#i think we see her in one of her best lights - funny quite witty intelligent and standing her ground
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months ago
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November 12th, 1942 - 2100 Camp Toccoa, Georgia, United States War Correspondent Esther Armstrong
I felt different in November 1942. It wasn't like it had been years since arriving at Camp Toccoa or that I had gone though this entirely monumental moment that changed my entire perspective for the rest of my life, but there was an evident change. We all knew training at Camp Toccoa was evidently coming to an end and it seemed that flipped a switch inside my mind. That I could actually do this. There was plenty of doubt that became shadowed by blood, grit and sweat, but once November hit, when there was order and routine and a whole lot of Captain Sobel, I came to the conclusion that I would get past this red clay pit in the Appalachia of Georgia and earn my jump wings. The physicality is a major part of the training of the airborne, but having the tact mentally to convince yourself as well, was a whole other level that had yet to be anticipated until now it seemed. - Esther Armstrong, in her book, Stroke of Luck
[read the newest update here!]
my last taglist for this was pretty old haha....so if you would like to be on a taglist in the future let me know! (if not all good!)
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riversofmars · 4 years ago
Love Is Begun By Time
So this is sort of my contribution to Pride Month... two wlw couples breaking out of the Tower of London to steal a jewel from Queen Elizabeth I. River/13 and Liv/Helen! 
endless River/13 banter and healthy relationship
Liv being a gay mess 
River flirting with EVERYONE 
Helen being cute, clueless and working through the prejudice of the time she grew up in 
aliens in Elizabethan London 
BAMF River Song 
Shakespeare quotes
Eight being a clueless himbo
Anyway! Happy Pride!
Love Is Begun By Time
“Any bright ideas?“ Helen Sinclair shifted her weight, trying to get comfortable but no matter how she tried, she didn’t seem to be able to. The heavy iron chains that kept her fixed to the wall left her with little wiggle room.
“Nothing springs to mind…“ Liv Chenka looked around the dirty dungeon cell. The stone wall behind her was cold and hard against her back, the ground was wet and grimy; the straw did little in the way of cushioning. The metal of the chains had started digging into her wrists and were rubbing her skin red and raw. She’d just about had it with being locked up. “This is usually when the Doctor turns up to save the day…“ She groaned, annoyed at the situation they found themselves in. Liv had always been partial to trips to her ancestral home-world but since getting locked up in the Tower of London pending execution, she had quickly fallen out of love with Elizabethan England.
They had lost track of how long they had been imprisoned for as there was very little natural light. All Liv knew for sure was that she was getting hungry. As she considered the hopelessness of their situation, she glanced to Helen in the twilight. She was huffing and puffing, trying to get comfortable and Liv smiled a little, despite it all. She was glad that she wasn’t alone. If she was to choose someone to be locked up with, it would be Helen Sinclair. Liv’s thoughts on how lovely her best friend looked in period dress were interrupted when she heard distant voices.
“Can you hear that?“ The med-tech looked up and listened out. The walls of the dungeon were thick but she was sure someone was heading their way.
“Voices?“ Helen listened up as well. “Maybe someone is coming to get us, maybe it’s the Doctor! Hello?!“ She called out but there was no response. There were, however, voices in the corridor and they were getting close enough to make out.
“You just had to do that, didn’t you, you just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself!“ The first voice was female, distinctly Northern and obviously deeply annoyed.
“Well, how is one to keep one’s hands at one’s sides when one is pressed to one’s wife in a broom closet.“ The other voice - also female and oddly familiar - seemed to be taking the whole thing far less seriously.
“That voice…“ Helen had noticed it too and they exchanged confused glances. It was incredibly familiar but neither of them could quite place it, not yet anyway.
“We were hiding!“ The Northern woman snapped, still getting closer, and the response came promptly:
“You needn’t have squeaked like that!“
“You could have given me some heads up before jumping right in.“
“What can I say, sometimes foreplay seems like wasted effort.“ The exchange was quick, witty and effortless. Whoever they were, they knew each other very well and knew how to press each other’s buttons.
Liv raised her eyebrows at the statement, trying not to chuckle. She spotted the expression on Helen’s face, noticing a faint blush at the impropriety the words insinuated, and in Elizabethan times no less!  
“We’ve been married for thousands of years, you still need warning?“ The familiar voice teased.
“Well, this body is different…“ The heavy wooden door opened and a blonde woman came into view. Her hair fell in a short bob, her clothes were a colourful ensemble that did not match the local trends of fashion and her bright eyes were firmly fixed on the woman beside her who smirked:
“Yes, I have noticed.“
Liv and Helen gasped in surprise as they recognised none other than Professor River Song, time travelling archeologist and wife to their best friend! She was lead into the cell alongside the blonde and appeared to be teasing her with great enthusiasm.
“Shut up, the two of you!“ The guard that was accompanying them snapped. He had clearly heard enough of their bickering along the way. “Get in there.“ He gave them both a shove.
“Alright, alright, no need to be like that.“ The blonde rolled her eyes.
“Now, really that’s no way to treat a lady.“ River feigned outrage. She straightened out the era appropriate dress she was wearing - much like Liv and Helen themselves. She looks fantastic in a corset. The unbidden thought struck Liv like a punch in the gut. She forced her eyes away and focused on the other woman instead. Her long coat, rainbow t-shirt and odd three-quarter length trousers were certainly not of the time; the only logical deduction was that she was a time traveller, too. Perhaps they had just found their way out of their awkward situation.  
“You will hang in the morning for attempting to steal the Queen’s jewel.“ The guard snapped, glaring at the two women who seemed remarkably unfazed at the prospect of their impending execution.
“Not to mention the indecent behaviour, right?“ River called after him but he didn’t respond, he just threw the door shut.
“River?“ Helen spoke up first and the two new arrivals looked around, surprised. They had been too caught up in their conversation to notice the two women chained to the wall.
“Liv? Helen?“ It was the blonde that spoke first and they looked at her in surprise. How does she know our names? Liv wondered. Had they, perhaps, come to save them? Or maybe she was someone from their future? Maybe they just hadn’t met yet. She didn’t have an opportunity to continue the thought process as River demanded their attention:
“Hello girls!“ A wide grin spread across the professor’s face. “Fancy seeing you here!“ She turned to the woman at her side: “Don’t tell me you’ve done this before.“
“I don’t remember it.“ The other woman shook her head slowly. “But of course, must be because of the time lines crossing.“ She exclaimed, as if the penny dropped. “Come here you two!“ She skipped over and threw herself at them for tight hugs that they couldn’t evade in their tied up state.
“Do we… know you?“ Liv frowned pulling away as much as she could manage. It wasn’t that she disliked a hug from a pretty girl, she just usually preferred introductions first.
“Oh right, the body, uh…“ The blonde straightened herself up, confused for a moment, she looked to River for help who started laughing.
“This is the Doctor.“ River gestured to the blonde who gave a sheepish grin.
“No…“ Helen’s eyes widened in shock.
“Really?“ Liv was just as dumbfounded.
“What can I say, regeneration is a lottery.“ The Doctor grinned and took a little twirl that was so very much like the Doctor they knew.
“And you hit the jackpot this time around.“ River smirked as she regarded her wife’s backside while the Doctor faced her friends again.
“I’ll say…“ Liv found herself saying before she could think better of it.
“So you two are still…“ Helen looked to River, seemingly confused.
“Thirteenth honeymoon, if you will.“ River grinned.
“Right…“ The language scholar managed a smile that wasn’t quite comfortable and it made Liv’s heart sink. Of course. Helen, despite all the wonderful adventures they had been on and all the extraordinary things they had seen, was still a woman of her time, Liv realised. Born 1933. It wasn’t usually noticeable. She took scientific advancement and alien life in her stride but every now and then, a little bit of her upbringing, the time she was raised in, shone through.
Liv rarely thought about their different backgrounds, in most things they were so very much alike; but still occasionally, the awareness of it painfully push itself to the forefront of Liv’s mind. Usually when she considered how the light reflected in Helen’s bright, intelligent eyes or how much she missed her when she wasn’t right there by her side. The awareness remained like a wall, in insurmountable obstacle, that Liv never dared approach. It was what always kept her hand firmly by her side, rather than slipping into the one well within reach.
“Thirteenth?“ Liv forced herself out of her painful thoughts and instead marvelled at how different that Doctor was to the one they were travelling with. She had seen them change before and learned how one person could wear different faces, but that was quite a change indeed.
“Long time into my future - your future - however you want to look at it.“ The Doctor seemed to appreciate that it was a lot to take in.
“I’m going to need some time to process this…“ Helen laughed lightly, seemingly over the initial shock.
“Maybe you could get us out of these chains in the meantime?“ Liv suggested as her right hand was falling asleep and her wrists stung.
“Well, Ms. Chenka, in my experience there is a lot of fun to be had with restraints.“ River gave her a wink and Liv rolled her eyes. Did River Song have any other modi operandi apart from witty seductress and deadly assassin?
“Very funny.“ The med-tech huffed, hoping the little bit of pink that snuck onto her cheeks didn’t show in the dark of the cell. She wasn’t even necessarily attracted to River, but there probably wasn’t a person alive in this universe - no matter their race, gender or sexual orientation - that was immune to River Song’s charm. She hoped Helen hadn’t noticed.
“Yes chains, right, then we find a way out of here. Not really in the mood for a hanging.“ The Doctor ignored the little exchanged, clearly not phased by her wife’s flirting, and pulled her sonic screwdriver from her coat.
“Oh you know, some executions can be quite entertaining or even enjoyable affairs, there is this little planet just off the Orion belt where…“ River started but for once, the Doctor dared to interrupt her.
“I don’t think they care right now, River.“ She crouched down and sonic-ed the restraints until they fell away. “There you go.“ She smiled satisfied as Liv and Helen shook off the rest of the chains.
“Much better, thanks.“ Helen smiled, rubbing her aching joints.
“So what did you two do to get banged up in here? Were you having a bit too much fun in the broom closet as well?“ River smirked as they clambered to their feet and brushed off the dirt.
“Sorry?“ Helen looked over to her, visibly confused.
“River.“ The Doctor gave her wife’s arm a little slap.
“What?“ River looked back to the Doctor, confused, apparently wondering what she had done wrong. She then looked back to Liv and Helen, sizing them up. Liv averted her eyes while Helen just looked utterly confused. “You don’t mean to tell me, after all this time, you still haven’t…“
“I think that’s quite enough of that, River, dear.“ The Doctor grabbed River’s hand and pulled her along to the door. “Let’s see if we can’t get us all out of here before past me turns up and this gets really complicated, hm?“
“Now there is a fun idea, you had such luscious hair back then too…“ River reminisced, brushing her hand through her blonde bob while the Doctor attempted to sonic the door.
“Wood, damn it.“ The Doctor groaned in annoyance.
“You would have thought after all this time, it would do wood.“ River sighed theatrically.
“Wise arse…“ The Doctor huffed as she crouched down to examine the lock more closely.
“So what were you up to, my favourite girls?“ River turned back to the other two women who were watching their interactions with fascination. They knew River was the Doctor’s wife, she had told them as much, but she had also told them that their Doctor couldn’t know about it yet. Therefore, they had never actually seen them interact as lovers might. Looking at River with that version of the Doctor, they could picture it. The Doctor really hadn’t changed all that much.
“We were searching for an artefact…“ Helen started and looked to Liv to help her out.
“Alien technology that has been given to Queen Elizabeth as a gift and it’s been influencing her, she’s been commissioning these towers that the Doctor reckons the aliens will use to create a… oh God knows what, the Doctor will have to explain.“ Liv shrugged. They had been detained rather early on in their attempt to sneak into the palace, so they had very little to go on.
“Yes, that’s what we’ve been looking for, too.“ The Doctor exclaimed excitedly.
“We were having a lovely honeymoon, actually.“ River interjected. “The theatre, you know. Shakespeare? Live? You just had to check this out.“
“Well, I didn’t remember that it was all in hand already, did I.“ The Doctor retorted.
“So do you know where the artefact is?“ Liv asked, hoping there would be an easy solution to the whole mess.
“We would have had it by now if someone could have held their nerve.“ River pursed her lips.
“You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.“ The Doctor glared at her wife.
“Can you honestly blame me?“ River smirked giving a little shrug.
“I can’t… blame you, I mean.“ Liv found herself saying, looking the Doctor up and down.
“Thank you very much.“ River gave the med-tech a winning smile and proceeded to stick her tongue out at her wife who just rolled her eyes.
“Liv?“ Helen raised her eyebrows questioningly at her friend who was still in a world of her own when the Doctor bent over again and continued to examine the lock.
“Hm? What?“ Liv blinked, looking back to Helen who seemed rather incredulous.
“That’s the Doctor!“ She pointed out, her voice somewhere between amusement and concern.
“Yeah but… not really… I mean…“ Liv began to stutter. “Past him, good God no, but… I mean…“
“Right…“ Helen’s eyes widened in surprise and Liv silently scolded herself.
That went very badly for so many reasons, Liv realised. She didn’t mean to look like she was checking out their best friend, just because they had changed bodies. She didn’t mean to make Helen uncomfortable by flaunting interest in a pretty girl. And most importantly, she didn’t want Helen thinking she was interested in the Doctor or anyone else for that matter. Anyone else except for Helen herself, of course; but that she couldn’t say.
River, apparently, could tell that Liv was getting very uncomfortable, so she decided to move things along.
“Anyway, where were we.. trying to break out? Step aside dear.“ She gently pushed her wife aside so she could have a look at the lock herself. She pulled something that looked an awful lot like a swiss army knife from somewhere within her dress.
“You okay, Helen?“ The Doctor noticed that Helen had gone rather quiet and contemplative.
“Yeah fine, I…“ The language scholar managed a smile.
“There we are.“ River announced triumphantly and gave the door a gentle nudge, swinging it open.
“You really are good, aren’t you.“ Liv chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.  
“I’m not sure good is the right word.“ Helen laughed a little as well.
“Better not be.“ River smirked and hid the knife somewhere around the edges of her cleavage. “Come along, girls.“ She stuck her head out the door to make sure the coast was clear. The corridor was indeed empty and confidently, River and the Doctor lead the way. Liv and Helen followed slightly more cautiously.
“So… the Doctor…“ Helen said after walking in silence for a few minutes.
“What?“ Liv looked around to her, confused.
“You said you couldn’t blame River…“ Helen observed, mulling over what she had said.
“Helen…“ Liv felt her throat close up. Of course she had got the wrong end of the stick, but how to explain without making the situation worse?
“No, I mean, I uh…“ Helen seemingly was struggling to find the right words as well, so Liv hastily tried to justify herself:
“I didn’t mean I wanted to… I mean, she’s the Doctor. Plus, she’s with the Professor, so…“ She gave a dismissive wave of her hand. She hadn’t meant it like that at all.
“But if she wasn’t, you’d…“ Helen looked ahead to where the Doctor and River were standing to either side of a door and glancing into the next corridor; a perfect team, so in tune with each other.
“Why are we talking about this?“ Liv asked gently. She so badly wanted to reach for her arm or her shoulder, create some physical contact, but she didn’t.
“No, I mean… I just didn’t realise you had these feelings…“ Helen huffed, her tone incredibly difficult to pick apart.
“I don’t! Not for the Doctor.“ Liv grabbed Helen’s arm and stopped her. She couldn’t leave her in that belief.
“But you said…“ Helen didn’t look at her, she adverted her eyes, looking up ahead to make sure they didn’t lose track of River and the Doctor.
“She’s pretty, that’s all. That was all I was saying, nothing else. I don’t want to and never would and… this is the Doctor we’re talking about!“ Liv insisted firmly, she would have shouted for emphasis if they weren’t currently on the run, breaking out of prison. Her tone must have been a lot sharper than she realised, as Helen stared at her shocked. Quickly, Liv let go of her arm. “Besides, it’s not just about that, is it.“ She mumbled, somewhat apologetical about her outburst. “To be… interested… in someone like that, there has to be an awful lot there. Like trust. Mutual interests. Shared values. Time… spending time with that person, getting to know them, making memories together and experiences and…“ She broke off. “I just mean, a pretty face isn’t everything.“ She shrugged and started walking again, partly because she reasoned that they should keep up with the others, partly because she wanted to put an end to the conversation.
“But you’d… like a pretty pace? More than, say, someone like our Doctor…?“ Helen asked after a few moments of silence between them.
“You mean a man?“ Liv retorted without looking at her. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.
“Uhh… yeah… I guess that’s what I mean…“ Helen mumbled, not looking to her either.
“I really don’t care, Helen.“ Liv sighed, defeated. She actually laughed a little at how absurd the conversation was from her point of view. Humanity had moved past that a long long time ago and she couldn't believe that her beautiful, clever friend hadn’t come to the same realisation yet. “When you like someone it’s not for their gender, you like the person, wouldn’t you say?“ Liv asked, looking over to her at last.
“I’d never… really thought about it, I guess…“ Helen replied, her voice soft.
“That’s just your time, the way you were raised, it’s… you can’t help it…“ Liv shook her head, she couldn’t even blame her. She was born in a different world and it would take time to unlearn what society had drummed into her for most of her life. Far flung adventures in impossible worlds just weren’t enough. It would take time, like all things. Love is begun by time… Liv thought, Shakespeare making an unbidden appearance in her troubled mind. Love is begun by time and time qualifies the spark and fire of it. She wondered if that spark would ever be allowed to turn to a blaze. A steady, hungry fire had been burning inside her for so long already; and perhaps Helen would douse it in cold water at last.
“Seems so silly now, looking back…“ Helen spoke to herself more than anything else but took Liv by surprise nonetheless. “After everything I’ve seen, the places we’ve been too, the futures we’ve experienced…“ She shook her head to herself. “I guess I still haven’t quite caught up with everything yet…“
“It does seem silly…“ Liv didn’t know what else to say but she felt a sense of relief at Helen’s thought process on the matter. Her friend was intelligent, inquisitive and considerate. She reflected on things and didn’t just take them for granted. She questioned and prodded, more than able to make up her own mind. Maybe she just had never had reason to reevaluate her feelings on the matter and Liv felt a sting for knowing she herself hadn’t been reason enough to do just that. But then, perhaps, she had never dared to give her a proper reason to, either.  
“Shush, you two, or we will be back in the tower in a minute…“ River pressed her finger’s to Liv’s lips as they came to an abrupt halt and she nearly bumped into her.
“Guards?“ Helen whispered as Liv was too dumbfounded to utter anything with River Song’s slender finger pressed to her lips.
“I’m going to create a distraction, you guys go ahead and I’ll meet you by the exit.“ The Doctor spoke quietly. She glanced around the corner. There were four guards heading their way. “Where did I say I went? Where was I when you were detained?“ She turned back to her former companions.
“You were taken to the Queen, apparently she had been looking for you everywhere.“ Liv answered slowly, recalling the series of events that had brought them there.
“Ahh, yes… Lizzie…“ The Doctor couldn’t help a little smirk.
“Virgin Queen no longer, naughty naughty, good job I’m not the jealous type.“ River wagged her finger at her wife who gave an innocent shrug and sheepish grin. “She’s not the jealous type, either, just for the record.“ River gave Helen a wink who had no idea what to do with that. River Song’s constant flirting and innuendo was a lot to handle. She flushed a little, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by Liv who felt a wave of jealousy knocking her slightly. She had no right to be jealous, did she? River just had that effect on people.
“So what would the Queen want with the Doctor?“ Liv tired to focus her mind on something else.
“I may have married her… previous me… future me, from your point of view…“ The Doctor waved it off as unimportant.
“Seriously?“ Helen exclaimed and all of them shushed her.
“Anyway, that will keep the Queen preoccupied, won’t it. Plenty of time for us to steal into the palace and get the artefact.“ The Doctor whispered with some urgency. The guards would be getting close. “Let’s get out of here, my TARDIS is parked just at either side of the Houses of Parliament.“ There were nods all round. “So about that distraction…“ She turned back, reached for her sonic and realised that River had suddenly disappeared. Then there were muffled cries, groans, sounds of something knocking into the wall, and the thud of bodies hitting the floor.
“Let’s get going, dear, we haven’t got all day.“ River called to them, signalling that the coast was clear.
“Why do our honeymoons always end like this?“ The Doctor huffed as they stepped out onto the corridor where River had struck down four fully grown men without so much as ruffling a hair on her impressive head of curls.
“Because you really like it when I strut my stuff, Sweetie.“ River winked at her wife who did seem a little tighter wound than a moment before. “You know I can have you on your back even quicker than that.“
“Promises, promises.“ The Doctor mumbled but the pink on her cheeks betrayed her feelings on the matter.
“Does the flirting ever stop?“ Liv felt a little hot under the collar as well. There certainly was something incredibly attractive about a woman that could handle herself like that.
“Not as long as it makes her blush like that.“ River smirked proud of the effect she had on her wife.
“Is this what you two are usually like?“ Helen asked. She seemed intrigued to know how River would have been with their Doctor, given half a chance.
“Your Doctor didn’t know who I was yet and couldn’t know, so you can’t really compare it. Doesn’t mean I love him any less.“ River answered, seemingly knowing full well where she was going with it.
“Maybe a little bit less?“ The Doctor interjected and River shook her head, laughing:
“I love all my spouses equally.“ She slipped her hand into the Doctor’s before she could start sulking. “Now come along, we haven’t got all day!“
“Wow…“ Was all Helen and Liv could manage as they stepped into the Doctor’s TARDIS.
“You redecorated.“ Helen observed and the Doctor grinned:
“You like it?“ She asked as she marched up to the console and set coordinates. “Just a quick hop…“ She pushed down a lever. “And we’re in the gardens of Richmond Palace.“
“You seem to have gotten better at flying her.“ Liv commented as they stepped outside and were exactly where she had intended for them to go.
“Don’t let appearances fool you, Ms. Chenka.“ River hummed in amusement.
“Right, where are we going?“ Helen asked before the Doctor could launch into a defence of her flying.
“I’m keeping the Queen busy so we just need to evade the guards and find the artefact, destroy it, and be on our way, easy, no?“ The Doctor put her hands on her hips, looking around for confirmation.
“If we knew where the artefact was and what it looked like.“ Liv sighed. They had gotten as far as that last time, with their Doctor.
“Way ahead of you.“ River smiled and pulled a scanner from somewhere in her dress. What else does she keep in there, Liv wondered. “Looks like it’s in the private vault… at least that’t not the private chambers.“ River mused, holding out the scanner for everyone to see. There was a red dot pulsating not too far away from them.
“Now, that would be awkward…“ The Doctor admitted.
“You guys better stay here.“ River turned to Liv and Helen
“What? You’re leaving us behind?“ Helen protested, incredulous.
“I’d leave her behind too but she gets offended.“ River nodded towards her wife.
“River!“ The Doctor huffed.
“Oh, alright then, all come along, just don’t moan if we end up back in the tower again cause you got us caught.“ River sighed, giving in.
River was quick to find a window on the ground floor that was easily opened with the help of her sonic trowel - another item she just happened to have on her person - and they climbed inside. The corridor was empty and there were no alarm systems to consider in Elizabethan times.
“This way…“ River indicated, following her scanner.
They snuck through corridors and glamorous rooms, each sitting room more luscious than the next, until finally, they came to a room full of display cases.
“There it is.“ The Doctor whispered and pointed to the far end of the room. A large jewel sat upon a red cushion, guards stood either side of it.
“Allow me…“ River was about to make a dash for it when suddenly a large tentacle shot out of the darkness and knocked all of them over, like bowling pins. Despite the racket, the guards in the room up ahead didn’t even blink, they seemed to be under the influence of the jewel.
“Bloody hell…“ Liv groaned, dazed for a moment after hitting her head.
“Are you okay, you knocked your head pretty badly…“ Helen seemed to have fared better, she was quick to lean over her and brush her hair back. Liv’s struggle to think clearly was not due to head injury but rather the way Helen pulled her up and held her close.
“I thought I was the med-tech around here…“ She managed a half-hearted joke but got lost in Helen’s bright eyes. The concern she found there made her heart beat a little faster.
“You’re not from around here…“ A deep voice hummed demanding their attention. A creature the size of a small van stepped from the shadows. Stepped was probably the wrong word for it. It slid, as it resembled a slug. A slug that had been crossed with an octopus, as long tentacles hung at its sides. It accessed the group with beady, black eyes while they clambered to their feet.
“And neither are you.“ The Doctor squared her jaw, holding her sonic out like a weapon. Protectively, she stepped in front of her friends. “You do realise this is a level five planet, don’t you?“
“This planet is not important.“ The creature declared with a guttural sound that resembled a laugh.
“Oh, I beg to differ and you have made a very big mistake by choosing it.“ The Doctor retorted firmly.
“The one that’s made a mistake is you, by coming here. This world will soon be ours.“ The alien seemed unimpressed by her declaration and slid forward. Behind it, guards appeared and advanced towards them as well. The Doctor and River exchanged glances, as did Helen and Liv, weighing their options.
“No, it won’t. Not once we’ve destroyed the jewel you’re using to exert control over these people.“ The Doctor stated but retreated a little as the guards came closer. Their eyes were blank, they looked into nothingness but moved ahead regardless.
“Their minds are weak.“ The alien laughed again.
“And you’re ugly but I wasn’t gonna mention it.“ The Doctor snapped. “Now, you have a choice. You either leave this planet and spare yourself the humiliation of us kicking you out, or we make you.“ She did her best to sound threatening.
“You and what army?“ The creature tilted its barely distinguishable head.
“I don’t need an army, I’m the Doctor.“ The Doctor declared and she halted her retreat. Time to stand tall and firm.
“You’re the Doctor?“ The alien echoed.
“Heard of me then? Good! That should give you reason to run.“ The Doctor grinned.
“Doctor who?“ The alien asked and the Doctor’s face fell with annoyance.
“Well, that’s a bit disappointing, never mind, but that means you probably won’t know my lovely wife either. Professor River Song, top-notch archeologist, great hair and one hell of a marksman… woman… Anyway, I digress, point is, she’s a great shot, and while you've been listening to me singing her praises, she’d taken aim at your jewel and any second now, she’ll…“
A shot rang out and the sound of splintering glass was ear piercingly sharp.
“NO!“ The alien wailed as the guards collapsed where they were marching. Gone was their puppet master’s influence and it left them spent and unconscious.
“Never give her the opportunity to talk.“ River pointed her gun at the alien. Another thing she just happened to have pulled out of her dress. Or was it from under it? Liv found herself swallowing hard at the thought of River having strapped a gun holster to her thigh… Either way, she had shot the jewel at a great distance, through two windows and an open door. And it had only taken her one attempt.
“You will pay for this!“ The creature screeched and lashed out with its tentacles that suddenly grew sharp thorns.
“Oh no, you don’t!“ The Doctor sonic-ed a chandelier above its head that came crashing down while River delivered three quick shorts, two at tentacles, the third right in the head. It was, however, Liv that reacted the quickest.
“Helen!“ She pulled her friend around, out of the way of the one tentacle that made it past River. She knocked her to the ground just in time and River quickly shoot the tentacle for good measure, even after the creature lay motionless.
“Let’s get out of here before actual guards arrive, come on!“ The Doctor didn’t give them time to recover, she pulled her friends up and pushed them alone the corridor as voices approached.
“You saved me.“ Helen seemed thoroughly out of breath when they finally reached the safety of the shore of the Themes. She looked to Liv would was just as exhausted and leaned against the balustrade to catch her breath.
“Well, couldn’t just let it get you, could I, not after all that time the Doctor and I have spent on getting you back…“ Liv huffed, trying to downplay how terrifying the thought of losing Helen really was. She had been in that situation, not knowing whether she was dead or alive, if she would ever see her again, and she couldn’t risk losing her again.
“Right… he probably wouldn’t have been best pleased if he’d have to find an antidote to some weird disease or God knows what that thing would have done…“ Helen mumbled.
“Exactly…“ Liv brushed her hair back awkwardly.
“You know, you two are really painful to watch!“ River interrupted, her voice full of frustration.
“What?“ The two of them looked up simultaneously to find River scowling at them, placing her hands on her hips, seemingly about to give a lecture.
“Right, I’m not telling you what to do but come on!“ The professor exclaimed exasperated. “Liv! Just take the plunge, okay?“
Liv blushed deeply. Was she that easy to read? To River Song, apparently so.
“I think I’ve had enough of London for the time being.“ The Doctor interrupted, deliberately intervening to give her friends an out should they need it. They didn’t look ready to have that conversation. “We can catch Shakespeare another time. Tropical beach next?“ She looked to River who rolled her eyes at her interruption.
“Wait, what about the Doctor, our Doctor?“ Helen suddenly realised.
“He’ll get himself out of that situation.“ The Doctor waved off her concern. “Might just take a little while. Maybe don’t wait up…“ She winked.
“So you do remember it! You said you didn’t!“ River exclaimed somewhere between affronted and amused.
“Only vaguely, time lines and all…“ The Doctor tried to play it off but her wife wasn’t having it:
“You just didn’t want to tell me what the sex was like!“ River retorted.
“I thought you weren’t jealous!“ The Doctor laughed.
“I’m not jealous, I’m curious! The virgin queen, I mean, there’s a story there, isn’t there!“ River insisted with a mischievous grin. “Besides… I’m taking you home tonight and that’s what counts.“ She grabbed hold of her chin and placed a firm kiss on her slightly parted lips. The Doctor chuckled and kissed her back. Nothing quite like a kiss from her wife at the end of an adventure, so it seemed. Liv couldn’t deny she quite enjoyed seeing them kiss, though there was a twinge of jealously as well. It wasn’t directed at either one of them but at the station in itself. She looked to Helen, more longingly than she probably should have, but the language scholar didn’t noticed as she just cleared her throat:
“Are you just going to leave us now?“ She asked as River and the Doctor pulled apart and looked back to them, somewhat sheepishly, almost as if they had already forgotten they were there.
“We’ll see you guys around, places to go, people to see, marriages to consummate.“ River smirked with a little wave of her free hand, the other pulling her wife close to her side. She regarded each of them with an affectionate smile. “Hope to see you again soon.“
“Until next time, my dear friends. I miss going on adventures with you…“ The Doctor smiled as well, fondly, in a reminiscent sort of way. “Be good to yourselves.“
“And you, Doctor.“ Liv mirrored her warm expression. “Till next time, Professor.“
“Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon.“ Helen smiled. “Have fun.“
“You too!“ River grinned and pulled something from her corset. Because why wouldn’t she. “Here, in case the Doctor is a while yet.“ She threw something towards them and Liv caught it rather clumsily.
“What’s that?“ Helen asked and Liv opened her hand to reveal a key.
“Key’s to the honeymoon suite we were staying in. That lovely pub right across from the Globe, maybe you can go and catch a show and crash there. Won’t be needing it now.“ River grinned and turned to leave.
“Liv?“ The Doctor demanded her friend’s attention one last time, making River wait a moment longer.
“Yes?“ The med-tech looked up from the key.
“I think you’ve both waited long enough. Perspectives do change.“ The Doctor smiled encouragingly, waving a final goodbye. Then she took her wife’s hand and they made their way along the shore of the river, taking the long way around back to the TARDIS.
“What did she mean by that?“ Helen asked curiously once they were out of earshot. She turned towards her and seemed to assume that she knew exactly what the Doctor meant.
“What she means is… I need to stop being such a coward.“ Liv mumbled, taking a deep breath. How to even start? The pressure was unbearable as she considered what she stood to lose if she was wrong, but the thought of what she could gain was ever so tempting. Particularly when Helen reached out, took her hands into hers, gave them a firm, reassuring squeeze.
“You’re one of the bravest people I know!“ She insisted, full of determination and Liv could tell that she meant it.
“Not always, not when it comes to this…“ Liv sighed, averting her eyes.
“To what?“ Helen retorted, puzzled. She wasn’t making any sense to her and Liv couldn’t blame her. She couldn’t get coherent words out. “Liv, you’re scaring me, what’s going on?“ Helen raised her hand and pushed it under Liv’s chin, forcing her to meet her eyes.
Liv decided that she couldn't delay any longer. She had to do it. Maybe it was obvious to everyone but Helen who just didn’t expect it, didn’t know how to read the signs or what to do with them. Maybe it was a stupid idea but the Doctor and River seemed to think it wasn’t. Maybe they had foreknowledge they did not. They were from the future after all. Liv decided to trust them, to take the leap of faith and she leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to her best friend’s lips.
It was like a still moment. One of those special spots in space and time that the Doctor might speak of, where everything was fixed, everything was just the way it was supposed to be and always would be. A still point in time. Liv pulled back slowly and searched Helen’s eyes, full of surprise and confusion.
“I like you, Helen. More than I think you realise or know what to do with.“ Liv whispered, unsure how to put an attraction, an affection, an adoration and admiration into words that wouldn’t scare her away and bare the heavy burden a declaration of love.
“Oh…“ Helen’s voice was soft.
“It’s uh…“ Liv started to panic when she didn’t say anything beyond that. No response. Not one way or another, just Oh. “I’m sorry.“ Heat rushed to her cheeks and she quickly let go of Helen’s hands. She took a fearful step back. She realised she had messed up. “That was stupid… forget I even, I mean… I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, if you’re just not… that’s fine, you’re my friend, I don’t want to jeopardise that and…“ She started rambling excuses. She wished she could go back to before, her friendship with Helen meant everything to her. If that was all it was ever going to be, she could content herself with that, she could make her peace with it, but she couldn’t lose her.
“Liv…“ Helen held up her hands trying to calm her. “Liv, stop!“ She took a step towards her and grabbed her wildly gesticulating hands again. “Please listen…“ Liv stopped, Helen’s hands in hers pulling her back to the present, demanding her full attention. She remained quiet for a moment and just looked at Helen who ran her thumbs over the back of her hands, holding them tightly as if she was worried she would run off.
“Yes?“ Liv asked slowly, her heart hammering in her chest.
“You’re quite wonderful, you know?“ Helen smiled softly.
“I uh…“ Liv didn’t know how to respond, it was like her brain had stroked out, which, being a med-tech and all, she knew it hadn’t but that was what it felt like. Helen’s words just didn’t sink in, not until she let go of one hand to be able to place it on her cheek instead.
“You can kiss me again, if, you know… that’s something you want to do…“ She said softly, blushing a little and Liv could tell she meant it. Maybe it would take some getting used to, those feelings, and allowing herself to feel them but Liv was determined to help her along. Help her to accept them for the precious thing that they were and allow herself the freedom to find a kind of happiness that she previously hadn’t considered for herself.
“Oh I really want to…“ Liv’s inhibitions fell away in one liberating blast. She took Helen’s face in her hands and kissed her. Properly. With all the love and longing she had carried in her heart for so long and Helen didn’t pull away, she wasn’t scared or overwhelmed, she just leaned into it, kissed her back and held her close.
“You’re right, you know…“ Helen whispered as she rested her forehead against Liv’s.
“About what?“ Liv asked softly, running her fingers through Helen’s soft blonde hair like she had longed to ever since meeting her.
“With what you said in the Tower about time… and love…“ Helen closed her eyes. “Love is begun by time…“
“Shakespeare.“ Liv chuckled at the irony of them both thinking of the same quote. For all they knew, Hamlet might be having it’s world premiere at the Globe right now.
“We’ve been through so much together. Experienced so much. Spend so much time together. Precious time. Time doesn't just bring love… it’s also inhabited by it…“ Helen broke off, embarrassed and Liv wouldn’t push her for more. She had already gotten so much more than she had dared hope for. They had so much more time yet to come.
“You do have a way with words, Helen Sinclair…“ Liv whispered, not trusting her voice not to break were she to speak up.
“Well, that’s sort of my job…“ Helen chuckled and Liv laughed, shaking her head to herself. She didn’t have a way with words herself, so she just leaned in and kissed her again, confident she could get her point across another way.
“Liv? Helen? What are you…“ A voice called from down the road, footsteps hurrying closer. “Oh… Uh…“ The Doctor halted, confused for a moment.
“Doctor! We thought you were still… preoccupied…“ Liv let go of Helen who blushed like a teenager caught by their parents while making out with their crush.
“Yes, the artefact, I…“ The Doctor started but Liv interrupted him:  
“We’ve dealt with it.“
“You have?“ His face fell, almost disappointed and the two of them nodded. “Without me?“ There was a long pause as they nodded again. “Well, that’s just marvellous, isn’t it. How did you do it?“ He exclaimed after brief consideration. Helen and Liv exchanged amused glances, knowing full well he usually preferred to be the one to safe the day but they were quite capable in their own right.
“That’s a bit of a complicated story.“ Liv chuckled, wondering how to best explain without mentioning his future wife or the fact he would eventually turn into a very pretty blonde.
“I like a good story, let’s get back to the TARDIS then, if I can work out where I parked it…“ He looked around slightly disoriented. “I’ll put the kettle on and you can tell me all about it.“
“Maybe another time…“ Liv said, closing her hand around Helen’s as they started walking in search of the TARDIS.
“What?“ The Doctor looked over his shoulder, confused, watching the two of them following after him. He frowned and they could virtually see the clocks ticking in his brain. He was trying to work out what was different and why they would possibly be turning down a marvellous cup of tea.
“The recounting of the story… maybe that can wait a little while.“ Liv explained.
“Why?“ He seemed genuinely put out and they almost felt sorry for him.
“It’s just, Liv and I, we have some other stuff we want to talk about…“ Helen came to her aid, giving her hand a squeeze and Liv felt her heart soar. She had expected Helen to be more reluctant to hold her hand, particular in a public place in the distant past where it certainly was even less permissible than she had experienced. She could only hope that it didn’t feel as strange as she might have feared but the it felt extremely right.
“Right…“ The Doctor huffed, trying his best not to let his disappointment show. “Guess it’s just tea for one then… and you’re sure you don’t want me to tell you how I escaped the chambers of Queen Elizabeth?“ He looked back to find them shaking their heads.
“Not right now, no.“ Liv gave him an apologetic smile.
“Do you think he knows what’s going on?“ Helen whispered to Liv who just shrugged:
“Seems clueless as ever… Maybe he needs a few regenerations to think it over. Another five or so…“ Helen laughed a little and the Doctor started rambling again, up ahead of them, as the TARDIS come into view:
“Mind you, I have got this new novel, that’s gonna keep me busy while you do whatever it is you need to do. Came highly recommended. Detective novel, private eye in old town New York, Melody Malone, that sounds like a woman after my own heart.“
“Certainly sounds like it.“ Helen grinned and Liv laughed:
“Sounds like she would have a bag of tricks up her sleeve… or dress!“
33 notes · View notes
with-love-anu · 5 years ago
Flirting Disasters
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Summary: You fell in love with Sirius Black while working together with him at the order while he dismisses every move you make on him Warnings: Second hand-embarrassment, drinking problems, passing out, break-down. Word Count: 3,789
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You fiddled with your purse thinking about your first order meeting. Granted, you were an expert at decoding messages coming from your immense study of Runes; but you could very well handle yourself in a fight too.
Dumbledore already told you about your job. Decode the messages and try to find out the course of action of the death eaters. He had told you that you’ll be working with Sirius Black the owner and head of the Black household, also the order’s headquarters. You’d been told a lot about him too. Being wrongly accused and sent to Azkaban by his own best friend, his narrow escape and having to stay back at the headquarters for his own good. That did not prepare you in any way when you actually met him.
He was gorgeous. High well-defined cheekbones, long raven hair that licked his sharp jaw line. He was exactly your type, if there was one. You knew then, you were in trouble. You knew, your ever flirtatious nature would kick you in the back because you just could not not flirt with him. Not when he look like a Greek god.
“Hello, I’m (Y/n) (Y/l/n) and we would be working and living together apparently. So, hey there roomie!” you said putting your best face on.
“Sirius.” He said giving you a tight lipped smile and shaking your hand. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from saying something. He wasn’t the chirpiest of people, you decided.
It had been 2 days since you both worked together. You heard him speak only when required.
“So this here means north, and that little symbol over there; cabin.” You said pointing towards the latest letter. “But I don’t think that’s a place or-“
“That’s a pub” Sirius said interrupting you. “There’s a famous pub on the out skirts of London named- “Donec in septemtrionis” which translates to the northern cabin.”
“Wow, you’re smart too! Aren’t you the complete package?” You smirked, eying him.
Sirius looked at you and for a moment you were sure he was going to quip back with something teasingly witty; but he just averted his gaze, leaning over the letter.
“We need to report this to the order.”
It took a while before Sirius said more than a few words to you, and not about the job. He would light up talking about his years at Hogwarts and told you stories you were only too happy to listen. You told him about your research and the years you spent in Egypt learning languages and studying symbols and encrypted text. You told him about dealing with cursed objects and the friends you made there as Sirius held on to everything you said. You still flirted with him, making him act to be all annoyed.
“You look cute today.” You said as Sirius came in freshly shaven. Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“You’ll look cuter holding my hand” you winked making Sirius groan.
You and Sirius were looking at James and Lily’s wedding pictures.
“James was so scared that day! He looked like he would puke before we threatened him to get himself together.” Sirius said grinning.
“You know,” You said making Sirius turn towards you. “I’m gonna be your bomb ass wife someday.” Sirius scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Oh you’re so in love with me.” You said giggling.
It was an order meeting. The two of you set up the long table, chairs and fixed some water and drinks on the cabinet. Dumbledore stood up.
“I’m sad to inform you all that Dominic Sanders is found missing.” Your eyes widened. No, not him.
“What?!?” you demanded.
“The aurors are on him, he had been to a confidential mission and we are not getting any messages from him. We already released two search parties but nothing yet has been traced.” Dumbledore emphasized. You bit back tears that were threatening to spill.
Sirius noticed the change in your demeanor. You had always been a chirpy and outspoken person,  and now to think of it he didn’t know how he would have handled himself without you. Over the top of it, you were extremely intelligent. You knew what you talked about. He would be lying to himself if he said that he never had the urge to flirt back. And you were beautiful. But he was done fooling around. He had to take care of Harry and work for the order, fight against the dark lord who dared to strike again. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be your friend atleast. So when he saw your face fall at the news, remaining quiet during the whole meeting he could only guess how sad you must be.
After the meeting, you slowly helped Sirius cleaning and clearing the area out.
“(Y/n), are you okay?” Sirius asked softly.
“Yes. Fine.” You said hoping Sirius would leave you alone like he did every time. Sirius frowned.
“You don’t think I would believe that shit, would you?” Sirius scolded.
“Sirius, please leave me alone.”
“No, you have to talk to me.”
“It’s not like you care.” You said as head thumped. The news had crushed you. You knew you were moments away from a complete breakdown. Sirius sucked in a breath.
“I do care. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” he said and you finally let tears fall.
“Dominic was always like a big brother to me. He took me in when I was at my worst and is the only person I call family, I jus-“ You started breathing deeply, falling to the ground with a thud.
Sirius was near you in a second, rubbing your back. You buried your face in his neck, crying as he held you. As you slowly calmed down, you sniffed pulling away.
“Thank you.” You said.
“(Y/n), this is war. I know you are strong, but things like this happen and make you lose your faith. Please don’t. Its dark now but light always triumphs.”
“I know. I see it. I see it in you every single day.” You said looking at him. “Professor McGonagall often told me about you, you know. The young boy always upto some mischief. While others may have become spiteful over time under the things like you went through; you matured. You changed yourself when time demanded it and I admire you for it. I know there’s still good in the world.”
Sirius froze. You thought what? He looked at you wiping your tears away as he felt something leap inside him. You looked at him and let out a small laugh.
“I won’t break, I promise.” You said standing up and resuming what you were doing.
Something changed after that. Sirius could feel it. He would forget what he needed to do, hum Beatles songs under his breath, smile out of the blue. Everyone could see it, Molly Weasley tried her best to hold her giggles as Sirius helped you smiling and bubbling like an idiot. He greeted everyone leaving them happier. Remus raised his eyes on seeing him.
“You look awfully happy today.” He stated.
“Really? Well, it’s a nice day!” Sirius said averting his eyes towards (Y/n) who was giggling and laughing at something Tonks said; smiling instantly.
“Ahhhhh..” Remus drawled. Sirius turned his head towards his friend.
“What?” he asked.
“(Y/n)’s pretty intelligent, huh?” Remus asked.
“Yes, she is. Can you believe that girl got straight O’s in every subject she took both in OWL’s and NEWT’s? And she is quite quick minded too. She…” Sirius stopped seeing the look on Remus’s face.
“I don’t like her.” he said pointedly.
“Funny, I never said that.” Remus said smirking. Sirius shook his head.
“Like I said I don’t” Sirius said shaking his head. Remus patted his shoulder.
“Whatever lets you sleep at night.”
Sirius frowned. He did not like (Y/n).
You smiled seeing another letter from Pietro. He was on an undercover mission and sent letters whenever he could. He was your best friend, the person you knew would be there for you no matter what. He had sent you a bouquet of wild flowers from the area knowing how much you love them. You giggled reading how much he craved a good bowl of cake and firewhiskey.
Sirius frowned on seeing you. You had got flowers? And who wrote the letter that made you smile so much?
“What have you got?” he asked making you look at him. You smiled widely.
“Letter and flowers from Pietro! Look! Aren’t these just beautiful. I love getting wild flowers and a good book to read. Makes my day!”
Sirius tried not to frown.
“Who’s Pietro?” He asked forcing a smile.
You looked at him raising your eyes and smiling mischievously.
“Awww. Look who’s jealous? Don’t worry babe, only you own my heart.” You winked at him. Sirius’s eyes widened as a crimson blush covered his cheeks and stuttered.
“Wait… What!?! NO!” he said and you giggled.
“Keep lying to yourself.” You smirked leaving the room.
You sighed. You loved Sirius. You knew that. He made your walls crumble easily. Flirting for fun was one thing, flirting with him was another. You still couldn’t believe the day you cried in front of him. You never did that, not even with Pietro. Dominic was the only people whom you let see you like that. And you fell more in love with Sirius when he called you strong, showed you he trusted you to be capable.
But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Because every time you would flirt with him, he would act to be annoyed. Sometimes you thought he was. You thought maybe, he really never loved you. He thought you as a friend, or as he said to his Remus sometimes, ‘colleague’. It hurt you, it did every single time. You would smile and pretend not to notice but it made your stomach churn.  However then you would remember what Dominic always said to you. Different people had different ways of showing their love. Some people would say it, while others would show you in every small way possible. And he did. He would make sure you took care of yourself, do all these things just to make you happy. Then why in hell did he deny it?
Sirius and you were baking a cake. Why? ‘You don’t need a reason to bake a cake.’ The cake was done beautifully as you took it out of the oven letting the chocolate smell waft through the house. You let it cool before taking the icing knife as you both started putting some cream on it. When you were done, you both admired it smirking at each other. You took the bowl with the left over icing swiping a finger through it, licking the cream. Sirius came forward to take some but you swatted his hands away. He pouted making you giggle.
“You may be the love of my life but I am not giving you the icing.” He raised his eyebrow and came forward to take some anyway and you stretched your hands away from you to increase the distance.
“(Y/n). Give me some cream come on!” he whined. You took some more eating it in front of him pointedly. He mock gasped before coming towards you making you run away from him.
“(Y/n)!!!” he said grabbing you by your waist making you topple and fall. He fell above you as you both giggled and laughed. You heard coughs on the door and you turned to see Remus and Tonks smirking. You got up red face and excusing yourself to your room.
Sirius stood up awkwardly and performed some cleaning spells to remove the mess created by the fallen icing. Tonks went after you. Sirius could feel Remus's gaze on him.
“It’s not what you think” he muttered.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me.”
“Well it is nothing. Besides I am not as young as I used to be. Moreover I am a fugitive. I have nothing to promise her or anyone else.” Sirius said shaking his head.
“I don’t think she minds, she flirts with you quite much. And by the way she looks at you, anyone could see she really likes you” Remus insisted.
“I never flirt back.” Sirius maintained.
“Yes, I do understand that; but you do so many things for her. You make sure she sleeps on time, she eats properly, made hot chocolate for her when she felt sad. Man, you never made hot chocolate for me or James; even when we demanded it. You are leading her on. You like her and you’re hurting her by keeping up the façade. I know you Sirius don’t lie to me.”
Sirius remained silent before shaking his head. You and Tonks entered the dining area just then. You all laughed and talked about everything but the war. It felt nice. It made you happy. There was one thing though. Sirius was acting weird. He did not once look at you. He did not talk to you directly. Was he so embarrassed by his friend seeing you like that?
“So, you and (Y/n), huh?” Tonks mused teasing Sirius. You blushed.
“Tonks, let me make one thing clear,” Sirius said sitting up straighter. “There is nothing between me and (Y/n). Ever was or will be.” Sirius said the last part looking at you and you froze. Your mind reeled as maintained a poker face. Tonks head whipped towards you when Sirius said it, knowing you liked him. Besides she was a good friend throughout your years at Hogwarts. She glared at him all evening. As for you, you felt like you were sinking. Your heart thumped and your stomach churned. You hated every moment you made yourself believe Sirius did like you.
When the evening ended, you went straight to your room not looking once at the man who broke your heart so terribly. As you closed the door behind you, you fell on the ground with a thump. You put your hand over your mouth as you cried out. Your whole body shook as broke down completely. All you could hear was his words being played over and over in your mind. Your mind was numb as you slowly got up and went to the bathroom to wash your face. The silence crushed you. As you lay in your bed that night, you hugged your pillows. Sirius Black did not like you. Never had. Ever will.
Sirius regretted his words as soon as he said them. He saw your face fall for a moment before you completely masked it up. He hated himself. You did not say anything to him after that, or do so much as spare a glance over to him. He did not know what to do. Maybe you’ll hear him out the next day.
He couldn’t be more wrong. You acted like a robot around him, speaking only when necessary. No jokes, no greetings. You had raised up your guards around him. It crushed him. He felt Remus's words buzz over his head over and over again. You like her. His stomach churned and his heart thumped out of his chest. What had he done?
Your head zoomed as you heard Snape tell you three about harry and other children. They were underage! How were they going to handle themselves? You rushed to your room grabbing a coat.
“Where do you think you are going” Sirius growled as he saw you, ready to leave with them.
“To the ministry.” you said grabbing some floo powder.
“No you’re not, you’re staying here.” He said raising his eyebrows.
“And who are you exactly to tell me? I’m a member of the order as well. I’m going.” You said.
The place was a mess. Sirius could see spells fired everywhere and he made sure to know where harry was at all times. He dueled with Bellatrix, remembering old times. He stumbled back when a curse hit him in the chest.
“Stupefy!” he heard (Y/n)’s voice and saw his cousin turn to her.
“My oh my, such a beautiful girl! Crucio!” Bellatrix screamed.
Sirius felt all the air leave his lungs as (Y/n) withered in agony. He shouted to release her as someone cursed Bellatrix making her stumble. (Y/n) fell to the ground, her body limb. Sirius scrambled to her not able to control the situation.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)!” He slapped her face, but to no avail. Remus came beside him. “Sirius, an emergency healer was sent to the headquarters, quick, take her there!” Sirius picked (Y/n) up apprating quickly. His heart thumped. Hold on, (Y/n). We’re almost there.
The healer was fast. He took (Y/n) from him taking her to the guest bedroom telling him to stay outside. Sirius slumped to the ground. Tears fell from his eyes as his mind reeled him with what happened moments ago.
The healer came out after what felt like hours. Sirius refused to eat anything Remus offered. Not until he saw (Y/n). Sirius was up in an instant, wanting to hear what the healer said.
“She was hit by a pretty huge curse. She’s in coma right now. We don’t know when or if she’ll wake up.”
“What do you mean ‘IF’!?!” Sirius roared.
“It’s more likely that she’ll wake up. But she’s in a coma. We can do nothing but wait.”
Sirius felt like he was going to punch the healer, but Remus held him back.
“We understand.” He said glaring at Sirius.
It had been 10 days. 10 days since (Y/n) lay lifeless on the bed. Sirius would read to her, sit by her, and fell asleep beside her in case she woke up at night. He watched her face as he tried to control herself. He would give everything up if was just to see her again. To hear her voice. What if she never…
“(Y/n). Wake up. You’ve been sleeping for so long.”
“I have been an idiot, I know but please, don’t punish me like this. Just say something. Anything. Flirt with me again. I promise I’ll flirt back. Every time. Even if it’s the only thing I do.”
“Sirius, she’s up” Sirius was at his feet in a moment. She was awake. Finally. Remus held him back. Sirius frowned.
“She doesn’t want to see you.”
“She asked not to let you in the room specifically.” Remus said sympathetically as Sirius eyes prickled with tears.
“Why?” he whispered.
“Sirius, I know you are hurt, but she is just out of coma. And the last thing she remembers is your fight with her. Come on, lets get out of here, I’ll take you for a drink”
“You go.” Sirius said not meeting his eyes. What would he do now?
Sirius sneaked into (Y/n)’s room at midnight. He had to see her. It hurt, it really did, and nothing seemed to console him. He drank, transformed into padfoot, but nothing helped the ache of his heart.
He stumbled a little as he opened the door to her room.
“Sirius? Is that you?” you asked, squinting in the dim light. A shiver ran through you as you heard a vase fall down.
“(Y/n)… shit!”
You sat up and performed a spell opening lights around you. You quickly muttered a spell swooping up the glass pieces. Sirius squinted and widened his eyes as the vase fell back into its place. You let your eyes fall on Sirius. Was he drunk?
“What do you want Sirius?” you asked.
He looked you and came forward stumbling and sat on the edge of the bed.
“You. I want you. I want to talk to you. Listen to your stories and have you listen to mine. I want to hold your hand and kiss those soft pink lips of yours. I want you to flirt with me as you used to before and I want to flirt back. Shit! I am such an idiot!” he said yanking his hair. You stopped him and he looked at you.
“I am sorry. I- I have no explanation for myself. I am a stupid worthless piece of shit who didn’t deserve you and still had you like me somehow. I want to be good, but I can’t I am just too selfishhh” he slurred.
“I just want you, even if it’s the only thing I ever get. Because you are so…” he gestured his hands at you and you felt tears in your eyes.
“You. You are the magic in my life. You make me angry and sad and happy and jealous and scared. You make me smile like an idiot over nothing. You make me sing whenever I remember you. I don’t like you (Y/n). I love you.” He said as he scooted closer to you making you sniff. He laid his head on your lap and placed your hand over his head.
“Sirius“ you croaked, but saw he had already passed out.
Sirius woke up next morning with a grunt. He looked around in haze trying to make out where he was.
“Here, take this tonic.” You said giving Sirius the blue vial.
Sirius’s eyes widened as he tried to recall what happened the previous night. His head banged and he took the vial drinking its contents in a single gulp. It took him a moment before everything became clearer. You sat down in front of him.
“(Y/n) I-“ Sirius started but you raised your hand stopping him.
“You can get shit drunk, threaten to kill my healer, punch Remus when he kept you outside, but not once tell me that you love me?” You asked. Sirius looked down, the events of the night coming back to him instantly.
“Tell me, Sirius am I that bad a friend?” You asked after sometime.
Sirius held your hands and kissed your knuckles.
“I’ve been known to be an idiot many times. It isn’t your fault.” He said making you release a breathy laugh.
“I am sorry. Please forgive me.” He pleaded.
“Did you mean it? What you said last night?” you asked not giving yourself too much hope.
“Yes.” He gulped.
“You’ll hold my hand and always flirt back?” you asked.
“You’ll hold me and kiss my soft pink lips?”
Sirius nodded fervently.
“Do it then.”
His hands were on you in a second, cupping your face and kissing you urgently, as if he’ll wake up and find it was all just a dream. As you pulled back breathless, you put your head over Sirius’s.
“Sirius Orion Black, you better keep those promises.”
“I will. I can’t lose you again”
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A/N: I worked very hard on this one. I would love some feedbacks/reblogs/coments. Thank you so much for reading!
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darkdevasofdestruction · 5 years ago
Save Me From Myself - Leone Abbacchio
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The best thing that could ever happen in my life is to become a part of the gang Passione - Or, to be more specific, a part of Buccellati’s team, filled with people with so many past issues that somehow manage to work together and support each other with everything they’ve got, despite their huge differences.
We have, from youngest to oldest, we have:
Giorno, a super cute and pure angel of a kid who is super smart and ambitious. Fugo, a super smart and caring yet hella violent kid who can’t control his temper. Narancia, ADD kiddo who behaves like a 10 year old, but is funny and has nice dance moves. Mista, hella funny guy and easy going, but can get distracted by weird things. Bruno, the mum of the group, everyone loves and looks up to him. And we have Abbacchio, who’s the oldest, acts somehow like the responsible dad of the group, yet he’s more of a very gloomy wine dad.
Of course, being a part of Bruno’s team, we already know each other’s backstories and we know how to support and protect each other when we need it, both morally and emotionally, since, after all, nobody is made of ice or stone.
But that is something that perhaps neither Abbacchio nor I chose to admit...Or maybe we already know that, but we don’t want to say it out loud, because if we do, it will make it real, and we don’t want the bad parts to be real.
When we have pair up missions, I’d usually be paired with Abbacchio, since apparently, we make quite a good team, and can’t say that I complain - He knows when to stay silent, when to make a witty or sarcastic comment, has very nice dark jokes and can be a great conversation partner, especially when it comes to music and bands.
What I realised, however, that I’m not sure everyone knows, is that Abbacchio has a dose of self-hatred so large that it would include the dose of everyone from the team...No, rather said, of all Italy.
Unfortunately, when you’re someone like me, you can easily realise when someone isn’t doing mentally and emotionally too well, and what’s worse, as an empath, you can feel it just like an arrow impaling your heart.
It’s already been about a year since Giorno joined our team and for some reason, things started taking a turn for the unexpected whenever we’d have our weekly restaurant gatherings.
It all started when Mista got himself a girlfriend, and honestly, everyone was shocked because so far, nobody actually had any kind of love life, but we were all super proud and happy for him. He has always been a fun and easy going guy, very adventurous and this charm of his unexpectedly drew interesting girls to him, and managed to get completely head over heels with one.
Three weeks later, Mista couldn’t come to the hang out because he was taking his girlfriend on a date out of the city, but we found out that Giorno, with his really cute tricks and natural innocent charm, found himself in a relationship with a flower girl, very kind and sweet. They met when she was walking her puppy and he pulled on the leash so hard that she fell, but Giorno caught her and helped her out with the puppy, and it was love at first sight.
Of course, we were all very happy for them, because obviously, Giorno deserves the best in life...
And yet, it was weird when we were so few at the table at weekend hang outs.
It didn’t take long for Bruno to fall for a beautiful singer at a jazz bar, who, he found out, always bought meals for children of the streets and bought them clothes and tried to take care of them the best she could.
And now that our Mum friend was busy with his beloved, we are told by Fugo that he also managed to find a girl who is extremely calm, patient and intelligent, just his type, and they are planning a few museum and bookshop dates, as well of some very chill hang outs in the park.
Not even a week later, it was only me, Abbacchio and Narancia at the table, but the little duck was overly enthusiastic today, and told us that he found a girl who doesn’t mind his energetic and airhead personality and wants to take HIM out on an arcade date, and he needs some dating advice so he wouldn’t screw up.
“These kids are so pure and adorable, don’t you think, Leone?” I let out an amused breath, realising that, by now, it was only I and him at the table. “Yeah...They are. they deserve it.” he nodded simply, yet he seemed to not be over with his thoughts. “You seem like you want to say something else. Do you have anything on your mind that you’d like to share?...Hold up, is that lipstick on your neck?” I ask in a gentle voice, that turned into a gasp, which made him hum as he closed his eyes and think over, trying to wipe away the lipstick from his skin. “Well, I suppose I should say it after all. I asked a girl out and we’re going on a date next weekend, so I won’t be present for our weekly hang out...Not that it would make much of a difference, considering we’re the only ones left.” hearing him say that so nonchalantly, broke my heart in very little pieces, but at the same time, I was happy for him. “Woaw, that’s great, I’m so happy for you, Abba! I hope she’s everything you wish for and that you’ll both be happy together!” I congratulated him, but he only let out an amused breath, looking away slightly. “Yeah...Thanks, I guess.” he spoke in a low voice, seemingly absent minded. “You still have something on your mind -... No, rather said, on your heart. Is it something you’d rather keep to yourself?” I ask in a softer voice, leaning a bit on the table. “I’m not sure...” he trailed on, before glancing at him, blinking but not saying anything for a while. “Well, doesn’t matter, I’m not really a talker anyway. I have to go. See you around, Kat.” he nodded at me before leaving the restaurant, leaving me alone. “Bye...” I mutter to myself, staring at the empty seat in front of me.
It was then that I was reminded just how alone I really was, even when surrounded by people that I hold dear, and in turn, hold me dear... Well, not that it really mattered now anyway, since I was truly alone now, both spiritually and physically.
I got up from my seat and started walking around the city aimlessly, not really knowing what to do. When everyone else wasn’t so busy, I’d cling on one of them, depending on the mood I had at the moment...But now?  Now I feel like nothing more than a wingless bird, or a paper plane in the wind, just trying to stay in the air.
Everywhere I looked, everyone was happy, everyone had someone that made them happy, and in turn, would make said person happy... And then I’d think at myself, and I’d find nothing more than an endless void of nothingness.
It’s true, I used to date someone too, before Giorno joined us, but...I never, even once, missed one of our hang outs.  I suppose the team, my family, for me, was always more important than a relationship that may or may not be fleeting. And...I suppose that’s why my ex kept speaking like that to me, and seeing me in such a bad light. A difference in ideals and mind views that is so radical is never going to work out.
I already miss my Family, despite of how dysfunctional we all are.
How odd.
The next weekend, I went to the restaurant at the regular time, hoping that I would see at least one of the guys... But I was merely lying to myself, or my heart, that is. My brain already knew I was going to be alone.
One week, two weeks, three weeks...
The only time I’d meet them is when we’d have to go on missions or stuff like that.
I can’t believe how fast happiness can disappear...It’s almost like it never existed in the first place. How is that fair?
Why am I the only one left alone? Am I really that much of a bad person? Am I really that bad? Or ugly? Or annoying? Or what the hell is wrong with me? And more, what the hell is wrong with my heart? Why does it hurt so much? Why do I keep feeling the need to break down and cry every night with no exception? But I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact that I feel the need to cry my emotions out and scream my frustrations out at the sky... Or the fact that I can’t?
For the love of God, I can’t express my emotions, I can’t feel them, or maybe I feel too many at once and they threaten to explode, hell, I don’t even understand anything anymore.
This...Is really not fair at all...
About two months into this whole mess, I found myself going out by the sea every night, drinking some red wine that Abbacchio always drank and surprisingly, wasn’t too bad for my tastes, and I would just stare at the sky and let my emotions pour out, but not without cursing myself for looking like an alcoholic.
What was different that night, however, was a very familiar voice that seemed rather irked, continued by a very pitched and nagging female voice.
It sounded like Abbacchio...But I could always be mistaken. After all, drinking a whole bottle of red wine by myself wasn’t the smartest thing to do.
They seemed to be arguing...I don’t know...I wouldn’t want to intervene in their couple affairs. Or at least, that’s what I said, until I heard a loud slapping sound, followed by a deathly silence, which is when I realised that the woman he was with slapped him.
I may not be his girlfriend, but godamn it, nobody treats my family like that...
I marched to where the sound of the woman yelling at him came from, and despite possibly being a bit wobbly, I wasn’t even sure, I glared at her, catching her wrist before she could slap him once again.
“Who the hell are you?! Who do you think you are, getting between me and my boyfriend like that?! You look like some drunk slut from the highway, we have no money for your cheap ass!” she shrieked in my face, trashing violently, but I made no hostile move, except for glaring blankly at her. “He’s my family...And I’ll be dead before I allow anyone to treat my family with such disrespect.” I spoke in a low and threatening voice, gripping her wrist tighter. “It’s fine, Katrina, I deserved it.” Abbacchio tried to defend his girlfriend, but I was having none of it. “No, it’s not fine. And you didn’t deserve it. Nobody deserves to be treated like that by the person they love.” I reply simply, but that seemed to make hell break loose. “Oh my GOD! Leone, this is all your fault! Who the hell made you know such a fucking annoying chick like her who doesn’t mind her own damn business?! Screw it, I’m going home! You owe me a nice fucking date next time!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, before pushing me away and stomping in the opposite direction. “God damn it...” Abbacchio’s low voice was barely audible. “Are you okay, Abba...? Does it hurt where she slapped you? Can I heal it with my Stand?” I tried to reach out instinctively with my hands, but he slapped them away harshly, glaring at me, which made me widen my eyes in shock. “Abba...?” I was barely able to speak out. “What the fuck is your problem?! Why do you have to put your nose everywhere that doesn’t concern you? That was MY girlfriend! My date, my problem, my responsibility! ALL mine! You never stop trying to pry into others’ business, under the pretext that we’re family and you want the best for us, but have you ever thought that maybe we DON’T need OR want that?!” it was the first time he spoke so harshly and aggressive toward me, that I had to take a few steps back, away from him, then turn around to hide the tears streaming down my face. “Okay. I won’t bother you ever again. I’m sorry I’m such a bother for everyone around me. Goodbye.” I manage to speak in a shaky voice, as I started walking back towards the place where I stood previously, but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. “W-Wait...Are you crying...?” Leone spoke in an unsure voice, as if he was somehow taken back to reality. “That shouldn’t concern you, should it? It’s none of your business and you shouldn’t pry so much into it. That IS what you said, right, Abbacchio? Who cares about poor little, annoying Katrina, after all? Nobody. Let it remain that way. Who knows, maybe you’ll have the look to completely get rid of me very soon.” I slapped his hand away, before disappearing into the night, not even bothering to hear him out anymore.
From then on, I wasn’t even able to fake my happiness, my face remaining blank and emotionless for most of the time, and I’d only stay around the team for as long the mission needed me, and then I’d just leave back home, to my little safe heaven where I could be myself... But honestly, I couldn’t even be myself there, for I wouldn’t even be able to cry out my feelings or anything of the sort, and for the most time, I’d just watch a movie or listen to music, without feeling anything at all, just wasting my time blankly.
The other guys would voice their concerns quite often and loud, since I wasn’t my usual calming, gentle and happy go lucky self anymore, and it was clear that something was wrong...Especially when I refused to stay anywhere near the silver haired man.
It wasn’t until Bruno paired me up with said man that hell broke loose in a way, and the whole drive to the assigned place was filled with awkward silence, with Abbacchio trying to make conversation by asking if I like the song that’s on or I want to change it, but I didn’t bother giving him any answer, merely looking in front of me as I drove.
By the time we got to the docks to investigate the place, I walked away from him to do my job, but he just stood there, staring into the horizon, trying to say something, but something was keeping him - Most likely his own walls he created.
“We should talk.” he finally spoke up after excruciating minutes. “Really?” I asked sarcastically, now even bothering to look at him. “What were you doing at the beach that night?” he asked after a long pause. “Strictly confidential.” I replied blankly, looking at the little dock house. “What...?!” my response seemed to shock him since I was never so harsh and direct with him, always preferring to speak with a gentler and softer way. “It’s none of your business, is it? Your words, not mine.” I explained as I got inside and looked around the place. “I didn’t mean that. Not a word I said.” he tried to say, but I cut him off fast. “Activate your Stand already, stop wasting time.” I got out, looking at him with a bored expression. “Besides, words spoken always have a meaning and consequences. Action-Reaction, like in Physics, y’know?” I pointed out, as I took a seat on one of the logs around. “Look, I know I fucked up. I lashed out at you for no reason, and I’m sorry about that. I want to make it up to you. You were right to worry about me. Anyone from the team would have done the same. I was an asshole with you, I know that. I let my feelings go out of control... I'm just that kinda guy... a worthless guy who can't see anything through to the end. I always screw it up halfway through.” he spoke now more than I’ve ever heard him before, but the way he described himself made me cringe. “Don’t...Speak like that about yourself...” I muttered, shifting my gaze from him to Moody Blues. “Huh? Even now, after I was such an asshole with you, you try to protect me? Aren’t you an angel?” he chuckled lightly, which only made me sneer. “Shut up. I’m sorry for caring about you and for not wanting you to go through what I’ve been through. But I should’ve known better. You’re 21, you already have enough experience to know what you get yourself into. I won’t say a word next time, don’t worry. I promised not to bother anyone again.” I rolled my eyes, crossing my legs to get more comfortable in my seat. “That guy really was a bastard, wasn’t he...?” he muttered with a somehow softened expression. “Don’t try to turn this around. This conversation isn’t about me and nor should you be concerned about me or my feelings in any way.” I reminded him once again, but he was always a stubborn guy. “Lately, I’ve been feeling worse and worse...I guess I just needed a distraction. I never held any feelings for that woman, nor did she for me.” he tried to justify himself, but I merely shrugged. “I don’t see how that concerns me in any way.” I scoffed in annoyance. “You’re the only one I’d trust with my feelings.” he spoke after a brief silence, but I could only laugh sardonically. “Oh, really? Really, now? Are you sure you want to say that after that night? Because, as far as I’m concerned, you want me out of your life! Why would you even bother trying to justify your actions to someone like me anyway?!” I got up, glaring at him dead on. “Look, I give you every right to be mad at me! You can go ahead and punch me or kick me or slap me or whatever, it doesn’t matter, I won’t feel anything so if it will make you feel better, lash out your anger on me, I’d deserve it anyway.” he spoke a bit louder, yet he wore his raw feelings on his sleeve. “Why...Would I do that? You, of all people, should know that I would never, in a million years, do something like that, no matter how angry I am. Are you trying to mock me...?” I narrowed my eyes at him, but he merely shook his head. “I’m trying to get you to forgive me. I’m just very bad at this whole feel-thing...Or people-thing. You already know my past and I’m pretty sure you figured by now why I act the way I act. It’s not rocket science. So just...Tell me what to do to get you to forgive me and be the way we were before. I can’t stand the idea of you hating me.” his voice became much softer and more emotional by the end of it, something uncharacteristic of him. “I don’t hate you.” I looked down, crossing my arms. “You don’t...?” he stepped forward, his face shocked. “I can’t. No matter how much I want to hate you for what you did...I can’t.” I mutter, biting my lip, averting my eyes away from him, until...”Hey...Doesn’t that look oddly enough like your girlfriend...?” I ask breathlessly as Moody Blues took the shape of the girl at the beach. “Oh, great...My hookup is a villain Stand user. Great news.” he facepalmed in anger, before he ran full speed towards me, pushing me away. “Look out!” “Wh-What...?! Leone...?!” I gasped in shock, seeing him on the ground, a really ugly wound on his torso. “Guess we have to kill her.” he chuckled weakly, as I could feel a drop of sweat run down my back. “Damn it, you idiot! You shouldn’t have done that! Why the hell would you do something like that?!” I freaked out, looking at his bleeding wound. “I’ll tell you if I make it through this.” he wore the ghost of a smile that almost challenged me. “...You always know how to irk me the wrong way, don’t you?” I grit my teeth, before I got up, activating my Stand. “I’m not a violent person, chickadee, but now you’ve done it. You really got me mad.” I growled, creating blasting shots of water and throwing them at the woman in front of me. “Awww, what is it? Were you jealous, after all? Were you after my man all this time~?” she giggled, throwing her own blasts of whatever kind of energy that was. “I have no reason to be jealous. Especially not on someone like you.” I smirk as I made molecules of water depart from the actual blast, that would glue themselves on her skin and would get absorbed into her organism. “Oh, really? Can you really afford to say that, even now, knowing that he fucked me?” she laughed condescendingly, but she had no idea what a gruesome demise she’d have. “I almost pity you, you know? You seem like the kind of person who never knew what love is...Not that I’m sympathetic to you in any way. But sure, use that as an excuse to pretend you’re not just an empty shell of yourself.” I chuckled, before snapping my fingers together, which made her explode. “Au revoir.” I flipped my hair, looking at the place she was at just a few seconds ago, before rushing to the fallen ally. “That was pretty cool.” Abbacchio smirked breathlessly. “Guess my plan worked. I tried to look cool in front of you.” I let out an amused breath, before I took off his top, focusing the water to regenerate the cells on his wound so he would heal. “It worked damn well.” he said in a lower voice, watching me heal his wound. “Next time, don’t do that. I almost had a heart attack.” I bit my lip, not daring to meet his gaze. “It’s fine...I don’t feel anything. I haven’t in a long while.” he tried to make light of the situation, but I knew. I knew the truth, but I couldn’t say anything.
I didn’t even realise that I stopped healing him until tears started falling down my cheeks without any means to stop.
“H-Hey, why are you crying? I was joking, don’t take me so seriously-” he tried to take that back, but I knew better. “Don’t do that...Don’t. Just don’t. I already know...I know that so much that it hurts...” I manage to speak, hiding my face with my hands, not wanting him to see me crying. “Hey, come on...No need to cry over someone like me. Your pretty face should shine with a smile all the time, not cry.” he put his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. “Don’t act so brave in front of me, it’s annoying. Not when I already know how much you’re hurting...I understand you so well...I’m just too scared to say it out loud...But lately, I couldn’t even pretend that it’s not true. That’s why...I wanted to protect you from everything bad that would make you feel even worse...” I tried to explain myself, until I felt a kiss on the top of my head. “Look, I’ll be frank. I love you. I’m done hiding. I didn’t want to say anything ‘cause you deserve better, not a depressed guy who’s stuck in the past. You deserve someone bright and caring like Buccellati who’d treat you like a princess and all that. I’m not worthy of your feelings.” he stroked my hair gently, pouring all his feelings out. “Don’t...Say that...Ever again. Look at me...You think I’m any better? Do you have any idea how lonely I’ve felt all this time since you all got too busy for your family? Do you have any idea how bad I felt without you guys around? As if before that wasn’t bad enough...Now I’ve become an even greater mess. I either cry randomly, or feel nothing at all. I don’t even know what I am or what I feel anymore...And you say you’re no good for me? Did you hit your head too or what?” I spoke out everything I had to say, not even feeling embarrassed or scared anymore. “Don’t say that...You will regret it later on. I can’t even help myself, how could I possibly support you emotionally in any way?” he asks in a self-deprecating tone. “You’re impossible...” I sigh dramatically, as I raise my head and cupping his face, I capture his purple-painted lips in a tender kiss, with enough passion to show him that I mean it, but gentle enough, almost as if afraid that either of us would break from the pent up emotions that kept overwhelming us. “Are you sure...?” he mutters, his eyes wide in surprise. “If you want another one, you can just say so.” I smirk softly, before he put one arm around me, while his other hand was on the back of my head, and he pulled me into another kiss, just as full of love. “Do I really have to ask?” he let out an amused breath. “No. I’ll just let you steal them.” I could feel the ghost of a side-smile creeping on my face as I helped him get up from the ground. “Well, mission complete. Let’s go back home now. We gotta report to our dear Capo, after all.” I intertwined my fingers with his. “There’s gonna be a lot of explaining to do. How bothersome.” he said, yes the chuckle betrayed his words. “Hey, I’ll just look at the bright side. I won’t have to sit at the restaurant table by myself anymore.” I shrugged with an innocent smile on my face. “Low blow, tesoro. Low blow.” he shook his head, yet he was smiling, just as much.
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 4 years ago
Sibling Council
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A/N: We got to see so much of the intimate council between Jane and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice, but what do you think Georgiana and Darcy were talking about?
She had been looking at his brooding facial expression for quite a while now and still Georgiana Darcy’s brother had not taken notice of her quizzical look. Not even the stopping of her playing on the piano had arisen his attention. So in her cluelessness Georgiana figured the best way to alert him was to produce an especially unpleasant sound on her instrument. 
Indeed, it did work to wake him from his busy thinking. Blinking confused, Fitz focused his gaze upon his younger sister. “Are you quite alright?” 
Georgiana chuckled and closed the lid over the keyboard. “I wonder that you would be asking me that question, since you have been the one staring at the floor. Did you discover anything of interest?” 
A slight blush colored Fitz’ cheeks in a subtle rose colour. He sighed and walked around the piano to sit down next to his sister on the small stool. There was barely enough space for both of them. But Georgiana managed to scoot over enough to allow Fitz a seat by her side. 
The innocent expression of worry on her face made her brother chuckle softly. But the immense sigh that had been trying to find a way out of his chest for hours finally demanded its dramatic entrance. And it didn’t much help to distract Georgiana from her worry. “What is it, Fitz? Tell me. You know, I can handle it. Whatever it is. I am quite old enough for bad news.” 
Her big blue eyes were staring at him imploringly and Fitzwilliam Darcy saw it much as his duty not to hesitate much longer with telling her about his heart’s budens. Gently he nudged her with his shoulder. “Now don’t you worry yourself too much. It is not really ... bad news. Though one could argue about that. I haven’t really come to a conclusion myself. All I know is that this state of being is cause for quite a large amount of distress, so I am much willing to tell you all about it in hope for soft-sided council.” 
Georgiana was biting her lip to keep from interrupting him with very impolite demands to finally get to the point, but her brother saw the wish to shake the information out of him in her eyes and couldn’t help another quiet laugh. “Georgiana, are you that impatient to get to know about my distractions?” 
She threatened to get up from the stool they were currently sharing, making the balance shift much in her brother’s misfortune. He laughed and quickly held on the piano before he could fall off of his seat. The light-hearted expression on his face managed to make Georgiana feel much more in his favor again. She settled back down again and wrapped her arms around the one of his that was closest to her. “Tell me about your thoughts.” 
Fitz sighed again and leaned more against his sister, tilting his head in her direction. His report wasn’t uttered easily. “When I was in Netherfield with Charles... I- I might have- it is so that- I met someone.” 
Georgiana pulled at his arm, forcing him to look at her astonished expression. “Fitz! Are you telling me, you met someone... special?” 
Another shade of red travelled over her brother’s freckled nose at her question and he shifted on the stool uncomfortably. “Someone special. Someone extraordinary. A woman of incredible esprit. I- I can’t stop... she is... I can’t stop thinking about her.” 
He ducked his head a little and shook it at himself, a more pained expression now hovering over his features. Georgiana needed a few seconds to process the information given to her. She’d never seen her brother act this shy before. She leaned in closer to him, catching his insecure look. “You are in love?” 
He blinked rapidly at that question and gulped, his mouth going pretty dry. But a warmth flooded his chest and stomach and a rare smile suddenly danced over his face. “I- I think I am, yes.” 
Georgiana rejoyced gladly at that sentence and almost pushed her brother off the stool yet again as she cheerfully cuddled up against at his side. They were breathing out disbelieving gasps of laughter together, until Georgiana threw her arms around his neck and shouted happily into his ear. “I cannot believe it. In love! You! And I have never seen that woman. I could go mad at that thought. I must get to know her. If she is worthy of your affection, she must be impossibly virtuous. Fitz, Fitz, I must meet her, I must! Oh, tell me everything about her!” 
“Only if you stop strangling me!” 
Georgiana quickly let go off his neck and took him by the arm as she stood up to get a more comfortable seat on the sofa. She settled down and patted the spot in front of her with red cheeks. Fitz had to smile at her enthusiasm, but couldn’t share it quite so eagerly. He knew there were many obstacles to his love. One of them being that Elizabeth Bennet might well think him to be insufferable. 
Still, he was glad to settle down next to his sister and tell her quietly about the brown of Elizabeth’s hair, the colour of her dresses, the ironic glint in her eyes, the intelligent insights and witty jokes she’d made. Georgiana was convinced of her character immediateley and seemed to burst with the wish to meet her. 
“Oh, brother, you, in love! I have awaited this day eagerly. Elizabeth. A wonderful name. Have you danced with her? Surely you have, haven’t you?” 
Fitz moved his head around uncomfortably. “I have... yes. Once.” 
Georgiana looked at him from narrow eyes. “Once? Once?! That is just as good as never. Why didn’t you dance with her more often? You are a wonderful dancer.” 
“I am a wonderful dancer with you. Because I trust you.” He looked at his hands as if they were just as interesting as the floor was before. 
“And you don’t trust Elizabeth Bennet?” 
“I-” Her brother made a vague gesture with his hand. “I just don’t like to be-”
“-happy?” Georgiana raised a brow. Her brother looked at her with discontent and instead suggested the word: “-outgoing!”
“No, you don’t tend to be very outgoing, that is true.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully, as she realized that there were a lot of difficulties in her brother’s behaviour towards others. But a bright smile was back on her features quickly. “But you can be so much fun. There are days where I can barely catch a breath, because you are so funny. Can you not be like that with her?” 
Fitz smiled mildly at her and tried to silence the hopefully beating heart inside his chest. “Maybe someday.” 
Georgiana nodded thoughtfully and then couldn’t hold back a yawn. Her brother clapped in his hands and stood up from the sofa, holding his hands out towards her. “I think that is the perfect moment to send you to bed, don’t you agree?”
“Absolutely not. I want to talk more about Elizabeth Bennet. I want to talk about her all night.” Georgiana crossed her arms in front of her chest in defense and put her best pout on her face.
Fitz smirked at that and shook his head. “I will definitely not consent to that. Don’t you have riding lessons tomorrow morning?” 
“Riding is not nearly as hard as being good at love. Can’t you tell me more about what you’re feeling?” 
“I’d rather not.”
“Why not?” Georgiana looked at him sadly.
Fitz tilted his head and grabbed one of her hands in his own, holding it for comfort. “It is painful.” 
Georgiana wanted to ask him all about that pain. She wanted to know why love had to be bitter-sweet, but she knew there was no arguing with her brother here. With a dramatic sigh she got off of the sofa and brushed the wrinkles out of her dress. It was an unpleasant feeling for her to leave him in the parlor with a heavy heart. Therefore she tried her best to cheer him up.
“Maybe,” she said with a glint in her eyes, “it is best anyway if you let her see the inner turmoils of your painful emotions. Isn’t a distraught man what most women seek in marriage?” 
Fitz raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a warning smile. “Georgiana.”
“I can imagine if she sees how incredibly miserable you are, she will toss all good manners aside, fall to your feet and beg you to marry her so she can see that grimace every day of her life-” 
“You are either going to bed now, or I will make you!” With a smile on his face, her brother turned around to pick a read from the shelf behind the pianoforte, acting indifferent. 
Georgiana couldn’t hold back a giggle, knowing all too well, he wouldn’t hesitate to chase her throughout every room at Pemberly if she went overboard. Therefore that was exactly what she did. “Oh Mr Darcy, give me another one of your depressed gloomy looks!” 
“Alright. Bed time!” He drummed his hands against the shelf to alarm his sister before he turned around and started chasing her. She was off the sofa in no time, squealing and laughing heartily as she tried to reach the stairs before him. He was laughing way more than he usually did and it was a nice change for once as he made especially much noise running after his sister to make her shrieks of joy even louder. He could have easily caught her sooner, but waited until she’d almost reached her room, almost feeling the sweetness of victory until he wrapped his arms around her waist and whirled her around in his embrace. 
She gasped for air in between her fits of laughter, making it hard for him to stop at all. But eventually he set her on her feet again and smiled as she quickly took off to reach her bedroom door. She turned around in front of it and gave him her most sincere smile. “See how funny you can be. If she weren’t to fall in love with your foolishness, she would be a fool.”
He shook his head at his sister and waited until she’d disappeared behind her door, before he considered her words. Elizabeth Bennet, liking his foolishness? A thought that would definitely keep him up with a hopeful heart all night long.
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mickmarstookmyheart · 5 years ago
Life’s a Sick Joke pt 1
Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader
Sidenote: As this story is under construction, I would like to warn you that those chapters which don’t have a proper title are written in the main caharcter’s POV!! Be aware!!! Be awaaare! I hope you will enjoy this storyas I did writing it, have a nice day and feel free to leave marks!
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1. Are you okay there?
∆January 1983∆
"You have to apply for this job! I'm not kidding! This can be the chance of your life or...just for a new beginning." Your sister, Isabelle is trying to convince you to accept a job as a concert photographer, which you would kill for, but letting her go to college...is way hard.
"Are you sure? I don't...I don't want you to feel neglected or anything like that." You and your sister had a pretty strong connection and you hardly sent a day without her, so not seeing her for months was a big deal.
"THIS IS WHAT I WANT! I would like to go to college and finally leave you guys alone. No hard feelings." She put her hands up as a defense while looking at the two of you. "I love both of you, but you deserve to have a life as am I, and not looking after me all the time. You can also finally finish university and you can find a proper job for yourself, Dylan.
"She is right, sis." Sighed Dylan, your brother. You looked at him and then glanced at your little sister who was not so little anymore. You recalled the night when she came to your house, you shared with Dylan, soaking wet from the rain in the middle of the night with a bruise under her eyes. That was the moment when you and your brother took her under your wings and stay the hell away from your abusive parents.
"Alright then. But remember that you can come home anytime you feel like." You were smiling at her with a pretty sad smile, not liking she will go to uni. Of course, you encouraged her to continue her studies, but in a much closer school.
"And don't hook up with boys at your first party, please!" Dylan pointed out who was always the clown of the three of you. He was the first one who left the family house at the age of sixteen, then you followed him a couple of years later. In the beginning, you lived in your uncle's home and after his death, Dylan found a job and you moved to the city.
"Guys, let's just stop you here! You know how I behave and that I am quite mature, right? I am not gonna be a mom in a month, don't worry. I will attend parties yeah, drink, and flirting with boys but that's what college is about. At least partly. And don't tell me that you won't talk to boys and be drunk at the parties after the concerts. For the fuck's sake, it's Mötley Crüe we are talking about!" She said pointing at you.
"I didn't say that I won't." You said laughing. You stood up from your chair and sat down next to her and hugged her tightly. A few minutes later, you felt a warm hand on your shoulder. Dylan joined and that was your family moment for a while. The only family you have ever had and you would do anything for them.
Two weeks later
It felt like a minute. Two weeks passed and you spent the whole time together. Went to the cinema and had dinner in your favorite restaurant every day. When you arrived home after dropping her at the uni you sat down at the couch and sighed. Then you glanced at the clock and immediately stood up calling for your brother to escort you to the office.
"You look badass. Don't worry about it. They will love your photos and your passion for photography." He stopped and glanced at you thinking. "Maybe your personality, too." You hit Dylan right in the shoulder for that last statement. You two were walking down the crowded avenue to the office.
"You are not funny. I'm freaking out!" You pulled tighter your coat on yourself shaking like a leaf from the stress and the weather.
"I know you, idiot! Just trying to cheer you up. And keeping you safe" You were so stressed you didn't even notice the red light. A black car was honking at you, making you drop all your stuff on the ground. Dylan pulled you back from the road just in time. He helped you pick your things up and kept your way to the job interview.
"See? I'm this lucky today." You murmured more like to yourself.
"Also I'm sorry for shouting at you, but you know, it's a big chance and a serious job. And I am sure there will be plenty of stunning "photographer" girls whom they will choose over me."
"Don't say that! You DO look stunning! And I'm an honest person, you know that. And even if you won't get this job, there are plenty of other possibilities." He smiled down at you and pulled you in a sideways hug. "Anyway, I wanted to ask something."
"You know that you can ask anytime, but I may not answer that." You sighed fearing the question.
"I see you still have your sense of humor." He chuckled. "So how will you manage to go to university and do this job? I mean if you will be a concert photographer you have to travel. A lot, along with the band."
"Don't worry about that. I have already talked to the school. We agreed that I will just have to make an appearance at the exams. And I will have plenty of spare time on the tours to study."
"Are you sure?" Dylan snickered in disbelief.
"At least, I hope so." You didn't really believe it yourself either. "But please don't talk about this. I am already stressed out, don't make it worse!"
Finally, you arrived at the entrance of the building. It was a quite spectacular building, with huge windows and an enormous door.
"How the fuck will I find that office? It's a freaking big place!!" If it was possible you became tenser than before. You looked begging at your brother who just smirked as an answer and patted your back.
"I'm sure you will get this job." He kissed your cheek and left you there. All alone. You hoped that at least he will escort you to the office, but no. He let you down. You promised yourself you will avenge this sometime. You took a deep breath and entered the building. The door was easier to open than you thought. You went to the reception, where you asked where is Doc McGhee's office. The lady wasn't really helpful, she only gave you a look and muttered something under her nose. Bitch.
After 15 minutes, you finally found that freaking place, you sat down on one of the chairs beside the door. There was approximately 10 other person with big, professional cameras. Fortunately, you brought your portfolio and CV with you, too, just in case. They wrote in the advertisement that you wouldn't need to bring anything, just yourselves. Well, you were on many interviews in your life and you've always had to be prepared. It's a kinda obligation to bring your CV and proof of what you have achieved.
You have been sitting there for like two hours now. You were super bored so you started to walk from wall-to-wall, reading all the posters and the layers. You just finished reading the latest Rolling Stone magazine when you realized that you were the only one in the corridor. You freaked out a bit so you stood up from the sofa and hugged your portfolio, it gave you a bit of comfort.
"Are you okay, there?" A deep voice echoed and you turned around. The man was wearing all black and sunglasses. He took the item in question on the table and sat down. You also set yourself beside him. "The interview is still on?"
"Yeah, I guess..." The door opened and you jumped. Fortunately or unfortunately, you couldn't really decide it, it was another door. You let out a long breath and leaned back on the couch.
"Really? Cause you don't really look like that." You glared at him. "Oh okay, I won't tease you. First time being...?"
"No, I have been nervous before, you know." He burst out laughing and you hoped he was intelligent enough to understand sarcasm. "Okay, you won." He held his hands up in defense. "Anyway, I'm Mick Mars." He introduced himself. He glanced at you gelding his hand towards you. "But I'm sure you knew it." He chuckled.
Holy shit. Mick Mars. It's Mick fucking Mars! C'mon (Y/N). Calm down, there is nothing to worry about. Just say something witty not to seem like you just came from a cave.
"Are you in the band?" You were desperate both from the stress and the shock he gave you. Dear Satan, how the hell could you say that??! Now you looked like a groupie. Nice.
"What band?" He looked really serious. He glanced at you. Those blue eyes kept you speechless. Another door cracking broke the silence. You turned around and a chubby man invited you in.
"Well, good luck with that." He smirked.
"Th..thanks." You looked down in embarrassment. Your face was burning, but hey who cares?! It's just a job interview!
"So? How did it go?" Dylan asked after arriving home. He was sitting on the sofa watching the Tv when you burst into the flat.
Revenge time.
"Well, not the best, I assume..." Trying your best not to laugh. "They were pretty jerks. Just the usual. They didn't really care about my photos, just my body..." You pouted covering your face so Dylan couldn't see your smile.
"Where are they? Do you have their address? I'm gonna kill them..." You managed to grab his wrist before he could exit the room. You looked at his face and couldn't hold it back anymore, you burst into a laugh. He was staring at you still confused. "Wait...you are just teasing me, right?" He asked back rubbing the back of his head.
"And you know why!! You left me there, you son of..." You pointed at his face.
"Language, you..." Before he could finish his sentence you jumped on him and hugged him tightly. You were grinning like a mad man from happiness.
"I got the job!!! Can you hear me? I did it!!!" You were giggling and jumping like a ball.
"I'm so proud of you. And I told ya." He winked and lift you spinning in the air. "Tell me everything! From the beginning." You sat down on the couch and told the whole thing starting with that bitch clerk and then the conversation with Mick
"You did ask him if he was in the band?" He burst out laughing at you. When he could breathe again he was still smiling but his lip down no to laugh again, seeing the death glares you were sending him.
"It's not funny. He is the most normal person in the whole group, as I know at least, and I managed to screw it up." You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment.
"And what did he say?" He asked putting your hands away from your face to look at him.
"He asked back what band." You murmured sniffing.
"Oh (Y/N). You didn't...it's okay. I think he just saw how stressed you were and he was just joking. And I'm sure he doesn't think you are stupid."
"Are you sure?" You glanced at him.
"I'm pretty sure. I'm a guy, too. I would do the exact same thing. And what about the interview?" You were now in a much better mood. You really thought you fucked it up.
"Well, glad you asked. They were curious about my photos and believe it or not, my qualifications. They told me that they were looking for smart people and not just some pretty slut. So, it was worth taking it." You had a big proud smile on your face.
"And what's next?"
"There will be a meeting next week. About the dates, the stadiums and everything about the tour. Maybe the boys will be there, too. However, they don't seem like they care about it. They just go with the flow, you know."
"And what if Mick will be there?"
"I will try my best to become invisible."
Next chapter
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kpophours · 5 years ago
An Outstanding Transformation
➵ A.C.E: (Ravenclaw) Sehyoon x fem. (Slytherin) reader / one shot, Hogwarts AU / fluff
➵ warnings: (a teeny tiny bit) sexual suggestiveness 
➵ word count: 2.4k
➵ series: Donghun, Sehyoon, Yuchan
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"You should be thankful to be partnered with him. He's basically a genius.", Jiwoo says, twirling her blond locks around one finger and staring out of the window.
"He's weird.", you mumble, scrunching up your face in concentration while looking down at your parchment.
"He is. I mean, how could he not? He's best friends with Byeongkwan.", your best friend admits, grinning slightly.
"Don't talk about Byeongkwan like that. He's a genius. An evil genius, but a genius nevertheless.", you retort, feeling a bit protective of your classmate.
"I know, I know - you have a soft spot for him.", Jiwoo teases, plucking the quill out of your hand and trying to tickle your nose with it.
"I do not...", you mumble, quickly snatching it back again, "I don't have a weak spot for anyone, so please leave me alone before I hex you. I really need to study."
Jiwoo huffs. "But why? Sehyoon will wing that Transformation project with or without you, so why even bother?", she whines, poking you with her wand and making you yelp. 
"Well, I'm not going to rely on a weird Ravenclaw - especially not when I can do it better myself. Also, I’m actually still working on my History of Magic essay right now and haven’t even thought about Transfiguration yet. That will have to wait until tomorrow."
"You know, sometimes you're really weird for a Slytherin. He could do all the work and you could just relax, why get competitive about it and do it yourself?"
You throw the blonde an exasperated look. "Because I don't trust him. No one is that intelligent. Especially not someone that... weird. And quiet. And... Well, I don't like the way he looks." At this, Jiwoo blinks a few times, before bursting  into laughter, which makes several students glare at you.
Right, you're still at the library - hopefully Mrs. Pince didn't hear you or you're in for a good scolding.
"Hush, be quiet now.", you hiss at Jiwoo, ducking your head and pretending to edit your more than poorly researched essay.
"I'm just saying, with his blond dyed hair? He could pass as a Malfoy, so he could actually pass as a member of our house.", Jiwoo whispers back, before quickly getting up and - finally - leaving you alone.
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In the end, it's Sehyoon who asks you out on a study date. You guess it’s nice that he’s actually trying to act like a research partner. Nice is just not really your thing, most of your friends call you "honest" - but the right way to describe you might be "blunt". In the end, you still agree to meet the quiet Ravenclaw in the library. 
You're actually quite early, but he's already seated in front of one of the big arch windows; books, parchment, quills and ink pots littering the table in front of him. He's immersed into a book, his eyes almost flying over the pages - no one is able to read that quickly and actually absorb any of the content, you think.
"Hi.", you say, sliding onto the chair opposite the blond Ravenclaw and propping your chin on one hand. He looks up, startled by your sudden appearance - then, he breaks into a smile. Your heart stops for a second, before it starts pounding against your rib cage.
"Oh, hello! It’s great that you could make it today.", he answers, his brown eyes sparkling in the bright sunlight.
"Uh, well, we are research partners, so...", you retort a bit bitingly, crossing your arms in front of your chest, ignoring your still fast beating heart. You guess you have to agree with Jiwoo... Sehyoon is more than handsome, but it's not only his looks... It's more his whole aura. You would never admit it out loud, but maybe you're a teeny tiny bit intimidated by him and his intelligence.
“That we are indeed. So, have you thought about what kind of Transformation we should attempt to present to the class? I was thinking about turning the water of the Great Lake into chocolate milk.”.
You don’t think you’ve ever heard him say so many words to anyone before as he’s usually one of the more quiet ones, even in class. You blink a few times at him, actually taken aback - he suddenly doesn’t seem so shy anymore. 
“I… uh. Well... Okay? Let’s just… do that?”, you agree a bit dumbfounded - you actually haven’t even thought about this project yet, still too absorbed into your History of Magic essay. So, going with his idea seems to be the polite way, even though his plan sounds a bit… ambitious, to say the least.
Sehyoon snorts, quickly pressing one hand over his mouth to stifle the noise. “I am kidding, we are definitely not going to transform the Great Lake into chocolate milk! I don’t think most of the magical beings - or normal ones, come to think of it - in there would survive that. Too much blood on our hands. Maybe you, as a Slytherin, don’t mind that too much, but as a Ravenclaw, I do prefer to have a clean slate.” His eyes are glimmering mischievously and his lips twitch, but you already have a retort ready: “You’re best friends with Byeongkwan, it’s absolutely impossible for you to have a clean slate.”
The corner of his mouth curls into a smile and he cocks his head to one side. “Touché. Well, back to our project, now - do you have an idea?”
You lean back, interlacing your fingers and biting down on your lip. “Not really, no. I’m still writing my History of Magic essay, so I had no time to think about Transfiguration yet.”
“Mhm.” He actually looks a bit disappointed, picking up his quill and writing something down, “That’s okay. I have a few ideas - we can talk about all of them and then agree on one, if that’s okay with you?”
You sigh inwardly, but nod.
It seems like you’re in for a long afternoon.
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“You’re going to transform into one another?!”, Jiwoo cocks one eyebrow, obviously trying (and failing) to stifle her laugh. You kick her shin under the Slytherin table, trying not to look too smug about the painful expression crossing her face. “No need to get violent.”, she grumbles, picking up her discarded fork and shooting you a dark look. You smile innocently, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
“But that transformation might actually be a good idea, then you’ll finally know how broad this glorious body of his really is.”, your best friend suddenly says, looking very pleased with herself when you choke on your drink. You cough, windpipe feeling painfully tight all of the sudden, tears springing into your eyes.
“You really can’t be left alone for more than two seconds with one another, huh?”, an amused voice from beside you says, before someone gently smacks your back to help you free your windpipe. 
“Thanks, Donghun.”, you say when you’re finally able to breathe again, loosening the green tie around your neck a bit.
“No problem. What were you guys talking about?”
“Nothing.” - “About Sehyoon.”, Jiwoo and you say simultaneously, making you glare at her. Donghun raises one eyebrow, his silver piercing catching the light of the many candles floating above you.
“You choked because of Sehyoon?”
“Not yet.”, Jiwoo answers, grinning proudly at her innuendo.
You turn your eyes towards the enchanted ceiling, sighing exasperated and pinching the bridge of your nose. “Donghun, please remind me again that I’m not allowed to use any of the Unforgivable Curses.”
“You’re not allowed to use any of the Unforgivable Curses, but if you should use one now, I’d provide you with an alibi.” You can hear the smirk in his voice and nod. “Thanks. Not exactly the kind of answer I wanted to hear, but better than nothing, I guess. So, today won’t be the day I murder my best friend.”
Jiwoo giggles, not the slightest bit disturbed, happily continuing to munch on her carrots. “You love me too much and would never actually kill or torture me. You’re always all talk, no action. And just so you know, you can admit to actually wanting to know how broad Sehyoon is. There’s no shame in that - it’s all in the name of science, right?”
You helplessly look at Donghun, who just shrugs. “I won’t comment on that. And I need to go now.”, he grins, gaze sliding towards the giant double doors where a very special Gryffindor just walked through, “I’ll see you later at the common room. Oh - wait, one last thing before I leave: Sehyoon actually asked me to switch seats with him so you’d get partnered with him. Thought that might be of interest to you.” With that, he slides out of the chair, quickly making his way towards his girlfriend, who greets him with a bright smile.
“Well. That is definitely interesting to know.”, Jiwoo remarks, lip twitching.
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. “Today. Is not. The day. I murder. My best friend.”, you repeat calmly, before shooting her a death glare.
She just continues to grin at you.
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Working together with Sehyoon proves to be… easier than anticipated. Transfiguration has never been your strong suit, you’re more of a Potions genius - which explains your close friend- and partnership with Donghun - so the meetings with the quiet Ravenclaw actually help you improve a lot.
You’re continuing to meet every afternoon that week, quickly managing to make progress. Sehyoon is never condescending and also not one to show off, he’s actually always very patient, calm and collected - even when you accidentally transform his blond hair into bright green one time (which, might you add, kind of looks amazing on him).
You soon notice that you were completely wrong about him - he really is that intelligent. And he’s not even that quiet, once you get to know him better, you notice he’s actually very funny, often muttering witty remarks under his breath and breaking out into that breathtaking smile of his, when you can’t help but giggle at his antics.
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It’s Friday evening and you’re the last students in the library again, only a few minutes are left until Mrs. Pince is going to close up.
“I think we’re really going to wing that presentation on Monday.”, you say confidently, while beginning to sort the ridiculous amount of books you used today back on their shelves. Sehyoon just nods, keeping quiet. You frown at his reaction, pouting a bit and trying to distract yourself by sliding another book on one of the top shelves. It somehow manages to slip out of your hand though and almost hits your head, but Sehyoon - standing directly behind you - thankfully manages to catch it just in time. 
Your head spins from the adrenaline and you turn around to him, wanting to thank him - but his face is suddenly very close to yours and you actually forget to breathe. You see tiny flecks of Gold in his eyes, hidden in the depths of their beautiful, brown color.
Anyone who says brown eyes aren’t beautiful or multi-colored must never have actually looked into any, you think - because you’re certain you could get lost in these ones.
“I…”, you begin, but don’t even know how to finish the sentence.
“Mhm?”, Sehyoon just makes, his gaze flickering from your eyes to your lips and back again.
“Do… You... uh…” You still don’t actually know what you want to say, your head emptying itself of every single thought when the blond Ravenclaw smiles at you.
You take a deep breath, clearing your throat. “I was thinking… Maybe… uh, we could visit Hogsmeade together? Tomorrow? If you want to? It’s totally fine if not, I just thought, that maybe, because-” You’re stumbling over your own words, heart pounding so loudly in your chest that you almost miss his quiet chuckle. He pushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear, cocking his head to one side.
“I would love that. The first butterbeer is on me.”, Sehyoon answers softly, his eyes twinkling happily.
You release the breath you’ve been holding, smiling up at him. “Oh, good - great, yeah, that… sounds good.”
“Exactly, we will be able to talk some more about the Transformation project.”, he says, leaning back a bit.
You bite the inside of your cheek, disappointment flooding you. “Oh, uh, that’s… true, I guess.”, you mumble, quickly flashing him a fake smile.
He snorts at your expression, suddenly taking your hand in his. “And maybe about many more things. Because there’s still so much I want to know about you - and isn’t that kind of my task and purpose as a Ravenclaw? To gather as much information as possible about anything - or anyone.”, he says, his lip twitching.
Your heart, currently pounding twice as fast thanks to him holding your hand, skips another beat at this, but you can’t help but roll your eyes at him. “I think there’s still much to learn for you. Especially about the art of flirting.”
Sehyoon actually laughs out loud at this, tugging you closer to his warm, broad body. “Well, I’m an adept student and I’m willing to let you grade me.”, he whispers, leaning closer to you again, his lips almost touching yours.
“What are you doing?! This is a library, not... not an establishment for... for these kind of things! Out with you, both!”, Mrs. Pince’s shrill voice bounces through the (thankfully) empty library, making you both jump.
“So sorry, Mrs. Pince, it won’t happen again - but we are standing in front of the love potion section! So can you really blame us?”, Sehyoon quickly retorts, obviously suppressing his laughter and already tugging on your hand to practically drag you out of the library and into the dimly lit hallway.
There, you can’t help but begin to giggle, your hand still securely in his.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”, he asks quietly, after you’ve both calmed down a bit.
You can’t help but smile at him, nodding enthusiastically. “You will. But only because I really want an Outstanding on the Transformation project.”
He grins and actually has the audacity to wink at you, making you even more weak-kneed. “Oh, that I can manage.”
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… as you find out on Monday, he’s right about that.
You actually do get an Outstanding on your project.
That same day, he gets a (mental) Outstanding from you on your first kiss.
Incidentally, that is also the day he starts being an outstanding boyfriend to you.
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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bave-de-crapaud · 6 years ago
Never Have I Ever...
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(Art by flowsofly​ )
Siruis x reader
Reader is younger
3000+ words
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
*disclaimer: all characters are assumed 18+
It had been three weeks since the ‘tequila night’ and your feelings for Sirius had not dampened in the slightest. If anything they had grown. Learning about his love of 70s rock music, his distaste for cruelty and exclusiveness, hearing stories from his days at hogwarts and feeling pain for the boy banished by his maniacal parents, he was hands down the most interesting person you had ever met. He was charming, happy, and so very witty. This was so different to the grim, disheveled Sirius you had met only seven weeks ago, and so you were very grateful to the Ministry for finally officiating his innocence. From what you had come to learn about Sirius, he had not deserved his fate yet he blamed no one and was as dedicated as the most faithful soldier to ensure the safety and freedom of witch, wizard, muggle alike. He was the most beautiful and broken man who deserved the world and your heart started to make room for Sirius, not because you felt sorry for him but you admired his integrity, courage, and strength and god he made you laugh. You thought back to that night often. It was incredibly enjoyable but boy did you pay for it the next day at work….
“Here you go, take a swig of this and you’ll be right as rain, well at least a lesser shade of green.” Tonks held out a cup of tea as she sat on your desk and stifled a giggle at your bedraggled appearance. You shot her a look of gratitude. As you accepted the mug she was proffering Tonks cleared her throat -
“So ah, what happened between you and Sirius last night?”
“What do you mean?” You blew on your tea.
“Well I hate to break it to you but he was flirting up a storm with you and I wasn’t the only one who noticed!” She folded her arms in a sort of so there! gesture, her pink hair gleaming.
You smiled at her defiant posture “didn’t you tell me that’s what he does? Flirt?”
“Well…”Tonks unwrapped her arms “…yes he does but that was before Azkaban. Remus said he hasn’t seen Sirius show interest in anyone since he got out, five years ago.”
“Yes but he was still thought guilty by most of the wizarding world, I’m sure the ministry finally recognising him as the innocent man he is has lifted the burden from his shoulders, he’ll be getting back to his old self.” You reasoned sipping your tea.
Tonks considered you for a moment. “Did you not see the plethora of women and men for that matter, approach him last night? And him waving them off only having eyes for you?”
She took your widened eyes and dribble of tea down your chin as a no, you hadn’t noticed that.
“It’s not just last night.” Tonks continued. “He stares at you during meetings when you are not looking, and I heard him ask Remus that he hopes he would get paired with you during missions.”
“Nymphadora! Y/N! Quit your gas bagging and get back to work!”
Tonks waved Moody off and turned back to you as she stood up from your desk. She was smiling now at your frozen expression.
So Sirius Black, may or may not be harbouring feelings for you. This was new.
- - -
Across town Sirius had just woken up, lying face first on his bed fully clothed. He moaned and grasped his head. Sitting up very slowly he gingerly rubbed his temples as he tried to recall the previous evening…
There was Remus and Bill, Harry, his friends and you. He recalled playing a muggle drinking game that you had taught everyone, about who you would rather….oh god! Sirius stood upright. Had he actually asked you if you would rather sleep with him or Bill?! He groaned loudly to the empty room and slapped his hand to his forehead causing himself to stumble back to a sitting position on his bed. “Great…” he mumbled to himself “now she’ll think you are a sleazy old man.”
He didn’t want you to see him as old and pushy he wanted you to choose him all on your own. You intrigued him, you had the moment you walked into your first order meeting. He was, at that point in time, too caught up in his own worries to see it but now he reasoned you had always turned his head. What was it about you? He didn’t know but he wanted to find out. He hoped you could like him, you certainly made him want things, things he had let go since Azkaban but were now popping up and bursting into his subconscious like bubbles in a champagne glass.
He hadn’t felt this light in a long time and it wasn’t just the weight of having the wizarding world unfairly think he was a traitor and a murderer lifted from his shoulders – he had come to terms with that years ago. It was you. You were intelligent, funny, and kind. He liked hearing your take on things and you had definitely proved yourself a capable auror if your mission reports were anything to go by. It was more than that though…
Thinking of last night and how he made you laugh until you were gasping for breath made him want to do other things for you that left you breathless. He couldn’t just come out and ask you – he still felt the age gap and did not want to pressure you – instead he thought he would show you the man he could be and hope that you would see him, really see him beyond the façade of his, admittedly, good looks and reputation.
Sirius laced his fingers together and stretched his arms in front of him dropping his head he looked down and was surprised but pleased to see a hard bulge in his pants: morning wood. The lack of interest in life in general his member had showed these days was a major tell tale sign that no matter how good the physical progress he made, he was still mentally trapped in Azkaban’s clutches.
Sirius smiled to himself, he got up, undressed, and walked to the bathroom; this was going to be a good day. He took his time in the shower letting the hot water jets massage his shoulders, hummed Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’ as he scrubbed his body and of course, he thought of you.
— — —
Over the next few weeks you noticed a change in Sirius. It started with a smile here and there, looks that lingered a little too long and the briefest of touches; a hand lightly on the small of your back as he moved passed you, an elbow nudging your arm when he joked which now come to think of it was more than frequent. He was friendlier, warmer, and showing you much more attention.
It wasn’t just you affected by this new demeanour. The change in Sirius since his Ministry declaration of freedom was palpable. Order meetings had become everyone’s favourite day of the week. Not only had the company improved, the meals were delicious – if he wasn’t the perfect host before, Grimmauld Place had turned into the height of hospitality, and that man could cook. From grilled salmon, to honey soy ribs, roast chicken, glazed ham, and buttered potatoes. “Sirius this is the best one so far” said Kingsley satisfactorily patting his stomach after finishing an entrée of white wine and garlic mussels as he sat round the grand dinning table at Grimmauld Place one Wednesday night.
“Appreciate it mate, what did you think Y/N.” Sirius turned to you seated at the middle of the dinning table.
It was perhaps unfortunate that at this precise moment you had taken a mouthful and unsuccessfully tried to swallow and answer Sirius at the same time. In your haste you coughed and spluttered before being able to respond with a raspy “It was really good Sirius.” While Arthur Weasley patted you on the back.
Sirius’ grey eyes sparkled and a slow smile formed on his lips. This was one of those times when he looked at you for too long to be considered decent. Aware of your reddening face you turned away.
Try and hold yourself together Y/N otherwise it is going to be a long night! You internally scolded yourself. You had a mission to complete tonight and not an easy one. It was going to be dangerous enough without you starting to choke on your words every time Sirius spoke to you. He had joined you and other Order members on missions for two weeks now, however tonight was going to be just you and him, and you better keep it together and stay cool out there.
“How many do you see?” Sirius’ whispered breath caught in the night air.
Lying on your stomach behind a wall of shrubbery you glanced around the fenced park at the shadows of people appearing around you and answered, “five in total: one on your left, two at my 4 O’Clock and two at the park entrance straight ahead of that huge oak.”
As missions go this was by far the most exciting (an dangerous) you had been on. As a junior auror and Order member, you had primarily been sent on reconnaissance missions. Now you had ‘graduated’ to full on stakeouts. This meant tracking and tagging known Death Eater operations, recording their movements and trying to stay out of sight. A rule which didn’t always go to plan.
Graduating to this level of mission also put you in league with the big boys. You were now looking at missions where you would be joining Sirius, Remus, Bill, and Kingsley but tonight was just you and Sirius. Apart from the increasing crush you had on him, Sirius was your favourite Order Member, he was a wealth of knowledge in defence and combat and was more than happy to share some with you. Without a doubt you had learnt more from him in two weeks than two years of auror training.
“Two at the park entrance?” He repeated. “The only inconspicuous exit out of here? If they are Death Eaters then so much for keeping a low profile…ok what should we do Y/N”
This was why you loved working with Sirius, he figured that the best way to learn was on the job so every mission you completed with him he treated you like the boss and helped guide you when you were unsure. So far it had been working out well and your tactical skills had improved dramatically. You knew he was building your confidence bit by bit and you appreciated it immensely.
You asked Sirius after an order meeting one night if he minded “tutoring” you, would he not prefer a more ‘seasoned’ partner? He laughed at your term and shook his head swatting his hand back and forth as if waving your concern from the air. He told you his help was payback from the loan of your music collection. - After finding out he loved music from the 70s you went home and raided your fathers shelves for all his classics, Motown to The Rolling Stones. Sirius was delighted and had made his way through most of the old records already. If truth be told Sirius helped you more on missions because seeing you was the favourite part of his day, he really enjoyed your company, actually he more than enjoyed it, he sought it out; offering to complete mission reports with you, suggesting Remus and Tonks stay for a nightcap after meetings in the hope you would too. Even popping into the Ministry with coffee on his way into town just to see you for a minute.
Sirius’ initial intrigue of you was growing in to something much bigger. Sometimes Remus caught his friend looking at you too long or watching the clock tick before Order meetings commenced and he shook his head with alarm. It wasn’t unusual for Sirius to get hooked on a woman but these idle crushes tended to stay as they were, brief moments of lust and like before moving into the next adventure. That’s how he had lived his life before Azkaban. However that was 17 years ago, now he was operating without wires, confused, comparing everything he felt as a 21 year old and it wasn’t adding up. He shouldn’t be thinking of you this much? Memorising your favourite meal to prepare for missions, figuring out that you bit your bottom lip when you are nervous or accidentally finding himself smelling perfumes at a muggle department store to see if he can pick the exact one you wear the same one that made is eyes cloud over with desire and urge him to grab you by the waist and kiss you in front of everyone. He was losing it Sirius thought to himself. He was falling in love thought Remus.
Whether this was true or not, it was that very perfume Sirius was inhaling as you both lay on the damp earth peering over a collection of topiary while waiting for you to think of an escape plan.
“We have one main instruction. Regardless of who these men are, do not get our faces seen.” You turned to Sirius. “If we do they will know we have tracked this place and will move locations or speed up their plans before we can intercept, we cannot apparate or they’ll hear it.” You swallowed slowly. While turning to look straight ahead. “We are going to have to try to sneak out of here without magic and without being seen.”
You raised your self to crouching position and Sirius did the same.
Pointing at the large old Oak in the South East corner of the park you breathed “Let’s get behind that tree and make a dash for it when they aren’t looking” You took Sirius’ nod as approval of your plan and stated to move. Looking around you beckoned Sirius to quickly sprint to the cover of the tree’s thick trunk.
Catching your breath you queried, “Why are supposed Death Eaters congregating in a private Park in the middle of London? Only Muggles and residents use this space.”
“They are guarding something and are on the look out for interference judging by the magic- alerts they have placed around the area. Easier to spot wizards in the middle of muggle residents.” He pointed up to several rippling vapers circling the air above the park.
You groaned. You hadn’t noticed these, they would trigger if any unaccounted for magic was used therefore rendering yourself and Sirius at a disadvantage. Perhaps this was why you were selected for this mission – as a muggleborn, you were thought to deal better without magic than other non-muggleborn members. That is a question for another day you reasoned internally as you both settled behind the safety of the tree. It truly was grand, at least four metres thick and who knows how many feet tall.
While Sirius was peering around the side of the trunk you whispered “all we have to do is make it 20-30 metres to that entrance, cross the street and apparate outside the magi-alarms boundaries – preferably out of sight line.” You bit your lip looking at Sirius’ back, god he was well formed: broad shoulders, tall, and from the look of his forearms; muscled under his clothes. Shaking that thought from your mind you pressed further, “What are they doing?” Sirius had clocked the two people standing at the entrance but he still wasn’t close enough to establish if they were indeed Death Eaters. They seemed to be just talking.
“I can’t get a good visual.” he said without taking his eyes of the targets.
“Well is there a chance they that are muggles and we can just walk past like we were taking a night time stroll?” Although you already knew the answer.
Sirius gave you a side smile before gazing back at the direction of your only escape route. “I’d like to think that too, but given the magi-alarms and the fact there are three others prowling over north west side of the park I’d say they are definitely Death Eaters….I’m just not sure which ones. If I could get a closer look then we’d know what kind of operation we are dealing with.”
You had learnt that the bigger and badder the Death Eater, the more important and seriously dangerous their operation. It stemmed from trafficking illegal potions to patrolling the residents’ of Imperious curse victims.
Sirius turned around, back against the trunk next to you. “I think we will be able to sneak out the right side of the entrance, they have moved down towards the parked car on the left, if we could only see their faces to report back.” As he stroked his jaw a twig cracked somewhere in the distance in front of you. You looked at each other. The same thought flashing across each other’s face – there was a sixth man. Fuuuuuuuck!
Adrenaline surged through and your training kicked in allowing you the clarity to take stock of the situation: you were two people in a park at night, dressed as muggles with hidden- but still at the ready- wands. You couldn’t risk being seen, you needed to blend in and become muggles. Or at least appear as such. But how? This was London, many muggles liked to stroll in the park but not usually at night. The only people you had ever seen at the park at night were homeless men, teenagers sipping on a bottle of their parents Christmas sherry and…couples.
You got it. But oh god…how in the utter heck could you do it? The sounds of someone approaching we’re getting louder now and there was nowhere to hide nearby without definitely giving yourselves away. You had to just go for it. Grabbing Sirius’ arm, an arm that was mere millimetres away from his wand, you pulled him until he was standing in front of you. Backed up against the tree trunk you looked at him and quickly muttered “I know this will seem an odd request right now but could you please kiss me?”
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Tag list: @aboutpotter @songforhema @sirius-lysad
246 notes · View notes
chilligyu · 6 years ago
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info: jeon wonwoo/reader, general audiences, record shop au genre: fluff, romance, glimpses of drama | word ct: 9k warnings: none summary: to most, jeon wonwoo was the surly owner of a hole in the wall record shop. to her, he was a simple mistake she kept making time and time again. notes: reposted from my old blog, @dimp1ejeon 
cross posted on ao3
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Her first mistake started with a record shop.
(It of course wasn’t her first mistake, but for the sake of this story let’s pretend that it was.)
It began in a record shop, an actual record shop. Something she honestly didn’t believe existed anymore. But as her new music obsessed boyfriend was happy to point out, they did, in fact, exist, and it would be good for her to get acquainted with vinyl. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to take that, but he was hot, the most popular guy on campus, so she would gladly “get acquainted with vinyl” for him. Didn’t mean she completely understood what that meant.
She barely understood what that meant.
Once she found a record shop, she was sure to muster all of her fleeting attention to soak up everything she could. She wandered the aisles with pristine precision, analysing every single cover, every genre, every artist, for some secret she was sure lied within. She wanted to be as knowledgeable as her amazing boyfriend, she wanted to be cultured and wise. Of course, that was easier said than done, and she still had no idea what she was doing after an hour of pretending like she did. She honestly couldn’t tell one record from the other and she was too embarrassed to admit defeat.
“Can I help you find something?”
She looked up and found herself face to face with a chipper looking sales clerk, his name tag read Mingyu. His face read how can I help you on this fine day?
“Yes!” She beamed in relief. “I’m looking for a record for my boyfriend, he wanted me to find something he had never heard of before. Which will be hard because he’s basically listened to every song on the planet.”
While she laughed and he laughed along politely, she hoped that he wouldn’t see right through her.
“What kind of music is he interested in?”
“Oh all sorts.” She clarified and yet didn’t clarify at all. “I really have no idea what to get him, if I’m personally honest. He likes some crazy bands like—Moldy Peaches? I think?”
Mingyu nodded and hummed as if she had provided him with everything he had ever needed. “Looks like you need a personal recommendation from the Wizard. Follow me.”
I need a what from the who?
Despite her evident confusion and general reluctance, she followed after Mingyu with moderate scepticism. They weaved their way through the aisles while he offered quiet statements such as “I’ll be right with you” and “can you man the front” to customers and employees they passed. She had no idea where he was taking her, but they were heading deeper and deeper into a store she wasn’t quite sure was even big enough to be that big. For a moment she wondered if he was guiding her to her doom.
In a way, he was.
As they rounded a corner, they finally found some semblance of life in the form of some dreary looking fellow hunched over his computer, narrowing his eyes at it in either concentration or frustration. All around him were stacks of papers, records, books, and everything else you could imagine to stack. Looking closely, she noticed that his name tag said Woo and for some reason all she could hear was someone saying Woohoo very unenthusiastically in the back of her mind.
“Wonwoo, you busy?”
Woo/Woohoo/Wonwoo didn’t even look up as he shrugged. “Kinda, what’s up?”
“We need to consult the Wizard.” Mingyu said like it was the most normal thing ever. “Music recommendation for a musically inclined boyfriend who’s into indie.”
Without missing a beat, and without looking up still, Wonwoo pulled a record out from one of his stacks and handed it over to Mingyu. “Here.”
“Thanks man, I owe you.” Mingyu returned and turned to her with a smile. “Think this will do?”
She was too busy trying to understand the odd situation with the “Wizard” to really offer an intelligent response. “Yea—yes. This looks perfect, thank you.”
Mingyu beamed with pride. “Don’t thank me, thank the Wizard. He does all the hard work around here anyway.”
While she halfway expected Woo/Woohoo/Wonwoo/Wizard to return with some sort of witty retort, he simply shrugged. But she could see a different response swimming in his ebony eyes. As if he was afraid to speak his mind in front of her. Interesting.
“Thank you, Woohoo—Wonwoo.” She stammered, cursing the little voice in the back of her head. “Thank you Wonwoo.”
The response he offered was little more than a nod of the head. She almost missed him sneak a glance, it was so quick she wasn’t entirely sure it had even happened.
“Alright, we won’t keep you.” Mingyu interrupted when there really wasn’t anything to interrupt. “Thanks again, hyung.”
She wasn’t quite sure what just happened.
As quickly as she had been guided into the secret nethers of Meanie’s Record Shop she was promptly escorted back out. Looking back over her shoulder she could’ve sworn she heard the surly Wonwoo say, “don’t forget about my 10% consultation fee,” with a ghost of a smile. It was perhaps the warmest smile she had ever seen.
Now she knew that she was imagining things.
Long after she paid for her record, said goodbye to the overly chipper and undeniably handsome Mingyu, she couldn’t stop her mind from wandering to thoughts of the elusive Wonwoo.
Her boyfriend thought his existence was hilarious, a record shop Wizard, and they spent quite a long time laughing about it. She didn’t necessarily find it funny, she found it intriguing. But she had a hard time disagreeing with her boyfriend so she laughed along with him.
When he asked her to go get another record for him, Meanie’s was her first (and only) choice. The way he asked her though made her think that he doubted the validity of Wonwoo’s capabilities and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Still, she did as he asked. She found her way back into the little hole in the wall and smiled happily when she saw Mingyu standing behind the counter.
This was her second mistake.
“Welcome back!” He exclaimed, perky as ever. “Did your boyfriend approve of the Wizard’s decision?”
“He did!” She returned. “He liked it so much in fact that he wanted me to come back and see if the Wizard would be right twice.”
Mingyu chuckled underneath his breath. “In all fairness to your skeptical boyfriend, Wonwoo is never wrong. He always knows what you need.”
“And that’s why you call him Wizard?” She halfway teased.
“That’s why we call him Wizard.” He agreed, motioning for her to follow. “Let’s step into his office and see what he has for you today.”
Then they embarked on the same journey for the second time. She could’ve sworn that her heart rate picked up a little in anticipation, but she was probably imagining it. She had the same feeling the first time she was lead back into Wonwoo land so it was most likely the underlying anxiety and nothing more. Still, she did her best to ignore it and was failing miserably.
When she spotted Wonwoo amongst the clutter it looked like he hadn’t moved since the last time she was there. He might’ve even been wearing the same outfit but of that she couldn’t be certain. The only difference she noticed immediately was that his many stacks of many things gained in stacitude. She tried not to be too overtly amused, Wonwoo seemed to notice anyway. She could’ve sworn that he almost smiled.
“Hey Woo.” Mingyu greeted with a curt wave. “We have a repeat customer, remember uppity musically inclined boyfriend who’s into indie? His girlfriend is back for round two.”
“Hey!” She protested behind him. “We never said uppity!”
“You didn’t, I did.” Mingyu winked playfully. “So, you got the goods my goodly good man?”
Wonwoo, on the other hand, already had a record ready for her. “Is that all?”
Taking the album in hand, Mingyu bowed slightly in respect, or awe. “Yes, thank you Grand Master Wonwoo. Your services are without equal.”
“So he’s the Grand Master now?” She chimed in. “How many nicknames does he have?”
“Plenty.” Wonwoo clarified, much to her surprise. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m pretty busy.”
Nodding in understanding, she turned to leave when she thought she heard him swear under his breath. She couldn’t resist, she peered around to look at his computer screen. He was playing Fortnite.
Mingyu burst out laughing. “Oh she’s done it now. You’ve been busted, the whole dark brooding aesthetic has been shattered.”
Wonwoo honestly didn’t look fazed in the slightest. “I don’t have a dark brooding aesthetic.”
“That, my friend,” Mingyu began to her, “is what we call oblivion. Hyung,” turning back to Wonwoo, “you have no self awareness.”
He shrugged in response. “That’s fine. I’m still busy being dark and brooding while playing Fortnite.”
Oh. She halfway gasped when she spotted a coy grin twitching at his lips. He’s trying to be funny. He’s actually really funny.
She couldn’t help it, she started to laugh. There was just something about Wonwoo sitting there surrounded by eclectic treasures with his typical emotionless expression and being sassy to his friend that made her giggle out of control. She was sure that they were probably giving her the oddest look but she didn’t care, she had never met anyone quite like Wonwoo and she was sure that he was a one in a billion type of guy.
Regardless, he was chuckling along with her. It was an interesting sound, or it was interesting how that sound made her feel. His laugh was very light, despite his deep voice, and it lifted her spirits considerably. It made her feel--comfortable, almost as if his laughter was some unknown cure from some even more unknown ailment that ailed her. While hearing it she was suddenly overcome with this strange realization that she couldn’t recall ever feeling anything quite like it. She would’ve loved to hear more of Wonwoo’s laugh. She wanted to feel the things that his laugh made her feel.
“This is starting to get weird. Wonwoo smiling, laughing, it’s unnatural.” Mingyu muttered, amusement clear on his face. “Let’s get you out of here before it’s too late.”
Nodding and trying to compose herself, she waved goodbye to the Wizard. “He’s right, I should get going. Thanks again for the personal recommendation. It was nice seeing you, Wonwoo.”
That seemed to catch him off guard but a hesitant smile creased his lips. “You too, have a good one.”
Her heart skipped a beat.
She decided to ignore the strange sensation and instead followed Mingyu back out to the front where she would pay for her record just as before and most likely never see either of them ever again. The thought didn’t make her sad, per se, but it didn’t make her happy either. Not in the slightest. Surely her boyfriend was capable of going to the record shop on his own time but she had enjoyed her trips to Meanie’s up until that point and hoped they could continue. She wanted nothing more than to sit there and chat away with the two young men she had such a fun time with, even in the smallest of doses.
I could always keep Meanie’s a secret. She mused to herself as she sat next to her boyfriend while they—well, he—watched a documentary on the Rolling Stones. I don’t see why I can’t keep making trips for him. It’s not that big of a deal.
That small decision was her third mistake.
In the following weeks she made a couple of trips to Meanie’s for her boyfriend, but she also made a couple completely unprompted. Just to stop by to see how Mingyu and Wonwoo were doing. She never stayed long, only a minute or two each time. A quick hello, a stray smirk, a flutter of a feeling that she couldn’t name, and a hesitant goodbye moments later. She enjoyed her time there, she enjoyed learning more about music from people who didn’t belittle her.
Not that her boyfriend belittled her, not exactly. Sometimes she just felt that he thought he was better than her for his extensive knowledge of obscure bands and her lack thereof. Of course it wasn’t intentional, he cared about her and she cared about him. He would apologize if she brought it up, and she’d forgive him each time. She’d smile, kiss him gently, and all would be forgiven but not necessarily forgotten.
On a cloudy Wednesday after a lunch date with her boyfriend, she found herself almost unconsciously heading towards Meanie’s. She was intellectually exhausted after learning about the shift from classic rock to modern rock and how music was dying--according to her boyfriend, and she needed a break from that. She needed to just forget about all of the things she had to remember since she agreed to go out with her music obsessed boyfriend. All of the facts and all of the history, it was too much for her to process some days. Most days.
Walking into Meanie’s she was shocked to see Soonyoung behind the counter instead of Mingyu. It was silly of her to think that he would always be there no matter what, he was a living breathing human with a living breathing life. Still, she walked right up to him with confusion evidently evident on her face.
“He’s out for lunch.” Soonyoung clarified immediately. “He should be back in the next 20 minutes or so if you want to wait.”
Pursing her lips, she shook her head. “No, that’s okay. I’m just going to go back and say hi to Wonwoo then I’ll be gone.”
With a polite wave she said goodbye to Soonyoung and headed back towards her favorite place in the whole store. Alone. A nagging sensation at the back of her mind.
Maybe I shouldn’t be here.
Maybe I should.
Which was her fourth mistake.
“Hey.” She greeted sheepishly when she turned the corner and saw him sitting there as always. “Busy?”
Looking up from his computer, Wonwoo almost smiled. “No, not really. Need another recommendation for the boyfriend?”
She shook her head. “Not today, just wanted to stop in to see how you and Mingyu were doing. But he’s not here so I guess I’m just here to see you!”
Wonwoo’s eyes lit up. “Oh—well, thanks for visiting. Mingyu’s going to be sad that he missed you.”
“Make sure you tell him I said hello.” She continued, uneasiness rising inside of her.
“Will do.”
There was a brief silence when neither really knew what else to say, up until that point they always had Mingyu to smooth over any awkward tension that might exist. Without him, they didn’t know how to proceed or how to act. As they stood there and the silence persisted, she couldn’t help but wonder if stopping by was such a good idea after all.
She had to say something before her face started to show the embarrassment she felt.
“What’re you listening to?” She suddenly blurted out when she spotted the lone earbud in his ear.
A look of confusion crossed his face before he remembered that he was, in fact, listening to music. “Oh, umm… it’s—" he began as he started clicking away with his mouse. “Hollow Caves, heard of them?”
“No, I don’t think so.” She admitted honestly, something she would be afraid to do if her boyfriend had asked. “Mind if I have a listen?”
“S-sure!” Wonwoo sorta stuttered, unplugging his headphones so she could hear. “If you don’t like it we can always listen to something else.”
She wasn’t sure why that polite sentence made her heart race. She always felt like she was on her toes around Wonwoo, like she was afraid of offending him or something. Perhaps some part of her expected all musically inclined people to behave similarly, because she was afraid to disagree with her boyfriend. His music taste was superior to hers and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it. Out loud. Constantly.
Wonwoo was different.
She liked different.
For the first time since they met (for the sake of story), Wonwoo got up from his seat at his computer and crossed the crowded space to a couch she had never noticed before. Not that most would notice it buried underneath the mounds and mounds of boxes and discarded record sleeves. As he started to clear it off she couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt.
“You don’t need to do that!” She protested a bit louder than she intended. “I mean—I’m fine, you don’t need to clear it off for me.”
Despite her objections, he didn’t stop. “I’ve been meaning to organize this place a little anyway, besides, there’s literally nowhere else to sit.”
He was right, the only other thing she could see that even resembled furniture was the chair behind his desk and now she realized that it was just a pile of boxes. Somehow that added to his charm. Whatever charm he possessed. He wasn’t bothered by the little things and he made the best of what he had. She kind of liked that, she liked that he didn’t make a big deal out of it either. It was—refreshing.
“There.” He huffed when he was finished, hands on his hips. “Good as new.”
She wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not since the couch still looked like it had been salvaged from a collapsed building. She decided that he wasn’t and that somehow made the whole situation that much funnier.
“Thank you but you really didn’t have to.” She persisted. “I don’t want to trouble you.”
“It’s no trouble.” He countered, a ghost of a smile twitching at his lips. “I wanted to do it.”
Again, her heartbeat started pounding in her ears. She was beginning to wonder what was wrong with her.
“Of course you don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to.” Wonwoo sputtered suddenly. “I’m sure you’re busy and have better things to do than keep me company in this poor excuse for an office.”
She offered him a kind smile. “I really don’t.”
(She really didn’t.)
The smile he returned was far kinder. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable.”
Nodding, she sat down on the old tattered couch and watched Wonwoo stuff some papers into a filing cabinet that had seen better days. As had most everything else in his “office”. A word she would never have associated before he said it yet now that’s all that she could see. From the business reports strewn across the floor and the order invoices tacked to a wall with darts embedded in them, it was definitely an office. A horribly chaotic office, but she didn’t find a problem with that.
Once he tidied up, he plopped down on the opposite end of the couch. He had two waters in hand, one he happily offered and she happily accepted. Leaning back, she really listened to the soothing music that was slowly filling up the empty space around them. They didn’t speak to each other and she didn’t mind it. The silence between them wasn’t as nagging as before, she wasn’t looking for a way out or something to say. Silence with Wonwoo wasn’t that awful, it wasn’t even bad. She actually enjoyed it a little, in fact. Once she got used to it.
Being comfortable with the silence didn’t mean that she didn’t have things she wanted to ask him. She wanted to ask him plenty of things, like what he did at Meanie’s, how long he’d known Mingyu. Why did he always wear beanies and how did he get so involved with music? Wonwoo was a curiosity and she couldn’t help but be curious. She couldn’t help her poor impulse control either.
It was as if a verbal dam burst in her damn mouth.
While she prattled on, he chuckled at either her ridiculousness or her abruptness. Whichever it was she was blushing nevertheless, embarrassed by how rash she was behaving. That didn’t stop her motormouth from motoring on.
“I’m a manager here.” Wonwoo began once she had run out of breath. “And a co-owner with Mingyu. We’ve known each other since we were kids, I was his first pick when he acquired this place. I always wear beanies because it’s cold back here and I can’t really remember how I got into music. It just happened one day.”
She nodded along as he spoke, unaware that he had nothing more to say.
“Is that all?” He questioned with a smile. “Anything else that you’ve been dying to ask?”
“Ah—no, that’s it.” She stammered, wringing out her hands in her lap. “At least--at least for now. I’m sure I’ll think of something else because I can’t stop—"
She stopped herself before it was too late. Can’t stop thinking about you? Was I really going to say that to him? As much as it might be true I can’t just go around saying that to people, it makes me look weird!
“Can’t stop what?” Wonwoo asked innocently, completely oblivious to the raging turmoil inside of her.
Laughing nervously, she waved it off like it was nothing. “Can’t stop thinking up weird questions, obviously.”
Luckily for her and her friendly relationship with the two Meanie boys, Mingyu appeared from around the corner with a bewildered look on his face. It probably completely contrasted her euphoric look of pure relief.
“When Soonyoung said that Wonwoo had a visitor I thought he was lying.” He started. “Should’ve known it was you!”
“Hey, I was coming to visit both of you!” She protested, springing up from the couch and giving her unknowing savior a hug. “It’s not my fault you weren’t here, that’s your problem.”
Wonwoo cleared his voice behind them. “I’m going to get back to work now.”
Startled, she turned and saw him return to his desk where his face had morphed from the pleasant smile she loved to the emotionless deadpan she first met. The switch was drastic and a bit unsettling, she didn’t really know what to make of it or what to do. Looking back to Mingyu he obviously didn’t notice the shift like she had. He was saluting his coworker and leading her out before she could even question what just happened.
“Thanks for stopping by.” He mused as they walked. “It’s good for Wonwoo to interact with real live people every now and then.”
She pressed her lips together in thought. “I don’t know, he didn’t seem too happy about it.”
“Are you kidding?” Mingyu half asked half laughed. “You should’ve seen the look on his face, like he’d just seen the sun for the first time. He only ever looks like that when I bring him food.”
I did see the look on his face. She reminded herself. That doesn’t change the fact that it disappeared at the drop of a pin.
“Either way, don’t worry about it too much.” He tried to reassure her. “He doesn’t really know what’s good for himself anyway. That’s what he has you and I for.”
“R-right.” She agreed hesitantly, trying her best to accept his words even when her heart was screaming at her to go back.
Had she gone, it would’ve been her fifth mistake. But that mistake was saved for her next visit after getting into a disagreement with her boyfriend.
She couldn’t remember much from early that day, only that she was supposed to introduce her boyfriend to her parents that morning and he was, decidedly, nowhere to be found. He knew about the meeting, they talked about it the night before, but where was he? She had no idea. After a handful of calls and a couple dozen text messages, she made up some excuse why he couldn’t make it and apologized to her poor parents (who, mind you, had driven all the way from Busan to meet him).
Turns out he had rushed out to buy some shady band merch from some shady character under some shady bridge somewhere in shadytown. That’s why he missed probably one of the more important milestones in their relationship and she wasn’t too happy with him. But instead of talking it out with him she decided it would be a better idea to go and pay Mingyu and Wonwoo a visit, she prefered their company most days anyway.
Which was why it was her fifth mistake. And quite possibly her sixth.
When she came in it must’ve been pretty evident that she was having a rough day because Mingyu immediately leapt over the counter and approached her with open arms. She wrapped herself around him and nuzzled into his chest. She just wanted to forget about the past six hours and enjoy a little peace and quiet. Meanie’s was exactly what she needed.
“Why don’t you head on back.” He whispered to her. “I’ll be right there I just have a few things to take care of.”
Nodding, she did as she was instructed and let her feet carry her through the store as they had a dozen times before. Wonwoo said something to her when she came around the corner but didn’t seem to grasp her current situation. After a minute or two and she was just standing there without saying anything, he started to put it together.
“Hey, are you alright?” He asked, genuinely concerned. “Come sit down and I’ll grab you some water or something.”
It was hard to place what she was feeling, she was trying desperately not to let herself be angry or annoyed and didn’t really know where that left her. Dating her boyfriend seemed to be a lot of low expectations and hoping for the best. She remembered when he asked her out and she thought it was the best thing to ever happen to her. She was certain that it would all work out, he was a guy worth hoping for. That’s what everyone said and she wanted desperately to believe it.
Eventually she was able to shake the dark cloud hovering around her loose and slowly returned to reality. She was sitting on the couch, Wonwoo was an arms length away from her, and there was a warm cup of coffee in her hands. She did her best to smile if only to ease Wonwoo a little. He looked so concerned—she couldn’t bear it.
“Thank you, Wonwoo.” She mumbled. “But I’m okay, really. I just—needed to collect my thoughts.”
“I think you need a little more than that.” He objected. “What happened? Is there anything I can do?”
She sighed and raised the coffee to her lips. “Can you turn back time? Stop my boyfriend from standing me up? Stop him from standing my parents up? No? Then no, I don’t need anything.”
She paused for a second, realizing how she was coming across. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so bitchy. I’m just—I’m tired? I think? I had to make up excuses for him so my parents didn’t get the wrong impression and think he was this bad guy when in reality—”
“When in reality he’s actually a bad guy?” Wonwoo finished with a stern look. “I don’t care what his excuse is, no guy worth anything ever stands anyone up. Especially not his girlfriend.”
“No buts.” He interrupted. “Don’t let him get away with this, okay? You deserve way more than that.”
Leaning back, she knew that he had a point but she couldn’t quite accept it. “I just want to move past it, put it behind us. He’s really a good guy he just--he gets sidetracked.”
Wonwoo didn’t look entirely, or even partially, convinced. “Alright, sure, he’s a good guy. Can you give this to him? Personal recommendation from me.”
Before she could question him he had a CD held out towards her. North of The Yellowhead. She didn’t even know that they had CDs and didn’t really know what to do with it.
“I know it’s not a record, my apologies for that.” Wonwoo continued. “But make sure he pays special attention to track 10.”
Track 10? She wondered. “Maria’s Last Words? Do I even want to know?”
“Let’s just say you should be a bit more like Maria.” He smirked. “Because he’s being a real Captain Tractor right now.”
She couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled past her lips. “So the answer is no, I don’t want to know. But--thank you, Wonwoo. Your strange pep talk actually helped.”
“Anytime.” He smiled triumphantly. “Oh, and this—is for you. Free of charge.”
It was another CD. Custom, slipped into a purple sleeve and a simple two words written on it. Feel Better. She looked up at him in disbelief, there was no way that he was going to know that she needed cheering up. No offense to the wizard, but he couldn’t be that good.
He toed a stray candy wrapper sheepishly. “I just wrote that on there. I had the CD for a couple of days.”
Of course. She realized. “Is this a mixtape, Jeon Wonwoo?”
“Kinda?” He admitted. “They’re just some songs I thought you’d like. You don’t seem like the record type so I was a bit out of my element.”
“You didn’t cheat with your Wizard powers?” She teased him with a smile. “I’m a bit shocked, if I’m being honest.”
If she wasn’t mistaken, she could’ve sworn he was blushing.
And her heart was pounding.
“Well, I—”
“Alright!” Mingyu suddenly shouted, barrelling into view with a large mysterious pot in his hand. “Here we have the perfect feel good food. That’s right, you guessed it, my special homemade tteokguk to wash away all worries and all troubles.”
“You just have tteokguk ready and waiting?” She laughed quietly, thankful for the distraction. “Is it the New Year and I missed it?”
Wonwoo shook his head at her skepticism. “You’d be surprised how many meltdowns people have, Mingyu’s tteokguk has saved lives. Lives I tell you.”
Laughing, she found herself relaxing even further as Wonwoo and Mingyu pulled out bowls and utensils for their meal. It didn’t last long, she wasn’t one to sit around while others worked. While she waited on the couch she felt herself grow restless. Each time she attempted to help them set up they ushered her back into her seat, they wouldn’t even let her lift a finger.
“The tteokguk is an experience.” Wonwoo tried to tell her. “You just sit back and relax, we’ve got you covered.”
Resigned to her fate, she sighed. “Do you guys do this often? You seem very prepared.”
“I’m always prepared.” He said, his eyes softening. “Don’t you know that yet?”
Her mind wandered to the burned CD lying in her lap and she smiled. Wonwoo seemed to have a knack for knowing exactly what she needed. And she wasn’t sure if that was a result of his so called Wizard powers or if he was just genuinely an observant and caring human being. Maybe they weren’t so disconnected, maybe it was a little bit of both.
She decided not to think about it. She wanted to enjoy Mingyu’s special tteokguk and forget all about her boyfriend, if only for a moment. Wonwoo’s smile helped with that, it made the emptiness she felt feel warm. It made it more bearable, and less noticeable. She could get used to that. She wanted to. She wanted to spend more time with Wonwoo, and she made sure that she did.
That was the sixth mistake. And Mingyu seemed to notice.
He didn’t bring it up right away, it was probably after a few weeks of unknowingly interrupting her and Wonwoo’s music sessions that he decided to say something. Even then she was the one who broke the ice. He was escorting her back out front, uncharacteristically quiet, hands stuffed in his pockets, and she knew something was on his mind. Mingyu was usually a big ball of unyielding energy, the silence was unnerving. She couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m about to explode.” She finally admitted, stopping dead in her tracks. “I can practically hear your thoughts from here and it’s starting to scare me. Whatever you have to say, please spit it out.”
Mingyu chuckled. “Is it that obvious?”
“Definitely. What’s on your mind?”
He shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stress you out I’m just—I’m thinking.”
“About what?” She prompted. “It’s got to be pretty serious if you’re—”
“It’s Wonwoo.” He attempted to clarify, but it only made her panic more. “Oh God, he’s fine, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that—it’s—it’s actually got to do with you too.”
“Okay?” She dragged, unsure of where their conversation was going. “Care to elaborate before you give me a second heart attack?”
He looked extremely troubled and she had no idea why. “Maybe? I—I don’t know, well, I know that I should. But I have something I want to ask you first I just—I don’t know how you’re going to take it.”
“Oh my God, Mingyu.” She groaned. “Out with it already! It can’t be nearly as bad as all this waiting, trust me.”
“Alright, if you insist.” He continued reluctantly. “Are you—are you happy with your boyfriend? Like actually happy?”
Admittedly, she was slightly taken aback. “What? Of—of course! Why wouldn’t I—why are you asking me that of all things?”
“You’ve just been spending a lot of time with us lately.” He shrugged. “And by us I really mean Wonwoo.”
She couldn’t help but laugh. “Let me get this straight, you’re all worried about my relationship with my boyfriend because Wonwoo and I are friends now? Are you feeling okay Mingyu? You really should stop overworking yourself because you’re not making any sense.”
“So you’re telling me that there’s nothing going on between you two?” He pressed. “Nothing at all? Just friends? That’s it?”
“That’s it.” She sighed in relief. “Jesus, Mingyu. I thought this was something serious, you were starting to scare me.”
“You don’t think it’s serious?” He basically scoffed. “You spend all of your time with Wonwoo and I haven’t even heard you bring up le boyfriend in weeks. I figured I’d ask the question!”
Crossing her arms, she wasn’t amused. “While I totally appreciate your interest in my love life, I promise you that everything is fine. Wonwoo and I are friends. Just. Friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Is that all you had to ask?”
“Yeah. That’s it.” Mingyu finally relented. “Sorry for being nosy I’m just—keeping an eye out for Wonwoo. He—he knows that you’re just friends right?”
“Of course!” She protested perhaps a bit too loudly. “I mean—wait, has he said anything?”
He pursed his lips in thought. “Well, no, but I know my best friend. He cares about you. Just keep it kosher and make sure the boundaries are set. The last thing he needs is a broken heart.”
“Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen.” She swore. “I would never.”
He nodded with a smile. “Good. Thanks for humoring my paranoia, and thanks for dropping by again. You know you’re always welcome here.”
“Thanks for always making me feel welcome.” She beamed. “Even when you’re asking me awkward questions.”
“That’s my specialty.” He laughed. “Now get out of here before you miss your bus. Again.”
“Alright, alright.” She conceded, backing out of the shop. “Goodnight, Mingyu!”
They waved goodbye with a few dramatic kisses blown into the night, but his words were stuck in her brain. She hadn’t noticed a lack of interest in her boyfriend, he was actually out of town for the time being while he trailed some indie band across Europe, and yet Mingyu had. Just because she wasn’t obsessed with him didn’t mean that she was losing interest. Even so, he was the sort that appreciated a bit of distance. Sometimes a whole continents worth. Maybe—maybe she should’ve had more of a problem with that. Maybe she should’ve asked more of him.
Maybe she should’ve wanted to be with him.
This started the first real fight she ever had with her boyfriend. While she couldn’t really remember what it was about, she could only remember feeling belittled and ignored. How he would disappear for sometimes weeks on end and come back like nothing happened, how he didn’t feel it was necessary to include her in his life. She was angry, hurt, miserable and more. She cried and screamed, he sat and said nothing. He didn’t know what she wanted, and she didn’t know either. That somehow made her angrier. So she stormed out of his apartment and headed straight for Meanie’s without even thinking to question it.
Which was just another mistake, her seventh.
When she came in after he hurt her the first time, Mingyu knew. When she came in for the second time, he knew again. Sometimes she wondered who the real Wizard at the record shop was. He could read her easier than any book and he was next to her before the door even closed with his arms around her.
“You know the drill, head on back and I’m going to go get some freshly baked bukkumi.” He informed her as he pulled on his jacket. “You get comfy, relax, forget about the douchebag, I’ll be back soon.”
Fearing that anger would be laced into her voice, she simply nodded with a forced smile. He seemed to understand, with a salute he was out the door and off to cheer her up as he often did. She sighed once she was alone, waved unenthusiastically to Soonyong and headed towards the back. Not quite sure what she wanted Meanie’s to do for her, to make her feel better or make her forget. She would’ve taken anything at that point.
But the sight of Wonwoo sitting there didn’t do either, it just made her incredibly sad. He stood abruptly, sensing her distress, and she practically ran into his arms. Burying her face into the hollow of his neck she felt herself start to cry. She didn’t want to stain his shirt, she didn’t want to trouble him like that, but she couldn’t bring herself to step away. If anything she actually tightened her grip around him. She half expected him to protest, or push her away, except he didn’t budge. He was even holding her closer still, unbothered by her tears or her desperation for—what?
What did she want?
His calming hand on her back, his heart pounding against hers, she felt a lump settle into her throat. Eventually she either ran out of tears or the energy to produce them, her eyes were red and raw and she just wanted to sit down. Wonwoo took a good look at her while she wiped at the corners of her eyes. With a sad smile he brushed her hair aside, letting his fingers dust across her cheek. He didn’t say anything, at least not aloud. His eyes said it all though, all of the things she needed to hear. Slowly she started to feel better.
He guided her to the couch without a word and she collapsed onto it. Leaning her head back she closed her eyes, wondering how things had gotten to that point, how her perfect boyfriend turned out to be anything but. She sighed, telling herself not to think about it too much. Things would get better, or maybe they wouldn’t. Maybe she could just stay at Meanie’s forever and never see him again. Maybe that made her happy.
Suddenly, soft music surrounded her. The best cure she could’ve possibly asked for. She didn’t even flinch when Wonwoo occupied the spot beside her, she didn’t say anything as she relaxed against him. Didn’t protest when he wrapped an arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. She let her heavy lids flutter closed as she came to one single realization.
She would rather be at Meanie’s than with her boyfriend, and she had known that for quite some time.
She would rather be in Wonwoo’s arms than anyone else’s.
Mingyu was right, she felt something more for him than she should’ve.
Which wasn’t fair to him, not when she still had someone in her life. She knew that, understood that, but denied it all the same. She would let herself be selfish for a few moments more. She would let fantasy be reality, she would pretend that she belonged in the once place she shouldn’t be. She would be happy, hopelessly happy, for just a bit longer.
And then she would finally stop making mistakes.
Her relationship didn’t end in fire, it didn’t end like something out of a coming-of-age story on Netflix or a dramatic soap on Lifetime. As easily as they became, with a smirk and a well placed comment, they were out each others lives altogether. He didn’t fight, she didn’t cry. They exchanged pleasantries and parted for good. They never belonged together in the first place, she finally understood and accepted that.
She never intended to go to Meanie’s the night she broke up with her boyfriend, she planned on heading home and sleeping off the emotional exhaustion. Of course she should’ve known that she was drawn to that dusty old record shop in ways she couldn’t name or explain. Late at night, her mind wandering to moments and memories lost, and she still found her way there. She stood outside the glass doors, some part of her wanting to turn around and save that discussion for another day. Wonwoo deserved thought, deserved time, while she knew her relationship with her boyfriend was a mistake it would’ve been a bigger mistake to rush into something new without stopping to think.
So maybe she wasn’t done making mistakes after all.
When the door dinged overhead, Wonwoo didn’t even look up and instead offered a robotic, “sorry, we’re closed. Come back tomorrow.”
“I know.” She smiled. “I was hoping to catch you before you left.”
Looking up with a start, his surly expression melted at the sight of her. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize it was you. What brings you here so late at night? Don’t you have class in the morning?”
She shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t really feel like going though.”
“That’s not a good attitude to have.” He chuckled quietly. “But I won’t turn you away, I’ll take every minute I can get.”
“Sweet talker.” She mumbled. “Can I help at all? I don’t want to keep you.”
Pursing his lips, he looked around. “I’m—actually almost done. If you don’t mind waiting, that is.”
“You’re worth waiting for.” She let slip without realizing. “I mean—you’re the reason why I stopped by so it’s only fair that I wait for you.”
“Oh—right.” He hesitated, a light blush dusting across his cheeks. “I’ll be quick, promise.”
What the hell was that? She chastised herself. Wasn’t the plan to give him some time before you start confessing?
She knew what the answer was, she also knew that life didn’t always go as planned.
“I broke up with my boyfriend.” She suddenly blurted out moments later. “I just—thought you should know.”
He stopped stocking shelves to look at her, eyes wide with shock. “Is that what you came down here for? To tell me that?”
She nodded.
She could see the turmoil swimming in his eyes. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. In all fairness, neither did she. That left them motionless, frozen in time while their minds tried to process the impossible and make sense of their rapidly changing hearts.
“Mingyu can take care of this in the morning.” He suddenly muttered, grabbing the keys and pulling on his jacket. “Let’s go for a ride, it’ll probably do you some good to get your mind off of it.”
“Yeah.” She agreed. “Thank you, Wonwoo.”
He offered her a hesitant smile. “No need to thank me, I’m happy to help. Always.”
Her heart was racing, her mouth was dry and her mind empty. She didn’t know what was going to happen, she didn’t know what to expect. She simply followed Wonwoo just as she always would, she would follow him anywhere because he was the one person who reminded her of home. Of sitting on an old ratty couch, content with silence and being close. Where words meant nothing and music meant everything.
Their car ride was silent apart from the hum of the radio and the rattling of the engine. She didn’t pay much attention to it, opting instead to look out the window and watch the city disappear in a blur of lights. Where they were heading, she didn’t know and didn’t ask. She trusted Wonwoo, trusted him to know what she needed. He hadn’t failed her yet and she had no reason to believe that he would. Every now and then she would steal a glance in his direction but his gaze didn’t waver. He looked out into the night, watched asphalt vanish beneath tires and watched concrete turn into trees.
They stopped at the outskirts of town, so far away from the bustling city they called home that they could even see the stars spattered across the night sky. He exited the car first and didn’t wait for her to follow. He hopped up onto the hood of his car and leaned back against the glass with an arm tucked behind his head. She followed suit shortly, not bothering to question why he left the car running. Why he let a symphony of melodies fill their unyielding silence.
She sat beside him, knees pulled into her chest. She didn’t know what to say, what to do, she had never seen Wonwoo outside of the record shop and the mere thought was exhilarating. She wanted to see more of him, she wanted to spend her every waking minute with him because he understood her. His existence in her life wasn’t fleeting or temporary, Wonwoo had someone integrated himself into her life so seamlessly and perfectly that she barely noticed when it happened. She hadn’t realized until there was no turning back.
“Did you love him?” He asked suddenly, peering at her out of the corner of his eyes.
It was a loaded question, one she considered more than once in her time with him. She could’ve sworn that she did, the first few weeks were absolutely perfect, she was happy and he was happy and happiness was all that they needed. They didn’t care that they didn’t have anything in common, that their interests constantly kept them apart, for that brief moment in her life none of that mattered. Of course, in reality, it meant more than anything.
She wrapped her arms around her knees. “I think I was, at first. I don’t know what changed. I don’t know who started it or why, but suddenly I felt like I was dating a stranger.”
“I’m sorry.” He lamented sincerely. “That couldn’t have been easy for you.”
“No, it wasn’t.” She agreed. “I just—I’m not entirely sure I know what love is anymore. I was so certain of myself, of him, but maybe I never knew. Maybe I was in denial for so long that I created my own definition of love.”
“Well--everyone does that.” He said. “Love is never the same twice.”
She offered him a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
“Love is—difficult.” He started. “Love is about endless possibilities, like anything can happen. Good and bad. It’s being hopelessly happy, terribly sad, horribly scared, and everything in between. Being in love isn’t perfect, it’s messy, it’s dirty, it’s sudden and chaotic, whirlwinds of feeling and moments that linger in every memory you share. Which is why I stand by the fact that love is always different.”
He paused to sit up straight.
“There’s different kinds of love too, and not a lot of people understand that. The love of being near someone, of hearing their voice, of understanding, the love of culture and intelligence. Love can be anything and that’s why it’s so powerful. I believe that love is something that you’ll never feel the same way twice. At least not forever because everyone feels those butterflies, feels like their stomach is about to leap out of their chest. But love is forever changing.
“Love is finding that one song and wanting to listen to it day after day. The idea of you being in love, wanting to see that person every day, is like that song you come back to no matter what. Each love stays with you in one way or another. It’s your whole life falling apart and not knowing which way’s up, which way’s down, but knowing where they are. And that feeling stays with you in one way or another. Whether you want it to or not.”
As she listened, soaking up everything that he said, she couldn’t help but think of the moments they spent together. How Wonwoo had been there for her through it all, how her whole world could turn upside down and she would be able to find him in her sleep. How she cherished each moment with him for a variety of different reasons, he made her feel safe, comfortable, understood and—loved. With his small gestures he made her feel like she could do anything.
So that’s what love is.
Pressing her palms into her eyes, she leaned back against his car and tried to calm down her chaotic thoughts. Whatever part of her wanted to wait, to be patient, to give Wonwoo the time and thought that he deserved had long since vanished. The only voice she could hear was the one begging her to kiss him. The selfish part of herself that she hated, the one she found herself listening to time and time again.
But it was Wonwoo who kissed her first, and therefore it wasn’t a mistake.
At first she pulled away in pure shock, his lips felt perfect against hers, almost too perfect. In that moment she wondered if she was actually dreaming, if the stars above them were nothing more than her rampant imagination and childish whims come to life. She watched his face fall in sadness, she could see the terrible thoughts rolling through his head.
None of which were true, so she indulged the selfish voice and made her last mistake.
She pulled him in close and kissed him harder and more fervently than she ever intended. Wonwoo was soft, warm, and she felt like a tornado in his arms. Her mind was reeling, fireworks dotted her vision as she fell further down the rabbit hole. Every decision she had made in the past three months brought her to this one perfect moment on an old car on a night where everything was going wrong and somehow falling into place all at the same time. When Wonwoo was the only thing she needed, the only thing she cared about.
But none of this was fair to him.
“Wait.” She clipped, scooting away from him and pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. “I’m—I don’t want to rush into this, I don’t—I’m not sure—“
“Not sure of what?” He asked breathlessly. “I think I’ve been pretty clear.”
She chuckled quietly. “You have, you really have. But—I need some time to think. I don’t—I don’t want this to end up the same way again. I don’t want you to be another thing I regret.”
He nodded and she tried not to notice the hurt in his eyes. “I guess I understand, it’s all pretty fresh still, isn’t it?”
“A little bit.” She agreed, her gaze falling to his lips again. “I didn’t even plan to come to Meanie’s tonight, I was going to go home and think things over before seeing you again.”
“I can’t say I’m mad at how things turned out.” He smirked. “Still, if you want to think, you think away. Can I take you home at least?”
“Of course.” She smiled with a sigh. “Thank you, Wonwoo for being, well, for being you. And for being there.”
His eyes softened as he pulled her into a hug. “Anytime.”
There was no awkwardness between them as he drove her home. The silence was palpable but they were used to it. Silence with Wonwoo was always a comfort so there was no need to fill it with senseless ramblings. He dropped her off and waved goodbye as if nothing had ever happened between them. That’s perhaps what she liked most about him. He didn’t question her decisions, he could see where she was coming from and accepted her stance on the matter. Wonwoo was, for all intents and purposes, one of the kindest people she had ever met.
And she loved him.
Her decision came easily, she knew the moment she laid beside him that her heart belonged to him and him alone. But she needed some time to make sure that her decision wouldn’t change. Three days passed and she could only think of him and fevered kisses underneath the stars. The thought of seeing him again made her heart flutter. The longer she stayed away, the faster her pulse raced. Her body knew her answer long before she wanted to admit it, perhaps since she first met him.
I love him.
When she was sure she hailed a cab and paid the driver extra to speed all the way there. She had to see Wonwoo, had to, like the sun needed the moon. Her heart was thundering in her chest but it didn’t faze her. Nothing could stop her, she burst through the door to Meanie’s and didn’t stop to even acknowledge Mingyu or Soonyoung. She only had one thing on her mind, one purpose, and nothing was going to distract her.
Except, he wasn’t there. His desk was empty, his office eerily silent, and there was no sign of him. He was always at Meanie’s, always, she didn’t care that he was a living breathing human with a living breathing life, he was always there. There was nowhere else he could be, at least—none that she knew of. Her heart started to sink and she almost lost hope.
She heard a rustling sound behind her and suddenly something toppled into her. A box of papers and such scattered across the ground, she followed suit, as did who/whatever knocked her over in the first place. She laid there motionless with a heavy weight on top of her and a warm breath on her face. She could feel her chest pounding, theirs was too. And a pair of black eyes she had lost herself in stared back at her.
It was Wonwoo.
“Hey.” She returned with a breathless smile. “You busy?”
“For you?” He questioned. “Never.”
She pulled him down for a kiss she’d been carving for days, weeks even. He happily indulged her, smiling against her willing lips and searing her soul with every word he wanted to say to her but feared to admit. She meant to tell him the truth, to confess her true feelings so there wasn’t any room to doubt. She had learned that things didn’t always go as planned, and she was happy with the alternative they both faced.
“I love you.” He said suddenly, pulling away and pressing his forehead to hers. “And I know that the timing sucks and I really shouldn’t say it but—I can’t hold it in any longer. I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way, it’s something that needs to be said. I love you. I really really love you.”
While she didn’t mean to, she laughed. “Of course I feel the same way, aren’t you supposed to be a Wizard or something? Shouldn’t you know this already?”
Pressing a chaste kiss to her lips, he smiled. “I’d rather hear it then guess, if I’m perfectly honest.”
“Okay.” She lamented. “I love you, Wonwoo. No more guessing.”
“No more guessing.” He agreed. “I think I can get used to that.”
“Oh this is a sight for sore eyes.”
Startled, Wonwoo rolled off of her to see Mingyu and Soonyoung standing over them. The former looked as chipper as ever, the latter seemed to be sporting a disappointed scowl.
“Alright Soonyoung, pay up.” Mingyu goaded, an open hand to his friend. “Told you they were into each other.”
“I didn’t doubt that.” He mumbled back. “I just assumed that Wonwoo wouldn’t have done a damn thing about it.”
She was blushing, so was Wonwoo.
“Well, he did.” She clarified, cheeks reddening by the second. “And I’m forever grateful for it.”
As Soonyoung regretfully stuffed several bills into Mingyu’s hand, Mingyu cast her a chastising glance. “I hope le douchebag is out of your life, otherwise I have to rescind my excitement.”
“We broke up.” She confirmed. “No need to worry about that.”
“Good!” Mingyu exclaimed. “So—where does that leave you?”
Unsure of how to answer, she simply looked at Wonwoo. For whatever reason he started laughing and she followed soon after. She didn’t know what he found funny, but what she found hilarious was that every mistake she made since she first discovered Meanie’s boiled down to one fact:
He was the best mistake she ever made.
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fatedbutblinking · 6 years ago
hp next generation│characters
Teddy Lupin
Hair that changes often—currently a bright, electric blue; olive skin
Kind and considerate
Respectful and sweet
Humble and appreciative of Harry Potter and their family
Deeply in love with Victoire—for a lot more than her looks
Victoire tells everyone it was Teddy who fell for her first, just because he told her he loved her first, but Teddy secretly knows that it’s Victoire who fell first
Made Head Boy for his high academic achievement (including a nailed Outstanding in Defence Against the Dark Arts)
Out of all the Potter children, he is closest with Lily Potter; she used to ride his back when she was younger and make him personalised, singing birthday cards
James Sirius Potter
Around 180 cm; classically handsome face; strong jawline; thick, dark brown, untidy hair that glints auburn in the sun and he constantly runs his hands through; irritatingly clear skin; prominent hazel eyes; cocky smirk
From first to third year, he conceitedly thinks that Allie likes him just because she said thank you to him after he told off some boys for pulling on her hair; this turns out to be false, as Allie starts going out with Dylan Thomas
The most arrogant out of his family members, his best friend and cousin Fred coming second
His nana started calling him “Jamie,” to which his friends started mocking him for
This led to James coming up with nicknames for everyone else, some sticking and some only for mocking (e.g. Allie, Freddie, Roxie—but not Dom because she’d kill them if they did)
Typically a player but knows when to settle down into a relationship—reliable and loyal if he’s really interested in you—if you’re just a one-time shag, he’s still nice to you though
A lover of Quidditch, pranks, making others laugh—he’s the class clown
Naturally smart; has a lot of potential to be great—especially in Potions and Alchemy—but starts off not diligent or focused enough
Cares for his family and friends—perhaps too much sometimes
Immature class clown turned just as funny Head Boy without wanting the latter
Gets others and himself into trouble all the time
Constantly curious—to the point where it, also constantly, gets him into trouble and detention with McGonagall
Free and confident being who he is, which Allie admires
Childish, stupid, hyper and more arrogant when drunk
After being turned by an infamous werewolf in the middle of his sixth year, he starts smoking excessively—”The more I do with my mouth, the less chance I’ll have to tell someone I’m a monstrous killer. Unless you, Allie, would like to help me instead?”—Dom, who used to be an addict in her fourth year when she hung out with Slytherin boys, persuades James to stop
When he becomes a werewolf in his sixth year, he decides to quit the Quidditch team so he won’t ruin it for anyone if he can’t play; he doesn’t tell Fred his reasoning—he can’t tell anyone he’s a werewolf or might be expelled for possible danger by certain Ministry workers—and Allie is forced to take his spot
McGonagall secretly finds James one of her favourite students, despite telling him off constantly for his pranks
Loves his dog Paddy
Bisexual or pansexual—“As long as they’re good-looking,” he says, cracking a cocky smirk.
The ultimate 21st century cool guy—really hot, intelligent and with no preference for partners’ sexuality
Very straightforward like Dominique—doesn’t know boundaries at times
Secretly kind
Super selfless
Finds it amusing that he actually likes Professor Malfoy, his new Alchemy teacher
Professor Malfoy finds it funny that he likes James too
Though predicted Outstanding in his Alchemy mock exam, James runs out halfway through the lesson to confess his feelings to Allie
“What’s with your son, Potter? He’s unbelievable.”—“Merlin, what’s he done now?”—“He ran out halfway through the lesson, finishing 75% of the exam—which is impressive enough as he should’ve been at 50%—and got 73% right! If your son doesn’t run out of the room during the real exam, I’m sure he could get an O.”
Albus Severus Potter
Only just taller than Roxanne
Almond-shaped, bright green eyes; neat black hair; thin-faced with knobby knees; thin and of average height
Listens to Radiohead and other Muggle bands
Angsty teen shut-the-fuck-up type
Used to be bullied for being so different from the rest of his family; girls dig the bad boy thing (though Albus isn’t bad and doesn’t act like it on purpose)
Like a sassy young Harry from Order of the Phoenix
Rolls eyes a lot
Nobody can tell what he’s thinking
Witty—self-deprecating humour
Lily Potter
Gryffindor—without a doubt
Around 162 cm with pale, white, freckled skin, vibrant brown eyes, straight, bright ginger hair; she eventually gets glasses due to her worsening eyesight—“At least I’m not as blind as you, Dad.”
Very curious and interested; cheery; talkative; honest; adventurous
Wants to have fun but is studious too—for sure not as extreme a pranker or partyer as James
Often argues with Albus as they’re both really stubborn; James can be seen laughing the background
Strong-willed and quick-witted
Admires Rose as an older sister
Ships Albus and Scorpius more than anyone
Rose Weasley
Wavy scarlet/vermilion hair; light skin with minor freckles, as she doesn’t spend much time in the sun
Loves reading and the library
Prefers to keep to herself/be independent
Loves to point things out for others
Her fatal flaw is being too honest that she sounds condescending/rude, especially when she’s angry
Only impulsive when angry;
Never procrastinates
Extremely intelligent/book-smart
Slightly arrogant and snobby
Short-tempered and stubborn
Says she doesn’t care about appearances until Scorpius finds out about her contact lenses after hiding under her bed
Hugo Weasley
Shorter than most; boyish good looks; curly brown hair (an undercut when he was rebelling); lanky; long-sleeved shirts and jeans
Loves music—singing, acoustics, angst/soft/indie tunes
Quiet but frank when passionate or needed
Highly intelligent
Quietly opinionated
Named attractive by girls but he doesn’t care for them—only his studies and music
Doesn’t laugh; deadpan
Not very close with Potter-Weasley-Granger clan
Dislikes James for treating him like a child, being frivolous and always partying
Dislikes Dominique for being intimidatingly rude
Alice (Allie) Longbottom
Around 158 cm; sweet-faced; doe-eyed; wavy dark-gold/caramel-blonde medium-length hair; long eyelashes; rich, doe, dark brown eyes; thick-knit cream and orange jumpers
A bad habit of hers is biting her nails
Doesn’t get drunk until of age but is said to remain nonchalant and the same after several drinks
Though she complains she hates it because it’s illegal, she secretly enjoys being the designated driver in the flying car—there’s no other way for her to fly, as she’s dreadful on a broom like her dad
Clumsy when she’s younger
Open-minded; the right amount of honesty; not rude
Tones down James and Fred by telling them if their pranks are going over the line
Considered the worst Quidditch player/broom-rider ever since her first flying lesson where she spun around the school for hours uncontrollably
One day when Fred is injured and can’t play a match, James convinces Allie to and she manages to help them win—by distracting the other scared players with her super-fast flying
A louder, sweeter, more humble version of Albus
Shy when with new people, but later—if quiet—she’s only observant
Wishes she had a large family but eventually finds that the Weasley-Potter-Granger clan are just as caring
Her mother, Hannah Abbott, the school matron, is dying—lethargic, pale, cadaverous, bony, tired hair 
Her parents weren’t sure they could have a child due to Hannah being ill (having a blood curse)
When Hannah dies, Allie becomes very depressed because her family is down to just her and her dad; she feels guilty that she didn’t spend as much time with her mum as she did with her dad
Allie sees Scorpius crying in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom after his mother died too from a blood curse; this leads to a close friendship and slight jealousy from James, who at this point has just realised he loves Allie
Thinks she needs to excel at school because her dad works there—wants to impress her dad and make him proud
In her seventh year, she hears about a chance to intern at St Mungo’s; wanting to be nearer to family, she applies and gets accepted
She visits her grandparents at Christmas, which is why they sort-of remember her
Neville only hears about the internship when McGonagall talks to him about it and is heartbroken that his daughter didn’t tell him—this was because she knew he’d say no
She impulsively decides she wants to be a Healer
James and her get into an argument about this
“You don’t care about being a Healer. You just want a reason to see your grandparents, to be nearer people who care about you. What you don’t realise is that, although plenty of us aren’t related to you, we love you too.”—James
“You want to be a Healer? You’ve never talked about this ever!”—“Well some people can’t decide what they want to do when they’re five, like you or Fred!”—“I don’t know what I’m doing, Allie! Merlin...what’re you going to do if your grandparents pass away? Will you quit being a Healer? Do what you love, Allie. Don’t do what you think other people want.”
After James becomes a werewolf, she sticks by his side; she even becomes an illegal Animagus to help him—she is a hare, like Luna Lovegood’s Patronus, and finds herself somewhat unuseful as she’s so small
Lysander is her first kiss
Boys consider her pretty in the “cute” way; adults describe her as “lovely”; Fred describes her as “the type of person that calls other girls beautiful”; James describes her as “beautiful. That’s it.”  
Her three current and past love interests are James, Dylan Thomas and Nicolas (a hot Beauxbatons exchange student), the first becoming her husband and the latter two ending up together
Zabini mocks this, telling Allie she “turned them gay.”
James murdered him on the Quidditch pitch the next day
Fred Weasley
187 cm; very tall; well-built; short, cropped raven hair; light freckles
Goofy like James
Needs to focus on his studies more and does in last two years of school, after failing multiple OWL exams and getting a Howler from his mum 
From then on, he is given a tutor, Chloe, who is a year older than him, in Ravenclaw, pretty and half-Asian
Fred falls in love with her, though is scared she thinks of him as an immature guy and doesn’t tell her until the Christmas of his sixth year where James and Ally are invited to the Slug Club party and he’s left alone to study; On the way back from the bathroom, Chloe decides to ditch the Slug Club and stay with Fred late into the night
Loves/is passionate about Quidditch more than anything; wants to play professionally
After James is turned into a werewolf and some people become slightly scared of him and find him unreliable, Wood has no choice but to choose Fred to be Quidditch Captain
Fred knows he’s second best to James, as he always is, and 
Always seen laughing with James
Always sleeps and snores in History of Magic
Infatuated with Ally for a period of time but never confesses himself
Instead, they become very, very close friends, Fred being the first person who finds out how Allie feels about James
Roxanne Weasley
Around 165 cm; long, rich dark auburn hair; flawless, freckle-less mocha skin
Admires Ally
Sickeningly sweet; polite; formal
Lies so people don’t get hurt
Low self-esteem
Loves watching Quidditch, not playing, making her different from her mum and dad
Secretly very loud, opinionated and 
Not an attention-seeker but wants to be noticed by somebody outside of her family
Dominique and her end up having a lot in common, including being constantly annoyed at Fred
Crushes on Lysander, the popular, smart guy, but ends up with Lorcan, the outcasted, artsy guy
Louis Weasley
“Hot Louis”
Looks more like his mother
Always relaxed
Close friends with Lysander
*To be continued*
Dominique Weasley
Gryffindor but almost a Slytherin
Tall and skinny; long, strawberry-blonde hair often kept in a pony-tail; light tan from the hours spent playing Quidditch; dark blue eyes that flicker with every sarcastic thought
Somewhat jealous of her older sister Victoire but doesn’t hold too much resentment towards her
The best female beater on the Slytherin team in years; she only tries out for the team after a year of being a hilarious, swearing, honest Quidditch commentator
Admittedly a hypocrite
The badass, devil-may-care type
Extra asf
Finds Herbology boring, despite everyone loving Herbology because of Professor Longbottom
Gets kicked out of Beauxbatons for using magic inappropriately after her mum sends her there to discipline her
Rough relationship with her mum
She is surprised to learn that her dad dressed as a bad boy during school, as he now worships grades and do-gooder ideals
Victoire Weasley
Beautiful; tall and willowy, like a model; sapphire-blue eyes; long, pale-blonde hair (that she cuts shorter later to be “taken seriously by Aurors”); forever clear, pale skin (apart from the light freckling on her cheeks and nose)
Sweet; caring
Made Head Girl
Curious, but not rebellious, cunning, stealthy or adventurous like her sister
Graceful but not stealthy
Plays it safe, but not compliant
Deeply in love with the kind, sweet, yet misunderstood Teddy—a boy whom she helps recover from depression by showering him with friendship and love
Molly Weasley
Wavy gingery-brown hair; icy, pale blue eyes; very skinny; tall; very freckled skin
Head Girl after Victoire leaves
Caring but not doting
Bickers and argues a lot with everyone
Tends to hang around her family members or teachers
Highly intelligent due to determination
Well-spoken; know-it-all
Acts like she can control everyone around her
Is disliked or not preferred by the older kids in the Potter-Weasley-Granger clan, but the young ones like her for babysitting when she’s free
Admires how Ally cares for everyone, tries to keep them out of trouble, without making them hate her
Admired by Rose
Lucy Weasley
*To be continued*
Lysander Scamander
Cool and collected
Well-known by everyone; popular
Follows in his father, Rolf’s, footsteps
Handsome; neat dirty-blond hair; “dreamy” cornflower-blue eyes
Brightest wizard of his year
The classier, more organised out of the twins
Blunt and honest but tries to hold back
Aware of his achievements
Arrogant; “Yeah, I know.”
Like a classier, quieter version of James, which Lily hates at first
Nevertheless, Lily and him end up together after the both of them consistently visit Hagrid (Lily does this because she doesn’t have many friends and hangs out with Hagrid; Lysander does this because he loves Care of Magical Creatures)
Lorcan Scamander
Quiet in speech, but loud in every other aspect
Badly-dressed—clothes the wrong size, the wrong colour, but still manages to make it looks somewhat stylish
Not-so-secretly handsome
I’ll-be-who-I-want kind of personality
Longer, messy dirty-blond hair; kind, doe silvery eyes; smiley
Loves art
Creative, confident and selfless
Great at giving advice
Called “weird” and a “hippie” by some 
Scorpius Malfoy
White-blonde hair; pale blue-grey eyes; tall and lanky; sharp cheek bones; intimidating due to height but an actual cinnamon bun;
Your genuine he-who-listens-and-won’t-judge mate
Determined to make Rose like him
Persistent and passionate about things he loves
Loves Christmas with the Weasley-Potter-Granger clan more than with him and his dad alone, as being alone with his dad reminds him he doesn’t have his mum there too—which is why he always brings his dad along to the Burrow, which can be slightly awkward
Thinks of Allie as a big sister
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honeylikewords · 6 years ago
Anon Asked: Ok so i’m curious: if you can, could you rank your favorite Oscar boys from least to most boyfriend material? they all seem very charming and sweet but i can’t figure out who the cream of the crop is!
First of all, THANK YOU, I  L O V E  making lists of my favorite things. You guys know that. Listicle formats are, like, my lifeblood. Thank you for enabling me.
Second, I’m going to rate these on MY personal scale. Now, I also should point out that “husband” and “boyfriend” mean two different things to me, and that I instinctively value “husband” material more than “boyfriend” material. The “husbands” are going to be the winners of this list, because I can see them having long-term, fulfilling, happy and mutually beneficial relationships with their partners. So, without further ado, here is my list, from LEASTboyfriend-able to MOST husband-able.
1. The Unmentionables Category.
These boys don’t even get to be part of the discussion because in their roles they are either misogynistic, evil, assaulters, or something else to prevent them from entering the race. A little villain apologism here and there is okay sometimes, but only to certain degrees, and these boys exceed it. Blue Jones, Nathan Bateman, En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse, and John, King of England all exceed my limitations. Begone, thots. You’re disqualified for the Boyfriend Campaign Race. (I do still like them as characters, though, or for Sexy Oscar Gifs, but they’re just… un-boyfriend-able!)
2. The Low Tier Boyfriends.
These boys are boyfriend-able, but come with some problems. Can we sort them out on here and make them into better boys on this blog with careful re-writes? Maybe! Are we doing that in this list? No! We’re just taking objective looks at these Oscar-boys as they stand. So, here are the low tier boyfriends.
Laurent LeClaire: He’s sexy, but he’s also, like, a murderer. And a bit of a playboy. Could we make him better on this blog? Absolutely! But, as before, we’re just looking at them as they are. So, sexy French boy or no, he’s a pretty low-ranking Oscar for the murders and the philandering.
John “Jack” Johnson: Kinda dirty, kinda rude, also a murderer, but nice to dogs and pretty darn intelligent. He’s sure somethin’. Only slightly higher on the list than Laurent simply because I liked him and he made me laugh, and he was good to a dog, so I suppose that’s a tick for him!
Bud Cooper: A bit of a sneaky boy! I like him a lot, but his trickery and sneakery place him lower on the list. Still, points for looking good in a weird mustache, and points for being clever!
3. The Middle Tier Boyfriends.
These boys are much more boyfriend-able, but still have baggage. Could you work around it? Hypothetically, sure! But we’re still just discussing canon behavior, so let’s rock and roll.
Llewyn Davis: Llewyn is shockingly low despite how much I like him, but he has a LOT of issues. Besides his inability to hold a stable job and the couch surfing, Llewyn struggles with attitude problems and relationship issues, apparently having to deal with the issue of terminated pregnancies with two women. We could certainly gloss over that for a more romanticized Llewyn on this blog, but I think it’s important to address that while he holds a place in my heart, he’s a difficult person and a little hard to love, maybe because he doesn’t know how to love others or himself yet. So, he’s higher on the list because at least he isn’t a criminal, but he’s low-ranker because of his life issues. Maybe if he sorted himself out more…
Basil Stitt: Basil’s got problems. I mean, just… a lot of problems. But I like him, and I like his scars, so I think we can work with him. Having a paranoid breakdown after sustaining an injury isn’t the worst thing that a person could do, right? We’ve all been there; scared, alone, afraid. I think, with time, Basil could really make steps in the right direction and be quite a cute boyfriend.
Shiv: Shiv’s a sweetheart. He’s doing his best in a world not inclined to allow him the freedom to do so. Sure, he’s a criminal, but he has a heart of gold and wants to make his son happy. He wants to do better. He’s kind, if misled, and a little dumb, but, hey, morosexuals stand up, ya know? He’s a cutie, even though he’s involved in some shady business. With a cleanup and a fresh start somewhere else, who knows? Maybe he could be a much better boy and end up in the husband range!
4. The High Tier Boyfriends.
Oh, now, these are some boys. These are some cute boys. Oof. Yeah. Let’s see these boys!
Rydal Keener: Poet, dancer, thinker, and sometime scam-artist, Rydal is a Grecian romance just waiting to happen. He’s not perfect, but he’s passionate, he’s sweet, and he’s doing his level best to try and get himself out of a sticky situation. He’s young; let’s find him some young love!
Standard Gabriel: Oh, Standard, how my heart beats for thee. I love Standard, and the only reason he’s lower on the list is because he’s got a lot going on in his life that makes it hard for him. Cheating wife, creepy people following him around, prison sentence sitting on his shoulders from the past; things are hard for our baby. But he’s resilient, he’s loving, and he’s loyal. And if given a new chance in a new place, I fully believe that Standard would be a great boyfriend, and, someday, a great husband.
Reeves: Sentimental, sweet, and a sumptuous songwriter, Reeves rings of a great boyfriend. He’s soft and tender, but firm when necessary, funny, relaxed, and witty. This guy has it all, and when he finds love, he hangs on tight. Ten plus years, tight, apparently; he’s still chasing the girl he had a crush on in high school! How sweet is he?! A beautiful boyfriend, no doubt.
5. Husband Tier.
These boys are the peak performance. These boys bring it. These boys aren’t just boyfriends, they’re partners, fiancés, and, one day, husbands. These are not just boys… they’re Men.
Kane: Loyal husband and dutiful soldier, Kane’s endured a lot, but still did his best to come home to his wife, even if it wasn’t “him”. Kane deserves to be a husband with a woman who will love and appreciate him as he loves and appreciates her (which I assert is NOT Lena. Lena did NOT appreciate that man). The only reason he’s lower on this list is because of the unfortunate nature of his storyline, and because he’s part-alien now. Actually, that last one isn’t that bad. He’s a cute alien. We stan.
Santiago Garcia: This man has been through so much, and I want him to be happy. He’s kind, great with kids, funny, generous, protective, and strong. I would rant and rave about him, but then this post would be a mile long. I love you, Santi. Brave boy. Husband.
Orestes: Orestes was in love with the same woman since he was a young man and advocated for her freedom and equal status in society, trusting her as his sole counsel consistently through his years as a public servant. The dude took a stone to the head for defending her. He went on stage to declare his love and play her a beautiful two-flute solo, for God’s sake! This man is husband material.
Mikael Boghosian: Actual angel. Has endured the depths of hell. Deserves all the love in the universe. My words are not enough for his goodness. Please, someone, fill this man’s life with joy and light. I am begging. This is a husband.
Abel Morales: I would fucking die for Abel Morales but he’s so good a man that he would never let me. My love for him is as boundless as the stars and twice as bright. May God’s light shine forever on his perfectly coiffed hair. Holy angel of the heating oil industry.
Miguel O’Hara: SPIDER-MAN, SPIDER-MAN, DOES WHATEVER A SPIDER CAN! FILLS MY HEART, UP WITH LOVE, AT OUR WEDDING RELEASE SOME DOVES! LOOK OUT, I LOVE YOU, SPIDER-MAN! But in all seriousness, the guy’s great. A goober, yes, but nevertheless, his fangs have pierced my heart and I am paralyzed with love for him and also venom.
Poe Dameron: I betcha all knew he’d be at the top of this list. I betcha knew. He’s… Poe Dameron, you know? What can I say that hasn’t already been said? We know he’s wonderful. He just is. He carries his mother’s ring, searching for his future spouse. This man is a husband. I love him. I will not change my mind.
6. Honorable Mention Husband.
Peter Malkin: Since Peter Malkin is based on a real person, I feel hesitant to talk about him. However, since the movie was juuuuust enough divorced from reality and his character changed juuuuustenough to call it fictionalized, I’ll include him. I love Peter Malkin. He’s a good good Jewish boy who visits his Mama for Shabbat and wears his kippah and that man is a primo husband. N*zi hunter, loving son, honorable soldier. We have chosen to stan forever. And wed, when the time is right. Mazel tov!
There are some other boys who didn’t make the list simply because I didn’t wanna go too overboard and make a too overwhelming post, but here’s my general take on the order from least to most boyfriend-able, and then husband-able. This list also shifts around depending on my mood, and the order in which some of the husbands are categorized can change from day to day. I love them all! I will not be silenced!
I hope that helps, and if anyone is curious about where a non-mentioned boy falls on the scale, lemme know and I’ll either add him or explain his spot in a separate post!
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hotcocosharing · 7 years ago
Double Troubles - the reunion. Part 8
Recap or familiarize with what happened click here
Picking up a little further ahead than where it was left off; the cast of Glory Days 20 years later have come back together for a college reunion; with life experiences, maturity (we hope) and are all hoping, for the least to have a good time. Let the magic unfold.
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Midori’s POV
“Mommy! Pancakes! Plllleaaaease?”
“I think it’s time for you to go to bed.”
“Well then can we watch a movie? Frozen?”
“Alright. Pancakes it is!”
As darling as she can be - Sakura’s fascination with that Disney movie is really one I wish she didn’t have. Curiosity and inquisitive are both traits of hers I think are wonderful - yet if I (just as every other other in the world) has to hear ‘Let it go’ one more time, I might just scream. Batter into the bowl and pan on the stove. It doesn’t take long once we’re home and in a semi-regular routine for things to just feel /normal/ right. They say home is where the heart is - but for me, it’s anywhere in the world with my little girl. Flipping a few pancakes in the air and topping them with jam, berries, icecream and cream; it’s an unexpected knock at the door this late at night that catches both of our attention and causes my heart to skip a beat. Not in lust or love or possibility - yet in fear of what’s behind the door waiting for me.
“You stay here ok? Mommy will be back in a minute.”
The wide toothed smile framed by pancake filled cheeks pulls a chuckle from between my lips as I head over; knocking still occurring and begin to un-clip my earrings - dropping them into box on the hallway table, feet starting to sore as I wish whilst scratching my neck that I’d taken the shoes off earlier - the heels, my defeat. “I’m coming!”, I call tentatively getting up to the door; twisting the lock to the left and pulling it open - not bothered to check through the peephole although unsure of who was on the other side. Breath caught in my throat and eyes unable to shift from the man who stands before me, I smile and lean my weight against the frame.
“I thought you’d still be at the party. Come in…”, voice low, words short, mind churning a million and one alternative possibilities as to why he’s here, I figure that an impromptu introduction is in the cards - or so I felt until someone else is doing it for me.
“Hello! My name’s Sakura. Are you a friend of my Mommy’s? She’s making me pancakes. Do you want some? They’re my favorite. What’s your name? Why are you wearing a funny bowtie? Oh wow… you’re really tall. Can you pick me up so that I can reach the sky?”
Toshiaki’s POV
Taking Eri’s wrist without a second thought; it’s time to find some alone time and scrap up a little privacy as whilst she’s at face value, seeming to keep everything together - a sixth sense; jut feeling, just tells me this not so somber, lost little girl on the inside is about to cry. Closing the door behind us both in an equipment room - I fold my arms across my chest and wait in silence for the strike of conversation or at least, to what I’ve done, a reply. Not getting anything; I feel obliged - well no, like it’s a duty of care - for me to get to the bottom or at least help solve what is happening tonight.
“He can be a real dick - I know, but Eriko c'mon; you shouldn’t let a boy make you cry.” Cupping her face in between my hands; it’s a gentle swipe to brush away single rolling tears which threaten to stain her cheeks and hopefully make her smile. “So… nice jacket. Do I dare ask who it belongs to?”
Alright - so perhaps they weren’t exactly ideal words of choice, but the conversation is now flowing and converging; and through some kind of muffled out-pour of emotion and veiled fable, I manage to understand enough of what’s happening and well, has been. Maki - Eri - those two names enough linked up together; even this long after they’ve been in the vicinity of one another just lewd trouble. The jacket belongs to a guy she knows and from the name sounds familiar though I’d rather not jump to conclusions…. yet.
“You’re an intelligent, strong, able woman. I know that most guys are absolutely terrified by you and thus they revert to adolescent behavior but… heck… I think if you gave some people a chance you’d see that they’ve changed since college.”
The advice is obviously easier said than done - but I can tell it’s not enough. “As face value - I don’t think anyone was expecting you to show up tonight; and sometimes it’s hard to open up and allow something in that you spent years and years shutting out for one reason or another, but… the beauty of life is what we all get second chances. Or third, or fourth if we’re lucky enough - and I think, a girl like you Eriko just needs to be ok with that idea. That effort and purpose make changes, not pot luck. So c'mon… make those tears stop and then we’re going…”
'To where?’ I hear her manage out with a choke; a girl who made me see life for better rather than worse, take my hand as I offer to lead her out and away from this place of memories it’s time each and everyone one of us put behind us but not forget.
“Maki’s. It’s like a 20 minute drive from here…. and then… Midori’s.”
Shunichiro Tachibana’s POV
Eyes fixed on the glowing green eyes from the little human with one hand wrap around Midori’s leg while the other is waving a half finished pancake in the air. It isn’t exactly shocking to picture my ex girlfriend as a motherly figure since she has always wanted a family of her own- a desire I could not fulfill during our time together. But the puzzling question of the father’s whereabouts or her home that looks rather like a showroom from magazine than an actual home weigh over my shoulders- who is the father? Is there a man in the picture? Why did Midori invite me for a trip to Paris? Yet the curious gazes rising from below seems to be top priority now.
“Ummm yes, my name is Shun and wow pancakes. Oh I wouldn’t miss it for the world, your mother makes the best pancake, doesn’t she?” Feet hanging from the stool with lips covered in cream and maple sauces, I envy how carefree this little soul who has zero troubles on her mind but her favorite food and all the love from her mother.
“I came to drop this off.” Sliding the envelope alongside the table top, unsure of what appropriate facial expression I should be making. “You don’t have to come but it’ll be nice to see you.”
Eriko Sato’s POV
“That ass face is the last thing I wanna see right now. As for Midori, she pretended to be my friend, she’s afraid to tell what’s really on her mind cuz I was a trust fund kid! So she could think whatever the fuck she wants because I’m obviously dead to her. And if you EVER try to convince me otherwise, I swear, Toshiaki this will be the last time we see each other!”
Be fair, play nice, don’t take it out on Toshi. Telling myself that repeatedly only makes my blood boil more, angry at myself- how could I let some history and bickering get into my head?! Who cares what they think of me? Midori, Maki, Shunichiro, Rikiya, and Shinichi haven’t stayed in touch or showed the slightest interest about my life in the past two decades so why does it hurt so damn much? They searched for me? How moronic could that doctor be? He knew I was going away but he never shows! I left him my contact with Toshiaki! Sweat begins to run down my face, yet the shivering chills make it hard to breathe as well as the few tears threatening to spill out for the second time.
A light tap is soon followed by a head popping through the door and my eyes couldn’t roll any further. Great, another guy, expecting his one on one time. “Awesome Shinichi, you’d take me home. Let’s take this reunion elsewhere.”
Shinichi Kagari’s POV
Streetlights hum along the empty streets, soft yellow glow of lights illuminating the apartment complex and closed stores nearly by. The emptiness seems right, matching the hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach while I drive along, stealing a few glances at Eriko every now and then, a bittersweet smile keeps curling from the corner of my lips. Satisfied at the unexpected outcome- leaving a reunion that isn’t even mine to begin with but having just the person I wish to see all to myself.
The breathtaking Tokyo evening view is nothing compared to the tall lonely femme fatale whose heart I’ve once captured and let go through my fingertips.
“Quite a view you’ve there.” The elegant turn around could easily set my cold heart on fire but the wave of sadness from her red puffy eyes does the opposite.
“You should have seen the bedroom.” She shrugs nonchalantly, lips forming an alluring grin that I have always found it impossible to resist.
“I don’t want to be a fool and assume,” a long overdue apology chocking in the middle of my throat as I blur out some lame excuse. “so do you prefer a warm cup of milk or a glass of wine before bed?” In hope to hear a witty remark about not going to sleep or some sort of kinky sex preferences might be her bedtime story, it’s a struggle of taking a step to join her or turn my back again. The sound of doorbell is yet to be determined as saving grace or distraction, nonetheless, the goddess of mischief heads towards the door and unfold whatever mess is waiting for us.
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5evahbeyou · 7 years ago
The Big Four:And the missing gem (Book 1)
Chapter 3: The Arrival to North Academy
Merida’s POV:
It’s finally today,I’m going to a school that is far away from us.I fixed my baggage, me mum trying to not panic but all she ever did was panic.”Mum,I’m going to be fine.””Oh hush,and let me just look at you more.”She said,tears running down on her face,I smiled and hugged her trying to comfort her.”Mum,I’m goin’ te be alright.Trust me on this,I’ll be visiting when there’s a long break.Besides,I’m fully equipped for any trouble.”I said,me mum looked at me, hugged me tighter.”Mum,can’ breathe!””Merida,before you go,I’d like to give this to you.”She said,Maudie gave her a small box.A box that I knew even when I was young.
“I know that schools tend to have balls, and uhm, subjects that are unique to our kingdom.But I give you this.”,she opened he jewelry box it appears to be a a sapphire necklace and a pair of earrings made from silver that was designed with small sapphire stones. As I took it out, there was a dagger,but not just any dagger.”“This dagger has been with us from generation to generation.I was about to give you that when your 18th birthday comes-”“Oh thank ye mum!It’s the best gift I could ask for!”I said.It was light weight, but very sharp.Enough to even slice something hard.”Now,Merida, using it is forbidden.Unless there’s trouble.”She said, I nodded, I place back the dagger, under the jewelry,got the box and putted it on my backpack.
Suddenly a hole formed;came out two yetis.Of course all of us gasped, a big bunny then followed the two yetis.”’right mate.I’m Mr.Bunnymud,and I’m here to take you to North Academy.Are all of your things here?”Aye”/Yes.”Hiccup and I said.I look at me dad and mum, hugged them one last time.The wee devils got out of mum’s back, they looked like they were crying.”Aww,come’re you devils!”I said, and hugged them,squishing them tightly,”I’ll be back soon, in the meantime, please take care of mum and dad.”The three boys nodded, I gave them each kiss on the forehead. 
“You ready to go red head?”Hiccup said,”I sure am.”Mr.Bunnymud got out a globe,threw it not far from us, the hole then formed,revealing the academy.”Come on now!”Me and Hiccup looked at each other then run through the hole.I squinted my eyes shut,after a moment, I heard laughters and screams of joy.”I opened my eyes, revealing a castle that is big enough to fit in 4 clans.A  yeti then took our baggage;”follow me.”Bunnymud said, we followed him to a big Dining Hall. 
It had 3 huge, long tables.From the door to the front.”Well, you can’t sit yet,so you better go in front along with the other kids.” Bunnymud said and got out of the hall.Me and Hiccup went to the front, along with the rest of the kids.I a blonde girl with a side bangs looked at hiccup,coming right at us.”Hiccup! Finally, I was waiting for you!” She said,as she hugged Hiccup tightly.That’s,strange. I thought.I then saw a guy, a white headed guy, looking at me.He smirked at me as he went in front of me.”Well well well,if it isn’t the hot headed scott.” He said.I blinked twice,then finally it hit me.”You!”I said, I remember now! He is that boy.
”It’s you! The boy who wore nothing but blue!””It’s me, I see you copied me.” He said, as he looked at my dress,made from dark blue silk.”Why I outta’.” He said as I tackled him to the ground.Everybody moved aside, of course everyone will move aside,I tackled a boy for Pete’s sake! I punched him, but he dodged it, but I quickly punched his right cheeks.Everyone was chanting, ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!Fight!’ He quickly pushed me;stumbling off but quickly took a stand.”That hurt red.””Don’t call me that!”I shouted and ran to punch him in the stomach.But he dodged it,I then tipped him off by kicking his legs.I was about to give another punch when Hiccup stopped me.
“H-Hey Merida!Stop!You’re hurting the dude!”“He ain’ a dude he’s the reason why nobody on ma’ kingdom talked to me, nor even became my friends.”I shouted,the white headed guy looked at me,”Is that true?”“Why?Ya think I’m lyin?! Because of you nobody talked to me, not one single child in ma’ kingdom!”I shouted, I tried to break free from Hiccup but a shout boomed,”That’s enough!”We saw a big guy,wearing a red robe.Hiccup let me go;I gave a glare to that man I’ve despised.”Merida you best behave for now.”Hiccup muttered.
The big guy went to the podium as the others sat down from the table.“Welcome to North Academy students!I am Sir.Nicholas, the head of this place.I would like you to meet your professors.” Mr.Bunnymud, Mr.Sandy, Mr.Gobber, Mr.Shang, Mr,Joshua Strongbear, Mr.Milo james,Mrs.Mulan,Mrs.Tianna,Ms.Toothiana, and Ms.Tinker Bell.All of these professors will be helping you in your lessons or anything with regards to your problems.”I looked at the wee tinker bell that was flying.It appears to be a fairy.
Hiccup’s POV:
Astrid saw me and quickly hugged, me almost tackled me to be exact ”Hiccup! Finally, I was waiting for you!” She said,I gave her a smile,I looked at Merida but wasn’t looking at me anymore.I then gazed on Astrid,”Hey astrid.I thought you I was the only viking here.””No, all of us went here!We’re just over there.Come on.”She said as she grabbed my hand.I greeted the others, but was startled when I heard a scream.I turned around to see Merida beating up a guy.I was shocked on how Merida punched the White headed guy.
He seemed innocent to me.”Hey,you might want to stop that friend of yours.”She said,the others are already cheering at them.”Kick him in the guts!”Ruffnut shouted.I quickly went to her,excusing myself.I stopped her just in time before she blows another punch.”H-Hey Merida!Stop!You’re hurting the dude!” “He ain’ a dude he’s the reason why nobody on ma’ kingdom talked to me, nor even became my friends.”She shouted,the white headed guy looked at Merida.
”Is that true?”“Why?Ya think I’m lyin?! Because of you nobody talked to me, not one single child in ma’ kingdom!”She shouted as she tries to break free from me.Luckily the professors stepped in.”That’s enough!” The guy with a white beard,and red robes shouted.I let go of Merida and muttered,”Merida,you best behave for now.”Sir.Nicholas named every professors,the unique thing about this is that.Everybody is different, It felt good to be exact.
“Here in North Academy, we sort you in your own houses.The houses are 3:Hydra, Sphinx, and Phoenix.””Oh wow,great,so we’re going to be separated?” I said,Merida looked at me,”Probably, not te worry, we might have the same classes,right?” She said, smiling at me.Suddenly the rooftop opened a small part of it,revealing the moon,shining brightly, I looked at Merida,she was in awe.The moon shining so bright that I couldn’t resist to look at her face.
The man in the moon will decide,what house you are in.One person will sit here on this chair.As I speak your name,please come up the stage and sit on this chair.”The first one to get up was a built guy named Guy, his hair was in a bun but still messy,body paints all over his body.The lights were off,and only the moons light was giving light to the room.It shone bright at guy,when suddenly a voice echoed throughout the place. Hmm,very interesting.Is very honest,likes to make things.”You’re quite an intelligent young man.but what’s this?You don’t trust anyone easily,very like you.You’re perfect to be in...HYDRA!”
Everyone shouted,all the people from Hydra shouted with glee.”Are they older than us?”I asked,”Yeah,Everyone that are sitting are now sophomores till seniors.”The whited headed guy said,Merida glared at him,”Why ye talkin’ to us?”She snarled,”What, he asked.I answered.”He said,Merida rolled her eyes and didn’t look at me nor the guy I was beside with.”The names,Jack.Jack Frost Overland.””Hiccup,Hiccup Haddock the III.”I said, shaking his hand.Another name was called,”Eugene!” Sir.Nicholas shouted.A brunette boy went to the stage, trying to keep calm.
“Interesting.Your very resourceful when it comes to trouble,What is this? You dream big I see! I can tell you’re perfect to be in...HYDRA”!I clapped, he seems to fit in perfectly in that house.One by one,everyone was called ,Phoenix, Hydra,Sphinx, Hydra,Hydra,another Phoenix. It took so long before 4 of us remained.”Merida Dunbroch!”Nicholas shouted,Merida took a gulp before taking a step to the stage.She sit, her nervousness can be seen.
”Oh my,another princess!”Others gasped, of course anyone would be shock.She wasn’t elegant enough.After all,she tackled Jack here.”This young lady seems nervous.Headstrong like her Father,prefers to go be out of the world I see.But what’s this? wittiness flows in your veins.Happens to dare anything you cross path I see.You got the blood of your father and mother flowing inside of you.Bravery,daring,wittiness and, cunning?Hmm,strange girl.Your best to be in..PHOENIX!!!”
I clapped for her, she let out a sigh of relief,stepping down from the stage as she walked to the Phoenix’s table.The upper years greeting her and welcoming her.Next was A blonde girl,her hair braided elegantly.”Well,another princess!Loyal like her father and mother.She can talk to animals!How great is that!Oh, this is,I see.Creativity flowing through her body. A perfect member in SPHINX!” 
The girl let out a giggle,quickly going down as she went to her table,warmly greeted by the others.”Hiccup Haddock the III!”I gulped, I was in a moment of shock, I couldn’t even move my legs.But Jack saw it and gave me a push.I sat down,I looked over at Merida as she gave me a thumbs up.I smiled at her,and took a deep breath.”OH! A smart young man!Has done numerous adventures, but what’s this?Confusion I sense, from two humans.Hmmm,Oh,OH! Excellent loyalty to a friend, maybe?I know a perfect place for you, SYPHINX!!”
I saw Merida cheered for me.Shouting enough as I can hear her.I stood up went down the table,Sitting next to the blonde girl a while ago.”Hi I’m Rapunzel!”Hi,Uhm I’m Hiccup!”“Hiccup?That’s a funny name.I hope to be friends with you Hiccup!”She said and took out her hand,I chuckled to her playfulness,”Likewise,Punzie.”“That’s a nice nickname!Better than my other one.”“And what is that?” Rapzel.” She said, we laughed together before looking at Jack. He sat down looking at me for reassurance.I gave him a thumbs up,bet then looked at Merida. Who of course, didn’t bother to look at him.
“Mockery running in his mind! Madness!Cunning like his father used to be,very interesting,Looking at someone I see?Who might it be? Oh, why big dreams for a young man.Better be in HYDRA!” The people in the Hydra table, shouted,screaming like there’s no tomorrow.Jack Smiled, sat down beside, Eugene and Guy.”Now, for congratulating you on your houses, I give you the feast that you’ve all been waiting for!Here’s to the new Students of North Academy!” Sir.Nicholas shouted,everyone cheered, the Dining hall door then swung open, A group of Yetis holing foods,setting them on one by one on the table.
“Dig in everyone!”Sir.Nicholas said and sat down beside, professor Toothiana.II got myself a turkey thigh,some mash potatoes and the good all traditional viking food, honey on a buttered bread.I dug in,eating as many as I want.I saw Merida,talking to Astrid,they were both laughing.I saw them looked at me and wave.I waved back as I continue to eat.But I couldn’t resist to look at Merida. She was eating fast, but choked after eating another scottish pie.I silently laughed. Punzie saw it and asked,”What’s so funny?””See that red head over there?She’s a friend of mine, and she’s choking because of eating another set of scottish pie.”I said.
Punzie let out a laugh as well.After the feast,Nicholas called out  6 students.”These students will be your head boy and head girl.They’ll accompany you straight to you individual rooms.Each room is designed for what you are,what you’ve brought,and what animals you have bring.Everybody must go back to their rooms for each houses,curfew is 8 PM,students who are seen loitering in the middle of the night will be given a deduction for each houses.
Every 2 months, we hold an event were houses compete to how many points they have gathered.And lastly, the first annual Dragon Racing will be held in the next 4 months!I hope you get along with your new found friends and housemates.Please be inform that head boy and head girl must patrol before going to bed at around 10 PM.Dismissed, I hope you guys have a wonderful night!” He then went out of the door near the stage,along with the other professors.
The upper class students then left the dining hall,excluding all of he first years.Our head boy, prince,and head girl nicknamed Cinderella, got us look at them.”Okay boys,girls separate a line.Please be informed that nobody must separate from others.Follow us, memorize the directions and follow each rules we makes.”Said prince.”Girls and boys have separate rooms, no one is allowed to sleep in the boys room or vise versa for that is against the rule. Everyone is welcome however, to talk to one another on the Dormitories living room.”Cinderella said,”Of we go!Now everyone,remember to where we are headed.”Prince said, we walked a long corridor, turning left then turning right.We took stairs till we finally reached our Dorm.
“This is the dormitory, as we enter I want you all to listen very well to the house rules.Before that, this door is a hologram projector.Only Sphinx can come and go.”Cinderella said,we all nodded.”Yes, boy,what’s your question?”“Uhm, what happens if another person enters?” “Great question, if you wish to let others enter, please let them know that they must answer a question.Every question is different everyday.Best let them know before they get in or else, they’ll be zapped in an instant.Don’t worry they won’t die.”Prince said,we all noddded and entered the Dorm.I heard awes and oohs around me,I looked at Punzie who got extra excited.”Ohh look at that Hiccup! An area for painting!” She said, I let out a laugh,”I might stay their all the time.”I said.
“Okay the first rule is, never forget to clean what you have done.Remember to greet each other, as it is a great need to be-friend all.If you happen to be in a fight, or others in a fight, let them come here in the circle.Surround them, and let them know their good habits.”Cinderella explained,”Everyone who has fought must have done wrong.And we,the Sphinx, must be understanding, to let them know that they have more good deeds than bad deeds.Before I finish this,Again I am the head girl Cinderella,” “I’m the head boy Prince.” “Your rooms are right this way.
We took another stairs, climbing up, two different stairs, one for the girls and one for the boys.As we got up I looked for my room, it was in the middle of a very long corridor.My name was on it,”Hiccup Haddock the III,welp.I guess that’s me.” I opened the door, Toothless waiting for me patiently.”Hiya bud!Did you miss me?” I said as Toothless bumped me, trying to ask for a scratch.”I, miss you too.” I said, I changed my clothes, took out my stuff as I organize them.Toothless making himself comfortable.A little while, I drifted off to sleep.
Hi guys! The continuation will be posted for tomorrow. In the mean time,check out the previous chapters!  BOOK 1: Ch: 1-2
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