#i think about this scene at least twice a day
olympiansowl · 2 days
There’s a thing I’m DYING to get out of my chest! I love the series, I love the characters, but like…they’re changing all of the plots, but probably won’t change the one that, at this point, I know that a lot of people want to change.
1 - Let’s start with Galadriel. We have the appendix and all, and it’s stated on it that she, Celeborn and Celebrian were at Eregion at the time that fake treacherous blondie called Annatar was. They changed at least 70% of her plot to fit the “when the sun sets we are both the same” agenda with Sauron. I like that they got on a different way, don’t get me wrong, and I also love the dynamic of “light and darkness” but it’s really unfair when we think that they take some (a lot) liberties to this plot, that is literally ALL done on the appendix, but they don’t change other things.
2 - King Durin…that man was supposed to die on third age. THIRD. And the Balrog should’ve happened later and in Moria…so they can decide to kill off a character and make him appear on an age that he isn’t even part of, but they cannot change the fate of a character whose death isn’t even mentioned on the appendix? Be so for real.
3 - I mean, everyone knew it was Gandalf. I knew it was him from the moment I saw his hair. The thing is, they took another liberty and made a whole plot to a character that want supposed to be there, but they cannot change that specific plot that I will talk about soon?
4 - Numenor. Pharazon. THE FAITHFUL. Now I want y’all to see it because they made Pharazon’s plot be like “I’m gonna mix his plot with his father’s plot, with Atanamir’s plot and Adunakhor’s plot and I’m gonna put a bit of his grandfather there, too” and it’s annoying because things are happening too fast in Numenor. I have the impression that all of it happened in a month, which is different from other plots that seem to be longer. In a few days that man has buried his uncle, usurped his cousin, traumatized his son, almost killed off his cousin’s boyfriend, almost killed off his cousin, trapped her into HER FATHER’S OLD PRISON/ROOM, made all of the faithfuls go through hell, imprisoned her or made her bow to him and now he’s on his way to make everything Miriel made in season one, but with the “I’m evil af” difference. Like, she was usurped for this and they are “omg Pharazon you’re such a baddie 🤪🥰”
5 - The timeline in Numenor! I don’t get why they made some choices, but like, if the faithful were already kinda apart from the society, why didn’t they make the exile before? The exile and a lot of those things happens waaayyy before the series and they could’ve stuck to it since it’s on the appendix. I’m gonna be adamant about the appendix, y’all better not even mention the Silmarillion to me bc those two men said they had the right to four books and four books only…and none of them are the Silmarillion. So they should stick to at least some of the things that are stated on it. I’m not a book purist, I am only stating that’s really unfair that they made all of this changes to characters and plots, but won’t change something like the destiny of a character who is only mentioned twice and I can ASSURE you guys that her death isn’t mentioned on the books they have the rights to.
6 - They are making everything twice and that’s pissing me off too because I don’t know what to expect next. Sauron went twice to Eregion, might go twice to Numenor, might become this fog or whatever tf that thing was twice, Galadriel almost got him twice, the orcs might leave him twice, all of the leaders are saying shit like “my place is here” instead of fucking getting away from those doomed places. Everything is being recycled to other plots. Isildur not getting the girl and having to leave her because of Kemen…his father having to leave his girl because of Pharazon…it’s getting a little bit too much parallels and not much different things.
7 - Earien, Kemen and some scenes we should have. I don’t really like Earien, I hate Kemen, but like…he killed her friend and she doesn’t know about it? We didn’t get a scene of her mentioning Valandil after his death and we also cannot actually draw the line of where she stands. She witnessed kind of a miracle with Miriel and seemed far more gentle with her on the sea trial thing. She’s also helping her father get out of this alive. But where does she stands? She isn’t a faithful, ofc, but she’s isn’t a corrupted thing like Pharazon and Kemen either. The thing is, she helps both sides at a point after royally fucking everything up. They literally made her be one of the main responsible to Miriel’s destiny and like…will she ever feel bad for it? And don’t tell me she isn’t responsible bc that girl decided to help usurp the queen, ignored what the late king said about faith, took the palantiri and gave it to Pharazon, who now used it to accuse Miriel of siding with Sauron…which caused “omg I just had this brilliant idea” to pop on Pharazon’s mind and now the faithful are being imprisoned or exiled. Yeah, she has daddy issues and so does Isildur and Anarion and none of them are ou there usurping Queens and helping the devil. Y’all also better not start with me about “oh but she isn’t obliged to believe in this religion, she shouldn’t be okay with her brother dying because of this” because: Isildur decided to go, he wasn’t forced. None of the Numenorians were forced to do anything. She lives on this Island, she DESCENDS from the same lineage Miriel does, which is ELROS lineage. The island was gifted by the valar and they just took her new step mom for a spin. Her lineage lives at least 200 years and y’all are telling me that in a world of elves, dwarves, rings of fucking power who can make things heal and whatever, the absurd thing is a palantiri? Be so fr. And I’m gonna say it…if they make a redemption arc for that girl and let her survive the fall of Numenor, I’m gonna be royally pissed. There’s no way they’re going to save that one and won’t save the fucking queen whose death isn’t even mentioned on the appendix.
8 - Now I’m gonna talk about Miriel, my Queen and Elendil’s wife. I’m sorry, but they are making her go through all of this hell for what? Because everyone who is going through actual hell on the series is surviving, and if they don’t plan on making her survive, they could at least give her a fucking break. Her father lost his throne, got sick, she got kinda of manipulated by the blondie, she lost her vision, some of her people died and she blames herself, her father died, she got slapped on the face by a random woman on her fathers funeral, she lost her throne, her freedom, became a prisoner on her own kingdom and on HER FATHER’S OLD ROOM, her boyfriend and now she also lost her free will. Not to mention that, if they try to make things more alike to one book than the one they actually have the rights to, she might be forced to marry that idiot who happens to be her cousin. Safe to say that Cynthia and I have very different visions of “okay” bc the last time Miriel had peace was when she was a one month old fetus on her mother’s womb. Why all of this trouble to make her die at the end? And I’m being so real now.
9 - Like, they changed a lot of things. A real fucking lot of things. And some VERY important things. And they cannot change her death? I swear, if she was so important to book narrative, the appendix would say more about her, but the only things there are basically “Tar Palantir had a daughter, Tar Miriel, she should’ve been queen, but his nephew seized the scepter” and that’s it. Her death isn’t there, it can be avoided, and yet they’re going down that road with this character when they literally invented 1000 ways of going out of the time line and narrative with other characters? I’m not gonna say what it seems to me, but yeah…
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blitzos-horse-ranch · 3 months
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"You're gonna die alone, Blitzø."
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thutner · 7 months
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everyday i think about a.) kutner stealing glance/s at thirteen just to look at her reaction when house and taub were bantering and b.) thirteen smiling at kutner's playful antics when announcing the lab test results SEE EVEN WHEN THEY DIDN'T END UP IN THE CANON TIMELINE NOTHING WILL ACTUALLY SHUT ME TF UP ABOUT THEM
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bonus gifs: hallucination/nightmare: thutner version.
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cardinalcheerio · 2 years
Yall ever think about the scene In Son of batman where Talia gives the big reveal that Bruce has a son (biologically, because we all know including Talia that he has like 17 kids emotionally, legally, and mentally) And opens a curtain with a dark background to reveal Damian. And he's just standing there, (right before the "I thought you would be taller") cause I do.
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wrathbrn-moved · 2 months
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﹠ * endless millie edits.
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chisungie · 3 months
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kamitv · 25 days
▷ Give You Whatever You Want
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Synopsis . How watching a movie with your roommate going wrong. / Pairings . (Separate) Gojo Satoru x f!reader, Toji Fushiguro x f!reader, Choso Kamo x f!reader / Content . afab!reader, non-curse au, unprotected sex, dry humping, degrading, praise, dirty talk, filth, pussy slapping, tw: spitting, tension, pet names, pining, men losing their confidence once they feel you, submissive men, cockwarming, manhandling, rough sex, etc. / wc . 7.8k (I got carried away with each one...)
A/N: Hope y'all enjoy -- this isn't proofread & I got a little caught up in Toji's bit... [MDNI]
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★ Toji Fushiguro — "There's a sex scene comin' up."
The first thing you do is laugh at the man. He told you that as if you hadn't seen a thousand sex scenes before.
Rolling your eyes, you barely move in your seat, "So?" You huff back to your awfully smug roommate.
Now, you and Toji get along relatively well. The attraction between the two of you is noticeably mutual so it doesn't fully surprise you that he felt the need to announce the next part of the movie to you. The two characters were already slopping each other's faces up so it was pretty obvious where things were going.
As such, that doesn't exactly prepare you for the next thing your roommate decides to say to you.
"We should recreate it," Toji suggests, completely catching you off guard.
You and him have done… things before but, never sex. Or at least, you’ve never had his cock inside your cunt. Maybe you’ve sucked him off once or twice and maybe he’s returned the favor two or, six times but– who’s keeping track of all that? The point is, you’ve never had sex with the guy.
He was more of your roommate with benefits at the end of the day, if you needed someone to help you get off after a long and stressful day, Toji was offering himself to you and the same vice versa. 
So when he suggests recreating a sex scene with you, the last thing you expected was what the actual scene itself was…
“Well, what is it?” You ask curiously, turning your head to look up and the man who was already right beside you.
Toji tips his head to the side and keeps his eyes focused on the screen, “Watch it ‘nd see for yourself.”
Feeling slightly annoyed by how he suggested something to you only to not explain what it is he wants to do, you just turn back to the TV and do just that– watching as the movie plays out.
You think you’re turned on rather quickly once the two character on screen start fucking like goddamn rabbits– position after position, moan after moan, and noticeably rough sex occuring onscreen. There’s one position in particular that Toji nudges you at, to which your eyes widen and you tense up.
The man on screen has his partner in a headlock as they fuck them from behind. All you can do is bat your lashes as the scene with that position plays out far longer than the others, words of filth being muttered and the moans sounding awfully real.
Your mouth opens to ask your roommate something but he’s already in your ear before you get the chance to, “Yeah, I wanna try that with ya’,” Toji whispers.
A wave of heat flashes over your entire body and you’re squeezing your legs together at the thought alone. Toji behind you like that, shoving his fat angry cock inside you while his beefy arm constricts around your throat, limiting air from you and-
Yeah, you weren’t shying away from that offer, even though you had your fears.
“T-Toji, you wanna-, hah, you wanna put me in a headlock?” You sputter out in surprise, “We’ve never even had sex in a normal position… I don’t think I can take-”
“You can,” He cuts off rudely, “Jus’ gotta let me prep you. And I’ll be gentle,” He murmurs to you, even though you know that’s a lie, “…’Til you get used to me.”
You chuckle nervously, “I dunno… You-,” A sigh slips from your lips, “You wanna do this now?”
He nods, “Mhm,” Then his hand is moving to yours and he pulls your touch over to his crotch, “Got hard jus’ thinkin’ about it.”
Instinctively, your hand moves to feel around and your fingers shape around his erection, cupping his stupidly hard cock and feeling him throb beneath your touch. You gulp before you glance down at your hand and the way it looks sliding down along his length against his sweats, outlining his shape with your touch and pulling your lower lip into your mouth at the thought.
You remember how difficult it was to fit the guy in your throat so you could only imagine him stretching your cunt open, giving you long and deep thrusts just so you could get used to him, and the way he’d force you to feel every thick inch of his.
“You’re droolin’,” Toji points out suddenly as he brings a hand to your face and swipes his calloused thumb across the corner of your lips, bringing his finger to his mouth moments later, “Figured you’d like this jus’ as much as me but look atcha’,” He licks whatever taste from your mouth he got off of his thumb. “A mess already, tsk.” He teases.
You’re just sitting there with your eyes still on his cock straining against his sweatpants, trying to mentally prepare yourself to have that inside you. You swallow thickly, “Toji…”
“Hm?” He hums lowly with a slight cock of his head.
You bring your gaze up to him and his green eyes are already low on yours, “I wanna do it.”
Famous last words.
The smirk that stretched across his scared lips was probably one of the most sexy looks you’ve ever seen on the man. Not to mention the immediate jump of his cock in reaction to your agreement.
And in God knows how many minutes, your clothes were scattered on the floor and he had you bent over on the couch as he prepped you with his fingers. Toji knows how big his dick is– hell, he’s a little too aware of it, so he had to make sure you were extra soaked for him.
Talking to you in that rasp and deep tone of his, “I think you can take me jus’ fine,” He murmurs to you, fucking his fingertips deeper inside yo u with each passing second, “You’re already takin’ three of my fingers so, what’s the difference?”
You moan against the couch cushion your cheek is currently resting against, “Mgh, your cock i-is waaay bigger,” You admit in a horny little slur.
Of course he smiles at that, glad you can’t see his face right now because your words only stroke his ego more and more, “Is it?” As Toji asks you that, he drags his fingers out of you, moving to suck your most recent orgasm off of them before repositioning himself behind you. Then he shrugs, “I dunno, I don’t think there’s that much of a difference..”
He’s still talking but you’re refusing to believe a thing he says. You’ve had your fair share of studying his cock up close so you already knew how he’d feel inside you. Even so, you feel a glob of spit land on your cunt and it makes you flinch out of your thoughts. After that is followed by something fat and hard pressing in between your folds.
The arch in your back furthers and your lips part, “Toji?” You whisper.
A big hand comes down on your ass before he’s gripping onto you, “Mhm, tha’s me you feel,” He teases, his other hand busy rubbing his cockhead up and down your sopping slit.
You think a moan leaves your lips already at the mere tease of his cock, “I don’t think-”
“You’ve been doin’ a lil’ too much of that lately,” He huffs, lifting his tip from you before letting it smack against your pussy a few times and then smiling to himself at how wet you were, “Jus’ let me take care of ya’, m’not gonna hurt you unless you want me to, silly girl.”
A little mumbled curse is heard coming from your mouth but Toji’s only response to that is easing his hips forwards, squeezing his tip inside you slowly as he watches the way you turn your head to stuff your face into the cushion and your hands gripping onto the couch. Toji takes it slow at first, easing his tip in and out of you a few times until you relax a little.
Then he’s pushing an inch or two inside you and he can hear your muffled moans against the couch. Not to mention the way you move a hand back as if to push him away already.
Toji just rolls his eyes at that point, “Girl, I’m not even halfway in,” He chuckles, “Jus’ relax f’me.”
You try, you really do. It is a bit difficult but you try not to be so tense as he continues to push into you. It’s the first thrust that really had you gasping and holding onto the couch for dear life because after that, Toji repeats the action– drawing his hips all the way back before thrusting himself in fully, all the way to the hilt of your cunt. You’re practically clawing at the cushion below you and your eyes are tearing up from the sheer stretch of his cock.
You could feel him in every corner of your dripping cunt, his thick shaft leaving you gasping for air and his sharp hips clashing against your ass. You hardly register the groans he’s letting out or the curses about how tight you are.
His hands are everywhere on your ass as things start off slow, a few thrusts in and he feels your walls clamp around him before you’re cumming already. He hadn’t even gotten you into the position he wanted you in and you were already whining his name. Toji grips onto the fat of your ass, spreading you further for him as he watched his bulging angry cock ease in and out of you, your sloppy juices coating his veins and dripping all over the damn place.
The mess makes him smirk, “Fuckin’ filthy,” He hums. Then he’s leaning down and you feel your heart sink because after that, a surprisingly gentle hand is creeping around your neck before he lifts your face up. Getting a good look at you, he meets your gaze with a smirk before whispering, “You okay?”
The way he checks on you had your cunt squeezing around him again. “M-Mhm,” You mumble, mouth messy with drool and lashes coated with tears that’d yet to fall yet.
Toji tips his head to the side, still gently rocking his hips into yours and barely humping his cock in and out of you, “Y’ready to keep goin’?”
It takes you a second to agree to that but when you feel his tip brush against somewhere particularly sweet inside you, you nod eagerly, “Uhuh,” You murmur almost dumbly.
All he can do is smile and lean back up, “C’mere then,” Toji instructs. You follow suit and lean up with him. “Tip ya’ head back f’me, here,” He’s still buried inches inside you but he’s instructing you with no problem, moving a hand to your chin to tip your head back, “Jus’ keep lookin’ at me for a second, m’kay?”
You let out a shaky breath of air before keeping your eyes back on his, feeling and watching him lean closer to you and then slowly wrap an arm around your neck, making your breath hitch slightly.
“You sure y’er ready for this, doll?” Toji asks as he soon has you take your eyes off of his so he can lock your head into place, “Might break ya’,” He teases.
Your hands move to feel his arm around your neck, caressing his skin before you smile a little, “That’s okay,” You whisper in response, your excitement getting the better of you, “You can break me a little, Toji.”
His hold on your head isn’t the tightest yet, since he doesn’t literally wanna choke you out but, it’s tight enough to where you can’t move and his next thrust has you gasping again. And then it all goes downhill from there because Toji swears you’ve only gotten tighter since he’s put you in this position and you’re so soaked that you’re drippin’ down your thighs.
He can’t help but get a little rough with you. The first few movements were merely experimental but the second you’re comfortable and start moaning for more, Toji’s pouring out a heavy groan right into your ear as he starts to really fuck you. 
The couch creaks and your cunt is so loud and messy as his heavy balls smack against you with each bruising thrust of his angry cock. You could feel him throbbing and pulsing deep inside you every time you uttered his name in pleasure. The position had you weak, your legs shaking within minutes and your nails scratching at his arm.
All as he whispered filthy things in your ear, “So fuckin’ messy f’me,” He huffs, earnig a whine from you, “Y’like this, huh? Like bein’ my messy lil’ thing?”
“T-Toji, oh fu-uck, s’too much-,” You choke, feeling his arm tighten around you just to shut you up.
“Y’re takin’ it juuust fine, baby,” His tone is far to sweet for the way he’s bullying your pussy right now, stretching you and fucking you so full that it was getting hard to think.
His hips were harsh against yours, smack after smack, making your moans come out in a stutter and a slur as he murmured degrading little nicknames into your ear seconds later.
“Gonna cum f’me again? I’ve already gotcha’ folded up like some whore-, mgh… s’the least you could do f’me, doll,” Toji grunts into your ear, his swollen cockhead pounding right into where you need him most.
Your eyes practically roll to the back of your skull and you’re spasming, “Tojii, I c-can’t-, ah, hahh-, hnngh.. p-please,” You mewl, dewy slicks from your cunt glistening all over his fat cock that it even has him panting and losing his breath.
His lips are right against your ear, breath warm and dick throbbing wildly inside you with the way he doesn’t let up on you for even one moment, “One more, pretty. Jus’ gimme one more,” He whispers.
Your breath hitches and you can feel your orgasm building right back up, you were so close and he was fucking you just right. His hold on you gets a little tighter and he pinpoints his thrusts deeper against your sloppy pussy, the filthy squelches only growing louder and louder before you’re whimpering his name.
Toji kisses the tip of your ear softly– feeling the way your cunt just sloshes around his cock and making his eyes go back. You were squeezing him so tightly that it was almost hard to cram his cock into you. Your pussy was so damn heavenly that Toji felt lightheaded for a moment, despite you being the one getting choked out right now.
Before he knows it, he’s fucking a thick creamy load of cum inside you while grunting your name out through slightly gritted teeth. The way you were moaning and whining in return drove him crazy, the sight of your jaw dangling open, drool sliding down your chin, tears rolling down your face– the entire sight and feel of you had his head spinning in pleasure.
Which is exactly why he’s emptying himself into you while you milk him for all he’s worth. He doesn’t even realize he’s released you from that headlock until the sounds of your moans are muffled again. Toji barely remembers shoving your face down and pressing a hand into your arch before ramming whatever's left of his cum deeper inside you.
Then there was the way your legs were shaking and how filthy it was to watch his cum drip out of you as he pulled out. Oh, he was definitely having sex with you again after this.
★ Gojo Satoru — "Why're you sitting so far away?"
The moment you were hit with that infamous question, you knew things were going to go left. Of course, if anyone's hitting you with something so cliche mid-movie, it's Gojo freaking Satoru.
You give your roommate nothing more than a side glance from your eyes, noticing how all his attention is on you, "I'm not that far away, am I?"
Gojo weighs his head to the side, one muscular arm relaxed atop the back stretch of the couch as he cracks that annoying little smirk at you, "You're all the way over thereee," He whines before gesturing a hand to the distance between you and him.
The couch you were on could seat a total of six people and you were roughly an arms length away from the guy so you really didn't know what he expected from you.
All you can do is laugh at his childish antics, "Satoru, you said you wanted to watch a movie with me-- not cuddle and watch a movie with me."
He wets his lips before smiling at you, "Well, maybe I want a lil' more now..." To which you scoff and he scooches a bit closer to you, “Plus, the movies gettin’ boring.”
You roll your eyes at the guy, “No, you’re just impatient. It’ll pick up in a second, give it some time, ‘Toru.”
God, he loved it when you used that nickname with him. Neither of you remember when you first started using it but you know he likes it and he knows the nickname makes his heart race every time you say it.
“You were seconds away from fallin’ asleep before I said something,” Gojo argues. He’s still gradually scooting closer and closer to you but you don’t even mind it at this point.
He’s always been a man who doesn’t understand the concept of personal space anyway so this doesn’t surprise you in the slightest. Before you know it, the side of Gojo’s thigh is brushing against yours and his arm is right behind you, fingertips dancing near your shoulder.
“I was not,” You protest before finally giving him your full attention. Okay, maybe you had been falling asleep on the movie but you really just wanted a regular movie night with the guy.
…Not whatever it becomes within a few minutes. Because of course the second your eyes are meeting his, his gaze is down on your lips and he’s lowering his voice as if everything was going according to his plan.
Gojo scoffs, “Yeah you were. There’s no need to lie, sweets. If you were gettin’ sleepy, I can think of a few things we can do that’ll keep you awake…”
You swallow and it takes everything in you not to shift away from him because the masculine scent of his expensive cologne is creeping into your nose and you can feel your body heating up simply because of how close he is to you. “Like what?” You practically whisper even though you knew where your question would lead.
And y’know what, you can’t even say you’re mad at where it leads because you’ve had your eyes on Gojo ever since you moved in with him. So when he bluntly offers himself to you with a swift hum of, “We could always fuck,” You’re left speechless for a moment.
Then he’s leaning in and you’re finally looking down at his lips, your breath stuttering with each inch of space that disappears between the two of you until his lips are practically on yours and you feel his skin brushing over you as he speaks.
“You can even keep watchin’ your lil’ movie while we do it,” Gojo whispers, “Jus’ say the word ‘nd I’ll-“
“Okay,” You huff out faster than you have time to think.
Because who on God’s green earth would deny Gojo Satoru of sex? Especially when he’s so stupidly close to you and staring down at your lips like the lack of connection is driving him to the brink of insanity.
So as soon as your agreement hits his ears, his lips are on yours, and your arms are moving to wrap around his neck to keep him close.
It’s hot, heavy, and even a bit sloppy as he tugs your lips apart for his tongue to slither in. Once Gojo gets that little taste of you, he can’t get enough. Letting out a low grunt into your mouth as his tongue swipes at the corners and crevices of your mouth, hands moving to your waist and then your thigh just to urge you to hurry up and get on top of him, and his body quickly yearning for more and more of you as the seconds pass.
Then you’re on top of him and he’s letting out a groan as you straddle him, your weight plopping down on his crotch and making his hips buck up against you instinctively. Gojo’s pale veiny hands are grabbing a hold of your waist and he’s deepening the kiss with you, feeling eager and almost starved for more.
Pulling away with a messy little cobweb of saliva hanging in between your lips, he grins, “Why didn’t we do this sooner, huh?” Before you can answer, his hands are sliding down to your hips and he’s quick to guide your body against his, making you grind against his growing erection, “‘Know how many times I thought about this?” Gojo huffs.
All you can do is let out a soft pant that fans over his wet lips, “No but, you should tell me all about it while we fuck.”
Then you’re pushing your lips onto his again and his brows are twisting up in pleasure. Things were moving a bit fast but that didn’t stop the wild twitch of Gojo’s cock as your words registered to him.
Tell you about how he’s pictured you like this while he’s buried inside you, huh? Well, whatever his cute roommate wants, she’s sure to get from him.
A few sloppy kisses and teasing grinds later and the two of you are undressing one another. The movie was almost long forgotten until Gojo told you to turn around for him, he still wanted you to enjoy the movie you suggested. As such, he soon has your hands on his knees as you held yourself up, your back facing him, and your body bare above him safe for the lacy blue panties hugging your lower half.
And lord knows Gojo couldn’t hold back his smile when he caught sight of your panites. They matched his eyes. Surely that was no coincidence? Surely you put those on with the intention of this very scenario later playing out, right?
Gojo’s behind you shirtless by this point, his sweatpants messily tugged down just enough so that he could pull his cock out from the confines of his boxers— his blushing pink tip grazing your noticeably soaked panty clad cunt as he does so. He’s got one hand on your hip and the other tightly gripping the base of his thick cock, angling himself just enough so that he can caress your clothed pussy lips with his tip.
His bottom lip gets caught between his teeth as he watches himself slip in between your folds against the wet fabric of your panties. The slick from your cunt was leaking from that pretty lace you had on, glazing and coating his tip with a sexy mix of arousal soon sliding down his cock and causing you to let out the most heavenly little sound he’s ever heard leave your lips.
The noise snaps him out of his daze and he looks up to see your head turned to the side as you look back at him with a gaze of pure need. Gojo’s fat tip slips as his eyes meet yours and you feel him brush up against your clit, making your jaw drop slightly and your hips roll instinctively.
He wasn’t even touching you raw yet and you were already a needy mess. Gojo’s slow to glance down at where his cock is leaving sloppy kisses against your cunt, smirking at the sight all over again, “So wet,” He whispers, “Fuckin’ soaked f’me…”
It sounded as if he were talking to himself, his mind in some sort of daze the longer he rubbed himself against you. The tease of it all was driving you crazy. So much so that all you could do was arch your back a bit more for the man and attempt to grind yourself against his tip.
Your movement makes him groan and you watch as he slowly retracts his hands completely just to watch you lather his cockhead up with your arousal, the small squelches from the movement making his face and ears flush with red. 
“S-Shit,” Gojo breathes out. It was like all his confidence and cocky demeanor had flown out the window and, again, he wasn't even inside you yet.
You soon grow tired of the teasing and lift your hips a little, earning a whine from Gojo as your warmth is pulled away from him for less than a second. Then, his eyes were glued to your hand and the way you tug your soaked panties to the side, revealing that pretty pussy of yours to him and making his cock jump in reaction. 
Gojo couldn’t even try to lift his hips up to make his cock meet you once more because he was stuck in awe as you lowered yourself once more. Watching your pussy part over his tip was one thing in itself but then how fucking soft and wet you are makes his head fall back against the couch and a groan pour from his mouth.
You watch him move an arm to hold onto the back of the couch and his other hand grips onto the cushion beside him. His abs tense as you wiggle your hips against him, his cock just barely kissing your leaky entrance.
Hell, it almost makes you flinch when he moans, “Put it in,” Gojo pants, his entire body failing to move as the need for you overwhelms him, “Please,” He lets out a whine as you inch down on him ever so slightly, “F-Fuckin’ sit on it, baby-, sit on my cock, please? Wanna be inside you s-so bad.”
His hips twitch and he nearly lifts them just so he can sink the rest of his inches deep inside you— especially when you torture him and lift yourself, causing a brush of air to graze his tip where you two had previously been connected.
“Satoru…” You utter, watching his eyes flicker up to your face. “Did you just whine for me?”
Gojo’s quick to swallow whatever weak sound was about to leave his lips again due to the sultry tone of your voice. “N-No,” He huffs, trying to play off his moment of begging for you, “Course’ not… Just,” He gulps, “Jus’ wanna feel you, c’mon.”
Now you’re the one smirking at him, “Beg f’me again,” You whisper, to which a groan gets caught in the middle of his throat.
“What?” Gojo rasps, his body going rigid at your sudden command. Yeah, sure, he just begged for you but it’s different when you tell him to.
The way you chuckle at his confusion makes his body so unbelievably hot and flushed in embarrassment, “You heard me…” You purr, easing yourself back down and riding only his tip for a few seconds, “Beg for me, ‘Toru.”
Gojo’s jaw falls and his eyes drop to his cock again— precum was dripping all down along his veins and he was twitching to feel all of you, “Please?” He breathes out as his brows twist up, “I just…” His hips lift again and he tries to force himself up inside you, “Need it, sweetheart,” Gojo grunts before tossing his head back.
At that, you find yourself satisfied and you’re finally sinking down on his cock just like he wanted you to. Your eyes remain back on his face and the way his eyes roll back as an airy groan leaves his throat. 
“Fuuuck,” Gojo moans into the air, his bottom lip quivering at the way your pussy sinks down around him, your sloppy walls making the filthiest squelch the further down you go, up until you stop when he’s only half way in.
Which makes his breath hitch. All he can do is roll his head back into place and look at you, catching the gape look on your face, and the clear struggle your cunt was having. You’re so wet around him that your moisture is just oozing down what’s left of his cock that’s yet to be inside you. 
“Sweetheart, please,” Gojo pants, “Need you to sit all the way down,” He hums before moving his hands to your hips.
You let off a moan, “S’big ‘Toru…”
Every fiber of his being almost snapped his hips up into you at the sound of that. You had no idea the things you did to this man— letting out a moan like that, telling him how big he is, and using that goddamn nickname…
He can only nod, “Uhuh, I know, I know,” Then, Gojo’s attempting to collect himself because everytime he speaks in that low tone of his, your cunt is gripping onto his fat cock tighter, “J-Jus’, hah, take your time, sweets.”
That’s the last thing he wanted you to do because half of his cock was feeling absurdly neglected at the moment but, he couldn’t help but want to take things slow. After all, the sex was just to keep you from falling asleep, right?
As such, Gojo tightens his grasp on your hips and helps you ease down another inch or two— a hiss leaving his lips with the way your walls squeeze down on his cock.
“So fuckin’ tight,” He breathes, “R-Relax, sweetheart… gonna make me cum before I even get all the way in.”
You start to lift yourself again as if to escape his thick inches squeezing into you, “S’too much, I-I can’t-“
He’s cutting you off and pulling you right back down with a groan, “Shhh, yes you can-, fuck, yes you can,” Gojo coos, leaning up and helping you sink onto him once more.
A moan of his name leaves your lips at the stretch of his cock, your eyes fluttering shut. Gojo’s steady to ease you all the way down until your cunt is meeting his heavy base, and both of you moan once he’s fully inside you.
You’re both panting in sync as you sit there with his throbbing cock inside you, his hardened tip kissing your sweet spot, and your walls clamping around him with every subtle movement of his hands or your hips.
You end up leaning back against his chest and Gojo buries his face into the crook of your neck, breathing hotly against your skin. His arms wrap around you and it was like he didn’t even need you to move yet. This was perfect for him. Just relishing in the warmth of your pussy for a few minutes, feeling every twitch and every squeeze whenever he kisses you was simply perfect.
The movie that’d been playing in front of the two of you is soon remembered as you return your attention back to it and keep Gojo’s cock sitting inside you with little to no movement for a while.
He was okay with that because, hell, part of him never saw himself even getting this far with you. Although, at some point, without him even saying anything, he feels your hips roll forward and a grunt is ripped from his mouth immediately.
Given his sound, you only grow encouraged to continue and barely lift your hips to bob your cunt up and down a few inches of his cock. The movement was minimal but it was enough for both you and him. Gojo’s hands dance up and down your sides. One moment he’s holding your waist and the next he’s slumping back against the couch and holding onto your hips, watching his cock disappear in and out of you as you ride him in earnest.
“Fuck me,” He ends up moaning. That alone has you bouncing on his cock within a few minutes.
Gojo’s usually so confident and suave with his words and actions but here he was moaning so prettily into the air due to the way you were riding him in reverse. Every roll of your hips and the way your sheeny slick made his cock glisten under the dim living room lighting had him gasping at some point.
He’s pretty sure even you forget about the movie at some point because you’re just throwing your ass back on him over and over again, the constant thwack of your rear against his toned pelvis as you plopped down on him was making his moans come out in a stutter.
You’re pretty sure that if you listened closely enough, you could hear the man choking out some small whimper at some point. But he masks that by giving your cunt one experimental thrust, earning a delicious moan from you.
And of course, it doesn’t stop there. He only continues after that, matching the way your cunt sinks down on him with heavy thrusts as he holds onto your hips for dear life.
“‘T-Toru, fuck, m’close,” You soon whisper.
He hardly hears you because he’s too busy trying not to cum inside you, “You feel so fuckin’ good-, God-, fuuck… s’too good,” Gojo babbles, completely pussydrunk at this point and struggling not to finish before you.
Your pussy’s just gushing around his shaft and he swears he can hardly think at some point. Maybe it was because he hadn’t had sex in a while, or maybe it was just you in general and the way you have the nerve to look back at him again and purposefully clamp your goopy walls down around his cock but, either way, Gojo can’t even warn you before he’s shooting a thick load of cum deep inside you.
One look from you and he was losing his damn mind, throwing his head back in both pleasure and embarrassment, fingertips trembling as his hips stutter, and a shaky groan slipping out from his lips while you just keep going.
Then he faintly hears your voice, “Did you jus’ cum?”
All he can do is give you a hard lucid lil’ nod, “Uhuh,” He breathes, still cumming inside you like he had no care in the world.
His cum is warm against your insides, making his cock a creamy mess as you slide your pussy up and almost all the way off of him just for him to catch sight of the filthy mess he’d just made.
Gojo doesn’t even care at this point because all he does is slam you right back down, the squelch louder than ever and one of his hands snaking around you. He’s quick to bring two thick fingers to your clit and lean up to your ear, “Need you to cum f’me now, p-please, m’so fuckin’ embarassed,” He admits right against the shell of your eat hotly.
You can feel his desperation in the way his fingers roll messy and needy little circles around your sensitive bud. Then he’s whispering plead after plead into your ear, his cock throbbing and twitching against your pussy, cum forming a ring of filth around his base, and your mind going blank with how eager he is.
You think you cum after he says something along the lines of, “Need it-, shit, need it sweetheart, need you t’cum on me,” through slightly gritted teeth and his voice cracking somewhere at the end of his words…
★ Choso Kamo — He's too attentive.
You're too focused on the way your favorite actor's busy on the screen going down on the love interest of the movie to realize that Choso's got his eyes everywhere except the TV.
He notices the way you're shifting in your seat, the thumb you bring up to your lips and the nail you nibble on anxiously as the sex scene ahead continues. Choso zones out from the fake slurps and forced moans from the TV, his eyes and ears completely focused on you and you only. Even when you let out a sigh as your thighs squeeze together, he notices.
And he doesn’t mean to stare at you but he couldn’t help it. What about this particular sex scene had you so squirmish? He’s watched them with you before but it was obvious this one was different. Was it the actor? Choso can’t help but glance at the TV to remind himself of who was in the movie, wondering if the big muscular pink-haired man on the TV was your type.
You were practically drooling at this point, hanging off of every word the man said all while Choso quickly put two and two together.
Clearing his throat, you flinch as if you’d been caught doing something you had no business doing, “You alright over there?” Choso hums.
You slowly turn your head to him and your lashes flutter as you pull your thoughts away from where they’d been previously, “U-Uhuh, yeah… Why?” You respond hesitantly.
You were far too caught up in the movie to have noticed how much Choso was paying attention. 
He shrugs, “You keep moving,” Choso points out before looking at the TV, “Is the scene making you uncomfortable or something?”
Your brows twist up, “What? N-No, not at all! It’s actually uh,” You had to pause for a second before you decide to tell him the truth, glancing back at your favorite actor on screen, “Well, that’s one of my favorite actors and the scene is pretty hot.”
“Oh,” Your roommate responds, nodding in acknowledgment, “You like guys like that?”
You snort, “Guys like what?”
“Tall, muscular, face tatts….” Choso lists carefully as he narrows his eyes on the actor ahead, “...Pink hair?”
You roll your eyes, “N-No, I just… Well, okay maybe that is kinda my type.” You’re slow to admit that because as soon as the words leave your lips, you’re looking at your roommate and realizing that aside from the hair color, he pretty much fits that description.
Choso turns his head to you and lifts his brows, “Yeah?” He huffs, smirking a bit, “You do know I basically just described myself, safe for the pink hair…”
“O-Okay… so?”
“So, I kinda resemble your type and your favorite actor.”
“Y’know, now that you mention in,” Your head tilts and you lean a bit closer to Choso, studying his facial features closer, “You two do look like you could be related.”
“Wait seriously?” Choso lets out a laugh, “If so that’s kinda funny since, just like him in this movie, I’ve never given anyone head.”
“You’ve never-,” You choke on whatever it is you were about to say as you realize what he just said. “Huh? You’ve never given anyone head?”
He shrugs, “No?”
And your curiosity practically spirals from there, “Have you had sex before?” You ask.
“Yeah,” Choso smirks at the immediate questions you have for him. “I’m not a virgin. But, well, my mouth is, I guess,” He explains steadily before looking to the TV again.
Your eyes remain fixated on his face, “Do you want to?”
“Want to,” His eyes trail right back over to you, “What?”
You lean in again, “Give someone head?”
“Are you offering?” Choso replies casually, licking his lips seconds afterwards. 
A smile spreads across your face and you try to flip it back onto him, “Nono, are you offering.”
He stares at you for a long moment, trying to figure out the right way to go about all this. Every muscle in his body was telling him to say yes because, technically, he was offering. He’d been offering silently ever since he first said something. You looked so focused on the damn TV that it almost irritated Choso, he could do whatever that actor’s doing ten times better.
…Even if he’s never done it before.
“Yeah,” Choso breathes out, not wanting to pass up on this opportunity in the slightest.
You gulp, “You-”
Before you get to finish, Choso’s shifting against your bed– maybe movie night in your room wasn’t the best idea. He’s moving closer to you and soon placing his hands on the bed at your sides as he brings his face close to yours. Your eyes are all wide and you’ve sat up completely, heart thumping in your chest at how close he’s gotten.
“Cho,” You whisper, watching the way his gaze changes, “You actually wanna-”
“I can do it,” He utters carefully as he places one hand on your thigh and slowly parts your legs for his body to fit in between, “I saw the way you’ve been looking at the screen anyway so, I know you’re worked up.”
“I-I’m not-,” You’re cut off yet again when Choso leans in and his lips brush over yours for a split second before he shifts to kiss your cheek.
Then he trails those soft little kisses over to your ear, “I’ve always wanted to try, y’know…”
“Try what?” You breathe, feeling his breath caress the crown of your ear.
“Pleasing someone with my tongue,” Choso explains, one of his legs sliding up in between yours up until he brushes against your core and you instinctively move a hand to hold onto his arm. To which he smirks, “And you’re needy for it so, jus’ let me try.”
“I’m not needy for anything, I-” Again, he cuts you off. This time he just pushes his leg forward a bit so that he’s fully pressing against your clothed cunt, earning a pathetic little gasp from you.
“You were sayin’?” Choso taunts as he tips his head down to your neck.
You scoff, “Shut up.”
“Shut me up,” He huffs back before kissing your neck.
“Fine,” Is the last thing you said to him before the two of you started acting on your whims.
He doesn’t even remember what he was thinking or how he got to this point by the time he’s got his face buried between your thighs. He can hardly think of anything else aside from the glistening slick drooling out of your exposed cunt moments after he’d tugged your panties down. Choso swears he’s never seen anything this wet in his life, his eyes hungry as they study your pussy closely before he even thinks about touching you.
All while you lay before him, your legs held open by his big hands and your eyes low on the way he looked, staring at you so lewdly. For someone who’s never even done this before, he damn sure looked as though he were about to devour you like you were his last meal. 
“Shiiit,” Choso whispers as his head tilts along with the excessive dripping from your hole. He’s just watching your cunt twitch and ooze without him even touching you yet. Was his staring doing this to you? (It was). 
You gulp, “Don’t jus’ stare, Cho…”
“But she’s so pretty,” He mumbles, almost in awe at the way your cunt only gets wetter, “And responsive… haven’t even touched her yet ‘nd she’s leakin’ f’me.”
He feels the way your thighs try to closer together out of embarrassment but the steel grip he has on you wasn’t allowing that to happen anytime soon, especially as he finally leans in and does nothing more than plant a sloppy kiss against your even sloppier pussy. The wet little mwah that emits into the air as he pulls away slightly makes both you and him gasp.
“Choso,” You practically whine, “Please don’t tease.”
He licks his lips and glances up at you, “You gotta remember, I don’t really kno’ what m’doing,” Choso mumbles in response while he presses his lips against your cunt once more.
Then, his tongue lulls out and he keeps his eyes on yours as he gets that first raw taste of you. His brows immediately twist up and his tongue slicks upwards as his lips shift to cup your cunt. Choso has no idea what he’s doing but you spasm a bit when he slurps your taste into his mouth and lets out a groan against you.
Completely clueless, Choso just does what he thinks would feel good for you after that and for whatever reason, it fucking works. He swears he’s never given head before but the way his tongue was lapping against you said something entirely different. He swirls the slipper pink muscle upward and he’s at your clit within a few moments, flicking the tip of his tongue against it before just toying with you using his mouth.
All as his eyes remained fixated on you and the way you moan whenever he does something right. It’s so sloppy the way he fucks his tongue inside your drooling hole, digging more and more of your taste out of you so he can get it all inside his mouth. Muttering small, “Tastes s’sweet,” against you as he works his lips and tongue.
Even whenever he pulls away for a few seconds, he just spits on your cunt to watch it get messier, smiles at the filthiness of it all, and then dives right back in. Your hand is soon to get lost in his hair and his usual messy ponytails come aloof with the way you tug and pull at him.
Choso worships your cunt, kiss after kiss, lick after lick, and groan after groan. At some point his hands move away from your thighs just so he can feel your legs close around his head as he shoves his tongue in deeper and the tip of his nose rubs against your clit.
“Mmmgh,” Choso grunts against your sopping hole, his eyes flickering back for a moment as you lifted your hip against his face.
He soon tugs his face away for a second just to slap his tongue against your pussy, making you whine in pleasure and call out his name, “Cho, oh fuck… y’sure y-you’ve never-”
“Uhuh,” He’s cutting off as he latches his mouth right back onto you, slobbering all over your cunt like it was the only thing keeping him sane and moaning against you. 
It’s a filthy mess in between your legs– hickies you hardly remember him leaving decorating your inner thighs, a bite mark or two spotted, sweat and saliva left just everywhere, a few splatters of his spit mixed with your juices, and most importantly, a very disheveled Choso feasting on you with not a care in the world.
You don’t even know if you cum, or how many times you do so because Choso doesn’t stop until you’re trembling underneath him. And because it was his first time, that took quite a while but he didn’t care. His jaw had started to hurt and he thinks his tongue was going numb for a second with how long he’d been in between your legs, slurping your pussy, and using nearly all of his face to please you.
You may not have known if you came but Choso did– swallowing everything you gave him down without a care in the world, letting out a whiney moan every time the slick slithered down his throat, and groaning in pleasure each time you came for him.
He wasn’t even talking as much as he thought he would be because he was too focused on your taste and getting more and more and more of it from you. 
Maybe next time you let him do this he’ll be a little more talkative but, for tonight, he had a secret intention of making you squirt– no matter how many hours that may take.
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monstersflashlight · 2 months
Commission for @lavender-constellation
A/N: Thank you so much for commissioning again! Means a whole lot <3 Hope you like it, it was super fun to write.
Request: Two Co workers in an office setting where they have to work closely together every day, one is a male!werewolf, the other is a fem!bunny girl that experiences heat. Bunnygirl is going through heat, trying to focus on the task and trying not to run to the bathroom to masturbate. Werewolf notices this, they have a convo about her being in heat, and werewolf offers to help her out. She almost says yes but says no and is afraid it would be unprofessional, he gets closer to her and rubs her clit and she relents for the chance at relief and to focus back on work. He fingers her and eats her out in her cubicle. Aaaaand more scenes of him “helping” her out until eventually they just start fucking at her apartment before work It becomes an at least twice a day thing for the duration of her heat, half the time in The cubicle half the time in his car, both trying to convince themselves it’s just so she can focus on work again,(though werewolf is a little smug about it) and the werewolf is just helping her out as a coworking favor, nothing more, but they’re both secretly catching feelings.
The key to productivity
Werewolf x fem!werebunny || heat, oral sex, fingering, knotting, semi-public sex, dub-con (kinda?)
You told your doctor you were feeling weird and the blood tests came back positive. You were going into heat, and your suppressants stopped working. He told you he could give you different ones, but you would have to ride at least two heats before that. You tried to argue that you couldn’t do it, you had to work, you had stuff to do… But there was no other way around it.
That’s how you find yourself in the middle of your stupidly boring desk job shift when the first wave hit. You think you are dealing okay with it, moving a bit more than normal, but everything is going as normally would. The world feels a bit off, but you convince yourself you can do it. Nobody has to know. You can ride the heat off and be okay after it. You can. You are a strong werebunny and you can get through that and more. Totally…
Surprisingly for anybody: you cannot.
Your cubicle coworker, a big werewolf that you might or might not have a crush on is the first one to notice. “Why are you so restless?” He asks in the middle of your day.
You turn your chair around and look at him trying to look confused as you deny it. “I- I’m not restless.” As you say it, you start feeling the blush creeping at your cheeks, your ears twitching.
“Yes, you are. And,” he sniffs the air, “aroused?” You blush harder. “Are you going into heat?” His tone is teasing and you want to kick that stupid grin off his face. “Can I help?” He grins at you, such a puppy gesture that you want to kiss his stupid snout as he shows you his canines.
“What do you mean?” You ask, confused. There’s no way he’s offering what you think he’s offering, is it? There’s no way a big handsome werewolf like he wants you, a werebunny nobody. No way.
But to your surprise, he just rationalizes it. “We need to finish this project today, and we can’t if you keep being jumpy and stressed and clearly restless. Let me help. Smelling how wet you are I bet it won’t even take that long.” The way he says it like it meant nothing should have been offending, but instead it turns you on more, your pussy twitching over nothing as you whined low. You cover your mouth instantly, embarrassed. “Come on, it’s just sex between coworkers, just some friendly... helping out.” His tone is teasing but there’s a hint of heat under it.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take advantage of you just because I smell…” You lower your tone, “like arousal.” You have to spit the last part out because you are so embarrassed you don’t even want to know how red your face is.
“I offered, remember? Also, you smell fucking delicious, I could eat you whole.” His confession makes you want to squirm, your brain sending alarm bells because of butterflies taking flight inside your tummy, but you ignore them. “Is that a yes? Can I touch your wet pussy?” His smirk is even more teasing now, and your pussy twitches again, your clit demanding attention.
You blush as you ask: “Why do you need to be so… crude?” His words are turning you on but you don’t want him to know that.
He smirks bigger, all his teeth showing and making you squirm under his heated eyes. “You like it, I can smell the spike of arousal when I tell you dirty things.” He sniffs the air and makes a humming noise, like he’s savoring your smell.
“Yo- You can?” You choked out, surprised by that but also embarrassed about it.
“Yes, I can. Your smell turns sweeter when I talk about licking your clit and finger fucking your tight pussy.” You groaned at his words, his crudeness indeed doing it for you. Damn him for being so fucking hot and filthy. And damn you for finding it extra hot.
“Okay,” you whisper. “You can help me.” In the back of your brain, there’s a voice saying that is going to be a bad idea, but you ignore that too, the voice that tells you to let him fuck you senseless is a lot louder.
“Hell yeah!” His enthusiasm shocks you, but you don’t have time to say anything. “Come here.” He didn’t let you move your chair, he grabbed it and pulled, positioning it next to his across the cubicle. You groaned, the manhandling apparently doing it for you, too. Good goddess, why was everything he did so hot?
He parts your legs with a forceful pull, making you groan and cover your mouth with your hand, once again dying of embarrassment. He chuckles and goes for it. You were never so happy to have worn a skirt in your life. He doesn’t even take your panties off, he pulls them to the side and starts rubbing your clit like a pro.
You are muffling your sounds as he chuckles and keeps going, acting uninterested as you squirm under his ministrations. Not two seconds later he has a finger in your pussy as his thumb circles over your oversensitive clit. And then he adds a finger, and by the time he has three, not even a minute has passed. Your pussy is so eager to get his attention that it feels like it’s claiming him, like it doesn’t want to let him go. And you… You can’t deny how good it is, how fucking filthy it feels to be finger fucked in the middle of the work day, in your cubicle, by tour werewolf coworker who you might or might not have a crush on.
And when he leans down and whispers against your ear: “You smell so fucking sweet. Can’t wait to eat you out.” The way he just assumes that’s gonna happen it’s what does it. As soon as he says that, you are coming around his fingers. The dirtiness of the situation making you orgasm in less than two minutes, how embarrassing. When you come down from the high he looks at you and asks softly: “Do you feel better?” You nod, too shy to say something.
He gets back to work and so do you. And it does help, you feel a lot more focused for a couple hours. But after that you go back to being restless and needy, your pussy sensitive and your panties dripping wet. This time around he goes under the table and eats you out until you are panting against your hand and your chair is so wet you have to get tissues to clean it afterwards.
That continues for a couple days. It starts only in the cubicle, but soon turns into hourly toilet trips, he tails after you like an eager puppy. It shouldn’t make you so happy, but it does. He finger fucks you, sucks your clit and pinches your nipples. He learns every single erogenous zone in your body and plays you like a fine instrument.
Every. Single. Hour.
By the third day, he suggests following you home to help you out a bit more. He goes down on you for at least three hours, making humming noises as he enjoys himself. You try to return the favor, but he stops you, going down on you once again and grunting as he jerks off while at it. You can’t think of anything more erotic than him jerking himself off with his big paw as he eats you out until his face is shiny with your juices. Having him there… Like that… It’s driving you a bit insane.
It’s the day before your heat ends when you start feeling it worse than ever, the last spike of It making you feel restless and anxious. You won’t stop moving, your legs bouncing up and down non stop and making him look at you with concern in his eyes. He fingers you under your desk once again, making you come messily as his other hand rubs your nipples over your dress. But it’s not enough, not nearly enough.
He helps you out like that two more times before you start whining. It’s too much but not nearly enough, and his concerned face only grows and grows. You don’t know what to tell him, your forehead is sweaty and your pussy is so wet you can feel it sticking to your chair. It makes you feel disgusting, but you can’t do nothing but to roll your hips in an effort to relieve some pressure, without any luck.
“Let’s get out of here,” he tells you after hearing you sigh for the thousand times in ten minutes. His eyes on you only make the heat stronger, your pussy wetter.
You look at him, your eyes unfocused, brain fuzzy. “What?” You look at him scandalized. There’s no way he’s suggesting what you think he’s suggesting.
“You need relief and I have a perfectly big car outside with tinted windows where I can knot you sweet pussy and get you more… focused.” You blush hard at his choice of words, your ears twitching at the top of your head. He’s right, you know he’s right, but you’ve never been knotted, what if…
“I’ve never been knotted,” you confess. He growls at you and you blush harder, the heat in his eyes turning molten lava when he looks down at you.
“That ends today.” He pulls at your arm and you try to suppress a giggle at his insistence. “Let’s go.”
Before you can think twice about it, or more like before your heat-fuzzy head lets you understand what’s fully happening, you are naked and spread in the back of his car. He pushes your legs against your chest, folding you almost completely and going right for your pussy. You’d never know somebody who enjoyed oral as much as him, good goddess does he love to eat pussy, specifically yours… And you can’t complain about it. He’s great at it and you are cumming before he has even two fingers inside your pussy.
When he comes back for air and looks up at you from between your legs, his face is all shiny with your juices and his perfect fucking smirk is showing all his canines, making a spark of danger grow inside of you and sending your arousal even higher.
“Please…” You beg in a broken moan, that’s the only word you can get out. Your heat-induced brain is completely off line seeing him like that, seeing him like the representation of lust and deprivacy. He’s your best wet dream turned into reality, and it’s driving you insane.
He seems to see something in your face because he’s suddenly smiling tenderly at you and unbuttoning his pants. “Okay, okay, I’ve got you.” His dick is so big, you’ve seen it before when he was jerking himself as he fingered you in the cubicle, but nothing could have prepared you for the feel of it.
He starts pushing inside slowly but surely, his dick so big you want to scream, but he covers your mouth before you can do it. He starts fucking you at a slow pace, letting you accommodate his girth, but it’s not enough. It feels like torture for you.
You urge him to go faster, harder, but it’s just a muffled moan against his palm. He seems to understand you either way, chuckling and complying. He fucks into you deep and hard, hitting your G-spot with every thrust and making your eyes roll back into your head as he grunts with every thrust.
“Are you ready?” You nod fervently, licking his hand and rolling your hips against his dick buried deep inside of you.
Your scream is muffled by his hand when the knot starts expanding in you. It’s exhilarating, way more than you expected. So big, so much, so wonderful… And then he starts coming in you and you feel every little twitch and spur of his come, making you dizzy with pleasure as you come and come and come… It feels like the longest and strongest orgasm of your life.
When the knot goes down and he helps you get back into your dress, slowly caressing your body while at it, you realize two things: 1) You could never live through a heat without a knot ever again, and 2) You might be a bit in love with your werewolf coworker.
Reminder that you can also commission me (info here).
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fans4wga · 1 year
"The studios thought they could handle a strike. They might end up sparking a revolution"
by Mary McNamara
"If you want to start a revolution, tell your workers you’d rather see them lose their homes than offer them fair wages. Then lecture them about how their “unrealistic” demands are “disruptive” to the industry, not to mention disturbing your revels at Versailles, er, Sun Valley.
Honestly, watching the studios turn one strike into two makes you wonder whether any of their executives have ever seen a movie or watched a television show. Scenes of rich overlords sipping Champagne and acting irritated while the crowd howls for bread rarely end well for the Champagne sippers.
This spring, it sometimes seemed like the Hollywood studios represented by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers were actively itching for a writers’ strike. Speculations about why, exactly, ran the gamut: Perhaps it would save a little money in the short run and show the Writers Guild of America (perceived as cocky after its recent ability to force agents out of the packaging business) who’s boss.
More obviously, it might secure the least costly compromise on issues like residuals payments and transparency about viewership.
But the 20,000 members of the WGA are not the only people who, having had their lives and livelihoods upended by the streaming model, want fair pay and assurances about the use of artificial intelligence, among other sticking points. The 160,000 members of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists share many of the writers’ concerns. And recent unforced errors by studio executives, named and anonymous, have suddenly transformed a fight the studios were spoiling for into a public relations war they cannot win.
Even as SAG-AFTRA representatives were seeing a majority of their demands rejected despite a nearly unanimous strike vote, a Deadline story quoted unnamed executives detailing a strategy to bleed striking writers until they come crawling back.
Days later, when an actors’ strike seemed imminent, Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger took time away from the Sun Valley Conference in Idaho not to offer compromise but to lecture. He told CNBC’s David Faber that the unions’ refusal to help out the studios by taking a lesser deal is “very disturbing to me.”
“There’s a level of expectation that they have that is just not realistic,” Iger said. “And they are adding to the set of the challenges that this business is already facing that is, quite frankly, very disruptive.”
If Iger thought his attempt to exec-splain the situation would make actors think twice about walking out, he was very much mistaken. Instead, he handed SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher the perfect opportunity for the kind of speech usually shouted atop the barricades.
“We are the victims here,” she said Thursday, marking the start of the actors’ strike. “We are being victimized by a very greedy entity. I am shocked by the way the people that we have been in business with are treating us. I cannot believe it, quite frankly: How far apart we are on so many things. How they plead poverty, that they’re losing money left and right, when giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs. It is disgusting. Shame on them. They stand on the wrong side of history at this very moment.”
Cue the cascading strings of “Les Mis,” bolstered by images of the most famous people on the planet walking out in solidarity: the cast of “Oppenheimer” leaving the film’s London premiere; the writers and cast of “The X-Files” reuniting on the picket line.
A few days later, Barry Diller, chairman and senior executive of IAC and Expedia Group and a former Hollywood studio chief, suggested that studio executives and top-earning actors take a 25% pay cut to bring a quick end to the strikes and help prevent “the collapse of the entire industry.”
When Diller is telling executives to take a pay cut to avoid destroying their industry, it is no longer a strike, or even two strikes. It is a last-ditch attempt to prevent le déluge.
Yes, during the 2007-08 writers’ strike, picketers yelled noncomplimentary things at executives as they entered their respective lots. (“What you earnin’, Chernin?” was popular at Fox, where Peter Chernin was chairman and chief executive.) But that was before social media made everything more immediate, incendiary and personal. (Even if they have never seen a movie or TV show, one would think that people heading up media companies would understand how media actually work.)
Even at the most heated moments of the last writers’ strike, executives like Chernin and Iger were seen as people who could be reasoned with — in part because most of the executives were running studios, not conglomerations, but mostly because the pay gap between executives and workers, in Hollywood and across the country, had not yet widened to the reprehensible chasm it has since.
Now, the massive eight- and nine-figure salaries of studio heads alongside photos of pitiably small residual checks are paraded across legacy and social media like historical illustrations of monarchs growing fat as their people starve. Proof that, no matter how loudly the studios claim otherwise, there is plenty of money to go around.
Topping that list is Warner Bros. Discovery Chief Executive Davd Zaslav. Having re-named HBO Max just Max and made cuts to the beloved Turner Classic Movies, among other unpopular moves, Zaslav has become a symbol of the cold-hearted, highly compensated executive that the writers and actors are railing against.
The ferocious criticism of individual executives’ salaries has placed Hollywood’s labor conflict at the center of the conversation about growing wealth disparities in the U.S., which stokes, if not causes, much of this country’s political divisions. It also strengthens the solidarity among the WGA and SAG-AFTRA and with other groups, from hotel workers to UPS employees, in the midst of disputes during what’s been called a “hot labor summer.”
Unfortunately, the heightened antagonism between studio executives and union members also appears to leave little room for the kind of one-on-one negotiation that helped end the 2007-08 writers’ strike. Iger’s provocative statement, and the backlash it provoked, would seem to eliminate him as a potential elder statesman who could work with both sides to help broker a deal.
Absent Diller and his “cut your damn salaries” plan, there are few Hollywood figures with the kind of experience, reputation and relationships to fill the vacuum.
At this point, the only real solution has been offered by actor Mark Ruffalo, who recently suggested that workers seize the means of production by getting back into the indie business, which is difficult to imagine and not much help for those working in television.
It’s the AMPTP that needs to heed Iger’s admonishment. At a time when the entertainment industry is going through so much disruption, two strikes is the last thing anyone needs, especially when the solution is so simple. If the studios don’t want a full-blown revolution on their hands, they’d be smart to give members of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA contracts they can live with."
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medusaesque · 1 month
Kim Kitsuragi and the pale-
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Kim has a unique relationship to the pale, I tried dissecting it and making sense of it. Reposting with more thoughts after some good conversations with @binomech.
Warning- it's insanely long.
1. After life, death
One of the first thing you can learn about Kim is that he would hurl himself in death's way to save you. From the very first moment, Kim is related to sacrifice and death, it follows him wherever he goes-
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The slaughterhouse.
He lost his parents at two years old. He worked a year in Processing (here's good post about that by @renmorris and @spilledkaleidoscope). He lost his partner, Eyes. People have taken a bullet that was meant for his more than once. His survivor's guilt is insane. He's killed six people. He's afraid of killing recklessly, and has a deeply unhealthy relationship with his gun (made another embarrassingly long post about that).
Kim also hears pale 'ghosts' on the police radio all the time, talks about it like it's normal, and says he doesn't believe in ghosts.
If harry is with Noid during the Moralist dream quest (more on it later), Harry can even wonder if Kim himself is a ghost, prompting this beautiful exchange-
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And he's not entirely wrong. When Harry gets shot, after Kim fulfills Espirit's promise and stands in death's way for him, you can ask as you fall into darkness what will happen to you-
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It's the living who are ghosts. You can leave them behind and rest. Go into the wild pale yonder, along with everyone else Kim has ever cared about. Or at least you can try to.
When death is at the door, you have two options-
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2. After death, life again
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Kim might associate himself with death, but Harry associates him with life again and again- Death is darkness, Kim has a light bulb halo. Death is a sunset, Kim is a sunrise. Death is where you are when the game start, it's ready to take you, and then- a clarion call, the sound of a motor carriage, a detective arriving on the scene, and you open your eyes.
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Of course Kim is no actual saint, no guardian angel, but it's really telling that even in harry's deification the symbols of Kim's holiness are worldly, almost mundane, the matters of every day life- a celling's fan lightbulb, the engine of a car..
Or the way @binomech said it when discussing Kim's portrait: this is the only thing keeping you from the full brunt of the world in your mind #but truly you are already in the world #and he is just a man #and that's just a car and that's just a ceiling fan
The game is very clear about Harry being a ceaseless agent of the world, but he's not the only one. Harry stands at death's door twice, and Kim is his way back to the world both times.
3. After the world, the pale
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So what is Kim's relationship with the pale?
As casual as he might try to appear, Kim is clearly uncomfortable with the pale, afraid of it even. When Harry brings up the pale, he intervenes, genuinely worried for the fragile stability of his mind, trying to protect him-
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It's no more terrifying than water or death or that we're stuck behind our eyes for all eternity?? Sounds pretty terrifying Kim...
I think the key is in the moralist vision quest, When Harry attempts to reach the Committee of Responsibility, and he hears the pale crosstalk coming through the radio, when suddenly-
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"Pale is a shroud of memories and it doesn't really distinguish to whom those memories belong to. You could hear anything." You could hear anything, but you hear Kim. Soona even says that the odds of us hearing him, out of all the voices in the pale, are astronomically low.
We know the past has not been harmless to Kim, we know it's full of ghosts and cold winters, but that's not the thing that's eating at him-
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Kim is afraid of forgetting. He's constantly writing, he thinks through his notebook, always recording, so he wouldn't lose anything. That's why the pale is so terrifying to him.
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4. After the pale. the world again
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The world is what it is. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
That leads me to the expeditions through the pale-
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Volta do Mar is a skill unique to Kim, according to the stats of this pilot jackets, and it's a Physique skill.
It's driving me crazy to think how Kim wanted to be revolutionary pilot as a kid, and is walking around dressed like a pilot as an adult, to give himself the ability to navigate the pale. To return from the sea-
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Seeing how Volta do Mar is strengthened by his jackets, and the items' descriptions point out that most of the people who used to wear this jacket are long gone (alongside what they represented) and considering that the only real advance in pale transit is the speed with which an aerostatic craft can pierce it, is seems fitting that returning from the 'sea' requires the kind of armor that ghosts wear- the ghost of who you wanted to be but never could, of a home that was never yours. Glory to them.
@binomech said it best in this conversation we had about Kim's skills: "your traitorous race. your traitorous job. your traitorous parents. your traitorous senses. distant enemy of yourself: seolite, communist, cripple, faggot. and you wear it as armor"
Kim is equipped for Volta do Mar, he armors himself for it every day, for the thing that makes it possible to return sane, and discover a new world-
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This is one of the most touching Kim moments in the game to me- putting his hand in the rain, looking up to the sky, mouth open, welcoming the spring rain, even knowing it'll bring death and destruction with it. He is devoted to this world and the role he has to play in it, or at least the role he thinks he has to play-
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But we know Kim has a bigger role to play, he's trying to do his part right there, getting Harry to stay-
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His connection to Harry can keep him on this world once again- keeping the two of them together. Their real work is down here, him and Harry are Revachol's only hope. If they stick together they might be able to keep her on this earth.
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sarahghetti · 1 year
can you pretend to be my boyfriend?; m.k.
pairing: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: the boys pretend to be your boyfriend in order to save you from a creepy stranger.
warnings: inappropriate behaviour towards the reader, female!reader.
moon knight masterlist | all masterlists
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you lean over the gift shop counter, eyes wide as you ask, “can you pretend to be my boyfriend?”
poor steven is just confused at first.
“pretend to be—wait, what do you mean—?”
he doesn’t get a chance to finish that thought because the man who’s been trying to flirt with you all day suddenly rounds the corner, and you’re out of time.
“there you are!” a smarmy grin, eyes looking you up and down. it makes your skin crawl. “I was worried that you might’ve left before I could get a chance to talk to you again.”
“yeah, wouldn’t want that, now, would we?” you mutter.
it clicks in steven’s brain then, though not exactly fast enough for him to come up with a retort other than, “right, yeah, right.”
the man’s attention doesn’t waver from you, however, and you squirm on the spot. time for a hail mary, you suppose, turning back to steven. “are we still good for lunch, babe?”
“oh, yes, lunch—right, of course, love,” steven nods, more confident. “I just need to finish up some last things here, if you’re willing to wait a bit?”
you’re ready to say no worries, take all the time you need when the guy scoffs, barely sparing steven a glance. “a sales clerk? really?”
“better than the wet tissue you are, bruv,” steven snaps back, so fast that he surprises himself a little. something simmers under the man’s expression, but steven’s faster. “do I need to call security?”
that finally gets to the guy, who just mutters curses under his breath before finally pissing off. your smile is genuine now when you look at steven. “thanks for that.”
“no worries—are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you nod. “don’t suppose you’re actually free right now, are you? the least I could do is buy you lunch as thanks.”
luckily for the both of you, he is, and he rounds the counter with a wide smile on his face before you lead the two of you out.
he’s just waiting to place his order at a coffee shop when you walk in, some guy hot on your heels and prattling on despite your obvious discomfort.
“oh, hey, babe!” he doesn’t even realize you’re calling out to him until he meets your gaze, and the pleading look in your eyes is all he needs to understand what’s going on. “sorry I’m late.”
“it’s all good.” marc knows the drill, injecting warmth into his smile as he walks up to greet you. he gives you a small nod, letting you know that he’s got your back as he slips his hand into yours. “was worried about you for a minute there.”
“wait, are you two…?” the man looks between you, eyebrows furrowed.
“mhm.” he keeps his tone light, but is secretly watching like a hawk for any signs of escalation. when the guy’s mouth twists into a scowl, marc subtly tugs you behind him.
“you never said you had a boyfriend.” the venom in the words is terrifying, but marc doesn’t flinch.
“no need to cause a scene, man,” he says, tone amicable, but you take a peek at his face and his expression is as hard as stone. “now, if you’ll excuse us.”
marc leads you back into the line to order, squeezing your hand gently to stop you from looking over your shoulder. there’s the heavy stomping of feet before you hear the bell ring over the door as the guy leaves.
the relief is palpable. you finally let go of marc’s hand, face warm as you smile sheepishly at him. “thanks for the help. let me buy you a coffee?”
“don’t worry about it.” he shakes his head, but you offer again and, well, if you insist. he doesn’t mind spending the rest of his afternoon with you at all.
he’s the one to notice your discomfort from across the pub, how you subtly shift away from the man leaning in close to speak directly into your ear.
when you meet his eyes, you mouth, help? and jake doesn’t even think twice before downing the rest of his drink and making his way to your table. he slaps a hand down onto the guy’s shoulder, making him jump. “think you’re in my seat, hombre.”
the man’s greasy smirk twitches, obviously thinking that jake is interrupting his ‘game’ or whatever the fuck. “nah, man, I’m just—”
“trying to hit on my girl, yeah, I can see that.” jake grins at him, but you get the impression that he’s baring his teeth more than anything. he looks to you, and his gaze softens. “you okay, there, baby?”
“better now,” you say, and it’s not a lie.
the guy turns to jake fully, sizing him up. “you think you’re so tough, huh?”
jake doesn’t even blink, just raises a single eyebrow as if daring for him to suggest taking the matter outside. it’s not even a competition, because the man backs off a moment later, angrily slipping out of the booth without looking back.
you don’t breathe until the guy finally leaves the building, at which point a heavy sigh falls from your lips.
“the nerve of that guy,” jake mutters, clicking his tongue.
“right?” you shake your head, then gesture to the now-vacant seat beside you. “care for a drink? I think I owe you after your help back there.”
“you owe me nothing,” he corrects, but slides in beside you anyways, taking your offer with a smile.
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anniebeemine · 16 days
Hii. I couldn’t get reid and lila kissing episode out of my mind lol, can i request a fic with spencer getting interrupted (/kissed) while he’s rambling about something that annoyed him at work.. he’s so annoyed that he just keep talking but also keep kissing the reader back everytime until he’s just ‘wait why r u kissing me rn im literally so annoyed????’ but then he continues kissing her anyway lol. You can write however you want though! Love your fics so muuuuch!!!!!
i think about that scene at least twice a week (my roman empire tbh)
warnings: kithing
Spencer paced the length of your living room, his hands gesturing wildly as he ranted about whatever had set him off at work that day. “—And can you believe they didn’t cross-check the fingerprints before starting the entire interview process? It’s such a basic step in protocol. I mean, we wasted hours, hours, running in circles!”
You watched him, nodding sympathetically from your spot on the couch, though you could hardly get a word in between his breathless, frustrated tirade. He was adorable like this, completely wrapped up in his thoughts, even when he was annoyed. His brow furrowed, lips moving a mile a minute as he laid out every little detail of the day that had irritated him to no end.
“…It’s not even like it’s the first time, either! You’d think after all this time working together, we’d have this stuff down, but no, apparently—”
He paused as you stood up and crossed the room to where he was pacing. You had this urge to just... kiss him, mid-rant, to break through that whirlwind of frustration. Spencer glanced at you but didn’t stop talking. “—apparently, no one knows how to follow through with the simplest procedures anymore, and it’s not like I’m—"
Before he could finish, you cupped his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his, cutting off his next string of words. For a second, Spencer froze, mid-sentence, but then his lips moved instinctively, kissing you back without missing a beat.
You pulled back slightly, but his brain hadn’t quite caught up yet, and he kept talking. “—asking for perfection, just a little—”
You kissed him again.
This time, he melted a bit, his hands instinctively coming to rest on your waist. But just as you thought you had him completely, he pulled back, blinking, still distracted by the cloud of irritation hanging over him. “Wait, why are you kissing me right now?”
You grinned, biting back a laugh. “Maybe I thought kissing you might help.”
Spencer blinked at you again, clearly processing this new development. “Help... with what?”
“With getting you to stop ranting and relax for two seconds,” you teased, your hands still resting on his chest. “You were getting worked up, so I thought maybe I’d try to calm you down a bit.”
His frown deepened for a second, like he was trying to figure out whether or not he should continue being annoyed, but then he sighed. “I mean, I’m still frustrated about it, but…”
You leaned in, kissing him again, cutting him off before he could dive back into his complaints. He groaned softly, his hands slipping to your back, and after a moment, he gave in, his lips soft and warm against yours.
But then he pulled away again, furrowing his brows. “I really shouldn’t be kissing you right now. I’m so irritated.”
“Mm-hmm,” you murmured, pressing your lips to his again, and this time, he didn’t pull back.
He kissed you deeply, hands gripping your waist now, his frustration slowly ebbing away as he lost himself in the warmth of your embrace. When you finally broke apart, he sighed, resting his forehead against yours.
“Okay,” he said quietly, his tone much calmer now. “That... kind of worked.”
You grinned. “I told you it would.”
He huffed a soft laugh, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You really know how to distract me, you know that?”
“Anytime you’re annoyed,” you whispered, trailing a finger down his chest, “I’ll be here to help.”
Spencer gave you a small, amused smile, finally letting go of the frustration he’d carried with him all evening. “Okay. I think I’m officially done being annoyed.”
“Good,” you teased, leaning in for one last kiss. “Now, what were you saying?”
He shook his head, smiling against your lips. “I don’t even remember.”
And with that, the conversation shifted into something far more pleasant than his earlier rambling, Spencer finally letting go of the day’s annoyances, and choosing to focus on you instead.
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noparadiseinthis · 25 days
English is not my first language. Bear with me, Grammarly helps, but it doesn't work miracles
I've never got past that part
Spencer Reid/fem!Reader
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Warnings: Literally none, just cuteness - if you ignore Spencer's slight insecurity.
Summary: Morgan encourages Spencer to ask out the barista at the nearby BAU coffee shop. Already expecting a rejection, he is surprised by the result. (I like to imagine Reid from the first season here, the one who had never asked anyone)
"Come on, handsome. You'll never know unless you ask her." Morgan said, adopting a big-brother demeanor with Spencer as he slipped one of his arms around the boy's neck. "First time for everything, huh?"
Spencer cursed the day he let Morgan know that he never asked anyone for a date. Since then, the man seemed to be on a mission to set him up on a date and as soon as he saw the red cheeks and wandering eyes the young doctor had for you, he knew immediately.
"You clearly have a crush on her."
"No, I don't." Spencer hissed, trying to get out of Morgan's grip. "And keep your voice down." He whispered gruffly, glancing quickly at you to make sure you hadn't heard anything.
Derek rolled his eyes, puffing out his chest to start a motivational speech, or his version of it, at least. "Look, I don't want to spend the rest of my life making fun of you for not going on a date. Stop wasting opportunities."
Spencer looked up at his friend, looking a little wary and shy as he asked, "Opportunities?".
"For a genius, you can be pretty oblivious. The girl has a crush on you too."
Reid's eyes widened, although he tried not to show too much reaction. Was it possible? That you look at him the way he looks at you. "You think?"
When Spencer met you, he was sure he was screwed, completely paralyzed by your appearance, and he embarrassed himself by spending long minutes in silence until he pulled himself together and made his request. With his increasingly frequent visits - and the extra coffees he brought for the team members in the morning, which no one complained about - he saw beyond your beauty, and what he saw only made his crush grow stronger. He had already decided, however, to ignore it completely and let nature take its course and put an end to his feelings for you. But what if he didn't have to do that? What if it could be more?
"I'm sure."
The heart eyes, the excited smile you opened when you saw Spencer walk through the door and the way you blushed and fiddled with your hair while he ordered didn't lie. Reid may have missed those signs, but Derek didn't.
You watched the scene with more curiosity and amusement than you probably should have. In the corner of the café, the two men stood with their backs to you, Derek - the one you met today - cradling Spencer in one of his arms while they seemed to be having a serious discussion. You weren't the nosy type, but you'd give anything to know what they were talking about.
Spencer was a regular customer, as were several other FBI agents, but there was something special about the young genius who could recite complete passages of foreign poetry in their original language and still blush every time you drew a heart next to his name on the glass.
You liked to think that you put a dose of affection into every drink you made, but with his, you certainly took twice as much care, never failing to laugh at the huge amounts of sugar that were needed. You finished the two coffees, wrote the names on the cups even though you didn't need to at that point, and called out loudly. "Spencer and Derek."
Spencer was startled to hear his name called and Derek smiled at seeing his friend so affected. "Go on, tiger." He said with a laugh, pushing Spencer towards the counter and giving him an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Spencer preferred to think that he didn't approach the counter as slowly as it seemed in his head. Thousands of phrases came to mind, but none of them seemed right. When he only took the coffee with a quick "thank you," turning to leave, Derek regretted it internally. No, kid, he thought with agony.
One step away from you and Reid reconsidered, taking a deep breath so as not to chicken out before turning back to you, who stared at his departure with the feeling that you had done something wrong since he hadn't stopped to have his usual conversation, which would normally last until work dragged him down or your manager started looking at you with something akin to anger
"I was thinking..." He began, but stopped midway, looking into your anxious eyes.
God, was that really happening? Was it what you imagined?
"Do you want to do something? One day when you're free." He said, scratching the back of his head.
It was what you had imagined. Your heart raced as you jumped inside. "Like a date?" You asked, just to make sure you hadn't taken it the wrong way.
And before he could turn around again, you gave your answer. "I'd love to!"
"Yeah, like a date." He replied, interpreting your question as surprise and refusal. "But it's not necessary, you know? Just... forget I said that."
That's it, kid! Derek smiled proudly, watching the two of you with total indiscretion.
Spencer's eyes widened, taking a few seconds to process the fact that you had accepted! It was real. Maybe Elle was right.
"That's... great." He said, a small, shy smile appearing as he looked away.
"And where are you taking me?" You asked, flirting with him a little.
That's when Spencer realized. "I don't know," he admitted embarrassedly, "I've never got past that part."
You laughed, but you didn't seem to be mocking him, you seemed to be laughing with him. "You're cute," you murmured, making him blush a little. You looked around, and when you saw that your manager wasn't around, you pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote quickly, and handed it to him. "Tell you what, you decide where we're going and let me know, OK?"
He took your number as if it were some kind of treasure, his eyes a little delighted, and almost forgot to answer. "Of course! Yeah... I'll see you later."
"Bye, come again!" You exclaimed happily, returning to your dedicated barista facade.
As they left the establishment, Derek's huge smile returned, as did his arm around Spencer's neck. "I said, congratulations, big boy. You're a man now."
Spencer hardly minded the teasing this time, thinking about your smile and asking Gideon for the address of that restaurant he had praised.
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https-lovvers · 2 months
honey honey
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lando norris x driver!reader
summary: you, lily, alex and lando all go on a yacht trip through italy and you cannot get this one song out of your head.. so you and lily annoy your boyfriends!!
you and lily stand in the kitchen cutting up a watermelon as your boyfriends are fooling around on the deck of the yacht. the hot sun shining down on the coastal italian waters and you can see lando already tanning.
you smile to yourself when he spots you and waves joyfully.
"well he's a love machine isn't he?" lily nudges you and you giggle.
"it makes me dizzy sometimes you know??" and as soon as the words come out of your mouth you realise! those are lyrics in the abba song honey honey!!!
when you explain it to lily she smiles and shakes her head. "you and that mamma mia movie"
you both giggle and you take a bite of the watermelon.
"should we make a video to the song??"
you didn't need to hear it twice.
"honey honey how he thrills me" you wink into the camera, walking in front of lando
"honey honey nearly kills me" lily faints into alex's arms as he looks at lando with confusion and lando just shrugs.
"i heard about him before.." lily types alex's name into a search browser. "i wanted to know some moreee" she pretends to think and looks at alex.
"and now i know what they mean.. he's a love machineee" you smile into the camera and lando runs up behind you and picks you up, squeezing you tight.
"oh he makes me dizzy!!" you and lily say into the camera at the same time.
you and lily giggle and film a few more lyrics.
"the way that you kiss me goodnightttt" lily giggles as alex kisses all over her face
"the way that you hold me tightttt" you smile as lando hugs you from behind
you and lily giggle into the camera at the same time trying to not laugh, "i feel like i wanna sing when you do your.. thing!!"
as the lyrics fade into just the melody, you guys decide to document your day to the music. clips showing you and lily twirling in your pretty dresses on the front of the yacht, running down the streets of the beautiful town that you'd parked the yacht at, smiling with your boyfriends over lunch.
you smiled, nothing could beat your favourite songs and your favourite people.
as the music fades back in, it's nearly sunset so you and lily make the most of the daylight lipsyncing to the song.
"honey honey touch me baby" you wink at the camera and make a beckoning action and lily laughs from behind the camera.
you and lily force lando and alex to nod along to the "uh huhs" in the song and you and lily pop up for the "honey honey"
"honey honey hold me baby" lily giggles and wraps her arms around herself.
you decide to do the next scene together, "you look like a movie star" and you guys skip around your boyfriends in 2x speed and shrug to the camera as you say, "but i like just who you are."
"and honey to say the least.. you're a doggone beast" you brace yourself for impact as the plan was for lando to throw you over his shoulder.
however instead he pushes you off the yacht and you land in the cool, clear water fully dressed.
you smile and shake your head when you see lando, lily and alex all laughing at you from above you.
as the melody fades back in, you just film all of you jumping and playing in the water, spinning around on the deck and lando and alex piggybacking you and lily.
"honey honey how you thrill me uh huh" lily looks directly at alex with a smile. nodding as she says uh huh.
"honey honey" the camera cuts to you and lily peeking your heads out from a doorframe
"honey honey nearly kill me" you collapse into landos arms, a grin cracking on his face as he feels your body weight on him.
"honey honey" the same clip of you and lily in the doorframe
"i heard about you before... i wanted to know some moree..." lily grins wildly as her and and alex hold hands and swing them back and forth.
you smile at the cute couple as you and your boyfriend sit and watch the sunset "and now i'm about to see.. what you mean to me"
you glance up at your boyfriend and look at him lovingly as the song ends.
lily would post your silly little music video on her socials later, but for now you all enjoyed each other's company laughing together as the sunset.
guys lmk if you want to see social media reactions to the videos or anything like that <3 hopefully this whole thing kind of makes sense!
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
Subby!bottom!Nat getting a nipple piercing just for R as her birthday present to her. But, the healing process is at least 2 weeks long so Nat always rejects R's advances for steamy sessions cuz it's painful/not allowed and she wants to keep it a secret until finally on the day of R's birthday Nat reveals her big present and R can't stop herself from sucking her titties. Bonus points if you can add in a scene where R tries to cup Nat's tits in one morning when they're cuddling but Nat moans as it hurts and tries to cover it up. (Thankyou for your work, you're amazing)
Happy Birthday!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Summary: Nat has painfully been trying to keep your birthday present a surprise. 
Smut 18+ ONLY! Minors & Men, DNI!!
Translations: Detka (baby)
Warnings: Sub! Natasha, Nipple Play (N Receiving), Slight Thigh Riding, Mommy Kink, Tiny Degradation, | 1.3K
AC: Thank you for sending this!! I hope you enjoy it!!
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"All done!" The piercer smiled as they took a step back to make sure the bars were sitting perfectly. "Just be careful with towels, still wear a bra and no sexual activity in that area for at least 2-4 weeks" she added as Natasha put her favorite oversized tee back on. "Thank you, I love them" the red head smiled. 
Nat had been planning this for months, she wanted to surprise you for your birthday but didn't think ahead of how hard she'd have to keep the secret. It's no secret that you're a lover of her breasts, especially when she's wearing one of her tight tank tops making them sit perfectly. She loved to tease you and would often wear a bra that was a little too small, making them almost spill out of her top, driving you crazy. 
It's been two weeks since Nat got her nipples pierced but still felt they were rather sensitive and sore. She was glad that she'd planned this months in advance, your birthday was only a week away which gave her a little more time for the piercings to heal. It wasn't easy though, trying to keep you from hiding out. She was beginning to run out of excuses to kindly avoid any sexual activities between the two of you, so she ended up taking a small trip to Ohio to catch up with Alexie and Melina. 
Nat got back a few days before your birthday and of course you'd missed her. The birds chirped outside the small window of your shared bedroom at the Avengers compound. You rolled over to see Nat reaching for her alarm, given that you missed her so much, you wanted a little extra time in bed before starting the day. Naturally, you dropped an arm over her hip and pulled her closer into you. 
"Good morning" you spoke softly as you placed a kiss on the back of her neck, your hands making their way to cup her breast. "Good morning" Nat smiled, forgetting for a second about her new piercings. Her hands were full of her tits for a split second before Nat moaned with need. You gave them a light squeeze, not thinking twice about why she was wearing a bra to bed, she never wore a bra to bed. She moaned once more before she caught her bottom lip between her teeth to keep the pain from alerting you. 
"God, I've missed you" you whispered, placing another kiss on the back of her neck. Nat playfully chuckled, "I've missed you too, but I can't miss training detka, we'll do this later" she replied as she gently removed your hands from her breasts and sat up, running her fingers through her hair before throwing it up in a messy bun. 
You didn't question her excuse, but it definitely confused you, Nat was always one for a little morning fun before her morning shower. "Is everything okay baby?" You asked, sitting up. 
Natasha nodded, "of course, I've just a busy day today and tomorrow I've got a few errands to run" she replied before leaning over and kissing you softly, "and the quicker I get everything done, the more free time you and I have" she added. 
"I told you not to make a fuss about my birthday" you reminded her. 
"I know detka, but you know how much Wanda loves to get everybody together to celebrate things" Nat replied before slipping out of bed. She had a point, even though you'd said a million times that you didn't want a party or anything, Wanda still made sure there would be some kind of celebration. "I'll see you later tonight" Nat smiled before disappearing into the bathroom. 
A playlist of your favorite music played in the background under all the chit chatter from the others. The classic birthday song was sung as you blew out your candles, games were played before everybody was just enjoying a drink and talking among one another. You were sat on the sofa enjoying your drink when Nat came and sat beside you. 
"Come up stairs, I have a surprise for you" she whispered in your ear. You bit your bottom lip as you watched her stand up, getting a great look of the dress she was wearing that hugged her figure perfectly. She reached a hand out for you to take gracefully before she led the two of you back to your shared bedroom. 
Once Nat closed the door behind you, she locked it and made you take a seat on the small sofa. Your eyes were glued to her body, the way her dress rode up her thighs slightly and her tits basically begging to be let free. She straddled your waist, letting your hands land on her hips. "I've wanted to tear this dress off you all night" you spoke as you pulled the bottom of her dress over her arse to see she wasn't wearing any panties. "No panties huh?" You looked up at her. 
Nat kissed you deeply while she worked her arms out of the straps of her dress. "Are you ready for your surprise mommy?" She asked, biting her bottom lip. You nodded, running your tongue over your lips. Natasha slowly pulled down her dress and unclasped her bra and throwing it to the floor. Your eyes were met with the small silver daggers running through her nipples, your mouth watered at the sight. 
"Fuck baby! Is this why you've been avoiding me?" you asked, cupping her tits to get a better look. 
"Mhm, they need weeks to heal, do you like them" the red head replied as she watched the way you groped at her tits. 
"Like them? I fucking love them" you said before attaching your lips to her left nipple. Nat moaned at the unexpected attack on her breast, her nipples still rather sensitive only made her pussy throb as your tongue flicked over her nipple and sucked lightly. 
You released her nipple with a pop before giving her right nipple the same attention. Natasha could barely help herself, the way you bit and tugged on her tits made her rock her hips against your thigh. Rubbing her wet, exposed pussy on your outfit. "F-fuck" she moaned as you released her breast once more. 
"Don't stop mommy, please" Nat begged, rocking back and forth against your thigh. 
"Is my dirty girl needy for me now huh? After weeks of avoiding me, I can feel how soaked your pussy is darling" you replied, gripping her hips and making her stop her actions, "You're not cumming like this" you looked up at her, "keep still and let mommy have some fun" you added before taking her nipple back into your mouth. 
Natasha's moans filled the room, your hands still on her hips to keep her from grinding against you. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed while you twerked, bit and sucked on her nipples even leaving hickies in the valley of her breasts. 
"M-mommy!" Natasha moaned. You could feel just how soaked your girlfriend was, she was beginning to squirm in your hold while her clit throbbed with need to be touched. "I-I'm g'nna cum!" She added with another moan. You released her right nipple from your lips and brought your fingers to both of them. You pulled harshly on them, sending Natasha over the edge as she moaned your name while you rolled her nipples between your fingers. 
Natasha looked at you with red cheeks, "Happy Birthday mommy" she smirked before kissing you deeply once more. You stood up with Nat still wrapped around your waist before you placed her gently on the bed, "I think you can make a bigger mess, don't you?" You smirked before attacking her left nipple once more with your lips.
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minniesmutt · 4 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐝
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     It was a nice anniversary. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city and work. Chan had found a cabin for rent in the woods and took the weekend off for just him and Y/n. It was perfect, to say the least. Y/n had made sure to pack enough food for the weekend so they could cook and not worry about having to go into town.
     Even though it was only two nights fully at the cabin, both were sure to make it count. Who knows when the next time they’ll get three consecutive days in a row together?
     Friday night Chan drove them up to the cabin after a lunch date. It wasn’t a super long drive so they didn’t have to leave early in the morning. Only maybe a couple of hours. So they made a lunch stop before getting groceries for the weekend and then driving up. Chan letting her play car DJ on his phone. Stealing a kiss at stoplights. Giggles the whole way up and deep into the woods. 
     Chan made sure to drive slowly on the uneven road as the got further into the woods, away from society. His hand was on her thigh until they got to the cabin. Then it was the hassle of unloading the car. Bringing in the food from the car, Y/n took to unpacking it as Chan brought in their bags and set them in the bedroom and set up all the electronics. Mainly just the TV. Nothing in the 21st century was completely off-grid anymore. Even with being so far from civilization, there was still some internet to let them at least watch Netflix.     Chan set the remote on the coffee table once he was done with the TV and walked into the kitchen as Y/n was finishing up putting away the groceries. He smiled and grabbed her waist, pulling her into him to pepper kisses all over her.
     “Chan!” Y/n giggled as she tried pushing him away— not trying to though. She loved the affection from him.
     “Get you all to myself for three days,” Chan said between kisses, pulling her closer to him
     He ended his kiss assault by pushing his lips onto her. Y/n smiled against his lips as she grabbed his shoulders. Chan walked her back up against the counter, pulling away from her lips long enough to help her up onto the counter before attacking her neck with kisses
     “We’ve got three days Channie.” Y/n moaned as his hands slipped under her shirt.
     “Three days just to fuck you, baby,” Chan growled against her neck. 
     Y/n felt her body heat up as he chuckled at her reaction. He brought his hands down and grabbed her thighs, pulling her off the counter. Y/n grabbed onto his shoulders and stared at him as he walked into the living room.
     “Think we can fuck all over the cabin in three days?” He asked as laid her back on the couch. 
     “Remember when we had the dorm to ourselves for a weekend?” She asked as he tossed his shirt off 
     “Hm, what was it, everywhere twice?” 
     “Some places three times.”
     Chan leaned back down and smashed his lips onto hers. He pushed her shirt up over her chest. Hands roaming each other’s bodies. Y/n worked her way down his abs to his jeans. She was unbuttoning the material, pushing it down enough to be able to palm him over his boxers. Chan moaned into her mouth, grinding against her hand. 
     Y/n slipped her tongue into his mouth. Exploring and wrapping around his own before he pushed back. He pushes her bra up to join her shirt above her breasts. Rough hands kneaded her breast and finger pads played with her nipples. 
     Chan detached his lips first and moved down to her chest. Kissing all along her skin before wrapping his plumps around one of her nipples. His hands moved down from her tits to push her pants down past her hips. Y/n lifted her hips to help him a bit, he pushed her pants down to her mid-thigh. His fingers moved quickly between her legs, rubbing her clit over the fabric of her panties as he switched nipples.
     Y/n laced her fingers in his hair, grinding against his fingers. His rough tongue pressed against her nipples before he detached and moved his lips down her stomach, leaving love bites in his wake. He pulled up just before the waistband of her lace panties, just for a bit to get the fabric of her pants and the lace off of her.
     Tossing them to join his shirts. He laid down on his stomach and brought her legs up over his shoulders. Y/n took a moment to toss her shirt off as he kissed her folds gently. A calm before the storm.
     Chan licked up between her folds before diving in head first. Kissing her clit and slowly licking. His nose brushed her clit when he moved down. “My perfect baby,” Chan groaned into her. Y/n smiled as she laced her fingers into his hair. If Chan looked up at her, she was sure he would see heart eyes.
     Chan started his pace slow, gradually speeding up till he lapped her up like a starved man. Moans were very quick to fill the living room. Chan wrapped his lips around her clit while two fingers worked inside her. Slowly starting to push in a third. Pads rubbed against her gummy walls while thrusting in and out of her. Her hands gripped his roots while his free hand wound its way up to her breasts.
     “More channie,” Y/n whined right before he slipped his third finger in.
     “That enough for you baby?” Chan asked as he looked up at her
     “Mm. Want your cock,” Y/n begged
     Chan hummed as he went back down, sucking harder on her clit. His fingers picked up their pace inside her. Y/n arched towards the ceiling as he built her orgasm up. The knot tightened fast. The harder he sucked and the faster he went, the harder it got to control her moans or have any self-control.
     Soon enough the knot snapped in her stomach. Cumming on his fingers before he pulled them out and licked her clean. He brought his now free hand up to her mouth. Y/n opened her mouth for him to slip his fingers into her mouth to lick his fingers clean of her juices. Moaning into her as he felt her tongue wrap around his fingers. 
     He pulled away from her cunt as he was positive she was all clean. Pulling his fingers out of her mouth, laying her legs on the sofa. He stood for a moment to discard his pants and boxers. Y/n sat up to take off her bra. Chan stopped her mid pulling his boxers down to stop her and unhook her bra for her.
     Y/n smiled up at him as he pulled the fabric off her body. Then she saw his erection standing right up. She giggled before bringing him into her mouth. The surprise was nice on his end for sure. Y/n fixed her position to sit on her knees before she started sucking him off. Chan stood straight as he looked down at her. Her hands planted on his thighs, her eyes flickered up at him as she sank further down on him.
     “Fuck baby,” Chan groaned as he grabbed the back of her head.
     Y/n moaned around him as she swallowed him. Chan let out a loud whiny moan just before she pulled back before her nose hit his abdomen. One hand moved to hold the base of his cock before she started quickly bobbing her head, never taking him fully into her throat, just deep enough to tease him. Both knew full well she could take all of him into her throat.
     Until she did. Swallowing him till he was all the way inside, his hand gripping the back of her head to hold her still before pulling her off. A string of saliva connected her to him as she looked up at him with slightly glossy eyes, sucking in deep quick breaths.
     “Need to cum inside you baby.” Chan pushed her back down onto the couch, grabbing her legs and putting them around his waist. 
     “What if I want your cum in my throat?” Y/n asked as he lined himself up at her hole
     “Later beautiful.” Chan pushed into her, watching her head fall back onto the couch.
     “Fuck,” Y/n whined just before he started his pace. After the quick surprise blowjob, he needed to cum. He picked a fast pace as he started. Grabbing onto her hips to get better leverage. 
     “Never gonna get over how good you fucking feel,” Chan groaned. His cock fucking deep into her. 
     Y/n rolled her hips slightly against him as he fucked into her. Every word he muttered under his breath or whined was how good she felt and just how lucky he was to have an amazing girlfriend like her. If she wasn’t already hot from foreplay and getting dicked down, she’d be blushing. Right now, her mind was only thinking about his tip just grazing that spot.
     “Deeper Channie, please baby. Wanna cum on your cock,” She whined. 
     Chan didn’t hesitate to throw her legs over his shoulders again and lean forward. Hands planted next to her head after intertwining their fingers together. The first thrust in the new position hit the spot dead on. She didn’t know how Chan was able to find the spot every time but she thanked every higher power out there for his rare skill of finding the g-spot. 
     He resumed his previous pace, not daring to change it as her walls clamped down around him. “Pretty, gonna cum for me again?” Chan huffed 
      Y/n nodded as a certain thrust had her walls and the knot in her stomach tightening. She knew Chan wasn’t faring much better with the way his dick was twitching inside of her. One of his hands left hers and came down between their bodies. Thumb pressing against her clit and rubbing quick circles, working her closer to her next orgasm.
     Y/n gripped his hand tighter, curses falling from both their mouths as they got closer. Chan was the first to break. He thrusted in and out as quickly as he could before she came moments later. She shook under him as he slowed down to a stop, enjoying the feeling of her wrapped around him a little longer. 
     After a few moments, Chan pulled out before leaning down and softly kissing her lips. 
     “All good baby?” he asked pulling away and kissing her cheeks
     “Mhmm.” Y/n nodded, moving her arms to wrap around his neck, “You wanna make dinner tonight?”
     “You want me to make dinner tonight,” Chan smiled at her
     “Saving my energy for when you decide to blow my back out later.”
     “I’ll do it right now.”
     Chan placed his lips back onto hers. Y/n tangled her hands in his hair as she giggled against his lips. “Wanna move to the bedroom?” Y/n mumbled against his lips.
     “Mhm,” Chan pulled away before getting up and pulling her up for a moment. He moved the throw pillows and the blanket off the couch then pulled something underneath the cushions out and it turned into a bed. Chan sat back on the mattress sofa and pulled her onto his lap, giving her a proud smile. “There we go.”
     “You’re such a dork.” Y/n giggled as she straddled his lap and cupped his face.
     “Your dork,” Chan laughed
     Pulling each other in for another kiss. Chan laid back, pulling her down with him. Hands grabbing her hips, grinding her against his semi. Moaning into the other's mouth before Chan pushed his tongue into her mouth.
     Y/n snaked a hand behind her, grabbed his dick, and pumped him, pulling away from his lips. Chan tilted his head back as she pumped him back to full length. Y/n positioned him at her entrance and slowly sank down. 
     Chan lifted his head and grabbed her hips, helping her swallow him again. “Slowly baby,” Chan said
     Y/n planted her hands on his chest, stabilizing herself. Once he was fully in her, slowly she started rolling her hips against his. Chan kept his hands on her but he didn't help her. Simply letting her grind against him. 
     He moved his hands towards her ass, gripping the flesh in his hands. Y/n smiled down at him as she switched from bringing to bouncing in him. “Shit,” Chan groaned, gripping her ass tighter. 
     Both stopped when they heard something on the back porch. Both turned towards the door. It was pretty dark outside by now, the couple having gotten to the cabin around sundown. 
     Chan sat up wrapping his arms around her waist. “Maybe it's just an animal,” he said, kissing her collarbone. 
     “Can you check?” Y/n asked, looking down at him. 
     “Yeah,” Chan answered. 
     Y/n got off his lap and sat on the mattress, pulling the throw blanket off the ground and covering herself as Chan slipped his boxers on before heading to the back door.
     Y/n waited anxiously for him to come back, telling her it was just a possum or something. Gripping the blanket she kept her eyes trained towards the back of the house. Barely noticing the figure behind her in the mask. Until his gloved hands grabbed her throat and covered her mouth. 
     Her eyes went wide as she reached up to grab the perpetrator's arms to pray them off her. Thrashing in the grip which subsequently made the blank fall off her bare body. 
     “Quit squirming,” the voice behind her pulled her roughly into his firm chest. 
     Y/n shook her head as she tried to pry herself away. The hand on her neck moved to grab her wrists, holding them down. He pushed her forward onto the mattress, his body lying on top of hers. 
     Both her arms were grabbed by a third party and pulled behind her back while the first man held her head down onto the mattress till he was done. 
     She was pulled back up by her hair and got a glimpse at the black and white mask with the elongated mouth. “Be good and stay right here for us kitten.”
     The masked man dropped her back on the mattress before she heard a chair hit the floor. She lifted her head to Chan being tied to one of the dining table chairs, tape over his mouth forbidding him to talk. Her eyes watered as he made eye contact with her. 
     Y/n looked up at the intruder tying her boyfriend up. He had a bigger build than her boyfriend and was slightly shorter than him as well. Same mask as the first one. Build alone she could guess it was easy to overpower Chan. 
     “Awe,” a new voice said behind her, slightly deeper than the first man. Was it the one who tied her up or another one? There were either three or four additional people inside the cabin, “Poor things got cum dripping out of her.”
     Y/n’s eyes went wide as she felt the mattress dip down behind her. Two fingers ran up from her clit to her entrance. This person was also wearing leather gloves as well. Y/n bit her lip and closed her eyes, squeezing water past her waterline as two of his gloved fingers pushed her boyfriend’s cum back into her. Thrusting in and out slowly.
     “Watching your girlfriend get fingered by someone else is turning you on, huh?” the man next to her boyfriend asked. Y/n opened her eyes and saw Chan was indeed hard under his boxers. The man chuckled and pulled the waistband of his boxers down below his balls. Chan groaned as the cool air hit his sensitive cock as the man walked away, towards her.
     She clamped down around the man fingering her, which made him laugh. She was trying to shrink back away from the man walking towards her but there weren’t many options at this point. “Think she likes being used in front of her boyfriend.”
     The man who tied her boyfriend up crotched down in front of her, “Wanna help your boyfriend?” He asked
    Y/n sniffled and nodded her head. “Words, doll.” 
     “Y-yes,” Y/n stated as best she could
     “Wanna get out of this situation?”
     He chuckled under his mask before standing up. The fingers pulled out of her before she was sat up on her knees. Finally getting a better look around the room. Six people surrounded the room, including the two near her.
     “Look what I found.” a voice came from down the hall. Everyone in the room turned to the seventh person who walked in holding a remote and a dildo.
     Y/n’s face flushed before the seventh person got on the bed behind her. The man in front of her grabbed her face, “Open up.” She could hear his smile
     Y/n kept her mouth closed, shaking her head. The man behind her yanked her head back and hovered over her, “You want this to end well?”
     “Ye… yes,” She whined
     “Be a good whore and open your mouth.”
     He tugged on her hair for good measure. Y/n opened her mouth and a second later the toy was shoved in her throat. Y/n gagged around it as he fucked her throat with it. The other six gathered around the sofa, leaving some space for Chan to watch, and pulled out their cocks. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw them all slowly pumping them as drool dripped out the sides of her mouth.
     “Bet you’re upset you stopped her from sucking your cock earlier Channie,” The first man said mockingly over his shoulder. 
     “Stuff her already,” A new voice said.
     The toy was pulled from her mouth. Y/n doubled over coughing, trying to catch her breath. Which just gave the man behind her the right position to push the toy into her pussy. She did a weird cough moan before she was forced to sit straight and a cock shoved down her throat. She moaned as her eyes went wide as the man started fucking her throat while the others continued pumping their cocks over her.
     “Shit,” the man groaned as he thrusted in and out of her throat. 
     The one who found the toy was behind her messing with the remote. Turning it on which made her moan around the cock in her mouth. The fake cock thumped up and down inside her as she started to get passed around on their cocks. Each of them pulled her off another. Each using her and their hands to get closer to their orgasm. Coming to the point they took turns shoving their cocks down her throat to cum till she was positive her drool had been replaced by their cum. 
     She wasn’t fairing too well on the toy either. The more they all used her mouth as a cum dump with the little thing fucking her, she got wetter and the knot in her stomach built. 
     “Look, barely done anything to her and she’s already fucked out.” The seven laughed as they pushed her onto her back spreading her legs.
     “Wan’ cum,” She mumbled out.
     “Think you deserve to cum?” the deepest of the voices asked
     “Not on the toy.”
     The toy was pulled out of her making her whine as her hole clenched around nothing.
     “Poor thing.” 
     One of the taller two sat back on the sofa the more built of the group lifted her and made her straddle him.
     “Come here darling,” The man cooed as he lined his cock up with her sensitive entrance. Slowly she sank onto him, making her moan. He wasn’t as big as Chan but there was some competition length-wise, “That’s it. Take my cock.”
     His hands grabbed her hips to hold her steady on top of him. ”Channie,” Y/n moaned which earned her a slap on the ass.
     “Channie isn’t fucking you anymore doll.”
     “Think she needs another cock in her to get it through her head.”
     She was pulled forward onto the tall one’s chest and she felt wet leather at her tight rim. Y/n shook her head as she felt him breach her ass. The man below started thrusting up into her while the one behind her fingered her ass open. She could tell his fingers were thick without the gloves but with them, it was a whole other thing.
     The man below her had wrapped his arms around his body and kept her pinned down to him. Soon she felt a second finger enter her as well, making her scream a “fuck”. Scissoring her ass open as the man below her slowed down as he felt her clenching.
     “Get it in already. He’s probably fucked her ass before.”
     Chan definitely had fucked her ass before. Neither could deny it. 
     Chan kept his eyes trained on his girlfriend. Angry cock laying against his stomach and leaking precum all over his abs. Beyond turned on at watching his girlfriend get gangbanged. 
     The man stationed behind her pulled his fingers out and grabbing his cock. Pumping himself before pushing into her. Below had stopped thrusting to let him inside as she screamed into his shoulder. The man behind her had her boyfriend beat in girth. 
     Once everyone was adjusted, the two men were thrusting in and out like made men. She was never but filled. one going in as the other was pulling out. 
     Behind her grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up a bit so the room could hear her. No coherent words were coming out of her at this point. Far too fucked put to even think about anything as she clenched around both men as the knot in her stomach tightened. 
     One particular thrust from the man in her ass had her body going limp as she came on the other one’s cock. Body shaking as they used her holes till they came inside. Filling her up then pulling out. Y/n fell onto the mattress as their cum seeped out of her. 
     The comfort didn’t last long as she was pulled up and placed on someone else's lap. Dick pushed cum back into her ass as he breached. She whined leaning forward as his hands held her waist. “Forget how to ride a cock?” he asked before smacking her ass
     “Learn how to fuck her maybe.” the second voice said as he pushed her back and slid his dick into her soaked cunt. The second man spread her legs apart before both started thrusting into her. Whines leaving her mouth and small little “fucks” with them. Any tears that had been threatening to spill had started streaming down her face once the second pair started their attack. 
     It was the same as the first pair. Taking turns thrusting in and out of her. Another orgasm building up in her sensitive body. She subconsciously squeezed around them, head falling back before the intruder on top of her grabbed her neck. Y/n sucked in a quick breath of air as her once-drooping eyes went wide. 
     “Don’t leave us yet baby.” He laughed
     “Still got three cocks to make cum inside your whore holes.”
     Both men came inside her, mixing with the first two and Chan’s from earlier. Pulling her off and tossing her to the side. Two more sets of hands grabbed her, this time letting her lay on her side still. One of her shaky legs was pulled into the air as their dicks slid into her cum filled holes.
    “Shit. She’s fucking full.” The man in front of her groaned
     “Think she can fit three more loads?” the man behind her chuckled as they both started thrusting in and out of her.
     “‘o more,” Y/n groaned
     “Awe she’s begging for it.”
     Y/n shook her head before the man behind her wrapped his longer fingers around her throat.
     “You can take a few more. You’re gripping us like you want it.”
     “Make some room,” the deepest voice said.
     The two moved the position so she was straddling the intruder that had his cock in her cunt. She was easy to move with how numb her limbs were.
     “Think you’re pretty thing can fit three cocks in her?” 
     It was obvious the man was talking with her boyfriend but she still managed to hear the last bit of the sentence before she tried talking them out of it.
     “Maybe she needs one in her mouth too.” 
     “Get in there.”
     The first man that fucked her pulled her head up and forced himself into her throat again. She screamed around as she felt another tip prodding at her filled holes. Almost like he was trying to decide which one he wanted to stretch. Ultimately he started joining the man in her eyes.
     She cried around the man fucking her face again as the men below got situated.
     “Shit thought she was full before,” the man above her huffed.
     Slowly the three started moving. It was a painful but pleasurable feeling once she got used to it. She wasn’t going to admit it— not like she could when she had a dick in her throat and she was severely cock drunk. 
     Her body felt light. No real control of anything else, cum dripping out of her as the four fucked her. Moving as best they could inside of her. Everyone twitching inside her as her orgasm suddenly shook her entire body.
     “Fuck” the man below groaned before he came inside her cunt.
     He stilled inside her as the two in her ass weren’t far behind him or each other. The first man came and then pulled out, some of his cum spurting out onto her ass and lower back as the second followed. Coming in time with the man in her throat.
     The four took a moment before pulling out and off her.
     “Fuck,” Jisung groaned again as he threw his ghost face mask off, sweating a bit. Minho, Seungmin, and Changbin had already taken theirs off along with their gloves once they finished. Hyunjin had put his back on to get his dick sucked one last time before the scene ended.
     Changbin had untied Chan when the last five were mid fucking. The oldest snuck off to take care of his erection once the scene ended while the other three quietly got all necessary aftercare items ready.
     The coffee table was covered with sports drinks and water and discarded gloves and ghost face masks.
     Felix untied her wrist from behind her back as Seungmin came back with a warm wet towel.
     “You with us babe?” Jisung asked as he brushed her hair out of her face
     Y/n hummed as she lay against his chest. God, she was exhausted.
     It was very rare Y/n took all her boyfriend’s cocks at once. Threesomes and foursomes were more common in their relationship. 
     “Can you look at me, babe?” Jisung asked as he slowly turned the to onto her side. Y/n looked at her boyfriend with her sleepy eyes, “Hi sweetie,” He smiled
     “Hi ji,” Y/n said
     “Can Seungmin clean you up?” He asked
     “Tired,” She groaned
     “I know baby. But we gotta make sure you’re okay babe.”
     “Quick and gentle bubs. Promise.” Seungmin said as he squatted down in front of her.
     “‘Kay,” she said as she laid her head against Jisung’s chest. Seungmin talked her through what he was doing so he didn’t catch her off-guard
     “I grabbed her favorite sweater of mine and blanket from the dorms two before we left,” Jeongin said as he came back in from the outside.
     “I’ll start cooking dinner. Yongbok, come help me.” 
     Once Seungmin finished cleaning her up, Jisung sat them up.
     “Hyunjin helped me with the sofa,” Changbin said
     Everyone had taken their own little tasks in the aftercare session. Y/n tried to pay attention, mainly so she could stay awake but she was so out of it. Jisung picked her up so the two could fix the sofa.
     “Shower,” Y/n groaned
     “Channie’s in the shower right now baby. You wanna join him?” Changbin asked     “Yeah…”
     Han passed her off to Changbin as the other producer grabbed the maknae’s hoodie for her before walking her to the bathroom. He gave a knock on the door to alert the man in there.
     “Baby wants a shower with you Chan,” Changbin said as he opened the door.
     “Okay,” Chan said as he opened the shower curtain. Changbin passed her off to him and then set the hoodie on the counter for her next to Chan’s close. 
     “I’ll bring in some bottoms for her. Minho and Yongbok are making dinner, and the rest of us are fixing the living room. Seungmin did most of the clean up but she still wanted a shower.”
     “Alright. We’ll be out soon,” Chan replied as Changbin walked out of the bathroom. “Feeling okay baby?” Chan asked. He turned the water down a bit before pulling her under the water with him.
     “Feel like jelly.” Y/n leaned her wait into him as he helped her clean up.
     “Can you tell me who’s all here with us?”
     Y/n listed off the rest of their partners as he washed her up. He asked her a few more questions to make sure she was out of her subspace if she got into it. He was usually good at reading her expressions during sex when she dropped into it but he couldn’t see her face much during the scene so he didn’t wanna take chances.
     He turned the water off, got the two of them out of the shower, and dried off. He got her dressed before he put his clothes on picking her up and bringing her back into the living room to relax and talk with the rest of the group.
     “Feeling okay pretty?” Hyunjin asked
     “Yeah. Thank you guys for trying the scene.”
     “Of course baby.” Chan sat back on the sofa next to the other two producers
     “We weren’t too rough with you?” Changbin asked
     “No. I liked how rough you guys were. Plus we talked about it before. Wasn’t anything we didn’t talk about that I didn’t like.” The warm shower woke her up and recharged her a bit so she was able to form sentences again.
     “How’d you like being excluded old man,” Seungmin joked at Chan.
     Chan shrugged, “I got a round and a half in.”
     “Is it too soon to ask to do this again?” Y/n asked
     “Not for a while kitten. You just took eight dicks.” Minho called from the kitchen
     “I didn’t mean right now! But, I like when I get to have kinky sex with all eight of my boyfriends at once.”
     “We’ll record next time so you can enjoy it any time,” Jisung said
     “That actually sounds like a good idea.”
     “You’re gonna give her a new kink, again, Jisung,” Minho yelled as he came around the corner, baring a spatula
     “What’s wrong with that?”
     “It becomes all of our problems.”
     “Is that an issue?”
     “No, but I don’t need random videos sent to me throughout the day of one of us fucking her. Yongbok already got her into the lingerie photos.”
     “I have no regrets,” Felix yelled from the kitchen
     “None of us do,” Seungmin laughed
     The room seemingly erupted into chaos after everyone fucked their brains out. But what was new?
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