#i take orders from the octoboss
jennoirwolf · 2 months
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He takes orders from the Octoboss!!
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roopnavarro · 4 months
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pardon the blurry, cryptid-like quality of this shot (it's a screenshot from a video matuse posted on insta.)
i just though everyone needed to see the octoboss with an itty bitty cup
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clownenergyy · 3 months
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i take my orders from the octoboss
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bubbadabad · 3 months
This is for the real Octoboss fans. Reblog if you're a real Mortiflyer who only takes orders from The Octoboss 🐙
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"I only take my orders from The Octoboss!" - all of us
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octowife1201 · 3 months
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"I take orders from the Octoboss."
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octobitchbaby · 2 months
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I only take orders from The Octoboss...
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aquitainequeen · 3 months
I went looking for more narrative threads in Furiosa and found an excellent one:
During the early days of her captivity, Furiosa is advised by the History Man to make herself useful to Dementus in order to survive. Understandably she doesn't take his advice, choosing to stay silent and unresponsive even while Dementus cossets her as his 'daughter'.
Years later, she first sees 'the Praetorian Jack' from afar coming to inspect the new War Rig, and not just walking in the company of Rictus but walking in front of him. What's more, Rictus hands him the steering wheel for the rig, catching his attention when he's distracted and calling him 'Jack'. This is a big deal, since at least one of the sons of Immortan Joe is on relatively familiar terms with Jack and clearly respects him. Jack has brought home the booty every time; this has given him certain status, privileges and security. He doesn't seem worried about what Joe might do to him when he loses his crew to the Octoboss' attack; he knows he's proven himself to be useful enough that he'll be free to build a new crew.
And that proven usefulness benefits Furiosa in turn. Jack promises her that he can help her to escape the Citadel when the time is right, because he's perfectly confident that he's far too useful for Joe to kill or punish too severely. Many viewers wondered why Joe didn't take Furiosa (again) for his harem when she was revealed as a woman, but realising how valued a servant Jack is to Joe explains a lot. If Jack wants this person on his crew and explains the reasoning for it then Joe will listen, take his advice and give him what he wants.
Of course, the fun really begins when Jack not only swears to help Furiosa on her way, but deeply wants to be of use to her in finding her way home...
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themummersfolly · 3 months
Third time seeing Furiosa! Thoughts, in no particular order:
(Spoilers below)
I like how gender sort of evaporated in the wasteland. Like yeah, if you're healthy and female in the Citadel your career options are predetermined and pretty limited, and the Wasteland across the board is hypermasculine. But that masculinity doesn't appear limited to cis men: for example, the History Man offers to help Furiosa become not a History Woman or a History Person, but a History Man specifically. Also, Mr. Norton is female-presenting the entire movie, but after she wins her bike she is referred to by the make of her bike and a masculine honorific, almost as if to drive home a point to her new hordemates. Idk if there's an underlying message in all this, I just think it's cool that gender in the wasteland seems to be inherently fluid and situational.
What language were the Vuvalini speaking? You know, when the Vuvalini general tells Mary Jabassa that no one can know of the Green Place.
I paid attention to Mr. Harley this time, he does appear to have a soft spot for Furiosa. Now I want more fics of him and Mr. Davidson interacting with little Furiosa, being the cool uncles or even springing her and bailing from the Horde to go raise her as a bandit.
Did anyone else notice during the first attempt on the Citadel when Dementus is giving his "surrender or I will burn down your village" speech, the Octoboss is leaning back with his feet propped up on his gas tank? 1) Kleut is one lanky mfer. 2) This is clearly not the first time the Octoboss has heard this speech and he's expecting to get to hang out and enjoy the spectacle.
I love how the final act mirrors the first act. A handful of bikers pursued through dunes by an implacable Vuvalini who snipes them one by one. The pursuer has to commandeer a tire to keep going; a bike is crippled by the removal of a tire. The attempt to use a sandstorm for cover. Use of a rifle scope to watch the fleeing bikers. Attempted flight on foot. A slow death involving a tree as the result of failed escape. The first shot of Furiosa's Odyssey is of her picking peaches and offering one to a friend; the final shot, before it becomes Fury Road, is of her picking peaches and offering them to the wives. Visual poetry, man. I will take the weird pacing if that is what it takes to get us that thematic mirroring.
The Organic Mechanic was definitely cooking one of Dementus' dogs when Furiosa commandeered Scrotus' car.
When we first see the House of Holy Motors, the Head Blackthumb is assisted by a little old man with a tricked-out rolator. Later, when Furiosa has lost her arm, we see someone pulling what appears to be the tricked-out rolator out of storage and her building her prosthetic from one of the grabby arms on it.
From the first moment we see him, Smeg is low-key mimicking Dementus' look and actions. I think his function in the Horde is as Dementus' fool or jester.
Furiosa is wearing Dementus' cape when she first corners him. By the time she drags him back to the Citadel, it's gone. His mantle of hate and grief falls on her and she ultimately rejects it.
The Lone Warboy survived all the way through the 40 Day War! During the first attempt on the Citadel, he hooks a chain to the trailer with Furiosa and the History Man; Dementus and co manage to get it back and drive off, but the Warboy is pulled back up. We see him periodically in the background right up until Furiosa commandeers the Cranky Black, you can tell it's him because his build is so distinctive and he's got a scar from the arrow.
I really liked that one brakeman with the red beard, his face was covered during half his scenes but he seemed like a very normal person living in the Citadel, occasionally sticking up for Furiosa. I like how his humanity showed past even the Pyramid Head-looking costume. My headcanon is that he was friendly towards Furiosa from the time she became a dogman and recognized her all the way through; he's got a soft spot for his mute friend who occasionally wanders off and comes back a different gender.
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flilisskywalker · 3 months
I'll start using "I only take orders from the Octoboss" when I refuse to do something someone asks me.
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likopinina · 3 months
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Mortifier Villanelle
welcome behind the scenes!
tackling a villanelle once again. i felt it must be a villanelle, given the subject. the repeating chorus verses make me think of the subsequent attack waves during the sequence with the war rig siege, each one ending with death. and it must have 8 syllables per line. because octopus, you see.
anyway, props to the mortifliers for surviving a whopping 12 minutes against jack + furiosa combo. this is what the poem is about.
as for the visuals, well, it's the tentacle parachute. and the screaming skull with horns and the bommiknocker. it's not that deep and it was fun to draw.
thank you for tuning in, only take orders from the Octoboss, dementus is scum, etc etc, have a good day!
[poem transcript in alt and also here below]
sow torment onto those of skill skies look over his signifier when straight into hell they will reel
on future corpses filled with zeal dark flock eclipses sun and casts fire to sow torment on those of skill
unhinged vermin, they wish him ill him, the deceitful, vile liar and back into hell may he reel
with death angel along its keel mangled beneath the chrome beast's tyre sows torment onto those of skill
airborne demon in whirl of steel low rumble of descending choir when back into hell he will reel
the black-clad figure - the devil meets his end in manner most dire and back into hell she will reel the ones who sow torment with skill
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inkpun · 2 months
*Octoling voice* : I take orders from the Octoboss.
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cephalo-trio · 5 years
Deepsea Escape Part 7
A Splatoon 2 Story written by Splat-Tendency
Starring: Lexi Camellia (POV)
((Lexi was on her way to deliver the last mail at first, and then she wakes up in the underground subway station. She has no clue where she is or how is she going to get back to the surface. She has no choice, but to venture through this abandoned station alone.))
"FO REALSIES?! YOU HAVE ALL 3 THANGS, ALREADY?!" The telephone is overjoyed that I brought over the 3rd thang. If only he had the decency to use his inside voice. Then again, this station is more vast. "ONE MORE THANG AND YOUR JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND AWAITS! TIME TO BIGGITY BOUNCE, APPLICANT 10,008!" The telephone remained silent after that.
I was covering my ears from the loud talking. "My eardrums..." I winced as I stopped covering my ears. I stared at the missing poster and sighed. "I know, I shouldn't be worried about Agent 3 but... I wonder how he's doing.."
I started to think about Agent 3. He has fed me some snacks and took care of me once I regained conciousness. He is.. a very nice guy, despite him trying to kill me.
The train ride to the lines between G and I is gonna take a while. So, I felt like scrolling through the images I've taken the last two Octoboss encounters. Firstly, I encountered the sanitized clone of the Octo Samurai in Lines J and F. I had to take him down in a Baller without getting knocked off the arena. Secondly, my quarrel with the Octo Shower Supreme didn't take long while my Inkjet was active. It was located near the Break n' Bounce, where I woke up at with Agent 3.
The images of the cloned tentacles that Cuttlefish had called out are too good to be true. "Who could've cloned Octavio's troops..? It wasn't just a coincidence.." I mumbled. After several hours of fighting through numbers of sanitized troops, it feels like I've seen them before when I used to work for the Octarian Army. How strange.
Several minutes has passed and C.Q Cumber begins speaking through the intercom. "We are now arriving between Lines G and I. I repeat, we are now arriving between Lines G and I." This was addressed to me, since I'm the only applicant on board.
Before I got off the train, I decided to talk to Cuttlefish. "Um... Captain..?" I approached to him.
He turned to look at me. It seems, he was a bit lonesome about something. "Yes, Agent 8? Shouldn't you be gettin' off?"
I rubbed my left arm that was patched up. "It won't take long.. I just wanted to say... I'm sorry for being reckless, earlier.. I've been trying my best to get us out of here.. I just miss my friends and family.. They must be really worried.." I bowed to him in apology. "I kinda was like this when I used to be an elite.. I'm a wreck.."
Cuttlefish seemed a bit surprised. "Agent 8, it's alright.. When I was a young'un like you, I used to be reckless and carefree myself. It's not somethin' to be ashamed of." He cheered me up, a bit. "I'm worried about my friends and family, too.. My granddaughters, Callie and Marie haven't heard from me also.."
I didn't know he was related to the Squid Sisters. The same duo who made me wake up and realize that I was a mere puppet to Octavio. "...I actually met the Squid Sisters. It happened a year ago after Agents 4 and 5 returned the Great Zapfish.." I explained the whole story. Callie was brainwashed, Marie and the recent agents rescued her. My closest friend, Fynn was involved with this incident as well.
Shocked, Cuttlefish listened to my story. "Callie... If only I was there to save her... I'm glad, she okay thanks to the recruits.." Cuttlefish felt relieved. "You said, Fynn was also brainwashed..?"
I nodded honestly. "We were on pursuit of an elite who went AWOL and we happened... to capture Fynn... After all that, I felt really awful to him.. And then, he forgave me after all I've done.." I sat down with him. "The reason I wanna open up to Inkling society is redemption.. I wanted to turn over a new leaf after all I've done.. Thanks to Fynn's guidance, I feel confident of starting a new life.." Here I am, pouring my hearts out to someone I just met 3 hours ago. Then again, I can sympathize with Cuttlefish worrying about his granddaughters for a long time.
I see... Well, I'm sure Fynn really misses ya! The same way my granddaughters misses me!" He gave me a kind smile. "Now then, let's continue to work together to get out of here! To see our loved ones again!" He's back to his demanding self.
My eyes were filled with determination when he said it. It pains me to say this, but I'll stop searching my father's whereabouts for now. Our lives are still on the line. If we don't make it out of here, we won't see the light of day again. Literally, speaking.
After speaking with Cuttlefish, I stepped into the arena of the last sanitized boss. If I proceed, then I'll claim my last thang. Upon arrival, the huge object rose from the tainted ink. In front of me was a huge industrial toaster oven. The first Octo-Boss in the Canyon was named the Octo-Oven.
"Toastie..." That's the nickname, I gave him back in the Canyon. But that was not my Toastie. I shook my head in disbelief and took caution. If it's just a copy, I'll have no problems beating this one. "Sorry, but you're in my way.." I readied my Blaster and charged at the fake Octo-Oven.
3 minutes have passed and the oven's multiple faces started popping out at me. As I recall, Agents 4 and 5 - Dawn and Sage have fought the real one before. I wonder how they're doing since Marie recently recruited them.
I immediately climbed to the top where a large tentacle is exposed, but it's guarded with sanitized troops. I swiftly blasted every last one of them in order to finish it off for good. Those damn spreaders are persistant enough.
As the large tentacle grows larger and larger as I shot it many times, it bursts into a huge gyser of ink. It must be my que to turn tail and flee. I superjumped as fast as I could and stared at the enemy in despair.
The cloned Octo-Oven was nothing but a pile of my own ink. I managed to take a breather and sat down on the floor. I was obviously drenched in sweat. "Haa... haa... Damn, that was rough.." I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. Once the test is over, I recieved yet another Mem Cake. It's one of the Squid Sisters - Marie Cuttlefish. Thinking back to when I first met Marie in the Canyon, Marie was hesitant at first but she had gained my trust after atoning for my past. She is the one who changed my life, after all with her music with Callie.
Once all the sanitized bosses are taken care of, I arrived at my destination on Station E-02: Bust & Run Station. My long journey through the metro will soon end. I can finally go home. "I've came a long way for this... Time to gather the last thang." I took aim at the barrier. As I pulled the trigger, the barrier is already broken. I quickly snagged the 4th thang and left. "Now, what do I do with these things..? They kinda look odd, though." Once the 4 thangs are collected, maybe I have to make some kind of spaceship to fly out of here? "Whatever works, works.." I shrugged.
Back in the main station, Cuttlefish and I spoke with the talking phone. "Way to go, bucko! We can finally bust outta here! Sweet freedom at last!" Cuttlefish gently gave me a pat on the back due to my injury. It didn't hurt that much.
"Alright, Phone.. We got the 4 thangs. Now, take us to this.. 'Promised Land'. I wanna go home.." I crossed my arms, awaiting for his response.
"I... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT..!! YOU HAVE DONE IT, APPLICANT 10,008!! THE PROMISED LAND HAS ARRIVED AT LAST! NOW, LET'S MAKE LIKE A TREE AND BRANCH OUT!" Suddenly, there was an electric reaction from the phone. As it screamed an eerie tone, all of the four thangs started to form into one object. The phone is already on top of it. It must be flying us out of here.
"So, it is a spaceship..!! Just like in those sci-fi movies..!" I watched in awe as the strange spaceship opened the hatch for me and Cuttlefish.
Outisde, Marina seemed a bit skeptical about this strange object. "This can't be right.... Doesn't this look like a blender to you, Pearlie..?!" Marina sounded doubtful.
Pearl gasped and realized what was going on. "This ain't good... Eight!! Cap!! Don't go in there!!" She cried out through the intercom, but it was already too late.
Me and Cuttlfish were already inside the spaceship. I turned to look at Cuttlefish with a smile on my face. "Inkopolis, I'm coming home..!!" I grinned happily, preparing for lift off.
As the hatch closed, I couldn't wait to ride out of here to see the sun again. Suddenly, I heard one last thing from the phone before just about ready to leave this place.
To Be Continued...
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roopnavarro · 2 months
Octoboss-related ask: I know this is a big hypothetical but there is this story on Ao3 called 'Guardian of Gastown' which involves Octoboss becoming the ruler of Gastown after the negotiations go haywire and Dementus and his crew get captured.
In your mind, what kind of ruler would Octoboss be?
Hey there! Excellent question! Thank you so much for the ask! I’m going to check out the fic later, thanks for the rec! But I’m going to answer this question before I indulge in reading it, because I want to go in blind, and I don’t want to seem like I’m rebutting or trying to invalidate another author’s work. Whenever I give my takes, that’s never the case. I think it’s wonderful that we have this wellspring of creativity and a myriad of interpretations around this character who has like, five lines and two minutes of screentime! I’m also going to give you a primer on how I portray Octoboss and his decision-making process. Disclaimer time! Everything henceforth is PURELY my speculation on what makes this imaginary horned biker tick. So even if it sounds like I’m making a definitive statement on how he “should” think or behave, I’m not. I just want to put this disclaimer out front so I don’t have to constantly couch my language in terms like “I speculate…” and “I think that…” I’m only discussing my view on the character and how I choose to portray him in RP and fanfic. With that in mind, let’s dive in!
As mentioned prior, I portray the character in roleplay. Since roleplay is like a mix between improv acting and writing, I needed to come up with a way for him to make decisions that are reasonably consistent with what we see in canon AND reasonably easy to replicate consistently in on-the-fly storytelling AND fun to interact with for collaborative storytelling. Rambling time, but I PROMISE this is necessary groundwork to cook up the answer. So how do we delve into the mind of a guy that tortured a woman and then gets pissy when his subordinates are shot by an ally? My first belief is that Octoboss doesn’t use a moral code. There’s no list of rules he follows; instead, he looks at each situation, in its context, and does his best to make decisions that uphold/advance a guiding principle. So let’s figure out his guiding principle. — I think that principle is “Maximize good for the Mortiflyers.” “Maximize good” can mean “help them avoid harm/distress,” “provide more/better resources for them,” and anything else that could be argued to improve quality of life or reduce unhappiness. 
Therefore, his decision-making process most closely mirrors a wacky Wasteland version of Act Utilitarianism. To oversimplify this, Act Utilitarianism weighs the morality of an action based on the outcomes for the “greater good.” For Octoboss, the Mortiflyers (and the Horde, pre-rift) are the “greater good.” As he saw it, Mary Jabassa held the keys to the Green Place, and it was morally IMPERATIVE that he take them from her, in order to make a better future for the Horde, by any means necessary. Now, sure, we could get into the weeds and say the Green Place isn’t big enough to sustain them, but Octo doesn’t know that. This use of torture is actually a prime example of a common criticism of Act Utilitarianism — it justifies some VERY bad behavior if the potential outcome is good enough!
(Hilariously, Dementus also seemed to be using an Act Utilitarianism framework when deciding to sacrifice the Mortiflyers in the Trojan Horse ploy — their deaths produced a benefit for the Horde and the rest of the Mortiflyers. Octoboss realizes this, but the pain of betrayal and loss are mingling with his understanding of Dementus’ moral justification for the killings. This makes Octo fume like mad. Got bit in the ass by his own philosophy…) However, Octo’s moral framework doesn’t exist to justify cruelty. It also undergirds the gentleness and approachability that defines my portrayal of the character. It’s better for the greater good of the Mortiflyers for them all to cooperate and communicate openly. Their whole gimmick — two-person motorcycle-launched paragliders, two-person motorcycle crews, and two-person flyer/driver combos — involves cooperation and communication. Their actions seem very practiced and well rehearsed, and in order to achieve that, they need to be quite open regarding what works, what doesn’t, and what could be improved. They need to be able to say to each other “I need more speed to launch,” or “I need you to get me closer to the target,” or “When you took that sharp turn and I was up in the air, that hurt my shoulder, and now I can’t throw thundersticks right.” The Octoboss does all he can to facilitate this by leading through example. 
In terms of emotions, information, and guidance, he is very open with the Mortiflyers. He believes knowledge is meant to be shared.  He also doesn't shy away from critique if he notices a member of the gang doing something that would endanger another. And he's not the type to simply tear someone down. He'd work with the gang member to fix the bad habit or remedy the issue that's causing them to behave erratically. Similarly, he’s open to critique from his men, especially if they can explain how his actions are negatively impacting them. All of these positive traits are built upon a foundation of “gotta do what’s right for their greater good.” 
So now that we’ve got a glimpse into his decision-making process, let’s move on to discussing his approach to power. From what we see in canon, it doesn’t seem like Octoboss is ruling by force/coercion, or with an iron fist. A random Mortiflyer is brave enough to look DEMENTUS in the eyes, after getting a direct order, and say “I take orders from the Octoboss!” There’s so much conviction in his voice. It’s loyalty to Octoboss, not fear of him. There are SO many ways this scene could’ve gone. Imagine if the Mortiflyer said “N-n-no! The Octoboss will have my head if I disobey him!” But no. That’s not how it went. Instead, the Mortiflyer almost sounds like a kid saying to his stepdad, “You’re not my REAL father,” which indicates preference, affection, and loyalty to the OG dad. You don’t get that kind of loyalty by being a dick to your people. I don’t think he’s hoarding resources from them, keeping them in the dark about plans, and generally just being an authoritarian prick. He cares about them deeply, and they return his sentiment. Within the greater dynamics of the Horde, I think the Mortiflyers have a decent amount of soft power. They’ve practically got a uniform, they’re loyal, and they don’t even seem to have a numerical advantage over the rest of the squad. This brings us to a discussion of hard power vs. soft power. Hard power is rule through force and coercion — locking people up, killing people, taking stuff away from them. Soft power is the ability to influence rather than coerce/force. The Mortiflyers seem like they’d be among the elite troops of the Horde, and I wouldn’t be shocked if other horde members aspired to join them, or at least be in their good graces. This “soft power” approach will have to get a bit harder if tasked with ruling over the entire Horde AND Gastown. With these factors in mind, let’s run down some steps I think he’d take if he were left in charge of Gastown.
Distance himself from the actions of Dementus when dealing with Immortan Joe and the other members of Gastown’s high command. Submit to Joe’s rule, since that’s the route that’s least likely to result in casualties on his side. Make it known that he and his men WILL work within the system and improve operations at Gastown. Do his best to IMMEDIATELY ingratiate himself to Joe by discontinuing most non-essential generator usage and adding that gas to the trade deal, in exchange for more food and water. Promise to boost fuel production by fixing issues in the production chain. 
Once again, motivated by the best interest of the Mortiflyers, he crunches some numbers. According to Lachy Hulme’s interview with Empire, there are about 4,000 bikes in the Horde. We can safely say every bike has a rider, but some bikes have more than one rider (people riding backpack, Organic Mechanic with History Man on the back of his trike, and so forth).The Horde also suffered some losses during the confrontation with Scrotus and Rictus at the first Citadel meeting, but the majority of the Horde was out of Thunderstick throwing range. I don’t think their losses were in the 100s. So for quick and dirty math, let’s just say there are 4,000 people in the Horde. Now let’s look at Gastown’s population. Australia’s largest oil refinery employed about 1,100 workers. Gastown also drills oil, and I haven’t been able to find much solid data on how many people you need for the extraction portion. The closest ballpark number I’ve been able to get is 100-200, but *shrugs* that may be off. So let’s add on various others in Gastown (Sanitation workers, kitchen staff, medical staff, mechanics, War Boys/Polecats/Flamers, Imperators, resource managers, guards, repair workers,  Gastown nobility, misc staff, children of anyone listed here). I think it’s reasonable to estimate 2,000-ish people, in total, in Gastown. In light of this information, Octoboss would immediately realize that Gastown has a carrying capacity problem due to the influx of new residents and its limited amount of food, water, and space. He knows they trade guzzolene for food and water, but they won’t be able to up guzz production enough to pay for the food and water needed to support all the new residents, especially since the population has skyrocketed immediately. And would the Citadel even need that much fuel at once? Probably not, fuel has an expiration date and can’t be stored indefinitely. People WILL riot and starve unless the population is curbed quickly. So that brings us to the question — how would Octoboss reduce the population? Well, he understands that the Horde is full of hard-working and resourceful people with valuable skills. He’d want to brief them on the idea of being traded to another settlement, and take a tally of who can do what jobs. Who would be open to working in the Citadel gardens? How about the sick bay? Can you weld? Would you be up to cast bullets or reload rounds? How about swinging a pickaxe or working in a kitchen? Who wants to be a War Boy BUT FOR REAL THIS TIME? Naturally, some people would be resistant to this idea. He’d give them the option to return to nomadic life, but he’d give them a fair warning that anyone raiding the empire’s shipments WILL be met with lethal force. And of course, some people wouldn’t want to work with the leaders that killed Dementus and friends. If that erupted into a civil war, it would curb the population, albeit in a less-than-ideal way.
Familiarize himself with the operation. His ass does NAWT know anything about running a refinery or drilling operation! And he knows this! To better understand his duties, he’d need a tour through the facilities. He understands guzzolene production isn’t just wizardry, it takes skilled workers, and he’d defer to them when they explain the limitations of Gastown’s production capabilities.
Identify quality of life improvements needed to boost guz production. Go from being the Octoboss to the OSHAboss! Despite what some people will tell you, a safe (or at least safer) work environment is more productive. IRL, oil refineries work 24/7, 365 days per year. Accidents are common, and also slow down production (a machine isn’t gonna run right with some dude’s arm stuck in it!). Due to the constant flow of work, it’s likely that some health and safety aspects of Gastown’s oil refinery have fallen into disrepair, and could use outside help. A high turnover rate due to death/injury is a problem, because training new employees takes time and distracts from the guzzolene production process.  Glancing at some cursory work injury data, it looks like entrapment, getting hit by equipment, and falls from high places are the most common injury causes. Ventilation issues are also common, and can lead to workers getting sick and reducing productivity. Some of these issues can be remedied pretty quickly — the Mortiflyers have lots of experience working at heights, and would probably be able to rig up a pretty simple (but useful) clip and harness system for workers in fall-prone areas. Identify spots that need guardrails and other safety barriers. Employ some Horde members to go scavenge some materials to build the stuff, and get the Horde to work on these improvement projects. Poorly ventilated areas (likely understood as “places that’ll make you feel yucky if you hang out there too long”) would be baffling to Octo, but I feel like he could consult with someone to figure that out. And when it comes to providing ventilation, well… Which faction has access to large fans? And probably understands how to build and repair them? …That’s right! In other words — use the Horde to improve Gastown, because this helps the Horde integrate better. It proves the Horde’s worth.
Identify the criticisms of the old Guardian of Gastown. The former Guardian of Gastown seems like a bit of an ivory tower kinda guy. He’s clearly put a lot of time and effort into his hobbies and beautifying his personal surroundings. His clothes are clean and neat, which is an “accomplishment” considering he lives in a friggin oil refinery. Wait, did I say “accomplishment?” Nah. I mean “this man has never done a day of manual labor in his life.” There HAVE to be people that have beef with the guy, particularly the workers. Listen to the workers. Win over the workers, because unlike the nobility, they’re the actual backbone of the operation. The workers of Gastown become a part of Octo’s priorities, since their work and productivity is essential for keeping the Mortiflyers safe, fed, and housed. 
Woooowhee! Nearly 2,500 words in this response! No such thing as “Shut the Fuck Up Friday” for RoopNavarro. Writing about this makes me want to play it out in an RP or write a fic to really delve into these thoughts (although I might skip that, given that it’s likely redundant with the fic that already exists, and I never want to step on another author’s toes).
Regardless, I am ALWAYS open to answer any Octoboss questions you may have! Thanks again for dropping by and wanting my take!
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octobitchbaby · 2 months
I just needed to say something and I'm not trying to "justify a killer/bad guy" but I really do believe The Octoboss is not a bad person. I don't think he's a cold-blooded murder by choice, but rather he is required to do Dementus's dirty work. There is an obvious power imbalance between the two as shown with the "I only take orders from The Octoboss" scene when Dementus asks "permission" from Octo while nonchalantly pointing a gun at him until he caves.
The reaction from The Octoboss when Furiosa is first presented to Dementus is one of the most noticeable reactions to me. He is VERY disgusted and bewildered they would bring a child into this mess. I mean:
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I wish I knew more about him. Did he know Mary Jabassa was Furiosa's mother? Did he know Dementus forced her to watch? Did he want to kill her? Did he try and argue with Dementus and did D threaten him? Or maybe he really is just a stone-cold killer... Literally just wish I could sit down with Goran D Kleut and ask him all my Octo questions. Sure, it might not be canon, but that interview with him explaining more about his character is what reallyyyy got me analyzing this dude with 5 mins of screen time...
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roopnavarro · 2 months
This is my first ever ask, so apologies if I am doing it wrong.
An aspect about the Octoboss' character I find fascinating is his contrast as a leader compared to others in the series. In Furiosa we see leaders treat their subordinates like expendable liabilities: Dementus sacrificing men such as when Furiosa is sniping at him in the Bullet Farm, or splitting off from the remainder of his loyalists in the finale and using them as diversions, and of course killing the Mortifiers for the Gastown Trojan Horse. There is also Immortan Joe and the People Eater; when Dementus arrives at the Citadel they both had a young War Boy sacrifice himself (whom was visibly hesitating) as a display of power. Then when Dementus returns to negotiate with Immortan Joe he has that warlord painter in that spike-chair contraption trying to use him as a hostage. When that warlord gets killed Immortan does not react at all, as a refusal to be intimidated. The People Eater himself is killed by Immortan when Max uses him as a human shield, and again he does not react or care despite his usefulness. Now there is the Octoboss. Despite him being a sadistic killer, shown when he killed Furiosa's mom, he genuinely cares for his men. Firstly, when Dementus asks him to choose 10 men for the Trojan Horse, he does not order them but asks for volunteers. Then when Dementus kills his men he is initially in shock, yelling "What are you doing?" then in rage calling him scum. We can also see he was FURIOUS(a) because of the contemplation stare he gives after everyone begins sacking Gastown, and, despite being at Dementus' side in every scene prior he is interestingly missing in the negotiation at the Citadel. This all marks the beginning of their rift, again all because Dementus killed his men showcasing that they were more than expendable pawns to him. His men in turn display a good form of loyalty and respect to him. First in that famous, "I take orders from the Octoboss" line, showing that despite Dementus often being treated as the main leader, the Mortifiers understand a chain of command where Octoboss is the priority. Second, when they are all scouting Gastown Octoboss says, "Food and water for gasoline. Beats scavenging." This tells us that despite their success as raiders, they very much would prefer a more stable and comfortable life. They attain it, but eventually the rift between Dementus and Octoboss grows so much that he decides to leave him and go back to scavenging. His men in turn, could have stayed doing trade in Gastown but instead they FOLLOW Octoboss back to the wasteland! Not really an ask, I was just thinking about this and wanted to tell someone, and it felt fitting since this blog is the one that convinced to put Octoboss in my cosplay wishlist ^^
Hey there, I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog! Thank you so much for sharing your Octo-thoughts here! There's a ton of commentary and observations here I love, and a few things I'd love to dig into more! 1. "An aspect about the Octoboss' character I find fascinating is his contrast as a leader compared to others in the series" YES, ME TOO. Octoboss and the Mortiflyers seem more close-knit than any other faction we've seen. I agree that he genuinely cares for them and values them, given everything we're shown in the film. He's not using them as human shields or asking them to blow themselves up, War Boy style. I also like how he asks for volunteer fake War Boys for the Trojan Horse Gastown mission. We even see that some of his volunteers are not-so-bald (look at the guy driving the rig), showing that he puts their consent above following the order for "the balder, the better!" Instead of saying "No, your hair's too long," he put his long-haired volunteer in a place that his hair wouldn't be apparent. He works WITH his men to find a compromise between what they want and what the mission needs.
2. "Second, when they are all scouting Gastown Octoboss says, "Food and water for gasoline. Beats scavenging." You have SO many good points in this section! I also agree that Octoboss craves a more stable life for his men. I believe this desire for stability it part of what motivates his treatment of Mary Jabassa, rather than pure sadism. Notice how desperate he sounds when he's torturing her. I think he sees her as someone who holds the keys to a future where his men — his found family — isn't starving or dying of thirst. Of course he'll do anything to get those answers out of her. I headcanon that there's more to the situation, but we'll get to that later. and it really speaks to his character that so many of his men follow him back out into the Wasteland. The Octoboss doesn't have an abundance of food, water, fuel, or bullets, he knows they can get by with scavenging. And they follow, because I believe that Octoboss, as a leader, gives them more than just their base physiological needs. (See chart below.)
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Life in Gastown may meet their physiological needs, but their safety needs are a toss-up, given that Dementus was willing to sacrifice some Mortiflyers in the Trojan Horse act. Safety is also a toss-up in nomadic Wasteland scavenger life, but if they break away from Gastown, at least the Mortiflyers know they won't be betrayed like Dementus did to them. People need more than food and water to thrive, they need psychological safety, friendship and a sense of connection. I think Octoboss' leadership provides that for his men, whether they're in a stable location or they're wandering the desert.
3. "Despite him being a sadistic killer, shown when he killed Furiosa's mom..."
I genuinely think there's more to the Mary Jabassa torture situation than just sadism. Notice how stressed he sounds during the interrogation. He doesn't seem cool, collected, or even in control. He's hidden his face behind his mask, but his voice sounds painfully desperate. Now let's get into speculation territory. The Mad Max franchise shows people afflicted with grief and trauma lashing out in violent ways. Look at Max himself in Mad Max (1979) — he's a loving dad and husband, but when all of that is taken from him, he goes on a rampage of revenge, and even invents the Saw trap (saw your foot off or get blown up). But we don't look at Max and say "Sadistic killer!" And while I think it's natural to squirm over the idea of Max inflicting this Saw trap on someone, the story gives us the context to understand WHY he went this far. We aren't given much context for Octoboss' actions. Naturally, this is because the events of the film are the History Man's retelling, told to him from Furiosa's perspective. We're not given the chance to know Octoboss' inner world, but if we're really immersing ourselves in the narrative, we have to face the idea that Octoboss is a whole person with his own trauma, vulnerabilities, fears, dreams, and relationships, all of which spans far outside of what we see onscreen. First off, we can point to his desire for a stable, secure life for his men. Mary knows the way to the Green Place, and her answers could give his Mortiflyers a better life. Let's also look at one of the men that Mary killed in the camp — the guy on the left-hand side of this screenshot. His name's listed as Hungry Eyes, and he's played by Tim Burns. (Tim Burns also played the guy that Max put in the Saw trap!)
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Given his outfit, I believe this guy was a member of Octoboss' gang. He's also trusted to be one of the people who guard Furiosa and keep "brutes" away from her, meaning he's trusted within the gang not to be a creep toward a little girl. Mary kills him, as he's part of the crew holding her daughter captive. Understandable, but let's look at this from Octo's perspective. As he'd see it, someone he knows and trusts (and likely views as family) has been murdered by this interloper. Of course he's not gonna have any mercy in dealing with her. Straying completely into headcanon land, I think Octoboss may have some long-standing issues with the Green Place. Shameless self promotion — I wrote a fic about this! Link here. It details his early life, and how he was orphaned. Let's just say it involves the Green Place's policy of leaving no witnesses! And to cap all this off, I wanna give the disclaimer that I AM an Octoboss roleplayer in a Mad Max RP and discussion server on Discord, so I have a different approach to him than others. I rotate him in my mind constantly, trying to understand what makes him tick. I'm always trying to build his inner world and explore his feelings/motivations to better understand him as a human being, which involves exploring beyond the boundaries of what the movie shows us. Like his actor, I had to build a backstory for him that explains his actions and behaviors, and while I don't claim any of this to be Definitive Canon, it's definitely something to chew on for entertainment purposes.
I could ramble on endlessly about him, but I want to say I really enjoyed having a chance to discuss this character we both love! Thank you so much for the message!
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themummersfolly · 21 days
Happy Octoboss Friday!
To celebrate let me air my theory that by the time of the attack on Gastown, Dementus was pushing for a confrontation with the Octoboss, who was becoming too powerful for his comfort.
The "I take orders from the Octoboss" scene was yet another attempt to piss Octo off so he could put him in his place, and Octo (once again) defusing it because he's loyal and the Horde doesn't need an open power struggle. When Mortiflyer Matt claps back at Dementus, you can see the other Mortifiers IMMEDIATELY close in and square up behind the Octoboss; things are tense and they know what's happening.
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