#i think the main issue is that they dont have a set meaning in what pro and anti is
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x1702x · 1 month ago
Pro/anti ship discourse in tiktok is like peering into the looney bin, one doesnt know which side to pick bc each person u ask will drastically change the definition of each side
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ganondoodle · 3 months ago
okay i do have to do a mini (i call it mini now.. this is just letting my feelings about it out, so its spelled agressively bc im just so .. frustrated ... also not hate to the studio or the people working on it .. obviously >_>) rant about arcane-
its the most beautiful show ever produced, i mean it, its style, fortiche's (the studio) style, is just .... impossibly pretty, 3d and 2d, the animation is just so GOOD, the designs largely (like 95%) are too, the acting and sound design, the voice acting (at least the english one) is so emotional and good, the show in general is just good ... until the last episode
i have my own problems with riot declaring arcane the new canon out of nowhere and for no good reason since it was, im very sure, never conceived to be that, its a reinterpreation and works best as such, now literally everything is once again completely messed up, no one knows whats real and what isnt, no champion or story is safe, especially with the weird hexcore bullshit potentially erasing the VOID (whish is like ... half on which the canon was built on tbh) AND hextech- multiple champions being impossible to exist now .... but thats not what i wanted to talk about
i was pretty on board with everything the show did, though i wasnt a big fan of the whole hexcore stuff, but it all spiraled so far out of control, it just kept making everything worse, also with bringing in the black rose and leblanc, it kept piling stuff onto the plate despite them already compressing everything so drastically; espeically regarding viktor, but i kept my hope up even after season 2s act 2 bc it still seemed 'fixable', though not easily so
what i liked about it (in its writing) despite its pacing issues was that it was rather .. self contained for the longest time, focused on the characters and the class struggle of piltover and zaun, and doing so rather well imo, like it did and said things i did not expect riot to let through
i was worried with the alternate universe stuff that came with the escalating hexcore bullshit but held onto hope even until episode 8 and then ...man .. the last episode ... the fuck was that- like i hate timetravel and multiverses and whatever but the thing with ekko was done rather neatly ... they made all those chaarcter models and sets just for that short stuff and really .. was of little use other than getting heimerdinger out of the picture as well lmao maybe he will get his own series to advertise for 200 dollar skins in league hahaaaa but i guess the main point was to give ekko the z-drive ... which feels alot like what i feared about them forcing it to comply with the characters in game ,,,, even though that wasnt for everyone like warwick was done SO dirty after giving me hope in act two
everythings focused on the hexcore/arcane shit, theres the black rose shit (honestly i think it was a mistake bringing them in too bc .. noxus is its entire own region with so many champs and story itself that got connected via ambessa .. which was a new character the show made up until they made her a champ now .. its just too much to put into this one show already going at a breakneck pace), mel doing her bit with them then bam she mage now which felt like a champion teaser more than an organic part of the story, especialyl with how hard it got pushed later (poor little riots gotta sell more game cosmetics uwu), jayce just taking over control again and everyone going with it, singed reviving stupid version victor via using vander/warwick WHO WAS STILL ALIVE AFTER ISHA BLEW HERSELF UP TO STOP HIM FROM KILLING EVERYONE (which was ALREADY pretty cheap, but i guess jinx had to be even more suicidal than she already was heehoo), dont even ask me HOW, viktor was just whoops from corpse to im a cocoon now, ambessa being so obsessed with it, the entire class struggle being """"solved"""" by piltover and zaun fighting stupid viktors weird ass robot shitheads together and then acting like giving sevika a seat at the council is the solution to it, half the cast just dying horribly for honestly no reason?? ORIANNA being now i guess some weird viktor robot but without the mindcontrol part and singed just kinda ... winning i guess by giving her cocoon some goo of stupid viktors cocoon
it just all ... turning from this so drama, character and class struggle thing into weird ass dimension hopping magical world war that all gets solved bc we fought together once uwu AND it being a fucking timeloop WITHIN what ONE episode? and that being the ENDING (i know i know the hexcore bs was building up throughout the show but it still felt so .. unearned and sudden ... )
also i got personal gripes with the 'ending' bc .. was it REALLY an ending like they kept saying?? was it?? viktor, jayce, heimerdinger, jinx are just disappeared i guess, mel going back to noxus- the fucking 'our story isnt over' tease???? the last minute appearance of swains fucking raven???? pecking at something blue and shining like idk a hex crystal??? SHUT UP i dont want more to come, this story should have had its self containing ending, not this open ended bullshit that just reeks of corporate meddling bc they want their game to connect to their popular show as much as possible now so we gotta bring in as many teases and connections to other champions YIPPIEEEEE (yelling)
also if jinx is dead, wow, what a way to end her story, the traumatized suicidal character being tortured and tortured especially after seemingly having something good for once (i liked act 2 except for its ending the most bc ... man jinx was so enjoyable there, i loved her dynamic with vi and isha and half wolf vander warwick with the beast and man struggle i love alot, that part was genuinely beautiful, i wasnt a fan of the idea of idk ekko doing time stuff and them having a happy ending bc i just dont like going back in time to fix everything kinda stuff, but i would have much much prefered that, not changing the existing story into the perfect world where everythings happy (though i liked that part ... vander silco being gay husbands like that is just so goood) but to fix what is fixable in the present- them still having gone through alot but being able to live with it, so act 2 setup was honestly my favorite way to not invalidate everything and still have something happy .... but no we gotta kill the kid to make jinx even worse and vander/warwick too while we are at it
if shes not dead (given you see a blimp(?) flying away and her scribbles showing up and caitlyn looking at the blueprints of the hexgates) then ... ??? oh yeah lets make her leave zaun and just idk go be the main character in noxus or soemthing for the next show they are gonna do bc jinx is popular so putting her everywhere is a good idea!!!1!!11
ALSO since vander/warwick is my favorite .. i thought maybe after isha doing that, if they dont reverse it, hed get taken by singed again or ran away and turned fully werewolf like he is in the game (though i would have liked if they were able to be a weird family like in act2)- but no he just gets used as fuel for stupid viktor cocoon and then mind erased and made into the ugliest weird robot thing that looks more like galio than him JUST and i feel like it really is JUST to have Vi at the end do the scene that gets jinx 'killed' .. to lead into the 'more to come' teaser.. idk about you but that scene felt so .. forced, the typical oh no platform is slowly falling down but Vi suddendly gets emotional about weird ugly robot warwick (who conveniently comes back to life as ugly robot beast since his human mind got erased but not the beast??? i guess???) and completely ignores jinx yelling at her to get to safety, it felt so WEIRD to me (if you gotta do him like that at least let Vi listen to jinx, them embracing and then watchign emotionally as robo vanderwick falls into the hexgate thing .. that was still active somehow i guess??)
(poor viktor got done so dirty too .. i liked him .. until it all went weird wit hthe hexcore stuff ....... ..... also jayce weird speech to him .. why the FUCK did you not do that back in the cult camp instead of blasting him to bits, i get it he was fucked up from seeing the future, but then later hes just ... okay???? pretty fine all things considered??? and pretty aware of everything?? also his weird speech being all like vitkor actually you were perfect in your imperfection BITCH HE WAS SLOWLY DYING AN AGONIZING DEATH???? idk ??? it all feels so weird to me, like there episodes literally missing- ambessa dying also felt so unnecessary .. just so mel can take her place and go to noxus and have more shows maybe- )
i just .... and just like how i cant enjoy botw anymore after them fucking it all up with totk ... i dont know if i will rewatch arcane knowing it ends like that, what was that for, the most beautiful show ever made just to do a game of thrones ending in a single episode?
im so tired of it all ..... im so tired of being disappointed and feeling let down over and over no matter with how little expectations i go in with
this willl be the only arcane rant unless theres some .. big stupid reveal that gets me more frustrated than i am now, which i hope there isnt .. im tired of being and feeling like this .. i just want to enjoy things, everythings going to shit IRL and i cant even find something enjoyable to watch
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vonbabbitt · 15 days ago
My Final Statement on Discord Drama (Why I'm Not a Mean & Evil For Turning Away Discord Asks)
hello jason. we are going to discuss this one final time and then never again.
from now on, i will be giving zero attention whatsoever to discord drama asks. i will not be posting about them or replying to them in any way. since people are sending me asks now acknowledging that they arent supposed to be sending me discord drama asks but are doing it anyway, i want to make a statement on this explaining myself so people dont just think im being mean and avoiding responsibility for moderating my discord server. please hear me out on my reasoning.
this is my personal blog! this is the first thing i always say when this comes up so lets keep it that way! this is my personal blog, regardless of how much tetro content i engage with here. when im on my personal blog enjoying personal time, i dont want to be dealing with work. you can call that me avoiding responsibility, but i dont think its unreasonable to want time to myself outside of work where i dont have to deal with the tetro discord server. this is exactly why we have a ticket system!
we have a ticket system! the server has a ticket system. this is THE ONLY PLACE to report discord server drama, because this is the only place the whole moderation team can access your complaint! there is no reason that i specifically have to be the one to review your complaint and not a different moderator. we have a moderation team for a reason. you do not know me, i do not know you, and there is no reason you need to bring your complaint to me PERSONALLY. if you think there is, and theres a specific reason it needs to be ME who answers your complaint, there is a solution: ask for me specifically when you open your ticket!
if you go outside of the ticket system, we cannot discuss anything with you. im not having a conversation about moderation on my public blog where everyone can see it, especially if youre naming specific people in your complaint. its unprofessional and invasive. if you go through the ticket system, we can talk! i can let you know what came of your complaint and what we're doing as a team to help. the ask i got this morning was complaining about an issue that has already been discussed with the parties involved, which they would know if they had gone through the ticket system instead of my ask box.
i encourage you to try just communicating with each other. ive received so many complaints in my ask box from people who i know for a fact have made no attempt to discuss their issue with the parties involved. i know im a kindergarten teacher, but we are not toddlers! in fact, even in my kindergarten class, when my kids come up to me and tell me another kid is doing something they dont like, i tell them to tell the other kid they dont like it! and this is the same advice i will give to you! talk your issue out with the parties involved! "but von babbitt, im afraid of confrontation." im sorry to hear that, but im not such a fan of confrontation myself! this is why ive got a moderation team and a ticket system! and when i have to do my job, i do it anyway. with all due bluntness: i think its inconsiderate and irresponsible to come running to my personal ask box and demand i fight your battles for you without making any attempt to do anything on your own, including any attempt to use the server ticket system, which we have set up for the exact purpose of solving your problems for you.
im allowed to just say no! the main issue is the fact that ive already asked people to stop and theyre still doing it anyway. i said no, and that means stop. its a very very very very simple ask. stop sending me discord drama asks. ive asked you to stop. if you know it makes me upset, and you choose to do it anyway while acknowledging it makes me upset, why would i want to help you??? why would i feel inclined to break server rules and go out of my way for you??? youre being purposefully rude and inconsiderate towards me.
i hope this helps to clarify my stance a bit. im sorry if this comes off as harsh but im really really sick of this and id really like it to stop. ive put every measure in place to allow people to easily report things without coming to my personal blog. thank you for giving me the time of day and i hope this is at least something people will keep in mind
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
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The TADC cast with a reader who’s a fluffy droopy eared bunny like the picture above.
Those eyes have absolutely no thoughts behind them just vibes (that may or may not include various types of cake)
Readers just a little fella,an absolute pal.they give soft plush hugs but the catch is that their like 7’5 tall.their super kind and patient and somehow always know what to say or do to help the cast.
(Also…JAX FIDGET HC!! He totally flops their ears about)
TADC cast x big soft silly plushie bunny!reader!!!!!
uueueueue the macarons i made earlier ended up so good!! easily some of the nicest and prettiest ones i made recently; not like bakery level pretty but none of them collapsed or cracked! main issue is that some of them kind of have a tip or bump on the top from the piping!! otherwise theyre solid!! gonna answer some stuff then i might go draw then hit the sack
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i like to think that he took one of your ears in each of his hands and lifted them up, messing with them a bit before letting them flop down to your sides. has probably tried to blow you away with spectacles and grand gestures only for you to blink dully at him... oh... was he saying something..? you werent really paying attention... always reties your bow/bowtie when it comes undone, he cant have you not being ... not presentable..! very much endeared by your sweet demeanor and very loudly asks for hugs every now and then
has probably waved her hand in front of your face to see if you were awake and/or alive, genuinely thought that you were a real normal plushie the first time she saw you. got jumpscared when you slowly moved your head to look at her. oh dear! please reassure her that everything is fine!
since shes new you have taken to hovering around her during IHAs to make sure shes safe.. you have probably picked her up to your chest and made a run for it. like literally just pomni held flat to you and you just running with her. silly, i think
one of my favorite ragatha headcannons that lowkey becoming a given and my go to; she makes you accessories to go on your ears! bows and ribbons and the like! she thinks you look so so cute; vaguely reminds her of a bunny doll she used to have in her childhood, at least thats her guess judging by the warped and murky memories of her old life in the real world. has accidentally left you behind because you were spacing out and thinking about whatever it is that goes on in your head... thinks youre as sweet as can be, probably calls you "carrot cake" or something along the lines
"sweetie bell"
messes with your long droopy ears. not uncommon for him to just grab one and run his thumb over you false fur and fabric. he thinks youre too soft; literally and metaphorically. you make a great cuddle buddy and give great hugs, but youre just too nice for your own good. and on the off chance that youre actually paying attention when hes setting up a prank for someone, you put a stop to it. pulling pranks is mean, especially jax's style of pranks! you cant have that!
jax definitely pouts off to the side when you sabotage him.. youd think the two bunny folk would get along with one another!
well its not like you guys dont get along, youre too nice for that and sometimes i feel like jax's conscious would step in at least once and he would try to be nicer to you, at least for a day
sometimes he likes snuggling into you within the pillow fort, your body is just so soft and warm and comforting, youre literally just a giant teddy bear- er... bunny! stuffed bunny! honestly he probably hangs around you more than he would hang around a normal reader simply because youre just so sweet and soft, as well as inviting. you both tend to space out together.. do you think he accidentally put you in the walls of his pillow fort, before he realized you were a whole person ? like do i think kinger is that dense? no, but i do think that the thought it really really funny and silly and i can definitely see it as a gag
tries to pretend that theyre not into how soft and comfy you are.... but they find themselves subtly leaning into you when youre nearby. i would say that they would be blunt with wanting to be held or wanting a hug like they are with everything else.. but i think when it comes to affection, zooble can be a little... eh... like theyre bad at saying what they want when they want it, at least verbally.. your softness makes up for the fact that they feel like those hard plastic kids toys
sometimes get a little annoyed by your... empty eyed look... because sometimes its really hard to tell when youre paying attention or not
love love loves snuggling into you after a rough day, bonus if youre fixing up her comedy mask while she presses her other masked-face into your fluff and venting about her day. oh that jax is so so mean! please rub her back... her.. ribbons, actually. honestly hugs from you are s tier and the very best because as said several times before, youre really soft and comfortable. you guys tend to lock yourselves up in gangles room and hang out when a IHA isnt going on; and thats just fine with the both of you because you have one anothers company
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Oh! I dont usually see Grim dislike/hate. Can I ask why you don't like him? I think there's def room for improvement for him, but I cant find it in me to truely hate him since he reminds me of a character I really like. (Puppycat from Bee and Puppycat)
He's just such wasted potential.
Look I'm into flawed characters, but I don't like stagnant asshole characters that are in the majority of a media. Grim has barely improved since the start of the game.
He's rude, obnoxious, continues to actively cause you problems and throws you under the bus quite often (I mean look at the most recent Crewels SSR card– he tries to blame you for his mistakes and yet still gets you in trouble).
In every event he's the same. Be annoying, make a few dumb/rude remarks abt the culture, "I'm hungrryyy". I think in one event I've counted him talking abt food abt 35 times? Like I don't mind the trope of "monster creature loves food" but that's all he is and doesn't have half the endearing traits. He never shuts up about himself. He's so boring/generic. How is Morgana better than him
He still seldom shows affection for you. Like you barely get to semi bond when talking about his past. This was the only main scene we had to get attached to him before book 6. Seriously throughout every book he's just been overly cocky, rude, annoying, and suddenly you care only about him and not the fact that several people were kidnapped and the school was trashed and that the world is ending.
I thought he would have a huge change of heart after book 6 and his moment of him crying— which honestly didn't move me cause he didn't do anything for us to get attached to in canon. You really have to make up your own headcanons and theories to really make him "good". He's also your buddy but it seems he aknowedges as much as the rest of the cast
He didn't even have a change of heart as he immediately went back to being him. Sure there was that scene in book 7 where he says he's gonna protect you and calls out for you but it's like... cool you had several years to develop and we have maybe 4 scenes of you being an actual character and not some plot device/instigator.
The other thing too is how he is in school. He wants so badly to be a good mage and be the best in NRC but doesn't actively do anything to achieve that. He continues to never study and slack off (which fucks Yuu over cause they're 1/2 a student).
By all means, I'm not saying he can't be annoyed at what being a mage entails or a hypocrite (flaws are important). But he's been one for years and hasn't changed a bit. He still has shown very little improvement for someone who claims to sorta care about his "henchhuman" he certainly continues to impact their grades and school life. (Plus consider yuu not being from this world and all the extra effort they have to put in for a -C, its implied in the book). I wouldn't be surprised if he hurt Yuus pockets a lot too with his selfish appetite.
The main issue I have with him overall is the lack of consequences for him. He almost set everyone on fire? OK. He apparently scratched yuu very bad and that's that. No scene where you confront him about it or the rocks that he eats that you continuously warn him about. You can argue book 6 was the punishment but it didn't seem like it. He'll cause so many issues and get a slap on the wrist for it.
I think the best thing to do right now is to have Yuu snap at him so he improves. Fuck up their friendship. Make him realize he has been bad and actually have him change. A dramatic friend breakup. It would be the only way for Grim to change quickly rn with how long it's been
Have Yuu become a full student and watch him fall apart as Yuu doesn't need to rely on him and they're able to get their As in peace as Grim gets his Fs. Let them get angry. Seriously I'm so mentally ill over the concept of Yuu in general esp in game Yuu and all the ways to make them foils to characters or have them be angst fuel.
I want to like Grim. I love found family. But he just doesn't deserve that currently. He just sucks.
Do do understand why people like him. But I'm not one of them with the state he's in. I'm sorry I don't feel bad at all.
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romana-after-dark · 7 months ago
Room's on Fire: So Afraid
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader
Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader
Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader
Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna learns her power.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Extra warnings for chapter: I dont wanna spoint things so just proceed with caution. DM me if you'd like specifics before reading. I dont think its as bad as other things but.... you'll see
3.1k words (so sorry)
Support artists, like and reblog!
BTW if you dont read the lyrics usually i feel it really hits hard this time
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I been alone All the years So many ways to count the tears I never change I never will I'm so afraid the way I feel Days when the rain and the sun are gone Black as night Agony's torn at my heart too long So afraid Slip and I fall and I die. ~ Go Insane, Fleetwood Mac
“He’s fucking unraveling.”
Ben is pacing inside the sanctuary, Will leaned against the wall listening to him rant. They were waiting for the others and Madonna, having to perform a healing ritual. As far as Will could tell, she was going to be okay outside the lasting scars and the mental terror, and she was past the point of miscarrying from the incident, but the people needed assurance. They needed to feel a part of something. The doors were opened other guard had seen what had happened, and from what he and Ben had heard from the rumblings of the people, they were nervous. Unsettled.
Will had to set the course straight, concocting a story of possession and torment by demons to explain Santi’s behaviors… which of course cleared Santi of responsibility but still left Delta scarred. He continued to listen to Ben’s rants.
“He’s gonna fuck it all up. Doesn’t he know more than anyone what we’re doing here? He could have killed the savior.”
“And Madonna.” Will reminds him, but Ben turns to glare at him.
“I’m aware of that. I’m aware of how important Madonna is, you don’t think I love her too? You don’t think I’ve spend every night in her bed-”
“Next to Frankie.”
Ben stopped, stepping forward and looking like he might start a fight. He was drunk, and when Ben was drunk he was either madly horny or ripe for anger fits. Will’d seen him kill a man with his bare hands at a orgy for kissing Frankie. Orgies were orgies, but Santi kept rules around Frankie, rules that had been enforced by Ben’s rage he pushed down below his crown of sunshine on his hair.
But then Frankie opened the door.
“Hey guys.” He walked in his formal wear, and Will had to admit he understood why everyone wanted a piece of him. His eyes were bright in the yellow light.
“Where’s Madonna?” Will asks.
“She’s finishing eating, Rey’s with her. I wanted to talk to you guys alone.”
Will nods.
Ben seems frustrated, crossing his arms in that pout he likes to do. ”I don’t like her alone with him.”
“He’s her personal guard, Benjamin. We have to trust him.”
He shakes his head. “We should rotate her guard so no one gets attached. You know how she breaks down everyones walls better than anyone, Frank.” There was a bit more bite than Frankie expected after the close nights they’d been spending in each other's arms next to Madonna, but when Ben was drinking it was always a bit of a guess.
“He’s her only friend. The first friend she’s had since we decided to set her dad on fire. I think we can allow her-”
“UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHH” Ben rolls his eyes and his whole head in annoyance. “Can’t she just be friends with Iris?”
Will spoke up now. “I think you ensured that won’t happen.”
“And you ensured she can’t trust Jonah” Frankie snapped, not sure why he was defending Ben. He didn’t know he did anything half the time.
Sighing, Will scrubbed his face and then held out his hands. “Both of you relax. I’ve got it taken care of. I doubt Rey has any interest in Madonna, but considering I don’t this Iris is putting out with him, we can’t be too sure. And considering what Pope did to her, we can’t have her falling into his arms. I’ve got it.”
Frankie nodded. “Rey doesn’t have eyes for anyone but Iris.”
Ben’s drunk anger shifted to his horny drunk. “To bad Madonna doesn’t have eyes for Iris.” He looked far away, smiling, no doubt thinking of their wife fucking the pretty cook. Will couldn’t deny she was beautiful… it was a wonder she was unclaimed by the time her punishment began.
A smack from Frabkie broke Ben out of his thoughts. “Ow!”
“You’re sick, you know that?”
“I can dream!”
Will was about to shout at them all to shut up when Pope opened the door. He wore a red tunic, reminding Will of pictures he’d seen of pentecost robes from the before. Not as tight as Frankie, but Frankie gained more weight in recent years. 
“Gentlemen.” He greeted, eyes raking over Frankie’s form. “Are we ready?”
Everyone nodded, Frankie doing his best to hide the anger, the furry, the disgust he felt at Santi. He could hurt him, but how dare he hurt Madonna?
Will nodded over to the entry to the church. “Frank, Ben, start the prayers. We’ll come out in a bit when Madonna arrives.”
Pope narrowed his eyes, but told Ben and Frankie to go, watching Frankie’s ass as he walked through the curtains to the congregation. 
“You couldn’t be more obvious, you know.”
He breaks Santi out of his lustful view.
“Everyone knows you want Frankie more than anything. Can’t keep your eyes off him.”
Santi attempts to brush his concerns away with a whisk of his hand. “I love all my spouses.”
“You love Frankie.”
“I love him, Ben, you, Madonna.”
“You just want the savior-”
Rushing close to Will, Santi presses his chest against his lover and whispers in a harsh tone. “The savior is a part of her!”
Will grips his tunic, keeping them pulled close as he whispers in his ear. “You need. To calm. Down. Breaking her breaks the savior. Breaking her breaks the whole community. You are losing touch with reality and if you do not get. Your shit. Together. Everything will come crumbling down.” He pulls back just far rough to meet his eye and walks forward, backing Santi up until his ass hits the slab of marble they all deflowered their wife on. A faint trace of her blood remained.
Santi was panting, chest heaving and his cock rose in his robes. “Everything I do is for our community. Who do you think got her pregnant? We’re going to save this doomed earth, we’re bring The One Mighty and Strong to earth and Divine Mother will finally let us all be happy.”
“Santi…” Will caressed Santi’s face, enjoying how easily Santi submitted. Frankie was easy. Frankie melts at the simplest touch of anyone who shows him affection. Santi only submits to him. “You need to relax. She’s pregnant, and she’ll be okay. The savior is coming. You just need to-”
“Don’t tell me what to-” He begins to snap at Will, but before he can finish he’s turned around and bent over the altar. His tunic is being pulled up, and when his hands move to stop him, they are pinned down to the cold stone. “WHat are you doing?”
Spitting on his hole, Will lines his cock up at Santi’s ass and leans in. “You hurt Madonna. You need to learn a lesson.”
You enter at your cue, giving Rey’s hand a squeeze before he lets go to open the door. You hated this, you hated being out in public knowing everyone knew what was done to you. Will said Pope was possessed, that he was fighting a battle with the devil, spiritual warfare and he needed prayers, he needed your strength. You had to be strong for him. You forgave your husband and felt sympathy he was in so much pain… But why do you still want to recoil when he touches you? You were sleeping in your bed again, but one always accompanied you to help if the nightmares returned…. You never slept when it was Santi’s arms around you
Francisco and Ben were leading the congregation in prayers, praying for Pope’s strength in his battle and you prayed along, Francisco getting up to walk you down to the raised area. You remember, as you always did, walking down the aisle on your wedding day, unable to bare looking at them for too long, finding solace in Jonah’s eyes… Now he was talking nonsense, and you were worried about him.
The other day, early morning, you’d slipped out of Ben’s arms to find something to eat. Baby was kicking, apparently wanting sugar and you hoped Iris wasn’t up. Things were tense between you, and you could make your own pancakes. You had, of course, thanked her profusely for caring for you when… when it happened, genuinely grateful for the care she showed you… You wanted to be her friend again, god you really did, you wanted to go back to singing with Rey and her and Jonah in the kitchen… but something in the air had shifted.
Wish granted, Iris wasn’t there. Jonah was. He was drinking coffee, PJ pants slung low on his hips… No shirt. He had a lean body even at his age, hip bones prominent below the weak elastic and a trail of hair going down-
When the floor under you squeaks, Jonah stands up fully, shuffling to move behind the kitchen table. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be alone…”
“Baby wants pancakes.” You rub your stomach. He’s not looking at you. You make a move to the cabinets, But Jonah cuts off your path.
“I got it, you should rest.”
Your shoulders slump. “I’m not a baby, I’m just carrying one. Let me do it.”
Jonah shakes his head. “Please, just… let me.” He gives you a small smile. “I know you’re not a kid. They should all be afraid of you, Madonna.”
He made good pancakes.
Will and Pope returned from their prayers in the sanctuary, Pope looking… Off. He looked ruffled, confused, his eyes a little glassy… maybe Will exercised the demon out?
Pope began his prayers. “Our beloved Madonna, Holy and Beautiful, our maternal bride, has suffered pain and scarring from the demonic attacks of the devil, we must pray for heeling over her body.”
Will’s hands reach for the back of your dress, lowering the zipper when you gasp, jolting away and turning back to him. “What are you doing?!” You whisper, eyes watering with panic. Francisco mutters Will’s name, but he ignores him, opting to pull you close. He cups your face, whispering in your ear.
“They need to see the wounds, Madonna. They need to see you’re healing, they're worried.”
“But… I don’t wanna be naked, Will.” You turn to glance at the crowd, catching Pope glare. You shiver. “There’s people here who made fun of me…”
His fingers lay your hair down. “It’s just your dress, Madonna. Don’t worry, we’re right here. Trust me.” 
Echoes of the past flitter in your head.
I’m going to touch you, just stand there and take it. Trust me.
Will unzipped your dress, the fabric pooling down around your ankles. Murmurs wave over your body, whispers from the people who loved you. Were they mocking you? Were they laughing?
Just down to her underwear, Francisco.
Your bandages were off, but the skin was marred horrifically. It was bad enough those in the back could see it spreading over your pregnant stomach. Were there jealous women in the crown? Your dorm mates that didn’t understand why you were chosen?
Will’s hands find the clasp of your bra, and you tense again. “Will?”
“Just relax, Madonna. Relax for me. Don’t worry.”
It’s just me, it’s just external, don’t worry.
When his hands went for your underwear, you didn’t protest. 
You stood naked, your scared body on display for the whole congregation.
Your husbands stood at your side, each laying a hand on your stomach as the crowd began to pray. You felt like you were being punished, humiliated. What did you do wrong? Your lip quivers, panic rising in your chest again. No, no you would not melt down here. You see a woman who was particularly nasty to you… she tried to make you eat a worm because you didn’t say hi to her when you were 10 and she was 12… You were in one of your “no talking episodes” as your dad called them, the playground was too loud, your new bra you had to wear adding a sensation to your skin you hated… she took it personal, and tormented you for the next 12 years. She was smirking. 
You feel Ben’s hand on your ass, coping a feel.
You think of Will’s lies.
You look at Santi, his eyes only on your stomach. 
You look at Francisco, not saying the prayers and looking at Be’s hand on your ass.. Did you and the baby even matter to him? Why was he so disconnected?
You didn’t feel sad anymore.
You were angry.
Your voice, while quiet, makes the four of them turn to you, surprised by you. But no one moves.
“Kneel. If you’re praying for my healing, kneel.” You don’t look at them.
Santi speaks. “We don’t kneel to you, Madonna. You kneel to us.”
Your body wants to shake, you want to fold like you do every time a boundary is crossed but you don’t. 
“I am carrying the savior. I am more important than your ego.” You say, firm in your stance and keeping your voice steady. “Pray to the divine mother to protect me, if you really want this child,” you turn to Pope. “And to forgive your sins.” You turn to Francisco now, his eyes wide with fear. “Get on your knees. I know you know how.”
There was a beat of silence, everyone waiting for Pope’s movement, you knew. Then, Francisco kneels to you. Then Will. Then Pope. Then Ben, only ever following in what the others do.
When they do, a hush falls over the crowd.
You raise your arms, shouting. “We pray for a hedge of protection around me and my child.”
A voice from the crowd shouts, “hail to the mother and the savior!”
All throughout the room, the congregation echos the sentiments, shouting your praises as the smile grew on your face. They adored you. They loved you. Standing naked wasn’t humiliating, it was power. You feel Francisco’s thumb caress over your bare skin. He smiles as he mouths ‘Hail to the mother.’
You were running high on the endorphins, even excited enough to ride Will’s dick despite your protruding stomach. It was an amazing high, knowing the power you held, the power to make Santiago- Pope, you mean- to make Pope kneel at your command… he owed you. He owed you this. When Will fell asleep, you were still wide awake, unable to get the giddiness out of your system… So you slip a nightie over your body, pulling panties on and sneak out of the room. Jonah had said he’d make you more pancakes tonight if you were hungry and boy, baby was hungry. Rey, as predicted, was snoring in his chair and you have to stifle a giggle as you creepy past him, bare feet light on the wood flooring. 
The kitchen was dark, no Jonah… maybe you should go get him. Turning on the kitchen lights you go to exit out the other door, the servants entrance leading to the rooms of Jonah, Iris, and the other guards, but when you did, Jonah was there.
Right away, you knew something was wrong. He wreaked of alcohol, looked like he hadn't slept in days and was piss drunk, stumbling into the kitchen so hard he crashed into you. 
“Jonah-oh- I… was gonna take you up on the pancakes…” You mutter, backing away. “But maybe I can make some for you, you seem-”
He catches your wrist.
“I don’t want pancakes.” His voice is gruffer than you ever have known it. Pressing you against the counter, he crowds you in. 
Your heart beat picks up, instincts telling you to run, run, run…. But you can’t.
“What… what are you…”
His lips brush your neck before you can blink, his movements clunky and strange. “I want you.”
You try to push him away, but he’s much stronger. “Jonah stop! You’re talking crazy, you haven't been well, please, just-” Again, you try to wiggle away but his hand grabs your waist. “Just go to bed.”
Jonah scoffs, laughing sardonically. “Just like that? I tell you I want to fuck you and you say to sleep it off? Jesus christ, do you have no survival instincts? At all?”
“Please… please stop touching me Jonah…” You want to stop feeling his breath on your skin. “I won’t tell anyone. Just stop!” The tears come, crying and scared and trying to smack his hands away desperately and still trying to push out of his grasp.
“You should be screaming, honey, what is wrong with you?” His hand grips your hip, and you need him away from your baby, now.
With a closed mouth scream, you kick his shin and the shock is enough for him to let go so you take off, but he gives chase. Once again, you are pinned to the door. You knew you could scream. You start screaming, and Rey, or Will, or any of the others will be on their way in seconds and you’d be safe… ‘’
“Why are you doing this?” You sob in his arms, his fingers entangling in your hair. He pulls on it, and you close your mouth intime to not yell.
His hand caresses down your arm, making you shiver and feel so, so sick to your stomach. “God dammit, have the broken every fucking piece of you? Is that it?” Why was he so angry at you? What did you do wrong? Did you tempt him? He hand on your waste again, he keeps almost moving it up towards your breasts or down to your ass but never going far. Jonah rests his forehead on yours. “Why won’t you SCREAM!” He shouts his last word so loud in your face, the strong smell of alcohol bursting on your skin and you shout out loud.
“BECAUSE THEY’LL KILL YOU!” Your whole body heaves, panicing and you feel you might throw up. “ThEY’LL KILL YOU AND I’LL LOSE MY DAD AGAIN!”
His face turns into something pained, and while his hand reminds gripped in your hair to keep you there, he pulls back just enough for you to see him run a hand over his wet face. Right before he slammed it through the wall. You couldn’t help it, your body forced you to scream before your mouth stopped the voice, Jonah’s fist curling tightening and pulling your hair against your scalp as you continued to shout. He continued to punch the wall next to your head.
When Will burst through the door, everything went blank. As soon as Jonah was pulled off you, your body slid down the wall where you watched Will pummel Jonah. At some point, arms were wrapped around you, but you couldn’t tell if it was Rey or Frankie. Only the smell of weed narrowed it down.
You didn’t hear much, your ears ringing as you watched blood fly out of Jonah's mouth. Muffles words weren't as loud as the beats to Jonah's body. You were sure other people were in the room... there was shouting... but you couldn't see anything except Jonah going limp, only jolting weakly at each slam of Will's fists.
You aren’t even sure how you made it back to bed.
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Shout out to @hornystan for editing, our beloved Frankie in his formal wear
Okay. So that happened.
JONAH what are you DOING BESTIE??????
PLEASE leave your THOOOTTSS and THOUGHTS!!! Frankie kneelings? Madonna chaneling hr anger??? Jonah doing... ALL THAT!!!!!!!
What are we thinking?
love you all so much! I know theres a lot of bullshit happening in the fandom but just know, dont trust everything you hear. I know at the very least one person the stupid confessions page is attacking is genuinely a kind, amazing person who was in the right <3 If there is a writer you dont think is nice or friendly enough... just keep it to yourself or talk to a few friends. You dont need to air it out publically.
Lets keep it chill, I say to me and my uuhhhh 30 readers B)
Im like 60 followers away from 1000 followers on this account and i have a fun event planned!!!
I did this poll befoe, but its been like 10 chapters soooooooo
Save the children (which has absolutely nothing to do with QAnon who hijacked their hashtag) our currently supporting relief efforts in the Congo above our listed some quick facts that I hope you’ll take a moment to read, and if you can afford it, please consider making a donation. I have made a small one, but if we band together small donations make a difference
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tenaciouschronicler · 1 month ago
January 26-28 2025 2010
I thought the effigies of the Felt were neat for making sure spare hats were in place and ready but I didnt realize that anything that happened to the Felt member would also show on the effigy.
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We have two burned ones and a hole filled one reflecting the members weve seen. Its also important to note that Stitch says "[Fin] should be just fine if [the effigy] can be patched up" implying the Felt is not just a name. I didnt really put much thought into what the Felt could be, thinking them just a different color of carapace for the intermission, so to have it implied they are a different kind of species is wild. On the next page where Fin bleeds out it actually shows that the burned state is not because they were burned but instead a reflection of the fact a member is dead.
But does that really matter in the face of Clubs Deuce?
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Everybody out of the god damn way. You got a hat full of bomb, a fist full of penis, and a head full of empty.
Barreling in with a not-so-dangerous C4 bomb, he acts as a distraction as Doog sneaks in and knocks Stitch unconsious. He emplys the same tactic as Deuce and shoves Stitch into his Brawlsoleum both as a potential personal tailor and to use against English later on. We get a quick look at more time shenanigans with Boxcars before Slick removes Crowbars pin taking him to an alternate timeline.
Here, the MC and Felt are in the midst of a gun fight in some other part of the mansion. Now weve seen timelines along a, supposed, single stream in the main story, but now we are getting a taste at potential building blocks to open up the possibility of seeing different timelines. I dont know how well or how much that will come into play in the main story but it may be a possibility at some point and Im curious how/if that will play out.
We also get a look at the mysterious Snowman, a femme fatal character of the same black carapace as the MC. This would explain why Slick wont kill her outright, if she was originally part of the MC and defected thats probably a worse offence than just being a rival gand member. Everyone stops the gunfire as she makes her way to the fray. @homestuckreplay made a connection with the 8 cue ball to a magic 8 ball and its very apparent in the way Snowmans text is typed out on a black textbox and slowly fades in, much like when you shake an 8 ball.
But another thing of note for me is remember how I said no MC member had an equivilant weapon to Rose? Well, if Snowman was originally an MC member then here is the match.
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Slick gets stabbed in the eye with a needle while Snowman carries on her merry way. Now at this point Im gonna take everyone back a few updates.
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Remember this doll in Johns room? I originally connected the 'injuries' to the harlequin doll in Johns house, but now I propose in some odd way this is an effigy of SLICK/JACK. Mark my words, there will be a point where the intermission and main story intersect and I believe its gonna happen when both these characters have injuries that reflect the doll. Slick is already halfway there and its weird to think it may be predestined.
Conspiracies aside, theres another thing to note about Snowman, "If you kill her you destroy the universe." Now thats a pretty wild jump from the normal time powers and as best I can tell may mean destroying her causes time to cease (which doesnt cause much issue in the Incipisphere). Or, being different from the Felt, destroying her affects space and reality. I have no real basis for this theory without seeing more of Snowman and potentially Lord English, but Im gonna set this here to marinate for now.
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kibblemode · 1 month ago
man. daffodils whole existence would be super tough on tix…. like think abt it. THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of years of being a spoiled only child who gets all the attention he could want then suddenly he has to learn how to behave around a younger sibling, even WORSE bc she's hydros child which tix reasonably is not a fan of bc u know. hydro was a villain. In fact he was THE main villain of the entire story up until late s4, that And hes technically tixs stepfather now and daffodil is his half sister. and she ADORES him too, hes like one of her favorite ppl ever and he hates that. i also think merediths pregnancy and everything surrounding daffodils actual birth would stress him out if not downright horrify him to an almost unbearable degree... like considering that he lost risa due to complications when tiabi was born i think itd be more than reasonable for him to be terrified that the same thing could happen to meredith too (it doesnt)...obviously meredith is 100% aware of this and is concerned enough for him that she tries her best to keep tix as far away from her when it happens as she can. and thats also a big reason it takes tix so long to warm up to having daffodil as a sister…he would probably see it as a narrowly avoided tragedy rather than something to be happy about bc thats just how his trauma makes him think and it takes genuine effort on his part to stop thinking about it that way, bc in reality absolutely nothing went wrong or really even had the chance of going wrong at all. and i think despite merediths best efforts tix would still manage to be present anyway, but luckily he only gets to actually see her directly after. and being the emotionally immature dickbag he tends to be he does not take well to daffodils presence at all, not at first at least. but like i said earlier it Kinda isnt exactly his fault, but still hes not rlly able to read the room at all. and of course meredith has to have a talk with him beforehand like u would with a fucking 5yr old abt how hes not getting replaced and she still loves him the same and all that but hes stubborn as hell and he thinks what he thinks no matter what bc thats just how he Is. anyway hydro tries really fucking hard to get tix to like him and see that hes changed, which is next to impossible but eventually he Does get it, he goes as far to ask tix advice on raising a daughter since u know. tix technically has Much more experience considering he raised tiabi Almost by himself (with the exception of indie and noodle being around to help sometimes too) and he actually does a decent job. which i think tix would kinda manage to empathize w hydro a bit which would probably make him hate hydro a little less even if he doesnt outwardly acknowledge it…and in turn would also mean he hates daffodil less too. i like to think she follows tix around in her free time bc she looks up to him a lot even if shes not even like. capable of complex thought yet. which is objectively a little funny bc shes like 4ft tall at LEAST and is absolutely not old enough to understand personal space. which of course pisses tix off More but also at the same time hes not completely heartless. literally anyone would find that pretty adorable and tix is not exempt from this.
also i rarely talk abt it but i really enjoy things on hydros side too. obviously hydros friends dont have the same issue as tix and they all absolutely love daffodil to DEATH. theyre a lot like her vague direct family members (probably most like aunts and uncles? idk) but none of them are related in the slightest, i feel like she definitely grows up to be an interesting person due to practically being raised by not 1 but 2 completely different communities (merediths side, most of the castle staff is involved in watching her on occasion. and hydros side, a less. idk. Formal? setting where theres a lot of different ppl from wildly different backgrounds with lots of unique life experience). shes very lucky she gets a lot of support growing up lol. also unrelated i feel like before she could talk properly she would make up nicknames for everyone which is awesome
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squid-socks · 1 month ago
My “WHY???👀👀👀” list. If you are non-disabled or non-neurodivergent please read✨
(These are things that suck imo - the bare minimum is to be aware something isn’t fucking working and seeing it. Bcs the more you know the more you realise why you don’t see many disabled or neurodivergent people - spoiler; THEY CANT GO ANYWHERE)
constant building works. From fucking with your accessible journey to overstimulating the brain✨ I hate to imagine how much more id get done in a day if the constant drilling of building works literally everywhere didn’t take half my spoons to tune out.
Noise pollution in general. In a cafe people don’t use their inside voices, establishments don’t set up quieter areas or infrastructure that absorbs sound, main roads are always close to residential areas and buildings are not built to tune out their horrible noise. Sound✨
Heavily scented areas or perfumes. You are killing your fellow asthmatic and anyone with a tendency to have migraines👀👀 (you don’t need 10 lit candles in a non-personal area. And you don’t need to drink strong perfumes so it seeps out of all of your pores🫶)
Escalators being far from elevators and requiring staff assistance at all times. It’s just stupid. It is. It is just SO FUCKING STUPID AND I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY??? JUST PUT THE ELEVATOR BY THE ESCALATORS AND SHUT UP✨✨
Not having public bathrooms or putting them in weird places or making them by request only??? I shouldn’t have to run to the 4th floor of a far away mall bcs I have to vomit whilst my knees feel on fire??? And the more bathrooms the less gross each bathroom will be bcs LESS TRAFFIC???👀👀👀 like what????
Bit more random - but recluse spaces. There should be spaces people can hide away and recover from the noise and the bustle and the questions. I shouldn’t have to have a cigarette to be respected needing to leave and get some air👀 I shouldn’t have to smell shit and hear people farting to get away from everyone for a minute (bathrooms)👀
Those stupid tiny handled coffee cups👀👀 no. Just no. It could be the biggest cup but it still has that stupid little handle?? No. My hands hurt. Old people’s hands hurt. WHO IS THIS GOOD FOR. WHY DONT YOU HAVE ALTERNATIVES😂 (just a few mugs for people to request)
No brail anywhere. This is the dumbest of the dumb. Even more when I find brail it’s like 2 letters?? Granted - I don’t know brail but I imagine if I need like 100 words of information on my sandwich then 2 letters is not enough for them!??? What????👀👀 if you’re blind I hope you don’t have allergies or something?😀😀 (though I suppose not text to sprach exists which is wonderful✨)
The underground trains. I’m not explaining I think every single variation of a disabled or neurodivergent person can offer a litany of complaints and issues.
The sun. This one’s a me thing. But I hate that glowing satanic butthole in the sky😑 (good for plants tho…which is nice.)
Now this one may sound a bit much but - wheelchair paths. Or walking issue paths. We have the bike lane, the pedestrian area and on the most inner side to the wall or bushes (for safety reasons) a disability path. So wheelchairs or the slower can just do their thing no problem✨ we anyway should have less cars so…I mean…we could just replace the roads🌈 idk add those rope, electric carriage things I see in Germany all the time🫶
Why are the pedestrian paths in parking houses so skinny?? Anyone bigger than me is half out the fucking safety zone👀👀👀😀
Heavy doors. No bcs what the fuck. I don’t want to have to press my whole body against an icky door to open it. And now imagine I’m on my own in a wheelchair just fucking trapped👀 or I’m too germaphobic to touch the door or everything hurts 😑😑
Lamps where the switch is in the cable and not the lamp. Fuck that.
Sunscreen. I love her but the overstimulation is bullshit😭😭 I think I’d rather wear a balaclava
If I have to squeeze through an isle in a store - it’s too close together. Fuck you. 😀 and before someone tells me “it’s cultural” or “it’s a small store”. no it’s just inaccessible. Culture should not be an excuse for ableism👀 My grandma is German is it ok if she is out here hating foreigners. FUCK NO.👀👀👀
Information boards being so low down. Why? No one can see that. Some of them have brail but why should someone have to bend over all the way to touch it😑
Imma stop I’m getting too angry 😅😅
I realise this is on a disability blog with disability hashtags so no idea how helpful this will genuinely be. But for now it was nice to vent. Which may help no one but it helped me a little😀
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evenmoreofadisaster · 4 months ago
A question about Two, I know his "weapon training" is different than One's, since while One was "trained" to be a "leader or a soldier" Two was trained to be "a tool or a support" (Which required deconstructing his individuality more than One), plus all that toxic environment where bad behavior was fostered, there were never any consequences for amoral acts, and basically they were continually compared to each other, One being the "golden child", making Two have a continuous fight with himself for not being "enough", especially about his emotions and passion for science (All this is a summary of my impressions and a little psychoanalysis of Two, and I'm aware that I could be wrong).
But rereading the fic, I got the impression that Two really took a "liking" to Raph, Mikey, and Splinter; I mean, I know perfectly well that his main reason is Draxum, completing the mission, taking the opportunity to be better than One for once at something, and many more mental messes.
But it's clear to me that he really enjoyed the company, the validation (especially from Splinter), and having brothers or "companions" that he didn't have to compete with them or that they were his "superiors", and I got the impression that he secretly wanted to complete the mission because he wanted Mikey and Raph to be in his life, in his project, all together (including One).
Although I admit that it's harder to analyze him because Two is very emotional, but it's RAW emotion and he kicks himself every time he feels something with passion and he shelters himself in logic and the set of rules that Draxum gave him, which doesn't allow him to process his emotions or know himself.
What do you say about this? (If I'm wrong, I'm sorry XD)
for the most part you're spot on! Two considers every outburst of emotion a sort of unforgivable slip, because it just proves that Draxum is right about his impulsivity. So it's a constant conflict between his anger issues and emotional outbursts and his need to remain cool and collected. What's worse is that One tends to do the latter better than he does. His anger issues are a part of him that I really like to explore, since an interesting addition to his canon character, and a cool way to connect him with Raph. So I'm really glad you caught on! Saying he feels a lot of raw emotion is super accurate. A lot of the times he's not sure what to do with it, so he just lashes out.
The point about Two secretly feeling connected with and fond of Raph Mikey and Splinter is an interesting point that I think a lot of readers agree with. I was giggling a little looking at all the comments making similar observations. I think it's a great and interesting observation that would maybe be an emotion deep deep deep DEEP down inside Two. Of course you're welcome to interpret the story how you want but I do have my own thoughts on it :)
(This is a LONG one so im gonna put it under the cut lol)
It got to a point where I started to worry that people were completely misinterpreting what was happening, but in hindsight I think there's some merit to the idea that Two was growing fond of Raph and Mikey.
That being said, I think that what people were seeing as fondness was MOSTLY just fear. Every time Two protected Raph and Mikey or spared them was because Two literally cannot let them die. Two's primary motivation in the story is to be successful for Draxum. First, he did this by trying to alter his and One's DNA (which cost them their arm and heart), and then he did this by trying to capture Raph and Mikey. If their team was complete, they would be more useful, and Draxum would be successful. Draxum made it very clear that they're at limited capability with just One and Two. Two wants more than anything to make Draxum's plan come to fruition, both because he wants to impress Draxum, and because he needs to in order to live; he can't afford to be a liability.
In season 1, Two is convinced that if they dont deliver Raph and Mikey, or worse, they die on his watch, Draxum will scrap Alpha 9 for good and he'll be as good as dead (stripped of his purpose, tossed to the curb and left to fend for himself at best). Yes, Two doesn't have a strong sense of personhood, and regards himself as just an experiment. If the experiment fails, he's done for. So I think the times where it seemed like Two was showing a softer side for Mikey and Raph (i.e. when he jumped off the Nexus roof to save Mikey), was just him doing whatever it takes to preserve the Alpha 9 project. The times he went along with One's antics playing family were only done for the sake of his mission. And he barely did that successfully lol
That lack of a sense of personhood also means he never really saw Raph and Mikey as brothers, and he won't until after the beginning of season 2. This shift in mindset is a really hard one, and is something that takes a really long time for him to come to terms with. Before he can accept his family, he must first change the way he sees himself. I think in a way, this sense of self, while mostly being a response to Draxum's training and home environment, was a sort of shield for Two when One, Draxum, and Two's relationship transitioned from a sort-of family while they were on the run to a scientist--subject relationship when they began to work on the mission. Two understood more than One that they wouldn't get that sense of family again, and adapted accordingly. It was easier to let go of the idea completely instead of try to find shards of it in their new life, like what One does. We can see in season 1 how that goes for him lol. But Two's emotions don't fall in line as easily as his brain, which creates internal conflict and helps fuels his constant anger.
But all of that is to say that Two doesn't really see anyone as family, because he doesn't see himself as a person. I doubt he really saw them as people either, more as runaway experiments living in a game. So when he would keep Raph and Mikey out of harm's way it wasn't because he liked them, it was because they were useful tools he couldn't afford to lose. His existence depended on their return. He didn't have the time or desire to care about them beyond their utility.
I think if Two did take the time to see that he didn't have to compete with Raph and Mikey like he does with One, he may have seen it as a relief, and maybe then he could bond with them, but he was so worried about getting the job done that I don't think he really noticed. If they did succeed in bringing Raph and Mikey back, he would probably get along with them better than he did with One. But I also don't think he'd get any emotional gratification by having them all reunited. He'd just be pleased that they have more warriors.
But I also think that even in season 1, he felt isolated from the others. One had an easier time playing family than Two did. I think they may or may not have had some soft moments where they bonded (I honestly can't remember) , and maybe Two does care for them a little bit, but definitely not more than he cares about his overall purpose. I think he sees their potential and sees value in them that way. But if it came down to leaving with them or Draxum at the end of season 1, he probably would have picked Draxum.
I WILL say that Two definitely got more wrapped up in validation than fondness. There's a fun turn in season 1 where Splinter compliments Two in front of One, and they start to compete for his attention. I don't think either One or Two are FOND of Splinter at this point, but he gave them the thing that they both rarely get, and desperately want. Being a father figure definitely helped the extremity of their reaction, since they'd specifically want such a compliment from Draxum (which is very rare). Any time that Raph or Mikey show them kindness makes them pause, but doesn't garner the same response as approval from Splinter. And even then, they were still pretty suspicious of him. I think they both are the type to receive positive interaction before they return it.
I also want to mention the way Two sees Mikey. While he doesn't particularly feel super fond of Mikey right away, he does sort of admire him and envy him in a way he won't dwell on until after s1. Mikey represents everything that Two isn't; he manages his emotions well, he can express himself artistically with ease, has a glowing personality he is confident in, and freely shows love for his family. Two doesn't even think of himself as a person, and has a very weak self-esteem. There's a scene in Mind Meld where Two gets distracted by Mikey's artwork. It throws him off his mission for a moment as he observes how easily and freely Mikey can express himself and his passions, while Two has to painstakingly manage every outburst to avoid being set aside and scowled at.
I'm rambling a lot sorry LOL
But TLDR, while I think the interpretation that Two was beginning to care for Raph and Mikey isn't wrong (I think the effect was the same in the long run, despite the interpretation), the intention we had while writing it was that he was more worried about saving his own skin and serving the mission than caring for his 'brothers.' The risks he took for Raph and Mikey in season 1 were mostly included to show how he'd sacrifice himself for the mission and contrast his actions with One's.
But in all, I don't want to police anybody's interpretations of what happened because everyone has their own unique thoughts about a story and I think that's wonderful :)
Thanks for the question!
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moltensmusings · 2 months ago
So, speaking from the perspective of a Catradora fan, I don't think Catradora was well handled either. Leagues better than Bumbleby, but there's still major issues with how the ship was handled in canon.
I think Catra's reconciliation with Adora was far too rushed. Between the events of seasons 3 and 4, there was a lot between them that should have been addressed in the final season, and it just wasn't. Catra spent 4 seasons being incredibly toxic, but barely showed any growth from it. I think they needed one more season between 4 and the final season to really show Catra and Adora's reconnection and Catra's growth. As it is now, even as a fan, it almost feels like Catradora came out of nowhere at times.
There's also the promotional material and children's books that once listed Adora and Catra as adopted sisters which is complicated in and of itself, especially since they were the only two to be given this distinction in the Horde.
Not only that, but everything with Catra being mind controlled by Horde Prime also has a lot of racist undertones (Catra is apparently supposed to be Latina and possibly Native American and there's a long history of both Latina and Native American women having their hair forcibly cut by oppressors which....is a major yikes factor).
I think my main thing about Catr^dora is specifically that the writer was queer/it was intended to be canon from the beginning! I've yet to fully watch the show through but ND Stevenson consistently makes queer content for kids. How much someone does or doesn't like what he writes is fully a preference and I don't want to act like Ca1tvi or catr^Dora are completely perfect though I do acknowledge my post may have come off that way. Both of them have their flaws for sure!
But regardless of what the creators of rw//by try to say, it was very obvious from the beginning that queer characters weren't in their mind. Initially the set up was for Sun as a love interest, and I won't sit here and say he was a better option because I don't ship them anymore and I do in fact like rw/by have a canon wlw couple in the main cast. It's fantastic. But I won't let fans or the writers gaslight me into believing the intention for it to exist was always there when actual queer characters in history/myth got turned straight by the writers and the first few seasons focused mainly on straight romances (everything with Jaune, Weiss and Neptune, Blake and sun, yang almost only having men flirt with her/her flirting with them).
I don't think the bees should never have happened, I'm simply critical of the lack of proper writing for them in the early seasons and how side characters get shafted as the show goes on to make them a better couple by comparison.
While I can't go as in depth as Shera as I wish I could things like this type of criticism are super important! We need to be critical of the media we consume. We can still love and enjoy it (LoK is my favorite show but I'm fully aware of the writing flaws.)
I definitely think catr^Dora suffered from the same thing as most queer content in children's media where the studio fights the creators. It's why a lot of times we dont get true confirmations of love until the final seasons/seeing wlw/mlm ships kiss is such a massive thing even still. When ND Stevenson has more freedom he always makes his queer content much more clear from pretty early on. Anytime queer children's media struggles with it that's often what I think to. It doesn't mean Shera is free of criticism, more that I give it leniency at times when I wouldn't for other shows. Same for LoK. Steven Universe was able to push a lot more than you'd expect thanks to Rebecca Sugar and the team working to get approval, and even owl house shows us how far we've come.
Rw/by was made by an independent company, Monty Oum had creative freedom to make his series we were told that from the beginning. The lack of queer representation/erasure of queer characters was a choice. And I wish fans would accept that rather than just eating up claims that bees was always planned.
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ganondoodle · 10 months ago
Oh man I saw your totk issues post and I agree 100%!! Those are all things that have really bothered me about playing totk, and things that made playing it not nearly as fun (the dungeons, the shrines, the building, etc).
Especially the map!! When I tell you I was so disappointed by the maps on totk, I was hoping for something new! It really just feels like a modded botw, not an official sequel.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the concept of “what if they had sent link to the past instead”? So the surface map would feature huge differences in the land forms and buildings that exist, and we’d get to see more ganon whenever he visits Hyrule, or go out to the desert to see Gerudo town, etc.
If they really wanted no sheika tech, they could also just have it being newly built? And you could introduce the new characters and such, etc etc.
(I also think the past champions are such a missed opportunity? If botw is about grief and loneliness, and finding hope in the hopeless, and Totk is about coming together despite that, it could have been really interesting if Link had gone to the past! They could have used the past setting as an eerie reminder to what Link and Zelda had lost when the Calamity struck!)
THAT BEING SAID: I’m not as familiar with the legend of Zelda lore, and haven’t played totk very much! I wanted to know your thoughts on this because you seem to have a lot of story and game mechanic knowledge that could explain why this could be a bad/good idea!
(Plus, your discussions are always super interesting to read, as is your custom totk lore, so I’d love to know what you think🩷)
I’m sorry if you’ve already answered an ask like this! If that’s the case, feel free to point that out and I’ll go through your ask tag if you have one:) I hope you have a great day!⭐️
im glad you enjoy my rants, i often feel like im being overly mean but tbh were else could i just rant as much as my heart desires without getting spammed by annoying people (certainly not on twitter lol)
i have talked alot, and i mean ALOT, about totk and my issues with it, both lore and gameplay wise, i dont claim to be an expert on any, though i am an old zelda fan and aspiring gamedev, i really only talk about what i feel about it, what i think about it, and by all means im biased as hell xD
if you dont know yet, the "ganondoodles rants" tag is where all my rants go, so if you are interested in reading more on my totk thoughts thats the way to search (given tumblrs search in blog works ..)
and to answers your question, i have touched on it briefly, sending link back in time before the shiekah tech existed would have been an easy way to excuse how they jsut got .. rid of it, bc they didnt, it literally didnt exist yet- and for reusing the map- though that argument falls a little flat bc ... they coud have already done that in present totk, like i brought up in one of said rants, things like flooding gerudo desert, collapsing death mountain, drying out zoras domain etc, and changing the location of the main populations would have already done alot without having to redo the map in its entirety;
the little changes to map itself really wouldnt that big of a deal if they didnt also send you to the EXACT same locations AND repeat the SAME LOCATIONS AGAIN but in the underground, like thats a fact i have talked about multiple times bc its so illogical in every way, anywhere theres a settlement on the surface theres a bigger mine below, its so stupid, the shrines conenct to a lightroot, the same, again, you dont need to explore bc theres nothing TO explore (its also extra weird bc theres one below taburasa (tarrey town) which .... link literally build with dumsda (hudson) a few years ago .. unless that got retconned too idk wth do i know anymore honestly- AND it makes the sonau extra weird bc why the hell do they have a bigass mine under every settlement ESPECIALLY UNDER GERUDO TOWN like, that just adds to my suspicions towards them)
anyway, link to the past was the point and yes, it could have solved a few issues (mainly shiekah tech and the whole "story" taking place AGAIN in the past completely disconnected from you the player) i personally am not so much a fan of it, but that mostly comes down to me just not liking time travel, i dont like going back in time, i want to play and do things in the here and now, i want to repair the damages of the calamity, find out its origins, maybe fix that too, i love to learn about past stuff too, but that more in text, no literal flashback (unless done well), i want to connect to the past but it also holds alot of mystery that maybe shouldnt be touched upon, some mysteries and unkowns are much more interesting when left as such, i want to THINK about things and come to conclusions that are logical and makes sense in hindsight even if it wasnt clear at the start, i dont want information and what to think about it told to my face over and over like im stupid
after botw i really didnt care much about the past, maybe about the acient hero who alot of people specualted to be of gerudo origin due to its red hair- which also got a monkeys paw curled bc in totk they do sth with but its so stupid and insulting that i do not accept it as canon, say what they want, there are no dog people anywhere in the past nor present botw/totk wtf is that i hate it- and its not even .. why is that the reward for that, it has literally NOTHING TO DO WITH TOTK ITSELF I COULD YELLLL AAAARGH
main point is that really, i wanted to explore the past .. in the present, i hoped to find broken old shiekah structures, old labs and maybe some left over damage and records from when the old king persecuted the shiekah for their tech, i wanted to know where the ancient energy the shiekah used was coming from, what the boss arena in the middle of hyrule castle really was- so many things just discarded and acted like they never happened or mattered; i dont want to travel into the past, i want to discover whats left of it, piece it together, discover dark secrets you can ask no one about bc all that knew about it are long gone- thats what intrigued me about botw, it felt like there was so much left to discover only for totk to throw it all away and just do its own thing .. but not commit to that hard enough either so its neither its own thing nor a sequel-
.. that wasnt really what you wanted to know was it? xD sorry i tend to ramble on if someone seems to give me permission to
to sum it up, i think it COULD work, sending link to the past instead, if done well, but so could canon totk have been, it could have been done well but wasnt for reasons i dont know and tbh even fear bc i worry its sets a dark future ahead of zelda; i personalyl am just not a fan of time travel so i dont have that much to say to it :O
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trickstarbrave · 7 months ago
skyrim's MSQ has a lot of logical issues and annoying railroading but there are a couple of things that rly make no sense to me
delphine getting into the sacred tomb of jurgen windcaller and taking the horn that she knows the dragonborn will be after. i dont know how she knows the ldb will be asked to go get it by the greybeards, but i can excuse that with her being an active scholar and archaeologist which she is shown to be before that point (no i dont know why she is then dismissive of scholars later on). im really confused how she managed to get it and get out without setting off any of the puzzle traps
why she put the note there. what if i missed the note. what if the note fell off into the water and was unreadable. like it seems not very good as a plan
she gives us a passcode in the note and then tests us to see if we're "really" the ldb and not with the thalmor. i could be a dragonborn AND allied with the thalmor, it isn't impossible. the thalmor, while bad guys in the story to a cartoonish degree, are not the big bad. thats alduin. regardless of if alduin is rly gonna end the world or just try to rule it again, the thalmor would want to oppose him and control the dragons (something the ldb can do). the ldb could be a thalmor sympathizer easily.
the general assumption the ldb is going to be allied with the blades even if the game acts wishy washy about it. there is no way to refuse delphine's quest to kill paarthurnax and no way to kill her instead. in vanilla you can delay this quest and be locked out of the blades until you do, but there is no way to NOT be allied with the blades. why even give us the facade of choice here asking us existential questions about what it means to be good and acting like we have a choice to make when we absolutely do not (and bethesda will probably say paarthurnax is killed canonically for this reason)
the entire thalmor embassy section. we get some world building for the thalmor but logically it makes no sense to be in this questline in this spot. "the thalmor might be behind the dragons coming back" is such a wild leap of logic, as is "thats why we need you to infiltrate the party" like this isnt super risky, liable to get me killed, and is unlikely to have a reward. if she said we need to know more about dragons and the thalmor might have information on any surviving blades members because she doesnt think shes the only one left alive, that would make more sense
although i still hate this quest because it doesnt matter if you are a super stealthy rogue who can make your way through undetected or a warrior in heavy armor cutting your way through all of them, the results will be the same: you are caught and malborn is held hostage where he either is killed there or has his entire life ruined having to live in hiding for the rest of his days. why give us a stealth mission if there is gonna be no reward for being stealthy? "oh well not every person will play a stealth build--" im not asking for non-stealth build characters to be locked out of this quest im saying maybe stealth characters dont get fucking caught at the end if they go thru the place undetected
you have to join the college as part of the main storyline which i think is rly dumb. i know ppl hate magic in skyrim and the ppl of winterhold are paranoid but come on guys you dont offer enchanting services to normies? you wont just let me look around the fucking library after i proved im dragoborn? the magic sucks in this game anyways and the college questline is underbaked, why am i being railroaded into this one. you dont make me join the thieves guild. cmon
the thalmor just kind of become irrelevant around halfway through the story. what do you mean i was caught breaking into the embassy and now they just kinda don't care? you'd think they'd report me to the empire aligned cities' guards or order a hit put out on me.
does bethesda even know if alduin was actually gonna eat the world or just try ruling again. bc its really not clear at all and i think that is an important distinction to make
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years ago
Which of the creepypastas would be okay with an asexual s/o?
Creepypastas w/ an ace!reader!
yahoo!! sorry for taking so long to get to this!! i kinda had a small lil slump for a few days but im back!! sorry for any typos or if these seem... bllluguuguh!!! im still trying to get through that lil slump so my brains still a lil... boo!!! obligatory these are with characters that i think would be compatible with an ace reader so this isnt going to follow my base/go to list of characters! a lot of these are going to dip into admins experience as someone on the ace spectrum (asexual/aegosexual!) reader is written as vague ace identity but like. mostly involved to be ace. admittedly this leans more into most of this being ace hcs since i think for the most part they dont care/dont find issue with your identity
Characters: Slenderman, Trenderman, Eyeless Jack, Masky
CWs: mentions of sex but like. nothing too bad mostly just vague sex drives and that sort of thing, really!
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honestly i think he might be on the ace spectrum, or maybe thats because i dont think he really knows what sex /is/
okay well he does know what it is but he only understands it on a surface level, but otherwise he doesnt really care much for it in an everyday setting
yeah i think hes on the spectrum; i also think he might be on the aro spectrum!
only really initiates intimacy if you want it (reminder that not all aces dont have sex! attraction stuff is the main thing) but otherwise i would write him the same way as i do with a non-asexual reader!
extra headannon since his is kinda short but really hes probably the most supportive out of any creepypasta simply because i like to write him as this entity that doesnt interact much with others but is still. curious. this man does not know what lgbtphobia is (and thinks its dumb when he does find out!)
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very similar with slenderman but more in tuned with identity stuff and things like that
personally i hc him to be greysexual, or demisexual! i think trender is like. the only one out of the 3 brothers (that i claim) that i dont see being ready to get down and dirty? like unlike slender he KNOWS what it is and understands attraction and all that but just doesnt. feel it
so he gets it! he interacts with people more than slender but like. not openly, i mean like not as himsef?! this is kind of a side tangent but i like to think that slender beings can create false human bodies and trender is the main one who uses it
anyways! im kind of getting off topic
he understands the stigma and hate ace people can get so out of the four characters today i think he would be the most likely to offer an ear when youre getting flack
i wish i had more for trender as well but this is genuinely the first time ive written for him so im still all OWOWOOOUGH!! with how i wanna portray him
speaking of i need to do like a catch up post for him, and some other characters so i might do that soon^^
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Eyeless Jack;
okay so! the two above characters are fine with it because theyre on the spectrum above but i feel like eyeless jack just outright doesnt care if your ace or not since he has a fairly low sex drive 99% of the time
sappy man, one of those "i prefer people based on their personality rather than their looks" but not in the "im so deep for this and im lying through my teeth" way i (personally) see people say (school was ROUGH man) but in a "im literally turning into a monster my skin is fucking blue and starting to rot i have no place to say anything" way
he adores you so so much and he really feels like he doesnt deserve you, bro could not care
probably tries to find flowers around his cabin that make up the ace flag/which ever flag you use
though im not sure how many grey flowers there are... hes trying his best!
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similar to eyeless jack he has a low sex drive imo so it isnt too much of a big deal to him, plus i think hes graysexual? at least i feel like he would if he knew about the label
i think asides slender and trender, he doesnt know much about this sort of thing so youre probably going to explain it to him
he mostly gets it! he gets things mixed up but hes trying his best!
overall supportive bf!! probably steals a pride pin from somewhere (dont ask)
imagine he grabs the wrong pin/j
wweoeoeohh! i hope this post is okay! admittedly i wasnt sure how this was going to turn out since, as stated above, i feel that a lot of the characters wouldnt mind/are on the spectrum themselves im not gonna lie this couldve been better but im so out of it rn that my brain is all scattered n stuff :( regardless i hope this is sufficient, and once again im so sorry for the wait TToTT
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mossycoffee · 8 months ago
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June 28th
Working today of course. The new location is officially open now. I do love it. Its inside of a cosmetic suite so theres always people here, and customers. Its been weird getting used to the set up of everything. Its a very very small place, not a lot of space for things. They have it set up so that only one person works. So I work Fridays & Saturdays and its fro 8:30 - 4:30. I dont mind that, i think its just not having any co-workers or anything like that to chat with for 8 hours. I mean yeah I have the customers but you can only say so much to them. Also when its slow I have no idea what to do, like everything is clean and stocked so I can really sit and find other things to do. I start school on Monday so that will be nice to have homework and things like that to do while im here and to fill the time.
Like i said i my last post, ive been so busy. Its killing me honestly. I dont remember the last day i really had off, and of course when i thought things were getting calm again they arent. I work friday & Saturday till 4:30 then Sunday & Monday im working till 8:30pm. I also need to be able to find time to see my dad and my step-dad whos in town for alittle. I start school on Monday, and of course i want time to myself and time to see my friends but that really isnt a option right now. I wish i couldve had the weekend before school started but illl be fine. I hope at least
Of course im having issues with myself too. I dont know what it is anymore. I miss when i was confident and I had the energy to be myself and work on myself. I hate everything that i wear and all the things that i own. I hate the way my hair looks ( its about shoulder length ) My acne is annoying and will never be were i want it to be. Ive been to the dermatologist many of times, i have a certain routine for my skin, and while yes, i notice that it is getting better its not helping the main things i want. Its also so beyond hot outside and i hate wearing shorts and tank tops. Im 100% a sweater and pants kind of person and i live in the worse state for that to be what i love. I feel like apart of me knows who and what i want to be but i just dont have the confidence to accept it or do anything about it.
I hope that everyone has a beautiful day! <3
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mwagneto · 1 year ago
sherlock & co. review from an insane person (me) coz this is like. the 25th? sherlock adaptation i've checked out so ofc i have opinions on everything ever. and ik ppl who work on indie podcasts browse tumblr sometimes so just in case you work on this DON'T click keep reading, this post is not for youuu shoo. thanks x
ok so far it's like. fine? which is lowkey sad coz i wish it was smtg i really liked but it hasn't gripped me yet which is a shame but yknow. early days. i'm giving it time since it's only 15 episodes so far
my main issue is like. i really wish it wasn't so obviously influenced by bbc but it just so clearly is which is a shaaame like it's better than bbc in every aspect but yknow. not a high bar to clear. like it kinda feels like they liked a lot of things abt bbc and set out to fix the bad parts (h&w friendship being nonexistent, the mysteries being shit) but just kept the rest? in some places keeping things that were invented by bbc which is. baffling tbh
i'm not really picky when it comes to h&w personalities like i think it's fine to just do whatever you want w them, i think it's really fun when an adaptation gives them different personalities than what you're used to but, and this is where it feels far too bbc-ish for comfort, i just don't like it when sherlock is a cunt for no reason? like. he's not a mean person he's only mean in bbc coz moffat thought house md was cool and ripped it off. can we stop making him mean pleeeease 😭 he's just some guy..................
h&w relationship wise it's like... ok so i tend to go into adaptations with a fully clean slate so like i never let my general attachment to them influence how i view them in specific adaptations, the work itself needs to sell me on both the characters and the relationship and like... here neither of those really happened yet which makes me sad coz i think by now it should've but i'm giving it time. at least they're friends and i like that watson is useful for cases/knows things holmes doesn't sometimes coz thats like. such an essential element to sh stories for me and a loooottt of adaptations tend to just completely forget it so that's a win but idk if anything they're too tame? like i dont expect a romance but they can't just be casual friends they need to be bat shit crazy about each other. to me. but like maybe that'll develop over the rest of the podcast we'll see
kinda related to that point but case-wise i think holmes is a bit too ahead of everyone else sometimes which isn't inherently a problem but it does once again smell of bbc which like. noone should ever emulate moffat writing don't do that 🙏 god bles. but i've been able to solve every case along with/before the mcs which is like. thee point of mystery stories for me so yea i really like the stories themselves so far, especially the way they manage to make them solvable even without visuals or narration. OH and i almost forgot but i rly like the soundtrack, i love it when sh soundtracks have a heavy emphasis on violins coz. yknow
howeverr i am on my hands and knees begging them not to give watson a girlfriend tho like please oh myfffucking god . obvs watsonlock doesn't usually factor into my enjoyment of adaptations given that like. y'know. out of the hundreds out there theres only two where either of them is even gay so it's not something i expect nor require but like. to me it is essential that these two ppl are insane abt each other and don't really have anyone else, definitely noone important. like even the rdj movies got this despite ritchie's obsession w the 2 men 1 woman dynamic so idk why i'm constantly having to wage a war against random unnecessary romances for either watson or, god forbid, holmes. when the only interesting relationship either of these men have is with each other. that one granada holmes quote about them choosing not to include mary coz holmes and watson dont need anyone else etc etc. like i seriously dislike it when they introduce anyone else like cmonnnnnn thog dont care
anyway tldr. i guess if asked to pick a short description i'd say. promising? i hope it's gonna be good in the long run. the way they do mysteries is already something i like so. i hope they keep that up and i hope the h&w relationship evolves into something i enjoy coz so far i'm like. i can see the bones of smtg i'll potentially like but it's not there yet. but also like. this is an indie production i'm listening to for free so ion wanna rip into it these are mainly just what i liked/disliked based on the preferences i developed with this one quick trick (grow up completely insane abt sherlock holmes -> consume every adaptation that you can get your paws on -> no profit)
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