “This is you under Azula’s influence.”
His words made you throw your head back and let out a laughter that had the hints of condescending, amusement, and little bit… craziness?
“Oh, you do believe that Azula is manipulating me into being one of her puppets?” You asked with genuine curiosity in your voice as you realised the seriousness surrounding Zuko’s features. “My dear Zuko, you have never been more wrong in your life – I am with Azula because I want to, because I deeply care about her. And no, this,” you pointed at yourself, “is not her doing. I should thank you for giving me the push to become more invincible than ever.”
It was hard to understand what was going on inside Zuko’s mind for his amber eyes didn’t give it all away; however, you could feel the hints of longing, disappointment, and jealousy circling around him all at once. It felt like an emotional turmoil.
His voice almost cracked when he spoke. “So, you… replaced me with her?”
At first, you wanted to say that you had replaced him with Shuzi, but you quickly realised that it wasn’t true. Shuzi had a different spot, and it was under no circumstances close to that of Zuko – his place wasn’t completely occupied. However, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Azula was the only person closest to that very place in your heart.
You pursed your lips. “Well, you can say that – to a certain extent. Speaking of Azula,” you moved away from Zuko’s way as you walked towards your mongoose lizard. “Despite how much I do want to fight you, it is Azula’s destiny to be the one who faces you. Thus, I am going to let you be on your way.” Upon seeing the shocked expression on Zuko’s face, you shrugged. “I have already given her a head start.”
Remembering what his main goal was – he had completely forgot about the Avatar – Zuko quickly mounted his ostrich horse. “You were wrong though,” he said as he rode past you, his voice was low but still, you could hear him. “I did love you. Every single day.”
With that, Zuko disappeared from your sight, leaving you with more questions than you initially had before finally facing him.
[Time Skip]
After Zuko was gone, you returned to join Mai and Ty Lee, only to find both of them soaking wet, sitting by the river. Using your firebending to dry them both, you told that the earthbender girl had escaped from you by going underground like a badgermole. Not long after, Azula joined you three as well, she seemed quite tired.
As you all rode back to the tank train on your mongoose lizards, the Princess told you what had happened: how the enemies and the traitors had worked together to corner her and how she had shot Uncle Iroh with fire to create enough diversion to escape. You couldn’t help yourself but feel terrible for Iroh – you didn’t think he deserved to be Azula’s victim – but you kept your thoughts to yourself.
“Mai told me you didn’t go with her and Ty Lee,” Azula said as you two walked towards the tank train. Mai and Ty Lee were already inside. “Did you really chase the eartbender girl?”
You shook your head, you weren’t going to lie to Azula. “I actually chased Zuko, I just needed a valid excuse to go on my own way without… you know, letting Mai involve herself as well.”
A small frown formed on Azula’s face as she stopped walking. “Zuko? How did you know he was following us?”
“I saw him earlier today from a distance, then he disappeared so I didn’t really think he could keep up with our pace.” You explained as you crossed your arms over your chest. After everything you had gone through, you felt exhausted – not physically, but rather emotionally. “But I saw him in the woods once again after you went your own way. I wanted to finally face him and be free of everything weighing me down.”
Azula nodded at your words, the firm expression slowly disappeared, leaving itself to curiosity. “I understand – in that case, I forgive you for not following my orders.” The edge of your lips curled upwards. “Did it work? Are you finally free of all that weight now?”
You nodded with a big smile forming on your face, almost reaching your amber eyes. Almost.
“I screamed at him everything I have been wanting to say to him ever since… you know, that day.” You spoke with a lower voice, not wanting to be heard by anyone. Shaking your head, you continued. “He is not even capable of owning up to his actions – he couldn’t tell me why he had… said all those things about me.”
Azula shrugged with an unamazed manner. “Well, what did you expect from Zuzu in the first place?” She said as she rested her left hand on the small of your back, leading you two into the tank train. “Still, I am glad that you are now lighter than ever.”
You forced the fake smile back onto your lips.
The problem was that you felt you carried more weight now that you had faced Zuko.
Over the years, you had made yourself deeply believe that he had never really loved you – this had been the only explanation you could find for his actions, your coping mechanism. However, now that you knew he had loved you all along, you felt more lost than ever.
More lost, more confused, more vulnerable.
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walks-the-ages · 3 months
Posted January 2024: "I'm not a zionist! How dare this person put me on a zionist blocklist without any proof!!!!! They're just being antisemitic!!!!!"
Me, June 2024: searches their blog for 'Israel' or 'Palestine'.
Me: finds tons of heinous, racist, genocidal propaganda on their blog claiming that Palestinians raise their children to die for the cause, they use the tag "free Palestine from Hamas" all the time, they're reblogging from known Zionists like Prismatic-Bell and others, they're claiming that Palestinians regularly enslave Israelis to do housework (???), that "hundreds if not thousands of Jewish women were raped on October 7th" and "Land Back means Jewish people need to be able to reclaim ~Israel~!" Etc.
Anyways, Valcaira for your free zionist blocklist.
"Doesn't identify as a zionist" and thinks that makes a difference when their entire blog is filled with zionist propaganda and debunked talking points. And this is a full 5 months after crying about being blocked as a zionist -- search their blog further back than *three days ago as of this post* and I'm sure you'll see even more horrifying crap.
If it walks like a duck and qwuaks like a duck, it's a duck.
If someone reblogs zionist propoganda and uses zionist dogwhistles and talking points, they're a zionist. Even if they ' don't identify as one'.
Hmm, do you think zionists are going to try to co-opt trans and genderqueer language next (" I don't identify as a zionist, therefore I am not a zionist") on their ever-lasting , failing quest to make genocidal acceptable to the masses?
Screenshots below. Note the time stamps of "three days ago" reblogging a post that was only made "six days ago".
Aka, just this WEEK they're reblogging zionist crap, while complaining five MONTHS ago about how zionist is a dirty word to silence jews 🤦
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After blocking this zionist and making sure you check peoples blogs from now on for the dogwhistle of "zionist is a word used to demonize jews The Left™ don't like" ,
please check out Kareem's GoFundMe, he was one of the victims of Gaia Thomas 's scam* , and he has not reached his goal yet from months ago because of the original fundraiser being closed by Gaia Thomas!
His goal is €40,000 and so far is at €18,246 !
*Gaia Thomas arranged multiple gofundmes to evacuate Palestinians, then tried to steal the $50,000+ for herself, before public backlash and potential legal ramifications made her return the funds and close the fundraisers-- which in turn, meant that the original Palestinians did not receive a single cent of the original donations, and had to find someone else to create a new fundraiser with.
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jo-com · 8 months
Jake’s Sister
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A/n: this is my first post here and my work are not professional, i just do it for fun, i also post in my wattpad acc. Sorry if this suck ass, thanks for reading though. My requests are open.
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Synopsis: You were forbidden to date you're brothers best friend but sunghoon was too hard to resist.. SMUT MNDI!!
"Fuck baby, more please" sunghoon groaned at your eagerness and thrusted more into you, drilling his hips to yours harshly. You were for sure seeing stars as the knot in your stomach was going undone any second now. You bit on your lower lips to try and hold the moans that were coming out of your mouth. He then grabbed your face and run his thumbs on your lips. They were starting to bleed from being bitten down, and not going to lie that turned him on even more.
"No, I want to hear you" his voice was hoarse and was out of breath, just like yours. He grabbed your chin and kissed your lips roughly, biting and licking on those sweet lips as if it were a candy that he'd been craving forever.
The two of you have been on it for awhile now, you've come three times already whereas sunghoon was just getting started.
You moaned into the kiss and gripped the sheets tighter, your knuckles were now turning white from holding on the sheets for a while. His thrust didn't slow down but was getting fast with each passing second, the sound of skin clapping filled the steamy dim lit room.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" you repeatedly moaned as his hips collided with yours, your mind was blank, only the thought of his big cock drilling into you made your head spin. Sunghoon's hand gripped your hips that you know for sure was going to leave a mark afterwards, you followed onto his actions and clash into his hips making a euphoric feeling between the two of you.
"Ah shit, fuck i am close", his hand snaked up to your chest and pinched your nipples, playing and tugging on those buds earning a gasp from you. Your expression encouraged him to torture them more. He lowered his head and bit down onto your chest and sucking it, leaving a few marks behind, you tried so hard not to moan out loud but failed miserably when his mouth played with your buds eagerly.
"Hoon.. ah iam close too" was the only thing you muttered up with the little energy you have left.
"Show me how badly you want to come baby"he stopped his actions and slipped out of you making you cry out for the sudden emptiness as he sat up on the bed, his head were now laid on your headboard and his body laying flat on the bed waiting for you to ride it.
Your weak body crawled up onto his and sat up his lap. Sunghoon's hand guided your hips to slowly lower down his dick. A moan slipped pass your mouth,  hissing at the feeling of him filling you up, even after doing it many times you were still not used to his size.
"Oh fuck" you cursed and tried to steady yourself onto his dick and without a warning sunghoon started to thrust harshly into your hips making you jolt at the sudden sensation.
You gripped onto his biceps and followed up his movements, the friction from grinding with each other made him moan, he felt so comfortable and confident whenever he's doing it with you. You make him feel special and it encourages his ego more.
Sunghoon sighed heavily at the sight of you, your body was shaking from the overstimulation and your tits going up and down as you rode his dick. At that moment sunghoon felt like you were a goddess, an angel sent down for him to corrupt, just the thought of ruining you made his cock hard again.
You let a loud moan and gripped him more, "hoon i am so close, fuck."
The knot in your stomach finally came undone, your juices were now flowing down his dick making him groan and speed up his thrust.
Your body fell down to his chest, panting as you tried to steady your breath. "Fuck baby here I come."
Sunghoon rutted his hips a few more times before pumping his cum inside your wet core, your gummy walls were now tainted with his white fluid making your eyes rolled back with the new sensation that filled your body, feeling his seed enter your insides made your head spin once again.
After awhile his dick finally softened and slipped out on its own, he grabbed your hips and laid you down besides him. "You did so well my love." Sunghoon smiled and kissed the side of your head.
You only hummed in response, your eyes were slowly closing and was ready to succumb to slumber. "Y/n are you there?."
Your eyes then widened, the sleepiness that was in your system faded within seconds of hearing that voice. You looked over at sunghoon and saw his expression were the same with yours.
Aw fuck..
.  .  .
This is not proofread and again, my requests are always open😚
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angelst4re · 1 year
hi sweetie! i have been dying for a teacher x student type of story trope with jamie ;) with some smut if your comfortable <3
i dont think i've ever written for teacher!jamie before so i could not just let this request sit in my inbox for another 4 months... i also combined it with a jealous jamie smut request but i'm thinking of making a part 2 to this which has more jealous jamie... which i may even be writing right now!!! <3
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Sugar- Teacher!Jamie x Reader
♡ warnings: NSFW!!! contains smut!!! please don't read if you're not comfortable love! NEITHER AGES ARE SPECIFIED BUT READER IS 18+ <3 it’s only ever mentioned that theres a 15 year age gap
♡ notes: i attempted to keep this as gender neutral as possible but reader is afab! also i kinda rushed this because i just needed to post something!! but there's going to be a part 2 I PROMISE!!!
“...Oh, and don’t forget, y/l/n, we have a one to one scheduled for 3:30 to discuss your exam results. I’ll be in my office.” Mr Bower, who insisted you call him Jamie, reminded you with a smile as you left the classroom. 
“I haven’t forgotten, sir.” You say as you turn back around to smile at him, and give him a little wave before you leave the room. 
You had two hours to spare before your meeting with the music teacher, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t spend the majority of the time in the bathroom making sure you looked perfect. You had been waiting for a moment like this, a moment alone with the teacher that has plagued your mind since the beginning of the school year. You and your friends, and most likely the entire class, had been captivated by not only his looks but his personality. Having learnt that he had recently become single after a three year long relationship, you felt like you stood a chance, but then you were quickly reminded of the 15 year age gap. 
However, his behaviour around you didn’t go unnoticed. You’d catch him eyeing you up when you would come in wearing a new outfit that evidently boosted your confidence, or you would catch him looking over at you whilst you were in the middle of a written exam, and he would quickly divert his eyes when they met yours. 
Despite the clear indication he may be into you the way you’re into him, you both had a very positive, friendly relationship. He would give you the best tips and advice, and be more than willing to help you progress in the ways you wished to, as he would with anybody in the class, but there was one particular encounter that you couldn’t stop thinking about. 
You and your boyfriend, Andy, had a fight the night before and you had missed your class in the morning. Jamie got in contact with you to ask about the absence, and you felt comfortable enough to explain the situation to him. He told you that even if you didn’t attend your classes that day, to at least come in to talk about how you’re feeling. He assured you that although he didn’t qualify as a therapist, it would be good to talk to someone. And so you did. 
You came in with unbrushed hair, wearing yesterday's clothes and threw yourself onto the chair in his office as you broke down in tears. You don’t remember much of that day, besides the pet names he would casually drop into his sentences. 
Sweetheart, love, darling.
He definitely knew how to charm. 
You also had a memory of staining his white shirt with tears as he let you cry into his chest, telling him how your boyfriend was a dick. How he was caught in bed with a random girl (to which there was proof) but he tried to convince you it never happened. 
You remember Jamie telling you something along the lines of, “every failed relationship should be thought of as a blessing. It might be upsetting to see it come to an end, but it means you’re still yet to find the one out there who’s for you, and it's giving the chance to find them. The one that will treat you right, even on their bad days. You’ll never know where this person may be, but they’re definitely out there.”
It was apparent through a quick google search that Jamie was definitely experienced when it came to relationships, so you knew to trust him on this one. 
You kept checking the time on your phone, waiting and waiting and waiting for it to hit 3:25 so you could begin walking towards Jamie’s office, but the time seemed to pass so slow. 
It was only 3pm. 
You sighed, placing your phone back down on the table you were sat at in the library. All your friends had gone home as you finish early on a Wednesday, yet you agreed to meet Jamie today as it was the only afternoon he had free this week. 
Only seconds after placing your phone down on the table, the screen lights up as it begins to ring, the noise causing everyone to turn around, some even sending dirty looks your way as you pick up your bag and leave, answering the phone as you begin to walk towards the building where Jamie’s office was. 
“What do you want, Andy?” You sighed, holding the phone up to your ear. 
“I miss you,” he said, a feeble attempt to guilt trip you, “I was just looking at some old pictures and-”
“It was your idea for us to take a break in the first place. I’m not just going to drop everything and come running back to you because you ‘miss me’.” 
“I’m sorry, okay. I realised what I did was wrong and…” 
You stopped listening to what Andy was saying as Jamie passed you in the hallway, sensing your distressed state he stopped quickly to mouth an ‘is everything okay?’, to which you nodded your head. 
“I don’t care, okay. Whatever you have to say I’m sure I’ve heard it all before. When I’m ready to talk to you I will, until then just please give me some space.” You say before ending the call, and you jump as you realise Jamie was waiting by your side. 
You were blocking the door to his office. 
“I’m so sorry!” You apologise, stepping to the side. 
“Don’t apologise!” Jamie gasped, as if you had offended him, before opening the door for you, “we can start early if that’s okay with you, I have nothing else planned this afternoon.” 
Nodding your head, you entered his office. 
“So he’s still giving you grief- Andy?” 
“How did you guess?” You scoff as you sit down on the chair opposite his desk. 
“I don’t know how a someone like you can stay with someone like him-”
“We’re on a break, actually.” You interrupted. “Although he seems to care about me more now than he did in the 8 months we were together.” 
“You need to leave him for good, sweetheart.” He told you, as he rummaged through the cabinet beside his desk, pulling out your exam papers and setting them in front of you. “So, let’s begin!”
Only twenty minutes into the session, your phone began to ring again, and you apologised to Jamie, getting ready to leave the room to take the call before realising it was Andy again. Jamie didn't look best impressed as you ran a hand through your hair stressfully. 
“Give me your phone.” Jamie sighed. 
“No, it’s okay, really. I’ll just switch it off-”
“Y/n. Phone.”
The sternness in his voice sent chills through your body, yet a warmth grew in your lower stomach. 
By the time you handed your phone over to him, Andy had stopped calling. Hopefully, he had given up, but you knew he would keep going until he got his way, like always. 
“You know, sweetheart, the look on your face when you saw it was him calling you told me everything.” Jamie said, leaning back in his chair. 
“What do you mean?” You scoffed. 
“You know what I mean, darling. Please stop trying to convince yourself he’s a good guy, not when he treats you like shit and expects you to drop everything for him. You deserve better.”
“And how do you know that? Sure, me and Andy might have our moments, but when he can be nice… he’s somebody completely different. Deep down, he’s a really good guy, Jamie.” You explain, feeling tears of frustration begin to gloss your eyes. 
“I’m not buying it, love.” He said, shaking his head in disbelief. 
And that was all it took to push you over the edge, shoving your phone into your bag as you pushed your exam papers towards him and stood up. 
“That’s it, I’m not taking this anymore.” You frown, turning around to leave. 
“There we go, that’s what you should say next time Andy’s on the phone-”
“Oh, Jamie, won’t you just shut up!” You shout, throwing your arms in the air. “What is your fucking problem today?”
“Well, technically your ‘boyfriend’ isn’t my problem, so…”
“Why do you care so much?” You finally say after a moment's silence, your hands placed on the back of the chair you were previously sitting on. 
“You’re my student. It’s my job to care.” He answers, simply. 
“But there’s more to it than that. Isn’t there?” You swallow, bracing yourself for his reply, “c’mon Jamie, I’m not stupid.” 
“What are you trying to imply, darling?” He chuckles, standing up from his chair and making his way towards you, “are you talking about the way I catch you staring at me in class when everyone else is working, or how about when I hear you gossiping with your friends about my love life, or about how you could tell I had used a different aftershave one day…” 
The smirk on his face was devilish, but you had no time to process that with your recent revelation. 
“You’re jealous.” You stated, turning to look up at him. “You’re jealous of Andy.” 
“Darling, I have no need to be jealous of him. Not when I know you’re leaving him.” 
“You don’t know whether I’m-”
You never got to finish that sentence as you were met with his lips on yours. His hand came up to cup your cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear which had fallen in your moment of frustration. As he pulled back from the kiss, he pressed his forehead against yours before whispering,
“What if I prove you- show to you why you should leave him, hm?” He asked, although it wasn’t much of a question as he could tell by the way you were looking at him what the answer was going to be. “I need words, baby.” 
“Yes.” You managed to say, after catching your breath. 
A smile spread across Jamie’s lips briefly before you pulled him back in, missing the feeling of his soft lips against yours. With one hand on your waist, holding you against him, the other was placed on your cheek again, whilst your arms wrapped around his neck. You had dreamt and fantasised about this moment for months, but you never expected it to ever happen. It was always more of a scenario to help you fall asleep rather than something that would actually come true. 
“Does he fuck you good, hm? The way you want?” He asks, breathlessly, as he lifts you up onto his desk, shoving everything out of the way. 
You shake your head, using the slight space between you to reach for his belt, but he seemed to have other plans. 
“Has he ever gone down on you?” He asked bluntly, his fingers dipping into the waistband of your shorts, easing them down your legs along with your underwear. 
You once again shake your head, you have only received head once, and that was during a drunk fling at your friends birthday party- and even then you didn’t get to finish. 
Jamie simply chuckled, as if to say he wasn’t surprised. 
“Poor thing,” he frowns, lowering himself to his knees in front of you as he holds your legs open for him, placing kisses on your inner thighs, trailing down to your knees before going back up again, stopping where you needed him the most. “You ever cum when he fucks you?” 
And as if on command, you shook your head again.
“Only when I’m alone.” You confess. 
“Oh yeah, and who do you think about whilst you touch yourself?” He teases, his thumb gently stroking your clit as you fight the urge to close your legs. He looks up at you, stopping all movement as he waits on your answer. 
“You, I think about you, Jamie.” You whine.
“Oh, honey, I know.” He says before you feel his lips on your skin, his tongue circling your clit as his fingers move a little lower, finding your opening and teasing circles around it before gently pushing one in. 
His fingers were a favourite in your fantasies, thinking about what they could do, and he certainly did not disappoint. 
A second finger followed the first and they began curling inside you, searching for a spot Jamie was sure your ex would never have been able to find, and when you let out a choked moan he smirked against you, knowing he’d found it. 
Hif fingers rubbed against this spot inside you as his tongue licked, sucked and nibbled on the sensitive nub, and you were frighteningly close to the edge. You had never reached your high so quickly before, but as his hot breath fanned over your clit you tumbled off the edge, your orgasm washing over you. Your release began to drip down his hand as he continued at the pace he started, and your legs shook as you panted, your fingers pulling at his hair. 
“Jesus,” you whispered breathlessly. 
“Just me, darling.” He smirked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before coming back up to place a kiss on your forehead. 
You couldn’t believe the timing as there was a knock at the door to Jamie’s office. The two of you both froze for a moment, before Jamie handed you your clothes and rushed to the door. 
“Mr Bower, I know you usually go home early today but Margaret told me you were here so I was just wondering if I could-” 
“I’m in a meeting right now, Sasha, can you wait just two minutes?” He put on his best grin as he his behind the slightly open door to disguise his hard on. 
“Oh, of course! Sorry to interrupt!” The girl apologised before Jamie shut the door. 
“Sorry, sweetheart, we have to cut it short today. But you’re sure to be back in here later this week, or should I say let's reschedule?” He tried to hide his smirk when your legs wobbled as you got off his desk.
“I’m available all week, unless I decide to see Andy-”
“Honey, if I have to hear about him once more-”
“You’ll get all heated and fuck me senseless over your desk?” You grinned, feeling slightly giddy after the mind blowing orgasm he had given you, “why on earth would I want that?”
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aingeal98 · 19 days
Hi, loved your recent Stephanie Brown post regarding the violence, the rage and general ruthless scrappiness that to me is an essential part of her character.
It also however has always begged a question in my mind I'd be curious to see your take on.
Namely, how do you think Stephanie's willingness to potentially kill or let someone die fits into a Stephcass relationship?
Cos, its easy to see how it works with basically any other character, but their relationship is so distinctly unique and Cass's stance on the subject quite iron-clad.
Not in the sense she won't help a murderer try to change, but in terms of not tolerating anyone dying under any circumstances.
That its hard to see how they'd grapple wither with the fact Stephanie would be willing, or more notably if it actually happened. Obviously context counts for a lot, but yeah, just generally curious.
Ooh good question. I think that overall Cass will never stop believing in Steph despite her willingness to kill. She saw that anger during Steph's Robin run when she threatened to kill Penguin but she also saw Steph step in to comfort a crying child when Cass could not on the exact same mission. Steph was also honest with her about where that anger comes from and why it still exists. So I feel like even if Steph did fall to morally greyer moments than Cass could accept, Cass would be firm in her belief that it doesn't define Steph the way Cass's kill defines her. Steph can change, Steph can be better etc. Even if Steph did kill a villain (in self defence) I could actually see adult Cass defending her? Not the act itself obviously but what it means for Steph as a person. Because obviously Steph would have a bunch of conflicted feelings and the bat's judgement wouldn't help with that, and Cass would be able to pick up on that and given where they are in current canon I can see her trying to shut everyone else out so she can get through to Steph and guide her onto a path where this doesn't happen again. Cass could never look at her fully the same but that doesn't mean Cass would love her any less. They would both be very very sad the whole time though and feel like they're failing each other even if they never verbally acknowledge it.
That said I can definitely see tension between them if they fail to save some scumbag's life and Cass is devastated but Steph is just... Flippant about it. Like oh no the pedo rapist got shot. Sucks but at least it wasn't anyone else. And Cass would be furious, likely saying something insensitive and accusatory as a response, which would raise Steph's hackles in return and get her from "Yeah we tried but there was nothing we could do." to "Actually I'm glad he's dead fuck him and fuck you for being an asshole about it."
If we're talking batgirl Steph and black bat Cass I think they're both at the stage where they're not willing to let this come between them, even if they both get their feelings hurt they'll apologise and talk it out within a week. Neither will fully accept the other as completely right but I think they'd be surprised to find that it doesn't diminish their respect for each other as much as they feared it would.
Unless, of course, during the argument, Cass gets so disgusted by Steph's lack of guilt over the death that she says those three little words:
"Batman was right."
Because in THAT case... Yeah this argument isn't getting resolved with in a week. It'll take a lot of stewing in their hurt feelings, dredging up past traumas and arguments, and probably outside intervention from at least one or two other batfam members. I have faith they'll work it out in the end! They'll just need a bit of help with the communication and apologies because if left alone they'd 100% make it worse.
Ultimately I think what it comes down to is that after Steph's first resurrection, their bond is so tight that neither of them are willing to give up on it no matter how it hurts, which is rare for both of them honestly! Anger and pride can cause them to get nasty but it's not going to break them permenantly because they tried that and it was horrible and they both kind of have ptsd about it at this point.
Thanks for the ask!
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