#i thought the hospital stuff. stuff that was REALLY important. was rushed.
kaiayame · 2 years
#I'm going to go to sleep & see how i feel tomorrow BUT#my initial thoughts were that ep9 wasn't..... the best.#i thought the pacing and cinematography and vfx were... off.#i thought both Pedro and Bella weren't at their best.#i thought the hospital stuff. stuff that was REALLY important. was rushed.#i thought they could have literally just given us 10 to 20 more min. of run time to help flesh it out... it should have been longer!!!#i thought it wasn't as emotional or done as well as the game ending#idk.#i still love the overall show.#i just thought ep 9 was a liiiiiiiiiittle.....#lackluster 🫤#idk. I'll watch it again tomorrow. but...#🤷‍♂️#.....#like sorry. but i just didn't feel the URGENCY and horror in Joel's actions at the hospital.#and like we really just said f u to having any infected around since ep5 didn't we. huh.#i DID like that joel said there were raiders at the hospital when lying to ellie tho. and that marlene didn't make it.#I've had in my notes for a long time that he should have used that as an excuse#for getting her out of there while she's still unconscious.#mmhmm#also#overall i feel like joel was acting a little nuts when trying to cheer ellie up#a little.... unhinged#it felt more forced than in the game.#and when he was comparing her to sarah...#it just didn't feel.... authentic#idkkkkkk#i missed the beat of ellie giving him sarah's photo#and them getting taken out by a smoke bomb instead of ellie almost drowning and joel freaking out over her not breathing was a little...#anticlimactic :/
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shelbgrey · 5 months
can you do a mark sloan x reader sfw/nsfw hcs , and can she be richard webbers god daughter
please & thank you!<3 you write such amazing works
Mark Dating Richard's god Daughter headcanons
Paring: Mark Sloan x Webber!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Mark Sloan dating Richard Webber's God Daughter. -SMUT warning
MasterList ML2
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You are Richard and Aele's god Daughter. They adopted you after your parents died in a car crash.
Richard has always been a father to you, but you call him uncle Richard.
You wanted to be a doctor like Richard for as long as you could remember. You worked hard in medical school and soon enough you were in the same intern class as Miranda Bailey.
Bailey is your best friend and has threatened Mark’s life if he hurts you.
Derek thinks it’s funny that Mark started dating you after Webber tried to say it was nothing personal when he hired Mark.
Richard notices how Mark looks at you almost immediately and he absolutely hates it. He thinks Mark is just looking for a one night stand, but that’s not true.
“I want you to stay away from him. There’s a reason the nurses formed a anti-Mark club”
But what your uncle said went in one ear and out the other. Honestly Richard couldn’t blame you. He knew what it was like to be in love with someone you couldn’t have.
Speaking of Love, you didn’t find out about Richard and Ellis till your intern year when Ellis showed up at the hospital with Alzheimer. You and Meredith became close friends through this situation.
You couldn’t really stay mad at Richard since it was a long time ago, but it still hurts that he could do something like that to Adele.
“It's kinda funny in a dark way, the two most important men in your life are both man whores” Bailey said, she was your person and she could say stuff like that to you without getting mad.
You know Richard and Bailey are close, but whenever they have a petty argument you're taking Bailey’s side. Yes, she's smug about that.
Adele gets mad whenever either one of you tatel on Richard. You may get annoyed, but she’ll drive down to the hospital whenever you need something.
You think it's hilarious when Adele yells at Richard like he's a child. She’ll definitely do it to Mark too if she has too. “Out of all the petty, ridiculous, infantile.. Are you running a hospital here or a playground?”
“Adele..” Richard started. “Playground or Hospital, Richard?!” Adele yelled and Mark snickered as Richard mumbled, “Hospital”
“Apologize to our goddaughter right now” Adele scolded, Making Mark hide his laughter in your shoulder. “Sorry” Richard mumbled.
“Not to complain or anything Aunt Adele, but that’s not a real apology” you said with a smirk.
“That is not an apology! You give an apology you mean, because if i have to drag myself down here though rush hour traffic again, to police this damn Jungle Gym..”
“You made your point Adele” Richard sighed. Adele huffed and turned to you. “Love ya aunt Adele”
“Love you too, Dear”
Mark and you both gave Derek crap when Richard and Derek were living together. “Derek is dating your uncle Richard”
“I am no!”
Richard does his best to be nice to Mark, but he wants to protect you from him. Especially when he found out he slept with Addison.
He definitely used his ‘Chiefʼ voice when he threatened him about dating you. “If you hurt her. IF you cheat on her, even the morgue won't be able to identify you. Are we clear!?”
“Yes!.. Yes sir”
Adele loved him when she was still alive. “RIchard you be nice to him he’s part of the family now”
Mark comforted you when Adele started getting Alzheimer. Adele was the closest thing you had to a mother, so it hit you hard when she died.
Mark had gotten close to her as well. Mrs. Shepherd was like a mother to him. Yes, when he started dating you Adele was constantly in his life. She gave him relationship advice and was like the aunt he never got.
Then Catherine showed up. She really didn’t like you or Mark that much. She had a problem with Mark because she thought Jackson was wasting his time in plastics then she just thought Richard ‘babyed’ you too much.
“You mom is banging my Uncle” you said bluntly to Jackson.
“The Chief banged my mom too” Meredith said, thinking it’ll make Jackson feel better.
Richard walking you down the isle on your and Mark's wedding.
NSFW Headcanons:
These are from the original mark HCs I posted a couple of days ago... Sorry. If you want all of them go to the original HC post.
He’s an expert at foreplay. He’ll spend as much time as he can trying to get you hot and bothered or worked up.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
Mark loves bitting your neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
The sex maybe rough, but Mark isn't not big on insults. He refuses to degrade you and will only use sweet words.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
There's also a tone of jealous sex. If he sees Alex shamelessly flirting with you expected to be tied to bed as fucks your brains out. If he sees Jackson touch you in a way thats reserved only for him you’re pinned against the wall.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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valley-of-headcanons · 3 months
hii! could you do a headcannon for Alex's emotions and how he would react when his first child is born ?( sorry for the bad grammar, English isn't my 1st language )
alex's first child || headcanons
when faced with the birth of his first child, alex is determined to rewrite the wrong-doings of his father.
warnings: abusive dad mentions, self deprecating on alex's part, female bodied farmer with gender neutral pronouns
requested by: anon! hii, tysm for the request! this is a really cute one that i enjoyed writing a ton! alex is so underrated and his storyline breaks my heart. i love redemption arcs more than anything. anyway! hope you enjoy <3
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• Alex has always wanted to have children, but he's always been extremely nervous. He knew that he was not raised in a traditional household, despite his grandparents' rather traditional views. His father was a monster, and he realized this more and more as he grew. When he got to his father's age, more and more he thought to himself: “How could you treat a child like that?”
• When he first found out that you were pregnant, he was over the moon. He was so excited to be a dad! He was going to do all the cool stuff that he never got to do as a child. He was going to play sports with this kid, take them on father-son/father-daughter dates, and love them unconditionally! All the lovely feeling of being a parent swarmed him immediately. Everything was good ... until he got in his head.
• Late night thoughts are never good. When his partner is asleep beside him, about half way through their pregnancy, Alex didn't think the bad thoughts could get to him. But they certainly can. Y'know, aren't mental issues genetic? What if having this kid uncovers some mental issues that he never knew he had? What if he fucks up, making this kid feel as worthless as he felt as a kid? What if he turns into his father?
• That man made Alex feel like a completely different person than what he actually was. The confidence, the light, the joy behind his eyes ... every single time that man popped into his mind, it seemed to be snatched away from him. What if his child feels like that about him? His father is just ... that man. That man who makes them feel like shit and laughs about it. The kind of man that leaves after the damage is done.
• His anxieties were quiet, reserved for nights when you were getting your well deserved rest. He didn't open up to you about it until a bit closer to the date, when his nerves were at an all time high. You noticed there was an uneasiness about him, which was highly unusual. His dam just ... broke. It didn't take too much of a push, and you could tell he hadn't had much sleep. He tried his best not to cry, but he couldn't help it. When it came to his father, he was a defenseless little boy.
• You took him into your arms and held him, consoling his worries. Alex knew the damage of his father, and in knowing that, he would be able to prevent those actions. He cried until he felt a bit safer, resting his head on your stomach and closing his eyes. Maybe the child in your stomach understood Alex's cries, because he felt something softly graze his cheek.
• Soon, the time came to deliver the baby. Alex rushed you to the hospital, at your side consistently. He was there for your every need. He was more focused on you and your health than his own anxiety-ridden thoughts. There was a scratch at the back of his mind, putting him a bit on edge, but that didn't matter right now. His partner was going through a terrifying major life event right now. That may be a bit more important.
• After everything was all said and done, Alex was tired. He certainly wasn't as tired as you were, but he was exhausted. He sat with you, holding your hand as the child was brought into your room for the first time. It finally hit. That's it, he's a father now. You were the first to hold them, you did all the labor after all. After you were done for a moment, you handed them off to Alex.
• That baby could fit in the palm of Alex's hand, but it was his whole world. A cute little bundle of joy, eyes barely open enough to see the world it had just been brought into. Alex then felt his own eyes begin to pour. His little buddy. He held the child close to his chest, pressing the most gentle kisses on their forehead.
• “Hey, little buddy ... I'm your dad, and I'm gonna make sure nothing's gonna happen to you ... you're so tiny! ... how could anyone wanna hurt somethin' so small ...? ... I'm gonna make sure you're taken care of, as much as I can ... I love you so much, little buddy. I promise you'll have the best life ...”
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Haven't preached the gospel of Civilian Tim in a while >.> my boy would be so disappointed in me. I forgot about my boy! <:O
So consider!
Smol Tim! Knows he has to be SUUUPER careful. Mrs. Mac or his parents COULD find his Batman Notes and collection of blurry Baby's First Photographs, after all. So he keeps it vague. Never any names. Cryptic references. The works. Nothing that someone who doesn't know what HE knows, would understand.
But! He's also slightly less athletic then Cannon Tim. Or perhaps, Mrs. Mac is slightly less oblivious. She suspects Somethings Up(tm). Gets that distinct wiff of "child doing something they know they shouldn't behind my back". So waits in her car one night instead of actually going home like she usually does.
Oh dear lord.
Unfortunately, she picks the worst time to startle him. He's half way down the wall, having avoided the already Alarm Primed front door, from the SECOND FLOOR. The small child falls. Eats it, crushing a decorative bush.
This does NOT calm Mrs. Mac down.
He gets a concussion and one of two DOZEN hysterical calls to his parents from Mrs. Mac at the hospital. They think he's dying. Drop everything and rush back.
Are FURIOUS but relieved he's mostly okay.
His Dad, determined to figure out what the FUCK he thought he was doing, finds his Batman stuff. Tim sits, woozy, and wonders if he's watching his parent's Villian origin story as they rage and curse Batman out. His mom wants to shoot him.
It's decided (for him, no he does NOT get a say) that he is NOT staying in Gotham. Where God forsaken furries stalk the night, tempting innocent people's sons into running around the crumbling rooftops and too their early graves. Absolutely not. Tim is going to boarding school.
Tim doesn't WANT to go to boarding school.
But he doesn't get a say.
However... his parents? Do seem really excited? And spend lots of time with him looking over the options. Telling him stories about trips they took to countries near by. It's... it's actually kinda exciting. Nice, even.
And boarding school isn't even that bad.
No one makes fun of him for being quite or "new money". He makes friends. His parents VISIT since the airport isn't too far and they can plan lay-overs through it. He slowly forgets about the Heros of Gotham.
There are local Heros. They kinda suck. He keeps trying to send them notes on how to improve but somehow? They interpret it as a threat? God, they are dumb.
The trip that should have killed his parents? Never happens. Because there was an important event at the School and then CERTAIN local idiots failed to stop their telekinetic Villian from destroying all the planes. By the time his parents managed to reschedule? The local police in Haiti were desperately calling to warn them to Stay Put.
He graduates. Heads... well, he guesses "Home"? Back to Gotham. After a decade away. It's still just as Gothic, shitty, and creepy as always. His parents are out on their new dig, so? Place to himself~ Sweet.
Even if his old room is basicly untouched. Kiddy sheets and all. He'll need new everything. Which? As he pokes around? Leads him to finding his own HIGHLY Creepy? Cryptic, Possibly-Haunted, Horror Movie Notes(tm).
Baby Tim... WTF.
He remembers these. Remembers understanding them...
Does... NOT understand them now.
He can? Sort of decipher them. Based off what he knows about himself at that age? It's "something, something, circus, something, Wayne's." And this other one just references Bats, which... kinda obvious. This is all clearly about BATman.
The question is? Does he CARE?
.....maybe a little bit.
Curse his insatiable curiosity. He collects Baby Him's creepy notes. The horror movie photographs. Starts making a list of furniture he'll need, and... Ding~ Dong~! Door? Who in gods name would be at the DOOR? Houses around here are massively spaced out.
He goes to check.
Standing there, in their work out clothes, is the unfairly gorgeous Dickie Wayne and sharply handsome young blood son, Damian Wayne. Life long neighbors. Haven't seen one of them since childhood, the other at ALL. Why are they at his house?
Dickie is like getting hit by a semi-truck of Friendly. Tim feels an almost feline urge to hiss and bite the man to make him back off. The blood son just watchs. Sharp gaze an unfairly beautiful green, as he just? Seems to observe and consider. So, clearly no help there.
Dickie seems to think Tim is moving in? Is new? Wow. Way to be observant. Dude, the Drake's have lived next to your family since BEFORE TIM WAS BORN. We're just abroad a lot. We travel. Tim's just graduated. Is going to start his work in Drake Industries.
He gets a blank look from Dickie.
Damian at least know exactly what he's talking about. Was simply unaware that they were neighbors. Apologizes for Dickie's... He means well.
Tim has to laugh.
What a brutal kid. He likes him. They part ways. Tim doesn't notice the lingering looks or flushing cheeks, his fluffy and unguarded appearance has gotten him. Soft in a way nothing in Gotham or their lives ever is.
Tim gets to work. Modernizing the house and updating the furniture. Lots to buy and do, after all. Its exhausting. Thank god for the pool. And since it in the back, away from the road, he doesn't have to worry about all those absurd prudish drama queens he's met at the local market, getting food.
He can relax in a barely-there, string, bikini bottom. Topless. Soak in what little sun there manages to be.
Utterly entrance various Poor Bats, who are just trying to get their steps in. With so, so much soft and unmarked skin. Pretty little mosquito bite tits, the gentle curves and dips of his lounging body. Long legs, relaxed and sprawled teasingly open. Enough to torment but not enough to see.
They could never be that relaxed. Too many enemies. Too deeply ingrained to stay on gaurd. But there Tim lays, soaking up the sunshine with a drink and podcast. Utterly boneless.
A glimpse into another world. What they fight to protect. So different it... it almost become a fetish.
And it quickly does. Mentally playing house. Pretending civilian. They would go on dates and bring him flowers, they think, spying on him. Have dinners for two, cuddle on the couch, they imagine, as they break bones in the frigid rain. On and on. Them and their pretty civilian boyfriend.
The boy next door. Hallmark romances. Romantic novels. Fated encounters. Each of them framing it differently in their head. No less obsessive. Getting more by the day.
And Tim? Well, for him, things are feeling... Off(tm). His neighbors are? Weirdly friendly. He'd say cultishly friendly, but he doesn't even think they're religious. Yet his gut is SCREAMING "somethings not right here".
He can't figure out his creepy kid-self's notes. And it's starting to seem IMPORTANT. Because he HEARD that Brucie Wayne? Was a himbo. An idiot. But no one in that family reads as genuinely dumb to Tim. So why are they pretending? What are they HIDING? And??
Does it have something to do with how he keeps seeing the fuckin BATS around his house? His office? He's pretty sure they broke in. Found at least on bug. There might be cameras. He got kidnapped and like? Five! Of them showed up. FIVE.
Crowded super close to untie him, all lingering touches and predators grins.
Is he being hunted by vampires? Demons?
Bat people?!
How many times did they watch him masturbate before he realized there could be cameras!? And is he REALLY sure the shower is safe to get off in, now? It better be. He refuses to stop, just because he's being hunted by cryptids!
And off course~♡ Ivy, our Beloved. (We salute you o7) Oh dear and precious Bringer of Convenient Plot Devices. Escapes! Oh nooooo! And she was doing so well.
She hits? You guessed it! Drake Pharmaceuticals. The main branch of Drake Industries. Because a CERTAIN member of the Board has been lying about where he's been putting run-off. Like that's not a known death-sentence in Gotham. Are you KIDDING US, Geoffrey!?
Tim, bravely, tries to talk her down. Was already trying to fix other damage. WILL fix that. He didn't know. Please, Dr. Isely!
She thinks he's young and twink-y. Gives him a chance. Feeds Geoffrey to a plant. Chaos and Bats ensue.
But on no! Ivy definitely pulled the "remember. I can DESTROY YOU" card with her Chance(tm) and hit Tim with a Pollen dose. It's already been too long. Anti-agent will help, but? Ultimately not enough. Tim needs treatment.
......don't WORRY, Civilian! The Bats say with far more enthusiasm then the rightfully should, coming dangerously close to perky chirping. They are Here To Help~!
Odd, how Tim does NOT feel terribly safe, being stared down by the hungry eyes of Bat Cryptids. But also his skin feels like it's on slow fire and his insides hurt, soooo.... Make It STOP.
He's scooped up and dragged to the nap room he had set up connecting to his office. The don't stop CROWDING. Hands reaching out, stroking and touching. Gazes heavy enough to feel lewder the their hands, as they blatantly plot what they're going to do to him.
Batman, who by all accounts, is supposed to be the one to keep his various hellions in check, leading the charge. Seeming almost giddy as he carries Tim off. Gently dumps him on his napping bed.
He's surrounded.
They work together to get rid of "pollen contaminated clothing". Which is apparently everything. Hands are everywhere, making him whimper as they stroke oversensitive skin. Nightwing holding his head and neck still, plundering his mouth until he can't breathe.
Gloved hands are teasing his tits. Stroking his stomach. Holding his hands tight, to wrap it around something hard and hot. Thrusting against his palms. Legs being held open by strong hangs. Hearing Batman shift but being unable to move.
Embarrassing noises ripped out of him, back bowing, as squirming wet heat starts eating him out. Sucking, swirling, fucking in and out. None of the boys at school could EVER have come close. Tim finds himself twitching and coming apart embarrassingly fast.
Only it doesn't end.
He's never gone past one before.
The Pollens going to make sure EVERYONE gets a turn. Bruce barely holding back, while he stretchs him. The instant he decides it's enough, he's surging up, lining up and fucking himself in. Tim is utterly destroyed. Not a single Bat missing their golden chance to fuck Tim. Several times, at LEAST.
And of course? Once you have a taste of what you desire? Obsessions get so, SO much worse. A few more Pollen incidents that spring and summer? Well obviously, he's their Boyfriend now. Even if he doesn't know it.
It's all very horror movie, but the moster wants to bone you incoherent. Will Tim ever figure out the secret of the Waynes? Will he eventually be seduced by the constant, unexpected, but frankly mind-blowing dickings? Can orgasms win the day?
Who knows! Not me!
I just want them to obsess over Civilian Tim, fetishize his sexy Normal Life and hot bod, and (importantly) LOVINGLY gang bang the Timmy. He deserves to be the center of attention, you know? Get so, SO many orgasms. Be treated like a treasured princess of fuckies. Then cuddled for taking it so well, when they pounded him drooling and nearly to tears.
Give the Bats something to come home too! Their lives suck! They should have a Tim!
them fetishizing civilian tim's life, growing more obsessed and voyeuristic with him!!😍😍
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miloformula123fan · 7 days
Could you do fic for James Vowles with wife reader? Tom Brady was at the Williams garage during the FP1. James wondered what took his wife's attention from him. There, Tom Brady and her chatting up and he feels jealous because she was not spending time with him. Maybe he did something to gain her attention. Just something fluff and PDA. Thanks!!! :))
i'm going to be honest, I finished this a while ago and then just never published it, partially because then James started doing questionable things - like Logan! wtf man! and I feel bad for Franco cause he's doing amazing, outqualifying his teammate and he doesn't have a seat for next year! and zak's run out of funding for f2, like bestie, you have a wholeass f1 team backing you? basically Williams is fucked, and maybe I'm going to become a full time ferrari fan
i suppose they both made q3 tho so??? i won't jinx them for tonight
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
and if you want to be added to my taglist lmk :)
james vowles x wife!reader
James cracked his neck as he stretched taking the headphones off. It hadn’t been the worst FP1 from the entire season and it being Logan’s home race it was important for them to try and get some points on the board for the team.
But for now he was not thinking about that. He was just planning on finding his wife, and maybe curling up on a beanbag with her. He just needed to find her first.
He started asking around the garage, asking if anyone had seen her. Not many had, but a few PR people mentioned that they’d seen her heading towards hospitality.
So James headed towards hospitality. He remembered the PR people mentioning some celebrities coming to the grand prix. But he didn’t really care about any of the so-called ‘celebrities’ that came to Miami and considering he always had the excuse of work to have to do, he barely had to tolerate them.
But all those thoughts exited his head as he entered hospitality and saw Tom Brady sitting at a table, eating lunch. He was attempting not to fanboy at the sight of one of his favourite football players. And it was very easy to stop fanboying when he saw who Tom was eating lunch with.
Y/N was sitting on the table opposite Tom, looking heavily interested in whatever he was saying and nodding along as she ate her lunch. Some of the shy smiles she was showing, James rarely saw, solely because he was unable to surprise his wife a lot. She was unsurprised now when he kissed her or told her how beautiful she was. She appreciated it, of course, but he hadn’t seen this smile since he surprised her with a birthday party.
And then there was Tom Brady, a famous football player, seemingly flirting with his wife.
James was not someone who was very into public displays of affection, or PDA, but he genuinely saw no other option as he watched Y/N laugh again as Tom Brady said something. 
He walked over to the table, throwing his arm behind Y/N’s chair as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek.
“Hello Darling. Did you see the end of FP1?”
“Oh, hello James. Yeah we did, we watched the final few minutes here. Sorry I didn’t wait, but I wanted to beat the mechanic rush and I was a little bit hungry. Oh and by the way, this is Tom Brady, y’know, he won the superbowl a few times.”
He laughed and James had to clench his teeth to not spit at him “Only a few times, closer to 7. Sorry, I’m Tom, and you are?”
“James. I’m the team principal for Williams.”
“Oh, well lovely to meet you. Would you like to join us? I’m sure we could pull up another seat, and you could join us?”
“Yes, well I would love to join my wife for lunch, however I have a meeting. If you don’t mind darling, can I join you for afternoon tea?”
“Oh, of course.”
Y/N sat down in the booth waiting for her husband to slide in opposite her. She was not expecting her husband to lay another kiss on her cheek before sliding into the chair opposite, handing over the food.
“Are you okay James?”
“You mean other than whatever is going on with my team, yeah I am, why do you ask?”
“You seem a little tense.”
“I’m not tense darling.”
“Yes you are, now tell me why.”
“I’m not tense.”
“James, I married you 5 years ago. I know when you are tense.”
“Okay. Fine. I was jealous.”
“Jealous? When would you… oh. James,” she took his hands, leaning to try and look at him “James. Were you jealous of Tom Brady?”
“James, it’s okay if you are. But you have to know that I much prefer the sexy, nerdy British team principals than the hot American football players.”
“You… do.”
“Of course. That’s why I married one. I know I’m attractive James. And I know I could marry whoever I want. And I want to marry my sexy, nerdy British husband.”
“I love you too Darling.”
taglist: @leosxrealm, @tallrock35, @wolf-knights, @janeholt3, @pear-1206
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centralperkchenford · 10 months
Chenford + post season 5 finale, chenford hugging but Lucy don’t want to let go yet because she feels safe when Tim holds her
Chenford + post season 5 finale, chenford hugging but Lucy don’t want to let go yet because she feels safe when Tim holds her
Chenford + at the hospital and all their feelings come out.
I combined this with a NGL prompt
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Lay back and let go You don’t even have to say anything,
“Let’s go.” Tim whispers to Lucy who is staring absently into space. He winces at the large bruise on her neck. He feels a rush of anger and guilt, anger that man put his hands on her like that and guilt because he couldn’t get to her quick enough.
He nudged her and she slips her hand into his, it feels cold so he rubs it between his two hands before pulling her forward to the shop. He watches her climb in, her movements slow and stiff. She shoots him a look when she sees he’s watching so he walks to the driver’s side and slides in.
Lucy reaches across the console and grabs his hand, he squeezes it but she doesn’t let go.
“Are you okay?” He asks her. She bites her lip and then her cheek and looks over at him.
“It’s been.. a long few days.” She answers. “I’m managing but—”
“You are worried about Aaron.”
“And everybody we care about.” She says. “Nyla. Nolan. Angela and Wesley are fine but what if…thank goodness Tamara is out of town.”
Tim sighs as he pulls up to the hospital, he doesn’t really want to get checked but he told Grey they would. Lucy looks over at him and there are tears in her eyes.
“You.” She says. He looks at her confused but she doesn’t answer instead she opens the door and hops down. Tim does the same and then goes in front of the truck to meet her.
She latches on to him, her whole body wrapping around him. He’s used to this, she likes to cuddle likes to feel him against her. He doesn’t mind at all, he likes having her close. But this is different she clings onto him, her fingers digging into his shirt. He hugs her back putting his chin on the top of her head.
“Luce.” He mutters. “Let’s go inside. The quicker we do this, the faster we can get home.” Lucy fingers dig in deeper and she buries her face into his chest.
“I could have lost you.” She says into his chest. “There were so many.”
Tim sighs and adjusts her so she’s still tucked into his side but they can start moving. “I know. I could have lost you too.” He says remembering the man’s hands at her throat. They get to the hospital entrance and Tim takes a deep breath.
“We are okay.” He says. “We survived baby.”
She just clings onto him some more as they walk in to get some help. “Don’t let go.” She mutters and he looks down at her. “It makes me feel safe.” His heart breaks a little and he kisses the top of her head.
They are checked over although it’s a bit difficult with Lucy clinging to him. The nurse starts to say something but Tim shoots her a glare, if Lucy wanted to cling on to him because it’s the only thing that makes her feel safe. Then so be it, he’s going to let her.
“You both look okay.” Says the nurse. “You both have cracked ribs so I will get some paid meds but other than that you are good to go.”
The nurse leaves and it takes a couple minutes for Tim to realize that Lucy is shaking and sobbing into his chest. Her fingers gripping his shirt, he rubs her back in soothing circles.
“Lucy, what’s wrong? We are both going to be okay.” He says softly. She stuffs loudly and looks up at him with tears in her eyes.
“You could have died. I could have died. You should have been with your team Tim. I mean I’m glad you weren’t.” She says and Tim shudders at the thought of Lucy alone fighting all the bad guys off.
“I would have rather been with you whether there was a threat or not. I always want to be around you Lucy.” He says and he cups her face. “You are more important than knocking down doors with metro. I know you don’t need protection but—” He pauses as he continues to rub circles on her back.
“If I can be there and help you I want to be.” He says and then he kisses the side of her head. He takes a deep breath rubs her arm up and down. “I love you.”
Lucy makes a gasping sound like she’s trying to catch her breath. They hadn’t said I love you yet although they showed it in everything they did. Taking the desk job. Willing to move stations. Getting him into metro no matter the cost. Being supportive of her decision to do undercover no matter how nervous it made him.
Everything they did, everything they said it was done and said with love. He isn’t expecting her to say it back knowing how she is.
It’s not that he thinks she doesn’t love him. He has a pretty good feeling about that. It’s the fact that he doesn’t want her to feel pressured.
He’s about to say that but she beats him to it. “I love you too.” She says and then her lips crash into his and its frantic and messy. He barely has time to register what she just said because she’s pulling him closer and rests her forehead against his with tears in her eyes. “I love you so much Tim. And I’m scared I’m going to lose you.”
“You won’t.” He says fiercely like she did when she got back from being undercover. “Because I will fight. I will fight for you and I will fight for us. I love you too much to ever let you go.”
She just blinks up at him and cups his face. “Okay.” She says her voice soft and light. “Okay we will fight.”
And god he loves her.
He pulls her so she is basically sitting on his lap. He kisses her gently and then hugs her. Whatever was out there, whoever was out there trying to take them down they would fight and they would fight together.
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Angel Fashion Part Two
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Buffy’s ‘flying fatality’ outfit: 7/10
I like it when we get to see her training. Again, the blue is good on her and her sneakers are cute.
Giles’ ‘safety padding’ outfit: 10/10
I love it! He's so cute with his padding! I don't know what you call the head padding but it's amazing and we should have seen him wearing it again.
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Buffy’s ‘snowman’ outfit: 9/10
This outfit is just so Buffy. The mini skirt with the long leather jacket: perfect. I couldn't tell but I just know she's wearing the knee high boots too. Her hair is cute. The only thing I would change is the snowman on the tank top. It just doesn't really fit for me... I don't think there is any implication that it's winter (the episode aired April 14, 1997) and it just seems out of place for a sunny day in California. I think a different graphic on the same style of tank would have been better.
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Angel’s ’tiny variation’ outfit: 8/10
Finally some change. But is it enough? I like the leather jacket better than the black over shirt or whatever, but I'm getting very tired of the white tank top. Also, look at this apartment! He had the time and money to fully furnish this place like a museum but he couldn't buy a few different outfits?? Of course, I'm mostly joking... I think the set designer or writers wanted to portray that Angel has lived for a very long time as a vampire and so he's collected a lot of stuff, and obviously, at this point, clothes are probably not that important to him, so it makes sense that he would stick to one thing. But it's boring and I want something different to look at.
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Giles’s ‘friendly staff’ outfit: 7/10
What's most interesting to me, is that we've seen each of these individual pieces before. See the thing is, I do like when the characters re-wear clothes, the problem is when it is the exact same outfit and it's a boring outfit that doesn't say much about the character. Giles wearing tweed and sweater vests and ties tells you so much about who he is as a character. At this point in the series, he is stodgy and can be rigid in his training from the Watcher's council. We know from the way he dresses what he prioritizes. He's also dressed for work and from his outfit we can see that he takes both his jobs seriously. Anyway.... from this outfit particularly, we can see some of his composure falling in his panic. It is a subtle touch, but I think the loose scarf does a good job conveying that he likely rushed to the hospital when he heard about Joyce.
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Buffy’s ‘go ahead’ outfit: 5/10
I will absolutely never understand why anyone thought that this atrocious top made sense in this scene. Why on earth would she throw this on to go and kill the guy that she had major feelings for. The vibe is totally wrong and I also just hate this shirt.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Hey! I read some of your work and I loved it! When I saw your event, I knew I just had to try it! Especially with one of my favorite cookies!
I'd like...prompt 10 with affogato cookie please? I know he likes sweets so I thought it would fit him really well!
Sweet Tooth
affogato cookie x gn reader
prompt: baking sweets & pastries
warnings: physical touch, mentions of food, reader is a menace (affectionately), possibly ooc(?? idk i finished this at 1 am)
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"Darling, I love you with all my heart, but just where do you plan on taking me at 1 in the morning?"
A confused and groggy Affogato Cookie followed closely behind a for some reason very awake and bubbly you, not understanding why you decided to drag him out of bed in the middle of the night. Though, he figured you probably wouldn't be answering his question, as all you said in response was, "It's important!" before continuing to pull him down the hall.
A few minutes later, the two of you found yourselves in the kitchen. Affogato gave you a confused look. "Why-" "We're baking midnight snacks and you can't say no!" You quickly cut him off before you rushed to grab the necessary supplies to make some sweet treats.
"Okay, but why-" "I know you like sweets, and I'm hungry, so it's a win-win! Now help me bake these!" Once again cutting him off, you didn't give him any time to respond before dragging him to the mixing bowl and telling him what to do.
After about an hour, the two of you were finally able to take the snacks out of the oven and properly enjoy eating them. "Here, you can have the first one!" You offered, swiftly placing one of the treats in Affogato Cookie's hands. He looked at you for a moment before taking a bite.
The moment he tasted it, his expression lit up. "Oh wow," he spoke between bites, "It's almost hard to believe we made something so sweet! This is absolutely delicious, dear." You gave him a cheeky grin, "Of course it tastes good! We put our hearts into it, after all!"
He couldn't help but smile at your cheesy statement.
To him, your words tasted sweeter than any snacks he's ever had.
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a/n: affogato cookie my beloved,,, ew i hate how i ended this but i ran out of ideas,,, anYWAY IM SORRY I RANDOMLY VANISHED,,, IVE BEEN TRYING TO WRITE FIC & DRAW ARTFIGHT SO I GOT BURNT OUT FAST,, ALSO MY GRANDMA WENT TO THE HOSPITAL TWICE SO YOU CAN GUESS HOW I FELT ABT THAT,,,, on the plus side tho ive been getting into a new game recently and i plan on opening requests for it/putting it on my masterlist after the event is over!! yay,,, for now tho i will be trying to get back to writing and posting event stuff as fast as i can without overexerting myself :,,)) btw sorry for any decrease in quality that might be found in this fic and the next few works, im still recovering from burnout so yeah,,, bye for now
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here!
wanna be tagged? lemme know!
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Could you do headcanons for the boys where their SO is a baker? I’d love to see how they react to getting their favorite pastries and such
A/N: if it’s ok with you, i decided to write this as a little fic/imagine instead of hcs! it went a little off topic but please i promise it comes back to the baker thing at the end 😭😭. The reader is dating Darry in this though. Let me know if you wanna see this with any others of the boys!
Tags: Fluff, fic, imagine
Warnings: Pony does get injured and there is a description of it.
The Boys x Baker friend
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“Y/N you’re the best!! Soda exclaimed when he saw all the cakes. laid out on the dining room table. “You even made a proper cake! not just cupcakes!” Y/N let out a sigh of relief. “I thought it might be too much. i wanted to do something for the party, Dar works so hard to keep everyone safe that he forgets stuff like his birthday. it’s crazy!” They chuckled. A crash came from the living room. Both Soda and Y/N ran in to see Ponyboy on the floor clutching his arm. “Pony!!” Y/N rushed to his side. “Let me see. Don’t worry you’re fine.” They said calmly.
Pony showed them his arm. Y/N’s eyes widened “Holy shit.” They whispered under their breath. his arm was covered in blood and they could see a few shards of glass stuck in his arm too. “what happened??” Soda cut in. Pony sighed. “I was trying to hang that banner and fell off the chair. my arm went through the glass in the cabinet. Soda looked to the cabinet where they kept wine glasses and the good china. “Soda stop dilly dallyin’! get me a towel or a rag or something. We’re gonna have to bring him to the hospital.” Y/N hissed.
They wrapped Pony’s arm in the cloth and rushed him into the car. Once they got into the hospital and he got seen, they called Darry.
D: Y/N? is everything ok? you normally don’t call while i’m working
Y/N: It’s Ponyboy. He cut his hand up real bad by accident, we’re in the hospital now.
D: Fuck- I’m on my way.
Y/N: No Dar you don’t have to come here i have it under control! i just thought it was important to let you know.
Darry had already hung up the phone. he arrived about five minutes later. “Is he ok??” Y/N hugged the eldest greaser. “He’s ok. last we heard he might have a fracture but they think it’s just a really bad sprain.” Darry’s shoulders relaxed a little and he hugged them back. “Thanks dear, if anyone could handle this situation it’s you.” He kissed Y/N on the top of their head. “Is Soda here?” He asked. “Yeah, he’s with Pony. he refused to leave his side.” Y/N paused. “I actually gotta call someone, i’ll be back in a sec ok?”
“It’s only a bad sprain, plus all the cuts. i needed a few stitches.” Ponyboy sighed while they drove home later that evening. “You’ll live.” Y/N assured him, a slightly mocking tone in their voice. “Thanks for driving home Y/N. i still can’t believe we were there from 3 p.m! it’s 9 p.m now and we’re just about home!!” Darry said. “It’s nothing.” Y/N smiled. They pulled into the driveway and the four of them walked up to the door. Darry walked in first. “Surprise!!” There, in the living room was Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, Dally and a few of Darry’s friends. Y/N smiled and hugged Darry from behind. “Happy birthday Dar.” They kissed him on the cheek before letting him go mingle.
Y/N went to the kitchen and put the candles on the cake. They signalled to Steve to turn off the lights before they walked in singing happy birthday. Once they were done, Darry blew out the candles. He cut the cake and handed the first slice to Y/N. “Oh my god Y/N you made this??” He asked. Y/N nodded enthusiastically. Darry continued. “So was this entire party your idea?” Y/N looked away, embarrassed. “Yea it was, i mean you work so hard all the time, so much that you forgot it was your birthday!!” The pair laughed quietly. “It’s a bit loud here, let’s go to the kitchen.” Darry took Y/N’s hand and guided them back to the kitchen.
He stopped when he saw all the cakes laid out on the table. “today was kinda crazy. never a dull moment with us” Y/N laughed to themself. Darry looked at them with a thoughtful expression on their face. “You know, you could open a bakery. you’ve got real talent dear.” He said slowly. Y/N sighed. “I would love to, but it probably won’t happen. when you’re one of us you gotta accept the fact that we normally don’t achieve our dreams.” Darry hugged them. “i know, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. I love you dear. you can do anything you want to.”
The pair shared a kiss before they were interrupted by a very drunk Two-Bit telling them to go back to the party
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baddygab-bi · 1 year
I thought of the strongest way that ABC could walk back the end of season 6, and make buddie canon or at least make them besties again.
This is long. Buckle up.
We see Buck and Natalia, they’re doing well. But there are some hints being dropped that she’s very interested in what happens to Buck at work, in a way that’s almost more toxic positivity, than supportive. He’ll talk about how they lost someone and she’ll ask if they were at peace, and it’ll be like “No, they were crying in the backseat of the car and their legs were jammed into their sternum. I promised I would get them out and I couldn’t. I couldn’t save them” (imagine Buck and the Ferris wheel) and Natalia saying “You were their help on to the other side. The best guide.” Stuff like that idk.
Eddie and Marisol, also doing well. She’s growing closer with Chris. Yet there are hints that it’s not all perfect. The relationship feels very “first love” in an almost high school childish way where they can’t really talk about the big things. Like moving in together, or splitting chores, or adult things. Maybe Chris has something important coming up, like a surgery, or Chris is realizing that Marisol really could be the person his dad marries and it’s making him sorta upset. Not upset like with Ana, but more so just that it’s really happening and he’s seeing it happen. Like a normal kid would feel seeing their dad get into what would be a very serious relationship after you lost your mom, and then lost your dad’s previous girlfriend who you liked. Anyway, so there’s serious stuff going on and Eddie and Marisol can’t really talk about it because they both feel like they don’t wanna rock the boat. It causes a lot of tension, both tip toe around each other, keep things light and breezy. It’s great from the outside, but in reality, it’s lacking.
So now we’re on episode 4 or 5. Give time to see the relationships not be as perfect as we once thought. Show a bit of that unraveling. Show Eddie and Buck talking about it together. The deaths from work, the important conversations Eddie can’t have with Marisol, their own relationships. Show it all
Now… and here’s the controversial part that I strongly think would fix everything. I say this with love,
But the show needs to hurt Chris. Badly.
Eddie said he’s currently into engineering. So maybe he’s at a weekend camp. There’s robots and machinery and wires, and something goes wrong. There’s an explosion. People are hurt. Chris goes to help them (because he’s the greatest kid ever), but he ends up getting hurt too.
The 118 arrive and they realize Chris was inside. They can’t find him. That’s Eddie’s kid, he’s not handling it well, he’s going off the hinges. Buck has to physically restrain him from rushing into an area before it’s secure. Bobby walks away and Buck let’s go of Eddie, looks around and they take off running into the danger together.
They find Chris. They work to get him out. Eddie gets hurt getting Chris free. They take both to the hospital.
Chris is in one room, Eddie is in the other. Eddie is unconscious and Chris needs medical questions answered. Since Buck is his legal guardian in case of Eddie’s death, the doctors talk to Buck.
Marisol is there and doesn’t understand why they’d talk to Buck and not her, since she and Eddie are in a relationship. She’s not mean about it or rude, just confused. Buck explains the will, asks if she and Eddie ever talked about it. She says they don’t talk about that kind of stuff. It’s the biggest crack yet, she’s now rethinking a lot of stuff because she realizes that a relationship can’t just be surface level.
Natalia comes to the hospital. She is toxicly positive about Eddie and Christopher’s near death. And that sets Buck off. He tells her that Chris is a kid. Kids don’t deserve to die. It’s not a gift. It’s not cool. It’s awful and it’s painful and nobody likes seeing their kid in the hospital. (Call back to Margaret) Nat says “He’s not your kid, Buck.” And Marisol is like “Well, technically…” and the doctor comes over with news. Buck has to fight for Chris somehow, like maybe they want to transfer him to El Paso, because Eddie’s parents found out. This is reading like fanfic, but so has all of season 6, so this tracks. And Buck demands that Eddie and Chris stay together, here, where everyone is. Where they belong.
Buck can’t stand the fact that Natalia was so chill about him almost losing Eddie and Chris. Natalia doesn’t understand why what she said was wrong. In her mind, death is beautiful. It’s natural. They’re asleep, it would be peaceful. The two of them get into a massive fight, and he basically says “You once said you were wrong about how complicated my life is. But my life is complicated. I have people who rely on me, people who I love and care about who I never want to think about dying. Because death isn’t fun! It wasn’t cool for me! It’s not cool for anyone! If you really can’t understand all that, then I think we’re done, Natalia.” She agrees and leaves. For good.
Marisol understands that Buck would fight for Christopher harder than anyone. She suddenly feels like she’s missing parts of Eddie that are drastically important.
When Eddie wakes up, he thanks Buck for everything he did. He talks to Marisol who has questions about the will and Buck, she said that if they can’t have these hard conversations then… Maybe it’s best they don’t have anymore for a while. Eddie agrees. They part amicably.
The girls are gone. Eddie and Marisol can stay platonic friends maybe, since they agree that can’t handle the big things, but hanging out is still fun.
Now we have a single Buck, a single Eddie, hurt Diaz boys, a rekindled friendship, and a powerful Buck who finally realizes that he death wasn’t cool. Also, like, maybe Buck has to give Eddie or Chris and organ or something and he does so willingly without any hesitation (brings back Daniel, brings back sperm baby- except this time there is no “should I? Shouldn’t I?” It’s just “yes”)
This can be platonic buddie because we brought them back to where they were before and added some extra fight and strength to their relationship. Or romantic buddie where they realize that girls aren’t necessary and they’re happy just hanging with each other, because nobody else gets them like the other. We grow from there
Holy hell this was long. Okay, bye.
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trashlie · 2 years
FP 217 (in which i scream from the rafters)
When I said I shan’t say anymore I meant in that post not tonight beCAUSE I WILL NOT SHUT UP TONIGHT. When was the last time I got a FP thoughts post out this fast?! Have I ever?! 
“I thought you didn’t like the silence?” “I don’t... But I like this silence”
“It’s been a while since I’ve felt peaceful like this...”
I was here going “okay u know what the morphine is probably making him calm but still surely the fact that Shinae is there is part of why he feels okay” AND IT TURNS OUT THAT’S NOT THAT FAR OFF AFTER ALL?! LISTEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS?! NOL? BLUSHING?! NOL?! 
Like okay there is a LOT to unpack in this episode and I SHOULD go to bed soon but I want to try to spit out as much as I can while it’s all raw and bouncing around in my head because it’s just going to rattle around if I try to go to sleep ANYWAY. 
I... have so many thoughts about this episode and I’m just like a crow sitting on a wall cawing AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
Nol my boy. My guy. My dude. My problematic fave. You have just been awakened AAAHHHHHHHHH
NO BUT does this not tie in to what I was just yelling about - how Nol and Shinae exist in/are forged in these pockets of quiet, in these moments of still, they grow through the shadows outside of other peoples’ eyes. I once talked somewhere on here about how if you look at the Relationship Rectangle of Kousuke, Shinae, Nol, and Alyssa, Nol and Shinae are, arguably, the ones who share the most intimate/closest relationship - but they are also notably the ones who are are not seen. Meg was so surprised that Nol and Shinae were close enough that he had her number and tried calling her to find her at the black and white gala. Sure, of course, Nol and Meg aren’t close, how would she know. But we kind of saw a sense of this with Yui, too, who continually aligned Shinae towards Kousuke. Again, bias (and loathing lol) but the point still stands: nobody besides maybe Dieter lol are really quite aware of how important Shinae and Nol are to each other.
I mean, hell! Shinae didn’t realize it until she was left crying in the rain and Dieter woke her up to the fact that he had become a person Shinae loves, an actual, real friend. Nol sure didn’t seem to realize it, either, despite, yknow. gestures vaguely how everything went down lmao and even had to ask if she actually meant all the things she had said back there.
Nol and Shinae are the kind of relationship that just so naturally grows - at what point did she go from thinking him annoying to him being a friend? Even that isn’t so simple - she felt so much guilt when she saw him sitting outside after she went off on him during her lunch break and thought he’d sat out there the whole time feeling sad because she was mad lol like. IDK I love a really well-written, ever-growing relationship - when you can’t identify the moment a person goes from being a stranger, an acquaintance, a friend. Because that’s how it goes! And it just feels SO well-executed between them! 
The way Shinae took off running to go grab some stuff before she would go to the hospital, like she wanted to be ready immediately so she could be there. Shinae who HATES hospitals, who never liked them, who is reminded of her own worst experience in one, who just recently went through it again when her father was in the hospital, still rushing to go there because Nol is that important, because he means that much. 
Nol who was in a state of panic when he woke, clearly from his own awful past with the Hirahara Memorial (Yui) calming when he noticed Shinae. Nol who doesn’t like the silence, feeling comfortable and at peace, allowing himself to do something he’s never allowed himself before and leaning on a friend, feeling at peace for the first time in SUCH A LONG TIME. And feeling that way NOT because of morphine but because of WHO she is. Because she can bring him that calm, because she can bring him that peace
It is SO FUNNY that we were just musing about this - like how Shinae has been getting flustered all night, her heart galloping around, and here he is, too, just. Reveling. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
SHINAE IS HIS COMFORT. ;A; I’m thinking yet again about how, when he found out he WASN’T at Hirahara Memorial, he turned his face into her more, like crawling closer in comfort. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
There’s so many other things to talk about, too, but I had to get this out first okay, I HAD to! 
I know fandom hates Rand, but if you’re here reading this lol you know that I’m a sucker for grey morality and that Rand is a frustrating fascination of mine because he made this mess but so many people have to lie in it. But listen, I had some FEELINGS. The fact that Jayce said Rand would carry that Bible everywhere, that it was like his good luck charm - and tucked inside are photos and notes from Nessa, including a photo of Nol the day he was born. THAT SHIT  HURTS. I don’t know how to express this well without... idk I trust that anyone reading this knows me well enough lol to know that I don’t absolve anyone of their blame just because I can sympathize.
And I DO. I DO sympathize. I’ve been saying it’s clear that Nessa was his true love - whether she was someone he loved before his marriage (clearly an arrangement) to Yui or if it happened afterwards. He LOVED her and he loves Nol, too, but he’s a man that doesn’t know how to express his emotions (in fact he has constantly tried to get Nol to be more like him and shove away his feelings), who has a vindictive and virtually law-less wife who can and will do anything she can to hurt him. So on some level I GET IT. He couldn’t be open with his love and affection for Nol. I think a part of him wants to be. That’s why he was so angry and said those awful things when Nol pleaded guilty - Rand was doing everything in his power to help him, to protect him in the only way he was allowed to and it was ruined. When he said he should have shipped him off to boarding school it wasn’t that he regretted having to raise this kid - it was that he regretted not doing enough to get Nol out of Yui’s reach. It was that he was greedy enough to want to keep his child near, this reminder of someone he loved, even though he knew he could not be the father he deserved. 
And it sucks because look how things have turned out for Nol. Look at how much he has suffered, how much he’s been hurt. He’s so certain his father has no love for him, only shame. He’s so certain his father takes care of him out of obligation, not love.
But all these years, Rand has carried around a photo of newborn Nol. The child he and the woman he loved fathered together. 
AND IDK it cuts me. Especially the fact that like... this was clearly Rand’s only comfort. This was the only thing that he could privately hold on to that brought him comfort and he made the choice to pass it on to Nol. Did he hope that it would comfort his son as it had comforted him all these years? Did he hope that it might convey all the things he’s been unable to say, all the things he couldn’t express? Idk it hurts me okay. It just. Idk you can be a shit father in a shit situation and I’m still going to feel sad that his choices have landed so many blows and ramifications.
I want to see the photos! I want to see what else is in there! Are there more notes? Did she write sweet letters about baby Nol that he can read? ;~; So many pages fell out of it. Did she tuck them back in or did she take them when she left? WHERE IS SHE GOING? At first I thought lmao maybe she’s off to find a vending machine to present him a little treat as a “sorry this isn’t a cake but you deserve to celebrate your birthday” kind of deal but someone else suggested she’s going to find Rand. I guess if she took the memorabilia maybe that makes more sense? Idk idk I like my cheesy little vending machine idea though lmaoooooooo 
I also LMAO love him making a dumb pun because ONCE AGAIN it just brings back that Yeonggi very much is a part of who Nol is. Just because he played that part of himself up doesn’t mean that isn’t a very true part of him. It also means that all of this - the way he’s spoken to Shinae this evening, the way he’s treated her - all of it is very much sober. It’s just. Him. Not playing up his dark, edgy “would you like me still if u knew all the things i’d done” Nol lmao. Not upbeat pushed to the limits Yeonggi. This is the truest, most raw Nol we’ve seen and it’s beautiful. I worry he lol might try to put up his defenses as a result of his realization, but if we’ve learned one thing about Nol, it’s that he is ultimately unable to deny anything regarding Shinae lmao 
Something else I want to touch on really quickly is Kousuke and that flashback.  "I need you to keep him from harming himself." "It'll be safer for him to remain here with you."
I know on one level Rand is taking advantage of a moment to group with Yujing (and Shinae...?) in that he cannot have Kousuke (and Hansuke) there to overhear. He has pointedly asked for Shinae to come to the hospital, and not simply because she’s a friend. Whatever Rand and Yujin are working on, she is a part of. Kousuke and Hansuke cannot be a part of that. Also, taking care of both your bleeding-out son and your in-shock son is not an easy feat for anyone. I don't think he's like, brushing this off by any means, he knows Hansuke is good hands, but my question is: "I need you to keep him from harming himself" is this... a thing that has happened in the past? Is it in any way connected to the night that Nol was sent away? I'm trying to think if there's been any times where Kousuke has seemed like a danger to himself in that he could/would harm himself. Possibly drinking way too much would count. But it makes me wonder if there was ever a time that Kousuke, perhaps with no recollection of it, did anything that could bring himself harm?
Back in episode 96, Kousuke called over Hansuke, and Hansuke made a little comment that "FYI I'm not giving you any meds" and Kousuke remarked that none of his modes of relaxation have worked since his run in with Yujing. Also "What do you do to relax again?" "You already know." "Do you think maybe they have become too routine they don't work as well as they used to?"
I'm just spitballing here but seeing Kousuke just shut down like this, and how it seems very much like the time when Nol was taken away (asking Yui what happened) just makes me Wonder A Lot.
Like, Kousuke is presented to us as a character who is very much in control of himself, and has a tendency to try to control the world around his own personal narrative. But we have also been shown enough to know that's not entirely the case, and that Kousuke's sense of control is very much a sort of coping mechanism because his reality does not entirely align with actual reality. I want to know more about the meds. I want to know more about what happened that night. As Kousuke's characterization unravels, we're beginning to see that HE is more unraveled than he's appeared (which is just very much the general case of everyone in here lol)
Also last tidbits I want to point out:
Rand’s face just looks SO haunted. So tired. He just aged 20 years. Shiane’s imitation of him was uhhh.... pretty on the nose lol
Dieter’s little “some friends we are huh” comment really hurt. Like, Nol is an unstoppable force. Could they have made more of a fuss to make him stay and get checked over? Sure. Would it have changed anything, though? 
But also seeing the blood on his and Soushi’s hands.... wow that HURTS like. Fortunately we know Nol is okay (well. You know. As okay as he can be, all things considered) but still having to help your friend’s father gather your friend as he’s bleeding out all over you?! Isn’t that a little traumatic? Isn’t that HAUNTING? 
There’s also something so tender and sweet about Dieter being offered the option to go do whatever he needs to and still being concerned about Minhyuk and all the food ;~; He’s a good bean. I don’t know if there’s anything much to read into the whole “We’ll let Shinae go first” bit. Dieter is, yknow, aware of Nol and Shinae’s close bond, so possibly this is his way of giving her that space? I think it’s at any rate on the complicated side - Nol just. Leaves them and cuts off connection to all of them and then suddenly he’s at Minhyuk’s house and Dieter has to play mediator? SOUSHI DIDN’T EVEN KNOW HE WAS THERE. JUST. BOOM. NOL FALLING FROM THE FLOOR ABOVE AND COVERED IN GLASS.
Jesus. Everyone needs therapy ;~; 
Also my god Kousuke’s face. He looks haggard as hell. Assuming he saw photos of baby Nol in that Bible, it feels like it undoes everything he and Nol just confessed and said. That affectionate, loving version of Rand didn’t exist? But what does it mean if he carried around a picture of one of his baby sons? 
Did he have anything about Kousuke in there? Had he already removed anything about Kousuke? 
IDK THERE’S SO MANY FEELINGS YOU GUYS pls join me in my wailing and yelling ;A; 
#I Love Yoo#ILY FP#ILY Spoilers#ILY Brainrot#TRUST ME IT'S WORTH THE COINS LAKJFKJFJKAFJKJAKFJKAF#Shinae Yoo#Nolan Oliver T. Lochlainn#Nol#Kousuke Hirahara#struggling with what to tag this as relevant lol#this feels like a rather shorter post (lmao for me) than usual but idk! i'm trying to spit it all out before i go to bed#I WANNA YELL WHILE IT'S STILL FRESH AND HOT AND IT'S GONNA RATTLE AROUND IN MY HEAD ALL NIGHT ANYWAY#screw it i'll include my ship tag too#Stalkyoo#Aegi#i wanna give them their own personalized tag that feels more fitting of them lmao#since i love to discuss them both as canon relationship and romantic potential lmao#ANYWAY UH there's a lot of yelling in here#like i'm just LAYING ON THE ALL CAPS#i have FEEEEEEEEEEEELIIIINGS GUYS#I AM SCUTTLING UP THE WALLS#lmao i just saw one of my friends alkjkjfjfk say my previous post convinced her to go fp the episode lmao CACKLES IT'S WORTH IT THO#how am i supposed to go to sleep when i'm just shouting everything in my brain i have so many thoughts okay#RAND.#/RAND/#I feel like I should dedicate a post to him one day?#fun fact: this webtoon is what made me really start to rethink my relationship with my parents and what it means to BE a parent and how#scary it is to BECOME a parent#how so often people become parents way before they're ready when they're still trying to grow up yet themselves when they are figuring out#who they are and what their life is and making mistakes and unfortunately making mistakes when raising kids AFFECTS them
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"Fuck dinner, we're going to the hospital" with Dusty and a very stubborn s/o?
I thought that this was longer -w-'
Dusty knew that today they were supposed to be having a date! It would be the first time in a while. He knew that Y/n had been working on stuff lately, and that took up most of their free time. Even when he had free time, they didn’t.
He didn’t mind! Things happened, and normally he could pay attention to them while they were working so they were still spending time together, but they said that they felt bad because they wanted to, you know, have dinner and all that stuff together.
So, today, they were going out to an AU to have dinner together! A version of Outertale that had really good food. He thought it was called maybe Outerswap? He didn’t know which AU it was, just that there was an AU with stars that they didn’t bug. Shut up, he didn’t know how to read the AUs as Nightmare, Error, and Ink could. Dream might be able to as well, but you know, honestly? He didn’t know, nor did he exactly care.
He got himself ready, putting on an outfit other than just his hooded jacket. He kept the scarf on cause, you know, of course he did. That was something that he would never take off and if he did, nobody was allowed to touch it. He just… he didn’t want someone to ruin it. It was really important. 
At least to him.
He looks into the mirror, fixes his scarf, and looks over the slight scratches on his cheeks, touching them lightly with his fingertips. He caused them himself, something that he knew very well. He had a bad habit of scratching whenever he felt panicked, it was supposed to be helpful and grounding, or something stupid like that. He didn’t know why he did it; just he couldn’t stop himself from doing it. 
“Aww look, little Dusty is going on a date~” Killer says from the door, which causes Dusty to jump and he looks over then squints in annoyance. 
“What are you doing in here?”
“Nothing nothing, just came to say Error’s getting tired of waiting. They might not take you if you make them wait too long” Killer walks over to sit on Dusty’s bed, bouncing on the mattress a little. “So you going to be bringing Y/n back and-” 
“Make a perverted joke and I’ll make it your gravestone”
“You’re no fun,” Killer says, with a laugh. Dusty rolls his eyes and mutters to himself, walking out to go through the portal with Error. He knew that Killer won’t find anything if he goes searching through his room, and that Killer would get bored before too long and leave by himself. He would stay there longer if Dusty tried to force him to leave… Nightmare wouldn’t be much help either. 
Error drops Dusty off in front of Y/n’s house, telling him that they’ll be back to pick him up later, then they left. Dusty watches the portal close then looks over at Y/n’s house clicking his teeth together.
This wasn’t their first date, not even close, why did he feel so nervous? 
It was like something was going to happen. He didn't like the feeling.
He shakes his head and walks in, looking around. "Y/n, I'm here. Where are you? You ready to go?" He wasn't really excited about the dinner, more just cause this means spending one on one time together. They hadn’t been able to do this for a while, and he wanted to be able to do it. 
He didn’t hear anything, though, that was a little worrying. His eyeshines shoot around, tapping his finger against his hip. There was no way that something happened to Y/n, right? 
The thought rushed through his mind, and he rushed through the house searching for Y/n. He needed to find them, if they were hurt then he wouldn't forgive himself. He shakes his head to get his mind off that and looks into their room. 
They were laying on the floor, passed out. Dusty hurries over and crouches down, checks their soul, and pats their cheek with his hand. "Y/n? Wake up." 
They start to wake up, groggily, mumbling something about the dinner which makes him shake his head "Fuck dinner, we're going to the hospital" He scoops them up in his arms, and does a shortcut. He had magic to spare, he didn’t need to worry too much about using too much. 
The doctors took Y/n, did some tests, and found out that they’d been overworking themselves and not getting enough sleep so they passed out. 
After answering the questions that the doctors were asking him, and allowing him to come and see Y/n, he walks into the hospital room shaking his head at them, “Really?” they huff softly themselves, but he could tell that they were trying not to smile. 
Guess they could have a date in the hospital for now…
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sandy-the-glader · 2 years
Hey I have two requests because I was so terribly torn and couldn’t decided between then two hahaaa
Corey Cunningham SFW #19 / NSFW #9
Of course request as much as you want <3 I wasn’t sure if this was separate or together so I’m just making 2 different oneshots. Or of course if you want I could make it a 2 part story.
Definitely not
Corey Cunningham X Gender neutral reader
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Summary: Corey had a bad day and you gotta show him how important he is.
Warning/contains: comfort fluff, bit of angst, mentions of blood and needles, Corey and his chocolate milk
Word count:1.2k
Prompt: 19: “Is there something wrong with me?”
A/n: give me more fluff to write its so much easier (I still will write smut dw)
He didn’t know where else to go. Your apartment was all he could think of. He didn’t feel like going to some hospital for a cut on the hand. His hand was cut up worse than he wanted to believe but you were at the top of his mind. All because of his chocolate milk bottle. Well and because some kids jumped him.
Riding his bike to your place was the hardest thing ever. He was used to getting hurt all the time but, it still was so painful.
He was now stumbling to your apartment door. His right hand went up to knock on your door quickly before going back to holding underneath his left one. He stared at the floor while he heard you walk to the door.His curls covered a little bit of his glasses.
It was late in the day and you still were in more pajama like clothes. All you had been doing today was reading on your couch. Once you heard the knock you set your book down on the coffee table and stood up.
You accidentally knocked over some stuff in the process which Corey heard through the door. You opened the door and saw him. His bloody hand also covered in dirt, his guilty looking face as if he did anything wrong…
“Oh Corey…” you frowned. “What am I gonna do with you.” You quickly rushed him inside and made him sit at your kitchen table. You shut the door and looked around your kitchen for your first-aid kit. Along with that you grabbed some other bandages and tweezers to remove the glass. You placed everything on the table. You sat down next to him and moved his hand so you could see it better. “Why didn’t you go to the ER?” You asked as you grabbed the tweezers. “This is gonna hurt.” You mumbled.
“I didn’t want to go-“ he let out a hiss a pain. You let out a quick “sorry.” And he continued. “And you were all I could think of.” You sighed. What were you gonna do with him? You always thought in these types of moments.
“Don’t tell me you road your bike here.” You joked but Corey stayed quiet. “Oh my gosh you did didn’t you?” You raised your eye brows. You took out another bit of glass. He frowned even more if that was even possible. The look was just so sad “Look I’m not mad okay.” You stopped with his hand for a second. “Just.. you need to take care of yourself more. I just love you and I don’t want you getting hurt so bad.”
You love him. He felt his heart swell at those words.
“I love you too and I know..  but I just hate public spaces. Stuff like this happens.” he motioned to the cut. You nodded as you cleaned up the wound. You knew of course the hospital would never treat him this way. Even if they thought he was a child killer (which he wasn’t) they would till have to help him.
Silence soon overcame the room. A comfortable silence at least. You finished cleaning up his hand and now was time for the hard part.. Stitches.
You hated doing them. You’ve patched Corey up tons of other times and some like this. To the point of stitches.
“Tell me about the rest of your day. Before this.” You motioned to his hand. You wanted him to talk while you fixed up his hand because this part was the worst.
“Well I might get a motorbike soon.” He mumbled before letting out a whimper as the needle pierced his skin. He tried to think about the rest of his day so far but nothing else really happened. Nothing came to mind
“Your gonna have to teach me how to ride it.” You continued, making him try to scrunch up his hand. “I know I know.” Your other hand held his in place. Once again silence consumed the room. The air felt thick. As if there was some sort of tension. You weren’t sure how to exactly comfort him in this situation. You wanted to tell him you knew what it felt like and you understood but you really didn’t.
You didn’t get framed for murder then get treated like shit for the rest of your life. You wanted to treat him them best and help him but you didn’t know how to help in a encouraging sense.
“Is there something wrong with me?” He broke the silence.” He broke the silence. Your eyes snapped upwards to meet his. Why would he ask that? “I know I’m considered the town freak but.. I mean besides that. Is there just something I’m missing? Something I’m doing wrong compared to other people?” You set the needle down as you were finished with it. His eyes looked like they started glisten with tears.
“Corey no.” You gently held his hand being sure not to hurt it. “Nothing could ever be wrong on you. They pick on you because they have nothing better to do. You can’t be listening to whatever they’re saying.” You removed your hand and started wrapping his hand with bandage. The material was soft and easy so it should add some sort of comfort for his hand. “If they get the better of you the world will never know the truth. That your not a murderer.” Adding layers to his hand until it seemed to be okay.
He stayed silent. He didn’t really know how to respond to that kind of pep talk. And you completely understood him. You leaned over and kissed his forehead then his lips. You embraced him a small hug.
After your hug, you cleaned up the blood covered wipes you and you put away all your tools. All your anxiety went down when you saw Corey’s it’s a relaxed face. You were always afraid to hurt him even more.
You got up from your seat and walked to the fridge. Something that always cheered him up was chocolate milk. And since he wounded himself just trying to get a bottle of some I figured that definitely wouldn’t happen this time. I always kept it in the fridge for when Corey would come over and well because it’s a amazing drink.
He would go on rants for minutes about the stuff. It was honestly so adorable to hear him talk about it. You poured him a glass and put it next to him. You also added one of those colorful straws you bought a while ago out of impulse.
“Your not gonna break this on my other hand are you?” He joked cracking a small smile. You shook your head and smiled.
“Of course not. Do you want a paper cup to make you feel better?”
“No no. Thank you.” You walked next to him and held him. His cheek pressed against your stomach.
“I love you so much Corey.” You ran your fingers through his curls. “Your so important to me I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He was speechless. Never in his life did he feel as important as he did when he was in your arms. It was the best feeling in the world. Now he knew what people meant when they said love was the strongest power.
Tags: @wolvesandvampires
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zorphie · 11 months
🖊 tell me about koda please [stares at you with big eyes]
ty for the ask I GOTCHU!! 🤭 stuff is below!!
hes from darkmoor ("lovely place" dworgyn's words) and his family has beef with the von shanes. i haven't figured out all the precise details yet but the conflict ends up with him on his own unfortunately wandering around darkmoor trying his best to fend for himself. sometimes he sneaks into the manor to steal things from them out of spite(good for him he's allowed) eventuallyyyy he's given hospitality by amari's mom which gives him the opportunity to take classes in ravenwood
he has a ghost friend he met shortly after enrolling, he's actually super familiar with ghosts since they kept him company in darkmoor. they'd chat , teach him things, and tell him stories!
everyone just sees a ghost floating around and following koda , freaked out. and he's just like "oh! yeah !that's my buddy don't worry about it" he's completely forgotten the fact it's probably not normal and looks weird to everyone else
his enrollment was super messy and rushed so he and amari didn't even have dorms for awhile and just stayed at her mom's house. he had to make his own spellbook because they ran out... they also were there while malistaire and sylvia were still teaching and they were very close (you can see where this is going😭)
okay so um! pain all around because this guy is really determined to achieve his goals yet he ends up going about them the wrong way. and it's still something im tweaking since I'm planning arc 1 atm and koda's actions are of huge importance but he does get some form of closure in the end and learns from his mistakes (which honestly he wasn't at complete fault for in the first place)
when death students were forced into independent studies, amari would drag koda along into balance school as a secondary. when you leave people to their own devices one day they will sneak into the forbidden section of the library(yes he did this... something happened )
it led him to try to learn shadow magic in secret while at ravenwood and have his morals manipulated by some random lady🤦‍♂️ ? He didn't become"evil" he just wanted to good things . bwahhh. he thought if he represented a hero then it would get rid of a lot of troubles death students face. he tries really hard to be a good role model when their teacher is gone. he wants to give them hope. EXPLODES
after malistaire's defeat, he's learned a lot of things. hehas so many mixed feelings, but now he knows he doesn't need to be "special" or "stand out"just to do the right thing or have an impact. (cough explanation for this is he was tryint to be the scion since he believed if a necromancer was the scion itd be the most effective way of being a role model)
he works overtime to help rebuild the death school and actually have dworgyn on campus. he helps out malorn with his teacher assistant job and even offers to be one himself. he hopes he's made his classmates lives a little bit better
he has that mysterious vibe about him which is hilarious because he's the complete opposite.. he is an open book. he /tries/ to come off as the calm cool collected guy and fails miserably. he is The cringefail. he's very laid back though
his pet is an iron ram who makes it impossible for him to start gardening because his pet will always eat the plants. and i swear to god i did not give it to him because of the egg name that was just a weird coincidence (the egg is "chimerical egg" iirc? my antagonists are called the chimera and he puts up with them the most out of everyone else. it's very awkward) anyways his pet gets stuck in trees all the time. it flies up but never back down for some reason. it can also travel through dimensions because that's funny i don't have full details on it, it just can
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lover-cook · 6 months
Just For The Record? I Trust You. You're Family.
The events of Water 7 are underway and Ray has a chance encounter with Robin in the chaos of trying to find her.
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A short one-shot taking place during the Water Seven arc ! A brief interaction between Ray searching for answers and a runaway Robin! Only warning is the angst implied during Water 7 and a little over 800 word count!
Ray couldn't hear much of anything aside from the rushing water in the canals beside them and the chatter of people in the city. Days had passed since the Strawhats had anchored in Water Seven. Things had started smoothly but in the span of a few hours things weren't adding up. Robin was gone for starters and then their was the mess with the Franky Family. The archeologist's whereabouts being unknown wasn't entirely unexpected but for this long? Along with Nami finding Usopp in the state he was in and all the accusations being thrown around at the Strawhats things were starting to get concerning. Chopper had already said he and Sanji had run into Robin and gave a rundown about she said and it wasn't adding up. Ray walked along the street looking at the downtown area below, scanning each head for any sign of the archeologist. She was a hard face to miss and before they had a chance of seeing her it seemed Robin has come to the cabin boy. "Mr. Chore Boy." Robin's voice came from above. "I thought I told the Doctor and Cook to pass on the message to leave." She said flatly as she looked down at Ray from a railing on the upper level. Relief flooded through Ray's body. "Robin! Thank god, we've all been worried sick! What do you mean with all this 'this island is where we part ways' stuff? If it's about the stuff with Iceberg don't worry about it! No one believes that crap anyway and we're working on getting out of here, just come on!" They shouted. Robin just stared blankly. "I meant what I said. I'm sorry you all had to wrapped up in my business but I... have to do what I have to do--" "Bull crap! Come on Robin this is us we're talking about! Not a single one of us believes what they're saying about Iceberg. Luffy's hardhead self already ran off to go talk to get his side about it." Ray's gaze was held strongly on Robin. " What's really happening? If it's someone out to get you we can help you we did it before--" "It's not like that at all." "Then what is it like, Robin? We're you're crew we aren't going to just leave the island without you just because you said to." "It's.. complicated. I'm doing what I need to that's all you need to know." "If it's complicated why not let us help you?" Ray said in an almost childlike wail. "Just talk to us Robin we can do it! Luffy beat Crocodile for god's sake--"
"That's not how this works. Thinking otherwise is.... childish."
"Then can you answer at least one question for me? For the crews sake." Robin was silent but her gaze was unwavering meeting Ray's eyes. Her previously cold and neutral stare faltered for a moment. She gave a small nod and looked away. "Why are you doing this? What could possibly be so important that you'd give up the Strawhats to do it?" Ray asked, their voice still broken from a moment ago. "Can't you at least give us the dignity of knowing what was so much better? Sanji and Chopper asked the same thing and you didn't answer." The cabin boy was almost trembling while they stared up looking at Robin, searching the archeologists face for answers. It was like all their feelings about the past two days were rushing over them in an emotional tidal wave. Robin was again silent but she almost seemed to be refusing to look at Ray.
"I already told them. My dream is too important to waste. Again thank you for the hospitality but after this we won't see each other again." Ray's fist balled up as the twos eyes locked again. Their chest was heavy and their eyes began tearing up. They couldn't understand how this was happening. First the news about the Merry and now this. They still didn't even know if Usopp was going to okay. It was like the world was crumbling around them. They held in a sob and wiped their eyes with their bandana. They gripped the bottom of their shirt and stared at the ground. "That's not an answer and you know it."
Robin stared for a moment, her face scrunching up slightly. "If you're not going to listen this isn't a conversation worth having. Goodbye, Chore Boy. This is something much bigger then that." The archeologist turned around to start to walk away. "Well if you change your mind. The crew will be waiting for you. We both know Luffy won't leave you here without a proper explanation." Ray said with a sniff. "And for the record? I trust you, you're family. My.... no. Our Nakama, Robin."
The archeologist froze, her eyes glossing over with tears that she quickly blinked away. She took a deep breath and walked down the street. All Ray did was watch.
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lucysarah-c · 8 months
Okay okay
I like your opinions really but
To me really if someone cheated on me that is it , that ends the relationship , I mean what Erwin expect ? They coudle? . I really hated how Erwin treated her before even the incident. He was manipulating here, it's like she is always here and listen to me and love me , I don't need to do anything for her .
I don't know I think Erwin should really know that the moment he kissed Marie he ended his relationship with twiggy . What happened with levi , I'm not saying that's right, it's wrong but for a whole different reason, they shouldn't rush that's all , she was hurt . Not because that's cheating really , you know friends? I don't know if you know it but in this show Rachel and ross were the main couple and they had a break from their relationship , so Ross get drunk and sleep with someone else. Is it wrong? Yep ? Did he cheat? No , he didn't . The same here it wasn't cheating simply, it wasn't right
So nana ,I personally loved nifa more , nothing against nana it's just she shouldn't really judge people , friends protect eachother yeah but they support eachother. I think she wasn't that fair towards her or levi really but my favourite friend is linda , she is Queen she THE QUEEN
And twiggy okkay I agree with everything you said but I go easier on her cuz she's just young, and she is trying too much to make people acknowledge her , she is sad but I can really relate
Erwin, I don't know he is Cool but I like seeing people like him suffering, am i evil 🙈? Maybe but yeah I like it lol
Levi ,
Nothing, he is my man, my babe , my love, YOU ARE DOING GREAT MY LOVE KEEP GOING ** CHEERS CHEERS
Hi sweetie! It's great to see you around here again!
I completely understand your point. I've never watched Friends, but I have a general context, haha. However, I truly get what you mean! I always think that HG is a "POVs story," where almost everything is very "grey," depending a lot on how the character sees the events unfold. Like, haha, Levi has a much less "grey POV" about his actions. In my mind, Levi thought that the moment Erwin didn't prioritize Twiggy's safety, she was single for him. He could have "understood" a lot of stuff—each couple is a world of its own, and so on—but for him, the safety of those he loves is "above" any other nicety.
So in Levi's eyes, the relationship basically didn't exist even before the cheating, lmao. He says it in his first POV, "if he wasn't scared of losing her, then she wasn't important to him. That relationship was doomed even before I showed up."
If you ask me, the relationship would have been over for me the moment you introduced me as your assistant, LMAO. In that second, I'm picking up my stuff and telling you we are done.
OMG, I'm so happy you like Linda! Writing Linda is my favorite. She's such a badass. The mere mental image of her seeing Marie coming inside the hospital and running through people in high heels to listen to the doctor's appointment is so professionally wrong but iconic. I think Levi and Linda have a very weird relationship because both are extremely honest and fearless, but Linda has a way less charitable character. She lacks a lot of social awareness. Levi's favorite friend of Twiggy is Nifa, and it's clearly seen, but he can't help but chuckle sometimes with Linda. That girl is wild, and Levi kinda enjoys her comments. I imagine her saying, "No, I don't go to church, dear. You have to kneel to pray, and I don't kneel to anyone, not even to give a blowjob." and Levi can't help but chuckle. The girl has more guts than the entire MP formation together, and Levi supports that. Plus, Linda never fails to deliver the juiciest gossip from MPs, and how could Levi not love that?
But Linda does certain things just to bother Levi, like giving him one kiss on each cheek each time they meet, staining with lipstick because he hates it. Linda is that friend who would get 100% canceled on Twitter if people heard what she says, but she's also that friend who's got your back even if you murdered someone.
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