#yandere bruno bucciarati
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
We have the jojo and jofoes version of how they react to their darling's skirt being lifted, how about the jobro this one :3 Love your writing for the jojo and jofoes version ❤️
(I can see Kakyoin will be the one make the kid scared the most with his death stare XD)
Makes sense I should complete the trifecta here, got a second ask about this as well. So here are the upskirt : Yandere Jobros edition
Yandere! Speedwagon
He’s got a knack for reading people, so it’s almost instant that he basically steps on the child’s foot, and a pull on the collar. They’re verbally berated and flat out told by this man that they weren’t very sly about their utterly disgusting behavior. He’ll twist one of their arms towards the back and gives them a stare down they’ll never forget. Speedwagon also scares this child by stating he’s seen grown men nearly beaten to death for doing such a thing, before letting them go, the kid losing their balance and running off. The way he made that fairly thin threat was rather bone chilling, but he quickly adjusts his expression and he apologizes to you for not catching the child quick enough.
Yandere! Caesar Zeppeli
As soon as a look of shock appears on your face, Caesar already has a grip on this runt. His hand holding their arm, he sweeps their feet without hesitation. “How filthy to be trying that, your dirty little hands shouldn’t be anywhere near a skirt”. There’s also a strike to the back of the kid’s head out of annoyance, nearly making them fall over again. Perhaps they get soaked wet by the nearest water if he feels it’s appropriate, and they slip one more time before being allowed to flee.
Yandere! Noriaki Kakyoin
Oh there’s certainly a death glare the kid is going to receive from Kakyoin. They’re immediately tripped up, almost instinctively on his part. Brat slips out of his mouth without hesitation, and pinches on one of their ears hard before bending over and forcing them to look at him. Kakyoin simply asks what made them think they were entitled to such behavior. He doesn’t really let them answer, and perhaps he spots something that looks foul, likely garbage. Kakyoin excuses himself from you for a moment and before the kid can blink some kind of garbage is flung into his mouth. He keeps it in there about thirty seconds before letting the kid spit it out, giving him an additional dark glare warning him if he ever tries again, that next time he’ll make him swallow that garbage (or alternatively use something nastier).
Yandere! Okuyasu
Almost certain Okuyasu flips the kid upside down and holds them by one of their legs. A muttering of stupid kid, and even putting spit in the kids ears isn’t quite enough for Okuyasu but he lets them drop, and sends his foot up their butt to shove them further. Telling them to get lost real quick or he might pull something worse than that.
Yandere! Bruno Bucciarati
An almost instant death grip is on this child’s shoulder, they can’t keep running forward and are forced to look at Bucciarati’s eyes. He was unbelievably agitated by this child’s insulting gesture. He looks like he’s demanding an answer but he knew this kid wouldn’t have one. There wasn’t any for something that pathetic. He’s the type to pull on whichever ear is closest and pull on it until they’re very much uncomfortable. He doesn’t listen to being asked to let go, as he sees it it’s appropriate to ignore their protests since they ignored your space. Even a pinch of a nose, his grip is unrelenting until he appropriately waits for the kid to lose balance and fall on their face. He should find their parents later but for now he had to tend to you being humiliated.
Yandere! Hermès
Much like Jolyne she doesn’t take crap from little punks, you bet she has the little brat in a tight hold the instant they try to run off. She does a little bit of everything, pokes and prods, maybe even trips them up. But she’s looking to do something more equal, so if she has a water bottle or soda. You bet she’s pouring it all on the kids pants, perfectly where it would look like they pissed themselves. She smirks telling them the punishment has to equal the crime, and she doesn’t care how many people laugh and mock them. It is what they get for being a little perv, (although she’s tempted to do more, she gets sick of their presence and smacks them in the back of the head before shoving them off)
Yandere! Gyro Zeppeli
The child trips immediately on a steel ball of his before he grips their arm and pulling them backwards. He’s got a condescending smile on his face “you think that’s funny don’t you? Huh kid?”. He likely dumps something on them, like a little bit of leftover jam or honey, getting their hair all nice and sticky, and it’s a bonus when he pushes them and they stumble into some water and their pants are soaked. He probably uses spin once again and trips them up one last time, their pants happening to rip in a rather embarrassing place on a piece of wood. “ I could do way worse for you deciding to go on an upskirt frenzy…now get out of my sight” he says this last bit with an almost mocking laugh.
Yandere! Yasuho Hirose
Honestly she’s just about as upset as you or even more so, Paisley Park even comes out instinctively and grabs the child by the ankles. She smacks them on the back of the head with a rolled up magazine that happened to be tossed aside on the road. Before leaving she shows them a video of the kid upskirting you threatening to somehow send it to their parents, they quickly backtrack, and apologize in a panic before running off. (This also probably had to do with Paisley Park as well)
Yandere! Dragona Joestar
Dragona had it rough herself with bullying, so for once she’d like to do something about it. They promptly slap the perpetrator first before really doing anything. Smooth operators might be used to at least dislocate a couple things like a couple fingers/thumbs, it’s convincing enough that it looks like an accident. It might be turned back to almost normal, as they freak out quite a bit, not sure what’s going on. Thoroughly freaked out, the child runs off pretty quickly. Dragona then turns to you and gives you a tight hug, feeling horrible about that whole thing, then drags you off to a favorite place to make you feel better.
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return-of-a-space-cowboy · 2 months ago
Hello! I hope u had a good new years eve, and i really enjoy ur writtings.
Since i heard ur accepting request i would like to see a headcannon for yandere giorno or bruno (or whatever character u like ) with a s/o who take the yandere actions quite lightly and copes with their surroundings with humor (for example once they get get kidnapped the s/o cracks a few Jokes and does things that may confuse or fluster the yandere, or once she tries to escape she views it more like a game of tag when the yandere tries to catch her ). I think it would be quite a diferent and interesting scenario.
Hope u have wonderful year !!! Take care <3
Thank you and happy new year to you too.
Yandere Bruno and Giorno with a darling who isn't thrown off by their actions
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When Bruno stalked darling it surprised him that they never caught on with how often they bump into eachother.
Eventually his stalking was only made worse, they were so naive. How could they defend themself if something were to happen.
When they wake up and see him in their home he's sure they know. They confront him, but not in the way he was prepared for.
They tell him they've had a suspicion that he was stalking them and if he'd be up front with his feelings then they'll accept.
So they start dating, he finds it odd how lightly she takes it. Still he's very protective of them.
And for awhile things seem fine but then darling brings up something that happened to them previously in conversation. Playing it off in a humorous way but Bruno doesn't take it lightly. It enforces his beliefs about darling. Do they even understand what happened to them was wrong.
That's when he decides to kidnap darling, he can't always keep them safe but having them as close as possible is the safest course of action.
So they wake up one day tied to a chair with Bruno standing Infront of them.
They ask him if it's something he's into jokingly which makes him flustered as he attempts to explain the situation. His only rule is that they can't leave and they keep to it for awhile.
One day he comes home and they're gone and he freaks out but they come back and he practically tackles them, causing them to drop the groceries they had brought.
They should be worried but something about how he acted makes their heart race. So they begin to chase that, or have him chase them in this case.
At first he thinks they're trying to leave but when he catches them he can see it all in their expression. They want this, they're playing with him.
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At first in the relationship Giorno didn't know they were that way as he'd always kept his composure but when the stress of being a Don the cracks began to show.
He was aware of the risks of the situation, if people knew it'd put a target on their head.
So he had some of his men keep an eye on darling. He even had them take photos.
Eventually darling brings up how they feels like they're being stalked and Giorno confesses.
They take it surprisingly well, it's only fair in his position. Some how they end up stumbling on the photos, yelling him if he wanted photos of them he should have just asked.
He ends up offering for them to live with him but they decline. It's a bit to far for their liking and they don't want to give him the impression that their taking advantage.
However one day they call him, someone tried to steal their bag. They assured him they're fine now and someone helped catch the guy. They're just a little scraped from wrestling to keep the bag.
He doesn't take it well and on their way back from the shops he offers them a ride home, only they're going the wrong way.
Of course they're still iffy on the idea of living with him but he wants to be sure they're safe.
He tries to distract them with gifts as he know it would be hard to persuade them.
When he thinks they're settled in they dissappear. He's running all over the place to find them and eventually finds them in the garden.
They try to distance themself as they just need space but it turns into a chase. Darling finds it so strange how they feel like being chased. Like one of those dreams you have being chased down, trying so desperately to run but at the same time longing to get caught. The mind even rewinding after a narrow escape to show the tantalizing alternative.
Eventually he catches them, expecting them to thrash in his grasp only to see them squirm with a flustered expression.
They want a chase, he'll happily comply.
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jestercouture · 29 days ago
Hii, i really liked your last post about jonathan and blackmore tending to sick darling! May i ask one like that but with yandere bruno and mista (the diiference being that reader got sick after trying to escape from them and spending the whole night hiding from them on the cold streets)
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Bruno Bucciarati
warnings: stalking, kidnapping, obsessive behavior, light gaslighting, threats of violence.
His hands were shaking as he placed a warm blanket across your body; in anger or nervousness you did not know. You could gather that he was angry with you, for hiding, for running away from him but did you really have any other choice?
It was either run or spend the rest of your life in a locked room, disguised as a luxurious paradise, with the “love of your life” attending to your every whim. Except, Bruno wasn’t your lover and he had been closely following your every move without your knowledge as he prepared to take you for himself.
Oh, and he was a capo to the local Italian mafia.
But you hadn’t had a chance to spill a desperate apology from your chattering lips, eyes glazed over with tears burning and about to run down your cheeks. His eyes met yours and you just felt your heart stop; he was furious, that much you could tell, but he was trying his hardest to keep his composure.
Bruno was a man of utmost respect; it was his very nature to care and nurture to the best of his ability despite a difficult situation on his hands. If you had liked him the slightest bit, perhaps he could have also commanded your respect without intention.
Because Bruno did care. Too much, to his own and to your detriment, which is how you got stuck here. He always tended to notice those on the fringes of society, those who weren't cared for and abandoned. You had a family, but after moving to Italy for a gap year as you decided what to with yourself for the rest of your life...it could get quite isolating. Staying in a cheap hostel wasn't easy, especially with your limited Italian.
But you made it work, as an English tutor to parents who wished for their kids to have more options for study and work. It paid well, most times, but you still fought tooth and nail to find a more stable and higher paying position as a barista or something.
If only you hadn’t taken that job at the local coffee shop, with good pay and regular customers who were (mostly) kind.
If only he hadn’t laid his eyes on you, you would be free. And happy.
There was no use in thinking about that now. You life, your freedom, you had been snatched away from all of it, without any thought as to how you would feel. He acted as though you should be grateful. Bruno thought, genuinely envisioned that you would be overjoyed to be stolen away from your own life.
“Do you find joy in being so difficult, mia cara?”, you almost jumped as his voice rang out in the bedroom, almost morose as he looked at you. Disappointment was worse than anger sometimes, because what did he really expect to happen?
“You can’t keep me here forever, Bucciarati. I don’t want to be here an-“, a slew of coughs wracked your body, ceasing your oncoming insults.
“Mmm, and I suppose I should have left you out there in this state?” Warm, strangely soft hands brushed against your forehead, drawing away after he felt the light sheen of sweat forming.
His chiding tone did nothing to inspire guilt, or even a sense of shame for running away from him, it only made you feel much more fury towards him.
Towards what had happened to you. A sadness of what you had now lost, and had no help of returning to.
You let your eyes wander up to his face- admittedly attractive, but his beauty was tainted by his selfishness. Big blue eyes gazed down at you, a sickening mocking care in them that made you begin to shake.
“Oh, carina this is why I keep you here, hm? Nice and safe, warm and right by my side,” Bruno gently placed another blanket over you, smoothing your hair and kissing your forehead.
You could have fallen in love with him. You felt weak enough as it was, sick and shivering and pathetic whilst still despising the man who ruined your life.
“You need me, sweetheart. You just need to give in, let me love you, let me adore you and all of your pain will go away.”
You had that minute of freedom; you grasped it with both hands desperately, knowing it would be last time you would taste it for a while.
Your eyes began to lose your energy faster than you wanted, eyes drooping but fluttering to stay awake.
A relieving, cool hand touched your face and stroked your cheek with tenderness; you almost felt sicker when your heart stopped at the feathery touch.
“Just sleep, amore, I’ll be there when you wake up.”
That’s what you were afraid of.
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Guido Mista
"Aww, baby, you really outdid yourself this time, didn't you?"
You were feverish, barely able to see the shadows flittering around the room. It felt as though tiny creatures were jumping and crawling throughout the sheets, nipping and tickling your skin.
"Mista...where?..." you could barely form words, your throat was dry as all hell and your foggy vision was clouding your frail efforts to catch sight of a glass somewhere, anywhere in the haze.
“Shh, shh, just let me take care of you, carina. You’ve only gone and caught yourself a nasty little cold, huh?” His voice was teasing you, that much you could make out, yet your sweating body almost went into shock at the undertones of dread it gave you.
Mista was being uncharacteristically caring about your escape attempt; you had been bracing yourself for a long lecture and one-sided argument at your selfishness, your callous disregard for how you had abandoned Mista when all he wanted to do was love you.
Yeah, love you to death, more like. You had seen him dispose of low-life criminals on the streets of Italy, callous and violent, like it meant nothing to him. He may have tried to shield you from his occupation but you both knew what he was.
You forced yourself to watch Mista if it was possible to remind yourself of what he could do to you if you ever went too far; his gun could be pressed against your head one day if you pushed him far enough, right?
It didn’t matter right now, though. The pitter-patter and united whining of Sex Pistols still rang in your ears until the irritated voice of your captor scolded them for disturbing you in your time of rest.
“Mista, I-I’m sorry for leaving, I just wanted to-“
“Carina, rest your head. You made a simple mistake, hmm?”
Your foggy eyes widened. Mista was letting you off for now? That would have made you sigh with relief months ago, but you’d come to understand over time that he had a bit of a temper at times.
But now, as he fussed and pampered your bedridden body, a new stab of dread became more present in your gut. This could be dangerous.
He could have hurt me, you realized. But he didn’t, or rather hadn’t yet. Was he waiting until you were back on your feet to punish you? To make you regret you’d ever run away so foolishly, throwing his love and adoration for you back in his face?
But you could feel his painful anger towards you, no matter how hard he tried to keep it down. Eyes twitching, tense shoulders, all of them were hallmarks of a Mista meltdown ready to snap on you.
Bated breaths escaped you as a familiar, sickly feeling began to wash over you; anticipation. Whether or not you knew what was coming, you never failed to feel a few stops short of vomiting when he got like this.
“I don’t know why you do these things, bella. It really hurts my feelings when you act up and make me lose my patience.”
Mista pressed a damp cloth to your face, dabbing gently as he spoke, eyes fixed on your reactions. His tendencies is what was scaring you the most, you almost wanted him to lose his shit with you.
“But I know you’re sorry. I know you feel bad about making me worry and chase you down like that!” That last part…why was it spoken with such glee, such assurance in himself? In you, even after you’d run away?
“I-I really am sorry, Mista, I d-don’t know why I did it”-
“You were scared, weren’t you?”
You shut your eyes instinctually, baring yourself to face the inevitable consequences of your actions. But there was nothing, nothing at all, apart from the slow whisper next to your ear.
It made your hair stand on end, your heart thudded to point where you felt as though you could collapse into the pillows and cushions.
“But I forgive you. This time. If you do it again…I’ll break your legs.”
Somehow, you weren’t sure if you would make it out intact.
If you would make it out at all.
like my work?
i hope you enjoyed this one! took me a while, and i struggled with writing Mista a bit and i hope they turn out well!
jjba is on the brain im literally frothing at the mouth morning noon and night
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anya-nya-nya · 1 year ago
Using their stand to stop you from running away.
Contains: Bruno, Leone, Fugo, Giorno
TW yandere behavior, abuse (both physical and mental), gaslighting, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con, please contact me if you think I missed something!
Why does no one talk about how you literally can't escape Bruno? Because even if you manage to break out of the bedroom he was locking you in, all he needs to do is use his stand to zip off your arms and legs and then watch with a smile how you try to crawl away on these four stumps. But don't you worry, that was such a warm and kind smile, not the cruel one, as your boyfriend is still a gentleman! He would carefully pick you up and bring you back to the room with a soft coo. And even if you would keep crying and cursing him for being such a monster, Bruno wouldn't get mad. You're just confused and overwhelmed, after all. It's okay, he can understand that you need some time to adjust to your new life..
..But he will definitely try to speed up this process with some uninvited kisses and strokes, actually believing he helps you get used to it. Oh! And the way you try to push him away with the remains of your arms is actually pretty cute BUT he will not give your limbs back if you keep being such a brat.
Also, this strange satisfaction of seeing you so vulnerable rises up in Bucciarati more and more with each new attempt to escape. It's all upon you if you will get your body in normal state anytime soon or will be all at his disposal like this and in need to be taken care of forever.
Leone is a more reticent person. He probably wouldn't tell you about his stand's ability just to have a trick up his sleeve. So when he starts to notice that your behavior suddenly changed - maybe you become too obedient after throwing tantrums almost every day or stop threatening him to run away and call the police - he would immediately understand you find a way to actually escape him.
He can be pretty sadistic and has already punished you many times but now it's time to actually teach you a lesson and fuck not with your body but with your brain. All he needs to do is just use his stand to imitate his appearance to make sure you understand that you're ALWAYS watched. Would love to see the terror on your face when you got scared by seeing him in the living room - didn't he just walk away to the kitchen?! How can he be so fast? Is he actually just teleporting everywhere you go?
The satisfied smirk on his face just makes it all worse. What's wrong, did Leona actually break your spirit that fast? Well, although it was sometimes quite amusing to see your attempts to fight back, it can be tiring and annoying. Leona's more a fan of you being quiet and obedient, too scared to say something when he pressed you against the wall again with his hands already under your shirt.
ohh the emotional swings from Fugo. He actually wants to be soft with you and pamper you like a porcelain doll, yet your whines about wanting to go home and these stupid attempts to run away are driving him insane. It's a miracle he still didn't kill you, you know? Both with his stand and his bare hands.
He's kissing bruises on your body with the most gentle apologizing whisper in one second, then making new ones the next. Most of the time it's just him himself, but sometimes, especially when he coughs you in the middle of another try to escape, wouldn't mind using his stand. More exactly would be too overwhelmed with rage to notice he used Purple Haze, but would quickly calm himself down TO NOT actually release some deadly virus.
So, as Fugo can't physically use his stand to stop you, he would just threaten you with it. He's smart enough to find good words to make guilt stuck in the back of your mind. YOU'RE the ungrateful brat here, throwing away all the hard work he did just for you. He's literally trying his best to be the ideal boyfriend, but instead of supporting him you just keep pushing him away, driving him insane! Sorry but he's loving you too much, so maybe he should actually use his ability and let you both die in embrace of each other and have a fresh state in another life?
And despite it all sounds ridiculous, the mad expression on his face makes you think that even if this man's bluffing there's still too much compulsivity in him that can make these threats become true.
Giorno is a straight up gaslighter tbh.
If he noticed you from behind then wouldn't even bother to notify you that you're caught in the act. All he will do is turn a doorknob into something you are afraid of - snakes, for example. Or maybe the window frame will suddenly become vines that will wrap around your wrist the second you climb up on the windowsill. And even if you would be brave enough to point it out he would just act like he didn't do anything.
If he walks in and faces you in the middle of breaking the lock, he's still pretty chill. Giorno doesn't care that you have a screwdriver in your hand, he will just softly talk with you and ask what are you doing here while slowly dragging you away from the door. There's a cake he bought to enjoy together after dinner and some free time from his work that he wants to spend with you on his laps.
Yet if you proceed to fight back then this is the time when he would use his stand to punch you. Not too strong, just enough to use his ability to literally 'push' your mind away from the body. And while you're standing here, full of sudden energy and power, you're still unable to do anything, only able to watch as Giorno carefully carries your body back to the bedroom while talking about having some nice cuddle session with you.
And by the time you will come to your senses, you will be already trapped in his grasp, feeling smooth kisses down your neck.
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abbacchiosbelt · 1 year ago
Jjba Bruno prompt #24 with interrogation :)
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You're already shaking with nerves before you step into Bruno Buccellati's office. You'd only met him a scant few times after your family had come pleading to Passione for protection — and each time had unnerved you. His unnerving gaze seemed to hover on you when you were in his presence. You'd never willingly choose to stand in front of his office's doorstep, but a summons there by Bruno himself had forced your hand. Your family made it more than clear that saying 'no' wasn't a possibility.
Behind you sits some of his crew, their eyes burning into your back as you stand silently, your hand raised to knock. Your muscles refuse to let you move, and a bead of sweat begins to roll down the back of your neck. If you weren't sure your family would be punished for your disobedience, you'd turn tail and run as fast as you could.
Before you can move, the door in front of you swings open. You see Bruno seated behind his desk, and he beckons you forward with the crook of his finger. The question of how the door opened if he was sitting behind his desk was only a fleeting thought. You enter quickly and the door shuts seemingly by itself. Flustered already, you huff out a surprised noise, and you hear a low chuckle across the room.
He was amused by how nervous you were. Heat creeps up your neck as you swallow the verbal jab you wanted to throw at him. You hated Passione, and that extended to the man in front of you. It didn't matter that you'd heard good things about him from nearly everyone in the neighborhood - you refused to trust someone who aligned themselves with the mafia.
You finally come to stand in front of his desk. Though he was seated, it felt as if Bruno towered over you. His presence made the fight or flight instinct in your brain flare to life, and it was all you could do to not reconsider your earlier plan of running away.
"I assumed I wouldn't need to explain why I called you here today." Bruno offers no pleasantries as he immediately begins whatever it was he had planned to say to you. He doesn't give you time to reply, folding his arms on the table as he leans forward and continues to speak. "That blank look on your face when you stood at the door told me I was wrong."
You shift, uncomfortable. How did he know what you looked like when you were standing out there? Before you can question him, he gives you a look that keeps your mouth shut.
"Come here." Bruno gestures to his side of the desk, and you swallow thickly. What did he want? You follow his words, cringing inwardly at how easily you gave in to him. You hadn't even been able to choke out any words. He gives you an expectant look when you round his desk to stand before him. “No, not there, in my lap.”
You grimace, unable to stop yourself, and he smiles. "You really are naive. Your family didn't tell you what kind of deal they made, did they?"
You're pushed by an unknown force into Bruno's lap, awkwardly splayed across his legs. Your heart skitters in your chest, anxiety and fear clawing its way into your nervous system. It was all too much in such a short period of time when you hadn't even known why you were here in the first place.
You're held steady in Bruno's lap even though his arms remain on either side of the chair he sits in, his lips curled into a smile that made your skin crawl. "I suppose I shouldn't keep it from you any longer. When I told your parents of my interest in you, they jumped to find a way to make me happy." He pauses, letting his words sink in. "Today was the day we agreed you'd come into my possession, and in return, they'd get a hefty discount on their future fees."
"Wh-what? What the hell are you talking about?" You finally manage to find your voice, adrenaline surging. "You're lying. Just tell me how much my family owes, and I'll pay it."
Bruno begins to laugh, throwing his head back as if you'd told the funniest joke he'd heard in years. You don't know how to respond, wordlessly sitting on his lap until he finally stops.
"Sorry, sorry." He starts. "It's just, you really have no idea, do you? Your family owes multiple generations of debt. It didn't start with your family, but your parents were more than happy to pay their share by way of... well, you. And I told them I'd consider beginning to chip into their remaining debt if you behaved. I suppose they were too cowardly to tell you what they'd done before sending you to me."
Bruno sneers, as if they were the only ones making poor moralistic choices in the situation.
The pit in your stomach that had been growing before you'd walked into Bruno's office practically feels like a black hole now. You want to hold on to something, to grasp at something tangible, but any movement would put you closer to Bruno than you already were.
"Don't worry about them," Bruno interprets your silence as acceptance, unwilling to consider you'd feel any other way. "We'll make a new family. Together."
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princelylove · 9 months ago
Dear prince,
I have come again because I cannot ignore your callings any further. (I'm the anon that requested the jotaro hcs and prosciutto with model darling) sorry they were a bit tame, I have so much I wanna ask but don't. Partly because I get so nervous and giddy while thinking of sending them and partly because I forget to.
Anyways, I've been thinking of sending you an ask about the more doting yanderes e.g. Bruno, Jonathan and whoever else comes into your mind with a little 'miss independent' darling. They get so offended and pouty when their captor tries to help them or do something for them, thinking it's an act of underestimation and thinking they aren't capable enough and have to be babied. (How will the yanderes handle this? Maybe even a bit of brat taming?)
– 💝🪤 darling
There's no need to be shy about it. I'm fairly happy to humor requests, even if they're on the tame side. I do wish I'd receive some odd ones, though. Variety is fun.
Wellll. Do you like to be restrained? Because this is like begging to be given less and less privileges, assuming their darling is already safe and sound in their 'home.'
Bruno loves you a lot. He wishes he understood what he's doing wrong- spouses are supposed to relax when their man is home!
He gets fairly frustrated early on. It's agitating, if he's being honest. Bruno doesn't know how to punish this kind of behavior- his instinct is to bend you over his knee and make you count how many times he spanks you, but that's probably just going to give him more problems long term. You won't relax in front of him if he's hit you before, and the goal is to make you want to roll on your back for him...
Maybe he can't hit you, but he can scold you. Bruno exists to help you, please just let him handle the dangerous things, even if it's just cutting up some fruit. Knives aren't a joke!
He goes through a few stages before he lands on proper scolding. First, he tries to bribe you. Then, he tries to reason with you.
"Come on, amore. This is for your own good. What can I do to help you through this?"
Since neither of those work, it seems he has no other option than to chide you.
Jotaro wishes you would just shut up and behave. You're such a pain in the ass sometimes, you know that? He regrets how he handled taking you home. Maybe if he were nicer, you wouldn't behave like a spoiled brat that acts out for his attention.
Yeah, he's fully convinced it's an attention thing. You're just fucking with him. Obviously you're pouty and whiny because he's been busy lately, so... sorry. He'll be around more, ok? No need for all of this whining and screaming and crying shit, it's annoying as hell.
Yeah, sure, you can take care of yourself. He's not doing that. He's checking you. You're not a baby, sure, he never said you were. Can you just lift your shirt up already? He needs to check for bruises again.
You can expect any verbal resistance to be met with.... verbal resistance. Jotaro is unsurprisingly quick witted, and can be pushed a little before he starts to find it annoying. He'd prefer you to be docile and happy about it, but Jotaro can see a little back and forth as fun. Maybe. It depends.
When you really piss him off and aren't cooperating in the slightest, he's less fun about it. His ability to stop time comes in handy when his favorite brat thinks they can get away with not humoring his paranoia checks. If you're not going to play nice, Jotaro will just violate any sense of privacy you were clinging to before this. Fine, ok. Make him be the asshole because you don't want to do something simple like let him see your arms or stomach.
He offers no comfort afterwards, because he didn't do anything wrong. Maybe if you listened to him, you'd understand. The house rules aren't up for debate.
... Yes, he still wants to sleep with you tonight and to tuck you in nicely. That isn't up for debate either.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
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I'm no professional so keep that in mind when reading this.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, overprotective behavior, paranoia, delusion, abduction, murder, ptsd, abuse, depression, trauma, torture, isolation
Don't touch me!
Jonathan Joestar
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💍 He's just shattered when he finds out about the traumatic events that his s/o had to go through and he will guarantee that their uncle will be sued and properly punished for his actions if he has gotten away with it so far. Since you are Jonathan's darling and he comes from a wealthy family, it's definitely going to be a big deal that someone traumatized his lover and partner and the normally kind soul can't help but turn a tad bit cold when your uncle gets thrown into prison and stripped of all his rights. It's justice for his darling after all. Jonathan wants to help his darling, he has no bad intentions but the problem is that he's just so overbearing, protective and very touchy so he finds it a bit difficult at times, although he refrains from touching you in order to not trigger any flashbacks and risk any strong emotional or physical responses of panic or fear from you. He calls for a professional, he genuinely wants to help his darling in any way he can. With touching as a sign of affection out of the way, he resorts to spoiling them with presents and gifts and gets them about anything they ask for since the poor guy just wants to see you happy. Seeing you sad kills him a bit on the inside.
Lisa Lisa
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💌 Her possessive and overprotective side definitely cracks up a few notches when she successfully finds out what has happened to you in your past. She has already lost her husband George so she would be especially attentive to you and she is pretty perceptive so it takes only short to realize your clear fear of men and being touched by them. Either you tell her, although she won't force you if she realizes that it's tough for you, or your family but in either case, Lisa Lisa will find out one way or another, she can't ignore this when it involves you. She's terrifying when she's angry as she's as icy as the coldest winter and she will definitely deal with your uncle and have a word with him to ensure that he will never appear in your life again. Without a doubt she's a bit paranoid for your safety and mental well-being so she brings you with her to her island for safety reasons, as she likes to tell you. It enables her to keep a better eye on you and she can also convince you that besides Loggins and Messina, who are loyal to he, there are no other men there and that Suzie Q will attend to all of your needs. She's noticably softer with you and more careful whenever she approaches the subject of your trauma.
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🪙She uses her darling's trauma totally to her own advantage as she is delighted to realize that she has an advantage since she is a woman and can successfully convince you to isolate yourself more due to your dislike and fear of being touched by men. Obviously she still stays with you, you can't be all alone without her by your side after all. Regarding that scumbag of your uncle, she just takes matters into her own hands and just gets rid of him because that vile thing touched and hurt her darling. She's a bit of a sadist when it comes to her torturing her victims, she'll definitely torture your uncle in the last moments of his life before she kills him with her Stand. Mariah is very sweet to her darling to lure them successfully to her side, she'll probably convince them into staying with her all the time and not going outside without her. There isn't a big interest in helping you living with your PTSD but only as long as it doesn't affect her own love life with you. The woman is quite touchy herself after all and whilst she is no man and thinks that by that logic you won't mind her touch, she'll be very visibly agitated and upset if you react negatively to her touches as well.
Higashikata Josuke
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💎 Josuke is very problematic simply because he turns very moody and aggressive when he realizes what the problem is and why you always react so skittish and frightened when he tries to touch you affectionately. Don't get him wrong, he isn't mad with you. He's furious with your uncle and that that that asshole dared to do such things to you and Crazy Diamond will break and fix that man surely again and again until he's not recognizable anymore, only then will Josuke's anger cool down a tad bit. Josuke just has so much love to give his darling, he's a teenager infatuated and being unable to express his love via touches, one of his main love languages, is just killing him on the inside. He's frustrated and that frustration just builds and builds inside of him and explodes out of him at unpredictable times so his friends and close acquaintances are more careful around him as one small thing can set the boy off. He's still very clingy and follows you around, often without you being aware of it as he just wants to be with you somehow. He tries to be as supportive as he can be though, buys you snacks and drinks and he hopes for your therapist that they can help you.
Bruno Bucciarati
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🤐 Bucciarati is going to be very intrusive, even if it's an invasion of your privacy. It would be troublesome if you'd dislike him and hate his touches as much but due to his observations he realizes that this is the norm with all men you encounter in your life which leads him to the conclusion that there is most likely a deeper problem here. If it's concerning your well-being, no matter if physical or mental, Bruno prioritises it over your own privacy. So he either uses his connections as a mobster or he charms you or your family into telling him what has happened to you, he can be very convincing after all and he's very adored by people in general for his helpful and trustworthy personality. He's livid but keeps himself well composed, his pursed lips the only sign of his wrath. Your uncle will be without a shred of doubt be properly punished with his limbs detached from his body, Bruno will see it through that he can never see you again. Very supportive, he will even take over the costs of your treatment, although he also expects you to not skip any meetings. He stays patient otherwise for now, aware that forcing you into anything would only worsen your condition.
Cujoh Jolyne
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🪢 Men can be pretty shitty, she speaks from experiences with her own ex-boyfriend and to a certain extent also her own father but the anger and resentment she might still hold against those two doesn't even compare to the unmatched wrath she feels when she discovers what your own uncle did to you. If she wouldn't be in prison, she'd pummel the living crap out of that vile man. If she isn't imprisoned though, not even the best of luck would help your uncle as she beats him down mercilessly with her Stand and her own fists. Jolyne grows significantly more clingy after that and always stays close to you. She's pretty protective but especially if she knows that her darling has had bad experiences with something or someone so she's always on guard around man and if one of them touches you despite your protests, she instantly goes into attack mode. Part of her knows that she shouldn't, but if your PTSD causes you to stick closer to her since she's a woman, she'd really enjoy that a lot. Differently from Mariah though, she understands that you need professional help so that your trauma doesn't interfere with your daily life. But there's no need to rush things, right?
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depravitymoon · 11 months ago
I love the thought of yandere bruno and yandere melone setting aside their differences and unite because of their huge breeding kink. Can you write something around something like that? Thanks, sorry if this is confusing
Context: Everyone Lives AU. Through the power of GER’s BS, Bruno got revived and so did La Squadra. La Squadra got paid a better income and Bruno became Giorno’s Sottocapo (2nd in command). 
I dont see them cooperating over the same darling, because I think there would be too much bad blood between them.  While they wouldn’t share a darling, their darlings would be similar in that they’re motherly. Bruno and Melone would totally help each other out so their future babies have childhood friends. After all, friends AND family are so important for a child’s development…..but not a willing mother, apparently!
Melone would be able to stalk their darlings when Bruno is too busy being Sottocapo. Meanwhile, Bruno actually has the manpower to kidnap the darlings and/or blackmail them. Bruno will tell Melone to keep the creepiness down.
Yan!Melone x Reader:
Bruno has a talk with Melone about his obsession. Bruno didn’t like it. He already had to have your brother assassinated. However, you were innocent of all his wrongdoings. You were already grieving over the loss, even if it was good riddance, you didn’t deserve to be more involved with mafia things.
Yan!Bruno x Reader:
Unfortunately, Bruno is a hypocrite. When he sees you caring for the local kids, especially those from broken homes, you had captured his heart right there. It would scare him when you would bravely go into dangerous neighborhoods for these kids. While it is noble, you’re gonna get yourself hurt and it causes him anxiety.
Melone saw this as an opportunity. Bruno didn’t want you hurt, but as Sottocapo he’s busy and can’t always stalk like you he wants to…. But Melone can. Besides, who better to protect you from danger than a hitman ready to kill at a moment’s notice. There’s plenty of vile women in that neighborhood you frequent he can use for baby face.
Darlings unite!:
Perhaps the two darlings become friends or were friends, finds out Melone is stalking them and killing people, so they somehow kick his ass. In comes Bruno to the rescue. Bruno's impressed, despite how wicked the people were, his darling still wept for the lost of their lives. So pure, sweet, naive, and foolish. This is why darling needs to be in Bruno's care. Melone’s just very impressed. Humiliated but impressed. You two outsmarted him. Such smart darlings would make wonderful mothers. He’s analyzed you two quite alot since his deal with Bruno. Even if you two will never forgive him and Bruno, you would NEVER take it out on sweet innocent bambini. Bruno attempts to comfort the both of you by explaining that he and Melone have the money and resources to raise a family, which wasn’t comforting at all. You two knew that it meant they have the power to keep you in place and there would be nothing you can do. Afterall, Passione basically controls Italy in the shadows. What chance do either of you have against them, stand or no stand?
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trashcan-caliber · 1 year ago
Yandere bruno makes me sick sometimes
Like reading about him from other peoples perspectives scares me— they’re not wrong though.
I could see him as a family man giving you a one way ticket to pregnancy. I could also see him as a little stunted in the romance department. But don’t get me wrong— hopeless romantic all the way. Especially if he’s obsessed with you.
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Sitting at the far side of Libbeccio’s, there’s a stifling quiet that seems to encase the both of you.
“I’m sorry bucciarrati but I can’t return those feelings—“
“Forget it.” A stiff smile is etched into Bruno’s face. You definitely can’t forget what just happened or how he’s clutching the fabric of his pants in a white-knuckled grip. The intensity of his glare glues me in place, my body going rigid as he stands from his seat and slowly pushes his chair in.
“I wish you could see things my way.” Confused I ask him what he means by that but I’m silenced when he quickens his pace and gets down on one knee.
‘There’s no damn way he’s gonna—‘ it’s too late as he’s already saying the words loud and proud.
“Marry me.” My eyes go wide and suddenly I’m acutely aware of all the eyes on us. He didn’t have a ring or anything at all in his hand, but they still believed him. I now see what he’s doing. Whether I say yes or no doesn’t matter. Everyone is going to assume that we’re together. He truly is a cunning man.
I shake in my seat, eyes all on me. They all expect me to say yes and no one sees it, but Bruno has already won.
Authors note: this is so dumb
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erato481 · 9 months ago
We're writing a Bruno x mermaid reader and Bruno is very much OBSESSED with reader. So I wonder about how Yandere Bruno x mermaid reader would look like.
I feel like he would be kinda manipulative about it, trying to make the reader not notice his obsession. He would probably give her a pool, or even move to the house by the sea if he doesn't already live in one. He would let her go swim in the sea later, when he knows he trusts her not to swim away and abandon him, but only as far as he can see her. If he saved her and that's how they met he could probably convince her that it's too dangerous to go far without him.
And when he comes home he would sit in a pool, holding her in his lap while relaxing.
He will keep her from the eyes of people, deeming them too dangerous. You never know what people would do if they found out she is a mermaid. But from time to time he would bring her things from the outside world such as flowers and jewelry to show her his world and keep her happy and obedient in his lap.
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year ago
Currently having this mental image of Bucciarati's darling being this person he had an innocent crush on back when they were both growing up in that old town near the sea, only for the old flame to be reignited upon encountering each other in their late teens or early twenties and catching up with each other. Unfortunately, the fear of what his many enemies, both in and out of the criminal world, might do kickstarts Bucciarati's path to becoming a yandere after what happened to his father almost ten years ago.
The sound of the waves lapping up the shoreline, the salty scent of the sea air, and the coastal sun's warmth on your skin. The old pier was filled with fishermen, either returning with their catches or getting ready to depart. The small port town was a popular tourist attraction, and you couldn't help but feel like a tourist yourself. It had been too long since you'd been back, and you'd almost forgotten about the poor sap with a dead mom and dad, the little kid who had to become mature to survive his role in the mafia. The kid who grew a crush on you the way he grew into a white suit, before you-- similar to the seams holding the breast buttons together on his iconic suit-- split.
But many years later, you'd returned. And Bruno had... Changed? Could you call it that? He was mature as ever, cunning and collected as ever, and seemingly reignited those feelings of flirty friendship quickly. He still fawns over you in his subtle ways, more a matter of quiet quality time and acts of service than flowers and chocolates. It's a kindness, rather than a flirt perhaps.
He can't be too careful when he works for Passione. Mafia are not known for their employee benefits, and the only way out is death-- even if Bruno gets old enough to be taken out of fieldwork, it's not like they're going to let him stay on the payroll when he becomes more trouble than he's worth. "Retirement" in Passione is probably a clean pillowcase over his head before they blow his brains out. A job like that has to wear on him...
So you suppose you can grin and bear it when he acts overprotective when you go out. Bruno's got a hard life, and he wasn't as lucky as you in avoiding trouble. He's just trying to keep you safe; Who knows how many friends he had to lose to feel this defensive?
And it's not like you plan to stay with him forever. Bruno's made it pretty clear that it's not safe, and it's probably better to get out before it gets too difficult. You just wanted to see him again, for sentimentality.
You're just meeting up for one last boating trip-- Bruno told you he wanted to go fishing again, and show you his skills. He must've learned a lot since you've been gone, if he was this insistent on the location and time. He said it would just be the two of you; something about it being more "secure", and while that's probably part of it, it's sweet to think he wanted to be alone for one last moment. Just the two of you, bonding and reminiscing, without anything to set the capo off and make him act weird. Bruno will be here any minute, and you just hope it all goes well for the last time.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
Im over here thinking about how bruno would always lick reader's cheek just to see if they are lying or not (trust issue lol)
Bruno: "have you eaten today?"
Reader: "yes..."
Licks cheeks
Bruno: "seems like you aren't lying, good."
Reader would definitely either flinch or just bedrugingly accepts it every single time bruno ever does it lmaoo.
This is just too funny, like yeah sure there’s other obvious telltale signs that you could be lying when you ate last, Bruno really seems to like pushing you out of your comfort zone. But hey you get a nice peck on the cheek if you answer truthfully (and you did what he asked).
That totally makes up for him going nuts for you right?
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normalaboutfugo · 1 year ago
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noaltbruh · 1 year ago
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@multifandom-hcs Hope you're having a good day too! :))
Bruno and Hermes dating hcs ❤️
Hermes 💋
Chaotic gf. I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but she will most definitely be more hyped than you for anything.
Loves to try new things with you and go on all sorts of date! From carnivals, to road trips, to that one random place you saw and you're not quite sure if it's a restaurant or a sex shop, but you'll find out together!
Wakes you up at three am. because she just got an idea for what you could do together and you have to do it NOW.
Big on PDA, she's constantly touching you or holding you near her even when you're in public, HECK ESPECIALLY when you're in public.
Loves to show you off to the Stone Ocean gang and can't shut up about how great her partner is.
Definetely teases you and gets even mushier with you if she sees you getting shy.
She'll speak up and stand up for you in any situation, whether that is a stand battle or someone cut in line in front of you.
Always has the biggest grin on her face as soon as she sees you.
Loves to drag you in troubles, but she honestly just wants to have fun with you. Don't worry, if things get out of hand, she knows how to handle policemen.
I think her kisses would be a bit rough, like you can just feel how eager she is to feel her lips on your body.
Is literally always complimenting you and your look, calling you hot, beautiful, handsome, pretty...Whatever you prefer!
"Breath taking as usual, caro/cara!" "I'm...Literally in my pajamas" "Your point?"
Shoplifts for you, I'm sorry. Like- maybe you just saw a cool jewel in a shop and told her you liked it, without really thinking much about it. The next day, you find that exact jewel at your front door.
Opens up about her past and how much she misses her sister, it's one of the few times she genuinely seems sorrowful.
Would love you even more if you accepted to visit her sibling's grave with her. She might cry on your shoulder, so please comfort her.
On a more optimistic note, if she visits her on his own, she even talks to her and you and how awesome you are.
She lets you keep your stuff in her tits without even having to ask her, it's just routine for you two by now.
Loves to do your makeup. Alternatively, if you don't wear it, she still asks you if she can try it on you because she's fully convinced you'd look great with it.
VERY flirty and completely shameless about it, no matter who is watching.
Can't cook lol, but she will gladly take you to any restaurant you like and she'll offer to pay for both of you!
...Yeah, pay.
Bruno 🤐
The boyfriend ever.
He's so romantic and gentle he literally makes me want to cry because he's so perfect and VSGABCAHZCSS.
Just being near him makes you feel safe, you'll never have to fear being judged as long as this man is your partner.
He's calm and understanding. No matter if something is troubling you or you're simply in a bad mood just because, he'll never lose his patience with you.
Encourages you in everything you do, whether that is a small task or a lifelong goal you're trying to pursue, Bruno will always be ready to support you and help you in any way possible.
Might be a bit busy from time to time due to his job, but he makes you to call and text you anytime he gets the chance too. He loves hearing your voice and he wants to be sure that you're doing alright.
He never closes a phone call without an "I love you, tesoro" at the end.
Will make up for the time he missed once he gets back home. He'll do whatever you want to and there aren't limits to how much he's willing to spend for his love.
Do you want to go on a trip to France for the weekend? He already has two tickets and a reservation in the best hotel of the city.
Remember that very fancy restaurant in the city center? Guess who has already reserved a table for two with a beatutil view on the entire city?
Truthfully, however, Bruno enjoys anything as long as he gets to spend it with you. Despite his role in the mafia, he also loves simpler, everyday life with his partner.
Even just going to the local market to buy something together makes him so incredibly happy, and gives him a sense of normality in the mess that's his life.
Not super big on showing affection in public, at least not as much as Mista or Narancia- but he always maintains even a small touch between you.
He loves to hold your hand as you walk, lets you hold on to his arm, or he wraps his arm around your waist.
Way more touchy and flirty in private. Bruno is smooth and knows excabtly where to provoke you or what to tell you to make you blush.
He puts his hand under your chin or on your cheek if you were to look away from him. You can see his proud, little smirk on his face.
The best cook in the gang, male wife material. His fish dishes are the best you'll ever try in your entire life.
Speaking of that, he'd love to go fishing with you. It reminds him of the time he spent with his father and sees it as a way to continue his family traditions. After all, you are his future wife/husband.
He has the kindest look on his face while explaining to you how to fish and it makes me want to explode.
He loves to massage your shoulders, for some reason. Maybe because it helps you relax, but it just feels very intimate to him.
He rubs your back and kisses you on the forehead whenever he hugs you. His embrace is warm and you wish you never had to let go.
Gives you flowers or any sort of gifts on the most random occasions. Don't worry, buddy, you didn't forget and important date, he's just a sweetheart and wanted to give you a present to make you smile.
Also, since you're dating him, you'll now have to take care of five children, aka the gang. I'm sorry, but you did this to yourself the moment you became his partner.
Don't worry, Abbacchio will help you... Perhaps.
On a more serious note, Bruno would love to have a family with you in the future. This man is MADE to raise children, adopted or not, anything is fine for him.
He thinks you'd be a great parent, but of course, if you don't want to be, he'll never force it on you :)
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maruzzewrites · 10 months ago
Could you do MBTI for Bruno, Leone, and Fugo please?
I will do my best! cw for yandere stuff
Bruno is CDMS
Bruno can be so unflinchingly cruel and he was raised by an organization that requires him to dip into those dark thoughts of his. Despite not wanting to hurt you, he has to get respect and his main way to demand is through intimidation.
He is exceptionally cold if he wants to be, and that playing in his favor when he needs to put his foot down when you act up.
Bruno, despite being linked to a dangerous criminal group, is incredibly delusional over the rightfulness of his actions. He believes there is something good in what he does and there is very little one can do to convince him otherwise.
Maybe he doesn't believe he is doing good, but he believes he is doing something right, that's for sure.
Bruno is charismatic, has connections and knows how to us his charms to what he wants. People love him and it's difficult to escape the net of relationships he has built over the years. His manipulation is subtle in the sense he will chip away at your defenses until he can go deeper and really insinuate himself in your life.
Not because he particulary wants to be, but he has been taught to obey and that's how he wants thing to go. He needs his darling to be good and act properly even just to prevent you from escaping his grasp.
Leone is RAMS
Leone can seem pretty aggressive, but he is reverent to those he adores. And his darling is surely is someone he cares for and cherishes, to the point of obsession. He is someone who will do what his darling wants him to do rather than demand anything, and he is entirely devoted to them.
Leone is aware that his actions, in general, aren't moral and good. He doesn't see his affiliation with Passione as something positive and he takes on a pretty aggressive, tough persona because he is aware that's what people expect. This way there is no doubt in his mind that he is in the wrong for what he is doing to his darling, that his feelings are dark and messy, but he is too into it now to avoid it.
Leone's brand of manipulation relies heavily on guilt and pity. It's not like he enjoys being the subject of those emotions, but they're the sure and proven way to make people to stick around him if only because they would be scared of what would happen to him. He will lean into these sentiments to manipulate the feelings of his darling.
He believes there are some things that his darlings has to do. On a scale, he isn't as strict as he could be, but he has the martial inflexibility that means he wants specific behaviors. He won't enforce them like other people might, but he is prone to get angry or frustrated if crossed.
Fugo is CAHL
Fugo really, really doesn't want to be, but his natural aggression and his explosive personality means he will hurt his darling in ways he doesn't mean to. He isn't particularly sadistic, but he flies into a rage so easily and that often means there will be yelling and potentially more if he doesn't get his way.
He is aware of where he is, in a criminal organization. He is perfectly aware that he isn't doing any type of charity, and that shows in his awareness of his behavior. He knows what he feels or does is not normal or average love, but that doesn't mean he particularly cares at this point.
Fugo could have the wits to manipulate, but he prefers to be straightforward and direct. There is no need to beat around the bush and he will be as sincere about his feelings as possible. There is no need to manipulate the odds, as he believes a sincere approach will get him what he wants.
He isn't the most lenient, but he doesn't have the authority to be strict either. Fugo will want his darling to be willing to stay by his side and doesn't feel the need to lock you or restrict you in anyway, you shall want to be with him and he is sure you will like staying with him.
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depravitymoon · 1 year ago
Yandere Bucci Gang by Stubbornness
How controlling is your yandere.
1 is you have free will and do what you want.
5 is things are negotiable.
10 is nothing you want matters.
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Mista - 1/10
Abbacchio - 4/10
Giorno - 5/10
Bruno - 5/10 and up
Fugo - 7/10 and up.
Trish - 8/10
Narancia - 9/10
Explanations below
Mista - As long as you remember you're his lover, he's pretty chill.
Abbacchio - Considering he'll kidnap you for your own 'safety', no compromise except to make you comfortable.
Giorno - He wouldn't be a good sugar daddy if he didn't negotiate with you.
Bruno - Depending on how well you've been behaving. Good spouses get a good husband, darling!
Fugo - He will pretend to be okay with you not doing what he wants. If you've been obedient, he'll tolerate you having free will. If you've been fighting him for awhile, he will be enraged and willing to get violent to keep you in check.
Trish - No. What she wants, she gets. If she has to manipulate into seeing things her way, she will.
Narancia - Too childish to be negotiated with when he's clingy. If you're not good at manipulation, you're fucked.
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