#i think that line has become blurry for David too
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(Putting this in a separate post because I sort of scattered my thoughts across two different posts last night.)
So by now we've all probably seen the Ask that Neil answered saying that the kissing scene in GO 2 required only one take. There were a couple of things that came to my mind when I read this, and perhaps the most immediate was that the OP asked how many times the scene had to be filmed, and that means the scene entire--the confession, the pleading, everything--not necessarily just the kiss itself. To that end, I wonder how Neil was answering--i.e., referring to the entire scene, or just the kiss. Because as it stands, the question (and answer) are a bit ambiguous/confusing, and lend themselves to greater discussion.
Assuming that this is all true, however, and that the kiss/scene was filmed in one take (though I'm not sure I believe this was actually the case, given the multitude of camera angles and other cinematographic necessities), I'd like to share a few thoughts. I keep seeing people say that Michael and David are actors, consummate professionals, and how could one underestimate their abilities so as to think they would need more than one take. The thing is, we do know that they are actors. Two of the finest this world has ever seen, even. But it is also abundantly clear that if the kiss was achieved in one take, it was not simply because they are actors, but because it was Michael and David. Together.
To stand across from someone and give/react to such an emotional performance involves so much intimacy and trust, in a way not many of us can understand. If we draw a comparison to OFMD, Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi talked about their kiss in season 1 being awkward, even though they have been friends for a long time. Michael and David, by contrast, have been close friends (if not more) for only a few years, yet there was not a moment's hesitation in that kiss. David, who was nearly blind in that scene from the combination of contact lenses and sunglasses, found his way to Michael's lips with a practiced ease, an approach borne of both skill and familiarity. And Michael trusted David so fully in that moment--trusted him enough to be vulnerable, to let himself be kissed and give up control to David.
The gasp when their mouths met. The hands coming to rest on David's back. The way Michael seemingly leans up partway through, leans into David while expertly conveying the myriad of emotions Aziraphale is experiencing. Could it all have been done in one take? Perhaps. But that still doesn't mean there wasn't more to it. The accumulation of so much that had built between Michael and David over the intervening years between season 1 and season 2, further adding to their already incredible on-screen chemistry. All there for us to see, to make us want more. To make us ache.
Whatever the case may be--whether the kiss truly was accomplished in one take, or was the result of countless rehearsals between Michael and David in the days/weeks/months beforehand (be it at the S2 table read, while working on scene blocking, or the two of them "rehearsing" on their own) we are beyond fortunate to have witnessed something so precious and rare. And hopefully we'll soon get to hear Michael and David themselves telling us all about what it was like...
#good omens 2#michael sheen#welsh seduction machine#david tennant#soft scottish hipster gigolo#aziraphale#crowley#ineffable husbands#kissing#their chemistry is and always will be amazing#i do not at all believe that was the first time Michael and David have kissed#just for the record#i have literally never seen any other actors have this level of tension on screen#where you genuinely believe they know exactly what each other are thinking#i also think the line between character and actor is quite blurred in Michael's case#because somewhere in his soul he *is* the angel#and loves David so deeply#and is able to be Aziraphale so completely because of that#i think that line has become blurry for David too#a friendship that's become something more#ineffable lovers#thoughts#discourse
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Reincarnation - Icemav please!
I love reincarnation fics, and there's just so much angst potential for Icemav with this. I was caught up in deciding how to approach this, so I'm sorry if it disappoints TT^TT
.⋆。°✩ Immortal!Ice is caught in a loop where his love comes back into his life every few decades and is stolen away from him. ✩°。⋆.
WARNING: Blood/Violence/Death, Angst, Potential Unhappy Ending

The first time that Ice sees him isn't the first time, and for a moment, when he turns around in his seat, familiar shoulders and familiar half-wild brown hair become familiar hazel-green eyes and a cat-got-the-cream smile, Ice feels like he's been punched in the stomach.
He should have known. It's not as though he loses track of the years; it's not as though the anxiety doesn't prickle under his skin, and he finds himself waiting even as he fights the long-engrained response when too long a time between appearances builds. It's never changed, not in the countless centuries it's been happening. But every time there's a delay, a stretch where Ice can hope that this time it will be different.
It never is.
Nick Bradshaw introduces them, and Ice rolls the name Pete in his mouth without saying it aloud, adding it to a list he's taken to whispering to himself as he sleeps (Stefen, Daniel, Ethan...). It stings how much it sounds like the one that's taken its rightful place of first.
Ice keeps his cool, holds on with both hands to the moniker he's earned for himself, and smirks. He plays the part cocky and self-assured and lines up the dominos that will keep him in Pete "Maverick" Mitchell's sights but presumably out of his orbit. All the while, he's thinking of how, this time, he can make it different. How this time he might be able to save him.
He's so caught up in that and flying straight and clean he forgets about the dreams.
Immortality makes looking backward in time similar to pulling the focus on a long camera lens; the further back, the more obscured. Time bleeds everything together in spans of forty and sixty years, but Pete (Vincent, Joseph, David...) is always fresh, the more recent iterations of him at least, and when he's there, it's as though Ice's brain reaches into the blurry frame of his memory and drags the picture into focus.
It's always the oldest ones that come on the hardest, the most bloody, the most heartbreaking. They're the ones where Ice didn't understand, where he was still foolish enough to always, up until the very last moment, believe he could win.
He loses Petrus to the end of his own gladius, tricked (he would later discover) by a goddess who'd wanted him for herself. Instead, she'd taken her pleasure in having Ice pierce his love's belly and spill his blood.
Tomai, Ice loses to a rain of arrows that fell from the blackened sky over their medical tents. It had hurt, he thinks, the most because, at the time of his arrival, Ice had thought he was a blessing, a gift, and only learned after cradling his lifeless body that it was a punishment.
Richard saves Ice from a mudslide, Charles dies in the trenches, telling Ice a story to keep them both from falling asleep, and Mattias finds the pictures that Ice keeps and breaks under the pressure of the truth. Ice still can't take baths.
Hundreds of years and the pain from those nightmares are grounded in Ice's undeniable truth, and it never gets easier. It sees Ice woken by his own gasping breaths and drying tears. He tastes the phantom bloom of iron over his tongue, and when he sees Pete, bright and so full of life, as beautiful as Ice has always thought he was, it's a new agony each time. And like every time that's come before it's Pete's own self, his passion and his drive and his everything, that clings to the edges of Ice and makes him hope once more, emboldens him when Ice wishes he wouldn't. Because the hope is just as dangerous as the love and the sorrow and the knowledge of what comes next.
So, Ice does what he can to try and keep the distance, to try and give them more time, Pete more time. He calls him dangerous. He pushes. He makes sure Pete flies like his tail is on fire because Ice can already see in his mind's eye that it is.
And even though Ice knows that fate is an unbroken circle and that the gods of old are dead, he prays.
Ficlet Bingo! (Still Squares Left!)
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Collecting Stones
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
5 / 7 / 23 – Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 7:55-60
1 Peter 2:2-10
“Collecting Stones”
(Building the Kingdom)
There is a small island off the coast of Scotland called Iona. I have only been there once, but there is something very special and holy about that place. To get there from here, you have to take a plane, a train, a ferry, a bus, and another ferry. You really need to want to be there to get there. There is an ancient Abbey church on Iona, a retreat center, and two quaint hotels. There is daily worship in the Abbey, beautiful music, and lots and lots of history. There is an old cemetery and lots of ruins – stones piled up and stones lying around. Over the centuries, Iona has been the home of medieval monks (1,200 years ago) and post-modern environmentalists and LGBTQ advocates (today) – all of them Christian, all of them seeking to be faithful in that thin place where heaven and earth seem to meet in a mysterious way and the line between the two can seem blurry.
There is so much history, and so much beauty, and so much that is holy on Iona. Anyone who visits the rocky coastline of the island would have good reason to wonder, “If these stones could talk, I wonder what they might say they’ve seen.” When I was on Iona, I took one of these stones. It is small and smooth, from centuries of being tumbled by the waves and the sand of a beach on the northern end of the island. A quick walk from the place where I picked up that stone, there is another beach at a place called ��Martyrs Bay,” where sixty-eight monks were killed by Viking raiders in the year 806.[1] If the stones on that beach could talk. . . I shudder to think of the story they would tell.
Our first scripture reading, today is a story that I shudder to read. Maybe you shuddered to hear it. It is definitely one of those passages of the Bible that some people might call a text of terror – or one of those passages that some people will point to and say, “The Bible is just too violent for me.” If the stones in the story of Stephen could talk, they would tell a tale of human beings doing what they have done at every stoning, and lynching, and act of mob violence in history.
You know, there are so many examples of stones being used in the Bible. Sometimes, they are used for good – for building up – and sometimes they are not. There is a famous line from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . . a time to break down, and a time to build up. . . a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3b, 5a)
It would seem that those who came to kill Stephen threw their stones in a way that did not build up.
In the Old Testament, in the Book of Judges, a man named Abimelech is mortally wounded when a woman drops a millstone on his head.[2] Maybe we should feel bad for Abimelech, but maybe he shouldn’t have killed his seventy brothers and declared himself king. Those who live by the sword sometimes die by the millstone, I guess. Then there is an even more famous story in the Old Testament of the shepherd boy named David, who picks up five smooth stones from the ground and goes off to fight and kill a giant named Goliath.[3] So, clearly, there are stones that are used to kill in the Bible, but there are also examples of people, like Jacob, who is out in the wilderness at night, and uses a stone for a pillow, has an amazing dream and hears the voice of God, and then sets that stone pillow up in such a way that it becomes a pillar at a place called Bethel – a place that Jacob says, “shall be God’s house.” (Genesis 28:22)[4] There is also the time when God’s people travel from forty years of wilderness wandering into the promised land and, at the spot where they cross the Jordan River, Joshua collects twelve stones – one for each tribe of Israel – and he says,
When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off in front of the ark of the covenant of the Lord. . . so these stones shall be to the Israelites a memorial forever. (Joshua 4:6-7)
A stone can be a permanent thing – telling a story, carrying deep meaning. If you think about a gravestone erected over someone’s grave or a monument to a great person. Stones can have a way of lasting and signifying something.
Perhaps, the most famous example of a stone in the Bible, of course, is the stone that is rolled away from the tomb when Jesus is resurrected. But before that, there is the story of Jesus stopping a crowd from throwing stones at a woman who is caught in adultery. “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her,” Jesus says. (John 8:7) Jesus’ words stop them in their tracks. They all drop their stones and go away.[5] If only this had happened at the stoning of Stephen. . . At another point, in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus has a little child sit on his lap and says that people need to become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. “If any one of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea,”[6] Jesus says. (Matthew 18:6) Ouch! Another millstone! Jesus is using hyperbole, here – a figure of speech – to make sure we understand that bullying children or taking advantage of their simple trust in God is a big no-no.[7] Still, in another spot, in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus quotes a verse from Psalm 118, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” (Mark 12:10)[8] meaning that the people who are criticizing him (who think they know how to build things and do things “the right way”) might think they know what is right, but they do not know God’s true intentions as the divine Builder of all things.
These words of Jesus and Psalm 118 are echoed in today’s second reading from the First Letter of Peter. The overall message of this letter is to offer encouragement to people who are trying to follow Jesus in a world where they are not always understood or accepted. The people reading this letter centuries ago – and those of us reading it, today – are invited to be put to good use by Jesus for the building up of the kingdom of God. “Come to him a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house. . .” (1 Peter 2:4-5)
Now, some of you might find this image strange. For most of us, the only “living stone” we know of, today, is that actor/wrestler named Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. In actuality, the author is saying that each one of us – no matter how many muscles we may or may not have – can be used for good by God. We can be chosen and used for building up. No matter who you might see when you look in the mirror or who others might see when they see you you and I have the high calling of being God’s chosen, holy, people – to be, as Eugene Peterson translates,
. . . God’s instruments to do [God’s] work and speak out for [God,] to tell others of the night-and-day difference [God] made for you – from nothing to something from rejected to accepted.[9]
Stephen saw himself as someone like this, as did those monks on Iona all those years ago – God’s chosen and accepted people – trying to do God’s good work against all odds. Of course, history is filled with stories of martyrs, killed before their time. Is this what you and I are called to become, too? I don’t think so. But I do think that when God uses us for good that certain things are asked of us – things that are sometimes (maybe even very often) outside our comfort zones. I guess the question for us is: will we seek to be instruments of building up or tearing down?
It is clear that we human beings are very good at the tearing-down side of things. Turn on the television, or the radio, go to this-or-that website online and you will find those who are very good tearing others down, based on what they believe or don’t believe, how they look, what they have said or done. And you and I? Well, we are often content to stand by and watch all of this tearing down taking place – not unlike Saul in the story from Acts, who held the coats of the people throwing the stones and approved of what they were doing. Think about how you and I treat other people on any given day and there will be moments in which we are not doing much building up.
It is clear that Jesus calls us to live a different way – a way that is countercultural, a way that is not easily understood by some. You might remember the thing that pushes Steven’s murderers over the edge, the thing that causes them to pick up stones and start throwing, is when Steven looks up to heaven and says that he sees something different. Is the kingdom of God. This is a kingdom that is all about the building up as to the tearing down – all about a greater love, a greater sacrifice, a greater forgiveness (even forgiveness of one’s enemies) than we are capable of on our own. But, with the help of the Holy Spirit, there is no limit as to how God might use us for good – how we might be built into a spiritual house with other living stones, a house where all may find a home.
As a church, what are we trying to build? There are plenty of churches that are interested in building actual buildings. And it is a blessing to have an historic building, in which our congregation a community can gather, and from which we can be sent out to the world to serve, and to live. But, in truth, what we are seeking to build is greater than what we can see with our eyes or touch with our hands. What we are seeking to build, is an on-earth-as-in-heaven way of living and being. What does this mean, for example, in a week when loneliness has been declared a national epidemic or when our national idolatry of firearms leads some lonely and hurting people with access to weapons to take the lives of others?
I am mindful of the story of Saul – the approving bystander and coat-holder. I do not know what damage the witnessing of brutal violence does to someone’s spirit, but Saul was in need of something new, and different, and hopeful, and good, and healing. Just a few chapters later, God chooses Saul for the work of building God’s kingdom. Saul’s name is changed to Paul. And Paul spends the rest of his life in grateful amazement – coming to terms with the love and mercy of the God who chose him to build something good. How might we be about the business of being built up into a spiritual dwelling for all so that we might build others up in Jesus’ name, with Jesus’ love? How might we share the good news that God has chosen us, against all odds, to receive mercy and to share mercy? How might we be strengthened as a spiritual dwelling for the ministry of building up the kingdom of God – on earth as it is in heaven – at this Table of welcome and mercy, grace and blessed community?
Let’s see. . . Have we left any stone unturned this morning? Stones are used in a variety of ways – literal and figurative – in the Bible. [Check]. Stones can be used for tearing down and for building up. [Check]. Ah! One last thing. . . Why did I choose this one stone from Iona out of so many others – probably a million others on that beach? Well, when I saw it in the water, it had these beautiful deep blue-gray stripes that really caught my eye. Later, when the stone was dry, the stripes had faded – you could barely see them. But when I put the stone in water, again, the stripes reappeared. Pretty cool!
How many of us let the beauty of who God made us to be stay hidden beneath the surface – unseen by others? How is God encouraging us to reveal who we really are? In the waters of baptism, the spiritual gifts of God are given to us. And when the water of baptism is remembered and revealed in us and through us, the beauty of these gifts can shine through for all the world to see.
May the beauty of what God is doing in us and through us be seen and shared. And may God’s kingdom be built of us and by us, with God’s help.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs_of_Iona.
[2] See Judges 9:50-57.
[3] See 1 Samuel 17.
[4] See Genesis 28:10-22.
[5] See John 8:2-11.
[6] See Matthew 18:1-7.
[7] Eugene Peterson, The Message: Numbered Edition (Colorado Springs: NAV Press, 2002) 1356.
[8] See Psalm 118:22-23.
[9] Eugene Peterson, 1677. 1 Peter 2:9-10.
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Angst: 🥀
Fluff: 🌺
Smut: 🌹
Requested: 🌷
DISCLAIMER: All these works are purely fictional. I (obviously) know none of these people personally so they are not written with the intention of representing the personalities, ideals, and/or private lives of the Måneskin members. They are just face claims.
⋆*・゚:⋆* DAMIANO DAVID ⋆*・゚:⋆*
More Than Just A Game (1.8 k) ⋆ Friends With Benefits 🥀 🌺
Summary: What had started between you and Damiano with a simple game quickly turned into something more. The moment the line between pleasure and love becomes blurry you realize it needs to stop before one of you gets hurt.
gold rush (0.8 k) ⋆ Famous Fem! Reader 🌺 🌷
Summary: Damiano has a small obsession with you.
Sweetheart (1.1 k) ⋆ INTERACTIVE 🌺 🌹
Summary: What started as an afternoot out shopping turns chaotic after it starts raining.
I Tuoi Particolari (2.6 k) 🥀 🌺
Summary: It’s been two years since Damiano lost you.
When You’re Gone (9.8 k) ⋆ Mob Boss! x Mob GN! Reader 🥀 🌺
Summary: Soulmates are already a difficult concept to grasp and things don’t seem to get any easier when you like a person who already has a soulmate.
⋆*・゚:⋆* ETHAN TORCHIO⋆*・゚:⋆*
To Love You (1.8 k) 🌺
Summary: After you have a horrible day, Ethan insists on taking care of you in hopes of making you feel better.
What Happens Backstage (1.7 k) ⋆ Dom! x Sub Fem! Reader 🌹 🌷
Summary: Ethan gives you a treat before a performance.
Amami per Sempre (2.8 k) 🥀 🌺 🌷
Summary: Ethan isn’t the brightest—or the best—when it comes to surprises, so his attempt at proposing to you causes a few misunderstandings...
Don’t Burn The Pancakes (3.1 k) ⋆ GN! Reader 🌺
Summary: Your daughter’s idea of cooking breakfast for you doesn’t go as well as she’d hoped for.
Nothing Stays The Same (1.0 k) ⋆ GN! Reader 🥀
Summary: Not even love can resist the test of time.
You’re All I Think About (2.7 k) ⋆ GN! Reader 🥀 🌺
Summary: Two best friends and a confession that has been weighing down on both. Who’ll say the truth first?
En Esta Vida Y Las Que Siguen (2.5 k) ⋆ Vampire x GN! Reader 🥀 🌺
Summary: He had heard about reincarnation many times, but Ethan had never been a believer. Little did he know all it would take for his thoughts to change would be a cute librarian and an accident.
Dolcezza (1.2 k) ⋆ Nurse! Reader 🥀 🌺 🌷
Summary: Ethan prepares tea and takes care of you.
⋆*・゚:⋆* VICTORIA DE ANGELIS⋆*・゚:⋆*
Let Me Go (3.1 k) ⋆ Servant! x Royal GN! Reader 🥀 🌺 🌷
Summary: You're cornered into making a decision that won't only break your heart but Vic's too.
⋆*・゚:⋆* THOMAS RAGGI⋆*・゚:⋆*
Confessions and Cigarettes (0.7 k) ⋆ GN! Reader 🌺 🌷
Summary: Thomas tells you he loves you for the first time.
Promises (1.2 k) ⋆ Best Friend Fem! Reader 🌺
Summary: Thomas lulls your daughter to sleep after he wakes up to the sound of her crying
Oh My Love (1.9 k) ⋆ Thomas Raggi x Fem! Reader 🌹 🌺
Summary: This is just smut with like two paragraphs of plot idk what to tell you.
#damiano david x reader#ethan torchio x reader#victoria de angelis x reader#maneskin x reader#maneskin fanfiction#thomas raggi x reader
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Yellow Brick Road
TIVATOBER 2020 // DAY 17
↳ prompt: Scarecrow - rated T (1,726 words)
summary: Alone in the hideout from Sahar, Ziva finds herself doing something she didn’t expect, which brings back memories from the past.
A/N: also known as - if you chose to read one story of this whole series, please let this be the one.
read it on AO3 🌾
Heavy rain poured down on the gray tiles of the sidewalk. There was enough water on the street to reflect the blurry traffic lights and undefined skylines, at least until a car passed by and splashed it all over the closed stores. Umbrellas piled up in front of a popular restaurant and some moved across the street, but Ziva’s vision was out of focus enough to only distinguish them as blurs of color, disappearing quickly.
It had been hours since she had passed the point of tiredness, now breathing only out of instinct. Her eyelids burned but she kept them open, watching the skies fall.
It was rare for her to need a break like this, though it was turning even more frequent these days. She could only track Sahar down for so long - with just a name, the mysterious woman quickly vanished only to reappear again in another city a few weeks later - and after so many failed attempts of getting to her, Ziva decided to wait until they came to her instead.
That usually didn’t take long.
A taxi stopped just in front of her and a man rushed to open the door, motioning for a woman just behind him to enter ahead. She did so hurriedly, holding what looked like the man’s suit over her head as she disappeared into the backseat of the car.
A second later, the man did the same, hastily running a hand through his wet hair before disappearing. Ziva thought she saw him smile to himself, but the car sped up and she lost track of them before she could confirm.
Two strangers she would never see again, nor hear the end of their story.
She didn’t really process how or why, but suddenly she found her reflection staring back at her, heavy bags under her eyes and hair dripping wet. Ziva blinked, realizing she had crossed the street and now stood in front of the glass door she’d been watching from the opposite side all evening.
Before she could change her mind, Ziva’s hands moved on their own accord and pulled the door open. Blaming the tiredness for her poor choices, she stepped into the movie theater, searching for the ticket booth.
The air conditioning of the room made her soaked clothes feel cold. She picked a spot near the exit, blending into the shadows. In a second she had memorized all viable routes of escape, but it had been more out of habit than from a real necessity.
Her heart was in her throat when the main title started to play. It was this loud melody with a classic tune to it, the high notes revealing the passage of time. As the title appeared, nostalgia burned in her chest. It had been too long since she’d last seen it, way too long.
“I thought this was a colored one.”
“Do you really want me to spoil it to you, woman?”
“I’ve read the book, you know.”
“Then how come you always manage to quote it wrong?”
“How do you know they’re the right lines? Perhaps they’re different in the book.”
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Yes. Exactly. You would not know.”
“Don’t brag now. You’re the one who hasn't seen a movie that’s seventy years old.”
“I had other things to do.”
“That’s older than Gibbs.”
“That’s older than you.”
“Miss David. You hurt me this way.”
“Shush. It’s about to start.”
“You… Wicked Witch of the West.”
“Hm… Doesn’t she die?”
“You’ll have to watch and see.”
It knocked the breath out of her. She already knew it was coming, but the sudden change from sepia to technicolor was still a marvelous thing to see. Bright colors invited the viewer to enter this brand new world, and Ziva let herself get lost in the songs and the details.
The room was almost empty, some people scattered across the rows ahead. She wondered if they had seen this movie before. Probably, considering how old it was. Though she knew the story by heart, it was because she’d read the book a dozen times while growing up, it being a classic in her mother’s personal library.
He had teased her the whole day when he discovered she’d never watched it. She remembered it clearly—quoting lines and singing lyrics, he’d succeeded in driving her crazy enough for her to give in, which led to them renting a DVD copy on a free Friday night. She brought the beers and he led the place, the one between them who had a television at home.
Tony’s selective memory always surprised her, though his insistence in getting under her skin was a force on its own. He would bug her until he got what he wanted, and she was used to it—most times great at fighting back—but some days she just wanted to give in and see that typical smile of his, the one that stretched over his face until the corners of his eyes got wrinkled.
She could picture it so clearly, the image still imprinted under her eyelids.
It was a memory she visited often, that day. It had been one of those moments no one could know it would become a memory until it did. Their laughter, the sureness of safety and the genuine feeling of happiness were things that still warmed her heart, whenever she thought of it. They were so young and worry-free, she always felt a sting of regret for not cherishing the moment more when it was happening.
Dorothy reached a crossroad, unsure of which path to go next. When the Scarecrow changed the arm that pointed where to go, some people chuckled, and Ziva smiled weakly. He had always been her favorite one of the group. There was something really endearing about his clumsiness and care. He was smarter than he would ever know, and it was a charming quality she rarely saw in people.
“How can you talk if you haven’t got a brain?” quizzed Dorothy, tilting her head.
“I don’t know,” replied the Scarecrow. “But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't you think?”
“And what do you mean by that?”
“Yeah… Right.”
“What? It’s true. Plus, he’s cute.”
“He’s a scarecrow.”
“Don’t tell me you’re turned on by a scarecrow.”
“I did not say I was ‘turned on’. You are wiggling my words.”
“I thought it had been a twister.”
“Just… Watch. See? Now your scarecrow is also part of the narrative.”
“I like him.”
“Sometimes I just can’t respect you.”
“He talks a lot.”
“You say that to me all the time!”
“Well, you do talk a lot.”
“Are you admitting to like me, David?”
“I will call Ducky right away. We finally solved it - your brain is there, only it is made out of straw.”
“Ha-ha. Very funny.”
Ziva felt her heart clench when the thought of Tony showing it to Tali crossed her mind. Had he done the same? Was he excited over little details and quoted its famous lines just like he did with her? Or did it remind him of them? Did they ever get the chance to watch it together or he avoided it? She certainly stared at the movie theater marquise for hours before she gave in, the tiredness making her too vulnerable.
She missed him so much her bones ached from it.
Ziva wondered if she would ever feel the same again. That flickering in her chest whenever they spoke in riddles, both of them catching each other’s stolen glances more frequently than not. They had always been good in sharing non-verbal cues, and even if they bickered until one of them got tired, the silence was the one thing she missed the most.
To be able to be understood like that by someone else, it was the closest she had ever been to love.
“Oh,” confided Dorothy to the Scarecrow, “I think I’ll miss you most of all.”
She pressed a kiss to his cheek, saying goodbye. Both of them were too emotional to say anything else, Dorothy wiping the tears with her hand and him giving her a sad smile. There was something incredibly bittersweet to have known it would have come to this all along.
Ziva struggled to breathe. She didn’t recall when exactly she had started crying, but she couldn’t see a thing now. There were only blurs.
She tried to remember the last time she did cry. Her chest ached from keeping it silent, the loud beating of her heart the only thing she could hear. She knew it would happen as soon as she bought that ticket, but there was something quite soothing about being in a dark room where no one else knew her.
She could finally be free, even if for a brief moment.
Ziva stood up before the credits started rolling. Hastily wiping the tears from her face, she exited to the street, hoping for once that she was really invisible, and no one would approach her now.
The rain had stopped. It was much darker now, though the street lights seemed brighter. The line of people outside of the restaurant had disappeared, probably already inside. Some taxis were available at the other side of the street, but she preferred walking. She couldn’t take any risks now, knowing she could quickly become the prey.
Ziva looked up to the sky, clenching her jaw. Letting the cold air inundate her lungs, she tried to ease her breathing. Tony and Tali were somewhere safe, far away from there, but at least they were under the very same sky. She wondered if it was raining there. She wondered if they were okay.
Closing her eyes, she pictured them again. Happy. She needed them happy, even if it meant they had found happiness without her. There was no other way to keep her going, other than to imagine them alive. Even if it looked like nothing more than a dream, she needed them there, safe, tucked away in her heart.
When Ziva opened her eyes again, the sadness had already been buried.
With Dorothy’s words still ringing in her mind, she ducked her head, following the gray brick road into an adjacent alleyway.
There is no place like home, she had said.
And wishing for nothing more than a pair of ruby slippers, Ziva David disappeared into the shadows.
#ncis#tiva#tiva fanfiction#tivatober2020#once upon a halloween#my fics#this is by far the one story i'm proudest of#so pls give it a read if you can! <3
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Pressed Coffee
Pairing: Johnny x Reader (gender-neutral terms were used, but I had a fem!reader in mind when writing this).
Genre: Fluff, angst, some suggestive situations (not really).
Word Count: 9.1K
Summary: This is difficult to explain. I had to write this for a college lit class following the form of David Levithan’s Lover’s Dictionary, which twists the “normal” way of defining words. Told through the lens of a man we learn about his relationship, the reader doesn’t know the sequence of the events that are taking place before our very eyes, through the words that he has chosen to define with tableaus of his love life. I did this with Johnny, and I think I did a good job. Wow, this was a bad summary. Let’s try: How coffee can lead to a beautiful romance. Yeah that’s ok.
Warnings: None, some angst near the end.
Caffeine n.
I was late, like always.
I woke up a whole hour later than normal, and that caused me to do a speed-run version of my morning routine. Good thing I shower at night—a great time saver. I left my apartment in twenty minutes; as I stepped out the door the noises of the morning surrounded me: cars bumper to bumper through the city making their way to work: morning joggers with their dogs and strollers zooming past the seemingly frozen vehicles; birds swooping down from the sky to the land, hopping, and hoping for some food.
I quicken my pace as I head to the subway station on 48th Street; my shoes just a tiny bit too tight today, barely allowing me to keep my speed. Closer, I get to the orange sign, the faster time moves, never letting me get ahead, leaving me two steps behind. Down the stairs with a quick hop in my step, and a swipe of my subway card, I wait on the platform for my train. I looked to my watch, then to the board above the tunnel—the train was seven minutes way.
“Crap.” Was what I said out loud but, in my head, I was breaking down. It takes a lot to make me stressed but being late was suspect number one. Being late, is like a mortal sin that has been ingrained into my psyche from a young age: all my after-school activities in high school emphasized how important being on time was. “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, you’re dead.” That is what many band teachers, drama directors, and coaches have said to me. In college, there were consequences to being late, the beginning of practices would be spent running for every person not there (if they didn’t inform the coach that they would be late), then when the offender would arrive, they would run. Being on time shows that you are respectful, aware of other people and their time that they are giving up to also be there.
With the rising levels of stress, I shot my boss a quick text:
“I’m running a bit late. I’ll be in soon. Would you like me to pick anything up for you?”
A minute later, she responded with:
“That’s fine, you don’t have tons of work like normal. Can you get me a coffee? You know my order ;)” A sigh of relief fell from my mouth at the message, and the growing squealing sounds from the tunnel. I send back a thumbs up and slip my phone back into my pocket.
The wind of the underground picks up as a silver train flew by, slowly coming to a halt. As the doors open, people being to push their way into their spots—I take mine towards the front of the car, another hand joining the many others on the rail overhead. Swaying back and forth, the lights flicker above me as the air conditioning blows; a baby sits on their parents’ lap in front of me with the biggest smile on their chubby face. A small wave is all it takes to grab the baby’s attention, smiling back, I make a funny face at them, and now they’re bubbling with the cutest laughter. They reach out to take my hand, their ravioli sized fist wraps around my pointer finger, and the last of my stress melts away with this little angel in front of me. The parent, also has a smile on their face, appeased with the behavior of their child—any form of travel with a baby is hard, so I try and make it a little easier for them.
Sadly, my stop was up, and I waved bye to my new friend. I stepped off the train and headed up the stairs to 110th street. I already knew what coffee shop I was going to: there is a small café down the block from my office that has the best drinks and snacks—which was prefect because I had to skip breakfast. Hauling ass through the streets towards Papaya Acres Café, I mentally prepared my order.
“One large, caramel swirl ice coffee, two and two liquid sugar; one medium hot coffee with regular cream and sugar; and a croissant with butter, warmed.” The bell chimed as I pulled the glass door open and was immediately bathed in the scent of coffee and sweets. I inched forwards in line towards the cash register, when I made it, I recited my order perfectly, paid, then waited at the pick-up counter. The bell above the door twinkling when more customers came in, the melodic music coming from the speakers, and the whining from the espresso machine. I pulled my phone out to kill time before my order was ready, I opened Twitter and started scrolling through my feed.
“Dude, you can’t just, like, look at someone like that and not expect to get punched in the face.”
“I didn’t mean too! There was a-a-I don’t even remember, but she didn’t have to punch me.” What did this guy do? I know that I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it, I had to listen in.
“I don’t know, I saw your face, and I would have punched it too if you were looking at me like that.” The man, that was facing me, had brown hair that was styled away from his face, leaving his brown eyes on display—they were light and full of mischief. He wore a grey sweatshirt that looked comfy as hell, and he had a smile stretched across his face.
“Well, he seems nice.” I whisper to myself, my lips dancing into a smile. I turned my back to them, deciding it better to not listen in anymore.
“I don’t know any—”
“Miss, here’s your order.” Two coffees sat in a carrying tray and a bag—hopefully containing my croissant—in between the drinks.
“Thank you, have a great day.” My smile grew as I picked up my order. Turning back to the door, I began texting my boss that I was on my way. I made it a few steps when my hands were knocked towards me.
He was early, like always.
Frustrated adj.
Today, out of any day, today was the day that I was going to cry in public. Now, I never usually cry, not at movies (sometimes I do, I’m not heartless), not at sad songs, not when I’m stressed, and definitely not in public. But this just broke the dam.
There I stood, in the middle of a coffee shop, with both boiling and freezing coffee down the front of my white sweater—well, my now, brown sweater—and cute black pants. The clear plastic cup sat crushed next to the paper cup, the rest of the hot coffee melting the ice on the floor. A pair of faded, black converse faced my black shoes. Tears begin to pool in my eyes, the tiled floor becoming blurry, hands clasp my shoulders and my head snaps up.
“Are you okay?” Deep brown eyes stare back at mine. The tears being to race down my face.
“Yeah.” I nod slowly.
“Then why are you crying?” A soft hand comes to my cheek, his thumb brushes a tear away. After that I just completely broke down, like big ugly sobs, snot—everything. His hands shift, moving from my face and shoulder to caressing my head and holding my back.
“I woke up late, then my train was late, but my boss said it was fine and wanted me to get her a coffee, and then I split it all over me. But this is the fifth time I’ve been late this month, and my supervisor said that if I was late one more time, I have to meet with her.” With a heaving chest and choked sobs, I managed to explain my short morning. Sinking further, I wrapped my arms around the kind man and just let it out. I probably shouldn’t have done that, but he was so warm, and I was so tired—sometimes you just need a hug.
“That was my fault, I’m sorry.” He whispered into my hair, a hand running up and down my back. Slowly, I began to calm down, savoring the hug for a few more moments before I pulled away. I looked at his grey sweatshirt and saw dark marks from where my face was and the remnants of the coffee.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry that I got tears and snot on your sweatshirt.” Dabbing at my tears to dry my face, I turned away, getting mascara on my sleeve—the sweater was already ruined so it couldn’t get any worse. I pulled myself from his arms sighing, I bent down to grab my phone (thankful undamaged) and texted my boss what happened. I turned to the counter to reorder, and the worker already has my order ready.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that.” I begin to pull my wallet out to pay, but she was just shaking her head at me.
“After what I just saw, you are fine. Don’t worry about it.” Her smile was kind. I went back up to the counter and put a couple of bills in the tip jar.
“Thank you so much.” I turn back around and see the man still standing were I left him.
“Hi, my name is Johnny. Can we start over again?”
Gilded adj.
Being with Johnny was like being in a world of sunlight. Everything was filled with loud laughs, quiet whispers, longing glances, quick kisses, and loving touches. Of course, there were arguments and disagreements, we were a normal couple in a not so normal world. His job is demanding, long hours and weeks spent with the only kinds of communication are texts and FaceTime calls. At first, this arrangement was strange: dates spent at hole in the wall restaurants in a back-corner way from the other patrons; dinner and movies—at home; late (like 1 a.m.) walks in the park, and food from convenient stores. It was easy to get used to, and I get why it had to be that way. When your boyfriend is part of a world-known group, you can’t really go outside in broad daylight and be seen together—it would most likely ruin his career, and some of the fans go too far.
I rolled over, a mess of blankets and sheet caught between us, and I just look at him. The sun streamed in through the curtains, filling the room with a warm glow. His hair turning a rich golden brown, the light doesn’t stop there, bathing his skin a shimmering yellow. The sight making me gasp, because in that moment, he looked ethereal—in that moment I knew I loved him.
Soft breathes fell in the space between, I moved my hand and started tracing his face. Thick eyebrows, long lashes, strong nose, full lips, sharp jaw; this man looked like he was carved from the Gods themselves, and he was all mine.
He groaned when I stopped my movements; arms moving, coming to pull me closer to his chest.
“Morning.” Eyes still closed.
“Morning.” Eyes opened, the brown catching the light and turned gold. I leaned in and placed a quick kiss to his lips, then tried to get up. But he wasn’t budging.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He raised himself up on one arm, holding me with the other.
“Bathroom.” He shook his head, I moved away again. Then he lifted himself up, arms coming to either side of me, only to lay himself on top of me, effectively stopping any attempts to start the day.
“You’re not going anywhere.” His lips tickled my neck as he spoke. I sighed out and began to run my hands through his hair, and his breathing slowed. Shortly after, the snores started, and there was no way I was getting up for about an hour. I wrapped my arms around him and started to fall back to sleep.
Perfect, it was perfect.
Hostile adj.
It was a rare date night out, and I was brimming with excitement. Tonight, we went to our favorite restaurant then headed for a movie at my place. On the walk back to my apartment, something felt off. Footsteps and whispering followed every step of our own. I pulled my face mask higher up on my face as I looked around—to not cause suspicion. With a glance behind us, I saw a group of girls, and my heart sank. This was it; this is where the relationship ended; they were going to find out and tell everyone.
See when you date a celebrity, there are rules because there are consequences. The fans of most groups are wonderful, the kindest people you will ever meet, but then there are a few that are not. These fans think that they are entitled to the artist: they stalk them; find their phone number, and call them constantly; they send death threats to anyone who gets close to their favorite artist—or worse to the artist themselves. To say I was scared would be an understatement.
��John, there’s a group of girls behind us. They’ve been following us for a while.” I lean my head on his shoulder to not cause alarm.
“John? Wha—Oh. Ok. Ah, let me think.” He became serious: eyebrows furrowed under his black cap; lips pursed behind his face mask. I don’t know how they found us; we were so careful.
Steps grew closer, and I could hear some of what they were feverishly whispering about.
“Do you think it’s him?”
“It has to be. I mean, look at him.”
“If it is him, who is that?”
“I don’t know, but I think if I can get close enough I can—” With that they dared more steps, for every two we took, they took three. This was getting serious.
“Ok, after we reach this corner, we are going to enter that store—see it? The bookstore? —then we are going to walk around inside until they follow us in, then after a few seconds we are going to leave, then make a break for it down the block. Sound like a plan?” It was a stupid plan, but it was the only one we had right now.
“I guess, this better work.” My grip tightens on is arm, trying to ground myself in the situation.
“Wait!” One of the girl’s screech behind me, I slightly turn my head to hear better.
“—said that she spotted him on 1st and 3rd Street. Let’s go.” They all crossed the street and headed in down the block—away from us.
“I think we are going to have to stop with the dates outside for a little while.” With a sigh, he nodded.
Lend v.
It was a cool day, in October, and I forgot my jacket. Walking through the streets at night would have been fine if it were summer, but it wasn’t. I had been in such a hurry to get out of the apartment to meet up with him, that I just completely forgot to grab the jacket sitting on the hook by the door. I didn’t notice until I had made it to the restaurant.
“Did you walk all the way here without a jacket?” I scooched my chair closer to the table, grabbing my glass to sip some water.
“Uh, I forgot it to grab it when I left.” A chuckle falls from his mouth, his eyes curving to crescent moons, then he reached across the table to take my hand, his larger one encompassing my own.
“You’re a freakin’ loser.” An often-used term of endearment. Eyes rolling, I squeezed his warm hand.
“Takes one to know one.” His face breaks into a wide smile.
The waiter came to take our order, and when he left, we just sat in each other’s gaze, content with the moment. The food came, bites were shared, and when the bill was paid, he offered to walk me home.
With the moon rising higher in the sky, the temperatures dropped. Lights from shops, apartments, and streetlights created a world of color, drenching us in greens, blues, reds, and yellows. A gust of wind came from behind us, and in a moment of silence after—he dropped his jacket onto my shoulders. I laughed.
“Thank you.” I looked at his profile, a strand of hair fell into his eyes, and he just left it. Lips were curved into a small smile—proud of the smoothness of the execution; a black turtleneck was the only thing shielding him from the weather, and from the looks of it, he was winning.
“Always. Can’t have you freezing on me.”
“I’m not going to freeze, Johnny.”
“Not when I’m here, duh.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I’m lucky you’re mine.” Not only was my body warm, but my face was too.
He was smooth.
Loneliness adj.
He was gone. Days had turned into weeks, and the bed had grown cold as nights were spent hoping for his return. Time seemed to move slower without him by my side; the sun and it’s jovial rays never seem to set, and when they do the moon and its frigid compassion surround me in an endless longing for the light. I know that I shouldn’t be acting like this, but he was my world.
I made my way to the kitchen, the cold floors numbing my bare feet. The blanket wrapped over my frame providing little warmth. The rising sun casted an orange glow in the room. I slowly set my mug into the sink, washing the rings of coffee from the inside wall, my movements becoming sluggish as the world caught up with me.
The lock beeps from the front door, gradually opening. Shuffling could be heard in the entryway: keys being placed on their hook, bags being set down, shoes being kicked onto the rug, and jackets being placed on the rack. Water running down the drain was the only thing that filled my ears—deaf, I was to the footsteps drawing closer. Mug in one hand and scrubber brush in the other, I gazed to the beginning of the day: lights flicking on room by room in the building across from me, people making their way of from their homes, cars starting to head towards their destination. Vibrations come from behind me as warm hands snake around my blanket, hands turning into arms and a chest pressed into my back. It does not shake me from my trace, still I gazed out the window—until warm lips press onto the top of my head. By the time I had set down the mug and scrubber, I was turned around, facing him. As I looked into his eyes, my own began filling with tears. Like the play button had been pressed, my hands shot out to grab his arms, pulling him closer.
“You’re back?” uncertainty filling the room.
“I’m back.”
My world had returned. He pulled me from the sink, taking one of my hands and his other sliding to my back, he begun to sway. There we stood, dancing in the kitchen at 6 in the morning—revolving around each other, for we were the centers of our universe.
Nervous adj.
The energy in the venue was high, everything was buzzing: the lights, the speaker, the crowd, and my heart. This was the first time that I saw Johnny’s group in person, I’ve seen concert videos, fan-cams, and their online concerts, but never in real life. He has been on tour for two months—which is a long time to only talk through FaceTime and texts, but it was well worth the wait. I managed to get tickets to their last show, shortly after followed plane tickets and a hotel reservation.
The beginning of my day was spent sleeping in to get rid of the jet lag, once I was up and ready, I headed to the venue; the concert may start at 8 p.m., but you also have to get there early so you can get fan-made stuff and merch. I arrived at 4 p.m., and began to wait, making friends along the way, excitedly talking with them about the members, songs, moments, and theories for the next comeback.
I made it to my seat, light stick, and fan banner in hand as I pulled my phone out to text him good luck—as I did for every concert. I went on Twitter to see that the concert was trending, a smile on my lips as I liked the groups’ pre-concert posts. The fan sitting next to me saw my fan banner.
“Ooh, you like Johnny?” Their eyes sparkling in the bright fluorescent lights overhead.
“Yeah, as much as I love them all, he’s my favorite. Who’s you’re favorite?”
“Haechan, he’s so cute. But I also love all of them members too.” After that we got more friendly, names were swapped, and then we started talking about everything about the group. As time for the concert began grew closer the more my heart began to race, my palms became sweaty, and my stomach was in knots. Soon the lights dimmed, and the crowd thrummed with energy, light sticks turning on and the space changed into a green ocean.
The screens on the stage flickered to life, beginning the VCR introduction. The lights flashed and there he was in all his glory, standing before me. The music played and the members came to life, moving as one before the crowd.
But he always stood out to me.
Smitten v.
He had seen me during the concert and had someone come get me when it finished. Going through some ‘STAFF ONLY’ doors, and many turns later, I was in the dressing room waiting for the guys to finish going over the concert.
Sitting, on my phone, still going through the concert tag on Twitter, I heard them coming from a mile away with their excited yells and laughs. The door opens and they all flood into the room, the sound following them in. He was the last one, of course. Eyes scanning the room, going from person to person trying to find something, someone—me.
When our eyes met, it was as if the world going on around us had melted away, it was only him and me. It was perfect. Slowly, I rose from my seat and started to make my way to him, he was pushing through the people blocking us. When we got to the middle, he slowly, but surely, wrapped his arms around me. It was warm and whole, and I accepted it—eagerly. I buried my face into his chest—slightly heaving from the two-hour long concert, the sweat was felt on my cheek— and I smiled into it.
“Hi, I missed you.” Quiet, we were, afraid that this moment could end in the next breath.
“I missed you too.” He kissed the top of my head, then rested his cheek there, I wanted him to stay there forever. But our reunion was stopped when the others joined in on the hug—turning into a dog-pile. I let it happen for a little while, but then it started to get hot, and they were all sweaty—so, so sweaty.
“Guys…I can’t breathe anymore.”
“You let Johnny hug you, so why can’t we.” Mark said from somewhere from the outside of the pile.
“Because he’s my boyfriend, and ya’ll are gross and sweaty.” I squirm in Johnny’s arms, but none of them budged. “I’m going to die in here, aren’t I?” I whisper.
“Probably, but at least I’ll die with you.” He whispers back.
“No, you’re not, you Giraffe. You get fresh air and everything, while I’m down here in the depths of gross boy stank.” I resorted to whining, I’m not proud but I needed out of my prison.
“Guys, you heard them, give ‘em some space. They’re right, you do stink.” He started pushing them away, chuckling.
“Is that better, Baby?” He brushed my hair out of my face when I looked up at him.
“Yes, Handsome. I can only handle one stinky boy right now.” His hug became crushing as he lifted me a few inches off the ground that left me squealing.
“Stinky?!” Eyes wide. “I’m stinky?” He asked, voice raising a few decibels.
“Big time.” Then, my life flashed before my eyes as he starts to rub his head all over my face. Gagging, I push his nasty ass away from me, but with his grip around me, he wasn’t going anywhere. A hidden smile on my face turns into a frown when he lifts his head up to look at me.
“You’re gross. I don’t want to hug you anymore.” I push again, but that only encourages him. His hands shift from my back to my sides, then he starts to wiggle them over the covered skin.
“Stop it! No, Johnny! Stop!” Forced laughs escaped as tears start to run down my face.
“Then, take it back! Say you want to hug me!” He wasn’t letting up, if anything, he was picking up the pace.
“Never! I told you that I don’t want to hug stinky boys!” My chest began to rise and fall at a rapid speed, air rushed into my lungs only for it to be ripped back out. There was no end in sight as one of his hands grasped my side to stop me from trying to twist out of his attack.
“I’m not stopping until you say it AND give me a kiss!” A huge smile and crescent eyes are all I saw as he brought his face closer to mine, smile slinking into a smirk. “Be good, and listen, Baby.” Time to bring in the big guns.
“Jaehyun! Help me! Please!” I whip my head around to not only look for my hopeful savior, but to hide my flushed cheeks from his comment. As fast as I called his name, two more arms wrapped around me, and pulled me from Johnny’s ruthless hold. I push off from Jaehyun; finally, away from the constant contact, I slowed my breathing down. Smoothing my hair down and running my sweaty hands down the front of my jeans, I stood up straight and looked at Johnny.
“That was mean.” Lips: full on pout mode, Eyes: puppy dog mode engaged, Arms: crossed over one another. I was the picture-perfect example of how to get an apology. With his jaw dropped and eyes wide, Johnny was the perfect example of forming an apology.
“Mean?! You said that you didn’t want to hug me anymore!” True.
“But I was just joking. You didn’t have to rub your sweaty head on me, then tickle me.” Jaw snapped close, and eyes turning into soft brown ones, we were at a standstill. The others were lightly laughing at the scene going on in front of them, one seen many times before, but always with a different victor.
“You hurt my feelings.” One step closer.
“You hurt my nose and lungs” One step.
“You were mean.” One step.
“You were meaner.” Last step. We met in another hug; the winner was obvious.
“God, they’re so whipped for each other.” Mark whisper to Jaehyun with an eye roll.
Telephone n.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.”
“I think it is, Johnny. I love you so much more than you love me. You fill up, like, 54% of my heart.” With a slight nod, I won this time.
“Only 54%? Are you loving other people on the side?” A dramatic gasp and a flared hand placed on his chest caused me to laugh.
“Of course, Loser. The rest of the boys take up about 6%, My mom has 10%, Ms. Jenkins and her cat has 7%, and I have the other 23% saved for a rainy day.” My cheeks began to hurt from smiling so much; one thing that I love about him is that no matter what, he can always make me smile.
“Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret, Baby.” I slightly leaned forward, even though it did little to minimize the actual distance between us. My breath caught, as I strained my ears to hear him as he whispered.
“I love you, 3000.” My face dropped, a chuckle bubbled out, turning into a laugh, then into a cackle, and finally, I was in bed with tears streaming down my face and I couldn’t catch my breath. Once I finally calm down, I looked at him with a serious face.
“You are the love of my life.”
“And you are the love of mine.”
“I miss you.” Sigh.
“I’ll be home soon.”
“You’ll always come back, right? Back home? Back to me?”
That night, neither one of us hung up, content to still in a comfortable silence until he fell asleep. Then I soon followed, the sound of his breathing lulling me to sleep with one word on my mind.
Voyage n.
I watched the sun sink beneath the tall buildings. The sky had been graying all day and with the dark clouds rolling in, all the signs pointed to a storm.
But there was going to be more than one storm tonight.
Hours over the stove, wasted as the meal sits in the oven waiting to be eaten. Slowly, they lose their heat, mine steadily rose. The cars filter through the street below, reds, blues, blacks, but not the car I was waiting for. The rain falling on the street, coloring it dark; the hum of electricity fresh in the air as a flash of lightening lit up my face in the window. I looked around my dark apartment and felt empty. With a huff, I head to the bathroom, limbs stiff from sitting folded up on the couch, waiting. I looked at the mirror, sighed, turned, and left. Walking through the dark apartment, I heard thunder booming overhead, followed by a crack of lightening, brightening the room for a second, before being shrouded again.
Four times. Now, five times, he had missed our date. There was no text, no call, no note. Nothing, there was nothing.
There was one thing: loneness.
There were two things: loneness and anger. Two things that don’t work well together. One eats at the mind, and the other eats at the soul.
Hours passed, and I was still alone, sitting on the couch. Still waiting. That’s what this relationship was, waiting: waiting up for him to come back after practice, waiting for him to come home after months of being away, waiting for him to show up to dates, waiting for love. That was the hardest part, the love. Being away from each other as often as we are, you don’t feel loved—I don’t feel loved. Nights spent lying in bed waiting for him to hold me. Days spent waiting for any sign of life on his end. And the in between spent always waiting.
It was a moonless night because of the storm, still pounding away. They say thunderstorms are caused by the Greek God, Zeus, king of the sky, when he’s angry. How I shared his rage tonight. How I wanted to scream at him, but no sound came out. Nothing came out. The door beeped, then opened; shoes kicked to the floor, and keys hung up on the rack. A sigh fell from the doorway. I looked at my watch, the glow threw shadows around the living room as it read: 11:23 p.m. Steps heard, a light clicked on, a name is called—my name. I didn’t answer. I couldn’t.
My named echoed through the apartment, he wondered into the living room—light still off.
“Baby, what are you doing sitting in the dark?” A chuckle falls from his lips, a sigh from mine.
“Waiting.” My mouth too dry to put power behind it, so it came out as a whisper.
“What?” He made his way closer to me, only halfway to the couch I was curled on.
“Waiting.” It was a little louder this time.
“Honey, speak up. You’re whispering.” He was almost in front of me know, I could smell his sweat mixing with his deodorant.
“WAITING! I SAID I WAS WAITING FOR YOU!” A crash of thunder boomed in time with my declaration. He stood, staring at me like I had grown another head.
“I’m sorry.” With my chest heaving, I pulled myself off the couch, making my way to leave the room to cool down. I passed him and he grabbed my arm, halting me. I turned to face him, his eyes moving quickly over me—searching for the reason of my outburst. A crack of lightening spilt the sky and lit his brown eyes that were wide with worry.
“W-What’s wrong? What happened, Angel?” He grasped my hands and held them in between us. I scoffed, head shaking. Did he really forget? Something so important—a date—and he doesn’t even know what he did wrong? I let it go the first few times, but this—this tipped the scales.
“You forgot.” I spoke, words filled with a venom that I could feel the burning at my tongue and throat, itching to get out. I stared at our connected hands, frustration filling me up, I could see it collect in the corner of my eyes. The wind started to slam against the windows, as another clap of thunder sounded.
“Oh, Sweetheart. I am so sorry. I got hel—”
“You got held up at practice.” I laughed, because of course he did. He always did. I was beginning to feel hot; I dropped his hands and crossed mine. He reached out for me, but I stepped away—needing space.
“Stop with the nicknames, Johnny! Stop trying to defuse the situation!” I paced around the living room—still in the dark—trying to ease the anger. Johnny walked away to turn the light on; the room bathed in a hue of gold. He was wearing those sweatpants that fit him just right, and a black long sleeve; a tired look on his face, but his eyes were guarded—trying to read my fire-filled ones.
“There is no situation, I don’t see why it is such a big deal if I miss a date.” Annoyed—that’s what he was, he was annoyed with me. But the feelings I had, were worse.
“Oh? So, that’s how you feel about it? You don’t care about our dates? The only thing you seem to care about is work.” My back was turned, I didn’t want him to see me cry.
“Are you fucking kidding me? The only—Wow. What is wrong with you?!” The level of his voice was rising—so was mine.
“What’s wrong with me?! You have missed five dates, Johnny!” I turned around in time to see his eyes rolling. “No calls, no text, no heads up! I would have been fine, but I stood for hours over the stove cooking your favorite meal! I had set the table all nice, I got your favorite wine, your favorite candles, and your favorite music! But you just didn’t show up—too busy dancing with your friends—leaving me alone!” Hands thrown up in the air, I moved into a corner of the room.
“Do you want to know what you sound like right now? You sound like a brat.” The word being spat out of his mouth. “You think I’m just singing and dancing all day?! I am working my ass off to make people happy! I work all day, and I just want to come home and sleep!” There it was, the guilt, beginning to build in my gut. “You knew what you signed up for going into this relationship, you knew that things weren’t going to be easy! But here you are, whining like a little bitch because I missed some dates!” The storm outside matched the storm inside, the loud rage was inescapable.
“What did you just call me? A Bitch? I—Ok.” I ran my hands through my hair, I was boiling now, nothing was going to stop the war he just laid out. “I do know what I signed up for! But when you’re in a relationship, things go both ways, Johnny! I don’t think you recognize that! When was the last time you planned a date? When was the last time you went out of your way to do something nice? When was the last time you showed me you cared? I don’t remember, and after all of this, I doubt you do.”
“Are we serious arguing over this?”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“We are seriously fighting over a date?! A DATE?!”
“ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!” The windows rattled from the thunderous boom. The storm or the shout? That is something that will be unknown for the rest of time.
“What is this really about? Are you jealous? Are you jealous at the fact that I do something I love? Are you jealous because you work a meaningless desk job?” My mouth dropped. One of my biggest regrets was not pursuing what I wanted to in college, I did what my parents wanted and that was shared in secret with him. Late night talks, quiet whispers so no one in the world could hear our confessions.
“I can’t believe that’s what you think this is about! I know you love your job! I love seeing you happy because of it! I-I just can’t keep this up.” Tiredness just rolled over me as I was sitting down on the couch, and holding my head in my hands. The storm still raging outside.
“This?” He sneered.
“This! You! Coming here late every time you stay over! Dates spent here, your place, or some random restaurant at 10 at night! Not seeing you for weeks at a time! You’re never here anymore, Johnny! There’s always some excuse as to why you can’t come over. And sometimes there’s nothing at all!” The rain on the windows matched the tears on my face. “I’M SO LONELY, AND YOU DON’T EVEN CARE!” My chest heaves for a different reason as sobs echoed through the apartment. I spared a glance at him, the anger was gone, replaced with realization and sadness. His hands shook, eyes searching around the room, mouth slightly open, trying to find something—anything—to say. But the damage was done.
An eternity had passed, but only mere minutes had. One question weighed on my mine. One that needed to be said. One that could change everything.
“Do you even want this anymore?” My eyes shut, waiting for his response. But none came. When I opened them, he was standing in the doorway, mouth open, eyes frantic. With a sigh, I rose from the couch and headed to the door. I walked by him and when he didn’t say anything, I scoffed. I slipped my shoes on and unlocked the door.
“Wh-Where are you going?” He sounded so small. My baby—no, not anymore. He may not have answered the question, but his silence did.
“I don’t know.” It was like I took a backseat to the situation and I was now only watching it.
“When are you coming back?” Opening the door was the easiest and hardest thing I had done all night.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry.” I hummed in response, slipping out the door.
I don’t know how long I walked for, but the moment I had stepped outside, I was soaked by the rain and guilt. It wasn’t cold though; it was surprisingly warm. I had shut my phone off after Johnny had left his 6th voicemail. I want to be alone, but my thoughts kept me company. The mind likes to bring up memories, I found, after a something like this. Mornings spent waking up to breakfast in bed with a loving kiss in between bites, soft pouts led to a forkful of food, and warm gazes fueled breakfast being forgotten for a little while. Beautiful flowers placed on my desk at work, with a dorky note attached to it; doorbells rang with deliveries of even more flowers when he was gone for months at a time. Date nights that came to an end with a slow dance in the living room as music circled us from some random playlist on his phone in his pocket, after a while, hands, and lips begin to wander, one pulling the other down the hall to the bedroom. Late nights shared in bed, hair slighted messed, hands tracing shapes onto skin, lips moving in hushed whispers, and eyes full of love. Sleepless, nightmare filled nights, glasses of water at my beckoned call, hugs were endless, and a soft voice always lulling me back to sleep.
As I sat on the curb of some random street, crying, these memories showed me that he did care. Love is shown and spoken in different ways, and I was so focused on the verbal, rather than the actions. God, I was so stupid. Last week, he had made me lunch for work, he even took the time to cut the fruits into hearts.
I raised my head up and looked towards the sky, rain hitting me in the face. I sighed, then reached into my pocket, and tried to turn on my phone, but a black screen stared back at me. This night couldn’t possibly even get worse. So, I stood up and tried to find a street sign to figure out where in the hell I was. I spotted one above a bookstore and figured that I was about a 30-minute walk away from my apartment. From the love of my life. Walking in soaking wet clothes and shoes in the rain is very much uncomfortable, but it had to be done to get back to my life.
Street after street I grew closer, after some wrong turns and a very nice lady who gave me directions, I was almost home. As I waited at a crosswalk, I heard something being called from across the street. But I ignored it, it was most likely nothing, just a random noise from the city. When the light changed, I heard it again, this time sounding like my name, growing louder. I made it across the street when I heard it clearly, this time I looked to where the sound was coming from. Combing the streets, I saw brown hair, a black long-sleeve, and track pants that fit just right. I started down the sidewalk, tears forming in my eyes, and a smile on my face. His back was to me when I met him, so I ran into him at full force engulfing him in a hug, starting to sob.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I was dumb and I know you love me.” He turned in my arms and wrapped his own around me. I looked up, his hair was wet, and his shirt was soaked. Tears fall down his face, his eyes sparkling. I raised a hand to his cheek, he pressed into the warmth, and I wiped away a tear, only for it to be replaced by the rain.
“I’m so, so sorry, Johnny.” He took my hand and kissed my palm. “I-I was being selfish and I didn’t see all that you did for me. Can you forgive me?”
“Always, Baby. I’m sorry that I made you feel like you weren’t loved, because I love you so much, and my heart broke when you said that.” He dropped his head into my neck as his shoulders shook with tears, his hands gripping the back of my shirt like I was going to disappear from his hold. “I let you down, you didn’t feel loved when all you were doing was giving me love. I wasn’t doing-I wasn’t being enough for you. I’m sorry.” He broke down, he’s sobs echoing into the night. We stayed like that, in the rain, until he started to hiccup, my hands soothing up and down his back when he calmed down. I took his face back into my hands and raised him so he could face me.
“Look at me, Handsome. Please look at me.” When he opened his eyes, they were sparkling and red. I brushed his wet hair out of his face and put a smile on mine.
“Johnny, you are enough for me. Mornings with breakfast in bed, surprise flowers when you’re away, lunches when your home, dances in the living room. You show me your love, and I appreciate everything you do for me.” I reach up to place kisses all over his face, making sure to cover every inch, I wanted him to feel my love.
Here we stood, in the rain, in the middle of the city, staring into each other’s eyes. His hand raises up to hold my face, and I hold my breath. He leans in, slowly I close the gap. I melt into him; his lips were soft against mine—there was no rush. We broke apart, with rain falling onto us, I break away from his arms, grabbed his hand and walked towards the apartment. In the light of the city, hand in hand, we felt the love for each other again—in that moment he became my everything, and I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.
Wander v.
The night was full of life during the walk we took in through the city. Lights glowing, shinning onto his beautiful face; with our hands entwined we made our way to some unknown destination. Papaya Acres Café. I laughed as I saw the café.
“Do you remember that day? The one where we met? I was a mess; I was surprised that you even had the balls to ask me out on a date after I rubbed my snot into your sweatshirt.” In the moment, it was probably one of the most embarrassing times of my life. Now, it is a funny memory that gets laughs when we tell people how we met.
“Of course, I did! It’s not every day you bump into an angel and make them cry, so I had to do something to make you smile again.” His hand squeezed mine as we entered the café, the bell chimed as he held the door open.
“Why, thank you, kind sir.” A curtsy.
“The pleasure is mine, my lady.” A bow. Followed by giggles.
“Welcome to Papaya Acres. What can I get for you?”
“Handsome, I’m going to the bathroom. Order for me?” With a nod, I turned and went into the bathroom. Soft jazz played through the green tiled room as I entered a stall. I wrung my hands into a paper towel and headed back into the café. Johnny was sitting at a table near the pick-up counter. My chaired squeaked when I pulled it back; wincing, I sat down.
“I missed you.” His lips pouted, face sitting in his hands, eyes soft.
“I was gone for like three minutes, Loser.” I laughed out.
“I always miss you when you aren’t around.” I pulled one of his hands from his face and held it in my own, comparing the size difference. I hummed as I laced our fingers together.
“I missed you too.” A playful smile appeared on my lips.
“Here is your order.” I looked over and saw three cups? Huh, that’s weird. Maybe Johnny wanted to try a new drink or something.
“Thank you. Have a good night.” He got up to pick up the drink tray, and I waited for him in the middle of the café. My hand got cold when he passed me my drink—I drink iced coffee, no matter the seasons—and his were now full with his two drinks. Putting my drink near his face, he took a sip from the yellow straw, humming in delight when he pulled away.
“You got two drinks? What kind did you get?” When he told me, neither of which was something that I was going to try; when one of us orders something, the other automatically gets to have a taste of it, it’s a rule we made after many meals were pouted over because no one would share.
Walking through the park down the street from the café, arms bumping as our laughs reverberated on the trees and buildings around us.
“My dad knew I liked beans. So, he was like playing with beans. Then he dropped it, and then he dropped a rock. And then it slid, and then hot water started falling. And then, coffee.”
“You actually think I believe that? Johnny, I’m not Mark.” I chuckled.
“Hey, don’t be mean to Mark.” He chuckled back. He walked over to a trash can and tossed mine and the cup he had been nursing away, leaving the untouched cup in his grasp. He, now having a free hand, connected in the middle, brought our clasped hands to his face and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles, his fingers running over my ring finger—something he had only started doing recently, but I paid no mind. I looked at his face, and he wore a serious expression—his thinking face: eyebrows furrowed, and lips pursed.
“What are you thinking about, my love?” My free hand brushing away some hair that had fallen into his eyes. He sighed; a small smile played on his lips.
“I was thinking about how it would look if you had a ring right here.” He pressed on my ring finger. I laughed with a smile. He looked at me with wide eyes; I looked at the cup in his hand, he was shaking.
“Johnny? Honey, you’re shaking. Are you ok?” My hands cupping his face now, I searched for the reason for his sudden nerves. His eyes snap to mine as he takes my hands off his face, and he steps away. My heart is now in my throat, as my mind races to find out what was causing his anxiety. My hand, acting on its own, reaches out for him, but he only laughs with his head down.
“You are truly something different, you know? You are the reason I get out of bed now; there are days when I don’t want to go to work, days were I just want to give up, but then there you are with your cute little texts, cheering me on, notes left from the last time you were at the dorm. When practice runs long and I can’t give anymore, you pop into my head, and then I remember that tonight you are waiting for me to come home—so I push ten times harder.” He cleared his throat, and shook the cup in his hands, a dull rattle followed. He swallowed. “I know it isn’t easy being in a relationship with me, the dates, the secrecy, but you are always there.” He brought his hand up to push away hair that wasn’t there. “God, this is hard.” He whispered, his hand moving to run down his face.
“What’s hard?” He looks at me. He shook the cup again; the same rattle came from within it.
“I want you to be there.”
“What? I’m right here, Baby.” Now it was my turn to furrow my brows—in confusion.
“I want you to be with me. For as long as you’ll let me. I want to grow old with you; have kids, have a family—maybe a dog. I want to dance with you in our home when we have gray hair and wrinkles.” I get it now. He chuckles. “You are so beautiful, and I just want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to make breakfast with you, I want to go grocery shopping with you, I want to do puzzles with you—”
“I hate puzzles, Loser.”
“That’s beside the point, don’t interrupt—it’s rude. Where was I?” The rattle started again.
“You were listing things you wanted to do with me.”
“Oh, thank you.” He cleared his throat. “I want to sit with you in the living room and just spend the day reading, I want to take you out and have photoshoots that I can post for everyone to see. I want you, Baby. I’ve never wanted anything so much.” I smile and move to close the distance.
“Johnny Suh, are you asking me to marry you?” A rattle.
“Well, duh. But now you ruined it.” He whined.
“I didn’t ruin anything. Now, go ahead and ask me. Should I practice my surprised face first? Hold on, I need to warm up.” I started pulling faces with different sound effects and hand motions. He let out a long whine and stamped his feet a little.
“Stop,” He drug out, “This is serious.” I cleared my throat, wiped my hands on my legs, and pushed my hair out of my face.
“Of course,” Serious face, “Continue.”
“I love you with my whole heart, you never stop running through my mind, you are magnetic. And I can’t help but to be draw to you.” He popped the lid on the coffee cup and stuck his hand in, pulling something into his fist. Then he got down on one knee. “My love. Will you marry me?”
Remember when I said I don’t cry in public? Not only has this man made me a liar not once, or twice, but now three times. I guess, you could say that I wanted to make him sweat a little bit.
“Let me see…” I tapped a finger on my chin as I began to walk around him. Adding to the act, I hummed and muttered, nodding, and shaking my head. When I got in front of him, I covered his hands in mine and stared into his eyes.
“Of course.” I whispered. He jumped up, picked me up and spun me around. When he set me down, he took my hand and slipped the ring onto my finger. He kissed the ring, then me. There we were, in the park at 10 p.m., with our love in the air.
“I love you.” Were the words we whispered for the rest of our lives.
Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoyed it! Let me know what you thought!
I could possibly be interested in writing more of these if you guys like, doesn’t matter the length, member, or group. Just send in a word or words, member/group, and if you want it angsty or fluffly!
Thank you again!
#nct#nct 127#nct imagines#nct 127 imagines#nct johnny imagines#nct 127 johnny imagines#nct fluff#nct angst#johnny imagines#johnny suh imagines#johnny seo imagines
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The Need for Mid-Point Goals
According to Dr. Benjamin Hardy, PhD and the psychological concept of "prospection", long-term goals define us, give us a sense of purpose, direction, and provide us with motivation and drive. I'm talking 20-30 year plans. I'm talking, what do you want to be known for when you die.
From personal experience, I know that a lack of direction can be incredibly detrimental to our mental health and enjoyment of life. And I agree that that large scale direction can help us make decisions in the present that are in line with our values, but long-term goals aren't always enough.
Everyone has a natural focal point when it comes to thinking about the future. Dr. Hardy and David Allen (author of Getting Things Done) both maintain that we can improve our ability to dream and plan further ahead, but while we get there we still need something to focus on, something to motivate us. That's where Mid-Point Goals come in..
The Natural Focal Point
I like to think about it in terms of being either nearsighted or farsighted.
Some people are able to clearly imagine those far-off goals. They are able to rely on that far-off vision to help them make decisions about their lives, motivate them to push through the hard times, and help them navigate obstacles and distractions. They may have blurry short-term goals but that works for them because they know where they're headed on a larger scale.
Others (like me), have blurry long-term goals, but much clearer short-term goals. For us, decisions are best made according to the goals that are more clearly "visible". The goals in focus are what provide motivation and drive. There are too many undefined aspects of the long-term goals to rely on them as a compass, but some of those short-term goals are meant to slowly clarify the long-term. We're able to gradually build that image of the future as we move along.
The Key is Definition
They key is having enough future definition to keep us motivated and focused. When we lack that definition we are filled with doubt which drains our energy. We lose motivation, we forget why we're doing what we're doing, or even forget what we're doing. Even if the goal is to become more skilled at defining long-term goals, we still need the motivation and drive now to get us there. That's why we have to start with whatever scale is easiest for us to focus on.
I am near-sighted (both literally and figuratively). Long-term goals do give me a sense of excitement and motivation, but that energy doesn't last. It's too easy to lose sight of far away goals that I can't see clearly to begin with, and doing the work to find that blurry figure in the horizon every time is just too time and energy consuming. For me, long-term goals are hard to connect to my everyday life in a way that generates the level of "pull" I need to keep moving. I need something else.
I need mid-point goals to latch on to, something to achieve within 1 to 5 years. Like project benchmarks, these break down the long-term goal into something I can focus on. For me, 1 year goals currently work best. They're small enough for me to grasp how I can get from here to there, and large enough to see how they fit in my larger plan. They connect the now to the far off future, and give me the focus I need to move in the direction I want, without overwhelming me with the image of an entirely different (albeit desirable) life that's hard to relate to.
Expanding our Horizons
I still think it's important to think about that far off future. To review it regularly. Especially to make sure we're still on the right track, and to evaluate whether it's still is the path we even want to be on. But, in order to focus on the tasks in front of us and actually get things done, we need to narrow our focus in the short term.
GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology advises us to work from the bottom up. Only by clearing up and gaining control over the immediate and short-term can we shift our focus to the long term. That means we must first clarify and weed out the tasks in front of us, then move on to clarifying and weeding out projects, and so on until we're ready to ask ourselves questions about our career paths, our long-term health, our relationships, etc. We'll still spend most of our time on completing tasks and looking at short-term goals and projects, but we'll be able to look at the big picture and understand why we're doing it.
We start where we are. I can currently "see" one year ahead and plan accordingly to get to where I want to be in 2022. By the time I get there I hope to be planning 3 to 5 years ahead. And maybe by then, that 30 year future will look just a little clearer.
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Agents Of SHIELD S7E05 “A Trout In The Milk” Easter Eggs And References
The team heads to the 1970s where they discover that Hydra has received a hand up from the Chronicoms.
You know the drill. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’ve already seen the episode. Especially since I’m watching the episode four days after it aired. So, yes. There are spoilers.
Those Opening Credits
They are so very ‘70s. If you’ve ever watched a sitcom or a spy series from the era, you’ll see nods in the sequence.
Sousa Wonders About Ending Up In The Present
Perhaps Sousa’s questioning of Daisy and Coulson about ending up in their present time is a nod to the actor’s cameo in Avengers. Let’s hope the show actually ties those two together instead of just giving us an Easter egg or two.
Dooley’s Booth
Coulson talks about Dooley’s booth in the old bar that becomes a SHIELD meeting spot. Dooley was the chief of the New York office of the SSR, for those who didn’t watch Agent Carter.
Bendeery English Ale
Daisy drinks one of these in the SHIELD bar, and there’s also a poster for it in Malick’s office. It is the official unofficial beer of the show. It’s named for a friend of Nick Blood’s and first appeared back in season two.
You Always Bounce Back
Yeah, this is, what, the third time someone has referenced Elena’s first episode of the series and her powers. That feels like it’s not going to bode well for her, but not sure what to make of all the on the nose references just yet.
‘70s SHIELD Uniforms
Those blue and white jumpsuits are straight out of the comics of the same era. Yep.
Project Insight
We all saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier, right? Project Insight is the big project created by Hydra that targets “threats” to the world in the form of Stephen Strange and Tony Stark. In other words, it calculates the probability that people will go against Hydra and advises on whether or not they should be eliminated.
The Episode Title
The phrase is, as Sousa points out, an “old timey one,” and it’s fun that it gets used repeatedly in the episode.
Coulson Is From Processing
When Malick asks Coulson where he’s from at the bar, Coulson says he’s from processing. That’s a callback to season five when the team ended up in the future. It’s what Deke told them to say when anyone asked where they were from so they wouldn’t give away that they were time travelers.
Come With Me If You Want To Continue To Exist
This show loves to nod to its sci-fi and action movies, right? While Elena talks about Bond movies early in the episode, this line is a nod to the Terminator franchise.
The Launch Hangar
Where the Insight rocket/satellite combo launches from in the middle of the lake is where the zephyr usually launches from in the future.
The Episode Tag
Nathaniel Malick isn’t even supposed to exist anymore, but he’s sure working on living up to the family name, huh? His wanting to talk to Daniel Whitehall about surgically transferring abilities should sound familiar. Whitehall lives for so long by surgically transferring Jiaying (Daisy’s mom, remember her?) to himself.
The List Of SHIELD Assets/Hydra Threats
I saved this one for last because this is where the majority of the episode Easter eggs come from. When Daisy and Sousa get the list of “threats” for Project Insight in the ‘70s, the computer has a nice “Level 7 only” at the top of the screen. That’s a nod to how the show began, with Coulson as a Level 7 agent, welcoming Ward to his new status on the team.
Sousa and Daisy mention that Bruce Banner, Peggy Carter, and Nick Fury all show up on the list. The long list features some other names that should be familiar. There are actually two sets of lists, but it’s really hard to make out the first one, so help a girl out if I miss some names.
Roberto Gonzalez and Victoria Hand both show up. You might remember them from earlier seasons of the show. Vic is killed by Ward when he breaks Garrett out of SHIELD custody and Gonzalez is killed by Jiaying when he tries to have a meeting with her. I believe Isabel Hartley is also on the first page of the list, but not positive because her name is blurry. In the comics, she dated Vic, but she was killed in the first episode of season two.
Also on the list? Jim Morita and Gabe Jones. They’re both Howling Commandos. Gabe also happens to be Trip’s grandfather while Jim is grandfather to Peter Parker’s school principal.
Some more familiar names that appear are Nicole Amador, Susan Morse, and Nathan Bowen. The first is likely a relative of Akela Amador from season one, while Susan Morse is mother to Bobbi Morse in the comics. Nathan Bowen is the father of Tandy (from Cloak And Dagger) and a scientist who works for Roxxon.
Still with me? Good. Because there are even more.
Conrad Murphy is the father of Sandra Murphy in the comics. Sandra is one of the “Caterpillars” or Secret Warriors in the comics, though she’s not on Daisy’s team. She actually is on the team sent to spy on the Russian organization Leviathan (which was in Agent Carter) and her entire team ends up dead.
Andrew and Margaret Nelson appear - though on separate halves. I’m curious if they’re meant to be relatives of Foggy Nelson from Daredevil, though their names don’t ring any bells for me. It’s worth noting that the show has connected to Daredevil in the past with other Easter eggs and Skye and Matt both having a connection to St. Agnes.
There’s a Susan Parker on the list, who could be related to Peter Parker, or she could be a really random reference to a character that appeared in one comic book in the ‘40s? Likewise, Michael Phillips is a name that is connected to a mercenary who worked with the Punisher in the comics who used to be a CIA agent, but that feels like too common of a name. (There’s also an assistant director with the name who works on the show, so he could just be a nod to him.)
Betty Wright is a famous singer who actually rose to fame in the ‘70s. She died this year. She wrote the original “Where Is The Love” and has been sampled on tons of R&B tracks. Likewise, Mark Roberts might be another pop culture nod since he was an actor who started working in the ‘30s, though that was just his stage name, so who knows?
I’ve got nothing on Ben Taylor, Ben Harris, James Cook (unless they’re talking about the British explorer who would have already been dead), Ronald Collins, Roger Stewart, Leonard Torres, Robert Moore (though I did think initially that it said Morse and wondered if Bobbi was named after her dad), and David Robinson. I also didn’t catch the last name for the entry that starts with Theresa. But that’s - a lot. So, some of the names are presumably filler names, entered just because they were ones the team could use, and they could also be nods to people the VFX team knows in real life.
Edited to add:
Chastity McBride
I completely forgot to note that May’s alias in this episode is a real SHIELD agent in the comics. She’s only appeared in a handful of comics and her main mission was stopping John Garrett and Elektra from an assassination plot.
I think this is the longest list I’ve done in a while, so no speculation this time. Until next week. Or, I guess, later this week!
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The Strange World of Planet X
The Strange World of Planet X, also known as Cosmic Monsters, was released on a double bill with The Crawling Eye and stars Forrest Tucker of the same. It’s got a giant spider and a deep-voiced 50’s narrator droning about the terrors of the atomic age, in a film so dry all my plants shriveled up and my contact lenses adhered to my eyeballs.
Mad Dr. Laird, with the help of his assistants Gil and Michele, is baking things in intense magnetic fields in order to rearrange the molecules and turn metal into putty – the general idea is that someday this will allow them to melt enemy planes right out from under their pilots. Would that melt the pilots, too? Gross. At the same time and perhaps related, flying saucers are being sighted over Britain and a mysterious man named Mr. Smith is wandering around in the woods and getting worryingly chummy with local children. After a lot of standing around and talking, Smith reveals that he is from outer space and has come to warn us that Laird’s magnetic fields are tearing apart the Earth’s ionosphere, letting in cosmic rays that will mutate humans into murderers and insects into giants!
Since my last ETNW was fairly well-paced and entertaining, the law of averages tells us that this one’s gonna be a real turd, and sure enough… remember all my griping about how Radar Secret Service was literally unwatchable, as in I could not force myself to keep looking at it? The Strange World of Planet X is like that but with a British accent. Most of it is just ugly gray people in ugly gray rooms, droning on about whatever at far greater length than necessary. Everybody sounds like they’re reading their lines off cue cards, the photography was awful to begin with and the degraded print makes it really hard to tell what the hell is going on. Fuck this movie.
The film’s general insufferability is made all the worse because normally giant bug movies are among my favourite types of crappy old sci fi. What could possibly be more fun than giant grasshoppers crawling all over postcards of Chicago? If the bug bits were fun, that would go a long way towards saving this one, but of course, they’re terrible. It’s mostly too dark to even see the giant insects, and when we do see them, they’re nothing but close-ups of live (and sometimes dead) roaches and grasshoppers. Only a couple of shots even attempt to composite them in with live actors and those are so dark and blurry that it frankly wasn’t worth the effort.
The other main ‘effect’ in the movie is a couple of flying saucers. These are unidentifiable white blobs when far away, and ridiculous tinfoil models dangling from strings up close. The pie pans in Plan 9 from Outer Space are worse… but not by much.
What should be the most exciting part of the film is the battle in the woods between the soldiers and the giant bugs, but it’s mishandled in the same sort of way as the supposedly climactic fight in Invasion of the Neptune Men. There’s no narrative or any characters we care about – just soldiers running around shooting at things. Where are they? How close are they to the town? Are there civilians in peril? We don’t know. To be effective on screen, a battle needs a story. The battle in Army of Darkness is about the need to protect the Necronomicon. We can see the Deadites getting closer to the tower, as Ash pulls out more and more ridiculous secret weapons to keep them back. The Strange World of Planet X is just random people and bugs, not even in the same shot.
There is some half-decent magnetosphere science in the movie, I guess. The Earth’s magnetic field does protect us from the harsh radiation of outer space, although all the most harmful components of that come from the sun rather than from further afield, and such radiation can damage DNA. This is why the ozone layer was such a big deal in the 80’s. This space radiation is much more likely to give bugs cancer than to make them grow huge, but in a movie I can handle that. The really weird thing here is that, because they say it screens out the heaviest of the cosmic rays, they call the ionosphere the ‘heavyside layer’. I would not have thought it possible that Cats could make less sense and yet here we are.
If you want some proper Crap Movie Science, there’s their explanation of how the monsters grew so big – mutations for size were able to pile up quickly because insects breed fast and therefore evolve fast. I guess this makes more sense than individuals growing out of control as a result of whatever… but they appear to have applied it to a whole range of creatures regardless of their actual life cycles. Some insects do breed quickly, but quite a few of them have specific seasons and conditions for it. This feels like a nitpick, though… I mean, by watching a giant bug movie I’ve already accepted that they can become huge so I should probably just shut up.
As an interesting note, Smith mentions that on his home planet there are giant dragonflies. He doesn’t say how giant, though he implies they’re big enough to ride on. Firstly, man, I wanna ride a giant dragonfly! Second, this tells us that Smith’s home planet has more oxygen in its atmosphere than Earth, because the reason insects can’t get bigger than they do is because they don’t actively breathe, but have to let oxygen diffuse into their tissues on its own (this is why there were six foot millipedes during the Carboniferous era — more oxygen in the air). The writers, sadly, do not seem to have known or cared about this, since Smith himself shows no signs of having to adjust to our atmosphere. Missed opportunity there.
Since this is me, of course I’m gonna talk about how the movie treats women. Click the back button now. There are several female characters in The Strange World of Planet X, and while they're pretty bland they do manage to have conversations with each other about things besides men, and the honest impression I get is that the writers are trying really hard not to be assholes. The first woman we meet is Michele, who has been assigned as Dr. Laird’s new computer operator after the previous one was electrocuted in a lab accident. When he learns that the replacement is a woman, Laird complains about it loudly, protesting that ‘this is skilled work!’, and Gil gripes that female scientists are dour and unattractive. Michele, of course, proves them both wrong – she is both brilliant and pretty, the latter mostly so that she can be Gil’s love interest but also at least in part to shatter the stereotype. It's thanks to movies like this setting the precedent that modern films are up to their eyeballs in hot but useless science women… but like I said, they tried.
The script is actually at great pains to emphasize that Michele is intelligent, educated, and the equal of any of the men, at least where science is concerned. Unfortunately, its way of going about it is to have them praise her for every little thing she says and does, to the point where it starts to sound awfully patronizing. They call her ‘clever girl’ like she’s six years old and it frequently comes across as their complimenting her intelligence in order to deflect when she asks awkward questions.
Naturally there’s a love triangle in this movie. It appears only to be immediately and peacefully resolved, and Gil’s rival for Michele’s affections is dead shortly thereafter. Why fucking bother?
A tad better-treated is Jane, the little girl fascinated by arthropods (she describes them as ‘bugs’, saying all insects are bugs, but not all bugs are insects. While entomologically incorrect, this same definition of bug was used by David Attenborough in Micro Monsters, so I’m okay with it). One of the reasons I think the writers were earnestly trying to be feminist is because they place a girl in this role rather than a boy. Susan Redway isn’t any better than any of the other actors, but the character was definitely written by somebody who knew what appeals to children. I love the bit where Jane promises to show her new teacher her favourite type of beetle, delightedly informing her, “they’re horrid-looking!”
The teacher, Miss Forsyth, is another attempt to buck a stereotype. Jane complains that she hated her previous teacher, who was appalled by her interest in crawly things. Miss Forsythe makes a good first impression by encouraging her instead. Again, this feels like the writers really were trying. They want to say that the right thing to do here is to support Jane’s interests and ambitions, and someday perhaps she’ll be a talented entomologist, just as Michele is a computer whiz.
From a twenty-first century point of view, this makes for an odd contrast with one of the other notable features of how women are portrayed in this movie – they don’t come alone. Adult women in The Strange World of Planet X must have a male partner, and if they don’t start out with one they will be assigned one! Michele pairs up with Gil, and Miss Forsythe accepts a date with the man who saved her from one of the mutants. This second budding relationship has no effect on the story and indeed is never referenced again, it’s just there. All the other women we meet are either dating or married… although now that I think of it this may be less sexist than it is a way to make a point of Dr. Laird’s single-minded obsession with his work. Everybody else, even scientists, has time to be a human being – but not him.
I should also discuss one more interesting tidbit offered by Smith. He says his people have been watching humanity and studying us basically since we invented ourselves, and they have never interfered before now. Why now? Out of ‘enlightened self-interest’, he says – this is the closest humans have yet come to destroying ourselves, but it’s also the closest we’ve come to being a threat to our extraterrestrial observers. One of Dr. Laird’s experiments, intended to destroy enemy planes, brought down a flying saucer instead! The fact that Smith is willing to admit this suggests that he is extremely confident about the aliens’ ability to strike back if humanity should decided to start shooting down saucers on purpose. The finale then bears this out… although it also left me thinking that the film could have ended very differently if only hacking had been a thing in the fifties!
So yet another instance of good ideas, unexplored and badly executed. Also yet another black and white movie… what is that, six in a row? Yikes. See you in ten days, when I promise I will have something for you in colour. It’ll be like slogging through the beginning of Season Eight and then finally arriving at The Giant Spider Invasion!
#mst3k#reviews#episodes that never were#the strange world of planet x#cosmic monsters#fuck this movie#50s#tw: spiders#giant arthropod hours
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October 2010s Music Deep Dive!

A mock up poster for the only possible music festival line-up I would be willing to risk my life attending. Tony Allen’s passing has caused the entire Octoberfest to be cancelled indefinitely, but all proceeds from ticks will be given back to the community.
Hope all of you special nobodies and overblown somebodies reading this right now are having a smashing start your first o November. All last month I had taken it upon myself to listen to as many albums and fragments of albums released sometime during the month of October spanning the entire 10’s decade, 2010 through 2019. This is all probably a result of drinking too much dead water, Quarantine brain, undiagnosed Autism, magical thinking and the death of boredom. I have created a Spotify playlist sporting 25 hours and 4 minutes worth of music with an arbitrary amount of albums getting multiple songs, but largely one song/album. This project did create a sense of madness because of the volume of music that gets cranked out. How can we expect anyone to properly criticize music when it is nearly impossible to keep up with it all? I largely culled these albums from Allmusic’s Editorial Choice section, but I did have to use Rateyourmusic to fill out the hip-hop and R&B gaps. In gathering up all of this music I am attempting to see if spooky music was relegated to the October season and any other possible trends. Even though October has been laid to rest her swelling calendar breast still contains a treasure trove of music worth discussing. Grab your broom, sharpen your heels and get the cobwebs out of your ears because we’re going on a Deep Dive!
The 2010s Old Souls and Musical Auteurs
I consider any musician or band that endures more than a decade worthy of this veteran label. Music biz lifers seem found solace in the October release schedule. A trend that has carried onto the new decade with October 2020 offering revitalized releases by Elvis Costello and Bruce Springsteen reunited with the E Street Band. All three main members of Sonic Youth, Moore, Gordon and Renaldo are still harnessing that spooky Bad Moon Rising energy and carrying it over into their solo releases.

The first truly proper solo album by Kim Gordon following up her pretty good noise rock releases under the Body/Head moniker with Bill Nace. No Record Home towers over Thurston Moore and Lee Renaldo’s mostly okay solo releases because of how truly experimental and refreshingly modern sounding No Record Home is. This album sounds like it could easily have come out from a young Pacific Northwest Trip-Angle (RIP) label upstart. Instead, Gordon is defiantly aging gracefully and remains an all around important feminist voice in experimental rock music. No Record Home did not pop up on a lot of “Best of the Year” lists in 2019, nor did Gordon embark on any kind of touring for the release. I am hoping that more people will eventually discover this great album and realize that Gordon was truly the best, most truly experimental aspect of Sonic Youth. Her vocals on this album are the best she’s ever sounded because she built these songs and sounds with the intergral collaborator, producer Justin Raisen. A glimpse at Raisen’s Wikipedia page is a who’s who of great artists of the past decade: Yves Tumor, Charli XCX, and Sky Ferreira. The collaboration occurred at an AirBnB shared between Gordon and Raisen and birthed the first single of the project “Air BnB.” A song that completely sets the tone of the album and features one of those amazing music videos in the same line us Young Thug’s “Wyclef Jean. “
Björk - Biophilia

Can you name the last album the rolled out with its own app? Nine years have come and gone and I certainly can’t think of another album with such wholesome ambitions. Björk was getting passionate about ecological concerns in her native Icelandic home with Sigur Ros and using her sphere of influence to try to good. 2014 the app has found a permanent home in the MOMA, but outside of this curio status the album itself is still a worthwhile addition to the Björk canon. Biophilia finds Björk in musical scientist mode using sounds captured from a Tesla coil and making a whole musical universe onto herself. The rest of the 2010s found Björk going for bigger and more ambitious projects that continue to frustrate those who wish she would go back to her poppier roots. She remains one of those most consistent solo artists around and someone no one will be able to predict what she does next. The only thing is certain is that it will be visionary and will probably include a wildly ambitious rollout and a new piece of physical art like Biophilia’s $800 tuning forks.

Featuring production duties for the second time from Four Tet (who also pops up in the October playlist with his 2013 album Beautiful Rewind). Broken Politics in Cherry’s words, “is about feeling broken, disappointed, and sad, but having perseverance. It’s a fight against the extinction of free thought and spirit.” The music video for single “Natural Skin Deep” was filmed in Beirut, a backdrop made even more painful given 2020’s Explosion. Cherry is an artist with deep spiritual and blood connections with artists central to jazz’s history. Broken Politics also features songs built around Ornette Coleman samples. This is all to say that Neneh Cherry is always going to be someone tapping into a creative cosmic vein that spans generations, and with that comes a hard wisdom. Two years later we’re still dealing with the same god damn guts and guns of history.
(Cat Power - The Wanderer; John Cale - Shifty Adventures in Nookie Wood; Tony Allen - Film of Life ; Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Psychedelic Pill ;Bryan Ferry - Olympia; Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen ;Yoko Ono - Warzone; Vashti Bunyan - Heartleap; Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Look Now; The Chills - Silver Bullets; Weezer - Everything Will Be Alright In The End;Laurie Anderson - Heart of A Dog;Janet Jackson - Unbrekable;The Mercury Rev - Light In You; Rocketship - Thanks To You; Van Dyke Parks & Gaby Moreno - Spangled; Donald Fagen - Sunken Condos; Prefab Sprout - Crimson Red; Pere Ubu - 20 Years in a Montana Missile Silo; Negativland - True False )
Three last albums released by three titans of 20th century songwriting. Two of them follow the trajectory of an older artist getting rejuvenated by a younger backing band. Lulu is beyond a meme at this point and is considered one of the most confounding flops since Metallic Music. Like Metallic Music, Lulu will get a reappraisal and find its audience. Mr. Blackstar himself Bowie considered Lulu one of his favorite releases. “Junior Dad” alone makes this album a worthy addition in Lou Reed’s discography. Scott Walker invited some similarly hairy and intense younger rock studs into his private castle and pulls off a far more natural combination. Soused fits like a velvet glove on a elegant corpse hand swirling thick slabs of guitar and demonic percussion. Scott Walker effortlessly orchestrates between elegance and moribundity whereas Lulu wallows and thrashes against the ugly riffage.
No riffs or oozing wall of sound are anywhere to be found on the sparse and pointedly elegiac You Want it Darker. Leonard Cohen never went full on sleazy I’m Your Man ever again but he didn’t become adult contemporary either. You Want It Darker finds Leonard and his son Adam Cohen. When Leonard passed away he was the only one to get a full David Bowie like museum tribute, Lou Reed only got a corner of a library. Cohen is far and away the most accessible mystical Jewish Buddhist monk with a penchant for fedoras and having a masked man with a leather belt beat him in the recording booth [citation needed]. You Want It Darker is the only one of these mortality laden kiss offs to win a Grammy. I do wonder if Cohen would have ever allowed a more adventurous production to touch his staid and timeless old fashioned sound. Tom Scharpling divides Leonard Cohen into his Pre-Fedora and Post-Fedora days. If you are being literal about that demarcation that still gives you a pretty vast body of music I just want sad bloated blurry black and white Leonard Cohen with a banana or the smiling cad on Songs of Love and Hate. Even the floppy fedora era has worthwhile albums and he sounds like if Serge Gainsbourgh was a muppet Gargoyle, he’s reliable. I will always beat myself for not buying that official Leonard Cohen raincoat at the Jewish Museum Leonard Cohen exhibit, but I hope someone has and they are finding comfort with Cohen’s music. A lot of his latter day period is comforting in a sardonic sexy mind bending nursing home sort of way.
I am glad that these men were ultimately spared from having to deal with Covid times and even someone as tasteless as Brian Wilson’s Ghost can acknowledge that it’s more important than ever to keep your elderly loved ones locked away in a well ventilated pod.

For a few sticky sweet select few artists the month of October proved to be a suitable release launch pad for more than one album. The Mountain Goats and clipping. have just joined the October two-timer club this year. The reigning queen of October releases is Taylor Swift and Adrianne Lenker. In chronological order swift released Speak Now, Red and 1989 probably Swift’s biggest run in terms of critical and commercial success. None of these albums have a particularly big place in my heart, in fact speaking on behalf of Brian Wilson’s Ghost Ltd. I’m not the biggest fan of America’s Sweetheart, Sweet Tea Poet Laureate. All three of these albums all came out in the latter part of October and based on the Target brand synergy roll-out felt as inevitable as pumpkin spice. Haunted. Sad Beautiful Tragic. Out of the Woods. These are either song titles taken from these three albums are the names of the under utilized Romantic Halloween Horror Comedy genre. Lady Gaga might have been spooking it up on American Horror Story, but Swift gives a far more chilling performance in Tom Hooper’s midnight madness of Cats and I could envision Swift excelling really well as a horror film actor. Especially in a role like Scarlett Johansson’s Under the Skin.
You cannot get more polar opposite from Swift than Adrianne Lenker. Who released her first solo album abysskiss and the second Big Thief album of 2019 Two Hands. Lenker will have also gone on to make her third October release this year with her second solo album songs & instrumentals. Striking that such a ghostly autumnal band would have only released one album in October, but autumnal feeling albums are not beholden to release calendars. The song “Not” from the Big Thief album Two Hands is a watershed breakthrough moment for the band and put Lenker and her band on the map. In 2019 Big Thief became a band that could get booked onto a Goodmorning American performance slot and more or less made Big Thief one of the rare 2010s indie bands to become more or less a household name.
Other notable artists to have released more than one album on October 2010s:

Less notable artists to have multiple October releases: James Blunt Korn
Calvin Harris
Kings of Leon
These are October releases from artists that once felt like whenever they put out an album a wider array of outlets and publications seemed to care more and would spill more digital ink over them. The big three artists that had the biggest drop off in attention and acclaim that stick out to me the most are Titus Andronicus, Justice and Why? All three artists debuted with strong starts back in the aughts, but according to critical reception more or less crashed and burned. Titus Andronicus’ Local Business was one of the last times Titus Andronicus would get positive marks from Pitchfork. Local Business a fun and shaggy follow-up to one of the most self-serious concept albums of the 2010s.
Justice’s Audio, Video, Disco similarly is a follow up to a highly acclaimed album that set the bar high enough to doom Justice into never living up to the hype. Justice’s 2007 s/t heralded them as the next Daft Punk, but unlike those soulful and thoughtful robots Justice mainly wanted to make big ridiculous unfashionable synth prog rock. Audio, Video, Disco is simply cheesy fun and even though we live in a world better off without parties and gatherings this album helps you feel like you are in high-def IMAX monster mash on the moon.
The leaves us with Why?’s Mump’s Etc. an album that already had the job of following up an already divisive follow up record Eskimo Snow. Why’s Alopecia is a really important 2008 indie blog rap album that helped thrust the online indie blogs into the hip-hop genre hybrid experimentalism. Why? would never make another universally beloved album again and with Mump’s Etc. ended up permanently in Pitchfork’s hate pit. In the original release review the Pitchfork writer essentially deems this album an act of “career suicide.” The whole review is essentially an assignation of Why?’s figurehead Yoni Wolf and taking him to task for all of his awkward lyrical blunders and the fact he is narcissistic enough to be a musician writing about his career in a meta fashion. Yet when I listen to Mump’s Etc. I am more or less enjoying Yoni Wolf’s personality and find the whole thing to be pretty charming. A perfectly serviceable 3.5/5 release that a media outlet like Pitchfork turns into a flexing opportunity to show how that they have the power to make or break a career.
A.C. Newman, an artist who appears on this playlist with his terrific 2012 Shut Down The Streets took to Twitter to scoff at the idea that a good Pitchfork review has done anything for his career. Shut Down The Streets currently remains the last solo album Newman has released under his name choosing to focus on his main gig with the New Pornographers. The Internet based hype machine is even more ADHD addled and twitchier by the day. The joy of doing this deep dive allowed me to revisit a lot of these artists and acts that I had fallen out of touch with. I had completely forgotten about King of Convenience’s Erlend Øye who released the album Legao in 2014. I rediscovered a good deal of bands like the Editors, The Dodos, Kisses, Black Milk, Crocodiles, Empire of the Sun, Juana Molina, Jagwar Ma, Here We Go Magic, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., YACHT, Peaking Lights, The Twilight Sad, Elf Power, Swet Shop Boys, Radio Dept, Allo’ Darlin, Foxes In Fiction, and HOMESHAKE are all bands not trying to change the world or challenge listeners with avant garde experimentation. Instead I feel like I maintaining relationships with old friends on the edge of obscurity.
A tradition stretching back as far as 2014 not October’s Idina Menzel’s Holiday Wishes, but Seth McFarland’s Holiday For Swing sweatily released on CD, digital, and vinyl on September 30, 2014. 2015 then brings us a Chris Tomlin and Ru Paul Christmas albums because every force of Neo-liberal good must be balanced with evangelical contemporary Christian music *shutters.* 2016 finds the Christmas in October era reaching a complete and utter nadir with R. Kelly’s final official LP 12 Nights of Christmas and A Pentatonix Christmas, but also buffered by Kacey Musgrave’s Christmas. 2017 only had time for Gwen Stefani’s You Make It Feel Like Christmas and no one else could evoke this feeling in October. On 2018, Michelle and Barack Obama’s combined one and only Christmas wish comes true, no not cancelling those drone strikes, but getting John Legend to join the October release jamboree; Eric Clapton claps open his guitar’s butt cheeks and hatefully squats out a half assed Xmas album defiantly opening the album with “White Christmas” [eyeroll emoji]; and finally 2018 found the Pentatonix announcing in October that Christmas Is Here. I apologize for all of that crude butt talk about the hateful racist Eric Clapton, but(t) I have festive gluteus Maximus on the mind, because in 2019 Norah Jones got her alternative country gal trio back together to remind us to shake our Christmas butts. Eat shit commercial shit, today’s Santa’s birthday! That’s the magic of the October release schedule!
The hallowed Christmas in October tradition continues on in 2020 with Dolly I-Beg-Thee-Pardon releasing A Holly Dolly Christmas right on time on October 2, 2020 (Carrie Underwood missed the memo and unwraps her unwanted My Gift in September 2020). Meghan Trainor, Goo Goo Dolls, and Tori Kelly released Christmas albums. Can you believe Seth MacFarlane comes up twice in this article, because his sleazy J. Michigan Frog croon is processed and grated like Parmesan cheese snow flakes all over a rendition of White Christmas. What a time to be alive!
A Brief Case For Class Actress’s Rapproacher

Among my October music travels I encountered one artist that really impressed me with her proper LP debut Rapprocher. The trio fronted by Elizabeth Vanessa Harper is essentially peddling the kind of competent moody 80’s inspired synth pop that belongs on a lost Donnie Darko sequel. Harper’s vocals are striking and expressive and they are melded with constantly propulsive bed of shiny synths and glossy barely-there gated percussion. Outside of an 2015 EP called Movies featuring exciting production contributions from Italo-disco icon Giorgio Moroder there has been nothing else from Class Actress. Highly recommend you check them out especially if you want to find the sweet spot between Chromatics and Kylie Minogue.
(Robyn - Honey, Big K.R.I.T. - 4eva is a Mighty Long Time ,Miguel - Kaleidoscope Dream, Crying - Beyond The Fleeting Gale , M83 Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming ,SRSQ - Unreality, Sufjan Stevens - age of adz, Joanna Newsom - divers, VV Brown Samson and Delilah, Kelela - tear me apart , Neon Indian - VEGA Intl., Fever Ray - Plunge , Antony and The Johnsons - Swanlights (goodbye album) , Caroline Polachek - Pang , Sky Ferreira - Night Time, My Time . Bat For Lashes Haunted Man, James Ferraro - Far Side Virtual , Grouper - Ruins , Kero Kero Bonito -Bonito Generation , DJ Rashad - Double Cup)
Maybe if I surround this VV Brown album with more well known artists she’ll finally get some more clicks? I should also mention that Joanna Newsom’s Divers is nowhere on my Spotify October Music playlist because Joanna Newsom thinks Spotify is bananas, and she hates bananas. I know I should also mention Kendrick Lamar’s good kid, m.A.A.d city and Tame Impala’s Lonerism. That’s the maddening thing about October music that just when you think you covered all your ground you find another hidden hump underneath the carpet. I feel remiss without mentioning striking debut and instant hidden gem Tinashe’s Aquarius, which did you know has a new album art on Spotify. Death Grip’s No Love Deep Web. T_T I didn’t even get around to making a big verbal mosaic to Thom Yorke’s witchy Suspiria soundtrack.Corpus Christi! I forgot to highlight The Orb album in the collage with my other veteran artists! As you can see this project nearly ruined me. I did not necessarily listen to all of these albums from front to back, but I did listen all of the songs on the playlist and chose them from the immense collection of October releases. I am pretty sure this is the kind of content for no one in particular but I really needed to get it out of my system. Let’s meet back up October 2030!!!!!
(Thank you to my beloved partner, best friend and Spotify provider Maddie Johnson XD)
#spooky#spooktember#spooktober#spooktacular#octoberfest#autism#best of#music festival#Joanna newsom#sufjan stevens#kendrick lamar#tame impala#Taylor swift#big thief#Adrianne lenker#ru paul#kelly klarkson
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985) & Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street (2019)
One, two, Freddy’s coming for you...
I feel like I’ve mentioned Nightmare 2 a few times on here but it never had it’s own dedicated entry so I’ve had a rewatch of it on my mind for a while now. That was only hastened when I recently learned of ‘Scream, Queen!’, a documentary cantered around Mark Patton who plays the lead character Jesse in 2.
Amongst the less than favourable reviews Nightmare 2 has, it also has the reputation of the ‘gayest horror movie ever’ which lead to the typecasting of Patton and him walking away from his acting career. It’s not something I was immediately aware of on my initial viewing of it, certainly there are a lot of moments that with that in mind stand out upon rewatching and a few that are less than subtle, such as Jesse going to a gay bar in the middle of the night only to run into his gym teacher. Some of it seems a little too much like people trying to read into things that aren’t there, like it seems people point out an early scene where Jesse gets into a tussle with one of his classmates Grady during a softball game. Grady rips Jesse’s trousers and they have a bit of a roll around on the grass before being separated. There are doubtless hundreds of examples of kids getting into fights like that across TV and cinematic history that people wouldn’t point out as examples of homoeroticism. But when you couple that with moments like a later scene where Jesse runs away from his girlfriend as they’re about to have sex, only to seek solitude with Grady and they have this exchange:
“There’s something inside of me. And last night it made me go into my sister’s room. And tonight with Lisa in the cabana, it started happening again.” “I think you are seriously losing it, bro.” “I’m scared, Grady. Something is trying to get inside my body.” “Yeah, and she’s female, and she’s waiting for you in the cabana. And you wanna sleep with me.”
You can perhaps see why people might start drawing conclusions from other scenes.
That ‘something’ is Freddy who is seemingly manifesting himself through Jesse into the real world. Up until that point though, the lines have been very blurry as to whether or not Freddy is actually back or whether Jesse is just going crazy, caught up in the wild stories of this vengeful killer from beyond the grave and becoming some sort of copycat.
It’s that part of the movie that I really like, this gray area where you’re not sure exactly what’s happening. It’s something the Nightmare series is able to explore with its switching between the normal and dream worlds but it’s taken to another level here, rather than just use that to build suspense as to whether a character is in danger due to Freddy being present in the dream world, you can see Jesse descending into this madness and are left to wonder whether or not he’s the one actually the one committing these murders.
Things can be a little disorientating at times due to the editing which I’m not sure is intentional or due to them making cuts. I think there’s a couple of occasions where things will pick up in the morning with Jesse wearing one set of clothes, then jumping to lunch time at school or in the evening back home where he’s wearing different clothes, inplying a day or more has passed. I suppose it does add to the atmosphere in a way but it also comes off a bit weird to me.
The movie is pretty much entirely in the real world so it lacks the creative and unique kills that often arise when people slip into slumber and into Freddy’s realm. But it does feature a scene where Freddy finally emerges into the real world and terrorises a high school party. You don’t really get that widespread sense of panic elsewhere in the series, there’s often that sort of low level of ongoing dread once the group of kids realise what’s happening and fear the next time they fall asleep but Freddy often kills people when they’re alone so it’s a change to see dozens of kids trying to escape, trampiling each other as they try and break through a gate or climb a wall. Apparently Wes Craven didn’t like this scene as it made Freddy look silly by having him surrounded by a bunch of muscular jocks. I find that a little strange though since, yeah Freddy might not be the most imposing figure size wise but his body is pretty much one giant, oozing sore complete with knives for fingers so I’m pretty sure he’s going to come out on top in terms of intimidation. Not to mention all the supernatural shit he’s seemingly conjuring like turning the pool into a boiling pot and summoning up pillars of fire.
I feel like this is where things take a sharp downturn, having the manifestation of Freddy emerge kinda removes all doubt and also takes Jesse out of the movie until the very end. It just feels a little anti climatic to have this big final battle suddenly fought by Jesse’s girlfriend who falls back on the trope of ‘I know you’re still in there, I love you!’ as she implores Jesse to fight back and finally overcome Freddy. So much for that gay subtext if it’s hetro love that finally saves the day.
Going into this rewatch, I had this built up very highly in my head which I don’t think it was able to live up to. Possibly because this years Invisible Man has surpassed it in my head as the really good example of that ambigious horror I like so much. Like Elisabeth Moss in that film, Patton has a real good look to him here in getting across the anxiety that Jesse is going through.
And to draw comparison to another Universal horror, there’s something of a Jekyll and Hyde or Wolfman to Jesse, the way he worries about this transformation that he’s going through and about the thing inside him coming out. During that scene at Grady’s place, Freddy emerges from Jesse’s body almost like a butterfly breaking free of it’s cacoon. Maybe that’s what everyone is talking about when it comes to the gay themes, that sense of discovery taking place amongst young adults and the angst surrounding whether or not they really want to reveal their true selves to a world that, as we’re unfortunately discovering more and more these days, still isn’t ready to accept everyone even nearly 40 years after this movie came out.
So for the documentary – Scream, Queen is an appropriate name for more than just the play on the ‘scream queen’ moniker given to notable horror movie actresses like Jamie Lee Curtis, and the obvious double meaning with it being focused around Patton’s sexuality. There’s quite a few instances of him delivering screams during Nightmare 2 which is a little unusual for a male character in a horror movie, not least a lead like he was. Plus it’s a little unusual for a male to be the lead at all, ‘last girl’ and all that, especially in the Nightmare franchise, all the other ones I’ve seen so far are female led.
They talk about the negative reputation the movie has and highlight a lot of internet comments about the sexual themes, a lot of slurs in there and comments like ‘Jesse screams like a girl’. Well wouldn’t you if some burn victim grabbed you in your house, ran knived fingers across your face and then ripped the top of his head off to expose his brain? I don’t doubt for a second that there are scores of people out there who would write this off due to this, I would hope that those are just a minority and if people don’t like it that they have legitimate reasons for that.
It’s a very eye opening story because even after learning about all this ‘gay subtext’ surrounding the movie and Patton’s departure from acting, I hadn’t really thought about the wider reasons behind that. Like, you hear about him being typecast and you just think that he doesn’t want to be pigeon holed into just playing one type of character or that it was hard to find work in those roles because not many of them existed. But it’s much deeper and more disturbing than that, delving into the emergence of the disease into the wider public knowledge during the 1980’s and the panic surrounding that. They show archived headlines and TV clips, with one member of the public being interviewed on the news saying “what they’re doing is abnormal...they’re not fit, they’re not human beings”. It’s painted as a bit of a witchhunt, with tabloids trying to out any closeted Hollywood stars and Patton tells a story of being duped into divulging information on his own boyfriends illness. With blood tests implemented for any prospective actors and him being advised to look and act a certain way to be more palatable to casters, he’s being asked to deny who he truly is.
For as much as the movie looks at the darker period of his formative years and him walking away from Hollywood, it’s encouraging to see his re-emergence into the public eye and embracing the fandom surrounding the movie, taking part in conventions and screenings that shun the negativity and instead see the role as empowering, encouraging people going through similar situations and being something of a role model.
The film culminates in a sit down talk between Patton and Nightmare 2’s writer David Chaskin who he feels has thrown him under the bus whenever talk of the ‘gay subtext’ has come up, having long denied any such thing before slowly changing his story and claiming that it was the casting that ruined the movie. Just before this there is footage of Patton and Jack Sholder at a convention where Sholder comes across as a little condescending. He’s basically telling Patton that directing his ire at Chaskin is misplaced and that he should drop the whole thing given it’s been 30 years. There’s an element of truth to that but I think it’s understandable that Patton would feel that way, especially when he points out that it’s only recently that Chaskin has taken ownership of the subtext now that we’re living in a more understanding time where it’s perhaps viewed as a brave move to introduce this kind of element. It’s going to be hard to look past someone enabling more vitriol by pinning problems on you.
The talk between Chaskin and Patton is a little awkward and it comes across like they’re there for different purposes, Chaskin trying to lighten the mood periodically where Patton keeps a serious tone, challenging Chaskin on some of the comments he’s made.
There’s one in particular where Chaskin suggests that the movie could be played at conversion camps....yikes.
Patton openly saying beforehand that he’s looking for an apology but I don’t know if he exactly got that. Chaskin says he hopes Patton can forgive him and that there are previous comments he made that he regrets but it comes across a little laboured. Maybe there was more said whilst the cameras weren’t rolling or maybe Patton is just accepting what little he can get from the experience in order to bring some closure to the whole thing.
#A Nightmare on Elm Street#A Nightmare on Elm Street 2#Freddy's Revenge#Scream Queen#My Nightmare on Elm Street
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Who: William Nylander, Zach Hyman
Type: Dark Fic
Word Count: 2.4K
Addendum: Title is from the song Flatline off the Hotline Miami soundtrack.
~AO3 Version
The next morning seemed like any other winter morning in Toronto. Frost forming on the windows from the dropping temperatures, the sound of early morning traffic on the streets below, and the alarm blaring its usual tone. Except, something’s different. Wrong.
“I love you Zachy.”
“I love you too Willy.”
They kissed and held each other closely under the covers, beginning to fall asleep.
The next morning seemed like any other winter morning in Toronto. Frost forming on the windows from the dropping temperatures, the sound of early morning traffic on the streets below, and the alarm blaring its usual tone. Except, something’s different. Wrong. Zach is usually the first one to get out of bed anyway, but Willy doesn’t seem to have woken up like he always has when the alarm went off before practice- in fact he doesn’t seem to have moved at all from where he was the night prior.
“Honey?” Zach asks trying to shake him awake.
Nothing. A little louder and harder this time- nothing. Starting to panic, Zach bursts into the closet digging around for their travel suitcases. After having thrown half of the clothes out, he finds them, and grabs a small hand-held mirror from the toiletries bag. Holding it under Willy’s nose the glass starts to fog up. Good, he’s not dead at least.
Zach hurriedly throws on some clothes and phones up emergency services, as well as the new coach and several teammates. EMT’s arrive within five minutes of him calling, and rush Willy out to the ambulance, constantly monitoring his dangerously low vitals on the way to the emergency room.
By the time he was stabilized and Zach was let into the room, the entire team had arrived, bleary-eyed from sleep but still quite visibly concerned. The doctor began to explain that he suffered from a stroke sometime in the early hours of the morning, and that he was stuck in a coma. The rest started to become a blur as Zach got lost in his own thoughts, How did he get a stroke? We’re both too young for-- When is he going to wake up-- Is-- is he going to wake up? Please don’t leave me like this. I don’t--
The thoughts are interrupted by Mitchy’s hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, are you okay?”
When he looks up the doctor had already left, and everyone was looking at him, all with the same question on their face.
“I. I don’t know,” is all he can manage to say, he doesn’t really know the answer to that himself yet.
“In light of events this morning, we’ll move practice to tomorrow,” Keefe decides and everyone nods in agreement, “Hyman, take the week off if you need it, I won’t think any less of you if you need more time off.”
Outside in the ward, they start to hear a growing chatter, and the clattering of equipment. The Media.
“Oh boy, already? I need to go take care of this. John? Do me a favour and call Kyle, have him restrict the media for injury protocol.”
And with that the coach goes out and closes the door behind him, and Tavey steps into the bathroom to make his phone call. Zach pulls a chair over to the bedside and sits down, grabbing Willy’s hand. At this point he can’t hold back, lowering his head onto his hand and bed underneath it, as the tears start to break through.
Mo makes his way over and puts his arm around Zach. Mitchy is suddenly reminded of his own boyfriend, Marty, being suddenly taken away from him when his plane crashed on his way back from the off-season, and starts tearing up. Tys pulls him into a hug and lets him cry into his shoulder. Everyone else in the crowded room just looks on solemnly.
Zach stays at the hospital for three days. Initially Tavey steps up as captain and visits them first, bringing Zach food each day so he’d remember to actually eat. Everyone else visits in their own time.
After the third day Zach returns to practice, something to hopefully take his mind off of what’s going on. It works well enough, returning to drills and playing on the first line for games. Focus. Focus on something else. The team. The game. Getting that puck into the net. Focus.
It’s been three weeks since that cold morning. Zach’s thoughts are composed enough now, and they’re in the middle of a game at home. He’s in a face-off when he sees Kyle entering the player bench on the phone, they’ve been discussing different trade opportunities lately- a Marlie or two for a player from one of the other teams- so he doesn’t think much of it. When the play ends though to an off-side, he calls a timeout. Yeah, they’re losing 5-2, but they’re still in the second period, so they shouldn’t need it yet right?
But when they all come together, there’s no whiteboards, no iPads, no talk of plays or strategies. Keefe seems to have lost his tongue, shuffling in place, so Kyle speaks up.
“He’s gone. William. He’s gone.”
It’s dead silent on the bench, aside from the few who had dropped what they were holding, and Zach’s world seemed to be crashing down along with them.
“It was about four minutes ago, I had just got off the phone with the doctors. We um, we’ve decided to forfeit the game; I don’t think any of you wants to continue playing now.”
Nobody seems to have the strength to respond. But they all stand up and make their way down the tunnel to the locker room while Kyle radios to the staff to forfeit, and block all media personnel from the Leafs’ sections of the building. When they’ve all dressed and make their way to the parking garage Zach is the first person to even say a word since Kyle told them.
“Morgan, can you drive me home? I can’t really think straight.”
He agrees and, and he’s not exactly wrong. At the moment everything is just noise, bright and blurry colours, and the cold air; he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between 60 km/h or 150 km/h, or a red light on an intersection with a car coming from the other direction. Not to mention the fact he couldn’t bring himself to drive in their car, knowing Willy would never be in the passenger seat again.
When they get to Zach’s apartment, he fumbles with the keys to get the door open. But seeing their home, *his* home now, makes his stomach churn. He bolts nearly through the bathroom door and pukes his guts out in the toilet. Composing himself, he gets himself back up and washes his mouth out in the sink, as his mind becomes a tempest of emotions: anger, frustration, despair, guilt.
As he looks in the mirror, the anger takes over and he punches the glass with his hand, cracking it, and drawing blood from his knuckles before he collapses against the wall, bending his legs towards him and crying. The sound of breaking glass had Mo rushing over to see what happened, only to see the shattered reflections, and his teammate in tears on the floor.
“Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay,” he bends down and then notices the blood, “shit, we better fix that.”
Having been to their place enough times, Mo knew his way around, and so he dug through the cabinet to find the first aid kit. First examining the hand, then grabbing the tweezers to pull out the remnant shards of glass. Switching to a piece of cloth and wetting it with alcohol, he cleans the wound. It draws a sharp, pained breath from Zach.
“Sorry, I know this probably hurts like hell,” once it’s cleaned, he wraps it tightly.
He manages to get Zach ready enough for bed and sits on the couch, figuring he should probably stay and keep an eye on him for a while. Meanwhile Zach tries to sleep, but his thoughts are racing. He’s gone. William. He’s gone. - I love you Zachy. That’s the last thing I ever heard him say… and I can’t ever hear his voice again, or see that smile of his, the deepness of his eyes, his- his- his fucking laugh that could brighten an entire room. - Why wasn’t I there… Why- why him? Why do bad things happen to good people? It- it should’ve been me, not him, never him. I- I can’t- I’ll never be able to feel his touch again, never be able to hold him- I- I-… his thoughts trail off, and he’s whisked away to sleep.
In the morning the tears are gone. There aren’t any left. Period. In its wake is just emptiness. A void which can’t be filled. Mo had made breakfast for them by the time Zach got out of the bedroom. They eat in near silence, Mo tries several times to say something, but can’t find the right words to say. All he can think of is “I’m sorry,” which the only response he gets is Zach looking up at him before looking back at the food.
That night, he tries drinking his problems away. Forget. Just forget. It works for a while, but it always comes flooding back in the morning. The time they visited Niagara Falls with the team, when they were on the Ferris wheel together, the first time they kissed literally during a game, moving in together when his lease on the last place ended, all their date nights, the stroke-- he stopped. What was the point if it was only temporary.
The funeral services had been arranged by Tavey and Kyle, it was an extremely private ceremony, attended by teammates and the bereaved family. Zach was quite visibly a wreck, but no one was really much better. It had shaken up everyone, he was more important to everyone than they had even realized. Zach managed to speak in basic Swedish that he learned from Willy to his family. David [Pastrnak] also showed up to mourn, on the verge of quitting his career in hockey- he just lost one of his oldest friends.
Within the week, a joint statement was released by Kyle and Keefe about the death, to a shocked nation. Everywhere, from Los Angeles to Halifax, or Vancouver to Miami, almost every major city in Canada was pouring in support and remembrance. Everywhere Zach went, he would see some calibre of remembrance on a poster, billboard, or bus- a constant reminder, He’s gone.
Cigarettes was the next thing he tried, but to no avail. He had felt the exact same as before after one, and so he threw the rest back into a drawer to be forgotten.
The team had taken nearly a month away from playing, but had gotten back to it. But it wasn’t the same. You lose a player they’re usually either traded or retired. Their place in the lineup or their stall in the locker room would be changed out, but they’d still be around, just not under the same colours. Not this time. No team would ever have him again. The players just keep moving forward, it’s all they can do, but the thought always lingers in the back of their minds.
Mo didn’t intend to, but he effectively moved in with Zach until he thought it was fine for him to be alone, besides Gards would keep their place up until then. It never really improved though. Zach would just go through the motions. Get up, eat, practice, sleep. Get up, eat, play, sleep. Repeat. He could definitely still score, and help the team, but the celebrations never had the same feeling. There was always someone missing that would never come back, and be on the ice, be on the lineup. Life had started to lose it’s luster, and nothing changed that. Get up, eat, practice, sleep. Get up, eat, play, sleep. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Time didn’t seem to have a meaning anymore either. It could be seconds, days, weeks, or months, Zach couldn’t tell the difference. It was always the same cold, dark world that it was yesterday. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. He’s gone. He’s fucking gone.
Was there any emotion left? No one knew. Everyone was consoling each other, but Mo, he didn’t know how to help. He’d never lost someone that close to him, Gards was there and waiting for him to come home. He did what he could, but even before starting to talk to a therapist he could see Zach was a husk of what he used to be. Everything was cold. Cold and dark, all of it a blur.
Mo was already asleep on the couch, and Zach in bed when the city’s power grid failed and plunged the Greater Toronto Area into darkness. Zach walked out of the bedroom and through to the veranda, and sat on the railing. He looked up. Stars. It felt like eons since he last saw them. There’s something. A memory. Faint, but still there. Willy. When they both joined the Leafs in 2016, Zach was lost. It was a new place, new people, new everything. Willy was one of the first people he met. Willy had been to and from Toronto so many times as a kid with his father, he knew the area well. One of the first things they did together was drive out to a spot Willy would always go to. Since he was a kid, there was always this one place outside the city he would go to. It was a secluded little clearing where at night you could see the stars above. They had become friends quickly after that. It felt like centuries ago now though.
Zach can’t feel anything anymore. He could be falling, but he doesn’t know. He swears he could hear someone calling his name, but it seems so far away and distorted. He doesn’t bother opening his eyes to check, everything is cold and dark, and the world around him is the same, there’s no point to. I love you Zachy. I love you too Willy. He feels like he hears that being said again, but it’s coming from everywhere, and nowhere. Then, nothing. Oddly, it becomes warm, warmth he hasn’t felt in who knows how long it’s been now. He feels something touch him. It’s familiar, yet completely foreign.
Willy. Zach actually has the willpower to open his eyes now. Willy is pulling him up. He feels oddly weightless, and disorientated. He’s on the sidewalk. He tries to look behind to where he was but Willy holds his head with his hand and stops him.
He stops. By now he notices they’re both hovering off the ground.
“Are we dead?”
“Afraid so.”
Willy moves over to the side of Zach and holds his hand as they both float away.
“Where are we going?”
“I don’t know, but I waited for you. Wherever it is, we’ll find out together.”
“I love you honey.”
“I love you too, forever and always.”
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too far : d.d
wrote this last night. but I’m going to start trying to write a lot in one or two nights and post them throughout the week? hopefully, this should work better than me going overboard and posting as soon as I’ve written something.
this is inspired by the prank david pulled on scott in a vlog last week (?) with the paintball gun. thank you for the request!
summary: david always pranked people, it was one of the things he does best. however, with this prank, he clearly crossed the line.
organised (at last) masterlist
I’ve always witnessed the pranks taking place, often being nearby or in the background. I was always a witness, never the victim and I was perfectly happy with that.
He knows I freak easily, I was too easy of a target so he would just jumpscare me rather than blindfold me as I would have a panic attack (which might’ve made a good thumbnail, but the backlash would not be worth it.)
Sometimes David tells me he has something planned and it’ll happen when I least expect it, but I am always expecting something to happen, ruining his element of surprise.
Sitting in the car I yawn loudly as I rest my head on the headrest as I remain tilted towards the door with my eyes closed. “Are you falling asleep there?” A small smile forms on my face as I nod.
“Just for a bit. We’re ages away from the hotel.” I mumble as another yawn escapes my lips. “It was a late night.” I state, knowing he couldn’t argue with that and instead he keeps quiet.
I feel myself drifting off to sleep, blissfully unaware of what David had planned.
We decided to get away for our second anniversary, go somewhere different where we could just be ourselves. David promised he would just let go for a few days, film bits and pieces but nothing major for the vlogs. It was going to be the ideal getaway from everything and everyone.
A light nudge wakes me up as David smiles over at me, motioning for me to take a look and in front of us are the mountains covered in thick snow. I struggle to hide the smile growing on my face and glance over, seeing him with a similar expression.
“Glad I brought that coat now.” I mutter as we walk towards our own little lodge that we booked. It was secluded, a perfect spot where we can unwind in the beautiful scenery that surrounded us.
Sitting by the fire I can hear his music through the doors as he showers, hoping to warm up a bit more after our brief snowball fight. I hold my hands out, feeling the warmth from the heat penetrating my frozen fingertips as our dinner heats up in the oven.
I smile to myself, realising this is the perfect getaway. Somewhere we can just relax together without fear of anyone interrupting us.
Turning my head I hear a knock on the door, three heavy knocks that increase my heart beat. I hesitantly stand up and walk towards the bathroom, opening it and seeing no sign of David.
A small sigh escapes my lips as I pull on my sleeves, covering my hands as I open the front door, leaving it ajar to see a person with a mask on their face.
“Give me all you have!” The man spits and kicks the door, leaving me to fall to the ground as I catch sight of his gun.
Tears immediately fill my eyes and my breathing becomes shaky. “I, I don’t have anything.” I state as my lips quiver whilst my vision remains blurry. “Please, don’t, don’t kill me.” My cries become more desperate as everything runs through my head. All of the things I have yet to do, the things I haven’t told David. “I, I’m pregnant!” I yell and an instant pain shoots through my thigh.
I scream as loud as I can, clutching my leg before I feel a pair of arms around me from behind. I throw them off as I struggle to my feet, rushing to the kitchen and grab a knife, throwing it at the attacker who is heading out of the door.
“Hey, you sick fuck!” I scream as he turns and I throw the knife, seeing it narrowly missing him as it lands in the door frame.
My breathing remains frantic as I force myself to look down at my leg. But as I do confusion fills my mind as I see yellow paint. Reaching down my shaky fingertips prod it, but the pain is faint compared to what I had anticipated.
“Oh, Y/n.” Lifting my head I see Alex stood in the doorway, that mask in one hand and the gun in the other. He shakes his head as I remain silent. “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to react like that.”
I turn my head, seeing David sat silently behind me with a blank expression. “Dave?” I speak through tears as I wipe my eyes, unable to move from the floor.
His eyes slowly rise to meet mine and I can see their full of regret. “Y/n, I, I, I’m sorry.” He slowly speaks, reaching forward for my hands but I snap them away, clutching onto my stomach. “I didn’t expect it to be that dramatic.” He shrugs his shoulders and a scoff escapes my lips as I sniff loudly.
“You had Alex pose as a thief with a fucking gun, Dave. What did you expect? Me to just laugh at it? No, Dave. I don’t think so.” I spit back as I slowly get to my feet and just look at the two of them before walking over and taking the knife from the door frame.
“You have a decent aim.” Alex mutters as I pass him and place the knife on the counter. “David,” Alex looks to his friend whilst my eyes remain locked on the gun that is placed on the table.
“Y/n, I-”
Before he can finish I shoot him in the side and watch him keel over in pain, clutching his stomach as he falls to the ground with a thud. “Payback, bitch.” I call out and Alex holds his hands up in defence. I shake my head and lower the gun, watching as he lets out a sigh of relief before shooting him in the thigh. “Get them when they least suspect, right?” I call out and they both laugh, giving me a thumbs up.
“Wait, did you say you’re pregnant?”
#hope you enjoyed#hopefully ill post once a day or every other day from now on#if this works that is#idek yet#im hopeful#david dobrik#david dobrik imagines#david dobrik imagine#david dobrik x reader#david dobrik fluff#vlogsquad imagines#vlogsquad imagine#vlogsquad writing#vlog squad imagines#vlog squad imagine#vlog squad#vlogsquad#vlogsquad fluff#vlogsquad x reader#vlog squad writing#vlog squad angst#vlog squad x reader
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SPN 1X01 Pilot Retrospective Meta
Tag list for old episodes meta! (let me know if you wanna be tagged):
@emblue-sparks @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @evvvissticante @dea-stiel @sudo-apt-get-destiel @wildligia (tumbler’s not letting me tag you, sorry)
Pre re-watch notes/things to touch on:
Comparing the Woman in White to John, Sam and Mary/hindsight notes.
S1 motivations vs. S14/15 endgame.
Episode Notes:
Written by: Eric Kripke
Directed by: David Nutter
A long post, so I will put it behind the cut.
Lawrence, Kansas
22 years ago
We begin our tale with Mary bringing Dean into Sam's nursery to say goodnight. John enters the room, and in a nice bit of short-hand, he's wearing a USMC (United States Marine Corps) shirt, showing John was a soldier.
There's a shot of Mary and John in a picture. We already know they're married, so why is it here?
Mary thinks it's John in the nursery, only to find him asleep in the living room in front of the TV. (again, a connection to John's past, he's fallen asleep watching a war movie)
Something that'll become a continuity issue, later in the show: Mary's many years of experience being a Hunter, only to not recognize the flickering of lights as a sign of trouble.
Of course, Mary's wearing a white gown, (white is usually seen as a pure color/ of purity, but in this instance a connection to the Woman in White/see Jess later)
Mary's dead, and everyone involved is scarred for life.
The look on John's face, as we finish the Lawrence sequence, is that of a broken man, who's seen something that will eat away at his mind.
Stanford University Present Day (2005)
Okay, the first image we see of Jess is her in a nurse's costume, white with red trimming. Jess also has medium length curly blond hair. Guys, she looks like Mary, especially in Mary's death scene (white gown, covered in blood).
We focus in on the picture of Mary and John for visual shorthand, confirming this is a grown-up Sam.
We establish Sam is "scary" smart, has aspirations of becoming a lawyer, and has a job interview on Monday.
Jess: "Knock 'em dead on Monday." laying it on thick, Kripke.
Sam: "What would I do without you?"
Jess: "Crash and burn."
Damn you, Kripke.
Night scene, and holy shit, why do Sam and Jess have so many plants? Why doesn't future Sam have plants in the bunker, you know, something low maintenance?
Dean, why the fuck can't you use the door? Or a phone?
From the get-go, Dean's cocky, suffers from eldest sibling syndrome, and is a shameless horn-dog.
Sam: "He's on a Miller time shift." See, when I first watched the pilot, years ago, I didn't realize this was Sam implying John was a drunk. These things would just fly over my head.
Sam wants to make a point of including Jess in the conversation, of being honest. And yet, the moment Dean says John is on a hunt and hasn't returned, that honesty goes right out the window. More on that later.
Sam and Dean's exposition dump in the hallway, a part of me feels it's an odd way to catch the audience up to speed, while the other part of me knows this is how families argue when they spend most of their time biting their tongues. Sam especially seems the type to mull over his thoughts, storing away comebacks for the perfect moment when they'll be most effective (like later in the episode). Also, it's been years since the brothers have seen each other (we're told later it's been at least 2 years since Dean bothered Sam), they're so icy towards one another.
Sam: "You think Mom would've wanted this for us?" we'd find this out later in S4, but, no. Funny enough, maybe if Mary shared her knowledge of Hunting, something more could've been done (foreshadowing).
Dean: "What're you gonna do? Just live some normal, apple pie life?" Dean, if you'd only taken your own advice, we could've avoided S6.
Sam, paraphrasing John: "If you're gonna go, stay gone." Well, that's only very emotionally manipulative.It does, however, remind me of the U.S. military’s views on those dishonorably discharged, and since John raised them as "warriors", it's not a stretch to think, in a time of crisis, John treated his sons as soldiers.
Dean: "I can't do this alone."
Sam: "Yes, you can."
Dean: "Yeah, well, I don't want to."
This exchange, this vulnerability from Dean, after his initial introduction of being a cocky asshole who hits on his brother's girlfriend, shows just how much of a facade Dean's attitude is. In the end, he's a kid scared of losing his Dad.
It's this vulnerability that convinces Sam to listen.
Come the fuck on, "I can never go home." after we establish Sam left John and Dean, left Hunting behind, and was told to never come back (home). KRIPKE. YOU'RE *not* SUBTLE.
2 years, Dean says, since they last talked. Either Sam entered college late, (20 rather than 18) or Sam and Dean kept in touch even after Sam and John's blow-out fight.
Again, Jess pries for more info, and Sam changes the subject. Nope, that’s not gonna bite him in the ass, at all.
Jericho, California
(insert biblical/wrestling reference here)
We meet monster fodder, I mean, some random dude, who tells his girlfriend Amy over the phone he can't see her that night. He slows down to a stop and picks up the Woman in White.
Anyway, another example of a young woman with curly, medium length hair in a white gown/dress. I mean, her house even looks a bit like John and Mary's old place.
We get a brief, blurry shot of the Woman in White and her kids. Sorry, but if you're familiar with the legend of her/La Llorona, it's easy to see where this is going.
Oh, and whatshisface is dead.
Chips and soda. Breakfast of champions.
Sam's being a real sassy bitch about how Dean and John get their funds. I get it, world-building for the audience, bit it shows just how passive aggressive Sam is in these early seasons; Dean's clearly playing moderator between Sam and an absent John.
Sam: "Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metalica? It's the greatest hits of mullet rock." Sam, it's not Dean's fault you have poor taste. Shut your cakehole.
Sam: "Sammy's a chubby 12 year old." or, it's what a big brother says to his infant sibling to calm him down, oh wait.
Monster bait's name is Troy. Yeah, I don't care.
Dean sassing the officer and Sam stomping Dean's foot. Yep, they're brothers. This interaction is where their chemistry really starts to shine through.
Amy and her friend are peak mid-2000's goths/emos, good lord.
Dean's "I told you so" smart-ass look as the friend shares the rumors in town, he's such an older sibling.
They... they never tell Amy what happened to her asshole boyfriend, huh? Well. Sucks for Amy.
Researching on a public library computer, fucking hell. (nothing wrong with that, I’ve worked in a public library, but they’re doing super-secret Hunter’s stuff in such a public place)
Have it paused on a photo of Constance Welch, the Woman in White, and the article mentions her husband's exact line of work; associate manager who works the graveyard shift at Frontier auto salvage. Gives me shades of Bobby, who also lost his wife under tragic circumstances.
A mother leaves her child unattended, comes back to check on them, tragedy strikes. Or, so the story goes.
Dean confronts Sam about living a life of willful ignorance, and even asks if Jess knows the truth. Sam makes it clear she doesn't and he intends it to stay that way, as Dean sarcastically quips, "That's healthy".
Really, the more I think about it, the more S6 feels like the inverse of S1; Dean tries to live a normal life, Sam comes stomping in to rain on his parade. Lisa is kept largely in the dark about Dean's past, and gets hurt because of it.
Dean: "You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but sooner or later, you're gonna have to face up to who you are."
Sam: "And who's that?"
Dean: "One of us."
Sam: "No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life."
Sam thinks Dean's just talking about Hunting, but Dean means more than that, he means family. One of us, Dad and me, a Hunter and a Winchester.
Sam: "Mom's not coming back." and so on about how he doesn’t even remember Mary, doesn’t share John’s obsession.
Dean: "No chick flick moments." Dean, dude, bro, you're the one who started this by breaking into Sam's place like a dramatic bitch, and then proceeded to give life/relationship advice. It's already a chick flick.
John's room being covered head-to-toe in case notes, only to come to the obvious conclusion it's the Woman in White. But, Sam said, because of the salt line, John was worried. Now, as far as I can remember, John was never a target of this spirit, so, I think he was paranoid about Yellow Eyes. After all, John had notes on devils/demons up, too, so maybe. I could be wrong.
There's something amusing about Sam and Dean's first duo Hunt, one without John, includes one of them getting arrested. Just, how rare that happens in the rest of the show, compared to how many laws they break daily.
Sam talks to Joseph Welch, who seems to wear the same clothes as Bobby. Also, Sam looks like a giant standing next to him.
Joseph lies to Sam's face about his and Constance's marriage, and it takes Sam a moment to work up the nerve to call him out on it. Or, it's Sam losing his temper. They're dealing with a murderous ghost, after all, and this guy wants to hide the truth.
Sam's done with lying witnesses, and now he's making fake calls to the cops. Gloves are OFF.
So, it's revealed John's purposefully leaving Sam and Dean clues, the journal, and the coordinates, but won't outright tell the truth.
Sam: "I'm not unfaithful. I've never been." See, Sam, that's only in the cheating department. You are, however, keeping Jess in the dark about dangerous stuff. Can any relationship with such big lies every be a faithful one?
Again, the imagery of the flickering lights. A standard in the show later for when a ghost's around, but considering all the visual parallels between the Woman in White and Mary, I think it's intentional.
That CGI of the ghosts vanishing was kinda shit, though. So is the sound of water swirling down a drain, I'm now just thinking of a toilet.
Dean: "I'll take you home." and there, in an episode where the ghost is afraid to go home and face the consequences of their actions, Sam too must go back to Jess.
Sam discovering Jess' body on the ceiling, as the room's engulfed in flames, never fails to give me chills. Hot damn.
Post Episode Notes:
While the pilot is a treasure trove of world building, plotting of character arcs, and chemistry between Jared and Jensen, it still doesn't make up for the fact it's bookended with 2 women getting fridged. Mary and Jess don't get to be characters, only fuel for man-pain, and argue with me all you want, but Mary's send-off in S14 is far superior to what she got in the pilot.
I remember seeing Kripke discuss how many drafts they went through while writing the pilot, and it feels like that at quite a few points. Like maybe the sheriff was to get more time, or Troy's father, who I believe is a cop, would've been more vital to the plot. And Amy, who'll spend who knows how many weeks and months putting up missing person posters for Troy.
I believe Kripke also said they'd considered killing John at the end, rather than Jess. I think, and this is pure speculation, the more they went into the lore for the Woman in White, the more they knew Jess had to die. I don't like it, wish they could've done it different, but it fits the story they wanted to tell.
The Woman in White, John, Mary and Sam, in hindsight
It's a retcon from S4, but if Mary was honest with John about her past as a Hunter, maybe they'd have a better chance with fighting Azazel. It's tragically paralleled to Sam not telling Jess about his own past, which may have prevented her death. And while you could say Heaven and Hell would still have their way, and shape Sam and Dean the way they want to, I'd like to think, given the chance, free will could prevail, And, look at how often keeping secrets is framed as one of the worst things the characters could do to each other?
Additionally, if John had been honest with Sam and Dean about what he wanted them to do, and what kind of danger they were really in, maybe Sam wouldn't have left Jess alone.
Thank you for reading this monstrosity of a meta, I hope you enjoyed/found it interesting!
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a list of my entirely way too niche headcanons ive actually implemented for everyones imagination:
name options ive used and refuse to retire: david elizabeth strider (sometimes i dont feel like being a douche to others and saying thats not his name), harley davidson strider, and david james strider for the sake of simplicity
im not gonna tell yall the like. oc exes ive given him bc thatll take eighteen years.
i dont rlly have an explanation on the ghost thing besides the fact he just can? ive occasionally pulled from family ghost stories and experiences bc i somehow got landed with family members who lived in a haunted house for a decade and enjoy scaring me with all the stories (including the time my cousin literally died on the kitchen floor from a bronchial spasm and one of the friends that was over asked my aunt later what was up with the old man she saw in the corner of the room that night - my cousin is fine btw shes just a huge bitch and a third grade teacher and i dont like her)
whether or not hes done drugs is based on absolutely nothing besides how im feeling in that moment. either hes the designated driver and sober friend forever or he got fired from his job after doing a line at work during graveyard with some random customers theres no inbetween (this absolutely happened @ waho. if dave works at waho hes a mess of a person and thats on the diner itself.)
ok look i hc dave w/schizophrenia besides when i was 14 i had a hyperfixation with learning about it and then at 16 was prescribed a medication and had side effects so wack my therapist genuinely thought 14 yr old me was onto something and its a weird way to cope with the idea that lady put in my head that i might “develop it in my twenties” which i turn 20 this year and i havent been able to stop obsessing and panicking over the prospect so PLEASE dont come in my inbox calling me ableist im not out here all harley quinn in suicide squad with the voices ok hes medicated, he goes to therapy, the hard fast delusion that lil cal was nearly sentient and informed bro of every single thing dave did no matter how asinine it was is no longer a debilitatingly affecting him ANYWAYS
i actually use the chicken/egg farming family pretty often just because its hilarious to me to give dave like. an actual mom and dad. hes literally an uncle to like three different kids he just never visits because they make fun of his skinny jeans and he hates one of his (incredibly bare-bones ocs all of them) brothers who threatened to bash his head in with a little league bat after dave broke his star wars lego set apart on accident (but not rlly) so their parents were like “why dont you stay with your brother in the big city for a lil while champ” and then they just never picked him back up? and thats on favoritism
the other one is that his name is actually david reed and hes the middle child of a family of three who literally live the standard golden retriever white middle class life only they went to disney land or something equally as dumb one year when dave was like 6 and he wandered off so bro literally just went “huh free game” because frankly he was an idiot who thought maybe i should take this kid home because its real dangerous in parking lots and then it was too late to NOT have it seem like a kidnapping and thats why daves never had a summer job, seen his birth certificate, or gone to school. but vaguely remembers what kindergarten was like and having a pet dog and calling someone mom as a kid.
im not making a bullet point about his sex life headcanons just use your imagination and acknowledge the fact bro essentially worked within the sex industry and i enjoy putting dave through trauma as a catharsis
i stopped doing this one usually but if he did go to school hes been in percussion since fifth grade and played the drums in his high schools jazz band as well as various edgy teenager garage bands he likes to pretend dont have a youtube presence and that hes absolutely never been shirtless in front of plenty of his classmates because he wore a hoodie to a show like an idiot. idk occasionally ill put him in an actual band he doesnt hate but keeps separate from his lil turntechGodhead internet persona (which i will ALSO touch upon in a sec) until they wind up getting looped into a tour with some bigger named band that has a show in *insert beta kid here*’s city and hes gotta come clean solely so he can visit his online friend. sorry derseasterous thats the one time weve ever run into each other and i made him have a crush on one of his bandmates i was in my anti-daverose phase where i made dave a hoe and also didnt want to admit i still loved the ship all these years later
i hate it so much but you know the whole vr loli trap voice shit that was popular a while ago? hes fucking baller at it for some reason. he did it as a joke while talking to bro and they both about shat their pants. if im feeling real ambitious, hes got a separate soundcloud solely dedicated to doing dumbass rap covers or making his own but in the voice under the pseudonym elizabeth “beth” davids that he will never admit is his. well, he will, but hes gonna be really fucking embarrassed about it. irony or not.
talking abt seperate soundclouds and stuff ive always had it where turntechGodhead was his like. essentially internet fucking persona facade shit he used because we all had that phase where we wanted memorable urls and stuff but also didnt want to totally ignore the nagging fear of people finding you in real life, until it turned into real life ppl finding you on the internet. so he also has basically an adjacent set of social media under the same name but its just a boring username i havent decided on so everyone he knows irl doesnt mix up with what hes made for himself as TG and the people he knows as TG dont know what highschool he goes to. (this occasionally comes with the territory of ppl on parp being pissed that daves “lying” or “hiding things” from his friends as if he was doing it out of spite instead of just keeping embarrassing tagged photos and videos from football games or when he ate shit at the skatepark from fucking with his “rap career”)
every once in a while i get on a kick where hes just german. like, i just replace houston texas with hamburg germany and have him apply to a university in whatever state is applicable for whoever im chatting with and it goes from there? sometimes he moved when he was little and went through the whole visa thing, sometimes he didnt go through the visa thing, sometimes hes a dual citizen because of family and shit, its all dependent on what suits the situation best.
one that ive been fucking with for a while but hardly break out (until recently with like 5 roses in the span of one day hell yeah) is that he has a neighbor at the end of the hall who is like a thousand year old witch lady that hes basically adopted as his mother figure in lieu of not having one and shes totally cool with it, especially bc when she kicks the bucket she fully plans on giving dave all her occult stuff so her figure-skating coach and realtor daughter doesnt sell it at a garage sale and lets it all go to waste. she also once brought rose up by name in a conversation without any prompting of her existence which dave didnt realize for days, and then one time cryptically stopped and stared at an empty space in the wall, went “she has potential, you know.” then looked at him sitting on her kitchen counter with a smile “lots of it” and hes thought about that weekly ever since. (it is important to note one of the occult items he leaves her is literally her own personal book of shadows shes been filling out for decades its like a 600 page leatherbound book dave has no idea what its used for but the sheer amount of homemade spells and etc in it is like. gonna murder rose the second this chick gets her hands on it i promise you.)
theres the standard strife shit? im not rlly gonna get into those theyre all basically cookie cutter bullshit. its just standard bro and dave abuse talk. i like to inclulde the whole 24hr live cam up in the apartment that definitely watches dave in every room besides his own and the bathroom, but that quickly delves into the prospect of middle-aged men stalking him online and basically sexually harassing him in his own god damn home by talking about how they can see him just trying to take his shoes off in the living room after getting home and frankly? its not one of my best takes! but once you throw it into the headcanon bin, its there forever.
he actually really does do something with his photography but not enough to warrant anything exciting, but he has his own branding for it and regularly takes pictures of his friends or anything else he thinks is moderately interesting enough to take pictures of, but those are just thrown into shoeboxes under his bed in favor of posting genuine shots because he wants to keep his image intact and blurry photos of jade smiling in the tree they climbed up together while bec paws at the base of it while whining isnt exactly something he wants the whole world to see.
i also pretty often but him into either paleontology OR i put him down as trying to become a mortician because he thinks handing roadkill once he graduated from museum giftshop specimens to doing his own taxidermy on the side has prepared him enough to perform an occasional autopsy and start embalming real human corpses. (sometimes i put my own desires in and make them his bc i have to project at some point and put him through the same EMT course i dropped out of bc it was one semester and he already has pretty decent first aid skills, but he definitely didnt expect it to be as fucking wild at times as it is, but whats he gonna do? get a job back at waffle house? the company hes working for just offered to pay like half his associates in paramedicine tuition and hes already got all his pre-recs done when he started for paleo. at least its a stable job and hes got the ability to be compassionate in the moment)
im running out of things that ive done to the poor kid. OH
hes not a virgin he had a girlfriend all four years of high school (shes also one of his optional and designated exes plz keep up) and their relationship ends in one of two ways: she dies in a car accident a week before their high school graduation, or she stops talking to him entirely a week after their high school graduation until a couple years later she gets into (guess what) a car accident with her current wife/girlfriend and dies which leaves behind their daughter. who just so happens to also be daves daughter. her name is hannah and i love her like my own but no one ever likes her and thats on the conditioning of dirk. does dave end up taking her in? yes. shes awesome and the first time he takes her to the park to like run off some fucking steam she disappears for two minutes and dave is moderately terrified until she comes back holding a dead baby squirrel and thats the moment he realizes huh maybe things really do be genetic.
ok at the bottom of the list im gonna add the couple of times hes been a camboy which usually coincides with the live apartment cam thing and the amount of people in his dms calling him hot or whatever, but typically its more of a started the day he turned 18 and basically dipped around 20 in favor of showing up randomly with no warning to complain about a video game dick in hand because it gives him an outlet that wont annoy his friends bc this is the fifteenth time hes had a lot to say this week about a certain boss battle and also the comments fuel his ego and daddy issues.
the last one wasnt the bottom but literally unless its explicitly proven otherwise every time anyone rps with me there is the underlying fact dave strider was a goalie on his high school lacrosse teams all four years and (shocker another one) definitely had the hots for one of his teammates like major hots like first gay experience hots. like it was painfully obvious that teammate also liked him back hots. like one night at a team sleepover one of the other guys was like can yall just makeout and get it over with were fucking tired and dave really had the balls to be offended and ask what the fuck they were talking about while literally sitting halfway in the mans lap bc for some reason they had to share the same chair.
he is also guilty until proven innocent of being the worlds biggest loner outside of that sports team and even though hes literally a jock he still opts to eat his lunch alone in the hallway or something like that and has a tendency to leave girls on read, but bc hes got an in with the rest of the jocks hes basically drug around to plenty of parties and since hes conventionally attractive enough and popular in the aloof way that he is, hes got plenty of tagged insta posts and twitter directs and snapchat streaks going.
#theres probably so many more i mean#ive been on parp for at least 5-6 years now#ive been on cherubplay probably the same amount of time#and my memory is totally shot to fuck but these are just what i know ive done in the last YEAR#or thought were wild enough to remember#i put it under a read more bc frankly its really fucking long#and i dont want this to represent me entirely#these are also heavily situational based and not like. emotion or reaction based much?#some of them are#i guess i could rename this to like. things ive done on parp#but theyre technically still headcanons a lot of them can coincide with whatever#so theyre not very specific situations#anyways#this took me an hour
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A Darker Curse

Also on fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 15: Heartless
City Hall was buzzing that evening when Neal arrived. A few people eyed him wearily, as it had spread pretty quickly that he was the son of Mr. Gold. Despite not having magic and not being physically imposing in this land, his father had still managed to strike a chord of fear in most. But even he had to reluctantly admit now that Cora was the greater evil. After hearing what the woman had put Emma's parents through, that had become painfully clear.
He looked around the room and saw August at a table with his old school typewriter. He was already working on the write up for the paper and probably ready to boast Regina and Mary's victory over Cora.
Next, his eyes naturally found Emma and he felt his heart skip a beat. It was still sinking in that he was a father himself now and he couldn't help but think about how beautiful he still thought she was, especially as she held their child. He watched her for a few moments and approached, as he noticed that she seemed nervous and kept checking her phone.
"Hey…" he greeted.
"Oh hey...I didn't know if you'd be here," she replied. He shrugged.
"I am going to be living here, so I thought I better come have my say in the town's future leadership," he said. She looked at him and he could tell she was surprised by his answer.
"So...you are going to stay," she said.
"Unless that bothers you...but yeah, I have a kid now," he replied. She nodded curtly and checked her phone again, just as she saw Regina.
"Regina...have you seen my Mom?" the blonde asked. The brunette's eyes widened.
"No...she's not here yet?" Regina asked, clearly alarmed by that.
"Dammit...no," Emma fretted.
"Something's wrong…" she feared and Regina glanced at her Mother, who stood near the podium wearing a smug smirk. She marched up to her and Emma watched, before quickly handing the baby to Neal.
"Can you watch him?" she asked. He nodded.
"Of course...go. Find your Mom," he urged.
"What have you done?" Regina demanded to know and Cora feigned an innocent look, which naturally looked completely foreign on the woman's face.
"I'm not sure what you mean, darling," Cora cooed sweetly.
"Oh yes you do...where is Snow?" she growled.
"How would I know? I've been preparing for the debate all day. Really Regina...you should keep better tabs on your employees," Cora chided smugly.
"Where is my mother, you psychotic witch?" Emma hissed and the other woman couldn't help but grin deviously.
"With any luck on my part...suffering a well deserved demise," she whispered in the blonde's ear. Emma's eyes widened and she backed away.
"If she's hurt...there will be no where you can hide. I'll make sure you pay if you've hurt her," Emma said, as she choked back tears and tried to calm down. Freaking out was not going to help find her mother and she fumbled for her phone, as it rang. She was disappointed to see that it wasn't her mother, but rather David, which gave her hope.
"David?" she answered.
"Emma...have you seen your mother?" he asked, with a frantic edge in his voice.
"No...and I'm worried. She's not answering and she should have been here long ago," she answered.
"Damn...then I'm not crazy," she heard him mutter.
"David...what are you talking about?" she asked.
"It's hard to explain and sounds nuts...but I just got this really bad feeling that something's wrong. I think she's in trouble...I don't know how I know that. But I'm going to find her," he replied and she felt like crying at that. Her mother was always telling her that her father was very good at finding her and it seemed at this point that the curse was not going to stop him from doing so once again.
"I'm coming to look too. Find her David," she pleaded.
"I will Emma...I promise," he said, as the line went dead and she put her phone back in her pocket.
"I'm coming with you," Neal said.
"Me too," Regina insisted.
"No...please stay with little David," she pleaded and he nodded reluctantly.
"And you need to stay too. You need to tell the people exactly what type of person is running this town. You're the only one that can oust her from the Mayor's office," Emma reminded and Regina reluctantly acquiesced.
"But I am going with you," August said, as he was nearly panicked like she was. She nodded at that, as the two siblings set out to find her. Regina glared at her mother, as she took to the podium. She'd make some speech about how she was the best choice, but Regina was ready to pull out all the stops. Once she stepped onto that podium, she was going to rip her mother to shreds and by this time tomorrow, she'd be sitting in the Mayor's office.
Snow heard voices, as she slowly came around and there was a whirring noise in her ears. She was wet too and idly made the connection that the whirring noise was rain. The voices slowly got clearer and it all came crashing back to her. Her head was killing her, but she knew she had to get away or things were going to end very badly for her. She knew Cora was getting desperate and probably had instructed her goons to make sure she didn't survive the night. But she'd be damned if she was going to go down without a fight.
"Keep moving...there's a cliff up here. It will be clean and swift," she heard Sidney say and knew it was now or never. Rearing back, she knocked her head into the man's nose that was carrying her. He roared in pain and dropped her to the ground. She rolled away and groaned painfully, as she tried to get to her feet. Her vision was slightly blurry and she stumbled back into a tree, as Sidney and the other man approached.
"Bad move, Ms. Swan…" Sidney chided, as she saw the larger man draw a knife. Thinking quickly, she picked up her foot and smashed it into his groin, before she took off running.
"Dammit...get up!" Sidney cried.
"Find her!" he ordered, as he started running after her. Snow whimpered, as she ran clumsily through the woods, but could not get her bearings. Probably because of the bump on her forehead and the crusty, dried blood on the side of her face that she could feel. She steadied herself on a tree and hid behind it, as they ran past. She felt a bit faint, but knew she had to continue on and kept going. Unfortunately, she slipped and slid down a hill. She screamed, as she rolled off a cliff side and held onto the side for dear life. Rain poured down so heavily that she couldn't see anything and she feared they had heard her scream. They would probably be back soon to help her off this cliff and she thought about her children and David.
"I love my family...we're so close to being together. It can't end like this," she cried, as a few tears mixed with the rain pouring down her face.
"Mary Margaret!" she heard a voice call in the distance and her heart almost stopped.
Could it be? Or was she simply hearing things out of wishful thinking.
"Mary Margaret!" she heard again and this time it was closer.
"David…" she whimpered, as she started to cry again, but this time in joy.
"David!" she called, as she squinted to see his face, as he peered over the edge of the cliff side. She felt his strong hands grab her arms and pull her up. She collapsed against him, crying in relief, as he held her.
"I've got you," he promised.
"You found me…" she sobbed.
"Yeah...I'd say I got lucky, but at this point...there's definitely more to this than luck," he mentioned, as he looked around.
"Come on...we need to get out of this storm. I think I saw a cave under the Toll Bridge. We're not far from there," he said, as she felt him lift her into his arms and trudge down the hillside.
"Together, we can continue to make Storybrooke a safe and prosperous place. But only if you continue to support me as your Mayor. I know you'll all make the right choice when you go the ballot box tonight. Voting for me means a safe and well ordered Storybrooke, without the scandal of interlopers that come into our good town to stir things up and ruin families," Cora said, taking a direct jab at Regina's running mate, for her and David were still the big gossip around town. But she hoped that idle gossip wasn't enough to overrule the good sense of the people. They had an opportunity to free themselves from her mother and she was going to make sure they blatantly knew it.
"My opponent will have you think that I serve my own interests, but I assure you, like I always have her, that I have only done what is best for the people of Storybrooke. Just as I have her best interest at heart, even when she doesn't think I do," Cora added.
"Hard to have my best interest at heart when you don't even have one in your chest," Regina said under her breath.
"So please...ensure a stable future for our town by voting for me," she concluded, as she stepped down from the podium.
"Thank you, Mayor Mills," Archie said, as he motioned to Regina.
"And now our second candidate. Deputy Mayor, Regina Mills," he announced, as she stepped to the podium.
"Thank you, Dr. Hopper," she said, as she saw Ethan nod to her with encouragement from the audience.
"My mother spoke in great detail about the stability and safety she has brought to Storybrooke. But there is a very big difference between a stable town and stagnant town. And I think many can agree that Storybrooke is stagnant," she said.
"Change can be scary, but often times, it can be a very good kind of scary. My mother would have you believe it is, but that's because it is she who is scared of change," Regina continued.
"She and her cronies are scared to lose their control over the rest of us. They are scared that the status quo will change," she added.
"But it's time for a change. It's time they're finally held accountable for the things they do to people in this town," Regina said.
"Because right now, I believe my running mate may be in danger, because she had the courage to stand up to them," she revealed, causing commotion to ripple through the chamber.
"And right now, David Nolan is looking for a woman that is like a sister to me and I'm going to join him. I encourage you to join the search for them after you've cast your vote," Regina said.
"A vote for my mother means more of the same tyranny and a vote for me means that their money and power do not continue to rule us. A vote for me means we take back this town," she announced, eliciting cheers from several, as she stormed out. Cora watched in horror, as many of the townspeople stood up.
"Where are you all going?" she questioned.
"We're going to help find David and Mary Margaret," Archie announced.
"But don't worry...we'll make sure to cast our votes on the way out," Ruby added, as she and Granny followed the therapist, while many others joined them. Cora looked livid, especially when Sidney failed to answer her phone calls. But it was likely that the storm was interfering with cell signals.
"Kathryn…" Cora hissed, as she stomped toward the younger woman.
"I thought we discussed you getting David back. Why isn't he here with you?" she questioned.
"I...I tried, Madam Mayor, but he refused. It doesn't seem to matter what I do! I even got him fired!" Kathryn cried, as she crumbled under Cora's glare.
"But he still wouldn't do what I told him and all he could think about was her," she said.
"He doesn't look at me the way he looks at Mary Margaret...he never has," she lamented.
"Stop your whining!" Cora snapped.
"Need I remind you of what happens if I lose this election?" she questioned and Kathryn looked truly terrified.
"All your family's dirty little secrets will come out so if you want to stop this...then you'll get out there and look for them too. Make sure they don't come home," Cora said.
"You...you want me to go out there?" Kathryn squeaked and Cora's blood boiled. With the curse weakening, so was Kathryn Nolan's hard edge. She had devolved into a simpering mess in the last few days, compared to the woman Cora had forged in her own image that had once kept Prince Charming on a short, suffocating leash. She needed to strengthen her hold on the young woman, but that required a potion that was in her vault at the moment.
"Let's go," she said, as she started toward the exit. But Graham blocked the way.
"I'm sorry everyone...but I can't let anyone else leave until the storm lets up. It's gotten too dangerous and there's flash flooding everywhere," the Sheriff warned. Cora cursed inwardly and could only hope that Snow White and her stupid prince met a grim end in this storm.
David struggled through the almost knee deep mud, but managed to make it to the Toll Bridge. The storm had gotten worse and he hurried into the cave he had discovered beneath the bridge earlier. It was semi-dry and he gently put Mary down once they were inside the mouth of the cave.
"Mary Margaret?" he said, as he roused her.
"Mmm...Charming…" she murmured, as her head was clouded and she slowly opened her eyes. She realized where she was and her eyes widened.
"David…" she uttered, now realizing her slip, but if made notice of it, he wasn't letting on.
"Hey...we should probably put a little pressure on that bump," he said, as he tore a piece of fabric from his flannel shirt and used the wetness to wipe the blood off her face.
"You found me…" she said.
"Yeah...you're probably going to think I'm crazy, but I got this really bad feeling that you were in trouble," he told her. She smiled up at him with a dreamy stare.
"Not crazy…" she said and he smiled gently at her.
"What happened?" he asked in concern.
"Mmm...I was running errands for Regina and I stopped at the diner for some cocoa. I was on my way to the shelter to surprise you when I got jumped by Sidney Glass and a couple of guys. Hired muscle, I'm sure," she explained.
"Cora…" he said. She nodded.
"Probably...she hates me with a passion," she replied. He sighed and kissed her forehead.
"Thankfully, I got away from them. I don't think they planned for me to live to see another day," she added.
"God...I can't even think about losing you. If only I had found you sooner...I might have if Kathryn hadn't been bothering me," he lamented.
"You found me just in time," she assured.
"So Kathryn showed up at the shelter?" she asked curiously.
"Just to harass me. She managed to get the vet to fire me and then hoped it would make me come back to her," he replied.
"Oh David...I'm so sorry," she said.
"It's okay...I liked that job, but I love you more. I'm never going back to her," he promised, as they heard the storm raging outside.
"Wow...it's not letting up," she mentioned.
"Maybe we should move further into the cave," he suggested, as he stood up and then helped her to her feet. With his arm around her waist and her arm draped over his shoulder, they managed to make it further into the cave.
"I wonder how deep this thing goes," he wondered out loud.
"David...what is that?" she asked, as she looked ahead and saw a green glow coming from further into the cave.
"I...I don't know. Maybe we should find out though," he said, as they made their way toward the light and it kept getting brighter as they did. They followed the labyrinth of corridors, until they finally found the source in a wide cavern.
"It's…" Snow started to say.
"A tree sapling?" he asked in confusion. Snow cocked her head to the side, wondering what it could mean. It was glowing, which definitely meant magic. She just wasn't sure if was light or dark magic. As they got closer though, the magic emanating from it gave her a warm feeling and then she knew. She had felt light magic like this before...when Charming had kissed her to break the sleeping curse.
"Will you touch it with me?" she asked.
"Touch it?" he asked in confusion.
"Trust me," she requested and he shrugged, as they both touched the sapling. Memories of their life together assaulted Snow's subconscious, but there was one memory she saw that she had no idea he shared. She had suspected something for a while now from the moment she saw Wilby and now that it was confirmed, she felt like crying with joy. That day she was trapped by the woodcutter...he had been her rescuer. They had met before they even knew it and created this sapling as a symbol of the burgeoning true love they would go on to discover.
They pulled their hands away and David stumbled back, as his brain processed everything he had just seen. It was still running through his mind like a movie and he passed out.
"David!" Snow cried, as she knelt beside him and she began to panic.
"No...no...no...don't you dare do this! I just found you and I'm not letting you go again," she cried. What if all the memories were too overwhelming and all the progress he had made was reverted? Or worse...what if he woke up and had no idea who she was again.
"David please…" she pleaded, as she tried one last thing and planted a hard kiss on his lips.
"You can do this to me again...I can't survive losing you again," she cried, as his eyes snapped open and he stared up at her.
"David…" she squeaked and then started to cry, fearing the worst.
"Snow…" he croaked and her breath caught in her throat.
"What?" she asked, thinking her mind might be playing tricks on her.
"Snow...you found me…" he said and she cried out in surprise.
"Charming?!" she exclaimed. He smiled gently and sat up.
"I remember...I remember everything," he assured, as she threw her arms around him and started crying against his shoulder.
"Oh Snow…" he whispered, as he held her in his arms and then gently pulled back so he could look at her. He cupped her face in his hands and smiled at her.
"I've dreamt of this moment for so long…" she said.
"What you must have gone through…" he said, as kissed her tenderly and she mewled into his kiss. She had kissed him as cursed David, but she instantly felt the difference. While kissing David had been wonderful in itself, she immediately felt the difference. There was no shyness or uncertainty in his kiss. This was her husband and she let herself become lost in him until the need for air finally forced them apart.
"Emma!" he exclaimed and she giggled at the look of wonder on his face.
"She amazing…" he said in awe and she nodded, as she caressed his face.
"She is…" she agreed.
"And little David! I'm a grandfather!" he realized and she laughed harder at that.
"You are...youngest, sexiest grandpa ever," she said coyly.
"I...I got a little bit older," she muttered and he responded by cupping her face in his hands again.
"You are still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he assured. She sniffed.
"I only got through being separated from you, because I thought you were safe. But you weren't," she whimpered.
"Hey...that's not your fault. We both went through some really rough times, but we're going to get through it together," he assured. She nodded.
"But first...we need to get out of here," she said.
"It doesn't sound like it's letting up at all," he replied.
"It's okay...I know Emma is looking for us. And she'll find us...because she's just like you," she said fondly. He smiled at her and kissed her again.
"You're right...everything's going to be okay now," he said, as kissed her again. They would ride out this storm and they would do it together. And they knew their daughter would find them...
#Snowing#SnowxCharming#Emma Swan#august w. booth#AU#CORA cast the curse#evil Cora#warning#mentions of abuse#nothing graphic#eventual Swanfire#romance#angst#adventure#familia#a darker curse
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