#i think part of the problem is i love merlin SO MUCh
crispyjenkins · 5 months
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myoonmii · 3 months
I keep thinking about Merlin’s love for Arthur and how it’s so clearly portrayed in the show to the point that it practically drives the plot of the show. However when it comes to Arthur’s love for Merlin it’s more subtle and sometimes difficult to even grasp, and I started thinking why that was, aside from the obvious fact that Arthur has a lot of trouble expressing his emotions affection or otherwise. I think it also lies in the fact that Merlin knows Arthur intrinsically throughout the show; he is one of the closest people to Arthur, and sees him for who he really is. Arthur admits as much.
Sure, Arthur knows Merlin but the main part of the plot is that he really doesn't know Merlin. Merlin wants him to desperately understand him and “see me for who I am” but he can't yet. And I think this subconsciously creates a barrier in the way in which Arthur can care for Merlin, and how Merlin can let himself be seen by Arthur.
Which is why I think he was also so hurt when the magic reveal happens because more than the betrayal of Merlin having magic, it was the betrayal of Merlin not letting Arthur see him for who he really is and for hiding a main part of himself. Arthur says it himself “why did you never tell me” that’s what hurt him the most.
I think the most damning piece of evidence for this is the fact that while we see snippets of Arthur’s feelings for Merlin thought the show, the biggest signs are in the last episode after the magic reveal; in which he finally gets to understand Merlin, and this time REALLY know Merlin, and as the barriers of what held them back from understanding each other truly fall away, Arthur evidently “falls in love with Merlin all over again”. We see him actually express himself to Merlin.
This is another reason why I think if anyone was ever to create another season of Merlin after Arthur’s return, it’s physically impossible not to make it about Merlin and Arthur acknowledging their feelings for each other. Because there is no way forward without them acknowledging how deeply they care for each other, obviously anyone is free to argue what kind of love that is, but its impossible not to see the deep love there either way.
They always knew they loved each other, just maybe never realising how much and what that means, because its almost second nature to everything that they do.
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bweeeb · 2 months
HARD DICK...or three
Summary: Draco, Theo and Mattheo have always been Y/n's best friends, but when she realizes that the reason her relationships don't last long are them, the conversation takes a funny turn involving three boys with hard cocks.
Warnings: English is not my first language, a lot of intimacy between the boys and the reader.
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There were people who were lucky in their careers, financial life, academics, and even love life. You were a lucky person but hated to admit that the hardest part for you was always your unluckiest part. Boyfriends were never easy for you, and staying stable with them was even harder. You never considered if the reason none of them lasted or were worthwhile was your fault—your poor choices, or the lack of character in all three serious relationships you had over the past few years. You never questioned it until last night. Dave Franco was your boyfriend for a year and a half, and last night he had a jealous outburst in the middle of a Hufflepuff party. You swore you heard him repeat the same words more than three times, “shitty friends,” “are you sure you didn’t have a threesome?” “They want to fuck you!” You were drunk and getting upset with his words until you realized that maybe your friends were much more intimidating to your boyfriends or flings than you had noticed. So you concluded that no, you were not the problem; they were…
— Alright, Our sleeping beauty has already missed the first classes.
Theodore's voice spread through the silent room along with the rustling of the comforter beside you as he occupied the space next to you.
— If you miss lunch, Snape will punish you until next year.
Mattheo said, pulling the blanket off your body, exposing your figure dressed only in navy blue lingerie that hugged your curves.
— And that means if you want to graduate this year, you better get out of this room.
Draco said, casting his eyes over you as you groaned into your pillow and shook your head in denial.
— Fuck off.
You whimpered, feeling your body shiver from the cold due to the lack of a blanket. Normally, you wouldn't be so exposed in front of your male friends, but Dave had broken up with you, so you didn't care at all if the three saw your butt, breasts, or whatever—it wasn't anything more than they had grown up seeing.
— What the hell happened to you? You didn’t even drink that much last night.
Theo said, and immediately you turned to look at him with a pout on your lips.
— Dave, he broke up with me.
You muttered, sitting up quickly.
— And it's your fault, so one of you owes me some affection.
As soon as you said that, your legs wrapped around Nott's waist, who smiled mischievously at Malfoy and Riddle, who were standing at the foot of the bed, watching you almost naked, snuggling into Theodore’s lap. It wasn’t a secret that you were obviously the dream of the three boys, and the fact that you grew up together gave them enough freedom to act like that among themselves.
— What do you mean?
Theodore asked, wrapping his arms around you.
— Yeah, he broke up with you because we’re your friends? Was he afraid of getting punched if he broke your heart or what?
Mattheo mocked Dave, and Draco laughed beside him and continued:
— Man, I think he's gay; there's no way he broke up with you because of us.
— No, he thinks we fucked or something. I don't know how many times I heard the word threesome or that you guys wanted to fuck me last night. Man, it was like torture.
You groaned, getting off Nott's lap and out of the bed, walking towards the mirror. You looked at yourself and sighed, rolling your eyes.
— The guy broke up with you because he thinks we want to fuck you?
Theodore laughed, and you gave him the middle finger while fixing your hair.
— Honestly, he's more insecure than my grandfather. Merlin, how did you stand him?
Draco laughed as Mattheo approached you and hugged you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on your shoulder.
— Oh yeah, Draco’s grandfather probably fucks his grandmother more than that loser Dave fucked you. Am I wrong?
Mattheo said with a mischievous smile directed at you through the mirror's reflection, causing you to laugh and shake your head.
— Ew, I don't want to think about Malfoy's grandparents having sex.
Theodore grunted, getting out of bed.
— Yeah, whatever, but the point here is that you all can hug her, and I can't? Get your claws off her, Riddle.
Draco grumbled, unhappy with your position, receiving an irritating smile from Mattheo, who let you go and allowed you to go to Draco with a gentle smile.
— Ah, he's a baby, guys.
You said, and Draco glared at you with a scowl.
— Shut up…
Draco grumbled, pulling you by the waist and throwing you on the bed with him on top.
— I’ll put a baby in you if you keep that up.
— See, that’s why my relationships don’t last.
You said, throwing your head back and pushing Draco off you to fall beside you on the bed.
— Nah, this is bullshit because we don’t do this with you when you’re dating.
Theodore said, sitting next to where your head was lying, as did Mattheo on the opposite side.
— I don’t know; maybe I’m just a terrible girlfriend and act the wrong way.
You murmured, frustrated, turning onto your stomach to hide your face in a pillow.
— Y/n, princess, stop blaming yourself for the idiot’s idiotic choice.
Draco shrugged while leaning his back against the bed's headboard and throwing another pillow at your now exposed butt.
— You hardly even come near us when you’re dating. I can’t remember the last time I hugged you besides today.
Mattheo made a mocking expression, thinking David was making false accusations about you.
— You are the most loyal person in Hogwarts, and everyone knows it. If your boyfriends are all insecure enough not to handle being with you because of us, it’s simple—they don’t deserve you, dolcezza.
— Really?
You asked, and as confirmation, you received three murmurs of agreement. Propping your elbows on the mattress, your gaze changed to a curious look that was noticed by Nott and Riddle.
— Hmm, do you guys want to?
You asked another question, and this time the boys’ faces on your bed were genuinely confused.
— What?
Mattheo questioned your question, and you laughed, laying your head on Theo’s lap, who had lit a cigarette. With a look, Nott understood; he brought the cigarette to you, and with a wild smile, he answered Mattheo and asked you.
— Fuck you?
— Uh-huh.
You agreed, hearing Draco laugh while accepting the cigarette from Theo.
— Everyone wants to fuck you, princess.
— Right, but I’m not talking about everyone; I’m talking about you guys.
You said impatiently, sitting on your heels to look at the three on your bed, staring at you without saying a word.
— Come on, I’m curious.
— You don’t understand, do you?
Mattheo, with his dark eyes and a sly smile, leaned closer to your neck.
— Don’t understand what?
— You can’t ask if we’d fuck you when you’re dressed like that, darling.
Mattheo murmured, and you heard Theo and Draco’s nasal laughter as they moved on the bed.
— Okay, so that would be a yes?
You asked.
— Hell yeah.
Theo agreed, bringing the cigarette back to his plump lips and then to yours.
Your smile grew with each passing minute of silence in the room. The three of them were eyeing you as if you were gold, and you couldn’t measure how much that amused you.
— What?
You asked, feigning innocence as if you hadn’t seen the bulges growing in the pants of the three there.
— Alright, I’ll get changed so we can meet Pansy and Daphne. Wait for me a second.
With that, you got up from the bed and heard a groan from Draco.
— Seriously? I’m hard as fuck, damn it.
Malfoy groaned again, and the four of you laughed.
— You’re evil.
Theo sighed, and you turned to look at them with a pained face.
— I think my dick is going to break, it’s so hard right now.
Mattheo said, throwing himself on the bed before looking at you at the bathroom door with a huge smile.
— Why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t do anything.
You said innocently, and Mattheo snorted.
— How am I supposed to continue the day like this?
— I don’t know, jerk off together, think of Malfoy's grandparents fucking.
You laughed again, and their scowls grew bigger.
— I swear you’ll pay for this, dolcezza.
Was the last thing you heard besides groans before you left to change for afternoon classes.
I hope you enjoy this
And if you want to read some dirty shit here:
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 17 days
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Pairing: Yandere Regulus Black x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: Regulus is tired of seeing you lust after his brother, so he takes matters into his own hands. 
WARNINGS: Use of Love Potion = Forced Love; Obsession. 
AN: Please, reblog and give me feeback.
Regulus tries hard to ignore it.
The way you ogle at his brother, how you enthusiastically talk with him, your eyes sparkling with happiness. You practically kiss the floor he walks in. 
And it bothers him. It bothers him that you’re in Gryffindor. It bothers him that you’re half-blood. It bothers him that you completely ignore his existence.
But most importantly, it bothers him that you have a crush on his older brother. 
He fervently wishes you’d do the same for him instead of Sirius. After all, he is more deserving than his brother, that traitor that keeps going against family traditions.
He is the one that deserves your love and appreciation. 
Instead, Regulus has to settle with eyeing you from a distance, hoping that Sirius doesn’t take a chance with you. He’s practically sure Sirius won’t. 
You’re the type of girl that wants commitment, a strong relationship - all things that Sirius isn’t willing to. But he is. 
Seeing you every day hanging around in Hogwarts but not having the courage to ask you out is taking a serious toll on him, becoming more and obsessed with you but almost losing any hope of becoming part of  your life. 
Until one day, Professor Slughorn introduces an interesting subject in Potions class. One that could end all of Regulus’s problems.
Most commonly known as love potion. Regulus couldn’t take his eyes off the cauldron that contains the potion. It smelled exactly like you. That sweet addicting scent of yours...
Through the entire class Regulus doesn’t listen to a single word, instead hatching a plan to finally get you all to himself. 
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 “No…no, I’m fine, thanks.” you weakly mumble, cleaning your eyes with the robe.
Regulus stands in front of you with furious eyes as he earlier got a glimpse of Sirius and some Ravenclaw girl sneaking around into an empty classroom.
No doubt you’ve seen it too. 
“Are you sure? You seem... shaken up.” Regulus says, watching how broken you seem. He feels like punching his older brother. 
You nod your head, giving him a small strained smile and his heart melts. Despite everything, you still try to seem strong.
Regulus would never do that to you. 
“Listen, let me just offer you pumpkin juice, it’ll make you feel better.” he insists, pulling out a silver canteen out of his cloak and handing it to you.
"Oh no, it's okay, really."
He pushes the drink towards you.
"It'll make you feel better, I promise."
For a moment, he thinks you’re going to refuse it but at last you accept it. His stomach jumps as you take a long gulp of the drink, his eyes scrutinizing your face. 
You become expressionless for a moment, eyes going black and dead for a short moment but then you direct your eyes to Regulus and for Merlin’s sake, they are filled with so much love and passion that he knows it worked.  
“Regulus... this is kinda crazy but I need to tell you something,” you pause, taking a step closer to him and a smile starts growing in Regulus face even before you complete your sentence.
“I think I love you.” 
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lionizingheathen · 1 month
This is my first time making a request but can you do more of fwb Sirius x reader pleaseee I love your writing btw!! Thank youu - Request
I’ll do my best!
Sirius Black x fem!reader
warnings: smut, fingering, oral sex female receiving, penetrative sex, unprotected sex
Sirius Black kissing you roughly against the wall of his bedroom could be considered a religious experience, but it was also one that needed to stop because at some point, you were gonna fall.
There was gonna be strings.
You needed it to be over before that happened.
“We cannot keep doing this, Sirius.” Your tone was firm, but both of you knew that you didn’t mean it… How could you possibly mean it when he smiled at you like that, when his hands felt this good on your body… He knew that his time was nowhere near over.
“Right, love… You said the same thing last time… and the time before that-.” You placed your hand over his mouth, knowing that that was your only chance at getting a word in edgewise around him… Sirius Black was great at a lot of things, talking being his forte.
He could talk his way into and out of any situation very quickly, and right now you needed him to learn to fucking listen.
“Right, but I’m being serious right now.” You said, slipping your hand from his mouth to reveal a crooked grin.  Fuck… Yeah, that was something you should’ve known would happen.
“Funny, I thought-.” You cut him off again, pressing him against the wall as you shook your head.  If he was gonna keep being like this, he could get himself off, and there didn’t need to be a ‘one last hurrah’ between the two of you.  Easy as that.
“If you wanna get fucked tonight, you won’t finish that joke.” You said firmly, and you saw actual remorse in his eyes as he nodded, putting his hands up in surrender.
“Right…” He leaned a little closer, pressing a soft, quick kiss to your lips, catching you by surprise. “Sorry.” He mumbled, and you sighed, shaking your head… God, he made it so fucking hard to stay mad at him sometimes.
That was half the reason why you’d tell anyone not to start fucking their best friend ‘no strings attached’… It was almost impossible to break it off.
“Don’t be sorry.” He nodded, looking relieved.  Right, because apologizing isn’t your strong suit… What we’re about to do is. “But this is the last time… So make it count.” You said, seeing a grin on his lips again as you were pulled close for a long, lingering kiss, one that made your knees buckle as you pressed against him, feeling the hardness of his cock through his pants.
Fuck, you wanted him inside you.
“Oh, I will.” He murmured, slipping his hand under your waistband quickly, finding your clit an instant later.  You gasped, your thighs closing around his hand as you looked him deep in his eyes, intent on not letting him know just how much this was getting you, even this little touch… He was electric, he always had been, that was part of the problem with breaking it off.
You always found yourself looking for a recharge.
“Merlin, you’re already soaked.” He breathed, sounding mystified, like that was something new and not something that happened every single fucking time that the two of you were together… You’d think that he was at least a little used to it by now.
“Your fault.” You grunted, grinding your hips down against his hand with a gasp as you tangled your fingers into his long hair, chasing any sort of relief that he was willing to give you right now, sort-lived or not.
You needed to cum.
“Can’t say I hate hearing that.” He brought his free hand up, placing it under your chin so that he could make you look up at him.  Fuck, he looked so good like this… So focused. “Unbutton your pants, I need to move more.” You nodded, pulling your hands from his hair in favor of unbuttoning your jeans and shucking them down your legs.
He let out a sigh of relief as he slid two fingers inside you and curled, making your knees buckle as you gripped onto the fabric of his shirt hard… You should’ve expected it but God… You were never prepared.
“Oh! Fuck…” You gasped, digging your nails into his shirt, hoping that he could feel the sting on his skin… You liked knowing that he was walking around with a reminder of what the two of you had done together.
Possessive?  Maybe, but come on… Sirius Black was fucking hot, anyone with a chance with him would do the same.
“Shit, listen to that…” You felt a hand clamp over your mouth as he worked his fingers in and out, the wet sounds of your cunt filling the room as your cheeks burned… Why would he make you listen to this?  It was mortifying. “You’re so fucking easy for me.” He mumbled, sounding dazed as he curled his fingers deeper, making your jaw drop open as you squeezed your eyes shut, trying hard to think of what to say.
“Shut the hell up.” That wasn’t very eloquent, but it really summed up what you were feeling right now.  If he could shut the hell up, maybe you’d be able to keep your wits about you until he fucked them away.
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he brought his thumb around to circle roughly on your clit, all but shutting your brain off and filling it with one thought: Fuck me till I can’t walk.
God, he turned you into such a slut sometimes.
“You love it when I talk.” He punctuated his words with a thrust of his fingers, making your thighs feel shaky. “This tells me that much.” He mumbled, and you gasped, shaking your head as you fought the urge to moan his name. 
Don’t give him that satisifaction just yet.
“You’re… Too cocky…” You breathed, hearing him chuckle as his free hand came down to grip roughly at your ass, squeezing it hard as you bit your lip.  Yours.  I’m yours right now.
“And you’re talking back a lot for someone who is so eagerly riding my fingers.” You rolled your eyes and sighed, working hard to make sure that you could still talk even as he ruined you… That’d drive him up a fucking wall, he liked it when you were speechless from him.
“You’re… Such… A… Dick…” Each word was punctuated by one his thrusts, and the final one was followed with a dark chuckle.
“Seems like you want my dick.” He mumbled, and you nodded, betraying yourself… It was all you wanted right now, you wanted him to be filling you up, you wanted your face pressed against the wall while he fucked into you hard and fast from behind, whispering all the dirty, nasty things going through his mind.
You needed that.
“… Please.” He paused, his cocky energy only seeming to grow.
Come on…
“Yeah?  Want me inside you?” He asked, sounding just as desperate as you were feeling.  You nodded frantically, head hanging forward as you groped around before finding his cock, pressing your hand against it through his pants.
You want me just as bad as I want you.
“Mhm!  Yes, please Siri… Please fuck me.” You gasped, hearing him let out a low moan as he slid his fingers out of you.  No… You didn’t want him to stop touching you, not even for a moment.
You needed him to need you as much as you needed him.
“Shit…” He slid his fingers into your mouth, making you gasp as you sucked them clean, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.  He let out a shaky moan when he slid them free, kissing you slowly, messily. “God, I have to taste you.” You watched as he slid to his knees, pulling your pants and panties fully off before he ducked his head between your legs, tracing his tongue over your cunt.
Oh god…
“Ah… Sirius…Sirius…” You whimpered, chewing on your lip as your head lulled back against the wall… You could’ve easily stumbled to his bed, and you were hating that you hadn’t at this point, because it was so fucking hard to stay upright.
Sirius, however, seemed content on his knees, pressing you against the wall with a thigh over his shoulder.  He seemed to be good anywhere, so long as it was touching you.
“Mmm… Taste so fucking good…” He gasped, and you bit the back of your hand as you spread your legs further, pressing your back against the wall as you ran your fingers through his hair, shivering at the feeling of his tongue against your clit.
God, he was so fucking good at giving head.
“Sirius, please…” You groaned, not wanting him to stop what he was doing but also needing him inside you… An impossible conundrum to be in.
“Wait.” That command was easier said than done, you were already close to coming undone… and while you could easily cum again on his cock, you just wanted to be full.
“Wanna cum on your cock… Let me cum on your cock, please!” You begged, not caring if someone heard you at this point, because if your friends didn’t already know you two were fucking then they were purposefully ignoring it.
He pulled back, wiping his face on his arm with a grin before he stood up and undid his pants, letting them slide down his thighs.  You reached down, shucking his boxers down with it, moaning to yourself when his cock was visible, hard with a drop of precum on the tip.  You wiped your thumb across it, bringing it to your mouth to taste with a groan.
Fuck, he tasted good.
“When you put it like that… How could I say no?” He asked, and you bit back a grin as he flipped you around, pressing your face against the wall as you arched your hips out and spread your legs, feeling his hand slide over your ass and down to your cunt, tracing over it lightly.
Fuck me already.
“You’d have to be cruel.” You said, your breath catching as you felt the tip of his cock rest against your cunt… It took everything in your power not to press your hips back, to take him inside you right now… But you waited.  You waited for him to make the move.
“And I’m anything but that.” He breathed, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck as he thrust inside you, making you gasp at the sudden fullness.  He moaned himself, massaging your hips softly as he kissed across your shoulders, making you shiver.
“Fuck… You feel good… So good…” He gasped, thrusting hard and deep, moving slowly at first… God, ti was like he was trying to melt your brain with each movement, and it was fucking working, it was working so well, there was no fighting it at this point.
You were his to use.
“Sirius!  Sir-.” You felt his hand on your mouth a moment later as he sped up his pace, making your vision go white for a moment… God, there was no one like him, nothing had ever felt as good as being fucked senseless by him.
“Sh…” You whimpered against his hand and reached down, rubbing at your own clit as he moved quicker, seeming to be reaching his end.  Good, me fucking too. “Someone could hear us.” That made you laugh a bit as he pulled away.
“Why would… They be listening…” You breathed, knowing damn well what he meant… Anyone would be listening if you couldn’t quiet down enough to ensure that this was a secret.
“Never too careful.” He grunted, his fingers digging into you as sped up a bit more, knocking the wind out of you… God, this was perfect, but it wasn’t everything yet.
You needed it to be everything, you needed him like you needed air right now.
“Oh, fuck… Harder!” You gasped, and he paused for a moment, which was like… The opposite of what you wanted from him - how hard was it to just listen to the instructions that he was given?
“You’re sure?” His question was soft, gentle, and one he’d asked a thousand times before, but you’d never get tired of hearing it… It was a good reminder that he cared.
“Mhm. Harder.  Please.” Each movement that followed put the last to shame, making your head spin as you moved quicker against your own clit, wanting nothing more than to cum on his cock.
He gripped your hips, moving you against him even as he thrust mercilessly.
“Take it, good girl… Take it…” He grunted, thrusting so hard that your knees gave out, and his arm around your waist was the only thing holding you up as your vision greyed out, a familiar coil in your stomach.
“Gonna cum…” He paused for a moment, something that made you think that maybe he was cruel.
“Wait… Wanna cum with you, wait.” You whimpered, shaking your head… God, you weren’t sure if you could wait any longer at this point… You fucking needed to cum, what was hard to understand about that?
“Sirius, please!  Pleasepleaseplease-.” He cut you off.
“Now.  Cum for me.” He insisted, and you weren’t sure what it was, but something in his voice made you come undone as his thrusts became sloppy, his cum filling you up in a way that made you shiver.
“Oh… Fuck, yes!  Yes, Sirius, yes… I’m.. Ha…” You gasped, your orgasm shooting through you as you collapsed against the wall, feeling him heavy against you, still deep in your cunt as he caught his breath.
Fucking hell.
“Merlin, that was good.” He breathed, rubbing your hips softly as he pulled out of you, making you wince a bit at the sting… It never hurt going in, but sometimes if he was rough enough, it stung a bit coming out, no fault of his… Fault of both of yours, really.
“Ha…” You breathed, feeling him press a soft kiss to your shoulder before he turned you around, wrapping his arms tight around your waist so that you could bury your face in his shoulder for a moment, both of you breathing heavily before you broke apart to get redressed.
You grimaced as you pulled your panties back on, knowing that you should clean up… But you’d do it later, you wanted to feel the reminder that the two of you were together now.
“Good one to end on, eh?” He asked, his cocky grin making you roll your eyes as you sighed, shaking your head.
Would there very really be a ‘one to end on’?  You’d both always want more.
“Oh come off it…” You leaned in, kissing him softly before you pulled away and looked down, buttoning his pants for him. “I’ll see you back here again tomorrow.” You insisted, patting his cheek.  You walked towards the door first, knowing the drill - you first, him about a minute later, even if there was just one person outside that door.
You waited to hear his response.
“Brilliant.” As expected.
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larluce · 23 days
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus , @kinkforwings , @someweirdassnamee , @impracticalantlers , @miyriu , @hobipabo
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21 , PART 22 , PART 23 , PART 24 , PART 25 , PART 26 (You're here), PART 27
In the throne room.
Gaius: (enters and bows) Sire.
Uther: (At a table, offers him to sit next to him) It have come to my attention your ward is now quite popular above the people.
Gaius: I'm guessing you're referring to The Unicorn Catcher song, Sire?
Uther: (nods and sighs) Did you bring some of your concoction? (rubs his temples)
Gaius: (pulls out a little bottle from his pocket and starts mixing it with the drink Uther has already there) Sire, you don't really believe Merlin crossed pats with a unicorn, right? Because I can assure you-
Uther: Whether it's true or not is not really the problem.
Gaius: ... What?
Uther: If it's a lie, then that boy did a marvelous job to create himself a reputation portraying as a saint. If it's true, then he's been tempting my son with his virginity! I don't know which option is worst to be honest! This seductive demon-! (his eye tics)
Gaius: Drink. (gives him his drink) Just to get this straight, you aren't worry about the unicorn at all then, Sire?
Uther: (drinks it all in one go) Why would I worry about a horse with a horn wandering in the woods when the actual danger is here between the walls of this castle in the body of a peasant boy?! (stands up abruptly and looks at his vase frustrated) This thing isn't strong enough! (throws it away and Gaius flinches when it breaks) I know his kind, he gained my son's favor so when he becomes King he will turn him into his puppet king, or worst, he wants my son to make him regent so he'll have all the power! This boy is going to steal my kingdom!
Gaius: Sire, I promise you, Merlin is not that kind of person.
Uther: Really? Explain to me then why he dared to humiliate my son infront of his Knights? Tell me how that wasn't him showing off how much influence he has over the Prince of Camelot!
Gaius: (sighs, thinking) Of course he learned about that too. (says) Merlin is impertinent, I won't deny that, but he's not ambicious. In fact, if Merlin indeed encountered unicorn, that in itself would be prove of that. These magical creatures don't only feel attracted to the pureness in body, but the pureness in heart too. If Merlin had any malice in his heart it wouldn't have aproached him at all.
Uther: Oh, please! Why else would that boy humiliate himself to accept the affections of a man if not for his lust for power?
Gaius: Didn't it occur to your Majesty that for Merlin that's not an humiliation at all.
Uther: (frowns, confused) What do you mean?
Gaius: Well, Merlin has never showed any interest in girls, Sire. And, his status as prince aside, Arthur is a very handsome and attractive man. He also posseses very good qualities as a person. He's compassionate, brave, just, a very chivalrous man-
Uther: Are you trying to tell me that your ward is actually in love with my son?
Gaius: With all due respect, Sire, is pretty obvious that Arthur's feelings are not one sided. But you've been so absorbed in only thinking the worst of Merlin since he came here that you haven't realise that! I know my ward. He can be too dense and insolent for his own good, yes, but he's not a greedy person, much less a villain whose porpuse is to conquer an entire kingdom. He wouldn't even think of it. Merlin's heart is incapable of any evil.
Guard 1: (enters and bows) Your Majesty, Sir Silfred is here. He says he has important news for you.
Uther: Let him in.
Silfred: (enters and bows) Sire.
Uther: I'm hoping there's been a progress in your investigation.
Silfred: We still couldn't find any traces of Lady Sophia and Lord Aulfric, Sire. Not of them specifically at least. But we did find some dry blood stains deep in the woods.
Uther: They could be of anybody.
Silfred: That's what we thought. But then we found this nearby. (pulls out a purple neckerchief) It has stains of blood too. (gives it to Uther) Does it look familiar to you, Sire?
Gaius: (pales)
Uther: (analysing the fabric, icy calmed) It does... Thank you, Sir Silfred. You're dismissed.
Silfred: (bows and leaves)
Uther: (turns to Gaius) Your boy can be all chaste, Gaius, but he's definitely not pure hearted. He's evil in his very soul! And this is the prove! (throws the neckerchief at Gaius, who catches it in reflex) I knew something was off when Aulfric and Sophia dissapeared so suddenly and now I know why! He murdered them! He knew Sophia would be an obstacle for his plans so he got rid of her!
Gaius: (composes enough and stands up, firmly) I think you're running to conclusions, Sire.
Uther: Don't protect him, Gaius! Or are you going to deny this is his?
Gaius: It looks similar to the ones Merlin uses, yes, but Merlin is not the only person in Camelot that wears neckerchiefs.
Uther: True, but what about a purple one? Only royalty can afford purple fabric and there are only two royals in Camelot. And neither Arthur nor I wear this type of clothing. But we do know who likes to give expensive gifts to a certain servant.
Gaius: Even if it was Merlin's, we can't really be sure the blood is from Sophia and her father. You said it yourself, sire, it could be from anybody.
Uther: You dare to contradict me!
Gaius: All I'm saying is that in a court that wouldn't be enough prove to condem a person.
Uther: (yells) I am the King and therefore the judge and I say this is prove enough!
Gaius: (yells back) And would it be prove enough for Arthur?
Uther: ...
Gaius: (composes himself) I just fear, Sire, that if you condem Merlin based only on this evidence, Arthur won't accept it.
Uther: (sighs) I'm not naive enough to believe that Arthur doesn't know about this.
Gaius: (a bit nervous) What... what do you mean, Sire?
Uther: Sir Silfred is the best at finding traces and yet he could only find this piece of clothing and some blood stains. Even the smartest and strongest men can't hide a body that well in such short amount of time, let alone a skinny peasant boy. There's only one posible explanation.
Gaius: That he didn't do it?
Uther: That he had help! And not from other than my son, nonetheless! If Arthur's already, not only favoring, but covering him, we're doomed! that boy could even murder me and Arthur would let him!
Gaius: (thinking, worried) He's not stupid. It's incredible that he discovered what happened with so little clues, but his level of paranoia is worrying. He's right, but he's SO wrong at the same time. (says in a soothing voice) Merlin is no murderer, Sire. But even if he was, Arthur would never allow something like that, no matter how much he loves Merlin. You're not only his king, you're his father.
Uther: (grunts)
Gaius: But if you are so worried about my ward, Sire, why don't you talk to him?
Uther: (in disbelief) Talk?
Gaius: If you could take the opportunity to properly talk to him, maybe you'd realize he is not the person you believe him to be, Sire. Now you have this bad image of Merlin, but you haven't actually bother to know him.
Uther: Of course I haven't bother. He's a servant.
Gaius: But you fear the influence of said servant, Sire.
Uther: ...
Gaius: It's just a suggestion, Sire.
Uther: (sighs) Fine. (calls out) Guards!
Guards: (enter)
Uther: Bring the Prince's manservant here inmediatly.
Guards: Yes, Sire. (bow and leave)
Gaius: You could have sent me for him.
Uther: So you warn him in advance? No, I want to see his genuine reaction when a question him about this. (takes the neckerchief from Gaius' hands)
Gaius: Wait...you're going to interrogate him, Sire? 😨. That's not what I meant with "talking"!
Uther: I'm giving him a chance to defend himself, so be grateful.
Gaius: Of course I am, Sire. (thinking) Gods help me! Merlin please deny that neckerchief is yours!
Short time skip.
Merlin: (enters, confused but chill) Did you call for me, Sire?
Uther: You're talking to your King.
Merlin: I know.
Uther: Then why aren't you bowing?
Merlin: Oh, sorry. (bows quickly) Did you call for me, Sire?
Gaius: (facepalms internally)
Uther: I did call you. I have a very important matter to discuss with you.
Merlin: (more confused) Me?
Uther: (turns to Gaius) You are dismissed.
Gaius: (pleades) Sire-
Uther: Do as I say.
Gaius: (sighs) Yes, Sire. (bows and leaves)
Merlin: (starts worrying) What's... going on?
Uther: (about to pull out the neckerchief to start the interrogation) You-
Arthur: (enters and smiles politely) Sorry I'm late. What's the matter at hand?
Uther: I didn't call for you.
Arthur: But you call for Merlin and anything that concerns my manservant concerns me.
Merlin: (hisses) Arthur!
Arthur: (ignores him, but walks a few steps forward to be infront of Merlin) So, what is it that you want to discuss with my manservant so urgently, father? (keeps talking and smiling politely, but somehow he also sounds threatening)
Uther: (thinking) This won't work if Arthur is here. The boy will be confident he'll come to his aid. (says) I was just wondering if you knew anything about this song that's beeen circulating around lately.
Merlin: (nervous and blushing) You mean the Unicorn Catcher song, Sire?
Arthur: You called my manservant here just because of a tavern song? You must know that story is nothing but the product of some minstrel's imagination.
Uther: I'm very aware of that, Arthur. But that song is tainting your reputation.
Merlin: (sighs in relief, though still confused) But the song hardly mentions Arthur.
Uther: It mentions him enough. Now it's a song and then, last I thing I know, everyone in Camelot is saying that The Prince only takes young virgin boys to bed.
Merlin: (blushes more furiously, feeling humiliated)
Arthur: (notices and swallows his anger for the hiding insult to Merlin in Uther's words)
Uther: (to Merlin, aproaching) So, if you had anything to do with that song...
Arthur: (puts himself between Merlin and his father) It was Sir Ewan and Sir Innprudence who spreaded the rumor, father. Merlin had nothing to do with that. I already got them arrested for talking nonsense while drunk and causing all this mess, so you don't have to worry.
Uther: I did hear they were arrested. (sighs) That's all I wanted to know. You're dismissed.
Arthur and Merlin: (bow and leave)
Uther: (thinking) I need to find I way to get that boy alone, but how?
Time skip. Merlin, Gaius and Lancelot in Gaius' Tower.
Merlin: He found what?! 😨
Gaius: Your neckerchief, Merlin. And with stains of blood. So it doesn't look good.
Merlin: But that's impossible! Lancelot burned all the clothes!
Lancelot: I thought I did. But it was dark, maybe it fell while I was carrying the pile. (very guilty) I'm so sorry Merlin, I should've been more careful.
Merlin: Don't be. You saved Arthur's life and we didn't have much time.
Gaius: Uther won't arrest you, I convinced him to give you a chance to defend yourself. So when he calls for you again you just have to deny that neckerchief is yours and show him you are not the villain he built in his head.
Merlin: I need to tell Arthur. (makes a move to leave)
Gaius: (stops him) No! Uther wants to interrogate you alone, if you tell him he will sneak in again.
Merlin: I'll tell him not to go.
Lancelot: And you think he'll listen?
Merlin: I don't know. But he was involved in this too and I won't lie to him more than I need to. (leaves)
Gaius: Wait, Merlin! There's something else I need to tell you. Merlin! (makes a move to go after him)
Lancelot: (stops him) Tell me and I'll give him the message. I'll get to him faster.
Meanwhile, in Morgana's chambers. Arthur and Morgana having some kind of tea party, while Gwen braids Morgana's hair.
Morgana: (laughing) You men are so inmature.
Arthur: I was not inmature. He hit me first, I just defended myself.
Mogana: And then you fighted over who was Merlin's best friend. Yeah, very mature.
Gwen: I thought I was Merlin's best friend (pouts)
Morgana: You are his best GIRL friend.
Gwen: (mocking) So that means you are not his best girl friend?
Morgana: (plays along) How dare you! I'll fight you! (makes silly fighting movements)
Arthur: (complains) Stop it! (but can't help but laugh)
Merlin: (enters sudenly)
Morgana: Merlin! Knock first! I could be changing my clothes.
Arthur: Now you know what I have to endure everyday (looks at Merlin expression and frowns, worried) Merlin, what is it? (stands up and goes to him) Did something happen?
Merlin: Arthur-
Guard 1: (interrupts) Sire, The King wants you to interrogate a sorcerer in the dungeons.
Morgana: (feels mad and sad for what's probably going to be another unfair execution, but doesn't say anything)
Arthur: (notices) Lets discuss this outside.
Merlin, Arthur and Guards: (Get out of Morgana's chambers)
Arthur: (closes the door behind him) Can't it wait?
Guard 2: I fear not. It's a very dangerous sorcerer, we had to put him in cold iron, so the King wants to execute him as soon as possible. But he also wants to get as much information he can from him. Apparently he was the leader of a group of renegate soreceres.
Arthur: I understand. (to Merlin) We'll talk later. (makes a move to leave)
Merlin: (makes a move to go with him)
Arthur: (stops him) Merlin, no. Stay. I have to do this alone. (thinking) I don't want you to see that, nor do I want to put you in danger.
Merlin: You can't stop me. (thinking) Like I'm going to let you alone with a dangerous sorcerer!
Arthur: (sighs) Merlin-
Lancelot: (arrives running) Merlin! (takes a breath) By the Gods, you run fast. (bows to Arthur) Sire, I'm sorry, but Gaius needs Merlin urgently.
Arthur: (releaved) It's alright, Lancelot. I have urgents matters to attend too. (follows the guards and leaves)
Merlin: (about to leave but Lancelot stops him) Let go of me! 😡 Arthur is about to interrogate a dangerous sorcerer I need to be there! Whatever urgency Gaius has can wait!
Lancelot: There's no dangerous sorcerer.
Merlin: (stops struggling) ...What?
Lancelot: There is no dangerous sorcerer and there is no urgency. That's what Gaius wanted to explain to you. Is part of the plan.
Merlin: The plan? What plan?
In the dungeons. Arthurs goes with the guards to a cell, but finds it empty.
Arthur: Where's the prisoner?
Guards: Here. (push Arthur inside quickly and close the cell)
Arthur: (stands up, furious) What do you think you are doing?! 😡
Guard 1: (very apologetically) Forgive us, Sire. It was King's orders.
Arthur: Why did my father order you to lock me up in the dungeons?! I'm not strange to this punishment, but normally I know WHY I'm being punished.
Guard 1: This is no punishment, Sire. Your Majesty just doesn't want you to interfere in... some matters.
Guard 2: It will be just for a couple of hours, Sire. You don't have to worry.
Arthur: Interfere? Why would I... (pales and shouts) Merlin!
Meanwhile in the throne room.
Uther: Has the prince been brought to the dungeons.
Guard 3: Yes, Sire.
Uther: Perfect. Now bring the boy.
Finally we get back to the request list!
Arthur has to protect Merlin from his dad ☑︎
An he will continue to do it for the next parts because this shit is far from over!
What do you think is going to happen?
What was the hiding insult in Uther's words the Arthur catched?
Also, credits to my best friend Rosangela, who helped me with some dialogues and situations, no only in this part, but several ones. Love you so much! ❤️
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Are You That Dense?
summary : what do they do when their crush is oblivious of their feelings.
word count : 0.5k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Arthur / Merlin / Morgana x Reader
warning/s : it's kinda sad on Merlin's part (at least for me)
here is my masterlist!
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Arthur would be clueless as you are, maybe even worse.
The prince of Camelot wasn't raised to process his feelings properly (no thanks to dear old daddy), so he thinks his infatuation is under the pretense of friendship.
Many find it hilarious. Everyone knows how much Arthur loves you... except the two of you.
He just doesn't understand why he's always wanting more than the platonic affections you give him, yearning for you when you're not around, or thinking about you all the time.
Don't get me wrong, he knows he enjoys your company. Both his whole world and time stops when he's with you; the heavy responsibilities of the crown and endless problems are temporarily forgotten.
Arthur also feels the need to impress you, sometimes more than Uther. He already likes showing off to a crowd but when you're watching him? There will be 1000x more effort.
"Why do I feel this way, Merlin?"
"You are in love with (Y/N), clotpole."
"Oh. I suppose you're right."
"Is this the moment where you order me to get her flowers?"
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I'm sorry but Merlin prefers it that way.
As much as he desperately wants to to straight up confess to you— to be able to touch you, kiss you, and love you openly, he doesn't want to put you in danger.
Apart from a secret that will get him executed, he deals with dark entities all the time and those will eventually catch up to him. He can't risk it, especially if it's you.
There will be a lifetime of labor and hardships if you choose to be with a manservant. Being with a druid will likely get you hurt or killed too. You deserve better than what he can offer. You deserve better than him.
His feelings for you may not be obvious as Arthur's but for people who are perceptive (ehem Gwen maybe?), they will encourage him to court you. He'll only reply that there's no use and you'll never see him as something more than a friend, especially if you're a noble or royalty.
However, Merlin is only human. There will be times when he can't help himself, giving you small gifts or favors he won't do for anyone (even Arthur).
"Thanks for the help, Merlin."
"I would do anything for you, (Y/N)."
"Uhh... Cause we're friends, right?"
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Morgana will make you her own amusement.
Best believe she will test you, to see how long can you remain unaware of her feelings. It entertains her to no end, better than the performers Uther hires in banquets.
She will go all out— giving you all sorts of touches that's reserved for lovers, bringing you expensive presents, always spending time with you, and even kissing you in both public and in private.
Morgana will search for any reaction on your face every time. But you just continue to innocently smile and thank her for being a 'good friend'.
Everyone thinks you two are dating because of her public display of affection but you shrug it off whenever someone asks you about it. Morgana, on the hand, just smirks and winks.
If it takes too long and she begins to get impatient, she will just knock on your door and confess her love.
"I am in love with you, (Y/N)."
"You are?"
"YES! How can you be so blind—"
"I thought we're just friends?"
Until then, she and Gwen will be laughing at your obliviousness as they enjoy their afternoon tea.
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MMMMore incorrect quotes from Merlin Academy! (with ships) Long post
Maleficent: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?
Hades: Whatever bitch, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.
Maleficent: Yeah, that's the point shithead!
(gasp the IT-couple has broken up. I have a feeling it could be like Jade and Beck but they are both Jade)
Fay: Fight me!
Hades: Ha, look at your size! What are you gonna do, kick my ankle?
Morgie: Why is Hades crying?
Maleficent: Fay kicked them really hard on the ankle.
(Maleficent was impressed)
Fay: Why are we friends?
Maleficent: Poor decisions on your part.
(like either of you don't like each other. Ha ha)
Fay: So, I heard you like bad girls… I time travel in Animal Crossing.
(I don't even know what that means but okay)
Fay: Maleficent.. I'm gonna cry!
Maleficent: Please don't.
Fay, crying: Request denied.
Maleficent: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself.
Maleficent: *Picks up Fay*
Maleficent: I’ve only befriended Fay for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then my self.
(Only she is allowed to bully Fay)
Uliana: I'm bored.
Maleficent: Wanna commit first degree murder?
Uliana: Sure!
Ella, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Bridget down!!
(She is the mom of the group for some reason)
Ella: Don’t say a word.
Bridget: Fergalicious.
Ella: Bridget, I said no words.
Bridget: Oh, I see how it works. Two weeks ago, we’re playing Scrabble, it’s not a word, now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you.
Bridget: Can you cut me some slack, Ella? I’m sort of in love.
Ella: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Bridget: I’m in love with you.
Ella: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Charming: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it?
Bridget, looking at Charming: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful?
Bridget and Charming in unison: *sighs* Ella
(🎶I'm sorry that you 🤭 seem to be confused 🤔 she belongs to me 🧐 that girl is mine 😑 🎶 honestly that song has been playing in my head for a while for no reason) (it's now making me realize how Bridgella is kinda giving "it's over isn't it" idk why)
Ella: A mouse!
Maleficent, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Hades, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Bridget, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Morgie gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Hook: His name is Remi, dummy.
Ella: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(I just had to. Also she is excluding Bridget from that statement)
Hook, to Morgie: I'll be under the mistletoe when you start feeling desperate!
Uliana: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Uliana: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
(I mean that thing with the flamingo feathers was your fault 🤷)
Bridget: Hey, Ella, have you thought about having children?
Ella: ...
Ella: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it.
Hook: But we're not childr-
Ella, already distracted: HADES, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
(again. She is the mom of the group for some reason. Give her a rest)
Morgie: Hello friends!
The Squad:
Morgie: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
(you'd think it was Hades and Hook. But they are just as amused and surprised. Idk how Morgie made that happen)
Uliana: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Morgie: But ya' didn't!
(canon? It is now)
Hook: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Ella: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one?
Hook: Seize the dick.
(Slay King Slay)
Bridget: *Gets down on one knee*
Uliana: Oh my god! It’s finally happening!
Bridget: *Collapses*
Uliana: The poison’s kicking in!
(Yeah. Honestly. It's got something. But idk)
Fay: Where have you been all day?
Bridget: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
(like having broken up without actually dating because it was just a one sided homoerotic friendship)
Ella: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Bridget: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Ella: Holy moly-
(See what I mean. Also canon)
Hook, Hades and Morgie in the back of Ella's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Bridget/Fay: We have food at home.
Ella/Uliana/Maleficent: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Hades/Hook/Morgie: YAYYYYYY!
Ella/Uliana/Maleficent: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
(Ha Ha. Sad)
Hades: Legend says that when you can’t sleep, it means you’re awake in someone else’s dreams.
Hades: When I find out who you are, I’m going to punch you in the face.
(um. It's not me....I swear)
Uliana: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
(not like you can easily punch others with your eight arms)
Uliana: Stop failing.
Hades: Don’t tell me what to do! I'll fail right now!
Hades: *Succeeds*
Hades: Dang it!
(he finally realized he's a god. But still failed not to listen)
Bridget: Morgie told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
(omg I'm a navy ginger)
Ella: *sneaking in through their window*
Bridget: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Ella: I was with Charming?
Charming: *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
(Gasp. What was Ella doing 👀)
Ella: I can’t believe we have to be stuck in this room together!
Uliana, swallowing the key: Truly (poor) unfortunate (soul).
(oh. She was stuck with Uliana...ALSO WHAT- ULIANA?! THE KEY? 😭 Nah)
Uliana: I thought you were going to give me a book recommendation or something.
Ella: *laughs* Book recommendation? I can’t read!
(new HC: Ella can't read. Or more like, has a hard time with it. Idk lol.)
Ella: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck.
Morgie: Don’t mansplain this to me!
Uliana: Wh- I’m a woman! I can't mansplain anything to you!
Morgie: …Well, I’m a feminist, and I believe a woman can do anything a man does!
(he's got the spirit)
Hook: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.
Morgie: Dude, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck.
Hook: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not.
Morgie: Well, I mean yeah.
Hook: So come downstairs while they’re still hot.
Morgie: Wait, you just made them?
Hook: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets.
Morgie: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time James.
(Morgie uses Dude romantically. And when he's annoyed at Hook he calls him by his first name)
Bridget: My level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”.
(that's me with movies/series. She's definitely not talking about Ella and Charming)
*The Squad when asked about their earlier confession of love*
Ella: Yeah, you're lucky. I like you.
Bridget: I'd understand if you didn't feel the same way...
Fay: *has a panic attack* What confession?
Hook: *winks* I know, babe. You like me too.
Hades: So what? Are you going to date me or not?
Uliana: It was a dare.
Maleficent: Your smile is like a magic spell, and it's annoying me daily
Charming: Let's flip a coin. Heads I'm yours. Tail you're mine.
Morgie: Relationships are like a walk in the park. Jurassic park.
(I added the last three myself because I wanted them all to have one. What do you think? Accurate?)
Ella: Here's two facts about me.
Ella: 1. I hate hot people/royalty
Ella: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Fay: You saved me! Why?
Hades: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
(people being Maleficent, also Ella and Bridget)
Hope you liked it!
Does Uliana have a crush on Ella? Maybe. Does Ella like her back? Absolutely not.
Ok byeee
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dilf-lover99 · 2 years
Playing Pretend | J.P.
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Pairing: James Potter x Female Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: When Reader's best friend James requests her assistance capturing the attention of Lily Evans, the two decide to make some changes to their relationship. Sort of.
Warnings: fluff, best friends to lovers / fake dating (two superior tropes), not much of a slow burn (sorry guys), a healthy amount of pining, maybe a teeny bit of angst if you squint, a kiss, i think that's it this is like the softest thing i've ever written
Word Count: 5.1k
a/n: i'm sorryyyyyy !!! i'm sorry i ghosted you, i promise it was an accident ! i've been working a TON lately, but i finally found a bit of time to write and i missed it so much. i hope this was worth the wait ! let me know what you think. p.s. love u lots<3
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There were three things in life of which you were certain.
The first is that, no matter how skeptical one may be, the sorting hat irrefutably knows best. Being sorted into Gryffindor on your first day at Hogwarts was the greatest thing that ever happened to you, it introduced you to the friends who became your family.
The second is that you will never, swear on Merlin’s beard, read a book you’ve borrowed from Remus in the bath; Some lessons are best learned after making mistakes.
The third, and most important, is as follows : James Fleamont Potter is, and always will be, your very best friend.
You’re confident that there’s nearly nothing in the world the two of you wouldn’t do for each other if asked.
James has always been there for you in times of need, with a comforting embrace or a ludicrously ill-advised joke. He always talks out your problems with you, agreeing with your side of the situation even when you think you’re in the wrong.
There’s not a single problem the two of you haven’t been able to overcome together.
You’ve also spent countless waking hours of your life pretending to hold a flicker of interest in the precise mixture of colours in Lily Evans’ eyes, the scent of her hair, or wether or not she laughed at James’ joke that day.
The price of friendship, you suppose.
“This is the year, (y/n), I can feel it!” Your bespectacled best friend announces from his position sprawled across your bed on his stomach.
You withhold the good-natured urge to roll your eyes, exhaling an small breath through your nose with a smile, “You say that every year, James.” Ceasing the previous circles you were spinning in your desk chair, you make eye contact with James and continue, “Though I admire your persistence, perhaps it’s time to give it a rest? Maybe take up another hobby? Clearly quidditch isn’t keeping you busy enough to leave Evans be.”
“Ha Ha.” James grumbles sarcastically. The two of you have conversations like this regularly, though your attempts to divert his interests have consistently proven futile. “It’s different this year. I’m different this year. I’m trying something new,” He slowly pulls himself up from his relaxed position, now sitting at the edge of the bed to face you directly, “If you agree to my plan, that is.”
“Well, that depends,” You hesitate, eyeing your best friend suspiciously. Over the course of your friendship you’ve always had a difficult time saying no to James, which has gotten you into more than your fair share of trouble.
“Is there any part of this plan that could result in our expulsion? Or worse- Will my hands be stained again? It took me weeks to get the dye off my fingers after your last so called plan.” 
Without recounting each and every detail, James’ last plan involved the two of you, a pint of florescent pink hair dye, and the head of an unsuspecting Severus Snape, and resulted in semi-permanent dye-stained hands and a rather stern talking-to from Dumbledore.
James laughs mirthfully at the memory, “Come on, people loved that! We loved that!”
“Yes, we did.” You agree with a grin despite yourself.
James throws a wink your way, shaking his head amusedly before speaking again, “No, this’ll be nothing like that. Entirely free of repercussions, I swear it.” His tone resembles that of when he’s asking you for a favour, and judging by the way he’s dancing around the words, you have a feeling you’re not going to welcome his idea with open arms.
“Alright, Potter. Out with it, will you?” You voice lightly, “It can’t be worse than any other plan you’ve had.”
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend.” He rushes out, the shadow of a blush forming evenly across his pale cheeks at his own words.
“O-kay,” You draw out, eyes wide, “Perhaps I was wrong.”
“I know it sounds mad, but hear me out.” He starts quickly, “I was talking to Pads about it and he was all ‘Maybe if you weren’t so available all the time, she’d actually want you around’” He lowers his voice an octave, a dramatized attempt at impersonating your shared friend, “And I know what you’re going to say, ‘Why would you take relationship advice from Sirius of all people’” His voice raises higher now as he butchers an impression of your own, “But he had a point! And I thought, well, I wouldn’t be available if I had a girlfriend, would I?” 
You’re unsure if you should interrupt him or not, equal parts amusement and disapproval swirl around in your brain as he speaks.
“But I couldn’t do that to a real girl, y’know?” If he notices the icy glare you shoot his way at this, he does a bang-up job pretending he doesn’t, “Just string her about whilst I’m in love with Evans- But I could pretend! And who better to pretend with than my own best girl?” He finishes with a smile so sweet you almost forget the preposterous nonsense he’s just spouted.
“There are about ten things wrong with what you’ve just said- Eleven if you count that horrible impression of me! Merlin, James, do I really sound like that to you?” James chuckles at you, running his lithe fingers through the charming mess of his curls.
“Don’t answer that.” You speak before he has a chance to reply, abandoning your chair in favour of standing in front of him.
“You really have gone mad, haven’t you? What exactly do you think is going to happen? She’ll see us together and be overcome with jealousy? Leaving her no choice but to confess her undying love for you?” You highlight the absurdity of his proposition, poking fun with dramatic sighs and emphatic hand gestures.
“Well it sounds a bit nutty when you say it that way, with your sarcasm and the like, but yes. That’s what I’d like to happen.”
“It’s not going to happen, James.” You deadpan.
“Why not?”
“Because that’s not how it works!” You state, humour and disbelief mingling together, “If she doesn’t want you now, why’d she want you after you get a girlfriend? And if she did, would that really be the type of girl you’d fancy anyhow? A boyfriend-wanter?” 
James chuckles amusedly, completely missing the nuance of your words, “Boyfriend-wanter?” He echoes teasingly.
You sigh emphatically, taking a seat on the bed beside your best friend, “You’ve lost the plot, mate.”
James’ previous contentment is no longer at the forefront of his emotions, instead there’s a vulnerable sincerity that tugs at your heart strings with all its might. “Look, I know it’s a long shot, but if there’s even a chance of it working, I just- I have to try, (y/n),” His warm hazel eyes are boring directly into your own with a distinct sense of desperation as he mutters a final, “Please?”
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“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this, James.” Your voice wavers with nerves at the thought of walking hand-in-hand with James into the Great Hall where all your friends sit, blissfully unaware of the delusional plan James has concocted to win the affections of Lily Evans.
“Come on, (y/n), it won’t be so bad. You used to love holding my hand.” James jests with an irritatingly loveable grin, not-so-subtly referencing the ancient crush you harboured toward him in the beginning of your first year.
“Yes, very well, James. I had a crush on you when I was eleven. I also slept with a Beatles nightlight and cut the crusts off my toasts.” You’re starting to wonder how on earth you could’ve agreed to this when James grabs your hand, intertwining his slender fingers with your own and giving a gentle, reaffirming squeeze.
“Thank you for doing this. I know it’s barmy, truly, but it means everything that you’re willing to try.” His voice is softer than you’ve heard in a long time, and in the back of your mind you can’t help but think this is the boy you’d fancied all those years ago.
You squeeze his hand back assuringly, “I’d try anything for you.” You smile sincerely.
“Oh really? Should you have happened to change your mind about a certain prank involving-”
“Almost anything.” You interrupt with an amused roll of your eyes.
The two of you share another smile before turning toward the looming entryway to the Great Hall.
“Shall we, darling?” James emphasizes the final word teasingly.
“We’d best, before I change my mind, love.” You retort.
You’re familiar with the expression ‘so silent, you could hear a pin drop’ but you’ve never experienced anything of the sort. Until now, that is.
The moment you and James walk through the doors, all eyes are on the two of you. More specifically, all eyes are continuously moving from you, to James, to your intertwined hands, then back again.
In the two days since you agreed to James’ scheme, you’ve remained confident that it wouldn’t work, surely nobody would believe you went from best friends to being in a relationship overnight.
Your confidence was misplaced.
As the two of you walk closer to your usual spot at the Gryffindor table, your hand squeezes James’ tighter than you’d like to admit, painstakingly aware of just how many eyes are on you. You can hear the poorly concealed whisperings of each gossiping classmate you pass by, “Finally!” “See, I told you they were shagging.” “What does he see in her?” The latter may have stung just a bit.
“Alright?” James whispers close to your ear, fuelling another buzz of observations from your peers.
You nod your head perceptibly, a tad caught off guard from all the attention you’re receiving, “Yes, swell. You?”
“To be determined.” James tugs your hand gently, signalling you to stop walking as you’ve reached your destination at the Gryffindor table.
“Good morning.” You greet your friends with a smile in an effort to maintain normalcy. Taking your usual seat, Sirius is on your left and James sits to your right beside Remus. You promised James to keep the plan a secret from everyone, including your shared best friends, but with the way they’re looking at you now, you’re ready to spill your guts.
“Good morning? S’that it then?” Sirius starts incredulously, “The two of you leg it in here holding hands and we’re supposed to go about our day as normal?” 
“I think what he means to say,” Remus interjects, his tone soft, a welcome juxtaposition from Sirius’ brash one, “Is that this-” he gestures between you and James with a mild wave of his hand, “Is new. We hadn’t realized the two of you were… Romantically involved.” His statement ends as more of a question, a gentle probe to explain what’s going on.
You look to James, raising your brows questioningly as if to say you've created this plan, now you have to do the ground work.
He gets the message.
“It is a bit out of nowhere, isn’t it?” James smiles, not so subtly making eye contact with Lily, who’s sitting directly across the table, “We spent all these years as friends and never thought twice about it, um- But then…” He trails off, realizing he’s not half as good a liar as he’d hoped he was.
You close your eyes with a deep sigh, knowing it’s now your responsibility to make this believable.
James Potter and his bloody plans.
“It’s alright, James, love,” You speak up after he’s gone silent, “We can tell them.” He’s going to owe you for this, and you intend to cash in the favour for once, “I’ve fancied you as long as I’ve known you.”
Your friends are paying more attention to you now than they have to anything, ever, clinging onto your every word, “Bit embarrassing if I’m honest, cos’ you never really saw me that way.” 
You remember hearing once that the most believable lies stem from the truth, and though it was back in year one, and hardly went as deep as you’re leading on, this is a version of how you’d felt about James at one point in time.
You work hard to fight back a chuckle at the look of pity on Dorcas’s face as she takes in your words, “But, I guess after I finally stopped trying to get you to see me that way, that’s when you actually started to.” Now you’re just discussing the plan in plain sight, though your friends are drinking it up quicker than their pumpkin juice.
James squeezes your hand with a firm grip, as if to warn you not to say anything more and spoil his plan right in front of Lily.
But he’s also looking at you with a discernible note of gratitude in his eyes, never quite tiring of your knack for rescuing him in these situations.
“Yes, quite right, love, I’ve seen the light. Thank you all for tuning in, this concludes the interview portion of our breakfast. Now, over to Padfoot for the weather!” James voices deftly, eyes scanning Lily for any semblance of a negative reaction, and failing to hide his displeasure when all she offers in return is a bright smile and a soft “Congratulations, you two!”
That could’ve gone better.
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“Figures the first time I’ve a date to one of these things, he’s only going for another girl.” You voice to James in the other room as you struggle to reach the zip on the back of your dress. 
You’re joking, though it’s not lost on you that this is the only time someone’s asked you to be their date to a dance. But you aren’t inclined to waste the opportunity. You’ve picked out a lovely dress and your hair is behaving particularly graciously tonight.
“Come on, love, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of offers once our plan takes off. And tonight’s the night! I’ve a good feeling about it.” Ever the optimist, your best friend.
“Oh, bugger off!” You shout frustratedly after multiple unsuccessful attempts at zipping up.
“I wasn’t trying to upset you! I only meant-” James’ panicked tone brings an instant smile to your face, all previous traces of dissatisfaction long gone.
“Not you, James, my dress. I can’t get the bloody zip to go up!”
“Oh,” He chuckles minutely, “Well c’mere then, let me help.” 
It’s a proper cliche, you think to yourself. Like something you’d see in a cheesy romance film, when the girl walks down the staircase in a fancy dress, everything’s suddenly in slow motion, and the lad’s just standing there thinking how am I just now realizing how beautiful she is?
It’s a proper bloody cliche, yet it’s exactly how you feel as you walk into the room and see James standing there in his dance attire.
His crisp white dress shirt is clinging faultlessly to his chest and arms, the muscles he’s defined playing quidditch showcasing themselves quite proudly, the black fabric of his dress pants pulled taught against his thighs. His mop of dark curls sits charmingly atop his head, a perpetual vision of captivating chaos. His rounded glasses are resting perfectly on the bridge of his nose, shimmering hazel eyes blinking delicately from behind them.
How are you just now realizing how beautiful he is?
“(y/n)?” James’ voice pulls you out of your reverie, and you’re thankful beyond words that he can’t hear your thoughts.
“Yes?” You clear your throat, simultaneously attempting to clear your mind.
“Turn around, love, I’ll fix your zip.”
His nimble fingers make quick work, sliding the zip from the small of your back to the top of the dress, a subtle trail of gooseflesh makes itself at home along the skin that’s been gently grazed by his own.
“There we are. Go on then, give us a twirl.” James’ playful voice sounds, you oblige good-naturedly and give a quick spin.
“That’s a lovely dress. Is it new?” His eyes scan your frame appreciatively, not quite as lengthy as the tour your own eyes had taken upon him moments ago, but you feel your chest grow tighter at the thought that, just maybe, he could be having one of those cliche moments too.
“As a matter of fact it is,” Your smile grows as you think back to the day before, when Dorcas dragged you and a reluctant Marlene to Diagon Alley to buy your outfits for the dance, “It’s her first dance with a date! Not just a date, a boyfriend. We have to pick the perfect dress.” She was far more excited than you were, especially considering it isn’t a real date, but her enthusiasm had made it a day to remember. “If Dorcas were here, you’d have just made her entire week.”
“Do you know what Lily’s wearing?” 
Not an unexpected question in the slightest.
What is unexpected, however, is the pang in your chest at it.
That’s new.
“No, I don’t. Sorry. ” You say, not particularly sorry at all.
“Are you alright?” James’ voice is laced with confusion at your sudden shift in mood.
Curse your best friend for knowing you so well.
“Mhm. Shall we go?” You place a smile back on your lips, taking care not to let it fall this time.
“After you, your majesty.” James answers in his most posh voice, gesturing toward the door and lowering his head in a mock bow.
It’s not real.
When you first agreed to James’ plan, this thought brought you comfort, peace, even. It’s not real, thank heavens, and it will be over before you know it.
Why does the thought feel so violent now?
Why is it tearing at the seams of your mind with each of his gentle touches and crooked smiles?
Why are you so reluctant to let go of James’ arm when you arrive at the dance?
And why have you spent the last twenty minutes sitting here, watching James watch Lily, as an unwelcome sense of envy blooms in your chest?
Because you wish it was real.
“Oh, come on! That was proper funny!” Sirius’s voice sounds from beside you, pulling you away from your internal revelations.
When did he get here?
“Was it?” You question. Your words come across sarcastic, but that’s a farce, you’ve no idea what he said.
“Yes, it was actually. You were just too busy making eyes at Prongs to notice.” 
And when did he get so observant?
“I was not.” You lie.
“Right,” Sirius starts, not believing you for a moment, “This is my life now, is it? My best mates’ll be too busy snogging to laugh at my jokes? What a cruel fate. Worse than death, really. Just put me out of my misery now.” He throws himself back into his chair melodramatically, posture now resembling a sickly figure in an old victorian painting.
What a drama queen.
Still, you feel the need to reassure him. Cutting off his theatrics, you place your hand on his bicep, giving a tender squeeze of affirmation, “Leave it out! I could never be too busy for you,” He straightens at that, lips lifting into a grin as you continue, “You just have to tell funnier jokes.” His grin disappears faster than it formed.
You continue bantering back and forth, resulting in a fit of laughter that finally breaks James’ gaze from Lily. 
He focuses his attention on the two of you, unwilling to acknowledge the feeling blossoming in his chest when he sees your hand on Sirius, a brilliant smile having overtaken your face.
“Care to dance, love?” James questions, faster than you have time to process.
You remove your hand from Sirius’ arm, sparing a glance toward Lily. He’s trying to make her jealous, that’s why you’re here after all. But she’s not looking at you and James. In fact, she’s looking in another direction entirely.
“I’m alright mate, thanks. Take (y/n), though.” Sirius quips, ushering you onto your feet.
James guides you to the dance floor with a gentle hand on the small of your back, spinning you in a half circle to hold you properly once you’ve reached your destination.
Your heart is beating at an accelerated pace but you’re doing your damndest to hide it. “Is she looking?” You question softly, hiding any dejection from your voice.
“What’s that?” James asks.
You wonder how he didn’t hear you, his eyes having been glued to you since you started dancing. You were beginning to wonder if you had something on your face.
“Lily,” You start again, “Is she watching us?” You don’t know why you ask again, you’re not sure you want to know the answer.
“Oh. Yes-” James clears his throat, “Yeah, she’s looking.” 
His eyes never actually waver from your own. He doesn’t do much to pretend that he’s spotted her in the crowd or discerned wether she was looking or not. To be honest, he’d forgotten about the plan for a moment.
The song ends but before you can move from James’ hold he pulls you closer, “We should keep dancing.” He mumbles, then continues, almost as an afterthought, “Y’know, make it look more realistic.” 
But he couldn’t care less about that right now, he’s simply not ready for you to leave his arms.
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It’s been six weeks since the plan started, an entire month and a half of pretending.
And you don’t think you can pretend any more.
Pretending to be James’ girlfriend isn’t the hard part. In fact, it’s the best part. Countless days of holding his hand in the Great Hall and resting your head upon his shoulder in the Gryffindor common room. Those moments are purely blissful.
Pretending that your feelings for James aren’t real? That’s the hard part.
In the beginning, James had started calling you love or darling for show, a way for you to appear more like a real couple. He must have grown accustomed to it, because they’re all he seems to use anymore, even when nobody else is around.
And your heart still skips a beat each and every time you hear it.
Somehow, it’s become routine for you to do your homework while watching his quidditch practices, despite the fact that Lily has only ever seen you there once. You tried explaining this but all James had said was “That’s alright, having you here helps me play better.”
Now you attend every practice.
You don’t know how to respond when your friends tell you how happy they are that you and James have gotten together, that they can tell how deeply you care for him. They’re right, partially anyway, you do care for James deeply.
But you’re not together. Not for real, anyway.
And it’s driving you mad.
Which is why you’ve decided that it has to end.
You’ve been thinking about this for weeks, ever since the night of the dance, when you realized you wanted more. But you weren’t sure what to tell James.
If you tell him the truth, that you’ve fallen for him, it could end your friendship, which is a chance you’re not willing to take. But you’ve also never been good at lying to him, he knows you far too well.
You’ve finally decided on a good old-fashioned half-truth.
You’re going to tell him that the plan hasn’t been working, that if he wants to get Lily’s attention he’ll have to go about it another way. Spending another year watching him pine over Lily won’t be easy, but it can’t be any harder than this; Seeing what a wonderful boyfriend James would be, being so close to the boy you want but never truly being able to have him.
The soft click of your door notifies you of James’ arrival. Taking a final deep breath, you find your eyes meeting his own, willing yourself not to get lost in them and lose your resolve.
“Hello, love. How was your day?” James questions earnestly, taking a seat in your desk chair, his eyes hold an undetectable glimmer of adoration as they take in your figure.
“I think we should break up!” You rush out at once, afraid if you wait another second you’ll chicken out again.
James’ eyebrows pull together in a wistful display of despondence, “What? Why?” His voice is rather melancholy and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being broken up with for real. 
You sigh dispiritedly, taking a seat at the edge of your bed as you face James.
“Think about it. The plan isn’t exactly working, is it? I mean, when was the last time you even talked to Lily?” 
James is quick to defend, “We’ve just spoken yesterday! In the common room, remember? When you and Moony were talking about that smarty-pants book, she was all ‘your girlfriend’s too good for you, potter’, and I told her she was right. Surely you remember that?”
You fight back a smile at the memory, of course you remember that, you think of his words about as often as you breathe.
���James that was last week.”
He stops for a moment, counting the days on his fingers before deciding you're correct, “Okay… Alright, well, that doesn’t mean we should break up! We’ll just- We just have to try harder.”
You shake your head in opposition, but he speaks again before you have the chance.
“We can make it work, I know it.” James’ voice holds a perceptible air of desperation.
He knows you’re not really dating, right?
“Come on, James, it’s for the best. Surely you’re tired of me by now.” You joke, trying to appear unaffected by the nuance of your words.
“No.” James voices immediately, sounding as though he’s offended at the very idea of it, “I’m not tired of you. I could never be tired of you.”
“Have you any idea how much harder you’re making this?” You mumble under your breath, though it wasn’t quiet enough to go unheard by James.
He’s looking at you softly, almost tenderly and he lowers his voice a bit, no longer on edge, “What does that mean?”
“Try again.” James tilts his head, pushing his glasses up when they attempt to slide from the bridge of his nose.
“I just don’t think we should do it anymore, that’s all.”
“That’s all?” He knows very well that’s not all. He can tell by the way you’re avoiding eye contact that there’s more to it.
“Yep! So what do you say, friends?” You finally chance eye contact, holding your hand out to shake his own in an effort to regain control of the situation.
His hand grabs your own and holds it delicately.
“What aren’t you saying?”
“Nothing! I’m saying plenty of things. Loads of things. Things, things, things!”
“(y/n).” He states plainly, though he’s unable to hide the glimmer of amusement in his eyes, “If there’s something going on, you can tell me. We can tell each other anything.” He’s pleading with you now.
And you aren’t sure if it’s his words, or the way he speaks them, or the fact that his hand is still grasping your own, but you’re unable to keep the words from tumbling out of your mouth.
“I can’t keep pretending, alright? You’re driving me mad.” Both of your eyes widen at your confession, and James takes his hand back smoothly.
“Oh,” He clears his throat, a teasing undertone returning to his voice, though you can discern a hint of sadness in his eyes, “It’s you who’s tired of me then, innit?”
“What? No! That’s not-” You sigh frustratedly, standing from the bed and beginning to pace a small path back and forth on the floor, “James, if it were possible for me to be tired of you, it would’ve happened a long time ago.”
He breathes out a chuckle at this, visibly relaxing once he realizes he must’ve misunderstood.
You stop pacing, looking at James as he stands up in front of you.
“Can we start this whole thing over? It’s gotten a bit confusing if I’m honest.” You question.
“No, it’s okay. You were right, it’s best we call it off now.” James starts, adding quietly, “Before anyone gets hurt.”
Your gaze snaps up to his own, confusion etched upon your features, “Why- Why would anyone get hurt?” You swallow thickly, ignoring the sudden uptick of your pulse.
James sighs, bringing a hand up and running it through his curls, “Because it’s true. What you said before, about the plan not working. It’s not. And If I’m being honest, I couldn’t care less. I haven’t given a thought to the plan, or Lily, in weeks.” 
You know he can’t mean it the way it sounds, he can’t mean it the way you want him to mean it. But your heartbeat is racing rampant at the possibility that he does.
“And it’s why I don’t want to end things,” He continues, “Because, the way I see it, if something makes you sad when it’s ending, it must’ve been pretty wonderful while it was happening.” He’s rambling, but the contents of his words, and the fact that they’re directed at you, makes you want him to go on forever.
“You’re my best friend, and you always will be, I swear it! But, I just… I can’t help but want more.”
You’ve heard enough.
Well actually, you could never hear enough, but you’ve heard enough to propel yourself forward, urgently pressing your lips to James’ own.
He wasn’t expecting it, but he doesn’t waste a moment once he realizes what’s happening. 
James places his calloused hands on either of your cheeks, gently pulling you closer to himself. He smiles slightly into the kiss when you bring one of your own hands up to the nape of his neck and run your fingers softy through the curls there.
The kiss feels as though it’s lasted forever, and yet you never want it to end. But your lips part a fair distance as you rest your foreheads together in contentment, taking a moment to catch your breath.
“So that’s what you meant when you said I was driving you mad.” James teases, donning a grin so beautiful your heart could burst just from looking at it.
“Yes, I suppose it is.” You try to sound annoyed but you’re sure you’re missing the mark, wearing a blinding smile of your own.
“Well that settles it then,” James loops his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his body, “No more pretending.” His delicate lips meet your own once more in another intoxicating embrace.
Note to self : James Fleamont Potter’s plans don’t always end in disaster.
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Can I get another round with Yandere Merlin,Diane and Elisabeth, Derieri and Melascula with a human darling. Only this time the darling is a member of the sins being the eighth son of melancholy so unlike other humans he's actually very strong instead of being helpless.
I was trying to think of a fitting animal to represent melancholy and came up with a donkey... If you've watched Winnie Pooh you know exactly why.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, isolation
Donkey's Sin of Melancholy
Elizabeth Liones
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👼​Elizabeth as a person has always cared for the people around her even if they were her enemies and this nurturing nature is amplified in her obsession. The princess wants her darling to be happy physically and mentally so having you being the embodiment of melancholy only stokes the flames of obsession within her. You're always draped in thick sheets of unexplainable sadness and sorrow and even you can't give her a reason to why you're always feeling so dejected which only encourages her obsession to make a fuss over you. Since there is no real problem for your feelings she has no way to approach the problem and help you with your gloomy emotions. Other sins like Ban tell her that she shouldn't fret so much over you since this is how you have always been yet Elizabeth strongly objects. She doesn't want you to dwell all the time in such dark emotions as she yearns to see you leaving that grim place your mind always seems to stay in. She swears to herself that she will make you happy and that she will free you from your own thoughts.
👼​That wish of her is going to push her to be overbearing sooner or later depending on whether we're considering her before she regained her memories or after she regained her memories. Elizabeth before remembering who she really is would be quick to coddle you, clinging to you all the time and doing everything to make you smile and make you happy. She's insecure, knows that you are very strong as a part of the eight sins whilst she isn't yet she still strives to be helpful to you somehow. If that can't be on the battlefield then it will be emotionally and because she is so eager about assisting you even if you deny her help more than once that can quickly turn into her being a tad bit too attentive and overbearing. If we're talking about Elizabeth as a goddess she would approach you more thoughtfully, emotionally more prepared to read your current mood and attempt to cheer you up from there. She's more subtle with everything she does but upon recalling her memories she has also learnt how to use her abilities again which means that she might use her empathic powers in an attempt to influence your emotions.
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🐍​Growing up Diane has made acquaintance with loneliness, a terrible feeling that she has over the years learnt to utterly despise. She doesn't want to be alone anymore which is one of the major reasons why she ends up as clingy as she does when she falls in love with you. You have never once made any comments about her height nor her clinginess though, maybe because you are often elsewhere with your mind and your thoughts yet it is the fact that you don't speak up about it that ends up encouraging her tendencies to escalate. She thinks that your quietness and thoughtfulness are very attractive and only add to your coolness. Her feelings have never been a secret to the other sins because she can barely hold back the red blush on her face as soon as she sees you and instantly starts twirling her hair around with her fingers, trying to make herself look cuter so that she might be able to make your heart skip as much as you always make her heart skip.
🐍​It is your reserved personality that still makes her most jealous though. Even though she is definitely on a delusional side she knows that you tend to avoid conflict and never disagree even when someone asks you to do something that you don't really want to do. This is where she takes it upon herself to act like the protective wife and speak up for you instead even if she never asks you for your real opinion on the topic. Additionally her already quite bad jealousy only increases because she knows that you are not the most social person out there and prefer spending time in your own head rather than with the people around you which makes every slice of attention you give others so much more special and by extension even worse. Why did you pay attention to that person and not to her just now? It's such thoughts that only add to her pushy clinginess as she wants to hoard all of your attention as soon as you snap out of the place in your mind you find yourself stuck in on days. As your future wife she should after all be the one person you may most attention to.
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🐗​Merlin's interest in knowledge, science and everything she doesn't know of is an unquenchable thirst that has led her to suspend her own age so that she may have all the time in the world to learn everything she desires to know. Often refered to as a mysterious woman since no one can truly tell what she is really after it is perhaps no surprise that the woman shrouded in mystery takes an interest in the other sin who is often just as hard to understand as you. Despite being a normal human you possess strength that has allowed to join the ranks of the sins and it is your personality that only adds to her interest as you are not very talkative nor do you spend much time with others. If Merlin takes interest in something she is going to pursue it even if she has to use more underhanded methods yet her ambigious morality has never truly been something that has bothered her. She knows what she is doing yet she prioritises her own interest above any laws or morality that others may criticise her for.
🐗​She uses the information she has to her own advantage and attempts to manipulate you so that she can spend more time with you. Her laboratory is a place where people rarely enter, mainly because she uses spells to keep people out and it is a place you find yourself often coaxed into with the promise of receiving your peace in there without being surrounded by the other sins whose personalities can be a bit exhausting for you at times. Whilst she keeps up the polite and kind facade around you her eyes are constantly observing you and note every twitch of your muscles when she makes some smalltalk with you whilst subtly attempting to understand you and the way your mind works better. Sometimes your gaze meets her for a short moment before you retreat to the place in your mind she has yet to understand and when this happens she wonders slightly amused if you perhaps have caught on to what she is doing yet have decided to ignore the topic in favor of avoiding a confrontation and continue your current lifestyle.
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🔶Whilst Derieri is a demon who has never really respected humans and feasts on the souls of your kind she will begrudgingly give you some respect after she has clashed with you on a battlefield. You are not just a puny human who she could easily squash under her feet, you have experience when it comes to fighting and possess abilities strong and respected enough to let you be a part of the sins despite only being a human. She keeps such thoughts to herself though as she would never want to admit that she holds secretly such respect for you. The both of you have most of your encounters whilst fighting each other since her kind is considered the enemy and she gets very aggressive when she sees you and instantly assaults you. Partially because she absolutely despises the way you make her feel and the nonchalant behavior you keep up even whilst fighting for your own life. Another part of her though can't contain the excitement pumping through her veins every time she sees you as she finds herself enjoying the thrill of clashing with you, her seven hearts beating wildly inside her body whenever your bodies get close to each other.
🔶The more her feelings grow the more aggressive she finds herself getting when fighting with you as her hatred as well as her excitement only get stronger as a result of her growing obsession. Derieri finds herself in desperate need to know what you really think of her kind and if you share the same thoughts as most other humans have about her own kind. She doesn't want to get her hopes up yet a part of her can't help but think that perhaps you will be different. After all you are quite different from other humans with a thought process that she can't even comprehend and it partially frustrates her about you. Having clashed with you multiple times during fights and having witnessed your strength with her own eyes though her frustration only continues to grow as she realises that you are truly not an easy person she could simply get her hands on. For a mere human you possess an annoying amount of strength that she may enjoy during fights yet that also means that she won't be able to just easily take you even if she desires to do so. Intentionally or not, everything about you seems to be something that she adores yet finds frustrating at the same time.
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🌫️​Melascula's experience is going to be even worse than Derieri's is and this demoness handles it even worse. Whilst Derieri will simply brood and lash out if someone mentions you Melascula needs no such direct trigger to have an outburst. She refuses to acknowledge you and respect you despite having seen your powers on display and doesn't want to accept the growing feelings she has whilst thinking about you. She would accept every other excuse that could help her to deny her growing feelings for you and in such frenzy attempts to convince herself and everyone around her that her feelings aren't real she turns into a conspiracy theorist. You bewitched her somehow and maybe Merlin helped you by putting a spell on her because her obsession for you can't be something that was born out of her own feelings she secretly harbors for you. She experienes constantly short and frenzied meltdowns as soon as something even vaguely reminds her of you to the point where the rest of the Ten Commandments starts to leave her alone as no one of them wants to be the next victim of her ridiculous rage.
🌫️​Everything you embody she tries to ridicule all in an attempt to deny her own feelings, in distraught hopes that her attraction may disappear if she were to just remind herself enough that no power you possess will change the fact that you belong to the weakest and most useless race on this planet. Her twisted feelings are always revealed though as soon as she's around you, her dark eyes observing you and her body language almost lecherous as fighting against you only fawns the inferno of obsession within her. She wants to be adored and worshipped by you yet your attitude which is only utterly disrespectful in her eyes only enrages her further. Just because you are a little bit more powerful than the normal human doesn't mean that you can just casually disrespect her! You just wait until she gets her hands on you sooner or later. She will properly educate you on how to treat a sublime woman like she is with the respect and the worship she deserves all whilst keeping you by her side like a human pet.
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hopelessromantic5 · 4 months
Last one for the night.
Sorry for the content dump. 🫶
Regency AU clip. Arthur and Merlin inspired by Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma.
Arthur’s father, The Viscount, decided he had let Arthur ‘pursue fanciful whims’ long enough.
He wanted Arthur to find a wife this season.
Oh, joy.
It was for this reason, Arthur went for an early morning ride, to let out his overwhelming frustration and to get out of that blasted house with his siblings, more specifically, his elder sister and her eyes full of pity.
Morgana knew that Arthur wanted to hold out for love, the kind of love their own parents shared. Arthur felt it his duty to find someone who would one day become Viscountess, have his children and help him continue his family’s long-standing reputation.
The only problem, which isn’t really a problem, more of an inconvenience, was that Arthur didn’t like women, in the slightest. Romantically speaking, that is.
He found this out the hard way when his college mates tried to throw him into a room full of naked women.
Arthur was…curious. But nothing beyond that, women were a complete mystery to him so he was really just in awe of their natural bodies and how objectively beautiful they were.
But it did nothing. No part of him stirred or got excited. That’s when he started to become uncomfortable, because he’d always known, deep down, in a place no one ever sees.
He left rather quickly.
Thankfully, his friends had disappeared by then.
The ride led him farther into the woods than he usually went, but he knew his way around them.
He slowed his horse to a trot as he went lost in his thoughts.
That was quickly interrupted when he heard galloping approaching. Very fast.
Before he could think twice, the horse and the person riding it, raced just past Arthur, causing his own mare to stumble a bit.
Well, I’ve got to see what this is about.
That was the only thought to cross his mind before turning the other direction, taking off as fast as he could.
He spotted the horse and rider immediately. Arthur rode harder and urged the animal below him to follow.
He had almost caught up, when a branch that seemed to come from nowhere caught Arthur’s jacket and caused him to pull back on the reigns, involuntarily.
He slowed to a stop, laughing hysterically.
That was fun.
“You’re laughing a lot for someone who lost.” The voice was deep.
Arthur hadn’t realized the horse in front of him also slowed and stopped, unwilling to turn the opposite direction and face him.
Arthur took the stranger in, finally. All he could see was a blue cloak with the hood pulled up, hiding all identity.
The skilled hands gripping the reigns wore gloves.
“To be fair, we never agreed on a stopping point and that limb was interference, divinely guided as it may have been.”
“Oh, divinely guided, was it?” The man snickered, but it was closer to a giggle.
Arthur couldn’t read the stranger very well when he could not see him.
He took matters into his own hands and rode past the other man, then spun to see the horse-whisperer directly, face to face.
He didn’t know what he’d been expecting.
But it was not to have his breath stolen.
He could not even see all of the man’s face, but what peaked out from under the hood was pale flawless skin and perfect pink lips.
Hooded eyes pointed to the ground between their two steeds.
“You’re awfully quiet for someone who won.” Arthur quipped.
The man finally raised him eyes in a glare that didn’t hold much heat behind it.
God, those eyes.
Blue like the ice that forms from dripping water on the window sills. The lightest clearest parts of the ocean. Pure and endless.
Arthur had never been struck by a person’s beauty before.
“You’re a complete stranger, what if you have ill intentions, or try to rob me blind?”
Arthur threw his head back in a laugh at this.
“You aren’t that inattentive. My intentions are pure, you have my word. I am a gentleman.” Arthur smirked at the blue eyed wonder. He got a small smile in return.
“Well, I have to be getting back.”
Arthur’s whole body practically howled the word. He’s not unable to control himself.
“Will I see you again?”
The man was already turning around to return from the way they came.
“Perhaps you will, my lord.”
Arthur sputters.
“How did you know I was-“
“I’m not that inattentive.” The man called over his shoulder before tapping the side of his boot on the horses flank and taking off into the trees.
Well, that was truly something.
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𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡, 𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡
Summary: No one in school could deny that Sebastian Sallow was in love with the new student, but also couldn't deny that he was a stupid with his confession plans... Would a birthday change it all?
Aka scenario mixed with headcanons about Sebastian absolutely being a lovely romantic with his feelings and doing something to prove his feelings to a certain important professor and the girl he loves.
A/N: I might write one with Ominis too, because they are both my lovely bois! But this one is already long as hell, so there will be a second part!
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Against the contrary belief, Sebastian Sallow was never and is never gonna be a fratboy kinda man. Yes, he flirts but guess what?
Only with you, the absolute love of his life.
Now, Anne often teased him with being a hopeless romantic and said that girls wouldn't be that interested... Jokes on her, you were already down bad for him and that stupid smile whenever he achieved a certain hard potion.
I mean, come on... You wouldn't try to stand the pain of freaking Crucio for his sake, if you didn't feel anything for him.
Anyways back to the point, Anne was indeed grateful that there was someone who had her brother's back.
Someone that eased his thirst for Dark Arts and a blind suicide mission just to have a cure for her.
She was also happy that there would be someone else he could rely on, knowing he and their uncle didn't get along at all.
But couldn’t help from thinking that girl, come on... My awkward brother when it comes to romancing the girl he likes?
She was right tho
Sebastian, though he didn't know much about romance since his priorities lied somewhere else until you came along, relied on romance novels
First mistake he did
Reading Wuthering Heights proved to be a wrong move because a) he cried after reading it and b) he was starting to act like the characters
The first reality shifter in my opinion 😂
And now, our awkward boi had a plan to confess- Merlin knew if he didn't, he would soon loose you and it would break his already fragile heart, the one thing he hid from anyone.
And what was the best plan..?
Throw a birthday party and confess there.
But... Now there was another problem
What gift would be good enough for you?
“What to get her, what to get her..? What does she even like? Maybe books? No, too cliche... I'm sure she read all the books in here though-“
You see, for the first time, Sebastian Sallow was actually nervous. One might think the charming Slytherin boy could be anything but nervous, but when the mission on hand was the utmost importancy that held the key to his future and possibly the rest of his life that could either continue with bliss or pain, he couldn't really afford his focus to wander to other places.
“Sebastian, what are you doing?”
But of course, simple people-even if that said person was his best friend-, could never understand how this was a big deal.
“A very important mission, Ominis. Now, if you excuse me...” Sebastian muttered absentmindedly while the blonde boy tilted his head curiously since he never saw Sebastian so... dead-set on something, that had nothing to do with Anne’s curse.
How did he know, you ask? Well, he wasn’t begging him to go to that Scriptorium for the first time. And Ominis, as shocked as he was, just knew that it was something about the new student that came and a smug smirk found his face.
Oh, I knew Sebastian was attached to her... Wonder how long it will take for them to finally confess.
“I assume it has something to do with Y/N, the new friend of us? Maybe about her oncoming birthday even?” he teased Sebastian as he plopped down on the bed that was right next to Sebastian’s , feeling the brunette boy’s shocked stare on his face as he brought out his own wand to show him the gift he had already gotten for you.
“I thought you didn’t like her! Why did you even buy a gift?!”
Ominis looked at him dead in the eye, scoffing all the while putting the gift he has gotten for you away and changing back to his relaxing clothes. “Tame your jealousy, Sebastian... And no, I never said I hated her. I was just slightly irritated because you brought her to Undercroft without me knowing beforehand. But just so you know, we are really good friends now.” He stated as a matter of factly, and though Sebastian denied he was jealous, both young Slytherins knew the truth.
And just how much Sebastian was deep in the well of love.
“I’m not jealous, Ominis. You can buy her whatever you want, I was just curious since you are always snarky around her!” he let out a childish humph! while sitting on his green, silky bed and continued to write down all his plans and possible ideas for gift. He wouldn’t really say it out loud, not that he was embrassed... Or maybe he was, but not because it was you, he had obvious feelings for you for the first time ever.
It was hard for him to admit, but perhaps... He only needed a little push.
“Hmm, so it wouldn’t be a problem if I were to go and snatch he-“
And by the fast swoosh and the sudden thud sound, followed after a groan from the brunette boy, Ominis knew that he had caught him.
First of all, no he wasn't being too much with his reaction
Second of all, why would Ominis be ever interested in you?? When you were his...
Okay, so perhaps that was what made him halter and think about what he just thought and...
🌠fireworks 🌠
That was exactly how the realization felt like. His insides burnt, not a painful one but a very pleasant, warm fire he used to feel whenever he sat down in front of the fireplace... And that warnth made him realize the true expant of his feelings.
Most students, and even some teachers, told him how he was attached to you ever since you came to the school. How you and him were attached from the hips, and how you both looked at each other sweetly, though in secret.
He was possessive of you, was in awe of your kindness and care for everything and anything. After everything that happened, and now he admitfed how selfish and inconsiderate he was of you in the road to his sister's aid, he trully realized that you were more than a simple girl.
You let him do Crucio on you, a painful curse, and bear the pain of it alone. You used your magic for him, Ominis and Anne many times to the point of fainting and... He only used that kindness, took it granted and bever checked on you with his mind occupied with Anne.
It filled him with immense sadness and guilt, making him feel ashamed at the way he treated you as if you didn't mean everything to him. As if you weren't his whole heart and soul. As if your kindness wasn't what lightened his dark life.
And then, the most recent memory of you erupted, a few days before everything went shit... A memory, which made his heart clench in love and longing.
"Why are you sitting away from me?" You turned your head to Sebastian who already was seated next to you, a frown pulling on his annoyingly handsome face and you smiled. Because that was what you had been doing whenever you were close to him, with his dorky face and stupid jokes that never failed to make you crack a tiny smile.
He made your heart fill with... as much as you didn't want to accept, love and safety. You felt more alive with him, as if you would be able to do anything with him there.
Your body and soul, heart all together existed only when he touched you.
This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you.
You could feel yourself through him, and it was... scary, how in rhythm you were with him. How well cordinated you were together, basically impossible to stop as a duo. He always had an eye on you, moreso after what happened with his uncle. You saw the guilty eyes he always seemed to have, how he was acting around as if he was walking on eggshells and how much... responsible he had become.
Before everything that happened, you and Ominis had to force him to attend class in time and do his homework, often making him trail after you two whenever you and Ominis would study late in the library secretly. And the shocking part, he always got good grades from almost every single one of them and that shocked all the teachers.
We didn't know you had it in you, Mister Sallow...
One sentence that freaked not him, but all three of you. That was when you thought this was it, that they would ask what was going on but instead they only replied with I see that your friends are helping you out! I knew one day you would come around.
Yeah... Friends.
Friends who watched the other get lost in the darkness.
Friend who sacrificed every bit of her for her crush, no... the boy she loved, but got treated like a punchbag.
A friend who had to stop his best friend from commiting crimes and comfort the other, a friend who blamed himself for ever introducing Sebastian to Dark Magic.
And amidst all... A friend who was so close to loosing everything.
Yeah, definetly friends...
"Nothing Sebastian. Nothing is wrong really. I just didn't want to make uncomfortable since you are left-handed." He didn't like how awkward and shy your voice sounded, and definetly didn't like how these words were something you always said even when you were in pain... The proof of his not-so-there care.
But he also didn't know whether to scoff, scold you, laugh or cry at your reason either. He told you many times that it was fine and he wasn't uncomfortable, something you would answer with but you always get angry with other whenever they anger you over it.
You could really never realize his feelings, couldn't you?
"You... sure? Did I do something? Anything lately?"
Ah, suddenly... I hate being early to the lesson and is he coming closer to me?
"I'm sure, Seb... Why would I even lie?" You gave him a kind of awkward smile as he raised a brow at you, looking between the two of you. His insides told him otherwise, but he feared he would drive you away if he asked more.
And it was the last thing he wanted, the last thing he needed...
Merlin knew he would be gone for food if you left him too...
"No reasons, just... We are still due to the Hogsmeade, right?"
Perhaps you should have said no and return back to what you were doing, avoid him and his handsome face that did nothing except haunting you and gave you butterflies whenever your eyes laid on him...
Loving him will end you, Poppy once said to you. Worrying for you and your heart, bless her soul. Sebastian was like mad honey, you always thought of him like that. Mad honey eased many pains in one's body, was healthy for the body, strengthening the heart and making the person who ate it stronger than before...
But it also burnt while eating, damaged the heart rhytm, caused hallucinations and caused pain if one ate more than necessary... And in se rare cases... It resulted with death even.
The worst part? It was so addictive that the person couldn't stop themselves from eating it after one point.
And Poppy feared that would be what happens, if you didn't stop yourself. She didn't hate Sebastian, he was actually noce to her from the beginning and even helped around whenever he had time. But she knew his reputation around the school as well, and was scared if he would hurt you.
Him suddenly acting all nice and responsible didn't help either.
But what no one really realised is... You were already a goner for him.
And even after all the hurt he put you through... He was now aware of them, actively trying to be better.
How could you avoid him when he is the biggest part of your life?
"Yes, Sebastian... Of course we still are. I can't wait to spend more time with you..." you turned to him with your usual smile that blinded him and made him blush, cooing internally at your adorableness and he gave the same smile back, if not... A much more relaxed one that gave away how relieved he was to hear you were still there and didn't plan on leaving him.
But that smile soon faltered when you frowned at something behind him, making him turn and... eventually scream in fright.
"Is that... Ominis?" You looked at Sebastian with wide eyes, cautiously walking to where the slumped figure of the blonde who worked two jobs, being a student and keeping an eye out for you two, was leaned over the wall behind him. You clutched your chest thightly, the sight of Ominis' open eyes scaring you, and you waved your hand slowly in front of him. You let out a surprised squeak when Ominis did nothing except letting out a snore and shook your head softly at him all the while Sebastian was busy with trying to get you back to his side.
"Merlin's beard! He sleeps with his eyes open!"
"I mean... He can't see either way?"
"It's still scary Y/N! You don't know how frightening it is when I wake up and see him looking at me, sleeping with those eyes open!" You laughed loud at Sebastian's trully frightened look, slapping a hand to your mouth to not wake Ominis up. You were glad to see Sebastian so... like how he was before and seeing the three of you were still the chaotic duo made hope blossom in your heart and made the fairies sing love songs and ring chimes happily...
Alongside with Ominis' cute snoring, who wasn't aware of anything.
Ahhh, yes... I would be nothing without these two dorks...
So, going to Hogsmeade was never a problem. You three always hang around there, Ominis usually dragging you both to Honeydukes while Sebastian dragged you to Three Broomsticks
There were times they had to listen to you tho
For example letting you drag them to have a picnic and have fun in the river by teying to catch some fishes or splash water at each other
All three of you were drenched after one time you did this, and Professor Matilda was angry at you three for a whole week.
Not because she hated you all or something, but because she was worried you three would get sick.
Secretly, she loved you three the most amongst all the students and saw you as her children... Especially knwoing your family status'.
But mama bear was flabbergasted when the two boys were bedridden but you were all fine, attending classes and even explaining them to the sick boys and volunteering to do their homeworks as well.
"I was gonna do mine as well, why wouldn't I do yours?"
But if mama Matilda was good at reading people, she was even better at reading young people in love
And she saw right through Sebastian and you as well. All those stolen glances and shy touches didn't pass through her glasses at all.
And, as the matchmaker of Hogwarts, she gave you two a day off to Hogsmeade after doing so well in your classes...
And so that you two might grow some pairs and confess already, she had a going bet with the grumpy Sharp and she wasn't going to loose it!
"What's your favourite color, young lady? Just say it so that I shall give you what your heart desires, as a gift to you of course."
Well, not every day you had the chance of hearing a seller ask this kind of question. And definetly not when you were looking for gifts or having a stroll with your bestfriend, who-would-never-love-you type of man.
"Uhm... Excuse me?"
"Your favourite color! I make little lockets and gifts based on a person's favourite memory, colord and such! And today'a lucky customer is you, darling girl!" Slightly old lady exclaimed happily, showing off everything she had done in the past and though you took a step back at the amount of them, you couldn't help but let out a wow at the significant details in all of them, which made the woman puff her chest out proudly.
It probably wouldn't hurt to try, right?
"Brown... Brown is my favourite color." The woman tilted her head curiously at your choice, making her magic work as your eyes drifted to Sebastian who was busy having a mild argument with one of the ladies over a necklace, giggling at how that act screamed Sebastian.
"Hmm, interesting choice... May I ask why?"
" It reminds me of autumn... The early hours when the sun's light reflect off of the soil and create the most beautiful auburn color and... His eyes..." Your eyes stayed locked onto where Sebastian was busy picking some jewelry as a gift to Anne, lips pulled in a frown as he looked at every single one of them with a seriousness you rarely saw.
But your eyes travelled away from his face and your mind took a sharper turn.
Those new uniforms need to be illegal... He is too good-looking in them...
His white shirt hugged his arms and chest quite well, showing off the muscle he had built after years of training and fighting. They were daunt and probsbly well-defined, you could tell whenever he hugged you or wrapped them around you protectively...
I'm down bad for him... Is that even oka-
"Ahh, youngsters... Always having other ideas with their significant others..." the seller let out a sigh softly as she looked behind her to where you were looking, understanding the situation fast as she gave a teasing smirk. Damn, I forgot she was able to see my mind...
"Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't help it..." you mumbled shyly, not daring to look at her as you accepted the two lockets to you. The open one, your eyes stayed on and your heart flipped at the scene that was inside it. There it was, the day when you surprised him with a little get-away, only the two of you and jumped on his back when he didn't expect it, drenching both of you as the sun kissed his freckles and casted the most beautiful gleam over his face...
But there was one more...
You frowned at her at realizing the other locket, after all you definetly didn't tell her to make two of them.
"But... I didn't want a second-"
"I know, sweetheart... They are my gifts to you and your boyfriend. You two look lovely together." She patted your hand sweetly, urging you to accept it and smiled when you accepted them rather shyly.
"I-I... He isn't my boyfriend..." you put the lockets back in your pouch and gave a thankfull smile to the old lady begore catching up to Sebastian who beamed at the sight of you, telling you how there was a lady insisting on buying two necklaces he set his eyes on.
As you listened to him and took his arm and looped yours with his, you weren't aware how his heart beated hard at the peaceful smile over your face. You didn't know how he started to sweat nervously and stuttered slightly either or how badly he wanted to kiss your plush lips, wondering how kissing you would feel like...
And you definetly didn't know what happened before he came to collect you that day either, the memories of what he talked with Professor Fig still clear in his mind.
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helloalycia · 1 year
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the king’s ward [one] // morgana pendragon
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summary: when you and your brother travel to Camelot to compete in a fighting competition, there's one problem: women can't fight. So, naturally, you convince him to switch places with you whilst you have your chance to fight. And impressing the King's Ward is merely a bonus.
warning/s: mentions of fighting and violence.
author's note: hello! so this was impulse written not long ago when i rewatched merlin bc who doesn't love katie mcgrath? it's inspired by that merlin ep where arthur uses a decoy in his jousting (?) match! and it's kind of like she's the man if you think about it haha, so do enjoy! it's a multi-part imagine :)
two / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
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"This is gonna be amazing, Y/B/N," I said with a grin, trying to contain my excitement as we approached the tournament grounds.
"Reign it in," he said lightheartedly, though I knew he was right. I wasn't supposed to be competing, he was, so I had to play the part.
Every year, Camelot held a fighting tournament that anybody could compete in, even those who weren't knights. There were no rules and it was an open competition, however despite nothing explicitly saying women couldn't compete, it was a given. And so every year, I only dreamt of competing so that I could see if I was as good as I hoped. Finally, I came up with the genius idea for my brother, Y/B/N, to pretend to compete whilst I actually did the fighting. It wasn't foolproof, but I was desperate, and he agreed after much convincing.
We'd arrived in Camelot last night, our first ever visit to the kingdom, and were staying in the full to-the-brim tavern in a room above the pub. It wasn't ideal, but it would do the job. The real reason I was here was right before me and I couldn't be more excited.
"Y/B/N Y/L/N?" a voice called, and my brother and I both spun around to see a servant boy approaching. "You're up first. You can use the tent over there to get into your armour, if you have any."
"Thank you," Y/B/N said with a nod before we both headed over to his – AKA mine – tent.
"This is perfect for making the switch," I said with a contained grin, looking around the enclosed space.
"You heard the boy, you're up first," Y/B/N said with a smile, before dropping our bag on the bench. "Let's get you suited up."
He helped me pull my armour over the top of my clothes, a bulky-looking but lightweight set that fit us both and was easy enough for me to manoeuvre in whilst also hiding any distinguishable feminine body parts that could give me away. After that, he handed me my sword and gave me a supportive nod.
"Good luck out there," he said, my helmet in his hand. "You're gonna smash it, sis."
I grinned. "I will indeed. They aren't going to know what's hit them."
He laughed and helped me put on my helmet, the metal covering my whole head except for some slits in the eyes to let me see.
"You ready?" he asked once more, and I gave him a thumbs up, already committing to staying quiet. He patted my back. "Go and win!"
Taking a deep breath, I left the tent and headed to the grounds, the sight of all those people watching only exciting me more. All I'd ever dreamt of was showing people my skills, for them to take me seriously. Not as a woman or a man, but a fighter. And this was my chance, finally. I wasn't going to let it slip by.
"I'm sure you're all excited about the tournament, as am I," the King began to speak, silencing everyone in seconds. "It's going to be a magnificent week of fighting, skill and talent. We shall see who the best fighters of Albion truly are. Starting with our first match of the tournament – Y/B/N Y/L/N versus Henry Wright!"
The crowd erupted into cheers as my opponent and I walked in the centre, our chosen weapons at our side. The King looked down at us both with anticipation, waiting for quiet. And then when he was ready, he raised his hand.
"You may begin," was all he said, and I barely had chance to take a breath before my opponent, Henry, swung first.
His mace, spiked and heavy, almost took my head off if I didn't move in time. The crowd 'ooh'd' as it did and I tried to tune them out, focusing on the fight. I couldn't afford distractions.
As Henry kept moving forward, slashing his mace at me and trying to touch my armour, I dodged effortlessly. Henry may have been strong, but he was slow, and his weapon of choice was particularly terrible. Once he'd worn himself out, it was my turn to take a swing at him, my sword coming down on his gauntlets in a wide arc. Contact was made and he grunted loudly, grossly, and stepped back. I slashed a few more times, to which he was now on the defensive, using his clunky weapon as a barrier. But it didn't faze me as I kept on slashing, trying to back him into the side.
Once he was trapped, I let him take a shot at me, only to roll to the side at the last second and swipe his legs out from beneath him. He hit the ground as quickly as I directed my sword at his neck. Lifting his hands in defeat, I couldn't fight the grin from my lips.
The crowd erupted into cheers, yelling my brother's name, and I lowered my sword before offering out my hand. Henry let me pull him up before letting go bitterly, walking off the grounds. I laughed to myself before looking around me at the crowd, waving a little too cockily. I couldn't help it – I'd won! My first match!
When I turned to face the King, I saw he was clapping in his chair, impressed at my handiwork. Seated beside him was his ward, Morgana, and I'd heard so much of her but never seen her before. I wasn't prepared for her beauty, nor the vibrancy of her green eyes in the sun, even from a distance. And once again, I couldn't help but let my cockiness get the better of me. Between waving, I blew her a kiss, facing her directly in a way that I hoped she knew it was for her. Judging from the way she immediately turned pink in the face, I knew I'd succeeded.
After soaking in the glory a moment longer, I left to return to Y/B/N who was waiting for me in the tent. As soon as he saw me, a grin was on his face.
"Sounds like you gave them a good show," he commented as I rushed to remove my helmet and armour.
"Y/B/N, it was like nothing I've ever experienced," I admitted, still buzzing with adrenaline and excitement. "It was perfect. And you should've seen the way I got the other guy on his butt!"
He chuckled as I helped pull the armour onto him. "I'm sure it was something special. It's a shame I can't watch."
"We can't risk you being caught," I reminded him, before handing my sword and helmet. "Go on. Do your final waves. Don't forget to rub it in their face that I won, yeah?"
He rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm not doing that."
I laughed as he left the tent. My smile was permanent as I stood alone. One round down, several more to go.
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"The other guys are pretty rough," Y/B/N said as we hung back to watch the other matches and get a better feel for the competition. "You sure you're up for it?"
"Don't even joke," I said to him with a knowing look. "You know it's all I want. They don't scare me."
He raised his eyebrows. "Hey, I was thinking more about them. They're gonna get smothered and not even know it. You don't wanna give them a chance?"
A smile grew on my lips as I shoved him in the side. "You're so stupid."
He mirrored my smile before paying attention to the fights. We stayed there until the last fight before chatting about what we'd seen by the tents. The crowd was dispersing and the other fighters were talking about getting a drink at the tavern, even inviting my brother to join them. He found it strange, the attention, especially since he knew it wasn't for him. I assured him he had to be a team player and not raise suspicion, but he wasn't impressed.
As we were chatting, I couldn't help but notice a blur of black hair in my peripheral vision, and when I looked, I saw the Lady Morgana walking by with her handmaiden. She spotted my brother and I and, naturally, her attention was on my brother. She flashed him a smile, to which he awkwardly returned, and then began to approach us.
"Er, why is the Lady Morgana coming to talk to us?" Y/B/N asked nervously.
"No idea," I said, though my own smile was tempting to break out as my eyes wandered over her figure. She was seriously stunning.
"Hello there," Morgana spoke when she stopped before us. "It's Y/B/N, right?"
He nodded slowly, before clearing his throat and bowing. "A pleasure to meet you, my lady."
"Please, no need for the formalities," she said with a slight laugh, one that I knew I'd be dreaming of for days. "I just came to say that you put up a good fight this morning. I look forward to seeing your performance throughout the week."
"Thank you, my lady," was all he said, and I almost rolled my eyes at his dense self. Couldn't he see she was interested him?
"And who is this pretty lady?" she continued, and I realised she was speaking to me.
"I'm Y/N, my lady," I introduced myself with a smile. "Y/B/N's twin sister. Not identical, thankfully."
Y/B/N rolled his eyes as Morgana laughed at my joke.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Y/N," she said, eyes lingering on mine. "Might I say, you have a very talented brother."
I hummed in agreement, biting my tongue and trying not to laugh. Talented... I'd take it.
"I should be going, but have a good evening, both of you," Morgana finished, glancing between us before leaving.
"Y/N, what did you do? Why is she suddenly interested?" Y/B/N asked as I watched her walk away, entranced.
"Nothing," I reassured him, before tearing my gaze from Morgana and looking to Y/B/N. "What? I didn't do anything!"
He rolled his eyes and shoved me before walking away. I bit my lip to contain a grin and skipped after him. I was beginning to like it here.
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The next fight was soon upon me and it was safe to say that I was nailing it. My opponent was supposed to be a challenge, but I could swear it was only getting easier. He was over six feet tall and towering over me. Compared to me AKA Y/B/N, he was huge. Luckily for me, height wasn't an issue as my brother and I were close enough in height, a solid five foot eight and nine respectively, so it wouldn't give us away.
The fight was over in minutes, with me landing a winning blow to my clown of an opponent, right in the gut. As soon as he was down, the crowd were up and out of their seats, cheering me on. The intensity of their cheering surprised me at first, as I didn't realise they loved me so much. It took them longer to calm down, and a few flowers were thrown from the stands, making me grin as I waved at them. When I looked to the King, he was surprisingly smiling as he clapped his leather-gloved hands heavily. Morgana was stood up beside him, clapping with the crowd, and I couldn't stop myself.
Without thinking, I picked up a flower from the ground, dusted it off on my armour and threw it up to her. I was relieved when it landed at her feet, worried I'd missed, and she seemed surprised as she picked it up. When she looked at me, I bowed respectfully, making the crowd cheer even louder, and I tried to pretend I couldn't see King Uther losing his smile as he looked at me with suspicion. Oops?
I jogged back to the tent, feeling lightweight and overwhelmingly happy. Y/B/N clapped me on the back in congratulations before we exchanged gear and he headed back out to reveal his face, waving once more.
After he soaked in the glory for a little longer, I packed up our things and we left the tent to get some water. A few knights, to our surprise, approached us and began chatting to Y/B/N about his technique. He played along perfectly, since he was a decent fighter himself, and I merely watched as they spoke of my moves and skill, grinning to myself. Clearly I was doing better than I thought if the knights of Camelot were complimenting me.
"Hey, Y/B/N," a voice called from behind, and we both turned to see a flirtatiously-smiling Morgana walking past. She nodded at my brother, saying, "The flower was cute."
Poor Y/B/N was clueless. "The flower?"
Morgana laughed, thinking he was joking, and left. I suppressed a smile as we both turned to the knights. One of them gave Y/B/N a knowing look.
"Bold move giving the King's ward a flower right in front of the King himself," they said with a snicker, before leaving.
Y/B/N blinked and began to turn to me. "I did what?"
I smiled sheepishly. "What? She was impressed by my skill! How could I resist?"
"Look, she's pretty and she deserved it, okay?" I said nonchalantly. "It's no biggie."
He facepalmed and I could tell he was already regretting changing places with me.
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Later that same evening, Y/B/N and I were making the most of the training grounds that Prince Arthur was letting the contestants use for the week. To everyone else, I was merely practicing with him, but to us, he was actually helping me practice. 
For the third time in five minutes, I knocked Y/B/N on his butt and laughed at the expression on his face.
"C'mon, at least give me some sort of challenge," I teased, holding out my hand for him.
He let me help him up as he gave me a knowing look. "Don't be too good or people will suspect."
I scoffed. "Nobody will think twice about me."
"Oh yeah, because you're so inconspicuous dressed like that," he said sarcastically.
I ignored him, though I knew he was only looking out for me. Ladies wore frocks and dresses, not pants and shirts. But I didn't like to be restricted – why was that such a bad thing? I hated that I had to put myself in a box just to make others feel comfortable. It wasn't fair.
"Are you ready?" I asked, readying my sword.
He nodded and did the same before coming at me without warning. I held my own well enough, even with him giving his all, and with the utmost satisfaction, I managed to land him on his butt yet again. He narrowed his eyes at me and I began to laugh before pissing him off that little bit more by twiddling the hilt of my sword on my forefinger in the air, watching it spin before catching it. It was a silly little celebratory move I liked to do, one that Y/B/N hated because it usually meant I had beaten him.
Grumbling to himself, Y/B/N helped himself stand up as I watched on with amusement.
Surprised, I turned around and definitely didn't expect to see the Lady Morgana approaching us.
"You're almost as good as your brother," she commented, looking at me.
Smile fading slightly, I tried not to draw anymore attention to myself. "Something like that."
She lifted a brow curiously. "It's a shame you couldn't compete. You're better than half the men in this competition."
"It's just how it is, my lady. The King's rules," I said, though I was secretly smiling because she thought I was good. As me, the real me, not my brother.
"If it were up to me, I'd have loved to watch you fight," she said, making me smile to myself. I risked glancing at her and saw she was watching me with her own smile, before looking to my brother.
"Good luck tomorrow," she said to him considerately.
"Thank you, my lady," Y/B/N said, bowing.
She nodded her head at him before catching my staring, offering a smile, then leaving.
"Gosh, she's so pretty," I said, unable to look away from her.
"Not here, not now," Y/B/N said in a warning tone before slapping me on the back.
"I'm gonna win just to see her smile," I decided, finally looking away from her retreating figure.
Y/B/N rolled his eyes, shaking his head with disbelief. I raised an eyebrow challengingly.
"Another round?"
"No way," he said immediately, making me laugh as I watched him walk away.
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"Like you always do," I whispered to myself as I stood face to face with my next opponent. "Come on."
My opponent carried a sword and shield and was very good with both, as I'd seen him using it these past few days. Probably the first real challenge I had, I was a little nervous, but one look at my sword reminded me why I was here and what I was capable of. I wasn't going to let this man throw me off.
As we fought, I quickly realised he wasn't going to tire out easily. As quick as he was skilful, he dodged all of my slashes, blocked all of my stabs and avoided all of my feigned shots. He was too good, keeping me on my toes. I was growing tired as the minutes dragged on and he knew this, using it as his opportunity to slam his shield against me, knocking me back. I tuned out the audience's reactions, shaking my head to get back into it.
I let him believe he was going in for a strike before rolling out the way and slashing the back of his legs. He groaned as he spun around, blocking my next hit. This seemed to piss him off as he came at me quick and hard, striking every second and driving me further and further backwards. One sturdy hit with his shield and I was on my back. Just as he tried to strike me, I rolled out the way and stood up, putting some distance between us.
Collecting myself, I saw that he pulled his shield over him once more and knew I needed to use that to my advantage. He wasn't going to let it go, no matter how hard I hit it. And I was already growing tired, my body battered and bruised, my energy depleting. If he kept going like this, he'd surely win. And I couldn't let him.
A stupid idea came to my head and I figured it was worth a shot if I was already losing. Why not?
Running directly at my opponent, I watched as he tucked in, shield up and ready to block my hit. Just when he was about to shove it towards me, I used the momentum to jump on it, over his head and hitting the ground, just about. I was so shocked it worked that I almost forgot to use his own surprise to my advantage. Without wasting a second, I spun around and smacked the hilt of my sword at the back of his head, knocking him to the ground. Worried I'd hit him too hard, I kneeled down to listen in.
When he let out a breath, I sighed with relief and stood up, eyes closing for a moment. Then the stands shook as everyone stood up, cheering and yelling and clapping, and I opened my eyes with a smile. As I waved my sword hand in the air, bowing, the cheering only intensified and I couldn't stop grinning. Admittedly, the thrill of it all got to my head and I began to show off, waving to the crowd on all sides. Just because I could, I twiddled my sword on the tip of my gloved forefinger in the air and threw it up before catching it by the hilt. The crowd seemed to love it and a grin was permanently fixed on my face as I left the grounds to return to my tent.
"That's the loudest I've ever heard them," Y/B/N said as soon as he saw me. "What did you do?"
"Whatever I could," I said between a laugh, before pulling off my helmet. "Get me out of this, I'm so hot."
He chuckled and helped me out of it, and I helped him into it as usual. Giving him his sword and helmet, I sent him off before taking a deep breath and drinking lots of water. My body was aching and there were definitely bruises all along my legs and chest, but I didn't care because that was insane. How the hell did I manage that?! Whatever it was, it was incredible and I couldn't wait to do it again in my next fight.
Y/B/N returned after soaking in the glory, pulling off the armour and ready to help me pack it all away, but to both of our surprises, Prince Arthur walked in the tent.
"Hello," he greeted awkwardly, before looking to Y/B/N. "You fought excellently today. I wanted to ask if you'd have a word with me outside."
I hid my smile as my brother nodded, exchanging glances with me before following after the prince. Prince Arthur was impressed by me? No way. There was no way! I'd have to fight him soon enough, since he was also competing, but who cared? He was impressed!
I tried to contain my excitement as I went about packing away my armour, stuck in my own daydream land. So much, in fact, that I didn't hear anybody enter the tent behind me.
"It's you!"
I nearly jumped out of my skin when a familiar voice came out of nowhere. Spinning around, I was surprised to see the Lady Morgana standing there with a shocked smile on her face.
She licked her lips, stepping fully inside the tent and glancing behind her, before looking to me. Lowering her voice, she said, "It's you. The fighting out there. It's not your brother, it's you."
When I finally managed to stop getting distracted by her pretty smile and listened to what she was saying, my own smile faded.
Swallowing hard, I played dumb. "What? That's crazy."
I tried to busy myself with packing my bag whilst also panicking inside, but she kept going with it.
"The sword trick at the end," she stated with confidence. "Where you twirl it on your finger. You did the same thing when you beat your brother yesterday. It's you, isn't?"
I closed my eyes, cursing myself at my stupidity. The damned sword trick. Why did I have to let my cockiness get the better of me?
"Maybe," I admitted, turning to face her, and she smiled to herself.
"I bloody knew it! Well– okay, maybe I didn't, but it makes sense," she said. "Your brother acts like a completely different person out on the grounds compared to when he's literally anywhere else. Because it's not him."
I stayed quiet, both embarrassed that I'd been caught out and nervous to what it meant for me.
"Wait," she realised, pausing, and I could practically see her brain working everything out. Green eyes met mine as she asked, "The flower. Blowing me the kiss. That was... that was you?"
If only the earth could swallow me up there and then.
"I was committing to the role...?" I said dumbly, making me her chuckle. Beginning to panic even more now, I said, "Look, if I'm in trouble, please don't punish Y/B/N. He didn't even want to do this, but I made him. It was the only way I could compete. I just wanted to see how far I could get."
She furrowed her brows, a confused smile on her face. "Y/N, you're not in trouble."
I blinked, taken aback. "I'm not in... huh?"
"I won't tell a soul," she promised, expression softening. "Keep doing what you're doing. You've single-handedly impressed every member of the court, all the knights, the prince and the King himself. You're amazing, Y/N."
At her words, I began to smile, feeling a sense of pride take over. "Why are you doing this?"
She shrugged, playing coy. "Maybe it's women sticking together. Maybe it's because I enjoy watching you fight. Or maybe I don't want to see you getting punished for being such a good fighter."
I sighed quietly, a sense of relief spreading through me. "Whatever it is, thank you, my lady. Truly."
"It's Morgana," she corrected, eyes flickering between mine.
I pursed my lips to stop my smile from widening, and then she stepped forward and kissed my cheek, making me freeze at the contact.
"And thank you for the flower," she whispered in my ear, before stepping back.
My mouth went dry as I watched her red lips curled into a smile before she left the tent. I was certain I was as red as her lipstick, my heart racing in my chest. A grin soon formed on my lips and I couldn't stop.
Moments later, Y/B/N returned and seemed surprised with his chat with Prince Arthur, but I was too distracted thinking about Morgana, my cheek still tingling from her touch.
"The prince wanted to personally congratulate me on my progress thus far," Y/B/N shared. "He hopes to see me make it to the finals so he can see what I'm all about up close."
His words went in one ear and out the other. Did Morgana always smell of jasmine, I wondered?
"Seriously? I thought you'd be dying to know more," Y/B/N said with suspicion.
"What?" I finally tuned back in, kind of. "Yeah, that's great, Y/B/N."
He studied me curiously. "I just saw the Lady Morgana leave here. What did she want?"
"Huh?" I asked, half listening.
"Y/N!" he said, startling me.
Finally, his words settled and I answered, "She just wanted to compliment how great you did today."
"How kind," he said, not believing me.
I couldn't tell him that she actually knew the truth – he'd get cold feet and back out of the competition, and then I'd never get to prove myself. Besides, Morgana said she wouldn't tell anyone, so we were still good to go. What Y/B/N didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
"Wait," I said, finally acknowledging what he said earlier. "What did Prince Arthur say about me?"
Y/B/N groaned dramatically and grabbed the bag of armour, ignoring me. I was forced to chase after him, doing his head in about everything the prince said.
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etoilesombre · 10 months
Hey, do you guys want to hear a story? Let me tell you about the romance between Lancelot and Guinevere, as recounted in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur.
So, I thought I knew the basics. I grew up reading modern versions of Arthurian legend that focused on other aspects, but had a general knowledge of the Arthur-Guinever-Lancelot love triangle. It didn't show up too much, but I assumed it was subtext in some other versions. What I picked up was that it was sort of pure, almost an ot3, and not the cause of a lot of problems. 
My friends. In this version it is NOT SUBTEXT, it DEFINITELY CAUSED PROBLEMS, and it is WILD. It is a true will-they-won't-they drama fest soap opera romance, and I need to share. So please, come on this journey with me.
[I’m looking at you, Black Sails fandom people. I need you to know that Flint canonically would have read this. He would almost certainly have also grown up hearing these stories. I’m not saying he’s Lancelot coded, but I am saying it's interesting that he would have been aware that was something it was possible to be.]
A couple notes, before we dive in. I am very much just summarizing what happened in the book. The thing is, the book is a million pages long and also in Middle English, and this is just one of many plots, which I think is why it's not more widely known. I will show some excerpts so you can get a feel for the text, but you don’t need to read them to understand the story. I'm referring to a version that is as close to the manuscript as I can find, though with spelling regularized. For real fun, see what the original looked like. Malory purports to be translating part of the French Vulgate cycle, which likely is where the character of Lancelot originates, but in fact he is doing much more than translating, and compiles other stories as well. Point being, when he says “so the French book sayeth” etc, that is the “book” to which he is referring. Because of my lack of knowledge about the language and cultural context, this lecture series from Mythgard Academy was absolutely invaluable to my understanding. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Inevitably, some of the opinions of the prof are reflected here. I do not have it in me to compare the scholarship of various medievalists right now, I just want to tell you about this DRAMA. 
Let’s start with a prophecy. When Arthur decides he wishes to marry Guinevere, Merlin advises him to take someone else, because if he takes her, she will betray him with Lancelot and it will destroy his kingdom. All of this is foretold, not only to us, but to Arthur himself. Of course he takes her anyway, and all is doomed from the start.
As we begin the main arc of this story (several books after the prophecy), Lancelot is widely acknowledged to be the best and most renowned knight of Arthur’s court. He is plainly and hopelessly in love with Guinevere, and she loves him in return. Arthur doesn’t have a problem with this - who wouldn’t love Guinevere? This sort of love is socially acceptable, so long as they do not sleep together, which would be treason. Arthur in fact seems to support their love, because it means that Lancelot will be Guinevere’s champion should she need one. This is a role Arthur himself legally cannot fill because he is the king, and so would have to be the judge. Lancelot is indeed a good champion for her, and fights for her when she is wrongly accused of murder. 
Lancelot is deeply chivalrous, in a way that seems sincere. This is a great place for a first excerpt, a conversation with a Random Damsel Lancelot has been helping:
‘Now, damosel,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘will ye any more service of me?’ ‘Nay, sir,’ she said, ‘at this time, but almighty Jesu preserve you wheresoever ye ride or go, for the most courteous knight thou art and meekest unto all ladies and gentlewomen that now liveth. But one thing, sir knight, me thinks ye lack, ye that are a knight wifeless, that ye will not love some maiden or gentlewoman. For I could never hear say that ever ye loved any of no manner of degree, and that is great pity. But it is noised that ye love Queen Guenivere, and that she hath ordained by enchantment that ye shall never love no other but her, nor no other damosel nor lady shall rejoice you; wherefore there be many in this land of high estate and low that make great sorrow.’ ‘Fair damosel,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘I may not warn* people to speak of me what it pleaseth them; but for to be a wedded man, I think it not; for then I must couch with her, and leave arms and tournaments, battles and adventures. And as for to say to take my pleasance with paramours, that will I refuse, in principal for dread of God. For knights that be adventurous should not be adulterers nor lecherous, for then they be not happy nor fortunate unto the wars; for either they shall be overcome with a simpler knight than they be themselves, or else they shall slay by unhap and their cursedness better men than they be themselves. And so who that useth paramours shall be unhappy, and all thing unhappy that is about them.’ 
So after doing his Knightly Deeds for this damsel, Lancelot asks if she needs anything else. She says no, but you are lacking one thing, which is the love of a woman. It is rumored that is because Guinevere has through sorcery made you love only her, and that causes all of the women great sorrow. In reply Lancelot makes this speech about how he cannot have a wife or paramour and be a good knight, but everyone thinks it is at least in part because his love is reserved for Guinevere.
Now, throughout the book his chastity DOES notably cause all of the women great sorrow. Everyone wants to sleep with Lancelot. Literally he is kidnapped by the four most beautiful queens other than Guinevere, and they say he has to choose one of them as a lover (not even a wife, a lover) or else die. He says he would rather die, though in the end he escapes. This is just an example, truly it is a recurring problem for him. He is, at one point, tricked into sleeping with a woman with whom he conceives his son Galahad (as was prophesied, it's a long story and the romance is only part of it. It is worth mentioning that something similar happens to Arthur, which is how Mordred is sired.) When Guinevere learns that Lancelot has been with someone else, she is angry and banishes him from the court. They still love each other and eventually reconcile. 
So, Lancelot goes on the quest for the holy grail. But he fails, specifically because while he is outwardly dedicated to God, in his private heart he is still dedicated to Guinevere. And so he makes a vow to renounce his love for her, acknowledging that it is beyond measure (beyond what is right, even if they have not technically done anything wrong.) However when he returns to Camelot, he cannot keep this vow, as we see. 
Then, as the book saith, Sir Lancelot began to resort unto Queen Guenivere again, and forgot the promise and the perfection that he made in the quest. For, as the book saith, had not Sir Lancelot been in his privy thoughts and in his mind so set inwardly to the Queen as he was in seeming outward to God, there had no knight passed him in the quest of the Sangrail, but ever his thoughts were privily on the Queen. And so they loved together more hotter than they did beforehand, and had many such privy draughts together that many in the court spoke of it, and in especial Sir Agravain, Sir Gawain’s brother, for he was ever open-mouthed. So it befell that Sir Lancelot had many resorts of ladies and damosels that daily resorted unto him to be their champion: in all such matters of right Sir Lancelot applied him daily to do for the pleasure of Our Lord Jesu Christ. And ever as much as he might he withdrew him from the company of Queen Guenivere for to eschew the slander and noise, wherefore the Queen waxed wroth with Sir Lancelot.
He and Guinevere start spending a lot of time alone together, and so there are rumors circulating about them in court. In order to put a stop to the rumors, Lancelot starts paying other women attention and doing more good knightly deeds for them. Guinevere is terribly jealous, but he tells her it's for their own good, and also tells her about the vow he made, and his concern that their love is beyond what is appropriate. She is devastated, and weeping banishes him from the court (again). 
Lancelot then rides in a tournament, disguised. (Why? Because this is simply a thing knights do.) To make it an effective disguise he takes the token of a woman, the sleeve of the fair maid of Astolat to wear on his helm. When she discovers that he was only using it for the disguise, and he does not indeed love her, she is so heartbroken that she says if he will not marry her or be her lover, she will die. He refuses, on the grounds that love must not be constrained and should arise from the heart, and offers her a thousand pounds a year instead if she marries anyone else. Properly insulted by this, she does indeed die. She has her body sent in a boat to Camelot, with a letter in her hand, saying that she died of her love for him, that he would not return. 
Seeing this, Guinevere reconciles with Lancelot, presumably reassured by the fact that he would let this very beautiful much younger woman die of her love rather than being with her. She insists that from now on he will not fight in disguise, and will openly bear her token. 
Then Queen Guenivere sent for Sir Lancelot, and said thus: ‘I warn you that ye ride no more in no jousts nor tournaments but that your kinsmen may know you; and at these jousts that shall be ye shall have of me a sleeve of gold. And I pray you for my sake to force* yourself there, that men may speak you worship. But I charge you as ye will have my love, that ye warn your kinsmen that ye will bear that day the sleeve of gold upon your helmet.’ ‘Madam,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘it shall be done.’ And either made great joy of other.
It is important to keep in mind that, to this point, there is no textual evidence that they were sleeping together, and a great deal of evidence that it was important to Lancelot that they not cross that line. There is much less evidence that this is important to Guinevere.
So then one fateful day in May, Guinevere goes picnicing with an entourage of knights. They are captured by someone else who is in love with Guinevere, and taken back to his castle, but she manages to send a message to Lancelot. At the castle, she insists that her knights sleep in her bedchamber on the grounds that they were wounded in the battle when she was captured and need tending, but truly she wants them there to keep her captor from raping her. 
Lancelot arrives to rescue her, and the person who kidnapped her agrees to give her back in the morning. She tells Lancelot to visit her room in the night. He climbs up to her window, which is barred. They have a heartfelt reunion and she says she wishes he could come in to her. He acquiesces and breaks the bars to get into her room, cutting his hand to the bone to do so. Despite the profusely bleeding wound and the ten other men sleeping in the room, they at last do sleep together, in this passionate blood covered consummation. He sneaks back out and replaces the bars.
In the morning, the man who kidnapped Guinevere comes in and sees blood all over the bed. He accuses her of being unfaithful to the king, saying she lay with one of the knights who had been sleeping in her room. She denies it, but it is very clear that she did sleep with someone who was bleeding. 
Lancelot says he will fight to defend her from this accusation, which is right and proper because he is her champion. In this story people take trial by combat and oaths before God very seriously, especially Lancelot. He really does try. So he swears an oath that he will prove with his life that Guinevere did not sleep with one of the wounded knights who lay in her room. This of course is TRUE, but only on a technicality. Lancelot, having slept with her himself the night before, is also the one who defends her honor after. I love this story so much. 
Instead of fighting him, the kidnapper takes Lancelot captive. In captivity he encounters ANOTHER damsel who insists that sleep with her in order for her to help him. He refuses, still faithful in his heart to Guinevere. Eventually she settles for him holding and kissing her, which is not across the line of appropriateness apparently, giving us some idea of where that line is drawn. Anyway, Lancelot gets out, fights for Guinevere and wins. There are indications that he feels like he barely dodged a devine bullet. 
Guinevere and Lancelot return to Camelot. Finally the rumors about them are true, the deed has been done, but of course nothing appears particularly different as there were already rumors about them. Two knights, Mordred and Agravaine, who have been intriguing against Arthur already, go and tell Arthur that Guinevere is being untrue to him. Here is his response: 
‘If it be so,’ said the King, ‘wit you well, he is none other; but I would be loath to begin such a thing but I might have proofs of it. For Sir Lancelot is a hardy knight, and all ye know that he is the best knight among us all; and but if he be taken with the deed he will fight with him that bringeth up the noise, and I know no knight that is able to match him. Therefore, and it be sooth as ye say, I would that he were taken with the deed.’ For as the French book saith, the King was full loath that such a noise should be upon Sir Lancelot and his queen. For the King had a deeming of it; but he would not hear thereof, for Sir Lancelot had done so much for him and for the Queen so many times that, wit you well, the King loved him passingly well.
Arthur says he will not hear of this without proof, because if Lancelot is accused and allowed to fight he would beat anyone. And, it is said that Arthur had some idea of the affair, but would not credit it because Lancelot had done so much for him and Guinevere, and he loved Lancelot greatly. 
So, one night when the king is away hunting, the two accusers contrive to catch them in the act, with a group of twelve armed knights. They do find Lancelot in Guinevere’s chamber, but the text is notably, pointedly vague about whether they are actually in bed. In any case, Lancelot asks for a trial. The knights say no, they have caught him and so may kill him. He is Lancelot, so he kills all of them instead, save one (Mordred) whom he leaves wounded. Lancelot flees, intending to return to rescue Guinevere and take her to his own castle to protect her from Arthur’s wrath. He maintains her innocence, and still intends that they will all reconcile.
Guinevere is to be burned at the stake (normal in this situation). Lancelot rescues her from the burning at the last moment, killing a number of knights of the round table. Arthur seems to blame the accusers more than Guinevere and Lancelot (for good reason; keep in mind that the romance is a subplot, there is a great deal of political intrigue going on.) Now a war will begin, whether anyone wants it or not, because of the people Lancelot killed. Lancelot takes Guinevere to his own castle. Battle lines are drawn, and Lancelot and Arthur confront each other in the fighting:
And ever was King Arthur about Sir Lancelot to have slain him, and ever Sir Lancelot suffered him and would not strike again. So Sir Bors encountered with King Arthur; and Sir Bors smote him, and so he alit and drew his sword and said to Sir Lancelot, ‘Sir, shall I make an end of this war?’—for he meant to have slain him. ‘Not so hardy,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘upon pain of thy head, that thou touch him no more! For I will never see that most noble king that made me knight neither slain nor shamed.’ And therewith Sir Lancelot alit off his horse and took up the King and horsed him again, and said thus: ‘My lord the king, for God’s love, stint this strife, for ye get here no worship and I would do my utterance. But always I forbear you, and ye nor none of yours forbear not me. And therefore, my lord, I pray you remember what I have done in many places, and now am I evil rewarded.’ So when King Arthur was on horseback he looked on Sir Lancelot; then the tears burst out of his eyes, thinking of the great courtesy that was in Sir Lancelot more than in any other man. And therewith the King rode his way and might no longer behold him, saying to himself, ‘Alas, alas, that yet this war began!’
So Arthur tries to slay Lancelot, but Lancelot, the better fighter, refuses to slay him and indeed when Arthur is unhorsed Lancelot forbids that he be slain, and gives him his own horse. Arthur weeps for the honor that is in Lancelot, and laments that the war began. 
The pope intervenes and tries to negotiate an end. Lancelot confirms that he is willing to return Guinevere to Arthur, and says he has always been willing to do this and will still defend her honor, but that he does not feel he can do so because Arthur has listened to liars and been misled, and he had more reason to take her away than the accusation of adultery - he does not trust she can be safe in that court, with things as they are. 
Eventually they do make a deal, with some assurances, and he surrenders Guinevere to the king. He kisses her openly, says that he will leave, but should she be in danger or ever again accused of being untrue, he will fight for her as he always has. He departs the court forever, to much great sorrow, and returns to his own lands. 
The war continues - eventually Mordred seizes the throne, Arthur kills him in battle but is mortally wounded himself and passes to Avalon. Following the king’s death, although her love would no longer be adulterous, Guinevere retires to a convent rather than reuniting with Lancelot. He seeks her out, and this is her reaction: 
Sir Lancelot was brought before her; then the Queen said to all those ladies, ‘Through this same man and me hath all this war been wrought, and the death of the most noblest knights of the world; for through our love that we have loved together is my most noble lord slain. Therefore, Sir Lancelot, wit thou well I am set in such a plight to get my soul health; and yet I trust through God’s grace and through His Passion of His wounds wide, that after my death I may have a sight of the blessed face of Christ Jesu, and at Doomsday to sit on His right side;* for as sinful as ever I was, now are saints in heaven. And therefore, Sir Lancelot, I require thee and beseech thee heartily, for all the love that ever was betwixt us, that thou never see me no more in the visage. And I command thee, on God’s behalf, that thou forsake my company; and to thy kingdom look thou turn again, and keep well thy realm from war and wrack. For as well as I have loved thee heretofore, my heart will not serve now to see thee, for through thee and me is the flower of kings and knights destroyed. And therefore go thou to thy realm, and there take ye a wife and live with her with joy and bliss. And I pray thee heartily to pray for me to the everlasting Lord that I may amend my misliving.’ ‘Now, my sweet madam,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘would ye that I should turn again unto my country, and there to wed a lady? Nay, madam, wit you well, that shall I never do, for I shall never be so false unto you of that I have promised. But the self* destiny that ye have taken you to, I will take me to, for the pleasure of Jesu; and ever for you I cast me specially to pray.
Rather than rejoicing in Lancelot’s presence, Guinevere laments that their love brought about the downfall of the Arthurian court, and the deaths of the knights of the round table and King Arthur. She calls upon Lancelot, by all the love that was ever between them to leave her presence, telling him to marry someone else if he wishes and see her no more. Lancelot replies that he wants no one else, and that he will respect her wishes, but will also renounce the world and join a religious order. He asks Guinevere for a final parting kiss, which she denies him. 
When Guinevere lies dying of illness, Lancelot sets out to go to her, having had a vision. She knows of his coming, and prays to die before she sees him, because she cannot bear it. She dies a half hour before he arrives, leaving instruction that he is to tend to her body, and then lay it to rest beside that of her lord King Arthur. Lancelot does this with great sorrow, and after ceases to eat or drink, and within weeks is dead himself. 
And there you have it, the love affair that doomed Camelot.
HUGE DISCLAIMER: Any and all mistakes or misinterpretations are my own. This is what I gathered, but I am not a medievalist. I am barely an interested layperson. I’m just a random fic writer who got obsessed with research for a story, and had to share this tragic mess. 
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lizlovell · 9 months
You're losing me
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part 1
part 2
''Stop staring at her,it's creepy''
Pansy rolled her eyes at the blonde.
''It's not creepy,she is my girlfriend'', Draco replied, suprisingly for the first time since class started, ignoring everything else his friends were saying.
Pansy snorted,''Well apparently not''.
''Yeah man,why don't you just go talk to her instead of sending death-glares to everyone sitting next to her''
The words were simply ignored. Draco couldn't help it. He hated seeing her living like her life doesn't revolve around him anymore.
During the exam months before they take a break, all Draco thought about was to get away from you and all the tension built in your relationships. Being too busy under the exam pressure made him think your problems were nothing. He could see how your built up your guards up and how the dry conversations were cut short. He were annoyed that you kept on being strong for both of you although you were hurt. He didn't know how to handle,he couldn't find any word to make the situation better.So he ran away. But now that the exam pressure is gone, he found himself in the worse agnoy. He have to fix this.
''Y/N wait!''
''Y/N there are flowers for you in front of the common room..again''
''Miss Y/L/N, stop running in the hallway and bumping into everyone!The school is not a playground for Tag''
''Y/N I'm sorry i can't come to the library with you today''
It is an understatement to say the following weeks were funny and eventful for everyone at Hogwarts.They got some free shows to enjoy. It was a strange sight for them at first to see Malfoy trying to chase his former girlfriend. But then they got used to seeing you running in the hallway with Draco trying to catch up, flowers for you in the classes and in front of ur dorm, your friends getting paid to leave you alone, and everyone is just so invested to know what is going to be Draco's next move and how you are going to slip through it,again,some betting it won't last three weeks.
Despite you using all of your effort not to lose the bet and keep ur dignity, there you are again,back up against the walls and embraced in someone's warmth.
The familiar mixed scent of green apple and pine hovers and a wave of nostalgia washed over you with the familiar chest-ache.
There you are again– after nights and nights of crying your eyes out till they were dry– you find yourself pinned under the Draco fucking Malfoy against the cold stone wall of Hogswart .
''Y/N'', he voice cracked out of his throat betraying the tough act he is trying to put on. He just couldn't take it anymore. He can't stand the void that left him with dark circles under his eyes and he refused to believe you are doing well without him.
''Come back to me,love. I know you missed me too''
His eyes do not match the arrogance the words are carrying. You hate yourself for it but that longing gaze filled with sorrow and a tight grip on your waist was all it took to break down the self control you have tried so hard to build around you. He see right through you.
''Didn't you want this Draco, wasn't this what you wanted? away from me'',
''I was scared Y/N, i was so scared that i doubted us. So i ran away like a coward because i didn't know any better..i'm sorry'', he mean every apology he is saying.
''But now i'm scared to live without you, i don't want to be away from you,never again, please love, come back to me''
Your knees are weak and your vision is blurry. You taste something sour, is that a tear, are you crying again? ''Merlin,i'm so damn tired to crying'', you thought.
Soft lips pressed down on yours. You felt your stomach dropped. The taste of fire whiskey and your tears linger on your lips. A few sobs chocked out of you, feelings like you are finally woken up from a nightmare. All these touch and warmth,merlin knows how much you yearned for these. A sharp pain drew some blood from ur lips as if he is letting out all the frustration and finally finding comfort in it. The familiar feeling of belonging and love filled up the void.
''shouldn't have let you go my love''
Students of Hogwarts are going to be happy that they won't have to worry about falling victims to the certain couple's stunts and tantrums .
I'm sorry this is rushed and bad but here's the ending >~<
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jujumin-translates · 6 months
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: Merlin - Part 1
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Tsuzuru: Haah…
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Tsuzuru: (Just what am I gonna do…)
Tsuzuru: (My spin-off project…!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Huh!? What do you mean Merlin won for the spin-off project…!?
Izumi: Actually, we didn’t even put Merlin as an option on the survey, but he was still the most requested.
Izumi: I’m inclined to go ahead with doing Merlin if we can, but because of copyrights, we can’t do it just based on our own decision…
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Tsuzuru: Well, it’s just not even realistic…
Citron: Even so, I think Merlin would be good! We must respect everyone’s feelings.
Izumi: Right… I’ll see what we can do about it.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: (--Tch, I spent so long just thinking about it that I’m already here.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: (Guess I ended up leaving too early for my part-time job today because it’s my first time going there.)
Tsuzuru: (I’ll just go to a nearby café to kill some time.)
Tsuzuru: (Hm…? Over there, is that…)
Tsuzuru: Hey, Mizuno.
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Mizuno: T-Tsuzuru-kun!?
Tsuzuru: Same as usual, huh. Are you in the middle of work right now, Mizuno?
Mizuno: Y-Yes, I am. I have a meeting with someone I’ve never met before, so I thought I’d give myself plenty of time to get there, but I ended up arriving too early.
Tsuzuru: Haha, same here.
Tsuzuru: Why don’t we kill some time at that café over there? If you want to, of--.
Mizuno: I’d love to!
Tonooka: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Anyway, what a coincidence for us to run into each other like this.
Mizuno: …
Tsuzuru: Mizuno? You good?
Mizuno: I may be… slightly not okay.
Tsuzuru: Jeez.
*Shop bell rings*
Tonooka: Mind if I sit next to you?
Tsuzuru: Ah, sure… wait, what!?
Mizuno: Is this an acquaintance of yours, Tsuzuru-kun?
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Tsuzuru: No, well, I mean, we are acquainted, but…
Tonooka: My apologies. Here’s my business card.
Mizuno: Thank you so much. Tonooka-san, correct?
Mizuno: As for me… I’m Kaya Mizuno of MIZUNO Enterprises.
Tonooka: Pleased to meet you.
Tonooka: MIZUNO Enterprises… huh.
Tonooka: What kind of relationship do you two have?
Tsuzuru: I guess you could call us… childhood friends.
Mizuno: I-I’m just a fan of his…
Tsuzuru: You’re still saying that?
Tonooka: I see…
Tsuzuru: (I mean, I guess while he’s here… it couldn’t hurt to try asking him about it.)
Tsuzuru: Um… I actually have a quick question for you, Tonooka-san.
Tonooka: Oh, what kind of question?
Tsuzuru: Actually, right now, we’re talking about staging a spin-off story about Merlin for our fan-voted spin-off project.
Tsuzuru: But, we obviously can’t just do that by ourselves.
Tsuzuru: But if we got an okay from Hoshii-san, then…
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Tonooka: …
Tonooka: I see… Hoshii seems to have been much more open to media mixes after the KniRoun stageplay.
Tonooka: If I talk with him, I might be able to work things out for you.
Tsuzuru: Huh, you mean…
Tonooka: However, if you’re going to do it, you have to take it seriously. And I’d be interested in seeing the spin-off as well.
Tsuzuru: Thank you…!
Tonooka: However, there is one other condition you must accept. If you have no problems with that, then I’ll begin the discussions.
Tsuzuru: That is…?
Tonooka: I’d like for the spin-off to be distributed through the cooperation of MIZUNO Enterprises. Do we have a deal?
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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