#i tried 🙃
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gayfertilitygoddess · 9 months ago
בראשית. באמת ״באר זה״ וב״זה״ אני מתכוון. כאלו. בוא רק נאמר…השמום ואת הארץ.
In the beginning. Straight up "creatig it" and by "it" I mean. well. let's just say... heabven and the earth
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datshitrandom · 1 year ago
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Darren Criss performs onstage during the American Conservatory Theater's 2nd Annual All Hallows' Gala: Zombie Ball | October 27, 2023 | 📸 by Drew Altizer Photography
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lazybakerart · 4 months ago
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it doesn’t count as kissing if you only use tongue
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zivazivc · 1 year ago
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Like a completely normal adult person, after watching the new trolls movie, I obsessively started putting together the brothers' backstory, the deeper reasons for their separation as well as how that all took place without disregarding the fact that they were trapped in the troll tree, which of course evolved into a fic in (forever) progress... yeah
Anyway, even though they aren't actively in the story much, i needed to design the parents, so uh meet Rosiepuff's daughter, Tulip, and her husband Branch.
I designed them based on the brothers' adult looks and in Tulip's case also on her mom's.
bonus baby branch:
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misty-quigley · 7 months ago
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TEEN TITANS | 3.06 Spellbound
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lalasimmer · 3 months ago
How to convert Sims 4 3D CAS Rooms to Sims 3
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Disclaimer: If you’re not familiar with Blender/TSRW/UVs then this tutorial may not be for you. If you don’t have Sims 4 Studio which needs the Sims 4 base game (or don’t know how to extract the meshes without it) this tutorial may not be for you. Honestly it’s pretty straight forward, but there’s a lot of trial and error and going in game and out of game checking placement, etc. I use Blender 4.1 for this, but you should still be able to do the same things in the older versions. I'm trying to make this as easy as possible. I’m here to answer any questions though 💕 Tutorial below
Things you’ll need:
Blender (whatever version you prefer)
Sims 4 Studio
TSRW ( I use version 2.0.86)
My Christmas CAS Room here
My TSRW work file here
Find a Sims 4 CAS room that you like and open it up in Sims4Studio. This is the one I'll be using for the tutorial.
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In the Texture tab, export the textures. The only textures that matter are the first 3 diffuse. Go to the Meshes tab and export the mesh, it will save as a .blend file. After that you can close out of Sims4Studio.
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Open my Christmas CAS Room in TSRW. You'll get this message. Hit ignore and don't send. We only need this file as a reference to resize the SIms 4 CAS room. Export the mesh as an obj, name it whatever you like. You can close TSRW for now.
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Open Blender and open the .blend file you exported from Sims4Studio. Make sure to delete studio_mesh_0 as it's just the shadow map and we don't need that. This is what mine looks like after fixing the textures.
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Then import the wavefront obj you just exported from TSRW. Again we're just using this as a size reference.
This is what it looks like after I added the obj. I scaled, moved, and rotated the room to match up as close as I could with my reference mesh. When you have it lined up to your liking you can delete the reference mesh. I usually import the sims 3 body to see where my sim would be in CAS as well so feel free to do that too.
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Now we have to separate the objects that use transparency in the scene to their own group. The transparent objects will always be located on studio_mesh_1. I usually do this in UV mode. Make sure UV Sync Selection is on. Where the red arrow is, that's the UV Selection button. It's blue so that means its on.
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Tip: If you're using the same Blender version I am (I'm not sure if the older versions below Blender 3.0 do this) you can disconnect the alpha in shader editor and then you can easily see what uses transparency because it has a black background like the plants. Don't worry about the one outside the window as that's on the backdrop image and doesn't show in CAS.
Important: Also, make sure you delete the back of the mirror frame or it will show through the mirror in game. I usually select it in the UV editor as well and delete it.
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After selecting all the objects that use transparency, I go to the 3D viewport window and press P, then selection. Now they're on their own layer as you can see. That's a very important step so please don't miss it.
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Sims 4 CAS Rooms don't have a closed room like ts3 and if you don't add walls/ceiling with planes you'll be able to see that it in CAS. You can do this in any way you're comfortable with. If you don't understand how to do it feel free to ask me. For this tutorial I will not be doing this perfectly lol I've done enough rooms and I'm just trying to teach here 😩
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Okay now last is renaming groups to import into TSRW. Make sure it's in this exact order and uses the exact group numbers.
Group 0 - Mirror
Group 1 - Windows/Curtains
Group 2 - View outside the window
Group 3 - Walls
Group 4 - Objects with transparency
Depending on the CAS Room you convert, yours may not have a mirror you know. You can delete groups in TSRW, experiment, feel free to ask me questions as well.
After renaming the groups, select only the groups you renamed and export as an obj. Make sure that object groups is checked so that they can stay in groups.
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Open TSRW and open the testroom_cas.wrk file.
After opening the file you'll see this exact room in this tutorial lol because I had to test some things first 😅
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Import the CAS room you converted from ts4. You'll get these two messages. Click yes on the first and no on the second.
Disclaimer: Make sure you reduce polygon sizes or it won't import and give you an error
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Import your textures (yours may be different than mine depends on the converter) but most have been the same that I've seen. Group 0 is the mirror it doesn't require a texture. Group 1 and Group 4 usually have the same texture.
Disclaimer: TSRW an be finnicky with textures sizes, I havent gotten any issues since using the 4GB patch, but just in case. Texture sizes from ts4 can run pretty big 4096x2048 even 8196x4096. I would resize to no bigger than 2048x1024 in my opinion, but whatever works for you.
After export to sims3pack or export as package file. Make sure you compress your files and you should be good to test your CAS room in game.
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This is the finished product. Should look something like this or better lol considering this was quick 😅
If you would like to make your own from the original ts3 cas room, I would suggest watching this Youtube video (it's for TS4 but it still applies and is helpful) and the link to the original ts3 cas room is here. Since we can convert ts4 to ours you could probably just build your own and go from there as well.
Thanks to @mookymilksims for testing things for me and converting her own. If you would like to try this tutorial out and experiment with room placements using @boringbones Ultra wide CAS mod which changes the field of view in cas so that you can see the whole cas room, it is here. I didn't use it for mine, but that's only because I found out about it after from Mooky lol and I'm tired of converting them 😅 but feel free to ask me any questions if you need help 😊
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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It's a pretty cool name.
Loki + the progression of saying Mobius' name for @percheduphere
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wombywoo · 10 months ago
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it's my husband's bday and we made an exquisite homemade vodka sauce with fresh tomatoes so I feel like it needs to be commemorated 🍅🤌
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itsallaboutbl · 8 months ago
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Doesn't matter if they're men or women. Just pick someone you can trust. - So... I can pick you?
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ahhrenata · 2 months ago
for your drawing requests ♥️: leon kennedy finding anakins lightsaber with luke’s hand on it like 🤨 or leon with a lightsaber Haha
ahhhh i loooove this crossover idea 🤯 star wars is my favorite thing ever so imagining Leon in that was fun!! So many thoughts on this. I played it safe with a blue saber but damn.. so many choices.
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hplonesomeart · 5 months ago
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Here you go fellow gays enjoy some tranquil scenery with the favorite fruity robot ever. Spend a late night chatting with him on a balcony as the laughter rings out in the air. Can’t quite get any better then this
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kbthebearcat · 6 months ago
Troy doing a little victory dance after defending the city from a monster attack! Technically he wouldn’t be showing his face like this on earth and instead have his helmet on, but I wanted to show his face here, so… yeah! 😅 I mean there’s a lot of silly liberties I took here anyway that wouldn’t exactly be canon, like him dancing like this in the first place. XD This was just made for fun! I had this in the making for a while. Started it some months ago… but just got around to finally finishing it now. This was inspired by the arona dance meme!
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simmersofia · 9 months ago
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Autumn Windenburg, 4:49 PM
Mo: Hey, loser! Go with me to the stupid school’s back party.
W: Eww, you wanna go to that lame ass shit? No thank you.
Mo: Of course it’s gonna be lame but I heard there’s going to be copious amounts of alcohol so you’re coming with me. Come on, we can just sit in some corner and get shit faced. Cassie, help me out here! How can he turn down an offer to get pissed with me??
Ca: Come on Wolfgang, a little bit of socializing won’t kill you.
W: Do you have scientific backing on that? Cause I’m pretty sure it will, actually.
Mo: Pretty please??
W: Gah, okay, whatever. You’re such a fucking nag.
Mo: Love ya!
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hes-a-tough-kid · 2 years ago
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villainii · 1 year ago
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"Don't save me a spot in hell, shanker. I ain't coming soon."
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paranoidkid · 25 days ago
why is being disabled so stupid and hard and expensive.
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