#i think i need to make a general disclaimer for all my fanfiction
riggadybambdoondah · 1 year
The perpetual dichotomy of "I want people to be good and do good things" and "I want to read about characters committing horrific acts" does things to my soul that I can't seem to articulate
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viivenn · 5 months
making an important announcement about some things i’ve noticed in the gwendoline christie fandom that really bug me.
disclaimer: read this at your own convenience and discretion. i am not responsible for any sort of hurt feelings and frankly… i don’t care. if you’re mad about this, you are probably the problem. /lh
to start with id like to begin on a positive note so that i’m not diving into negativity, i don’t want to be completely negative about my experiences because i’ve actually met some of the kindest people in the world through this fan base.
the gwen fandom, the gwandom, the gwendoline christie fandom , the lesbian cesspool, has been an incredible experience that i’m grateful i’ve had the pleasure of being apart of.
i went through a rough patch during november, and if i hadn’t found out about gwen, or met such wonderful people during my time here , i honestly wouldn’t be here right now. i owe my life to these people, gwen included. i will forever adore miss christie and what she stands for alongside the friends i’ve made along the way.
and while i know someday this hyperfix will end, it’s really disheartening to me when a fandom is what makes me grow distant from things i enjoy. it happened before, i feel as though it is happening all over again.
and no, i’m not taking issue with anything like the catrissa stuff or the brienne and larissa ship going around or anything like that. i like that we can all be weird together and enjoy aus like catrissa and crackships like bririssa (not sure the official name that was decided lol). my issue is the amount of content i’ve seen that either focuses on gwen herself, or the strange relationship with minors, or the odd artwork of gwen, and the absolute disgusting behaviour towards giles.
gwen would be absolutely appalled seeing fanfictions of herself that involve nsfw or just her in general, anyone would, it’s disgusting to make works of real people in that setting. it’s like you’re treating them as an original character you can mould and manipulate as you see fit and using someone who is real with thought and feeling and consciousness for smut fics is not okay, or any fic in general. i totally get the hype around her characters, i literally have “brienne’s princess” in my bio and i’ve had “jane murdstone’s bloodbag” (in reference to my vamp au) as a name in a discord server.
but i think the fandom has begun to blur the lines between fictional characters and reality settings when it comes to gwen and the personalities she portrays on the television screen. it’s not fair to her. it’s disgusting. i’ve seen a minor do it, i’ve seen a grown adult do it. it’s something i don’t see shamed and frowned upon often enough and it’s really not okay.
on that note i’d like to quickly mention the photos, we alllll know what photos i’m talking about. the bunny one, the nudes, the ones gwen has expressed regret towards and wishes to not have them spread. was there not a “fan” who brought her a book of her nudes and wanted her to sign it? that person who was blocked on instagram by gwen because they reposted her nudes on their story and tagged her???? how can you refer to yourself as a fan after behaving so abhorrently? absolutely disgusting behaviour. as a collective fandom we need to stop touching those photos (metaphorically speaking) and leave them in the past.
i’ve been told of numerous circumstances in which adults have shown their nsfw works to minors in this fandom and it has to fucking stop. it’s disgusting!! how can you do that knowingly? i constantly ponder terminating my account after a minor got ahold of my nsfw work, and upon realising they WERE a minor it was as simple as blocking and moving on. it’s truly not that hard, folks. and the minors on tiktok who fight with others saying silly things like “that’s my wife” or worse. i’ve seen it all, i feel like, and the more i see it the more sick i become. i cannot stand it.
i have seen and heard of fans who have fat shamed gwen for that one pink dress she wore to the met gala. she looked so happy in that dress, and the audacity one must have to fatshame that poor woman on twitter then turn around and continue to proclaim your ‘love for her’ as if you’d done no wrong? are you fucking serious? are you mental?
and the sexualisation over the porcelain doll look, gods some of you are sick. those were not real breasts, people. considering the fact she wholeheartedly regrets her nude photoshoots , what possesses you to believe she would actually flaunt her chest in that outfit?
the blatant mistreatment of poor giles is not fucking okay either. just because you’re jealous of someone who makes her immensely happy does not give you the right to post something so vile and cruel about him. shame on you. why do you believe this is okay to post:
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are you serious? have any of you stopped to consider how HAPPY giles makes her? or is her happiness the last thing you ponder when you look at her? have you even noticed how unhappy she looks lately? have you truly paused to consider how she would feel about seeing this on your page, random twitter user, or the rest of you who think this is okay? bless your hearts.
and some of the absolutely horrific things i’ve seen about her online and the hurtful behaviour towards giles makes me question the difference between a fan and just the general paparazzi. because if you truly loved her and you truly loved giles then i would not be ranting into the fucking void about it for no reason.
i avoid interacting with pages i find problematic on here to keep from stirring the pot but tonight i chose violence and got reeeeeal pissy about how i felt about this place. it’s not okay what i see on here and it’s getting exhausting seeing the same cycle of content on a daily.
that’s everything i have to say, i think. i probably missed a lot that should be discussed in the comments but i’m done for now because i know if i go on i’ll probably cry.
before you post things about real people with real feelings , stop to consider how they will feel those real feelings towards the content you put out. chances are you’ll become less problematic and obnoxious that way. 💘
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kryptonitejelly · 4 months
Grease & Tequila - a Flyboy One-shot
Top Gun: Maverick - Jake Seresin x Reader - part of the Flyboy!Universe
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader
Genre: romance; fluff; angst; best friends to lovers
Warnings:  general hangman being hangman; sexual tension; general cursing; will contain mentions of a break up / previous relationship; general use of pet names; fem!reader; pining; general naval / flying inaccuracies; alcohol; being drunk.
Length: One-shot
Summary: Set 5 months pre the Flyboy!era. The one where Jake gets the call that you and Dan have broken up and he has to be on the next plane to New York, now.
Flyboy | Mini-Series Masterlist
(not fully updated as of today, but if you follow / search the tag “flyboy universe” / “flyboy” / “flyboy fic” / “flyboy!jake” on my tumblr you’ll find recent asks / headcannons / blurbs!)
A/N: It’s been a while, and this isn’t all that exciting, but I think it definitely (I hope) sets the scene for Flyboy and helps everything click into place.
DISCLAIMER: all work posted here is purely fanfiction; it does not in any way purport to be an accurate representation of real life or the general workings of any institution.
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“Lieutenant,” Admiral Craig’s voice booms out as Jake opens the door to his office. The Admiral waits for Jake to shut the door completely before he starts up again, “I got your last minute absence request.”
“That is correct, Sir,” Jake nods, as he comes to a stand in front of the Admiral’s desk. He stands with his feet hip width apart, hands behind his back, eyes meeting the older man’s.
“Everything okay?” The Admiral asks, his gaze steady on Jake’s. It was rare for a last minute absence request to come across his desk, which meant that when they did - it was usually pressing.
“Just something I need to attend to, Sir.” Jake responds, his mask not slipping, but the Admiral hears the weight behind his words. There is a silence pause between the two men, before the Admiral picks up his pen, signing the bottom of the two sheets of paper before him with a flourish. He was never one to refuse these requests as long as he deemed them legitimate, but he made it a point of looking the requestor in the eye to make his own assessment of the situation before approving them. He didn’t need to know the why, unless it was volunteered by the requestor him/herself, but he needed to know that it wasn’t being abused and Jake Seresin, for all his ego and cockiness, was a dedicated solider. He wouldn’t ask, unless it was absolutely necessary.
“Approved,” the Admiral says simply before passing one of the sheets to Jake. Jake’s mask doesn’t crack, but the Admiral sees a twitch of relief as Jake remembers how to breathe, “Godspeed.”
“Thank you Sir.”
Jake shifts irritably in his seat as he waits for boarding to be complete. He had reached out to Grandma Doris’ personal assistant once he had gotten off the phone with you, even before he had submitted his flight request, his text to her was just one sentence, twelve words long - I need to be on the next flight to New York, please. He usually would not have bothered her, but this - this was a pressing situation, he just had to get on that plane. She had, the blessing that she was, gotten hold of two flight options for him, the next flight to New York, and the next next as a backup, both in first class no less, with a simple request to let her know when he needed a flight ticket back from New York.
“May I offer you a hot towel, Mr Seresin?” The stewardess stops beside his seat. Jake shakes his head, offering her a polite half smile.
“No thank you.”
“How about some nuts, or maybe a drink?” She tries again.
“How long more do you think it’ll be till take-off?” Jake’s question is abrupt and she is quiet for a second, slightly taken a back. He isn’t rude, but is, obviously antsy.
“I think another twenty minutes Mr Seresin,” she says as she follows his gaze out of the window.
“Thanks,” is all she gets from Jake as he continues to stare out of the window beside him as if willing take-off to come faster.
“Anything else?” The cashier of the fried chicken shop just around the corner from your apartment building asks Jake as he rings up the total on the till.
“That’s all, thanks.” Jake says as he slides his card out of his wallet before tapping it against the screen of the payment machine which is proffered to him.
“Here’s your receipt, please wait on the right.” Jake slides his wallet back into the pocket of his jeans before stepping towards the right. The tequila which he had picked up on his way out of the airport is in his backpack, the shape of the bottle pressed against his back, a reminder that he was just that much closer to what he came to New York for.
The ride up the elevators to your apartment is excruciatingly slow, and Jake taps his foot against the ground the whole way up. He hadn’t had to buzz you to let him up, managing instead to catch a couple on their way out and slip into the building - something which he made a mental note of in the back of his mind - perhaps it was time to convince you to move to somewhere with a doorman or concierge for increased safety.
The bottle of tequila is now in one of his hands, and the bag of greasy fried chicken and fries in his other - his remedy for your broken heart. Alcohol, fast food, and well, him. His eyes are fixed on the flashing red numbers as if willing the elevator to go faster. It stops with a ding, and Jake all but runs out.
He hears you before he sees you, hears faint noises and shuffling, the unlocking of a separate bolt and a lock before you pull open the door an inch to peer out past the safety chain. His eyes meet yours, and sees your eyes, glassy and red rimmed, no doubt from crying meet yours. The doors shuts fully for a second or two as you undo the safety chain before it is pulled open fully.
Jake takes you in the second the open door reveals you - the red tip of your noise, hair on top of your head in a loose, messy up do, body clad in an oversized t shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants and he feels a funny tug in his chest.
“I thought you might need this,” he says as he holds up the items in his hands. You hold his gaze for a second more, and then it happens, the glossiness in your eyes turn into tears which spill over onto your cheeks as you take a step forward, throwing your arms around Jake’s body, burying your face in his chest. Jake hears, but also feels the sobs that wrack your body against his front and he is quite sure that in that moment, the tug in his chest feels like a earth shattering crack.
“I got you,” he says gruffly, bringing both his hands down around you, while still holding onto both items. His words only intensify the sobs coming from you and all Jake can do is draw you closer.
“I’ve never liked him,” Jake snorts as he watches you down yet another shot of tequila. You are both sitting around the coffee table in the floor of your living room, greasy chicken and fries demolished, the open bottle of tequila three quarters gone - with more damage having been exacted on the bottle by you than by Jake. Jake isn’t drunk, but he definitely isn’t sober, which means that neither are you.
“He’s an asshole,” you half shout, your words slurring from the alcohol as you let your self sag backwards, leaning against the sofa before you let yourself droop sideways, your head coming to rest on Jake’s shoulder. Jake shifts, moving his arm around you. It allows you to scoot further into his side, your face turning slightly to rest against the side of his chest. You breathe in his scent, the faint smell of soap, laundry detergent and airplane along with his own natural musk, which wraps around you like home, and you feel Jake’s fingers running themselves soothingly along your arm..
“Say the word, I’ll beat him to a pulp,” Jake says, dropping the side of his cheek against the top of your head, his finger squeezing the top of your arm gently. His tone is light, joking almost - but yet not really. Nevertheless, the thought of Dan facing off against Jake makes you chuckle lowly. Dan was no slob himself, he maintained a decent level of fitness - occasional runs, regular visits to the gym, but he might as well have been one compared to Jake. Dan worked out for aesthetics, but next to Jake, who had worked out for functionality all his life, football, the Navy, Dan paled greatly in comparison.
“He’ll never stand a chance,” you say, amused as you close your eyes. Your head has started to get impossibly heavy, your tongue feels thick from the copious amounts of alcohol running through your system, and you let your head rest heavier on Jake’s chest.
“That’s the idea,” is what Jake says and it makes you giggle this time as you sink yourself further into Jake’s hold, seeking out a comforting, physical closeness. Jake can feel yourself pressing into him.
“C’mere,” he mutters, as the arm he has around you tightens. You feel movement, and Jake is reaching across your body, managing to slip an arm under your legs to pull you onto his lap.
“Jake,” your protest is weak because you don’t put up an ounce of a fight, opting instead to shift along with him so that you are comfortably nested on his lap, your ear against his shoulder, tip of your nose just about brushing the side of his neck, “I’m not a child.”
“Mmm,” Jake simply hums in agreement with your words, both his arms coming to form a loose, protective cocoon around you.
You both sit in a comfortable silence, a haze of alcohol enveloping you both. Truth to be told, the break up, the serial cheating - it all hadn’t come as a surprise to you. You had suspected on many occasions, but it had been easier to ignore and live in denial than to face the truth after 3 years of being with the same person. It had broken you for many reasons, and it still hurt like hell to lose a constant presence with which you had spent the past 3 years with, but you weren’t all that sure it had broken your heart, not when your relationship had been fizzling out for a while and you’ve suspected for months.
“He wasn’t good enough for you, you know,” Jake says as he turns his head slightly, managing to plant a half kiss on the side of your temple.
“You say that with every break up,” you laugh dismissively, “that’s what best friends are supposed to say.”
Your words make Jake frown and he moves himself to move you, making you sit up sideways on his lap so that he can look you in the eye. Your are slightly elevated from being seated on his thigh, and you find yourself staring down, holding his gaze. You slide the palms of your hands past his shoulders to steady yourself.
“They were all not good enough for you,” is what he says, unwavering as he holds your gaze. From your sideways position, you can feel one of Jake’s hands sliding around your back, and coming to rest on your waist, and the other coming to rest loosely across your lap.
“Or maybe I wasn’t good enough for them,” you say with a rueful quirk of your lips, letting yourself drown in alcohol induced post break-up self pity. Your words only make Jake’s brows furrow together, a flash of irritating passing through his eyes. It makes him move the arm hanging across your lap up to cup the side of your face, his thumb brushing the space just below your eye. You let yourself luxuriate in the warm against your cheek, leaning into his hold. You see Jake’s gaze dart from your eyes to your lips, but the fuzziness of your mind doesn’t let you overthink at just how intimate the moment between you both is.
“You are too good for all of them,” is what he says. You see a flash of something in Jake’s eyes, and perhaps if you were sober, it would have been something you could more accurately place, but you can’t.
“I want to go to bed,” you say, your exhaustion suddenly hitting you and you let your eyes close, weight of your head still balancing on Jake’s hand.
“Ok,” is all he says as his thumb continues to move gently across your skin.
“Come with me?” You say, your ask clear, you didn’t want to be alone - it was simple, nothing more, no innuendo and you knew that Jake would understand.
“Ok,” he repeats as he finally drops his arm from your cheek.
Jake has a hand behind his head, eyes fixed up on the ceiling of your bedroom. You had fallen asleep the moment your head hit the pillow, no doubt attributable to all the tequila you had ingested, but also a sure sign at just how exhausted you were. He had taken a quick shower, ridding himself of whatever traces of airplane he had left on him, before tugging on the pair of shirt and shorts he had brought along with him and, true to his word - gotten into bed with you. There was no way in hell was he allowing you to wake up alone.
He lets the soft hum of your snores wash over him, and Jake tilts his head down to watch the rise and fall of your body from where it is curled up beside him in a fetal position under the covers. You look at peace, finally - but he can see the sunken skin beneath your eyes, a tell tale sign that not all was well.
“Baby,” he sighs, murmuring to himself, the term of endearment slipping too naturally from his lips, as you shift, your body finding its way a few inches closer to him. He doesn’t hesitate, removing the arm from behind his head to caress the side of your cheek. Your snores stop, turning instead to an sleep exhale of content, and in that moment, it strengthens Jake’s resolve. He feels the gears shift in his brain and chest, feelings that he had kept at bay in the recesses of his mind and heart for months, years, coming to shore. He had spent the past 3 years watching you fumble your way around with Dan, and even more before that with different men that you had dated, but it was enough - fuck that. He was sick of watching them hurt you, breaking your heart when you deserved so, much, more. Jake wasn’t going to let that happen again. The next person you dated was going to be your last, the person you dated, was going to be him.
“Text me when you land,” you twist your fingers around, interlocking them with each other as you and Jake stand on the sidewalk outside your apartment, waiting for his car to pull up.
“I will,” he says while watching you twist your fingers together. You weren’t ready for him to leave, and neither was he - ready for himself to leave, but the days since his arrival on Thursday night had blown past, and Sunday had come too soon, “text me whenever you need,” he says as he extends an arm, pulling you sideways into him. His action makes you stumble slightly, and you reach out with a hand, to grab him around his waist.
“I will,” your response is a parrot of his. It had been a great past few days, once you had gotten over the hangover that hit you both, but you harder, on Friday morning. Jake had forced you out of the house for two whole days of everything and nothing - strolls around the city all while forcing you to thread your arm through his, making sure you filled your stomach with an assortment of food, watching bad television together in your apartment. He had filled your space with laughter, familiarity, and physical touch when you needed it most and you weren’t ready for him to leave.
“I’ll miss you,” he says, leaning sideways towards you to brush his lips against the top of your head. Jake lets his lips linger for a second or two, and you let your eyes close - letting yourself be vulnerable, enjoying the moment.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” you voice is soft, small almost, the truth of your words both a happy feeling for Jake, but also a stab to his heart.
“I wish I didn’t have to either,” he says gruffly, removing his lips from the top of your head to pull you into a bone crushing full frontal hug. He could see a car approaching from the end of the road, his time with you dwindling now to just mere seconds, “I’ll see you soon,” he says, a statement, not a question as you cling onto him in similar fashion.
“Soon,” you echo, a promise between you both.
“So how long are you leaving your girlfriend for?” The driver asks his question conversationally as he pulls away form the sidewalk. Jake’s gaze lingers on you as he raises a hand to wave goodbye. He sees you offer a lopsided smile and a similar wave of your hand.
“I don’t know,” he admits to the driver without much thought, not bothering to correct him. Jake keeps his gaze trained on you until he is no longer able to.
“Hopefully you’ll see her again soon,” is what the driver continues with conversationally, “she looks crushed that you’re leaving.”
“Yeah, hopefully,” is all Jake can say as he settle back into the seat of the cab, his mind far away, his heart still with you.
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pinguwrites · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 | Day Six — Jonathan Crane + impact play, femdom
Pairing -> sub!jonathan crane x dom!reader
Warnings -> smut (minors dni), edging, riding, ball slapping, slapping in general, dacryphilia, reader's kinda cruel, female orgasm, orgasm denial, degredation
Disclaimer: The Dark Knight Trilogy characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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In the heat of your anger, you removed his belt, delighting in the way his face melted into an expression of panic as he squirmed away from you. You gave him a swift spank to the balls. “Fuck!” He gave a strangled cry, throwing his head back onto the pillow. “Owww.”
“What did we say about respect, Jon?” 
Tears spilled out of his pretty blye eyes. He sniffled, his lower lip trembled. “T-that I needed to respect you. Because you own me.” He said this all in a wobbly voice, like at any moment he was going to burst into sobs and bury his face in your chest — which if you said he was allowed to, he probably would.
“And what did you earlier today?”
“I flirted with other women,” he sniffled. “I told my colleagues you were my bitch.” There was a red hue on his cheeks, and he was looking away. “But I didn’t mean it! I just wanted you to punish me, to use me! I’m your toy, you know that.”
You spanked him again.
 “Hnghh — be nice!”
“Be nice?” you repeated, your tone low and dangerous. “Why should I be nice when you’ve been a such an ass?”
Jonathan’s lips formed a pout. “I’m being good now.”
“No you’re not. Good boys take what their mistresses give them.”
You brushed his belt over his face and gave him a hard slap across the cheeks. He whined and turned his head into the pillow, not wanting another one. His cheek was turning bright red, and the leather mark of the belt was starting imprint on his skin.
“You know what?” you decided, and Jonathan finally looked up. “You have been a good boy, I think I’ll give you a reward, but you have to promise to keep your hands on my clit, and to not thrust up. Can you do that?”
Jonathan nodded eagerly and spread his leg like a desperate slut. “Yes, yes, yes.”
You wet his cock with your pussy, grinding on it slowly. Jonathan whined at the teasing, but controlled his hip movements and didn’t complain, starting to rub you clit with his fingers.
When you finally sunk down on him, he let out a happy sigh, his movements pausing. You stopped, angry at his inability to follow orders, but before you could grab the belt he started rubbing again, pushing his fingers through your folds. 
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologized quickly. “Got distracted.”
“I don’t want excuses.”
Jonathan blushed, his other cheek — the one you didn’t hit — turning red as well. He was so beautiful like this. Dark hair tousled, naked and marked with your bruises. This was truly his calling. He was meant to be your bratty whore.  
You started bouncing, moaning in pleasure. You circled your hips on his, reveling in the sweet whimpers that poured out of his mouth. He was tossing and turning, desperately trying to keep himself in control. He didn’t want to do anything that would make you upset, and possibly prolong his pleasure.
“Augh, don’t stop,” he pleaded.
You grinned. Sure, Jon.
Once you were both close to the edge, you felt it. Jonathan had starting thrusting.
He couldn’t control himself, and you knew he wouldn’t be able to, especially not when you teased him for so long. Despite all his talk of how he wasn’t like other men, how he was a scientist not ruled by the desires of humanity, you knew, and so did he, that once you got him in the right mindset, he was nothing but a pussy-driven man, hungry for your touch and body.
Jonathan didn’t even seem to notice his mistake. He kept thrusting up, skin slapping against skin, chasing his own release with frevor.
“Don’t come before me,” you ordered.
He nodded, closing his eyes. He started to rub your clit more vigorlosuly, wanting the release of climax to come sooner. When you finally let out a whimper, coming on his cock, he let out a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, fuck, need this so bad—”
You pulled off of him before he could finish his sentence.
It took a moment for him to realize what you did.
He sat up, arms wrapping around your waist. He was truly sobbing now, you would have to get him a napkin for his nose later. “I need you. I need you!”
You grabbed his chin. He was getting on your nerves. “Shut up! I thought you were a good boy.”
“I am,” he whimpered. “It’s just  . . .” he trailed off, not knowing what to say. 
Seeming to accept his fate, he lowered himself back down on the bed, watching with a frown as you grabbed his belt again. He finally figured it out — the best way to get what he wanted was to obey.
“Ready?” you asked with a cruel grin.
He nodded, still crying, closing his eyes as he braced for the impact.
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reiderwriter · 11 months
Thoughts on unsub spencer reid fics?
Hi! I'm not sure if you wanted more of a general answer or meant this as a headcanon or gen request, so I'm just going to go purely on vibes and answer this as a question.
Spencer as an Unsub - Thoughts
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Disclaimer: Anything negative said here is absolutely not an insult towards any specific writer or fic. I don't really read unsub Reid fics, due to facts I'm about to get into, so I'm really not knowledgeable enough to be throwing shade 💀 This is personal opinion!
I personally would need a lot of convincing to believe in an "unsub" Spencer Reid.
In Criminal Minds, it's clear from very early into the show that Spencer is very empathetic with certain unsubs. The entire team have their own types of cases that they get more personally involved in (Morgan and cases involving child victims, JJ and apparent suicides, Emily and quote unquote battered women cases) but Spencer is the only one whose personal attachment to cases leaves him empathising with the unsub instead of the victim.
He's the only member of the team who could have seen himself committing violent acts the way unsubs do had his life veered down a different path. And, based on Spencer's background and the psychology of the show, he's probably right to be concerned.
He's a white male, at the peak of the show in his mid to late thirties, with a background of abuse and a family history of mental illness. By season four, we know he's highly skilled with a gun, and by season 12/13, we see that he can be pushed to violence when he is at the very edge of his limitations.
And then they make his character so intrinsically moral that you never question him ever again.
To a certain extent, Criminal Minds is about the perpetual cycles of abuse that human kind can inflict upon itself. Many of the unsubs were once victims, some of them perhaps still are. The heroes of the story are characters who have been able to break the cycle.
Spencer is neglected as a child. He has an absent father abandon him, a mother with schizophrenia who does physically beat him when she is having an episode. He is bullied heavily in school for his high IQ and his lack of social skills. But he is shown to deeply care for him mother and empathise with her deeply instead of coming to resent her like many of the unsubs in that situation. He resents his father, for sure, but instead turns that resentment into drive, leading him to "just keep getting more PhDs." And his personal experiences with bullying allow him to empathise with the unsubs that have gone through similar circumstances.
So I don't think canonically, Spencer is ever in danger of becoming an unsub. He deeply cares about the world and the people around him, and whilst he does have a kill count on the show, he either expresses deep remorse at having to oull the trigger, or it is in the best interest for everyone involved.
Basically, all that to say: I think Unsub Spencer Reid in fanfiction has to be written incredibly carefully, or it runs the risk of being very out of character. To be clear, I'm not too bothered about characters being slightly out of character in fics because it happens. I've probably written a lot of stuff where Spencer is OOC, too. And that's fine.
I do kind of draw the line at grabbing random unsub traits from the show and giving them to Spencer for a fic. For example, Spencer would never end up as a sexual sadist. He probably wouldn't be a spree killer, either. Not that anyone wants my writing advice, but if you're writing an unsub Spencer fic, think about his background and the profiles they generally give for the kind of signature/ crimes you're about to give him.
If this was a request, I apologise for the misunderstanding. But here's a little hint at what I might do with a general "unsub Reid" request.
☆ It would most likely take place after the events of Season 12/13.
☆ It's angst or nothing.
☆ The basic plot: Reid's headaches come back after taking a blow in the field. He tries seeking help for it but can't find any relief. On his next case, because of his chronic pain, he makes a mistake that gets his teammate, the reader, shot. The unsub escapes, but the reader falls into a coma. When it looks like reader is not going to pull through, he tracks down the unsub and beats his to death after a brawl. Massive overkill. The reader pulls through that night, and he feels no guilt for getting that monster off the street. But each time the readers health takes a turn, or they require a new surgery, he is compelled to go back out there and track down and kill another serial killer until the reader finally wakes up.
☆ I don't think it'd be very well received because there would be no morally grey smut. This is some tragic angst shit only, lmao.
☆ please don't put a request for this in my inbox. If I feel like writing it later, I might, I don't have the brain power right now, though 💀
That's all I've got right now, but I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on unsub Reid :)
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zia-saturn · 2 months
Verbal. [Oneshot]
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Summary: What happens when you have the most steamy, lewd, and passionate phone sex with one of the most notorious villains to step foot on this earth?
Villain!All Might/Reader
18+ readers only
[DISCLAIMER: The characters respectfully belongs to the creator of 僕のヒーローアカデミア Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia, Kohei Horikoshi.
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of the respective owners. The author of the fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.]
This fanfiction is intended for mature audiences only.
This story contains explicit adult sexual content. If you are easily offended or are under the age of 18, please leave now. Reader discretion is advised.
As the seconds turned to minutes…
And as the minutes turned to hours…
Your work day seemed to drag on endlessly. You made it a habit to check your phone for the time repeatedly. A few instances, you assumed that the clock was broken. It did not help that the summer season brought upon the worst bout of humidity across the city. Most of the air conditioning units had to be prepared due to over exertion of energy that it generated.
So that meant that most of the employees were stuck dealing with a small rotating fan for the time being.
You just had to grin and bear the heat. Hydration was also important. You made sure that you had a nice tall water bottle supplied on your desk. Your coworkers utilized spare stacks of paper, empty binders and folders to construct makeshift handheld fans.
‘Oh happy fucking day! The best time for the goddamn a/c to go down.’ That snarky side of you wanted to bellow that sentence out loud to everyone in the office but you decided to keep your tongue in check. It would cause unnecessary drama as well as unnecessary arguments. Also, you did not have the mental fortitude to deal with anyone’s bullshit, especially on that day.
Your phone buzzed inside of your pocket. Stealthily, you pulled out your phone to check who was calling. A new text message arrived. It was from Toshinori. You were taken aback. You haven't heard from the man in over six months.
The reason for the break was because he became possessive over time and before things escalated, you told him that you needed some time for yourself. You made it clear from the beginning that things between you and him were strictly casual and sexual. On the outside, he appeared to be calm, almost stoic. However, how Toshi felt on the inside was a completely different story. He did not want to part ways with you, not even for a second. His blood boiled at just the mere thought of another man even looking at you let alone touch you. His mind played many scenarios of different ways of crushing the skull of any unfortunate man that had the displeasure of crossing his path.
TOSHI [7:02 P.M.]: So wet…
You could feel yourself growing slick in between your folds. 'Damn it…’ Your thumb managed to rapidly type out a quick reply to him all the while making sure that no one saw you on your phone. So far, the other's were preoccupied with their own tasks so you were in the clear for now.
YOU [7:03 P.M.]: Do you have to do this right now?
TOSHI [7:06 P.M.]: Leaking off of the tip. I've been waiting for you all day.
YOU [7:07 P.M.]: Are you really going to start with me right now? I'm at work.
TOSHI [7:10 P.M.]: I could really use those pretty lips of yours right now.
YOU [7:12 P.M.]: I don't think this is the appropriate time. I'm very busy at the moment.
There was a dull thumping sensation that resonated around your upper thighs.
TOSHI [7:15 P.M.]: Do you miss looking at it?
Then, he continued.
TOSHI [7:15 P.M.]: Touching it…
TOSHI [7:15 P.M.]: Licking it…
TOSHI [7:16 P.M.]: Because, I miss you doing all of those things with my dick.
YOU [7:17 P.M.]: You're making me wet. Please stop.
As Toshi was in the process of typing his next response, he could already feel the precum trickling down his shaft. He anticipated your response. Any response from you was a good response. He just craved to hear from you again.
TOSHI [7:20 P.M.]: I wish you could see all of the precum I just dripped for you.
You clamped your thighs tighter together, feeling your nether lips growing slick. You wished he ceased with his constant attempts at seducing you. Then, you squeezed your pelvic muscles in hopes of satiating that dull pulse in between your thighs.
YOU [7:23 P.M.]: Stop it, please. You're going to make me drip right onto my chair.
It was a good thing that your office chair was a leather one.
Your mind wandered around your desk and cubicle for an object that had a phallic shape to it. All of your toys were stored away in your drawers back at your apartment.
YOU [7:24 P.M.]: Not now. Just stop. I can't do this.
You hoped your last message made your point clear. The phone was silent for about five minutes.
Finally, a sense of relief came over you until another chime sounded off, notifying you that a new message arrived.
With much annoyance, you rolled your eyes and quickly glossed over the notification on the screen. It was at that moment you noticed a short video clip was attached to said message. With piqued curiosity, you tapped your thumb on it.
The title of the file showed a black screen before a short ten second clip proceeded to play. Your mouth watered at how long and glossy his cock looked underneath the dull bedroom light.
Once the video played, the first thing you saw was one of his large hands grip his thick pulsating dick. It was so long and the veins around the shaft were visible. "Damn, (name). Are you going to leave me alone and hard like this?" Your blond hulk of a lover rumbled out a groan from deep within his chest. That huge hand worked himself till he was unbelievably slick with his own pre-cum.
Opening up that video file was a very huge mistake on your part.
Heat rose in your cheeks before the sensation slowly tingled across the rest of your skin. Your nether lips grew slick.
He was adamant on making you feel hot and bothered right in the middle of your work shift. That plan was accomplished.
A moist rush pushed out of you and directly into your panties, immediately soaking the fabric.
'Shit…' Immediately, you snapped your thighs together shut. Damn him for trying to get you worked up inside of your office cubicle! So evil. So very evil.
How would that look if the people at your job saw you watching something that resembled porn? You cursed the clock because there were two hours left in your daily shift. It was two hours too long.
You rubbed your thighs together. The wetness remained along with the friction. Toshi was one of the few men that had that effect over you.
The frightening musclebound blond who towered over most people was your boy toy. A very intimidating one but a boy toy nonetheless.
The urge to get yourself off grew stronger by the second. That urge kept nagging at you over and over and you had him to thank. Once you reunited with him, he would get an earful from you.
You stood up from your chair and mumbled to the others that you would be in the restroom for a couple of minutes. “I'll be right back."
The wet friction between your legs grew intense by the second. The trip to the bathroom felt like forever. Once, you shuffled yourself inside, you parked yourself in front of the mirror and sink. The coast was clear. There was no one around.
You took your left hand and lifted your skirt. Then, you stretched the fabric of your panties before you plugged your pussy with your index and middle finger. You were trying to simulate and imagine yourself getting fucked by Toshi.
Your trembling right hand reached over to your phone to tap a response text to his video.
YOU [7:34 P.M.]: I'm in the bathroom right now. I'm fucking myself. Don't have much time though…
That's when you decided to do a bit of edging yourself. You played the rest of the video footage on your phone and allowed your wildest imagination to take over from that point on.
Toshi's pre-cum made his cock look so deliciously glossy. It was so fucking gorgeous.
And those veins…
You could almost feel his veins caress your walls every time he gave your pussy slow satisfying strokes.
You would go crazy if you had the opportunity to massage his pre-cum all over his cock.
You tried to give yourself a few good pumps just to give yourself a bit more edge to the feeling. You wanted to feel like you were on the brink of cumming.
During the remainder of the video, the giant blond moaned while delivering long teasing strokes up and down on his cock. He kept groaning out your name in hunger and lust, repeatedly wishing you were there with him…
Riding him…
Sucking him…
"Yeah! Put it in me, baby. Come on." Your lustful whispers reverberated and echoed off the bathroom walls.
"Faster, baby. Faster. Work that dick faster for me…" Your fingers rapidly pounded in and out of you. You bent over as if he was behind you, ramming in and out of your dripping pussy. You knew how he liked you positioned.
You were so tempted to grab your camera phone and film yourself pleasuring your pussy with one of your favorite dildos. You were at a perfect angle to show everything.
Suddenly, the door knob clicked and turned. The sound instantly shattered and ruined that lust fueled haze that entranced you. A woman nonchalantly entered the bathroom. You stumbled a bit as you tried to fix your panties and skirt in place. Then, you turned on the faucet to wash your hands before trotting yourself out of the bathroom.
As you walked down the hallway, you typed another text out to him.
YOU [7:40 P.M.] Can you at least wait for me a little while longer? I’ll be home in two hours.
YOU [7:41 P.M.] Do me a favor and stay hard for me. Can you do that?
The day was finally over. You sighed in relief, quickly trotting towards your car that was located in the parking garage.
The fabric of your panties was completely soaked by the time you reached the parking lot. Your mind kept drifting to the image of Toshi's cock…
and how hard it was…
Toshi edged himself for a couple of hours. But, he wanted to save his entire load just for you.
TOSHI [10:05 P.M.]: Where are you, baby girl?
You tried to clock out of work as fast as you could so you could finally get some space to yourself. The inside of your car would suffice for the time being.
YOU [10:10 P.M.]: I want to make myself cream in my car. Should I do it?
You were eager for Toshi's answer.
TOSHI [10:12 P.M.]: No. You're not allowed. I want you to wait like you've made me wait because it's only fair. Get your ass home now.
YOU [10:13 P.M.]: Fuck you!
TOSHI [10:14 P.M.]: You will soon.
YOU [10:16 P.M.]: It's not fair what you're doing to me. I don't think I can take it anymore. I want to touch myself but you won't let me.
TOSHI [10:18 P.M.]: Frustrated, are we? Well, the sooner you get home, the sooner you can get the opportunity to make your pussy feel good. To give her what she needs.
YOU [10:19 P.M.]: Fine. I'll be there in a few minutes.
Stuffing your phone back in your purse, you mumbled under your breath before starting your car.
Once you reached home, you headed directly to your bedroom. Your purse, coat and outfit was thrown into heaps on the floor. That throbbing wet pussy of yours was screaming at you to touch it. Your clit was stiff and quite sensitive.
Both of your breasts billowed from the top of your bra when you pulled it down. Your nipples were already hard like pebbles.
Having a long phone sex session was the thing you needed after a long, hot day at work. The humidity made the ambiance easier to feel.
You grabbed your cell phone and called Toshi.
Toshi's deep voice could be heard on the other line when he answered "Hey Baby. Are you home?"
You giggled into the phone, "Yeah, I'm home now." The bed felt so warm and inviting when you crawled on top of it.
"You know, you really shouldn't distract me on the job. I could hardly concentrate." You were in the constant state of arousal during the remaining hours of your shift.
As soon as Toshi heard your voice, his cock felt an immediate rush of excitement. It was evident by the amount of precum oozing from his tip.
"Are you alone right now?" Toshi asked you.
You sighed in bliss, flicking your stiff clit in between your fingers. "Yes. I am."
"Good." He groaned and pumped his wet and slippery cock in his huge palm. "Take those panties off and get comfortable."
You already slid your panties down before he even asked you to do so. You knew what was about to happen.
Finally, your pussy was free and open for pleasure. You were still dripping after all this time. You knew what you needed and he knew too. You would help him get there too.
Toshi chuckled quietly, "I miss you so fucking much."
"I miss fucking you." You giggled at your own sly rearrangement of his words.
"Cute." He quietly snorted under his breath. "What do you miss about fucking me?"
"I miss the way your muscles flex…"
"I miss how huge your cock is when I suck it.”
"Your thick cock in my pussy.”
"The way you would gasp and grunt my name when you stroke yourself into my tight little pussy." You rubbed slow circles around your clit, feeling your lips leaking out your secretions slowly.
One time, the hulking blond man rapidly and mercilessly drilled your pussy on top of the kitchen table, shooting his load inside your womb. Then, bent you over to drill you from behind and splash his seed all over your bare ass cheeks. You had his cum trickling down your cheeks and it joined the oozing passage that was your pussy. He basically used your body to jerk himself off and it turned you on to be dominated and used in such a way.
Good times.
You had the urge to fuck yourself with one of your silicone dildos. You reached into your draws to retrieve a very precious device of yours. "There you are." You giggled as your eyes were greeted by the visual of your crimson silicon dildo. It was about seven inches with a ribbed texture so your walls can feel stimulated every time you fucked your pussy with it.
It was Toshi's turn to share his filthy thoughts to you. "I miss the way you sound. The way you smell. The way you taste. I want to lick you and taste your sweet nectar on my tongue."
The way he used his tongue to pleasure your pussy made you fall apart each and every time.
"I love sucking on your pretty clit. I want you to squirt in my mouth. Your pussy is heaven to me."
Toshinori was the only man who knew how to satisfy you in many ways. You used him as a vessel to unleash every dirty, nasty and outrageous fantasy that you have stored in your mind, time and time again. He wanted to spoil his favorite girl absolutely rotten. He may be the symbol of chaos and destruction but, when it came to you, he had a very soft spot for you.
"I'm about to use my dildo." You told him through groans.
"Which one do you have?" He familiarized himself with your assortment of toys during the time that he spent with you. There were some replacements that were made along the way.
"The red one." You coyly answered him. The red one was a sleek yet durable one that had three settings of intensity with its built in vibrations. The highest setting made you squirt within a matter of seconds. You took one of your towels and placed it beneath where you lay just in case things got a bit wet and wild.
"My favorite." Toshi purred.
"But, nothing could replace you." It was true. Nothing could compare to what the blond villain had to offer you, which was why you kept him on the hook for so long.
Your walls expanded as if it was awaiting the arrival of something huge to glide in. "I'm so open for you. I'm ready…" You gulped. "For your huge cock to go inside of me."
"Oh fuck." Air hitched into your lungs as you twirled the tip of your dildo around your pussy opening. Your nether lips parted once the tip made contact there, sawing up and down. Then, you teased your clit by tapping the tip of the dildo onto it. This was how he loved to tease you. You tried to replicate his actions upon yourself, wishing he was here with you. "I want to fuck myself right now. May I? Please? I can't wait. I'm ready for your big cock."
Toshi gave you permission to proceed. "Go ahead and glide it into that eager pussy if you wish." His thumb swirled around his tip, listening closely.
"Mmmmm…Thank you."
He barely got the last word out and you had the toy pushed into you, the entire thing.
"Do you hear that?" You picked up the phone and placed it a couple of centimeters from your warmth.
"That's what I love to hear.” Toshi responded and licked his hand before jerking his dick. "It sounds so good going inside of you." Toshi’s hand pumped up his shaft. A couple of drops of pre-cum dribbled down slowly.
"Do you have your legs spread wide for me, sweetheart?"
"Of course I do. My legs are always open for you."
"Are you fucking yourself for me? I can hear you loud and clear on the other end. Hold the phone to your pussy so I can hear how wet you are.” Toshi ordered you.
You placed your phone near your pussy with one hand while thrusting your dildo with the other. You made sure the microphone/speaker could pick up on those lewd sounds that came out of you. The sounds were so sticky and sloppy, just the way he liked it.
"Delicious. You're such a good girl. How long have you been wet for."
"I wish you could see how wet I am."
The slow intrusion jolted the right nerves, just in time to make you drip a bit more. "Damn, baby! I feel so good right now…"
"Oh my." You took a good look at yourself. It looked so tasty and ready to be caressed and teased. He could only imagine.
Toshi's palm was completely soaked with the clear fluids of his pre-cum. "I wish that you could sit on my face so I can taste your sweet honey." He gave his huge sac a firm tug before returning to his shaft. His balls were so fucking full.
Your body jolted by the memories of him using his skillful tongue to make you see stars.
"Your pussy is amazing. I really want to lick your sweet pussy right now. Sit your pretty self on my face and let me make you scream with my tongue."
“I always love how you would work your tongue on me. I can feel you right now. I'm rubbing my toy in between my folds. My pussy is open and waiting for you. Make me want it. Make me beg for it. Don't let me have you too soon. I want you to tease me.” You cranked the notch up on your device, feeling the intensity jolting your clit.
"Oh shit." You plunged the toy deep in once more. "Oh fuck." Your pussy loved the sensations that the toy offered. "This hits my fucking spot every time."
"Work that dildo in your pussy like the good little slut you are." So much of Toshi's pre-cum dripped onto his floor. He was so wet.
He had your undivided attention and you would not stop until your man was growling and cursing in total ecstasy. The hulking blond can be such a screamer whenever he fucks and cums. You felt so proud that you had the ability to make him yell during sex.
You cupped a handful of one of your breasts. Your nipples were still hard. "Why are you doing this to me? Why are you trying to make me addicted to you all over again?" Those plump, soft lips of yours gave that nipple a soft suck. Then, it was given a long lick that was so tender and loving. Sucking your own tits always turns you on. He absolutely loved watching you play with your soft breasts.
“I would love to feel your large hands squeezing my tits.”
"I bet you look so good doing it. I love sucking on your breasts. Are those nipples hard?"
"Yes. They are. I need to suck your dick, baby. I need to suck it now."
There was nothing you would rather do than to have his veiny, throbbing cock in your mouth. Knelt in between his legs, bobbing your head back and forth, taste buds eager for his cum to jet into your mouth and down your throat. You would suck his dick anywhere and anytime he wanted. You could feel the velvety texture of his huge engorged sac dancing between your lips and tongue.
"You have no idea how much I want to suck you off right now. Splash all of that milk on my tongue."
"I can feel your soft lips around my dick right now. Can you stroke it for me and lick me up and down? Let me massage those walls with my cock. Just imagine the sensations of it stroking in and out.” His sharp canine teeth were bared when he hissed out. His body felt like it was heating up with all of the pleasure that radiated all over him. He kept reminding himself not to cum too soon. It proved to be impossible with the sounds you made and the words you said to him.
Your pussy could use a very good massage. For fifteen minutes. Half hour. Maybe two hours.
“I can just imagine you pounding my pussy with your big cock while I am underneath…On my knees…On Top of you…On the side of you. Fuck."
Your aching cunny was a creamy mess.
"I want to feel you in me. Can you slap my ass and pull my hair while you're pounding me from behind?"
"Anything for you, Doll.”
You stopped and placed your red dildo to the side only to replace it with a blue one with a smooth and sleek finish. "I want you to guess what I am doing now."
"What? Tell me, (name)."
"I'm going to ride the cock that you gave me for my birthday." You sat on your knees, spreading them apart slightly.
It was lovely and would go along well with the rest of your prized collection.
You aligned the tip with your opening before you sank onto it. It felt just as good as the first time you slid it inside of you. The instant the package was delivered to you, you were eager to try it out. The very moment you turned on the switch, it was game over for you.
It made you squirt a good few inches across the room. It almost hit your mirror. You swore, Toshi knew just the right size and speed to get you off in no time. You knew you had to show your own special way of appreciation for him.
You ceased the conversation for a moment to adjust yourself to a new position. You were about to ride your dildo as if you were riding your blond hunk of a lover. Then, you held your pretty toy vertically. "Are you still with me?"
"You know I am, baby." He licked his lips.
"Good. Because, I am going to ride you so hard." Your voice shook, feeling the dildo enter you.
He slapped his huge dick against his sculptured abdomen. “Be a good girl and fuck my cock.”
A tremble shook your body from the slow insertion of the tip. Everything felt more intense whenever you were on top riding a dick. You knew what was about to happen and you were more eager to continue. "Mmmmmm…so good…"
In it went but, not without a wet sound. You wanted to bounce so hard on that damn thing but you worried you might break the bed if you were to get too carried away. It took all of your willpower and discipline to take things slow. You did not know why you were in such a rush to get to climax. Maybe, it was because you haven't heard from Toshi for a while and you wanted to take this chance to get off with him. Even if it only meant hearing his voice over the phone.
You bounced your ass rapidly to get the sensation that he was drilling into you. “I’m going to ride you so hard, the bed would break.”
"Oooo. Shit. Keep talking." He roughly yanked on his dick, feeling his balls tighten.
You grabbed the bars of the headboard and bounced your hips faster. "You shouldn't send me such pictures while I'm at work. You could have gotten me in big trouble all because of your perverted ass." You scorned Toshinori with such playful sarcasm in your tone.
"I really had the urge to fuck myself in my cubicle. I almost came in the restroom but I was interrupted."
"Mmm~ You should have kept going, probably give her a show." His voice was deep with lust.
You needed more time and the proper space to touch your pussy in peace.
"Would you fuck yourself on the job if you were horny enough? How brave would you have to feel for you to do that?" He asked, rubbing his belly. The pre-cum dripped onto his stomach.
"Mmm~ I thought about it from time to time. I would have to feel pretty damn brave to do that. I mean, there are some cute guys and ladies at the office and I would love to give them a show. Perhaps, ride my toy cock like I'm riding it right now. I want you to arrive at my job. Let me bounce on your cock. You are going to have such a great time pleasing your cock with my hungry little fuck hole." You huffed, closing your eyes.
"Perhaps when I'm going balls deep in you, I will call your boss and your coworkers and have them listen to you get fucked."
You rolled your eyes. "Do you always have to go above and beyond with everything, huh?" You then giggled.
A small growl rumbled from deep within his chest. "Yes I do. I know which spots to touch.”
"Do you know whose pussy it is? It's mine. And you better not give it to anyone else. Otherwise, I'm going to have to punish you." He bit his bottom lip, feeling his whole body tense. The tip of his cock was so red.
"Do you love the way my pussy feels? Do you love the way I taste? Is it better than every dessert you've ever had?"
"You'll always be my favorite dessert. I can't wait to have a chance to taste you again."
"Well, you just keep saying all of the right things and I'm sure that you will."
"You know, I could be the one who can fuck you in the ass. I'll be the top and you'll be the bottom. You're allowed to select the size of my strap-on if you wish."
Toshi licked his lips at the thought of you dominating and pegging him. "You will look so fucking sexy if you do."
"Oh? Is that so? So, the big and bad All Smite has a secret craving for a huge dick?" You playfully tutted.
"Why does it have to be a secret? I enjoy dick from time to time." No one had a problem with it and if they did, they would not dare say it to his face. Not unless they enjoyed getting their spinal cord crushed like a blood and tissue slathered accordion.
Your imagination conjured up a scenario of your smaller body on top of his larger form, just thrusting your hips, charging that dildo in and out of his tight ass. Nice and tight, just the way you like it.
"I know your balls are so full."
"You're damn right they are. I haven't had a good cum in a long while."
"You know, you could have watched some porn if you were that eager to get yourself off."
"I know, but I'd rather have you in my bed instead. Even if I only get to hear your voice. You make me cum the hardest." He let out a long, deep exhale. The veins around his dick pulsated.
By this time, your nectar was trickling down your thighs. "Damn. I'm just flowing everywhere. This is what you do to me."
"Just move with me." His sultry groans came in sync with your moans. For the next five minutes, there was no talking, only sounds of raw passion towards each other.
"I hope your pussy is ready for what's about to come."
You were more than ready. You were ready since you initiated the phone call a half hour ago.
"It would really be a sight to see if you can cum all over your stomach."
Toshi slapped his cock onto his belly again. The tip was raging to shoot out semen all over it.
He gulped in a thick wad of air; the pleasurable little jolts had his cock throbbing. He was so damn close that he could just taste it.
"Mmm…I'm going to cum soon. So soon…" There was white hot heat swirling around your tummy. The inner muscles of your pussy grew tighter. Your toy was completely covered in cream.
"Let me cum with you, (name). You're ready to take my thick cum?" Toshi could feel his climax coming forth. From the looks of things, he was going to expel a lot of it. “I know you cannot wait until that moment where your cunt begins to tense. I know it drives you wild whenever you feel my cum fill you up inside.”
You tossed the toy aside and rolled onto your back. "Baby. I'm going to…" You gulped. Your entire body shook. "Can I cum now? Please?" Your index, middle and ring finger made their slippery entrance inside of you, sawing in and out. Your slick clung onto your digits. The buildup was absolutely mouth watering.
Both of your moans of passion entangled together with one another, becoming louder with each second that passed.
"I need it out! Where do you want me to put it? Tell me." Toshinori could not take it anymore. He was about to blow his load all over the place.
"In my pussy. Fill it up. I want to suck the rest out with my mouth. Please, cum for me. I want to hear you and your deep voice.” You whimpered and slapped your clit. Your walls and muscles tensed more.
"I have so much cum that I have saved for you, sweetheart."
"Cum all over me. Paint it white. Paint inside of me. Spray it. Fuck…" The sensation intensified once your fingers increased the pace.
“Clamp down on me when you cum. I can feel you tighten.” To simulate the feeling of your body cumming around him, his grip around his cock firmly applied more pressure with it. Toshi did all he could do to prevent himself from screaming into the air. He bit his tongue to stifle his sounds of passion and hunger. His Adams apple bobbed up and down each large lump he swallowed. The temperature arose on his skin. It felt close to feverish. He knew that his moment of climax was going to be an intense one. The one that will shake him to the core.
"Oh…YES! YES! YES! YES! FILL ME! FILL ME! FILL ME! FILL ME! Yes! Mmm!" The consistency of your slick became a bit thicker, turning opaque, almost white. "Right there." You were flat on your back, thighs parted in a spread eagle position.
"I am—OH FUCK!!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!" The orgasm was so good that he did not even need his hands. His cock knew what it should do and he let it take control in the process of ejaculation. It shot a couple of squirts of pre-cum, and then it bobbed up and down, gearing itself for its creamy finish. "Oh baby, here I cum!" He allowed his other senses to take over as his huge cock jetted out five long strands of semen. Each release made an audible splatter on the floor.
The tension made the scar on the left side of his abdomen throb in a dull pain.
"Listen to what you made me do. Listen well." He grunted.
Hearing him cum just set you off into your own orgasm.
"Oh my God. That sounds so fucking good!" You parted your thighs wider and allowed your raw pleasure to take possession of your body in every way possible.
"I wish all of that was inside of me." The whore in you was fully awakened. You proudly embraced it as your pussy began to contact and gush out a flow of milky goodness.
You tried to synchronize your orgasm with his but failed. It wasn't a big deal. Maybe, next time.
You tried so hard but something snapped into you. Those few last strokes delivered to your clit felt electrifying.
Your inner muscles clamped around your fingers in a rapid tempo, signaling the most intense climax that you have ever had. All ten of your toes curled inward.
Fuck, you made such a mess.
Thank goodness you were smart enough to place a towel underneath you.
Toshi's heartbeat slowed down from the high he went through. "Are you still with me?" He panted, catching his breath. He stifled an on coming coughing fit.
"Yes." You wiped yourself with the towel, cleaning yourself off.
"That was really good. I miss you so fucking much. I have to see you again soon. I mean real soon."
"I have the next week off if that works for you."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I will leave the key underneath the doormat next to the mailbox. I want you to surprise me by taking me from behind. That would be so sexy if you do."
"Oh shit, baby. I'm getting so many ideas right now. Just prepare yourself."
"Oh, trust me. I will." You gave him a couple of air kisses over the phone before you hung up.
This was a hell of a night indeed.
》 Fin 《
Notes: Well, that concludes this one shot. I hope everyone enjoyed the spicy meal. I tried to make the smut spine tingling and mouth watering as I possibly could.
23 notes · View notes
peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Could you do an adult Van x reader with 10? Where the reader was in the crash and takes their niece to the video store nearby where she lives not knowing that Van works there.
🧡While You Were Streaming - Van Palmer x fem!Reader🧡
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: You're niece who's staying with you for a while convinces you to go into a store you haven't visited before in town only for you to meet a familiar face
Warnings: mention of divorce
Word Count: 2,073
A/N: Hello Loves! I finally got another fic for Van finished! Ya'll seem to really love how I write her and that makes me extremely happy because I adore my tall ginger autistic butch lesbian so much! This was such a cute request to write because I adore writing about kids and I think this gave a taste of what Aunt Van is like. but that's all I've got for right now! As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading! 🧡
Vanessa "Van" Palmer Tag List: @blairfox04 @kyleeservopoulos
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy @damagnificentcookie
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
You loved your eight-year-old niece. You truly did, and noone could get you to say otherwise. But after this long weekend of her staying over, you felt like you were at your wits' end, but in no way was it her fault. Your sister was going through a messy split with her husband and had passed their daughter off to you so she didn’t need to be around listening and watching everything happen. But this meant you had to care for and occupy your niece on top of working from home and you’d both started to develop a bit of cabin fever. So, you'd gone on a walk together under your big umbrella due to the sprinkling of rain coming down. 
You’re niece, Addy, was excitedly running ahead on the sidewalk, jumping into puddles and soaking her sneakers with the biggest smile on her face. You couldn’t help but smile yourself. Her mood had been very up and down these last few days due to everything going on at home. It was good to see her smile. 
“Hey! Auntie y/n! What’s that store?” Addy yelled. She’d run up ahead and stood at the corner of the street, pointing to a standalone shop in town. You squinted, readjusting the umbrella that obstructed your view of the shop as you caught up to her. She waited patiently as you read the sign across the street.
“While You Were Streaming” you read out loud, a tone of consideration in your voice. 
“What kind of store is it?” Addy asked as she took your hand.
“Pretty sure it's a video store,” 
“What’s a video store?” She looked up at you with a funny furrow on her brow. Addy was young enough that she’s probably never seen a vhs tape in her life. 
“When your mom and I were growing up we didn’t have tv like you do. If we wanted to watch a movie, we had to borrow it from the library or a video store,” you tried your best to explain. Addy stared at the store from across thoughtfully, like she was trying to wrap her little head around the whole idea. 
“Can we go in?” She didn’t look up at you when she asked. You couldn't help but smile, trying to suppress a small chuckle. 
“I dunno how interested you’d be, hun,” She looked up at you with a confident look that also seemed mildly offended. 
“Please,” She began to pout and there was no way you could tell her no now. You smiled and nodded, pushing the button for the crosswalk beside you. 
“We’ll do whatever you like, baby,” You felt Addy excitedly squeeze at your hand and start to tug at you to walk when the crosswalk turned on and no cars were coming. Her little feet splashed on the concrete of the street as you hustled to follow her. She began to bounce up and down as you approached the store, waiting as patiently as she could for you to shut your umbrella so she could run inside. 
Upon entering the store there was a jingle of a bell on the door and you felt like you’d been thrust back to your senior year of high school in ‘96. The walls were lined with mounted records, VHS tapes, and other vintage memorabilia. Noone was in the main room, though they were open, so you decided to stay close to Addy till someone did show up, not wanting them to be alarmed by an eight-year-old running a muck through their store. Addy stood still for a moment, looking around the shop with mesmerized eyes. 
“Wow! This is so cool!” she gushed before a shelf of vintage toys caught her eye. “Oh, look at this auntie!” she squeaked, pressing her fingers to the glass as she pointed to an old strawberry shortcake doll. You chuckled and followed her, leaning down to her level to look into the case. 
“Yeah, I had one just like it growing up,” you murmured. 
“Really?” you nodded.
“She smelled like strawberries,” Addy whispered with mesmerized eyes, turning back to the doll. You heard a rustling sound in what you assumed was the back and stood up fully, but stayed at Addy’s side. After a minute there was some loud bumbling in the back till a figure emerged with a large box in hand with another box stacked on top. They were on the other side of the room, clearly attempting to move the boxes through the crowded shop with little success. 
“Need a hand?” you offered as they stumbled a bit. You could see them try and catch a look at you from behind the box before letting go of a sigh. 
“Um, yeah. I could I think,” you patted Addy’s shoulder, silently letting her know to stay put before moving to take the second from who you could only assume was the store owner. 
“Where do you want it?” you asked while taking the box. 
“Just over by the register is fine,” you'd already started to turn away from them as they spoke, so you missed their face. You carried the box to the register as instructed and placed it on the floor. They followed and did the same and it wasn’t till you stood back up, brushing loose hair from your eyes that you froze. “Holy shit,” the redhead said, running a hand through her hair as she looked you up and down.
“Van?” you could barely make out her name from surprise. She looked too different. So much older. 
“Yeah, in the flesh,” she wet her lip and gave you a familiar stupid grin that had you chuckling. She stepped forward and offered her arms open. You tentatively moved forward and hugged her. She still hugged the same. “Damn, how long has it been?” she asked, her hands resting comfortably on your biceps as you moved back from the hug. You felt yourself grow shy under her eyes.
“Probably about 25 years,” you scoffed, running your fingers behind your ear as she moved her hands to her hips with a nod. 
“So, how've you been? What are you doing here?” she moved behind the register and leaned down, pulling tapes out of the boxes you'd helped move.
“I moved into a place just outside of town a couple months ago now,” She smiled, stopping what she was doing and leaning casually against the counter with a tilt of her head. 
“Huh, small world, it’s it,” You shrugged and nodded your head, lips parted to continue talking till a small force shoved into your side. 
“y/n look at this!” Addy ran up to you again with a book in her hands. It looked like an encyclopedia of old toys maybe. You smiled, running your hand over her hair.
“That’s very cool, baby,”
“They’re are a tone of other ones too! Can I keep looking?” she asked with a big smile. She excitedly scampered away and you turned back to Van who has a surprised expression. 
“You had a kid?” she had a wicked smile on her face as she asked, as though the thought of you as a mother was bewildering. You scrunched your nose and rolled your eyes, walking closer to the counter. 
“Oh, please. When have I ever come across as a person that takes any interest in children to you?" Van’s eyes sparkled with familiarity.
“I can’t believe you remember that,” she chuckled, recalling the time back when you were teenagers and you were telling her all about being forced to watch your little cousins at an old family reunion. 
“My mind’s a steel trap,” you quipped, turning to check on Addy, who was flipping through another book. “But no, she’s my sister's kid. She’s staying over for the weekend,”
“That’s gotta be fun,” Van said, continuing the conversation as she organized her tapes. You leaned on the counter with crossed arms and sighed.
“It is, but I wish it was under better circumstances,” Van’s eyes traced over you, inviting you to keep going. “My sister’s stuck in this messy divorce. She didn’t want Addy seeing it if it got ugly,” Van hummed in understanding and her lips flickered into a frown. Just then Addy ran up again with something new in her hand. 
“Auntie! Look at this,” she proudly held up an old wonder woman comic book wrapped in plastic in her hands. “It’s just like the ones daddy has!” she squealed. Van smiled, leaning across the counter with crossed arms. 
“You a wonder woman fan?” she asked. Addy paused, getting nervous till you ran your hand across her back and smiled down at her.
“Addy, this is my friend, Vanessa,” Your niece perked up realizing Van wasn’t actually a stranger and she grinned again.
“Yeah! Daddy showed me her movie and it was awesome!” Van chuckled, her eyes darting up to you and then back to Addy. 
“She was one of my favorite heroes growing up too,”
“You wanna get that, baby?” you asked Addy, patting her back. 
“Really? Can I?” You smiled, nodding as you gestured for her to hand you the comic. She instead slid it onto the counter towards Van, but before ringing you up, Van held up a finger, asking you to wait a moment while she slipped into the back. She returned quickly with another comic in hand. She started ringing you up, but she didn’t scan the second comic she’d grabbed. She bagged everything, pausing with the second comic in hand, and smiled at Addy, giving her a wink. 
“On the house,” she murmured, adding the comic to the bag. You gave her your card, finishing up the purchase. Van additionally nudged a bowl of candy next to the register toward Addy. Your niece looked up at you and you gave her a nod letting her know it was ok. She grabbed a lollypop and snatched the bag from your hand. 
“Addy, wait for me,” You called after her as she pushed the door to the shop open, making the bell ring again. 
“Can I sit on the bench?” she pointed to a bench sitting right in front of the shop's window. 
“Alright, but don’t move,” She nodded and rushed outside, letting the door ring the bell again as it shut. You turned your attention back to Van. “thanks for that. It was very nice,” you nodded your head in the direction Addy had run out. Van shrugged, leaning on the counter behind her with crossed arms.
“It’s no problem. Sometimes I’d rather give something away to someone who’ll love it rather than someone who’s gonna stuff it in a box,” She paused, eyes training on you, studying you with a hard, yet warm intensity. “It’s really nice seeing you,” she finally said. Her eyes darted up your face, meeting your eyes again. You weren’t sure what part of you she’d fixated on prior, but you couldn’t mind it. 
“I could always see you again…” you dared, speaking on impulse rather than thought. The redhead’s smile flickered and without a word, she reached for something tucked behind her register. She brought out a Post-it note and a pen and started scribbling, then she handed the note to you. In her chicken scratch handwriting, you read what you had to assume was her number. 
“Don’t leave me hanging,” she smiled as she spoke, but there was a shyness to her words, as though despite the bold confidence she always carried, she was nervous you wouldn’t reciprocate. You held the note in your hands and had to stifle your grin. 
“Have I ever?” You managed to quip back. Van’s smile relaxed and she shook her head with a warm laugh that you’d almost forgotten. 
“No. No, you haven’t,” You were forced to say your goodbye's after that, reassuring Van you would indeed call. Addy sat politely on the bench, lollypop stick poking out of her mouth as she kicked her legs which dangled off the edge of the bench. She looked your way as she heard the door bell ring ans stood, reaching out to take your hand. the ran had stopped so you no longer needed your umbrella. 
"Did you miss your friend, Auntie?" she asked you as you crossed the street. you stayed quiet for a beat, fingers still clutching the post it, now tucked away in your pocket. 
"yeah, I did miss her,"
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composeregg · 1 year
disclaimer: I am a volunteer for the OTW. I am speaking for myself, not on behalf of the organization, anything expressed here is my own. I may be wrong about some things, I'm very much not involved in any of this as part of my work. Additionally, I haven't run this by anyone else in the org, so take that as you will. I'm just a person, hoping to reassure other people, fans like myself.
A few people have come to me asking questions about this, and asking clarification already, so I just.... Want to reassure everyone. A lot of people follow me and know I volunteer, even if I don't talk about it much.
No, Ao3/OTW is not endorsing AI. Scraping is not being allowed or encouraged (you can, in fact, see here in this link, the code of Ao3 disallowing scraping). There is only so much the organization can do to prevent this. If you set your works to logged-in users only, it does somewhat give more protections. Data miners are very proactive, and prevention measures can only do so much. After the data is harvested, with or without consent, it is that much harder to pry back and out of those hands.
Many, MANY people are panicking. They saw an excerpt of an interview in this week's OTW Signal news roundup. This interview was from someone on the legal team of the OTW. She was speaking not for the organization, but as someone with credentials in the fields being discussed. Much of this has been misinterpreted and relayed second-hand. It was a conversation primarily about trademarks and AI.
I don't know the course the OTW is going to take regarding AI with the law, myself. That's not my field whatsoever. I can say, how would we even have the TIME or ABILITY to "develop an AI to be integrated with AO3" as some people speculate? It took our volunteer coders years to work out a block/mute function and get it from idea through testing to implementation.
The OTW does not want to just feed everyone's fanfic into AI. The organization may end up taking a middle-ground stance on the legality of AI and AI-generated creations. I don't think that Disney would care much for the distinction between "This is an AI generated item infringing on our trademark, remove it" versus "This is a fan-made item infringing on our trademark, remove it." The legality of AI versus fan creations is a very tricky topic, and from my understanding, that was the focus of the interview and what was being discussed (along with some other ideas).
Protecting the right to fanfiction and fan creations existing is the primary goal, and navigating new, emerging technologies that could find similar arguments, whether or not people at the org agree with them, means they may end up protecting them somewhat. This is not a betrayal of fandom. Every volunteer is an individual, and opinions within the org are all over the place, but we are all fans as well, and we don't want random bots just lifting all our fics and creations without any say-so either.
The topic of AI is a landmine right now, and I do think it was insensitive and ignorant of the current fandom/political sphere to highlight something like that interview, especially in the way it was done. It immediately led to panic, distrust in the org, and people spinning off numerous infeasible ideas because they simply do not have information, and hear rumors or don't parse a conversation about legalese well (I know I had trouble with it! A lot of my understanding comes from reading discussion about it myself). Nuance is important, as is the fact that nothing is ever published or discussed in a vacuum.
I don't blame anyone for having misinformation, I get it. It can be hard to find correct info. Transparency is something the org is not always great at (it's being worked on! Everyone is aware it's an issue! We are just very,,,,, very slow at implementing changes, as a volunteer-run organization). Time is the OTW's most valuable resource, and we are constantly, constantly in demand and in need of more time and manpower. It can make communications difficult, and very stressing.
The OTW is a non-profit, it is not selling any data. It does not want to sell your data. The money it makes is solely from donations. There is not going to be any selling to AI, there is not going to be any attempt to implement AI for the OTW itself.
Honestly, beyond that, I'm super not qualified to talk about the legal aspects of everything in the article/interview. I don't know all the inner workings of the org, I don't know all the thoughts and opinions and legal stances. I don't even know all the nuances of AI legal issues myself. I just know that I don't think it can replace creativity, and that it could be a fascinating tool in a better world (but I do not trust how it could be used here and now).
I hope this helps anyone who sees it. I hope that this is a reassurance, and that maybe it will help people feel better. I know panic is a powerful force, and I know there is a great distrust in any organization even mentioning AI (usually for valid reasons!). I know information can be hard to find, and legal discussions hard to read, I've been there with the org myself.
But the OTW is a group of people trying their best to make sure that fandom has protections. There are like, a thousand of us or something. Not all of us are going to agree on everything, but we all agree fans deserve a space to create and have those creations protected. One of the inciting incidents of its founding was a hatred of the idea of some company trying to profit off of fanworks with complete disregard for the fans themselves.
The OTW was founded to prevent fans from being taken advantage of, and to protect fandom's right to exist. It is never going to betray that core tenet. Partially because we're all fans ourselves and have a vested interest in keeping it that way, but additionally: This organization is nothing without its volunteers, and if someone high up on the board or something genuinely tried, we would know and we would make ourselves known.
(Just look into the Board Election of 2015!)
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403tarot · 10 months
i've thought for a while before making this post. if you're not a regular follower, i don't think it makes sense to read, but if you follow me and keep up with my posts, i ask you to read just to know some information regarding the functioning of the blog from now on.
i created this blog because i wanted to combine training my reading skills with my love for k-pop. and that's still true for me; i'm not here to be a people pleaser, a famous tarot reader, or be seen as the ultimate truth. i just want to showcase my work, practice, and gossip about K-pop.
lately, i've been making a lot of NSFW posts, and i want to say that this will continue to happen, potentially increasing. i even thought about creating a separate blog just for NSFW posts based on tarot, but then i thought, "why should i do that when 403tarot is MY blog, my space, and there i can post whatever i want? who am i trying to please by doing that?"
and i don't want to please anyone. i am of legal age, the idols for whom i create NSFW content are of legal age (yes, they are not your little meow meow), and the audience for my content in general is for adults. besides, tarot is a game. nothing that any tarot reader says is necessarily true or false; it's just how a person interprets answers to questions posed to 78 cards of paper.
"i don't think xyz idol acts the way you described" okay! take what i wrote as fanfiction then, imagine that they act that way and have fun. learn how to enjoy things without taking it weirdly too deep. i know some see tarot as something sacred, but in my view, it's just 78 cards made for my entertainment. for me, it's a mere game, and i'll always treat it that way. if you don't like it, and my perspective bothers you to the point of being hateful, you can unfollow me.
i say this because some of you have become too brave in sending me rude asks while hiding behind an anonymous filter. i don't care... i don't know who made you believe that you are SO important, but i'm here to tell you that it's not true. i don't care if you don't think tarot should be used for NSFW or that my readings aren't good enough. i put disclaimers in all my posts, and in none of them do i remember mentioning that i need anyone's approval.
however, anonymous asks are now permanently prohibited. you can tell me hateful things through ask but at least have the decency to show your username while doing so. from there, you can have fun and say whatever you want! you'll probably be ignored, but i know some don't get attention from their parents and therefore feel the need to seek it from strangers on the internet.
briefly speaking, please don't flood the ask. i know it's crucial to know if your idol is dating someone or if the woman he's going to marry is a foreigner, but if you've sent the same ask three times, rest assured i saw it. sometimes i just didn't find it interesting, wasn't in the mood to accept or i don't like the guy. anyway, check the upcoming posts on my pinned to make sure, and don't forget that if you're not paying me anything i'm not a employee of yours.
in summary, i will continue to do whatever i want on my blog, and if that bothers you, the door is open for you to peacefully leave. i've developed affection for some blogs that are frequently here in reblogs and notes, and you are the majority, so know that i like you sooo much and this post is directed at a small fraction of people only.
if you've read this giant text and made it this far, i hope you have a great day/night. 🦆
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I don't mean to pile onto your bad day but I've been seeing a lot of creators on tiktok complain/compare the bucktommy and henren tags/fic count on ao3 because there's almost more bucktommy fics then there are henren fics. The number one claim is always that bucktommy writers are racist because we don't write for henren. But like, that's not correct at all? People can write fanfiction for whatever they want to. If they want to see more henren stuff then they can write it on their own.
We can coexist without fighting each other. I'm just tired of people screaming about how bucktommy is anti this or anti that, when we're just vibing by ourselves and don't want the drama but the drama finds us anyway because Sucky People are loud and get heard the most.
You’re good, anon. It actually gave me something to think about during work.
As a quick disclaimer, before we begin, I’m not a POC. I am not speaking for anyone in the Black community and am not attempting to speak over them. My following thoughts are as a queer woman-ish who is also a writer.
I think it must be noted that Hen and Karen have been overlooked since day one. The fact that Buck coming out made it the “gay firefighter show” when we’ve had a beautiful canonical lesbian couple since the very beginning? Is only proof. Is this proof of racism in the fandom? Maybe. Quite possibly. I would argue that it comes from a misogynistic point as well.
If you look in any fandom, regardless of the color of their skin, any wlw ship is horribly overlooked. I’ve done some tag searching on ao3. Straight and mlm ships battle for dominance while there are canonical and fanonical wlw ships that have a drastic difference in numbers. This isn’t a good thing. But it’s an experience that spans fandoms.
I find it sad that BuckTommy has almost more fics, with only two episodes under their belt, than Henren with 7 seasons. However, this isn’t a reason to hate on BuckTommy. The ship didn’t do anything wrong. Comparison is the thief of joy and it’s also rage bait. I think that some creators simply are using anything they can to hate on BuckTommy. Which that makes it sadder, that they aren’t concerned about Henren other than pushing their own agenda.
This isn’t to say all creators who are speaking about this are doing this, but I guarantee some are.
Now, let me speak as a writer.
As someone with 62 published fics on ao3, I write almost exclusively mlm ships. This isn’t because I hate women. And as a queer woman-ish, don’t even start about homophobia. But for some reason, I find it so much easier to write men than I do to write women. This is true for straight and wlw ships and also just in general. I love Henren, but I don’t have the faintest idea about how to write them.
It’s hard enough to write as it is and I’m already writing on ships that are easy for me. I try to write women and it just hasn’t come out right. I want to challenge myself, branch out, and maybe I’ll write for Henren to do that. But I say all this to point out that for some people like me, writing some ships and demographics of ships are just a little more difficult.
That leads me into something else.
I, as a white person, worry about accidentally writing non-white characters wrong. And this was reinforced not too long ago when we had that whole thing on ao3 with deliberate racism in 9-1-1 fics. If anyone has resources or advice for writing non-white characters, I would love to hear that! The last thing I want to do is cause any harm.
I feel like I’ve spoken a lot about me, but that’s because I can’t really speak for anyone else. I can only speak from my experience.
We already have a ship war between BuckTommy and Buddie. We don’t need to pit more people against each other. I think we can love BuckTommy while agreeing that Henren needs to be seen and appreciated and treated equally.
End note to say: I tried to speak as delicately and as sensitively as I could, but if anything came out wrong, please feel free to point it out (kindly). Again, I speak for no one but my very little section of the world. I’m interested to hear what people of other backgrounds have to add!
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We have it all (Hualian adopted daughter fanfic) Chapter 6
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I only do this for fun.
Premise: Not long after comforting a bullied girl named Meng Ai, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian find themselves adopting her and together they form a family they didn't know they had needed for awhile.
Story/Genre tags: Slice of life-ish (mainly), Family focused, Hua Cheng's houses finally become homes, there may be an overarching story but that's not the focus, Hualian being parents, Fengqing being uncles, Lang Qianqiu falling in love with someone who was raised by the Xianle squad, technically post-canon (though I haven't read the books so if there are some ooc moments please forgive me).
AO3 Link
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Follower tags: @anonimgato1507
AN: This might be my last chapter for awhile since my midterms will start at the end of September. But this isn't the last chapter of the story. Updates are just going to slow down for awhile (because I want to graduate already). Chapter 7 and 8 are already in the works. So I made this chapter extra long to make up for the more delayed updates.
Chapter 6
"Now you know all you need to know. Please, I don't care if I have become despicable in your eyes. Meng Ai doesn't deserve to live in fear as the consequence of my sins and the delusions of my family." He stands up to briefly relieve himself leaving them alone in the room to discuss.
"What are you thinking?"
"With all things considered I would like to adopt her..."
"But I wonder if Xiao-Ai will even like it?" Xie Lian couldn't hide his worries even if he wanted to.
"What if she thinks we are taking her away from her parents?" He sighs as he leans into his seat.
"Gege." Hua Cheng says gently with reassurance as he puts his hand on Xie Lian's.
"Do you want to adopt her?" Xie Lian now looking into Hua Cheng's eyes could feel his love no matter what choice he makes. He also knew that Hua Cheng already knows the answer. But hearing him tell him was also his way of making whatever his decision was become real.
"Yes, I do." Hua Cheng smiles as he now holds both hands both of Xie Lian's hands in his.
"But what if she doesn't want to be adopted by us?" Hua Cheng thinks a bit before finally speaking.
"The four of us will have to be honest with her. That way the transition from one set of parents to another won't be as difficult. At least she'll know from the start that we are doing this because we care about her." Xie Lian smiles.
"You too?" Hua Cheng lets out a small chuckle.
"She's a little hard to resist." Not long after they hear a commotion outside.
"Will she be safe here?" They hear Ji Huifan ask someone, the concern in his voice was evident.
"I've already summoned some of my best soldiers to come and be discreet while guarding Xiwangmu's temple." Mu Qing's voice reverberated throughout the halls of the temple. The couple shared a look. No words needed to be said with what they've just learnt.
If Mu Qing was here then that could only mean that Meng Ai was in danger and was targeted while she was staying in Puqi shrine. And so he brought her here to keep her safe. Feng Xin was probably still in Puqi dealing with what's left of the threat that remained. From the brief time they've had with Ji Huifan the "she" in question must either be Jing Mei or Meng Ai.
They later learn it was both.
By the time everyone assembled in the room they were in while soldiers from both Mu Qing and Feng Xin were discreetly guarding the temple, they already knew deep in their hearts that they were going to adopt her.
It was more of a question of how to make the transition easier for her.
"Where's Fu Yao and Nan Feng?" Meng Ai asks as Jing Mei places her favorite breakfast congee on front of her. Her favorite part of it was of course the hard boiled tea eggs, there were three slices of egg halves today. That was generous of her mother Meng Ai thought since normally she would be lucky to get two.
"They are taking care of something that their Gods ordered them to do. Don't worry you'll be able to see them soon." Xie Lian says reassuredly as he takes his place beside Hua Cheng. While Jing Mei was a patient woman, teaching Xie Lian how to cook actually palatable food was not a one day affair. After almost setting the kitchen on fire she quickly ordered one of the chefs to let him out and told him that they'll try again some other time.
"Aiai, there's something your mother and I have to tell you." Hearing the seriousness of Ji Huifan Hua Cheng discreetly orders for all other servants except for Yin Yu to leave. Yin Yu was needed since he was in charge of Paradise Manor's security.
"What is it?" Jing Mei takes a seat across Meng Ai, not wanting to do this but at the same time understanding why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng wanted for her to know.
"Do you remember when we were still moving from place to place before we lived in Hu village?" Meng Ai nods.
"Was it because of bad people almost kidnapping me on the last village?" Jing Mei nods while in her periphery she could see Hua Cheng raise an eye brow and Xie Lian's look of concern.
"Yes, well those people are after you and your father and I are doing everything we can to protect you."
"I know mama." Jing Mei smiles sadly as she takes a breath before continuing.
"Do you remember why I don't tell you my visions?"
"Because if you tell the ones in your visions what you saw things might change so much."
"Yes...that's right." Meng Ai takes a guess to help ease Jing Mei's burden.
"Did you see a vision about me mama?" Jin Mei's eyes begin to water but forces herself to hold them back for now.
"Yes, a very horrible one. I saw it after I gave birth to you. So your father and I prayed to Xiwangmu what we could do to keep you safe and live a life to the fullest."
"What did Xiwangmu say?" She asks as she turns to her father.
"She said that as long as you have one parent who is alive and one who is dead, then you will be safe from those who have been chasing us and live a full life." Meng Ai's widen in shock.
"But I don't want either of you to die!"
"Aiai, we know." Ji Huifan says as he embraces her.
"Do you remember when a pretty woman with the suanpan that you liked visited us in the last village before Hu village?" Meng Ai nods and makes a guess.
"Is she Xiwangmu?"
"Not exactly. But she's related to her." Jing Mei says as she stands up from her seat and puts herself on front of Meng Ai.
"We've been praying to Xiwangmu to find another way to save you. And the pretty lady with the suanpan was sent by Xiwangmu to clarify that being a parent does not mean they have to be related to you by blood." This time Meng Ai's eyes widened in realization as she turned toward Hua Cheng and Xie Lian for the first time since the conversation began.
"Xiao-Ai." Xie Lian begins "It is okay if you cannot make a decision right now. This is a lot to take in-"
"Would staying with you and San Lang keep mama and baba alive?"
"I could send some assistance to protect your parents." Hua Cheng says in a reassuring and gentle tone.
"But it's uncertain?"
"Aiai, my darling nothing is absolutely certain." Jing Mei says as she looks at Meng Ai in the eyes.
"All we could do is do our best. This is what the four of us have talked about, all we are waiting for is your choice. Is it okay if Xie Lian and Hua Cheng become your parents too?" Everyone was silent as Meng Ai was slowly realizing what is going to happen.
"I don't want to lose you and baba." Ji Huifen embraces her as tears slowly begin pouring down her eyes.
"You will never lose us, a part of us will always be with you. You are not losing anyone, you are gaining two more people who will care and love you just as much as we do."
"We won't be leaving now. But we have to so that you will be given the life that you deserve and become the person that you want to be. What is it that you keep promising your baba and I every new year?"
Meng Ai struggles as her parents wipe the tears from her eyes.
"I won't ever give up on my dreams to become who I want to be. No matter what it takes."
"Are you going to start now?" Meng Ai stubbornly shakes her head.
"No mama."
"Good, making dreams come true is not easy. But it can be done. Always remember that Aiai." She nods as she hugs both Ji Huifan and Jing Mei. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian let them have their moment. No one knows when Ji Huifan will need to leave to finally put an end to his cursed family or when Xiwangmu will once again require Jing Mei to act as her oracle. It's better to let them savor each other's presence while they can.
Their sacrifice to give them Meng Ai as their daughter will not be in vain.
"Are you sure that they've disappeared from and after Jingdezhen?" An intimidating figure asks as one of the mage mercenaries who was giving her a report.
"We cannot locate them anywhere after someone transported them to somewhere from within within the shrine to Jingdezhen. As expected they sought refuge in Xiwangmu's temple but they had divine assistance."
"I'm not surprised. My sister-in-law is one of her priestesses. I wouldn't put it above her to request aid from the other Gods." The female figure then throws a knife at the mage mercenary who was reporting. The blade being a little too close to his ear while still missing him completely.
Instead it latched itself on Feng Xin's armor.
Or it would have, had he not moved out of the way.
"What God are you?"
"What makes you think that?" She smiles as she throws another knife his way.
"You are absolutely right. You are not a God, you are a clone." Fuck! Feng Xin curses internally as he dodges attacks from all sides as he attempts to make his escape.
But his clone is overwhelmed and instead he ends up on his knees towards the woman who has been throwing knives at him. Now that he was close he could see her skin was pale with a grayish undertone. Her lips had dried up blood surrounding it.
"You know I've always been curious. I've never drunk directly from a God before. I wonder if a clone's blood will taste any different from other mortals?" It was only then that Feng Xin noticed that none of the mercenaries were close to them as the woman puts him on the ground as she begins to straddle him. She was a lot heavier than he had expected to feel. The pressure made by her sitting on top of his clone's ribcage was making breathing difficult.
"Get off me!" He tries pushing her off only for her to restrain his hands.
"Don't worry." Her fangs begin to make themselves more prominent.
"I'm skilled enough to make sure nobody feels pain. You might find yourself enjoying it." But before she could do anything she was blasted away from Feng Xin and outside of the tent they currently occupied.
"You idiot!" He knows immediately who his savior is and he couldn't help a smile from appearing on his face.
Mu Qing's clone manages to deflect then shield them from further attacks as they make their escape.
"Really!? This is how you do a reconnaissance mission?" Mu Qing immediately scolds him when they meet in private in heaven.
"I used a clone, I didn't expect anyone to detect anything from it. Normally nobody could even tell that our clones had anything divine in them."
"In case you forgot, these aren't normal people. These are cursed immortals who are only satisfied when they drink blood preferably from victims who are scared or in pain. Weren't you listening to Jing Mei?!"
"Mu Qing I'm fine now." He looks at Feng Xin unconvinced.
"Thanks to this experience at least now we know that they could even tell the difference between a clone and when it's actually us even though we would be in disguise." Mu Qing couldn't help but snort.
"I could have figured that out without having to get close to one of them." Feng Xin gets up to walk closer to where Mu Qing was standing. He sighs as he's finally on front of him.
"I'm sorry for not telling you. But I couldn't wait to investigate after Hua Cheng and Xie Lian brought them to Ghost City. My curiosity got the better of me." Mu Qing sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"If you want your curiosity satisfied then read a book."
"Not fast enough for me, and Lingwen and her officials were already busy."
"Then contact Chenxi, that's what I did." Now it was Feng Xin's turn to be exasperated.
"I've tried that she wasn't responding."
"Did you use the conventional channels?"
"Yes, why?" This time Mu Qing couldn't help but have a smug expression. A little bit of revenge over Feng Xin for making him worry.
"Like her mother she doesn't respond to conventional channels. She doesn't like being here as much as her parents, so like them she ignores messages from conventional channels. It's why she and her mother have oracles as their priests and priestesses. Oracles are receptive of messages from the otherworldly and serves as their informants. Since no one in heaven typically sends messages from other immortals through their priest or priestess this was how I was able to make contact with her."
"Fuck." Mu Qing now breaks out in laughter savoring being a few steps ahead of him. Serves him right for making him use a clone to save his.
"I was going to tell you that I've arranged for the two of us to meet her. She's willing to tell us all she knows. But nooo! You just had to do a poorly done intelligence mission in a campsite filled with mage mercenaries who could summon and control any creature. And don't get me started on how a cursed immortal almost-" He was stopped midrant as he felt Feng Xin's lips on his. Through the kiss he could feel the sincerity Feng Xin always had and that he truly was remorseful.
He knows what this is really about. And he now sees his mistake.
"How do I make it up to you?" Feng Xin asks in between kisses that he has begun reciprocating.
"If we are going to make this work you tell me your plans. You don't have to be detailed - I could figure out the rest on my own. Or is that instruction only for me?" He says as he breaks away from their kiss looking him straight in the eyes.
"No it wasn't. And you don't have to figure things out on your own. Not anymore."
"I could say the same for you." He couldn't resist anymore and brings Feng Xin closer for another more deeper kiss.
It's a good thing he found another cultivation path that was a sufficient replacement for his current one. While it was still early on in his new relationship with Feng Xin and they haven't gone that far, he had already begun taking steps in the alternative path of cultivation. There's no limit to how many paths of cultivation one could take. But if one became a God with a path of cultivation then for their powers to not be decreased too much another path of cultivation should immediately replace it. And he was nothing if not thorough.
"Well?" Xie Lian asks nervously as Jing Mei tastes the simple broth that he has managed not to overcook. Even though Hua Cheng insists that he doesn't need to learn how to cook, he can't help but feel guilty at not being able to. So when he noticed Jing Mei's cooking was praised by Feng Xin and Mu Qing he asked her if she could teach him. And under the condition that Hua Cheng wouldn't interfere with her sometimes harsh instructions, even he has to admit that Xie Lian's cooking had improved under Jing Mei's tutelage.
"It's on the bland side, the vegetables you placed weren't able to release their full flavor since you placed them a little too late. But on the bright side you didn't burn the food and it is easier to add flavor through spices. Good Job Dianxie." He sighs in relief over his progress.
"Jing Mei, by any chance you could teach me how to make some of Xiao-Ai's favorite foods? It might ease the change of her moving in with us." Jing Mei couldn't help but snort a laugh.
"I'm afraid if you do that she'll grow up to have the sugar disease. It's already enough that I inherited it from my own mother. I hope that Aiai doesn't get it, but it is something to take note of. She has a sweet tooth which is why I'm strict with how much mooncakes she gets for her birthday. And it doesn't help that Ji Huifan likes to sneak Nan Gua Bings and Tanghulus behind my back whenever he returns from one of his missions."
"Oh? But I thought she liked congee?"
"She does, in a way that it's a necessary sustenance to avoid being hungry. It's for her health and it also teaches her that some things are sweeter when they are earned. It makes it that much more special." Jing Mei releases a sigh.
"At least that's what I hope would happen." Xie Lian offers an understanding look.
"I wonder if she'll even open herself up to me and San Lang after your talk with her. Sometimes I doubt if she'll be able to trust us after that."
"She will." Jing Mei says confidently as she looks at Xie Lian straight in his eyes.
"She may be a little closed off now, but if she really didn't like you she would simply ignore both of you and suffer in silence. The mere fact that she's not afraid to express herself to either you or Hua Cheng shows that she has already begun trusting both of you." Jing Mei then sprinkles some spices from the spice rack. A part of her is still in awe that Hua Cheng was not only able to have this many spices but also that he was able to preserve their freshness for far longer. But given that Hua Cheng was practically one of if not the most powerful ghosts and is the wealthiest she isn't surprised that rare spices occupied space in his kitchen. Back in Fu Dao spices that the traders called Saffron and Cardamom were so expensive only the elite could afford them. She was able to have an indulgence of them every now and then when she was lucky enough to recieve gifts of such.
And now Meng Ai would probably grow up indulged in it if they weren't careful. Or she would probably be bored with it and not understand why these spices were so coveted.
"She thinks Huifan and I don't know about how the children of Hu village were bullying her. But I noticed it right away when she didn't talk much to them and would actively do things in order to avoid them. In her mind she's thinking that they won't listen to her anyway and just want to make fun of her and make her day miserable. So why bother talking to them? We have tried speaking with their parents in private but they see us as outsiders to their community. One day out of the blue we arrived and began changing things in the village."
"Not everyone liked it." She nodded.
"The ones in power didn't, those that weren't were grateful for our services. But then again it's hard to please everyone." She then gets a bowl and pours out the broth that Xie Lian made that was made palatable with her choice of spices. She then places noodles that will be cooked just right from the broth's residual heat. Finally she then garnishes it with a quickly diced spring onion before serving it to Xie Lian.
"Stir it a bit but don't eat it yet." He looks at her puzzled.
"Why not?"
"A volunteer has arrived to help us. Hello Hua Cheng, please have a seat." Xie Lian relaxes as he feels himself embraced from behind.
"I hope you haven't been too hard on him while I'm gone." Jing Mei couldn't help but internally roll her eyes at Hua Cheng's underlying threat. Out of respect for Xie Lian she restrained herself from actually doing it.
"He has made a great improvement today. Please have a seat - there is something I would like you to do."
"Which is?"
"Feed the broth to Dianxie." Xie Lian couldn't help but blush as Hua Cheng begins to relax a little more.
"I appreciate that you've decided to include me in your culinary lessons."
"Actually there is a reason why I want you to do it. Dianxie will have his eyes closed and won't be able to feed himself." Xie Lian makes himself comfortable now understanding what Jing Mei is trying to do. She wants him to focus on the food.
"Ready Gege?" Xie Lian was about to say yes when Ruoye decided to turn itself into his blindfold to the amusement of both his husband and teacher.
"I wasn't going to peek Ruoye."
"Ruoye just wants to make sure you could focus."
"Okay San Lang, I'm ready." He opens his mouth as Hua Cheng feeds him a right amount of the noodles that he slurps up.
"Focus on the food Dianxie, what do your senses tell you?" With his tongue he could taste how the noodles were just right. Not too soggy nor stiff, but the way he chewed and the way the noodles had spread the broth he and Jing Mei had created was filled with flavor. He could now understand why Jing Mei had called his earlier attempt bland when the plenty subtle flavors complemented each other as he swallowed it.
"The subtle flavors are sublime, I could now appreciate why you added them to the broth."
"What else?"
"Um I will need another serving San Lang."
"Say ah." This time Xie Lian got more of the broth than the noodles. With more of the broth there was a suprising layer of sweetness that he did not expect from a broth. How the cabbage and string beans added an interesting texture to a simple meal. It made him reflect on the times when he was fortunate enough to recieve the best meals made by the best chefs of the land. He appreciated their efforts and savored their works. A part of him was jealous of how they could create works that was immediately beneficial since everyone had to eat.
Jing Mei was right in making him return to the basic senses of appreciating food without his sight.
"Baba what type of spirits are Xie Lian, Nan Feng, and Fu Yao?" Meng Ai asks as she and Ji Huifan are on a tour lead by Yin Yu of the gardens. Yin Yu reccommended that they explore the gardens section by section. The gardens were too vast to be explored in a week, and even less by a few hours in a day. Today was their first day and the tour had just ended with Yin Yu needing to take his leave after being summoned by Hua Cheng. Ji Huifan, followed by Meng Ai decided to sit under one of the trees to avoid harming the flowers.
"Before I tell you the answer, tell me first what you have observed." Meng Ai reflects back on what she had felt and sensed with them. She remembers that they had a heart beat, that there was a lightness? No, she thinks to herself. That's not the right word. The best she could come up is that they didn't cling to their forms. But San Lang also didn't cling to his form but he had the tell tale clinginess that ghosts had. That's why when she first felt his presence she knew he was a ghost. But he was also the first ghost to actually talk to her and not just simply ignore her or scare her away.
"I don't know if this is the right word but compared to ghosts like San Lang, they don't really cling to themselves and they have a heartbeat. I wanted to say that there is a lightness to them but that's not quite it. Nan Feng and Fu Yao are soldiers and there is a bit of darkness that also comes with them. Which is why I don't think lightness is the right word."
"Mmhmm, what else have you observed Aiai?" She closes her eyes as she focuses even harder on what she could remember.
"They are powerful - but San Lang is also powerful but their powers feel very different. San Lang's power is more grounded? Or at least that's how I feel whenever I'm around him. But with Xie Lian, Nan Feng and Fu Yao their power comes from the air? The sky? Something from above or somewhere we cannot see." As she opens her eyes she sees him nodding in approval.
"And given all of these observations - what do you think they are Aiai?" She thinks back to a few days ago when she just learned that she will be staying with San Lang and Xie Lian and that they are going to be her new parents and keep her safe.
They were the best choice because San Lang was already dead since he was a ghost, and somehow Xie Lian was considered to still be alive.
And this was something shared with Nan Feng and Fu Yao - but what? Despite San Lang being a ghost he still felt very much alive in her opinion.
Before she could think further an attendant was sent to get them. It was time for dinner. Since one day her mama and baba would be going away she wanted to have dinner with all of them present. Even her new parents, San Lang and Xie Lian.
She couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty since she didn't mean to act badly towards them. But they will have her for the rest of her life and she doesn't know when she will see her mama and baba again once they leave her here for good. San Lang promised that he would make sure they are protected as much as possible and she knows that her baba is working on stopping the scary people that keep following them around.
As they enter the manor something catches her eye.
She takes a quick glance at where her father was escorted by the attendant. The dining room was just straight ahead of where they were. She promises she'll just be quick. She just needs to know what was it that caught her eye.
So she moves closer to what appears to be a shrine.
It's similar to the one at Puqi but it was so vibrant. The mask the crown prince of Xianle appeared to be like the ones she would sometimes see rich people wearing. The sword in one hand looked so dangerous yet at the same time it was beautiful. Both in what it could do and on its own. And the flower on the other hand looked so much like the floating lotus flowers that Yin Yu had showed them earlier. She told him that this was her first time seeing them with her own eyes and she would only see pictures of them. And then her mother taught her how to make paper lotus flowers and whenever they visited a temple of Xiwangmu's or Chenxi's that had a river created for the temple, she would help her place their paper lotus flowers on the water and watch them float away.
"But what if it sinks?"
"Then it is no longer a paper lotus flower." She remembered getting upset.
"But what if I want it to still be a paper lotus flower?"
"Aiai." Her mother settles herself next to her.
"Why do you want it to remain a paper lotus flower?"
"Because you and I made it together. I don't want it to be ruined."
"Oh Aiai." Her mother brings her in her embrace.
"Do you still remember the time we made them?" She nods as she wonders why it seems her mother was sad and yet she was smiling.
"Those paper flowers won't erase the experience we had of making them. That will never go away. But the paper flowers don't need to be preserved just because those were good memories. What matters is the time we shared."
She was younger then, and she is only now starting to understand what her mother was trying to say. It's not the object that matters. It's the people.
"Do you like it?" She felt before she heard San Lang behind her. She was about to apologize for being late when she noticed his expression showing that he already knew and wasn't upset.
"It's so beautiful, I couldn't help but want to look at it." He goes beside her as they look at the portrait of the crown prince of Xianle together. It was only then that she realized that there was no food offerings.
"San Lang why are there no food for the crown prince of Xianle?" He couldn't help but make a small chuckle.
"Because Xiao-Ai, he couldn't appreciate them if they just stayed here."
"Huh? Why?" Hua Cheng heard that Ji Huifan was asking her to make a guess on what type of spirits Xie Lian and his two former attendants were. He could understand why he didn't simply want to give her the answer since she needed to learn how to think for herself.
And also arriving at the answer on your own was its own reward. A concept that is difficult to explain to a little girl. Which is why Ji Huifan only lays out clues but wants her to arrive on the answer by herself.
"Food deserves to be consumed, savored, and enjoyed. He already does that whenever and wherever he is."
"Even here?"
"Especially here." She glances at the painting that called to her. Hmm another mystery that will occupy her mind.
Speaking of mysteries, she realizes that there is another mystery that she hopes she could get the answer too.
"San Lang, may I ask you something?" He lowers himself so that his eye was at the same level as hers.
"Ask away little one."
"My parents say that you and Xie Lian are the key to keeping me safe. Because you are a ghost and are already dead and Xie Lian is still alive...I'm worried."
"About what?" He asks her gently and tenderly. Her heart already feels safe whenever he is around. But she wants to know so badly.
"Aren't you worried that one day Xie Lian would one day die? I'm already scared that mama or baba would die because of the people chasing us. What if because of me, Xie Lian dies? I don't want you to be lonely." San Lang gives her a reassuring and knowing smile. Something about the way his eye glistens is telling her that there is something she doesn't know. Something just out of her reach.
"That is the one thing I can guarantee will not happen. You don't need to worry about that little one."
"But how can you be so sure?" Her voice almost breaks asking.
"I am sure because I am still around. As long as I love him and never ever forget him he will never die." He then rises up as he offers her his hand. A red thread is attached to one of his fingers. She takes his hand and he escorts her back to the dining room. She watches as everyone was waiting for her.
"Don't worry - she was just looking at the shrine."
"Oh what do you think Xiao-Ai?"
"It was so beautiful and vibrant Xie Lian! It reminds me of the painting in Puqi Shrine." He chuckles as he glances at San Lang.
"Should I?"
"If you would like." He then turns to her with a grin.
"I'm not surprised why you find them so similar. San Lang made both of them." They turn to him in amazement as his stance was relaxed. As Xie Lian continues to explain how the shrine in the manor came to be, what really caught her eye was the absolute love and devotion San Lang had for Xie Lian.
If only she could find someone who would look at her the same way he would look at Xie Lian. Or the love she could still feel between her parents who after adjusting to a new environment have managed to make it feel like home was always with them wherever they went.
Later that night as she settles in her bed she wonders what Chenxi must have felt to have lost Hua Lijie to the arms of death before she could marry him.
Did he treat her as person with otherworldly powers? Or did he treat her how a follower worships a Goddess?
Her love preserved the peaches in a place where she didn't have that many followers compared to other places that made her one of their patron Gods. For Gods to survive in such a place they must at the very least be known if worship was not possible. Did he perhaps notice this and loved her so much that he became so devoted to her so she could continue to be with him in a place where she didn't have as much power?
She touches the silver butterfly that San Lang gave to her. It wasn't hard to see the love between him and Xie Lian. And even though she wasn't paying attention to every single word that was said, she could sense the gratitude and love from Xie Lian as well.
But why would he have that reaction when San Lang painted the crown prince?
"Had trouble sleeping?" Xie Lian asks her as she joins him in practicing calligraphy.
"A question refused to let me." She adjusts her grip to experiment if her calligraphy will improve.
"And what was it?"
"I was wondering how Chenxi feels when she lost someone who was so in love with her. I was wondering what their relationship was like to make her go against her parents to try to make him immortal only for him to die before they even got married. Mama says her love is what preserved and affected them. So when Hua Lijie's family scared, trapped, and abused her in a place when she wasn't worshipped or known as much her change of feelings is what lead them to have a cursed immortal life that was worse than death after eating them." She decided that her new grip must have had better results since her strokes were now clearer.
"Did Hua Lijie love her as a person? Or did he already love her as a Goddess? Though one with less power in the place where he lived. Did he in the course of their relationship decide to be a devoted follower so that she won't ever leave his home or his side?" Xie Lian simply smiles at her from his seat across her. He reaches out to correct her grip so that her wrist won't be strained from practicing. On his own hand was a red string also tied on a finger similar to San Lang's. Perhaps it was something married couples who were both men did. A part of her couldn't help but wonder how they managed to prevent those red strings from getting into their food.
"I may not know Chenxi's exact feelings to Hou Lijie but I do remember how I realized I was in love with San Lang." She became intrigued as she finds herself putting down her brush to listen attentively.
"It was gradual. I couldn't help but feel something in my heart towards him early on. I didn't know what it was exactly. All I could feel whenever I'm around him is that I wanted to be with him. If I could help it I don't want to burden him with anything. But he insisted anyway and no matter what I did, no matter what decision I made, he stayed." He lets out a small chuckle as he lets his hand rest.
"One time before we became a couple I set this place on fire." She feels her eyes widen.
"Huh? How?"
"I was trying to save someone and tried to prevent from some of my friends and San Lang from fighting. It didn't work so I maneuvered myself in a way that they won't hurt each other. E-ming sliced me instead and when we were leaving I set fire to the armoury to prevent further fights from breaking out."
"And then what happened?"
"I had thought that he would be upset with me because I burnt the old version of this place down. I also felt guilty because I only told him half-truths about why I was here the first time. When we met again, it turned out we both thought that we hurt each other so deeply that we expected hatred from the other."
"Wait - what was he apologizing for?"
"For getting carried away with the conflict that lead to E-ming injuring me." She heard a cooing sound from behind Xie Lian. E-ming's eye had once again opened and it felt teary eyed.
"It's okay E-ming, I know you didn't mean it. I've already forgiven both of you." He grabs the hilt and gives it a few pets.
"Would you like to give E-ming pets?"
"But my hands are messy. E-ming I don't want to make you dirty with ink." A sad whining sound comes out of E-ming as he places him back in their previous place.
"She has a point E-ming."
"I'll pet you after my calligraphy practice!" After E-ming lets out a happy yelp she returns her attention back to the story.
"San Lang didn't care about you burning this place?" Xie Lian nods.
"I was surprised too. I apologized to him first and then he apologized for things that he thought I would hate him for. What a pair we were even back then." He giggles as he resumes his calligraphy.
"He explained that those things could be easily built again. And after that and all the incidents after he says that no matter what choice I've made, what path I've taken, whether those were mistakes or not or whether it was acting as the worst version of myself...all of those things were simply states of myself. But I have always been myself, and it was this person that he loves and is devoted to." Xie Lian then notices the stick on the incense clock has finally burnt out. Practice was over.
"After he told that to me, it was then I knew that I loved him and was in love with him even before that. To have someone accept you for who you are no matter what happens...I never knew I would be one of the lucky ones to have met their mate. Or to even have a mate at all."
Later on she would see them looking at each other lovingly as they took a stroll on a part of the gardens she hasn't toured yet.
And then she realized something.
The reason why the paintings in both shrines seemed so similar was not only because San Lang made them. She couldn't explain how but something about both paintings made her feel devotion, belonging ...
... and love.
She felt love whenever she was within the presence of either painting. It's why she felt safe in Puqi shrine after she first met them. It's why after meeting them she wanted to visit Puqi shrine whenever she was trying to escape her bullies.
Because there was love...
...and that made it feel like home.
And now she has the answer.
AN: I hope you enjoyed this more lengthy chapter to make up for the more delayed updates. I wrote this while listening to Hong Jue (Red Supreme) and Wei Chen (In front of the red curtain) on a loop. I wanted to give Meng Ai a moment with each of her parents to hopefully show what each one gives her. And also I wanted to give Fengqing a romantic moment while at the same time also clarifying the power level of the vampire family (that's what I call them in my head).
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a-writers-blurbs · 4 months
A bit of a disclaimer ig...
Hi guys,
This is going to be a long post that sounds slightly rant-y & I'm going to apologize in advance for that. I am going to make exactly ONE post (this one) about this topic, and I will not be discussing it further or posting about it again. I will also not be responding to any negative comments but deleting them instead.
These are my personal opinions and [...not *trying* to sound rude, but there's no other way to say it...] a bunch of random people online aren't going to change my opinions.
My husband is an artist. He does canvas painting & draws comic books (think anti-hero dark horse). I paint furniture (kinda mini murals) & make chibi drawings. I've also been writing fanfiction since the late 90s.
That being said, this post is about AI art.
I get the controversy, I do. But I've heard this argument before, when fanfiction became more popularized. The whole "You're just stealing someone else's work & changing it up to call it your own" is (at its core) the same argument against AI. The only difference is that instead of you yourself changing it, you're allowing a machine to do it.
But I digress...
Over the last week, I have received several messages about my use of AI art. First & foremost, my stuff is appropriately tagged as AI.
Second, I don't sell or advertise these pictures in any way. In fact, none of them have been posted anywhere but here (as of 6/1/24).
Third, and probably most important, I DONT MAKE THEM FOR YALL. Fanfiction & fanart are a HOBBY. It is something that I do because I enjoy it and it destresses me. I DO NOT do it, hoping I'll get 1000s of followers, views, likes, etc. Every story I write, I print & bind for my library. I will now be doing the same with my AI pictures.
I have a condition that has a symptom called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Because of this, my head is full of an alarming amount of excruciatingly detailed & unrealistic scenarios and images. (To the point that it affects my everyday life).
I can't necessarily recreate the images in my mind without help & the only way to get rid of the random scenarios is to write them out. So I do write them. And now I use AI to help me get a BASE image. I do still go in myself and edit/redraw parts of each generated image to fit them to the characters I want them to represent. I do thus using digital art.
Granted, there's a whole other group of people that think digital art isn't real art... but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway...
I use AI art & will continue to despite some people's dislike. I will continue to delete any and all comments left publicly that are malicious, rude, or condescending. My stories & are are for me. If others enjoy it, great, that's freaking awesome. If not, there are literally thousands of other fanfic authors you can follow instead of me.
Again, I apologize, I know this sounds rude. But I need to be 100% transparent on this one. I am extremely grateful for every folllower & reader I have. I won't lie & say comments/positive interaction isn't a serotonin boost because it is. Yall also give me more motivation to actually complete a story vs. moving on to the next idea. But I'm not going to change the way I do things to appease someone I don't even know.
This is one of the few things I enjoy doing in my free time & have been doing it for 25 years now, and in the last 5 or so years ALL fandoms have gotten so toxic its hard to enjoy anything anymore. Last time it got like this, I simply stopped posting. I'd rather not do that again, but if people (who aren't even following me) don't leave me alone, I'll probably have to do it again, sadly.
But for now, hopefully this post will give people with different opinions to go ahead and block me from their feed. We're not going to agree so instead of wasting energy arguing, let's keep the peace & agree to stay off if each others feeds.
I won't judge you on your idea that you feel it's your duty to harass people over their choices & you won't judge me for enjoying something. 😉
Thank you for listening. Love yall & and I hope your day is blessed!
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great20sworld · 2 months
A Viktor x Reader fanfiction
Author's note: Chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6 chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9 and chapter 10 are available in my Tumblr page along with summary.
⚠️ Content warning ⚠️: Depictions of pain, gore and syringes.
⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️: Emphasis on Science Fiction and not Science Fact. All intended for literary purposes.
Chapter 11: Of Cupcakes and Crystals
“And…Fire!” Jayce shouts the command.
You pulled the lever, making the charged metallic strips pulled back by springs, spring forward connecting with the huge circular ring in the centre, the arcs of azure dancing along it's circumference, as the charges whizz past the right and left coils towards the collision point.
“Approaching collision point…” Sky calls out, her eyes shining behind the heavily tinted goggles with anticipation. “Viktor…!”
“Got it!” Viktor says back to her, hands deftly turning knobs and adjusting levers to stretch apart the springs coiled to calibrate the energy pulses.
“Ow! Too fast, too fast!” You say, as the heat waves emanating from the lever you were supposed to control makes it scaldingly hot. You pull away your hands, shaking it and blowing in it, lightly burned.
“Oh sorry! Forgot the rheostat coils!” Jayce sends a sheepish grin your way, before pushing the block on the rheostat to maximum extent, giving it maximum length. The charges start to dissipate, the sparks glowing along the rim with more stability than the previous attempt, making the ring glow blue, as you regret your decision in peeking out of your goggles.
“Now! Now!” Sky says frantically to Viktor who cranks up the brass dials to maximum intensity, and then all eyes turn to the ring with anticipation.
The pen which stood at the point of collision of the two charges rattled as the metal which it was situated upon thrummed with the sheer energy coursing towards it- it's metallic grip shining, reflecting its approaching doom- unaware of how much anticipation bubbled within the four sets of gazes directed towards it. The collision occurs, a soft fizzle spluttering from the point where charge meets ink and the faint smell of burnt metal fills the air, the space in which the pen stood completely empty except for the burn marks on the metal, splatters of shards of small metallic parts with ink stains in the surroundings. The dials of the mechanical gauges pulled back to zero almost instantly, the hum of machinery quietening down to a murmur as you pull back the lever, disappointment etched in your face.
“See, it doesn't work that way…” Jayce says, removing his goggles and looking your direction, as he makes his way towards you and Viktor and Sky descends from their stations.
“It… I don't know, that's generally how subatomic particles function, it's supposed to run through the pen…” you scratch the back of your head, trying somehow to refresh your memory of the particle accelerator enhancements back in your earth.
“Subatomic?” Jayce says incredulously. “Sorry, but may I remind you that electron is as far as it goes.” He smirks.
“No! It isn't! There is stuff that makes up the electrons!” You argue, waving your hand.
How would a man from this world ever understand?
“We've tried this twice- and now you owe Viktor a new pen.” Jayce says, pointing at the splintered remains of what used to be a normal pen.
“Atleast we learnt how to dissipate the charges without making any explosions!” Viktor says, approaching Jayce and patting him on the shoulder. “And while I do need a new pen, I think we could give Y/N one more chance- I think there's something to it.” He shakes his head towards the ring.
“Did we isolate the circuitry correctly? Made enough room?” He turns to Sky, who was cleaning out the dials which has splattered remains of ink on it.
“I checked it, and yes, we did. This time.” Sky offers helpfully, handing him a the circuit diagrams. You move towards Viktor, peering over his shoulder to look at the diagrams as he held it out for you.
“M-maybe the collision energy was off by some nanovolts, maybe the pressure was off? There's so many things…!” You tap at the corresponding depictions on paper as you speak.
“We checked those last time- are you sure you didn't get these from a science fiction text rather than a science text?” Jayce questions again, raising his brow at you, but there's no malice behind it, just the lilt of a teasing remark. You huff in response, shoulders tense.
“Anything is possible, right?” The soft voice of reason chimes from between you, smiling lightly at his partner. “If hextech can have bizarre proerperties, why is the prospect of it teleporting things so far fetched?”
“I don't know Vik…” Jayce sighs softly.
“Let's just see.” Viktor settles, defending you.
Almost three weeks had passed since you started working with your new partners, as Viktor's new assistant, progress was rapid, even the most miniscule of discoveries such as the crystal’s containment and charge extraction being counted as new feats in the eyes of the academy and in the eyes of the professor who watches over his students like an inventor over a ticking time bomb- with contained fear yet dangerous anticipation. Over the days, you found little sources of delight in working alongside your “fictional” idols, Sky being one whom you could relate to the most.
She was dedicated and excellent in keeping track of instruments in the lab, and taking readings- making her fantastic in the process of checking up on everything else other than the core process so that nothing explodes. You almost revered her sense of patience when Viktor and Jayce sometimes went overboard with dancing around the lines of lab safety. However, she was more than fine with cleaning up the mess, remaking gently that her own pet projects in bio-engineering fields would be greatly benefitted from this.
Your role was comically crucial, in the best way possible. Making what seemed to be wild claims to their ears, but with a certain glint in your eyes, prompting them to do as you say. However, those “wild claims” most of the times were proven true by experimentation which leads to further instances of them seeking out your bold claims. When you weren't making bold claims (when the lingering sense of caution catches up to you), you find yourself working alongside Sky as Viktor and Jayce worked in the frontlines.
In those moments, as your eyes wander towards what happened before you, your mind tries to convince you that what captivated you incessantly were the towering ornate windows of the lab, mind claiming that its architecture made the sunlight streaming in through it look like a golden waterfall was what attracted you- and not the absolute paragon of the lab with his side to you, hunched over whatever new circuitry that needed enhancements, graceful features slightly pressured within facial muscles as concentration weighed down on them, dark auburn hair tangled softly in long fingers which absentmindedly ran through them every once in a while.
Sometimes boyish, sometimes sober and sometimes with barely contained glee, his smiles captivated you to no end, as you wonder how a man managed to look carefree and sagely simultaneously. Your hands would slow down on whatever task it was occupied with as your gaze follows his, until something makes him tilt his pretty head in your direction, making you throw your gaze pointedly to the task back at hand.
When he stands next to you, pointing out something or making slight quips about your work, your mind lingers trying to clutch at whatever it could from him, leaving you wondering what his delicate hands would do to guide you through the work, craving laughs in the sound of that voice. Left you to blissfully smile to yourself stupidly after making sure no one beheld your pining. Eyes following him with...
No. Not pining.
Just admiration. Respect- yes. You reassure yourself.
Viktor would be the first person to greet you in the lab early morning, his home being in the academy itself as he served more purposes there and your memory didn't fail to register his handwritten comments over your English notes (compared to his, Jayce's and sometimes Sky's scribbles in a language you regarded as gibberish for your eyes) improving or referring to them in English as well, or the times when he would leave books in your table which you had referred to in passing while rambling about research and even catch him making an extra cup of coffee early in the morning which shows up at your desk as he takes his.
The light was probably playing tricks on you because why did it seem like his gaze stayed on the back of your head when you turn?
“Teleportation is possible if we quantum tunnel those particles from our current station to the desired location.” You say to him, back at the present.
“If we rip apart the molecules and atoms of the said object, wouldn't it be destroyed, even when reassembled would it be with life?” Viktor questions.
You go silent, your lips slightly pouting.
He chuckles and Jayce shakes his head.
“I think we all deserve a break.” Jayce says finally, taking the clipboard from Viktor's hands and putting them away on his table. “Maybe let's all go out and have tea to clear our heads.”
“Sure. I know a good cafe nearby…” Viktor says, which rings bells in your head. Oh you were supposed to be there today- Gina had helped you with learning baking a few days ago, and she expected you to do a follow up soon. You didn't want to disappoint her.
“Eh, yes, I too had something coming up…” you laugh awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. “I promise I’ll be right back after you guys get back from your break.” Viktor nods, giving you permission to leave. “Don't forget to sign the register.” He reminds you.
“I won't!” You say quickly before turning to the door, giving Sky a little wave and vanishing out of the lab. You were glad you mentioned working at a second job (though you didn't specify which) to Viktor so that complications could be avoided.
After you left, Jayce removed his lab coat. “So you were saying?” He smiles at Viktor.
“Ah yes, I said I know a place very close to your old laboratory.” Viktor confirms before he, Sky and Jayce start to tidy up before leaving.
Blown to bits at the core of his own sanctuary, the flesh clinging to the bones of his face, wet bandages clad over them creating a rough resemblance of a discernible face as his gaze skittered over the tanks filled with purple poison. Singed was no stranger to the acrid fumes of sickening chemicals and faint metallic tang of blood. He had managed to escape multiple chem spills, and managed to avoid many in his own accord as the eye of Zaun commands him to. To think a random explosion from one of the scuffles broke free from the restraints of the forging area where Silco fought Vander and took most of his hard work and his face along with it was mildly infuriating.
The rusted metal table which functioned as whatever the moment called for it to, held captive a humongous man, strapped to its cold surface with wires and leathers. It was not Singed's intentions, but he has learnt to accept that the more pain a subject has, the more it struggled for life; life which was wasted in his laboratory. Thus he did not desire it. However, the subject at hand was not related to anything he deemed an improvement, or a necessity.
Oh, how he hated distractions.
The thrashing around from the human in the metal desk was getting rougher, fear etched into every crevice of his scarred face- mirrors in his mind reflecting his past agony in this very same lab. The blue gem which was thrown at him while he was fighting the woman had lead to him plummeting down to pain, as he wished to get evaporated in the next fight, if he were to loose. Any ill fate was better than this.
Singed approaches the table, a syringe filled with purple agony at hand, expression unreadable under the bandages pulled over his face and layers of cloth covering the mouth area. The man didn't need to see his face in order to start screaming.
"The less you move, the better." An uncaring cold scientist's words, ringing like thousand screams in the man's ear. Lucky were the ones already gone.
The clinical voice says, as the syringe enters the man's already purplish veins with a soft pop, trickling the contents of it in thick streams into his body, gutteral screams emanating from the throat of the tortured.
"Tame the demons within at your will."
“Is this much sugar even necessary?”
You ask Gina who was holding in a laugh as she faces your apron wrapped, covered in batter countenance. It would've been better for her if she hadn't let you work in the environment of a kitchen where you struggled to keep up with her expertise and art of baking, yet she found something adorably endearing in moments like these when you stuck around, however ridiculously amateur your skills in baking were.
Your incredulous stares, overly concentrated face at the rising yeast, absolutely poor baking puns and laughter synchronizing with hers made her feel lighter. The influx of difficult customers, keeping tabs on the cash register, dirty dishes that didn't seem to end and many more undesirables which came packaged along with her passion of baking were still there- ever present. However, with you, it didn't seem to bother her that much- as if the demon lost its horns and fangs.
She would never let her soft heart full of friendliness sweet as her pastries flutter about you outwardly, but its existence is made evident in her presence next to you.
From your side, you adored her company, and knew that she would feel guilty in keeping you in her cafe if she found out you work in the high priority glittering hextech department now. So, you keep your mouth sealed about the matter.
“You have no idea how bland it would be if you didn't add that much- I mean it's the kind of product that matters.” She smiles, as she restocks the front shelves of red velvet cakes.
“I’m going to get diabetes.” You groan.
“Oh? I didn't hear that when you ate my sweetest cupcakes this morning!” she chuckles, “working with them is what gives you diabetes?” you carefully stifle a chuckle.
Suddenly, the bell on top of the entrance dings and Gina quickly stands up, going to greet new customers in the front as you resume your work in the kitchen as she said.
“Hello there, welcome!” You could hear her cheery voice from the kitchen as you struggled to hold the bowl still as you whisked the mixture inside it, but what she says next makes you almost drop it.
“Oh hi, Viktor! You're early…and you brought friends!”
What are they doing over here?!
Oh wait, you were in a cafe. As a temporary Baker. You mentally facepalm.
Continuing to do whatever you were doing, but slower so that you could hear the voices of your friends from the other room, ordering their food and chatting away with Gina and each other. You hoped they wouldn't come to the kitchen. Compared to Gina who managed to look absolutely lovely even after spending hours baking and managing her store, you looked like you were hit by a hurricane of baking products, and you had only managed to bake one batch of the cupcakes, with yellow frosting over them. By this time Gina would have had multiple batches up and ready, the previous set already flying off the shelves.
Again, mixed with the panic of letting her down, you clatter around with pots and pans frantically, accidentally dropping the ladle on the counter, which splatters a dollop of cream on your face.
“What was that?” Jayce's curious voice.
“Oh! It's my friend- and my helper.” Gina's cheerful laugh. “That reminds me! She has been making something brand new, and I need someone to taste test it besides myself…” you are very familiar with the gentle hum at the end of her sentence, the face she makes when trying to convince someone.
“Oh why not!” The equally oblivious Sky says.
No. No. No…
“Yes. I would like to meet her too, if she is willing.” The soft clipped accent, which seemed innocently curious about his friend's new friend.
You would've ran out of there, but the windows were too small and breaking the concrete with your bare fists (while actually possible) would disrupt Gina's bakery.
Gina hurries into the kitchen, grinning excitedly as she takes the tray and puts it in your hands, hurriedly pushing you towards the door, a delighted smile on her beautiful face.
“G-Gina…I…I don't…!”
“Hey it's okay! I know these people, they're fine!” Gina responds, presuming that you were unfamiliar with the three people who sat in the next room.
Though, why were you so nervous, and your hands tensing around the tray of cupcakes?
“And here she is!” Gina presents you before then with a flourish as a stunned silence falls over the room before Sky and Jayce simultaneously go, “Y/N?!”
“What? You know her?” Gina asks, her eyes wide.
“That's our partner in the hextech research facility!” Jayce says delightfully, smiling at you and Gina as you let out a sigh.
“Hextech research?!” Gina exclaims, her eyes darting from your sheepish smile to Jayce.
“Yes, she and I both were included together.” Sky smiles.
“I didn't know you baked.” Every head turns towards the differently abled scientist, who sat with his chin on top of his fist, on a propped up arm on the table, his eyes fixed on the tray you held.
“I…I don't. Gina taught me.” You explain quickly.
“Hmm? Let me see.” Viktor's hand reaches out and your breath hitches as he picks one of the cupcakes from the tray. You suddenly snap out of his peculiar gaze and quickly offer Jayce and Sky a cupcake each as well. You followed their gestures with your gaze as they ate and Jayce spoke first.
“It isn't half bad!” He offers, as Sky also joins in, “I love the sweetness…” as more mild compliments come from the two, your ego begins to rise again.
You're strong, working in the highest department of this place and a good Baker? The smallest of self assured smirks which ranged back from the fight you had with one of Silco's goons was traveling to your lips when suddenly…
“This lacks in texture, appearance and flavor. The frosting seems overly gritty and the overall issue seems to be the texture of cardboard.”
All heads turn towards the man once more, stunned into silence at what he just said.
“Viktor! Come on, it's not that bad!” Sky tries, but Viktor takes another bite from the cupcake before meeting your gaze again. “She added too much sugar and let it sit in the oven too long.” Says the man who was voluntarily or involuntarily subjected to little lessons about baking from his friend and favourite cafe owner.
“Vik, why…” Jayce sighs, but then is immediately interrupted by your confused voice.
“N-no… he's… he's actually right!” Even though Gina had insisted on certain measurements for sweetening and softening, you hadn't particularly stuck to it as you should have, and being called out on it was strangely…
It wasn't sugarcoated, or just being kind to spare your feelings. It was actual advice on and pin point info on where you could improve, giving you soft butterflies in your stomach rather than a sting as you expected.
“Maybe stick to teleportation for now, particles as you said?” Golden eyes were still lingering.
“Okay, first off- mango flavors are exotic, and you know how hard it is to perfect-” Gina’s defense for you is suddenly cut short by your exclamation.
“Wait! What did you say?”
“Umm… mango flavors are exotic…”
“Exotic…” you repeat softly, the gears in your head turning.
Matter was theoretically transported through wormholes in the space time continuum in your realm. Something which connected space and time, as one single entity and punctured a hole through the fabric of it; much like the one which took you here. Exotic matter was something completely theoretical and only existed in paper in your dimension. Something which could enable man made wormholes- something with properties so bizarre, so outlandish and probably dangerous.
The hex crystal energy…
“Viktor!” You put down the tray suddenly, leaning towards him. “Have we tested the charge isolation to be of negative mass?”
Viktor's eyes widen, as well as Jayce's and Sky’s. “Negative mass? You mean if it could repel…? The space could be kept open!”
“We haven't tested analogously to electric charges…” Jayce says suddenly, standing up.
“Why don't we apply that property somehow into the ring?” You say and Sky grins. “We could try!”
Excitement courses through your veins at their words. However, suddenly reality strikes you. You cannot leave right now- you were on duty in the cafe.
“You…you guys go.” You say softly, before you feel an arm on your shoulder.
“What! No, you go with them, silly! What is this? You drop that idea and stay here? No!” Gina's voice makes your heart swell at her kindness. “But…” you start.
“No buts! Get out, you have something to do!” Gina giggles, shaking your shoulders slightly as you laugh. “O-okay…”
“Besides, you said you'll be back after our break.” Viktor interjects, also standing up. “Obey the rules, assistant.”
“Sure, boss…” you smirk.
“Let me just pay for this, and I'll catch up with you all. You go.” Viktor gestures for you, Sky and Jayce to head out.
“You'll pay for my coffee too?” Jayce exaggeratedly pulls an expression of surprise. “Oh, my gosh Vik…!”
“keep up that attitude and I won't, Mr.Talice.” Viktor's brows furrow but his irritated expression is ruined by the slight upward curve of the corner of his lips.
“Touché.” Jayce grins. “Come on guys, let's go.”
As the three of you head out, Viktor turns to the counter top to face Gina who was still grinning with the enthusiastic excitement over hex crystals; apparently contagious.
“Could you please pack all of these for me, to go?”
Gina looks confusedly at what Viktor was gesturing at. The tray full of yellow frosted cupcakes you made.
“Wait, but you said…” she starts, one eyebrow raised.
“I know what I said- just, please?”
Gina's eager gaze didn't miss the slight dust of pink in his hollow cheeks, as he tried to school his expression to one of sobriety. A grin spreads on her own face, eyes narrowing.
“Sure sure…” She says in a sing-song voice, as she picks up the tray of cupcakes you made, going to pack it up neatly- as she hoped you would catch glimpse of it in Viktor's hands.
Chapter 12 is available NOW on my Tumblr page.
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queerxqueen · 2 months
Congratulations on the Dustin book!! You're living the dream of so many fanfic writers and Stranger Things fans! I've seen you talk about how much fun you had writing Dustin and his relationship with Steve and Eddie, but if given a choice, what character(s) would you have chosen to write a book for from the series instead? The process must be so different from just writing fanfic, so with what you know now about that, also, what sort of plot would you like to write for those character(s) that you believe would have a good chance of making it through while still making you happy as a writer?
(I hope that all makes sense XD.)
Thanks so much!
The process is definitely different from fanfiction, where you can really do anything you want. There are a lot of constraints. For the Stranger Things YA novels, (to broadly generalize, none of this is stuff they specifically identified to me) they need to be standalone, self contained stories expanding on a particular's characters internal struggles and perspective in a close first-person perspective where you're really feeling their feelings and understanding their thought processes. They are also notably all in a more slice-of-life setting as opposed to the high-stakes of the main show's horror sci-fi.
So with that in mind, I would immediately rule out high-concept things like horror or really getting into the Upside Down lore. I couldn't go full romance with a Byler rom-com like I'd love to. I would have to respect the show's canon, so I couldn't write an Eddie lives story like some might want.
ANYWAY, I would have to say Will would be my absolute die-hard first choice if I could write one other character. Mike is right up there too, and Nancy and Jonathan.
I think a Will POV story in Lenora with him and El and the Byers moving and settling in and struggling would be such a cool perspective. I could play with him pining after Mike, and struggling in school, and his relationship with El, Jonathan being distant, all of them dealing with So Much Trauma. I'd love to see how Will came more to understand his sexuality (i.e. his research project on Alan Cummings... I'm imagining him learning about queer history from some cool art teacher and it makes me emotional) even if he doesn't quite accept himself yet.
In a more daydreamy way, if Byler is canon, I'd love to backtrack to see Mike's perspective on a LOT of stuff. If we're really daydreaming, and if Byler is canon, and they live happily ever after... Then I would pitch a post-s5 Byler figuring-their-shit-out-together story exploring adulting and relationships after trauma.
Whew. Clearly, I have a lot of feelings about this. @ netflix please hire me again hahahahahaha
(sorry to disclaim again yada yada but all of this is me riffing and daydreaming and none of this is official and i have no clue what plans they have, if any, for future novels or other projects and if i did i wouldnt say it on the internet /end disclaimer)
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shallanigans · 4 months
So, you want to write fanfiction? Here's some advice from someone who spends too much time on ao3, Part 1:
Hey everyone! This is a bit of a deviation from my usual shitposts. I was looking at the "#writers on tumblr" tag today, and I got inspired to post this after some interesting discussions. I'm someone who has read a lot (and I mean A LOT) of fanfic, as well as written some myself... so I thought I'd make this little (no, I lied, it's Very Long) post with some writing tips that I find personally meaningful for those of you who may be getting started or want to try something new.
My qualifications? Honestly, because I said so. This is just my opinion. Feel free to ignore, disagree, hate, ask questions, whatever. I'll be discussing some common fanfic writing advice and what I think about it, as well as giving some general pointers.
Disclaimer: What is "good writing?"
Good writing is effective writing. There is no one way in which everyone should write. Effective writing compels the reader; it makes them interested in your story, keeps them turning the pages, makes them click that "next chapter" button and stay up all night to finish your 500k epic. Some people achieve this through flowery, descriptive prose. Others do so with their quick wit and snappy dialogue. Others write all their fanfictions in second person epistolary format only and make you cry harder than you ever have. The first thing to know is that 1) tastes vary and 2) confidence matters. Find your voice, and be proud of it. If you feel that what you are doing is working for you, and you love it, then keep at it. Someone has already made every "writing mistake" and made it well. Don't fall into the trap of getting bogged down with 674835 contradictory tips and being too terrified to write at all. The only real writing sin is being boring.
Furthermore, this post is for fanfiction specifically. A lot of this advice might be useful for traditional fiction, but it's not a 1:1 carryover. A lot of fanfic advice will be irrelevant for traditional fiction, and vice versa.
That's all fine and dandy, but what do I do?
Good question. First, let's break down what makes a fanfiction effective. Most people searching ao3 for a story probably want:
A compelling premise
With in-character characters
Good spelling, formatting, grammar, and syntax
Stylistically strong writing
A coherent plot
With a certain degree of wish-fulfillment sprinkled in (this is fanfic, after all)
In this series, I will be mostly discussing elements 2-6. Number 1, unfortunately, comes down to "don't be boring," and I can't tell you how to come up with an idea that's going to hook your reader. However, assuming that you already have The Coolest Idea Ever, and you only need the reader to see that, then here's what you can do:
Effective Summaries
No, seriously. Tell people what your fucking story is about. One of my favorite stories on ao3 has the worst, vaguest one-liner of a summary I've ever seen. It is a gem, and if it hadn't been for a friend's recommendation, I would have never read it. You may think that your epic out of context quote from the paragraph you spent hours perfecting will make people care, but it will probably just confuse them. This is likely to be the most controversial thing I say today, so I'm starting off strong.
When I say effective summary, I mean a summary that will tell people the basic premise of the plot while also making them want to learn more. I don't mean something fancy. I mean something like:
When Blorbo started his new tech development job at Tumblr, he never expected to have Blorbette for a boss. She is smart, cold, calculating - and, to his horror, totally irresistible. In order to win her heart, he decides to make her jealous by fake-dating his colleague and frenemy, Blorbinson. But he soon finds that there is more to his mysterious friend than meets the eye. Could it be that the real Tumblr sexyman has been next to him all along?
That's a pretty standard summary for a relatively long fic. It's nothing fancy, but it tells the reader what the story's about. Now this same summary, in the hands of someone who refuses to inform the reader about the premise of the story, would probably say something like:
His eyes are the color of spring.
You can get away with that kind of stuff more often in a one-shot, but best practice is always to tell your reader what the story is about. Say to your reader:
Blorbinson's eyes are too easy to get lost in. Blorbo cannot find his way out.
If you MUST include a quote from your story, then do it alongside your informative summary, in the much-loved format below:
"What do you mean Welcome to Nightvale is winning the contest?" --- In which things get heated at Tumblr dot com, and Blorbinson's the one making Blorbo get all sweaty.
I can already hear you arguing. You say to me, "But there are people who choose quotes that are both pretty AND informative! But writing anything is better than writing nothing in the summary!"
True. My response to the first point is this: if you had mastered that skill, you wouldn't be here. A simple, to-the-point-summary is almost never going to make the interested reader scroll past your story. You know what will? An out-of-context block of text about how much Sans Undertale loves the player from chapter 3, paragraph six.
To the second point, I say: obviously. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek to improve. No one is perfect. I'm certainly not. But you're doing yourself a disservice by spending so much time and effort on the content of your story and then fumbling it on the home stretch. If you take pride in your work (and I'm assuming you do, because you posted this story for a reason), then make like a chef at a five-star restaurant and start caring about presentation. It goes without saying that there shouldn't be any typos in the summary.
A note on tagging: I will make a separate post on tagging your stories appropriately. This is a writing-related rant.
Now, onto characterization:
If you're one of those people who thinks that there's no such thing as "too OOC," congratulations. May you enjoy fanfiction free from the shackles of the narrative. Tag appropriately and have fun. If you're like the rest of us haters, you probably want to keep your characters as faithful to canon as possible. Yes, even in an AU.
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I've included this wonderful addition because entryn17 said it better than I ever could have. There's difference of interpretation, and then there's Severus Snape deciding that James Potter was actually just misunderstood.
Being "in-character" is an elusive ideal that we all strive for, but no one can quite tell you what it means except for "the vibes." The way I like to define it is this: If you asked yourself the question "Would He Fucking Say That/Do That/Feel That?" and the answer is "yes, absolutely," then it's in-character. If the answer is "absolutely not," then it's out of character. If the answer is "maybe?" then your goal is to move that needle firmly into the Yes camp.
To do this, you must first determine what is making you unsure. Is it the dialogue? Is your stuffy Edwardian speaking like a Gen Alpha well-versed in Cocomelonese? Is your overconfident flirt stammering and stuttering through a conversation? Often, the content of what a character is saying agrees perfectly with the source material, but the how doesn't match it. Beta readers can help with this, as can going back to the source material to study a character's speech patterns in canon. You don't have to get it perfect. Just make sure it doesn't stand out. Would Snape perhaps say "Come over here!" in a much wordier, snarkier manner? Maybe. Maybe not. But he sure as hell wouldn't say, "Yo! bring your ass over and check this out!"
Actions and feelings are a bit trickier. There's always some leeway in personal interpretation here, and most of the time your reader won't question this very much so long as the rest of the story keeps them engaged. One OOC action or thought is easy to brush off. Ten, not so much. Read up on the wiki pages for whatever you're writing, go back to the source material, and maybe get the opinion of a willing beta reader. Ultimately, if your characters start feeling like featureless puppets subject to your whims rather than people with established personalities, you might want to go back and revisit what made them stand out to you in the first place.
Keep things consistent within your story. Especially in AUs and canon divergence fics, there are certain character traits that are malleable. Maybe Draco Malfoy wouldn't have been such a dickhead if he'd had caring adult mentors in his life. So, justify that within your story. You don't necessarily need to keep the characterization faithful to the canon, but you do need to convince the reader that their beloved character has a reason for their behavior. Keep things consistent. Whenever a character deviates from their canon behavior, make sure there's a valid explanation for it in your narrative.
Don't fall for the trap of confusing canon and fanon. Fandom is like a game of telephone. Someone writes one story of Blorbo adopting a cat, and suddenly he's the biggest cat person in the universe. The poor author who posts about Blorbo's canonical love of dogs gets trashed for writing OOC. You can't prevent people getting mad at you, but you can always grin smugly and go to bed happy with the knowledge that you were right. Someone will love you for it.
Ew! It sounds like something your dog spit up. Spelling and Grammar might be boring, but they're necessary. You shouldn't break the rules until you know the rules. One day, you will write a run-on postmodern epic to rival the worst of Wallace's page-long sentences. Today is not that day. No one wants to open a story only to be greeted by a massive block of text, a lack of punctuation, and a heretofore undiscovered form of there/they're/their.
In the modern age, we have many tools at our disposal to clarify our SPAG doubts. Dictionaries! Spellcheck! The weirdos on those Substack forums! Oh, my. If you wrote your story at 3AM directly onto the ao3 editor, perhaps take a moment to run it through some kind of spellchecker before posting. Microsoft Word has a pretty good one, but Grammarly and other such software can help you if that's not available. There's also nothing quite like a beta reader. There are people in this world who love picking apart every comma, period, and quotation mark, and they'll be happy to do it for you. I am one of them, and I volunteer. There are many of us.
Here are some SPAG mistakes common in fanfiction.
1.Your/you're, they're/their/there, "could of," and "lie" vs "lay."
"YOUR" means that something is yours. You possess that thing. YOUR story is going to be great if you fix the grammar. "YOU'RE" is a contracted form of "YOU ARE." If you fix your grammar, YOU'RE going to be a great writer.
They're: Shortened form of "they are." They're going to the beach. They're very nice people.
Their: They possess a thing. A thing belongs to them. They're going to the beach in THEIR car.
There: Related to a place. You are going to be THERE. THERE are many pretty horses in the field.
"Could of" does not exist. It is an incorrect way of writing "could've," the shortened form of "could have."
The verbs lie and lay are tricky ones. You (a person) LIE down on your bed. You LAY an object down on a surface. However, the past tense of LIE is LAY. I know! Who invented English, am I right? Blorbo LIES on his bed in the present tense. He LAY on his bed in the past.
The past tense of "lay" is "laid." Blorbo LAID down his water bottle.
2. Run-on sentences.
Sometimes, when we're writing, we get a little excited. We have so many thoughts and we never know how to end them. You might think the solution here is to just keep throwing down commas, but you'd be wrong.
Run-on sentences can be effective if used intentionally, but a lot of the time, they're not. The period isn't your enemy. In general, you want to make sure your sentences have a subject, a verb, and an object, and that they end when you've finished your thought.
Blorbo was the most beautiful of all the tumblr sexymen. He really liked to show off his sick gains at the gym. He had a hot wife and an even hotter side piece.
This writing isn't very exciting, but it's correct. Contrast that with:
Blorbo was the most beautiful of all the tumblr sexymen, he really liked to show off his sick gains at the gym, he had a hot wife and an even hotter side piece.
Finish your thoughts. There are ways to connect independent clauses (a group of words that can work on its own as a sentence) correctly, like the semicolon; the semicolon is a great piece of punctuation. There is also the em-dash. Sometimes, you really need to add clarification to a thought — you really want to emphasize the second part of what you're saying. Em-dashes also work like a cooler version of parentheses — because who uses those, am I right? — and can help you seem like a chic and seasoned writer. Don't overuse them, though. I know you want to. And no, I don't heed my own advice here.
Look, these rules aren't intuitive. I can't possibly go through all of them in a way that's easy and digestible. There are smarter people than me who have written all about it, and I use incorrect punctuation all the time. Misplacing a comma isn't going to be the end of the world for your story, but at least give it a once-over with a beta or spellchecker to fix the worst of it. At the very least, make the reader think that run-on sentence was totally on purpose.
3. Paragraphs
Make sure your paragraphs stick to a single theme or thought. Fanfiction writers love to have one-sentence paragraphs for the impact, but you don't need to do that. Just keep them coherent. For example, if you're writing about Blorbo's weekend, you might say,
Blorbo loved Saturdays. On Saturdays, the world seemed to sparkle and sing with the whole of the city's shared happiness over not having to work. He would wake up on those mornings and leap out of bed while singing a jaunty little tune. Then, he'd text Blorbinson a string of heart emojis and plan to meet up for their weekly ice cream date. But Sundays — oh, how he hated Sundays! Sundays were the day before Monday, and he'd always spend so long worrying about going back to the office that, by the time he decided to do something, it would be dark outside already.
Each of the paragraphs above, clumsy as they are, have a clear idea that starts and ends within the same paragraph. If you talk about Blorbo's Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday all within one paragraph, your reader will be confused!
On the other hand, if you make every single paragraph one line, your reader is going to resent you. You have unwittingly made them take part in a bad action thriller. One-line paragraphs are supposed to be impactful and create suspense. When writing, a good tip is to consider the word "impactful" a synonym of "sparing." See below:
Blorbo loved Saturdays. On Saturdays, the world seemed to sparkle and sing with the whole of the city's shared happiness over not having to work. He would wake up on those mornings and leap out of bed while singing a jaunty little tune. Then, he'd text Blorbinson a string of heart emojis and plan to meet up for their weekly ice cream date.
Doesn't it suck? Not to mention all that scrolling!
3. Dialogue
Right off the bat, I'll say that the best way to learn how to format dialogue is by reading books. Not fanfiction. BOOKS. They have been checked by an editor, so you know you're getting the real deal. Generally, well-formatted dialogue achieves an engaging and seamless conversation between your characters. Poorly-formatted dialogue forces your reader into a game of Who's Who?
See for, instance, the following abomination:
"I can't believe you cheated on me with Blorbette!" Blorbo had been crying about it for a week. His tears would soon erode a riverbank down his cheeks. Blorbinson sneered at him, "I can't believe you ever thought this was real." "I was only with you for the tax benefits." No! How could you? Blorbo said. Blorbinson laughed a wicked laugh and looked at him. "My heart is shattered into a million tiny pieces. Love isn't real!"
Did you follow that? Because I sure didn't. Generally, here are the rules of dialogue:
Start a new line for each character that speaks, and keep a single character's dialogue within the same paragraph.*
Use dialogue tags to CLARIFY who is speaking. Note: I said clarify. If it's redundant take it out. I will write more about good (not merely correct) dialogue in a follow-up post.
Put a period after or before an ACTION tag in dialogue, but a comma before a SPEECH tag. The reason you do this is that ["Here is an example line of dialogue," he said] is a complete sentence, but ["Here is an example line of dialogue." He looked at his watch.] is TWO sentences. The quotation marks are merely to indicate speech. Whether or not something is a sentence is determined by the content of what the writing actually says, not by any punctuation it may have.
Use quotation marks to indicate speech. If you want to quote something within quotation marks (in American English), you put it in single quotes, like so: "And then he called me 'a lost cause who's doomed to be single forever.' Can you believe that?"
By following these rules, we get the much nicer:
"I can't believe you cheated on me with Blorbette!" Blorbo had been crying about it for a week. His tears would soon erode a riverbank down his cheeks. Blorbinson sneered at him. "I can't believe you ever thought this was real. I was only with you for the tax benefits." "No! How could you?" Blorbinson only laughed a wicked laugh. "My heart is shattered into a million tiny pieces. Love isn't real!" Blorbo said.
Obviously that's still pretty bad, but now it's readable. Formatting your dialogue properly will fix a lot of problems with your story, make it clear who is talking, and make the reading experience much nicer for everyone.
* An Important addendum: sometimes, characters will speak for a long time, and you'll want to split up their dialogue into paragraphs. To do that, you start the dialogue in quotation marks, but you leave them open until the character is done speaking, like so:
"My favorite thing about Blorbinson was that he always knew just what to say. He had this magical ability to always tell when I was sad, and he showed up with ice cream every single time. It always made me feel better," Blorbo said. "I can't believe our relationship is over now. I should probably tell you all about how that happened. "I walked into my house one day to find another pair of shoes by the door, where Blorbinson's usually are. I knew Blorbinson would never wear those shoes, because his style is more boho-inspired. Anyway, my worst fear was confirmed when I walked into the bedroom and found him there with Blorbette! My two loves, betraying me so callously!"
This is common in fantasy stories where you need to impart some deep lore knowledge on the reader, or for characters who like to talk a lot.
4. Verb tenses (edited after posting, in true fanfic writer fashion)
Us writers tend to have very strong opinions about verbs. You could even say things get a little bit... tense sometimes. Ok, but seriously; whether you write in past or present doesn't matter. What matters is that you keep things consistent.
Nothing takes the reader out of a fanfic faster than abrupt tense switches in the middle of the narrative. If you are writing in a specific verb tense, stick with it.
Don't say:
Blorbo is never sure what Blorbinson is thinking. He watched him chew his pencil from across the office, that beautiful face scrunched in concentration as he stares at his computer. Blorbo knows he's in love the minute Blorbinson looks back.
DO say:
Blorbo was never sure what Blorbinson was thinking. He watched him chew his pencil from across the office, that beautiful face scrunched in concentration as he stared at his computer. Blorbo knew he was in love the minute Blorbinson looked back. or Blorbo is never sure what Blorbinson is thinking. He watches him chew his pencil from across the office, that beautiful face scrunched in concentration as he stares at his computer. Blorbo knows he's in love the minute Blorbinson looks back.
When we write in past tense and we want to talk about events that happened prior to the narrative, we use the past perfect. When we write in present, we can use either simple past or past perfect. This one's kind of iffy. As you write more, you'll get a sense of what "sounds correct."
Ultimately, your choice of verb tense is personal opinion and what you feel best fits your story. Just make sure that you keep whatever you choose consistent. A beta reader can help you with this.
And that's it for Part 1!
This post dealt with some technical, basic things about fanfic that will mostly be useful to new writers. I will be going more in depth about making your prose stronger at the sentence level in Part 2, where #4 is getting an entire post. It'll probably be even longer than this one. I hope it was able to help someone!
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
🧡Vanessa "Van" Palmer SFW Alphabet🧡
🧡Read the NSFW Alphabet here!🧡
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
Tumblr media
Warnings: All clean! some mild angst maybe, but other than that nothing to worry about
Word Count: 2,166
A/N: Well, yall have asked and you shall receive! I know ppl are dying for the NSFW alphabet, and I'll be posting that tomorrow, so for now have some nice fully headcanons for our favorite redhead. As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!🧡
Vanessa "Van" Palmer Tag List: @blairfox04 @kyleeservopoulos
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Van is all about physical touch and quality time. She just wants you in the same room as her and with a hand on you. You can be doing something completely separate from her, she doesn’t mind just as long as she’s got you close by. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I could see you being distant friends in high school, maybe even a friend of a friend situation, and then reconnecting on accident years later when she opened up her store. As a friend, she’s relaxed and joking almost all the time. But if she understands it’s a situation she needs to be serious about she’s a great listener and she gives the best advice. She is there for whatever you need, whether it’s a shoulder to lean on or a listening ear
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She enjoys physical affection, but she doesn’t often initiate cuddles. Ite more like she’ll pat the space beside her, gesturing for you to lean into her side so she can wrap her arm around your shoulders or your middle. She likes pressing her cheek to your forehead and kissing your hairline. She's always holding you in some way, even if it's as little as linking your pinkies together or slipping her hand in your back pocket 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She’s already living a pretty domestic life on her own, so I think in a relationship she’d be more than happy to settle. She lives in what I like to call a state of organized chaos (much like myself) where to the untrained eye her home and the back room of her shop look a mess but it all makes perfect sense in her head. A clean home might have to be a compromise you'd have to work through together if that's something you want
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d have to give it a lot of thought. But at the moment, she’d be really serious about it. She’d offer you any comfort or explanation she could, explaining her feelings, wants, and needs and what brought her to that conclusion and yes she’d show remorse, but it wouldn’t be till she’s home when she’s finally all alone that she breaks down and feels her feelings. She’d break open a bottle of whatever she’d got and just go to town
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Van feels like a causal committed to me. Yeah, maybe she’d be willing to tie the knot, but she wouldn’t wanna make a huge deal out of it. She’d be fine with calling you her wife/partner with or without a piece of paper saying it. She’d be completely content exchanging rings on your couch and calling it a day. But she would use every opportunity to gush about you as her wife/partner. She just loved the title so much more than “girlfriend”. At her age, it feels childish
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Despite her rough exterior/demeanor at first glance, especially with those nasty scars, she’s softer than a teddy bear. Every physical action from her holds a worm tenderness behind it, no matter what kind of aggression might also linger behind. She knows just how you like to be touched, both physically and emotionally and she’s always eager to satisfy
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She loves hugs. Van’s the type to spread her arms wide, waiting for her hug from you because it’s just become part of her routine. She’s kinda like a “weres my hug?” guy just not in a weird, mildly creepy way at all. She loves hugging you from behind, her arms wrapped around your soldiers so she can kiss your neck and feel your hands grab her wrapped arms. Hef favorite thing is when you lean back into her or you kiss her hands
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Probably not very fast. She seems like the type to wait till you say it first. Not because she doesn't feel it, but because she doesn’t want to misread what you’re feeling and make things awkward. But when she does say it, it’s excruciatingly causal. Like she just lets it slip out over coffee or she writes in on a piece of paper she’s giving you that pertains to something completely irrelevant to her confession
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She gets mildly possessive, though she hates admitting it to the point of flat-out denying she acts that way at all. If and when she gets jealous though, she’s rather mopey about it rather than angry or aggressive. It’s like if someone flirts with you at a bar/party, she’s not gonna punch them in the face for it because she doesn't have the right to do that. It’s more like a shot at her ego more than anything and you’ll find her pouting in a corner with her drink over it. Honestly, it’s kinda cute
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Van’s favorite place to kiss is the spot right between you’re eyebrows, your scalp, the corner of your mouth, and your fingertips, no questions asked. Do I have a reason? No. but I'm ginger and that's where I like to kiss, so I'm assuming it's genetic
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
There is no way in hell that she’s having her kids but she’s the epitome of the beer aunt. In a perfect world she’d 100% throw summer cookouts in her backyard with a ton of her friend's kids running around playing in a kiddy pool she set up throwing water balloons and playing with squirt guns, and when one of them accidentally throws a balloon at her, she’d pretend to be angry, hand you the spatula to man the grill and join in with a laughing roar that would make all the kids scream in joyous fear. Long story short, she’d she’s great with kids
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are almost always pretty leisurely. She’s in complete control of her store, so it runs on her hours, but she’s always on her routine. If you’re more of a slow waker or rather not an early riser she’s guaranteed to be up before you but not without a kiss behind your ear and an affectionate pat on your hip as she leaves you, letting you know that she’d gotta get going and opening the store up. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Van is keen on having a beer and watching a few episodes of an old sitcom with you after dinner and before bed. She doesn’t realize it, but she talks through every episode, telling you little tidbits about the episodes themselves or about the actors on screen. You'll never have the heart to tell her she’s talking through the episode because she hates it when other people do it. Like, she’ll loudly tell people to shut up in a movie theater. But she only does it because she genuinely doesn't notice
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Van is very serious about her privacy, specifically when it comes to what happened after the crash. She made it very clear that wasn’t something she wanted to talk about it and that's something you’d need to respect. Over time youve learned little bits here and there and made your inferences to fill in the blanks, but you never outright asked. Everything else about her is an open book but it always comes up naturally when she’s reminded of it. You’ll never know everything about Van because often she doesn’t remember everything
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
You know she can be easily angered, but she’s worked hard to keep her anger in check. This is due both to her experience in the wilderness and the rage that harbored in her as well as her upbringing with her mother, which is a whole other story. She’s huge on needing communication and in the event you argue, she takes the time to tell you she needs a break and takes a step away. She always comes back when her anger has subsided and she’s ready to talk
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or forget everything?)
Van's memory is like a steal trap. She remembers everything you tell her, but she doesn’t let you know that she remembers. You’ll mention your favorite flowers once, and then everything she gifts you has some reference to said flower in it. She even draws cards for you with those flowers decorating the border. She loves the little details and finds it important to remember them
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
She loves reminiscing on when she first started noticing your attempts to understand her better. She’d gotten frustrated with something at work and was beginning to get upset with it till you casually swooped in and suggested turning on Doogie Howser while you made her something warm to drink. She was honestly impressed you knew Doogie Howser in the first place
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She’s very protective. Any customer gives you too much mouth and their out for good. And if some guy tries giving you a piece of his mind in a bar, you know for an act you’ll be paying to get her out of lockup. But, she does find it very attractive when you hold your own, or you stick up for her. That's not a requirement though. She’d much prefer having you clean her wounds than vice versa. She probably wouldn’t even know where to start if you got hurt
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Van’s a gentleman. She’s going to treat her woman/person how they should be treated, and that’s with more grace than she can offer. She much prefers nights in with your favorite takeout, but if you want a night on the town, that’s what she’ll give you, to the best of her ability. We all know our girl isn’t made of money after all, but she does her best that's for sure.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She’s a chronic picker. She’s always got some nasty gash that's bleeding or scared over because she can’t leave alone. You’ve even gone as far as threatening to put acrylic nails on her to get it to stop
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She’s not all that concerned. Of course, she wants you to find her attractive, but she’d hope that you find her naturally attractive initially. She’s not into makeup r anything like that. The only time she ever wears it is when you put it on her, and trust me, she complains the whole time so it doesn't happen that often
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
In some aspects, yes. But with enough time, she would be able to move on, sad as that may sound. She’s used to people moving on from her, so she’s learned. But she’s never looking to lose you. She’ll fight to have you, but if you aren't happy she’d not going to hold you hostage. You have as much free will in your relationship as she does and she’ll always respect your wishes
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She’s not vegetarian by any means, but she’s extremely selective with what meat she does eat. She’ll only eat what she prepares and only buys from a local butcher she’s friends with
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like in general or in a partner?)
Pretty basic one, but she can’t stand modern tech. All the texting and Snapchatting ans Instagraming? She’s never been a fan, not even with the tech she had growing up. She’d live solely with a flip phone that she’d barely use if you let her. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
She’s always got a hand on you. You don’t know why, but you’ve never minded it
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