#i think i was bit overly harsh in some of my previous posts and i want to leave it clear: i have nothing truly against alicia/lloyd
lloydfrontera · 1 year
i love the lloyd plushies that are held by alicia in the illustrations. they are ADORABLE!!
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THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE!!! and like that's a top tier dynamic "absolute goddess of a woman and the little guy she keeps in her purse" like truly i fucking adore it
alicia flaunts lloyd around like a shiny new toy she got that will help her amass immense power that will eventually culminate in her kingdom turning into an empire and in exchange lloyd gets to be her sugar baby <3
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talkingbl · 1 year
Why I Dropped Never Let Me Go (NLMG)
I dropped NLMG at Episode 10. Here's why.
NLMG promised art, acting, and a story progression that eliminated filler and raised the stakes. And overall I expected a tight mystery where every action could have been foreseen with just a little attention to the right details. What I got fell shy of some things and, for other things, never delivered in the first place.
First, what I liked
The mise en scene (particularly the shot composition, cinematography and settings). Just look at some of these shots:
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You could frame so many scenes from this show.
PondPhuwin still have some of the best chemistry in BL. Seriously, one of my favorite all time scenes from a GMMTV BL was early on in Episode 2 or 3 where Neung pulls Palm around a corner as he's being chased by bullies, and Palm creates this very palpable tension as he ogles Neung. It was so well done.
Let's move on.
Minor Gripes
I didn't need ChopperBen's storyline. Because it was only tangentially connected to the main plot, it made the story seem overly long and made it difficult to readjust to PalmNeung/the overall plot.
I wish GMMTV would stop trying to sell us stuff. I get that they have to make money but some things just felt too shoehorned in. And because this show is supposed to have a serious tone (we'll get to this later), it just pulls you out when you can tell an item is just there to sell products.
The inconsistent tone. For this show to deal with such a serious subject matter, it definitely had moments that seemed to belong in something more like My School President. I know this is something GMMTV likes to do a lot but I could never tell what we were going to get in a given episode. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the show should've been depressing the whole way through, but there was so much levity at times that it made the serious portions unbelievable and lose stakes.
Major Concerns
Pond's acting has improved...but not by much. All the parents were okay. Chimon was decent and Perth was excellent. But Pond and Phuwin? Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in the performances we got. Pond, while having improved since FUTS, had virtually no life behind his eyes. In some cases, this isn't a problem, but Palm is a very emotional character. There's this melancholy underlying Palm's sense of self that Pond couldn't quite grasp. Other than the scene where Palm blew up at his dad at the hospital, it was like he was acting like Pond playing Palm instead of just being Palm. His strongest scenes were when he first began discovering his crush on Neung. Everything else left a lot to be desired (with the hospital scene exception).
Phuwin's acting actively regressed. I'm not sure what happened with Phuwin between FUTS and now but I feel like the promise I once saw with him is all but gone. His acting is not acting, it's overacting. He's hitting dramatic beats like he's on broadway or playing a parody of Neung. I don't want to be too harsh--he's still only 19 after all--but it's wild to see given how much potential he showed in previous works. And I would chalk it up to discomfort in this particular role but his acting also seemed to have the same issues in The Warp Effect. My guess at this point is either he doesn't work well with Jojo or he needs to hit the acting classes a bit more.
Poor pacing. The switch pre-Thanya getting shot and post-Thanya getting shot was wild... We went from consistent story beats and a stable/logical distribution of screen time for different elements of the story to entire episodes dedicated to high school hijinks without actually advancing any meaningful plot point. There were episodes that consisted of 40% filler, episodes where a lot happened but nothing happened at the same time, etc. This completely killed any momentum the story built up during the first few episodes.
Ill-planned and meandering plot. All I have to say is Thanya getting shot felt unearned and unpaid off. I know that it's supposed to poise Neung to take the throne, but I don't think the thought behind the beat was well-executed. It didn't help that Neung seemed to only be effected by it for all of 10 minutes and we only learned she survived off-screen. Also, what kind of hitmen don't ensure that they've finished the job? Anyway, the whole going to Palm's mom's plot was strange and introduced more issues than it resolved, I think. Plus, those episodes were like one big beach episode.
Sketchy character writing. Chanon made no sense as a concept. He had more loyalty to Neung's dad than his own son, only to turn around and pretend that he's putting Palm in harm's way for Palm's own good. What sense does that make? Also, not a single character developed over the first 10 episodes outside of Chopper and maybe Neung. I should've had some better insight into Palm that felt substantial, instead, I had no clue about who he really was deep down. What's the point in learning about someone (or their parents in this case) if we're never going to get inside their head to connect the dots? And even for characters we knew a lot about, they stopped making sense like immediately after Thanya was shot (i.e., Neung). I could really get into this but this post is long enough as-is.
In short, this story could've been amazing but it chose style over substance. Not sure if I'll ever finish it but open to being convinced.
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implausiblyjosh · 9 months
This is my last post about this cause I just would rather reblog other people's thoughts, but this is the big thing I cannot get over.
txttle/tale boosts a bad post that talks vaguely about what pro-kink should be, about how this random user is offering the gold standard on how pro-kink should look, and this post directly talks about supporting "ageplay or cnc or incest shipping" or else you're not really pro-kink by their estimation.
Her boost says "yes, and, we are too harsh on people not on cis girls and we need to care about actual abuses". The OP was already bad on it's face, ignoring everything else that will come after this paragraph. It's pretty clearly dogwhistling, as people loooove to get in the fucking weeds about what their kinks are and why they love them. Why be so vague in this instance? What, specifically, does OP wish was supported more in pro-kink spaces? It's already extremely easy to see how this could be cover for something since it's, intentionally or otherwise, vague! It's a bad post to boost from the jump.
It then comes out that the person txttle/tale boosted is an abuser. Supporting "ageplay or cnc or incest shipping" in that OP is now clearly about how they run a pro-contact website dedicated to getting adults in contact with minors, and how that's very obviously unethical, horrific, and that would not get support by most people who are not similarly abusive. Because that wouldn't normally get support, OP makes some vague post about what it means to actually be pro-kink, which just so happens to have some implied overlap with their awful website.
This whole thing is, rightly, criticized. This criticism happens, going based off of txttle/tale's reblogs and posts, by basically one person. Even if you don't know everything in the previous paragraph, it was already a bad post that was clearly trying to be coy with the real message. It is now made worse by these revelations.
Instead of addressing literally any of the criticisms actually being made, she's reblogging shit like the "runs up to a mcdonalds worker" post, which only exists to paint the original criticisms as unhinged rambling. She's trying to paint the person providing criticism as a bigoted, bad actor for making the criticisms at all. And, despite the fact that the post that's being criticized ends with a point about caring about "real abuses", the only thing I can see that even directly addresses the real abuses by the person she boosted is a post from her that says "that callout post should have been better edited".
I have seen maybe one or two people in this game of telephone (that she is enabling by removing the context of the initial criticisms, btw!) conflate txttle/tale w/ the OP who is running that pro-contact site. That's bad, and should be corrected swiftly! Everything else is singling out this one person for daring to say "the post you're boosting and agreeing with is bad, and also it was made by an abuser, which makes everything said by both the OP and you worse".
All that context and summary to get to the thing that bugs me about this whole thing... where's that care for the "real abuses"?
Like, the post she made that kicked this all off was about how people should care about the "real abuses". When the real abuses made by OP are made clear, where's the reaction to that? Where's the reflection about how they boosted a dogwhistled post? Why the distancing and distraction about what the original criticisms clearly stated, and what they continue to clearly state? Why is it "be overly-cautious when you boost callouts" but using critical thinking and taking ownership of what messages you're boosting and from who is just completely unfair? Why the refusal to engage with the criticisms as written, and instead do this performance for your audience?
Because it feels like the "care about real abuses" bit is performative now. I can't imagine reacting this way if someone was to point out to me that I boosted a dogwhistle post. I can't imagine trying to start a campaign hounding the person who pointed this out. I can't imagine getting this bent out of shape over posts that maybe cracked double digit notes. The optics alone are horrible, and don't really suggest you care about the "real abuses".
txttle/tale is not on the hook for the OP's actions or OP's dogwhistle post. She's on the hook for her own post. She's on the hook for boosting the dogwhistles. She's on the hook for removing the context of the criticisms made of her posts. She's on the hook for painting the person criticizing her as a bad actor. She's on the hook for boosting every post that continues to pain that person as a bad actor. She's on the hook for having all this be the reaction to "you boosted an abuser and their dogwhistle post" when saying that she cares about the "real abuses".
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sairenharia · 3 years
Sentimonster Adrien Theory 2
Spoilers for all of Season 4 as of 8/31/21
For my previous thoughts, and the validity of at least SOMEONE on the cast being a Sentimonster, refer to: Here
As a note, my previous theory was written after Ladybug and BEFORE Chat Blanc, and Felix. I will be retreading ground for Adrien specifically, but basic belief in there being a sentimonster is there.
Something I just want to say, I don’t think Adrien being a Sentimonster negates the abuse Gabriel inflicted on him. What it does is explain why GABRIEL is able to justify it, but seeing where someone is coming from does not excuse them of their actions. Gabriel has to repent. The fact is Adrien is a person even if Senti!Adrien is true, and that doesn’t change just because he’s not human. Treating someone who can think and feel cruelly is never a good thing.
That being said, evidence and why I think Adrien really might not be human.
A: The Wish
We know Emilie is in the basement. She is in some kind of stasis. We know the Wish involves her.
We do not know Gabriel’s wish. We very deliberately do not know Gabriel’s wish, because we, the audience, hear him talk about it a lot, but only in vague terms. He wants his wish, he wants to change time, he wants to achieve a goal.
But he’s never said he wants to wake Emilie up, fix her, bring her back. He wants to do something for her sake, but its not the most obvious thing.
So its NOT the most obvious thing. There is no reason to be vague about this unless its to elude to a deeper meaning. The obvious wish is too obvious to be obtuse.
And more importantly, we know Emilie and Gabriel wanted something fifteen years ago thanks to the Shanghai special. Something to do with the human virtues, potentially.
We know Marinette is fourteen now. So Adrien’s birthday in Bubbler was his fourteenth birthday. 
The want for something started around the time Adrien should have been conceived.
B: Ask for Forgiveness, not Permission.
Adrien doesn’t like to ask his father for things. We see this over and over again with him sneaking out to things like the Startrain, or say he’s going to fencing with Kagami, and other excuses. Sometimes he does try to do things in the straight forward way, but when there are things he really wants to go to, things he doesn’t want to have to accept a no, he sneaks out.
Like the class trip. Like going to see his mother’s movie.
And when Adrien is told directly ‘no,’ he will often listen. For Adrien. Chat Noir, however, is a different entity, and he often uses it for a reason for why he can go out. Chat can, Adrien can’t.
To date, the only time Adrien has gone against a direct order from Gabriel is in regards to going to school.
And Chat Blanc.
I’ll get to Chat Blanc.
Adrien was told he could not attend school, and he accepted that. Until he became Chat Noir and only then did he rebel. Interestingly, when he was pulled from school after the book incident, he didn’t plan to just run away again. We know he was willing to disobey to attend, so why did the ban take this time?
Perhaps because Gabriel made it a thing that was allowed. It wasn’t an outright rebellion, it was a thing earned and then lost.
C: What Is The Amok?
Its the rings.
Not ring.
Which may or may not be magic items in of themselves, but there is not enough information for that.
When Gabriel transforms, there is a distinctive beep. When we first see the basement, we hear that beep again. We we see the rings in Felix, we hear that beep yet again. This beep is a sound cue of significance in regards to Gabriel and Emilie.
And here is the thing. If Adrien is a Sentimonster, he’s meant to be their child. Which comes into some questionable things, ethically speaking, for his free will. They don’t want Adrien to know he’s a Sentimonster. They could tell him to always hold onto his Amok, but he’s the son of very wealthy people. Even without being a model, there is every chance his Amok could be stolen because he’d be a target for theft.
But just having the Amok sitting somewhere is dangerous.
And what if it gets broken?
The only way to keep Adrien’s Amok safe is for one of his parents to have it....or both.
Crocoduel has shown us an item can be Akumatized and taken apart at the moment of enchantment and exist as two separate things. And a bonus, the item has to be put together and THEN broken to break the magic.
And here are the twin rings that are perfect copies of each other and get clean together really nice and maybe they attach a little bit? Having two rings stay together that well while cleaning is quite the party trick if there isn’t something to that. But visually speaking, it tells us, the audience, these are two halves of the same whole.
And it allows a little bit in the form of free will. Because if someone does not possess BOTH rings, they cannot control Adrien completely. Its still incredibly hard for Adrien to resist, but he IS capable of disagreeing at the very least.
Of course, when combined with the home atmosphere, his ability to resist doesn’t account for much without extreme circumstances, but still.
We can see this with Sentibubbler. The moment Ladybug had the coffee cup, he changed tracks without a sign of hesitation or confusion. Because he just had the one item. Even though Ladybug was ordering him with more autonomy then Shadow Moth. (I will also get into that.)
This is also why in Felix, Gabriel immediately goes to retrieve Emilie’s ring to wear. Sure, accusing Felix of stealing the ring gets into a whole legal lawsuit that makes it complicated and would make it difficult to retrieve the ring. Its a whole hassle, but it doesn’t explain why he needs to wear Emilie’s ring.
Except Felix has the ring that is one half of Adrien’s Amok.
Gabriel HAS to wear the ring, because Emilie cannot influence Adrien in any way, but Felix can. Gabriel has to balance out whatever Felix may do to Adrien, so he takes his wife ring. And its why he can’t get into the legal battle because he has to wear the ring to protect ADRIEN, and if they see him with the ring, there will be questions he can’t answer.
This also may explain Gabriel seems even more harsh to Adrien after Emilie’s disappearance despite some oddities.
Adrien wasn’t allowed to go to school while Emilie was around. But Gabriel granted it. When Adrien wants for things he wasn’t allowed before and is willing to fight for it, Gabriel grants it.
I don’t think Gabriel’s authoritative nature has truly changed that much. I think what changed was Adrien’s PERSPECTIVE of it. Because before, Emilie was a constant counter to his need to obey. Now he doesn’t have that, so being told what to do feels more absolute. I think the thing that truly changed was how much time and affection Gabriel was willing to show Adrien in his pain, not how much he restricted him.
Which still ain’t great.
Though that is a thought. Maybe Gabriel avoids Adrien because he knows he’s a commanding sort and he’s trying to not do overly much. Which is why most of his time around Adrien is when he can critique him, because it gives him a focus for orders? It would be a twist.
D: What About Chat Blanc? Or rather, what about Plagg.
So I’ve heard people say Chat Blanc disproves this theory because that is certainly a time to command Adrien to obey with his Amok! Which true, except for two things.
One, the end of Felix has little reason to change in the new timeline. Adrien and Marinette dated for at least a little while which was shortly before Felix happened. Felix still visited.
What might have changed was what kind of terrorizing Felix did on Adrien.
What has no reason to change is Felix stealing the ring.
Which means Gabriel DIDN’T have the means to absolutely command Adrien to do anything, we only had half the Amok.
And the fact the Amok was in two pieces is why Chat Blanc didn’t destroy himself if Gabriel’s ring was still capable of being destroyed while he was transformed, and if London still got wrecked. We saw in Crocoduel the item has to be COMBINED and THEN destroyed. Destroying both at once doesn’t count.
And it would explain something in Chat Blanc.
We know the move he TRIED to do was kill himself. He engulfed himself in the power before it went out of control.
We also know, officially of Guilt Trip, that cataclysm DOESN’T KILL SENTIMONSTERS. It makes it so the Amok doesn’t control them, usually go crazy. We saw Chat Noir get Cataclysm’d in Miraculer, but he didn’t turn to ash. We don’t even know if he truly died. He was suffering, to be sure, and we see Sentimonsters take damage. He could have been damaged.
But Chat Blance is a Sentimonster AND an Akuma, so he was able to take the damage more and went absolutely off the rails instead, and instead of blaming Gabriel, like he should have...
He blamed Ladybug.
Because he was no longer connected to what gave Gabriel control over him. The only ‘control’ over himself he recognized was Ladybug’s influence and his own love.
And then there’s Plagg’s influence, which ties into Cataclysm. Sentimonsters cannot be killed by Plagg’s magic, but they can be FREED of control thanks to his magic. As I said in my first post, the one time we see Adrien disobey as direct order, its after he meets Plagg and goes to school. He uses Chat Noir as a means to disobey all the time.
In being bonded to Plagg, Adrien is given genuine free will and freedom, over the manufactured version that his parents made with a split Amok. He is able to decide things on his own, because he has the chaos magic that grants him the ability to SAY NO. To develop his own means of rebelling.
Ask for forgiveness over permission. And sometimes, learning to say no anyway.
This doesn’t change the conditioning Adrien has been through. He’s obedient to a fault because that is all he’s ever known. Its just instead of fear and gaslighting having trained this into him, it was magic. His parents never NEEDED to be cruel, Emilie COULD be as kind as Adrien says, because they never needed to use negative reinforcement on him.
They had magic.
And that was able to do the job just as well.
Plagg is able to naturally counter the magic. And he’s giving Adrien the unconditional love and support to help him learn, but Adrien is still a person, still has a personality. And the mental bars he has around his head are just as effective as the magic ones were.
E. Shadow Moth vs Mayura
There is something I’ve noticed between how Shadow Moth and Mayura operate.
Mayura made Sentmonsters for others, but she did make one for herself: Ladybug. But here is the thing about Sentibug, she gave her orders. Gave her a general guideline. And then she let Sentibug take those orders and just go.
Shadow Moth, when he makes an Amok, does not do this. He allows others to control Sentimonsters as they will, and often Sentimonsters are just given general guidelines, but not Shadow Moth’s Sentimonsters. Sentibubbler, SentiNino, SentiAlec are Sentimonsters Shadow Moth made.
And he didn’t give them orders. He didn’t give them guidelines.
They were Literal Puppets.
He controlled their movements. He SPOKE THEIR WORDS FOR THEM.
Out of all the Sentimonsters, Gabriel is literally the only one who has used his Sentimonster this way.
And I think there’s a good reason for it. I don’t think Gabriel is capable of making an entity that can act on its own, but is still a complete slave to his will and be okay with it.
Because what does that say about Adrien?
Akumas are fine because those are PEOPLE. People he manipulated and coerced, people he threatened, but they are still people. They can still refuse him and he knows it.
Puppets are find because that’s all they are, puppets.
But this middle ground that Sentimonsters are, that is what Adrien is. And Gabriel is unable to cope with that because it means seeing his son as a tool and despite how much of a genuinely terrible person Gabriel is, that is not something he’s willing to see in himself.
So he hyper controls the Sentimonsters and Does Not Think About It.
F. Wishmaker.
Listen, its valid to have a wish as a child to be what your parents wanted to be. Depending on parents, it could be a perfectly healthy wish.
Here’s the thing.
Everytime Wishmaker granted a wish, we saw people at the age they wanted that wish granted. They were children when they had this wish.
And here’s the thing.
Infants don’t think of others. Infants are a bundle of vulnerability that is very curious about the world and don’t want to die and is trying to figure out how to make its wants known. Infants are selfish beings because they are just trying to survive in this world they’ve shown up in.
An infant doesn’t think about what its parents want.
Adrien should not have been CAPABLE of having that wish as an INFANT.
Not unless he wasn’t human.
A Sentimonster sure does want to do what its Amok holder wants.
And what his parents wanted was a son. What they wanted was Adrien.
So that’s why Adrien appears as Adrien for the wish, because for all he has doubts, the Sentimonster in him knows that is what they wanted.
F2. Gabriel and Emilie’s eyes.
....idk, fam. The fact their eye colors were switched FEELS important and we’ve supposedly seen Emilie at seventeen with green eyes and her sister has green eyes, so what’s up with that is wei-
The Amok is both rings. Gabriel and Emilie have their own rings. The rings they have always worn as their own.
Felix, with green eyes, has Gabriel’s ring.
Gabriel, with blue eyes, has Emilie’s ring.
The reason the eyes are switched in Adrien’s memory is because he associates the eyes with the ring and the current holder of the specific ring have THOSE EYES. He knows the faces they SHOULD be, but the eyes are DIFFERENT because the holders are DIFFERENT.
G. Allergies.
Its still funny if a boy made out of a feather has a feather allergy. It may also be a defense mechanism put in. Logically, any peacock user will have feathers. Maybe he’s allergic in case they ever lose the peacock, he’ll avoid the holder while they’re transformed at least. Maybe it could even distract the holder from noticing anything off about him.
H. Obedience.
Adrien is obedient. Which is one of the reasons he’s a suspect Sentimonster. I won’t go into this because I already talked about his Permission versus Forgiveness thing.
I. Taking Charge
I talked about before about Adrien taking charge and struggling with it, but I also have another point about it.
The thing is, we see Adrien excel at second in command....but also when he’s Chat Noir.
Adrien did BADLY as Mister Bug and as Aspik. But the thing is, Plagg wasn’t there at the time. As Mister Bug, Plagg was with Marinette. As Aspik, the ring is in the weird pocket dimension things are bamf’d away and while Plagg is around, his power isn’t bonded to Adrien.
Adrien has proven able to figure out Ladybug’s plans with minimal instructions. The fact Mister Bug couldn’t even get to step one is weird.
He tried being Aspik for months and was unable to figure out what he needed to do, focused solely on the objective of protect Ladybug. Unable to step back and think beyond his goal. Three months is a long time to not come up with ANYTHING.
Its like Adrien’s ability to decide things on his own was compromised. Like his free will was stripped away, hindered by the rings that control him. He could try to focus on protecting Ladybug, but he couldn’t figure out a good way to take down the enemy on his own.
His father didn’t want him to.
We do see Adrien can lead well. When he wanted to talk to Juleka in Guilt Trip, HE was the one making the right decision. But he was unable to overtake Marinette’s charisma, so even if he could think of what to do, how to handle the situation, he doesn’t have the force of personality to overtake a true leader.
We see Chat Noir have plans and direct a crowd.
With Plagg granting him agency, he’s able to make good decisions, good calls, able to use that brain of his well. Its when he loses Plagg he struggles the most.
J. The Need To Be Useful
Adrien thinks he needs to be useful. He needs to be good and perfect. And yes, this is reinforced by Gabriel’s treatment of him, always criticizing him, but it is a kind of curious fear.
Adrien has two great fears.
The fear of trapped isolation and the fear of rejection.
The fear of trapped isolation is the one Gabriel has reinforced. Adrien has only shown a fear of his father rejecting him once, during Christmas, when he was frustrated in the idea Gabriel would not spend time with him, and even then, Adrien chose to make it a reality on his own first.
And its very likely Gabriel was affectionate when he was younger.
I think the fear of rejection from Gabriel is a newer one that Adrien is aware of. After Gabriel has refused to be around Adrien.
But I think the fear was ALWAYS there. Because he is an Sentimonster. If a Sentimonster isn’t useful, then they have no reason to exist. And the thing is, while Adrien fears this, there is also a strong part of him that is RESIGNED to it.
Which makes it even weirder in that Gabriel’s behavior should make this a NEWER fear...unless it was part of Adrien’s natural existence. One of a Sentimonster. He’s afraid of it, because he wants people, he loves people, but there is a part of him that just....accepts it as a natural consequence.
One that isn’t worth fighting.
Like he isn’t in season four right now.
K. Memories
Adrien couldn’t remember having childhood dreams. We know he used to play with Chloe and...that’s it. There’s even implication his modeling is a Newer Thing instead of being a child model.
We know he didn’t have a childhood dream. He never had a childhood wish. Which is weird because Adrien is the biggest romantic dreamer of the series save for ROSE. He never thought about being a charming knight, a magical girl, even just being a superhero? He was all on board with being a superhero when offered, like he’s thought about it a lot!
But it wasn’t something he called a childhood dream.
But you know who probably did have being a superhero as a childhood dream?
If Adrien has two Amoks to make a facsimile of free will, it may have been impossible for him to truly ‘dream’ in the sense Wishmaker was talking about. It was too deep of a want for him to truly conceptualize enough to count.
But he played games with Chloe, he still saw the wishes and dreams and fantasies that he could enjoy with her as a proxy.
Perhaps that is why they were such good friends. Chloe wanted things so fiercely that for Adrien, who struggled to want, he was able to figure out how to do it with her influence. Not enough for a childhood dream, but enough to know how to want enough that it gave him a love for people. A need for more in his life beyond the perfect son.
L. Emotions.
Adrien is the heart of the Ladybug and Chat Noir duo. The Peacock is the Miraculous of Emotions. Adrien has shown a difficulty at controlling his own feelings. He can control his REACTIONS, but its hard for him to figure out what to do about his feelings beyond ‘conceal, don’t feel.’
Which is weird, because he’s extremely empathetic. He’s very good at judging others emotions (save for Marinette ‘Just A Friend’ Dupain-Cheng.) He can offer comfort and figure out is they need space or help. The fact he struggles with his own says maybe his are just too strong.
Like he’s a being Made Of Emotions.
M. Narrative Foreshadowing.
Just saying it again.
It comes up a lot with Adrien becoming some kind of puppet, copy, impostor. It happens so much. SO MUCH.
Also he was the first one to think Sentibug was a Real Person.
Then there is the end of Mega Leech.
Could it just be another example of Adrien being emotionally abused? Sure.
However, considering how often this series genuinely glosses over abuse (Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, even Zoe to an extent), its weird to just throw that in at the end of an episode that, frankly, barely involves Adrien’s emotions.
Save one.
Adrien was told it was a perfume commercial. He was Lied To. He was told One Thing was Another.
And there is the framing. There is the double focus on the ring, the focus on the words. There is so much focus on this being a command that could not be denied, and that doesn’t need to involve the ring AT ALL if it was abuse.
Unless, of course, the ring was an Amok.
Then the visual cues make a whole lot more sense.
N. The Wild Mass Guessing.
Now what is the wish.
Clearly Emilie’s use of the peacock is what made her sick and it made her sick for years. Now whether the peacock was ALREADY BROKEN or Emilie broke it is up in the air. Either way, we know she used the peacock longterm. Since there is no talk of supervillains or previous superheroes, it seems highly unlikely she was granting people super powered monsters.
So, her use was for a Sentimonster. Perhaps trying to split the Amok broke the peacock. Perhaps that one use was enough to make her sick, but because it was just the one time, it took years for the magical sickness to take her down. That is all up in the air.
What we do know, the crux of the wish is fifteen years ago. Which means it involves Adrien’s existence in some way. It likely involves rewriting time a bit.
And here is the thing.
Gabriel loves Adrien. He does. He’s a trash person, he’s toxic at best, abusive at worst, but HE LOVES ADRIEN.
What if the peacock was broken when they found it. What is Emilie DIDN’T break it?
‘I wish the Peacock was never broken.’
Fifteen years ago, Gabriel and Emilie were trying to have a baby. But they were unable to conceive. Amelie had her own baby boy, and he’s beautiful, and Emilie and Gabriel just hurt more at their inability to have a child.
(This is why adoption should be seen as more valid, folks, but that’s neither here nor there.)
But Emilie’s family knows of magic. Because let’s be fair, there is something truly suspicious about that lot and it screams they know magic stuff. Emilie has heard of grand artifacts and magics and maybe there is away around this limitation.
They explore the world, research magic artifacts, until they finally find the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous. They are able to learn what they can do, either from Nooroo and Duusu. Clearly an Akuma does nothing for them, but a Sentimonster?
That had possibilities.
But the Peacock is broken.
Emilie doesn’t care.
They experiment. She uses the Peacock more and more, but she figures out the trick. She figures out how to make a child, how to make him SAFE.
Adrien is created, using the sign of their union, and the Miraculous are locked away.
But Emilie is still sick from figuring out how to create Adrien. And the years go by and she doesn’t get better, but she doesn’t care. She has her son. A son both her and Gabriel love, but they have to be careful. He’s not human, after all, just a little off.
Let him meet Chloe, because the Bourgeios are hardly normal. Slowly socialize him. Keep him inside so no one sees how odd he is. Keep him safe. He grows, happy enough, independent ENOUGH to believe.
Then Emilie collapses.
And doesn’t get up.
Gabriel is the only one with active control. He keeps Emilie’s ring on her finger and hides her away, but now, he’s the only one who can order his son. He doesn’t want to destroy what independent thought Adrien has achieved, doesn’t want to destroy HIS SON, so he keeps his distance. He only interacts in ways where he can be silent, or criticize what he has always criticized. Doesn’t even dare to get him a gift for his birthday because what if that becomes far too important?
As Adrien shows a rebellious streak, does things for himself, asks for things HE wants, things that Gabriel will sometimes give if its deemed safe, and Gabriel tentatively shows a little more attention. Goes to a few events, goes on a few trips. Not for long, brief amounts of time, hoping that Adrien keeps being Himself.
Because he can’t take off the ring.
Taking off the ring means leaving Adrien vulnerable.
And he fights Ladybug and Chat Noir for his wish.
If the Peacock wasn’t broken/didn’t break, then Emilie wouldn’t have gotten sick. She would wake up and Adrien wouldn’t be erased by his sole control. Maybe if he’s bold enough, he can just make sure Adrien was never at risk of being a puppet again. Take the Amok’s out of the equation, make his son real.
And if time is altered then....then it doesn’t MATTER if Adrien is hurt NOW. If he hates being alone. If Gabriel fails, at least he doesn’t erase what little will his son has left. If Gabriel wins, then literally nothing done matters!
Sometimes he forgets that. He sees Adrien in danger, and he feels that fear, that need to save his son.
Sometimes he remembers, tells himself if he wins, then any harm he caused Adrien with Riposte, with Style Queen, WITH CHAT BLANC, will no longer matter. He just had to win, he has to win, he has to win because it will return Emilie, and it will ensure his son is never lost in the magic that makes his soul.
It doesn’t matter who he hurts. It doesn’t matter how villainous he becomes. None of it matters as long as he achieves his end.
Once, he even thinks of explaining it to Adrien. Tell him he’s Hawk Moth. Tell him he’s a Sentimonster. He knows the distance hurts his son, but if he knew why, then Adrien would understand just how much he loves Adrien.
He keeps his distance so he doesn’t accidentally change Adrien.
He’s Hawk Moth so he can save Emilie and Adrien.
He will fix everything once he wins, and he regrets how often he had hurt Adrien until then.
And then Adrien talks about how he’s noticed Gabriel and Nathalie becoming closer and Nathalie has the Peacock. Adrien is switching his loyalty from Emilie to Nathalie, he’s changing due to MAGIC and Gabriel is furious because he’s been too lax, been too kind, he needs to WIN.
When the Peacock will no longer hurt, when Nathalie will stop fighting him on him using it, he takes it. To keep Adrien from changing more due to magic.
There are times where Gabriel’s heart remind him of his love. He can’t hurt his son then.
There are times where he remembers his goal. If he wins, whatever harm he caused Adrien doesn’t matter, and he HAS to win.
And he throws himself more and more and more into the fight, into winning because if he can win, then he can save everyone important to him.
What does it matter if Adrien suffers now as long as its undone?
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silkling · 3 years
Of Newfound Knowledge and Truths of a Yesteryear
Of Moments in Life AU
Heatwave stood on his small training platform, punching the wooden dummy and trying to ignore the rage bubbling in the back of his processor. That morning, he’d read some of the data-pads that High Tide and Optimus had left, the ones Blades had read when Dreadwing first crashed on the island. What he’d learned had made him angry, and he didn’t understand how his teammate hadn’t been angry, too.
The Decepticons…the pads had a lot of information on what the ‘Cons had done throughout the War. The information had definitely been censored and sanitized, probably intentionally so his team wouldn’t be exposed to the full horrors of the War through the data pads, but it had still been enough for Heatwave to understand.
Dreadwing had said that the Decepticons started as a social revolution. But they were certainty far from that, now. The Rescue Force, Praxus, Iacon…they’d destroyed everything that had stood in their way, not caring if those they crushed were even involved in the War or not. It made him angry, his rescue protocols screaming with rage and loss in his processor.
As the conflicting emotions peaked, he heard the sound of pedes behind him and turned to see Dreadwing. Heatwave stepped away from the training post, the platform lowering to the ground as he crossed his arms and frowned. He liked the former Deception. He hadn’t spent as much time with him as the rest of his time, but he big bot was never violent or mean. He was a little blunt, and seemed to be a bit overly aggressive in his solutions for Heatwave’s peace-orientated processor, but he wasn’t a bad bot. At least, he didn’t appear to be.
Dreadwing seemed to notice his internal distress, because the larger bot pinned him with a considering and slightly concerned look. “You seem troubled, little one.” he rumbled.
“I’m not little.” Heatwave answered on reflex, mildly indignant. He didn’t understand why the Seeker referred to him and his teammates like that. Well, he supposed he did. They were all little, compared to him. “And…I guess I am.” He looked up at Dreadwing, a hard frown twisting his features.
“So I see.” Dreadwing, for his part, now looked ever so slightly amused. “And what is it what is causing you such distress?”
Heatwave made a frustrated noise, his vocalizer clicking in a sort of nonsense babble as he tried to think of how to explain. “I just–I don’t understand. How could they have done…everything they did?”
“What are you talking about?” Dreadwing asked, confused.
“I read the data lads Optimus and High Tide left! I learned about some of the things the Decepticons did!” he snapped, frustration and anger bleeding into his tone in place of previous confusion. Just the thought of what he’d learned was enough to make his spark sing with rage.
“Ah, now I understand.” The Seeker stated, his gaze becoming solemn and understanding. “And what did you learn, Heatwave?”
“You know what!”
“I do not. Your data pads are Autobot records, youngling. While I have no doubt there is truth there, I am also quite sure that much of that information is highly biased or just pure conjecture.”
The fire truck scowled. “Oh? So the Decepticons didn’t destroy Praxus, which was supposed to be a Neutral city?”
Dreadwing paused. “They did. It was before I joined, but they did.”
“And you’ve probably done a lot too, haven’t you?” He demanded. “Killed a lot of innocent bots, destroyed a lot of lives?” he was angry and hurting and he didn’t understand how Dreadwing could have joined a cause that was so horrible unless he was, as the human say, cut from the same cloth. But he couldn’t be, everything Heatwave had seen from the Seeker since his crash on the island directly conflicted with what the youngling had learned of the Decepticons. It just made him confused and left his spark aching.
The Seeker in question was silent, observing for a moment before he dipped his head. “I have. I have done many, many terrible things. I never killed sparklings or younglings, but I have killed countless Autobot soldiers and slain more than a few Neutral civilians on Megatron’s command.” He said softly. “I have aided in the stripping and destruction of planets, and I have directly contributed to the death of our homeworld. I do not deny any of this. I am not trying to escape my past, Heatwave, or to deny the crimes and atrocities I have committed.”
“Then why did you do them? Why are you here? Why should we let you stay if you’ve done all of that?” He didn’t actually want Dreadwing to leave, and the knew the others would want him to either. But he had just admitted to having committed horrible acts. Heatwave didn’t know what to think.
If the harsh questions bothered him, Dreadwing didn’t show it. “I did what I did because, at the time, I believed I was in the right. You know how Cybertron was in the Golden Age. You know of the emurata, of Functionism, of the caste system and how it was structured. Don’t tell me you don’t.” he said. “I rose from a system that sought to oppress me, and I turned to the only option I saw at the time. The Decepticons. It was wrong, and I have come to realize that.” He paused, tilting his head slightly. “I am here because I have little elsewhere I can go, and because I find myself growing fond of this place. I am here because Primus has granted me a second chance, an opportunity to do better and to be better, and I intend to take it.” Dreadwing took an extra moment to consider the last question. “You likely should not.” he answered. “I cannot change what I have done, all I can do it try to make amends and hope to find redemption one day.” He met the youngling’s gaze evenly. “But I would like to stay, if you would allow me the chance to pursue something better here.”
Heatwave held his gaze, then sagged and looked away. “Fine. I don’t even want you to leave anyway.” he sounded tired. “I won’t make you go. I don’t think I could. The others like you, and so do I. It’d just do more harm than good to everyone involved if I made you leave now.” he glanced up. “Just…tell me why. Why did the Decepticons do all of that? I don’t understand.” he sounded frustrated and helpless.
Dreadwing softened, his wings dipping down just slightly as his frame relaxed. “The Decepticons did not rise from nothing, little one.” he rumbled.
“What do you mean? The data pads said Megatron came out of nowhere and built them up before anyone realized what was going on.” He said, his anger abating in face of his even more confusion.
Dreadwing scoffed. “I am certain that many Autobot’s believe that.” his lips curled faintly, displeased. “That is, however, as far from the truth as you can get.”
“Then why would Autobot data pads contain that information as if it were fact?” he demanded, crossing his arms.
The Seeker hummed, tilting his head. “Perhaps, if you wish to have this discussion in its entirety, it would be best to sit somewhere?”
Heatwave paused, then nodded. “Lounge.” he said gruffly, leading the way. Once there, he dragged over a beanbag chair and settled into it comfortably, leaving the couch to the former Decepticon.
“To begin, I must ask how much you know about the Autobots and Decepticons as a whole, as well as how much you know and understand the political and social climate of the Golden Age.” Dreadwing stated.
Heatwave frowned. “I know what you told us when you first arrived.” he said, tilting his head. “I also know that the Autobot’s end goal is the restoration of Cybertron and the revival of our race. I know the Decepticons want to take control and lead Cybertron by force, and that their end goal is to put ‘Cons in charge and remove lots of freedom from bots under their rule.” he said. He crossed his arms, staring at a point on the floor as he tried to think. “I know that the Senate used to rule Cybertron during the Golden Age, and that they weren’t very fair and a lot of bots suffered, and that some of their regulations and punishments were extreme.” he tilted his head. “I know the caste system made the bots in the lower castes struggle a lot.” he seemed almost ashamed at this point. “I….I never paid the most attention to that, though. I was in the upper-middle caste, and my Function was something I already wanted to do.”
“Rescue work.” Dreadwing guessed.
The firetruck nodded. “Yeah.” he admitted.
“Then you know much of the very basics, though your knowledge lacks in the complexity and finer details of the full scope of the situation.” he rumbled. “You are correct. The Autobots fight for a restored Cybertron. But your knowledge of the Decepticons is…not entirely accurate.”
Heatwave’s engine growled with displeasure as he just grew more helplessly confused. “What?”
“The Decepticons do seek control, and they do seek to rule over Cybertron. That is true. It is also true that their goal is to see to the destruction of the Autobots. But it wasn’t always so.”
“Yeah, you mentioned they started as a social revolution.” Heatwave said, starting to calm down once he realized he’d be getting his answers, and without all the vagueness that came from Optimus whenever he tried to ask the Prime about the War.
“They did. But Megatron not rise from nothing, as the Autobots are so fond of believing. He rose from foundations that were already very deeply rooted. Functionism was a plague and the caste system was a rot that had sunk deep into the very core of our world.” he said, voice soft and somber. “It was a rot that infected only the oppressed and the beaten; it affected the lower castes and the undesirables, and those who lived comfortably in the higher castes did not feel the affects of it.”
“Undesirables?” Heatwave echoed, confused.
“Bots who did not fit into the world the Senate wished to portray. They wanted a Cybertron where every bot had a singular Function and operated according to that Function and ONLY according to that Function. They wanted a world where all those who were not of the Senate were subservient to them and obeyed them without question. They wanted a world that operated under the beliefs and celebrations and social structure they approved of. Those who did not fit into that world, and who could not fit into that world, were deemed undesirable.” He cast the youngling a meaningful look. “For the Senate, that included flight-frames. It is why they were so eager to see the spread of anti-flyer sentiments, to confine flyers, whether they were Seekers or not, to a single city. Flight-frames have a different base coding to ground-frames, and the Senate were all ground-frames. In their optics, flight-frames were a danger to their rule because flyers, by the nature of our frames, do not fit seamlessly into a Functionist society.” he paused. “It certainly did not help that the social structure, belief system, and cultural behavior of flight-frames was radically different to that of ground-frames, and that it was radically different to what the Senate was trying to enforce.”
Heatwave was silent for a long moment, considering what he was told. “But…you said the caste system was a rot. What did you mean?”
Dreadwing hummed, his fingers tapping a pattern on the couch; it was a very human gesture, one he had picked up from the Burnses without even realizing it. He had to word this carefully. Not because he wanted to manipulate the younger bot, but because it was a complex situation and a rather unpleasant one. “You said we’re were of the upper-middle caste.” he said carefully. “And that fits with your frame type and your Function. But have you never thought about the types of bots that fill each level of the caste system?” he asked.
Heatwave furrowed his optical ridges, shaking his helm. “No…” he said slowly. “I know…I know artists were considered among the lowest tier of the high castes. I know scientists and medics were high caste, and that the only bots above them were politicians.” he said.
Dreadwing smiled faintly. The young bot was starting to understand on his own. “Indeed. But those bots only made up a minority of Cybertron’s population. What of the others? What of the common laborers?”
“You mean, like, cleaners and construction bots? You’re right, they were more common than scientists, medics, or artists.” he said. “Like Boulder. He was originally a construction bot.”
He nodded. “They were indeed more common. But what caste did the Senate assign to them?”
“The…the lower caste.” Understanding was starting to bloom in Heatwave’s optics. “The lowest caste, for most of the laborer frames.” he realized. “That means…Boulder was from the lower castes.”
Dreadwing hummed agreement. “He was. If you wish to know more, then you shall have to ask him yourself. It is not my place to tell you what he experienced.” He sighed heavily. “But I will tell you that the lower castes, the bots who made up the majority of our people, did not often lead pleasant lives. They received little pay for their work, could not often afford decent fuel, if they could afford any fuel, and most of their pay would have to go to maintaining their living space. It oft left them overtired, overworked, and very, very hungry. It did not help that many of them had dangerous Functions, dangerous jobs, and after paying for their living quarters and fuel, they did not have the shanix for medical care. It meant the lower castes were forced to choose between their need for fuel and their health.”
Heatwave swallowed, his optics blown wide. “Oh.” he whispered. “But…why didn’t they do anything?”
Dreadwing looked almost melancholic at his question. “Most of the lower castes simply did not have the time or energy to fight against it. They were too tired, too hungry, to injured or sick, and were forced to focus purely on their own survival.” he stated. “And those few that did try to speak up…” he trailed off. “The Senate was not kind to dissenters, little one. If they did not use empurata on those who protested their systems, they used other means of punishment and silencing.” his tone was grim.
Heatwave chose not to ask what those “other means” were. He had a feeling he didn’t want to know. “It…it was really that bad?”
The Seeker bowed his helm. “Ask Boulder or Blades. They would know the best of your teammates.” Though, he had his suspicions about the means of Chase’s creation, and if he was right then the police bot might also know how bad the Senate could be.
“Boulder, I get. But why Blades?”
“The little flyer once told me that one of his brothers was a flight-frame. He would not have experienced the cruelty directly, as he was a ground-frame on Cybertron, but he would doubtless have experienced or seen it through his brother.”
“Oh.” Heatwave was starting to get the feeling that he didn’t know as much about his team as he thought he did. He really needed to fix that. “I guess I understand why the Decepticons rose to quickly then, if things were really that bad for so long.”
“Indeed.” Dreadwing agreed. “But there is one more thing you must understand.”
“Which is?” Heatwave was feeling a little sick to his tanks. He hadn’t been aware the situation on Cybertron had been so bad, but then again, he’d lived a good life. He’d had all the fuel he needed, he never worried about his health or safety, his living situation was pretty much always assured, and he actually enjoyed working according to his Function. He wouldn’t have experienced the rot Dreadwing mentioned, so it only made sense he wasn’t entirely aware of it. That didn’t get rid of the guilt, though.
“The Decepticons are made up almost entirely of flight-frames and those of lower castes. There are certainly some of those among Autobot forces, but the grand majority of them are Decepticon.” Dreadwing pinned Heatwave under a severe look. “What does that tell you, little one?”
“It tells me that the Autobots are mostly ground-frames and bots from the middle and upper castes.” he answered, suddenly understanding the War in a whole new light. It certainly didn’t excuse what the Decepticons had done, but now this…this made it a lot easier to understand.
“Indeed.” he agreed. “The Decepticons originally rose on the backs of bots who were beaten down and had little else to lose, bots whose only crime was to want a better life.” he said. “When the Senate, and later the original Autobots before Optimus Prime, attempted to beat them back down to their “proper place”, they fought back for the freedom that should have always been theirs.” His gaze went distant, as if remembering something from long ago. “The Decepticons were originally a freedom movement, little one. It was only as time wore on and the spilled energon between the factions soured that they lost their way and forget their original mission.”
“And now?”
“Now, because so many Autobots are ground-frame or originated from the higher castes, they do not understand why their enemy continue to fight. Certainly, many Decepticons fight because they wish to destroy the Autobots, but there are many, many more who only fight because they fear that an Autobot victory means a return to the ways of the Golden Age. It is something that Prime and his bots simply do not, and perhaps never will, understand.”
“So most of the Autobots…they weren’t bots who were hurt by the Senate.”
“No.” Dreadwing agreed. “Prime’s team on Earth is a good example. Prime himself is formerly of the lower-high caste, as he was a former Archivist. His scout was upper-middle caste, and while he was too young to receive his Function at the start of the War he would very easily have made a successful racer. The femme-bot was an Enforcer, also considered upper-middle caste. And of course, the medic. Ratchet was famed, even before the War.” The Seeker smiled sardonically. “He was quite firmly in the highest castes. All of them operated according to their Function, and all of them were content with it.” He tilted his head. “The only bot on Prime’s own team who does not fit that mold is his Wrecker, who was once a construction bot. He is the only one who might truly understand.”
Heatwave nodded, looking own at his lap. “I think I get it now. This war…it’s not going to end until the Autobots understand that stuff, is it? Because they won’t understand why most of the Decepticons keep fighting, why they started fighting in the first place.” he said, looking up to meet red optics.
“Yes. You’re very intelligent, little one. You learn fast.” Dreadwing slumped slightly, releasing a heavy vent. “You are correct. So long as the Autobots do not understand, then the Decepticons, at least those who only fight out of a fear of a return to the old ways, will never stop what they are doing.”
“You really know a lot about this stuff.”
“I am a Seeker, Heatwave. I experienced much of the Senate’s cruelty directly, as did most of my frame-kin.”
The Rescue Bot nodded, subdued. Now he understood. A part of him wished he didn’t, but he was glad he did. He sighed, meeting Dreadwing’s gaze again. “I think I owe you an apology, then. I judged you based on incomplete information.”
Dreadwing bowed his helm. “Thank you, little one. As I said, I certainly committed horrible acts, and I can never undo what I have done, but now I only make to make amends as I move forward.”
Heatwave nodded, smirking and straightening up. “I think you can. And lucky for you, we’re here to help.” he said.
Dreadwing blinked, before he chuckled, his wings lifting as the mood brightened. “So you are. Thank you, youngling.”
“We’re Rescue Bots.” Heatwave grinned. “Helping others is what we do.”
“So it is.” He agreed, looking amused. “And perhaps, I can also help you?”
He blinked, taken aback. “Me? How?”
“I have noticed you practicing with your sparring post. Your form is acceptable, and I am aware that the Rescue Force trained its Teams to have combat abilities, but I can help you improve. Your current skills will help you fight if a rescue mission were to go wrong, but if you wish, then I can help expand and improve your combat capability even beyond that.”
Heatwave blinked. “You’ll teach me how to fight.” he stated.
“I would be glad to, if you wish to learn. There may come a day when you must fight a true enemy, and if that day comes then greater combat skill may be helpful.” Dreadwing pointed out.
Heatwave narrowed his optics, considering the unsaid implications of that statement. “…you think the War might come to us.”
“Perhaps.” he said grimly. “I pray that it does not, but in the event it does I think it is better that you are prepared to fight against an enemy who truly wishes to see your spark go out.”
He nodded, gaze firming. The others would need lessons too, in that case. The Rescue Force did teach them all basic combat, in the event that they needed to fight off anything that might be threatening whoever or whatever they were rescuing, but their combat training had been pretty basic. If Dreadwing was right, and there was a possibility of Sigma-17 one day facing an opponent that wanted them dead, then they’d need to shape up. He stood, hands curling into fists as his shoulders lifted and determination burned in his spark. He stared the Seeker in the optics.
“Let’s do it.”
Dreadwing stood, a faint smile curling at his lips, and clapped a hand on the youngling’s shoulder. “I look forward to it.” he said, a hint of pride in his tone. Heatwave was so very young, but already he was shaping up to be a fine mech, a fine leader.
Heatwave himself only grinned, blue optics bright. “So do I.”
He’d learned a lot today. Not all of it had been pleasant, and a distinctly unpleasant feeling still curled in his tanks, but he was glad to learn what he had. The past was dark and violent, he’d come to realize. Cybertron’s history was steeped in shadows and darkness and Heatwave was certain that he still didn’t know everything, that Dreadwing had certainly omitted many of the worst of the details. Given all that, he really couldn’t find it in himself to be surprised that the War had happened.
Now though, wasn’t the time to focus on the past. Not Cybertron’s past, and not on Dreadwing’s past either. He tilted his helm up to turn his grin on the larger bot, leaning his weight into the hand on his shoulder and enjoying the small physical contact. Yes, he decided. Dreadwing’s past didn’t matter, not here. All that mattered was what was to come, and Heatwave was determined to meet whatever the future held for them head on.
For himself, and for his newfound family — all of them, even its newest addition.
Here it is, folks! The next installment in “of moments in life”! This one goes a little deeper into Pre-War Cybertron’s social/political climate. Heatwave got a massive reality check. He was sorta privileged, by the standards of the Golden Age, and he’s being forced to realize what that meant and what it blinded him to. Poor youngling, his entire worldview just got rocked.
As for Dreadwing, he now has another son! The next installment will be tHe Blades and Dreadwing one. It’s gonna be sad. They’re gonna talk about their brothers. That’s all I’ll say! I have prompts fo write for before I can get to it, so it’ll be a bit, but stay tuned, it’ll come out! Anyway, hope y’all liked it! Let me know your thoughts!
Until next time, folks!
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dashingdcboys · 4 years
Batman’s cape
We all heard of Bruce using his cape to shelter his robins from danger, like glass shattering and bullets, so it’s only fact that it’ll become a habit eventually.
The boy was the first to ever work alongside batman, and with his hyperactive tendencies he was the first to get up close and personal with the cape. He probably saw it as a glorified climbing wall when he was just a child.
Bruce, while on a stake-out with robin, suddenly feeling small hands grabbing fistful of the cape’s material as Dick climbs onto his shoulders. “I told you I couldn’t see anything from my post! Your pointy ears were in the way :((”
Bruce didn’t mind, of course he didn’t. It was Richard and that boy’s innately adorable, even though the boy’s pixie boots swinging in front of his face were blocking his view. 
Lastly, given Dick was wearing such short pants, Bruce would always make an effort to shelter the boy from harsh weather conditions during the winter. He still does this when Dick becomes nightwing, out of habit
Jason used to be skeptical of the cape, thought it was just a big hindrance - tha Bruce was only using it for theatrics and that he’d be much better off without it. 
“Dick doesn’t wear a cape and he can blend into the shadows, shake off broken glass and bullets just as easily!”
That is until, the day they were saving a bunch of citizens from a housefire. They got trapped inside, Jason had given his oxygen mask to a civillian who was struggling to breathe, almost suffocating himself.
Bruce wrapped Jason in his cape, making an airpocket of oxygen which the fire can’t combust, until help arrives.
“Maybe that cape isn’t as stupid as I thought.” he mumbles in a muffled voice within his father’s cape.
Bruce would also do this when Jason’s having an outburst as a “time-out”
The third robin fanboyed so hard when he first saw the cape and cowl. You think Dick saw it cool? This smoll boy in bright yellow, red and green had his eyes sparkling at the sight of it in person.
Immediately, he started coming up with theories of its material, and Bruce patiently answered every single question he had - even though Tim nailed the majority of the answers with his hypothesis. 
“Let me guess, kevlar? Interwoven to stop bullets from less than a meter away? Synthetic - so that it’s lighter than it seems. But also . . huh, kind of soft material on the inside. Why? It’s an outer accessory - it doesn’t even come into direct contact with your skin.”
Bruce, having alfred make that upgrade so that Dick and Jay could have snuggled up to him under his cape when they got cold : “no reason.”
The only thing Tim didn’t guess was its final and most important function: a parental tool.
One day Tim took his laptop on a stake-out to test out a new program he had developed, except, it had started to rain. So, naturally, Bruce sheltered the boy with his cape and they both grinned as the lighting of the entire building went out across the street, causing the goons inside to enter a panicked frenzy.
“rock paper scissors for who gets to crash through the window first?”
“you go, robin, you’ve earned it.”
She was just happy to make it onto the team, honestly, and was very determined to prove her worth to Batman. Her overly talkative nature reminded Bruce of Dick, her short temper of Jason and her aberrant excitement of Tim. Thus the cape had multiple uses with this robin, but she wanted none of it.
She was surprisingly disciplined on the field, clearly acting overly serious to try reach this imaginary standard she set. 
“Don’t follow me until I give you the signal.”
“Yes sir.”
“I’m your mentor, not your boss.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
“* sigh *”
So in order for her to relax, unwind a bit, he noticed how she always had a granola bar in her utility belt, and did the same. He could hear Steph’s stomach growl and reached for his utility belt under his cape.
“Can’t find what you’re looking for? We used quite a few smoke bombs in the previous attack huh? Maybe I have some spare -”
Bruce, pulling out a granola bar: “Sorry, it got crushed a little, I’m pretty sure it’s just dust in the packet now but here, stop taking up space for snacks in your own belt. Mine has much more space.” 
“:00 !!”
“How do you managed to not crush these delicate breakfast bars anyway?”
Steph, smirking: “It’s a delicate art . .”
“Huh, might use it for precision training.”
He also shelters Steph from the wind when she needs to take off her hairban and arrange her hair.
He ses the cape and cowl as a prize to be earned - his birth right which he must work hard to obtain. The boy already had his own dark cape, with a hood, which suffices to keep him warm and hidden throughout the night. But Bruce’s is much . . bigger. He’s also tiny. I think you’ve already guessed where I’m going with this.
“They’re only expecting one of us, I say we practice maneuver eight.” The boy suggested with all seriousness.
“Good idea, robin. Get into position.”
Bruce stands alone in the middle of a giant museum which the riddler is keeping hostage until the commissioner brings the ransom money, goons pointing their guns at him from every nick and corner as the riddler remains safely locked away in one of the bank safes - letting his men do all the work.
“Bold move coming in here head on with no back up.”
Guns start blazing, and Bruce is busy dodging them while the riddler tries to escape.
Cue the riddler’s shocked expresssion when he hears a small arabian boy’s high-pitched war cries.
“Operation Robin Spring attack.”
And Dami easily finds his way past all the goons and dropkicks the riddler, then goes to free the hostages.
(Robin spring attack is called that, because well, it’s an attack where Dami literally jumps out from under Batman’s cape. But also “spring” because robins don’t usually appear in spring in most countries, and it’s a surprise attack.)
Thank you for listening.
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tomhardygf · 3 years
an equine mistake 2.7k tommy/alfie
“Peaky Blinders AU where giving someone a horse counts as a courtship tradition amongst the Romanies and not knowing about it, Alfie presents Tommy with a rather beautiful stallion. The next day he has both Arthur AND Polly at his throat. Tommy enjoys the chaos.”
this is silly and dumb and i didn’t wanna bother posting on ao3! has a lot less tommy enjoying chaos and more him being absolutely bewildered. set in a world where homophobia doesn’t exist, maybe. ft: john shelby being a little asshole, alfie being a belligerent asshole, and me dunking on ollie even when there is absolutely no need for it 💖
original prompt: (x) (ty @ohmykaspbrak ✨ ur brain is powerful and huge) ohmykaspbrak’s fill: (x) read it she’s beautiful
Tommy stood on the Garrison doorstop, blinking down at the man before him. “What’s this?” He asks, fingers itching for a cigarette, but too surprised to actually reach for one. 
“What’s it fucking look like, mate?” Answers Alfie, rope twined around his hand at least 5 times, as if afraid his charge were to bolt at any moment. “Recently acquired the bloody beast in a deal, and thought to myself, ‘right, who do I know who’ll take this thing off my hands’?”
“And you thought of me?”
Alfie waves his free hand in the air. “Yeah. It was either that, or put a bullet between its eyes.”
Tommy is still skeptical, but he takes a step forward. The horse that Alfie’s brought him is beautiful— fur black as night, with strong, powerful muscles shifting underneath. He moves closer, carefully considering the state of it’s health, but the eyes are bright and clear, the nose and mouth free of any signs of sick, its hooves well maintained, when he picks one up for inspection. It’s young, and it’s clearly been very well taken care of. Whoever Alfie had taken this horse off of had likely poured a great deal of money into its acquisition and it’s upkeep. 
“A thoroughbred,” Alfie adds, when Tommy doesn’t respond any further. “Least, think that’s what he said. He wasn’t exactly speaking straight, had something blocking his mouth.”
Tommy makes a considering noise in reply. Alfie turning up in Birmingham tugging a horse along, no car or any of his men in sight was certainly the strangest thing to happen to him that week. He’s half expecting an ambush, for the sounds of gunfire to start hailing down on them, but nothing happens. It’s just Alfie, standing in front of him, looking as out of place on the street in front of the Garrison as Tommy ever could have imagined. The man looks more and more uncomfortable the longer Tommy doesn’t respond, so he eventually takes pity on him. “Do you want to give him a name?”
“Nah,” Alfie snorts, “I trust you can come up with something suitable for the creature.” At that, he begins to unwind the rope from his wrist, holding it out vaguely in Tommy’s direction. Tommy resists the urge to crack a smile at the discomfort still evident in the man’s posture. He’s still a bit bewildered by Alfie thinking to give him what was undeniably a gift— a stallion, of all things— but he’s sure that the man hadn’t meant anything by it. 
Tommy lifts his hand to take the rope. Just as it is passing between them, the door to the Garrison swings open, John bustling his way through. He’d been in the back of the bar when Tommy’d been informed about Solomons marching down the road, and Tommy had quietly slipped out before he would be any the wiser. He stumbles to an abrupt stop at the view before him. “What’s this?” He slurs, not drunk, just confused. His eyes dart between the two men and the horse standing behind them, the look on John’s face becoming rapidly accusatory as he takes in the scene before him.
Tommy opens his mouth to speak, to give an explanation that wouldn’t make things worse for himself, but Alfie beats him to it. “Was passing through your pisshole of a city, and thought I’d stop by and drop your brother off a gift I’ve been meaning to give him.” 
John’s mouth falls open, face twisting up in a mixture of confusion and outrage. He tears his eyes away from Solomons, staring directly now at Tommy. “He brought you a fucking horse?”
Tommy moves forward, the horse following along after him, docile. Tommy switches to Romani, aware of Alfie’s presence behind him. “Relax, brother. He doesn’t mean anything by it.”
“He’d better fucking not,” John spits, partially soothed, but shoots a glare over Tommy’s shoulder at Alfie.
“How would he know?” Tommy asks, resting a hand on John’s shoulder, face purposefully clear, despite how much he’s holding in the strange urge to laugh at the situation. “He’s Jewish. Different traditions.”
“Oi,” Alfie interrupts, stepping forward now as well. When Tommy looks over to him, he’s got his chest puffed out, looking harsh and burly. “Don’t know whatever the fuck you two are saying, but I know who you’re talkjng about, alright? Enough whispering.”
John scowls at him, unimpressed with the man. But after a moment, a new expression crosses his face, something significantly more mischievous— his anger having faded, he’s fallen back into just being his little brother. “I’m going to tell Polly about this.”
“You’ll do no such thing!”
John grins, slaps Tommy on the back. He slips back into English. “Yeah, I’m going to tell her.
“John!” Tommy hisses, but John’s already ducked out and away from him, practically skipping down the street in his excitement to cause problems. Tommy sighs as he stares after him. That’ll be something to deal with.
Alfie follows his gaze, deflating a bit now that John’s gone. “What was all that about, then?”
Tommy snorts, and he lifts a hand to pat against the horse’s flank. “It’s… one of the traditions of my people,” he murmurs, his cheeks suddenly feeling a bit warm. “The gift of a stallion represents certain… expectations.”
Tommy looks up at Alfie, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice, especially at the look of bewilderment on the man. “You’ve asked me to marry you.”
Alfie follows him home. Or, more accurately, Alfie follows him back to Charlie’s Yard, to board the horse, and then he follows him home. He tells Alfie, as they walk, that there’s no need for him to follow— that it wasn’t as if he needed to explain to his family his intentions (or his lack of them), that him showing up will likely only make things worse. But Alfie is apparently determined to make a vaguely uncomfortable conversation into something much more excruciating. So Alfie’s there, at his back as he opens the front door, a dull feeling of dread filling Tommy as he hears John’s gleeful snickering from somewhere deeper in the house.
It was too much to hope that John wouldn’t find Polly before him. Far too much to hope that when John found her, that she wouldn’t already be accompanied by every single member of his immediate family. He turns the corner to the kitchen, five sets of eyes locking in on the two men as they enter. 
“See?” John laughs, absolutely delighted, gesturing wildly towards Tommy and Alfie standing in the doorway.
“No,” Arthur grunts, going a bit pale.
Ada and Finn snicker behind their hands, eyes wide. 
Polly just purses her lips, eyeing the two of them, considering. 
“Alright, look.” Tommy steps forward into the room, shooting his younger brother a quick glare. John, unrepentant, grins back at him. “I’m sure John’s told you—.”
“That congratulations are in order?” Polly interrupts, arching a brow.
“It’s been good weather,” Ada jumps in, still giggling a bit. “Good for an outdoor ceremony.”
“Alright,” Tommy holds both his hands up, trying to quiet them down, to stifle the laughter. “No one’s proposing to anyone, you hear me?”
Arthur lets out a sigh of relief. The rest of them keep looking amused. Polly turns her gaze on Alfie, still standing behind Tommy. “So I suppose I don’t need to ask you for your intentions with my nephew, then?”
Alfie makes one of those noises he does, that deep rumbling in the back of his throat. “Well, you could ask me, right, and maybe I’d tell you, out of respect for our dear Thomas standing over there, but I’d not be sure you’d like my answer.”
Tommy looks up, frowning. He’s always overly cautious around the man, always looking for double meaning behind his words. Is what he’s said… a threat? “What do you mean by that?”
“Well,” Alfie moves in closer, tilting his head to the side. He lifts a hand, gesturing towards Tommy standing there. “I mean, if given the opportunity, mate, I’d love to take a run at it, but if that would mean volunteering to join in on this family of yours, I’ll have to decline, right.”
The room is silent for a moment. Just for a minute, though.
“What?” Arthur growls. Ada releases a nervous bark of laughter, eyes still wide and shining with her glee. John and Finn, sitting on either side of her, have matching expressions. Tommy just… stands there.
“Jesus Christ,” Polly murmurs, and with that, she rises to her feet. There’s a sly look to her. “Tommy, perhaps you should have a chat in private with your suitor. Best of luck to you, Mr. Solomons. Heaven knows, you’ll need it.”
The Shelby’s slowly leave the room, Arthur and John seeming particularly reluctant to leave them, for very different reasons. Arthur, on his way out, gets directly into Alfie’s face, glaring, but Alfie is as unphased by threat of direct violence as he always is. 
Soon (much too soon), it’s just Tommy and Alfie stood in the room.
“What?” Tommy asks, weakly, because he still thinks there’s been some sort of misunderstanding, that he’d not interpreted what the man had said correctly, because there’s no way that Alfie actually meant it, right? Not in that way.
All Shelby’s gone, save Tommy, Alfie has the sense to look a bit more bashful than his previous bravado in the face of Arthur and Polly. “Well, wasn’t gonna just fucking… say it, alright?” He runs a large hand down his face, stroking through his beard. “Was going to be proper nice, was going to be romantic.” 
Tommy coughs out a laugh, something far more nervous than he’s normally capable of. “Romantic?”
Alfie nods, twitchy and unpredictable. “Yeah. First was the horse, right? Had to give you a gift, a signal of my esteemed interest. You’re very pretty, is the thing. Makes me want to give you gifts, daft as it is. Couldn’t decide what you’d want, was between that and a razor to sew into those silly little caps of yours. Thought that might come across the wrong way, that you’d think I was threatening to cut ya.” He sighs, eyes darting up towards the ceiling. “Should’ve just gotten you the razor. How was I to know that the horse would be as good as dropping to bended knee?”
Tommy almost blushes at the turn of phrase. Alfie, with his eagle eyes, still notices. His lips quirk up into a smirk.
“That a nice thought, Tom? I’m not as young as I used to be, sweetie, knees don’t cooperate as much as I’d like them to. For someone with a mouth like yours, though, I might be persuaded to try.”
“Alright,” Tommy holds up a hand, putting a stop to that train of thought before it can go any further. He weighs his own words over in his mind, still trying to puzzle through this unprecedented situation. “So… what exactly are you saying? You…” he clears his throat, hating it before he even says it. “You want me?”
Alfie just nods, as if he sees absolutely nothing strange about the concept, as if Tommy’s just asked him if he’d like to stay for a cup of tea. “Yeah. That’s what I’m saying.”
“Oh.” Tommy nods back at him. He bites at the inside of his lip. “Okay. You. Alright.”
Alfie studies him, something shifting in his expression that Tommy instantly picks up on. Disappointment, maybe. “You don’t need to reciprocate, lad. Just say, ‘thanks, but no thanks’, and I’ll be right on my way back to Camdentown, won’t I? Daresay I won’t even do something dastardly, like charge you an extra percentage on your goods. No charge for rejection, alright?”
Tommy snorts. “No cost for hurt feelings?”
Alfie, curiously, laughs. “Different sort of cost, perhaps. Nothing I’d hold you to, though.”
It gives him pause. He’d been well on his way to formulating his rejection, on how to say it without causing any damage to their professional relationship. It’s not that he dislikes Alfie, per say. On the contrary, Tommy finds himself thinking frequently of the man, drawn to him like he’s never been drawn to anyone else, be they friend of foe. He’s strong, and broad, and interesting, and exactly the sort of man that Tommy thinks that people would be attracted to. In fact, if Tommy thinks about it for too long, he’d say that he likes Alfie very much. It’s just his first instinct is to draw away in the face of violence and uncertainty, two things of which Alfie had to offer him in spades. Especially if Alfie weren’t all that serious about this, if he’d just like to “take a run” at him, like he’d said, that was too much mystery for too little payoff. Though it’d probably be spectacular.
But… Despite his words, Alfie doesn’t seem all that interested in something quick, a one-off. The way he’s looking at him now, as if Tommy held the fate of the world in his hands certainly seems invested. 
“Can I… Can I think about it?” Tommy finally decides on. There’s a tension between them, tension that is not unpleasant. 
Alfie nods, expression brightening significantly. He steps forward. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll let you do that.” He looks so large up close, despite not being all that much bigger than Tommy, in reality. “Suppose I’ll go now, then. Give you your time to think on it. On us.”
“Alright.” Tommy manages, the words threatening to get caught in his throat as Alfie continues to approach him. It doesn’t feel menacing. It feels playful, somehow. “Best get back to Camden.”
“Oh, you’ve no idea, treacle. Left the bakery in Ollie’s incompetent hands, you see. I’d be surprised if half of London hasn’t erupted in flames left under his supervision.”
“Ollie’s not that bad,” Tommy offers, lips twisted up a small smile. Alfie takes yet another step closer. He can feel the heat radiating off of his body, the scent of rum and smoke billowing off of him.
“He has his moments.” Alfie nods, face serious, but Tommy can see the amusement in his expression. “Think he just likes to show off, whenever you’re around. Pretty eyes like that will make a man do stranger things.”
Tommy’s smile grows. “The door is behind you, Mr. Solomons.”
“Yeah, yeah it is, isn’t it?” Alfie’s eyes flicker over Tommy’s face, as if trying to memorize what he sees. “I said I’d leave you to think about it, didn’t I?”
“You did,” Tommy nods, “was very courteous of you.”
Alfie’s beard twitches with his concealed grin. “It was very courteous of me, wasn’t it? And I’ve got to check on Ollie now. So I’m leaving.”
“You’re doing a poor job of it.”
“Alright! Alright, I’m going.” Alfie rubs a hand through his whiskers. “Just want to leave you with one more thing to think about, if that’s alright with you.”
“If what’s alright with me—”
Tommy is quickly cut off by Alfie leaning in the final few inches between them, capturing his mouth in a kiss. Alfie’s lips are warm against his, firm and insistent. There’s a hand holding onto his chin, tilting Tommy’s face in exactly the right position to be kissed properly. Tommy’s surprised by it, and surprised by how he melts, how he allows himself to be held onto, his eyes fluttering closed against his volition. 
All too quickly, Alfie darts away, ending the kiss far too soon for Tommy’s liking. He opens his eyes again just in time to see Alfie licking his own lips, as if tasting for anything Tommy might have left behind. The man’s fingers, still holding onto his chin, run soothingly up the length of his jaw before he drops the hand once again to his side.
“Alright.” Alfie grins. “I’ll be off then. You give that a bit of thought, Tom.” 
“Oh,” Tommy chokes out, body flustered and reeling from the kiss, and from Alfie’s quick withdrawal. By the time he’s managed to pull himself together a bit, Alfie’s already at the door.
The man glances back over his shoulder. He’s still smiling, looking insufferably pleased with himself. “See you soon, sweetie.” With that, he’s out the door.
Tommy stands there, listening to the door swing shut behind Alfie. He lifts a hand up to his own face, traces over the place where Alfie’s hand had touched him, then over where his lips are still tingling with the memory of the kiss. His blood pumps hot through his veins, heart racing.
He stumbles over his own feet in his haste to get to the door.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[The Pack Next Door] Mingi: Friends With Benefits (Part Four)
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(photo edit courtesy of @songmingki​)
Characters: Mingi x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, friends to lovers au, smut (multiple orgasms, overstimulation, choking, unprotected sex but remember to be careful kids, dom mingi) but it gets soft afterwards i promise, a tiiiiiiny bit of crack at the end because i had to
Word count: 2,829
Summary: Growing up, you and Mingi were inseparable. You’d been friends your entire life and, as far as you knew, things were never any different. But what you don’t know is that Mingi imprinted on you when he was 15 and first turned into a werewolf, and he had been trying to keep it a secret ever since. And with the awful timing of mating season, he’s hoping he can somehow keep the facade up.
Tags: @sakura-uji​​​ @xummie​​​ @peachy-hoon​​​ @psshwa​​​ @uglyratlmao​​​ @uwu-yifan​
Unable to tag: @reading1011
a/n: did I edit this? no. i’m sorry sdkhfsd
Previous | Next | Friends With Benefits Masterlist
Was it weird to get ready to leave the house, knowing you were about to go sleep with your best friend just because you both wanted to? A little bit. Were you worried about his friends judging you? Kinda. But you still walked out to your car and got in like you were running to the store to get groceries.
As Mingi got the text that you were on your way, his already painfully hard length seemed to hurt even more. Just knowing you were going to see him just to let him fuck you was something he couldn’t believe was happening. He actually managed to get himself in probably the best scenario possible.
But, he didn’t tell the rest of the pack. He knew they were off at school anyway, and you didn’t have classes that day. So what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
He perked up when he heard your car door shut outside. He wanted to race downstairs and just shove you up against the front door as soon as you walked in, but he figured he should probably try to control himself a bit more than that. Though, he had to at least pace his bedroom because he couldn’t sit still.
You didn’t bother knocking on his door, opening it and being attacked immediately.
Mingi wasted no time pressing you up against the door -- slamming it shut in the process -- and pressing his lips to yours with an intensity that took you by surprise. But somehow, feeling him kiss you so suddenly felt...right. He would’ve rather he asked if he could kiss you or maybe made some small talk first, but he really couldn’t control himself when you were in front of him -- especially when you were wearing shorts and a flow-y crop top that had most of your skin exposed to him. 
“Dude, you’re burning up,” concern laced your voice as Mingi’s lips began to trail down to your neck. “I think this fever is--”
“I’m fine,” he hummed against your skin before he was nipping and sucking to take your mind off of how hot his body felt. And it worked because you let out a quiet whimper and melted into his touch.
Just feeling your hands on his hot skin felt good and took away a little of the tension. But you could even tell he wanted more from the hardness you felt pressed into your hip. Mingi was too quick to pounce on you, so you hadn’t noticed that the only thing he was wearing was boxers.
“How rough can I be?” he wondered, subtly rocking his hips into your body to get some sort of friction that caused him to moan lowly into your shoulder.
You didn’t even have to think about it because the idea of Mingi being rough had heat shooting straight through you to your core, “Do whatever you want to.”
Mingi let out a pleased rumble in his chest that was so low, you didn’t even hear it. His fingertips dug into your waist as he lifted you up and brought you to his bed. He threw you down, your hat flying off your head and falling onto the floor next to the bed. You looked up at Mingi with wide eyes as he all but tore off your shorts and underwear, throwing it somewhere in the room without looking. The room was purposefully darker -- the only light being his dim lamp on his nightstand thanks to the blackout curtains he used -- so you wouldn’t notice the color of his eyes, but he made sure to keep his head down, his eyes focused between your legs as he pushed your thighs open and laid on his stomach between them.
He wanted to be able to say something witty or sexy or dirty to you, but he was far too eager to waste time. His tongue lapped feverishly at your heat before he wrapped his lips around your clit. Your hands flew to his hair, fingers curling in his red locks as your head dropped back.
“Oh god, Mingi,” you moaned out, causing a low growl to rumble in him.
He loved hearing you moan his name, and his goal was to get you to do that as much as possible. The noises he pulled from you only egged him on as he ground himself into the mattress to relieve himself a little bit. He inserted two fingers into you slowly before moving them at a fast pace, his lips and tongue licking and sucking at your clit.
He either kept his eyes trained downward or closed just in case you happened to notice the bright red they had turned, even though he wanted nothing more than to look up at you and see your expression as he brought you to your first orgasm.
Mingi sat up and pushed his boxers down, “Condom?”
You hadn’t even relaxed from your high so you hardly even made out what he said, “Huh...?”
“Do I need to get a condom?” he asked.
“I-- Um,” you stammered, trying to clear your head enough to even process the question. “N-no.”
He normally would’ve stopped and questioned your answer. He would’ve double checked to make sure you were positive about your decision, making sure you were on the pill or okay with whatever, but he couldn’t hold himself back seeing you laid out for him on the bed with your chest heaving and your eyes still closed as the post-orgasm bliss wore off.
And it was before it wore off that he slowly pushed into you. You gasped feeling him fill you until he couldn’t push in any farther, a low growl emitting from him. Part of you wanted to tell him to be careful because you were still sensitive, but another part of you didn’t care and wanted him to just keep doing whatever he wanted.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby,” he mumbled, ducking his head down to your neck to kiss and nip at your skin.
“You’re--” your sentence cut off as Mingi slowly pulled out and pushed back in to test how you felt. “S-so big, fuck.”
Of course, he was definitely prideful in that, and that might’ve been partly why he tore your shirt in half to get it off your body -- only partly. He had also just been holding back and really needed to get it out somehow. You didn’t say anything about it, though, too turned on from how Mingi was acting. Something about him being so rough was really hot, honestly.
“C-can I move faster?” he asked, almost sounding like he was in pain, his lips grazing over the skin of your chest.
“Please,” you whimpered.
And move he did. He couldn’t control the harsh, fast snaps of his hips as he thrust deep into you. You let out a gasp that turned into a loud moan as your legs wrapped around his waist as you clung to his sweaty and scorching body.
“Fuck, you take my cock so well,” he grunted as his lips kissed every inch of you that he could reach. “You feel so fucking good.”
You didn’t expect that kind of praise from him, but it made you moan and clench around him. He growled as he smirked against your skin. He loved the ways you reacted to him over the smallest things. Part of it was thanks to the mating pull, but he also liked to think he was just that good.
He managed to unclasp your bra before throwing it blindly away. One of his hands began kneading into one breast as his mouth wrapped around the nipple of your other. His other hand moved between your legs to rub your clit, and he felt your thighs clench around his waist as you rocked your hips in time with his thrusts.
Mingi let out a loud moan of profanities and your name as he came for the first time that day, releasing inside you. The feeling of his cum filling you, mixed with the pleasure he was giving you, caused you to cum for your second time, this orgasm more intense than the first. Your back arched off the bed as your nails dug into his back and scratched down his tanned skin, no doubt leaving red, raised marks in their wake.
He was panting above you, sneaking a peek at your face. When he saw your eyes were closed, he studied your blissed-out look. He didn’t get to see your expression when you came, but he could at least see how flushed you looked after you came. Your hair was a mess and your face was glowing with a sheen o sweat, and he thought you looked so beautiful.
Despite already cumming, Mingi was still painfully hard. He pulled out of you, pulling a soft whine from your lips before he flipped you onto your stomach. He pulled you up onto your knees before pushing into you again, and your hips squirmed.
“M-Mingi,” you whimpered. “Sensitive...”
“I know, baby,” he hummed as he gripped your hips so tightly that you were sure the shape of his fingertips would be bruised into your skin later. “I know you can do one more for me, can’t you? You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?”
You softly moaned out a, “yes”, so Mingi went just as fast and hard as he had before. You kept your face squished against the pillows as his thrusts rocked his headboard into the wall. He reached around you to rub your clit, and you squealed from how overly stimulated you were. It felt good but it was borderline uncomfortable. But after a little bit, the bit of pain turned to complete pleasure.
With you facing the other way, Mingi could admire the side of your face. You looked so fucked out, but your face was scrunched up into pleasure as you babbled out his name like it was the only word you knew. He pulled your body up and held you with one arm so your back was flush with his front, his fingers still on your clit rubbing quick circles.
“I wish I fucked you sooner,” he growled lowly in your ear, his words causing your pussy to clench around him. He knew how much you seemed to like him talking to you, but he also just couldn’t control himself. “You feel so good around my cock.”
Your hazy brain couldn’t even form words, just letting out strings of moans and whimpers of his name with a few curse words here and there. 
“Can you cum for me again?” he asked as he kissed up and down your neck, your head lolling to the side to give him more access. “You want that, don’t you, baby? You wanna cum on my cock again, don’t you?”
“F-fuck, Mingi, please” you mumbled through your moans. “I-I need to cum again.”
Mingi’s arm that was holding you up trailed up your body, his hand finding your neck. He gave it a firm squeeze, and your orgasm suddenly hit you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came for a third time, your body slightly spasming against him as you cried out his name and dug your nails into his arm and wrist.
The feeling of you cumming caused him to cum again, burying his face in your neck and trying to resist the instinct to mark you. Instead, he pressed his lips into a thin line -- probably drawing blood in the process -- and muffled his moans as he filled you again, his cum and yours mixing and leaking out onto the bed.
Your body went limp in his arms, but he held you up. Satisfied, he gently laid you onto the bed, your eyes already closed and your brain half-conscious.
“Don’t fall asleep yet,” he said softly as he pulled out of you as gently as he could. Hearing you quiet cries, he apologized a few times before he got up from the bed. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
You didn’t even hear him as he left the room, but feeling something cool and damp between your legs woke you up. Your hips twitched, trying to squirm away, but Mingi softly cooed at you and told you he was just cleaning you up. Then he moved the bedding off of one side of his bed, moved you to that side, and took the bedding to the laundry. He grabbed extra blankets from his closet and covered you up before he got in, and held you sideways in his lap, letting your head loll against his shoulder.
“_____, you need water,” he said quietly in your ear, sounding back to his normal self.
“No,” you mumbled sleepily.
“I need to make sure you’re okay,” he chuckled, finally managing to rouse you from your almost sleep as he put the water bottle to your lips. You took the bottle with shaky hands and began to gulp. “Okay, slow down. If you drink too fast you’ll get sick.”
He took the bottle from you and let you pant as he stroked your hair back, “Do you feel okay? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
“No,” you murmured, your head falling against him again. “How the hell do you have so much endurance?”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple, “Just cursed with it, I guess.”
“More like blessed,” you joked with a soft smile.
He talked to you for a little longer, making some small talk just to make sure you were alright. You asked if anyone was home, he asked if you skipped school. It was pretty much just normal conversation until you Mingi suddenly turned kind of awkward.
“So...” he began slowly. “Could we...like...make this kind of like a...regular thing? If that’s cool?”
You lifted your head to look at him, “Really?”
Mingi had turned the lamp off earlier because he figured you would’ve fallen asleep by now. But now it helped because he could feel you trying to look at him and he didn’t want you to see his yellow eyes.
“Not to be weird, but that was pretty much the best sex I’ve ever had,” he admitted with a light laugh.
“Honestly, same,” you nodded. You were silent for a few seconds before saying, “Yeah, we could do that.”
“Cool,” he nodded, grinning to himself.
And it was probably a good thing you agreed because you could feel him getting hard again. His erection was pressing against your ass, and both of you knew that you knew.
“Seriously, dude?” you laughed. “Are you that excited?”
But truth be told, it ignited a new fire in you despite the fact your body felt exhausted.
He whined, “I can’t help it!”
By the time any of his brothers got home, they could all smell Mingi’s scent, your scent, and the very clear smell of sex in the house. Hongjoong’s eyes widened, being the concerned alpha he was, thinking that something bad had happened. He couldn’t hear anything, but he knew something had happened, and he wasn’t sure if it was something that he had to worry about.
“He wouldn’t,” Wooyoung said before quietly adding on, “...right?”
Hongjoong raced up the stairs, Wooyoung, Yunho, and Seonghwa barreling up behind him. Hongjoong threw Mingi’s bedroom door open, mouth open and ready to yell at the younger werewolf, but Mingi sharply interrupted with, “Shh!”
Mingi was laying in bed beside you, your naked form laying on your stomach on one side of the bed, completely passed out asleep. He had a finger to his lips as he gave a stern look to his pack, who took one look at you and then quickly averted their eyes to lock onto Mingi.
“What happened?” Hongjoong demanded, keeping his voice down.
“Nothing that wasn’t consensual,” Mingi replied before waving his hand for them to leave. “Get out.”
“Wait, you fucked _____?” Wooyoung asked in shock.
Seonghwa whacked the younger boy in the chest, “Don’t say it like that.”
“She agreed, though?” Yunho questioned. “Wait, so then...does she know?”
Mingi quickly shook his head, “No, so I’d rather not have this conversation in case she wakes up. Get out.”
Mingi grabbed the closest object -- it happened to be one of his shoes on the floor -- and chucked it at the door. Hongjoong closed the door before it could hit them, so it hit the door before falling with a thud onto the floor.
But that didn’t even wake you up.
The wolves in the hallway were listening to see if you woke up. When they found your breathing and heartbeat to still be slow and even, Wooyoung raised his eyebrows, impressed.
“Don’t,” Seonghwa said as Wooyoung opened his mouth to probably say something stupid or gross or both about Mingi’s skills in bed, “say anything.”
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 12 (Kiro) Part 4 [Confession of the Stars] Translation [CN]
For previous translations of Season 2 Chapter 12: Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3
[Confession of the Stars]
Even so, I still didn’t see Kiro’s face. The hospital still expressed his unwillingness to see anyone.
But nonetheless, it was fine for me to text him. I want him to know that he is not alone.
As long as he wants, I will appear in front of him immediately.
In the past two days, Kiro has asked Savin to bring his belongings to him from time to time and sometimes buy a few books.
After entrusting a lawyer to submit my alibi for me, I no longer need to go to the Task Force for regular reports.
However, the previous hospital hostage incident triggered more and more group skirmishes and discussions on the Internet continued on.
Everyone wants become the one who wins the right to speak. On the other hand, the hostile takeover incident of LFG, which had been raging before, was gradually suppressed.
There hasn’t been much movement on LFG’s side, so the problem probably isn’t that serious. I also successfully sent out the USB flash drive according to Gavin’s instructions.
Many departments of the company are asking whether or not to follow the hot topics to produce a show. I was so busy that I could only text Kiro at night.
Such days lasted for more than a week.
After nine o’clock in the evening, I had just entered the house, dragging my weary body when Kiro called.
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Kiro: ….Miss Chips?
His voice was a little cautious, wary, and even quivering.
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MC: What’s wrong?
Kiro let out a little laugh from the other end.
I’ve been so out of it lately. It’s been a very long time since I heard him laugh so enthusiastically.
Kiro: MC, say my name.
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MC: Kiro, are you okay? Why are you so happy?
He didn’t answer but just laughed happily.
Kiro: What are you up to?
MC: Of course, I just got home from a rough day at work. ***Changed some wording***
Kiro: Thanks for all the hard work, Miss Chips.
I was lying on the sofa and complaining to Kiro about recent events. He listened carefully, and from time to time he also grumbled about his troubles to me.
This moment gave me a certain illusion, as if nothing was wrong.
The next day I heard that Kiro asked Savin to bring his guitar.
At the same time, the Task Force came forward and started to take control of the chaotic situation reasonably and accurately.
I checked Weibo and found that more and more people are no longer emotionally angry, but deeper in discussion about the relationship between Evol and ordinary people.
Along with the nice weather, I think a lot of things are heading in a good direction little by little.
I had a rare chance to get off of work early today. After thinking about it, I went and bought Kiro’s favorite canelé and arrived at the door of his ward.
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MC: It would be wonderful if I could see him today…
While I muttered this, I stretched out my hand to knock on the door.
Before I could, an overly harsh and messy guitar chord came to my ears and left me frozen in place.
The crude, sharp sound felt as if it was forced out like a shout being torn from a person’s throat and the chords held some frustration within them.
It was so depressing. It was even hard to breathe.
After a profound silence, a few faint guitar notes came quietly as if crying. The voice was soft and desperate, as if it was not a note.
But a shattered dream.
I leaned on the door and listened to the broken chords, holding my breath without making a sound.
Finally, I left the snack in the nurse’s care. I told her to give it to Kiro after waiting for a bit and then left.
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On the way home, a new advertisement shot by Kiro some time ago is being displayed on the large screen on the side of the road.
Passerby A: Kiro clearly announced that he’s an Evolver. Why is he still so popular?
Passerby B: Kiro is Kiro. What does that have anything to do with being an Evolver?
Passerby A: Maybe he used some special Evol to control you and made you like him so much.
Passerby B: Do you actually know him or even understand him?! Of course, there’s a reason why Kiro is so well-liked. Do you think Evol can do everything?
Passerby B: I’ll show you this collection. You’ll understand after reading it. Why hasn’t he released a new song yet….?
The girl and her companions walked away slowly and I watched their backs disappear into the night.
In this turbulent moment, there are still many people talking about him, expecting him, and waiting for him. But at this time, I don’t want to tell him this.
Stars dotted the night sky, watching the whole city tenderly and peacefully.
I took a photo of this night sky with my phone and sent it to Kiro.
I don’t know what Kiro is struggling by himself, but I hope he won’t make all his expectations become his own burdens.
There was no reply from Kiro that night.
Until 7:25 the following evening, my phone rang.
***During this next scene, the 3rd anniversary song is being played. It made the entire scene so much more emotional and touching but also sad. The BGM in this whole chapter was meticulously chosen.***
Kiro: Good evening, Miss Chips.
Kiro: How did you know that I wanted to eat canelé? When I ate it yesterday, tears were about to come out.
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MC: Tears from the corners of your mouth? ***T/N: She means drooling***
Kiro: Hehe, hurry up and remove the camera you installed on me!
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MC: If there really was a webcam, that would be great….by the way, how are you today? ***Woah, woah, MC!!! So you want to upgrade from sneaky pictures to sneaky videos? MY GIRL!!!***
Kiro: Of course, I’m doing well!
MC: That’s good. It seems that the retreat is working effectively.
Hearing what I said, he laughed. His voice full of energy.
But we both know that these are all tacit masks.
Kiro is too clever. He must know how weak his excuses for shutting himself up are.
So weak that he doesn’t believe them himself.
When 7:30 came around, Kiro stopped talking. Then suddenly he spoke solemnly.
Kiro: Miss Chips, I want to play some songs for you.
MC: Okay! I haven’t heard you play a song in a long time.
Gentle guitar music came slowly from the other end of the phone. I imagined Kiro playing right now and closed my eyes, feeling a little nostalgic.
Soon, one song was finished.
Kiro: Sitting on the bed and closing my eyes just now, it felt like I was in a concert.
MC: That’s not right. The audience hasn’t arrived yet and you can’t have a concert with just you.
Kiro: Then come to the special concert. A concert dedicated by Kiro himself.
Kiro: Miss Chips is the only special guest.
MC: That’s not very monotonous.
Kiro: How could it be?
Kiro: Miss Chips, are you standing by the window right now? Can you see the stars outside?
Listening to what he said, I immediately got up and went to the balcony.
The stars outside the window twinkled and hung in the night sky like little lights.
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MC: I can!!!
Kiro: My favorite stage is like this starry sky.
Kiro: That was my first stage. It was not very big and crowded with people.
Kiro: That day was the same as today, a sky full of stars. There was a long passage leading to the main stage.
Kiro: Every time I stepped on a square, a star will light up under my feet.
Kiro: The audience turned on the flash from the back of their phones and the whole world seemed to be connected into a sea of stars.
Kiro: In that moment, I told myself to shine in this sea of stars and become the brightest one.
I slowly listened to him talking about his beloved stage and the brightest star in his heart.
I was on this end of the phone, looking at the starry night outside. I could feel him holding my hand and leading me towards the stage.
I saw him piously touching the places he knew and missed the most, holding the guitar and standing in the most radiant place.
His entire being seems to be shining.
Kiro: Miss Producer, would you say I’ve done it? 
MC: Of course.
MC: You did it long ago.
Kiro laughed lightly. This time the guitar music was accompanied by his singing.
His voice is so soft and sincere, like some kind of long-distance reunion. Like a farewell to something.
After a dozen songs were sung one after another, Kiro’s voice was already a little hoarse.
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MC: ….Since it’s a concert, can I still have an encore?
Kiro: (chuckles) Since it’s MC’s request, I would definitely not refuse it.
Kiro: This is the last song called “Confession of the Stars”.
***T/N: Decided to include both the EN and CN versions of the lyrics. I’m not a songwriter so the CN version is what Google Translate gave me. I really love Bian Jiang’s singing in this scene so do give it a listen 😉. Also, I love how there’s no BGM music playing while he sings because I feel like that would just take away some of the emotion.***
Kiro: (EN version) “I got a song that I wanna sing for you~ It may not be perfect, but it will have to do~”
“Dreaming your dreams and going your own way~ Sometimes you feel lonely, sometimes heartbreak…”
(CN version) “There is a song I want to sing for you~ For you who work hardest in the world~”
“On the road towards your dream~ Sometimes you feel a little lonely….”
***Now I can’t hear this song the same way ever again. WHY, KIRO!?! TELL ME WHY!?!? YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO BREAK MY HEART!!! TAT***
When I heard the familiar, leisurely melody, I was overwhelmed. The song seemed to pass through time, embracing me tenderly.
I always feel that something will end after this song. I want to try my best to hold onto it, but I can only grasp at nothingness. ***FORESHADOWING!!! Actually, this entire “concert” is.***
Eventually, I could only wait quietly for it to come to an end.
Kiro: (sighs) The concert is over. Thank you, Miss Chips.
Kiro: (In the sweetest, most tender voice): Good night.
-End of Part 4-
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silyabeeodess · 4 years
FusionFall Headcanons: Mandy
Despite her own agenda, Mandy has never been one to simply let evil run rampant.  Earth is still her home, and any danger someone like Fuse poses to it is just as much a threat to herself.  With a steely determination matched only by her wit, she’ll make certain that Planet Fusion’s days are numbered.  
Several episodes/movies of GAOBAM like “Billy and Mandy’s Big Boogey Adventure” highlight Mandy’s ultimate goal for world domination and just how dangerously close she can get to it--a trait that carries over in FusionFall through her plans to create an army of her own during Mojo Jojo’s guide missions.  The main reasons she stops other villains rather than helps them is because she wants to be the main one in control with any sort of takeover done on her terms.  Meanwhile, episodes like “Scary Poppins”  would indicate that Mandy already has a large amount of power/influence in at least Endsville, but chooses not to use it as much as she could. Given that there’s little holding her back in this scenario, she might be weighing all of the potential risks such as the large number of heroes that would stand against her and that she personally may lack the strength to maintain her control were she to gain it.  Basically, she’s taking smaller steps that would fly under most people’s notice and bidding her time for the right moment to act.
Nevertheless, as villainous as Mandy can be, she has acted out of seemingly selfless desires before, her friendship with Billy being the most obvious.  True, Billy would make a decent pawn for her, but she’s also had to clean up a lot of his messes and has been shown to genuinely care for his well-being.  It was her plan that saved his pet hamster, Mr. Snuggles, when the two first met Grim.  She gives advice to Jeff the Spider and treats him well.  Even thought she’s not a fan of Christmas and didn’t believe in Santa until she saw him, her first plan was to go after the Head Vampire to save him and the holiday.  She even tried being kind to Mindy when she first moved to Endsville out of sympathy--before ultimately getting annoyed and telling her to shut up.  This fits her status as more of an antihero than true villain.      
Three traits Mandy seems to value most are intelligence, loyalty, and honesty:
She has respect for those who can match her wits even if they’re not always on her side.  We see this a small bit in “The Cracks of Fuse” when, after the player destroys her Hypnotic Charm, she compliments them before warning them that they “won’t be so lucky” in the future.  
She takes betrayal very seriously and it has been shown to hurt her deeply, as it did with Pandora in “Pandora’s Lunch Box.”  Her reactions to it seem to depend on the relationship the traitor has with her and their reasoning beyond the betrayal.  Mandy genuinely saw Pandora as a friend and hated being used, even if the result would’ve been convenient for her, so she had no issue locking Pandora away.  She threatened to destroy Billy in the GAOBAM/KND crossover special when he stood against her.  Meanwhile, the player in “The Cracks of Fuse” has more of a working relationship with Mandy and betrays her by Dexter’s orders in order to save people.  The closer you are to her and the more deep the betrayal, the worse she’ll retaliate.  If you stick by her side, she shows gratitude if only in passing comments.  This would also align with her deep love for her dog, Saliva, an animal known for its loyalty. 
As for honesty, don’t get me wrong, Mandy isn’t above deceiving others to get what she wants.  At the same time though, she often makes her intentions very clear.  If she hates someone, she hates them openly.  She makes her goals and boundaries known to all.  Furthermore, she’ll respect an agreement if she makes one--such as giving the player a reward at the end of “The Cracks of Fuse” despite her anger toward them.  Her hatred toward Mindy may also partially stem from this, given the latter’s behavior as a stereotypical popular girl/bully with a “fake” personality.    
Other than what I’ve said above, this bullet is pretty much based entirely on my own speculations and investment in a certain trope in a lot of current webcomics, so take with it what you will.  Even as an infant, Mandy has been shown to rarely, if ever, smile with a dark outlook on life. She’s also extremely intelligent for her age.  Fitting her personality and the supernatural themes in GAOBAM, I headcanon that Mandy might be an individual who reincarnated with her memories--likely on a subconscious level--from a terrible, previous life rather than moved on to the afterlife.  It’s probably the most extreme claim I could make for her and you all who’ve been following these posts know that I rarely come up with them without some canon basis, but it’s one that I just can’t easily shake the longer the idea sits in my mind.  She’s cynical of the world because she recognizes it as an awful place with awful people--and never would’ve had an infant’s naivety if she somehow already possessed early knowledge about the harsh realities in life.  As a result, she wants to be in a position of power at all times so she doesn’t become anyone’s victim.  She keeps her distance from others, yet cares about loyalty so much, because at some point in that past-life she would have already faced a cruel betrayal. This would feed into an insecurity/unwillingness to form real attachments, along with feelings of superiority.  Even if she would despise personally having an overly nice, happy-go-lucky nature, she doesn’t actively go after individuals who are themselves that way like Jeff: This fits a respect of genuine kindness/innocence while also recognizing it as a potential danger in a cruel world.  She would be more optimistic as a very young child, but with tempered expectations because of being given a second chance at life. However, her worst feelings would still continue to sink in as she grew and recognized everyday annoyances/evils others her age wouldn’t pay much attention to. Billy would only be able to draw so closely to her due to reaching out to her when they were so little and never giving up on that friendship, forcing her to accept him in her life.  Think of a more ambitious Six from Little Nightmares.  
Outside of the Mojo guide missions, most of Mandy’s own depict her as being an extremely effective Fusion Fighter if seemingly a little detached. There’s a strict approach to the way she directs the player, and she doesn’t let distractions or her own desires get in the way of her immediate work.  Due to the amount of knowledge she has on both Fuse and supernatural artifacts for these missions, one of her main roles in the war is likely research.
Her time spent with Grim already allowed her to learn a lot about the supernatural; however, she has also studied under/with Hex some since arriving at Devil’s Bluff.  At first, he admired her ambition and interest in magic. Once he realized how much of a threat and potential rival she could be though, Hex started being more careful with what he told her, treating her with caution.  Mandy is aware of this, and as such will try gathering information he would keep secret from her through other people. As of now, she’s unable to summon magic herself without the help of others or the use of objects despite the vast amount of knowledge she’s gathered.
The mission “Hands Off” hints that Mandy didn’t join the nano project solely to help with the war effort, as she slips up by referring to her allies as “slaves” when explaining the decrease/lack of nanos would make them weak.  Extending this to her nanos themselves, it’s likely she joined the with the intention of using them as a sort of personal army once the war is over.  Since they would think and act like her, she imagined the only thing she’d have to worry about is some of them possibly sharing her ambitions and trying to usurp her, and that she could easily outsmart the small doubles should the need arise.  Others would align with her goals and know they’d be in good standing if they followed her commands.  However, she didn’t count on just how much their IE Donor’s influence would also affect their creation.  Her plans haven’t really changed, but any Mandy nano with a strong bond to their IE Donor is a lost cause to her.    
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
I’m American and I almost entirely agree with that anon. I am very left politically and it’s absolutely sickening to me that the same people who talked constantly about issues under trump, who marched in BLM protests, who just gave up and are like “woo hoo!!! OUR old out of touch millionaire guy is in charge now!!!” And don’t even get me started on all the liberals who are like “give us our stimulus checks before bombing Syria!!!!” Like NOOOOOOO that’s not it that’s not the correct way to think about or address American imperialism and it makes me feel sick every single time I see it. American individualism creating such selfishness is going to eat this country alive in the next ten years so get your popcorn ready.
My - at times - overly polite self wants to thank you for not taking issue with the harsh language of some of the previous posts - and possibly future posts. While some things need to be said, perhaps there is a more welcoming (?) way to say them, otherwise, your co-speaker goes into defense mode (understandably) and they don't listen. And right now we need a conversation.
At the same time, I completely understand the rage from people of other countries and cultures who have been affected by the US, so that’s why I post the anons who rant.
Anyway, back to the answer :P So, I am following blogs with different subjects (others are artists, other post memes, other post nature pics etc etc) and there was not a day I didn't see numerous posts judging Trump while he was in office. Now after Biden, it’s just one post per week about a generic social issue. So, these people mean to tell me that all was/is well when the Democratic rules....
Please, correct me if I am wrong but didn't the Democratic party start many wars and bombings in the near past?? Just because they are progressive warmongers, that doesn't mean you have to give them leeway for their crimes. This whole attitude shows that their problem was really that they didn't like Trump. I get it, I don't like him either :P But... the problem is much bigger! Oh, and they excused so many things Obama did. Many “Trump problems” actually started with Obama. But he was the first Black president and a Democrat so he can be a little bit imperialistic, right?
This young US American generation is the most woke yet and I am sad seeing them drift back to a woke-flavored but really conservative idea of “our country is the best, there is a reason we are doing what we are doing, stop nagging us with your pRoBlEmS caused by us. We have our own problems! But hey look, we have women in high positions now yey!”
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mrsgreenworld · 4 years
Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 15 aka Soulmates
I know it's never taken me this long to gather my thoughts on a new SCK episode. But as I mentioned in my previous post Mike Flanagan's shows happened to me 😭😩😱
However, I also think it's because I had some mixed feelings regarding the episode. I guess while I was trying to watch it live (trying being the operative word here) the problems with the live stream influenced my overall first impression. I wasn't able to watch a good chunk of the episode and, of course, it got me annoyed and that, I guess, mixed up with my feelings about the episode. But after having rewatched it with subtitles I have a full and clear picture.
All in all it was a nice episode, very light compared to a much heavier angst of earlier episodes. I liked that light-hearted moments and humour were back. It was also a shorter episode which served it well. However, it felt a lot like a filler episode which, in my opinion, did nothing to move the story forward.
The things I loved / liked:
☑️ Eda: she was a true star ⭐ (ahah, pun intended) and the main highlight of the episode for me;
as a woman I was so proud to see her handle this situation with such strength, dignity and self-respect;
unfortunately, despite the old gender stereotypes slowly dying out, despite the fact that women are becoming more and more independent and aware of their value, we are still often portrayed as a weaker sex; I am not talking about physical strength, of course;
we are the ones left, we are the ones who suffer, we are made to love men with everything we have, we build our whole lives around them, we let our world revolve around them... so, when they leave or we lose them for any other reason - it's the end, everything falls apart, we fall apart; I am so sick of still seeing it on screen; that's why I freaking LOVED seeing Eda not fall apart, or at least she didn't fall apart for long;
I loved that she allowed herself to grieve, to cry, to be angry and to express this anger straight to Serkan's face; I think we saw Eda go through her own 5 stages of grief; but she didn't let depression take away more than one night of her life;
I love that Eda found out that Ayfer had contacted the grandma and, while her reaction might have been a bit too emotional (which is actually normal and understandable given she's still hurting after having had her heart broken and stamped on), I really enjoyed Eda protecting her personal boundaries and basically saying to stay the *uck out of her life - you go, girl!👏💪😎
I enjoyed the way Eda handled herself at the office and how she behaved around Serkan; she wasn't stealing lovesick glances at him or just brooding, she wasn't overly hostile, she wasn't running away;
oh, and when Seyfi brought that box, how she handled that - a standing ovation👏👏👏, everyone bow down to my Queen! 👑👸
speaking of that box where Serkan asked Seyfi to gather all of Eda's things, how he ordered to put away all her gifts - as Eda put it "he's trying to get rid of any trace of me"; in a way she's right; Serkan is trying to get rid of everything that could remind him of her and their shared moments but we know it's not because he doesn't love her (like Eda thinks), it's because he does and it's too much for him; and it's such a contrast to Eda who actually said to the girls that she wouldn't throw away or burn or whatever any of Serkan's gifts or other things that remind her of him and them, she openly said that she's not the one to run away from the memories; and it was so powerful - seeing the writers make a woman so undeniably stronger than a man👌👏
I also liked Eda around Efe, there wasn't anything romantic, I think it was completely professional and it didn't feel or look (at least to me) like Eda was trying to use Efe for petty reasons like make Serkan jealous (but of course our boy was jelly nonetheless 👽😁)
the little moment with Aydan: it was nice to see Aydan trying to comfort Eda (I guess she earned a few points for that) and I really liked the message she was trying to deliver - you can find love and happiness again;
I loved seeing Eda take that in, accept the message, agree that she will be ok one day; and I also liked seeing her not accept Aydan's support which felt a little bit like pity; Eda didn't want to be pitied and she said what she thought to Aydan's face; was it a little harsh? maybe, yes; but I understand where it came from and, given how insensitive, hostile, rude Aydan had been towards Eda in the past, Eda not really buying this whole support thing is pretty understandable;
☑️ Edser: whatever state these two are in - deliriously in love, flirty, pissed off, annoyed, lovesick, heartbroken - if they're together on screen it's always glorious;
do I like seeing them angsty and heartbroken? of course NOT! but the longing between them is SO GOOD!😍🤩
I loved that they introduced this soulmate theme; it wasn't there front and center but rather woven subtly through the episode: first, of course, pretty openly stated at the very beginning of the episode, in the parallel conversations Eda / the girls and Serkan / Engin; then symmetrically at the very end of the episode - the papers with the names of the drivers for the race, then Serkan being the one to notice Eda's absence, him just feeling her and being led by his heart until he found her - not bad for an emotionless robot, huh?😏😉
THE RINGS!😍😍 glad that they brought Eda's💍ring back into the picture; she demonstratively put it on the middle finger of her right hand; obviously she did it on purpose, she even explained the reason behind this decision - from now on it will serve as a reminder what kind of person Serkan Bolat is; but of course I think there's something deeper at play here; Eda could have easily put the ring on her left hand but she went with her right hand instead, with the middle finger which is so close to where it used to be, where an engagement ring should be - on her ring finger; so I think it's also a way for Eda to be closer to Serkan, it's almost like a phantom of what they used to have as well as of all the things they won't have... I am also 99% sure I am overthinking here and the intentions of writers were much simpler 🙈😆
anyway, I loved that Eda and Serkan both noticed and pointed out aloud that the other was wearing their ring; also Serkan's reasoning "to keep other women away" - why don't you tattoo "I am the property of Eda Yıldız" on your forehead, mister?👀🙈😆 could he be any more obvious?
the coffee scene was priceless 🤣🤣🤣 Serkan was so damn confident that Eda poured that cup for him and then him mumbling "for Efe" under his breath... like an offended child 🙈😆
them fighting looked a lot like flirting and the electricity⚡generated during their arguments could easily power their whole office building - I am sure;
the car ride to the presentation and that presentation itself - while I didn't entirely enjoy it and how controlling Serkan was I cannot help but admire the way his mind works; I also think he was doing it for Eda, it was his way of supporting and looking out for her without being too obvious; this way they also get to work together and even if it's just for work he will be closer to her;
Serkan showing up at that sport motivation thing like a boss 😎 and shamelessly checking Eda out 😏 I mean, was he aware there were other people around? and how is it possible that Eda was still buying the emotionless robot crap? the emotions the guy was looking at her with were enough to melt the glaciers 🔥🥵
and finally - that moment at the sea when Eda told Serkan that he wouldn't have apologized if he hadn't feared for his life; his immediate response was that it wasn't about that, "what if something had happened to you?"; when Eda answered with "Does it matter?" I swear I thought Serkan was gonna take her by the shoulders and shake her;
that jaw tick? man, he was pissed 😤
at Eda - for saying something like that, for being so careless with her life;
at himself - for allowing her to think that it wouldn't absolutely destroy him if something were to happen to her;
but the moment Eda left all anger left him and Serkan just looked... defeated;
☑️ Eda and Efe: might be an unpopular opinion but I actually liked their dynamic in episode 15; as I have already mentioned I didn't see or feel anything romantic and while I still don't trust Efe (him being from Mardin - a coincidence? nope, don't think so🧐) I liked how supportive he was with Eda; I think she needed that push to get back to work; okay, there is very likely some ulterior motive here but at least in this episode he seemed pretty genuine and it didn't look like he was using Eda; he wasn't provoking Serkan that much either;
☑️ Selin and Serkan: a short scene with the two of them in Serkan's office and Selin's reaction to Serkan and Eda's breakup; maybe to someone it may seem too strong but I actually liked Selin calling Serkan out on it like that; honestly I half expected her to find excuses for his behaviour;
☑️ Engin: keeps being a loyal friend who doesn't just offer silent support; I like how he always tries to reason with Serkan, doesn't shy away from telling him unpleasant truth;
glad he was there for Serkan at the very beginning of the episode;
loved how he checked on Serkan at the office and then tried to convince our RoBo that it's ok to not be ok and maybe take a vacation;
then the exchange:
Engin: "So, out of sight, out of mind?"
Serkan: "Exactly"
Engin (spotting Eda coming into the office with Efe): "Interesting how that's gonna work out for you" - interesting indeed 🙈😆;
Things I didn't like / was annoyed with:
❎ Serkan: yes, my baby boy made it into this category - there's first time for everything 🙈😆
just to be clear - he is still my cupcake and I love him dearly but here's the thing: we don't always like those we love;
I think in episode 15 Serkan was controlling and childish; and I completely understand where these tendencies come from but it doesn't mean I am gonna turn a blind eye on this or try to justify his behaviour;
that "Efe left but Serkan is here" scene was intented to be funny and endearing I guess but it was highly manipulative; and when during the car ride Serkan commented on Eda behaving like a teenager I was like "excuse me?! have you met yourself, mister?!" because that manipulation to make Eda go with him was worthy of a 12-year-old 🤨;
❎ Selin: when is she not annoying?🤔 while I liked that she didn't take Serkan's side and called him out on his change of heart, unfortunately, she still managed to make it about herself; it never fails to amaze me how selfish and self-centred this character is;
❎ Alptekin: what a poor excuse of a father and a man he is... almost feel sorry for him;
don't apologize on behalf of your son - he's a grown ass man who is capable of speaking for himself;
apologize for yourself, your mistakes and if you're not ready - then don't go to Ayfer just to make yourself feel better 😤😡;
❎ that almost copy-paste from Erkenci Kuş at the end:
getting lost and falling down into a pit in the forest? been there, done that in EK episode 19;
okay, we had beautiful sea views and they placed it at the end to add more suspense but all in all it was awfully similar and also kinda came out of nowhere;
after that emotional scene between Eda and Serkan we were whooshed into "Eda is not here, let's go find her"; I have no problem with the absence of the moment where she actually fell into that pit - wasn't that necessary - but a scene that could have served as a building block to this would have been good - show Eda going for that walk.
And... that's pretty much it.
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Gonna get down to episode 16 now
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hongism · 3 years
~ from an autistic follower ~ hey, im sorry youre getting BS about your passion project with your friend. but i felt like your reaction to the previous anon was harsh, when they were just asking questions. :/ they showed that they care about your stories. the previous anon didnt even word their question in a hostile way. some people (like the neurodiverse) might not comprehend fully what you mean by "then i’ll just level the playing field and delete my entire blog." i know what you meant but 1/2
2/2 "[...] that's all you care to ask about?" and "read the post again luv" reminds me a lot of when id get bullied out of groups because i couldnt read the room fast enough. im still learning about what happened today but this was what i saw first on my dash. just rubbed me the wrong way.
hi darling, i appreciate your ask and you sending it in. i will explain why that particular ask rubbed me the wrong way but i do want to say you bring up a really valid and important point i didn’t consider since i was being overly emotional when i answered that ask, and i’ve decided to delete that ask altogether so that there aren’t any issues moving forward.
while the ask was not worded in a hostile way, i have been receiving a lot of asks like that recently especially before i updated my story moc where people would be overly demanding and a bit condescending towards me and that ask reminded me of those asks i’ve been receiving, which is why it was so off-putting to me seeing it in my inbox. a lot of people forget that there is a person behind this blog and my stories, and questions like ‘what’s gonna happen to x story’ feel minimizing to me as a person when there’s no care about me as the author behind it. that’s not the case for everyone, but i have felt that way in the past and it hurt me deeply and that ask reminded me of that because they didn’t ask about me at all, they only asked about my story and nothing else. to me as the person receiving the ask directly after making that post, it felt like all my words were being disregarded and not taken seriously. i’ve reworded the original post now so that it’s not as intense.
im so so sorry that it came across the wrong way and that i caused you discomfort and distress, i’ll do my best in the future to really think about what i’m saying and how i’m saying it. thank you so much for being open to calling me out and sharing your feelings, i truly appreciate it so much 💖
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years
My True Identity
Summary: Thomas has started university. His lessons haven’t started yet but he agreed to help out and do a YouTube channel about the student experience. And like the true student, he’s already having an identity crisis. 
Note: Not written to be overly shippy but read either way! This series is a little weird, no idea if it’ll translate well. The idea is just Sanders Sides retold. Feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!
Next Episode!
The kitchen was silent. Thomas was completely engulfed in darkness with only the faint glow from the streetlights outside. The floors were already speckled with dirt and the hob was decorated in fine splatters, he noted already knowing he couldn’t be bothered to clean it. They had only all moved in a week ago! But then again four teenagers trying to live independently would always be messy. He groaned loudly before burying his head in his arms. “Oh woah! Oh, Thomas! What are you doing!” Logan’s voice interrupted the stressed silence. 
“Hey...” Thomas muttered back and, without looking, wiggled his laptop mousepad. The screen blasted a harsh blue light against his defeated lump sitting on top of the kitchen stall. Logan paused at the door before actually walking up to him.
“That does not answer my question,” Logan sighed as he leaned against the work surface. Their quest for a glass of water for bed promptly forgotten. 
“I have no idea who I even am...” 
“Yes. Not many people do. The concept of identity is an ongoing struggle. To expect you to have all the answers at the age of 18 for the rest of your life is ridiculous.” They answered with a quiet smile, their shoulders drooped with tiredness but they already knew they were going to do whatever it takes to Thomas through this, “Why, can I ask, is this bothering you?” 
“This stupid YouTube thing I said I’d do,” Thomas actually sat up and explained once he saw Logan’s confusion, “The uni encourages students to creatively express their experience here and essentially promote the university by doing YouTube videos. I thought ‘hey that sounds fun’ and here I am! God, I don’t even know! I thought it’d be a fun idea to do a video about who I am and why I wanted to go to uni. And now I realise I’m not even sure I have a personality.”
“Ah. Well I’d love to help you. That’s a complicated topic when you truly delve into it and well... Believe it or not, I was quite the nerd in school and it’d be fun to help!” Logan smiled and sat themself next to Thomas’ dramatic form. 
“I’m sure that’s a surprise to no one,” Thomas muttered, sounding more harsh than he wanted to. But they were both too tired to really mention it. As he untangled himself and actually sat properly, another of his roommates burst through the kitchen door. 
“Greetings wonderful citizens and you nerds!” Roman winked as he fingergunned Logan, to their immense confusion.
Despite how open and chatty Roman was, they were all still fairly new to each other and some awkward tension flooded the kitchen as well. Already Thomas felt a little squirmy at Logan helping him but this was so much more embarrassing with the actual stereotypical jock flouncing around the kitchen. Not that Roman was bad or anything! Just... Thomas was a true introvert at heart. 
“Hi!” Logan squeaked while Thomas gave a weak salute.
“Now what are we muttering about at 1 in the morning! You’re disturbing my beauty sleep!”
“Oh sorry! We were um... it’s just the YouTube thing again... It’s not important, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey it’s okay! We’re students, what makes you think I was getting any sleep anyway!” 
“Well that just seems unhealthy, why would you del-”
“What’s going on kiddos!” Patton smiled with a giggle as he rose up from the other side of the table. Now, Logan and Roman positively shrieked while Thomas totally remained totally calm thank you very much. Patton was the only one that he had properly warmed up to. The kiddo thing got annoying but he knew that Patton didn’t mean it insultingly. He was the first to move in and so the first one to meet him. He immediately helped him unpack and sat with him when his parents finally left. While he wasn’t sure they had any real shared interest, Thomas was already clinging on to Patton. 
“I’m just trying to get a video done! It’s just a general about me thing and why I chose uni. I just need to have a sit down with myself, figure myself out and maybe come to a better understanding that we could all learn from,” Thomas said strongly, puffing out his chest with a plastic smile. 
“Well maybe they would know you if you’d post YouTube videos more often,” Roman snickered while Patton whooped, Thomas deflated with an embarrassed smile. 
“Hey I have posted! I’ve got two videos so far! That’s not bad for something I only started like two weeks ago.”
“Yeah but you’ve been stressing about it for every second of those two weeks. Plus, people don’t watch uni channels for the person. They just want to avoid going to the open days and find out about the campus,” Roman said while Logan frowned. 
“Wait, if all you’re looking to answer is general information about yourself then that’s easy! You just start with the basics. Introduce yourself,” Logan prompted.
“Well... I am Thomas Sanders. I go by he/him pronouns and am proudly gay. I’m taking English literature...” He trailed off. Feeling that same sense of dread and nothing slowly grip him again. Great, met these roommates only a week ago and he’s having a breakdown in front of them. 
“That’s a promising start! Topics like gender and romance can be a challenge in of themselves to figure out. You could try and answer some light hearted meaningless questions as well. Like... um, something like what’s your greatest fears?” Logan smiled as he twiddled his hands. 
“Oh! Rejection!” Roman gasped and clutched his chest while slowly sinking to his knees. 
“Spiders!” Patton shuddered.
“I always get nervous about the idea of what exactly is at the bottom of the ocean...” 
“Nope! Not doing that! I’m perfectly aware of my greatest fears. I know that’s fun and all, but I want to keep it fairly serious. Like, what are my flaws?” Thomas shrugged them all off, his shoulders tensing again. 
Logan now lit up completely. Pulling a notepad from nowhere (his pyjamas?), he flipped to a previous scribbled page and pointed out a checklist with a pen. “Oh we’re talking flaws. Well, I’ve noticed you procrastinate a lot! I mean, it’s only your first week... Lectures haven’t even started and you’re already behind. I mean why else would you be planning a video at one in the morning!” Logan panted as they spoke all in one breath but the determined shine in their eye refused to let them go without saying this. 
“Do you just... list all our flaws like that... or...” Roman mumbled.
“You can be pretty selfish with your food...” Patton looked away but his mischievous smile remained firm. 
“Really Patton? I’m like 90% sure that milk was expired!” Thomas huffed and threw his head back, his already scruffy hair whipping wildly. 
“Didn’t stop you from drinking from it...” Patton muttered again with his hands held out. As if Thomas couldn’t be sucking any more at university, it was only his first week and lessons hadn’t started yet! But here he was with flatmate drama, a breakdown at 1 in the morning and a growingly filthy flat. 
“You aren’t very adventurous either...” Roman interrupted before any room mate war was launched. He was hoping to at least get past the month mark before any wars. Not that that was saying much for him. 
“Okay, maybe this was a bad idea!” Thomas sighed and slumped back into his ball on top of the kitchen stall. Legs drawn up to his chest and head buried firmly. 
At that, all of the roommates froze. The kitchen seemed so much harsher without any of its lights on. If someone had closed the curtains then the only light would be the oven timer that was flashing the wrong time. They could all hear the faint slamming of doors and whoops from students outside. All of which were actually enjoying their fresher’s week and having fun outside. Patton felt a little mean for joking so much with him. Thomas was still a very new friend and he just criticised him when he clearly wasn’t doing good. Roman looked awkwardly around before busying himself by going to make toast while Logan kept fiddling away. Patton wished, not for the first time, that his parents were here. 
“Well, everyone has flaws. That’s what makes us human,” Patton smiled, hoping his tone made up for the weak childish message. 
“Of course. As long as you’re aware of them and working through them, then I’d even say that flaws are what keeps us improving and doing our best,” Logan happily took over. 
“Yeah! Plus, you have a lot of good in you.” 
“You value your friends above all else,” Roman butted in. It was awkward, but the eye contact and his gentle tone did a lot. Thomas found himself smiling on instinct. 
“You see the good in everyone!” Patton chirped, seemingly bursting from happiness before sending an expecting glance at Logan. Not that they needed it.
“You’re extremely passionate and stick through every project. I mean, look at this YouTube channel. You’ve committed to a project that you understood is difficult. You’re still powering through despite the adversity.”
“Well, that’s very nice, you guys,” Thomas replied, eyeing the clock as it ticked to half past. 
Thomas heaved a deep breath. The blank word document no longer seemed as intimidating but he could feel his standards tutting at the weak script he was thinking through. Yeah, this was all good stuff to talk about but how on earth was this going to connect with people. How was this going to even connect to university? 
“Oh but you should also talk more about why you are filming for the channel!” Patton squeaked, Thomas uncurled and looked on with a sceptical look, “I’m guessing you want this to be a bit more than an intro video. If you talk about why you’re running the channel then people will understand you and your content a lot better. Like, what positive impact did you hope to inevitably bring with this channel?” 
“Woah... Patton that was genuinely deep and exactly what I was lo-”
“Hey! We have the same glasses!” Patton suddenly lurched forward, pointing an accusing finger. Logan blinked sleepily.
“Okay well,” Thomas cleared his throat, “Being able to put out silly light hearted content into the world is kind of a good start, it makes me really happy to do that!” 
“Wait! This is supposed to be happy!” Roman gasped with the bread popping from the toaster soon after. Thomas wilted again under his withering gaze. 
“Just because the topic is serious, doesn’t mean the video has to be serious. I think I would’ve liked to watch a light hearted joking channel when I was looking at unis. Identity is a serious topic but I want to joke about it,” Thomas explained to the table, slowly drawing out of the crumbs a smiley face. Roman melted and turned back to his toast. 
“That’s easy! You don’t even need answers to make that video then. No one watching your videos knows who they are and if you’re making fun of yourself for not knowing, it shows that it’s kinda okay. Y’know to be unsure and stuff.”
“Self deprecating humour is very popular at the moment,” Logan reported. 
“Just as long as you don’t go too far with it! Make sure to keep it light hearted!” 
“Yeah...” Thomas had immediately perked up and starting clicking away at the keys. 
They all sat there for a couple of minutes. All of them taking pride in how quickly Thomas pulled himself together again. The words quickly filled the screen and Roman finally clicked on the light, despite all of them hissing tiredly. 
“See, you’ve got this,” Patton smiled once Thomas took another careful to pause to proof read. “You may not entirely know yourself yet but that’s okay. You know who you are at this moment, even if you just know you’re confused.”
“Yeah, I guess I do know myself better than I think,” Thomas laughed off. 
“Right, Tony?” Patton gasped with Roman and Logan whipping round. 
“Not my name.” Thomas didn’t flinch.
“Then what is it!” Patton collapsed on top of the table with a gritted guilt expression. 
“Thomas! I said it earlier in this conversation!” 
“It’s really late!” Patton winced, feeling extra guilty. 
“He does have a decent point, at the very least, I am going to sleep. Please try not to make much noise,” Logan waved before disappearing from the kitchen. 
Patton joined them shortly after while Roman and Thomas talked quietly. The project also sinking into his mind before he even realised. And now he has to make sure that Thomas even knows about proper lighting and ideal times of the day to record himself! Roman was already stealing his laptop to make amendments to the script while Thomas awkwardly laughed it off. 
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sixqueendom · 4 years
New Fanfic: If Only You Would Listen, Chapter 1
So, after having a few requests to, I’ve decided to post my new fic on here as well as AO3. If you would prefer to read on AO3, I have included the link below! No real warnings for this one. Just the usual angst I'm sure you've grown accustomed to with my fics if you’ve read any of my previous work!
A huge thank you to Phoebe (@theatergirl06), Lilac (@timetoriseabove) and Blue (@pen-and-a-microphone) for beta-reading this fic! You guys are the best!
AO3 Link
Kitty decided she had had enough.  Everything was becoming overwhelming. The home she shared with the five other Queens suddenly felt overbearing and overly dominated by the others, so much so that she felt like she didn’t belong there anymore. Like she was an outcast. Sidelined. She didn’t feel like a priority to any of them, more a burden. An afterthought.
The truth was, Kitty was fed up with being mollycoddled by Jane. She was fed up of being treated like she was a child. But most of all, she was fed up of walking into a room, only for the lively chatter to descend into quietness, the other women refraining from talking openly for fear the topic might upset or offend her. They’d never told her that, but she knew. She was, after all, the vulnerable one in their eyes. The liability.
She appreciated Jane’s love and care towards her, she really did. It was nice to finally feel like someone genuinely cared about her, after a childhood with inattentive parents and ultimately being raised by her father’s negligent stepmother, the Dowager Duchess. For once, she felt wanted and loved. But as much as she appreciated it, Jane’s motherly care was smothering. Suffocating. Jane had always had a desperate longing to be a mother, having been robbed of the chance with her own son. So, naturally, with Kitty being the youngest, she projected all that energy onto her. But for Kitty, it was all too much. She didn’t feel she had any real independence. 
Eventually, she started to realise she was being excluded from conversations.
She’d accepted it at first. Perhaps she didn’t want to hear it. The conversations would just stir up old memories and rip off the superficial plaster she’d put on those wounds. That was, until she realised she was slowly losing her voice within the group, her right to speak for herself. Instead, the Queens were doing it on her behalf, assuming they knew what was best. Assuming they knew what she would say.
Last week, the Queens had all been invited to a podcast interview with an up and coming theatre critic, who had recently seen the show. The critic had analysed and dissected each of their individual songs and probed them for more details. When it came to Kitty’s song, she immediately saw the concerned faces of the others, like they anticipated a breakdown. Much to her annoyance, Anne butted in halfway through her response to a question. After that, Kitty noticed the subtle actions of the others: the critic saw it as casual banter, but it was really just a cover-up for the tougher questions regarding her past, an effort to keep things light-hearted in an attempt to stop it being so upsetting. What they didn’t realise was that Kitty had recounted her previous life so many times that, although still arguably painful to recall, it didn’t provoke the heightened emotions the Queens were probably expecting. She was tougher than that. Yet, by the end of the interview, Kitty felt like she hadn’t really contributed anything. 
A couple of nights later, there was a small incident at stage door when Kitty was approached by two young girls. As she happily signed their programmes, one of the girls piped up excitedly.
“I can’t wait to hear your next interview on Saturday! I’m going to send a question in for you to answer!”
Kitty frowned, but quickly concealed her confusion with a laugh. “Yeah, you should totally do that! I’ll try my best to answer as many as i can!”
On the Tube home, Kitty queried the conversation. “What’s this about an interview this weekend?”
Anne gasped. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! We’ve got an interview with a theatre magazine on Saturday. They are also hosting a little Q&A session with the fans. Should be fun.”
Kitty leant back in her seat, going quiet. When were they actually going to tell her if she hadn’t prompted?
The next evening, when Kitty came downstairs to find the Queens huddled around the kitchen, seemingly in a deep conversation without her, it was the final straw. Right on cue, as soon as she walked in, the mood immediately changed and, like a flick of a switch, a hush fell over the room as the discussion dropped away. It always felt like she was disrupting them. Like she was gatecrashing a party. Uninvited and unwanted.
Kitty glanced from one Queen to another. 
“What are you all talking about?” It was an innocuous enough question. She kept her voice light, casual. There was no need at this point to get tense and uptight. 
Anna, in one corner, gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Nothing important. Just about that silly interview we have tomorrow.”
The interview with the magazine. The interview that she was also involved in.
Kitty blinked. “What about it?”
She caught Cathy giving a nervous glance across the room to Anna, her hands firmly cupped around her coffee mug as she leant against the kitchen counter. Kitty could sense the atmosphere in the room growing tense. After all, they weren’t stupid. They could tell where this was heading. 
Anne gave a shrug. “Just about what kind of questions we think they’ll ask. Just...boring stuff really.”
Here we go. Trying to assure her she wasn’t missing out on anything. That it wasn’t important enough for her voice to be included.
“It didn’t sound boring,” Kitty leant against the doorframe. “Sounds like a good idea, actually. Always best to be prepared for whatever they throw our way.” She was still maintaining her casual tone, but she could feel her patience being tested.
Jane, as always, was the first to get flustered, sensing that things were starting to head south and wanting to avoid confrontation. “Look,” she held up her hands. “Why don’t we just talk about this later when-”
“When what?” Kitty snapped. “When I’m back upstairs in my bedroom? When I’m out of earshot and can’t hear what you’re really talking about?”
Jane blinked. She didn’t know how to respond. Catherine bowed her head, staring at the lines of her hands. Across the table, Anne visibly squirmed in discomfort.
Kitty smirked. She’d caught them red-handed and now they didn’t know what to say. There was nowhere to hide. She raised an eyebrow expectantly, looking around the room for a response.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Have I made things a bit uncomfortable?”
This tense confrontation had come as a surprise for them. Out of them all, Kitty was largely overlooked, usually the quietest and the most reserved of the group. Sweet in nature and often quick to comply, she was the last one they’d expect to be interrogated by. But it was becoming clear that she was on the offence. Quite frankly, Kitty had reached the end of her tether. She wouldn’t tolerate being made to feel like a child, like an inconvenience, any longer. Whether it was the Queens’ intention or not, it still hurt. She still felt like she didn’t matter, that her words were worthless.
Finally, Cathy took a deep breath. “What is this all about, Kit?” Her words sounded so feeble. She wasn’t stupid - she knew exactly what was going on here - but she felt the need to break the awkward silence.
Her attempt only made Kitty scoff. “You all know exactly what this is about. I’m sick of this!” She yelled, her voice increasing in volume.
Jane bit her lip, the harsh tone of Kitty’s voice packing a sting that she really wasn’t accustomed to. Not from her sweet Kitty. She was trying to hold back tears, startled by this sudden outburst and hostility. Realising her discomfort, Catherine squeezed her hand under the table.
“Do I really not matter?” Kitty lowered her voice again, trying to keep composed. “Because sometimes I wonder if you’d all be better off without me!”
Anne looked up at that comment, hurt and panic in her eyes. “That’s not true! Of course you matter! Of course we want you here!”
“Then why don’t you ever include me?!” she cried, unable to conceal her trembling voice, despite her resolve not to cry. Crying would prove to them that she was volatile. It would justify their actions. “Why am I always the one treated like a child and left out of everything?”
“Kit, we’re not doing this to hurt you. We’re doing this to protect you and to stop you getting upset-” Anna started. 
“See, that’s just it, isn’t it? You all treat me like I’m some kind of porcelain doll that might fall and break. Don’t think I don’t notice you acting like you’re walking on eggshells when I’m around and pandering to my wishes like I’m a kid! I hate it!” Her frustration mounting, Kitty slammed her hand against the doorframe, making Jane visibly jump.
Catherine, remaining as composed as ever, thought quickly, trying to desperately diffuse the situation before it got the chance to escalate any further. “Kitty, why don’t you sit down and we can talk about this rationally?”
The suggestion only made Kitty laugh. “Oh, so now you want me to sit down and talk?”
She shook her head. “I’m sick and tired of being made to feel insignificant. Like I don’t matter. Because isn’t that what you say in the show? I think she’s the least relevant Katherine.” She changed her tone, trying to mimic the other Queens. ‘Oh, we can’t talk about that in front of Katherine, it’ll only make her upset’ Well, guess what? I want you to stop invalidating my opinions and my words, just because the topic of discussion might hurt me!”
“Kit, you know we don’t really mean that when we say that line in the show!” Cathy insisted.
“Well, it certainly feels like it!”
“We didn’t realise you felt like this…” Anna mumbled.
“Because you never thought to ask!” erupted Kitty, exasperated. “You were all so busy trying to keep me sheltered away that you never once thought to ask! You don’t want my opinion on anything! Precious little Katherine can’t think for herself and make her own choices and decisions! Why don’t you let me make up my own mind on whether a topic is too sensitive or not? I can always walk away, can’t I?”
“Like that other night at stage door. I was made to look so stupid because I was oblivious! I can’t believe a fan knew before I did! So, when were you all going to decide to tell me about the interview, hm? If it wasn’t for that girl mentioning it, I’d probably still be in the dark!”
“That was my fault!” Anne admitted, putting her hands up in surrender. “I genuinely forgot to tell you! Anna even mentioned it in the morning and I still forgot. I’m sorry.”
This admission from Anne seemed to soften Kitty slightly, her shoulders relaxing. It put the tiniest doubt in her head: maybe she was overthinking this all? Seeing Kitty relax a little and contemplate what Anne had said, Jane took the opportunity to try and reason with her and further dampen her anger. “Look, maybe you’re right. We’ve been unfair not including you. But none of us have done this to intentionally hurt you, love. You must know that. Neither do any of us see you less of an adult-”
“But Jane, you make me feel like a kid all the time! The constant prompting of what time I’ll be home when I go out, the constant fussing, it’s just too much! I’m constantly made to feel like I am incapable of doing anything for myself. I’m just as capable of being independent as Anne is, and you certainly don’t hover over her shoulder all the time!”
“I just like to make sure you’re okay…” Jane’s voice had gone quiet, almost a whisper.
“Well, you know what, Jane? It’s suffocating! You need to face up to the fact that trying to mother me isn’t going to bring back Edward!”
The words cut through Jane like a knife right to the heart. The others watched as the woman crumpled in front of them, before fleeing upstairs to the confines of her bedroom. Catherine  pushed her chair back and marched up to Kitty like a protective lioness, pinning her against the fridge.
“That is quite enough! Jane has done nothing but show you love and care, which is much more than any of your true family did for you. And this is how you repay her? You don’t deserve it. If you want to stop being treated like a child, you need to buck up your ideas and try and show some respect and gratitude. You should be ashamed of yourself, Katherine.” At that, she stormed off to console her friend.
Although Kitty had to admit that she’d regretted the words as soon as they’d come out of her mouth, she was determined to stand her ground. If she crumbled now, this whole confrontation was pointless. She looked to the three remaining Queens. 
After a long pause, Anna approached her, her jaw clenched, stone-faced. “You know, maybe you’re right, Kitty. Maybe we would be better off without you.” She grabbed her jacket from the back of a kitchen chair and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door behind her. Anne and Cathy flinched.
Having long abandoned her mug of coffee, Cathy folded her arms. “If you wanted to be treated more like an adult, perhaps you should have thought about approaching this like one. We could have had a civilised talk, instead of this mess.” With a disappointed shake of her head, she too strode out. As she passed the table to leave, she cast an apologetic look to Anne.
Now, it was just the two of them. The two cousins. Sitting there at the table, Anne was bewildered. She hadn’t expected such an outburst, especially not from Kitty. She’d never thought her capable of causing so much upset, to get so angry. She suddenly felt like she’d lost a good friend. As quiet once again fell over the room, Anne wondered if she’d ever really known Kitty at all.
She was also consumed with guilt. They were so close, and yet, she hadn’t realised that what they’d been doing had proved so hurtful to her own cousin. What’s more, Kitty had never confided in her. There had never been any hint that she was feeling this way.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Anne mumbled, finally lifting her head to look at her cousin in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt like this?” 
Kitty turned her face away. She was just so disappointed in them all. She felt utterly let down by the very people she trusted the most. 
“Anna didn’t mean what she said…” Anne made a pitiful attempt to show Kitty she was on her side. “She just upset-”
Tears pricking at her eyes, Kitty clenched her fists. But all the fight had gone out of her.
“Well, now you all know how I feel.”
Kitty whirled around and sought the refuge of her bedroom, throwing herself onto her bed as the sobs overcame her. Suddenly, all the fire in her belly was extinguished, replaced by a hollow emptiness. Now she realised the enormity of what she’d done, the potential consequences of her actions. Things had spiraled out of control, her words had become ammunition created by her pent-up frustration. She had just been so desperate for change. How long was she expected to tolerate it all? She feared if she’d waited much longer, her voice would be silenced altogether. She might as well just walk out the door. Now, consumed with the horrible dark thoughts that shrouded her as she cried into her pillow, she started to take the thought seriously. She didn’t fit here and the Queens now despised her. Seeing the disgust in Aragon’s face and Anna’s clear contempt said it all. Maybe she needed to prove it to herself, not them. To prove that she was capable of looking after herself, like she insisted? Being independent. 
She lifted herself from the bed, grabbed her rucksack from the wardrobe and blindly stuffed some clothes in, her vision still blurry with tears. She checked the contents of her purse: her bank card and £60 - it would be enough for now. As she fumbled for some essential items she thought she’d need, her hand fell on a polaroid photo - a black and white picture, taken of them all on stage after their first performance together. They all looked so happy, so united. Now, she’d ruined all of that. Yet, something made her take it with her, slipping it into the zip pocket of her bag. Just because they hated her, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t miss them. Lastly, she picked up her phone, staring at the lockscreen photo of her and Anne for a second before putting it back onto her bedside table. She didn’t really have a use for it now. 
You know, maybe you’re right, Kitty. Maybe we would be better off without you. 
After all, she was of course, the least relevant Katherine. They wouldn’t want to talk to her now.
At that, she tiptoed downstairs. She was relieved to see the kitchen was empty. Helping herself to a few biscuits, pieces of fruit, and granola bars, she took one last look as she slipped out of the back door.
And, just like that, Kitty disappeared into the night.
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Smug (Mitch Marner Imagine)
Finally posting the first part of the Mitch imagine! It’ll be four parts, but I won’t make any promises on when the next part will be out, because that seems to curse me.
Rating: T
Pairing: Mitch Marner/Reader
Words: 1544
Warnings: None
Requested: yes/no
Summary: You meet Mitch Marner at a birthday party and, well, you’re not quite sure if he’s an asshole or not.
It’s your best friend’s birthday, is why you’re here. Well, at least insofar as you tell others. A good part of it is that you love skating with your whole heart, but you’re not quite willing to tell anyone else that you’ve loved ice skating since you were a kid (even though you’d fallen out of form over the years) and the chance to skate at the Ford Performance Center, where the Marlies and Leafs practiced, was a dream come true. It was easier to just say that you were there for Nathalie, not that you’re a hockey nerd and are excited for the opportunity to skate on the (not-so) same ice as professional teams.
No matter what your reasons are, you step onto the ice with a confidence that may have been a little unfounded with how out of practice you are. You’re still doing better than the rest of the party, finding your legs much quicker than anyone else. You’re not a pro by any means, but you’re much better than the majority of the group. You’re more than aware that Nathalie is a great skater, but both she and yourself are hanging back to help the others. You offer a hand (or two) to those who haven’t skated before, or who have far less experience than you.
You spend a good fifteen minutes, at least, helping the rest of the party find their balance, smiling and laughing along the way. Most of the group are doing slow laps of the rink, chatting and generally having a good time. You, on the other hand, are speeding around the oval, delighted to finally be back on your blades. The wind created by your speed whips your hair around, the pumping of your arms and legs making you acutely aware of the flow of blood through your body. Your heart is soaring, delighted to be back where you belong, where you feel most at home.
Later, you’re helping Nathalie’s niece figure out how to stop without running straight into the boards when it happens. It goes like this: Maria is skating toward you as you glide backward, instructing her on proper stopping technique. You stop a couple feet from the wall, and she tries to put your advice into practice as she nears you, but doesn’t quite succeed. Rather than falling, she continues in a straight line directly at you, and she looks scared, so you decide to stay in place and let her run into you rather than the unrelenting wall. Which is how you’re sent backward with all the force of an eleven-year-old skating full tilt into you. You’re only a foot or two from the wall, but you’re propelled back enough to hit it pretty solidly, except the wall says “oof” and you’re pretty sure they don’t have talking walls. Or walls with arms that wrap around you like yours did Maria. Meaning someone had gone behind you at the exact wrong time, and you hope it’s your friend Roger, because hitting anyone else like that would be embarrassing.
All of this happens in the span of a few seconds, so you don’t have much time to react when you look back to make a joke to Roger and instead find a complete stranger standing there saying “woah, careful there”. Except it’s not a complete stranger, is it? Maybe? Is someone’s stranger-status entirely dependent on whether you’ve ever actually met them in person before? Whatever the qualifications for being a stranger are, the person who just slammed into the boards definitely isn’t one of your friends, because it’s Mitch Marner. Like. The Mitch Marner. Whose smile falls from his face the second you make eye contact, replaced with a flash of something to quick to name, before coming back as more of a smirk than anything.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you say, mortified. Of all the people in the world that you could literally run into. Jesus Christ. Maria wriggles out of your hold and skates away, throwing a quick “sorry, mister!” over her shoulder as she abandons you. Traitor.
“Can’t believe I’m getting boarded even on my off days now,” he says. He’s clearly joking, but you’re embarrassed and feel bad and what if you end up being “that chick who hit Mitch Marner”?
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, turning fully toward him, “I was trying to teach her how to stop and didn’t even realize you were there.” He looks over your shoulder and you follow his gaze to where Maria has just successfully stopped herself without the assistance of the wall.
“Looks like she’s got the hang of it to me,” he quips, laughing brightly when you whisper an awed “son of a bitch” under your breath. You turn back to him, ready to apologize again— third time’s the charm— but he just shakes his head when you open your mouth, so you close it. You’re not really sure what you’re supposed to do in this situation, so you go with your first instinct and shove your hand out toward him so firmly he startles.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you,” you say, because you’re a stupid idiot who doesn’t know how to act around cute guys. Fortunately, he just smiles and shakes your hand, all firm grip and rough calluses and gleaming white teeth. It’s kind of breathtaking, really.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Mitch,” he replies. His hair is slightly tousled, like he just woke up from a nap, and shines in the overhead lights. As much as you’d hoped it was just editing magic, his eyes are as clear, bright blue as in the photos and videos. His lips are pink where his smile has turned closed-mouthed and almost… smug? Only when you take in the full smug expression on his face do you realize you’re still holding his hand. How long have you been holding it? How long have you been just staring at him point blank, blatantly checking him out?
“Sorry,” you say yet again, tearing your hand away just as quickly as you’d offered it. The second you let go, your hands are suddenly freezing. You should have worn gloves.
“It’s okay,” he only looks-- well, he doesn’t look more smug so much as wolfish, “It happens more than you’d think.” Is that supposed to be comforting, or is he just full of himself? You want to say that you can’t imagine an entire city worshipping an asshole, but a Leafs player could murder someone and Toronto would probably still treat them like a god. But he just. Doesn’t seem that kind, y’know? Unfortunately (or fortunately?) you don’t have any previous experience with him to judge off of, so you’re just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he’s trying to be reassuring.
“Well I didn’t think it happened at all, so,” you say, not above chirping him a bit, “I’d hope this is more than I thought.” Was that mean? There’s a difference between banter and bullying, and you have trouble navigating it sometimes. He looks shocked for a moment, before laughing so hard he throws his head back and grabs at his sternum.
“You’re pretty funny, eh?”  he replies after he finishes laughing, “I like that in a girl.” What the fuck does that mean?
“Well, I like a man with a positive plus-minus,” you say, gently slapping his diaphragm with the back of your hand. He clutches that spot with both hands, looking overly-wounded, giving you big puppy-dog eyes.
“Ouch; harsh,” he says, playing it  up for a moment before he smiles again. God, that damn smile is going to be the death of you.
“I’ve got to go greet the birthday girl,” he says afterward, looking a bit… hesitant? It’s only then that you realize running into him made you the first person he met here, and you feel kind of bad, because Nathalie is a huge Leafs fan and loves Marner.
“Oh yeah, sorry,” you say, because you can’t stop fucking apologizing, “Nathalie is over there.” You point toward where she’s spinning on the ice with one of her sisters. What you’re expecting is for him to skate on over to her. What you’re not expecting is for him to take one of your hands in his own and looking so deeply into your eyes that you feel hypnotised.
“Come to a game some time,” he says, not quite an order. His big blue eyes are fixed on you and you’re helpless to do anything but nod. You don’t really know what he thinks will happen if you do come, and you’re not sure he knows you live in Toronto, which means you’ll absolutely be at a game at some point. But he asked, and well. You don’t really have any reason to refuse.
As he skates over to an ecstatic Nathalie, you can only watch him go. He doesn’t have all his pads on, so you can see the flex of his thighs and the curve of his ass, which you are absolutely refusing to acknowledge. He’s charming, sure, but you’re pretty sure he’s an asshole, and you don’t have time for that in your life. But if he asked...
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