#i think she does it sometimes either way when impulse gets the best of her lmao
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noxianwilled · 2 years ago
kat doesn't share things about her private life most of the time. don't expect her to, you know, do photoshoots and interviews and whatever else with anyone she's with at the time or even talking about it very openly. if there's a serious relationship, she'd acknowledge it exists, but not talk about it in detail (it's harder to keep it low when the other person is also famous, and i don't think she'd necessarily avoid being seen with them sometimes, but yeah in general she tries to keep things as private as possible, especially when it comes to romantic relationships - friends and such only if they prefer to keep a low profile). so i feel fans would get invested in finding out whatever is going on through pictures of her with people, rumors, lyrics and such, but she doesn't really engage with it in any way at all.
the fact she doesn't share anything if she can help it makes it pretty clear she's not interested in what people have to say. the reaction can range from indifferent to really pissed off, depends on the opinions (she does avoid them, if she can, from media and the public alike). managers trying to have any say in her personal life and how it's presented would immediately be fired though (she had a controlling mother for a manager when she was younger and she's not about to let another person have a say on her private life like that ever again).
when it's fans talking about how they connect to songs or feel seen and understood in some way or like they belong or whatever she'd be really soft about it (she loves her fans! she does appreciate their love!) but when it comes to her personal life no matter how supportive the messages she doesn't wanna know (the only type she'd appreciate, and even then she tries to keep a never reading comments policy so the chance she'd see them is slim, is when people are like oh she looks happy i hope she's happy and whatnot). when it comes to the media and how it portrays things i sincerely think she's not polite at all when people try to get her to talk about things or create/suggest any sort of drama (her life has drama enough without that).
but commentaries about who she's dating or who she's friends with she's never interested in and if they're critical of people she loves she will be outright pissed off. like, idk, she's besties with draven, if she sees 'fans' talking shit about him for whatever reason she'll tell them to get fucked. if there's something about her being with darius and she comes across sb saying garen was better she would just answer like get a life and shut the fuck up that might delve into worse if it's not deleted in 5 seconds by her media team while the pr tries to avoid bigger incidents
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thewertsearch · 2 months ago
TG: jakes bday is coming up really soon TG: just a few days before mine remembr […] TG: i just wanted your advice on what to get him TG: something sentimental i guess? but i mean im mostly tapped out of precious heirlooms atm so idk TG: but not like anything coming on too strong
I don't think you need to overthink things, where Jake is concerned. Just like John, he strikes me as a rather straightforward guy, and would probably appreciate the direct approach.
Seriously, just be upfront with your feelings. He'll respond with either "capital! let us begin courting, post-haste!", or "sincerest apologies, my dear compatriot, but my heart lies with my cerulean beauties!"
Either way, the issue will be resolved. Simple as that.
TG: something that says TG: this is totes platonic and everything TG: no eyebrow raising funnybiz is goin on over here TG: but still says you know TG: call me TG: if you wanna
Nah, I'm just fucking with you.
These are teenagers. They're full of big emotions that they don't know what to do with, and they're navigating the treacherous waters of romance without a map. I might have dunked on Eridan when he said it, back in our Hivebent days, but when you're a kid, growing up really is hard, and nobody does understand. Not even you.
Roxy's not going to initiate a frank discussion about her feelings with Jake - she's going to pine for at least fifty pages, and then impulsively confess everything at once, probably in the middle of a crisis. Sometimes, that's just how it goes, when you're a teenager - and it's always how it goes when you're a fictional teenager.
TG: u dont think that if i didnt say he was off limits on account of you being my best friend TG: i wouldnt be all the hell over that????
Wait, ok. So Roxy is pretending she's going to flirt with Jake - but she's really just messing with Jane, because Jane's also into him.
It's nice that there's no bad blood between the two as a result. You just know that in a lesser story, Jane and Roxy would proceed to squabble over this guy until it completely ruined their friendship. Thank you, Homestuck, very cool!
TG: you dont even let me say your dad is hot even though we both know he way the fuck is i mean come one
In every timeline, Roxy is destined to swoon over the prefect gentleman that is Dad Egbert.
GG: I don't see why you don't try to court the favor of Mr. Strider. If you ask me, he and you are perfect for each other. TG: oh jane TG: so naive TG: soooo niaev
The Bro we knew probably shouldn't have been dating anyone. Perhaps this version of him is equally unapproachable, and Roxy knows it - his little out-of-office responder would certainly suggest that that's the case.
GG: How can you be this fargone so early? […] TG: its a lot later here GG: You're three hours ahead of me! TG: youd would be amazed TG: how much can happen TG: in 3 hours GG: Tsk. What would your mother have to say if she caught you? TG: p sure she wouldnt give a shit
Rose, what the fresh fuck!
Look - guys, I know she's not exactly the maternal type, but come on. Even the adult Roxy, absent and alcoholic as she was, at least lifted a finger to keep her daughter safe, and you're telling me Rose can't even clear that bar?
Maybe Roxy's projecting a little. Rose often assumed her mother was acting in bad faith, even when that wasn't necessarily the case, and there's no reason that something similar couldn't be happening here.
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vendetta-if · 6 months ago
Hi! Sorry if you've already answered this but what does each RO feel and think about MC path of either Justice or Revenge? (Heir path)
(Love to see what everyone else thinks as well)
I'm just curious to know what Rin truly thinks about MC going for revenge, because I feel like he's a bit reluctant? But also, an heir to a crime family going for justice? (Giving him over to the police after getting enough evidence to convict him) I can't really see him approve that, either.
I'm also curious of what their "preferred" heir MC is, Ruthless or Merciful, admired or feared etc.
Am definitely curious to know how that affects Ash as well. I love my little psycho MC (Definitely some Jinx vibes going on there) but then I get concerned and worried when I see Ash being like "Whoa, so cool! Never seen a body rain blood before, awesome! Whoo, murder! 🥳"
Then i'm like "Wait... No, this is bad Ash, BAD! Blood rain isn't awesome! It's horrifying! It's literally what happens in the APOCALYPSE! That's it, we're going to have a long talk when we get home about Wrong and Right!"
...then later when she gets her birthday present she'll giddily ask Luka if she can try torturing him too 😭
I feel so conflicted when Ash asks MC about what she will do with the killer... Then says what he wants, which is exactly the same, so I can't really tell him not to do the same... But it makes me so concerned every time, and guilty.
I don't want to bring my sweet, beloved firecracker down and even darker path than the one we're already on 😭
Ash and Rin prefer revenge to justice (letting the justice system do what it was supposed to do a long time ago). Probably because of the families and environment that they’re both raised and live in, they believe retaliation against such personal slight should be taken into their own hands.
However, whereas Ash’s revenge might be explosive and impulsive as they chase the quickest way to personally get their hands on the one who wronged them, Rin’s revenge is cold and calculating.
It’s full of reckoning, scheming, and pulling of strings behind the scenes and they’re content to let others to do the dirty work. They don’t really care about seeing the one who wronged them face-to-face and kill them with their own hands like Ash does.
That doesn’t make their revenge less personal though, and dare I say, sometimes, their revenge ends up being more drawn-out and torturous for the poor schmuck. The true definition of “revenge is a dish best served cold”.
And Rin does prefer Ruthless MC in the sense that they both have a more similar mindset. Of course, they’ll still love Merciful MC the same, but being with such kind MC makes them highly protective of them since they don’t want to see them get hurt or taken advantage of.
They’ll do whatever it takes to keep MC safe behind MC’s back, doing the necessary things that Merciful MC might not have the heart to do themself. Same thing with Ash as well, which is why in the Ash/MC/Rin poly, Ash and Rin will actually become really close and trusted confidantes of each other because they—almost all of the time—have the same mindset and overarching goal.
Santana and Skylar, of course, prefer justice and letting the right people dispense due punishment. Although, a more cynical Santana might not be too opposed to MC having revenge as well since they’ve seen firsthand how corrupt and sometimes incompetent the system is; they can’t really blame MC and the Morozovs to want to take matters into their own hands.
And as for your last sentence about Ash… 🥺 They’ll gladly walk with MC down a darker path. They actually feel they are already walking down that path a long time ago, especially since they accepted working as the Family’s enforcer… 😥
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webslingingslasher · 8 months ago
can you please give us something angsty between ethan and trouble? like how ethan texts her and she ignores the messages during the breakup. or when they run into each other in the cafeteria and trouble pretends he’s not there and walks away despite he’s calling out her name. the way trouble no longer crochets because that was her thing with ethan and it feels strange to pick up the needles and it makes her miss him.
*cleaning out my drafts!*
ethan is peter's best friend and by default, he owes you nothing.
you were a friend for the moment but once you and peter ended, so did the alliship. ethan didn't get that in the memo, but he's never made a friend through peter and lost her through him too. he keeps thinking everything is normal, like there isn't a giant peter shaped hole in the fence.
'hey, so i was thinking we could have a little study sesh at the library?'
'i'll rent out a room. and it would be just us.'
you miss him too sometimes. but he chose peter by default and you don't condemn him one bit for it, ally did the same with you. peter was ethan's friend first, so he should still be one when you walked away.
peter doesn't talk to ally anymore either. both friends became constant reminders of what you had and lost.
it might be a text message but you can hear ethan's voice in your head, he sounds defeated.
'i'm guessing that's a no.' you never open them but he knows you read them. it doesn't surprise ethan, you've ignored him since you dumped peter. he just never expected to be dumped too.
'i miss you.'
'i just wanna hang out with you again.'
'and if you don't want him around either that's fine with me.'
'i'll fly you somewhere in my private jet.'
'damn it. i was really hoping for a "you have a private jet???" response.'
'it's a yes btw. just because i know you're curious.'
'well, actually, it's my parents but you always say that's the same thing.'
you watch each notification appear and disappear. your teeth dig into your bottom lip to stop a smile, you can't go backwards. if you're around ethan it leads to peter and you can't do that.
ethan didn't realize there might be a reason why you haven't been texting him back, but he does now. what if you weren't replying because you weren't seeing them? he thought you were just ignoring him but it's been weeks of silence.
'did you block me too?'
he hopes not. he really, really hopes not. ethan knows why you pushed him away, he's just upset that he didn't get a say in it. ethan's never been able to tell you how sorry he is on behalf of his best friend and how he doesn't want to lose you over his idiocy.
you frown at the message, restraining your impulse to text him back, you hold your breath and wait for another message.
it comes two minutes later and your entire heart shatters.
'crochet buddy?'
you haven't been able to look at your basket of hooks and yarn, it feels wrong to finish your pig. you told ethan you kept messing up on the ears and he said he'd do them for you. he never got the chance. you wonder if he finished his lizard tail.
your thumbs move before your mind can stop you, not that it would. you had to tell him the truth, you can't have him wallow and sulk over you.
peter might deserve it but ethan doesn't.
'it would surprise me if you didn't have a private jet.'
'don't leave yet pls.'
'let me take you out to lunch. we can go to the village or brooklyn.'
'i promise he won't find out.'
'i miss my buddy.'
you think it's almost as painful as splitting from peter. ethan is peter's best friend and you can't get in the middle of that. it'll hurt peter just as bad and while part of you wants him to be hurt over you, you don't want to use ethan as the pawn to do it.
you back out of the conversation, lock your phone, set it down, and grab your unfinished pig before curling up with him for a nap.
ethan doesn't eat in kayte hall. you know he doesn't eat in kayte hall because you ate in cathedral hall with the sig nu frat.
used to.
you switched to kayte hall two weeks ago, it was an extra five minute walk but it was done with the purpose to avoid situations like this.
you try to move discreetly, it doesn't matter, he clocked you the second you sat down. you can't abandon ship, he's sliding in the seat across from you.
'you're avoiding me and i really hate it. you made me stoop so low i had to get a pledge to track you down for me.'
you're not going to give him the silent treatment, that would be plain rude.
'are you admitting to stalking me?'
'i'm admitting that i instructed someone to stalk you. are you flattered? you should be.'
'why aren't you at cathedral?'
'because you don't eat there anymore, duh. can i have a grape?' you hesitate before sliding your tray halfway up the table, he takes three.
you listen to the purple crush between his teeth, ethan looks a bit more serious after he swallows. you look at your cup, his stare makes you feel guilty.
'look, let me get this out of the way now so we don't have to talk about it again. i don't know all the details, park- peter hasn't really opened up to me about it.'
you swallow tightly, this is exactly what you didn't want to happen.
'from what i know- or pieced together, he disappointed me too. i'm sorry for whatever he did and i'm sorry it hurt you enough that i was caught in the crossfire, but between us, when i'm with you, he doesn't exist. this is the last time i'll ever talk about him, i'll offer you the same courtesy and we won't bring it up again.'
ethan's saying all the right things, you softly shrug. 'what's the courtesy?'
'you can ask me about him if you want to. it'll stay between us, i promise.'
the peter floodgates burst open, you'd done your best to push him from your mind but now you have the opportunity to indulge. you nibble at your bottom lip before looking up at him. ethan's smile is gentle, he's trying so hard for you.
'how is he doing?' from the little rumors you've heard it doesn't seem too good and the harsh bruise splattered across his jawline last week didn't do him any favors.
'um,' his smile tweaked, it's worse than you thought. you know it's bad because ethan's trying to find a way to be honest but not worry you. 'he's okay.'
'please be honest.' you know you ended it, you know it's real this time and you know part of you wants to hate him but if he's really down bad, you might have to give him a visit. ethan takes a deep breath and leans in closer to the table.
'yeah, he um, he kind of tanked. he's not himself right now. he's skipping chapter meetings, he's missing classes and if he's home, he's barricaded in his room or drinking.' your heart sinks, you're not hungry anymore.
'does he miss me?' you almost feel embarrassed to ask. ethan doesn't find the question pitiful, he's just glad you're talking to him. 'bad.'
it's brutal on your end too, but he sounds worse than you. at least you can get through the emotions of your day to day. you wish you could say you won the breakup but there's no winning.
'has he...'
you don't want to know the answer. you don't want to know the answer. you don't want to know the answer.
you still ask it. 'has he hooked up with anyone else?'
'no.' you believe him because he said it quick and with certainty. you nod slowly, it was the answer you wanted but it still didn't feel good.
'is he still going to the parties?' ethan shakes his head, 'i haven't seen him at any.'
'but he still has you, right?' if you didn't have a small support system you would've lost it ten times over by now. peter doesn't have a whole lot but one ethan overpowers ten mediocre friends.
'i asked if he wanted to talk about it, he said not really, i told him i was there for him and he said thanks. there really hasn't been much else, he's just been really quiet.'
ethan is all peter has, you can't rip that away from him. it would be evil to pollute the one thing he still had, you walked away from him and you shouldn't take his friend with you. plus... how could you move on if you have the peter encyclopedia at your fingertips?
'at least he's not crying.' you end it with a half laugh, half hum. it's sad all around and you're trying to lighten the mood, ethan avoids eye contact and your palms rest on the table.
ethan's not sure if he is or not. he hasn't heard him but there are some days peter would shuffle out from his room for a water or snack and his eyes were a little red. there was evidence of crying but no tears, so he can't say with certainty but he knows.
'i don't know.'
it made up your mind. you can't do this to peter, you can't sneak around with his friend when he's still trying to mend what went down. you grieved the end of your relationship when you were with him, calling it quits was hard and it still is, but you were prepared. peter was caught off guard and he's still analyzing everything that went down, you know he is.
'so... are we cool?'
'of course we are, you were never a problem, ethan.' he looks relieved, releasing a sharp sigh he rests his hand over his heart and smiles brightly. 'oh thank god, i really missed you. so, are we done with the peter talk? are we ready to schedule our next crochet date?'
oh. he must've misunderstood you.
'no, we're not... we're not hanging out ethan, i just wanted you to know i didn't have any bad blood against you.'
ethan's not a mean person and you've never seen him mad at someone but he's hurt and his arms cross over his chest with a sneer.
'why am i being punished for what he did?'
'you're his best friend, ethan.' it's a statement and fact. it also has everything to do with you ghosting him. 'you were my friend too.' it's a raw confession, you can't look at him when he's this sad.
'i know i was. you were mine too, you still are. it's just different now and i'm not saying we can't be friends, but i think it would be better for everyone if we just took a break from each other right now.'
'it's not better for me. everything is weird right now, my best friend is a shell of the person he used to be and my other one pushed me so far away i was convinced she forgot about me.'
'it feels like i'm being iced out from all sides.' he's much sadder when he adds that on. you feel for him and you hate that you're part of the reason he feels excluded.
'i'm really sorry you feel like that, ethan. i promise it won't be forever, but i have my mind made up and no matter how many times you say please, it won't change.'
you're not sure if things between you became really quiet or if the dining hall doubled in sound. ethan's trying to come up with the right combination of words but nothing's good enough to make you come around on the idea.
If please doesn't work, he might have to force you.
'okay. i'll stop asking you to hang out with me.' he sounds fine with it, you're a little suspicious but he might've just wanted to talk to you, even if it was a formal goodbye.
'but i should go now.' ethan pushes against the edge of the table to slide out from his chair. his words are short but his tone is happy, you stare at him extra hard before nodding.
'i'll see you around?'
ethan sends a wink your way, 'see you later.'
the contents of your backpack are all over your bed, your phone nowhere to be found. you retrace your previous steps, you had it at lunch and you swore it was in your outer pocket at the library but after that it's blank.
it was either lost or stolen. your entire life was on it, you don't even have a way of telling everyone you lost it. you recheck your bag two more times even after holding it upside down, then fill it back up while giving yourself pity.
you wallow in it for ten minutes, not even a minute after that your roommate rushes in the door with her own phone held out. 'it's ethan.' you reach for it without thinking but pause before you can fully grab it, ally shakes it towards you. 'he said he has your phone?'
ally's unaware of what's happening and is being as helpful as she could but all you're thinking about is when and how he took it. you press her phone to your ear and ask him where your phone is, he plays dumb.
'i'm not fucking around, ethan. this isn't funny, i need my phone.'
'you left it behind at butler, it's a good thing my pledge found it for you.'
there was absolutely no chance of you leaving it, you clench your jaw and try to restrain yourself from throwing a million mean chirps. he sent someone to rob you.
'you stole my phone? why the fuck would you steal my phone?'
'oh, i didn't steal anything. you should be thankful one of our guys found it.'
'found it in my backpack?'
'did he? hm, interesting. but, hey! it's here and it's safe.'
'great, bring it to me.'
there's a pause on the other line, ethan sucks air in through his teeth. 'sorry, no can do, buddy. looks like you'll have to come get it.' your mouth parts in shock, that was the plan? forcing your hand to hang out with him?
'absolutely not. just meet me at kayte.'
'another no go, my friend. i'm stuck here and so is your phone.'
'you're not stuck anywhere, except in a house with my ex.'
'he's not here.'
'i don't believe you.'
you can picture ethan holding his phone into open air, he sounds far away when he calls out 'parker!' there's a solid ten second gap before he sounds crystal clear again. 'see? no threats.'
'ethan, please.'
'just come over, i promise it'll be fun.'
your eyebrows furrow, he thinks it's a game. 'no, nothing will be fun. this will be a business transaction and i'll be out of there in ten seconds.'
'so it's a yes? you're coming over?' if ethan had a tail, he would be wagging it. his plan worked and you're falling right into his hand. if it was anything else, you'd say fuck it and move on. but ethan took the one thing he can hold over your head and you both know it.
'i don't know how, but this is a rich asshole thing and you're being one.'
ethan ignores you. 'make sure to bring your crochet hooks!'
'i'm not doing that.'
'that's okay! i have a bunch of extras.'
'i mean it, ethan. i'm not hanging around!'
'what's that? sorry, you're breaking up on me. we should finish this conversation in person... okay, bye!'
the call disconnects suddenly. you stare at the black screen and take a deep breath to secure your thoughts before making a trek across campus.
'give me my phone.'
ethan ignores you and points to his bedside table, there's two waters and an entire box of grocery store cookies. 'here, come have a snack.' he drops his crochet tub on the edge of his bed. 'i got some new yarn, look at how soft it is.'
everything about it was a ruse.
'im serious, ethan. give me my phone.' he sighs and gestures to his desk, he keeps pulling out hooks. 'it's on my desk.' you search the surface, it's extremely tidy with no hiding place.
'no it's not. where is it?'
'hm... i must've misplaced it. i'll help you look in a second.'
if ethan wants to play dirty, you have no issue getting in the mud. you grab a small succulent from his windowsill and raise it next to your head.
'give me my phone, ethan.'
you're fighting fire with fire, ethan eyes his plant in your hold but keeps a straight face. 'i forgot where i put it.' if that's how he wants to act, you have no choice but to follow through on your actions.
you drop the mini cactus, the pot shatters into a dozen pieces and soil spatters around the floor. ethan falls to his knees and screams 'no!' at the plant guts covering the ground.
'she was a kid, you monster! she did nothing to you!'
you grab the matching pot that was next to it. 'give me my phone or the sister gets it.'
'i refuse to negotiate with a terrorist!' you're breaking him, you can see he's hesitant to refuse your compromise. 'i'm sorry you feel that way.'
the clay pot falls just as quick, it lies in a broken heap next to it's twin. ethan acts like he's been shot, a throaty yelp was produced while he delicately held the cacti in his hands.
the plants were fine, all you did was bust the pots. and while breaking personal property was a bar too low for you, you know he has at least a dozen more just like it in his closet.
you look up at his door to watch it crack open, it's a swift movement but it feels like everything is moving in slow motion. you try to back up as quick as you can but you're cemented to the floor and all you can do is stare at the face coming through the door.
'what the hell is... hey.'
you swallow hard, he looks how ethan said. just a shell of what he once was. all you can stare at is the purple bruise on his cheekbone, your heart pangs when it's reminded it's not your job to care about it anymore.
you point at ethan who suddenly is really quiet.
'he stole my phone.'
peter nods slowly before peering down at the mess around your shoes. 'did he give it back?' you shake your head, you feel like a tattle tail, especially when peter looks down at ethan and tells him to give your phone back.
ethan pulls it out of his pocket and hands it right over, your jaw drops and you frown heavily at him. 'you do it when he asks but not me?'
'he'll beat me up, you'll just unhouse my plants.'
'peter would never beat you up.' therefore, his excuse is pointless. ethan disagrees, his eyebrows almost hit his hairline with how confident you are. 'over you? he'd fucking kill me.'
you wait for peter to tag in, you know something is brewing in his mind. something like 'damn right i would,' and you'd follow up with something about how he's actually a big baby and he'd say something like 'only for you' and you'd... but that's not real life anymore and he stays silent.
he's probably confused and a little hurt you're hidden away in ethan's room, you feel the need to apologize even though you're not sure why you're sorry.
'i'm sorry, peter. i tried telling ethan that we should take a break on our friendship but he won't let it go.' you threw him under the bus in a second and you don't care, from the looks of it neither does ethan.
'you can be friends with ethan. you should be friends with ethan.' it's the first time actually talking with him since the break up and it feels weird, he's too formal. he's being kind and reserved, he's pliant and you need some bounce back to feel normal.
'you always said i needed to unfriend him when we were together.' you might've tossed a taunt at him, you wanted a reaction. you wanted your peter and throwing the break up in his face might do it.
it works, his eyebrows furrow while his stature hardens. 'i said a lot of shit i didn't mean when we were together, trouble.' you point at him, your tone ice cold. 'don't.' you refuse to acknowledge the small spread of warmth at the nickname.
'you like ethan, ethan likes you. you guys are good friends, why should i fuck that up? i ruined enough shit for you. the least i could do is give you ethan.'
ethan could speak up to make a joke about how it's like he's a child of divorce or that he's a person, not a piece of property but it feels like you're both having a moment that needs to happen. even if there was a weird energy he was picking up on.
your eyes narrow, he's doing this for reasons beyond being a good person. you know him well enough to know that he has something up his sleeve.
'i can think of something else i'd rather you give me.'
you can see the heat brewing behind his eyes, you got him right where you want him. peter uses his serious voice, the one he uses instead of raising his voice but still demands your attention.
'we're not talking about this here.'
those two sentences just told ethan that whatever you were insinuating was what ended the relationship and peter's very upset stance solidifies his opinion.
'oh, trust me. you're not talking about it at all.'
'we're not unpacking this in front of ethan. i'm on my way out anyway, hang out with your friend.' peter tries to step past you but you circle around to step up with him and block his exit, his chest brushes yours for a second and it takes everything in you not to wrap your arms around him and sink your face into the body you once found homely.
'liar.' he doesn't want you to hang around and he wasn't leaving. you're met with a heavy sigh. 'yeah, probably.' you can't stop yourself, you lightly poke his chest and peter's head drops so he can watch your hold stick longer than it should've.
'be honest.'
'you might be ready to cut the cord but i'm not.' he'd rather keep you in his life as a tie through ethan no matter how sore it was. if you had ethan you'd never fully lose him and that kind of promise is the only thing he wants right now.
'neither am i.'
peter stares at ethan, 'shut up.' he's shunned into silence. you're starting to understand why peter said he wasn't going to unpack anything here, you look down at your hands and play with a ring on your finger.
you think peter wants to talk about it civilly but you don't think either of you are ready to do it yet without hurting either person's feelings even more than they already are.
but having ethan around is a nice way to keep peter close without damaging your healing.
'okay.' you take a deep breath and glance at ethan, who's still pouting on the floor keeping his eye line from peter. 'i guess we can hang out.' he lights up in a second, looking between you and peter in case either one of you vetoes it.
neither of you do.
'sweet! i have to repot these but i have some new templets in my basket, so if you want to pick one out and start i'll just catch up later.' you nervously look towards peter and immediately dart away when you make eye contact.
turning your back on him slightly, you feel a little better. there's something about him that makes you feel jittery, like when you were the first couple times you met up with him alone.
'i don't think being here is a good idea, maybe we should just stick to my dorm?'
'why? parker said he was fine with us hanging out.'
'because maybe parker was being nice and doesn't actually want to see me here?'
peter can speak for himself, and he'll use the correct name. in case you forgot. 'peter, is just fine with you being here. the only sucky part is knowing you hate me.'
you think he might be baiting you now but you can't help but set the record straight. 'okay, hold on now.' you speak very clearly towards him, you're not about to let him twist your words.
'i am a hundred different emotions towards you right now but i don't hate you. i think you know that, parker.'
'okay,' it's full of sarcasm. 'you have a goodnight, trouble. i'll see you later.' you bite your tongue and let him leave, if you didn't, you'd be making subtle shots at each other all night.
'your best friend is a dick.' the second you're alone. ethan shrugs, 'you were into that at one point.'
'no, no. if we're going to be friends you only ever sympathize with me about him, you're not allowed to bring up anything i did in the relationship.'
ethan has a pile of soil and a pile of shattered clay, you feel obligated to help him clean up. 'and for clarification, i'm supposed to sympathize with your ex boy toy when i'm with him?'
'absolutely not. you're on team me at all times. shame him if you have to.' the broken pieces land in his desk trash can. 'is this where i have to remind you he'd kick my ass?'
oh, you missed and loathe this so much.
'you're so whiny, clean quieter.'
'is it too late for you to ghost me again?'
'that's it. clean up your own mess, i'm going to make a crochet snake and not because it's the easiest but because that's how you're acting.'
ethan snorts and nods towards his wicked wicker basket of yarn, you're already eyeing different greens. 'be sure to make one for my twin next door.'
you do.
you leave it outside peter's door and while ethan never confirmed it, he knows you're the one who made it.
and it sleeps on his nightstand next to him every night. 
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clorindelover · 1 year ago
NSFW Headcannons
Chiori, Shenhe x GN Reader
!Smut, Minors DNI
//I don’t know, but something about those two makes me act up.
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She’s the top, don’t even think about challenging her on that. She’s the one who initiates everything so she’s taking the lead.
Don’t try to rip or tear any of her clothes, she takes great pride in them. Even if you’re especially needy, you’ll wait for her to take them off herself, no matter if it takes her a while or not. Your clothes however? She can always make you new ones, so don’t keep her waiting or she won’t hesitate to remove them in her own way.
Doesn’t care whether something is “unorthodox”, as long as it feels good she’ll do it. From designing revealing clothes for you and forcing you to wear them to dragging you away to semi-public places to relieve her of her pent-up urges.
Do as she says and you might get rewarded, resist her and you get to know her less pleasant side.
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Okay with whatever you want her to be, although the position of top is more natural to her. Follows your instructions and orders to a tea either way. She trusts that you know what’s best for you two.
Is a quick learner. Teach her something and she’ll start doing it like an expert almost instantly, and while her urge to please you might lead her to overdo it at first, once she learns your boundaries she does her best to respect them, although her impulses make it difficult sometimes.
There’s surprisingly little that’s taboo for her, although she prefers to do it in private.
She has difficulties expressing herself most of the time, which only makes her moans when you play with her breasts even more rewarding.
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brunettemarionette · 3 months ago
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𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫
↠ female reader. no description of features. no mentions of size.
a/n: pictures made by me, spoilers I guess if you haven't watched Deadpool? No warnings just fluff and dumbassery.
Some time after Deadpool & Wolverine, they get back together, and you're a total surprise for them despite the two wanting a baby before Vanessa died.
"So... are we having a Sonny or a Cher?"
Not being called either of those names and definitely not being called anything 'strippery'... or Wade Jr, Wada, Darth Wader and definitely not Todd, either.
No matter how much Wade worried about being like his dad, all that went out the window when you were actually born.
"I've only had a daughter for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself... come back to life fuck shit up and die again. Rinse and repeat."
Wade leaving you with Blind Al as a babysitter (sometimes she wouldn't even realize you're there).
"Wade, you can't just leave the baby with a blind person." *Surprise Pikachu Deadpool * "...ableist..."
I feel like Wade, at some point, either dropped you or you fell when you were a kid, but it's for the best since that's how he and Vanessa found out that you're a chip off the ole' block when you heal super fast.
Despite what Vanessa thought when they first agreed to make a baby, they did, in fact, make a 'super baby.'
Always following your 'Uncle' Logan around no matter how much he tries to get rid of you.
"'Babypool' go-... play or something, okay kid?"
Growing up surrounded by mutants means you never think you're different or a freak but instead becoming very protective of your mom. After a talk with your dad about your mom dying, you realize just how fragile people are.
Surprisingly, Wade makes a great girl dad. He does the tea party thing and, of his own accord, puts on the dress and clip earrings; he serves tea to the plush bears and scoffs when others mock him.
"Clearly, you people have no class."
As you got older, you started to look more like your mom, but no matter what situation you found yourself in, you could stop the snark, so much so that it earned you the nickname 'Mini mouth' – Wade was so proud.
Wade took you to the roof of the building to 'bond,' which Vanessa knew was him teaching you how to fight – something she was okay with until you both fell off the roof... more than once.
Them both knowing that despite wanting to give you a normal childhood and life you were going to be some kind or 'hero/antihero'. So they roll with the punches, and Wade makes sure you know exactly what you need to know about it.
"No, spermpool, red is my color. Just ask your mom when we-"
"Ew, Dad... and don't call me that."
On that note, investing in headphones was something you picked up the older you got, asking the store which ones cancel noise the best and then buying earbuds to go with them.
"Minipool, Girlpool, not-as-good-deadpool, Wishpool... ow... okay! We'll think of a better name for you!"
Despite you and your dad both being mercs who have been killed or hurt in every which way, your mom still rules the house. That's how you two find your katanas confiscated when you started playing 'Star Wars' during Thanksgiving.
Your dad makes a lot of Batman and Robin jokes when you're working together, only after he made a weird Batman and Catwoman joke until he realized why that was gross. So you became his Robin.
For someone so laid back about love and sex, Wade is very protective when it comes to you. Seeing the bad guys flirt with you, his deadpan snark reaches a few levels higher than his norm – it doesn't help when your mom hypes up your catsuit.
"I told you we should have gotten her a costume like what the lady three floors down wears."
“Red, that's a Muumuu.”
Being impulsive is like an inherited trait from both of them, which just makes up a chaotic household, and yet you all love every minute of it.
"One of the best things my dad ever gave me, not by choice, are these two gold-plated 50 caliber desert eagle pistoleros...."
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀
The Nights by Avicii
GDFR by Flo Rida
X gon' give it to ya by DMX
𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝘀:
Chaotic parents x Inherited Chaos (you)
Matching Family Energy
Dumbasses (wade, you) x Oh, those are my dumbasses (vanessa)
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clonerightsagenda · 6 months ago
Final thoughts on The Vorkosigan Saga, since I've reached the end of the road - for now, as the author appears to still be at large.
One of the pleasures of a longrunning series is having so much space for character development and callbacks. The Vorkosigan Saga does this very well. We see the characters and their world change a lot, and plot points have a habit of coming back around. A few of my favorites were Miles' recurring interest in drains and how, several books after he fails to catch a falling woman's hand in "The Borders of Infinity", he does catch Ekaterin, gets pulled after her, and realizes what would've happened to him. It's the kind of emotional payoff you can't get without buildup.
The series was in some ways a study of conflicting impulses. I got the sense that Bujold knew she probably shouldn't be as enamored with her militaristic space empire as she was but couldn't help it. Similarly, there was tension between the feminist themes and her clear conviction that the happy ending for - in fairness, all genders - is to pair up and have an alarming number of children. Honestly surprised she only has two in real life. However I was overall impressed by the handling of disability. I can't think of another genre series that deals with the topic so extensively while not being either a cure narrative or a 'bravely overcoming disabilities' story but instead is cleareyed about the interactions between class, gender, and ability with a character who just has to get on with it but also thinks the whole thing sucks. That was fascinating, even when sometimes Miles was not particularly likeable.
My favorite book was probably Mirror Dance despite how dark it was because I love identity drama and clone angst. The clone rights community (me) has forgiven Mark for being a capitalist.
I don't know if Bujold is planning more books in the series. It ended on a relatively positive note, but there was a moment in Gentleman Jole where both Cordelia and Ekaterin silently acknowledge they are likely to outlive Miles, possibly by decades. The cast seems to have middle managed their way into a quasi-benevolent imperial peacetime, so maybe it's best to leave them there before everyone's clocks tick down.
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angelwishess · 4 months ago
The Floyra Confession™️
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Rambling utc !!! :3 (its kind of cringe pls have mercy sigh, not a fic at all js spilling out my thoughts ig?? But at the same time its kind of from Kyra’s pov so like.. idk… sigh…)
I honestly think Kyra would be in disbelief that someone truly loves her, which is part of the reason she doesn’t confess.
Throughout her life, everytime she tries to be herself around other people she always received a negative reaction in return. Because of this, shes come to the conclusion that no one could ever love her when shes being herself, that all of her flaws and “ugly parts” are unlovable, and the only way she could ever be loved is if she hides those sides of herself and acts as the perfect figurehead her family wanted her to be.
During her time at NRC, she lets herself loose. But thats only because she knows her time there is temporary. She didn’t expect to meet so many wonderful people who’d welcome her so warmly.
And she didn’t expect to fall in love, either.
Shes so very scared of it. Shes gone awhile without having those nasty thoughts, but the moment she realizes her feelings they start bubbling up again. It was hopeless, she thinks. How could anyone love someone like her? She was pretty, sure— but she was impulsive, reckless, blunt, rambunctious and uncontrollable. It didn’t matter how nice she was to look at, the fact is most people only ever ‘loved’ her for her looks. And she doesn’t want that.
How could someone as wonderful as Floyd love someone like her? That would never happen. And so she ignored her own feelings, convinced that it was nothing but wishful thinking.
So imagine her surprise when he confesses to her.
Floyd, her partner in crime. Her best friend. The person closest to her heart. He’s seen every flaw and every ‘ugly side’ that she so desperately used to hide back in her world. He’s seen her recklessness, heard her foul mouth, he’s watched her trip over her own feet, dig through trash cans, wrestle with magical creatures and get covered in dirt and mud, eat things that honestly should never even be near someone’s mouth— but hes still here. And hes still saying that he loves her.
At first she thinks hes joking. That its some sort of cruel prank, and so she laughs it off. Like she always does. But he’s serious, and she realizes that.
When he says he loves her, he means all of her. And that makes her break down. How could he love someone he knows is so flawed? Shes naive, shes selfish and sometimes shes even mean. He knows all of that, so why does he still love her so? It didn’t make any sense to her.
She, who has never been given love unless she exhibits perfection.
“How could you love someone like me?!” Is all she managed to choke out in that moment. It didn’t make sense— none of it did. Not when she believed so deeply that she was truly unlovable unless she lived up to the expectations of others.
He held her close, held her gently. She could barely even see him through her tears. “How could I not?” His voice was so soft, so sweet. He went on about all the things he adored about her, looked back on each memory of their various chaotic escapades with a smile, and looked at her with so much adoration it made her melt even more.
Ah, he was always too good for her. She knew that. She didn’t deserve him… He really did love her for her, huh?
…Maybe, she can be selfish once more. Because she loves him so deeply sometimes it hurts. Was it wrong of her to keep him to herself like this? Maybe. But he was her missing piece, she was sure of it. And she wouldn’t give him up for anything in the universe.
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ratskinsuit · 1 year ago
can I request a adhd!reader x any character (pls not Valentino or vox..) any gender
Hazbin Hotel Characters With An ADHD!Reader Headcannons
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A/N: Since I don’t get much info (I’m so sorry) I just decided to do heacanons. Now I don’t do mental disorder specific readers because I don’t wanna mess things up, but I personally have ADHD so I can do this. Although these may be self projecting a bit with my experience so I’m so sorry if it’s not okay.
Charlie: Also has ADHD (Its just my personal headcanon, it may not be your personal one and that’s okay)
You two honestly can’t be together when you have something to do
Like you won’t get anything down when your together
Because the two of you just feed off each others energy and get distracted the entire time
Vaggie has to physically separate you two so you can focus
You could misplace you phone and ask her “Hey Charlie can you call my phone, I dunno where it is.”
And she will just be like “I don’t know where mine is either.” 😭
You two honestly share one single brain cell and switch it every other day (as an ADHD person I can confirm we do this with friends)
Vaggie: Keeps you focused
Okay so If you get distracted a lot she will be there yo try ti get you to focas
Mrs girl has fidgets and things to help you stay on tasks if they gel, if they don’t however,
Well she will try her best
Literally like the mother to you and Charlie so you two don’t do something stupid and he introuble
Melatonin is her best friend
If she can’t calm you down and it’s important, melatonin (unless you take medication)
She makes sure to keep track of all your stuff just incase you forget where you placed it
“Hey Vaggie, do you know where my-“
*Holds out your phone* it was on the kitchen counter
If you take medication (bcs for some people it lowers you appetite) she will remind you to eat.
Alastor: Doesn’t really understand; teases you
When you first tell him you have ADHD his old ass is just like
“Erm, my dear what’s that?”
Thinks you might be crazy till you explain
He honestly finds your energy and do-before-think attitude amusing
Does get pissed when he’s talking to you and you get distracted or forget what he was saying though
Finds it hilarious when Vaggie tries to get you to focus on things
Will finds diff ways to distract you, making it harder for Vaggie
Just enjoys the chaos of your energy
If you take medication for it he may or may not hide occasionally it just to see the chaos unfold (Before you come at me: he . Is . In . Hell . For . A . Reason)
Unless HE needs you to focas
Then you better be focused
Angel Dust: Loves hanging out with you
You two are probubly best friends fr
LOVES your energy because he finds it so fun
You two just go hang out and wander the streets, laughing and giggling together
He’s fine with the distracting and forgetfulness part, he knows it happens
Makes sure you eat. Eat or he will make you.
Honestly he’s just really understanding and knows that it’s hard for you to be able to control it
(Plz send best friend requests for him I did headcanons and I love writing best friend Angel)
While he does understand and love your energetic-ness, he also makes sure that you don’t act ok impulse TOO much
Like, stops you from making rash decisions that could hurt you in the future
Late night sleepovers
You two on the couch packing yourselves full of sugar and watching movies
Husk: Dies on the inside, also designated babysitter (Jkjk. Also I do realize that people with ADHD arnt children or stupid, this is just a reference to the energy)
Giving depressed dad energy
Like he’s just sitting at the bar cleaning up and your just talking at 50 miles per hour
He does however listen to the random things you say, he’s used to listening
Sometimes if you a bit chiller he will be able to follow along better and will input into the convo
Let’s you ramble and doesn’t mind the little quirks you have like interrupting him
He’s delt with worse
He has a alot of different stories, so if you have a lot of energy expect to be dropped off at the bar
His stories are exciting and can surprisingly keep most people’s attention for a while
He knows what it is but not the knowledgeable on it
But understands the basics on what it does and blah blah blah
Generally doesn’t mind the energy or the getting distracted, or the forgetfulness
Once again he’s delt with worse
Velvette: Somewhat gets it, gets pissy sometimes though
So she gets some of the “quirks”, like having a lot of energy, fidgeting, forgetfulness and getting distracted
If your her friend/partner she’s fine with it
She can deal with high energy and talking, she also talks very fast so she can keep up and keep a conversation
Finds different ways to keep you entertained so she can work if she can’t be in the moment
During parties she finds it hilarious
Doesn’t do the best with impulse control, she likes seeing what will happen and where it will go
Doesn’t mind the distractions unless she’s talking to you, then expects you to listen
However if you are one of her models or workers
She takes no excuses
You better pay attention and pay attention well
We all know she’s very demanding of her employees so you better hope she doesn’t notice you
Becwuse if she’s talking to you and get distracted or arnt paying attention…
My guy your fucked
A/N: So this person asked for anybody but Vox or Valentino. But if anybody wants or if this does well I’ll make a pt 2 with them and more characters.
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meanbossart · 1 year ago
i always love asking ppl this; how does your character (du drow) see themselves .vs. how they are seen by others (loved ones, friends, acquaintances, etc)
That is a good question!
When it comes to his self-perception, DU Drow assumes he cuts a very intimidating and off-putting figure at worst - and someone impressive and powerful at best.; he doesn't care either way as long as it favors him in either being left alone or getting what he wants out of people. He believes himself to appear confident and as having little regard for other people besides for his tight-knit group of friends and partner. He does believe that he's reliable - and even caring, as weirdly as he may express it. Not particularly intelligent but not dense enough to seem like an idiot. When it comes to more complex stuff - his needs, wants, beliefs, and how that comes across - his self-understanding is extremely lacking and vague. He doesn't have much of a point of comparison, however, so he doesn't really grapple with that.
When it comes to strangers (at least on the surface) he is pretty much right that he comes across as a scary, powerful person. Funnily enough, in the Underdark he is way less impressive to most of the population - a strange sight nonetheless, but his tactics don't work as well on it's citizens. Most drow don't know what to make of him, and generaly don't take him seriously or assume him to be half-something else or even not a drow at all.
(Shadowheart's and Astarion's POVs below, NOTE: these are based on what their relationships are like at the end-game/post-game, obviously there would be some significant differences if we were to talk about first-impressions and so on)
Shadowheart, being his closest friend, sees DU drow as kind of a doofus. She understands him as an animal with simple motivations and impulses, and has no real interest in pushing him to be anything else - in fact she envies how simplistically DU drow seems to view life and every hurdle that it throws his way, and looks up to him for seeming largely unaffected by his circumstances and unburdened by the things he has done/have happened to him. She does think he's a very fun person to be around - and someone she can say anything to and trust him to tell her exactly whats on his mind back, and generally tell her to pull herself by the bootstraps instead of letting her wallow in misery - she has overall a lot of respect and appreciation for the guy, though she doesn't express it too often since she thinks his ego is inflated enough. She isn't afraid or unnerved by him in the slightest and is kind of amused at how much other people are - she pretty much forgets that he looks like a freak.
As his romantic partner, Astarion's perception on him is fairly different. He thinks a bit more highly of Du drow's intellect than it probably appears, and finds it frustrating that he guy just doesn't seem to want to entertain a lot of... Thinking. He knows he can be perceptive and insightful based on how he treats him, but for whatever reason never applies that to himself, and the more they grow to know each other the more he thinks it's just a barrier DU drow has set up so he doesn't have to grapple with the things he's done and what he is. He is under no illusions that DU drow isn't a egoistical, blood-thirsty person (he likes those things about him, anyway) but worries that one day something will click in his brain, and all that willful ignorance will culminate into something terrible. He also thinks DU drow is a far more empathetic person than himself.
He really likes DU drow's company for his unfiltered demeanor - he thinks he's funny and a good listener (lol) and finds a lot of comfort in being with someone who seems incapable of hiding how they feel about him and their relationship, and doesn't think DU drow has much capacity for being manipulative or deceptive. Naturally he adores how much DU drow seems willing to devote himself to him, but it bothers him that it sometimes seem to veer into weird, damsel-in-distress-fantasy territory. Basically there's a lot about the guy that Astarion both likes and doesn't simultaneously.
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erikahenningsen · 11 months ago
3 for gretchen/karen?
3. A kiss on the forehead
There are many things Gretchen would not recommend about being in love with your best friend.
For one thing, it's exhausting—it's not like a normal crush on someone you kinda know, someone you see around the halls and maybe in a couple classes. No, Gretchen spends time with Karen every day, sometimes all day, on the weekends.
Luckily, Karen is either oblivious to or doesn't mind Gretchen constantly sneaking looks at her, almost against her will, like her eyes are magnetized. Everything that Karen does is cute, which means that Gretchen is perpetually flustered. She's pretty sure she bombed a math test because she couldn't focus on studying when Karen was doing that cute thing where her tongue peeks out of the corner of her mouth while she concentrates.
Another—perhaps larger—problem is that Karen is naturally affectionate. She's handsy. It's no big deal to her to casually hold hands, or pounce on Gretchen with a hug, or press a kiss to the top of Gretchen's head. It makes Gretchen's heart rate increase with such frequency that it might be pathological at this point.
Most maddening of all, Karen is like this with everyone. And, okay, maybe she is more affectionate with Gretchen and maybe she tells Gretchen that she's beautiful or hot a lot more than she does with, say, Cady, but there is simply no way of knowing if it means something. Anything.
And it is driving Gretchen insane.
It's another such afternoon spent in Gretchen's bedroom making TikToks and impulse-buying clothes on Poshmark that Gretchen finds herself seated in her desk chair while Karen does Gretchen's eyeshadow—a particularly unique form of torture that involves their faces being close together for an extended period of time. At least Gretchen has to keep her eyes closed, so she doesn't have to battle against the urge to stare at Karen's lips.
"Okay, and... done!" Karen says with a final sweep of the brush. She sets aside the palette, and Gretchen opens her eyes and turns to look in the mirror. Her eyes look wide and bright, subtly shimmering with pink shadow.
"Looks great," Gretchen says. She turns back to Karen, who is still seated in front of her on the edge of Gretchen's bed.
Karen grins and gently rests her hands on Gretchen's cheeks. Before Gretchen can process this, Karen leans in, her face getting closer and closer, until she's close enough for Gretchen to feel her breath on her face and—
Kisses Gretchen on the forehead.
The next few seconds tick by slowly while Gretchen wills her heart to stop beating so hard. She really thought Karen was going to—
"Is something wrong?" Karen asks, frowning. "You're all..." She tenses her face and shoulders exaggeratedly.
"Oh, yeah," Gretchen says shakily. She forces a little laugh. "This is going to sound crazy, but I thought you were going to kiss me."
"I did," Karen says, now looking confused. She taps the spot on Gretchen's forehead where he lips had been with one finger. "Right here."
"I meant, um," Gretchen says, "on the lips?" It comes out like a question.
"Oh!" Karen brightens. "I can do that, too."
Gretchen is sure her eyes are comically wide. "What?"
"I don't know why we haven't," Karen muses, looking thoughtful. "This is the longest I've dated someone without kissing them."
Everything in Gretchen's brain screeches to a halt. "Karen, we... Do you think we're dating?"
"Well, yeah," Karen says. "You called me your girlfriend, so..."
Gretchen mentally searches her mind for when she apparently said this.
"Remember when we saw that lady outside your house, and you said I'm going to the mall with my girlfriend?" Karen recalls.
Gretchen does remember this. About a month ago, her neighbor had been walking her dog as they were getting in Gretchen's car and stopped to chat. Is that how Karen had interpreted that?
"Oh, I meant.... Like, my friend who's a girl. People say that sometimes," Gretchen says, and Karen's face falls.
"Oh," Karen says. She looks down at her lap. It physically hurts Gretchen to look at.
Then the confusion dissipates, and it clicks in Gretchen's brain. Karen thought they were dating. Karen offered to kiss her. Karen... likes her? Feels the same way?
"But..." Gretchen says tentatively, touching Karen's hand. "Do you want to be dating?"
"Of course I do," Karen says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, I've been dating you for a month, even if you weren't dating me."
Gretchen can't help but laugh. A giddy, happy laugh. A relieved laugh.
"Karen, I've liked you for so long," Gretchen whispers—it is still, technically, her biggest secret. "I would love for you to be my girlfriend."
Karen looks up, her entire face brightening, and she grins.
"Oh my god, yay!" she says, bouncing a little where she sits. "Should I kiss you now?"
She asks it so casually, as if it hasn't been all Gretchen has been fantasizing about for as long as she can remember. It's all Gretchen can do to nod.
So Karen leans in again, and this time, her lips meet Gretchen's.
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melmedardasworld · 3 months ago
Thoughts on the latest hot take going around surrounding Ambessa? People claiming that she's either a sociopath or psychopath?
I think.......people don't seem to understand how much of Ambessa's actions are driven by pure fear. Fear of losing everything she worked for. Fear of dying. Fear of losing her family. But of course she can't show that fear for any reason because it'll be seen as a sign of weakness. And as a leader, you can't afford to be seen as weak. So she keeps her fear within and hardens her exterior.
But obviously,that hardness can't fly when you're raising kids, especially when you have one like Mel who's naturally empathic and quite sensitive (even in utero). Maybe Kino and her stepfather was able to step in and bolster her emotionally and affectionately where Ambessa couldn't (or wasn't able to) and that's why she's so attached to them both. The mention of Kino's death was enough to stop Mel in her tracks outright.
Ambessa couldn't seem to understand why Mel is the way she is, so she tried to remake her in her image. Then when that didn't work,she sent her to Piltover in an attempt to maintain her hard front (thus the whole "you weakened me" conversation). She saw a younger, "weaker" version of herself in Mel and couldn't bear it, so she did what she does best and pushed her aside.
Hi anon, so awesome question/remark and love your insights and sorry it took me so long to answer this.
I haven’t seen this take go around personally, but it’s an interesting question. I’ll try to break some of my points down. Also, I am no LoL expert, but I’ve been slowly getting into the lore, places, characters, factions etc and try to see things from the ‘POV’ of the characters and how that would form their different worldview and that’s what I tried to do with Ambessa.
Ambessa embodies complexity where she walks a fine line between a merciless ruler and a deeply flawed but protective and narcissistic mother.
The term "psychopath" often describes someone with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Key traits include manipulativeness, impulsivity, lack of empathy, and failure to conform to societal norms. Ambessa certainly exhibits some of these traits—especially her manipulative tendencies and ruthless pragmatism—BUT the context of her culture, the Noxian one, it muddies the waters.
Ambessa’s aggressive and warlike nature is culturally appropriate for Noxus, where strength, cunning, and survival dominate societal values. She was introduced her to death and war at a young age, preparing her to thrive in a brutal world. As a result, what might seem psychopathic elsewhere is normalized within her context.
Manipulation vs Empathy
Ambessa’s relationship with Mel, challenges the idea that she lacks empathy. There are many key moments where she does show genuine care, even if it is in her own way and it doesn’t make it psychopathic or sociopathic, I feel. Now how that translates and shaped Mel is whole other discussion and a can of worms.
1. Ambessa says she cast Mel out because she "couldn’t endure the look in [her] eyes" when making harsh decisions—a clear sign of emotional vulnerability. But a lot of it also has to do with Mel’s hidden powers and the BR going after her.
2. S2, Ambessa prioritizes Mel’s safety above all, a stark contrast to her calculated, militaristic demeanor.
These actions imply that Ambessa feels deeply for her daughter but struggles to balance love with Noxian ideals of strength and control.
Love and Power
Does Ambessa love Mel, or is she merely using her for power? This duality defines much of her arc. While her actions sometimes appear transactional (e.g., viewing Mel as an important asset for the Hextech and successfully influencing/ manipulating Jayce), her emotional reactions—especially moments of visible pain and hesitation when she tells Mel why she left her and also in S2, the revelation of what happened to Kino her ‘sweetness’, when facing the Black Rose—show that her (motherly) love is genuine and powerful, albeit twisted and pragmatic at times by her Noxian upbringing. She keeps Mel away from it all even if she pushes her away and family means EVERYTHING to Ambessa, but she’ll also do everything to keep her family intact and protected. Even more fiercely after Kino’s death.
My answer:
While Ambessa exhibits traits that explain what ASPD is—manipulativeness, control, and strategic deceit—in my opinion she doesn’t meet the criteria:
Empathy: Ambessa shows a fierce (struggling) emotional depth, especially regarding her children.
Impulsivity: She is highly calculated, planning wars and manipulations with precision.
Emotional Control: While she thrives in war, personal losses (Rictus’s death for example) deeply affect her, showing emotional vulnerability.
Rather than a psychopath, Ambessa might be better described as a character with narcissistic tendencies shaped by her harsh environment and the culture she grew up in, which is Noxus and soooo different from Piltover.
A Legacy of Duality
Ambessa’s arc concludes with her acknowledgment of Mel as both "fox" and "wolf"—a blend of cunning and strength that defines survival in their world. Even in her dying words, Ambessa’s pride in Mel’s growth underlines her complex humanity.
Ambessa’s story is not one of psychopathy but of survival, legacy, and the blurred lines between love and control. A Legacy of Duality
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patrickjanebrain · 2 years ago
Patrick Jane's Problems with Authority
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On the show there are two specific situations you can expect Jane to get excited about. The first is when he comes across a performer or another con artist, someone who is also in the craft of fooling people. No matter how skilled or clumsy that person is, Patrick is always intrigued. He likes to view the competition. He always perks up when he smells a scam. It’s endearing. 
The second situation is when Jane encounters a petty tyrant available for him to take down. It doesn’t matter how small the throne they sit on, if they’re in any way unworthy, he views it as his honor to kick over that chair and laugh.
It’s not just once in a while. It’s every time. Every tyrant. Every politician, principal, CEO, security head, or society snob. They don’t have to get in Patrick’s way or insult him (or Lisbon) either, although if they do, he strikes like a mongoose. No mercy.
Patrick Jane hates authority. He really does. He especially hates unearned authority, blowhards, and tyrants, but he does not recognize any authority over himself at all. As he tells the sheriff in Red Alert (3x13): “I’m not below or above, I’m to the side.” He sees himself outside the hierarchy, an authority to himself and the only authority over himself. If he cooperates at all, it’s only because it’s in his best interest to do so. Sometimes, even when it is in his best interest, his impulse to be a pain in the ass wins out over practical concerns.
As far as Lisbon goes, she doesn’t control him, and his affection and care for her is the only reason he occasionally lets her put the brakes on him. Not because she’s his boss (she is, but he doesn’t acknowledge it), but because his messes get her in trouble, and he doesn’t want her to suffer. 
Outside of the people he interacts with regularly, Jane has three basic approaches to people. 
Any person in authority, he automatically begins to try to poke at their achilles heel. He’ll make little mocking digs or outright humiliate them. He’ll question their leadership ability or just embrace his naughty side:
See that flourish? Jane artistically adds it after he paints the last letter in “SNYDER SUCKS"? That’s a fuck-you flourish. The vandalism is enough to get him the principal’s attention (which Jane needs to expose the fact that he’s been illegally surveilling minors in the bathrooms). The message is one of (Patrick’s usual) disdain. The flourish, though: that’s for every kid who’s had to deal with this self-righteous, hypocritical prick. He’s sticking it to the man, almost literally. 
He just loves to do this. It’s not work for him, it’s a privilege. 
When Jane questions average people who are not authority figures and who have information to give, he’s sort of a neutral version of himself. He can still be bratty, but it’s not in any way malicious. Sometimes he has to stir people up to get an answer or idea, but there’s nothing personal in that. He doesn’t want to hurt them or help them. He’s just doing his job, and often that’s making trouble to cause a distraction or get someone to reveal something. 
Jane was trained from birth to view regular non-carny people as marks, and it’s still a habit. He doesn’t get involved, and he doesn’t feel guilty about how he interacts with them as long as he doesn’t really hurt them. 
This is the facet of Patrick Jane’s character that is the most interesting to me: his care and tenderness with people who are hurting or are weak in some way. I’ve read commentary online from people questioning whether Jane is a psychopath or a sociopath, but I don’t think that you can view how he interacts with children, injured or sick people, and anyone who is vulnerable and call him incapable of empathy. He’s capable of enormous empathy.  
He has a personal understanding of grief and pain, and when he sees it in others, he softens. He doesn’t hug people, but he will give them careful, useful advice. Occasionally he will do little favors, like a quick hypnotism to help them break a bad habit, or show them his real self and what he’s learned through suffering. 
Interestingly enough, he will change his approach when he sees someone get downgraded from authority figure to a vulnerable person. He does this with Bosco once he’s injured, and he also immediately drops his desire to toy with the coroner, Dr. Steiner, who has shown him outright disdain in the past (and present!). In The Red Mile (3x18), as soon as Jane comes to understand that Steiner is sick, he goes out of the way to give him what he knows he needs: a front row seat to an adventure, breaking the rules to catch the bad guy personally. He also gives Steiner the great gift of sitting with him and distracting him while he’s committing suicide, though it clearly costs him to see death come and take another person he’s grown to like. 
Jane takes pity on Lorelei Martins after he understands what Red John has done to her, even though she tried to hurt him and engineer Lisbon’s death. 
It’s easy to see Patrick Jane as cool or funny or even cruel, but the reality is that he has experienced a ton of loss and trauma and that’s permanently altered the way he relates to people and how he sees them. Ultimately, I think the reason that he has so many problems with authority is because his father was very abusive and controlling. Every petty tyrant Jane takes down is a proxy for his father and a win for his younger self. He is taking back control for all of the times he couldn’t when he was vulnerable and had no other options.
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seireitonin · 1 year ago
Two sides of the same coin: Toby and Nina
(Wrote this to show there is overlap and similarities and differences as well, between BPD and ASPD and while they are disorders it doesn’t mean that people in the cluster B personality type can’t love and improve as people to be in healthy relationships. We’re not evil. We are flawed. Based Nina off my own BPD experience and Toby I did a lot of research on ASPD and tried to write it as accurately and respectfully as possible. If I did something wrong please lmk)
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Toby and Nina an are the same, yet different. Toby has ASPD. Nina has BPD. Their overlap and differences make each other feel understood, but at times isolated. Toby is impulsive and so is Nina. Toby is impulsive in the sense that he doesn’t care about his own safety and does what he wants when he wants if he sees fit. Nina’s impulses come from wanting instant gratification and pleasure in the moment. The two of them overlap with each other often. Both participate in impulsive, self destructive drug use on occasion, one not caring about his wellbeing and the other not caring about the consequences. Just the current moment of joy that she knows will pass because she’s always empty. Both experience emotional irregularities. More overlap presenting itself in different ways. Toby presents his emotions as if he’s better than Nina sometimes. Sometimes he says stuff that’s hurtful, especially when he’s intensely upset. Nina’s emotions can result in random outbursts of anger especially if she thinks Toby is trying to abandon her. Sometimes she says stuff she doesn’t mean too. They don’t mean to hurt each other, but unfortunately sometimes they do. Toby has become Nina’s everything. Her favorite person. The thought of Toby abandoning her or not loving her like she loves him sometimes makes her spiral. Toby sometimes comes across like he doesn’t care or is indifferent to her. But that’s not true. He loves her and has put in the work and effort to love her. He just has trouble expressing it sometimes. Nina feels intense emotions and sometimes can’t express them properly either, sometimes she comes off as clingy and obsessive, but she’s hurting and scared of being abandoned or not valued. Not only because she gets so overwhelmed, but sees the world in black and white and can’t describe everything she’s feeling. They had a screaming match once and only once. When they flow they flow. When they clash, they clash. Toby was so frustrated that Nina thinks he doesn’t love her. Like she’s invalidating his efforts. Nina was frustrated that he wasn’t taking him being her favorite person seriously. Like he saw her as a burden. “Why can’t you see I’m trying,Nina?! I’m doing my best and you just don’t care!” “No you don’t care! You see me as a burden don’t you?! You don’t really love me! You’re using me like Jeff!” “Don’t you ever compare me to him! I love you! You’re just too fucking stupid to see it!” Her eyes widened and tears streamed down her face. Toby didn’t understand at first. Why was she upset by that? She was being stupid. He loves her. “You….think…I’m…stupid?” Nina just ran away and locked herself in the bedroom, spiraling and splitting. “He hates me. He never loved me. I’m worthless. No one will ever love me.” That’s all that played through her head. Toby picks the lock and sits on the bed facing away from her. “I didn’t mean it like that. Okay? You’re not a burden to me.” He didn’t mean to hurt her but he did. Nina hated him right now. He went from angel to monster. “Don’t give up on me okay? I’ll never give up on you, Nina. I’m….sorry” It took him a while to understand how and why what he said hurt her. But he took accountability for what he said. A long way from the person he was before. “Don’t leave me Toby. I need you” Nina whimpered out. “I dont want to, moody girl” He holds out his hand so she could play with his fingers for comfort. She does just that. They’re not perfect. They both come from pasts of hurt and heartbreak. But the last thing they’ll do is take it out on each other. They will always try to be better for each other and themselves.
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nocandnc · 8 months ago
2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 24, and 25 for OkoHoshi
Whoa, so many... I'll do my best!!
By nature of the prompts, some of these get a bit racy - nothing too explicit (just isn't my style) but proceed with caution below the cut ^^;;;
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Hoshina is always looking for opportunities to fool around - during work, at home, in the ICU - anywhere at all, really. But he's also sort of calm about it? Regular training and live combat serves as a pretty good outlet for all that energy, so even if he's down for a good time anytime, he's not going stir crazy for it either.
Okonogi is usually the opposite. She conducts herself seriously and will refuse to entertain Hoshina's frisky impulses on most days. But unlike the Vice Captain, she doesn't have a convenient outlet for that frustration - so it builds up, and if Hoshina does manage to flip her switch then she's so much more desperate.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Coming from a more traditional household, Hoshina is used to just... taking baths with people? He's not actively thinking of it as something sexual, so he's plenty happy to just relax together. That said, he won't turn down an opportunity for sexy time if Okonogi's in the mood for it.
Okonogi insists that she is NOT, face red from more than just the water temperature.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Okonogi takes photos of him quite often, sleeping or otherwise. She got used to doing so after having to gather promotional materials for the 3rd Division, which seeped into her off-duty habits as well. The rare photos Hoshina takes of her are for the express purpose of bragging in the work group chat.
Hoshina: New wallpaper pic~ Ain't my girl the cutest? Kafka: Not cool Vice Cap :'( Ichikawa: Please stop... Captain Ashiro: Did you receive Okonogi's permission to share this? Narumi: FUCK OFF
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
There are lots of scenarios that come to mind where either of them confesses first, but in most cases I'd say Hoshina. Maybe he plays it off like a joke, very much into her but hesitant to really go for it in case he dies and leaves her suffering it makes work awkward. Maybe he says it in a deadly serious way, shocking Okonogi to tears because he's not allowed to do that. It's too cruel. What if she actually believes him this time, only for it to be just another joke?
I don't think either of them would be keen on ending a fight by pulling the 'because I love you' card... But if I had to say, Okonogi would probably be the first to let something like that slip - boiling mad and sick with worry after he starts taking his battles too far all too often. 11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
"You looove me" Soshiro preens, pulling Konomi close. "You wanna huuug me, and kiiiiiss me, and—" "We're married" she groans.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
The first time Okonogi dared to hold Hoshina's hand was during a particularly long stay in hospital. After waiting for what seemed like hours, she entwined her shaky fingers with his still ones and prayed for him to wake up soon.
Hoshina was never informed of this, so in his mind, he was the first one to do any hand-holding along with most other forms of PDA. He loves flaunting their relationship and loves how much she blushes when he does so. Okonogi is a little braver about reciprocating in private, but it takes her a while to get used to the idea that she can just... grab him sometimes.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
I wouldn't call her seductive but I do imagine Okonogi being a lot more aggressive and confident when drunk, sexually or otherwise. The Vice Captain is incapable of seducing anyone while drunk. He just gets all sappy.
Hoshina isn't especially loud in bed, but he is very talkative. Okonogi on the other hand can barely form a sentence without screaming.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
I don't see either of them being very into slow dancing to be honest. Hoshina prefers a faster pace, and Okonogi is too awkward about it one way or the other. Hoshina definitely picks Okonogi up to kiss her though - it's so damn easy and he loves showing off. Then again, making her struggle to kiss him from the very tips of her toes is equally tempting.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Hoshina is a full-time clown, much to Okonogi's thinly veiled amusement annoyance - but every now and then she'll hit him (and anyone else within earshot) with surprisingly wild sex joke of her own.
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illftting · 15 days ago
⠀⠀⋆ 。 ✿⠀ ᖗ⠀—⠀hello hello, brewedhq! i'm miffy (she/they, est) and i'm really, really bad at intros so please bear with me... i've come bringing humble offerings: august yoon, silliest man in the entire wild west but only half a step from being a professional clown, and seo ahin, a rebellious private chef who found her 15 minutes of fame after publishing a book she wrote out of grief. they're both new(ish) muses but below you can find a few fun facts as well as a basic profile for each of them! as one does, if you'd like to plot with either of them, please drop a heart and i'll get to your dms asap! i also have a discord which i sllightly prefer to use for plotting and yapping (but not significantly so) so feel free to ask!
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august yoon, 23. lotte world mascot & performer. (portrayed by jake sim.)
profile. pinterest. connections. (coming soon i promise!)
australian born, south korean raised. diagnosed unserious at birth. his parents were entirely too young to raise someone so silly so he was put up for adoption, and subsequently adopted, within the first weeks of his life.
he knows he's adopted but it's not like a huge deal to him. he had a great childhood, better than most of his friends growing up and basically got to do whatever he wanted, when he wanted (golden son and silver spoon blah blah blah)
growing up spoiled kind of screwed with his impulse control, he's used to just doing whatever and laughing off the consequences. he doesn't have a malicious bone in his body, he just doesn't take anything seriously.
initially, he started working at lotte world as security, mostly just as an excuse to hang around and slack off but found that, after standing in a few times, he had way more fun as one of the character actors and got to zone out on the job way more and goof around with people all day.
on the surface he kind of seems easy to read: simple, fun-loving if not slightly immature, flirtatious, and loud, but he curates how he comes off to people with shocking precision. he needs to be the fun friend that people look to for a good time or he starts REALLY getting in his own head about what he can offer people.
has a bad habit of being a people pleaser (surprise surprise) but is genuinely just a good person who finds joy looking after people and trying to make them happy. he does find himself a little bit jealous over people that he thinks are leading more complex, meaningful lives and isn't really sure how to deal with all that.
tldr: he's your run of the mill golden retriever who's teetering the line of being a little too silly sometimes. he lwk needs to be pushed into being serious but good luck with that.
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seo ahin, 26. author & private chef. (portrayed by seo soojin.)
profile. pinterest. connections. (this one otw too...)
(tw: mentions of familial death)
born into an unhappy marriage between a well respected journalist and a successful screenwriter with the assumption that somehow, someway, she would fix their relationship issues. (spoiler: she didn't.)
mid-childhood her parents got divorced and shit sucked for her BAD but yk, she powered through it with a really thick skin, writing angsty poetry, and developed a very strong sense of individuality.
she spent summers and odd weekends in jeju learning to cook with her grandmother and found it a natural way to get closer to her, almost seeing her as more of a mother than her own mother.
used her mother's connections in seoul to get her first job as a private chef assistant and found a new light in the industry, using it as a social outlet as much as a paycheck.
grew her brand a bit and then took a big hit as her grandmother passed very unexpectedly. therapy became her new best friend (so did getting tattoos... aaaand sipping wine after the longer days.)
in an effort to process grief, she started writing. it didn't take shape for a while but it turned into a fictional retelling of her grandmother's relationship with shamanism that somehow, completely beyond her wildest dreams, ended up picked up by a publisher and garnered pretty significant success.
she doesn't really consider herself a writer or anything and tends to shy away from the recognition it's gained her but it's conflicting emotions; guilt, anxiety, and fear she won't be understood fighting with a deep sense of pride in herself that she barely thinks she's allowed to feel.
idk what else to add but yeahhhh, she likes to party, she likes to cook (it's one of her biggest love languages), and she's really just trying to find her footing between small term "fame" and staying grounded with her family.
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