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mrpenguinpants · 7 months ago
Omg you're back again hello 👀 how have you been????
Big mood on the "man I wish this author would finish their fic" LOL I've been rereading my own wiring recently and going wtf. Where's the rest of it?
For a limited time only babyyy
But I've been good. Extremely busy but it's okay, the pto is worth it. That's what I keep telling myself at least :) but how are you??? Is anything interesting happening? New developments perhaps 👀
The funny thing is that I've actually been talking with a few mutuals, and they've all told me that they recently went back to re-read their drafts. Maybe it's something in the air or we're all feeling a bit nostalgic? Or because everyone is on break since it's summer.
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daggeck · 1 year ago
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@cattycattitude in my sleep filled morning confusion I didn't screenshot it in tumblr but I did find the same ad on youtube
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Btw tho anyone else keep getting the ad on their dash of the fornicating triceratops
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rosenongrata · 1 year ago
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LOL thanks!!! i could be one maybe 🤔🤔🤔. except i fail at exterior design-
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 3 years ago
I'm just imagining going on a first date with Damien and he would just be the most perfect gentleman like holding the doors for you and pulling back your chair, etc.
The only hiccup would be that I always go out with a spare sweater in case it gets cold so Damien wouldn't be able to offer me his coat lmao
Damien, seeing you shiver and already reaching to take off his jacket: are you cold?
Y/N, oblivious: that's why I came prepared! :D
Damien: oh ;-;
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ceciliablossoms · 4 years ago
Ooh congrats on 500!!!! For the event may I have dacquoise for Kaeya, Childe, and Zhongli? Thank you!!!!
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Aaaaa Thank you guys sm!!! ❤
I'm gonna merge all of these together because there's a lot of crossing over
Requested by: @cattycattitude
Dacquoise: "May I have this dance?"
Spontaneous dates were nothing new with Tartaglia. He would finish all of his duties for the day, come to find them, and then whisk them away for the evening.
The dates would usually consist of dinner, a walk, maybe some star gazing. There never really was a set plan unless he had time to do so, however often those dates occurred.
He had once more finished early, hunting them down immediately after he had been relieved. He grinned, scooping them off their feet. They let out a cry of surprise, as he took if toward the nearest restaurant with them in his arms. The meal was delicious.
As the night progressed, he looked for more and more things to do so that they could spend more time with one another. The two were on a walk now, lingering around the outskirts of the harbour.
He had set them down but still held their hand as the walked together. They made small chatter with him as they walked. When he let out a chuckle and stopped walking, they turned to spare him a glance.
He had a confident smile and held out his hand, voice smooth as honey "May I have this dance, sweetheart?"
Their face turned red, but nonetheless they grasped his hand. He pulled them close, leading them through the dance, twirling and dipping them, kissing their face with each movement.
"My, aren't you the charmer." They smiled, holding his gaze as he went in for another kiss
"For you? Of course." He chuckled, pulling them gently to his chest.
"Only for me?" They grinned, kissing the hollow of bis throat
"Only for you." He placed his chin atop their head feeling a comfort he only felt around them.
It was evening when he returned home, his shift at the funeral parlour coming to an end. The sun was nowhere to be seen by the time he exited the parlour. The walk home was quiet.
When he entered the abode he shared with his partner he closed his eyes, revelling in the sound of their voice filling their home. The song visibly relaxed him and he stood still in the doorway after he had silently closed the door behind him.
The tune they carried was one rather peaceful and he couldn't help but follow their voice into the kitchen. They were finishing up portioning the meal they made for dinner, knowing that he'd be home any minute. He thought the smell was almost as pleasant as their voice.
He placed his hands gently on their hips, alerting them to his presence, "Good evening, dearest."
They smiled, "How long have you been home?"
"I've only just arrived." He placed a kiss to their temple as they continued to hum. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around their waist and swayed back and forth as they finished what they were doing.
They set the bowls of food down on the dining table. Now that their hands were empty, he gently grasped them and spun them around.
"Might I have this dance, my dear?"
They smiled with a nod as he led them in a slow dance. Their humming returned back to the singing they had been doing at the counter. He held them close to his chest, occasionally leaning down to place a kiss on the crown of their head.
They laughed quietly when they finished their song, "We mustn't do this too long. The food will get cold."
He kissed the back of their hand, "Let us eat then."
The Angel's Share was relatively empty tonight, but the two still took a seat upstairs, far away from everyone else so there would be no interruption. This was a nightly ritual. They would arrive after the tavern in the evening, order their cocktails, then retreat upstairs where they wouldn't be bothered.
Throughout the night the two would make small banter, talking about anything from how the day had gone to sharing intel to random gossip like middle-aged women. As their conversation went on, they'd sip their drinks and fall into a comfortable silence for a bit. Tonight, however, the familiar green-clad bard was performing.
The music sounded through the tavern, melodic and euphonious. His voice carried clear and it was obvious he was singing a ballad about lovers. Kaeya peered down at him over the railing only for Venti to meet his gaze with a smugness he was all too familiar with.
Kaeya chuckled knowing the bard's tricks and leaned back in his chair momentarily so he could finish off his drink. If the bard wanted wingman then so be it. He swirled the liquid in the glass before downing the last of it and setting it down on the table empty.
Standing from his chair, he offered them his hand, his usual smirk adorning his face, "May I have this dance?"
They grinned, taking his hand. He helped them up from their seated position and place one of his hands on their waist. With a wink, he took the lead.
They lied their head against his shoulder after a while making him chuckle. His voice took on a teasing tone, "Tired already?"
He felt them shake their head, "I love dancing with you. It makes me feel safe"
"Well, what kind of knight would I be if I didn't protect you, hm {Prince/ess}?"
They let out a laugh, "A pretty damned bad one."
"Then it's a good thing that I do my job, wouldn't you say?" As he dipped them the music ceased and silently they shared a kiss
They sat in his lap, watching work with utmost interest. His hands moved swiftly between vials and his various notes. It was almost difficult to keep up.
He'd been at it for hours now, not slowing down even a little. It was amazing really. His work ethic was unreal. However, the hours he spent working went without a single break.
They stood from one of the comfy couches in the cornee of his lab, slowly making their way over to him. Unsure if their idea would work, the hesitated at first. Finally, they spoke up.
"Albedo?" Their voice was quiet and held a hopeful lilt. He hummed acknowledgement, not looking up from his work. They continued, "Will you dance with me?"
He let out an amused chuckle at their words. Finding a stopping place, he turned to face them. He leaned forward in a slight bow, holding out his hand.
"May I have this dance?"
They smiled and took his hand gently. He twirled them and they let out a small laugh. Despite the lack of music they still basked in the moment.
He led them in a slow waltz, fully aware of the motive behind their actions. The nonexistent music didn't seem to bother him either. He rather seemed to be enjoying himself.
They kissed his cheek, smile still present, "Thank you for this."
"It's no trouble at all." He was flattered that they cared enough to do this.
The break was welcomed even though it wasn't rest. Spending time with them recharged his battery in its own rite, and the break they gave the gears in head would surely help him when he would get back to work later. Secretly, he wondered if they would ask this of him again.
Tartaglia Tag List: @cherryyyaereaa @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Zhongli Tag List: @fictionalcharactersthatsit @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Kaeya Tag List: @reina-dragoness-aka-rei @fictionalcharactersthatsit @kurokuroshit @cherryyyaereaa @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @dai-tsukki-desu
Albedo Tag List: @fictionalcharactersthatsit @cherryyyaereaa @bunniology @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Tag List Application
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years ago
Zhongli's E can hit all of the dummies as well 👀 I accidentally cleared the quest bc I wanted to see if the skill could even reach all of them but then they all fell apart and I was like 😶 oh
O: like do you have to dwindle them down? Or one hit takes them out o:
I must say I wanna try these all out now lmao just to see which one is most effective-
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halcyon-writings · 4 years ago
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ohh i’m glad to hear I could cheer you up a little!! Good luck on your exams hon!! 💖 @cattycattitude
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rosenongrata · 2 years ago
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hjfgdhjgdfkdfg tysm ;w; ❤❤❤❤❤
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ask-teyvatboys · 3 years ago
Ajax, my love, my light, my one and only…
Please stop climbing through my window every time you wanna see me you literally have the keys to my house >:(
But where’s the fun in that!? Plus it’s quicker than the door, so I get to see you way faster!
That and you always make the most amusing faces when I do!
Don’t take my fun away girlie 🥺
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years ago
every time I see your art, my body screams "THAT'S MY FRIEND BITCH!" But I love how Childe is flat on the floor and I love it. But aw...
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I'm so happy it's giving you art ideas tho. I feel like all my inspo comes from literally everything but the source material.
When you hold the brain cells in the relationship:
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@mrpenguinpants I feel like our Chaeya discussions have given me more art ideas than all of the time I’ve spent playing Genshin lmao
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orobaxi · 4 years ago
@ the anon struggling with the electro cube - cryo is super effective against electro and also switch out your characters to cast their elemental skills when the cube is trying to revive bc most skill cooldowns are too long to take out all three (I recommend using Kaeya's ult) also when the cube does the laser thing run toward the core bc it will be unprotected! Hope these tips help and good luck with the ascension quest uwu!!
^^ !!!
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years ago
I'm Struggling ™ I finally hit pity on the standard banner bc of the update and I pulled,, a sword ;-; ((and it's not even the good one :/ mihoyo y u do dis))
Oh gosh I’m sorry 😭😭
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its-a-beautful-day · 2 years ago
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Here's a special boy swimming on your dash, the Gar Lic!!
Shout out to @cattycattitude for the amazing meme. Now I wonder if the shrimp that fried rice is their friend?
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mrpenguinpants-alter-ego · 4 years ago
You're about to either see me become Einstein or an actual rock
ill tag some people as well: @mrpenguinpants @bling-blingie @rat-father @whatwasmyprevioususername @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @straight-to-the-pain @cupcakes-and-pain @brutal-nemesis @lavmars @livingforthewhump
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paimon-rambles · 4 years ago
Injured protecting them in battle
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Characters; Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli
Warnings: Blood lost, mentions of murder
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Kaeya's in distress when he hears his partner cry out in pain as they block an elemental attack that was aimed to hit the Calvary Captain instead.
He finishes off the opponent he was attacking to quickly rush over to exam his Partners injuries.
He'll attempt to find a way to best evacuate the battle without causing further harm. Kaeya will take his s/o to a healer and promise he'd be back once he finish the battle.
If the injury happens to major however then he'll stay with you as the healers work to patch you up
His behavior onwards really depends if your injuries were minor or major
If it was a minor injury then Kaeya will still act the charming and dramatic person he is. Although he is more caring and attentive.
If it was a major injury instead, his charming self drops instantly. He silently blames himself for the ordeal considering that the hit was meant for him and not you
During your recovery, he's very careful and takes over most of your commissions and other duties. He becomes a lot more affectionate towards you in hopes it help ease your pain.
After your recovery Kaeya is against the idea of sending you on missions where you can get injured again.
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He's so pissed off by the situation, it causes him to lose focus. It's most likely he even kills the person responsible.
Childe would block your injured body from incoming attacks. At some point he'll use his Delusion to end the battle quickly. He doesn't care if his body falls into fatigue or injury himself.
His main priority is take his partner to a safe area where he can take care of the wounds on there body
With a minor injury Childe would patch his s/o himself, commenting how they shouldn't have done what they did. How it's his job to protect them.
Perhaps even a bit of teasing thrown in as well to lighten the mood.
But if the injury turned out to be major he would try to patch there injuries but concludes that a healer would be a better option
He doesn't leave your side until he receives confirmation that his partner will recover with time.
During the recovery period he spends most of his time getting stronger and getting into battles. Fighting is his way to relieve the stress weighted on his shoulders.
Whenever he's with you, he makes endless promises how he'll become stronger and protect you. Promising that you'll never feel an injury again, etc.
He might even start yelling if you try to tell him your fine or something similar.
Poor boy wants to protect you :(
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Remains the calmest the bunch. He has trust that his healers would help his s/o make a swift and comfortable recovery
But he is displeased that you risked your life to protect his considering he's a god and can't be killed easily compared to you(unless your an archon as well).
He visits you daily to keep you company while you recover. Asking for updates from the healers and making changes to his agenda.
Zhongli also clears up a lot of his schedule to spend more time taking care of you
Whenever he can't visit you, you'll wake up to see a cup of tea accompanied by your favorite flower or a Liyue plant.
If the injury was major, he remains the calm attitude but you can notice the worry clouding his eyes.
He becomes incredibly sweet and affectionate towards you it makes your teeth rot. ZhongLi is very gentle and gives you massages if you like one to take your mind of the pain. While he whispers sweet nothing in your ear.
He becomes increasingly protective of his partner from that day on. He keeps a closer eye on you whenever a fight breaks out. He quickly reacts whenever something can possibly harm you.
Zhongli pls marry me
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years ago
Kaveh hangout is finally here 👀 how you feelin lol it ur mans
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Holy shit I haven't touched tumblr in 3 months. To be honest, I thought it was longer but I'm alive and fully graduated.
But I will risk it all for this pathetic pretty boy so I will speedrun the event (maybe, idk, I'm getting old). Except this stupid bitch needs me to go collect mourning flowers and I can't access half of them because they're under the fucking ground.
But I have tried to avoid any spoilers for the hangout so I can go in blind. All I know is that he gets drunk and I think Tighnari calls him like...a mushroom? Tighnari calls him something.
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