#i think schools in our district are shutting down
reality-detective · 2 months
It’s time for me to have another rant! 👇
Buckle up!!! ⚔️🛡️
The State of America:
I am angry. As an American, I am sick and tired of what this country has become. I do probably curse more than I should, but I am pissed off.
Our schools: Children are being indoctrinated by school teachers about sexual activity rather than things they should be learning about. You know, like civics, math, real history and science? What grown ass adult wants to discuss sexual intercourse with a minor? I’ll tell you, a social deviant fucking pervert. That’s who. I will not expose any child to that madness ever.
Our military: Our military is the weakest it has ever been. I have friends that are still in the military and they cannot wait to get out. Not because of their lack of service to this country, but the lack of leadership. The good ones are tired of getting slammed with “woke” PowerPoints on shit that doesn’t even matter to military readiness. It’s dumb. And our adversaries are laughing at us. I can’t even recommend someone to join the military until it is returned to its rightful place as the strongest military in the world.
Our southern border: The southern border is a dumpster fire. More illegal aliens and fentanyl are pouring through the border at record rates. The saddest part about this is the Democrats are wanting ILLEGALS to vote for any and all elections. Democrats only use their party for votes to continue their reign of power, while their own districts are literal shit-holes. Republicans are not safe from this and they really aren't much better. If they wanted the border shut down they would too. Always remember that Americans being murdered was never enough to shut the border down.
Joe Biden: I will never accept the thought that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. You cannot make me believe that the alleged President of the United States of America got the most votes in American history, then was kicked out from running by his own party. Give me a fucking break.
Kamala Harris: This Indian American woman locked up more black men than I have ever seen in my life. She doesn’t care about black people. Never has and never will. She just wants your vote.
Mainstream Media: These retards have been fed so much propaganda that they actually think Donald Trump will incite a civil war if he doesn’t win the 2024 election. You all have an extra chromosome if you truly believe that. There are some that are just gaslighting but a large portion of the population is too stupid to vote if they can’t decipher this.
Speaking of Donald Trump: This man has been given more bullshit to a public servant that I have ever seen in my life. For crying out loud, it has been over 2 weeks since the Deep State almost took his life and no one has been held truly accountable. They are all behind it until proven otherwise. Imagine if that was the other way around. Democrats would want to put the nation on lockdown like they did during COVID.
National debt: As of today the United States is at $35,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. How irresponsible of adults. I will never be gaslit to send money overseas anymore especially since Americans are struggling to put food on their table. How outrageously treasonous.
And to top all of this off. I am a white male that was in the military and now I'm considered a domestic terrorist by some. How unbelievable is this? The same ones that are backing the Military Industrial Complex. The same “elected leaders” that I served, don’t have our backs when we return home. The military are the ones that uphold and defend the Constitution, not them.
This is not what America should be about. This is not the country I served. Not anymore.
God Bless America. 🇺🇸
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haithamuse · 2 years
cw. none, sfw !
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Alhaitham is a handsome man — that is, until he opens his mouth.
“No”, his stern voice sounds from behind and when you turned around to face him, he wasn’t even looking at you. “Don’t even think about it. You are not buying that.”
“I wasn’t going to–”, you started to defend yourself, but Alhaitham has already continued the stroll through Port Ormos’ market district and you could already feel another headache coming on. In fact, the Scribe was probably the biggest headache in your life.
Even after graduating from the Akademiya and assuming the ranks of Mahamatas, Alhaitham still crosses paths with you.
You didn’t even attend the same schools and yet whenever you were to collaborate with others for field research, Alhaitham was the one who worked with you when you asked the Haravatat for assistance.
He was infuriating, to say the least.
Whenever you proposed a course of actions, he was quick to counter with his own plans. There was never a lot of room for discussions, yet you still forced negotiations and arguments.
The way he’d talk to people also irked you. He was never straight up rude, yet also never exchanged pleasantries – forgoing them in order to not waste any time and get straight to the point.
In the end you‘d always meet your objectives, but you despised the journey there – because all of it was to be shared with him.
“Hey! Hold on!”, you called out for Alhaitham and jogged after him. Of course, he didn‘t turn around nor stop to wait for you. Though if you had paid closer attention, you could have noticed the way his long strides became a tad shorter.
Once you reached your target, you slowed down with a huff to match his speed. “Also, it’s none of your business what I do with my money anyway”, you nagged, annoyed with his attitude. In response, Alhaitham just clicked his tongue and scoffed, “It is my problem – once I have to come up for your expenses at least.”
It really wasn’t like you to be petty, but this man really pulled out the worst out of you. Anger flared up inside you and you were ready to retaliate against his words, but then he suddenly came to a halt, turning around to face you with a sigh.
“Listen”, he began. For a split second, his stoic façade cracked and you could see the exhaustion on his face, though it disappeared as quickly as it came. You almost thought you were just imagining it. “I don’t like having to put up with you, but we should just finish our business here as quickly as possible.”
Alhaitham mustered your expression for a second – though your gaze didn’t meet his, he could easily see the bitter gleam in your eyes. Your arms were crossed in front of your chest and the Scribe could swear that he might as well be looking at a pouting child right now. Averting his own gaze as well, he continued. “It won’t do any good if Dori notices Akademiya folk meddling in her affairs.”
To the best of your ability, you tried to hold your tongue – because as much as you hated to admit it, he was right. By the archons, he always was, but you’d sooner die than admit it to his face. So in favour of forgoing him a reply, you simply pushed past him and continued the walk.
Your reaction caught Alhaitham off-guard; he had anticipated retaliation, being cursed at or at least being told to shut up. He wasn’t a stranger of your dislike towards him, nor did he ever question how it came to be. You had asked him multiple times why it always had to be him when you requested a work partner. He’d always tell you to simply deal with it, but in his mind, the answer was logical and as clear as day. When the two of you worked on research together, the results would always, without fail be phenomenal.
No matter how much displeasure working with you would bring him, it was his price to pay to get those results and that’s why he’d request to be partnered with you – that’s what he told himself at least.
His thoughts actually elicited a quiet chuckle from him. You immediately took notice of the sound as you whipped your head around and your first reaction was to be irritated. “What the hell is so funny?”
“Nothing”, Alhaitham nonchalantly replied and moved to join you. “I just think you look better when you shut up.”
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lalalian · 1 month
I always think to myself, "I'm out of ideas... I'm out of actually cool, creative ideas, will I have to shut all my shit down? How am I supposed to continue posting if I've got nothing..." but then, the next second I'll come up with something that genuinely could be a whole ass dr
here's a dump of some of the drs I've been wanting to make into filled scripts for awhile now, but I haven't even started designing the scripts for them yet.
Some of them are literally just titles, but idk I just know I can work with it yk?
since I finished some prototyping hw today, I'll put in a little more effort sectioning this post
some of the ideas in question
cloud catcher: steampunk reality based on a cloud city, you've got a job as a cloud catcher, your job is to catch and sell different kinds of clouds, have a cloud shop
inedible edible cafe: inedible things here (in our OR) would be edible in this dr.. Initially I only wanted to include slime as a dish, but now I want to make dishes with different ingredients, like puffy sticker cereal or sum shit
shifting school dr: okay so this actually was a trend on shifttok for a sec, it was called a 'mysterious school' idk why. anyway, this school was supposed to be it's own dr, but I think i may include it in my dreamscape dr
magitech engineer dr: ngl this idea was in the fucking basement of my mind-- ain't nobody gonna wanna shift here besides for someone that actually likes crafting things. idk i just feel like it’s a niche idea
number magic: uh so no, that's not the title for this dr-- I just really wanna make a dr with this kind of system. idk I was just in world lit class and I realized the poem I was reading was repeating the number 5. we were supposed to analyze the poem, but my dumbass just started daydreaming... anyway, next idea
fantasy cosmetic makeup maker dr: so like imagine handmaking make up with like... mermaid pearls or like ground unicorn horns (sourced ethically of course-- unicorns will shed their horns like baby teeth throughout their lifetime. I cannot imagine depriving a unicorn of its horn... imagine doing that... what a psycho😨) you could make like a mermaid line, a sky beauty line, IMAGINE THE PACKAGING. STOP. WAIT. FLOWER KNOWS. AHHH.
guardian flame: I have so little down for this DR lmao 😭😭 essentially like you're some sort of being that's been assigned to protect another, probably someone who isn't as strong as you. the kinda oddball part about your drself in particular is that you have to go to school to train how to be a good protector, but like you've already got a person you need to protect. nobody is assigned to protect anyone until affffftteeerrr graduation, but ur stuck with an idiot
futuristic skater/futuristic biker: self explanatory! I also wanted this to be in a high school setting. this idea stemmed from me just wanting a high school futuristic dr, cuz like yk I was curious about what high school students would need to learn. what would be considered important to learn about? would all students be taught about how to make technology we would find difficult to make today? what about psychology class? what new theories would arise? what would students think about our generation (in our CR) today? would they think we're stupid, crass, or selfish? anyway, initially I just wanted to go to school and walk around... but, I had a dream about living in the future, more abt that in the next idea (this idea is getting long). Instead, I think I wanna deviate a bit from what I would usually do here and in literally every other school dr I have-- I want to experience what it'd be like to be a... deliquient? idk, growing up i kinda just was just that quiet girl that listened to her parents... soooooooo why not do smth different? I'm still not gonna drink or do drugs tho, boooooooo ik so boring 🙄🙄 oh also I was gonna have a group of friends that were also skaters or bikers and compete in definitely legal biker/skater competitions
futuristic entertainment district: anyway more about that dream, essentially everyone was wearing these levitating rocket boots that looked a lot like roller skates (they had those wheels at the bottom of the shoes). the city was like a huge pot hole filled with stores on the side, but like it seemed like parts of the land was broken apart and floating around-- even those had advertisements and people singing and dancing on them. like this pot hole city was filled to the brim with advertisements, shops, stores, entertainment places, literally I remember that there was a huge section of like idol shit. there were a lot of people darting around the place using those levitating boots I was wearing, but there were also futuristic floating cars. imagine cyberpunk but if it was located in a big ass pot hole. yah, that. idk i just wanna explore
dystopian futuristic dr: similar to cyberpunk in the fact that it's a world dominated by companies; I want to join an underground group that wants to overtake the gov and make the world less ass
singles inferno - introvert ver: I actually have all the contestants scripted + designed a script for this DR, but I haven't worked on this script in a whiillleeeee. I wanna be song jia. not literally, but like I want to have her charm, yk? ok so the introvert part-- a lot of the game will take place in a group chat room. you do challenges in-person and in this chatroom to get a date, sometimes it's a random date, but most of the time it's like your choice. very heavily inspired by a game called picka!
a minecraft roleplay dr: I know at least one of yall cringed so hard at this, trust me, I knooowwwww-- but I really want to be like the next aphmau or smth. oh except I don't want to make kid vids, tho I'm sure yall knew that right. I want to recreate aethergarde academy in minecraft (ALSO ALRUNA TOO OMFG) but then I also wanna do other things that aren't dr related. idk I just know that this DR's gonna be sooooo fun. I haven't even decided on a channel name yet 😭😭
uh so I prob got more, but these were just the ones that came to mind
I'll prob make a part two when I'm lazy with posting
if anyone wants to use these ideas, please do credit me! if one of yall see someone using my ideas without credit, plz plz tell me, ty!
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scrambledpancakes03 · 3 months
Before the presidential debate...
I've got some thoughts.
While I know that even the "best" presidential outcome feels like a loss at this point, you do have to vote.
I totally understand not wanting to vote for Joe. There are a lot of reasons for that, some more valid than others. That's not my point rn. There's many genocides happening: read how joe is handling it from verified sources and make your own choices, I trust you'll do what you think is right. I'll just be here full of endless dread no matter what...
But for fucks sake before we all lose hope please remember...
Vote down ballot.
Conservatives win repeatedly all over the country and have been able to make life substantially harder for every individual working person, especially those with marginalized statuses... and it's not primarily due to the shit they've pulled in the Oval Office... it's because they're getting elected to sheriff's offices and school boards and zoning commissions and STATE LEGISLATURES.
Don't let your disillusionment with the president keep you from showing up for candidates you won't hear about from national news... because they are the ones who can save us.
Without progressives, leftists, and even more moderate liberals in local offices, every aspect of life gets substantially harder. Local programs shut down, public services are cut from city budgets, and police keep getting more and more absurd militarized resources. And in that environment, how would we ever stand in solidarity with people suffering around the world? Or even people marginalized here in the US?
Here are some (but not all) elected offices that may be on your ballot in the fall that need your attention in no particular order:
1. Secretary of state: oversees the states record keeping... including voting. Don't let them be fascists.
2. School Board: they decide pretty much everything to do with public school's funding, curriculum, and sometimes even personnel matters or district geography. They decide what your kids learn, where, how, and with whom. Don't let them be bigots.
3. District Attorney/Prosecutor: they decide what crimes have charges brought against them, and in what manner. They're the difference between a teenage kid being tried as an adult or a child for a felony, as well as other matters like that. Don't let them be racist.
4. Sheriff: have insane amounts of power over how criminal investigations are conducted and how a community is policed. FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP ELECTING RACISTS. Also we should just... reconsider the concept and maybe try not having sheriff offices at all. But that's a whole different goal.
5. Planning and zoning commissions: if you are struggling to get housing or stay housed, they are the reason there is little to no affordable housing in your area, because they decide what gets built or maintained in your area. Businesses, parks, houses... yeah. Don't let them be corporate puppets.
6. Public works commission: they control the utilities, the water, the trash, and the recycling. This is one of the main places the environmental movement should be looking to make change. They write regulations that can be used and enforced to reign whole groups of people and corporations in to make real collective change in the way we generate power, consume resources, and manage waste. They are also how we prevent more crisis situations like the one in Flint, MI.
7. City, state, and federal legislators. They write the laws. They appropriate the spending of your tax money. Stop narrowing your focus to the federal executive branch when the left needs to gain momentum writing laws at every level. Don't discount local change, because it adds up.
I know we are all focused on the genocides going on around the world right now. The best way we can continue helping as November comes and goes, is to elect local leaders who will support global liberation by writing laws and regulations that protect our free speech, ensure the quality and equity of our education, and commit to divestment from violence all over the world.
Okay? We all got this?
Can we all just agree to do this part, and we can fight about biden separately, please?
TLDR: Fuck you, vote in all the local races.
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monstrous-femme · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot about the US left's need to get better organized. As general strikes for Palestine enter the zeitgeist, I am seeing a lot of muddled messaging, and it's made me realize that one of the things we need to get on the same page about is how a strike functions.
There are two primary types of pressure a strike exerts, and we can exert these pressures in many ways in addition to work stoppages.
The first is financial. Most work stoppages you hear about are operating on this level-- cost the company enough money that they'd rather meet your demand than keep hemorrhaging. This is most effective when the company in question is directly involved in the practices you want to stop. In this case, we're talking companies that have some level of investment with Israel. For example, if you work for any company like Boeing, which has sped the delivery of bombs to the Israeli government, causing financial disruptions can make it cost more to be invested in Israel than it would be to divest.
If your job is not invested in Israel, a work stoppage will not cause financial pressure. But again, this doesn't mean there's nothing you can do! Maybe you're an office manager and you routinely order HP products for people who work in the office. Since HP is on the BDS list, this could be a time to look into other brands and see what products you can purchase elsewhere.
It's easy to think that if a work stoppage won't do anything at your specific workplace, that they're nothing you can do. But if you think in the lens of "what will create financial pressure," you will likely find more options. Get creative. Look at the BDS list. Think about who we're pressuring, and how to divert money away from them.
The second point of pressure is public opinion. In terms of work stoppages, this would be closest to a teacher's strike. Teacher's strike's don't cost school districts money. What they do is cause frustrated parents who have nowhere to send their kids. The goal is to direct that frustration to the school district, creating pressure to do what it takes to reopen schools.
If several stores on the same block are able to shut down with a sign on the window that says "closed in support of Palestine," this is an example of this sort of pressure. People can't go about their daily business, and the goal is to direct the frustration they experience towards the occupation and our own government's role.
If you can't shut things down, there are other actions that create the pressure of public opinion. This is where we've been asked to elevate Palestinian voices. It's also where you may see protests that shut down a street, a freeway, a transit station. The goal is to cause such disruption that regular operations can't function, and that people whose lives have been disrupted join the call for ceasefire.
I encourage everyone, not just in this week but moving forward, to think about the framework of pressure tactics. If we understand why an action matters, we can find alternate ways to participate if what's being suggested won't work for us or won't cause the necessary pressure.
Lastly, I want to say that there are likely many people in your community who have participated in organizing work that is beyond the scope of what I have mentioned here, and that know more than I do. Building relationships and benefiting from shared knowledge are necessary in the work that needs to be done. This week's call for strike will not be the last. What can we do today to get more organized for what comes next?
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (38)
Festus: Yo, guys, do you want to sneak inside the school kitchen and cook something?
Persephone: Sure. I’m kinda hungry.
Coryo: Count me in, Creed.
Felix: Yeah. Besides, this stupid assignment- I mean, punishment from Dr. Gaul is draining me to death.
Apollo: True. Writing a 12 page essay on why I should be turned into a mutt is quite difficult.
Diana: And weird.
Clemensia: And illegal!
Coryo: This assignment shouldn’t even exist!
Urban: But the “penducks” and the “pongaroos” should.
Pup: “Capysels” forever!
Clemensia: What the heck are you guys talking about?!
Juno: Our cute new pets.
Pup: Our adorable new friends.
Dennis: My new illegal business.
Festus: The new meat menu.
Coryo: Well, I think the “Boa Pup” is still the cutest mutt in theory.
Io: Ughhh! Who cares about your cat-dog creature! My hand hurts! I can’t do this anymore!
Livia: You’re all just jealous because I’m already done with mine.
Sejanus: No way, Cardew. How is that even possible?!
Livia: Obviously, I’m a genius.
Coryo: Obviously, you just wrote down the lyrics of ✨Material Girl✨ to fill in the blanks.
Livia: How did you-
Coryo: Your paper doesn’t even have a single word of “mutt” or “Dr. Gaul” in it.
Livia: Shut up, orphan! Your accusations are making me hungry!
Festus: Finally! The rich banker has spoken! To the kitchen we go!
Lysistrata: Wait a minute, does anyone even know how to cook? I mean, no offense, but just look at us.
Palmyra: I do! I know how to cook! I can even-
Florus: Except you, Palmyra. You’re not even allowed to cook in front of me, unless the government or the President says otherwise.
Gaius: And thank Panem for that.
Palmyra: Why?🥺
Everyone: You know why!
Palmyra: You guys are so mean!
Florus: Says the one who refused to pay our outrageous hospital bills.
Coryo: I can’t even afford to stay in the hospital while my family’s drowning in taxes and debts.
Palmyra: Oh, c’mon! You guys only stayed there for a month!
Festus: A month of torture!
Felix: And humiliation!
Coryo: I’m freaking poor, Monty! Do you even know how hard it was for me to pay them back?!
Palmyra: Oh, please~. It wasn’t that hard, was it?😗
Coryo: Try saying that again when you’re forced to go on a blind date with a drunk Strabo Plinth and the ever creepy Mr. Heavensbee by your own evil grandmother and cousin!
Lysistrata: Oh, Panem! Strabo Plinth was your other date?!🤣
Hilarius: My creepy old man did what?!
Coryo: Creepy Mr. Heavensbee even asked me to invite Felix to come over and hangout with him the next time around.
Felix: Which is never, right?
Coryo: Don’t worry, Class Pres. I told him that you’re too busy dating someone from the outer Districts.
Felix: Who?!
Coryo: Honestly, I just made it up.
Clemensia: Imagine Felix freaking Ravinstill dating someone from the Districts.
Arachne: True. Seeing the President’s favorite grandnephew holding hands with a District born will surely give his family the greatest heart attack of all time.
Felix: To be honest, I would rather date someone from the Districts than spend an hour or two with creepy Mr. Heavensbee Sr.
Sejanus: Ughhh! I still can’t believe my evil dad tried to steal my gorgeous boyfriend from me!😩
Coryo: To be fair, my love, your father was already drunk and high as the moon when we met that night. And also, he genuinely thought that I was the ever gorgeous Crassus Xanthos Snow.
Sejanus: Oh, thank Panem!
Hilarius: How about my creepy old man?! Was he drunk as a clown on wheels when he met you that night?!
Coryo: Mr. Heavensbee wasn’t drunk at all. He was sober AF.
Hilarius: Oh, thank Panem-
Coryo: However, he did offer to pay off all of my family’s debts if I gave him my skirt and a kiss on both cheeks.
Hilarius: He said what?!😱
Sejanus: Did you?! I mean, did you kiss him, my love?🥺
Coryo: Ew. No. Of course not! He was a freaking creep and I was already dating you, Babe!
Sejanus: My Snow Bae really does love me!🥹
Coryo: Of course I do, you idiot! Those sandwiches you gave me were freaking delicious!
Hilarius: And nothing happened after that, right?
Coryo: I kind of “accidentally” punched your creepy old man and knocked him out when he tried to touch my face.
Hilarius: That’s fine with me.
Coryo: Also, I secretly stole his expensive gold encrusted wristwatch and his exclusive diamond shaped wallet.
Androcles: Nice one, Snowy!
Hilarius: Bro, I’m not even mad.
Sejanus: At least my scheming dad didn’t remember that night.
Lysistrata: Imagine going out on a blind date with your gorgeous future son—in-law.😂
Coryo: Even worse. Mr. Plinth was always bringing up his past romantic relationship with my super hot dead dad.😔
Festus: What’s so bad about that? I mean, who wouldn’t want to date the ever gorgeous Crassus Snow? Even my dad wanted to-
Coryo: Oh, shut up, Creed! I don’t want to hear another word about my super hot dead dad!
Sejanus: My father’s just jealous that I’m gonna marry my lovely Snow Bae~.😘
Felix: Try saying that in front of Dean Highbottom.
Sejanus: Sure! I’ll even-
Festus: Can we go back to cooking already? I’m still hungry, ya know!
Androcles: Oh, yeah! Sejanus, you know how to cook, right?😀
Sejanus: Honestly, cooking and baking are very different things. Just ask my boyfriend~.😘
Coryo: Wait, what?! No! I just know how to cook cabbages and beans! I can’t even afford my own groceries!
Festus: To be fair, your iconic cabbage cake was delicious.
Coryo: Thanks, but I think Iphigenia knows more than me-
Iphigenia: Oh, no. My talent for cooking is kinda bad.
Dennis: That’s impossible! Your family runs the freaking food industry!
Iphigenia: Seriously, I only know how to fry carrots and potatoes.
Coryo: Gaius, do you-
Gaius: Me?! Cook?! My precious hands haven’t even touched a stove yet! Besides, I only know how to “cook up” jokes.
Persephone: Well, if you can provide me a maid-
Coryo: How about you, Class Pres?
Felix: I’m not even allowed to enter my own kitchen without ten to twenty servants watching my every move. Maybe Hilarius-
Hilarius: No, not me! Do you want the school to accidentally explode because of my stupidity?!
Urban: Vipsania?
Vipsania: Don’t even ask. I only know how to make protein shakes.
Felix: How about Andie-
Androcles: Stealing eggs for breakfast is very different from cooking them, Class Pres!
Juno: Well, don’t look at me. A Phipps would never ever get their hands dirty-
Dennis: Nobody asked you, Juno~.🙄
Juno: Shut up, Dennis! Go suck a di-
Sejanus: How about you, Domitia?
Domitia: Milking cows and selling butter is all I’m good at. However, Lizzie-
Lysistrata: You are asking the wrong person, Tia. I only know how to “cook” dru-
Felix: And for legal reasons, let’s just ask the next person! Festus, do you-
Festus: Nope. I only dumpster dive for food. How about Florus-
Florus: Shut it, Creed! I’m not touching or cooking anything!
Coryo: Well, Urban-
Urban: My anger issues banned me from cooking. How about Io-
Io: Don’t test me, Canville. Do you want me to accidentally create another mini nuclear reactor?!
Coryo: Apollo? Diana?
Apollo: Unfortunately, I only know how to make purple tea.
Diana: And I only know how to cut and fry onions for fun.
Sejanus: Pup?
Pup: Nobody likes my soup.
Felix: Ugh! forget it! Let’s just order takeouts and be done with it!
Clemensia: What the heck, you guys! Nobody even asked me if I can cook!
Arachne: Can you?
Clemensia: No.
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alwaysmypearl · 2 years
Hi there 😊
If you're still taking prompts, how about an Everlark story inspired by this gif?
Could be any AU. I just want Katniss to fall for Peeta first 😁😅
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Thank you so much! 💓
hi @dandelionlovesyou ! thank you so much for the prompt, I’m so sorry it took me so long. I hope you think it was worth it! ❤️ In Panem, no games universe.
Life at Panem’s School For Girls was rather uneventful. District 12 was one of the few districts to separate their boy and girl students, especially for the purpose of preparing them for trades.
Katniss didn’t mind going to an all girls school. She had a few friends, she did her school work, hunted occasionally, and went home. The only boy Katniss ever saw was Gale, and that was in the woods before school. They were close, and he was well known for being attractive amongst the girls, but Katniss didn’t have time to think about what him being attractive would mean. Regardless, he really had an eye for Madge. They’ve been on a few dates so far, and Katniss was happy for them.
But no one ever caught her eye.
Katniss was a minority in this way though. Because the girls spent all day separated from the boys of their District, Katniss felt like all of the conversations she heard were about boys. Who was the hottest, who asked who to the Harvest Festival, and which one was the most talented athlete.
After the bell rang in the afternoon, Katniss would wait outside in the courtyard for Prim before walking home. The lower school got out a little later than the upper school, so she had time to do homework and hear about the latest 12 gossip from Madge.
“Oh my gosh, Katniss.”
Katniss looked up from her math book to a wide-eyed Madge.
“Well, you know how it is my life’s goal to get you a date to the Harvest Festival?”
Katniss groaned. “Madge, we talked about this. I’m not-“
“I know, I know, you say you’re not going. But please just listen! I think I might be able to change your mind.”
Katniss slammed her math book shut and rested her chin on her palm.
“Fine. I’m listening.”
“Everyone, and I mean everyone, has had their eyes on the Mellark boys. Do you know who they are?”
“The baker’s sons?” Katniss’ family wasn’t the poorest among District 12 people, but they usually couldn’t afford the bakery treats. She knew of their family, but never really saw them.
“Yes! Their youngest son, Peeta is in our year. Rumor has it, he’s the only son without a date. He’s turned down every girl that’s asked him.”
“So? Why should I care if he doesn’t have a date?”
“Because! I think you would be perfect for him!”
“What? Madge! If he’s turned down all of the girls who have asked him, what makes you think he wouldn’t turn me down? And what if I don’t even like him?”
“Listen! I’ve talked to him a few times, and he is such a cutie. He’s so sweet, I just know he would warm up your cold heart.” Madge giggled and winked.
In response, Katniss just groaned and rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious, Kitty. All the girls that have asked him out are obnoxious merchant girls. I just think that’s not his speed.”
“Madge, I’ve been in the bakery probably twice in my life. He has no idea who I am.”
“Okay, so you should go today then! Just check him out!”
Katniss was so lost in thought about the Mellark boy that she jumped when Prim suddenly appeared beside their table.
Giddy and giggling, Primrose interjected. “Go where? What boy is Katniss checking out?”
“The youngest Mellark boy, Peeta.”
Primrose gasped. “All the girls have been talking about him! He’s the wrestling champion at the boys school! Katniss, you have to see him, you just have to!”
“I am not seeing anyone! We need to go home, Prim.”
Madge eyed Katniss and then asked Prim, “Don’t you think you could use a sweet on the way home?”
“Yes! Katniss please!” Primrose was now on her knees with her hands clasped together.
“I even got extra goat money this morning. We deserve a treat and you deserve a Harvest Festival date.”
Madge plopped coins down on the table, and Prim grabbed for them while jumping up and down.
“Now you can’t refuse.” Madge gave Katniss a sly grin.
With a groan, Katniss pressed her forehead to the table.
“Fine. Only because I want something chocolate.”
Primrose giggled and skipped the whole walk to the bakery.
“Prim, please look slightly calm when we walk in. If you embarrass me I won’t be able to show my face in town for a week.”
Primrose settled to a slightly hoppy-walk and smoothed her skirt.
“Okay. I’m calm. I’m calm, Katniss.”
A bell jingled as Katniss pulled open the door to the warm bakery.
Before even walking all the way through the door, she noticed a blonde boy icing cupcakes behind the front counter.
He hollered a quick, “Welcome to Mellark’s, I’ll be with you in one moment!” and turned back to his work.
Katniss assumed it was Peeta, because he seemed about her age. His back was to her, but just his silhouette made Katniss’ breath catch in her throat. He was tall and stocky. He had broad shoulders, strong arms, and the most golden curly hair Katniss had ever seen.
She was in trouble.
Primrose eyed Katniss knowingly as they made their way to the counter.
Once they stepped all the way up to the glass case of sweets, Peeta finally turned around to face them and flashed Katniss with a heart stopping smile.
Madge was lying when she said he was a “cutie”. He was gorgeous. Stunning, even.
His eyes were crystal blue. Though Katniss had never seen the oceans of District 4 in real life, Peeta’s eyes were the color that she pictured. His cheeks and jawline were chiseled, and dotted with a few warm freckles. His smile made a queasy, fluttery feeling plague Katniss’ stomach.
Thank god Primrose was with her, because Katniss was speechless.
“Hi! My name is Primrose, but you can call me Prim. This is my sister, Katniss.”
Peeta continued to smile, and Katniss thought she saw his eyes even twinkle.
“Hi, Prim. And hi, Katniss. I’m Peeta. The Everdeens, right?”
Katniss cleared her throat and tried to pull herself back together.
“Yes. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well, I was told my father and your mother were friends at one time, but I haven’t seen either of you around much.”
“Well, with school and everything we don’t make it to town very often.” Katniss eyed the cookies in the glass case. “Everything looks so delicious here!”
Even you, Katniss thought.
Prim’s giggle broke her out of her admiration of the cookies, and thoughts of Peeta.
“What?” Katniss grumbled as she turned to her sister. When she looked at Peeta, his cheeks began to turn red.
Katniss’ hand clamped over her mouth.
“Oh my god, did I say that out loud?”
“Yes, Katniss!” Primrose continued to laugh so hard she almost fell to the bakery floor, and even Peeta’s shoulders started to shake as he tried to hold in his own laughter.
“It’s really okay, Kat-“
“No! It’s the most embarrassing thing ever!” Katniss felt a blush that rivaled with fire seize her face, and she covered it with her hands.
“Just order, Prim. We have to leave before I say something else stupid.”
Through wheezy laughter, Prim looked up at a very red-faced Peeta and placed her order.
“Can I have two of those cake balls please? And something chocolate for Katniss.”
Peeta shuffled around to collect their treats while Katniss’ stomach twisted in her feet.
I cannot believe I did that. He probably thinks I am so creepy, she thought.
Prim plunked the coins from Madge on the counter as he placed the wrapped treats on top of the case for them. Peeta collected them, punched the number in the register, and handed Prim their receipt and a few coins for change.
“Thank you Peeta. Hope we at least brightened your day.” Prim said sweetly as she collected their treats.
“You brightened my week. I hope to see you both again soon.”
Katniss groaned, “Don’t count on it. I’m so sorry, Peeta.”
“Don’t be. I really would like to see you again. And I hope you’ll like what I picked for you, Katniss.”
Without responding, Katniss turned around and finally tore her hands from her face. Katniss and Prim both bid him thanks and a goodbye, and stepped out of the bakery.
Before walking away from the building, Prim handed Katniss a small white pastry box.
As she looked over the small box, she noticed a note taped to the top.
I hope you like cupcakes, and dandelions.
P.S. I think you look pretty delicious too.
Katniss’ mouth fell wide open, as Prim whisper-screamed at her.
“What did he say?! What did he say, Katniss?!”
Katniss looked back through the bakery window to find the golden boy- arms crossed, leaning back against the counter, staring right back at her.
Her lips turned to a smile as he threw a wink in her direction. Her heart skipped a beat, and she could not hold back the laugh that finally slipped out.
She opened the pastry box to find a chocolate cupcake with a perfectly iced dandelion on it, her favorite flower.
“Prim, I might have to go to the Harvest Festival after all.”
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lamelavellan · 7 months
We have a teacher who made some incredibly ableist comments in relation to students with different learning needs to students and upset them. Essentially she told an entire class they were ‘worse than her SPED kids’ referencing her inclusion classes with students with ieps. My school has already been found guilty of multiple FAPE violations toward students with ieps but of course they are not doing. Damn thing about it.
When it happened I let the kids have space to be upset but didn’t engage and directed them to people to help them. We then moved on with our lessons and our big test.
She then pulled one of my students into her room by herself after class, shut the door and chewed the kid out for speaking up. She said it was ‘harassment’. She then sent the student to me super late with no note in the midst of a panic attack on our second day of a massive test. So she 1. Upset a student by handling a situation poorly (even if she is in the right or wrong) 2. She effected my class time and my rooms overall mood.
She pulled me out of my room mid class on our last day of testing today. She informed me students had said I spent entire class periods talking about her (ma’am I’m amazed you think we have time for that) and that it was now harassment and defamation. When I explained that I have not engaged in that (and in fact am the only reason several students didn’t immediately make a scene and ruin her day the day prior) she said that was ok she can always get student statements if she needs to and go to someone higher up/press charges?
I find it interesting she went after the AuDHD teacher and confronted me in person instead of emailing or I don’t know at least waiting until I wasn’t teaching an entire class of kids. I have ptsd and confrontation tends to make me shut down so I immediately had a panic attack after. Admin and district won’t do anything except maybe punishing ME. So yea. It’s been a time.
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crave-mp3 · 8 months
hi i'm sorry your gov teacher is disgusting! i also had a teacher my senior year who made disgusting comments about me and other students, and it was WELL KNOWN throughout the school that he was like that. the reason i'm telling you this is so you don't underestimate how much schools are willing to overlook/cover up. if you're serious, get proof, get a group, preferably with parents involved, and lodge a formal complaint at the district level. if you go just to the principal with just your word against the teacher's you'll get shut down. i'm rooting for you if this is something you really want to pursue. <3
thank you so much <:) im planning on asking my friends in other periods about the shit he's said in their classes (bc i have heard from ppl i generally consider reliable sources that in addition to creepiness he's said some DISGUSTINGLY racist things in their periods). thankfully i know a lot of students are dissatisfied with him so i think i'll have some good backup, and i might be able to get some teachers i know pretty well on my side. unfortunately i'm not sure about how to get more concrete proof beyond student testimonials :(
Creepy teachers are definitely a problem at my school that is ignored and pushed under the rug, mostly because my school is so underfunded we get the worst teachers in the district and there are no other options. there have been several teachers who are widely known among the student body to be creepy, and a couple in the past few years who were found to be straight-up sexual predators on further investigation. our administration pays little to no attention to the student body or the state of facilities--for instance, we never have tampons or pads in our bathrooms (despite state requirements) and before this year there was maybe 1 working soap dispenser per bathroom (if you were lucky). our principal is a lax, ineffectual, good-old-boy-system guy who basically inherited the job from his predecessor, so definitely not much promise there :////
as a ray of hope that something in the system might actually work, though, the girl i sit next to in science is lodging a complaint about the lack of period products to the superintendent (after emailing the principal and VP THREE TIMES and getting no answer). She's finally getting a response that way, so ill ask her about what she did. she's also a part of some organization that deals with womens' health and protections in schools? so ill ask her about that and see if it can help.
my plan for right now is to gather a bunch of student testimonials, and have students and parents lodge repeated complaints about him through a line at the school. it's definitely not guaranteed to work in terms of permanent effects, but hopefully it will at least get him to stop making sex jokes ://// im really not super confident in this more anonymous method, but tbh im kinda scared about possible repercussions for myself and my friends if admin doesn't believe us, especially concerning college ://// thank you so so much for your concern and the message!! <333
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pocketramblr · 10 months
How common is for schools to open on Saturdays?
If there’s an urgent matter regarding one specific student, and it’s summer break. Would the staff be capable to open the offices and make an emergency meeting?
Is there instances where students, teachers, management and parents be in the school for an entire weekend?
How common is for schools to open on Saturdays? - Depends on location, as always. Some schools have normal classes or half days on Saturday and are fully open and in session (eg. This is more common in, say, Japan). Some schools have Saturday school for students to make up credit hours or attend tutoring. (The one I teach at does this some weeks.) Other schools don't, but sometimes host events on weekends like winterguard contests, theatre contests or productions, sports events, fundraisers, etc. (The high school I attended did.) So in these cases, the building would be open but school wouldn't be in session.
If there’s an urgent matter regarding one specific student, and it’s summer break. Would the staff be capable to open the offices and make an emergency meeting? - very likely, yes. A lot of school buildings are open in the summer because they are hosting summer school, band camp, athletic camp, etc. I'll assume that's what you mean by open- and in my case, it's actually very rare that staff cannot get into the school. Our badges are activated to let us in over most weekends and summer break, and once we do that any students or family we invite we can let in. We're only really locked out during shorter breaks- so the two weeks we're out for the winter holidays, the building is shut down and we're locked out, the same for spring break, but they don't really shut it all down any other time of the year.
As an example, one year a few weeks into the summer, one of the students at the school i taught at died. The admin got together and organized counselors at the school so that students could come to the school and talk with them there, as well as organized a memorial and helped pass on information about funeral arrangements and family wishes. The admin wouldn't have had any problem getting into the building and can unlock their offices once in. I wouldn't be able to unlock those since I only have a teacher's classroom key, but I could still get in and meet with someone there if needed. I assume that if the student had passed away during winter break instead of summer, the principal would have been able to get the building open for a meeting anyway, and opened campus for counselors anyway, it just would have taken a few more steps and district permission. If the emergency with a student was not as severe as that, the admin probably would have met virtually or over the phone instead of going into campus when it's typically closed.
Is there instances where students, teachers, management and parents be in the school for an entire weekend? - possibly, though these events would be rare. I don't think there'd be any instance where all students would be there for the entire weekend, but if there's some sporting or artistic contest event that takes two days, some students, teachers, admin, and parents certainly would be there. (This is likely more possible in locations where the weekend is one day, not two.)
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jackalopes-pen · 10 months
Chapter 5: Perspective
Summary: Pete is noticing that Stan has been inconsistent, and it’s starting to get him paranoid.
Characters: Stan Marsh, Pete Thelman, Michael (No last Name)
Word Count: 867
Previous [Laughter] | [Debriefing]
A/N: I genuinely think what little traction I had is gone. Just kind of a void account until I get noticed by someone bigger. Whatever though, I’m still doing this.
School fucking sucks. It’s not as if that’s some revolutionary take, but it was practically Pete’s mantra for the entirety of this. It felt like no one could just shut the fuck up about how ‘lucky’ he was to be a kid from the East District allowed to go the preparatory school. Some fucking deal to tolerate rich assholes and have his scholarship questioned every other day. It felt like everyone at home was up their own ass about ‘the four lucky kids’ who got some ‘great honour’, and everyone here says he doesn’t belong.
Sometimes, when he gets shoved in the halls and called every synonym for poor you can think of, he wishes he didn’t apply. That damn literary scholarship is the only reason he’s here and not with the people he knows. One stupid essay and a poem later, now this is his life. But if he didn’t then his closest friend would be alone with a bunch of preppy a-holes so it’s difficult to say he wouldn’t even if he knew what would happen. Poor guy was completely isolated and came back with bruises or marks every day. It was horrible to watch, especially as Pete saw a once confident and nonchalant man become closed-off and trapped in his own thoughts. All alone…
Speaking of, he’s been sitting alone at this library for the better part of five minutes and that tall bastard he did this for still hasn’t shown up. They have an idiot they’ve been forced to tutor, where the fuck is he?!
Michael suddenly came in, absolutely drenched in water, feathers, and glitter, He looked completely pissed off. “Not. A. Word.”
Pete can barely contain his laughter. Michael looks like a wet bird, still dripping on the ground. He lets himself laugh to get it out but quickly regains composure. Pete pats the seat next to him.
“So… why?” Stan asked tentatively.
“None of your business, conformist.” Michael sighs and shakes his head so it stops dripping.
“Oh sorry…” Stan sounds ashamed for asking. It’s probably sarcastic, anyway. People like him hold no sympathy for people like them. They’re different species, by his standards. They’re the assholes who do this kind of thing to people who are just trying to live.
“Why do you care? Let’s just get this over with.” Pete rolled his eyes.
After a painfully long session of teaching one idiot how to do the basics of poetry, Pete and Michael started on their way home. It's a long route, walking down to the subway, riding three stations, then walking about a mile until they get to their own section of the East District.
“I just don’t get it.” Pete said as they rode through the subway.
“Get what?” Michael said, glancing over. He was still trying to get the glitter off his clothes.
“That guy, Stan. First he’s all chatty and friendly, then he accuses you of being a vigilante, and then he pretends to be all concerned when shit happens. It’s just- confusing. I don’t get his deal.” Pete said, he sighed and rolled his eyes. “These damn privileged assholes, they’re just fucking weird.”
“I mean, yeah. But is that our problem?” Michael looked over at Pete then continued speaking “Why is it our business what some dickwad does?”
“If he’s trying to accuse us of being wanted criminals, then yeah. It is our business.” Pete hissed out.
“It’s like there’s an open case on it. He’s probably just like any other annoying prep, thinks the first poor person they see is a murderer.” Michael rolls his eyes. He’s probably right in all honesty, it’s just another classist.
They came to their stop on the subway, and shuffled out of the station. Walking out into a completely different area then they entered. Instead of nice, well kept buildings they’re old and dilapidated. Nothing is clean, nothing is safe. They try to avoid walking on broken glass, as they make their way to their homes.
It’s a little community of Slavic immigrants, with not enough from any one country to branch out. They just stick together and try to keep their languages and cultures alive in their children. It has too many damn names for anyone’s liking, Pete just decided to call it ‘The North’. He looked around at the various slavic flags hanging from windows and balconies, to find the polish flag. They all looked like the same poorly constructed tenant, it was the only distinct feature.
“See you around, man. Let me know if the glitter comes out.” Pete waved Michael off, who left without a sound apparently a while ago. “Oh… okay. Bye, dude.”
Pete walked up to the decaying apartment building, and climbed the steps to his apartment, with his Babcia Zuzanna. He waved her a quick hello and flopped down on the couch, eager to sleep.
After a day of bullshit, annoyance, and with a lot to do later that night he just needed a nap. He needed to be unconscious for a while and rest before he had to deal with any more fuckery. Pete sighed into the couch and closed eyes. He fell asleep almost immediately.
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miseryinyou · 8 months
So it's been a snow day(s) for the past 48 hours in my neck of the woods. Not for me. But for most people.
We got about 2 feet of snow Tuesday overnight/Wednesday morning and the world shut down.
I currently live at home. Financially - it's a win. Rent is cheaper than what I could get elsewhere which makes it easier to pay off my student loans. In every other aspect it's a fucking nightmare.
I live with my mom (48) and my younger brother (24).
Because our family is dysfunctional af I have had MOST of the non-financial household responsibilities since the age of TEN. I mow the lawn 90% of the time. I do 90% of the dishes/taking out the garbage/vacuuming/kitchen cleaning etc.
When I complain about the unfair level of household work I do - I am told to "suck it up" OR "stop being so uptight".
Usually I just grit my teeth and think of the money I'm saving by living at home.
But yesterday it snowed. I still worked. I was able to work from home. But I worked.
My mom works for a school district so she had a snow day/day off. My brother works at a bank. They were closed due to snow - therefore he had the day off.
Me? I worked from 6:30am - 3:30pm.
I woke up at 3am. I usually work out for about 1h45min before work. I was convinced I was going into the office until about 6am. Therefore, I woke up an hour earlier than usual so I could shovel the driveway/dig out my car before work. At this point we had about 5 inches of snow. The shoveling took me about an hour (driveway/path to front door/sidewalk/dig out car).
All day. I worked. They were off. We got about 1.5 feet of snow between 7am and 1pm.
I came out of my room for lunch - the kitchen is a disaster. Crumbs all over the counter/dishes in the sink/food on the floor. I have 30 mins to eat so I quickly clean it and take my pre-prepped lunch into my room to eat.
I come out of my room after work. No one. Not ONE of the TWO able-bodied people WHO HAVE THE DAY OFF shoveled the driveway.
At this point it's going to be dark in about 1 hour. So I go outside after working 45 mins of overtime and shovel. It took me 2.5 hours. 1.5 hours ALONE was just digging out my car so I could drive to work the next morning. Also, it was garbage night. So guess who had to get the garbage together and pull it out to the curb? Me. Always me.
I'm annoyed. But whatever. It's not supposed to snow again. I'll deal with it. Tomorrow is a new day. It's not like I spent about 12 hours of my day working/shoveling. And another 2 working out. I'm not tired. It's fine.
But it's not fine. This morning I drove to work. The roads weren't great and my commute took me twice as long as usual.
My mom and brother? Still had the day off.
I come home after a stressful day and The HOLE I DUG FOR MY CAR. THE HOLE THAT TOOK ME 1.5 HOURS TO DIG is occupied by my brother's car. He didn't work. He had no reason to leave the house. He had no reason to get in his car in the FIRST PLACE.
So I had no choice but to park in the 2 FOOT SNOW BANK his car left behind.
Right there I started crying.
I drive a sedan. I have snow tires, sure. But the snowbank is the same height as my tires. I will have to work tomorrow. I was drifting and struggling for 10 minutes just to park after work. So back out to the road with my shovel I go. This time to dig ANOTHER hole for my car just so I can go to work tomorrow.
It's been such a bad week.
God. I'm like 10 minutes away from calling in sick tomorrow. But alas, my fucking family will probably be home (they're calling for freezing rain tonight) and frankly I'd rather work than be stuck at home with them tomorrow.
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helenofsimblr · 2 years
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Elita: So I hadn't really paid a lot of attention to boys in THAT way up to this point,  but spotting him was different. As I recall, I was hitting puberty really really hard at this point and seeing Randall stood there was a different game altogether. I guess, I had a bit of a crush?
Evelyn *harrumphed*: Don’t waste your breath, or our valuable time, on their ilk brother!
Randall: Yeah… I’ll be right there!
Elita: Uh the uh, yeah, space station. Nearly fell down from the sky onto the District. Excuse my uh - acquaintance, he's not got very good people skills. He's a born and bred Springian you see. 
Gregory: Hey! I got good people skills! 
Elita: Shut up Greggers…
Randall: Did it now? It’s alright. I’m not offended by the lack of people skills.
Elita: Oh good... clears throat. So uh what brings you guys here?
Elita: Randall was not wanting to divulge too much… if you recall they found the uh, carnage I left in my wake as I escaped from the Order of the Sun facility.
Randall: Uh… day trip for school.
Elita: Yeah? That's awesome. You must go to a nice school?
Gregory: Heh! Blondie there doesn't go to school at all! Do you? 
Elita: Randall looked at me, I think he found me kinda pretty despite being clearly too young for him still. He handled the situation very well in fairness to him. I of course totally tuned out Greggers… He could see me staring at Randall a lot, at the time I didn’t realise it but Greggers had a crush on me…
Randall: Eh, it’s just me and my siblings. Nothing super posh really. More like home school.
Elita: Well it's great to see some friendly faces up here. I uh… yeah, 
Gregory: You’re all dressed weird. Anyway, I’m gonna go take a piss. Be right back…
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
fic writer asks: 💞 🕯️🍭
Hiiiii Jenna!!! :D I already answered the lollipop one earlier 💞
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
Not to be a fucking gleek on main but for me, I think it’s just making sure that the characters love each other and the audience knows why they do. Like yeah it’s Kurt and Blaine and they are going to be together but I love exploring the why of it all, and getting to show that love is a conscious choice
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
(((TW for mentions of school shootings and overdose below so if that bothers you I’d scroll past the rest of this post))) ((edit I’m so sorry this is a lot and will be under the personal tag for anyone who doesn’t wanna see it lmao))
It’s definitely Sing To Me. So I signed up for the prompt reverse bang a while ago and I was SO SO SOOOOO excited to do it bc I got assigned a Zoe’s Extraordinary playlist AU and I absolutely adore that show and I had really big ideas for it and I was just so hyped to explore the idea of living grief and letting go and dealing with stuff like that
And then spring rolled around and I was coming out of seasonal depression, having to had missed Christmas for the second year in a row because of covid just a bunch of bullshit because life is fucking hard??? And literally on the day I decided to start taking antidepressants my mom called me and said that a childhood friend had overdosed and passed away.
I still get choked up thinking about it sometimes but like. It was really hard on our family because we’d known him basically our entire lives, and he was my brothers best friend for almost a decade and we’re still really close with his mom who I adore and it’s been so hard on her like I can’t even imagine
And then about a month later, the Uvalde shooting happened. For those who don’t know, I live in San Antonio Texas and Uvalde is probably about 60 miles from where I work so when that happened it hit me hard. I was fine for a few days and then I suddenly really, really wasn’t. My school district shut down two weeks early, we had to take trainings on how to stuff bullet wounds and it was all so terrible and dystopian
Sorry, I know this it like. A lot of context and feels unrelated but what I’m getting at I guess is that every time I open up Sing To Me to write, i feel myself getting pulled back into the headspace I was a year ago?? And I don’t know why. I wish I could make more headway on it, because it’s such a great prompt and my artist made an AMAZING playlist to go with it, but I think my views on grief have changed over the last year and it’s difficult to paint it in the light I originally planned to for that fic?? I’m not even sure if this is what the question was asking but it’s so hard for me to separate this fic from the shit that happened when I was deepest into the writing process for it. I really do hope to finish it, even if it turns out to be a slightly different story than I originally planned
SORRY FOR THE WHOLE ASS NOVEL??? But thanks for the ask!! 💞💞
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What do you think of Canadian schools mun?
(this is a long one, anon - sorry in advance)
Honestly, I can only really speak for the province I’m in and the districts I’ve been too, but they’re not exactly good
The best school I went to was my elementary alternate and they had, like, full on knife-fights
The ministry of education in BC is horrible, they have no clue what’s going on and it’s having a visible effect on students and teachers, and the drug problems are rampant.
There’s been multiple overdoses in my school in the past year, and there were several in my middle school (one in my elementary school that I can remember). There’s no real aid programs for people in that department, and you can’t go into a washroom without smelling either weed or cat piss.
I live in the most left-wing city on earth (like, actually, not just metaphorically), and I’ve had multiple friends of mine be bullied out of school for being queer or Jewish.
N*zi symbols and rhetoric are everywhere in the middle and high schools (or at least the ones I’ve been to), and it’s becoming such a problem that a lot of vital areas in my high school (bathrooms, cafeteria, etc) have to be shut down for weeks on end to get rid of the graffiti.
The zero-tolerance policy set in place in the majority of public schools does not help anyone and increases bullying and attacks, as school admin never does anything to deal with it and punishes anyone who actively fights back against those harming them.
I moved to this school district 3.5 years ago, since then 2 of my schools have caught fire back-to-back. Not, like, accidentally, but no one has been caught or dealt with for it.
Our teachers and programs are severely underfunded due to mismanagement of the budgets allocated to each district and my current districts failure to account for full pricing on school expansions (unneeded btw).
So overall it’s pretty shit, but I’ve heard that’s honestly pretty standard for the public system in Canada and even the US.
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crystalelemental · 28 days
"moonenvoy: this is our second full week back and i am EXHAUSTED. i love my kiddos, but HOLY SHIT. who thought the education field was ever a good idea?"
Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm particularly looking forward to our return, because district shut down like six schools and we're integrating like an entire other building into our location which was already kinda small, so I'm confident everything will go Just Great.
Then again, I'm not a teacher, so I have it a lot easier then most despite people thinking otherwise.
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