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violetsgayhouse · 1 year ago
YOU comfort yourself during period cramps by imagining your F/Os giving you heatpads and tea. I comfort myself by imagining them giving me a at-home hysterotomy so I never experience the pain again. we are not the same
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oshbluepacific · 5 years ago
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Type: fluff
Character: Kim Taehyung (Mafia Au!) x Reader
Words Counted: 2k+
questions and request are available / masterlist
What’s wrong with casino night? Everything.
You sat at your table, looking around the place, feeling bored, accompanied with a half empty glass of champagne. You let out a sigh before searching for the man you came here with.
 There he is.
 You watched him as he cheered and laughed with the people besides him, before looking back at the table. It was his mullet that made him stand out form the crowd.
 That man is your husband.
That man is Kim Taehyung.
 You eloped with Taehyung 2 months ago and it was through an arrange marriage from both yours and Taehyung’s parents. You knew Taehyung from a young age. Taehyung was that friend that your parents wanted you to marry, and they got that.
When your parents told you that you’re going to marry Taehyung, you were okay at first, but the more your think about it, the more awkward you thought about it.
But it turns out okay, you laughed with Taehyung through out the wedding day, but once you were both behind closed doors, it was a bit awkward for you.
 “What now?” Tahyung asked. And you lift both of your shoulders.
“Let’s just wash up and get ready for bed.” You told him, and you both did.
 You both sleep in two different bedrooms because it was still awkward for the both pop you. Some of the times, one of you fall asleep in the others bedroom and it was okay as well.
Taehyung was the kind of husband that wanted nothing bad happen to his family, and he would do anything to protect those he loves.
 Taehyung lift his eyes, and he spotted you. He gave you a smile and you replied the same. You then looked away before getting up from your chair, straighten the dress you were wearing and went to the bathroom for a quick touch up.
You washed your hands and dried with with paper towel, before you startled when group of girls walked in, laughing before hogging the mirror pushing you to the side.
“Excuse.” One of the girl with green dress said, pushing you aside.
You were irritated but you moved any way.
 “Did you see that guy in front of the bathroom? Ugh, he’s so cute.” Said one with Red dress.
“I know right? I’ll ask daddy if he knows him, and maybe daddy can arrange me a marriage.” Green dress said.
“He looks familiar, I think I’ve seen him before—Oh! it was when my father asked to come to a meeting with him! I saw him! And I think his father introduced me to him!” One with white dress said.
“Really? What’s his name?” green asked.
“I believe it was Taehyung? Taeyoung? I forgot! but it was somewhat close to that.” White said.
You pursed your lips together, they’ve been talking about Taehyung all that time.
“What I know for sure is that he came here alone, he’s been betting on a table with a bunch of guys all night long.”
 False guys, he came here with me.
 “I’m going to try and talk to to him, later, maybe he’ll take me home.” Green giggled.
“Ladies! Who is that guy in front? He looks delicious!” Suddenly A pink dress woman bursted in.
“We’ve been talking about him!” Red expressed excitedly.
“Oh, if only I came here alone I would probably go up and talk to him.” Blue dress sighed.
There was a moment of silent in the bathroom and you use this opportunity to finish.
“Excuse me.” One said, and you just turned.
It was red dress.
“Mind leaving the bathroom, I feel like you’ve just been listening to us, and nothing else.
You smiled at her and nodded your head before leaving the bathroom.
 “Hey.” Taehyung moved closer to you and you just hold his arms.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“I saw you laving the table, so I followed you, and… yeah.” He explained, and you just chuckled in response.
“I thought you were leaving without telling me.” Taehyung said.
“Well, I might, because this place is starting to kill.” You told him, walking a bit farther from the bathroom.
“Do you want to go home?” Taehyung asked, following you.
You nodded your head.
“Okay, just wait a little bit longer, I feel like I’m nailing this meeting.” He told you. “Or do you want to go home first?”
You shook your head. “I’m not leaving without you.” You stated and Taehyung nodded his head with a smile.
“But I want you to stay close by alright?”
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I just don’t want to lose sight of you. I’m scared.” Taehyung told you, and you could feel your cheeks turing pink.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You told him.
He just smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I should get back there, remember…” He said, as he was parting from you.
“Stay in your sight.” You smiled, and he went back to the crowded table.
You let out a sigh and you looked around the room.  You saw a far less crowded table and you decided to do what Taehyung told you to do.
 “All alone ma’am?” The man behind the table asked, as he was playing tricks with a deck of cards.
“Let’s just wait until someone is joining.” You told him with a smile.
The man gave you a glass of wine and you happily accept it.
Not long after, a man who looks like he’s in his 60’s joined the table alongside with two of his side women you thought.
He placed his bet, and you did as well.
“You can play doll?” The man asked, popping a cigar to his mouth.
The man gave you piled of chips and also to the man.
“Let’s just see sir.” You smiled.”
 first round turns into the second, then third. You were practically robbing this man.
“My god doll, you’re sucking all of the money out of my pocket!” He expressed, and you just smiled, raising your eyebrow.
“Hey, can we join?” A voice that sounded familiar but you didn’t know who it belongs to.
You turn to the girls you saw in the bathroom.
“Yeah.” You answered, turning back to the table.
“Oh you dolls can play, I’m leaving, you might want to keep your money to a minimum, because this doll right here is a fantastic player!” The man exclaimed and you just laughed.
“Thank you for playing with me sir.” You thanked him.
“Oh! Thank you for telling me that my gambling days are over!” He laughed and you joined in before he could left the table
All the girls proceed to their chair as you try to compose yourself.
All the girls place their bets and you did yourself.
The man behind the table explained the basic rule before beginning.
“So, you came by yourself?” The girl with blue dress asked.
You wanted to tell them that you came here with someone, but you have a better idea in your mind.
“No, I came here alone.” You lied. “I came to just have some fun, you know… after work and stuff.” You told them.
“Well what were you doing with Kim Taehyung?” The girl with white dress asked.
“Well what you should know is that it’s none of your damn business.” You smiled as you threw a card to the table.
“None of your business.” You quickly reply with a smug on your face.
 You played another four rounds and you were robbing The Rainbow (yes you’re calling them The Rainbow). Your table suddenly got so crowded during the third round that you regret the decision of playing.
this fourth round is your last, because you didn’t like the attention around you. It was all down to you and the girl in green dress. She looked at you, as if there’s something written on your forehead telling her what’s your next move.
“Come on! What are you waiting for?” The white dress asked her friend, and you just rolled your eyes.
She then revealed all her cards and your heart jumped.
“HAH!” You then revealed yours, showing that you got the upper hands.
“Baller!” You cheered and the crowd clapped and cheered. The man took the chips from the table and exchanged it into cash and you took it. You squeezed through the crowd while a lot of them compliments and congratulates you.
Ad you were about to head to the bar, you felt someone tugged your arm.
“Hey, I’m not done talking to you.” It was the girl with the green dress.
“Oh, if you want to walk then talk, you didn’t need to join the game and blow your money to me you know.” You told her.
“I don’t care about the money, I’m crazy rich—but I just want to tell you stay the hell away from Kim Taehyung!” She told you.
“Who are you?” You asked her.
“Are you seriously asking me that?” She scoffed, and you lift both of your shoulder.
“My daddy is in the mafia, he owns one of the biggest company in this country, and he can easily command one of his guy to track you down and do whatever I ask them to.” She said to you.
You raised your eyebrow and smiled.
“Have you ever thought who I am?” You asked. And she shook her head. “I don’t need to, I know who you are already.” She told you.
“Oh really?” You asked, acting surprised.
“Yeah, you just someone in the crowd, who got lucky to be in here.” She told you.
And you just pursed your lips.
“Hey.” You suddenly heard Taehyung behind you.
You turned around and you opened your mouth but the girl behind you suddenly walked in front of you.
“Hi Taehyung!” She greeted him.
Taehyung was confused, he turned to you quickly and you just lift your shoulders.
“Hi…” Taehyung greeted her, feeling a bit confused.
“So, what are you up to?” She asked.
“I just finished a meeting and I want to see what the crowd is all about but I guess I missed the party.” Taehyung explained, and she just giggled, gently hitting Taehyung arm.
“Oh silly! It was just a stupid game.” She told him.
“Oh? Did you win?” Taehyung asked, teasingly.
“Oh, of course! But my friends wanted to play some more, I need a drink… care to join?” She asked, with a  smile as she walk towards the bar.
Taehyung hold out his hand, shaking his head.
“Oh, no thank you… I think I’m just going to get home.” He said, turning his heel.
“Oh, well then, how about we just get out of this place, and… have a drink at your place?” She asked, walking back closer to Taehyung.
“No thank you, I actually came here with someone important.” Taehyung said, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Oh, and who could that be?” She asked, pouting her lip.
Taehyung looked over his shoulder looking at you with a gentle smile before offering his hand to you.
“Ready to head home wifey?” Taehyung asked and you grinned before taking his hand.
The girl looked at you with utter horror.
“You bet!” You smiled.
You hooked your arm around his and you smiled at the girl in from of you.
“Now, excuse us, but we’re about to leave…” You told her.
“And don’t worry, if your daddy tracked me down, I’ll greet him warmly.” You smiled before walking past her, leaving her in awe.
 “Who was that?” Taehyung chuckled as you both were away from her.
“Oh, just someone who was jealous because I was talking to you and who had  the balls to threaten my life because his daddy is in the mafia.” You chuckled.
Taehyung laughed.
“Did she?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah, she said I was nobody who got lucky to be here.” You rolled your eyes, and Taehyung just laughed even more.
“Oh? well she got that wrong didn’t she?” Taehyung asked, and you lift both of your shoulders.
Taehyung shook his head before putting his hand on your waist.
“Well, I can tell that she got that one super wrong.” He said.
“Even if I weren’t married to you, I would still choose you over her.” He added before kiss your cheek.
 That was the first time Taehyugn ever kissed you—ever. You won a lot of games tonight, round after round, but never really felt like you truly won.
But having Taehyung by your side, holding you securely, you truly felt like you were ballin’ tonight.
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apriorisea · 6 years ago
BTS Imagine Travel Series: While He’s Gone - Taehyung
has a hard time communicating with you because he hates not being able to hold and snuggle you
sends you Marco Polos and always always signs off by making a kissy face at the camera
phone conversations are short and one-sided because he has too much to say so he just shuts down
takes a lot of pictures of landscapes and landmarks and sends them to you with captions like “for my lover”
sends you selfies of him snuggling a pillow and puts big, sad emojis all over the photo
“Can’t you just be with me now, honey??”
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sunshinekookie · 7 years ago
BTS Reaction: You Get Catcalled
A/N: Hellloooo I hope everyone’s day was great enjoy!
uuhhhh this was less of a comfort the reader and more of a scare the cat-caller away..but just as good right?
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BACKGROUND: You and your boyfriend were walking down the street after a date. You both were just minding your own business until you walked by a suspicious man...
Kim Seokjin (Jin)
“Damn, what an ass” the guy said looking right at you. Jin was furious to say the least. “Yah, what’d you say?” Jin said turning towards the man. “What do you care?” he guy said chuckling. “What does her boyfriend care?” he said stepping closer to the man. The guy shoved his hands into his pockets huffing at Jin and walking away. You held onto his arm as you both began to walk down the street again.
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Min Yoongi (Suga)
“Hey baby, how are you?” the man said eyeing you up and down. Yoongi’s ears perked up and he looked to see the man looking you up and down. “Excuse me, who are you?” Yoongi said slyly coming between you and the man. “Who are you?” the guy sassed back causing Yoongi to scoff and look up at the man. “Her boyfriend, and I suggest you cut the shit,” the man pulled his hood up scoffing before walking the opposite direction. Yoongi stared him down until he was out of the way and then walked you back home with one arm around you at all times.
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Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
You just heard whistles as you walked by a guy leaning on a wall. You and Hoseok both turned towards the man to see him smile and nod at you. Hoseok glared at the man until the man said “what are you starin’ at man?” “the trash that whistled at my girlfriend like she’s a dog.” Hoseok stepped just a little closer to the man looking him up and down. “Chill man, it was just a joke” the man said walking away. Hoseok just huffed grabbing your hand as you walked down the street.
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Kim Namjoon (RM)
“Damn baby, you got a man?” As soon as Namjoon heard those words his head snapped towards the sound. “What the fuck did you just say?” Namjoon said stepping towards the guy. “I was talking to the lady not you” "yeah no shit, I am her man” Namjoon was a couple of inches away from the man at this point, and he wasn’t stepping down. “Fuck man, whatever” the guy huffed walking down the street. “Jesus Joon, you scared the crap out of me” you said grabbing his arm. “No one should talk about my girl that way. I’m sorry..” he trailed off thinking you were mad at him. “It’s okay, you were protecting me” you smiled a bit at him as you both continued to walk down the street. 
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Park Jimin
“Hey baby, need someone to walk you home?” Jimin turned towards the man standing on the side of the sidewalk looking you up and down. “She’s good, but thanks” Jimin said wrapping his arm around your waist. “No, you need a real man” the guy laughed. “Keep fucking walking.” Jimin spat at the guy making him give up and walk away. “Thanks Jimin” you whispered hugging him tight. “No one talks to you like that” he said kissing the top of your head. 
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Kim Taehyung (V)
“Good evening baby.” Taehyung instantly flicked his head towards the man looking him up and down. “Who are you?” Taehyung said giving him a dirty look. “Actually, don’t answer that question. Don’t talk in our direction ever again.” The man just looked at Taehyung wide-eyed clearing his throat. “I, uh, I didn’t-” “didn’t I say not to speak to us?” The man just walked away from his spot and down the road. You turned to Taehyung saying “didn’t know you were that sassy” “no one talks about my girlfriend that way” he said grabbing your hand. 
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Jeon Jungkook
“Lookin’ good baby” Jungkook stuck his tongue in his cheek turning towards that man. “Are you referring to this girl right here?” Jungkook said gesturing towards you. “Oh yeah, what do you care?” “that’s my girlfriend dude, back off” Jungkook’s jaw tightened as the guy looked you up and down one last time before beginning to walk off. Jungkook grabbed him arm whispering “don’t fucking talk to any woman like that again hear me?” and letting the man go. “What’d you just say to him?” you said grabbing his hand. “A lesson in respecting my girl” he said watching the man go out of his sight before continuing to walk down the street. 
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bangtaninspired · 8 years ago
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MOODBOARD TEASER) “Crescent” Prologue Teaser. Prologue coming soon
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
tbh they dont actually look like how i imaigne lup or taaco, other then generic wizard things like the hat, and a little bit in the expression, i was just making a joke cus you said not to say they look like taaco so i said they look like his twin instead, effectivly meaning the same thing
Ye that’s what I p much thought about the whole thing.
I’m just askin not to do it again n it’s all cool man b
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sunshinekookie · 7 years ago
BTS Reaction: You Have a Strong Attitude
A/N: Helloooo I didn’t make this specifically Latin because...I wasn’t 100% sure of how to do that sooo we’re rolling with this enjoy!
sorry this is a little short...i just couldn’t think of how to do this one properly sorry
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Kim Seokjin (Jin)
After you had showed your sassier side to him he looked at you in surprise. He would be speechless until he started to sass you back. This would result in you two going back and forth to see who had the stronger attitude. 
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Min Yoongi (Suga)
Yoongi would look at you like a deer in headlights. He didn’t know exactly what to say after you had said what you did so he just stared at you. “I-I don’t really know how to respond to that” he would laugh making you laugh as well.
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Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
Hoseok would be the same as Yoongi at first. He would stare at you like you were a stranger but then start laughing. “Were you serious?” he’d say between laughs. “You were scary, but you’re too cute to be that scary” he finished as you playfully hit him.
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Kim Namjoon (RM)
Namjoon would look at you like you had two heads. “Did you really just say that?” he’d say still looking at you crazily. You just stared back at him before saying “what?” confused by what he meant. “I’ve just never heard you sass anyone that hard before” he said laughing. 
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Park Jimin
Jimin would stare at you after you had shaded someone hardcore. He would start laughing asking who you were talking about. That of course caused you to go on a huge rant with him staring at you wide eyed.
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Kim Taehyung (V)
After you had sassed something Taehyung did he stared at you for a while looking you up and down. He then sassed back at you with equal force and you both stared at each other before busting out laughing. 
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Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook was busy paying attention to his phone, but the second he heard you sassing your friend over the phone his head snapped up to you. He looked at you with wide eyes and then began to chuckle to himself. You mouthed a “what?” while your friend was talking making him just say “I just didn’t know you were this sassy”. 
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