#going crazy going stupid. kim is so important guys.. if only he knew
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medusaesque · 6 months ago
Kim Kitsuragi and the pale-
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Kim has a unique relationship to the pale, I tried dissecting it and making sense of it. Reposting with more thoughts after some good conversations with @binomech.
Warning- it's insanely long.
1. After life, death
One of the first thing you can learn about Kim is that he would hurl himself in death's way to save you. From the very first moment, Kim is related to sacrifice and death, it follows him wherever he goes-
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The slaughterhouse.
He lost his parents at two years old. He worked a year in Processing (here's good post about that by @renmorris and @spilledkaleidoscope). He lost his partner, Eyes. People have taken a bullet that was meant for his more than once. His survivor's guilt is insane. He's killed six people. He's afraid of killing recklessly, and has a deeply unhealthy relationship with his gun (made another embarrassingly long post about that).
Kim also hears pale 'ghosts' on the police radio all the time, talks about it like it's normal, and says he doesn't believe in ghosts.
If harry is with Noid during the Moralist dream quest (more on it later), Harry can even wonder if Kim himself is a ghost, prompting this beautiful exchange-
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And he's not entirely wrong. When Harry gets shot, after Kim fulfills Espirit's promise and stands in death's way for him, you can ask as you fall into darkness what will happen to you-
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It's the living who are ghosts. You can leave them behind and rest. Go into the wild pale yonder, along with everyone else Kim has ever cared about. Or at least you can try to.
When death is at the door, you have two options-
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2. After death, life again
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Kim might associate himself with death, but Harry associates him with life again and again- Death is darkness, Kim has a light bulb halo. Death is a sunset, Kim is a sunrise. Death is where you are when the game start, it's ready to take you, and then- a clarion call, the sound of a motor carriage, a detective arriving on the scene, and you open your eyes.
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Of course Kim is no actual saint, no guardian angel, but it's really telling that even in harry's deification the symbols of Kim's holiness are worldly, almost mundane, the matters of every day life- a celling's fan lightbulb, the engine of a car..
Or the way @binomech said it when discussing Kim's portrait: this is the only thing keeping you from the full brunt of the world in your mind #but truly you are already in the world #and he is just a man #and that's just a car and that's just a ceiling fan
The game is very clear about Harry being a ceaseless agent of the world, but he's not the only one. Harry stands at death's door twice, and Kim is his way back to the world both times.
3. After the world, the pale
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So what is Kim's relationship with the pale?
As casual as he might try to appear, Kim is clearly uncomfortable with the pale, afraid of it even. When Harry brings up the pale, he intervenes, genuinely worried for the fragile stability of his mind, trying to protect him-
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It's no more terrifying than water or death or that we're stuck behind our eyes for all eternity?? Sounds pretty terrifying Kim...
I think the key is in the moralist vision quest, When Harry attempts to reach the Committee of Responsibility, and he hears the pale crosstalk coming through the radio, when suddenly-
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"Pale is a shroud of memories and it doesn't really distinguish to whom those memories belong to. You could hear anything." You could hear anything, but you hear Kim. Soona even says that the odds of us hearing him, out of all the voices in the pale, are astronomically low.
We know the past has not been harmless to Kim, we know it's full of ghosts and cold winters, but that's not the thing that's eating at him-
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Kim is afraid of forgetting. He's constantly writing, he thinks through his notebook, always recording, so he wouldn't lose anything. That's why the pale is so terrifying to him.
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4. After the pale. the world again
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The world is what it is. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
That leads me to the expeditions through the pale-
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Volta do Mar is a skill unique to Kim, according to the stats of this pilot jackets, and it's a Physique skill.
It's driving me crazy to think how Kim wanted to be revolutionary pilot as a kid, and is walking around dressed like a pilot as an adult, to give himself the ability to navigate the pale. To return from the sea-
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Seeing how Volta do Mar is strengthened by his jackets, and the items' descriptions point out that most of the people who used to wear this jacket are long gone (alongside what they represented) and considering that the only real advance in pale transit is the speed with which an aerostatic craft can pierce it, is seems fitting that returning from the 'sea' requires the kind of armor that ghosts wear- the ghost of who you wanted to be but never could, of a home that was never yours. Glory to them.
@binomech said it best in this conversation we had about Kim's skills: "your traitorous race. your traitorous job. your traitorous parents. your traitorous senses. distant enemy of yourself: seolite, communist, cripple, faggot. and you wear it as armor"
Kim is equipped for Volta do Mar, he armors himself for it every day, for the thing that makes it possible to return sane, and discover a new world-
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This is one of the most touching Kim moments in the game to me- putting his hand in the rain, looking up to the sky, mouth open, welcoming the spring rain, even knowing it'll bring death and destruction with it. He is devoted to this world and the role he has to play in it, or at least the role he thinks he has to play-
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But we know Kim has a bigger role to play, he's trying to do his part right there, getting Harry to stay-
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His connection to Harry can keep him on this world once again- keeping the two of them together. Their real work is down here, him and Harry are Revachol's only hope. If they stick together they might be able to keep her on this earth.
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sluttywonwoo · 4 years ago
the bet || j.ww x reader
Summary: you help your boyfriend’s best friend win a bet against your better judgement
Warnings: swearing, lil bit of jealousy, light smut (18+) 
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
“Hey, can I ask a huge favor?”
You hoisted yourself up from your beach towel onto your elbows and pulled down your sunglasses to glare at the boy in front of you. You narrowed your eyes at him in suspicion. What could Kim Mingyu possibly want from you?
“What is it?”
He ran a hand through his still-wet hair awkwardly. “Um, the boys and I are about to play a game of volleyball, and we’ve bet some money on it…”
“And, well, it’s me and Hansol against Wonwoo, Soonyoung, and Seungkwan. Wonwoo’s their best player and I was wondering if you could distract him? So that we have a better chance of winning?”
“Distract him… how?” you asked, not fully understanding.
“You know… whatever it is you do that drives Wonwoo crazy. He’s your boyfriend, I’m sure you know how to wind him up.”
“You mean you want me to get him hard during your game?”
Mingyu nearly choked at that. “Um, I mean pretty much, yeah. Just do something that will throw him off his game.”
“So you want me to help you guys cheat?”
“It’s not technically cheating.”
“I think your definition of cheating is much looser than mine.”
“So is that a no?” he asked.
You thought about it for a second. “Is there anything in it for me?”
“We’ll give you a cut of the winnings.”
You found yourself grinning. “How much did you guys bet?”
“Two hundred if they win, three hundred if we win. Basically whoever’s on the losing team has to cough up a hundred bucks.”
“Jeez, I can’t believe Wonwoo is risking that much on a stupid game.”
“Are you upset?”
“No, it’s his money he can do whatever he wants with it. I just think he’s a dumbass.”
“Not arguing with that.”
“Do you need me to remind you that you’re betting the same amount?”
“Fair enough,” he chuckled. “So you’ll do it? For a hundred?”
“Yeah, you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“Pleasure doing business.” Mingyu smirked and held out his hand for you to shake. You rolled your eyes at the formality but shook his hand anyway, just as Wonwoo came up to the both of you and clapped Mingyu on the shoulder.
“What are my best mate and my best girl talking about?” he asked, leaning down to kiss you.
“I wanted to go swimming, but Mingyu said you guys are about to play volleyball?” You piped up before Mingyu could say anything. Maybe you should’ve felt guiltier than you did about lying to your boyfriend and for what you were about to do, but hey, a hundred dollars was a hundred dollars . And if everything went according to plan, you’d be getting some good dick too. A win win.
Wonwoo frowned a little bit. “Oh yeah, sorry. Wanna play, love?” he offered. “There’s still some room on Mingyu’s team.”
You made a face. “What about your team? Can’t you make one of your other team members switch?”
He winced. “I love you, y/n, but you’re shit at sports.”
Any trace of remorse left over what you’d agreed to do dissolved in that moment. He fucking deserved what he was about to get.
“The stupid game is that important to you? Asshole,” you scoffed, and put your sunglasses back on before laying back down on the towel.
“Y/n,” Wonwoo whined, and crouched down next to you. “I-”
“Go play your fucking game.”
He stood back up, but lingered for a moment. You could tell he felt bad, but you weren’t having it. “Wanna go swimming after?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“Sure, whatever.”
You could tell he’d walked away when the shadow over you disappeared. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, you were a little pissed about the comment he’d made. Were you shit at sports? Yes, definitely, but could he have at least pretended to love you enough to be on the same team as you? Also yes. He should’ve known you were going to say no anyway.
While you were still fuming you hadn’t even realized the boys had started the game. Not even a minute in and you were already slacking on your end of the bet. You propped yourself back up for a moment to watch. You could see why Mingyu had asked for your help. Wonwoo and his team were dominating so far, and you couldn’t help but admire how fit your boyfriend looked as he served the ball to the other side of the court. You licked your lips absentmindedly, ready to pull him back to the car right fucking then.
You forced yourself to stop watching the game stood up from your towel, brushed yourself off, and began walking towards the water. You made sure to pull your bikini bottoms as far up your ass as you could in the process just to get Wonwoo’s attention as you walked past the volleyball net. Sure, you’d agreed to go swimming with him after the match, but you’d never promised to wait for him.
As you made your way down to the shore, you noted that not only Wonwoo’s head turned to watch you walk, but all five of the boys cast their attention away from the game and towards you. You glanced behind your shoulder for a second, and caught Mingyu’s smirk. He took advantage of Wonwoo’s lapse in concentration to spike the ball back over to their side and score a point.
You heard some yelling and protestation, but pretended to ignore it and continued to wade into the water.
It was warmer than you thought it would be, and deeper. There was a steep drop a few feet in that you might have tripped over if you weren’t careful. You only ended up staying in the ocean for a few minutes; Wonwoo couldn’t really get distracted by you if your whole body was submerged underwater. You weren’t there to swim around anyway, just to get your bathing suit wet so it would stick to your body.
You’d worn one that didn’t have pads in it so you knew that once you got out of the water the whole beach would be able to see your nipples poking through the fabric. You didn’t have a problem with that. Wonwoo might.
While you were down there you got your hair wet too, just for good measure. Might as well pull out all the stops since a hundred dollars were on the line.
You weren’t sure what the score was by the time you made your way back up to your towel, but you didn’t make an effort to ask. What you did know, though, was that Wonwoo was getting frustrated. Even from where you were you could see that his jaw was clenched and his brows were furrowed.
The opposing team seemed to be doing just fine though, and you stopped to watch them high-five each other after Mingyu scored another point by slamming the ball over the net onto Wonwoo side of the court.
“Damn, nice one, Gyu!” you called out from where you were standing, giving him a big smile and thumbs up. It was sort of dorky, not to mention a cheap shot, but if you knew Wonwoo as well as you thought you did, it’d be the perfect thing to rile him up.
“Thanks, y/n!” he shouted back and winked, ignoring the weird look Hansol gave him. “It’s about time you started rooting for the winning team!”
You struggled not to laugh when you looked back over to the other side of the court and saw all three boys scowling at Mingyu. You didn’t even know why he needed you in the first place, he knew how to push their buttons so well already.
Wonwoo’s fists were clenched now, and he looked this close to tackling his best friend to the ground. The two of you weren’t even flirting with each other, not really, but Wonwoo was the most competitive person you knew and it wasn’t always the best color on him. For you to be cheering for the team that he’s not on, and for that team to be winning- there was no doubt in your mind that he was royally pissed. Not to mention, that you just so happened to be cheering for his attractive best friend who may or may not have mentioned having sex dreams about you once or twice in passing.
It was good, but it wasn’t enough. Soonyoung made some offhand comment about how close the scores were so you knew you needed to keep going. You turned your attention away from the game again and lowered yourself down on your stomach on top of your towel and casually undid the strings of your bikini top to “sunbathe”.
If anyone asked it was so you didn’t get tan lines on your back, it was something that a lot of women did. In reality, however, you didn’t give a shit about tan lines, you just wanted to see how Wonwoo would react.
You pulled out your book to read while you tanned, tuning back into the game every once and a while to see how it was going. You could hear Soonyoung and Seungkwan yelling at Wonwoo to ‘pay attention’ or ‘snap the fuck out of it’ and smiled to yourself, excited for what was to come.
After several more minutes, your bathing suit was almost dry and you were starting to fall asleep on your towel. The volleyball game was taking way longer than you anticipated and you just wanted Mingyu and Hansol to win already. You didn’t have any other ideas to distract your boyfriend so you hoped they could pull it off.
Then, what you would call a fucking miracle happened. You were still nearly dozing off on top of your book when a pink Frisbee landed on the sand right in front of your face.
“Sorry about that!” called the voice of its owner and you squinted to see him jogging over to you. A few of his friends weren’t far behind and they all congregated in a little group in front of your towel. They looked to be about your age, maybe a little older. “Sorry to wake you up,” the ringleader apologized again, but smiled like he wasn’t really that sorry.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, one hand holding your loose bikini to your chest, while the other handed the Frisbee back to smiling guy. “No worries, I didn’t mean to fall asleep anyway.”
“What’s your name?” Ringleader asked. “I’m Jeonghan, and these are some of my fraternity brothers.”
Of course. You should’ve guessed. They were all jacked, tan, and had an air of privilege about them that you couldn’t miss. They were objectively cute, sure, but nothing in comparison to your boyfriend playing volleyball behind you. Not to mention their pack mentality freaked you out a little.
“I’m y/n,” you said and held your free hand out to them to shake, still keeping your other hand on your bikini top so you wouldn’t flash them. “Are you guys on a holiday break or something?”
“Yeah, just trying to make the most out of our last few days.”
“You from around here?” another boy asked, not being subtle at all in the way he was eyeing you.
“No, we just took a little day trip,” you explained and cleared your throat, wondering how long they’d stick around and when Wonwoo was going to come over and dick you down out of jealousy.
“We?” Ringlea- Jeonghan asked, cocking his head to the side. “Are you here with your friends?”
“Her boyfriend, actually,” Wonwoo piped up calmly from behind you. You looked back and saw him standing a few feet behind your towel with his arms crossed. He could be annoying, but fuck if he didn’t have good timing.
“Oh-uh, well I was nice to meet you.” Jeonghan mumbled abruptly and nodded to his friends to get back to their Frisbee game. They were gone before you could even say goodbye back.
“Attracting all sorts of attention today, aren’t you, love?” Wonwoo sneered and knelt down beside you.
His words went straight to the heat between your legs and you turned over onto your back to get a better look at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied, daring him to challenge you.
“I think you do, y/n,” he continued. The way he whispered your name sent a shiver down your spine. “I mean, you’re practically naked in front of the whole beach right now.”
“I’m wearing a swimsuit.”
“You know what I mean. And all for what? To make me jealous? So I’d fuck you? Because you could’ve just asked, baby.”
You whimpered, but didn’t say anything and leaned up to kiss him, desperately wanting to feel his lips against yours. He leaned in too, but stopped just short of your mouth, pulling back a bit to look into your eyes. “I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
You moaned softly, wanting nothing more than for him to do exactly that. You weren’t even sure if you could wait to get home at this point, you wanted him inside of you now. He put a hand on each knee and spread your legs apart, whistling in awe at the wet spot on your bathing suit. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment. “I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
“All because of you,” you panted, reaching out for him, but he pulled back.
“You know all of your teasing made me lose the game, right? I couldn’t focus because I was so distracted.” You nodded. “I was so fucking hard the whole match because of what you were doing”
And then your dumbass had to open your big mouth. “So Mingyu told you?”
Wonwoo pulled back, and gave you a confused look, clearly caught off guard. “Told me what?”
“Y/n, that was incredible, you were perfect!” Mingyu exclaimed as he ran up to you and Wonwoo, holding out a hundred dollar bill to you.
You winced as you took it, wishing you hadn’t said anything.
“Y/n, what the fuck?” Wonwoo demanded, even more frustrated than he had been a minute ago. “What were you incredible at?”
“Fucking distracting you, dude. I asked her if she’d be in on the bet with me for a cut of the winnings since you guys had more team members.”
Your boyfriend glared at you. “Is that true?”
“I mean, it’s just a game… and I thought it’d be fun,” you said quietly.
“That’s what you guys were talking about earlier, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, she didn’t need any convincing she was totally down-”
“Mingyu,” you interrupted, pinching the bridge of your nose, “please, if you have any mercy for my pussy please shut the fuck up.”
His face went scarlet and he shut his mouth without further comment.
“So that’s it?” Wonwoo asked, obviously not ready to drop the subject yet. “You’re just gonna sell out your own boyfriend that easy?”
“You said you didn’t want to be on a team with me!”
“Don’t turn this around on me! You’re the one who helped them cheat!”
“Oh I don’t know if I’d call it cheating,” Mingyu interjected again.
“Shut up, Mingyu!” you and Wonwoo both shouted.
“Look, I’m sorry,” Mingyu said quietly. “If I had known it was going to be this big of a deal I wouldn’t have asked her. I just thought I was being clever, that it’d be a fun way to beat you guys, but I’m sorry I went too far.”
Wonwoo sighed and ran a hand through his wet curls. “It’s fine. I’m sorry I overreacted.”
“So… we’re good?” Mingyu asked, holding out a hand to help Wonwoo up.
“Yeah, we’re good. Next time, though, we’re playing fair.”
“Y/n, you still want to go swimming, love?” Wonwoo asked, turning back to you.
“We’re not- we’re not going home?” Despite everything you were still incredibly horny, and you’d been patiently waiting for Wonwoo to rail you for what felt like hours now.
“Not yet,” he said and helped you to your feet. “Let’s make the most of our beach day.”
“I think the rest of us are going to find an ice cream shop,” Mingyu added. “Winners are buying. Do either of you want anything?”
“No thanks, we’ll hang out here by ourselves for a while.” Wonwoo answered for the both of you.
He wrapped an arm around your waist as you walked down to the water together and you relaxed, enjoying the feeling of his warm skin on yours. Only once you were out of Mingyu’s earshot did he lean down and whisper “your ass is going to be seven shades of red for that little stunt once we get home,” in your ear. Now it was your turn to be distracted.
lmk what you thought; i always appreciate feedback)
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t 
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist
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yyxgin · 4 years ago
my only hate, my only love (kim seungmin)
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pairing: kim seungmin x fem! reader genre: enemies to lovers au, highschool au             angst, fluff word count: 11 k requested by: @joons-asscrack​ warnings: swearing, mentions of broken home 
synopsis: A high school Shakespeare club angrily splits into two groups when they can’t agree on the correct interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. One group thinks it’s a cautionary tale about the stupidity of youth and shallow lust; the other group of youth thinks it’s a beautiful tragedy about poisonous hatred conquered by love. Reconciliation seems impossible-- then a person from one group falls in love with a person from the other. 
(this dea is not mine !! I found it on pinterest under the tumblr user @/sarah531, however, i looked for the account and couldn’t find it. if you have any idea what the current @ of the owner of this prompt is, please let me know !!)
I actually used a lot of passages from this essay of Romeo and Juliet since I didn’t actually read it, all passages of the characters that talk about the play and are in italics belong to the rightful owner of this essay.
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“A glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned, and some punished. For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” your voice resonates in the quiet classroom, your words followed by more silence as you drop to your seat and close the book, placing it onto your table. The reality sinks in as the entirety of your English literature class doesn’t dare to say a word, the moment you finish reading the oh so famous Shakespearen drama making everyone lose themselves in their thoughts.
Your professor looks you in the eye, smiling a little. “So? What did you think about it?” she asks, moving her glasses further up her nose with her pointer finger, gazing onto the few people that actually chose this class as their subject of choice just to get more credit. You liked reading, to be honest. Everything about this class seemed inviting-- there were only a few people there and those that did actually care about the literature itself enough were thoughtful enough to hold a proper conversation with. You actually made friends with a lot of your classmates, your brains working at the same frequency as your shared ex gifted child burnout syndrome draped over your brains way too often after arriving to high school, making you connect on another level as you tried to soothe each other’s nerves and be there for each other. It was no secret that only the biggest of nerds went to the English literature classes, but you were okay with that idea.
You snort out a laugh, raising up your eyebrows in amusement. Your classes were always open for discussions, so you didn’t even have to raise your hand to speak-- one of the perks of being the professor’s favorite. You open your mouth to begin talking, when a voice cuts you off, beginning the discussion instead.
“Well, I think it was pretty,” mumbles a boy from the corner of the room, the only one you didn’t even particularly like in this whole class, making you roll your eyes. It was hard, being in the class of your favorite professor when you had to fight over being her favorite student with Kim Seungmin himself-- the devoted dandy boy, the member of the book club, the student council president. You despised everything about him only from one sole reason-- he was the top of the class. That was enough for you to hate him. 
You’re asking why? Well, you were supposed to be the top of the class, of course. And you were, for the main part. You didn’t share any other classes with him, making it easy for you to ignore his existence, but it just so happened that your favorite class also had to be the one where you had to see his face so often.
He was your moral enemy.
“Care to tell us more, Seungmin?” professor Jung asks, motioning for your classmate to continue speaking, to tell her all of his thoughts. You knew Romeo and Juliet must have been her favorite play by the smile on her face, eager to hear all of your reviews and thought processes while reading the piece.
“Well, I think it was quite poetic. Tragic, even. I like the way Shakespeare portrayed the prejudice and ending of a long conflict just with the power of love.” he nods, licking his lips after his bold statement, making you laugh out loud this time. 
All the eyes of your classmates turn to you, even your seatmate-- ever so laid-back and chilled out Han Jisung furrows his brows at your sudden outburst. You were never the one to turn attention your way in classes, the sight of you not reddening under the gazes of the people in the room nowhere to be seen surprising even you.
“Is there something funny, Y/N?” asks the professor, calling you by your first name. You liked the way it sounded, cringing at every teacher that called you by your last name as if you were a legal adult with your life figured out. This seemed more friendly-- it seemed kinder, even. You liked the way it made it feel like your professor actually cared about your opinion.
“I think there is, yes,” you nod, giggling to yourself again. 
“And what is that?” she seems intrigued, taking a few steps to your desk, listening to what you have to say.
“Well, I think what he said is ridiculous.” you point out, a shock spreading on your professor’s features, making you continue. “The only thing tragic about this whole play is how Shakespere portrayed the fake image of love. I mean, Juliet was only 13, don’t you think it was a bit early to get married to a man? After a day, that is?” you explain, intriguing your classmates even more.
“It was the 16th century. It was normal to get married young back then,” mumbled your enemy, Kim Seungmin from his seat, locking his eyes with you through the classroom. 
“Of course I know that,” you ironically smile at him, rolling your eyes in the process and looking back at your professor with a genuine smile this time, explaining more of your point of view, “I think it portrays girls as boy-crazy. Like love is everything they are made of and that they are worthless without a partner-- and that’s why Juliet chose to kill herself. If anything, I think it portrays the stupidity of the youth the most.” 
“So you think she was stupid just because she killed herself upon seeing her loved one dead?” Seungmin’s brows are raised now, looking at you as if he was mocking you.
“Well, Romeo did the same thing, so yes. I think it was stupid of them. They were reckless, the whole situation was. How could they know they were in love when this all happened in one day? Nobody can fall in love that quickly.” you mutter, shaking your head in disbelief.
“I think the play portrayed love at first sight beautifully,” grins Seungmin, the teasing smirk on his face bothering you so much you want to wipe it off his face. Is he really that ridiculous?
“There’s no such thing. And what were the families doing, after all? Arguing without even knowing why? For all we know, their ancestors may have hated themselves because they accidentally took their cow and they decided to kill each other for that?” you scoffed, your voice raising increasingly.
“Now that’s ridiculous.” rolls his eyes Seungmin, taking you over the edge, your voice raising with every spoken word.
“Your view of love is ridiculous. If I knew the boy I was eyeing was my family’s enemy, I wouldn’t bat an eye before dropping him, but no, she chose to marry the guy. Did she really have such twisted morals?” you scoff, a part of your class laughing at your outburst.
You hear a few quiet, amused ‘yeah’s and ‘she’s actually right’s from everywhere around you, only flooding your ego more as you recognise that your point of view is shared by more people and you aren’t actually crazy. 
“I think love is more important than rivalry.” speaks Seungmin, cocking his head to a side, teasing you just by the look on his face, your eyes scanning his features as you hear a few other comments from your classmates around you. Some girls even go as far as cooing at his romantic statement, making you laugh and roll your eyes at them. Were they all this ridiculous? 
“She was thirteen!” you argue, screaming. That is all that takes professor Jung to interfere your heated discussion, clapping her hands in authority, making everyone’s heads snap to her figure standing in front of the classroom with an amused look on her face. 
“Looks like we have quite the discussion here,” she points out, seeing your angered face. 
“Yeah, because Seungmin’s point of view is stupid!” you grunt, making her point a scolding look into your skull that almost makes you shrink in your seat in embarrassment.
“Y/N, no one’s point of view is stupid. Literature is all about the impertretation,” she states, earning a few nods and hums from your interested classmates, “now, who agrees with Y/N’s interpretation of the play?”
A few hands shoot out into the air, Jisung’s following as you angrily nudge him into his side, making you grin. No way your friend is going to support your moral enemy’s idea-- he was your friend, after all. Something inside of you is telling you that this whole feud wasn’t only about the play anymore,. You were fighting with Kim Seungmin, and that was enough to keep you standing by your point.
“And who agrees with Seungmin’s interpretation?” she asks again, searching through the classroom. It seems like the amount of people that agree with your classmate is about the same as the amount of people that agree with you, making you annoyingly roll your eyes at the realisation that you once again didn’t manage to outpower your moral enemy. 
“I see the classroom has split into two teams,” she grins, nodding her head, “well, I did think you were going to have different opinions on this, but I didn’t think it was going to get so heated over here.” she points out, switching her gaze from you to Seungmin and back, as if to scold you and support you with your antics all at once.
“Yeah, well, it’s not my fault Y/N can’t appreciate one of the most important pieces of English literature-”
“I’m all about supporting, if it was actually good and meaningful-”
“Stop it, you two!” she scolds you, making both of you shut up and finally provide some silence in the room. “Well, since you all look like you have different opinions on the topic, let’s try a fun experiment. I was going to make you all write an essay on the play by yourselves, just like we usually do, but I think this is going to be much more fun for all of us.” she states, smiling to herself like a happy child on Christmas. You wonder what’s racing through her head as she searches through the classroom, locking eyes with you, then continuing.
“I want you all to write an essay and do a presentation on Romeo and Juliet-- you can write about anything, whether it is your ideas, what you took from the play, what is your view-point on it. But you have to write it with the person who has the exact opposite opinion on this play. So this way, we can get the story from two points of view. Let’s see what you agree on, what you don’t, make it a discussion, I don’t care, just make it make sense. Do you understand me?” she smiles and you swear you can already feel what is going on before she says it, making your head hurt and breath hitch in your throat.
“And since Seungmin and Y/N seem to have the most different opinions on this, I am picking them as a pair-- no, there’s no way for the two of you to change.” she says before you can even open your mouth to argue back, leaving you to stand up from your seat just at the time when the bell rings.
“But miss Jung-” 
“I want it done until the end of this month.” she smiles, taking her things and leaving the classroom, letting the thought sink in. You lunge yourself back to your seat, defeated and left to process the fact that you now had two weeks to work on a project with Kim Seungmin-- your biggest enemy.
A sigh escapes your seatmate’s mouth upon the scene, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “That’s what you get for always picking fights with him.”
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That’s how you end up in a coffee shop two blocks away from your house. You didn’t exactly ask for Kim Seungmin’s number-- you weren’t in the 2000s anymore-- you swiftly added him on Facebook in order to get this over with so you wouldn’t have to meet with him anymore. Yes, you were mad at Mrs Jung for pairing you up with him, but you still adored her and wanted to do well, so that’s why you chose to do what you had to and arranged a meeting with him.
Kim Seungmin appears in the coffee shop in his usual cozy demeanour-- oversized sweater and everything, with a backpack hanging off his shoulder and a serious look plastered on his face. He places his copy of Romeo and Juliet onto the table and sits his figure into the chair right in front of you, sighing heavily as he stares at you from under his eyelashes, voice low and defeated.
“Hi.” he greets, resting his back against the head of the chair, waiting for you to take initiative. You were the one who arranged this whole thing in the first place, so it was kind of your responsibility now in his books.
“Hello,” you cleared your throat. You felt like you were sitting there with the devil himself, just begging yourself in your head not to explode like a raging volcano with every movement he made that always somehow ended up irritating you. It was like his aura was everything you despised-- his collected way of discussing and his calm way of thinking getting on your nerves with every sigh he sent your way.
“So… how do you wanna go around this?” he asks, raising his eyebrows at you in question. 
You sigh back at him just to show him how annoyed you are by your professor’s choice of your partner, bringing your hands to rest them on the table and cracking your knuckles in nerves. You didn’t meet his eyes, you felt too intimidated to do so in the moment, before you spoke up and managed to get your point across. 
“Well, since we have to gather both of our viewpoints in the essay, I think we could just start of by telling the other one what topics we want to talk about so the other one can debunk them.” you mumble, suddenly feeling nervous by the possibility of your idea being rejected. If you could disappear on the spot, believe me, you would. 
Seungmin hums from his seat, nodding. “Seems reasonable.”
You try your hardest not to let out a relieved sigh, nodding back at him. “I brought some notes.”
You did some preparation for this. Well, a lot of preparation. There was no way Kim Seungmin could catch you unprepared at your study meeting. You wanted to prove to him that you were worth so much more than sharing your grade with him and if he had any snarky or teasing remark, you best believe you mastered up a response just as spiteful, if not more than what could possibly leave his lips in the moment. You weren’t here to embarrass yourself. You were here to look smart. Smarter than Kim Seungmin. 
“Perfect.” he just mutters, taking the sheet of paper you were offering to him from your hand, placing it on the table in front of him and skimming his eyes through the lines of text you scribbled down yesterday evening.
The silence makes your palms sweat. It makes you nervously bite down on your lower lip. You felt embarrassing-- you were never the conservative type. All this time, you used to hate your classmate from afar. You never actually spoke to each other, all you did to express your hatred for the boy was in the way you always rolled your eyes when he spoke up in class, or you sighed when Mrs Jung was complimenting him in front of everyone, making sure he heard you. You don’t know what broke in you that day-- you were quite the shy type, to be honest. You didn’t like to be the centre of attention. What were you even thinking by all of this?
“I don’t think we should mention their age as an argument,” he says, finally meeting eyes with you. 
“Why?” you ask, dumbfounded.
“Because as I already said, it was long ago. People used to marry young.” he shrugs, offering the sheet of paper back to you with a judging look on his face.
“Okay and? My point still stands. They were too young and reckless.” 
“I also don’t think we should talk about the sex part.” he concludes, landing his hands into his lap.
“Why? Because it’s controversial?” you teasingly grin at him, waiting for his response.
“No. Because it clearly brings nothing to the table about our arguments. It doesn’t even really play a big role in the whole thing, so I think it’s useless to mention,” he shrugs, looking at your face. It felt like his eyes were studying you, judging you. It was hard to keep eye contact with him-- so you didn’t. You averted your gaze out of the window, opting to watch the passer-bys instead. 
You sigh, waiting for him to say something against your notes again. Of course you could expect this-- there was no way Kim Seungmin would agree with anything you’re trying to say in the matter at all.
“And the point about Rosaline is a little over the line as well…” 
“What do you want me to put in the essay if you’re just going to tell me it’s unreasonable and over the line, huh?” you voice out, pinning your eyes onto his shocked figure, “it’s supposed to be an essay on everything I didn’t like about it, so that’s what I’m going to put in it and your job is to comment on my arguments. Just like my job is to comment on what you loved about this piece of shit of a play, and that’s what I’m going to do, so fuck off.” you growled, standing up and taking your things with you, too frustrated and hot-headed to continue the discussion.
Only Kim Seungmin could make you this mad and you hated him for it even more.
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You hear your door open, revealing your mum standing in the doorway with a mug of hot tea and a soft smile playing with her features. You sigh, playing with your pen in your hand, waiting for her to say what she needs to say and leave so you could have some silence to finally work.
“Sweetie, you should really relax for a while. You’ve been studying for the whole day…” she mumbles, taking the tea to your desk and running a hand through your hair. You fight off the urge to pull away from her, knowing damn well it would hurt her feelings, so you just opt to nod at her face and faking a smile.
“Yeah, sure, mum.” you respond, but make no effort in getting up from your chair and moving to your bed. It was already late in the night and your mum was wearing her pyjamas, signaling that she was going to sleep. She always went to sleep early, because she needed to wake up in the early hours of the day to go to work, but you usually didn’t go to sleep earlier than midnight anyway-- homework was taking you too much time sometimes.
“I mean it. You’re doing great job in school, sweetie, but you have to lay off for a while or else you’ll overwork yourself.” she says affectionately, making you grunt on the inside.
“Okay, okay, go to sleep now, good night mum…” you mumble, waiting for her to finally leave you alone. 
“Are you telling me to go away?” she asks with a hint of laugh in her voice that you know for a fact is fake, because the expression on her face looks hurt. You hate to see that face, because it makes you feel guilty, but you really can’t help yourself sometimes.
“No.” you mutter, shaking your head.
She just stares at you for a while, biting down on her lower lip, before she hangs her head low and sighs out. She turns around, taking a few steps to your door, turning around only for a moment when she stands in the doorway and whispers a quiet ‘good night’ at you, closing the door behind her and disappearing into her bedroom. 
You feel a sense of relief coming over you. Of course you weren’t going to sleep yet, but she didn’t have to know that. She didn’t have to know a lot of things. 
The small, old copy of Romeo and Juliet falls into your eyes in the corner of your desk. You had to borrow your book from the library and you hated how some pages were torn and the ink was so old it was hard to read sometimes, but you couldn’t afford to buy yourself one, because you were saving up for college and every cent counts in your household. 
You take it into your hands, reading over the passages you bookmarked when you were first reading the book, wanting to refresh your memory with the lines that stood up to you and made you snort at how ridiculous the book truly was again before typing them down into the document you had opened in front of you.
“Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- it’s everything except what it is!” it says. You run your fingers along the words, the curves of the ink cutting you like a knife. Love is all of these things-- it’s terrifying and it’s unpredictable. It sounds scary in your ears and you’ve seen it right in front of your eyes- love is everything except what it is. 
Love isn’t heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold. Love isn’t sick and healthy. Love is pain. It takes everything you have, it ties you down, it makes you do things you would never do if you weren’t in love. It intoxicates you and makes you make bad decisions. When you love, you’re irresponsible. You’re like a storm. 
Your mum and your dad were in love. Or, your mum always told you they were.
So if your mum and your dad were in love, they were supposed to be together through the heavy and the light. Through the bright and through the dark. Through sick and healthy. They were supposed to be there for each other. 
They were both really young when they fell in love. You understand-- they were reckless and they were stupid. 
But did your father really have to leave you? 
Love is nothing from the above. Love is sick and love is just a play. It would be stupid to be hung up on that idea that Kim Seungmin so desperately wanted to believe in.
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“So, how far did you get with the essay?” asks Jisung on your lunch break, looking at you with expectation. You told him about your planned meeting with Seungmin, but you didn’t get around to telling him just how it went yet. 
“Oh, that…” you mumble, letting out a dry chuckle, “well, he told me my ideas are stupid, so I’m just going to write it by myself and send it to him so he can add his points into it.” you shrugged, taking a bite from your sandwich, stuffing your cheeks with the food so you didn’t have to explain any further.
Jisung sighs in front of you, rolling his eyes like every time you gush about Seungmin and how he gets on your nerves. “Can you lay off that Anne and Gilbert attitude already?”
“Stop saying that, that’s disgusting,” you scrunch up your nose, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Well, it looks like you two are doing a whole 21st century remake right in front of our eyes, though,” chuckles Jisung, teasing you further, “with that whole top of the class students that hate each other and act like children just because they don’t agree on something. It’s only a matter of time before you fall in love.”
“Ew,” you fake a gag, rolling your eyes at him, “that is so not happening.”
“Yeah, sure, tell me about it at your wedding in a few years.” he mutters.
“I am not getting married in my whole life, marriage is wack,” you roll your eyes at him for the millionth time, the gesture so familiar to you over the past few days. Everything seems to annoy you recently. Maybe you were just going through a bad patch, who knows?
“Oh would you look at that, Y/N’s acting like a Grinch again,” giggles Jisung, ruffling your hair in the process just to annoy you even more, making you pull away abruptly from his touch.
“That doesn’t even make any sense! Grinch hates Christmas, not fake images of love.” you argue back, finishing your sandwich and rolling the plastic that was covering it into a little ball, throwing it into his face to shut him up.
“Yeah, sure.” he snorts, throwing the ball back at you. You catch it in your hands with a promise to yourself to throw it out when exiting the cafeteria later, when you feel a light tap on your shoulder that makes you turn around.
The sight in front of you makes you shoot your eyebrows up in shock, leaving you flustered and surprised. “What do you want?”
“I just wanted to ask when we can hang out again to work on that essay, since it’s, you know, like half of our final grade…” mutters Seungmin, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and pointing his eyes at you, casually waiting for your answer.
“Oh, we’re not meeting again. I’m just going to email you the file when I’m done.” you shrug.
“But that’s unfair to me?” he offers, eyebrows shooting up and his hand falling to his side.
“Why would it be?”
“That gives me less time to work on it, you know. And you have to add your comments to my work anyways, so it would mean you’ll have to write those at the last-minute.” Seungmin explains, his tone of voice calm and collected, just as always, after all, making you roll your eyes and fume up again. 
“I don’t really care,” you shrug, smiling ironically at his face.
“Why- what?” he asks, looking genuinely concerned and confused, eyebrows scrunching up and his voice raising a little by an octave.
You don’t answer him, though. You’ve had enough of his snarky comments and remarks in the coffee shop-- you weren’t going to meet up with Kim Seungmin again, even if it meant the possibility of getting a bad grade from your most favorite and treasured subject. 
After the boy is met with silence, all he does is scoff at you, shooting his arms up into the air and shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re such a fucking child, oh my god.”
And with that, he strides off, your eyes following his every move to make sure he doesn’t come near you again. His steps are quick and angry, and this is actually the first time you’ve seen him get so frustrated with something. You take pride in getting him over the edge. You were finally even. He doesn’t look back once and you think you finally made it.
“Stop staring, Anne.” you hear from your friend sitting right in front of you, making you break away from your bubble and taking a look at him, seeing him amused and with a teasing grin plastered on his face.
“Fuck off.”
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“Peace? I hate the word as I hate hell and all Montagues.” Mrs Jung reads out, when you start dozing off in the class. You’ve read the play a lot of times already, making you feel bored even by the repetitiveness of your class. You understand that she is just waiting for all of you to turn in your papers, not wanting to move on from Romeo and Juliet just yet, but you find yourself slowly falling asleep under the spell of her voice and the fact that you spent the whole night studying again. The sentence startles you awake, making you chuckle to yourself.
‘Peace? I hate the word as I hate hell and Kim Seungmin himself,’ you think. If Han Jisung could read minds, he would be surely teasing you with another smart remark of how much energy you’re spending by hating the poor boy and how it’s not possible for you to not fall in love with him soon after how much time he spends in your mind, but Han Jiung can’t read minds. And even if he could, you’d just tell him to fuck off. Because he is wrong.
“Am I boring you, Y/N?” asks Mrs Jung, fully startling you awake as you straighten your back and properly sit on your uncomfortable chair again. 
“Of course not!” you call out, blinking rapidly to keep your eyes from closing on themselves again. 
“Oh, I thought I was, by how tired you seem by listening to me.” she just smiles at you, then continues talking and looks at the other students in your class, leaving you to blush to yourself without giving you more attention. 
You chew on the inside of your cheek, looking around the classroom. You feel embarrassed. You really didn’t mean to give your favorite professor the wrong idea-- you just got to bed really, really late yesterday. It happened often, but you guess that it just took a bigger stroll on you today. 
Your eyes meet the orbs of your moral enemy, that just gazes into you with intensity. You quickly look away. Why is he doing that? His eyes look worried. He’s not supposed to look at you in such a way-- he’s supposed to laugh at how you’ve just been scolded. He just won a few points to himself by paying more attention than you, he just got on the better side with your favorite professor, yet he doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it at all. 
A small piece of paper catches your interest from the corner of your eye. You read through it, recognising the loopy handwriting of your seat-mate.
did you stay up late studying again?
You sigh, taking a pen out of your pencil case and neatly writing under it, trying not to get caught by Mrs Jung. You really don’t want to get scolded for the second time today.
you should probably relax a little, your grades are already good to begin with
You roll your eyes at the note. Of course he’d say something like that. In elementary school, your grades were good without even trying. All you had to do was pay attention in class and write what you could remember, but now, in high school, everything is a little harder for you and you suddenly weren't good enough anymore. And yeah, you could say that grades don’t even matter that much, but for you, they meant everything. 
yeah that’s bc i study jisung
now you’re falling asleep tho how is that helping
You don’t answer him. It’s not that he’s wrong. It’s just that… you’re not going to tell him that he is. Yes, you falling asleep wasn’t helping you in the tiniest, because the less you pay attention in class, the more you have to study at home, and the more you study, the less you sleep, which means you’re going to fall asleep in class the next day and it’s just an endless cycle.
sorry :( but just remember that grades aren’t everything Anne you can get an F once in a while
You write. But you don’t really mean it. 
Because if you get an F, you’re not going to be the top of the class anymore.
And how will you get a scholarship if you’re not?
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You arrive to the library, sighing to yourself as you quickly take your coat off and smile to Mrs Kim, the older librarian that let you work here part-time for the time being. You didn’t get paid much, but you loved the job. For the most part, it was easy-- there weren’t many people coming to libraries these days anymore and you could just stay behind the counter, occasionally letting people borrow books and writing them into the evidence. You had a lot of time to study there as well, it was silent and calm. Sometimes, you felt like your heart could rest a little in the small place.
“I’m sorry for coming late Mrs Kim, but the bus was late so I couldn’t get here sooner-” you rush out out of breath, dropping your backpack under the counter, ready to change seats with your employer that was done with her shift for the day.
“It’s totally okay, sweetheart, you know there’s no rush.” she smiles at you, reassuring your nerves with the gesture. You were glad you had such caring people around you. You met with Mrs Kim more than you did with your own mother-- it was strange, but comforting to know that at least someone close to a parental figure was still in your life.
Maybe you just hung yourself into older, reliable people because you lost the security you had in your own mother. Or because you didn’t even have a father to begin with. You don’t know if you’re doing the right thing, but in your heart, it surely feels like you are. 
You nod at her, seeing her leave and wave at you as she takes her things with her before you’re left alone with your thoughts. You sit yourself on the chair, looking around for a moment, before you take out your notes and start working on your homework. The library felt like a safe space-- not that you didn’t have the silence and comfort at your own home, since you were home alone all the time anyway-- but here, at least you felt like there was a reason behind your loneliness. You were at work, after all. 
You wonder if things would have been different for your mum if she didn’t have you so young. Maybe she would still be happy with your dad-- maybe she wouldn’t have to work a lot just to get you through life. It’s not easy, raising a child on your own when you are a child still, you realise that. And your mother does a good job-- at least you think she is-- but sometimes, you wish your life would be different.
You curse at your mother for being so reckless when she was young. If you’d be born later, she’d finish school. Give you a better life. Maybe, you would even have a father. You would be a little happy family, going on vacations and enjoying your lives.
Now, you’re stuck with trying your hardest to be the best at everything. To have your life figured out, because at your age, your mum surely didn’t. You know you shouldn’t blame her-- you need two people to create a child, but there was no other person for you to blame. 
You try your hardest to get a scholarship, because you can’t pay for college on your own. You work so your mother doesn’t have to stay at her job over-night so often just to pay the bills. You educate yourself to be smart and successful-- because that will surely change your life for the better, right? 
Suddenly, you hear the bell above the door of the library ring, startling you away from your thoughts. You look that way with a polite smile on your face you’ve taught yourself while working at customer service, ready to greet the customer with fake enthusiasm, when your mouth hangs open without a word. Startled would be an understatement to the feeling you feel at the moment.
“Hello,” the person greets politely, looking at you momentarily before going up to the counter with a stack of books in his hands. He looks up after placing them on the surface and that’s the moment when you see he realises your presence fully-- after seeing his face fall into shock.
“Good afternoon,” you grunt ironically, taking the books closer to yourself so you can check them in, recognising his eyes following your every move from the corner of your eye, “your ID?” you raise up your eyebrows at him, annoyance apparent in your features.
“Oh, right,” he catches himself, quickly patting every pocket of his clothing, until he puts up his hand into his backpack and browses through his wallet, slender fingers offering you the little card so you can scan the code.
The computer freezes for a bit and you curse to yourself-- did it really have to happen now? With Kim Seungmin watching you like an alien? The computer at your local library wasn’t the newest, per say. It didn’t even have to be, your usual customers were just as old, if not even older than that piece of machinery, they didn’t mind waiting. But now wasn’t the time for the computer to freeze. You feel yourself losing your nerves, bouncing your leg up and down, angrily glaring at the screen. 
A minute passes, than another-- could it even get worse than this? 
“So,” clears his throat Seungmin, making you snap your head up to meet his gaze, “what’s up?” he asks, shocking you again. 
“Why do you care?” you snap, glaring at him instead. How dare he act so casually after saying all those mean things to you? You couldn’t believe your ears. 
“Because you’re my classmate…?” he furrows his brows, tone of voice cautious, sounding like a question instead.
“And?” you ask, watching the screen of the computer instead, cursing at the new electronic system Mrs Kim decided to install. It would have been so much easier if you could just scribble down your signature on a small piece of paper and take the books like you used to do before, but no, she was all about innovation. 
“And I thought we were civil enough for a casual conversation,” he rambles, making you snort in disbelief.
“Oh, we are anything but civil.” you respond, losing your nerves, taking your hand and angrily hitting the top of the screen, as if it was supposed to make the computer work. You violently curse under your breath, hitting it a few times, each one more lightly, until the program starts to work, finally registering the books back into the library evidence.
“Why do you even hate me so much?” he asks after you stop, looking at you with annoyed eyes and a look worthy of an oscar-winning actor. He didn’t care, you knew that, but he sure looked like he did.
You just scoff at him, shaking your head. 
“Goodbye,” is all you offer him, his library ID in your hand, before he takes it and rolls his eyes at you again, like many times before. With that, he leaves-- just like you wanted him to-- and you can finally relax. 
You sigh out, taking a seat on your chair again, angirly shutting your textbooks close and grunting under your breath. You put your head into your hands, resting them on the table, breathing heavily. You won’t even be able to study now, and it’s all thanks to him.
Why do you even hate him so much?
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Kim Seungmin is an interesting individual. As you continue to work in the library the next week, you meet him there every single day. You don’t even have the energy to bark at him anymore-- he slid into your life like a gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Always there, but you never get used to it and it’s still annoying when you walk around. 
Kim Seungmin is your moral enemy, as we already established. He comes into the library every day and you’re convinced it’s just because he wants to piss you off, but you don’t give him the satisfaction of letting him rile you up anymore. You just silently glare at him and sigh when the timing feels right to show him how much you actually still hate his presence. 
He comes back one day while you’re working on your essay, sitting at the table with furrowed eyebrows and the end of your pen trapped between your teeth. The copy of the play is sitting open right in front of you and his eyes fall into it, recognising the underlined replicas and words. You didn’t work on that essay together ever since your first meeting and the due date was nearing, all he wanted to do was review it with you to at least know what he was getting into.
“Can you even read all of these books in a day when you keep coming back for more every time?” you grumpily mumble as you check back the books you, as the librarian, let him borrow yesterday. They are quite thin, but still, you doubt he was so quick to read all of them in a single afternoon.
“Why do you care?” he asks, snickering to himself. Of course, here he is-- annoying every single cell and fiber of your body again.
“Oh, trust me, I don’t. It’s just getting a little annoying.” you ironically smile at him, sitting back to your chair as you finish lending him the new stash of books. You’re not even sure where he got all of these from, since they don’t even look that interesting, but you choose not to think about it any longer as you get back to your essay, scribbling onto the lined paper.
“I like what you’ve written so far,” he says, startling you. You thought he left already-- I mean, why would he even stay? But he didn’t and he was standing right in front of you, eyes skimming over your messy handwriting.
“No you don’t. You’re arguing against me.” you snap back, darting your eyes to him, seeing him sigh.
“Whatever,” he shakes his head, “I was just wondering when you’re going to finally stop being so childish so we can work on that project together, you know.”
“I’m not childish-”
“Stop arguing with me for once, for god’s sake!” he rushes out, throwing his arms in the air in nerves, huffing out in frustration. “Look, I’ll be here tomorrow. The same time. I’ll bring my things and if you still don’t let me work with you, I won’t write anything and we’ll get a bad grade together. Take it or leave it.”
And with that, he is gone. 
Fuck Kim Seungmin.
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Turns out your enemy is a man of his word. 
He truly does show up the next day-- with his backpack slung on his shoulder, cute big glasses sitting on his nose and a stack of papers in his hands. He raises his brows at you upon arriving and you just let out a defeated sigh. 
You put a lot of thought into this yesterday evening. Did you hate Kim Seungmin? Of course you did. Was he really annoying? Yes. But were you going to get a bad grade just because of that? Not a chance. 
And so you choose to give up on the small war and let him sit in front of you, you let him casually ask you questions about the essay and surprisingly, you answer. It is kind of easy, working with a partner on the same exact level as you, because, and now, don’t get me wrong, you love your classmates, but it seemed like you did all the work all the time. It was nice to have somebody by your side that actually managed to do something and took his part responsibly.
“So, since we’re not just gonna go there and argue right from the start, I wrote a little something about William Shakespeare and his background as well in the introduction, I actually didn’t get around to writing the introduction to the play itself, but-”
“Oh that’s fine, I have it done. We can just stick that in there,” he smiles at you warmly, taking you by a surprise. 
You’ve never seen Kim Seungmin smile at you. It was strange to act so friendly around him. Perhaps you were really losing your mind while studying so much. 
“Perfect.” you nod, chewing on the inside of your cheek. 
“I also have the general storyline written down so you don’t have to do that…” he mumbles, looking away for a while when your eyes meet. Is this supposed to be so awkward?
“Nice.” you opt to simply reply in your usual cold nature, nodding.
“Can you tell me which topics you wrote about? So I know if I need to write my part about more things…” he takes the initiative again and you’re actually kind of glad, because that means you don’t have to think of the schedule of your little meeting anymore. 
“Oh, right,” you say, shuffling around in your papers, “um… I just wrote about the age aspect, how reckless their love was, the image of love itself in the play, I also wrote about how meaningless the rivalry was…” you mumble, averting your eyes to the blue ink on the paper.
“Awesome, so we have all of that done… except from the love thing. Okay, I’ll write it next time I come around, since I have tutoring in a few,” he smiles, standing up from the chair, taking all of his things with him.
“Next time?”
“Yeah, well, we still have to finish it. You’ll be here on Tuesday, right? Since the class is on Thursday, so we can have time for the finishing touches.” he proposes, leaving you staring at him, startled.
“O...kay,” you nod, watching him leave.
“Perfect! I’ll see you around, bye!” he cheers, escaping the library that now feels so much hotter than before, leaving you all alone. You notice his tall figure rushing the other way of the library, watching it until it disappears completely out of your sight. 
You notice how hot your cheeks are, bringing a hand to rest against the burning surface, taking deep breaths to somehow calm down the racing heart you are only recognising now, that he’s gone. 
You still have a lot of work to do before Tuesday-- one of your tasks, it seems, is to try to not fall for his friendly nature and welcoming smile. Because perhaps, he was right all along-- why do you even hate him so much?
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Kim Seungmin has always been your moral enemy-- you despised everything about him, from the way he was always so calm and collected, so sweet and caring, so smart and thoughtful. You despised his composure. You despised the way he always somehow managed to make friends with everyone around him no matter who the person was. 
He was everything you weren’t. You were just the quiet kid from a broken family that always had to look after herself. You were the kid that had to keep on trying to be the best one, because your mind didn’t let you accept the second place. 
Yet now, that Kim Seungmin is sitting right in front of you with a sweet smile plastered onto his features and a stack of notes in his hands, making your heart race with his every move, you start to quietly doubt your silent hatred for the boy.
He makes it so easy to be likeable. You’re jealous of him.
“Okay, so, do you want to start reading? I think it might help us to have a run down before presenting this on Thursday,” he asks you, leaving you to take a deep breath in, nodding to yourself.
You skip the introduction bits-- both of you know a little too much about the play and its author already, you have no reason to be reading those parts out loud. Something inside of you starts shaking at the thought of presenting your work to him. You were never really good with presentations, your quiet nature leaving you getting hot in the cheeks and stammering every time you had to read in front of the class, but now, it feels even worse with the boy staring at you, listening to everything you have to say.
“They say Romeo and Juliet describe a love that surpasses all boundaries, but a close reading of the play suggests the lovers’ feelings are more complicated than pure love. If we look, we can find plenty of evidence that Romeo and Juliet’s love for one another is, at least initially, immature. Romeo begins the play claiming to be passionately in love with another woman, Rosaline. When he sees Juliet, he abandons Rosaline before he has even spoken to his new love, which suggests that his feelings for both women are superficial. Juliet, meanwhile, seems to be motivated by defying her parents. She is unenthusiastic about her parents’ choice of husband for her, and at the party where she is supposed to meet Paris, she instead kisses Romeo after exchanging just fourteen lines of dialogue with him. When Romeo returns to see Juliet, she is focused on marriage. For Juliet, part of the appeal of marriage is that it will free her from her parents: ‘I’ll no longer be a Capulet’,” you read out quietly. The room is silent, you can even hear the passing cars outside of the window, but Seungmin says nothing. You pay a daring look to him, finding him focused on your face, which makes you shakily drift your eyes back, reading some more so you can distract yourself.
“Marriage is, also, another great aspect of the story-- Juliet is only 13 in the play and even though we can argue and say that historically, she was of age to get married, I still think it is irresponsible to marry so young and so quickly. It brings a bad view of reckless love to young readers that are forced to read the play while growing up.” you continue, hearing Seungmin smirk from the other side of the table.
“‘With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out’, Romeo says, however, to Juliet, all of the freedom she gets from love sparks in the idea of leaving her parents so she can have sex.” you read out, hearing Seungmin finally burst out laughing.
You stop reading, looking up to him with questioning eyes. 
“Why are you so dramatic about all of it anyway?” he asks you, making you furrow your brows in confusion.
“What do you mean dramatic? I was supposed to write about my own view of it, so I did just that. You don’t have to laugh at me for it,” you shake your head, kind of feeling pathetic for the way your heart is racing. The thing is, and you know it sounds ridiculous, you actually feel kind of hurt by the sound of his laughter.
“I understand that, but why do you keep bashing the author for writing it like that? It’s like you don’t even believe in love, all you did was criticise all of the ideas he had. And so what if they were young and reckless? They were still in love, you know?” he rambles, making your blood boil again.
“You can’t just ignore all of it because it was in history. I don’t think it’s normal to marry so young and to claim you are in love so quickly, because you know what? If they survived, they would make a child. And then, they would realise how they fucked up their own life and Romeo would run away from her with a snap of his finger, because that’s what young, immature boys do. And then-” you raise your voice, not even realising how heated you got with the argument as you continue to ramble. The vision of your own parents and your own story is slowly eating you all up from the inside, when suddenly, Seungmin cuts you off again with a laugh.
“But you don’t know that. It’s not even in the play and your conspiracies are just… pathetic, really,” he shrugs, taking in your distressed state.
Pathetic conspiracies. Is this what he called your life?
“Leave.” you say, breathing heavy.
“What? We didn’t even-” 
“You criticize everything I write, not even recognising that maybe I do have a reason for feeling like this and maybe I really do not want to idolise young, immature love when I know just how much damage it can make, so please, for the love of god, Kim Seungmin, leave me alone!” you yell out, standing up from your chair and pointing to the door.
“I said get out!” you scream. His deep eyes stare at you for a few minutes, startled, before he hurriedly takes his things and leaves through the front door. 
Once you’re finally alone again, you sigh heavily and put your head into your hands. You feel your eyes burning, trying to desperately blink away the stupid tears filling your saddened orbs, but it’s no use as you see a few teadrops fall onto the opened copy of Romeo and Juliet on the table. 
‘It’s easy for someone to joke about scars if they’ve never been cut.’, it says.
Maybe you were fooling yourself when you thought Kim Seungmin will no longer be your enemy after all of this.
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You raise up to your feet when Mrs Jung calls on you on Friday. You already know what’s going to happen-- you’d been preparing yourself for this moment for the past two long, miserable days. You hadn’t spoken to Seungmin since that day in the library and frankly, you feel like after all of this, you have nothing to say to him. You feel like all energy has been sucked out of you, like you are just a walking cage without a soul just ready for this whole project to be over.
You scan the faces of your classmates, most of them looking interested by your essay. They must be expecting drama, an outburst of emotions as you listen to Seungmin’s words, but you won’t give them the satisfaction today. You’re just going to do your part-- you’re going to read out what you have to say and that’s where it ends. You’re not wasting your energy on Kim Seungmin anymore. It’s not worth your time at all. 
So you start, just like that time in the library. You make all your points, you mention all of the topics you wanted to discuss. You throw it right in front of their faces, silently confessing to them all of your deepest secrets and insecurities, because the truth is, you wouldn’t feel so strongly about the play if it didn’t affect you as much. 
And when you’re done, you let your rival speak. You listen to him with curiosity, it doesn’t matter how much you’re trying to convince yourself you don’t actually care. His words flow into your ears and fill your mind with thoughts, every single one of them dedicated to his neat handwriting and his brain full of mysteries he is currently uncovering right in front of you.
“To be honest, Y/N’s words made me think. They made me think too hard. They made me question if my point of view was actually as correct as I thought it was. You see, Y/N is a smart girl. No one can deny that. Perhaps that is what made me doubt my own words so much in the first place,” he starts, looking you directly in the eye, but quickly averting his eyes to the small group of people in the classroom instead, “but still, even though there are some points of her essay that I agree with-- like the age aspect, even though historically, it could be meaningless, as well as the way their marriage comes too fast, there are still things I strongly disagree on.”
He takes a deep breath, shuffling the papers in his hands until he finds the right one, and starts speaking again. “Y/N says their love isn’t as pure as it seems to be. With Romeo abandoning Rosaline and with Juliet desperately wanting to break away from her parents, it may seem that way. However, I think that yet, while the two characters may have initially fell for each other due to a mixture of convenience and lust, Romeo and Juliet’s language shows their passion maturing into real love,” he says, taking a short look at you that makes your insides burn in flames, “In their first meeting, they compose a sonnet together using the religious language of pilgrimage. They both start using astrological language to describe their love. As their relationship develops, they use less rhyme, which has the effect of making their language feel less artificial. These changes in the lovers’ language show that they are growing together. They are growing to care more deeply for each other, they are growing into a feeling of love they have for each other.”
“Another thing I disagree with Y/N on is her image of love. ‘Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn,’ she quotes. Romeo asks his friend, Mercutio, this question when he feels hurt by his love. Yet, as I already mentioned, in my opinion, love is growing. And growing is a journey-- in every journey, there is going to be some pain,” he looks at you again, as if to tell you that his words aren’t meant for the class, but for you and your ears only. It doesn’t look like he’s arguing with you anymore--he is simply telling you what’s on his mind. What he believes in. 
“In theory, I think love is beautiful. I understand the pain and I understand the journey. And with me saying I disagree, I’m not saying Y/N’s opinion is wrong. It’s simply what she believes in,” he nods his head, locking his eyes with Mrs Jung, “but perhaps, it’s the romantic in me that believes that the image of love portrayed in this book was, in fact, beautiful.”
He clears his throat, looking at you again, but this time, his eyes don’t drift to the papers in his hand, rather speaking from his memory instead of reading out the things he had written down. “‘The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing, and think it were not night.’ Isn’t that beautiful?” he averts his eyes to the class, smiling to himself and looking to the ground. 
Somehow, his words feel heavy on you. Like they hold the weight of the world, like what he said wasn’t just to prove a point to you. Perhaps Kim Seungmin saw through the hurt you feel-- perhaps he tried to understand. Maybe, he even tried to make you feel better. 
Somehow, his words feel like a confession. His ending ment of saying ‘thank you for your time’ goes unnoticed in your brain, everything turning blurry as the bell rings just as your presentation ends, your brain, eyes-- your whole being focused on Kim Seungmin and the way his voice recitated the words with such passion in his heart.
“‘And where two raging fires meet together, they do consume the thing that feeds their fury,’” the voice of your English literature teacher cuts through your senses like a knife, the smile on her face bringing you back to reality, “Good job, you two.”
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A kick in a face wouldn’t hit you harder than seeing Kim Seungmin appear in the library the next day. You aren’t prepared to see him, not when all you’ve been thinking of the last night without being able to fall asleep were his words, his mind and his face. You saw him every time you closed your eyes-- it was like he suddenly imprinted himself into your brain. It was crazy. You felt crazy.
Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. Romeo and Juliet got married the next day. 
How much time did it take you to fall in love with Kim Seungmin? 
Suddenly, you have no idea. And what makes it all worse is the fact that somehow, it all makes sense in your eyes. Maybe Jisung was right when he told you that giving so much energy into hating the boy would somehow make you end up like the 21st century replica of Anne of the Green Gables and Gilbert Blythe.
“Hello,” he breathes out, the corners of his mouth slightly curving up before he bites the nervous smile down, chewing on his bottom lip. 
“Hi,” you shyly greet him, noticing the book in his hands alongside with the library card, taking it from his reached-out hand. You recognise the book way too well, the hard covers a little dusty and the spine damaged from the amount of people that had borrowed this book from the library before.
You take the copy of Romeo and Juliet and place it on the table, registering it back into the database. It feels like a chapter of your life is ending. It seems like forever since you’ve been assigned the project, but in a way, you know that nothing will ever be the same. 
You kept thinking of his words in the night. How in his romantic mind, love is beautiful. And it’s a journey that requires pain, in a way. 
You kept thinking of how your parents were in love. And then, they were in pain. It was their journey that somehow ended up with you being born, ended up with your father leaving you because he couldn’t bear the responsibility. You kept thinking about how you used to blame your mother, even though all she ever did was raise you and love you. And in a way, you knew Seungmin was right and love was beautiful-- it brought your mum pain, but she was happy while it lasted. And you were the proof of that.
You give him back his library ID, fully expecting him to leave without another word, but he doesn’t. He takes it back from your hold, slipping the card into his back pocket, giving you a meaningful look as he sighs.
You both start at the same time, nervously laughing before prompting the other one to speak first. You avert your eyes away from his face, letting him know you won’t be the first one to speak this time, patiently waiting for him to start talking.
“I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry if I ever made it seem like I hate you or anything, because, well, it’s quite the opposite, really,” he chuckles, wiping his hands against his pants, “I never had the guts to hold a proper conversation with you before, because honestly, I was too shy to do that, since you’re like… so smart and everything, but yeah,” he sighs again, shortly looking you in the eyes before finishing his little speech, “I’m just… sorry, I guess?”
You feel your lips tugging into a smile, shaking your head in disbelief before speaking up again. “No, I should be the one saying sorry, because I was the one acting like a bitch… I guess that were just my own insecurities getting in the way.” 
His smile mirrors yours in no time, taking your breath away as you curse in your own head. You feel crazy. So, so damn crazy for liking it so much.
“It’s okay. I guess we both had some things that came in the way. If I wasn’t acting so cold, maybe you wouldn’t hate me as much-”
“No, it’s not your fault!” you stop him, reaching out a hand to gesture him that he is talking nonsense. 
He nervously shifts his weight from one leg to another, taking a short look at his shoes, gaining all of his courage before speaking up again. “I know this may sound ridiculous, but would you maybe want to… hang out sometime?”
“Hang out?” you repeat, voice a few octaves higher than usual.
“Y-yeah,” he nods, eyes big, “I was actually thinking of asking you out on a date but since you used to hate me until now, I didn’t want to go too fast-”
“It can be a date,” you jump in. The voice in your head is screaming at you now, hell, it is running around your head and hitting the walls in anger and panic. How the hell did you end up in this position? Asking Kim Seungmin out on a date? You really must be ridiculous.
“Okay,” he smiles, urgently nodding. 
“Okay.” you grin. You exchange a daring stare into each other’s eyes before he deeply inhales and scratches the back of his neck, turning on his heel and quickly pacing to the door. You almost think he’s going to leave, but he quickly looks back and stops in his tracks, shooting you one last, bright smile.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow!” he cheers, not even letting you respond before he runs out of the door.
As the library falls into dead silence, you take a seat on the chair, sighing deeply and bringing your head into your palms resting on the table, just like many times before when Seungmin left the comfort of the library, but this time, there’s a goofy smile playing with your lips as you think of the last few minutes, chuckling to yourself. This was an outcome you did not expect from the project-- but it’s an outcome you don’t mind at all.
Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. How long did it take you? 
It’s fair to say at least two weeks.
Maybe you were foolish and maybe it will hurt, but there’s something tempting at the warm feeling in your chest and the excitement Seungmin’s presence makes you feel, and that feeling alone doesn’t let you give up on this just yet. 
Your eyes fall to the opened book of Romeo and Juliet you’d left on your table just before he arrived, meaning to return the copy of the play to the library. You’re met with a sentence that makes you chuckle at the irony, the foolishness washing over you mixed with a feeling of joy you can’t quite comprehend yet, but welcome it with your arms wide open and expecting heart.
‘My only love sprung from my only hate.’
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actualsaii · 4 years ago
the bet
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 15k
Genre: smut, comedy, university AU
Summary:  You lost a bet and now it’s time to face the consequences. Aka when you lose and now you have to get a tattoo.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30140211
I'm reposting this one in case it's more comfortable for the readers to use tumblr instead of AO3 :) 
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“I can’t believe they made me do it,” you murmured under your nose as you passed the street, knowing that your friends still sat in the car parked in the lot across the street with eyes pinned on your nervous figure. The closer you got to the two-story building, the stronger the crippling anxiety inside of you grew, causing your inners to shake under the heavy consequences of your Thursday night’s escapade that culminated into your worst nightmare.
Yes, everything started two nights ago in a shabby university bar that you grew so fond of during the past two years of your studies. It was always packed whether it was a school night or not, full of freshmen and also seniors, from time to time even postgraduate students that seemed to be only a myth to you as you’ve almost never met one outside the classes. However, neither of that mattered that night as you successfully finished your last exam and decided to hit the streets with your two best friends that carefully prepared the night to its tiniest details. Conspiracy was the first word that popped in your mind as the night continued to unfold her secrets, although it was quickly erased with the fifth shot of tequila after which you simply found yourself walking straight to the bar with one and only thing your friends managed to set your mind on.
The hot bartender, also a member of mythical postgraduate group, was your main target even though he was currently busy with lining the glasses of RedBull next to each other while smaller shot cups full of golden liquid, you somewhere in the back of your mind recalled was probably Jägermeister, balanced on the tips of the bigger glasses under. Each of his move was precise, yet you knew this wasn’t the first Jäger-train he had built. The man worked at this bar ever since you could remember - and you also recalled the moment he stepped into your first class of Forensic psychology, looking completely different than you saw him the previous night (which was your first time visiting the bar when you were a freshman) in the club. Just then one of your friends told you he was a postgraduate student who worked at the bar and also taught some classes because of his final research paper. And now he was here again, his longish black hair carefully slicked back, exposing the undercut that made him look like a bad boy. His eyes momentarily flickered up from his work and once they laid on you, smirk flashed through his features and he straightened his posture, done with what he was doing.
“Look who we have here on a school night. Isn’t it a little bit too late for you to be out, ___?” he tilted his head to the side, never allowing the smile to disappear from his handsome features. He was famous for many things, but the nickname he used really preceded his name - Worldwide Handsome.
“Kim Seokjin, nice and friendly as always. Not that it should concern you, but I’m successfully done with all of my exams; so tonight, I’m celebrating. And I’m also on mission,” you leaned closer to him, almost knocking the train made of multiple glasses of alcohol, however you couldn’t care less. There was only one thing on your mind - and you know your friends were watching you somewhere from the booth in the back of the bar. At least they tried because your mind wasn’t the only one clouded by alcohol and a stupid bet you nodded to extremely fast and without giving it a thought or two first.
“So, mission it is tonight. Anyway, congratulations to wrapping up the term. Now, is there something I can do for you? Because, as you can see, it’s Thursday night, and the place is already bursting. Also, my masterpiece is ready for the show,” he said, reaching for the empty shot cup, ready to put the train on move. Your eyes flickered from his to the said masterpiece and you chuckled. Of course, there was something he could do for you but you didn’t want to burst it out loud just like that, not when the place was crowded and you felt countless eyes pinned on you because you occupied the spot by the bar for longer than acceptable.
But then again, you were on the mission and that was more important than some impatient freshmen that expected to put their hands on one of the glasses of Jägerbomb Seokjin has just put on the move. He gently nudged the first shot sitting on the rim of the glass and watched with his eyes full of excitement how the following shot cups fell down like a domino. People around you cheered loudly and suddenly they started grabbing glasses one after another until there was just one left. In a moment you decided to snatch it for yourself, your fingers met with another long and slender ones, covered in black ink and shiny silver rings. Looking up, you realized the crowd of people was gone, scattered all over the place and dance floor while only a few people remained lingering around the bar area. And the man, who was about to steal the drink you set your eyes on, was now staring at you with a smirk that mirrored in his deep and dark eyes. Long strands of his wavy blonde hair fell into his face but he quickly pushed them back, yet he took an advantage of the moment of surprise and snatched the drink before you had enough time to say something.
“Too late, love,” he shrugged and quickly disappeared in the crowd of people, only his blonde hair shining like a beacon, eventually disappearing as well. You turned to Seokjin with lips formed in a shape of a small ‘o’, still processing what has just happened. The bartender smirked and started lining another train of glasses on the surface of the bar, this time with a different type of drink on his mind.
“What was that? Who was that guy?” you asked, momentarily confused but you quickly shook it off your shoulders like an invisible layer of dust. You had to succeed with your mission, some blonde guy stealing the drink you wanted for yourself was out of the question at the moment.
“That was Jeon Jungkook, no one you should care about. Now, what can I offer you, ___? Or are you going to just levitate around until you are brave enough to spill the tea? Because one of your friends is peeking from the booth like a chicken hidden in the bush. What is it that you want?” with those words, he leaned closer over the bar surface and you felt his hot breath hitting your face. And even though your senses were already covered by the heavy sheet made out of tequila and god knew what else, you still felt cigarettes and scotch in his breath, the favorite combination of his when he was working.
You chewed on your lower lip while the wheels in the back of your mind spun like crazy, contemplating whether to come out with your plan or just kept playing your little game of a spy on the mission - even though Kim Seokjin could see straight through you as if you were a thin piece of a transparent paper. So, with a heavy sigh, you smashed your palms against the bar in a dramatic gesture, looking him straight into his eyes. If someone was looking at you, and you were sure there was at least one person watching you besides your friends, they must have thought you were some kind of Seokjin’s crazy fangirl. Which wouldn’t be surprising since the man was quite famous at the university.
“I need Jimin’s number.”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m serious, Seokjin. I need Jimin’s number otherwise I’m in a very big trouble. You have to save my ass,” you basically begged him, now almost laying on the bar as you leaned closer to him. The black-haired bartender only shook his head no and gave you a look somewhere between ‘I like you, you are my friend, but I can’t help you’ and ‘someone please just kill me already before I strangle this girl first’.
“I’m sorry but if you want Jimin number, you have to ask yourself. And since I know the number is not for you, you should tell your friend to man the hell up and ask him herself. He doesn’t bite, you know. Well, at least I think he doesn’t,” he shook his head again and handed you a shot of tequila he managed to pour you while he was talking. Small pout formed on your lips and you tried really hard to pull out the most innocent look on your face, but such a witchcraft had none effect on Kim Seokjin.
“You don’t understand - I promised my friend I would get the number for her. We placed a bet and if I lose… Seokjin, I can’t lose! Of my fucking god, I can’t lose this one. That would be the end of me.”
Something in his face shifted and now he looked genuinely interested in your little mission. A tiny spark of hope lit up in your chest when his eyes softened and he turned to you again.
“What’s the bet about?”
You felt the heat creeping into your cheeks each second of standing by the bar, your eyes now pinned on your hands still placed on its surface. The shot laid untouched in front of you even though you felt your mouth watering just by watching it. And although the level of alcohol in your bloodstream was already dangerously high, you reached out for it and downed the shot in one gulp. Just in case you needed some more courage.
“If I don’t get Jimin’s number tonight, I will have to get a tattoo by the end of the week. So, please, you have to save my ass, Seokjin. I mean, it’s not like I don’t want that tattoo, I’ve wanted it for some time already, but I’m still not sure and—“
“You got to be kidding me, ___. This is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard,” the almost caring look in his face was quickly replaced by his notorious smug smirk and you knew you were fucked for the night. There was no way he was about to give you Jimin’s number, and walking around the bar, asking random strangers for Park Jimin’s number was out of question.
“I will never forget your betrayal, Kim Seokjin. I will never forget how you turned your back on me. And if you come to me asking for help, I will repay you the same,” your index finger touched his chest and while you were sure you looked dangerous and almost and vengeful, Seokjin just chuckled and sent you one of his precious flying kisses.
“Duly noted, sweetheart. Don’t forget to send me a photo of your new tattoo. I will be waiting.”
And just like that, with his words still echoing through your mind, you showed him your tongue and waltzed back to the table where your friends were sitting.
Of course, without Park Jimin’s number.
And the threat of getting a tattoo dangerously hanging above your head.
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“I can’t believe they made me do it.”
It was Saturday morning and the betrayal of Kim Seokjin and the following cheering sounds of your friends still rang through your mind like an annoying sound of the alarm clock set on the phone. You weren’t about to get away with new pledges and promises of getting Park Jimin’s number because your friends simply weren’t about to let you. No, a deal was a deal and now that you lost the bet, you had to get that tattoo from the artist in a parlor downtown. It was a new one and judging by what Sunmi told you a few days ago, they only opened the salon three months ago. However, the number of followers on social network sites grew higher and higher each day so you and your friends agreed it was a good place to get your first tattoo.
Although you weren’t so sure now that you were crossing the street with a paper cup of coffee in your hands. It was an olive branch from your friends when they picked you up at the dorms early in the morning, proposing the breakfast at your favorite café near the university’s main campus. At least something to ease your mind before taking such a huge step forward.
You took a deep breath and looked over your shoulder one last time, checking if those two creatures that came straight from the hell still sat in the car parked in the lot. And of course, they were still there, sending you thumbs up as if to give you a courage to step inside and get that goddamn tattoo. Thinking about that, it was all your fault because you were talking about getting one for a while, so it was only natural your friends took advantage of your big mouth and used it as a weapon against you. Although, you had to admit the smoothness they turned the bet into.
“Why am I even friends with you?” you muttered under your nose and took a sip of the coffee before you reached for the doorknob and pressed it, opening the door with a sound of ring bell accompanying your gesture. You peeked inside - and your inners immediately turned upside down with the scene that unfolded in front of your eyes. Not to mention you almost dropped the paper cup with coffee.
The studio itself looked neat and clean, shiny almost as each piece of furniture and accessory seemed brand new. Right opposite the front door sat a massive black desk with an office chair and a laptop placed on the top. But besides the PC, there was a small plant and an opened sketchbook with a picture you couldn’t see properly because you stood too far away. Not that you wanted to peek inside, not really. The wall behind the table was pitch black with a few modern art pieces and shelves full of books standing there. The remaining three walls were covered in various pieces of paper showing different tattoo motives that were apparently free for customers to choose. But that wasn’t what knocked the air out of your lungs and almost made you change your decision with backing the hell out of the studio, no. What made you almost squeal were two men half hidden behind the paravan that covered the tattooing area from the common area with two black leather sofas and a small coffee table. Even though you couldn’t see their faces properly, you exactly knew who they were. And the fact that one of them was indirectly responsible for you getting in this quite unfortunate situation made your blood boil.
“Park Jimin?”
Both of them immediately snapped in your direction while the said man rolled down his shirt and patted the blonde’s shoulder with a grateful smile curling the corners of his lips up. The blonde one only nodded but once his eyes met yours, there was something wicked mirroring behind his irises - and you were quickly reminded of the Thursday’s night and the talk you had with Seokjin after he successfully made the Jäger-train work. The blonde man was the one who stole your drink. The one who ever so shamelessly snatched it right out of your hands and walked away as if nothing had happened. You clearly remembered the wave of drunken rage that almost swept you off your feet the night it happened - the drink was supposed to be yours, not his. Either way, that fact only added to the moment of surprise you went through the second you realized the tattoo artist was no one else but the blonde thief with arms covered in ink.
“Oh, hi? You are the one from Seokjin’s Forensic Psychology class, right? ___? What are you doing here?” Jimin asked and at that moment, you felt like the dumbest dumbass walking the planet earth. What were you doing here? Oh, yes. The lost bet and the punishment you had to accept according to the terms of the deal. However, that wasn’t something you could come clean about since it would make you look like an… idiot. Complete idiot. So, instead of giving him an answer, your eyes flickered to the direction of the blonde tattoo artists who was now in the process of getting rid of the black latex gloves, throwing them into a trash bin. And as if he felt the weight of your eyes heaving him down, he looked at you with a slight hint of smirk tugging on the corners of his lips. He too seemed to be interested in your answer.
“Yep, that’s me. And to answer your question - I’m here to get a tattoo. I guess that’s what tattoo salons are for?” you tilted your head to the side and gave both males your best smile without being nervous about it.
“Do you have an appointment?” the blonde asked and approached the table where the sketchbook and other notebooks laid. As soon as his question sunk in the air filling the room, you cleared your throat and realized that, perhaps, you should have called beforehand, although this whole situation came into an existence during your Thursday night’s pre-game when you were already intoxicated and so determined to get Jimin’s number no matter what consequences might come out in case you simply failed.
Exactly like you did.
And it brought you here.
Silence fell over the room and for a split second, your brain came up with an idea of asking Jimin for his number and immediately backing away from the previous plan, but then, on the other hand, you weren’t about to chicken out of your punishment. You were too proud to do so.
“No, I don’t think so,” you smiled again, wishing for the mother earth to swallow you and spit you out on the other side of the world since the weight of the look in their eyes grew heavier and heavier each second that passed. They must have thought you were an idiot waltzing into a tattoo salon without an appointment on Saturday morning. Because who would have done that? No one but a psychology student who lost the bet and was now facing its consequences.
“Well, then I guess I will just leave you two alone. Lucky you, Jungkook was supposed to have a day off since it’s Saturday, but as I know him, he wouldn’t say no to a nice young lady, would he?” Jimin smirked and before Jungkook had the opportunity to throw the notebook in his direction, the brown-haired guy grabbed his jacket and disappeared from the salon at the speed of light.
And that made you feel bit anxious because right at the moment, it was just you and the tattoo artist Jungkook who managed to steal your drink, which, for some reason, couldn’t let you cold. The small and tiny voice in the back of your mind told you he must have been a member of the mythical postgraduate students’ group as well, but you weren’t stupid to voice your question out loud. You were just frozen in one place with lips forming a shape of a small ‘o’, unable to put together a rather coherent sentence to explain how you got into such a situation. Not that he should know each detail, but then again, he was the artist and according to Jimin’s words, he was supposed to have a day off until you came, and, well, obviously changed his plans.
Again, according to Jimin’s words.
“If you have a day off, I can come another time. Or I can book an appointment and—“
“It’s ____, right? I’m Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you. Anyway, it’s fine. Jimin wasn’t on my list either when he came banging on the door early in the morning. One more tattoo wouldn’t kill me, really. I don’t have much to do, anyway,” his voice dropped a few tones lower and it genuinely surprised you how quickly he agreed on something that wasn’t on his schedule, therefore wasn’t supposed to happen. Honestly, you expected him to throw you out of the salon with the same sassy smirk and comment he addressed you with the night you met him at the bar. But nothing like that happened and you suddenly felt the inner storm gaining the momentum, throwing you off balance easily. And maybe, that was the reason you kept standing in one spot with lips still half-parted, staring at the young man standing in front of you with a smile plastered over his features. The smile first seemed to be innocent, reaching his eyes but mirroring something not so innocent any longer as the question slipped his lips. “Did you have fun with your friends?”
Wheezing noise came out of you and he raised his brows in unspoken question.
“I’d rather not talk about that night, really,” you rolled your eyes and bit on your inner cheek as the memory of the night came to you as a wrecking ball.
“Had too much to drink? You should be glad I managed to put my hands on the drink before you did then,” his innocent smile quickly turned into a smug one, reminding you of the way Seokjin basically laughed in your face when he found out about the bet. And since the bartender seemed to be familiar with the blonde tattoo artists, there was this one certain question that popped on your mind like a red light. Was it possible Seokjin told Jungkook about the bet? Did he out you?
No, Seokjin wouldn’t do that. He might have not helped you with getting Jimin’s number, but he certainly wouldn’t do something like blabbering about the bet to his friends who had nothing to do with that. Until now.
“About that - it was my drink, I had my eyes on that first,” you murmured but couldn’t help when the smile tugged on the corner of your lips. Fighting about something so trivial like a drink wasn’t really your thing, yet, for some reason you felt like this business needed to be taken care of.
“Then you should have been faster, love. Now, tell me about that tattoo of yours you want to get. Do you have something on your mind or am I free to come up with a design?” he asked, quickly shifting into his artist mode. He wasn’t really curious about the reason you ended up in his studio, nor he blamed you for barging in like Jimin did in the morning. He simply wanted to start to work, that was all. And you had to admit, it once again stole the wind from under your wings and left you standing there frozen in one place with lips parted but no words leaving them. A wave of admiration towards the young man that dedicated his free time to grace the skin of other people woke up inside of you and brought the butterflies in your stomach to life.
As the question settled in, your mind was suddenly blank like a fresh canvas, not a simple idea crossing it. Your loss of words made him chuckle before he turned to his table and reached for yet another sketchbook laying there. The sound of pages flipping filled the room, accompanied by Jungkook’s soft humming until he found what he was looking for.
“What do you think about this? It’s a free design I made a few days ago but I was too busy to put in on the wall. It looks like something that might suit you. Of course, it’s just my opinion,” with those words he handed you the sketchbook opened on a page with the design he had on mind for you. And you had to admit, it was beautiful. A simple line of flowers tangled together, nothing too exaggerating, quite the right opposite. However, you couldn’t quite grasp the concept of place where he wanted to put it.
“It looks really beautiful, and now I will probably sound too stupid, but where do you want to put it?” you asked, genuinely interested in his answer. Of course, he must have had an idea of where to place it once he was working on it. Your question brought a smile to his face as he came closer and gently grabbed the sketchbook from your hands. He put it back on the table while his right hand remained cuffing your left wrist.
“Here, around your wrist like a bracelet while the rest of the tattoo will continue to the back of your hand. Exactly here,” his fingers traced a delicate way from your wrist to the back of your hand, leaving a burning trace behind. Breath almost hitched in your throat when you realized how close he got to you without you realizing it, however, you quickly collected yourself and fixed your posture, looking into his dark eyes. “It’s your first tattoo and I believe I don’t have to tell you how important it is for you to choose the right place. Consider this a friendly opinion of mine. It would really suit you, ___.”
Just as he finished his little speech, his touch left your hand, yet the burning sensation remained lingering over the surface of your skin.
“That sounds like a really lovely idea,” you murmured as you brought your hand closer to your face, examining the place he traced with his fingers just seconds ago. As much as you weren’t excited about the idea of getting a tattoo this fast, although you’ve always wanted one, you started changing your mind in a snap of fingers. And whether it was the picture you really liked or Jungkook’s aura that was only hard to resist, you didn’t know. What you were sure about was the one and only thing - you weren’t about to back away from this decision. Not anymore.
You were surprised by yourself and the sudden discovery you missed the way Jungkook chuckled and shook his head over your strange behavior.
“Are you sure about that? Because I don’t really want you to chase me down the university halls in case you don’t like it anymore, you know? Tattoo is mostly a permanent thing and let me tell you, it’s really painful if you want to get rid of that. Not to mention it’s almost twice as expensive. Think about it, love,” it almost sounded like he tried to change your mind, and honestly, you felt like a child getting a lecture. Which you didn’t like at all.
“Of course, I’m sure. I wouldn’t be here in the first place if I wasn’t. I’ve wanted a tattoo for a very long time, I just didn’t give it a proper thought - as of what to get and where to place it. I was hoping that since you are a pro—you could help me out with that. Which you did, so…” you shrugged, giving him a look full of confidence. At least, you hoped you did. And as to seal your words, you took a step closer to him with a smile gracing your features. “So, can we do it today?”
Smirk flashed through his features and mirrored in his eyes.
“Of course, love.”
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Jungkook put everything into motion rather smoothly and you had to admire the way he basically danced around the salon while he prepared everything he was about to need for your tattoo. From time to time, your eyes flickered to the already prepared design laying on the small table near the tattooing chair you were aiming for. Excitement rushed through your bloodstream just when you imagined the art on your hand. Funny, how everything changed in a snap of fingers and your annoyed mood was quickly replaced by the excitement in the form of butterflies fluttering in your tummy.
“Do you mind if I play some music?” he asked with his back turned to you as he did some last preparations for your tattoo.
“Not at all. It’s your place, play whatever you want,” you shook your head and shrugged down the leather jacket you were wearing. The room was hot and you shouldn’t be wearing it anyway, so you took it off and climbed into the chair, waiting rather impatiently for the blonde artist to be done with his little preparations. The soft tunes of hip-hop music filled the air and you had to smile. For some reason, even though you didn’t know him at all, the music suited Jungkook very much. It went along the aura his persona gave off, almost hand in hand.
“What is that? I’ve never heard this song,” you asked curiously as you made yourself comfortable in the chair, leaning against the leather surface with the butterflies still playing the game of catch in your stomach. Have you really been that excited about getting that goddamn tattoo? Or was Jeon Jungkook responsible for the weird excitement you haven’t seen coming once you stepped out of your friend’s car? Such questions popped in your mind and you had to sigh in defeat as you didn’t have a single answer.
The way your question captured his attention and the way he turned to you with eyes sliding up and down your body in the tattooing chair certainly didn’t help to calm the storm inside of you.
“Do you know Jung Hoseok? He is one of the postgraduates, but other than studying, he likes to work on music. This is one of the songs he released within his mixtape a few weeks ago. It’s only on SoundCloud, so I don’t blame you for now knowing it, but you should give it a try. He is really good,” Jungkook smiled as he was apparently praising one of his good friends, reaching for the box of latex gloves to put a clean pair on. The gesture itself told you he was ready to start working on your design.
“Not only you are a mythical group everyone is talking about, but it seems like all of you have that hidden side no one knows about - well, besides Seokjin. Everyone knows he is the most handsome bartender. I guess he is the reason why the bar is still so packed. But hey, I will give that mixtape a shot. It sounds catchy,” you wondered out loud without giving your words a thought or two. Yet, it has already escaped your mouth and you couldn’t do anything about it. And when Jungkook chuckled, you only hoped he didn’t think you were a complete weirdo.
“Is that so? I’ve never heard anyone calling us a mythical group but I can see the point. It’s just we are always busy with the university and when there’s a slight chance to do whatever else than the research for doctoral thesis, we simply do what we love to do - and it differs from person to person. For me, it’s the salon and the art of tattoo. Although it mostly belongs to my older brother, every time I’m free from uni, I spend my time here,” he was open with you and it almost made your heart melt because even though he didn’t know you properly, he talked to you about the daily basis of his life as if you two were old friends. Plus, his words convinced you he didn’t think of you as a weirdo, which was definitely a very good sign. “I’m sure there’s something you love to do too.”
That made you wonder. There were many things you enjoyed doing, but suddenly, none of them came to your mind as Jungkook kept staring at you, probably waiting for the answer. Your brain worked faster than on the university entrance exam, yet the more pressure you put on that poor thing, the more alert it seemed to be.
“Honestly, I’m glad when I have a weekend off. This is my second year on the university and keeping my shit together is getting harder and harder. But well, there was this period of time when I enjoyed doing Yoga almost every day. Currently it’s just reading books and listening to music. Now you are going to think I’m one of those boring people who like to stay inside instead of partying with a large group of friends,” you decided to be honest with him because there was nothing left to lose. Also, why not being honest with someone who decided to sacrifice his own free time in spite of giving you tattoo?
“Why would I think you are boring? I love being by myself with a good book or a good movie on Netflix. However, I also like to go out with my friends from time to time. And I bet you do, too,” the teasing smirk was back on his lips, although it didn’t last long as he reached for your hand with excited sparkles dancing in his eyes. “Are you ready?”
You only nodded, watching him like a hawk when he reached for the disinfection and turned back to you with a smile tugging on the corner of his lips. And just like before, Jungkook easily slipped into his tattoo artist mode, moving around with grace and something more that made your eyes stay pinned on him rather shamelessly. He must have felt your eyes scanning him up and down when he did the magic to your hand - aka applying the disinfection and then wiping your skin gently once he was done. After that, he put some kind of gel on your skin and when you asked what he was doing, he only chuckled.
“I need to print the design on your skin. It helps with the process,” he said, not giving you a single glance as he was so drawn in each step of his job. Next time you looked down on your hand, he was pressing the paper against your skin, peeling it off after he was sure the design was completely imprinted. The picture came out blue and blurry in some places, but you knew that wasn’t an issue for someone like Jungkook. “Is it okay like that? Do you want me to move it a little?” he asked, pushing back on the chair he was sitting in for you to have space to inspect the future design of your tattoo. You brought your hand closer to your face, inspecting each detail of the pattern, internally already excited about how it was going to look once it was done and completed.
Honestly, it looked nice and somehow, you felt it suited you well. Exactly like he told you when he first showed you the design. Simple and delicate, yet somehow daring. Nonetheless, you must have been checking it for way too long as Jungkook cleared his throat and you were quickly snapped back to the reality.
“Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I think the place is amazing, you don’t need to move it. I can already imagine it,” you smiled without the realization Jungkook was closer to you once again, his hot breath brushing against the skin of your exposed shoulder. You weren’t going to lie here, the shivers danced down your spine crazily and your head spun a little when the scent of his musky cologne attacked your senses. How come you didn’t catch it sooner? Never mind, this wasn’t the right time nor place to be weak for the blonde artist.
Although he was hot.
Very hot.
“Okay then, let’s get this beauty done,” he smirked and you couldn’t do otherwise but mirror the excitement that was entangled within his voice. You outreached your hand for him, mentally preparing for the pain to come. Bonus points for Jungkook who let you breathe out for a while before he grabbed the tattoo machine and leaned closer to you to the point you felt his breath and cologne again. Damn, that kind of thoughts must have clouded your mind completely because you hissed when the needle first touched your skin. Thankfully, you didn’t flinch nor you moved an inch in your seat. Soon, you grew kind of used to the new sensation glazing through your skin.
“You okay?” he looked up to your eyes after a minute or two, you didn’t count. You only nodded, chewing on your inner cheeks because you couldn’t describe the weird sensation. On the scale of ‘it hurts’ to ‘it’s kind of annoying’, your feelings balanced perfectly in the middle.
“Yeah. Just can’t decide if it hurts or not. I mean, it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it was going to hurt. Am I weird?” you voiced out your thoughts with a chuckle accompanying them, hoping Jungkook would understand the message you tried to send.
“You are not weird. I’ve met countless people who couldn’t quite decipher what they felt, and to be honest with you, I’m surprised you are not squealing in pain considering the place you chose for your first tattoo is quite painful. No offense, of course. Anyway, yeah. Long time ago, me and my brother agreed this type of pain was… somehow exciting. You are expecting something great and you are willing to go such a length to get it, whilst the pain. I, personally, like that pain.”
“I can see that. Considering your arms are basically drowning in the ink. I like it,” the bold confession slipped your lips without you even realizing so. Jungkook stopped working for a split second and looked at you, eyes hazy and suddenly full of something that hasn’t been there before. And as much as you yelled at yourself internally to avoid his gaze, the other half of yourself did quite the right opposite. You started back with the growing smirk curling your lips in a teasing matter. Something inside of you enjoyed the little game that was slowly but surely getting out of control with each second that passed. If he could call you love, you could play with him in return as well.
All while keeping his eyes on yours, he started talking, the process of tattoo momentarily completely forgotten.
“Most of it is mine work, some of it my brother’s. Got my first one when I was sixteen and parents almost killed me. My brother went with me, he played the role of my legal guardian since I was still a minor. And that’s basically how this addiction started. First tattoo, drawing my own designs, getting the machine and experimenting on my own skin. I fucked up some and my brother had to cover it with another design. And I still want more,” he said, giving a special emphasis on the last word as his eyes flickered in your direction for the last time before he started working on the tattoo again. The stinging sensation grew heavier, yet you prevented yourself from yelping or flinching in your place.
Because the sensation of his burning stare caused you feel more than the process of inking your skin itself.
“That really is a sheer talent,” you murmured under your nose, still bothered with the thoughts that kept whirling in your mind like a vortex that swept everything along the way. You thought about his words again and again until a question rolled down your tongue. “Do you think I might end up wanting more too?”
He looked up to you with the long strands of blonde hair falling into his eyes. The urge to push it behind his ear was too strong and you had to resist hard not to reach out to do it. Damn, there was something about him that kept bugging you like crazy.
“I don’t know, love. You can get rid of the tattoo in a year or less. Or you can come barge in like Jimin did because you will want another one. One can never know,” he said as he reached for the paper wipes to clean the first part of the tattoo that crawled around your wrist. His touch was gentle and caring, almost as sweet as the smile that appeared on his lips when he said: “I’m going to finish the outlining and then we can take a break if you want. But I should warn you that after the break, it might hurt a little. Your skin will be triggered, so if you feel dizzy or something, let me know.”
“Now you sound like I might pass out.”
“You wouldn’t be the first one,” again, the sound of his laugh filled the room and you rolled your eyes. “But so far, you are holding really bravely. You are definitely not going to pass out.”
The next twenty minutes passed in silence between the two of you, only the soft tunes of R&B music filled the room. However, that wasn’t something that disturbed you, quite the right opposite. You managed to relax yourself, body almost melting against the chair as you let Jungkook finish outlining the tattoo. However, despite your relaxed state, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way he touched you even though it was just a part of his job. Of course he had to touch you, of course he had to be careful with what he was doing.
But there was something more to it. Something more about Jeon Jungkook and the way he talked to you when he explained the story behind his tattoos. The way his eyes from time to time flickered to you and refused to leave just to hold a tiny piece of eye-contact. Not that you wanted to flatter yourself, but you did. This wasn’t only in your head - he was staring because he probably felt the same connection or how you should call it.
No, it was not connection.
Perhaps something else.
Something you would dare to call desire.
But then again, you didn’t want to flatter yourself.
But you did.
The realisation you were all hot and disturbed because of the blonde tattoo artist covered in ink felt fresh and exciting, however, you were quickly pulled out of the pool of your thoughts when he pushed back and put down the machine, getting rid of the gloves. He threw them into a trash bin and when he looked at you, there was this bunny smile gracing his features.
“Time for a little break. Do you want coffee or something? I bet the one you brought with you must be already cold,” he shook his head and got up from the seat, eyes still pinned on you. For some reason, a thought of him being able to read your thoughts momentarily flashed through your mind - and you felt stupid for even thinking about it. Of course, it was only able in those fantasy books you loved reading.
Yet, his eyes mirrored something deeper.
“Coffee, please. With milk and sugar if I can ask.”
“Of course. Everything for you, love.”
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Jungkook wasn’t lying when he said it might hurt after the break. The skin on your hand was triggered and burning, however, you were too proud to admit it was getting too painful and too unbearable. Instead, you kept biting on your inner cheek while your eyes remained on his focused face and his skillful fingers that were almost done with the tattoo. What was first a design in Jungkook’s little sketchbook was now a beautiful art gracing the skin of your hand in a very delicate way. Just when the art was done and Jungkook cleaned your skin, he put on a transparent tape over it and gave you yet another bunny smile.
“And, we are done,” he pushed away from you and got rid of the latex gloves, cleaning the mess around while you hopped down from the chair and checked yourself in the mirror on the wall (although you didn’t really have to since the tattoo was perfectly visible just by looking at it). As you were scanning your posture in the reflection, you also felt something else. A pair of eyes running up and down your body rather shamelessly, and you had to admit - you enjoyed the attention he was giving you.
“You are strangely silent and I’m not sure if I like it or not,” Jungkook surprised you with his words, causing you to finally turn to him with a smile tugging on the corners of your lips. He was already done with cleaning the space, now sitting in the tattooing chair with arms folded over his chest. Something about him was so mesmerizing you found yourself unable to look away and take a deep breath. He seemed the same, though, giving you a rather intimidating look full of undisclosed attention and something more.
“I was just checking the masterpiece you created, that’s all. It looks amazing,” your voice came out strong and steady, surprising even yourself when you finished the sentence with a smile plastered over your features. Ever since you crossed the threshold of Jungkook’s salon, you managed to boost your confidence a little over the small talk and the cup of coffee you two had together during the short break.
“Now you are exaggerating, love. Anyway, I’m glad you like it. The first one is always very special. At least in my case,” the smirk was soon replaced by the bunny smile you found too cute on a guy like Jungkook. His appearance and look probably confused many people - including you. When you saw him for the first time, you thought he was a bad boy, a player, someone who would toy with you around only to tell you off the next day. But the more you were talking to him through the session, the more convinced you grew he was actually a nice guy with passion for art and tattoos. He was a nice example of that ‘to not judge the book by its cover’ saying. Those thoughts seemed to occupy your mind for longer than you thought as Jungkook slid down the chair and came closer to you, examining the tattoo he has just given you. “And it looks very good on you. Hot and tempting, but also sweet and delicate. It’s complimenting you well, love,” this time, he put a special emphasis on the last word, catching you completely off guard. However, you quickly collected yourself as your eyes found his, already staring. Once again, he came too close to you, completely destroying the last pieces of your personal space, but for some reason, you didn’t give a damn. If he was about to play, you weren’t the one to chicken out of this. No, not really. Therefore, came the answer with a smile flashing through your features and the smirk your eyes managed to pull out.
“Thank you, I like that place too. And who knows, I might come for more once I think about it deeper,” you smiled and internally fought the urge to touch him somehow. Anyhow. The aura around him was so welcoming you almost heard it whispering those teasing words into your ear, luring you to come closer despite the fact his work was over for now. You didn’t want to be done with him, not yet. You wanted more.
And moreover, you wanted him to call you like that again.
Gosh, being attracted to someone has never been more annoying than at this very moment when you wanted nothing more but to lean closer and—
“I’d be very happy, to be honest,” he took a step back, however, the smirk remained lingering over his facial features, giving you that tiny spark of hope that the game wasn’t finished just yet. But then again, he took a step back and it was a sign for you to do the same.
“Surely I will let you know in advance next time. Now, how much do I owe you?”
“How much what?”
“How much for the tattoo, Jungkook,” you couldn’t help but put a special emphasis on his name that rolled down your tongue easier than you first expected. He seemed to be caught off guard momentarily before a soft sound of him chuckling filled the room.
“Nothing,” he shrugged as if it indeed was nothing, as if he just didn’t grace your skin with his art.
His answer made you look at him in pure shock, blinking once and twice before his answer settled and you finally understood the simple word that left his lips. Just when you were about to scold him a little, he caught you unprepared with yet another shocking answer. “I stole a drink from you, so think about this as a payback. Also, you seem to be friends with Seokjin - and Seokjin’s friends are my friends.”
It was quick and bold answer, leaving you standing there as if someone spilled a bucket of cold-ass water over your head. Your lips formed a shape of a small ‘o’ and you very probably looked like a complete idiot.
“No, I can’t let you do that. I came here on your day off; you can’t give me a tattoo for free.”
“My studio, my rules, love. However, you are right about this one,” he wondered out loud, giving you a look that you couldn’t decipher, quite the right opposite. The look and his answer made your heart beat faster, almost as if it wanted to jump straight out of your ribcage. However, you kept it cool, just casually waiting for him to tell you more.
But he didn’t.
“So… let’s just say you owe me this one, love. Let’s settle this as a debt I can collect anytime I want. What do you think about that?” he tilted his head to the side and gave you a look that was supposed to look innocent, yet there was nothing innocent about the mischief burning in his eyes. And despite the fact you didn’t know what did he mean by the ‘debt he could collect anytime he wanted’, the idea somehow excited you, causing the butterflies to play the game of catch in your tummy again.
“I think that’s something I can agree on.”
“Then give me your number, love,” he fetched his phone and unlocked it, handing it to you right after. You took a deep breath, typing the number and giving it back almost immediately. You didn’t dare to save the number, honestly curious about what name he was about to use for you. But as much as you tried to peek, Jungkook turned away from you, typed something down and then gave your phone a quick call so you had his number as well. Just then he put the phone back into the pocket of his jeans. Pout momentarily flashed through your features, but once he turned back to you, it was quickly replaced by a smile. At least you had his number now.
“Alright so… I’m gonna go now. Thank you for… you know, staying and working despite you were supposed to have a day off.”
“No need to thank me, pretty one. Let me tell you, it was a very well spent time. I will see you around? Perhaps on Seokjin’s anniversary party at the bar next week? Or… perhaps sooner, who knows,” the same mysterious look appeared in his face once again as he gave you a look. You tried not to pay attention to the way he ghosted after you while you collected your stuff and slid into the leather jacket. “And don’t forget to take care about the tattoo. Leave the tape on for approximately twenty-four hours and then gently wash it. And use a special lotion, here, I almost forgot,” it was impressive how quickly he snapped into his artist mode, reaching for one of the tubes standing on the shelf nearby. “Here, use this. Twice or thrice a day. If anything, call me.”
“Thank you, Jungkook. I will see you.”
“I already can’t wait, ____.”
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Perhaps Jungkook was right when he said he would see you at the bar next week. And maybe, just maybe, you expected that stupid call or debt-collecting way sooner. Because once you came home from the tattoo session at his salon, you did nothing else but stared at your phone, almost cursing yourself for being that worked up over a boy you’ve only spent a few hours with. Yet, he left you excited and expecting, although nothing came. The week was long and boring, you mostly spent it with your friends or cuddled under the blanket with Netflix and bottle of red wine. From time to time, you thought about giving him a call first, but you always declined the idea as soon as it rubbed against your mind. You didn’t want to seem desperate; you didn’t want to look like another freshmen thirsting over the postgrad student, way out of your league.
But then again.
The way he talked to you never left your memory, quite the right opposite. Your brain decided to rub it in your face until the night of Seokjin’s anniversary party came and your friends came barging into your dorm room with paper bags full of alcohol they claimed to be a ‘pre-game you needed’. Drinks were followed by loud laughter and fight over who was about to use the bathroom first - because it had the biggest mirror and the best lightning needed for a precise make-up process.
Hours later, you finally made it to the bar, wearing short black dress your friends chose for you despite your loud protest. At first, it felt a bit uncomfortable because you were used to visit the place wearing jeans or shorts with comfortable tops, but once you realized you weren’t that underdressed, it calmed your mind a little since there were girls wearing considerably less amount of clothes.
“I’m thinking about tequila, what about you?” one of your friends asked, actually not waiting for you answer as she made a straight bee line towards the bar. Not caring about people waiting, she fought her way towards the bar and ordered you a round of the drink you swore you would never drink again. Yet, some promises were made to be broken - all over again, in your case.
After you received your shot of tequila, you cheered with your friends but not for long. It literally took them ten minutes to disappear, dancing in random corners of the bar with random dudes while you tried your best to find a calmer place - which was a corridor that led to the restrooms and deeper, where the visitors of the establishment weren’t allowed.
Not that you weren’t about to have fun, not at all. You just wanted to check your phone in case… well, you were probably very much head over heels for Jeon Jungkook who didn’t give you a call or spared you a text since last Saturday, but who were you to blame him?
“Looking for someone?”
You almost jumped in your place, placing the phone back into your purse as you turned around and face Seokjin, the handsome bartender to whom this crazy party has been dedicated. Instead of his usual place behind the bar, he seemed to have a night off, enjoying the party at its fullest.
“No, not really. My friends dumped me and I wanted to check my phone, that’s all,” you shrugged with a smile on your face, crossing your arms over your chest right after. “What about you? Aren’t you having fun tonight? It’s your third anniversary as the most handsome bartender - as I heard. What are you doing here?”
Yes, what was he doing there? In the hallway that led towards the door to the supply room when he wasn’t even working? Perhaps he was seeking some lone time as well, you didn’t know.
“Oh, we are at the VIP box with the guys but we ran out of some bottles so I was just going to get them. It’s easier than fetching it from the bar. Do you mind giving me a helping hand?” he asked with a genuine smile plastered over his features. You quickly nodded, following him to the supply room. You’ve never been there before which made you feel like going on an adventure. Seokjin quickly grabbed a few bottles of whisky, handing you two of them as he collected more. You gave him a look but he left it without answer which only left you wondering just how many guys were out there, sitting in the VIP box he had mentioned before.
“So, are you enjoying the party?” you asked and followed him out of the supply room, hands full of bottles of alcohol. Seokjin scoffed but smile crawled to his lips almost immediately.
“I’d rather spend the night behind the bar. I mean, I’m not saying I’m not enjoying the night, but it feels different to be on the other side. I guess I’ve been working here for way too long to enjoy a proper night off.”
“Come on, this is your party, you should enjoy it,” you nudged him as you navigated your way through the crowd of people dancing on the floor. The VIP box was located on the second floor of the bar, way calmer spot for people who just wanted to chat and enjoy the night without bumping into already intoxicated (mostly) freshmen. Way up there was a bit challenging with high heels and your hands full, but you successfully reached the spot - and almost dropped the bottles when your eyes met with Jeon Jungkook’s. He seemed to be surprised to see you up there but he quickly adapted to the situation and offered you a smile that quickly transformed into a welcoming smirk.
You put the bottles on the table, completely ignoring the looks of others, and straightened your posture.
“Okay, so… I’ll go,” you didn’t know who did you address your words to, but Seokjin was the one to answer you almost immediately.
“Why would you go? You said your friends dumped you. Stay with us for a while and then you can go. I don’t think the others would mind,” he said, turning to the guys sitting around the table. They shrugged one after another until it came to Jimin and Jungkook. The duo seemed to welcome you way warmer than the others, deep into a conversation about a thesis that was completely out of a place.
“Come, sit, sweetheart,” Seokjin ushered you to the last vacant spot next to Jungkook who immediately moved to give you slightly more space. Not so much, though, as he shamelessly threw his arm on the couch over your arms. He didn’t touch you, but you knew the motion spoke for itself.
“So, you got dumped, huh?” he asked, leaning a bit closer so you could hear him. The music might have been a bit more silent than down there, but people still needed to sit closer to each other if they didn’t want to yell like crazy. Exactly like the rest of them since the conversation seemed to escalate into something reminding more of a fight.
“It depends on the point of view. They were pretty much smashed before we even arrived here. You know, the pre-game and stuff. So, after a shot of tequila, they disappeared to look for an adventure like Powerpuff girls. I’m not blaming them, it’s not the first time. And right now, I guess I’m talking way too much, aren’t I?” you looked at him, kind of flustered by your own behavior. The words just fell off your mouth without you thinking about them first. Perhaps you were intoxicated more than you first thought and it perfectly mirrored on the way you were talking to him - shamelessly and without filter between your brain and mouth.
“You can never talk too much, love.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. At least you are not blushing and giggling like crazy. That’s really something I’m not digging,” he shook his head and looked into your eyes but soon, the gaze dropped to the hand in your lap. He gently reached for it, his thumb recreating the lines of the tattoo that was already in the process of healing. “Seems like you didn’t forget to take care about it. Good girl,” his voice dropped a few tones lower and his breath caressed your skin. Your eyes met and your heart fluttered, the urge to lean closer was back and on the highest alert. Yet, you were still not intoxicated enough to simply lean closer, grab his collar and kiss him right here, in front of his friends. Also, the way Seokjin peeked over his shoulder to check on you to stopped you from proceeding with the plan that has just come to life in your mind.
But taking one brave step forward would harm anyone, would it?
You leaned closer to his ear, desperately fighting the way his cologne was making you go crazy, and whispered: “Exactly like you told me, Jungkook.”
His posture changed and you could swear you saw the muscles shifting under the layers of clothes he was wearing. With clenched jaw and closed eyes, it took him a while to come back to his senses. Yet, you never pulled away from him, enjoying the scent of his musky cologne taking over your senses rather quickly.
“Love, what are you doing right now?”
“What am I doing?” you asked, blinking once and giving him an innocent smile. “I’m not doing anything, Jungkook. I just let you know I’m taking care about my tattoo the way you told me to.”
“Right,” he straightened his posture and cleared his throat. Something inside of you chuckled, the silent voice telling you that indeed, the game you started to play last week was on the table once again. With those thoughts, you watched as he reached for one of the bottles on the table and turned to you with a question mirroring in his eyes. You only nodded, giving him a go to pour you a glass.
Suddenly, you completely forgot about the pre-game drinks and the round of tequila you had shortly after you’ve arrived at the establishment. You forgot how annoying the hungover might be in the morning. Also, it was too late to think about it when Jungkook handed you a glass of whisky you brought with Seokjin. It was neat, without ice cubes you would be happy for, but this had to do.
“To—is there something we should cheer to, love?” he asked, taking his previous place next to you. Dangerously close to you. You looked at the glass in your hands and let out a humming sound.
“First, we should toast to Seokjin. In the end, this is his party,” with those words, you turned to Seokjin who occasionally kept an eye on you two. He smiled and nodded, joining the toasting process without even being invited. When the others joined and their loud cheering filled the space, you turned back to Jungkook without taking a sip of the drink. “And then, perhaps, we should drink to this masterpiece you managed to create on my hand,” you smiled softly, yet the softness never reached your eyes as the game has already started. And you hated being on the losing end.
“You are the fierce one, I see. Honestly, I misjudged you a bit,” he said, downing the drink and putting the empty glass on the table. You did the same and leaned back, your nape brushing against his arm that managed to find the way around your shoulders once again.
“Now you got me interested. How did you misjudge me, Mr. Jeon?”
“Easy as that - you came to my studio visibly stressed on Saturday morning. I knew you were not sure about getting the tattoo at first, but then, something changed. As if something has clicked inside of you and you took the complete opposite direction. I liked that. I liked that a lot. But then again, I’ve already told you I’m not digging the fake shy game. You decided to be honest with me,” he shrugged, offering you a genuine smile.
And that was the moment the smile vanished from your face.
Because you weren’t completely honest with him.
You didn’t tell him the whole tattoo thing was just a bet because you didn’t manage to get Jimin’s number. Yes, that satan who now sat at the same table as you, laughing loudly on something his best friend told him. However, you weren’t mad about the bet anymore, because what came out of the consequences you had to accept was something beautiful. Something you fell in love with your eyes fell on it.
And perhaps that was the reason you decided to be honest with Jungkook once again. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm the inner storm that dispersed the game of catch the butterflies played in your stomach.
“Actually, there’s something I have to tell you.”
“Come at me, love. Tell me whatever you want.”
“The tattoo… when I came into your salon last weekend, without having an appointment… it was a consequence of a bet I lost the night you stole my drink. I— I believe I don’t have to tell you what that bet was about, but the condition was simple. If I fail, I’m about to get a tattoo. I believe my friends used it against me because I was talking about getting one for quite a time, so… this was just a push for me,” suddenly, you weren’t so brave and bold as before. You felt shrinking in your seat, the touch of his hand on your shoulder almost burning. For some reason, you expected a storm coming but instead, your senses met with a chuckle that escaped Jungkook’s lips. He shook his head, giving you a rather unbelievable look.
“So, a bet, huh? I’m not gonna lie to you, love. You are not the first one to get a tattoo because of a bet. Although, I didn’t consider you the type to accept conditions like this. I guess I should put that on the mental list I made about you - things about ____ that keep surprising me. We should drink to that.”
You looked at him with mouth wide open, probably looking like an idiot. You were expecting a lecture but instead, he laughed in your face - and didn’t forget to flirt along the way. And although you were pretty much caught off guard, you quickly collected yourself and relaxed a little. Your little secret was out and you felt much lighter.
“May I know what was that bet about?”
“No, you may not. Now, pour us that drink.”
“Savage. I like that as well,” smirk graced his features momentarily. Your glasses were soon filled with another round of the golden liquid that easily slid down your dry throat and numbed your senses more. The good old feeling of intoxication clouded your view of world and your head spun a little, making you lean into Jungkook. The blonde didn’t seem to mind as he finished his drink and his hand other hand slid to your thigh, leaving a burning trail as it finished its journey on your exposed knee. He was silent for a moment, his eyes dropped to his hand that explored your skin, fingers dancing on the floor of your naked skin. The sparks of electricity were undeniable, making you take a deep breath.
“So? How did you decide? Do you want to get rid of that or do you want another one?” his hot breath met the sensitive skin under your ear as he leaned closer to ask you a question you didn’t see coming. Just then his hand left your knee and grabbed yours, thumb once again recreating the lines of tattoo he gave you. The way he was basically curled around you, shielding you from the outer world that seemed to go wild around you, made your breath got stuck in your throat, unable to give him a proper answer even though you were basically screaming in the back of your mind.
“I haven’t given it a thought yet, to be honest. But if I wanted another one, I’d definitely book an appointment beforehand, no worries about that.”
“Well, that’s your call to make. You have my number, so it’s going to be fairly easy,” he murmured, leaning even closer to you, not giving a damn about his friends sitting around the same table. You looked at him, taking a deep breath just to get a little bit higher on his musky cologne. And although his breath was mixed with alcohol and perhaps cigarettes as well, you so wanted to lean in and kiss those two sweet cushions. Inches of air held you from kissing each other, inches of nothing but space you hated so much. You hated it existed and you hated it prevented you from kissing the blonde tattoo artists. Although, everything you needed to do was simply to lean in and steal the kiss.
You didn’t do it.
No, you didn’t.
Because he was faster.
He crossed the last line of your personal space and pressed his lips against yours in a kiss that was sweet but tempting at the same time. You felt the tip of his tongue caressing your lower lip, wordlessly asking for a permission to slip in and give you more.
But there was this thing.
You weren’t alone. Not at all.
That was the reason you pushed back even though the kiss left you feeling like a hot mess. And before you had a chance to speak, he pressed his index finger on your lips.
“It’s time to collect my debt, love.”
“Collect how?”
“Do you want to get out of here?” he asked, boldly.
You felt your head spinning and you didn’t know whether it was because of the alcohol or the excitement that rolled through your body and settled in your core, sending painful pangs to your lower parts. Yet, you managed to give him an answer right away.
“Like where?”
“Like to my place.”
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The cold night outside seemed to be the only witness of your little escape from Seokjin’s party. Jungkook’s friends sitting around the table were too busy with the fiery conversation going on to notice the two of you left, and your friends were nowhere to be seen. The club was packed, so Jungkook had to hold your hand tightly when he navigated the way through the ocean of dancing bodies. You liked it; the way his fingers tangled with yours, holding tightly onto you just to be sure you wouldn’t disappear or bail from his debt-collecting plan.
When you finally got out of the club, the cold air brushed against your skin and sobered you up a little to the point you realized what you were about to do, but Jungkook didn’t seem to care as he led the way down the street, knowing exactly where to go. Just when you crossed the street and walked for a few more minutes, you realized his studio wasn’t that far away.
The studio.
Was he really taking you to his studio?
“Didn’t you say we are going to your place?” you asked, a little bit dumbfounded when he didn’t aim for the main entrance of the tattoo salon, but instead led the way to the other side of the building. Another door came to your sight and Jungkook fished the keys from the inner pocket of his leather jacket. He noticed you staring at him with furrowed brows and he chuckled.
“Of course, love. This is my place, you just haven’t seen it all, that’s it,” he said as he unlocked the door and pulled you into a dark hallway. He closed the door and locked it again, but instead of turning on the lights, his arms sneaked around your waist like a pair of snakes, pulling your body closer into his. The way he teased you back in the club was nothing compared to how he held you at the moment, his chest hot and heaving with every breath he took brushing against you, igniting the fire again. “I hope you didn’t change your mind, princess.”
“Not yet,” teasing words rolled down your tongue and were followed by loud yelp when Jungkook’s hands slid down your bum and made you jump into his arms. The dim light of the street lights that peeked inside through the windows illuminated his face and revealed the smirk curling his lips.
“Love, you know I like it when you are fierce, but even I have my boundaries. So, if you don’t want to end up with blue ass and shaking legs, I wouldn’t go there if I were you,” he murmured into your ear and turned around as if you weighed nothing. His motion only made you wrap your arms around his shoulder and bury your face into his neck. Soon, you felt him climbing the stairs to the upper floor. Curiously, you looked around only to see nothing. The room was covered in darkness, not even the street light reaching inside.
“Mhm, mysterious,” you mumbled under your breath and squinted your eyes in desperate effort to scan the place. Jungkook only chuckled and continued in his little journey until he reached one of the doors, bringing you inside. Finally, he switched the lights on and revealed the place he brought you to.
The room was coated in darkish colors and was dominated by a big bed with sheets crumpled in a messy pile. Opposite the bed was a working table with PC and a pile of sketchbooks and in one of the corners stood a guitar. The rest of the room was made by wardrobe, drawers and shelves. It was simple yet it somehow complimented his persona. For a while, you just stood there, looking around yourself to grasp a tiny detail that would tell you something more about Jungkook’s character. And just when you were about to dive in, a pair of strong arms curling around your waist from behind cut the train of your thoughts.
“Do you want something to drink?”
You turned in his arms, wrapping yours around his neck to pull him into a kiss that seemed to be the most natural thing ever. Your lips met in a sweet kiss that soon grew into something more heated, perhaps a fight for dominance you immediately lost as he pressed you closer to his chest and caressed your lower lip with his tongue. You opened your mouth, welcoming him with a silent whimper that crawled from deep inside of you. He smirked into the kiss, deepening it a little to lure another series of moans out of you. And when he pulled away with the same smirk still playing over his features, you pouted.
“That wasn’t an answer, sweetheart.”
“I don’t want to drink. I want you,” you murmured and your fingers started to work on his leather jacket, slowly rolling it down his shoulders until the piece of clothing hit the floor. But you didn’t stop, the jacket wasn’t enough. Your fingers found the way to the buttons of his shirt, undoing one after another until his firm chest came to view and you took a deep breath.
“Seem like you like what you see, love,” Jungkook wondered out loud, chuckling right after. Honestly, you didn’t mind stripping you off the clothes that covered upper part of his body. He didn’t even mind when your fingers touched his burning skin and recreated the lines of tattoo covering his chest and stomach, mainly the tattoo of tiger and its paw that disappeared under the waistband of his peeking boxers. When you touched him there, his hand shot up and handcuffed your wrist. “In this household, we play the fair game,” with his words, you found yourself pressed against the wall with his lips lingering around the skin of your neck. So close, yet so far; his lips left you desiring when he didn’t kiss you there. And you were craving him. You wanted him like crazy. Your mind was clouded, your eyes seeing red as he carefully peeled your jacket off your body. Cold air mixed with his hot breath gently caressed your skin and you trembled, wishing for nothing but to be in his arms already.
“Then strip me,” surprisingly, your voice came out steady and full of confidence. Even Jungkook blinked once before the infamous smirk flashed through his features - and to your very surprise, he took a step back until the back of his knees meet the bed and he sat down. Spreading his legs while leaning back on his elbows, he teasingly clicked his tongue and you felt his eyes running up and down your body.
“Why don’t you do it yourself, love?”
Wave of heat rolled through your body and your cheeks flushed momentarily. He took the game to yet another level and for a split second, you weren’t so sure about playing. But then again, your eyes briefly flickered in his direction and you had to swallow the whimper crawling up your throat.
“Fine,” you shrugged and reached for the straps of your dress, internally cursing your friends for making you wear it. This piece of dress was too tight to allow you to wear a bra underneath, but thankfully, you could afford to wear at least panties. The process of thinking slowed down your motion which only boosted the hunger in Jungkook’s eyes. The spark of power play flashed between the two of you as you finally managed to pull one string down - and the second followed right after. You’ve never stripped in front of anybody - if you didn’t count your friends, but that was a completely different case - so you weren’t so sure about what you were doing. Yet, Jungkook seemed to like it. His hand slid to his crotch where the bulge started to form while a silent curse left his lips.
You pushed the fabric lower over your hips and let it hit the floor before you stepped out of it, kicking the high heels off your feet along the way. Shivers danced down your naked spin and you trembled a little under the weight of Jungkook’s heavy gaze. He was silent for a while, only staring at you as his tongue poked his inner cheek.
“I always knew you were a piece of art, love,” his words surprised you and brought yet another wave of blush to your cheeks. Even in the middle of a heated moment he was complimenting you like a true gentleman. His posture straightened as he sat on the bed and signaled you to come closer. “Come closer, sweetheart.”
Your body acted on autopilot, approaching him only to stop between his parted legs. He looked at you from down there, long blonde strands of hair falling into his eyes as his hot breath brushed against the soft spot under your exposed breasts. The shyness went completely away when he leaned closer and his lips traced a line of wet kisses down your stomach. And again, as if your body didn’t belong to you at all, your fingers found a way to his hair, tugging on the strands tightly when he slid down the bed and dropped to his knees to reach lower.
The tingling started in your fingertips, making them numb to the soft feeling of his hair, and continued to your inners, travelling down to your core that you already felt dripping wet. Your panties were ruined the moment Jungkook stick his tongue and copied the curve of its lacy hem. But before he could do something more, you pushed away, looking at him through your hazy eyes.
Throaty laugh crawled out of his mouth, but he obediently sat back on the bed, waiting for your move. You weren’t so sure about your next move, but what you knew what that you couldn’t let him continue in his little play. You were already balancing at the edge of falling down the pit of pleasure - and honestly, you didn’t want to let go that easily. And that soon.
You waged your way between his legs only to drop to your knees like he did seconds ago, undoing his pants rather quickly. The bulge in his pants didn’t escape your attention and you found yourself licking your lips. The situation completely took over your senses and turned you into a someone who desperately sought something raw and feral.
“Must be painful, isn’t it, honey?” he was the pro in using pet names, but who said you couldn’t give him one as well? Mainly when he looked like he really enjoyed you calling him like that. However, you quickly hushed those thoughts to the corner of your mind and rolled down his pants, throwing it into the space behind you. Fierce, really. Suddenly, Jungkook was sitting in front of you only in his boxers, yet you decided to get him rid of those as well.
Wearing nothing but ink and the smug smirk on his face, you took another deep breath to calm your senses before your eyes dropped to his lower area. Tall and hard, his cock brushed against his underbelly with his red tip that called for some attention.
“It indeed was painful, thank you for your help, little one,” suddenly, his voice dropped a few tones lower and you swallowed hard, contemplating what to do next. Of course, you weren’t stupid, you knew what to do next. However, you wanted to adore the view in front of you for a little longer.
Because the naked man in front of you kicked the air out of your lungs completely.
“Well then we should do something about it, don’t you think?” you leaned closer, fingers curling around the base of his pulsing cock. Whimper escaped Jungkook’s lips and you smirked, leaning even closer to gently kiss his rosy tip.
“Love, don’t tease me,” he murmured, voice deeper than before because of the tense atmosphere lingering around. You had none of his shit as you took him in and twirled your tongue around his length, feeling the veins popping out. You gave him a few licks before diving deeper, letting his tip brush against the back of your throat. His whole body tensed under you and his hand found a way to your hair, tugging on it rather harshly. Not that you minded.
“Fuck, love, just like that—“ he threw his head back and moaned loud, causing you to swallow on purpose. You looked up at him exactly at the same moment he looked at you, eyes wide open as a deer caught in the flashlight in the middle of the road. What happened next was too fast for you to catch up but suddenly, you found yourself caged under his firm body on the bed, legs wide apart as he squeezed himself in between. His whole posture changed, the features of a soft artist were gone and replaced by something harsher and hungrier. He was hungry for lust and passion. He was hungry for you.
“It’s time for you to get rid of these,” he murmured, pushing away only to get you rid of the panties. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room and you gasped, giving him a rather offended look.
“Those might have not been my favorite one, but hey! I’m not going home completely underwear-less!”
“Who said you are going back home?” the cockiness in his voice caught you completely off guard and unprepared when he parted your legs again and slid lower, making himself comfortable in between. “Because I’m not letting you go home that soon, love,” with those words, you felt his lips burning a fiery path down your underbelly until he reached your womanhood. And then, the fireworks exploded behind your closed eyes. First, you felt his lips sparing your nether lips soft kisses, nibbling and sucking gently. Then, you felt his tongue sliding up and down your slit, lapping around to drink your juices. And last, you felt his teeth gently teasing your clit which almost pushed you towards the bliss you wanted to hold off for as long as possible.
But your plans were ruined the moment you felt one of his fingers pushing in slowly, curling inside only to leave your body twisting on his bed and in his sheets. Soon, second finger followed, stretching you oh so good while his lips never stopped the wicked dance with your clit. Moans mixed with curse words fell down your lips and your fingers tangled within his blonde locks in a desperate need for climax. And as it was slowly building inside of you, you rolled your hips against his face and now three fingers that pushed in and out in a desperately slow manner. The man exactly knew what he did to you - and he enjoyed it.
“Jungkook—I—I need to cum. Please—“ you stuttered with the last strength you found in yourself, giving him a look. He started back, looking like a hot mess between your legs with your juices glistering all over his face.
“You sound so good when you are pleading, love. Do you want it that much? Huh?” he asked, picking up the pace and you nodded, desperately rolling your hips against his hand. You felt the spasm coming, dangerously close, peeking around the corner. Chuckling sound filled the room as he dove deep into your core again, this time sucking harsher. That was the last action that finally pushed you towards the first orgasm of the night. You let go and welcomed the warm arms of the bliss, screaming and moaning while Jungkook tried his best to guide you through the paradise. The motion of his hands slowed down and he spared your inner thighs sweet kisses to calm you down a little.
It’s been a while since you experienced orgasm this hard and heavy, clouding your senses for minutes until you came back to yourself. You opened your eyes to meet Jungkook’s. He was hovering over your, his erecting poking your inner thighs only reminding you that indeed, he needed some release as well.
“You are so beautiful,” with those words, he leaned closer and gave you a taste of yourself, the kiss so sweet but so passionate at the same time. After you were sure your body recharged at least a little, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, bodies colliding together. Yet, what was sweet once again turned into something not so innocent anymore. His hips rolled against yours and you were again reminded of his pulsing shaft.
“Yes, my love?”
“I need you. Take me. Make me yours.”
“As you wish, my love,” he spared you one last kiss before he pushed away and reached for the nightstand. You gave him a confused look before you realized he was reaching for a pack of condoms. Smile sneaked to your features as you grabbed his arm and pulled him closer again. And at that moment, it was his turn to be confused.
“You don’t need that. I’m clean and on pills so—“
“Shit, don’t tell me twice,” he was back above you, his hand crawling down to his shaft to give himself a few pumps before you felt his tip brushing against your slit. The familiar wave of heat rolled through your body and you didn’t even have enough time to collect yourself as he slowly pushed in, grunting noise accompanying his motion. Slowly, from the tip to the base he filled your pulsing walls and halted, his eyes scanning your face to find a tiny hint of discomfort. However, there was none, only a pure need to urge him to move.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” his voice came out low and hoarse with the first roll of his hips. Unable to form any coherent word or sentence, you only nodded, desperately reaching for him to hold onto something. The gentleman he was, he leaned closer, however the motion caused him to part your legs even wider until you find yourself in a position when your legs were pressed against your chest while Jungkook picked up the pace, sliding deeper and deeper with each thrust of his hips. He looked at you and despite the lust that almost sent you to another dimension, you managed to give him a smirk.
“I told you—I did yoga.”
“From now on, you are only practicing yoga with me, love,” smug smirk tugged on the corner of his lips as his thrust became harsher and you felt his tip hitting your cervix.
“You wish,” your teasing manners didn’t leave you even in such a situation, and you soon felt your legs pressed between his and yours shoulders as he decided to lean in and shut you with his own lips. The kiss was hot and heavy, broken from time to time because you the moans that crawled out of your throat. Each thrust of Jungkook’s hips became harder and deeper, which made you call out his name loudly. You felt the sensation building inside of you, slowly but surely. Clenching around him, you tried desperately to push him towards his own limit which was already visible in his hazed eyes. He was close and so were you, yet letting go still seemed out of option.
“More,” you murmured, tugging on his lock, pushing him closer and closer to the finish line. You felt him twitching harshly inside of you, first drops of precum warming your insides.
“Fuck, love, I’m so close.”
“Then cum with me,” your voice came out as a desperate cry, eyes almost tearing as you looked at him, completely lost in the view he provided you. Hot mess was nothing compared to the man towering over you, desperately chasing over the sweet release.
His hand found a way between your sweaty bodies, crawling lower until it reached your clit and gave it a few rubs which finally pushed you towards the finish line. Your body was momentarily caught in a spasm before you allowed yourself to let go, screaming and desperately digging your nails into the skin of Jungkook’s back. The second orgasm of the night felt stronger than the first one, mainly when Jungkook kept thrusting into you, still not there. And you let him. You let him overstimulate you until his body tensed and his cock twitched inside of you for the last time before the thick warm sprouts of his release coated your insides and eventually leaked out into his sheets. His body collapsed into yours and you let a whimper. The heavyweight of his relaxed body made you unable to breathe and when you tried to push him away, it didn’t work.
“Kook, baby.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“Crybaby,” he murmured and slowly pushed away while gently pulling out of you. The sudden lack of his girth made you whimper but you soon found yourself comfortable as he rolled over and pulled you closer to his arms. His chest was firm but soft at the same time, the slight scent of his musky cologne mixed with post-sex scent lingering around. He pressed a kiss to your hair and chuckled.
“What was that?” you asked, too tired to actually look at him.
“Nothing. I just didn’t imagine collecting my debt to end up like this.”
“Now you are lying.”
“No, I’m not, love,” he shook his head and spared the crown of your hair another kiss. “I wanted to ask you on a date. Well, I guess we skipped that stage. Unless…”
“Unless you want to go on date with me.”
Now that was something that made you look at him with a question mark hanging above your head. The man that has just fucked the soul out of you turned into a complete sweetie asking you out for a date. How unbelievable.
“That I’d love to, Jungkook.”
Heavy sigh left his lips. It almost looked like he was relieved.
“And you know what else I want?”
“What is that, my love?”
“Drink. I want my drink, Jungkook.”
“I swear to god… You are going to be the death of me.”
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afriendlyblackhottie · 4 years ago
Summary: You and Chris fight hard, but at least making up is always fun.
Pairings: Chris Evans x Black!Reader
Warnings: Smut, daddy skink, swearing, sex in public
(A/N: Okay so yes. I watched Insecure and decided having sex on a ferris wheel sounded kind of hot. Sue me. Also a little bit of a toxic relationship because I also love Euphoria.)
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The original plan for today was simple. Hang out with your girls, have fun at this music festival, and then go to a diner afterward because you knew you’d be drunk and starving by the end of the night. Except like usual you were thinking about Chris and the stupid fight the two of you were having. It was like you couldn’t really have fun.
He’d gotten mad when he saw the outfit you’d picked for the occasion. The butterfly covered bralette and matching skirt was kind of revealing, but that was the point. He didn’t want “other men to see what was his,” or some shit like that. God, he could be so possessive. 
Of course, you wore it. You’d already bought it specifically for the occasion. With his credit card, you might add. You weren’t going to change in one minute just because he told you to. Except for your friend Amanda had already tagged you in a picture which he’d clearly seen since he’d been texting you almost non-stop all pissed off that you’d disobeyed him. 
Sometimes he irritated you so much. Like, yeah you wouldn’t trade him for the world, but did he have to be such an ass about it. Then it was conflicting because apart of you kind of liked it. Your big mean Daddy putting you in your place. Maybe that’s why he treated you like that. He knew that deep down you had a thing for it. Except right now all you wanted to do was sulk as you argued with him back and forth through your messages.
Yet despite this, you still felt so needy for him. Like all you wanted was for him to hold you. Maybe give you kisses and tell you that you looked good. It was so annoying how desperate you felt for him. Aside from all the fighting, he was a really good boyfriend. He was perfectly affectionate, amazing in bed, wanted to actually have a future with you, and made sure you had everything you’ve ever wanted. He took care of you well.
There were times when the negative thoughts reared their ugly heads. Like your friends. It seemed they only saw bad. Like how he was gone a lot, but like it’s for work and you got to travel with him all the time which was fun. Or the fighting. Which okay, fair enough. 
Sometimes it kind of just seemed like they were jealous. Like how’d you manage to snag Captain America of all people. Or why you put up with the things you did. Maybe when they find a boyfriend with a big dick and a bank account to match they’d understand. 
Until then your friends' opinions didn’t really mean anything to you. It’s not like you ever asked them for it anyway. They weren’t complaining when he’d pay for the spa trips or even the VIP passes to this thing, though. They loved him then.
You took a sip of the beer Shannon had just handed you. This is going to sound so dumb, but like, the taste of it was making you think of him. It reminded you of those times he’d come home from work and you’d have dinner waiting like the good little girlfriend you are. After you’d curl up on the couch. He’d pretty much down his beer as you unwinded, pressed into his side. 
Then at some point, he’d kiss you. It would start out all sweet and nice. He’d end up saying something funny and you’d giggle. He always said he loved your laugh. Then he’d pull you onto his lap, making you straddle him. 
Your kiss would turn deeper. Hungry. Like if you didn’t kiss him right now, you might float away. Your tongues would caress while you had your arms wrapped around his neck. You’d feel his bulge grow pressing against your usually covered pussy. 
That’s when you’d started grinding your hips because even the friction from his thickness was enough to get you close. He’d usually start out with his hands on your tits because even though he claimed to be an ass guy he always told you how much he loved your boobs. Then he’d pull you away to pull off your top bringing you back into him by putting his hand around your neck. Since you’d rather die than wear a bra at home, your naked body would be pressed against him even though he was still clothed. 
As his lips would begin to trail down your body, his hands would rest against your ass. Squeezing it, smacking it, helping you grind into him. Then he’d do this thing where he lifted you up to lay you down. His lips still on yours as he moved kept moving against you.
Then you’d finally get naked and he’d fuck you right there not even bothering to go to the room. His dick hitting every spot all at once because of how damn thick he was. He was the first man to fuck you right. Maybe that’s why you were so crazy about him.
In those moments afterward, you’d have to stop yourself. You could taste the soft ‘I love you’ that you wanted to say so badly on your tongue. It didn’t feel right saying it without knowing if he’d say it back to you. You weren’t sure if he would.
You swayed back and forth to the music, singing along. Amanda was twerking while Shannon and Kim were pretty similar to how you were. If you weren’t one second away from showing everyone your panties with how tiny your skirt was you’d probably be right next to her. 
Night had fallen and everything looked beautiful. The way the desert looked with the stage lit. The way they’d light up the ferris wheel. It was all so amazing. Yet your mind kept drifting. He hadn’t texted you back in a few hours which was weird for him when the two of you were fighting. 
You’d walked away from the group to throw away the beer bottle you didn’t feel like holding. Before you could turn around, you felt a hand on your waist and groaned because why the fuck do guys do that. Until you looked up seeing the blue eyes of your handsome boyfriend. 
Your breath hitched in your throat. Like it usually does because he was so fucking beautiful it wasn’t like you could help it. “Ch- Chris? What are you doing here?” For some reason, it felt like you’d gotten caught red-headed.
He shrugged. His hair was covered by the blue cap he was wearing, but it was so unmistakably him that you were surprised you weren’t being rushed by fangirls. “I missed you,” he replied.
You tilted your head to the side feeling all melty now from the simple phrase. “I missed you, too.” 
He pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face in your hair. “Can we talk? Somewhere private.” 
You chuckled. “I don’t think we can really be anywhere private right now.” You glanced over at your friends who were rolling their eyes and such at the sight of him. Except for Shannon that is. She was really the only one on Team Chris. 
“The ferris wheel,” he suggested, looking up at the giant contraption. 
You scrunched up your nose. Just because you thought it was pretty didn’t mean you actually liked them. And, he knew that because every time you went to Disneyland you’d skip over it. “I don’t do ferris wheels.”
“I know, but just this once,” he said. “Just so we can talk.”
It was hard saying no to that face so you found yourself nodding. “Okay. Let me tell them I’ll be right back.”
Being Chris Evans he got to skip to the front of the line. The carriage was one of those enclosed ones. Similar to California Adventure’s, but of course not as big. Poor Chris looked squished on his side. At least it didn’t swing. 
You looked out the window. You were barely off the ground. Neither of you said anything. It was a little quieter here, but not much by much. A part of you wanted to go over there and take a seat on his lap as you went further.
“So,” he started, finally breaking the silence after you were a quarter of the way off the ground. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry... you know for all the fighting.”
You weren’t really expecting that. Your eyes met his and you wanted to swoon, but you needed to keep your composure. “Why are we like this?” You asked. 
“I don’t want it to be,” he said. “I know this is going to sound fucking crazy, but I drove all the way here because at some point I realized that you’re more important than losing you over me not liking your outfit, which you look really cute by the way.”
You smiled. “You really think so?”
“You always do. You’re gorgeous, Honey. I’m so fucking sorry if I... if I make you feel like I don’t care because I do.” He took a deep breath. “I guess what I’m trying to say to you is that I love you, Y/N.”
“Really?” Your heart felt like it was going to explode. 
“I have since we met I think.”
“I love you, too,” you said. Leaning forward so you could kiss him. The inside of the carriage was dark so no one could really see into it, but then again people were probably watching it like a hawk just trying to catch a glimpse. He’d grabbed onto your hips like he did when the two of you were on the couch making it, making you straddle his lap. It honestly felt like you might as well be at home with how damn comfy he is. 
“I’m sorry, Baby,” he said. His hands rested on your ass he started kissing your neck. “I don’t ever want to lose you.” 
“You won’t,” you replied. He lifted up your bralette so he could kiss down your chest, taking a nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around. You moaned feeling his dick hardening underneath you.
You reached between both of you to palm him in his jeans. He groaned as you rubbed him. You need to be quick because your carriage was moving again and clearly it couldn’t just end in a makeout session. Not with the way he was kissing you and you couldn’t leave your poor boyfriend all hard with blue balls. 
You unzipped his pants and smiled when his dick popped out. “Oh, Daddy,” you cooed. 
“That’s my girl,” he whispered in your ear. “Always ready for me, huh?”
“Always,” you repeated before kissing him again.
He pulled your panties to the side as he lifted your hips up to inch you down his length. He felt so fucking good inside of you. “That’s it, Honey. Ride me.”
“Yes,” you mewled. He filled you up so perfectly. You were so fucking full. It never made any sense just how good it always felt. As you bounced up and down his length you could feel your slick dripping out to cover him.
His balls were slapping against your ass every time you went down and for some reason, it felt so damn good. You bit your lip trying to keep yourself from crying out again. Even though you were sure no one could hear you, you still didn’t want to get too loud.
He’d grabbed your hips. Making you tilt back so he could leave hot open-mouthed kisses trailing from your neck to your collarbone to your breasts. You threw your head back trying to keep your noises in your throat. You were holding yourself up with your hands on his knees.
“That’s it, Baby. I know you wanna cum for me.” He grabbed you, bringing your forehead to his. One of his hands squeezed your neck with just enough pressure. 
Your pussy was clenching around him your insides fluttering as you felt yourself getting there. “Fuck, Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you whined. Your orgasm was so close you could fucking taste it.
“That’s it. That’s my good girl,” he whispered in your ear. “Cum for me.”
You pressed your face into his t-shirt as you reached your breaking point. You moved your hips harder trying to ride out your orgasm. The way you were moving triggered him to start spilling inside of you. “Fuck,” he cursed, his grip going to your ass again so hard you kind of knew you were going to bruise.
“Yes, Daddy. Yes.” Tears welled up in your eyes as you started to come down from your high. 
You laid your head on his chest as he leaned down to kiss the top of your head. Your body was shaking and you wanted to calm down by the time you had to get out of the carriage. You looked out the window again. That whole time at the top had been spent fucking and it was almost time for you to compose yourself.
“We probably aren’t the first ones to do this today, huh,” he wondered out loud.
You chuckled, putting your chin on his chest and looking up at him. “Probably not.”
He rubbed your ass sweetly not even realizing before how tender your body was now. He sat back with his eyes closed. “Is it bad that I could sleep like this?”
“No. I think I could, too,” you replied, feeling your eyes all droopy.
You finally got up before the ferris wheel reached the ground to make yourselves presentable. You sat back in his lap melting into him until it was at a complete stop. 
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too.”
He smiled all sweet before placing a kiss on your lips. You guys were always fighting and making up and as much as you’d say it was water under the bridge, this was the first time it really felt like it. You couldn’t wait to see how things would be from now on. He was your person.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years ago
acquainted | fourteen
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2.7k
warnings: cussing/mature language, overthinking, insecurities, questioning feelings/thoughts
notes: please look out for chapter 15 - it’ll be the final chapter for this series, however, you’ll get to choose your decision. ☺️ thanks as always for all the love!
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead@bluesharksandfish@photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ @brightcolorsoffendme​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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Close to a month had passed since you had seen Jin during that rainy night. Close to a month had passed since he quit being your creative writing professor. Close to a month had passed in complete silence and you still longed for him.
Close to a month had passed and your feelings hadn't changed.
Jin was in the same position, being that he was keeping his word and waiting for you until you were ready. He had quit because he honestly couldn't keep seeing you in class and he knew it wouldn't be a good idea with where his feelings were at for you. He only thought of the time to come, even if the light seemed to get weaker as the weeks passed on. He still had hope that you two would be okay. It also gave him a little bit more time to get himself together, clean up the empty space in his home and focus on his other job with all the deadlines he had to meet. He felt lonely, but he knew he had to put himself in this position in order to confirm where he stood with you and everything else.
He had seen Grace last week when she came to grab the last of her things, putting her movers to rest. It wasn't the best reunion, but she had flatly told him she was leaving for New York to continue improving her restaurant there before opening her Nevada location. He had given her his apologies and told her he wished her the best of luck, but she shook her head and told him to save it. She also told him that she hoped he was happy with how everything turned out and that you two definitely deserved each other for how selfish you both were. Jin quietly took it as he watched her stomp off to her car with a box of things in her hands.
Okay then. What else can he say?
He stands in his backyard, sipping on some coffee before he hears his front door open and shut. The individual comes beside him but leaves enough space in between and doesn't make eye contact.
"I'm only doing this because mom told me so." Jungkook says, his hands dug deep into his sweat pockets as he looked out at the view.
"Thanks anyway."
"So, why did you call me here?"
"Want anything to eat or drink?" Jungkook looks at him and shakes his head.
"I don't plan on staying long." Jin sits on one of the chairs, with Jungkook following suit.
"I just want to say I'm sorry that I wasn't a better brother to you, and that I didn't take your feelings into consideration." Jungkook presses his lips firmly together before slowly nodding.
"I appreciate that."
"I—" Jin sighs. "I know I was selfish, and it was wrong for me to not be upfront with you, or Grace like I should have been in the first place." Jin shakes his head. "I was just caught up—Still caught up." He catches himself. "I felt so much happier that I pushed everything else aside. I hadn't felt that way in awhile." Jungkook honestly agrees, he knows the feeling. But also, he noticed the change in Jin and wasn't sure what it was. He was happier around his friends. Full of life. Like he looked forward to every day. And he liked seeing that in him. He hadn't felt that kind of happiness and confidence radiate from his brother in awhile, and if someone was pulling the best out of him, then he couldn't even be mad at it. Yeah, he was hurt, but Jin had done so much for him as they were growing up that he only wanted him to be happy in the end. He wanted Jin to take care of himself first and foremost, since he had always been taking care of everyone else around him - Grace included. So no, he couldn't hate him, nor could he stay mad.
"I get where you're coming from, I really do. And I forgive you, but I can't say that I'm over it. It hurt pretty badly coming from you, especially."
"I know, and I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you like that. You're my little brother, you know you come before everyone else." A small smile crept up on the corner of Jungkook's lips.
"You're a lot happier." Jin looks at him. "I can see how happy she makes you." Jin doesn't respond and simply sips his coffee.
"She does. Except, I'm not sure where I stand with her anymore."
"She's overwhelmed with everything going on." Jin shakes his head. "I don't know if her feelings for me are strong enough to overcome that."
"I think they are. I mean, obviously you were worth it to her, right?"
"Okay, it's not gonna be the easiest for me to talk about, but, coming from me as your brother, I don't think you should give up on it, especially if you both mean something to each other throughout all of this. I think the thing that matters most here is what you really want. I don't blame you for all of it, even though I came off pretty harsh. You've been taking care of me and everyone else around you that I think you should finally take care of yourself." Jungkook stares out at the view.
"I don't know, it's difficult."
"What's difficult about it?"
"I just don't want people to look down on her and I think that's what she's afraid of."
"Fuck 'em." Jungkook shrugs. "It'll take a bit for everyone to get passed it, but fuck it. You're the only one who truly knows her and again, I think that's all that matters. I mean from what I know, besides all of this, she's a really good person." Jungkook sighs. "Smart, beautiful, funny, caring."
"That she is."
"I don't know how else to tell her that, or prove to her. We haven't talked these past weeks."
"Maybe she just needed this time, but I wouldn't let her get away like that."
"I guess. I just don't wanna force her, or be on her case." Jin's head hangs low. He really missed you, but he wasn't going to press you and be on your case. He wasn't that type of guy, even though this shit drove him crazy.
"Look." Jungkook places his hand on Jin's shoulder. "You're always gonna be my brother and I'll always love you regardless of the dumb shit you pull. Do this for yourself. The least you could do is try, and if it doesn't work out, then you can say you tried."
"Thanks." Jin smiles toothlessly.
"One day, I'll get back at you though. I won't forget it." Jungkook playfully punches his arm, causing Jin to slightly yelp.
"Please, nothing physical. You're so much stronger than me." Jungkook smiles at him before pulling him into a hug.
"Everything will be alright, Jin."
"I hope so."
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You poked at your slice of banana bread at the dining table before lazily swirling the spoon in your coffee cup. You had spent the weekend at your parents' home, just to get some good, quality family time in. It helped you get your mind off of a lot of things and get your priorities straight. It also reminded you of who the most important people in your life were. But even with all of this, your mind still lingered to Jin every once in awhile - wondering if he was okay, how he was doing, what he was up to.
If he still loved you. If he still wanted you.
Majority of you felt like you'd never figure it out with the radio silence over the last couple of weeks. Maybe this was just it. And you were trying to come to terms with it. Be mentally prepared to accept the fact that this was just it. Even though you were just able to fully come to terms with the fact that you had loved him that night Jimin had stayed with you, listening to you cry over and over again.
"You doing okay, sweetie?" Your mom sat next to you at the table, giving you a small, reassuring smile. Your parents were amazing, and you had a strong relationship with the both of them. However, your mother had always been your confidante, the parent you could go to for anything and everything without having felt judged or anything like that. She never scolded you, never angrily got upset at you for the dumb mistakes you've made. Instead, she's always lent a warm, gentle hand and reassured you that things would always be okay. That you'd grow from the experience and that it was only up from there.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Things still clouding your mind?" You stayed silent before you looked up at her. You hadn't said much about Jin this weekend because the whole point was to stay away from it all before having to go back to your lonely apartment and face your thoughts again. But, this afternoon, before having to leave, you just needed to hear the reassurance from your mom. You needed her this weekend.
"Mom, when did you know you loved Dad?" She chuckled a bit.
"I knew I loved him when I realized he never ran off during arguments or hard times. He gave me space, but he was always there, ready to fix things. Never gave up. It made me long for him all the time. He was the only one I'd look for, even after I had just called him stupid or ridiculous." You let out a small laugh.
"That's cute." She nods, but she doesn't say anything else for a bit. Gives you a little time to ponder on her response and sit there. But at the same time, she's reading you and she's reading your body language. A mother just knows.
"Honey, whoever he is--" She pauses before she switches up her statement. "--If you haven't been able to get your mind off of him, maybe that's telling you something."
"What? How do you know?"
"I just do. I'm your mother." You sat there for awhile, poking your banana bread more before you drop your fork and look at her with your teary eyes.
"Mom, I think--" You sniff and quickly wipe your nose. "I messed up big time." She shook her head.
"If there's a will, there's a way." She softly says before you start to tell her about every single thing that had been occupying your mind. How you had a new professor that you had a harmless crush on. How that eventually spiraled out of control and things got further than you both had expected. Grace. His engagement. Seeing him during late nights, the secret calls. The LA trip. Jungkook. How he told you he loved you. Everything.
You just needed to lay this out on the table.
And yet, your mom never judged you. She sat, listened and held your hand the entire time. Caressing your hand and brushing the hair out of your face as you cried and told her you felt stupid for doing such a thing, but you loved Seokjin. You had fallen in loved with him and there was no going back for you. Not after Chance. You had opened yourself up to him and let him in even though you've tried your hardest to take it easy. To let yourself fully heal from losing Chance.
You couldn't help it. Even though you were afraid.
"Ohh, babygirl." She says softly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I know it hasn't been easy, and it's not the best situation to be in, but if you're still looking for him after all of this--" She pauses. "If he's still waiting for you to be ready, maybe it's just meant to happen that way. You shouldn't stop yourself just because you're afraid. You might regret that more."
"I know." You sniffed. "But it just feels so messed up, you know? Even though that's how I feel about him, I feel like I'll never over overcome the anxiety or the what if's."
"The circumstances weren't the greatest, I'll tell you that. But you can't help who you fall in love with, right? Whether it turns out good or bad, your paths cross for a reason. Whether it's a blessing or another lesson to learn from. And from what I hear, it sounds like he was at least able to make you happy and pull you out of this dark hole you had been living in since Chance passed." She says looking at you, worry filling her eyes. She gently caresses your hand with her thumb before letting out a small sigh. "I know Chance's passing was the hardest thing you have ever had to endure, and I know it has been incredibly hard to pull yourself out of the dark since then. It's been hard to see you go through this."
"Jin did make me happy. I felt wanted."
"But, is that enough for you?" You shrug. "Honey, all I want is for you to stop shielding yourself from the world and living in the shadows. I know it's been difficult, and I know Chance was everything to you. But, he would have wanted you to be happy, okay?" She nods reassuringly. "He would have wanted that for you and so much more. No matter what that means - if you stay with Jin, or if you go and focus on yourself. Let yourself live and be happy, baby. It's okay." You let the remaining tears fall as you nod in agreement with her. Suddenly, a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, hearing it come from your own mother.
Let yourself live and be happy, baby. It's okay.
It's almost like you can hear Chance's voice coming through and that's what makes you feel at peace.
And so, you pack up your things to head back over to your apartment, feeling 10x more refreshed than when you got here. You hopped into your car, debating if you'd send Jin a text before getting home.
[ryujin] 3:37pm: hey, are you almost going home?
[y/n] 3:38pm: just about to leave to head back. what's up?
[ryujin] 3:39pm: nothing, baby! just drive safely for me. i'll see you when you get back? text me if you wanna go somewhere.
[y/n] 3:40pm: okay! but aren't you with namjoon?
[ryujin] 3:41pm: yessss and? he can wait. lol
[y/n] 3:42pm: jeez lol don't do that to him! i'll text you later though if anything. have fun! be safe!
Over the weeks, Ryujin was able to tell you about the time she spent time with Namjoon and how she unexpectedly spent the night at his place before picking you up at the airport. You watched as she told you the details, the rosy tint filling her cheeks as she blushed and smiled from ear to ear. It made you happy that she was happy, and that she was exploring things with him. You didn't know much about him personally, but from what you've heard, he sounded like a great guy. You wanted a good guy for your bestfriend, someone who could appreciate her for who she is - a loud, tiny-but-packed-with-attitude, smart, beautiful woman.
You figured you'd text Jin when you get settled at home. It'll at least buy you some time to formulate the text, and what you'd say when you see him in person. It's a nice day out and it's contributing a lot to the calmness you're starting to feel. Things feel like they're falling into place, even though you hadn't had a chance to talk to Jin yet. Things just felt better than they have been in awhile.
You get to your apartment building and park in your assigned space before grabbing your things out of the trunk. Your duffle had gotten a lot heavier, being that your mom shoved some of the things she had bought you into the bag, plus an additional bag full of groceries. You slowly walked into the building and towards your floor, only to be greeted by an individual standing in the hallway, looking towards the opposite end of the hallway.
In front of your door.
"Jin?" You ask as he slowly turns around, his expression warm and inviting. He carried a huge bouquet of flowers in front of him, so huge it almost covered that small smile he gave off.
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anna-justice · 4 years ago
Not a Race - Upstead
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Summary: Jay and Will revisit a conversation they had years ago, and this time it has a happy ending. (I promise Hailey shows up later lol)
Warnings: fluff, so much fluff
Requested: No
Jay pulled up in front of his and Hailey’s now shared apartment, putting the truck in park. “I’ll see you at Molly’s later?” He asked his girlfriend, confirming their plans. 
“Yes Jay.” Hailey said, rolling her eyes. “I will be there at nine, the exact same time I said I was going to be there five times today.” 
“And who are you supposed to pick up?” Jay questioned, smirking at her.
“Trudy.” Jay gave her a pointed look, “I am supposed to fake an emergency, but bring her to Molly’s instead.” 
Jay smiled at Hailey, finding her annoyance adorable. “I love you.” He said, his demeanor softening a bit. 
Hailey’s grumpy look faded and she leaned across the center console, pecking him on the lips. “I love you too.” Jay reached out and pulled her back to him, kissing her again. Hailey smiled into it before reluctantly pulling away. “You gotta go,” she sighed. “How’d you get roped into to doing this anyway?” She asked as she opened the truck door. 
“Kim.” Jay said, and Hailey nodded. “Five year anniversaries are a big deal apparently.” 
“Apparently.” Hailey laughed, shutting the door. Jay rolled down the window, not quite ready to leave yet. “Platt and Mouch better appreciate it, they’ve stolen so much of my Jay time lately.” 
Jay chuckled, “Babe, we work together...and live together. You see me at least twenty-three hours out of the day.”
Hailey shrugged, “It’s not enough.” She smirked at him before heading towards the front door. “I’ll see you later.” 
“Wear something pretty.” Jay called at her, laughing.
 After he was sure she was safely inside, he pulled out of the parking spot and out of the parking lot. He made the short drive to his brother's apartment, where Will was waiting for him. He was feeling a little jittery, so he opted for the stairs to hopefully wear him out a little bit. “Hey man.” He said, entering the apartment. (He had a key in case Will ever did something stupid...like lose his.)
“Hey.” Will said, getting up off the couch and heading towards the kitchen. “You want something to drink?” He asked.
“No, I’m good.” Jay said, leaning against his counter. 
“How are you feeling?” Will asked, taking a sip of the water bottle he got himself. 
Jay shrugged, “I’m good.” Will eyed him, “Listen man, I know we talked about it before, but I just want to make sure that it’s okay...again.” Jay thought back to what felt like a lifetime ago, a few days before Erin left for New York. 
Jay stood in front of the whiteboard with Will, looking through photos of victims from their recent drug case. “At least you guys get overtime.” Will said, before fishing in his pocket, Will pulled a red velvet box, surprising Jay. Will had seemed so against him proposing to Erin that he was sure he wouldn’t let him near their mom’s ring. “Mom’s ring. She always said it’s not a race, but whoever meets the right girl first gets the ring.”
Jay took the box in his hands, chuckling. “Hmm.” His mom was so important to him, and having Erin wear her ring felt like the blessing they needed, like his mom was a part of it.
Will watched his brother with caution, but smiled kindly. “You sure about this?” Jay stared blankly at him and Will nodded, he always knew he was the king of stupid questions. “You tell dad?”
“Why do I have to tell dad? It’s mom’s ring, not his.” Jay rushed out, immediately jumping down his brother's throat. Kevin interrupted them before Will could say anything, but Jay walked away feeling confident in his decision. 
And he was, maybe even as confident as he was now. Jay pulled the same velvet box out of his pocket and set it on the counter. “Will, I’m sure.” He said, and this time he had the words to express how he was feeling. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life, but I already had one chance with this ring and if you want it-”
“Jay.” Will said, cutting him off. “I know mom always said it wasn’t a race, but you won. Hailey is…”
“The most amazing person that I have ever met.” Jay sighed out.
Will laughed, “I was going to say ‘going to love it,’ but that works too.” 
Jay beamed at his brother, taking the box back in his hand. “She’s the one Will, I know it. And I never thought I would say this, but I wish I could tell dad.” 
Will placed a comforting hand on his brother’s back, “He knows man. They both do.” 
Jay took a big breath and laughed nervously. “I’m proposing.” He said.
“Yeah, you are.” Will said, sharing his brother’s obvious joy. All he ever wanted was for Jay to be happy, and he knew without a doubt that Hailey was it for him. 
“You think she’ll say yes?” Jay asked in a teasing voice. 
Will laughed loudly, “I’d say it’s a solid 80 percent.”
About an hour later Jay was back in his truck headed to Molly’s. It was almost seven o’clock, two hours from Hailey’s arrival and the unit had a lot to do before she got there. Almost like she could hear him thinking about her, he got a text.
Hailes: I know I’m bringing Trudy, but who is in charge of Mouch? Shouldn’t they be coming together?
Shit. He hadn’t thought of that. 
Jay: Ritter is getting Mouch. Don’t worry about it, we have a plan.
Hailes: Okay, whatever you say.
Jay sighed, he would admit a fake anniversary party was a little lame, but the only other thing he could think of was a fake baby shower and something told him that it wouldn’t really be appropriate to throw one of those in a bar.
Hailes: Also, “in charge” Jay is kinda sexy...you should help throw parties more often.
Jay smirked at his phone while he sat in the parking lot, shaking his head he texted back.
Jay: Good to know ;)
Jay: Get ready for the best birthday of your life.
When he pulled the door open, he was met with Kim shouting orders at Herrmann, Mouch, Kevin and Adam. Most of the decorations were already hung and he was informed that there were ten bottles of champagne hidden behind the counter. 
“Wow. It looks amazing in here.” He looked at Kim directly. “Thank you.”
Kim grinned, “Of course! It’s not everyday that one of my oldest friends proposes to my best friend.” She says, playfully punching his arm. Vanessa had been gone for over a year and in that time Hailey and Kim had gotten really close, they all had. After years of losing one person after another, the members of intelligence felt more like a family than they ever had before. 
“This is crazy, isn’t it?” Jay asked, Adam and Kevin trickling into the conversation. 
“It’s a long time coming, that’s for sure.” Adam said, wrapping his arm around Kim. 
Kevin scoffed, “Oh, like you can talk.” He teased. 
Jay’s nerves got worse and worse, “This isn’t too much right?” Jay asked his friends, “You think she’ll like it?”
“Jay.” Kim said, gaining his attention. “You could slip a ring pop on Hailey’s finger in front of the district and she would love it, because she loves you. But this,” She gestures around the room, “this is beautiful and incredibly sweet and romantic. This is everything she deserves.” 
Jay smiles with pride, he wants to be everything she deserves, but Hailey Upton deserves the entire world and he wouldn’t mind spending his entire life trying to give her that. “Burgess, we just need to get you a t-shirt that says ‘I’m basically a hallmark card.’” Kevin says, motioning across his chest. 
“Let’s have a toast.” Kim says and on que Herrmann has glasses ready for them. 
Kevin raises his glass, “To the OGs.”
Kim rolls her eyes, but raises her glass as well, “To Jay and Hailey.” 
Jay raises his glass and so does Adam, giving a toast of his own. “To upstead.” 
Jay lowers his arm and glares at Adam, “Man, you have got to stop calling us that.”
“Anyway,” Kim says, “To love.”
“True love.” Adam interjects.
“Adam.” Kim snaps.
“What, you're the only one that gets to be a hallmark card? That’s not fair.”
“How about this,” Jay says, raising his glass again. “To me not shitting my pants before she gets here.”
They all laugh, “I’ll drink to that,” Kevin says shrugging and then all down their drinks. 
At eight forty-five Jay stood at the bar, his hands sweaty and his knees a little shaky. It was fifteen minutes until go time and he got more anxious by the second. He was pretty sure she was going to say yes, but he wanted it to be perfect for her. As perfect as she was for him. 
Most of their friends have arrived and were talking amongst themselves around the perimeter of the bar, leaving room for Hailey to eventually make her way down the middle to Jay. Everyone was buzzing, taking in the decorations and consuming copious amounts of alcohol, something that Jay had decided against doing even though he would love a beer (or five) right about now.
At three til nine, he got a text from Hailey stating that they had arrived and Jay shushed everyone, standing in the middle of the room to wait for his (hopefully) future wife. 
Hailey walked down the sidewalk with the desk sergeant, hiding her smile. She was excited to see what her friends had come up with for the happy couple. They reached the door and Hailey smirked at Trudy, “Hey sarge.”
“Happy anniversary.”
This time Trudy smirked, “It isn’t my anniversary.”
“What-” Hailey started, but froze in her spot as she opened the door. The sight in front of her was breathtaking. The usual fairy lights were still hung up, but also hanging from the ceiling were hundreds of pictures, pictures of her and Jay. Hailey felt her eyes welling up with tears, she took a few steps forward, looking around to see all of her closest friends, her family. At a closer look, she could see all of the tables had empty bottles of various alcohols, all labeled with dates and cards with memories. 
He was grinning ear to ear, but when she saw him, it somehow got even bigger. “Jay.” She laughed out.
“Hey.” He said, meeting her in the middle of the room. 
“I hate to break it to you, but you decorated for the wrong couple.” She joked. 
“Oh no, really?” He gasped and Hailey laughed. 
Jay took her in, she was wearing her signature black jeans and a blue sweater. She looked as beautiful as ever, and he was ready. “Quite the crowd…” She whispered. 
“I know, I’m a little nervous.” He said, reaching out to take her hand in his. “Hailey Anne Upton, there are not enough words to describe how much I love you. And I have never been good at expressing my feelings, you know that better than anyone. But I have said it a million times and I will say it a million more: I would follow you anywhere. I looked at you and knew you were the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I looked at you and I trusted you, I have trusted you since the day I met you. I look at you, and I’ve got it. I look at you and I see the rest of my life, I see that you are everything I have ever wanted and more. I look at you and I know that you are it for me, there will never be anyone like you Hailey.”
Hailey felt the tears begin to roll down her face, he used her own words against her. Jay reached in his pocket, pulling out just a ring. “This is my mother’s ring, and for so long she was the most important woman in my life. But she has been gone for a long time and Hailey you have taken that place, and she would have loved you. So,” Jay said, finally getting down on one knee. “Will you make me the luckiest man alive, and marry me?”
Hailey took a deep breath, trying to pull herself together. “Yes.” She choked out before launching herself into his arms. Jay caught her with ease and kissed her passionately as their friends cheered for them. Jay reluctantly set Hailey back down on the floor, pressing another kiss to her lips before stepping back and finally slipping the ring on her finger. 
“Perfect fit.” He said, pulling her to him and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you.” He said, peeking down at her.
“I love you so much.” She hugged him tighter, “And I cannot wait to be your wife.”
“Let’s just elope, we can get married tomorrow.” Jay said.
Hailey scoffed, “That’s a funny joke, Kim would kill me.” 
“Good point.” He said, holding her tightly. “I’m thinking of a June wedding.”
“Did you really just say that?” Hailey burst out laughing.
Jay grimaced, “We don’t have to talk about it…”
Hailey turned to face him, pressing her palms to his chest. “How about this? We can get married whenever and wherever you want, as long as you wear your thigh holster during the whole ceremony.”
Jay gave her a shocked look, “Please tell me you aren’t kidding.”
Hailey got up on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “I’m dead serious.” 
“Thank God.”
The happy couple accepted some congratulations before sneaking over to the bar. It had turned into a full on party, Herrmann turned the music up and everything. “You know, Hailey Halstead has a nice ring to it.” She confessed as she leaned into Jay. 
“I think so.” He said, beaming at her.
“Excuse me everyone.” Kim said, clinking her glass as they were passed around to everyone. She raised hers, “To the happy couple, I love you both and I am so happy for you. We all are.”
“And to the fact that Jay didn’t shit his pants!” Adam interjected from beside her.
“What?” Hailey whispered under her breath.
“Don’t worry about it…” Jay muttered, mentally punching Adam in the face.
Kim shrugged, “Sure.” They all raised their glasses and cheered. Jay set his and Hailey’s down and dipped her dramatically, bringing his lips to hers once again.
“I love you Jay Halstead,” She said as he brought her back to a standing position.
“I love you too, the future Mrs. Hailey Halstead.”
A/N: I watched the clip from 4x23 and then debated posting this idea just as a discussion comment, but then I was like “why not” and I just wrote it! I’m so glad I did, I wrote it so fast and loved writing it. I also hope that this didn’t come off as Erin bashing, I try not to write like that. I was the biggest linstead fan and I still love Erin, I just have moved on from linstead and wanted to show the potential parallels. Anyway, I promise I will update Lost or Found soon, it’s been crazy the past few months and I honestly haven’t had the motivation to write, but the scooby gang will be back soon! Thank you so much for reading! <3
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kiwjongdae · 4 years ago
got7 reaction | mine by bazzi
warnings: some suggestive stuff in jaebum's but other than this none
im jaebum:
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"hands on your body, i don't wanna waste no time. feels like forever even if forever's tonight"
you hadn't seen jaebum in days. not since that stupid fight you had in which he stormed out from your place and never called or returned. being the proud person you were, you sure weren't going to call first. he was the one who was wrong.
trying to forget about it, you decided to enjoy a nice bath. you were in the middle of relaxing when you heard a noise coming from the living room. thinking it could be a burglar or something you quickly put on your robe and grabbed the closest thing to a weapon (a blower) you could find but when you arrived at the living room it was only jaebum.
you let out a sigh of relief "what are you doing, jaebum? i thought you-"
before you could finish your sentence his lips found yours. his kiss was hungry showing you how much he had missed you.
"i know i was wrong and i'm sorry" he said when you finally stopped to take a breath "i truly i am"
"then show me" you whispered in his ear and he wasted no more time.
mark tuan:
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"girl, i lose myself up in those eye-eye-eye-eyes"
mark was sitting in front of you. you two had gone to a coffee shop you always went. it was when you had first met and now, you two would always go there. you were speaking to him for quite a while now but he wasn't saying anything nor expressing any reactions to your words. he was just staring at you.
"honey, are you okay?" you asked concerned.
it seemed like he had snapped out of a trance "y..yeah.. i am"
"are you sure?" you kept looking at him.
"yes, i am" he smiled and took your hand.
you resumed your talk but again mark couldn't focus. he never told you but your eyes were his weak spot. he got lost in them everytime. they were the most beautiful thing in the world for him, and he wished nothing more than just to get lost in them forever.
jackson wang:
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"man, this feel incredible, i'll turn you into a bride, you're mine"
you had a problem in your apartment that's why you had spent the last few days in jackson's while yours was repaired. you two were together almost 24/7, sleeping and waking up in each other arms. your routines soon fell together: you would always wake up and take a shower, then you would wake up jackson for him to take his shower (you knew you both would be late if you took showers together in the morning), and then together you would make and eat breakfast.
one day you guys were sitting in the table eating your breakfast calmly, well at least you were because jackson couldn't take his eyes off you.
"aren't you gonna eat, love?" you asked looking at him.
"i'm in love with this" he said.
"this what?" you were confused.
"this!" he gesticulated to you and him "waking and sleeping with you, eating breakfast together, leaving the house together, coming back together..i guess i'll just have to marry you"
you almost chocked on your food and he had to help you "are you this shocked, y/n? i mean i thought it was pretty obvious that i wanted to marry you"
park jinyoung:
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"you so fuckin' precious when you smile"
you two were already in bed. each one reading your own book. nights like these were common for you and jinyoung. you both would enjoy each others company even if you weren't talking. you were so concentrated in your book that you didn't notice that jinyoung had stopped reading his and was now looking at you. he found so precious how you would try to cover your smile while reading.
"i love it when you smile, you know" he said making you look away from your book.
"what did you say, baby? i'm sorry i didn't listen" you asked smiling.
jinyoung chuckled and instead of answering you, he just took the book out of your hands making sure to keep the page you were marked, and planted a kiss on your lips.
"i said i love it when you smile" he said with his lips still pressed on yours.
choi youngjae:
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"just lay with me, waste this night away with me"
your finals week was coming faster than you wanted and it was driving you crazy. being on scholarship, you had to mantain your grades. you hadn't been sleep well for days already, always studying till late and waking up early to go to school. youngjae noticed the bags under your eyes and was determined to do something.
"love, can you please come here for a second!" youngjae called from your room while you were studying in the living room "it's important!"
you went against your will because you couldn't lose anymore time. when you made it to the room, everything was dark and there was a soft music playing and soon enough you felt hands on your waist.
"youngjae, what are you doing? i have to study!" you protested.
before you could say anything else, he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bed, joining you soon after trapping you in his arms.
you opened your mouth to say something but he beat you in doing so "i know i know you have to study" he mimicked your voice "but love, you have to take care of yourself too! i can't stand you doing this to yourself, so at least for tonight, forget about everything and just lay here with me"
you knew he was right but still you had your obligations "just for tonight" you gave in closing your eyes and ajusting your self in his chest "thank you, love"
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"swear to god, i'm down if you're down, all you gotta say is right"
you had the craziest ideas sometimes and bambam just didn't know how to say no to you. that's why you too found yourselves lost in the middle of a forest. because you had decided that not following the actual trail would be more fun.
you two had been walking for hours and you just couldn't take any more, so you just sat in the ground and started crying.
"i'm so sorry, bam!" you said between sobs "i'm sorry i made you come with me to this stupid thing!"
"hey!" bambam was down on your side passing his hand on your back "you didn't make me do anything. i agreed to come. i would've agreed to come even if you had said we were going to climb a vocano. i'm down for whatever you say. that's how much i love you"
you cleaned up your face "does that mean you're gonna climb a vocano with me?"
this made bambam laugh and kiss your temple "let's not go this crazy just yet. i need more time with you, crazy girl"
kim yugyeom:
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"even when it's rainy, all you ever do is shine"
yugyeom's plans for your date were completed ruined when started raining in the middle of your picnic. you two had to get everything so quickly and ran in search of a place to get cover from the rain.
to say yugyeom was disappointed was an understatement. he spent weeks planning this event for you and now everything was ruined. when you two finally found cover he looked at you, expecting to see disappointment all on your face, but instead you were smiling. the most beautiful smile he had ever seen, and when you looked at him it was like him was falling in love with you all over again.
"are you not disappointed?" he asked.
"not at all" you said taking his hand on yours "i'm with you after all"
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toujoursmiraculous · 4 years ago
Thoughts and Reactions to Truth!
Just going to go straight into it because this episode is huge! I really like how at the end of a season and the beginning of another, we see the same scene that leads us out of one and into another. Gabriel fixes the Miraculous and ohhh poor Dusuu thought it was all a dream, being in evil hands. So in a way, the Miraculous being damaged may have been a blessing for her. Dx Too bad it couldn't have been fixed after Marinette got it back :/ But at least Nooroo isn't alone right? Legit only positive I can get from this. ;-; Tikki and her little hats omg it's so cuuuute! I wonder if she makes her little clothes, too awww But the other Kwami's are almost like siblings to Tikki if you think about it. Now Tikki has to share things with them all as they cause chaos all around when she's so used to her quiet life alone with Marinette. Even for a Kwami, that must be hard to adjust to.
Okay so it's almost Prince Ali's birthday that Paris is going to celebrate. Interesting! I'd really like to see him back and a storyline with that. :O Marinette holding something, clearly, that the girls can't see over video chat. Talking to what appears to be herself, reacting to what someone's saying from different sides of her room. Camera flashes going off. And then her phone getting yeeted at her all on a video call with her friends when she's supposed to be alone...considering they're all going to have Kwami's and learn some things later as they become heroes, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they think back to this scene someday! OH WAIT spoiler for the upcoming episode Gang of Secrets!!! Fair warning. What if this episode with the plushies she said she's going to make, is one of if not the reason they go over and are looking around her room? Because she's been acting sus and they want to know what's going on. Especially after what happens later in the episode with Luka. Okay, back to the episode itself. Her friends observation: You're acting way weirder than normal.... IS ADRIEN AT YOUR PLACE?! I mean, fair point. xD But the thing is, whenever Marinette tends to act weirder or say/do things that Alya and the girls don't understand, it's almost always connected to her being Ladybug/Guardian. Even Lila. If she wasn't Ladybug and dealt with her so much as her, she wouldn't know a lot of things that made her not trust Lila to begin with. So Marinette has to overcompensate to try to hide everything or can't explain her thoughts or feelings about certain situations, so Alya always just assumes her behavior has something to do with Adrien. It really sucks but at the same time, what else is she going to think?
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These Kwami are a lot of trouble. xD Now she's even more frazzled, so she calls Luka Adrien. More than once. I've done this where I call my siblings the wrong name more of than I'd like so I can't fault her for it. Her mind's probably a mess, poor girl. Dx "I'm sorry it's just that I cheated on you!" BIG OOF. But this gives me Kim Possible vibes when Ron assumed Kim didn't want him anymore and told her he was cheating on her when he meant to say he was cheating to be on the football team so he could be more worthy of her when he thought she wanted to "trade up" her boyfriend. Our poor Marinette! So frazzled she can't remember when her dates are, when they've been rescheduled. She can't remember her patrols with Chat Noir which are really important. She's getting to the point where it's going to be a wonder she can even function. Dx "But Marinette and I are such a big fan of his" wow this sure hits different. The way they kept quizzing each other to finish the sentence with Jagged Stone trivia was pretty cute. Luka having her finish the line with "Kiss me" that she screamed to the entire theater made me choke on my cake. "Well, if that's what you want." Smooth. "I think, yes. I want to." But you know, it gets interrupted by an akuma attack of course because that's just the way things work! :D And wouldn't you know it, it's Mr. Pigeon. AGAIN. Totally worth interrupting the moment lol Ladybug can't pick and choose, however, so here comes the sequence where she's constantly running off and he starts doubting her. Notice the parallel when Marinette started to like Luka after Adrien could never show up to things? Now Marinette's having trouble showing up and Luka's having issues with it. The second Chat Noir started to sneak up on Ladybug, we all knew he was going to get flipped. But it's so adorable and funny at the same time I love it x333 And that whole scene there of Ladynoir. Obviously it's a Lukanette-centered episode but the Ladynoir in this episode! So good! And you know, it's interesting. First time we see Adrien this episode is for FIVE whole seconds! And the way it abruptly cut off as he opened the car door... yeah you know what, Lies is going to be Adrien's POV or something of this same day. It has to be. He has 2 total scenes one of them is 5 seconds and the other one is 2 seconds. Crazy. We got about 7 seconds of Adrien's face today woo! But ugh here's where we get hurt Luka ;-; "A girl, who as always, isn't here." Ouch. The fact that if Marinette said she loved Adrien still, he'd understand and he'd get it is so sweet, and so sad that it's not even because of that, it's because she's Ladybug and the Guardian and she can't say a thing about it to him at all, that he can't accept. It's the one thing he couldn't deal with that's the issue and that really sucks. AND THIS MOMENT RIGHT HERE HAD ME GASPING AND HURTING FOR LUKA. IT'S THE MOMENT HIS HEART BROKE
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But also really guys, did you notice his eyes are different now? Almost like a blue diamond look or something.
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Luka trying to fight it, trying to tell Hawk Moth that the truth needs to be willingly told, not forced. But stupid Hawk Moth's able to get him to hold on anyway and gets akumatized. But not before he told Marinette to run. Which was such an awwww moment. x33 I mean, this is definitely getting a bit close to Chat Blanc territory if you ask me. New transformation music is pretty good! I like it. Also can we just appreciate that instead of trying to track down Marinette to get the truth from her, he's instead asking all her friends and family, pretty much any source besides her? AND ROSE'S RESPONSE "Marinette has no secrets because she's the most honest girl in the world!" She thinks so highly of her and it's just so beautiful. Nobody would blame her for these secrets if they only knew either. But awwwwww I love this scene!! And here's the big reveal! (no not that one) Jagged Stone is Luka and Juleka's father. 😮
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Thomas today tweeted that Luka and Juleka are twins. Which would have to be fairly obvious after this reveal. There's no way that Jagged, who says he'd be a lame dad and left because he wasn't cut out for it, would have Luka with Anarka, then stay long enough to also have Juleka. I also totally forgot that in the French version, Jagged has an American accent when he speaks. XDD Just the fact that even WITH his truth powers, he asked his mother TWICE who his father was. Both times she said Jagged Stone. He still didn't believe it until he went to Jagged himself omg. This poor poor boy. Luka: 😱*gasp* Marinette: 😲 *gasp* Adrien: 😮 WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY OMG. LIKE I'M WATCHING A TELENOVELA OR SOMETHING. THEY EVEN ZOOMED IN ON THEIR REACTIONS I CAN'T And then Luka just yeets his dad because he wasn't ever there for him. I honestly did not expect Luka having dad issues to ever be a thing in this show, even though I knew he wasn't around. So like... when everything's worked out with Marinette and Adrien in the end, will Luka and Adrien end up becoming friends and bonding over things, like the whole daddy issues thing...? Are we really supposed to believe she has no feelings for Chat Noir? I mean really, look at this.
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"I can't imagine what your daily life must look like" ... is she really actually being the one to bring up something about his secret identity? With that face? 😲
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Their flirty banter that at this point I don't even think they realize it is, and those soft looks I just... My top ship is Ladynoir and I was not expecting any significant moments of theirs but I got it anyway. Just watching their scenes, I kept going "See, this is why they're meant for each other." My heart is happy despite all the Luka pain! It's helping me cope with it, okay? "When you're ready, I'll be here for you, Marinette." Awww so they're telling us Lukanette is on hold here. Not a guarantee, but at least on hold. He's an option for her later. So now the Adrienette vs. Lukanette for S4 we heard about awhile back makes sense now. Later on this season, probably when things calm down and she gets the hang of things, she'll be in a better position to be with someone. And by then, Adrien will probably realize and understand his feelings for Marinette. So then she'll be in a position to choose between them. Now we know where Luka gets his ability to turn emotions into great songs. That's adorable! Father-son bonding! Gabriel needs to take notes when a man who was never in his son's life as more than his idol has the ability to try to be there, but Gabriel can't. Ugh our poor Marinette, probably thinking she's going to be alone for a very long time just because of a supervillain. That's so wrong she has to feel like this. If you notice, Hawk Moth's akumatizations help people patch up relationships so much of the time as a weird unexpected result of an akuma attack. And yet, he does nothing but hurt Marinette and at times Adrien, the most when he akumatizes people. He makes me so angry! But I'm too tired for a rant about that. At least the Kwami hugs at the end helped a teeny bit anyway! c:
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atinydise · 5 years ago
Ateez running away with their s/o
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 10k5.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
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It was late when Hongjoong entered in your apartment. Your heart missed a beat when you heard the door slams loudly. You relaxed when you saw your boyfriend. “Kim Hongjoong! You scared me! I thought it was a-“ you paused. “What are you doing with this luggage?” You pointed at the silver item next to your boyfriend. “Remember I told you KQ would never allow me to date?” “Yes?” You replied. “I was right. They are against our relationship Y/N. So, we need to leave.” He explained. “What? Wait Hongjoong. You can’t be serious.” You claimed. “They don’t want us to be happy together. They are trying to split us apart.” He almost yelled. “Please. Grab few clothes and follow me. Just few days. Till they understand it’s not a phase.”
You ignored if it was because of the look in his eyes or the fact that you could be separated but you accepted. “Okay. When do we need to leave?” “Right now. It’s just a matter of time before the manager notice that I’m gone.” He scratched his neck. You nodded and rushed to your bedroom to take your essentials stuff. “Where are we going?” “In my parents’ 2nd residential house. No one would think that I’m here.” He replied. Your brain froze for a second at the thought of you and Hongjoong, just both of you, for an unknown time. “Are you sure? Do you really want to do that?” You asked Hongjoong. He grabbed your hand to pull you in a tight hug. “I’m sure. I want to be with you. I need to be with you.” He paused. “If they don’t allow me to be happy, then why I should stay in this company?” You rubbed his back slowly, “okay then let’s go.” Hongjoong knew that you were nervous, but he was so grateful to be with you. KQ entertainment would need to understand that’s it’s not a simple “teenage love”.
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Seonghwa was the romantic kind of boyfriend. One day, he would surprise you with a dozen of roses after a rough day. He would organize an incredible date to show how much he loves you. Seonghwa was so romantic that when he asked you to run away with him, you thought that it as just another escapade. But he was deadly serious. When a fan spotted you on a date and posted it on SNS, KQ Entertainment scolded your boyfriend. You thought that it wouldn’t be a big deal, but it was. Seonghwa needed to break up with you or his career would change. A part of you, was ready to say goodbye to your boyfriend but he planned something else. At 3AM, he called you, ordering you to pack a bag with clothes. Without asking why, you simply ordered. So, right now, you were next to your boyfriend, in a bus to his hometown. He was sleeping peacefully as if it was a simple trip. Seonghwa didn’t say anything since you got in the bus, but you could see that he was determined to run away. In the other hand, he was probably stressed about his members. You rubbed the palm of his hand which was resting on your lap. “You are this kind of romantic guy who run away for their lover,” you whispered, staring at his beautiful face. You ignored how many times this would last. Maybe KQ would find you tomorrow. Maybe you would really need to split a part. But this moment was yours. You suddenly felt Seonghwa moving. “Are you okay?” you asked worried. He blinked few times and giggled awkwardly. “I was sleeping so deeply that I couldn’t feel your hand anymore, I thought you left.” You rubbed his cheek slowly, “I wouldn’t leave you Hwa.” He smiled shyly, “thank you.” “No, I should be the one to sat thank you… you’re doing crazy things because of me.” You replied. Resting your head on his shoulder. “Thank you to make me feel so important.”
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“Wait Yunho. You can’t do that,” you claimed to your boyfriend. “I know but how I can continue to be an idol if you are not by my side huh?” he asked. “How I’m supposed to stay or fake like what I’m happy?” He held your hand, “how I can do that, if you’re not there anymore to support me?” You bit our lip. Yunho came to your work to ask you something you thought was impossible. “Okay, I got it sweetheart,” you replied, rubbing your forehead. “But running away is maybe not the good solution.” You explained. “That’s the only one I see.” You looked at the taxi, parked next to your boyfriend. “But what about your members. They’re your friends too. You can’t leave them like that.” He grabbed your shoulders, “please Y/N. Follow me. Let’s be happy together. Okay? Just for few days…” he begged you. “Yunho… this is insane. Your career, your friends, your family-“ “But you are the most important person in the world. For me.” Your eyes were locked in his. You never saw Yunho this way. He was visibly devastated by the situation. Everyone wanted to split you apart, but your man wasn’t stupid. He explained that he was a grown man, and nobody needed to give him order about how to live his life. “Please, Y/N. Jump on this taxi and stay with me.” He insisted, putting his forehead on yours. “This is insane Yunho…” you whispered. “Then let’s go to this insane life…” he replied, rubbing your cheek. “Okay.” You finally accepted. “But at least tell Mingi that you are doing well.” “Promise.” He opened the car door, “let’s go.” You know it wasn’t the right thing to do but Yunho needed to do this. So, if you could be helpful and make your boyfriend good again then you would do anything.
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You are calling your boyfriend every day. But today it felt different? He seemed a bit distant or sad. [“How was your day?”] You asked. [“Exhausting as always.”] He yawned. [“Did the manager scolded you again?”] Since the staff members discovered your relationship. They were lecturing him every time they could. He never told you, but you knew they were getting on his nerves. He would never leave you so he would need to endure all of their comments about you. [“Hm, not really. He was really busy today.”] [“Ah nice,”] you muttered. You were so sorry for him, but he refused to hear you apologizing. You never did something bad. [“Yeosang-ie…”] [“Hum?”] he simply replied. [“Do you think it would be better if we run away? You would get less pressured.”] you said, out of the blue. [“Hm…, yes, that’s true.”] He claimed. [“And that’s not a bad idea.”] [“It was just a supposition.”] [“Pack few things. I’m coming to your apartment in 30 minutes.”] [“Wait Yeosang,”] you tried to stop him. [“Let’s run away Y/N,”] he declared. You were freaking out on your bed. He was serious. [“O-Okay.”] You replied, determined. You didn’t know if you were excited because of this sudden adventure or if because Yeosang loved you enough to lose everything that is important for him. You didn’t know how long this adventure would last but even if it last one day, you would be with Yeosang. And for sure, he was thinking the same.
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When San told you to meet him at the playground square in front of the library, you never thought it was more than a simple visit. You exited the building few books in your arms and joined your boyfriend. “Hello San-ie,” you greeted him joyfully, sitting next to him in the bench.” “H-Hi”, he stuttered. His attitude made you curious. You stared at him. He had his usual smile, but you could clearly see that he cried. “San-ie? Why are you crying?” you asked, rubbing his cheek with your thumb. “Y/N… can we leave?” he asked, putting his hand on your, closing his eyes to enjoy the smoothness of your skin. “Where? Do you want to go at a bar or-“ “Can we leave Seoul?” he added. “Please.” “Why? Where do you want to go?” “Far away from here.” He sobbed, “I hate being here…” You threw your books out of between you and San, to get closer of your boyfriend. “What’s wrong San? Why do you want to leave? You’re scaring me…” “I want to stay with you. But I can’t because of my career.” You understood what it means. The CEO probably scolded him again. “San… we are going to find a solution,” you whipped his tear slowly. “Can we just leave? Please?” He practically begged you. “I’m done thinking about leaving you to keep my career.” “But San… being a singer was your dream.” “It was my 2nd dream. Being happy was my first dream. And you are the only one to give me the happiness that I need.” He confessed. “I just need you and nothing else. So please, let’s take a flight to Europe or somewhere else and live like we don’t have any responsibilities. Just us 2.” You hesitated a long minute but finally you replied: “Okay. Let’s run away.”
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Mingi was looking at you, packing all the stuff that you left in the dorm. He was sad. He had to follow the CEO’s order. You needed to break up. He hesitated few days before telling you but when he did, it was worse than what he was expecting. “I think I’m done,” you informed him. “Oh already?” he asked visibly disappointed. “Yes, so I should go.” You claimed, holding the heavy bag you brought to pack your stuff. “Wait… Y/N…” he called you, quietly, but enough for you to hear. “I’m sure we can find a solution.” You smiled, sadly, “no Mingi. We already talked about it.” He pulled you in a hug, “I don’t want to leave you and act like you never existed.” “But we need to.” You pushed him slightly, “we will ge-“ “I can’t do that.” He said, grabbing his fitness bag. “What are you doing?” you asked. He didn’t reply to you, he just opened his wardrobe and picked few clothes to throw them messily on the bag. “Mingi, what are you doing?” you grabbed his arm forcing him to look at you. “If you go then, I’ll follow you.” He stared at you seriously. “Mingi….” He zipped his bag and held your hand to lead you out of the dorm. Your brain had like a thousand of questions that you wanted to ask but you couldn’t manage to say one out loud. Mingi was running away for you. You were touched by his action. Even if it was not the good one. Was it selfish of you to wish that you would keep your boyfriend for yourself?
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Wooyoung ended by doubting about your relationship when Yeosang told him that maybe he would need to end it. Not because of the group reputation but because of the pressure and the stress Wooyoung would confront. Yeosang was just worrying for his closest friend. It was just a matter of time before Wooyoung would need to see the CEO and talk about this. “What’s going on?” you asked, turning around to face Wooyoung. “Hum?” “You are sighing like every 10 seconds.” You declared. “Ah really? Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.” He apologized, rubbing your arm. “It’s okay,” you reassured him. “What is disturbing you?” He gulped; he didn’t want to make you worry about this. “You know that you can tell me everything,” you added, seeing his hesitation. “I’m nervous, about the meeting with the CEO. What if he told me to break up with you?” he looked at you. “Then I’ll fight him, you chuckled.” “Y/N, I’m serious… If something like that happen…” he paused and turned around to face the ceiling. “Sometimes I just want to-“ “To run away?” you finished. Wooyoung nodded, “exactly.” You got up of the bed, “then let’s run away together.” At first, he thought that you were kidding. But the look you have him really showed him that you were determined. “You’re right, let’s run away.” He smiled, “let’s be together.” “Let’s plan where we are going okay?” you giggled. “Yes.” He replied, “I never thought that you would be capable of that.” “I’m capable of anything for your baby face.” You giggled. Wooyoung has many things to learn about you. But right now, he was capable of leaving his friends and career to follow you.
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You entered in the practice room as usual. But today it was quiet. And you knew why. Because it was 4AM. And because today, you planned to leave Korea with your boyfriend. Yes, it was rude and a bit (even a lot) extreme but none of you wanted to break up. The idol world is unbreakable sometimes. Dating was prohibited. Jongho understood that but the love he felt for you was stronger than any rules. So, after a long night of persuading you to run away, you finally accepted. “Oh! You there,” he whispered. “Why? You thought that I would ditch you?” he giggled. “Not ditching me but maybe change your opinion.” He confessed shyly. “I know it’s a big deal, so I wouldn’t mind if you call me crazy and leave.” You stepped toward him quietly, “I love your craziness babe. And I don’t want to stay away from you okay? So, let’s do this.” A silence settled between both of you. “So cringy!” you yelled in the same time. “So romantic,” he tickled you until you flick his forehead. “Are you sure that you want to do that?” Jongho nodded, “Yes. Maybe sometimes I’ll regret it, but I would regret more to let you go.” “Maybe it would be easier to talk with your manager.” “No way… he’s nice but he needs to respect the CEO rules too.” “Okay…” you signed sadly. “Then let��s go. The taxi might be here now.” Warned the maknae. He handed his head, waiting you to hold it as if he was making sure that you wanted to leave. Of course, that’s what you did. You would follow Jongho at the end of the world.
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hoplessdreamer9796 · 4 years ago
BTS 8th Member - Your Friends
Best Friends: Kim Hanbin (B.I from Ikon. (Pretend he’s still in Ikon and YG didn’t snake one of their best artists.) Your mothers are best friends and so when you moved to Korea, he was the only person you knew so you clung to each other. He was also one of your best friends through high school. He is your best friend and you both have always been there for each other. The both of you tried alcohol for the first time together, which you stole from his father’s liquor cabinet. Were there for each other’s first relationships and first heartbreaks. You were there for his parents’ divorce at 12 (I made this up idk if it’s true). You ditched classes and went to go sit on the roof of your apartment building to talk about your futures together. His aspirations for music and yours to live peacefully. In your friendship group he is the grandfather that clings to his youth. He hates any physical activities other than mountain hiking but loves going on nights out. You both even got matching tattoos as soon as it was legal, and it will be explained later. “You can’t push me away Y/N! So, get angry, scream and shout but I’m not going anywhere! I’m your best friend that shit doesn’t work on me!”) Park Shinhye (Despite your age difference you two are best friends, you consider each other sisters. Grew close because you both work in the entertainment industry but both don’t have girls around you, you by being in BTS and her by being an actress so when you both met at an award show soon after BTS debuted you clicked. You both were there for each other threw everything. She’s one of your best friends and you often have movie nights when you’re both free. She cried for you when BTS won a daesang for the first time, that moment went viral. BTS walked off the stage, and were still visible by fans but near backstage, and you two ran at each other like dramatic losers as she was crying more than you were and you were both shouting at each other to stop crying while continuing to hug. Fans love that moment and your friendship. She often states that you are her best friend both in this industry and in life. “I never really thought it was possible to connect to someone like that. But I honestly think that in another life we were sisters.”) Min Sooah (Best friend from high school is your secretary, for now, and is one of your pillars. You would not be able to function without her. There’s an ongoing joke that she is basically your mother, you worry her to no end. She is very grateful to you. After her father broke his hip and was not able to continue working, she had to drop out of university to go to work. You gave her the job as your secretary despite her not being qualified. You needed someone you trusted, and you knew she would work hard. Now she is one of the most important people in your company. She is the Dad of the group always complaining about how “I gave up my youth to look after you brats and none of you have time to spend with me? Okay I see how it is. Daehyun this is your influence on them!”) Ok Hwayoung (Best friend from high school now she is your personal shopper. After university she became a personal shopper, and you thanked the sky’s because she chooses all of your clothes to pack when traveling or when you have formal business meetings. You like buying clothes but you hate the process of shopping and trying things on, so you tell her what pieces you want, and she’ll get it. She also organises your wardrobe ‘cause she’s OCD like that. She also is a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to talk you and Hangyeol into giving up your partying lifestyle because, “How are we supposed to have a group wedding if you don’t let yourselves find the ones you idiots?!”) Lee Hangyeol (Best friend from high school he owns a mechanics and auto repair shop and he is the only one you trust with you cars. He is also the only one of your best friends who encourages you attitude towards your love life as he is also not into committed relationships. You're both each other’s wingmen. You guys are basically the epitome of lads’ lads when around each other. You’re the loud, annoying people in a bar gassing each other up to chug your drinks down. Whenever one wants to go on a night out the other is always down. “Who needs a relationship? Tequila is just as good. Gives me a fun night and then when the fun wears off it give me a headache and regrets. That’s basically a relationship.”) Tae Daehyun (Best friend from high school he works as a pd on tv shows mainly running man. He was also on the track team back in high school. The two of you often go out on runs together. After seeing what the industry is like behind the camera, he worries a lot for you. Especially since he knows no matter how crappy you feel you’d rather down the nearest bottle of alcohol than talk about it. So, he always tries to let you know if you need to talk, he’s there. Also hates how much you and Hangyeol drink and always tries to make sure you guys eat a proper meal before going out and drinking. He’s also the one in your friend group who can be bothered to cook, he got so offended when he found out you hired a personal chef but then he tasted her food and is okay with it. He’s the Mum of the group. “What the hell is wrong with you all? You can’t throw a knife at the apple on his his head! Are you crazy? See this is what I have to deal with Sooah. But if you weren’t so busy working, you’d know that!”) Ryeo Chungae (Best friend from high school and she works on the public relations for your company. When she first joined your company, she always felt like she got the job because she’s your friend, but you wouldn’t have given her the job if you didn’t think she could do it. She went through a hard time when her boyfriend cheated on her with her old boss. Instead of being scared of falling in love again she wants love. Trying to convince you and Hangyeol that it’s is amazing when secretly she is glad that you won’t be able to get hurt. She is a pushover in all aspects of life except for work. When it comes to work, she is a force to be reckoned with. So instead of staying at her old job with her boss she resigned after making a scene about the boss sleeping with her boyfriend which got said boss fired. When she is with all of your friends, she is also very outspoken and opinionated. However, when it comes to people she isn’t comfortable with her anxiety acts up. You and all your friends are protective of her in situations where her anxiety gets bad. Her ideal life is a Hallmark movie. “One day I’m gunna meet the man of my dreams. He’s gunna be tall and handsome and most importantly he’ll take me away from all of you dumbass motherfuckers.”) Hak Daeho (Best friend from high school he works at Songsun’s shop as and is in charge of customising cars. He is the one that never wants to go out and always wants to stay home. He prefers a night in with his friends than at some stupid club where Y/N and Hangyeol ditch a half hour after arriving, most of the time. He doesn’t have the best relationship with his family after they found out he didn’t want to become a lawyer like his parents and siblings. His parents kicked him out and cut him off. Y/N payed for his college tuition even though he protested, you just said it was a loan and that he can pay you back someday. However, after he had been able to save up to pay you back you told him to shut up and buy a damn apartment which is what he did. Thanking the universes for his friends. He stayed in an apartment with Hwayoung, Daehyun and Chungae during college and no matter how many times he couldn’t pay rent his friends always had his back. It also helped that every time you visited you stocked the fridge and freezer. He thinks of you all as family more than he does of his own family. “You guys are a bunch of fucking idiots. Like you’re my family but damn you guys are stupid.”) Park Soomi (Best friend from high school. She is the most subscribed to female Korean youtuber with 11 million subscribers. She is also and ambassador for Jeonsa cosmetics although at first, she didn’t want to be as she felt like it would be using her friendship with you to her advantage. However, after you convinced her to accept, she did. You also knew that you could trust her since she has always been honest with you and never expects anything from you. You also knew that she would be advantageous for your company so it’s not like you’re just giving her money your promoting your company through her brand. After you explained this she reluctantly agreed. She is the loud, chaotic crackhead of the group. Constantly doing dumb shit. “Hey guys my pineapple was being difficult long story short we no longer have a microwave.”) Im Kyungmin (Best friend from high school, he is a part of Soul & Bones, a hip-hop and house dance crew. When you were younger all of your friends would go to his contests. Everything you learned about dancing you learned from watching that crew. You always loved the way their dancing looked and the atmosphere they created. But you were realistic with your situation knowing you’d never get to dance. When Bang pd wanted you to be a trainee you were hesitant, but he practically dragged you to that audition. And during trainee days he helped you with your dancing. He says your better than him now, but you know you’re not. Soon after you became a billionaire Soul & Bones were set to end. Their investor pulled out and most dance crews are under entertainment companies unlike soul & Bones. Kyungmin was devastated, Soul & Bones was his whole life. So, when you decided to fund it he was conflicted. On one hand he was thankful and on the other hand he was guilty. But after you told him what the crew meant to you, how you were also friends with everyone else in the crew and couldn’t let it end when you could do something about it he was on board. You however made it clear you don’t own Soul & Bones you just pay for things. Now it is considered the best hip-hop dance crew in Korea and one of the best in the world. He is the one in your group who seems high most of the time but isn’t. “I think that pizza is thinking shit about me... I’m gunna eat it not ‘cause I want to but because it needs to die!”) Close Friends: Mark Tuan (You met at a BTS and Got7 collaboration for and you both clicked immediately because you were both from western countries, you were both raised in similar cultures so you had become close friends easily. It is also less lonely when you both miss your home countries if you’re around each other. It was surprising because your personalities are the opposite, but you bring him out of his shell. Whenever you guys meet you always speak in English and it’s a relief for both of you since it is your first language no matter how long you’re in Korea. You both also relate on how different your home countries’ standards are compared to Korea in terms of public image, behaviour and many other things. It’s very easy to be your true selves around each other. ) Choi Youngjae (You guys are the same age so you clicked easily. Even though you’re closer to Mark you’re still close to Youngjae. The guy is literal sunshine it hard not to like him. There is also a group of idols born in 1996 who he is a part of.) BTS and Got7 are both close to each other so you are friendly with all the members. But you are the closest with Mark. Woo Jiho (Zico. You both met when BTS and Block B did a collaboration at mama. Namjoon and him knew each other but they weren’t that close, so it was unexpected when you and he hit it off. You are both close friends and hang out when you can. He often asks for your opinion with his music and the two of you once spent an entire night just messing around in the studio. He says that you are one of the only people to get him to take a break, when he’s in work mode, and to have some fun. Clubbing isn’t really his scene so you and Jaemin often have to beg him to go out drinking with you guys. He used to have feelings for you but after some time in the friendzone he realised he is okay with you not having feelings for him as long as you are in his life. No one knows about the feelings he had for you.) Lee Jaemin (A YouTuber who has 7 million subscribers. The two of you met through Jiho and got along very well because you both like alcohol and clubbing. However, he maintains a clean public image, so your company is fine with you being seen in public together. Your members aren’t very fond of him since the time he showed up at the dorm drunk looking for you and threw up in a plant. They think he is a bad influence, but you know what he was going through and know he’s a good person. He feels like he can be himself around you without feeling judged. Yoongi really hates him and the friendship you two have.) Kang Yujin (She is an Instagram model who has 18 million followers and 2 million subscribers on YouTube. She met you and Jiho through Jaemin. However, once the public found out about your friendship many thought she was using you in order to work with Jeonsa cosmetics. But you knew this wasn’t true. Yujin was the kind of person to drive to McDonald's for you at three in the morning when you had a nightmare about your father and wouldn’t tell her what it was about. The kind of person to kill spiders for you even though she’s scared of bugs too. And due to the public’s reaction, she was scared you would end up thinking the same of her. You told her how you knew what kind of person she was and in order to make a statement to the public you both posted a photo together on her Instagram announcing her endorsing your company. She is a very close friend and an older sister figure to you.) You, Zico, Jaemin and Yujin often go bowling together or go out to eat and are also drinking buddies you are very close to them. The four of you are often spotted in public together. Kang Seungyoon (You both met through Hanbin and both of your personalities go very well together. Musically you both also mesh very well together. You both also often play pool together and he gets triggered at how he’s played longer but you kick his ass at it. Whenever you both have the time you go out for food and drinks and spend all nigh playing pool and all night, he complains that you’re a cheater and he won’t stand for it. He’s a very good friend.) Kim Jisoo (You met her first, soon after they debuted, in the bathroom. The two of you clicked and then you met the rest of the group through her. It was easy to become friends with them due to BTS and Blackpink both being at the top of K-pop, so you were a lot more understanding of each other’s situations. She is a very close friend of yours and is an older sister figure to you. She always gets excited when you send her the new launches of Jeonsa cosmetics and does vlives talking about it.) Kim Jennie (Despite Jennie being introverted you charmed her during your first conversation. She found it very easy to talk to you despite being slightly nervous and you were her sunbae. She was surprised how easy it was to talk to you. You are a people person, and she is not so like most other extroverts she’s met she thought you would clash but surprisingly your personalities match very well. You bring out the fun in her.) Lalisa Manobal (Lisa. She looks up to you a lot in terms of your dancing. She is very clingy towards you when you meet, and you love her crackhead energy. You learnt to speak Thai early after BTS’ debut, this made Lisa feel like she could connect to you on a deeper level. You have also helped her with the racist side of K-pop, her being Thai and you being half Arabic you’re both no stranger to how harsh netizens are. As you have been going through it for longer than her you are able to comfort her (kind of because you’re emotionally stupid but you try and push that aside for your friend).) Park Chaeyoung (Rose. She was also born in a western country so when she met you it helped her feel less homesick. You both often talk about childhood TV shows together and relate to each other when people talk about Korean things from their childhood that you have no idea about. Even though you’re from different places it’s nice having someone who understands the difficulties of moving from western culture to eastern.) Kwon Jiyong (Gdragon. You guys met backstage at an award show when BTS and Bigbang met. The groups are casual with each other, but you and he became very close especially because you’re friends with many YG artists. You also both like to party a lot and often go out together. He views you as a very close friend and is often nagging at you to eat and rest properly You try and hang out whenever you both have time.) Matthew Kim (BM. You two met during an inkigayo. He got lost and was swearing in English. So, you approached him and asked in English if he was okay. You helped him find his way back to his dressing room. He knew who you were and that you were British as BTS was well known then. However, he was expecting you to be arrogant and was pleasantly surprised with how nice you were. You and he got along well as you have similar personalities. Both extroverted. The two of you also quickly found out about your shared love of partying and clubbing and now you often go out together.) Peniel Shin, Ashley Choi, Amber Liu, Stephanie Young Hwang (These are some of your other western born K-pop friends.) Red velvet (You are good friends with the group mainly Joy as you are the same age. You, them and Blackpink try to go out together when you can. Irene is also very protective over you and sees you like a little sister.) Park Chanyeol (You have very similar attitudes you were good acquaintances but then you both worked together on the Goblin ost (Pretend it was you instead of Punch p.s I love that song so fucking much.) He always tries convincing you to let him drive your cars and you always say no. He’s a very fun person and you guys have a good laugh together.) You’re friendly with the rest of the Exo members but the closest to Chanyeol. Your best friends are: Hanbin, Shinhye, and all of your friends from high school. However, you are still close with the rest of your friends.
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enchanted-seokjin · 5 years ago
The 1; kim seokjin.
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↬ summary: Y/N meets Jin after six months following their break-up.
↬ genre: one shot
↬ word count: 2.6k
↬ warnings: very slightly smut insinuation
↬ note: inspired by the 1 by taylor swift
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I hold my breath when I see him walk through the door. He smiles widely at my friend and hands her over the gift which stands out from every other I’ve seen so far. And I’ve seen them all, for I’ve been here even before people arrived.
My friend wanted me to help her with the last details, setting the table, making sure everything looked neat and smell good. It was a façade. I realized once I crossed that same goddamn door and saw that my friend had opened a bottle of wine and served two glasses. That could only mean that it was a setup. I didn’t say anything, though. I was reminded that it was her birthday and I had to put up with any crazy idea she had in mind.
Many thoughts crushed my brain. Was she going to cancel the party? Was she going to ask me to tell one of the people she’d invited that the party wasn’t going to happen after all? 
I laugh as I remember how naïve I must’ve looked caressing the cat while my friend told me that she had invited Jin.
I didn’t get mad, but I was indeed shocked. I knew they got along well but I wasn’t aware that they were that close. For a moment, I thought she was going to confess that they were dating and my heart sunk just by the thought of it. When I asked her directly if they were more than friends, she looked at me confused and then disgusted. She assured me that Jin was her friend and nothing would ever change that. She was sorry for not letting me know earlier but it was kind of a last-minute invitation since she wasn’t sure how I would feel. She also said, “I understand if you want to leave.”
I couldn’t leave.
Now I wish I had.
My friend looks at the present, surprised by the presentation. It’s a tiny box, wrap in an elegant white paper with a red ribbon. I try not to smile but I fail and I look down at the cat moving between my legs and I’m thankful I’ve found this empty couch with no one around to bother me as a hang onto the glass of wine as if my life depends on it.
Jin has always had a good eye for details and I know that my friend appreciates it. I know I did. I know anyone would. 
When I look back up, I see Jin greeting a few of the people who are standing close to the door. He’s wearing black jeans and a dark shirt tucked inside his jeans which accentuates his waist. He looks stunning, smiling cordially, and having chit-chats with strangers. He’s always been good at that, too. The first time he invited me to an event I was nervous. I hate crowded places so I tried to turn him down but he assured me that everything would be okay and I believed him. He was right. He made me feel comfortable and included. He showed me a side of me I had never seen, one that glowed every time I stood next to him, talking to strangers and making new friends.
None of the people I’ve met during those events are my friends now.
As Jin moves, I want to get up, take the cat and fly upstairs but instead, I stay where I am because, at least, the floor isn’t quicksand here.
He’s late to the party, nevertheless. I noticed that as I was drinking my third glass of wine, thinking about how I should react once I see him after six months following our break-up. He’s never late. He’s always early. If he had a meeting at the dentist, he’d be there twenty minutes earlier. He doesn’t mind waiting but hates the idea of making other waits.
I guess he has changed.
Our eyes meet and I can feel my whole body turned numb as Jin gives me a tiny smile. A shy smile. The kind of smile which has always made my heart flutter, now makes me want to disappear.
I want him to keep chit-chatting with the blonde guy but I know he’s apologizing when he interrupts him to walk towards me. 
I forget how to breathe.
“Hey,” he says, smiling. His hands inside his pockets. He looks stunning under the white artificial light which makes his black hair shine. “New friend?” he asks, nodding towards the cat, now sitting next to my legs.
“She’s protecting me,” I reply, gazing at the cat as well. I don’t know if I’m holding the glass properly so I lower it to the armchair. I’m not leaving it at the little table. I’m afraid the waiter may come and take it away--- I wouldn’t know what to do with my hands either. I don’t have pockets as Jin does. I wish I hadn’t worn this stupid black dress.
I wish I was at home.
“From whom?” Jin asks.
I smile without saying anything. I don’t know what to answer. This situation is way too awkward for me.
“You’re late,” I point out instead and I wish I hadn’t. Though, Jin doesn’t seem to mind it. He stares at the window. A black cloudy sky displays through the lime curtains.
“I had to take care of a few things,” he replies, calmly and I wonder if he’s feeling his world crashing as mine is because I can sense everything coming down to pieces with him so close to me and I want it to stop.
I sigh and, this time, I gather the strength to put the glass on the table. I wait for the waiter to come and get it as a mouse waiting for a piece of cheese to drop. He doesn’t.
It’s time for me to go home.
“Well…” I begin as I get up. The house spins around for a second but I manage to keep control. Jin stares at me intently and I ignore his gaze. Instead, I focus on the cat, which meows and leaves. I’m completely alone with Jin. Great. “I hope you have fun,” I smile. I hope it sounds genuine. 
“Are you leaving?” he inquires, confused.
“Yeah, I have an appointment tomorrow,” I explain. It’s a lie, so I don’t get into any detail. I know enough not to reveal too much information when you’re lying, especially when you’re drunk. I pass past Jin, hoping he’d let me go but he follows me.
“Let me take you home,” he whispers as I take my black coat. 
“No,” I simply say.
I put it on and hear him sigh with impatience. Even though I’m not looking, I know he’s scratching his ear.
“My car’s right outside. I’ll take you home and then I’ll come back,” he begs. I turn to look at him. I’ve my bag between my hands, clutching onto it as hard as I was clutching on the glass of wine.
I smile ironically. Does he think I’m preoccupied he might miss this party?
“No, Jin,” I argue, slowly. “I’m good.”
I’m not getting into that hell of a car with you. I’m drunk, not stupid, I want to add. However, I choose silence and aim to walk towards the door when Jin steps in the way.
“Your house is not far,” he protests. “Let me walk you, then. It’s late.”
It’s true. It is late. The plan wasn’t for me to leave the party, I was supposed to help my friend clean up the mess afterward and stay overnight, and I was excited to have a girl’s night. I hadn’t had one in such a long time; I yearned for a little bit of fun. Yet, seeing Jin changed everything. 
“Fine,” I give up. I also know that he won’t let this go. If I leave without saying a word, he’d still follow me so it’s better this way.
“Great,” he smiles. “Are you going to say goodbye?”
I deny, reaching the door. As much as I love my friend, if I see her now and get the chance to say a word to her, it would be something far from “Happy birthday! I love you,” so I’d rather leave quietly.
Outside, the air is cold. I listen to the door close behind me and Jin approaching me as I start walking in the right direction.
“Aren’t you cold?” I ask. The answer is obvious; I can see Jin shrugged with his hands inside his pockets. He’s lucky there’s isn’t any wind. “Didn’t you bring a jacket?”
“No,” he barely looks at me so I stare at the empty street. “It was kind of a last-minute thing, coming here. I forgot to bring a jacket.”
“That present didn’t look like a last-minute thing,” I point out before I can stop myself and I hate how bitter my words sound.
“It wasn’t,” Jin answers, ignoring the bitterness. “I was going to give her the present even if I didn’t come tonight.”
“Of course you were,” I agree. “You’ve always been meticulous over important dates,” These words shouldn’t be charged with resentment but they are.
Jin takes a deep breath and I gaze at him. Our eyes meet for a second and I feel I’m about to break so I turn my head straight, though I can feel his piercing eyes on me.
“I wasn’t sure if I was going to come because I knew you were going to be here,” he explains with a little bit of frustration. My heart sinks but I ignore it.
“For what’s worth, I didn’t know you were coming until today.”
He stays silent for a second.
“I should’ve told you.”
“I blocked your number, remember?”
Jin quiets again. This time, it feels like an eternity. Then, his voice echoes in my brain.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I never meant for any of this to happen,” he goes on and I lower my head, closing my eyes for a second as his sincerity burns inside my chest. 
“Don’t say that,” I beg.
Jin takes a deep breath.
“I’ve been wondering about you, you know?” he says. And I want him to stop but I don’t say anything because my heart’s in half and I forget how to speak. “What you’ve been doing… If life’s been treating you good…”
I laugh and look at the other side. Job wise? I’m good. Study wise? Getting there. Love wise? Still can’t get over him. I was at the bus stop last week and my soul left my body for an instant when I thought the man driving a black Mercedes was him.
“I’m good,” I answer. “I’ve been focusing on my studies.” 
“Trying to get into Art School?”
I smile as memories come flashing back.
“They say it’s never too late,” I look at him with a smile and he smiles back. We both know it was he who convinced me of that. “Don’t know if I’ll get in, though.”
“You’re really talented, Y/N,” he says with all seriousness. It’s always been like that when it came to my dreams. “Don’t throw yourself under the bus. You have a bright future ahead of you.”
I did have one. Once. With you.
“Thanks,” It takes me a few seconds to gather the strength to keep talking. “What about you?”
“Same old, same old,” he replies without looking at me. “Still working.”
“That’s good,” I babble as our eyes meet again and he flashes a tender smile. My heart sinks again and I feel tears burning behind my eyes. “Love wise?” I ask and look away. I’m not sure how I’ve mustered the strength to ask this. It’s as if someone else has taken control over me… Or something…
Jin doesn’t reply right away and I ignore the urge to start running because if I did, I don’t know if my legs would be strong enough to support me.
“Tried online dating,” he responds. “But it wasn’t for me,” he continues and I know he means it as a funny anecdote but it doesn’t sound like that. The air has shifted and I can feel the weight of these past six months over my shoulders. “You?”
“Nothing,” I say, shaking my head. 
It’s funny to hear that he’s been trying to move on while I’m still trying to get used to waking up alone every morning.
Jin sighs again and scratches his nose. I know he’s about to say something serious even before he opens his mouth.
“I did love you. You know that, don’t you?”
Of all the things I was expecting to hear from him, this was at the bottom of the list.
I shake my head as I bite the inside of my cheek. It’s all too real. It’s all too raw. I can’t take this, but Jin doesn’t take into account my feelings.
“After we broke up,” he mumbles as if he’s measuring his words. And I know for sure that he is. Jin’s too afraid to break me. “I’ve made up scenarios in my mind where everything worked out. I think it could’ve if we’d tried.”
I let out a weak laugh because it’s better than crying.
“I didn’t know you wanted to try.”
“I wanted everything that had to do with you.”
I smile, trying to hide my sadness. Suddenly, the shakiness in my hands is gone.
“You should’ve shown it.”
Jin looks down for a moment, and I know he’s regretting his decisions.
“We were something, don’t you think so?”
I nod. Yes, we were. All our friends and family were so sure we were going to end up together for the rest of our lives. I thought so, too. I thought Jin was the one. My family thought Jin was the one. I guess it would’ve been fun, to grow old together. To keep learning from each other until we’ve memorized every aspect of our personality, every inch of our bodies.
I see my house in the corner and we slow down our pace. Maybe it’s our subconscious working for us.
“Yeah,” I agree.
Jin lowers his head again.
“I’m seeing someone,” he lets out carefully.
I don’t react. There’s nothing else he can break in me.
“I’m glad you’re happy.”
“You’ll find someone, too.”
I guess I will. Someday.
I picture Jin with this new person, hanging out with his family. I picture them visiting Jin’s family every Sunday and Jin’s mom teaching them how to cook. That’s what I did every Sunday, at least. It was fun. Jin’s mom would end up amazed at how useless I was in the kitchen while Jin would assure me that I didn’t have to worry about anything because I had him.
We stop when we reach my house. He walks me to the porch and I turn to him. I open my mouth, ready to ask him if he believed that we would be together now if only one thing had been different… But I say nothing.
“Thank you, Jin,” I mutter instead.
“It was nice seeing you, Y/N,” he smiles but he doesn’t move.
I know that, in a different time, he’d come in with me, have a glass of wine. He would be telling bad jokes as alcohol starts to hit us while I fall in love with him as every second passes by. I wouldn’t wear this black dress for too long, he’d get rid of it as soon as he gets the chance and I’d enjoy each torturous moment unbuttoning his shirt.
“It was nice seeing you, too, Jin. Have fun at the party,” I state as I walk in because I should be the strong one; as I always have.
Still, tears fall in silence knowing that Jin is on the other side of the door and I will wake up alone tomorrow, again.
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janevx · 5 years ago
unnoticed| jung jaehyun
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 friends - to lovers au
paring jung jaehyunxreader
word count: 2466
You and Jaehyun were friends since high school. You two have been trough so much things, so you both trusted you the most in the world. He was only person who was next to you when you was left alone with pregnancy. You gave birth to girl five years ago when you were 18. 
– Jiyong! Please, we are gonna be late!
– Wait mom!
 A 5 year old girl was coming from upstairs to you. She hugged you and smilled at you.
– Are you ready to new school day?
– Yes mommy!
 Both of yoy left their apartament and went to Jiyongs school. Before little girl left, ske kissed your cheek.
 You were in short relationship with Johnny Suh, who was known as a non-regular guy who likes fun. You didn’t care and were stupid when you had sex with him. When he heart news he was mad and simply said to you “fuck off” and left you like this. Your family was kinda mad and didn’t want to help you, but you had at your side the most precious guy in the whole world  – Jung Jaehyun. He was angel to you. Never left your side and take care of you and your daughter; He didn’t care that you did it with the most known fuckboy. He didn’t care about this, because he care about you two. He was doing eveyrthing he could to help you. You wished to have boyfriend like this, but you knew that he is out of your league and he would never look at you as someone more than a friends. It was only your though. 
 Your day at work was really stressed. Your CEO was mad at you, because you did few mistakes in rapport that was very important to her company. When you were about to leave office, you had call from Jaehyun.
– Hello swettie! What are you doing?
– Hi Jaehyun, I uhm. Actually going to take back Jiyong from school, why?
– I was just thinkig that you two could go to me. I did some brownies and I know that Jiyong loves them and some hot chocolate for all of us. If you want to of course!! If you have some others things to do it’s okay, I’m gonna eat it by myself.  – He chuckled.
– Are you crazy?! Of course we gonna come! Jiyong loves you and would never miss a chance to meet her favourite uncle Jaehyunnie.
– Nice! I’m waiting for you ladies.
 You were so happy. that Jaehyun offered you and your daughter a meet. He come back from his trip to Spain. He always wants to go there, so when I had chance he didn’t missed it. 
 Your daughter was very happy, when she heard about this that you two are going to Jaehyuns place. She loves her uncle as her daddy, but she have never deared to call him “dad”, because her mother said that she doesn’t have dad, maybe in future.
 Jiyong was running to door and was waiting till Jaehyun open them to you. You were standing next to your daughter and with her waiting for handsome guy to open the door.
– Ah my favourites ladies, come in!
 Little girl hugged really tight Jaehyun. It melts your heart. You always wanted to Jiyong to have father. Have someone to learn her how to ride a bike. To laugh at her mommy. Someone who0 would kick butts of boys from her class if they would be mean to her. But kinda Jaehyun did this. He would never let Jiyong to feel alone and aback from kids from her class. He always take care of her to not feel bad.
– Uncle I miss you! 
– I miss you too sweatheart! Look what I’ve done to you, my little girl.
 When Jiyong saw brownies she passed out. She loves this american style, that her uncle has. When she also saw her uncles dog named Johnatan she left you and Jaehyun for ourselfs.
– So how was at Spain? Did you see a lot latina girls?
– It was amazing! Such a pity, that you couldn’t see Spaiin. And yeah, I met some girl, but.. This ain’t my type.
– Jaehyun you need to find yourself a girlfriend.
– But I don’t want to! I have cool best friend and her daughter, that’s enough for me.
– Aish, this man. 
– It was amazing but I missed you two. You know, Jiyong always call me at 8 p.m asking about me and what did I do this day. It feels weird without her voice.
To be honest he didn’t miss your daughter voice only, he also missed you. You were so important to him like no one. You were his light in the dark, but he couldn’t admit this, because he thinks that you see him as only bestfriend who wasn’t left them.
– Jiyong missed you as well. She even cried first day, when you left.
– Oh no! I hat when one of you cry. It’s breaks my heart.
– But when she realized that you gonna come back, she let out. She really loves you, doesn’t she?
– I geuss so.
 Jaehyun wished it was he, who was father of your daughter.
– By the way, can I ask you something?
– Sure, go ahed y/n.
– Could you take care of Jiyong in friday? I asked about it Yuta, but he said that Jiyong is daughter of satan and he won’t dare to take care of her.
 Both of you laughed. In friday you going to have date with guy named Kim Doyoung. You met him in ice cream store and it ends with asking out.
– Sure, I have nothing to do anyway. But wat are you going to do on Friday?
– I have date!
 His gaze was different and you noticed it.
– Ah, date. A lot happend when I was off.
– Kinda yes. I met him at ice cream store and this ends like this, so..
 You were getting ready/ You wore red dress and beautiful black heels. Jaehyun should be at your place about 5 minutes. It was 8 p.m and your daughter was watching some cartoons waiting for her uncle. When both of you heard knocking trough the door you knew who it was.
– Jaehyun!
 He smilled and were shocked when he saw your outfut. In his eyes you looked really amazing.
– Oh y/n, you look so good today.
– You think so? Isn’t it bad?
– It’s not. You are really pretty tonight.
 You blushed at his words. 
– Okay, Doyoung is there, so I need to go. Jiyong listen to uncle Jaehyun and be nice to him!
– I always am.
 You left this to to themselfs.
 Jaehyun was kinda jalous when you left. He was curious about this “doyoung” who the hell he was? Nevermind. Now he have to take care of this sweat little girl.
– Unclee! I haven’t eaten supper yet, can we do some sandwiches? Please.
– Of course we can! I’m hungry too, so we can make it, but.. You have to help me Jiyong, okay?
– Okay!
 She was so happy. It’s melting Jaehyuns heart when he saw her that happy from simplest things. He loves spending time with 5 year old girl. He would do everything for her and her mommy. 
 It’s been month since you and Doyoung was datting. He was really kind guy and Jiyong looks like was liking him. You liked it. Because you didn’t want to your daughter hates guy, who you date.
 Today is Jiyongs 6th birthday and at your place gonna be only you, Doyoung, Jiyong and Jaehyun, because party for kids gonna be in saturday. You cooked a cake for her and bought her some clothes and doll. Doyoung boiught her books about fashion, because Jiyong really enjoying fashion. You three were waiting for Jaehyun.
Aish Jaehyun.
 He hates your boyfriend. He always gives him cold stares and ingors him as most as he could. Doyoung was for him not that good. Jaehyun knew that somethings going on with guy, who “fell in love” with girl with kjid. He didn’t know what’s happening but he gonna know.
 When Jaehyun arrived everyone were sitting. He smiled at Jiyong.
– My little girl has birthday, doesn’t she? Come here Jiyong!
 He hugged her and lift her, just to turn aroung with her. He was happy, but when he say another guy his face drops a little. But he couldn’t show it, so smiles appears on his face immadietaly.
– Jaehyun, sit down. We waited with cake for you.
 You smilled at him. He nodded and take place next to your daughter. Jalous was really hiogh in him. He was mad that Doyoung was there, but he can’t help this feeling. 
 When atmoshpehere was getting better it comes time for gifts to little girl. First was you. You wished all the best for your daughter and gave her a kiss. Next was Doyoung and she said something what was shocking.
– Can you come to my fathers day competition at school?
– Of course Jiyong!
You looked at Jaehyun and at your daughter. Her eyes was shining when she was looking at Doyoung with amaze. Jaehyun face drops and his heart breaks into pieces. It was only him, who attend this kind of events. He was going to these competitions since Jiyong was 4. He get used to it. Now he was feeling really sad and bad. He took little teddy bear at the table and stand next to little girl. It was hard to him, that it’s not him now.
– Sunny I wish you all the best and health. I hope you are gonna be really happy and have good time. Also, I hope  you are gonna have the best grades! I’m really sorry, but I forgot that I have some meeting today to arrive, I’m sorry honey.
 You were shock at what you heard. You mjade sure that Jaeyun is free today and now he gotta go. Jiyong looks kinda upset too that Jaehyun was with her only half of an hour.  You didn’t really know that your daughter question made him sad and useless. 
Between you and Doyoung was okaty, but not that good as you wish. You were thikiong that maybe you need time to fall for him, but it’s been some time and you still haven’t change. 
 Today is day when fathers competition is. You and Jiyong were at school waiting for Doyoung. He should be there 15 minutes ago,. but he stiil wasn’t there. You called him.
– Shit y/n I’m sorry. I can’t be there today. I have meeting and not have much time. I’m really sorry for Jiyong.
– What? If she would knew, she gonna cry! You promised this to her. what I’m gonna do right now?
– I don’t know. I’m really sorry, but I have to go.
 About 30 miniutes this competition gonna start and you didn’t know what to do. You can’t leave her like this. Maybe Yuta? No, he is athletic, but your daughter always makje fun of him and it’s pissed him off. Maybe Jaehyun? You hesitate to call him, becuase since your daughter birthday he doesn’t contact you. With shaking hand you called him.
– y/n? What’s up? Aren’t you supposed to be at school with your dumbass boyfrend and Jiyong?
– Doyoung won’t come. Please, I need someone today. It’s breaks Jiyong heart if she not gonna be part of Father Day.
 When he heart that Doyoung left you two like this he was really pissed off. He knew that it was really important day for Jiyong as for him. He didn’t waste much time.
– I’ll be there in 10.
And he was. He arrived with smile. When 6 year old girl saw him she hugged her a lot.
– Where is Doyoubng?
– This asshole couldn’t come.
– Jaehyun! Doyoun can’t because of work, honey.
 When you were watching Jaehyun and Jiyong run, painting, and do another activitaes it makes sure to you that you love another man. And it wasn’t Doyoung. It was Jaehyun. It’s always been Jaehyun. You knew that you need to end everything with Doyoung as soon as possible.
 At the end of competitions Jaehyun and Jiyoung won and were at the first place! You couldn’t realize that you were crying at the sight. You were so proud of them. Also, Jaehyun looks so proud next to your daughter. 
 You were at Doyoungs place. He was sitting at the couch and at the same time both ouf you spoke.
– We need to end this.
– Yes, y/n you are right. I’m not used to being father and I geuss we aren’t mean to us.
– I thinlk so. You are really nice guy, but 
– You loves Jaehyun? It’s clear. 
– Yeah. I should go. I hope you find someone, who will love you and who you will love.
– Thankjs.
 You were happy that now you could face Jaehyun.
 He waz at your place taking care again of Jiyong. You asked him about this. When you arrived she was sleeping and Jaehyun was almost asleep at the couch, but when he saw you he stood up.
– I’m going now. She is asleep and  –
– I broke up with Doyoung.
 He was shocked.
– What? Why?
– I don’t love him. I love another guy.
– Damn y/n. Is there any other? How much do I have to do to make it more obvious? I love you y/n! I’m fuckin unnoticed by you by 6years now. I love you about 6 years. You have never noticed me, haven’t you? Damn and when you had started dating this jerk Doyoung I was mad. I was sad that now Jiyong would call him daddy not me. Aish, nevermind. I’m sorry, I know that you see me only as a friend and  –
– I love you Jaehyun.
– What? R-really?
– Yes! I thought you see me only as female friend who need to have someone by her side. I thought i’m out of your league.
– Shit, y/n you are amazing! You are the most prettiest woman I have ever met! And I love you and Jiyong the most in the world. Will you give us a chance?
– Of course I will!
– Now uncled Jaehyun will be my daddy? Yes! I love you daddy!
  Jiyong ran to your direction and hugged both of you. It looks so perfect. since now you have your small family.
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kingsuckjin · 5 years ago
The Enigma of Bunny |Pt. 11
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Pairing: Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin, Seokjin, Taehyung x reader featuring Namjoon and Hobi
Genre: mystery, thriller? Idk anymore.
Synopsis: You find a very sick young man in an alley and out of the bottomless barrel of kindness that is your heart, you decide take him home. Only then do you realize this stranger doesn’t speak, but that’s not the only strange thing about him by far. Who is he? Where did he come from? What happened to him? And why can’t he remember anything or even speak?
Warnings: None
Words: 4.5k
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➡My Masterlist
"So, the school definitely wouldn't be open right now- so here's what I have so far." Yoongi looked down at his phone as you sat in the driver's seat watching him and ready to listen to the information he had taken down so far. "Bunny was a trainee. He lived with his group. Went to an art school and juggled a night job. He was a happy kid until about a year before everything he began acting strange, depressed, he kept to himself, had to have had the girlfriend by then if she knew him well enough to supposedly help him through his family's death, he was on his phone a lot, probably with her. 'He had to call her all the time' those were the group guy's words, that's fucking weird but anyway... he got really bad after his family's death, seemed to cling to this weird Amanda girl, he cried a lot, showed up to work with cuts and then quit everything all at once, he didn't even show up to pick up his last check. There's two things I think we should do, the first being come back tomorrow and talk to maybe a professor and also talk to the police back home." Yoongi read off what he had typed up on his phone.
"Yoongs, I'm not driving all the way back here just to-"
"Call them you dummy. Call the school and see what you can find out." Yoongi interrupted you along with an added eye roll.
"I think we should go straight to the police, honestly this is getting weird." You admitted with a stressed sigh and ran your fingers through your hair..
"Oh so you believe my crazy theories now?" Yoongi tilted his head as he looked at you as if to say I told you so. But it was all beginning to dawn on you that his crazy theory could be right after all, you had never had a good feeling when thinking about where Jungkook was now, but you just couldn't fathom one of Yoongi's theories being right.
"It's not about who’s right and wrong, I just have a terrible feeling. I've- I've had it for a while now- I- I just didn't think it could be true..." You did, you had this strange sinking feeling in your gut that just wouldn't go away and it had only worsened as time went on. "Why didn't anyone see all this weird stuff and go to the police initially?! Why did no one care?!" You went off in frustration, pounding at the steering wheel as you drove.
"It's not that no one cared or didn't see it, it was the same reasons you had. Probably no one believed creepy shit could happen to someone they knew. See, everyone always sees this kind of stuff on the news to people they don't know, never to them or the people they care about so when it does happen it's probably hard to recognize the signs. But this does happen, it could happen to anyone." He explained
"What though? What exactly are we talking about here? What happened to him?" You asked feeling your hands already shaking. You just wanted him to confirm it one more time, to say it out loud again so it was nailed into your head.
"Y/n, I think he's been taken." The words made you feel sick. You began to sob uncontrollably and Yoongi made you pull over. You couldn't help but imagine Jungkook chained up around his wrist in the dark like he had explained in his dream once before.
"Oh god Yoongi, please don't say that." You wailed but he was was already leaned across the car console holding you.
You had let him go so long he could already be... you didn't want to think about that. Guilt ran through you as you thought about how you had made him go back, possibly to his captor. Your sweet Bunny might be somewhere hurting and dark and cold. That would mean he wasn't lying about coming back, he just couldn't.
"It will be alright, let's hope it's not true and just keep looking." Yoongi told you gently.
You waited until you your tears slowed down and dried your damp cheeks with your sleeve before beginning the trip back home. It was a long, quiet drive. You knew that when you get back you'd probably end up staying on Yoongi's sofa like you have the past few days. You hadn't really wanted to stay at your place alone because of Jimin, the psycho down stairs, the break up and now all of this. You felt like life was really starting to eat you alive and it was probably your own stupid fault.
The next morning after you woke up on Yoongi's sofa and he made you coffee, you headed home to have a moment to yourself to process all of this and make a decision as to what to do here. you sat there on your sofa staring at your phone on the table just thinking about it all.
This whole thing seemed just too much for you and Yoongi to handle, you weren't professionals, you weren't police, you weren't really detectives and this was not a game. Not only that, but you felt like time was ticking away, maybe every moment mattered.
You picked up your phone off the coffee table and made the call.
"Seoul police department." A vaguely familiar voice answered.
"I was wondering if I could speak to detective Namjoon?" Your voice cracked from nervousness a little but you cleared it and tried to push it aside.
"He's not here but can I take a message for when he gets back?" You could almost swear you had heard this officer's distinct voice before but you couldn't recall the name.
"Uh yeah tell him its y/n, y/l/n from-"
"Ohhh! Y/n or noona, I remember you. This is officer Jung, from the day you came to pick up that Jeon boy. I worked with detective Kim Namjoon on that case. Is there something I could help you with?" You now instantly remembered the cheerful officer.
"You did? That's great, then yeah there might be. Were you there when Jungkook’s girlfriend picked him up?" You asked. Was it okay to ask something like this? Did it go against some sort of confidentiality? Should you have even asked?
"Unfortunately not, we left it to the other officers, we really didn't feel the need to be there for that. Why?" He seemed curious now. You felt nervous about this and you were sure that he would just think you were crazy, but you had to do something.
"I think there's a problem."
"What kind?" He replied immediately.
"You're not going to believe me but... I was concerned."
You went on to explain everything, absolutely everything from the psychologist appointment to what the people who knew him had said.
His next words startled you.
"Do you think you could come down here? Detective Kim should be here by the time you get here. This is... it's rather strange." Officer Jung actually sounded like he might believe you.
After the phone call you got dressed but as you did so your phone began to ring nonstop. You picked it up and let out a groan at the word "boss" across the screen. You rid yourself of the annoyance in your voice and the slight fear of getting yelled at by this man for not working, and answered the phone.
"Hel-" your words were cut off by his stern, deep voice.
"Why have you not been answering my calls and texts?"
"I-I-uh…" you fumbled for an excuse.
"What more could you want from me? I've given you everything I could think of and you still refuse to do your job and you ignore me."
At his words a spark of bravery ignited inside of you.
"Frankly, Taehyung, you can take your job and shove it." You thought it would feel good to just say it, but unfortunately that spark of bravery had already abandoned you and died leaving you with nothing but nervousness.
"Is that so?" His voice seemed calm and almost amused by your little outburst. "If this is your resignation from your job then I don't accept, if you really want to quit then come see me and we can talk it over, if not, you're still employed by me and I'd appreciate it if you answer your calls and texts."
"Yes sir." You replied in defeat.
"Listen, I don't care how busy you are or what's going on in your life. When I reach out to you, you make yourself un-busy, you owe it to me, got it? I'm the single most important thing to you from here on out, understood?" His voice was firm and you could just envision him giving you that cold look of his.
"Yes sir." You replied with your voice far weaker than before.
"Good. Something needs to be done about this and we will be meeting before the week is over, I'll be in contact." And with that, the call ended.
You had a seat on the side of your bed for a moment to collect yourself until you decided to put the call behind you at least for now until you did what you needed to do right now, and that was to go to the police station.
You felt like you couldn't do it alone right now and decided that maybe Yoongi would be useful being there to so you headed right back to Yoongi's apartment and you didn't even have to beg for him to get dressed out of his pajamas at noon and come with you.
Officer Jung and detective Kim were already waiting for you when you and Yoongi arrived. Nothing was said, making you think that officer Jung had already filled detective Kim in on your story. They led you both into a small, basic white room with four chairs and a tape recorder on the rickety looking plastic topped table.
"Do either of you mind if we record this?" Detective Kim asked and you and Yoongi both shook your heads and had a seat across from them. He clicked a button on the recorder and a red light came on.
"Alright now, just start from the beginning, officer Jung has already explained everything to me but I just need it for the recording just in case this might be something very serious like you are insinuating." You were once again stunned and left wondering why and how they believed you when these accusations were even hard for you to believe.
"How much from the beginning?" You asked and looked between the serious faced officer and detective.
"To when and how you met Jungkook, I need to know everything from both of you." Detective Kim looked at you and Yoongi.
You both nodded.
"This is Sargent Jung Hoseok and Detective Kim Namjoon from the Seoul police department and we are here with Y/N Y/l/n and-"
"Min Yoongi." Yoongi replied.
"Go ahead." Detective Kim looked at you again with a reassuring smile which did nothing to settle your nerves.
You started from the beginning telling the whole story with Yoongi occasionally adding comments, and both the police officer and detective asking questions.
You had been interviewed for hours giving every detail you could, when you felt your phone going off in your pocket.You ignored it and tried to stay focused on what was being asked next, but it was hard when your phone just kept letting out little vibrations in your pocket.
"Now, this is a personal question, but we have to know everything." Detective Kim said "Did you and Jeon Jungkook ever sleep together or were you ever involved romantically during any point when he was with you?"
"Yes." You replied and swallowed hard but no one in the room seemed to bat an eye at your confession.
"When was this?" Officer Jung now asked.
"The night before he left." You let out a sigh after your reply.
"Did he say anything strange to you during that time? Did you two sleep together or did you just share your feelings with each other?" The detective asked.
You swallowed your nervousness once again as your hands shook a little. Why was talking about this so hard on you? You wiped your sweaty hands on your jeans and just left there on your thighs.
"Both. We slept together and he told me he loved me, I said it back. I guess all of that time together just... it made us close." You tried to reason why everything that night happened.
"That seems reasonable." Namjoon gave a confirming nod along with his words that helped urge you to speak more.
"He also left me a note for me to read after he left." You added, knowing you should mention it.
"Do you have the note?" Officer jung asked raising a brow at you, you could tell it had peaked his interest.
You pulled the note out of your bag and Yoongi gave you a weird look so you explained as you laid it on the table.
"I figured I might need it when you asked me to come down." You shrugged as the detective picked it up.
"May I read it? Out loud for the recording?"
"Yes." You replied to the detective who unfolded it and then began to read, making your cheeks feel hot.
Please don't be sad. I understand that you just wanted to do the right thing. You wanted me to see if I loved her and you wanted me to find out who I am, but I promise you I'll be back soon. It hurts to leave, it's scary, I hate it, but it's okay, we'll both be okay until I'm home again. I only say I'll be back because I know there's no way I could love someone as much as you, find someone as giving and caring as you. Just hold tight for me for the next few days and I'll come home to you.
Your Bunny"
"So we now have it in writing that he promised he would be back." Officer Jung said. "That's important as proof of intent on returning."
"Y/n, do you have any enemies or stalkers or maybe ex-boyfriends that might not like the idea that he was staying with you?" Namjoon asked "I know you think it could be this Amanda girl, but what about on your end? I just want to be through."
"I just got out of a relationship and the guy and I kept running into each other before hand and he even met Jungkook but I don't think he would..."
"What was his name?" Detective Kim asked right away.
"Kim Seokjin, but as I said-" you wanted to argue that he was a nice guy, that he would never want to hurt anyone but in your paranoid mind you were now seeing everyone as potential suspects.
"Just trying to be thorough." The detective reminded.
"Jimin." Yoongi said out of nowhere catching everyone's interest.
"Park Jimin, your stalker. Or even your boss, he's rich and evil enough to do something horrible like this."
"Tell us about them." Officer Jung told you. "And it's important to remember to tell us if you were romantically involved with them and how."
You began to sweat even harder. How were you even supposed to talk about what happened with your boss? You looked to Yoongi beside you, as if to curse him for even bringing it up but when you did you felt a hand take yours under the table.
"It's okay, I've got you. No one is going to judge you here." Yoongi said softly and both the detective and officer agreed.
You didn't want to, but you told them everything and hoped Taehyung wouldn't find out about it.
As they had promised, no one in the room seemed to judge you as you told them everything about your boss, Jimin and Jin.
Office Jung and Detective Kim said that they'd look into the potential suspects, and talk to Jungkook’s former group, bar, and even the school and update you with any news.
But that wasn't enough for you. When you and Yoongi got back out to your car an overwhelming feeling of frustration and helplessness ignited in you and you once again found yourself sitting in your car with Yoongi looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to burst and spill your thoughts, and you did.
"There has to be something more I can do." You sighed.
"I don't think there is. The police can handle it from here, they can do more than we could." Yoongi told you as if that were supposed to stop this suffocatingly helpless feeling you had bubbling away in you.
"So what now? I just wait?" You said it with slight anger at this now being out of your hands. You didn't regret going to professionals but it felt so out of your control now and you hated the feeling.
"Pretty much." He shrugged.
"I can't do that... I've already waited too long! What if he's hurt?! what if hes-" you began to feel panicked and trapped from feeling so helpless, your eyes began to water up.
"Y/n." Yoongi interrupted you with a firm voice "it's best not to think about that right now. You did the right thing by going to them and they took it seriously. I'm sure they'll find him."
You closed your eyes, laying your head back against the headrest and took a deep breath to calm you but snapped your eyes open at the feeling your phone go off once more.
"Who the fuck is-" you had already taken out your phone but reading the name alone on the texts was enough to stop your sentence.
"Stop cursing, it's unlike you." Yoongi scolded but you were too deep in reading the texts to reply to him. He had most likely seen your lack of reply and eyes glued to your phone and finally took notice.
You began to read some texts out loud to him.
"Jin: I'm so sorry, I didn't think things through before just leaving like that a few days ago. I was stupid. I thought about it and realized you would never do anything like that."
"Jin: will you please forgive me, baby?"
"Jin: I love you and I feel so guilty for leaving. I'll make it up to you if you let me."
"Jin: please reply, its breaking my heart. I just love you so much."
"Jin: you forgive me don't you baby?"
"What the heck?" You said in confusion.
"What? He misses you." Yoongi shrugged.
"Can you believe this guy? It's been four days and he thinks calling me baby and saying he loves me will somehow-" your confusion had turned to annoyance upon thinking about it.
"Wait." Yoongi paused and you looked at him in the now momentarily silent car as he looked to be thinking. "He told you he loves you? When did you two start saying that to each other? I thought we had a conversation about that not too long before the whole incident where you told me he hadn't said it yet and you didn't know if you were ready to." Yoongi seemed puzzled but so were you.
"Exactly. I think he thinks telling me now will get me back or something." You said with a scoff.
"And why is he calling you baby? I've been around you two enough to know he calls you cutie or lamb chop or cupcake." Yoongi pointed out.
"I don't know what he's thinking."
"Well either way you're not supposed to mention to anyone the police investigation so don't do that if you decide to take the idiot back." Yoongi, leaned back in the passenger's seat, crossed his arms and huffed.
"I know, I know. I just have a lot of stuff going on right now and I can't take him back." Your voice was weak, Jin’s texts had succeeded more than you'd like to admit at planting a tinge of guilt, or a small bit of longing for him in your mind.
"Well tell him that." Yoongi said so you began to try to write out a reply to Jin, but you deleted it and wrote out a new one before erasing that too and deciding on a simple reply. You read your reply to yoongi only after hitting send.
"I do forgive you but I just can't do this right now, Jin. I'm sorry."
Jin's reply back was immediate.
"Let's just talk this over, okay? Just come see me. If you don't want to do this right now then that's okay, I understand, but just come talk to me, baby."
Yoongi was now reading the text over your shoulder making you turn and give him a dirty look before he spoke one word quickly and rather urgently.
"Why?" You asked with your brows furrowed in confusion.
"Somethings not right."
"What? What do you mean? Don't be paranoid, Yoongs."
"I'm not, I just have a bad feeling." He said and you rolled your eyes "have I been wrong yet?"
"I don't know yet."
"Fine. Let's go see Jin. Right now. I'll stay in the car while you talk to him." Yoongi decided for you.
"It could be a while. Look, It will be alright-"
"No, what if it is Jin, huh? What if he was stalking you and that's why you kept running into him like that? You don't know what he's capable of when he's upset. What if he kidnapped Jungkook so he could run into you again and-" Yoongi spewed out his worries that felt like quite a reach to you.
"Yoongi, I've known him forever, he's not like that. Even when he gets upset it's not even that serious." You tried to reason.
"Or what if it's someone else entirely, what if its not even him texting you? Someone who doesn't know he doesn't call you baby?"
"You're being crazy! Why are you so protective over me anyway?! Why are you helping me with all of this when you like me?! What if it's you?! What if you're the only insane one?!" You went off now. You understood all of this made him worried but he was letting it make him paranoid.
"I'm helping you because I'm your friend and I care! I care about your feelings! Yeah, I like you but it doesn't matter because someone is missing and this is all so fucked up and weird! At the end of the day all I want is for you to be happy because you're kind and you've been through enough and you deserve it!" He yelled back.
You paused with your anger and frustration melting away. You stared at him in wide eyed shock until you felt tears in your eyes again.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell and make you…" Yoongi said with sincerity but you shook your head.
"No, I'm sorry. This is all a lot. Not what you said just now, everything, all these-these problems I don't know how to fix." You sniffled.
"I know." He laid a hand on your back for comfort. "But maybe if you go talk to Jin it will help solve maybe one of them."
You nodded.
"You can come with me, it shouldn't take too long." You started your car and gave into his worrying. What he was asking wasn't much, plus you felt bad for calling him crazy.
"What exactly is his address?" Yoongi asked and you told him but of course asked why.
"I don't know, I thought you mentioned he lived the other way across town, my mistake." He muttered while looking at his phone.
"I thought about moving there, those are some really nice apartments but now that... it's over with Jin and I... you know, I don't really want to live next to him."
"Well you don't know that. He seems to know he messed up. Maybe after everything settles down..." he trailed off.
"I-I can't." You admitted.
"I figured. I understand you're still waiting." Yoongi did seem to understand, just like he always did.
"Thank you." You announced before taking another deep and calming breath and to rid yourself of nervousness and worry, not only from everything today, but also from heading over to see your now ex boyfriend to talk.
"For being so concerned about me all the time, for helping me every time I need it, for just being there. I know you like me and I'm sorry-" you wanted to try to talk about it, to let him know you hadn't ignored his confession, but he didn't seem to want that.
"No. No, it's no problem. You're kind of the only friend I have and I really don't want to ever mess that up. I've thought about it before and if you did like me and we did end up dating one of us would screw it up because that's honestly what we're good at doing in relationships from what I've noticed, so it's no big deal." He told you.
"I'm- I'm your only friend?" You asked with a bit of a smile.
"Yeah, I'm kind of not a people person in case you haven't noticed." He muttered ad you couldn't help but laugh a little at how true that was.
"That's kind of cute that I'm your only friend." You were now grinning.
"Shut up. I'm your only friend too."
"Oh. Oh yeah." You said in realization.
He then muttered something.
"What?" You asked him wondering of you said what you thought he did.
"I said and I like your polka dot umbrella, its cute! Damn, listen better." He said loudly and defensively.
"I can't when you mutter everything." You said but you laughed at what he had just told you about your umbrella. "I'll get you a matching one for your birthday."
"You better not." He replied dryly but with a hint of a small smile.
The car was silent for a little bit before he spoke again.
"You don't owe him a conversation, he left you like an idiot."
"I know Yoongs, I'd still like to be on good terms with him though. Not a fan of people hating me."
"If we just go home now I'll pay for pizza and let you pick the toppings this time." He offered but you just sighed and shook your head as you drove. "I'm afraid of you getting hurt, not even like me being crazy and accusing him of things, but...emotionally hurt from him again."
"I promise, I'm over it already. I'm over Seokjin." You assured him. "Plus we're almost there anyway, might as well go."
"Alright." Yoongi sighed in defeat.
@rikkafunthepureone @illnevertrustmyselfagain @sam-moss @minyoongi-infiresme @appreciatethefoolishness @sugajinny @loserjeonjk @im-emo-motherfuckers @savanna-1 @bulletproof-points @ddaengyoonmin @adelina1299 @hyungwonopex @jeonsclit @dinorahrodriguez @aaaaamnaaa @wildbeest55 @youraveragealto @weebasaurusrex @amudot @rhayad @m1lktae @arcofpiper @curlykoo @ilvebeenabad @liviaolivia @vampire-jimin @treatpeoplewithkindnesshoe @monsterwoosboo @obeythehemmings @jimintaelove @heyitsayjayy @peachy-bhun @ruinedbyjin @busansgloss @mikaisthicc @kassandravictoria @wifeofkimtaehyungofbts @a-kookie-with-my-tae @nooooooooona @exochanyeoltao @pastel-devil-06 @myownescapetowonderland @aylinruiz18 @madjammil @valleyvictoria @chloefran
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on-stand-bi-help · 4 years ago
So I this are just a bunch of texts that I sent my cousin and I thought why not post it on Tumblr as well!
Please do not take this seriously this is just some really bad comedy. Hope you enjoy. (Also this does have swear words and I mean a lot of swear words so you have been warned.)
Ok I haven’t edit this at all so sorry for my grammar and sorry if this doesn’t make sense
So a new MLB episode came out and it’s a special? Idk to be honest but here are my thoughts cause I want you to watch it! So there is a fucking new intro! It reminds me of the old Barbie movies intros not gonna lie but I guess it’s kinda cool.
Ok so their flying abilities or powers or whatever look really weird and I don’t like them. Alya showing the camera back and forth gave me a headache.
Ok but Ladybugs knowing about roses and their meanings gives me fanfic vibes not gonna lie. Chat trying his best too whoo Ladybug and respecting their boundaries (which she made by the way) freaking adorable not gonna lie. Chat being flustered fuck I just realized how much I missed him. Ugh Ladybug’s soft look and as soon as she leaves Chat’s soft look fuck they are adorable omg. Ok Chat saying that he needs to give himself some flowers cause he is amazing. 100% agree 10/10 you deserve it. TREAT YO SELF!
Ugh definitely did not miss Marinette’s obsession with Adrien omg. She’s really trying to lie to tikki bro you’re with her all the time. You can’t lie to her plus she’s been alive since the beginning of the universe and you’re telling me you are honestly trying to lie to her. God damnit Marinette you are such a dumbass.
God damn I saw on tumblr people comparing Draco to Chloe and I’m like bro Draco is a meme and a great character. Chloe is a bitch who is so fucking annoying.
Can you imagine there is a whole episode where the class has to take care of the baby (for whatever reason) and all of them freaking out cause this baby is too precious and Alya coming in and saving the day and being like guys calm down. It’s all good. Nino fucking going soft trying to help Alya as best as he can. Marinette and Adrien never doing this before so both of them are super flustered and nervous! God I WOULD LITERALLY KILL FOR THAT EPISODE NOW HOLY SHIT!!!
Ok damn Kim really ain’t holding back like chill dude. He really just told the principal that the science teacher isn’t cool. You tell that to your friends not the fucking principal. You dumbass.
LILA IS HERE FUCK!!! God not only do I have to deal with Chloe’s bullshit but Lila’s too omg. Ok idk if it’s the website that I’m watching it in but their voices sound weird and I hope it’s just the website and not the actual episode.
Marinette shut the fuck up ADRIEN WAS TALKING BITCH!!! YOU INTERRUPTED HIM!!! Lmao nice save Marinette talking about the film to distract everyone from the fact that you like Adrien. GOD DAMNIT ADRIEN’S SOFT LOOK FUCK!!! HE LOVES HER SO MUCH BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW IT YET OMG!!! GOD DAMN!!! Lmao Lila’s face! Yeah fuck you Lila! Bitchass!
So Marinette is telling everyone that she is over Adrien. Alya isn’t falling for this bullshit! Love that. Marinette, why are you lying just ask them to help you move on. Like I can see the effort but I don’t understand why you are lying about it if you aren’t completely over him. Like bruh. ALEX REALLY SAID “No kidding” to when Marinette said that she was acting crazy. YES ALEX QUEEN! CALL HER OUT! Marinette saying that she just wants to be friends with him and not in love with him. (ARE WE FINALLY GETTING THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT THAT WE ALL DESERVE HOLY SHIT IM LIVING!) Nope nvm she’s still on her bullshit. Did Alya just say that if Marinette will be ok with her and Adrien going to New York together because it may be too romantic. Like Bitch YOU GUYS LIVE IN PARIS! I'M SURE SHE WILL BE FINE!
DAMN! Lmao Marinette trying to look tough that’s so funny to me! Who you trying to scare bitch cause you ain’t fooling anyone. Bruh Gabriel really friendzoned Marinette for Adrien lmao! Omg I love that. Fuck. I hate Gabriel so much.
Marinette you are so annoying. Where’s Ladybug?! SHE’S SO MUCH BETTER! HOLY SHIT IT’S LADYBUG! OK BUT THAT SCENERY LOOKS SO ROMANTIC! Wait yeah both of them are going to New York like who is going to protect the city?! Oh shit nvm I’m a dumbass hawk moth is going too. Lmao! I’m an idiot! Ok BUT THAT WEIRD BUTTON THING IS ADORABLE OMG!!! AWWW! LIKE WTF!! I WANT ONE! BRUH HOW CAN SHE NOT LIKE CHAT NOIR WTF IS WRONG WITH HER!!! GODAMNIT!
Gabriel really said Surprise bitch to Adrien lmao. Damn poor Gorilla. I can’t believe he still doesn’t have a fucking name godamnit. Lmao I love plagg. Ew god damnit fuck you GABRIEL!
OMG LUKAAAAA! Marinette fucking date him already wtf. He is literally biking your stupid ass to catch up to the bus. GOD LUKA DESERVES BETTER! Marinette you always fucking ruin the moment fuck you. Fuck you. AGAIN LUKA DESERVES BETTER! Luka honey no don’t look at her like that you deserve better. Flashback to the perks of being a wallflower quote, “We accept the love we think we deserve” FUCK YOU BRAIN WHY YOU DO ME LIKE THIS!!
ALYA IS A TRUE FRIEND!!! Bro my friends would be laughing their ass off and making funny faces at the window instead of asking the teachers to stop the bus. HE WAS CARRYING HER SUITCASE TOO OMG! BRO LUKA HAS SOME STRONG ASS LEGS LIKE DAMN!!! Luka then says, “You know what’s important Marinette, that this trip gives you some clarity.” PLEASE GOD THAT SHE FALLS FOR CAT NOIR!!! PLEASE THAT SHE STARTS LIKING HIM!!! PLEASE! BITCH WHY KISS HIM ON THE CHEEK OMG WHY?! He likes you and you decide to kiss him on the cheek. Bro you are just making him fall for you more. Goddammit you are an idiot.
Bruh one look at Adrien and she becomes a tomato god damn. Am I being hard on Marinette cause she reminds me of me. NO WTF!!! Shut up! (At least I’m not a stalker or someone who gets obsessed with my crush in obnoxious ways.)
I JUST REALIZED THIS IS A MOVIE!!! 12 minutes in and I just realized this is a movie. I AM AN IDIOT!!! God I’m so dumb lol. Ok this animation not gonna lie is kinda good.
He really yelled at Marinette in front of everybody in a plane huh. That’s so funny. Also he sounded like such a jock like wtf was that. Lmao Alya and Nino just looking at them like yessss our ship!!! (Alya and Nino are such a mood) This movie is literally like a fucking fan fiction. Adrien, “Oh yeah you’re sitting next to me!” Marinette fucking panicking. Omg this is literally a fanfic. I can’t! I love this omg. I LOVE ALYA SO MUCH OMG!!! Did Marinette just call Adrien her husband. YOU’RE LIKE 14 SHUT UP!!! PLEASE!!! How can you confuse husband with friend. Ok this just confirms that Marinette constantly daydreams to herself and tells herself that Adrien is her husband. Girl, GIRL YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HIM VERY WELL. SHE’S NOT EVEN IN LOVE SHE’S JUST FASCINATED WITH THE IDEA OF HIM. Ugh this is why I don’t like the idea of Marinette and Adrien or Ladybug and Adrien being together. Like she barely knows him and she counts that as love. Jesus. Lmao Gorilla has and will always ship Marinette and Adrien together. You can not change my mind.
Brooo if Marinette had a penis she would definitely have gotten a boner when Adrien fell on her. WHY IS MARINETTE LIKE THIS?! (Ok yes if my crush not that I have one but if I did I would probably do all the shit she is doing but I wouldn’t run away I would fucking just be in shock and freeze. Probably idk. THIS IS GIVING ME TO MUCH SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ACT NORMAL FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE.) Did Alya just say that “New York is the most romantic place in the world!” AGAIN YOU LIVE IN PARIS!!! OH SHIT NVM. I paused it too soon. She continues by saying, “After Paris obviously.” Ok my bad. Ok are we talking about the same New York cause New York isn’t that romantic. Then again what do I know. Marinette FUCK YOU!!! YOU COULD HAVE SAT WITH ADRIEN AND NOW YOU HAVE TO SIT WITH THE FUCKING PRINCIPLE. Lmao this is giving me fucking Spider-Man Far From Home flashbacks. Bro Adrien looks so disappointed. FUCK YOU MARINETTE! Bro gorilla is such a mood. Putting a 10 for both having a fear of flying and for needing relaxation. Wait why doesn’t he have eyebrows? I just realized that. I mean I knew but like I didn’t realize idk if that makes sense.
Dude the principal sleeping on Marinette THAT HAPPENED IN FAR FROM HOME!!! Wait a damn minute in Far From Home Peter lives in New York and goes somewhere in Europe (I forgot where) AND MARINETTE LIVES IN FRANCE AND SHE GOES TO NEW YORK!!! Not only that but these are both superhero movies and they are both in love with someone except here Marinette is trying to get over Adrien while Peter Parker was trying to win over MJ. OK SOMEONE ON THE CREATIVE TEAM LITERALLY WATCHED FAR FROM HOME AND SAID YES LET’S DO THIS BUT THE OPPOSITE. I CAN’T THIS IS SO FUNNY!
Dude I literally thought she said shit for a second I WAS LIKE WHAT?! But she said shoot. I really hope that’s not toilet water on her shirt. MARINETTE YOU HAVE A NAPKIN? OR TOILET PAPER ON YOUR HAIR?! GET THAT SHIT OUT OF THERE?!
Awww the sunset is so pretty. And Adrien is going to come in 3 2 1. Right on time. Adrien, “It's beautiful isn’t it?” I’m expecting Marinette to say, “Yeah but so are you.” and immediately regretting afterwards. Nvm she trips on him instead. Should have seen that coming. Ok now they are looking out the window again. This frame would be so cute if she didn’t have that stupid Toilet paper in her hair. Bruh Adrien just stands next to her and doesn’t even mention the Toilet paper on her hair. Adrien be like, “Yup just me and my fashionista friend Marinette looking at the window. Oh she has a piece of toilet paper in her hair. Damn must be a new trend I don’t know about. That’s kinda sus cause I am a model but whatever she knows more about fashion then I do so it’s all good.” (Not an actual quote.) Damn Alya and Nino ship them so much. Ok but what a mood!
Adrien says, “You're always willing to take a chance on something or someone even when no one else is.” Yeah bruh it’s because she is ladybug, I mean come on how do you not realize. Adrien really smirked at her whole shit! Adrien continues by saying, “You got something Marinette.” Marinette asks, “Something?” WAIT HOLD UP ISN’T HE DATING KAGAMI!!! WAIT IS MARINETTE A HOMEWRECKER!!! I’m kidding. Ok not really. Wait is Adrien a cheater like what?! Adrien continues by saying, “Yeah there in your hair.” He grabs the fucking piece of toilet paper. I LITERALLY FORGOT IT WAS THERE AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING!!! GOD I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!
Alya is a mood, “I can’t decide if they are the cutest people I know or the most embarrassing.” Literally me whenever I watch Miraculous ladybug. Also this literally sounds like something fanfic Alya would say. Not canon Alya. But I really love how they let Alya say that. Good call team! Omg Nino continues with, “Yeah I love Adrien but he is like a baby chick that just started cracking out of his egg he has a hard time understanding the signals people send them.” THIS LITERALLY SOUNDS LIKE A FANFIC AND I LOVE IT!!! OMG!!! I LOVE OPERATION NEW YORK OMG!!! YESSSSSSSS!!! ALYA AND NINO ARE LITERALLY OUR SAVIORS!!! GOD DAMN I LOVE THEM!!! ADRIEN HUGGED HER AWWWWW!!! I LOVE HIM!
THERE’S ANOTHER SUPER VILLAIN WTF!!! He really wants to kill the people huh. I mean he must be pure evil cause he literally is tearing the airplane apart. He really said: There's tons of people in this airplane huh. Welp I really need this technology so I guess they have to die!
DUDE WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GIRL? I can’t tell if she is a robot or a superhero! MAYBE BOTH!!! ALYA IS SUCH A SUPERHERO NERD I LOVE HER!!! OK this other girl superhero is literally captain marvel. She’s not Majestia (idk if that’s how you spell it) nah she’s captain marvel. LMAO WHEN CAPTAIN MARVEL MAKES AN APPEARANCE IN THE MLB MOVIE AND DOESN’T HAVE THE AUDACITY TO HELP OUT PETER PARKER IN HIS FIELD TRIP!! DAMN!!! SHE REALLY SAID FUCK YOU PETER! MLB FANDOM NEEDS ME MORE THAT YOU DO!! LIKE GURL PETER IS HAVING AN EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN CAUSE HIS 3rd father figure died!!! Then again she is saving an airplane fool of people but I’m sure you could have made a quick stop to give Peter some advice but whatever.
God I hate the principal.
CAPTAIN MARVEL REALLY SAID I HAVE TO SAVE MY ROBOT WIFE FROM THAT BOMB!! And she fucking blew the bomb away from her face. DUDE THERE IS SO MANY NEW SUPERHEROES HOLY CRAP!!! Ok including the Captain Marvel and the robot there’s 2 more but that’s more than Paris soooooo. WAIT CAPTAIN MARVEL JUST CALLED HER ROBOT DARLING!!! I was joking, I didn’t think they were together. OK I SHIP IT! Captain Marvel, “Are you alright darling?” (Giving me Spinderella and Netasha vibes not gonna lie) STOPPED IT TOO SOON!!! ROBOT JUST CALLED CAPTAIN MARVEL HER MOTHER!!! ABORT ABORT SHIP!!! I regret making all the comments that I just have made. So ignore them. I no longer ship them. Aw they have such a quote MOTHER AND DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP!!! They are hugging each other. Adorable.
Bruh Adrien and Marinette are talking openly to plagg and tikki like could you guys be more obvious. Like shut up.
So apparently there’s a superhero for everything in USA. Um I wish if there was USA wouldn’t be as shitty as it is now.
I love Nino and Alya, that's all I’m going to say.
Also the superheros have a code word for the French students and it’s literally ‘the little croissants’ I LOVE THAT OMG!!! WHO CAME UP WITH THAT CODE CAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!”
Ok turns out Robot girl can actually turn into a regular girl. SO THAT’S COOL!
How is it possible that Adrien and Marinette can’t figure out how the doors work like what?! Ok why the fuck is Adrien constantly catching Marinette every time she falls. Like he isn’t even close to her and he fucking races and catches her. Right he obviously doesn’t like her. Yup I definitely believe that bullshit.
Lmao the robot girl took one look at dumbass Marinette and stupidass Adrien and said, “Those 2 are made for each other.” That’s so funny. Ok robot girl is friends with a girl that has some weird ass earrings (dare I say lesbian). And they both are in school so I’m pretty sure they are the same age. SO I SHIP THEM!!! Grumpy girlfriend and super happy robot girlfriend. ADORABLE!
Lmao they are already going to a party bruh. They just got off of a plane and they almost died. And you’re telling me that they aren’t slightly jet lagged or even a little tired. Bruh come on.
Bro the teacher looks at the hallway and nods cause she notices that all the lights are off in the room and no one is talking and she leaves. And immediately all the doors open and everyone is sneaking off to the party. BROOO THIS REMINDS ME OF NHI LOL!!! So the teacher suddenly pops out and asks what’s that noise and they all go into different rooms. The teacher doesn’t notice. And of course Marinette goes into the room with Adrien but on accident, and for a second I thought she was touching his pee pee but no she was just touching his lower stomach lol. They both look at each other and Marinette gets flustered and Adrien smiles softly at her. And she immediately gets away from him and they end up in the same room as ROBOT GIRL AND HER LESBIAN GIRLFRIEND!!! Robot girl is shipping them so hard while her girlfriend is glaring at them.
Omg the dialogue in this movie is fucking amazing. Marinette says, “Is it a bird?” Adrien, “Is it a plane?” Sabrina’s soon to be boyfriend, “No IT’S HOT DOG DAN!” Like bitch why is the hot dog cart flying like wtf?! Dude is this how French people see Americans because you know what?! THAT SOUNDS about right. If USA ever gets superhero’s we PROBABLY WOULD HAVE A SUPERHERO WHO SERVES FUCKING HOT DOGS!!! Damn this movie is pretty fucking realistic. The Americans are fucking thirsty for some hot dogs they literally run over Adrien and Marinette like damn ok yes a lot of Americans like hot dogs but we aren’t animals. Turns out the hot dogs are magical. ROSE LITERALLY GOT SUPER STRENGTH AND WAS ABLE TO LIFT UP IVAN!!! QUEEN!!! AW Sabrina got long ass hair like Rapunzel but it’s brown for some reason.
There’s 2 hot dogs left and Nino take initiative and pays for the hot dog and says, “Not a problem. My girl and I can have one and you 2 can have the other.” Damn this really is a fanfic huh. Then again I doubt a fanfic would have them sharing a fucking magical hot dog. Lol! This movie is nuts. They ate the hot dogs (nvm they took a bite of the hotdog and they dropped it on the floor) and they started floating. They grab hands and they are trying not to freak out.
Meanwhile ALYA AND NINO ALL THE FUCKING GET IS THESE HIGH PITCHED VOICES LIKE BRUH. Also Nino ships them so much omg! BRUH HOT DOG DAN EVEN SHIPS THEM! I mean he doesn’t say anything he just looks at them and smiles.
Omg Alya asked Robot’s girlfriend to set the mood with a song! And Robot’s girlfriend is like yeah sure thing. This movie is surreal.
Bruh Adrien literally just repeated what I typed. HE JUST ASKED MARINETTE IF SHE COULD DANCE WITH HIM!!! They are floating and the moon is shining bright on them (Nice job Yue; setting the scene for us I see) and he extends his hand. She starts floating backwards cause she’s freaking out (What a surprise 😒). He grabs her hand and brings her closer to him. WHAT FANFIC AUTHOR WAS ABLE TO GET A FUCKING HIGH BUDGET TO MAKE THIS MOVIE BECAUSE THIS DOESNT FEEL LIKE AN MLB EPISODE!!!
ALSO Marinette is looking at Adrien in a way that makes her look like a Tim burton cartoon character lol. SHE FINALLY GIVES IN AND DANCES WITH HIM IN FRONT OF THE MOON!!! (They aren’t even dancing to be honest they are literally just hugging each other really closely and spinning) BUT ITS ADORABLE SO I FORGIVE THEM!
Lmao they zoom out of the roof party and you just see in the fucking corner Kim and some other dude having a push-up contest. They showed that in the beginning when Alya, Nino, Marinette and Adrien were entering the party. I just wasn’t expecting that in this whole time Kim and the other guy still continued the push-up contest omg. (This is the first 29 minutes and my hand is tired sooo I’m not gonna write anymore)
If anyone wants me to continue I will but I doubt anybody is going to see this post so yeah! Anyway if someone actually read this PROPS TO YOU DUDE!!! HOPE I DIDNT WASTE YOUR TIME!!! HAVE A GOOD YEAR!!!
Edit: I think Robot girl and girl with weird earrings are sisters soooooo I don’t ship them anymore. (I’m honestly really confused are they siblings or not?!)
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oshbluepacific · 5 years ago
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Type: fluff
Character: Kim Taehyung (Mafia Au!) x Reader
Words Counted: 2k+
questions and request are available / masterlist
What’s wrong with casino night? Everything.
You sat at your table, looking around the place, feeling bored, accompanied with a half empty glass of champagne. You let out a sigh before searching for the man you came here with.
 There he is.
 You watched him as he cheered and laughed with the people besides him, before looking back at the table. It was his mullet that made him stand out form the crowd.
 That man is your husband.
That man is Kim Taehyung.
 You eloped with Taehyung 2 months ago and it was through an arrange marriage from both yours and Taehyung’s parents. You knew Taehyung from a young age. Taehyung was that friend that your parents wanted you to marry, and they got that.
When your parents told you that you’re going to marry Taehyung, you were okay at first, but the more your think about it, the more awkward you thought about it.
But it turns out okay, you laughed with Taehyung through out the wedding day, but once you were both behind closed doors, it was a bit awkward for you.
 “What now?” Tahyung asked. And you lift both of your shoulders.
“Let’s just wash up and get ready for bed.” You told him, and you both did.
 You both sleep in two different bedrooms because it was still awkward for the both pop you. Some of the times, one of you fall asleep in the others bedroom and it was okay as well.
Taehyung was the kind of husband that wanted nothing bad happen to his family, and he would do anything to protect those he loves.
 Taehyung lift his eyes, and he spotted you. He gave you a smile and you replied the same. You then looked away before getting up from your chair, straighten the dress you were wearing and went to the bathroom for a quick touch up.
You washed your hands and dried with with paper towel, before you startled when group of girls walked in, laughing before hogging the mirror pushing you to the side.
“Excuse.” One of the girl with green dress said, pushing you aside.
You were irritated but you moved any way.
 “Did you see that guy in front of the bathroom? Ugh, he’s so cute.” Said one with Red dress.
“I know right? I’ll ask daddy if he knows him, and maybe daddy can arrange me a marriage.” Green dress said.
“He looks familiar, I think I’ve seen him before—Oh! it was when my father asked to come to a meeting with him! I saw him! And I think his father introduced me to him!” One with white dress said.
“Really? What’s his name?” green asked.
“I believe it was Taehyung? Taeyoung? I forgot! but it was somewhat close to that.” White said.
You pursed your lips together, they’ve been talking about Taehyung all that time.
“What I know for sure is that he came here alone, he’s been betting on a table with a bunch of guys all night long.”
 False guys, he came here with me.
 “I’m going to try and talk to to him, later, maybe he’ll take me home.” Green giggled.
“Ladies! Who is that guy in front? He looks delicious!” Suddenly A pink dress woman bursted in.
“We’ve been talking about him!” Red expressed excitedly.
“Oh, if only I came here alone I would probably go up and talk to him.” Blue dress sighed.
There was a moment of silent in the bathroom and you use this opportunity to finish.
“Excuse me.” One said, and you just turned.
It was red dress.
“Mind leaving the bathroom, I feel like you’ve just been listening to us, and nothing else.
You smiled at her and nodded your head before leaving the bathroom.
 “Hey.” Taehyung moved closer to you and you just hold his arms.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“I saw you laving the table, so I followed you, and… yeah.” He explained, and you just chuckled in response.
“I thought you were leaving without telling me.” Taehyung said.
“Well, I might, because this place is starting to kill.” You told him, walking a bit farther from the bathroom.
“Do you want to go home?” Taehyung asked, following you.
You nodded your head.
“Okay, just wait a little bit longer, I feel like I’m nailing this meeting.” He told you. “Or do you want to go home first?”
You shook your head. “I’m not leaving without you.” You stated and Taehyung nodded his head with a smile.
“But I want you to stay close by alright?”
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I just don’t want to lose sight of you. I’m scared.” Taehyung told you, and you could feel your cheeks turing pink.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You told him.
He just smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I should get back there, remember…” He said, as he was parting from you.
“Stay in your sight.” You smiled, and he went back to the crowded table.
You let out a sigh and you looked around the room.  You saw a far less crowded table and you decided to do what Taehyung told you to do.
 “All alone ma’am?” The man behind the table asked, as he was playing tricks with a deck of cards.
“Let’s just wait until someone is joining.” You told him with a smile.
The man gave you a glass of wine and you happily accept it.
Not long after, a man who looks like he’s in his 60’s joined the table alongside with two of his side women you thought.
He placed his bet, and you did as well.
“You can play doll?” The man asked, popping a cigar to his mouth.
The man gave you piled of chips and also to the man.
“Let’s just see sir.” You smiled.”
 first round turns into the second, then third. You were practically robbing this man.
“My god doll, you’re sucking all of the money out of my pocket!” He expressed, and you just smiled, raising your eyebrow.
“Hey, can we join?” A voice that sounded familiar but you didn’t know who it belongs to.
You turn to the girls you saw in the bathroom.
“Yeah.” You answered, turning back to the table.
“Oh you dolls can play, I’m leaving, you might want to keep your money to a minimum, because this doll right here is a fantastic player!” The man exclaimed and you just laughed.
“Thank you for playing with me sir.” You thanked him.
“Oh! Thank you for telling me that my gambling days are over!” He laughed and you joined in before he could left the table
All the girls proceed to their chair as you try to compose yourself.
All the girls place their bets and you did yourself.
The man behind the table explained the basic rule before beginning.
“So, you came by yourself?” The girl with blue dress asked.
You wanted to tell them that you came here with someone, but you have a better idea in your mind.
“No, I came here alone.” You lied. “I came to just have some fun, you know… after work and stuff.” You told them.
“Well what were you doing with Kim Taehyung?” The girl with white dress asked.
“Well what you should know is that it’s none of your damn business.” You smiled as you threw a card to the table.
“None of your business.” You quickly reply with a smug on your face.
 You played another four rounds and you were robbing The Rainbow (yes you’re calling them The Rainbow). Your table suddenly got so crowded during the third round that you regret the decision of playing.
this fourth round is your last, because you didn’t like the attention around you. It was all down to you and the girl in green dress. She looked at you, as if there’s something written on your forehead telling her what’s your next move.
“Come on! What are you waiting for?” The white dress asked her friend, and you just rolled your eyes.
She then revealed all her cards and your heart jumped.
“HAH!” You then revealed yours, showing that you got the upper hands.
“Baller!” You cheered and the crowd clapped and cheered. The man took the chips from the table and exchanged it into cash and you took it. You squeezed through the crowd while a lot of them compliments and congratulates you.
Ad you were about to head to the bar, you felt someone tugged your arm.
“Hey, I’m not done talking to you.” It was the girl with the green dress.
“Oh, if you want to walk then talk, you didn’t need to join the game and blow your money to me you know.” You told her.
“I don’t care about the money, I’m crazy rich—but I just want to tell you stay the hell away from Kim Taehyung!” She told you.
“Who are you?” You asked her.
“Are you seriously asking me that?” She scoffed, and you lift both of your shoulder.
“My daddy is in the mafia, he owns one of the biggest company in this country, and he can easily command one of his guy to track you down and do whatever I ask them to.” She said to you.
You raised your eyebrow and smiled.
“Have you ever thought who I am?” You asked. And she shook her head. “I don’t need to, I know who you are already.” She told you.
“Oh really?” You asked, acting surprised.
“Yeah, you just someone in the crowd, who got lucky to be in here.” She told you.
And you just pursed your lips.
“Hey.” You suddenly heard Taehyung behind you.
You turned around and you opened your mouth but the girl behind you suddenly walked in front of you.
“Hi Taehyung!” She greeted him.
Taehyung was confused, he turned to you quickly and you just lift your shoulders.
“Hi…” Taehyung greeted her, feeling a bit confused.
“So, what are you up to?” She asked.
“I just finished a meeting and I want to see what the crowd is all about but I guess I missed the party.” Taehyung explained, and she just giggled, gently hitting Taehyung arm.
“Oh silly! It was just a stupid game.” She told him.
“Oh? Did you win?” Taehyung asked, teasingly.
“Oh, of course! But my friends wanted to play some more, I need a drink… care to join?” She asked, with a  smile as she walk towards the bar.
Taehyung hold out his hand, shaking his head.
“Oh, no thank you… I think I’m just going to get home.” He said, turning his heel.
“Oh, well then, how about we just get out of this place, and… have a drink at your place?” She asked, walking back closer to Taehyung.
“No thank you, I actually came here with someone important.” Taehyung said, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Oh, and who could that be?” She asked, pouting her lip.
Taehyung looked over his shoulder looking at you with a gentle smile before offering his hand to you.
“Ready to head home wifey?” Taehyung asked and you grinned before taking his hand.
The girl looked at you with utter horror.
“You bet!” You smiled.
You hooked your arm around his and you smiled at the girl in from of you.
“Now, excuse us, but we’re about to leave…” You told her.
“And don’t worry, if your daddy tracked me down, I’ll greet him warmly.” You smiled before walking past her, leaving her in awe.
 “Who was that?” Taehyung chuckled as you both were away from her.
“Oh, just someone who was jealous because I was talking to you and who had  the balls to threaten my life because his daddy is in the mafia.” You chuckled.
Taehyung laughed.
“Did she?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah, she said I was nobody who got lucky to be here.” You rolled your eyes, and Taehyung just laughed even more.
“Oh? well she got that wrong didn’t she?” Taehyung asked, and you lift both of your shoulders.
Taehyung shook his head before putting his hand on your waist.
“Well, I can tell that she got that one super wrong.” He said.
“Even if I weren’t married to you, I would still choose you over her.” He added before kiss your cheek.
 That was the first time Taehyugn ever kissed you—ever. You won a lot of games tonight, round after round, but never really felt like you truly won.
But having Taehyung by your side, holding you securely, you truly felt like you were ballin’ tonight.
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