#i thought it was like the z/t/d where one of the endings leads into the plot of the second game bc that game has to happen in one of them
killjoy-prince · 2 months
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Working through the bad ends and I just got his second bad relationship end anddddd im losing my mind a bit with this one..... what do you MEAN I ended up here????
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ch4rryc0smos · 13 days
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── .✦ ❝ H A Z E L E L E A N O R A - A D E L A I D E V E L L I C H O R . ❞
𓇼 — xxv | cancer | infj | british 🖇️
appearance ; pale skin, mole under the left corner of her bottom lip, emerald green eyes, sharp features, 5'11 [180 cm], athletic [or sleeper] build, barely noticeable scars on hands. scars over most of her body, most visible on back. dimples when she smiles hard. ombre [brown-blonde] hair.
beliefs ; time is finite but the soul isn't. life exists even when you do not anymore, you are infinite in the ways stars are reborn from the dying fumes of another, you are stardust. cosmic child, why do you fret?
⋆ ─ look for what brings you joy, exemplify it, you do not owe the world your bones, your blood, and yourself. ⋆ ─ live as if it's your first time. time does not wait.
personality ; realist, calm & collected, intuitive, cerebral, meticulous, diligent, compassionate, observant, vigilant.
positive traits ; caring, in tune with other's emotions. compassionate, [mostly] voice of reason, empathetic, kind, selfless.
negative traits ; anxious, bottles up her emotions, skeptic [has trust issues], struggles with boundaries.
quirks ; fidgets when she's nervous | voice gets a bit louder and faster when she's talking about her passions | likes to fidget overall | has a [slight] oral fixation.
likes ; flower crowns, writing, reading, coffee, cats, foxes, nature, people watching, deep conversations, psychology, biology, anthropology, autumn, planetariums, museums, kenji sato.
dislikes ; arthropods, heights, loud noises, narrow-mindedness, extreme temperatures, snobby people, arrogance, dishonesty, people who do not take accountability.
deepest secrets ; she actually just wants to make her parents proud, but she also despises them ─ but she doesn't, it's confusing. she wants to give her brother what she never got.
⋆ ─ she wants simple things, she wants a home where she isn't at a requirement to wake up at the crack of dawn, a home where there's silence when she wakes. she wants peace. ⋆ ─ she doesn't like the government, or authoritarian rule in general.
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── .✦ ❝ B A C K S T O R Y . ❞
BORN in the heat of summer, hazel vellichor was meant to be the light in her parent's lives. meant to bring them success, and to become the joy they sought out when they decided to have her. but it seemed that, she would end up being everything but the light they wished for. throughout her mother's pregnancy, her father was absent, working in l.a, and he had asked for a son, a man to continue his legacy.
when she was born, aurelia, her mother, was sent into a frenzy, knowing well that hazel's father would not be happy. when he arrived, he was met with the face of his newborn daughter. he was enraged, blamed aurelia for bringing a burden onto the family.
the vellichor family moved to the u.s when hazel was just a month old, so her father could focus on his business, not having to worry about the family reputation back at the u.k.. hazel grew up to be a calm and collected child, mostly keeping to herself until she was five.
that's when it changed, kenji sato moved to l.a with his mother, emiko. and eleanora, hazel's grandmother welcomed the boy and his mother with open arms. which to the young girl, meant that they were safe. they were friends.
one thing leading to another, he became a constant in her life. she thought that for the first time since moving here, it wasn't as lonely, and as depressing. for two years, he was her rock, and she was his. they promised each other, one night under the blanket of stars, that they would never forget each other. that they'd stay at each other's side for as long as possible.
it wasn't long.
at seven, hazel was told that she'd be moving back to the u.k, to the vellichor family house. she didn't know they had one at all. and she wanted to question it, but knowing her parents, their volatility, she didn't test the waters. she complied to their wishes, packed, until the thought of leaving was unbearably loud in her head.
so she escaped to the one place that she knew would provide her with comfort, with solace. kenji's place. she told him about what was going to happen, she expected anger, not silence, not minutes that she could hear ticking, and not him hugging her and asking her to please not take her bracelet off.
when hazel moved back to the u.k, she considered those the most dreadful years of her life. she studied, tried mold herself into the perfect daughter for her parents, a prodigy, a trophy child, took every elective, tuitions, everything. she barely made friends, her only constant then was maple, her best friend. throughout middle and high school, she focused on her studies, on achieving the best. and then her mother got pregnant again, right before she'd be graduating high school.
she knew that her sibling would not be spared the torture that was the vellichor family. and she thought that they would be the undoing of the plan she'd so meticulously created, to be executed the day she turned eighteen.
she turned eighteen, moved out. despite her parent's curses and reprimanding. she left. but that didn't unchain her from their shackles, she went on to become a public speaker.
which brought them fame; all they've ever wanted.
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── .✦ ❝ C U R R E N T . ❞
ONE of the greatest speakers the world has ever seen, a public figure, and an advocate. hazel vellichor goes on to fulfill her parent's wishes, unwillingly. but the public doesn't know that. they see her flourishing, they see her joy at being a voice of reason, at speaking up, and not falling victim to capitalism, and what it makes of humanity.
she thinks that nineteen might've been true freedom, and ever since then, it's only been getting better, even the travelling, all the calls don't feel bad. nothing could ever be as bad as living under her parent's roof, and seeing their faces every day, and hearing the words that jabbed into her ribcage, left bruises along the muscle of her lungs.
she's living the life she asked for, until she gets into contact with a hayao sato, someone who apparently knew eleanora hyde, her grandmother. it's been so long since anyone's mentioned her. hazel misses her. she ends up going to japan, for an event, and there, mr. sato helps her re-explore her love for science, something she learnt to sacrifice for the sake of commerce, for speaking, for the publicity her parents wanted her to achieve.
there, he mentions ultrawoman. the role hazel's grandmother once held. her mother should've been the next one in line, but aurelia didn't want the role under any circumstance. hazel promised her gran that if she ever became ultrawoman, she would do her justice.
she didn't think the time would have arrived so soon, that she would be required to accept the role bestowed upon her. but she wouldn't deny it. she would do what she was asked to. that's something that never changed with her, she thinks she was made to serve others, something about it felt right.
what she didn't think about was how hard it would be to find a balance between being a public figure, and being a literal superhero. or how much harder it would be when the person that's meant to help you has too big of an ego himself.
ultraman is clumsy, self-centered, and clearly has no idea what to be doing, but hazel has no idea that he's her childhood best friend that she had to leave behind.
at twenty-five, she is required to figure out a whole new part of her life, one that's always existed, and a part that she had to leave behind. she has to dust off the shelf she refused to visit previously.
and she has to uncover a new story, including him.
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𓇼 — appears in reverie [ongoing], saudade [wip].
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★ ; i love my girl, THANK YOU!! my ultraman: rising s/i, everyone. this post took so long, can't believe i'll have to make these for my other s/i's too... save me. i also had picrews, but i couldn't find a place to insert them. anyways, here's hazel!!! i have a playlist for her too!
ch4rryc0smos © 2024
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strywoven · 5 months
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@astarab1aze has requested a story : together, they lie. together, they breathe in the stench of sulphuric sapphire mingling with honeyed gold, lips stained, eyes a'droop with satiated tiredness. a full meal, shared between the two, wholly unconventional and fraught with teeth. a back and forth, rather, and the hydra had been kind in the end - holding them snug against his chest, legs twined, nose buried into soft hair between antlers, fingertips smearing half-dried blood on their skin. he'd been so hungry before, famished really, and the godling had been won to provide; but now, he was full, guts twisting and roiling with caustic fervor, taking long, slow breaths and hoping for a little doze. aftercare, he supposed - he wasn't heartless, after all.   / hydre & kaen !
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Moment is one most t e n d e r , despite such a v i s c e r a l prelude.  Entirely worth every bloodied , barbaric second , if only to be rewarded with the world-ender’s gentleness each time ( something , kaen would confess , they covet from him , playing selfishly with his capricious offerings of kindness & grace ) .  It is strange to think they once were so STUBBORN to him before , but now ⸺ These affairs have become increasingly frequent ( we may liken them to trysts ; these secret intimacies where meaning holds within a most primitive creed bred through all gods — consume , possess , be as one ) .  And Kaen has realized , more and more often , that each of these occasions only further bring them t o g e t h e r .  For as assuredly as he devours them , swallows and satisfies himself with their bright-burning essence and flesh … Kaen so too , has buried their roots deep and DEEPER STILL within the great entity , sowing themself into his existence ( whether cognizant of the fact or not ) .
As is the nature of Gods , Kaen has begun to understand ; that to love is also to eat , to be eaten.  An endless cycle of dying and undying by the one who has cracked you open and enfolded within your heart , pouring themself into your pulse and breaching your soul ⸺ These , lessons Hydre has taught Kaen through the violence of e x p e r i e n c e and u n d e r s t a n d i n g .  And though Kaen would like to refuse all he’s offered , there is no denying the CALL OF IT ( a most instinctive knowing ) .
So is THIS what they have been missing ?  What they have been wrongly DENYING & NEGLECTING for all that time ?  A shame , to be sure , if only they had found each other sooner.
They nestle closer to him , nails trailing idly across his cold , hard flesh , teasing it with their native warmth , taunting it with the occasional brush of lips and teeth that linger and long for m o r e of whatever this is ( or for whatever it may lead to ) .  This feeling they have now – at peace , blissfully content , in a way fulfilled – is one Kaen tries to m e m o r i z e and cling to ( just as they do to hydre himself ) .  His heart beats steady and calm beneath their ear , a rhythm that lulls them into a trance-like sobriety.  Silence does not last long , however , as Kaen finds their voice , low and hoarse , ❝ … ‘S better’n sex , innit ? ❞  Not that they have a comparison , but the sentiment is there.  Head adjusts , turning to look up at him , eyes lidded and expression softened by fondness , ❝ Hydre … ‘Ave Ah said thanks fer this yet ? ❞  Probably.  ❝ Thanks.  An’... ❞  They stop , cutting off the thought.  It’s RIGHT THERE , a confession , but they shake their head , sighing and laying their head back down , instead saying , ❝ … An’ Ah’d be more’n glad ta’ ‘ave ye swallow me whole.  When th’ time comes.  Honored , e’en. ❞  That should be good enough , right ?
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tobesoalive · 3 years
Josh Kiszka NSFW Alphabet (Smut Headcanons)
ok....so I've been wanting to do one of these for a while and I may have gotten a little carried away. This is by far the smuttiest thing I've ever written, please forgive me. let me know if you guys wanna see more stuff like this, maybe with the other boys? idk anyways enjoy!!
Warnings: Everything....
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Josh likes to stay inside you for a minute after he finishes, either burying his head in the crook of your neck or pressing his forehead to yours. Once you are both ready to part, he immediately goes to get you a glass of water and a warm washcloth to clean you up, making sure you’re doing okay. Sometimes one of you will suggest to clean off in the shower or soak in the bath for a little bit, and the entire time he’ll hold you close and press kisses to your temple, cooing words of praise and telling you how much he loves you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Josh loves his mouth, how it can give you passionate kisses and whisper praises, but also bring you to an orgasm so easily. He loves your hands, the feeling of them roaming the expanse of his skin, how they look wrapped around his cock, and the tingle he gets when you tug his hair and claw his back.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
There is nothing Josh loves more than being buried deep inside you when he cums. He loves the feeling of your walls clenching around him, loves to see his seed leak out of you when he’s pulled out, using his fingers to fuck it back into you. As far as your release goes, what he loves most is feeling you fall apart on his tongue, tasting your release turns him on more than anything.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once and a while the thought of you dominating him crosses Josh’s mind, specifically pegging. He had kept his longing a secret for the first year of your relationship but accidentally let it slip one night, but you informed him you’d try it out if he really wanted to. It became an activity you two revisit every couple of months.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The man has some experience under his belt - I mean he is a famous musician - but nothing too crazy. He had about five or six partners before you, but most of his experience he gained with you. Both of you had vastly improved your game over the course of the relationship, and you knew each other’s bodies like they were your own.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Every position quite honestly, but he especially loves when you ride him. It allows him to gaze up at you and get the perfect view of his length going in and out of you, the sight often causing him to throw back his head and let out a throaty moan. Truly Josh loves any position, but especially the ones that allow him to see your face and the expressions you make. He still likes to have you on all fours every so often and also spoon you while lazily pumping in and out of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really depends on the day, but most of the time sex with Josh is light and playful. Giggling is a common occurrence from the both of you during the act, and you will catch Josh with a smile on his face quite often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Josh prefers to keep it natural down there, only trimming every once in a while if things get really out of hand. He has a dark happy trail leading down from his belly button to a lighter patch of brown curls on his pubic bone that surrounds his length. In addition I think Joshua doesn’t really care what his partner decides to do for their grooming, actually I believe he finds it extremely hot if they keep it natural down there because he thinks you were made perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Most of the time he is extremely intimate, only being taken out of the moment if there’s a lot of other stuff on his mind, or if he is particularly stressed, but he is a very romantic and attentive partner for the most part.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Let’s be honest, Josh has a very high sex drive, and that can be a bit of a problem when he’s on tour or when you’re not around. He takes care of himself by thinking of you, porn isn’t really his thing, if he’s gonna have some sort of visual aid it is going to be photos/videos of you, his favorites being intimate polaroids he’s taken of you that he keeps hidden away.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Whooo boy, there are a lot of things this man is into. I’d love to go more into detail on each one of these, so maybe one day I’ll write a piece on these. To name a few, Josh is into hair pulling, light choking, period sex, squirting, mutual masturbation, praise, edging, domination, i really could go on forever.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your shared bedroom is always the top choice, but you guys like to get creative, you’ve done it in the shower, bath, car, backyard, restaurant bathroom, empty field at night, secluded hiking trails, his childhood home, and when you guys are very impatient he’ll bend you over the kitchen counter or prop you up on the arm of the couch.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It doesn’t take much to turn this man on, he’s so insanely in love with you that everything you do gets him going. Sometimes on stage he’ll spot you in the crowd, seeing you dancing and singing every word, that’s something that really gets to him, and it takes everything within him to not run off stage and fuck you right then.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Josh wouldn’t wanna do anything that puts you in pain, he hates seeing you suffer and would never want to do anything that hurt you, no matter if it would feel good for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
There is nothing more beautiful than the face Josh makes when you take him in your mouth. He closes his eyes and leans his head back, grinning with his perfect teeth and sticking just the tip of his tongue out. His moans and words of praise are angelic as well, and the way his soft eyes gaze at you as you swallow his release. As much as he loves your mouth, he prefers to have his on your core. God that man eats your pussy like it’s last meal. Lapping and sucking at your clit, alternating between dipping his fingers and tongue into your tight cunt. He could-and has- cum from just eating you out, it brings him just as much pleasure, and his mouth waters thinking about how good you taste.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s all of it. It depends on what mood you’re in but this man will make slow, passionate love to you in the morning, fuck you fast and rough in the evening and everything in between.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Josh doesn’t mind a good quickie every once in a while. If you have somewhere to be 10 minutes after he gets home from the studio, no problem. Man can make you cum in less than five minutes, and he does not hesitate to demonstrate.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yassss Joshy boy loves to take risks, as long as you’re comfortable. If you propose an idea and it intrigues him, you’ll be trying it within the next five minutes. That’s part of what makes your sex life with Josh so satisfying, you two aren’t afraid to switch things up.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually two is where Josh taps out, but sometimes you two decide to stay up all night smoking, talking, cuddling and fucking. Times like those he can go about 4 or 5 rounds. When you two are both home he fucks you at least twice throughout the day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You own a few toys that you both use, together or alone. After he left for tour once Josh bought you a vibrator so you wouldn’t miss him too much. Sometimes he’d pull it out while fucking you, just to hold it on your clit. That usually ended with you making a big mess and Josh being extremely satisfied.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Josh likes to tease you a little bit, but he actually enjoys it more when you’re the one teasing him. He likes still being a little submissive.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Much like on stage, Josh is loud in the bedroom as well. Between his throaty moans and grunts, he also is constantly talking to you. He responds to your sounds by saying “Yeah, you like that?” and “tell me how good it feels” and so much other dirty talk because he’s a cocky little shit. He’s also big into praise, whether that be praising you or getting praise himself.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If there’s one thing that makes Josh feel totally elated, it’s making you squirt. The first time he did it was totally unintentional, he was just eating you out like usual, but his fingers curved a certain way and you bursted. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and he became obsessed with making you do it over, and over, and over again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
This man has a beautiful dick. It’s about 7 ½ - 8 inches long with some nice girth to it. It leans a little to the left and has a nice curve to it, and it has some veins that rub your walls deliciously. He used to be self conscious of his dick but you assured him it was perfect and it never failed to please you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Have you seen how hyper this man is? You briefly mention something or even say the word “sex” in a sentence and his clothes are off.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on the day, but for the most part he likes staying up for a little while to talk with his arms around you, eventually quietly thinking about how lucky he is before drifting off.
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linghxr · 3 years
A Guide to Taiwanese Name Romanization
Have you ever wondered why there are so many Changs when the surname 常 is not actually that common? Have you ever struggled to figure out what sound “hs” is? Well don’t worry! Today we are going to go over some common practices in transliterating names from Taiwan. 
With some recent discussion I’ve seen about writing names from the Shang-Chi movie, I thought this was the perfect time to publishe this post. Please note that this information has been compiled from my observations--I’m sure it’s not completely extensive. And if you see any errors, please let me know!
According to Wikipedia, “the romanized name for most locations, persons and other proper nouns in Taiwan is based on the Wade–Giles derived romanized form, for example Kaohsiung, the Matsu Islands and Chiang Ching-kuo.” Wade-Giles differs from pinyin quite a bit, and to make things even more complicated, transliterated names don’t necessarily follow exact Wade-Giles conventions.
Well, Wikipedia mentioned Kaohsiung, so let’s start with some large cities you already know of!
[1] B → P 台北 Taibei → Taipei [2] G → K [3] D → T In pinyin, we have the “b”, “g”, and “d” set (voiceless, unaspirated) and the “p”, “k”, and “t” set (voiceless, aspirated). But in Wade-Giles, these sets of sounds are distinguished by using a following apostrophe for the aspirated sounds. However, in real life the apostrophe is often not used.
We need some more conventions to understand Kaohsiung. [4] ong → ung (sometimes) [5] X → Hs or Sh 高雄 Gaoxiong → Kaohsiung I wrote “sometimes” for rule #4 because I am pretty sure I have seen instances where it is not followed. This could be due to personal preference, historical reasons, or influence from other romanization styles.
Now some names you are equipped to read: 王心凌 Wang Xinling → Wang Hsin-ling 徐熙娣 Xu Xidi → Shu/Hsu Hsi-ti (I have seen both) 黄鸿升 Huang Hongsheng → Huang Hung-sheng 龙应台 Long Yingtai → Lung Ying-tai 宋芸樺 Song Yunhua → Sung Yun-hua
You might have learned pinyin “x” along with its friends “j” and “q”, so let’s look at them more closely. [6] J → Ch [7] Q → Ch 范玮琪 Fan Weiqi → Fan Wei-chi 江美琪 Jiang Meiqi → Chiang Mei-chi 郭静 Guo Jing → Kuo Ching 邓丽君 Deng Lijun → Teng Li-chun This is similar to the case for the first few conventions, where an apostrophe would distinguish the unaspirated sound (pinyin “j”) from the aspirated sound (pinyin “q”). But in practice these ultimately both end up as “ch”. I have some disappointing news.
[8] Zh → Ch Once again, the “zh” sound is the unaspirated correspondent of the “ch” sound. That’s right, the pinyin “zh”, “j”, and “q” sounds all end up being written as “ch”. This can lead to some...confusion. 卓文萱 Zhuo Wenxuan → Chuo Wen-hsuan 陈绮贞 Chen Qizhen → Chen Chi-chen 张信哲 Zhang Xinzhe → Chang Shin-che At least now you finally know where there are so many Changs. Chances are, if you meet a Chang, their surname is actually 张, not 常.
Time for our next set of rules. [10] C → Ts [11] Z → Ts [12] Si → Szu [13] Ci, Zi → Tzu Again we have the situation where “c” is aspirated and “z” is unaspirated, so the sounds end up being written the same. 曾沛慈 Zeng Peici → Tseng Pei-tzu 侯佩岑 Hou Peicen → Hou Pei-tsen 周子瑜 Zhou Ziyu → Chou Tzu-yu 黄路梓茵 Huang Lu Ziyin → Huang Lu Tzu-yin 王思平 Wang Siping → Wang Szu-ping
Fortunately this next convention can help clear up some of the confusion from above. [14] i → ih (zhi, chi, shi) [15] e → eh (-ie, ye, -ue, yue) Sometimes an “h” will be added at the end. So this could help distinguish some sounds. Like you have qi → chi vs. zhi → chih. There could be other instances of adding “h”--these are just the ones I was able to identify. 曾之乔 Zeng Zhiqiao → Tseng Chih-chiao 施柏宇 Shi Boyu → Shih Po-yu 谢金燕 Xie Jinyan → Hsieh Jin-yan 叶舒华 Ye Shuhua → Yeh Shu-hua 吕雪��� Lü Xuefeng → Lü Hsueh-feng
Continuing on, a lot of the conventions below are not as consistently used in my experience, so keep that in mind. Nevertheless, it is useful to be familiar with these conventions when you do encounter them.
[16] R → J (sometimes) Seeing “j” instead of “r” definitely confused me at first. Sometimes names will still use “r” though, so I guess it is up to one’s personal preferences. 任贤齐 Ren Xianqi → Jen Hsien-chi 任家萱 Ren Jiaxuan → Jen Chia-hsüan 张轩睿 Zhang Xuanrui → Chang Hsuan-jui
[17] e → o (ke, he, ge) I can see how it would easily lead to confusion between ke-kou, ge-gou, and he-hou, so it’s important to know. I’ve never seen this convention for pinyin syllables like “te” or “se” personally. 柯震东 Ke Zhendong → Ko Chen-tung 葛仲珊 Ge Zhongshan→ Ko Chung-shan
[18] ian → ien [19] Yan → Yen I’ve observed that rule 18 seems more common than 19 because I see “yan” used instead of “yen” a fair amount. I’m not really sure why this is. 柯佳嬿 Ke Jiayan → Ko Chia-yen 田馥甄 Tian Fuzhen → Tien Fu-chen 陈建州 Chen Jianzhou → Chen Chien-chou 吴宗宪 Wu Zongxian → Wu Tsung-hsien
[20] Yi → I (sometimes) I have seen this convention not followed pretty frequently, but two very famous names are often in line with it. 蔡英文 Cai Yingwen → Tsai Ing-wen 蔡依林 Cai Yilin → Tsai I-lin
[21] ui → uei I have seen this convention used a couple times, but “ui” seems to be much more common. 蔡立慧 Cai Lihui → Tsai Li-huei
[22] hua → hwa This is yet another convention that I don’t always see followed. But I know “hwa” is often used for 华 as in 中华, so it’s important to know. 霍建华 Huo Jianhua → Huo Chien-hwa
[23] uo → o This is another example of where one might get confused between the syllables luo vs. lou or ruo vs. rou. So be careful! 罗志祥 Luo Zhixiang → Lo Chih-hsiang 刘若英 Liu Ruoying → Liu Jo-ying 徐若瑄 Xu Ruoxuan → Hsu Jo-hsuan
[24] eng → ong (feng, meng) I think this rule is kinda cute because some people with Taiwanese accents pronounce meng and feng more like mong and fong :) 权怡凤 Quan Yifeng → Quan Yi-fong
[25] Qing → Tsing I am not familiar with the reasoning behind this spelling, but 国立清华大学 in English is National Tsing Hua University, so this spelling definitely has precedence. But I also see Ching too for this syllable. 吴青峰 Wu Qingfeng→ Wu Tsing-fong
[26] Li → Lee Nowadays a Chinese person from the Mainland would probably using the Li spelling, but in other areas, Lee remains more common. 李千那 Li Qianna → Lee Chien-na
[27] Qi → Chyi I have noticed this exception. However, I’ve only personally noticed it for this surname, so maybe it’s just a convention for 齐. 齐秦 Qi Qin → Chyi Chin 齐豫 Qi Yu → Chyi Yu
[28] in ←→ ing In Taiwanese Mandarin, these sounds can be merged, so sometimes I have noticed ling and lin, ping and pin, etc. being used in place of each other. I don’t know this for sure, but I suspect this is why singer A-Lin is not A-Ling (her Chinese name is 黄丽玲/Huang Liling).
[29] you → yu I personally haven’t noticed these with other syllables ending in “ou,” only with the “you” syllable. 刘冠佑 Liu Guanyou → Liu Kuan-yu 曹佑宁 Cao Youning → Tsao Yu-ning
There is a lot of variation with these transliterated names. There are generally exceptions galore, so keep in mind that all this is general! Everyone has their own personal preferences. If you just look up some famous Taiwanese politicians, you will see a million spellings that don’t fit the 28 conventions above. Sometimes people might even mix Mandarin and another Chinese language while transliterating their name.
Anyway, if any of you know why 李安 is romanized as Ang Lee, please let me know because it’s driving me crazy.
Note: The romanized names I looked while writing this post at were split between two formats, capitalizing the syllable after the hyphen and not capitalizing this syllable. I chose to not capitalize for all the names for the sake of consistency. I’m guessing it’s a matter of preference.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
N Harmonia Fluff Alphabet
One anon asked for an N fluff alphabet and another asked for just any N content, so I hope this sates you both!
Not proof read so rip me
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
Rather expectantly, N loves looking after Pokemon with you! Whether you’re playing with, feeding or tending to them, he really enjoys seeing you being so sweet and kind to cute little mons and giant scary monsters alike.
He also loves just snuggling up with you and playing with each other’s’ hair. He really cherishes that kind of gentle, intimate affection.
Other than that, he really enjoys doing mundane things with you, stuff like going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, gardening etc, even before you live together. There’s something very comforting about it.
Oh, and he loves dancing with you!
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He admires your kindness obviously, but also your determination and resilience! He thinks you’re so strong, and in turn, it emboldens him too!
As for physical beauty? He loves your smile, even just a little quirk of your lips makes him so happy. It’s just so precious!
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
N isn’t the best at this kind of stuff, but he definitely tries his best to offer you support. Usually he just sits with you and lets you vent, or cry into his shoulder, often bringing a cute pokemon with him to cheer you up. He also likes bringing you on walks, hoping it might clear your head.
His words of affirmation, though few, are quite powerful, so you know he means them.
When he’s sad, he’d like to be treated in a similar fashion, just quiet support and cute Pokemon
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
N doesn’t really know how he wants his life to go, the only thing he’s certain of is that he wants to continue improving the relationships between humans and Pokemon, and that he wants to be with you for the rest of time.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Due to his lack of experience, he’s definitely more on the passive side, preferring to let you take the lead when it comes to dates and stuff. Though he has no problem asserting himself (gently) if he wants to do something else instead.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
N hates fighting with you, absolutely despises it, so he tends to avoid it when he can. Inevitably, like in all relationships, you end up in a few spats. He’s never mean to you, but he does try talk over you and has a habit of just walking out instead of working out the issue right away. Really he just goes for a walk to calm him down, and he’s usually back in an hour or two, but you probably don’t solve your disagreement until the next day.
He finds it quite easy to admit fault and apologise, so you don’t have to weasel a ‘sorry’ out of him. And due to his earnest nature, you know he means it.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
When N gives a gift, most of the time, he doesn’t even realise it. He just sees something he thinks you’d like and just gives it to you without a second thought. Usually it’s pretty flora or candy, occasionally it’s a plush. Sometimes you get gifts very often, sometimes it’s weeks, maybe months, between each present.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
N can be described as blissfully confused when in love. So soft and blushy and not totally sure what he’s feeling, but he sure does love it, and you. His Pokemon friends pick up on it immediately and root for the two of you.
Unintentionally brags. He just thinks you’re swell and tends to bring that up often, but he’s not trying to gloat.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
You seemed to handle that little joltik so carefully as you returned it to its mother galvantula, without an ounce of fear or malice in your eyes, and truly only kindness in your heart. It made him feel so at ease, like he had found a kindred spirit.
Not only was he right, he also found his soulmate too,
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
N doesn’t quite understand jealousy. Like, you love each other, what does he have to worry about? He likes your friends a lot, and he finds anybody who tries to flirt with you more annoying than anything else
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
At the beginning, N’s kisses are sweet but awkward, he’s so new to it, so he’s a bit afraid he might make a mistake. As your relationships progresses though, he becomes more comfortable and confident with it, and kisses reflect that, so soft and caring and full of meaning
I did a whole thing about N and kissing here
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
Really what doesn’t he love? It’s not that he puts you on a pedestal, he just genuinely finds you amazing and he loves you so much
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
N doesn’t feel the need to marry you, as long as you’re in love, that’s what matters to him, a piece of paper doesn’t make it any more valid than it is in his eyes.
That being said, if you want to get married, he’s down for it, but don’t expect anything sappy or traditional. No proposal, no huge event, just the two of you exchanging heartfelt vows at the courthouse, with matching rings.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He doesn’t really use nicknames, just the occasionally “Love” or “Dear”
On the flipside, he loves your nicknames for him. Some of his favourites are “Cutie”, “Sweetie”, “Greenie” and “Nat”
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
While I wouldn’t say N is an open book, he doesn’t really hide things from you. He tells you how he feels without much fanfare, and you’re made aware of his past quite early on, even before you started dating.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
N’s actually pretty good at cooking, and tends to cook pretty often, especially when you’re on the road together. His meals are simple and comforting, sometimes spicy, lots of soups and curries and rice.
Since he’s vegetarian, he prefers to cook for the two of you instead of going out, since most restaurants don’t have great options for him. That being said, if you find a place with a good menu, he’s totally down to take you there.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
N does not understand the concept of BS, so you don’t have to worry about playing weird mind games to find out what he really wants. As a result, your relationship is quite chill
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Again, he’s not traditionally romantic, but he does care about you quite a lot and loves making you smile. And while it doesn’t say “I love you” very often, he means it, and that is a lot more valuable than any serenade or flower bouquet
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
If you play with his hair, he’s out like a light. While he’s cuddles are lax and loose when he’s awake, he hugs you like a teddy when he’s fast asleep.
His sleep routine is shit though.
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
N loves the cosiness of domestic mundanity, so it’s safe to say he likes to play it, well, safe. It gives him a sense of comfort and stability that he really appreciates.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Through being with you, N learns to be more attentive and emotional (in a healthy way), and to appreciate humans even more. He also feels more human too.
While you already loved Pokemon, he makes you see how truly amazing and special they are, and treat them even better than you did before.
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
Your relationship is very important to him, but deep down, you know his love for Pokemon trumps his love for you. Though it never causes an issue with you
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Likes to make matching flower crowns for the two of you and whatever Pokemon you’’re with at the time!
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
N loves fluttery kisses and really tender hugs and cuddles, ones when you’re loosely tanged together and gently stroking each other’s skin.
He is not a PDA person at all, besides holding your hand and the occasional kiss. Some of it is shyness, but it’s mostly because he doesn’t feel the need to prove your relationship to anyone. He doesn’t use affection lightly.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
He’s pretty okay on his own, since he’s quite used to it, but he does still miss you a lot. He finds comfort in things that remind you of him, a certain scent, a flower, a sound, even a Pokemon, it makes him feel like you’re with him
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)
N doesn’t have any pets, mainly because he thinks Pokemon are friends. How many Poke-friends does he have? Too many for even him to count. My man radiates serious Disney Princess energy with the way Pokemon seem to flock to him.
That being said, he’s not against good people having Pokemon as pets, so if you have pokemon, you know he’ll be the best dad to them ever.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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His favourite kind of affection was when you’d have your hands in his hair. He loved to feel your hands brush though his soft locks and pull him a little bit closer whenever you needed him to be right there for you.
When the two of you first met, Mark was very awkward, he didn’t have the slightest clue of what he wanted to say to you. He could barely string a sentence together until one of the members called him out to start with at least a hello and introduce himself, and from there, you loved to tease him about it ever since.  
It didn’t take Mark long at all to know that you were the one that he wanted. He was far too shy to confess in person, so he sent you a demo of a song that he would have written just for you, leaving it until the very last minute to let you know how he felt. When he saw your name flash up on his phone he panicked, only to see that you’d text him and begged him to let you in and get you out of the cold to be with him.
You knew just how dedicated Mark was to his work, so you’d often end up surprising him on those late nights with dates set up in the studio for you. You also knew that Mark was a terrible cook, so as long as you showed up with a bag of takeout in hand, then you were going to be safe for the night. He’d spend all night long telling you about his projects, whilst he always worried that you’d think he was bragging, all you see was a hard working and passionate guy who loved his job, and you.
Mark had seen plenty of other people in love, but never himself before. He always had an idea of the type of boyfriend he’d be, and whilst he was the first to admit that he wasn’t perfect, he was determined in making his first experience of love his last too. He wanted to always be the one that would be there for you from the moment that he met you, just as long as you were willing to help him learn along the way. Day by day, he knew he was getting better at being a boyfriend, and that was all that mattered to him.
Neither of you were fond of arguments, but you were human too, and appreciated that they were just a part of being in a relationship. Whenever the two of you argued, one of you would always walk away before things got too bad, you were both very good at minding your tempers. Usually, after an hour or two the person who walked out would return so that the two of you could talk things through with each other and nip the problem in the bud before it became too big a hurdle for you to jump over. Major arguments were definitely a problem when the two of you were already so shy.
He often joked about his family got in contact with him a lot more since you’d came into his life. He loved to tease you and let you know that you were the favourite in his family’s eyes because they got in with you so well and always asked after you whenever Mark was on a call by himself.
Rooming with a manager definitely had its perks for Mark, he always gave the two of you space you needed in the dorm. Therefore he was a little reluctant to move out of the dorms and in with you, he wanted to wait a little while and see the direction his career took first, and also make sure his other members were alright.
He was the first one to say, “I love you,” when you surprised him with a Canadian Day after you heard him talking about how much he missed home. Seeing the effort that you went to in order to put a smile back on his face meant the absolute world to him, and he couldn’t repay the favour in any other way then finally letting you know that he loved you.
Mark tended to doubt himself a lot, which would lead to a bit of jealousy at times. You’d often have to reassure him not to get jealous of anyone, you loved talking to people, but if you ever left his side at an event then he’d definitely begin to worry. No matter how many times you told him not to get jealous, you knew that he’d never a listen. It was a feeling that he just couldn’t get rid of, no matter how hard he wanted to. He knew he never really had a reason to get jealous, but that didn’t stop him feeling the way that he did.
If there was one thing Mark definitely saw in his future, it was kids. He very much had an ideal plan of what his life would like in years to come, he’d even picked out the perfect age to start a family. Whilst he never told you about his future plans, just in case he pressurised you, you were very much aware of just how valuable and important having a family was to him and how keen he was to start one in the future with you.
One of the biggest things that Mark worried about was whether he could make you laugh or not. Any time that he didn’t see you at least with a small smile on your face would worry him. He worked hard at everything that he did, and that included making you happy. To cheer you up, he’d often search up things to do that would put the smile back on your face, and do a lot of research into your favourite cheesy jokes that he knew would get a reaction out of you each and every time. It was one thing he always made sure to do every day, knowing that if you ever had a bad day when you were around him then he’d never forgive himself.
Having spent so many years away from home, Mark never thought he’d experience the feeling of homesickness again, until you came along. He was never afraid to admit when he was struggling, but sometimes he’d forget about you in it all. There would be days sometimes when you just wouldn’t here from him because Mark didn’t know the right things to say to feel better. It’d only be when you’d message one of his members and ask them what was going on that he’d get the kick he needed to message you and sort himself out too. He still never knew the right things to say, but his members wouldn’t let him go until he said something.
He often called you “sweet,” because you reminded him like the maple syrup at. You were adorable and cute, and reminded him exactly of the sweet tooth he had whenever he had maple syrup from back home.
Mark was obsessed with your hair, he loved to have his hands in it almost as much as he loved to feel yours messed in with his. Playing with your hair was always comforting for him.
P ⇴ PDA 
Subtle gestures were how Mark would often be affectionate in public with you. When he walked past you, he would usually kiss your cheek, or if you appeared beside him suddenly his hand would rest against your shoulder or arm just to remind himself that you were back by his side and safe.  
He would love to ask your opinion on nearly anything he did. Having your approval on anything was a huge bonus to him, but if something didn’t quite hit the spot for you, he’d refuse to let it go until you’d told him exactly where you thought he could improve or do better next time.
For any occasion that the two of you celebrated, Mark would write a song for you. You knew that he loved to compose anyway, and anything that he came up with was something that you adored, but it was the pieces he wrote just for the two of you that held the biggest place in your heart. To see the effort he went to in order to find the perfect lyrics meant the world to you, and of course, he delivered each and every time.
S ⇴ SEX 
There were definitely times when things would get awkward for you both, and neither of you could do nothing more than laugh. For the best part, he would be a complete romantic, but then that shy side of Mark that you’d grown to adore would often make an appearance. You loved how caring he was during intimacy, even if he did end up making a bit of a fool of himself, just knowing you were happy was more than enough for him.
He was definitely someone who would text, usually to let you know if something was up. You’d often end a shift to see a text from Mark to let you know that he’d be working late that night and to make sure you didn’t wait up for him.
The two of you complimented each other very well, you shared a lot of traits which meant that you were able to be incredibly understanding and supportive of each other which was all that Mark ever really wanted.  
As the two of you didn’t end up finding the time to travel often, Mark would always fly your family, or his, maybe sometimes even both, in to visit the two of you instead. He knew your breaks were to spent with your families, regardless of where the two of you were in the world, just having them there with you is enough.
Mark wanted to be the perfect boyfriend, so if something didn’t quite go his way then he’d definitely whine and make his frustrations clear.
He’d often find himself planting kisses against your skin, especially when you were nice and close. With your hands in his hair, there was no greater feeling for Mark then when you’d tug at him gently and pull him closer towards you so that you could press a soft kiss to his lips. A nervous giggle would always come after it, your kisses often left him feeling shy, but it was by far one of the things that you loved the most about him.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his biggest fan who supported him no matter what.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
The two of you would always fall asleep close together. You’d often feel Mark’s hand tap against your skin as he came up with little melodies or ditties whilst he drifted off to sleep, using you as his instrument.
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Kyoya Ootori||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Here’s Kyoya 4 more to go!
Word Count: 1753
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kyoya shows affection very subtly. Honestly you might feel like you’re stuck in a Victorian novel especially at the beginning of your relationship. He’ll brush his hand along the back of yours and then smile at you like oh that was intentional, ok. He’s really trying his best, but he’s not very obvious with his affection, all of his love tends to be conveyed through words and actions of caring.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Kyoya is lowkey a gossip. He’s not going to tell everyone what information he has but if you come up to him complaining about how so and so was bothering you, he’s already got a journal full of secrets and he’s ready to ruin someone’s career.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kyoya likes to cuddle but he prefers to be the big spoon, this is solely because he doesn’t want to be woken up early just because you had to go to the bathroom or something. He only cuddles during night time and if you do wake up before him, he’s pretty easily fooled if you just replace your body with a pillow.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He definitely wants to settle own, not just because of his family and him feeling like he’s obligated to settle down, but also just because he’s a traditional person in the sense that he wants to marry the person he fell in love with. As for domestic skills, Kyoya can’t cook or clean for SHIT. The only skill he’s got is probably managing finances and things along those lines but if you asked him to cook, he’d somehow find a way to burn water, just a bad time for everyone involved.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Kyoya doesn’t break up with you via text message (or letter if he’s feeling fancy), he honestly probably just tells you upfront that he doesn’t view your relationship as something he has a vested interest in continuing. Ouch. 
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment for Kyoya has always ben somewhat of an obligation. He feels like he has to propose to you if you’re relationship is becoming serious. He’ll discuss it with you of course, but the man is very committed to those he loves and what better way to show that than marriage?
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not very physically gentle, again, he’s just not very physically affectionate. When he does initiate physical affection with you it’s always with a measure of unsureness and caution. Emotionally, he’s a bit more gentle. Kyoya looks for the type of person who can keep up with him especially intellectually, with him it’s like no words are needed, you both just get it.
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kyoya’s hugs kinda suck. He doesn’t give them often, let alone initiate them, and if you hug him, he’ll just stand there kinda surprised and at a loss for what to do. At least he’s nice to hug, he’s got this cologne that smells like a warm fireplace during a winter storm that smells so comforting.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
You definitely say ‘I love you’ before Kyoya. He expresses his love through tender gazes and lovesick smiles so he definitely assumes you get the message. However, if you express to Kyoya that you’d like to hear him say that he loves you, he’ll oblige.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Kyoya doesn’t really get jealous, it’s not a matter of arrogance, more like, he knows that you’re with him and he’s with you. He doesn’t act out either on the off chance that he does get jealous because he was raised to bottle things up. In fact, the most Kyoya’s ever been jealous was in the beginning of your relationship/before you were dating where he was sure someone was gonna come by and sweep you away.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The way Kyoya kisses is by cradling your face and just kinda going for it. He prefers to kiss you on the lips but he doesn’t mind placing them elsewhere if things get more intimate.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Kyoya kind of sucks around children. He’s not rude to them or anything of that sort but he just doesn’t find himself having anything in common with them and doesn’t really care for the topics they find interesting.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Kyoya depend on if he’s off or not. If he has work or an early morning obligation of some sort, you’ll probably have to wake him up. He sets alarms but he’ll just swat at his alarm and then go back to bed, can’t exactly do that with your s/o now can you? However, if he has the day off or doesn’t have to wake up early, he won’t let you leave the bed until he’s ready to wake up. He’s surprisingly hard to move when he’s dead asleep like that.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Kyoya, he tends to stay up late and then just pass out on the nearest surface. If you happen to be awake long enough or pass him on the way to the kitchen/bathroom/etc., please move him into your bed. He will complain about his back problems if you don’t, if you can’t move him (which fair tbh he does deadweight) please give him a blanket and pillow, when he wakes up, it means the world to him.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kyoya reveals things very gradually to you over time, he’s a very layered person and while certain aspects of his true personality may bubble up, you’re gonna have to put the full picture together on your own. Unless you’re like Tamaki and can just see through all his bs. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kyoya is actually pretty easy to anger. This is because of his no nonsense attitude as well as his general grumpiness with the world. Although, no anger can top Kyoya’s anger from being woken up early.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kyoya remembers every detail you’re willing to share with him. He writes most of it in his notebook but somethings he likes to keep to himself and surprise you with later on.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you suggested your next date be at a flower viewing. Kyoya initially thought it might just be like a boring “commoner” thing to do but as the date went on, he ended up really enjoying himself. The sight of you surrounded by flowers was also a plus
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Kyoya’s family has essentially a private police force, in addition he also has personal guards, best believe, you are protected. Don’t even worry about trying to protect him either, he has people on payroll for that
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Kyoya puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts. The man always knows when there’s a special occasion coming up and has already planned for every step of the day. As for dates in general, he likes to spoil you. He has absolutely no problem with flying you to somewhere like Okinawa for example, just because
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit Kyoya has is that he tends to try and test people and their limits with no prompting. He’s very secretive in general so that plus his sudden decisions to test people can lead to some bad arguments. The worst argument you’ve gotten into to date is when he suddenly started flirting back with his guests during the regular day and you got jealous and snapped.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kyoya is concerned with his looks in the sense that he has a reputation to uphold. He’s not arrogant by any means but he does take pride in looking good. Plus Tamaki recommended a skin care routine to him once and now he’s hooked
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He views you as his better, he doesn’t feel incomplete without you but he can feel himself turning back into his sort of middle school self pre-Tamaki when you aren’t around.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has no previous relationship experience. He has experience flirting of course and he’s had crushes before but he’s new to this, please be gentle.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
Kyoya doesn’t like people with forceful personalities. He tolerates it for the sake of being polite and his image if nothing else but this man cannot stand when people are pushy and always have to get their way. He also hates boring people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Canonically Kyoya is a heavy sleeper, this can be kind of an issue at times. He’s a hard worker who stays up late on things he’s passionate about which means he might fall asleep on whatever’s closest. There’s been more than one occasion where you’ve walked over to him sound asleep on his laptop with a document covered in keysmash from where he slumped on the computer.
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spiderling-space · 4 years
I and Brew @twisted-n-thirsty talked about this months ago and this post just made me resurface this. Enjoy the crack!
Setting: Malleus finally decides to pay more attention how his classmates interact and he asks help from Lilia. Lilia starts teaching Malleus slangs that are used among his classmates but he can't stop his mischievous side. Lilia tells Malleus that "Send nudes!" means "How are you? What are you doing now?" Malleus takes this as a note. He just wants to share his newfound slang phrase so he decides to use it. Malleus sends "sends nudes everyone!" to prefect's group chat that has MC in it too.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle doesn't know slang nor does he care about learning them.
He isn't the first person to see Malleus' message as he is busy with his prefect duties.
When Riddle sees his message, he asks what he had meant in the group chat since Vil's response seemed like a casual message from him. He regrets saying that in the group after the responses he gets.
Riddle is beyond angry and he just wants to wash his eyes after seeing the responses. He swears he will never ask what a slang phrase means. He doesn't check out his phone for the rest of the day.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona was sleeping when Malleus sent that message. When he wakes up, he thinks of ignoring it since it is from the lizard but then he sees the content of the message from his notifications as a smirk forms on his face.
Leona gets back to his room as quickly as possible and strips of his clothes and takes his nude photos. Normally he could have chosen one from his photo gallery but he wanted to get the best picture.
He sees Riddle's message "What does send nudes mean?" and he thinks it is the perfect opportunity to send his pictures.
Leona doesn't respond to Riddle instead he @ mentions Malleus and says "Pass this" as he sends his nudes.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is aware of the slang humans use. He is caught off guard when Malleus of all people writes "send nudes" in their prefect group chat. 
Of course, Azul isn't going to send his naked pictures in his human form. He learned about human culture to know that those types of pictures are reserved for certain people.
He has been there from the beginning but he stays silent and he just observes what is happening in the chat. After Leona sends his nude images, he wonders if Malleus will send back. He wouldn't use it against Malleus if he decides to send nudes because he isn't stupid enough to get in a legal battle with a crown prince and blackmail one of the most powerful mages in Twisted Wonderland.
Azul is going to use this incident to his advantage. He will offer Malleus to teach him modern slang and where to use them so he would befriend Malleus.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim loves putting a smile on people's faces so when Malleus sent that message, he thought if he sends his nudes, Malleus will be happy. So he decides to take his nude pictures.
"Sorry Malleus :/:'( I wasn't sure how to take my nudes so I asked Jamil to take my nude photos but he almost choked on air before refusing me" "Now he is giving me angry look" "Now he said I am not allowed to send you guys such pictures and he will confiscate my phone if I ever ask him that" "Don't worry Malleus. I'll learn how to take my nudes on my own and send you them as soon as Jamil leaves me alone"
Kalim knows these types of photos getting leaked would lead to issues as a future business owner but since it is just between friends, it is fine.
Vil Schönheit
As an actor and model, Vil needs to be accessible to his manager all the time and vice versa. He is the first one to see and read Malleus' message and he is irked by it.
As a celebrity, he knows how having nude pictures on his phone might turn out so he doesn't have nor will he ever have his nudes on his phone. He also thinks it is quite improper to do so.
Vil thinks of scolding Malleus but first, he will send him the only nude that matters - his nude makeup collection. "This is the only valid nude"
When Vil sees Leona sending his nudes to the group, he just snaps. Vil takes Rook with him to scold Leona after he says "No one else will send their naked pictures here!" in the group chat. He thinks will get grey hair and wrinkles because of how Leona and the others behave. He should also talk with Kalim about proper behaviour.
Idia Shroud
Idia was in the middle of an online game so he wouldn't possibly stop and check out Malleus' message. Even if it weren't an online game, he wouldn't stop.
When the round ends, he checks out what other prefects are talking about in their group chat since he got lots of notifications from it. 
Idia doesn't know how to react at first. The Malleus Draconia asked his fellow prefects and (Y/N) to send their nudes. He replies to that message with "LMFAO" then he proceeds to read the rest. He is crackling as he reads Riddle asking what Malleus meant, Vil sending his nude makeup collection, Kalim apologizing for not being able to take his nudes and finally Leona sending his actual nudes. "LOL" he writes before Vil gets angry at Leona for sending those pictures and Idia for laughing at what is happening. At least Idia didn't send any!
Idia would normally give a savage response but he doesn't want to be at the receiving end of Vil's lectures so he just enjoys reading the chaos unfold.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus just wanted to ask how they are doing using the slang phrase his classmates do. He doesn't understand what is happening in the prefect group chat.
He thinks Rosehearts is as clueless as him and him knowing that slang despite Rosehearts not knowing makes me feel better at first. Then for some reason, Schönheit sends a picture of his makeup, followed by Asim apologizing. He thinks they were supposed to say how they are doing and ask him "send nudes" back.
Then Kingscholar sends his own picture wearing nothing and saying "pass this". He certainly didn't need to see Kingscholar's private parts. He then realizes something else is going on and tells Lilia what happened. Lilia says he made a joke and he didn't think Malleus would write it.
Malleus wasn't impressed with his joke until he receives a private message from (Y/N), saying "you should have asked it privately, I'd have sent them anyway" with their naked pictures. After seeing them, Malleus no longer sulks and thinks he should prepare marriage certificate since he has seen (Y/N)'s intimate parts and enjoyed it.
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
Ooh congrats on 500!!!! For the event may I have dacquoise for Kaeya, Childe, and Zhongli? Thank you!!!!
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Aaaaa Thank you guys sm!!! ❤
I'm gonna merge all of these together because there's a lot of crossing over
Requested by: @cattycattitude
Dacquoise: "May I have this dance?"
Spontaneous dates were nothing new with Tartaglia. He would finish all of his duties for the day, come to find them, and then whisk them away for the evening.
The dates would usually consist of dinner, a walk, maybe some star gazing. There never really was a set plan unless he had time to do so, however often those dates occurred.
He had once more finished early, hunting them down immediately after he had been relieved. He grinned, scooping them off their feet. They let out a cry of surprise, as he took if toward the nearest restaurant with them in his arms. The meal was delicious.
As the night progressed, he looked for more and more things to do so that they could spend more time with one another. The two were on a walk now, lingering around the outskirts of the harbour.
He had set them down but still held their hand as the walked together. They made small chatter with him as they walked. When he let out a chuckle and stopped walking, they turned to spare him a glance.
He had a confident smile and held out his hand, voice smooth as honey "May I have this dance, sweetheart?"
Their face turned red, but nonetheless they grasped his hand. He pulled them close, leading them through the dance, twirling and dipping them, kissing their face with each movement.
"My, aren't you the charmer." They smiled, holding his gaze as he went in for another kiss
"For you? Of course." He chuckled, pulling them gently to his chest.
"Only for me?" They grinned, kissing the hollow of bis throat
"Only for you." He placed his chin atop their head feeling a comfort he only felt around them.
It was evening when he returned home, his shift at the funeral parlour coming to an end. The sun was nowhere to be seen by the time he exited the parlour. The walk home was quiet.
When he entered the abode he shared with his partner he closed his eyes, revelling in the sound of their voice filling their home. The song visibly relaxed him and he stood still in the doorway after he had silently closed the door behind him.
The tune they carried was one rather peaceful and he couldn't help but follow their voice into the kitchen. They were finishing up portioning the meal they made for dinner, knowing that he'd be home any minute. He thought the smell was almost as pleasant as their voice.
He placed his hands gently on their hips, alerting them to his presence, "Good evening, dearest."
They smiled, "How long have you been home?"
"I've only just arrived." He placed a kiss to their temple as they continued to hum. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around their waist and swayed back and forth as they finished what they were doing.
They set the bowls of food down on the dining table. Now that their hands were empty, he gently grasped them and spun them around.
"Might I have this dance, my dear?"
They smiled with a nod as he led them in a slow dance. Their humming returned back to the singing they had been doing at the counter. He held them close to his chest, occasionally leaning down to place a kiss on the crown of their head.
They laughed quietly when they finished their song, "We mustn't do this too long. The food will get cold."
He kissed the back of their hand, "Let us eat then."
The Angel's Share was relatively empty tonight, but the two still took a seat upstairs, far away from everyone else so there would be no interruption. This was a nightly ritual. They would arrive after the tavern in the evening, order their cocktails, then retreat upstairs where they wouldn't be bothered.
Throughout the night the two would make small banter, talking about anything from how the day had gone to sharing intel to random gossip like middle-aged women. As their conversation went on, they'd sip their drinks and fall into a comfortable silence for a bit. Tonight, however, the familiar green-clad bard was performing.
The music sounded through the tavern, melodic and euphonious. His voice carried clear and it was obvious he was singing a ballad about lovers. Kaeya peered down at him over the railing only for Venti to meet his gaze with a smugness he was all too familiar with.
Kaeya chuckled knowing the bard's tricks and leaned back in his chair momentarily so he could finish off his drink. If the bard wanted wingman then so be it. He swirled the liquid in the glass before downing the last of it and setting it down on the table empty.
Standing from his chair, he offered them his hand, his usual smirk adorning his face, "May I have this dance?"
They grinned, taking his hand. He helped them up from their seated position and place one of his hands on their waist. With a wink, he took the lead.
They lied their head against his shoulder after a while making him chuckle. His voice took on a teasing tone, "Tired already?"
He felt them shake their head, "I love dancing with you. It makes me feel safe"
"Well, what kind of knight would I be if I didn't protect you, hm {Prince/ess}?"
They let out a laugh, "A pretty damned bad one."
"Then it's a good thing that I do my job, wouldn't you say?" As he dipped them the music ceased and silently they shared a kiss
They sat in his lap, watching work with utmost interest. His hands moved swiftly between vials and his various notes. It was almost difficult to keep up.
He'd been at it for hours now, not slowing down even a little. It was amazing really. His work ethic was unreal. However, the hours he spent working went without a single break.
They stood from one of the comfy couches in the cornee of his lab, slowly making their way over to him. Unsure if their idea would work, the hesitated at first. Finally, they spoke up.
"Albedo?" Their voice was quiet and held a hopeful lilt. He hummed acknowledgement, not looking up from his work. They continued, "Will you dance with me?"
He let out an amused chuckle at their words. Finding a stopping place, he turned to face them. He leaned forward in a slight bow, holding out his hand.
"May I have this dance?"
They smiled and took his hand gently. He twirled them and they let out a small laugh. Despite the lack of music they still basked in the moment.
He led them in a slow waltz, fully aware of the motive behind their actions. The nonexistent music didn't seem to bother him either. He rather seemed to be enjoying himself.
They kissed his cheek, smile still present, "Thank you for this."
"It's no trouble at all." He was flattered that they cared enough to do this.
The break was welcomed even though it wasn't rest. Spending time with them recharged his battery in its own rite, and the break they gave the gears in head would surely help him when he would get back to work later. Secretly, he wondered if they would ask this of him again.
Tartaglia Tag List: @cherryyyaereaa @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Zhongli Tag List: @fictionalcharactersthatsit @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Kaeya Tag List: @reina-dragoness-aka-rei @fictionalcharactersthatsit @kurokuroshit @cherryyyaereaa @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @dai-tsukki-desu
Albedo Tag List: @fictionalcharactersthatsit @cherryyyaereaa @bunniology @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Tag List Application
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mrsmctominay · 3 years
i don’t know if u write for john stones and if u don’t that’s fine but can i get a nsfw alphabet for him? thank youuu
NSFW Alphabet- John Stones
A = Aftercare John will give you some time to yourself afterwards- maybe 10 minutes or so- just because he wants to make sure you're cleaned up right and he knows if you do it yourself then it will be done to your liking. Once you're done, he will usually make you a cup of tea and ask if you want to cuddle.
B = Body part He is in love with your boobs and he's bad at hiding it. Whenever you wear a low cut top or a tight dress, his eyes are glued to them. He loves everything about them. The size, the shape, the way they feel when they are in his hands or the way they look when you're cupping them in your own hands.
C = Cum He will cum wherever you want him to, he doesn't have a preferred place. He can tell just by your face where you want him to cum, but it drives him crazy when you use your words. The way your eyelashes flutter when you stick your tongue out so that he can cum on it is so hot, or the way you bite your bottom lip in order to let him know that it's okay for him to cum inside of you.
D = Dirty Secret John wants to try anal, secretly. He knows you trust him, and he trusts you too. It's something he's always thought about it but has never found the right moment to bring it up. He's sort of waiting for the day that you bring it up.
E = Experience With John being a bit older than you, he has a bit more experience than you do, which you appreciate. It's nice being able to share the moment with someone that already knows what he's doing rather than having to explain your pleasures to him.
F = Favourite Position Anything where he can see your boobs jiggle, as I say, he does love them.
G = Goofy You always try to keep a poker face but he always pokes a smile out of you somehow. He will stare into your eyes before a smile creeps onto his face, in turn making you smile too.
H = Hair He is well groomed down there, clean shaven. He says it makes him feel cleaner, which is fine with you. Obviously, with his job he sweats a lot so it's better for him.
I= Intimacy He always compliments you during sex. He likes to let you know how beautiful you look when he's fucking you, or when his cum is on your face. He kisses every bare inch of your body, letting you know that you're his and only his.
J = Jack Off If you guys can't make time for a facetime call when he's away, he will just take care of himself. Sending you pictures and videos along the way, of course.
K = Kink John is into thigh riding. He loves it when you pleasure yourself using his leg. The way your juices glisten on his tattoo turns him on instantly.
L = Location He's rather traditional when it comes to location. He'd rather have you on the bed than anywhere else. It's comfy, it's spacious, it's perfect.
M = Motivation
It's the little things. The way you stroke the back of his neck or the way your little hand plays with his fingers. The way you look when you're concentrating on something or the way you say his name. H O T.
N = NO He's apprehensive about involving other people, although he is a little jealous and doesn't like the idea of sharing you, that isn't what worries him. He doesn't like that whoever the other person is could take pictures or videos which could then lead to getting leaked which would lead to everyone see that him and his girlfriend had a threesome.
O = Oral John is good at oral, and he knows it. Although, he does prefer receiving. Seeing you in between his legs desperate to make him cum using only your mouth is so sexy. Lapping up his cum like the good girl you are.
P = Pace He's slow, gentle and loving unless you ask him to do otherwise, then he wont hold back and go in with everything he has. "Whatever the lady wants", he would say. He looses all touch of his gentlemanly side and goes INNNNN. (pun intended)
Q = Quickie There's only one situation where a quickie is likely to happen and that's when you pick him up after a match, especially after a loss. When you're horny from watching him play and he can't wait any longer to get out his pent up frustration, you just end up fucking in the car.
R = Risk Neither of you are a big fan of risk, it doesn't really turn either of you on. Risk comes with consequences and you're both not prepared to face them.
S = Stamina It depends how horny he is. If you're the one that's put it on him then he will only go once or twice, but with good time in between. However, if he's the horny devil, he could go for forever.
T = Toy He's a fan of the vibrating panties. He especially likes it when you wear them to team dinners, knowing that it's so discrete and only the two of you know it's there. That's it really, he'd rather give you an orgasm by himself. (other than the panties obviously)
U = Unfair He's a tease in public, not so much actually in the moment. Light touches under the table at dinner or wiping his face with the bottom of his shirt when he's playing football in the garden with the boys.
V = Volume He's quite vocal in bed. The breathless moans and the grunting into your mouth as he kisses you really turns you on. It echo's through your mind until the next time you have sex, it's a never ending cycle.
W = Wild Card Wear his medals during sex and it's over for you. The way the metal dangles over your chest or the way you make it drape down your back makes him insanely horny.
X = X-Ray John is an impressive size. You feel like he may split you in half one of these days.
Y = Yearning He likes to show you a good time, but there's a time and a place. If he's really pissed off then you know just to leave him be until he's calmed down a bit... then you can get it on.
Z = ZZZ He loves his sleep don't get me wrong, but he'd rather caress you until you're sound asleep before he does the same.
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beneathstarryskies · 3 years
hi! can you please do a nsfw alphabet with sasuke?? please and thank you :)
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Sasuke Uchiha NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Sasuke is a bit distant after sex. It just comes naturally for him to keep to himself, and that’s a pretty hard habit to break. As your relationship becomes deeper, he’ll begin to help you clean up afterward. Sometimes even suggesting you take a nice bath together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sasuke is confident in every part of himself. It would be easy to accuse him of being arrogant. Truthfully, he’s just never thought enough about it to care one way or the other about his appearance.
With you, he’s similarly satisfied with everything. He would not even bother fucking you if he didn’t find you to be absolutely perfect. Sasuke wouldn’t waste the time on someone he didn’t adore.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Sasuke tends to cum a lot, and he pumps every last drop deep inside of you. He loves listening to you beg him for it. Then, he pulls back to look at it spilling out of your tight pussy with a satisfied smirk on his face.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
If you work with Sasuke on missions, he will very often fantasize about fucking you in front of everyone else. Not only would making you cum all over his cock in front of an audience further prove his prowess extends to every skill he could acquire, but it would also show everyone who you belong to. It’s a very extreme way of doing these things, but he enjoys the fantasy nonetheless. The closest he would come to doing this (if it wasn’t something you’d be down to try) is making it a point to fuck you as loudly as possible.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not very experienced because until he met you, it just wasn’t something he even thought about much. His whole life had been so consumed by revenge, and sex just seemed like something frivolous. However, being a bit of a perfectionist leads him to gather as much information as he can so he can master sex.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes sitting up while you straddle him. It gives him pretty free rein to kiss you wherever he wants and his hands can roam over you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s very serious at the moment. Let’s be honest, he’s serious in pretty much all moments. Every time Sasuke fucks, he fucks as though it could very well be the last time. Making jokes would just ruin the moment.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s clean-shaven, but when it does grow out a bit it’s dark just like the rest of the hair on him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is the most intimate. During sex is when Sasuke lets all of his feelings for you come to the surface. His guard falls down, which is something that happens very rarely.
He’ll press soft kisses anywhere he can reach, whisper the sweetest (and naughtiest) words in your ear. Usually something along the lines of, “You’re so gorgeous. I can’t wait to fuck a baby into you.”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Sasuke doesn’t really jack off. Again, it just seems like a waste of time. If he’s horny he wants to fuck, and jacking off would really only make that urge even stronger and more unbearable.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Sasuke is super kinky. Breeding kink, praise, spanking, slight degradation, choking, electrostimulation, sub/dom (he is mostly dominant but likes to let you take charge sometimes too), overstimulation, and finally voyeurism (he likes to watch you masturbate.)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His own bed is his favorite place because he can take his time to make you cum over and over until your legs are shaking. However, Sasuke is also down to fuck you in semi-public places. He loves it when there’s a little risk of getting caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anytime the conversation of having kids gets brought up he feels that yearning in his stomach. Also, if you praise his performance in a fight or something like that he will be 100% down to pound.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Sasuke does like to play around with things that cause a little bit of pain, but he would never want to do anything where you could actually end up hurt. Also, Sasuke might like the idea of fucking you in front of people but he would not be down to share you. Nor would he want you sharing him with anyone else. Sasuke just prefers to be the only one pleasing you and vice versa.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is a complete mess when it comes to receiving. This is when Sasuke gives the best praise to you. He will hold your hair back to watch you work his dick. He likes it when you get a little messy as well, drooling over him and maybe even gagging a little bit.
Sasuke will absolutely bring that same energy to eating you out. He will stay between your thighs for hours if you let him, and you bet the whole time he is loving it. He might even have to grind against the bed to give himself some relief.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on what the mood is. He also tends to mix it up quite a bit. He might start out slow and sensual, but then by the end, he’s holding on to your throat while pounding into you from behind.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s super open to quickies, and pretty much will take any chance to have one that he sees. It doesn’t really even matter where it is. Broom closet? The bathroom at a restaurant or bar? An alleyway? Sasuke will fuck you in all those locations without a second thought.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Completely game to experiment, and the riskier the better. Sasuke has fantasized a lot of times about the two of you getting caught or just nearly getting caught.
(Honestly, he just wants to be able to show off how good he is at fucking you. It’s the one skill he has that can’t really be shown off.)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has a good amount of stamina. He literally can last as long as he wants to. That being said, if you have a super long round it can be a little difficult for him to go more than once and you’ll easily feel the same way. He tends to put everything he has into fucking you senseless.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Oh boy, does he ever love playing with toys? Handcuffs, vibrator, blindfolds, and a zapping wand (until he figures out how to just use lightning jutsu to zap you.) He’s also open to letting you use toys on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease. He will tease you until you’re begging, almost crying because you’re just so desperate for him. He will praise you for being able to take his teasing, and then absolutely make all the teasing worth it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Sasuke is pretty loud. He likes to dirty talk quite a lot, and when you’re pleasuring him he makes sure you (and anyone else) knows all about it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sasuke wants to keep you tied up to the bed all day while he goes on about his day (with your consent of course.) Knowing you’d be there waiting for him, aching for him to come back to ravage you is very exciting to him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sasuke is about average with length but is above average in girth. He can hit all the right spots inside of you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Sasuke has a pretty high sex drive, especially once having kids comes into the equation. He will fuck you every single chance he gets.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Sasuke in general doesn’t sleep very easily. He’d probably spend a long time laying beside you, watching as you sleep peacefully.
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polishksiezniczka · 3 years
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna Smut ABCs | Camerlengo x Female Reader
Some smut for our favorite priest ❤
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As I was writing this, I couldn’t help but think that our favorite ~il camerlengo~ shares the trifecta of smut with Obi-Wan Kenobi: religious devotion, dramatic robes and pure, raw sexual energy. 🔥
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Patrick is oh so attentive and considerate. He strokes your body softly, listening as your heartbeats gradually slow and fall in sync together. He’ll softly whisper declarations of love to you in his luscious accent, making you flush even more.
Bonus: When you’re in each other’s arms bathing in the afterglow, he adores it when you carefully play with his crucifix necklace (you better believe he wears it during sex after you *accidentally* let slip how turned on you get when he wears it).
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Patrick loves to hold you using his upper body strength—his arms are deliciously strong and toned, but not in an overly-muscular way. He can’t help but groan and roll his head back when you cling to them for dear life during the throes of passion, your nails lightly digging into his skin.  
It’s difficult for him to choose—you’re too perfect to pick just one element. If he had to, he’d choose your hair, your neck, or your breasts.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Because he was brought up in the Church, he doesn’t really do that sort of thing. Not to mention he views the practice as somewhat degrading to you.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs).
Obviously, you. He’s a priest and supposed to be “married” to the Church!
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Patrick is somewhat experienced. While serving in the army he had a few exploits, but he’s still relatively inexperienced. Not that you could ever tell though—he’s the best lover you’ve ever had.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying.)
Missionary! (HAHAHA…I’m going to hell for this.)
Patrick loves any sort of position where he’s able to see you fully. He treats sex as if it were a sacred rite: he wants to be able to watch the desire cloud your eyes, thoroughly kiss your soft lips, devour the creamy flesh of your torso, and do nothing less than worship you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It depends on the situation. Patrick will usually take things pretty seriously—intensely pleasuring you, maintaining fervent eye contact, going slow and sensual—but sometimes you find yourselves in a giddy mood, especially after something good has happened to one of you. Then his playful side will come out: little nips at your ears and neck, gentle tickling of your sides, low chuckles, and a lot more teasing than normal. You delight in rendezvous like these, batting your eyes and telling him how much you want him.  
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
OH GOD. You know how well Patrick takes care of himself. His hair is impeccable, always neatly combed and styled. You adore running your fingers through it and lightly scratching his scalp, though you’re careful not to muss it up too much.
The sight of his bare chest makes your heart flutter every time you see it. You love to card your fingers through the lovely patch of curly ginger hair which grows there, a huge turn-on for Patrick. The same hair starts again just below his navel, creeping down his stomach and past his waistband. It’s another part of him that never fails to make you swoon and unconsciously lick your lips.  
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I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Patrick is so romantic. He constantly whispers you how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, and how he can never be without you. Despite the unimaginable pleasure he provides you, his words sometimes make you teary-eyed during the moment—something you find extremely embarrassing but he adores.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Patrick suffers from SERIOUS Catholic guiltiness when it comes to masturbation. He’s done it before (when he was younger especially) but would never admit so to you. He only resorts to pleasuring himself when you’re apart for extended periods of time and always feels the need to confess to his sins of “taking his flesh” afterward.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise: Patrick’s need to praise you is insatiable and he does it constantly when you’re together. He loves to tell you how good you feel, how perfect you are, how sweet you smell, or how well you respond to him as he leans close to your ear, kissing and sucking. Although he can be reticent to accept compliments himself, you can tell how much it affects him when you whisper how only he can bring you this amount of love, pleasure, and satisfaction.
Priest: Patrick goes mad when you play into your priest kink and loves it when you call him “Father,” especially because you don’t often do so. As gentle as he is, this drives him wild, animalistic almost.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
On the bed or couch, especially with your hair splayed out across a pillow. You recently introduced him to shower sex, something he enjoys far more than he expected to. And of course, always somewhere private.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your soft, innocent touches that lead to lingering thoughts and desires. When you run your hands across his chest and through his hair. Whispering how much you love and want him.
Oddly enough, your modesty also makes him hot under the collar (literally). The idea that you conceal your beautiful figure to others and only allow him to see and adore it awakens a deep and primal lust in Patrick.  
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t swear that often and never uses the Lord’s name in vain. He also would never do anything that could hurt you or in some way degrade you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He strongly prefers to give. He loves to huskily tell you how much you taste like sin when he’s between your thighs and caressing you with his mouth.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual—it’s called lovemaking for a reason.
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Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
You and Patrick don’t really engage in these because of the nature of your relationship—there are few moments when you can spend time together during the day. Patrick doesn’t like the idea either, as he can’t properly worship your body as much as he believes you deserve and derives so much pleasure from taking his time with you. He is never one to complain about stolen kisses, though.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Again, due to his position and all the publicity, Patrick prefers to keep risks to a minimum. He never would demand anything of you, but he requests that your liaisons be kept private out of concern for you and your relationship.
Once, however, you admitted a shameful desire of yours, and he gave in. So, late one night you made love in a confessional. Although he felt like he would be cursed with eternal damnation, he couldn’t help but admit how arousing it was.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Patrick’s stamina is intense; he never seems to tire, even after the care and attention he puts into each and every round. You teasingly attribute this voraciousness to all his pent-up lust while in seminary. But when you’re exhausted, he completely respects this and would never push you beyond your physical limits.  
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No; why would he defile perfection by using anything other than his body?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This side of Patrick really comes out when he’s feeling frisky or playful. He relishes that he can turn you into a puddle of goo with just one look—your eyes glaze over, your breath hitches, and you suddenly have difficulty maintaining eye contact. He’ll then begin to touch and kiss you slowly, almost chastely, until you’re a whimpering, sobbing mess beneath him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Volume-wise Patrick tends to be on the softer side, though he can surprise you. What he sometimes lacks in volume he makes up for in quality. Patrick makes the most delicious and sinful sounds you can imagine: gasps at your expert ministrations, moans when you kiss him deeply. Your personal favorite? The sound of him purring into your ear as he showers you with praise and words of affection.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
The man’s scent alone makes you goddamn feral. It’s clean and masculine, with just a hint of spice. You love to bury your face in his neck and chest, inhaling him as you litter his skin with reminders of your devotion.
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X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Patrick is incredibly well-endowed. In fact the first few times you were together, you were in slight pain (much to Patrick’s agony) and felt sore for days afterward. Oh but Patrick made it all better: drawing you warm baths, scooping you up, and tenderly massaging every inch of your body with his large hands. 😏
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
On the higher end, but it’s completely attached to you.  
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
When you’re in each other’s arms, he feels completely relaxed and can usually fall asleep within a few minutes, but he likes to wait for you drift off to sleep and then silently watch you in your most peaceful state. Your breathing steadies, your brow relaxes, and your hair softly falls about your face, still glowing from physical exertion. As sleep begins to take hold of him, he whispers that you look just like an angel.
Taglist: @seraferna @lemairepstuff
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fawnhunter · 3 years
Lincoln Clay SFW A-Z
- written with a chubby reader in mind, but that’s not the main focus at all.
!: possible suggestive themes. nothing too serious tho
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A= activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
When Lincoln does have time to spend with you [ Aside from any missions he takes you on] he likes to take you out to do things. He will take you to areas and districts he has already claimed so that it’s safe for the two of you. And then he leaves it up to you. You want dinner? You got it. You wanna go to a show? You got it. You wanna have a night in with just you and him? You can have that too. But he wants to show you off.
B=beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Lincoln enjoys his s/o’s shoulders/chest. He thinks that your collar bones are beautiful, and he enjoys a sweetheart neckline. When he sees you during the day, his arms always find their way around your shoulders. And at night in the bed, he wraps his arms around your shoulders and crushes you against his side. His face finds its way to your neck and chest by the end of the night
C=comfort- How would they help their s/o during hard times or when they need it most?
When you come to him with an issue, and it so happens that you ended up getting hurt or threatened. Then he handles the issue right away, he may have other things to do but you are at the top of his list. He will make sure you never have to deal with this issue again. If the issue happened to be more emotional, he may not be as much help. But he will hold you until you pull yourself together and assure you that he has your back.
D= dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
All Lincoln knows is that he wants you for as long as he can keep you. He will continue to fight to keep you, but he knows some day soon his story will come to an end. The thought that his life is not guaranteed is the only reason why your future is iffy.
E= equal- are they the dominant one or are they more passive in your relationship?
As much as my switch ass hates to admit it, he ends up being the more dominant one in the relationship. He leads the way day in and out. Let you know when to go and where. Stands in front of you when you go places, and nudges you behind him a little for most conversations. Checks in on you all the damn time, and does most of the stuff for you when at home, even when you insist you can handle it.
F= Flirting- how often do they flirt or tease their s/o? How smooth are they?
He is flirting with you every chance he gets. Sly little things whisper into your ear when you try making breakfast. Lingering touches when you begin getting dressed for the day. Filthy things said over the dinner table, just to startle you a little. Smoother than he should be. Every move he makes has the ability to lead into a quickie somewhere. A dangerous man indeed.
G= Gratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o does for them?
Lincoln is very grateful for you. He knows he can be considered scary, he hears it enough from the people on the street. But his heart swells every time he returns to your shared Apartment and all of you are still there. He Doesn't know how he would patch himself up if you were there as well, you keep him clean and healthy after a long day.
H=Honesty- do they have any secret that they keep from their s/o or do they share everything
Lincoln doesn’t talk about the things he did during the war, he will talk about his time, and about the activities he did with donovan. But he leaves out the gross gorey details, he doesn't want to come off as a monster
I=Inspiration- did their s/o change something about them or is it the other way around? (it could be personal issues or just trying new day to day things)
You have reminded him that there is still a little heart within him. When he comes home, he tries to remind himself that this is you. And that you love him. And he tries to put that hardcore, Sal killing mindset away, and just tries to relax
J=jealousy- do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don't think that he is given many chances to get jealous. I think he knows that the two of you are in a relationship, and I think that he would have trust for you. If he ever does get jealous, he will bring it up and maybe ask a question. But he really just wants peace of mind not to create problems for the two of you.
K=kiss- how do they kiss? What was the first kiss like?
Well for starters Lincoln alway kisses you when he sees you, and when he's saying goodbye. These kisses are short and chaste, just enough to give a taste of you for good measure. His other kisses are always more intense, his hand squeezing your waist or thread through the hair on the back of your neck, just to hold you in place while he kisses you. Breathes in the scent of you deeply and doesn't let you go until he’s done kissing you
L=Love confession- How did it go down?
He was hurt pretty badly after a mission. It seems like all the adrenaline shots in the world couldn't help his case. He was hurting real bad, but all he could think about was coming to you, and making you the last thing he sees, before his time is up. But your home appeared closer than he thought it would, and before collapsing on your doorstep he knocked on the door. [Ever the gentleman] And After hearing your concerned gaps and the watering of your eyes and felt safe enough to sleep. And when he woke up, the first thing he saw was your form right next to him. He had to let you know how felt, before he never got the chance again
M=Marriage- do they want to get married? How do they propose? Wedding day description?
Marriage may seem like a far off dream for Lincoln. The only thing he sees set in stone for his future is Sal Marcono’s death. I think Under different circumstances, with Sammy still alive, he would be a married man for sure.
N=nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
O=Obsessed- how protective are they of their s/o? How much are they worried about them?
Lincoln is as protective as one can be. When at your home, he is alway in the same room as you. He may be doing something like reading a file, or fixing his guns but his glance always finds its way back to you. When he is out with you he is your shadow, right behind you or almost flanking you. He worries about you sometimes, when he has to leave the area of your home, he finds himself calling you, or asking Donovan to check up on you.
P=PDA- are they obvious about the relationship? Do they talk a lot about his s/o? Are they okay with affection in front of others?
Lincoln does not just go running around yelling about you. That being said his immediate crew does know about you, sometimes with you coming with him on missions you run into them. Cassandra and Vito are favorable to you, And Burke is.. well.. Burke. PDA in front of the other is rare as when you two are out together there is rarely time for that.
Q= Quirk- some random ability they have in a relationship
Lincoln is just a little touch starved, the human contact he receives is associated with pain and lies. So i think he won't ever need any space, sit next him, on his lap, look over his shoulder when he reads. Just touch him he loves it
R=Romance- how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o smile? Are their ideas rather original or creative?
Lincoln takes any chance he has to be romantic.When he isn’t trying to get things done, he likes to spend his time with you. Dates outside of your home are not a common occurrence, he just doesn’t feel like he can really keep you safe. His romance has more of a catering feel. He shadows you a lot so you find yourself not needing to grab things or reach on your own, he’s already one step ahead of you. He likes to make you laugh by being his cute butterbean self.
S=support- do they push their s/o to do better? Do they believe in them?
lincoln isn't the type of person to get to involved in his S/o’s personal life, i mean we all know he is a busy man. If he does push his S/o to do better it's because he knows it's something his S/o is passionate about. He wants the best for you and believes in you as well, he just isn't overbearing about it and may need to be reminded to express that verbally sometimes.
T=thrill- are they okay with a certain routine or do they need some spice every once in a while?
Lincoln needs routine in his life. He has spent most of it away at war where nothing is ever the same. And when he attempted to rebuild his life the first time, everything went sideways. Knowing exactly what going to happen when he comes to see you is something that make him feel stable, and it is something that he craves
Understanding- how well do they know you? Are they sensitive to your emotions?
If Lincoln has committed to being your S/o then he knows you like the back of his hand. He knows when you have good days and bad ones and is always ready to step in and lend a hand
V=Value- how important is your relationship compared to other things in their life?
This question is a little tricky for Lincoln because he has a job to do . He loves you but he also knows that this is a thing he needs to get done. And in order to do that sometimes his job may have to come before you. In the names of people on his list, you are at the top. If you are not his first thought then you are the second.
W=Wild card-Random Fluff bomb!!
Lincoln finds great pleasure in being helpful towards you any time he can get involved in something you’re doing, he wants to be the one who helped you finish.
X=XOXO- how affectionate are they? Are they a cuddle bug or do they like their space?
Because he can always see you, he tends to be very affectionate with you. In his day to day life he doesn't get much healthy skin to skin contact, so any chance he has to get some love from you he takes it. He is a cuddle bug, when you take a seat on the couch he sits next to you but much closer than he should be. When out in public his arm finds its way around your waist and shoulders on its own.
Yearning- what happenes when they miss you
When he misses you he finds anyway he can to reach out to you and tell you that he loves you. He most likely has a memento that you've given him in the past that he keeps on him for moments like this. Other than that he gets really solemn, he punches a little harder so he can have a reason for you to clean him up.
Zzz- how do you both fall asleep/nap
When sleeping you both are engulfed in each other. His arms wrapped around you pressing you to him as tight a possible. One leg thrown over his side and your arms around his neck keeping him close to your chest. ITs hot and sticky and gross but you can hear his heartbeat and the sound of his breathing and decide that it's worth it.
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leejeongz · 4 years
nsfw a-z JAEHYUK (treasure)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he forgets he even exists until you’re back to your usual, smiley, cheerful self. he becomes your slave and he is prepared to do anything for you, from cleaning you up to leaving you alone (which he never wants to do but if you want to be left alone who is he to refuse). he gets a little worried when you appear down or anxious after having sex with him the first few times but you reassure him that it’s pretty normal and that he just needs to be there for you when you need him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes his hands. he likes the way they look against your skin when he’s holding your waist and how he can get the perfect grip around your neck. his fingers are long too which makes it very easy for him to reach places 👀🤭
on you he likes your lips. he likes his own lips, sure, lips in general are really nice, yeah, but your lips are something else. feeling them against his own, how soft and gentle they are, he never wants them to leave his. the way you bite down on them when he’s giving you some amazing head too… that how he knows he’s doing something right.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he’s a cumming inside kind of guy but obviously that’s not always possible so the next best thing is a hot facial. he likes when he’s finished all over your face and then you clean it all off the tip of his dick with your mouth too.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he keeps a pair of your panties under his pillow for when he’s horny at night without you. you know about it, but no one else does.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
1 sexual partner. i wouldn’t term him a sex god, but he has a general idea of how to make you feel good, he may need a little direction to go off of the first few times.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
as much as he loves seeing your pretty face, hitting it from the back is his favourite position. he has total control of the situation when you’re on all fours without it seeming overpowering or oppressive. you can also get the deepest strokes from him while in this position. sometimes he gets a little shy about his facial expressions but this way he doesn’t have to be.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
you’re both still young and sex is supposed to be fun and so he makes light out of every situation to make it seem less intense. he likes tickling you and making you giggle, he likes just talking about random things even though it’s not the time or place, just to make you both feel more comfortable.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he will keep it nice and trimmed for the most part but obviously sometimes sex can happen at unpredictable times. in those instances, it’s usually grown out, but he’s not ashamed or insecure about it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
romance is the only thing on his mind. this guy loves whispering things into your ear, or just telling you how good you’re doing, because he wants you to feel loved and appreciated for all that you’re doing. something romantic that he does that ALWAYS catches you off guard is caressing your cheek with the back of his hand/fingers and then gently pinching your chin with his thumb and index finger to make you look at him and kiss him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
it actually takes him a while to cum when he’s on his own, and he usually asks for your help before going anywhere else. i see him as someone who likes to feel himself when he’s doing it, like he’ll use oil and drip it all over his naked body while sitting on his gaming chair.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
sensory deprivation (giving and receiving)- it’s rare that you two don’t have vanilla sex, but blindfolds are something that you incorporate into almost every scene. he loves putting them onto you or wearing them to show a trusting relationship between the two of you. although some intimacy may feel lost because you can’t look into each other’s eyes, it means that every little action feels electric, and that is wayyy better for you two in the moment. you know each other's likes and dislikes and use those to THEIR advantage for sure.
breeding- okay i already said he likes cumming inside so there’s that. but it’s also because he’s so possessive. and he wants to hear you beg for his hot cum inside you too. or for you to ride him and not stop until he releases inside you.
praise (giving and receiving)- as i mentioned above he loves to tell you how good you’re making him feel, how well you’re taking him, how pretty you look. he wants you to feel good in the moment because he feels that way too. he also loves when you tell him how good he’s making you feel.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
so it has to be private first of all, i don’t see him getting freaky anywhere that you two can get caught. i’m guessing his ultimate favourite place is just in bed, but he’s not opposed to some action in the kitchen on the counter when he knows no one will hear or interrupt, or even on the sofa when he doesn’t think you two can make it to the bedroom.
he’s also keen to try out a little something special, maybe in the bath. where you two start having an innocent yet romantic bath, that slowly turns into something more. but he spends too long trying to figure out how it would work and decides it is too much hassle than it’s worth.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
as boring as this sounds… the thing that turns him on the most is kissing you. he pulls away from intense kisses with the biggest, hopeful smile on his face. your lips really have that effect on him.
he likes when you dirty talk and when you attempt to take the lead from the get go. the phrase that gets him the most turned on is “i want you in my mouth”. your enthusiasm is SUCH A HUGE TURN ON.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
no hook ups, casual sex or one night stands. he has to be in a relationship with you and you guys have probably been dating for a while before anything happens anyway.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers to receive but is extremely good at eating you out. he’s not shy and will go straight for it after using his fingers just to get you a little wet to begin with. he likes to smile while he’s down there, he knows that you know when he’s doing that and that you like it so of course he’s going to.
when it comes to receiving he enjoys enough to make him want to repay you almost immediately. he doesn’t really know what to do with his hands, whether they should be on your head or his, but he can’t control them anyway because he’s so into your sucking his dick.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
more on the fast and rough end of the scale. he can’t bear being slow, that’s just teasing himself really. but usually after he’s cum, he does a few extremely slow strokes, just to make sure his cum is in and that it’s all in there.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan. at all. doesn’t want to get caught, doesn’t want one person to feel left out of the pleasure bc that’s usually what happens, doesn’t want to rush anything. if he’s feeling horny at an inconvenient time of the day, or if you are, you usually just agree to wait.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
not really. he’s almost always vanilla, with a slight teeny tiny bit of light bdsm thrown in (d/s, handcuffs, blindfolds (occasionally)) and so he doesn’t really like venturing out of his comfort zone. if you share the same wants as him, that’s perfect. if you wanna be a little more adventurous, it’s going to take a lot of convincing and he has to trust you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
2 rounds maximum. most of the time only 1 because he’s tired and just wants cuddles after releasing a load lol. can go for 2 but it’s very rare and would take a lot of you turning him on to get him to do it twice.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
no toys when he’s around. he does not like the idea of being replaced by a toy, anything that a toy can do, he can do too, that’s his thoughts on the matter. he doesn’t want to use them on himself either, isn’t even willing to try because he’s told himself that he won’t like it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he slowly reveals to you that he’s a big ol tease. and you’re not getting away with anything just because you want to, he might have let you before, but not now. he likes to be teased too, but just so you know, you’re getting punished for doing it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
okay this boy is LOUD. at first, he tries to be real quiet, then once a small whisper espcapes he’s just like fuck it and it slowly starts building up to a very… audible session.
he’s definitely one to talk during sex, not even just dirty talk, he will literally talk about anything lmao. but he always announces before he finishes, he repeats “i’m cumming” or “i’m going to cum” multiple times before actually doing so. you actually start finding it kind of cute and endearing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
did i mention he’s a big fan of kissing lol. he embraces any and all types of kisses and it’s very gentle and delicate. sometimes (when you’re really taking him there) they become super hungry and he somehow manages to back you into the nearest thing, whether that’s the wall or the bed etc. that’s the first real sign that he’s horny.
honestly, i don’t think he’s that shy about talking about your sex lives with anyone. like he’ll offer advice and share his experiences with anyone willing to listen if you say he can, just because he empathises with those who might be nervous or on edge to try something.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s blessed what can i say? he’s longer than average and thicker than average AND knows how to use it (eventually). every inch of him is perfect and “down there” is no different. of course he’s vvv proud of his dick size and doesn’t hesitate to bring it up, but he actually kind of feels sorry for you having to take it all.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
when you first get into a relationship, although it’s quite high, he can control it so much so that it appears to you that it’s low. but soon you learn that he wants pussy every other day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if you let him, he’d be asleep straight away lmao, but only if he could have his arms around you of course. but if you wanna stay up for a bit, he’s down. he hates morning sex because he’s too tired to go a whole day afterwards loool.
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ABC the mandalorian?
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A/N: I ended up doing the whole Alphabet, so, here we go!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He can’t keep his hands off you.  He just wants to keep you beside him, just feeling your skin against his.  He’ll only part with you if you ask.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For you, he loves your eyes.  He loves watching the tiny nueances of your expression, the way the corners crinkle when your happy or the way they roll back in pleasure as he makes love to you.  He can cum just by watching you.
For himself, he likes his hands.  He knows their big and can’t help but watch them as he runs them across your skin.  You seem to appreciate them to, which only add to his own pride.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Din is a mess when he comes.  He has basically no experience, so controlling where he cums can be a bit of a trick.  That all being said, his basic instinct is to cum inside you. Once your bodies are connected, he doesn’t want to leave, not for anything.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He jerked himself all to the thought of you, a lot when you first joined his crew.  He didn’t know what it was. Just having your around, brushing by him in such close quarters drove him crazy.  He eventually got a hold of himself, but that didn’t stop him from feeling incredibly guilt and embarrassed afterwards.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’m saying it right now: DIN DJARIN IS A VIRGIN!
I am tired of seeing all these “spank me Daddy” Din headcanons all over the place.  The man has repeatedly said, he hasn’t taken off his helmet in front of anyone since he was a child, and considering how devout he is, my guess is that means the rest of his armor stays on too.  He hasn’t so much as received a peck on the cheek.  The first time you hold his bare hand, he nearly faints.
The man has no experience before doing it with you, and you bet your ass it’s only after he’s decided to take off his helmet around you.  No blindfolds or doing it in the dark.  All or nothing baby!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He want to be able to look at you when he fucks you.  He wants to watch your face, and feel his body over yours, keeping you close and safe against him.  The only close second is to have you ride him.  He watches you in awe, taking your lead on how best to touch you as you rock against him. He just wants to see the pleasure take over your face when you cum.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It takes a while for him to lighten up in bed. At first he takes it very seriously, studying your body like he would a new weapon; finding the best ways to use it and himself to bring you both pleasure.  You’re the one who gets him out of his head, and shows him that sex could be for fun as well as intimacy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it pretty trim, more of his own comfort than anything, but not much in terms of man-scaping.  So long as it doesn’t bother you, it’s not really something he thinks about.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Din is the epitome of romance and intimacy during sex.  Every time you’re together, it’s like he’s trying to absorb you into his skin.  All the things he can’t put into words, he shows you in how he touches you.  It can be really intense, but he holds onto you, keeping your grounded as raw emotion floods your veins as surly as the pleasure.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Just because he’s a virgin, does not met he’s completely clueless.  He doesn’t do it often.  He frankly he has better ways of relieving stress, but there are times it’s the only cure.  Weirdly after you together, he does it more often.  Not to a ridiculous extent, but more like he has a solid image of someone to think about, and the specific stress of being away from that person can get to him sometimes.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He doesn’t have many.  I do think he leans more towards service top.  He’s not interested in controlling you.  But, he does want to know he’s the one giving you pleasure.  Honestly, just saying his name can be enough to get him to cum.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Razor Crest, hands down, preferably in his own bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
In a fun way? Honestly any time he watches you be really sweet with Grogu. Just seeing you hold him and try to make him laugh hit something deep inside him. After you put the kid to bed, he just wants to feel all of you at once and thinks what it would be like to give you a baby of your own.
In a not so fun way? Any close call you have.  The moment your out of danger, Din wants to just strip you down and fuck you senseless, just a reminder that you’re both still alive and that he can still take care of you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that would hurt you, or him for that matter.  Din Djarin is not your BDSM, “your daughter calls me Daddy too”, whatever Tumblr seems to be obsessed with. The idea of hurting you, even for pleasure just does not compute for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
If you go down on him, the man will not last. He’s actually embarrassed the first few times.  All it takes is a few minutes of you swirling your tongue around his tip before he’s cumming down your throat. You’re a goddess with your mouth as far as he’s concerned.
He also loves going down on you.  It does take him time to get a proper technique, but eventually he gets it.  There has been more than one occasion he’s ripped of his helmet and dove between your legs, not bothering with the rest of his armor. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It varies.  Sometimes he wants to take his time and others it’s just about getting you off as fast as he can just so he can do it all over again.  But, no matter how fast you go, the emotion and intensity remain the same.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not really his thing.  It’s actually really hard to fuck you with his armor on and so would rather wait until he can take it all off.  That being said, it’s hard for him to say no to you going down on him for a quick one in the cock-pit.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s really cautious when it comes to sex.  He hasn’t had a lot of experience, and frankly nobody really talked to him about it.  He’s still exploring his sexuality with you, so the key is to be patient.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
So good.  He cums quickly the first few times you have sex, but his recovery time is amazing and once he gets better control of his body, he can keep you occupied for hours, making you cum until you just can’t take it anymore.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Not really.  For him sex really is about being with you.  You might introduce some stuff later, but it’s a lot further down the line.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s really really bad at it.  Like he cannot tease to save his life.  He might nip at the inside of your thigh before finally touching your clit, but that’s the extent. He just wants to make you cum.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very.  He’s not much of a talker, and that’s no different in bed.  Lots of soft grunt and curses mixed with moans and the occasional pet name.  Otherwise, he’s main just listening to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Demisexual Din? Demisexual Din.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Slightly larger than average, but he doesn’t know it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not especially high before he meets you.  But once you’re together it does go up.  It’s nothing he can’t handle, but he doesn’t get noticeably more grumpy if he hasn’t been around you in a while and once he does see you again, you guys can go for hours.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He takes him a bit to come down after you’re done.  Honestly, he won’t let himself fall asleep until he knows you’re comfortable already dozing off in his arms.
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