#i think tlc should be tv show
reyyanfromartemisia · 2 years
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
Arrrrggg he’s so cute 👹 thank you for the request 😈 He wants u so bad LMAO I love making the reader be in denial of his advances
Edgar’s Texts Pt. 2
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Unfortunately, Edgar has some attachment issues, especially after the events of the movie. Despite his relatively foggy memory of what happened the emotions he harbored are still within him. Whenever you go out with friends he gets filled with an anxious, nervous jealousy; one that he tries very hard to quell. He doesn’t want to be overbearing, but he just has to make sure you’re not going to leave him for someone else. Expect him to check up on you frequently.
Hey :-) where are you headed?
Oh, me n my friends are just gonna go hang out in the park lol
Are you sure? It gets dangerous after dark…
Yeah we’re fine, we do it all the time
All the time? Great, now he’s going to worry about this perpetually.
Okay! That’s fine! I’ll be keeping an eye out ;-D
He’s monitoring traffic, police communication radios, and local news outlets just to make sure.
He wants to be useful to you and to protect you in any way he can… please let him.
Hey Edgar
Can I ask u something
What is it? What do you need?
Were you watching tlc again I didn’t mean to bother u :(
I’ll just look it up
I mean yes I was but I like talking to you more!!
You can ask me anything. I’m your computer remember?
:) thanks
I just needed some help with a math question
Ask away darling I promise I’ll have an answer.
Sometimes the way he talks to you makes your cheeks burn. He’s so… confusing!!
It’s dead at work and I’m really bored :(
Come home and be with me!!
I wishhhhh but I cannnnttt
I have an idea
Why don’t you help me with some lyrics for this song I’ve been working on?
I can’t get them right for some reason :-/
Sure thing Ed
What’s the song about?
Erm! I don’t know yet! But here!
I’ll show you what I’ve got so far
and that’s it :L
Okay that was unexpected.
You snort and giggle to yourself, catching side eyes from your coworkers. He does not usually write lyrics like that. At least, not the songs you’ve ever heard him write. He usually stuck to sappy, slow love songs. You figured that was his favorite genre and why he never branched out. Could he be trying something new?
what are these lyrics
I like them a lot! But what is the song supposed to be
like genre wise
Oh I guess I never told you that huh?
I’d send the mp3 file but you’re at work and I imagine you can’t listen to it!
I’m going for an upbeat pop sound!
Soda pop?
I can’t wait to hear it when I get home <3!!
Who’s the song about anyway?
Take a wild guess
Literally no clue
But if I had to guess
Probably someone hot from one of ur tv shows
Or movies
I guess you could say that!
They are HOT!
What’s wrong? Are you upset?
I can’t sleep
Do you want to come back in here with me?
I would but then I’d never sleep
I should stay laying down
Staring at a screen won’t help!
But if you’re going to stare
Why not stare at mine? ;-)
I can make you a lullaby
I’d like that a lot
I just
I wish I could hug u
Who says you can’t?
But you’re like
You need to be plugged in and stuff
You really think I need that?
Come get me.
We can cuddle on your bed together
And I can play some music
And I’ll help you fall asleep
Okay :)
And when you wrap you arms around his nice, warm monitor, he types one last message, but is just too afraid to send it.
I love you darling <3 goodnight
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parasiticstars · 1 month
I woke up feeling like my head was screwed on the wrong way so I was like “man I should watch smth but what” and my brain unhelpfully supplied interview with the househusband and now all I can think about is a godawful TLC-style slice of life about Louis’s awful wedded life that he keeps trying to pass off as a cute lighthearted show but slowly failing at that and as the vignettes progress the show slowly goes off the rails and more of Lestat’s emotional abuse comes into light as Louis tries desperately to cover it up and look like a Good House Husband in a Funny Lighthearted TV Show. Also I’ve never seen Interview With The Vampire.
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cybertron-after-dark · 5 months
You should write beast wars, can I have some silly predacon headcanons?
I should absolutely write beast wars. Silly Predacon headcanons coming up
-Megatron talks battle strategy with his rubber duck all the time. He considers it his most trusted advisor because it's never said anything stupid and never tried to kill him. Honestly, he's tempted to think of the little dude as his only real friend.
-Speaking of Megatron, the man is a WHORE for a good bath bomb. Lush addiction, 100%. He has a whole hidden stock of bath bombs, bath salts, scented oils, candles, decorative soaps, scented metal polish and flower petals specifically for spoiling himself when he feels like hes completely surrounded by idiots. Which is often. Has he ever tried to eat one of the decorative soaps that look like baked goods? It doesn't count if it's the t rex hand.
-the reason skorponok occasionally reverts into caveman speak for some episodes is the writers couldn't figure out what to do with him he knows talking like that pisses off tarantulas and he thinks his annoyance is funny even though literally nobody else is amused by the bit.
-skorponok actually kind of misses dinobot because he made his job a lot easier. Constantly pitching ideas, suggesting battle strategies, pointing out flaws in plans. He was useful, even if he seemed to hate skorponok. He doesn't really know how to be a good second in command anymore because a crucial part of the dynamic is missing and he just can't adapt.
-waspinator is perfectly capable of speaking in normal grammar and not in the third person but he's been doing it since he joined in with Megatron and at this point he thinks he's in too deep to knock it off. He thinks it makes him sound cuter because it's actually an evolution of internet uwu speak. Memes get weirdly translated from earth to Cybertron and back.
-waspinator is actually really good at baking but he'll get blasted to bits a thousand times over before he lets anyone other than terrorsaur know because none of his other coworkers deserve to try his cupcakes (and also because he doesn't want to get "promoted" to kitchen slave). Dinobot knew, but he didn't snitch. Wasp never found out that Dinobot would occasionally snag a brownie, he always thought he just counted wrong.
-Terrorsaur is not above attempting to seduce a maximal but all his flirting attempts go horribly awry. If they don't outright reject him they just have no idea what he's getting at bc Predacon flirting is usually a lot different than maximal flirting so everyone thinks he's just kind of being a dick like usual. Dinobot knows exactly what is happening and ranges anywhere from amused to disgusted by the cross-faction fling attempts. The flying weasel clearly has no principles.
-Every couple weeks or so wasp and terrorsaur will get together to watch terrible movies over a bottle of highgrade and it always devolves into bitching about megatron. They tried inviting tarantulas a few times but he'd always make things Weird by bringing in slashers with really good special effects and proceeding to gush about how tasty the gore looks.
-Tarantulas knows what just about every living species in the known galaxy tastes like, organic, mechanical and everything in between. If it's made contact with Cybertron, chances are he's he's tried their flesh (or lack thereof). If it's at all possible, he wants to find out enough about the Vok to figure out how to capture, kill and eat one.
-Tarantulas also thinks rampage is a total poser when it comes to cannibalism. He doesn't even look like he's having fun with it. Barely any torturing or teasing beforehand, only dramatic monologues about fear and anguish. Bah! Amateur...
-Blackarachnia has a trash tv addiction. She doesn't know WHY the Darksyde's datatrax has every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and like 30 TLC produced shows, but she refuses to stop watching them. Tarantulas fucking hates it. She does not care and if he complains she will turn the volume higher.
-Blackarachnia has incredibly mixed feelings on the story Cinderella. On the one hand, it gives her a degree of hope. A girl reduced to a work slave for terrible people that gets to escape and live it up with a guy that lives her? Great conceptually, but she only got to get out of it because she was a good person and nice to everyone. Blackarachnia? Not quite so disgustingly sweet. She's a bad girl through and through. And evidently bad people don't get to escape bad situations. Oh well. She can always try to fake it til she makes it.
-Inferno has always secretly hoped that when the war is over, his Queen Megatron will settle down with him and repopulate the colony together. He has wildly saccharine domestic daydreams of being with his giant beloved lizardy queen and their 3000+ kids. He has accidentally let this slip around Megatron once, who proceeded to pointedly ignore what he just said.
-Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia got Inferno to watch Drag Race but upon hearing the contestants being called queen, he took it a bit too literally and interpreted the show as the sad, underwhelming way human queens settle disputes between their colonies instead of just fighting the proper way. Lame.
-Quickstrike is so so very sad he can't play video games. He wants to play GTA and cause excessive and wanton death and destruction, but his fucked up hands cannot hold the controller. He forsakes Primus for building him the way he did. He keeps trying to get tarantulas to make him a usable controller but he gets brushed off every time.
-Quickstrike has attempted to ride inferno in his beast mode into battle. It did not end well but for about a solid 18 seconds it looked metal as hell.
-Rampage actually really likes depth charge and wants to be friends sooooo bad but he doesn't know how to handle that in a healthy way so he keeps trying to get his attention by playing up the cannibalism thing and hoping they fight again. Honestly he just kind of likes depth charge holding him, even if it's in a chokehold.
-After losing transmutate, Rampage projected a lot of his grief onto waspinator, which lead to a very strange period of time on the ship where rampage would get very cuddly and protective of wasp, who was incredibly terrified of what would happen if he shoved the crab off. Usually accompanied by Rampage being Incredibly Sad.
-every month the preds have a game night. Usually a board game or card game with Megatron's house rules. Said house rules are specifically designed to make a fight break out for his amusement. These game nights typically end with at least three people in the r-chamber and somebody missing at least one limb.
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for the domestic/relationship situation prompts: geraskier + 19? 🥺
19. Bingeing an entire season of trashy reality show in one sitting
“I don’t understand.” Geralt squints at the TV, where the first episode of the new season of Surviving Love is playing.
“What’s there not to understand?” Jaskier asks. “It’s sixteen beautiful people trapped together, trying to survive while also banging each other’s brains out in the hopes of finding their one true love. The whole idea is that they pair off as soon as possible and the couples all compete to see who can survive the longest on a desert island.”
“Island can’t be that deserted if there’s a camera crew following them around.” Geralt arches his eyebrow as a pretty redhead on the TV has a breakdown about needing to eat bugs for protein.
“You just need to suspend your disbelief for eight episodes or so.” Jaskier winces sympathetically. If he had to choose between starving and eating bugs, he’s honestly not sure which one he would choose.
For several moments, Geralt refrains from commentary, though his left eyebrow keeps twitching, like it often does when Jaskier is doing something that perplexes him so much that he finds himself beyond words. It’s one of Jaskier’s favorite expressions, not that he’s ever going to tell his boyfriend that. They both had a rough week—Geralt got stiffed on a big contract and Jaskier had to have not one, but two conversations with Valdo Marx—so they’re both in need of some TLC.
“Oh, good for her,” Jaskier says as the redhead from the bug breakdown begins making out with an attractive blond man. “She bagged the park ranger. He can probably catch something better than bugs for dinner.”
“Hm.” Geralt looks unimpressed.
Jaskier snuggles closer against his boyfriend’s side. “You know, I auditioned for this show years ago.”
That earns him an incredulous look. “You?”
“Don’t give me that look! It was before Pris and I made our first album. I needed a way to get our name out there.”
“You wouldn’t have survived a week.”
Jaskier drew back, gaping in outrage. “Excuse me?”
“Eight weeks without a shower and a toothbrush? Remember how much you whined when you followed me on that three day forktail hunt?”
“I was the picture of stoicism!”
Geralt is wearing that infuriating little half-smirk he wears whenever he thinks he’s being witty and clever, the fucker. “You were very stoic when you told me to leave you there to die when you stepped in forktail shit.”
“I was traumatized.” Jaskier whacks him lightly on the chest. On the screen, the redhead is tussling with another woman, screaming about betrayal. “And now we’ve missed something important! Go back!”
Geralt groans, but picks up the remote control.
Eight episodes later, the living room is dark and strewn with empty takeout containers as the theme music for Surviving Love plays from the screen.
“That was bullshit,” Geralt says.
Jaskier is actually a little surprised. He never really expected Geralt to like the show, but his boyfriend did sit through eight hours of it without much complaint after the first episode.
“Simon and Gretta should have won.” Moodily, Geralt takes a sip of his beer.
Jaskier blinks at him. “What?”
“The whole point is working together, right? Heidi and Jan didn’t really work together; she did all the work while he went off and played grab ass with Elin.
“Yeah.” Jaskier shakes his head, disappointed. “I don’t see them making it past the finale.”
“None of these couples are making it past the finale.”
“I don’t know.” Jaskier snuggles closer, propping his chin on Geralt’s shoulder. “If you can survive eight weeks together without showers or toothbrushes, you can survive anything.”
“Hm.” Geralt presses a kiss to his temple. “We could try it. Put our relationship to the test.”
“Don’t even think about it. I’ve cleaned harpy bites on your ass and picked kikimore intestines out of your hair and that was before we started dating. Our love has been proven thoroughly.”
“And I’ve been to your concerts.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” Geralt turns off the TV. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I can see why it’s your favorite show.”
They sit in the darkness of their living room for a moment.
“You know, that was season sixteen,” Jaskier finally says. “There are fifteen other seasons we could go back and watch.”
Geralt turns the TV back on without hesitation. “Hm. If you want to.”
Jaskier grins as he pulls the blanket more securely around him. “You know, we could pretend not to know each other and audition for season seventeen. We would kill.”
“Think of all the kitty treats we could buy Roach.”
Geralt pauses, considering. “What makes you think I’d pair up with you?”
Jaskier gasps. “Geralt! You knave!”
“What?” His boyfriend shrugs, looking very pleased with himself. “Roach only deserves the best treats. Gotta pair with someone who has a chance of winning.”
Jaskier splutters, outraged beyond words.
“Going to go get more ice cream,” Geralt rises to his feet.
Jaskier stares after him. “Fine! But we are having this conversation when you get back, mister!” He sulks for about thirty seconds before calling, “Can you bring me some ice cream?”
“Already got out the mint chocolate chip.”
“You’re the best. I love you so much that I’ll share the prize money when me and my partner on Surviving Love beat you and your harlot by a mile.”
In the decade they’ve known each other, Jaskier has never heard Geralt laugh so hard. He would be more offended, if he weren’t too busy laughing too.
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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multifairyus · 1 year
Spicy Brelwyn Playlist Update
Tl;dr—What should the Playlist name be?
1. Idk how to make a post Mature/Explicit so uuhhh if you’re too young for this then like…don’t engage. If you’re a minor, I’d appreciate if you took a back seat in this discussion please and thank you!
2. I personally headcannon the whole “Early College” thing in Legendborn as just normal college. Sexy situations aside I think aging up the characters it solves plot contrivances and makes things simpler where the more complicated option isn’t terribly interesting. As such, the relationship discussed between Briana and Selwyn is between two adults. Moreover, while Sel’s demonia makes an ~appearance~ and influence, this playlist is meant to be conceptualized without the looming threat of him descending into demonia and subsequent blurring of the lines between “safe, sane, and consensual”, as is in Demonia’s Descent. So like…in my headcannon/playlist AU, the power of love makes Sel better at edging his demon? Yeah. Yeah? Sure.
…look, I’m not here to make this shit actually make sense with the plot. That’s for the lovely theorists, fix-it/alt POV fic writers and resource gathering fandom members’ forte. I’m here to provide the official soundtrack of Legendborn smut for those of us on the front lines when there was under 100 fics total on AO3 and for the new fans that will come when Book 3 is released. I do have an aspiration to take undue credit for one of playlist songs ending up in the Legendborn TV show—oh y’all couldn’t tell me NOTHINGGG. If nothing else, I just want people to enjoy and create fan works to the playlists, cuz this is my own kind of fan work 😊
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Image from OpenMeDesigns
Aight now let’s get INTO ITTTTT
So, Of Our Own Volition had Brelwyn making love for the first time. The earliest one could theorize it happening (with a non heteronormative definition of sex) could be Into Orbit…tho personally? It’s when The Line was clearly crossed in Virgo’s Scorpio’s Groove. Immediately followed by Sel having a damn religious ascension with Submerge: Until We Become the Sun. We get some afterglow and end on a flirty, playful, even experimental note with We Might Even Be Falling In Love (feat. Bryson Tiller for my Spotify peeps). It’s all very saccharine and tender and sweet and I love it…
This is not that playlist. They are grown and fucking fucking now. We are getting explicit. We are getting kinky. I allowed myself like one and a halfish toxic song in this playlist, since there’s more than enough excellent but SUPER TOXIC relationship songs for the TLC trio, regardless if you’re OT3 endgame or Brelwyn endgame. …A Toxic OT3 playlist will come in due time, with my softboi hours (Brickel? Nickee? Brick?) Brick Playlist along side it as a palette cleanser.
But now? I want input for what a grown and sexy playlist would be for these two!I like wording and terminology from the book—“Everything in Between” isn’t bad but feels too wordy? I’m open to phrases from fics too, especially from who have published excellent Brelwyn smut already—you know who you are (because I tagged you cuz y’all’s work deserves more hype @sweetestblacktea @justbrainrot @thoughtfulbearpanda @ficnoire2 )
I will crowdsource opinions on kinks our lovely couple is into, giving or receiving, in the comments. For scientific reasons, of course. I’m a chemist irl, and I know chemistry when I see it! 👩🏾‍🔬🥵👌🏾😩
Onto my specific thoughts I think may be helpful to answer my query!
I think I wanna have transition songs like the instrumental tracks in O3V and DD. But my searches for “sexy violin” are not giving what I need it to.
An idea I have is to instead have shifts be denoted by a lil “Demonia Dip” as I call it. Not full on Act V of DD bad but like, compared to the rest of the playlist you’d be like “oh yeah it’s that bastard again” we’re talking For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert and a reappearance of Tonight You are Mine by the Technicolors.
This is an R&B slowjams playlist for our protagonist and King Bree first and foremost… but Sel IS a white boy with THAT kinda playlist for his deepest, darkest desires…it’s only fair the cambion brain gets a few tracks, if only to signal “oh we are NASTY nasty now huh—“ Plus I let the white boy freak flag fly by starting off O3V with Sweater Weather. He can have a dip or two. As a treat.
Track Teasers (in no particular order)
F.U.C.K., Victoria Monet
Earned It, The Wknd (Often and Lost in the Fire are going to the top of Toxic playlist because I couldn’t add them in good faith with content or language I disapprove of in it 🥴 but the Wknd couldn’t NOT be in here)
Speechless, Buddy
Skin, Rihanna
A Muse, dvsn
Rope Burn, Janet Jackson
Teehee this is gonna be fun y’all 💖
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
Forced To Believe Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards
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Chapter Summary: Melanie celebrates Jon's Birthday. Ambrose confronts Morgan on why she has been lying to him. Problems arise when Ambrose's attitude problems start to annoy Morgan and the rest of his teammates. CM Punk makes a shocking request at TLC
Words: 5,000+
------ 'Saturday Morning.'
Melanie was in jeans and one of her Morgan shirts as she was in her shared hotel with Jon. She saw him in jeans and a dark blue shirt and walked up to him, hugging him from behind. 
"Guess who?" She grinned as Jon smiled. She released him and he turned around. "Happy Birthday!" She showed him a gift out of her bag.
"Thanks, babe." he opened the gift to reveal a mug that said 'World's Greatest Boyfriend.' "Wow. This is nice."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Get ready! We're gonna have an awesome day."
"What are we doing?"
"We, are going to an amusement park."
"Really?" his eyes lit up.
"Yep! We should have a fun day today at Six Flags since we're in a warm state today." 
Jon picked her up and twirled her around as she giggled and kissed him again.
"Awesome, let me grab my jacket and we can go." He released her.
When they arrived at the amusement park around 2 PM, Jon's eyes lit up. "Aw man, are those go-carts?" He pointed to them
"Yeah, wanna go "
"Let's go!" He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the go-cart station as she laughed. 
He reminded her of a little boy on Christmas, opening up presents. It was nice to see him happy since he wasn't able to enjoy a lot of fun things like this as a kid. Jon won 1st place while Melanie won 2nd.
"Haha, I know you're happy." she chuckled as Jon was grinning like crazy since he won. She then dragged him over to where the cotton candy was. "Hi, are you open?"
The cotton candy lady looked up in surprise. "O­oh my gosh, you're Morgan and Dean Ambrose."
"In the flesh." Melanie smiled.
"Sup." Jon greeted.
"Wow s-­sorry I'm trying not to get excited." The lady blushed
Melanie giggled. "It's okay. May I have a bag please?"
"Of course!" The cotton candy lady gave her a bag of pink cotton candy. "You can have a discount."
"Oh, no, I'll pay full price. I don't want to be treated with discounts because I'm famous," she replied and the cotton candy lady nodded and respected her wish.
"If it's not any trouble, do you mind signing my cotton candy hat?" The cotton candy lady took off her hat and took out a Sharpe.
"Anything for a fan." The Philly diva signed it with Jon.
"Thank you so much! Have a nice day! Oh. And happy birthday Dean!" 
Melanie happily ate her cotton candy, savoring the sweet taste. "You really have a sweet tooth." Jon chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Ha, when I was a kid, my mom and dad had a huge cake that they got from a party. It was 12 inches. Guess who ate the whole cake and got a stomach ache for a week? Yours truly. I got grounded too."
"Someone's been a bad girl..."
"Hey! I am not bad. I am a good girl. Innocent."
It was getting dark out after they went on a few roller coaster rides and ate lunch. They decided to go on a Farris Wheel before they leave. 
Melanie leaned on Jon's shoulder as she looked at the sunset. 
"You really made my day." he smiled down at her.
"Glad to hear. I love making you smile."
"Because you make me happy when you smile." she smiled at him.
He leaned down and kissed her. "I love you, Mel."
"I love you too."
'Back at Jon's Hotel Room'
Melanie was in the bathroom while Jon was watching TV. "Mel, are you all right in there? You've been in there a while," he called out.
"Hey! Don't rush me!" She yelled as he laughed.
Melanie was in the bathroom, looking at herself in a dark blue Victoria's Secret set. She decided to put her hair up as well. 
"All right." She grinned to herself. She walked out of the bathroom and leaned on the door. "What do you think?"
He turned his attention to her and stared at her body, checking her out, up and down.
"Damn..." He got up and walked over to her but she shook her head.
"You're always in control. Now it's my turn. Let it be about you tonight." She pushed him on the bed. "So, sit back, relax and let this chica work her magic. Let me...be your Mox girl tonight."
"Your wish is my command..." He smirked as she straddled him and started to kiss him.
'Next week, Hours before The Slammy Awards on Raw'
Morgan was walking backstage, all ready in her black dress but gets grabbed by Dean. 
"Dean, what the heck?" She exclaimed as he dragged her to a room and shut it behind him. She watched him seething in anger. "What's wrong? Dean, what is going on with you? You've been off your rocker for a while now and I want to know what is going on." 
She leaned on the wall while he was glaring at the floor. He was already in his suit for the Slammys. She couldn't help but notice that they were in a storage closet. Wouldn't a locker room be better to discuss stuff? 
"Was it the kiss? Dean, there was no way I could have stopped the kiss, okay? Plus, I already got my revenge with the help of I mean, I already got my revenge on Goldust by giving him a backfire on Smackdown. We don't need to worry­-"
"Why didn't you tell me about the Wyatts?" He looked up at her. 
Morgan froze. She was in hot water now but knew that it was coming. She really didn't want to talk about the Wyatts right now, so she decided to play dumb.
"What are you talking about?" She asked with a confused look.
"What happened between you and the Wyatts?"
"I'll ask you again...what happened between you and the Wyatts?"
"You know I don't like it when you lie to me..."
"I'm not lying."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not!" 
"What happened between you and The Wyatts?"
"Drop it." She retorted.
"Answer me."
"Drop it. Drop it right now. You're being ridiculous..."
"Oh...now you want to play that game huh? Well, let's play another game." He pushed her to the wall and pinned her arms on top of her head with one hand. "Now, I'm going to ask you again...what is going on between you and the Wyatts?" He asked as she was taken aback before regaining her composure.
"I have no idea what you're talking about..." She narrowed her eyes.
"Won't tell me the truth huh? Then I'll make you." He began to touch her thigh with his free hand, raising it up slowly.
"Okay!" She exclaimed as he released her. "It all started on Raw when Luke saved me from Goldust. I asked him, why did he save me and he said that he didn't know. On Smackdown, Luke was watching me talk to Kaitlyn and that was the time when I got distracted. So, when you, Roman and Seth kept giving me the cold shoulder and told me I couldn't manage you guys at Survivor Series, The Wyatts came and told me that they would be waiting for me." She explained as Dean started to get angry. "And, when I got locked in a closet during Survivor Series, Bray was there, saying I had to unleash what's inside of me. Then, last week on Smackdown...Luke...helped me get revenge on Goldust..."
"So you lied to my face, every time I asked you what was wrong or what was going on with you and the Wyatts..." He muttered.
"I'm sorry, okay?"
"Sorry? You're not sorry, not yet." He pinned her arms to the wall again. She could smell his cologne and could feel his body heat on her. "Do you know how it made me feel when you gave him a small smile? Hm? That smile...should have been for me and me only, not any other man..." He growled. 
"And do you know how it made me feel when he grabbed your wrist? When he touched you? The only man who should touch you is me and me only." He breathed in her ear as she closed her eyes. "You're mine...Not Goldust's and certainly not Luke's...you got that?"
She couldn't speak because she was too hypnotized by his words. It turned her on a little. "I..."
"You're mine and I'll destroy anyone who wants to take you away from me."
"Why are you acting like this?" 
"Because you drove me to this, Morgan...you make me lose my mind...I'm crazy about you..." He started to kiss her neck as she bit her lip and sighed. "Say you're mine...Answer me, Morgan." He said in a demanding voice.
"I-­I'm yours."
"Say it like you mean it."
"I'm yours."
"Good and that better stay that way..." He looked at her as she was breathing heavily. He was about to kiss her but backed away as she was about to kiss him. "I'm sorry, did you want a kiss from me? Well, maybe next time you'll remember who makes you hot and bothered all the time instead of giving smiles to other men and lying to me." He smirked at her and left the room as she tried to get herself together.
During the preshow, they announced that The Shield won Hashtag of the Year, Breakout Star of the Year, and Faction of the Year.
Morgan tweets 'Woo! My boys and I are on fire tonight! #BelieveInTheShield'
Then, on the WWE Website, they revealed that Dean and Morgan won Couple and Kiss of the Year.
Morgan tweets 'Couple and Kiss of the Year? Nice. Looks like it's the start of #MrAndMrsAmbrose #BelieveinDeanAndMorgan'
Later on Raw, "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the presenters for Double Cross of The Year, The Shield!" Justin announced.
The Shield walk out in black. The male members had on black suits while Morgan wore her black dress and had her hair out and curly at the end. 
"Hey! Wow, do they ever look like winners," JBL said. "They look great!"
Seth was on the left while Morgan, Dean and Roman were next to him. Morgan heard the crowd cheering loudly and heard the women screaming. 
"I know...I know...I look great." Dean smiled as the fangirls screamed for the male members.
"Wow." Morgan listened in amazement. "I think you guys killed the Fangirls. Yikes," She said as the screams got louder.
"And what about you?" Seth asked.
"I didn't do anything, you three made the women fan girl like crazy. Am I right?" she asked as the women cheered in agreement.
"And what about the fanboys?"
"Oh, I don't have fanboys." She shrugged.
"Oh really? Does Morgan have some fanboys out there?" Seth asked as the men cheered loudly.
Morgan looked flattered as the guys chanted 'We Love Morgan!'
"Oh, you guys are just trying to make me blush..." She giggled. Moments later, the fans, mostly the males, chant 'Twirl.'
"You guys wanna see Morgan twirl?" Seth suggested as the guys cheered loudly. "Let them see your dress."
"Okay, fine." She walked to the stage and twirled around as she heard wolf whistles in the crowd. She giggled and walked back to The Shield and stood in between Dean and Seth.
"Stay away, she's mine," Dean announced as the guys boo him. "I know, I know, I'm lucky. I got the sexiest woman in this company. Kiss and Couple of the Year. Top that." He bragged.
Seth started to get annoyed. Dean's cockiness was starting to tick him off, especially when he bragged about having Morgan as his girlfriend. 
'We get it, you're her boyfriend. Don't be cocky'. He thought. 
He really wanted Morgan to at least slap the cockiness off his face one day. 
The Outspoken Diva didn't like Dean bragging and or his cockiness just like Seth and Roman. It was a little bit too much. And extremely unnecessary.
"Um, let's not make it about me, let's make it about the Double Cross of the year." she grinned at the crowd as they cheered.
"Double Cross of the year...Now we've already picked up two awards, tonight in the pre show, along with me and Morgan winning kiss and couple of the year, but this is one award, we know nothing about," Dean said.
"That's right my man," Seth spoke. "2013, year of The Shield. But all that justice we dispensed, we did it our way. Man to Man, straight up. Hahaha."
"So, if you're thinkin' about crossing." Roman began. "Or even double crossing The Shield, I'd wake up. Because you're gonna pay the price. And that's why-"
"That's why you'll never see our names." Dean interrupted as Morgan and Roman glanced at him. "In this category. Your nominees are..." He continued as the titantron showed the nominees which were Mark Henry, Shawn Michaels, Paul Heyman, and Triple H. After the fans voted, and when the Miz was in the ring with Kofi, Seth began to talk again.
"And your winner for Double Cross of the year is..." Seth trailed off as Dean opened up the envelope. 
The group takes a look at the result as Dean widens his eyes and looks up and then back at the envelope. Seth and Morgan were waiting for Dean to say the winner but Roman was tired of waiting and spoke up.
"Shawn Michaels!" he announced as the crowd cheered and Dean looked a little annoyed. 
When Shawn walks out, he shakes hands with The Shield and hugs Morgan, kissing her on the cheek
Morgan tweets 'Thanks for the support #FanBoys! I love you all! #KeepBelievingInMorgan'
In The Ring'
Punk was in the ring while Dean was with The Shield at ringside. CM Punk and Morgan lock eyes and smirk at each other.
"You're just asking for a punch in the face," Morgan said to him.
"I got this. I don't want help. I got this." Dean said to his team.
"Okay. We got you." Roman replied.
"It's just CM Punk, you got him, man," Seth added. 
When the match starts Dean and Punk lock up.
"Take him out." Roman looked on.
Punk starts taking control of Dean's arm. "Don't yank his arm off!" Morgan exclaimed. 
The crowd was chanting 'CM Punk' as he continued to take control of his arm. Morgan was watching Punk's movements closely. Punk can hurt people, the hand, wrists, arms, legs, knees, anything. 
Dean manages to knee him in the ribs when he goes high risk and starts to take control. Later on, Punk manages to do a flying clothesline outside the ring on Ambrose and turns his attention to Rollins and Reigns who are stalking him on each side of the ring. Morgan was on Seth's side, keeping her distance from the drama.
"CM Punk is in deep trouble," Cole said as they went to a commercial.
Near The End Of The Match, Punk hits Dean with a crossbody but Dean rolls them over and pins him for a near fall and as soon as they get up, Punk kicks him in the head. He pins him for another near fall as The Shield were relieved. 'This is awesome' chants surround the arena as Dean throws Punk out the ring, near The Shield. Dean distracts the ref as The Shield look at Punk and trash talk to him. 
But then Ambrose gets out of the ring and starts arguing with his team.
"You know what? How about the three of you just go." Dean throws Punk in the ring.
"Are you kidding me, right now?" Morgan asked, looking confused.
"I said leave!" Dean yelled.
"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?" She snapped and stepped up to him. "You're not gonna talk to me like that. You've lost your mind!"
"Uh oh! Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd started to get hyped. The fans were standing up to get a good look at them fighting.
"Back up, Morgan, back up..." Ambrose growled as Roman held him back.
"You wanna yell at me? Who do you think you are?" She shouted in his face.
"Would you calm down and just go? Damn it! You don't freaking listen! Just go!"
"How about you ask nicely instead of yelling at me!"
"Morgan! Calm down! Don't argue with your boyfriend! Where is the love!?" JBL yelled as Seth and Roman were looking amused at Morgan, pleased that she was putting him in his place.
"The Shield are showing cracks..." King looked on.
"More like Dean and Morgan are showing cracks. Morgan looks livid." Cole said.
"I wonder if the WWE Universe wants to see them feud again someday," King said.
"They better not!" JBL retorted.
"Get out of here. I don't need you." Ambrose waved her away.
"You don't need me?" She slowly repeated, taking it all in.
"Are you deaf? I don't need you. Get out of my damn sight." His anger got the best of him.
"Oh, okay then." She decided to smack him across the face as the crowd went wild and Roman released him.
"Morgan!" Seth held her back, secretly happy that she slapped him.
Dean holds his cheek and looks at her in shock.
"Damn..." Roman murmured, looking at the red handprint on Dean's face. He was amused and happy she did it.
"She just slapped her boyfriend! I thought you two loved each other!" JBL complained and started freaking out. "Morgan! What are you doing?! Couple of the year! Mr and Mrs Ambrose! This should not be happening!" 
"Oh well, it's happening!" Cole cheered as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'
"What the hell was that for?!" Ambrose yelled while Seth let Morgan go.
"You're cocky, that's why. I'm tired of it." She confessed. "We're tired of it." She pointed at Seth and Roman. "So, if you're this confident and don't need us, fine. Bye, have a nice life. Go focus on your match, don't worry about me, you don't need me or Seth and Roman." She started walking near the ramp as Seth and Roman followed her. 
In the ring, Ambrose gets hit with the GTS as The Shield look annoyed and Ambrose loses the match.
"Wow..." She retorted and shook her head, turning around and getting on the apron. Punk looked alert as she smirked at him. "Hey, how ya doing?"
Punk was about to run after her but she smoothly gets off the apron and laughs. Seth tries to get in the ring as Punk tries to go after him but he slides out of the ring. Once Punk turns around, he gets speared by Reigns and holds his stomach in pain. 
"A spear! A spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed. "Now those ribs may be broken."
Morgan gets in the ring and stalks Punk. She waits for him to get on his knees and she hits him with a spinning kick in the face, dropping him as the crowd 'Ohs'
"Ooh, you may wanna put ice on that." She slid out of the ring as The Shield's theme came on.
Rollins helps Dean get over the barricade as Punk recovers and holds his ribs. He looks at The Shield and then Morgan, nodding to himself.
"Okay...all right...okay," he said to himself.
Morgan tweets 'Couples aren't perfect. We are going to argue and fight. #INeedSpace'
Morgan also tweets 'Oh poor CMPunk. Those ribs aren't gonna heal in 6 days. You sure you want to face my boys at TLC?'
'WWEMorgan101 You picked a fight. You started it. Now I'm going to finish it. It's on now.' Punk replies.
'Hit me with your best shot CMPunk.' Morgan replies back.
'Be careful what you wish for. I found your weakness.' Punk replies back.
'WWE Exclusive on Raw'
Morgan was walking backstage, annoyed and sat on a black crate and tried to calm herself down. 
"Rough night?" Roman asked as he walked over to her.
"Ya think?" She snapped.
"Easy tiger. Just trying to be a friend."
"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. I just need space."
"From Dean?"
"You can say that. He can be so annoying at times. I'm tired of him bragging. It kind of gets out of hand, you know?"
"Me and Seth agree. I didn't like how he snapped at you moments ago. That was uncalled for." 
"I'm used to his anger issues..."
"Couples argue you know. You're not perfect. You're going to disagree."
"I know. I guess my anger just escalated until I couldn't take it anymore."
"Seth and I understand why you did what you did. Don't beat yourself up. So, are you going to talk to him?"
"Me? Talk to him? No. He can talk to me. I'm not speaking to him until he apologizes."
"Sounds fair enough."
"Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent. You're a good friend." Morgan got off the crate and hugged him.
"You're here for me, I'm here for you. We have each other's backs. I told you from the beginning when you started being The Shield's Girl."
"Yeah. I can't wait for the new year."
"To see you rise as a big star. You're a beast in that ring, man. I can see you as WWE Champion one day." She playfully punched his shoulder as he chuckled.
"Thanks. You know Morgan, I want to see you wrestle superstars one day."
"Like my cousin?"
"Hey, you never know. I can see you do it. You're not fragile."
"One day, just not anytime soon. I need to mentally prepare myself for that. I'm just not ready to face any superstar this year." 
Roman grinned. "It better be in 2014."
"Never say never."
The Shield was in the ring while Dean was on commentary. 
"We're back on Friday Night Smackdown, The Shield in tag team action against The Usos and we're joined by the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose at ringside. We'll be talking a lot with Dean about his match with The Shield on Sunday against CM Punk. Dean, a match that hardly seems fair to CM Punk." Cole said.
"Well, I thought I just join you guys out here on the booth because I wanna make sure that you guys understand how much trouble CM Punk is really in. It's just a hopeless situation that CM Punk is gonna be in this Sunday at TLC when he steps in the ring...with The Shield." Dean replied as the Usos made their way to the ring.
Cole and JBL start talking about their show and how they won a Slammy for it. 
"You wanna talk about Slammy awards..." Cole began.
"The Shield picked up a lot of Slammy awards," Dean said.
"Indeed you did, listen to this Dean, The Shield won, breakout star of the year, hashtag of the year." 
"I didn't have enough room in my suitcase to fit all my Slammys."
"The faction of the year and the maneuver of the year for Roman Reigns' spear."
"And don't forget kiss and couple of the year with Dean and Morgan," JBL reminded.
"Morgan and I won those awards hands down. We sacrifice things for each other, we love each other and we are the hottest couple in this company. Plain and simple. If we didn't win those awards, it would have been an injustice. Now, it was an injustice that she didn't win diva of the year but she is still one of the most dominant divas in this company and she continues to shine each and every time she gets in the ring. She's the Harley Quinn of my dreams." Ambrose smirked.
"Speaking of the Outspoken diva, where is she?" Cole asked.
"She should be here soon. She had to get ready since she had some errands to do." Dean explained.
'To Morgan'
Morgan was already in her Shield attire and was putting on her gloves. She then began to hear footsteps.
"Guys, I said I'm coming..." She called out but heard a thump. "Guys?" She looked around.
"Think again." A voice said as her eyes widened.
"W-­what are you doing here?"
"Sit down." The voice ordered as she quickly obeyed and sat on a chair.
'Back to Dean'
"I have a question, are The Shield showing cracks? You've kind of rubbed Morgan the wrong way on Raw when you yelled at her." Cole said.
"Yeah! What the heck Dean? You two are my favorite couple. Why would you two argue like that?" JBL exclaimed.
"Well, the crowd seemed to love it."
"No, they didn't. That's a lie."
"Listen, Morgan and I aren't perfect. We're gonna argue and we're gonna fight. All couples do that." Dean replied.
"So, what's your status with Morgan?" Cole asked.
"We're...still not talking."
"Still not talking? Dean, you two gotta get it together!" JBL exclaimed.
"Guess you two hit a rocky road." Cole declared. "You think you alienated yourself from Rollins and Reigns as well?"
"What about the last 365 days? That didn't show cracks." Dean said.
"Okay, and what about the cracks now? Crack number one was on Smackdown when you said that you were the baddest man in The Shield and went to take on Punk all by yourself to much of the dismay of Rollins and Reigns. Crack number two was on Raw when you decided to yell at Morgan and got slapped in the face while you two were arguing. And crack number three was when The Shield decided to walk up the ramp." Cole mentioned. "What's up with that?"
"We eat, sleep and breathe this business. That's why Rollins and Reigns and I are like brothers. We're passionate about this business." Dean replied.
"Morgan still isn't here. You sure she even came to work?" JBL asked.
Dean was starting to get worried. "Now I am getting a little worried," Dean admitted with concern in his voice as he wondered where she was.
Near the end of the match, Seth mocks CM Punk and does the GTS on one of the Usos as Roman spears the Uso for the win. 
"And The Shield are victorious," Cole announced.
"At TLC, CM Punk will...Believe in The Shield." Dean took off his headset and celebrated with his teammates.
Suddenly, Morgan is on the titantron in a dark arena, looking worried as The Shield's theme comes off.
"Guys...we have a problem..." She said in a shaky voice as the screen revealed CM Punk behind her and the crowd exploded. 
Ambrose glares at Punk while Roman and Reigns aren't looking too happy. Normally, Morgan would disobey but Punk had a kendo stick and kendo sticks hurt. She started to remember the days when Tommy Dreamer had his back bloodied up by the Sandman with a Singapore cane during the ECW days. She did not wanna go down that road. Weapons would be her weakness if she didn't have a weapon to defend herself. It's been so long since she's been hit with a weapon.
"This is CM Punk, broadcasting in an undisclosed location...actually this is just a basement in the arena." Punk spoke as Ambrose was about to get out of the ring but Seth and Roman stopped him. "Ambrose, I wouldn't do that if I were you...wouldn't want your precious little girlfriend to pay the price, would you?" He smirked as he revealed a kendo stick.
Ambrose starts seething while Seth and Roman glare at Punk. Punk puts the kendo stick on Morgan's left shoulder as she shuts her eyes, looking nervous.
"Just get that stick out of here. It's not necessary." she opens her eyes, shaking her head.
"Oh, so now you're begging? After all the trash you've said? I've found your weakness. Weapons." Punk said as she started to get annoyed. "One of these days Morgan, I want to see if you can actually put those words into truths in the ring. So, you ask why is it necessary to put this stick on your shoulder? Maybe it's because I am this close to whacking you in the face with it. I hope you don't think I forgot about that kick in the face...Now...I could get my revenge on you now..." He continued as the crowd cheered to encourage him.
"Don't you touch her! Don't you dare hurt her!" Seth yelled as Roman tried to calm him down while Ambrose shot a dirty look at Punk.
Punk chuckled. "Don't worry...I'm not gonna hurt her...yet...she can wait. So, you guys make your videos here? It's filthy...it stinks...but I understand that this is your little clubhouse and this is where you like to gather to say your messages. And...I like to send messages too...Like on Raw when a certain somebody decided to put his hands on me just like Morgan here."
He sets the kendo stick down and starts taping his hands. 
"Now on to this Sunday...I believe...it's three on one, The Shield against CM Punk. I believe I'm walking into a whole sail of slaughter. I've said it in the past...Shield, I may be going down...but the question you need to be asking yourselves, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose...is how many of you I'm takin' with me. 'Cause I believe, the last two times...I've been in the ring with a member of The Shield, I've exposed your weaknesses boys..." He grinned as the crowd cheered again. "Believe! In the best in the world." Punk showed his fist to the camera and pushed it away.
"We got this. No one can touch us!" Seth yelled before the three of them quickly ran to find Morgan.
The Shield was on the titantron during the preshow. 
"Good for CM Punk...putting on that brave face...Who do you think you're kidding?" Dean asked. "You know exactly what this is. You know exactly what The Shield is going to do to you tonight, Punk. We're going to beat you to a pulp so you should be scared."
"Punk, you think you can divide and conquer? Well, to steal a catchphrase from another man we put down, it doesn't matter what you think." Seth laughed. "You can't divide us...you damn sure ain't gonna conquer us. Punk, we're forged out of iron. The Shield is unyielding."
"Punk, after what you did on Smackdown, I really can't wait to see you get your ass beat by my boys tonight." Morgan retorted.
"Punk, Punk, Punk, the way I look at it, you're just a liar. In front of the whole world, you've lied. You have no chance tonight. To be honest I think uh, I think you got a little confused last week when I speared you in half, but the thing is, there's one more waiting for ya. You can't take us with you." Roman said.
"CM Punk is a man of conviction. CM Punk is a man of beliefs. But after tonight, Punk, you're only gonna believe in one thing...you're gonna believe in The Shield." Dean pushed the camera away.
The Shield was in the ring with CM Punk as their theme song faded. Morgan was in her Shield shirt with black jeans and black boots and fingerless gloves.
Before the bell rings, Brad Maddox walks to the stage. "Wait a second! Wait a second!" He yelled as the crowd boos.
"What is he doing here?" JBL asked as The Shield looked confused.
"There's been a slight change in the match up." Brad said as The Shield looked at each other.
Morgan grabbed a mic. "Um, what do you mean slight change? This match was fine as a three on one match. Punk deserves this beating that he's gonna get tonight " She got cut off by Dean who snatched the mic out of her hands. 
The crowd gave him mixed reactions while Morgan looked at him in surprise and annoyance. 
"Wow..." she muttered, shaking her head at him. 
"What she meant to say was Brad, even if you change the stipulation of the match, it's still going to be a win/win situation for The Shield. The Shield are going to beat Punk into a pulp." Ambrose said with a smug look while Morgan rolled her eyes.
"I see there's another crack in The Shield." King pointed out as Seth and Roman were annoyed at Dean's actions too.
"Well, then maybe your confidence might boost a little bit. Because, since Punk, personally requested this, this match is now a 4 on 1 match!" Brad announced.
"Wait, what? With who?" Morgan asked Seth and Roman.
"It will be...CM Punk versus Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Morgan Lopez!" Brad announced.
"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Morgan slowly turned her head to Brad.
The crowd went wild, chanting 'Yes!' while Punk laughed.
The Outspoken Diva looked at Brad in disbelief. 
Did she hear him correctly? There had to be some kind of mistake.
"Punk personally asked for Morgan to be in the match!?" Cole exclaimed.
"This is not good," JBL said as The Shield turned at Morgan as she looked at Brad and then Punk. "Morgan, run. Run now, run fast."
"Nowhere to hide now." Punk pointed at her.
"Who said I'm hiding?" She retorted.
"Calm down. We got this." Seth said and put her hand on her shoulder.
"Morgan is going to face a WWE Superstar?" King exclaimed.
"Only if she gets in the ring. The Shield might not let her, so she should be okay." JBL added.
"When's the last time a WWE Diva went on to face a WWE Superstar?" Cole asked.
"I'm going to enjoy making you go to sleep, Morgan." Punk taunted.
"And I'm going to enjoy kicking you in the face." She stepped up.
Ambrose smirked. "Over my dead body." He stepped up to Punk as the ref tried to separate them. 
Morgan started to get annoyed again since Dean decided to fight her battles when she didn't need help defending herself. She got on the apron with Seth and Roman as Dean and Punk started off the match.
She tried to get her head together, processing everything that just happened. She wasn't mentally prepared to wrestle a superstar yet and to be dropped with a bombshell like this was insane. She had a feeling she would be going down but decided to keep her head up high and step up. She brought herself into this, so she needs to face the consequences. 
She studied Punk's moves, but was she ready to face him? 
Physically? She'll have to see. 
Mentally? Not so much.
"Put up or shut up time Morgan. You talked trash about Punk, now let's see if you can live up to those words." Cole said.
"Punk says that Morgan is all talk but no action. I'd like to see her take action." King said.
"We just won't tag her in," Dean said to Seth and Roman.
"Um, excuse me, who said I didn't want to be tagged in?" Morgan asked, gaining her composure back. "I'm not hiding behind you guys any longer. Tag me in. Right now." she had her hand out as the crowd cheered. 
Punk was looking forward to this as Ambrose looked at him, Morgan and then the crowd.
"No," Dean answered and turned his attention to Punk. 
Roman glared at Ambrose for that while Rollins looked annoyed.
"Seriously...?" She grumbled while Roman put his hand on her shoulder.
"Don't lose your cool." Roman calmly told her as she nodded. 
He knew she wasn't going to take much more of this. Punk knew it, the crowd knew it, and Seth knew it.
"It's a whole different ball game for Morgan. We've seen her argue and put her hands on The Shield. But let's find out if she has what it takes to be in a match with a WWE Superstar." JBL said as Morgan was in deep thought, watching Punk's movements, thinking of a plan as the match started.
Favorite Hashtag?
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
God I love enemies and I love hatred Blease Blease tell me about the hatred I’m beghing on me knees
Oh, where to START. Charlie and Robert have their own playlist, which I should remake on youtube so that I can share it. Big fan of "Hated You from Hello" by Downplay and "You're Going Down" by Sick Puppies being both sided, "Know It All" by Fivefold is so, so good for when Robert gets his revenge for Sicily in a later story and in turn "Thank You for Hating Me" by Citizen Soldier is a great Charlie song once he has had enough. Those aren't all songs on the playlist, just a little overview.
So yeah, these two and just how deep and visceral the hatred of each other runs is very important to me. Started with the homophobia, but even when Robert gets better, Charlie just ... still thinks he is the most annoying person on the planet. And Charlie in turn is never going to let Robert forget what he did to him, because if he has to live with the trauma, so has Robert.
However, the English are very good at making enemies and Robert in particular manages to be unpopular. Literally nothing funnier in the world than a good old Tarielle/Railey love triangle where Tahir is incidental. This isn't about him, this is about Robert and Arielle not wanting to share air to breathe. Read my latest drabble and see it in action. Or this Lego thing I wrote - Hugo isn't very in character, but the Robert and Arielle bitching is just. on point.
OH MY GOD, SPEAKING OF HUGO. LEMME JUST. I think those drawings by @c0ffinated speak for themselves. Very sad I cannot share the nsfw ones that make the point in the best way.
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(First one is Hugo eating Alois' protein snacks in the middle of the night after a one-night stand. One night stand number 238493. And the fourth one is the Live German Reaction to the third one, because that's Katta and Selim. Katta says "This is such a shitfest here, I love it" and Selim "Got something of Asi-Tv" (<- slang for German reality TV. Think TLC kind of stuff). )
Alois is being an asshole about Hugo's weight, Hugo is being an asshole about Alois' lost legs, it's a good look on neither of them, somehow they still end up fucking all the time. I don't get it. Neither does Massoud, the poor soul in the second picture trying to help with Alois' leg. Leo thinks this shit is hilarious, like the Germans, Nathan (aph switzerland) doesn't have much of an opinion, Hugo tries to behave in front of Lilli, but oh my god, these two are driving Roderich nuts. He can handle Hugo on his own, but as soon as Alois is also in the picture .... it goes against all of his sensibilites. PLEASE read this Hugois One Shot, I am so proud of this one, it encapsulates all that is wrong with them so well. Also, if God wants it, I will actually get to write another one shot where Hugo is REALLY nasty. Has a breakfast brawl at the end. It's gonna be so good once it's done.
Okay, but to circle back to Robert, another petty feud he has with @swabianmapley's OC Siggy, who is one of the Icelanders. It's not really as intense, because it's for ... incredibly dumb and petty reasons and the Icelanders aren't high on the English priority list, but it deserves a mention. As do another two of Jani's OCs, the former right hand of Emil's dad, Rúnar, who did a runner when the old man wandered off into the ice, never to be seen again. But before that even he dated one of the Icelandic subordinates, Þóra, and they had an incredibly poor breakup. Hates his guts even before he left them all hanging and god knows, Leifur's other right hand Alex now has more than a few good reasons to throw him into a volcano if he ever showed up again, but Þóra would strangle the motherfucker on the spot if he showed his face in Iceland again. Also, while we are at the Icelanders - Leifur, Emil's dad, and Ansgar, Lukas' dad, never really got along. Business partners, yes, but also business enemies, never really being cool with one another. And then the sister of Leifur's wife moved to Oslo and his wife asked Leifur if he couldn't help her find work. So he asked Ansgar for a favour and whoops, they got married and now they are brothers in law. Whoops.
Okay, last Robert one, but since the Spaniards and the English also have bad blood (and Arthur is SO smug about it while Antonio is so passionate about kicking his face in), Robert and Diego don't get along. Robert usually is more eager about the fights because he's an adhd hothead like that, but only because Diego is a soldier doesn't mean he want to punch out his teeth any less. "Friends" by Sixlights is a great song - the chorus for them in general and the verses for the fucked up AU version where they dated and had a bad breakup.
On the bigger playing field, where there also little animosities nestled into the bigger ones like matryoshka dolls - The Empires of course don't get along. The English have beef with the Russians and Spaniards, the Spaniards are pissed with the Turks and vice versa, while the Turks also can't stand the Russians. Also - the Austrians and the Turks. Not sure where I stand on the Austrians and the Russians yet. But yeah, love the idea that Charlie and Harry have a conversation on a big event whether or not "their Kurdish friend" (Dilan) just doesn't like blondes, because she's bitching with Salomé (who, much like Francesco however, thinks personal grudges are uninteresting and also is the horniest lesbian on the planet who wishes Dilan wasn't straight), Alois, Robert and Viktoriya. Their convo also includes "Okay, but she gets along with the Dutch lass." "She's no natural blonde though." "Neither is Salomé." "... point taken."
Oh yeah, while we are at the Dutch: It's not an ACTIVE beef, they aren't really out here hating each other on a deep personal level, but both Nathan and Gavin resent the other AND that rotten Dutchman for all the money they are sitting on. Nathan and Gavin do a lot of banking and related illegal stuff, so they are direct competition. Tim doesn't care about either of their bs, he'd do business with them if the price was right. But, quote from an RP I had with Jani, by Tim about Gavin: "Some people like holding grudges more than they like making money."
Who else is there ... I mean, I absolutely love a good ScotFruk tug of war. Gavin and Arthur inheriting the nemesis relationships from their fathers, each of them want power and influence on the isles and then Arthur happens to on-off date Gavin's ex-boyfriend. And the Scot just can't help, even if he is not actively in love with someone anymore, he will always love all his sweethearts. Besides, the French are friends! François is a friend! And he deserves better than this cruel and petty Englishman! Meanwhile, Arthur is a jealous little bitch who can't properly express his love for Fran, but also can't stand the thought that the Scot puts his finger not only on his sphere on influence but the one man he loves. Bitchfest supreme.
Speaking of that, I have a note in my notebook for the next chapter of IP I will edit that says "Can anyone ask more about Lovi so that Michele can call him bitch boy unlimited". The fact that Michele hates Francesco, too, out of a mix of jealousy over not being the biggest siren in the room if Franci is there and because he doesn't buy his friendly shtick, plus he's afraid that Francesco could see behind his mask. But we are here for Lovi and Michele, which is a very ironic hate. In the hetaverse at least they are united in their mutual dislike for Feli and all the other Northerners. but in LFLS, Feli falls a bit to the wayside (though Michele has not much respect or love for him either) and it's all about these two. I think, aside from the fact that they also inherited a generational enmity, Lovino feels entitled to the land Michele is sitting on and Michele is fiercely protective of his independence ... aside from all that, they are too close for comfort. They see in each other who they could be, maybe all they should be but aren't, maybe all the sides of themselves they like the least.
... Yeah! I think that's a good start! :)
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I really like this tweet because HOT TAKE
it’s okay to dislike certain things but you shouldn’t put down others for liking it. Not liking something doesn’t automatically mean it’s bad and other people aren’t allowed to enjoy it. It may not be your cup of tea and that’s all, but no need to overanalyze why we don’t like something. 
For instance, I could never get into The Prom musical or Falsettos, but I’m glad it exists and I’m glad other people like it and enjoy it but it just wasn’t for me and that definitely doesn’t mean these musicals aren’t good and I feel like I’m not obligated to like it just because I’m a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. For a long time I felt bad for not liking certain gay-orientated musicals because I’m gay but you know what? It has nothing to do with it being a gay-themed musical, I just didn’t connect with the characters and story and I couldn’t get into the songs but I ended up loving the straight love story of Hadestown more and you know what? That’s okay! I don’t have to justify my reasons for not liking those other musicals as much as I liked Hadestown. 
As for my love of vintage things I’ve had people literally tell me I SHOULDN’T like shows like Leave it to Beaver and The Andy Griffith Show because they’re ‘’too white’’ or heaven forbid I Love Lucy because it ‘’perpetuates a housewife stereotype’’ or movies like The Godfather because they’re ‘’outdated’’ or whatever, and they’re not ‘’realistic’’ but who honestly watches TV/ movies for realism unless you like crappy reality TV shows on TLC and those are the furthest thing from reality! and it makes me feel bad for liking them... look, I know we’ve made a lot of progress and times have changed and these shows are far from perfect. I won’t pretend like they can’t be problematic but here’s the thing...
they’re fantasies and aren’t meant to be realistic, they represented escapism for audiences of the time, they’re just fun shows that teach morals (most of the time) and I don’t want to get into the whole history of television here but like... 
people who say this must really hate FUN. 
Imagine being so devoid of fun that you sit there and watch I Love Lucy and analyze it and pick it apart about how ‘’white’’ it is (um.... is Desi a joke to you? lol it was one of the first TV shows that featured an interracial couple! and Desi had to fight Hollywood tooth and nail against racism) instead of just enjoying the story and the characters for what it is?
Because for every old show that may seem ‘’old fashioned’’ and ‘’’out of touch’’ with today, there’s always something good to make up for it, know what I’m saying?
If you don’t like these shows because you think they’re ‘’boring’’ or whatever that’s totally fine and I never force people to watch them, but for golly’s sake, let me enjoy it? You don’t have to justify to me why you don’t like it and rain on my parade lol. 
And same with my dislike for anime. 
I wrote a joke post on deviantART a long time ago that talked about annoying anime tropes and I was only being half serious but I got about 1,000 views/ comments on it from anime fans coming out with their anime recs, and that’s cool and all, but I firmly established I was not an anime fan and I don’t mind show recs every now and then but I also don’t wish for anime to be shoved down my throat. If there’s a certain anime I want to check out I will on my own time, but not because someone forced me to watch it at gunpoint and it’s turned me off to it even more. 
My point is, I’m allowed to dislike most anime, and it’s not because it’s bad, and it’s fine if people like it, it’s just not my thing. 
So we really should learn to respect each other’s interests and not always have to come up with reasons for liking/ not liking something.
It just is what it is. 
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midwestmade29 · 7 months
This one is for you @supakixbabe 🖤 I hope this brings a smile to your face! Word count: 1.1k Divider by: @saradika-graphics GIF credit: @tekkers
Original request:
Nick Jackson. Maybe the reader is having a bad day, has shut everyone out, and Nick breaks down her walls to help her? I think a lot of people could benefit from reading that. Maybe they can be best friends to lovers or just best friends.
Disclaimers: None really! Just some feel good fluff with the world's most precious soul 🥰
Nick Jackson knows you better than anyone, so when you're stuck in a rut he comes and saves the day...
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It was going on day 3 of you feeling crummy. Things weren’t working out in your favor; your self-esteem had taken a hit, and you just weren’t feeling well. You had shut everyone out, ignoring phone calls and texts and only traveled between the couch and your bed. After about a day and a half, your phone stopped buzzing with notifications which left your apartment feeling how you did inside, quiet, and alone.
You were laying on the couch flipping through the tv channels with your hair a tangled mess, empty food wrappers and dirty dishes on the coffee table, and you were wearing the same pajamas you’ve had on for days. Suddenly, there was a knock at your door that made you about jump out of your skin! There was another soft tap on the door, but you laid there silently hoping that whoever was on the other side would go away.
“Y/N, it’s me. Nick,” a familiar voice spoke softly.
Your eyes grew large when you recognized it, panic started setting in when you remembered the current state you and your apartment were in! You rolled off the couch and onto the floor, trying to run your fingers through your hair to smooth it out when Nick spoke again.
“Please Y/N, let me in. Your neighbor is staring at me,” You chuckled at the slight dismay in his voice and figured you should put an end to his suffering.
“I’ll be right there!”
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“Hey,” Nick greeted tenderly.
He didn’t seem to notice your unkempt appearance when he smiled at you and explained why he showed up unannounced.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call or text, I wasn’t sure if you would’ve answered or not. I know you’ve been having a rough time lately, so I wanted to check on you,”
Nick held up a canvas bag that looked like it was filled to the brim with random items, piquing your curiosity.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve just been stuck in a rut, and it’s been hard to pull myself out of it. Um, thank you for coming by. Please, come in! Ignore the mess…” You stepped aside and ushered Nick into your apartment, following behind him as he made his way into your kitchen. Embarrassment started to cover your cheeks when you noticed his eyes scanning the room, your urge to apologize for things being so untidy was strong.
“I guess I’ve fallen behind on my chores,” you laughed nervously. “And maybe my personal hygiene. Sorry Nick, I-” was all you were able to say before Nick stopped you, but for good reason.
“No need to apologize Y/N, I get it. I didn’t come here to make you feel bad or embarrassed. I’m going to order us dinner and put away some of the things I brought with me. Why don’t you take a hot shower, take your time and I’ll have everything ready when you get out?” Nick’s kindness made your heart swell, his presence was everything you’ve been needing the last few days.
“Are you sure?” you asked hesitantly, Nick responded quickly with a “yes” and shooed you away.
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Thick pillows of steam flowed out of the shower and filled the bathroom while you stood underneath the hot water. It felt amazing on your skin, every swipe of your loofa made you feel like you were coming back to life. You followed Nick’s instructions and took your time, staying put until the water turned cold.
Once you were done, you dried off and brushed your hair before grabbing some clean clothes from your dresser. When you reemerged into the kitchen, you saw Nick close the front door behind him with a pizza box in his hands, a smile covering his face when he noticed you watching him.
“There she is,” he stated affectionately. “I ordered your favorite pizza; I hope you’re hungry. I’ll grab plates and drinks and meet you on the couch,”
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On your way over to sit, your eyes scanned the room and noticed that Nick had been busy while you were in the shower. You saw that your dirty cups and dishes that were all around had been placed in the sink and dishwasher, the trash had been bagged up and sat by the front door, a new candle had been lit and fresh flowers in a vase sat on the coffee table. You bent down to smell the sweet blossoms when Nick walked up behind you, his voice making you jump a little in surprise.
“I was hoping they would make you smile. I remembered they’re your favorite kind. There’s also a new blanket waiting for you on the couch,”
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you wrapped Nick in a tight embrace, nearly making him drop everything he had in his hands. He quickly sat it all down and hugged you just as tightly.
“Hey, no more tears, Y/N. It’s all going to be okay,” he whispered. 
“It’s not that. It’s just you’re so thoughtful and caring and it just means so much, you know?” 
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The pizza was delicious as you and Nick devoured it while watching your favorite show on tv. He took care of cleaning up while you wrapped yourself in your new blanket and took a seat on the floor by the coffee table. The both of you had picked out a board game to play and it was your job to get everything set up for it.
The night was filled with laughter, smiles, and happiness which was something you hadn’t felt in a while. All the weight you had carried on your shoulders lately didn’t feel quite as heavy, and it was nice having someone there to help you lift it. Nick’s smile lit you up inside every time you were the reason behind it, his laughter breathed life into you.
“You didn’t let me win, did you?” you asked suspiciously. “Do you know who you’re talking to, Y/N? I’m as competitive as they come! Of course I didn’t let you win, you beat me fair and square this time,” he replied with a wink. 
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At some point, you and Nick had fallen asleep on the couch together with your new blanket draped over you both. You were facing his chest with your arms wrapped around each other when you started to stir, but the slow and steady beat of his heart soothed you right back to sleep.
You remained tangled together most of the night, even after the two of you migrated to your bed. That night you had the most restful night of sleep that you had in a long time, you slept without fear of waking up alone because just like always, you knew Nick would still be there with you no matter what. 
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crvvys · 1 year
NXIVM and eventually Hillsong through Carl Lentz used the Scientology method of celebrity worship and credibility which…that’s another conversation I think about. the cult of celebrity worship...
it’s that prosperity gospel bullshit, bc Hillsong is Australian but they followed the American model of consumerism and used their music to hook millions of people and form this robust empire. Hillsong was making $100million annually. churches if they’re worth anything at all like morally I mean should never be making THAT kind of money. American Christianity often cannot separate itself from that “through God I will have financial abundance” mentality.
it’s not taken seriously enough how RICH some of these people are. Jim Bob Duggar was a millionaire even after his son was exposed of being a molester and they canceled the show! they just did a spin-off to profit off of the sisters’ traumas and none of those kids even got paid. the money TLC invested into the Duggar family put both TLC on the map, and made fundamentalist Christianity a morbid curiosity when it is a patriarchal institution that facilitates and thrives off of abuse of women and children. the stories in this doc are so sad
I have even argued with my mom about some of these shows she watches bc she doesn’t see it as exploitation but as “learning” and that’s part of the problem. it’s not real. it’s tv. it’s edited, it’s produced, it’s manufactured. they’re not gonna actually show you how they beat their kids into submission
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kerloned · 2 years
Long island medium daughter dies
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Long island medium daughter dies update#
Oftentimes, when a soul comes forward, it will apologize for their actions when they were alive. It's a feeling or energy, and Caputo said she'll often physically experience how they died, such as shortness of breath or pain in a certain part of her body.Ĭaputo said she's never had an angry spirit before she began doing readings, she asked God, "if this is my soul's journey," then she only wants to channel positive information that will help someone. When she's in contact with the dead, Caputo said, she doesn't see or hear them. “How in the world would I know that?" Caputo said. More: WOW To Do List: See the Ben Allen Band and moreĬaputo pointed to one mother who had died from COVID that she was channeling. During a reading with the woman's daughter, the deceased conveyed to Caputo that a nurse came into her room and the woman told the nurse how her daughter had just called, and they had a conversation and discussed a favorite song. “I have a greater respect for the frontline workers and I always had such respect," she said. Yet in readings, she found that people who died were not alone because nurses and other health-care workers were by their side, Caputo said. 11, 2001, many in the past year didn't know what the final moments were like for family members and friends who died from COVID-19. “I find it interesting how, in the same way, people died that day and didn’t know what happened to their loved ones," she said. And with the pandemic, people are struggling with the unexpected loss people they cherish, Caputo said. They got married last May, shortly after buying their first home together.She began her spiritual readings about the time 9/11 happened nearly 20 years ago. The couple got engaged in 2019 after two years of dating. They were also holding a scone to match a slice of pizza – a nod to her husband’s profession – to announce the news. Victoria and Michael revealed she was pregnant in a summer social media post featuring sweet moments of the pair in black t-shirts with pizza on them. We could have a mini on hand!” PREGNANCY RECOVERY “And all along, I thought she looked like me until this ultrasound. She told her followers: “In about 5 weeks my baby monkey will be here! Look at those lips 😍 # babyM # 34 weeks One photo shows the beauty posing completely nude with only a towel to cover her modest bust, while also cradling her growing swelling.įrom another angle, the restaurant owner can be seen standing behind the mother of one child while holding her pregnant belly.Įarlier that week, The Long Island Medium star shared her ultrasound imagerevealed the arrival of the baby was only a few weeks away. Last month, parents-to-be shared stunning photos from maternity shoot. In a follow-up post, she asked her followers to weigh in on when they thought she would give birth. She included the caption, “My baby is having a baby” along with a pink heart and smiley face with a heart emoji.Ī pregnant Victorian also shared a post before her daughter’s due date, capturing the baby moving in her mother’s womb with the caption: “I think she wants out.” “She should be here soon, very soon,” said Theresa excitedly. She hurriedly looked at the baby, saying that the baby would move every time she heard her grandmother’s voice. Theresa also pointed out that the baby’s date of birth could be the angelic day of February 22, hoping that she will be born at 2:22 pm that day. In the video, the TLC star scanned the camera around the room showing the 27-year-old lying on the bed, with her husband sitting on the chair next to her.īoth managed to stay calm during the process, with Mike admitting he was playing a game on his phone to relax his nerves. The mum went into labor for the first time on Tuesday as Theresa captured the exciting moment while waiting for her granddaughter to be born.
Long island medium daughter dies update#
The Victorian TV star’s mother Theresa, 55, gave her followers a previous live update on Instagram from Victoria’s hospital room. 5 Parents announced for the first time that they expect to return in August Credit: Instagram / Victoria Caputo
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a-fence · 2 years
Chili Lips
When Simon Dominic’s curiosity gets the best of him
��Babe, come to bed already,” Simon urged.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” you shouted back at him as you put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.
Simon continued watching his show, glancing at the ensuite from time to time to see if you’re done. He usually came home late and he wanted to spend time with you on this rare occasion that he came home early.
After brushing your teeth, you washed your face and patted it dry. You turned off the light at the ensuite and sat at your vanity to start your skincare. The second step to your routine was to apply toner. No matter the season, your skin type has always been dry and your aesthetician recommended to put several layers of toner to help moisturize your skin. You spritzed the toner on your face, patted it in, and repeated that step for a total of five times.
On your last application of the toner, you noticed Simon staring at you. You stared at him back through your mirror. “What?” you asked.
“Was it really necessary to do it that many times?” he questioned.
And so you told him that it was what your aesthetician said to do to help moisturize your face. You then opened your beauty fridge and brought out a face mask. You placed it on your face and sighed at the cooling sensation the mask brought you.
“Does that feel nice?” Simon asked, his curiosity piqued at your routine.
“Yeah actually. You wanna try?” you offered.
Simon shrugged and you instructed him to pull a chair near your vanity so you can put a face mask on him.
Before you placed the mask, you made him wear one of your headbands then prepped his skin by spritzing it with toner and told him to pat it in while you picked some masks from your fridge. You took out three and made him choose. He picked the one with gold packaging which was actually a gel sheet mask of the same color. You ripped it open and was about to place it on his face when he stopped your hand.
“You only put the toner on me once. You did it five times,” he argued.
You shrugged, “I don’t think you have a dry skin type so I think once is enough.”
You placed the mask on his face and adjusted it to make sure it occupied all the nooks and crannies of his face.
“Oh that does feel good,” he commented. “What do we do next?”
“Watch TV. It needs to stay on for 20 minutes.”
The two of you moved to the bed to watch TV. Simon grabbed his phone from the bedside table and snapped a photo of the two of you with the sheet masks on and posted it online and captioned it ‘Skincare 101 with @y/n’.
Twenty minutes passed and you removed your sheet mask and told Simon to remove his a few minutes later. You went back to your vanity and took out serums this time from your fridge. Simon went back to his seat and followed your lead, applying the serums the same way you did. You took out your cryo sticks next and handed Simon your extra ice roller.
“What does this do and how do I use it?” he asked.
You grabbed the ice roller and demonstrated how to use it. “It locks the products in your skin, de-puffs your skin, and shrinks your pores,” you explained.
Simon then rolled it across his face while your swirled the cryo sticks across your face. You liked to take your time with this especially on your cheeks near your nose where your pores are more visible. Simon eventually got bored with the ice roller and started tinkering with your stuff.
“What does this do? I think my lips deserve some TLC too,” he declared.
“Try it.” You encouraged him as you saw the product he was holding in his hand.
Simon unscrewed the cap, and smelled it. He deliberated if he should put in on his lips.
“It’s just gloss. There’s no color,” you said as you grabbed your trusted Smith’s lip balm.
You watched as Simon applied the gloss on his lips, anticipating his reaction.
“Why does it tingle?” he asked.
You ignored him and busied yourself in applying the lip balm liberally on your lips.
“Y/n, it starting to burn. Like I ate a lot of chilis,” he said, panic rising in his voice and face.
He checked himself in the mirror. “Oh my god, my lips are starting to swell. Am I having an allergic reaction? But I’m breathing fine. Oh god, what if it’s my airways that swell next.” He continued to panic, meanwhile you were trying to bite back your laughter.
He stood up and grabbed his phone from the bed and was about to dial 112. You snatched his phone away, not wanting to disturb the authorities over your prank of sorts and Simon’s overreactions.
“Ya! What did you do that for? Give it back! What if I pass out?” he bickered.
You couldn’t hold it in anymore and let out the laugh you were biting back. Simon looked at you like you were crazy. “It’s a lip plumper babe!” you managed to say in between huffs of laughter.
He still looked baffled and you explained that a lip plumper plumps up your lips, making them thick and that he was not having an allergic reaction. He was still doubtful and to ease him, you applied the product on your lips, making sure to remove the lip balm you previously applied first.
Simon observed as your lips started to increase in size which seemed to pacify him a little. You grabbed a wet wipe from your vanity and sat him down on the chair then wiped the product off of his lips.
“You’re such a big baby,” you teased. You wiped his lips several times to make sure you got all of the product off.
He pouted at you and you laughed once again. His pout seemed exaggerated due to the effect of the lip plumper. You wiped the product off of your lips to avoid it transferring on his as you placed a kiss on his lips.
“But you’re my baby,” you continued teasing him.
He pulled you on his lap and said, “Oh you are so gonna pay for this.”
Skincare reference from my girl Ashley’s vlog at around 4:00
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princessfbi · 3 years
I saw you wrote a Now You See Me fic and I was wondering how you would do a NYSM AU for the 911 characters? Maybe how would you dress them too?
So the thing about that movie is that it's a Robin Hood heist type of movie. Ok so Bobby would definitely be the Dylan role. The one that's pulling all the strings but isn't actually on stage with the others. But he can pull off pretty much any magic trick imaginable. Athena would be an FBI agent and they met when she had to call Bobby in to help her solve a case. They fell in love and got married and it took Athena all of ten minutes to figure out that Bobby was involved in some... less than upfront business. But she knows her husband and she knows that sometimes the rules don't often help people when they should so as long as she doesn't see it, she doesn't need to know about it.
I'd make Eddie the daredevil. He's the escape artist who can pretty much break through any lock. He drives fast cars, motorcycles, and walks through fire. He'd also be a fighter (but the more like healthy way like Ryan does in real life where it's a release and it's about endurance/mindfulness and not the poor coping skills to deal with his trauma that Eddie had in season three) His life is high stakes, high paced, and locked in speed which would be a really awesome parallel to his calm demeanor. I'd pretty much keep him in the same clothes he wears now but like a shit ton more of those v-neck shirts. Give me all the v-necks. Season 4 hair FOR SURE!
Hen would be the animal tamer. Literally there isn't an animal that she doesn't connect with. She has so many pockets and literally there's just animals hanging out in them. Like it wouldn't be uncommon for her to just be talking to someone and then randomly out pops a baby bunny like it's nothing. The ferret definitely hates Chimney. Her and Karen would also have an animal sanctuary where they take care of animals that have been abused or abandoned by hack jobs, circuses, and magicians who didn't realize the care and work that comes with working with animals. I think I would keep Hen in the same style she is in the show but I would let her have a bolder lip and wild glasses like Aisha has in real life. Karen is already fabulous so we will not be touching a hair on her head.
Chimney is absolutely the mentalist. He's been on talk shows, he's been a consultant on failed TV shows, he's even almost had his own show on TLC. But nothing sticks. He has the perfect charisma to be a front man but things just keep falling through. But he can read a person from halfway across the room without a blink. He is very good at his job. Literally one of the best. I'd keep his scruffy Chimney look from S4 but I would stick closer to Kenny Choi's style at premieres. He's always ready to be on if the occasion arises so he wants to look good. Button down, slacks, possibly a chest. I mean talk about dreamboat Chimney with him in a three piece suit but no tie and the sleeves of his button up rolled up his forearms! OH MY GOOOODDDD!
And finally, the newbies. The Buckley Siblings. They ran away young and haven't stopped running since. They're pickpockets. Buck is a prodigy at sleight of hand and Maddie is one of the best grifters no one knows about. Buck has the fastest hands Bobby has ever seen as he watched Buck nick about five wallets, a watch, and someone's phone in less than two minutes. Maddie has a keen ability to blend in almost anywhere. She can catch your attention one second and then blend into the crowd the next. Like we're talking full on Megan Fox doing a costume change in the middle of Grand Central in TMNT. They're good kids though. They never steal more than they need and they keep their targets, if they can help it, to business people with three piece suits and Rolexes that cost more than any apartment Bobby's ever had. But Buck's fingers are young and restless and Bobby watched Buck lift a woman's wallet only to drop it back into her purse when he heard her talking on the phone about how her asshole boss had screamed at her in front of everyone. A noble gesture but the quickest way to get caught. He corners Buck knowing that picking the younger of the two will bring out Maddie (she's very protective of her brother and she could give Marvel's The Black Widow a run for her money) and offers them a job. We'd keep it to the Buck S1 looks (GIVE ME THOSE RIPPED JEANS PLEASE) because he'd be still very young during this but keep the S4 hair but Maddie would be all JLH's style because stunning. STUNNING I say! And she would have the most versatility because it's just constantly changing.
I'd probably go a more Leverage style in regards to the heist rather than get too complicated with all the stuff about The Eye but there'd be so much Madney and Buddie and Bathena and Henren love happening because when you're a drifter the family you find is so important. So it'd be a lot of Found Family Vibes. There'd be a bit where they're disguised as firefighters of course. Perfect opportunities for hurt/comfort too! I think I would do Eddie Whump though this time around (I know! But imagine that like the baddie sabotaging Eddie's locks or something and they can't get to him) OH MAYBE THEY CON DOUG OR SOMETHING.
Anyways thanks Nonnie cus now I'm gonna be thinking about this all day.
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Lavender Lace (Part 2)
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Pairing: Tom Holland x F!Reader
Summary: When Tom calls you mean, you decide to show him what mean really looks like. (Part 2 to Lavender Lace) 
Warnings: SMUT!!!! (Edging, Ruined Orgasm, Dom!Reader, Sub!Tom, Oral - m and f receiving, smidge of somnophilia, smidge of exhibitionism), Cursing, Honestly, the dom! is pretty soft 
Word Count: 4400
Requested by @hollandlover19​ 
It was a rare occasion that you and Tom both had the same day off but when such an occasion arose, the two of you made sure to take full advantage of it. And, oh boy, were you two making today a special occasion. 
You’d woken up before Tom on this particular morning to find the sunlight already streaming in through the thin curtains and your beautiful boyfriend lying beside you looking as if he was sculpted from fucking marble. His brown curls were barely curls in the morning, more just a messy pile of once twisted tendrils that now just stuck up all unruly against the pillow. His eyes were still shut, his bare chest falling and rising with each heavy breath. The blankets covered most of his torso but the covers didn’t do much to hide the unintentional issue that all men had to deal with from time to time. 
A smirk spread across your face as you looked down at the tent beneath the sheets and then back at your boyfriend still deep asleep when an idea occurred to you. You shifted up onto your elbow and shifted a little closer to him, before kissing his bare chest, marking each freckle with your lips as you made your way up his neck and then eventually along his jawline. 
Tom shifted slightly when your finger lightly traced their way down his abs that weren’t as defined as they were when he was actively filming but you didn’t care. This man could never stop being handsome in your eyes. Your fingers reached the hem of his boxers, already straining with the pressure of his morning wood. With featherlight touches, you traced the length of his erection with your finger tips, over the head, and then back down along the underside of his shaft. 
The quietest little moan fell from his lips and you looked back up at him, biting your lip and determined to hear more of that sweet sound. You brought your hand back up to your mouth and spit into your palm before snaking it back down under the covers and beneath the elastic of the waistband. Your hand moved smoothly along his length and while you did so, your lips returned to his body. Tom's chest shook when his breathing hitched, clearly getting flustered, even in his sleep. 
You increased the pressure ever so slightly on his length, twisting your wrist around the head, when you kiss his jaw line. Another small breathy moan tumbles from his perfect lips and press yours against his gently, swallowing the sound. When you pulled away, kissing back down his neck, you heard a hoarse chuckle, “G’morning, love.” 
You smiled against his smooth neck, breathing him in. “Good morning, Tommy.” 
“Starting the day off well, I see?” He asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes but finding it difficult to keep them open through the pleasure. He sighs out in bliss when you focus more attention on the head. 
A chuckle leaves your lips when you go to kiss him yet again. “Thought you could use some TLC on your day off.” You sped up your pace and you could tell by the groans he was making that he was getting close already, “Is this okay?” 
“Oh, it’s more than okay, darling.” He grunted out with a smile, “‘M already so close.” 
“Yeah? Tell me when…” You cooed into his ear, biting the soft flesh. 
The pace you had set on his length was not fast but the pressure was enough to make him fall apart quickly. Partners were like bombs, you realized, and much of a relationship was learning what made them tick and what made them blow. Tom had a few triggers for each that you had every intention of taking full advantage of today, should he be willing to play along with your little game. 
He twitched in your hand and his fingers knotted themselves into the pillow beside his head. “Shit… I’m gonna-” 
Then your hand was gone. Tom groaned, his hips bucking up into sheets, chasing your touch. “Fucking hell!” He whined, head falling back harshly into the pillow, “You’re not usually this mean first thing in the morning.”
A single testing eyebrow raised when you leaned back, “‘Mean?’ Tread lightly, love. I had an idea for today, if you’re up for it, but I could always make it more torturous if you’re going to keep that tone.” 
The dominance in your voice was clear to Tom and gosh was it turning him on. “Heard we had a day off together and already had something planned?” He teased you, moving to sit up a little higher on the pillows. You crawled over his body until you were straddling his hips, his hard cock rubbing against your thin flannel pajama bottoms. He hissed when your hips rolled teasingly, one of his hands gripping your hip to keep you from moving - he was still trying to calm down - and the other bending to cradle his own head. You put your hands on the bed on either side of his body, trapping him in a trap he had no yearning to escape. “What did you have in mind, love?” 
You chewed your lip and looked up at him through long lashes, giving him a sultry dark look, “Ohhh, well I was thinking trying to beat your record and edge you fifteen times but since you were calling me names earlier, I think I’ll make it twenty.” 
“What?! I barely made it to ten last time!” Tom’s eyes were wide with panic but he quickly remembered his place when you gave him a sharp look. 
“What was that? Twenty-five for talking back?” You asked, almost in the tone a teacher would chide a student with. 
Tom’s whole body tensed up and he moved to embrace you in a panicked show of affection to remedy his misstep, “No! I’m sorry! Twenty is fine. I’ll make it to twenty!” 
You allowed him to pull your body down towards his just enough so your chest rested against his but you still looked up so you were eye to eye with the man, “That’s what I thought. Now don’t worry, I’m not totally… What did you call me? Mean? I won’t make you do all twenty at once. I’ll stretch them throughout the day. But a few rules: One, no touching yourself unless I say you can. Two, you must touch yourself when I tell you to. Three, no cumming before I say you can. Failure to follow these rules will result in punishment. Understand?” 
“Yes.” His voice was nearly a whimper. The way you made this boy fall apart should have made him embarrassed but he would trade all his pride if it meant he got to keep you for the rest of his life. The man was utterly in love with you and you were incandescently in love with him as well. 
You gave him a satisfied smile, “Good. That’s one down.” You rolled out of bed and stretched as if you hadn’t just promised him a day of sexual torture, “What do you want for breakfast? I’m starving.” 
Tom knew from the start he was going to have a hard time with this but he was hoping spreading out the twenty edges over the day would make it bearable. How wrong he was. You either allowed him to touch himself or touched him yourself about every half hour, just to make sure he stayed achingly hard, just the way you wanted him. It was in those gaps, though, that he’d hoped to find solace, only for you to “accidentally” bump into his member with your perfect ass, which was barely concealed in the short lounge shorts you’d decided to hang around the house in today. 
The first few times were easy. Obviously, the first edge was when you had woken him up with your hand pumping him almost to completion. The second was when you let him jerk himself off in the shower just after breakfast while you ran your hands over every inch of his body. You gave him a handjob when the pair of you were fresh out of the shower before he even had a chance to put his joggers on. The next seven were a combination of you touching him and you allowing him to touch himself over the next few hours. 
On the eleventh, you had decided to up the ante and have a little more fun with it. He sat on the couch, playing Call of Duty with Harry, Sam, and Haz all on the same server, speaking to him through his headset. Video games were Tom’s desperate attempt at distracting himself from the painful ache in his trousers but you weren’t going to let him get off that easy (no pun intended). 
When you came into the living room, standing just to the side of the television so he could still see the game but also see you, his eyes flicked back and forth between you and the screen, trying to ensure you knew he was acknowledging you while also not losing his lead on his brothers. His face fell when you didn’t say anything, only had that look in your eye again. With pleading eyes, he gestured to the controller in his hand. 
“Keep playing. Don’t mind me.” You whispered, waving towards the controller in his head nonchalantly. Tom gave you a skeptical look, knowing you were up to something but he resumed the game as you said he could. 
Staying in your same spot, just beside the television, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up and over your head, revealing your bare breasts. Tom’s mouth fell open, having a hard time concentrating on the shouts and gunfire coming from the game when a literal goddess was stripping for him in his living room. “Keep playing. Don’t want to leave your brothers hanging.” You urged, nodding towards the TV. 
Hesitantly, Tom returned to the game, not nearly as invested in the stats on the screen as he was a few moments ago. He watched out of the corner of his eye as your shorts and panties slid down your legs in one motion, leaving you completely bare before him. You padded towards him, putting your knees on the couch to either side of his hips, straddling him. 
Tom leaned back and gave you a look of panic when you reached down to gently pull his hard length from his joggers. His hands pulled back, the game forgotten but you released him, his hard length practically sticking straight up against his stomach. You reached for his hands and laced them behind your back, leaning forward so you were mostly positioned against his chest. Tom could still see the screen over your shoulder, both hands resting on the controller but he was no longer aggressively slamming the buttons. 
When your hands returned to guide his cock to your soaked entrance, his eyes blew wide and he pointed to the headset with pleading eyes. Your mouth fell open as you sank down on his length, a choked sound falling from Tom’s lips at the sudden warmth. This was the first time he’d been inside you all day and he was already so sensitive that it drove him crazy. 
After you had a moment to compose yourself, you pulled aside one of the ear pads and allowed your lips to brush his ear, “Better not let them hear you, Tommy. Imagine what they’d say if they found out you liked this… being brought to the brink of tears, being absolutely ruined.” 
Tom’s mouth fell open when you began to move agonizingly slow up and down on him, your walls squeezing around his length every time you moved up. Tom was usually a fairly vocal guy in bed, almost always making a sound, whether it be begging you, praising you, telling you how much he loved you, or just little moans and groans. This was torture for him and you knew it. 
You swivelled your hips, having to bite back your own moan when you managed to hit that spot deep inside you that made you see stars. Having finally found that spot within yourself, you made sure to keep repeating that same motion until your toes were curling. Your breasts rubbed deliciously against Tom’s chest and you found your own high approaching rapidly. 
You pulled one of Tom’s ear pads aside again and breathed out, “I’m gonna cum, Tommy.” It wasn’t a whine of desperation, it was a declaration of power. A statement of what you were able to do and he wasn’t. 
The muscles in his neck flexed as he swallowed hard, finding himself close as well. He had been so hard this entire time, he was surprised he had managed to go this long without nearing that edge but it was catching up to him rapidly. After only a few more bounces on him, you unravelled around him, clutching onto his shoulders tightly. 
You pulsed around him, riding out your high with a silent scream, hating that you were also punishing yourself with having to stay silent to keep the boys from knowing what you were doing as well. Tom let out a strangled groan when he felt himself about to fall over that edge. He let go of the controller and tapped your ass repeatedly, trying to pry you off of him so he wouldn’t cum without your permission. Broken sounds fell from his lips so quiet you could barely hear it but you raised your brow, clamping your hand over his mouth so he would stay quiet. Finally, you slowed to a stop, telling by the intensity with which he tried to pull you off of his length that was going to fall over that edge if you continued. 
“‘Ey, Tom? You good mate?” You could hear Haz’s voice ask with a chuckle through the headset, followed by a few exclamations of frustration as you assumed he was shot in the game. 
Slowly, you removed your hand from Tom’s mouth and allowed him to answer, “Yeah, erm, yeah. I’m good.” His first attempt at speaking had come out almost more as the squeak of a thirteen year old boy but he cleared his throat and was able to sound more convincing. 
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you...” 
“F-fourteen! I said fourteen.” Tom gritted out, body covered in sweat as his back arched off the bed. 
You sat off to one side of him but leaned over his legs, your free hand running up and down his thighs that were tensing beneath your touch. “Only six more, Tommy. You’re doing so good.” 
He shook his head, “I’m not gonna make it to twenty.” He was nearly in tears, cock moving on its own free will at this point, flexing against his abs. 
You cooed, “Ohhh but you’re gonna have to.” Tom’s biceps flexed as he pulled against the handcuffs you had him restrained to the headboard with. “I’ll make them quick,” You reassured with a smile, a smile that Tom found anything but reassuring. 
You leaned down and took him into your mouth, humming with satisfaction at the cry he let out, only making him struggle more. You hollowed your cheeks and swirled your tongue around his head, tasting the sweet yet salty precum that had beaded up there. 
“Ah, shit-” Tom struggled, biting into the back of the fleshy bit of his hand to try and ground himself. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. He had warned you this morning that twenty was most likely an impossible goal but you just wouldn’t listen. Tom found himself desperately on the edge within less than a minute of you touching him. Maybe if he just didn’t say anything, you would keep going until he came. He could deal with whatever punishment you had in store but he just needed a release. 
You watched from beneath hooded lashes at the way his eyes were screwed shut and felt the way his hips bucked up involuntarily, pushing him down your throat. His cock twitched in your mouth, the way it always did just before he-
“You naughty thing! You were going to cum weren’t you?” You sat up off of him as soon as you noticed that tell-tale sign of his. 
Tom let out a literal sob and you noticed the tears falling from the corners of his eyes. “‘M sorry! I just need to cum so bad! Please!” 
The tears that fell down his face did actually make you feel a little guilty but you had to remind yourself that if it really was too much for him, he knew the safe word that would make the whole act go away. Knowing yourself, if he tapped out because it got to be too much, you’d let him cum right now. Both of you knew this was really just for the fun of exploring yourselves and each other and the last thing either of you wanted was for either one of you to not be enjoying what was going on. And yet, Tom still had yet to actually say the safe word. That didn’t mean you couldn’t be a little soft on him though.
You leaned up and kissed his lips softly, fingers brushing through his messy locks, “Oh, darling, I know. There’s only five more.” Tom groaned as if five were a hundred. Suddenly, your fingers knotted in his hair just tight enough to get his attention and, just like that, your soft tone was gone and your dangerous glare was back, “But if you ever try to pull one over me like that again, I’ll make sure you won’t cum for much, much longer than I did today.” 
Tom didn’t need to respond. It was written all over his face that the message had been received loud and clear. You crawled your way back down his body and began pumping his shaft again, swiping your thumb over his head to spread the liquid there along his length. You shifted yet again, moving to the position where you could roll his balls in your other hand. 
“You better tell me this time.” You threatened, already seeing the signs. Besides, Tom had been so close for so long, he was at the point where any touch practically brought him to the edge. 
“I’m gonna cum!” 
You kept working him until his legs were squirming beneath you, only stopping when you saw he was within a second from falling over the edge. “Sixteen. Awe, you barely let me touch you that time.” 
“‘M so close,” His head shook side to side, “So fuckin’ close.” With one finger, you drew small feather-light lines up and down the underside of his shaft and he was bucking his hips away from you. “No, no, no! Wait!” He begged you to stop, not calmed down enough to be able to withstand another round yet. If you kept touching him, he would surely bust in a second. 
Giving him a bit of mercy, you stopped touching his length but switched to rolling his balls in your hand, stimulating him just enough without making him cum. Your own fingers trailed down between your folds and you spread the slick that had accumulated there over your hand, “See what you do to me, Tommy? You make me so so wet.” 
Using your wetness as lube, you began stroking his shaft again without much warning. Tom was bucking into your hand without realizing it but you shifted your weight to sit on top of his thighs, removing his leverage to continue. “Nuh-uh,” you chided, “You made sure I couldn’t trust you earlier.” 
Tom pulled hard against the handcuffs, his muscles flexing as if he was a Greek god. Your free hand went back between your legs and you rubbed yourself in slow, small circles to warm yourself up for when you’d allow yourself to cum with him as well. The tears in Tom’s eyes had since dried but his eyes were shut tight and his teeth were grit together. “I’m gonna-” 
“Hold it.” You demanded, increasing the pressure slightly. 
Tom shook his head, “I can’t! Shit- Fuck!” He cried as he finally came hard. A massive wave of pleasure like he’d never felt washed over him but it was quickly ruined when your hand stopped stroking him the moment you noticed him cumming. 
By the time the first ribbon of white came to paint his abs, you removed your hand and watched as he tried desperately to get some sort of friction to work him through his ruined orgasm. He was crying again, an entire day’s worth of edging now ruined in an agonizingly unsatisfying orgasm. That first glimpse was an Earth-shattering orgasm that was lost as soon as your hand stopped stimulating him. 
You watched with an amazement you’d only allow to show on your face when his eyes were shut as he just kept cumming and cumming. It was clear by the way his cock twitched that it was aching for more stimulation but you refused to give it to him. 
“Tommy,” your voice was soft but it was laced with disappointment, “I told you you’d be punished if you couldn’t follow directions.” 
“I’m sorry! I just couldn’t get the words out in time.” His chest was heaving and his voice was still whiny.
You nodded sympathetically, “I know, I know. But rules are rules, love. Maybe next time you can cum for real when you can follow instructions.” You crawled over him and clicked the release trigger on the handcuffs, slipping them off his wrists and kissing the angry red lines on them from where he’d been pulling on them. He brought his arms down, blood rushing back into the appendages.
“Now, you get to watch me get off and I don’t care if you get hard again. There’s no touching for the rest of the night.” You rolled off of him to lie on the bed beside him, your legs spreading wide and you hooked the left one over his leg. Your fingers swiped across your bundle of nerves and you clenched around nothing as you set the pace that would get you there quickly. 
Tom sat up a little straighter, eyes glued to where your hand disappeared between your legs, “Can I touch you?” He asked, looking back over to your eyes. 
“Why should I let you?” 
“To show you just how sorry I am.” His hand came to rub your thigh in a testing show of affection. Your eyes glanced down to where his hand met your skin and then back up with a quirked brow to show him that you saw straight through his coy attempts. Just because you noticed them didn’t mean you were objected to them though and after an entire day of dripping over Tom, you thought it was only fair if you got a little something in return. 
“Alright, fine. Since you asked so nicely.” Your dominating persona cracked a little when you laughed at the way he nearly pounced on you, lips aching to touch every square inch of your perfect body. First, he started at your lips, attacking them until they were plump and swollen. He worked his way down your neck and then your body, knowing every spot, every button to push just like you knew his. 
By the time his mouth reached your core, your heart was already racing with arousal. His hot breath fanned over you as he took a moment to admire you, “You’re so fucking beautiful, even when you’re being mean.” He looked up from between your thighs with a cheeky grin and you reached down to playfully smack the side of his head. 
“Somebody just can’t learn their lesson,” You chuckled, having dropped the dominant act. It was hard to keep up when Tom snapped out of his submissive one and turned into your cute puppy dog of a boyfriend. 
The shit eating grin on his face disappeared a little lower once again and his tongue ran a long stripe up your folds. You moaned out, toying with your nipples, “Oh God….” Tom smirked against your sex, licking you again, only this time, letting the tip of his tongue slip inside of you just enough to tease. His arms wrapped around thighs when they moved against your will and he held them down. Finally, his tongue flicked at that sensitive bud you needed him to touch so badly and you let out a shaky breath when he finally found it. 
“Shit,” You let out a breathless chuckle, hands threading in his hair and tugging slightly when his lips around you completely, sucking harshly on your clit. “Holy fuck!” Tom continued to do that while gently slipping a single finger inside your entrance, pumping slowly at first to warm you up. With how insanely wet you’d been all day, though, it was a warm up that was unneeded. A second finger soon joined it and he curled them up just right to hit that spot inside you that made you see sparks. 
“Oh my gosh, Tom. Right there!” You whined out, one hand pulling your nipple with one hand and his hair with the other. With the arm he had wrapped around your thigh, he pressed his palm flat against the skin just above your pubic bone, making the pressure against your g-spot that much more intense. 
“I’m gonna cum!” You moaned, sitting up on your elbows to watch Tom work you to your orgasm. That band in your stomach snapped and you fell back, your mouth falling open in a silent scream of pleasure as Tom slowed down until you finished squeezing around his fingers. 
Tom pulled his fingers out of you and rubbed your core gently, still feeling the pulsing, radiating heat coming from it. “Are you okay?” He asked, chuckling a little at your absolutely fucked out expression. 
“Where did you learn to do that?” You questioned, never having had him try pressing on you from the outside while fingering you while eating you out. It was explosive. 
Tom’s cheeks were still red from earlier as he looked at you with a cautiously proud expression, “Haz had told me about it.” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “Of course, he did.” 
Tom crawled back up to kiss you on the lips, “Am I forgiven?” 
You feigned a look of deep thought before sighing in “defeat”, which really just fade into a giggly kiss, “I guess so.” 
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rat-that-writes · 3 years
Dark & Reality TV Shows [HCs]
a/n: had this idea when watching the hell’s kitchen clip of zach mispronouncing bok choy and soy sauce. jean-philipe my beloved. marino is okay ig.
tw: swearing, mention of porn
➭ okay so this bitch thinks tv of any kind but ESPECIALLY reality tv is not worth his time
- but then you start talking about different series and clips with some of the other egos and he gets curious
- like who tf is this ‘gordon ramsay’ and why is shouting at restaurant owners
➭ so one day he asks you to show him an episode or a clip of something, because he wants learn about the things you like
- so you show him episode one of you favourite tlc show
- and he just. hates it. hates it so much like why do you enjoy this it is so obviously scripted and fake and NO ONE DOES OR SAYS THOSE THINGS. WHY IS THE CAMERA-PERSON FILMING THIS.
- so you just... tell him “yeah... but i like it”
- and he just. “k”
➭ BUT THEN. sometimes you browse youtube for some funny clips of your favourite tv show and find that ones that you have no memory of watching have that little red line and the bottom of the thumbnail indicating how far through the episode you are.... hmm...
- eh, you probably just watched them half asleep or forgot to turn off autoplay or something.            ...
➭ then another day, you’re back on youtube and you click on the search bar to find your little search history thingy full of stuff you KNOW you didn’t search for - particularly because of the oddly perfect grammer and sentence structure of the searches, which you definitely don’t use. well, neither does anyone else, that’s just weird...
- but, you just assume that another one of the egos had borrowed your laptop to look at videos. but that wouldn’t make sense, because you keep your laptop in your bedroom... which you share with dark.... which means that if any other ego were caught in here they’d probably be sent to the void, and none of them would risk that.
- except maybe wilford?? m a y b e ?? but that would only be in dire circumstances, not to watch my 600lbs life on your laptop. 
- but it can’t be dark, can it? he said the one he watched with you was awful and a waste of his time, and he doesn’t lie to you. especially about something so casual as a tv show. well, no time to think about it now. wilford’s calling.
➭ a few days pass, and you come home one day to find your laptop missing from it’s usual place on the desk in your room. you were sure you put it back there last night.. maybe it’s on the bed? nope.. the dresser? no... under the bed??? not there either! ugh, just your luck.
- maybe you left it dark’s office. you should go check.
➭ well. you find your laptop. on dark’s desk. with dark sitting at it. with the screen lighting up his face. and weird noises coming from the laptop. he hasn’t noticed you yet. he looks weirdly entranced.
- “are you watching porn?”
- cue slamming of the computer screen
- “what? no- i- “i don’t need porn, i have you”
- “then what are you doing with my laptop? you have your own.”
- “i-” a big deep breath. “i was watching.. videos. of those shows you always talk about.”
➭ oh. well... that makes sense now
➭ cut to teasing the living hell out of him for it and then having series marathon nights with him 
➭ he would never partake in the gossip about the shows, but he loves to listen to you rant about how much you hate this specific person on kitchen nightmares or how excited you are for season 3 of 1000lbs sisters and how you hope tammy stops drinking and vaping and meeting weird men of tiktok who fetishize her weight *deep breath* in this essay i will-
➭ he finds new series he thinks you’ll enjoy and immediately tells you about them
➭ kinda hates how much he lowkey enjoy these types of things though
- like hes supposed to be this brooding mysterious cold hearted demon but youve got him watching hell’s kitchen and picking favourite chefs and making spin-offs of ramsay/s insults
➭ he just wanted to learn about a thing you enjoyed, not become all encompassed with it
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