#non fic
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empresskylo · 1 year ago
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okay but picking up price at the airport when he's on leave and he makes you pull over because he needs to be inside you so badly. he missed the fuck out of you and literally couldn’t wait any longer. and he fucks you soooo good that you have to switch seats so he can drive the rest of the way home because you have turned into a cockdrunk mess, your legs no longer working.
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galina · 1 year ago
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Currently: Pear Nuallak, Pearls from their Mouth. A really unique genre-blending collection which moves seamlessly between folktale, horror, satire and critique at which the centre is an exploration of the complexities of living as diasporic Thai queer artist in modern Britain. This one was a gift from a dear friend and gratefully received.
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the---hermit · 1 year ago
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The Ballad Of The Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde
This book has been sitting on my shelves for months, and I don't know why I waited this long to pick it up. It's a long poem written by Wilde after his time in prison and it's such a layered but quick reading. I ended up reading it in one sitting, and I would recommend actually taking your time and reading it out loud to enjoy how musical it is. The poem follows the arrival of a new inmate who killed his lover and has been condamned to death, all through the eyes of another prisoner that could very much stand for all the inmates. The narrating voice brings up how absurd the death penalty, especially since all lovers kill the object of their love one way or another (and after having read De Profundis I do believe this is strongly influenced by Wilde's own experiences). As I said the themes are very layered, about the hard conditions in prisons, the destiny of inmates, death penalty and so on. The imagery is beautiful and jumps from gothic themes with the personification of Death, spirits and fear, to a more medievalesque religious imagery. It's truly a stunning piece of writing and it's very much become one of my favourite pieces of writing by Wilde.
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maggiesarchives · 20 days ago
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happy fifth birthday to my blog!!!
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nikkionmeds · 2 years ago
I have this Golden Lace idea that I will probably never write, so here is it.
Lacy works as Golds maid/secretary/whatever and they kinda get along? Lacey swears they flirt but maybe its just because he is kinda nice to her. she literally knows nothing about him other than that he owns the shop and is her landlord.
but she crushes on him hard.
one day a woman shows up in the shop she has never seen before and wants to talk to him in private and gold is PISSED she showed up. Lacey eavesdroppes and the woman calls him pops? and says her son henry wanted to celebrate with his granddad?
but she is like, only ten years younger than gold so wtf?
(in that AU Regina is a kickass laywer in Maine. Cora had her as a teen and when Rum started his on off relationship with Cora in his early twenties he was a much better parent to Regina than Cora ever was.)
so Lacey starts snooping around and finds nothing, until a young man called neal shows up, looking for his dad? (During an „off“ phase with Cora Rum slept with Milah. She got pregnant and they married because thats what you did back then. they got divorced after two years and he got only saw neal on the weekends. thats when he moved to storybrook, but he went to see his son every weekend and was an amazing dad)
And thats how Lacey gets caught in Neals and Reginas plan to force Gold to celebrate his 50th birthday, even though he doesnt want to.
(also, they find all of his old college and work friends he lost contact with over the years and invite them)
Feel free to use this, but tell me so i can fangirl over it
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grouchydairy · 2 years ago
The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.
#Marie Kondo
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suengmi · 2 years ago
he's jeongin biased 100% it's science idk why he got beef with chan
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lunarheslwt · 1 year ago
"There is nothing more meaningful or poetic to me than being told 'I missed you'. In its essence, it's just love wrapped up in a simple sentiment. It says 'even in your absence, you remained present on my mind, in the pockets of my life, in fragments of my soul. You are interwoven into the threads that make me.' It says "you add meaning to my day; the lack of you is like lack of sun on a cold, winter day.' It's a quiet confession that you were thought of fondly. A reminder of how dear you can be to someone. It holds the same weight as 'I love you' because you miss someone when you love them. When they have carved out a little space for you in their hearts. To be missed is to be cherished."
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kny-agere · 1 year ago
Got made fun of for age regressing ;-; Trying to stay happy because most of my online experience has been really positive but I keep seeing the notification and I’m getting anxious
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winterfrostlovetriangle · 2 years ago
Beyond the Veil
This isn't a fic. I can't really say what the inspiration behind it was. It was intended to be a poem, but it evolved into more. I had the urge to write this late last night and I have to say that I'm proud of it.
Warnings: Dark, mentions of death, unreality.
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I opened my eyes, waking from a restful slumber but as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I noticed that my surroundings were unfamiliar. Instead of being in the safety and comfort of my bedroom, I was encased in what seemed to be a dark, cavernous void. It was cold and dark and a fine, grey mist hung in the air. I shivered - but why? Was it from the chilly temperatures or was it because of the eerie atmosphere of the place? Maybe it was a bit of both…
Frantically, I searched for a way out but couldn’t find one. Each time I thought I might succeed, I was met with some sort of wall, at least it seemed like one. The space in front of me felt solid and smooth like a wall. It was as if I was surrounded by walls on every side but I could still walk around freely. It was a puzzle and I was determined to solve it.
After wandering around for what seemed like hours, something shiny caught my eye. As I neared the object, I could make out a silver border or frame. I touched it lightly at first, making sure that it was real and not a figment of my imagination. My fingers traced grooves and patterns etched into the metal, until the surface became smooth and cool to the touch. It was glass! It had to be! But why? Why was there a mirror in this quiet, lifeless place?
Suddenly, the frame began to glow. A dull, cold light illuminated the glass, allowing me to see a shape inside. As it slowly came into focus, my chest tightened in fear. There was something wrong with the figure - I could sense it. I should have seen my own reflection but it wasn’t. My brain was screaming at me to back away and run, but I couldn’t. My feet were frozen in place. I was transfixed by the mirror - frightened of what I was seeing, unable to tear myself away.
I could now make out the form of a woman who appeared to be sleeping peacefully. I called out to her but she didn’t stir. My chest tightened again and my breath quickened. What was happening!? I yelled once more, placing my hand on the glass and I recoiled in shock at how cold the surface felt. My fingers burned as if I had frostbite, but then, a gentle, soporific warmth began spreading through me. I felt warm and safe and my eyes fluttered shut as I let the feeling consume me. I was at peace much like how the woman in the mirror looked.
With a loud gasp, my eyes shot open as the realization struck me. No! No, it can’t be. I stepped closer to take a better look at the woman. It was me! I was the woman in the mirror. I knew it was and I knew that she wasn’t sleeping. I pounded on the glass and shouted at her to wake. As my fist hit the mirror for the last time, the glass began to crack and splinter. Tiny veins spread over the surface and the frame bent and bowed under the building pressure until at last, the mirror shattered into a million pieces. The force of the explosion threw me backward. And then…
I remembered no more…
(thanks to @lotus-eyedindiangoddess for giving me the title for this work ❤️)
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toomanytookas · 2 months ago
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Always thinking about @schnarfer’s Difficult gal.
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I think I was just born with something dark and ugly inside of me. Always waiting to be found out.
planetarium - adrienne rich/@twoheadedfawnn/ugly, bitter, and true - suzanne rivecca/a burning hill - mitski/a hora da estrela- clarice lispector/ @100493503004422/sharp objects - gillian flynn
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empresskylo · 1 year ago
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potofsoup · 6 months ago
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Oh look, it seems like there's a Republican-led movement to purge voter rolls in the lead-up to the election! It's almost as if your vote matters and they don't want you to vote! Anyway, I whipped up a quick map (based on this) that shows when the voter registration deadline is in each state. There are a few deadlines coming up in the next week or so.
If you live in a state that regularly purges voter rolls for infrequent voters (the orange ones in the first map), or if you moved recently, it's good to check if you're still registered to vote.
Vote.org makes it super easy to check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/
Just put in your address and DOB and they'll tell you whether you're registered. (And they give you a quick link to register online if it turns out that you're not! Only the 9 states in white on my map don't have online registration, and for those they provide instructions on how to do it via mail or in person.) If you want an extra verification, find your state's election website and double-check there.
So yeah, give yourself peace of mind -- do a quick check. :)
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ramyeongif · 8 months ago
The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.
#Marie Kondo
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call-sign-foxtrot · 10 months ago
Space Science
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Think about the universe for a second. If you were an alien, what would you think of it? Maybe that it is a massive game of snakes and ladders where things fall up instead of down, and all other pieces are upside-down, sideways or backwards? Well, you’d be right... But why? With so much mystery still surrounding space exploration and the universe in general, there are many unanswered questions out there.
What about the descent of this world itself? If we could see microwaves, this night sky could shine with the very early light ever released into place. That is the relic radiation of the Big Bang - This occurrence that changed the start to the world itself. With infinite study missions, scientists tease out the information of the world's earliest minutes, try out the real early stars and galaxies, and see about the fabric of space and time. The fabulous infinite observatories also give us hints as to the next circumstances of our Milky Way galaxy, and the world itself. From quantum particles to supernovas, from spinning electrons to spinning galaxies and back again, from black holes to dark matter and beyond. For a space newbie to understand how the universe works, he/she must first know what it means to be an observer. To observe the cosmos is to experience life in its entirety.
Space science, according to Wikipedia, encompasses all of the scientific disciplines that involve space exploration and study natural phenomena and physical bodies occurring in outer space. In simple words, space science is the study of everything that exists in space, the study of the universe, its structure and its origin. The study of space science encompasses a wide range of topics including astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and planetary science. Space scientists are concerned with the formation and evolution of stars, galaxies and planets as well as their interactions with each other. They also investigate how these objects affect life on Earth such as through atmospheric phenomena like rainbows or by way of solar activity like sunspots or flares. Finally they look at how humans use space to explore and exploit it for future benefits such as communication, navigation or even colonization.
Space exploration has been a staple of science fiction for decades. From Star Trek to Star Wars and beyond, the infinite wonders of space have captured our collective imagination. These fictional explorations, however, are much different from the actual state of human space exploration today. While we may have not yet deployed probes to other planets or sent AI-assisted drones to roam the solar system, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of buzz around space right now. 
Space exploration is one of the most exciting, challenging and inspiring fields to work in. It’s also one with a rich history, stretching back to the early days of the Space Race and continuing today. Space exploration has evolved greatly over time, with new technologies and discoveries opening up new possibilities for space travelers.
Experts predict that space exploration will continue to evolve rapidly in the coming years as new technologies are developed and further discoveries are made in this fascinating field. There are many exciting developments planned for space exploration in the 21st century.
The birth of the universe is an intriguing mystery. How did it all begin? Where did the cosmic forces come from that drive the dynamics we observe today?
Science has advanced our understanding of the universe immensely in recent decades, but there are still many unanswered questions about its origin and evolution. Which came first: matter or energy? What were the pre-existing laws that gave rise to physics as we know it? And what brought everything into existence?
The origin of the universe is the point at which time and space as we know them came into being. It is a matter that has been pondered by humankind for millennia, and our knowledge about it continues to develop as time goes on. 
The Big Bang Theory is a widely-accepted scientific explanation of how the universe was formed. Astronomers theorize that billions of years ago, all matter in the universe existed in one small space. This dense area grew smaller and smaller until it exploded, creating space, stars and galaxies. Understanding the Big Bang Theory will provide insight into the origin of our universe and its development from that point onward. In the 1990s, scientists made huge strides in understanding how our universe began. They discovered that space is filled with a strange type of energy called “dark energy.” Dark energy has negative pressure, which means it accelerates expansion of the universe. Scientists also discovered that our universe is made up almost entirely of invisible particles called “dark matter.”
The discoveries sparked a new generation of theories about how everything might have begun. Scientists developed a theory known as the “Big Bang Theory.” It states that long ago, there was an incredibly dense and hot point in the universe that exploded and expanded to create everything we see today—the Big Bang!
In the first moments of the Universe, tiny quantum fluctuations in spacetime grew to become vast cosmic voids. Where there is emptiness, there cannot be light; so the initial darkness has never been directly observed. Instead, we intuit the original darkness from its secondary effects.The brief burst of inflation that seeded this cosmic structure also left an imprint on light itself: gravitational waves. Inflation implies that everything we see today was smooshed into a subatomic ball smaller than a proton just after the Big Bang — too small to produce anything as heavy as a neutron star. 
Reducing the scope of inquiry to its most fundamental elements, we find that everything in existence is made of matter – also called substance or matter.However you look at it, matter comes in many different forms. It turns out that all types of matter can be broken down into even more fundamental constituents. These particles include quarks and leptons – elementary particles that further subdivide into even smaller units called strings. There are a lot of things in science which cannot be explained easily with conventional theory, hence scientists came up with something called ‘String Theory’ to explain them. Anything that is not normal or cannot be explained with simple logic is called a theory until more research can explain it better.
The beauty of space and the universe is that it is infinite. That’s why we can see so many stars in the sky. And there are other things that we don’t know about, like black holes or dark matter, which we think might be a part of this whole thing called the universe. We have no idea what they are, but they seem to exist because we can see them and measure their effects on us here on Earth. So, I guess you could say our understanding of the universe has been growing all along since ancient times when people first looked up at the stars and wondered if there was really something beyond.
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skyrigel · 1 month ago
Reader who doesn't speak English as their first language and Simon being so in love !!
Over the dinner course, you leaned forward confidently, like you were sharing a secret.
"I think we should buy a baby wheelchair for them."
Price's missus was going to have a baby shower next week.
"Wot?" Simon blinked.
"A baby wheelchair—" You pulled your fist into a punching stance and moved it back and forth, mimicking a tiny car. "Like a baby car… phew phew."
"Oh, that's a stroller." Simon raised a brow, watching your head bobble in a self-absorbed nod.
"Exactly, baby car… stroller."
And it was so cute when you looked up at him whenever you forgot certain words.
"Simon, how do you say in English? The takka-takka-takka—"
"Helicopter," Simon said fondly, earning himself a sweet peck on the lips.
The task force enjoyed it immensely. When Soap said, “Break a leg !” and you raised up a fight at why Simon should break his leg.
Or when Kyle couldn't stop laughing so much with the way you pronounced, “Bitch” to the bird who was hitting up on Simon.
And Simon loved it all, felt love in your eyes through your words, especially when you used his vocabulary—God, it did something to him.
Saying "bugger" when you put too much ketchup, and "bloody freezin’, innit?!" with that corky little smile because you knew how much it wrecked him.
"Bollocks," you would curse, and he’d already be losing his heart and mind, dragging you to the bedroom.
The way you would slip into your native dialect when you were upset, voice rising as you made frustrated noises—Simon would forget the argument entirely, just watching you with that pretty face he’d go to war for.
And something, something about the way you said "I love you" in your native language first, just as softly, and how you called him "my love" in that same way too.
Bloody hell, he’s so in love.
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