#i think i will not tag the actors this time bc the fandom at least on tw is a mess since yesterday bc of some sam photos
hyohaehyuk · 9 hours
He got affairzoned (x)
The video interview is called Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid share all of the details on their series Interview With The Vampire S2 - People Interview
So in the interview they ask them what they would do in a day off and Jacob mentioned that spending his day off with his wife and kid is his happy place and Sam reaction just broke my heart.
Sam was trying so hard to have a normal reaction but I think he had a reality check and either he realized he was the mistress or that jacob is not interested on him at all romantically.
Like, call me delulu how much you want it but i bet any other cast member wouldn't even had bat an eye at Jacob' answear but Sam was clearly affected and couldn't keep a poker face (dude you are an actor. Do smth 😭).
To be frank i dont know if at that time they was aware of each other feelings (i dont even know if they are now) but if they was, then Jacob was really cruel answering that question in front of Sam*, especially bc in the previous one, about what it would be their last meal, Sam said the one he had in Prague with Jacob every single night and a bit later Sam even admitted he didn't liked the food which just meant what he liked was the company. Jacob, honey, read f*cking the room
*i dont know, he could just have said something more simplified with the same meaning, like "spending time with family and friends".
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lunarharp · 2 years
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various witch stuff of the day or whatever the heck
#witch hat tag#orufrey#uhh yeah just getting some stuff out of the way haha i like the first one tho. i drew something that scares me#iguin must have been involved in qifrey's thing somehow. The Lidless eye..the sight of the world..i mean i think [redacted]#and he'll be [redacted] and [redacted] will be forced to... [redacted]???!?!!?#I want to keep my theories to myself.......or do i. not being a fandom person (other than dropping my art and leaving) means i just..#combust inside by myself with ideas and FEARS FOR THAT MAN.....CAN SOMEONE HELP HIM IM SO WORRIED IM SO...#CAN YOU LET SOMEONE HELP YOU#apparently tetia's expression in the last one is hard to understand =.= she's emotional bc she cant believe they remembered#the twin hat idea. and that she's so happy. i was thinking about how she was probably qif's first pupil so there must have been a time#where it was just her qif and oru... i DO think she is hinted strongly to be trans but even if not her mystery background is probably so sad#why would qifrey even become a teacher? his goal was the brimhats. but he keeps being distracted by kids with problem pasts so#he must have only been drawn to help tetia out of a deep sympathy. it seems at that point he and oru had drifted apart#did oru decide to be his watchful eye hearing about that or did qifrey ask him? he thought that qif had given up on brimhat stuff so..#*mumble mumble* lately i also keep remembering oru saying something UNREAL in kitchen like 'we're finally living under the same roof' ????#you can't just say that. what on earth. i..... whatever. i haven't even processed like 20% of my potential emotions about them#i feel so weirdly emotional today. i stopped thinking about witch hat for zuka even tho im SO hyperfixated it is genuinely PAINFUL to stop#i stopped just long enough to watch gatsby raku.... my haachan#i'm so grateful right now that i dont have any big issues in my life rn so i can get worried about manga men and sad about actors retiring#today at least i am extremely grateful. living and being alive is so so so so weird. i hope we all make it
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andalasia · 2 months
hellos. dusting off my old sideblog to throw up this request bc that feels like a good idea. i've responded to a couple other searches, so i'm realistically not looking to take on too many more. little bit about me, i'm a 29 man, live in the central timezone [ i think technically it's cdt bc it's currently july... but don't quote me on that ], used to consider myself a reader reader but me and the books have been beefing these past few months so that isn't occurring as frequently. maybe because i've been giving rp more attention. i've been rping since at least 2009, but most of that has was on forums like proboards/invisionfree/jcink. i have only recently really been a discord rp girlie
really only looking for m/m plots at this time. mayhaps one day i will go back to doing hetero ships, but for the time being that's not really something that interests me. i don't have a robust collection of muses that i pull out of rotation, that's just never been how i rp... if you see a guy on my main blog [ blakegallo ] the odds are that i would use them as a face. because i cut my teeth on forums i do typically only use actors, musicians, and the occasional model as faces; i typically steer clear of people who social media people. it's really just a matter of personal preference. i am willing to consider a fandom based rp, but would prefer something that is more oc x oc.
as far as preferences go i do write in the third person past tense. i don't really have any interest in breaking the discord message character limit for replies. i would never do a one liner, but a nice well developed paragraph or two is usually good enough for me. i like there to be something to respond to and get a nice back and forth going. i've seen a lot in my decade plus in the rp community and i've definitely done responses that are what the girlies call novella length now and that's just not something i'm super invested in returning to at this time. i don't have any interest in rping in dms, i think that things are just more organized in a private server. i also prefer for new threads to be individual channels just because i find that easier to scroll back through than one general channel, but that's me. i am a tupperbox girlie... and so i do have a slight preference for using them. it's not a requirement by any means, i have more 1x1s that don't use them currently than do, but just throwing that out there. i also find that doing something mumu is just easier for me with the tupperbot, but we can make it work if you aren't for it.
as a sidenote, i also do really love text threads. in my time perusing the the tags i'm not sure if this common because so many of the requests i see are for the novella level girlies. but sometimes i might have time for some quick banter between our characters. i also find that characters texting leads to where a next thread should go. as a vibes girlie i just like letting the characters sort things out sometimes than us as muns going back and forth figuring out where the plot should take them next.
plotting for me tends to be more organic. i really don't like to get too far ahead of ourselves. to me it's like writing a romance novel, we know these characters are eventually going to get together, but the journey to that destination can be whatever we make for it. so the ups and downs and angst along the way is what makes it fun. obviously i'm all for tossing ideas back and forth about how we think we should handle something or where we should go next, but i don't really have any interest in outlining the whole journey and then just hitting the beats.
so please be 21+, 25+ honestly would be even better and like this if you're interested. i might read the occasional high fantasy book, but that's not a thing i am all that interested in. i might be up for something vaguely paranormal, but i'm really more a regular person writer. give me the lives and the rich and famous or mess happening in suburbia... i'll reach out from my main blog in tumblr dms and we can go from there if we think it could be a good fit.
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lewis-winters · 7 months
i think some of the vehement fandom reaction to the cheating incident (tm) is disappointment that a female character once again becomes defined primarily by her sexual/nurturing relationships to men. but also c’mon. it’s a war show written by old wwii-obsessed men what did we expect
i gotta be honest with you i wrestle with this whole being disappointed thing bc i went into this series just like... expecting it not to be good? at least on the front of it being like. idk. ground-breaking or whatever. it very much holds on to a lot of 90s-2000s ww2 nostalgia that's not... gonna fly with the times we're in anymore. i still can't fully reconcile watching a show about us army pilots bombing nazis in ww2 when the producer (hi speilberg) is a straight up zionist and uh. two active wars are happening right now. one of which is a genocide funded by the us so!! been feeling weird about it already above all, so that whole shebang was like. eh. that's not the worst part of this whole thing so im a little more blasé about it.
but yeah, you're right. that too. and also how like... even if jean did know or find out like what could she do? this was before 2nd wave feminism, we still have the stifling 50s to go through, women didn't have as much social mobility as they do now and even if cheating took place at home as much as the front (i.e. wives cheating on their husbands) like. cheating doesn't stick to a guy like cheating does to a woman. was it a common occurrence, yeah. was it good? god no.
but also like, even after having said ALL THAT......... i gotta break it to you guys that post was like. more a post contemplating the differences between the bob prod and the mota prod. for bob, some of easy were still alive, they were part of the prod. they hung out with their actors. they're in the actual show. for mota, these guys have been dead for a whole decade, at least. just bc of that, the vibes are Different, man.
also that post was like a joke post? HAHAHAH it's why i didn't tag it. i also should've just made it non-rebloggable from the beginning. it's non-rebloggable now. basically i just sat there ruminating on how the prods were different and how absolutely hysterical it would've been if they'd included stuff the easy boys were doing (i.e. visiting brothels and having fun with girls) at a time when some of them were actively married... only to then have to sit next to them at the premier while you both side-eyed each other like
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wouldn't that have been fucking WILD
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ellieellieoxenfree · 8 days
So you can't complain no one's playing the choose violence ask game with you! I choose 6, 7, 16 and 22. You can pick a fandom for each, obviously. 🤣
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
usually every major/main ship in a fandom. i like a main pairing maybe 5% of the time because i’m usually relegated to side character and secondary pairing hell. doesn’t matter if the ship is canon or headcanon, there is an extreme likelihood that i will hate it. i get lucky occasionally (a business proposal and kiseki scored on both main and secondary pairings) but it’s rare. i hated just about every main pairing in MCU fandom (god my sins are vast) and i hated 99% of flash ships — fuck westallen until i die, fuck harrisco — in favor of ghost ships and decades-spanning headcanons.
i also hate when people get snide about exclusively shipping queer ships. ‘oh all hetero ships are annoying, oh the straights aren’t okay’ maybe take five minutes to actually seek out well-written work rather than dismissing it all immediately. as a bi woman in a relationship with a cis guy, i do fucking take it personally when people harp about queer supremacy like a ton of gays aren’t their own special brand of dumpster fire. there’s plenty of well-done m/f media out there and there’s plenty of absolutely garbage-ass m/m or f/f ships and stories. none of it’s inherently good or inherently bad based on the genders of the partners involved.
and because i know you’re baiting me, yes, KP fans were the most annoying motherfuckers on the planet bc they would be deliberately obtuse about their own pairing’s flaws in order to tear down everyone else’s. the number of times i wanted to shout PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF at people who looked at a narcissistic rapist and his kidnapped indentured servant as a model of a healthy relationship is beyond all measure. i don’t care if you ship the assholes, just stop acting like they were in any way, shape, or form a pair of functional adults. god knows those of us on the VP side weren’t exactly rocking the best moral high ground, but at least a lot of us acknowledged they were freak nasty disasters with the social skills of genie the feral child. the toxicity is the point! don’t sanitize it.
oh, and fuck people who think that harassing actors because the actor had the audacity to have a real-life relationship with someone who wasn’t their costar is acceptable behavior. i’m pretty live and let live about rpf until you start causing real-life consequences for people because you can’t let go of your delusions.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
man, doug renetti from minx is a great example of this. i don’t hate the character in the show. he’s great (he’s fucking awful), he’s compelling, he’s a fucking dirtbag trainwreck and i love watching him. fandom is entirely incapable of discussing literally ANYTHING ELSE about the show in favor of beating off to jake johnson in his greasiest form. i tend to get itchy when people ignore 99% of the show just to spam the tag with the one mediocre uggo they crank their hog to.
i don’t hate him and hopefully never will because he’s perfect, but i also tend to get itchy when people ignore basically all of kiseki and just focus on ai di. like, i love him, too! character of all time! louis deserves a golden bell for that performance! but k4 as a whole deserves that golden bell and just because chen yi and zong yi and ze rui aren’t overtly flashy murder kittens doesn’t mean they’re not fascinating and compelling characters. it’s irrational, but it irritated me as a kiseki lifer to watch people sort of tourist-cruise through and coo over ai di for a week or two before forgetting the show entirely. SO MUCH garbage BL out there and 99% of this site slept on actual good BL. (on the other hand, do i want more people in the fandom? jesus, no. i’ll keep the rent-lowering 21-gun salute going hourly if i have to.)
generally, though, a character is doomed for me the second they become a tumblr fave. if i see a character’s face five times in one day they’re likely to hit my hate list. my tolerance for overexposure is almost none.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
‘baby’ as a pet name, a/b/o (which makes me fucking puke — i cannot abide that it’s mainstream now), VP petplay, and an overreliance/need to make things porny. i’m no prude; i read it, i write it, and it’s not like i’m above seeking it out. but as someone who struggles with writing it, i wish it felt less necessary/expected to include. i also feel like a lot of shows use extra sex scenes to compensate for lazy/shitty writing, so rather than complement a narrative, it feels like it’s carrying the narrative instead. i like a good fuck scene as much as the next person, but when your simulated boning feels like a time-filler and not something that’s moving the story forward, you’re losing me fast.
i find a lot of enemies-to-lovers pretty poorly handled. not opposed to it, but a lot of people don’t do it well. i loathe miscommunication tropes. there can be exceptions if the characterization and context is strong enough, but it takes a skilled writer to pull that off. despise love triangles. i’m picky about AUs. i CANNOT STAND ‘love interest is rude because they secretly like their future partner.’ nothing will get me to throw the book across the room faster than an arrogant asshole who looks down their nose at their partner. i did not have a mr darcy phase at any point in my life. mr darcy and his ilk can eat paint chips. even watching a man get humbled by love is not enough to save that one for me. i read too much early/mid-2000s manga (this is a hot gimmick callout) to be able to deal with that shit anymore.
as a general rule, i am the cheese standing alone. i am unlikely to agree with a lot of the big/popular headcanons bc i’m contrary and i don’t like going along with the dictate of a handful of BNFs who handed the word down like they were giving the ten commandments to moses. the problem is that i have been in so many fandoms of various sizes over so many years that i have seen some of the worst human beings alive ruin the space for smaller/less popular voices. (and that’s a cassie claire callout. you were a cunt then and you’re a cunt now and even when you were ripping off every property you could get your grimy hands on, your writing was still unreadable OOC garbage.) so i tend to disregard whatever fandom is into in favor of being into my own weird little niche shit.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
already answered :V
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ca-suffit · 2 months
i appreciate u actually taking the time to explain ur thoughts re: sam’s acting but i have to say i disagree. the accent fixation seems silly to me bc nobody bar maybe jacob has a perfect accent (delainey’s is particularly inconsistent, but who cares). it at least makes sense for lestat’s accent to be confused? he’s been around for hundreds of years, grew up in rural 18th century france and all accents have evolved since then… he’s lived in a bunch of different places, spoken multiple languages, like genuinely what do ppl want him to sound like? i think his accent/voice works perfectly for the role. jacob is incredible but there are a ton of subtleties in sam’s acting too (e.g. nuances in each perception or iteration of lestat) and it’s rly annoying that that ppl praising him is dismissed as just liking the “white and loud” character. basically saying anyone who’s favorite performer is sam only feels that way bc of racial bias when it’s a perfectly valid opinion (as is the case to prefer someone else)? ur obviously influenced by ur own ambivalence towards him as a character/actor. among fans (critics do tend to focus on jacob/sam) i’ve seen nothing but tons and tons of praise for assad, jacob and delainey bc i try and curate my circle w ppl who appreciate the entire cast. but also — wdym it took ppl 5 hours to compliment anyone else after ep 7 — i was on twitter when it dropped and tons of ppl were giving jacob and delainey their props?
I was comparing the accent between S1 and S2. It abruptly changed and I couldn't see a reason why? Armand's changes too but it's in character for why and then other ppl's are sometimes actor's own limitations. It's w/e tho tbh, it just pulled me out of a lot of it bcuz I don't remember being conscious of it in S1 like that.
"it’s rly annoying that that ppl praising him is dismissed as just liking the “white and loud” character."
That is what he is tho? The fandom's reactions make it worse too. Ppl can like whatever they like but idk how u can't see how annoying the fandom is about him and what a turn off that is. Nobody is saying u can't like him or he's not worth paying attention to, but being white is a large part of this by itself. A lot of what ppl like is that he fits a "fun" flamboyant, white, gay character and that's a lot of all we ever hear about. We can't discuss anything else about him bcuz everyone is so quick to coddle everything that isn't praising him, so nobody is *really* even dissecting the meat of his role bcuz none of it's ever allowed to be "real" yet. If ppl wanted to talk about the rest of this more then there'd be less hostility to anyone defending him.
"ur obviously influenced by ur own ambivalence towards him as a character/actor."
I'm curious why u think this about me tbh.
"i’ve seen nothing but tons and tons of praise for assad, jacob and delainey bc i try and curate my circle w ppl who appreciate the entire cast."
Well I'm in the tags and other public spaces as a whole looking at the wide range of fandom specifically for the purpose of discussing fandom racism.
"but also — wdym it took ppl 5 hours to compliment anyone else after ep 7 — i was on twitter when it dropped and tons of ppl were giving jacob and delainey their props?"
This was here in the main tags. I've only recently been on twt and it already seems like the discussions are v different than here bcuz it feels like black fans have more of a voice over there.
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tantai-jin · 8 months
fic writer meme!
thank u rachel @fruitdaze for the tag!!! <3333333
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
23 since 2016 lmao,, i don't remember exactly how many i posted on lj from 2012-2015 but it wasn't a ton, probably 10-15 that were like 50k altogether
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's been all over the place since 2020 lol but p much only chinese media like danmei novels, movies, cdramas. used to write kpop rpf but prob won't return to that even tho i still like and follow many groups
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
给你给你 (yunfei)
换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself (canglan)
not-that-small talk (tell me honestly) (bts yoonkook LOL)
새벽 rush hour (yellow light, slow) (bts taegi LOL)
捡一个梦; reach for a dream (canglan)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i usually do, although i'm often quite late LOL i have a couple fics where i didn't reply to all the comments after a certain point and then i just stopped 😭 or if they are a guest user or only leave emojis as a comment then i don't reply? but ofc i see every comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhh i feel like the only thing i wrote that is complete and has an angsty ending is 捡一个梦; reach for a dream bc it was a missing scene from an angsty arc of the show. or lol jk same scenario applies to 余光 (remnants of light) bc it takes place before the end of yuwu and not in one of the happier moments
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
either 给你给你 or 换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself bc they're both disgustingly sweet and affectionate at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! either i am writing for tiny ass fandoms or like, my fics don't get enough traction to attract haters LMAO
9. Do you write smut?
not a lot... the incomplete bingqiu au i posted has the most explicit scenes so far but i am still too shy writing it. i have to practice so that i can write more than 3 sentences of sex in a single day and actually finish the wips i started 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
i have before! nothing crazy tho bc it was just kpop rpf and it would be like, two idols from the same company that have interacted multiple times! lmao. sometimes i think abt crossovers for cdramas that are relatively tame such as: two actors that have been in the same drama multiple times are reincaranted and those 2+ dramas are their different lives... but it's so niche in eng speaking fandom and i haven't fully written one out yet. also does it count as a crossover if u put characters from story A into the setting/setup for story B bc i do that a lot but i think that is fairly common at least for ppl to imagine
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so... again, my fics do not get a lot of traction so i don't think it's likely lmaooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think there was an exo one translated into russian a long time ago but i don't even remember which one lolllll it might have been on my livejournal
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not a whole fic yet but ive brainrotted a plethora of aus with friends before such as but not limited to mingqian actors au with lianzi (very intricate with multiple variations) and a Bunch of cdrama and yuwu stuff with another friend :')
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i cannotttttt pick only one but ummm in the last yr-ish it's been a rotation of tantai jin/li susu + mingye/sang jiu from cyjm, mingqian from liu yao, xilian from yuwu (🤪)..... bingqiu from sv (always).... i should stop for now that's Tew Many. but i think once i finish spl, changgu will also be up there
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i feel like i'm cursing myself by typing this out but perhaps the bingqiu i posted one chapter of..... even if i could write all the p With p parts that i wanted to include, i was also a little stuck on the ending and idk if i would be able to write it in a way that doesn't feel like a cop out or just weak in general 😢 but i do like that au and i think my writing for it so far was p decent... so who knows...!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i am pretty good at dialogue that sounds 1. natural and 2. true to the characters! i try really hard to make imagery sound original(ish) and evocative, and to make a character's Yearning palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
intricate plot, action, sex (takes me forever to write and haven't done it in as much detail as i would like to tbh)
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i love it! i did it a little in my yunfei fic and instead of directly translating the line of chinese right there i just included the meaning in the next line of dialogue, like "what do you mean [thing they just said]" + i did it like that bc the tone of it just felt so much more natural to me in mandarin for that specific convo. not that it was something untranslatable (it wasn't) but it just felt comfier to me. i also like the thing ppl do where you can hover over the text and it will show the translation but idk how that html works HAHA someday i would like to give it a go
19. First fandom you wrote for?
exo.......... lmao
20. Favorite fic you have written?
overall i think it would be typhoon season (my incomplete but not abandoned cisswap girls ximang in hk) ! i had it fermenting in my brain for like 8 months before i wrote it, which meant i had figured a lot of the stuff for the beginning out and it was much easier to write than normal since i was not deliberating so much in the moment. i think the pacing for it was good and the reveals of backstory were placed well, and i think i adapted the characters well too even if it's only a first chapter and they haven't done a lot yet. i wanna write them again but it's been rly hard for me to think abt that specific au for many months lol. i also think my recent yzy gegedidi fic had a lot of yummy scenes even if i see some flaws in some parts of the fic's progression... but i spent enough time on it already so i will not go and fix it anymore 😌 peace
i think all my writer friends were tagged already...... this tagline (like a bloodline) will end with me
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Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @incandescentflower. Thanks for tagging me!
Credit: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Favorite Thai QL: Hmmm, if you asked me last year, I would've said Bad Buddy. However, I've really thought about it these past few months if it is still truly my favorite and with all the other QLs I've seen since and the way that my tastes in media have kind of changed, I've realized that I don't feel as attached to it the way I used to. It's still one of my all time favs and an incredible and amazing BL but I don't think I can really say it's my number one fav anymore. So my number one fav now is A Tale of Thousand Stars with Triage and Never Let Me Go following closely behind.
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Favorite Pairing: Palmnueng my beloveds <3 These two are always on my mind.
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Most underrated actor: Um, I don't really know. Most of the actors in the Thai QL shows I've seen are pretty well known and have pretty sizable fandoms.
Favorite Character: Palm from Never Let Me Go. I love this love struck boy so much!
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Favorite Side Character: Ink from Bad Buddy. She is an icon, she is the moment!
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Favorite scene in a QL: Palmnueng dance scene in Never Let Me Go episode 11. That scene rewired my brain chemistry.
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Favorite line in a QL: "We might not be able to change people around us, but they couldn't change the two of us either." -from Bad Buddy Episode 12
Most Anticipated QL (& why): 23.5 Degrees by a long shot. I'm so so so so so so SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!! LET'S GO LESBIANS LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!! I hope it will start airing soon!
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Healthiest relationship in a QL: Patpran from Bad Buddy.
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Most toxic relationship in a QL: Ummm, idk about this one either.
Guilty pleasure series: My Tee. The show is a hot mess with shoddy audio (seriously tf happened to the audio in this show???) and a shoddy script especially towards the end of the show but I still really enjoyed watching it because the actors are all great in it and Frankdrake's amazing chemistry CARRIES this hot mess of a show (2gether really wasted their chemistry!). Also the side couple played by Neophuwin are so adorable too. I wish Frankdrake got a better BL to star in. At least their Our Skyy ep was genuinely really good.
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Most underrated series: Triage. This show is incredible and amazing and deserves a huge international fandom that it wasn't able to get bc AISPlay gatekeeped this show from international fans. I was hoping that they'd make this show more accessible to international audiences by the time Transplant started airing bc this show is essentially a prologue to Transplant but that doesn't look like it's happening anymore since Tul retired from acting. Still hope they eventually do make Triage legally accessible to an international audience because it's genuinely such a great fantasy BL.
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Tagging: @morathicain, @benkaaoi, @yourstormthlaylirahh, @cangse-sanren, @feralmuskyscentedhoepran, @fiddlepickdouglas, @illbeyourreasonwhy, @cankersoregirl
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fandomshatewomen · 2 years
The fandom of Interview with a vampire made me really uncomfortable. They are peak of sexism in this, they don't really care about Claudia in a disgusting way and their hate for the Mayfair witches show made me think this fandom is rooting of sexism, like most slash fandom. Claudia was victim of rape, they are so obsess with their two boys in love, they just yell atany critics an they saythis show is about queer people. even in the book, Claudia didn't have this storyline. But because there are 2 hot men in love, we should give it a pass? I'm glad they hired more black actor, but there is a problem with Claudia's plot. Also, they are hating on Mayfair witches, because it's not gay enough and boring. I feel the main critics about MW should be how they threat black people. And even if MW was about gay women, they'd find another reason to hate this show bc they only want gay men I'm a bit tired of the m/m fandom and they are very oppressive toward minority and women. I'm just not over Claudia's plot and the indifference of the fandom. Sorry for mistaking I'm learning to write.
Hey don't worry about your English and I do appreciate that you're on anon. I haven't kept up with Mayfair Witches because of family problems but I did notice that at least from the one youtuber's review that MW might alienate the slash fandom of IWTV.
I'll try to get caught up with MW this weekend and delve into the tags if time to get some examples of this.
I do agree with you that the Claudia aged up storyline didn't need the rape/sexual assault. I think in particular Claudia and Louis never suffered in the movie and the books when they were white as they do when their black in these modern adaptations. So that's definitely anti black racism.
Like I will say that as a teen I was kinda at the mercy of my mom taking me to the library since it was across town and I really only read the vampire chronicles because by the time I got interested in MW I had found out what a shitty person Anne Rice was to her fans (suiing them for fanfiction and such). But like the first episode of MW definitely didn't need to kill off Rowan's adopted mom like that so soon.
Even though I haven't caught up you can leave spoilers in the asks I don't mind. I just might not answer until I've caught up. But also feel free to send in URLs or screenshots of fandom antiblackness or misogynoir or sexism!
mod ali
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gilliebee · 1 year
nine (9) people you'd like to know better
I got tagged by the wonderful @five4boarding and tumblr never gives me a little +1 notification icon when I get tagged in anything (like any other type of note would, so I don’t get it!!), so I live in fear that I’m always gonna miss these BUT I caught this one at least 👉😎👉
Last song: during my morning walk I randomly remembered the catchiest depression bop and then remembered the first time I looked up the guy's wiki and saw that he played hockey and I was like you're telling me a knife-footed ice-gremlin sang this???? (swiss juniors but still high level for his age bracket I think?) Anyway... Tomorrow May Not Be Better (specifically this version https://open.spotify.com/track/0V1quXmlVC6eH5kcfYPWEW ) by Bastian Baker still slaps to this very day 😌👌
Currently watching: My longstanding guilty pleasure is docs/commentary videos about any and all scams, particularly mlms/pyramid schemes. So it should come as no surprise that my brand new guilty pleasure is debt confessions/financial audits on youtube 🙈 I've been been watching a few by caleb hammer whose gimmick is that he gordon ramsey style shames people who come in with their financial records and he's like hey. why do you have $120,000 in consumer debt? why did you finance an ipad for your literal infant child?? why have you spent 30 dollars multiple times a day every day at dunkin for the last 3 months??? (the last one is an exaggeration but the first two I have seen LOL). His thumbnails are wretched I hate them so, so much, and his advice of living spartan-like for a few years to dig yourself out of the hole is ehhh maybe good in theory but generally not exactly...practical. And I think going cold turkey when you're used to constant impulse buying is basically a recipe for just eventually losing control and going on a bender. But. I'm nosy and love hearing about how people be spending their money so that's the best part of the videos for me lol
Currently reading: haven't picked up something new yet BUT I juuuust finished An Unauthorised Fan Treatise which was SO GOOD I literally slammed it nonstop for two days until I finished it. It's formatted like a rpf conspiracy theory livejournal where a fangirl of a supernatural-drama show compiles evidence that the two lead actors are secretly dating. BUT it's noted that the livejournal has been submitted as evidence into for a murder trial so y'know TWISTS AND TURNS lol. There's just something about the format that really compels me, idk I already love reading primers and conspiracies for hrpf couples that I literally have zero investment in and never will- I just enjoy the way the girlies spin a good narrative. (and also watching video essays about the uhhh less casual to super trainwreck ones like the whole larry fiasco even though I never got into 1D, as well as general fandom fiascos like msscribe and snapewives etc etc IT'S ALL SO FASCINATING TO ME 🍿👀) So it was a really natural fit for me to read in a fictional setting. And it's free to read! https://gottiewrites.com/2019/10/14/31/
Current obsession: I’m a hobbyist game maker so at all times I am rotating little bits of character development, experimental mechanics, aesthetics, ui design etc etc in my brain but it becomes much more mentally consuming during the off-season bc god knows when bruins hockey is live it is Featured Live 24/7 In My Brain. But for now... my OCs on my mind 😌💭
tagging (if you want to): OH NO I’M SO BASHFUL I NEVER KNOW WHO TO TAG IN THESE 🫣🫣🫣 uh uh uhh maybe @ghostgeno @alavenderleaf @tylerbertuzzi @reavenedges-lies @krugstrash if y’all are so inclined?? but also no pressure no pressure again I’m just NOSY hehe
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
Just curious but do you have a masterpost or sm with all the info on the aus you’ve made? I would like to learn more about em
Hooooooo boi there are new AUs in this fandom every day (and I am HERE for it BUT it does make it INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to keep up with them fergierhuihiufh43uifhui) and tbh I don't feel it's correct to tag anything as "my" au since I'm 99% sure at least a thousand other ppl have come up with any au I think up well before I do and I'm just not aware of it.
I will say tho that I've drawn doodles for most AUs I get passionate about, and I tag them with "Metaltea draws" if that helps.
Here are all the AUs I can remember off the top of my head that I've contributed to:
Titan au: 1, 2
(I was the first to come up with this as far as I'm aware; basically based on the concept that someone unknowingly stubbles onto the long-forgotten battleground of a titan war (aka bigass robots) from some ancient time, somehow manages to reanimate them and that's as far as I've gotten guireguhreogr... I think someone made a fic about it a while back but I can't for the life of me find it anywhere. If any of my followers can remember, pls send it to me so I can link it!)
Demon au (which is very much an umbrella for an absolute shitton of AUs that various ppl have made, but I only got into the concept recently thanks to @laymedowntorest bc they have fuckin amazing AU ideas and are generally wonderful) (1, 2, 3)
Mer au (again a huge umbrella but here is the stuff from mine: 1, 2, 3, 4, currently working on another that's gonna be with a new y/n and (feral af) mer Eclipse ehehehe)
Puppet au (haven't made much on this as I was starting to get my ass kicked in school but general synopsis is y/n is a puppeteer/actor working with puppet! Sun and Moon, who conveniently start becoming sentient... maybe due to some technology malfunction or being possessed by evil spirits, who can say?
Plant monster au?? (man I need to do more for that one, that was so much fun to draw)
SCP au: 1, 2, 3, 4
Frankenstein/Reverse Frankenstein au
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
I am truly hoping Zeno was just joking but I truly don't have much hope for Dadrius anymore tbh. It will always be canon in my heart tho
I get what you mean but honestly I'm not sure it's worth worrying about yet for a few reasons
1. Zeno likes to troll (affectionate) the fandom a bit. He's done this before when asked "Who would Hunter go to Grom with" & he responded with multiple answers which included two of Hunter's most popular ships, he said his favorite bit of VAing was in "Thanks To Them" and prefaced it with saying his other favorite bits were "Hollow Mind" and "Eclipse Lake" and suggested we all brace ourselves for the scene (it ended up being the Luz calling Hunter family scene which was excellent & cathartic btw), etc. So while I said "I think we lost :(" I was partially joking bc I know Zeno likes to do this, but I was also a bit disappointed even if I know I really shouldn't be bc Camila is a top tier parent. I'm not actually committed that Noceda won, but I also can acknowledge that maybe it did/will & honestly it wouldn't be bad even if it wasn't what I staked my interest in yknow
2. Zeno already changed it again to "Heart of Flapjack", so I think since the special came out he's just having fun with what was revealed & is changing his name around accordingly
3. Zeno wouldn't actually spoil the series ending, none of the cast/crew would. They've been very careful about it in all the Post-Hoots, con questions, etc. If Hunter does explicitly become "Hunter Noceda" I'd say that's a sizeable spoiler for his arc given there was no specific sign of that happening in this special & the debate about who will adopt Hunter/what his last name will be is fairly common in the fandom. There are at least 4 different last names he gets tagged with, and while Camila has done so much for these kids, she & Hunter didn't have any singularly significant scenes together (in no way am I undermining Camila or how clearly important she is to Hunter tho) (& yes she did dive into the water for him but he wasn't conscious for that & she would've done it for any of the kids, so I'm talking more like. Her scene tucking Luz into bed kinda singularly significant, but obviously those kinda scenes would be focused on Luz)
4. Camila hasn't even officially adopted Vee or called her her daughter or even said "I love you", which I was definitely expecting when they parted during the ending & truthfully I was a bit disappointed by it not happening. I'm not saying Camila can't adopt multiple kids but given everything between Camila & Vee I'd say that's the more important dynamic, and it hasn't happened yet, if it will at all. That doesn't necessarily mean Hunter Noceda can't happen first but it'd be a weird decision
5. Like I said above Zeno expressed his favorite bit of VAing was the Luz Hunter family scene, so Zeno writing "Hunter Noceda" feels like a homage to that scene which was a milestone in his career (so completely independent of fandom discussion, which makes sense & he's entitled to). Zeno likes to troll a bit but he's also an actor building his career & has completely different experiences being in the show than we the fandom have watching it, so maybe he's making a statement of his preference, maybe he's spoiling, or more likely he's referencing his time with the show.
6. Because it was Zeno's favorite scene and given who was in it, it feels explicitly about Luz & Hunter being family -- not Camila at that moment, JUST Luz & Hunter. Luz doesn't go by Clawthorne but she's still undeniably a part of Eda & King's family, so Hunter "being a Noceda" doesn't automatically mean "Camila is his mom now", if any of that makes sense. Something something found family isn't so nuclear something
7. Even if we don't get Dadrius they've explicitly used precious minutes of screentime after the show got cut to build a dynamic between them where they both clearly have started to care a lot about the other, so he'll probably still have "mentor" or "gay uncle" status by the end if not "dad" -- not the same or what I wanted but I'll still take it. I've said it before but if the goal was to make Darius likeable all they had to do was reveal he was a rebel (which was gonna be revealed anyway), they didn't need to give Hunter another new dynamic when he already had so many and they didn't need to make Darius of all adults the first one to give a shit about Hunter esp considering he never did before.
8. Hunter can have multiple parents with different last names like Luz does, as a treat
TL;DR I don't think it's a declaration that Hunter Noceda is unarguably canon even if a lot of the fandom will & already have taken it as word of god. It might end up being so, but I think at this time Zeno is more expressing passion for a pivotal moment in his acting career & is just having fun.
Anyway here's how Dadrius can still win ---
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bcofl0ve · 13 days
I hope you have fun in England Mollie! If you don’t mind me asking, why do you think it was MOTA that got you in the most out of all the recent Austin releases? I like what you’ve posted in the past about how it varies a lot across the fandom. It was Dune for me and I’m counting down to Dune Messiah now even though Feyd won’t be in it because the franchise got me hooked. Especially Chani 😭
this is so kind, thank you! i dont think ill believe its really happening until my feet are on england ground- my flight stuff getting to amsterdam for study abroad was a dumpster fire mess and i'm extra paranoid now lmao. but i have high hopes it'll all be okay!
also ooo that's a good question. gonna bullet point the reasons briefly and then elaborate under a read more line for people that wanna hear me yap more.
it being based off of real people i could research rabbit hole. i know bikeriders is too- but there's so little information abt them whereas with mota it was a whole new world opened up to me.
it giving me an opportunity to revisit a fandom hobby i used to really love- m/m fanfic writing <3 i'm gen surprised i never got into the hbo war fandom sooner, but i'm really happy there now.
i love ensemble cast pieces where there's lots of characters and actors to love (this is why i liked the bikeriders, even though i didnt get as attached). esp love big group dynamics between Guys That Love Each Other which mota did exceedingly well to me.
funny story- even though i was into buck x bucky from the jump- i think i was actually one of the first 3 posts in the tag, it took me until my second watch through to get as attached as i did and i did nottt love it as a whole the way i do now on my first watch. now on the other side of like 20 rewatches i understand why they chose to handle gale going down the way they did. but when i was watching it for the first time i was watching it for austin and i was sooo irked. rosie was my least fav character my first watch bc i was so bitter about him "replacing gale" and now he's in my top 3. funny how that works!
the second time i watched it all the way through, since i knew what to expect austin screen time wise i could reallly watch it for the story as a whole. and that's when i fell in love <3 with everyone <3 like i literally just wrote a 12k+ words fic shipping demarco and dogulass who have like ten minutes of screentime each, douglass i think a little less than that lmao they're all my blorbos now <3
i just. really love the show. i love how much the boys care for each other in spite of all the horrible shit they're going through. i love the development of the bucks relationship, i love croz's journey as a character, i love nash and helen and how horrible douglass is with women and the planes, and curt's bond to the bucks and kenny and his lil beanie and rosie humming jazz music mid flight and COCOLA!!!! i love every aspect of this show. it just. clicks for me.
speaking to my second bullet point way up there i also love all the creativity in the fandom being shown in all the `new stories~ people have built for these characters. i really missed being in a Third Person Fanfic fandom, writing m/m fic (and heck f/m too since i write for ev and helen, and my m/f OC couple) and doing the world building that writing AUs requires. so being back in the pilot seat (haha) in that regard has been fun. and brought me so many new fandom friends <3 y'all that are interested pls come hang out anytime on @bcolfanfic
but all that said i'm so glad dune clicked for you the way mota did for me! even though the franchise isn't "my thing" i'll prob end up watching dune messiah as well. and def understand the chani adoration. she's a fantastic character and zendaya plays her so well. i can't imagine any other actress in that role.
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mzannthropy · 2 months
I love how so many of the DJATS fandom can agree that Billy>> Eddie. Also yeah, Eddie took advantage of Camila's vulnerability in ep 6. Would it be ooc for him if I made him even more weird towards her in a fic? (I mean, there's writers who make Billy a bad dad, and ones who vilify Camila, so why not?)
Is that so, I was under the impression that Billy was universally hated. I stay away from the fandom. Maybe it's not as bad as I think, huh.
Eddie just gave me mild incel vibes from the start, from the very first moment they showed him, when he fluffed his hair, my first instinct was, he looks like a Redditor. I don't choose how I feel at a given moment, I don't go into things with the intention of thinking a certain way about them (okay maybe sometimes I do, but it was not like that with DJATS). It's not the actor, bc I had seen interviews with Josh and he didn't give me that impression. Book Eddie was one-dimensional, his whole personality was hating Billy (the actor who voiced him in the audiobook sounded angry all the time), but the show didn't improve on him much. Eddie was in the same band as the husband of the woman he had feelings for. He chose to stay in that band. When he saw she was upset, it would have been easy for him to figure out why, he was literally in the studio with Billy and Daisy every day. If he was an outsider, it would be different, but he knew the situation. If he's that great a guy, then there are ways he should have handled it better. Talk to Billy, comfort Camila; if she came onto him, he should have said "you don't really want this, let's get you home". And that line "I'd choose you over everyone", like he never spoke in such a poetic way before and in fact had previously laughed at Billy's songs dedicated to Camila. (Also, the same line appears in the book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, a book I recently mentioned in one of you previous asks, funny how that happens.) That's bc the writers wanted people to ship it and knew people would use it as their OTP tag. (Srsly, they did look online to see what the fandom was saying, it was in one of the articles. That's why they messed up.) Bc they played up the Daisy and Billy thing, but knew they couldn't justify cheating (they had enough sense for that), so they came up with Eddie and Camila to even it out. They knew what they were doing. But even all that would have been fine, after all, humans are imperfect, if they at least let Eddie have a better ending (I'd like to see him accept the fact the was not a rockstar of Billy's calibre and find his niche, maybe writing music scores or going into a different genre, or even switching to a different form of art, like painting, and find love). He's far from my fave but that doesn't mean I want bad things for him.
You can write what you want. The DJATS writers did.
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nouies · 8 months
hey hey, lou! 🩷
i keep asking you about movies/tv series and songs, but i just add them to my whatchlist, because i haven't been able to consume new things for a while. but soon i will watch/listen to what you have recommended me, so expect a feedback. 😝
thank you for the advice and for believing in me! i really appreciate it! and know whatever you decide to create for your giftee, it will turn out wonderful! 🎀
it's so amazing how one person can give so much comfort to millions of people around the world. louis is just so precious. the energy he has, the way he talks, the love he gives. just thinking about him and writing this, warms my heart. 🥺
i have been feeling the same way, like i'm not contributing to the fandom. that's the other reason i signed up for the event. i was thinking about making smau, but it's so hard and i don't have good ideas. but one day maybe. it's one of my new year's resolutions as well. i don't know if i will ever try to make gifs tho, but who knows... 🌷
this is actually a great question. i have read a lot of fics with tag actor louis, but i have never asked myself in what kind of movie i would have liked to see him. probably in crime series. louis as a detective. or in tv series about doctors, for example the grey's anatomy. louis as a doctor. i definitely don't see him in romcom, even tho if he plays as the business woman coming back to hometown and his boyfriend from high school. like the basic scenarios, but louis playing the woman's role. he is too soft to play the farmer or something like that. i don't know if i'm making sense or i'm just living in a fic at this point. i hope i managed to give you a reasonable answer. 🤐
my question for the day: if you had the opportunity to go back in time, what would you change and why? 🐽
hope you have a lovely day,
- your valentine 😙
hi lovely! how are you?
don’t feel obligated to watch those things hehehe even if you decide to watch other things, let me know bc i’m on the same boat. i forgot to mention that i’ve been watching k-dramas as well! the latest was “romance is a bonus book” and i loved it.
i know we both will create great things! i have faith in us <333 what i said abt feeling like i was not contributing was before i truly interacted with the fandom. if you reblog/retweet gifsets, photos, ART, or write comments under fics and talk abt them on your blog, or with smaus if you quote them with your reactions, that’s contributing! without those interactions, ppl wouldn’t know if you’re enjoying what they’re posting so feedback and promotion are a great contribution in the fandom. at least that’s how i see it.
i made a tiny smau last month and if you want, i can help you with that once you reveal to me who you are heheh.
abt louis being a comfort person you’re so right! he’s honestly (besides my friends) the main reason i’m still here and i love him so much 🤧
omg i would love to see him as a detective or a doctor! or like a spy maybe? idk if he will ever try his luck at acting, but i’d definitely love to see his work!
do you want a funny answer or a deep answer? heheh tbh i’m always making weird decisions, so even going back in time to last weekend to chance some of them would be fine with me. but if i truly think abt it, i would probably go back to my high school years to spend more time with my mum, and to socialise more, and maybe to change my career path. although if i wouldn’t have studied my degree, i wouldn’t have met my best friend and i wouldn’t have become a 1d fan so 🤷🏻‍♀️
what abt you? where would you go?
have a great day, my friend! it’s finally the weekend 🥳 take care
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ericeffiorg · 1 year
"it's very obvious that they were not planned." and he's already spoken about how not only were they supposed to originally kiss in 1x05, but that if it weren't for the chemistry between their actors, the show would have went a lot differently. endgame or not, acting like they weren't ever going to be at least explored on kind of makes you look a bit delusional. any tv watcher would be able to tell you that the one couple with unfinished business will always end up getting a chance in the spotlight. it's one of the biggest tropes that constantly gets used. and if they weren't endgame, you know damn well rini was not going to be based on how they were written in season 2 episode 1 alone. the cracks were always there. you were just too biased to see them.
"they basically stopped talking after 2x6 and she went all in for ej and he went all in for nini." and what actually ended up happening was that they had to physically remove ricky from gina's storyline in order to make a relationship with any other male character work, and when ej stopped stepping up, you were somehow surprised that a relationship that had rebound all over it failed even after gina kept emphasizing how she doesn't get things right the first time. and if ricky deleting nini's comments and lashing out on her meant "going all in", i fear for what you consider to be healthy depictions of relationships.
"they only made the switch because olivia left after s2, and they didn't know that she was going to bc drivers license blew up right before they wrapped." yet before they wrapped, three episodes in (all filmed and written before drivers license) rini's miscommunication problems were only getting worse by the episode. even if you were rooting for them in season 1, there's no way you saw a positive ending coming for them in season 2. i accept some forms of delusion because it tends to work out sometimes, but what exactly were you holding onto by that point? and how much of it was actually you just liking nini as a character more than anyone else. you can't convince me you like ricky. so what exactly was the motivation?
anyways, no excuse or speculation will make rina not endgame. complain about the technicalities all you want. it's not amounting to anything. and maybe re-read some of those post season 1 interviews. they're more telling than you might think.
this is so awkward because you act like i'm mad because i'm a rini shipper when if you look at what i said i was actually rooting for rina (literally go into my rina tag and you'll see lol) but my actual issue was how poorly handled rina was after season 2 and how forced it felt. there was a way to make them work because it is a fact that they only happened because of olivia leaving (which is fine, every tv show needs to adapt to actors leaving) but they shoved all these phony backstories and ruined the build up for portwell (who i didnt care for) and then shoved all the other character's development aside just so they can put ricky and gina's love story at the forefront. they ruined ej's development and even made ricky become a total asshole just so they can make rina make sense and yet the only people who cared for them were the twitter fandom, because that's who tim based all of his decisions on.
and we know rina were gonna be explored because they literally were where did i deny that??? they were explored for the first season and a half but then they ended them and made both of them move on. and ricky and nini ending on bad terms at the end of season 2 doesn't mean they weren't going to be explored as most endgame couples tend to only really have their time in the sun during the last season anyway. but the difference is that rini were still in a story together, whereas rina barely spoke for four episodes so i'm really not sure what you thought you were cooking but we need to get you out the kitchen cos BOOOOOO
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