#i think armor would like shrek
sweetsuke · 1 year
finished process of elimination yesterday so i doodled some of my faves in a wb with friends :3
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
So, what are your favorite MLP ships? I don't know if you've already been asked this before, but meh
less about being asked, more about me posting them nonstop lmao;
#1 Sunlight - (Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle) Number one and two are interchangable due to my mood, because theyre both incredible, and easily fit on a "favorite ships of all time" list i could make for myself. Sunset and Twilight shipping is to me in general all about potential. And if im talking endgame, the show would have ended so, so much better, if there were two lesbians inheriting the night and day. These two are it, with flying colors. Going from rivals to friends to close friends to lovers that would do anything for eachother, to ruling the world in a golden age together, my goodness, this ship is like the chef's choice at a menu. I also may have written a large fanfic of how i would write an entire season of the show with Sunset on it, heheheheheh. Also worth stating, i concider Sunset x Scitwi To be on the same level, if not being the same ship, even if Scitwi is a diffrent character, if someone loves Twilight Sparkle, they would love her in all her versions. #2 Rarijack - (Rarity and Applejack) Did i say sunlight is the chef's choice at a menu? Rarijack is the whole fucking menu. What more can be said about the legend of how the most beautiful Unicorn and the strongest Earth Pony fell in love? The City girl x Country girl vibes are incredibly strong, the opposites attract is at it's PEAK, and both of these girls can easily concider themselves the luckiest women in the world for having the other. It was the first couple i shipped on the show when i watched passively, 'cause i instantly noticed their potential, and c'mon how couldn't anybody. They're the hydrogen bomb of mlp ships, and they could easily sustain an entire season on their back if it was about their love story, which is, painfully, not canon, like any of these ships. Also i'm literaly writing a fic that takes Shrek 1 and makes it about Rarijack and it's as dumbly amazing as it sounds #3 Startrix - (Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon) Honestly this one is easy to ship because it's just endlessly funny. The biggest fail girl that almost destroyed the world falls for the only girl thats a bigger loser than her, and that is endlessly entertaining; specialy because compared to trixie, Starlight is the baddest bitch lmao, and they would hype eachother so much. (insert that post of loser ass gf being hyped up by other cool gf) And there's just an appeal to two unhinged women finding eachother and making eachother... better? worse? I think theyre both at their best when traveling together. #4 Flutterdash - (Fluttershy and Rainbow dash) Fun fact, i didn't ship this until i wrote "the return of midnight sparkle" i just had to write scenes with certain themes, and i realised it would be helpful to further the themes and plot and character development of the protagonist if Rainbow and Fluttershy were macking on eachother. And it grew on me! Daredevil girl and shy girl lift eachother up and improve eachother. Honorable mention: That one ship with with Cadance, Shining armor, and Chrysalis; because it is honestly funny as fuck; no matter how you spin it, be it cadance and chrysalis mack on eachother and shining tolerates it, or the Princess and the Queen have a silent rivalry as they try to be with their himbo, or even if the three of them gross together. it's always funny. (queue chrysalis with the "im not the stepdad im the dad that stepped up" shirt while playing with flurryheart)
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spartanexperience · 17 days
Feeling once again weak for the red old man so Areos hc time
- I have a story in my head for how they got familiar the first time! :) I'll make a more detailed post on that when I get the time, but tl;dr, Eos found and saved an unconscious Ares who had been fighting a powerful enemy, and patched up his injuries as he was bleeding Ichor (celestial blood). Bam, Ares was lovestruck. Then, because Eos had broken her wing while saving Ares, Ares did a rare kind and gentlemanly action, and gave Eos a ride on his chariot UuU Both to help her spread morning dew over the lands, and to ride her back home to Olympus where they could get her wing healed.
- Eos was SO flattered and surprised! Most gods did not usually pay attention to her, since she is only a minor goddess whose whole job is to herald the arrival of the day, of Apollo's chariot. So of course she is most of the time overshadowed by his radiance. Besides...she would have never thought that Ares, the terrifying god of war, could be so sweet and considerate to a lady!
- Ares in the meantime, could not stop thinking about Eos for weeks after the incident - her luminous light, her eyes, her cheeky smile, and the way she had saved him and fought a monster for him. Boy was he down baaaaad. However this all is exactly he was awfully shy about talking to her again, and resorted to avoiding Eos for a while like an absolute loser. Until Athena practically YELLED at him to go talk to Eos again LMAO
- Ares is that super showoffy jock boyfriend who is always trying to impress Eos. Be it fighting monsters in front of her, bringing her war trophies, lifting heavy stuff, you name it. He's that meme of "this one's for you baby" *throws a basketball and it misses the basket*
- Eos giggles and flutters her wings while blushing madly, even when he absolutely fails, because he makes her feel so special. She's been so occupied over the years on just being the morning goddess...she had forgotten how it feels to be loved like this.
- Eos loves to impulsively scoop Ares into her arms and fly. Too bad most of the time he wears his heavy armor, so she struggles flapping her wings LOL but whenever he is rarely in a civil wear, like wearing his pajamas, she will absolutely bridal carry him!
- Due to morning dew, Eos' powers are mostly water based. She tends to playfully splash dew at Ares every now and then. If there's water nearby, Ares will answer by splashing back. Cue a chaotic water splashing fight where they both laugh loudly and Poseidon yells "I'M TRYING TO SLEEP"
- Of course, being the goddess of morning, she is great at cooking breakfast. Ares is usually the one out of the couple who insists on cooking for the family. The "healthy military meals", as he says. But when Eos wants to spoil him and her children, they'll be eating the most high quality shakshouka and wine leaf rolls.
- I haven't remembered to mention this, but Eos is AWFULLY clumsy, whether it's dropping stuff off Olympus by accident, or tripping on her own wings. Which gets dangerous whenever she wants to try Ares' weapons LOL
- Remember that scene in Shrek 4 where Shrek and Fiona bond by playfighting with heavy weapons? Yeah that's Areos energy right there
- Ares often calls her "you crazy woman". With the most lovestruck eyes in the world.
- Listening to "Wild Thing" from the end of Strange Magic always makes me think of Areos too bye
- Like I drew earlier, Eos has a whole army of romantic nicknames for Ares, each one sappier than the last. Ever since the other gods on Olympus heard that, they have been mercilessly pranking Ares over it. Once, when Ares arrived to the Olympus court meeting, his name tag on his seat was "BooBoo Bear". Ares broke the table with his fists
- Eos can be clingy. Every time Ares leaves for a battle, a journey to faraway lands on his chariot, Eos either asks if she can come along, or fusses over packing Ares all sorts of food, healing ambrosia, celestial bandages etc. Deep down, Eos is HORRIBLY scared that something bad will happen to Ares. She does not want to lose him like she lost Astraeus and Tithonus :(
- Often, she puts a happy smile on her face so Ares won't be too worried for her, as she does not want to hold Ares back. But sometimes, after Ares is gone, Astraea hears her mom breaking down into sobs in her room.
- Remember that Homeric myth where a bunch of giants managed to trap Ares and imprison him in an amfora for 13 months straight until Hermes finally found and rescued him?
- Yeah, when that happened, Eos ignored her morning goddess duties entirely, to hysterically fly around Greece and search for Ares, causing dawn to never break and for the world to be stuck in a permanent nighttime, as Apollo was unable to ride his sun chariot. When she could not find Ares, she started to fear that he had died... even the cold Boreas stopped being salty at Ares and went to search for him, once he saw the way his dear mother curled up and sobbed and wailed hopelessly, as Astraea hugged her and tried to comfort her.
- Ares in the meantime?? The myth describes him screaming, howling and thrashing endlessly in the amfora. And so he did, causing the Giants to cover their ears like "holy shit we should have kidnapped the god of calmness instead". The only thing bringing Ares comfort in this claustrophobic, merciless long prison, was thinking of his family back at Olympus... Athena, Eos, Fear and Terror, young Harmonia, the wind quadruplets, Astraea...in a rare moment of hopelessness, he'd sob, wanting nothing more than to be free and get back to them.
- Lmao this got horribly angsty BUT as said before, Hermes found and freed Ares!! Accompanied by Boreas, who ruthlessly, mercilessly destroyed the Giants with a devastating, raging cold hurricane. And then he huffed at Ares "shut up I'm just doing this for my mom, NOT for you"
- Needless to say the reunion of Eos and Ares was heartwarming and passionately romantic 💖💖💖 And of course, both Hermes and Boreas got a CRUSHING hug and massive sloppy kisses on their cheeks by Eos. Hermes also got a permanent access to Eos' storage of figs and olives as a thank you.
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tbnrpotato · 6 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 9
"So how'd you know I was on that gunship? I was specifically extra stealthy that time," I ask Rex as we jump off the vehicle that Crosshair was driving as we arrive back at the base. I put on my helmet. 
"You've done it 19 times, kid. I know when you've clipped yourself to the outside of the gunship just by the sound of it," Rex replies, not bothering to look at me. He's not even bothering to scold me for coming here without his permission. I think he's just tired of me, he does have a job to do as a captain as well.
But why should I listen to him anymore? Even though he's technically my superior in the GAR, I don't need him anymore. I'm biologically 20, I can handle myself. But clearly he doesn't think so, considering how he usually doesn't let me on missions anyways. He says the reason that he grounded me was because he didn't want me getting myself killed out in the battlefield because of my impulsiveness.
"But there was no sound-" I protest as the bad batch walk past me, and I stare at them as they walk to their ship.
They're really cool. They don't fit in here, just like me.
Rex nudges me in the side, I take it as a sign to go to the ship as well. Rex says he talked to General Skywalker and he says that he'll have to wait for the council to approve of the mission to Skako Minor to get Echo. I'm surprised that he lets me come along on this mission. I guess he knows that there's no stopping me when it comes to saving my brothers.
As I head into the ship, I receive looks from the batch. 
"What?" I ask.
Tech looks back to his datapad, Wrecker goes to lift the gonk droid in the back of the ship, Hunter just sits there staring at me, and Crosshair is checking his rifle. I take off my helmet and lean against a wall, staring at Wrecker and the poor gonk droid, and then to toothpick boi.
Gotta admit, their armor is really cool. Crosshair's got that belt thingy with a bunch of places to store ammo, almost like my own. And then he's got that bar thingy on his left shoulder armor, probably for his rifle or something. Hunter has a random bandana for the dog shit on his head, with a small skull on it. Wrecker's helmet would scare the absolute shit outta me if I saw that first thing in the morning. Tech's helmet is cool, at least it hides his receding hairline. Whatever.  At least now I'm not the only one with dark-colored armor. 
Anyways, Rex and General Skywalker board the ship soon enough and we set off for Skako Minor. Tech's flying the ship, while General Skywalker checks out Crosshair's rifle and Wrecker's still lifting poor Gonky.
"So, how many missions has your team been on, Sergeant?" General Skywalker asks Shithair as he passes Crosshair's rifle back to him.
"Honestly sir, I've lost count. All the action sorta blurs together," Hunter replies, and that felt like a big "skill issue lmao" smack in the face.
"I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who do you guys report to?" Rex asks.
"Hm, good question," Hunter says, crossing his arms. "Can't say I've got an answer." 
And then I'm reminded of that "good question" Shrek meme that I saw on the holonet a few days before I came to Anaxes, and I try to keep a straight face.
Wrecker, who's still lifting Gonky, chews on a big ass chicken drumstick which I think was kept in the ship's storage area for days. Then, the ship suddenly shakes.
"We are approaching Skako Minor," Tech reports. "It looks to be a difficult landing."
So we strap in and Wrecker gently sets Gonky down, before going to the co-pilot's seat with Tech. The ship shakes a bit until we land on the ground, and we stand up and head towards Tech and Wrecker.
"Rex, what do we know about this place?" General Skywalker asks, Rex standing next to him. Toothpick boi and I stand behind them as I play with my knife, because I'm just kinda bored and need something to do with my hands.
"On this part of Skako, there's a race of locals, the Poletecs. All we know is they're very primitive," Rex replies.
"Primitive is being kind," Tech says. "My intel says the Poletecs worship flying reptiles."
Suddenly, one of those flying reptile thingies land on the front window of the ship, cracking it slightly. I look out, sheathing my knife into my wrist compartment.
"Oh! What the heck was that?" Wrecker looks out the same time as I do. "It's one of those reptiles," Tech says.
"I want that thing off my ship," Hunter says, sounding really annoyed, before moving to get off the ship.
"Hold on! Hold on! Don't just run out there," Rex tries to warn them but we all run out anyways because which one of us even follows orders?
We see the Poletec and a flying reptile thing jumping on the ship. General Skywalker ignites his lightsaber and Wrecker points his blaster at it, and I'm tempted to do the same.
"Hey! Get off of there!" Wrecker shouts.
"Hey, calm down. We needa talk to them," General Skywalker says.
"Why?" Hunter asks.
"The General's right," Rex says, and then I hear some more flying reptiles in the distance, and I spin around to look at them, blaster and sword drawn. General Skywalker pushes Rex out of the way so that Rex doesn't get clawed to death by the reptiles. We all point our blasters towards them, unsure of whether to shoot or not.
Suddenly, the flying reptile and the Poletec on the ship swoop down and grab General Skywalker. He's caught off guard, dropping his lightsaber, and I throw my knife at the reptile before it can get too far away. It hits the reptile in the chest, but not deep enough to be a lethal shot, although I can hear it screeching as it flies away. Rex fires his pistol at the reptile but none of the shots hit.
"I have a thermal reading," Tech says. "Point two five east, elevation 175." His visor is lowered.
"Relax. I'll handle this," Crosshair says, before attaching a grappling hook to his rifle and using Tech's shoulder as support (we'll never get to see this again this is so sad), shooting it at the reptile. It hits and Hunter attaches the cable to himself.
"What are you doing?" Rex asks.
"Going for a ride." And then Hunter's lifted off his feet, flying into the air.
I just stare at Crosshair, eyes widened. Holy shit that was fucking cool. Bro really has to be so pro at sniping.
And then I think of my own sniping skills which are slightly decent at best and suddenly I'm filled with a slight jealousy of his skills. Like bro he gets to be badass and do all those fucking trick shots and I'm stuck here throwing knives.
Shut up.
"Tech, I'm with the General. Hone in on my signal," I hear Hunter say through the comms. Tech and the rest of us head back to the ship and do so, before heading to Hunter's location. We land on a ridge near what looks like the Poletec village and run down to Hunter, who's near the edge, looking across at the village.
"That creature still has a hold of the General," Hunter says.
Rex zooms in on the village, and I do the same, seeing the General getting pinned under one of those reptiles' claws. "We're going in, but remember what the General said. No casualties, disarm only," Rex says.
"We're on it, Captain," Hunter says. "Wrecker, Crosshair, rockslide."
The rest of us slide down the ridge to the village as Wrecker and Crosshair push a really big rock down the ridge, and we run behind it as it knocks down some tall but not-so-advanced structures, using the dust as cover.
We shoot at the weapons that the Poletecs are holding, disarming them. I throw a few knives at their weapons, they all hit their target and disarm them. 
We run to the place where General Skywalker is, and I see some electrified thing hit the claw that's holding General Skywalker, probably shot by Crosshair, and the reptile jumps back, letting General Skywalker dodge the rock that's rolling towards him. We all point our blasters at the Poletecs in case they try to do anything. 
The Poletec that Hunter's pointing his blaster at speaks some alien language, and Hunter asks Tech to translate what he's saying.
Tech steps forward, presses a few buttons on that control panel on his wrist, and moves his visor down above his eyes. "He says he does not want our war on his planet. That is why he took our leader."
The rest of us still point our blasters at the Poletecs. 
Can we just hold them at gun/knifepoint and just get them to give us whatever info we want?
"We didn't bring the war here. It was Wat Tambor and the Separatists," General Skywalker says.
Tech translates what General Skywalker said into the alien language, something that both Crosshair and I find kinda funny as I'm tryna hold in my laughter as we all lower our blasters. Definitely gotta roast Tech for that.
"Tell him we apologize for what's happened," Rex says. "But tell him the enemy is holding one of our men prisoner in Purkoll.  As soon as we rescue him, we'll leave his planet for good."
Tech translates what Rex said into the alien language again, and I try my best to keep a straight face. This is just too funny. 
As Tech and the Poletecs talk some more and agree about sending scouts and stuff to help find the city, I run to the reptile that I threw my knife into and rip it out. It's wedged kinda deep in there, and when I pull it out, it's covered in red blood, dripping onto the floor. The reptile screeches and tries to attack me, but I shoot it with a stun blaster a few times and it's knocked out. The other Poletecs move to attack me, but then Rex and Tech help to calm them all down.
"Woah woah woah, calm down, she's just tryna get her weapons, no need to panic," Rex says, and Tech helps translate it. The other Poletecs calm down when what I think is their leader nods at them.
I pull my other knives out from the weapons that I threw them at and head back to the others.
"Nice going," Crosshair knocks his shoulder into mine as we set off with the other scouts, the sarcasm in his voice is obvious. I cross my arms as I follow behind him. "Thanks."
We follow the scouts quite a bit of distance and find ourselves on a really high cliff. The Poletec scouts point at what looks like Purkoll in the distance before walking down the direction we just came up in.
"Hope nobody's scared of heights," General Skywalker says. I try not to let it show, although sometimes heights get on my nerves.
Hunter and Crosshair look at Wrecker.
"Well I'm not scared of nothing. I just...When I'm up real high, I got a problem with gravity," Wrecker says.
"That's being scared of heights, Wrecker. You're real smart," I roll my eyes under my helmet, standing next to Rex.
"Speaking of problems," Tech, who's standing behind Wrecker, speaks up. "I am no longer picking up Echo's signal."
"I...I don't understand," Rex says. "You said it was coming from this city." He points towards Purkoll.
"I can only speculate, but it is possible there's a latency issue with the frequency caused by all these atmospheric disturbances."
"Or, maybe they sent the signal to lure us into a trap," Hunter suggests. "And maybe your friend's actually dead." He folds his arms. "Well, I can't be the only one thinking of that."
"Every mission could be a trap," Rex and I say at the same time, and I glare at him, falling silent. "This one is no different," Rex continues. "I'm telling you that signal is being sent by Echo himself! He's alive!" I nudge Rex in the side. "Be realistic, Captain. There's not really a high chance that that's gonna happen."
"I think you're letting your personal feelings get in the way because you left him for dead at the Citadel," Crosshair says, and I clench my fist around one of my knives, which is sheathed in my belt right now. That eagerness to punch him in the face out of pure anger, it's strong, but I resist it. Not really the logical thing to do right now.
"I had no choice, you hear me?!" Rex, unlike me, isn't doing much of a good job hiding his anger.
"Oh, I don't blame you. I would've left him for dead too. Besides, he's just another reg."
I'm breathing heavily under my helmet, one hand gripped on the hilt of my knife, the other with my nails digging so hard into my skin, even though my glove, it leaves marks. Even though Crosshair is directing his words towards Rex, it's having an effect on me as well. 
And then Rex punches Crosshair in the face/helmet, knocking him to the ground. 
"Yoooo Rex, just chill!" I try to get him to calm down, but he's not stopping. I pull out my pistol and point it to Crosshair's head as Wrecker picks Rex up by the back of his armor. "I called first dibs."
"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone not your size?" Wrecker throws Rex to the ground, who almost instantly gets up, walking up real close to Wrecker. "You'll be a whole lot smaller when I'm through with you."
My pistol is still pointed to Crosshair's head, my finger resting on the trigger, my other hand drawing my knife and pressing it under his helmet and to his neck, I'm breathing heavily, all sense of logic gone, it's the same feeling when Fox killed Fives. And it's strong.
"That's enough!" General Skywalker puts a hand on Rex and Wrecker's shoulders, pushing them away from each other before Wrecker beats Rex to clone mush, and then he pushes me and Crosshair apart before I can get any more blood on my knife. 
"Sergeant, take your men and scout the area for a tower entrance. I want to talk to my troopers alone," General Skywalker orders, sounding slightly fierce.
Rex and I stay behind as the batch walk away. Toothpick bitch glances back at us for a moment, before looking away.
"Rex, Aris, I hate to say it, but...you have to prepare yourself for the possibility that Echo is dead, and this is all a Separatist trick," General Skywalker puts a hand on our shoulders.
"Sir, I have watched so many of my brothers fall during this war, and I try not to hang on to any one of them," Rex says, taking off his helmet. "But that changed when I heard that Separatist transmission. It was no algorithm. That was Echo's voice. I know it."
"And if there's any chance that Echo, my brother, is still out there, alive, we have to take it," I add on, taking off my helmet as well.
"I hope you're right," General Skywalker says. "But if, for some reason, you're wrong..."
"Then I'll deal with it," Rex and I say at the same time.
And I've learned to deal with it on my own. No "Dad" to comfort me or help me. That's what I did with Fives. And if I have to do it again with Echo, I will.
All I'll need to do is constantly wipe the blood off my knives, and make sure no one sees the wounds on my arms.
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1: What's something would you add to canon? Like a flashback to Jake's childhood before Kory left the family in Nightwing: the New Order?
2: Does Kory/Dick & Clark/Lois have a favorite?
3: You got my answer on this but I want to hear yours: does Chris still have his outfit when he first arrived to earth? If so what did he do with it?
4: You kinda mention this in an anon ask (duo laughs extremely hard at the scene in Shrek where he got hit in the crotch escaping the dragon) what's their opinion on the Shrek franchise? What's their favorite movie & parts?
5: How does the starburst duo cry? Silently, sobbing, heaving etc
1) For Chris; besides Jon being present when Chris first came to Earth, I would want a moment of Clark actually finding Chris in the Phantom Zone before the events of New Krypton so that Chris isn’t aged up too fast and they manage to keep him young enough when he returns as a Nightwing
For Jake; I would want to expand on his time at school, living through this era post-Metahumans and seeing varying viewpoints between those against the heroes at all, more neutral ones who liked heroes but understands why they had to lose their powers and even those that in secret want the heroes to come back and Jake can be our viewpoint character.
2) Sadly I must inform you that no they don’t…Although Mar’i and Jon respectively might be if they had to choose absolutely though they would make it clear all their kids are precious to them with no favorites
3) Actually Chris arrived on Earth at least in my version with a black skin tight body suit (think like the blue under suits seen in Dragon Ball that compliment Saiyan Armor like Vegeta has) and as he grew up, he might’ve still kept it, as a memento to how far hes come since arriving and finding his new family
4) Oh it’s an absolute joy to watch for the Duo, especially the first two movies. After the fists the I movies, they’re a bit more mixed on the Third and Four-ever After, liking the latter a bit more so. Though if you asked them, Chris would so like the first one over the second whole Jake is the reverse.
5) Chris: Mainly in a manner like this,
Jake: Silent Sobs and sniffling as he’s usually one to try being as brave and tough as possible. Even at his most vulnerable he can’t help it being silent sobs at most
Thanks for the asks @pin-crusher2000 These were fun XD
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kuruasu · 5 months
Ok so I'm working on an au where one of the hermits (haven't decided which one yet) accidentally angers a spirit or something and end result is all the other hermits getting turned into pokemon and thrown into the pokemon world, and they have to find all of them in order for everyone to get turned back to normal and go home.
I only have half of them nailed down, what do y'all think?
Bdubs - burmy or wormadam (little bush with big ol' eyes)
Cub - helioptile, or maybe klang or murkrow? (Mostly based on vibes, though I am So Very Tempted to say teddiursa purely for the pun)
Doc - gogoat (he is the GOAT)
Etho - greninja (ninja man needs ninja mon, though wishiwashi just for the meme would be HILARIOUS)
False - braviary or pidgeot, or maybe morpeko (she be birb, but also symmetry)
Gem - sawsbuck (ye I know she's a pirate now but she will always be a deer in my heart)
Grian - fletchling (look I know just how much lore this man has and how much everyone loves watcher eldritch madness and stuff, but like. The sheer comedy potential of him being just a Random Tiny Bird is too good)
Hypno - hypno (need I say more?)
Impulse - noivern? steelix? Maybe impidimp for the pun? (Yeahhhhhh idk)
Iskall - electrike (lbr, mostly chosen on the basis of electric type + green, like it'll work but idk)
Jevin - grimer/alolan grimer or ditto (goopy slimy liquid dude)
Joe - whimsicott, dreepy, or mime jr (based purely on 'he's just a little guy' vibes)
Keralis - omanyte, maybe kabuto (big eyes and inexplicable eldritch vibes)
Mumbo - blipbug (dapper, smart little dude, but also silly wet cat energy)
Pearl - venomoth or masquerain, maybe lunatone (she be moth, she be pretty, she be moon)
Ren - lycanroc midday form (big ol' fluffy dog)
Scar - espurr, jigglypuff, decidueye, salandit, maybe sableye (silly dude but also HoT GuY but also capitalist conman, the vibes are all over the place)
Skizz - chesnaught or rillaboom, maybe machoke (big guy always ready for a hug dad vibes)
Joel - mudsdale (part bc mud = swamp = shrek, part bc turning the guy who kills horses into a horse is hilarious)
Stress - skitty, bellossum or steenee, maybe ribombee (SILLY PINK CAT but also happy flower lady and fairy vibes)
Tango - quilava or charmander, maybe flareon (blazey burny fire man, though I did consider litwick bc blue fire)
Beef - tauros (beef become beef)
Wells - armarouge (armor man needs armor mon)
XB - gyarados (he be fish)
Xisuma - golurk, golisopod, armaldo, maybe mimikyu (big ol' armor dudes, but also playing dress up all the time)
Zedaph - wooloo (silly rolly sheepy man)
Cleo - mandibuzz (rotting flesh girlboss)
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I finally watched Puss in Boots: The Last Wish after being bombarded in my feed about how damn cool it was. They were not lying.
I laughed. A lot. Also cried. So have tissues nearby when watching.
I haven’t seen other people discuss this, and I even went to TV Tropes to check...
I think the whole movie is Death manipulating things so Puss either makes a dumb wish for more lives or makes the wish unusable in other way, because he learnt Jack Horner wanted it AND what his wish would be. If Jack wishes control over all magic, it’s highly likely the Anthropomorphic Representation of Death would be included in that wish.
Death claims that he has been present in all of Puss’ deaths, so it stands to reason that he has been close to everyone’s death, so he knows literally everything that was going around with the main plot. 
Puss in boots is more of a outright Hero than the Anti-hero he was in Shrek 2 and the previous movie, and its’ ourtight said Death was always around him.
The Serpent Sisters try to tell Jack several times how many people they had to kill to get the map, plus one gets killed (I think?) when they give Jack the map.
Perrito backstory is that his previous owners tried to drown him. (I do wonder if this is a bit like The Sims and Death actually took pity on him and just let him go for his positive attitude and bad luck)
And it’s thanks to Perrito upbeat and friendly attitude that the day gets saved.
Sure, Goldilocks, Kitty, Puss, and Jack would eventually have gone to the Dark Forest. 
Perrito was the one that helped Puss and Kitty escape, and served as a neutral party for their animosity. For all their grumpiness and backstabbing, they both actually develop a soft spot for him, and Puss opens to him first, something he actually refused to do with Kitty, and she manages to eavesdrop some very relevant things about Puss. Without Perrito, is highly likely they would have ended up backstabbing each other again.
With Goldilocks, he actually ends up bonding with the family, to the point Papa approves of him and Mama wants to adopt him, and gives Goldilocks an “Armor piercing statement” when he tells her she won the lottery. It’s that statement that makes Goldilocks doubt about wishing for a human family.
There’s also the fact that his Path was insanely easy compared to the others, and without the character development he helped them achieve, it is doubtful they would have been able to cross it. 
So yeah, Death saved Perrito so he would end up at Mama Luna, Death made sure that Puss 8th death would end near Mama Luna, and scared Puss into going there, so they would met, which would end with Puss character development, and them preventing Jack using the star. 
There are probably rules in the cosmic balance that would have actually prevented him from taking his life, but nothing against “playing” with his “food”. 
Am I overthinking a children’s movie? Definitively. 
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cyberfairyblog · 1 year
OKAY! Got slightly scared, bc of it being a Christian show and you liking it-
(Ex-christian here: was watching for shits and giggles)
And I have to agree, all their designs are extremely fun and diverse. Me and my friends keep jokingly questioning where everyone's organs are tho. Every character's waist is SNATCHED, like the armor is a corset or something. The demonsare even worse lmao.
Small nit pick, but I have to agree, so far the show is really good. I only ever remember watching the episodes with Elie getting stolen wings, the weird episode with the green slime bug, and I think something else with the shrek wanna-be demon being a double agent for heaven. (Got the first DVD from goodwill, couldn't find the rest. Suppressed the show after I started living with my mom.)
Guardian force, if it wasn't Christian, would still be a good show about angels. Though the artist in me would want at least slightly better shading- (granted, being Christian, it probably had somewhat low budget, so I'll give it a pass.)
I've been hyperfixating on random demon and angel stuff lately bc of a story I've been writing with my friends, and it brought me back to that somewhat butchered gem. Ain't a perfect show, but DEFINITELY better than shit like Gigi: God's little princess.
Didn't watch enough superbook with the angels in it, but I have to agree with you. While the shading and animation style is more pleasing its really kinda copy paste for the angels. What they make up for with budget, they lack in same-face syndrome.
No big deal! There's a lot of shows I like. Angel Wars definitely is good even without the religious elements i wished it had more episodes. Though the shrek copycat is a little annoying.
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unholy-t-rin-ity · 3 years
Blog Masterpost
Omega copies her brothers
Tech and Crosshair insult eachother
Hey clanker!
Crosshair is protective of tech
Crosshair has oral fixation
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Obiwan falling on cody
Drunk Obiwan
This is why jango didn’t fucking love you
Obiwan fell down a mountain
TBB doing haka
Supervising fox’s breakdown
Fox radio broadcast
Echo misusing scomp link
Don’t leave anakin unsupervised
I loved you
Fives fighting Ahsoka
Fives found a bug
Commanders went out drinking
Croissants found a lightsaber
Bly has a competance kink
Calling Cody dad
crosshair moment of weakness
Obiwan sits like he’s posessed
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Tech being neurodivergent
Wolffe avenge you
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plo koon being Dad
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~Text posts~
AZI in rice
Cody the WIFI boy
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TBB season 2 hopes
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Obiwan tries to quit the order
C3PO is impressivly annoying
501st incorrect quotes 3
Echo one inch taller
Imperial march playing from another room
501st incorrect quotes 2
tbb incorrect quotes 1
tbb incorrect quotes 8
tbb group chat fuck word
Wolffe whos this clown
Din and space dogs
Wolffe hates anakin
TBB incorrect quotes 6
The entire fandom to crosshair
Limited vocabulary
Tbb incorrect quotes 5
echo 501st brain activated
tbb incorrect quotes 3
Trooper cottontail
Fives barcode on thigh
tbb incorrect quotes 7
Anakin starts hearing background music
501st incorrect quotes 1
tbb incorrect quotes 4
tbb incorrect quotes 2
oddly specific star wars headcannons
Fox seduces the chancellor
Hunter is short, tech holds on hip
Tup recording documentary
barracks on fire
goodnight kisses
Obiwan is gay confirmed
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Day one seminar on how to command clone troopers
palpatine’s fourth zoom meeting
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Greef Karga
Fox’s ct number is 1010
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about the 104th wolfpack
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how tech got his name
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Plo is clone dad
Clones what non-military career do you think youd be good at
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Palps made a shiny cry
You ignorant slut
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Caleb kicking crosshair
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the senate meeting was cancelled croissants
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Omega as text posts
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Crosshair as text posts 2
Tech-st posts
Echo as text posts
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tbb as quotes from the office
regs as quotes from the office
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Look at all the fucks I don’t give, anakin
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murder is okay art
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angry cute echo
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Tech is a confident nerd
Wrecker the gentleman
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Where is my grumpy grump
Tech panics over info
We were brothers once
TBB 1.14
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This reg we like
Tech in clone wars
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~Photos/ Screenshots~
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Tech smiling
Echo is Majestic
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Wolffe’s legendary eye roll
TBB barracks
Crosshair icons
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returning from the dead is easier said than done
Rex kissing reader without thinking in front of people
Stress relief
Tech Savvy
The coffee house
Keep your captains close
Random tech headcannon
Omega and Cross and Lothcats
Bad batch headcannons
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Unexpected kiss
TBB game night headcannons
flirting with clone troopers
Deaf crosshair headcannons
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Clones giving bad relationship advice
Don’t give five’s vodka
The TILF awards
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Annual jedi council holiday party
Anakin’s hand
Wolffe’s eye
Coming out to mando
Helping wolffe shave
SW characters watching shrek
put your clothes on fives and echo
Echo good baker, fives good chef
Echo’s missing blasters
Get the captain to rest
Night before thanksgiving poem
~Fake texts~
Commanders accidentally texting you
TBB fake texts
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
How would the husbands react if the LDB wanted to introduce them to their parents?
Skyrim Husbandos Meeting the Folks:
Just to clarify! Usually all of my fics are written with a female reader unless requested otherwise! I apologize if you meant for it to be a gender neutral headcanon ;-;
Ulfric Stormcloak: Preps his hair a few too many times. You're the Dragonborn. Such a gorgeous and powerful woman must have parents kin to deities! He'll have to make sure the meeting goes without a single flaw if he wishes to impress them.
He'll be even more anxious if they're supporters of the Empire. Gods, they'll despise him! You know that dinner scene in Shrek 2? That's pretty much how he'll expect it to go. But don't worry. In reality, he learns that your parents happily accept him as their son-to-be. (Forgive him if he gets political)
Veezara: He's a bit surprised by your invitation. If anything, he didn't expect you to even be in contact with your family due to your, ahem, unflattering occupation. Nevertheless, he feels more than honored to meet them.
His outfit choice will be his usual Brotherhood armor, to which you hastily advice him to think a bit longer on the matter. The next issue will be whether or not he should strap a dagger in his boot. "Just in case," he says. Veezara is actually very charismatic with your parents, despite the fact that he's never really had any. But soon enough, he'll come to treasue them as if they were.
Argis the Bulwark: Gods above, he'll love your folks more than a child loves sweetrolls. If the two of you aren't busy, he'll make a request to go visit them. It takes no time at all for your housecarl to immediately feel a part of the family, and he will brag frequently about you, as will they. In the end, the three of them are just sitting in front of the hearth, speaking nothing but pure love and adoration for you.
If Argis had to take a survey concerning his favorite things, it would most likely be structured like this:
My Favorite Things: -Y/n -Y/n's parents -everything Y/n likes -beef roast
Teldryn Sero: Much like Ulfric, he's also very nervous believe it or not. Teldryn is convinced that he's lacking in the career department, and he expects your parents to be underwhelmed once meeting him. The last thing he wants is to disappoint your family by admitting that he's just your average mercenary who used to drink himself sour in a sleezy inn every day.
He's a bit, I dare say, timid upon first greetings. For the most part, he'll let you do all of the talking until the conversation finally steers in his direction. He swears he can feel his heart rest at ease when your parents take a huge liking to his work. He deeply respects your father, and your father respects him all the same. Meanwhile, your mother is busy flashing you giddy looks as she whispers, "such a handsome man, he is!"
Ancano: He's very curious to say the least. He's well aware of the existence of your parents, for you speak about them quite often to him. In reality, he can't help but feel a bit of jealousy stirring in his stomach. To have people that cherish him deeply has been a secret desire of his since childhood.
Your parents are a bit astounded by your taste in men. They might exchange a few worried glances at first, murmuring to one another if letting a Thalmor into their home is the best choice. This causes Ancano to feel disheartened, but that doubt is quickly erased after sharing a chat with them. Your parents will then apologize for their caution, and surprisingly the three of them will get along very well! On your way back to the College, he'll have a pleased smile accenting his lips.
Miraak: He's skilled at maintaining his poker face, but the anticipation is definitely eminent. In his eyes, meeting your parents is the greatest privilege he's ever been bestowed. He already has a deeply profound and complex respect for you, and now he gets to meet the very people who birthed you?! He's screaming. Inwardly, I mean.
Disclosing the topic on how you both met will certainly be interesting. He'll make it elaborate, dramatic, and overall heart-wrenching. "It all started during the era of my rebellion against the Dragon Cult..." "Do you favor the color green, Mrs. L/n? I onced favored green. And then I spent 3000 years imprisoned in a green and goopy dimension, consumed by an endless abyss of vengeance and rage." "Y/n was so beautiful upon first laying my eyes on her. She was on the floor, of course. But even still, her eyes shimmered like jewels (probably from tears of agony :3)" "Ah yes... then she beat the daylights of me and commanded me to be her pissbaby servant. Such a strong and charming woman!"
Savos Aren: Will over apply cologne for the sake of masking his natural herbal scent. He knows well how much you love the way he smells, however he kind of wants to prevent your folks from realizing just how often he spends in his garden.
He's enchanted by your parents from the start, and he simply loves them to death. Savos doesn't categorize in the "young people" flock, so it's only safe to invision three seniors chatting away over a hot brew of tea and rocking chairs. He'll mainly discuss his role as Arch Mage, along with how amazingly talented you are as both apprentice and Dragonborn. Ah, but they obviously knew that already.
Romlyn Dreth: He isn't going to charm your parents, oh no. He's going to dazzle them. He'll wear his best clothing, have his hair combed back, conjure up the best manners known to man and mer, etcetera. And when they ask what he does for a living, Romlyn with flutter out a confident chuckle before saying, "I sell good mead for cheap."
In truth, he's never been so intrigued by your personal life. He didn't even know you had parents! Boy, was he ecstatic to hear that you wanted him to meet them. He was a tad intimidated by the thought, but he became comfortable rather quickly. Sometimes, it feels as if he literally stole them from you, for he speaks with them as if he's their most treasured son!
I'll be thinking about this all night, holy shit. Thanks for a awesome request, Anon!
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
Guys I cant cope with this, its too adorable.
I.. dude like.. for real.. like..
Transformers.. are made of metal.. and magnets.. stick to metallll...
...duuuude... I have so many cute headcannons now that I feel like my head is going to explode..
Imagine Miko.. She saves up her money and buys this sheet magnet one day right? She draws these cute little pictures, cuts them out, glues them to the magnet and cuts the magnet sheet to make her own personalized magnets.
She started with Bulkhead. She would discretely place the magnets on the back of his legs as high up as she could reach. He’s a bit clueless, cant actually see them unless he deliberately looks for them and cant feel them. So he has like 15 magnets stuck to his legs but he doesn’t know at all.
Miko manages to stick about 3 on Bumblebee before he started getting suspicious.
She gave some to Raf and Jack and they joined in.
The kids ended up turning it onto a game. They tried to see who could get the most magnets on different bots. Ratchet being worth the most points.
All three kids got about two magnets each on Optimus which was really hard to do because they had to somewhat climb on him and hope he didn’t move. Optimus knew from the very beginning exactly what they were doing and when they were doing it to him, but he thought it was adorable so pretended to be oblivious and stand extra still whenever he felt one of them climbing up on his pedes. Plus, Optimus was worth a lot of points in the game so he didn’t to make one of them lose because he caught them in the act.
Miko made one with a giant cute Bumblebee on it and put it on, well, duh, Bumblebee’s leg. He was later seen with a face full of pride and the magnet on his chest plate. 
Miko and Raf spent the night at Jacks house and Miko brought all her magnet gear. They took a sick day and spent all their time making magnets. They went to the base that weekend with these big heavy backpacks that were obviously filled with magnets. Every member of team Prime that knew about the magnet stuff pretended to be very busy and distracted that day.
Miko made a giant magnet that had a blushing Shrek on it and stuck it to Ratchet’s foot. He hasn’t noticed yet and she got over 1000 points for it.
Raf was placed on Ratchets shoulder at one point or another, and this absolute mad lad manages to stick a bright pink one with a flower on it right on the side of Ratchet’s head where he cant see or feel it. But of course all the other bots could see it clear as day and never said anything. Raf got 5000 points for getting a girly magnet on Ratchet’s head.
Arcee was the hardest to sneak up on, absolutely nobody could get a magnet on her. She was worth 6000 points because of the difficulty. At first she didn’t want one.. but then Bulkhead, and Bumblebee were gushing about how cute and creative the magnets were and how much they loved them. Arcee got a bit jealous, now she wants a pretty Miko magnet too..
But she cant just like, ask for one. So one day she pretended to be exhausted all day and constantly distracted and working on stuff. But as soon as a magnet mysteriously appeared on her ankle she suddenly had all the energy in the world and had a particular prep in her step. She now pretends to be tired when ever she wants another magnet.
Jack somehow managed to sneak a laugh/crying emoji magnet on the back of Smokescreens head. He still hasn’t noticed this particular magnet and keeps wondering why everyone keeps laughing literally behind his back.
When Wheeljack was around, Miko tried to sneak a magnet on him while he was sitting down with Bulkhead. But there’s no sneaking up on Jackie, so he instantly noticed her and was like, “The frag you doin??” And Bulkhead just whispered, “Duuuude you’re not supposed to notice.” Wheeljack kept the magnet because it said “foxy grandpa” on it, he doesn’t know what it means but he thought it sounded funny.
When Ratchet finally noticed the like, almost 10 magnets on his legs he was annoyed at first......
..But they’re so cute, and Miko worked so hard on them and they have little faces on them.. And it just.. It makes Miko so darn happy and giggly when she sees he still hasn’t noticed them yet. So he pretends to be the most oblivious of them all, letting the kids stick tons of magnets to him.
He gets to about 40 magnets before Optimus kind’a nudges him and goes, “I can no longer tell if you are actually oblivious to all the magnets, my friend.” And Ratchet just goes, “Don’t tell the kids I know, I don’t want to spoil their fun.” Optimus just nods and says, “Of course, would you do the same for me? I do not wish to spoil their game, I am still worth very many points.”
It genuinely took Ratchet forever to notice the pink flower magnet though. He didn’t remember putting Raf on his shoulder that one time and never thought that Raf would actually do something like that. He eventually noticed it when he saw that whenever anyone looked at him their faces would just light up.
.......................He left that one there and pretended to not notice it because it made Optimus genuinely smile every, single, time, he looked at it.
One time Ratchet was called out to a mission with about 40 magnets stuck to his legs, he returned with only about 16 and had a crushed expression on his face. He was in a horrible mood after that mission, despite how well it went. Later the remaining 16 magnets disappeared too, Miko thought Ratchet had finally discovered them and just threw them out. She sheepishly went up to him and asked him if that was true.
Ratchet looked appalled and said, “Absolutely not! Why would I throw them out??” He brought his left arm down and flipped up his armored plating to reveal the 16 remaining magnets all neatly organized and stuck to the underside of the plate. “I didn’t want to lose any more of them, they wont get lost or damaged here.” Safe to say Miko didn’t think Ratchet cared and teared up a little.
At one point Miko made special jumbo magnets for each member of team prime. Optimus got a bright red one that was covered in blue glitter, it said “BOOS MAN” in big gold letters. She misspelled boss.. Arcee’s was baby blue with the word “QUEEN” poorly spelled in cursive with hot pink marker. Bumblebees was a bright yellow one with black stripes that had the word “STINGER” written on it, but you cant really tell because the words were also black. Ratchet had a white one that had an orange cross on it and had the words “Best Medic” written very carefully and neatly with black sharpie. Bulkhead’s was the biggest one, it was a bright green one that said “My Best Friend” on it. It had a tiny doodle of Miko and Bulk’s faces on it too.
Optimus smiled at his, said it was lovely and hid it some where to keep it safe, but occasionally he could be seen wearing it around the base. Same thing with Arcee, she said she loved it and wore it occasionally. Bumblebee wore his with pride on his chest plate around the base but took it off before he went on missions. Ratchet cried in private over his and hid it somewhere, occasionally on a good day the magnet could be spotted on his left chest plate. Bulkhead also cried a bit but not in private. He put it on his chest plate and said he’d treasure it forever.
Miko eventually ran out of magnets and money, so Agent Fowler came in clutch and got her like a 15 foot heavy duty magnet sheet and these mega big scissors so she could keep making them.
Ultra Magnus told Wheeljack to take the “foxy grandpa” magnet off his shoulder pad because it was “distracting”. Wheeljack looked at Ultra Magnus, then at Miko, then at Ultra Magnus. He said okay and took the magnet off his shoulder and slapped it right on his forehead.
Miko laughed so hard she nearly passed out. Ultra Magus said to take it off and Wheeljack was like “make me you coward”.
Wheeljack asked specifically for biggest, most ugly and obnoxious Magnet she had. Miko returned with a diner plate sized baked Berry Benson magnet that she didn’t have the chance to use. Wheeljack put it on his shoulder pad where it could best be seen and refused to take it off JUST to make the kids laugh and annoy Ultra Magnus.
I would keep going but honestly this post is getting too long and if I try to keep going my brain is going to melt from the cuteness.
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
i remember that you once said something about privateer nesta could you elaborate? please? *shrek cat eyes*
okay, so admittedly I don't remember the context in which I said this?? But I still SUPER super love the idea
and it matches with what we'll call the Dream ACOTAR Extended Universe Plot, almost canon.
We begin with the final battle against Hybern. Tamlin dies, closing the loop of his tragic, misspent life. Amren stays dead, a magical being on to the next adventure.
Rhysand stays dead.
He functionally (magically) threw himself on a bomb, and took the whole blast. He's not the Cauldron- and no one man could repair what it once was, but he could contain the fatal, drastic implosion of an object that was meant to endure forever, fractured into more and more peices.
Why is this important?
Because it leaves a world where Feyre Archeron- twenty-ish, romantic hero, prop, prisoner- becomes High Lady in her own, true right.
(I don't think she's necessarily good at this job, because why would she be? It's not even her fault- Feyre has no idea about how faery politics work, no real tangible knowledge of her own inherited kingdom.)
But both the men who stole her and defined her and loved her and hurt her are dead.
And it not only sets her on a journey to become, on her own, an actual character in her own life, but it galvanizes the Archeron sisters.
Feyre's basically fucking comatose after the battle. Elain has been a mess this entire time, but after that last fight with Grayson, walking into the war and stabbing a king in the throat- she is as vital and herself as Nesta has seen her in years.
Nesta just watched her father die and felt nothing- and she hates herself for it. She and Elain had taken the head of the man who stole everything from them- and she doesn't have a single regret.
Feyre screamed until she could no longer- there's so much magic seething out her it hurts to look at-
There's a dark well inside herself that could rise. But why should Nesta let it? So what, if she doesn't mourn her father? He'd never cared about her and Elain- not when they were young, too busy and important to even speak to his own children. Not when they lost everything, and he'd tried one last time to sell them both into marriages to recoup the family loss. Not after, in the starving cold, no matter what she'd tried to force him into action.
Nesta had been mourning all along a human girls human life- what is an absent, neglectful, shitty in the most ordinary of ways human parent if not a part of that lost future?
Their sister owns a fucking country- their sister is, at this minute so hemmed in by her followers no one can see her, much less comfort her- there's a war camp falling apart around them- there's Nesta, Elain, and Azriel, unhurt, upright, alive.
(she does not let herself think that an hour before she'd been ready to die and thought it right, the ending the meant to be conclusion of her story. she does not think about how she'd wished Cassian healed beneath her hands and that he had healed, that she'd wept to learn she could do more than destroy.
that she'd still been weeping, her mouth bright with his blood, when he'd pulled away, dragged himself to Morrigan's waiting arms)
Nesta Archeron is alive. Her sisters are alive. They're free, and she'll be fucking damned if this all falls apart before Feyre can heal.
Nesta turns to Azriel and asks if he can take control of the legions.
She has no time for his blank, angry eyes- she knows he's hurt, he's mourning, he's lost- but she needs him. Cassian's...down. Rhys is dead. Feyre and Morrigan are not coming out of that tent.
And he just listens. Thoughtfully. Asks what Nesta intends to do.
And Nesta looks at Elain- soft, kind, gentle Elain who'd never once wavered now when life was on the line. Who hadn't cried a tear for their father, or for the man who'd kidnapped and then married their baby sister.
The danger wasn't over- and neither had the steel faded from Elain's spine.
Nesta tells Azriel she's going to find Keir.
Nesta isn't blind- she's walked the Hewn City, spoken to the eldest darkness. She was also at the joke of a Summit- Autumn wants new territory, Keir wants to rule Night. And here Night is, weakened, a lamb to slaughter.
Nesta's not going to lose again- she's not going to give these ancient, cruel lords another chance.
Elain grabbed her hand and squeezed- the one person, always, who Nesta never need explain herself to.
Aren't the High Fae technically Morrigan's Elain asked, a bare whisper as they walked through the camp.
It went without saying yes, but Nesta had never seen any indication they respected her enough to listen to her. She made a face, and Elain made one right back, rueful. She had eyes too, after all.
They're not going to listen to us in these clothes, Elain also told her.
She was right, of course. They were High Fae, and that mattered to those vile pricks, but they'd been outfitted for flight. She would do almost anything, actually, to be free of leather pants.
Which Elain, a gleam in her eye that Nesta was learning meant magic, dreamy and happy- led her precisely to a gold topped tent, stepped inside, bowed, and asked without a trace of hesitation if Helion Spellcleaver, Lord of Day, would perhaps do them the favor of loaning them some garments.
Solid gold eyes gleaming against blood and smoke tinged dark skin, beautiful, glorious Helion, smiled.
Day-white against Night- but also, Nesta knew, taking care with her crown of a braid, the splatter of blood left on her throat, her mouth, her cheeks like fine paint- white was the color of death.
Elain covered herself completely- shawl wrapped over her hair, tucked around her neck, breathing easier now, in human modesty- but hung from a golden belt that Helion, with the clear air of someone who knew something about seers, had found, metal hammered with stars and flames, was Truthteller, the long blade without a sheathe, black metal swallowing up light.
Keir was easy to find, and in fine form, surrounded by Darkbringers, who looped back behind the sisters the second they were close.
Nesta was not afraid- she'd thrown power into the sky and it had hurt. Not in depth, but because she was still holding on- it wanted out-it wanted to devour-
Elain dipped a flagrantly rude, swallow bob of a curtsey. Nesta didn't even bother- just let Keir hail them, royal family that they were. He liked the sound of his own voice, but he was also clever- they'd come here of their own volition and now they were trapped.
She could smell the reinforcements, the utter Autumn reek.
Nesta interrupted, and asked Keir to come and swear fealty to her sister.
It was never going to get the right answer, but it had to be said. It had to be heard.
She'd been right- they'd been right- Keir enjoyed the cruelty of getting close to Nesta, denying straight to her Archeron face that no, Rhysand's bloodline was ended. It was time, it was right, for the House of Truth to once more hold their throne.
He spoke his treason aloud, looming over Nesta- close enough to touch.
So Nesta did.
She'd willed Cassian alive and whole. It was so, so much easier to remember fire, death, drowning, to push and want the revolting man's destruction.
And when he fell, silvered fire that had filled his lungs spilling from his throat, Nesta did not flinch. She looked to the next lieutenant, a frankly indistinguishable golden haired pale-eyed blandly handsome man in black armor, and asked, if he, as the new commander of the Darkbringers, would like to give a different answer.
He did.
Azriel met them halfway back to Feyre, grim mouth flickering for a second at the sight of Elain, before looking, stone-faced, at Nesta beside her, leading a crowd of the highest ranked Night Court faeries she could find.
Keir? He asked.
Dead, Elain answered, and that was that.
The Shadowsinger fell in step with the Seer, a threatening shadow to two pale beacons.
It was Azriel who actually went inside the tent. Who said what needed to said, what made Morrigan splutter loudly enough to be heard outside, before she burst out the tent in a whorl of hair, before blanching.
Nesta had just enough control not to roll her eyes. They come to swear fealty.
And Morrigan, chewing her lip with all the dignity of a child- Elain and Nesta had been trained out of such gestures at eight, what did she think was happening here? - shook her head. She's not well, it can wait.
No, Azriel said, from behind her, it can't.
He was supporting what looked like the entirety of Feyre's weight. Dead-white, blue eyes a blaze, Feyre looked blearily out at all of them like she recognized no one.
Elain, treasure that she was, came forward to take her sister's other hand, whispering both condolence and explanation.
And so the High Houses of Night knelt in battlefield mud, and swore eternal loyalty to the youngest Archeron.
It was only after they were gone that Nesta hugged her sister- hard enough Feyre protested, a fresh batch of tears soaking Nesta's shoulder even before Elain joined them.
It's Azriel, voice a little less like a phantom, who tells Feyre they're handling things. That if she wants to rest more, that's fine.
She was so clearly shattered- Nesta half wondered how much of that Azriel can literally feel/hear with his shadow...things.
Feyre protests that there's things to do- Feyre makes it halfway through a sentence about plans before she says Rhysand's name like he's still alive and collapses in on herself like a wave crashing.
Nesta and Elain tuck Feyre back into the blanket pile. Nesta manages to kiss her forehead before Morrigan is there, hugging Feyre putting herself bodily between the sisters.
They leave, and outside, Azriel is waiting.
To hand Nesta a gaudy, enormous platinum ring. The seal of the Night Court- Nesta recognizes it from shipping manifests, but she'd never actually seen it as an adult. Here, as a faery.
Her thoughts on Azriel's powers hold true, as he answers the dismay: Rhys only used it when he had to. It had passed between the whole Court of Dreams hands, there had not been a vizier, a lord of stars, since the time of Rhysand's father.
Nesta puts on the hideous ring, barely flinching at the brush of magic, it resizing to her hand.
Elain grasps her other, squeezing, and asks Azriel who is next.
They work ceaselessly, pausing only to sleep. Azriel, Nesta is quite sure, isn't sleeping at all- until she goes looking for him with a question and finds him finally, finally out cold, face tucked in Lucien Vanserra's neck.
In silence and gestures, they come to something of an agreement- and when the Night Court comes to the table to talk peace, it's with Lucien. Jurian, who Nesta immediately liked.
By the time they return to the North, there is not a Lord one who does not know the names and nightmarish qualities of all three Archeron sisters.
Feyre mourns, and learns to govern slow. Cassian goes back to Illyria and does not return for a long, long time. Morrigan becomes Feyre's second- Nesta laughs, not altogether kind, when Lucien tells her this. No one has been able to answer her as to why, if Morrigan is so powerful, why did she not fight? what does she actually do?
What answers to her questions she does find are appalling. Why does Winter block our every turn? oh, Rhysand killed more than a dozen children. Why is Summer refusing our trade? Well, Rhysand stole their ancestral pride. Why is the Hewn City so wrathful at even the slightest form of intervention? Because Rhysand had left Keir to rule alone.
Nesta doesn't want to rule the fucking court. She thinks she could leave all of these politicians to rot- but she won't let Feyre misstep her way to death, shouldering a burden of her dead mate.
There's nothing they can give Winter but apology and so that's what Nesta does. On her knees, in a gilded palace of ice, stars caught in her hair and the seal on her. Kallias, bright and young, seems to know something about inherited problems- he does not ever forget, but he forgives, at least, the Archerons.
Summer is more complicated- but Nesta does what she can. Gives them every melted, ruined piece of the Book. Offers reparations for the next millennia. Ends up paying for what she is appalled and embarrassed to learn is a two hundred year old debt for a building the head of the Night Court's armed forces- Cassian, fucking Cassian the ghost haunting Nesta- had destroyed. During a brawl. At a solstice party.
She deals only with Cressieda, and they come to understand each other very well.
Nesta was not raised for politics and bullshit- her mother wanted her to marry a crown, but Nesta wanted the family empire. Trade. The Archeron legacy, denied to a girl. She likes Summer more than any place in Prythian, and she doesn't hide that. She relearns old lessons of tide and routes in secret, before Cressieda reveals that of course, she knows who the Archerons were.
It goes well, until Morrigan finds out what she's been doing, and tells Feyre.
The youngest Archeron had been doing better. Morrigan has been right by her side, through everything. Cassian is in Illyria, and Feyre understands why, writing him letters. She writes letters to Rhys too, if only to have a way to direct the words.
Azriel, spectral and busy she sees the least of, but Feyre never doubts his presence, keeping her safe. Elain comes, drags her out into sunlight, brings Lucien and it makes Feyre happy to see them together. Nesta comes too, with them both and alone, with papers from Feyre to sign, with affection sharp-edged but true.
Feyre knows she owes them all more than can be said- she's not stupid, she knows they're keeping Night together. That slowly those responsibilities will fall to her, when she's ready.
She does not think about how much of those responsibilities is cleaning up the tangled mess of betrayal Rhysand left behind. In her head, there is only Rhys- beloved and shadowed, kind and tortured.
Until Morrigan tells her that it's been acknowledged, in public, by Night, that Rhysand was a thief, and a murder of children.
Feyre loses her shit.
Rhysand had done what he had to. Who was Nesta, to say such things? She'd always hated Rhys. Rhys had always hated her, maybe he was right- the children. Rhys had mourned them in screaming nightmares, but he hadn't hurt them-
(Feyre does not stop to think it strange, that Rhys could have nightmares of memories not his own. That he might have fractured just a bit, under Amarantha. That the Red Lady had no daemati- that was why she'd kept Rhys all along.)
The fight is as ugly as can be imagined. And what proceeds is of course, worse. Feyre says terrible things she will ultimately regret and apologize for, but what becomes clear is that Morrigan thinks that Nesta means to hold power forever.
That she's taken advantage.
And Cassian, called home by rage, believes her.
That is, more than her ungrateful sister, more than the ongoing weight of cleaning up after a man she despised for good reason, the end of Nesta Archeron's Night Court career.
She'd thought she loved him- she'd been willing to die with him- but they'd lived. This was the life, the next life, and what did he think of her? That Nesta was a power hungry snob. That she was paying too much heed to politics.
That Nesta belonged quietly at home. That she should have learned to fight somewhere along that way- a point so convoluted it made Lucien laugh- that she hadn't learned anything that mattered.
That she had no right to kill Keir, because it had hurt Morrigan.
Had he ever, Nesta would wonder later, even liked her? Enjoyed anything about her but for that magical tether, telling him he was blessed with something special?
Nesta was something special, and she knew it.
And so she returned the ring to Azriel, packed up her possessions, and left.
First to Day, where Elain had bought a house. Fury and tears both met the explanation of what happened- fury and tears that turned to getting inadvisably drunk in sunlight, when Lucien and Azriel snuck away to join them.
For the first time in Nesta's adult life, she had no obligations. Magic, money, freedom- the whole world was out there.
She stopped wearing black. Learned pants where actually lovely, when they fit correctly and weren't made of leather. Learned Azriel could laugh, and Lucien was as clever as she'd always thought.
She read books, she ate fruit, she took Helion up on several of his more lascivious offers.
She thought of Cassian, and it ached, but not enough to go backward.
Elain's house was by the sea, right on the water. The scent of salt reminded Nesta of Summer- but also of her oldest, most secret dreams. The warehouses of goods, like mysteries to solve. The account books she stole, learning by candlelight the trade in her blood.
Ten years after the war, Nesta bought a ship.
She set out to be a merchant, use what she knew, but what happened was this: Nesta Archeron did not care anymore for rules. And so when she came upon Hybernian remnants-for they were an island kingdom, even more one with the water than Prythian- pillaging a Summer town, she destroyed them.
She stole their treasure, gave much of it back to the people.
Found, unexpected, that she had much more of a taste for marauding than she would have expected. There was still trade of course- proft made and shared- but Summer needed someone willing to do some destroying out on the sea.
Twelve years after the war, Nesta Archeron became a privateer under the Summer flag, pearls in her hair and a true smile on her lips.
Things grew, as all things do. Feyre wrestled herself the reins of government, stymied by the councils Nesta and Azriel set up as much as she often was by Azriel himself out of truly petulant action. Morrigan remained second, golden blades bright as her gowns within reach. Cassian became a sort of seneschal, reigning over Illyria in Feyre's name cold and alone as the wind through the mountains.
(Feyre thought he might never get over the war, but Azriel knew the truth.)
Elain took herself wherever the future led, a sort of mediator and councilor, walking in all Courts- but always back to home, that isolated green, green cove, where Nesta would land.
When war came again, there was no great Lordly alliance, no cut-throat summit. There was a fleet of ships whose sails where edged in purple, whose announcement across the water was silver fire, whose accompaniment were monsters of old.
Violence did not touch Prythians human shore, because Nesta Archeron did not let it.
She was death on the tide, and she remembered what shores had borne her.
She had a home in Summer, a place in Day, her family across the continent- she had her ships, full of faeries from every walk of life, who wanted as she did the freedom as much as the profit, the endless, endless blue, where sea meets sky.
It was eternity, and the Archeron sisters, free, had made it their own.
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tomatograter · 4 years
hey dirkjake guy , what makes you so interested in dirkjake so much ?
if I were to answer this with total accuracy we would be here all day and i’d have to hand you a 60 page peer reviewed thesis but since I don't have that time and i’m assuming you also don’t; There’s a LOT of things to work with if you read dirkjake as more than just… a vehicle for dirkcentric character angst. And they’re pieces actively embedded in the story! That matter! I like building fanwork around a textual basis and these two quite literally go as far back as being part of the guardians setting up SBURB beta in Act fucking 2. You can mine motifs until you’re dead. Here’s a contained, though by no means complete, list of things I particularly like about them:
1) Dirk and Jake both have highly imperfect experiences with their own gender/sexuality, partly out of societal pressure and partly because the story has decided what they ought to be. You've got two gay characters who are both a man in the WRONG way; Dirk overcompensates masculinity so hard he thinks of himself as too brash, imposing, damaging, nearly sizzling arsenic. Jake is expected to be the most perfect dude that has ever Het'd and fails in every feasible way because its not who he's comfortable being. He's not a wife-hunting casanova, He's just kind of a blatant useless fruit. Each of them thinks the other has it together and is doing sooooooooo much better than themselves, though.
I like that even though the adoration is mutual, the relationship is not smoothed out. It's not perfect from the get-go, and it's easier to make it awkward before making it good. We see them at their most immature, they have plenty of flaws, and they're extremely self-sabotaging in the way that isn't "cute" (or romantically convenient) but rather realistically concerning. I like seeing them working through it & maybe relapsing & putting in the effort to be better. They mean a lot to each other but have no idea how to go about it without putting on a show, it's comical to the point of being endearing. 
...And they're still the one person that makes the other feel like more than just a sum of poorly stitched frankenstein parts. 
2) Moving onto The Cringe Axis Of Relevance: Dirk and Jake are inextricable from the overarching plot and cyclical nature of Homestuck itself, Dirk as a motivator and Jake as a escapegoat. You could technically “pin” the “blame” of more than a dozen game changing plot events on them, and sometimes they’re not even aware of it. Beta Jake is HIC’s bastard child, a Dirk splinter is a core component of LE, Jake Harley translates the ancient runes in the frog temple containing the game code & is the one to release SBURB worldwide, eventually going on a time-displaced quest to get the game in motion; Ultimate dirk, funnily enough, is trying to do the exact same thing but much more shittily after borrowing one of Jake’s company ships and copying jadebot’s schematics for the purpose of making a robot daughter to forcefully restart Homestuck, The Webbed Comique, after its over. (Mom lalonde was Grandpa’s assistant & vaguely familial protégé, if you remember. Funny how that works!) And this is just like, in the text. Rose in the candy postscript directly drops it: 
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I guess plagiarism is a backwards form of flattery :/
Alpha Jake in turn ends up flooded with promises of giving LE’s his first defeat, kickstarts a thousand little conflicts throughout act 6, brings dirk back to life with a kiss, sends the bunny back in time in the box (he was jade’s secret penpal that far back!), eventually only knocks caliborn on his ass because *Dirk* gets hurt in a fight, then it turns out davepeta is his sprite and actually the one fated to defeat the final boss, and that’s just the major stuff. Alpha Dirk & his dastardly AI-self messily usher the alphas into a new session, we only discover what the hell is up with alpha earth through dirk’s 20 page pesterlog gifted on jake’s birthday, Hal’s existence partly relies on Jake’s unending support- and so does Brain ghost dirk’s existence, for that matter. In big-scale and small-scale stuff alike, they’re tied up.
3) Overabundance of referential motifs: Homestuck is practically a big collage of character-relevant media. You can talk about things like some of jake’s favorite superheroes being similar to dirk, or how dirk and jake’s romance is jokingly compared to the Princess Bride via their planets/personalities/BGD literally quoting the movie and acting out the same sword movements, or how they both have a thing for artisanal puppetry, or how dirk is a history buff while jake is a time-displaced verbal oddity, or how Dirk's concerns with narrative philosophy and clean logic make him squarely Apollonian in certain lit terms & that is perfectly opposed by Jake's haphazard Dionysian approach! Or how Grandpa has an orange-lit room of knights and a replica of Iron Man’s armor (widely known for his fragile heart) to stand in for Dirk while Jake has his knight genre movie posters and dreams up dirk to serve the same role, or how the brobot, built with jake’s help, eventually has a nervous conniption and rips his heart out so it can be used as a battery - and while the moment is reminiscent of aradiabot's blue blood breakdown, the heart is actually the same kind grandpa had installed into jadebot; as both were created to protect someone dearly beloved.
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Funny how that works x4
Or just how like, Jake fantasizes about Avatar while kissing a poster but mentally he's having an elaborate dream of putting Dirk in the role of the movie's lead to prove how Awesome And Perfect life can be. Or how brain ghost dirk tells jake he looks good when he's feeling like shit and jake, in turn, says his gay little prince outfit looks pretty sweet and not dumb at all, in a sort of covert pep-talk system covering for both of their masculinity hang-ups. That works too.
4) They're the only ship I can confidently compare to Shrek, the Movie, and make that into insightful commentary.
And lastly:
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
tagged by @jadeandquartzes​, ty so much jade!
last song: well technically the last song i listened to was a demonstration of one of my exam pieces, but that’s not a fun answer, so let’s go with the last thing i listened to for leisure, which would probably be ‘holding out for a hero’ from shrek 2.  animated earth wind and fire music video of norhorn popping in from the astral sea to wreck devastation on our enemies* WHEN.
*including but not limited to a skyship fleet, a gnoll war camp, several warehouse guards, at least two pirate mini-bosses, a pirate fleet, a teleporting assassin, and too many Intelligence skill checks to count
last show: i did take a break from studying to watch the latest episode of masterchef.  my secret weakness is reality cooking competitions and even though i know most of it manufactured, that’s not gonna stop me being almost as judgy towards the contestants as joe b*stianich (bastard, derogatory).
currently watching: critical role, and a court of fey and flowers!  also great british bake off when i have time.
current obsession: as the recent uptick in cr blogging might indicate, i’m pretty deep in the critical role sauce right now which eats up most of my very scarce free time (and some time that is not free as well...), but i’ve also gotten into the tasting history youtube channel in the past couple months and i like to binge/catch up on videos when i have the chance. 
actually, max miller, the host, just did a really fantastic episode this week about debunking historical myths and doing critical historical research, which i think should be required watching for everyone because it’s actually a great discussion about responsible research.  also, learn how to make armored turnips while you’re at it!
tagging @dorsalfin, @rosaeceae, @nimblebird, and anyone who wants to do this!
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roronoacherries · 3 years
a list of all my princess self-insert x zoro ideas because i don’t have time to write them yet but i want to share them so bad:
starts with zoro and her meeting in her village; he sneaks into her room everyday to see her
he doesn’t know or question why he keeps coming back to her; he just does
actually the first couple days, they run into each other while she’s struggling with something; she jokes that he’s her knight in shining armor
she doesn’t know he’s a pirate; she doesn’t question who he is at all because part of her knows she won’t like what she hears
she’s betrothed to another, a prince she hasn’t met (and the more time she spends with zoro, the less she wants to meet him)
the day of her wedding happens to be the same day the straw hats are leaving the island
he doesn’t mention he’s leaving, but she feels somethings off; she hides her arranged marriage from him too, although it’s all anyone in the village is talking about, she can’t bring herself to tell him directly
she realizes he’s leaving when she notices the eternal log pose she keeps on her nightstand is missing
she does the sensible thing and runs off while they’re fitting her into her wedding dress, trying to find his ship
when she does find them, the ship has sailed. zoro can’t bring himself to look back at the island, until he hears her shouting.
this entire idea was inspired by miss taylor swift’s come back, be here
she turns her back, accepting that she missed her chance to tell him how she feels, unable to bare seeing the ship fade into the distance
she’s so busy crying she doesn’t realize zoro swam back until she feels him envelope her in a wet hug
the straw hats are fofoqueiros chismosos spying on them from the ship, urging nami to turn back and fighting over the binoculars; none of them had any idea where zoro snuck off to every day
they have a #moment, it was really vivid in my mind the first time i thought abt it whilst listening to “come back, be here” on repeat but i don’t remember it very well anymore
and i don’t know if he should still leave, telling/reminding her that he’s a pirate and she’s a princess, promising he’ll come see her again even though he knows it’s a promise he shouldn’t be making
because if he leaves, they’ll really feel that ‘i can’t live without them anymore’ feeling and the longing
but i can see her willing to give up her royal status if he asks her to, although she’d look back at her village and think about how much love she has for it; zoro would see the sadness in her eyes at the thought of leaving and he wouldn’t want to make her choose between her people and him
but she would know that she had to choose him, because her village will always be there and if she lets zoro leave there’s no guarantee she’d see him again
she’d need to be reminded again that he’s a pirate and that joining him would make her a criminal too, but she would be stubborn in her resolve
someone has the genius idea to “kidnap” her. that way no one knows she’s willingly with them, and won’t be branded a criminal
that’s their #origin story or whatever but i have sm more ideas
like after skypeia when they’re in that marine base pretending to be marines? she doesn’t have to pretend to be anything; all she has to do is be like “oh i’m saved!”
and a shrek 2 inspired idea, where they land on an island she’s been to before, where the princess is insufferable and they all pretend to be her servants or something, but she still wants to show off her hot bf so she introduces him as a prince and she ends up making him feel like he’s not good enough for her?
OH, and a that’s the way i loved you inspired thing. miss swift is my muse.
it’s more of a separate idea i don’t think it fits into my princess oc, but essentially her and zoro fight and breakup, and she ends up dating sanji, mostly to forget zoro but as perfect of a boyfriend as sanji is her heart still belongs to zoro
idk i have lots more ideas for this princess thing but i never write anything down and i feel like i’m going to forget all of it </3
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I think one of the best (and most underappreciated) songs from Shrek the Musical is When Words Fail just because it’s so relatable in how difficult it can be to reach out to someone you like, and how crippling that fear of rejection can be.
Also, Shrek’s never experienced romantic love before, so he’s going through all of these things for the first time, and you just wanna root for him (especially after Who I’d Be, where he expressed that he would be a typical knight in shining armor if he could, just because of the societal expectations of ogres)
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