candyswirls · 1 hour
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Angron friendly reminds you to take your meds!
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candyswirls · 1 hour
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candyswirls · 1 hour
“Ultramarines are so vanilla”
And by that I mean they are so great and popular that they have become the gold standard of flavours. When someone says Ice cream (astartes) your mind immediately goes to vanilla (Ultramarines) subconsciously.
Vanilla isnt “plain”, you are just so used to it.
Sometimes, you want to try something else just to spice your life up a bit, but we all know what the default is. Have you ever had real Vanilla? Nothing can beat it. It is one of the most expensive and sought after spices in the world for a reason, demand.
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candyswirls · 1 hour
Cato Sicarius fighting Exodites
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candyswirls · 1 hour
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ah yes, an elevator full of explosive materials, I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong here
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candyswirls · 1 hour
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Spanish: Acá lo pediste. espero no haber tardado mucho en esto, estoy pensando en hacer comisiones pero estoy dudando porque siento que mi estilo no es muy bueno. dejando de lado todo eso, me gusto mucho dibujarlos, de ahí el único que conozco es Doomslayer <3
English: Here you asked for it. i hope i didn't take too long on this, i'm thinking about doing commissions but i'm hesitating because i feel my style isn't good. leaving all that aside, i really like drawing them, the only one i know is Doomslayer. <3
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candyswirls · 1 hour
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candyswirls · 1 hour
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sergeant-apothcary kaine of the red scorpions i've grown really fond of the RS lately as i get back into the badab wars, they're such an interesting little bunch of fellas !
i'm not home right now so just flats over a sketch, but i'm still really happy with him overall ^_^
also if there are other red scorpion enjoyers out there we should b friends :3
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candyswirls · 2 hours
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Warhammer 30k (Horus Heresy)
Monster High School AU
[Character Design] Sanguinius
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candyswirls · 2 hours
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Commission done! Oc Space marine Doniss
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candyswirls · 2 hours
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Theta, the little Lexmechanic from Urum-13
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candyswirls · 2 hours
But here's the stinker
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I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and do some more traitor Primarch keychain designs even though I originally was only going to do Fulgrim and Magnus
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candyswirls · 13 hours
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by Koh LJ
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candyswirls · 13 hours
Now that this new Warhammer 40k game is out I've been seeing a lot of new people joining the Fandom and if there's one thing I love about this new influx of fans it's seeing all the grumpy bastards who take 40k too seriously shit their pants over it.
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candyswirls · 15 hours
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candyswirls · 15 hours
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a old Twitter sketch
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candyswirls · 15 hours
Ferrus: Fulgrim annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Ferrus: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Ferrus: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
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