#yandere higashikata josuke
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animeyanderelover · 10 months ago
Anon: Yandere Johnathan, Dio, Joseph, Caesar, Wammu, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne Headcannons with a Female Tanjiro Reader? She’s kind, compassionate and fights to protect, save others and find a cure for her sister to turn her back into a human (She’s also a very hard working individual).
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, overprotective behavior, stalking, paranoia, manipulation, blackmail, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, isolation, abduction, death
To fit this theme better into the JoJo verse, darling’s sister is a vampire instead of a demon.
Tags: @simplydlightfuldestiny @flaming-vulpix
Darling is like Tanjiro
Jonathan Joestar
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💍Given your brave and kind personality, it is no wonder that Jonathan falls head over heels for you. Both of you fight side by side as his adopted brother Dio starts plotting his evil schemes with the new powers given to him by the stone mask. Your sister was one of the many victims that was turned by him yet somehow she retained her control and her heart as Dio didn't take over her mind. Despite Zeppeli's caution and advice that he should free your sister of her suffering, Jonathan is moved to tears as he witnesses the determination and love you have for your younger sister, solely led by his emotions as he offers to help you. After all your sister is very tame despite having been turned into a monster by Dio and hides during the day in a box you crafted for her. Both of you are trained together by Zeppeli in Hamon and join forces in order to put a stop to Dio's craving for power and to find a cure to turn your sister back into a normal human again.
💍​One would think that Jonathan should know best about your talents as he has trained together with you yet he falls fast and he falls fast, leaving him with the constant taste of fear and worry lingering on his mind and in his heart. Whenever a battle ensues, he always tries to shield you and to protect you out of fear that you might get hurt. Whenever he loses sight of you, his heart drops as paranoia quickly takes hold of him. He suffers the loss of his father and eventually the loss of Zeppeli and all of it only enforces his growing obsession as even his teacher ultimately dies, proving in his mind that even with all of your strength you can still fall during this battle. As someone who was raised to be nothing but a gentleman, it is his desire to cherish and to protect you yet he seems to overlook that his noble gestures to protect you are received as an insult from your side as you think that he is underestimating your strength. Whenever you confront him about it though, he shies away from the conflict, hating the thought of arguing with his sweetheart.
💍​Instead whenever conflict arises between you two, he tries to appease you in whatever way he can. At this point it is painfully obvious how he feels for you and Jonathan isn't even trying to hide it from you. He wants to treat you well and he does exactly that. In his mind fate must have brought you too together as both of you met, struck with tragedy inflicted upon the two of you by Dio. Sometimes his obsessive thoughts plague him and the shame comes crushing down on his heart yet more often he is prone to those delusional phases where he thinks of your meeting as destiny. The young Joestar heir has already plans to ask you for your hand in marriage as soon as both of you have won against Dio. He initially plans to ask you after peace has returned but depending on how paranoid and desperate he gets, he might even ask you beforehand if you'd do him the honor of letting him be your husband. He promises that he will worship you and do everything in his power to protect you and your sister.
Joseph Joestar
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🦾​Joseph, Caesar and you form a trio when the Pillar Men appear as you have your own motivation for fighting them. During the expedition that Speedwagon took due to the rumored existence of other Stone Masks your sister, who was part of the team that accompanied him, was transformed into a vampire and you reunite with her during your first encounter with Stroheim who kept her alongside with Speedwagon captive. You are quite different from Joseph who relies on his wits and runs away when he realises that his situation looks helpless whilst you always stand your ground to save even those who do not deserve it even if you are only inches away from death. Multiple times he has sworn to not help you if you were to get in another such tense situation yet he has never had the heart to abandon you, leaving him no choice but to return and trick his way somehow out of the danger. Joseph always wants to scold you after every stunt you pull yet you always thank him with such a sincere look on your face that he doesn't have the heart to do so.
🦾​You are sometimes really too good for your own good as well as his own good yet despite the differences between you two, Joseph finds himself growing very attached to you and he knows that. Although he tries to hide his growing feelings, to people like Caesar it is quite obvious that he has caught feelings for you. Whenever there is a fight, he seems much more willing to fight and show off somehow but only when you are watching. Not to mention that he has gotten more hostile towards Caesar as he knows that that man has to flirt with every young woman within his vicinity, including you. He comes up with the most random bullshit to annoy you two only to interfere as soon as he notices that Caesar tries to flirt with you or simply just makes soma gagging sounds to distract you from him. Caesar might as well see it as a challenge as he openly admits to Joseph that he doesn't think that he would make a good partner for you. From that day on Joseph comes up with the most ridiculous things to keep you occupied with him.
🦾​Whilst it may appear like a bit of a cheap method, the fact that Speedwagon is looking out for your sister whilst you are helping to hunt down the Pillar Men in search of a cure is something Joseph uses to his advantage. After all he is quite close with Speedwagon so he likes to brag about it if he gets the chance. Throughout the entire time you three spend together, he starts slowly resenting your determination to help others though. He wouldn't call himself inherently a bad guy but he is also not someone who would willingly risk his life for some random stranger. You are the complete opposite as you always want to save everyone, something that sometimes isn't possible. He doesn't want you to lay down your life for random people, as noble as some people may think that is. In his mind it is simply stupid so during fights he starts actively dragging you away when he realises that the threat is too much to handle. He wants to live and he wants you to live as well. It is as simple as that. You want to see your sister being turned back to a human again, right? You won't witness that if you're dead.
Caesar A. Zeppeli
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🫧​Lisa Lisa sends you as reinforcement during the earliest confrontation with the Pillar Men and whilst Joseph is initially gawking at you and wonders what you plan to add to the team, Caesar quickly shuts him up and apologises to you. Joseph truly has no manners when it comes to treating a pretty lady, plus he has utmost trust in his teacher so he has confidence in you. From the very beginning Caesar always favors you and treats you very well, although it is to be expected. As you join in the fights though and he gets to see just how much kindess and compassion you hold in your soul, his feelings deepen more and more. He truly admires your willpower and your determination to help people in need even if those people have threatened you before. Joseph, shrewd despite his sometimes stupid decisions, obviously notices the feelings of his rivals and starts teasing him about it. He goes too far when he tells you that Caesar catches feelings easily for women, something that almost ends in a fight between those two if it wouldn't have been for you stopping them.
🫧​His disdain for Joseph grows after that. How dare he even suggest to you that his feelings aren't sincere? Caesar urges you to not believe anything Joseph has told you as he swears to you that his feelings are sincere. When you three return to the island owed by Lisa Lisa, Caesar finds out about your sister that his teacher has kept safe during your absence. Initially he is very alerted as he doesn't trust your sister. She could pose a threat and harm you after all, even if she is also a lady. He knows that you would never let him harm her though as even Lisa Lisa assures him that she is different from the rest. After his wariness fades away, he can't help but wonder why you have never told him about her existence though. Do you not trust him? He immediately seeks you out to ask you about what has happened in your past and presses on even as you hesitate for a moment. When you eventually decide to tell him your tragic past, his heart starts bleeding for you. You poor thing have gone through so much...
🫧​After he has been entrusted with your path, he only starts feeling more protective about you. You are a woman too pure for everything you had to endure and it is your outstanding kindness that has him growing slowly more paranoid. He has seen terrible people in his life, people who would abuse your compassion and earnest desire to save others. He could never forgive someone if someone would stomp on your kindness and he could never forgive himself if he were to let anything happen to you. Caesar starts sticking close to you from that moment on, always paranoid when he isn't near you and can protect you. Obviously you address his smothering overprotective antics but you only get a lovesick smile in return and a kiss on your knuckles as he murmurs that he could never allow anything to harm you. In his eyes you deserve the world and nothing less after all the pain you had to go through and he intends to give the world to you. He is truly in love with you and in his eyes it is normal to protect the lady he plans to make his wife and spend his life with.
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🌪️​You are there together with Joseph and Caesar when the Pillar Men awaken and even if Wammu is far above you when it comes to strength, you refuse to back down. Even if you stand no chance against him, you stand time and time up again and he can tell that you put your all into this battle. There is a drive behind your eyes, a determination that keeps you going even if you shouldn't be able to stand anymore. It is that fire in your eyes that has his heart skipping a few beats as he proudly proclaims you as someone truly brave and worthy and even expresses gratitude that he was able to meet someone like you as soon as he has awakened. He almost doesn't want to kill you and Joseph, who has caught wind of Wammu's fascination with you, uses that partially to convince Wammu to let him and the others live for now so that they can return stronger. Wammu takes the bait, especially because he is eager to see how much stronger you will be the next time he sees you. You have the potential and willpower after all.
🌪️​His thoughts always seem to be around you as he eagerly and almost impatiently waits for the time to come and Kars and Esidisi sense his troubled feelings. Kars just bluntly advises him to take you if he desires you but Wammu refuses to use such underhanded methods as he prides himself as a strong and honorable warrior. So he chooses to challenge you when you find your way to him again to save Caesar as the young man impulsively storms into their hideout. As soon as you see how heavily wounded Caesar is, you are instantly willing to sacrifice yourself to save him and that is when Wammu offers you a deal. If you duel him and win, he will not only let Caesar go but also give you the antidote in his lip ring, something Joseph needs if he wants to survive. If you lose, he is free to do what he wants with you. You take the offer without a doubt and put a magnificent battle, even if he ultimately bests you. Even as you are bleeding heavily, you refuse to give up though and out of respect he not only lets Caesar live but gives him the antidote but takes you with him as you still lost and you accept it without throwing a tantrum.
🌪️​He caters instantly to your wounds as soon as he has taken you with a gentleness you didn't expect from a Pillar Man. After he has bandaged all of your wounds he decides to ask you what it is that motivates you so greatly and why you were so determined to find his kind. Initially you look at him silently and just as he is about to assure you that you don't have to tell him, you decide to open up. You confess to him that your sister was turned into a vampire due to a Stone Mask and that you had heard that his kind had invented them and so you had hoped to find a cure for her. Hearing your motivation truly only manifests you as a noble and honorable human as a warm feeling of pride spreads in his chest. It is in that moment that he decides that he desires to have you as his partner, though he is aware that you two stay on different sides of this current battle. Yet he sincerely wishes to help you so he makes another suggestion. He will help you to heal your sister but in return he asks of you to stay by his side as his lover in the future and remain loyal to him and he promises in return to cherish and love you until the end of time.
Kujo Jotaro
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🚬​You join the crusaders during their long and difficult travels to reach Egypt and DIO somewhere along the way. Your first encounter with them almost ends in a big fight when your sister escapes during the night and crosses paths with Jotaro who initially mistakes her as another minion of DIO. You arrive just in time and throw yourself in front of her, fully prepared to take all of Star Platinum's punches to protect your little sibling only for his Stand to stop in the last second. When the rest of the group arrives, you find yourself able to explain the situation you are in and since you have the same goal as everyone, you decide to join them with your own respective Stand. Jotaro clarifies to you from the very beginning though that if your sister should ever turn attack them and let her instincts get the better of her, he will have to get rid of her. You manage to hold his stern gaze though and reassure him that it won't happen as your sister is different from the others.
🚬​As all of you continue their journey, Jotaro learns to value you as a member of the team. You are strong and even your sister joins the fights when there is no sunlight around. Although he will openly admit that your very idealistic goals to protect everyone are at times quite exhausting and both of you have gotten into a few fights already. Jotaro has less problems sacrificing a few people if it can't be helped and reprimands you for your silly daydreams that you will always be able to save everyone only for you to get mad at him and call him heartless in return. What you don't seem to realise is that Jotaro's harshness and rude words are born out of a growing worry he feels for you the longer you are part of the Crusaders. He won't grieve random people he couldn't save in time but you are no random stranger to him. You are someone he has learnt to value and respect and he won't just watch as you throw yourself in danger over and over again to save someone who doesn't deserve it as you even express kindness to their opponents, though only after they have been beaten.
🚬​The tension only grows the closer you get to your destination and the more you are put through. Jotaro's obsession at this point has already gotten to the point of no return and he knows that yet he hides it, clueless on how to even act on those feelings. Although they do slip out in the very unpleasant shape of growing oppression and control he starts to keep on you. He has had enough with your antics by now to the point where he even tries to remove you from the scene to prevent you from trying to play hero again. Star Platinum, his Stand, has started acting on Jotaro's obsession as well and shows the feelings the man is trying to suppress much more openly. If you are within vicinity, it will suddenly grab you and pull you instinctively closer to it, much to Jotaro's slight embarrassment as he doesn't plan to tell you of his feelings. You won't be involved in theit final battle, he already knows that you would end up sacrificing yourself for someone else. Don't worry though, he will keep his promise and find a cure for your sister. He isn't as heartless as you claim him to be after all.
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🕰️​He feels like he is seeing a ghost of someone in you he has despised so much to the point where he feels the need to eradicate even the ancestors of said person. That's right. There is a resemblance of Jonathan DIO sees in you and whether it is his own petty hatred or a dormant fear he holds against the only man who ever beat him, he perceives you as a threat. He wants you gone and all of his minions are begging him to let them take care of you yet you have caught his attention to the point where he wishes to take care of you himself. Yet one of his pawns would not listen to him and assaults you themselves nevertheless only to be beaten by you and your sister. DIO couldn't care less about their death but it is the report that a vampire fought by your side that catches his attention. He's the only one who creates vampires. How is it then that someone who should obey him is fighting side by side with you? It seems like he can't just simply kill you after all. Instead he orders his pawns to gather information about you and the vampire fighting by your side.
🕰️​It doesn't take long for his minions to find what he wants to know as they are more than eager to please him however they can. Apparently your sister was turned into a vampire by one of his pawns he can't even remember and you are searching for him to demand for a cure to turn your sister back into a human. That's his chance. DIO can barely suppress the diabolical grin on his face as he realises that he could probably break you by tormenting you by using your sister against you. If he can gain control over her and order her to attack you, he is sure that he can break you down. As soon as you reach his hideout, his minions ambush you and even though you put up a brave fight, ultimately you are captured. His presence frightens you, he can tell as much by the way your heart hammers inside your chest yet you refuse to let any of your fear show as you stare him right into his eyes as he gloats about your loss, already suggesting with an evil gron on his face what he plans to do now that he has you and your sister.
🕰️​Yet you are so stubborn and headstrong and so is your sister as he is unable to gain control of her nor can he break you. He has always taken what he has wanted yet strangely enough he doesn't find himself displeased. Instead he revels in your unwavering determination and your immunity to fall for his charm, something that has brought countless men and women to their knees. After all the harder something is to obtain, the sweeter the taste of victory will be. He finds himself desiring to break you and then to possess you and to achieve that, he commits truly horrible deeds all to trigger your mental breakdown. He may force himself sexually on your sister whilst forcing you to watch or the other way around, will blackmail and threaten you to expose your sister to the sunlight and so many other things that should tear you apart yet even through your greatest sorrow and grief, that spark in your eyes never disappears. It frightens him a bit, confuses him to why you don't give up. Why do you persist? Wouldn't it be easier for you to just drown in your misery? You really are special, aren't you?
Higashikata Josuke
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💎​Josuke is hotheaded and enjoying his life and his youth. He is quite passionate about showing his feelings which is why he has no real way to cover up his growing infatuation with you as he quickly descends down the stairs of obsession. Above all it is your kind and compassionate attitude that has won him over and he greatly admires you for the strong and forgiving person that you are. You even complimented his hair when you met for the first timw which only added fuel to the inferno. Due to his openess to express his feelings though, Josuke has no lid on his emotions which means that he has no real way to control him. He isn't even attempting to control them in the first place and this has led him to be quite volatile depending on how he feels. Whether he is euphoric or enraged, he will act on those emotions. His infatuation has made him quite clingy which is why he often follows you around and always desires to be with you as his mood is otherwise quite grumpy which means that he is quite easily angered.
💎​Okuyasu calls him one night and informs him that he has seen a strange person sneaking inside your house as he just happened to pass by and instantly Josuke is alarmed. He ignores his mother's confused questions as he rushes to your house in the middle of the night and pounds against the door, his heart hammering against his chest in fear. When you don't answer, he instantly assumes the worst and Crazy Diamond quicly destroys your door only to instantly repair it. He looks fully prepared to murder the strange woman he finds in your house but you arrive just in time to stop him and his stand from attacking her. With no ther choice left but to tell him the truth, you tell him that the person is your sister and your tragic backstory about how she was turned into a vampire and how you are desperately searching for a cure. A part of Josuke reacts quite intrigued because whilst he knows about the existence of stands, he has never known about the existence of vampires, although he also expresses his concern about your safety.
💎​When he realises how much you wish to turn your sister back into a human, his heart instantly melts and he promises to help you however he can. It is his duty as your boyfriend to make his girlfriend happy after all. You do not quite know what he is talking about, although you obviously have noticed the obvious crush he has on you. What you don't know as of now is that Josuke has gone genuinely delusional with his love for you to the point where he already thinks that both of you share the same love for each other. Even if the situation isn't pleasant for you, he sees this as his chance to shine and to make you love him even more than you already do in his mind. He starts speculating pretty soon that perhaps his own Stand Crazy Diamond could be the solution to all of your problems and the idea that he can be your hero excites him as he rambles to you about his idea. He truly feels like you two were meant to meet because what are the chances that he would have the perfect solution to turn your sister back into a normal human.
Giorno Giovanna
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🐞​You have joined the Mafia a while ago yet you have quickly risen through the ranks. You are earnest and hardworking and hate to let people down, always set on fulfilling the missions you are entrusted with. On the other hand it is also that the Don favors you that you have gained so much in such a short time and his feelings for you only seem to get stronger the longer he gets to know you. You are the kindest soul he has ever met as you do not tolerate the abuse of power by others and refuse to follow orders if they go against your own set of morales. You have gone even as far as to sometimes suggest to Giorno himself that he could do something to better the way of the Mafia and if you would have been anyone else, he wouldn't have tolerated it with a genuine smile and a promise to consider your advice. Giorno isn't oblivious to his feelings and he isn't surprised either that he fell for you as hard as you did. Your kindness and compassion resemble the rays of sunshine and he knows that he wants that warmth for himself.
🐞​You have never really elaborated on your private life even if he questioned you gently about it. You may be able to fool others but not Giorno who has dedicated so much time to observe you and memorise your every reaction and emotion you have shown around him. You are hiding something from him, something that burdens you. You deserve better than that and whilst he recognises that you probably don't wish to worry him as you probably assume that he is already busy enough with his duties as the Don, you don't seem to understand that he sees his duties in catering to your needs and every worry just as much. With connections throughout the entire country, very soon he finds out sacred information you never wanted him to know. He soothes you as soon as you figure out what he has done as you feel like he has broken your trust as he gently holds your trembling hands and promises you in a gentle tone that he only wishes to help you. He already knows everything but won't you tell him yourself?
🐞​He promises you to protect your sister and keep her identity hidden just as much as he promises you to find a cure for her. Even if he knows that he has partially broken your faith in him by invading your personal life and finding out something you don't want anything to know, he would lie if he would claim that he feels guilty. Instead he feels like he understands you even better now than he understood you before as he now knows more about your personal motives for joining Passione. Not only that but he is not above realising how much control he would hold over you by using your biggest weakness in form of your sister against you. It is quite a cheap move and he knows that yet he will do what he must do to protect you and to keep you for himself. He cares too much to lose you after all. He is genuine when he swears to you that he really plans to find a cure for your sister. You should be prepared though that he will demand something in return from you for his assistance and it'll most likely be the first step to make you his forever.
Cujoh Jolyne
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🪢​Jolyne and you meet in Green Dolphin Street as both of you were labeled as criminals. She has been betrayed by her ex who decided to blame the accident and the death of the car accident on her and you have been locked away because you have a history of breaking into rich and important people's houses, although you have never stolen something. Unfortunately you were caught and had been unfortunate enough to get caught by an especially unpleasant couple who made sure to lock you away for good. Both of you recognise that neither one of you is a bad person though and you hit it off quite well with each other. Her tough personality she likes to put on is something you learn to live with as you can kind of guess that she does this to hide her own vulnerability. You talk about all sorts of things as you spend your time together in jail as you treat her with kindness and respect. Something that makes her heart very flustered, although she doesn't want to admit it.
🪢​Jolyne has never been exposed to much kindness in her life as her own father has largely neglected her during her youth and so she is like a dry sponge who eagerly absorbs any kindness and compassion you give her. It is no wonder that you have her wrapped around your finger as quick as you do as she grows increasingly possessive and clingy. She is selfish about any kind word and any minute you can give her as she is very prone to jealousy as soon as you give your attention and sweetness to someone else but she doesn't care about such things, if she even recognises the wrongness of her feelings to begin with. she is just desperate for all of your attention and affection and doesn't shy away from beating someone up with her stand Stone Free to get rid of any unpleasant pesk who tries to get between you and her. You also join her when she plans to break out and she doesn't even have to beg you as you quickly agree. She is dear to you after all. A statement that turns her harsh facade to mush.
🪢​It is only a while later though that you confess to her that you have another reason for breaking out. You have a little sister who was turned into a vampire and you have been searching for clues how to cure her, hence why you broke into people's houses who you suspected to have something useful. Jolyne has rather mixed emotions when you tell her. On the one hand she does feel sorry for you and can understand your desire to help your sister. All of that doesn't compare to her jealousy though and even some part of her can admit that this is quite petty from her. It's your own sister after all, someone who would pose no threat as a possible rival. Jolyne's obsession goes beyond the simple jealousy of romantic rivals though. She strives to be the most important woman and person in your life and desires to have all of your attention and love for herself so your sister is still perceived as a rival as she wonders who you would choose if you had to do so. For now she has you for herself though and she tries to push the gnawing jealousy out of her mind, although she grows much more touchy as you work on breaking out of prison.
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sl33paholics · 6 months ago
hii, so glad to hear that ur back. Can you write a smut with Josuke or Alucard and reader losing their virginity to one another and just being loving to each other throughout the whole thing? Love your other fics btw! :)
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Would You Do This With Me?
Josuke Higashikata x fem!reader
Warning(s): Smut (first time, virginity taken on both ends), breast play, nipple play, clit play, hair pulling (on Josuke's end), condom usage (gotta stay safe), moments of awkwardness, and more as you read
This was so fun to write - this took the whole evening yesterday + half of this morning to finish lol
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"Josuke...Josuke...JoJo, you rabid dog!"
You'd say to him as the two of you were on the bed, feeling his hands tug onto your bra and the other hand gripping hard on your hip, but the words had fallen from your mouth as he kissed along your jawline, and you could hardly hear them over the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears. You let out a throaty moan, trying to catch your breath, your hips bucking against him as you fought for control over yourself. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and you felt so dizzy that you thought for sure you might faint. "Oh god..." you murmured, tilting your head back and giving yourself up to the sensation as you let out another soft moan, your hands running through his hair as he gripped harder at your hipbones. Your body was humming with pleasure, but it was only getting worse by the second. You couldn't take any more of this. Your whole body was on fire, your blood rushing, you needed more -
His lips left your jaw and moved down to your neck, sucking hard. His teeth scraped at your skin as you let out an embarrassing whine.
Josuke immediately pulled back after hearing that noise. He looked into your eyes, his pupils blown wide and his cheeks flushed red, his hair sticking up everywhere. He was panting hard, his face a mess of red.
"Shit," Josuke whispered, his voice hoarse. Josuke sat up, looking away from you. "Did I do that too quickly?" You blinked owlishly, completely dazed from being kissed like that. "I...I told your ass to calm down...idiot..." You said between taking breaths as you giggled, shaking your head. The both of you just stared at each other for a moment, before Josuke broke out into a smile, a laugh, and then threw himself onto the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing kisses all over your face as you tried not to scream.
"You're lucky...that my mom is not here, she's at a girl's night..." Josuke muttered, kissing you on your cheek. His hands wondered up to your bra, and you felt Josuke 's fingers fumbling with the laces, then he reached under your bra, grabbing at one of the straps. You shivered as his cool finger skimmed over your skin, making you snort. He started working on the other strap, pulling at it until it loosened enough for him to slide the garment off your shoulders, laying it next to you on the bed. Josuke began to touch your breasts, rubbing circles into your sensitive skin as his lips trailed across your collarbone. He started kissing you there, making you squirm beneath him.
You bucked your hips to grind into Josuke, biting your lip when he gasped in response to the action. He continued to kiss your collarbone, moving one of his hands down to your nipples and beginning to pinch them, causing you to let out a loud gasp. Josuke grinned as you gave into the sensations, moaning louder now. When he swiftly moved his other hand down now towards your panties, you cried out and grabbed at his arm. "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Not yet..." You bit your lip again, and Josuke paused as he watched you closely. You could feel Josuke growing stiff beneath you, his hand still resting on your breast. Then he seemed to get impatient, leaning forward to kiss you roughly, his tongue thrusting inside your mouth before his fingers slipped underneath your panties. You moaned into his mouth as his fingers touched you, his fingertips gliding gently against your folds.
You groaned as he pressed himself against you, his dick hardening against you, his grip tightening as if warning you. "Josuke...please, don't stop…" You whimpered out.
The tip of his fingers felt the wetness between your folds, his fingers gliding over your clit lightly, sending waves of pleasure over your body. Josuke kept moving his fingers in slow strokes, watching you carefully for signs of discomfort. He didn't want to hurt you, after all. You had already been through a lot, it seemed. But if he was going to be honest, the more he did this, the more aroused he became as well. It took every ounce of self control he possessed not to start fucking you right then and there. "Please, Josuke...don't tease me..." You moaned softly into his ear, feeling his fingers touch your swollen like the curious boy he was. You clenched your thighs together tightly as he kept touching you. You could almost feel your pussy swelling even more at Josuke's touches, your body craving more of his cock, desperate for it.
Josuke stopped his fingers for a moment, then slid his thumb over your clit, slowly stroking over it. The motion sent you over the edge, your body jerking under Josuke's touch.
Josuke removed his other hand from your breast and the one from your panties, positioning your legs as he finally took off your panties, tossing them aside.
You're now completely naked, for the first time in months of dating JoJo.
You were so lost in a trance that you didn't even notice that your boyfriend took off his boxers as well, his dick jutting out proudly as he climbed atop you. His face was flushed, his breathing ragged and labored, and you could see the dark veins pulsating in his neck. "You bought the condoms, right, JoJo?" You asked nervously, looking up at him from where you were on your elbows, your hands holding onto his shoulders for support. You could already tell how much he wanted you right now. "We... we have to use them..." You panted, reaching up and stroking his face, feeling his stubble scratch against your fingertips.
Josuke nodded jerkily as he reached over to his nightstand to retrieve the condom. "I...I even got lube. This wasn't so easy to get... but I managed to buy it." He admitted sheepishly.
Your mind went blank for a few moments as Josuke went on to put the condom himself, throwing the wrapper to the side. It was only then when you felt the cold, slick feeling of the lube being rubbed on against your clit that your senses kicked in again, and you gasped out loudly. You were about to push up against him, but Josuke pushed you back down onto the bed. "...sorry, it's cold. I thought it'd be kinda warm right now ...for us." He apologized quickly, placing the bottle of lube onto the nightstand and sliding himself on top of you. "Yeah, um...it's fine. Thank you..." You said breathlessly.
The two of you were now staring at one another. Of course, the tension and anxiety were there, but the two of you were also so focused on one another that you were barely aware of anything else. Your boyfriend shifted himself so that he was hovering over you, both of you staring at each other intensely. "Are you ready?" Josuke asked huskily, his hand cupping your cheek. You nodded, closing your eyes to savor the moment. "Just let me know if I'm putting it in too fast or somethin'." He held onto your hand and slowly pushed himself into you, your pussy clamping down onto his length, causing him to moan. "Holy shit...JoJo..!!" You hissed, squeezing his hand. Josuke stopped moving looking at you with concern. "Am I going to fast? Should I stop? Let you adjust?"
"No, no... you're doing good. I just need to adjust..." You said softly, your heart racing as Josuke's shaft moved slowly in and out of you. You began to slowly move to adjust yourself, your body tensing up and relaxing as you adjusted to the feeling. After a little while, Josuke went on to continue and thrust into you as he threw his arms to grab hold of the headboard. Once he was fully in you, he continued to pump himself into you slowly, giving you ample time to adjust to his weight and size. You were able to relax once Josuke's hands grabbed hold of your hips and pulled you closer to him. "Good...so good..."
You hummed, gripping the sheets as Josuke began to sped up his pace.
"Damn, you're tight..." He mumbled, grunting at the pressure you were putting on him. "Fuckin' perfect...like a fucking doll..." He gripped you tighter, his hips pushing harshly into you, his erection straining against your walls. "Josuke!!" You moaned, gripping onto his bicep, your nails digging into his skin. The sudden picked up pace in movement made you squeak and arch your back slightly, your head falling back as your muscles tensed, a low grumble leaving your lips. Josuke immediately pulled back, panting heavily as he looked down on you. "So beautiful..." He whispered, running his hands through your sides.
It was all until he hit your spot.
And all hell broke loose.
You couldn't contain the high-pitched cry that left you as you quickly covered your mouth with your hand, your lips quivering as your whole body shook violently.
The scream took Josuke by shock, and based on your reaction to him, it was a sign to continue thrusting. Before you even had the chance to say something, he moved his hips in quick thrusts, hitting your spot as hard as Josuke possibly could, sending another wave of pleasure rushing through you, your entire body tense as you screamed at the top of your lungs.
Like introducing a new toy to a toddler, Josuke couldn't stop. The sound of your voice was like music to his ears, sending a chill throughout his body as he increased his speed, driving his cock deeper into you, making you writhe with pure bliss. Josuke could hear you crying, muffled noises of pleasure coming from your throat. He'd never heard you make noise like that before, and it excited him beyond words.
Josuke leaned down as your arms quickly clasped around him tightly, your body arching up against him as your legs wrapped around his waist. Your stomach felt like it was burning and ready to burst any moment now. You could already feel your juices soaking the bedsheets, pooling beneath you as you squirmed and rocked your hips wildly, your cries filling the room.
Soon enough, the two of you reached your climax simultaneously. You were shaking uncontrollably, your body convulsing underneath Josuke as he came within you, spilling his seed inside of the now messy-used condom. You closed your eyes tight as you released your own release, a quiet sob escaping your lips as you tried to regain some kind of composure, your fingers trembling against his bare chest and your eyes fluttering open.
The two of you stayed there, in that position, for as long as you needed to. Josuke moved away from you as your arms dropped from his back, beside you. Josuke slowly pulled out of you, removing the condom off of him and tossing it carelessly on the ground. He lay down beside you, his arm circling your waist. "...you're going to have to clean that up, you know? That's gross.." You'd say quietly, burying your face on Josuke's chest. You felt his hand stroke your back comfortingly.
Josuke chuckled softly, resting his chin on the crown of your head. "I know... I'm just exhausted and too tired to leave the bed right now..." JoJo poutted, his arms tightening their grip around you as you both laid like that for a few minutes, the two of you simply enjoying each others company. Soon enough, you yourselfdrifting off to sleep, snuggling up towards Josuke, feeling safe and secure, your body relaxed after the orgasm the two of you had.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
What would the joestars (part 1-9) reactions to their darling (gender neutral) skirt getting lifted/flinged up by a kid?
( I got inspired from that one scene from frieren where a boy lifts up her skirt...and i personally wanna see the yandere joestars reactions lol.)
There’s the resounding thought of “is it wrong to beat up a child?” going through the Joestar’s heads.
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar
He’s fast enough to pick up whatever kid did this to his poor darling. No amount of smacking and thrashing will make him let go until they apologize, and Jonathan is pretty upset and makes it clear never to do it again. He appears to almost be a very stern parent talking to them, but there’s just a little bit of an intimidating aura behind it that it scares the kid off. Not to mention his large muscular stature helps fend them off as well.
He’ll probably walk you home after and make sure the kid doesn’t try jumping you (He knows how petty an angered person can be sometimes).
Yandere! Joseph Joestar
He can play petty, and he’s not going to let some snot nosed brat just upskirt his darling like that. (that’s a view he’s only allowed to have) The kid doesn’t get far at all, and probably even trips with whatever hamon trick Joseph decides to play off. He flicks the kids nose, maybe even pinches it.
“Cheeky little….you think you’re clever, but you’re not getting far with me, go home already”
He’s absolutely petty enough to give the kid a shaken up soda, and have it explode all over him later, (and maybe pants him, himself at some point). He’ll deny it later when you bring it up
Yandere! Jotaro Kujo
Under normal circumstances he’d be pissed, but being obsessive puts that anger through the roof. Star Platinum grabs the kid by the collar, and pulls them backwards. His stare is cold as ice, there’s zero patience in his voice as he also trips the kid with his stand by the feet. “How about you run home before something that you don’t like happens punk” is about the most restrained Jotaro can be at this point. He’s definitely tempted to punt the brat into the sun
The kid likely has a bloody nose, freaks out and books it out of there in a blink of an eye terrified. Alternatively there’s a chance Jotaro catches the kid early with a little use of his time stop, and smacks the kid in the back of the head with his hand. (Nothing concussion worthy) but it still sends the perpetrator packing.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (P4)
It irritates him almost instantly as insulting his hair, he’s on a similar level as Joseph when it comes to these things and the kid is going to have something not quite looking right after the use of Crazy Diamond. Who knows how the kid ended up in a fountain later, it totally wasn’t him! There might be a few other embarrassing stints and the kid eventually never walks your or his way ever again.
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna
His reaction would be interesting here, there’s a weird mix of calmness and pettiness wrapped into one. Firstly the blonde likely manages to pickpocket the kid right off the cuff. Tells the kid he forgot something while waving a wallet or a small amount of money around. Giorno has an obviously fake smile on his face, talks to the kid for a moment or two out of your earshot, perhaps you see an ear pinch out of your peripheral vision.
Though a scream erupts shortly after and the kid is running off slapping insects off themselves.
Yandere! Jolyne Kujo
She’s not the type to take stupid crap like upskirting happening to you (much like her father). The kid almost instantly gets caught by stone free, tripping him up. “What do you think you’re doing kid?” She’ll be asking them if they think their age is a get out of jail free card for acting like a brat. Jolyne will absolutely clever enough to make it look like she’s a sibling of this kid while giving him a taste of their own medicine.
Since they likely cant see stone free, the kid keeps tripping over and over. She might keep him still enough for a few birds to come over and do their business. Maybe hold their mouth open a bit, and suggests not telling anyone about this unless they want their parents to know them as the town pervert.
Yandere! Johnny Joestar
He’d pretend to almost not even notice this kids antics, but the kid quickly gets tripped up by spin. If there is any objects around they would just happen to trip into them. “Not sure what you’re trying to pull there, but it’s not a smart idea to pull that stunt to someone I like” Johnny tells them bluntly. This kid probably ends up “falling” again in mud or another unsavory mix from horses. He just gives the kid a cold stare and gestures them to leave for their own safety.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (Gappy) Part 8
There’s some soft humming as he goes to stop the kid who decided to upskirt you. There’s a dark look in his eyes as he grips the kid’s wrist firmly. He makes it clear he’s upset, and likely embarrasses the kid by messing with their hair, making it an obnoxiously ugly style or generally dumping something on them. With the bonus of the kid walking into a pole before rushing off, ( all of that may or may have not had to do with Soft & Wet)
Yandere! Jodio Joestar
There’s really no going back when you mess with his darling. Anything he does to this kid, he doesn’t regret in the slightest. “Want to see my sense of humor?” He’ll probably ask almost mockingly. He asks how’s the weather to kid, and casually uses November Rain on them. If he has food or a drink he doesn’t hesitate to dump it on the kid either. “I don’t think I want a sorry honestly….seems too…insincere for what you did” he shrugs.
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funkii-fox · 7 months ago
Yandere Josuke Headcanons
I rlly like the concept of a charming guy that has all the girls all over him to be a secret yandere. He’s not who you think he is. Yandere Caesar coming soon maybe? Do u guys want that?
This was hard to come up with. I wondered “why would this guy, that everyone loves and is a pretty normal dude, be a yandere?” And i was thinking abt types of yanderes. I feel like he would have no reason to be possessive type, since he’s popular and all. I wouldn’t think he would be sadistic either. In fact, i think he would be so against you being hurt, he would be more on the overly protective side. BUT what if he was obsessive??…😈
Warning: some nsfw. Not in depth tho
He just can’t get you out of his head. It was cute at first, but now it’s too much. He thinks about you at school. “I hope they’re here today.” In his free time. “I wonder what y/n is doing right now.” While he’s hanging out with his friends or playing games. “I wish y/n was here to have a good time with me.” When he’s studying. “I wonder if i could help them study.” When he’s trying to sleep. “I wish y/n were here snuggling with me.” In the shower. “I wonder what y/n looks like under all those clothes.” No matter how hard he wants to keep you out of his mind, he always catches himself thinking of in depth scenarios of you with him. You distract him from his studies and even his own friends. “Josuke, are you listening? :/” “Huh?! Yeah! :}”
He gets very ashamed when he thinks about you while he gets off. It’s so dirty! We don’t even know each other yet! But he can’t help it! It’s become the only way he can get off. He also started masturbating more frequently. It was originally once or twice a week, now it’s almost every day. Do you not see what you do to him? You turned him into a perverted mess!
He follows you. It’s not stalking tho! He just follows and watches you around town. It’s fine! He pretends to also be doing something in the place you’re in too, as if it were a coincidence. If you’re in a cafe having a coffee, for example, he’s having some tea across the room. It’s not like he’s hiding from you, even if he tries to keep a low profile with different clothes and a seat thats out of your line of vision. He’s still in plain sight! It’s not stalking!
He can’t stop Crazy Diamond from going over to you if you’re in his range. Thankfully, Diamond doesn’t do anything too bad. He may brush your hair or rub your cheek: Small, romantic gestures. It’s very odd to be clearly touched by something not there. “I probably just imagined it.” You rationalize. Josuke gets so embarrassed, even if you don’t know it’s him. He wishes he could ground his dumb punching ghost.
It’s an advantage to have that dumb punching ghost, tho. He can easily steal and look at ur things with his speed and his ability to repair things. He has ripped your backpack and bashed your locker many times before and you’d never know.
He only broke into your bag and locker “just to look” at first, but it morphed into stealing things like a funny sticky note you doodled on. Just small knickknacks that remind him of you and show your personality!
He started to follow you home. It was originally another one of his “normal” “following” moments. But before he knew it, he followed you to your place of comfort. It’s not weird, tho. A lot of ppl know where others live! Even if you don’t know him, it’s fine. Anyone could’ve seen you walk into your house and found out you live there!
He keeps an eye on your place, tho. Just curious about your living situation! Nothing else! He finds out about any people and pets you may live with and your daily schedules. He’s not going to do anything tho! It’s not like he has binoculars spying inside!
He fought within himself to not go into your house. “THAT would be stalking! I can’t do that” But eventually, the devil on his shoulder won and now he literally broke into your house. “Just this once! Never again!” But it happened again. And then again. “I won’t do much, i promise. It’s fine as long as nobody finds out, right?”
One of the only things that you know about his actions is that Josuke looks at you. Its started out as a quick glance from time to time, but it turned into intense stares. He just can’t remove his eyes from your sweet face. The only thing that makes him look away is you meeting his eyes. It’s like a jump scare to him! Your eyes are so beautiful, his heart can barely take it! “Odd… maybe he was just spacing out or looking behind me,” you rationalized, “but if he was… he wouldn’t look away instantly, as if he were caught doing something bad…” you try to brush off the deep blue eyes that drill into you from your peripheral vision the second you look away.
Josuke doesn’t wanna be creepy. Hes supposed to be a charming gentleman!! What would his momma think if she found out!? He can’t help it tho…
He eventually will ask you out, but only after he gets confirmation from his “following” and “curiosity”. He’s very romantic towards you. It gets a little cheesy at times but you appreciate every bit of it. He’s perfect; sweet, charming, attentive. You don’t suspect a thing! Perfect!
But sometimes he can be… overbearingly sweet. It started with VERY expensive gifts. “How much did this cost?!” “A million yen :)” “WHAT?!” It’s suspicious how a high schooler can even afford these types of gifts regularly…
He holds you too tightly, for way too long, and in any situation. He just NEEDS to be holding you tenderly. It feels like he spends every second of his free time with you, you barely have time with your friends or family. It feels suffocating. But you can’t tell him that! He just wants to love you:(
He wants a normal life, but stand business is tough. He’s scared that it might involve you. You could get hurt. Or even worse... Josuke wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you died. Or what if he dies and you will never be together again? You would be devastated. He counters this by being very protective of you. He doesn’t let you learn about stands. And he always has a good scope of the area. He frequently asks about “anything new?” to try to bait an answer. If something odd happens to you, he will FREAK OUT. “What if it’s an enemy stand?!” Yeah, you’re not being let out of his sight for the rest of the week…
I said he wouldn’t be possessive, but that doesn’t mean he would just let someone take you away. He will fight tooth and nail to keep you. He simply CANNOT let you go. You are his entire life…
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spicyicetea · 1 year ago
Side note from the current Yandere JJBAx reader I’m working on but still JJBA related. I’m currently watching part 4 and I just love everyone.
So here are my opinions on them and some relationship headcannons
Not all characters have relationship stuff-
I love how Jotaro is still himself but just… feels slightly baby girled. I also love how the first thing we properly see of him in part 4 is him 1- pitying a turtle 2-sucker punching Josuke moments later. With that being said, he’d totally be smitten for you. I may joke on how others are simps, this is my number one simp choice.
You probably didn’t obsess over him like the girls when he was younger but actually talk to him like a person, not just a set of hot muscles. He does like it when you talk about his hot muscles though ok… play your cards right and he might let you touch, but don’t tease him or he’ll back away. But, once you’re official, I feel like he’d quite like witty banter and teasing from his partner, as long as it’s clear you’re joking. No joke, probably fell for you after you mentioned a random fish/ocean creature fact.
“Huh? Oh you’re reading about starfish? I like starfish, even though they’re not actually a fish.”
“Marry me-“ “huh, what did you-“ “good grief, I said nothing…” 10/10 on my way to marry him as we speak.
Josuke, I wasn’t sure if I’d like him at first but he is my baby no.2. He’s such a sweetheart, so dependable. Just his reaction any time his friends are in danger is just perfect. Plus I love his mom. The way he’d defend your honour like he defends his hair. Anyone say anything out of pocket about you and they’re dealing with your very powerful boy. Totally brags to you about how he’s Jotaro’s uncle and that Jotaro asks for his help on missions soooo often. But then later asks Jotaro for date ideas and advice because he’s older. My man is a romantic at heart you can’t lie to me. 10/10 would make dinner for him and baby him.
Although Koichi isn’t my type personally, he’s such a cutie patootie. He’s so sweet and genuine that I imagine he’d just be a darling to eat lunch with and talk about your favourite shows or manga. 10/10, would walk with you too and from school.
Okuyasu… he is my baby. He’s stupid, strong and has a heart of gold despite looking like a delinquent… you guys can’t lie to me that is definition of a Himbo. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t drag you out on every little adventure he could with him and the others. He’d have you wearing his jacket when it’s cold and if you already have one he’d insist his is warmer and then wear yours so you can have his. Dinner dates at Tonio’s. Yeah 10/10 he might be a menace sometimes but he’d fight for you. Use your scary dog privilege wisely.
Speaking of Tonio… only slutty men know how to cook. (/J) 10/10 I love him, underrated husband.
Rohan is a self centred jerk… I’m going to aggressively make out with him and you can’t stop me. 10/10 (sorry I’ve only seen like 2 episodes with him so I don’t have much commentary)
I’ve only just gotten to the episode where we see him pulling up to his house after nearly hitting Koichi so I can’t really report on Kira yet… but a man who carries an arm around… yeah smash- 10/10 psychotic asshole.
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tab00-t33f · 2 months ago
Dark!Yandere!Josuke headcanons
(Tw; Toxic/manipulative behavior, implied emotional abuse, OOC, yandere tropes, non-canon/Improper stand usage)
Crazy Diamond could “fix” something in the reader that might not have been broken in the conventional sense but was perceived as flawed by him. This could range from physical to emotional or even psychological elements, reflecting his obsessive desire to mold and keep the reader in his idealized version of perfection or safety.
Physical Injury (Literal Fixing)
• Scenario: During a struggle or accident, the reader suffers a genuine injury (like a broken bone or severe bruise), and Josuke immediately uses Crazy Diamond to heal them. However, the intensity of the situation and the suffocating closeness of the act leave the reader more unnerved than comforted.
• Subtext: Even though it’s a kind gesture on the surface, the act could symbolize how Josuke won’t let the reader have control over their own autonomy or recovery.
Erasing “Imperfections”
• Scenario: Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to “fix” minor physical traits on the reader that they’ve mentioned disliking in passing (e.g., a scar, uneven teeth, or a freckle they find annoying). Though they might not have wanted these changes, Josuke thinks he’s doing them a favor by “perfecting” them.
• Subtext: His inability to see the reader as a whole, flawed human being underscores his obsessive need to preserve an idealized version of them.
Emotional or Mental “Fixing”
• Scenario: Josuke believes the reader is too stressed, sad, or resistant to his advances. Crazy Diamond’s power might manifest in a twisted, symbolic way—“fixing” their resistance or anxiety, leaving the reader feeling eerily calm or compliant.
• Subtext: This reflects Josuke’s delusional belief that he’s entitled to control the reader’s feelings for their own good.
Memory Manipulation (Unconventional Fixing)
• Scenario: Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to fix a broken object tied to a bad memory (e.g., a shattered photo frame or torn letter), inadvertently altering the memory itself. The reader starts to feel detached from certain events, unable to understand why they feel like something is missing.
• Subtext: This could symbolize Josuke’s desperate attempt to erase anything in the reader’s life that doesn’t center around him.
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thornybubbles · 1 year ago
The Cat Came Back (Followup) The Morioh Gang reactions
Note: This is a follow up piece to “The Cat Came Back” in which the Reader finds themselves in the possession of the Stand, Killer Queen and asks Josuke for help. The following is just showing how the other characters would react. So headcanons I guess… You can find the original story this is based on here: 
Josuke: You already saw his initial reaction when you told him about your unwanted Stand, but there was a lot that Josuke left unsaid, mostly because he didn’t want you to see just how disturbed he really was. He can’t even imagine what you must be going through. This whole situation is horrific and… well… bizarre. It was bad enough that you were targeted and held hostage by Kira during the final confrontation, but now you’re stuck with Kira’s Stand as your own. He still doesn’t understand how something like that could even happen. How does a living person end up with a dead man’s Stand? It’s even more confusing if you consider how Reimi said that Kira died. If both user and Stand were torn apart by ghostly arms, then how is the Stand still active? And why, WHY, WHY, is it acting as your Stand now? Josuke never wanted you to get involved in the crazy, dangerous world of Stand users, but you are now and he can’t help but blame himself. If he had never become friends with you, then maybe you wouldn’t have run into Kira that day and this wouldn’t be happening to you now. He really, really hopes that Jotaro and the Speedwagon Foundation can help you with this, because this is one thing he knows he can’t fix. Just like with the death of his grandfather, he feels helpless and frustrated. But to you, he’s a beacon of calm acceptance. He’ll never let you see how shook up he is because you don’t need that right now. 
Okuyasu: He takes it pretty badly. He finds the whole situation to be freaky and incredibly unfair. Expect a lot of angry crying from him in the beginning. 
“Whaaaaat??!!” he shouts. “What the hell is this?! How does something like that even happen?! Can’t that creepy hand-humping bastard go haunt someone else?!” 
He insists that Josuke could probably fix it if he used Crazy Diamond to bring you back to a state before you became a Stand user, but Josuke explains that his powers don’t work like that. Okuyasu is so desperate that he even suggests, to everyone’s horror, that he could use The Hand to erase Killer Queen. That idea is very quickly shot down by Josuke. 
“Think about it, Okuyasu,” Josuke says. “If you erase a person’s Stand it’s like erasing their soul! Do you want to do that to our friend?” 
Okuyasu realizes his idea was awful, but dammit he wants to help okay? He feels helpless and frustrated that he can’t think of anything useful in this situation. He just wants the Stand to go away and leave you alone. He even goes so far as to ask you to summon Killer Queen just so he can say that to the Stand’s face. 
“Listen here you pink cat bastard!” he practically spits at the Stand. “You better fuck off and leave our friend alone or I’m gonna make your life a living hell!!!” 
Killer Queen merely stares Okuyasu down until the delinquent actually starts feeling a little nervous. Then the Stand has the nerve to give him a wry little smile and duck down to nuzzle his head against yours. Freaked out, you dismiss him and Okuyasu rages. It’s going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time for Okuyasu to come to terms with your new status as a Stand user. 
Koichi: Koichi is horrified, not just at the situation, but he is very worried for you. Like everyone else, he’s baffled at how you could end up with someone else’s Stand. Not only that, but Koichi is the first to notice that there’s something different about Killer Queen now that it’s attached to you. The Stand seems more lively and sentient with you than it did with Kira, even going so far as to mock others and show you unwanted affection. It was far, far more reserved with Kira. What did that mean exactly? Did it have to do with your personality having an effect on its behavior? He wants to offer you all the support and comfort that he can as your friend but he can’t ignore the creeping feeling of dread that comes over him when he’s in your presence now. He tries not to let it show, because the last thing he wants is for you to think he’s afraid of you. You have enough to worry about without having to consider if your friends fear you now. 
Koichi starts doing research on Stands and Stand users, hoping to find something he can use to help you. Maybe there’s a way to separate a user from their Stand without hurting them? Of course, he has considered your feelings on the matter. Would you want to be separated from Killer Queen? Koichi will never say this out loud, but he has a terrible fear that a little bit of Kira’s personality has remained within Killer Queen and that there may be a possibility that Kira’s violent tendencies will start to manifest within you. He really hopes that isn’t the case. He doesn’t want Kira somehow hurting anyone else from beyond the grave, least of all one of his closest friends. He doesn’t know what he’d do if you started turning violent…
Jotaro: As per usual, Jotaro’s reaction is minimal when he first finds out, but his eyes are filled with a myriad of emotions: anger, shock, horror, and exhaustion. Especially the last one. Jotaro is so very tired. It’s bad enough that he’s still having to deal with DIO’s evil influence on the world even after the blood-sucking asshole’s death, but now Kira’s Stand has fused itself with your soul and is acting as your Stand. What is it with villains and the need to cling to the living world even after their very deserved deaths? Jotaro is oddly reminded of that stupid old kid’s song he heard when he was very young: 
But the cat came back the very next day
The cat came back, they thought he was a goner
But the cat came back, it just couldn't stay away
That did seem to be the case with Kira. Though, Killer Queen wasn’t Kira’s Stand anymore so it technically wasn’t Kira anymore either. He couldn’t ignore that fact. Killer Queen was your Stand now. Like Koichi, he could sense a difference in the Stand now that it was yours. It seemed more sentient than it was with Kira and he wasn’t blind to the mocking smile the thing would give him and the others. That was worrying. That and how affectionate it seemed towards you. It very clearly recognized and accepted you as its new user. This sudden level of sentience it displayed was disturbing.
The whole thing annoyed him. Just like Koichi, he feared that some of Kira’s influence still lingered within Killer Queen and could have an effect on you. It didn’t help that you didn’t seem to have the best control over the Stand, due to the fact that it sometimes materialized when you didn’t want it to and how it hesitated when you tried to dismiss it. That settles it. He was going to train you on how to control Killer Queen before the thing decided to control you. From now on, you can expect to be dragged along whenever Jotaro is showing Josuke how to better control Crazy Diamond. He would work with the Speedwagon Foundation in order to better understand your condition and help you in any way he could. He made a silent vow to himself that he would not let Kira’s influence corrupt you. 
Rohan: Surprisingly, Rohan is the one to take the news the hardest, but he’s also the one to find something close to a solution to your problem. 
Next to Koichi, you’re one of the few people he puts any value in. When you reveal Killer Queen to him his first response is to recoil in fear (let’s not forget the multiple deaths he had to endure because of the Stand’s user). After that he gets angry. 
“If this is supposed to be a prank, it’s not funny! Did Josuke put you up to this? I never realized that low-life had such a demented sense of humor…” he says.
When you explain to him that it isn’t a prank and he realizes that Killer Queen has indeed become your Stand, he starts acting as if you just informed him that you had a terminal illness and only had a year to live. You watch as the poor man goes through all seven stages of grief in a matter of moments.
Denial: “This has to be a joke. I won’t believe that it’s true! Something like this is impossible! How can you have a dead man’s Stand!?” 
Anger: “How could you let something like this happen?! I know it’s not your fault, that’s not the point! Surely you could have done something to stop it?! And where was Josuke or that nitwit, Okuyasu?! Why didn’t they do something?! I’m not shouting, you’re shouting!!” 
Bargaining: “I’ll give you an autograph if you say that you’ve been messing with me this whole time! I won’t even get angry, I promise! What about one of my unpublished manuscripts? One of my figurines? You… you’re really not joking about this are you?” 
Depression: He goes over to his desk and just sits there staring out the window. You don’t get a response out of him but you notice the tears rolling down his face and you’re shocked. The “Great” Rohan Kishibe is actually shedding tears? And on your behalf? After a moment he wipes his face and starts talking to you as if nothing happened. 
Acceptance: “This isn’t ideal, but it isn’t the end of the world. You say that Jotaro’s been teaching you how to better control Killer Queen? That’s good. Now you won’t have to worry about it hurting anyone you don’t want it to.” 
At some point during the conversation, Rohan jumps up from his seat and grabs the sides of his head with disbelief. 
“I cannot believe I didn’t think of this.” he mutters. 
“Think of what?” you ask, hoping he has thought of some kind of solution to your problem. 
“We’ll use Heaven’s Door to prevent you from losing control over Killer Queen!” 
You stared at him, mouth open in surprise. How had no one considered that before now? 
“Give me your hand.” Rohan says and you oblige. 
Heaven’s Door manifests next to him and the little Stand touches the back of your hand. You stare at him amazed, having never seen him up until that moment. You are startled as the back of your hand flips open like a tiny book. You see writing on the inside of it, but don’t have time to read any of it before Rohan grabs a pen and jots something down in the margins of the page. It says, 
“I have complete and total control over my Stand, Killer Queen. It will never harm anyone that is not a threat to me or my loved ones.” 
Then Heaven’s Door flips the book closed and your hand returns to normal. 
“Now, that settles that!” Rohan says with a self satisfied grin. “Really I’m surprised you hadn’t come to me sooner…” 
While Rohan is congratulating himself, you take the time to lean up and give him a kiss of gratitude on his cheek. 
“You’re the best, Rohan!” you say, overflowing with relief and thankfulness. 
Rohan freezes mid-sentence, a stunned expression on his face. For a full minute he just stands there staring with his mouth open in shock and a hint of pink dusting his normally pale cheeks. At first you thought that you might have crossed a line and he’d start shouting at you, but he doesn’t. Then you start worrying if you’ve broken him. 
“Rohan?” You ask. 
This seems to snap the manga creator out of his stunned state. Without saying a word, he turns on his heel, marches over to his desk, plops down in the chair and starts scribbling away in a notebook. 
“....rapid heart beat….feelings of almost unbearable euphoria…” 
He stops to reach up and touch his face then immediately goes back to writing.
“...cheeks feel like they’re on fire….” 
You blink at him, not knowing what to say or do. You guess he’s gone into work mode. There’s not much you can do to break him out of that once his creative juices start flowing. You decide to leave and go tell the others the good news. 
“Okay, well. I guess I’ll go let Josuke and the others know. I’m sure they’ll be relieved.” you say. 
“Later, Rohan.” 
You start to leave when Rohan suddenly turns to you with a serious expression. 
“Before you go, I want it to be known here and now that if you tell anyone, especially Josuke, that I cried, I will never speak to you again.” 
Your lips twitch as you hold back a laugh. 
“You’re secret’s safe with me, Rohan-sensei.” you say.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months ago
Fandom: JJBA part 4
Character: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Rivalry (romantic for both)
Type: Concept
I reallyyy loved the yandere Okuyasu concept you made!!!, i thought it'd be interesting to see how a rivalry between Josuke and Okuyasu would pan out. Darling could be gn or fem whichever is fine by me❤ Honestly i feel like the drama will be going from 0 to 100 real quick with these two, especially since they're best friends obsessing over the same person and that could never turn out well. Like, imagine darling being a friend of theirs or in the gang like the original okuyasu concept, shit would hit the fan😭😭
- 🥝 anon
As usual, here's an obsession that ends up tearing two friends apart since they're both insane.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata vs Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Jealousy, Minor violence, Dark themes, Clingy behavior, Murder implied, Blood, Dubious relationship.
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While the two are very close friends, they no doubt have moments of tension.
I mean... When they first met they were trying to kill each other.
It would make the most sense for you to be part of the gang.
That way the two often have time around you as you're usually around the group.
For the sake of simplicity, I like to think this happened after the events of Part 4.
The two can often be seen as intimidating around you, but overall just like hanging out with friends.
Before their obsession the two always were with one another.
They are your classmates in school and often like to drag you with them on different activities around town.
The two most likely wouldn't have a rivalry until they knew the other had a crush on you.
Josuke and Okuyasu have similar views on love.
They both seem to believe in their heart when it comes to love, often following it.
Okuyasu is more perverted than Josuke at times but they both believe that their "one and only" will come to them.
So what happens when their chosen sweetheart is liked by them both?
First of all, Okuyasu would definitely be jealous since Josuke already has admirers.
So why can't Josuke give him you?
Meanwhile, Josuke is flattered by his admirers, but his heart truly yearns for you.
I'll be honest, there's a chance they could share, but they'd rather only one of them dating you.
You wanna bet they ask people for advice on how to approach you?
Both of them probably get flustered at the idea of approaching their crush.
Although Okuyasu may be bold enough to come out and be honest with you.
Josuke would do the same with time, although if Okuyasu makes a move first then he feels rushed.
The two follow you around, be it in school or outside of it.
They both refuse to see it as stalking, Josuke may even excuse it as being a "bodyguard".
After all, Kira may be gone... but other Stand Users are still around.
Imagine if they caught each other "stalking" you and confronted one another.
Maybe that's how they realize they both have a crush to an unhealthy degree.
The two would get into physical fights over you at times if pushed hard enough, or at the very least sling threats at each other.
The two are both hopeless romantics, often fanboying about you to themselves.
Everything you do is cute to them.
They both are poor at flirting but try their best.
They're both protective of you and will not give you any alone time.
Their fights with one another most likely alert you to their red flags.
You and especially Koichi can tell something is wrong.
The two tend to follow you around like puppies, competing with one another to have your attention.
They're fighting over doors to open for you, they're offering to make/buy you lunch, they're even offering to help you with a paper or other project you need done.
You're often invited over for video games by Josuke while Okuyasu wants to show you some cool spots around town.
You see, if their rivalry was harmless, it could even be cute...!
Unfortunately... These two can easily become volatile.
They both have a temper and can snap easily.
Which, if you're around, means you have to calm them.
It's a bit difficult but the two melt when you calm them down.
You're willing to do anything to stop their fighting.
They may not seem like it but they can be dangerous yanderes.
If someone gets caught in their crossfire (that isn't you) then they'll be caught in a Stand fight.
They're both easily jealous, even more so when they catch one another too close to you.
The two would probably only make a temporary truce for one of three reasons.
You seem genuinely upset about their fighting, which causes the two to snap out of it momentarily.
You're in danger and they need to work together to protect you, they both care about you obviously.
You're attracted to someone else and they need to get rid of another rival.
The two would not kill one another, they're still friends for the most part.
Plus... Josuke went through so much effort to heal Okuyasu many times before, he's jealous but doesn't want the guy dead.
They're both in this dangerous competition of gaining your attention.
The only way they'd stop conflicting with one another is if they saw their fight affecting you negatively or one of them gives up.
Even if you wanted to pick them both as your boyfriends, they'd still be competitive yet less violent.
The two grumble about the idea of sharing... but anything to make you happy, right?
I didn't realize this until writing this but they would have very similar yandere behaviors.
Clingy, Easily jealous, Volatile, Protective, Affectionate, Easily flustered, Mischievous...
Those are all traits they both share.
Granted, they have different quirks in their personality, but they both even have powerful stands.
They both just want their obsession to be happy.
In fact, your happiness may override their jealousy at times.
Their friendship will always have a bit of a rift in it... but their love for you both brings them together and tears them apart.
It's a complicated situation as they both care for each other and are romantics in some way.
Although... they both dream of hugging and kissing you...
Which brings more fighting.
Their rivalry is constantly teetering in between sharing and fighting.
It's tiring for you to deal with, especially when you begin to notice blood on their clothes.
They wouldn't stop until you force yourself away from them.
That's when they realize what they've done.
The two would probably clean up their act more when they realize they're losing you.
They never wanted to drive you away.
But you feel you have no choice as you're scared by their new volatile nature towards themselves and others.
This is another way they'd make a truce with each other, desperately trying to convince you to come back to them.
The two are willing to put their fights on pause to try and make things up for you.
They may want to fight one another deep inside themselves...
But the two care for you much more...
They'd do anything to have you back, including setting aside their rivalry just to make you happy.
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return-of-a-space-cowboy · 5 months ago
Platonic Yandere Josuke and half sibling reader (basically they're like half demons)
Familial yandere half Demon Josuke with a half sibling
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Of course he was shocked to find another person with the same star shaped birth mark. By now he'd already been made aware of his lineage.
His mother had joined a group who jokingly performed a seance at a college party, accidentally summoning a demon who took a liking to her.
So he stalks them figure out more before he initiates contact. Seems they don't know yet so he decided one day to bump into them and start chatting before bring up their birthmark. Their mom said they got it from their father but it was only a one night stand so they knows next to nothing about him.
After that they keep in contact, turns out they're in the same school so they also start studying together as well.
They joke about how as a kid they wanted a brother so it seems like they got what they wanted. Tomoko noticing the closeness brings it up with Josuke, thinking that they might be more then friends but he's quick to clarify, he just didn't know if whether or not it would be a touchy subject to her.
She is a little upset by the news, his father did promise her he'd come back one day but is happy that her son has a sibling that he gets along with. She does ask him if they know about the whole half Demon thing. He hasn't, wants them to trust him before he even starts to explain that.
So Tomoko offers them to come by whenever they want, just to let her know that they'll be staying so she has enough time to get extra food and put clean linen on the spare bed.
It works out well and eventually they feel close enough to tell Josuke about they're problems. Harsh teacher, in a few days they leave town after weird things started happening in their apartment. Bullies, suddenly their darkest secrets are spread around the whole school. They have a problem, he's gonna put his demonic powers to use and stop it.
They're kind of unnerved that everything is suddenly better, a little too much so. If they decide to bring it up with Josuke he might just decide to tell them the whole truth.
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dippindotsdio · 2 years ago
#1 Crush
Here's the full version of Pink in the Night. I also changed up bits from the little part I posted a while ago so don't be confused because it's not word for word anymore, enjoy!
Warnings: possessive & obsessive behavior, typical yan stuff Word count: 3.6k Gn reader, sfw
[More under the cut]
You met Josuke at a young age, your mother and Tomoko were very close friends so it was only a matter of time before you two were introduced to one another. You and Josuke grew close rather quickly and ever since then you've been best friends (matter of fact he's been your only friend for a majority of your life.) He's the only person who seems to get you in this vast world.
As you two grew older, he began wanting to be at your side more and more. He would spend the night often during the summer, or you'd spend the night at Tomoko's although you were still scared to go to another's house then. He didn't mind though of course.
Whenever you were struggling with homework, he'd be there happy to help and explain as much as he could. When you woke up terrified because of an awful nightmare and woke him up out of fear, he'd be ready to reassure you that everything was going to be okay then help you go back go sleep. And on the days where you felt down and misunderstood by others around you, he'd be there and listen to you. He would always be there for you.
You were very appreciative of how patient he was with you, even as you two grew to be highschoolers. He seemed to be the only person who really wanted to understand you. Others were often too pushy with you, overly critical, or never bothered to understand why you didn't like certain things or acted certain ways. It was nice to know that not everyone wanted to fix you.
Whenever you had asked why he was so attached to you out of all people, he'd always respond with the thought that you were fun and your sense of self was unique, as well as your view of the world. He thought you were absolutely perfect as you were. So much so that he often had a look of pure adoration in his eyes when it came to you and it made your heart swell with unknown feelings whenever you happened to notice.
At this point Josuke hadn't realised he developed a "little" crush on you yet. He just knew that the friendship you shared was something special, something irreplaceable. It was a bond he'd do anything to keep. You two shared so many memories after all. All of your birthday parties were spent with one another, many of the holidays you'd see him, and of course at school you'd be together. You two were inseparable!
During these times you also came to the conclusion that you really didn't need anyone else. Josuke was like your soulmate. He liked you and you liked him. You trusted him more than anyone else in the world. It'd be hard for someone else to gain your trust or develop such a deep bond with you as he did. No one could ever compare.
Some days you'd miss school for reasons that were mostly out of your control. At first Josuke didn't mind because he knew he'd be able to see you the next day, but he was so lonely without your company. He could only ignore the feeling that was building up in his chest and restricting his breathing ever so slightly for so long.
During junior year he grew to hate those days. Why would you leave me? It was like he couldn't breathe properly when you weren't around. But he wasn't alone of course, people liked him and he had more acquaintances than he'd like, but none of them were you. His obsessive nature thrived and all he could do was think about you. He spent his time in class daydreaming about coddling you and how he should've been at your house playing games with you and what not. Of course you missed him plenty too, but it was no where near what he was feeling. Everything you felt for him was no where near what he felt for you.
This is also the year he begins to get more touchy. He starts holding your hands more, having his arm around your shoulder, embracing you, touching your face, brushing your hair... Whenever you two worked on homework together and you got everything right, he'd give you little side hugs. After being so affectionate for some time he began to realize that his feelings for you were more than just friendly. Why it took him so long, no one knows!
As for you, his constant presence never really bothered you, you liked the attention he gave you. You would even say you actively seeked it at times. Sometimes he was overwhelming though, mostly when he praised you over simple things. It felt belittling but you'd never voice how you felt about it. Other than that you thought it was nice...he was nice. Your mother often teased you two about when you were going to get together which made you flustered. Josuke just looked at you with those lovesick eyes of his and a saccharine smile as you stumbled over your words.
Now that you two were old enough to go out on your own, that meant Josuke could take you to the rollerskating rink. It was something he wanted to do for a while and it quickly became one of your favorite ways to spend time together! He loved watching you skate around and occasionally pull him towards you so you two can skate along together. He watched a couple videos in advance and tried out some of the tricks, only successfully pulling off a few and the others leaving both of you a laughing mess.
Another spot you two would spend the day at was the park, it was a good place to find some peace from the world. Sitting on a bench with a tall tree shading you was such a simple activity but being there with him made you feel like nothing could ever go wrong in your life. The sounds nature provided you and Josuke's warmth was all it took to ease your mind.
During your senior year you started receiving letters. First, you found them in your locker, then a handful later they started appearing in your backpack...which was concerning. They were really sweet though!
- "Hi, I just wanted to let you know...I think you're so cute!"
You had not a single clue who they could be from. You rarely interacted with your classmates, with the few exceptions of working with someone other than Josuke on a group project and other moments of small talk with peers. Either way you didn't pay much mind to them, so why would anyone pay attention to you? It's definitely a prank by another student, you had thought.
You asked Josuke about who they could be from but all he answered with was "probably a secret admirer". You laughed at him and he simply looked at you with a familiar fondness in his eyes. You brushed off his strange demeanor and decided to move onto a different topic of discussion.
You wondered if they could've been from Josuke himself for a brief moment, but no way...the handwriting and choice of words was pretty different. And he'd probably be upfront about his feelings, right? Nonetheless you began ignoring the letters and only read them whenever they were decorated prettily.
- "every little thing i do you're on my mind...the way i feel lately is driving me crazy.."
- "i can't get over you i think about you all the time"
Over time you noticed the contents were becoming more and more...odd, to say the least. This person would go on about certain things you did or how much they loved you. They'd write way too much about your habits and how cute they found them. You laughed at some of them, some prank this was! Yes, it was definitely a prank, you kept telling yourself, trying to convince yourself no one was actually being a creep towards you. At least your senior year was coming to an end and those letters would stop.
Well that was what you thought. You'd graduated and been out of highschool for a few months now and still, those letters managed to show up. They were less frequent, but getting more uncomfortable.
"I wish I could be around you all the time. I love you so much. I love everything about you, the way you talk, smell, fix your hair, and your eyes, your eyes are so pretty. I want them to look at me for the rest of time. You're so pretty, I want you so bad, I want you all for myself. It's not fair... I hope you accept my feelings one day, [y/n]. I think I'd die if I couldn't have you." It was written messily with words like "love" and "you" written darker than the rest.
You were beginning to worry, obviously this person was someone who knew your schedule and was probably close to you. Josuke kept reassuring you it was nothing but when you began being refusing to leave the house and holed yourself up in your room out of paranoia, he offered to get rid of whoever was sending those letters. It should've been so obvious...but you trusted him, the sweet and thoughtful Josuke who you spent most of your days with wouldn't be this weird to you. You really hoped it wasn't..
- "i just wanna be yours"
Josuke didn't mean to freak you out as much as he did, he just wanted to know what your reaction could be to his unfiltered feelings for you. It made him a little disheartened to know you felt so uncomfortable but he understood that receiving those kinds of words from a stranger would be concerning. He could only hope that you would accept all of him when the time finally came.
You didn't know how, and he wouldn't elaborate either, but the letters did stop. You hugged him tightly with your head resting on his shoulder as you thanked him and told him you were forever grateful. His body tensed up and his eyes widened but quickly he returned the hug, relaxing in your arms. A delusional smile formed on his lips and a sweet warmth spread across his face. He held onto you with possessive hands, his grip ever so slowly getting tighter and tighter until you spoke once more.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." You mumbled.
Were you trying to kill him? His heart skipped a beat and time seemed to stop as you kept him encased in your arms. You had no idea what those words were doing to him, his mind was racing with utterly delusional thoughts of you. Thoughts of how much he knew you needed him now, how he'd do anything to make you happy, to protect you, keep you safe, and make you stay by his side for the rest of your life. He'd do it all with a lovesick smile on his face and pure obsession swirling in his violet eyes.
With the help of each of your moms and having saved up for months, you two were eventually able to move into a small but cozy apartment together and lived relatively peaceful lives. Well aside from Josuke beginning to show unmistakable signs of his possessive behavior towards you.
Since you two worked separate jobs he couldn't be around you nearly as much as he wanted to (even though you still spent a good chunk of time together.) He was always thinking about you. Wondering if you were okay, if anyone was getting close to you, talking to you, trying to take you away from him, or god forbid if anyone other than him was touching you. It drove him insane being away from you for more than a few hours, it was a miracle he could still work well with how much you were on his mind.
He'd hug you for a few minutes after especially long days and asked you how your day was while resting his head on your shoulder. You of course always indulged him which put the thoughts of you leaving him at ease. Oh how he loved having you in his arms... This was where you belonged, with him, in his arms, and safe from the world. He was so warm and so strong, he always made you feel nice...and it would drive him even more mad if you ever told him that.
He began thinking that you liked him back romantically because of how much you indulged in his behavior. He was never clear about his feelings with you, but he knew that you two were blurring the lines between a platonic and romantic relationship for a while now. It didn't help that you weren't clear about how you felt either, so of course he thought you liked him back! You must've been too shy to say anything, how cute.
Truthfully though, you weren't completely sure as to how you felt about him. Yes, you loved and cared about him more than anyone else in your life and he was basically all you knew at this point...your face would still heat up from all the affection and attention he gave you, even after so many years. Really there was no reason for you not to be romantically interested in him. So you left it at that, unsure but you wouldn't mind if he wanted to begin officially dating.
After a couple months Josuke grew tired and decided if he couldn't see you outside the house, then nobody could. He eventually convinced you to work from home, saying things like, "Y'know if I'm not there I can't protect you." And "Don't you remember how weird people can be?" For a moment you thought that maybe Josuke was being overprotective, you were an adult now, you could take care of youself. But another part of you thought he was right... You trusted him with everything in your heart, he knew you better than anyone else, he was just looking out for you.
He began feeling more at ease knowing that you were 98% safer now since you were home when he wasn't with you. He still felt like he couldn't breathe properly without you in the same room as him, but it was better than anyone else enjoying your presence.
As a way to prevent you from growing bored of staying home for so long, he made sure you two went out to other places (mostly the park) when there was time. It was nice to know that even as an adult the park still gave you a sense of normalcy (something you were quickly losing while living with Josuke.) Even if he was quickly falling into the depths of his obsession, he was still so thoughtful when it came to you.
Something about walking the familiar path to your little spot was so nice. No matter how hectic life got, as long as you were able to walk along it with Josuke by your side, you'd always feel like everything would be okay.
"I've always loved being here, y'know? I feel like this is my other home as stupid as it may sound." You started as you stared out into the lightly clouded sky underneath a shaded bench. Josuke turned to you with a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"It's not stupid, but I didn't know you liked it here so much. I kinda thought you'd get tired of it by now." He admitted. Sometimes you'd have a blank look on your face and it made him overthink, but really you were content, maybe even your happiest.
You let out a small laugh, "I don't think I'd ever get tired. It's too pretty here! The clouds always make me so happy...sometimes I wish we could be here all the time." A smile crept up to your lips and you glanced over to him. He met your eyes with everlasting adoration and reached out to place a hand on yours. You interlaced fingers and promptly looked away as your smile grew.
"You make being here so much nicer... You don't talk too much or talk too little and you know how to appreciate silence. I'm so glad I get to spend all this time with you, Josuke. I feel like...like this is how it was always meant to be. Just you and me, against the world!" You laughed and gave his hand a little squeeze, trying to hide the embarrassment you felt from sharing the last thought.
Josuke sat there looking at you, trying so hard to keep everything contained. You basically confessed to him, didn't you??? How could you say that and not expect him to think that you also loved him? This was it. This was the moment that made him realise it's been long enough for him to let you know how he really felt.
He simply agreed with you, that this was all fate and your conversation moved elsewhere. Your park date ended an hour or so later after you two decided to head back home and end the day with a movie night.
For the rest of the day, your words plagued Josuke's mind. If he didn't confess soon, his heart would crack, and like a breaking dam all his love would drown you. He was worried about scaring you away but he knew deep down you'd stay by his side, especially after what you had said earlier.
So that night he planned to give you his confession, and with it his heart, whether you wanted it or not.
You were about to go to bed after having finished the movie when Josuke grabbed your hand to stop you. You turned back and were about to question him but the look in his eyes kept you quiet.
"I'm in love with you, I think I've loved you ever since we were kids but only realized it in highschool...but these feelings- these feelings, they've just kept growing and growing and growing all this time" He reached for your other hand and delicately intertwined your fingers with his. "I can't take it anymore, the longer I keep all this inside me, the more I feel like I'll go crazy. All I can ever think about is you and how much you mean to me and how I need to be with you all the time." His breathing grew unsteady and you could hear the desperation climbing up his throat. "I want you to be mine...and I wanna be yours." He spoke softly but there was an unmistakable seriousness in his tone. He fixed his eyes on yours as he poured his heart out to you. It felt like he was staring into your very soul and you got a taste of the overwhelming, sickly sweet feelings he held for you. His eyes were so intense and darker than normal, you felt like the longer you gazed into them you'd begin to drown in all that love.
His confession made your heart flutter, hell it even made the skin on your face burn up like crazy. You never expected him to say something so....endearing? You were almost in shock, but of course the guy who doesn't want you spending time alone with anyone but him is in love with you.
You'd been friends this long and you two have already been crossing the boundaries of a normal friendship, why not accept his feelings? And you already told yourself if he ever said anything that you'd go with it, so that's what you did.
"I love you too."
His eyes lit up with something unrecognizable and he pulled you into a tight hug, making your body freeze at the sudden intense contact.
"I'm so happy. To finally hear you say it back... I love you so much." he mumbled into your shoulder. "I love you more than you could ever know, [y/n]."
All you could do was hug him back and try to contain a large smile but ultimately fail. You had a feeling this wasn't normal. You've been aware that the things he'd done may not have been completely normal for a while now, but you couldn't help but love his unhealthy feelings for you. It almost made you feel guilty.
You never understood why you were the one he loved so deeply, even after he explained, but you couldn't care when his arms always wrapped around you so lovingly. He made you feel so many things you've never experienced before and you loved it. The way he seemed to remember every single thing about you, got you the most thoughtful gifts, and how every time he touched you it was so sweet and gentle. All the heartwarming little things he'd say to you, and only you, they gave you butterflies and made your heart swell so much. He gave you all the attention no one else could ever give to you, and you were possibly obsessed with it as much as he was obsessed with you...
Josuke finally let you go after what felt like forever but gave you a look like he still had something he wanted. He broke eye contact and his lips turn up into an awkward smile, your expression turning to one of slight confusion.
"You're so cute, y'know? Sometimes when I look at you, and you give me that weird look, I just wanna kiss every inch of your face and see that pretty smile of yours." Your eyes widened and you felt your heart bloom further.
"You're too much, Josuke. I don't know if I can handle you being so...uh" You looked away to hide your growing smile but it didn't do much. He was absolutely ecstatic to see he had such an effect on you, seeing you smile so widely was all he ever needed.
"You are so cute."
--- I've reread this so many times to ensure it was as perfect as I could make it but I always thought there could be something worded better each time and at that rate I never would've posted this. I feel like this is kinda all over the place and I apologize if the writing is awkward at some points, this went on a lot longer than I intended. Yan josuke is so fun to write though. Also sorry for the strange/abrupt end, I had no idea how to end it.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
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I'm no professional so keep that in mind when reading this.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, overprotective behavior, paranoia, delusion, abduction, murder, ptsd, abuse, depression, trauma, torture, isolation
Don't touch me!
Jonathan Joestar
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💍 He's just shattered when he finds out about the traumatic events that his s/o had to go through and he will guarantee that their uncle will be sued and properly punished for his actions if he has gotten away with it so far. Since you are Jonathan's darling and he comes from a wealthy family, it's definitely going to be a big deal that someone traumatized his lover and partner and the normally kind soul can't help but turn a tad bit cold when your uncle gets thrown into prison and stripped of all his rights. It's justice for his darling after all. Jonathan wants to help his darling, he has no bad intentions but the problem is that he's just so overbearing, protective and very touchy so he finds it a bit difficult at times, although he refrains from touching you in order to not trigger any flashbacks and risk any strong emotional or physical responses of panic or fear from you. He calls for a professional, he genuinely wants to help his darling in any way he can. With touching as a sign of affection out of the way, he resorts to spoiling them with presents and gifts and gets them about anything they ask for since the poor guy just wants to see you happy. Seeing you sad kills him a bit on the inside.
Lisa Lisa
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💌 Her possessive and overprotective side definitely cracks up a few notches when she successfully finds out what has happened to you in your past. She has already lost her husband George so she would be especially attentive to you and she is pretty perceptive so it takes only short to realize your clear fear of men and being touched by them. Either you tell her, although she won't force you if she realizes that it's tough for you, or your family but in either case, Lisa Lisa will find out one way or another, she can't ignore this when it involves you. She's terrifying when she's angry as she's as icy as the coldest winter and she will definitely deal with your uncle and have a word with him to ensure that he will never appear in your life again. Without a doubt she's a bit paranoid for your safety and mental well-being so she brings you with her to her island for safety reasons, as she likes to tell you. It enables her to keep a better eye on you and she can also convince you that besides Loggins and Messina, who are loyal to he, there are no other men there and that Suzie Q will attend to all of your needs. She's noticably softer with you and more careful whenever she approaches the subject of your trauma.
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🪙She uses her darling's trauma totally to her own advantage as she is delighted to realize that she has an advantage since she is a woman and can successfully convince you to isolate yourself more due to your dislike and fear of being touched by men. Obviously she still stays with you, you can't be all alone without her by your side after all. Regarding that scumbag of your uncle, she just takes matters into her own hands and just gets rid of him because that vile thing touched and hurt her darling. She's a bit of a sadist when it comes to her torturing her victims, she'll definitely torture your uncle in the last moments of his life before she kills him with her Stand. Mariah is very sweet to her darling to lure them successfully to her side, she'll probably convince them into staying with her all the time and not going outside without her. There isn't a big interest in helping you living with your PTSD but only as long as it doesn't affect her own love life with you. The woman is quite touchy herself after all and whilst she is no man and thinks that by that logic you won't mind her touch, she'll be very visibly agitated and upset if you react negatively to her touches as well.
Higashikata Josuke
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💎 Josuke is very problematic simply because he turns very moody and aggressive when he realizes what the problem is and why you always react so skittish and frightened when he tries to touch you affectionately. Don't get him wrong, he isn't mad with you. He's furious with your uncle and that that that asshole dared to do such things to you and Crazy Diamond will break and fix that man surely again and again until he's not recognizable anymore, only then will Josuke's anger cool down a tad bit. Josuke just has so much love to give his darling, he's a teenager infatuated and being unable to express his love via touches, one of his main love languages, is just killing him on the inside. He's frustrated and that frustration just builds and builds inside of him and explodes out of him at unpredictable times so his friends and close acquaintances are more careful around him as one small thing can set the boy off. He's still very clingy and follows you around, often without you being aware of it as he just wants to be with you somehow. He tries to be as supportive as he can be though, buys you snacks and drinks and he hopes for your therapist that they can help you.
Bruno Bucciarati
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🤐 Bucciarati is going to be very intrusive, even if it's an invasion of your privacy. It would be troublesome if you'd dislike him and hate his touches as much but due to his observations he realizes that this is the norm with all men you encounter in your life which leads him to the conclusion that there is most likely a deeper problem here. If it's concerning your well-being, no matter if physical or mental, Bruno prioritises it over your own privacy. So he either uses his connections as a mobster or he charms you or your family into telling him what has happened to you, he can be very convincing after all and he's very adored by people in general for his helpful and trustworthy personality. He's livid but keeps himself well composed, his pursed lips the only sign of his wrath. Your uncle will be without a shred of doubt be properly punished with his limbs detached from his body, Bruno will see it through that he can never see you again. Very supportive, he will even take over the costs of your treatment, although he also expects you to not skip any meetings. He stays patient otherwise for now, aware that forcing you into anything would only worsen your condition.
Cujoh Jolyne
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🪢 Men can be pretty shitty, she speaks from experiences with her own ex-boyfriend and to a certain extent also her own father but the anger and resentment she might still hold against those two doesn't even compare to the unmatched wrath she feels when she discovers what your own uncle did to you. If she wouldn't be in prison, she'd pummel the living crap out of that vile man. If she isn't imprisoned though, not even the best of luck would help your uncle as she beats him down mercilessly with her Stand and her own fists. Jolyne grows significantly more clingy after that and always stays close to you. She's pretty protective but especially if she knows that her darling has had bad experiences with something or someone so she's always on guard around man and if one of them touches you despite your protests, she instantly goes into attack mode. Part of her knows that she shouldn't, but if your PTSD causes you to stick closer to her since she's a woman, she'd really enjoy that a lot. Differently from Mariah though, she understands that you need professional help so that your trauma doesn't interfere with your daily life. But there's no need to rush things, right?
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sl33paholics · 9 months ago
Hello, You really surprised me with how detailed you wrote about this fandom. This is something really wow.You are the third person I found on this Tumblr. If requests are still open, can I request about Jotaro, Polnareff and Josuke With a fem s/o reader who is very sexy but innocent and cute (like Bimbo) only she doesn't realize that many people like her. Please~ a little bit nsfw maybe ( It's up to you )
Love love from me to you
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Keep Your Eyes In A Different Direction
The JoJos x bimbo!fem!reader
Characters include: Jotaro (p3), Polnareff (p3), and Josuke (p4)
Warning(s): slight nsfw (mentions of female body partz)
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Josuke Higashikata
Sometimes, Josuke wonders how he ever bagged you.
I mean, look at you! Such a beautiful body, such a perfect ass. And those cheekbones…as if you were birthed to be the next top super-model in history. Those legs, though, are probably the most sinful things he's ever seen. And your skin…whenever touching it, it's smooth like silk.
It's difficult. It's difficult for Josuke to control the looming perverted eyes of his fellow male classmates at school and those drunk old-heads whenever you two are hanging out after school. It's hard not to think about what would happen if he could get you alone somewhere and take off all that gorgeous clothing. If he could lick the gloss from your lips and feel the softness of your skin beneath him. If he could kiss every inch of your body and feel every one of yours shudder with pleasure under his hands.
Josuke knows you have a reputation at school, just like him, so many admirers wanting to be your boyfriend or some other crazy shit like that. You're popular, and that makes you even more desirable. Even more of an object of desire. And yet, they couldn't. They boys know you two are together. A couple. Officially. But still, they can never bring themselves to do anything but stare at you while you walk across campus.
You're such a fucking tease. How dare you smile at every boy who looks at you in such a way? How could you possibly engage in conversation with boys whose obviously making moves on you and mistake it for a friendly interaction, only for Josuke to grab you by the wrist and pull you away. The worst part is that you don't see anything wrong with what the boys are constantly gawking and staring at you like a zoo animal, if he had the balls to do it, he would make-out in front of them to get his message across.
Although you may be a bit on the ditzy side, he still adores you. Josuke would do literally anything for you. Anything at all. Including getting caught up in some dumbass drama with the guys at school, trying to prove they won't get their hands on you, just so Josuke can get your attention.
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Jotaro Kujo
You're his EVERYTHING.
After that long journey from Egypt, the man became a whole new person. As if he wasn't already before after being released from jail.
He needs your undivided attention all the time. Jotaro would never show any weakness in front of you or anybody for that matter, but for him to just squeeze you in an embrace when nobody was looking is something very intimate. Jotaro's just not like that with everyone else who can't handle your touch, but with you, he has nothing to hide. And it is so precious to see him open up, tell you everything about himself and everything. It's as if he's been holding it back since the start.
Jotaro wants to squeeze your big ole thighs every time he hugs you. He wants to bury his face in your neck and sighs happily into it. His hand reaches out to caress your cheek lovingly while his other arm wraps around your waist to pull you closer. Jotaro looks at you with a gaze as soft as the clouds. Hence, when returning to school, Jotaro has been more snappy than ever. Don't get it twisted. No one has DARED to ever approach you once it became known to everyone in the building that you and Jotaro were dating before sudden unfortunate events that had him away for days. He noticed that the boys suddenly got an ego boost. Everyone just assumed that the two of you "broke up" now those simps were getting all lovey dovey towards you.
Instead of telling them off, Jotaro was dumbfounded and reasonably upset when you would engage back with the boys with a teasing tone, a tone that you probably didn't know that was feeding into their egos. All it took for Jotaro was to stand behind you and look down at those boys with murderous intent before they would run off, scuttling like frightened rats.
Jotaro isn't too fond of showing PDA but he would definitely squeeze your ass to get how he's feeling about you to anyone point blank clear as day, and to remind you of your place when it comes to him.
It's no secret that Jotaro has a hard time expressing himself. With someone like yourself, you can easily understand that. You both have different personalities, so you might find yourself constantly struggling to make sense of what Jotaro wants. Jotaro's a complex guy, but he loves you anyway. Someone as pure and gorgeous like yourself, he's always going to protect you like his life depends on it.
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Jean Pierre-Polnareff
The connection between you two is strong.
Considering the traumatic 50 day trip he had to endure, getting revenge on his sister, and being able to survive, you were like a new breath of fresh air that man even needed.
Both of you are romantic. Sexy. Outstandingly outgoing. As if it was fate that pulled you two together for you guys to meet in his home-country and begin a new relationship.
However, Jean noticed how much in the country of love, you weren't safe. No, there were just too many...unhinged men gawking at you whenever you guys went out. You would always enage back, because why not? You wouldn't want to look rude when someone is talking to you.
This irked Jean too much. Is this what it felt like to be jealous? To have people constantly hit on you? To ignore the fact that your partner is literally RIGHT THERE and still had the nerve to talk crazy? Oh, his poor heart and soul didn't like this venom feeling. Always expect Jean to make a whole scene just to embarass the guy and show him how annoying he really is and disturbing your evening with your precious boyfriend. He'd be talking about it all the way until the two of you get home.
Being intimate behind closed doors or in public doesn't concern this bubbly French man one bit! Jean loves to show you off to anyone and everyone in his presence, but he's very proud that he is the only person who gets to see you as you truly are: a caring, compassionate, beautiful woman. And yes, he'll do that again and again, just for the sake of showing that he loves you.
From the way he'll dress you up all nicely just to slowly and gently ruin you. How you can never tell what is going on in Jean's mind and how hard he works in every aspect of life just to prove to you that he will never treat you badly. That everything will turn out alright, because he is yours forever.
And those kisses that he's so desperate to give, Jean keeps asking you to give him so that he could feel better. Like they're some sort of therapy for his soul or something. The way the two of you would kiss for hours, with nothing else in between. How long it took for you both to calm down from the intensity of the passion and how his lips would always be covered in a layer of lipstick. It was adorable how embarrassed you are by these things. But also very sexy the way both of your stomachs would flutter with butterflies no matter how long the relationship lasted.
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 9 months ago
Which joestar do you think would be the worst yandere? And why
Pick your poison! I like to think the Joestar’s all have their little traits that shine the most based on their personality (so whose the worst can depend on what you’re uncomfortable with). Going to do just the og verse jojo’s for this 1-6.
Jonathan : Very sweet almost intoxicatingly so, but he tends to end up a bit overprotective/just a bit babying. Insisting he does things for you, if you have some issue somewhere else? Why not let him resolve it. Don’t fret over too much he has the means to take care of you. There might be a time or two your room might be locked if you’re a little more stubborn than usual
Joseph: What is this thing called “personal space” ? It almost sounds like a foreign language to this man. He totally didn’t mess certain things up so you happen to meet up with him. Not sure why your date stood you up? He couldn’t possibly give an answer other than they’re not worth your time since they didn’t bother showing up. He should take you to this great place he loves going to after a long day.
Jotaro: Stalking type usually, and mows past anything that he might feel gets in the way of you and himself. He’s used to punks, so he’s not afraid to pummel someone if they don’t get the message to scram. When it comes to classes, he’s glancing at you every so often, maybe there’s a “doodle” or two in his notebook. Need to walk somewhere? He’ll walk with you. If you’re hiding out to be alone, he ends up finding you. You’re probably the reason he learns any building’s layout in the first place. Clubs or class cleaning doesn’t stop Jotaro either, he’ll wait as long as it takes. Being sick at home doesn’t stop him either, usually there’s some kind of hot soup/dish that’s good to eat while sick sitting in your room somehow. (Not to mention potential kidnapping later down the line if you’re not really cooperating)
Later Parts like 4 and 6, he’s pretty similar in dropping you off things even if you never once told him your address. (He has a decent memory of these things). Similarly Jotaro has any phone numbers you have in his contacts, and he’ll have a talk personally with anyone that he isn’t fond of approaching you. He tends to have you in the back of his mind while out on his studies, or writing a paper, and yet again drawings somewhere he’s compelled to place them. Every so often he checks in on you (whether you want this or not doesn’t matter). Broken down car? It’s either replaced swiftly or he’s driving you places himself. Maybe he somehow (forces) nudges you to live with him.
Josuke : He’s head over heels for you, and similar to Joseph he’s going to take any opportunity to squeeze himself into your life. He just so happens to have some leftover lunch from that place you like? You looked sad when they had sold out of your favorite meal there, so why doesn’t he help with that? Speaking of, maybe your eyes are drifting somewhere else. He steals any potential love letters to a crush and rewrites them, making it look like you’re confessing to him. He may also leave one of your favorite treats you like in its place. It’s an enigma to you how he found that out.
Giorno : He’s the don of the Italian mafia, he’s almost constantly worried about you. So if he has eyes on you, it’s almost immediate you lose autonomy whether born in Italy or a tourist. He’s clever in his ways to trap you, whether you’re resistant or not doesn’t matter. (he does think you’re cute with a strong head on your shoulders). There’s some of that charisma he possess all the same just like his father. Even if it doesn’t work on you, it makes others around you to trap you easily. Giorno likes to think he gives you a lot of leeway with voluntarily coming to him. He’ll meet you casually in coffee shops or wherever you’re willing to shop at. The bill is covered without you having to say a word. Any cash you used is miraculously brought back to you somehow. The blond isn’t afraid to get his hands a little dirty however when it comes to you. If he has to take something for you to step into his arms (whether it’s your ability to walk around outside or someone close to you) he’ll do whatever it takes.
Jolyne : Sure she stalks somewhat, but like her father she can be bold in taking care of the competition. She’s not afraid to hold your hand or finding a way for you two to do so. Eavesdropping is something she does occasionally, and anyone that wants to stomp on your heart is going to get stomped themselves. She does delay you with stone free (or outright captures you) if Jolyne doesn’t want you to leave. It’s impossible to shake her off, no matter what you try to do. Of course she made a copy of your apartment key, what if there’s an emergency? Maybe she wanted to make you breakfast. Huh? What do you mean she can’t just walk in unannounced? Don’t be ridiculous.
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unhappytimeleaper · 1 year ago
This is part of my just random blurbs I post on the servers I’m on but no one understands so I’m forcing it on all of you.
Truly unedited thoughts. Gender neutral reader; no age is mentioned but the idea is reader is around Kei age.
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
No warnings outside of yes, it is vague but it is still yandere and possible spoilers for part 8 of Jojo
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Kira himself was weird. At least hard to deal with, his narcissistic nature and OCD being one side that you could manage, within small doses, but the other being his naturally cold demeanor made it much harder. Somehow, you did manage to keep some form of a friendship. It was always hard when you would bring things up, and he would brush it off or tell you to just cut them out. You had him; why waste your time with others. Correction, you occasionally had him; you knew he was fond of his own personal time and interests, plus sometimes you just need a break from his personality. Sure, it made him a little more grumpy when you called this out, but amends usually were made quickly, and you'd fall back into your routine with each other. In his own weird way, Kira knew she was more fond of you than pretty much any other person outside of his family, even if it was hard to tell. Something you probably only ever learn from his sister after his disappearance.
Josefumi always felt abandoned and left out less you were around. You checked in on him in conversations, invited him to plans, walked alongside him, and overall did your best to consistently remind him that he had value. Was it wrong for him to be sort of selfish when it came to you and how much you seem to want to be with him? It meant something special to have you around, even if only as a friend, and it wasn't like with Sakunami. Josefumi was, after all, who you always turned to as a close friend when Kira and you were doing your own thing. Although his brutally violence fighting was something you shouldn't forget, or could really as the aftermath of some of them had been burned into your mind, he overall was a kind and caring young man you admired a lot and took pride in being friends with. It wasn't hard to see his crush, a very apparent one, but nothing could ever come from it as soon as he up and vanished.
Enter Josuke, or Gappy, nicknamed by his two front teeth. An odd fellow who appeared from nowhere with what seemed no memories. Not to say he wasn't smart, but he lacked a sense of self and the world around him. And despite this. Not knowing who he is, who anyone is really, he notes there is something strange about you. Not in a bad way, but like your fates are connected. That he cares for you even if he doesn't remember who you are. And despite everything, those feelings from both Kira and Josefumi only seem to be brought more and more to the front as you spend time. There is no memory of who you were to them; they are all separate people after all, but the care he has seems deeply burned into his soul. Something he doesn't want to lose, no matter what it takes.
You knew this wasn't them even as you learn and piece together this was the two friends you had lost. Gappy was someone new, and you couldn't push the life you had in the past with "them" onto him. It crushes you to be around him at times, you admit to yourself. The loss of both Kira and Josefumi was devastating; after all, even with the troubling nature they both could have, you did care for them as friends. And Gappy himself wasn't bad; he had many good traits and was fun to be around, but it's not like he could fill the hole in your heart. But even with the distance you tried to put in, acknowledging to him it's nothing he did or didn't do, you just needed space. Time. One day, maybe things would heal more, and you'd be able to truly befriend the new boy.
Distance isn't possible, though; the feelings of Kira and Josefumi, even without memories of who they are, are ingrained in a way he can't understand or explain. Like an invisible string connecting those they held dear to each of his fingers, he can't see what makes them special; he just feels it to his core. And he can't let it slip away, let you slip away when you hold the secrets to his past and to the weird drumming of his heart. Please, just stay a little longer? His drive is relentless, and while he can play cute to keep you around if what it takes, he does have other means he'd be willing to try if you keep pushing him away.
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princelylove · 4 months ago
Your prince may I ask how Josuke would get "handsy" as you mentioned in a old ask? Or about the first time Josuke would get interested in the reader and what he would do?
To get handsy with someone means to get physical, in an affectionate way. Try to think of someone putting their arm around you, holding your hand at an odd time, maybe even sitting too close to you or putting their leg up on you.
Josuke craves physical affection. He's not too much of a creep, not like he's gonna grope you right off the bat, but he's pretty pushy. He seems like he respects boundaries, but he really doesn't. Always too close, always too friendly. His hand brushes the back of your hips when he pulls away from a hug sometimes, a hug that both lasted too long and was just too tight, but he apologizes if you bring it up. Sorry, his bad, he was just excited to see you and wasn't really thinking about where his hands would fall after letting go.
He can handle being pushed off when it's not the time, but he's always going to come back for more later. Persistence runs in his family.
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azulsluver · 7 months ago
𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐧’𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧
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tw/cw: bullying (bully!reader), verbal/physical abuse, stalking, graphic violence, obsessive behavior, breaking bones, unintentional emotional manipulation, noncon kissing.
summary: as a child, you refused to befriend josuke, bullying the poor boy who was smitten no matter what you did to him. until he’s grown tired of you turning him down, he can’t seem to take your rejection to heart anymore. he’ll gladly give you a hands on experience of how much you’ve hurted him over the years
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When he would wave at you from across the room, waving with those pearly whites, it irked you.
He must’ve came back to haunt you of your wrong doings. Just when you came to a conclusion and accepting of the past, he lingers still. With Josuke’s popularity you expected him to use that as leverage to get some form of revenge from you, anything that’ll leave you scarred, looking over your shoulder while you scurry to class.
Paranoia eats you inside out, he’s so nice to you. Calling you by your first name and handing you pencils because you just so happen to have them missing each time.
The same boy, grown, yet annoying.
You noticed your friend group would slip away as they had excuses to leave. Some even moving schools, and many cutting off contact without a reason. You’d find yourself alone, not always, as Josuke managed to worm his way into your pathetic, failed relationships. There’s a feeling in your gut, watching as Josuke sat next to you in comfort that your best-friend had been sent to the hospital. Along the teary eyes, Josuke had a glint in his that caused you to shield your face away.
[☮︎] maybe it was fate •••
Higashikata Josuke. His name caused you to look up from your coloring, the teacher kneeled as they motion their hand towards you. A smile on their lips as Josuke nervously walks up to you. You find his weary expression funny.
Play nice they said. You can do that. Scooting to the side to let Josuke settle next to you, handing him your share of the crayons. He takes it with ease, the two of you in silence as you color. Not minding him scooting closer, just where your elbows touch.
At such a young age, you at first didn’t understand the concept of personal space. Your parents held you, kissed your cheek and walked you with their hands in yours. You loved the physical contact. So what bothered you when Josuke held yours? Was he too rough? Did he squeeze your fingers for too long or sweat so much? You find yourself pulling away from him, finding the words to say no. He can’t hug you, you don’t like it. No, he can’t kiss you just because he’s playing husband. You’d demand for a divorce and run away from baking the plastic cookies.
It felt good to voice your frustration. Josuke seemed to have listen after countless attempts, going with sulking from afar as you play with your other play dates. He wants you to play with him. Don’t find another husband or wife. He can be a good husband, so why do you avoid him after his sorries?
When your mother tucked you in for bed with a kiss on the cheek you couldn’t help but pull the covers to your mouth. Clutching onto your plushy that smelt like her perfume, her hand gently rub against your forehead as she leaves your door ajar. You think back to Josuke.
He follows. Too close, too far. Wherever, giving you his juice box or putting a bandaid on your knee. Wherever.
It’s bad to think, but what would work to chase him away. Dulling over mindlessly, you’re preoccupied with one thought; Josuke to leave you alone for good. Maybe your older friends would know.
The first thing you’ve done from the whispers that encouraged you to rip up the drawing he made for you. Dumping milk on his bag accidentally; it’s okay he tells you, it was an accident after all. He’s happy you’re not hurt!
You shoved him a little too hard. His elbows got scrapped from the concrete bellow as your friends laugh, but you don’t laugh. Your cheeks are flushed, angry, embarrassed. Josuke took your first kiss. Mommy told you to save your first kiss for someone you’ll get married to one day. Your lips burn for the amount of times you tried rubbing it with the back of your sleeve. Josuke apologizes, but he can’t seem to get the words out of his mouth before he’s crying in his hands. That was the first time the teacher called your parents. You’re a good kid. Josuke is too. But the other students tell the teacher how mean you are to Josuke, and besides, he’s just a boy.
[☮︎] doing whatever it takes •••
Burn his books. Discard his hard earned sneakers. Lock him in bathrooms. Dump his lunch in the gardens. Flick nails his way. Bold, hungry for release, to shake Josuke off. To find yourself with your foot on his shoulder, pushing him further down as he apologizes for upsetting you.
You’re disgusted with yourself, disgusted at him for allowing this to further continue. Did he enjoy the back of your hand against his face, nails that dig itself in his arms to push him away from getting any closer?
You tried everything that would make him lose interest in you, make him hate you and see how bothersome he was. As usual, Josuke trails behind. Recalling a time during events where parents joined to see how well their kids were doing, Josuke’s mom was like an angel compared to him. You almost felt bad, Josuke lied for you—the times you asked him to meet up at parks in dangerous parts of the town.
She talked so highly of you, thanking you for watching over her son. You had the urge to yell at him, and her for feeding into his delusions as he gave you the tightest of hugs. They’re watching, and you didn’t have the nerve to push him off.
Josuke’s hugs hurt, you can tell he’s holding it back. You’re unsure why you let him stick around longer than usual, pity for his mother caused you to soften perhaps…. Things began to settle slowly, the tidal waves of your hate dwindled as you gave up. Not completely, never, not when he tells you ‘how happy you make him’ and along the lines of “I hate seeing you upset, you being happy makes me happy.”
[☮︎] karma favors him •••
“What sick fuck did this to you?”
Your friends single eye weakly looks up at you. Her head isn’t able to move, supported by various of bandages that cover her head to toe.
Hearing your voice made the heartbeat monitor pick up, resulting in you grabbing at her face gently to stop her from panicking. Her chest heaves up and down as small gurgling sounds leave her lips, casted arms shakily crawl up to your sleeve as her dry lips part and close like a fish gaping. It was painful to see her like this, it made you felt responsible.
“It’s Josuke. Isn’t it?”
Your left eye twitch as you groan to yourself, pressing your head towards their chest. Like yours, it beats, it’s fast and furious against your eardrums.
Should you feel angry at the moment? Confront him and report it to the police. But you doubt your friend would have the guts to confess, and who would believe you over sweet, kind Josuke?
[☮︎] it’s not your fault ••• you know that?
You don’t get into many fights. Ones that involve scratching and biting, that only occurred on a day during the seventh grade. Father’s Day. You put on your best outfit that day, your mother did your hair too. You clung onto your father as he shakes hands with other parents, refusing to make eye contact with Josuke who came with his mother instead. You never really asked him about his father. Your father encouraged you to play as the adults discuss about things. Faintly hearing the praise of Miss Higashikata for coming, for being such an upstanding mother and filling that role for Josuke.
Influence is a strong force to be reckoned with, you felt powerful being with your friends as you corner Josuke.
“Josuke has no father, how does he become a man?”
“He doesn’t, he’s just a sissy like his mama.”
You don’t say anything. There’s a lot you want to say, but now wasn’t the time. You want to relish in this moment, watch him look for you for help like he always did.
“I’m not a sissy! Don’t talk bad about my mother, she’s better than all of yours.” The doors are locked. Who locked it?
You’re getting riled up just by being there, fists clenched by your sides when Josuke pushes past the others to reach for you.
“Tell them, [Name]! I told my mother about you, she told me we’d marry one day!”
Your friends laugh again. It’s taunting, it’s hurting your head as you glare at him. Marry? Did he think he had a chance, with you? The word itself makes you bold, grabbing the collar of his shirt as you point a finger at his nose daringly.
“Who said I’m marrying you? I wouldn’t wanna marry a fucking loser with that hairstyle, you’re so gullible if you think I’d say yes!”
Your neck nearly snaps to the other side. A series of gasps and screams echo through your brain, confused, yet you bring your head against his. His pompadour isn’t safe as the both of you smash into one another. Josuke’s nails claw at your cheek, grabbing onto you as he slams you against the wall nearby, with furious kicks to his stomach you both put up a fight for control. You bite onto his hand when he tries to cover your mouth, he doesn’t flinch but tightens his hold on you.
Your friends have already left the room, yelling and running down the halls in hope a grown up was around.
“Don’t say that! Don’t say that, you don’t mean it, say you don’t mean it [Name]!! I love you, please, I don’t want to hurt you!”
He cries out. Crying, crying, crying. You grit your teeth against his hand as you deeply inhale. Your mouth taste funny, not knowing you bit through flesh to draw blood as you punch his cheek. Your hair, ruffled as you gain the upper hand by biting harder. Josuke shrieks from the pain, falling on his back as you straddle him. Hit him. Again. Again. Again. It’s making your knuckles hurt. But you keep going. Even when he holds you closer by burying his head in your stomach.
“I hate you! I hate you, Higashikata! I never wanna see you again!!”
You repeat it like it’s the only thing you wanted to say, needed to say, you scream and kick when you’re pulled off of him. Flailing your arms and legs to be free. Frenzied, your pupils are blown wide after seeing Josuke curl up to his mother and the many of adults surrounding. You’re crying too. You don’t want to be a crybaby. But you sob louder when dragged away and into your own fathers arm.
[☮︎] confessions •••
The note inside your locker felt like a curse beginning to arise. It reeks of his cologne, heavy and musky of a scent you complimented on a man taking the bus. Ever since Josuke has worn it. There’s little chatter from behind you that has your clothes stick to your body like glue. Hesitating, before taking the note out of your locker to quickly skim through it; balcony, just you and him. Him.
You shouldn’t go, but your legs have a mind of its own. Each step up the stairs were like unlocking every waking moment with Josuke. Was he ready to seal it all? Push you off the balcony or confess once again. This time, you aren’t sure if you could reject him as usual.
Teeth clatter against one another, trying to sooth your nerves by running a hand behind your neck. The ends of your hair stand up straight now you realize you’re at your final destination. Shutting and opening your eyes, as if you didn’t open them quicker you feared Josuke would be in front of you, you’re so scared it’s stupid, facing your problem, it’s all coming down to this point as your fingers find the handles to the door and push open.
“I didn’t actually think you’d show up.”
His hands are in his pockets, leaning against the wall with an unreadable expression. The tone is playful, but being playful has to make your brows twitch, lips curl, anything, to look playful. Josuke doesn’t look playful even if he sounds like it. You don’t miss the way your voice cracks as you let out a nervous laugh.
“What’s it to you….. What do you want, Higashikata? I don’t got all day.”
That’s right. The graduation ceremony ended an hour ago. Friends and families are outside. But they’re not up here. He pushes himself off so effortlessly. The heel of his nice sneakers make your brain itch for how loud it is. Silent as he positions in front of you. That same, sickly smell of cologne slaps you right in the face.
“I’ve been thinking. You know. Us?” You frown. Narrowing your eyes as you take a step back for space. “I took what you said. I wasn’t being thoughtful. Always bothering you, and I wanted to tell you I’m sorry, [Name].”
“I’m sorry. That you had to push me away. Throw my things in the lake, steal my money. Hell, what else was there?”
“Are you fucking with me?”
Your tongue gets stuck in your throat. Blanked out. But something feels wrong. The weight on your shoulders you’ve endured those many years burn heavily. An apology should’ve lifted it. But it doesn’t.
“I do feel horrible, honest! But, I can’t really let you walk away scotch free from this. You looked so comfortable, I want to be a part of that. Maybe that beating you gave me did something to my head, haha, I can’t…I can’t forgive you, [Name]. You reaaally hurt my feelings.”
Josuke grabs the side of your head without warning, choking on your own spit as your head slams against the door behind you. Your vision turns white for a split second before he grinds your head, the cold, metal door creaking under your weight. He pulls back before doing it again, you don’t get the chance to stop him as you panic.
“I think about it day and night. You were such a strong willed person, that’s what I like about you. You had a goal, dreams, and achievements, but it doesn’t seem all that fair.”
Josuke sighs, your hands snap to his wrist to tug him off. Warm blood trickles down your forehead and the right side of your cheek.
“It’s selfish. I try though, I really did, you deserve so much better. But does it excuse how I had to suffer. I would’ve liked it better if you just pretended it was all fine. I hoped one day, you would like me back. I did so much for you.”
He’s rambling. All the while his knuckles knock your breath away, you try to hold onto his collar to make a step forward. Cringing at the wet, cracked sound of your nose. Josuke shuts your mouth with his palm, thumb rubbing circles on your cheek as he shushes you with mockingly, so tenderly. The first thing your body could react was to bite down. Snagging on his flesh as blood makes its way to your lips and tongue. Josuke hisses, your foot knees him in the gut, it’s harder than you remembered.
He pulls away from you with a grunt, letting you break free, cradling your head in your palm to feel the wet liquid make a mess of your face. You hate him so much. You knew he wouldn’t change.
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You snarled, messily rubbing your cracked nose. Busted lips and heavy eyes bore into Josuke as he pants, bringing his bitten hand closer to his face.
“Hah— y-you bit me again. Did you know? This was the same spot you had your teeth on before? You left a nasty mark.”
He jokes as if you were mere friends talking about the good old days. And it makes you worried. You keep trying to breathe in through your nose, the adrenaline you felt before is no longer there as you put a hand over your throat. It’s tight. Clawing at nothing, you fall to your knees as you struggle to open your mouth. Wheezing as if an animal had its jaws latched onto it. Josuke makes himself known by blowing a kick to the side of your face. You think a tooth broke.
“Hey, hey, pay attention to me will ya, I’m right here.”
You scream in pain, well, you tried to, his foot is on your chest as he pushes down. Your broken ribcage stabs at your organs, tears have finally made itself vulnerable as they coat your disgusting face. So much for looking presentable for today.
“Does that hurt, [Name]? I could make you feel better.” He’s kneeling in front of you, arms on his bended knees as he plays with your contuse lip. Smearing the blood further and into your mouth. “I always try to make you feel good. I wouldn’t do this but, since you think moving was a good idea I felt it was needed for a demonstration of my hard work. You get me?”
You don’t know if you could hear him right now. The pressure in your throat still present as you claw mercilessly at it. You blink a couple of times, gasping on your own blood as Josuke has his hands cupping your cheeks.
“C’mon babe, I need to hear the magic words. I promise it’ll help the pain, don’t you want to feel good right now?”
You feel so helpless. It’s embarrassing yet your eyes flutter back from the lack of oxygen. The weight is gone.
“Say it, please.”
“…hng..I- ugh—! I love y-you, Josuke…”
You don’t think it’s you. It doesn’t sound like it came from you. And you never think in all your life you would mutter those words to him. But he’s so gentle. Kissing you, soft, loving. You want to spit in his mouth, bite down on his tongue as it evades your mouth, but your body is unresponsive. You’re not even moving silly. But a presence, so warm, makes your aching body feel like you just soaked in the hottest bath in the world. Fighting back doesn’t even cross your mind anymore.
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