I've been waiting a long time to see you again...
3K posts
Retired as of Feb 7, 2025
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 22 days ago
Hey, Guys
So, this post probably won't come as a surprise, given my accidental year-long hiatus due to health and personal issues. It's been a hell of a ride, but IWFD is officially retiring.
When Mod L and I started running blogs like this a few years ago, we had no idea it was going to blow up as much as it did. L built this blog from the ground up; it was their baby for as long as they were a part of the mod team. It was theirs first, with me joining later as things started to pick up. Soon, we had companion blogs, some run by us and some by other people, but we were a community.
However, when L decided to step back and eventually leave the blogs, it came down to just me running multiple blogs. It became a chore more than a hobby, and stressed me out more often than not. I tried to archive the less-active ones to lighten the load, but unfortunately, life takes its toll.
As I get older, I find I no longer have the time and energy to run blogs like this anymore; I can't be as active as I would need to be to keep the blog running, and honestly, as a full-time teacher with a family, I want to prioritize my work and home lives. I've debated over the last several months whether or not to offer ownership to one of the people that's been helping to keep our associated server running in my absence, but I can't bring myself to do it. IWFD feels so intrinsically tied to L and myself, even with them gone, so I'd feel more comfortable archiving it.
Any asks remaining in the inbox, unfortunately, will be deleted. I just don't have the time or spoons to go through them. I do apologize for that. I am so incredibly grateful for your patience and support over the last few years, and I'm sorry to bring it to a close.
Thank you all for everything. Mod A out.
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
Everyone else chewing up Dark's aquarium gravel and writing supplies. Meanwhile I'm in the fridge with an entire stick of butter
That one doesn't even faze me, I grew up in the South around a lot of people who did that 😅
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
I think Damien is a switch imo. Like can he take me against a wall? Yes. Can he take my strap and call me mommy? Yes
Switch!Damien rights
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
a friend of mine and I were talking about villains we like and at one point he was like "imagine if Mark, dressed as Dark, would do the same thing as Tom Hiddleston with his Loki appearance at comic con" and I can imagine that man's life flash before his eyes (but he's not a masochist) 💀
Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't done something like that!
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
*hacks up a shiny pebble for mod A with big wide eyes* -🍏🐱
Thanks, mate, I'll put it on my desk 🖤
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
like yeah obv we'd all smash the thicc mayor and that's all fine and good but imagine him mastering what is essentially Tai chi with more steps. like rly getting into his element (pun intended). I want to see the boy do the wavey hand water magic ok
Honestly that would make some killer fanart too
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
rewatching the last Airbender idk if you're into that but. Damien is def a waterbender.
I'm not super into it but a lot of my friends are, and. Yeah I can see it!
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
Damien's intelligence and Celine's manipulation does not equal a smart void demon.
Dark is a thembo.
I mean- yeah,
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
omg i forgor abt this place- Im here to join the chaos
I want my skull crushed by Dark's tiddies :3
-🕹️🔌Retro Anon (revibed edition)
What a fucking comeback /lh
(also same)
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
The very first time I saw Dark's ending in Heist, I noticed that he said, "Same snake, different skin. Always spinning his yarns, his webs, his lies" and I immediately thought, "Dark, honey, you're thinking of a spider. Snakes don't spin webs."
Listen, Damien's the one with a degree, not Dark-
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
I can't stop thinking about showing Dark tiktok. He doesn't understand it at first, but eventually he makes his own account and starts to make his own tiktoks. I MUST know what kind of stuff he posts on there. I'm dying to know.
- Spooky 🎃
I like to think you get one slightly confused thirst trap like, every six months, and it's a trend that's already long since come and gone.
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
So, I’m a bit new to this blog and stuff, and have an amazing thing for ya
So, you’ve heard of vampire dark this, werewolf dark that, now get ready for: werebat dark (great cuddling partner for the winter, a nightmare for the summer)
(Also not sure if 🎨🦊 is taken yet, but was hoping if i could claim it..? If its already taken then ♣️🎨 is fine)
Important question: Is he a human sized bat, or does he become Tiny?
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
I've been reading some University!Damien x DA fics and the thought occurred to me: did Damien always slick his hair back? Or did he only start that when he began his career? If so, what did his hair look like in university? I know there's an edited picture circulating of Damien with his hair "down" so I imagine that's about what it would look like, but it seems longer in WKM (if the party scene where he's leaning over you patting your face with his hair hanging down is anything to go off of). Of course, it might've been shorter in university, especially depending on how much time has passed between university and WKM, but it's just something I've been thinking about for a while.
Not a request or anything, just wanted to share this brainworm.
I think, personally, he didn't start slicking his hair back until he started doing politics. No university student I know has the energy to slick their hair back every day /lh
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
💙🌹... i see i have a counterpart now lol /j
But vampire Damien is 🤌
Being able to control what the person being fed from feels is a wonderful idea. To add onto that, he in my mind would probably have control of some aphrodisiac or toxin that allows the person to block out the pain and or feel intense pleasure, administered via his fangs.
I can only imagine all of the fun scenarios that can lead to~
Maybe it could lead to a hypnotizing affect, letting yourself become such a cute little play thing for Damien to have fun with, to just be at his whim for whatever pleasures he wants to give to you
Vampire Damien? That's a concept.
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
Darkerplier,,, wearing black gloves,,, big hand,,, big hand in strong gloves,,,, big hand choke me,,, - 🥣👾
You. You get it.
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
I am stealing Dark's ties and wearing them but I am also chewing the thin ends.
W h y /lh
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iwouldfuckdarkiplier · 2 years ago
Dark can certainly muzzle me, A. I would give him hell while he tries to put it on but once it's on, I'm a good little boy. I promise. Jk. I'm still finding ways to chew his pen caps. -Spooky 🎃
I expect nothing less.
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