#i totally think emma would smoke
oautincorrectquotes · 7 months
Snow, pointing a camera at Emma: There she is, our sweet baby.
Emma, holding a cigarette and a beer: What-?
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24hlevi · 8 months
— monster mash
gen v characters (marie, jordan, emma, cate, & sam) x gn!reader
summary: how halloween would go w/ the gen v characters
warnings: language
im a day late whoops also these are short but i really wanted to do it so yeah
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Marie Moreau -
- marie is pretty normal about halloween, she doesn't get crazy festive about it, it's just a holiday to dress up and get candy or get drunk
– that being said, if you care about the holiday a lot then she will go along with you on it and do anything you want to do
– she wouldn't dress up if she wasn't going out anywhere like to a party or another outing, but she might put a hat on or something to hand out candy to kids
– marie doesn't really enjoy horror movies a lot, mainly thinks the majority of them are dumb and would rather watch just something fall themed and not a horror movie
– however she does love the candy you buy for you two, and will eat most of it before deciding to actually make food because if not she will throw up from eating so much sugar
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Jordan Li -
- loves halloween with their whole heart and more, it's their favorite holiday for real
– they wouldn't completely disagree with matching costumes if it's cool, like a couple from a famous movie or something
– jordan will definitely take you to a halloween party to have a fun time together and drink and smoke while dancing
– they are totally going to be complimenting you non stop throughout the night, you just look so good and they love you a lot so obviously they're gonna tell you how good you look
– they will be going out trick or treating with you despite their age it doesn't matter they want candy and they will be getting their candy one way or another
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Emma Meyer -
- it will be literally july and emma will already be organizing matching halloween costumes for you and her
– she will 100% choose one of those dumb ones like an angel and devil
– she'd rather hand out candy to kids than go to a party or just watch scary movies with you claiming she won't be scared then is scared shitless when the movie starts
– emma made you help her put up decorations as soon as october hit the first day, and she has a lot of decorations and she is determined to put them all up
– you will be carving pumpkins whether you want to or not, despite how messy it gets, emma adores the tradition of it and makes hers look all cute and pretty somehow
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Cate Dunlap -
- cate isn't really big on halloween, she doesn't like going to dumb parties where everyone is in costumes and would rather spend it inside with you
– she will refuse to dress up unless you literally beg her just for fun and for pictures, she reluctantly agrees but it can't be stupid
– cate doesn't particularly enjoy horror movies, but will watch the b-rated dumb ones with you to make you happy that you're watching a festive movie
– the most decorations she likely has is a ghost hanging on the door so people can see, yeah, that's it, literally
– cate only eats candy sometimes, and when she does it's not a lot, so you’ll end up having to give the rest to random kids that show up or walk by
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Sam Riordan -
- poor boy doesn't completely understand halloween at first, he doesn't get why dressing up in costumes, getting candy and going to parties is such a big deal
– thankfully you're there to help him with that and show that halloween is a fun holiday
– it's mainly spent at home in onesies watching horror movies and waterworld cause that's his favorite movie while eating expensive candy you bought
– sam found out he loves horror movies, his favorites are the nightmare on elm streets both for how dumb silly they are but also the cool kills in the later movies though he hates the third movie for obvious reasons
– he will eat all the candy you buy in one night i’m dead serious you’ll wake up the next morning and sam is passed out in a sugar coma and won't get up from eating so much candy
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yichuuonvenus · 4 months
Charleston Girl
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Dark!Arvin Russell x Reader
You were the wealthy good girl from the “better” side of Knockemstiff, Ohio only that was so far from the truth. Arvin was never one to judge for you being a hidden troublemaker but he can’t help but want to straighten out a girl who doesn’t want to be handled. 
Rape/Non-con, Underage drinking, Smoking, Fingering, Forced Orgasm, semi-public sex
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“It’s so pretty on you,” you said as Lenora gave you a twirl. She was wearing a pretty pink tea-length dress. It was one of your own. You had so many from Momma, that you didn’t bother hanging this one up. It was in a box in your attic. You hadn’t thought of it until Lenora asked you about wearing something to the dance and what you would wear.
All you thought about was going to the dance with Lenora. You couldn’t care less about what you were going to wear. It’s always been that way. You and Lenora. You both were two peas in a pod. You were never seen without the other the day you found each other. It was in Kindergarten after Tommy Matson pushed quiet, good Lenora into the mud. He got a bad black eye and you got a new best friend. As you both grew up, you wrestled less with boys your age and found yourself under their sheets while Lenora became a godly goody two shoes. You kept up with the persona of the do-gooder for Momma of course. There was no way of talking your way out of one of Momma’s lectures. 
So you tried your hardest to seem like that good rich girl from the “better side” of Knockemstiff, Ohio. Many people didn’t look past the facade. You played it up so well going to church, never staying out late, never drinking or smoking. Little did everyone know you were doing more than they even realized. No one saw past it. Well, mostly everyone didn’t except for Arvin Russel. You didn’t know Lenora’s cousin that well even when you were at their house most of the time. He never talked much to you only gruff hellos and a few forced waves. 
He knew what you were plain as day but he never spoke on it. Never called you out for your sinful ways when you and Momma were over and Emma was going on about how much of a good girl you are, when you would laugh and giggle next to Lenora during prayer, or when you would lie to the boys you flirted with about being a virgin. 
Arvin never even batted an eye. That was until you found yourself being flirted with by Tommy Matson. He was just a dalliance in your eyes. He didn’t mean much to you plus it wasn’t like you were actually planning on sleeping with him but to Arvin… 
Arvin acted as if you sold yourself to the devil. 
He treated you so coldly after he saw you with Tommy one day. You had been kissing something you always did. Tommy got too handsy when you finally called it off. You rolled your eyes when he cursed about you being a tease and how Susie already went to third base with him. You spit the taste of him out and wiped your mouth. 
“Not all of us are easy like Susie Cox…” you snarled.
He rolled his eyes before spitting, “I was told you were easier than Susie Cox.” 
You cursed at him before shoving him away only to find Arvin looking in your direction with a hard glare. You stared back not knowing whether to give him a hard glare too. You chose to leave. Tommy was being a total drag anyway.  
“Good luck findin’ a way home,” Tommy said as you walked off. You couldn’t stop the middle finger that raised from you as you walked away with your arms crossed over your chest. 
You made your way down the road to your house. It wasn’t far from where you were now. So the walk wouldn't be anyways. You were by yourself for what seemed like ten minutes before hearing the sound of a car slow down next to you. You ignored it, thinking it was Tommy until a sound came from inside of the car. A sound from a voice you didn't want to hear right now. 
You stopped dead in your tracks and sighed, “Arvin…” 
You didn’t want to see him, especially not after your make-out succession with Tommy Matson. To be honest you would rather have him be Tommy than Arvin. 
“Get in,” he bit out. 
You hesitated a bit. You could tell he was upset and you could figure out a good and well enough reason as to why. He opened the door to his truck and you hurried in. It was quiet, so quiet it had you listening to the wind from outside the car for comfort. You wanted him to say something instead of this awkward silence that had your insides ripping themselves out. 
Finally, you couldn’t bear it any longer and said something. 
“Don’t tell Momma,” you whispered as you stared out into the road. 
You didn’t know why you said it because it wasn’t like he would’ve. He never did and yet… you had this overwhelming feeling that today might’ve been different, You could hear his grip tighten on the wheel ever so slightly at the plea. 
“And if I do?” He quietly asked. That caused you to finally look at him. You blinked in his direction, and he kept his eyes straight on the road. 
“She’ll kill me.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” he grunted as he pulled into your driveway. You stared at him as he finally turned his attention to you. His frown and hardened eyes stared right back at you. 
You swallowed, “Please… don’t tell Momma.”
He stared at you for what seemed like a long time before he eventually tilted his head, with a small nod. You thanked him for the ride and then that was it. You both never talked about it again nor was there even a reason to. To find your cousin’s best friend making out with a guy who bullied them both would have anyone shaking their heads at the sight. To this day you still don’t really know why you agreed to it in the first place. You supposed it was you were just bored and Tommy was the only one near that had anything interesting about him. 
You shook your head as Lenora pulled you up from the flowery bed. 
“Your turn,” she said with a smile, “You need a pretty dress too.” 
Lenora shuffled through the old boxes of dresses. It could’ve been decades worth of dresses. Momma had a keen eye for style. Lenora pulled out a pale blue dress you’ve never seen before. You smiled at it when Lenora held it up to you in the mirror. 
You stared at it for a bit before Lenora spoke up again, “Hurry and put in on.”
You nodded and went to your bathroom. When you got the dress on you noticed how much prettier it was. The ruffles needed to be puffed out more, but it was a beautiful dress. When you came out Lenora couldn’t stop smiling and complimenting you about how you looked in it. You giggled when she twirled you around her. 
“Well don’t y’all look so pretty,” Momma said as you both smiled towards her. 
“Don’t we?”
She started to walk closer but you found Arvin right behind her. Your smile faltered a bit at the sight of him. Momma smiled at him as she gestured to you and Lenora. Arvin cleared out his throat a bit before agreeing. 
“Oh is it time to leave already?” Lenora asked. 
Arvin nodded as he stared at you both, mainly you. You didn’t know how you felt about the look he gave you. It was a soft gaze, softer than the day he saw you with Tommy Matson that’s for sure. You turned and grabbed Lenora’s hand trying to ignore Arvin’s eyes, “Let's go pick up your things, hm?” 
Lenora nodded and followed you back to your room. You helped pack the rest of her things and sent Lenora on her way with Arvin, who still looked at you with a strange look you couldn’t pinpoint. 
. . . 
You held the bottle to your lips chugging down the burning whiskey quickly you knew that if you didn’t it would all come bubbling up. 
“Slow down, sugar. What’s the rush?” the blonde boy slurred with a chuckle he was way drunker than you by a tenfold. Time and time again he always told you that he could hold his liquor and time and time again you always proved him wrong. 
You rolled your eyes and pushed him away when his hands started to palm at your thighs. It wasn’t the first time Ricky tried to pull something like this. You could usually forgive it because he would cry about how sorry he was the next day. You huffed and closed your eyes, drinking the last bit of the whiskey before throwing it down. You could feel your body warming up finally after an hour or so sitting there for what felt like forever with this boy. 
“Ricky, if I wanted to fuck something I wouldn’t have called you.” You said so bluntly it had him frowning and leaning forward. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“It’s okay,” you sighed. You pulled out a cigarette one you stole from Momma, it was one you knew she wouldn’t be missing. You lit it up and took a small drag from it. “I’m gettin’ tired.” You tried to do a convincing yawn. It worked since Ricky was too drunk to notice how fake it was. 
“I'm going to start headin’ home, Rick.”
“This late? It’s dark out...” 
“I’ll be fine I'm just down the road from you,” you stated as you pulled your cardigan around you. You gave him a wave and left. The real reason why you left was you couldn’t stand having to take care of boys when they were drunk. It reminded you too much of your father.
You got far away enough to where you could only hear the sound of the wind blowing through you. You kicked a few rocks and missed causing you to slip and fall on your side. You could barely feel the scrape on the side of your arm courtesy of the alcohol Ricky supplied you. You laughed at yourself mostly because you magically saved your cig. You took a long drag and inhaled deeply. You picked yourself back up a task that now seemed a lot more difficult than normal. You swayed a bit and tried to keep yourself upright. You could make it to your house: just another mile or two to go. You continued on your merry way, taking one last hit of your cig before throwing it down and stomping on it. 
By then you didn’t notice the sound of a car slowing down by you. You would’ve broken out in a run, that was if you could run. Thankfully it wasn’t a cop but the sight that was held before you had you cursing underneath your breath. 
Arvin stared at you for what seemed like a long time before he huffed and opened the passenger seat door. You would’ve ignored it and kept walking if your whole body didn’t feel like you were carrying bags of sand. You made your way in, closed the door, and leaned your head against the window. You knew you probably smelled like a cheap liquor store, so Arvin could easily guess what you had been doing. 
It was quiet for a minute, you could tell he wasn’t as upset as when you found you and Tommy but he was disappointed. The car slowed back down a bit and pulled into an area with a lot of brush. 
“I don’t get why Lenora associates with you…” he calmly said as he put the car in park. “You two are so different.”
You huffed and stared at the window. You weren’t going to get lectured by a boy, especially Arvin Russel. 
“How are we so different?” You chuckled as you stared out into the dense forest. You turned your head to find Arvin looking directly at you his eyes were unnerving you a bit. You can tell he mumbled something but you couldn’t make it out, you were a bit too drunk. You thought you could hold your liquor, not tonight. 
You didn’t understand what happened at first. You found his lips on yours and his arms around your waist. It was all too quick for your drunk mind to comprehend. 
“Ar- Arvin,” You mumbled into his lips. 
He shallowed your pleas instantly with his tongue as he forced it into your mouth. You usually didn’t like it when boys would try to take control and it was no different now. You tried your best to fight him off but your slaps were weak while he was tasting your mouth. You moaned into him when he pressed a spot on your thighs it had you trying to close them but Arvin only pushed them wider. You could finally breathe again when he pulled his mouth off of you but instead opted to kiss your jaw and the side of your neck. You could feel his fingers on your underwear. They slowly rubbed up and down and you could feel the pair becoming wet. 
“You’re fucking drippin’ is that all for me?” he sighed as he pulled your underwear to the side and stared at it. Never in your experience has a boy even taken a peak. All the other times it was dark with you usually on top. It made you feel uncomfortable to have him this close. To have him staring at an intimate spot. To have him be the one that was overpowering you. It made you feel small, and you didn’t like the feeling of not being in control. He entered with a finger slowly bringing it out and in before adding another one. 
“Arvin please,” you gasped when he curled his fingers in a way that had you tensing. You pulled at his wrist until you felt his fingers go a bit faster. 
“Say that again,” he leaned over your body and whispered in your ear. “Say please and say my name again.”
“P- please, Arvin.”
Arvin kissed your lips as soon as those words left your mouth. His fingers didn’t stop nor slow once. Back and forth back and forth while you were squirming and moaning beneath him. Your hips met up with his hand every time causing his other hand to hold over your stomach to make you stay still. You cried out when his thumb started to rub at your clit. It was all too much for you, you were too weak, too intoxicated to get him off of you. It got to the point where he had you whining out for him. Begging him pleading for him to let you come. He smiled a devilish smile that had you furrowing your eyebrows, kissed your cheek, and nodded. You saw white and grabbed onto his hand that was holding you down. You moaned so loudly you swore that the woods were still echoing the sound that left your lips. Your body was too hot and paralyzed to even move. You breathed deeply as he fixed up your underwear and smoothed over your skirt. He stuck his fingers in his mouth tasting you while he stared at you. He stared at you while he did it. You could’ve slapped him if you weren’t too out of it to say something. 
“Let's get you home, hmm?” he said a bit out of breath too. 
You nodded and tried to pick yourself back up to a comfortable position. You both were deathly silent in the truck. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of your breathing. When he finally pulled into your driveway you thanked him and went on your way. You didn’t turn back as you went inside of your house and you didn’t hear him pull out until you closed the door. 
. . . 
“Y’all look like princesses,” Momma said as she fluffed up your dress and then did the same for Lenora. 
Emma smiled as she watched you both from the dining room chair. 
“Arvin is drivin’ y’all to the dance, right?” Emma asked as she got up and leaned against the archway. 
“Yeah,” Lenora said happily. 
You could’ve broken something right then and there. 
“Arvin?” you said lowly and Lenora nodded in a smile. She didn’t notice how upset you were but Momma did. 
“Don’t worry I am sure other people are going to be comin’ up in trucks too,” she giggled as she fixed your hair again. 
You weren’t worried about that yet you played along. You sighed at Momma and Emma picked up your guys’s shoes. You didn’t want to go out of your house all of a sudden. You didn’t want to go and see him. You haven’t seen him in over a month. You didn’t know how you managed not seeing him considering he was basically Lenora’s brother. Yet you did, you hid away. You haven’t been out drinking since that night which made some of your “other” friends upset. You couldn’t give them the real answer as to why so you opted to just say you were grounded. 
Lenora held your hand and guided you outside. Momma and Emma followed behind, smiling as soon as Arvin’s truck was in their line of sight. 
“Be good girls,” Emma said as you and Lenora jumped into Arvin’s truck. You both gave them a quick wave and went on your way. 
The car wasn’t silent but it wasn’t very talkative either. Lenora seemed to notice the complete energy shift and she was hesitant to start the conversation. Somehow she did. She and Arvin did some small talk. Now and then she invited you to a conversation. You would reply with one-word answers. Finally, you made it to the dance you knew that some people were already tipsy before even walking in just from the way they walked. 
As soon as you and Lenora walked out of Arvin’s truck she checked on you. She whispered when she asked if you were alright. You only nodded. You didn’t want to be near Arvin for a moment more. She accepted it and walked you to the door. You glance to your right to see Tommy smile at you with a brown paper bag he isn’t careful hiding. 
“You go on in, I'll meet you inside, okay?” You said and Lenora looked between you and Tommy. She didn’t look pleased but she didn’t say anything. She nodded and walked in. 
You felt bad and you knew that what you were doing was bad. What you were about to do was impulsive but you couldn’t stop yourself as you walked towards Tommy. His little gang wasn’t there with him, it was just him with a bottle. 
“I knew you couldn’t hold up on a good time forever,” he said. 
You frowned and took the bottle from his hand. You downed whatever it was easily. It was sweet and burned the back of your throat. It was a pleasant burn, one that made you feel a bit better about leaving Lenora. You leaned against Tommy’s car, never noticing how he only stared at you. 
“You look beautiful tonight…” 
“I’m sure Susie would agree too,” you quietly said as you sipped the bottle. 
“You’re still mad at that?”
“You said that I was easier than Susie Cox. Who wouldn’t be mad at that,” you quipped.
He stared at your lips then your eyes and only smiled. His hand touched your cheek, smoothing out your jawline and then finally holding it. 
“You know I don’t believe that…” he whispered as he moved his face towards your lips. 
You let him kiss you and you smiled. He was an idiot and a bully but you still let him kiss you. You couldn’t fully get why you did. You closed your eyes as you let him fully relax onto you. His hands started to make their way down to your neck then your back. It was calming, you felt calm as he held you. That was until you felt air circulate you, and Tommy was on the ground with Arvin on top of him hitting him repeatedly. You gasped as you stared at them. You couldn’t even scream from how stunned you were at the sight. 
“Stop, Stop it! Arvin quit!” You yelled at him and pulled at him but you couldn’t get him off of Tommy. “Please, Arvin please stop.” 
You could feel tears in your eyes. You know once you started crying you couldn’t stop. He only stopped when blood started pouring from Tommy’s nose. You yelped at the sight of his face. The whimpering sounds of the younger man were startling to hear. You couldn’t quell it though as you were being pulled away. 
You were farther away from the dance from Tommy’s bloody face. You cried when Arvin shoved you against his truck, “Why did you do that?”
“How could you willingly give yourself to that boy?” 
You didn’t know why he asked that or why he even thought it was any of his business.
“You’re not my dad. I shouldn’t have to tell you why I do the things I do and it shouldn’t bother you.” 
“I don’t think you understand…” he quietly said as he took your hair in his hands. You screeched when he pulled your head back. He quickly covered your mouth. The searing pain of your hair being ripped and pulled back had you sobbing. You could barely look at Arvin from how blurry it all was. 
“From the moment I touched you I claimed you. You don’t get to whore yourself around anymore. Not with me around to stop it.” His sharp words made you quiver against him. “Unless you want me to go to your mother and tell her all the sinful things I’ve watched you do.” 
You shook your head whimpering at how tight his hands were around your hair. 
“Are you going to be good from now on?” He asked and you nodded your head. His lips curved up at that. “Turn around, hold your dress up, and bend over against the truck.” 
You paused for a moment before finally doing what he ordered. You knew crying wasn’t going to get you out of this but you couldn’t stop the tears that traveled down your face. You held up your dress and you bent over the side of his truck. He held your hips tightly and pulled you back so your ass could fully be seen by him. He slapped it harshly once and then again and again. You could barely hold yourself in the position from how bad his slaps burned into your skin. When he was done he pulled down your underwear and stuffed his fingers inside you. 
“Soakin’ my fingers,” he whispered in your ear. You tensed at that. Your nails felt like they were going to snap as you gripped his truck for support. 
You heard the sound of his zipper going down and the ruffling of clothing. If you could make yourself run right now you would’ve been you couldn’t wield yourself to move. Not even an inch. You gasped when you felt his head push into you. It was going to be a tight fit and you didn’t know if you could handle it. He was so thick that you could feel every vein and inch of him. You whimpered when he finally was flushed against you. 
“That’s my good girl,” he said as he smoothed over your ass. 
His touch was soft against you like he was saying sorry for slapping you but his thrusts were deep and rough. He was sending a message through them through each powerful thrust. You moaned at the feel of him and when he pulled you close to him, your back was to his chest. 
“You’re mine now,” he grunted. “No one else gets to use this anymore. Just me, only me.”
You nodded as he fucked you against his truck. You squeezed your eyes shut when he hit a spot within you that had you cursing his name. He held his hand over your mouth and with one final thrust had you seeing stars. You came all over him. He didn’t stop only going in harder than before. You didn’t think he would come inside you not until he whispered breathily about how you were milking him dry. You mumbled under his hand trying to plead with him. But he only chuckled and held his other hand to your stomach. His finger slipped onto your clit rubbing it over and over again. 
You didn’t know you had another in you until you were coming around him a second time. This time it sent him off the edge too. You sobbed when he held himself there planting himself deep inside you. When he pulled out you cringed at the feel of his come dripping down your thighs. No boy has ever came inside you there was no possible way you would ever risk getting pregnant. Yet Arvin did it. Without your permission. You wanted to hit him, to curse at him but you couldn’t even move. Arvin pushed some of his come back into you and pulled your underwear back up. 
“Now go inside and give Lenora a good time.”
You nodded quietly doing what he told you to do. You could barely walk but somehow you made it to Lenora. She could tell something happened to you but to be honest you were too out of it to even notice. Just grabbed her and danced. Here on the floor, you could forget about Arvin and your newfound terrifying relationship with him.
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crime-wives · 2 months
wip wednesday (totally not thursday)
thank you so much for the tag @sssammich :D
the first snip is from my supercorp rift fic in the format of the five stages of grief. this is from the denial section
Kara Danvers is Supergirl. It’s an ugly loop, constant record screeching in her mind. Louder every second. Her eyes fixed on the bloody corpse of her brother. Smoking gun heavy in her hand.  Lena feels a sickening, violent twist in her gut. It’s so blatantly obvious, how could she have ignored all the signs?  Denial, people see what they want to see.  . . She pastes a plastic smile on her face, wine bottle clutched like a lifeline. She laughs, and gestures, and says all the right things despite the fury that simmers beneath the surface. There’s a familiar ache lodged in her chest, splintering in all directions.  She looks into Kara’s soft blue eyes [insert something] . . Lena sells Catco to Andrea. If she’s honest, she only bought the company for Kara [rephrase + expand] . . It’s been two months since she found out and not a word from Kara. Baby blue eyes filled with trepidation when they fall on her.  Each interaction punctuated with a breathless Lena— Everytime Lena thinks maybe, maybe Kara will finally come clean.  She never does.
this is from my swan queen enemies with benefits fic
She’s furious, storming into the station when she sees Regina perched on her desk, legs crossed, expectant look on her face. And Emma just wants to- fuck, throw Regina against a wall and- She feels her mask slip, but only for a second. “Madam Mayor, what a nice surprise.”  A lazy smirk forms of her face, “Miss Swan, I was hoping we could discuss [insert thing that pisses emma off]” “You’re such a fucking pain in the ass.”  “The feeling is quite mutual.” And she’s so smug, that when she stands, brushing the non-existent lint off her pencil skirt (that somehow managed to ride several inches up her thighs) Emma can’t help but grab her shoulders and slam her into the nearest wall. The tiny gasp Regina let’s out is worth it. Regina looks up at her, pupils dilated, lips parted.  “Miss Swan! Unhand me this instant!” She does nothing to move, and her words lack their usual bite. In fact, her cheeks are flushed, her tongue darts out to wet her lips.  Emma feels a hand pressed against her stomach. Snaking further up her bare skin, ghosting the underside of her breast. Emma feels her body unwillingly lean closer. Close enough that she feels Regina’s breath on her lips.
another snip from a swan queen neverland rewrite (it may be added to the ewb fic lol)
“You sure you can do this?” Emma moves to lay a hand on Regina’s arm, offering comfort. She retreats, fingers outstretched midair, when Regina flinches. “After everything, after the—” Torture. “Of course I can,” Regina scoffs. “Henry is everything. I would do anything for him.” The devotion pours off her in waves. “I know you would.” The ship rocks, as they stare into inky water. It’s quiet, almost frighteningly so. The sounds of their breathing fills the air. “I would too, you know.” Regina raises an eyebrow. “Do anything for him. I would too.”
and finally, my meddison 2x04 wip
It’s inescapable, she’s a constant presence in the hospital. Copper red hair around every goddamn corner. Cutting jokes about threesomes and unexplainable kindness when Meredith’s best friend ends up on the OR table. God, Meredith hates her so much.  . . “Meredith, she gave me divorce papers. She filed,” Derek asserts. Voice bordering on patronizing.  “I know,” Meredith says. That shuts him up quickly. He tilts his head, baby blue eyes imploring gently. “She told me,” Meredith sighs. “Addison told you?” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I didn’t think you were on speaking terms.” “We’re not— It’s complicated Derek.” 
no pressure tags :) @emily-prentits @nostradamus0 @thecasualqueer @sillyfroggremlin @walshies @peridotglimmer @fazedlight @flyingpotstickers
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corsairesix · 6 months
Krakoan Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
🧛🏻‍♀️lesbian-nate-essex follow
It's crazy how kids these days don't think that flatscan is a slur. Most of your parents are human you literally wouldn't exist without them.
Oh so now the Mr. Sinister fanblog is going to preach to us?
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547 notes
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🌿whoredeculture follow
Hey has anyone tried smoking thr krakoan plants. Like, can you smoke one of the portals?
🌿whoredeculture follow
healing gardens
8,301 notes
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❌xavier-school-dropout follow
Can't believe I got decimated and it turns out the Scarlet Witch isn't even Magneto's kid. What was that all about then?
I think she's his kid again. Kinda. It's complicated
Leave Magneto alone he's a single dad of 2-6 kids lmao
187 notes
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💃🏼omega-libropath follow
OMG I just found out that Serafina Hayes is a mutant! She's the pen name for St. John Allerdyce, who actually lives on the island! I can't believe I could actually meet him!
🧛🏻‍♀️lesbian-nate-essex follow
St. John Allerdyce is actually super problematic. He used to associated with Fred Dukes, who is incredibly homophobic (callout post here)
⬛mutant-presenting-nipples follow
You literally spoke to Fred at the Green Lagoon this morning?
👨🏼‍🦲xavier-was-right follow
girl both of them were terrorists
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#like truly who wasn't? grow up
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Okay listen... You can't spell MLF without- no I shan't say it
Then I will
🧬skinny-genes follow
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Stop reblogging this
12,059 notes
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🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏼krakoangayiconbracket follow
Krakoan Gay Icon: Final Round
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🦎lizardgay follow
This is just mean
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We need to get Cyclops on here he's a natural born poster I just know it.
#this is based on nothing i can just feel it
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The only reason that posts like the "down with flatscans bus" post exist is because the people making them would make a down with mutants bus if they could
i mean there was a down with mutants bus. that was a pretty significant thing that happened. like i understand where you’re coming from here but there very much was a down with mutants bus.
#also i would totally make a down with flatscans bus
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They should make the theme for the next hellfire gala camp, I want to see Tony Stark squirm
3,045 notes
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I just saw Wolverine run by naked and growling? Hello?
Right in front of my salad?
That happens sometimes
🦎lizardgay follow
Wait, which Wolverine?
You know which one.
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Why do the X-Men always say "hope you survive the experience" brother I will just die
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Reboot cast on whether they would smoke weed or not:
(Disclaimer: I am not endorsing underage drug use, this is just a hypothetical)
Axel: Absolutely not. She needs all her reflexes to be on point at every possible moment
Bowie: I'm gonna say no. Like, he doesn't have anything against it but it just doesn't interest him
Caleb: He would probably do it if it was offered to him, but wouldn't seek it out.
Chase: I'm not even sure he knows what weed is. Idk, those are just the vibes I get.
Damien: Is against it for a while, but then tries it once and discovers it's actually great for managing his stress levels
Emma: Yep, she's a giggly high person
Julia: It's the only way she was able to keep in character for her 'Moon Goddess' persona for more then a minute
Millie: Would say publically she doesn't, but totally does in private (she's not a good liar)
MK: Definitely would
Nichelle: Imma guess no
Priya: Hasn't even considered it an option, but would probably enjoy it
Ripper: He smokes like, really bad weed
Scary Girl: It wouldn't affect her either way
Wayne & Raj: They prefer edibles, but yes
Zee: ...I don't even think I have to answer this one
-🤖 (robot anon, realised I forgot to say that in previous asks lmao)
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gh0stgr1nder · 1 year
bi people cant flirt normally its always some shit like "why did i come back here?" "to uh. drink?" "back to hatchetfield. i spent the first 18 years if my life trying to get out of this place, shouldve just stayed in guatemala. i mean yeah theyve got volcanoes and coatimundis everywhere but uh-" "whats a coatimundi?" "oh, its like a little raccoon thing. they get into shit, people hate em, but at least they dont sing and dance" "so is that was drove you back to hatchetfield? coatimundis, up in your shit?" "no, no, it was uh my sister, jane. she was the good one. she had this um, lisa frank binder when she was little where she mapped out her entire life and i swear to god she stuck to it. bullet point by bullet point, it was like job, husband, house, kids, and you know when one sisters so on top of her game it kinda demands that the other one be a total fuck up, right?" "what is yin without yang?" "thats what im saying! yeah man, she was off doing life and i was doing, something else. backpacking mostly, and she would call me and you know, invite me home for big events, you know, weddings, baby showers, id always say oh, sorry ill catch the next one! but um, then when i got the invitation to her funeral i was like oh, there wont be a next one." "oh- im sorry." "hey, you didnt crash into her car. anyway, uh, its weird growing up in someone elses shadow because when theyre gone the light shines on you for the first time, and it does not look good. so, there i was, 30, with no roots anywhere except hatchetfield, so i thought uh, well im gonna make something of myself, you know do something my sister would be proud of, enroll in a community college, study botany, im gonna start a pot farm." "oh. did your sister smoke a lot of pot?" "no, but weed's the future, its gonna be legal nationwide soon, bet you any money! not that it matters anymore. man, my whole life my one goal was to avoid dying in hatchetfield and, here we are." "hey, it could be worse. you could be dying in clivesdale." "fuck clivesdale!" "fuck em!" "you know uh, all things considered, i like hatchetfield. yeah, been here my whole life, born and bred. never wanted to leave, still dont." "hey, we're the same age, how come i never knew you in highschool?" "you probably went to hatchetfield high, i went to sycamore." "fuckin timberwolves! we hated you guys!" "we hated ourselves! so uh, back at beanies you said you were in your highschool production of brigadoon?" "hey, i was bonnie jean!" "that was 2003 right? i actually saw you in brigadoon." "no shit!" "yes shit! yeah! uh, we didnt have a theatre program in our school, so i guess to make us feel like crap they bused us over to watch your show. it was the first musical i ever saw. i hated it. thats probably the start of my whole thing, youre the reason i dont like musicals!" "woah, thats like your origin story." "yeah!" "so i guess im the supervillain?" "i dont think of you like that at all emma."
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alicelufenia · 3 months
It really bums me how the Durge breakup dialogue getting removed seems to have divided the Minthara fandom, at least here (I remain blissfully unaware of how it is on twitter tho I imagine it can't NOT be a dumpster fire there)
Especially disappointed at all the conclusions being jumped to that it was a reaction to fan backlash bc... What? Where to even begin with that
I know we're used to a haphazard pattern of updates with Minthara, but the idea that they would add a whole dialogue scene with no announcement in the same patches where they announce tweaks to kissing animation well, that's just silly
It's not even the strangest bug that was introduced to her dialogue this patch
Those who disbelieve it could have been a bug you're free to think that but, past record plus knowing how baffling every bug looks like to a non-dev leaves me thinking that no, it's actually totally believable that snippets of dialogue from cut content could not only be in the game fully voiced and mocapped but also accidentally enabled in a patch of (from the outside) completely unrelated lines. Game dev is smoke and mirrors with code and it will never not make sense what breaks and why
No matter what your opinion on the dialogue, nothing points to it being an intentional update:
If it was intended to be a no takebacksies breakup well, it literally wasn't.
If it was meant as a lover's spat (my and many other's preferred outcome), it lacked follow up to give that teeth outside our headcanons.
If it seems odd that she praises Bhaal one second but says Bhaal rewards devotion with death the next, again it needed follow up that doesn't exist, at least not in game files (and let's be honest, most people don't even know about her desire to worship Bhaal cause it's totally missable even as a Durge, heck most don't even know she hates Lolth cause she was abandoned by Her, she didn't leave Lolth's service for the Absolute by choice).
I can't emphasize enough that it wasn't even announced in the patch notes, which is not the pattern they've shown when it comes to intentional updates of character content.
Added dialogue being recorded and acted DOES NOT mean it was recorded and acted RECENTLY. Hearing the actors talk about their recording experience makes that much clear, the vast majority of dialogue is recorded off a spreadsheet of critical to less important lines, over the course of the development of the game, and the mocap too was done as needed throughout. I guarantee you the Halsin Ultimatum was recorded and acted pre-release, along with any number of unseen lines that were cut for time, or lack of development, or course corrections in directing. I'm pretty sure Emma Gregory talked in an interview about her favorite romance in game being Karlach's even though Minthara's romance was broken in game at the time. The vast majority of the post-release updates to the game have been on the coding side of things, not actor or writer contributions.
Obligatory disclaimers: No it wasn't out of character, but as implemented in game it kinda was. Having NO reaction is also out of character imo. I'd rather they release an update to her writing when it was finished than halfway like this was. I'd Vastly prefer they fix her bugs over adding new dialogue anyway. No this doesn't mean I can't be upset for a lack of content because they removed dialogue that wasn't intended to be published in the state it was in.
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wefallforever · 3 months
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Season 3 Thoughts
This season was an excellent depiction of family cycles, intergenerational trauma and repair. That shit it home for real!
To start with, you have Emma, David and Mary Margaret struggling to connect because of how closed off Emma has become to protect herself. And of course all the pain she has around being abandoned in the first place. But David and Mary Margaret are so desperate for a relationship they sometimes come across pushy. It’s sooo cute how she starts to call them mom and dad by the end of the season 🥺
And whew Gold’s daddy issues totally explain why he is The Way he is. I can’t imagine looking my child in the eye and saying “[my baby was] helpless and all mine. Pulling away my name, my money, my time! Pulling away any hope of making better for myself. This pink, naked, squirming little larva that wanted to eat my dreams alive and never stop. What are you now, a couple hundred? Can’t I be free of you?” 😬😩😐 Real fucking harsh Pan.
And of course we have Zelena, whose desire to procure the life she never had eventually leads to her downfall. And yes her jealousy makes sense given that she grew up dirt poor whilst Regina trained to be an all powerful queen, but Zelena definitley romantissd Cora’s life. One could say she was looking at it with green coloured glasses 🤭. Her smoke should have been for Cora in my opinion! Fuck Gold for taking away Zelena’s second chance! 😡
Other miscellaneous thoughts on the season:
• I love how often Regina and Emma refer to Henry as “our son” it fills my little gay heart with joy. I swear to god they would have been the perfect slow burn enemies to friends to lovers story if Disney wasn’t so homophobic. Speaking of, I refuse to acknowledge the romances with Hook and Robin despite the actors’ on screen chemistry and relevance to the plot LOLOLOL!
• it’s bullshit that Mulan wasn’t with the merry men this season and they didn’t even address what happened. Hopefully Jamie Chung was offered a better role elsewhere and decided not to return (not holding my breath)
• we did get some additional Black people with lines on screen who live so that’s good. However I do think it’s sus the way Marian’a character is treated.
• I appreciate the theme of redemption and that you can alter your own destiny. Fate lies in the choices we make everyday.
I’m nearly halfway through season four so my astrology post on the main character’s big six is coming soon! Any thoughts on what my interpretations will look like? 👀
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mangora · 1 year
Too much weed discourse. Here’s the gospel truth:
Chase: Pretends he’s smoked weed but gets the details obviously wrong. Would believe you if you sold him a bag of crushed oregano and told him it was bud and then he would eat it and start acting insane. He takes an edible and starts crying and puking because he’s so high (it’s like 10mg)
Emma: Would never smoke weed, I don’t think she has many opinions on it though. She would get really mad at Chase for getting high and doing stupid shit tho
Ripper: Similar to Chase but when he takes edibles he takes like ten of them and starts running around naked and screaming
Zee: I mean they’re basically canonically a stoner but I saw this post by @td-hateblog on how funny it would be if Zee didn’t know what weed was and was just Like That and honestly I don’t know which idea I like more
Axel: Thinks weed will destroy her survival skills and avoids it like the plague
Nichelle: Used a cart once because idk celebrity connections and didn’t really like it
Bowie: Similar to Nichelle, tried it like once and thought it was mid as fuck. Also I think he’d be really grossed out by the resin which, fair
Raj: Afraid of smoking weed but is nice about it
Wayne: Not afraid of smoking weed but he isn’t interested. He’s chill about it though
Julia: Definitely smoked a lot of weed before the show but then she got sober and became a girlboss (read: aggressive)
Priya: Also afraid of weed and would be horrified if someone offered it to her
Millie: Wouldn’t use weed but would definitely want to be in the room observing people when they’re high
Damien: I honestly don’t know. Probably uses it like once in a while at parties but not a lot. He knows like all the chemistry and health pros & cons though
Caleb: He literally doesn’t have a personality idfk
MK: Smokes a cart like once a week
Scary Girl: Hits a bong like five times in a row and acts totally normal by her standards and everyone is astounded
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Just finished my rewatch and it’s swinging even more in favour of being my favourite show and it definitely might be the *best* show
The opening sets the tone so well but also, pleasantly surprised how long it took someone to die once we get into the show for real!
I do wish we could have got more of bryce but her onstage debut with them is so fun and she’s SO good
The title projection is COOL AF. I can’t remember if tcb said how they knew/found Joey but the lighting design of this show 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Lauren’s soprano I cryyyyy
This is suchhh a good opening number 
How anyone can say this show isn’t as horny as mamd with lauren’s scream/moan wait maybe that’s just me
Pete/steph I’m sorry I doubted you
The writing of this show is just so fun
Will is SO great as max
Obviously Grace is still unhinged but I do think she was a more grounded character in this show so while I definitely think it was a good move to make pete and steph more the main characters than they were originally I did find her fun to watch
Love this trio of nerds <3
“You don’t even need to try with me Pete”jokes 👏🏻 that are objectively 👏🏻 funnier 👏🏻
How did I not notice how GRABBY Lauren was in this scene the first time
Joey as pete I love himmmm
Angela does these freudian slips VERY well 
Dirty girl alone really is hornier than anything in mamd
The spins are so dumb but so fun
This is such a fun group too
Ruth baby I’ll talk to you <3
“I don’t want to though” Need I say it again jokes 👏🏻 that are 👏🏻 objectively 👏🏻 funnier 👏🏻
The escalation from bully the bully to bury the bully is so funny
I don’t know what it is about the nighthawks song but I LOVE it
“I love being alive” is so devastatingly good, you KNOW. You know </3
The SFX makeup is also so cool
Still feel robbed of their finest work the smoke club kids but it’s FINE
Joey’s “oh no” is too good
Lauren’s face when steph and ruth almost hold hands is also too good 
Dan and donna <3 who are definitely married with dogs and kids
Hatchet town is so good
Okay didn’t notice Arm the first time
Barbecue monologues has no right being that funny
Lauren KILLS this scene. And just for once is such a great song and she also blends her character and normal voice really well. Took three hatchetfield shows but Jeff nailed it 🙏🏻
PAUL AND EMMA PAUL AND EMMA I know I already said it but it’s *perfect*, the flirting is perfect, and the 5 year joke *chef’s kiss*
Not even really a joke but spitting in his hot chocolate… objectively funnier
Twist of all twists (although I really should have foreseen it tbh) I am OBSESSED with if I loved you
Bisexual ruth special to us all <3
So glad we got a goof best part of live shows 
The lighting with max in the car is also very cool!!
The LiB scene!!!!!!! It’s TOO good. I can’t even articulate how good
If there’s one thing about Joey Richter it’s he’s gonna make me cry with an emotional sacrifice scene 😭😭😭
Did get scared for one sec here in the reprise though even though someone already told me I was good 
Grace saving the day is proof you can have a predictable “twist” that’s still good!
This song is so fun!!! It’s such a great closing number because we all know this is where the show ends!!!
And lauren’s DRESS!!! It was worth being totally surprised by that. And lauren’s choreo will never shut up about it bestie girl its SO GOOD
And I hateeee to say it but pete and steph probably should have kissed. Suspicious 
Also lauren in curtain call loml she looks so happy
It would have been a fucking blast to see this show in person especially for the first time, I should have done it tbh. I was so scared for WHAT. But they simply have to do it again sorry 2 weekends was not enough 
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??? : Wake up, Emma! 
??? : Emma, wake up!!
EMMA : ...Huh...?
BURN : Oh, you're finally awake! Thank goodness!
EMMA : Burn? Sparrow? Liebe? 
SPARROW : Are you okay, Emma? You fainted...
LIEBE : If you had slept any longer I would have had to wake you with a kiss. Unfortunate as it is that I didn't get to kiss you, I'm glad you are okay~
EMMA : Yeah, thank you guys. But where are we...?
Observing the unfamiliar room, I spotted mysterious monitors set up in the corners. And on the far wall there were three doors. All of which were a different color. Red, blue, and yellow. 
EMMA : The last thing I remember, I went to the hall to participate in the game, then strange smoke appeared, and then...
BURN : After you guys inhaled that smoke you all passed out and the floor opened up swallowing you guys in!
EMMA : The floor opened up?
SPARROW : Yeah, it turned into a slope and you all slid down it. We followed to catch you as you fell. 
LIEBE : We fell through the ceiling into this room. Of course, I made sure to cushion your fall so you wouldn't incur any injuries. 
EMMA : Thank you for that. What about everyone else?
VICTOR : Hey, Emma. We're here, just trying to figure out what's going on. 
EMMA : Victor!? I'm so glad you're safe!
YMIR : Talk about a rough welcome. If I'd fallen on my face, I would burn this whole place to the ground...
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LEN : That asshole! The one who planned this game is going straight on my revenge list!!
Exploring the room to assess the situation, we found several other men lying unconscious.
BURN : Six guys besides us. So a total of ten people are in this room. We got pretty lucky, you know? It seems there were multiple exits at the end of that slope. So, all of us being together is already a good sign! 
YMIR : So the other participants, close to fifty people, were probably allocated to random rooms like us?
EMMA : It's likely.
VICTOR : Hm, I'm curious about the whereabouts of the others too, however, more importantly, if you take a look at the wall there are three doors. Can't we proceed through them?
YMIR : Wow, those are some really tacky doors.
LEN : Should we go through 'em? We can't just sit on our asses all day, right?
Without a care in the world, Len went to open the red door, but...
LEN : Crap. No good. It's locked. 
EMMA : The yellow one is locked as well.
VICTOR : The blue one too.
LEN : Goddamn it!! Open up you assholes!!
SPARROW : Oh, um...Please don't get violent! 
YMIR : Huh...The windows are barred shut as well. And the glass seems to be specially reinforced.
The other men who were trapped with us also began to wake up one by one, frantically banging on the doors and windows.
??? : Everyone, please be quiet.
EMMA : !?
A male host appeared on the monitors installed in the four corners of the room.
MALE 1 : You asshole!! Let us out already!! 
MALE 2 : Who the hell do you think you are!?
HOST : I understand that you may be confused by the sudden turn of events. But what you should aim for is to become the king, and only that. From now on, only those who overcome several trials will be eligible to be crowned the king, ruling over this banquet.
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YMIR : This is a pre-recorded video, isn't it?
VICTOR : Probably. Either that or they are intentionally ignoring us. I even blew a kiss at the screen and there was no reaction whatsoever. 
LEN : Are you an idiot!?
EMMA : Wait. Did you guys hear the sound of a door unlocking!?
LEN : It came from the red one! 
MALE 3 : It's red!!
MALE 4 : Move! I'm going first!!
MALE 5 : Outta my way!!
The three men simultaneously rushed for the red door. 
EMMA : They're running with so much force...What should we do? If we don't run for it, they're gonna beat us to it.
YMIR : No. We wait. It's best to see what happens when they open the door. There might be a trap behind it. 
HOST : Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention~ Be careful not to rush. You don't know what awaits you on the other side~
With a flash of a menacing smile, the video on the monitor disappeared. 
EMMA : What was that..!?
SPARROW : I-I don't know...
BURN : Looks like the battle for the door has come to an end!
One of the men who had been involved in the heated argument over the door managed to open it. At the same time, the floor the men were standing on gave way and they all plummeted into a deep pit.
MEN : Ahhhhh!!!
The screams of the men faded into the dark depths. 
YMIR : It seems quite deep.
VICTOR : Indeed.
LEN : This asshole is trying to kill us! This is way beyond a game!
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indigosunsetao3 · 4 months
In your stories, what do you consider to be the love languages* that Kyle, Olivia, Soap, and Emma relate to the most?
*words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch
Oh good question!
I think Soap and Gaz both like Acts of Service to a degree, giving that's what they do for a living; serving others. But they are vastly different on what their 'prominent' one is.
Soap - Physical Touch
To me Soap is very much a physical guy. He likes to touch others in the aspect of just letting you know he's there. A shoulder bump, foot tap under the table, holding hands or tugging someone to lean on his shoulder. He shows his affection this way to friends as well as significant others. He also prefers the same thing back but he's content to give the physical affection and enjoys if the other person enjoys it. It doesn't have to be a lot of physical touch either, man will smile himself stupid if you simply clap him on the back or lean back into the shoulder nudge. And if Emma plays with his hair while they lay in bed watching TV he's set for days.
Emma - Quality Time/Physical Touch (newer)
She just wants to spend time with the people she cares about. It can be in total silence doing their own thing. But she wants them there and will find herself recharged and happy just for that. But she also enjoys if someone carves out some one on one time together to actually do something. It can be just going on a walk or running errands together. Or when she and Soap were in the safehouse in Ukraine he always made sure they had plenty of one on one time...that wasn't always involved in the bedroom. She was never one for physical touch, her family never that way growing up, but Soap has drawn that side out of her out. So quality time with him tends to be lounged on the couch touching one another one way or another, whether feet in lap, heads on shoulders or her sprawled on top of him as they watch a movie. She finds she craves it now where before she was fine going without it.
Gaz - Acts of Service
He lives to serve others. He'll drop whatever he is doing to help others and enjoys nothing more than making others happy when he helps them. From opening doors, chasing his neighbors stupid cat, helping fold laundry or even a simple foot rub. But he also wants that type of affection in return. He does so much for others he likes when something is done for him. Gaz will run himself ragged to make sure everyone he cares about is taken care of, and sometimes he just needs someone to take care of him. Make him dinner, fill up the car with petrol or pick him up another pack of smokes without him asking. He's simple to please.
Olivia - Gifts/Words of Affirmation
This one I had to think on. I immediately went to Gifts because that's how Henry lured her, but I don't think that's solely it. I think Olivia is gifts and words of affirmation. She likes gifts that are more than how much they cost, she more prefers the thought behind them. Such as Gaz giving her his dogtags, or the fact he always brought her something home from where he went even if it was a simple postcard or locally handmade jewelry. And of course getting her anything in her favorite color purple.
In her loneliness that Henry exploited for his own gain, his flashy gifts were huge to her. But they were empty because there was no meaning behind them. He was instead filling her need for words of affirmation. That he would always be there for her, she was worth more to him than Gaz who always left her behind, she deserved more etc.
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alltheselights · 1 year
Emma, check this out: check alarrytale's tags I 100% agree WITH HER.
I don't like the tone of those tags. My thoughts are basically this: I think that Louis' definitely uses alcohol, smoking, and drugs as a crutch and that these are really unhealthy habits that are hurting his body and in the long-term, hurting his career. I think he needs to get better coping habits and I wish he would go to therapy and surround himself with people who don't engage in those same habits or who at least want the best for him health-wise. I also don't think it's appropriate to encourage people to smoke weed at concerts where there are children and people around who have no interest in being around smoke or drug use. People are entitled to do what they want with their bodies, but where I start to get annoyed is when people start imposing their own habits onto others without their consent.
I don't think talking really negatively about people struggling with addiction, especially people we don't even know personally like Louis, is an appropriate response. I totally understand the frustration and the desire for him to take care of himself, but I don't like that level of hostility and I think people who get that angry need to step back.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.28--Episodes 14-15
I have watched through S3E15; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—I think Bae’s death might’ve destroyed me even more than Rumple’s death. I didn’t really believe Rumple would be killed permanently. This one I do believe. What’s the point of bringing Rumple back if he can’t be with his son anymore?
—Rumple finally gave up the dagger for Bae. How dare that be in the same episode as Bae’s death! It’s too tragic.
—Tryna be positive here…it’s pretty hard. There were a lot of things about these episodes I adored, but A) I’m too focused on crying over Bae to remember them well, and B) many of them were related to Bae and Rumple.
—In this episode, I noticed that Bae’s face just lights up when he smiles. He has the most gorgeous smile lines around his eyes.
—I totally believe in bi4bi Rumbelle. Rumple’s seemed a lil fruity to me (on vibes only) since, like, day one. Belle’s outfit in the fairytale world, particularly the vest, is enough to encourage this headcanon. And it’s my headcanon, so I can have it either way. *shrugs* *dabs*
—Emma wanting to keep Henry’s old memories from him forever is really selfish. He has—well, now, only one other parent—but he has other family members who miss him. It’s especially cruel to Regina to want Henry in the dark. And it’s also not fair to Henry, because that was his real life, and because he deserves to know that he has another mom, a good man for his (dead) father, two grandfathers, and a grandmother.
—Snow’s pregnancy clothes are super cute. She’s got this adorable pink jacket that I absolutely love.
—I firmly believe that all of our heroes have a single braincell between them, and that the Wicked Witch has stolen it already. They’re all acting exceptionally stupid right now. This random lady they’ve never met shows up, claiming to have been a friend of one of Snow’s friends, and just happens to be well-versed in being a midwife? How is that not s u s at all, especially with the Wicked Witch running around?
—I was just thinking about how sweet Hook and Bae’s relationship could be, and now I’ll never get to see it again. They did that on purpose.
—And now Rumple is back in his basement cage. He’s completely under the Wicked Witch’s control. And he has nothing to ruminate on but his son’s death. There is literally nothing good in his life.
—Regina’s caught on to Robin being her soulmate. I hope she can work out her complicated feelings about that and start something with him.
—Rumple did look *fine* when he was resurrected from that goo. Although, his resurrection is now part of emotional damage, so…I can’t help looking back on that with a truckload of salt.
—Seriously, this sucks. I can’t stand it.
—I don’t think it would be possible for me to hate the Wicked Witch any more than I already do. Also, I’m bummed that it looks like I won’t actually be seeing most of the other Oz characters.
—That fear shadow thingy was freaky as hell. The glitchy way it moved was hideous. But it’s also a fun little philosophical idea, I guess.
—Rapunzel’s dress and tiara were ridiculously gorgeous. So shimmery and fancy. Also, Rapunzel being brunette from the start is interesting, although it doesn’t seem her hair has any magic in it. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that part.
—Actually, her entire introduction was little weird. I would’ve expected it to be a slightly more important event than a side quest for Charming. On the other hand, that’s refreshing. It somewhat allays my fears that the more modern princesses are going to hog the spotlight. (Especially the Frozen princesses. They terrify me.)
—They really need to work on a memory restoration for Henry. Him not knowing Regina is hurting me. Also, the fact that he doesn’t believe in magic anymore is depressing.
—I can’t believe we went through all of that just for Baelfire to die. It’s so unfair.
—I want Regina to smoke that Witch. I will admit, I’m impressed that OUAT can make that green biddy into even a little bit of a serious threat, but I don’t believe for a second that she’s more powerful than Regina. —If Rumple is forced to kill someone I or he cares about, I might have to quit the show.
—It was pretty stupid of Emma to leave Rumple in the forest by himself. Maybe it wouldn’t do any good to bring him with, considering the Wicked Witch has his dagger, but leaving him there? Not the most intelligent move Emma’s ever made.
—Charming is also the dumbest man alive not to have realized Snow was pregnant—or at least the most oblivious.
—His guilt over having to send Emma away is a decent plot bit, though. That scene where he dreamed about teaching her to dance for her first ball was so sad. It makes sense, and it will no doubt make thing with the new baby a little bit tense, and I’m all here for that.
—I’ve reached the end of the post, and even though I’ve found some positives, I’m still not over Bae’s death. Parents shouldn’t have to watch their children die—that’s that, the end, period. Stuff like Bae’s death, or like Philip Hamilton’s death in Hamilton, is painful to watch.
—It took me forever, but I finally realized that Emma was also Cassidy Sharp in This Is Us (which is, by the way, possibly the best family drama I’ve other seen, other than OUAT). Don’t know what triggered the epiphany, but it happened.
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Seven, Part 10
"Good. It would be even better if you were around too."
"Yeah, really. Oh! Before I forget, do you have an Emma in your anatomy class?" I asked.
"I think so. Why?"
"Real small fragile looking mousey girl?"
"Yeah, why?" Addison asked again.
"She's Alana's girlfriend,"
"Oh wow, small world" Addison said, sounding far off.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, just a long day. How late are you guys staying out?"
"I have no idea."
"If your not too drunk, maybe call when you're home? I'm sure I'll probably still be up." She said with amusement in her voice.
"Yeah, I can do that. No problem. Just a busy night?"
"Yeah. Five calls so far. I'm really hoping for a break."
"At least it's only one day, right? And it's almost over."
"True." Her voice was tired, but the distance had faded. "I'll let you go though. I kind of just wanted to say hi."
"Ok. I'll call later."
"Be safe."
"I will." I said as she hung up. Still no goodbyes. That may seem like such a trivial thing to focus on, but to me, it meant a lot. It meant I was heard. I was heard and actually listened to. Something so simple says more than a lot of what bigger gestures say.
The world around came back into focus. Thumping from the bar counting out rhythms of the street music. I turned around, only to see all three of the people I was here with, standing near the door smoking. I walked up to them.
"You good?" Chad asked between puffs. Alana and Emma stood off to the side, quietly talking and sharing a cigarette.
"Yeah. I'm good." I flicked my own cigarette off into the street, where it bounced underneath a parked car. For a second or two, smoke appeared to roll out from the car itself.
"You know, we're just giving you shit, right?" Ever the good friend.
"I know. It's all good."
"We're proud of you. And I think I won the pot."
"The pot?"
"Yeah, we all had bets on how long it would take before you did it again. Tim's going to be pissed. He had total faith you'd never break."
"You guys were fucking betting on my love life?" I probably should've been upset but I wasn't. In a way, I was slightly flattered. How often is it that you become a focal point of your friends lives, by refusing any form of connection with anyone new?
"Yeah. Looks like I won two hundred bucks."
"Fuck you." I laughed as I spoke. Chad dropped his dying nail into a bucket outside. We headed inside, into the noise, into the chaos. Alana and Emma followed soon after.
* * * *
"You good to drive?" Alana asked Chad as we all stood outside the bar. It was a little after one and Alana and Emma were heading out.
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm staying at Chris's place tonight anyway." Chad replied, tossing his cigarette off into the street.
"We need to do this again. This was a lot of fun." Emma leaned against Alana and their hands were intertwined. Emma had come out of her shell once that false confidence started hitting her. She was actually a pretty funny weirdo. Her and Alana made a great pair.
"For sure." I said.
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