#i swear to GOD they were in the first game
lvnleah · 2 days
016. | first game
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May 18th 2024 | 7 weeks old.
“Look at you, little guy!” Leah cooed as she gently slipped the tiny jersey over Finley's head, careful not to upset him. “Your first time wearing your Arsenal shirt and it’s got Mumma’s number and name on the back!”
Finley gazed up at Leah, his big eyes wide with curiosity. It was then that it happened. Finley’s face lit up with a small, yet unmistakable smile.
“Did you see that?” Leah gasped. “He smiled!”
You quickly dropped a nappy from the spot in the bedroom where you were packing the nappy bag before running over to Leah’s side at the end of the bed.
“He did?” You smiled.
“Yes!” Leah replied, nodding her head. “I swear, he just smiled at me.”
Just then, Finley’s lips curled up into another sweet, deliberate smile. It was more pronounced this time, his eyes crinkling up as well as if he knew he was the centre of attention.
Leah’s breath caught in her throat. “Oh my god, he’s smiling again!”
You reached out and gently touched Finley’s tiny hand. “Look at you bubs! Look at that smile!”
Leah’s eyes were misty. “This is amazing. I think he’s already showing us how much he loves his new jersey.”
Finley’s small fingers curled around yours, and his smile seemed to grow even wider. “A true little gooner eh? And today is the perfect day for it!”
Today was the last game of the season and also Finley’s first time attending a match of Leah’s. She’d been back playing for a few weeks now and you both decided that it felt right to take Finley to the last game of the season.
So of course Leah had to dress Finley in the tiny Arsenal kit that you used to announce your pregnancy to her teammates.
You knew today was going to also be an emotional one. After seven years, Viv was leaving Arsenal. She’d always been a close friend of you and Leah but more recently over the past year, almost two, she’d become even closer to you both due to her dating your best friend Beth.
It was a goodbye you weren’t looking forward to.
Once Finley was dressed, you gathered his things and took them into the living room where Leah was waiting with him.
“Ready to go?” You asked, setting the diaper bag down on the kitchen island.
Leah nodded, placing Finley down and strapping him into it. "Almost. Just need to grab my shoes and put them on.”
As Leah busied herself putting her shoes on, you double-checked the diaper bag to make sure you had everything: extra nappies, wipes, a change of clothes, and bottles. Despite your best efforts to stay organised, the sheer volume of items needed for an outing with a newborn always seemed overwhelming.
Leah glanced at the clock. "We need to leave in fifteen minutes if we want to avoid the worst of the traffic."
You nodded, feeling a bit of anxiety. Getting out of the house on time with a baby was a new challenge you were still adjusting to. Finley, now nestled comfortably in his car seat, let out a small whimper.
"Okay, shoes are on," Leah announced. She then picked up Finley’s car seat and looked at you with a determined smile. "Let’s do this."
As you opened the door, you realised you’d forgotten your keys. "Hang on, I’ll be right back," you said, dashing back to the bedroom. You found them under the pile of clothes you had been sorting through earlier.
Back in the living room, Leah was gently rocking Finley, who had started to fuss again. "Shh, it’s okay, Bubba. We’re almost ready," she murmured soothingly.
You grabbed the bags and ushered Leah and Finley out the door. The sight of Leah carrying Finley in his tiny Arsenal kit filled you with a range of different emotions.
After securing Finley in the back seat, you climbed into the passenger seat and started the car. Leah settled in beside you, glancing back to check on Finley. “All set?” you asked, looking over at her.
Leah smiled and nodded. “All set. Let’s go show Finley what it means to be a Gooner.”
When you finally arrived, the stadium was already buzzing with energy. You found a parking spot and began the process of unloading everything. You strapped on the baby carrier, carefully placing Finley inside. He stirred but remained peacefully asleep, his tiny hands clutching the fabric of your shirt.
As you approached the entrance, you could see familiar faces in the reception area. Beth waved, her smile wide as she saw you approaching. “There’s my little nephew!” she called out, rushing over to greet you.
Leah beamed. “We’re here! All three of us, just about.”
Beth smiled, “Oh look at his little kit!” She cooed, peeking into the carrier, “His little frown, he’s so adorable.”
Amanda joined you and Leah just as you entered the reception area, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her grandson. “There’s my little Finley!” she exclaimed, leaning in to get a closer look at him in his Arsenal kit. “He’s getting so big already!”
Leah hugged her mum, “He smiled this morning, Mum. Twice!”
Amanda’s eyes widened with delight. “Did he? That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to see it myself.”
You turned to Beth, who had been standing nearby, watching the exchange with a fond smile. “How are you feeling about Viv’s last game?” you asked her, knowing she’d hardly played at Arsenal without Viv.
Beth’s smile faltered slightly. “It’s bittersweet, to be honest. I’m so proud of her and excited for her new adventure, but I’m going to miss her so much.”
Leah placed a comforting arm around Beth’s shoulder. “We’re all going to miss her, but she’s going to do great things. And you’ll still see each other every weekend, there’s no doubt about that!”
Beth nodded, her eyes misting over. “Yeah, I know. It’s just...It’s hard to see her go.”
Amanda wrapped an arm around Beth, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Change is never easy, but it’s also a chance for new beginnings. And you’ll always have us and the other girls.”
Beth smiled gratefully. “I know I will.”
As you all stood in the reception area, you turned to see Viv walking towards you, her face lighting up as she spotted the group.
“There she is!” Leah called out, “The star of the day!”
Viv shyly grinned, “Look at this little guy!” She looked down to get a better look at Finley, who was still snoozing in the carrier. “First game and he’s already got the perfect kit.”
Beth laughed, playing with Finley’s little hand. “Yeah, he’s all ready to cheer on Auntie Viv.”
You said goodbye to Leah, Beth and Viv and made your way out to the stands with Amanda. The stadium was already buzzing with anticipation, the familiar Arsenal chants filling the air. You found your seats with Amanda, Kyra, Lia and a few of the others who weren’t playing as the team took to the pitch for warm-ups.
Amanda cooed over Finley, who was now awake, as she held him. “Look at you! A mini kit, just like your Mumma’s.”
Lia leaned over to look at Finley. She rested her head on your shoulder. “Aww, he’s so cute! Can I hold him?”
You nodded and carefully handed Finley over to Lia. “Of course. Just be gentle with him.”
Lia smiled, “Hey, little man! Are you ready to see Mumma play?” She gently rocked him.
You smiled, watching the interaction. “You look like a natural with him.”
As the players continued warming up, the excitement in the stadium grew. You could see Leah on the pitch, stretching and chatting with her teammates. She glanced over towards the stands, her eyes searching until she found you all. She waved quickly, her smile beaming.
The match soon started and the girls headed out, cheers ringing around. Lia handed Finley back to you who fell back to sleep in the baby carrier. They shook hands with the other team, you laughed at how Beth juggled carrying a baby and holding the hand of a toddler. By the seventeenth minute, Alessia had scored a goal assisted by Emily and another soon followed in the twenty-fourth.
The first half flew by quickly and before you knew it time was over and the girls were back on the pitch. The first twenty minutes went by quickly, and Arsenal were given a penalty which Kim ended up missing.
In the sixty-first minute, three changes were made and Viv was brought on. Kyra, Steph and Alessia left the pitch, hugging Viv tightly as Frida, Laia and Viv took their places.
Cheers and chants once again rang out around Meadow Park. You watched as Leah kicked the ball to Beth who then passed it perfectly to Viv, giving her the chance to score her last goal.
You stood up and cheered, quickly quietenting once Finley began to stir. The team gathered around, patting Viv on the head as she celebrated her goal. You swore you saw a tear slip down Leah’s face.
The last thirty minutes flew by and by the end, the girls had won 5-0. Once the final whistle blew, the girls gathered around Viv and hugged her. A guard of honour was formed and you headed down onto the pitch with Lia and a few of the others.
Leah was quick to take Finley into her arms as you stood on the opposite side beside Beth to comfort her. Sabs and Kaylan said their goodbyes and it was then Viv’s turn. Beth’s tears started once Viv locked eyes with her before walking down as she dropped her coat.
You wrapped an arm around her shoulder and placed a kiss on her temple as Steph hugged her other side. The fans sang Viv’s name as she recalled all of her time at Arsenal and said her thank you speech. She was presented with a shirt and a bouquet of flowers, your arms wrapped tightly around Beth as the tears continued.
Once it was over, everyone’s family headed onto the pitch and Viv and Leah made their way over to you. Viv squeezed Beth tightly, lifting her off of her feet as Leah passed Finley to you.
Beth and Viv held onto each other for a moment longer, both of them laughing through their tears. When Viv finally set Beth down, she turned to you and Leah, her eyes filled with tears.
She leaned in a tickled Finley’s stomach, “Did you enjoy your first game, little one?”
Finley smiled in response, making Beth and Viv laugh as you handed him over to Viv for a cuddle, “Oh look at that smile!” She cooed.
Leah wrapped her arms around your waist as Viv and Beth walked around the pitch with Finley for one final thank-you lap.
“I think we’ve done pretty well, eh?” Leah whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss behind it.
You nodded as you laughed, “Yeah I think we have. This is exactly how I imagined things last year.”
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blooms-in-april · 2 days
I'm thinking sad Jaskier thoughts.
It takes a while for Geralt to realize the music is gone. Oh Jaskier still sings- for their supper, for Ciri when she's sad, to entertain Kaer Morhen on late card playing nights. But the music- the music is gone. No more of the mindless humming as he walks, no more parsing over rhymes by the fire, no more harassing Geralt for his thoughts on such and such melody. Jaskier sings like a wind-up music box, only when requested, cranked for it, and snapping shut into silence like the sharp closing of a lid.
Yennefer snorts at his concern. "It took you this long to notice?"
Geralt grunts. She smiles, sharp and bitter. "You always were slow."
"How do I fix it?" Geralt snaps. He is not here to be mocked or play games.
"Can you fix it?" Yennefer asks. "I don't know."
Geralt doesn't know either. All he can do is try.
One of the mages had left a god's damned harpsichord in their tower room. It takes Geralt weeks- lugging the ornate monstrosity down from the mages tower, finding schematics in the library for the damn thing, undoing by sheer will the rot and moulding of a hundred years on the instrument. He spends his evenings waist deep in the guts of the instrument, swearing over chords and tuning and keys.
Jaskier's silence, now that he notices it, gapes like an open wound, bleeding wherever he goes. It stains memories of years past, of a cheerful smile and conversation given to him so freely, so easily, not a hint of subterfuge or awkwardness or fear. Now Jaskier only says good morrow if Geralt says it first, only speaks when spoken to, only smiles when Ciri is looking his way.
Geralt polishes the harpsichord until his fingers blister and his nose stings from the smell. He paints the elaborate carvings with pure gold leaf. He spends hours tightening strings trying to get the thing in tune. He worries over it like a child, because he doesn't know what else to do.
"What do you think?" He asks Eskel as they carry it carefully down to Jaskier's room.
"It's very nice." Eskel says diplomatically. "I'm sure he'll appreciate it."
"Appreciate it?" Geralt doesn't want appreciation. He wants that soft tone back in Jaskier's voice when he speaks to him. He wants Jaskier to speak to him, to turn to him free and easy with something to say.
"He'll like it," Eskel says, "Just-"
He turns, his soft eyes full of warning. "Just don't put all your hopes on an old harpsichord."
Lambert snorts, "Too little too late!" He laughs. And Lambert has always been hateful, more so since Aiden was lost, but the words feel true.
Jaskier smiles when he presents him with the harpsichord. He exclaims and laughs and claps his hands. He extolls its virtues, coos over its decorations, fusses over it with all the enthusiasm of a performing parrot. He pulls Ciri onto his lap and guides her hands on the keys, composes a little ditty on the fly for Yennefer, plays something sweet and sad that makes Lambert turn his face away. In all the merriment and gratitude and excitement, he looks Geralt in the eyes only once. Once, upon the first shock of the present. Once, with eyes wide and open, like a wound.
Geralt lingers as the others go off to bed, watching as Jaskier slowly fades as his audience wanes.
"Thank you, Geralt." he says. "It is truly a magnificent present. And far more than I deserve."
Do not thank me is what Geralt wants to say. Do not thank me, not when I have done this to you.
"I didn't do much," is what comes out of his mouth. "It was already there."
Jaskier does not look at him. "If this is an apology-" he says, "I do not need it. You were tired and upset. You spoke your mind. And nothing you said was- untrue. From a certain point of view. You do not need to absolve your guilt to me."
"Jaskier," Geralt says. "I'm sorry."
"And I forgive you." Jaskier says "I forgave you even the moment you after spoke. I don't think I would be myself if I could do otherwise."
It is done. The gift given, the apology accepted. And yet the silence still sits heavy in the air. It is not fixed. It is still broken. It is still out of tune and all of Geralt's twisting and tunings have not set the melody to rights.
"Why are you still like this?" He says. Jaskier stiffens. The words are wrong again, he's done it again, and he could scream with frustration, like a child who keeps swinging the sword and cutting himself on the dulled edge.
"Do you know the Countess de Stael bought me a Stradivarius once?" Jaskier said. "You don't know what that is. A fiddle, rarer than rubies. There were only twenty ever made. It sings like nothing else. She presented it to me on a bed of velvet, and told me she loved me. She told me to stay. And I would have."
Jaskier plinks a few idle notes. "She kicked me out a month later. Too mouthy. Too tacky. Too gauche. She had found someone better. She took back the Stradivarius and handed it off to her new minstrel."
"What I am saying, Geralt-" He says. "What I am asking- Is that you not do things you do not mean. That you not give me false hope. That you stop trying to make me love you, because I already do. I already do and it hurts. It hurts so much."
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sourrpatched · 9 hours
38. Long Chat (wrdc 1.7k)
You put the pot in your hand down recognizing the man in front of you. “Oh my god what are you doing here?” You said sharply. “I thought you went out with the rest of them.”
“No, I stayed behind to clear some thoughts.” He said with his arms still up as a shield protecting himself. “You put the pot down right?”
“Yeah you’re safe.”
He let out a breath he was holding putting his arms down. There was an awkward silence as you both stood looking at one another. You had planned on holding off talking as much as you could but it seems like the world had other plans for you.
“I’m sorry for bothering you, i’ll just head back to my room so I don’t get in your way anymore.” Jaemin said with a forced smile. He turned away but before he could get away you spoke.
“Wait.” He stopped in his tracks. “Can we talk?”
The best part of summer in jeju island was that once the sun went down so did the temperature. Hot afternoons became bearable, and the atmosphere was warm in a way where people would spend the whole night out partying. You’d had enough of that since two nights ago, so here sat you and Jaemin on some beach chairs beside the pool at the beach house with left over beers from the fridge on a table.
It was quiet as you both sat admiring the light reflecting from the water in the pool. You could tell Jaemin felt uneasy, he had opened his own can of beer about five minutes ago and still hadn’t taken a sip. You felt guilty even though you were the one who had pulled him for a chat in the first place.
You took in a breath before ripping off the bandaid, figuratively of course. “Jaem, I’m sorry.” He looked at you puzzled but before he could speak you continued. “I was kind of avoiding you and I realize that it wasn’t fair to do but I really just needed a moment to get my head together.”
He gave you a genuine nod. “You don’t have to explain yourself, i’m sorry for expecting anything to happen between us.” He could hardly look you in the eye.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m just really sorry. I like you a lot but I should know better than to pressure you into anything more than just being friends.” He stared down at the ground and though the lighting was limited, you swear you could see his eyes begin to water.
“I understand you not wanting to talk anymore. Don’t worry, when we get back i’ll put in my two weeks notice and I’ll get out of your hair.” His voice came out broken and he still refused to meet your gaze. He slowly began to sit up from his seat.
“Jaemin wait.” You pulled his arm keeping him from walking away. He turned to face you though he looked everywhere else but at you. You could tell there were tears welling up. “What’s this really about?”
He only shook his head taking a deep breath. “I’m really sorry.” You grabbed onto his face pulling his attention from the ground to yourself. “Hey, it’s okay please just tell me what happened.”
“Woah, what a fucking bitch.” You sat down, feet in the pool while Jaemin sat next to you.
He let out a dry laugh. “She wasn’t wrong.”
You felt a surge of anger, how dare she ever make this man feel anything other than happy. “Jaemin, she was very wrong.” He looked at you then.
“Ever since i’ve met you, you’ve been nothing but helpful. Every movie we’ve watched together, every volleyball game we played, even walks on the beach you’ve been the best company I could ask for.” You could see the smallest doubt in his face so you continued.
“Jaemin, do you know why I’ve been avoiding you? It had nothing to do with you, it was because I needed a moment where I could reflect on the new feelings i’ve had ever since i’ve met you.” He looked confused. “I had to talk to Jaehyun because even though I once loved him I needed closure so that I could move on and pursue the feelings i’ve had for you for a while now.”
You felt your face get warm at your blatant confession. “Me and Jaehyun would never be able to work ever again. When he left me to pursue his career one part of me felt like I hated him for leaving me and the other part only felt guilty that I wanted him to choose me over his career.”
“That’s not your fault. You loved him. It’s no wonder you wanted him to stay with you.” He gave you a sympathetic look.
“Yeah and I can say the same for you. It’s not your fault that I was avoiding you. I realize I was only pushing you away because I was scared to lose you the way I lost Jaehyun only it mattered more because the way I feel about you hasn’t ever been the way I felt for him.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you, Na Jaemin, are enough to me. You’re more than enough for me. I didn’t notice it before because it was so different but I like you. My heart beats every time you’re around, I look for you the moment you’re not by my side, and I even find myself jealous when you’re laughing with Hyuck instead of me.”
He lets out a laugh, “Hyuck?”
“Don’t even ever mention that to him.” You covered your face, full of embarrassment. His hand reached out to yours this time uncovering your face.
“Hey, look at me.”
You opened one eye at a time, still too shy to meet his eyes. He smiled at you this time very genuine. It only made your face hotter and this time you couldn’t blame it on the alcohol.
“I like you Y/N. Ever since the first time we met I couldn’t help but feel like I was drawn to you. I wasn’t even jealous of you and Jaehyun,” He paused for a moment, “Okay, well I was a bit when I found out he wrote a whole song for you but that’s it.”
You let out a chuckle. “I heard it. Very nice song but I don’t think that’s enough to rekindle anything. I don’t think I could feel anything for anyone but you.”
He blushed at your words. “Dammit I was supposed to be the romantic one.”
“Right, please continue.”
“The point is, I was scared that you didn’t feel the same. I’m always scared that i’ll do something that’ll change how people feel towards me but I think i’m willing to take that risk if it means I can be with you in the moment.”
“All i’m hearing is you’re so down bad for me.” You say teasingly.
“I’m glad you’re finally catching on.”
You can’t help but really take in the moment. Here you are right on the edge of a pool, the moon shining down on the two of you. A part of you is really happy that the world had you face him earlier than you planned, who knows how that talk would’ve played out before.
You can feel his gaze on you and it only makes you giddy. There’s no use holding back anything anymore so you move closer to Jaemin. “The moon is beautiful tonight isn’t it?”
“If the moon in question is you, then it’s always been.” You’re unsure when the gap became smaller between the two of you but here you are looking him in the eyes. Jaemin quickly glances at your lips and you smile knowing exactly what’s next.
“You gonna keep staring or actually do something?” Within a second he clears the space between the two of you catching your lips on his. You can feel the softness of his mouth as he kisses you so gently and intimately.
You pull back looking him in the eye still feeling the lingering effect of his lips. He looks lost in your gaze. Liking his lips while smiling to himself. His smile is quickly replaced with shock the second you playfully push him into the pool. You jump in afterwards poking your head out of the water only to find him smiling at you.
“What was that for?”
“I’m sorry I had a burst of cuteness aggression and pushed you too hard.” You say laughing. He joins you in your laughter pulling you closer to him in the pool.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
“I’m also lucky to have you. We’re dating now by the way.” You say straight forward.
“Of course, but just so you know there’s no getting rid of me.”
“Hmm there’s not even a thirty day return policy?” You tap your finger on your chin playfully.
“Nope,” He says popping the p, “All sales final.” He pulls you in for another kiss. You can’t help but smile into it, this time he’s much more desperate with the way he kisses you. As if he’d been wanting you his entire life.
You feel his tongue tease your lip asking for permission to deepen it. He’s kissing you so much more passionately than before, you feel like you’re drowning in him which is ironic considering you were both standing in a pool at the moment.
Right when you feel like you have no more room to breathe he pulls away. You let out a small whine at the loss, cringing at the way he was able to pull that noise out of you.
“I think they’re back already.”
“What?” You’re lost in thought before realizing he meant the rest of your friends made it back to the beach house.
Ugh so much for alone time.
“We should get out and shower, don’t wanna get sick from being in the pool this late at night.”
You groan at the thought of leaving him. “I’m not ready to let you go.”
He lets out a small chuckle. “It’ll only be for a moment, unless you’re looking to shower together?” He raises his eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes shoving him away. “You freaking perv.”
“Hey you suggested it.”
“Ugh well you’re my boyfriend so I guess i’m stuck with this now anyway.”
He giggles softly, “Boyfriend yeah? Could you say it again?”
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A/N ➼ late chapter but i hope u guys enjoy it! btw i’m debating on if i’ll be participating in some fun october posts but we will see 🤔
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dr-spectre · 1 day
Helloooo, just saw the big ol Callie rant and thought I’d share my (albeit not as detailed) thoughts cause the first Splatoon game I played was Splatoon 2 and I took my sweet time on the story mode.
Despite her being your main companion throughout the story mode, I found Marie’s spiteful and clearly discriminatory language towards the Octarians to be consistent overkill, while she was obviously mad about Callie “going missing”, these fellas were only doing their jobs and it was painfully clear that Marie had an inherent dislike for their entire species. Since I hadn’t seen Craig Cuttlefish before I didn’t know that this discrimination came from him, with a distinct parallel between their jabs (aggression being directed and focussed at the Octarian species at a whole rather than the reason you’re here in the first place) and with the fact that I was the one barging in and committing wanton destruction and violence in their territory the universal hate felt incredibly undeserved.
As for Callie, no Squid Sisters songs feel so authentic and genuine as the ones made in Octo Canyon. Even Bomb Rush Blush isn’t trying to sound perfect for any pop lover’s fragile little ears, it’s erratic and fills every silence like a one sided argument. With each song sounding like a vent album and the art showing Callie to be miserable and having to desperately hide it on the surface, she’s seemingly using her distance from Inklings as an opportunity to be completely outwardly honest and express the deeper emotions that wouldn’t be accepted in the media she’s surrounded by. Rather than “I REMEMBER!!!” being some ooga booga the cool glasses magic has been dispelled, I saw it more as Callie accepting these emotions she’d kept from expressing and realising her lifestyle and family meant enough to her that it would be more worth it to try and work through those feelings with them rather than use an outlet that worries them. Additionally, she has quite the opposite view on Octarians to Marie, finding them consistently cute and clearly still being friends with Octavio as they collaborated during the Low Water Party after the events of Octo Expansion (discreet lore but it shows she truly had an enjoyable time there!)
Now I could ramble about DJ Octavio for hours so I will cut this short, while - as you mentioned - Octavio was helping Callie escape the stress of her lifestyle in the interest of his own species, (uh oh the can of worms is threatening to open) insert the fact that Octavio winning means species equality through political negotiations put off for hundreds of years. I know! Oh goodness gracious how terrifying! The spicy beats man has used drastic measures due to neglect and forced poverty of a substantially sized society through giving stressed squid sanctuary! Next he might use his technological advancements in energy efficiency to revolutionise our industrial infrastructure- SHIELD YOUR EYES, CHILDREN!!
oh hey! cheers for reading the full thing!
Oh... oh damn... you just plopped your own rant in here, jesus.
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I respect it honestly, i respect the hustle.
You know what's kinda crazy? From my knowledge and what people say online, Marie's hatred for Octarians as a species is a NoA localisation thing and not something in the original Japanese version of Splatoon 2. I could be wrong on that but that's just something I've heard in the grapevine.
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(Massive fucking sarcasm.)
I dont have much else to say in response to your ask but, I wanna touch on DJ Octavio for a bit because I think the way that Nintendo treats him as well as the fanbase treats him kinda fucking sucks and flips flops between different personalities and actions he's done.
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I swear to god people have such different takes on his personality and what he's done over the three games and it's a real headache to deal with. And the way that a lot of people talk about what he did in Splatoon 2 and the suggestions people say.... ugh... they make him so unredeemable and disgusting.
In Splatoon 1, depending on if you play the NoA version or European/Japanese version, he's either very silly and in your face, making musical puns and being a loud mouth. Or he's trying to be intimating and he gets to the point in his dialogue instead of making musical puns.
The worst things he did in that game was kidnap Cuttlefish and tie him up as bait to fight Agent 3, and stealing the power source for the Inklings. Cuttlefish is a frail old man and Octavio has anger towards him, so it makes sense he would go after him and snatch him up.
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And then in Splatoon 2, people wanna fucking say that Octavio kidnapped Callie and brainwashed her, removing all of her memories and making her into a slave for the Octarian army... LIKE... WHAT?!?!?! OCTAVIO IN SPLATOON 1 WASNT THAT EVIL!!! WHY DO PEOPLE SUDDENLY SAY HE DID SOMETHING INCREDIBLY UNREDEEMABLE LIKE THAT?!?! WHY DOES NINTENDO PUSH THAT SHIT TOO?!?! ITS SO ANNOYING!!!!
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You can't just go from "im gonna use Cuttlefish as bait because I hate that guy!" To "neheheh, when Callie isn't looking... I'm gonna grab her and brainwash her!" And then to "IM GONNA GET THAT OLD BASTARD AGAIN! HE TOOK MY ARMY!!!" You can't flip flop between silly old guy wanting vengeance against his lover to enemy Cuttlefish, to a malicious beast that kidnaps young women dude. You can't just do that.
You see the issue here? People give Octavio this ultra dark stain on his legacy and I think it ultimately ruins his redemption in Splatoon 3. He did something unredeemable and you cannot go back from that.
It makes more logical sense for Octavio to use his abilities of propaganda and manipulation out of desperation to convince Callie to join him. Octavio is a general and does things out of rage and vengeance from the past. He is not malicious in his actions and a lot of them can be justifiable. It makes more sense for Octavio to go "I need Callie because my peeps are dying, I'll convince her to join me and then I'll hypnotise her so she's more comfortable in the Octo Canyon to help my troops!"
Octavio is still obviously in the wrong for hypnotising Callie, duh. But, like I've said a trillion times, hypnosis isn't mind control, you cannot force someone to do something against their knowledge and morals. So it's more justifiable for Octavio to hypnotise Callie than to literally kidnap her and brainwash her while she was kicking and screaming, trying to stop him. Okay? WE GOOD SPLATOON COMMUNITY?!?!?!
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itsyagurlchip · 1 day
Hihi! ^w^ saw your requests were open annnd i was wondering if you could do a husk x reader [romantic + established relationship] where reader is his lucky charm. Like he just has such good luck when they’re around him (especially when he’s gambling). Just make it super cute n fluffy :3
☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・The Best Gamble Love Can Give☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
ᯓᡣ𐭩 warnings: super fluff attack(!) cussing(!) gambling/alcohol addiction(!) wife-coded reader(!)
ᯓᡣ𐭩Guys I swear to God if y'all don't correct my grammar imma find y'all houses and eat your waffle fries/j. This one is super cute anon! Thank you for requesting <33 I want to make some hearts explode with this one. Would you be fine if I made you Husk's spouse? (tehe)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Even if he didn't win, he still has you. And that's more than luck could ever grant.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 !!For those who don't play, Speed is a game where you have 20 cards to discard, and two discard piles. You have to place down each card (one by one) as fast as you can, in order, and whoever runs out of cards first wins. If there are no more cards to place, you grab from the piles on the sides to continue the game. All while keeping 5 cards in your hand at a time. While you don't need to know this in order to read the story- it will be helpful to know bc I'm not that good at explaining card games.!!
Husk kept on losing, and it was starting to piss him off. Today's redemption exercise was to practice to eliminate the need for gambling; ironically, Husk was chosen to lead the rounds of games. The current game was Speed, with Hellish versions of playing cards.
And he was losing. So. Bad.
Everyone was sitting in the main area, with the usual furniture switched out for tables and chairs. Husk growled, but kept his composure.
"Where's the serenity at, dear Husker? Getting 'chaff' now are we? I guess the cat does lose it's skill, after getting too curious of course." Alastor said, antagonizing him further. Husk banged his fist on the table, making the sinner in front of him jump a bit.
"Fuck!" He grumbles out. The first 5 were won easily, but for some reason these past 30 something games have been no luck.
At first, the goal of the exercise was to play a few games, and quit. You know, to discourage bad behavior but still have fun. But right now, even without a genuine bet, he was setting a bad example. He knows. The sinner in front of him was playing swiftly and skillfully. His wing twitched and he grimaced as his mind stuttered.
But he just had to win. He has to keep going.
Charlie was getting concerned, but he waved her off. Everyone else was finished with their rounds of games, it was time for a new activity. But Husk wasn't gonna allow himself to lose like this.
Not to a damned practice game.
Then you walked next to him. One by one, he rapidly placed down cards in order. His partner did as well, speed was the game afterall. His ear twitched as your heels softly clacked against the floor.
"Hey Husk, baby. You doin' any good?" You said, your voice dripping like honey over his ears. But then he remembered the game. You were worried, Vaggie told you he's been going on like this for hours non-stop. It's almost nighttime.
"Yea, don' worry. Imma win this game in just a minute." He responded, gruffly as he missed the chance to place his ace. He put down a 4 over the five in the second discard pile then. 2 cards left in his deck, but none that followed the order of the discard pile. Fuck.
His partner had 1 card left, probably a king considering the cards that were already placed down.
You kissed his fluffy forehead, relishing in the near silent purr he let out.
"Alright sweetheart, finish up the game so everyone can go to sleep." You fidgeted with his ears in your hands for a bit, before letting go and sitting at the bar.
Watching from afar, you saw that he won. But he wanted to play again. This time though, you didn't allow it. Vaggie saw that you had it handled, so she went up to the elevator. Probably to her room with Charlie, you guessed.
You stood up, walking towards him again with a glass of whiskey, swished with chocolate hints. You placed it in front of him while he was shuffling the cards, not before taking a sip.
The affectionate way it is then.
"Hey, you." You said, slowly rubbing up and down on his fur. You could feel it bristle in shivers before relaxing. Your chin rested on top of his head, lifting a bit to see what he was doing.
"Hey? You just talked to me a few minutes ago." He began to set the cards up, so you pluck them up and stacked them away into a withered box. His wing flapped in annoyance.
"I know," you chuckled. "I just knew you wouldn't last long without a drink. Nothin' too sweet of course." You finished, pushing the drink towards him.
While you couldn't eliminate his addictions, you could switch them for others in small amounts, enough to distract him to bed. You can't fix him, he can only help himself when he chooses to. You both know that.
"You know me too well, Sugarpie." Husk smiled, before talking a gulp of the glass you gave him. Half of it was gone. "No cherry?"
You laughed a bit, placing the box in your pocket to put away later. No one was in the room, no one you could see anyway.
"Naw." You rested your chin back down on his head, wrapping your arms around him neck a bit. "You would just swing it away. No appreciation for its flavor-" You scoffed amusedly at the thought.
He was now distracted away from the cards and now on you, good. You could hear Alastor snicker before walking away.
"Ready to go to bed?"
In the dark room, you slept. Husk didn't.
He was wide awake, in a way that still made him feel tired, but not sleep. On his back, he looked up at the ceiling in mindless thought.
Husk didn't mind though, as long as it didn't affect your sleep. He looked at you. Your breaths were soft, and slow. His eyes dilated, though one could never really prove it.
Grabbing onto your waist, he cuddles into your side just a bit more, and relaxes with a deep sigh.
You, in your half asleep state, reach for him. In which you succeed, running your fingers through the tuffs of his ears in an unknown rhythm. Husk purred freely now, he loved it when this happened.
How lucky was he, of all people in this shitty hell, to still have his wife in the afterlife? Sure, you may not have done great things, but he was afraid that the two of you would forever be separated by heaven.
How lucky was he, in all of his shitty problems and mental shit, to be able to still have you around? To have you want him around?
That thought had brought a soft smile to his face. In all of his gambles, this was the best one he's ever made.
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I think I remember who asked this, but then again I'm answering this one late. soooo, if I tag you incorrectly I'm so sorry (@kltira )
I think imma call this place the "debriefing space" bc I always wanna ramble, but I'm never sure where. Also, so people won't have to read this before the oneshot/fic. Nothing here will be specific, maybe things I'm thinking while writing, or things that I sorta wanna discuss.
Rather than being a lucky charm, I was thinking reader to be more of a saving grace for Husk. Which he already finds lucky enough. While you are motivation to win, it doesn't always secure his place for it.
I know this trope is kinds overused, but you and Husk were married during life (yippee!!). You guys are just two old people who want to spend time with each other lmao. I sorta headcannon that when he starts to get too into his addiction, you kind of save him (BUT NOT FROM ALASTOR LMAO/hj) and that was one of the reasons why he married you. Not only to keep himself in control, but to see you guys thrive together <33
you are quite literally his only silence from this hellhole.
{Can we just talk about how when Angel Dust nonconsensually touches Husk ppl call it "cute" and "aww", but when Valentino nonconsensually touches Angel it's now bad? likkke. we love the show but we gotta get some new writers for season 2 and fans who don't mischaracterize everything they see.
I'm now only really starting to think about this- and the double standard is starting to be more noticeable to me. Like when Sir Pentious was saying "no" but those demons still dragged him into the sex room. But that scene was used for entertainment rather than "Hey this is a serious moment" like Valentino was.
I'm all for HuskerDust, but you gotta realize when a character does something bad and does nothing to redeem from it, no matter if they're a part of the main cast or not. (isn't that what the show is supposed to be about- redemption? y'all do understand how destructive this behavior is and how it can easily make HuskerDust toxic right?). }
we need the option for another 'keep reading' thingy bc I talk too much. ignore my yapping.
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა tags: @kittykittyanon @bonefanatic @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა@ziipzeepzop-eez @wheezdostuff @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r @matteo-hamato
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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butchdykekondraki · 11 months
"New faces like 'Ronaldo the Dough Master' and 'Jimbo the janitor'-" THEYRE NOT NEW HELLO ?
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missholoska · 2 years
Is it just me or does almost every outfit in the sims 4 cottage living just seems like something Toriel would wear?
yeah that's just objectively correct tbh
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pretty goat mum 💜✨
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wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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um. uh. hi every body. something evil and malevolent happened in my brain this month.
this is. um. a Jet Set Radio/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Death joke AU, spawned out of a in-joke that started in a pokepasta discord. my apologies to both the pokepasta and jsr fandoms
the entire basis is the idea that Corn in Future retconned og JSR Beat as leader/founder of the GGs (is beat being leader in the og even CANON?) so Corn and Beat are the Myras. no it's not a joke funny enough to justify how many hours i sunk into drawing these. no attempt was made to change the setting, assign most of the other cast, or otherwise make this au hold up to ANY amount of scrutiny. if i tried to make this actually work somehow then i'd REALLY end up too far gone. also i keep calling myrtle!beat "Meat".
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#jet set radio#pokepasta#creepypasta#jsr#explorers of death#pokemon#crossover#gore#body horror#blood#ask to tag#long post#jsr eod#also i said ''i didnt assign almost anyone else'' but thats not entirely true.#i did assign dj professor k as wigglytuff. but i decided i needed to draw a line in the sand somewhere#and drawing dj k as eod!wigglytuff is simply too much. some mental images really DONT need to be inflicted on others#i also thought about who would be grovyle and ended up leaning towards combo#i sort of think of him as having protagonist swag about him bc of chapter 2 in teh first game.#also i have a running joke w my sibling about combo being meta-aware bc of a jp-only line he has in future#where he tells roboy he wants to save.#i swear to god i had more reasoning than this but my mind is drawing a blank rn. sad#also i guess this would imply that cube and coin would be celebi and dusknoir but theyre not even in explorers of death so RIP#i did also briefly consider clutch as grovyle bc 1. stealing things lol and 2. joke about him being future-exclusive#and grovyle is FROM DA FUTURE... but frankly clutch does not feel like he could pull off being grovyle. in my opinion.#also i guess sitting here now i suppose it wouldnt even make sense in the context of the eod au cuz everyone but the main trio is og jsr#on that note. i had no idea what to do for gum's design so i chose the most awkward route possible i guess. im sorry gum.#in general gum kinda got the short end of the stick here due to being consistently the Second-in-Command meaning she's shadow#I'M SORRY WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#well at least she's better off than yoyo. me n my sibling just automatically were like ''he's bidoof'' ''yeah he's bidoof''#also like last note. but. the jet set radio fandom is SEVERELY lacking cliche edgy over the top evil creepypasta versions of the cast
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2500ji · 11 days
why is futurama 95% of the time like. shitty (/affectionate) suggestive jokes and whatnot and then the other 5% of the time it’s just phillip j fry angst
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3416 · 9 months
ppl genuinely mad theyre breaking up 88 and 34 are so funny as if every game i don't have to hear "another missed pass" fkljdslf or as if auston isn't self-fueled rn. like. 599188 was better than 233488 has been in this stretch of the last whole month they've got and if you don't want the second line to get eaten alive, you gotta change something man. first line's not even been that good either on the whole, it just looks insane w auston willing the whole team back into games. willy's point yesterday and a couple over this ten game stretch haven't even had much to do with his own line like lmfao.
ppl only support the whole "we have two talented right wingers so switching them when things go stale is reasonable" when its auston and mitch being split up and that's it. like it's a fairly low stakes move when everyone's played together now, so it's insane i have to read takes about mitch marner and his ~family~ pulling strings in the leafs org like that's a reasonable thing to think or that people constantly complain abt this not making ~logical~ sense when it does ? and they never complain when it's the other way... we just lost 9-3,, like that's not an accident and the leafs are rightly not happy about that. the leafs think auston can drive his own line and if you all really thought willy could, you'd be wanting that second lining firing again bc then that's TWO usable lines and not just one like we had with the lines yesterday.
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valoale · 9 months
6&7 🥵
6. 5 Male celebrity crushes Omar Sy Alex Landi Jason Isaacs Jordan Gavaris Ruki from The GazettE forever and always
7. 5 Female celebrity crushes Maria Doyle Kennedy Helen McCrory Tatiana Maslany Kate Walsh La Zarra
Thank u 💞
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
beat yakuza 7 last night *muffled screaming*
#spoilers#there'll be spoiler talk lmao#snap chats#ok compliment sandwich time#FIRST OFF absolutely loved this game im so pissed ill never be able to experience it for the first time again#i had no rights being scared of playing it i actually love the rpg playstyle sm- sure i love beat em up but it just feels so right for this#the cast was so cute and lovable and i adore them immensely. also why does no one mention eri ever she's so darling#and the VOICE ACTING- i had my game in english btw and on that note ichiban's VA really does make this game#he's just so passionate in every line he delivers and you can just feel the emotion in everything he says#prob helps that kaiji tang played odin/owain fire emblem before for the theatrics LMAO but seriously i loved his performance so much#on FE note though i completely forgot robbie daymond was zhao and the whole time i was like 'he reminds me of hubert or like akechi lmao'#my hunch was great LMAO GG ME but yeah the gameplay was so fun#and i just love all the little character-building aspects- like how if yo get utterly sloshed with your party everyone has a little comment#not to mention the mid-meal conversations those were so cute#ok for the parts i didnt like uh. Very Few Things like i said i loved this game and i have few complaints#its just the ending made me want to eat dry wall rgg PLEASE let siblings be happy in this franchise i swear to god#aoki was a prick but rgg i need you to stop peddling this 'anyone can change and start over' thing if youre just going to kill them#like at least with nishiki ryuji and mine there was a build up to their death- ig you can argue aoki holding the gun to his death was that#BUT ITS JUST THE WAY KUME COMES OUT OF PISS-OFF NOWHERE LIKE if he hadnt walked away and if ichi wasnt so concerned over aoki#bruh Full Rights to beat his ass and then some that made me so pissed. like i already had a feeling aoki was fucked but still#PLEASE just let a yakuza antagonist live beyond their game for five minutes thats it#he can literally be cell neighbors with sawashiro for all i care just let him live#omg wait on that note i totally called arakawa being ichi's bio dad like as soon as fucker asked ichi bout his real parents I Knew#i dont think arakawa knew but girl I Did and i howled#one last complain i have- its very small tbh- is where did mirror-face-tendo come from#i thought mirror face blew up with ishioda but alright. i guess for the sake of The Twist they couldnt reveal he was fine#still because of that he just feels so out of nowhere esp to be helping the gang#but i'm not gonna let a few nicks ruin an otherwise lovely game#i love how the og cast didnt outstay their welcome: they were in the game just enough to be justified and i appreciate that#kiryu coming out of nowhere does feel a little Out Of Nowhere esp now that he's gona be in Y8
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t4tdanvis · 11 months
dante, travis, vylad, and aphmau qpr makes zero sense outside of my rewrite and that is a tragedy
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viulus · 2 years
I just finished the Big Encounter tm in Disco Elysium, and... Jesus fucking christ, man
#vu's posts#disco elysium#so uh. heavy spoilers ahead in the tags. so if you haven't gotten very far in the game then stop reading this#...#ok now that spoiler-free people are gone. i need to ramble#by 'big encounter' i of course mean between the scabs and the hardie boys. just to give context#not long before the encounter though i finally met ruby. and that was also a tense situation. like my god#anyways. once i headed to the whirling i saw the whole thing start yknow#as soon as kim dropped a 'fuck' i was so Tense because like. he *never* swears. so i knew that things were gonna go down#i managed to pass both the rhetoric and suggestion checks.. somehow. but that didn't do anything in the end really.#i didn't ever find my gun so i was left on the defensive 😭 luckily i put on the chestplate... thing.#i'm pretty sure that that's what kept me alive tbh#i got hit with two bullets but like i said. the first one hit the chestplate. that took most of the damage there. my leg got hit though#AND i kept kim alive yippee! i have a hunch that he can die if you fail a certain check#(i.e. the one where you warn him about the guy behind him)#also i got a bonus on that check that said that kim *really* trusts me and... 😭😭#ok i think i got all my thoughts out! for now...#i also screen recorded the whole thing. thinking about sharing it tbh. who knows though#WAIT. one more thing. i am *so* shocked that kim made *that* shot. because yknow. he's got vision problems yeah?#like what a fucking badass. like hello#ok NOW i'm done. and i gotta go to sleep now 😂#va4 rambles in the tags
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year
zelder spoilers i suppose
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lets talk purah. sad that nintendo is afraid of letting this character just be a cool badass old woman but atleast shes back to being NORMAL. anything is better than weird child baby thing. also shes voiced by kate higgins (frankie stein and sam from psychonauts 2) and finding that out while seeing an age of calamity cutscene a long while back instantly made her so much more endearing to me also because that was the first time we got to see her actual adult design from before botw events happened. god i hate that baby
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cosbeans · 1 year
on god everyone shut up the totk trailer
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