#i so want to reply the first game... my ps4 is coming in a few days
sparklingichigo · 2 years
How to Approach Your Demon Crush
Brought to you by Asmodeus Morningstar
Part 3
The next few days, things are going well especially with Haruka's crush on Satan. They're getting close day by day and Asmo's can't help but rejoice because of this with a little bit of pride in it because look him smirking in victory because his advice works,
"See, told you~" he says. "But be careful though, he can be really territorial when he's jealous."
"I don't think he's one to get jealous actually..." Haruka trails out.
"You'll see." Asmo replies.
Suddenlly their door is opened by Levi who wants to play games with Haruka. He doesn't even knock; he just bangs the door open so hard Asmo drops his brush!
"For the love of God, KNOCK!" Asmo scolds him.
"Can't." Levi replies not caring about Asmo. "Haruka, let's go! It's our gaming day!"
"It is? It is?!" Haruka gasps. "Uh...sure let's go! See you around, Asmo!" She exclaims, going with Levi.
As the door close, Asmo sighs as he continues with his makeup.
"I'm surrounded by idiots..." He mutters to himself as he brushes the blush-on to his face. "Will this be too much for the fangol game? Nah, I think I look perfect~"
In the living room there's Satan reading one of his novels on the couch, just chilling until he sees Ichigo walking out with Beel.
"Really now? You're wearing that?" Oh, the tone! It's so degrading, it made Ichigo's blood boil!
"That's coming from someone who can't use their outer properly!" Ichigo shots back.
"It's for the game, she's coming to watch." Beel says.
"Oh. But it's so...orange..." Satan replies.
"So? It's the fangol team's color. Deal with your own bussiness if all you do is degrade people. As if you're no lower being yourself!" Ichigo snaps. "Let's go, Beel! Can't miss your game." She said with a huff.
"After you." Beel says as Ichigo walks pass him before he follows behind.
Satan is now left alone, rolling his eyes but he hears Levi and Haruka talking LOUDLY across the room.
"What kind of game are we playing again?" That's Haruka for sure.
"Well lots, I mean we can play the Sims, kingdom hearts, mario kart, hey I think we can also play the new game I bought!" Yep, that's Levi.
Their loudness does annoy him, so he snaps his book close, rolling his eyes. He even tsk-ed due to such annoyance until he sees Asmo sitting beside him.
"So, I sense some jealousy~" He starts.
"Definitely not but what's up with your...." Satan replies confusedly pointing to Asmo's whole look.
"What?" Asmo confusedly asks.
"It's so orange!" He replies.
"It's the theme, duh!" Asmo answers as if it's the most obvious thing.
"God, first it's Ichigo now it's you." He grumbles.
"Hey, don't talk about fashion when you can't even wear your outer properly." Asmo teases causing his brother to glare at him.
"What do you want?" Satan finally asks.
"Nothing! I'm just looking out for you! You're my brother so I have to look out for you too~" Asmo replies playfully.
"I start to doubt that that's your intention." Satan says.
"Hm, but I do sense some jealousy in you." Again, with the teasing!
"I'm not and stop putting your nose in other beings' business!" Satan scolds him, walking away.
Asmo pouts watching his brother leave before huffing and start to play with his phone on the couch instead. He does intend to leave for the game anyways but Solomon his date isn't coming anytime soon so here he is.
Meanwhile, Levi and Haruka are gaming like crazy. They went from Kingdom hearts to final fantasy, Mario Kart and more games.
"This one's a new one! You remember my fave, Ruri-chan don't you?" Levi says as he puts the dvd into the PS4 dvd slot.
"I do, he's like your favorite of all anime characters." Haruka replies.
"I actually wanna cosplay as her but I just haven't got a chance yet. Too shy." Levi says. "I've bought all the things I need but yea..."
"Don't worry about it! I'm sure you'll look great!" Haruka says trying to motivate him.
"You think so?" Levi asks.
"Yeah! I mean you can always try it on and show me?" Haruka asks back.
"I won't mind but don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
"I won't."
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At the same time in RAD's fangol field, everyone is already there to watch the game including Ichigo. Since she's here for Beel here she is sitting alone until someone pats her on her shoulder,
"Hey," The person greets her.
"Solomon!" She gasps.
"Sup, watching the game too?" He starts.
"I am, yes. What brings you here?" She replies.
"Same thing, but also Asmo's in the cheer team." He answers.
"Ah, right..." That's all she said nodding.
The game finally starts after a few minutes and Ichigo is now so invested in the game, she's cheering so loud along with the other fangol audience,
"Oh my God! That's so close! Let's go, Beel! Go for it!" She shouts trying to motivate Beel as if he'd hear her.
While Solomon just eats popcorns by his seat until he tugs Ichigo's shirt to get her attention,
"You want me to use magic to make them win?" He offers.
"Are you crazy?! That's cheating!" She scolds him.
"Not if anyone knows." The reply annoys Ichigo in so many ways that she actually smacks him with her purse.
"No! It's still cheating and Beel won't like it! Stop trying to make things worse than it already is!" Ichigo scolds.
"Yes, ma'am." Solomon says as he raises his hands, surrendering. "I'll just help you with the cheering... CMON BEEL! YOU GOT THIS, CMON MAN!"
"YOU CAN DO IT BEEL!!" Ichigo shouts again, cheering to Beel who's currently carrying the rugby throughout the field.
Down there, Beel's focus is actually quite off with how his opponent starts to catch up with the score, even his friends are worried about it too.
"You think we should go with plan B?" One of his teammates asks.
"Maybe we should, it's probably our way to win this game and go to the finals." Beel replies.
"Plan B it is. What do you think, Coach?" Another asks.
"If that's what it takes, then Plan B it is." The coach replies.
The team nods as they go back to the field going with Plan B. The strategy with Plan B is quite different since they didn't put Beel at the front, instead he's at the back, surprising everyone.
"They put him in the back...?" Solomon comments confusedly.
"For a distraction perhaps?" Ichigo replies just as confused.
"Most likely." Solomon nods confirming Ichigo's guess.
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Back in house of lamentation, Haruka finally took her break from gaming and decide to get some water. On the way she bumps on Satan who's busy reading a book.
"Oh Haruka, didn't see you there!" Satan gasps as soon as he sees her.
"Clearly, you need to stop putting your nose in that book. You might crash on something or worse got into a trap." Haruka warns.
Satan sighs and decides to change the topic, "Done playing?"
"Nah, I'm on a break. Today's is full gaming day, so yeah." She replies.
"I see, how unfortunate." The tone is clear sarcasm causing Haruka to raise her eyebrows confusedly, but Satan walks away anyway.
"Weirdo..." She mutters before going to fill her bottle.
After meeting Haruka, Satan walks all the way to Levi's room and inside Levi is still tidying some things so he doesn't bother to answer the door when Satan knocks.
"Just come in," He says.
Once the door was opened it was silence causing Levi to be confused, so he turns back and he legit SCREAMED.
"You told me to get in." Satan replies sarcastically.
"I thought you're Haruka!" Levi shouts.
"Well, you thought wrong." Another sarcastic answer is given by Satan.
"Why are you even here?! You're literally a nerd!" Levi asks frustratedly.
"Just checking on you two, you do take a LONG time in there." Satan answers.
"What?! Hold on... You're seriously jealous because we're playing together?!" Levi asks.
Levi didn't bother letting Satan finish, he instantly sniff the air and he gawks,
"You are jealous. It's obvious." Levi concludes
"I'm not!" Satan denies it all, clearly.
"Dude, I'm literally the avatar of envy and I can sense this. Your jealousy is off chart. Trust me, dude. I got nothing going on with Haruka, it's all platonic. I'm just here to game, okay?" Levi explains.
"Tsk. Whatever." The ice-cold respond cause Levi to scoff as that wrath of a demon turns around to exit but instead, they find Haruka by the door.
"Oh hi, what brings you here..." Haruka greets him. "And what's with the demonic aura?"
"Your aura, it's all-over Levis' room..." Haruka trails out awkwardly.
"He's jealous." Levi teases causing Satan to glare at him in seconds and denies it as always.
"I'm not and Haruka, can you please move? I have somewhere to be." Satan says with his passive aggressive smile.
"Okay...?" Haruka awkwardly slides away with a nod as Satan exist Levi's room to God knows where. "Such a weirdo..."
"You bet!" Levi agrees with a nod. "Your whole relationship with him is weird."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Haruka asks offendedly.
"Not in a bad way, it feels like reading a manga. It's just so unreal you know." Levi answers. "Anyways, wanna continue?"
"...No thank you." Haruka forces a smile as she collects her things.
"Why not?" Levi asks worriedly.
"Reasons, I'll be off." Haruka says, leaving the room.
Outside the room Haruka is seen running all the way to the room loudly. Satan, who's coincidentally there, stares at her confusedly before following her out of curiosity and worry. Even the door bang tells him something is definitely up!
"Hey, Haruka?" He calls out, knocking on the door. "Are you okay there? May I come in?"
No answer, that girl needs a time on her own now but Satan is persistent. He knocks some more and asks to come in. Haruka gets annoyed and decides that he can come in.
"Fine, come in." She says.
Satan nods as he comes in to see Haruka covered in blankets. A smile appears on his face because he finds it cute.
"You good?" He asks, sitting on the edge of her bed.
Again, no answer but a huff. Even Haruka hides herself more beneath the pile of blanket.
"Just know that I'm trustworthy enough for you to vent. As someone with uncontrolled emotions I think I can be a good listener or a good advisor, whichever your choice." He says, patting the pile of blanket before getting his hand slap away.
"Don't touch me!" Haruka grumbles.
"Okay, I won't." Satan says, understandingly.
After a couple minutes of silence, Haruka finally peeks out from her pile of blankets, "Do you think I'm weird?"
"You want me to be honest?" Satan asks back. A nod is what he get to honest he did.
"Bluntly speaking, yes." He says causing Haruka to throw a pillow at him. "Hey, I wasn't finished! Listen to me!" Haruka only huffs but she did.
"Okay, here's the thing. We are technically weird but that's not a bad thing. You and I are different species and I'm sure you view me as someone weird. Heck you're even playing video games with a snake! This whole thing is weird, okay. So, for me, sure you're weird but not in a bad way, but it's because you're unique." Satan explains.
Haruka's mood didn't get better instead he stares at Satan as if he's a know-it-all, which indeed he is but hey, he's here trying to comfort her.
"And your weirdness didn't make you an outcast. You are accepted here in my house; everyone wants to be your friend. We're your friends and your uniqueness make you special." Satan continues. "Well, I did kinda push Ichigo to the corner but that's not because she's a human but that's because she's annoying."
"Don't bring her into this! Let her be!" Haruka scolds.
"But yeah, your weirdness is not a bad thing but if someone insults you, I'll help you." He finalizes.
"Help as in?"
"Help you throw hands." Satan shrugs as if that's a casual thing. "So, who is it? Who called you weird?"
"I'll be back."
Haruka peeks out and finally stands up, holding Satan back, "No, please don't go! Where are you doing?!"
"To sit him down, clearly." Satan replies.
"Don't! Just accompany me here, please?" She pleads.
"Okay." Satan nods. "Know what, why don't I take you out? You haven't got a tour around town, haven't you?"
Haruka only shakes her head no and what she gets is Satan's first ever soft smile causing her to blush and her heart skip the beat, there's even butterflies inside her stomach!
"Then I'll tour you around. There's this awesome cafe you should see, oh and there's the city library and ice cream." Satan says.
"I do want ice cream..." She says.
"Perfect! I'll let you get ready, and we'll meet at the lobby, okay?" Satan offers.
Haruka nods shyly before Satan exits the room. If you're in HOL right now you're gonna hear her scream in happiness! She finally gets a date! Haruka instantly opens her closet trying to find cute clothes she should wear.
"Oh no... what should I wear?! Ah! It's my first ever hangout with Satan!" She panics as she looks around the closet until she finds a red sweater and a black pencil skirt.
"Perfect!" She exclaims and changes into that, she also puts on black thighs and black boots to match the skirt. She also puts some accessories to spice up the outfit before grabbing her bag and run all the way the lobby.
Satan who's already at the lobby finds Haruka running there instantly catches her since she decides to trip on air,
"Hey, careful there. I'm not gonna leave that soon." Satan teases causing her to pout.
"It's my first hangout with you so I gotta be there on time..." She replies.
Satan only nods understandingly and pats her, "You look nice."
"So do you..." Haruka shyly replies.
"Shall we?" Satan asks offering his hand, Haruka nods accepting the hand and off they go to town!
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Meanwhile in RAD, everyone cheers because the RAD's Fangol team has won! Everyone is happy with the results until Solomon decides to open a shaken can of beer out of no where.
"What the heck, Solomon?!" Ichigo scolds, moving away.
"What, it's fun!" Solomon replies, spraying it everywhere.
"Ew!" Ichigo exclaims, getting away from him all the way down.
As she runs she almost trips but luckily someone caught her, the scent is very familiar and as she looks up there's Beel who actually caught her.
"Hey...." She greets him with a shy smile.
"Hey." He greets her back. "Are you okay?"
"I'm good, I'm okay. I'm escaping that though." Ichigo replies, instantly hiding behind Beel.
"Oh, Solomon! Nice seeing you here!" Beel greets him.
"You too. Congratulations by the way." Solomon greets him back.
"Thanks. Oh by the way Asmo's with the cheering team there if you're here for him." Beel says.
Solomon nods to thank him before bolting to meet his crush. Ichigo then peeks from behind Beel to see if he's gone.
"He's gone, don't worry." Beel says.
"That's a relief." Ichigo sighs in relief. "You did great by the way..."
"Thank you." Beel replies.
"Hey, Beel! You coming to the victory party?" One of his teammates asks.
"Sure, if Ichigo wants to." Beel answers causing Ichigo's eyes to widen in confusion while his teammates coo at how cute they are.
"I mean if you want me to come, I can make it." Ichigo says.
"Perfect! See you two there!" He said.
Ichigo only nods as his teammates walk to the locker room to clean up.
"You wanna clean up here or at home?" Ichigo asks.
"At home unless you wanna wait for me." Beel replies.
"I can wait, no worries." Ichigo replies. "Plus, you stink~" She teases.
"Hey!" Beel pouts playfully making Ichigo giggles.
"Go on, clean up. You're sweating and all, shoo!" She scolds him playfully.
Beel obliges as he runs to the locker room, leaving Ichigo alone at the bleachers with the rest of the audience who's still there.
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At HOL, Haruka and Satan are finally done with their date hangout. They went from a cafe to the town's library to read some books and ending it with the ice cream! It's a lot of fun but when they reach the door, Haruka starts to tip-toe trying to kiss Satan, clearly she can't reach him. Satan sighs fondly before meeting her half-way giving her the kiss she wants until the door opens and then closes again.
"How to unsee..." Oh it's Lucifer!
"What happened?" Mammon asks.
"Someone kissing." Asmo replies.
Suddenly they all hear a shout from Ichigo who just got back with Beel,
"Ichigo, it's not what you think!" Satan exclaims.
"Ichigo, calm down, it's not what-"
"Don't defend him!" She cuts in as Haruka sighs.
The rest of the evening is Ichigo chasing Satan down with Haruka sighing along with Beel until he reminds her of the party.
"Ichigo, you need to prepare for the victory party, right?" He reminds her.
"Ah right... " Ichigo nods but she still smacks her purse at Satan for kissing Haruka.
"I'm watching you Satan, if you dare hurt her this won't be the attack you're getting." She warns him.
"Hey! She started it!" Satan exclaims.
"Doubt that!" She replies.
"Ichigo~" Beel calls again causing her to pout.
"Okay, alright, I'm coming." She huffs.
"That's what she says." Asmo jokes as he leans at the door.
"Asmo..." Beel warns him.
"Just joking dear brother. You did great by the way." Asmo says.
"And you're awesome on the cheers team." Beel replies with a compliment.
"Of course, I am." Asmo says, flipping his non-existent long hair.
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dreamchaserguild · 2 years
Dream Journal: The Waterpark
Ghost: Have you ever found yourself driving in the passenger seat of a car in the middle of a city that's flooding, where roads seem like they can't decide if they want to be actual roads or massive water slides? No?
Well, that's where I was this morning.
Some of the roads were angled upward like ramps before falling off into an abyss. It was hectic and chaotic. On the off chance you've ever played Tectonic in the PS4 Dreams game, it's like that but with a lot of water everywhere. If you haven't, here's a video.
It's way cooler in 1st person mode in VR.
It's not so cool when you're in the middle of an actual dream and don't realize that none of this is really happening.
At a certain point, we got split up. I don't know if I fell out of the car or if it just wrecked and we agreed to go our separate ways and meet up later. Doesn't really matter.
What matters is that somehow, I found myself alone in a flooded playground and needed to make my way across monkey bars without falling into the water.
It was at this point that I had the thought that "this whole scenario is so weird. It almost feels like I'm in some kind of bizarre dream." And then I had the lightbulb moment of "oh, yeah! I must be dreaming. That makes way more sense."
Feeling invigorated with this new realization, I confidently crossed the Monkey Bars of Watery Doom and entered the dark, abandoned school building nearby.
Yes, it was creepy, but none of it was real, and I was confident I could take whatever this dream decided to throw at me.
While walking through the abandoned halls, I met Bianca.
Now, Bianca wasn't given a name in the dream, but she needed one and with her fair skin and white dress, I decided to go with a name that literally just means "white." Simple and straight to the point.
I see the woman I've retroactively named Bianca, and I am marveling at how real the dream feels as I do a lot when I first become lucid. I can't even remember what she said to me, but I was just focused on how audible it sounded, like actual words rather than the mind-voices of headmates.
"You have a beautiful voice," I said to the dream character.
"How do you see it?" she replied, confused.
"See what?"
"My voice? How do you see my voice?"
"Umm... you don't. You hear it."
Bianca just looks at me blankly, and I wonder if the dream character even understands the concept of sound.
"With your ears," I clarify, pointing at her ears. "What... what did you think those were there for?"
"For rotating," Bianca says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Then she takes her right ear with her fingers, and she fucking twists it 90 degrees like the ear was on a wheel so that the ear lobe was pointing forward.
That was both horrifying... and intriguing. I planned on continuing to interrogate this mysterious and bizarre creature when these large, muscular dudes started filing out of the corner of the room. They looked intimidating and I felt like they wanted to fight.
I felt like they wanted to fight me because of my interaction with Bianca. I had caused her to go too far off-script, and they were coming in to set everything back to normal
I tried talking to them to see if they would say anything interesting like Bianca did, but they weren't interested in playing that game. No. They had come here for one reason and one reason only. They were hear to knock the daylights into me.
Okay then. Bring it on.
They came at me. It was three to one, and I each of them were taller and more muscular than I am. I hit, but they hit me back. I knocked one down on the floor, but they kept pummeling me. The fight only lasted a few seconds, and I was down on the ground, beaten.
The men all brushed themselves off and turned to go. The fight was over.
Then I stood and smiled at the men in the room.
"Good job guys," I walked over and patted one on the shoulder. "That was fun. Do you want to go again?"
That's the thing about lucid dreaming. They can knock me down all they want. But I didn't feel a damn thing except the excitement of the fight. Nothing they could do could hurt me.
And they were just so completely bewildered. They expected me to just stand down. To act like someone would if they had gotten beaten up in real life. Or at least to be scared of them.
But these weren't threats that could hurt me. They were specimens to be analyzed and dissected.
Then I woke up.
Maybe it was my time to wake up. Maybe the befuddlement of the dream characters just caused the entire system to crash. Whatever the case, that was easily one of the strangest and wildest dreams I've ever experienced.
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writingpun-art · 5 years
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transparent smug lawyers for your transparent smug lawyer needs
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Lady dimitrescu s/o bonding with the daughters?🙍‍♂️
(Ex: giving cassandra fighting/hunting tips)
Broken Truth: A Little Father-Daughter Bonding Time? Let's get writing!
- Bela Dimitrescu -
"Here, Bela." A deep voice called out as a buff hand held out a white hard-cover book with the title 'Creatures of Greek Mythology. Bela looked up from the book she was reading, locking eyes with the only male of Castle Dimitrescu that wasn't turned into wine or dinner - [Y/N] [L/N], Husband of Alcina Dimitrescu & Step-Father of the Dimitrescu Sisters.
"What's this, Father?" Bela asked as she placed her bookmark in her place before closing the book in her lap and took the book from her step-father's hands and looked at it closely.
"I noticed that you are fond of books that regarded Ancient Civilizations & Unknown Creatures. This is a book I've had since I was a child living in Greece (The Reader is Greek in this case)." The man exhaled as he took a seat in the chair beside the blonde-haired girl.
"Your book?" Bela looked at the book again before looking at her step-father. "Then this must be important to you, Father. Why would you give me this?" Shee asked.
"My mother told me that I would have a family of my own someday and I would want to give them my most prized possession - that book was the last thing my father gave to me before I never saw him again. I have read it more than 1,000 times by now; I'm sure Athena would be annoyed with me if I read it again." He explained.
"Who's Athena?" Bela asked.
"She's the Greek Goddess of Reason, Wisdom, & War." He said.
"DID SOMEONE SAY WAR?!" Cassandra's voice echoed in the room.
"There is no war, Cass!" [Y/N] yelled back.
"But, I heard war!" Cass retorted.
"Then go read a book about war!" the man replied.
"Reading about war!" Cass confirmed.
"She likes war, now." [Y/N] said as he looked back at Bela.
"Wait - If Athena is the Goddess of Reason, why is she also the Goddess of War?" Bela questioned.
"Well, she's not the official Goddess of War - that title belongs to Ares, The God of War. He and Athena kinda have a bit of a... sibling rivalry going around about that since most of Athena Followers see her strategy about war more successful than Ares' - they call her the Goddess of War." [Y/N] explained.
"They're siblings?" Bela's eyebrow rose.
"Half-Siblings: They have the same father but different mothers." The man corrected.
"Who is their father then?" Bela asked.
"That would be the King of all the Gods - Zeus, God of Lightning & King of Olympus." He said.
"Olympus?" Bela questioned.
"The Realm of the Gods." The father said.
"THERE ARE OTHER GODS?!" Bela questioned as the man chuckled to himself.
'This is going to be a long night.'
Sure enough, it was - Bela constantly asked questions with everything her father said, even at the dinner table - she wanted to know more. The man just chuckled as he chewed on his steak while his wife gave him a glare that said...
'What have you done?'
- Cassandra Dimitrescu -
"Whoa! Oph!" Cassandra landed face-first on the floor of her step-father's training room, once again parried against and sent face-first into the ground.
"I've told you once and I'll tell you again, Cass; you can't overthink when in a fight, it gives your opponent time to get you when you're distracted in your thoughts." [Y/N] said as he rolled his wrist, letting it pop before placing it on his hip.
"I don't get how you do it, Papa." Cassandra groaned as she picked herself off the ground and turned to face her father. "You move too fast for me to keep up."
"I move fast because I don't think - I let my body move for me." He said with folded arms.
"What do you mean? Bela told me that the brain controls all movement so how can you move if you don't think about it?" Cassandra asked.
"Have you ever heard of instinct, child?" He asked.
"You mean while those animals?" Cassandra asked.
"Not like that. Allow me to put it like this - has your body ever suddenly stopped, for now, reason just in time for something to almost hit you or you almost trip on something?" The father asked.
"Ummm. Once - Dani got mad a threw a knife but I stopped walking just in time for the knife to hit the wall in front of me." She remembered.
"That's what I am talking about - you were mindlessly walking and your body stopped just in time before the knife hit you. Your body sensed danger and stopped to keep itself from getting hurt." [Y/N] explained.
"So...if I don't think and I'm attacked - my body will react on its own and stop itself from getting hurt?" Cassandra asked.
"Yes. The body knows it needs to be protected and will not let anything hurt it but overthinking can cancel that instinct and you get hurt in the process." He explained.
"Oh...Can we try again?" Cass asked.
"Not tonight, little bug. We can try after breakfast in the morning. Deal?" He said as he rose to his feet.
"Deal, Papa." Cassandra smiled at her father figure - she was happy her mother chose him.
- Daniela Dimitrescu -
"Daddy? What's that in your hand?" Dani asked as she looked over at the small glowing box in her father's hand.
"This? It's my Smartphone." [Y/N] said as he looked up from his phone.
"Smartphone? So, it knows stuff?" The girl asked with a tilt of her head - she looked like a confused red-haired cat. "Well, it does if it's connected to the internet - that's why I got the Wi-Fi Box set up in the study." He said.
"It's Wireless Internet."
"What's Internet?"
"The...World Wide Network - you can do almost anything on the internet. You can buy things, watch videos, play games, or whatever you want."
"Can I torture people on it?" Dani asked.
"Well...you could but I don't think you should." Her father said.
"How can I use the internet?" Dani asked.
"You need a piece of Smart Tech - Like a smartphone, a computer, or a smart TV."
"How do I get one?" She asked.
"I'll order some for you and your sisters, I have one for your mother already coming."
A Few Months Later - Dani became the mistress of the internet and then asked her father for a PS4 for her birthday. At night, you can still hear the wild cackling of the witch who devoured the souls of noobs in Call of Duty.
- The Dimitrescu Sisters + Alcina Has Had Enough! -
"Let him go! Father is going to tell me more about Greece!" Bela yelled as she pulled on her father's right arm.
"No! Papa and I are going to train so that I can master my Ultra Instinct!" Cassandra said as she pulled her father's left arm.
"As if! Daddy and I are going to play Call of Duty together! There's a team who wants to go against us and I need Daddy to help me crush their souls!" Dani yanked on her father's foot.
[Y/N]'s teeth locked in pain as he was being pulled apart by his daughters - he was happy they wanted to spend time with him but this was painful.
"That's enough!" He was suddenly yanked upward from them - they all looked up to see their mother with her husband's head buried into her chest.
"Give Father/Papa/Daddy back!" The sisters demanded.
"No! Listen here, you little gremlins, I haven't been able to spend time with my own husband because of you and your hobbies. You can do what you want alone because I have going to have my husband to myself if it's the last thing I do" Alcina said as she marched off with her husband slowly suffocating in her breasts.
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
Eijirou X Denki X Reader
A/N: This one-shot is a few months old. I have like 137 drafts of which only a few posted and a few unfinished, so I decided to post at least one tonight. So here it is. It's bad and I know it, but I really wanted to post. Also, I don’t play COD, so don’t come at me being all angry that i got stuff wrong. I write, read and play Minecraft, Sims and that kind of games. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
What: Angst, sad, cursing, fluff
Word count:  4.6K+
~3rd person pov.~
After a long day at school you go to sit on your bed after starting your PS4. You get comfortable on your bed and put on your headset. You start up Call of Duty and wait for it to load. Once it's done you go into a random online match and turn on your mic so you can talk with your teammates.
''We're killing these fuckers.'' An aggressive, male voice says, a speaker appearing behind the name; King Explosion Murder.
''Calm down King, they're new to this.'' Another male voice says, the speaker appearing behind the name; Red Riot.
''Yeah King, Red is right.'' Yet another guy says, his name is Charge Bolt.
''Guys, calm down.'' Another male, Spidy Man, says.
''Yeah!'' A girl, Pinky, says.
''Shut it extra's!'' King barks.
''Calm down bro, the game is starting.'' Red says, the numbers on your screen counting down.
''Lets win this shit.'' King says, you can basically hear the smirk in his voice.
As the timer hits zero you run off, walking through the map and searching for a good snipper spot. Once you find one you take out some people, your teammates talking to one another, but you choose to ignore them. As no more people appear you go to look for another spot, taking out someone while looking for it.
''FUCK!!'' King yells as you see he died.
''My ears man.'' Charge Bolt whines.
''Shut it Pikachu!''
''Guys, focus.'' Red sighs.
They keep talking, but you tune them out once again and keep taking out people. As you shoot someone else the winning screen appears. You smirk as you see you killed the most people. Everyone cheers except King who's just grumbling. You tune everyone back in in order to be able to follow the conversation.
''So manly, BB!'' Red cheers.
''Woo! Finaly someone who's better than King!'' Pinky cheers.
''Nice.'' Spidy says.
''Shut it! We're playing another game!'' King barks.
''No need to be salty.'' You mumble.
''Ohh~'' Everyone except King says.
''SHUT IT EXTRA!!'' King barks.
''Come on King. They're new.'' Red chuckles.
The new game starts and you repeat what you did before. This goes on for multiple rounds, you barely talking and if you talk it's mostly a comment on King. As the night ends you go offline and shut off your Playstation. You get ready for bed and lay down, getting comfortable as you let sleep take over.
Over the next two months you keep running into the group of friends and slowly you start opening up to them, actually talking and working together with them. Everyone's scores go up and even King starts accepting you, clearly favoring you over everyone else in the group. That is something the others often complain about.
''King, go a bit to your right behind the wall, I can't get a clear shot.'' You say.
''Got it.'' Is all he says as he aims at the person and kills them.
''Why are you so good at this BB?'' Charge Bolt whines.
''Well, my brother taught me and I play a lot. Red, left, behind the stack of boxes. Like, I play a lot a lot.'' You shrug as you shoot someone.
''Lets just focus on the mission.'' Spidy sighs.
''Got it.'' You all, minus King, reply, going silent once again except the occasional instruction.
Just like always you guys win the round and Red, Spidy, Charge Bolt and Pinky compliment you just like always. You just brush it off and you all start another round. After a few rounds Spidy, Pinky and King have to leave, but Red Riot and Charge Bolt stay. You three play a few more rounds before just deciding to talk.
''So you're telling me none of you guys have ever met?'' You ask in disbelieve.
''Yeah, King doesn't want it and he's always here because we don't play unless he's online. Though that did change since you're here now, but we just never really thought about it anymore.'' Red explains.
''Well, how about we three meet up?''
''Really?'' Red and Charge Bolt ask.
''Yeah, I trust you guys and we can meet up in a public place.'' You shrug, indifferent about your won idea.
''Sure thing.'' Charge Bolt says.
''Great. Okay so I'll tell you guys my number, but don't give it to the others.''
''We don't have their number.'' Red shrugs.
''Okay. So my number is; 0X-XXXX-XXXX.''
''Great, I'll text you. You can make a group chat and we can decide when to meet up.'' Charge Bolt explains.
''Sure thing. Bye guys.''
You disconnect and wait for them to text you. When they do you save them in your contact list before making a group chat. You name it; Gaming Idiots and wait for them to send something. You don't have to wait long for them to do so.
~Gaming Idiots~
Red Riot Do I need to feel offended?
Charge Bolt No idea bro
You Nah, don't feel offended
Red Riot Okay
Charge Bolt So when are we meeting and where?
Red Riot This Saturday?
You Sure, at the mall in Hosu?
Charge Bolt Sure thing
Red Riot Fine by me
The three of you keep texting for a while until you say good bye because you're almost falling asleep. The rest of the week you guys don't bring up the meeting in front of the others, only mentioning it in the group chat or when you guys are the only ones online. Right now it's Saturday and you're at the mall, waiting for the two males to show up.
You glance around at all the people that are walking around the mall. They both told you what they look like and you did the same. Red Riot said he has red hair and is decently tall while Charge Bolt says he has golden blond hair and isn't all that tall. Red also mentioned something about being buff, which made Charge Bolt jealous because he isn't, or so he says.
As you look around you spot two males, fitting the descriptions you were given, looking around as if they're searching for something. Deciding to test your luck you walk over to them. The closer you get the more sure you are it is them. As you reach them they stare at you, as if waiting for you to confirm things.
''Red Riot? Charge Bolt?'' You ask softly, hoping you're right.
''BB?'' The two of them reply in sync.
''Cool, we all found each other. Me and Charge Bolt saw each other a bit ago. Have you been here long?''
''Nah, just a few minutes. My real name is (y/n) by the way.''
''Kaminari, nice to meet you gorgeous.'' Kaminari smirks confidently.
''You're the flirt I see. Anyway, what do you guys want to do?''
Months go by and the three of you meet up almost weekly. You've developed a crush for the both of them and you have a feeling they have as well. You aren't sure however, but the way you all get flustered and blush a lot is a good indicator. Right now you're on your way to Kirishima's house where you all decided to meet up. You knock on the door and wait.
''Ah, (y/n). You made it. Come in.'' Kirishima smiles as he steps aside to let you in.
''Thanks.'' You smile as you walk past him and into the house.
You take off your shoes and walk further into the house. You soon spot the living room and walk in only to see Kaminari sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table. He smiles at you and waves you over, to which you comply. Kirishima sits down with you guys pretty soon and you look at their nervous faces.
''Something wrong?'' You ask them worriedly.
''We want to tell you something.'' Kirishima starts, avoiding eye contact.
''We've known each other for a while now and.... We started liking you. Would you be our partner?'' Kaminari blurts out, also avoiding eye contact.
''Of course.'' You smile as you hug them both.
They stare at you in shock for a bit before they start laughing as they hold you close. As you all break the hug after a while you all talk and laugh. When it becomes late Denki walks you home before going to his own house, which you and Eijirou really apreciated. You've never been a big fan of walking outside alone in the dark.
''Guys, we should all meet up.'' Pinky states as you all wait for the new round to start.
''Sure, I don't see why not.'' Eijirou says and you can basically hear him shrug.
''Why not.'' Denki hums.
''Sure.'' You mumble as a reply.
''When?'' Is all Spidy asks.
''Such colorful vocabulary.'' You joke as you roll your eyes.
''YOU WANNA GO?!?!'' King barks into your ears.
''My ears man!'' Eijirou whines loudly.
''How about this Saturday at the mall in Hosu?'' Pinky suggests as the round starts.
''Sure, it's crowded so if any of you are creeps I'll be safe.'' You shrug as you shoot someone.
''Don't worry BB. Me and Red will protect you.'' Denki says in a confident tone.
''You're dead.'' You deadpan as you see his name fade.
''WHAT?!?!'' Denki exclaims loudly.
''Jezus. Could you all quit yelling.'' You groan as you slightly shake your head.
''We both know this was gonna happen BB.'' Eijirou sighs softly, amusement clear in his voice.
''But he didn't have to yell.''
''True, but still.'' Eijirou replies to which you sigh.
You all keep talking until King says he's leaving because it's getting late even though it's only nine thirty, but he always goes to bed at this time. As you shut off your Playstation you hear your phone ding, causing you to smile. You grab your phone and unlock it, seeing Denki send something in the groupchat.
~Gaming Idiots~
Denki<3 But I wasn't kidding, Pichu, we will protect you
Eiji<3 Denks is right. We will
You I know, but it's fun teasing you Denki
Eiji<3 You both looking forward to Saturday?
Denki<3 Mhm! I'm curious as to what they look like
You Well one will have wrinkles from all the shouting and scowling
Denki<3 XD fnwfelsfflwnjk
Eiji<3 That's rude, but it is true
And so you guys keep texting until it's late into the night and you're all barely awake. The next two days you all play every night and you text your boyfriends until late into the night on both days. Right now it's Saturday, about eleven in the morning and you're getting ready. You know Eijirou and Denki will be there soon, so you quickly finish up.
Just as you put the last things in your pockets and bag you hear the door bell ring and a smile appears on your face. You walk over to the front door and put on your shoes and coat. After that you open the door and smile brightly. Your two boyfriends do the same, wearing some simple clothes just like you.
''Hey, Pichu, you ready?'' Denki asks as he gives you a quick kiss.
''Hey, Babes. I'm ready.'' You smile as you walk outside and lock your door.
''Good.'' Eijirou smiles as he gives you a kiss as well.
The three of you start walking towards the mall as you all talk and laugh, memories of your first meeting flooding all your minds. As you all reach the mall you look around, looking for anyone fitting any of the descriptions given to the three of you. You soon spot an annoyed looking, ash blond guy.
''Guys, isn't that King?'' You ask your boyfriends as you point at the guy.
''You might be right. Lets go check if it is.'' Eijirou smiles as he starts walking.
You and Denki follow after him, all of you pushing past people and excusing yourselves. As you reach whom you assume is King a pink haired girl and a black haired guy also walk up to him. You look at Eijirou and Denki and they just nod. Now you are almost a hundred percent sure it's King.
''King?'' You ask as you reach the man.
''Yes, who the fuck are you?''
''(y/n), but better known as BB.'' You smile at him.
''Kirishima, better known as Red Riot.''
''Kaminari, better known as Charge Bolt.''
''Ashido, but you guys know me as Pinky.'' The pink haired girl smiles.
''Sero, but you know me as Spidy Guy.'' The black guy smiles.
''Bakugou.'' is all King says.
''now that we're all here and know names, how about we get something to eat and drink before we just do whatever?'' you suggest as you look at them.
''sure.'' they all reply.
you start walking to your favorite coffee shop which you always go to with Eijirou and Denki whenever you guys are here. Two said males smile once they notice and grin at one another. Cheerful chatter fills the air around the six of you. As you all reach the coffee shop you all order and sit down. You sit in between Eijirou and Denki, Bakugou sits in front of you, Ashido in front of Eijirou and Sero in front of Denki.
''This is so exciting.'' Sshido gushes as she takes a sip of her drink.
''Mhm, I finally have faces with the voices and names.'' You smile as you take a sip as well.
''Yeah, that is nice. We should totally exchange numbers though. That way we can talk without having to play.'' Denki chimes in.
You all keep talking while eating and drinking. Once you all finish Eijirou pays and you all start walking around, walking into random shops and buying random things. As you're looking at some books together with Eijirou and Denki you feel someone stare at you intently, so you look behind you and lock eyes with Bakugou's burning gaze.
''Pebble, something wrong?'' Eijirou asks worried.
''Bakugou is staring at us rather intensely.'' You mumble as you keep staring at him.
''Then ask him what's wrong.'' Denki shrugs as he grabs another book.
You simply nod and walk over to Bakugou, never once breaking eye contact. He doesn't move towards you or away from you as he follows you with his eyes. As you reach him you stand in front of him and look up slightly seeing he's taller than you. He glares down at you, eyes burning with something you can't quiet place.
''Something wrong Bakugou?''
''Why the fuck are you so close with Shitty hair and Dunce face?''
''Can't I be?''
''You fucking can, but it's different. Soy sauce and Pinky are close as well, but you three are acting fucking off.''
''Not everyone is the same Bakugou.'' You deadpan with a soft sigh.
''Just fucking tell me, do you already know the other extras?''
''I d-''
''Ie! Denki!'' You hear Eijirou exclaim, causing you to look back.
You see Denki laughing as he runs off with Eijirou chasing him, a playful yet annoyed look on his face. Sighing you walk away from Bakugou and towards your two idiotic boyfriends. First you grab Denki by the back off his collar, causing him to yelp. Next you do the same with Eijirou. They both look at you sheepishly as you sigh.
''Yes.'' They both reply.
You nod and let the both of them go. They sigh in relief, but that's short lived as you hit the both of them at the back of the head. They both yelp in pain and rub the back of their heads as they weakly glare at you. You simply smile at them and ruffle their hair. You hear someone stomp over and look behind you to see Bakugou.
''Fucking spit it out!'' He barks as he glares dagers at the three of you.
''Spit what out?'' Eijirou and Denki ask confused.
''Do you guys fucking know each other?''
''Of course, we all game together.'' Denki asks, confused at the question.
''That's not what he means. He means if we know each other outside of the gaming.'' You explain, not looking at him but Bakugou.
''Ah, yeah we do.'' Denki smiles obliviously.
''Denki.'' Both you and Eijirou groan, he can be too dumb for his own good sometimes.
''What did I do?'' He asks worried.
''We promised to meet up all at once and not separately, remember?'' Eijirou asks him.
''Ohhh, right. We did promise that.'' Denki mumbles. ''Oopsie.''
''Dunce face!'' Bakugou barks.
''Back off Bakugou. He might be an idiot, but he's our idiot.'' You say in a low, threatening voice.
''YOU'RE ALL PIECES OFF SHIT!! FUCKING LIARS!! I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU!! NEVER FUCKING SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!!'' Bakugou yells as he stomps off and out of the store.
''Well, that happened.'' You mumble, but as you look at your boyfriends you see their teary eyes.
''Ei? Denki?'' You ask as you walk closer.
''He hates us......We promised to always be there and....Now he hates us.'' Eijirou mumbles as he looks at you with sad eyes.
''Ohh, Ei, he'll turn around.'' You shush him softly as you hug him.
''He won't. He's the reason Ear Jack isn't in the group anymore. She kept canceling whenever we decided to all come online and Bakugou blew up on her.'' Denki mumbles as tears fill his eyes to the brim.
''I'm sorry. I didn't know.'' You whisper as you pull him into the hug as well.
''What happened here?'' Ashido asks worried.
''Bakugou blew up on us. Something about hating us and never wanting to talk to us again.'' You explain, holding your boyfriends close.
''I see. Well, it was nice knowing you guys. Bye.'' Sero says as he waves and walks off.
''Come one guys, cheer up a bit.'' You whisper as you look at your two sad boyfriends.
''We lost our friend, Pichu.'' Denki mumbles as his eyes fill with tears again.
''He hates us. We failed him.'' Eijirou mumbles as he hugs himself close.
They've been like this for two weeks now and it isn't helping you either. You were the one who suggested meeting up in the first place, only the three of you. 'If I didn't ask them to meet up with me, just us, non of this would have happened. This is my fault.' You think as you walk out of Eijirou's house where Denki has been staying since that day.
You walk to the park and google Bakugou's number, finding some social media pages linked to it. After a bit you see a house, with a house number. He's standing in front of the house together with a green haired guy who seems to be the same age. You recognize the buildings and start walking to the neighborhood where those houses stand.
As you walk around you try to find his house, different scenarios running through your mind. After a while you see the house and walk up to it. Sighing you ring the doorbell and wait. After a bit a female version of Bakugou opens the door. You assume it's his mom. She looks at you in shock before smiling brightly.
''Hello, what can I do for you?'' She asks sweetly.
''I’m here for Bakugou. I'm a friend of his and I want to talk to him.'' You explain.
''Come in. KATSUKI!!'' She yells as she turns away from you and walks into the house.
''WHAT YOU OLD HAG?!?!'' Bakugou's voice yells back.
''THERE'S SOMEONE HERE FOR YOU!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!'' She turns back to you and smiles. ''You can sit in the living room.''
''I'll stand right here, ma'am.'' You smile with a slight bow of your head.
You hear feet stomp down the stairs and look up, seeing and annoyed Bakugou stomping down them. Once he sees you his look turns even more annoyed and even angry. You look at him with a neutral face as the mom walks into the kitchen after excusing herself. Bakugou walks over to you with a burning glare.
''What the fuck are you doing here?'' He hisses.
''It was my idea. I suggested to meet up, just the three of us. I asked if you guys ever met up and they said no. It was my idea. Don't punish them for my mistake.'' You state, meeting his gaze and holding it.
''And why the fuck would I believe you?'' He asks in a skeptical voice.
''I have no reason to lie to you. Eijirou and Denki are hurting, they're devastated that they lost you. Hate me all you want, god you can wish me death, but at least accept them into the games. You don't have to be buddy buddy with them, but they need you.''
''Believe what you want. Deep down you know they're devastated and that it was never their intention to hurt you like this. I caught them off guard and got us to meet, it was my idea. That's all I have to say. Do with it what you want. I'll be leaving now. Bye.'' You say as you turn to the door and walk out.
The doorbell of your house rings, causing you to frown. You walk over to the door you open it and see Bakugou, causing your frown to deepen. You open the door and let him in. He walks past you, takes off his shoes and walks deeper into the house, eventually sitting down on the couch. You follow after him, frown not leaving.
''What are you doing here?'' You ask as you sit down on a chair facing the couch.
''Where are Shitty hair and Dunce face?''
''At Eijirou's house. They haven't left it after that day.''
''Shitty hair has his own house?'' Bakugou asks surprised, although he doesn't really show it.
''Yeah, me and Eijirou have our own houses. Denki still lives at home just like you.''
''Get them to come over.''
''Okay.'' You take your phone out of your pocket and call Eijirou, putting the phone on speaker, causing Bakugou to frown.
''Pebble, we are not going outside and coming over. You know we aren't in the mood.'' Eijirou's tired voice mumbles after two rings.
''I know, Ei. I know.'' You whisper as your eyes sadden.
''Then why did you call?'' Denki mumbles as you glance at Bakugou who looks shocked.
''There is someone here who would like to talk to you guys.'' You sigh as you hand the phone to Bakugou. ''Hurt them and I hurt you. I'll be at the store. I'll be back in half an hour.''
Bakugou nods as you walk over to the door, put on your shoes and leave. Bakugou looks at the phone as Eijirou and Denki keep calling for you and asking who it is. Bakugou takes a deep breath and shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts. By now it's silent on the other end.
''Is it fucking true it was their idea?''
''....Bakugou?'' The both of them ask softly.
''Answer the fucking question.'' Bakugou groans in annoyance.
''It was. They suggested to meet up. Why are you at their place? I thought you hated us and wanted nothing to do with us.'' Eijirou mumbles defeated.
''They came to my fucking house four days ago and explained it was their idea, not fucking yours. I just wanted to fucking make sure.''
''Okay.'' They mumble softly.
''Sorry or whatever. You guys can join games again and text or whatever. And don't make me fucking regret that shit.''
''We won't!'' The both of them cheer.
The three of them talk until you come home. You're glad to hear their cheerful voices over the phone. Bakugou looks at you with his usual scowl and holds the phone out to you. You shake your head, walk over and mute yourself. Bakugou frowns and it only deepens when he sees your teary eyes.
''This is all my fault. Here is Eijirou's address, you can go there and talk to them face to face if you want. Don't bother coming here again. I'll take responsibility for what I did.'' You whisper as you take the phone, unmute it and take a deep breath. ''Bakugou is on his way to you guys, bye.''
''What the fuck are you doing?'' Bakugou asks as he gets up and stares down at you.
''The right thing.'' You whisper as you walk over to your bedroom and close the door behind you.
Over the next two weeks you cry a lot, ignore Eijirou's and Denki's texts and calls and when they're at the door you also don't respond. You know you're worrying them, but you can't bring yourself to face them after everything you made them go through. they were heartbroken when Bakugou broke off contact.
''OPEN THE FUCK UP!!'' You hear Bakugou bark as he bangs on your door violently.
''Go away.'' You mumble before walking away from the door.
''Just go away! Leave me alone! I deserve it! I hurt them so much! It's all my fault!'' You exclaim as tears stream down your face.
''Fuck it.'' Is all the warning you get before you door falls to the ground. ''LISTEN HERE YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!! YOU'RE FUCKING HURTING THEM RIGHT NOW!! MAN THE FUCK UP AND TALK TO THEM!!''
''GOD DAMNED IT DON'T BE FUCKING STUBBORN!! YOU'RE ALL FUCKING HURTING!!'' He yells as he walks over and grabs your collar, lifting you up so you're face to face. ''Fucking talk to them. This shit isn't helping. Go over to Shitty hair's house and fucking talk to them.''
''I can't.'' You whisper in defeat as a sob escapes. ''I can't! I can't bring myself to do it! Whenever I see their picture flash across my screen I fucking break down! I can't!''
''Fuck it.'' Bakugou grumbles before slinging you over his shoulder.
You eyes widen in shock as Bakugou walks over to the door and steps over it, walking out off your apartment. You trash in his hold and yell at him to let you go as you sob and hit his back. He just stays silent as he walks to Eijirou's house. Once he reaches it he harshly knocks on the door, by now you're just limply hanging on his shoulder.
''Hey, wh-(y/n)? Bakugou?'' Eijirou asks confused. ''What is this?''
''Let me the fuck in.''
''Of course.''
Eijirou steps aside and Bakugou walks in, heading to the living room after kicking off his shoes. He throws you onto the couch and walks out of the house again. You just lay motionless on the couch with your face buried in the cushions. Denki and Eijirou stare at you with worry and confusion as they sit on the chairs facing the couch.
''Pichu?'' Denki whispers softly, breaking the tens and awkward silence.
''Pebble, talk to us please.'' Eijirou pleads softly.
''It's my fault. All of this is my fault.'' You mumble as you push yourself up and hug your legs to your chest.
''What do you mean, Pichu?''
''If I hadn't asked you guys to meet up non of this would have happened.''
''We could have said no to your offer, we're just as much at fault.'' Eijirou says in a caring voice.
''I surprised you guys.''
'Iis this why you've been ignoring us?'' Denki whispers softly as he gets up and walks over.
''I just feel so guilty and I....I feel like I don't deserve this.'' You mumbles as you glance at him with teary eyes.
''You do deserve this, Pebble. We don't hold any of this against you and we never will. I get why you feel like this, but there is no reason for you to feel like this.'' Eijirou says with a gentle smile as he walks over.
''You promise?'' You almost whimper.
''We promise. Now are we good again?''
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Edit: new link https://archiveofourown.org/works/32099263
ITS DONE!!!!  Finally, the RE8 meets RE7 fic is finished and posted!  so for everyone wondering and if you didn't figure it out already. The image I posted earlier is the seating arrangement of the gang as they play the game.  As always its posted on AO3 and under the cut.  I hope you enjoy @ibest14 I never actually played RE7 but I watched a walkthrough to write this.
It was a normal Saturday afternoon when the Winters family got a very strange package.  It was addressed to the whole family and had no return address.
“What the heck is this?” Rose wondered aloud carrying the small package inside, “Hey mom! Did you order something online?”
“Not that I remember, why?” Mia asked curious why her daughter was asking about the mail, “Who is it addressed to? Maybe your dad ordered something.” She went and stood next to Rose to look at the package.
“Hmm, I think we should wait for dad to get home to open it, I mean it is addressed to all of us.” Mia agreed with her daughter and went to continue making dinner.
Ethan got home a few hours later and was greeted by his daughter with a warm hug, “Haha, hey there kid how was your day?” He asked returning the hug and picking Rose up.
“It was good! We got a weird package in the mail, mom and I decided to wait for you before opening it.” Rose said leading him into the kitchen after he put her down.
“Welcome home, Hon! How was work?” Mia asked kissing Ethan on the cheek.
“Ugh, Williams was an absolute pain again.  He somehow unplugged all of his equipment and disconnected his computer from the ethernet cable again.” Ethan complained sitting down at the dinner table next to Rose. “Chris somehow changed his computer to Arabic and Sal’s computer was changed to have wingdings as the default language and it bricked the whole thing, he said it was an accident, but I think it was one of the dicks that keep harassing him.  I told Chris and he’s looking into it.” Ethan picked up the package and looked at the outside.
“Ugh why can’t these douchebags see that Sal is way better than them.  Probably just jealous of him.” Rose said frustrated at the harassment her uncle was receiving.
“We should invite him over for dinner sometime, lift his spirits some!” Mia suggested placing a glass of juice down for Ethan.  He agreed and thanked her for the juice.
Ethan handed the package back to Rose who tore into the packaging.  Inside was a video game box, “Resident Evil? Isn’t that a game from the nineties?” Rose asked confused.
Ethan leaned over to get a better look, “Yeah it is, I played almost all of them, but I’ve never seen that one.  It looks like its supposed to be the seventh one, but they only made six that I know of.” Ethan became confused taking the box from Rose studying it, it strangely didn’t have a back cover.
“Weird, maybe they are rebooting the series, but why wouldn’t there be a lot of news about it?” Rose asked.  Ethan’s face lit up at the possibility of a reboot of his favorite childhood series.
“Man, I hope so, I always loved Craig Bluemarsh and Leo C. Harrison.  They were the best!  The whole M.O.O.N.S squad from Badger City.  Special Ops turned paranormal investigators was the twist of the decade! And the whole thing with Egbert Walberk and how he possessed himself with countless demons to become basically a god.” Ethan sighs as he reminisces.
“You clearly have bad taste honey because Julie Easter was the best character in the series.  The ace of the M.O.O.N.S squad, the one that Walberk kidnapped to force demons into her with a mind control amulet.  Oh, and don’t forget Chloe Bluemarsh, college kid turned aid worker for those affected by the demons.” Mia added as she chopped vegetables for dinner.
“Ahh yes, how could I forget! Anyway, this looks like a cheap bootleg or fake.  Probably just a prank from Dani or Angie.”  Ethan said tossing the case further on the table looking upset.
“Aw man…. That’s lame dad.” Rose says dramatically throwing herself over the back of the chair.  “I’m keeping it anyway; the box looks cool.”
A month after the whole package incident, Rose bursts into the house beaming.  “Dad, Uncle Chris just told me that we are having a meeting with the whole gang! We should totally bring that janky game we got and show it off!”
“Whoa, slow down Rose! You’re gonna hurt yourself running around like that.” Ethan says watching his daughter bounce in place.  “Why do you think we should bring that thing anyway? I doubt there will be anytime to just sit around and play a game, if it’s even real.”  Rose rolls her eyes at him.
“Dad, I’m sure Uncle Chris can pull some strings so we can have a little get together.  We never get to see each other all at once!” Rose states, putting on her best puppy dog eyes, “Don’t you want to see the gang, Dad. It would be so much fun.  You know how much I miss them all.” She begs.
Ethan can physically feel his resolve crumbling at his begging daughter, always caving into her once she pulls out the puppy eyes, “Fine, I’ll talk with Chris and we can bring the game with us, but you are responsible for the PlayStation and if it gets damaged or broken you have to buy the new one.” He says in his dad voice, trying to be stern.  Rose squeals and jumps into his arms hugging him.
“You’re the best dad ever!” She says running off to prepare for their long weekend at Blue Umbrella.
“Ok, is everyone comfy, I’m about to start the game!” Rose said excitedly setting up the PS4 in the Blue Umbrella lounge room.  Everyone was present, Rose even convinced Miranda and Elena to join them after Milena was put to bed.
“I am unsure of what we are even doing sweet thing.” Alcina said settling into her chair near Donna.
“Well, I’m gonna play this weird game I got, maybe Dani can take over if I get tired.  We are just gonna check it out, if its good, Great! If not, we can make fun of how bad it is!” Rose explained sitting down on the couch wedged between Daniela, Angie, and Heisenberg with Bela and Cassandra on the floor in front of them.  Alcina wasn’t convinced that it would be fun, but she couldn’t deny Rose’s request considering how excited she looked.  She sighed and pulled out her reading glasses seeing the small text on the screen.
“Psh, what are you a grandma?” Heisenberg teased. Alcina growled at him.
“Oh, please grow up you child.” She replied trying to de-escalate the situation knowing Rose and her daughters hated when they argued.
“I see making your head bigger didn’t help your eyesight.” He continued to tease sensing her anger.
“I grew proportionally you ignoramus, becoming larger would not fix my farsightedness.” She growled out becoming angrier.
“Guys….” Rose said sadly at the two arguing.  Heisenberg immediately stopped his next sentence and turned to give Rose a side hug.
“Sorry kiddo, I forgot you hate it when we fight.  I’ll stop, I promise.”  He says sincerely as Alcina nods looking guilty, Rose smiles accepting their apologies.
“No more sappiness get to the action I’m getting bored!” Angie cried out from Daniela’s lap.  Rose rolls her eyes at the doll’s bratty attitude and begins the game.
The game begins with a very familiar video to Ethan and Mia and the sight of Mia recording her warning message on the ship.
“What the…. How is this happening?  It showed the recording from my eyes, but I never recorded that…” Mia says stunned.
The next scene starts with the sound of a phone ringing and the overhead video of a car driving down a highway.  Ethan begins to speak to and unknown man in the voice over explaining how he was contacted by Mia and that she wants him to come and get her.
“This has to be a sick prank!  How did these people get that phone call!” Ethan shouts getting more and more upset as the clip plays. Mia places a hand on his arm to comfort him.
“Maybe there will be an explanation later.  There has to be….” Mia says trying to calm Ethan.
Rose pauses the game as it shifts to Ethan’s perspective in the car, “We don’t have to keep playing if this is making you guys uncomfortable.” She says to her parents.
Ethan takes a deep breath, “No, no… it’s fine, you were really excited for this.  I was just shocked.  I’m okay to keep going, as long as you are okay too Mia.”  She nods in agreement with her husband clearly rattled but pushing through.  Rose nods continuing the game as she walks Ethan through the thick Louisiana swamp towards the Baker house.
The first obstacle they encounter is a locked gate.  She moves him down a path leading to a trashed car with camera equipment scattered around it.  Looking in they find a scrip proposal for Sewer Gators Ep. 17.
They then come across a broken gate with a sign that says, “Accept Her Gift”, “Oh yeah definitely just walk through that incredibly ominous gate into the disgusting swamp.” Heisenberg says gesturing towards the screen, “I’d just say, ‘sorry lady I’m not that desperate for a wife’ and dip.”
“He has a point dad, I mean really its been three years.  Just move on.” Rose says to her father.
Ethan blushes, “Hey you can’t judge a man in love.  I had to know what happened.”
“Nah man, just accept the death bro.  Totally not worth it.” Daniela says interjecting.
“I’m right her you know.” Mia says scolding them.  Rose giggles and continues on.  They come across the remains of a fire with Mia’s purse laying there.  They then enter the Guest house finding it to be disgusting and in disrepair.
“God, I forgot how gross this place was.” Ethan says wrinkling his nose.
Rose looks around the living room area, finding a hidden chain that opens a hidden room they go through. Exploring further leads them into a flooded basement they are forced to crawl through.
“Oh, please Ethan, I know you are insanely stubborn but the corpse in the flooded basement should have been an indicator to leave immediately.” Alcina says as the dead body floats up in front of them.
“Ok, Ok I get it I’m a crazy person for going on, but can we please stop commenting on it.  I’m aware of the insanity.” Ethan replies as Rose comes up into a basement room with a jail cell containing Mia as well as other information on people who were listed as turned or dead.  They pick up the bolt cutters and break open Mia’s cell.  While they are being reunited Mia acts strangely warning him of the dangers and of Daddy.
“Pft, seriously? Daddy?” Dani snickers at Mia.
“Don’t start.  I was possessed by a child obsessed with family.” Mia says glaring at Dani.
Rose follows Mia through the basement where she and Ethan stop to talk about the last three years.
“Come on! This is a life or death situation, get a move on!” Cassandra yells out at the screen.
Rose continues to creep through the basement following Mia as Ethan learning more about her capture as they walk.  They come across a living room type area where Mia starts to act strangely, talking about family and when Ethan leaves, they hear her crash through the wall revealing a staircase to the house.  They move through the house looking for Mia.  They hear crashing coming from the stairs they came from and return to find Mia on all fours crawling up the stairs.  She attacks Ethan looking monstrous as she throws him back up with superhuman strength. She then attacks him with a knife stabbing him through the hand.  After a struggle she regains control rambling about a strange her as she slams her head against the wall.
“Jesus man, that is hard core…” Heisenberg says in awe. Mia grimaces at the memory.  Rose continues on wandering before they are attacked by Mia once again.  They fight her off with an axe.  “Ethan, my friend, you always have to double check that your enemy is dead.  She is definitely gonna get up again, classic horror trope.” Heisenberg says wisely.
“Karl, this actually happened.  I wasn’t thinking about ‘horror tropes’.  I was focusing on surviving.” Ethan says to him.
“Also, of course I’m going to get up, I’m sitting right here.  I’m clearly not dead.” Mia says exasperated.
Rose moves on with the game ignoring them and answers the phone that had begun to ring.  “Dad why did you answer the phone? Just leave.” She says as Zoe gives her warning to Ethan.  “Oh yeah let’s listen to the random phone lady and not just break a window.” She says rolling her eyes.
They move on solving the puzzle for the stairs catching a glimpse of the not at all dead Mia.  Replacing the fuse, they are jumped by Mia again who attacks him with a screwdriver pinning him to the wall before chopping his had off with a chainsaw.
“My god man! How did you keep going!” Sal exclaims looking at Ethan who just shrugs.
They find a pistol in one of the rooms and use it to take care of the attacking Mia as she rants crazily. Finally taking her down, they are ambushed by Jack Baker who punches him in the face.
“See I told you that you should have moved faster, now ‘Daddy’ caught you.” Cass says as Ethan falls over and is stomped on by Jack.  They see him being dragged and Mia being carried by Jack, the scene changes to Ethan strapped to a chair with Zoe staples his hand back on.  He finally fully awakes to a disgusting family dinner with the whole Baker family.
“Ugh, I miss Momma’s cooking so much.” Mia says reminiscing happily.  Everyone stares at her as they see the disgusting meal on the table in game.  She blushes, “Before she went fully crazy, she was an amazing cook.  Her gumbo was to die for, oh and Daddy’s fried chicken, mmm.”  She explains to them.  No one seems convinced as the scene continues with Lucas throwing food at him and Marguerite tries to get Ethan to eat, and Jack cuts off Lucas’ hand. Jack comes over and forces the rancid food into Ethan’s face as Marguerite rants and leaves angrily, Jack then cuts Ethan’s face before being interrupted by the doorbell.  They escape and flee through the house trying to find an exit. They find a key and are chased by Jack before escaping to the crawlspace.
They explore the house before a police officer tries to ask Ethan questions.
“Man, that officer is kind of a dick…” Heisenberg says realizing how rude and unprofessional the officer is.
“He was a massive dick.” Ethan says frustrated at the memory of their interactions.  They make the way to the garage to meet the rude officer who refuses to take the situation seriously which leads to his death and Ethan’s continued entrapment.  “See, massive dick, we could have escaped, but noooo.” He says.
Rose nods in agreement as she avoids Jack in the garage and tries to defeat him with the car.  The car crashes and catches fire revealing an on fire Jack who is knocked down by the resulting explosion.  They collect the items in the room before climbing up the revealed ladder. Jack stops Ethan and shoots himself in the head with Ethan’s gun.
“I’ll say it again, he ain’t dead.  He’s coming back sooner or later.” Heisenberg says again.
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock. This game’s been full of tropes so far.” Cassandra responds to him rolling her eyes.
Rose continues on solving puzzles and making their way through the labyrinthine house avoiding the obviously not dead Jack and the molded that are scattered around the house. They see Jack mumbling to himself about being “her” and talking about how he is going to kill Ethan.
“God he’s so cool.” Dani says as he leaves the room getting looks from the others, “What? He’s a cool villain.”
The fight with Jack was a bit of a struggle for Rose, but she made it through with Heisenberg, Dani, and Cass cheering her on.
When he finally exploded, both Heisenberg and Dani called out in joy, “Now that’s how you kill a villain!” Heisenberg shouted out with a laugh and high fived Dani over Rose’s head. As they make their way through the house again completing puzzles and finding Grandma in random places.
“She is the one who caused all this.” Alcina says pointing at Grandma.  Ethan and Mia looks shocked.
“How did you know that?” Mia asks. Alcina scoffs as if it is obvious.
“She hasn’t had the focus at all, yet she appears at random seemingly following Ethan, who we know is the next victim in mind.  She is clearly Eveline.”  She says smugly to everyone’s shocked faces.
Rose moved on ignoring the gloating.  She came across a trailer in the yard, exploring it revealed that it was Zoe’s home containing some useful items that she ignored moving to leave as the phone rang. Zoe explained about the mold and how to progress.
“Why are you so trusting of this woman, you don’t know her, and she has admitted that she is a part of the family trying to kill you?” Bela asked turning to face Ethan.  He opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out, he paused thinking and shrugged.  Bela rolled her eyes at him, “Typical man thing.” She mumbled out returning to her original position.
They move on to the old house and Marguerite just as Zoe instructed. Coming across baby dolls strung up from the rafters of the bridge.  “Whoever made those should be killed.” Donna said quietly.  Everyone looked at her confused.  “The look like such poor quality dolls, anyone who cares would never let them fall apart so easily.  Cheap plastic is the worst fate a doll can experience.” She explains confident.
“You aren’t upset at the fact that they are strung up, just that they suck?” Rose asks her.
“Of course, you can do what you like with them, but the craft must be respected.  These cheap factory made ones are a disgrace.”  Donna explains upset at the virtual dolls.  Rose mumbles an ok before moving on into the bug infested old house.  They make their way through the house avoiding mutant bugs and solving puzzles.
“Gotta say girls, these things really remind me of you three.” Heisenberg says as Rose burns her way through the nests of bugs.
“How dare you compare my girls to these disgusting things!  They are clearly superior in every way.” Alcina says angrily defending her girls.
“Thank you, mother, but he has a bit of a point.” Bela says to her mother with Cassandra nodding in agreement.
“Momma has a point though too! We are better than those things!” Dani says beaming at her mother. Cass mumbles suck up under her breath and is smacked by Dani.
Soon after they find Mia in game again, she explains her amnesia and is taken away by Lucas.  Not being able to help they continue on through the house again.  Eventually they are found by Marguerite who begins to stalk them through the house attacking them with her swarm of insects, insane rants, and vulgar obscenities.
“This lady is something else…” Heisenberg says cringing at Marguerite.
“For once we agree on something Karl.” Alcina agrees cringing as well.  The others nod in agreement with them.
They make their way through a secret passageway revealed by the spider shadow puzzle.  The wall space was infested which had everyone cringing at the writhing masses of centipedes.  They collect the crank and the crow key and try to enter Marguerite’s room before she throws him down the stairs and through the floor.  After a short encounter, she falls into the hole and melts into black goo. They collect information on the D series pieces and Zoe calls again, and she mentions they only need the arm piece as she has the D series head.  They return to the hole to see the goo gone and a long spindly arm take the lantern needed to progress.  They follow the monstrosity to well in front of the old house returning to Zoe’s trailer. They return to a new section of the old house where they are attacked by a mutated spider like Marguerite.
They run around the house, avoiding her swarms and attacks while burning her with the flamethrower and peppering her with shotgun shots to the disgusting nest on her lower half.
“I take it back; you girls are way more similar to the bug lady.” Heisenberg says once she finally dies. Alcina slaps the back of his head and growls at him.
“Momma can we mutate like that too!” Dani says excitedly as Bela and Cass cringe.
“Absolutely not.  Do not even think about trying.” Alcina scolds while Heisenberg and Rose chuckle at them.
“Why would anyone want to have a gross bug vagina?”  Cassandra turns around asking her sister.
Dani shrugs, “I don’t know, I just think it would be neat.” Rose shoves the controller into Dani’s hands and takes Angie from her.
“No more bug talk, you play, I’m getting tired.” Rose says stretching.
They find their way into Eveline’s secret room and collect the arm.  They go to meet Zoe in her trailer only to find that no one is there.  They answer a call from Lucas where he tells Ethan that he has both Zoe and Mia, and that Ethan needs to play his game to save them and get the head.  They make their way back to the main house’s dissection room where they pull the snake key out of the dead deputy’s neck hole.  Lucas’ voice come out through a speaker explaining they need to find two keycards so they can meet.
“Ohhh, I love this guy! I’m getting so many ideas for new games, hehehe!” Angie says excitedly bouncing in Rose’s lap.  Donna glares at the doll chastising her through their mental link.  Angie pouts at the scolding.
They make their way through the increasingly molded main house solving Lucas’ puzzles and dodging the molded shambling around.  They find the blue keycard and make their way down into a secret room containing the red keycard.  Lucas calls again at the phone in the main hall, leading Ethan to a party in the barn.
They enter the barn to thumping music and glowing paint under a black light.  They come across a room with a television showing Lucas ranting and waving the D series head around, ranting about how he doesn’t want to give up his gift and that they can only get the serum from him before the television explodes.  They make their way through the barn avoiding trip mines and coming up to a locked gate with a passcode.  Lucas makes an appearance taunting Ethan and giving him incorrect passwords before a trap springs and a secret door opens up.
They wind through the barn avoiding the traps and taking out the molded arriving at Lucas’ arena where they fight off a giant molded.  After the fight they find the correct passcode to enter the birthday room.  They solve his puzzles and escape through the hole created by the dynamite.  They see a television with Zoe and Mia, Zoe explains where they are before Lucas cuts the camera to himself ranting about nothing.  They collect the D series head and leave the barn making their way to Zoe and Mia.  They release Zoe and Mia before collecting the completed serum.  Just after they are ambushed by a fully mutated Jack.
“Wait he isn’t dead?! I can’t believe I didn’t call it!” Heisenberg calls out as Dani fights Jack.
After a long grueling fight, taking out Jacks many swollen eyes and using one of the two serums to calcify him at Zoe’s request.  Walking down the pier they are faced with a choice to cure either Zoe or Mia.
“Well clearly we are supposed to cure mom. Its what dad did in real life.” Rose says.
“True, I did.  I did feel bad though, Chris ended up saving Zoe and her uncle, so it all ended up good.” Ethan says.
“Yeah, sure choosing Mia is what really happened but what if we chose Zoe?” Dani asks hovering over Zoe in game.
“No! We can do it later right now we are choosing mom.” Rose says sternly.
“Fiiiiinnnnnee.” Dani whines out giving Mia the serum.  They take the raft down the river listening to Ethan and Mia talk about the situation before they come across the wrecked boat Mia and Eveline arrived on.  They are attacked by the mold, and they switch to Mia’s perspective as they hear Eveline speak to her through their mental connection.
“Well, this is going to be interesting, I’ve never seen this before.” Ethan says as they move into the ship. They find an unconscious Ethan who is taken by the mold deeper into the ship.  They move through the mold infested ship as Mia, getting flashbacks as they move on.  They follow the phantom Eveline to a room containing a television where they watch a video tape that blends into them playing through the situation leading to the crash of the ship and the infection of the Baker family.
They see Mia’s partner Alan who explains he is the reason Eveline escaped he explains that she needs to fix his mess and they begin to track Eveline through the ship.  They finally come across Eveline in the engine room before she runs off again.  They find Alan again in the room next to the one where they started the video tape. As he explains that Eveline is deteriorating, he insults her, and she overtakes him with the mold.  The mold then spreads to Mia infecting her.  They then see Mia recording the warning video from the beginning of the game.  The section ends with Mia being blown off the ship and floating unconscious in the water, before returning to the present with Mia and the Phantom Eveline talking. Making their way to the bridge they use the surveillance cameras to find Ethan trapped in mold in the engine room. On the way there they are impeded by the phantom Eveline and the remaining molded.
As Mia finds Ethan, the perspective swaps back to Ethan’s mind as he speaks to a sane Jack.  He explains that Eveline is the cause of all the murders and kidnappings.  He says that they were infected when He rescued her from the crashed tanker.  Jack also explains that stopping Eveline will stop the mold.  Before Ethan awakens to Eveline and Mia arguing.  Mia rips him free from the mold prison and gives him the tissue sample before locking him out of the engine room urging him to kill Eveline.  They continue through the bayou to a salt mine near the Baker house.  They hear a military broadcast explaining a team was sent in to take down Eveline. They traverse the salt mines finding an underground lab with information on Eveline and the E series mold.  They use Eveline’s tissue samples to make the E- Necrotoxin that is used to kill her permanently. As they exit the mine, Ethan sees flashes of Eveline as she sends the molded to kill him. They exit the mine into the original room Ethan found Mia in where he has a vision of Mia panicking.  He continues to see visions of Mia’s attack on him and Eveline controlling her.  They stab Eveline with the serum, and she reveals her true form as Grandma before melting away and mutating into a large monstrosity.
As Dani fights the massive face of Eveline, Miranda mumbles to herself, “Absolutely fascinating.  How she responds to different stimuli and the delayed injection of the Necrotoxin.” Rose and Dani scream forgetting that Miranda was sitting behind them.
“Jesus Christ! What is wrong with you! You scared the living hell out of us!” Rose yells at her turning to face Miranda who has a notebook open in her lap.  “What are you even doing?”
Miranda blushes at being caught, “I was taking notes on how E-001 reacted and how the family responded to the infection.  It is incredibly fascinating that the whole Baker family mutated without becoming one of the shambling molded.”
“Trust me she was about to run off and work more before I stopped her.” Elena interjects into Miranda’s rambling.  “Don’t worry, I won’t let her work on the Eveline project outside of simply watching videos.” Miranda’s blush deepens and she looks embarrassed at being called out by her lab assistant.
“Good, no more mind control children allowed.” Dani says rudely turning back to the screen continuing the final fight.
Ethan is thrown from the house and sees helicopters arriving at the house as he is attacked by Eveline. He uses an unknown gun to shoot Eveline calcifying and crumbling her finally.  After the battle, Ethan and Mia are rescued by Chris.  The final shots of the game are Ethan speaking over clips of marshlands and the reveal of the Blue Umbrella helicopter.
“Well that certainly was something….” Ethan says as the credits roll.  Mia wide eyed and shocked nods in agreement.
“So, all that actually happened?” Rose asks her parents, they both nod. “Ok well that doesn’t explain how the heck this got made or why we were sent it or by who!” Rose rants.
“Who cares, it was awesome!” Dani exclaims high fiving Angie who cheers with her.
“Can we leave now? My back is beginning to hurt.” Bela complains standing up and stretching.
Rose boos her, “Fine be boring.  What did everyone else think?” She asks everyone left in the room.
“Amazing! Fantastic! Ten out of ten!” Dani exclaims clinging onto Rose.
“It was interesting, very cinematic.  A bit tropey at times but it works in its favor.  Especially since this technically happened.  The villains were enjoyable and empathetic at the same time.” Heisenberg critiques.
“Yeah, whatever it was fine.” Cass says getting up and leaving the room.
“I had quite a nice time, I’m glad you suggested this, Rose.” Alcina says picking up the sleeping Donna. “I’m sure Donna will apologize for falling asleep tomorrow morning.  Have a good night.”  She kisses the top of Rose and Dani’s heads and leave the room.
“It was quite informative, thank you for inviting me, Rose.  I truly appreciate it.  Now I must go and review my notes.” Miranda says looking at her notebook as she slowly leaves the room.
“We are actually going to bed, but thanks for inviting us, Rose.  We’ll have to do it again soon!” Elena says grabbing Miranda’s arm and taking her notebook.
“I think your mom and I have some talking to do, but you guys have a good night sweetie.” Ethan says getting up before kissing Rose on the head.
“Yeah, outside of the horrifying content of this ‘game’ it was fun.  Have a good night honey.” Mia says following her husband to their room.
“Alright seems like the party is dying down and someone has to get Sal to his room.  Seems like he and Donna can’t stay up late like us cool kids.” Heisenberg laughs out shaking Sal awake.  Sal stands up groggily and leans ion Heisenberg as they leave to their respective rooms.
“Lame everyone left. You want to stay up or are you hitting the sack too?” Dani asks Rose.
“I think I’m going to bed too.  I have a lot to think about.” Rose says hugging Dani, “See you in the morning Dan.”  Dani decides to follow Rose and they head to bed.
In his assigned quarters, the Duke watches the group scatter to their rooms for bed, “I’m glad they enjoyed my little gift.  Hopefully, it answers some questions for them.” The Duke says to himself chuckling.
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cocovikings23 · 4 years
Secret Lover - Chapter 1 (Modern!Hvitserk x Reader)
Hello everyone, this is my new story with Hvitserk (modern Hvitty :) )
Summary : The reader's best friend is Hvitserk Lothbrock. They have known each other since their childhood. She is a photographer, he is vice-president with his brothers in the company of their father, the great Ragnar Lothbrock. Her life is peaceful until the day she receives small attentions from a secret admirer. She doesn't know who he is and tries to find out with the help of her best friend... But is he really who he says he is?
Warnings : None
Words : 1297
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Gif by @ivarsshieldmadien
Chapter 1 - The Letters :
Every morning at 8:00 a.m., you go to the Starbucks around the corner to get your morning drink - a macchiato sprinkled with cinnamon - before you start your workday at the studio. You've been a photographer for 2 years, but you first studied journalism. It didn't really suit you. So you turned your passion for photography into your profession.
That morning you are late, you hurry to get ready. For the hairstyle you make it simple; a simple ponytail and you forget make-up for today. You leave your building and go to Starbucks for your coffee - a day without coffee is a wasted day.
You check your backpack for your stuff, arrive in front of the studio, take the keys in your bag to open the door - where your best friend, Hvitserk, is waiting for you.
He is one of the sons of the great Ragnar Lothbrock who manages the whole city of Kattegat. He is tall, has light brown hair, and has beautiful green eyes. He is sweet and funny and sometimes a bit sulky. He is very popular with the female population of this city, but none of them are suitable for him.
"You're late, honey." Since your childhood, he likes to give you nicknames, but lately, he likes to call you honey. It doesn't bother you and above all, it doesn't seem abnormal to you because of all the Lothbrock sons you've always been close to him.
"Hello to you too, Hvitserk! Thank you for pointing that out to me... " you sigh with weariness because you hate being late.
Opening the door, you both go inside the studio where there are three rooms. The first one is the entrance where you expose the pictures and take the appointments. It's cozy. You have installed two armchairs and a small table and then your desk with your computer. The second room is the studio where you take the pictures. There are a lot of accessories there - toys, disguises, photo accessories, lamps to manage the lighting. And the third is the darkroom where you process the pictures.
Your best friend sits in one of the chairs while you light up the rooms one by one. When you come back to the entrance of the studio, you discover an envelope on the ground near the door, you didn't notice it before.
"Hvitty, is this yours? "you ask, looking puzzled.
"No, not at all. Maybe it's a bill or a note we owe you. Open it," replies Hvitserk.
On the envelope is only your first name written. You don't recognize the handwriting by the way. You open it and find these words:
"A day without seeing you is a morning without sunshine".
You blink in disbelief, think of it as a joke at first because you've been single for a few months - you've flirted with a few guys in bars, had a few one-night stands.
"So?  What's it all about?" Hvitserk gets impatient.
"It's a... poem... well... just a sentence... Take a look for yourself and tell me what you think." You hand the letter to Hvitserk. He reads the little words that are written on the paper and speaks. "It's... out of fashion to leave words under the doors of beautiful young women," he says sarcastically.
He gives you the paper back and then takes his smartphone to go back to his Instagram news feed.
"I think it's kind of romantic, but the weird thing is I'm not seeing anyone right now... So, who's the letter from?”
Hvitserk simply shrugs his shoulders and sticks to his phone, but you don't want to leave it at that, "Don't you want to help me find out who it's from? Hvitty?" You tilt your head to the side and give him a gentle glance, he can't resist your little baby face.
He sighs and then says, "Okay, I'll see what I can do," he smiles at you and then goes back to his previous activity on his phone. Björn, the eldest son of Lothbrock - and half-brother of Hvitserk - runs a security company, he knows everything that goes on in the small - or rather big - city of Kattegat.
Your first appointment is coming, Hvitserk signals you that he's leaving to let you work with your clients.
It's noon. You've booked your meal at the caterer right next to your studio and the chef calls you to tell you that your meal is ready.
You go out to get it, lock the door of your studio and go to your caterer. You enter the restaurant for just ten minutes to greet all the staff and pick up your lunch.
You come back to your studio, again there is a letter on the floor with your first name written on the front of the envelope. You open it and read these words:
"You are so beautiful today".
Clearly, you are starting to freak out because while you were away your famous secret admirer came back to give you a letter under the door and you didn't notice anything.
You text Hvitserk to tell him about this new event and to meet you at your apartment after work. You don't want to spend the evening alone.
At 6 p.m. you leave your job, cross the narrow streets of Kattegat, and finally arrive at your apartment. When you get inside, you can see that Hvitserk is already there - you gave him your spare keys and you have his in case of emergency and for convenience - sitting on your couch playing PS4.
You throw your sneakers in the hall, put your bag next to your wardrobe and sit down next to your friend. He pauses the game. "So your secret lover is back? " he says, turning to you and placing the controller on the coffee table.
"Yes, while I went to get my lunch from Noma's, I was only there for a few minutes." You take the letter from your pocket and give it to Hvitserk, and then you take it back, "Isn't that weird? The guy follows me, observes me... ".
"I don't think he means you any harm, he's just maybe... shy. Surely a text message would be more conventional. " Hvitserk says as he gets up to go into the kitchen. "I'm hungry, what do you want to eat tonight?”
"There's a guy following me and all you can think about is eating? Did you ask your brother for information?”
"Yes, but he didn't see anything on the city cameras...so you're going to have to wait and see who this guy is," he replies, pointing to your letter on the table.
You sink into your couch, pout, and then take the two letters in your hands to read them again.
"What about ordering, honey?" You come out of your thoughts after this question from Hvitserk.
"Yes, if you want. I don't feel like cooking tonight." You take your phone and you say, "I'm calling for a pizza, yeah?" you ask your friend, shaking your iPhone.
"Yes, pizza is perfect!" He comes back on the couch beside you, takes you in his arms to console you, and tells you the plans for the evening, "Pizza, Netflix, and a good night's sleep!”
"Will you sleepover, Hvitty?" you ask your friend, even though you already know his answer.
"Yes, of course, honey!" he says before kissing you on your forehead.
You put on some music while you wait for the pizza delivery guy, laugh while you watch Hvitserk moonwalk like Michael Jackson, and think how lucky you are to have him in your life. But this mysterious admirer comes back into your thoughts. Today it's letters and tomorrow... what will it be?
Thanks for your reading !
@youbloodymadgenius @waiting4inspiration @whenimaunicorn @zuxiezendler​ @therealcalicali​ @peaceisadirtyword​ @peachyboneless​ @bonniebird​ @salt-is-a-terrible-currency​ @saldelys​ @flokisdaughter​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​ @honestsycrets​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @ijustwant2write​ @thevikingsheaux​ @castielsangelsx​ @alexhoghsource​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @laketaj24​ @ivarswickedqueen​ @ivarsshieldmadien​ @hrhbella​ @lisinfleur​ @heathenarmyimagines​ @car-karaoke​ @vikings-imagine​ @heavenly1927
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“imagine me and you? I do. I think about you day and night, it’s only right, to think about girl you love and hold her tight, so happy together.” 
jealous! shigaraki tomura - MY HERO ACADEMIA 
note: still looking for more characters to write for! leave me some suggestions! look at my post underneath this please! 
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you were sitting at the bar with Toga and Dabi. being that the two of you were seemingly the youngest in the league, the three of you strayed towards each other for company. 
“are any of you going out of the hideout tonight?” Dabi asked before taking a sip of his drink, “I might! I wanted to go to the mall and the grocery store to pick up a few things for the next few days. you know Kurogiri has been bitching about us leaving so often that we might get caught so I don’t wan to leave for the next for days just to shut him up,” you responded. 
Dabi hummed in response as Toga pondered on coming with you, “are you going alone?” she asked. you thought for a moment, “I think so. I know Shiggy wanted to come along but he hasn’t mentioned it to me again so I don’t know if he actually is or not.” 
“well let me know! I don’t want to ruin your date with Shiggy,” Toga exclaimed as you gave her a look, “who the hell said it was a date?” you asked as the two of them started laughing. 
“it’s obvious the two of you are like in love!” 
“stabby here is right. he’s like in love with you.” 
you rolled your eyes at what they were saying but remained silent, “shut up, I’m leaving now. I’m going to see if Shiggy wants to come along or not and I want to get back before it turns dark,” you told them before chugging the rest of your drink before slamming the glass and leaving. 
“they totally like each other!” Toga told Dabi as he nodded, “it doesn’t take an idiot to see that,” he replied. 
you made your way back to the hideout to find your blue headed best friend engrossed in a video game. you went to hug him from the back and embraced him, “hey,” you whispered into his ear, “I’m heading to the mall, you coming?” you asked. 
Shiggy sighed putting his controller down before looking at you. it might not have been obvious to you but Shiggy was actually head over heels for you. 
he knew of your past and how popular you were at school before you dropped out. you were cute, way out of his league, and if he was honest, he pictured you with someone more like Dabi. 
“sure,” he mumbled as you gave him an excited smile before grabbing your Converse and putting them on. Shigaraki couldn’t help but watch you bend down to tie the shoe and bite his lip at the show, “lets go, Tomura!” 
you grabbed your bag as he followed behind. even though it was the dead of summer, he still had to remain unidentified and by that, he was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie. 
you on the other hand were wearing something a lot less covered up. being that you and Toga were the only girls in the league, you two kind of matched in uniforms. the only difference was that your clothes was just a different color. 
“Shiggy?” you said with a sing-songy tone of voice, “can you give me a piggy back ride? my shoes are hurting!” you asked as you watched him slump down before bending his knees a bit for you to get on. 
you smiled before jumping on his back and holding on tight. the walk to the mall wasn’t far but he didn’t want it to end. he enjoyed you holding him so tightly and before he knew it, you were playing with his hair underneath his hood. 
“did I ever tell you how soft your hair is?” you told Shiggy as he shook his head no, “it’s really soft! I should use your hair regiment,” you joked as you gave him a kiss on the top of the head. 
he stopped dead in his tracks at the sudden affection making you hit him on accident, “jesus Shiggy! watch it!” you exclaimed as he muttered a sorry before continuing to walk, “how far are we?” he asked as you looked to your phone, “like ten minutes away. why, are you tired?” you asked as you tried to shimmy off of him. 
“no, stay,” he replied as he held you tighter, “aww, thank you Tomura,” you said giving him another kiss on the head. 
he didn’t say anything until the mall came into view. you finally got off of him before holding his hand. Shiggy made sure that whenever he was with you, he wore gloves in case you wanted to hold his hand. 
you ran your thumb over the top of his hand before dragging him to the entrance. your first stop was at the candle store. you tended to buy a lot candles for your room and even a few for the living room so it didn’t smell so awful all the time. 
just as you entered the store, Shiggy told you he would wait in the front while you shopped. he claimed that smelling all the scents would trigger his allergies. you nodded as you made your way inside of the store and grabbed a decently big bag. 
you smelled all the candles that caught your attention before dumping them into the black reusable bag. Shiggy could notice the few guys that were inside of the store watching you. even if they had their partners with them, they would stare at you whenever you bent down to smell one of the candles and if he was being honest, he wanted nothing more than to take his gloves off and turn all those men into dust. 
once he had enough, Shiggy walked inside of the store and walked towards you, “hey Tomura! I thought you didn’t like coming in here,” he didn’t say anything before grabbing your bag and holding it, “I’ll hold it, it looks heavy.”
you gave him a smile before giving him a peck on the cheek before continuing your candle hunt. that was the reaction he was hoping for as he glared down the very same men that were giving you looks before. 
“okay, I think I’m done,” you replied grabbing the bag and hauling it over to the cash register, “just because we’re villains doesn’t mean we won’t support local businesses!” you whispered to him making him chuckle. 
the cashier rung your candles as you gave her cash. after you left the store, you knew that you at least had to bring Shiggy to the game store after enduring your candle endeavor for what felt like two hours. 
“just for your troubles, you can buy one game,” you told him as Shiggy instantly lit up, “seriously?” he asked as you nodded. 
Shiggy immediately dragged you to the nearest Game Stop and ran over to the PS4 games. you weren’t much of gamer yourself but whenever Shiggy asked you to play or noticed that the game he was playing looked like it would be more fun with a second player, you offered to be his player two. 
now that you were thinking about it, maybe Toga and Dabi were right. the two of you did look like a real couple and there were a few instances where you did you things that made it seem like you were together. 
“I’ll wait for you when you’re done!” you told Shiggy as you found the nearest bench and started to smell the candles you just bought again. 
you knew that Shiggy took forever to find a game but you didn’t mind. being the leader of the League of Villains did drain him and you liked seeing him happy, even if it was for a few minutes. 
you heard the music from outside of the store playing and you couldn’t help but dance in your seat. the one thing you did know was that you were probably one of the most attractive people inside of the store so you dancing did turn a few heads. 
“hey, what’s a pretty girl like you doing in this store?” one of the guys asked as you felt yourself rolling your eyes, “waiting for the person I came with to finish their shopping,” you replied with absolutely no sense of emotion. 
the man laughed as he bent down to your height and even went as far to touch your knee, “get your hand off of my knee,” you whispered, “the person I came with won’t take to kindly to your action,” you added on. 
“sweetheart, you can just admit that you’re by yourself, I can buy you whatever it is you want,” he said completely dismissing your entire point, “please take your hand off me. I really don’t want to cause any harm to you but if I won’t, I won’t hesitate to kill you right here. this is your final warning,” you said again as you grabbed your knife from your back skirt pocket. 
you didn’t even get the chance to do anything when you noticed Shigaraki do the very same thing he did to Midoriya when they first encountered each other. his four fingers were wrapped around the mans throat as his fifth stroked it slightly. 
“leave her alone or I will kill you and it won’t be quick. I will torture you until you realize that even thinking of touching her was okay. plus, for your benefit, you really don’t want the entire League of Villains after you.”
you gave the man an ‘I told you’ look as you finally looked to Shiggy, “don’t, it’s not worth it. let’s buy your game and head out. I still need to stop at the grocery store,” you told Shiggy as he nodded and shoved the game into his back pocket. 
just because you liked to purchase things the legal way didn’t mean he did.  
“you guys are weirdos!” the man screamed as he jumped off the floor and ran to the exit. you couldn’t help but laugh as you and Shiggy made it out of the store, “you didn’t buy the game, did you?” you asked feeling the game in his back pocket. 
Shiggy the entire way to the grocery store remained silent. you grabbed his hand in a way to comfort him but his grip on your hand was tighter than usual. 
his mind couldn’t stop thinking of your interaction with that bastard at the game store. the last thing Shiggy wanted to do was place the blame on you but now that he was looking at you, he couldn’t help but look at your clothes. 
your skirt was undeniably short. the top covered what it had to but regardless, he thought your bottom was the issue. Shiggy wasn’t going to make you change it but maybe if you made it even a tad bit longer he’d be fine. 
by the time you were paying for all your items, Shiggy was pissed. he knew it wasn’t exactly like him to do what he was planning doing as soon as you both made it an alleyway but if he didn’t do it before he got back to the hideout, he wouldn’t do it at all. 
you were carrying the food for the week in the bag as you turned the corner to an empty alleyway. you immediately felt Shiggy shoving you against a wall as his hands roamed your thighs. 
“Tomura, what are you doing?” you whispered as he chuckled, “that little stunt at the video game store really pissed me off,” he mentioned as his face was shoved inside of your neck, “I know it wasn’t your wrong doing but it still pissed me off,” he murmured before biting down on your neck. 
you let out a mixture of a moan and a gasp as he sunk his teeth to your neck, “maybe this mark will show everyone to back the fuck off,” he said looking at you through the strands of his baby blue hair. 
you ran your fingers through his hair as he continued attacking your neck, “Shiggy, all you have to do is ask me out and I’ll be yours forever,” you responded as he laughed, “it’s more than that now. someone thought it was okay to touch you so the only way I know how to fix that is to make a mark,” he said as his tongue grazed the bite mark. 
you let him continue his little game until you realized that it was getting a lot more steamier and you really didn’t want to fuck Shiggy in a public alleyway. 
“if we sneak back into the hideout through your room, you can put any marks you want to leave on me,” you said seductively into his ear before nibbling on it, “just carry me back home.” 
Shigaraki did just that and pulled you on his back before booking it back home. during that time, you were leaving small hickey’s on his neck as he tried to run as fast as possible. 
maybe Toga and Dabi were right. maybe it took one action of a man to release the monster that Shiggy had inside of him. whether his intentions were romantic, completely sexual, or both, he was glad you were on board. 
Shiggy wouldn’t know what to do if he had to continue watch you walk around the hideout with that short skirt of yours and not be able to do anything about it. 
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tanakavox · 4 years
Taiyang was sitting down reading the morning paper, when he heard a loud knocking coming from the front door of the house. The knocking was in a pattern reminiscent to one of Zwei’s games that he had overheard before, and so he had a fairly good idea of who it was. He neatly laid his paper down before getting up and making his way to the door, opening it to reveal a young girl with short red hair that covered one of her bright violet eyes with a basket on one of her arms filled with fruits. 
She crooned her head up to look him in the eyes, before flashing him a bright smile that Tai couldn’t help but return in kind, before greeting him with an enthusiastic wave of her free hand.
“Hello Mr. Taiyang,” she happily chirped, “is Zwei here by chance?”
“Yeah, he’s upstairs in his room. Why don’t you come on in and make yourself at home,” Tai greeted in kind, inviting the young red head into his household.
She flashed him another smile as she walked inside, handing him a fresh apple from her basket, before making her way into the living room. As she made her way in, she paused before letting out an excited gasp as she saw Yang and Ruby relaxing in the room. Yang was seated in a recliner chair, while Ruby was sitting on the sofa cuddled up next to a blond haired boy with blue eyes who, unbeknownst to Rosemary, was shooting her a curious look.
“Yang, Ruby, you’re back,” she cheered as she ran up to hug the closest sister to her, which happened to be Yang
Yang rose out of her seat to greet the younger girl, kneeling down to her level before swooping her up as she happily returned Rosemary’s embrace.
“Hey there Rosey, long time no see huh,” she said with a warm smile, before taking notice of the basket in Rosemary's hand, “Oh, is that fresh fruit from your garden?” Rosemary nodded and handed an Orange to Yang and walked over to Ruby who laid on the couch and paused when she saw the blonde boy on the couch behind Ruby with his arms wrapped around her. She places the basket on the table and Ruby gives Rosemary the same warm smile.
“Hey Rosemary.” Ruby tilts her head up to Jaune. “This is Rosemary Thornbush, Jaune. She lives nearby. Rosey, Jaune Arc. My boyfriend.” Rosey eyes widen a bit.
“You're the boyfriend?!” She all but screamed. Jaune looked at the red haired girl a bit confused.
“Hi Rosemary...  Uh, how do you know about me?”
“Zwei probably told her. They tell each other everything.” Yang replied, peeling orange Rosemary given her and taking a huge. The sounds of footsteps running down appeared and Zwei appeared smiling brightly at the sight of Rosemary, a smile that was returned by Rosemary and they ran toward each other and locked their heads, pushing each other back.
“Rosey!” Zwei said with a grin pushing her back as far as he can.
“Zwei!” She grinned as well pushing him back with the same amount of effort. Jaune looked baffled. Ruby looked up to see her boyfriend’s expression and laughed.
“Yeah. I know they're weird.” Zwei and  Rosemary turn to blow a raspberry at Ruby which she returns. The young fanaus grabbed Rosemary hands and began to lead her outside.
“Come on, Rosey, let's go play Rock throw.” The two ran outside into the yard.
“Rock throw?” Jaune questioned, once again confused.
“It’s just some game where they throw rocks as far as they can.” Yang said, still eating the orange. “Zwei tries to cheat at that game a lot.”
“Okay, but he has a Ps4 and Xbox in his room. Why not play that?”
“Best not to question ten years old Jaune.”
Jaune wanted to argue more but knew Yang had a point, so he dropped it. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up Taiyang giving him a small smile. 
“Hey there Jaune. You mind if we talk, just you and I?” Taiyang asked Jaune to try not to look nervous but it clearly failed as Tai went to reassure him. “Hey relax. It’s not big, just a friendly chat.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Jaune stood up and followed Tai into the next room, leaving Yang and Ruby alone Ruby turned to Yang and pulled out a switch.
“Pokemon or Smash?” She asked. Yang pulls out her own switch with a grin.
“Smash bros!” They sat down and began to play.
‘’Zwei ran a bit into the forest with Rosemary far enough that the house was in sight. They both pick up some rocks and  Rosemary turns her friend.
“Don’t use your semblance, kay Zwei? Rosemary said with a smile. Zwei smiled back juggling a few pebbles.
“I promise I won’t use my semblance.” Rosemary stared at him.
Rosemary turns away from and goes for her turn and using all the strength in her ten year old arms, sends the rock a good distance away from their arms. She turned to her friend with a huge grin.
“HA! Beat that!” Rosemary said triumphantly. Zwei grinned back and channeled a bit of his aura into the pebble he was holding, blue energy  surrounded it, and with a lazy arm swing, the pebble went zooming past the trees and high into the sky.
Rosemary turned to them with a glare and crossed her arms.
“You said you weren’t gonna use your semblance Zwei!” Rosemary said, still glaring at her friend.
“I didn’t!” Zwei said, holding back a smirk. The Redhair glared at him harder.
“You lie! You cheated.”
“Did not!
“Yeah huh!”
“Nope!” Zwei  popped the nope with a smirk. “And you can’t prove I did!”
Rosemary stare at the corgi fanus for a few with a blank stare before giving him a malicious grin   and turning toward the house and taking a deep inhale and screaming out:”RUBY!” as loud as she could. Zwei paled and started to wave his hands frantically.
“Okay Okay Okay! I did cheat! Are you happy now.” He panicked. Rosemary gave him a smug look as a storm as red petals came toward them, stopping in front of them, Ruby looked at the kids with a worried look.
“I heard Rosemary scream, you guys okay?!” Ruby exclaimed, kneeling down and beginning to check the kids over for injuries.
“Nothing. I just thought I saw beowulf, false alarm.” Rosemary replied innocently. Ruby sighed, placing a hand on her chest.
“Jeez. Don’t scare me like that!” Ruby there placed her hands on her hips and gave them a disapproving look.”And you two should be closer to the house  now come on.” She gesture for them to follow her and begins to walk back to the house, the kids begin to whine a bit.
“But Ruuubbby! We wanna play more!” Zwei whined
“Yeaaaaahhhh. Rosemary said joining him.’
Ruby turns to give them a disapproving stare that causes the kids to flinch and clamp up and walk behind Ruby without a word. She smiles and leads them forward to the paito, turning to pat Zwei’s head.
“Play here okay? I don’t want you guys to go too far and get hurt.” She said as she patted Rosemary's head as well.
“Yes, Ma'am,'' they said together in unison, a bit deadpan in their response. Ruby pinch their cheecks and walk back into the house yelling to Yang about kicking her butt. Rosemary smiled at her as she walked away.
“It’s great to have them back.” She said with a sigh sitting down on the ground. Zwei sighed as well as sat down next to her. 
“Yeah. It is.”He replied with a smile but it was soon with a frown.”I just wish she didn’t bring  blondie here.
Rosemary gives Zwei a blank stare.”Yang?”
“No dumbass, Jaune!” Rosemary began to laugh at the annoyed look on Zwei’s face and jumped when the patio door opened with Ruby glaring at her brother.
“Laugune Zwei!” She hissed a bit, her tone suggesting she did this song and dance more than once with her brother.
“Sorry sis.” Zwei mutters glaring a bit at the giggling Rosemary. Ruby leaves again and Rosemary turns back to Zwei with a quizzical look.
“What’s your problem with that Jaune guy? He seems nice.”
Zwei scoffed. “Well first he didn’t even know what Ben 10 was and just said some stupid about Transfomers and Ben 10! It was awful! He’s such a lame dork! He even send Optimus prime name wrong!”
Rosemary eyes flash anger. “What really?! Fu-screw this guy!” Rosemary yelling, catching herself from cursing.
“Zwei nodded in agrement and looked a the ground a bit sad. “But… I feel like he’s gonna take Ruby away and then…. I’ll never see her again....
Rosemary gave Zwei a blank stare for a few sew before she replied. “That’s stupid. Your being stupid.” 
Zwei looked up with an annoyed look. “Thanks Rosie…” He said saratricsly 
Rosemary simply shrugs, “I'm just saying dude.  That’s dumb. Ruby is not gonna leave because of a boy.” 
“You don’t know what he might be telling her.
“Neither do you. Stupid.” 
“Your stupid.”
“No you.”
“No you!
“No you!” 
Rosemary stood up push her head up against Zwei’s growling the Corgi fanauns pushing back, growling as well.
“Let’s settle in DB fighterz” said Zwei with a manic grin.
“Yer on!” Rosemary replied with a maniac grin as well. The kids ran into the house up stair to start their next game.
Taiyang walk with Jaune into the kitchen and sat him down on the opposite side of the table from himself and stare at the blonde. And to Jaune’s credit he didn’t flinch, or looked scared. Well in his head he was freaking out, wondering why he called him in here, keeping silence until Taiyang broke it.
“So, I’m not gonna keep you here long, but I’ll just get straight to the point. Do you love my daugther?”
Jaune nodded and a bright smile was on his face.”Yes, more than anything. She pick me up when I’m down, believes in me when no one else would, and everytime I’m with her, I feel like I can do anything with her. She… amazing.
Taiyang smiles but it quickly disappears back into a stoic expression. “Well, you answer my second question. I can tell this wasn’t necessary at all. You seem like a good kid, but if you hurt my daughter, I’ll kill you.” Jaune nods at that semdomly and gets up to leave before Tai puts up his hand to stop him and he gives him a small grin. “Now before we leave, I have a question that isn't related to Ruby at all. You an ass or a boobs man?” 
Jaune shakes his head and smiles a bit. “Neither. Thighs for lives.”
Taiyang lets a howl of laughter as he stands up and claps Jaune on the back with a wide smile. “I see you're a man of culture as well!”
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: So I absolutely adore the PS4 Spiderman game and I had this idea during the Scorpion sequence in it, when Peter starts to hallucinate.
Summary: Peter has a pretty rough night fighting Scorpion
Warnings: Angst, blood
Peter’s P.O.V
Scorpion’s tail came swinging at me, first from the left, which I was able to dive away from, and then from the right, which I was not able to dive away from. It ripped right through my suit and cut open my side, almost instantly my whole body was on fire. Trying to fight through it (or at least until Mr. Stark arrived), I closed my eyes and clamped my hand over the cut, only to find myself collapsing.
That’s Y/N, my Y/N. What’s she doing here? She shouldn’t be here, it’s dangerous, Scorpion is running around.
 I shot back up, jumping to my feet only to find Y/N has been pinned against a car. Panic settles in my stomach while I watch her try to fight her way out of Scorpion’s grip. I try to lunge for him, web him, anything to get him away from her, but it’s useless. His tail stabs her, through her stomach, and she falls. 
“No!” I dive to get to her, not caring that he’s running off, “Y/N, hey, look at me, it’s okay, you’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna take you to the hospital and you’ll be fine,” I insist, pulling her up towards my chest, “Y-You’re fine, okay? You’re gonna be fine,” I glance down, her stomach is covered in blood, and when I look back up it’s starting to dribble out of her mouth, she’s going limp, “N-No! Stop that! tears well up behind my eyes “Stop! You’re fine! You have to be fine!”
Someone is standing over me when I finally get my eyes to open, it takes me a second to make out that it’s Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark, “And sleeping beauty awakens,” Mr. Stark snickers and hits Dr. Banner’s shoulder, “How are you feeling kid? That stuff he injected you with is pretty nasty.”
I push myself up, my eyes darting around the room frantically, “Where’s Y/N?”
He furrows his brow, “Her house I imagine. Scorpion stung you remember? You were hallucinating, whatever you saw wasn’t real.”
That was not a hallucination. It was real, I could hear her, and feel her, and the blood. There was so much blood, it was all over her, and me. I glance down and see there’s only a tiny bit of blood around the cut on my side.
“N-No, she was there, he hurt her. Where is she?”
“She wasn’t there, and nobody got hurt but you,” he promised, “Everyone is fine, you just need to rest for a little while.”
“B-But I could feel her, it was so real...”
“It wasn’t real. It was a hallucination.”
I start pushing myself up but they stop me immediately, pushing me back onto the cot, “Stop it, I need to see her.” I need to make sure she’s okay, I need to see her with my own eyes, I need to touch her, I need to hold her. 
“Kid you just got patched up, relax for a little bit,” Dr. Banner holds his hands up to tell me to stop, “We need to make sure that stuff is totally flushed out of your system.”
“No!” I snap, “I’m not staying here, I need to make sure she’s okay!”
“You can go see her,” Mr. Stark promises, “We just need you to wait a little longer so we can make sure you’re okay. Go clean yourself up and we’ll see how you’re feeling alright?”
One painful shower and two blood tests later and they determine I’m healthy enough to leave. I send Y/N a text, warning her I’ll be over in a few minutes. Of course it’s perfectly reasonable for her not to reply at 1 am but it only serves to worsen my nerves.
I purse my lips, debating my chances if I make a run for it, “Fine.”
“Y/N!” I’m pounding on her window as soon as I land on her fire escape. 
After a few seconds of my knocking her room lights up with an orangish glow. Just when my heart is about to pound out of my chest her peel back and there she is, rubbing one eye while she lazily attempts to unlock her window. I’m so releaved that I nearly start to cry.
“Peter,” she gives me a tired smile and yawns, “You know I love you so, so much, but I am so, so tired right now.”
I cup her cheeks and press my forehead to hers for just a moment before I press a kiss to the same spot, “I’m sorry, I just really needed to see you.”
“That’s okay, I’m always here for you,” she promises, wrapping her arms around my neck for just a second, “Come on, let’s get comfy okay?” 
She moves aside, letting me climb in, “Did you see the fight?” I toss my mask aside and take a seat on the edge of her bed while she starts diffing through her dresser.
“No, I’m sorry, I would have stayed up,” she fishes out one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweats before she takes a seat besides me, “It was a bad one huh?”
I can only manage to nod for a second, “Really, really bad.”
Her lips fall to a little frown before she hugs me again, but she doesn’t let go this time, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Are you hurt?”
“I have a little cut on my side, but I’m fine,” I bury my face in her hair, finally feeling okay again, “Is it okay if I spend the night?”
“Anytime you want,” she presses her lips to mine for just a second, “Do you wanna talk about the fight?”
“Yeah, but not yet. I kind of just want to hold you for a little while.”
She kisses me again, “Whatever you need.”
"I’m gonna change so we can get into bed.”
She smiles, crawling under the covers while I change, “Good idea, we need to be all comfy if we’re gonna cuddle all night.”
I smile back to her and lay down besides her, quickly pulling her flush against me, “I love you so, so much.”
“I love you too,” she kisses my cheek and moves a hand to the back of my neck, twirling some of my hair in a way that normally puts me right to sleep. 
I close my eyes and let us sit in silence for a few minutes before I feel ready to tell her what happened.
“It was Scorpion.”
“That’s the same guy who popped up last week right?”
“Yeah, I was closer so I went after him first. It was okay for awhile, but he cut me, and the toxin in his tail, it makes you hallucinate. I saw you, like you were right there in the middle of the fight, and he...” I trail off for a second, unsure of what the right was to tell her was, “He killed you, and I couldn’t stop him. I know everything is okay now, you’re fine, but it was just so real. It really scared me, and it didn’t matter how many times they told me it wasn’t really, I just needed to see for myself that you were okay. I feel better now, I’ve just been really on edge all night.”
She frowns sympathetically and moves her hand to my face, tracing over my cheek bone with her thumb, “I’m so sorry Peter, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, thank you.”
“You’re okay right? They got that stuff out of you and you’re all patched up?”
I nod, ”Yeah, just freaked out.”
“I’d be a totally mess, that’s really scary. There’s no need to worry though, I’m okay, and I always will be, I’ve got you to look out for me,” her smile returns and she presses a kiss to my cheek.
“I couldn’t keep you safe.”
“Only in a hallucination Peter, it wasn’t real.”
“But it was realistic, really realistic. What if something really happens and I can’t keep you safe?”
“It won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do,” she giggles and kisses both of my cheeks, “I know you, and I know how brave you are, how strong you are. I know that you’ll keep the people you love safe, no matter what, and I know that you love me. So I know that I’ve got nothing to worry about.”
A smile overcomes my lips while I lean in to kiss her, “Thank you, you always know what to say.”
“Yeah well, I would like to think I’m a bit of an expert on the subject of Peter Parker.”
“I think so too,” I pull her back into my chest before my very heavy eyes fall closed.
“Ready for bed?”
“Yeah, I feel a lot better.”
She presses her lips to mine and I kiss back, maybe a little harder than I normally would, “Goodnight Peter.”
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pestopascal · 4 years
While I will absolutely agree that CB2077 isn’t the ONLY game doing all this bullshit, or that other AAA studios don’t deserve the flack CDPR is getting, I have to say that this is absolutely the perfect storm and I think people are FINALLY seeing the problems in modern AAA gaming. CB2077 might be fun to play, may have a good story, but it’s almost impossible to see because of the glaring issues. Which, honestly, is a good thing. I hope games change after this.
under here
AAA studios have been like this and this sort of release has been completely normalised on all accounts by both the businesses themselves and fans because of the inherent reliance on modders (bethesda at the forefront of this), as well as the pushback every time companies actually go ‘uh we need a lil more time’ (although... they just shouldnt announce potential release dates, im even of the camp they shouldnt even start releasing the game until like 6 months out from their official date because they fuck it up every time. borderlands 3 being the only game i know of being in “secret” development and then announcing itself in march for a september release. game itself aside, thats how companies should do it). easily i can remember a lot of 2011 release games which have had the exact same issues as cp77′s release, and then every other game in between since. very rarely do you actually have a game that isn’t a fucked up mess of a pile of pixels. and it is always the customisable character ones that are honestly, genuinely, ugly looking at release. but you can definitely say its been happening looooooong before 2011, with unrealistic expectations, word limits, 11 month time frames, offloading sequels to smaller companies so they can suffer if it fails, etc etc. the entire system has been like this for so long... they dont know any real different nowadays.
i mean look. tlou2 released under crunch conditions this year, and was rewarded. it was ALL over the social media feeds, it was quite the controversy because, surprise surprise, the company promised they wouldnt do it uwu and then. bam ! crunch conditions. literally around that time too, bioware employees came out with a statement saying ‘man we wish dai FAILED so that back in 2014 we couldve proven crunch was a wrong practice’. they say this as well after having to produce da2 in 14 months, which just suffered from fans and journalism for reusing environments, because it was produced in 14 months, and honestly? no one pointed that out back then, bioware themselves pointed it out again this year, 6 years after release, that that game was produced in 14 months. rdr2′s release was hounded by stories of crunch, and they all disappeared into the night because... it was heralded as the best game of all time. that was 2018, 2 years ago.
i think too is that some people get kind of ... morally and ethically concerned. which is understandable. can you consume something when you know it was made under conditions like crunch? and i think one of the most confronting things about it is that 9/10, not only has your favourite company engaged in crunch conditions, they almost actively choose to continue with them. and then that’s a whole other bag of issues blown up over there when it comes to what is able to be consumed what isn’t etc etc
i think also like a mix of marketing, promises and then the expectations of what the game will be like have really had cdpr earn the ire of fans which is just like... you don’t believe what these companies are saying. you never should, esp when it’s their ceo’s saying it who don’t work on the actual floor. bioware itself is the main culprit of doing this to the point they finally came around with all the da4 concept art and teasing to be like ‘ummm but actually dont get invested?’. remember all that qunari lady fanart that bioware management was like ... please dont get attached? yeah. yeah. like at what point as well is there going to be heavy level of apprehension to approach this? and i can’t really talk either, i cracked open the door for mass effect again. i know exactly what kind of shit bioware will pull, i know they are teasing it already on social media, but mass effect is my ride or die series. that’s why people keep opening the door on letting these companies get away with it. and you can’t fault fans entirely either because this is down to a science of how to get money. i mean, fuck, mass effect andromeda’s entire advertising campaign HINGED on the n7 logo. for the nostalgia value. and i see text posts in the same vein of both ‘guys, disney isnt gonna fuck you if you consume every remake for nostalgia value’ and ‘its understandable why people do it’.
so then you have to go ‘well are fans as just to blame’ and then that’s a whole other argument.
i think also like. i personally havent run into aaaannnyyyyyyy of the issues that you see posted online. which is ironic bc 1) i play on ps4 and 2) its an old dusty ps4. in fact a lot of ppl i have spoken to who have had issues have played on pc. does this mean the glitches dont exist? ofc not, the vids and screenshots are right there. but like... ive had a basically unhindered experience so far, and i get where ppl are coming from (i do, i promise) where theyve basically found the game unplayable. is there also a standard of what ppl consider unplayable because ive played most AAA games at launch when they basically rushed to slap the box label on the game and called it a day until they work on patches. when ppl consider unplayable is also just... different per person. some people have a slight blur on the screen when turning too fast even in an MMO and decide the game is horrible and unplayable. some people can have broken quests and npcs not loading and falling through maps and still be fine. there’s no agreed statement of what makes a game unplayable either, which is why you read threads on twitter and someone goes ‘yeah this npc t-posed so i quit in the first hour’ with a dozen replies. everyone has different levels of it.
it’s a mixed bag of issues. im not excusing cdpr, but the ppl who worked on the game are honestly likely not the ones who pushed for a release. you’ve gotta look at sony and microsoft and ceo’s with bonuses coming up and the investors and shareholders and people who sit behind computers and read numbers detailing interest and demand and supply and how every single time they had to delay this game, the loudest (but smallest) bunch of assholes on like reddit and in the twitter threads complained that it was delayed AGAIN even though back in what 2015? they said it’ll come out when it’s ready. and yeah there are times when game delays result in a mismatched half assed sort of story (kh3... p5... ffxv... dai...) and then there are times when, if they need to delay the game... they probably need to delay the game. sometimes delays are bad sometimes theyre good sometimes you are sitting there like whew if you only didn’t try to be like THIS TIME this is the release date.
the ONLY WAY this will stop happening is, quite frankly, unionising. and everyone is allergic to that whole concept so like... this is “the perfect storm” as you put it. but it’s also not. people have been so disappointed over the last 2 years alone for gaming companies, the final product, the attitudes from higher ups, that i think cdpr is receiving a good few years worth of anger. i think theyre also on the receiving end of misdirection from american fans who still don’t fucking get the company isn’t american, because that’s another bag of issues as well. like we’re holding at least 8 bags of groceries out of the back of the car now, and we don’t want to take another trip, because there are so many little bits of this entire situation to look at. there’s so much back and forth.
i think the worst, but most realistic thing is: games won’t change. how they will social media wise will. maybe. assuming bioware gets their heads out their asses but... they’re going to be a lot more careful. i mean, hell, sony offered refunds. that was just a publicity stint. they dont give a fuck if the game was bad. as i said before, if they did, they would make all companies fix trophy problems, starting from like 2010 or whenever the trophy system first came out. they just don’t wanna fall in alongside cdpr being thrown on its sword. but the companies are gonna learn from this, get smarter, still do the same shit to their employees, still pay off journalists, still do media blackouts, etc etc. and we’re gonna be here in another year’s time, with another game, having these same roundabout arguments, and cp77′s issues are gonna fade into just a wikipedia article.
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haikyall · 4 years
A Splash Wouldn’t Hurt
Synopsis: A luxurious vacation, a vacation you know too well mainly cause it was only in your dreams. But Inarizaki Men's VBC decides to change that.
WC: 4078
Trigger Warning: none
Genre: Fluff
Parining: Inarizaki x Manager!Reader
It was homeroom period when you received a tap on your left shoulder as you were writing notes on what your team members— the Inarizaki Men’s Volleyball Club— should improve on. You look at the direction it came from, you realize there was a figure beside you that was eyeing your work. It was Osamu “Wow, you’re making notes on us? How cute of you,” Osamu says, peering over your notes.
“Yeah, I mean it’s the least I can do as your manager,” You sigh, looking at your notes which included a whole list of what certain members were good and what they should do to improve things they weren’t good at.
“You know, the semestral break is like a week away right?” The wing spiker starts as he sits at the table in front of you. He settles down his bag down and brings out a notebook related to the first period. You were well aware that the semestral break was a week from now. You have been planning to…… well, sleep the break away. You never had any plans to enjoy it, even if you were not part of the middle-class economy, you just felt lazy.
“Yeah, what about it?” You say paying attention to your teammate that was looking at you with an expectant gaze.
“Well, Atsumu and I are having a little yacht party.” Osamu starts. Wait a damn minute… a yACHT PARTY? A Y A C H T? Your eyes widen at what you were hearing, Osamu just smiles at your reaction, knowing well enough that even if you’ve known the twins your whole high school life, you still get overwhelmed at just how wealthy they were as star athletes.
“And the only ones invited are the whole team, without the coaches of course, and by the whole team, we included you on the list.” The second-year continues, okay, I mentioned your eyes widened, this time your eyes went out of your eye sockets. Osamu laughs, loving the reaction he’s getting. You couldn’t believe him. They don’t possibly want you to come, maybe they asked you out of pity and hoped to say no.
“But, I’m just your manager…?” You say, still confused at the offer. Osamu just smiles.
“We appreciate you more than you think.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, the boys looked at you not as a club mate or as a manager, they looked at you like you were their little sister. They genuinely want you to go. But you didn’t know what to bring or do on a yacht, mainly because you’ve never been to one or even seen one. Last time you “saw” a yacht was at your d r e a m s.
“We want you to come, it’s fine if you don't bring anything aside from things you’d bring to a beach like towels or sunscreen.” He trails off. He then looks at you dead straight at the eyes with a pleading look.
“Even I would be sad if you didn’t go.” You felt a little amount of heat creep up on your cheeks.
“…You guys… want me to go?” You hesitantly ask to which Osamu nods eagerly.
“Outings as a family won’t be the same without you,” The second-year says with a small smile on his face, still waiting for you to take the offer. You were still hesitant, how are you going to tell your parents about this? Fortunately, Osamu read exactly what’s on your mind and smirks.
“Kita-kun took care of your parents and they agreed” By this time your jaw fell to the floor and Osamu laughs again, thinking your reaction is cute. You fell silent, what else was stopping you from bonding with them?
“… You want me to bring some marinated lamb? Or steak?” You start, flipping through another page, making a list of what to bring, keeping in mind the favorite foods of each member. The wing spiker is shocked.
“Waaa, you know us that well huh?” You only smile as a reply. The school bell rings, signifying the start of class.
“Start with preparing your luggage for a 5-day trip. Kita-kun will send you the other details.” Was the last thing Osamu says before he turned in front, ready to greet the teacher, leaving you in bewilderment.
‘A little fun with water balloons won’t hurt as well right?’ You thought to yourself, not interested in the class. To others, it looked like you were taking down notes for the class. You scribble away more ideas to make the event more fun.
________ First Day 5:00 am
Your parents dropped you off the dock that you were supposed to meet the boys. You were immediately greeted with Kita, Oomimi, and Akiga. All three hugs you and says their greetings to your parents. Oomimi and Akiga took your belongings and took them to the yacht while Kita thanked your parents for letting you go and bringing you to the dock safe and promises that you will return in alive and in one piece.
“Ahh, our sister is here!” Atsumu greets you with a hug. Osamu takes some of the luggage that Akiga is carrying, seeing that he is struggling.
“You can receive serves and all but you can’t carry a bag?” Osamu disses the libero to which Akiga bites back with
“You’re lucky the volleyball is already inside the damn yacht”
Ojiro just smiles at you saying, “Would you like a roommate or you wanna have a room to yourself?”
“I’ll have a room to myself if that’s fine?” You ask shyly.
“Of course it’s fine you precious little thing!” Atsumu exclaims, ruffling your hair in the process.
“Just beware, we might knock on your door to annoy living hell out of you” The setter teases.
“Today we plan to be a chill day so after the twins do their tour, you do whatever you want and all that,” Kita says.
“Oh, and if you feel the boat speed up or slow down that’s mainly cause Suna-chan is manning the wheel” He continues. Wait a holy minute-
“Yes, Suna has a license and is trained by his father so we should be fine and yes, he knows how to stir the boat, darling” Osamu —who came back together with Akiga and Oomimi after putting your luggage on the boat— completes your thought.
“You’re so cute when you’re shocked like that” Ginjima gushes while the other boys just chuckle.
“Let’s board the boat, shall we?” Atsumu leads the group into the twins’ luxurious and— I kid you not— enormous yacht. You kinda ended up gawking at the boat since it is pretty huge and it’s your first time. Your gawking only ends because Akagi lends you a hand to get on the boat.
“You can stare when you get on it” Akiga teases you, making you turn to a little cherry as you say your apologies and step foot into the yacht, you just end up marveling it at its glory.
“Just like the ones in the movie right?” Atsumu teases. As the group fanboys on how cute you looked when you were processing that you were, in fact, in an actual yacht, you eye the outside portion of the yacht, a bar with stools where the boys were hanging out, some white sofas and grey bean bags with a center table, a grill and the main attraction, jet skis that were parked on the yacht.
“Are these actual…” You trail off, Osamu smiles at your speechless.
“Jet Skis? Why, yes they are. They are like my babies” Osamu answers.
“Hey ya trap, they’re my babies too!” Atsumu shouts from the bar.
“The twins have a rule that the room picking will happen a little later after the tour so that you can see which room you want.” Kosaku trails off. You nod as you understand the meaning of the rule.
“And it’s a fun game honestly. We also leave our bags at the dock until the tour is over, we won't be making any stops on the islands you will see, it kinda just sight-seeing” He continues and walks over to the twins to which you follow.
“Ya ready? Cause there’s a lot more to take in besides the jet skis” Atsumu teases and you just get a bit more flustered. Cue Kita hitting Atsumu on the nape and the team laughing at them.
“Cut the manager some slack, ‘Tsumu, not everyone’s as fortunate as the two of you” Kosaku states.
“Can we start the tour already? I’m dying to take a nap” Suna yawns and the twins start the tour ________ Time Skip: to 6:00 am
There were essentially 12 rooms all of which have a queen-sized bed and a washroom that has a bathtub and a separate shower hall. There was also another bar with a karaoke and billiard room with some game consoles like Xbox 360, PS4, etc. A gym, a kitchen and dining room, a sauna and jacuzzi a changing room, a viewing deck, and an inflatable slide at the roof of the yacht. The only staff there was were maids, 4 bartenders, a few bodyguards, and another guy that is licensed to stir the boat when Suna is busy.
You and the boys were hanging out at the lower deck which was where you were gawking the jet skis. They made you decide on the room you want. You chose the room nearest to the viewing deck since you like to take the view in from the night.
“Well, now our dear sibling over here has a room its a matter of competition for us” Atsumu states, and Osamu just sighs and looks at you with a tired expression.
“We’re gonna race two to see who gets the room they want, we let you get your room so that you can take down who gets which room.” Osamu gently explains. You nod and reach for the notebook inside your bag, it became a mannerism for you to bring your club notebook wherever you went with the boys… including this one.
The first pair were the twins, then Kita & Oomimi, Ojiro & Ginjima, Suna & Kosaku, and finally, Akiga & Riseki. Was it chaos? Of course, it was. The twins ended up getting the same room so you had to negotiate a war of rock, paper, and scissors and Atsumu being a baby per usual because his older twin got the room. Kita and Oomimi were by far the calmest since they chose different rooms. Ojiro and Ginjima took some time because they kept on going into the rooms that were taken by the other members and Ginjima getting disappointed the longer the search goes. Suna and Kosaku were kinda calm until they chose the same room as well but didn’t resort to the bickering the twins do. Akiga and Riseka also took some time since they were the last pair to choose a room.
After that, the twins acquainted the team with some rules to follow which were just 6:30 pm was the time of dinner and 12:30 was the time of lunch, and breakfast was optional. Because they are athletes it is a must that they attend the dinner and lunch. They also have to tell the group chat if they were unable to eat and it needs to be a legitimate reason. And there is a schedule for every room so that the maids don’t die of exhaustion. They also had a debate on having a bedtime and if midnight snacks were allowed. They ended up resorting to not having one and midnight snacks are available.
________ 8:00 am
After all, that chaos was settled with you decided to go to your room where you get to explore it in even more detail. But then the exhaustion of taming the boys took over you as your body uncontrollably falls to the white circular bed and you soon drift off to Dream Land.
_________ 10:00 am
Your eyes finally flutter open as you check to see what time it was with the watch on your arm. You quickly fix your hair, face, and the bed as you take in your new surroundings. You take notice of the wooden floor. The table had essential oils and a diffuser right next to it and bright lights around the mirror for makeup. The television was actually inside the wall and the washroom had a little window which can be covered with curtains and more bright lights for the mirrors, there were wall hooks for hangers or things needed to be hanged. One of which was a hanger for the bathrobe the yacht provided. It was a rather spacious room, so spacious that you’d think that you were in a hotel rather than a yacht.
“It’s big mainly because it’s considered the master’s bedroom” You look back to the door, which was where the voice came from. The voice came from Osamu who was leaning at the door frame. Behind him was the rest of the team with a small smile on their faces.
“We’re going to hang out by the lower deck, cause Idio- I mean, ‘Tsumu-kun challenged me to a Jet Ski race, wanna watch? Kita is gonna start grilling the steak you brought” Osamu continues. You nod and say you’ll just change clothes. You change into a white tube bikini which is covered by a white see-through tassel and head to the lower deck which is already starting to smell like grilled steak.
You see the boys quietly yet not so discreetly check you out which makes you bring a little bit of heat on your face. You take a seat at the white couch you take notice of their outfits. The twins, Ginjima, Riseki, and Oomimi were shirtless with some swim trunks. Kita was also shirtless but is wearing an apron cause he’s grilling some meat. Kosaku, Ojiro, Akagi, and Suna were wearing white tank tops with some swimming trunks.
You also observed that there was something similar to what the boys were wearing, sunglasses. Suna has his sunglasses tucked on the collar of his shirt, Ojiro has his tucked on the right pocket of his shorts. Kosaku’s and Osamu’s were resting on their head Akiga and Oomimi were wearing a chain where the glasses were hanging on. Ginjima, Riseki, and Atsumu were wearing their glasses. Kita’s were hanging at the loop of his apron at the back.
“Rules: No flipping of Jet Skis. Don’t hit each other or the yacht. No insane tricks that will get you injured and have fun. If one of the drivers falls off the Jet Ski, instant game over” Ojiro states and the twins listen to what he has to say.
“Five rounds around the yacht. First to park their Jet Ski and get off from it wins” Ojiro smiles with his eyes closed as the twins shake hands as a sign of camaraderie.
Ojiro opens his eyes with a serious face as he says the catch, “Winner gets to throw water balloons at the loser.” The boys show a look of shock and confusion cause as far as they know, they don’t have water balloons.
“What are ye talking about? We don’t have—” Atsumu starts but is caught off by Ginjima
“Y/N-chan brought some water balloons, would be a shame if we don’t use it… Right?” The wing spiker taunts the boys. They turn to you and all you can do is smile while having a chat with Oomimi and a sleepy Suna. All of a sudden the twins’ expressions turned from shocked to competitive, the face you’d see when they have an official match at volleyball.
“Oh you’re on,” Atsumu says to which his twin just shrugs
“Scared you’ll get wet?” Osamu says while arching his right eyebrow.
The startling roar of the Jet Skis causes you to jump a bit while the other boys remain unfazed, Ojiro, standing at the edge of the yacht, raises his arm “Ready,” The twins look at each other and turn back to the sea.
“Set,” By this time, the siblings are playing with the controls to make the Jet Skis roar louder but they’re still in the same displacement on the water.
“Go” Ojiro puts down his arm and the two twins are on their way. Suna— whose is essentially lying down on the bean bag beside you— pokes your left arm resting on the sofa’s armrest.
“10 water balloons, Osamu-chan wins” You smirk at the bid, why not eh? Nothing wrong with a little splash.
“Fine, 10 water balloons, Atsumu-chan wins” Suna smirks at your statement and looks at the sea.
“Stuff like this makes me sleepy” Suna yawns and it causes you to giggle.
“You’re always sleepy, Suna-chan”
“It makes me sleepy and at ease” Suna smiles, happy he’s made you laugh every once in a while.
Kosaku though it would be nice if the lower deck had some music so he played “Party Poison” by My Chemical Romance as he and Riseki start filling up the water balloons
________ 10:30 am
The twins are back but Atsumu won by a millisecond. You laugh out in rejoice as you saw your next victim of the water balloons. You were so overjoyed that the attention was on you. “Suna-chan and Y/N-chan over here decided to make a bet on who wins. Our sibling won cause they placed their bet on Atsumu-chan” Riseki explains to the twins.
“Don’t place such a huge bet on me Suna-chan” Osamu sighs in defeat while Atsumu was busy making fun of his older twin that lost.
The two stand on the metal part of the lower deck and were the jet skis were parked. Riseki starts to throw one water balloons and others follow pursuit. Well, let’s just say you may or may not didn’t count how many water balloons you guys were throwing at the pair. And Ginjima may or may not have filmed the whole event happening including the start of the race.
_________ 11:00 am
After assisting the two boys on what they need to change clothes. You hang out in the entertainment room where everyone was playing a match of Mario Kart while waiting for Kita finish making lunch. You wasted no time into putting this on camera since this was pure gold.
“No! That’s cheating you- AAAAAAAAA”
_________ 12:30 pm
Lunch was served, it was steak with mashed potatoes and mango panna cotta for dessert. Although we ate in peace, there was still tension as to playing that last Mario Kart match. Kita, oblivious to the chaos a while ago, has zero idea to what even happened but feels a strong tension.
“Alright, what’s bothering you kids?”
“I swore you cheated on that last match” Riseki looks dead straight at Akagi who was happily enjoying his medium-rare steak. Cue Kita rubbing his forehead and being the epitome of ‘Ah shit, here we go again’
“I will not deny or accept that” You were informed by their coach about the rowdiness and loudness this group has but these boys always seem to have something to bicker about.
“We live in a capitalist world, my dear child,” Akagi smirks, knowing it’s gonna fume his kohai to the roof. ________ 1:30 pm
Yes, it took you an hour to calm down the two well, mostly Riseki who felt offended by the actions of his senpai. After so, you decided to have time for yourself at the sauna. You grab your wardrobe and your new clothes which were plain red sweatshirt and some cycling shorts and walk towards the said room. You go to the changing rooms which had a little locker aisle so that you can put your things in.
You take off the tassel that you were wearing and toss on the bathrobe. It was a little big for you but it will do. You head to the sauna in which you spent your time enjoying. It was a place that showed the scenery outside and therefore you get to marvel at the beauty of the islands at the same time it was playing calm piano music.
You took this time to look at the videos Ginjima sent you and your compilation of videos and photos to decide what to post exactly.
You ended up posting that stolen solo picks of the boys while they were busy doing things. Yes, you have a stolen photo of Suna that is a w a k e. You also post a picture of yourself with your back facing the camera and your arms spread out. The last photo you posted was a group photo with you and the boys taken in the dining room before the incident happened.
The boys, on the other hand, were putting the appreciation gifts they had brought for you to your room. Arranging it in the most aesthetic way they could on your bed. They tried not to make any noise as you can hear their footsteps due to the wooden floor. They quickly made their way to the viewing deck to inflate the slide to make an alibi to be there.
________ 4:30 pm
You head to the viewing deck wearing you a sweatshirt and cycling shorts only to know that the boys were sliding down the inflatable slide. Oomimi sees you and carries you bridal style to be next in line. You panic as to knowing your outfit.
“You guys, I’m not really—,” you start as Oomimi sets you down on the slide. Atsumu laughs at your response.
“Well, sorry, love~” was all the setter said till his members pushed you off the slide. It felt like going down from the highest point of the ride of the rollercoaster. You screamed your whole lungs out and you swore you died till you felt nothing beneath you. You were flying in the air for what seemed like a century till you were engulfed with water. Its comfort in surrounding you made you feel safe but you had to go to the surface. When you did you were smiling but then at the same time you felt as if you were betrayed by your siblings over there on the yacht as they were laughing their asses off. Suna who was stirring at that time, was also chuckling to himself after hearing your screams of death seconds ago.
The ones in the water, Kita and Ginjima helped you go to the yacht as they knew you were gonna murder the boys. The moment you climbed back on the boat. The maids handed you a towel to which you used to whip at the boys for revenge making them die of even more laughter from you.
________ 6:30 pm
You were still damp and a towel was hanging on both of your shoulders when your dinner is served and it was grilled lamb with some fried rice and crème brûlée as dessert. This was the time the boys noticed that you posted something on social media and gave out their comments of appreciation especially to your photo. They took into detail their photos and realized that they were stolen. This was the perfect opportunity for you to post the uhhh… not so good looking photos of them. But you were worried about the number of unpleasing photos they had of you so you decided to go against the idea. And luckily there was no world war happening since you already forgave them for their little stunt a while ago and they did have fun.
_________ 7:45 pm
You head back to your room to wash and get changed for the karaoke night the boys proposed. You open the door to see the wide arrange of gifts the boys had prepared just for you. You start to tear up from the effort the boys pulled just to show you their gratitude towards you. You took a picture and sent it to both the group chat and social media as a thank you post. A mess of a team they were, they were your mess and you loved every moment you had with them.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
P.P| One Last Time... Please
Summary: you and peter, really, really, love Minecraft
Warnings: none? Cuteness and mostly sadness?
A/n: it hits different with the tapes of c418, Sweden. Or even stuff we did... this ones for my gamers. Love you babe.
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you and peter go way back, from diapers. At eight playing minecraft and staying up till 7 in the morning and falling asleep on the floor, making May giggle but frightened about how you both left the pizza rolls in the oven. It was happy and cheerful.
but you distanced.
you became more popular and peter was slipping away finger by finger. Soon it was to late to hold on. He met ned and you met liz, the golden girls you both are, peter thought about you a lot, and you did too. But whenever you were online he wasnt and vice versa. It wasnt any of your faults, you just found makeup more satisfying then science.
you could only wish the best for each other and give a pat on the back for making it this far, you both loved each other after all, not like that. It was sad to let go but it was reality, and theres no faking that.
you let go of the xbox and threw it out, you kept the one and only game forever though, unlocking memories and making you miss peter, a lot. To much. You instantly bought a ps4 and set everything up, becoming online and playing minecraft for a while, only to get bored and sad at the entrance.
the potions you sipped and make an ice trail, called it roller skating. It just all fell back to peter, the only and only peter. The one whod kiss your bandaids and chase you around the apartment until the food was ready or you had athsma attack, which peter would also kiss away, but hed kiss your heart most importantly.
"youll never catch me! Haha!" Your eight year old self giggled as peters hands were out, chasing you and wanting to wrap his hands around your waist.
"your no gingerbread man! Get over here!" He said as he ran faster. You breath suddenly quickened as you started to slow down and fall on your knees, your breath rigged as you held your heart, peters eyebrows furrowed as he watched your body fall.
he slowed down when he walked up to you on your knees "hey, are you okay?" He asked and he got on his knees before you, you looked at him as your heartbeat was still fast. He bit his lip and put his hand on top of yours, holding it.
"May, im scared... i dont think y/ns alright!" He screamed as he watched your body, you knees got weak as your legs made a 'w' peter still not letting your hand go.
May quickly made her way over and looked at your body, her phone falling as she ran to you and gently removed peters hand, picking you up bridal style "open the door for me hun, we need to go too the doctors" peter nodded and ran to open the foor swiftly, grabbing the keys from the bowl and unlocking the car as may was already walking down the stairs as fast as she can.
the ride was quick and had peter rambling "is she alright? Her heartbeat us fast, MAY ANSWER, is she gonna die? Oh no please y/n dont die please, i need you, what about minecraft? Please?" He asked, unbuckling the seatbelt and making his way over to your still hot body and soothing your cheek with his thumb.
you sat in the hospital bed all checked up, smiling as may brought you boba that peter ordered for you.
"your safe now, y/n. They told me your heart is like heavy or something, i pay attention dont worry. Let me make you feel better please" he whispered to you, his short body trying to climb up the bed, he pulled down your dress a bit to get to you top of your chest, just below your collarbone, to press a soft kiss.
"that should make it feel better"
and it did. So when you played COD online you came across 'peteyspakistan' and your eyebrows furrowd in confusion as he invited you to a party, currently 12:00 at night, you answered of course.
"hey, y/n"
you put your mic on mute to gasp and get up from the end of your bed to jump on it, soon reminding yourself to say hi back.
"hi, petey"
"thats funny, your still the only one who calls me that"
"shouldnt i be the only one?"
peters heart warmed as the memories flooded his mind, he bit his lip as he soon closed his recent game to play minecraft, soon inviting you.
"hows your heart, buba" he called you it because your obsession with boba.
"i dont know wanna kiss it again?" You reply as you enter his game, the classic “wonders of the y/n and peter saga”
You both lived in a separate but same house, just connected, you lived in a desert to replicate star wars just a bit, robbed villagers, ran away from baby zombies who sat on chickens, went swimming a whole lot. You and peter were against the world.
“Hey, you arent no gingerbread man” his voice a bit raspy as he chuckled to himself.
“Oh be quiet” you said as you walked in your house, the classic quartz and white block floor with the pretty pink wool walls, a dog named “bobo” and a flag of pink, purple, and blue. Which you didnt know was gonna pop back into your life with actual meaning.
You and peter breaded your dogs a few times, his dogs name was “spike” he wanted cats at first but they were to hard to get.
“Hey wanna make a little change to the house?” He asks, you reply with a yes as he breaks his bed and comes to you, placing the old style red one next to the other red one, his steve crouching at your alex repeatedly as he jumps and lands into bed.
You laugh and lay right next to him.
“That was totally worth losing your checkpoint” you joke and peter gets it, laughing.
“Hey wanna come over and burn some pizza rolls?”
“Of course, peter. Can you warm my heart too?”
“Id love too”
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Tetsuro Kuroo x F!Reader. Fluffy Word Count ~ 4.3k Happy very late birthday to a dear friend of mine, I hope you had a great day girl! 
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KozumeKenma is going live! 
The girl grinned at the notification that flashed up at the top of the screen of her phone. Her favourite streamer who she had been watching since he started streaming, she had just randomly found him playing some Minecraft years ago and decided to watch, she had been a loyal follower since that day, his streams always made her laugh and she loved how relaxed he was, she would often pop up in the chat, commenting on the game. Kenma had recognised her as one of his top fans, she had VIP status on his streams and he always said hi to her. Y/n had noticed that he was looking a little more run down recently, so she would often pop up telling him to hydrate or go get some food. She often used buying a treat for Kenma through streamer treats and he would often scold her for another pizza or ice cream Sundae, but Y/n knew he didn't mean it especially when it was her favorite pizza, she had been sending water with them too as the boy seemed to live on soft drinks. 
Opening her laptop she turned it waiting for it to load up, it usually took a little while now, she needed to get a new one, this one had to be about seven years old now so it was starting to get a little slow now but it still did the job for now anyway. While she waited, her fingers tapped against keyboard on her slightly cracked screen of her phone, 
Snowy Bluewolf: Happy wednesday! How are you?   
She heard Kenma chuckle, of course she was the first to message the chat. “Hey there, as always you are straight in the chat Wolfie.” Kenma gave a smile seeing her username, Snowy Bluewolf. “I’m good thank you, how is your lock down wednesday going?” 
Snowy Bluewolf:: Ah you know the usual, I got out of bed, moved to the couch to play on the ps4 and haven’t moved since unless to get food or another drink.   
“Ah, what have you been playing today?”   
Snowy Bluewolf: Just some bloodborne, still terrible at the game 
He chuckled, “It is a hard game wolfie, the offer still stands, anytime.”  She smiled, she had told him she had started playing bloodborne over the lockdown and that she was finding the game incredibly difficult and he had offered to help her out if need be. 
Snowy Bluewolf:: I heard orphan is a bitch to beat so I will give that one a few tries and then I may take you up on the offer! Thanks, Kenma!   
“Okay, the rest of you, stop being jealous, you all know Wolfie has been here since day one and she is super loyal follower so of course I’m going to talk to her!” Kenma rolled his eyes playfully at the jealous messages in chat, Kenma looked dead in the camera with a playful look in his golden eyes as he teased the rest of his followers “She is also one of my mods so watch it.”   
The girl laughed, she had never abused her power as a mod in his discord or in the twitch chat she only kicked those who didn’t obey the rules. She also was friends with Kenma. On discord they were quite good online friends now and they do play games together in private and they do have quite a laugh together.   
“Right let’s get on with the stream!” Kenma said getting straight into the game.   
Y/n had gotten her laptop all set up and ready now, she lounged out on the sofa, getting comfy for the Animal Crossing New Horizons stream.  She would lurk in the chat making sure that everyone was behaving, she rarely had to time out anyone, but she liked to keep an eye making sure everyone is behaving, over the eight years she has been a part of Kenma’s streams and been a mod she had only have to ban about a couple hundred people though she had timed out a lot more than that, she reckons she has hit over the thousands or more.   
She smiled as she watched Kenma update his island, trying to make it five stars, he had built his orchard, a zen garden and a flower garden, it was looking quite stunning so far. Had been streaming about an hour and half when she noticed he had yet to have a drink.   
Snowy Bluewolf: Oi, Kenma! Hydrate would you, have some H2O smh 
“Ergh, Wolfie you are starting to sound like my friend Kuroo.” He sighed, grabbing his water bottle, and having a drink. “Always telling me to drink something...” He tightens the cap on the bottle.   
Nekomasbestcaptain: I heard my name? What shit are you saying about me now? 
Y/n giggled at the fact his best friend had been lurking in Kenma’s stream this whole time, Y/n knew of Kuroo his best friend but had never spoken to him even as a mod all these years. “Nothing Kuroo, just saying Wolfie is as bad as you, reminding me to hydrate.”   
Nekomasbestcaptain: Wolfie? Oh, you mentioned her before. One of your mods, right? 
Kenma glanced at the chat quickly, before replying, “Yep.”   
Snowy Bluewolf: @Nekomasbestcaptain hi! I am the one making sure he stay’s hydrated and that he eats 
Nekomasbestcaptain: @Snowybluewolf haha thanks he does forget like all the time.   
For the rest of the stream Kuroo and Y/n chatted and flirted back and forth, Kenma rolling his eyes at his two best friends. 
To: Kenma  From: Kuroo  Sent: 04:14pm  Dude, how can I talk to wolfie other than through your streams? 
To: Kuroo  From: Kenma  Sent: 08:17pm  Discord.   
Kuroo had never downloaded an app so quick in his life, he created his account, got Kenma’s discord tag added to him then begged him to allow him to join his discord server before tracking down Y/n and private messaging her.   
The months of lockdown flew past, Y/n and Kuroo bonding over the course of three months, they had gotten to the point they would video call in bed usually with Y/n falling asleep while they chatted which he found super cute. 
Nekomasbestcaptain: Hey, Y/n seeing as lockdown is finally over, did you, maybe fancy going for dinner?   
Kuroo sat at his desk in his home office as he chewed on his lip as watched her name pop up at the bottom of the chat bar in discord, before disappearing and reappearing again.   
Snowy Bluewolf: Sure (*ノ▽ノ) I would love too. Rather than going out for now, maybe we could have a stay at home dinner, like we each cook a course and share one? 
The grin was spread across both their lips as they stared at their phones, the crushes they had developed over the past few months had come clear and they had slyly admitted it to one another and Kenma hated how they were with each other yet loved it cause they both deserved to be happy. Kuroo’s eyes sparkled as he read the message. 
Nekomasbestcaptain: Sure, who’s place shall we do it at? I don’t mind travelling to yours.   
Snowy Bluewolf: We can do it at my place and I’ll pop out and buy the food for the mains if you don’t me doing that course.   
Nekomasbestcaptain: Sounds like a plan. I'll make the starter and we could have a cheese board for dessert? 
Snowy Bluewolf: You are talking my language rooster boi! So, friday? 
Nekomasbestcaptain: Friday is perfect, 6?   
Snowybluewolf: 6 is perfect, I’ll send you my address on friday 
Y/n couldn’t help but squeal she had a date with this beautiful man, it may be a home date, but she had a date. Kuroo flopped back in his desk chair, he had done it he had finally asked her out.   
Friday rolled around in a flash both arguing over who was buying the cheese, in the end Y/n won to buy the cheese and crackers but Kuroo said he would be buying the wine. Y/n decided to make a sushi from scratch, Y/n wasn’t going to admit it, but she did want to show off a little. She had all the equipment she needs to make sushi at home she had just never used the sushi kit she had brought. 
Kuroo had spent days trying to work out what he would make for the starter, he finally decided on tempura. He wanted to make a mix of vegetables and fish. He knocked on her door, with a few bags in hand.   
The door opened shortly after, he was met by a h/c haired girl, her e/c eyes peering up at him, with a shy smile on her face, “Hey rooster boy.”   
“Hello Chibi-chan,” Since he discovered she was the same height as Kenma he had begun to call her Chibi-chan, he loved how a light blush covered her cheek bones. He smiled at her leaning down pecking her forehead, not chancing more yet seeing as this was the first date. Biting her lip, she stepped back gesturing for him enter, trying not let the blush erupt over her cheeks from the feeling of his lips against her forehead. It was a small innocent gesture that caused goosebumps erupted over her skin as she knew the small peck had a deeper meaning behind it. The pair had become comepletely and utterly smitten with one another.   
Showing him into the open plan kitchen sitting room “Can I get you anything to drink?” She asked leaning on the counter, “I brought some wine with me” Kuroo grinned pulling a bottle of wine out of one of the bags. Y/n smiled in return, opening the cupboard by the fridge pulling out to large crystal-clear wine glasses, while opened the bottle with the corkscrew. “What have you planned for starters?”   
Tetsu gray orbs met hers as he poured them a glass each, “I was thinking of making Tempura. What are you doing for mains?”   
The girl took a sip of the wine and sighed, her eyes widening at the smooth taste coating her tongue and the velvety texture running down her throat, “Well I was goinf to make sushi but I’m thinking screw the starter and mains and let’s just have a cheese and wine night, Tetsu this wine is delicious what is it?”   
“Cabinet Sauvignon by a California vineyard called dark horse,” Kuroo swirled the wine in his glass before smirking “and I won’t say no to a cheese night.”   
Y/n emptied out the carrier bags taking everything that needed to go in the fridge and placing it there, before giving him a playful look with raised eyebrows at the 3 other bottles of wine she removed from the bags. “Tetsurou are you planning to get me drunk this evening?”   
“What?” Elongating the word, “No! Whatever gave you that idea?!” He gasped, placing a hand over his chest struggling to keep the fake offended look on his face, before they both cracked up laughing, the pair relaxing in each other presence for the first time that evening. 
“So, cheese and wine night?” The nod of Kuroo’s head joined with the twinkle in his eye was all Y/n need to grab one of her wooden chopping boards, the crackers from the cupboard before she pulled the fridge door open and snatching the selection of cheese, she had brought earlier that day from the fromagerie, the strong-smelling shop contained a wide variety delicious French cheese. 
Y/n wasn’t sure what kind of cheese Kuroo would like she got some milder ones as well as some strong ones, the milder ones being those like brie, camembert and cantal, a cheddar like cheese, the stronger ones like Roquefort and stilton. She had gotten quite a mix of hard and soft cheese too. Taking all the cheese out of their respective wrappings before placing them on the wooden board.   
Kuroo watched each of her movements carefully from his seat at the breakfast bar, she did everything so gracefully and he was awestruck by how beautiful she was, he already thought she was when they video chatted but seeing her in person was a whole other ball game. He watched as she stood on her tiptoes, reaching into the cupboard to get down two small side plates, her flowing red blouse riding up slight allowing him to catch a glimpse of her smooth looking s/c skin of her waist. The way she bent over as she rummaged through the fridge looking for something, gave him perfect view of her arse in her skin-tight dark blue Levi's over the rim of his wine glass as he took another sip. He glanced away as she straightened up, turning around with some chutneys in hand, making it seem like he was admiring the apartment rather than the owner of it.
“Did up want to sit here or move to the sofa?” She asked gesturing towards the dark blue loveseat with a pair of matching armchairs that was placed opposite a flat screen TV on that was mounted to the wall with a light oak sideboard under it, he could see through the glass of the doors that it contained a PlayStation four, Nintendo switch and a range of games and DVDs, separating the two was a coffee table that matched the sideboard, light oak with a glass top. “Sure, the sofa sounds good.”   
Kuroo grabbed the two glasses wine and made his way after y/n to the sofa as she made her way over to the coffee table with the wooden board with the cheese on before they both when to grab the condiments and utensils.   
“Hey, google, shuffle wake up and smell the coffee.” Y/n called out to her google home which sat on the side board under the TV. 
“Okay, I’ll shuffle the Spotify playlist wake up and smell the coffee.”   
The gentle strumming of the guitar of Comethru by Jeremy Zucker played threw the Google home. The pair got comfy on the loveseat, letting the music flow through the apartment, they both snacked on the cheese and biscuits chatting and talking about their days at work. “It’s nice to not having to go into the office that often yet I do procrastinate while I’m at home.”   
“Oh god I am just the same and Kenma is not helping when he streams when I am trying to work.” The girl laughed as she sipped at her wine enjoying the smooth texture.
“I have Kenma’s streams playing as background noise these days myself.” Kuroo added with his own deep chuckle as he watched the girl drink her wine and the way the tip of her tongue darted out over red full lips, temptated to kiss them to discover how soft they are , “This one is nice.” Kuroo said grabbing another cracker with some brie with the fig chutney, Y/n hummed agreeingly in response as she had her own mouthful of blue cheese and cracker, taking a sip of her wine before responding, “The fig chutney does go well with brie, try the blue cheese with a sip of wine.”   
He did as she suggested and his eyes widened at the mixture of mouth-watering tastes, “damn that’s good.” He grabbed another chunk of the blue cheese, placing it on his plate and grabbed another cracker. The cheese board didn’t last long between them even with the six different cheeses they keep eating until there wasn’t even a crumb left. 
“Whoa, I’m stuffed.” Kuroo sighed as he flopped back on the cushions of the sofa, they had finished a bottle of wine and began the next. Copying his movement, Y/n made herself comfy on sofa, the music still softly playing in the background, 1994 by Alec Benjamine harmony filled the room. “God, I love cheese nights.”   
“I have decided, this,” He gestured to the empty plates, board and the bottles wine “Shall become our first tradition. We will have regular cheese nights.” Kuroo said, nodding in agreement with his own decision with a proud smile. A gentle smile crossed her rosy lips again, the look in her jewel-like eyes holding a matching look, nodding in agreement with his idea. Their first tradition, Y/n was filled with giddiness and tried not to squeal at the fact he wanted to start making traditions with her, “I’d like that.” 
His grey eyes watching as she curled her legs up under herself, her left elbow resting on the back of the couch, her chin resting on her on the palm of that hand and in her right hand held the wine glass which rested on her knee. The small ball jumping up on the sofa between them broke him out of his trance of checking her out. His eyes landed on the black kitten whose large blue eyes were briming with curiosity. “Oh, there you are Luddy.” Sitting up slightly, the h/c leaned forward enough to gently pet the kitten, the second Y/n fingers met the top of his head, Luddy began to purr, his blue eyes closing in contentment.   
“Did you have a nice sleep baby?” Y/n cooed to the bundle of fur starching behind his ear making him lean into his touch, Kuroo was in awe as he watched her coo over the small creature. “Do you want some dreamies?” The kittens eyes seem to fly open at the word dreamies as if he understood what his own had said, he looked at her and gave her a small meow. Y/n giggled placing her glass down on the coaster before standing up. 
“Okay you make friends with Tetsu while I grab the dreamies.” Starching the back of Luddy’s head, Y/n gathered up the plates and knifes an placed them on the wooden board along with the chutneys and taking them to the kitchen, leaving Kuroo and a kitten staring at one another, molten grey eyes staring into inquisitive sapphire blue ones. In the background you could hear dishwasher being loaded and the opening and closing of cupboards as Kuroo gently reached a handout allowing the small cat to sniff his calloused fingers, from all those years playing volleyball, before Luddy rubbing up against the man's large hands purring, he stood up walking over to Kuroo sitting down on his lap, allowing Kuroo to continue to pet him, purring happily at the affection. Y/n watched the interaction from the kitchen smiling, before shaking the bag of dreamies, causing Luddy’s ears to prick up and turn to look where the sound came from, he jumped over the back of the sofa trotting his way towards the sound of the treats. Kuroo watched as Y/n opened a ball with a few holes in it, pouring the treats in, shutting it and placing it on the floor for Luddy who ran up to it and batted the ball across the room causing the treats to fall out of the holes. Y/n walked back over to the sofa, grabbed her glass of wine off the table, taking a seat next to Kuroo, whose arm was resting across the back of the sofa, where she was sat it looked like it was placed around her shoulders. Trying his luck, he placed it around her shoulder and tugged her into his side, “Come ‘ere.” To which she responded to his tug by curling into his side, head resting on his chest while he drew gentle circles on her shoulder happily relaxing into the sofa with her curled up to him.   
It was peaceful as the pair led there on the sofa curled into one another, the only sound in the room was Luddy’s ball rolling around and the music still quietly playing, “This is nice Tetsu,” Humming in agreement, he kissed the top of her head allowing his lips to linger inhaling in her soft scented shampoo. He could get used to this, ruining the perfect scene was a loud ringtone going off.
"Is Kenma really streaming at this time?” The girl sighed untangling herself from Kuroo to get her phone from the kitchen counter where she had left at the start of the evening. “Ya know, he only lives around the corner,” Y/n turned to look at Kuroo confusingly as her eyes met with his that held a mischievous glint, “and I have a key.” 
Y/n confusion turned into a smirk as she caught onto what Tetsuro was planning, her eyes brighten up and nodded in excitement, this would be the first time she was meeting her favourite streamer and she would gate crashing his apartment with his best friend. “Can we stop and buy food and drinks for him? I bet he hasn’t eaten.”   
Kuroo couldn’t help but be just as enthusiastic as her, seeing her excited was contagious and made him just as excited. “Of course, we can” He smiled pulling on his shoes and jacket as Y/n did the same. “Luddy be good while we’re gone. Mummy loves you baby.” She blew a kiss towards the kitten who was sat on the sofa looking at the pair with a bored look in his eyes as they stepped out of Y/n apartment door. They made their way to local convenience store fingers entwined together as they searched for Kenma’s favourite soft drink and a few bottles of water before going to the pizza takeaway and order the largest pizza they could with Kenma’s favourite toppings. Y/n couldn’t believe how close they lived together, Kenma live barely 2 streets over, they had the same local takeaways and supermarkets she was surprised they had never bumped into one another before.   
Kuroo entered the code to Kenma’s apartment building, saying hi to the kind looking receptionist who knew him very well with how often he visits his best friend, Y/n sent a wave to the lady behind the desk who returned it with a smile. “Back to see Kenma I see Kuroo, and who is this?” 
“Hi, yep!” He popped the p “This is Y/n she is my girlfriend and actually I met her through Kenma streams she’s one of his mods and he decided to stream during out first date so we thought we would come and crash his stream” The lady giggled and nodded, noticing the blush that exploded over h/c girls cheeks as she heard Kuroo tell the receptionist that she was his girlfriend. “Pleasure to meet you Y/n have fun crashing his stream.”   
“pleasure to meet you too. And thank you we shall.” The girl replied with a smile as Kuroo tugged on their entwined hands towards the elevator, he hit the button for the eighth floor and watching the doors close as the pair made their way up to his floor, Kuroo fished his set of keys out of his pocket, “So we’re going to sneak in and sneak to his stream room and throw the door open and yell at him to hydrate right?” 
“That’s the plan.” The girl nodded bouncing on the balls of her feet. She was so excited to do this. The bell ding in the elevator signalling they had arrived at the eighth floor, stepping out the made in along to apartment 803, Y/n took the carrier bag from Kuroo’s hand as he slipped the key into the lock carefully turning it to unlock the door quietly, they slipped inside stylish modern apartment, they both took there shoes and jackets off, placing the bottles of water and one of his soft drink bottles on the counter, before sneaking there way towards Kenma’s stream room.   
Showing three fingers Y/n began the silent countdown, She knew the whole stream would see this as Kenma had recently moved his stream room around so his back was now facing the door.  
Kuroo threw the door open “YO KENMA! HYDRATE!” The pair yelled at the same time, they watched as the streamer jumped five foot in air out of fright and the stream chat was moving at a mile a second asking what was going on. Kenma pulled his cat ear headphones off his head placing them down on his desk slowly turning around in his desk chair to find Kuroo leaning against the door frame one arm around his date and in his other hand was his Kenma’s drink while Y/n was snuggled into his side with the pizza box in hand. Both of their face held large cheeky grins.
“Kuroo? Wolfie?” He questioned, Kuroo was the first to speak between the couple, “This what you get for crashing our date with your stream”   
“Oh, so now I have to plan my streams around your dates?” Kenma sassed them. The h/c cocked an eyebrow before replying, “Yep, you do.”  
Kenma laughed at her response, watching as the pair stepped into the room, Y/n thrust the pizza box into his hands “bet you haven’t eaten yet tonight so here it’s your favourite.” Before she pushed his chair with him in it out of the way and crouching down to be eye level with the webcam seeing herself in the video, of the stream managers on Kenma’s second monitor, “Hey chat! It’s me, Wolfie! You best be all behaving while I am not there to mod you” She winked into the camera, noticing Kuroo making his way over to her kneeling down behind her, he was still taller than her, he placed his chin on his head, reading what the chat was saying.   
It was exploding with laughter over how they made an entrance, to how pretty Wolfie is and how handsome Kuroo was. “He is handsome isn’t he but hands off he’s mine.” Y/n replied sticking her tongue out at the chat.  
“This gorgeous girl is mine so back off lads I can see yall eyeing her up.” Kuroo growled out playfully.
Kenma just sat in his chair chopping happily on his pizza while shaking his head at his two best friends who had just stolen all the limelight of his stream, which had gone from a Bloodborne stream to just chatting in a matter of seconds, with a gentle smile on his face glad they were happy together.
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timbertumbr · 4 years
Boneafide Gamer (A Reverse Harem Fic)
Chapter 2, Reality VS Fantasy
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Big thanks to my friend for making a caption for the picture and big thanks to another friend who took that meme worthy photo!
List of Usernames with Nicknames-
Blue (Underswap Sans): Magnificent Blueberry
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus): Carrot
Edge (Underfell Papyrus): Captain
Red (Underfell Sans): Red
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Maleficent 
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Rus
The next day arrives and you’re rudely awakened by your alarm clock, basically yelling at you to get up and get your butt moving. Groaning, you shut off the alarm and quite literally roll off your bed with a thud. 
You get up from the floor, abandoning your pile of blankets as you shuffle around your home doing your morning routine. Once done, you throw your blankets back onto your bed and grab your phone as you head out the door, lock it, and begin walking to work. To entertain yourself, you unlock your phone fully intent to play a phone game when you see messages from discord so you open that instead.
Cheesepuff: Good morning Fart. Or (Username) whichever you prefer. Whenever you have time, could we set up a time to introduce a few of my cousins to you and possibly the game itself. 
Cheesepuff: Also, I may have given Blue your discord. So expect lots of messages.
Raising a brow, you check your friend requests and see that a “Magnificent Blueberry” asked to be friends. Huffing in amusement, you add him as friends and type out your reply to Carrot.
(Username): I get off work at 5:00. So we could get online at around 5:30. Can’t wait to meet your cousins! 
You go to check other messages to see Totally not the writer left a message at 3 A.M. Not again…
Totally not the writer: So… I may have stayed up all night to think of how to use this meme so… you are my first test subject.
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You snort at it and shake your head amused.
(Username): Get some sleep you ADHD nutshell.
Totally not the writer: Will do.
Shaking your head again, you pocket your phone and enter your workplace. A GAME STORE! :D You quickly make your way to the counter and greet your co-worker Chris. 
“Sup dude,” They respond while you grab your employee clip on name and head to the back to restock shelves.
“You’re pretty peppy today,” They comment as you leave the back with a box of games, figurines, plushies, and other stuff. 
“I’ve had a good morning so far!” You respond as you start stocking shelves, they hum and fiddle with their phone.
“Didja get the game you’ve been waiting all year for?” They ask.
“Yup! I even met some new people there!” They raise a brow as you move to another shelf.
“Really? From what I’ve heard they had a bit of a server problem so not that many people were able to get on,” So THAT’S what happened.
“Then I’m one of the lucky ones!” They were very amused.
“Seems like it. Care to tell me about these new friends you met?” You raise a brow and turn to Chris.
“But I didn’t-”
“Totally told me,” They cut you off, showing the screen of their phone in your direction. You lean forward to see that Totally did indeed contact Chris through discord.
“Of course they did,” You comment before going back to stocking the new PS4 games. The electronic bell sounds when some customers enter the store. You peek from the shelf to see four skeletons. 2 tall skeletons, one of them slightly taller than the other and two short skeletons, one with a large crack in his skull.
Hey, they look familiar-
“Welcome to the Game Store, if you need any help let me or the one stocking shelves over there know,” Chris says in the ‘customer is here, act like you’ve been happy all your life!’ voice. One of the taller skeletons smiled.
“THANK YOU KIND HUMAN! I WILL COME TO YOU FOR ASSISTANCE IF NEED BE!” He says enthusiastically and quite thankful. Both you and Chris' smiles softened into a bit more genuine smiles as the similar looking skeletons split up and began looking around the small store. You sigh softly as you go back to stocking shelves. 
You soon finish the box and stand up to return the box and grab another one when someone taps your shoulder. You put on a smile and face a short skeleton in a blue hoodie.
“Oh hey! Need help looking for something?” You ask, the skeleton nods.
“Yeah, need help looking for a game called ‘Basic MMORPG VR edition,’” He says so casually you can’t help but relax around him.
“Oh yeah! I know where that is. Follow me please,” You say before walking toward the beloved game with the small skeleton in tow. 
“Here it is!” You exclaim, making little jazz hands at the case making the skeleton snicker.
“Thanks bud. I guess you could say you were... playing your role?” 
“PFT-” You burst out laughing. You could even hear Chris and a very deep voice snicker in the background.
“Oh my GOD that was terrible,” You say collecting yourself, the short skeleton shrugged.
“But I guess I don’t have enough EXP(erience) with good jokes!” You fire back and his eyelights twinkled. 
“Guess you’ll have to farm for some,” The same deep voice from earlier said, earning a snicker from you and the short skeleton by you.
“SANS PLEASE!” You hear an exasperated voice yell.
“Brother No…” Another voice chimes, somewhat similar to the first but somewhat softer. The short skeleton used blue magic to get the game and walked over to the counter still snickering. You smile as you begin walking to the back to replace your empty box. When you return to the store, all the skeletons are at the counter with one of the tall ones yelling.
“It’s alright, did you find everything you needed?” Chris says as you go to stock the shelves once again. Just as you were finishing up with this box, the skeletons had paid for their games and left. 
“That was… interesting,” Chris comments as you go to the back to get ANOTHER box.
“You’re telling me! They look like the avatars Carrot and Blue use!” Chris furrows their brows as you leave with another box and go to the shelves again.
“Isn’t… there custom avatars in Basic?” Chris asks as they type away on their phone.
“Um… Not that I can recall… considering the list is SUUUUPER long,” You respond as Chris nods their head.
“There is, just looked it up. Isn’t it strange that they looked practically identical except for some slight changes?” Chris asks, looking up from their phone. Now that you think about it…
“Yeah, that’s kinda odd…” You comment aloud as you toss the last box into the back.
“Maybe they were all born as twins or something?” You suggest, Chris shakes their head.
“I dunno… oh hey, it’s break time. Want a rematch in SMASH?” 
“OH HELL YEAH, I’M GONNA WIN THIS TIME!” Chris laughs at your enthusiasm as you both make your way to the employee break room, passing by Max and Alex, your other co-workers who you say ‘hi’ to. You and Chris began to duke it out in Smash.
The rest of the day went by quickly, only a few customers stopped by the Game Store, you lost to Chris is Smash… again. At the end of your shift you say goodbye to Chris and leave the store. While walking home, you check your messages and see that Blue and Carrot messaged.
You smiled at how professional yet caring Blue’s message was and began typing your response.
(Username): Aw man! I hope you can join us next time! Good luck with your important things!
You go to Carrot’s message next.
Cheesepuff: Okay, so the server’s are REALLY crowded today. I think we should set up a place to meet up as well.
(Username): That’s alright! How about the Creature Care Center? 
Cheesepuff: That works. See ya in 15.
You leave the personal conversations to see you were added to a group chat with Totally and Crispy Chris (You may have laughed at Chris’s username as soon as you saw it.)
Totally not the writer: Right, so I made this group chat so we could play games and just chat with one another.
Crispy Chris: Cool. 
(Username): Awesome! But I’m busy tonight, I’m going to be meeting Carrot’s cousins in game.
Totally not the writer: There’s more of them? Didn’t you and Chris just deal with two sets of doppelgangers that YOU said looked like Carrot’s and Blue’s avatars?
Ah, Chris must’ve told them about that.
(Username): Maybe, maybe not. I may be meeting those doppelgangers. Who knows?
Crispy Chris: Just don’t reveal your address or your full name. Or, like, any personal information that’ll hurt you.
(Username): I know, I know. This isn’t my first rodeo. Gtg tho. 
You shut off your phone and stuff in your pocket as you enter the home. Locking the door behind you, you check the clock. 5:15. Nodding to yourself, you begin setting up the game and once done with that, you put on the VR goggles and enter the Basic world.
When Carrot said it was crowded today, he was not kidding. There were a LOT of players in just the town square alone! Wincing to yourself, you pull up a map (Blue was kind enough to give you pointers with your exploration) and begin weaving your way through avatars and houses.
You eventually arrive on the street where the Creature Care Center, Merchant Stalls and many other interactive buildings lie. You look up from the map to see Carrot pacing back and forth in front of two sets of, you guessed, more doppelgangers. And they sure as hell didn’t look like the ones that visited the store, but they were similar. They looked terrifying, wearing red, black, or purple armor/robes/clothing.
You gulp and make the map disappear before approaching the group of skeletons. Carrot notices your approach and waves with a small smile.
“Hey, glad you could make it,” He says, earning an annoyed huff from a tall skeleton in red armor.
“FINALLY, I COULDN’T STAND WAITING ANY LONGER,” The short skeleton wearing purple armor nodded. Carrot sighed.
“Edge, Mal, please…” He muttered tiredly, you raised a brow and looked at the usernames above their avatars. The tall angry one in red was “Captain,” the short one in purple was “Maleficent,” the short one in red clothes with a hood was “Red,” and finally the tallone in dark purple robes was “Rus.”
“Interesting names,” You comment, Captain puffing out his chest and smiling proudly.
“OF COURSE IT IS! YOU’VE WITNESSED THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE EDGE AND HIS MAGNIFICENT NAMING SKILLS!” He states proudly, so he’s a narcissist. Good to know. Maleficent shakes his head with his arms crossed.
“BY ‘MAGNIFICENT’ YOU MEAN BASIC, CONSIDERING YOU WERE THE CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD,” Maleficent counters bluntly, Captain whips his head to face the short.
“WH- HOW DARE YOU?!” He screeched before the two got into an argument, the other two were snickering about something and Carrot looked dead inside. You place a virtual hand onto his shoulder.
“I am sorry you have to deal with this,” You say half serious half joking, earning a tired amused grin from Carrot.
“Trust me, it was harder to convince them to actually PLAY the game,” Carrot admits looking even more dead inside. Red approaches the two of you.
“He’ll get used to it, eventually,” Red comments before holding out his hand.
“Nice to officially meet you Fart, my name is Red,” He says with an amused smile. You shake his hand which opens a menu with his stats.
“Woah, a rouge! Nice,” You complement, Red smirks more.
“Thanks,” He says simply before you break apart the virtual handshake. Rus approaches the small gathering.
“Can I join the party?” He asks, holy shit his voice- Red starts snickering like a mad man while Carrot stares at you in disbelief. Rus blinks and looks away.
“Um… thank you?” He says with uncertainty and a tinge of amusement, CRAP YOU SAID THAT OUT LOUD! Red starts laughing harder and Rus chuckles. 
“You’re something else aren’t ya?” He asks with a smirk.
“Uh…” You intelligently reply, Carrot steps in.
“Okay, I think they need a bit to process everything,” You nod trying to unclog your brain to find words. Red finally calmed down and wrapped a virtual arm around your avatar’s neck.
“You’re a riot, Fart!” He exclaims, you smile.
“Th-Thank you,” You manage to respond before Captain's booming voice breaks the chill environment.
“He wanted to know what there is to this game so… another exploration adventure. Whooooo,” He says tiredly, jeez, he needs to sleep.
“INDEED. NOW QUIT YOUR LOLLYGAGGING AND LET’S GO,” Maleficent follows up, you swear, whenever those two talk, you feel like you’re losing brain cells. And off your party went to look around the areas Captain and Maleficent were interested in. And once they found a weapon stand, they were VERY dedicated to look for their perfect weapon so the rest of you went to the fields. 
Carrot collected herbs while Ruse tried to get a fox as his familiar which was pretty cute. You were slaying slimes and Red was practicing his aim with the bow. After slaying some slimes, you decided to join Red with practicing your aim. You stand by him and use your multiweapon to practice.
“Hey Fart,” He greets as he shoots an arrow into a tree.
“Hey,” You respond, shooting and missing the tree.
“How are you liking Basic so far?” You ask as Red shoots and hits the tree again.
“It’s alright,” He answers vaguely as he glances at you and does a double take.
“Woah, what the HELL are you holding?” Red asks genuinely curious, you show Red your multiweapon.
“Multiweapon, I… couldn’t decide on just one,” You admit, Red snorts.
“Yeah, I can tell. But it’s still impressive. Think there are anymore like this in Basic?” He asks, now that you think about it, there is weapon customization in this…
“Most likely but they’d probably use different weapons,” Red hums and you both fall into comfortable silence while continuing to practice your aims.
“How did you get into gaming?” Red asks suddenly, oh boy. He just set off a tidal wave. You tell him how and why you got into gaming and he listened intently, even telling YOU how he got into gaming. Then it moved to conversing about video games which you both were REALLY into.
“I shall name you… Butters,” Rus declares as he holds the golden fox in his hands. The fox yips and Rus aww’s from the fox.
“Butters huh? Neat name,” Stretch comments as he walks by Rus to pick some herbs.
“Thanks,” They fall into silence before Rus breaks it again.
“Hey, I know you introduced us to this game to socialize but… don’t you find the human a bit TO accepting?” Stretch mulls over the question and faces Rus.
“Well, to them they think we’re using avatars so there’s that,” Rus hums and pets Butters.
“True, should we go get Edge and Mal?” Rus asks.
“Nah, they’ll be fine. Besides, they can find us with the friend tracking system, remember?” Rus shakes his head.
“There’s so many features to keep track of…” Rus mutters, earning an amused smirk from Stretch.
“Eh, you get used to it. Eventually,” 
Hours went by and before you knew it, you had to log off. You got Red’s discord and planned to have a Smash match one day. While the others were interesting, they didn’t seem too keen to give you their discord just yet. Understandable, after all they just met. 
As you wind down for the night, you check your messages to see Red, Blue, Carrot and Chris messaged you.
Red: Can’t wait to kick your ass in Smash, when you have time that is.
(Username): Oh, you’re on hot topic! Saturday, noon.
Red: Deal. See ya then sweetheart. ;)
Your face totally didn’t erupt into a tomato, nooooo.
You couldn’t help but chuckle that Blue still used Fart. You send a quick “I did, thank you and goodnight!” Now onto Carrot.
Cheesepuff: Hey, thanks for being patient enough to meet them. I know they can be a bit of a… nuisance.  
(Username): It was no trouble! Plus, I got a new gaming buddy so it works out!
Cheesepuff: Huh, well I’m glad at least ONE of them made a friend. Or acquaintance. Whichever it is. I wish thee farewell, as I have to attend an important matter called Sleep. Till we meet again Fart!
You laughed at his goofiness and moved onto Crispy Chris. (God it’s so stupid yet so funny!)
Crispy Chris: Hey, we don’t have to go to work tomorrow. Boss found an announcement that anti monster protestors are targeting our store. 
(Username): Really? Why are they still at this? It’s been 3 YEARS since monsters came and STILL can’t see reason?
Crispy Chris: I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again. Humans are stupid.
(Username): Agreed. Thanks for telling me.
Crispy Chris: Np. Good night and sweet dreams.
With your socializing done for the day, you place your phone on your night stand and go to sleep.
I- don’t know why I keep writing long chapters but HERE WE ARE! That’s 3 sets of boys that got a “proper” introduction. Only 2 more too go and onto the plot! (Which I’m totally making up as I go along.)
Next Chapter
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Fall For Me peter parker imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Request: This is my first ever request so I hope this is clear, clumsy reader has a crush on the adorable peter parker and peter has a crush on the readers more confident superhero self. Kinda like miraculous ladybug if you've ever watched it? Both are like hero partners and peter really wants to know who she is but she thinks they shouldn't know eachothers identities because it might affect how they work. And somehow peter finds out her identity? Hopefully this is okay, I love your writing💌 
No FFH Spoilers (as I wrote this before I saw the movie) But I just finished playing “The Heist” dlc for the spider-man ps4 game, so this has small Black Cat vibes (and also a few other references in the game)
roughly edited
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Superhero name: Khaos (Chaos, but spelled in a greek wayyyy)
Y/N and Spider-Man both sat perched side by side on the edge of the dirty top of a New York roof under the dark sky. Well it wasn’t technically Y/N, it was her alter ego; Khaos. Spider-Man and Khaos, the famous dynamic duo of New York. They were the city’s protectors, and everyone looked up to them. Clad in her usual white full body suit, black boots and black domino mask (a mask styled like Robin’s), she gazed at the sky looming above her, starless from light pollution.
“I really miss the stars,” she muttered softly.
Spider-Man turned to face her with the mechanic eyes on his mask slightly widened. “Where’d you used to live before here? Ya know, where you were able to see the stars?” The man questioned, trying to get the smallest piece of information about who she was.
She glanced at him with a small smirk, “nice try, Spider, but I’m not telling you anything.” He huffed, looking down and shaking his head, “well it was worth a try.”
The masked girl raised a brow at the statement and sarcastically replied, “was it though?”  
“It’s always worth a try with you babe,” he cockily said, making Khaos roll her eyes and shake her head.
The girl jumped down onto the nearest lamp post to get closer to the group of men. Spider-Man followed her footsteps, but on a different post.
They both looked over the group, taking note on each man’s position. They’d recently discovered that one of New York’s famous mob families was trying to bust into a bank. They immediately thought of stopping them before the crime ensued.
“I got this one Spider,” Khaos muttered through the earpiece imbedded in her mask. She jumped down, knocking the man in the head before hiding to find her next target.
Spider-Man stealthily webbed the man up and sticking him to the lamppost. He jumped down, nearing closer to the girl. “Okay, what do we do now?” He questioned as he crouched down, looking at Khaos before looking around the entrance of the bank.
“There’s about twelve of them left, and they’re all clustered together,” she stated, looking above the crate she hid behind, “so there aren’t many options.”
Spider-Man looked around, seeing the dozen men, “go in guns blazing?” Khaos smiled at the comment, “well since you’re best at that, then by all means, let’s do it.”
He shot her finger guns, standing up straighter, “this is why you’re my number one girl, K.”
He walked closer and made sure the group of men would be able to hear him. “Hey, do you guys know the way to Rykers?”
All the men turned to face him, aiming their guns at the red and blue target. “No? Well I’ll guess you’ll find out soon,” he mocked, shooting a web at one of the men to grab the gun. Spider-Man swung it around, hitting anyone in a close vicinity.
He chucked the rifle at the man he stole it from, knocking him out. He shot webs at a bald guy, webbing him to the concrete beneath them. Bullets flew out of guns and due to his ‘spider sense’ he was able to dodge all of them.
Spider-Man shot a web, pulling himself closer to the group of men, dodging and throwing punches. “You know, you can join at any time Khaos,” he grunted, jumping over one man to web him with another guy.
He heard her chuckle into her mic, “why? It’s fun to watch you struggle.” He threw a web grenade, webbing most of the men, but still having to deal with five other lads.
“Please,” he begged, his voice straining. Y/N could tell that he sugarcoated his pleas and knew he could handle all of those guys, but she jumped in to help him. Or, flew down from where she was rather. “Hey guys,” she taunted as she levitated in the air, darkness clouding around her hands as the guns in the mob members’ hands were pulled away from them and behind the superhero duo.
“Now, I suggest you boys put your hands up,” she demanded in a sickly-sweet tone, and out of fear, they listened.
Spider-Man webbed them to the wall of the bank. “Why couldn’t you do that to begin with?” He suggested out of breath as he walked close to Khaos when she landed on the ground. Her eyebrows raised, the mask moving with them, “well you wanted to go in guns blazing if I recall.”
He scoffed, pointing to the men webbed to the wall, “what you can do is ten times cooler than what I can do, princess.” She blushed, but Spider-Man didn’t notice due to the nearby police sirens and flashing lights distracting him.
Khaos sighed and levitated in the air again, “gotta call it a night, Spider. Same time tomorrow?” They both knew that was just a harmless joke, as they fought crime together every day.
He smiled under the mask, “you know it darling. I’ll be counting down the minutes.” Khaos rolled her eyes with a small smile, “see ya Spider.”
She flew away into the dark sky as Peter leapt and swung in the opposite direction. He sighed, looking over the New York skyline, “one day, she’ll fall for me.”
Y/N jumped into her room, huffing as she pulled her mask off. “Another day, another city saved,” she mumbled while taking off the rest of her superhero getup. She plopped onto her bed, making sure to set the alarms on her phone. Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep.
The next morning at school before the bell rang, Peter walked up to Y/N, Ned, with Betty glued to his hip, and Michelle. “Hey guys,” he approached, pausing the song that was blaring through his headphones.
“H-Hey Peter,” Y/N greeted, with excited nervousness lacing her voice and obvious bags under her eyes. Peter smiled at her, but then to the rest of his friends.
“What’s up?” He asked, stuffing his phone into the back pocket of his pants. Ned took this as his chance to speak. “Oh, we were just talking about Spider-Man,” he stated emphasizing the hero’s name with wide eyes at Peter, “and Khaos at some bank last night.”
The group of teens nodded as Peter glared at Ned. “Y-Yeah they stopped this mob family, and it was awesome,” Y/N said excitedly. The excitement diminished as she corrected herself, “it looked awesome! Do you wanna see the video? It’s security footage from the bank that was released this morning.”
Her smile was bright as the other three continued their conversation. Peter nodded and she eagerly pulled out her phone and went to step closer than him. MJ, watching her movements, took this as a chance to trip her friend, knowing what the result would be.
So, Y/N tripped over MJ’s foot, a small yelp escaping her lips. To her surprise, she didn’t hit the floor. She fell straight into the arms of Peter Parker. “Woah easy there,” he chuckled smoothly with his arms around her, trying to steady her. Y/N’s cheeks turned bright red, unknowing of the small smirk on Michelle’s face.
The group of teenagers paused their conversation at the scene unfolding between the two. Y/N slowly pulled herself from his arms, “s-sorry Pete.” She was so embarrassed, she didn’t know what to say, “I’ve just, it’s been a weird night. I’m really out of it.”
The statement caused Peter to raise his brows and their friends, yet again, went back to their own conversation. “What’d you do?” He questioned, moving his hands off her forearms.
Y/N’s mouth dropped, and she tried to find the words to say. “I, uhh, I stayed up really late… watching the Godfather.”
Peter felt skeptical over her response but quickly brushed it off. “Good movie choice,” he snickered. Y/N smiled and nodded her head, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.    
She opened the video on YouTube, then handed her phone to Peter. She stood next to him and watched as the crime fighting duo fought.
“He’s so cool” he mumbled under his breath. “Yeah, but Khaos is ten times cooler,” Y/N stated matter of factually.
“Obviously,” he said with a playful tone, “she’s a total badass.” Y/N was beaming when she heard this. The boy who she has liked since freshmen year thought she was a badass. Or, well, her alter ego. But nonetheless, she would take that as a win.
What Y/N missed was the longing look in Peter’s eyes. He just wanted Khaos to feel the same way. He had a crush on her ever since they started fighting crime together. It was nice having someone to talk to about superhero stuff. She was so understanding and caring, and she cared about this city as much as he did.
Sadly, for him, she didn’t care about him the same way he did for her.
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of first period. They all bid their farewells as Betty, Ned and Peter walked down a different hall than MJ and Y/N.
“Did you really have to trip me?” She questioned on the embarrassing encounter that happened just moments ago once she was sure Peter was out of earshot. Michelle shrugged her shoulders and they rounded the corner, “oh come on. We both know you’d do anything to fall into his arms.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed red, “I-I mean you’re not wrong.” She scratched the back of her neck, now wanting to have a different topic of discussion.
“And the Godfather? Really Y/N?” MJ judged. Y/N groaned covering her face with her hands, “I didn’t know what to say. I panicked.”
Michelle laughed lightly, “alright Khaos. Just try not to blow your cover next time.” She patted her friend’s back quickly with the sarcastic retort, Y/N rolling her eyes.
On the other side of the school, after Ned walked Betty to class, with Peter third wheeling, the two began to talk about something…chaotic.
“Ned, I can’t even begin to describe her,” Peter responded after Ned questioned Khaos’s character.
“She’s just perfect. I don’t know,” he stopped himself, realizing that he sounded kind of pathetic talking about a girl who’s name he didn’t even know.
Ned was slightly confused, “so why hasn’t she told you who she is?” They walked through the door of their chemistry class, and Peter just sighed as he dropped into his seat.
“She thinks it’s unprofessional and that it’ll do more harm than good,” he ran a hand through his brown locks, before leaning his chin on his hand. “And no matter how hard I try,” he continued, “She won’t tell me anything about her! She’s like-like a closed book.” He couldn’t think of the proper words, but he knew it’d get the point across.
Ned nodded his head understandingly as the bell rang yet again, causing a good portion of the class to quiet down.
After many tedious hours, school was finally over meaning one thing in Y/N’s mind; time to punch assholes. She made sure to get home as soon as possible to switch into her suit. Once she did, she, gracefully, jumped out the window and flew straight to 43rd street, to her and Spider-Man’s meeting point.
She landed on the top of the building, already seeing the blue and red suit. He was sat on the edge of the building, a pizza box on his lap with a few slices already gone. “Hey Spider,” Y/N, or Khaos, greeted, sitting right next to her fellow hero.
He looked up and nodded his head as a hello, with his mouth was full of pizza. “You wanna piece?” He asked, his mouth full of the cheesy treat. Y/N chuckled, “yes please.”
She grabbed a piece and started munching on the New York staple. “Any plans for today?” She asked before taking another bite. Spider-Man shook his head, “nah, just good ole classic crime fighting.”
“Ah, I love good ole classic crime fighting,” she stated over dramatically causing Spider-Man to laugh. She is amazing. His laughter died down and he just looked at her, through his mask, with an admirable look in his eyes.
It took Khaos a second to notice, “what?” Her voice was soft but was still able to be heard over the loud New York traffic.
He wanted to scream ‘you’re by far the best person in the world, please date me’ but decided against it. “Nothing,” he muttered, going back to enjoying the pizza before him.
“So, how was your day?” He asked, dragging out the final word. Khaos huffed, shaking her head as she finished the slice of the pizza.
“Remember that guy I told you I had a crush on?” She asked and he nodded. He was always so adamant to hear her stories. He liked hearing them because it was the least bit of info, he got from her.
“Well,” she cleared her throat, “I made an absolute fool of myself in front of him.” She groaned leaning her head on his shoulder for a second, recounting the beginning of the school day.
“And he brushed off my idiocy like it was nothing, so I’m gonna take that as a good sign,” she chuckled at herself. Spider-Man laughed too, wiping his gloved hands on the side of his suit.
“You want the last piece?” Spider-Man asked, holding the box so that she could grab it. She eagerly grabbed the food; her hunger soon satiated.
He momentarily left to throw the box away. “Best pizza in the city,” he complimented as he came back empty handed.
“Indeed,” Khaos stated goofily, finishing off the pizza and standing up next to her friend.
“What was you’re day like Mr. Man?” She asked, mocking the tone of reporters while pretending to hold a fake microphone in front of him.
He cleared his throat, “well, as you know, high school is a bummer.” His voice sounded comical, almost like a man from the fifties.
She nodded in agreement, giggling slightly at the current interaction. “Painstakingly long for who knows what? Teenagers don’t deserve this!”
His mockery tone got louder as the gag between the two proceeded. Khaos laughed louder at his newfound ‘anger’.
“Alright, alright easy there Jameson,” she retorted, noting the hero’s fake anger as one similar to the Spider-Man hating reporter. He let out a sigh, “can’t help it. High school certainly is a menace.”
Khaos smiled, shaking her head and looking at her lap. The pair looked up quickly at the sound of sirens. Spider-Man hopped up onto the ledge, now standing.
“Well,” he held out a hand for Khaos to take, “duty calls, love.” She took his hand, pulling herself up from her seated position. He jumped off the building quickly after, swinging through the buildings. Khaos followed hot on his tail, only flying instead.
Their night proceeded with fighting bad guys and helping drunk people get home safely. They both knew that this is what they loved doing, despite the fact that the pair always ended up in bruises, they knew they had to protect the people of this city. Cause at this point no one else could. And respectfully, being Spider-Man and Khaos was something neither of them would ever give up.
So, the next day during lunch, Y/N approached her group of friends at the usual table they sat at. When she appeared, they abruptly ended their conversation, awkwardly trying to pretend that they weren’t just being secretive. “Sorry I’m late guys. Had to talk to my math teacher,” she explained, taking a seat next to MJ and across from Ned.
With a raised brow, she questioned their odd behavior. “What’s up with you guys?” The three of her friends looked between each other mysteriously.
“Um we were just talking about Betty,” MJ saved, diverting Y/N’s attention to Ned’s absent girlfriend.
“Oh,” she acknowledged, “is she okay?” Ned was joyous at her concern and with a small smile he responded, “yeah she’s really sick, but she’s gonna be fine.”
Y/N nodded, taking a bite of her lunch. “Hey Ned, I completely forgot,” MJ’s voice overdramatic, obviously hinting at something, “I have something to do over…there.” She directed towards the back end of the cafeteria at nothing in particular.
Ned caught on, as well as Peter and Y/N but the two of them stayed silent. “Oh, yeah sure.”
Michelle and Ned stood up and walked across the cafeteria. “You gonna tell me what that was about, Pete?” She questioned with a quirked brow.
He sighed, brushing his hands off and leaning his elbows on the table. “S-So they’re trying to convince me to ask this girl out,” he explained, not noticing the small frown forming on Y/N’s lips. She constantly heard about him gushing over some mystery girl, but she never knew who it was.
Y/N nodded her head slowly as Peter continued, “and-and, oh God this is stupid.” He rubbed his hands over his face letting out a sigh.
“Do you wanna go to dinner with me tonight?” His voice was soft, and extremely kind. Her eyes widened and she was stunned. “W-What?” She whispered, leaning in as if she misheard him. He smiled at her action, “I just… I don’t know. It’d be nice to get to know you better. We’ve been friends for so long, but I feel like I don’t really know you.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
Y/N was still in shock, with raised eyebrows. Peter chuckled, now filled with anxiety, “what do you say?” She felt like this was all a dream. In what world would this ever happen?
She nodded her head, a lovely smile gracing her lips, “I’d love too.” Peter mimicked her smile, “that’s great! Send me your address and I’ll meet you there at seven thirty?”
Y/N was at a loss for words. The boy she had a huge crush on actually wanted to go out with her. “Yeah that sounds good,” she replied, grabbing her phone and going to his contact to send the message.
As if on cue, Michelle and Ned came back to the table. “Hey guys, sorry for that… kerfuffle,” Ned greeted as he took his seat next to Peter. MJ shrugged, “sorry Ned. I just really needed help...over there. As far away from this table as possible for roughly five minutes.”
Peter and Y/N shared a suspicious glance, both knowing the real reason why they left. “Yeah obviously,” Peter sarcastically retorted, going back to eating his meal.
The rest of the day pursued, and Y/N had a hard time focusing. She had a date with the Peter Parker for crying out loud. The boy she had a crush on for what felt like forever.
So, when the bell rang, she practically bolted out of the school, trying to finish the day as fast as possible. When she was certain she was in a safe ally way, she pulled out her suit and admired it. “God, I love this,” she whispered, quickly changing into the suit.
Grabbing the mask, she flew up and simultaneously put the black disguise on her face. She met up with Spider-Man soon after. “Glad you can make it Khaos,” he said sarcastically, but not with anger, with a playful tone.
“Ah well you know. Had to take my sweet time putting on the suit.” She dramatically retorted, twirling around to emphasize the suit while still in the air.
“And you look as gorgeous as ever,” he theatrically stated, directing his hands toward her to ‘point out’ her beauty. She chuckled at his dramatic flair.
“Come on, what law-breaking citizens do you got for me today Spider-Man?” She asked, finally landing in front of him on the roof top.
He gave her a rundown of the crimes in the city, since he had intercepted police radio stations months ago for this exact reason. So, for hours after this, the pair went around the city, helping people, punching bad guys, the standard superhero 101.
It wasn’t overly unbearable today, so it made the day kind of fun for the both of them. Patrolling was typically like that, though.
“Well, hate to break it to you Spidey, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to cut today’s rendezvous short,” she confessed after hours of crime fighting.
He snorted, “why? You gotta hot date or something?”
She shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, “maybe I do.” Khaos shot back, walking closer to the ledge. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Spider,” she jumped off the building and from the place he was standing, Spider-Man stared in awe as she flew away.
Since Y/N got a little sidetracked, she got back to her apartment at seven seventeen. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she mumbled as she quickly tried to get ready. At seven forty, she heard her doorbell ring through the house. She squealed, practically running to the door.
Fixing her hair, she slowly opened the door. A smile appeared on her face as she saw Peter Parker look up at her. “Hey,” he greeted with a blush.
“Hi, Pete,” she awkwardly replied, holding onto the door handle still. “Oh, I got you something,” he said swinging his backpack in front of him. He unzipped the bag, pulling out a bit of unkempt flowers.
“They, uh, they kinda got disheveled,” he pointed out, embarrassed by the state of his small gift to her.
“I mean, I think they’re alright,” she giggled, and he blushed like crazy. It was cute. He handed her the flowers and she went to put them in a vase. “You can come in Peter, I’ll just be a sec,” she shouted from some random place in the apartment as she searched for a vase.
Peter walked in, still awkward, while pretending to go on his phone. Y/N came back, the vase with flowers now perched on a table. They soon left, walking to the restaurant that was roughly twenty minutes away. They had the typical random small talk ‘oh how is your day?’ or ‘how’s school been?’
But at the restaurant, which was nothing fancy other than being on the rooftop of one of New York’s tall buildings, it got more personal. He opened up about when he lost his Uncle and how he was an orphan most of his life. Y/N talked about her personal life, excluding Khaos. And it was nice, the date was going well, and the sun was already gone.
Their meals have been done and eaten, but their night continued. “Man, I really miss the stars,” she mentioned as she looked up at the dark, starless sky. Peter’s eyes went wide as he diverted his gaze from the stars to her, “what did you just say?” He couldn’t believe what he just heard. She sounded just like Kha-
His thoughts were interrupted as gunshots were heard. They shared worried looks with one another. Everyone on the rooftop ran inside as quick as they could while Y/N and Peter ran to the ledge of the building to see what happened, Peter grabbing his backpack beforehand.
There was a group of armed robbers, maybe a gang but who could tell, at the jewelry store across the street. “Peter, I think you should go,” she mumbled, trying to gently push Peter towards the door to go inside the building. He looked at her as if she were crazy. “No, Y/N I’m not leaving you. Let’s just both go inside. Khaos or someone will show up any second.”
“Peter,” she started, her eyes going soft, but he interrupted her. “I’m not leaving,” his eyes filled with this desire that she couldn’t explain, so she stopped her protest.
“Do you trust me?” She asked out of nowhere. Peter nodded his head as she stood on top of the ledge, “come on then.” She stretched her hand out for him to take and he looked skeptical.
“What are you waiting for?” She queried, shaking her hand slightly as an indicator for him to grab it, as time was sort of running out. He took her hand in his, climbing on the ledge with ease.
“You ready?” She questioned, preparing herself more than him. Peter raised a brow, “ready for wh-“
Before he could finish, she jumped off the building, dragging the boy with her. At the exact same time she flew up.
“Holy shit,” he shouted when they soared through the sky, and Y/N turned to look in his eyes. There wasn’t a trace of fear in his chocolate orbs, just pure fascination and wonder which slightly confused Y/N as most people she saved were afraid of the distance between them and the ground. That look though, it made her smile. She wrapped her arm around his waist to hold him properly, and he did the same.
She landed in a nearby ally way and brushed herself off. “Y-You’re Khaos?!” Peter questioned with a mix of wonder and surprise. Y/N unzipped her jacket revealing the iconic white body suit she always wore, gloveless of course due to her power. Out of her pants pocket, she pulled out her mask, the sleek blackness of it shining in the streetlights.
“Y-Yeah. Only you and MJ know so please don’t tell,” she pleaded, taking off the pants she wore to expose the rest of the suit. “We can talk about this when I get back.” She recklessly threw her pants onto the ground.
“Dude this is insane. I-I can’t believe that it’s you. I have the biggest crush on Khaos,” he rambled on as Y/N put on her mask, becoming the hero most of New York loved.
She tilted her head a little, out of curiosity and teasingly asked, “how can you have a crush on a superhero you’ve never met?” She waited for a response, but he took too long. As she walked away, he shouted, “wait! Y/N wait!” He ran in front of her, his back facing the direction that leads to the alley’s exit.
“Peter, I’m kinda in a hurry,” she said impatiently, but with kindness.  He shook his head, “no, you don’t get it, I-“
Cutting himself off, he held his hands up in a way to sort of push her from leaving, but without touching her.
“I don’t know how to say this,” he rushed, looking a round as he tried to gather his thoughts. Y/N sighed, “spit it out Pete.” He looked up into her eyes, and without saying anything he pulled his backpack off his shoulders, to unzip it.
“What are you doing?” He didn’t respond, only showing her the contents of the backpack. The Spider-Man suit just laying there. Y/N’s jaw dropped, searching his eyes as a bit of a confirmation.
“I’ll catch up with you,” he expressed softly, going deeper into the ally to quickly change and leaving Y/N stunned. She jumped into the air to go and fight the robbers.
As she got to the jewelry store, she saw the store clerk being threatened by the gunmen. “Come on, why do you guys always use guns? It gets really annoying,” Khaos mocked, using her telekinetic powers to rip the gun out of his hands.
She closed her eyes for a second, focusing on the power manifesting in her hands. As she opened her eyes, she mentally pushed the robbers onto a nearby wall, focusing on keeping them there. She noticed as she did this, a few glass cases broke before her.
“Sorry,” she apologized to the store clerk with a weak smile, who’s eyes were too wide with shock to even notice the damage. Just then, Spider-Man swung through the glass window, which was shot out by the robbers.
He webbed each of the men to the wall as they groaned and thrashed in frustration. Almost systematically, the police cars pulled up in front of the store, as Khaos and Spider-Man scurried from them.
They soared through the air, going to their building on 43rd, which wasn’t that far. She landed there first, taking off the black mask to reveal her face. As soon as Peter got there, he did the same, his hair bouncing as the mask came off.
“Oh my God,” Y/N gasped out of breath, covering her mouth with her hands from astonishment. The shock hit her as she saw the boy she was crushing on clad in her superhero friend’s suit. His muscles looked more defined in the tight spandex, and she couldn’t help herself from admiring him.
“T-This is unreal,” he mumbled nervously, brushing a gloved hand through his dark brown hair. “Part of the reason why I asked you out was because MJ and Ned wanted me to get over Khaos, and-and,” he rushed, but ended up not knowing what to say. “Well to get over ‘Khaos’ “he spoke, air quotes around her alter ego.
Y/N groaned, hitting on the ledge of the building, with her feet still touching the roof. “Does MJ know?” She asked, now looking up at him. He nodded his head and went to sit next to her.
She scoffed, “she knew I had a crush on you. Peter you. Is that what you guys were talking about at lunch? Why they left?” Peter looked down at his mask as he ran his fingers over it, “yeah. That’s why she was so adamant on getting me to ask you out.”
They both sat in silence for a minute before Y/N burst out laughing. “This is fucking insane. In what world would this happen? You had a crush on Khaos.” She couldn’t believe the likelihood of this.
“And you had a crush on Peter Parker,” he continued, looking up to meet her gaze. “If Khaos had to be anyone, I’m so glad that it was you,” he said softly, nudging her side.
Y/N hummed softly, “right back at you, Peter Parker.” As he looked into her eyes, he was entranced by the softness of her eyes.
He leaned in a bit closer, wanting to be as close to her as possible at this point. “I’ve liked you for so long Pete,” she murmured, leaning in closer to him as well.
With his empty hand, he brought it up to cup her cheek, watching her close her eyes in content. She let in a slow breath, enjoying the moment as best as she could.
“Can I kiss you,” he bit his lip as nervousness filled his body, “please?” She opened her eyes, nodding her head, “kiss me, Spider-Man.”
His lips crashed into hers, the nervousness turning into warmth as she kissed him back. He brought his other hand up to cup her cheek, still holding the mask. Y/N moved her hands to grip his biceps
His heart pounded in his chest as she moved from her spot and onto his thighs. Her hands now gripped his cheeks as his own held her waist.
 He pulled away breathless, his lips swollen, and cheeks red. Y/N’s features mimicked his, and to him she looked absolutely perfect. “So” Peter dragged on, “I’m gonna assume you wanna date me?”
Y/N chuckled, gently playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, “I don’t know maybe.” She teased playfully. She leaned in, to get one last kiss, but froze at the sound of sirens.
She whined, dropping her head onto Peter’s chest. “Why do we always get interrupted by sirens and gunshots?” Peter chuckled at her comment, lifting her from his lap to stand properly.
He smiled as she put her mask on, doing the same with his own.
As usual, they fought crime together. But this time it felt different. The bond between them felt stronger as they both now had full trust and honesty with each other.
If was well into the night, a little bit passed one am when they decided to go back to the infamous building on 43rd. It was around the time when they would typically part ways, but they wanted to continue their earlier engagement, even if it was only for a few minutes.
“Peter,” she spoke in between kisses. “I gotta,” another peck, “go,” with another peck, “go home.”
He caught her lips with his again, holding the kiss out a little longer than before. He pulled away, kissing down her neck. “Pet-“ she whispered, tugging his hair softly.
“Just a few more minutes,” he mumbled against her neck, undoubtfully leaving marks. Y/N let out a breath, “there’s a math test tomorrow, I gotta study.”
He pulled away, eyes slightly bulging from his head, “there’s a math test?!” His worried exclamation made Y/N laugh, “yeah, where have you been, Pete. Mr. Hunter has been saying this all week.”
He groaned, “but I don’t want you to leave. I finally got you.” That small display of affection melted her heart. “Trust me, I know the feeling,” she kindly said, understanding the situation and playing with his hair, “but we still have school.”
Peter closed, letting out a deep sigh, “okay.” He dragged out the ‘y’ playfully while it simultaneously held a small hint of disappointment.
She stood up, getting off his lap for the second time that night as she levitated in the air. “Pick me up before school Spider?” Y/N asked as she put the mask on. He smiled as he looked up at her, “you know it darling.”
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