eonilite · 6 months
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eonilite · 6 months
oh man I didn't realize that alicorns are canonically representative of all three pony types, rather than just unicorns and pegasi. Epic . I had that as a headcanon
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eonilite · 6 months
I'm very interested in getting a proper list of all the various magical artifacts and books in mlp.... at the very least, all the ones in the show........ AGH IT'D TAKE SO LONG TO COMPILE but I'm kinda curious
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eonilite · 6 months
TWILIGHT SPARRKLLEEEEE!!!!.!!!!!!&!&!!!.!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHRHHHHHHH
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eonilite · 6 months
There aren't many things I hold as my one "true" interpretation of MLP but... I am absolutely a "Rainbow Dash and Applejack have swapped elements" truther. As many have pointed out, Rainbow Dash is frequently so blunt and honest that it's actually inappropriate, and she rarely shies away from giving her true opinion about what she thinks of things... and Applejack is a deeply loyal pony, the one that they can seemingly all get along with and who is always there for them. And, of course, Rainbow Dash has left her friends behind more than once for other pursuits; Applejack seems to have a habit of saying lots of small lies in nearly every episode. You could call this a mischaracterization on the writer's parts, or a problem of my not understanding, but I really think it just makes sense for them to represent different things. That's also not to say it isn't possible for them to sometimes contradict their element - that happens with all of the ponies. It just seems to happen so often for both of them, especially Applejack...
With Applejack, it's like they imagined her as this genuine and down to earth country pony, but they literally made her too polite to be consistently "the honest one" lmfao.
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eonilite · 6 months
I wish earth pony magic was explored a little bit more :).... still thinking about the scene in School Raze(?) where all the magic returns to the ponies, and it goes to the expected ponies (Rarity and Twilight) but it also goes to Pinkie Pie ??? Lol ??? We all know she has weird magic shit happening but I find it funny and cute that it's so openly stated by the show like that
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eonilite · 6 months
Twilight's canon alicorn design sucks ass btw I'm very annoyed by it. She could literally look so cool but they just made her into this weird celestia recolor........ I HAVE TO REDESIGN IT
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eonilite · 6 months
also I am so damn emo over twilight sparkle's entire story and character arc and experiences like I care about her way too much. Ending of the End was so much for meeeee and it includes so many things that I love about her character + feeds a lot of my delusions about her. The show could be saying one thing and I'd be hearing something completely different that matches up with my ultimate twilight sparkle worldview
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eonilite · 6 months
HONESTLY I find the implications that Starlight Glimmer is one of, if not the, strongest unicorn just... very cool!!! I'm not sure how she matches up to the unicorns in the Pillars of Old Equestria, but otherwise it seems like her magic is somewhat unrivaled. Idk. I feel sad that her story felt somewhat unsatisfying, (mainly her backstory), because she has a lot of potential as a character. I haven't thought of many AU or rewrite ideas for her but I'll have to.......
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eonilite · 6 months
Unicorns and unicorn magic are associated with celestial bodies, right? Pegasi have air, Earth Ponies have land... unicorn magic is depicted so often using symbols of stars, I think it makes sense.
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