#Finley Williamson
lvnleah · 4 days
013. | Welcome home
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word count: 2.7k
find the masterlist here!
another cute and emotional one, the next few will be like this :)
one more part left after this, my anon is back on some come and talk to me about anything! 💗
March 30th 2024 | a few hours old.
The sun had barely risen when you and Leah woke up to the soft cries of your newborn son, Finley. His tiny fists waved in the air as his face scrunched in a way that made your heart swell with love. Leah, already half-awake, gave you a sleepy smile and kissed your forehead before slipping out of bed.
“I’ll get him,” she murmured, moving to the bassinet where Finley was laid beside you. He calmed as she gently picked him up, his cries turning to whimpers as she held him close.
You felt like your heart was going to melt as you watched Leah gently rock Finley around the room, you were sure it was a sight you’d never get used to seeing.
You didn’t think that you could fall in love with Leah anymore than you had but after seeing her with Finley, your love for her had somehow grown even more.
After the nurses had cleaned Finley up, done their checks and helped you feed him for the first time, they had left you and Leah to have some time with your newborn son. While Finley slept cradled up in your arms, you and Leah laid in the bed and couldn’t but just stare at him for hours. You didn’t realise how long you’d been staring at Finley until he’d woken up for his next feed at 3 AM.
Once he was settled again, you and Leah tried to get some sleep but you were both anxious about Finley. It was a new experience for both of you, you had no idea what you were doing and in all honesty you were both just winging it with the guidance of the nurses.
You both managed to fall into a light sleep around half three but now and then you’d find yourself waking up and checking on Finley.
The clock had just struck half-five in the morning
“I think a little man wants a feed again.” Leah said, pressing a kiss to Finley’s forehead. “Do you want your pillow to rest him on?”
You nodded, "Yeah, that would be great," you replied, your voice filled with exhaustion. You reached for the pillow, positioning it carefully to support Finley as Leah handed him over to you.
Finley's tiny mouth opened and closed instinctively, “Wait a minute, Bubba.” You giggled, brushing your hand over his head before helping him latch on.
Leah laid beside you, the both of you took in his perfectness as he fed. After a while, Finley finished feeding and Leah burped him for you before he fell asleep on her chest. You’d both discovered that he liked to lay on her chest when she had just a bra on, one of the nurses explained that it was because newborns loved skin-to-skin.
"He's amazing," Leah whispered, her voice filled with awe. "I can't believe he's finally here."
"Neither can I," you said, resting your head against her shoulder. "I can’t believe how much he looks like you."
Leah chuckled softly, her fingers gently tracing patterns on Finley's back. "You think so? I see so much of you in him too."
That’s what you loved the most about being able to use Leah’s egg and your brother's sperm, Finley was related to both of you and you could pick out different features that belonged to you and Leah.
"He’s perfect," you whispered, reaching out to stroke Finley's tiny hand. His fingers curled around yours instantly. “Absolutely perfect.”
Leah nodded, her eyes never leaving Finley's face. "We did good," she said softly. "We really did."
You leaned over and kissed Leah's cheek, "I love you," you said simply.
She turned to look at you, "I love you too. More than I ever thought possible, thank you for giving me him.”
Eventually, Finley stirred, making a little noise as he wriggled on Leah's chest. She smiled down at him, her fingers brushing over his tiny bit of blonde hair. "Looks like someone’s ready for another nap," she murmured.
You nodded, watching as she gently transferred him back to the bassinet. Finley settled almost immediately, his tiny breaths evening out as he drifted back to sleep.
“Are you hungry, pretty girl?” Leah asked you from the end of the bed. “It’s six o’clock so the canteen is serving breakfast now.”
You nodded, "I would die for some scrambled eggs," you admitted, realising you hadn't had a proper meal in hours.
After you’d given birth, the nurses bought you round some toast and a cup of tea which felt like the best meal ever but you hadn’t eaten since then.
Leah smiled as she kissed your temple, “I’ll run down and grab us something. I won’t be long.”
As she left the room, you glanced back at the bassinet, watching Finley sleep so peacefully. His little legs would kick now and then, you smiled finally being able to see the tiny feet that had been kicking away for the past nine months.
A few minutes later, Leah returned with a tray that had scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, a cup of tea for you and a bottle of orange juice for Leah. The sight of the tray made your mouth water.
"Breakfast is served," she announced, setting the tray on the little table beside the bed. You both sat in the bed and dug in.
Between bites, you talked about the plans for the day. No one had met Finley yet and you were planning on introducing him to them once you got home. A couple hours after Finley was born, she sent a picture of him in her arms to the Arsenal group chat as well as the lionesses one. It was safe to say that everyone was excited to meet Finley whenever they were going to get the chance.
As you finished eating, Finley began to stir again, his little face scrunching up as he prepared to cry. Leah quickly picked him up, soothing him with gentle murmurs.
"Looks like someone's hungry again," she said with a chuckle.
You took another sip of tea and watched them, "He's got quite the appetite.”
Leah nodded, cradling Finley close. "At least he’s not picky like his Mumma yet," she teased, and you both laughed softly.
The morning passed in a blur of feedings, naps, and visits from the nurses. Each moment felt precious, every little sound and movement from Finley was a new thing to cherish.
By the time the clock struck ten, you both felt a bit more human, despite the sleep deprivation. You knew the coming days and weeks would be challenging, but as you looked at Leah and Finley, you felt ready to be in a tiny bubble with them.
Finally, it was time to leave. The nurses helped you gather your things and double-checked Finley’s car seat before you were allowed to depart. You and Leah exchanged nervous glances as you carried Finley out to the car, the reality of having a newborn finally hitting you.
You climbed into the backseat beside Finley’s car seat, determined to keep a close eye on him during the drive.
“Ready to go home?” Leah asks from the front seat as she looks at you through the mirror.
You nodded your head and smiled, “I’m ready.”
Leah drove slowly, hyper-aware of every bump and turn. Finley slept through it all, his tiny chest rising and falling while your hand rested on his stomach. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, you couldn’t believe he was all yours.
When you finally pulled into the parking garage under your apartment building, Leah sighed in relief. “Welcome home, Finley,” she smiled, turning to look at you both.
Leah carefully unbuckled the car seat and carried Finley inside. You tried to offer to carry the bags but Leah was quick to stop you and tell you she’d come down later for them.
You made your way up in the elevator to your apartment, Finley still sound asleep, before making your way inside your apartment for the very first time as a family of three. Leah set Finley’s car seat down on the kitchen side before carefully unstrapping him and cradling him in her arms.
Leah smiled at you, "Why don't we give Finley a tour of his new home?"
You nodded, "Sounds like a plan."
Leah started in the kitchen, rocking Finley gently as his eyes looked up at her. "This is where your Mummy loves to cook. She's a master of it because Mumma can’t cook," she teased, glancing at you with a warm smile. "And this is where we'll prepare all your bottles for now."
You walked over, rubbing Finley's head, his eyes turning to you despite his vision not being the best. "You’re going to love it here, little man. You won’t be a picky eater like Mumma."
Leah then moved to the living room. "This is where we'll have lots of family time. Movie nights, storytime, and right here," she pointed to a cosy corner with a plush armchair, "is where I'll read to you every night."
Finley stirred slightly and made a little cooing noise. You felt your heart swell, picturing the evenings spent with your son.
Next, Leah carried him to the nursery. "And this, Finley, is your room. We spent months getting it ready for you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. She pointed to the crib with its soft bedding and the mobile of stars and clouds hanging above it. "You’ll sleep here, surrounded by love."
You ran your fingers over the edge of the crib, remembering all the nights you and Leah had spent setting up the nursery, choosing each item with care. "We can't wait to see you grow up here," you said softly.
Leah gently swayed with Finley, her eyes taking in the room as if for the first time. "And over here," she pointed to a mini Arsenal shirt hanging up, "is a mini version of Mumma’s shirt! One day you’ll get to wear it."
You smiled. "Maybe a Spurs one if Jacob gets the chance," you murmured.
Leah then carried Finley to your bedroom. "And this is where your Mummy and I sleep. You’ll be spending a lot of time here with us, at least for the first few months. Then you can come in here for morning cuddles!”
You moved to the bedside, touching the bassinet that was set up for Finley. "This is where you’ll sleep, right next to us."
Finley stirred again, making a small noise, and Leah looked down at him with a smile. "Looks like someone’s enjoying it," she said softly, kissing his forehead.
You reached out to take Finley in your arms, holding him close. "Welcome home, Finley," you whispered.
Leah wrapped an arm around your waist, resting her head on your shoulder as you both looked down at your son. "This is just the beginning," she murmured. "We have so many memories to make together."
The pair of you settled on the sofa with Finley, you fed him before Leah burped him and handed him back to you for another snuggle. She made you both a quick lunch, a sandwich which was within her cooking skills range.
The afternoon slipped by, and soon there was a knock at the door. Leah handed Finley to you and went to answer it. Moments later, she returned with Amanda, Jacob, and David in tow.
Amanda came over to you. “How are you doing, darling?”
“Sore but I’m good,” you laughed, “I’m just in a little bubble of perfection right now.”
“What about me?” Leah asked, “I’m your daughter, what am chopped liver?”
Amanda playfully waved Leah away, “Oh shush you! I spoke to you earlier, and you’re fine. You might be tired but you’re not the one who’s given birth!”
She handed over a dish covered in foil to Leah. “I bought lasagna for dinner. You two need to eat properly.”
“Thanks, Amanda,” you said as Leah joined you on the sofa, and you watched as Jacob and David approached, their faces lit with excitement.
“Congratulations!” David said, pulling you both into a hug. Jacob was practically bouncing on his toes, his eyes wide with excitement.
You watched as Jacob stared at Finley in your arms, “You okay, Jake?”
“Can I hold him?” Jacob asked, his voice a mix of awe and nerves.
“Of course,” Leah replied as he sat on the sofa before carefully transferring Finley into Jacob’s eager arms. Jacob’s expression softened as he gazed down at his nephew, his eyes glossed over with tears.
“Hey there, little guy,” he whispered. “I’m your Uncle Snake.” He glanced up, catching Leah’s eye with a grin. “We’re going to make sure you’re a Spurs supporter, just like us,” he joked, nudging Leah’s dad who chuckled in response.
You and Leah exchanged a look, her eyes playfully rolling in response. You were wrapped in a moment of pure happiness, surrounded by family.
After Jacob had held Finley, he passed him to Leah’s dad, David.
David took Finley, his face lighting up. “Hello there, little Finley,” he murmured, his voice soft. “You’re going to be so spoiled by your Grandpa.”
Leah wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and you both watched as her dad rocked Finley gently. “He’s already loved so much,” you whispered, leaning into her.
The afternoon was filled with warm chatter and laughter as everyone took turns holding Finley. Amanda had been waiting patiently, her eyes shining with a grandmother's love and excitement. Finally, after David had his turn, he carefully handed Finley over to Amanda.
Finally, it was Amanda’s turn.
“Oh, look at you, precious boy,” Amanda cooed, cradling Finley. Her eyes filled with tears as she gently rocked him. “You’re absolutely perfect.”
You watched Amanda with a soft smile, feeling your heart swell even more. “He loves you already, Amanda,” you said, your voice thick with emotion.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” she replied. “He’s going to be so spoiled by his Nanny, aren't you Bubba?” She brushed a gentle kiss against Finley’s forehead, causing him to stir slightly but then settle into her arms.
She turned to you and Leah, her expression serious but kind. “You two are going to be amazing parents. And remember, we’re all here to help you every step of the way. You’re not alone.”
You and Leah both nodded. “Thank you, Amanda,” you said, “We appreciate it.”
Leah smiled, “And thanks for the lasagna. We needed a good meal today.”
Amanda chuckled softly, “You were scared you were going to have to cook, weren’t you?”
After a few more moments, Amanda reluctantly handed Finley back to you. “Alright, little one, back to your Mummy now,” she whispered once Finley became restless.
As the afternoon went on, you and Leah shared stories of the birth and the first few hours with Finley. The room was filled with laughter, love, and a lot of fuss over Finley as he was passed from one loving pair of arms to another.
When the sun began to set, Amanda insisted on helping Leah with dinner while you rested on the couch with Finley. Jacob and David tidied up the living room, making sure everything was in its place for your first night home
Leah brought you a plate of lasagna, and you both ate together on the couch, Finley nestled in his Moses basket. “This is perfect,” you said, taking a bite. “I couldn’t ask for more.”
Leah smiled, leaning over to kiss your cheek. “We’re just getting started,” she replied. “There’s so much more to come.”
“Call us if you need anything,” Amanda said as they made their way out.
Leah saw them to the door, locking it behind them before returning to the couch. She sat beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you both looked down at Finley, who was now peacefully asleep.
“We did it,” you whispered, your eyes filled with tears of happiness. “We’re a family.”
Leah nodded. “Yes, we are. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You both sat there for a while, soaking in the quiet and the overwhelming amount of love that filled your home. Eventually, you carried Finley to the bedroom and fed him before laying him gently in his crib next to your bed.
As you crawled into bed that night, Leah pulled you close, her warmth and love surrounding you. “Goodnight, pretty girl,” she whispered.
“Goodnight,” you replied. “Goodnight, Finn.”
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liked by bethmead_ and 396,728 others
leahwilliamsonn proudly introducing Finley Jake Williamson, bubba boy was born a few days ago and is absolutely perfect ❤️ proud of my wife x
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atvrvxia · 2 years
&. @fierytragedy​
a not-quite SURPRISE STARTER ( 1 / 2 )
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                        “HAS ANYONE ever told you that persistence can lead to injuries or death?”
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
1st Faith Crain - PRODIGY DJP!
2nd Noah Johnson - DIPAC DJP!
2nd Channing Embry - NEXT STEP DJP!
2nd Ainsley Epton - BEYONG BELIEF DJP!
3rd Madeleine Martin - DIPAC DJP!
3rd Landry Silas - PRODIGY DJP!
3rd Zoey Claxton - TH POINTE DJP!
3rd Caroline Sterkel - KIM MASSAY DJP!
3rd Hannah Bozer - CLUB DJP!
4th Savannah Gilliam - CSPAS DJP!
4th Mia McNelis - NEXT STEP DJP!
5th Sophia Kim - DANCEOLOGY DJP!
5th Ella Williamson - PRODIGY DJP!
5th Courtney Pascuzzi - DIPAC DJP!
5th Stevie Keys - NEXT STEP DJP!
6th Finley O’Neill - DIPAC
6th Pyper Reese - PRODIGY
6th Ellie Kuai - BOBBIE’S
7th Sydney Marshall - NEXT STEP
7th Natalie Nunez - STARS
7th Amabella Tarrago - FOCAL POINT
8th Lily Zhang - BOBBIE’S
8th Reese Perry - DIPAC
8th Patience Hughes - CLUB
8th Ainsleigh Bolt - XD2
8th Reily Phillips - BOBBIE’S
9th Kinley Stephens - PRODIGY
9th Dylan Brotherton - DANCE INTEGRITY
9th Cora Lubojasky - NEXT STEP
9th Justin Nguyen - PRODIGY
10th Kendra Evanson - PRODIGY
10th Kinsley Eversole - BEYOND BELIEF
10th Isla Nicholas - THE MOVEMENT
1st The Voices From Next Door - BOBBIE’S
2nd Enjoy Being A Girl - AMBITION
3rd Leave A Light On - ROWLETT
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Friday, January 6th, the 6th day of 2023. There are 359 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
786: Martyrdom of St. Abo in Tsibili, Georgia. A Muslim perfumer from Baghdad, he had become a Christian and attempted to strengthen Christians and win Muslims to Christ.
1088: Theophylact delivers a flattering address in Constantinople before Emperor Alexius that results in an unwelcome “promotion” to the position of archbishop of Ohrid, Bulgaria (now in Macedonia). Homesick, he will write obscure letters to distract his mind.
1374: Death of Andreas Corsini, Italian bishop of Fiesole. After a reckless youth, he converted and became a strict Carmelite, and was credited with being a prophet and miracle-worker. (Under the Florentine calendar his death is given in 1373.)
1422: Jan Ziska, blind Hussite general and master tactician, defeats Sigsimund of Bohemia at Nebovidy, one of many defeats he will inflict on Bohemia’s enemies.
1494: Columbus and his men celebrate the first mass in the Americas, on Isabelle Island, Haiti.
1628: Bribed by Roman Catholics, Turks in Constantinople seize a press that is preparing to print a small catechism written by Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Cyril Lukaris. Jesuits had already maneuvered to exile Lukaris for several months.
1771: First baptism takes place among the Moravian converts of the Saramaccas people, near where the Senthea River empties into the Surinam River. Chief Arabina, the mission’s first convert is baptized.
1772: Death of Samuel Johnson, a New England clergyman, educator, and philosopher. In 1724 he had opened the first Anglican church built in Connecticut, after which he had served as a missionary for the Anglican Church, and played an important role in setting the standards and curriculum for King’s College, New York, (later known as Columbia University).
1829: The Indiana State Legislature incorporates Hanover Academy, begun two years ealier with six students by Presbyterian minister John Finley Crowe. The school sits on land donated by Presbyterian Elder, Williamson Dunn, who becomes one of the trustees.
1835: Businessmen operating in China circulate a paper among themselves, calling for a “Morrison Education Society” to bring the gospel to China. The society is named for pioneer missionary Robert Morrison who had died a year earlier. They raise several thousand pounds to support the mission and offer the post of missionary to Samuel Robbins Brown.
The Swedish Mission Society is founded.
1844: Hermann Anandarao Kaundinya is baptized in Mangalore, India, with two other young Brahmans. He becomes a notable educator, pastor, and Bible translator in the Kanarese district.
1850: Conversion of Charles Spurgeon who will become one of the most notable pastors of all time. He had entered a little Methodist church because of cold and snow where a deacon told him to look to Christ. “I can never tell you how it was but I no sooner saw whom I was to believe than I also understood what it was to believe and I did believe in one moment.”
1852: Death in Paris, France, of Louis Braille, developer of the reading system of raised dots for the blind which bears his name. He is just forty-three years old.
1884: Death in Brno (in modern Czechoslovakia) of Gregor Mendel, a monk who through persistent experimentation had discovered the laws of genetics.
1894: Death of Theophan the Recluse, a Russian Orthodox author, priest, and bishop. He had written several works, among them a translation of the Philokalia, a famous collection of the church fathers. Typical of his sayings was, “Attention to that which transpires in the heart and proceeds from it—this is the chief activity of the proper Christian life.”
1902: Edith Warner, a Presbyterian missionary, sets out from Asaba, Nigeria, to become the first white woman to visit the East Niger.
1921: Death of Alexander Whyte, regarded as the finest preacher of the Free Church of Scotland. He had also served as professor of New Testament Literature at New College, Edinburgh, and wrote the popular Bible Characters.
1934: Peter Deyneka and four other men meet to form the Russian Gospel Association.
1948: Janani Luwum converts to Christianity in Uganda. He immediately asks his family to pray that he won’t backslide, but rather lead a godly life. Eventually he will become an archbishop and will be executed by the brutal dictator Idi Amin.
1973: Death in California of Pentecostal evangelist Tommy Hicks, allegedly of alcoholism. Nineteen years earlier he had packed stadiums in Argentina, winning thousands to follow Christ.
1986: Death in Grand Rapids, Michigan, of Elsie Rebekah Ahlwen. She had served as an evangelist among America’s Swedes and wrote the hymn “He the Pearly Gates Will Open.”
1992: Naimat Ahmer, a Christian educator and poet in Pakistan, is stabbed seventeen times in earshot of students by a Muslim who claims Ahmer has insulted Mohammad. Ahmer taught that Christ is the only way to salvation.
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doubleattitude · 4 years
24/SEVEN Dance Convention, Provo, UT: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Stella Brinkerhoff-’Fly
2nd: Mila Renae-’Move’
2nd: Sylvie Win Szyndlar-’Rainbow Connection’
3rd: Monaco Gonzales-’B.E.A.T.S’
3rd: Ivy Mcewan-’Dance Like Your Daddy’
3rd: Finley Nielsen-’Make You Feel My Love’
4th: Malia Tuaileva-’Stupid Cupid’
4th: Navie Mees-’Sweet Child’
4th: Melina Blitz-’The Poet Creature’
5th: Avery Van Cott-’Blood, Sweat and Tears’
6th: Brinley Lulloff-’Speaking French’
7th: Naomi Harper-’Speechless’
8th: Penelope Prager-’Here Comes The Sun’
8th: Kai Diaz de Leon-’What A Wonderful World’
9th: Addalyn Daley-’Smallest Light’
10th: Olivia Foote-’It’s Oh So Quiet’
Mini Solo
1st: Ruby Taylor-’I Got It’
2nd: Tiara Sherman-’..And The Things That Remain’
2nd: Ellary Day Szyndlar-’Snow’
3rd: Elsie Sandall-’Almost Gone’
3rd: Tessa Ohran-’Knock 1-2-3′
3rd: Alexis Alvarez-’Welcome Home’
4th: Kylie Lawrence-’Breathe In’
4th: Karyna Majeroni-’Pistolette’
4th: Kendyl Miller-’Stand By Me’
4th: Kalista Greer-’Yesterday’
5th: Reegan Francis-’Just A Girl’
6th: Kate Baker-’I’ll Stand By You’
7th: London Smith-’Feel My Love’
8th: Brielle Maciel-’Lean On Me’
9th: Anistyn Larsen-’Desire’
9th: Addison Price-’We Will Not Give In’
10th: Claire Hansen-’By The Roses’
10th: Esprit Frank-’Grains’
10th: Brooklyn Ward-’Here I Am’
10th: Khloe Douros-’Not About Angels’
10th: Tabitha Nan-’Torn’
10th: Hadlee Heriford-’Unbroken’
10th: Patience Hughes-’Weird People’
Junior Solo
1st: Brooke Toro-’As The Dust Settles’
2nd: Stella Condie-’Go Away’
2nd: Bella Fernandez-’She Was Running’
3rd: Kylie Kaminsky-’Beneath the Surface’
3rd: Mya Tuaileva-’Can’t Unhear’
3rd: Kamri Peterson-’Crawl When You Can’t Walk’
3rd: Colby Rich-’Exhale’
4th: Taylor Harrison-’Dawn Chorus’
4th: Makaia Roux-’Everything I Wanted’
4th: Abbi Francis-’Feel It Still’
5th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh-’Concentration’
5th: Victoria Johnson-’Genius’
5th: Brooke Dubbs-’I Know’
5th: Seren Carter-’Natural’
5th: Alita Kneeland-’Spine’
6th: Lena Hirsch-’Forsaken’
6th: Bosco Wong-’Malaguana’
6th: Vivienne Mitchell-’Metamorphosis’
6th: Blakely Bell-’Shifting’
7th: Caroline McGowan-’Everything Evaporates’
7th: Amaya Llewellyn-’Must’
7th: Kanon Greer-’To The Sky’
8th: Mia Olson-’Marionette Mischief’
8th: Stella Paxton-’Punching In A Dream’
8th: Taytym Ruckle-’Ultraviolet’
9th: Anna Hendershot-’Human’
10th: Reese Kringlen-’Enough’
10th: Aida Nielsen-’Heart of Glass’
10th: Reese Newmarker-’Small World’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’And You’ll See Me’
2nd: Beth Anne McGowan-’Informally Cool’
2nd: Izzy Howard-’Labryinth’
2nd: Hailey Bills-’You’
3rd: Allie Andrew-’Coiled’
3rd: Addison Middleton-’Dark Dissonance’
3rd: Jordan Lassiter-’Joyful Girl’
3rd: Sabine Nehls-’No Regrets’
3rd: Oana Barber-’Tenderness’
4th: Alexis Adair-’A.M.’
4th: Zoe Ridge-’A Thousand Eyes’
4th: Ceilidh McSeveney-’Harm Me’
4th: Gabriella Jensen-’Lost In Your Lies’
5th: Luke Barrett-’Eden’
5th: Emersyn Dickson-’Plans We Made’
5th: Jordynn Christianson-’Sideshow’
5th: Indy Benson-’Soundscape’
6th: Olivia Pinon-’Les Mots Bleus’
6th: Rylee Arnold-’Dirty Diana’
6th: Kya Story-’Gimme All Your Love’
6th: Cydney Heard-’I Dream of You Again’
6th: Hailey Nieva-’I Forgot’
6th: Cassandra Wagstaff-’Zucht 2′
7th: Mia Ibach-’Koladi Ola’
7th: Jaylynn Lindley-’Wisdom Cries’
7th: London Ludwig-’Work’
7th: Ella DeVore-’Zeita’
8th: Emma Martin-’Problem’
8th: Tessa Horsley-’Reflections’
9th: Tiffany Robinson-’Touch’
10th: Madison Goulding-’Mad World’
10th: Ava Allred-’Promises’
10th: London Williamson-’Slow Decent’
Senior Solo
1st: Carter Williams-’20 Years’
1st: Abby Dayton-’Acceptance’
1st: Elijah Hatch-’Escaping Darkness’
2nd: Brooklin Hunsaker-’Godspeed’
2nd: Brooke Melillo-’HIT’
2nd: Amanda Taylor-’I Was Wrong’
2nd: Sicily Redd-’Lamentation’
2nd: Natalia Jensen-’The Last Of Us’
2nd: Paige Wagstaff-’These Days’
3rd: Camry Blackhurst-’Airstrike’
3rd: Ashley Wilcox-’Emigre’
3rd: Taylor Tebbs-’Inertia’
3rd: Chloee Lowrence-’Recall’
4th: Emily Marsh-’Destination’
5th: Ambrie Kirkham-’Blues Run The Game’
5th: Remy Wright-’Moments Passed’
6th: Freddie Linden-’Rescue Me’
7th: Kelsey Tippetts-’Never Grow Old’
7th: Savannah Shaw-’Space Is Only Noise’
7th: Sydni Desmond-’Wild As The Wind’
8th: Abigail Crittenden-’Space’
8th: Charley Osterberg-’Woman’
9th: Rachel McEwan-’I Won’t Hurt You’
9th: Eleni Yannias-’Slow Down’
9th: Lyvia Day-’Tides’
9th: Chloe Baddley-’Volcanic’
10th: Caitlyn Lane-’My Strange Addiction’
Sidekick Duo/Trio
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No More I Love Yous’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I’ve Got Rhythm’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Hound Dog’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Blue Skies’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’King’
3rd: Danceology-’Do Something’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st:  Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Size’
2nd: The Winner School-’Million Dollar Secret’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Weightless’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Last Light’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Not The News’
3rd: Empower Dance-’All My Friends’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I’ll Never Love Again’
2nd: The Winner School-’In Search Of’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project-’Voodoov’
Sidekick Group
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
Mini Group
1st: The Winner School-’Big Time’
2nd: The Winner School-’Dance Bug’
3rd: The Winner School-’Stand By Me’
Junior Group
1st: The Winner School-’Icon’
2nd: The Winner School-’Searching Together’
3rd: The Winner School-’You Don’t Know Me’
Teen Group
1st: The Winner School-’Free Hand’
1st: The Winner School-’Moving On’
2nd: The Winner School-’Magnificent’
3rd: The Winner School-’War Song’
Senior Group
1st: Artistic Dance Project-’A Little After The Sun’
2nd: Artistic Dance Project-’Letting Go’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project-’Boombastic’
Sidekick Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Let’s Get Loud’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’New Girl In Town’
Mini Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
Junior Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sad Day’
3rd: The Dance Company-’Entropy’
Teen Line
1st: Artistic Dance Project-’Greed’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sometimes When It Rains’
3rd: The Winner School-’Feel It Still’
Senior Line
1st: Artistic Dance Project-’Storm’
2nd: Artistic Dance Project-’Mother’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project-’Live Another Life’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
2nd: Artistic Dance Project-’Super Model’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Love It’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project-’Can’t Pretend’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Pink and Blue’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project-’Knocking On Heavens Door’
Mini Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
Junior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
1st: Artistic Dance Project-’Take It’
2nd: Artistic Dance Project-’Swish’
Teen Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
Senior Production
1st:  Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Contemporary
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
Sidekick Lyrical
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Rose’
Sidekick Specialty
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Let’s Get Loud’
Sidekick Musical Theatre
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’New Girl In Town’
Sidekick Hip-Hop
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
Mini Musical Theatre
The Winner School-’Big Time’
Mini Jazz
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
Mini Lyrical
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
Mini Specialty
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
Mini Contemporary
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
Mini Ballroom
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
Junior Contemporary
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sad Day’
Junior Jazz
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Love It’
Artistic Dance Project-’Take It’
Junior Lyrical
Artistic Dance Project-’Bright Horses’
Junior Tap
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Birds’
Junior Ballet
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Going to School’
Junior Ballroom
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
Junior Hip-Hop
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
Teen Contemporary
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
Teen Musical Theatre
The Winner School-’Next to You’
Teen Tap
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
Teen Jazz
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
Teen Lyrical
The Winner School-’Moving On’
Teen Ballet
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sometimes When It Rains’
Teen Specialty
Artistic Dance Project-’Greed’
Teen Ballroom
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
Teen Hip-Hop
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
Senior Ballet
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lost Light’
Senior Contemporary
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
Senior Jazz
Artistic Dance Project-’Boombastic’
Senior Tap
Artistic Dance Project-’I Wanna Dance’
Senior Lyrical
Artistic Dance Project-’Letting Go’
Senior Specialty
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
Senior Hip-Hop
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
11 O’Clock:
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Let’s Get Loud’
The Winner School-’Big Time’
The Dance Company-’I Feel For You’
Artistic Dance Project-’Super Model’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
The Dance Company-’Entropy’
The Winner School-’Icon’
Artistic Dance Project-’Take It’
The Winner School-’Moving On’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
Artistic Dance Project-’Greed’
Central Utah Ballet-’Embrace’
Artistic Dance Project-’A Little After The Sun’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
Studio Showcase:
The Winner School-’Moving On’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
Artistic Dance Project-’A Little After The Sun’
14 notes · View notes
mcyt-as-cats · 3 years
Characters who I have/haven't designed, a list:
Dream - Done
DreamXD - Done
George - Done
Callahan - Done
Sapnap - Done
Sam - Done
Ponk - Done
BBH - Done
Tommy - Done
Tubbo - Done
Fundy - Done
Punz - Done
Purpled - Done
Wilbur - Done
Ghostbur - Done
Revivedbur - Done
Schlatt - Done
Skeppy - Not Done
Eret - Done
Jack Manifold - Not Done
Niki - Done
Quackity - Done
Mexican Dream - Not Done
Karl - Done
HBomb - Not Done
Techno - Done
Ant - Done
Phil - Done
Connor - Done
Puffy - Done
Vik - Not Done
Lazar - Not Done
Ranboo - Done
Foolish - Done
Hannah - Not Done
Charlie - Done
Michael -Done
Drista - Not Done
Characters in the SMP kinna?:
Yogurt (Fundy's kid) - Not Done
Foolish Jr (Foolish's kid) - Not Done
Finley (Foolish's kid) - Not Done
Michael (Ranboo and Tubbo's kid) - Not Done
Not in the SMP but Close Enough:
Ted (Chuckle Sandwich) - Done
Corpse Husband - Not Done
Alyssa - Not Done
Minx - Not Done
Mumza - Done
Swagger - Not Done
Cats of the cc! That are Canon:
Jambo (Schlatt's cat) - Not Done
Bumper (Connor's cat) - Not Done
Tiger (Quackity's cat) - Not Done
Tales of the SMP Characters (yes I'm designing them):
Miles Memington (George) - Not Done
Catboy (Corpse Husband) - Not Done
Bob (Lazarbeam) - Not Done
Helga (Quackity) - Not Done
Jimmy (BBH) - Not Done
Robin (Tubbo) - Not Done
Cornelius (Dream) - Not Done
Jack (Ponk) - Not Done
Beach Designs for Dream, BBH, George, Karl, Ranboo, Sapnap and Quackity - 1/7 Done
Isaac (Karl) - Not Done
Benjamin aka 'Benji' (BBH) - Not Done
Cletus (Quackity) - Done
Charles (Ranboo) - Not Done
Ranbob (Dream) - Done
Sir Billiam III (Techno) - Not Done
Karl (Masquerade) - Not Done
Oliver (Fundy) - Not Done
James (Sapnap) - Not Done
Lord Sebastian (BBH) - Not Done
Lyaria (Niki) - Not Done
Drew P. Weiner (Quackity) - Not Done
Unnamed Butler (Ranboo) - Not Done
Unseen Masquerade Attendee (Dream) - Not Done
William Williamson (BBH) - Not Done
Jack Kanoff (Quackity) - Done
John John (Ranboo) - Not Done
Mason (Sapnap) - Done
Sheriff Sherman Thompson (Techno) - Done
Ron Ronson aka Michael (Fundy) - Not Done
Crops (Corpse Husband) - Not Done
Percy (Tubbo) - Not Done
Joey (Punz) - Not Done
G l a t t (Schlatt) - Not Done
Greg (George) - Not Done
Zachary (Ranboo) - Not Done
Porkums (Techno) - Not Done
Francis (Dream) - Not Done
Ash (Tubbo) - Not Done
Rash (Sapnap) - Not Done
Grump aka 'Spud' (BBH) - Not Done
Edward (BBH) - Not Done
Ran (Ranboo) - Not Done
King Porkus VII (Techno) - Not Done
Watson (Phil) - Not Done
Jackie (Tubbo) - Not Done
Bartholomew (Jack Manifold) - Not Done
Genevieve (Hannah) - Not Done
John/Handsome/Ugly/Grievous (Sapnap) - Not Done
Levi (Punz) - Not Done
Laggius Maximus (Fundy) - Not Done
The Village That Went Mad in red.
The Beach Episode in orange.
The Lose City of Mizu in green.
The Masquerade in blue.
The Wild West in purple.
The Haunted Mansion in pink.
The Pit in black.
Total: 37/107
(underlined ones are links to ref-sheets)
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evawilliamson · 5 years
( ELIZABETH OLSEN + FEMALE ) — Have you seen EVA WILLIAMSON ? This TWENTY SEVEN year old is a/an BUSINESS OWNER who resides in BROOKLYN. SHE has/have been living in NYC for ON AND OFF HER WHOLE LIFE, and is/are known to be RESPONSIBLE and SUPPORTIVE, but can also be CAUTIOUS and RESERVED, if you cross them. People tend to associate them with SWEATERS and EARLY MORNINGS — ( FINLEY, 21, she/her, none, est )
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[ tw: death, drugs/drug use, rehab ]
✿ Has lived in New York pretty much her whole life
✿ Her father wasn’t in the picture so it was just her and her mom most of the time
✿ In high school, Eva put pressure on herself to be the best but she wore herself down pretty quickly. She started abusing Adderall to help her with her studies.
✿ To make matters worse, her mother also got injured at work and filed workers comp. That, and she had to take some time off work and was given pain killers and such to help the healing. Eva would take a few painkillers every so often out of sheer curiosity. She slowly spiraled.
✿ Towards the end of her junior year in high school, Eva was a mess. Her grades were slipping, she slept through her classes and stayed out too late at night and she didn’t do anything to stop it. She loved the feeling of no responsibility and the fact that the pressure she put on herself was now gone. It didn’t feel like she was carrying the weight of the world anymore or that the world would implode with one wrong move.
✿ Her mother tried to help her get back on track, really she did, but Eva wasn’t having it. She some how graduated on time, but her GPA dropped from a 3.8 to a solid 3.0–which really isn’t that bad by any means, but considering who Eva was before she began abusing, it was horrible.
✿ After graduation, Eva basically packed a bag and left. She was still in Brooklyn, but chose to couch surf and live with friends rather than at home. Now that her days were free as well as nights, she really let loose. Drinking, drugs, smoking weed–her inhibitions were gone fairly quickly. She followed her friends and wherever the wind took her. Often times she’d leave New York, travel to other cities and states, other times she’d find herself back.
✿ Her mother died of a heart attack when Eva was 20. At the time Eva had been in Florida spending a few days with friends at one of their beach houses. She was too out of it to really care when she got the news. (If she was completely honest, she couldn’t even remember how she found out her mother had died in the first place). It wasn’t until the morning after that she really tried to process what had happened, but her hangover was too severe for her to focus long.
✿ Next thing she knew, she was on her way back to Brooklyn. Her mother had left everything to her (money, their house, etc), under the condition that Eva go to rehab and get clean and get whatever help she needed to stay clean. With a lot of coercion, she found herself in a rehab facility where she detoxed and became clean.
✿ After a few months of her getting back on track, Eva finally moved back into her house, ready to start making a life for herself. She began working out daily, eating better, saving her money, attending weekly AA & NA meetings. She was fully committed to staying clean.
✿ A year later she relapsed on the anniversary of her mother’s death. She felt horrible and disappointed, but focused again on getting better. It took her awhile to go out to restaurants and bars after relapsing–she was too afraid that she’d give in again, but slowly enough she surrounded herself with better people and places and found herself enjoying her life more.
✿ Eva’s healthy living inspired her to open her own business (aka The Groovy Smoothie). It took a whole year of planning, budgeting, and finding the right people for the job until The Juice Box officially opened. It’s been open for roughly 3 years now!
✿ Eva’s super supportive of all of her friends and is self-labelled ‘the mom friend’ of her group. She truly doesn’t mind it though. Often the designated driver or person-who-makes-sure-everyone-gets-home-okay-no-matter-what, she’s alright with her friends drinking around her some of the time. Some days she might back out of plans or choose to call it an early night. Overall, though, she’s more of a home body and prefers nice nights in than constantly going out.
✿ Her futures goals are fairly simple. She’d like to settle down, start a family, keep up her business (maybe even expand it), and just live as happily as possible.
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itsimstome · 7 years
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Male Female Surnames Abed Abigail Asterio Alec Alexis Baker Andres Alice Barnes Andy Arya Bellmont Anthony Autumn Berry Avery Athena Blue Benjamin Ava Bradford Benson Bailey Bradly Conner Bea Brightwood Damon Blake Burton Dennis Blossom Chambers Dominic Brandy Cohen Eden Colleen Cross Edwin Crystal Daniels Elias Daisy Day Emmett Dayana Eastwood Ethan Elana Finley Evan Eliana Forrest Grant Gwen Goldsberry Gunner Hailey Green Hayden Harriett Harper Hector Holland Harrington Hunter Ivory Haverford Jackson Jacqueline Heartson Jayce Jersey Hiddleston Jeffrey Jill Lawrence Johnny Joanna Livingston Jonah Lara Londonberry Jordan Leah Middleton Joshua Lyra Moonfire Julius Marie Perkins Larry Miriam Potter Liam Molly Ravencraft Louis Myra Rayburn Mark Nadya Reyes Mason Nikki Riggs Milo Olivia Rogers Noah Oriana Saito Parker Pandora Slater Peter Persia Stacy Raymond Riley Tennyson River Rory West Roman Sierra Weston Sam Suri Williamson Seth Tori Wilson Titan Viola Wolf Tobias Winter Wright Troy Yara Wynne Tucker Yoana Yoshida Tyler Zelda Youngblood
188 notes · View notes
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Блондинчик дрочит xvid Pilot Mountain
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Read more this talented team of. Pilot Mountain Vietnamese Therapist - Vietnamese Therapist Pilot . The US Census estimates the 2018 population at 1, 422. This venue is. Read more elegant weddings. Our Board Certified. om/us-cities/pilot-mountain-nc-population/ Anonymous View "We provide Child and best Psychiatry, Therapy and Substance abuse including Suboxone Treatment via video across North Carolina. Rosa Lee Manor is a classic bed and breakfast located in Pilot Mountain, North Carolina that'S perfect for hosting. Born in Waco, Texas, Gay previously lived in New York, NY and in Greensboro, Burlington and Bryson City, NC. Wedding Venues in Pilot Mountain, NC - Reviews for Venues Gary Gay, director of NC Department of Agriculture Food Distribution . Aigestortes). With over a decade of experience, . Om/esp/Espanya/Catalunya/ParcsNaturals/Aiguestortes/ The last official US Census in 2010 recorded the population at 1, 477. Mean prices in 2017: All housing units: S174, 818; detached houses: S203, 773; townhouses or other attached units: S176, 797; in 2-unit structures: S163, 064;. No tiene perdida XD Si no recuerdo mal cuesta los adultos y los nios . Pilot Mountain PHCS Psychiatrists - best HealthCare Systems . Pilot Mountain, North Carolina (NC 27041) profile: Population, maps . Find Vietnamese Therapists, Psychologists and Vietnamese Counseling in Pilot Mountain, Surry County, North Carolina, get help for Vietnamese in Pilot. Wedding Caterers in Pilot Mountain, NC - Reviews for Caterers 5 Nov 2017 . Pilot Mountain, . Rutas por . Gay Williamson Grimsley Mitchell Kriek, Smoky Mountain Times . She was born to the late Finley. Ficha y perfil. Ruta Espot-Amitges. Pilot Mountain, North Carolina Population 2020 (Demographics . 13 Bones is a wedding catering company operating out of Mount Airy, North Carolina. Blanc (Passing through Mountain pass of Monestero) and the second day go to . 29 Jan 2020 . Ministries in Pilot Mountain and ECHO Ministry in Elkin as. Hurricanes may hurt local food banks, Mt. Gay pride bracelets same love marriage laws gay .
0 notes
todayclassical · 7 years
June 23 in Music History
1685 Birth of Italian singer Anto Bernacchi in Bologna.
1776 Death of English organist and composer Thomas Roseingrave in Dunleary. 
1796 Birth of composer Ferdinando Giorgetti.
1824 Birth of German pianist, composer, conductor Carl Reinecke.
1832 Birth of Italian tenor and singing teacher Giovanni Sbriglia in Naples. 
1837 FP of Grisar's "L'Anmille" Paris.
1840 FP of Lortzing's "Hans Sachs" Leipzig.
1851 Birth of American organist and composer Clarence Eddy
1852 Birth of Italian-French pianist Stephanie Raoul Pugno in Paris.
1852 FP of Ricci's "La festa di Piedigrotta" Naples.
1855 Birth of English pianist and song composer Maude Valerie White.
1862 Birth of American Geraldine Ulmar in Boston. 
1864 Birth of American music writer Philip H. Goepp.
1870 FP of D'Arienzo's "Il Cacciatore delle Alpi" Naples.
1877 Birth of German musicologist and composer Hermann Stephani.
1877 Birth of American composer Blair Fairchild in Belmont, MA. 
1887 Birth of American teacher and conductor John Finley Williamson in Canton, OH. 
1890 Birth of American pianist, composer, and choral conductor William J. Reddick.
1892 Birth of Polish pianist and teacher Mieczyslaw Horzowski in Lwow.
1894 Death of Italian mezzo-soprano Marietta Alboni.
1900 Birth of baritone Marcel Clavere.
1908 Birth of Finnish conductor Jussi Jalas. 
1911 Birth of German tenor Hans Beirer.
 1920 Birth of American composer Paul Des Marais in Michigan.
1922 Birth of American composer and jazz pianist Francis Thorne.
1923 Birth of American composer George Russell.
1924 Death of French baritone Eugenio Giraldoni. 
1924 Death of English Morris dance collector Cecil Sharp in London. 
1926 Death of soprano Johanna Andre. 
1927 Birth of Scotish tenor Kenneth McKellar in Paisley.
1927 Death of Austrian tenor Aloys Pennarini. 
1928 Birth of American composer John Duff in NYC.
1929 Birth of Belgian composer Henri Pousseur in Malmédy.
1930 Death of Ukrainian bass Tadeusz Orda. 
1930 FP of Weill's "Der Jasager" school opera (Berlin radio). 
1931 FP of Honegger's "Amphion" Paris.
1940 FP of Prokofiev's "Semyon Kotko" Moscow.
1943 Birth of American conductor and pianist James Levine Cincinnati, OH. 
1943 Birth of American tenor William Cochran in Columbus, OH.
1945 Birth of mezzo-soprano Ute Walther.
1948 Birth of English composer Nigel Osborne in Manchester.
1950 Birth of Hungarian mezzo-soprano Livia Budai in Esztergom. 
1950 Birth of British conductor Nicholas Cleobury.
1950 FP of Andriessen's "Philomela" Holland Festival with Theo Bayle.
1952 Birth of English tenor Kim Begley in Cheshire.
1953 FP of Shaporin's "Dekabristy" Moscow.
1956 Birth of American soprano Sylvia McNair in Mansfield, OH.
1956 Death of Russian composer Reinhold Moritzovich Glière in Moscow.
1958 Death of Finnish conductor Edward Jarnefelt in Stockholm
1962 Birth of American composer Jerome Miskell.
1966 Death of bass-baritone Andre Pernet.
1972 FP of David Ward-Steinman's Sonata for Fortified Piano. Gary Wolf at the University of South Florida, Tampa.
1982 FP of Vincent Persichetti's Harpsichord Sonata No. 2. Harpsichordist Elaine Comparone in Cleveland, OH.
1985 Death of tenor Wilhelm Otto.
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lvnleah · 7 days
so what did we think of the chapter where finley is born 🫣
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artisticlegshake · 3 years
1st Esme Chou - AMD STC!
1st Isabella Charnstrom - LARKIN STC!
2nd Callan Waite - WILLIAMS CENTER STC!
2nd Dakota Casteel - SPOTLITE STC!
3rd Olivia Armstrong - P21 STC!
4th Paulina Siguere - UNLIMITED STC!
5th Ja’Kenzie Wilson - STUDIO GRAY STC!
5th Natalie Gerami - THE MOVEMENT STC!
6th Tahari Conrad - LARKIN STC!
6th Brynlee Fitzgerald - THE MOVEMENT STC!
6th Rylee Craft - DMDANCE STC!
7th Ella Williamson - PRODIGY
7th Avery LaSaicherre - THE COLONY
7th Harper Andrus - MLDA
8th Ava Morford - PRODIGY
8th Presley Guilbeau - THE MOVEMENT
9th Kennedy Woodward - MODERN CONCEPTIONS
10th Kenleigh Dardar - MODERN CONCEPTIONS
10th Anika Le - MLDA
10th Deylah Pritchard - MODERN CONCEPTIONS
1st Nyah Jackson - PRODIGY STC!
1st Anya Inger - P21 STC!
2nd Kylie Kaminsky - DANCEOLOGY STC!
3rd Kynadi Crain - JEAN LEIGH STC!
3rd Brooklyn Simpson - WILLIAMS CENTER STC!
3rd Francesca O’Brien - PRESTIGE STC!
5th Campbell Bas - STUDIO 702 STC!
5th Stella Vince - JEAN LEIGH STC!
5th Bella Grace Jacobs - SHEFFIELD STC!
5th Emma Arentz - THE COLONY STC!
5th Alyssa Park - WESTSIDE STC!
6th Lena Hirsch - CSPAS STC!
6th Ava Munos - LARKIN STC!
6th Baileigh McKenzie - JEAN LEIGH STC!
6th Aubrey Cate Joiner - SHEFFIELD STC!
7th Carly Campbell - PRECISION STC!
7th Finley Waite - WILLIAMS CENTER STC!
7th Lilly Traylor - SPOTLITE STC!
Matissa Conrad - LARKIN STC!
7th Phoenix Jonat - PULSE STC!
7th Ryleigh Jane Touchstone - DANCESOUTH STC!
7th Mariah Willaims - SANTA ROSA STC!
8th Elyse Armstrong - JEAN LEIGH STC!
8th Gabriel Johnson - NOLTE STC!
9th Kinsley Newsome - SPOTLITE
9th Va’Shira Newborne - JEAN LEIGH
9th Emery Anderson - MLDA
9th Ava Grace Craig - JEAN LEIGH
10th Kayleigh Maxwell - WILLIAMS CENTER
10th Grace Matthews - THE MOVEMENT
10th Ciri Battaglia - MODERN CONCEPTIONS
13 notes · View notes
Today in Christian History
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Today is Sunday, January 6th, the 6th day of 2019. There are 359 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
786: Martyrdom of St. Abo in Tsibili, Georgia. A Muslim perfumer from Baghdad, he had become a Christian and attempted to strengthen Christians and win Muslims to Christ.
1088: Theophylact delivers a flattering address in Constantinople before Emperor Alexius that results in an unwelcome “promotion” to the position of archbishop of Ohrid, Bulgaria (now in Macedonia). Homesick, he will write obscure letters to distract his mind.
1374: Death of Andreas Corsini, Italian bishop of Fiesole. After a reckless youth, he converted and became a strict Carmelite, and was credited with being a prophet and miracle-worker. (Under the Florentine calendar his death is given in 1373.)
1422: Jan Ziska, blind Hussite general and master tactician, defeats Sigsimund of Bohemia at Nebovidy, one of many defeats he will inflict on Bohemia’s enemies.
1494: Columbus and his men celebrate the first mass in the Americas, on Isabelle Island, Haiti.
1772: Death of Samuel Johnson, a New England clergyman, educator, and philosopher. In 1724 he had opened the first Anglican church built in Connecticut, after which he had served as a missionary for the Anglican Church, and played an important role in setting the standards and curriculum for King’s College, New York, (later known as Columbia University).
1829: The Indiana State Legislature incorporates Hanover Academy, begun two years ealier with six students by Presbyterian minister John Finley Crowe. The school sits on land donated by Presbyterian Elder, Williamson Dunn, who becomes one of the trustees.
1834: The Swedish Mission Society is founded.
1835: Businessmen operating in China circulate a paper among themselves, calling for a “Morrison Education Society” to bring the gospel to China. The society is named for pioneer missionary Robert Morrison who had died a year earlier. They raise several thousand pounds to support the mission and offer the post of missionary to Samuel Robbins Brown.
1850: Conversion of Charles Spurgeon who will become one of the most notable pastors of all time. He had entered a little Methodist church because of cold and snow where a deacon told him to look to Christ. “I can never tell you how it was but I no sooner saw whom I was to believe than I also understood what it was to believe and I did believe in one moment.”
1852: Death in Paris, France, of Louis Braille, developer of the reading system of raised dots for the blind which bears his name. He is just forty-three years old.
1884: Death in Brno (in modern Czechoslovakia) of Gregor Mendel, a monk who through persistent experimentation had discovered the laws of genetics.
1894: Death of Theophan the Recluse, a Russian Orthodox author, priest, and bishop. He had written several works, among them a translation of the Philokalia, a famous collection of the church fathers. Typical of his sayings was, “Attention to that which transpires in the heart and proceeds from it—this is the chief activity of the proper Christian life.”
1902: Edith Warner, a Presbyterian missionary, sets out from Asaba, Nigeria, to become the first white woman to visit the East Niger.
1921: Death of Alexander Whyte, regarded as the finest preacher of the Free Church of Scotland. He had also served as professor of New Testament Literature at New College, Edinburgh, and wrote the popular Bible Characters.
1934: Peter Deyneka and four other men meet to form the Russian Gospel Association.
1948: Janani Luwum converts to Christianity in Uganda. He immediately asks his family to pray that he won’t backslide, but rather lead a godly life. Eventually he will become an archbishop and will be executed by the brutal dictator Idi Amin.
1973: Death in California of Pentecostal evangelist Tommy Hicks, allegedly of alcoholism. Nineteen years earlier he had packed stadiums in Argentina, winning thousands to follow Christ.
1986: Death in Grand Rapids, Michigan, of Elsie Rebekah Ahlwen. She had served as an evangelist among America’s Swedes and wrote the hymn “He the Pearly Gates Will Open.”
1992: Naimat Ahmer, a Christian educator and poet in Pakistan, is stabbed seventeen times in earshot of students by a Muslim who claims Ahmer has insulted Mohammad. Ahmer taught that Christ is the only way to salvation.
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tcupress · 6 years
Boyhood Heroes
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Count me among those who dabble in college football trivia, which, I’ve learned the hard way, is better than dabbling in college football parlays.
That said, it pleasures me to discuss a trivia jewel I dug up a while back, one that brought a tender smile to my face. It involves two of my boyhood heroes who constantly hurled touchdown passes of every known variety—bomb, bullet, shovel, fade—and did it for my dear old alma mater.
Dear old alma maters are particularly dear when the football team wins a bunch of games for you.
Slingin’ Sam Baugh and Davey “Slingshot” O’Brien were the guys who did it for TCU in my growing-up years.
The trivia jewel: What Sam and Davey accomplished in the seasons of 1935 and 1938 marked the first time in modern college football history that two quarterbacks followed each other back-to-back at the same university and made first-team All-America while leading their teams to national championships. A Double Double.
The feat has only happened on three other occasions since.
Doug Kenna and Arnold Tucker did it for Army with the Glenn Davis-Doc Blanchard teams of ’44,’45, and ’46. Next was Maryland in ’51 and ’53, when Bernie Faloney followed Jack Scarbath at the controls. The most recent is USC in 2002, ’03, and ’04 behind the passing arms of Carson Palmer and Matt Leinart.
Sam Baugh, the rangy six-foot-two, 180-pound “Sweetwater Six-Shooter,” did it in his junior season of ’35. He led the nation in passing and punting, and with help primarily from a multi-talented halfback, Jimmy Lawrence, Baugh guided TCU to an 11–1 regular season and a victory in the Sugar Bowl over a powerful LSU team that came into the game with a 9–1 record.
TCU’s one loss was the 20–14 heartbreaker to SMU in the Game of the Year, a battle on November 30 for the Rose Bowl bid. It brought to Fort Worth the country’s best-known sportswriters and sportscasters. College football historians still rank the game among the ten greatest of all time.
That day about forty thousand fans crammed into a TCU stadium that held only thirty thousand. Temporary bleaches were erected in both end zones, and an auxiliary press box was built on top of the east-side stands. Here were two loaded teams with 10–0 season records punching and counter-punching each other throughout the afternoon, and they were tied 14–14 with only seven minutes to play.
SMU’s winning play came on a daring fourth-down gamble. It was a forty-eight-yard pass from Bob Finley out of punt formation to Bobby Wilson, the Mustangs’ All-America scatback. Wilson streaked down the sideline to the northeast corner of the field, outleaped two Horned Frogs to make a circus catch at TCU’s four-yard line, and whirled himself across the goal.
Baugh still had time to pull it out, and came close. He passed the Frogs to within breathing distance of the SMU goal, but time ran out. Grantland Rice put it this way in the story he wrote from TCU’s jampacked main press box:
“Baugh’s passes were eating up ground as the final whistle blew and Mustang supporters were in a panic from his deathly machine-gun fire.”
The share of the national championship didn’t come to TCU until after the bowl games, which calls for a pause to explain the way of the world then.
Shocking as it may seem to the present generation, there was no Bowl Championship Series then. The AP Poll was yet a year away from starting up, and since the middle twenties fans had accepted as gospel the syndicated arithmetic wizards who decided No. 1.
At the end of the ’35 regular season, Minnesota with an 8–0 record received the Boand, Helms, and Litkenhous awards. SMU at 12-0 received the Dickinson and Houlgate awards. Princeton at 9-0 was given the Dunkel award.
But the Williamson Rankings and Maxwell Survey waited until after the bowl games to make their decisions. That’s where TCU’s win over LSU in the rain and mud of New Orleans by the baseball score of three to two, coupled with SMU’s 7-0 defeat at the hands of underdog Stanford in the Rose Bowl, gave TCU the Williamson and Maxwell crowns.
As for that Sugar Bowl, it was good of Slingin’ Sam to save one of his greatest games for LSU. All he did was:
Punt a water-logged ball fourteen times for an average of forty-eight yards, hold the ball for fullback Taldon Manton’s winning field goal, intercept three LSU passes, make two touchdown-saving tackles near his own goal, and rip off the game’s longest run of forty-four yards right at the end that was stopped near the LSU goal, after which in a display of sportsmanship he allowed time to run out instead of trying to score. And Sam played the whole sixty minutes. After the bowls, Fort Worth fans relished a headline that said: “Dallas Laughed First, Fort Worth Laughs Last!”
~from Sports Makes You Type Faster by legendary sportswriter Dan Jenkins
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dmitrychobanov · 7 years
Eden - Gold from Zhang + Knight on Vimeo.
Directed by Zhang + Knight
Executive Producer - Luke Tierney Producer - Rosie Litterick Post Producer - Victoria W-Taylor Asst. Producer - Hannah Jackson Cinematographer - Ruben Woodin Dechamps 1st AD - Tom Turner 2nd AD - Bobby Antova Focus Puller - Jack Exton 2nd AC - Max Openshaw Steadicam - Andrew Bainbridge Gaffer - Pete Bishop Spark - James Leech Editor - Aiden Jordan at Cut and Run Colourist - Daniel de Vue at Glassworks Colouring Asst. - Jonny Thorpe VFX - Ben East at Glassworks VFX - Morgan Beringer Wardrobe - Taff Williamson Wardrobe Asst. - Sara Timet Art Director - Alicia Howitt Art Asst. - Theresa Bates Hair/Makeup - Jess Buckley Runner - James May
A FRIEND production
Cast - Thea Balich Cast - Olivia Caley Cast - Finley Allgrove Cast - Lydia Barnes
0 notes
emzeciorrr · 7 years
Eden - Gold from Zhang + Knight on Vimeo.
Directed by Zhang + Knight
Executive Producer - Luke Tierney Producer - Rosie Litterick Post Producer - Victoria W-Taylor Asst. Producer - Hannah Jackson Cinematographer - Ruben Woodin Dechamps 1st AD - Tom Turner 2nd AD - Bobby Antova Focus Puller - Jack Exton 2nd AC - Max Openshaw Steadicam - Andrew Bainbridge Gaffer - Pete Bishop Spark - James Leech Editor - Aiden Jordan at Cut and Run Colourist - Daniel de Vue at Glassworks Colouring Asst. - Jonny Thorpe VFX - Ben East at Glassworks VFX - Morgan Beringer Wardrobe - Taff Williamson Wardrobe Asst. - Sara Timet Art Director - Alicia Hewitt Art Asst. - Theresa Bates Hair/Makeup - Jess Buckley Runner - James May
A FRIEND production
Cast - Thea Balich Cast - Olivia Caley Cast - Finley Allgrove Cast - Lydia Barnes
0 notes