#i think i need more friends who i can talk to about kink who dont sub
suunflower-speaks · 3 months
anxiety post keep scrolling
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ggukiepie · 11 months
one of your girls (pt. 2) (jungkook x reader)
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we go 'round again, we jump back in bed that's what you do when you love somebody these bad omens, i look right through them that's what you do when you love somebody bad omens by 5sos
pairing: jungkook x fem oc
tags: smut, angst, fluff, fuckboy!jk, fwb rel, oc is...she thinks with her heart <//3, college au, jungkook is sus and a bit mean but is oc any better ? hmmmm
warnings: kissing, fingering, protected sex, mirror kink, backshots wooo but make it romantic, light choking, multiple orgasms, a little bit of aftercare, cuddling :o
word count: 6k
a/n: weeeee part 2 is finally here !! sorry this took so long yall. i have two more parts to release for this series (flashback then part 3). anw happy reading !! uhhhhhh the ending..dont scream at me :D / part 1 / drabble i (flashback)
taglist: @yuwaimo @haileycannotcometothephonern @hoseokteardrop @hoodrejects @agrika @joonwater @moonchild1
It's sunny today which calls for hanging out at the quad. It's what you and your friends usually do to take advantage of the rare warm days. Jihyo's busy bickering with Mingyu, you don't know what they're really talking about because you're busy re-writing your notes. You haven't seen Jimin yet but he texted the group chat saying he's just buying food. And Jungkook...well you don't know if he's going to show up today. You haven't talked to him since that night. It's just been three days anyway.
You feel someone sit down beside you and you notice it's Jimin. He's wearing those skinny jeans he loves so much because he says it makes his ass look nice. You roll your eyes every time he mentions that.
"Cool guy alert," Mingyu suddenly calls out. You whip your head up to stare at Jimin who's wearing the biggest pair of sunglasses you've ever seen, it's covering half of his face already.
"Too sunny for you, Jiminie?" Jihyo teases this time.
You all watch Jimin silently as he removes the sunglasses. His left eye is bruised and it's ugly and purple and almost black.
"What the fuck," Jihyo says to break the silence. "What happened to you?"
Jimin doesn't say anything yet, just simply fixes his hair and shakes his head. You can tell he's trying not to get angry because his jaw is clenched.
"Jimin?" you whisper.
"It was Jungkook," he says gruffly. Your heart stops again at the mention of his name. Why would Jimin and Jungkook fight? Their friendship is pretty solid and they always get along well. You've never seen them annoyed at each other.
Your eyes flit to Mingyu and you think he knows what happened because he's silent, no hint of surprise on his face. He's looking down at the table while playing with his food.
"You guys never fight," Jihyo interjects. "What happened?"
Jimin turns to face you and you suddenly think you know why. You don't want to say it yourself but you think you've got an inkling why Jungkook punched him. You just hope you're wrong.
"You need to talk to him," Jimin tells you, completely ignoring Jihyo's question. You nod silently and check your phone to see if Jungkook has texted you at all. Of course he hasn't. Typical. But you'll find him today. You don't know exactly what went down but Jimin telling you to find him confirms your suspicions. It's enough to get you mad, your body heating and tensing up in simmering anger. You don't mind what Jungkook does to you, how he hurts your feelings without intending to, how he treats you like you're some disposable object, like you're just there always on the sidelines waiting for him. What you can't tolerate is Jungkook bringing both your friends into your situationship. What goes on between you and Jungkook should stay between you both and that's it. You can't handle him hurting Jimin as well.
There are a few places where you think Jungkook might be. You walk to the cafeteria first and search for him in the crowd. He's not there so you head to the library instead and your heart drops the moment you see him talking to some girl.
"Hey," you practically shout, suprising the people in the library and yourself as well, even. You're usually never this angry. Never address someone in such a venomous way. But you can't help but feel irked at what Jungkook's done.
He looks back and his eyes widen at your angry form. It only lasts for a second before he smirks and walks closer to you.
"Yeah?" he says, all smug and cocky.
"We need to talk."
Then you turn around and start walking out of the library, could hear Jungkook walking behind you already. Girl he was talking to all forgotten.
Surprisingly, you end up at his place.
You walk into his living room, ignoring him when he tells you to take a seat on the couch.
"Did you punch Jimin?" you ask right away, wanting to get this stupid issue over with.
You watch as his jaw clenches, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He looks at you for a moment, eyes in slits at your hostility. "And what if I did?"
"What the fuck was that, Jungkook?" You look at him with stern eyes and could tell he's angry as well, chest rising up and down in quick breaths.
"Don't mess with my friends," he says.
"Jimin is my friend too!" you retort. "What happens between me and Jimin has nothing to do with you."
"Just what, Jungkook?" you cut him off. "You had no right to punch Jimin like that. Why'd you even do it in the first place?" You place your hands on your hips as you wait for him to answer you, puffing out a breath in frustration.
He looks a bit lost, eyes darting from side to side to look for an answer. The longer the silence goes, the shorter your patience gets.
"Well?" you prompt.
"Just don't, alright?" he says lamely. You roll your eyes. "You can sleep with anyone else except—"
"Who the fuck gave you the right to tell me who I can and can't sleep with?" You're almost screaming now but you don't care. This push and pull with Jungkook is making you so angry you want to punch him. You walk up to him and shove at his chest but he barely stumbles back. It just angers you even further. "I don't even give you shit when you sleep with other girls!" You continue pushing him back, practically punching his chest now. "It's not like you agreed to be exclusive. You said it yourself that you still wanted to fuck around. That was the agreement."
Jungkook grabs your wrists to stop you from pushing him. You watch him clench his jaw as he makes eye contact with you. "What if I want to take back what I said?"
"What?" you mumble dumbly, all the fight leaving your body.
He lets go of your wrists and takes a step back. You watch him pace back and forth in his room. "What if I want us to be exclusive?"
You say the first thing that comes to mind. "You're lying." He must be. He's just trying to lure you in, get him on your good side again.
He looks at you dead in the eyes and it seems like all the anger and frustration is leaving his body as well. He looks defeated and tired, and you're sure you look the same. "I'm not. I never lie to you."
"You do, Kook," you say quietly. But you're not saying it to make him feel bad. You're simply saying it because it's the truth and both of you know that.
He sits down beside you on his bed and buries his face in his hands. You watch him and try to keep your tears at bay.
"Kook, if this is some sick joke—"
"It's not," he says all of a sudden. "What if I want us to be exclusive?" he tries again.
You don't like it when he looks at you like that. Like you matter to him. Like he actually cares. Like he feels the same way as you. Looking into his eyes is too much so you turn your head away and stare at the wall instead.
"Why?" you whisper.
"Because..." he tries. "Because—"
"Because what, Kook? Suddenly you don't like the idea of me sleeping with other guys? But you can sleep with other girls? And if I say yes to you, what'll happen then?" you say harshly. "Huh? You're gonna forget about me? Just use me whenever you want?"
"It's not like that, sweetheart." He tries grabbing your hand but you shake him off. You stand up and walk to the other side of the room, suddenly wanting to be away from him. Being near Jungkook clouds your senses and makes you act irrationally.
"Don't call me that." You feel your lips trembling and you're pretty sure tears are streaming down your face. "I don't know what you want from me, Jungkook. You can't even explain why you want us to be exclusive."
He mirrors your expression, big doe eyes suddenly teary as well. "I'm sorry," he chokes out. It stays silent after that. You nod to yourself. Maybe this is the best explanation you'll get. You gather your things and mumble a goodbye. You exit his bedroom and Jungkook doesn't chase after you. At this point you don't expect him to anymore. You bump into Mingyu and Jihyo upon exiting Jungkook's apartment. They call out to you but you ignore them and speed walk out of the building.
Your heart hurts. Like, it physically hurts. You know you should feel happy with what Jungkook's just told you. It's what you wanted ever since you fell for him. But why are you pushing away? Why don't you want to believe him all of a sudden?
Because you used to. Believe him, that is. Used to look at him all starry eyed with whatever he said. Said yes to whatever he asked. Looked at him like he can achieve world peace. Something stupid of the sort. Wore your heart on your sleeve every time you were with him. Even when you weren't, now that you think about it.
You always showed your feelings through your actions. He just showed his feelings through his words.
It's different but it's the same. This time you don't believe him. Stopped believing his words some time ago. Always knew there was some lie beneath his words. Always doubted what he said. Or just brushed it over your shoulder. Never let it settle in the crevices of your heart, which is sadly just filled with him. Him, him, him.
Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
You should feel sorry for yourself for how much he's changed you without even trying to directly. You never thought you'd have to change yourself for a man. But here he is, making you doubt him and the world. You were never like this before.
You thought love was easy. That if it was the right person, everything would fall into place naturally. You didn't know love would be like this. That you'd always be cautious, always had your walls up, looking over your shoulder. That you had to fight for love, or that it hurt so much you found difficulty in breathing.
But is Jungkook the right person?
It's not something you want to answer yourself, because you'll get hurt either way. You just brush the thought aside like you do with your feelings.
You don't go back to your apartment because you know Jihyo thinks it'll be the first place you go to. Will barge in your room because she has a spare key. Is confrontational and protective of you like that, she'll ask questions right away.
But you don't want to think of what just transpired. You want to forget. Move on. Not sure if that means moving on from Jungkook entirely (you doubt you ever will) but you just want to forget about today.
So you keep walking. No destination in mind, you just let your feet walk you to wherever. Away from campus. Walking through some random park. Eventually, you end up at a Korean BBQ. Don't realize the meaning this place holds till you're seated. It's Jungkook's favorite restaurant. He brought you here twice.
Now you're here alone. You start feeling pathetic. Who the fuck goes to a restaurant like this alone? You scan the area—you see couples, friends, families eating together. But you're alone which means you have to grill the meat alone. Serve yourself. Eat by yourself.
You order two bottles of soju. Might as well be drunk while looking pathetic.
You think you've made a good decision. The food is good and you're doing everything yourself so you have no time to think about other things. Or people. Person.
You flip the meat only to see that you've flipped it too early. It's not properly cooked yet. Jungkook always knew when to flip it at the right time.
You sigh. That was what, twenty minutes of him being out of your head? At least it's progress. Somewhat.
After a while you decide you can't inhale anymore food. You'll probably explode. But a happy tummy is a happy heart. Or whatever people say. You're drunk, can't think straight. You're drunk but not stupid, so you ask Jihyo if she can pick you up.
She simply replies otw and is outside the restaurant ten minutes later. She comes in full force—which is really just Mingyu and Jimin with her in the car. It's Mingyu's car, anyway, so you expected to see him. You don't know why Jimin's with them, but you don't mind. Seeing your group of friends eases the ache in your heart even more. Even though one person's missing.
You don't mind. Well, just a little.
You smile at them as you walk to the car while Jihyo runs out of it to give you a big hug. She doesn't say anything as she rubs your back soothingly and you don't cry on her shoulder like you normally would. You're too tired of crying. Being sad.
You don't say anything as the both of you get back in the car. They don't ask about what happened and for that you're grateful. You don't want to process it yet, anyway. Don't think there's much to process. You love Jungkook and he doesn't love you back. Simple.
Your friends fill in the quiet pretty well. Jimin goes off on some tangent. You don't really know the topic. But Jihyo's interjecting from time to time. Mingyu makes a joke and it has all of you laughing. Eventually you get to Jimin's place. It's the usual hangout spot. A one bedroom apartment with a nice balcony. Not too big but not too small either. Just right for the four of you.
Usually five.
You don't know what transpired after you left Jungkook's place. How Mingyu and Jihyo saw you running out with tears down your cheeks. You don't know and you don't ask. You all watch a movie together. All fall asleep in Jimin's living room. Will complain about your backs hurting the next morning but you don't care. It's nice to be around them.
You leave Jimin's place the morning after. You, Mingyu and Jihyo leave because Jimin shoos all of you out. Says he has an exam to study for. He'll probably complain about it during lunch. Tuesdays are reserved for lunch with each other. Out on the quad, if it's sunny enough. In the cafeteria otherwise. You're not sure if Jungkook will show up. You doubt he will.
Mingyu and Jihyo walk you home. You shower and get ready for class. You move as if you're on autopilot. Shower. Get dressed. Get the right textbooks. Lock your door. Walk to class.
You put yourself in this bubble, in this false sense of security that things are ok. You'll be okay. You've been through a lot and you're still here standing, breathing, living. This? This is nothing.
You just have to give yourself time. Have to push your feelings away. Out of sight, out of mind. Don't think it works like that when it's about your feelings. Whatever. Your heart will mend itself back to place.
But what makes a heart whole? It's people, mostly. It's your friends. Your family.
Always gonna be Jungkook.
And you're back at square one.
jk (sent two weeks ago): can we talk?
jk (sent one week ago): hi
jk (sent one week ago): can we talk pls?
jk (sent five days ago): y/n?
jk (sent three days ago): im so sorry, y/n. i just want to talk. please.
It's been two weeks since the incident and your group hasn't been complete ever since. Either Mingyu and Jihyo are with Jungkook, or with you. Things are starting to change for the worse, and it's making you sad.
At least Jimin and Jungkook have made up already. You don't know the details exactly (because you didn't ask), but you've heard that they've started hanging out again.
You and Jungkook?
You haven't replied to any of his texts. You haven't seen him for two weeks. It's weird. It feels like there's something wrong, something off. Like there's a small pebble in your shoe. Like there's a nagging voice in your head telling you to go back home because you forgot to unplug your straightener.
Like you're missing a piece of you. This hole in your chest that leaves you feeling empty.
You miss Jungkook. And not just the sex. You also miss the friendship. The intimate moments.
You don't have the courage to ask about him, to text him back or look for him. Frankly, you're still hurt from what transpired and you think you might just break if he hurts you again.
It's even raining today. The cold and gloomy weather dampens your mood even more. You baked cookies to try to cheer you up. You used to love baking but haven't done so in a while, you're not really sure why. But you needed an extra pick me up today.
You're holding the tupperware of cookies close to your chest when you walk in the cafeteria, looking for your friends. You always bake extra for them—love the looks on their faces when Jihyo counts all the cookies first and divides it accordingly, when Mingyu gets more than what he should have, when they all fight over the last piece.
When Jungkook would ask if you had extra cookies back at your place.
You don't think that'll happen anymore.
You spot your friends by a table in the corner of the cafeteria, next to a large window where the rain hits it outside in a steady patter.
You see Mingyu who's taking to Jimin, Jihyo typing something on her laptop.
And there's the missing piece, beanie-clad head hung low, tattooed hand busy writing on his notebook.
You feel your heart lurch in your chest. You stop walking, not minding that you're blocking the way.
You take deep breaths to calm your nerves. You have to see each other at some point. And also, you don't want your friends to feel awkward anymore.
You continue walking again and because the universe wants to torture you even further, the only available seat left is right across Jungkook.
"Hi," you chirp, trying to sound as cheery as you can as you sit down. Mingyu, Jihyo and Jimin all look at you in surprise, then Jimin starts talking about his day to fill in the awkward silence. The three of them try to make things go back to normal. You would've laughed at the looks of your friends' faces (sans Jungkook, because you refuse to look at him) if you didn't feel so nervous.
You join in the conversation as well, not an ounce of sadness shown on your face. You don't want your situation with Jungkook to affect the rest of your friends.
The both of you never address each other directly, but you do feel him looking at you from time to time.
You place the cookies in the middle of the table. Like old times, Jihyo counts all the cookies and tells everyone they can only have three pieces each. Mingyu eats more than three. The three of them fight over the last piece, Jimin proposing that they battle it out through rock paper scissors.
You're laughing at the scene in front of you. Good thing you saved some for yourself back at your apartment.
Amidst the chaos, you feel Jungkook lean over the table to whisper in your ear.
"You got more cookies back at yours?"
Your body stiffens at the proximity. Usually you'd say yes. He'd follow you home, make some small talk while you place cookies in a ziplock for him, then he'd hug you goodbye.
That was before the agreement. It was essentially the same routine when you started sleeping with each other, though of course he'd stay a little bit longer.
You turn your head and look at him for the first time. You will yourself not to cry, to steel your emotions.
He looks so soft, so comfy like he just rolled out of bed. He's wearing a beanie to tame his curls, and he's wearing one of his oversized shirts paired with gray sweatpants.
He smells good too. And you realize that you really, really miss him.
"Yeah," you say just as quietly. You feel your heart lighten, but your head's screaming at you to reject him.
Jungkook doesn't say anything else and neither do you. You wait for your friends to finish eating and once everyone stands up, Jungkook walks to your side. Jihyo looks at you quizzically but you just shake your head, silently telling her not to voice out anything out loud. You say your goodbyes and start walking towards your apartment, Jungkook right beside you.
It's silent. And a little bit awkward. You're thinking of what to tell him, whether he wants to talk about what happened, or he just wants your damn cookies.
You close the door behind the both of you and you immediately walk to your small kitchen, grabbing the container of extra cookies and putting some in a ziplock, like you usually do. You feel from the corner of your eyes that Jungkook's watching you, and you feel like your heart is about to burst at what he might say.
"About that night..." he starts.
You sigh and drop the cookies on the counter, turning to him to look at him directly. For the first time in a while, Jungkook looks nervous. Fingers fidgeting, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
"You know I like you, right?" you suddenly say.
"Yeah," he answers right away without a beat of hesitation.
"Then I want to stop whatever it is we have between us."
You watch Jungkook's face for his reaction. How his eyes widen, how he clenches and unclenches his fists, how his chest rises up and down in quick beats.
"Why?" he simply asks.
You bite your lip in thought, thinking of the right words to say. "I can't let you treat me like shit anymore, Jungkook. It's not healthy for the both of us. I don't know how you feel or what you want but look," you sigh. "You punched Jimin because what? Because I slept with him?"
"What if I want us to try?"
Now it's your turn for your eyes to widen, for your heart to lurch in your chest, body seizing at the question. Acting the same way you did when he asked the first time.
Jungkook nods, lips pursed as he walks closer to you. "You and me. Let's try. No more fooling around with other people." He swears under his breath as he comes to stand in front of you, both arms caging you against the counter. He breathes out and rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed like he's tired.
You're tired as well. But you let him do what he wants. Like you always do.
"(Y/N)," he starts to say. "Look, I— The thought of you sleeping with someone else... It made me crazy," he laughs dryly.
You lean back and scrunch your eyebrows at him. "Jungkook, I'm not some object for you to be possessive over. You just can't—"
"I don't mean it like that," he says, looking at you directly now. Your knees would've buckled at the intensity of his gaze were it not for your body leaning on the kitchen counter. "I just mean..." He turns his head to look away. "I just mean I can't bear the thought of you being with someone else anymore. Doing the things we do."
You open your mouth in reply then close it again when you realize you don't know what to say. You've been waiting to hear this confession for so long, but now that you've heard it, you're suddenly not happy. You're unsure. Guarded. Hurt.
"Jungkook," you whisper unsurely.
He turns his head back to you, gaze right on your lips before he locks eyes with you again.
"We can try. Please," he whispers. It's weird seeing Jungkook this way, all vulnerable and desperate. Begging. Usually, you'd be in his position. Not the other way around. "I promise this time."
You feel your resolve slowly crumbling. All the walls you've built up from your last interaction with him come falling down. You should hate yourself, you really should. But you know where your heart lies. What it wants. That you'd take any inkling of love he'd give you. Even if he may not mean it. Even if it might not last forever.
"Okay," you say, and the moment you do, you see the most beautiful smile grace his face. It makes you smile as well, ignoring the little voice in the back of your head to say no. "But we start slowly, alright?"
He nods his head, smile still there, body slowly pressing against yours. He nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck and your arms automatically go around him.
"Kook," you sigh. "We should probably talk first—"
"In the morning, baby," he says in between the kisses he's placing on your shoulder. "I promise."
You play with his hair while Jungkook does what he wants. Kissing your shoulder, your collarbone, up to your jaw. It's playful at first, big smooches echoing in your apartment. Then it starts getting heated the moment you feel his tongue on your skin.
"J-Jungkook," you stutter.
He grips your waist and lifts you up so you're seated on the counter. "You drive me crazy, I hope you know that."
You smile at him and say nothing else as you grab his face towards yours, finally reconnecting your lips with his. It's soft and sensual, no sense of urgency like how you usually kiss. Like how Jungkook had somewhere to be after. Or that he wanted to get it over with.
He's taking his time now by the way his lips mold slowly against yours, like he wants to map out how you taste, how you feel, how your tongue feels like pressed against his.
You stay like that for a while, just kissing and basking in each other's presence. Jungkook holds your waist firmly like he doesn't want to let go. Frankly, you don't want him to either.
You start getting antsy so you grab the hem of his shirt and try to slip it over his head. He laughs at your impatience as you throw the shirt somewhere in your apartment, hands going to his back instantly. Scratching your nails lightly down his skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Then your hands go down to his pants and you start toying with his jeans.
"Sweetheart," he leans back and chuckles. He holds your face gently. "There's no need to rush, okay? We've got all the time in the world."
You lean back as well, exhaling the breath you didn't know you were holding. "Okay," you agree. "Yeah, sorry."
"Let me take my time with you," he murmurs as he leans in again to kiss you.
Jungkook does his take time. Practically kisses every inch of your skin. Takes off your clothing one by one. Fingers you slowly that you're seeing stars. Cleans you up with his mouth that you're left breathless and dizzy. Disoriented. You're both (finally) naked by the time you're in bed.
"Look at yourself, baby," he whispers right into your ear.
His words go in your ear and out the other, head too clouded with the mind blowing orgasm he just gave you. You don't understand what he's telling you to do until he gently grabs your chin and turns it to where he wants you to look. Your eyes spot your full length mirror. You see yourself, bare and sitting on the bed with your legs folded beneath you, thighs open and pussy on display. Jungkook's right behind you in a similar position, body so big and wide that you notice the stark difference of your bodies.
You see your chest heaving up and down, tits moving in sync with your breaths. Your hands are resting on his thighs. Jungkook slithers his arm to wrap around your waist. Finally, you lock eyes with him through the mirror.
"See?" he says, though you don't really know what he wants you to see. "You look so pretty. S'why I can't get enough of you."
"Oh," you breathe out.
"Yeah, oh," Jungkook chuckles lightly. "Gonna fuck you now, okay?"
You nod your head in reply and Jungkook lifts you up a bit to enter you from behind. You gasp when he fills you up right away, a perfect fit like always. He starts thrusting slowly but deeply, and you feel his tip kiss your cervix each time. You would've toppled forward were it not for his protective hold around your waist.
"Feels good," you finally moan out.
"I know, baby," he pants from behind you. "You take me so well. Like you were made for me. Like we were made for each other."
Your heart seizes at that, and all words get stuck in your throat when Jungkook picks up the pace of his thrusts, both hands going to your chest to cup your breasts.
Jungkook presses his chest to your back, practically molding himself around your body, you're starting to feel as one. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, lips on your sweaty skin.
"I might not last long," he grunts.
"Me too," you mewl. It stays silent for a while, just both your breaths filling the room. It's not like you need to say anything, to be vocal like you both usually are. It's different this time and you know Jungkook can feel it too. With the way his body is pressed to yours, to his tight hold on you like you might disappear into thin air if he lets go, how his mouth never seems to leave your skin, how your hand holds his. Like you're too overwhelmed with the events that happened today, the past few weeks—since this started. That it's all coming to an end, but an end with a new beautiful beginning. It feels overwhelming because you're entering new territory. You still have your doubts (you don't think those will ever leave), but at least now you're on the same page with Jungkook. Together. Jumping into the unknown. Even if you're not sure how this will turn out—being together with him, for real this time. If it'll end in greater heartbreak or will be your best decision yet. But you're here because you want to try. You've let him in because you want to try. Because your heart has been with his from the start, you realize.
You're brought back to reality when Jungkook brings his hand up to wrap around your throat—not tightly, a hold barely there but firm enough to know he has you in his hold. You stare at yourself again in the mirror, at Jungkook moving his hips from behind you. How you're so pressed into each other.
"Jungkook," you choke out, suddenly so overwhelmed and full of emotion. His gaze shifts from your body to your face, looking at you through the mirror so intently you feel like melting. You move your hips back to meet his thrusts, your body feeling like it's on fire and that you might snap soon. "Kook, I—"
"I know, baby," he murmured. "I know." Knows that you're close, that this moment feels different, electrifying. "I got you, okay?" he whispers so sweetly. You lean your head back against his shoulder. "Let go for me. Hm?"
"Okay," you whisper, eyes closing and focusing on doing just that. It doesn't take you much longer to reach your peak, to let go and let the pleasure take control of your body. It comes to you gradually, getting stronger and stronger, and Jungkook talks you through it all. Though you can't make out his words since everything sounds so muffled. Like you're under water and the wave's crashed.
"Gonna come too," he grunts. "You're so beautiful when you come, baby. I can't—"
Jungkook reaches his orgasm after and fills up the condom. Fucks you so slow and deep through his high it sets you off once more. Don't realize that his finger is rubbing your clit slowly. Like he wanted you to reach your high again.
"That's it," he whispers. "So good for me."
You almost fall face first on your bed, but Jungkook catches you with a hand around your waist. Moves you around the bed so that you're laying on your back with him right beside you. You curl into him instantly as his arm wraps around your shoulder. He brings his lips to the crown of your head and places a gentle kiss.
You close your eyes and listen to the beat of his heart slowing down, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest. "We need to clean up soon," you mumble after a while.
"I'll do it," he mumbles back. "Let me just— Let me catch my breath first."
You laugh lightly, your body slowly succumbing to sleep. You feel Jungkook stand up and for a second your heart seizes in your chest. You keep your eyes closed while you try to listen for any sounds of clothes being picked up, of him getting dressed.
All you hear is your bathroom door being open then closed, then you feel a damp washcloth between your legs, and only then does your heart start beating again. Jungkook's back beside you in bed a few moments later, and then you finally succumb to sleep.
An alarm wakes you up the next morning. You know it isn't yours since it's not the usual ringtone you use. You open your eyes slowly and smile sleepily at Jungkook's arm draped across your waist. You look back to see him sleeping peacefully, mouth slightly ajar. You reach your arm out to your beside table to look for the noisy phone, realizing it's Jungkook's when you bring it close to your face to turn off the alarm.
You notice he's gotten a few notifications since last night, are about to place it back on your table when a text stands out to you. Waking you up fully. Your tummy churning, your breath seizing.
You can't see the preview of the message, but the name is enough to leave you feeling dizzy.
It's from Iseul. You know her because she's one of Jungkook's regulars. And you know this because she texts him a lot, her name always popping up in his phone. Not that you secretly went through it before, but sometimes Jungkook likes showing his phone to you and your friends, either of a cool photo he took lately or some random meme.
You try to stop your thoughts from thinking of the worst, but you can't help it. You and Jungkook haven't talked much about your relationship, because there is a lot to talk about. You know it won't all be fixed in one sitting. So you don't know if they're still seeing each other. You don't know if he meant what he said last night.
You start feeling ill, your palms sweating and your head beginning to pound. You find yourself standing up, getting dressed and grabbing just your phone with you. Never mind the fact that you're leaving Jungkook yet you're in your place. That he might still be here when you're back, whenever that will be. For the first time since you started this thing with him, you leave without saying goodbye.
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sae itoshi
“i can find numerous ways to fuck you, pretty.”
sae itoshi x fem!reader. where sae has an issue getting the new intern out of his head.
warnings- 18+, minors dni, nsfw, smut, saes ofc a bitch, use of slut whore etc, degradation kink, and yk the usual
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"you just need to be laid," sae's personal assistant told him. sae flipped him off as he left. it had been a year since bluelock and sae decided that what was going on in spain before was what worked best for him. so here was, playing for the team that made his life different, although, he didnt know if it was for the better or worse.
sae's assistant wasnt wrong tho, he really needed to get laid and soon, his sexual frusturation was getting out of hand (pun intended sorry ok.) there was no shortage of gorgeous hispanic women around him but somehow none of them seem to cut it for him, he had a quickie with this woman who called herself his fan yet couldn't even name him, which in retrospect shows how desperate he was but also shows that people are shallow. (he rly didnt wanna admit he's starving for sex be real)
sae's assistant, ruben, who had been incharge of sae's work for the past year was younger and more fun than his predecessors. sae liked him so much that he even gave his number, voluntarily, without any pressure. it wasnt long until ruben invited sae for parties and beers and the two became friends. it also wasnt unusal for ruben to text message sae updates. "my law intern starts tomorrow so pls dont throw daggers at her," the text read. sae replied with, "no promises," and could particularly hear ruben's sigh. sae didnt put much thought to it and continued with his day as usual.
the next day, sae woke up at 5 and ran for an hour before his 2 hour practice schedule. he loved doing the workout that came afterwards. one could say that a follow up workout after 3 hours of running and practice was excessive but he was a pro player and this was his job. sae reached his house roughly around 9:30 or 9:45, since the door was open he assumed it was ruben and the new intern. sae overheard ruben explaining something to the new intern but he'd rather shower than listen to wtv they were doing.
after a very relaxing and much needed shower, sae went to the kitchen where they two were. what sae expected was a nerdy law student in his house, but what met him was perhaps the most gorgeous woman he'd seen. you didnt have a model type zero figure, hell you werent even skinny, but something about your round ass and thick thighs (save lives) that just really made sae stop in his tracks.
"sae, meet my new intern," ruben said, referring to you. you said a good morning to him and took the nod that followed as a quiet dismissal so you turned your attention to ruben and talked about work. sae hated that a little.
over the course of the next few days, sae would hang around the kitchen counter which you and ruben used as an office now. he'd watch tv or grab a snack every now and then just to sneak a look at you. you always wore those beautiful trousers that hugged your rear and flared at the bottom. sae was also quick to notice your deep neck shirts which were professional for most of the part, except for when you'd lean over the counter when you were listening. he knew it was pathetic and perverted behaviour but to his defence he found you hotter than he should.
days passed and his need for you just increased. sae would never admit it to anyone but he might've fantasised about you a little. today, it was evening and you and ruben were still at the couch. sae hated that you didnt talk to him much or gave that pretty smile you did to ruben, he would also not admit this. you get up and politely say good bye to the two of them.
"hey, sae?" ruben calls out, "yes?" he replies. "there's a party tonight and i was thinking you can join us. y/n is going too." sae noticed that ruben said that in a weird tone, "what am i supposed to do with that information?" he asks. ruben chuckles, "look. i know that you have a thing for her, and if she wasnt sm on the borderline of being a nuerodivergent coded woman, she'd know too. maybe she's the one you need to get laid with." sae rolled his eyes but didnt deny what ruben said and also got ready.
and boy was he glad that he did. you were wearing a skimpy outfit. or maybe its in his head. you wore a bodycon blue satin dress under a sheer blue and purple gradient mesh dress. your hair wasnt tied and you looked gorgeous. sae could see every roll and what he wanted to do- "stop staring and just talk to her," ruben said, "im gonna go find someone to fuck too. see ya tomorrow," and he was gone.
sae walked up to you, you were now at the bar, sitting alone, thankfully. "hey," he seemed to have startled you, "oh, sae- i mean mr. itoshi, hello. i didnt think you were gonna be here," you say. "i didnt think i'd be here either, and its sae." you divert your gaze to the bartender and say, "yes, okay. so sae, how are you enjoying this party?" you ask. "not a lot, i'd rather get out." you slam your hand on the table and say, "oh. my god. me too. its so boring, i didnt think clubs would be this bad." sae liked how comical your expression and reaction was. "do you wanna get out, go somewhere else?" sae asks. your eyes widen but you say yes anyway.
sae takes you in his car and asks if you'd mind going back to his place. you said no because it was one of the only places in spain you liked. sae asked you about how youre here. "well, im a college student and i'm here for an internship for doing well in law school. i think it's an internship for six months but if ruben and his company likes me, i could get a permanent job here." sae nodded and you two had some more conversation.
you two were still talking when you reached inside of sae's house. and no matter how many times you told yourself you were just tipsy, you knew it was smth sober you also wanted to do. you grabbed sae and kissed him. sae was taken a back a little but when he registered what just happened he snapped. he closed the door shut w one leg and one arm engulfed you closer to him while his head grabbed your hair and pulled you in for a kiss. it was nothing short of a feral kiss, he kissed you like he was a starved man.
he didnt stop kissing you when he took you to his bedroom. he didnt stop kissing you when his hand went down to graze your thigh. you were the one who broke the kiss when his hand reached your panties and rubbed back and forth. “so wet,” he said as he dragged your underwear aside and fingered you. “be a good doll and ride my fingers sweetheart,” he said as you barely understood what was happening. pleasure and nothing but pleasure surrounded your head.
you then instinctively got down on your knees. he liked that he didnt ask you to do it, you just did. your hands pulled down his pants and boxers. you took his length in your hand and rubbed it a few times before taking it in. he grabbed your hair as you looked up at him, so pretty with your doe eyes looking into his. he wanted to be gentle with you but you batted your eyelashes a few times and he lost it. he thrust his hips into your face and came to the site of you gagging on his cock.
“enough of you doing the work, princess. my turn” he practically threw you on the bed as he commanded to get on your hands and knees. he put his hands on your hips and pulled you back. your moaned as your sensitive part hit his cock and he ground his teeth like he was grinding your pussy. “not so soon,” he said as he pulled back and kneeled this time. he took your panties off and brought your ass which was in the air closer to his face. you moaned as he ran his tongue up and down. he used two fingers to separate your folds as he repeated his motions but on a much sensitive part. your legs quivered as he went on and his pillows no longer muffling your screams.
sae decides to tongue fuck you a little longer and then when his cock started aching and he knew you were about to come, he pulls back. you whine in protest but he says, “you come when i tell you to. do it before that and you’ll pay.” you meekly nod, your ass and pussy still in air at display for him.
so pretty he says and puts his cock slowly into you. your body shudders in delight and sae grips your hips tighter. he pulls you back and forth as he slams into you. “i wanna go slower but fuck.” you get on your elbows now and shake your head, “dont go slow. fuck me hard.” he nods and says, “you gave me permission,” as he picks up the pace and fucks you. you scream as both of you come. sae slaps your ass one last time as you both fall down onto the bed.
“fuck.” is all you say. sae chuckles as he gets up to kiss you. he brings in a cloth towel and cleans you up. maybe spain changed him for the better.
this was so long sorry 😭😭
banner credit @cafekitsune
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spookilyjaded · 29 days
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙Jerk!·*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
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A/N: This is a Soulmate AU!
Red string: Where a person is connected to another by a red string leading from one persons pinky to the others. However, it only appears when one is close enough to the other.
Your quirk is Metal Attraction.
Warnings: None. Just Bakugou being Bakugou.
Requests, Masterlist
Word count: 1.7k
‘Damnit’ Mid-battle I misdirect a hit and feel my hand burn. My gauntlet seemed to be malfunctioning a bit from all the power put into it. I inspect it a bit before I decide to discard  it and utilize the other one primarily throughout the rest of it. ‘Fucking dull ass mechanics’. I snarl under my breath.
After the practice battle I ask- more like a demand, to Aizawa-Sensei that I go to the support course in order to have them repaired. He gives me the okay and I start heading towards their floor. ‘Stupid ass malfunction messing up my fight..’ I groan and reach the doors. I knock rather loudly and get impatient for a minute as no one answers. Suddenly, the door opens as a guy peeks his head out. “What can I do for you?” He asks as he steps out of the doorway, seeming to be caught in a layer of sweat. I grimace and shove the items his way. He grabs them carefully as his eyes widen. 
I pull a sheet of paper out. “Here, support nerds. I need these fixed up ASAP by tomorrow,” I open the paper and shove it towards him “Think you can do it?” I shove my hands in my pockets as his eyes widen “U-um yeah.. I think we have someone who can fix it up for y-you!” I take that as a yes and start to walk away. “I’ll be here at the same time tomorrow.” As I walk away I hear him murmur something under his breath and I scoff. ‘Didnt have the balls to say it to my face.. fuckin extra’. As I go to put my hand in my hair I see a faint line following down from my pinky to the floor, fading. I stare at it and brush it off. I’ve heard about that red string shit. But i dont think I'd ever believe that fairytale crap…maybe not until now. 
Before I get lost in thought any longer, I brush it off and start heading back to the training grounds.
Next day:
I spread some blueprints onto my station and fixed a few kinks in the items I was hurriedly given yesterday. “Man…this guy can't wait just a few more days? Maybe if he gave us more time, it wouldn't malfunction as easily.” I grumble as my friend laughs from around me. “Y’know what they say about the hero course students! So extravagant! They need their items done nownownow!” She exclaims, basically mocking them. 
I chuckle slightly. “Well I guess that's what comes with the work.” I focused on a screw that seemed to become loose in the left gauntlet. “Come on..” I huff as my screwdriver can't seem to move it enough to be fully secure. I set it down and use my quirk, raising my hand towards it and feeling the tension around the loose bolt and tightening it to the best of my abilities.
My hand starts cramping a bit as I pull back. ‘That should do it..’ As I begin to check off the list of repairs needed to be done on the gauntlet, I hear talking and then a loud shout. I whip my head around to the support room doors to see my partner with a mortified face mumbling apologies. I get up from my station and watch the situation unfold.
“I SAID ASAP! IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD TO FIX A FEW SCREWS?!” I wince at the crescending voice as I get closer. My partner looks over with an exhausted look and I usher him to retreat. He gladly takes the hint and flees as I take the door into my gloved hands. “Yo, what's your problem??” I give the guy a stern look and wipe the sweat from my head with the back of my glove. “I need my damn gauntlets, extra! Now where are they, they should be done by now!” His face is practically  tomato at this point as I scowl. I'm so over this. 
“Listen dude, they just need to be looked over in literally not even 5 minutes. Calm your ass down and wait!” I raise my voice a bit to mock him and he gives me the most ugly scowl I've ever seen. “WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME SUPPORT NERD??” He raises his hands, showing sparks but i am taken aback by the red line cascading down his hand and onto the floor. My eyes widen but I don't think he quite notices through his rage. As a string of profanities strews through his lips I follow it, only to see it climbing up from the floor to my arm and under my glove. 
He stops his rioting lips and focuses on my expression on my hand. I watch as he follows the line from my hand as well, looking towards his own that held small sparks. My face is tense and I can't think of anything to say. The look on his face is almost exactly mirrored, if not more confused. Without knowing what to do, I shut the door  and stumbled to my station, grabbing his gauntlet and the list I had prepared for him so he knows how to properly take care of it.
Before opening the door again, I breathe in. ‘Oh my god, no way this asshole is my soulmate.’ With the last bit of courage in me, I open the door and hand him the items. “Here, t-this is how you can prevent damages and breakage. If you ever need a touch up or fix we’ll always be here to handle it.” That was our usual motto to those who seeked out help. I couldn't think of anything else. This isn't exactly how I wanted to meet my soulmate but oh well. 
As I'm stuck in my thoughts, I hear him cough. “Yeah um, whatever. Thanks.” He grumbles and leaves. Wait…he.. left?!? I'm standing in the doorway, stunned. Did he really just leave after finding out who his soulmate was?! How ignorant was this guy! I shut the door, still mildly confused. I see my partner staring in my direction. “Do you know what just happened? Because I am so confused.”
That evening
3rd POV
“WHAT?!” Both Kaminari and Kirishima burst out after hearing Bakugou's run in story with his supposed soulmate. “And you didn't ask her out?! What is wrong with you dude!”
Kaminari is in shambles at the fact. “Tch, she didn't seem to like me anyways! Why would I care?” Bakugo leans back on his bed as the two bicker. “Dude, she's like- your whole soulmate! Least you could’ve done was give her your number! Totally not manly, bro.” Kirishima sheds a dramatic tear and holds his hand to his chest. “You idiots are overreacting. It's not like I'll never see her again!” While he was right, the two were still dumbfounded. “Well then how about this,” Kirishima says. “You ask her out on a date after school tomorrow and if she says yes then you've got a chance! If she says no then you won't have to worry about it after that, yeah?” Kirishima looks proud as he hears Katsuki scoff. “Tch, sure whatever.” Kirishima takes this as a yes and air fist bumps. 
The next day you are packing up your supplies, trying not to focus on the situation that had occurred the previous evening. You were one of the last few leaving as you took your work bag and started to head out of the doors. “Yo! I’m heading out for the day!” You yell out to Power Loader as he raises a thumb and you smile, retreating out of the emptied room. As you start to walk down the halls you hear the tapping of another pair of shoes. You turn my head, seeing the recognizable ash blonde hair. ‘This guy again’ You turn to face him as he approaches and cross your arms.
“Ugh what do you want, jer-” Before you could even finish your sentence, his booming voice echoes through your ears. “Go out with me, nerd.” He doesn't look away as you blink slowly, taking in his words. “Did you seriously insult me while trying to ask me out?” You snarkly reply as the vein in his neck pops out a bit. “Don't avoid the question goddamnit!” His fists clench and you can't help but notice a clump of red and yellow hair poking out from the corner behind Bakugou. Two students giving you a thumbs up and cheering you on to accept his offer- the redhead pleading with clenched fists mouthing ‘please!’.
You chuckle and step towards the blonde, “Alright then. When and where?” Bakugou is taken aback that you actually accepted after his outburst. “Tch. This saturday at two. Gimme yer number so i can text you.” His gaze looks a bit softer now as he reaches his hand out and gives you the device. You take it carefully so as to not irk the boy again. You can see the slightest hint of a blush on his face as you type it in, adding your name to the contact to solidify it.
You give him back his phone as he smirks at the contact name. “Well then I'll be seeing you Saturday at three. Mr…?” Noticing that you didn't catch his name, he replies cockily. “Bakugou…Katsuki. Don't forget it!” Your eyes crinkle in satisfaction as you see him relax a bit into the conversation. “Bakugou.” The name rolls off your tongue. “Im L/N. L/N Y/N. Don't forget it.” Your mocking tone earns a smirk from him as you walk off through the emptying halls.
Before he knows it, Bakugou is practically jumped by the two boys hiding from the scene. “YOU DID IT BAKUBRO!” “RAHH SOMEONES GOT A HOT DATEE!!” Bakugou waves them off. “GET OFF ME DUMBSHITS!” They retreat but still talk around him mumbling phrases such as ‘ohmygosh!’ and ‘He actually did it! He tries to ignore their comments as he walks off, them not far behind. He pulls out his phone and sees the new contact displayed in his phone.
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He smirks and walks back to the dorms, actually looking forward to the eventual date.
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depravitymoon · 6 months
I love the thought of yandere bruno and yandere melone setting aside their differences and unite because of their huge breeding kink. Can you write something around something like that? Thanks, sorry if this is confusing
Context: Everyone Lives AU. Through the power of GER’s BS, Bruno got revived and so did La Squadra. La Squadra got paid a better income and Bruno became Giorno’s Sottocapo (2nd in command). 
I dont see them cooperating over the same darling, because I think there would be too much bad blood between them.  While they wouldn’t share a darling, their darlings would be similar in that they’re motherly. Bruno and Melone would totally help each other out so their future babies have childhood friends. After all, friends AND family are so important for a child’s development…..but not a willing mother, apparently!
Melone would be able to stalk their darlings when Bruno is too busy being Sottocapo. Meanwhile, Bruno actually has the manpower to kidnap the darlings and/or blackmail them. Bruno will tell Melone to keep the creepiness down.
Yan!Melone x Reader:
Bruno has a talk with Melone about his obsession. Bruno didn’t like it. He already had to have your brother assassinated. However, you were innocent of all his wrongdoings. You were already grieving over the loss, even if it was good riddance, you didn’t deserve to be more involved with mafia things.
Yan!Bruno x Reader:
Unfortunately, Bruno is a hypocrite. When he sees you caring for the local kids, especially those from broken homes, you had captured his heart right there. It would scare him when you would bravely go into dangerous neighborhoods for these kids. While it is noble, you’re gonna get yourself hurt and it causes him anxiety.
Melone saw this as an opportunity. Bruno didn’t want you hurt, but as Sottocapo he’s busy and can’t always stalk like you he wants to…. But Melone can. Besides, who better to protect you from danger than a hitman ready to kill at a moment’s notice. There’s plenty of vile women in that neighborhood you frequent he can use for baby face.
Darlings unite!:
Perhaps the two darlings become friends or were friends, finds out Melone is stalking them and killing people, so they somehow kick his ass. In comes Bruno to the rescue. Bruno's impressed, despite how wicked the people were, his darling still wept for the lost of their lives. So pure, sweet, naive, and foolish. This is why darling needs to be in Bruno's care. Melone’s just very impressed. Humiliated but impressed. You two outsmarted him. Such smart darlings would make wonderful mothers. He’s analyzed you two quite alot since his deal with Bruno. Even if you two will never forgive him and Bruno, you would NEVER take it out on sweet innocent bambini. Bruno attempts to comfort the both of you by explaining that he and Melone have the money and resources to raise a family, which wasn’t comforting at all. You two knew that it meant they have the power to keep you in place and there would be nothing you can do. Afterall, Passione basically controls Italy in the shadows. What chance do either of you have against them, stand or no stand?
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toots-senpai · 1 year
fair warning: i do not have a foot fetish, i just appreciate any form of pleasure...no foot fetish, (i will kick you stop fwm) just hear me out.
if cod men have hand/foot fetish & their opinions on you be spoiled with mani-pedis (ghost, price, soap, konig, gaz)
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MDNI (you'll be blocked)
nsfw under the cut
captain price has a slight foot kink i dont make the rules. but ik its just purely because he loves all of your body. i dont think he’s down for sucking toes (idk tho man is a freak) but when he's got you in a mating press, ankles on his shoulders, he’ll kiss the arch of your foot 100% of the time. when you doll up to go out he loves slipping on your shoes, affirmations to stay safe or if the two of you are going out together, maybe it starts a teasing amount of pregame for the night ahead, kissing from your feet and up your legs. also pays for your mani-pedis every time you talk about a new color. if you ask him what he wants, he loves any pastels fs. goes rabid if you get his name or initials on your nails. sits in the car when you're in the salon or goes and occupies his time by buying food for you to eat when you're done.
soap probably has it full blown fr, like adoration about anything oral, full blown oral fixation with this one. he kisses wherever he can, it doesn't matter if it's the heel of your foot. bet he loves watching you lick the release off his fingers and vice versa. he's too jealous to sit in the same room as you without being able to touch you. this man most definitely gives you at home pedicures because he doesn’t want anyone else touching your feet. definitely complains about it even if he does give you the money for the pedicure and your technician is a woman. he'll lotion you every time you're out of the shower even if you don't need it. positive he's a switch, loves getting degraded, the sight of degrading him by making him suck your toes is clear. 100% puts of you don't get his initial in your nail everytime he pays for them, pouts even more when you pay yourself.
i feel like konig has the same energy as soap when it comes to being attracted to all of your body but i don't think he's down for anything other than kissing. but, when you get your nails done flashy for this first time, he see's your little hobby as something he can smother you with like everything else. you once got long nails with a red bottom underneath and that's when his appreciation clicks and he starts to love your pretty nails more than anything. kissing at your fingers anytime he gets and cumming harder when your pretty nails are wrapped around his thick length. probably begs you to not give him handies when your nails are done because the sight makes any amount of stamina and restraint go out the window. if you brace your pretty fingers on his collarbones while you ride he wont look away from you. if you get his initial signed he thinks it's cute but nothing to roll heads over for him. also paints your toes when he has the chance. would probably sit in the salon with you but man is a girl magnet so he sits in the car and probably sends you the worst memes you've seen.
i think ghost doesn't care for it all, pays if you ask, definitely likes to sit in salons with you, stares down anyone who tries to even think about talking to him. when you have your nails done man lets you do nothing if he's able to enforce it. no hard labor with your hands, but loves watching you tap away at your phone, flip at pages and laughs when your nails gets in the way when you write.
gaz is soap but way less possessive. do whatever you want, he's your backbone. i personally think he aids in your thoughts of delusion and encourages things a little too much sometimes. he's the best friend a girl could ask for when it comes to drama and getting all dressed up. is never unenthused at the the things you like and if you think it's cute, of course it is, he's buying it regardless of what you want. i think gaz is the type of man to be like "i wanna spoil you, whatchu want." instead of grabbing random things. the only time he surprises you with random things is when your items need to be refilled and he knows exactly what it is that you need. sits in the salon, stares at you the whole time and makes the nail ladies blush.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi! Sorry if the question sounds weird…but I feel like this is a safe place to ask this.
How do you think Jikook handled their intimacy during The Soop, Bon Voyage etc? Also considering the ramen joke, the analysis going around about Jungkook putting on that jacket in BV and so on. Thank you!
I don't understand the question
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But I think I get u. Maybe. I'm not sure. Okay we are gonna start from the beginning and I'm just gonna hope this is what u asked 🤭🤭
Bon Voyage season 1:
Well, we know JK ditches Suga to go sleep with Jimin in the living room. Which awwww 🥺🥺🥺
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BUT, I dont think the SEVENing took place in there. I'm thinking the laundry room. It would explain why they liked doing laundry so much 🤭🤭🤭
I imagine the boat would have been harder, too many people in one room. But if they wanted I'm sure they found a way 😁
Bon Voyage season 2:
This one is easy. They play for rooms, JK looses and he ain't happy to be sleeping on the couch. So Jimin sees his baby is sad n he naturally offers to switch
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But JK chooses to sleep on the floor, turning down the offer. Surprising since he knows Yoonmin are sharing a bed. But maybe he'd rather not sleep with Suga 🤭 I'm kidding... I'm kidding 😂😂😂 This was probably JK's hyung kink at play where he likes to look after Jimin. So he'd rather be uncomfortable than have Jimin be uncomfortable.
Anyway, this is further down into episode 7 but u can see Yoonmin are in bed right before Jimin sneaks out the room.
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You know he's not just leaving but sneaking out coz he's checking to see if Suga is asleep.
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Justice for Suga. Jikook always be ditching him for eo 😂😂😂 anygays, seeing Jimin sneak out in ep 7 tells me he probably did it for the duration of their stay in that house. Coz in the next house, JK lost on purpose and they ended up sharing this room that we never saw the inside of
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All we got was a sus photo of JK with smeared lipstick.
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Anyone having flashbacks of Osaka Vlive?? 😂🤭 He he he heee...
Then we have the origin of Jikook doing laundry. Of course this is suspicious off the bat. But even more reason is because their stories weren't matching. According to JK, they stayed up till late doing laundry. So from him, they were doing laundry for most of the night.
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But according to Jimin laundry was done in the morning???
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Well, which is it Jikook????
Anon, these motherfuckers were SEVENing plenty in Hawaii. 👀
Bon Voyage season 3:
I don't really need to delve into this one, do I? Even the most out of touch person knows Jikook were sharing a room. I mean, Jimin was not only supposed to share a room with Suga and Jin, but he was supposed to share a bed with Jin. Now, why tf would he do that when his boyfriend had a room all to himself??
Anyway, analysis by Mizgator here. Timestamp 7:00
I also believe Jimin continued to sleep in that room even after V showed up. Jikook were on their honeymoon after all 🤭🤭🤭
Real talk though, this is what friends do for eo. Members have excused Jikook when they needed the privacy. That's just what people do. I know its bros before hoes, but who is the ho to V if both are his bros?? 😂
Moving on to Bon Voyage season 4:
I already covered how in the first house the SEVENing took place in the RV. So let's move on to camping. Now this is a bit hard to gauge when/where intimacy would have taken place. It was only 2 nights that they camped anyway, so maybe nothing happened during this time? BUT, like I will say many times during this post; it dont matter. If they wanted to SEVEN, it happened irregardless of location.
(There was however some camping sleeping drama that took place. I talk about that here. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I just like to bring it up coz I like drama 🤪)
Now onto the second and final house. First of all, we are going to quickly gloss over JK following Vhopemin into this room with all his luggage.
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He has no business being there seeing as his roommate was RM. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Oh how satellite Jeon i do love you. 🤭🤭
So anygays, at some point you hear Jimin calling Jhope's name urgently
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And then they start whispering and giggling like little kids.
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Now that could just be Jihope well, Jihoping but this was when people were going to their rooms. I wouldn't put it past Jimin to enlist his bestfriend's help on Jikook getting a room to themselves at some point.
Like I've mentioned b4, cameras aren't always filming, and friends do each other these kinds of favors all the time. In any case this was a big ass house if Jikook wanted to get their groove on, they got it done.
I think we are good on the BVs so let's move onto In the Soops.
In The Soop season 1:
Here i talk about how JK used to spend the night in what was supposed to be Vmin's room. So that's that. Also if I was them I would have considered using that boat to SEVEN for sure. I hope they did. I mean, they wouldn't have to do nothing. Just let the waves do all the work
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Mosquito net incident i dont think they did anything beyond making out, really. JK lost his hoodie, yeah. But Jimin looked the exact same way coming out like he did going in.
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So clearly he didn't shed his clothes.
In The Soop season 2:
First there was Jimin's room. And then JK's and Bam's house... I can see it. Especially when JK asked Jimin if he wanted ramen and Jimin ran towards JK's house. I think he got his ramen 😏😏 Something tells me Jimin didn't actually leave, here.
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He pretended to, but i don't think he did. I think he stayed and they either turned off the cams or covered them. But I've always had a feeling he didn't actually leave.
But while that's speculation, this however, I think this is a given---> I talk about the drone incident and them going to the forest/bushes 🤭 here. Why would they need to get rid of the camera unless they went to shout in each other's briefcases? 🤷🏽‍♀️ or even to SEVEN? One can get real creative on that ATV. Just saying... 😌😌😌
I knew it was game over because of the way Jimin looked at the camera here.
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Look at his faceeeee
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He was NOT a fan of that camera in that moment. It's giving flashbacks to this summer package
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And then the way they both look at the camera again before taking off
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He he heee.... if you ever watch these reality shows again just pay attention to how many times they glance at cameras. Its so funny. It's not really a surprise they waved away that drone for some privacy.
Thanks for the ask, anon. I believe that about covers it, yes?
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she-her-cuntboy · 1 year
Fantasizing about having a cis boyfriend who talks me into kinkier and kinkier sex, secretly laying the foundations to start detransitioning me. When I realize, im scared, and I go to a friend to talk about my worries. He's trans like me, and agrees that it might be something to keep an eye on, but give him another chance - maybe it has an innocent explanation, and he's not trying to detrans me. Maybe im projecting my own kinks - when's the last time I had sex that wasn't catered to a cis penis? He convinces me to have sex with him, casually, as friends, we've known each other a long time and used to mess around sometimes before I met my boyfriend. It feels so good, but the whole time I feel guilty - what if my boyfriend sees it as cheating? We haven't talked about exclusiveness, and I tend to lean towards polyamory, but if he's monogamous I wouldn't want to do this behind his back. So the moment I come home to him, I break down and confess tearfully.
He listens gravely, and carefully keeps his expression neutral, but I can tell he's hurt. He asks who it was with, and I tell him - he knows my friends. "Oh!" he says. "That's fine, babydoll. Well, I mean- I would have preferred we talked about it before, so I'm honestly still a little hurt, sweetheart... but I don't have an issue with you, uh, having sex or whatever with other people, as long as it's not another real- I mean cis man." I eagerly agree to his boundaries, and reassure him that I've never been into other cis men and he's the exception, the love of my life. I easily ignore his awkward wording - he's not as familiar with queer terminology and talking about sex can be a little weird to put into words anyway.
What he's carefully avoiding scaring me off with is his true opinion that he's slowly going to acclimate me to, which is that queer "sex" doesn't count without a cis man's penis. It's not cheating if it's two transmen, because that's just lesbian sex and there's no real man claiming his property. He thinks it's cute when I call ftm4mtf "straight sex" as if I'm a boy, because he knows my tgirl friend is still penetrating my needy submissive pussy. And eventually, I start to question my gender, especially in the bedroom. My boyfriend is always so much more affectionate and into it when he's feeling up my curvy body, and he loves when I act like a girl. I tentatively break the subject with my ftm friend who I talked to at first, and he's very accepting of my "gender weirdness", and respects my request to be treated like a girl in the bedroom, and then anywhere private, and then in public. We spend a lot of time together, talking about sex and kinks, and he's naturally empathetic and seems really touched when I talk about how good it feels to be a good girl for a real man. I'm barely aware of how convincing I'm being, because I don't know the sappy playlists my boyfriend makes me are full of subconscious conditioning and affirmations behind the music - good girls make more good girls. I'm a good girl. Good girls need cock in their cunts. My needy cunt makes me a girl. Brains are for boys and my thoughts are just noise. Good girls make more good girls.
Eventually my boyfriend is my husband, I'm his favorite submissive housewife, and all my old "trans" and "lesbian" friends are playthings for his entertainment. We love having lesbian sex and putting on a show to earn his cum, and I dont remember any reality other than this, or any reason I wouldn't want to be right where I am.
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puppie-b0y · 7 months
Stepbro!Charlie Walker
A/N- As a wise man once said- "OH MY DAYS, DONT CHAT TO ME❌️❌️❌️" Bro I've been thinking about this all fucking day and I need to write it out into the world. Is this what you came to my account for? Probably not, but it's what you're gonna get✨️🤭😍
WARNINGS - Stepcest, perv!Charlie, Stepbrother!Charlie, somnophilia, knives, dub con, throatfucking, possesiveness, throatpie, dacryphilia, knife kink if you squint, mentions of breeding at the end and overall just him being a gross loser...
-Stepbro!Charlie Walker, who wasn't all that thrilled to meet you when his dad announces that him, his girlfriend, you and Charlie were to have dinner together so his son could meet the woman he'd been seeing and her daughter
-Stepbro!Charlie Walker, who immediately had his eyes on you as soon as you walked into the restaurant. Jesus, she's fucking gorgeous He thought. As his dad waves you and your mother over to the table, his stomach drops.
-Stepbro!Charlie Walker, who was obsessed with you from the start. The way you were quiet and awkward the first couple of times you had met. The way you always wore cute skirts and low-cut tops. Even when you were just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the jeans hugged your hips so perfectly, the shirt oversized and baggy, making him wonder how big one of his shirts would be on you.
-Stepbro!Charlie Walker, who makes it his mission to get close to you and earn your trust just so he can finally feel you against him. "I'm a hugger" was his excuse. But in the back of his mind, he knows he only does it to feel your tits pressed up against his chest and your arms tangled around his neck.
-Stepbro!Charlie Walker, who starts acting really weird once you guys get closer. Always so possessive when you start talking about your friend a little too politely. He's just protective of his stepsister, what else can you say? Although, it does get a bit weirder when he starts calling you his one day...
-Stepbro!Charlie, who rolls his eyes at whatever new date you're talking about and pushes you against a wall, grabbing your face harshly in his hand, making you look at him. "Your fucking mine, okay? Hey, don't look away. Look at me. You're mine. You don't need those other people, okay?" His voice whiny, but strikingly scary.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who knows you've been avoiding him ever since that little incident. Always making plans or taking extra shifts at work just so you didn't have to be at home with him. Of course, he couldn't stand that. He had to fix it.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who walks past you in the hallway, the two of you home alone. He notices you trying not to make eye contact and ignore him and he fucking hates it.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who pushes you against the wall once again, yelling at you, his voice still desperate, and yet still all the more frightening. "Is this because of what I said last week?" You can try to push him off of you, but he'll just pin your hands to the wall by your wrists and put his knee between your legs. "Just because you stop talking to me doesn't mean I don't stay updated on you." He smiles dont at you, his eyes softening."You haven't said anything to mom or dad about any more dates. Every time you go out, it's for work or a 'personal shopping trip.' You know you're mine."
-Stepbro!Charlie, who teases you when he gets the chance. You're wearing a skirt? Oh, you can bet on him bending you over the kitchen counter, grabbing the edge of your panties and snapping them against your ass, chuckling as you let out a little yelp. You aren't wearing a bra? He's lifting up your shirt and pinching your nipples, occasionally sucking on then for a short amount of time before he hears someone walking into the room.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who sets up cameras in your room, watching you when you don't even know it. Seeing you watch the horror movies he recommended to you, seeing you talk to your friend about how "Ghostface is definitely some hot, good-looking guy" and "Pretty people are always the most fucked up and weird", seeing you touch yourself while you watch hard-core, perverted porn. Fuck, what would you say if you knew? You'd probably be so fucking embarrassed.. so fucking adorable. And that's why he now needs you to know.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who waits for your guys' parents to leave for a date, excited for when they're gone. Five minutes after you hear the front door close, you get out of the shower, walking out of the bathroom and to your room naked, thinking you were alone. He sneaks into your room shortly after you and sees you facing away from the door, trying to pick out clothes. You bend over to look the your bottom dresser drawer and he sees just how pretty you pussy looks. He needs to fuck you. Now.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who, despite knowing how gross and wrong it is, puts on his Ghostface costume one night, planning to use you. He sneaks into your room once again while you're asleep and puts his hand over your mouth, a knife at your throat. "If you make a sound, I'll fucking kill you. God, you're just too pretty, huh?" He moves his hand from over your mouth and moves the black robes a bit, his bare cock now showing. "Here, I'll help you stay quiet." While positioning his tip at your lips. A few tears run down your cheeks. And you know what this gross, perverted fucker does? He wipes your tears with cock and forces your mouth open with his thumb. "Shhh, don't cry, it's okay, put my cock in your mouth and it'll be over soon, alright?" Slowly thrusting himself halfway into your mouth.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who watches you reluctantly suck on the tip for a few seconds before moving your head up so his cock went down your throat. It honestly shocked him. You had a knife pressing at your throat and a serial killer who broke into your home asking you to suck him off and you quickly obeyed. Just like that. His stepsister was that much of a slut. And God, was she fucking good at it. Taking his whole length down her throat, sometimes holding it there for quite a long time, closing her eyes. He wanted to take this chance. He finally had the chance to take off the mask and wait for you to open your eyes and look up at him once again, only to see that it was your stepbrother the whole time.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who isn't a fucking pussy. Throwing the knife down on your bed, along with the mask. ...okay maybe he was a bit of a pussy. He debates putting it back on and hurrying this up, realizing it might not be the best idea. But before he can decide anything, you look up at him, still deepthroating his cock and he sees your eyes widen and you gag a bit, pulling off and breathing heavily. He covers your mouth again "If- If you scream, I- I'll tell mom and dad all the weird stuff you've let me do to these past couple of months, I'll tell your friends." He slowly moves his hand away, praying you accept this. "Please, just let me keep going."
-Stepbro!Charlie, who is absolutely terrified right now. If you scream, he'd have to kill you, but if you didn't... if you let this happen, you'd be just as gross, just as sick and perverted as he is. ...but I guess we already kinda knew that, didn't we? As you take his cock in your hand and kiss the tip, you hear something you never thought you'd hear. He fucking whimpers.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who ends up getting too needy, grabbing your hair and very roughly gently fucking your mouth. Whining and and throwing his head back, closing his eyes as he feels his cock twitch. You moan at the feeling of him hitting the back of your throat and that sends him over the edge.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who slams into your throat one last time, thrusting deeper than he ever has before and cums down your throat, not paying any attention his the way you're gagging around him and aggressively gripping his thigh and your sheets, eyes watering.
-Stepbro!Charlie who decides you had enough and laughs as he cleans himself up, leaning down to kiss you and speaking softly "Good girl, just remember, don't tell mom or dad or I'll have to hurt you, okay?" Leaving you in your bed, confused, tired, and wet.
-Stepbro!Charlie, who decides that wasn't enough and he needs to breed you :)
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yanderepuck · 1 year
Ikevamp au where everything is the same except the suitor falls in love with you, but you hate them.
Imagine. An otome game, but you constantly turn down the guy.
Napoleons route: what makes you think I want to be your body guard?
You: what makes you think I want to be near a panty sniffer?
Napoleons route later: wait... I think I'm in love with her
You: why won't he leave me alone.
Wait why is this actually hilarious
Mozart's route: no one likes you and no one wants you here.
You: what makes you think I want to spend my time with a man who meowed at people?
Mozart's route later: so I actually really like your company
You: I've never enjoyed being around you for a moment after you called me a nuisance.
How would you expect me to fall in love with either of these two after they both tell me they want nothing to do with me. Please explain
Leonardo's route: I'm going to drag you around the city and have you help me with things
You: please just let me be depressed in the mansion
Leonardo's route later: I've really been enjoying our time together
You: please just let me be depressed in the mansion.
Just let her do her thing. She wants to go back home with no strings attached. Make sure she doesn't try to kill herself but please don't drag her along against her will.
Arthur's route: you're a pretty little thing
You: touch me and I will scream and bite you myself. Never speak to me. Don't even perceive me.
Arthur's route later: so it all started when I was a wee lad
You: didn't I tell you to stop acknowledging me? I'm not interested in your trauma. I didn't even know who wrote Sherlock until I got here
Let be real. Most of us didn't actually know. We knew Sherlock didn't write Sherlock but we didn't know it was some crazy fairy man.
Vincent's route: you're really sweet and I think we should be friends
You: yes. Friends is nice. You seem very nice
Vincent's route later: so..I..um...I want to be more than friends.
You: learn how to have a negative emotion and stop acting like being sad is a bad thing.
The boy is honestly toxic. He's going to invalidate your negative emotions I feel it.
Theo's route: hondje! You saw my scar and so now you're going to work for me!
You: shouldn't I be the one trying to blackmail you??
Theo's route later: you're actually a really good worker and have a good eye for art. I like you hondje
You: so you like capitalism? Am I even getting paid? I didn't travel through a door just to run around the city and sell art work
I'll never understand how it makes sense that Theo thinks he can make her do things bc he assumes she noticed some random ass scar. WHAT'S WRONG WITH EVERYTHING LEARNING YOU GOT SHOT. YOU DIDN'T COME FROM THE FUTURE. THEY CAN TECHNICALLY LOOK UP HOW YOU DIED.
Why did I have a hard time coming up with one for Isaac. Ik that boy is problematic but why am I having issues
Isaac's route: HOW DONT YOU KNOW ABOUT *insert very complicated scientific theory*
You: I went to public school my dude. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
Isaac's route later: she's very kind and patient. Is this what love feels like??
I know once I post this I'll think of a better one for Isaac. But oh well. Boy needs to let you talk about your day.
Dazai's route: you're so cute. I'm going to adopt you as my little sister
You: you're a little weird... But I guess this is okay
Dazai's route later: so I really like you, but I need to push you away and act like I don't care because it's what's best
You: I have been here for two weeks and you've tried to kill yourself 4 times. How did you think I could mentally handle that let alone want to date you, PLUS YOU KEEP CALLING ME YOUR LITTLE SISTER
He sibling zones you up until the very end. What kind of Alabama kink do you got going on, Dazai
Jean's route: I'm not sorry that I bit you. Don't talk to me, I don't want friends. No one understands me anyway.
You: if Comte doesn't beat your ass for biting me then I'll do it myself.
Jean's route later: I think I'm learning what love is. She's helped me with so much and I want to repay her
You: he bit me and never apologized or got in trouble. Why the hell would I ever be interested in him. He's treating life like a SURVIVAL GAME
I have many complaints about Jean. But my main one is the biting and him never getting in trouble for it bc he's the favorite child.
Will's route: you found and read my note book and now I have to keep an eye on you so you don't tell anyone that I'm using this information against them to possibly get them killed!
You: sooo...you aren't writing all of this because you have bad social skills and are just trying to better understand everyone because they are all from a vastly different time period than you? Thanks for telling me your plan.
Will's route later: so I've realized the error of my ways and I'm not going to do the deed any more and I hope you can forgive me
Will became a little too obsessed. Oops
Comte's route: it is my fault that you are here, so I will protect you and take care of all your needs while you are here. You'll be the daughter I never had
You: thanks! I'll work around the mansion to pass the time and get to know everyone better
Comte's route later: I know I have pushed you away multiple times but I really love you and I want to spend centuries with you
You: I have seen how bad of a parent you are and I've picked up your dirty clothes off the floor I don't think this is going to work
Comte just keeps daughter zoning you and then is like "so I love you" IS THIS WHERE DAZAI GETS IT FROM.
Sebastian's route: every time you do something wrong I'm going to flick your forehead
You: do that one more time and I swear to God I'm slapping that grin off your face
Sebastian's route later: being with you is making me miss home and consider going back to our time. I would love to go back with you and spend our lives together back in Japan
You: there's so many reasons why this wouldn't work out and staying at the top: YOU TOOK SOME RANDOM PILLS SOME PRIEST GAVE YOU. Not to mention you didn't tell ANYONE you were dying
If you're gonna fall in love with me at least tell me you're going to die in a few months.
Also not going to do the trio in this moment. Oops sorry
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romanscoming · 2 years
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r is a little mean not really but yk, dom!r/sub!j, calling self dumb/stupid, racist/sexist talk?, face riding, babying r and j, praising/downgrading kink, marking kink, claiming kink kinda?, j is insecure, a whole lotta jealousy, different positions, bubbly!r (BIMBO BEHAVIOR) ma'am/mama kink,, r is a little bit bipolar and hot-headed, r is in control for the most part, little bit of yandere Jonathan, pleasing and pleasure, pet names such as; good boy, sweet boy, baby, my love and mines.
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YOU WERE IN THE HALLWAY OF HAWKINS HIGH, TALKING TO A FRIEND, Barbara Holland; you guys were talking about the last grades you've gotten in Mr. Rollins History class.
"Honestly, I might just go jump off of Bellwood Quarry.." you mumbled looking in your locket,
"Y/N don't say stuff like that." Barbara called out which made you feel even more dumb, you rolled your eyes.
"Right, sorry." You whispered with a attitude a bit, "I just hate his class, I'm starting to think he just pick on me.., what if he is a racist?" you started going on, "He probably can't stand seeing a black women be successful, you know-he could be a racist and a sexist!"
"I don't know about all of that, but maybe?"
Just as you closed your locket, and turned around you were met with a couple of popular boys,
"Hey Y/N?" the one named Riley started, as he friends followed behind him.
You rolled your eyes before looking at him and giving off a bubbly smile, "What do you want, Riley.."
He smirked your way before reaching a hand out to touch the fat exiting from your fishnets, you squirmed away from his touch before Barbara slapped his hands away.
"Don't you dare touch a girl without her permission."
He looked at her with angry eyes before he spat at her, "Who do you think your talking to, who even are you-leave."
You could tell by his voice he wasn't playing, he was dead serious.. you hoped and prayed that Barbara would stay and she did.
"Bara.. just go."
Just as you seen the fire in his eyes and his mouth about to open again you quickly pushed Barbara away telling her you’d met her in the cafeteria, which she disliked but did it anyways.
“Thank you, Y/N, I just wanted to ask you to help me with the essay.. right like you said you will.” He said soft but seriously, you sighed and nodded as he winked at you and kissed your cheek.
And then started to walk ahead.
Just as you let out a breath you turned to see Jonathan looking at you, sorrow eyes but filled with anger and disgust.
Just as you called out his name he turned and looked at you for another second before moving along and rushing into a empty classroom.
You head went empty as dropped your book into your locker slam the mini-door and ran towards the classroom, "Jonathan?"
As you got walked further into the classroom where were a breath on your back causes all of the hairs on your body to raise.
"Jesus.. J you scared me!"
Just as you were turning around you felt him grab ahold of your hand, tightly twisting you around as you were met by his forehead press against yours.
"Hi, Jon." you said calm and sweetly, he pulled you closer wrapping his arms around you.
Laying his head on your shoulder as you giggle at the open mouth kisses he was laying onto your neck.
"Can you stop playing and let me know what's wrong?" you giggle to him as he is nose brushed off of your skin.
"Why does he always come and talk to you.. like sitting by you in class-aka my seat and kissing you cheek and winking at you??"
The questions sinked into your for a while, you started to realize his voice was breaking as he was till trying to stay calm but was getting angry and flustered at the thought of him with you.
"I don't know J.. I don't think it's that serious."
"No, no.. he can't-he's just trying to take you away from him." he said while looking down on the floor disgusted by you not noticing the little things..
"J?" you reached for his hand as he moved his away from yours.
You carried your hand towards his face cupping his cheeks as you forced him to look into your eyes.
"Jonathan.., baby?" his eyes were place all around the room as you were trying your best to get his attention, "Baby.. there is no need to be jealous sweet boy."
"No.. I want you to stay.. your mines?"
"I'm always yours, never still stop being yours." you said as he patted his cheek twice.
Just as the words came out your mouth you can see the more lovable and lust full up his eyes, he blinked once before pressing his forehead against yours once more.
His breathing increase as you wrapped your arm around his waist.
You always knew he loved to be babied and you were the only one to do that for me.
You breathed slowly watching him very closely almost forgetting how to breath as you caught a deep breath as his lips were finally touching yours.
You immediately respond to the kiss, pulling at his hair was he eyes shot back open just as his mouth did looking into your devil eyes.
Your fingers all attached to his scalp, as his hands gripped onto your shirt so closely wanting more of you and need it desperately.
Chuckling into the kiss even more as you gripped his shoulders and jump, lashing your legs around his waist as he quickly wrapped the arm around your hips holding you still.
Just as he was losing his balance to busy worked about you can craving more, he pushed desks together as you both fell on top of it, he stop caught his breath and crashed his lips against yours for the 2nd time, over and over on repeat,
Feeling him touch all upon your body you intended to giggle and laugh craving him just as much as he is craving you.
His kissed went from your lips to all over your neck, and on your collarbone, he pulled at your button-up shirt before looking up at you with his buried lips and a small smile.
You smiled and pulled him up to you kissing him lustfully on his lips before nodding, "Yes baby,, show me how much you want me to only be yours!"
He unbuttoned your shirt and gave you kiss on your chess and the middle of your breast before he asked you to lift up a little,
Just as you did what you were asked you felt his hands crawling on your body as he got your shirt fully off and unclipped your bra slowly before gripping onto your skirt and the liner of your fishnets.
You nodded once more before he kissed your belly button and your waistline dragging your skirt down your legs, making your squirm around at the exposer of your unclothed clit rubbing against the fishnets so closely which was most definitely leaving marks.
He backed away just as he admired your body for a minute or more, before taking off his shirt, and hovering over you as his belt was dropped to the floor.
Just as he gotten closer to you and kissed your stomach, you wrapped your legs around his shoulders.
"Mm..not that, you have to tell me what you want baby, okay?" you told him.
Jonathan just started to whine, as he tried to kiss the bottom half of your stomach once more but you trapped his hand.
All he could whimper and whine, he wanted to tell you so bad but no words were forming nor coming at.
"Jonathan." you called out to him just as his name but he just couldn't respond at all.
"Maybe, if I shove my pussy in your face you'll start speaking?" You questioned him just as he nodded a little, "Ain't that are J-baby?"
"You just a little pussy-drunk, sweet boy"
As the word came out of your mouth, you loosen up a bit, pushing Jonathan onto his knees and sliding your body to the edge to the table just as your legs were onto your shoulders.
His arms wrapped around my hips while licking your slit, looking up at you with pleasing eyes.
You moaned to him as you smiled and nodded as he sucked your clit, rocking your hips back and force on his face grinding that nub against his nose to add yourself more pleasure.
Back arching as his tongue entered you caused you both to moan as you pushed back against him.
Feeling yourself get closer and closer to your orgasm, your hands reach for his hair as you got him closer, pulling at his hair and all.
You were going to cum, and he knew you were as well.
"Im gonna cum.. honey oh goodness-where do you want it?" you asked in a whining whisper,
He moaned against your private before licking and sucking more wanting you to cum so badly.
“J-jonathan !” gripping onto his hair as you yelp, pulling him away.
“Stop being so naughty as answer me, okay..” you said harsh a bit as you seen him
He pouted looking up at you, as you slapped his face a little wanting him back to reality.
'Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." he whimpered looking up at you as you smiled and move your hand from his red cheek to the top of his head.
He moaned at the patting of his head and the feeling of you messing and pulling at his hair, just for a moment staring at his glossy lips that were filled with you juices you had a idea.
"I'm gonna cum all over you face, okay baby?" you added as he nodded, "Maybe I'll even make you walk out this classroom with my juices upon your face, huh?"
He just moaned loudly at your words, trying to push himself back between you legs to hind his face, but you didn't let him at all.
"Please.. mama-sorry!" you smiled at his mistake and chuckle, before pulling him by his hair to face you.
"Say it again.." you whispered in his ear.
"No you know what I'm talking about, say it again or you won't cum." you demanded to him as he whimpered at the gripping of his hair.
"Im sorry mama.. Im sorry!"
You were in awe for a second, empty minded and do hungry for him now, "Get me to cum on your face right now, and then ill let you fuck me.. and maybe I'll cum in that mouth of your again after."
He slimed before kissing your shoulder and gripping you lower waist before pushing his darken dick against your unclothed cunt.
"Better get to work but you have blue balls."
Just as that was said you pushed him back down to his knees as he gripped your legs and thighs with one hand and the other he was palming himself, secretly but you didn't care.
You wanted to be mean and embarrass him with all of your cum on his face as he leaves out the room.
But then the other half of you wanted him to know he was yours and that you were only his and you loved him more then anything.
You mind could go empty and the only person that would still be in there is Jonathan he was your top idea, top accomplishment, he was your success, he was what you needed and what you want.
Your head fell back as you felt him rolling the fishnets around your clit as he sucked onto both, making you melt onto the desks.
"Close.. close!" You were closed to cumming and close to him bring the emptied minded bimbo out of you,
you just knew, and you could feel that this was going to be a mega orgasm.. you can tell by how he was eating you like a starving man.. you were going cum hard,, and mean it.
Just after your mind started going blink as you felt him slide two fingers inside of you curling them up repeatedly bring you closer to the climax.
"Please-Ahh! oh-oh Jonathan baby-oh my godddd! Aaaaghh~-" you grip his hair as you started to shake and grind onto his head, brushing his nose near your entrance and rolling off of the nub as he suck harsh and quickly onto your clit,
"Out.. Im gonna cum.. let me cum in on your face,, out-aaaaAh~~ please!" you moaned as your eyes gotten burry and you couldn't see nothing be Jonathan between your legs and the sounds of him lapping you up and down, quicker, faster and more and more.
He pulled his fingers out just as you told him, just as you came straight onto his face with a loud cry, with a mixture of a whimper and moan, so much pleasure just in a little amount of time.
You body fell back unto the table of the desk just as you groan from the pain, but moan at the pleasure as Jonathan was still lapping up all of your juice not leaving a single leak.
Just as you whined for him to give you a break you were in a different positive, 'mixed missionary',
As he kissed your neck, and upon your shoulder to your cheek, and then you lips you just wanted more and more.
"Please hurry.." and when that was said from you he pushed in cock into your warm wet and sloppy cunt.
Both of you feeling each others pulse, and moaning at the pleasure, one of your legs wrapped around his back, pushing him further inside of you,
While the other is wrapped up on his legs holding on tight as you hands are on his shoulders pulling him closer as they met once you get them around his upper chess.
Pressing his thin-harden nipped against your larger breast, adding more pleasure.
You kissed him as he quickly reposed by entering his tongue into your mouth, "Please.. mama-can I-ah~ mama please!"
He moaned into your mouth as you tap his tongue with yours, letting them both collide causes you both to moan and cling to each other more and more.
Jonathans placed his hand on the back of your head and make you tilt your head to the side a little, as you guys were full on French kissing, making out moaning back and forth into each others mouths.. pulling away closely as he held your head against his forehead,
needing to feel you breath, and see the pleasure in your eyes.
There were a few more peck here and there as he pull out, making you cling to nothing but a enough hole, just as he slams back into you making that moan come out very loudly as he laughed as your mouths brush against each other before doing it again.
You mind was going empty, you could think about anything, it was just the sound of skin slapping and the sight of Jonathan above you, pleasing you, and you letting him know you were all of his.
He didn't even bother going at a slow pace in the beginning he hit hard and fast thrusts, looking deeply into your eyes as he pressed another kiss upon your lips to make sure you were comfortable.
"God-Jonathan.., stop worrying about me-be a good boy and cum for your on good,, love ahh~!" you spoke soft to him as you kissed him once more, as he whimpered to you.
One last kiss before he place you head into his left hand and moved his right to add pleasure to your clit, you moaned and whined at the movement from under, and tried to push and run away.
"Please-ahh~ I don't think I can hold it... again.. again~ Aaaah~!" You babbled
You were going anything, your body started to twitch just as you called out for Jonathan he pushed back away from you just as you squirted onto your lower stomach and his dick and lower chess.
He moaned in surprise as he left you squeeze him inside of you pushing him deeper as the juices form you pussy leak and rushed onto him just as he thrusted more and you squirted more and more until you came onto his dick.
Jonathan head fell back as he pulled away, while pulling out and cumming onto your wet sweaty fishnets and belly.
"Did I do good mama?" he asked with sparkles in his eyes as you panted and nodded your head.
He sat your up, onto the edge of the desk once again as he gotten back onto his knees and kissed your thighs and biting wanting to mark you, and to hear you voice.
"I love you sweet boy.. okay?" you stated looking down at him, "Im yours and your mines,,"
He nodded his head as he opened his mouth waiting for you to do something, which you did.
You placed your fingers into your dripping hole, and took a scoop on before placing it into his place, letting him suck them clean.
"Open, my love.. open your pretty mouth for me." you said to him as he obeys, just as his mouth was fully open you spat into it smiling down at him as he melted into you thighs,
Just as you spat down your belly telling it travel to your wet cunt and placed two of your finger down to mix it in as you and Jonathan stared at each other the whole time.
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hisslt · 1 year
lo'ak sully x human! reader
both are aged up to 18
plot! : while hanging out in y/n's room lo'ak gets an idea
authors notes! : im writing this at 2 am while struggling to keep my eyes open because of a melatonin so there might be some mistakes. i do lowercase on purpose but if yall dont like it i can fix it. i might add a part 2 but idk
warnings! : aged up!!, suggestive, tit play?, size kink???, lo'ak and y/n are only friends
translations! :
tawtute - skyperson/human
tewng - loincloth
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you and lo'ak had been friends since the two of you were kids, and although a few disagreements and minor arguments have happened you both stay close as if stuck together at the hip. and neither of you could stay mad at the other even though you two would never admit it. your unknown crush on eachother is disguised as a great friendship. and being lo'ak's friend you have to be prepared for all of the weird shit he does and thinks of. but you manage to put up with it, somehow.. whether the idea might be pulling pranks on mostly norm and neteyam, using one of the abandoned planes from the previous war as a hideout, sneaking out to go swimming in a small pond late at night, taking tuk's food (which turned out to be a horrible idea as she threw a fit and snitched). you were always down to do what he thought of in the spur of the moment.
which leads you to now.
you and lo'ak in your cramped room at the lab. his large blue body sprawled out, taking up most of the bed. and you sat up on the bed with your head against the wall. he layed on his stomach with his face cradled on his arms. his tail once calmly swaying in the air has picked up more speed, a sign you recognize from spending most of your time with him. lo'ak was brewing an idea.
"if you think any harder your head's gonna explode." you say with a small laugh at your own joke. the comment seemingly brings him out of his intense thought process, aaaand right back into it. only this time he's focusing harder on his thoughts.
his eyebrows furrow and his ears twitch ever so slightly. he now looks up at you with his brows still pulled together.
you let loose a playful scoff, "come onnnnn, tell me what you're thinking about."
"it's nothing." he replies, voice breathy and dazed as his eyes stay on you. as if he was trying to ask you a question without speaking.
"talk." you say with a slap to his strong upper arm. however your smack doesn't even phase the na'vi.
with a barely audible sigh he opens up, "where's your phone?" he asks with a tilt of his head. his eyebrows untense while his tail stays in the air, moving at the same, quick and swift pase.
you nod, confused and instantly stand to grab your phone then sit back down on the creaking bed, carefully tossing the phone max had found from one of the old scientists who went back to earth. your body faces him more to signal he has your attention.
he sits up, with his long legs criss crossed and swallows before speaking, "i got an idea for a picture,"
he earns a nod from you as your face is still contorted into a confused expression. 'why is he being so dramatic over a picture?' is what goes though your mind. you let him move your body however is needed for the picture, letting him take complete control.
the scene probably looks strange as well as funny as he moves you like a doll. the blue teen opens his legs and spread them, making room for your small body as he hooks his large hands around your waist and gently drags you unbetween his meaty thighs so you both face to the full length mirror infront of the bed. you two make eye contact in the mirror as his slender fingers linger on your waist and you can see an odd emotion on his face. hesitancy? a simple nod of your head encourages him to continue.
he tugs on the fabric of your shirt. you can see his eyes quickly dart down to your shirt and back to your eyes in the mirror. his pretty amber eyes have their remaining slight dazed look to them.
"w-what are you doing?" you stutter out in disbelief.
"can i take this off?" he asks with an airy tone.
you nod and you can feel your face starting to heat up. his fingers that, if you're being completely honest, you have always admired, grape the hem of the material and slowly lift it up off your body. gradually more and more of your skin shows until the shirt is completely discarded and your left in a bra. a definite red flush tints the apple of your cheeks. a warmth spreading to your lower stomach.
from the mirror you can see lo'aks ears occasionally flicker and his tail sways quickly. he meets your eyes, searching for permition.
"can i?" his voice is even more breathy than before and it's definitely not a thing you hate. his subtle accent grows stronger. he loops his hands onto the back of the bra as he waits for an awnser.
"uh huh.. go ahead." is all he needed to immediately unclaspe the garment, not without struggle though, the clip dwarfed in his big hand.
the blue alien rushes to reveal your breasts, the exitement of seeing his best friend's titties getting the best of him.
and finally, your on display, tits proudly showing. nipples gradually hardening from the cold air. his eyes stay glued to them through the mirror. pupils largening and shrinking slightly at the sight. his little tawtute sitting between his legs with her pretty titties that he's been curious about revealed.
snapping out of his trance he speaks, "hold up your phone with the camera facing the mirror."
you instantly do as he says and turn on the phone camera and face it to the mirror, the sight looks weird and probably lewd. the phone itself covering your face.
a gasp is let loose as his cold hands rest onto your boobs and slightly push up. not forgetting to use his slender fingers to delicately roll your hardened buds on his way up, acting as if it were an accident. despite his big form, the soft skin of your breasts still squeeze out from between his fingers. his long tail uncontiouslly curls around your thigh, the tuft of hair teasing your skin.
his hands act as a bra as he urges you to take the picture.
but before you can take a second picture just incase this one would look better than the first, he nuzzles his face info your neck and he takes multiple deep sniffs of your scent. and sneakily making sure you smell like him. the cold beads in his hair supply a sensitive feeling against your warm skin. the big bulge in his tewng pressed on your back.
anyway, you still take a second photo of your body being dwarfed by the large na'vi as his cold hands cup your titties while you sit, caged, between his legs.
once the picture's been taken you throw the phone to the side and lean into lo'ak's touch. a soft rumbling, similar to a purr, rumbles in his chest. he now brings his fingers down to tease your nipples. pinching and rolling the sensitive buds.
"lo'ak.." you let a soft and empty moan out, eyes heavy and lidded as you make eye contact through the mirror once more. his once big, bright eyes are now hidden behind a dazed fog.
his fingers don't stop their movements as the two of you lock eyes. quiet and soft noises escape you, catching lo'aks attention and definitely heightening his ego. he sets his mind on making you release more of those pretty sounds.
he slows his attack on your boobs to palm the body part. you let loose more noises as his big hands change to massaging the soft skin.
the area is much more soft than he had ever expected, as the na'vi women have firm breasts due to muscle. the feeling he was slowly but surely becoming addicted to. this was definitely gonna change the friendship, but as of right now that's the last thing either of you care about.
"that's it. fuckkk yeah." he coos, coaxing you to release more noises. by now it's obvious that he gets pleasure from your pleasure.
his hard member strains against the fabric of his loincloth. you can feel the obvious bulge against your back. even more so when your back automatically arches when his sharp teeth graze against your shoulder and the movements of his hands become firmer.
"okay, okay. that's enough," you shakily speak, on edge about someone hearing your sounds or walking into your room without warming just to be met with the horrifying scene of an alien pleasuring you.
a childish whine leaves him which earns a shush from you.
you move your body between his big legs to face him. he now gets a way better view of your tits and is unable to draw his eyes away as you reach up, close to his ear.
"we can finish this later, skxawng." you tease in a sensual tone with a laugh.
a smile plays onto his features and he happily nods, his eyes still cloudy. he unexpectedly wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you into a hug. which might've just been to feel you against his skin more.
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xoxo - hisslt
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hotcocosstuff · 1 year
Mine; Gabriel x Reader smut
You were at a bar with the Winchesters getting away from it all when Gabriel had decided to show up. "Hiya boys." Dean nearly jumped out of his seat. "Jesus Christ Gabriel you can't do that" Gabriel just shrugged "Why not i thought it was funny." You decided to stop the fighting there "Hey Gabriel." He smiled "hi sweet cheeks." You blushed softly smiling. Dean sighed "You guys have fun I'm going to try to get laid." Sam spoke up "Ok im going home then." "Seeya sammy." Gabriel said as Sam walked out the door. "Wait can I come with Sam?" He turned around "Sure come on." Gabriel pulled you into a hug "Bye youngster." He said ruffling your hair smirking as you then dashed out the door.
"So you've got a thing for Gabriel." Sam said when you got in the car. "No i dont." You smile to yourself as you look at the ground. "Yes you do I can see it every time you look at him." You blush softly "Can you really?" He smirked "It's kind of obvious Y/n." "Do you think he knows?" He chuckled "No."
You smiled as you pulled up to the bunker. As soon as Sam turned off the car you ran to your room. When you got to your room you laid down smiling to yourself "It can't be that bad to love Gabriel." You heard a flutter of wings and jumped up "Hi Cas." You said looking at the angel happily. "You seem happy y/n." "Just thinking about something." He moved to sit next to you "Care to tell me what." Castiel and you were friends with benefits he knew you had your heart set for Gabriel. "Just you know a handsome archangel." He chuckled at that. You smiled as he wrapped an arm around you. That was until he said that you should tell Gabriel. Then your mood kind of dropped "Are you crazy!?" Cas tilted his head "What do you mean?" You sighed "I mean he's an archangel and I'm just a human." "Y/n don't think that lowly of yourself." You sighed "I just need some rest." "Ok." He left after that. You laid down and closed your eyes drifting off to sleep.
Castiel's pov
After my little talk with Y/n I went to talk to Gabriel who was still sitting at the bar. "Hello brother." "Hi Castiel." "What are your feelings on Y/n?" "Why?" He looked at me and I could have sworn he was blushing. "Just curious." He sighed looking away "She's nice." I decided I wasn't going to get anything out of him that way so I decided to take it up a notch. "I'll tell you one thing Gabriel." He looked at me "What?" "She's really submissive during sex." He growled at me. I thought it was funny so I decided to tease more. "She's such a good girl and has such a daddy kink." He stood up straightening his back and challenging me to say more. I gladly took his challenge "She's got such a dirty mouth and looks so good chocking on my cock. The best thing is she's mine." Gabriel snapped his fingers bringing us back to the bunker. I got pushed against the wall "Whoa what's happening." "Out Sam." Sam walked out with his hands up. "You have some courage challenging me brother but she will not be yours for much longer." He looked me in my eye before letting me go. Being the angel I am I had learned how too make a guy jealous from dean and I had one last trick. " You know Gabriel I was thinking of marking her as mine." This pushed him over the edge "Don't you fucking dare brother." He disappeared and I laughed. "What was all of that about?" "You might want to go somewhere else for the night." Was all I said before I teleported to Y/n.
She was sleeping peacefully until I lightly woke her up. "Huh? Oh hi cas." I didn't say anything I just kissed her knowing damn well Gabriel was watching.
Normal POV*
One second he was kissing you the next he was flown across the room. "You've crossed the line Castiel." You looked at the voice who spoke it was Gabriel! "Gabriel?" You ask quietly. "Yes sugar?" He made Castiel disappear. "What's wrong?" Instead of answering you he backed you up to the bed. "So you've been fucking my brother?" You gulped "Yes?" "Mmm baby your in for a hell of a night I'm going to make you scream my name so hard you forget Castiel's and your own name." As he pushed you down he grabbed your wrists leaving them there by using his grace. "Gabriel." You whined and he applied pressure to your throat making you moan. "Castiel said you've got a daddy kink." You nodded. "Daddy please." He smirked "if I let you go will you be a good girl and suck my dick. You nodded vigorously. "Words baby girl." "Yes daddy please let me suck your dick." You felt the restraint lift and you got on your knees. You unzipped his pants and pulled them and his boxers down revealing his hard erection.
"Suck now baby girl and if you do a good job daddy won't punish you as bad." You whined as he told you that. You put his dick in your mouth and started bobbing your head. "I'm going to fuck this pretty mouth of yours baby." He started moving his hips to need you face. You looked up to him tears in your eyes as you start gagging around him. "Look so good chocking on my cock baby. I'm So close baby girl." He shoved his cock as far down your throat as possible before he shot his hot cum down the back of your throat. "Swallow baby girl." He told you as he pulled put of your mouth. You did as told and opened your mouth to show him. "Good girl I think you get a reward." You stood up and he snapped bother of your guys clothes off. "Lay down baby." You laid back on the bed as he pumped a finger in and out of you. He used his grace to play with you clit as he attached his mouth to your nipples. "Daddy I'm close." He stopped and moved off of you. You whined. "Sorry baby you still had to be punished." You nodded softly as he then lined himself up with you. "Ready baby." "Yes daddy." He smirked before pounding into you and setting a bruising pace. His wings spread out behind him. You reached out to touch them and he nodded reassuring you. You stroked his soft feathers as he bit you neck drawing blood before healing it. "Gabriel I'm close." "Cum for me baby." Then you did screaming his name as you fell over the edge. "Oh fuck y/n." He came inside you then smirked as he pulled out.
"Why are you smirking so much and what did you do to my neck?" "Im smirking because I've wanted to do this forever. I marked you neck with my initials in enochian." "Why?" "So everyone knows your Mine." You smiled grooming his feathers. He buried his head in your neck groaning softly. "I need to get you cleaned up sugar." "Ok." You smiled.
Gabriel POV*
Before I took her took clean up I thought "She is MINE now Castiel." "I know brother." I smirked to myself before carrying her to the bathroom.
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wisehearts · 4 months
i dont understand the idea of service during sex that i've seen a lot in byler fan spaces. it seems to be about someone preferring to pleasure their partner over pleasuring themselves, or perhaps actually getting their pleasure from seeing their partner receiving it? but isnt that just normal healthy sex lol
the only alternative i can think of is someone who only has sex for themselves and basically uses their partner's body as a masturbation tool (something that a lot of douchebag men do unfortunately) which ofc is not an ideal scenario you would write for your fictional favs. i guess there could also be two people who are having sex and enjoying it, but still mainly in it for their own pleasure? but surely it's not possible to connect with someone during sex at all unless you keep their pleasure in mind anyway? hope you can help
hey! you're absolutely correct that it sounds like normal healthy sex (that's why I like exploring it!), I'd say "getting pleasure from seeing their partner receive it" is the meat of what a service top/partner is - so no need to worry about the alternative you mentioned! Some people think it means submissive but it really doesn't necessarily, at least from how I've interacted with it in life. and there's no 100% concrete definition, but it's less the general mutual "oh I'm making them feel good, we make each other feel good" of sex and more they actually get off on what they can do for their partner and don't necessarily expect the same thing back and are still just as fulfilled.
I like it for mike atm, but I see resistance for the role in general sometimes and I think there are two other things people can consider to help get a better understanding of why it's a totally valid and fun way to enjoy sex:
people's quite limited view of sex, whether due to inexperience or lack of knowledge
the belief that a partner can only experience their personal maximum pleasure from being the receiver is pretty basic. everyone has different likes, kinks, boundaries etc that to others might be a total turn off, there isn't one way to achieve full pleasure is my point! a simple example of some different forms of pleasure might be women who like to be held down vs a dominatrix, does that make sense? hopefully!
sex and love are not transactional
some people would genuinely think (and I've seen this) character A wouldn't be satisfied in life, or it's "unfair" if they don't also get fucked to completion, or fucked the same way they did character B, when it's simply not the only way to enjoy sex (this doesn't apply to eg. someone who finishes and then the sex is just over they don't bother helping their partner out 🍅 not what I'm talking about here). No one is cared for less (in fiction especially) just because one partner wasn't fucked the same way they did to the other, it's about sexual compatibility
so those points in relation to byler - for me! - are why I like mike getting off on will's reactions, the fact his body can please someone, body worship, praise kink vibes because will has no issue babbling praise since he genuinely feels amazing lmfao, getting overwhelmed and faltering, or rougher because he's trying so so hard and it excites him to see his best friend fall apart, to name a few :)
there's also the fact unless you really enjoy your preference in life, sex isn't the same every single time so there's degrees of the dynamic depending on the mood/scenario/horny levels - at least when I write!
tl;dr: service top/partner definition is pretty similar to how you'd view standard sex but the difference is that they don't operate with their own pleasure in mind as much/they get off on pleasuring
Hope this helped and didn't just confuse you more 😅❣️
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drpeppertummy · 6 months
extra leon & shel lore/tidbits copy pasted from the group chat that i dont think ive shared (non-kink-related)
[warning for mentions/descriptions of alcoholism, abuse, death including child death & pet death, transphobia, self harm]
angela really did not like shel before they became friends she thought he was just the most pissy old bitch. shel liked her fine bc she 1. never did anything to piss him off herself and 2. Called him a pissy old bitch which he thought was funny. i think she only changed her mind about him when she realized he was one of the only people to immediately start calling her the right name when she came out & when she realized he was friends with leon, who she already was cool with. now she'll defend him she'll be like No Hes Cool If Youre Friends With Him Honest I Swear. he always just liked her bc he thought she was Spunky. never really made a move to be pals with her just considered her one of his more tolerable coworkers. they both think its hilarious now that she hated him & she still Jokingly calls him a pissy old bitch. she was cool with leon Before coming out but only really became close with him After coming out bc he was like [in private] omg wait me too [<-paraphrased] & trans coworkers gotta stick together
shels cats prefer laying on leon when hes over bc hes softer & warmer & shel gets jealous so naturally the solution is for shel to use leon as a pillow so the cats have to lay on her instead
i think leon likes showering at shels house bc she has a shower chair & its nice. he probably winds up getting one himself anyway so shel can feel safer showering at his house too
shels house is pretty well cat-proofed. hes invested in soft carpeting so shits less likely to break if it falls, hazards are generally well-secured, hes got magnets on his cabinet doors so they cant break in, shit like that etc. the cats are more or less allowed anywhere in the house But he has a Strict no cats in the laundry room rule bc hes absolutely terrified of one sneaking into the dryer when hes not looking
leons place is like. very Lived In. kinda messy but not Gross (i imagine shel probably helps him keep on top of cleaning sometimes). a little dingy but not so much so that you dont wanna sit down & hang around. kinda dated. not overly well-maintained. needs some repairs that he just hasnt gotten around to (for years). hasnt been renovated or anything in decades. ugly old couch. he tries to keep trash off the floor but he is guilty of having old bottles & shit sitting around. making it look nice isnt a huge priority for him but he tries to at least keep it sanitary
shels house as we know is full of cat-themed crap & knickknacks & i think its kinda granny-esque & a lot of brown & pink & off-white & warm neutral colors. clean but cluttered & cozy. small but comfortable. nothing is like harsh & bright the color is all soft & subdued & the lighting is warm & gentle. lot of decorative things & photos on shelves & on the walls & on end tables etc. maybe some doilies. shel could be a doily guy. lot of cute fridge magnets
leon will refer to his pre-transition self as a girl/woman almost as if she was a different person he used to know. angela only refers to herself as a girl/woman including when talking about the past bc thats what shes always been even before she knew. & shel well hes just shel
projecting onto leon he'll be buying pants & be like "omg these fit Perfectly" & theyll be like a foot too long. length, as we know, does not matter when youre built like grimace
i think shel (playfully) gives leon grief for bein older than him. bc shel Looks older. if u asked their coworkers to guess theyd place leon at no older than 43 and shel at like 55
they bring out the best in each other. when shels around leon tries not to drink & he tries to take better care of himself bc he doesnt wanna disappoint him. when leons around shels less bitchy & less grumpy & in much better humor. theyre both happier around each other
i think leon was a little nervous about becoming an Official Couple & i think hed be a little nervous about getting married moving in together etc, not bc he thinks shel would ever hurt him but bc he still worries that all the abuse he took from bill was his own fault & hes afraid shels gonna start to see him the way bill saw him & get sick of him. & he feels guilty for feeling that way
shels had A Lot of cats in his life & he carries the grief of every single one hes ever said goodbye to. the majority of his Family Photos he has framed or in albums are pets & sometimes he'll be looking through them & gets a little misty. & i think leon realizing that all these cats have always pretty much been shels only family & hearing the way he reminisces about them the way somebody would fondly recall happy memories with their family or friends is a point where he realizes just how lonely shels life has been. hes always been very sentimental about his cats. if he finds a loose whisker on the floor he sticks it in a jar bc its too cool to just sweep up. & if one of them cuts him deeply enough to leave a scar he looks at it with fondness. & the paw prints they do at the vet when the times up. he def has those all hung up amongst whatever photos & other shit he has on the walls
i think shel has some kind of goofy little tattoo he got when he was really young & dysfunctional like. on her hip or some weird spot where nobody ever sees it & its some weird random stupid little thing & the first time leon sees it hes like ??????????? idk what it would even be but its definitely shittily done & probably doesnt have any meaning behind it
leon was originally supposed to be bitter & grumpy & bitchy like shel (who has been around longer & whose bitterness & grumpiness & bitchiness was well established by the time leon came around) but he wound up being more sad & sweet & nervous. i think his coworkers still generally dont like him unless they know him well & its mostly bc they make Assumptions about him based on the things they know. hes an alcoholic, hes a hot mess, he hangs out with that bitchy weirdo shel, he doesnt socialize much, etc
Thinking About Shels Cat Pics u knowww they look like shit. if hes texting them . with his flip phone. but also i think she takes a lot of Camera Pictures & puts em in a photo album. all the time leons receiving grainy shitty flip phone cat pic texts & he Adores it he feels so in love
Thinking About Angela & Leon i think they have like an extra special little friendship which they really come to think of as a father/daughter relationship after a while. it just kinda Becomes Like That. since she was relatively recently disowned by her parents & he lost his daughter & they both have a major void that theyre subconsciously trying to fill. he might take her shopping since she came out pretty recently & doesnt have much of a wardrobe & hes pretty experienced in the field of Womens Clothes. they make a whole little day of it. i think ive already mentioned leons necklace that his mom gave him that her mom probably gave her that he was gonna give to his daughter which he wound up giving to angela & it was gonna be a casual gesture but it wound up being a whole teary huggy thing for both of em
i think. if he found out bill died or something he would be all freaked out like Omg I Shouldve Been There For Him bc even after everything theres still a big part of him that thinks maybe if he tried harder if he did a better job if he was a better spouse etc they couldve been happy. even tho he Knows bill was awful to him & he Knows bill was a nasty evil abusive person & he would never wish what he went through on anybody else theres still a big part of him that feels like it was his fault & he deserved all of it & he cant possibly deserve better
Thinking About Baby Shel. sometimes as someone who works in school/childcare youll have a kid who nobody can figure out how to help--beyond troubled, disillusioned, home life is a mess, etc--& you just know in your heart that if Somebody cant figure it out theyre not gonna make it. shel was one of those kids from a very early age. any teachers he had who are still alive remember him well bc he was such a fucked up little terror & theyd be astonished to see that hes alive. not only alive but Relatively Happy. functioning. sober. nothing like the disturbed child they knew back then
the destroyed parent in leon wishes so badly he couldve been there for shel when he was little. even tho had they known each other at the time hes only like 4 years older. he hears about tidbits of shels childhood & just wishes he could go there & hold him. but he can comfort him now & shel appreciates that. i usually depict shel being more Okay bc he does have his shit way more together but sometimes he is just all fucked up & leons there for him. sometimes he has Bad Brain Days & sometimes its just that kind of day & sometimes its brought on by his pain or lack of sleep or somethin & sometimes something triggers it & fucks him up. & he might be agitated & moody or he might be sad & fragile or he might just be numb & barely responsive but leon will treat him gentle & make sure hes not isolating himself or neglecting himself or hurting himself & make sure hes taken care of until he feels ok again. leon often feels like he doesnt do nearly enough for shel considering how much shel supports him sometimes but when those days happen he usually (probably unknowingly) prevents shel from spiraling into a weeks-long & potentially life-threatening funk
Thinking About Leon bc ive established how angela & shel came to be without a family but ive never gone into detail on leon. i think his family was never very supportive to start with & they didnt like the man he married & blamed leon for getting himself into the relationship when it started going south & bill kinda drove a wedge between him & his family and then when he started to really become a hot mess with Apparent Mental Health Issues Including Alcoholism they shunned him even more & wanted no part of him or his problems & then by the time he divorced bill & started his transition he was so estranged from them & he knew how unsupportive they were in general that he just never came out to them & essentially disappeared. he was their black sheep & they were fine with him getting away. i think if he had the chance to forgive them & go back to them he would do it in a heartbeat in spite of everything. if he found them again & they were willing to take him back he would forget how much pain they let him go through all alone Immediately. hes too forgiving bc he doesnt think he deserves better. he woulda let bill back into his life too if shel hadnta beat him to it. hes afraid of being alone he thinks hes unlovable😔 shels trying to get him past that
shels mother was a terrible parent but sometimes he wonders if they wouldve had a happy life without his dad. & sometimes he wonders if he couldve saved her. leon will be like “you were just a little kid theres nothing you couldve done” but he cant help thinking about it. & honestly if it werent for his dad his mom probably wouldve been a fine parent but their relationship was so vicious & abusive & horrible that the household was just a constant screaming fighting mess
when leon got his top surgery he was freshly divorced & had no friends bc his shity husband had him all isolated & he was like the most alone hed ever been in his life he didnt have Nobody & he had to go through the whole process & recovery all alone & it was miserable so when shel gets his knees done leon makes dam sure hes there for him every step of the way
thinking about leon & angela finding out about stuff shel never got to do as a kid & being like Oh My God We Are Taking His Old Ass To The Zoo. take his old ass to the boardwalk for minigolf & rides & ice cream. cant take his old ass to action park. sad
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ticklishfiend · 5 months
um long irl tickle story because i’m tweaking out rn 😀
so i’ve got this friend who is also not Just A Friend and it’s complicated LMFAO anyways, we’ve done kink play stuff before so we know everything each other is into. obviously this means they know i’m real big into tickling fjskjf (which no, is not purely sexual for me lol. neither of us are very sexual people, kink isn’t always abt sex and i think more people in this community need that to register in their brains LOL)
ANYWAYYS so i dont think they know Just how into it i am, like they dont even know abt this blog but im slowly working up the courage to tell them abt it bc i know they wouldnt be weirded out (im just shy LOL). so bc they dont rlly know how big of a thing this is for me, they’ve never Really tickled me before.
now, i’ve tickled them. plenty actually lol. it’s super fun and i love tickling them sosososo much bc they’re reactions are so cute and they’re really good at holding still lol. but anytime they’ve tickled me, it’s mainly just like a poke here or a squeeze there, nothing for real yknow.
which is like. it’s fine. but every time they do it i get skyrocketed into the biggest lee mood for like days on end and usually i get too embarrassed to tell them dhsjndjsg
but the other day i actually decided to tell them how much it affected me. we had both spent the night at a friends house, and at every sleepover when its time for bed, our other friend goes to her room and then its just the two of us alone in the living room. we were high the other night and cuddling, and they kept teasing me by making claw hands and wiggling their fingers at me (i’ve told them before it flusters me So Bad when they do it and now they’re just relentless with it 😭😭), they poked me a few times like usual but also kept quickly skittering their fingers on my foot which they’ve never done before and dhsjjdjdf i was too high i was losing my mind
so that was it, but the next day when i got home i texted them telling them they were so evil for that bc now im feeling crazy. they found that hilarious and teased me abt it for a minute 😭 so i thought that was the end of it bc they rarely tease me too much (im mainly the dom in our relationship so i can understand why lol)
but then. but then.
my friend group went hiking all day today, so when we got back to my friends house we were pretty beat. me and my friend were cuddling on the couch watching tv, but they just kept. poking. me. i felt crazy LMFAO
so ofc bc im me, i was tickling back! i’m more deliberate with my tickles, so i kept squeezing their side and poking places i know they’re ticklish at. they ofc kept making wiggly hands at me, but atp im like so lee and it’s not enough 😭
so. i called them a coward! (teasingly, ofc). i didn’t get specific cause our other friends were right there and id rather they not know abt it LMAO but this main friend knew what i was talking about. they were playing all offended, trying to defend themselves, but they kept not actually tickling me so ofc i kept calling them a coward hehehe
so later tonight once we were at our own houses, we text each other almost immediately. ofc because i was feeling super lee after all that i told them i was (playfully) mad at them for teasing me earlier
they started defending themself again saying they aren’t a coward, so i texted back with “always threatening but never actually does anything about it 🥱 coward behavior to me”
they texted back with “when i come over tmrrw its over. im gonna get you”
i was. freaking out LMFAOOO
they kept teasing me back and forth about it and i am STILL losing my mind and that was hours ago 😭😭
we’re hanging out tmrrw night and yall. yall idk if i can HANDLE ITFNFKD we’re spending the night like we always do so once we’re alone and ALSO HIGH AGAIN………bitch i can’t my stomach just turned a flip thinking about it omfg
anyways yeah sorry i know this was long but this little back and forth on “will they ever actually tickle me” has been going on for almost a YEAR now so im justifiably freaking out abt it LMFAOO
i’m also taking my driving test for my license tmrrw before we hang out so let’s hope i don’t start thinking abt tickles and crash the car 👍
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