#i think this might have been the quote that made me both start watching black sails again and start listening to fathoms deep
mysticalspiders · 3 months
I don’t know if there are better ways to understand a person than to understand their interpretation of a story that you both know well
- Daphne Olive
(from the Monster Donut interview 'Luke Castellan, Sea of Monsters, & Black Sails w/ Staff Writer Daphne Olive')
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armands-cuck-chair · 1 month
"'Exceptional negro.' 'Thank you, sir.' It was the call and response of my entire life. I had let them talk to me like that so long I stopped hearing it. 'Yes sir', 'of course, sir', 'subject, verb, agreement, sir', smile, nod, 'yes, sir.' They all came from the same organ inside me, an organ unknown to science at the time, because what scientist would look for an organ found only in black men who use their weakness to rise? But I wasn't a man anymore. I was something else. I had powers now, and decades of rage to process, and it was both random and unfortunate the man picked that night to dabble in fuckery."
One of my favorite Louis quotes of all time. And it makes me so happy when I'm watching black reactors watch this scene because it's obviously so cathartic for them. I like watching black reaction content for this show in particular, because it helps me as a white person appreciate the show on a whole other level that I would be incapable of on my own. It was actually a black acter that made me interested in watching the show in the first place!
I had seen gifs on tumblr and I wanted to get a feel for the show before I bought it. I was a fan of the 1994 movie and had read some of the book, but it did always bother me that Louis in both of those versions of the story was a slave owner. And especially in the movie, which adds that whole gross slave master/enslaved black woman romance racist trope that always made me uncomfortable, even before I could articulate why. (At least the slaves get freed and then they burn down the plantation? Seriously, don't get me started on that aspect of the 1994 movie.) I was really intrigued by the fact that the show chose to make Louis a black creole man, instead of a white creole man, and also the switching of the time period. But because some aspects of the source material were...not great, I was worried that that change might not have been handled the best. Vampire media oftentimes don't treat their black characters very well. So when I decided to watch reaction content of it to get a feel for the show, I wanted to hear a black perspective on it.
So I watched ShalayaHomebody TV's reaction first (also her Sandman reactions are so good, she is so funny, you should absolutely subscribe), and I was pleasantly surprised because, you know, the bar is in Hell. I immediately bought the first season and I have been obsessed with the show and have had The Vampire Chronicles brainrot ever since.
A while ago, I watched Syntell's reactions with Mikel Claire on his channel and I was sort of blown away by him saying this about the scene when Sam takes Louis's tickets to the Theatre des Vampires show in the fake fangs and white vampire makeup: "I wonder if that's like blackface to them?" Like, as a white person, my mind just straight up didn't go there, but as soon as he said it I totally got it. It made me think of how Josephine Baker had performed in blackface as a black woman, because she could get more money performing to white audiences and that's the only way white audiences at the time would watch anything having to do with black people. It made me look at the whole Theatre des Vampires differently.
After Claudia proclaimed that the trial was a stoning, Alex of Jessa and Alex Watch said: "No, it's a lynching!" And...yeah! It basically was.
I could keep giving examples, but I'm stoned and rambling and this post is already going to be incredibly long as it is. I just have a lot to say!
The show might not handle every single thing exactly right 100% of the time in regards to race, nothing does, but I really appreciate the show taking pains to accurately cover the typical attitudes regarding race in the time periods it's set in, including the present. That's not to say that any scrutiny or criticism isn't warranted, there will always be blind spots. And like I said, the bar is in Hell, but I think it's really cool and good that they took the time to sit back and say, "okay, how does changing this character's race change their history and how they navigate the world?" Especially when there are white supremacists in the US government who think teaching about the history and the structural nature of racism not be taught because it will "make white kids grow up hating themselves". 🙄
I don't know, man. I just saw people criticizing some of the Devil's Minion fandom for their treatment of Louis when I was browsing the tag and like...I don't want to contribute to making black fans of the show feel shut out and like they don't have a space in the fandom. It's like that meme: "I got so caught up in the euphoria of shipping Devil's Minion that for a moment I forgot racism exists."
I don't say it enough, but I love this incarnation of Louis and Claudia. I love that there are so many black fans who feel seen and represented. I love that the show isn't just a sea of 99% white characters like the books are, but keeping everything that makes the books compelling and great and then elevating it by making it more inclusive.
Don't sideline the black fans in the IWTV community. Watch black reacters. Engage with them. Listen to them. You might not agree with every take they have, but I promise you that it will make you enjoy the show from a whole new perspective.
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In honor of this encouraging 'make a press release for your fanfic' post, I made covers for my Dig Deeper Haven fanfic series! I just finished posting the last chapter and I have so many feeeelings!
I wrote Angels and Animals in 2020, almost immediately after watching the season 4 finale and being so upset that I HAD to find fix it fic for it. I read two or three but none really hit the spot so I decided to take the ideas I had read and combine them in a way that appealed to ME specifically! I have a lot of ideas like this but I knew right away that I was actually going to go through with this one, but I didn't know until after it was done that I would want to continue with a nearly 50k follow up!
Multivocal I wrote over 2 NaNoWriMos, writing about 25k each time. This fic was very loosely outlined, which might not seem like a big deal but I NEVER outlined before this fic. I thought of myself as a full on pantser who never even considered writing an outline and didn't understand the concept. But for this fic I wanted it to read pretty close to the show. After the frustration of the ending of season 4, I reached out to a couple friends and asked if season 5 was better and it was pretty much a resounding no, so this had to be MY season 5 because I loved the show (well, i loved the characters) and I wasn't going to watch any further. I started thinking of it in terms of episodes and trying to keep the monster of the week type format the show had going, and having the same pacing. Eventually I let it go and decided that it was okay to write what I wanted to see over what might actually happen in a real TV show.
Both fics and the series are named after the lines from the poem Black Telephone by Richard Siken which I can only find on this tumblr post as the production company's website seems to be defunct. I saw excerpts from it floating around tumblr for years and when I was in the middle of writing A&A, I was looking for quotes that matched the tone for the title. Actually, I might have even remembered the quote myself? It has the line "I am more than one thing and not all of those things are good" and that has embedded itself into my psyche since I read it, so I think I purposefully went seeking where that quote came from.
I have considered writing a 3rd installment called More Than One Thing, but it's not going to happen just yet. I have other things I want to write and other fandoms to obsess over. Still I really am in love with these fics and so grateful to this fandom for somehow inspiring me in a way I've never been able to harness before. This is the longest fic on my ao3 and the longest story I've written that is actually complete! And all this after already spending so much time on my musical episode fanfic?! Haven really unlocked something in me and I will be chasing that inspiration forever.
Thanks for everyone who read this, everyone who read my fics, and everyone in Haven fandom!
Original lighthouse from unsplash. The other pic I found in canva.
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heavensbeehall · 8 months
"Catching Fire", Chapter 17
Part 2: The Quell
Chapter 17: Katniss does wait to be dismissed by the Gamemakers, so that's good manners, right Effie? She worries the Gamemakers might take this out of Peeta somehow. But not to worry, Peeta already pissed them off himself by painting a portrait of Rue. Both he and Katniss get training scores of 12, guaranteeing the other victors will have to target them. They get the day off and spend in on the roof together and watch the sunset. In the morning, the Preps cry as they make Katniss up. President Snow is making her wear a wedding dress. And Cinna has other ideas.
-- I wonder what Plutarch is thinking when he crushes his peach?
-- Effie and Haymitch give Peeta and Katniss the day off, which doesn't seem like them. I think Effie could be trying to distance herself from what they did but I want to know what Haymitch is up to. Something, I bet.
"I just wanted to hold them accountable, if only for a moment," says Peeta. "For killing that little girl."
I like how Katniss is the only one who is happy he did this.
The beauty of this idea is that my decision to keep Peeta alive at the expense of my own life is itself an act of defiance. A refusal to play the Hunger Games by the Capitol's rules.
From the discussion about refusing to be a piece in their games. This is very central to the whole series. Snow chooses to protect himself over everything else. Katniss and Peeta always choose others (often each other).
... one of the wedding dresses I wore for the photo shoot. Heavy white silk with a low neckline and tight waist and sleeves that fall from my wrists to the floor. And pearls. Everywhere pearls. Stitched into the dress and in ropes at my throat and forming the crown for the veil.
Something about the symbolism of the pearls compared to the pearl Peeta gives her later.
Cashmere starts the ball rolling with a speech about how she just can't stop crying when she thinks of how much the people in the Capitol must be suffering because they will lose us. Gloss recalls the kindness shown here to him and his sister. Beetee questions the legality of the Quell in his nervous, twitchy way, wondering if it's been fully examined by experts of late. Finnick recites a poem he wrote to his one true love in the Capitol, and about a hundred people faint because they're sure he means them. By the time Johanna Mason gets up, she's asking if something can't be done about the situation. Surely the creators of the Quarter Quell never anticipated such love forming between the victors and the Capitol. No one could be so cruel as to sever such a deep bond. Seeder quietly ruminates about how, back in District 11, everyone assumes President Snow is all-powerful. So if he's all-powerful, why doesn't he change the Quell? And Chaff, who comes right on her heels, insists the president could change the Quell if he wanted to, but he must not think it matters much to anyone
This is pretty much the only fight they will all fight together.
I'm in a dress of the exact design of my wedding dress, only it's the color of coal and made of tiny feathers. Wonderingly, I lift my long, flowing sleeves into the air, and that's when I see myself on the television screen. Clothed in black except for the white patches on my sleeves. Or should I say my wings. Because Cinna has turned me into a mockingjay
Obviously this is a big moment. It's what gets Cinna killed. But it's also when the mockingjay stops being a symbol on a pin or a cracker, and she becomes the mockingjay.
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everystephoftheway · 2 years
camp cloudtop- chapter nine
Vex is kinda a bitch and Vax is kinda a simp, so, you know, the usual. 
This can be found on ao3 as well.
Backpacks fell to a heap at the door as Vax and Vex arrived at their apartment, their bodies falling on a heap on the couch just as the door swung shut. Their apartment, just like everything in their lives, was a perfect conglomeration of their two styles. Most of the furniture had been thrifted, but they managed to keep a thread of industrial grunge mixed with some posher elements. Their apartment was essentially a stretched out U-shape, following the odd architecture of their building. The open floor plan kitchen and living space were on one end and the bedrooms and bathrooms were on the other. The dark vinyl couch was long enough to fit three people comfortably, four if one was of the smaller species; bits and pieces of the fabric had started coming off the arms and ends, but the twins didn’t seem too bothered. Their coffee table was littered with their toys: arrows of all kinds, both made and in construction, were scattered about while a collection of Vax’s throwing daggers were kept well organized in a case he kept on the bottom shelf of the table. Over the wall mounted TV they recently brought in was a painting, Vex’s favorite painting, of a bear frolicing through a sunlit field, a little family of other bears in the background. 
“Did you see the girl in my group with the white streak in her hair?” Vex reached over her shoulder and pulled the hair tie from the bottom of her braided ponytail, slowly working her hair out so it laid on her back, wavy and voluminous.
“That’s Cassandra, right? Percy’s sister?” Vax turned his head against the couch cushion to look at his sister. “She got so tall.” 
“I love that she’s in our group. No one can roast another like their sister can.”
Vax scoffed. “Tell me about it.” 
Vex laughed, reaching over to punch him in the arm. Percy had left them just after the teleportation circle; he and Cassandra lived in one of the nicer districts of town in a brownstone that the twins could only dream to own one day.
“Kash made quite a bold move on your ‘partner’ this afternoon.” Her eyes watched her brother as she made air quotes around the word partner, and while he didn’t cross his arms or stiffen his shoulders, she could tell that he had held his breath for a moment; it was what he did when he was trying to hold something back, thinking of an appropriate response.
“He always liked to believe he was faster than me.”
“Let him be. You don’t need that in your life. Dating a coworker never ends well.” 
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black if I’ve ever heard it.” 
“Do you ever listen? I told you this morning. Percy and I are not dating. We’re fucking. It’s different.”
“You might want to tell him that.”
One of Vax’s brows arch high onto her forehead. “What on Exandria are you talking about?”
“Don’t you see how he looks at you? He practically worships the ground you walk on.”
“Well, everyone should do that no matter the circumstance.”
Vax rolled his eyes and pushed himself to his feet, walking over to their fridge to grab a beer. Despite his annoyance, he tossed one to Vex as well. 
“But, really, Vax. I know you. The last thing you need is to fall head over heels for your ‘partner’,” again with the air quotes, “only for it to end poorly. Then you’re stuck, miserable, for the rest of the summer.”
What Vex didn’t understand was Vax wasn’t quite sure he had a say in the matter. Keyleth was so kind and bright; it was hard not to find himself overtaken by her spirit, even if they had only known each other for a few days. 
“Besides,” Vex shrugged as she took a sip of her beer, “if you go frolicing about with nature girl, when are you going to have time for me?” 
A pang of guilt bloomed in Vax’s chest, his lips down turning into a heavy frown. She was right, wasn’t she? The twins made a pact long ago to stick together, no matter where they went, no matter the cost. It was them against the world, and it would always be them against the world. How selfish was it that he was thinking about dividing his attention; would Keyleth even understand his loyalty to his sister?  
He took another swig of his beer. “I’m sure Kash will show her a good time.” Vax then retreated to his bedroom and closed the door behind him, ready for a hot shower and the buzz of three more beers he planned to drink.
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1. What music genre fits your tc the most?
Dad rock or 2014 pop, there is no in between with this man.
2. What's your favorite personality trait for your tc?
The way he actually cares about you and making sure you succeed 😌
3. Do you think they fit into a certain aesthetic or two? If so, which ones?
Dark Naturalism, and no I will not be providing context.
4. If you could, how would you comfort your tc? (Like if they seem to be having a rough day)
I would probably just make him take a nap or something because he seems super tired and stressed out lately.
5. What type of winter activity do you think is their favorite?
Staying inside to watch a movie while it snows for sure.
6. If you could (or have) what book or movie would you recommend to you tc?
Australia with Hugh Jackman
7. What's their sense of humor like? Is yours similar?
It's somewhat similar, for sure. I hardly ever made jokes with J last year because I was so shy, but light banter with him is always fun.
8. What's the nicest thing your tc has ever said to you?
Well, it's not necessarily a compliment but I really like it when he calls me darling and you can hear a slight accent to it. (I can't mention any actual compliment because my friends might find this...)
9. What wintery activity would you love to do with them?
I think it's be fun to go skiing if I wasn't so bad at it
10. What do you think your tc's love language is?
Words of Affirmation, he really strives toward trying to gain acceptance with people.
11. Do you have a quote or poem that you associate with them?
Poem: Age Difference by Lang Leav (please for the love of goodness's sake, check it out, you'll see why)
12. Do you prefer emailing them or talking in person?
Talking, because for whatever reason it may be, I hate sending emails.
13. Do they have a signature cologne or perfume?
I don't know what he wears but it smells like a mix of mint, coffee, mahogany and new leather.
14. Is your tc someone you can go to for support?
Yes, he really helped me out a lot last year and I'm very thankful for that
15. Have you ever pictured yourself with their last name or vice versa?
No, I actually haven't.
16. Is there anything you don't like about your tc?
He's a lot less personal than he used to be and he's not so talkative when other people around me are also trying to talk to him as well.
17. Have you ever seen them in a really bad mood?
Yes, he's been angry more times this year than I've seen him be like. And he's not a moody person at all-usually.
18. Does your tc ever laugh differently when they're with you?
He does! It's deeper, and he always looks me in the eyes when he's laughing at something I said.
19. What's your tc's staple drink? (If they have one)
Dark coffee
20. Is there anything that the two of you have in common? Is there a lot?
We both have a few things in common, and I remember one time when he mentioned how he noticed a few specks of blue in my eyes just like him (well his are blue and mine are dark green) and it was a really cute moment.
21. Have they ever targeted you directly in class or in the halls?
Definitely, especially because I'm easy to tease.
22. Have you ever said anything that might have given away your feelings?
He asked me if I thought he was funny and I said yes (except my voice had a very flirtatious tone that I did NOT mean to use.)
23. Do you dream about them often?
Not really
24. Is your tc more physically or verbally affectionate? Or not at all?
Verbally, for sure.
25. If you could, (or have) what would you get your tc for Christmas?
I saw this one really nice mug awhile back that I really regret not buying.
26. Do you like them in a romantic sense or in a more platonic way?
Definitely romantic now, but it did start platonically.
27. Are they a cozy sweater person?
No, he's a polo person.
28. What color looks best on them?
Grey and navy blue. Although he does occasionally look absolutely sinful when he wears a black shirt and jeans, I don't know why.
29. If you could see yourself the way they see you, would you take the chance?
Ummm, yes. Partially because of the amount of embarrassing things he's caught me doing.
30. What little habit they have is your absolute favorite?
I love it when he immediately waves and smiles at me the moment he sees me in the halls.
31. If it was legal, would you share a midnight kiss with them?
...yes. At the same time, only if he is was single. I do not support cheating nor do I support pedophilia.
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racingliners · 8 months
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 17 - Abu Dhabi
"Back in my day Abu Dhabi wasn't the final race of the F1 season" "Okay Grandma let's get you back to bed"
The way AD has been the season finale race for 10 years and I'm still not used to it dfvhdfjv. Anyway, This is another "no thoughts, head empty, Seb won" race for me - I'm 90% sure I only saw the BBC highlights programme of this race.
The only other memory I have apart from Seb winning is Kimi Raikkonen going over a bump that was so bad he ended up having back surgery that meant he missed the last two races of the season.
So this might be boring, but let's jump in:
If I'm to be brutally honest Abu Dhabi's only redeeming feature is that it looks very pretty at sunset.
(2010 and 2012 will forever be the best AD races though)
Lewis had broken suspension on his car after quali???? yikes
with that mildly cursed fact in mind, starting grid over view!: a Martian 1-2, Brocedes second row, Alonso P10 (???), Jenson P12 and JEV P13 (pain 😭)
Helmet watch: Lewis helmet has a gold sheen on it, it's very pretty. As is Seb's black and gold helmet. (GOATs always have the prettiest helmets)
Tyre compounds for this race are the Softs and mediums
[Formation Lap]: I'm still not over the fact that Lewis' suspension broke after quali. This is not the Mercedes AMG Petronas I know and love.
Apart from Seb I cannot remember who the other two podium finishers were so that'll potentially be fun seeing that unfold.
That shot of Alain Prost standing in the RBR garage feels very fake
Shoutout to Bernie Collins at McLaren though!!
[Start/Lap 1]: oh the Mercs were FAST off the line
It was almost a Merc-RBR sandwich
and there's Kimi on the side of the track out his car
Nooooooo Jenson has a damaged front wing
[Lap 2]: And Seb already has a 1.9 second lead because of course
(that's my goat!!!)
Top 5 is: Seb, Rosberg, Webber, Grosjean and Lewis
[Lap 3]: and after that first lap absolutely nothing has happened.
well apart from Jenson being called into the pits
[Lap 4]: And already we have a Seb fastest lap
he's also 3.2 seconds ahead of Rosberg 🏃‍♂️💨
"Good news, it [Jenson's stop to change his front wing] only took them 9 and a half seconds which is pretty quick!" The way Ted said that still made it sound sarcastic despite that legit being a good stop for a front wing change (the joys of Southern English accents)
[Lap 5]: Anyway Jenson's running in last so the grid is now a Séanagh's favourite drivers sandwich
[Lap 6]: Webber is already reporting KERS problems, who hexed him?
oh another Seb fastest lap!
[Lap 7]: Perez makes his first stop for the mediums.
Grosjean has caught up to the back of Webber! The gap between them is about half a second
[Lap 8]: Lewis makes his first stop! Also softs for mediums, and he comes out in 12th
And we're starting to get golden hour lighting on the track 👌🌇
[Lap 9]: Webber and Grosjean both pit! Both softs for mediums and their order remains unchanged (and they just came out ahead of Lewis)
[Lap 10]: Jesus Seb is 8.8 seconds ahead of Rosberg 😳
[Lap 11]: and Nico adds himself to the "first stop softs to mediums" crowd.
meanwhile Lewis' tyres aren't doing so great.
I mean I know that seeing Seb on the podium will be worth it but like... I'm almost a quarter of the way through the race and I'm rather whelmed
anyway we persevere
[Lap 12]: So because Seb hasn't stopped yet he has enough of a gap to the cars behind to pit and still be in the lead.
to quote Taylor Swift, that's my man
also the floodlights on the track are once again reminding me how much I miss the grid having glossy liveries. Matte F1 cars my beloathed.
"He's [Seb] lapping faster on old soft compound tyres than the rest of the field on new tyres" THAT'S! MY! BOY!!!
[Lap 13]: Meanwhile Lewis is still stuck behind Gutierrez who hasn't stopped yet
(and I think it's lap 13 bc the timing and position graphics have disappeared from the screen so I have no idea what lap I'm actually on. If it helps anyone I'm at 32mins39 seconds on the replay)
Seb finally pits! And he's also gone from softs to the mediums
And there's Kimi leaving the track dvhfduvhdfu
[Lap 15]: yay the graphics are back
still a few cars to make their first stops so I'll wait until then to do a top 5 overview
[Lap 16]: Lewis is still behind Gutierrez
[Lap 17]: meanwhile Alonso makes his first stop for, you guessed it, mediums
[Lap 19]: Lewis got past Gutierrez everybody clap!! 👏
and he somehow managed to stay ahead of Massa
[Lap 20]: Bono immediately telling Lewis to cool the car 😭
Webber gets past Rosberg for provisional P2!!! (di Resta ahead has yet to stop)
[Lap 21]: Okay so with almost all the first stops completed, the top 5 is: Seb, Webber, Rosberg, Grosjean and Sutil (yet to stop, started on the mediums)
Seb leads by just over 27 seconds which is quite frankly insane but again, that's my goat!!
[Lap 23]: gosh the RBR livery under the floodlights, we used to be a proper country
(begging the powers that be at Red Bull to bring it back, it's so superior to the matte navy blue)
[Lap 25]: Sutil in P5 and yet to stop, Team Silverstone be Team Silverstoning
Make that P6, Lewis just got past him.
...oh not Lewis losing two places in one corner thanks to DRS.
[Lap 26]: Not Hulkenberg getting past Alonso.
Oh, my beloved midfield spice, welcome back to the party
so after all that the top 10 is now: Seb, Webber, Rosberg, Grosjean, Massa, Sutil, Lewis, Fernando, Hulkenberg and Perez
That was a rather eventful lap and a half
And Lewis is back into P6!
He got a better exit so wasn't as vulnerable on the second DRS straight and was able to stay ahead of Sutil
[Lap 28]: oof not a potential unsafe release by Sauber, Perez had to stamp on the brakes to avoid going into Hulkenberg
and at long last:
[Lap 29]: Jenson's still down in 17th 😭
[Lap 30]: And there's the unsafe release investigation notification for Hulkenberg
And Lewis makes his second stop! He's onto another set of medium tyres
[Lap 32]: aaaaaand another Seb fastest lap 🥰
and a Seb sighting!!!!!!
the TV feed has barely shown him all race
probably because he's 30 seconds ahead of Mark 😅
(when Seb and Lewis do this it's sexy, when anyone else leads by 30 seconds it's boring, fwiw)
[Lap 34]: drive through pen for Hulkenberg for the unsafe release
meanwhile Webber and Rosberg make their second stops
my eye twitched upon seeing the track limits investigation for Sutil and Maldonado. Curse you Austria 2023.
[Lap 37]: You wait all race for another Seb sighting and you get two in five laps.
(sorry pals there really isn't much happening)
Oh wait a minute, a lesser spotted Rosberg fastest lap.
[Lap 38]: And Seb makes his second and I assume final stop, again he's staying on the medium tyres
and Grosjean stopped immediately after, also for another set of mediums, he comes out just ahead of both Ferraris
[Lap 41]: Jenson's up to P14!!! this is genuinely a very good improvement!!
also hi Force India mechanic who waved at the camera!! 👋
[Lap 45]: Lewis overtakes Jev to move into 7th!
and Fernando bails out of the one-stop and pits for a set of softs, he comes out in P8 but almost took out Jev in the process
[Lap 46]: Somehow, Di Resta is in P5. I have not been paying attention to him so I've zero idea how that happened.
[Lap 49]: Meanwhile Jev is dropping down the field and is in 11th, the one-stop strategy clearly wasn't the bets call
[Lap 50]: Also also Fernando is catching Lewis who's catching Di Resta 🍿
ah Di Resta stopped on lap 20 and is also on a one-stop
[Lap 51]: 5 laps remaining!
And Fernando overtakes Lewis for 6th
[Lap 52]: And he gets past Di Resta for 5th
[Lap 54]: oh, Niki sighting 🥺
quickly followed by another Seb on-board
[Lap 55]: FINAL LAP!
Lewis please be serious and get past Di Resta
aaaand SEB WINS!!!!!!!!! 🥳🍾
Rest of the Top 10: Webber P2, Rosberg P3, Grosjean P4, Alonso P5, Di Resta P6, Hamilton P7, Massa P8, Perez P9 and Sutil P10.
Well, it wasn't exactly a blockbuster, but hey ho. Seb was very iconic and I will always support him winning by a stupidly large margin. Next race, USA!
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incendiobrock · 3 years
The Witches Forest
Request: heyy idk if u do requests but if u aree then can you do one where the reader is a witch and is dating colby so she goes on one of the haunted trips w them and does some reading idkk you can end it however you like <33 tyy! 
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this! I loosely based this imagine off the witches forest video on the Sam and Colby channel but instead of the witch from the video giving the reading it was y/n, and instead of Colby getting lost in the forest it was y/n. Hope you enjoy! Also this was loosely inspired by an imagine I read by @annab-nana you can read it here!
Warnings: sexual joke (I think that’s it)
It was a typical day with the trap boys. Your boyfriend Colby had finally convinced you to go on a haunted trip with them. The only reason you had agreed was because he had promised you, and Corey, that there wouldn’t be any seances. You would all be going to just spend the night there, not summon anything.
In fact, Sam was planning on doing a cleansing ritual that he had done some research on. So, you agreed. You were always super worried about the boys and the trouble that they would find themselves in, especially with demonic entities and spirits. 
One of the other reasons you had agreed to do the video with them was because you knew that the fans have been begging for you to make an appearance. Colby got tweets and comments daily about his “witchy girlfriend” joining in on a haunted overnight video. All the fans knew that you were super into crystals, and tarot cards, and different herbs, and just about anything that you believed would help protect you and connect you to the world of spirituality.
So here you were, sitting in front of the camera, Colby right by your side, his ring clad hand holding onto your thigh, as the rest of the guys surrounded the table. “Okay, who’s ready for the reading?” You questioned, looking around the table. Everyone nodded and agreed to begin. You passed the tarot deck to each of the boys, instructing them to shuffle the deck while thinking of their intention for the trip to The Witches Forest. Everyone did as told and passed the deck back to you, you were the last to shuffle.
“Alright, so I’m going to pick the top three cards and then we can go over what they each mean for us, and for the trip we are about to go on.” You stated, gently flipping over the top three cards, The Tower, The Nine of Swords, and the card of Death.
You felt the room tense as they all read the cards chosen. “It’s not bad.” You said, trying to calm everyone’s nerves. “Uh- I don’t know about you but a card that says death seems pretty bad to me.” Corey said, laughing out of fear.
“Yeah babe, what does that mean besides ‘we are going to die?’” Colby air quoted the last part. “Will you guys just give me a minute to explain it?” You laughed at your boyfriends face as his eyebrows remained scrunched on his forehead, looking desperately at you for answers. You went on to explain that death could signify the “death” of an era and the beginning of something new. The Nine of Swords means that their own thoughts can weigh them down, or cause a feeling of darkness, and The Tower means danger, chaos, but also liberation. 
“See, so nothing is necessarily bad. It actually seems like this might be good for you guys, especially since we are planning on doing the fire ritual too. That way you can begin a new journey and have a nice cleansed path before the next moon cycle begins.” You stated, leaning your head on Colby’s shoulder and cuddling into his side. He placed a short kiss onto your forehead taking hold of your hand, “Alright so let’s get on the road we don’t want it to get too dark before we set up the tent, plus it’s about an hour drive.” Colby said to the group, still holding your hand as you both stood up to go get into the car.
About an hour later you had all arrived at the forest. Colby had parked the car a little off the dirt path in a small clearing between the trees. You were happy to get out of the car to stretch after having to sit between Jake and Corey in the backseat. You brought along a small backpack of stuff like a water, first aid kit, a flashlight, and most importantly some crystals that offer protection. You took out the small ziploc with the crystal and began to give one to each of the boys, telling them to keep their crystal in their pockets for protection. 
Sam had asked you to explain to the camera what all you had brought so you showed him the black tourmaline, amethyst, and the obsidian, saying that they each offered protection and grounding properties. “Alright, now that we got our protection rocks let’s go pitch the tent we will be staying in all night.” Sam said, shutting off the camera. You all stood around trying to help as Colby did most of the work putting the tent together. You were impressed with his skills, never knowing that he could set up a tent with little to no instruction.
“Dang brother, those Cub Scout skills are really showing right now.” Jake joked, sticking the last spoke into the dirt. “Thanks brother, you know I’m skilled with these hands.” Colby responded, sending a wink in your direction. Your cheeks heated up as a small laugh escaped from your mouth. Leave it to Colby to make a sexual joke that makes the guys cringe. 
After a little exploring all together, and almost losing the location of the tent, you had all decided it was time to start the fire ritual. You were glued closely to Colby’s side, hearing a lot of motion within the trees. “Once we get the fire going maybe we will feel better, the light and heat should scare off any animals that are near.” Sam said grabbing the fire bucket that he had brought for this ritual.
Colby lit the fire and you all sat around in camping chairs. “We should’ve brought s’mores bro.” Corey said, trying to alleviate some of his fear. You agreed with him because you knew you felt the same fear as him at the moment. Sam explained what was going to happen with the fire ritual and passed out the objects that everyone was going to be throwing into the fire, in hopes to release any possible spirits that were attached to them. As soon as you guys started to watch the stuff burn Colby flew back, falling with his camping chair.
“Did you guys see that! Right there! Right behind Jake! Sam? Did you see it, it was like a shadow and it moved super fast right behind Jake’s head.” Colby yelled, standing quickly off the ground and shining a flashlight in that direction. “I saw that too!” You said, abandoning your camping chair as well. Colby took hold of the camera and began walking away from the fire and towards the trail. “Colby! Wait for us bro you can’t go alone!” Sam yelled out, chasing after him. “I have to go, I know I saw something I need to see where it’s going before it gets away, I wanna capture it on camera!” Colby said.
“Someone has to stay by the fire we can’t all leave! Jake you stay here with Corey and we will go investigate.” Sam instructed, but Jake hesitated wanting to go too. Corey ended up agreeing on staying by the fire so you three could keep up with Colby who was still walking quickly away from the group. You thanked Corey, worried that your boyfriend would get too far ahead of everyone. You began to jog to the path, already extremely behind the others because of the sudden panic. 
You turned onto the dirt path and didn’t see any of the three boys, but could barely make out their voices in the distance. You began to jog down the path, heading to the left. You had felt like you were getting closer to them but their voices still remained faint and incoherent. You knew that Sam had yelled for everyone to stay on the path in order to avoid getting lost so you kept jogging further and further into the forest, away from the fire where Corey sat.
You slowed to a walk, shining your flashlight all around, hearing tons of branches snapping and rustling. You suddenly felt very alert, almost as if something was watching you. You felt the panic really set in as it became harder and harder for you to catch your breath. “Colby!” You yelled. “Colby! Sam! Jake! Corey!”  You knew you had made a mistake going this far down the path. “Hello?! Can anyone hear me!” You heard a scream off in the distance making your eyes basically bulge out of your head. You turned sharply towards the direction of the noise, shining your flashlight out in front of your face. Your hands were trembling, shaking the light violently. Not only was it freezing out, but you were terrified of what was out there.
You began running back the opposite direction of the trail, your breath almost nonexistent at this point, but you were determined to make it back to the tent. You heaved, feet stomping away at the dirt path beneath. After what felt like a century, you saw the distant glow of the fire. You ran, the victory of reuniting with the boys fueling your return. The fire was now in clear sight as well as the figures of the four boys you were so anxious to see. The noise of you approaching causing them all to turn and look at you. 
You practically leapt into Colby’s arms, tears pouring down your face as you wrapped tightly around his torso. His hand found its way straight to your hair, pulling you as close as he could to his body, swaying you side to side. “Oh my god, baby. Where were you? I was so worried! I thought I had lost you.” He said quietly, running his fingers through your hair trying to soothe your crying. “I-I was running after you a-and then I got lost. I heard a s-scream, I’m so scared.” You sobbed, never wanting Colby to let go of you.
“We looked all over, we were calling your name like crazy but Jake said we should come and wait by the fire incase you came back. We didn’t want to keep moving further away from you on accident.” Sam said, standing closely near you and Colby. 
“Can we please go? I don’t think I want to be here anymore.” You pleaded, looking into Colby’s eyes as his delicate fingers helped to wipe away your tears. “Yes, of course. I love you, I’m so glad you’re safe. Let’s head to the back up plan, the cabin.” Colby said, directing the last sentence to the boys. You nodded gratefully, making your way into Colby’s car while Jake, Corey, and Sam packed up the mess. 
The night was getting foggier as you pulled into the driveway of Jenna’s cabin. You felt relief rush over you, knowing that you wouldn’t have to spend another second in the Witches Forest. You all got out of the car and huddled by the front door, rain beginning to pour down. Sam took off his backpack digging through it to find the spare key Jenna had lent him. “Uh, Colby did I give you the key earlier?” Sam asked. Colby let go of your hand and patted his pockets down, “No I don’t think I have it. Is it in your pockets?” He responded, recapturing your hand in his, knowing that you were still shaken up about getting lost. Sam flipped his jean pockets inside out, no key to be found. He began pulling everything out of his backpack, searching deep into the bag for the key.
“Let’s go back into the car maybe I left it in there.” Sam said, heading straight back to Colby’s car. You all got back in as the rain continued to pour, Sam searching every inch of the vehicle. “I can’t believe you lost the key Sam, first Y/n goes missing and now this?” Jake says from the backseat, obviously frustrated. “It’s not all my fault okay? You think I meant to lose the key?” Sam snapped back, the tension in the car rising. 
After a lot of searching, the key was no where to be found. Much to your dismay, you had to go back to the tent in the depths of the forest. You all huddle into the blue tent, slipping into your sleeping bags. It was only a few more hours until daylight, a few more hours before the suffering would end.
“I’m not going to let anything hurt you. I lost you once tonight and it was the scariest moment of my life. It’s not going to happen again, I promise.” Colby vowed, pulling you into his chest. You smiled at his kind words, despite how scared you were he always knew how to make you feel safe. “Thank you Colby, I love you so much.” You responded, nuzzling further into his chest. “I love you, to new beginnings.” He chuckled, referencing the tarot reading from earlier. “To new beginnings.” You agreed, sealing the deal with a kiss on the lips.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
if you’re still taking requests for Bucky, can you do one from this quote if it sparks any inspiration: ‘when you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can stand in front of them and show yourself and their response is “you’re safe with me” - that’s intimacy.’
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A/N: please, this is so soft ��
Pairing: Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: none
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A heavy sigh escaped soft lips as Bucky laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. There was almost no sound in the room besides the rhythmic ticking of the aging clock on the wall, combined with the sounds wafting in from the open window, and the almost non-existent humming of his vibranium appendage. He reached his hand up to his chest to ground himself by touching the dog tags that had been his for way too many years now. A temporary moment of panic set into his bones when he realized there was nothing there, but revelation quickly dawned on him as he remembered that they were currently with you. The last he’d seen them, you were wearing them, the metallic silver tags safely nestled under the soft fabric of your t-shirt.
When he’d given them to you, a sign of his desire to call you his, among other things, he never actually expected that you’d wear them. The first time he’d spied you wearing them, along a casual outfit consisting of jeans and a t-shirt and sneakers, he’d almost short circuited. There was something about comforting knowing they were safe and sound in your possession now. They were yours now too - just like he was.
A gentle tugging lifted the corners of his mouth into the semblance of a smile. How foreign it still felt sometimes, the gentle feeling of blossoming happiness and knowing he was loved. Loved. What a strange and odd concept that was. He couldn’t remember the last another soul had told him they loved him besides in the most platonic sense. But the first time you’d whispered those words to him, so effortlessly, so easily, I love you, his whole world came to a screeching halt and he was sent into a wild spiral that left him speechless. Bucky hadn’t reciprocated your words then; but it wasn’t long after that he did. It had been a half shout, half declaration as you just grinned at him, pulling him against your lips and only letting him go when you were both breathless and dizzy.
He relaxed at the thought, settling against the pillow as he reminded himself to swim in happy memories, rather than drown in the ghosts of the past.
His phone vibrated against the glass top of the coffee table as it startled him out of his stupor, causing him to almost roll off the couch in surprise. He scrambled to grab the phone, and relaxed when he saw your name on the screen. Straightening himself up, he cleared his throat before answering, “hi sweetheart.”
“Bucky!” your excited voice on the other end of the line made his heart relax as he just imagined you bouncing around your small floral shop, making sure everything was perfect, “it’s about time you answered, old man. I’ve called you like three times! Did I disturb your afternoon nap, Barnes?”
“Hey, watch who you’re calling an old man,” he snorted as he stood up and stretched, surprised by how easily you were able to read him, “I got decades on you, kid, respect your elders.”
“Respect me when I’m right,” you grinned as he laughed lightly. How easily everything seemed to flow between the two of you; he’d never thought he could have anything like this again. Even once he’d left Wakanda and life slowly went back to a semblance of normality after the Blip, he still had a hard time trusting people; perhaps, more than anything else, he didn’t trust himself.
While he knew he was himself again, Bucky, and not the Winter Soldier, he still was never quite convinced that he wouldn’t ever go back. For so long he had been nothing but a killer, it was hard to believe that he could ever be fully himself again. So he’d closed himself off, steeled himself, despite the constant reassurance from the people around him that it was okay to let others in. He couldn’t trust himself - after so long...how could he? How was he just supposed to be able to pick the pieces and just be James again?
But he was learning, over time, slowly, bit by bit, that it was okay to let people in, okay to feel, and be okay and also not be okay. Sure, some days were hard, but the good days were good. And they were getting to become more and more frequent.
“Bucky? Hello?” you called his name from the other line, trying to get him to snap back into attention, “James? James Buchanan Barnes?”
“S-sorry,” his voice was soft and gentle for a moment, “I...yeah.”
“Yeah,” you teased softly, “zoning out again huh, my love? I know how you get. What are you thinking about, Bucky?”
“Nothing much,” he admitted, shrugging to himself despite the fact that you weren’t able to see him, “when are you off?”
“Whenever I want to be,” you reminded him, “I’m the boss now, remember? Why do you ask? Got some grand plans for us?”
“Nah,” he confessed, “just want to come and see you. Is it okay if I stop in? I’d come and bring you some flowers...but that would seem a little...on the nose.”
“Ahh, look at you,” he could practically hear you grinning, “very clever, aren’t you? Come and see me - it’s been slow so I might as well close up when you get here. Maybe we can go for a walk and get dinner?”
“Sounds great,” he agreed softly, “see you soon.”
“See you soon, Bucky.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
While you waited for Bucky to arrive, a brilliant idea popped into your head. You quickly grabbed a vase and started to gather some of the flowers that reminded you of him. It wasn’t long before you had a variety of them, neatly arranged and topped off with a bow, ready and waiting for him. He walked into your small shop, ready to announce himself but quickly found that he didn’t have to.You were perched up on the counter, swinging your legs back and forth as you tilted your head to the side and studied him with a small smile. He was dressed casually today, sporting a dark blue henley and a pair of well fitting jeans. His arm, intricate and beautifully designed golden and black vibranium, wasn’t on full display, nor was it completely hidden. Progress; a step in the right direction, albeit small. He’d get there when he’d get there and if that took another five years or fifty, you planned on being there for him.
“Hi James,” you popped off the counter and met him halfway, letting him wrap you up and envelope you in his warm, tight grasp. His arms, his body, was your favorite place to be. You never felt more safe and secure than when you were wrapped up in him, “I’ve missed you.”
“Missed me?” he chuckled as you just nodded, pouting lightly as he couldn’t help but kiss you softly, “it’s only been a few hours since we’ve seen each other.”
“I know,” you ran a hand through his dark hair, “but it doesn’t mean I can’t miss you, does it?”
“I suppose you’re right,” he agreed as you took his hand and pulled him over to the counter. Bucky dramatically rolled his eyes as he trailed after you. Your hand looked so small in his hand; delicate skin contrasted against harsh callouses as you gave him a squeeze of reassurance. Whatever hesitation or tension was left in his body seeped, replaced by a feeling of saccharine bliss, “what are you up to?”
“You always think I’m up to something,” standing in front of the flowers, you paused, studying his features before reaching up to tenderly cradle his face in your hands. Bucky, resilient and strong, turned into a puddle of mush and practical whimpers as you traced a delicate fingertip across his features, “perhaps this time you’re right.”
“Tell me then,” he turned his face, pressing a gentle kiss to your palm as you used your free hand to reach behind you and push the vase to your side so he could see the ornate display. Blue eyes narrowed, highlighting the wary crease in his brow before they widened, softening all the way through. His hand slinked down to your waist, a light squeeze followed as he shuffled to the side and studied the flowers. Bright yellows and oranges, brilliant crimsons and pinks, and mellow pastels were suddenly under his intense scrutiny as he took in the sight of the blossoms, “w-what are these?”
“And here I was, thinking you were smart,” standing behind him, you wrapped your arms around his waist, delicately and slowly at first so you wouldn’t startle him. His frame stiffened for a mere moment before he relaxed, the weight of your head on his back a welcome burden he was happy to bear, “these are called flowers.”
“Very funny,” you could feel the laugh vibrate through his chest as a hand, one colder and more metallic than normal, but still all him, settled on your own. Pressing a line of soft kisses to his shoulders, you listened to the steady beating of his heart, “what’s the occasion?”
“There is none,” you insisted, “I just thought you would enjoy them. Look at the colors and blossoms, they all reminded me of you. So brilliant and warm and bright and lovely - just like you, Bucky.”
A few beats of silence met your ears as he inhaled and exhaled deeply, a million thoughts swirling around his mind. Before you could speak or say anything else, he turned around in your arms so he was facing you. He gestured between you and the flowers for a few moments, finding himself at a loss for words, “me?”
“Yes,” you promised him, “for you. Do you like them?”
“I love them,” he reassured you, an easy warmth settling over you, “back in the day I would have been doing this for you…”
‘You’ve gotten me flowers plenty of times,” you laughed, a sound that had easily become his favorite thing in almost no time, “besides, you deserve some nice things too.”
“I’ve been thinking…”
“That’s a new one,” you teased as he jokingly groaned, “ I jest! I’ve noticed you’ve been a little more quiet and stoic lately...I didn’t even know that was possible for you. What’s been on your mind, my love?”
“There’s this quote that came into mind...I heard it somewhere, but I can’t remember from what or who,” he mused as he rubbed thoughtfully at his chin, “it’s something along the lines of ‘when you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can stand in front of them and show yourself and their response is “you’re safe with me” - that’s intimacy.’ I feel like...I can do that with you - like I can be myself and you’re not judging me, even though you know who I am.”
“Bucky - James - I know who you are,” it was surprising you didn’t melt into a puddle then and there, melting into nothingness at his feet. You leaned in, looking at his eyes for a few moments before capturing his lips in a soft kiss. You broke apart slowly, reluctantly before resting your forehead against his, “I know exactly you who are. And I love you for it - a good man, friend, partner, and so many other things. You are good, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says or thinks. Fuck them - the people that know you know who you really are.”
“Even after…”
“Even after everything that’s happened,” you promised, “you are safe with me. I’m not going to suddenly turn my back on you and walk away. I love you, Bucky. You have me, now and forever, and I’ve got you, always. That’s not going to change. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” you could feel him smiling against your lips as he breathed you in and let you overwhelm his senses, “I know that.”
“Good,” you smiled as you reached for his hand, “let’s go to get dinner. I’m starving.”
“Don’t you need to close up?”
“Nah,” you winked at him, “I closed up as soon as we got off the phone earlier so we would have interruptions. C’mon Buck, I’m going to take you for a night on the town! What do you say?”
“Sounds perfect,” he agreed, “there’s just one more thing.”
“This,” he pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply as your body melded into his, “I love you too.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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animefreak1145 · 3 years
The Brilliance of Break On Through
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Mission Break on Through—An Analysis
I have replayed the campaign of COD:BOCW numerous times—too many times truly. Did a whole playthrough where it was Hardened and soon I’m sure I shall do Veteran(something I have never done for any COD game. Not even Hardened.).
All missions have their own unique qualities—parts where the player gets a little rush of adrenaline depending on the kind of mission and how they choose to play it (Nowhere Left to Run just a plain shooting match while Brick in the Wall you can choose to remain stealthy like the good spy you are or go crazy like an eager homicidal maniac).
Even within the safehouse, there are plenty of little details to discover if you take the time to look around and observe everyone. Or, everything. (The radio if turned to a Russian station/correspondence, Adler changes it back immediately before Da Nang mission. Watching Park’s body language, as you talk to Adler and she periodically looks over to you two. Adler suspicious when you go to the Red Room or the locked room with the arcade. The T.V. being turned on in the Red Room)
But the amount of details, details, in the mission Break on Through is outstanding. I have played this mission more than any other due to me wishing to look at all the details. There’s so many, I think I may miss some. And I can’t show them off all to you cause I suck at creating gifs and don’t know how to transfer that from Xbox to my phone.
To lighten it up a bit, I won’t focus on the four different scenarios you go through—at least not each one. That would take too long and I do not have gifs/pics to show it off since Tumblr limits it to ten anyways.
I will, however, try to guide to what parts of the game you all can explore if you choose to do so. As well just how detailed they did this mission.
I am going to start with the different statements Adler says to you throughout all the Scenarios(17, 6, 11, 1). We only go through four in the actual game—but the fact it goes up to 17 or possibly more shows just how far they went in and messed with Bell’s mind.
Now, Adler seems to be a bit bipolar on how he talks to you whether or not you listen to him and all his directions. Either totally blasé and cold to giving you and pumping you up with more MK or meds, or actually a tad concerned and patient as he guides you through.
If You/Bell Stands Still/Does Nothing:
Example 1
“So you did nothing? What were you, in shock?”
He throws the words callously, mocking. As if Bell isn’t confused and lost at what is going on. He even sounds irritated that you might actually be in shock due to these memories that are just fake—not even real. Not like what he has.
Example 2
“What’s wrong with Bell?” -Adler
“I’m not sure. . .” -Park
“I guess we’ll just wait on you to proceed, Bell.”
The contrast is dizzying. He sounds concerned when he asks Park on what could be wrong with you. If he pushed you too far and now you’re just frozen. And, instead of rushing you due to how the fate of half of Europe is at stake, he decides to give you space. Just wait for you and you’ll come out of it soon enough.
He does these sort of reactions numerous times. Jumping from intimidating to the Adler we knew as the player, as Bell—kind and always in your corner that believes in you. He switches tactics based on what he believes will work really—or he just felt really on edge at times and threw the farce that you two were friends out the window.
Other examples include:
Scenario 11–Napalm Strike-in the lab in the room where you were brainwashed
“Christ, what’s happening with them?”-Adler
“A mild seizure. Sims, past me a benzodiazepine.” -Park
Again, concerned. Worried. Almost…at unease?
In the lab—tripped up on drugs. If you run through the tight shrinking hallway back and forth like so(I suck at making gifs, I’m sorry):
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“Why is Bell repeating themselves?”
“Bell, stop speaking in circles.”
Now, as others may have suspected, Bell is talking to everyone as they’re stuck in this horrible loop of mental torture. Most likely muttering, hands clenching and arms pulling against the straps of the gurney, moving their head back and forth depending on what they’re seeing. I always saw Bell as muttering quickly in Russian as they go through all of this—their mother tongue where it may comfort them as they’re panicking and speaking to Adler.
It’s just a nice detail showcasing how exactly Adler knows that Bell is on script—Bell saying what they’re seeing and doing and what’s going on. It shows also just how hard they put Bell through the ringer(badum tss. I’ll leave now).
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All the details too when the game shows how the drugs they put in Bell affects you. Like so. The hallways appearing long. The lights looking yellow. You feel so fast—look how quick you can run. Run towards the Red Door that Adler so desperately wants and maybe this can stop. Ah, why is it running away from you? What’s going on?
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I don’t know about you, but I was so lost and confused at what was going on my first playthrough. For the majority of this mission, the possibility of me being brainwashed didn’t reach the BACK of my mind till probably I actually saw the flashes of scenes about Vietnam and calling Bell a subject. So like right here.
I personally thought that I had a repressed memory or something due to me going through the Vietnam War. That whatever I saw with Perseus, I—or rather Bell—repressed it from our mind due to how violent or horrible what we saw or experienced was. And that Adler suspected and just really wanted to know about it.
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I didn’t expect for the man to actually brainwash my character—us—Bell! The game made Adler your mentor, who always defended you from Hudson and believed in your skills very highly. How he and Bell were basically perfect partners when the two of you were together.
It’s amazing—cause I think that’s what the developers were going for. The absolute trust. The loyalty. The denial that ‘maybe Adler is being a little harsh but hey, this is to help Perseus so it’s okay?’ It’s perfect. Because I’m sure that is what Bell actually felt in real time.
Yet, if you go through the total rebellious choice of not listening to Adler, some thing’s make sense. The Rebellious Side shows you way more than if you just listen to Adler like a Dutiful Soldier.
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You go through this room if you choose the rebellious route, the T.V.’s automatically turning on the closer you get. Of Vietnam. And now, all those T.V.‘s that turned on by themselves(the Red Room, Lubyanka, Cuba) make sense. You were actually being brainwashed. Poor Bell probably can’t ever have a turned off/broken T.V. again. The trauma.
Said trauma being shown multiple times too. Not just the T.V.‘s. But the absolute terror that Bell felt, before they became Bell, with Adler.
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Like do you see this? This terrified me when I saw it at the end of the hallway. I just saw a red shadow in the distance and I legit thought I was about to be chased. Call of Duty became a horror game(I also went through the door to the ground too my first playthrough, so before this I went through zombies and I think my heart was going to jump out my chest) I thought. I didn’t want to get closer. I had to, with each step I see that it’s not a shadow but a body. And than I see the familiar jacket, the sound of whirring in my ears and see it’s Adler’s head being twisted back and forth, side to side, up and down, in a speed that in inhumanely possible.
Makes one wonder if Bell themselves sees Adler as inhumane. Not human. Adler seeming to just be a god in their head. All the Adler shaped rocks/boulders you go through and see. Even one point the V.C. becoming Adler and you killing him over and over and dead bodies of Adler being everywhere.
The man has entered Bell’s head and won’t leave. Just like Adler won’t leave Bell alone.
Heck, there’s one point in my playthroughs of this mission I was by the bridge yet there were parts of the lab by it. I jumped towards it, noticing down below there were different floors of the lab that eventually reach the ground. I jumped to reach the next floor and missed and I died.
And Adler mocked Bell committing suicide.
That was the kicker really that Adler truly is indifferent towards Bell. Like complete disregard. I know it’s fake. We know it’s fake. Adler knows it’s fake—but to Bell, it felt real. That’s the crazy part. All of this—this whole sequence feels real to Bell so each time they die they actually feel it. It’s insane. It’s cruel.
But we all know that Adler isn’t known for his kindness. Still like his character though, he’s layered.
I don’t have the exact quote he said, didn’t wrote it down like the others. I was shook he said it at all.
Moving on to the final details I’m going to talk about.
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When you go through the room, I believe this comes out for both rebellious and dutiful, really depends. You see it filled with post it notes, articles, plans, and newspapers. And you see once more just how Bell has been scarred.
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I don’t know Russian or German, but I imagine the notes are similar to what the English one’s say. If I’m wrong, please point it out.
There’s also post it notes which I believe is in code as well due to all the numbers—I’m not sure what those could mean since I am no decoding expert.
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Poor poor Bell. And with all these pictures and plans—of Adler included—it begs the question that Bell may have been warned about the famous America’s Monster beforehand. Had to have—since Adler is basically Perseus’s adversary due to how stubborn the American man could be. It just adds more to the story, despite Cold War having quite a short campaign, they made it up somewhat with all these details everywhere.
When you finally and actually reach the room.
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As you grow closer to the table, to your chair in the conference room while everyone else seems to have their own spots, there’s something I noticed.
There’s glasses. As well as a hat. And it’s Bell’s. Or at least, it used to be. Why else is it on their side of the table? By their chair? I believe it might be reading glasses due to all the decryptions Bell does, whether on paper or through a computer, it’s hard on the eyes. (I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed this. For look at @second-vtoroy ‘s Bell)
I believe through the brainwashing, Bell might not need glasses anymore. After all, apparently they were a smoker like Adler before too but they took that out of you. What else they changed of Bell? It makes one wonder how far they truly went into molding a person.
Which just adds onto how mind boggling this mission is—this game is. This is my favorite COD game, despite how short it is. The details and choices and interactions with everyone and able to create your own character(albeit it’s very standard and not specific but it’s good enough for me) is AMAZING. I’ve always been a sucker for RPG’s and able to get that even a little in a COD game? Truly wonderful.
I couldn’t touch on everything because it would’ve gotten long, but the fun of the Break on Through mission never gets old. It’s genius multiple ways you can do it. All the details. The feelings you feel as a player as you go through it.
They truly did a unique job with this and I hope they continue with this type of game storytelling. Hopefully longer as well.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this rant basically!
Gifs made by me and used the video down below to help.
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dorkydiaz · 3 years
on a wednesday chapter 2/2: begin again [chapter 1] [2k words | fluff | some feelings] {AO3} @buddieversion Red Prompt: Begin Again- first date @buddiebingo square: Maddie Buckley
a/n: I really said I am going to take canon things and put them in a blender for this au, which was fun! But don't ask about the timeline- I actually have no idea. somehow this chapter ended up being twice as long as the first one so *shrugs* I do not own these characters they belong to 9-1-1 and Fox likes and reblogs appreciated Enjoy ❤
“So I heard that you have a date with ‘Hot Guy’”, Maddie says sipping her complementary latte as Buck wiped down the counter, baseball hat thrown on to cover his mussed curls,
“He has a name Maddie.” Buck sighs, trying to avoid the implied question, “I knew you dating Chim was gonna end great for me,”
“Hey I have seen Hot Guy, and” Hen whistles,
“Guys please, it’s one date. He probably only felt obligated to after I watched Christopher for him,” Buck bites his lip,
“Wait who is Christopher?” Hen asks,
“His 2 year old son. Listen, I don’t even know if we get a long that great, okay? I have barely said two words to him and I made a fool of myself both times.” Buck replied sagging against the counter.
“I’m sure it wasn't that bad.”
“I told him about my last first date,” both Maddie and Hen deflate a little, “And I asked him how he knew my name even though-”
“You wear a name tag.” Hen finishes,
“Evan, you have been texting him for a week,” Buck perks up and looks indignant, “Don’t play coy with me, you have been anxiously checking your phone, and you smile every time you get a text. This is the exact behaviour that you chided me and Chim for not 3 months ago.”
“That was different!” Buck whisper shouts,
“Okay, fine.” She doesn’t sound convinced (and she shouldn’t be),  ”But promise me that you will actually schedule a date,” Maddie says reaching over the counter to squeeze his arm, “I gotta run to work, have a good shift guys!”
“Bye Mads,” they both shout after her, and then look over the shop that is otherwise empty,
“Another riveting tuesday afternoon,” Buck says twirling his cloth around,
“So you said Hot Guy has a name?” Hen asks facing away from the door, Buck staring at her, mouth open a little,
“Eddie,” Buck says breathlessly
“Hot Guy huh?” Eddie says from behind her, smiling brightly,
“Was not supposed to ever find out about that Henrietta,” Buck continues barely looking at Eddie out of sheer embarrassment.
“You had a nickname for me? And it was and I quote ‘Hot Guy’” Eddie continues smile somehow getting brighter,
“Well Eddie, I’m Hen.” she introduces herself after it is clear that Buck still needs a moment,
“Should I expect a if you hurt him speech from you?”
“No that would be his other older sister.”
“You’re my older sister now Hen?”
“Have been since you walked in here on bambi legs and with wide eyes Buckaroo”
“Thought your name was Buck?” Eddie asks his tone playful,
“Well no, my name is Evan. But only under very certain circumstances do people get to call me that.” Buck smirks, “Anyway, what can I get for you? It’s on the house.” he barely notices Hen slipping into the back,
“Just my usual,”
“I have uh no idea what that is.”
“You have a nickname for me but have never made me my signature black coffee?”
“You are always here before me!” Buck protests starting the machine,
“I’m just kidding, just make me something you think I might like,”
“No dissertation to work on today?”
“Nope, you said Tuesday afternoons were usually q-”
“Don’t even-” Buck whips around, almost spilling the milk brandishing it like a weapon,
“So I wanted to stop by and actually talk to you.”
“Isn't that what our date is for?”
“The house was also too quiet. Chris is with my Abuela today. I have a meeting with some students later so I’m just killing time.”
Buck sets the mug down in front of Eddie, “This is my specialty. Try it.”
“Your specialty is a latte?” Eddie asks playfully,
“No, sort of, just try it.”
Buck watches as the flavors hit Eddie, the gentle bit of cocoa powder and then the heat of the cayenne pepper all finally balancing out with the milk.
“So do you like it?”
“No wonder it’s your signature. Thank you.” Eddie says ducking his head with a small smile,
Buck is thinking of something to say next when Eddie’s phone rings, he furrows his brow but answers, and Buck returns to cleaning up from making the latte.
“Buck, I’m really sorry, but I gotta go.” Buck whips around at the edge in Eddie’s voice, “I gotta go to the hospital.”
“Hen!” Buck calls without a second thought, whisking his apron off and coming around the counter, “Eddie, take a deep breath. Can you look at me? There you go. Which hospital?”
“Uh, Cedar Sinai?”
“Okay, that’s just a couple blocks from here, and I know someone there. I’ll come with you.”
“Buck?” Hen asks,
“Hey Hen, someone is in the hospital. I don’t know that any details beyond that were retained so I’m gonna head over there with Eddie. Also say hi to Maddie. I should be back soon.”
And they are out the door.
“Evan?” Maddie said as they stepped into the ER waiting area, “Are you all right?”
“Fine Maddie, not a scratch on me.” Buck grins, “Eddie?”
“Uh yeah, Edmundo Diaz, I was called?”
“Let me see what I can find.” Maddie replied, throwing questioning eyes at Buck who silently told her he would explain later, “Looks like Isabel Diaz was admitted for a fall about 20 minutes ago. You can head up to the 2nd floor.”
Something in Eddie relaxes a bit before he turns to walk to the elevators
“Thanks Mads!” Buck says blowing a kiss as he jogs to catch up with Eddie.
They arrive on the second floor and Buck hangs back watching as Eddie speaks to an older woman, after swooping Christopher up in his arms from the small table scattered with toys in the center of the waiting area. A look passes over Eddie’s face as he checks his watch, and then his eyes fall on Buck. “Hey, I have my meeting in like 45 minutes, Pepa needs to stay here with my Abuela, and Chris can’t really be either place,” he runs his fingers through his hair and the harried look returns,
“Eddie, I’ll take him for the afternoon. I am sure Bobby wouldn’t mind. Others bring their kids occasionally. It’s really no biggie, he’ll just put me on clean-up or something.” Buck replies. Buck and Christopher have a wonderful afternoon together, looking at more paintings and reorganizing the small bookshelf in the corner of the shop. Chris charms Hen and Bobby in 5 minutes flat. Bobby is reading one of the few children’s books from the shelf when Eddie returns.
“Buck?” Eddie questions searching the shop,
“Eddie?” Bobby asks as Chris shouts “Dadaa”, “I am guessing you are his dad then. Bobby Nash,”
Eddie relaxes for what feels like the millionth time today and holds out his hand and shakes Bobby’s hand, and smiles,
“Thank you. Really it means so much that you allowed Chris to spend the afternoon here.” he says as he takes Chris back into his arms.
“Hey, Buck said you and Chris are important to him.” Bobby said as if that was an answer. And then Eddie realized it was. The little coffee shop he had chosen at random from the list on google maps a few weeks ago had turned into something so much bigger than that. He had found his pocket of people in the most random of places. But he was happy.
A week later and nearly twice as many texts exchanged between the two in the same span of time, found them on their first date. Finally. After much deliberation on both their parts and convincing from Buck’s, they ended up at the zoo on a Wednesday afternoon.
Chris happily being passed between them, looking at and petting all the animals he could.
As they spent time at the giraffe enclosure, Chris giggling at the feeling of the animal’s tongue against his small hand filled with food held in Eddie’s,
“Would you three like your picture taken with Sofie?” a zoo keeper asks as she passes by them,
“Yeah! Absolutely!” Buck replies already handing over his phone.
They go through the business of taking several pictures, some with silly faces, until Chris is satisfied.
The zoo keeper, Blair her name tag reads, hands Buck his phone back while Eddie and Chris immediately become reocupied in petting Sofie,
“You two have an adorable son.” She says with a smile, and Buck gulps, it’s their first date. How the hell was he supposed to respond to that? Before he thinks of anything else or tries an overly long convoluted explanation, he just settles on, “Thank you.” before she’s too far away to hear anything at all.
A bit later while Chris is thoroughly engrossed in the lemurs from his stroller Eddie clears his throat with a distant look in his eye,
“I know this is probably not what you imagined when you thought of dating. The zoo with a 2 year old.” Eddie said his eyes trained on one of the lemurs,
“Let me just. I thought after Shannon left that it would just be me and Chris ya know? Us against the world. And then I walked into this cute little coffee shop and saw this guy. With the most gorgeous blue eyes and curls of blond hair and I thought to myself for a split second that I could have him. For that split second before all the voices came back, I could have you and it was perfect. And then immediately felt guilty, because that meant I would have to lie about Chris, about my life. Lie about me. About my ex-wife and my trauma. And that doesn’t even touch the sexuality aspect. But you have seen all that, and you’re still standing here with me, on what has to be the strangest first date in history-”
“Did you forget that on my last first date, I ended up getting a emergency tracheotomy on the restaurant floor. Eddie I, I had to tell myself that you were just Hot Guy for weeks, that there was no way you were going to talk to me or even know my name. And then when we were texting I had to keep denying myself that it was barely ever just a crush. There has just always been something about you, and that day with Chris, it didn’t even phase me. So you had a kid! And there is no universe in which I don’t see you two for what you are- a package deal. Because I don’t think there is a universe in which we don’t end up here. Well maybe not here , at the zoo, but I think we would have always made it to a first date. Chris just pressed the fast forward button… And took the remote control and sent us here-”
“That’s precisely my point Buck. My life is such a mess that we are here! With a 2 year old, when I promised you a not too fancy dinner.”
“Eh, we will have the chance to have all different kinds of dinners.” Buck replied grabbing Eddie’s hand and leaning into him, “look at me,” Buck moved in front of Eddie finally catching his eyes, wiping a thumb across eddie’s cheek bone, “I know this might sound ridiculous and there should be no way that I know this so soon, but Eddie- you and Chris, you two are what I have been wandering around looking for. You make my life feel like some sort of wild outlandish rom-com. One of those cheesy Hallmark ones.”
“Really?” Eddie swallows, “It’s been like two weeks?”
“Best weeks of my life.” Buck says unwavering,
“Are you sure?”
“If I kiss you would you believe me?” Buck smiles,
“I don’t know. You’ll just have to try and find out.” Eddie replies a twinkle in his eye.
Buck tilts Eddie’s chin up the ever so slight amount so their mouths can meet, and it’s soft and chaste. Because there are countless kisses in the future, some at the zoo, but most not. Some with Chris in the stroller next to them, but most not. And they wouldn’t have it any other way.
endnote: some background that did not make it into this fic but i thought too much about; Eddie is a sociology grad student TAing a class on sexualities (this week was on sexual deviance- so not entirely appropriate for a 2 year old) (also this hypothetical class is based on a real one offered at my school) the sexuality comment from eddie is in reference to him being somewhere on the ace spectrum- it's intricate and is a whole lot of projecting but i wont get into the intricacies of that here and it something that i may write about in a future fic. anyway, one of the giraffes at the LA Zoo is in fact named Sofie, i did research for this lads. thanks for reading :)
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shycoconutt · 3 years
I Found My Light (Kakashi x Reader)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
A/n: Sound the alarms! It’s my first ever writing post! I’ve had this written for a while tbh, and I feel like I’m ready to start getting into this.
Summary: A late-night walk turns into a rekindled friendship.
Word Count: 2300
Warnings: fem!reader, SFW (but might not be later lol)
You opened your eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight. Staring at the white ceiling, you sighed. Sleep seemed to evade you recently, a side effect of the recent dreariness of your life. You found yourself living the same days over and over again. Because of this, the line between day and night started to fade.
The moon was full tonight, you noticed as it shined brightly through your open window. It was the perfect temperature out, warm but chilly enough to feel comfortable wrapped in your blankets. You love listening to the occasional sounds that occurred outside, the noise of leaves rustling in the wind being your favorite.
Your gaze left the moon and landed back on your ceiling. Why is something as simple as sleeping so hard? Gods, all you wanted was an escape. With a huff, you pushed the covers off of you and sat up from your lying position. Trying to force yourself to sleep would do more harm than good right now.
You make your way to your dresser and pull out your favorite pair of black joggers. You love them because they are tight on your ankles, loose on your legs, and have a cinched band at the waist. They are perfect for any lazy day. You slip them on over your underwear, you never go to bed with pants on, and exchange your sleep shirt for a cropped black hoodie made from the same soft, elastic material as your pants.
You turn to face your large standing mirror in the corner of the room to assess your appearance. The all-black look was your favorite, especially since it will help you blend into the night. Your hair was a mess, so you decided to put it up in a loose bun on the top of your head and pull out some strands to frame your face. It felt good to not look so polished and put together. Your jonin uniform was not the most comfortable piece of clothing, especially with the way it hit your figure.
You walked out of your bedroom and across the kitchen to the front door of your apartment. One foot after the other, you slide into your sandals and grab the key to your apartment hanging on the hook next to you. With that, you leave your apartment and head out into the night.
You walked the streets of Konoha at a gingerly pace. It was probably around 3 a.m. at this point, and there wasn’t a single soul on the street with you. You make your way past the line of shops on the main street, including your favorite bakery where you'd treat yourself to a lemon square after coming back from a long mission. You thought about that lemon square a lot when you were out risking your life, embarrassingly enough.
A couple of turns later and you found yourself heading towards your favorite place in all of Konoha, a little area of woods towards the perimeter that contained this amazing koi pond. Although it was nighttime and the fish wouldn’t be as active, you still want to check to see if you can watch any. To your surprise, your favorite koi, who you nicknamed “Nishi'', was out and swimming around by himself. You sit criss-cross in the grass and watch as he glides through the calm water, almost putting you in trance. Nishi didn’t look or act like the others; He was black with white, almost silver-looking spots and he was less frantic in nature. You sway from side to side as you watch him, thinking to yourself about how you would like to be more like Nishi.
“You look cute watching the koi.” You heard a soft, yet unwavering voice declare behind you.
“Holy sh-” You almost jump out of your pants at the unexpected presence. Surprised, you quickly turn your head around to see who’s voice that could possibly be. To your disbelief, there lies a figure perched up by a tree a couple yards away from you. Their feet were crossed, legs extended, one hand in the pocket of their pants, the other holding up what looks like a copy of Icha-Icha, head turned towards you, and wild hair moving with each passing breeze. How did I not notice him?
“Oh I’m sorry (y/n), I didn’t mean to startle you. I figured you knew I was here because you walked right past me.” He brought his hand up to scratch the back of his head and let out a small chuckle. “Guess I should have made my presence known right away.”
Still in disbelief, you get up and slowly make your way towards the figure, stepping into the shadow of the tree to see him more clearly. As you approached you immediately recognized the silver-haired jonin.
“Kakashi?” You say confused. “What are you doing out here? It’s late.”
“I could ask you the same thing.” He states, closing his book and setting it down next to him on the grass. He looked different. He looked… quite hot actually. The jonin uniform you usually saw him in was traded for a pair of comfortable-looking grey sweatpants and a tight, black tank top that connected to his mask. He wasn’t wearing his headband either, just keeping his left sharingan eye shut in a permanent wink. As you observed him, you couldn’t help but notice that he was doing the same to you.
“I suppose you're right.” You smirk and let out a small chuckle. “I couldn’t sleep so I figured that if I was up I should take a walk around the village to clear my head. This is my favorite spot, so I guess I just naturally ended up here.” You exclaimed, still standing in front of him.
“It looks like you and I are having the same issue,” he states plainly, “I came out here a little while ago after tossing in my bed for an hour. I hate trying to force myself to sleep; It’s a battle I never seem to win.” His eyes averted your gaze and moved to his now empty hands in his lap. You couldn’t help but notice a hint of pain in his voice and it tugged at your heartstrings.
You know about the things Kakashi has been through, as it was pretty common knowledge to all jonin in your mutual age group. You were pretty close with his friends, Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma, but Kakashi always seemed to keep everyone at an arm’s length. He also was an Anbu for ten years, which didn’t help the disconnect either. Fortunately, he was relieved from his Anbu position a couple weeks ago, and gradually you have been seeing him a bit more here and there. Though, this is the first time you are able to have a conversation with him in what seems like forever.
“Well,” you sighed, “I guess we have lost the battle together. We must be pretty shitty jonin.” You stated flatly.
Kakashi squinted his eyes and you both laughed. You couldn’t help but take a mental picture of his face at this moment. You really enjoy seeing him happy, as it makes you happy too.
You can’t kid yourself, having a chance to talk with Kakashi alone feels like such a treat. Little genin (y/n) would be ecstatic right now. Of course you had a crush on him back then, who didn’t?
“You’ve always had a natural talent for connecting with people,” Kakashi mused, “I haven’t talked to you since we were teenagers, and here I am laughing with you like we’re long-time friends.”
You could feel your eyebrows furrow at that statement. Yeah sure, you weren’t at his apartment every week for Sunday brunch, but you did have a history.
“Kakashi,” you started, “You are my long-time friend. Just because we drifted apart doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. To be honest, I was relieved when I found out you were no longer going to be a member of the Anbu. It wasn’t good for you.” You stepped closer and sat down next to him, leaning back on the tree stump. The grass felt cool under you, sending a small shiver up your body.
“I suppose you’re right,” Kakashi stated, quoting your words from earlier. “It amazes me that none of you gave up on me. I feel like I am undeserving of everyone’s effort.” You were baffled by his honesty; Kakashi wasn’t known to be much of an open book. It upsets you so much that he feels this way as you couldn’t imagine not caring about him or any of your other comrades in the village. The faces of your closest friends flashed through your mind and you grimaced at the thought of losing them.
Not knowing if you should, you felt compelled to reach over and hold Kakashi’s hand in yours. It's cold compared to the warmth spreading from your fingertips. Hmm, I wonder how long he has been out here. Giving his hand a small squeeze, you look at him in his onyx eye. “Trust me, Kakashi. You are deserving. You are deserving of a great life and people who care about you. I know the world may seem dark, but I promise that a light is always glowing. No matter how small or dim, it’s there.”
You stare at each other in silence for a moment before he changes the position of his hand and intertwines his fingers in yours. The change was small, but it ignites a feeling in your stomach you couldn’t describe. Slowly, you felt your cheeks flush and you turned your face to look towards the sky in hopes he wouldn’t notice. You knew this action was him telling you that he accepts your words, and thanks you for them.
You spent the next hour sitting under the tree together, you looking up at the stars and him looking at you. Your intertwined hands fell between your bodies, resting on the cool grass. You felt him start to graze the back of your hand with his thumb, sending a tingling sensation up your arm. It felt so good to be touched by him, even in such an innocent manner.
A strong breeze ran through the air and hit you suddenly. You began to shiver at the quick change in temperature, realizing that you should have dressed warmer if you were going to be out this long. Yet, you couldn’t have anticipated the situation you are currently in.
“Are you cold?” Kakashi questioned with a hint of concern.
“Yeah a little bit,” you answered honestly, “but I don’t want to go back home. I’m not really tired yet.” Truthfully, you didn’t want this little moment of shared bliss to end. You started to feel like you found your escape, and you refused to be torn away from it so soon.
“Neither do I,” he confessed, “Come here.” He released his hand from yours and slid his position higher up on the side of the tree. He then spread his legs and patted the ground in between, inviting you to sit.
You felt your face get hot again, as the position he was offering you was a very intimate gesture. There was absolutely no way you could refuse his offer. One, because you were freezing and, two, young (y/n) would never forgive you.
You got up and sat down carefully between his thighs, leaning until your back met his chest. He then wrapped both of his arms around you, one around your shoulders and the other around your waist with his hand resting on your stomach. The outsides of your legs met the insides of his and you felt an immediate warmth there. Lastly, your head tilted back and rested upon his left shoulder, with his face nuzzled against your temple. You both fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, no part of you feeling any discomfort against his strong body. Engulfed in his smell and warmth, for the first time in a while you felt completely relaxed.
“Thank you, Kakashi.” You looked up at him with a warm smile.
“Anytime.” He breathed, voice muffled by your hair. You wondered if he truly meant that. I mean, after all, this is the first time you have interacted in a while. Yet, the connection you felt towards him was unquestionable.
Does he feel the way I feel?
“Hey,” you began, “are you tired at all?”
He flexed his arms and held you closer to his chest. “Not really,” he answered, “I’m enjoying this moment too much to be tired.” You smiled, and there was a pause.
“Isn’t this odd?” you questioned again.
“What? You and I snuggled under a tree in a random corner of the village alone at 4 a.m. after we haven’t interacted with each other in years?” he questioned sarcastically, “Not at all.”
“Kakashi!,” you laughed, gently nudging your elbow into his ribs as he laughed along with you.
“Yeah it’s a little odd,” he answered honestly, “but I’m not going to question it. I found my light, and now I’m enjoying it.” He nuzzled his face into your hair and breathed deeply.
Completely and utterly relaxed, you let yourself succumb to the heaviness of your eyelids. Truthfully, this has felt like the longest day in the world and you are happy to end it this way. The sound of Kakashi’s breathing and the rise and fall of his chest acted as your personal sleep machine. It’s priceless.
Before you completely drift off, you swear you could feel the soft, pillowiness of Kakashi’s lips graze the skin of your temple, a soft hum escaping from them.
“Goodnight, (y/n)”
Queue Hilary Duff’s “What Dreams Are Made Of”. This kind of feels like the beginning of something. Should I continue? Idk if my writing is even good. If you read this, PLEASE let me know if you have any feedback. Again, this is my first story and I would greatly appreciate any feedback, advice, suggestions, etc.! I can’t believe I’m uploading, ah! - Klara
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justalads · 3 years
c!niki and c!wilbur enjoyers. pspspspspspsps
alright guys so last night i rewatched pretty much all of the pogtopia arc. and this isn’t meant to be a big, important analysis post (it’s kind of incomprehensible), because my brain is fried from, you know. rewatching pretty much all of pogtopia. but i do have some stuff i’d like to say.
(this also just became a niki meta sorry i love her. i really just got emo about her during the second half of this and it got long. i have a lot of feelings about her and wilbur’s friendship.)
it’s a pretty general conclusion that wilbur’s real “downfall” began on october 8th, during the stream “who are you go away”. of course, his spiral and the process of him losing faith had begun much earlier, more around the end of the first war or during the election. but the big switch, so to say, was definitely here, when as wilbur walks back from schlatt’s announcement, he asks tommy if they’re the bad guys.
this entire scene was so interesting to me. wilbur here is a man who has lost hope, someone who is backed into a corner morally and has nothing left. he points out that they can never really reclaim l’manburg without forever tainting it, and that schlatt knows this. the entire half an hour or so before, schlatt has been taunting wilbur about losing that power. the emphasis of the festival on “democracy” is so clearly a barb thrown at wilbur, and it works.
wilbur’s “nothing left to lose” in this vod is a mirror to niki’s “you know what they say about a woman who has nothing left to lose”. this will not be the first time they mirror each other.
basically, wilbur’s angry. when schlatt announced the festival, wilbur realized that maybe it wasn’t a terrible thing. so once he worked around into the mindset of “we’re the bad guys”, he was able to justify saying he was going to blow up the nation with no remorse. he wants chaos! he wants no survivors!
does he do it? god no.
during the streams leading up to november 16th, wilbur is consistently scared. he goes back and forth on it, and makes multiple “conditions” that determine whether he’s going to do it or not, almost begging someone to stop him. he whispers to himself that he’s scared, that his hands are shaking, that he’s not sure if it’s the right thing to do. because despite what he says about “not caring about any of them”, the instant niki is threatened after tubbo’s death, wilbur walks up to schlatt and tells him that if he’s going to kill anyone it should be him. later, when quackity and tommy talk him down from pressing the button, he can’t press it because they’re there and he can’t bring himself to kill them as well.
but he has no problems with putting his own life at risk. he refuses to wear armor half the time, and actively places himself in harm’s way to save others. he still cares about everyone else, as much as he says he doesn’t. even when he does cause harm to others, during november 16th, he immediately begs phil to kill him. “look, they all want you to.” he can’t live with what he’s done, and how he’s hurt people, but he couldn’t allow manburg to continue.
the man is terrified and angry and he can’t win. and even as he tries to stuff himself into the mind of someone who doesn’t care, he cannot. when he finally does, he cannot live with being that person.
but the reason i rewatched this arc was to see niki’s point of view, especially after her statements during her last stream. i genuinely think that wilbur’s only betrayal of her was pressing the button, because he betrayed everyone. they might have known he was going to do it, but they had faith he wouldn’t.
wilbur cared a lot about niki. her life under schlatt was awful, wilbur hated that she was suffering, and the scene where wilbur plants himself directly in the center of the festival and tells schlatt to kill him instead hits pretty hard. he has the argument with schlatt, and then turns to niki and tells her to run. he then hits people and sprints away, trying to give her time to escape.
this is also when he asks her to join pogtopia, because now that schlatt has said he’d kill her, it’s a safer place for her.
so the man did care about her. niki is angry at the memory of him that she has. it’s been twisted by time and her own grief and paranoia.
in rewatching pogtopia, i realized that a lot of people hate the memory of wilbur. not him, and what he did. they think he didn’t care. and to quote hamilton (apologies):
“history obliteratesit paints me in all my mistakes”
does niki have a right to be mad at him? absolutely. he caused direct harm to her by blowing up l’manburg, once it was reclaimed. but she’s wrong that he never cared.
(an interesting note: wilbur only blows it up after techno starts fighting people outside. he hears it, and says “look, they’re fighting”. he didn’t re-initiate the conflict of the country. the fact that even after peace was won people were fighting just gave evidence to his belief that the entire country was corrupted.)
niki has been hurt a lot, and wilbur has things to answer for. but we as the audience know that her statements are just her perception. she is a character who acts on perceptions. the entire stream was in black and white. during doomsday, upon seeing wilbur log on (as ghostbur), niki has a panic attack and destroys her bakery, trying to rid herself of the pain of the memories. her lines during this stream are chilling, whispered repetitions that are a mirror of wilbur’s end.
(paraphrased, it was long and confusing but there are a few bits and this was the essence of it)
“wilbur is gone. this isn’t happening. he is dead. l’manburg is gone.”“it is real, i am real, he is real and he is dead.”“l’manburg is gone, i am real, i am l’manburg”.
(god. dude i could spend Months analyzing this one stream alone. there’s so much here.)
doesn’t that sound a bit like “my unfinished symphony”? wilbur and niki both attach their own self to the nation they fought for, and can see it as an extension of themself. they both destroy parts of it in acts of fear, attempting to save everyone else from what they’ve made.
what i pulled away from niki’s stream is that she’s not healing. i remember the chamber she locks herself in at night. i remember her refusal to eat. i remember how she was so angry at tommy, and she later realized that anger was misguided. niki genuinely believes that wilbur did not care about her, and that’s not surprising: when he died, she denied the fact that he was gone. she represses the things that she can’t handle, same as lots of other people. it is easier for her to pin her hurt on wilbur, because she needs somewhere to pin it. people feel more in control if they’re angry, not sad.
the song cc!niki said was for her character really emphasizes this. it’s a coping mechanism.
but even condemning wilbur won’t help, because she will still never get closure. niki cares about what others think of her, and so she can’t move on from someone hurting her. she can’t move on because she thinks he hated her. she is angry that he is back, but it is an opportunity for her to heal. she couldn’t heal when he was gone. she’s not the only one with a negative perception of wilbur, after all. he has one too. the two of them really need to talk.
i want niki to be healthy and safe. i want to see her heal so badly, and i do think it will happen. after wilbur died, his betrayal of her stayed with her, and it eventually became her memory of the betrayal that she hated, not the thing itself. it’s been months since it happened. niki wants to find an outlet for her hurt, because she wants to feel better. there’s a pattern i noticed: she only gets mad at people once she hasn’t seen the person themself for a while. and once she sees them and talks to them, and realizes that they care about her and don’t want to hurt her, she stops blaming them for it. she only hates her perception of them. example one? tommy.
man was in exile for a long time, and when he came back he “brought” fighting. that’s how niki saw it. but the fact that after she spent time with tommy (trying to kill him but. details, details) she forgave him because she saw it wasn’t his fault is a really good sign.
i genuinely think that speaking to wilbur will help niki, and it will also help wilbur. after all, they both hate wilbur. the entire perception of wilbur as some heartless, crazy manipulator needs to be shattered for both of their sakes. they both buy into it.
i want niki to know that others care about her, and that she has places she can feel safe. she hates that wilbur is invading the syndicate, because she’s scared of his memory hurting her. i don’t think wilbur will hurt her on purpose, because even though he sees himself as awful, he doesn’t hate her. he never did. usually, with people who have hurt someone else, i want them as far away from the person they hurt as possible. if wilbur does hurt niki i’ll probably cry. but again, it’s not him that hated her, or really him that hurt her in the way she thinks he did. when wilbur was dead, niki didn’t get any better. her memory of him festered and made her feel worse. that’s also why niki killing wilbur or hurting him somehow wouldn’t help her heal. i want wilbur to explain that he didn’t hate her. is wilbur even close to self aware enough to help niki? nah. this is going to take a Long time, and it’s going to hurt.
last thing i swear lol
during niki’s stream, she says that wilbur manipulated her. again, i watched pogtopia last night, and i’ve watched the rest of season one recently as well. i genuinely don’t see it. but i do think i know why she said it.
during season one, wilbur doesn’t manipulate niki. he doesn’t have a chance to later, he’s dead. so then, what is she talking about? of course it’s a perception, same as a lot of her other claims. i think she’s talking about how she cared for l’manburg.
niki joined the server as wilbur’s friend, to join his nation. she grew to care for l’manburg. she devoted herself to it, same as he did. but doomsday showed us that she hates that. in niki’s eyes, l’manburg only brought pain for people, and because she ties herself to it, she hates that she ever cared about it. she can’t allow herself to care for it, because it was used to hurt. so how does she cope with knowing that she once did? she pretends she didn’t.
if she can convince herself that it was wilbur who convinced her to care about l’manburg, she can avoid blaming herself for her own pain. and yeah, she shouldn’t blame herself for it. it’s not her fault. the entire situation is tragic and a little hopeless and once again really makes me hope that she recovers. l’manburg was ruined for her by others. schlatt, techno, dream, wilbur. again another place where she and wilbur are similar: they convince themselves they never cared about l’manburg because of the hurt it caused.
to summarize: wilbur’s going to get a shock soon. don’t know when, but probably the prison visit. something is going to shake his perception, the story is hurtling towards that. once he is able to take responsibility for what he did, and feel safe (because a lot of what he does now is out of fear of being alone or useless), then he and niki need to talk. niki needs something to get her out of her own head. she’s spiraling too. they are essential to each other’s recovery because of how much they meant (and mean) to each other.
anyways i miss early season one niki i liked it when she was happy :(
~ Lad 2
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 3
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 3497 (oops 🙈)
Additional note: what you’re going to read is not realistic.
Enjoy 🙂
With his stomach in knots and a frown on his face, Ivar watches closely his godfather, who enters the living-room, wheeling a large trolley case behind him.
"Hello, Ivar." Floki looks around, an eyebrow raised questioningly, "Lagertha isn't here?", before flopping down on the corner sofa.
"No," Ivar shakes his head, wheeling up next to him, "She's out on a date with this English guy... Hammond, Halmund or whatever his name is."
Scratching his ear, Floki tilts his head, "but she knows you're going, right?" He pulls the trolley case closer and then snorts, mumbling under his breath, "don't think I can't see you rolling your eyes!"
"What do you think? Of course, she knows. She said, and I quote," Ivar raises his hands to make air quotes, his voice tinged with obvious annoyance, "'Of course you can go, sweetie, you know I don't want to be the one holding you back. Call me if anything goes wrong. And don't forget to take your meds.'"
"She cares, Ivar." Floki's tone is soft as he places a hand on his godson's shoulder.
Ivar lowers his gaze. "You should have taken me in." His words are barely audible and suddenly he feels like he's eleven again and he has to swallow against the sudden dryness in his throat.
"You do know that back then I wasn't in a good place." Floki's sad sigh almost gets Ivar in tears as memories of his parents and Helga flood his mind. The pain in his heart becomes nearly unbearable but he fights it off with all his might. He never wants to feel broken and lost again.
Ivar lifts his head up and Floki can see the stubbornness in his eyes. "I could live with you now."
"No, you could not, and you know it!" Floki smiles and taps Ivar on the cheek. "Ivar, I live between two flights, today in Norway, yesterday in Iceland and after-tomorrow in Canada. What kind of life would this be for you, huh? And besides, living with Lagertha is not that bad."
But living with Sigurd is! Ivar wants to shout. He keeps quiet, though, shrugging before eventually mumbling. "Guess not..."
"So," Floki starts, eager to change the subject, "where are your brothers, by the way?"
"Where do you think they are, huh, you knock-kneed fool? They're already there." Ivar glances at his watch, furrowing his brow. "Harald's party started twenty minutes ago."
"We better hurry up, then!" Crouching down, Floki slowly opens the suitcase under Ivar's scrutinizing gaze.
"Quick!" Ivar commands, barely able to contain his impatience, his nervous fingers tapping his push rims. "What do you have for me, old man, huh?" He even contemplates climbing out of his chair to open it himself, but the fear of breaking a bone at the worst possible time is stronger than his eagerness.
"You're going to calm down, young Padawan." Floki quips, slowly moving his hand in front of Ivar with eyes full of mischief. Ivar immediately slaps his godfather's hand away, mumbling under his breath, "I'd rather be a Sith Lord." That earns him a loud, hysterical laugh from his godfather.
Ivar grunts, ready to protest, but all thoughts leave his mind as soon as he's able to see what is in the trolley case. The scowl on his face obvious, he doesn't even try to hide his disappointment as he utters, "you made me braces?"
He hates braces with a passion. Along with underarm crutches, he had some, as a child. They were bulky, stiff, painful and walking with them was tedious, agonizingly slow, and exhausting. Ragnar had been adamant that he wanted his youngest to walk, no matter the struggles, no matter the nearly unbearable pain. Ivar had settled his ass in a wheelchair the day of his father's funeral, getting rid of his braces shortly after, a decision he had never regretted. So no, such torture devices were not at all what he was hoping for.
"Have a little faith in me," Floki rolls his eyes. "These," he looks lovingly at the strange contraptions in his hands, "are not braces, Ivar. Have you and your crippled ass ever heard of exoskeleton?"
Ivar's eyes widen. "It's that thing used in rehab that allows paraplegics to walk, right?" As Floki nods, Ivar gives him a puzzled glance. "But, erm, you do know I don't have a spinal cord injury, don't you? Or are you suffering from memory loss? Maybe it's your age?"
Dismissing the remark with an exasperated wave of his hand, Floki hisses, "I'm well aware that you don't, godson dearest," before narrowing his eyes, his voice now serious, "you may have full sensation in both legs, yet they can't exactly support your weight and your lack of motor function can't be denied. Not really different from some paraplegic dudes, what do you think?"
Feeling a heavy lump in his throat, Ivar frowns, not pleased with the idea of him being like a paraplegic. Almost without thinking, he contracts his quads as best he can, as if he wants to make sure he's still able to do it.
Floki doesn't miss the barely-there movements in his thighs, though, and his voice softens. "Look Ivar, you're not a paraplegic, okay? But I used the exoskeleton technology. And since you're not paralyzed, I was able to make a smaller device that you can wear underneath your clothes, and you're going to walk. I mean, really walk, not just like those guys in rehab, between parallels bars and with a PT right behind them."
Ivar, his eyes bright, stares at his godfather, slack-jawed with amazement. "I'm..." He begins to sputter, voice filled with emotion, "I'm really going to walk?" Feeling like his heart is pounding out of his chest, he fails to contain his excitement, drumming the fingers of his right hand on his lap. He'd tap his feet if only he could.
"You are." Floki nods before taking out of the trolley case a pair of dress shoes. "I put dozens of sensors in the insole of these shoes, which will enable the exoskeleton to correct your stance practically every second. Therefore, you won't need crutches, although I would say it's safer for you to use this." Reaching down, he grabs a black derby-style cane, simple and sleek in design. "You know," he shrugs, "just for extra support. Better safe than sorry, hmh?"
Ivar, who doesn't even flinch when he sees the walking stick, just reaches out, his hand grazing the carbon fiber exoskeleton. "Is it really for me?" His eyes filled with wonder, his voice trembling, his lips stretch across his face as his godfather nods. "And you made this in what?... four, five days?"
Letting out his signature giggle, Floki waggles his fingers in front of his face. "Even I couldn't make this in such a short time. No, the truth is, I've been working on it for a while. Let's say your phone call just sped things up. Though I must say, this marvel of technology is not flawless... It has a really low battery life, like four hours of autonomy at best. If I had more time, I certainly could have done better, but for now, it is what it is and you'll have to make do with what you've got." Pursing his lips, he glances at his watch, "So, just so you know, if you put this on now, you'll have to come back around midnight if you don't want to have to crawl around. And if you hear a beep, you'd better hurry, okay?"
As Ivar just nods, his beaming smile never fading, Floki adds, tilting his head, "and now, go get ready, young Padawan, you have a party to attend!"
Sitting on a bench at the seaside, Ivar watches the party from afar, a feeling of uneasiness tightening his chest. It was a mistake. Attending to this party was a mistake. Despite the exoskeleton, despite the fact that he walks almost normally, it was a mistake. He shouldn't have come. He shouldn't be here. Anxiety surges like the swell of a wave, and he struggles to breathe. Sigurd was right: he doesn't belong here, doesn't belong to this life.
A part of him wants to leave. It would be better to run away, to go hide in his room. But he won't. He can't. Because just a moment ago he saw you. Because he's not ready to give up on you now that he is here, eventually close to you.
He recognized you the moment his eyes fell on you. Looking radiant in a polka dot dress, you're as pretty as he remembers. Pretty? Who's he kidding? The girl you were six years ago was pretty. You're a woman now, and one of the most beautiful he's ever seen.
Glowing, smiling at everyone, you didn't even see him. In his head, of course, he makes plans to approach you, even if deep down, he knows all too well he'll never muster enough courage to talk to you. You probably wouldn't want him to anyway. After all, he may be standing tall today, yet he's still a freak, a fucking cripple. He's still cursed with his bony, twisted, useless legs. He's still a burden.
Yet, there's this little voice inside of him, barely audible, whispering that you're not like this, that you never were in the first place; and that's partly why the ten-year-old boy he was when he first met you felt drawn to you almost instantly.
Closing his eyes, he focuses on his breathing and decides to take a little trip down memory lane, bringing him back to that sunny, summer day of his first – and only – encounter with you. His memory so vivid it's like it happened only yesterday.
He can't hear the chirping of birds as his brothers are loudly playing and bickering in the pool. His beloved mother is nowhere to be seen and he's willing to bet she's taking a nap, but not without first making sure he has everything he could possibly need. Lying on a sunbed in the shade of an oak, a glass of lemonade within reach and a thick book on his lap, he hardly notices his father coming into the backyard, Harald Hårfager following close behind.
Since Ivar knows Harald is here to talk business with his father, he pays no attention to the two men, who take their seats at the patio dining table.
He nearly falls off the sunbed when a tiny voice startles him. "Hello!"
Stunned, he turns his head towards the voice and comes face to face with a smiling girl he doesn't know. You. He'd say you're about his age.
"I'm Y/N," you tell him, waving your hand shyly. "I'm at my uncle's for the weekend," you keep going, pointing your finger at Harald, "and I was wondering... May I join you?" You finally ask, dragging a second sunbed closer to his.
His first instinct is to look around, because you can't possibly be talking to him. Why would you? Surely you can't have failed to spot his leg braces, nor his hideous orthopedic shoes. You can't have missed that he's a cripple.
Frowning as he sees that no one is around, he snorts, his nostrils flaring. He can tell you're wearing a swimsuit under your pink dress. What do you want, then? Are you here to mock and ridicule him or what?
"You better get in the pool with my brothers." He knows he sounds rude, not answering nor greeting you, but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to be made fun of and doesn't intend to give you the chance to do it.
Seemingly undeterred, you speak with a soft voice. "No, I'd rather not." Your smile is so genuine he can't help but think you mean no harm. "Actually," you shrug, sitting next to him, "I'd rather stay here with you, if you don't mind. What are you reading?"
Gobsmacked, he just looks at you – and gods, how pretty you are! – for a long time, unable to utter a single word. Are you truly interested in what he's reading? Interested in him? He swallows hard, his heart racing. A small smile dancing on your lips, your kind eyes never leave his as you wait, full of hope, for him to finally talk to you.
And that's what he ends up doing, almost in spite of himself. For the next two hours, he shows you his astronomy book, a gift from his godfather for his tenth birthday, and tells you about the stars, the constellations and the nights he spends watching the sky, when his mother allows him to. And for two hours you listen to him, asking a question here or there and always smiling. He's pretty sure you're not faking being interested in what he's saying.
All too soon, your uncle tells you it's time to go and you stand up with a scowl, letting out a sigh of regret. The next moment, you flash Ivar a grin. "I had a really great time with you, thanks! I'm going back to my mom's tomorrow but I hope we can spend time together again sometime, maybe next summer. I'd love to stargaze with you, you know?" With that, you lean forward and as your lips touch his cheek, Ivar's breath catches in his throat, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest.
Ivar inhales deeply. That kiss... That's when he fell madly and hopelessly in love with you. If he concentrates enough, he can still feel the softness of your lips against his skin, still smell your sweet, flowery scent.
That day, he had watched you leave with a smile on your face, already dreaming of the day he would see you again. You had said "next summer" and even though it was a long time away, he was willing to wait. In the meantime, he would have plenty of memories to recall - your joyful voice, your sparkling eyes, your lovely smile... Sure, he could wait.
And he had waited, hopeful and happier than he had been in a long time.
Not long after, however, his life had been turned upside down, his father being murdered and his mother dying in a car crash. Lost, angry, broken, and infinitely sad, he had gone through the following months as if anesthetized - barely living, hardly functioning, sometimes feeling as if the memory of you was the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Yet, and he doesn't know why – or perhaps simply because Ragnar being dead, Harald had no reason to visit anymore – he had never seen you again.
His whole body freezes and he stops breathing. This voice... Your voice... He'd know it anywhere. Yet, it can't be, right? Did he fall asleep? Is he dreaming? Is one of his brothers tricking him? Why would you talk to the cripple?
"My name is Y/N." He can hear the smile in your voice. "I was wondering... May I join you?"
Summoning the courage he's not sure he has, Ivar looks tentatively toward you.
Gods! You're even more beautiful up close. Fuck. Now that you're here, right next to him, he doesn't know what to say, what to do. Panic seizes his hammering heart as a lump rises in his throat. He attempts to swallow around it to speak, to say something, anything, but the words won't come out and he finally just nods, his hand gesturing to the bench for you to sit on.
"Thanks," you give him a broad smile before taking your seat.
Ivar cannot believe his eyes. What are you doing? Did you recognize him? Why are you here, with him?
"Woul–", he sputters, struggling to find his voice, "Wouldn't you rather be there?" Pointing his index finger at the crowd gathered in front of the makeshift stage just a few meters away. He frowns, tilting his head, "the party is in full swing."
"No, I'd rather not." You shrug and as you turn your head toward him, he breathes in your sweet scent, suddenly feeling dizzy. "The guys are already drunk and really have one thing on their minds. And those who are not are boring." You lower your gaze, as if embarrassed, and it's so adorable Ivar feels like his heart is melting. "I'd rather stay here with you, if you don't mind."
Oh, he doesn't. He doesn't mind at all. The truth is, there's a fucking firework inside of him, and he barely contains the screams of happiness that threaten to escape his lips. "That's okay, you can stay," he says instead, his fidgeting fingers dancing on his lap.
Over the next hour or so, the conversation flows easily as you speak about Karasjok, the small town where you live, telling him about your mother's people, the Sami, their culture and customs.
Ivar shares with you bits and pieces of his life too, speaking about his passion for the Viking culture and about his belief in the ancient gods. The night, his night, is full of your laughs, full of your smiles, full of you. He wants it to never end.
He's still trying to figure out if you know who he is, if you remember meeting him once when you rise to your feet, almost bouncing with enthusiasm. "Walk with me, will you?"
He's about to break the truth about his inability to walk when he remembers that actually, thanks to Floki, he can. His eyes never leave yours as he grabs his cane with a little bit of self-consciousness, wincing as he stands up, but he can't see disgust, contempt, or disappointment on your face and your smile doesn't falter as you delicately slip your hand under his free arm, curling your fingers back over it. Shaken by your sudden proximity, Ivar feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
"It's such a lovely night and I'm so happy spending it with you."
Your words leave him speechless as you lead him close to the water. A bunch of guys can be seen in the distance and Ivar is pretty sure his brothers are among them. He can feel their heavy stares on him and doesn't need to hear them to know what they're saying. "Who's this dude? Do we know him?" Standing tall, with his braided hair and a blue suit, he knows he doesn't look like himself. Yet, as he locks eyes with Hvitserk for a second, he'd sworn he sees a hint of recognition crossing his brother's face. And as the latter gives him a thumbs up, he knows his mind is not playing tricks with him.
"Oh, I love this song!" You clap your hands twice before shrugging shyly. "Let's dance, please!"
Ivar's heart breaks. Scared out of his wits, he swallows hard, his breathing uneven. "I... I can't." It's a painful admission, and he wishes the ground would just swallow him up.
He realizes you pay no mind to his defeated tone, though, as you grab his cane, leaning it against a nearby tree. "We'll go slow, I promise."
Almost in spite of himself, he places his hands on your hips as you wrap your arms around his neck. Gently – cautiously – swaying to the music, Ivar leans in close and, inhaling deeply your delightful scent, he feels like he's going to spontaneously combust. Your head resting on his chest, he's sure you can hear his frantic, pounding heartbeat. But he can't bring himself to care, not when you're finally exactly where he wants you to be. In his arms.
That's why he doesn't hear the first beep, or if he does, he doesn't pay any attention, entranced by your beauty, your kindness and the mesmerizing color of your eyes.
But when you stop dancing, your eyebrows raised, "What's that beeping noise? It doesn't stop," he hears it too, cold sweats washing over him as panic courses through his body.
"I... I must... I must go," he stammers, and honestly he's about to throw up. He can't think, can't speak. All he knows is that he doesn't want you seeing him crawling around. He won't allow it. He can't.
That's why he leaves. He just strolls off. He doesn't see the appalled look you're giving him, doesn’t' realize he's leaving his black cane behind, doesn't hear the despair in your tone as you shout, "wait, please! I don't even know your name!"
He has only taken a few steps when crocodile tears run down his cheeks, blurring his sight. It hurts so much he could scream, and he can barely breathe as the realization starts to sink in. Who was he trying to fool? Sigurd had been right all along. No matter the exoskeleton, no matter the genius of his godfather, he's still a freak. A monster. An abnormality.
He doesn't belong. He's not worthy.
His heart shatters in a thousand pieces.
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @adrille88
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927 @dini73
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ruvatia · 3 years
Sorry if this is a bit much with everything going on, but could I request a scenario where the Paladins + Matt & Lotor have a black s/o and they’re scared abt everything that’s happening in their country and are sad that racial injustice is happening? I’ve been rlly worried the past few days, but if this is smth too uncomfy I understand ;w; Thank you 💖💖💖
This got really long, I apologize but I turned it into half-headcanons with just the main paladins-- i apologize for not doing all the characters you’ve mentioned, but I don’t think they would fit all in a single post anyways www
On another note I hope you and every other reader take good care of their mental health; it’s important to be aware of what’s going on but it’s also important to be in the right mindspace to be able to tackle everything that’s being shared. It’s pain that’s been boiling for a very long time and there is absolutely no shame in taking some downtime to recover before heading back into current issues.
If you were saddened, Shiro would suggest that maybe you switch to something else; if there was something that he knows will distract you and temporarily have you be a little more at ease, he’d do that!
But also maybe add a little twist-- extra soft blankets (fresh out of the oven! Screw the bills you’re worth it), extra cheese on your favorite dish, whatever it is that can make your smile a little wider, bigger or brighter just let him know!
Would give you hugs if you asked, but usually Shiro pets your head and brushes your cheek for comfort
He also does this when he wants to ask something of you, but thats another story
Why the TV was still on was a mystery to you, you’d stopped listening a long time ago. Your partner besides you noticed, and you felt the hand around your shoulder tighten his grip a little, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, maybe we should watch something else?” he asked softly, brushing your cheek with his hand. “I can’t really listen to this anymore.”
“Yeah… Sure.” you replied, though it felt like an automated response more than your actual opinion.
“Okay, I’ll switch to that weird show Pidge recorded the other day, we agreed to watch it, right?” he replied, quickly grabbing the remote to change the program.
The first episode started playing, but the moment that it did, you felt cold as Shiro left your side.
“Where are you going?” you asked, your interlaced fingers the only thing keeping him close.
“Ah, I thought I’d make us something. We both kinda skipped dinner….”
He’d thought about putting something together that you’d like, maybe order dessert to surprise you but seeing the look on your face, leaving your side was the hardest thing to do right now.
So he gave in, and your both fell asleep until the doorbell rang with your delivery.
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I have this headcanon that Keith isn’t very good with physical touch but after the end of voltron and after enough time of humanitarian relief, he learns how important it is for someone that’s in a specific state of mind
So the best he has to offer when his words fail is physical touch
Over your time together he’s learned what you need depending on your mood, and it helped him out lots when you were more vocal about it-- if anything he liked it when you asked for things that he could easily deliver, he’d do anything to see you smile
A hand came over your phone screen, Keith’s fingers lacing into yours and making you drop the device onto the crevices of the sofa.
“Why did you--”
“You’ve been staring at that thing for the past hour, biting at your nails.” he said in a worried tone. “That’s enough. We’re going to bed.”
“But it’s just--”
“We’re going to bed.” he repeated in a harsher tone, lifting you off your seat.
Keith sat down onto the bed first, pulling you into him. You both fell onto the bed, Keith quickly pulling the covers over your shoulders before his arms came around you.
“My alarm is my phone.”
“That’s nice, but we both know we have nothing to do tomorrow.” he replied right away, making you chuckle.
“Keith…” you called, your hands sneaking up to his face.
You brushed away some of his hair from his face as he gave you a complicated expression, unable to reflect the small smile you wore. He knew things were shit outside, that being apart from your family and other loved ones was a toll on both you and that lately negative thoughts have plagued you more often than not but Keith, despite his good intention was still somewhat of an awkward man.
“Thank you.”
He kissed you in reply and you both left it at that, glad that he had someone like you to meet him halfway.
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Lots of hugs the moment he feels something is off with you
Will be a brat™ for the sole purpose of distracting you, bET
I feel like post-series Lance tries his best to be as observant as Allura and tries to understand others better-- but it didn't take a genius or incredible empath to know why your eyes looked like they were about to overflow at the sight of the news.
I’d like to think that Lance, with a big connected family is one of the paladins that very easily gets what you’re going through, wouldn’t be surprised he’s been called one or two things in his past either
That being said it doesn’t mean that he completely understands your personalized struggles with racial injustices that you encounter everyday; as another minority himself + coming from a culture and upbringing that might be different than yours, its a very different experience.
Memories flooded as the news anchor spoke about “lootings” and as you scrolled down your feed to see feeble attempts at sympathy from local peacekeepers. You sigh and retweet another thread, only to find something equally as shocking right after. You stopped commenting in quote retweets a while ago, you felt like you were constantly repeating that none of this was okay and that a reform was desperately needed. Rather than typing out your thoughts you typed out your name, address and email over and over again, signing one petition after the other.
Hearing sigh after sigh, Lance eventually put an arm around your shoulder. He startled you, but his soft voice made both your shoulders and your guard lower.
“Hey, do you want to make a midnight snack with me? I’m getting kinda hungry.”
“What about that new rule we were talking about? Not eating 4 hours before we went to bed?”
“Every diet has one or two cheat days, don’t they?” he replied, kissing one of your eyelids. “Come on, I’m sure your neck is sore from being like that for so long.”
In the end you both made some soul-food until a food-coma knocked you out until tomorrow. In the morning, you realized that Lance must’ve woken up in the middle of the night because you remember cuddling on the couch, and yet you’re waking up on the bed. Of course, still in his arms.
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Having a sensible heart, I feel like both you and hunk would struggle a little about maintaining a healthy distance with current events.
Though overtime he would understand that keeping in touch with everything that’s going on is important, but not at the sake of burning out
His best bet, to him, to pull you out of a such a dark space is with comfort food
“Ok ppl feel like they want to eat a horse but they actually cant when they’re in that mind space Hunk, let’s make something sweet and small; something direct and straight to the point! Let’s add smiley faces on it!”
Your turned down the volume from the news, let your head fall backwards and brought up your forearm over your closed eyes. It felt warm and made it you realize that you had probably been staring very intensely at the screen as a wave of comfort hit your eyes the moment they were drowned in darkness. Letting out a deep breath, you stilled and let yourself bask in your thoughts until a familiar voice brought you back.
“Maybe a little bit more sugar? No, then it would be disbalanced. The base is already so sweet-- Ah, I have to take the cupcakes out or else they might get burned!”
You felt a smile grow on your lips, making you ignore the horrid news being broadcasted to turn to your partner that as usual, seemed to juggle ten thousand things to create a whole meal.
“What’s going on over here?” you asked, leaning over the counter to note that one of your favorite dishes was made and machines that were mostly used for baking had been brought out.
“Oh you know, just a little pick me up for my most favorite person ever.” he shrugged, but a smile soon came to his face. His hands were full but he leaned over, his lips meeting your cheek. “Things outside are a little dark, so I thought we could both use a little something nice.”
He turned on the machine after dropping a drop of dye to make it your favorite color and within a few minutes the icing was finished. Hunk scooped up a small amount on his finger and brought it to his lips and nod.
“Wanna taste?” he asked you, his finger dipping into the icing.
A mischievous grin spread on your features as you took his wrist and let his finger fall on your tongue, the sweetness quickly spreading through your mouth. The yellow paladin shivered as you let his digit hang in your mouth for longer than necessary, letting out a satisfied hum when you returned it to him.
“Tastes perfect.”
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She knew what could be fixed, she knew how to fix it but this meant she was also aware of how long such a transition would take
I think Pidge would be similar to Shiro: whatever she remembers that helps you be at ease, she would defect to that in hopes to maybe distract you for a while.
I don’t think Pidge is a very touchy person either, so if she reaches out to you _physically_ in worry, it’s a very clear sign she’s serious/anxious
I feel like she would reach out in other ways and then if she knew you were in a specific state of mind where touch was not useful, or if she just also wanted to try things out lol
As you watched the twisted information that was being shared on screen, another message caught your attention. Rather than a small red icon in the corner, a small window appeared in the middle of your computer screen.
<I found a way to modify notifications sent to another device.>
The video had stopped, every horrible gif about police brutality was paused and there was nothing else but the small window pidge had thrown onto your screen. You chuckled, and felt a pressure behind your working chair.
Another message popped up.
<You’ve been catching up with twitter for the past two hours. Surely you’re done now?>
A soft laugh came from you, making Pidge release a breath she didn’t know she was holding. You typed out an answer:
<Is it possible to be completely caught up with twitter? I follow like 500 accounts.>
<Okay, but half of them are just cat videos and the other half are just retweets of said videos.>
<Oh here I was thinking that this was an intervention to brighten my mood. We’re dragging each other’s follows now?>
<Oh please like you don’t want to be dragged, with that kind of follow list.>
<I can’t believe you’ve done this.>
You both laughed, before Pidge turned around and tapped your shoulder. She let her hand float in the air, yours coming to join it as a soon as your turned her way.
“Wanna take a nap?” she asked, letting her head fall onto your shoulder. “I had Chip make some hot chocolate, Hunk style.”
You squeezed her hand, putting your computer on sleep mode.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
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whump-town · 3 years
Was Hotch Abused?
I offer you my 2,300+ worded thoughts on the matter with episodes included. There's going to be lots and lots of talk about abuse so you're going to want to steer clear of that if that's something you're not cool with but for those of you interested... I give you all the proof I could think of:
Natural Born Killer.
In the eighth episode of the first season, “Natural Born Killer”, we meet Vincent Perrotta. His father was abusive but from the outside looking in, no one knew a thing. Perrotta started drinking at fourteen and committed petty crimes, as well as assault, for pleasure. Going as far as to kill his own father not too long after. But Perrotta is a monster and a psychopath so it’s clear we’re not supposed to sympathize which makes his interaction with Hotch so peculiar.
Hotch is our “Captain America”. A true neutral with an infinity for doing what’s right so it’s inconceivable to compare him to Perrotta and yet Hotch gives us some rather conflicting lines to dissect.
Before Gideon hands the interview over to Hotch, he spends a moment talking with the others out in the bullpen. The whole time he’s leaned back and he’s watching Morgan and Hotch. Now, at this point, we don’t know about the sexual abuse Derek Morgan faced at the hands of Carl Buford but there’s something about the way that Gideon spends the entirety of the conversation only looking at the two of them. Waiting for them to put together what he clearly already has and when Hotch does…
Hotch jumps straight into Perrotta’s profile, asking: “You grew up in a house that looked normal and happy, didn’t you Vincent?”, “But your father beat you every chance he got”
Perrotta excuses it with a shrug, “he smacked me around some, didn’t everybody’s old man?”
Abuse is a complicated thing and, often, abused children just don’t know what their parents are doing to them is abuse. It can be a subtle and outright thing but there’s an element of normalcy to it. The parent’s abuse is as habitual, as minimal as biting your nails to the child. Adults often can’t identify their parent’s past abuse.
With Hotch you learn that his lack of expression is often as telling as his expressions and as Hotch looks back at Perrotta, there’s something so sad about his eyes. His voice goes from loud, assertive to his whispered answer to Perrotta’s question. “No.” As if, well, maybe that’s a question he’d raised once too.
Perrotta doesn’t care about that though and he taunts “well, maybe if yours had you would have learned to fight”. But is it not more telling that Hotch didn’t make a sound? Perrotta got in several hits and the only sound Hotch made was when the wind was literally punched out of him. Not even when Gideon called to him and at that point, Perrotta did not the garrote around Hotch’s throat. That’s another thing mentioned before in the profile and something Hotch mentions to Perrotta directly. You learn to take the beatings, smile even. So, it’s just a little odd how little Hotch responded…
But that’s all nothing, you can take that how you want
Which leads us to the fateful, not everyone comment.
"You were just responding to what you learned, Vincent. When you grow up in an environment like that, an extremely abusive and violent household... it's not surprising that some people grow up to become killers"
That can’t mean NOTHING, there’s so much there but there’s something about Hotch’s subtle wording. The way he’s unconsciously slipped himself in there (a very real thing that people do) and he hasn’t even realized it. Doesn’t even know he’s done it until Perrotta pushes and he pauses, asks what Perrotta means. And the subtly of it, the way he doesn’t even mean to that says more than anything else.
“And some people grow up to catch them.”
It’s a super-specific comment to make. He can’t possibly be talking about Derek because he doesn’t even know about Carl Buford yet not to mention saying that about him would be incredibly rude if he were talking about Reid (and again, he doesn’t know about Reid’s childhood yet). So… that really only leaves him because JJ, Garcia, and Elle were not abused.
In season two, episode two “P911” the team is hunting down a man trying to sell a young boy, Peter, on the black market. Kevin Rose is an underage boy “selling” himself on the internet while his abusive father has been in prison. I’ll let you just guess who it is that leads the team on finding out more about Kevin.
Your guess is more than likely right-- Morgan and Hotch. Now, we know about Morgan but come on. Nothing to say about it being Hotch who makes the emotional appeal?
The camera even follows his gaze, he’s crouched down (to appear non-threatening because he’s so close) and we watch his eyes take in the scars on Kevin’s chest. You can also note that while Gideon remarks that Kevin’s father was “always drunk, you never knew why he was hurting you, why he was so angry” both Kevin and Hotch look away from him.
Gideon: “At night you’d cry yourself to sleep hoping someone would come and save you”
And it’s HOTCH, HOTCH IS THE ONE TO SAY: “You have the chance to be the one who saves someone, Kevin. You can be the one who answers him, the one who stops his pain.”
“Profiler, Profiled”
I bet you weren’t expecting this one, huh? But there’s something about people who faced trauma that makes it so perceptible to other traumatized people-- they sniff it out like coke to a drug hound. And, just guess, who it is that spends the majority of his time fighting with Morgan? Who knows (like I said about the bloodhound) immediately there is something Morgan’s hiding.
Hotch is angry, he’s upset that Morgan would hide anything. Mumbling about there being “larger implications” and how the team can’t have secrets. With the knowledge of exactly what that secret is it makes Gideon’s eye roll a little telling. Because it’s like they both know but neither will say. Driven home by Gideon turning the attention to Hotch, asking “would you want us profiling you?”
And again Hotch is the one to leap onto the abuse. The one to put the pieces together. Hotch’s anger makes no sense. He says he’s angry that Derek’s keeping a secret but the team has many, way too many. Over the years the team unwraps all kinds of secrets, he’s never angry then. So, it’s not about the implication of a secret at all. It’s what the secret is, like misplaced anger. Anger with himself may be leftover from his own abuse. But still…
Hotch lets Morgan escape. Knows exactly who and what Carl Buford is but all he tells the team is that “he won’t even speak about him”. He always knows how to find the abuse… like I said, a bloodhound.
George Foyet
I know you’re going to find this so fucking surprising but guess who also was abused? George Foyet was beaten by his biological father and his mother didn’t save him so he hates women (bleh, men are disgusting what’s knew).
Now, blah, blah, blah Hannah, I know you’re not about to say Foyet and Hotch are a lot alike-- no of course not. Don’t be silly. What I’m going to say is that they’re foil characters? They accent one another in an opposites sort of way. Foyet is a manipulative narcissist who doesn’t work well with others. Hotch is a guilt-ridden team leader who can’t let The Reaper’s case go. There are meant to be comparisons drawn between them. A good villain does that. George Foyet shows us that Hotch is not at all this removed, cool guy that we’ve previously assumed him to be. He cries in an alley because he blames himself when The Reaper kills a busload of people.
We see he has a rather compulsive nature. He never let The Reaper case go and has very personal ties in this case. Not even after Foyet attacks him, if anything it’s worse. He brings the case file home.
But it’s certainly interesting to see yet another “villain” with that same tragic abusive father and submissive mother come into play with Hotch. We’re nearing a point where it’s getting hard to call it coincidence (and according to David Rossi, there simply is not such thing).
In the second episode of the fifth season, “Haunted”, Hotch voice’s over a Dickinson quote: “One need not be a chamber to be haunted, One need not be a house; The brain has corridors surpassing. Material place.” These quotes are often cheesy, if not a little cliché, but given the premise of this episode is in exploring the ways in which a man’s traumatic childhood has left him now grappling for a truth he can not define… well, maybe we can say the writers were onto something here.
Darrin Call, debatably the Unsub of “Haunted”, was abused by an alcoholic father. We see several signs of it throughout the episode-- Darrin’s delayed speech & severe neglect that leaves Darrin in dirty, hole-riddled clothing. If what we see is not enough, the reports that the team is given on Darrin explicitly state that he was extremely physically abused. It is this abuse that leads to the PTSD that he’s diagnosed with.
As sad and disheartening as Darrin Call’s life is, overall it’s the sort of episode that is forgotten over time. When it’s placed right after the episode that viewers have to watch Hotch say goodbye to Haley and Jack then, who is Darrin Call when compared to the agony of watching Hotch show genuine weakness? After watching Hotch lay in a hospital bed, tears in his eyes wondering if his son will remember him? His fears become our own and after watching George Foyet disarm and mutilate the one guy we’ve been led to believe for five seasons is infallibly, unflinchingly never going to break… well, Darrin Call has it bad but our focus is elsewhere.
It’s on Hotch, right?
The guy who is coming back to the job after only a month (and a day) off to recover. Who Morgan worries might have PTSD but he knows they can’t easily measure because Hotch wrote the questionnaire, he knows all the right answers. Who we see has had new locks installed since the attack and has Foyet’s file sitting open on a table for easy access. Who hears Darrin Call’s life (worked the same job without promotion for years before getting fired, no wife, no kids, a hermit) and bluntly asks why Darrin hasn’t just killed himself.
And let’s just take a moment to break down that comment. Hotch, who in the episode previously lost his wife and child, wants to know why a man who is steadily starting to sound a lot like him hasn’t just killed himself.
And I don’t say “sounds a lot like him” lightly.
Darrin Call has PTSD. Hotch, more than likely, has PTSD
Here are some signs just from that episode: hostility (he yelled at Garcia over something very small), self-destructive behavior (he ran into Darrin Call’s father’s house without a vest, back-up, or telling the other’s what he was doing), and guilt (blamed himself for missing the eye twitching Darrin exhibited because of his years of antipsychotic use)
Darrin Call was abused… this marks the second HEAVILY implied time that Hotch has been compared to another man abused by his father
Vincent Perrotta was the first with that hard to forget the exchange
George Foyet and his notably exactly the same past as Perrotta
“Haunted” feels like it’s supposed to prove to the audience that Hotch is losing it. He distances himself from Morgan, leaving every room that Morgan is in. He doesn’t pick up Garcia’s calls after Darrin Call attacks his therapist. The only glimpse we see of the old Hotch is with Emily, pulled to the side, but his guilt burns and he even brushes her off. Shaking his head and turning his back to her because somehow he should have seen something no one else did.
Throw in Reid’s comment about Call “victims are often drawn to the scene of their first trauma” and we’re painfully reminded of Hotch’s apartment. A place you’d think he’d want to escape but didn’t. The man was stabbed nine times in his own apartment and stayed in that same place. Almost sounds like that statement could be applied to Hotch too.
A dash of Hotch’s own comment about where Call would go to in his confusion and he says “to what he knows”, even the importance of how that orphanage is “where he became Darrin Call”. Where does Hotch go? What does Hotch know? The job.
So… we tally now three total Unsubs that Hotch has this direct relationship with. Three Unsubs with abusive fathers and mothers who couldn’t protect them. Hmm… coincidence?
Brothers Hotchner
Supervisor Special Agent Hotchner is a master of hiding, that is undeniable. It’s hard to see anything behind those furrowed brows and impersonal suits and that’s likely for a reason. However, anyone with a little sibling can tell you that no one on this Earth can and will annoy the ever-loving shit out of you like a sibling.
But that’s not really important. Sean and Hotch don’t talk about their parents. At all. Ever.
Hotch says that when Sean was in the first grade he got sent off to boarding school. “I was the screw-up making bad choices”. Interesting enough of a statement to make but you throw in the rough ages of Sean and Hotch at that time and it’s a little more than just “interesting”. You have Hotch at roughly 14-15 getting into trouble just like Morgan did at that same age (coincidence???).
(now you can certainly look at Hotch’s parentification vs. Sean’s immaturity doubled with substance abuse problems but we’d be stretching. “The Tribe” touches on the parentification but Sean just calls it “the big brother” thing and tells Hotch that he’s not Sean’s father and it’s fine it’s whatever. Hotch is a bit pushy. That’s not new. Substance abuse can just be a problem, it doesn’t have to be bc they were abused but again… a little coincidental)
So... was Aaron Hotchner abused as a child? I certainly think so
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