#i think he would buy things he thinks luke would like sometimes and give them to him
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archiewantsheetmetal · 5 months ago
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luke and layton doodles before i SLEEP.for tonight.
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koolades-world · 2 years ago
More Obey me! Headcannons
had so much fun last time I wanted to do it again
Satan is so smart, but has issues doing basic math and refuses to admit it, like he can’t figure out fifteen plus seven without his fingers or a calculator (is this me projecting? maybe)
Belphie bought himself and Mc matching house slippers. Mc thought Beel felt left out and made Belphie buy a pair for him too
Beel has a huge green thumb, and takes upon himself to save plants he thinks are sad or lonely. He buys the dying plants from the store to bring back to life (partially inspired by the chat where someone, forgot who, told beel that if he talked to plants they would grow faster my precious baby)
Lucifer is the best cook at the HoL, but rarely has time to cook. Beel is the second best but usually eats the ingredients before he can make anything with them. Mammon is probably the worst because Levi can make food from animes almost perfectly
Asmo once almost set a store he was collaborating with on fire with his rage alone because they spelt his name wrong
Beel probably needs a new toothbrush every couple weeks. Belphie probably gets toothbrushes mixed up and uses ones that aren’t his
Lucifer and Solomon like prune juice haha old men
The one thing Luke and Simeon have seriously disagreed on is if raisins belong in dessert. Michael likes them, so Luke does too. Simeon thinks they’re awful but never directly says it, so Lucifer usually says it for him
Despite always being online, Levi had not once checked his RAD email. He has 9,999+ emails, probably a lot more because 9,999 is where it stops counting
Mammon collects cool rocks and keeps them in a box under his bed
Satan’s hands are always freezing, so he sticks them under Mc (or a cat) when possible, or uses a charmed hot water bottle from Solomon that stays warm for days at a time
Solomon and Asmo have had matching bracelet sets for as long as they’ve known each other, and since they didn’t make them anymore, they got some custom done for Mc so they could also have them
For about 1,000 years, Thirteen though jelly beans were an actual kind of bean and Solomon never let her let it go
The first food Mc and Mammon ate on a date in the human world together was Taiyaki, so he made it a point to learn how to make them to surprise Mc (even though he’s a terrible cook) (I might make this a fic since I like this idea so much)
Diavolo has always wanted a Devildom version of a hamster but Barbatos refused to have any kind of rodent in the castle, rat or not
Luke probably downloads those stupid app games with the ads unironically
Satan’s favorite Disney Princess is Ariel because she ran off to do what she wanted without caring what her father thought, it’s giving daddy issues. He’s probably considered running off and marrying Mephisto to make Lucifer angry
Raphael unironically enjoys off brand chips and soda
Lucifer is a nail biter, and Asmo is helping him curve the habit by putting a nasty tasting top coat when he does his nails, and it’s also why he wears gloves all the time.
Belphie and Satan once went up to the humans world together to mess with people in Salem, Massachusetts with magic, which spawned several conspiracy theory books. They read them together and laugh as a past time
Diavolo once went to the human world in his demon form for,, reasons, and accidentally got written into ancient mythology because he got spotted by humans
Barbatos had a home garden for cooking and sometimes lets Asmo have leaves from some of the plants to make homemade skin care products
Mammon probably has lots of earwax. Don’t share your earbuds with him unless you make him clean them afterwards
Belphie has a really large water bottle that’s always on his side table. He wakes up randomly though the night, chugs an ungodly amount of water and then passed out again. In the mornings he has to piss really bad but is too lazy to get up and actually do it, so he just sits and complains. Even Beel isn’t sure how he’s able to drink that much water in a short amount of time
Satan likes waking up early to enjoy the morning air and read outside for a while since mornings can get hectic with his brothers
Thirteen’s favorite torture device is the Iron Maiden. She had her own that she bedazzled. Even Asmo is jealous and wants her to make him one too
Mammon introduced Diavolo to Gatorade, and instead of sneaking behind Lucifer and Barbatos’s backs to drink Demonus, they have secret Gatorade meetings
Diavolo and Lucifer definitely both had a hidden Dialuci stash of things and probably clash trying to collect limited edition things online
None of the Obey me cast took birthdays or passing of years seriously until Mc entered the picture and suddenly time was precious, and they actually kept track. Because of this, nobody is really sure how old the twins are
Mephisto thinks roosters want world domination
Asmo thinks cilantro tastes like soap and Levi thinks anything cola flavored tastes like cough medicine
Mammon's favorite party trick is one Mc taught him, which is rolling his tongue Everyone he meets, including his brothers, thinks it's so cool when really it's just a genetic thing
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lukolabrainrot · 5 months ago
Calm theory anon here!!
So I'm a bit frustrated with some fans pages today. So my instant reaction is to put them in their place, but I'm gonna try to go at this in a different way. We all know that Nicola has achieved in her career. She's getting accolades finally. And people are upset because Luke did not comment on her social media post. They feel that he should comment something. I want to ask you the ones that are actively shitting on Luke consistently if you put all of your life on social media? When your friends are doing phenomenal, do you go to their page and congratulate them consistently? Is Your whole life lived on social media? No right. Social media is a tool used to share bits and pieces of your life. It is a five seconds snapshots of your life. I may like a picture of my friends but then text them or call them and give my congratulations. Or sometimes I like to do it face-to-face. We do know that they are shooting Bridgerton. We do know that Luke and Nicola are probably already shot scenes together. We do know that they have each other cell phone numbers. We do know that they hang out off camera. So why do we think he has not said anything to her? Luke seems to be the type of person that does actions. Like for example Nicholas said that Luke was the first person That wished her happy birthday. That means he beat JVN, JD, Douglas, Camilla. We also know that he gave her a camera that she cherishes. Which shows that he took his time buying that gift. He is a thoughtful person and we know this cuz of nic and jade. So really who is the social media comment for? It's not for Nic because I'm sure he can tell her to her face. No the social media comments are for the fans. That's all we want to see some type of interaction between the two and so we give him shit every time he doesn't comment because we want to see their interactions. I'm gonna say this doesn't owe us anything. He does not owe us a damn thing we did not stick up for him. And how do you know he hasn't thanked her in someway shape or form already in person? We don't know.
There is so much criticism when it comes to Luke. Every little thing he does is criticized to point where he's had to get off of social media or at least limit his interactions and that's because of fans. Luke gave us a phenomenal performance in his role as Colin. Then he gave us six more months worth of tours that we all cherish. What did he do so wrong that he consistently gets hated on? He dated a girl. He should not be held liable for somebody else's decisions and actions. Contrary to what people think Luke cannot control grown people. He cannot control their actions. He cannot control what they post. Yes, he didn't stop being friends with them. But He's also human people. He's known Rory for how long? Years it's not easy to break connections with people. Maybe I give a little grace to people because I am flawed myself, and I would hate to be judged the way that Luke is being judged. Sorry I went out a bit of a rent. It's just people are pissing me off. Thank you for the safe place to speak.
Ok I have to get this off my chest... these are all just my personal feelings/thoughts on all this:
If he did he would have just gotten TONS of hate under his comment… N would have had to clean it up and it would have turned into being about him and not her accomplishment.
I'm pretty certain these two are spending a LOT of time together BTS currently... I'm sure he congratulated her!
Just because he didn't comment on her post doesn't mean he doesn't support her or is happy for her... and guess what, he liked it so the fans knew that. That man ADORES and ADMIRES N, NO ONE can convince me otherwise.
SM is NOT a direct indicator of what is going on BTS. It is such a small part of our lives.
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devildomwriter · 2 years ago
What the Other Characters Say About Them
Mammon: “That jerk Lucifer. He's lookin' to string me up again.”
Leviathan: “Lucifer's so reliable. He's been looking out for us ever since we came to the Devildom.”
Satan: “Lucifer gets on my nerves.”
Asmodeus: “Lucifer's the reliable big brother. What would we do without him?”
Beelzebub: “Lately, Lucifer keeps going on about our food bill and warning me not to overeat.”
Belphegor: “I hate Lucifer. He's always getting mad. And he treats me like a child.”
Solomon: “I see that Lucifer used to be quite foul-mouthed. Interesting.”
Simeon: “I'm worried about Lucifer. He has a lot going on.”
Luke: “I don't like Lucifer. Maybe it's just because I didn't know him when he was an angel…”
Barbatos: “Lucifer and the young master share an intimate relationship.”
Diavolo: “I get along well with Lucifer. It feels like I’ve known him forever.”
Lucifer: “You could say that getting strung up from the ceiling is Mammon's favorite past-time.”
Leviathan: “Mammon won't give back the money I lent him! How am I supposed to buy that anime now?!”
Satan: “That Mammon. He's always getting into trouble.”
Asmodeus: “Mammon's the unreliable big brother. He's always getting into trouble.”
Beelzebub: “Mammon's a good guy. He sometimes gives me sweets.”
Belphegor: “Mammon... He's a scumbag. But it's fun hanging out with him.”
Solomon: “Mammon's always been obsessed with money….. He hasn't changed much.”
Simeon: “Mammon's gotten even more greedy since coming to the Devildom.”
Luke: “Mammon is such a scumbag. There's no way I could be friends with someone like that.”
Barbatos: “Mammon appears to be quite loose with his money.”
Diavolo: “Mammon’s obsession with wealth is always causing problems for Lucifer.”
Lucifer: “What must I do to get Levi out of his room?”
Mammon: “Levi's always quick to lend me money.”
Satan: “Levi seems to be afraid of me.”
Asmodeus: “Levi…should probably get out more.”
Beelzebub: “Levi can be a surprisingly good brother at times. Like when he shares his food with me.”
Belphegor: “Sometimes I read manga or play games with Levi.”
Solomon: “I didn't realize Leviathan's shut-in tendencies used to be this bad.”
Simeon: “Leviathan's shut-in tendencies have gotten worse.”
Luke: “Leviathan sometimes teaches me stuff about manga and games.”
Barbatos: “Leviathan is always cooped up in his room, so I seldom see his face.”
Diavolo: “Lucifer was wondering how he could get Leviathan out of his room.”
Lucifer: “What can I do to help Satan get on with his brothers?”
Mammon: “Satan's a walking time bomb… Better not to touch him.”
Leviathan: “Satan's terrifying. Stay away if you value your life.”
Asmodeus: “Satan gets way too angry. It can't be good for his skin.”
Beelzebub: “I wish Satan would get along with everyone.”
Belphegor: “I have a feeling I'm going to get on with Satan. We have a common enemy.”
Solomon: “How did Satan fall into such a state...?”
Simeon: “Satan's always angry. Well, suppose it can't be helped.”
Luke: “Satan's so scary. He's always angry and breaking things.”
Barbatos: “Satan destroyed several furnishings when he visited the castle the other day.”
Diavolo: “It seems like Satan is giving Lucifer a particularly hard time.”
Lucifer: “Asmo spares no effort when it comes to beauty. If only he would work so hard on other things.”
Mammon: “Asmo was sayin' he's gonna be a trendsetter in the Devildom.”
Leviathan: “Asmo's become a party animal in the Devildom… He's basically living in a different world from me.”
Satan: “I have no quarrel with Asmo. He understands me.”
Beelzebub: “Àsmo's kind. I wish he'd stop telling me to take better care of my appearance, though.”
Belphegor: “Asmo's kind. I always fall asleep when he does my nails.”
Solomon: “Asmo thrives wherever he is. His ability to adapt is amazing.”
Simeon: “Asmodeus is spending more and more time on his looks. I'm worried he might be going a little too far.”
Luke: “I get the feeling that Asmo thinks of me as a toy….”
Barbatos: “Asmodeus is quite knowledgeable about recent trends. I always learn a lot from him.”
Diavolo: “Asmodeus hasn’t been in the Devildom very long, but he’s already very popular.”
Lucifer: “Beel is driving up our grocery bill…”
Mammon: “Feels like Beel's gotten even more gluttonous since comin' to the Devildom.”
Leviathan: “I like seeing Beel eat so much. I hope he grows big and strong.”
Satan: “All Beel thinks of is food. But that means we have little reason to fight.”
Asmodeus: “It's amazing that Beel can keep his figure when he eats that much.”
Belphegor: “Beel's so reliable. I can't help behaving like a spoiled kid around him.”
Solomon: “It seems that Beelzebub isn't used to Devildom food yet.”
Simeon: “Beelzebub's appetite seems endless. Doesn't he ever get stomachaches?”
Luke: “Beelzebub's really caring! I sometimes make Celestial Ream sweets for him.”
Barbatos: “Beelzebub always eats my cooking with such a blissful expression.”
Diavolo: “Watching Beelzebub eating is truly delightful.”
Lucifer: “Belphie is our adorable little brother. He's going through something of a rebellious phase lately, though.”
Mammon: “Even back when we were angels, Belphie was always lookin' to get spoiled.”
Leviathan: “Belphie's such a little brother character. Everyone's always spoiling him. I'm jelly.”
Satan: “Belphie and I see eye to eye. After all, we have a common foe.”
Asmodeus: “Belphie's cute, isn't he? You can't help wanting to spoil him.”
Beelzebub: “Belphie's my cute little bro. I want to take care of him forever.”
Solomon: “Belphegor is such a typical youngest child.”
Simeon: “I was worried about Belphegor, but he seems to have adapted to the Devildom.”
Luke: “Someone told me that Belphegor and I are competing for the spoilt child spot…”
Barbatos: “I do understand why everyone tends to spoil Belphegor.”
Diavolo: “Everyone cares deeply about Belphegor.”
Lucifer: “Solomon, that shrewd sorcerer.”
Mammon: “Solomon.… Ya can't let your guard down around that guy.”
Leviathan: “Solomon's so elusive. You seem to get on okay with him, though.”
Satan: “Solomon… He's the one person I'd rather not argue with.”
Asmodeus: “Solomon has a mysterious charm. I'm kind of intrigued by it.”
Beelzebub: “I've made it a point not to accept food from Solomon.”
Belphegor: “Solomon's so suspicious. You can't trust that guy.”
Simeon: “Solomon seems like he's hiding something. He's so mysterious.”
Luke: “Solomon's a good guy. His sense of taste is just a little…messed up.”
Barbatos: “Solomon is such a fascinating individual.”
Diavolo: “I honestly have no idea what Solomon is thinking.”
Lucifer: “I never imagined that Simeon would come to the Devildom as well.”
Mammon: “I didn't think Simeon'd come chasin' after me.”
Leviathan: “I'm amazed at how bad Simeon is with technology… It's actually painful.”
Satan: “Why has Simeon come to the Devildom? I don't understand his goal.”
Asmodeus: “Devildom or Celestial Realm, Simeon's so caring.”
Beelzebub: “I think Simeon was worried about me. He's so kind.”
Belphegor: “Simeon's kind. I'm glad he came and not Raphael.”
Solomon: “I didn't expect to see Simeon in the Devildom. What's going on?”
Luke: “I love Simeon! He's always looking out for me.”
Barbatos: “Simeon and I are similar in that we both enjoy taking care of others.”
Diavolo: “Simeon… I never thought he’d come to the Devildom.”
Lucifer: “I don't know Luke well, but he seems to get on well with Simeon.”
Mammon: “Luke reminds me of somethin'... Oh yeah, a Chihuahua!”
Leviathan: “It's impossible to leave Luke alone. It's like he's asking for attention!”
Satan: “I can't handle Luke. He's so innocent that just looking at him annoys me.”
Asmodeus: “I sometimes do Luke's nails and hair for him.”
Beelzebub: “Nothing beats Luke's sweets. I wish he'd bake more often.”
Belphegor: “Luke's been picking fights with my brothers since he began living with us.”
Solomon: “To think that Luke would accompany Simeon...”
Simeon: “I didn't expect Luke to come with me. I must protect him.”
Barbatos: “Luke has a talent for baking. There is so much that I would love to teach him.”
Diavolo: “It seems that Luke and Barbatos share some hobbies.”
Lucifer: “There are times when I have no idea what Barbatos is thinking.”
Mammon: “I have no idea what goes through Barbatos's head.”
Leviathan: “If this were an anime, Barbatos would be the secret boss.”
Satan: “I don't understand Barbatos. The less I have to do with him, the better.”
Asmodeus: “Barbatos has a lovely face, don't you think?”
Beelzebub: “I love the food and sweets that Barbatos makes.”
Belphegor: “Barbatos can be scary sometimes. It's like he sees through everything.”
Solomon: “I have a funny feeling about Barbatos.”
Simeon: “Barbatos often spends time with Luke. I'm grateful.”
Luke: “Barbatos is my baking teacher!”
Diavolo: “Barbatos is my loyal butler. He’s very competent.”
Lucifer: “I get on well with Diavolo. We go way back, to before I came to the Devildom.”
Mammon: “Lord Diavolo's pretty easygoin' for the future king of the Devildom.”
Leviathan: “Lord Diavolo has so many qualities I'll never have. He's one of those super-charismatic types.”
Satan: “Lucifer and Lord Diavolo seem to be on good terms. Apparently, Lucifer's asked for his advice about me.”
Asmodeus: “Lord Diavolo's cool, isn't he? In a sort of chivalrous way!”
Beelzebub: “Diavolo's pretty jacked. l'd like to work out with him someday.”
Belphegor: “Lord Diavolo…..probably wouldn't get on with me. He gets along with Lucifer, though.”
Solomon: “Diavolo hasn't changed in the slightest. He seems to be concerned about Lucifer, though.”
Simeon: “Diavolo seems like a good demon. I'm glad the future king is someone decent.”
Luke: “Diavolo's kind, but he's still kind of intimidating.”
Barbatos: “Lord Diavolo is very dear to me. I wish to serve him forever.”
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cupidbedsy · 3 months ago
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➪ they meet at the devils first home game where some people coordinated to suprise sabrina with meeting jack
➪ luke is immediately awe struck by her, thinks he's never seen someone as beautiful as her
➪ both luke and jack knew about her both because of hockey but also because an edit of her went viral
➪ sabrina thinks he's just so cute and adorable in a little brother way at first
➪ sabrina and jack become best friends which means that the two of them see each other a lot
➪ jack will not let either of his brothers date her because he's super protective over her not because he thinks his brothers would do something to hurt her but if they did, he's scared she'll stop being friends with him
➪ luke doesn't really talk to her all that much at first, he's super shy around her and just murmurs his responses with his signature awkward smile
➪ sabrina realizes her feelings on a late night when she's in her apartment (or hotel depending on the events of some games)
➪ she is panicking because that is her best friend's little brother and he's four years younger than him
➪ she does distance herself a little from them but tries not to too much because she knows jack will come after her
➪ luke realizes his feelings before her, it's pretty early on in their friendship
➪ they're out at a bar watching one of the devils games, it's before the pwhl season starts and before luke is over his injury
➪ they just talk about hockey the whole time and luke buys her a couple drinks all while he's practically drooling over her
➪ they confess their feeelings on a day that some of the sirens and devils are hanging out (only bc sabrina and her connection to the devils now) at one of her teammate's houses
➪ she's talking to paetyn when she sees luke talking to a girl (one that isn't her teammate, she actually has no clue who the girl is)
➪ she ends up just walking upstairs to one of the guest rooms because she's jealous but also because she's just been feeling off all day
➪ luke comes and finds her and he's still shy as ever but he doesn't like seeing her upset so he starts to go all interrogator on her
➪ they end up sitting next to each other on the bed where she blurts out her feelings and starts rambling how sorry she is and gets cutt of by luke's kiss
➪ he's all giddy and excited but tries to play it cool
➪ they then just cuddle on the bed trying to decide what to tell jack and they just decide to keep it on the down low
➪ luke's nicknames for her are: sab, ree, baby, and gorgeous (sometimes other ones depending on the situation)
➪ sabrina's nicknames for him are: lukey, pretty boy, baby, sweetheart, and honey
➪ she's always teasing him because she loves seeing him all flustered and blushy, it's her favorite thing about him)
➪ his favorite thing about her is her hands/fingers. he loves to play with them when he gets anxious, loves when she plays with his hair and loves when she gives him back scratches (amongst other things)
➪ his second favorite thing about her is her calming presence, it's sort of like the one quinn gives off as an older sibling but also different in a way that only he can explain
➪ even before they start dating, he gives her foot massages (i don't know, why it just happens okay?)
➪ she just kind of plops her feet in his lap and yeah
➪ she is so protective of possessive of luke (even before they start dating)
➪ before hand, it's mostly because she can pick up when people are uncomfortable even by the slightest movement
➪ and after of course she's possessive because that is her man
➪ luke is also protective as well, but it's much more subtle. he just sort of tenses up whenever she starts talking to a guy he doesn't know
➪ he also just frowns and becomes really reserved
➪ she loves when he's outgoing almost as much as she loves when he gets shy
➪ it's nice to see him comfortable around people and just talking animatedly about things
➪ luke gets all upset all the time when she's not giving him her attention
➪ she couldbe cooking or making her bed and he's just sitting a little ways from her full on poutting and giving her the biggest eye she can muster until she turns and looks at him
➪ she goes to a lot of jersey games and she's always alternating between jack and luke's jerseys
➪ he's texting her before games asking her to wear his even if he knows it's her turn to wear jack's
➪ luke absolutely loves whenever he cna get sab to sit in his lap, his hands are either on her ass or on her stomach depending on which way she's sitting
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dailydragon08 · 4 months ago
OT Gang Reacts: Halloween Edition
I'm halfway through writing Darkness Calls part 3, but here's a little something in the meantime for Halloween!
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As a princess who has traveled all over the galaxy, I think Leia would be very familiar with traditions from other cultures, even if she’s only read about them—including Halloween. Although she’s proud of who she is and the role she had in bringing the empire down, dressing up and pretending to be someone else does sometimes appeal to her. It gives her a much-needed break from the weight on her shoulders where she can just let loose, have fun, and not be instantly recognizable. As an avid fashion lover (you can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead hands; she was just busy during the rebellion, okay?), she also loves to really get into all facets of the costume—putting together all the different pieces, buying different accessories, and I can honestly see her really enjoying thrifting for a costume at locally owned places. Although her costume might not be super flashy or extravagant, she’s one of the best dressed ones at the party and again, gets a huge thrill from mingling without the threat of other politicians, leaders, and rich people chasing her down the entire time. She tends to dress as people or professions she admires, but isn’t above matching group costumes with her friends—and the further away the costume is from an intergalactic princess, the better.
With Reader/an OC, she loves matching costumes, but isn’t dead set on it either. Either way, she loves helping you put your own costume together and helping you with hair, makeup, and doesn’t stray far from you during a Halloween party. She loves the chance to just relax and enjoy without others constantly pulling her away from you as if you were just two normal people on a little date, and an afterparty at her place with just the two of you, a scary movie (I could honestly see her being a big horror fan and loving things like Fear Street and American Horror Story), and some of your favorite fall-themed snacks is a must (I firmly believe she’s a bit caramel popcorn fan). I can see her really enjoying haunted houses too, and doing them frequently enough that she usually knows what to expect and isn’t too scared by them. She’s usually the one everyone’s holding on to as she bravely takes her position in front of the pack and immediately bursts into laughter after something scares her.
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Luke, on the other hand, doesn’t have as many experiences with other cultures like his sister. Although he did travel a lot while in the rebellion, he was busy focusing on defeating evil emperors and trying not to die. But he loves learning and is an information sponge, researching different holidays and traditions himself and/or listening to others talk about it. Coming from a desert planet, I think he’d be especially interested and in awe of autumn in general—especially all the colors, cooler weather (even though Mr. Perpetually Cold Desert Boy might need more layers than most), and apple-flavored things. Although he tries to fully embrace Halloween, he’s a little overwhelmed at first and just follows his friends’ lead. Leia in particular is so excited to teach him all about it and he also gets into the aspect of pretending to be someone else with less weight on their shoulders for a night. He’s a big fan of matching costumes because it makes him fade in the crowd even more—which of course means, like Leia, he doesn’t have as many people chasing him down. He always gets a kick out of someone realizing who he is with a start once they get close enough. But I also believe he’s very introverted, so I could see him really enjoying a night in or a smaller gathering with the OT Gang & Co. versus some huge party.
With Reader/an OC, he’s 100% going out of his way to match his costume to yours. Usually, he even lets you pick it out and will sit there with the utmost patience, happy to humor any makeup, hairstyle, or accessories you want to put on him. If you go to a bigger party, like Leia, he’s ecstatic to just be able to stick by your side without other important people competing for his attention. But he loves having much smaller gatherings or even just a night in with you the best. He lives for the cozy sweaters (and excuse to drink hot chocolate) and while he doesn’t mind watching scarier movies with you, he likes the ones that have more of a cozy vibe to them better (think Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.). He loves decorating and doing things like carving pumpkins because after all the chaos and loneliness he’s been through, I firmly believe he really cherishes the little domestic moments with you most. Depending on where he is in his jedi training, he tends to be able to sense things in haunted houses and hayrides coming through the Force and can be a bit hard to scare, but goes anyway because he loves the way you grab and lean into him and see him as a protector (even if the threat isn’t actually real).
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If any sort of partying is involved—especially if there’s alcohol—Han 100% knows about it, so is no stranger to Halloween. Good luck getting him in a costume though. You’d have to pay him a lot to get him to even consider one. He’s pretty much there for the free food and drinks. He tries to act all tough in things like haunted houses, but is actually pretty easy to scare and has had rare occasions his friends won’t let go where he screamed like a little girl—which he of course denies. Although he says he’ll only watch scary movies to humor his friends, he’s surprisingly reactive as the film goes along, yelling at the characters onscreen whenever they act dumb or go somewhere without a weapon. He also tries to pretend he’s above fall drinks, but sometimes sneaks sips of his friends’ beverages when they aren’t looking. In short, he tries to act like he couldn’t give two shits about Halloween, but does tend to secretly enjoy it.
With Reader/an OC, with enough nagging, you might be able to get him into a very low-effort matching costume—but do not even think about putting makeup on him or messing with his hair. He’ll do all the fall/Halloween things with you to make you happy and grumbles the whole time, but you know he’s secretly enjoying it via the excuses he makes. “Well, listen, pumpkin carving requires a sharp knife and I just don’t want ya to lose any of your klutzy fingers,” “hey, there’s some real creeps out there, so I’m just trying to make sure they leave you alone so you can enjoy the party,” “nah, I’m just watching this movie ’cause I’ve got nothing else to do.” The longer you’re with him, the more he softens up and stops grumbling���although you don’t think you’ll ever get him to admit out loud he is having a good time.
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Lando is of course hosting the best Halloween party you’ve ever seen in your life. His place ends up looking like Halloween threw up on it by the time he’s done and every room is covered in props, fake spiderwebs, smoke machines, projectors in the windows, and he’s got every type of fall treat and drink you could think of. His costume is equally extravagant, and his parties are always ones for the books that go into the wee hours of the morning. He loves a good horror movie as well as the cozier ones, and somehow his pumpkin carvings always rival the most acclaimed artists of the decade. Lando does not half-ass anything, holidays and parties included.
With Reader/an OC, he’s so psyched if you’re super into Halloween like he is and he’s ready to do everything: pumpkin patches, mazes, haunted houses, scary movies, etc. He especially loves decorating for Halloween with you and you two frequently go on dates to the Halloween decoration store, coming home with almost all their inventory in tow. He’s always happy to match your costume, but is completely fine if you want to do your own thing as well and insists on buying you the most expensive, high-quality material the holonet has to offer. If you opt for a smaller gathering with just the OT Gang, he’s still decorating to the nines and bringing enough food to feed 100 people, and never hesitates to tell you how amazing of a time he had with you at the end of the night.
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Chewie (platonic) is mainly just along for the ride and down for whatever, but he does not like being spooked. He’s actually been banned from most haunted houses because of the way he roars at the poor actors popping out at him. He’s equally fine with a larger party or a smaller one, but either way, you’re pretty sure he’s responsible for half the snack consumption and he’s not afraid to admit he loves the fall drinks. He’s not really big into wearing costumes (which ones would he even fit into?), but loves looking at everyone else’s and always appreciates the decorations. He’s not the best at carving pumpkins, but he tries and the only design he’s really nailed is the simple, classic one.
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C-3PO and R2-D2 both enjoy the festivities for different reasons. Threepio is soaking in all the information like a sponge, but not the biggest fan of the scarier side of Halloween (“oh, my!”). He loves to marvel at the cozier aspects and is amazed by all the colors—and isn’t afraid to constantly say it, much to the annoyance or amusement of the rest of the gang. Artoo loves all of it, especially the dancing at parties and can regularly be seen in the middle of the dance floor bobbing back and forth on his little legs, but is unfortunately very easily spooked and will speed away with a high-pitched squeal.
~~ Taglist: @kaleidoscope1967eyes @masterlukessaber @coffeeorsomething-irl @lxstfathier @rogue-kenobi @sonofthedunes @pomplalamoose @lex-the-flex @myevilmouse @ilovemarkhamill @goddessesofeverything @acupnoodle
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lovewithoutagony · 10 months ago
found out you write simebarb a few days ago and i :0 can i ask about any hc you have of them?
have a nice day :)
Hello smoothoperatoer!!!! You're the first ask I got yippee!!!! i want to THANK you for asking bc boy do I
I'll give you both the sfw and nsfw version nc i don't know which one you actually want! Hope you don't mind~
Buckle up gays
Simebarb SFW headcanon
#1 During the earlier phase of their relationship, Simeon often worries if he's underdressed for their dates. (it also didn't help that barb loves to bring him to expensive and fancy dinner dates) Because of this, he often turns to Asmo for help, and the demon is over the moon as he gets to dress his angelic brother
#2 Barbatos lets himself loose around Simeon, because to love and be loved is to rest. He oftentimes lets Simeon wash his hair, give him a massage, iron out his clothes, and many more things he never imagined letting someone do it in his stead. (It took quite a long time for barb to warm up to simeon like this, but time passed anyways) And they also take turns caring eachother!!
#3 Love spoon feeding eachother in private. They think it's such a tender and silly thing to do. ( sometimes, they'll even mouth feed ;)
#4 The two exchange love letters every week! And poor little Luke has to be the third wheel AND a postman. Someone give this lil guy a lollipop
#5 Simeon loves to sing for Barbatos. And in turn, Barbatos loves Simeon's singing. Sometimes they'll even play a harmonic piece that consists of different instruments together.
#6 After a tiring day, they would relax in the bath together with music gently spilling into the bathroom, and a bottle of wine for them to share
#7 It's canon that demons will do the opposite of their sins when they're with someone they love/cherish. In Barbatos' case, since his sin is greed, this demon spoils simeon so. much. He loves buying him new clothes, especially jewellery, and would take him out to expensive dinner dates ( simeon has tried to convince him that he doesn't need to do those lots of time but oh well)
#8 this one's one of my favourites actually; Barbatos smiles a lot when he's around Simeon. And it's not the classic fake professional smile of his, but rather a smile that is so warm and tender it's hard to believe it comes from the ancient time demon.
extra : the first time the brothers saw what he's like around his lover, they were flabbergasted and have to make sure they all aren't collectively high at the same time
Simebarb NSFW headcanon
#1 Simeon is already quite clingy in private, but after sex, he's practically wrapped around Barbatos like how a koala would around some tree
#2 When they have intimate relations, the two automatically switch into their demon and angel forms because of it being triggered during overwhelming times. Because of this, Simeon's feathers would be everywhere because of the strenuous activity. This caused some feathers to sneak out of their private space, making the evidence of their rendezvous visible to their friends. Their friends always give the couple knowing smirks afterwards
#3 Simeon is quite the pro at subtle flirting. Even during the earlier phase of their relationship, simeon would purr out Barbatos' name, touching his arm with slow, lingering touches, and lilt his voice seductively when they're together. All of those small things drive barbatos insane.
#4 The two have their heat cycles respectively. But for some reason, the angel's is far stronger than the demon's. Sometimes even Barbatos feels like he couldn't keep up with his lover's cravings
#5 Their sex is either slow and passionate, or rough. No in between. This alludes to the two sides of their relationship; romantic, domestic, tender and insatiable, wild, possessive
#6 These two often sneak out during class to do it in Barbatos' office
#7 Simeon loves it when the demon tease and edge him, while Barbatos loves to see the angel begging for him with tear soaked face. Truly perfect for eachother
#8 Barbatos couldn't get enough of Simeon. It scares him, how insatiable and demanding his greed is, to the point it's almost borderline cannibalism.( is it cannibalism if they're both different species..? anyway ) The way even a drop of his angel's blood could drive him insane.. He's quite ashamed of himself, really. But Simeon doesn't mind and he understands the impulses of his sin. So he lets Barbatos indulge himself, in the form of biting, most of the times ( but if he's crazy enough that day it could escalate to blood drinking) and Barbatos would help him heal after
...yeesh.. okay that's it hope you enjoy it mwah
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thekrows-nest · 7 months ago
If dove started a pastry or crêpes shop what would each person buy? Including savory items like croque madame.
Been sitting on this for a bit since I wasn't sure how to answer lmao, in part cause I (Winndy) don't... much... like pastries ,mncgbkgf
Krow isn't real picky, and doesn't tend to like.. exactly get the same thing every time? Some things are favorites sure, but Krow also just... enjoys trying things lmao. He's always wanted to try macarons though, but they're so ungodly expensive
Gabby isn't a sweets person. Any that she somehow acquires she'll either give to Dove (if they like them) or LT. Sometimes though, sometimes she'll have shortbread with tea, since shortbread isn't super sweet. She likes a lesser sweet version of Sandies.
LT basically eats most any sweet. He does enjoy a nutella crepe filling with some powder sugar and strawberries here and there.
Eliyah isn't extremely picky, but whatever he gets has to be GOOD quality. If you're running a shop that you SAY everything is fresh baked, and it isn't (i.e. you're selling store bought, claiming you baked it and selling at a mark up) he WILL be mad and he WILL call you out on your bullshit. I think he likes tarts a lot.
Mary is a simple gal. Strawberry shortcake is a fave, and she'll take most any cupcake or muffin.
Camilla will basically take anything with cinnamon sugar lmao. She likes some gingerbread too.
Luke loves chocolate anything. Mousse, black forest cake, oreo cake. Whatever chocolate thing the staff recommends he'll take. He either shares with Jazzy or gets a sweeter cake for her if whatever he gets is a bit too dark chocolate lol.
Naila likes almond poppy seed muffins. They're also more partial to baked goodies from Asian style bakeries than more western ones. Buns with mochi filling are delightful to them.
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wiley199 · 2 years ago
You Are In Love
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A/N Hello this is my first writing that I posted so I would love constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy it though!! This doesn't follow the plot exactly of the OBX but there are some season 3 spoilers! I also did not have time to proof read so let me know any spelling errors. Thank You!!
One look, dark room
Meant just for you
People always said you and JJ were speaking to each other without words. There were times that they weren't needed like when you are uncomfortable with a Toulon at the boneyard or he comes crawling in your window after a fight with his father. No words were exchanged but the look was enough. You would both sink into each other and just know.
Time moved too fast
You play it back
Every minute spent with JJ was too fast. One minute you would be on the beach sunrise really to surf and the next it was night at the Chateau with the Pogues. You played the memories over and over until they were worn out. You didn't realize how often your life with the Pogues were centered around JJ.
Buttons on a coat
Light-hearted joke
The first time he gave you his coat was because you were freezing at a party. JJ made the joke that if he gave it to you, you would never take it off and he would never want you to take it off. It would fit you too well. He finished up the zipper and the joke resonated deep within you both. You never did end up giving the coat back.
No proof, not much
But you saw enough
That was the first second you saw what everyone else did. The lingering look you both shared in that moment was enough to make you think that maybe you two were enough for each other but it wasn't enough for you to vocalize it to JJ.
Small talk, he drives
Coffee at midnight
JJ was notorious for not having money but whenever he did he almost always spent it on you (and weed), no matter what. Driving to desolate locations on his bike. Buying you 7$ coffees, all while bitching it is cheaper to make it at home. You two always talked about your fears after the drives and somehow JJ made you forget every single one.
The light reflects
The Chain on your neck
The first gift you got JJ was when you were 14, it was a silver plated chain with his initials on it. You told him that you wanted to put your initials on it but you didn't own him. Whether he was surfing, riding, treasure hunting or getting hammered, he had it on. When John B finally asked why he never took it off, even when he showered, JJ simply said "That way she never leaves me"
He says "Look up"
And your shoulders brush
You lived for these moments when it was just you and JJ. When the lightest of touches came to you. He doesn't realize you are waiting for them. They are not only cause an inferno to burn with you but they also cause every thought and worry turn into a constant thrum of "JJ Maybank." To you stargazing means peace of mind. To JJ it means he can stare at you without getting caught.
No proof, one touch
But you felt enough
You never felt perfect in the presence of anyone but when you met the whirlwind, chaotic, and maybe at sometimes scatterbrained JJ Maybanks you knew he made you feel enough.
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights
You are in love, true love
You are in love
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
JJ considered the Chateau his home until Luke hightailed it out of the OBX and then all of a sudden you were at his childhood home four nights a week. The mornings were his favorites. He rolled over or looked down depending on how much you two intertwined in your sleep (which he always waited until you were asleep then pulled you to him but he always said you were the one who moved closer) and then he would find the strength to get out of bed and try to make you breakfast. It always ended with something getting burnt, usually the toast but sometimes other things.
You keep his shirt
He keeps his word
JJ would watch as you laughed and try to clean up his mess. His shirt over your body. John B and Pope would make fun of him for the rest of his life if they saw the gentle look in his eyes. He promised to himself and you that he would never let anything hurt you so after the bacon grease started splattering you he jumped up, screaming "BACK you devilish bacon lard. you shall not hurt the princess rogue" as he swings you behind him and holds the spatula as a sword.
And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts
JJ knows. He sees the distant look in your eyes when he gets close. He know the thoughts in your head. He has the same ones about worth and values. JJ has known you since the 4th grade and SEES you. He knows you itch your palm when you are nervous and when you are consumed with the thoughts in your head, your hand finds his rings and starts spinning it around and around.
One step, not much
But it said enough
JJ hates dancing but at the boneyard with you beckoning him with your fingers and lip syncing a trash song he couldn't help but start walking towards you. He is standing at a reasonable distance and then takes a chance. Takes a step closer. You stop singing. You stop breathing. He knows this is the make it or break it moment. JJ stops the "You fucked up" thought from entering. And waits. Your eyes light up and the radiance you emit is blinding. You start dancing and singing again but only after wrapping your arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his cheek.
You kiss on sidewalks
You kiss for the first time that night as he is taking you into his house. Nothing beats this and yet everything else has been building up to this moment. Maybe his whole life has been waiting for this.
You fight and talk
JJ is crying. Fighting is something he hates but fighting with you is worse. You see his point of view more than anyone else so maybe that is why it hurt so much more when you told him he was being irrational. Before he knew it he was yelling and you looked scared. He did grab your hand and he did apologize but you looked scared. He didn't mean to yell. JJ begged to talk and you were pleased to see him come back from his rage. You sat him down and talked for an hour about his reasoning and somehow you met in the middle. JJ was crying because he never knew it could be this way.
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
You are used to JJ waking up in the middle of the night whether it is from you moving too much, getting too hot, or the least favorite of your reasons, a nightmare. This one was strange. He looked like he hadn't slept at all but looked so energized that anyone would think he slept for five years. You finally ask "JJ, you good?"
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
There is a reason that JJ didn't know life could be like this. There is a reason he didn't know you could talk issues out, or wake up and feel happy, or even look over at someone in the car who has no makeup on, covered in dirt and sweat, with the wind blowing in her hair and think she is ethereal.
And you knew what it was
He is in love
JJ didn't know it could be like this cause he was never in love. Or maybe he was this whole time and just din't have the name of the feeling he felt for you
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it when the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
And so it goes
You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round
When you and JJ finally were able to go on a trip (thanks to good old Eldorado) he took you to do something he knew you always wanted to. He took you to a cabin in the middle of nowhere, alll while complaining about the drive. He bought warm clothes cause he would be damned if you got sick and when it started snowing outside of the cabin he took you out and danced until your feet were sore and both your hands and nose were numb with the cold.
And he keeps the picture of you in his office downtown
Once the surf shop was up and running the first thing JJ did was put a picture of you and him holding boards on OBX beach. To tourists this looked like good marketing. To all the other the Pogues they knew no matter where JJ was, whether it was at work or home, HE had to keep you in his eyesights.
And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
And why I've spent my who life tryin' to put it into words
With his first paycheck from the surf shop he got you a gift. A silver plated necklace with your name on it. You opened it and took it out with a soft smile on your face. "You got me a matching one." JJ reached around and took his off and took yours out of your hands. He then proceeded to put the necklace with your name on and reached around your neck to put the necklace with his name on your neck. You were staring at him startled because the thought of JJ making an official claim to someone still rattled your brain.
"You know I never got why people said they lost their minds to love, but I get it. I think I lose mine everyday when I see how perfect you are when you sleep, or make breakfast, or read. I think I lose it every time I walk out the door or you walk out it. There is not a single part of me that hasn't been crazy before. But you. You make me insane. You are the one thing I got right you know? I don't need anything else. Cause you own me and I own some piece of you. And I wouldn't change it for all the buried treasure in the world."
Cause you can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
I loveloveLOVE the idea of a FarmSim! AU! Like yourself, I assume a lot of us weren’t raised as farmer’s children, and more or less grew up on Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon. (Altho I do know a bit about living in Indiana, land of the Corn and home of the Indy500, if that counts towards anything lmao). In any case, I hope you like mytake on the Sides!
In terms of Farm Sim tropes, I’d be willing to say that The Royals (Dia, Barb, and ‘Phisto) are a part of some sort of local govt. bc I cannot see them as knees-in-the-mud farmer types lol. Maybe the farm is the “ROYAL FARM OF DIAVOLO” or something to try and convince Dia’s (not-in-a-self-induced-slumber) Mega-Corp father that farms are important, and corpo factories are bad. Diavolo has no idea how farming works but he likes to watch and play with the baby animals. Barb does not appreciate the farm visits bc Dia gets super excited and cannot be told “NO” if he wants to walk across a muddy field and up to a bull like “You are a fine specimen! A complete winner!” Luckily he is blessed with “Animals Love Me” kind of luck. Barb makes sure to get the Young Master dressed appropriately for next time. You need to talk to Barbatos about ordering tools, supplies, and contractors to build/repair things like stables, wells, and greenhouses. Mephistopheles takes care of the buying and selling of animals, and you gotta “prove to him” that you can be responsible enough to handle a horse (he does inspections of the farm and makes EVERYONE take riding/horse care tests).
The angels run the local cafe/store where you can get food and seeds, among other things. They buy your products and sometimes make presents (like sweaters made from your sheep's wool). Simeon and Luke run the Cafe side of things, while Raphael runs the store. Since Luke is a bit young to be running a business, he’s more like an assistant baker and he runs the morning collection at your farm. When he has time, he’ll sing to some of the animals.
Thirteen would probably the the Farm Sim Mine Spelunking Monster Trapper or smth like that? She’ll toss some coin your way if you bring her monster parts or rare ore, and maybe she’ll give you some “recipes” to make mining tools/weapons/traps.
And like... How funny would it be if Solomon just... didn’t change? Like at all? He already fits the “supernatural element” of other farming sims. An interesting and mysterious figure that lives just on the edge of the village. If you come to him with the monster parts/ore instead of Thirteen, he could help artifice some of your farming equipment with special traits, or craft potions that help you talk to animals or w/e.
IDK what do you think?
Okay okay so I totally agree about Diavolo, everything about that is spot on. He's fascinated by farm life, but knows nothing about it just like he is with humans in the game. Totally gets himself dirty because he just wants to experience things! Come on, Barbatos it'll be fun!!
And the corporation dad, that is perfection, too. Of course Dia's trying to convince his dad that farms are good!
Barb is forever suffering lol. While he does have a garden, I can't see Barbatos doing any kind of hard farm work either. He's definitely more suited to getting permits and such, but I could see him frequenting the angels' bakery because he likes to cook. They swap recipes a lot. Maybe he hosts the cooking competition, mostly because I think that'd be so funny.
Mephisto as the animal guy is perfect, you better believe he's gonna make sure your horse area is up to par before he'll even consider letting you have one.
Love the angels running a cafe and store, that's something I could easily see them doing. And oh my heart Luke singing to the animals!! My precious baby son. I kinda see him also being partial to flowers in general, since that's the only thing he's grown in the actual game lol. Maybe he starts making bouquets or perfumes...
Oh man Thirteen as the miner/monster hunter type! She's got a forge and spends untold amounts of time wandering the woods.
Solomon is such a menace and honestly I can't see him doing anything other than being the supernatural being. I keep thinking of Witchie from Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon. Like it'd be funny if he was more like Dessie and lived in a pond, but let's be real, he's definitely the one making weird potions and magic tools and such.
And of course all the characters are also marriage candidates, so if you marry Solomon, he's gonna come live with you on your farm. Spends all day in his wizard tower on the edge of town, but at night he comes home to his lil farmer spouse lsadlkjdfjkfdkjl.
Wow my worlds are colliding so hard right now I can't even deal with it. What I wouldn't give to have all these characters in a game where I could deliberately pursue and marry one of them!
Anyway, I totally love this and your ideas! I'm pretty sure I would do some unspeakable acts to have an Obey Me farm sim game like this.
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in-the-bushes-miki · 2 months ago
⭐️ BONUS! ⭐️
GIFT 3 FOR NE! ( @sane-omblog ) CONCEPT WORK & wanna be fanfic/gift 3 unattentional completed??
Prompt: “Kid version of any character staying up late to wait for Santa”
Warning! Very long post 😵‍💫
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Y’all going to see the very bare bones of my sketches LMAOOOO
So I know the prompt was for any character but since I know Ne and their preferences I decided to stick the purgatory hall gang for this one
ANYWAYS BACK STORY (this is semi inspired by Ne AU!) (I thought of this first before drawing this out)
So this takes place in an Orphan! AU (don’t question why they are orphans I think I was feeling semi angst (if you squint) for this one)
Our time period takes place in the early 20th century, Solomon and Simeon (age 12-13) Raphael (age 8-9) and Luke (age 6) are all orphans in a semi poor orphanage home, the orphan home can mostly provide the bare minimum but can’t afford gifts for the children. Raphael and Luke (their first year experiencing Christmas at the orphanage) still believing in Santa are excited to receive presents from Santa and on the night of Christmas they decide to stay up late together in hopes of catching a glimpse of Santa
. However Solomon and Simeon who have been in the orphanage home since they were very young, knows that the orphanage home never had enough to buy gifts for the kids, so not wanting their brothers (Raphael and Luke) to experience the same disappointments they endured, the two decide to team up and rack up some money (finding jobs where they can in town). On Christmas Eve, Simeon and Solomon overheard Luke’s and Raphael plans of staying up late to see Santa (and staying in the living room for the night).Simeon and Solomon Knowing it would be difficult to stay up late and wait for Raphael and Luke to fall asleep or to wake up early enough to place the gifts under the tree without being caught, Simeon and Solomon decided to sneak in quietly, hoping they wouldn’t be caught. Solomon, always full of “bright ideas” suggested they wear disguises just in case they were caught, to preserve the magic of Christmas for their younger brothers. (And basically lie their way out)
And before you ask what about the other kids telling Raphael and Luke about the gift situation, they were before Solomon and Simeon basically swoop in be like “oooo yeah Santa sometimes don’t be giving everyone presents here, just for very special kids who are good and still believe in him with all their hearts” type of bs and basically told the other kids to stfu and that they aren’t special too LMAOOO
I wanted to add an ending because I’ve already written out this far and I’m thinking this on the spot, I’m bsing this so hang on
(Edit 1, 24hr later: okay so i came and actually fixed it up so I did thought this part on the spot but fixed it up grammarly)
While Simeon and Solomon were sneaking in (Luke was already dozing off while Raphael kept reading to him), Raphael caught them in the act. Excitedly, he jumped up, waking Luke, who immediately joined in, running toward "Santa and his elf." Startled and flustered, Solomon and Simeon scrambled to collect their thoughts. finally Solomon was the first to speak, impersonating Santa (but doing a very poor job at it) Raphael and Luke, still buzzing with excitement, didn't seem to notice the poor performance. Simeon, regaining his composure, urged Solomon to move things along before their cover was completely blown. But Luke, ever curious, asked why Santa and his elf looked suspiciously like his brothers (Simeon and Solomon.) Thankfully, Solomon and Simeon had prepared for this. Solomon explained that they chose to appear someone familiar to the children so they wouldn't scare them but also hide their "true forms" from any naughty kids staying up late to just see them (hence the secret Santa word play). Simeon, staying on task, handed over the gifts, warning Raphael and Luke not to open them until morning-or risk being off the nice list next year. Meanwhile, in the background Solomon raided the plate of cookies, stuffing one in his mouth, the rest in his pockets, and chugging the milk. (Here's hoping he's not lactose intolerant.) As the boys nodded in agreement, Luke piped up, asking about Solomon and Simeon presents. Simeon paused for a moment before stating they'd return later with their brothers gifts-once everyone was asleep. Finally, "Santa" and his elf decided it was time to leave, having delivered the presents. As Solomon and Simeon turned to go, Luke suddenly asked why they weren't leaving through the chimney. The question caught both boys off guard, and they exchanged a quick glance before Simeon, thinking fast, explained that it was too cold outside, and they didn't want to risk putting out the fire after Santa's, uh, heavy cookie consumption. (fat ass for eating nothing but cookies all night.)
Satisfied with the answer, Raphael and Luke nodded, but Luke couldn't resist following them to the hallway. There, across from the living room, stood a large window which Solomon opened the window. Simeon hopped out first, but as Solomon prepared to follow suit, Luke clung to his pants, not wanting him to leave. Solomon crouched down, gently patting Luke's head. "Be good and keep believing," he said with a warm smile. As he stood, he caught Raphael watching quietly from the living room. For a moment, Raphael seemed unsure and holds himself, but then he smiled softly and wished "Santa" a Merry Christmas, asking him to come back next year. Solomon nodded, smiling back. "Merry Christmas to you, too," he said before jumping out the window to join Simeon in the snowy night.
Simeon, waiting in the snow for Solomon, ambushed him with a snowball the moment he landed. "That's for making me wait in the cold," Simeon grumbled. Solomon sheepishly apologized before the two hurried to his room's window, which he'd cleverly left unlocked for just such an occasion. Once inside, they changed into their pajamas and sat on the floor, sharing the cookies Solomon had smuggled in his pocket earlier finally accomplishing their main goal.
The next morning, Luke bolted into Solomon's room, where Simeon had accidentally fallen asleep after their late-night snacking. Luke hounded them both to wake up, ignoring their groans and sleepy protests, and dragged them downstairs toward the living room. On the way, Simeon groggily asked about Raphael, and Luke replied that he was already there waiting in the living room. When they entered the room, Raphael was nowhere in sight. Before the boy could question, Raphael appeared carrying a tray with four mugs of hot chocolate. He greeted them warmly, offering the hot chocolates then placing the tray of hot chocolates onto the coffee table before taking his own and siting at the single arm chair quietly sipping. Solomon and Simeon, still half-asleep, gratefully accepted the drinks and plopping theme selves onto the couch. Luke, brimming with excitement, ran to the tree to grab his and Raphael's gifts but paused when he didn't see any for Solomon and Simeon. "Why didn't Santa return back leave Solomon and Simeon’s presents?" Luke asked, puzzled. Solomon shrugged, "Maybe we're on the naughty list this year." Then sipping his hot chocolate. Simeon chimed in, teasing, "Probably because Solomon blew up his room twice and broke a few windows. And I came home late too many times."
Luke considered this and nodded solemnly before cheerfully shoving Raphael's present into his lap, nearly spilling his hot chocolate. "You go first!" he insisted, but Raphael gently urged Luke to open his gift first. Within seconds, Luke tore open the wrapping paper to reveal a wooden spoon! But not just any wooden spoon it was a wooden spoon that had small chihuahuas engraving on the handle. He squealed with joy, hugging it tightly, but Simeon chuckled and pointed out there was something else in the box. Luke's eyes lit up as he pulled out a handmade chihuahua plushie (clearly Simeon's handiwork). Overwhelmed, he squealed even louder, rolling on the floor and kicking his feet in pure joy thanking Santa over and over, clutching his gifts tightly.
Simeon and Solomon exchanged a smile, proud to have made Luke so happy. Then they turned to Raphael, their eyes towards Raphael. Luke finally settling down the best he can still cling onto his spoon and plushie scoots towards Raphael giving his full attention. Raphael takes a final sip of his hot chocolate and place it back on the coffee table before slowly opening his gift. Inside was an intricate sewing kit with multi-colored threads, various needle sizes, and other tools. Raphael's hands froze for a moment, his brows knitting as his eyes filled with tears. His reaction caught Solomon and Simeon off guard not sure if they made the wrong choice for Raphael present. Before they could say anything, Luke gently held Raphael's hand. "What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Raphael shook his head, wiping his eyes. "No, I love it," he said softly sniffling. Both boys softly sighed out in relief before masking it with a sip of their hot chocolate.
Finally, the sounds of the other children waking up and beginning their daily chores echoed through the halls, breaking the Christmas morning tranquility and normality that Solomon and Simeon would ever able to achieve to a close normal childhood experience. It reminded them that, for them, Christmas Day was just another day of work and responsibility, not the magical day other kids would experience on Christmas Day. Luke, excited, grabbed his gifts and ran out of the living room to show the others what Santa had brought him. Meanwhile, Solomon and Simeon started tidying up. Simeon gathered the empty mugs and the now-cold, untouched hot chocolate Luke had completely forgotten about, placing them on the tray before handing it to Solomon to take to the kitchen.
Simeon paused for a moment to check on Raphael, who was still staring at his gift, lost in thought. Gently, Simeon placed a hand on his shoulder, quietly asking if he was okay. Raphael snapped out of his daze and nodded. Soon, the ringing of the bells signaled the start of breakfast.
Later that evening, Solomon came back into his room, tired after a long day of work, and threw himself onto his bed, stretching out his weary body. A soft knock at the door interrupted the stillness, and Simeon entered with a tray of two hot chocolates. He closed the door behind him and walked over to Solomon, still lying on his bed. Simeon chuckled, brushing off a few snowflakes from Solomon's sweater and head before offering the hot chocolate to him. Solomon sat up gratefully, accepting the drink, while Simeon grabbed his own and settled into their usual spot on the floor, backs against the bed. The two boys chatted about their day, catching up on any news. Just then, another small knock sounded at the door. Raphael peeked his head in, a hint of hesitation in his stance. The boys greeted him warmly, and Raphael smiled faintly as he stepped inside.
Simeon quickly noticed Raphael's reserved demeanor. "Everything okay?" he asked softly, noting the late hour. It was past the usual bedtime for kids his age.
Raphael hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke up, his voice quiet.
"I knew it was you two... last night and, um…." he began, his eyes looking down at his feet. "Early when I was crying….It wasn't just tears of joy... I felt guilty. I knew how much effort you put into getting me the gift... and how expensive it was. You both worked so hard and...” Raphael starts to softly sob quietly and before he could say more, Simeon was the first to stand, pulling Raphael into a soft hug. "Raphael, it doesn't matter how much the gift cost," Simeon cooed, his voice filled with warmth. "We just wanted you to be happy. That's all that matters to us."
Solomon too stood, gently putting his cup down and coming closer to the two. "We don't want to see you upset," he added softly. Raphael softly reaches out to Solomon almost becking him to come closer before pulling him almost into the hug that him and Simeon were already sharing, without protest Solomon too joins the hug. Raphael, in a mix of relief and still lingering guilt, pulled both boys closer, his hands trembling slightly as he hugged them back.
After a while, Raphael finally pulled away from the hug, his face slightly flushed, but his eyes calmer. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two small, pocket-sized plushies-one a polar bear, the other a brown bear. He handed Solomon the polar bear and Simeon the brown bear, offering them as a thank-you gift. "I wanted to make sure you both had something for Christmas, too," he said quietly. Solomon and Simeon looked at the plushies, admiring the craftsmanship. Though they were a little wonky, but thats whats made it all the more charming.
"Thank you, Raphael," Simeon said, his voice full of appreciation. Solomon nodded in agreement, his smile warm and sincere. "Hey, we still have cookies from yesterday” Solomon offered
Raphael smiled softly, nodding. "I'd like that."
The three of them sat together, enjoying the cookies, their new plushies sitting on the bed nearby. The conversation started up once more, and soon enough, Raphael found himself drifting off, the warmth of the room and the gentle companionship soothing him. As he dozed off, the last thought that crossed his mind was that he didn't mind keeping the magic alive just a little while longer for Luke at the very least .
(Simeon Elf, Solomon Santa, reused clothes for disguises)
Thank you for siting and reading my shitty sum up and somehow turned poor fanficy writing near the end?? Idk if you would consider it fanfic since their is purposely minimum dialogue and just sums up/direct story without going in fully dept emotional. I’m not going to call it a fanfic I’m not going to disrespect fanfic writers :P
So I know in the sketch it doesn’t look like it’s taken place in the early 20th century but it’s mostly just guide lines to add shape when I fill in the sketch (table was going to have cookies and milk the sofa more shaped to those you see in the 20th century with pillows and those decorative blankets, on the right image you can see some artist notes with my pink color, the lines on the bottom right corner (the one with the arrow pointing) is the lighting, where a fireplace would be and be the only light source in the image, colors would mostly be blues hues and it snowing outside.
Tbh I still have mix feelings on the composition on this one, even if I got the big thumbs up from my lookers :P
(Edit 2! 24 hrs later): actually I think my added rant (“story”) pass the 1k mark so it could qualified?? 😭
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spacedlexi · 2 years ago
I totally get your point about the kenny/Jane thing. In my opinion the best outcome is letting Kenny kill Jane (honestly Jane brought that to herself, all of them knew that if he lost someone else he would finally go ballistic and she deliberately put him on that spot to prove "a point") and then staying in Wellington, because Kenny acknowledges that he's not fit enough to care for her and AJ anymore, so he begs Clem to stay. He's aware that he's not right for the job, and he accomplished his mission, he stayed loyal to Lee and left. It also gives the opportunity to speculate whether he finally found peace after all his suffering. (Even if the original idea was him offing himself in the Virginia lake after that)
i always find myself struggling to talk about S2 because i know the writers changed direction (multiple times?) as the season was releasing??? which means character arcs and motivations were altered to fit this new direction and its like painfully obvious sometimes especially when it comes to kenny and jane and luke
i hate when writers cant commit to the bit. and that kind of happens with kenny. which is weird because even tho they decided against him literally being carvers character (which wouldve worked perfectly for a luke v kenny ending), they still try to give him that carver storyline. like.. i could see kenny easily being in carvers position at howes. just like lilly in S4 with the delta. these two characters wanted leadership and never liked any pushback from the people around them. i can also see the kenny we knew from S1 turning into a man like carver in S2 (a dude who has lost a lot and whose methods are becoming more extreme to keep people safe) and i think kenny being carver instead wouldve made carver a much deeper and more interesting antagonist. like carver is fine. he works although his beef with this 11yo is weird. but we dont buy it when bonnie tells us he used to be a cool guy. we've only ever seen carver as a murderer. but if it was kenny in this role then immediately we add a lot of baggage to this character and his relationship with clem and her new relationship with the howes group. like we know kenny and we know what hes capable of but we also understand his motivations and we do believe that deep down kenny does want whats best to keep his people safe. and clem reappearing in the life of THIS kenny wouldve been Huge as he wouldve already begun his descent and clem is the only one who can really get through to him (like they still try to do when all the adults are like "uuuh clem you go talk to the angry man theres no way he'll listen to US"). i think they were afraid of making kenny an outright antagonist though and instead tried to have their cake and eat it too which just kinda...leads to mess... commit to your characters dark spirals and downfalls i hate this wishy washy bullshit. plus having kenny as carver instead wouldve centered clem in the howes discussion more. as it stands she just kinda gets swept up in everyone elses bullshit and just has to go along with it. classic child experience tho
jane pretending that aj was dead to intentionally push kenny over the edge just to "prove" to clem that hes dangerous was SOOOOO unnecessary jane!!! like we know girl!! we know!!! and when he tries to kill her for it its like...i know you saw this coming jane so how did you expect this to end?? was she just hoping she'd win the fight? she even tells clem to stay out of whatever was about to happen (plus she does genuinely put ajs life in real danger by leaving him in that car where they were lucky to hear his cries). but i think this problem stems from them changing it out from being a luke v kenny showdown. i think that ending wouldve culminated more naturally as their beef was slowly building since they first met. disagreement in leadership styles. that silly little middle school "choose who to sit with at dinner" thing felt like foreshadowing of a luke v kenny fight that just never happened. they needed to create a reason for kenny to attack jane as jane doesnt care about leadership she cares about keeping herself safe so the whole aj thing just....feels forced. like... jane why....Why........ where did your self preservation go...its like your whole character...
so...yeah.... i have a lot of conflicting feelings about S2 and its ending. on my recent playthrough i had clem tell kenny that maybe lee Shouldnt have come to save her in S1, trying to be all "boo hoo im so sad i get everyone i love killed boo hoo" and kenny responds by saying he should SMACK her for that???? i was so shocked that i missed taking the screenshot of it. i gasped audibly... turned into a "matter of time" situation for me (even tho things seem fine enough in the S3 flashbacks hes weirdly normal again and still talking about boats). kenny is definitely a broken man hanging on by a Singular Thread by the end of S2 and jane snaps it. this is why i like leaving kenny behind at wellington. clem and aj are definitely the light of his life at this point and he wants whats best for them. leaving them at wellington is really the best thing he can do for them both and its very sad because we know he Needs them. and clem would want to hold onto whoever she has left so its hard for her too. throughout all the seasons clem and aj are seen as the light in the darkness the hope for the future yadda yadda and kenny losing that? yeah i can see why the virginia lake idea was a thing. but thats ALSO why i like the clem shoots kenny ending. this man just wants it to be over he misses his family so much he cant take this shit anymore. staying with kenny into S3 really feels like we're stretching out his character as far as possible. it kinda feels like they hit the reset button on him and hes back to talking about boats. i feel like post S2 they just didnt really know what to do with him or jane. i feel like their endings in S2 are the most narratively fulfilling for their characters and i want clem to enter S3 on her own
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legolasghosty · 1 year ago
Kissing the homies goodnight for Willie (/Willex) because I feel like Willie would.
Ack I'm so sorry this took so long but here you gooo!
Willie ducked into the kitchen to grab the water pitcher and some glasses, praying he wasn't forgetting anything important. They knew it was just their friends crashed across various surfaces in the living room, but it was still nerve-wracking. Willie hadn't been to a sleepover in like... five years, let alone hosted one. They got why the foster care system had to check over people before they could stay overnight, but with the number of times Willie had moved around since entering the system, it just... had never happened.
Caleb had been hesitant at first when Willie asked if they could all stay over, wanting to ensure Willie was settled himself first. And also wanting to meet all of these kids before he let them have free reign of his home.
But it was finally happening. All of Willie's best friends (and his boyfriend, but they hadn't really managed to wrap their head around that one yet) were lounging in his living room at 2 in the morning, some closer to dozing off than others.
Willie wasn't sure which was stronger: the excitement or the terror of messing this up.
He was pretty sure he hit all the main bits on all the 'how to throw a slumber party' lists he'd found online: pizza, way too many types of ice cream toppings (they're not entirely sure how many of those canned cherries Luke ended up fitting in his mouth), random games (he'd never heard of turning pictionary into a drinking game with shots of soda, but apparently that was a thing his friends did), and a movie with lots of popcorn and cozy blankets.
So they're pretty sure they've done alright thus far.
Still, it'd been a long time since Willie did this.
He re-entered the living room just as Alex managed to grab the TV remote and turn off the rolling credits of Legally Blonde. Flynn looked to already be asleep, lying across one of the air mattresses with her feet up on Julie's stomach. Julie had propped herself up a bit on her elbows and was debating...something with Reggie. Both of them looked closer to dozing off than winning though. Luke and Carrie were both sitting upright on one of the couches, madly swiping on their phones and hissing at each other.
"Do I even want to know?" Willie asked Alex quietly, setting the water and cups down on the coffee table and rejoining him on the loveseat.
Alex groaned. "I made the mistake of telling them there's a PvP mode on this tower defense game they both play."
Willie tried to hold back his giggle. He failed.
Alex attempted to glare at them, but mostly just looked sleepily confused. "I'm serious, we're gonna have to take their phones away now if we want them to sleep," he sighed.
Willie winced. "Any chance the game will kick them off after a few rounds?"
Alex shook his head, then leaned over to rest his head on Willie's shoulder. "And they're both too stubborn to give in, I already tried it."
Willie rested their cheek against his hair, letting their lungs adjust to expanding and contracting in time with the light huffs of Alex's breath against their collarbone. "Is it online?" he asked.
"Yeah, why?" Alex responded, blinking up at him sleepily in the dim light of the lamp.
Willie smirked and pulled out his phone. Okay, so Caleb hadn't technically given him the password for the router, but like... it hadn't been hard. He opened the app on his phone that connected to the electronic and started typing.
Twin cries of annoyance erupted from the pair on the other couch a moment later, informing Willie of his success.
"It just kicked me off!" Luke complained.
"Same here," Carrie griped. "Willie I think your wifi died."
Willie looked up, attempting to look innocent. "Oh yeah, I think you're right," they agreed. "Ugh, this happens sometimes, it will probably come back in an hour or two, but we just gotta wait it out."
Both Luke and Carrie groaned, but seemed to buy it and tossed their phones aside. Carrie peeled off her sweater and tossed it down next to Flynn's head, before pulling a blanket up and over herself and stretching out along the couch. Luke slid down onto the air mattress beside Reggie, koala cuddling against his back. Reggie laughed and shifted over so Luke could share his pillow, still discussing... Okay Willie was pretty sure they were trying to figure out who in their friend group would be whom in Legally Blonde. Fair enough.
Willie felt Alex's tiny sigh of relief against his neck and shivered. It felt nice, being close like this and knowing it made Alex just as fluttery as it did them.
Alex brought his fingers up to his chin, then let his hand move forward, palm up. Thank you.
Willie tucked his phone away. "Don't mention it," he whispered, daring to brush his lips against Alex's forehead.
Alex's cheeks turned pink, but Julie interrupted before Willie could tease him about it.
"Hey, no PDA unless you're willing to share with the class," she mumbled, eyes heavy.
"You're one to talk," Alex pointed out, glancing pointedly between her and Flynn's feet still resting on her abdomen.
"Oh you wanna wake her up?" Julie snarked back, the words slurring together a bit.
"I don't think any of us have that death wish," Willie chuckled. They tapped Alex lightly on the shoulder in warning, then stood up. "And I don't mind sharing." Before Julie could respond, he ducked down and pecked her on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Juju," they added, throwing a spare blanket over her and heading back toward Alex.
"Hey, we're part of the class too," Reggie called out. When Willie turned, he was sticking his bottom lip out, the puppy eyes mostly hidden by his drooping eyelids.
Willie glanced back at Alex, a little startled, but Alex just shrugged and gave him a sleepy smile. So Willie picked his way around to Reggie and gave him a goodnight kiss too. And then Luke perked up a bit and wanted one. And Carrie said she should get one on Flynn's behalf, since her girlfriend was asleep.
"I guess I should have warned you how clingy we all get this late," Alex murmured when Willie finally made it back to his side. "I kinda forgot you haven't been able to be around this before. Just feels really natural."
"All good," Willie promised around a yawn. "Just tryin'a be a good host."
Alex leaned over and hit the button on the side of the love seat to make it lean back, the extending footrest turning it into more of a bed. "It's perfect," he stated, pulling Willie in to lay beside him.
Willie let out a happy sigh and cuddled in closer. Alex's cool arms soothed the nervous energy that was always humming along their skin. He felt Alex's lips brush against his hairline.
"G'night Lex," they mumbled, eyes slipping shut.
"Good night, Willie."
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scratchandplaster · 6 months ago
Hello! This is for the Ask Game for Elliot, Morris, Shepard, Ben, and Lukas
🍽️Food and Drink
💓Mind, Body and Soul
Ask game
Yay, a long one. More fun facts!
👕Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Elliot: is forced to wear formal apparel for every performance he does. All fancy with a suit and tie, but he tries to make himself look casual wearing it, like a bad boy pianist to scare the squares in the audience 😌
Morris: also tries to look badass and mysterious in his leather jacket. He only got a handful of shirts and pants, though, so his options are limited.
Shepard: has to look harmless and inviting for strangers to trust him. That's why he's sporting the grandpa look right now. Luke describes it as "the poor man's Mr. Rogers".
Ben: likes for his loved one's too dress him up. He even tried Avery's outfits on (they didn't fit right) and is excited to experiment with style.
Lukas: is happy when he finds textiles that don't make him feel uncomfortable. Looks don't matter to him.
👕If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
Elliot: wants a little stylized bunny on his ankle. RIP Daisy.
Morris: Thank god he's on the run, otherwise every of his obsessions would get a place on his body. Down his arm it would just be like: X Y Z Paul Amber Elliot
Shepard: gets a tramp stamp 💔CLAIRE❤️‍🔥
Ben: wants to look cool, so he'd pick a flaming skull down his back before Lukas and Avery drag him out of the studio.
Lukas: is scared of needles. But the temporary ones are fun, especially if they have rock themed motives. And with rock, I mean stones.
📦Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back? 
Elliot: HIS DAMN NERVE CONDUCTION! Or his wrist brace, Chris' DIY version sucks.
Morris: His job. Wait, that's not an object. Does his innocence count?
Shepard: Claire got cremated in her favorite clothing. If Shepard hadn't been nearly going insane back then, he'd kept it to make a pillow case out of it or something like that. He could still hold her close.
Ben: Trunks. He gifted her to the triplets and he doesn't like to take gifts back.
Lukas: When he left, he forgot his birth certificate. He didn't think it was important, so that decision only brought problems with it.
📦What would it take for your character to give up an item they really like?
Elliot: If his parents need it. Otherwise, he requires a pretty good reason to share. This damn only child, smh.
Morris: If he's into you: nothing. If he's not, you won't get it.
Shepard: likes to share. But what will you give in return?
Ben: Just ask nicely and give him a hug.
📦Is there a type of object your character doesn’t like?
Elliot: Pet toys that are a danger to them.
Morris: All these self-help books the algorithm always suggests to him. So weird.
Shepard: Things he can't make into money.
Ben: Placenta, I guess 😭
Lukas: The ones with weird texture. If it's wet or sticky, he doesn't want it. It's nearly impossible to make him gifts he likes, only Shepard and Ben managed to.
📦Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
Elliot: can sometimes be a bit much with his bunny obsession. But he'd never be ashamed of it.
Morris: still got a blankie from his childhood somewhere hidden in his apartment. He'd never admit it, though, HE'S A MAN!
Shepard: thought about pressing Claire's ashes into a diamond. Jewelry doesn't fit his image, sadly.
Ben: always wanted to try out these...adult objects...he heard Avery talk about.
Lukas: still hopes to expand his geode collection if his budget allows it.
📦What is most important to your character when shopping?
Elliot: Smelling shampoos in the drug store.
Morris: Hiding from any cameras, so the cops won't catch his ass.
Shepard: Buying some treats for his boys.
Ben: Looking at new things.
Lukas: That it's cheap.
🍽️What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
Elliot: Christmas cookies he baked with his mom.
Morris: Little Debbie snack cakes.
Shepard: His Polish nanny made him these delicious little dumplings once, but he never found them again.
Ben: The first meal Shepard ever cooked for him - chicken soup.
Lukas: The ones Dad left the spicy seasoning out of. He gave up spices long ago.
🍽️What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
Elliot: Sometimes his abuelita sends over a care package with Coco Rico and other snacks.
Morris: When his ramen package comes with extra sauce.
Shepard: A glass of wine he sometimes drinks in the office. Don't tell the others, they have addicts on the property.
Ben: Pumpkin butter 😬 He's a huge fan.
Lukas: I'm gonna make it canon that Shepard makes him snacks like these
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💓What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Elliot: seduced so many people with his piano skills. Also with his pets, his caring nature attracts plenty of people. For better or worse...
Morris: He tries. He really does. Maybe someone will find that cute enough to ignore the red flags some day.
Shepard: let the boys paint the entire camper's inside with acrylic paint. Generally, how he acts around children and how patient he is with them.
Ben: hugs a lot.
Lukas: cleans and properly places things where they belong. It's not really a habit, more of a compulsion.
💓What scents does your character find comforting?
Elliot: Cloves and all-spice.
Morris: Elliot's 😊 So wholesome.
Shepard: Claire's ☹️ He still got a bottle of her perfume.
Ben: Fresh rain and honey.
Lukas: Pine and lemon balm.
💓Are there scents your character dislikes?
Elliot: Hospitals.
Morris: Amber's 👁️ She's such a bitch.
Shepard: When the new residents claim they don't need to use deodorant.
Ben: Wet felting 😳 It stinks so bad.
Lukas: Animals.
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jedimasterbailey · 2 years ago
15, 16, 22, 24, 28 + 46 <33 for the kenduli ask game pretty please
15- How would they express their affection for each other?
They would express their affection towards each other in many different ways. For one, they would for sure address each other with endearments like “darling”, “dear”. etc. Two, they would always take care of the other making sure they are fed (like they’ll pack each other meals/cook for each other) and have everything they need, taking care of each other when sick or injured. Three, they would love to gift each other with things to make every moment count given their lifestyle, like Obi-Wan would always buy Luminara her favorite flowers special occasion or not and Luminara would fetch him a trinket or a book, Obi-Wan could geek over. Lastly, there’s touch. They have their own secret language with touch. Like they’ll squeeze hands, brush shoulders whenever they’re around people and then when they’re alone, they love to just hold each other and drink each other in.
16- How would they comfort each other?
Obi-Wan knows that Luminara is the type that needs to sit in her feelings and process her thoughts so he comforts her by just being there for her and holding her, letting her cry and vent u til she’s calmed down. Then he’d be a totally gentleman, fetching her favorite foods, massage her, draw her a nice bath, etc. Obi-Wan would just do anything to help Luminara RELAX and once she is, he’d do anything to make her laugh and smile again. Luminara would be pretty much the same, however I feel Obi-Wan is the type to need constant affirmation whenever he’s feeling down and just distract him with memories of their childhood, funny stories, etc.
22- What do they think of each other’s Padawans?
I think Luminara loves Anakin just as much as Obi-Wan does and views him like a stepson, he’s just a pain in her ass sometimes. She admires him for all the qualities he possesses that she lacks in (I.e. thinking outside the box, his humor, etc) and finds him funny and I like to think they’d have inside jokes and tease each other lovingly. As for Obi-Wan, I will always see him as an awkward stepdad that is trying so hard to earn his stepdaughter’s approval. He cares for her and will never stop trying, but Obi-Wan is aware that he has to earn Barriss’s trust.
24-How would Luminara bond with Anakin?
Oh for sure they would bond over some sort of extreme sport like drag racing, podraceing, biking, etc. They would watch pod races together over drinks and place bets or I can see them zooming all over Coruscant on speeder bikes and eluding the police giving both Obi-Wan and Barriss heart attacks every time 🤣
46-If they were able to be together after Order 66, how would they go about living?
I feel that they would take advantage of their freedom and marry since there would be nothing holding them back from being fully committed to each other. Afterwards. Luminara would for sure want to find Barriss and bring her home which Obi-Wan would help her with yet they’d still watch over the Skywalker twins and lay low from the Empire not getting involved in anything like the Path or the Rebellion. Once they find Barriss and perhaps even Ahsoka, they would spend time healing and growing as a family before eventually helping Luke and Leia later on, maybe even having a child or two of their own (though I personally always just see them having the one daughter).
Original Kenduli Ask Game Questions
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backstage-if · 2 years ago
what are all the RO's love languages for giving and receiving :0
Hey. I must say that I'm embarassed about how long it took me, sorry! I actually wrote a lot more initially, but it was looking TOO long already.
Thank you for the ask <3 (it got my heart a little warm)
C: Words of affirmation ✨️ C is very in touch with their feelings and they like to know from the other person exactly what it's going on when in a relationship, so it's only fair if they also don't shy away from expressing their own feelings and thoughts. Loves to compliment their partner. On the receiving end, C enjoys especially quality time, enjoying good times together and turning boring ones into something more memorable.
Neil: Sometimes words of affirmation but mostly acts of service. Neil is a pretty attentive person and he ends up noticing things even against himself, so he learns a lot and tries to help where he can. (I can also see Neil disliking PDA, but being touchy in private.) I think I said before that Neil accepts any way of affection... yeah, it's very true and he's a sucker for romance. However, I think Neil would be happier with someone who could make him feel... in peace (but he would disagree).
Joy: she loves buying random gifts, especially ironic ones. Like, people will comment once that Luke Skywalker is their favorite character and she will buy one of these (👇) for them. Joy plays it as a joke, but gets super happy when people actually enjoy her gifts. She buys some more serious ones for partners (sometimes). Receiving... I think Joy loves words of affirmation, she gets a lot of compliments daily but it would be nice if... someone just stared right into her eyes and wore their heart on their sleave, you know?
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Spencer: All in for quality time, maybe doing things together like cooking or sharing space in silence. Spencer isn't big on relationships (they had just one before), so they are still discovering how to properly express this romantic kind of love. I think Spencer might try to adapt? Like, notice things about couples and wonder "would they like it?" and just... try. On receiving... words of affirmation, I guess. Spencer tries to be attentive, but it would be wonderful to be with someone who is just straight up honest about what they feel (even if it makes them a bit nervous).
A: Physical touch. Not really heavy on PDA, just... small touches like holding hands, standing close to each other or messing with hair. I think A would love to both love and be loved if just feel like they found someone to be in sync with. They like that sort of connection. Also, acts of service, it makes them feel special and cared for, so they would subtly make it for their partner, too. They aren't the best with romance, tbh, but would make an effort to show they care (unlike they usually do).
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