#i think blood in the bayou is patreon??
froggyycore · 8 months
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fizzfags · 16 days
if you give people shit for pirating the jrwi patreon you are the biggest fucking loser they have not posted ANY free content. idc if its only 5 dollars and "worth it" some people (me) cant afford that. if you can afford to its definitely better to financially support them but also they have 8k members i dont think theyre exactly short on money. suckening google drive blood in the bayou google drive
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octolingo-writes · 9 months
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wasyago · 10 months
hello hello! if u ever do decide to get more into prime defenders, the first seven episodes are a little iffy but i can attest to it getting better (WAY WAY better) after that, and apparently season 2 is even better. so it might be worth getting into at some point if ur interested ^^
also would HIGHLY recommend blood in the bayou if u like horror because. my god it’s my favorite campaign BY A LOT which is saying something cuz i love all the campaigns i’ve listened to so much, but blood in the bayou hits different. it’s run by charlie, very horror based with a really cool premise that charlie executed fantastically, and it’s only got four episodes ^^
either way i’ve finally caught up w riptide and can finally go through your art for it and oh boy it’s literally so so so cool i’m losing my mind, i love how you draw la alma he is so friend shaped
i hope you’re having a great day, and be sure to Just Roll With It! (<- very funny yet incredibly subtle reference. i’m so tired)
hehehhehe i love the reference >:)c always hear it in grizzly's voice in my head ("and just roll with it baybee!!") and also waaa thank you, i love drawing la alma <3 kitty <3 need to draw more of him, but also there's so many cool npc's that i also want to draw aughh not enough hours in a day smh i need twice as much, maybe thrice.....
about other campaigns!
i think someone said in the tags (or replies, don't remember) under my post that first 7 episodes of pd were kinda eh, and it did feel like the first episodes were less serious and less engaging. like, literally my favorite characters after watching them are tide and wavelength, which is like???? one of them barely talked even. but i do believe that it gets better, i saw some of the art and it looks amazing and super interesting!
blood in the bayou. im so absolutely INSANE about. charlie as a dm is SO fucking good im kicking screaming and crying im not normal. everything from the voices he does to the way he explains things and creates atmosphere to the way he treats players and characters augghhbhhbbbbb words cannot explain how much i love it. i LOVE blood in the bayou, its literally perfect in every aspect. the setting, the game, the art (dont get me started on the art), augh augh augh augh--
both of them (and apotheosis!!!) are on patreon tho, which i sadly don't have access to, no matter how bad i want to watch them or to know what happens next. don't want to get into politics much, but. its not that i don't have 10 dollars or however much the lowest tear is, patreon just doesn't work where i live. same as spotify, paypal, steam, and all the other payed services. vpn works for twitter, instagram, ao3, tiktok, but everything that includes banks and dealing with money and paperwork doesn't get fixed by just changing connection unfortunately. it has its benefits, i don't get ads on youtube or twitch, but everything else sucks. and atm the only real way to deal with it is move to another country... (which sounds pretty good, ngl)
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grizzlyplays · 2 years
I'M A HUGE FAN OF YOURS OMG. Would you consider releasing your song for Rebecca publicly?? And what's your favorite moments from Blood In The Bayou so far? :D
maybe i could make actual music one day for the public!! i've always had a small dream for that. i think Runaway, the song for Rebecca, will stay on Patreon for now! My favorite moment of bitb so far is listening to bizly and condi shine as actors. I did a lot of listening this series, just not really good with horror, and I'll never let go how much they impressed & inspired me.
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froggymarsh · 1 month
I think I’m going to start watching Jrwi, I love your posts about the sillies so much and I want to get to know them more! ~Constellationprincess
the only fully public campaign is Riptide which is in a playlist on youtube right here !!! it’s also on spotify!! riptide is about pirates- that’s Chip, Jay and Gillion, and it’s REALLY GOOD. it’ll take a month to watch but it’s SO WORTH IT I PROMISE.
(if you want you can start with The Black Rose Pirates oneshot which will give you context for what happened ten years ago and how the black sea got like that, but if you don’t wanna then you can just get right into the main campaign !! i watched the oneshot after watching the main campaign and it made me cry /pos)
then everything else has a couple of public episodes but most of them are on their patreon.
The Suckening is my favorite <3 there’s five public episodes !! and you can get a lot about their characters in those five episodes!! it’s about vampires so there is a lot of blood and descriptions of gore. emizel is. why is he like that <3 /aff (he’s my favorite lol)
Blood in the Bayou has one public episode and it’s a horror campaign using the rpg Call of Cthulhu- it goes bad and bloody really fast and also has gore, and their characters are constantly smoking basically the entire campaign. i need to watch it again i didn’t understand most of it askskdjf but it was fun !! :D
Prime Defenders has the guy i just wrote about- William, Dakota and Vyncent are teenage superheroes!! william is a ghost, dakota kicks stuff really hard and vyncent is from a fantasy rpg. i am on episode 3 so thats all i’ve got 😎👍 /lh - five episodes are public but there’s no official playlist on their channel as far as i can see. so here’s the Age Of Heroes prologue one shot thing that happens before the main campaign if you want it, and the first public episode !!
last one- Apotheosis is about a trio of godslayers who are on a journey to destroy the gods and dismantle a corrupted pantheon. (it’s like 90% sex jokes i’m not gonna lie.) it’s a really cool little campaign :D - it has one public episode !
ok i thiiiink that’s everything? you’re welcome to start wherever you’d like but i suggest starting with riptide to test out the vibes !!! if you like them then YIPPEE feel free to liveblog at me !!! and if you don’t like the vibes and stop watching then that’s all good :D /gen
i hope you have fun !!!! :D !!!
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MAC I HAVE A QUESTION. VERY IMPORTANT. what on EARTH is the suckening. i have seen posts on ur blog with blood and such tagged jrwi suckening and i am so so intrigued i love blood and gore and fucked up homoeroticism <3 pls pls pls tell me what the suckening is i am on my knees begging rn
oh dude holy fucking shit . so. u know i have been posting about jrwi it has been my main thing since like november. well. in case u do not know. its a dnd podcast run by charlie slimecicle, grizzlyplays, condifiction and bizly. their main campaign is called Riptide and its the one with the fish guy and all the pirates. WELL. they have a patreon and on their patreon they sometimes do mini campaigns! let me preface this by saying i have never even REMOTELY had an interest in paying for ANYTHING on patreon only because i fuckinf hate subscription payments and also im usually hesitant about paying money for fandom things especially in the content creator sphere etc etc you know how it is . HOWEVER. god their pther campaigns are so fucking worth it dude. the long running secondary main campaign thats been going along around the same time as riptide is called Prime Defenders and its a superhero themed one! i am just at the beginning of season 2 rn its so good william wisp my absolute beloved. (something else rlly cool is that they rotate being the dm for each of the campaigns and i think that makes each of them really fresh and unique bc everyone has a different dm style and a different way of telling a story. god i fucking love dnd and collaborative storytellint its incredible)
ANYWAY IM GRTTING SIDETRACKED. so during hiatuses from riptide and pd they sometimes run limited campaigns that only go for a handful of epsiodes. one of this is. regrettably. called the Suckening. its run using the vampires: masquerade ttrpg setup and ruleset which is. obviously. centered around vampires. CHARLIE SLIMECICLE is the dm and i fucking love it because god that man has a mind for horror. (he also ran blood in the bayou which was a 4-epispde mini campaign using call of cthulu and ive listened to it like 3 times now bc its got nasty bug body horror in it hooooly shit its so good) ANYWAY. um . its not *as* homoerotic as the fanart makes it out to be. just a warning. but there is a scene where two homies drink each others blood (one is a human one is a vampire. theres this think in the masquerade called blood bonding and its like. if you get a human to drink your blood on three separate occasions they become your servant basically. really homoerotic stuff in theory) and when the vampire is scolded for it he goes "well he already loves me. hes my boy" and they generally have that dynamic going on. fizzfangs i lvoe you.
ANYWAY UHHHHH. the first ... four? five? episodes are up for free on YouTube and theyve got a fun little visual novel style to them with the official character art :] heres a link 2 the first ep!!
the rest (there are 8 episodes as of rn!) are totally on patreon but if u end up listening and liking them enough to want the rest hit me up because ive got those download links i can share with u bc ur my beloved mutual and i love sharing things with my friends so they dont have to pay for them <3
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navysealt4t · 10 months
SORRY for rambling in your notes i have BRAINROT and i will talk forever about it if presented the opportunity
also. where would you recommend starting for jrwi. because im Curious now
okokok soo there r a few different places u can start :33 there r like 4 campaigns that r easy to access.
there’s the main one Riptide!!! which is what i post about most :3 theres pirates and gay people and idk i’m really bad at summarizing things. but very much found family and a good mix of seriousness and silliness :] this playlist has all the episodes in order (108 episodes…. it’s very daunting. i stared watching at about 80 episodes i think?) it’s currently still going (and according to the dm, grizzly, about halfway through!)
the other on going camping is prime defenders !! idk anything about pd rlly, except that it’s like teenage/young adult superheroes? and i think it starts pretty lighthearted but gets way more serious. i barely know anything about this campaign tbh. i think there’s 5 episodes on the youtube and the rest is on patreon (there may be a totally approved playlist with the patreon episodes though. idk tho) this is the first episode tho !
then one of the two completed campaigns is APOTHEOSIS!!!!! i think apotheosis is tied with riptide for my fav campaign :] i think u might like apoth, idek know how to properly summarize it it’s so so good. like. godslaying, queer people, sex jokes, religion, angst, it’s amazing . i can’t pick a fav pc either it’s so so good. the first episode is on youtube and the rest (12 or 13 i think) are on patreon (i have a link to a totally approved and public playlist tho if u want it). it’s genuinely such a good campaign. i’m not an expert on it tho uhh if u wanna know more my good friend @/scrubbythebubble knows a lot about it :3
and last but not least BLOOD IN THE BAYOU!!!!!!!! ogh. i can’t even start this campaign is amazing. like horror? friendship? middle aged men? bugs? this is the campaign for u. charlie slimecicle is such a good dm. it’s a call of cthulu campaign but if u don’t know the mechanics they’re explained very well through the campaign . it’s genuinely so so good it’s given me the shivers so many times. the first episode is on youtube and the last 3 are on patreon. the last 3 episodes r audio only so i sadly don’t think there’s a totally approved playlist out there 😔 it’s rlly good tho just uh. quite a few content warnings
YEAH!!!! sorry this is so long and took so long i just love love jrwi. uhh if u plan on watching anything i would block the tags ‘jrwi spoilers’, ‘jrwilb’, and ‘[campaign name] spoilers’ if it’s pretty hard to stay unspoiled for like apoth and bitb, but i REALLY recommend going in with no spoilers bc shit just hits soo much harder :3 and jrwilb is the liveblogging tag !!
but yeah!!! councilblr/jrwiblr is (usually) very chill and we like to have fun and leave ominous messages for new ppl to freak about over :3 if u wanna know anything else feel free to dm or send an ask i loveeee talking about jrwi hehe
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just roll with it is the name of the podcast as a whole. the group is grizzlyplays, condifiction, slimecicle and bizlychannel !!! they have MULTIPLE campaigns, where they each take turns being the dm!! very cool to see everyones different styles and each campaign has a distinct unique vibe so its really got stuff for anyone. im gonna format this as a list with as minimal detail as possible so this ask doesnt get super long SO if u have any specific questions just let me know :]
riptide is their longform public campaign, available wherever u wanna grt ur podcasts from (i like using spotify). its the pirate campaign!! and genuinely considered their primary campaign bc its the one most easily accessible to everyone
DM: grizzly
PCs: gillion tidestrider (charlie), chip (bizly), jay ferin (condi)
Superhero campaign!!!! this is generally considered their secondary campaign. currently available to the lowest patreon tier, although the first 5 eps of season 1 are available for free!
DM: bizly
PCs: william wisp (charlie), vyncent sol (condi), dakota cole (grizzly)
OK THE REST OF THESE ARE THEIR. SHORT/LIMITED RUN CAMPAIGNS. personally i rlly like recommending these as a good place to start since theyre not as big of a commitment and gives a good feeling for the dynamic between the players if youre not as familiar with them as ccs :]
call of cthulu HORROR campaign. SUPER gross. fucking love it. only 4 episodes!! this is generally the one i recommend first as long as i know the ppl im telling abt it are good with nasty meat blood horror
DM: charlie
PCs: rolan deep (condi), kian stone (grizzly), timothy rand (bizly)
((side note here, timothy rand and tim marblehornets are the same genre of guy to me. god i love them))
15 episodes. what if gods were real and walked the earth and fuckinf hated you. what if the entire purpose of your campaign was to kill god. and also the lamest character in the party is possessed by a biblically accurate angel who hates his guts
DM: condi
PCs: peter sqloint (charlie), rumi (grizzly), thanatos (bizly)
GAYASS VAMPIRE CAMPAIGN. currently myyyyy. third favorite. tied for 3rd with bitb i think. depends on the day. currently only 9 episodes, still ongoing !!! new eps every other saturday :]
DM: charlie
PCs: emizel tucker (condi), shilo bathroy (bizly), arthur benette (grizzly)
uhhhhh there are! a few more oneshots and two-three episode campaigns that theyve done (some of which are prequels for riptide and pd!!) but if i started listing those we'd be here forever . please enjoy i fucking hate it here (affectionate)
OOOOO THANK U MAC THANK U!!!! oooo i am intrigued by Blood in the Bayou.... nasty meat blood horror....... hell yes. hell fucking yes. i will have to check out that one for sure!! and i will def check out some of the other ones (ik u like that gillion tidestrider guy i think :3 would LOVE 2 get to know him!!!!) THANK U MAC A THOUSAND HUGS BE UPON YE!!!!
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Tumblr media
Hey it's somebody!
[Can you see who made this tumblr? I wanna keep it anonymous for the dramatics]
I made a doodle account where I just pour shitty doodles on a little account filled with pretty much every jrwi PC I can probably do some of the older ones but if yall ask me to do asshat shit cannon from a fuckin patreon one-shot back in 2019 with I won't be able to do that lmfao. Oh also I haven't watched Blood in the bayou or the convergence oneshot but I will most definitely still doodle em! Riptide are the poster guys because not everyone has patreon and as much as I would have loved to made our lovely little defenders of prime as the face of this evil organization I kindaaa can't ENOUGH RAMBLING I think im making this longer then it should be for a damn intro, one day I'll clean it up [maybe] But asks are open gimmie a little guy to draw any! And I don't wanna hear SHIT about how Jay's hair pin is on the wrong side okay! I won't think to much about it, YOU won't think too much abt it!
OKAY! Before we start this rodeo of 1 asks per month/sarcasm[hopefully]!
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de-attolis · 1 year
so like. how would one get into jwri (if thats the right abbreviation??) is it like a podcast or something?
Yeah jrwi is a podcast but they also have videos on youtube of like them actually playing (all the audio is the same though :D)
Technically they've done three campaigns and are running two but so:
first campaign i think just ended cause they stopped for a while. I'm not sure why actually but its called The Fated and its dnd. I haven't seen it but all the episodes are on youtube technically
Their current campaign on youtube which would be the best place to start is called Riptide :D its the pirates dnd campaign and all of the episodes are on youtube for free. it is long but really fun
Their patreon campaign is called Prime Defenders and its done with the mutants and masterminds system meaning that all of the characters are superheroes. the first five episodes are available for free on youtube and the rest on patreon and its still ongoing
One of their finished campaigns is called Apotheosis (and is my personal favorite). another dnd campaign and only the first episode is on youtube and rest on patreon and i love it so much the best way to describe it is like yeah youre fighting the gods ahfkdskj
The last one is only audio and again first episode is on youtube the rest are on patreon and its blood in the bayou. its a horror call of cthulhu game and its so much fun its basically just three normal guys who are put in a horror situation and its amazing the soundtrack for it is also on youtube :D
Technically you can start anywhere and none of the campaigns are connected they're all different universes :D
I would very much suggest starting with Riptide though since its all on youtube and then again a couple of episodes of the current stuff theyve done on patreon are also there
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hexesandhearts · 8 months
I just re-watched (listened?) blood in the bayou (patreon-exclusive dnd campaign by just roll with it) and !!!!!!!!!!!!!! this continues to destroy me and i can't stop thinking about them and im listening to the original song one of the characters made on repeat and i just!!!!!! i don't wanna spoil it but omg 😭😭😭😭 thinking about it makes me want to slam my fists against the bus seats im sitting on rn
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fireylesbianhell · 1 year
if you want to watch jrwi riptide, all the episodes are on spotify with video/audio, and I think they update there before youtube as well. A bunch of the other campaigns (blood on the bayou, prime defenders, apotheosis, and a few oneshots) are only accessible from their patreon, with a handful of teaser episodes from those on their youtube and spotify.
thanks! also a thanks here to the other people who responded to the last post, and i’m gonna start with the riptide prolouge tommorow. glad to know it’s on spotify aswell!
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roomy-ghosted · 2 years
(everything is vauge as fuck about bitb so dont worry about spoilers!! )
Now that im like- finally calm, god I loved everything about this so much. As someone who adores the horror genre, gore, violence and the horrors just in general, Blood In The Bayou was really such a fucking treat for me.
I think it's mostly because a lot of the time since I've been exposed and numbed to this from a young age (see me at like 11 watching an open heart surgery whilst eating my dinner and commenting about blood squirts to my mum) that i really enjoy and take a shine to the horror genre as it's such a favourite piece of media of mine. And with BITB being set in the 80's and my love of the characters of 'The 70's show' has really tied everything together so nicely.
Most of the time things are predictable, in novella format or even film format and they just...are obvious. Either because it's a film trying to cash in on a trope or just something in general that's overused or obvious.
I think i can say with everyone that I fucking ADORED the whole leadup and the reveal to what happens and what the creatures are and how they work. I really thought it was gonna be some boring ass cult thing like 'The Babysitter' after the first episode, just with some nice extra layers of Charlie's gore storytelling, and perhaps some 'Stranger Things' drawings too from when Rand was piecing things together and the whole meeting up to play dnd stuff.
But honestly I've been plesantly surprised about how great just...everything has been. It's got this great original feel with how everything's told and all the not even real red herrings and the tiny tiny hints in galloway's map are just great. Every small piece that was mentioned towards The Big Reveal in our final episode about one of our boys was so SO great and all the small steps placed that were pieced together by their PC made everything make sense. so good.
Honestly this is the first time that, in a horror setting, I've actually not known what was going to happen. (Well, bar the final 'boss' of the whole thing. That was kinda obvious but there was nobody better who it could be and it slots in greatly.) Because of how dnd works mainly and the unpreditability of rolls actually adding to the thrill, and the great reactions and storytelling between the cast spliting up and our guide and narrator's own workings of storytelling.
If you're NOT part of the patreon and want a short, good 11 odd hours of a podcast to tide over halloween to november? highly reccomend going into it if you're fine with descriptive gore & body horror (especially in the last two episodes) , sex jokes and lots and lots of mentions of drugs and shit it's the 80's baby that stuff just happens.
But seriously. If you're not too good with alien-body horror, I got a just a tiny bit of a wince in the final episode with some of the visuals, so just be on the safer side for yourself with that stuff!
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I’m looking to get into just roll with it, do you have any suggestions on where to start ?
same as the other ask i just sent (which were so funny to get in close succession, btw), sorry this took me so long to answer my brain's been empty
just roll with it! this was an unexpected one to get haha i didn't realize other people knew me as a kinda-jrwi blog.
well, it depends on what you're interested in. the free, full-length campaign, Riptide, is a pirate-based campaign spanning over 100 episodes that are all free on Youtube and podcast providers like spotify. So if you're into pirate stuff, then that'd be the perfect place to start. 100 episodes might seem intimidating, but really it's quite manageable once you get into it.
if you want to try out a smaller campaign to see if you like their playstyle before getting invested, they do have a mini campaign that's a prequel to the Riptide campaign. I think it's only three episodes? This is the first one
But if you want to try a different genre of campaign, you'll have to pay for the full thing by supporting their patreon. Once you do, you'll have access to their other long-running campaign, Prime Defenders, which is a superhero campaign. You'll also be able to listen to their other mini-campaigns like Blood in the Bayou (realism horror) and Apotheosis (slightly more classic dnd campaign). Actually I think all of Apotheosis might be fully available on youtube? I can't remember.
anyways i recommend all of these i have enjoyed every campaign immensely, so uhh pick what sounds good to you and just go for it! the sooner you start, the sooner you can get caught up with the rest of us!
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obitv · 1 year
im a new follower. should i listen to just roll with it and if so, why? im curious and u seem to love it but in the past ive found dnd boring...
i think tou should definitely give it a dhot! their main campaogn is dnd (riptide) but theyve done other systems (prime defenders is mutants and masterminds, blood in the bayou was call of cthulu, and theyre planning a vampire one thats recording soon ^_^). unfortunately riptide is the only one available for free and the rest are on their patreon (the first 5 pd eps are free though, along with the first bitb one). i havent had much experience w ttrpgs at all before this so i didnt have many preconceptions but i find riptide really fun! its not very dungeon-crawl (i think theyve only done like. 2? in the entire series so far, and one wasnt even combat) and the combats arent too drawn out and they get creative with it. im not sure what about dnd you dont like specifically so i cant like. call attention to what their take on it IS but. you should check it out at least ^_^
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